ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY POUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D.C. ft Mi r** APOLLO^ r#- ^m ! V^ rw >.r; atf. & *£ .1 ?• 1mm •+r< A NIEVVE HERBALL, f OR HIS TORI E OF PLAN l'ES: ts contapeD the Whole difcourfe and per-1 fedbfdefcription of all fortes of Herbes \'i antrjDlantegubeirbiuerS^ fiinbipfemDe^: | tpetr flravpge Figures, Fafhions, and Shapes': f t\)dt jj5ame* / Estate* / dDpet Mfon*/ atto 3i«v turs: ana ttjatnot oncl? of tbofr mkicbe are f bete growing in ttjis our Coumtic of tfJnglanoe/ *ut of allotljet* alio of fo>tapncI8ealtnc0 / roimnonlp £«. - \jfcomp^ficbc. ^Firfl fet foorth in the Doutche or Almaigue ) tongue, by that learned D. Rembert„Do-;. i doens , Phyfition t^]^*^ And nowe firfl ^\&bm$tzmmmo Xpte bp learning tyeioeg fcim felfe to &jroce an* Countrie fepnto & To the moft High,Noblc,and Renovvmed PrincefTe, our moft dread redoubted Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Qyeene of Englande,Fraunce,and lrelande,defendour of the fay th,&c. Your graces moft humble, loyall,and faythfull fub* ied: Henry Lyte,wifheth long life,pepfed health, florifhing raigne,and profperous fucceffe to Gods good pleafure, in all your moft Royall affaires. " *©€> tfjingeiSftaur mooueD meOnoft noble ^zinceffe) b* uing netulp ttanflateD into Cnglilb tbijS l^erball or ^ifto* rie of ^lante$(notlongfttbence,fet foortb inf ailmaigne or £>oucbctongue, bp tbatpapnefullanD learneD ^Bbpfi- tion D. Rembert Dodocns, anDfitbenee tbat, agapnebp tx tbe ttauaple of tantyv ffcplfull $erbarian$ into Diuertf fS&Sg W*SF\ ot^et languages tranGateD ) to offer tbe fame bnto pour ilSi^^^^S^aieftie^pwtectiomCbe one toas tbat moftcleare, ami* able and cbearefullcountenaunce totuarbes all learning anb bertue: lubtcbe on euerp fpbe moft bzigbtlp from pour Eopall perfon appearing, batb fo enfla- meb anb encourageb,no t onelp me,to tbeloue anb aDmirationthereof: butal fucbe otbers alfo,pour (Braces lopallfubiccte&u?bicbc are not to to Dull of bn> Detftanbing: tbatuietbinfceno trauapleto great, toberebptoe are in bope botb to pzofite out Countries to pleafefo nobler louinga ^itncefferttibofe \DboiepoiueranDcnbeuourU)efeetbertobent,tbatbertue^UnoU)lebge(tbe . ttno moflbeautilulornamente0of atnelgouerneD&tngDome)map6ori(b anD beare ftnap:3Uiceanb ignorance (tbe foes of all gooDnefle ) map bantil) $ giue place*Cbe otber tuas, tbat earneft ?eale,anD feruentDefire tbat 3 baue, anD a long time baue baD,to (b exo z mp felfe (bp peelDing Come fmite of patneful Dili* gece)atbanfcefulfubiect to fo bertuousa b tcbe bp reafons rule go uernetb tbe tobole)arefenotoen to be appzooueD anD conDignelp alloirjcD.^be feconDe pzicbetb me continuallp f oztu arD e to itb tb (S or tbe Ipfee pertoafion: Cbat as a tbanfceful bart tou) atbes a natural mo tb er cannot be better teftifieD, tben bp loue (betoeD anD piactifeD to iu arD es ber Deare cbilDren: nor a more acceptable fruitfulnefle be requireD of anp one brancbe, tben tbat tubicb map reDounDe to tbe ornament of tbe tobole ftocfce:fo 3 in no uitfe IboulD be moze able to ibetoe mp tbanfcful minDe totoarDetf pour bigbnefTe (tbe moft louing anD tenDer mo- * tberoftbi0comonr©eale)tbeninpubltlbingtbitfbiftorieto^benefiteofpour moft louing fubiecte&a$ being t&e belt token of loue anD Diligence tbat 3 am #i) attbi? £■■ li The Epiftle to the Queene. at tbfe time able to fljeto bnto eitber*3lnD (Doub tleflfe if mp fktll in tbe ttanfla- tionwere anttuearable to tbe tooztbpneffe eptber of tbe i^iftorie itfelfe, or of tbe^utbourstberofj Doubt not,but 3 tyoulD betbougbtto bauebonoureD pour apaieftieuntban acceptable pzefent^S toucbing tbe tooztbineffe of tbe $i»ozte it felf,truelp tbat tbing map not iuftlp be tbougbt bnmeete to beoffe- reD bnto a ^rtnce,tbeknotoleDge u>betof,befiDe tbat it is bp Dailp experience knotoen to bebotb profitable to al,anD pleafant to manp,ijSaboue al otber fa- culties(tbe Dittine knovoleDge toberbp tbefouleliuetb) onlp ejccepteD,toitbfo bigb commenDationS in tbe bolp ^cripturejS ejrtolleD, tbat not onelp tbe pro- feflbttrgtberof are accounteD tooztbp of aDmiration $ bonortbut eue Salomon tbatropall^anDtoife^png,fo^tbatbebaDtbe knourteDge of tbe naturesof ^lanteiMtuasableto Difputetberof,fromtbebigbeft to tbelotoett,ftom tbe CeDar inubtnon to tbel^pfope tbat fpringetb out of tbe wall, i% tberefoze in Rcs«4* tbe facreD 23pbelbigbl? DignifieD $renotomeb*3 Wll Cap notbing of Mithri- dates,Lyfimachus,Gentius,Artemifia,anD ftttb nOble$migbtp^ZinreS:tobOfe DeligbtanDlpkingtotoarDeiStbiiSknotoleDgeoftbe nature of ^lanteswag fucb,tbat as bp tbeir Diligent inquifitio tbep totttilp founD out tbe bfeof mans oftbem,fo,bauingfounD tbefame,tbepDifDapneDnot to Denominate anD tm- partetberto tbeir otonename^ ,tobicbeuen to tbiSDapmanp of tbemDo ftpll retapne^utargumentesto tbiSpurpofe, are before pour moft excellent #a- ieftieneeDeleffetobealleageD:aftoelbecaufepourbigbneSi0Daplpc6uerfant in tbe moft cleare ligbt of al botb Dittine $ bwnapne knotoleDge, toberebp pou farremoze eafilp fee tbe tobole compaffe, tben menof meane eftate are able to conceiueaparte:a0alfofoztbattbepzofeftounsoftbtS facultie betoitb pour bigbneffebab in fucb price anD eftimation,tbat tbep are not onelp bp pour S^a- izftiz anD pour moft noble progenitourg, toitb funDrp ^riuilege£ $ liberties? enbo toeD,toitb manp £ great ftipenDetf anD pentions in pour «5race£ (Uniuer- fitietf anD g>cb ooles f oftereD anD maintepneD: but alfo as tbep fbalbe f o unDe to baue lauDablp pzofiteb tbetein, fo are tbep abuaunceD $ calleD to tbe cbarge of pourperfon,^oftbeperfonSof pour jfroblesMdnb arte being bpbonoznou- ti(beD,encreafetb Daplp,$ puttetb al men out of Doubt, tbat tbep vuljicb fo em- bzacetbeprofeGourstbereof,DobotbtuelllpkeanDtbinkeoftbefacultie,anD fiiGicientlp bnberftanbebotb tbebfe anD tbeejccellencietbereof ♦ 3fls toucbing tbeKlutbour of tbiStuorketobicb 3 bauetraflateD,boiu painefulamanbei0> boto Ckilful,anD boto luckelp be batb atcbieueD tbiS btSbuune(Fe,asitfbalbeft appeare bp Diligent reaDing ouer bis uiozkes: fo alfo map it eafilp be kno wen bp tbe teftimonies $ iuDgementes of tbe moft learneD ^bpfttfons of tbiS age* £Df wbom,fome are bp tbeir ottmetoorkesalreDpepta^notable^renotomeD, $ otber0(bp tbe great trauaile tbat tbep baue befto weD in tranflating bint out ofbiS tongue toberinbe wrote into Diuers otber languageS)aremaDeeuiDet anD famoustbut none before tbiS into <£ngliu%t©bicb batb mabe me Defpzous (folo wing tbeir ejtample)to make mp Countrepmen partakers of fucb kno w- leDge,a0 otber learneD anD toife men in otber C ountries baue tbougbt meete to be mabe knotoen in tbe natiue tongues of tbeir commo 89eale& Combing mp felf e tb& onelp 3 baue to promife,tbat in tbiS tranflation 3 baue bfeD mp moft fkil anD Diligence to pleafe anD pleafure al fucb as Deligbt in tbiS fo boneft anD profitable aknowleDge* ^oftbumblp craupng afauourableacception hereof at pour^aieftiesbanbe&anDparbon, if anppopntj bauegiueniuft occafion of blame anb DeferueD reprebenfiom from mp poozeboufe at Ktptefcatie witbm pour 9£aieftieg Countie of ^omerfet,tbe firft Dap of 3anuarie,^?a Appbiij* Tour OWaiefties moft humble andfaithfullfubietf, H'enry Lytc^„ ^ To the friendly and indirfe- nntcReader. f tbou be ignoraunt (gentle i&eaDer )anb DeGrouJ to knotoc, eptber boto profitable tbis ^ittojie of glances iS,or boto tooztbp to be GuDpeD,eptber botoe barbe anb botoe bigblp in tpmes paft eG£ineD,tobatbe tbecaufes of tbe baronefTe tberof,boto tbep map be rem|DieD,anD tobptbe^utbour bereof (after fo manp learneD botb auucient anD late tojiters) tcokebpon bimtbe fetting fcortb of tbe fame: or tobp in bis3nnotations and laG ebitionbebatbreuokebcertapnetbinges tobicb in tbe firft efrapeD bim:fbr tbp inGruction anD refolution in tbefe matters,3 referee rbae to tbe fame lutbours, ttoo lartne Prefaces follototng, toberein be lear* neDlp, anD as brieftp as tbe nature of tbe matters toill per mitte, Dtfcourfetb tberof fufficientlp, 2&ut if tbou tooulDeft knotoe of me,tobp 3 baue taken bp* on me tbe tranflation anb publication of tbe fame in tbis our natiue tongue, as 3 migbt toitbout anp great laborpaelD tbff manp iuGanD reafonable can* fes of mp fo Dcning,if 1 tbougbt it gr eatlp erpeoient or neceffa tie fo to Doe: fo 3 tbinke it fufflcient for anp, tobom reafon map fetiffie, bp toap of anftoere to alleoge tbis reafon anD fententious pofition: Bonum, quo communius, eo me- lius & przftamius: a gcoD tbing tbe more common it is,tbe better it i$. Seeing tben tbat mp tranflation (ball make tbis ga)D anD profitable ©iGorie (tobicb bitberto batb Ipen bpD from manp of mp Countriemen,bnDer tbe baple of an bnknotone language) familiar anD knotone bnto tbem: anD if it be gcoD (as no gcoD man toill Denie)to enlarge a gcoD tbing,anD to make manp partakers tbereof: tben can tbere not lacke iuft caufe fo be allebgeo of tbis mp Dooing: neptber tbinke 3 ,tbat anp toill miflike or repine tbereat,erxept fucb,as eitber enuie tbe BDeale of otberS,tobom tbep accompt Ampler tben tbemfelues,ano therefore recken bntomrtbptobein tbeir otone language mabe partakers tbereof: or elfe are fo ftubious of tbeir otone priuate gapne, tbat tbep feare, leaft bp tbts meanes fome part tberof map be leffeneD: tobiles otbers bnDer* GanDing tbe natures 9 berf ues of #lantes anD l^erbes, Cball be tbe leffe be * bolDing to tbeir fcrupulous fkttL2&ut tbe g©D anD bertuou* pbifitton,tobofe purpofe is ratber tbe bealtb of manp,tben tbe toealtb of bimfelfe, toill not(3 bope)miflike tbiS mp enterprife, tobicb to tbiS purpofe fpeciallp tenbetb, tbat euen tbe meaneG of mp Countrpmen(tobofe fkill isi not fo profounD tbat tbep can fetcb tbiS knotoleDge out offtrange tongues,nor tbeir babilitie fo toeltbp, as to entertaine a learneD ^bifition)map pzx in tpme of tbeir neceftitie, baue fome belpes in tbeir otone,or in tbeir neighbours fielDes 9 garoens at borne* 3f percbaunceanp liGto pickesjguarrell to mp tranflation, as notbeingep* tber proper or not ftill,if 3 map obtaine of bint, to beare toitb me till be btai* felfe (bal baue fetftortb a better, or till tbe neict impreflion,anD in tbe meane tobile(conGDering tbat it i^ eafler to reprebenDe a mannes Darings, tben to amenDe tbem)bfe me as a tobetGone to fur tber bittv felfe,3tofllnotmucbGriue:for3f«^notafter bapne glorie, but ratber boto to benefice anD profitemp Countrie* , Fare well. a- ^ I^^LMi Ermanifateor Dodon^o plurima debent, |ripi§^ Nee debent Angli (Lcite)minora tibi. IL^r^ffiT *^e **u*s etemm plantarum examina fcripfit, 33^83^ Tuque tuis transfers, qua? dedit ille fuis. Quodque opus i]s folis priuatum fcripferat, illud Tu commune Anglis omnibus effe facis. Crede mihi, plantas quia tranfplantaueris iftas, Belgica quas primiim folaque terra dedit, Inq ue Britannorum laetas adduxeris oras, Leite tuse laudis famaperennis erit. Dono te nobis Dodonaeum(Leirc)dedifTe Donum eft, quo nullum gratius efle poteft. Nam terra? infignes fcetus,plantafq^ potentes, Paeoniafqj herbas, hac ratione feris. Inde etiam lites medicorum (Leite) refoluis, Aegrotifque offers Phoebusvt alter opem. Quid fupereft ? (Medici) Leito hunc praftate fauorem, Si quando affe&us fitgrauiore modo, Confluite, &Leitum gratis curate,nec ilium Laeto immaturo vos finitote mori. e i v s D E M. Gratum opus eft, dignumque tuo fub nomine ferri, (Elizabetha potens) cuius moderamine folo Pax mcunda Anglis, atque Arbor pacis Oliua Sic viget,vt paflim per apricum incedere poflit Gens Britonum, & tut 6 fragrantes carpere flores. Quia igitur Leitus plantas tibi ferret &herbas Om:iigenas,donoque daret,cui porrigitherbam, Rex quicunque tenet fpatiofum fceptra per orfyem. Thomas Newtonus, Ceftrefhyrius. "" Erpetuum tibi ier liber hicphilomufe miniBrat) K^Acparddtfuici germirta Uta/oli. Herb arum huic the)auras ineftflorumfy(upellex> Alcinoi hie hortos Hejferidum^ vides. T^ccjlos hie deft, necfloris grata venufias, 1S(ec vires, nee odor, nee medicina valens Hoc viuunt, viuentfy libro Podalyrias, Alcon, Hippocrates, Paon, CWu/a, Galenas, Arabs, Phillyrides Chiron, Epidaurias, at% Melampas, Gentias, Euphorbas, Iofina> Lyfimachas, Telephas, ac Mitbridatcs, Artemifia, Achilles, ^Alcibides, Hieron, Attains, atque luba, Pampbilus, Atrides, Nicander, Baffus, 1 olios, Crateias, Glaucon, dr Cato, Pythagoras, Rafis& ipje Diofcorides, Auicenna,Machaon, Serapio, Celjas, Menecratesfy tumens, ' \jietitis, Aegineta, Ruelliasaclhcophraflas) Tragus, Auerrboys, Plinias, Agricoja, CVfacer, Oribafias, Mefue, & Brunfelfias Ottho, ^Manardas, Zerbas, Fuchfias atque Sethi, Ginas, Humelbergas, Matthaolas ac Columella, Fernelias, Pinetts, Pena, Eliota, Lobel, Copho, Taranta, Leonicenas, lberfa Lacuna, LMago, yarignanas, Varfo, 1 oannicias, Soranas, Conflantinas, Merula, Aurelianas, Guido, Godaldinas, Curtias, Encelias, lMo/ehio,Philotheas, Cleopatra, Bonaciolus^, CArnaudas, Rocheas, Ferrias, Albucafis, Hildegardis,Trotula tjr Albicusfy, Tor inns, Pandulphas, Suardas, Manlias ejf Diodes, Thurinas, Dimodes,GuiUndinas, Philaretus, Bucius, Eudoxus, Garbas, Aphrodifeas, {.Montim, Aubertas, Falloppias atque Biejas, Belfortis, Bayras, Montuas, Akakia, Lemnias & Cordtts, Rondletm ajtque Dryander, Cardanas, Vidias, Iunias, Hermoleos, HincCollimitias, Fracaftorias, Gemufitas, Cluftas ac Stephanas, Scaliger atquiKyber, Saracenas, Mizaldus, Sauonarola, Eraflas, Cum Bacehannello, Ccllanoua, atque Rota, Rhegitts, Erotes, Montagnana, atque Aquilanas, CManfredus, Baccas, Volphias, Arculeas, Joubertas,Trincauelias, Pictorias, Euax, Gefnems, Brunfwich, Langias atque Codes Turneras, Caias, Bullenas, Linacras, Askham, Guintherias, Vajfeas, Kraut, Loniceras, Helas> Brijfotus, Polybm, Clementinas, Mariabalto, Landulphas, Phairas, guineas, HoUerias, Cuba, sum ,'v r-o Si m v**' C«ta> Damajcenus, Gatinaria, Crato, Rulandas, "' h "*'' Culmannas, Ruff, ParacelJasHonheim, ^jiugCj. *? Landas, Galeottas, Orojcias, Oddas, Strupp **i Heresbaehias, Grataroks^pias, s^/Ctfumauentinas, CMerenda, yierus, Amatas, .-■ Cum Jluercettano, Placotomo^graui, ., \i 'Syluias,Honteras,CornariusacCMori/otas, * iff CumfcArgenterio Frerus ejr Hatcherides, Fumanellus, Tr&llanas, BeUonias, Ijack, Riccasj ejr Arnoldas yillanouanas item, Pantinas, Gaynerus, Cliuolas ac Bruyrinus, Rijfas, fJMantinas, Plancias, Emericus, % w,' Compluresfy alij: quos nee numerate necejfe esl, %f2^. t2{ec fiio,ficoner,quaratione queam. \ id/edApollineo Rembertas acuminepraflat, ■ it £>uem fiat ornat honos, gloria,fama, decas: "l Henculeo ex an dans molimina tanta laborer, I Qua nonfunt vllo deperitura dic^>. ytile alexicaconquipromit Pharmacopolis, ytile Chirurgis,vtile Philiatris : ytile opus dotto, indoBo, iuuenifc fenifa, * Diuitibasjimulacvtilepauperibas. ^ T^ec tu Leite tuo eerie esjraudandus honored, \ £ui tant as Anglisfponte recludis opes. ** tMacTe animi :ficfanu polum tua fcandet ad altum, Sicte,ficpatriamnobilitareftude-j. Thomas Newton. In commendation of this vw and the Tranflatour. ,.$$?' W\ JSn f aU ^ame *MVttn>*ttfoVl brooDe bereat: VmfiLiMp to pipe, ^vj miipapnefulltoplefowelemplopD:tyaireaperenowmebmapfe tftot onelp be wbofe learneD fkpll anD watcbfull papne firftpenDe it, - 3!nD DiD witb bonoz greete(in ©oucbe)to Countrie bis commenDe itt 23utalfobewbofetenDerloueto tbiSbiSnatiuefople, jfor bsbte frienbes batb firft to take almoftag great a tople 3d trauell meete for Gentlemen anD wigbtetf of woztbp fame* ' UDberebpgreat^zince$beretoforebauegotimmoztallname; %g Gen*^sLyfimachus.anb alfo Mythridates, '12>itt ^u?i:^x,Attaltis,anD Diofcorides. 3«o manp mte wigbtes befpDe&anD great renotomeD feingeft ^auefo bewzapbe tbeir fkpll in tbi£(befpDe$ all otber tbingeg) ^pregiftring tbeir names? in l^erbefta$tbougbtberbp tbep ment Co teftipfe to all Degreed tbeir tople anD trauell fpent ' ' 3n fucbe a noble facultie, was no t a Bauifbe tbing: 23ut fpt foz woztbp Gentlemen anb foz a noble&ing* Jf oz if bp l^erbejS botb bealtb be-baD anb ftckneffe put to fftgbt: 3f bealtb be tbat,witbout tbe wbicb tbere can be no Deligbtf l©bo Dare enuie tbefe woztbp men,tbat baue emplopDe tbeir papne, Co belpe tbefore?to beale tbeficke,to rapfetbeweakeagapne.' #to fpeof tbat,but Dodoneus ape (ball baue bi£Dewe, UDbofe learneD fkpllbatb offereD firft,tbi£ woztbp wozke to bewe# 3nb Lyte wbofe toplebatb not bene ligbt,to Dpe it in tbte grapne, £>eferue£noligbtregarbeofb£: buttbankesanbtbankeettSDownetbeirbertueSCurewbicb are fo great, Cbat we map fap tberein great learning flowed Cbe^utbozbatb (fo fatrefooztb asbeknowes 33pfkttfuU^uDgement)bntoeacbeDifeafe, £>et Downe acure,tbefickeanb fore to eafe* ©reatwasbto tople, wbicbe firft tb^workeDpD frame* 3&nD fo was bis?, wbicbe bentreD to tranflate it, foz wbenbebaDfullfinilbt all tbe fame, geminDeD not to aDDe,norto abateit* 2$ut wbat be foainbe,be ment wbole to relate it* Cill Rembertbe,DiDfenDe aDDitionS ftore* f oz to augment Ly tes trauell paftbefore* HDbWelaftfupplpfo come to Lytebttf banbe, m fitlp furnifl)t,euerp peece in place* Cbeworkeagapnebewzote3bnDerftanDe, fozfeareifougbttbereinlboulDebzeebepifgrace* 3nD DiDasmucbaSonecoulDeintbtScafe* f ozCnglifl) names,to euerpberbeanb plant, %z aDDeD batb,toberebp # notbrog ftant* Xbis rare Deutce,eacbe one map Well efteeme, t©bicb bringetb apDe,anD comfort bnto inan* CbeiearneDwpllaccepttbefame3Deeme* a^berfoze 3 crauepf ougbt efpie tbou can, (3W none can be fo watcbfull nowe anD tban a&ut faulted map fcape,for want of Argus epes?*) Co menDetbefame,anD nougbtbereinDefpife* i©itb willingminDe,gooD tieaDerbere3 craue, Accept tbis? wozke,tbus? written for tbp fake, 3nb bonorbinxtbat feekes? mans? bealtb to faue* J£ eelDing bint tbattkes, wbicbe it DpD bnDertake: atnb bnto LyteDuetbankes? tboubaftto make* 3$i$ papnefullpen Deferues? tbp gooD tepozt* >bofe tople Wis great,to enDe it in tbis? fort* T. N. Petitardua virtus. lohannis Hardingi inlaudem tarn Au&oris quam interpretU Duodecafticon* Edant Turneri pingues fimulatq^Lobeli, Horti ac egregij gloria fumma Tragi. Vnicus hie reliquis longe eft Prcftantior hortis, Quern pia iam Liti cura laborq- dedit. I ILlorum tenues abijtdecor omnis in auras, | Huius at xterno gloria viuamanet. Afpice quam virides infultent vndiq- plantas, Quales videruntfkcula nulla prius. Tantum igitur Lito debes gens Anglicado&o, Quantum Remberto Teutonis ora fuo. Nee plus Remberto letantur Meclinienfes, Quam te Lito tui Candide Murotriges. F ato prudentia maior. i REMBERTI DODONLfcJ JETA.XXXV VIRTVTE AMBI* REMBERTI DODON/E1 MECH- LINIENS1S MEDICI, IN SECVNDAM COM- MENTARIORVM SVORVM, DE STIRP1VM Hiftoria,editionem,adHiidiofosi^iedicin& Candidatos, Prtfatio. 3 TlRPIVMacvniuerfae material Medics cognitionempotentifsimis Regi- ( bus.antiquifsimisHeroibus, Praeftantifsimis Medicis ac Philofophis olimin pretio habitam.vtilem acneceflariam Medic§artiiudicatam,fornmoftudio,nec minoridiligentia excultanr^adeomanifeftumefl, vtrauldsafTertionibus opus non (it.Praeferrim non paucis herbis Regum ac Heroum, qui has vel priroi in- uenerunt,velinfrequenti medendivfu habucrunt, nomina retinentibus, vc Mithridatium, Eupatorium, Gentiana, Lyfimachia, Achillea, Centaurium Alcibiadium, Telephium, Arthemifia, aliaeque plures:& veteres ipfos, atque inter eos Hippocra- tem,Medicorum omnium longe principem,Galenum,nonullosq; alios,Ionginquasperegrinatio- nes, cognofcendae materia; iVlcdicae caufa fufcepifTc, & propria & aliorum icripta teftentur. Eandem verdfcientiam,a\pofteriorum noftroque tempore vicinorumfeculorum medicis ac philofophis, plan£ncgle&am & contemptam fuiffe, res ipfa quoque euidenccrdocet. Sol.tenim ilia: Medicine partes, ab illorum feculorum Medicis coli vifae funr, qua? ex rationum phydcarum fontibus dedu&ae, hinc dubirandi difputandiq; vberem materiam pracberent; aliae vero, vfu atque experientiaconftanres.vt denies acieiuna? fpretae.Cuiufmodi ipfa jSotavikh eft, Phy(icarum ratio* num fubfidium vel nullum vel exiguu adroittens. Quamobrem eius omni notitia, mulieribus.her- barijsanalphabetis, ve! indoctispharmacopceisrcli&a, indignum prufefsiorie fuaac magmrkis titulis parum decorum infcelices illi Medici exiftimabant,cognofcenda? alicuius materU- medicae herb$ aut ftirpis caufa, vel minimum opera; laborisque fumere: extra vrbss ad monies, cbnualles, prata , fuburbanaque loca escurrere. Tantam ftudiorum difsimilitudinem,fatalis tile feculorum ordo pcperit,qui & maximas vrbes, potentifsima regna,latifsime patentia imperia, & hanc Medicina: parcem,nonnu!lasq; alias pelTun- dedit,ac propemodum extinxit. Vnde fa<5tum, vt qua? olim facii!ime,ac nullo propemodum nego- cio materia; Medicaeac Stirpium cognito percipi poterat,difficilisacobfcura reddita fit. Tradebant earn Diafcorides,Galenus,eiusq; aetatis Medici, veluti per manus a matoribus acce- perantjferuatiseoufq; nominibus, quae magna ex parte incorrupta ad illorum temporavenerant. Nobis ea foelicitas dencgata, mulris modis veris ac genuinis appellationibus, corruptis, peruer- fis fere abolitis, barbaris in earum locum fuppofitis, multo tempore intermifla Stirpium notitia, folis veterum defcriptionibus reli£n\ex quibus h^c difciplina & requirenda & reftituenda eft. Id quam difficile fit,1icet alio loco fcripferimus,tamen hie repetere vifum fuit non alienum. Non leuis autem difficultatis huius fcienti§,aut vna aliqua caufa eft,fed maxime eaeque prard- piix duf.'innunoera videlicet multitudo ftirpiu, immenfaq; varietas:& eoru qui de harum hiftoria, aut materia Medica fcriptareliquerunt,breuita*,incuria, negligcntia,fubindevaria arq;dif»imilis apud diucrfos defcriptio:& vtina non quorunda errores obfeuritatem no exiguam in ea intuliflent. Stirpium fiquidem herbarumq;infinitafunt genera, vari£ per orbem terrarum fparfa immenfa multirudo,vt non vno loco paucisq; regionibus requirere eas liceat,fed ad eas omnes cognofcedas omnium fere regnoruacprouinciaruperagratione, longitemporis pcregrinationcopus videatur. Sunt nonnulla? quibufdam vel infulis dicatae vel regionibus propri«,qua? in alia quaniis loca tranf- ferri nequeunt,vel tellure cceloq; mutatis mutatur,vt Theophraftus libro quarto ait. Ali$ pluribus quidem tern's communes.non omnes tamen pafsim aut crebro obui§, fed certis craflubus pecu- Iiares,velmontibusfcihcet,promontorijs,pra?ruptis rupibus, faxofisaut niualibus locis, collibus, denfis fy Iuis,vmbrofislucis,arborum caudicibus,aruis, campeftribus, apricis Jaetopinguiq* folo, macro &ftcrili,humidis, vliginofis,riguis,paludibus,ftagnantibusaquis, fontibus jfluminibus, "fluuiorum ripis,maris littoribus,fcopulis,velipfo deniq; mariaddida?.Harum autcmiftaeeandem fere vbiq;formam retinent, velexiguam mutationem aflumunt: ilia? in diucrfis regionibus pro caelifoliq; varietatc,aliam formam & magnitudinem induunt. Quod fegetum,fabaru,nucum,alio- rumqueapudlndosnafcentiumCfi Hcrodotofides)exemplismanifeftum eft,quorum longe maior niagnitudo^quamin^gyptonafcentium.Segetumenimculmiinftarharundinumcranefcuntrfa- bae triplo maiores ^gyptijs, fefamum miliumq; epcimiae magnitudinisrnuces tanta; molis vt mira- culi loco in templis fufpendantur. Strabo quoque in extrcmo Mauritanorum quoda tra6tutiuxtaj * creditum -- pu PR.EFATIO AD creditumNilitxorturavitem tanta; crafsitudinis nafcitradit, quam vix duo homines compledi queant:omnem herbam cubitalem : Staphyliqorura,Hippomarathri, Solymi caules duodenum cubitoruro,crafcitudine quatuor palmorum reperin. Et tatus quidem Stirpium numerus immen- fa latifsim£ fparfa multitudo,varia ac multiple/X natura, Audorum vero ipforum quantafueritnegligentia, vel incuria in multarum pra?fertim vulgo notarum^fo-mis difFerentijscj; defcribendis, cum multarum extent nomina , quarum forma; non funt expreflaB,aut leuiter tantum defcript§,nemo fcr£ eft qui igaoret,R.uellio idipfum fcriptis fuis teftante, Eofdem verd non femper eonuenirc,atq;interdura inter fefedifsidere ,dum fub vnoeodemq; nomine alius aliam herbam vel fruticem defignat, vel eandem alia nomenclatura expriroit, Diof- coridis cum Theophrafti aliorumq; fcriptis dtligens collatio oftendit/uppeditabic & huius varie- tatis Hiftoria noftra non pauca exempla. Defcriptionesver6quorudamerroribusefleconrperfas,quodadPlinianasattinetmanifeftifsi- mum eft,Leoniceni enim libri de Plinij erratis pafsim proftant, & omnes fere noftri feculi, qui de materia Medica aut Stirpibus fcripfere,in redarguendis ac notandis Plinij lapfubus plurimi funt. VerumdeDiofcorideidnemoforfitanexpedaueritaut fufpicatus fuerit, Galeni teftimonio atq; fcriptis commendato. Reperiuntur tamen in eius commentarijs no exigui errores. Alias enim difsimilium Stirpium,eiufdem apud diucrfos audoi es nominis, delineationes in vnam hiftoriam contrahitralias eandem non ijfdem nominibus nuncupatam, veluti membratim diuulfam diuerfis locis defcribit,vt ijs commentarijs quosin Stirpium hiftorias.qua; apud Diofcoridem extant m» ditamur,oftenfuros(fi Deusvitam,valetudinem,ociumq; concefTerit) nosfperamus. Nee tamen hi errores impediunt,quo minus Diofcorides alijs omnibus longe pra;ftet,cum ,om* nes vel imperfediorem multo hiftoria, vel pluribus, maioribus erroribus, ac fabulis^prf ftigijsque plena fcripta reliquerint.Theophraftus reliquos omnes in fuo fcribendi genere fuperans, formas exprofeOTo non defcrip(it,fed Stirpium multiplicem dirrerentiam aliaq; philofopho homine digna profequi ftuduit.De Plinij fcriptis quid iudicandum,i3m fcripfimus. Nicandri, ^icwcc h&a *\t|(- cpKOjaocKoc folum repenuntur.Apuleius de paucis tatummodo egit. Galenus,Paulus Aetius.figuras a Diofcorideexpreflas omiferunt.Alij veteres Graeci & Latini,PhiIofophi,Medici, Poeta?, Hifto; riographi,Architedi, Agriculture; fcriptores,Hippiatri fiue Veterinarij, quorum ledione ad qua- rundam plantarum notitiam peruenimus,non nifi obiter quarundam neminerunt. Bithyni IoIa», HeraclidisTarentini,Crateuzherbarij, Andrea; medici,lulij Bafsi,Nicerati,Petronij Nigri, Dio- doti,Pamphyli,Mante<£,Apollonij anteccfTorum Diofcoridis & Galeni fcripta,neque adpofterl- tatem peruenerunt.neque perfectum aliquid tradiderunt.Pleriq; horum anilibus fabulis autpre,- ftigiaturis /£gypujs,coniurationibufue pleni funt, alij de vna aliqua materia,auc paucis tantum,vt Galenus fcribit,egerunt:vniuerfam vero matcriam complecti non ftuduerunt. /Quibus de caufis illorum omnium fcriptis pofthabitis, vni Diofcoridi fummam laudera audo- ritatemque Galenus tribuk, quam illi quoque deberi nemo negare poteft, abfque eius liquid em fcriptis,Stirpiummaterifque Mcdicaecognitioreftitui nulla ratione poteft. Non enim idcirco veluti parum vtilis abdicandus aut reijciendus,quod in plerifque locis lapfus fit, cum nee Plinium multograuius & puerilicer f§pe hallucinatum minime negligi oporteatad Stirpium notitiam plurimura conferentem, Neque enim earn ob caufam de erratis eius ccepimus admonere,fed vt huius fcienti^ & ftudij difficultas abomnibus intelligatur maiorique cum atten- ftirpium cognitione ftudiofi incumbantrdiligendus omnes notas expendant:leuibus con- ieduris contenti facile iudicium non promant, minus admirentur fi poft coraplures in hoc ftudio verfatos,multa in notitiam nondu perdu&a adhuc lateantrplures quotidie exoriantur in reftiruen- Si enim Diofcorides exercitatifsimus vir, qui multum ftudij, laboris, in Stirpium , materia?que Medicaecognitionemimpendit.eofeculo quo nomina magna ex parte incorrupta vult»0 retine- bantur,ipfarum notitia^ maioribus accepta veluti per manustradebatur f vei immenfo numero multipliciqjearum varietate, vel audorum impcrfedis,varijs, fabulofis defcriptionibus detentus' errorem vitare non potuit: qua ratione nunc quifquam,antiquis nomenclaturis ac appellationibui vix receptis^autplurimumdeprauatis.Stirpium cognitionelongo tempore intermifTa atque con- tanta veterum(vti diximus)negligentia,incuria, varietate, atque erroribus fubindc im- plicataobfcuritate, vel facile vel abfque magno labore,diligentifsima inquifitione earum notitiam confequi fe po(Fc fperabit? Quum igitur tanta huius fcientiae vel magnitudo vel difficultas fit, vtnon nifi diligentifsimo omnium ftirpium raaturoq; examine plurimorum veterum audorum ledione exadifsima, id eft multo MEDICINE CA^IDIDATOS. nwlro labore,diutinisperegrinationibus,continuo ftudio comprehend! queat: ac fieri vixpofsit, vt his omnibus,vnius hominis aut paucorum vita diligentiaq; par fit. Citra omnem admirationem efTe debet,poft multos recentiorum in hac materia diligentcr yerfatos,alios indies exoriri,qui hac augcre ftudiant, & noftros quoque de Stirpium hiftoria libros prodire. Memiue fiquidem hauc fcientiam ad perfedionem perducente, fed omnibus plurim3 praeter- mittentibus, occatio pofteris rclinquitur, priorum inuentisac obferuatis plurima adijciendi atque ftirpium cognitionem locupletandi.Quod recentiorum non paucis praeftantibus, priuato ftudio, peregrinationc,ahaueoccafione comperta in commune proferentibus & mei officii fore iudicaui, vt cam quam exiftimabam me huic fcientif pofle accefsionem facere,aut emendationem adhibe- re, in publicum raitterem,atque vera; Medicina?Stirpiumq; ftudiofis coromunicarem. Non fruftra autem vel inutiliter hunc laborem vel rccentiores vel nosfufcepimus ♦ Pertinet enimhfcfcientiaad pra?cipuascV principesduas Medicin; partes (TiftiTK-nxHp K9U- (Pkpucmvti- xnp . Ula vidua ratione: ha?c medicamentis fanitati hominis confulit: vtraque herbis, frugibus, ftirpibus, earumq; feminibus,frudibus,radicibus,fuccis, veluti nece(Tarij8& materia & inftrumen* tis vtitur, Haee enim vt artis opera Medici vel impermixta.vel alijs aut inter fe com* mitta adhibent. Si enim nemo ilium bonum fabrum aut artificem dixerit, qui malleum,incudem aut ferrum, aliaveartis fua? inftrumenta vel materiam no nouerit: Medicum quis habebit dodum, qui Bctam a Blito diftinguere nefciat,in crafTa fupinaque omnium Stirpium Medicacque materia; ignorantia verfetur. At raultum,forta{Te dicet aliquis, inter medicum & reliquos artifices intereft, neque enim ma* num medici operibus apponunt, fed veluti architedi tantum pra?cipiunt,omnem Stirpium & Me* dica? materia? notitiam,pra?parationem, variam miftionem pharmacopceis relinquunt. Fatemur a multis annis medicos praeparandorum mifcendorumque pharmacorum morem omififTe, aca vererum confuetudine recefsiffe , quos abunde conftat nulla pharmacopceorum opera vfos, medicamenta etiamproprijs&difcipulorum manibus mifcuifle, neque vt pharma* copcei rurfus fiant requirimus,& quaerendis, terendis.tundendis, pra?parandis, mifcendis, medi- camentis occupentur, fed Stirpium & materif Medicae,quarum potifsimum frequentior ac quoti- dianusvfus,notitiam exigimusmonfecus ac in Architedo omnis materia; aedificiorum cognitio requiritur.Qui enim earn ignorauerit,bonus Architedus eflc non poteft .Sic etiam nequedodus aflfperfedus medicus, qui art is fua? materiam non cognorit. Quod fifabri ex non conuenienti ligno vel trabes vel xdium contignationesftruant,Latomi luto pro caemento parietes compinganc aut reliqui artifices alijs modis impofturas raoliantur, admittet aut difsimulabit haec bonus Archi* tecrus? Non exiftimo quenquam fore, qui non putet harum rerum curam ad eum pertinere . Cur igitur conniuebit Medicus, fi pharmacopceusfpurialegitimis genuinis adulterata recentibus exo* leta, calidafrigidis, frigida calidis, alexi pharmacis deletcria fubftituat, ac deficient^ vno, alias hoc,modo illud, abfque vllo iudico aut deledu fupponat? Conniuere autem cum huiufmodi im# pofturis aut grauifsimis erratis oportebit,fi huius fcientix rudis imperitus fuerit, cum nulla ratio* ne dolum deprehendcre poterir. Omnes igitur Medicinaeftudiofos in hac Stirpium materiaeque Medicae notitia fefe excrcere conuenit,atque operam & diligentiam fummam adhibere, vt harum cognitionem reliquis Medi- co artis partibusadiungant; veterum antiquifsimorum, probatifsimorumque Medicorumhuius fcientia? ftudiofifsimorum,veftigijshac in parte infiftat,ac Galeni clarifsimi & maxim; audoritatis medici, pra?ceptis & confilio obfequundent, qui omnes Medicos & iuuenes artis candidatos ad Stirpium & Medicamentorum materia; exadam notitiam admonet,atque incitat,Medicus(inquit « libro de antidotis primo)omnium Stirpium ,fi fieri poteft, peritiam habeat, confulo : fin minus, e» plurium faltem quibusfrequenter vtimurjtem tertiode Medicamentis fecundum genera. Hinc « puto bon; indohs iuuenes incitatum iri, vt medicamentorum materiam cognofcant,ipfimet infpi- ,Quinco Id.Iulias. R. EM- EPISTOLA AD' LECTOREM. REMBERTI DODON/EI DE RECOGNITIONE SVORVM COMMEN- TARIORVM AD LECTORES EPISTOLA CVM imaginum eius parte altera olimedita. 6V morofiores ftudium fta- Vt v r v m omnino auguror candideLedor, vtfimul acnafutiores i1 aliqui,noftros de re Herbaria commentaries aut imagines viderint,.. 'tim noftrum fint fuggilJaturi: quod poft tam multos dodos viros, in hoc ftudij [genere fumma cum diligetia verfatos, melius me aliquid inuenire, & corum in- , uentis fuperaddere.pofTe fperauerim. Vbi vero in annotationcs inciderint, quas hoc loco adiecimus,& in ijs qua?dam retradata, nonnulla in dubium reuocata £ nobis orFenderint,multo magis temeritatem noftram fint damnaturi: vt qui mox ab editione,aliam fententiam in nonnullis fequar,vel non fatis perfpeda atque comperta in publicum dare voluerim. Ffis refponfum cupio,huic ftudio hoc vnicS proprium eue multorum operam atque laborem defi- derare: nempe in quo non exigua fit difficultas, nee minor varietas, qua? fummam etiam diligen- tifsimorum induftriam fatigent.Infinita enim funt ftirpium que. vel fine nominibus, vel cum bar- barism peregrinis nobis fefe ofFerunt genera, quibus vetera & antiqua reddere nomina inftituti noftri praecipua & maxima pars eft. Qua rum etfi vcteres Herbaria; rei & ftirpium hiftoria? fcripto- res,di(Feren!!asac notas omnes,fumma diligentia defcriptas nobis reliqulflent, impofsibile tamen foret, de omnibus facile autcitra fummum laborem &indefeflum ftudium, veritatem affequi, cum non vno loco,fed per vniuerfum orbem fperfas requirere & cognofcerc oporteret. Non vno enim loco aut eadem in regione omnes plurefue, fed alia; alijs vel regionibus vel locis addida? funt. Didaranum Creta? proprium eft.Rha fupra Bofohorum regiones & paucaealJefnppeditant.Thus Sab"a?orum gignit prouincia.Balfamura fola Paleftina producit. Et vt plures tales regionibus qui- bufdam folis proprias praetereamus,ex his qu$in pluribus tern's inueniuntur, nonnulla; nifi in co- Oalibus proueniunt: funt alia; montibus famihares & propria;. Amant hae aprica locatiila vmbrofa aut denfas fyluas.lntcr faxa,lapidofis locis aut in prasrupds rupibus reperiuntur quaedam : alia; in- arborumcaudieibusnafcuntur. Laetum pinguaeque folum defiderant nonnulla?: in fterili agro / roagisproficiuntaliae.Deledantquafdam arua : alias vineta: illas horti: iftas prata: nonnulla; in vbginofis & riguis oriuntur. Sunt quas teraerfc alio loco quam in maris litto'ribusrequiras. Ad quas omnes cognofcendas & perquirendas cum prater diligentem veterum Iedionem, diuturna fcV longi temporis per mfinita loca,per omnes fere orbis partes peregrinatione opus fit, multi labo- res fudorefque perferendi.infinita pericula fubeunda,fieri non poteft, vt vna hominfs vita his on. bus fatis fit, vt interim omittamus quam multa fuperueniunt incommoda,qua? peregrinandi occa- fionem aut adimunt aut multum impediunt,veluti bella incogniti diuerfarum gentium, ritus,mo- res & lingua,horrid$, incultae/qualida? rcgiones,& ad ha?c maxime rerii vel publicaru, vel priuata- rum & domefticarum curatio, aut ferendis maximis fumptibus impar fortuna . Nunc autem cum his omnibus grauifsimis impediments , accedat etiam, quod vcteres multarum ftirpium veluti vulgo cognitarum formas non exprcflerintraliarum tarn leuiter defcripferint:vel attigerint,vt non videantur tradidifle.-iam&in nonnullarum defcriptionibus non vulgares fed maximi audores varient, veluti in Afphodelo & alijs quibufdam.quis non fummam in hac difciplina difficultatem efTe affirmet.qua? multorum quantumuisinduftriorum &ftudioforum inde*feflbslabores&maxi- mam diligentiam requirat.'nec folum requirat verum etiam fuperet / Cum igitur tam infinita ftir- pium funtgenera,fingulorumque multiplices differentia?, tamdiuerfa & natura & fitu difsidentia in quibus gignuntur loca,qu$ adirc omnia non folum difficile" verum etiam impofsibile fuerit, & ad ha?c mutil^imperfeda? ac confufa? veterum defcriptiones, vt propter haec grauifsima impedi- menta,de abfoluta ftirpium cognitione defperandum videatur. Nulla cert£ pr$ fentior via,commo- diorratio,autexpeditiusconfilium , quo hoc ftudium, haec fcientia in lucem reuocari & crefcere pofsit,quam vt multorum laboribus & lucubrationibus adiuuetur. Plurimorum enim poterit in- duftria quod paucorum nequitpraeftareopera.Dura enim hie quaedam in lucem adfert, alij quae* dam adijciunt,nonnulla corrigunt,alia fupplent, non exiguum herbarum ftudium & fimplicis me- dians cognitio incrementem capit Hanc rationem videntur mihi infequud Leonicentis, Manar- dus,Ruellius,Cordus vtcrque,Mufa,Tragus, Fuchfius, & quotquot in hac difciplina non omnino infceliciter hac estate verfantur,Neque enim quifquam iftoruro,aut ftirpium hiftoriam abfoluit,aut perfedam fibi eius cognitionem vendicat: cum multas etiam de induftria prgtereant. Sed quod quifque fibi fuo Jabore.fua induftria per ocium peperit peregrinatione inuenit,aut alia ratione co- gnouitj hoc in commune proferre, & vcritatis amatoribus communicare ft udct, & quo quifque * iij pofterior EPISTOLA AD LECTOREM. pofterior hocmajorem huic fcientiae accefsionem facit,dum antecefTorum opera ac laboribus etiS •diuuatur.Mouit certe nos & hec rado,cum enim multas ftirpes in omnibusrecentioribus defide- rari quibufdam dcceptos eos obferua{Tein,& non paucas me fupplere & alio- rum inuentis adijcere,nec non in quibus erratum videbatur, veritatem aperire pofle fperafTcm,vo^ lui vt poft multorum dodorum virorum qui in Stirpium hiftoria verfati funt commentaries, mei quoque Iabores,raei conatus, inpublicum prodirent,non quod laudem ac gloriam mihi hinc ali- quam poftulem/ed vt noftris inuentis & ftudijs aliquo etiam modo,ftirpium herbarumque cogni- tio & fimplicis medicine ftudium promoueatur. Definant igitur morofi cenfores,fruftra aut tcme^ re hunc laborem a nobis fufceptum criminari.quando noftra induftria & opera huic fcientiae non mediocris plantarum,frudcum ac arborum numerusacceflerit.antea anemine quod fciam,recen- tiorum traditarum,praster omnes qu§ ab errore vindicatae funtquarum non exiguus quoque nu- merus eft.Quod vero paucula qua?daro,poft editos commentaries a nobis retradentur,facit fum- ma huius fcientiae & maxima, vediximus, difficultas, quae nos ita tenet Cimmerijs quafi tcnebris immerfos,vt vix etiam fummo ftudio,& frequend ipfarum plantarum collatione, veritatem quea* mus inuenire. Si enim in ijs fcientijs aut artibus ( vt Socrates alicubi inquit) errores etiam fubinde . committantur,qua? vel ex naturalium rationum fontibus deducuntur, vel cerds praeceptionibus, regulis aut raethodo conftant,quo non tandem modo, in Herbaria difciplina, nullis reguiis, nulla mechodo firmata, ex naturalibus rationibus minimum , imo pene nullum fubfidium admittente, faepius &nolendbus,& non fentientibus nobis errores irrepent i Docetid fcripta Leoniccni,Her- roolai,Manardi,Cordi,R.uellij,Mufae,Tragi, Fuchfij & aliorum recentiorum, quorum iudicia vel a feipfis fa?pius reuocata,vel ab alijs retradata & correda funt. Non reputo me his dittiniorem, & ego homo fum,decipi & errarc polTum.praefertim in re tam raultisde caulis difficili ac obfeura, vt fi alicubi ferendus aut difsimilandus eft error,hic difsimulari & tolerari debeat. Quamobrem non tam pudet nos horum errorum,quam pcenitet. Quando igitur mihi hoc commune cum alijs eft, vt in quibufdam minus veritatem afiequutus fuerim,non habeo aliud praefentius remedium,quam vt mini ipfi medear meofque errores ipfe e medio fuftollam. Et praeftat fane me mei ipfius corre- dorem efle,quouis alio, quamuis & aliorum animaduerfiones non nifi aequifsimo animo accepts rus fum. Cum enim publics? vdlitatis caufa hunc laborem fufceperim, & eiufdem interfit ficubi a* me erratum,idipfum corrigi ac nocari,nulla in re magis mihi gratificari poterunt veritatis ftudiofi, quam Ci noftra omnia ad examen ducant, cumq; veterum defcriptionibus diligenter conferant, ac vbi me veritatem minus aflequutumdeprehendcrint, araice &fynceriter admoneant. Atquific morofis & feueris iftis cenforibus refponfum efto,quos optauerim ab ifta calumniandi tcntigine,& dodorum huius feculi fcriptorum,fuggillandi & reprehendi ftudio,ad meliorem frugem, & bo- narum artium ac fcientiarum ftudia conuerfos in hoc totos efle,& omnibus ingenij viribus certare^ vt,vel mediocris eruditionisviros^odrinaasquent.fifuperarefepoflTediffidanr. Caeterumquod adannocationesiftasattiner,fequutiinhisfumus,fecundaracommentariorumnoftrorum edido- nem,quam ob caufam qujedam nonnullis videlicet aliter iudicantes, de alijs vel noftram vel aliorum minis aetacis dodorum virorum conieduram indicantes: vnum aut alterum Diofcoridis locum aut vitiofum aut confufum oftendimus: figuras coraplures adiecimus, omnes videlicetquaefecundaeacpofterioriaeditioniacceflerunt. Sunt autem ex hisnonpaucaequidem nouae,id eft,antea aut prius non depid? : nonnulla; infeliciter prius BXprcfla;, nunc asdiriciofius & elegandus formatae paucifsim? ex Dodiff.Pec. And.Matthioli commentarijs tranflara?,quas ncra* pe cognatio vel fimilitudo ciim alijs a nobis defcripris,non finebat pra?termitri,vt etiam in commentariorum noftrorum praefarione fcripfimus.Nara a reliquis, quas forte alius in fuos commentarios traduxilfetproptereaabftinuimus, quodinconfpedum noftrum non venifTent. lllud enim nobis in primis cute, fuit, vt quam pau- cifsimas defcriberemus, quas non aliquando oculis coram cernere contigit, & maxima nouarum figurarum pars ad viuarum plantarum imitadonem depingeretur,vt ipfae ftir- pium defcripdones, & imagines alienee aliorum fimiles facile teftabuntur. Vale,atqueprefentibus fruere,dum fuccifiuis horis ocium nadi, alia,his locupletiora, meditamur. De APPENDIX. De his qui Latine vfus Herbarum fcripfcrunt, & quando ad Romanos notitia earum peruenerit. Item de Herbarum inuentione, ejr antiqua medicina,ejr quare hodicminus exerceantur earum re media, ex Plinij lib. 2 5. cap.2. I n v s hoc quam par erat.noftri cclebrauere, omnium vtilitatum & virtutum rapa* cifsimi. Pnmulq; & diu folus idem illc M. Cato, omniu bonarum artium magifter, paucis duntaxatattigit.Boum etiam medicamina non omifTa. Pofteum vnusillu* ftrium tentauitC. Valgius,eruditionefpcdatus,imperfedo voluminead diuum Auguftupi, inchoata etiam prxfadone rcligiofa, vt omnibus malishumanisillius potifsimum principis femper racdicetur maieftas. Ante condiderat folus apud nos, quod equidcm inucni, Pompeius, Lenaeus, MagniPompeilibertus, quoprimumtemporehanc fcendam ad noftros perucniifeanimaduerto. Nam quam Mithridates,maximus fua aetate regum, quem debellauit Pompeius,omnium antefegenitorum diligentifsimus vitgfuifTeargumentis pre* terquam fama intelligitur. Vni ei excogitatum,quocidie vencnurn bibere,pra?fumptis remcdijs, vt confuetudine ipfa innoxium fieret. Primo inucnta genera antidoti, ex quibus vnum etiam nomen eius retiner.llliusinuentumautumant,fanguinemanatumPonticarummifcereantidotis,quoniam veneno viuerenc. Ad ilium Afclepiadis medendi arte clari,volumina compofita extant,cum follici- tatus e* vrbeRoma,pra?ccptapro femittcret.Ilium folum mortalium Mithridaten.zi. linguislo- . , ., cutum ccrtura eft : nee de fubiedis getibus vllum hominem per intcrpretem appellatum ab eo an- mmt(t** nis 56.quibus regnauit.Isergoin reliquaingenijmagnitudinc medicine peculiaritercuriofus, ab teS' hojiinibus fubiedis,qui fuere pars magna terrarum,lingula enquirens, fcrinium commentationu harum & exemplaria.effcdufq; in arcanis fuis reliquit. Pompeius autem omni regia pra?da potitus, trahsferre ea fermone noftro libertum fuum Len«um,grammatice artis dodifsimum,iufsit: vitaeq; ita profuit non minus quam reipublicae vidoria ilia. Praerer hos Gra?ci audores medicine; prodi- dere,quos fuis locis diximus.Ex his Euax rex Arabum,quid de fimplicium effedibus ad Neronem e#4& fcrip(it:Crateias, Dionyfius, Metrodorus orcne blandifsima, fed qua nihil pene aliud quam rei difficultas intelligatur. Pinxere namq; effigies herbarum^atque fcripferc effedus.Verum & pidu- « ra fallax eft ex coloribus tam numerofis,pra?fercim in aemuladone naturae, multumque degenerat « tranferibentiumforsvaria. Praetereaparumeft fingulas earum xtates pingi, cumquadripartids « varietatibus anni faciem mutent.Quare caeteri fermone eas tradidere. Aliqui effigie quidem indi- « cata,& nudis quidem plaerumque nominibus defundi: quoniam fads videbatur, poteftates vim- quedemonftrare quaerere volendbus. Nee eft difficile cognitu. Nobis certe,exceceptis admo- dum paucis, contigit reliquas contemplan fcientia Antonij Caftoris, cui fumraa audoritatis erat ^ntonim in ea arte noftro a?uo, vifendo hortulo eius in quo plurirnas alebat: centefimum aetatis annum ex- caftor* cedens, nullum corporis malum expertus, ac ne state quidem memoria , aut vigore concufiis. Nee aliud miratamagisantiquitas reperietur . Inucnta iampridem ratio eft prsenuncians ho- ras,non modo dies ac nodes, folislunaequedefedum. Durat tamen tradita perfuafio in magna parte vulgi.veneficfjs & herbisid cogi:in eo namquefcerainarumfcienriam pra?ualere. Certe quid non repleuere fabulis Colchis Mcdea,ali;quc,imprimifque Italica Circe,di]s etiam adferipta.' Vn- de arbitror natum,vt y£fchylus e vetuftifsimis in poeticare , refertam Italiam herbarum potenria proderet Multique Circaeios agros, vbi habitauit ilia, in magno argumento etiamnum durante in Marfis.a filio eius orta genere.quos efTc domitores ferpentium eonftat. Homerus quidem primus Homervu dodrinarum & anriquitatis parcns,multus alias in admiratione Circes}gloriam herbarum /£gy pto tribuit , turn etiam cum rigaretur >£gyptus ilia, non autem efTet, pofteafluminislimoinucda, Herbas certe /£gyptias a regis vxore traditas fua? Helena? plurirnas narrat, ac nobile illud Nepen* thes,obliuionem triftitia? veniamquc afFerens,& ab Helena vtique omnibus mortalibus propinan- dum.Primus autem omnium quos memoria nouir, Orpheus de his herbis curiofius aliqua prodi- dit. Pofteum mufaeus & Ha?fiodus Polion herbam in quantum miratifunt.diximus. Orpheus & Hefiodusfuffitionescommendauere. Homervs & alias nominatim herbas celebrat, quas fuis locis dicemus. Ab eo Pythagoras clarus fapientia,primus volumende earum effedu compo- fuit:ApolIini,/£fculapioque,& in totum dijs immortaiibus inuentione & origine afsighata: com* pofuit&Democritvs , amboperagratisPcrfidis, Arabia?, ^£thiopiaef y£gyptiquemagis. Adeoqueadha?cattonitaantiquitasfuit, vt affirmaret etiam incredibilia didu . Xanthus hi- ftoriarum audor, in prima earum tradidit, occifum draconis catulum.reuocatum ad vitam a pa- rente herba,quam Balin nominat: cademque Tillonem,quem draco occiderat, reftituturn faluti* * iiij EC APPENDIX. fct tuba in Arabia herba reuocatum ad vitam hominem tradit. Dixit Democritu%credidit Theo- phraftus efTe herbam,cuius ccmtadu illatae abalite, quam retulimus, exiliret cuneus a paftoribus arbori adadus.Qu* etiam fi fide carent,admirationem tamen implent: coguntq; confiteri, mul- tum e(Te quod vero fuperfit.Inde & pterofque video exiftimare ,mhil non herbarum vi effici pof- fc.fedplurimarum vires efie incognitas. Quorumriumerofuit Herophilus clarus in medicinal quo ferunt didum,quafdam etiam fortafsis calcatas prodefTe. Obferuatum certe eft, inflammari vulnera ac morbos fuperuentu eorum,qui pedibus iter confeccrint. Haec crat inter andqua medi* cina,quae tota migrabat in Graeciae linguas . Sed quare nunc non plures nafcuntur cauffae t Nifi quod eas agreftes,Iitterarumque ignari experiuntur.vtpote qui foli inter illas viuant. Praeterea fe* curitas qua?rendi,obuia raedicorum turba. Mulds etiam iuuends nomina defiant, ficut illi quam retulimus in frugum cura^eimufque defoflam in angulis fegetis praeftare.nequa auis intret. Tur- pifsima cauiTa raritaf is, quod etiam quifciunt, demonftrare nolunt tanqoam ipfis periturum fit quod tradidcrint alijs. Accedic ratio inuentionis anceps. Quippe etiam in reperds, alias inuenie cafus,3liasfvc vere dixerim)Deus.Infanabilisad hofceannos fuit rabidi canis morfus,pauorem a- qua?,potufq;omnis afferensodium.Nupercuiufdam militantisin pretoriomater vidit inquiete, vtradicemfylueftrisrofae,quam cynorhodon vocant, eblanditam fibi afpedupridieinfruteto, mitteret filio bibendam in lade (in Lufitania res gerebatur,Hifpaniae proxima parte)cafuque ac- cidit,vt militea morfu canis incipienteaquas expauefcere/uperoeniret epiftola orantis vt pareret rcligioni:feruatufqueeftexinfperato:& poftea quifquis auxilium fimile tentauit, Alias apud audo* res cynorhodi vna medicina erar,fpongioIae,qux in medijs fpinis eius nafcitur, cincre cum melle alopecias capitis expleri.In eadem prouincia cognoui in agro hofpids nuper ibi repertum dracun* culura appellatum,caulem pollicari cra(situdine,verficuloribus viperarum maculis,quem ferebane contra omnium morfus elfe remedium. Alius eft quem nos in priori volumine eiufdefn nominis diximus,fed huic alia figura,altudque miraciilum exeuntis e terra ad primasferpentium vernatio- nes bipedali fere altitudine,rurfusque cum ijfdem in terram fe condentis: nee omnino occultato eo apparet ferpens,vel hoc per fe fatis ofticiofo natura? munere}fi tantum pra?moneret,tempufque formidinis demonftraret. Alia herbarum Uus.ex eodem PRnio libro vicefimofept'mo, cap. t, C^K bscit apvd me certe tradatu ipfo ad mi ratio ant iquitatis.quan toque ma tor copiaher- ^"'barum dicenda reftat,tanto magis adorare prifcoru in inueniendo curam, in tradendo benig* nitatem fubit. Nee dubie fuperata hoc modo poflfet videri etiam rerum naturae ipfius munificen- tia , fihumanioperiseffetinuentio. Nunc vero deorum funic earn apparet, aut certe diuinam, etiam cum homo inuenerit:eandemque omnium parentcm genuifTe haec & oftendiflfe, nullo vitas miraculomaiore,fi veru fatcrivolumus .Scynthicamherbaa Mjeotidispaludibus,cVeuphorbiant $ montc Atlante,vltraq; Herculis columnas,& ipfo rerum natura; defedu , alia parte Britannicam ex oceani infulis extra terras pofitis:iteq; %thiopidem ab exufto fideribusaxe alias prf terea aliun- de vitro citroque human§ faluti in toto orbe terrarum pdrtari,immenfa R.onuna; pacis maieftate, non homines modo diuerfis inter fe terrisgentibufque,verum etiam morites, & excedentia in nu- bibus iuga,paftufque pecorum 8cherba; quoque inuicem oftentant. y£ternum quaefo deorum fit munusiftui.Adeo Roraanos,velut alteram lucem,dedifle rebus huraanis videntur. De laude Agriculture ex Marco Catone inuto operisfu't, tpST interdvm praeftarepopulo,mercaturisremquaerere,nitampericulofumfiet, & item ^fcenerari,fi tam honeftura fiet:maiores enim noftri fie habuerunt, 8c ita in leeibus pofuerunt, furera duplici condemnari,fceneratorem,quadrupli.Quantopeiorem ciuem exiftimarut fcenera- torem,quam furem,hinclicet exiftimari.Ec virum bonum cum laudabanr ita laudabant, bonum agricolam,bonumquecolonum aroplifsimc laudari exiftimabatur,qui ita laudabatur.Mercatorem autem ftrennuum,ftudiofumquerei querendaeexiftimo,verum,vtfupra dixi periculofum, cV cala- mitofum.At ex agricolis,& viriforrifsirai,& milites ftrennuifsimi gignuntur, maximeq; plus que- ftus,ftabilifsimufqueconfequiturlminimequeinthdiofos,rainimeque male cogitantes funt, qui in eo ftudio occupati funt. Qupd antiquis maximum ftudium Agriculturafaerit,& de cultara hortorum fwgularis dtltgentiatex Photo Ubro iS.cap.u CE qv i t v r natura frugum hortorumque ac florum, quaeque alia praeter arbores aut frutices ^benignatellureproueniujit,vel per fe tantum herbarum immcnfacontemplatione, fiquisaefti- mct va,rietatem,numerum,fTores odores.coloresque, & fuccos ac vires earum, quas falutis aut vo- luptads hominum gratia gignit:qua in parte primum omnium patrocinari terra;, & adefle cando- rum parcntiiuuat,quanquam inter inida operis defenfj.Quoniam tamen ipfa materia intus accen^ dicadrepuudonemeiufderaparientis & noxia , noftris earn criminibus vrgemus, culpamque noftram :,>* ■ APPENDIX. noftram illi imputamus.Genuit venena,fed quis inuenitilla prster hominem? Cauere ac refugcre alitibus ferifqus fatis eft. Atq; cu n in arbores exacuant limentque cornua elephanti, & durefaxo rhinocerotes,& vtroque apri dentium ficas, feiantque ad nocendum fe praeparare animalia, quod tamen eorum tela fua excepto homine venenis tingiVNos 8c fagittas vngimus,& ferro ipfi nocen- tius aliquid damus.Nos & flumina inficimus & rerum natura? elementa. Ipfum quoque quo viui- tur aerem in perniciem vertimus.Neq; eft vt putemus ignorari ca ab animalibus,qua; quidem quae praepararent contra fcrpentium dimicationem,qua? poft praelium ad medendum excogitarent,in- dicauimus. Nccabvllo praeter hominemvenenopugnaturalicno. Fateamurergo culpam,neijs quidem qua? nafcuntur contenti: etcnim quando plura earum genera humana manu fiunt. Quid? non & homines quidem ad venenanafcuntur?Atrahominuceufcrpendum lingua vibrat, tabefq; animi contredata adurit culpantium omnia,ac dirarum alitum modo> tenebris quoque & ipfarum nodium quieti inuidentium gemitu(qua? fola vox eorum eft) vt in aufpicatarum anfmantiu vice obuij quoq; vetent agerc.aut prodcfTc vitae.Nec vllum aliud abominati fpiritus premium nouere, quam odiftc omnia. Verum & in hoc eadem naturae maieftas tanto plures bonos genuit ac frugi, quato fertilior in ijsqua? iuuat aluntq;: quoru eftimatione & gaudio nos quoq; relidis aeftuatione fua? ifti* hominum turbis,pergamus cxcolere vitam: eoque conftantius, quo opera? nobis maior quam fame, gratia expctitur.Quippe fermo circa rura eft,agreftefque vfus,fed quibus vita bonofq; apud prifcos maximus fuei it. . De us qui in agri (y hortorum cur a Roma illuffres fucrunt, exPlmtfUb.i8.caps. QVae nam ergo tanta: vbertatiscauffaerat'lpforum tunc manibus Imperatorum colebanrur agri(vr fas eft credere)gaudenteterra vomerelaureato,&triumphali aratore,fiueillieadem cura femina tradabanr,qua bella,eademquc diligentia arua difponebant, qua caftra, fiuc honeftis manibus omnia laetius proueniunt,quoniam & curiofius fiunt.Serentem inucnerunt dati honores, Serranum,vndc cognomen. A raoti quatuor fua iugera in Vaticano,qug prata Quintia appellantur* Cincinnato viator attulitdidatui am, & quidem (vttraditNorbanus) nudoplenoquepulucris etiamnum ore. Cui viator, Vela corpus,inquit,vtproferam fenatus populique Romani mandata. Tales turn etiam viatorcs erant,quibns idipfum nomen inditum eft,fubinde ex agris fenatum du- cefqueaccerfenribus.At nunc eadem ilia vindipedes,damnata?manus, inferipti vultus exercent: non tamen furda tellure,qua? parens appellatur,colique dicitur 8c Ipfa, honore hincafTumpto, vt nuncinuitaca,& indigne ferentecredatur idficri.Sednosmiramur ergaftulorumno eadem emo* lumentaefTcquae fueruntImperatorum .Igiturdeculturaagri pra?cipere principalefuit & apud exteros.Siquidem & reges fecere Hieron,PhiIometor, Attalus,Archelaus,& duces Xenophon, & Pcenus etiam Mago: cui quidem tantum honorem fenatus nofter attribuit Carthagine capta, vt cum regu'is A frice bibliothecas donaret, vnius eiusduodetriginta, volumina cenferet in Latinam linguam transferenda,cum [Vl.Cato pra?cepta condidiffet, peritifq; lingue, Punica? dandum nego- cium:in quo pra?cefsitomnis vir turn clarifsimae familia? D. Syllanus, fapientia; compofitifsimae. Quos fequeremur pretexuimus in hoc volumine non ingwte nominando M.Varronem,qui odo- gefimum primum vita? annum agens,de ea re prodendum putauit. Laus Agiiiolarutt^ej0 qua obferuanda in agroparandot ex Plinij lib. 18,cap j. TDO a t 1 s s 1 m 1 viri & milites ftrennuifsiroi ex agricolis gignuntur, minimeq; male cogitantes. *• Prsdium ne cupide emas. In re ruftica operi ne parcasjn agro emendo minimi. Quod male" emptum eft,femper pcenitet. Agrum paraturos, ante omnia intueri oportet, aquarum vim, & vici- num.Singulamagnas interpretationcs habent,nec dubias. Cato in conterminishoc amplius a?fti- mari iubet.quo pado niteant.In bona eft,inquit,regione bene nitere.Atdlius Rcgulusille Punico bello bis confuljaiebatjncquefcccundirsimis locis infalubrem agrum parandum, nequeeffcetisfa- Iuberrirrium.Salubritas loci non femper incolarum colore detegitur, quoniam aftueti in peftilen- tibus durant.Pra?terea funt quaedam partibus anni ftlubriatnihil autem falutare eft, nifi quod toto anno falubre.Malus eft ager,cum quo dominus ludatur.Cato inter prima fpedari iuber,nu folum fua virtutevaleatquadidum cftpofitione. Vt operariorumcopia propefit, oppidumq; validum: Vt nauigiorum euedus vel itinerum ; vt bene aedificatus 6V cultus.In quo falli pfcrofque video.Se- gniciem enim prioris domini pro emptore e(Te arbitratur. Nihil eft damnofius deferto agro. Iraq- Cato,de bono domino melius emi, nectemerecontemnendam alienam difciplinam: agroquevt homini^quamuis queftuofus fit,fi tamen & fumptuofus, non multumfupcrefTe. Ulein agro quae- ftuofifsia;am iudicat vitemmrm fruftra.quonism ante omniade impenfig ratione cauit. Proxime hortos irriguos: nee id falfo>(l& fub oppidofint. Etprata, qua? antiquipratadixere. Idemque Catointenogatus,quis eiTeuertifsimusqusftus/refpondit : Si bene pafcat, quis proxiraus* fi me- APPENDIX. fi mediocriter pafcat.Summa omnium in hoc fpedando fuit.vt frudus is maxim* probaretur, qui quamminimoimpendioconftaturus eflct. Hoc ex locorum occafione aliter alibi decernitur. Eodemq; pertinet,quod agricolam vendace oportereefle dixit. Fundum in adolefcentia confereV dum fine cundatione,a?dificandu non nifi confito agro.Tunc quoq; cundater,opdmumq; eft(vt vulgo dixere)alicna infania frui,fed ita.vt villarfi tutela non fit oneri. Eum tame qui bene habitet, ffpius ventitarein agrura.-frontemq; domini plusprodefTe quam occipitium,non mentiuntur. Debortorum curd ex Plinio lib. io.cap»4. AB his fupereft reuerd ad hortorum curam,& fuapte natura memorandam. E t quoniam anti. "quitas nihil prius mirata eft.quam & Hefperidum hortos, ac regum Adonis & Alcinoi,itemqj Penfiles,fiue illos Semiramis.fiue Affyriae rex Cyrus fecerit,de quorum opere alio volumine dice- mus.Romanf quidem reges ipfi coluere. Quippe etiam,fuperbusTarquinius nudum ilium feuum atq; fanguinarium remifit ex horto. In duodecim tabulis legum noftrarum nufquam nominator villa,femper in figniftcatione ea hortus: in horti ve^o haeredium.Quam rem comitata eft & religio quaedam:hortofq; & fores tantum contra inuidentium fafcinationes dicari videmus. In rcmcdio faturnica figna,quanquam hortos tutelae Veneris afsignate Plauto. lam quidam hortorum nomine in ipfa vrbe delitias,agros,villafq; pofsident.Primus hoc inftituit. Athenis Epicurus,hortorum ma- gifter. Vfq; ad eura,moris non fuerat in oppidis haberi rura.Rom? quidem per fe hortus ager pau- peris erat. Ex horto plebi macellum,quanto innocendore vidu.. Mergi enim credo in profunda fatiuseft.cVoftrearum genera naufragio exquiriraucs vltra Phaiide amnem, peti & fabulofo quide terrore tutas,imo lie preciofiores, Alias in Numidia atq; Ethiopia in fepulchris aucupari, aut pu- gnare cum feris,mandi ab eo cupientem quod mSdat alius. Ad hercle, quam vilia ha?c,quam parata voluptad fatictatiq;,nifi eadem quae vbiq-rindignatio occurreret. Ferendum fane fuerit exquifita nafci poma.alia fapore,alia magnttudinc.alia moftro,pauperibus interdida^nueterari vina faccifq; cuiquam adeo longam efTe vitam, vt non ante fe genita potet.E frugibus quoq; quod' daalimentumexcogitaffeluxuriam, acmedullam tantum earum fuperq; priftinarum operibusft cejaturis viuere,alios pane procerum,alios vulgi,tot generibus vfq; ad infiraam plebem defcenden- te annona.Etiamne in herbis difcrimen inuentum eft/ Opefq; difFerentiam fecere in cibo, etiam vno afTe vcnali.Et in his aliqua quoque fibi nafci tribus negan t,caule in tantum faginato,vt paupe- ris menfa non capiat.SyIueftres fecerat natura corrudas,vt quilq5 demeteret pafsim. Ecce altiles fpedantur afparagi.Et R.auenna ternis libris rependit.Heu prodigia ventris,Mirum effetnon lice- re carduis pecori vefci,non licet plebi, Aquae quoque feparantur. Et ipfa naturae elementa vi pecu- niae difcreta funt. Hi niues,illi glaciem potant pcenafq; montium in voluptatem gul§ vertunt, Scr- uatur algor eftibus,excogitaturq;,vt alienis menfibus nix algeat. Decoquunt alias quas mox & illas hyemant.Nihil itaq; homini fie quomodo rerum naturae placet. Etiamne herba aliqua diuitijs tan- tum nafciturf Nemo facros,Auenrinofq; montes,& irata? plcbis feceflus circufpexerit.* Mors enim certe fquabit quos pecunia fuperauerir.Itaque hercle,nullum macelli vedigal maius fuit r o m ab claraore plebis incufantis apud omnes Principes.donec remhTum eft portorium mercis huius co- perrumque,non aliter quaeftuofius cenfum haberi auttutius,ac minorefortuna? iurccum credatur penfio ea paupcrura.Is in folo fponfor eft,& fub die redditus,fuperficiefque ccelo quocunque gau. deris.Hortorum cato predicat caules. Hinc primum agricolf exiftimabantur prifci, & fie ftatim faciebant judicium, nequam efTe in domo matremfamilias (etenim haec curafceminaedicebaturj vbi indiliges cflTet hortus.Quippe carnario aut maccllo viuendum caulus vt nunc maxime* probabant,damnantes,pulmentaria quae cgcrentalio pulmentario.Id erat oleoparcere.Nam car- nis defyderia etia erant cxprobratione.Horri maxime placebant,quia non egerent igni,parcerent- que Iigno.Expedita res & parata femper, vndc & acetaria appcllabantur.facilia concoqui,nec one- ratura fenfum cibo,& qu? minime accederent ad defyderium panis. Pars eoru ad condiraenta pcr- tinens,fatetur domi vcrfutam fieri folitam,atque non Indicum piper quaefituro, qu§que trans ma- riapetimus. lam quoque in feneftris fuis plebisvrbana in [imagine hortorum quotidiana oculis rura praebebant, antequam praefigi profpedus omnibus coegit muldtudinis innumeratae f$ua la- trocinatio.Quamobrem fit aliquis & his'ue audoritatem rebus vilitas adimat, cura pre- ferdm edaro cognomina procerum inde nata videamus, Laducinofque in Valeria familia non pu- duifTe appellari: & contingat aliqua gratia,operi curaeque noftr$,Virgilio quoque confeflb, quam fit difficile verbbrum honorem tam paruisperhibere. Hortos villae iungendos non eftdubium riguofquemaximehabendos,fi contingatprofluo amne. Si minus, eputeopertica, organifue pneumaticis, vel tollenonum hauftu rigandos. Solum profcindendum ifauonio, in autumnum praeparandum eft poft quatuordecim dies,iterandumque ante brumam.Odo iugerum open's pa-f lari iuftum eft. Fimum trcs pedes alte cum terra mifceri.areis diftingui,eafcj; refupinis puluinorunt' toris ambiri fingulis tramitum (ulcis,qua detur accefTus homini,fcatebrifque decurfus. la APPENDIX. In his hortis nafcentium alia bulbo commcndantur, alia capire* alia cau!e,alia folio, alia vtroqj, alia femine.alia cortice.alia cute.auc carrilagine,alia carne,alia tunicis carnofis. Aliorum frudus in terra eft,aiiorum & extra,aliorum non nifi extra.Quedam iacent crefcuntqj.vt cucurbit? & cucu- mis.Eadem & pendent.quanqua grauiora multo etiam ijs qug in arboribus gignuntur. Sed cucu- mis cartilagine.Cortex huic vni maturitate tranfitin Iignum.Terra conduntur raphani.napiq;, & rapa,atq;alio modoinulae.fifer.paftinacae.Quxda vocabimus ferulacea,vtanethu,maluas. Namq; traduntaudoresin Arabia maluasfepdmomefearborefccre, baculorumvfum prebere externplol Sed & arbor eft malua in Mauritania Lixioppidiaeftuario.vbiHefperidum hordfuhTe produntur zoolpaffiim ab oceano,iuxta delubrum Herculis.antiquis Gaditano vtferunt.Ipfa altitudinis pe- des xo.crafsicudinis.quam circumpledi nemo pofsit. In firaili genere habebitur & canabis.Nec no 8c carnofa aliqua appcUabimus,vt fpongias in humorepratorum enafcentes. Fungorum enim caU lum,in ligni arborumq; natura diximus,& alio genere tuberum pauld ante. f Ratio rigandorum hortorum, er qua tranjlate meliorafiant. Item de (uccis hortenfwrum & faporibtu, ex Pltnio lib.19. tap. 12. LI [ s horae rigandi matutina atq; vefpera,ne inferucfcat aqua fole.Ocimo tantum & meridia- *• ^naetiam.Satumcelerrimeerumpereputantinterinidafcruentiaquaafperfum. Omniaautem { tranflata melioragradioraq;fiunt,maxime porri,napiq;.In tranflarione&roedicinaeft,definuntq; fentireiniurias,vtgethyum,porrum,raphaniJapium>Iactucae,rapa,cucumis.Omnia autem fylueftria fer£ funt & folijs minora & cau!ibus,fucco acriora,ficut cunila.origanu, ruta. Solummodo ex om- nibus lapathum fylueftre raelius.Hoc in faduum ruracx vocatur.nafciturq; fordfsimum. Traditur - fcmel fatum vnquara vitiari,terra maxime iuxta aquam. Vfus eius cum ptifana tantum in cibis leuiorem gratioremq; faporem prjftat.Sylueftreadmulta medicamenta vdle eft. Adeoq; nihil omifit cura.vt carmine quoq; comprehenfum repererim,in fabis caprini fimi fingulis cauatis, fi porri,erucf,laduca?,apij,intubi,nafturtijfcminainclufaferantur,raire prouenire. Quae funt fyl- ueftria,eadem infatiuis ficciora intelligtmtur & acudora . Namq; 8c fuccorum faporumq; dicenda differentia eft,vel maior in his quam pomis.Sunt autem acres cunilae, origani,nafturtij, finapis. A- mari,abfynthij,centaurea?.AquatiIes,cucumeris,cucurbitae,laduca;.Acuti tantum cunilae. Acuti 8c odorati,apij,anethi,fceniculi.Salfus tantum e faporibus non nafcitur,alioquin extra infidit pulueris modo,& circulis tantum aquae vt intelligatur vana, ceu plaerumq; vitej perfuafio. Panax Piperis fa- porem rcddit,magis etiam (iliquaftrum,obid piperitidis nomine accepto.Libanotis odore thuris, rnurrhamyrrh§.De panaceabunde didum eft.Libanotislocisputridis & macrisac rofcidisferitur femine.rvadicem habet olufatri.nihil a thure differentem. Vfus eius poft annum ftomacho faluber- rimus. Quidam earn nomine alio rofmarinum appellant. Et fmyrnium olus feritur ijfdem locis, myrrhamq; radicc refipit.Eadem & filiquaftro fatio.Reliqua si ceteris odore & fapore differunt.vt anethum.Tantaq; eft diuerfitas atq; vis,vt non folum aliud alio mutetur, fed etiam in totum aufe- ratur.Apio eximi in codis obfonij saceto,in eodem cellario in faccis odorem vino grauem.Et ha- denus hortenfia dida fint.ciborum gratia duntaxac.Maximum quidem opus in ijfdem naturaere- ftat,quoniam prouentus tantum adhuc, fummasq; quafdam tradauimus . Vera autem cuiufq; na- tura non nifi medico effedu praenofci poteft,opus ingens occultiimq; diuinitatis, & quo nullum reperiri pofsit maius. Ne fingulis id rebus contexeremus iufta fecit ratio, cum ad alios medendi defyderia perdnerent,longius vtriufq; dilationibus futuris fi mifcuiffemus. Nunc fuis quaeque pardbus conftabunt,poterunrq; a volentibusiungi. q bemorbts hortorum,& remedies circa formicas 9& culice$,ex Pltnio \Jl OR8OS hortentia quoque fen tiunt,ficut reliqua terra? fata. Namq; 6V Ocimum fe ne- car,degeneratque rite in Serpillum,& fifymbrium in calamintam.Et ex femine brafsice. vcte- ris,rap? fiunt. Atque inuicem enecatur cyminum ab imo dorfo,nifi repurgetur.Eft autem vnicau-* le,radice bulbo fimili, non nifi in fologracili nafcens. Alias priuatim cymini morbus,fcabies. EC ocimum fub canis ortu pallefcit.Omnia vero acceflu mulieris menftrualis flauefcunt. Beftiolaruro quoq; genera innafcuntur, Napis culices.raphano eruC5,& vermiculi. Item laducis & oJeri.Vtrifq; hoc amplius limaces & cochlea;. Porro vero priuatim animalia quae facillime ftercore iniedo ca- piuntur condentia in id fe. Ferro quoque non expedire tangi rutam,cunilam,mentam,ociroum, audor eft Sabinus Tiro in libro Cepuricon, quem Meccenad dicauit. Item contra formicas non sabinin minimum hortorum exitium,Ci non fint rigui,remedium monftrauit,limo marino, aut cinere ob* jlJOt turatis earum foraminibus. Sed efficacifsime heliotropio herbanecantur . Quidam & aquam diluto latere crudo inimica eis putant.Naporum medicinae funt,filiquas vna feri,ficut oleru cicer, arcet enim erucas. Qua; fi omhTo iam naff fint,remediu abfynthij fuccus decodi infperfus 6V fedi, quam aizoum vocanr,genus hoc herbs diximus.Semen olerum, fi fucco eius madefadum feratur, olera * wstu Herl;art4m ex colore,odore,& fuccisex Plinij lib.21.eapj. HPRoianis temporibus ci iam erat honos.Et hos certe flores Homerus treis raudat,Ioton,crocof 1 ■* hyacinthum Omnium autem odoramentorum , atq; adeo herbarum differentia eft in colore, | 6Vodore,& fucco.Odoratofapor raro vlli non amarus,econtrario dulcia raro cdorataritaq; & vina odoratiora muftis/yluoftria magis omnia faduis.Quorundam odor fuauiore longinqud eft, pro- piusadmotus hebetatur,vt viola?.Rofa.rccensalonginquoolet.ficca propius.Omnis autem verno temporeacrior,6V matutinis.Quicquid ad meridianas horas diei vergit,hebetatur. NoueUa quoq; vetuftis minus odorata.Acerrimus tamen odor omnium a-ftate media. Kola &crocum odoratiora, cum ferenis diebus leguntur: & omnia in calidismagis quam in frigidis. In y£gyoto tamen mini- me odoratiflores,quianebu!ofus & rofcidus aer eft a Nilo flumine'.Quorundam fuauitati grauitas iuceros, incft.Qua?da cum virent non olent, propter humorem nimium:vt buceros, quod eft fcenum grae- fctnum cum< A^cutus odor non omnium fine fucco eft, vt viola;, rofa;, croco. Qu* vero ex acuds fucco gratum. carent, eorum omnium odor grauis, vt in liliovtriufquc generis. Abrotonum & amaracus acres habent odores. Quorundam flos tantum iucundus, reliqua; partes ignaua?, vt viola? ac rofr,Hor- tefium odoratifsimaqua? ficca, vt ruta, menta, apium & quae in ficcis nafcuntur.Quedam vetuftate odoratiora, vt cotonea cademq; deccrpta, quam in fuis radicibus. Qyedam non nifi defrada,aut ex attritu olent Alia non nifi detrado cortice. Quidam vero non mfi vfta, ficut thura, myrrhe/];. Flores trid omnes amariore* quam intadi. Aliqua an da diutius odorem continent, vt melilotos. Quidam locumipfumodoratiorem ficiunt, vt iris, quin Si arboremtoramcuiufenmque radices attingunt Hefperis nodu magisolet, inde nomine inuento.Animalium nullum odoratum, nifi de pantheris quicquam didurn eft,fi credimus. Quibus temporibus maxime legenda funtberba,ex Diofcoridis prafatione. VErvm in primis curam impendere oportet, vt fuis temporibus fingula & demetantur,& recondantur. lntempeftiu£ enim decerpta, conditaue, aut nuilo,aut cuanido munere fungun- tur. Serena etenim coeh conftitutione demetenda funt. Magni fiquidem rcfert inter colligendum, fi vel fqualloreSjVel imbres infefti fint:quemadmodum fi loca in quibus prodeunt cliuofa, 8: ven- tis expofita fint,& perflata,fr'igidaq;}& aquis carentia.'in his enim locis vires eorum longe validio- res intelliguntur.Contra,quae in campcftnbus.riguis & opacis, ceterisq; locis a vento filentibus e* nafcuntur, plaerunque degenerant,& minus viribus valent:multoquemagis,fi non fuis horisper* opportunecolligantur,aut fi per imbecillitatcm intabuerinr. Neque ignoiandum , qi.od f?pe pre- coci,aut ferotina loci natura.aut anni clementia,maturius,aut celerius adolefcut.Nonnulla propria vi hyeme florent & folia pariunt,qu?dam bis anno florifera.Quare cui in animo eft,horum peritia a{Tequi,neccnc eft ijs prima germinationc folo eraergcndbus,adultis>& fenefcentibus adefTe.Nam V qai pullulanti herb?duntaxat aftiterit,adultam cognofcere non poteftmeque quiadultam tantum infpexerit,nupererumpentcmnofcet.Quo fit,vt propter mutatamfoliorumfauem, caulium pro- ccritates, (lorum,feminisque magnitudinem.nonnulli qui olim has aetatum varietates non perfpe- xerunt,magno in errore vcrfentur.Quae caufTa edam nonnullis fcriptoribus impofuit, qui herbas quafdam,verbi gratia,Gramen,Q.uinquefoliumJ& Tufsilagincm,emittere florem,frudum,6V cau- lem negant. Ergo qui fa?pius ad vilendas herbas,& earum loca fc contulcrint, earum cognitionem maxime confequetur.Scire etiamnum conuenit,fola ex herbaceis medicaminibus Veratri genera nigrum inquam Sf candidumjinultis edurare annis: reliqua a trimatu inutilia. Qu? vero ramis fca- tcnt.ficutStichisTrixago.Polium^brotonu.Scriphium^bfynthium.HyfTopum^ alia id genus k, femine pregnantia.demetantur. Flores quoque antea quam fponte fua defidant, Frudus autem vt maturi excutiantur neceffe eft,& femina vbi ficcari coeperint,priufqua defluant.Herbar urn fuccus &foliorumclicidebct,germinantibusadhuccauIiculis. Lac&lachryma?excipiantur,incifopcra- dolefcemiam caule.Radices,& liquamenta,corticefuc,vt recondantur.eximere conue'nit.cum her* £, b? fuis folijs cxuuntur.Siccantur etiam expurgata? inibi, locis afperginem non redolentibus: fed ^ qua? luto,autpuluere funt oblitae.aquaelui debent. Flores,& omnia quae iucundum odorem ef- JT flant.arculistiliaceisnullofituobdudisreponantur. Nonnunquamcharta, aut folijsfemina vc perennent.aptfinuoluuntu'r.Liquidis medicaminibus denfior materia,argenrea, vitrea aut cornea conuenit. Fidilis,ctiamfi modo rara non fit,accommodatur,& lignea,pra?fer- tim e buxo:fed aenea vafa liquidis oculorum medicamentis,qua; aceto pice Iiquida,aut cedria componuntur. Adipem autem 8c me- dullas ftagneis vafisrecondi conuenit. V ;*? ^Dlje firft parte of t()e ^tCto^ie of planted/ €ontcpmng ttofcpntao and triffemucs/ mftli tde proper figured, an& Uuelp befcripttongof funbtp fo^tte^ of I^etbeg auto pmue0/ tljcic natural! places/ttmco/ and fcafons: Wztiz namee m funt p !4itguan;ee/ anu alfo tbeir temperature/ Complertous/anO bcrtuouo operaf terns. Comptteb bp t^e leametl D.Rembertc Dodoens,turtt) tytyfir tiou to tlje Cmpcrout fji# <$aieftie, <&f ^otlijcnttiooo. €fiapt ==§i$etebetUJo tbtfeg of £>otb£emi)oo& (a# Diofcoridesfepfy)fye one S called female ^ot^entuooD^o^e great £>otfeenti)oo&,tbe ofyet j-dl^l igtfte male fcinfr e,ofr fmall &oti#emuooD,anfr atebofy meetelp com* montnt!ji£Comxie* Abrotonum foemina. d5reat£>otljtentiJooD< Abrotonum mas. S>mall^otl)tmtuooD4 ^ A the description. T©eOTeat*otftientooolJ,l>o^ft5tttttej8:fttnnottiitt^e fcetgftotftature ofa talman, WectallpbeingtuellS^^^ fo tijat it feemetlTa* a UttelltreettH* wtgge* £ *mW tejart, about fte tifticft ftere gtottetu manp ftnaliwfo ieauefcmud) cut anb ms*>W tobic&bopVanb^ bormemWptfngagawein3p#W^^ peUotoa*golbe;g*o^ i The firft 3ooke of 2 tOjennall ^otbtentooob botlj ncuer grotoberpi)igbe: ft&btauncWo; ttoiggcsacefmail, tt)e&eanbflmber,fo*ttie moft parte fo ^ingmgbp from fteroot e:Cbeleaue# be greener, longer, tenberer anb moze iaggeb anb cut, tban tbe leauetf of tbe great £>oti)iemuoob, tbe wbtcbe bo babe anb fall of at U)tnter^renetoanbfotingagamein^apoutoftbefameolbbiancbe^^alfo frotyeneiuf^ing&jjt botb felbomfloiuer in tbi£countrep:tti£ of aftronget feuourttjen tfje great ^ot^mwoob/Cberootete tenber, creeping alongftp groub, about f ittyicb tbere cometb foitb biuer$ outgtouriugs $ netu foung& 3 I5efibe$tlje two foienameb,tberetefounbea tbirbekinbe,tbeu>bici?et£ muc^ltfeetbefinal^ou^entooobinbi^groujing^bzancbeftbtttb^leaue^ arelftetljegreat^outberntDoob, fauing tbat tbepbefomxwbattenberer anb notfo tDljtte. Cb& kwtozte of aberp pleafant fcuour,notmucbebnltfcetfie fmeliof garbenCppie& mtyztot fyalbeuuittenin tygconuenient place* *$» The Place. CljettoofirftkmbggrotBM agtyepareplanteb: neitbertbefyirbekinbe>tf>bicbe itfmo^efelbome founbe, anb lelTe&nouoentbentbeotber* *& The Tymc. C^ep flotjoer in 3luguft,anb tbeir feebe map begat^ereb in^eptember* JjmThe Names. ^outtytemjooobigcalleb in^reefee^e^ovo^in^tatine^in £>boppes Ab- rotonum.inJtalionanb^panUb Abr$t*no$zt fomeof tbemcallit#^«4 Lom- hriguera: inbigb Boucb £>tabttmtt?, <©ertumrt?, d&artbagcn, ^otourt?, feuttelferaut^ffrufcb: in bafe^lmaigne aiueroone: in tfrencij ^Auronne. • %\)z great £>outbieutBoob,i# callebind&zeekea^orovop flaw.-in&atine Ab- rotonum foemina,tbati^tofep,femaleS>outbientDOob: infrencb ^uronntfe- meiieinbigb boucb^tabmrt?tueiblin: inbafe^lmaigne^ueroonetoiifii^ a ^befmall£>outb£em»oob i$ calleb ind&reefce ae^vop «P>H: injlatine Ab- rotonum mas: in jftendj ^ronnemajie:ixi\^ Bouclj S>tabumrtsmenelin:ui bafe3dlmaigne^iueroonemannefeen,anbclein3ueroone* 5 "CbetbirbeKinbefeemetbtobe ttyattDbicbe Diofcorides calletb in d5reefce «^oTovo^(riKtAi^Tmc^:iniiattne Abrotonum Sicuium,U)btcbi^atitnbeoffeinale ^outb^entuoob: tbebtgbe^lmaigne^bo call ittt9olriccfcenbeS>tabtottrt?, tyat i$ to fep,Cu)eete fmellingA* fauering ^outbwwooob* tfpThc Nature. WX tbe £>oti#en\uoob& areboate $ typ ixif> tljirb begree,$ of fubtill part?* 4frThc rertues. Cbefeebeof^otbien\3Doobeitbergreeneo^buemabeintopouber,okibop'^ leb inujater oitDine^b^onfeen,i0berpgoob anbgreatlpbelpetbfucbeas are troubleb tuitb flwtnelfe of xuinbe,anb fetching of bzeatb,bp meaner of anp ob- ftruction ot (lopping about tbe&zeaft, anb i$ goob againft tbebarbnelTe, but> fting^ flunking of ^>tnetoe& Jt fegoob againft tbe^ciatica,tbebifftcultie anbftoppingofbtine,anbfo^U3omen tbat cannoteafilpbauetbeir termer, oi namralffoure$:fo^bpbi0 iubtiU nature itbatbpoxoer to e)rpell,tDafte,cofiime anbbigeftallcolbemopfture,anbtougbflime anb fieumeftoppingtye Iplene, fcibnep&blabber,anb <8j)atrijr* ^oftientDoobbtonkenin\ninzi$goobagainftfitfbbenomea#t#burtfull # bnto man,anb beftropetij toozmetf* Ctjeperfume tbereof bziuetb atuap allbenemoufebeafteg: anb fo both tbe € ^earbetnallplace^tDberea^ittolapbeoiftroujeru Cbea^e^of^otfemU3oob,minglebtDitft^ople?of Palma Chriftuape^, 5a o^olDople^ltue^eftojet^t^e^earefallenfromt^e^eab^^erjeabberubbeb tbztt? the Hiftorie of Plantes. j fyeretxutbalUtutfc abap in tl>e *&\xnnzM agaiuii afpie* 31f fyeiaibeaffyeSbemingleb vuttft anp tlje afojtefaibeoples, $ tbecbinnebe € ntbbeb tljereiDitfjall, itcaufetb tbebearbeto come fo^ ipeebelp* ^otbtemuoob pounbetoitb arofteb Quince, $laibe to tlje epe^ in manner jf of aplaifter,is berp goob 9 profitable againft alltbeinflammattonof tlje epe^. Cbe(amepounbeuiitbBarlepmeale,anbboplebtogitber,botbebi(folue^'Cbefirft iSourcomoni©ozmtJooob^efeconbtsfeat©ozmtDOob;tbetbirbe feinbe is tbat,tu^icb is calleb Santonicum. 3dnbbpfibeStbefe,tbereiS founbeanotljerfcinbe,tpIju;lj i$i caUeb ixttyig countrep Eomainetoormtuoofr Abfynthium Latifolium. Seriphium. Commonuaojmujoob* |s>ea na ozmtuoob, ifeThc 4 The firft Bookc of T fyThcDeCcription. ^ecomont&ormtooob Ijatlj leaues of agrapiflje afllje colour, berp tmfy cut $ taggeb, $berpbitter:Cljeftalkeisof a uioobbpfubftance, of nno elites ijtgb or more,fullof brauncljes:$ alongft ttjebratmcbesgrotuetb line pelloto buttons,U)ijerin luljen tljep are ripe $ reabp to fall,is founb fmall rem uke to tbe feebe of garben ^Eanfie, but farre fmaller ♦ %\)Z rooteis like* tuife of a luoobbp fubftance,anb full of fmall tbzeebes,oz bearie rootes* Cftereisalfofounbcmt^egarbens of fome^erboziitesof tbiScountrep, an otljer forte of tijis kinbz of t©ozimuoob,tbe tubic^e ig nameb of fome men Abfynrhiu Ponticuir^mucbliketo our comon ujormtooob, fauing tbe leaues are muclj more iaggeb anb finelier cut, anb not fo bitter (at tbe leaft toap) as tfjat tubicfte i$i fet anb fotoen in tbiS countrep* z •Clje feconb kinbe, tu^icbe ig tbe £>ea*©ormtooob is alfo of a tobitiflje o? grap colour,anb batb manp vubitiflj leaues miicb like to comon aaozmtuoob, butmucbfinaller,tenbereranb \jobiter,$finelier cut,itbatb manp floures like to fmall buttons,^ tbe feebe iopning to tbe brauncbes, like as in tbe common J^ormtooob ♦ 31tgrotoetb to tbebeigtb of afoote anb balfeozmoze, it is of a ftrongfmell,falt, ^of aftraunge^ bitter tafte, being gatbereD in bis natural! $ proper place: but being remoueb into garbens, or into grounbes tobicb are naturallpbolpe xb fuoeetetoaterSjitbotbrnaruelouftp alter botb in fauour^ nature,as biuers otber berbes, but eipeciallp fucb as groto in folt grounbes, $ are remoueb fro tbeir naturall fople, to fome otljer place of a cotrarp kinbe* 3 CbetbirbefeinbeofnaormiooobcaUeb^antonicumisalmoftliketo^ea iBormiooob, in bis fmall tenber anb iaggeb leaues? but tije colour of tbis is tabiter,anb tbe fmell tbereof ig not fo ranke* I^Dzmtooobifvomapne is like tbeo^ozm* AbfynthifiP5"cum Galeni. boobaforefoibe,fauingtbat itisiotber &*ww*bsu*i9m aom^ne, janb fmaller, tbe leaues be alfo fmaller ■anb finer,anb not fo tDbite as tbe comon ODoimevuoob , but cbauuging more totoarbes greene, pet tbep tnrnefonwobatgtapiflj anb afye coloured3it puttetb fortb pellou) buttons,tbe Wi)k\)z aftmvarbe bo bring fortb botb floures $ feebe* Cbe roote i$ full of bearie tbreebes, trap* ling bere anb tbere, anb putting fooztij on euerp fibe mucb encreafe of netu tyiinqfr Cbe fiftb kinbe of r©ormU)oob ig like bnto 5 ^ear©oimtrjoob inbiS fmal anb tenber leaues, alfo it ig like in tbe ftalke of floures: but it is of a tififoz oz beeper colour, anb it Ijatlj neptljer bit- ter tafte nozfouour* 6 %\\z fijttb kinbe of i©orm\BOOb,l)iS leaues be longanb narrotu, anb ofatoljitifb colour mudje like tbeleaues of jtauenber, anb fomtobat like it alfo in (auour ♦ *Cbe ftalkeS alfo be of ujoobbifye fubftance, in tyetoppes hereof tbere grotoetb botb floures anb feebe, like as in tljerefte of tlje l©ormU)oobeS,but fmaller* ^•The Place. t %ty common n&ormttjoobgrotoefynaturallp wftonpp^esanb r^igljmoiwtapneS,* in brp, rubs the Hiftorie of P kntes. j rube^bntoplebplaceS/Cl)ereiSplentieofit,inmanpplacesoftbiScountrep* i ^ea\Dormujoob growett) infalte grounb, anb inplaces abiopniugto tbe £>ea*3!t grotoet^ plentifuUp inZelanb anb f launbers,alongft tbefca coaft, anb in fome places of 2Srabant,as about 23aro wgb* 3 Cbe tbtrb ktnb grouietb in fomeplaces of Ztotferlanb,bnbertallies oz attljefooteofmountaineS,asConrade Gefner5tbatfamousCierke tuzitetb* 4 UDormiuoob liomapne grotoetb plentifullp in i^ungarie, $ places neare about Conftantinople,^ infinite places of 3tlmaigne, alfo bpo mountapnes,^ about fanbpuiapes^et it groxuetb not in tbiScountrie,ejrcept it beplantfcb* + 6 Cbeotl)erttuapnearenotcommonin33afe3lbnaigne:fauingonelpintlje garbenS of certatne biligent I^erbozifteS* *£ The ryme. mt^efortesofi©ormU)oob,areinflo\iJrein3lulpor^uguft,ozfomU)bat later; 3inb tyoztlp after, t^e feebe is reabp to be gatbereb, •*$• The Names. tiaormtooob in calleb in 43zeekeH'vflwp,^ B«6v7riKpop,oz B«/>u'7rm^oM,bpcaufe oftyiSbittemeffe:in£atineAbfynthiu5^ euenbntillt^isprefenttime* Apuleius called it Abfynthium rufticum .• in 3- ttH^Ut Afenzo: in fbptmifyz Axenfios,y Ajfenfios,yAlofna. Cbe Ijigb 3&OUCljmen bo cal it i©ermut, $ as>erommout,oz dicker naerommout,tbat in to fap,f ielb \Dormtuoob;tbebafo3lmaigneS bo call it 3ilfene:in f rencb it in calleb Aiuyne. 1 C^eftrftkinb (utyiclj in ourcommonn£ormtooob)mapberigt)tlp nameb Abfynthium Latifoiium5t^atistofap,greatozbroabeleauebt©orm\jpoob* -Cb^t 1© ormxuoob tbat in moft like bnto tfyeaCorefoib,is calleb of tbel^er- bOrifteS, Abfynthium Ponticum,anb Abfynthium Graecie, $iS a kinbe Of ttye firftfort of naozmujoob;^ fo in tbenaormtooob of Cappadoda,^tbe naozm* tuoob of mount Taurus,anb liketuife tbat tt&ormtuoob tljat grotoetty aiorigft bp tbe olb xualles at Eoome.o^bereof tbe goob religious fatbers, tbat uuote tbeCommentariebpon Antidotarium Meiuc^aueuiriten*f orallt^efefoztes of naormtooob are of tbe Krftkinbe,anb map tneilbe calleb Abfynthia Latifo- li^asabtfferencefromtbe otber uaorm\uooDS,UJbofe leaues beagreatbeale finer anb fmaller: for tijereisno greatbiuerfitiebetiuijrtt^efet©ozmiooobS, Gating in reipect of tbe places utyere as fyep grotue* 2 %%zfeconbkinbe of naormtuoob in calleb in d&reekeormxooob Ecmapne in in temperature not mucbe bniike tlje conunon Vuormtuoob,neuertr)elelTeitismoreaftringent* fji TheVertues. t 'Cbecommon*©ozm\»oob in a profitable^ e^cellentmebicine againft tbe 3 papneoftbeftomacke,tbatisoppzelfeb orcbargebtuitbftoateCljolericke lju* mozs:fozit ejrpelletb tbempartlp bp tbe ftoole, ^ partlp bp brine, beffoes t^at it comfortetb tbe ftomacke* p et nottottbftanbing it toill not ferue, to purge # ftomacketbat is cbargebtoitbfleu^ne anb colbebumorS,neitber can it mun- btfie anb cleanfo fye bzeaft anb lunges tljat are ftoppeb anb ctyargeb trritfj t^e faibebumozs, as Gaienfopetb* jliketoife it botb botb bp feige $ brtnepurge Cftolerike rjumozS,compact $ 23 gatbereb togetberin tbebapnes anb liuer: therefore tbe infufton orbecoctio tl?ereof,takenbap bp bap,curetlj tfte3[aunbife or J^ealoiofougbt* 3!f it be taken fading in tbe mozning, it preferuetb fro %btznnzn t^at bap* £ 3t in goob againft fte tDinbiueite anb blaftings of tije bellp, againft t$e 33 papnes anb appetite to bomii, anb fye boplingbp ortoambltngS of fye fto* macke: if it be brunkentoit^KlnniS feebe or^etelp* *Cbe fome brunken tonfy bineger in goob for fttcft as are ficke, tDify eating ome bo bfe to make *©oznttDOob tuine,berp excellent for all trje bifeafes % \ aforefopbe* t ^eauaozmtooob bopleb bp it felfe ortoitb ftice, or toitij anp ottyer foobe m ormeate,anb eatenVDit^onp,fleet^bot^longanbflatteioormes, anb alio* tber kinbes U)batfoeuer,lootmgtbebellp berpgentillp * 3ft is bf like operatio being lapbetoo,outioarblpbpontbebellpt)znauell, anb foztljispurpofeitiS ofmoreftrengtb anb bertue,tftenalltbeotfter kinbes offBozmtooob: but it in mozeburtefull to tfjeftomacke* * Cl)efeebeofS)eai©ormtPoobalfo,tSberpe^ceUent againft allfortes of 0 formes the Hiftorie of P laritts. 7 tt>orineS engenbzeb txrifttn tbe bobie* Diofcorides u>zitetlj,tbat fucb BeeueS,S>l)eepe anb Cattell,as feebe bpon 0 §>ea*©ozmtuoobbo umjteberpfatte* 4 a&ozmujoot) momapne in fiiigular againft all inflammation, anb Ijeate of ^ fye ftomacke $ liuer,palTing fd£ tljiSpurpofe, all otljer kinbes of iBormvooob aS Galen UJUtetb* <£f6uglofTe m t onunonlanguc ire 6cuft* Cijapatj* *$* TheKindes. ^ecommon25uglolTe,orlanguebebettf(as it is notu calleb )isof hi* tterfektnbes,tt)bereof ftefirft in tt>egreateft,anbitis familiar anb common in garbens: %%t tljreeotbers are fmall; 'Cije fifty is tye tDilbe55ttgloiTe,or^^epes tongue* Lycopfis. Anthufa? genus. d&arben^uglofte* 3lkanet* jkTheDefcripitik butloiiger $ ftarper at tye enbe*C^e ftem is rottglj anb pricking, of two oztbzeefootebigftMerebpongrotnet^manp proper littellfioures, ecbeone pk& into flue fmattleatu^ i)itfkes,tl)reeoi fourelonggrapfeebeS,fUU dfnftes anb tmmckles* %ty 8 The firft Booke of roote is long anb tingle anb blackuT) intyz outfibe* a. j ^elelTer23ugloiTeSintl)eirrouglj anbljearieleaueSanb ftalkeS,anb alfo 4 intyeirrootesareliketotbeaforefoibe:laitingtbepbeielTe: for tbeir ftalkeS be u>rter,fyeir leaues fmaller anb narrower: tbeir littell floures are in pro* portionlike to tbe ofyets,fouingtljepbefmaller,anb one in of a cleere blew op fkiecolour,an otber is of abzoumebiolet,orableto like to a Cyanus,tbe tbirb tSpello\u,anbinpzoportionionganbbollo\jo*Cbefeebealfo islike tbe otber foiling it in fmaller anb blacker* Cljetootesof tye 3&uglotTeS anbefyeeiallp of tye firfte ^inhz of tbe ieifer Buglolfes, are of a biepe rebbe colour, anb are bfeb to bte, anb colour tbings toitball* 5 Cbetoilbekinbeof ^ugfofteisiiketotyefmallBuglolTeS, ^fpeciallplike totyefeconbkinbe,fouiugtljeleaueSberougber,ft*^^ floures alfo be like fye aforefoibe,fouingtyep be a great bealefmaller $ bletu* %ty feebe in fmall anb brotone/Clje roote long anb flenber* fyThc Place. LycopfisSylueftris. i Cijegteat garben Buglolfe, grotoefy n£ilbe25ugloffo in fome places of bis otone accorb, as in tbe countrie of )torraine,aboute $tancie in fer* tile anb ctyapioh places, amongft tbe come* Jtgrowetlj notU)ilbeintl)iScountrep,but onelp in garbens* 2- 5 ^efmaller asuglolfes grow in 3Italie, * ^papne anb tf raunce, anb in biuers otber countrepsozregions: anb tyattubicb bea= retb bletoe biolet floures grotoety alfo in fome places of d5ermanie: but tbep be not berp comon in f lattnberS, neither are tbep to be feme or founbe but in certaine mens garbens* 5 Cbe tmibe grotoety in mofte places of ttyin countrie, in barren fople, anb grauellp grounbe* fyTheTyme. •Cbep flotire in3]une,3lttlp,anb 3luguft, anb f oztbU) ttb tbep beliuer tbetr feebe* *£c The Names. %\>z tljizz berbes are calleb (in IboppeS) all bp one name, tbat is to fap, Bugiofk or Lingua bouis: inftZUt^BuglopOpLangue de buef: in\$h &oucb>£>cbfcn?ung: in bafe 3lmaigne,25uglolTe anb €>ffentongbe: in €ngliu7,&ugloiTe anb Djretongue: Albeit it is not tbe true 2SuglolTe, for tbat in our comnmBorageMeroftoefyaUto^ etb Leonicenus,Manardus,anb biuers otber learneb men of our time* t CtyefirftkittbetScalleb mdBteekexwo+'r-'inkattne Lycopfls:in£ tyoppeg 0fti;iSC0UntrepBuglofla3rJ Bugiofla domcftiamaior,tyat is to fop,fye great aarben23ugloffe,^of fomettiScalleb BugloiTusLongifoiia. ^erabuenture It iBtyatkinbeof Anchufa?,U3ljiCl) Paulus Aeginetuscalletymd5reekexoifo«-3ri# ><%u,Chcerofpelethon. a. j CfcefinaUSugtoOWareca^ 4, firft the Hiftorie of Pkntes. 9 firft in Calleb in d5teeke Ayx°uor€>rcljanet* Cljeofyer is calleb in z in wilbe,anb mapbecalleb Lycopiis Syiueftris,tt)e3potbe* carieS Call it Bugloffa Sylueftris.Clje f reilCl) men Cal it Buglojfc or Langue de buef S4«»4£*.cbebafe3Umaignes, B£ilbe€)ifentongije, ^fomecallit&caepfton* gtye,t!jatistofop,^eepestongtte,anbitmapbe PfeudanchufaPlinij. *J*The Nature. 1 %\>z great prben23tigloiTe,but tpeciallp W roote,is of temperature font* Wljat colbe anb htiz, but in begree not farre of from tbemeane temperature* 2. j ^Hje others are of tye like completion, but fomewljat Ijoater* ajf The Vertues. 1 C^eroote of great Buglolft;pounbt, anb mengleb witb opleanb wajee,is * goob to belapbetoo againft ftalbing or burning witb fp*e, againft wounbeS anb olb toizn ♦ r©itb fine wijeate meale it curetb tbe bifeafe calleb tbe wtlbe fpze,anb of fome faint 3ntrjoniesfpze*3nb lapbe too witb binegre it i>ealetty N fretting fores,foule fcuruines anb boate itcbings* 2. ? 'Cljefmall^uglolfes Ijauegreate bertue againft all tbebenimof fauage 13 4 anbwilbebeaftes,anb(peciallpagainfttbepopfonrof Serpents anb Pipers, bowfoeueritbetaken,wbet^erinmeateorbrinke,orwi)etberitbe carteb a* bout pou* ; tEijerooteof tbe wiibe Biigiolfe bzonkenwitlj ^ifope anb CteffeS,botl) C kill anb Muz out all flat wormes cngenbzeb in tbe bobie of man* Cbe#bPtttionSofourtpmebo aftirme, tbat tljefe berbes (but eCpecialip23 tyegreateft)bo comfozte anb(Wagetye^eauine(feoftbebarte,bziuingawap aUpenfiueneiTe,ei]peciallp tbe garben Bugto(fe,anb fyattbefloures,ftiepeb in wine,or mabe into aConferue,caufetf> fuclj to reiopceanb beglabbe,as were befoze beauie anb fabbe,fullof anger,anb melancljolique beaumeffe* €>f <£cfjm m 0; 3tpns 6 ugloOc. Cljapattj. *J* The Defcription. C hium bat!) long rottgfj anb bearie leaues, mucb like to tbe leaues of25uglotTe,butfmallertbantbeleauesof tyefitft BuglolTe* tlDbe . ftalke in rougb,full of littell brattncbes,cbargeb on euerp ftbe wttij biuerfe fmall narrow leaues^arp pointeb,anb of abzowne greene colour,(tattereb or fprebbe like littell feathers, anb berp fmall towarbes tbe betgbt oz toppe of tbe ftalke: betwtpt wbicbe leaues are tbe floures of a fobbe blew ozpurple colour at tyefirft,but wljan tyep bo open, tbep fyew a fapre^t- jure colour, long anb bellow, witb foureoz ftue littell fmall blew e tbzeebeS: nothing anfWering tye floures of tbe otyera3ugloffes,but onelp in tbecolour* 3(iftec tbat tbefloure in fallen, tbe feebe tSblacke anb fmall, like to tbebeab of an^Dber oz?&xiper/Cbe roote is long anb ftraigbt, anb rebbewitbout* * g>f tbiS forte tyere in another kinbe, wijofe leaues, ftalkes, rootes, anb floures, are b erp like bnto tfj e fozefotb e:but bis floures are of a Ugbt rebbe or purple colour* Jfc The Place. * ^tbelig^tetlj in ftuitefullplaces, anb fertilefople, asaboute2SruHelS,anb &ouapne,anb biuets ottyer places of Brabant* 2 i3uttyatw^bearet^purpleorligljtrebbefloures,growetft in jfraunce efpectallp abOUt UKontepelier. $fThc 10 The firft Booke of Echion due Alcibiacum, JjpTheTyme. It flourett) almofteall tye&omer long, ^oftentimes oz atfunbzpfeafons it bringet^ foztl) feebe as,tye ofyer 23u* gloifes* $j* The Names. ■Jit in calleb in d5reeke*x'^Ks««XKi<» €i«langljen* erupt: it in calleb in Cnglill) wilbe 75iu gioiTetljeleiTenitmap bealfo calleb nw pers berbe, oztEiperSBugloffe* ffi> The occafion of the name Alcibiacum. <€\)in betbeWaSCalleb Alcibiacum, f> ^ AlcibiadionOf One Alcibiades tbe firft finberoutof tbe bertues of tbiS berbe, ^ apzefentremebie againft tbe bitings of \fj ^erpetS^f orastbeaitcient Nicander writetb, Alcibiades(beingatleepe)waS ijuttwitb a^erpent: wbereforewban ^eawokeanb fawtbiS^earbe,betooke of it into biS moutb anb cbeweb it,CWa* lowing bowne tbeiupce tbereof: after tyat^elapebtbeberbebeingfo cbeweb bpontye fore, anb wasijealeb*£)tbets tiameit Echion,Echidnion,Viperina,&c.|©^tcbetSafmUCfttO fapaSfatpertf berbe,wbicb names baue bene giuen to tyispiante,bpcaufeit isberpgooba* gatnft tbebitings of Serpents anb vi^ipers,anb bpcaufealfo tjis feebe is like tbebeab of an3lbber or miper* ^The Nature. 31t in of tbe famenature tyat Buglolfe in ofcbut fyat it in fomWljat boater anbmOZefUbttle* fyTheVertues. erpentS,butalfo,after tbat amanbatb taken it in manner aforefoibe,it willpzeferuebimfrombeingfoburte^belikebertuebatytbeleaues^feebe* It CWagetb tye papne of tbe rapnes or lopnes* 23 ailfo being ^zontzn wity wine or otl?erwife,itcaufetl)plentp of milke in <£ womenS bzeafteS* ^f^oggwtunoc € jj* The Defcription. teecommon^ounbeS tongue, Ijatij aijarbe, rouglj, broWneftalke, of two oztbreefootebigfctyeieauesbelongmucft liketye leaues of t^e . great garben 23uglo(fe, but narower, fmaller, anb not rougfe, but tjiv uing a certaine fine Tjozeneffe bpon tbe like beluet* M tbe toppe of tye bzautv cbesitbearetl)manpfloureS,of abarkepurplecolour*Cijefeebeisflat and rottgl},tl)reeozfoure together liketoatrueloue,orfoure leauebgratfe,tbe , ^icije the Hiftorieof Plantes. n Wl)icf)e bo cleaue fafte bnto garments, Cynogloffos altera Plinij. Wban tljcp are ripe,like bnto Aegrimo- , nie anb otber rougb feebes^e roote in long $ tyicke,^ blacke wityoutftbe* # The Place. 3[t growetrj abnofte euerp wbere in wafte anb bntiUeb places, but fpecial- Ipinfanbiecoutreps, about patijes anb bigtywapes* tf^ThcTyme. 3Dt flouretl) in 3|une,anb l)is feebe is ripein3|uip* tyThe Names. 3It in calleb in dSreeke Kwoyx&cu-o^ n&x Kwoy\co*roe: in&atine auti in £>ljoppeS CynoglofTum, Cynogloffa,anb Lingua canis: wbereof alfo tbe Italians call it Lingua de cane.- tfje <&paniatbes call it , Lengua deperro in Cttgltfl) BOgS tttnge or&ounbes tongue: intfrencb^K** dechien: inbig!)2Boiicb l£unbf?ttng: in bafe 3lmaigne i^onbtftongbe* %Wi$ tbatfeconb kinbeof CynogioiTa,wi)ere- of Pliniewzote in tbe eigbt chapter of tt>e*jCjrtusboke: it ftoulb feeme alfo to be a hinljz of lfatisfyiueftris, wljityea man fyall finbe befcribeb in fome epanv pies of Diofcorides, intye Chapter ifa- tis; ^nb^of Aetius in fjis*]e*booke anb*biif*C^aptet Limonium. &T he Nature. tyounbzn tongue, but fpeciallp \)in roote, in colbe anb typ, Vt* colber tyati tye great garbing ©uglofte* * The venues. Cberootetff l^ottnbes tongue in berp goob to beaie wounbes: anb it is % Witrj goob fucceffe fopbe to tyebife^^^ witbBatlepmeale* eyewater or wine wberinitbatybenebopleb,curetl) olbforeS,wounbeS a anb boate inffammationS,anb it in excellent againft tye Ulcers * grieuances oftbemoutb* ( dfortyefamepurpofe, tbep make an opntment, as followed ♦ f irftetljep

ap.W iff The Defcriftion. €>rager#tfj rougl* prickelp leaues,broabe 9 latge,of aftoart greene colour, at tbe firft comming bp benbing,or ratljertyreabingfyem- felues abroabeflattebpontfyegtounb, in proportion like to an^Djte tongtte*Clje ftalke is rougfj anb rube,of tbe ijeigtl) of a foote $ balf> parting; BuglofTum verum. 11 The firft Booke of parting it felfe at tye toppe into biuers fmall brattncfjes bearing fapze $ plea* font floures in fafyion like &>tatres,of colour blew oz 3;ure,atti> fometimes wi)ite*C^e feebe in blacke,anb tbere in tounbetwoo orfyzee togitber in euerp ftu&e,like as in t\jz commonBugloife, but it is fmaller anb blacker tben Bit* glolfe feebe* a 'Cbere in alfo another kinbe of Bo- rage wijicb inburet!) tlje winter like to tbe comonBuglofte, anb in like to tye aforefaibeBoragein pzoportion,fent, fauour,anb bertues,but biS floures be berp fmallanb like to tbe common Bo* glolfe floures,but fmaller* «$• The Place. Htgrowetb in all garbens, anb in fanbte champion co untr eps* '^.TheTyme. 3tbegtnnetb to floure in 3Iune,aud continuetb flouring all tbe Corner* %. The Names. %\)z auncient jfatbers calleb it in d5zeeke iSovyx^Arop: in TLatine Lingua bubula,Libanium,or Lingua bouis.tbat in tO fop, Langue de beufou vache: in d£u* glity 4tyfc tongue: Plinie called it w- 4>eo(nvop, bpcaufe it maketb men glabbe anb merie: tije Sflpotbecaries name it Borago: anb accorbinglp it in calleb in 3tali0n Borragine, in ^panifl) Borraiaft Borraienes,in Cnglifl) BOZage: in f tftft Bourroche, 0} Bowrache, in ^igljdoucl)e Burreticlj: in bafe3(ilmaigne,Bernagie orBornagie* ty The Nature. 3ttsftoateanbmopfte* fbTheVertues. 10 emap finbe tbis written of Borage, tbat if tbe leaues or floures of Bo* % rage be put in wine,anb tbat wine bzonken,it wii caufe men to be glabbe anb merp,anbbziuetb awap allbeaup fobneffe,anb bull ^elancbolie* Bozagebopleb witb ftonieb water,is berp goob againft ftye rougbneffe ot» ft oarfcneife of tbe fyzote* Diofcorides writetft tftatfteftatft fteard fop,tftattf one pound Borage,tbat s ftatb but onelp tftree bzauncftes, togitber witb bis roote anb feebe, anb after* warb a man guie tbe fame to drinke, to bim tbat batb acertian ague, curetb tbe fome*3tlfo tbat of fourebrancbes prepared after tbe fome manner in good to be giuen to drinke againft tftefeuer&uartapne* ♦5» TheKindes. A NthylHs(aS foitft Diofcorides) in of two fortes* u&ijeteof otiemap be cat* ' "ted great Amhyiiis3and tije otfter fmall AmhyiUt, Anthyllk the Hiftoric of Plantes. Anthy]lisprior. Anthyiiis altera, Kalifpecie*. d&reat aintftpllis. ^maliatntftpllt& *$» The Defeription. $e firft Anthyiiis in ftiS ftalke ^leaues, in not mucft bnlike bnto %ztu till,fautng tbat it in wbiter,fofter,anb fmaller^Cfte ftalke in of a foote ftiS#,wftite and fofte, witb leaues fpred broabewbite anb fofte alfo, but fmaller 9 tbicker tben ilentill leaues: tbe floures cluttering togi- tber at tftetoppeoftfte ftalke,of apellowozpale colour*Cbe feebe is in fmall ftuCkes*€fte roote in fmall anb of woobbp fubftance* % 'Cbefeconb in not mttcft bnlike Chamaepythis/Jtftatft fitteorfije fmallbraft- cbes ozmore,creping oztrapling alongft tfte ground,tbicke fet, witb littleftnall narrow leaues, betwijet wfticbe^tbeftalkestftererifetbfmallpurplefloures, Witb feebe accozbing* 'Cfte roote in fmall, anb of tftelengtftof afingar* Cfte wftofe berbe is full of fape,$ fait like Tragus,wbereof welftalfpeake ftereafter, and of tbis berbe tftep make^]cfen,wbicbeis bfeb for tftemaking of glalfes* / ifa The Place. 3tgrowet|!tnfaltfondp grounds, as in Zeland alongft tfte coaft,wftere tftere is ftoze of it* Cfte fecond in named in d&reeke AvflvMk m** .• in Ratine Anthyiiis altera, as B adiffe- H The firft Booke of a differme tomtfte ftdl Anthyiiis .• fome of our time do call it Borda. , iff The Nature. 3t is drp,and fcruetft pkzopertp,to ft eale and clofe bp woundes* JfrThe Tertues. f jf onedrinkeftalfe an oiweof tfte firft Anthyiiis .• it fftallpzeuaple mud) a* % ^infttfteftoatepiiTe, tfte&trangurpo? diffimltieto make water, and againft tftepapneoftftel&epnes* ^ftefame mingled witft milkeand ople of &ofes,iS good for tfte to be applied or lapde outwardlp to tfte bellp* ailfo itcuretft woundesbp itfetf,beinglapdebpo #em,or being mijttewitft C fclues,opntments,or oples* % Cfteotfter Anthyiiis taken witft 4D]eimell (tftat in ftonied ^ineger) iSgood S fortftemtftatftauetftefallingftckeneiTe* €>f fl|€ €lott 6utre* €I>ap* fri& $ere*e two fortesoffclote Burres in tftistountrep: tfteone t^t^ great Burre,$ tfte otfter f lefter Burre,tft e wfticfte Diofcorides deters beb aparte^euertfteleifeweftauerebuced botft into one cbaptet, bp* caufooftftelikeliftoob tftat isbetwijrttftembotft in name^faOftion* Arcium fiue Perfonata* Xanthium. tfreat Clote!t3urre* JLottfeBttrre,ojtfteielfer Clote* *Tk€ the Hiftorie of Plantes. ij aji The Defcription. i Hp^e great Clote ftatft leauesberp largeand long, greater tban d5ourde J[ leaues,of afWat|teijreenecolour,butof agrapilft colour on tfte fibenett^ geounb/Cfte ftalke is round $ ftollow,of colour fomwftat wftite $redde, Witft diuersfidebowgbes^bzauncbes fet ful of ffnall leaues: bpontbebraun* cW tftere growetft fmall btillets or rounde balles, garniflfted full of little crookes orftookes,wfterewitftal t\)zp take ftolbe oz cleaue faft, and ftang bpon garments: at laft tfte fopbe bullets or knoppes do open and put fortft a fapre purple, tftromde, oz beluet floure*'Cfteroote isfingie, long, blacke w tftout, wftite witftin, and in taftebitter* 2 'Cfte lelfer Clote Burre ftatft grapiift leaues like bnto 4Dzacfte, iaggeb or (hipterottndabouttfteebges* tiDfteftalkeisafooteanbftalf long,fttllof blacke ipottes,biuidingit felfeinto manpbzancftes or winges* Betwijet tfte leaues and tbefapbebzancbes,tftere growetft tftzeeorfourefmallBurreS in adulter, fomewftat long, like to afmall€>luie,ozCoznellberrp,pzicklp,and cleaning faft bnto garments* Jn tfte middell of tftofe fmall Burres,tftere growetft fortft asitwerealittleCrownet,fomewftataboue tfteBttrreS,bponwfticfte growetft fmall floureS,tftewfticft do perilft after tfteir opening, and do fallwitft tfteir Crowne: tftan commetft tftelittieBurreS witft longfeede: tfte wfttcft af- terwarddoneueropen,nozfloureotfterwifetftanisafozefapde* Cfte roote in rebde,and full of fmall tftreedes or ftearie ftrings* *Jt The Place. Cfte Clote Btirres deligftt to grow bp tfte waptide, about tfteborders of fielbes,in bntilled places, and drp teittyzn* 4$pTheTyme. %\)m feafon in in 3ulp, arid aiuguft* ^ The Names. \ Cfte great Burre calleb ind&reeke keni*? n$u *wi>mov:in%,ttinz Perfonatia^ Perfonata and Arcium: of 3puleiUS Dardana: UtS>ftOppeS Bardana maior, and Lappa maior : in3ftalta Lappola maggioreiinf&pftilitt) Lampdzos,yerua dospegamazos, pagamacerafnayor.-in Cngltlft tfte great Burre or great Clote Burre: in jfrencft Bardane la grander Lappegrande : grandGlouteron 0$ Gleteron: in ftigft 2B01tCft (BrOl^f kletten: inbafe 3timaigne <©roote Ciilfen* % Cfte lelfer in calleb in d&reeke |«vfi»oF n$a cp«ry«Vo\> an TLutinz Xanthium: in ^)ftoppeS Lappa minor,and Lappainuerfa:in3|talianX4^/4/w/^^{n^paniift pagwacera men or,ty&tin to fop, tfte fmall Burre, &tbeBurreturned in9 out: in f rencb Le petit Glouteron inftigft Boucft Bettlertf?leuf?,anb ^pitjkletten,tbat is to fop,ftams ipce,orBeggers IplTe, anb tbepopnteb or (ftarpeBurrenn bafe 3lnmigneclepnCliften:inCnglift^icfteBuire,anblowfeBurre* oj*The Nature. CbeCfoteBttrreSftauepowertodrpbp,confume,ordilfolue:buttftelef' feris tfte ftoater* JffTheVertues. Cfte iupce of tfte great Burre dronken witft $onp prouoketft brpne, and 31 fWagetft tftepapneof tftebladder* Cfte fome dronken witft olde wine,ftealetft tfte bitingsanb ftingings of bo B nemous beafts* Cfteleauespottnb witft alittellfolte,is witft great pzofite lapd bnto tftebt* C tm%n anb ftingings of Serpents, madde&oggeS,srt>tfter benemous beafts* Cftefeede made into pottder $ taken witft tftebeft wine tftat map be gotten © bptft^ipaceof fojtiedapes, iSberpprofitable for fucft asftauetfte derneatft* Cfteftalke in long anp ftraigftt $ full of brancftes*Cfte floures arefmalround buttonS,growingalongfttbebrancfteS,like wormwood, fmelling wftan tftep begin to ware ripe fomewbat after 2£arioram*Cbe rooteis of a woobbp fubftance $ ftatft fmall ftearieftrings* £>f tftisfterbetberebetwoo kindes moe,difteringonelp incolour* Cbe one ftatft redde brancftes $ floures, £jfe and is called rebde^ugworte* Cfte otfter ftatft grffcmift brancft es,cftan- ging towarbeS wftite, and in called wftite ^ugworte, inall tftings els like one to an Otfter* ^The Place. gjaugworte growetft in tfte borders of fteldeS,^ aboutbigfttJoaieS, anb tftebankes of brookes or quiet ftanbing waters* JfcTheTyme. git flouretft in 31ulp $ 3tuguft,and fome- timeSlater* & The Names. CftiSfterbeiScallebinlftopSArtemifia^ # of fome Mater herbarum :in£>pani(l) Artemya:\n<£n$lW) ^ugworte:intf rencft Armoifefherbes.ian :inftigft Boucft Bepfu&Bucken, $£>*1Jobansgurtel: in bafeilmaigne Bpuoet,^ £>*3]anS crupt,tfte wftKft in tftis kind of apugwort, wbicfteiS calleb in d5reeke^^Vwxi^?ocpvx\©-:tn)lattne Artemifa tenuifolia, tbe wbicb ^ tftefour^ kinbe in Diofcorides3anb tfte tftirb kinbe in Apuieius. M &ThecaufeoftheName. aauaworte as Pliniefoitft,ftad tftis name of Artemifiamueeneof Haiicar- nattus and wife of Maufolus&ing of Carie, wfto cftofetftis fterbe $ gaue it fter name for befojetftatit was called ^^ws, Parthcms, tftat is to fap, mitginal: } fome the Hiftoric of Plantes. 17 fome fap tftat Artcmifiawas fo called of tfted&oddelTe Diana wfto was alfo cal- led Aitcmis^fozbpcaufetftisfterbeisfingular forwomensbtffeafes,wfto are allbndertftegouernment of Diana,astbel^eatftenbo imagine anddreame* *fc The Nature. S^ugworte in fomewftat aftringent,and not to ft oate* H^. The Vertues. Q® ugwoite pound witft ople of fweete^lmondes, and lapd to tft e ftomake % aSaplapfter,curetftalltftepapneandgriefeoftftefame. ailfo if onedo annopntftisiopntS,witft tfteiupcetftereof mengled witft ople B of liofes, it curetft tfte acfte,(ftaking,and dzawing togitfter of S>inewes* 3fitbeftangedorcaft intobarreis orftoggelfteadsof Bier,itwillpreferueC tfte fomefromfowring* HDftofoeuerlftalcarrietftiSfterbe about ftim(as Pliniefaietb)nobenemous S beaft,oranpliketftinglftallfturteftim, anbiffte trauellbpontftewap,fte fyall notbewearp* ap.jc. 4§* The Kindes. ■Ti^erebetwo fortes of Canfie* Cfte onegreat and pellow,tfteotfter fmall and wftite* Tanacetum maius. Tanacetum minus. dr5reat Canfie* tt^ftite Canfie. Biii ftThi 18 The firft Booke of TifcTheDefcription. *?e great oreommonCanfte ftatft a biackilfteftalke, tbzee ozfoure foote fttgft,biuided attftetop into manp rtnglebzattncbes,at tfte end wfterof are round tnftes,bearing pellow floures likefmall round buttonn, or like tfte middieoftftefloureofCammomill,butgreaterand of ftronger fauour* Cfte leaues be long * made of manp fmall leaues, fet directlp one againft an otfter, and ipread abzoabe like wings, tfte wfticft e be alfo iaggeb and fnipte like fmall fcatftets, efpeciallp round aboute tfte edges:tfte roote in (lender cafting it felfe ftereanbtftere* 2 CftefmallCanfieftatft broabeleaues, mucb iaggeb and cut, well liketfte Jeaues of tf euetfew,but fmaller and more cut and lagged* Cbe ftalke is fmall, of tftelengtft of afoote or more, bpon tfte wfticft growetft fmall tttftes, bearing UttiewftitefloureS,mucft like to tftefloures anb tuftes of tfte wftite ^plfopll orcommon farrow* Cfterooteis ftarde,and fometimes parted into two oz tftree: all tfte fterbe is mucft like in fmell and fauour to tfte otfter Canfie, fauing tftat it is not foftrong* fy The Place. i Cfte firft growetft about ftigft wapes, ft edges, and tfte borbers of fielbes, anb is berp common in tftis countrie* a Cftefeconbgrowetb in fome places of 3|talie:intftiScountreppelftallnot finbe it but in tfte garbens of certapne l^etboriftes* JjpTheTyme. Cft ep do botfte floure in 3ulp and Attguft* jj* The Names. Cfte firft iS now called in IftoppeS Tanacetum, and Athanafia: in <£ngliflje Canfie: infirencft Athanafie, in ftigft Jaoucft Reinfam .• inbafeatlmaigneiaepn* uaer,anb«aormcrttpt*^omelearnebmeniubgeitfor to be tftetftitljtUnbeof Artemifia,cailed ind^reeke«eTiy/en«/*oifo^ <>•>* liketotfteknopsofCamomilLf fteroote #^yK;/$ AtfA? isofwoobbpfubftacewitftdiuersftearie ^IM&MI& Hmiz tftzeedes oz ftrings ftangingbp* 4jp The Place. git growetft well in dzpplaceS,bpolde walles,and fucft like rottgft places* jfeTheTyme. f euerfew flonretft in July 9 Auguft, and almoft all tfte Sommer* *Jji The Names. 3ft in called ind5reeke^efl^«^. of Ga- len,and PauIefy^sKop: in Ratine Parthe- niumanb^Amaracus:in(ftoppeS,and Of Se- rapioCftap**??. Matricaria, of fome Ama- rella or Marella: in Cnglilft, feuerfew, 9 of fome 5©ftitewurte,alfo S»*0eters wttrt: in jfrencft Ejpargoutte,op Matricaire: in ftigft Boucft ^tttterkrattt,and $$eidt bitumen: in bafe Almaigrie ^ater $ ^OedCTCrttpt* ^The Nature. 3ltiSftoateintftetftit:ddegree,anddrpintftefecond degree* : V. JfeThe Vertues. % tfeuerfew dzped and made into pouder,and two drammes of it taken witft ftonp,or otfter tfting,purgetft bp fiege a^eiantftolp anb fleume: wfterefoze it is berr^ood foz fucft as ftaue tftegiddinelfe 9 turning in tfte ftead oz ftoimming, fortftem tftat arepurfe or troubled witft tfteiftortnes of •mde,and for#elan< cftolique people,aud fucft as be fabbe and penfitte and wSftout fpeacft* B Cije fterbe witftout ftiS floures, bopleb in water is good tobedronkenof fttcftasftauetfteftoone*' C Cfte fome in good againft tfte Suffocation of tfte $®Wip (tftat tS,tfte ftop* ping and ftardnelTe of tfte ^otfter) to be bopleb in wirie,and applied to tfte na* ueil,tfteftarte,or tfte fide* ■* • la Cftebrotft alfo, or decoction of f euerfew,iSderp goodforwemento batfte and fitte in againft tfte ftarbnelfeof tfte ^otfter, and tfte apatrfr tftat in ouer^ cftatged or toollen* ; CB Cfte greene leaues witft tfte floures of f euerfew damped, in good to be lapdeto tftedtlfeafe called tfte wildefpre or Saint AntftonieStpre>and otfter cftolerike inflammations* B iiif S>t 10 The firft Booke of ^ffolcfoote/o^otfe&oue. dljapitf. Bechion,TufsilagO. ij» ThcDefcription. €He foote b^\M greate broabe leaues, grdwing out into manp cornerS,or inbeteb angieS,wttft manp ^ynzn, like to a l^orfe fbote,fijeeor feuen leaues fpringing out of one roote, of a wftite,ftoare,or grapitft colour nejct to tfte grounb, anb greene a* boue*Cfte ftem or ftalke in wftite,anb as it were cottoned witb finefteareof alpan long, at tfte end wfterof are fapre pellow floures and full; Wfticft do fuddenlp fade, and cftattge into downe, or cotton,wfticft in carried awap witft tfte winde, like to £ftead of Dandelion. CftetooteiS wftite and long crepingftere and tftere* *£c The Place. tfole foote growetft well in waterp places and mopft fieldes* 4%*TheTyme. JX puttetft fortft \\in wollp ftalke Witft- outTeaues,at tfte beginning of Slpatcft $ ApriUAt tbe toppe of tbe ftalke in tftepel- lowfloure: After tfte floures tft* leaues fpzing out from tfte roote: tft en banilftetft awap tfte ftalke anb tbe floures, fo tbat one Iftall felbome f inbe tfteleaues and floures altogetft er at onetime* *jcThe Names. Jt in called ind^reeke Mxm *& x****™™ •• in Ratine Tufsilago: in IftoppeS Farfara,and Vngula Caballina : inJttiSfanVnghiadicauallo .• in Spaniffte Vna de ^:inCngli(ftfolefoote,^orfeftoue,ColteSfoote,andBullfoote:infrmrJ^ Pas de Cheual} Of fome Pas cPafne : in ftigft *3 OUCft !&Of?ftttb, Or Branbtlatticft t ill bafe Almaine,^oefblaberen,^eerbtsclauw,Brantlattowe, and Saint Ca* rijnS erupt* iff The Nature. Cftegreeneandftetft leaues aremopft,butwftantfteparedrptftepbecome u)arpeorfower,andi^reforeareofadrping nature* ** iffTheVertues. Cftegreeneleaues of jfoiefootepoundewitft l^onp ,do cure and fteale tfte % ft oate inflammation called Saint Antftonies fpre,andall otfter kindesof in- flammation* Cfte parfume of tfte dzped leaues lapde bpon quicke coles, taken into tfte * moutfttftzougb tfte pipe of afunnell,ortunnell,ftdpetft fucfteasare troubled • Witft tfte feoztnelfeof winbe,anbfetcJ^etfteirbreatfttftickeoroften, ^bobreake without baunger tfteimpoftemS of tftebreaft* Cfte roote is of tfte fame bertue, if it be lapdebpon tfte coles, and tfte fitme« tftereof receiued into tfte moutft* chc Hiftoric of Plantcs. M £>f 6uttct 6urrr. 4&ap»jtf#»' iff The Defcription. totter Burre ftatft great round Petafites. leaues, at tfte firfte Ipke tfte | leaues of jfolefoote,tftewftieft J do afterwardes wajce fo great, tftat witft one ieafe,one map couer afmal rounde table, as witft a carpet * S>( a greene colour bpon tbe outfibe, anb of a M^M grap wbitiifte colour nepte tbe grottnde* gitpttttetb fortft aftollow ftalke of alpan long,fet full of fmall incarnate floures at tftetoppe,as it were clttfteringtfticketo- gitftentfte wfticft togitfter witft tfte ftalke do perill) and bauifft awap * Cfteroote in {^^ tfticke,wftitewitftin$ftollow,ofaftrong >-W\ Onellanb bitter tafte* {^^ iff %he Place. 3jt growefy well in frelft eanb mopfte places,bpfidesfmallriuers and brookes* ^.TheTyme. Cfte floures bo appeare at tftebegin- ning of Slparcfte, and do banitft awap in AprilUtften tfteleaues come fowztft,and re- mapnealltfteSomer* # The Names. 3]tiScalledind5reeke7rtr«ke kernell* 2 Cfte fmall Biftorte in like tfte otfter inleaues, knap, floures, feede $ ttike, but fmaller, \^in leaues alfo are fmotfter anb plapner ♦ Cfte roote in (ftorter and moreroundlp turned togitfter witftout anp fmall tftzeeds,or ft earines, browne witft out,and of a darke redbe colour witft tn,in tafte like tfte firft* iffThe Place* Cftep grow well in mopft $ waterp places, as in medowes, and darke (fta* dOWpWOOddeS* . #ThfTyme. Cftep floure in fllpap and 3Inne* ajt The Names. Cftelearned do call tfte fterbeSBiftorta?and Serpentaria?: in Jfrencft Biftorte- inftigft Jaoucft $atetwurt*: in Brabant l^ettftongften* Cftis (ftouib feeine to beDracuncuiusi^tinoru,wfterofPiiniewrojte in tfte*^* cft ap*oftfte*24. Booke* i Cftefirft is called of fomein&atine Coiubrina, $ of Leonard f oucfts, l*a- terwurt; weiblin, tftat is to fop, female Adberwurte or Snakeweede: in fxznty the Hiftorie of Mantes. *J f rertCft Grande BifkortetZxfo SerpentairfemeffeiinblfiZ Allttaigneljertftongfte* i Cftefecond in tftefinallBiftorte^iscalled infomeplaces of Cngland 4Dp- fterlopte:of tftefame&eonard fouc^Siliaterwurtjmenlin,tftat is tofap,male Adderwurte or Snakeweede* $j* The Nature. Biftouedotftcooleanddrp in tftetftird degree* iff The Vertues. Cfterooteof Biflmtebopled inwaterorwine,anddronken,ftoppetft tfte^j lafke,and in good againft tftebloudp flijre* 3ltftoppetb tfteouetmttcft flowing of womenstermes or floures, and alio- # tfterilTueofbloud* ^ ^ Alfo if it be taken as is aforefapd, orif itbemabeintopouderand dronken c witft reddewine,it taketft awap tftedefireto bomite or parbrake* Cftebecoctio of tfteleaues isberpgoob againft all forest inflamatto of tfte & motitft ^t^zoote,^itfaftenetftloofeteetft,if itbeoftebfeb,orftold? in^moutft* ^ffumetertc tyap-tit- •J* TheKindes. Nereis two kindes of f umeterre, (aSPlinie wrttetft in tfte*]ritf*cftap* of tfte*]r]rb*bookeofbiSnaturall^iftorp*)i©fteroftftefirft in tfteconv monf umetozp tftewfticft wasknowen^bfob in^ebicine, of Galen, Pauley otfter tfte d5reeke^ftpfitions* Cfte feconb in an otfter fterbe, * onelp knowen of Plinie: tfte wfticftebotft are knowen in tftis countrep* Capnos fumaria. n ("Plinij. tfumeterre* ^ ^aPnoslPhragmitcs. ^ edge jf umeterre* r-" '_23 %Tkt H The firft Booke of iff The Defcription. Ti^ecommonf umeterreftatft afquareftalke,befet witft fmallleatteS,berp, tenbet,weake,and ftneip tagged, 9 fomewftat grap like aflft ie colour, like to tfte leaues of Coriander but mucft fmaller: tft e floure in fmall and pur- ple,growing togitfter like alittell clufter, and cftangetft into littell fmall knops o.iberieS,Wfterein is berp fmall feede*Cfte roote in but (tmple witft a berp few Gnallfteares oz&euigsabout tfte fome* Small jf uineterre,ftatft alfo manp ftenber brancfteS,bpon wfticfte growetft fmalUagged leaues, in colour, tafte, and in falftion alfo, fomewftat like tfte jf u- meterreaforefapbe* 3!t ftatft alfo certainefmall tftzeebes or clafping tendrels, &p tfte wfticfte it taketfft ftoldfaft in allplaces bp l£ebges,anb otfter ft erbes*Cfte. floures are fmalland Raftering togitfter, of a wftite colour mijeed witft a littell blew:after tfte floures tftcrecommetft fortft fmallftufkesozcodbe&tn wfticft in co:ttepnedtftefe^de*Cberoote is fingleand of tftelengtft of a fingar* iffThePlace. f umeterre growetft beft amongft wfteate 9 Barlep,alfo it growetft in gar« dens amongft pot fterbes,in $LiinepardeS,and fucft otfter open places* Small f umeterregrowetftbnberftedges,intfteborbers offieldes,anbiv bOUtOldeWalleS* iffTheTyme. Cbepdo botfte floure i^fll^ap and Junz* «£• The Names. Cftefirft of tftefo fterbes is calleb in d&reeke *«nvow**voY,H9u Mnrwn^in A* tine Fumariaand Capnium: inSbOppeS £umus terra?: inSpanilft PalomiHa.j patomina,y yeruamalanna : in Cnglilft jfttltteterret in jfretttftFumeterre: inftigft 33oucft Crdtraucft,Caubmcropff,fcat?enkorbel: inbafe Almatgne,d&zpfecom, feupueketuel,anb Cerbtroock* ' . Cftefecond in called Of Plinic Capnos,$Pes Gallinaceus: Cfterfore Capnos Plinij,and tftiSiStftat WfticfteiS Called HcrmoIaus,Of Aetius,K«7rvos'xtXt/QWof, in Ratine Capnum Chelidoniu, notknowenin (ftoppes, fome following Plinic do call it in liatine Pes gallinaceus: in jfrencft, Pieddegeime • in bafe Almatgtie clepnCerdtroock: inc£ngli(ft l^edge jf umeterre, and l^ennes foote* *$* The Nature. jf umeterre is ftoate and drp, abnoft in tftefecond degree, and fo in tyzmtn foote,as onemap know bp tfte lftarpnes,anb bitter tafte* £ff TheVertues. Cfte iupce of f umeterre dropped into tfte epes,dotft (ftarpen and quicken tlje % figftt,tftefamemengled witft gumme,andlapd to tfteepeliddes, willcaufetftat tfte fteare tftat ftatft bene onespulleb of,(ftallnotgrowagaine* Cft ebecoction of jf umeterre bronken,briuetb fortft bv biinz $ fiege allboate« Cbolerique,burnte,^pernicious ftttmorS*Bpfides tftis itinbzty good aaainft tfte foule fcurffe,and rebellious olbe fores,anb tbegreat^ockes* Cbeiupce of tfumeterrebronken worketb tbe like effect, $for tftispurpofe i iS of greaterpower, tftantfte5©ecoctionoff umeterre* Denfoote or ftebgef umeterre(as Pimie foptft) isof tfte fame nature& ber- 9 tueaStfteot^erjfumeterre:andiSafingular medicine againft tfteweakeneffe of tftefigftt,e(j3eciaUp forfucft as feeme to fee fmall ftrawes, if tfte iupce tftereof bedzoppedinto tfte zpzn* <&f<§etmant«r* Cljap*j;bu *5* The Defcription. Germander isalftortefterbe, of al^anneor foote long, bringing fooztft fro ftiS roote manp tender ftemmes or bjancftes* Cfte leaues are final i tenber! indentei the Hiftorie of Plantes. V Chama?drys.' dSermander* indeted $ ait about,mucft like tfte leaues of certapne €>kes,but farre fmailer*Cfte floures arefmallof abzouneblew colour compaltinground tfte toppe of tft eftalke* Cfte feede in fmall, blacke, anb rounde* Cbe roote in fmall anb (lenber, creping bnber tfte eartft,ftere anb tft ere* iff The Place. dFetmanber growetft luckelpinftonp ftilles 9 mountapnes, 9 fucft likeplaces, growetft in woobbes, it is to be found growing in certapne wooddeS of Brabant,anb it in planted in gardens* iffTheTyme. Germander flduretft in3lune$3Inlp* ^.The Names. Cfte firft is called in<&iztbtx«i*«'fevs: in Ratine Chama'drys,Trixago,flfc of fom Querculaminor,^Serratula:inSftOppeS Chamedryos:Of tfte^talianS Qtterinoia, ChamedriotChamandrina • in SpauKft Ch*-'$tZUC\) Germandreet0l Che- fnette. in Cnglifft germander, 9 Cngtttft Creacle: inftigft AbnaignedBamander* lein and ftlepn Batftengel: in bafe Al- maigne,d&amanderlijn* $p-The Nature. Jt in ftoate 9 dLzp in tftetftird degree* f #aule0 eetonp. 9* *£* TheKindes. ;™§ tyztz in two kindesof Veronica?,or Bctonice Pauli. Cfte oneis£ rigftt Veronicatftewfticft is called VeronicamasrCfteotfterisafmallfterbe berp like tfte rigftt Veronica,anb in called Veronica fcemina. iff The Defcription. Tfcemale Veronica isafmalberbe,$crepetb bp tfteground, witft fmalred- di(b,^ ftearie bzauncftes oz ftalkes* Cfte leaf e in fometftinglong,and fom* wftat greene,alittle ftearie,^ dented or fnipte touD about tbe ebges like a fowe*Cfte floures areaboueaboutf top of tftebrancftes,ftnal,^ofaligfttblew mengled \i> purple: tfte feede in in final flat poucfteS*Cfte roote in fmal 9 ftearie* * C Betonica " The firft Booke of rBetonica Pauli. Veronica foemina. Chronica mas. IpauleSBetonp* $erbe jfluellpn,orSpeedewell* d&roundftele* La* dataNobilium. Cftefemale Veronica dotft alfo creepe and fpzead bpon tfte grounde itftatft (lender ftemmesand fomwftatlargeleaues, alittellftearieand pleafantlp foftkf Cftefloures be pellow, witft fmall croked taples,tike tfte floures of&atkeS claw, orkarkesfpurre* Cfte feede in in fmall rounde ftufkes, liketftefeede of 0pmpernell* ifc The Place. Cbemale Veronica growetft inrougftfonbp places, aboute tbe bozders of fieldesandwooddes* " Cfte female growetft in low mopft places* i$.TheTyme. Cftep floureinjune and 3Iulp* iffThe Names. Cftefirft Veronica iScalled Of Paulus AeginetaJUb. Wfcirt (BzeekeiStTW tftatis tofap,in'jiatine Betonica.- and tfterefozedoctor WilliamCurner and* J do call it Betonica Pauli: Cfte common I^erboriftes do call it in Ratine vem nica: inftigft Boucft Crenbreif* mennlin,anbd5runbftepl: in bate Almaicme Cerenpriis manneken* . ^ Cfte feconb is calleb Veronica foemina of tfte Hatiuiftes: in jfrencbe vero niquefemelie in ftigft &ducft Crenbreif? weiblin: inbafe AlmaigneCerenpziirf wijfken* ' ^ p* &Th0 the Hiftoric of Plantes. V iff The Nature. Vcronicaor^auleSBetonp,iSdrp and fomewftat ftoate* •tjj* The Vertues. Veronica(as Paulewttaeffetft)is(peciallp good fortfteftoppingS,^papneS * Cfte decoction of Veronicadronken,dotftfoder and fteale allfrefft, and old B woundes,and clenfetft tfte blond from all euillcorruptionS,and from allrotten and aduftebumozS:anb for tft at caufe it in goob to bebronkenfor tftektdnepS, and againft fcuniinelfe and foulefpreddingCetterS,and confummg or frettmg foreS,tftefmallpockesand^efelleS* „ e ^ . „,,l/fr Cfte water of veronicadiftilled witft wine,and fo oftm new drawmbntill C itwateofareddi(ftcolour,iSmucftbfed againft auoldCougft,tftedrpnelTe,aud ftatmeSoftftelunges:formenfop tftat itwiUfteale all blcers, inflammations andftarmes of tfte^ulmeozblunges* , . ^t~*+ a Cftef emalemeronicaisoftftelikeoperatton,butmwftweaHer,andnotfo 9 good as tfte ££ale* $f <&*ounti fypntwi 3f ua rtfcofcata* <#)ap*|rtttt>. *$* TheKindes. T^etebetftzeefoztesof tfte fterbe called inkattne Chamepitys, (aSDiofco- 1 rides faptft) tft e one like tfte otfter infmeU and fefiftion* Chamepitys altera. Chamepitys prima. Cftefirft d&rounde#pne* ***. Cftefecond ©round ^pne* .* vt 4-XW € a S^Ths it The firft Booke of T*$t The Defcription. ^efirftkindeoftftefefterbes,iSafmallfterbeandtmder,crepuigbpontfte ground:it ftatft finallbrauucfteS,^fometftingcroked: tfteleaues befmall, narrow^ftearie,oftftefouottr of tftei^pne, or jfpzretree: CfteflottreSbe finall,pale,pellow,orwftite,tfteroote in (leigftt or fingl'e,^ofwooddpfubftace* » . Cftefecondftatft alfo fmallbrauncftes,bzowne, ftearie, and tender, croking in,after tftefaHft ton ofanancker,outof wfticft bzauncftes growetft fmallftearie leaues,mmft clouen anb cut croffe wife: Cfte littlefloures be of a purpiilfteco- lour,anb grow abouttfte ftalkes in tuffes like gariabS or crownets* Cfte feede iSblackeanbrounbe,anbtftewftoleplantefauouretftliketotfteotfter* Chamepitys tertia. Cfte tfttrd ©round &pne* 3 Cftetftirdeistfteleaftof all,andftatft fmall, wftite,rougft leaues, tft e floures be pellow:anb in fmelllike to tfteotfters* Up The Place. Cftefefterbes loue to growe inftonp groundes and mountapnes: intW court- trep it is fowen and fet in gardens* *£* The Tyme. Cftep floure in 3lulp and Attguft* # The Names. CftefetftreefterbeSbeallcalleb bp one (Breekenamex«M«<7r^vf:in)latineAiuga, Abiga,anb Ibiga: in fftoppes iua,and Iua ^ Artetica,Or lua mofcata : inSpaniffte Pi- nilloy inCnglitft alfO chamepitys. ©roud ^pne,^erbe 3|ue, forget me not, $ field €vpizn: in jfrencfte /** w«/?«*r.inftigfte aaourft toelt €v^tn, $ of fomel^oelan* gftet ftoe Ueiter* *B* The Nature. Cftep are ftoate in tfte fecond degree, and drpin tftetfttrde* faTheVertues. CfteleaueSof Chama?pitysdroken in wine bp tfjeljmce of feuendapes, bealetft tft e3|aundes,$dronken witft ^eade or ^elicrat bp tfte fpace of fortie bapes, it ft ealetft tfte Sciatica, tftat is to fop, tije papne of tfteftippeorftocklebone* JX is alfo good againft tft e ftoppingS of tfteliuer, tftedifficultieof bzine,and 9 caufetft women to ftaue tfteir termeSornaturallficknelTe* Chamepitysgreenepbund,andmengledwitftl^onie,and lapdebpongreattf woundeS,and btrulent,and corruptblcets,curetft tfte fome* Alfotftefamebeinggreenepounb,anblapdetowomensbzeaftS orpappe&fc dilTcauetfttfteftardnelTeof tfte fame* \ And beingozderedas isbeforefoibe,andlapde to tfte bptingSorftingincS ap*jeft; iffTheKyndes. •T^ete befttnbrp fortes of garden CppreS, growing in tfte gardens of tftis countrep* Hf The Defcription. • T^efirftatidtftemoftcomonCppres, J[ in a fmall tree or (ftnibbe of woobbp fubftance, witb bpzigbt brauncftes, bringing fortb fmall,narrow, long and rotid,taggcd or purled leaues, at tftetop. of tftebrauncbes or items growetft farre s©renge-iolour floures, like tfte floures of Canfep,but greater* Cfte roote in of wooddp fubftance, witft manp ftrings or tftreddes ftanging at it* \ 2 Cfte otfter Cppres in mucft like to tfte ^ firft in ftalkeS,leaues,floures,^ fafiftion, fouing tftat tfte brauncftes tftat bare tfte leaues arefmaller, $fet or couered witft long fmall leaues, tft efloures be paler $ foialler,and tbe wftole fterbe is not of fo ftrong a fauour, butfmeiletft moregen- tilip,andpleafontlp*, 3 Cfte tftirb kind W leauesbefmaller,$ (ftozter, almoft like tfteleaues of fteatft* 4 Cfte fourtft kinde W leaues be more fing!e,and like tfteleaues of tfte Cpprelfe tree,but tft ep are wftite* i l Cfteftftft ftatft fofte wollie leaues, as L4b3ere lapde witft a certapne downe or BneCottom witft ftalkes creepingalogft tfteground* Cfte floures of tftefe tftree ktodes,are not bnlike tft e floures of tfte firft kinde* • *£* The Place. Cftep grownotmtftiScoutrep,butmtftegardenStoftereastfteparepl5ted# iffTheTyme. Cftep do botft floure in 3lulp,and Auguft* *& The Names. 1 Piimccalietft tftisfterbein dSreekex^*™**^®* • anb in Xatine Chama?- cypariflus: fomeof tbe laterWriterSbO call it Santolina, and Camphorata: bx* knowen iniftoppes:fome cailit inCnglilft KLauender Cotton,and fom ©arden k €VPlznt in f renCft Cypres de iardyn : in 5©OUCft Cpp^S* rt CfteotfterswttftoutdoubteareoftbekindesofCppreS,andnotCedre,aS i fomecallit*CftefeedeoftftiSfterbeiScallebinlftoppes,Semenc6tralumbricos, "Semen Santonici,^ Semen fandum. iff The Nature. <. 3tis ftoate and berpdrp* iffTheVertues. piinie writetft tftat chamecyparifTusdrokenin Wine in good againft S^ 3 pents,andScorpionS,and otfter kinde of popfon* C Hi 8>t JO The firft Booke of €f€elanafotvf tgwojtc/antJ ^acflje ^arigolde* Cftap*]Cjr* iff The Kindes. $erebe two kindesof tfte fterbe called in d&reeke Cftelidoniiim,Wfteror tfteone in tfte great Celandpne,tfte otfter in fmall Celandpne, in Xatim Strophularia minor. Chelidonium maius. Chelidonium minus. dBreat Ceiandpne* Small Celandpne* iff The Defcription. f /"~>ifieat Celandpneftatft a tender ftaike,round,ftearie,and full of bzatmcfteS^ ll euerp bzauncfteftauing Uuztn iopntes and knottes*Cfteieaues mucft like \ bnto cblombpne,buttenberer$ deeper iagged orcttt, of agrapilb colour bp one(ide,and greene bpon tfte otfter fide fomewftatdrawing towardSblew* Cftefloure in at tftetoppe of tftebrauncftesfapre and pellow like tfte wall d5pl- iofer,$ turnetft into long coddes or ftufkes,in tftemis tftefeede,wfticfteis fmall andpale*AUtftefterbeis of aftrongfmell: anb tbeiupce(wbereof tbe floures, tfteieaues,tfte ftalke,and tfteroote in fiill,and commetft fortft wftan tftep be ei* tberbzufed ozbroken)iS pellow as Saffron, (ftarpe anb bitter, but tftat of tfte rooteftecfollp,tfte wftfcft is^ oztftzeddplacesftangingtftetebp* . k CftefmallCelandpneis alow fterbe growmg bp tfte ground, ftauing a lifr ttefinallbzownilft ftem, tfte leaueSbe ftnall and fomewftat round, like Jnic leaueS;but mucft fmaller,tenderer,fofter, and (motftet ♦ Cfte flower is peiloui like the Hiftorie of Plantes. J* liketo agolbeatp,ozCrowfootefloure*Cfteroote iS full of fmaUtl)tedb;^ oj ftearteloces,wttft diuerS knottes in tftem like to wfteate or barlep copies* Caltha Paluftris. fl^ar(fte#arigolde* feotterbloenteu Beigarum, kt® % T^&ere is an otfter fterbe mucftelike to I finallCelandpnein leaues $ floures, tfte wfticft wemapcall^arlftSlpatp* golde,ozBzaueCelandpne, tfteleaues be ofafWartegreenecolour,fomwftatrounb, and iftimng,iiketo a^opler leafe, but lar- ger $ a little ctit,or purldeabouttbe ebges* Cfteftalkeisround, anddiutded into ma* np brauncfteS,bpon Wfticft are tfte pleafont pellow floures,like to pellow Crowfoote ozgoldeCup, but larger and faprer to be- ftblb*Cfte floures being gone or fallen, pee foalfee tftzee ozfoure fmallftttfkes or cobs, liketo tfteftttfkes of Colombpne, wfterein in eotepned fmalpellow feedes* Cft e roote in great and tfticke, witft manp tftreddp ftrutgs* # The Place. t Cfte great Celandpne growetft in dzp placeS,aboutold rotten walles,and bp tfte t toap ftdes,and bnder hedges pm!H)ZChelidunea, yerua cVandurma y yeruadelas golun- $ drmas: in Cnglifft Celanbpne, Stoallowttrte, and of fome Cetterwurte: in ? jftencft chciedowewEfciaireiintycft Boucft ©rof? Scftelwurt?,grofjScft wal* benkraut,anb Scftelkraut: in bafe Almaigne ©ouwortel, 9. ©roote ©ouwe* 2 Cftelelfee in called in ©reekextxi«roviop moV: in Ratine Chehdomu minus, and Hirundinaria IftoppeS Scrofuiaria minor, and Ficaria; in3!taliatl *f Fauofcello: in Spatlifft Scrofuiaria menor: in©nglifft #pleWorte,Or jftgWOZte ♦ itt jfrmcfte Scrofulairey OZ Petite Efclaire : ilt ftigft JBOUCft feletn ScftelWUtt?, kleitt > Scftwalbenwurt?,jfeigwamen,orBiatemkraut,^faffenftodlin, $ apepetv kraut:inbafeAlmaigne,Clepn©ouwe,andclepnSpemcrupt* Caltha Paluftris fo named of certaine late writers, of fome Tufsilagojdtera, ' and Farfugium, wfterebntonotwitftftanbingitiSbutalittelllike,map wellbe (^nglifteb #at(fte ^arigoibe : in f renCft Bapnet deprez, OX Bapnet de mares: ilt ftigft ©oucb1 a9o6blumen, Sottetblumen, ©eelweifjblumen, and Smarten- w € iiii blumen: J* The firft Booke of bUimm:inbafeAbnatgne,grooteBooterbfoeinen,anbSotterbloem # The occafion of the Names. r * Cfte great Celandpne in named in©zeekex*xi £ if it be appiieb tbereto* Cftefomebrufed and put into tftenofe,ftoppetft nofe bleeding* & <&f6attati>e Saffron. »£* The Defcription. >3llde Saffron ftatft a rounde ftalke of tftzee Cubites long or &dmore,beckeb ^itft log,narrow, [ dented $ (ftarp pricking leaues: at tfte toppe of tfte brauncbes, arefmall | rounb pzicklepfteades orknoppeS,tfte \ wfticfte at tfteir opening, do biin% fortft eajj.leafont €>renge colour floure, of a good fauour,^ colour like to tftetbrebs offigbt Saffron: wftan tfte floure in withered and paft, tftereisfound witft- intfte pricklp fteadS or knoppeS,a wftite long'cornered feede, wrapped in a cer- tapne ft earie do wne, o i cftaffe* r iff The Place. f CftepbfetoplanteitingardenS* . iffTheTyme. Jt flouretft in July and Auguft. ^w *J* The Names. f Jtin called in ©zeeke w*&..- in &a- tint Cnicus: of tfteApotftecattes,and of Mefue, $ Of Serapio,Cartamus: Of fome Crocus Hortefis,9 CrocusSaraccnicus: . JttitiZnStffranoSarracinefco: in SP** Slilft ^Alacor,Acafran del huertoyyfemente de Papagaios: in Crogjilft Baftatd Saffron: Ul jf recft SajfranfauuageJSl BaftardW ftigft Cnicus. Carthamus. 5©ou$ $4 The firft Booke of £>oucft *©flden gartenSaffron: in bafeAimaigne ODilden Saffraen* ; ^.The Nature. CftefeedeofBaftardeSaffron(as Mefue writetft) is ftoatein tftefitftde* gree,and drp in tft e fecond* iffTheVertues. Cfteiupceof tftefeedeof Saffron bzufed andpound,and dronken witft $o- A nied water,oztftebzotfte of aCfticken bzpullet, prouoketft tfte ftoole, and pttr- getft bp fiegeilpmie fleumes,and Iftarpe ftumors: #oreouer it in good againft tfte Coitke,tftat in to fop,tfte papne, and (topping of tfte bowels or guttes, and alfo againft tftepapneinfetcfting of breatft, tfte cougft, $ ftopping of tfte breaft, and it in finguler againft tbe Snopfie* Alfo tfteiupce of tft efomefeede put into miike,caufetft tftefome milke to con- b geale and crudde,and maketft it of gtyatforce,to iofe and open tfte bellp* Cfteflouresdzonkewitft ponied water, openetft tfte kiuer, and are berp c good againft tfte3laundife*Alfo tfte fame floures areberpgood to be bfeb in meates to giue tft em a pellow colour* iff The Daunger. Cftefeedeof BaftardSaffron iSberp fturtfuU to tfte ftomacke, caufinga defireto bomite, and in of ftarde and (lowe operation, remapning long in tfte ftomakeand entrailles* iff The Amendement, pemuftputtotftefamefeede,fometftings comfortable to tfte ftomake,as Anife feede,©alangall,oz ^aftike,oz fome otfter good tfting to ftaften \\in ope- ration,as©pnger,Salgemme,commoufolte,^c* And if it be bfedaftertftis manner, ittftallnotfturtetfteftomackeat au,andftisoperation(ftallbemore ipeedp* ^fConpja/oj f Irbane. ty^xpft. e^TheKindes. ^ereate tWO forteS OfConp?a, aS Diofcorides $ Theophraftus WkZi* tetft:Cfteonecalled tfte great or male Conp$a: tfte otfter tfte fmall or femaleConp^a: 4E)ueranbbpftdes tftefe, tftere is atfttrdekinde,tfte wfticft in called tftemiddleormeane Conp?a *ga The Defcription. *r % np^egreateConp?a ftatft leaues fomewftat large, abnoft UkeCoW^ppe leaueS,fouing tftattftep are browner and fofter*Cfte ftalkeis rourtd,eoue* red witft afafteCottonorfine&owne, ofafooteandftatfelongormdfc towardestbe toppefpzeadingabroade into manp fmall brancftes, bponwftttft growetft long bubbes wbicfte turneinto pellow floures, tfte wfticfte alfo bo aP terward cftaungeiuto ©ownie fteadS,fleeing awap witft tfte wind* Cfteroote' iS fomewftat tfticke* \ t cftefmallConp^agrowetftnotabouetftefteigtft of afpanne, orfoote, and differetft not from tftefirft,fouing tftat it isagreatdeale le(fe*Cfte floures be of adarkepellow,almoftliketfteflouresof Canfie,orliketo tftemiddellof tbe floures of Cammomiil: tftep are botft of a ftrong fouour, but tfte fouour of tt)e greaterismoretftentftefmall* - ^ j Cfte tftird and middell kinde of Conp^a, ftatft around Wftite wollifft (talks of afooteand aftalfelong,tfteleauesbelong$cottonp,or wollp* CbeflottrcS attfte top of tfte ftalke,liketo Cammomill,but greater, $ not onelp of a broune pellow colour in tfte mibbeU, but alfo round about* Conyza the Hiftorie of Plantes. Conyza maior. Conyza media. ©reatConp^a* apiddell Conpja* V *§* The Place. %> • -Cfte great Conp?a, foz tfte moft parte growetft inhip places* Cfte two o* tfters grow in balleps, tft at are mopft and gra(fie,and bp water fibes* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure intfteenp of 31ulp anb Auguft* Jj»7heNames. t ,$Dftefe fterbes are calleb in ©reeke norffci: PHnie in fome place calletft t\)zm (jjpnilagines : Theodor Gaza calletft tfteitt PoIicaria?,atld-Pulicaria»: bnknOWm fe(ftops:onekindeof it in called in©nglilftjflebane:fomecallitinftigftlaoucft *3urwurt?,and2aonnerwurt?: in Spanilft ^tnadegua. , rheophraft calletft tftegreat,Conp?atfte male: and tfte fmaller Conp^atfte female* *J* The Nature. * Cfte great and tft efmall Co nyza?,are ftoate and drp in tft e tftird degree*Cfte tftird in of tftelikefubftaunce,butnotfo ftoate* v, ifcThe Vermes. Cfteleaties anb floures of Conp?a bopleb in wine and dronken, ftaue great A power to pzouoke tfte floureS,and to ejcpelltbe dead cftilde* Cftepftauealfo greatpoweragainfttfteftoatepi(fe,andStrangurp,againft B tft e3Iaundife,and tft e gnawing or grpping papneS of tfte bellp* : Cftefame taken witft bineger is good for tfte ©pitepfie, ozfallingfickneffe* C '• CfteBecoctionof Conpja is berp profitableto womenagainfttftedifeafes & and §6 The firft Booke of anbpapneoftfte^otfter,iftftepfitteoueritinaclofebe(rellozftewe* Cfte leaues bzufed and lapdebpon tftebitingS, ozftingingS of benemoufe f$mnvmuttt. Cl>ap.w;tJ* iffTheKyndes. © fliallbeicribe in tftis ftftapter,tftzee fortes of ^enniewttrte, oz Co- v _don:wfteroftwo kinbeswerewellknowenoftfteAuncientS,aS MPIItbep be alfo in manp countries, at tftis bap: Cbe tftirde,bpcaufe of a K^SS:^certapnerimilitudeorlikenelTetftatitftatft witft ^ennpwurteof tfte wall,wedo call water ^ennpwutte* Cotyledon vera. Cotyledon altera Matthioli. i^allpennpwurte* Cfticke^ennpwurte* *Jc The Defcription. 1 T^e leafe of tftefirftkind of f^ennp- wurte,(S rounde and tfticke, mucft Ipke to 3|uieieaues,but rounder,^ fomewbatbluntlp tndeted about, witft : fomeftollownesozconcauitieaboue,^ a iftozte ftem bnderneatft in tfte middell of tft e leafe*Cfte ftalke in fmall and ftol* low,aboute afpannelong, witft diuerS littell long floures, of a wftititye or in* f the Hiftoric of Plantes. <£>f<£Wt»nc €t)aprirtH. iff 7he Defcription. O&PPne ftatft a roiid groffe bzittellftem, fet full of tfticke leaues, groffe fjfullof fappe $ fomwftat dented abouttfte ebges* At tfte top of £ ftalke growetft manp fapre purple floures, offafiftion like tfte floures of S*31oftnS wurte, called in ©reeke Hy- pericum . cfte roote in wftite and berp kuobbp,orknottie* Cftere in a kinde of tftis fterbe wftofe floures are wftite: anb alfo atftirdekinde wftofe floures arepellow,tfterefidue in a* greable to tft e firft* *fr The place. ®W?nz prouetft wel in mopft (ftaoowp placeS*Cfte people of tft e countrep deligftt mucft to fet it in pots $ (ft elles on 39idfo* mer ©u£,orbpo timber flattesortrecfters dawbeb witft Clap, $ fo to fet, or ftang it bp in tfteir ftoufes,wftere as it remapnetft greene a long feafon and growetft, if it be fomtimes ouer fprinckled witft water* iffTheTyme. 3!t flouretft moft cominonlp in Auguft* #7'heNames. Cftep do now call tftis fterbe CraiTula maior,fomecall it Fabaria,£ Faba craffa:in ©ngliift€>rppne, ^Hiblong, orkiueiog: in jfrencb Orpinft chicotrininbissh Bottcft nsutadkraut, &nabenkraut, jf ot?lwang, and jfotiwein: in bafe Almaigne r©or> dencrupt,and Smeerwortele* *5* The Degree or Nature. €>rppne cooletft in tft e tftirde degree* iff The Vertues. *Dzppne in operation $ bertue ig like to $oufelike or Spngreene* 6i The Tyme. ©pebzigfttbeginnetft to floure in Augitft, anb flouretft (till bntill Septem* ber,and inforwarde peares,it in found to floure in 31uip* 3t muft be gathered anb drped wbiles it in in floure* & The Names. SomecalltftiSfterbe inkatine Euphrafia.- i^fapniii, Ophthalmica $ Ocula- ris:fometv4)fooucft Augentroft: inbafe AlmaipeiDogftentrooft, tftat is to fap, in Ratine Oculorumlolamen. ^ Degreeor Nature. 3tiSftoateanbdzp,almoftintftefecond degree* tfpThe Vertucs. ©pebrigftt pound and lapde bpontfte zpzny or tfte iupce tfteteof witft wine % dropped into tfte epes,taketft awap tfte darknetfe of tft e fame, * clearetft p figftt* So dotft apowder madeof tftreepartes of ©pebrigftt dried, and one parte # of , in Ratine Thalietrum, and do bfe it for tbe fame* 4 ButtftefmalThaiietrum,isnot Hypecoon,as we ftaue tft ougftt iteartftiS* •§* The Nature. Baftard liewbarbe in of completion ftoate and drp* *ff The Vertues. Cfte leaues of Baftard ftewbarbe, taken in meate scrophularia maior. ozotberwifelofetft tftebellp* v CfterooteSiUfolftouldfeeinetobeoftftefomenatitre and bertue: and foz tftis confederation partlp tftep were called ftewbarbe, $partelp alfo tbep were focalled,bp- caufe tfteir rootes are pellow like liewbarbe* €>f water 6ctonp/ o;6;oune* Wurte* ©bap*)oejcj* iff The Defcription. % QHounewurte ftatft afquare, browne, ftollow ftalke, £)large leaues, natcfted or dented rounde about, berp like bnto 0etteilleaues,but fmo tber or plapner,and notfting ftinging or burning at all* Cbe floures grow a> bout tbe toppe of tbe ftalkes, anb are fmall anb tawnep, ftollow likeaftelmet,ozafnaple(ftell* Cfte feebe is fmall rounde, popnted like to fomepretppellots or buttons* Cfte roote in wftite anb knobbp,like tfteroote of £>rppn or kpblong, wfterpf we ftaue fpoken Cftap* 2 *♦ t CftereisanotfterkinbedftftiSfterbe,liketotftefirft, inftalkes,leaues,floureS,anbftufkeS,orfeebebe(felles, butit differetb in tfte roote: fozftis roote in notknobbp or fwollen like to tfte otft er,bttt full of t^izhbitt) firings: otfterwife tftere is no difference belwipt tftis ktnbe and tfte Otfter, Wfticft tftep Call Scrophularia maior: tot £ ftalke in alfo fquare, anb tbe leaues like to Jliettell leaues, and arecut,^ dented round about in like manner: tftefloures are like to open ftelmets alfo,$c*fo tftat oftentimeS,tftofe & iin tftat A B 44 The firft Booke of tftattakenotftedetotftedifferecemtfterootes,dogatftertfteonefoztfteotfter* 5 Cftere is pet a tftirdekinde wfticft in notfting like to tfte otfterS, failing onlp in tfte floures and feede, wfterem it is berp like to tfte otfter Scropfttrtartes: wfterefoze wee ftaue tftougftt good to make mention of it in tyin place: l)in ftalke is rtgftt,orftraigftt and rounde* Cfteleaues are like to i&oquetleaues, but fmaller and biowuer*Cfte floures are like to tftem afozefopde, fquing tftep befmallerandof ablewe colour,ftraked witb fmallftrakesof wftite* Cfte roote in tftzeddp,liketfte roote of tfte fecond kindeof Scrophuiai ia3and in euer* lafting,ptttting fortft peareip new fprings,as alfo dotft tfte rootes of tfteotftet tWO Sciophularies. *$» The Place. Cftetwo firftekindeSdo jrow berp plentifullp int\)in countrfcp, intftebor* ders of fieldes,and bnder fteoges,and aboutlakes anb bitcftes* Cfte tftirde in not found ftere,but onelp planted in gardens* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure in3|une and 3!uip* JfoThe Names. % CftefirftiScalledinSftoppeS, and oftftel^erbouftes, Scrophularia maior, rj Of fome Caftrangula,Ficaria,Millemorbia,Ferraria: in©nglifl)BrOUneWUrte, and neater Beto'nprinftigft AlmaigneBraunwurtf,Sauwurt^, and groff feigwart^enkrattt:inbafeAimaignegrobtSpeencrupt^^elmcrupt*Some tftinkeitto be tbe fterbe tftat is calleb in ©reekeyax^^^yaxto^oxop^jla* tine Calcopfis and Vrtica labeo. 2 cfte fecond ftatft no certapnename in Ratine, nor of tfte Apotfteearies: but in bafe Almaigne it in calleb B eeckfcupm,anb S* AntftueniS erupt: tftis Iftould beK\v>.voy: Betonica Aquatica Septentrionalium:in©ngUfl) iBatet BetOnp* '3 Cft e tft irbe in bnknowen anb witftout name, notwitftftadtng it map be ta» kenfor a kinde of Gaieopfisjbpcaitfe ^in floure in like to an open pelmet* # The Nature. Scrophulariaisftoatear^ddrpintftetftird degree, and of fubtillpartes* iffThe Vertues. i Cfteleaues, ftalke, feede, roo*te,$ iupce of tfte rigftt ©aleopfis,ozBroune* A wurte,dotft wafteaud diifoluealkindes of tumors, fweilings, and ftardnelfe, if it be pound witft binege,tand lapde tfterebpon two or t^izz times a dap* Cfte leaues ftampteand lapde to old,rotten,cozrupt, fpreading and fretting 23 Ulcers or ^ockeS,dotft fteale t^zm, it dotft alfo ft eaie Cankers, if it be pound Witft Salteand lapde tftereto* 3|f amanwaffteftisface witft tfte iupceof tftis fterbe,ittaketft awap tfte red- C neffe of tfte fame* Cfte roote eaten drietft bp and ftealetft tfte ©emorrftoides: tfte like bertue it © ftatft to be pound and lapde too outwardlp* Cfte feede of Brounewurtedron- ken killed wormes* * Cftefecond kinde(wfticfteiStfterigfttwaterBetonp) in alfo berp good a* © gainft all cozrupt blcers and confttming fores,beinglapbe too, as tfte firft* 3 - Cfte tftird in not onelp bnknowen in name,but alfo in bertues* f <£>f tyttU aobertc/ppnfecnee&ie/and £>tojhto dill/ witft otfter of tftefamekinde* Cftap^jeij* iffTheKindes. T©ere in found in tftis contrep diners fortes of fterbeS,Wftofe feedes be long 1 ft (ftarpeliketo a^earons beake orbpl,tfte wfticft for tfte felf fame caufc, are all the Hiftoric of Plantcs. 47 allcompzeftendedfcndettftenameand kindeSof $earonS bill Cftetwoofirft aredelmbedbp Diofcorides,and otfter of tfteattncientwriters:Cftefiueotfter are fet foortft bp tfte later wrptets,anb learneb men of our time* «£* The Defcription. Tl^efirft ^in^z of ©eranionor StorckeS bill,ftis leaues are cut and iagged inmanppeeceS,liketo Crowfoote,ftiSftalkesbeflenber, and parted into fonbzpbzauncbeS,bponWbicb growetft fmal floures fomwftatlikerofes, or tfte floures of a£alloweS,of aligftt murrep or rebbe colour: aftertftem com- metft little round fteades,witft fmaitougbiiles,like j|*edelS,o.z like tftebeakes of Cranes and ©earons, wbeeeintftefeebeis contapneb: CfterooteiS tfticke, round,(ftorte,and knobbp,witft certapne ItoaUftringS ftanging bp it* Geranium alterum. S^oue foote* Geranium tertium. StorckeS bill,orAcuS apofcftata* ofapinfintUgfttMUie: after OeMbmegtottottetj -wgwjggiJSSS peaWbeatfegastfotljc otijrofcClje »«»* to*Mww«W«*nn8w lifcetoEampiottiJ. Sideiitis 46 The firft Booke of Sideritistertia,aut Geranium Robertianum. i^erbeiiloberte* Geranium gruinale. Cftefourtft Cranes bill* 4 T^e fourtft ftatft ftearie ftalkes lifeetifte otftet,but all redde, witft diuets J[ iopntes and knotS,tfteleauesaremticft cut and iagged,liketo Cfterttill,oz Coriander leaues, but redder^ of amoze lotftfomefmell* CftefloureSbe redde,andbringetft fortftfmaUbulletslikelitteilfteades, witft iftarpebiileS* Cfterooteis fomewftat greene of colour* 5 Cftefiftft in like to tfte aforefopbe, in biS bearie ftalkes, rebde floures, and (ftarpe billes, fouing tbat W leaues are mucft moze, anb deeper cut, and big floures befomewftat greater* 4 Cfteftjetft is like tftefourtft,in fmall, weake,tender,ftearp ftalkes, in leatteS deepelpcut,infloures,and bzauncftes, fouing tftattfteftalkesof tftefiftft kinde do grow longer and ftigfter, tfte leaues be greater, and tfte floures larger Ipke dnto littell HiofeS*Cfterootein long and moft comonlp all reddeand fonguine witftin* r Cfte feuentft ftatft alfo long rebbifl), ftearie ftalkes, and great leaues, Ipke Crowfoote,butlarger,ftis floures are biew,afrerwfticftetftere commetft foztft finallbeekes orbilles,asintfteotfter kpnbes * Cfteroote is tfticke $ long witft manp fmall ftrings* ^The place. t. t Cftefe fterbes bo grow of tftemfelues, in barren fanbp groundes, bp ftigft , 4 wap fides,and borders of fieldeS*©erbeiaobertelikewife growetft aboutofo* walles,and olde tpled,oz ftoneftealed ftoufes* 5.6 Cftetwoo laft kindes are not found in tftis countrep, fouing in gardens wftere as tftep be planted* Geranium the Hiftorie of Plantes. 47 Geranium ha»matites. Geranium, batrachiodes. Sanguin ©eranium,oj Gratia Dci,or Balfinet g era- Blood liiOOte* nium,or CroWfOOte Geraniu. iffTheTyme. Cftep floure moft commonlp in 2£ap and3Iune, and fometimeS alfo inte prill,e(peciallp tfte firft kinde* *& The Names. ' Altftefefterbesarecalledbpone©reekename>^«V(oH,tftatiStofap,mXatin Geranium,Gruina,or Gruinalis: in Jt$X\aVXRoflrodi Grua: in SpanHft PicodeCi- guena, K^Aguyas pampiUos, • CftefirftkindeiScalledGeraniutuberofum,Acuspaftoris,rjAcusMofchata: and Geranium fupinum: in ©nglilft StorkeSbpll,j£inkeneedeil, and of fome SBpoftftata: in ftigft Almaigne Stortkenfnabel: in jfrencft Bet degrue: inbafe Al- maigne 4Dpeuaertfbeck, or ©raneribeck* 2 Cfte fecond iS called Geranium alterum,'Geranium Columbinum, and Pes Coiumba?.in ©nglilft 33ouefoote:injfrecft PieddePigeom inftigft &oitcft&au- benfufj: tn bafe Almaigne Supuenuoet* 3 CbetbirdiScalledinll;oppeSRoftrumCiconia?,and Geraniumfupinum:fa ©nglilft l^earons bill,orStozkesbill:inftigft doucft StozkenftftnabeUinbafe Almaigne 4Dpeuaetfbeek,or Cranenbeck* 4 CftefourtHinbeoftbefefterbS,iSakmbeofsideritisoftfteAuncientS,^iS called Of 5©iofCOrideS Sidentis tertia,and Sidcritis Hcraclea.noW tftep call it Ru- berta,Herba Roberti,$Robertiana,$ Geranium Robertianu:in ©Itglifl) %)ZXbZ Eobert:in jfrecb fferk Robert, in ftigft ©oucft ftubzecftt?kraut,Scftamnkraut> and of fome kleinScftolwurtj,in bafe Almaigne Kotyecftts erupt* Cfte 4* The firft Booke of 5 Cftefiftft is called Gruinalis,* Geranium gruinaic .in©ngltlft CraueSbill: in ftigft JDoitcft &rantcftftalS:in bafe Almaigne Craenft als* 6 Cfteftrtft is called inftigft J^oucft Blutwurt?:in bafe AlmaigneBloetwor* tele,tftat is to fap,tfteSangttineroote,orBioud roote: and Geranium Ha?ma- todes,fortftefame caufe* 7 Cfte feuentft is called Gratia Dei.inCnglilft alfo Gratia Dei:BatTinet ©era- nium,and ©roefoote©eranium: in ftigft 3©oucfte ©ottesgnad, tftat in to fap, tfte©raceof ©od:inbafe Almaigne ©odtsgftenade, andbiattw Booterbloe- men^nd Geranium batrachiodes. iffTheNature. Cfte moft part of tft efefterbes,are of abrping teperature, fome alfo ate clen- ftng,^bauepowertoiopne togitfterorfoulder,butitisnotmucft bfed to tftat purpofe* iff The Vertues. , Cfteroote of tftefirft taken in wine,driuetft awap and ftealetft alblaftings, 3 andwindineffeoftfte^atriiror#otfter,itprouoketftbrpne,andisberpgoob ' fortft em tftat ftaue tfte (tone* 2 Cfte fecond(as£ AuncientS fap)is not good in 3^edicpne*^otwftftftading $ at tftis time,it in mucft bfed againft al woundes,^ bicers,being lapd tft erbnto* 3 ^erbe liioberte dotft ftancftetftebloud of greene woundes, to bebzufed and c lapdetberetO,aS Diofcorides foitft* Cfte fame fterbe(as ftatft bene proueb litftence Diofcorides timz^in ftnguler & againft tftefores^blcersoftftt^appes,^tftepriuiemebers,efpeciallp of men, tfitbeponnbe^ lapbe tfterebnto,oriftfte iupce tfterofbebzoppedozpoured ixu Cfte becoctionof i|erbeiiobertecuretft tfte corrupt bicers, and rottenlbzeS t of tft e moutft,and amendetft tfte ftinking of tfte fame* Cftereftare notbfeb inmebicine* f ®f£ea Sfttfoip ano flkplfcrtb urte* €&ap*j^tt>* tfpThe Ktndes. ', 'Tl^erebetwokpnbesof ^plkewurte,bifferingbotft in name and figure: wftereof one is called Giaux,and tfte otfter Poly gala. Glaux. Polygala. Q&iikeWttrte* #ilkewurte, orfeacrpfolp* H-The the Hiftorie of Plantcs, 4? *Jt The Defcription. t np^efirft^ilkewurteftatft manp fmalftemmeS,comingfortft of oneroote, X tftefopbe ftalkes be weake anb tender,^ of ftalfe a footeftigft, bpon wfticft growetft fmall long leaues,Uke tfte fmalleft leaues of itentilles, and are wftiterbndernetfttfteleafetftanaboue* Cftefloures amongft tfte leaues, are like to ©illofloureS,but fmaller,of colour purple and incarnate*Cfteroote ig fmal, fullof ftearie tftreedes,and creeping alongft tfte grounde* 2 Cfte fecond kinde of apilkewurte called in&atine iJoiigaia,is a fmallfterbe, witft (lenber pliant ftemmes of woobbp fubftance, as long as amansbande creepirtgbptftegroimb,tbeleaueSbefmallanbnarrow,liketfteleauesof)len- tillorfmaU^pfope*CfteflouresgrowfomwftattftickeabouttfteftemmeS,not mucft bifferfogfromtftefloures of jfmnito.zp,infigure,andquatitie,fometimeS tawnep,fometimes blewe,and fometimes wftite asfnow, witftout fmell or fa- uour,after wfticfte floures, tft ere commetft fmall coddes,or puriTfeMike to tftem of Burfa Paftorisjrot fmaller, and couered bp euerp fibe Witt) fmall leaues, like littell wingeS*Cbe roote in (lender and of wooddp fubftance* 1%* The Place. i Cbefirft Stpiikewurtegrowetb in iowefolte marlftes, anb waterp places nigbtfteSeatftozougftout allZealanb* 2 Cbe fecond growetb inbip i^eatbes,anb commons,bp tfte ftigft wap fibeS* iffTheTyme. x Glauxflotiretft in Junz anb Julp* t Polygalaflouretft in 9£ap about tfte lHogak Helxihe Parietaria. tion,oz©ang weeke,tfte wbicft tfte AlmaigneS callCrupfebagben,rjtftereiore tftep call tftem CrupfbloemkenS, as Tragus tftat countrep- manwrptetft* ifr The Names. t Cftefirft iscalleb in©reeke>x«uf ,K9uy«c'x«f, * *x«f: in Ratine g iaux,anb Giax,tftat in to fop, in ©nglilft ^ilkewurte: in jfrecft HerbeauUm-. in Soucft 9£ilcftt.rattt, anb Sipelckctttpt* Tur- nerealletft itSeaCrpfolp* s Cftefeconbiscailed7roxu>xoj; ,Poiigaia,tftat in to fop, tfte fterbe ftauing pientp of milke, bp Wfticft name it is not Kno we, foz tft e AlmapueS Call it CmpfblOeme* *jj* The Nature. Botb tftefe fterbes are ftoate anb mopft, as Galen foptft* *5« The Vertues. j Cftefirfte taken witft meate,drinke, or po- tage,ingendretft pientp of milke: tft erefore it ig good to be bfed of jftutfeS tftat lacke milke* B CftefamebertueftatftPolygala,takenwitft fttS leaues and floures* 0fpd!tto?pof$et&all* ©ftap*jefl&iiij* *JJ> The Defcription. PCllitorp or paritorp ftatft rounde tender, tftozottgft fftining, i bzowne rebde ftalkes: tfteleaues berougft $fomwftatbroade,like « S£errotp Jo The firft Booke of a^ercurpbut notfting fnipte or benteb about *CbefloureS be (htall iopning to tfte ftemme, amongft tfte leaues* Cftefeebe isblacke and berp fmall, couered Witft alittellrougft ftufke orcoate,wfticfteftangetft faftebpon garments ♦ Cfte roote ts fomewftat redde* iff The Place. Jt deligfttetft to groweabout ftedges,and olde walles,ajtd bp wap fides* ^.ThcTyme. 31t flouretft moftcommonlpin3lttlp* iff The Names. Cftis fterbe in calleb in ©reeke Uf fa *& mtffar: in katfae m uralium Per- dicium,anb Vrceolaris,and Of fome Parietaria,Muralis,^ Perdicalis:UlSft0PPeS Paritaria : inJt&liiVXLauirreola .♦ fa Spanflft Teruadelmuro, Alfahaquilladel muro, Alfahaquilla deculebra : fa©Uglilft ^arietatp, ^ellitOrP Of tfte WtA\ X fa ftigft 23oucft, Cagbnd naeftt, S* #eters kraut, ©laffkraut, S^aurkraut: fabafe Almaigne }&arietatie,anb ©lafctupt* •£ The Nature. parietarie in fomewftat colbe * mopft,drawingnere to ameane teperature* ijjf The Vertues. l&arietozieiS finguler againft cftoierike inflammations,tfte difeafe called % 3lgnis facer, S*AntftonieSfpre, dreading and running fores, burnings, and all ftoateblcers,beingftamped andiapdetfterebpon* Anopntment made witft tfte iupce of tftis fterbe anbCerufe,iS berp good 25 againft allboateblcerS,lpreabfagandconfumingforeS,ftoateburning,fcurup, anb ipzeading Ccabbes,and fucft like impediments* Cfte fome iupce mSgleb witft 5©eare fewet,is good to annopnt tfte feetetvC gafaft tftat kinde of goute,wfticft tftep call^odagra* Cfte fame iupce mengled witft ople of l&ofcs, and dzopped into tfte eares, & IWagetft tbepapnes of tftefame* Cfte decoction ozbzotfte of ^atietoriebronken, ftelpetft fucfteasare beted € Witft anolde Cougft, tftegrauellandftone, and is good againft tfte difficultie and (topping of brine,and tftat not onelp taken inwardlp,but alfo lapde to out- wardlpbpontfteregionoftfteBladder, in maner of a fomentatio or a warme batfte* 4M €hitktmtHt. tf bap. jqcicti. iffTheKindes. pdtftougft Diofcorides and Plinie,ftatie Written but of one kinde of Al- |fine,orCftickeweebe, neuertftelelte a man map finde in moft places of tftis countrep, diuers fortes of fterbes compreftended bnder tfte name of Milne orCftickeweede,ouer and bpiidestftatwfttcfteis found infolt groundes: wfterebf tfte firft, and rigftt Aifmc ig tftat wfticfte Diofcorides and tfte Auncients ftaue defcrtbed* *jjji The Defcription. Ti^egreatCftickeweedeftatftfimdrp^prigftt,rottnde, and knobbp ftalkes* Cfteleaues growe at euerp iopnt orknotte of tfte ftalke, alwapes twoo togitfter,one directlp (landing agapnft an otftet,meetelp large,fometimeS almoft of tfte breabtft of twoo fingers, not mucft bnlike ^arietorp leaues, but longer and ieffe ftearie: abouttbetoppe of tfte brauncftes, amongft tfteleaues growetft fmallftemmeS, witft iitteUknoppes,tfte wfticfte cftaunge into fmall wftite floures diepelp cutt and Wpte, after tfte floures pee (ftall percepue ftufkeSorCoddeSfomewftatfong and rounde, wftereinlietft tftefeede* Cfte wftole fterbe dotfte not differ mucft from ^arietorp, for ftisftemmes alfo be tftorougft j the Hiftoric of Plantes. jt moft of tftefome quantttie: fo tftat Jaioftoridesfoptft, tftat tftis ftetbelftouib be ^artetorp,but tftat it tsfinaUer anb bafer or lower,anb tftat tfte leaues be lon- ger,andnotfo ftearte* Alii ne maior. ©reatCftickeweede* Alfines fecundum genus* Cftefecond Cfttckeweede* 44 t Cfte fecond in like to tfte great CftickeWeede, fouing tftat it in fmaller and growetft not bpzigftt,but itetft anb fpzeadetft bpon tfte ground*Cfte leaues are mucft fmaller, growing twoo and twoo togitfter at euerp iopnt* Cfte floures, ftufkes and feedeis like tfte great Cftickeweede*Cfte rooteftatft manp fmall ftearie tftreddes* 3 Cfte tftirdeand fotalleft Cftickeweede,iS not mucft bnlike tfte fecond, but a great deale fmaller fa ail refyectes,fa fo mucft tftat ftis ftemmes be like bnto fmall tftzebdes,and bis leaues no bigger tftenCpme, otfterwapesit is ipke to tftefeconb* 4 Cfte fourtft kinbe(calleb of tfte bafe Almaignes !£oendetbeet)tftat in to fap !|enbit,batft manp rounde $ ftearie ftemmes*Cfte leaues be fomewftat round, ftearie,^ a little fnipt or tagged about tfte edges, otfterwife not mucft bnlike tfte leaues of great Cftickeweede* Cftefloures be blew or purple, $ bo bring fortft fmall clofeknappeS or ftufkes,in wfticft in inclofeb tfte feede* 7 Cftefiftft kinde is like to tfte aforefapd,in ftisftearieftemmes,ftis leaueSbe longer $narrower,anb lagged rounde about, tfte floures of a cleare blew,tfte feebeis inbroadeftufkes,as tfte feede of Veronica or ^auleSBetonp* © ij Alfines J* The firft Booke of Alfines tertium genus. Cftetftird Cfttckeweede* Alfines quartum genum. Cftefottrtft ©cfttckeweede* Alfines quintutngenus. Cftefiftft Cfttckeweede* Cftere tSpetafijrtekpnde of Cfttckeweede, Wfticft growetft onelp foSalte ground, like to tfte otfterS fa leaues and knottpftemmes, but cftieflp like to tfte fecond kinde, failing tftat W ftemmes aretfticker $ !ftorter,and tfte knots or iopntes ftande nearer one to an otfter* Cfte leaues are tfticker,^ tfte ftufkes be not long but flat,rounde,and fomewftat fquare or cornered, likeagreatftaftingorgarde peafe, euerpftufke ftaufag tftree or fottre browne feebes,abnoft of tftequantitieofadetcfte* iffThe Place. Cfte great Cfttckeweede growetft fa mopft (ftadowpplaces, faftedges ^buflftes, amongft otfter berbes: in fucb like places pe ftall fiude tftereft,buttftefi]etft growetft not, eicceptonelp tofaltegrounbes,bptftefeafide* iffTheTyme. djefefterbes do moft comonlp floure about fl^tdfomer* iff The Names. Cftegreat CftickeweedeiScalledin©reeke«x(r/vM,inilatine Aifine,and of fome late writers Hippia maior: in3ltaiian/>^4r/»4,and centone: bnknowen to tfoeApotftecarieS* ^., r Cftefecond$tftird,arecalled of tfte ApotftecarieS Morfus galling Hippia minor: i i M the Hiftoric of P lantcs. J} minor:fa©nglt(b fiddle CftickeweederfaftigftJaoucft Hogelkraut,and ©u- nerbif^in bafe Almaigne3*ogelcrupt,!ijoenderbeet, and riepncn^ucr* 4 Cfte fourtft alfo in called of fome Morfus gallina?.- fa ftigft Boucft l^uner- bif?: in bafe Almaigne l^oenderbeet: it map alfo be called in jfrencft Morgeiine Bajlarde. 5 Cfte fiftft in called of tft e fttgft Aftnaignes Rimers erb,of tft e bafe Almaines fcoenbet- erue,tftat in to fop,tfte^ennesrtgftt,or liberates fafteritance:it in alfo Called in jfrettCft Moron Baftard.Moron violet,attd 0tilde Chat. 6 Cfte fijctft, wfticfte growetft fa falte groundes, wee map call Alfine marina, tftat in to fap, Sea Cfttckeweede* «§* The Nature. Cftickeweedein colde and mopft,infubftance mut\) ipke^arietozie, as Ga- len writetft* iff The Vertues. t Cftegreat Cfttckeweede pounde, and iapdeto tfteepes,oz tfte ittpeetftereof A ftraked bpon tfte zpzn,in good againft inflammations, and tfte ftoate dicers of tge zpzn> Cftefamebfed in manner aforefapde,and Iapdeto tfteplace,is good againft B allftoate blcers, tftat be barbe to cure, but efpeciailp tftofe abotite tfte pipniz partes* Cfteiupcetftereof dropped into tfte eareS,iSgood agapnft tfte papne and C grieft of tfte fame* t.3 CftefmaUCfttckeweede,andl^eciallptftefecondkinde,bopledfawaterand^ falte, is a foueraigne remedie againft tfte fcurup fteate and itcfteof tfte ftandes, if tftepbeoftenwafffted orbatfted intftefome* Sea Cftickeweede,feruetft to no knowen bfe* <$ ^f fl^oufe care* £\)ap>mM* *§* The Defcription. %\ A 4Dufeeare,(as Diofcorides foitft)ftatft manp fmall and (lender ftzmmzgy lVXfomewftatreddebplow,aboutdjewfticftegrowetftleattes,aiwapestwo togitfter (landing onedirectip againft an otfter,tftep arefmall, biackilfte, and fomewftat long, and fftarpepopnteb,abnoftliketo tfte eareof a^oufeoz Eatte: betwijctetfte leaues tftere growetft foztft fmall bzauncft^ wfterebpon are blew floures,like tfte floures of female ^tmpernell* Cfterobte is as tfticke asaffagar* t CftereiSpetanotfterfterbe,wbtcftefomeftoldefoz ^ iff The Place. 59oitfeeate(as Matthioius writetft) t growetft famedowes, and ig common fa3ltalp* Cftetwootfterkfadesgrow fa tftis m countrep bnder ftedges, about tftebor- ders of fielbes,anbbp tfte wap fibe,as Cbickeweebedotft* ^TheTyme. Cftep floure in Junz and 3lulp* JfrTheNames. Sfyoutz eareis called fo©zeekejuv°' *r«: in Ratine Auricula muris,tftat ig to % fep,#oufeeare: in&oucb ^euf?oztfa:fabafe Almaigne flfcupfooren* Cbetwo otfterS are counted of fbmefor^ottfe eare, pet tftep Iftouldfeeme *.j ratfter to be of tftekfabes of Aifinebr Cfttckeweede* ^.The Nature. fl^oufe eare, drietft witftout anp fteate* iff The Vertues. $d oufe eare pounde ftelpetft mucft againft tfte jf iftulas, and blcerS, fa tfte a corners of tfte epeS,to be lapbe tbereto* AmanmapfinbeamongfttbewrptingSoftfte©gpptianS,tftatif a bobpbe b rubbedintftemozningearlp,beforebebatftlpoken,attftefirft entranceof tfte monetft of Auguft,witft tftis fterbe,tftat all tfte nejct peare ft e (ftal not be greued witft bleared or fore zpzn* <*>f pimpernel!* €ljap*w*totj* *£* TheKindes. T^ere be two io%\zn of ^impernell: tbe onebatft rebde floures,and is called ^ale ^impernell, tfteotfter ftatft blew floures, and in called female &inu pernell the Hiftoric of Plantes. jy pernell,butotfterwife tftere in no kinbeofbifferencebetwijcttftem* Anagallis mas. Anagallis fcemina. Cftemale^impernell* Cftefemale^impernelU ifjfThe Defcription. B^Dtft ^impeeneiles ftaue fmall,tender,fquateftalkes, Witft diuerS vopntg, and itfpzeadetft ozcreepetft bpon tfte ground* Cfte leaues be fmali,ltke tfte leaues of fiddle Cfttckeweede, but rounder, and greene aboue, but vn dernetft of a grapifye colour, ano poudered full of fmall blacke fyztkzn* Cfte floures oftftemalekfadeberedde, but tbe floures of tftefemalekfabe are of a fapzeA^ure colour* CftefeedetScontapned fa fmall round littell bolliens,or knoppes,wfticfte fprfagbp after tftefloure* •§• The Place. Jt growetft plentifullp fa tpiled fieldes, and alfo in gardens amongft pot fterbes,and euerp wfterebp wap ltdes* 2$>TheTyme. J t flouretft all tfte Sommer,but moft in Auguft. # The Names. CftiSfterbeiScallebfa©reekeandfa)latfaew«y«cAX/V,and offome(as ph- niefoptft)Corchorus: faSpanitft cMumges fa ©nglilft latmpetneli: fa jfrencft uuoren: and tftat wfticfte bearetft tfte purple floures in calleb alfo fa ©reeke x0f?«Miop, Corallium,aS Paulus AeginetafoftiSfeftentft Booke WUtttft: fafttgft feoucft ©aucftftepl:in bafe Almaigne ©upcbelftepl* *j* The Nature or temp&ament. i^impernelliSftoateanddrp,witftoutanpacrimonie,orbpting iff The Vertues. ^impetnellbopled fawfaeanddronken,tSfinguler againfttfte bptingSof A benemoufe beafts,and againfttfte obftructionS, and ftoppfag of tfte liner, and tfte papne and griefe of tfte hphntpn* € tut Cfte j6 The firft Booke of Cfteiupce of ^tmperneUlhifteinto tfte jftofetftzilles,dzawetft downe from B tfte bead pftlegmatique and naugfttie ftumozs,and openetft tfte codttctes of tfte 0ok: alfo itftealetfttftetootft acfte, wftan it is put into tfte jftofc on tfte con- trarp fide of tfte griefe* - ^imperneillapdebponcozruptand feftered blcers, or frettingforeS, dotfte ^ rtenfeandfteaietftefome* Alfoitdzawetft fortft tftorneS^tplinters or (fttuets, ifitbebuifebandiapdebpontftepiace* ^ 3ltiialfoberpgoodagafafttftefaflammation,orfteateoftfteepe* « Cfte iupce of tftefamemingled witft l£onp,and ftraked,or often put into tfte puttp. iff7he Defcription. S^urrp ftatft toud ftalkes, witft tftree oz fottre knots oziopnteS, about tbe wfticftegrowetft a forte of berp nar- row fmal leattes,compalTiug tfte iopnts infallftionofaStarre: attftetopoftfte ftalkes it bringetft foortft manp ftnall wftite floures, after tftem tftere cometft fmallpellets ozbulletslike ftfaefeede, Wft^refatScontapnebbiackefeede* Cfte roote in flender,and of afingeriengtft* ijf The Place. Spnttp growetft moftcommonlp,fa fieldes,wftereas tftep bfe to foweit* ifc The Tyme. Jtflouretftfortftemoftpartefa^ap OWte* & The Names. CftiS fterbe in called m ©ngli(fte tfrancke,bieaufe of tfte propertied ftatft tcfatcattell*31tiSalfocallebin©nglt(ft Spnrrie, $ fo it is fa jf rencft e $ 23oucft: wftereof fprangtfte Ratine nameSper- eula,bnknowenof tbe Apothecaries ,j* tfte oldeft writers alfo,wfterfore it ftatft none otfternametftatiSknowenbnto bS* *J* The Vertues. ^mirrpis ccood fourage or fodder for €>iren £ fepen, for it caufetft kpen to A peeldeftoreof milke,and tftereforeitin called of fome Pofygala, and otfter pro- pertieSitftatftnot,tftatareaSpetknowen* &f itfltnnonie* Wfflfr' iff The Defcription. T&eleaueSof Agrimonie, arelong,^ ftearie,greene aboue, $ fomwftatgrap- 1S:Smarted into diuers otfter fmalleaues, fmpteround about * edges, S£oK the Hiftorie of Plantes. 57 aboue an otfter bpwardes towardestfte Eupatorium. toppe, after tfte floures cometft tfte feede fomewftat long and rougft like to fmall BurreS;ftagingdownewards,tftewfticft being ripe,do ftang fafte bpongarments, wftan onedotft but fcarflp toucfte it* Cfte rooteis meetelp great,long,and blacke* ifc The Place. Agrunonie growetft tn places not tpl- led,fa rougft ftonp moutapnes,in ftedges and Copfes,and bp wap fides* iffTheTyme. Agrimonie flouretft in Jnnz, and Jn> lp*Cfte feede is ripe in AugufkCfte Agri- monie tftat in to be occupied in medicine, mu^ be gatftereb,anb drped in Slpap* • # The Names. Agrimonie in calleb fa ©reeke tv**™- fiop kqci «7T«T»eiop: fa Idatfae Eupatorium, and tiepatonum:fa(ftOppeS Agrimonia: Of fome Ferraria minor, Concordia, and Marmorella.-faSpantlft Agramonia. fa©tl- glilft Agrimonie: in jfrencft Eupatoire, or ^igremoinemtyiqfy Jaoucft £Ddermenicft, Brucftwurt?:fabafe Almaigne Agrimo- nie, '$ of fome keuetctupt, tftat in to fop, kiuerwurte* *$c- The Nature. Agrimonie in of fine anb fubttil partes, witftout anp manifeft fteate, itftatft power to cut in funber,witft fome aftriction* *§c The Vertues. Cfte decoction oz brotfteof Agrimonie dronken, dotft clenfe and open tfte % ftoppfags of tft e liuer,and dotft ftrengtften tfte fome,$ in fyeciallp good againft tfte weakeneffe of tfte fame* Agrimoniebopieb in wine anb bzonken,belpetft againft tbe bptingsof be*B nemouSbeaftS:tftefamebopied inwater ftoppetft tftepiffing of blond* Cftefeedetl)erofdronkeninwine,iSffaguleragainft tfte biouddp Aire and C daungeroufelafke* < Cfte leaues of Agrimonie pounde witft Seines greafe, and lapde too & f ftoate, dotft cure and fteale olde woundes, tftat areftardeto clofe or drawetoa f Scarre* * €>f 6aGatDc Kgnmonfe. €bap.]tl. iffTheKyndes. l^erebe fundzpkindes of fterbes calleb fa Ratine Hepatica or iecora- riatftat in to iap,iLpuerwurtes, wfticfte are commended, and founde good agapnft tfte difeafes of tfte &puer, wftereof wee ftall defcribe tbizzUnbznint^in Cftapter bnknowen to tfte old wrpters/Cftetwo firft kindes are BaftardeAgrimonie* Cfte tftird in Cftreeleaued Agrimonie, ori&oble&puerwurte* Pfeudohe- J* The firft Booke of Pfcudohcpatorium mas. Pfeudohcpatorium foemina. Baftard Agrimonietftemale* Baftard Agrimonie female* ifr The Defcription. • HpBemaleBaftarde Agrimonie,ftatft along round ftalke, full of wftitepitft X witft in,at tfte wfticfte growetft longblacktfb leaues,fomewftat rougft anb ftearie,fnipte anb cut round about, almoft like tfte leaues of li^empe, and bitter* Attftetoppeof tfte ftalkes growetft manpfmallfloures,of incarnateco- lour,clufterfag or growing tfticke togitfter iutuftes, tfte wfticfte befagwitfte* red and cftaunged into feede,it fleetft awap witft tfte wfade.Cfteroote in full of tftreddpftttogs* a CftefemaleBaftard Agrtmonie,ftatft alfo arottd purpleftalke, about tftree foote long and full of bzauncfteS*Cfte leaues be long anb dented oz fnipt round about,liketbe leaues of lijempe or of tbe otfter Agrimonie, fouing tftat tftep be aiitteillarger*Attftetoppeof tftebrancftes, anb round abouttfte ftalke, grow* etft tftree or foure fmall leaues growing ftarde onebp an otfter after tft e falftion of aftarre, amongft Wfticfte tsa knap or button tftat bzingetft foztft apeilow flourefatermengleb witft blacke,witftfa wfticfte being witftereb, ts contepned tftefeebe wfticfte in iong,flatte,anb rougft,^nd ftangetft bpon garments wftan ittsrppe* , , a Cfteleaues of Hepatica arebroabe,anb btuided into tftzee partes, not mucft bnlike tfteleaues of Cockow bread,fower Crpfolp, or Alielupa,bttt larger* A* mongft tfte leaues growetft fapre a^ured or blew floures, euerp one growing bponaffagleftetnme,tftewfticftedocftangeintofmailbulietsozboipns,wfter' in tfte feede ig contepned* Cfte roote ig blacke anb full of fmall ftearie ftriugs* si- 7'he the Hiftorie of Plantcs* jo iff The Place. Hepatica fiueHepaticumTrifolium. CfteBaftard Agrimonies do grow ^oble)lpuerwurt,oztftreeleaued inmopft places,bp bicftes, and (landing jipuerwurte* pooles * Hepatica growetft not of \)ig o wne kinde in tftis countrep, but it ig piantebm garbens* iffTheTyme. Cfte Baftarb Agrimonies bo floure in 3|ulp anb Auguft, but tfte jftoble or great&ptteewurt flouretft fa Siparcfte* ♦J* The Names. i Cfte male Baftarbe Agrimonie, ig caUed to SftoppeS Eupatonum, and ig wrongfullp taken of tftem for tfte rigftt Agrimonie,tfte wfticft in defttibeb in tbe former cftapter*Cftelearneb me in tftefe dapeS do call it Pfeudohcpatorium, and Eupatorium aquaticunijOrAdulterinum.' S>t Baptiftus Sardo,Terzola: in ftigfte &oitcft&unigunbkraut, n^alterdoft,^ l^irffenclee: fa bafe Almaigne Confa- qfyinnz crupt,l£ertsclaueren,anb Boel- hznn erupt manneken* 2 mz ftaue nameb tfte fecond Pfeudo- hepatorium foemina .• fa bafe Almaigne BoeikenS erupt wiif ken: it is tftougftt to be tftat Agrimonie wftereof Auicen writetft Cftap*ccjeliiif* and tfterfore fome ftaue called it Eupatorium Auicenna?. i 5 Cfte tftird, wfticft in called at tftis dap in Ratine Hepatica,and of fome Her- baTrinitatis: map be calleb fa ©nglilft Hepatica, &ob\z Agrimonie,orCbree leafekpuerwurtean jfrencft Hepatique? inftigft j©oucft)teberkrattt,©belleuee eropt*i©e know of none otfter name except it bz&\«?i?t Balaris, wftereof Hefy- chiusWrttetft* iffTheNature. Cfte two Baftard Agrimonies are ftoate and drp, as tfteir bittetnetTebotft manifeftlp beclare* Hepatica dotft coole,drp, and ftrengtften* faThe Vertues. t Cfte maleBaftarde Agrimonie bopled fa wine or water, in (tnguler good 3 againft tfteold ftoppfags oftftekpuet,and#elteorSplene*Alfo it curetftold fetter tertianS,being dzonken* Cftea^ecoction tftereof dronken,ftealetftallfturteS,^ woundes, for wfticfte ~* purpofe it ig berp excellent, and to fteale allmanner woundes botft outwarde and fawarde* , , „ % CftefemaleBaftard AgritnonieiS of tfte fameoperatton,and isbfed morec tftan tfte otfterin wounde drencftes* , CfteHepatica^zi^oble^Lpuerwurte^afotteratgnemedicme, agatnft tfte^ fteate and faflammationof tfte £puer,and sUftoate jf zuztg oz agues* ^fCojntfck. ^ap*ic«* iffThtKynies. T^erebetwo Untzg of Heiiotropium or CornefofcCfteone called tfte great CoznefoUand tfte otfter tfteftratlCojnefol* Helio- to The firft Booke of Heiiotropium magnum. Heiiotropium paruum. ©reatcornefol* SmallCornefol* Jfe The Defcription. tnp^egreatCornefol,ftatftftraigfttroundftalkes,coueredwit^Wftitefte^ J[ riecotton,efpeeiallpabouttftetoppe* Cfte leaues are wftitilft, fofte,and * ftearielikebeiuet,andfa(ftionedlikeBafillleaueS*CftefloureSbewftite, attftetoppe of tfte ftalke growing tfticke togitfter inrewes bp one fide of tfte ftem, tft e wfticft at tft e dppet end,do bend rj tunic againelike a ScozpioS taple, .. or tfte taple of a kobfter,or riuer Creuis*Cft e roote in fmall and ftarde* 3 CftefmallCoznefolcarrietft onlp but oneftem, of tfte lengtft of a foote oz fomewftat moze, tfte wfticft diutdetft itfelf into manpbrancftes* Cfteleaues be wftitilfte, almoftlike to tftefirft, but fomewftat draining to wardes tfteleaues oftftefmallCloteBurre*CftefloureSbe pellow anb fmall, growingtfticketo- gitfter,anb perilft orbanilft awapwitftouttfte bringingfooztft of anp frupte liketfte floure of ^airna Cftrifti* Cftefeebe in gtapilfte, inciofedfattiangled ftuCkeSorCoddes,iiketfteftufkeS of Citftpmallor Spurge, ftanging downe tmdetnetft tfte leaues, bp afingle ftem: tftep come fortft witftout floure, for tfte flo ure in bnpzof (table as iS befoze fopde* ij^The Place. t cfte greatCornefoKaS Rueiiius foitft)growetft fa jfrance, fafrutefulltpU led groundes:but fa tftis countrep it in onelp founb in gardens* 2 Cftefmalicornefol, growetftfalowe,fondie,and waterie places,and ig found berp pienteouUp in diuers places of jUnguebock* *Th$ the Hiftoric of Plantes. & iffThcTymc. t Cfte Cornefolles,do floure about ^pbfomer,and in 3Iuip* & The Names. t Cfte great Cornefolis called in ©reekeaxwreoViop ^«, ^a CrelTiS, and Sail f $itri,and dronke,caftetft foortft wormes botft rounb anb flat* Cbefame bztifeb witft faite,anb lapbe bpon asartes, bziuetb tftem awap* * naitft tft efeebe of tft e fmal ComefolKbeing pet greene)tftep biz anb ftapne ^ olb linnzn clotttes anb ragges into a purple colour (as witnelfetb Pliniefa ftts pjei*bookeiCftap*bii *)wfterewitftail in tftiscoiitrep men bfe to colour gellies, WpneS,ffae ConfectionS,and Comftttes* €f £cojptoid£0/o? £>cojpton0 graffe* Cftap*jeliji* iff The Defcription. 1 rCorpioideS is a fmall, bafe, or lowe fterbe, not aboue tftelengtft of ones jftande, tfte ftemmes are fmall, bpon wfticfte growetft fiue or fijee narrow leaues ( anb fomewftat long after tftefaflftidnof al^ares eare, wfticft in tfte caufetftatfome^oucftemencallitl^afenoore)* Cfte floures be fitiall anb pel* low,after wfticftecommetft tftefeebe, wfticfte in rougft 9 pricklep,tftree or foure cleauing togitfter, diftinguiflfted bp iopnteS, and turning rounde, or bending like a Scorpions taple* 2 Matthioius detcribetft an otfter ScorpfbideS,witft (leder ftalkeS,and round leauesfometimestftzeetogitfter * Attftetoppe of tfte ftalkes growetft two oz tftreelittlefmalilongftornes togitfter, tfttfwfticfte alfo dotftewe as tftep were fiepatated bp certapne iopnteS* Bpfides tftefotwo kindes of ScorpioideS, tftetf is pet twoo otfter fmall fterbes wfticfte fome bo alfo name ScorjrionjjraiTe, or Scorpion worte, al- tftougft1 tftep benottberigfttScorpiongra(fe*Cfteoneoftftem is called apale Scorpion,tfte otfter female Scorpion* jf" Scbrpioidcs. 62 Scorpioides. Scorpion ©raffe* The firft Booke of Scorpioides Matthioli. g® attft folus Scorpion grade* 3 CftemaleBaftard Scorpioides growetft abottttbelengtft of a mans ftand, orto tftelengtft ofafoote,fttS ftalkes are crefted,anderokedlp turning, aboue at tfte top,wftereastfteknoppeS, bubbes, anb floures bo ftanbe, euenliketoa Scorpionstaple,tfte leaues be long, narrow, anb fmalLCfte floures be fapre anb pleafant, being of ftuelttteli; leaues fet one bp an otber, of A?ure.colour, witft a little pellow in tfte middell* 4 Cfte female Baftarde Scorpioidestsberpmucftliketo tbemaie,foutogiftat f^ig ftalkes and leaues be rougft and ftearie, at ftts floures fmaller* Cfte toppes of tfteftalkes belikewife crokeb,euenaS tfte toppes of tftemale* A The Place. i.2 Scorpioides growetft not offtis ownekinbetetftis countrep, but is fowen fa tfte garbens of certateel^erbortfteS* 3 Cfte male Baftarbe Scorpioides,growetft famedowes,alongft bprunning ftreames anb watercourffeS:anb tfte-iieater it growetft to tfte water,tfte grea» ter itis,andtfteftigfter,fo tftattfte leaues do fometimes grow to tfte quantitie of willow leaues* . 4 Cftefemale Baftarde Scorpioides,growetft fa tfte borbers of fieldes and gardens* — ferheTyme. o*c Scorpioidesflou«etftfa'3uneand Julp> •34 c^eBi^fedekindeS,dobegfatoflourefa^ap,andcontmueflottrfagtftc moft^arteofalltfteSommer* k ' Pfeudo- the Hiftorie of P lantes. 6] Pfeudofcorpioides mas. Pfcudofcorpioidcs fsemina. Baftarb Scorpioides tftemale* Baftard Scorpioides tfte female* iff The Names. , CftefirftiS called fa ©zeekeop,Androfa?mum. 2 Cfte fecond ig called fa ©zeeke «nc^op,and in Jlattne Afcyrum: botft arebtv knowenin Sftoppes: fa ©ngiilft Square S* 3!oftnS gralfe, great S*3oftnS worte:$moftcomonlpS^etetSWorte: inftigft ^oucft l^artftew, $ naaldt l£off:Cfte fecod ig called of fome Jiutnrat*: fabafe Almaigne $ertftop,$ Coen- % art* # ^' Nature. Cftep are ftoate and drp,and Ipke to ^ppericum* tfyTheVertues. Cfte feede of S* peters wozte, or fquareS*3loftnS graffe, dronken tfte a Weigfttof two sarammes witft ponied water,and bfedaiongfpace,curetft tfte Sciatica,tt|atistftepapnefatfteftancftes* Cftefame pounde is good to be lapbe bponburntngS* » Cbewine wberein tfteleaues tfterofftauebenbopled,ftatft power to cofoluviu date,$ clofe bp woundes,if tftep be oftentimes waflfted witft tfte fopde wine* jf Hi €>f u The firft Booke of #f ^utfan o j patUelcauco. <£liap.jclti. *fcThe Defcription. Androfarmon. Ajfrdzofemon is like to SaintloftnS \xmtZy$ S^eters graiTe*3|t ftatft manp rounde ftalkes comming out of one roote, tfte wfticfte bo bzing foztft leaues, mucfte larger tftan tfte leaues of S*31oftnSWurte,ut£ beginning greene, but after tftat tfte feede is rtpe,tftep waice redde, $ tftan being brufed betwijrt ones fingers,tbeppeeid areddefappe or iupcz. Attfte toppe of tfte ftalkes growetft fmal knoppeS or round buttonnx^ wfticftein tfteir openingdo bring foztft floures like to S* 31obnS graffe, btit greater: wban tftep are fallen or pertflfted, tftere appea* retftlittellfmallpellots ovz round balleS, berp reb at tbe begumtng,but afterward of abzowne,and berp darke rebde colour wftati tftep be ripe, like to tfte colour of clotteborcongeleb briebfoud, tn wfticfte knops ozbearies iS contepned tftefeede, wfticft is fmall and browne, tfteroote in ftarbe anb of woobbie fubftance, peareip fenbing fortft newfprings* *£» The Place. Cftis fterbe growetft not fa ft^in countrep, ejtcept in gardens wftere as it ig fowen and plated*Cfte Autftors of Stirp. Aduerf.noua, do affirme tftat Anbzo* femongrowetftbpBriftow in©ngianb faS^tncentes iRockesand Woodp Cleues bepond tbe water* But if Androfemonbe Ctttfanoz ^arkeieaues, it growetft plentifullp in woodes and parkes,fa tfte weft partes of ©ngland* iffThcTyme. 3]tffotiretft in 3uip,and tftefeede is ripe in Auguft* 3. The Names. 3ltiSiailed fa ©reeke k^wctxix^M Tlatine Androf&mum: bnknowen to tfteApotftecarieS*3t^atftnoneotftercommonnametftat3know:petfomedo alfo call it Androla?mum iruticans. Cutfon fo called in jfrencft and fa ©ngiilft, in tftougftt of fome late writers to be Clymenon,and tS Called Of tft£ Clymenon Italorum,fiue Siciliana:Of OUt ApotftecarteS Agnus callus. # The Nature. 3ltiSftoateanddrplikeS*3loftnSgta(fe,orS^etersWttrte* iff The Vertues. AndrofemonfttsbertuesarelpketoS^eterS wurte,$S*3Ioftns graffe, A aSGaienfaitft* CutfonismucftbfedtoBaulmeS,3©rencftes, andotfterreme- dies for woundes* ^f U£oa& n battel* 4$ap*jcUtt* e^» The Kindes. m\ f^erebe two fortes of aaoad: tfteone in of tfte garden, and cometft of T feede,and isbfed to colour and die dotft into blew: Cfte otfter is Wilde t® oad,and commetft bp of ft is owne kinde* Ifafi* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 6> Ifatis fatiua. Ifatis fylueftris. ©arden«Doad* naiideODoad* iff The defcription. , /^Arden*©oad ftatft long,broade,fWartegreene leaues,(preadbpontfte VJground,abnoft Ipke tfte leaues of ^lantapne,but tfticker,and blacken tfte ftalke rifetft bp,from tftemibdeft of tfteleaues of two eubites long, fet full of fmaller and (ft arper leaues, tfte wfticft eat tfte toppe diuidetft and partetft it felf into manp fmall brancftes, bpon tbe wfticfte growetft manp littell floures, berp fmall and pellow, and after tftem long broabe bttfkes, like littell tunges, greene at tfte firft and afterward blackflfte, in wbicfte tfte feebe in contepned* Cfte roote is wftite,ffagleand ftraigftt,and witftout anp great (tore of tftreeds orftrfags* 2 Cfte wiide is berp like to tfte garden n^oad, in leaues, ftalke, and making, fottingtftattfteftalke in tenderer, fmaller, and browner, anb tfteftufkesmoze narrow,otfterwife tftere is no difference betwtjrt tft em* ijpThe Place. i. 2 ©arben n^oab in fowen fa bitters places of jf landers, $ Almaigne, in fep till $ good groundS*Cfte wiidegrowetft of ftisowne kinde fabntiiied places* tfpTheTyme. Botft do flourefajapapand 31nne* # The Names. Cftis fterbe ig called fa ©reeke /eedt.v e§*The Nature. « ©ardenUDoad is dip witftoutanpfljarpnelfe* * Cfte wudedrpetb moze,and in more Iftarpe and bptfag* jjt The Vertues. i ©atden or fo wen !©oad, bztifed is good to be lapde bpon tfte woundes of 3 migfttie ftrongpeople, wfticfte are bfed to daplp labour and ejcercife, and bpon places to (top tfte running out of bloud,$ bpon fretting blcers $ rotten toizn. 31t fcatteretft and diifoluetft alltolde empoftumes being lapde tfterebpon* # 2 Cfte wtide u^oad refiftetft mopft and flowing blcers,and confumfag rotten C foreseeing lapde tfterebpon: but againft tfte otfter grieffes, for wfticft tfte gar* deni©oad feruetft,it in of leffeftrengtft,and feruetft to (malpurpofe, bpeaufoof t^in exceeding (ftarpneffe* Cfte^eeoctionof wiidetBoad dronken, isberp good forfucft as ftaue anp 3 ftopping,or ftardneffe in tft e ^ iite or Splene* ^f<^pet0niee&e* Cf)ap*f1t>g» iji The Defcription. Heiba 1 utca. T^eleauesof tftisfterbe are long, narrow $ blackifft, not mucft bnlike tfte leaues of *©oad, but tftep are fmaller,nartower,$ (ftorter,from tfte middeft wftere- of commetft bp tfte ftalke to tfte lengtft of tftree f oote,coue> red bplow witft fmall narrow leaues, and aboue witb lit- tle pale pellow floures,tftickefet,and clufterfag one aboue anotfter,tfte wfticftedo turae into fmallbuttons, cut crolfe wife,wfterein tftefeede in contepned, wfticfte in fmall and ■blackcCft e roote in long and fingie* iff The Place. Cftep fowe it infundrp places of Brabant, as about Xouapne,and BzuiTels: it growetft alfo of it felfe fa places totiiled,andbpwap fides* iffTheTyme. JX flouretft in^ap,and foone after tfte feedeis ripe* i^fThe Names CfttS fterbeis called fa)Utine* jamtz tbojte* Cljap. jdtriij* iff The Kindes. Sa?nt3!ameSti)o,zte,ozas fome call it,Sapnt Jmnzg floure ig of twoo to}tzn. Xacobea* the Hiftorie of Plantes. Iacobea. Shames worte* Iacobea marina; S*3lamesworteoftfteSea* 69 iff The Defcription. t ^^efirftkindeofS*31ameswozte,ftatftlong,bzowne,red,crefted, orftra- X ked ftalkes,two oztftzee foote lbng*Cfte leaues be great $ browne, mucft " elottenanb cut, not mucb bnlike tfteleaues of ^ozmewood, but longer, larger,tbicker,and notfting wftite* Cfte floures be pellow, growing at tfte top of tfteftaikes,liketo Cammomill,in tfte middeft wfterof in tfte feede, grap,and woollp,ordownp,and Seetft awap witft tfte winde*Cfte roote in wftite and ful offtrings* « Cfte fecond kinde called S* 3IameS wozte of tfte Sea, is mucft like to tfte ftrft,buttfte ftalke is notftingrebde* CbeleaueSbe fmaller, wftiter, and moze deeper,and fmaUer iagged*Cfte floures be like to tfte firft kinde, but morepale or bleaker* Cfteroote in long,tftr*bdp,and creeping, and bringetft fortft round aboutftim,new (prings* «ge The Place. • S*3ames wozte,growetft aimoft euerp wftere, alongftbp wapesand wiv terflft piaces,and fbmetimes alfo fa tfte borders of fieldes* * SeaS*3BameswortegrowetftfatrencfteSanddicfteS,andlike piace&ad- topning to tfte Sea* & ThtTyme. Cftep floure fa 3fulp and Auguft* # TheNames. Cftefirft in nOW called fa Jtatfae Iacobea,Herba S. Iacobi,and%San#i lacobi Bos: ,7o The firft Booke of flos: iu©*tgUffteSapnt 3Iames worte:fa jf reneft fferbeonfteurs.raques: inftigft ©ouift S*3JatobS bluoiiufabafe AlmaigneSJacobS erupt, and S*JacobS bloemen* a Cftefecond witftout doubteis akinde of Shames worte* iff The Nature. Cftep arebotft ftoate anb drp fa tft e tftird degree* *ijt T/k Vertues. S♦3amesfterbeftatftafpecfollberttletoftealewoundeS,tDfterforeftiSb^a tp good for ail old wotmdes,fiftulas,and natigfttie bleers* Some affirme,tftat tfte iupce of tftis fterbe gatgeld, or gargarifed, ftealetft » allfaflammationS,ozCWellfagS,and empoftemS of tfte tfttoote* iff The Defcription. Linum. Fkapftatft a tender ftalke, couered witft fftatpenar- row leaues, parted at tfte toppe into fmall (ftorte bzancftes,tftewfticftebzfagetb foortft fapre blewe floureS,fafteebewfterof befagnow fallen tftere com- metft bp round knappeS,oz buttons, fa wfticfte in con- tapned ablacki(fteleede,large, fatte, andlftfafag* iffThtPUce. jflajre isfowenin tbiS countrep, fa fatte, and fine cround,efoeciallp fa lowe mopft fieldes* t The Time. apand^une* Up The Names. tflape is called fa ©zeekex/Vop tin Ratine Linum, and faSftoppeSit is welknowen bp tfte fame name* And ft ere pe map percepue tfte caufe wftp tfte bafe Al- maignesdo bfe tfte wozde&pn, to all tftings made of jf laice,or kpne,as Mnendoeck and kifnen laken, tftat is to fap, Jlpneclotfte, or dotfte made of alpne: fa©nglttftejfla)te,oz)Lp«e: fatfrenefte^*: fa ftigfte £>oucfte jf lalcftC?: fabafe Almaigne Was* iff The Nature. Cfte feebe,vofticfte ig mucfte bfeb in medicine, tS ftoatefatftefirfte degree, and temperate ofmopfture and drpneffe* iff The Vertues. Cftefeede of kpnbopleb fa water and lapde too fa ^^^j mannerofapultis,ozpiapfter,appeafetftaUpapne* 3lt ' foftenetft all colde tumorS,or l\neUingS,tfte empoftemS of tfte eares, and neck, and of otfter partes of tftebobp* Xpnfeedepoiind witft figges,dotft rppen and breake all ©mpoftems,lapde» tfterebpomand dzawetft fortft Cftornes,and all otfter tftfags tftat ftickefaftin tftebobp,if itbemingled witft tfterooteof tfte Wilde Cocomber* Cfte fame mingled witft Crelfes and $onp, and lapde bnto rougft, rug»C ffed,andeuillfauourednapleS,afWeUoftfteftandes,asof tfte feete,eaufetft tftemtftatbecozrupttofallof, anb curetft tfte partie* Cfte famerawe,pounde anb iapdeto tfte face, clenfetft and taketft awap all tpottes of tfte face* Cft* the Hiftorie of Plantes. y\ Cftewfaewfterein)ipnfeedeftatftbenebdpied, preferuetfttfteblcerSflt.olb& lores, p watbe waifted in tftefame,fro cozruption,fefteringozinwardracklfag* . Cfte water wfteretnitpnfedeftatft benebopleb,botft quickenand cleare tfte <& ftgftt,tf ttbe oftendropped qrftilied into tfteepes* Cftefame taken in gliftersfwagetft tfte grppingpapnes of tftebeUp,anb of jf tfte spam* or 3lpotfter,anb curetft tfte wounbes of tfte bo welles, anb 3t9atrir, it tftere be anp* ' %pnfeebe mengled witb l£dnp,$ taken as an ©iectuarp,oz kocftocft, clean*« tetft tfte breaft,anb appeafetft tfte Cougft,anb eaten witb ftapfonS, is goob foz fucft as are fallen into Confumtions,and feuer l^etiques* iff The Daunger. Cfte feede of Xin,takenintb tfte bobp, is berp euiUfor tfteftomacke: itftfa- deretft tftedtgeftton of meates,and engendretft mucft wfadinefle* €>£ %empe* ^ap*l ,& iffTheKyndes. ^"f^ere are two kindes of ^empe,tfteone in frutefull and bearetft feede:Cfte " ■ (\thCT.hfAr£>thhntf(t\nt*t>ct rinM*% Canabisabfq-, femine* Barren lijempe* otfter bearetft but floures onelp* ^^ if? The Defcription. Cannabis feitiCn faciens. tnr^efirftkinbof^empe, Seebel&empe* X *>ati& a tounde ftollow ftalkfoitre ozfiue foote r long,full of branches,$like c to a little tree: at tbe top of tfte brancbes growetft little rmalrounb bags, orbufkes, wfterfaiscotepneb tbefeebe wfticft in rouitd*Cfteleaues begreat,rougft, $ blackflfte, parted into feuen> ninz, tzn, and fometpmes into inoe partes, long, narrow, and ^U frtipt or dented round about pfMj £ witft notcftes, like tfte teetft r f » S of a Saw* Cfte wftole leafe witft all ftis partes in like to <§ a band (pzead abzoabe* 2 Cftefecob is alfo inieaues liketo tftefirft, anbitftatft a-J tfttekeftalke, out of wfticfte bp tfte fibes growetft foortft fundrp brancftes: but it bea- retft neitfter feede nor ftute, ; fouing fmall wftite flonteS, tftewfticftelikedufte orpott^ i fcer in caried awap witft tfte Wtnde* .., iff The Place. t.2 cftefetwofortesofi?empearefowmfafieldeS,and (wfticfte isatftfagto bemarueled at)tftep do botft fprfagof one kinbe of feede*A malftailfometimes fiitde tft emale 15 empe growing in tft e borders of fieldes,and bp tfte wapeS* iffTheTyme. Cfte 2 71 The firft Booke SLj Cfte feede of tfte maiel^empe in ripe at tfte entnff Auguft, and faS^Ptenv ber*Cftefemale^empeisripein3ulp* # The Names. I^empe is called fa ©zeekeKd^&^^v^ ^orvoin-eo^op: fa katine, and fa SftoppeS Cannabis:fa31talfonc^»^rfaSpanifl)C4^^,cife4/^.in ©ngiifft ©empe,^eCkeWeede, $ ©aliOWgraffe: fa jfrencft Chanure,Chenneuis, or Cheneue: \ And fterepemappercepuetftecaufewftptfte jftormangand otfterS do call tfte Clotfte made of i^empe, €\znnmvny ozCanuas, fo* it foundetft fo after tfte ©reeke,Xatine,and ^reneft: tfteftigft 3©oucftmencafil|?nipe2amerftauff:in bafe Almaigne &empe* > q.T be Nature. i^empe feede ig ftoate and drp in tfte tftirdedegte ^ . feTheVertues. &empe feede dotljf appeate,aud dziue tfte windineite out of tfte bodie,and if % a man take a l^ell to mucft of it, it drietftbp $iature,$ tftefeede of generation, and tfte ^il^pinwemenSftrefteS* ' d* ■ . ; / Cfte feede (tamped and taken in wftite wine, is ftigft^commetided at tftis 8 dap,againfttfte3amfdice>and (topping of tftekpiter* Cfte iupce of tfte leaues of greene ^entpe put into ones earefwagetft tbz^ * papne of tft e fame, and brfogetb fort&all kinde of bermfae of tfte fame* Cfte roote of i^empe bopleb towater dotft ft elp anb cure tfte SineweS,anb & partes tftatbcdtawmtojjitfteran^ ifitbeiapbetfterebp(Jn*\J?: w'":;--v ;^y g I ^ *Xhe&att*£et+ / 1 l^empefeebeis ftardeof^igeftieiv,and«to^rp totfteftomacke,caufing papne and griefe,and dulnelTetotftefteab^tnl^geti^retft grolle and naugfttie ftumorSin aUtftebobp* ;V ^. ? ^flpGmat^ton/Mfattilietbt ojlouoRrtfe* Cftap*5d3l* iff The Kindes. l^erearenow bitiers Unbzn of l^erbes comprebenbeb bnder tfte name of Lychimachia, but elpeciallpfoure,bnder wfticfte all tfte Lyiimachies u^afoecompzpfed*Cftefirftis tfterigftt Lyfimachion.cfte fecond is tfte red pillow fterbe witft cobbes* Cftetftirb istftefeconb kinde of rebde naillow fterbe witftout Cobbes*Cfte fourtft isakinbeof blew Lyfimachion. iff The Defcription. Tl$zfirft Lyfimachus,or tfte pellow Lyfimachus, ftatft a rounbe ftalke,be* rp littell crefted or ftraked,of aCubijte or two long* Cbe leaues belong $, narrow iikewillow,orwptbie leaues, notfting at allcutorfnipt about tbe edges,but tftree or foureleaues (landing one againft an otfter round about tfte ftalke,at tfte iopnteS* Cfte floures bepellow and witftout fmell, aitd grow attftetoppeof tftebrancftes,fafteede wfterof wftan tftep arefallenawap, tftere growetft rounde feede,like Coziander feede*Cfteroote is long and (lender,cre- ping ft ere and tftere,and puttetft fortft diuerspongfprfagS,Wfticfte at tfteir firft commfagbp areredde* Cftefecond LyfimachusfaieaueS and ftalkeSiSliketotfteotfter,foufag tftat \^in leaues be not fo bzoade,and are fnipt about tfte edges, mucft like bnto bil- low leatteS*Cfte floures in colour and making, are fomewftat like tfte floureS of tfte common wilde fallow or !£ock,tftat is to fop,itftatft fourelittlebzoade round leaues (landing togitfter, and Iping one otter an otfters Edges', bnder wfticfte theHiftorieofPlantes* Wfticfte tftere growetft long ftttfkesor Cobbes,like to tfte ftufkes of ftocke ©il- lof^s,wfttcfteftull^sdoappearebeforetfteopeningoftfte floure: tfte wfticfte fttilkes or feebe be(fels,bo open of tftemfelites, anb cleatte abzoabe into tftzeeoz toure partes,or qttarters,wftan tfte feebe in rppe, tfte wfticfte bpcaufe it in of a wooiip or cottonpfubftance,iscarrieb awap witft tfte winbe*Cfte roote in but fmall anb tftzebbp* Lyfimachion verum. Lyfimachiumpurpureum primum. ^owxLpffaiacftionoz cft e firft purple reb,wiilow fterbe, Zioufeftrpffe* or Xpfimacftium, alfo tfte Sonne before tft ejfatfter* CftereiSan otfter fmal kinbeof tftis forte,like to tfte otfter fa ftalke,leaueS, floures anb ftufkes, fouing tftat it in in all partes fmaller, anb tfte ftalke in fo weake,tftat it can berp felbome grow (traigftt* Cfte floures be of carnation co- lour, like to ©illofloures, but fomewftat fmaller* l^ettftere in a tftirdekfadeof redde kpftmacftus, taerp like to tfte firft redde kinde*Cftefloures do grow alfo at tft e top or end of tfte tyufazn, but tl^zv be pa- ler,anb in making not fo well like tfteotfter,butratfterlike to ©illofers parted into fottrefmallleaues,wfticfte are fet croffewife* t Cfte fecond kinde of redde&pfimacftus in like to tfte aforefepde,fa ftalkes 9. Meaues:fauingtftatftisfloureSdo grow like crownes orgarlandesroundea* bout tfteftalke like to fcznnp ropalUof colour redder witftout $^ufkes,fortfte feededotft grow in tftefmalCoroneS,fr6wftencetfte floures fellof*Cfteftalke isfquareandbzowne* CfterooteiSberp browne and tfticke, of a wooddtfifte fttbftance,andputtetft fortft pearelp new (jprings* . •*'.; © Lyfima- 7« The firft Booke of Ly5&a^!l£U^UreumaItcrum- Lyfitnachiumcarruleum. 4 Cfteblew Ipfimaeftusatfo fa ftalke anb leaues in like tfte otfters:ftiSblew or A?ureb floures are growing at tfte end of tfte ftalkes,(jpike faction, or eared iikeSpikeorXauander beginning to bioow bplow,$fo flouring bpwarbe,at> ter wbicfte tftere commetft fmall round Coddes or purffes, Wfterein tfte feede wfticft e is berp totall in contepned*Cfte roote in tftreddp* iff The Place. Cfte pellow $ reddedo grow in watetilft 9 mopft places, fa low medowes, and abouttfte brinckes and borders of water bzookes anb dicftes*Cfteblew in not found fa tftis countrep but in tbe gardens of fucft as loue berbes* iffTheTyme. Cftep bo all flouremoft commonlpin3June,anb 3Iulp,and tfteir feedeis ripe foAttgttft* #The Names. Tlpfintacftia in called fa©reeke xv*p*xi*p *& **w: to Ratine Lyfimachium, Lyfimachia,andof fome salicaria,bnknowen fa Sftoppes: fa ©ngiilft &pftma- cftia,t©illow fterbe,and )Lottfeftrife:in Spanilft ufmachoyerua. t Cfte firft wfticft we map call ©olden or pellow kpiimacftus,i©illdw fterbe, and kOllfe ftrife, in Called fa f raiince ComelletSoufcy cCeaue^PeHebofeM Chaffeboffe: inftigft Almaigne ©eelweldericft: fabafe Almaigne©eetwederick* * Cftefeconb in called of fome,fa)tatfae Fiiius ante Patrem,tftat in to fap,tfte fonnebeforetftefatfter,bpcaufefftiSfongftufkeStowftiefttftefeebeiscotei^^ do come the Hiftorie of Plantes. - 75 do come fortft and waire great, before tftat tbefloure openetft: fa ©ngltlfte, tfte firft red Lyfimachus,orwptftieftetbe,orkoufeftepfe:fajf reneft Lyjimachie rouge: inftigft &oucft Bzautior food weidericft: fabafe AlmaigneHioot weberick* ; CftetftirdiscaUedinBrabant^artitcke*3ltmapbecailebin©ngiilft^ar- ti?anozlftarpe Lyfimachus,orpopnted willow l^erbewitfttftepurple floure* 4 Cftefourtftftatbnoneotfternaine,butLyiiinachiumc3eruieumfaXatine:in ©ngWft Blew or A?ttred kpfimacftus* # The caufe of the N#me. CftiSfterbetookeftis nameof tfte baliant^t noble &pfimacftus,tftefriendft Cofin of Alexander tfte great,kfagofa?acedonia,Wfto firft found out tftepro- perttcof tftisfterbe,andtattgftt it to ftispofteritieorfucceiTottrs* %. The Nature. Cfte pellow &pfimacftus or golden &oufeftrpfe, is colde,drp, and aftrfa- gent* Cft e tejnperament of tfte redde and blew 3dpCmacftia,iS not pet knowen* ?§> The Vertues. Cfte iupce of tfte leaues of tfte pellow kpfimacftus ftoppetft all flujee of % blond, and tfte&pfenterta ozbloubpflupe, being eptfter taken inwarblp,oro- tftcrwife applieb outwarblp* Cfte fameftapetft tfte inorbinate courfe of wemens floures, being put witft B a pelfarie of woolor cotton into tfte#atri)r,or fecrete place of women* Cftefterbebzufed ftputfato tftenofe, ftoppetb tbebieedingdf tftefame/and C it dotft iopne togitfter and clofe bp all woundes, and ftoppetft tfte bloud, being lapbe tfterebpon* - Cftfc perfumeof tftisfterbedzped,d.ziuetft awap allSetpsnts, ft denemous & beafts,and killetft Qizn> and knattes* iffTheChoyfe. t©ftanpe wtUbfe&pfimaeftus, foranpgriefeaforefopde,pe (ftall take none otfter but of tbatkinde witft tftepeilow floure, wfticft in tfterigftt kpfimacftus: foraltftottgft tfte otfters ftaue now tfte felfefomename,petftaue tftep nottfte foine bertue anb operation* €>f mercurp. €i>ap*Ifl* • *£t The Kindes. ft^Sl^erebe two (a^tzn of ^ercurp: tfte garden> and wilde apercurp: tfte IP [©wfticft againeare diuided into two otfter kindes, a 93 ale, and female, l^^differingqnelpbutfafeede* ifpT he Defcription * % npl^e malegardm ^ercurp,oz tfte jf reneft <$ercurp,ftatft tender ftaikes,ful X of fopntes ft bzancftes, bpon tfte wfticft growetft blackiift leaues,fomwftat long almoft like tfteleaues of ^arietorp>pdwfag outfrom tfte iopnts,fro wftenceaifo,betwirt tfteleaues anbtftefteintfterecometft fortft two little ftea* tie bulletS,iopned togitfter bpon one ftem,ecfte one contepnfagfait felfe afaiall, rounbfeede*CfterooteiStenderandfull of ftearie ftrfags* 2 Cfte female is like to tftemaie, faftalkesyleaues, and growing, and diffe- retbbtitoneip in tfteflottres and feede,for a great quantttiemoze of floures and feede,do grow tfticke togitfter like to a fmall clufter of grapes, at tfte firft bea- ring a wftite floure,and afterwarde tftefeede, tfte wfticfte for tftemoftparte,iS loft before it be ripe* 2.4 Cfteloilde ^ercurp is fomewftat like to tfte garden fl£ercurp,fauing \ W ftalke is tenderer ft ftualler, andnotabouealpanlong, witftoutanpbrancftes, © ii tfte The firft Booke or * Cftereispet an otfter fterbe foundecalled Noli me tangere, tfte Wfticftealfo 1 tS reduced and bzougftt briber tftekfabes of *$ercurp* Jx ftatft tenber rounbe i knobbedftalkes,wttft manp ftollow wfags,anb largeleaues,liketo tfte SE>er* curpinftalkeand leaues,but mucft ftigfter and greater, tfte floures ftang bp fmallftemmes,tbep are pello w,broade,and ftollow before,bttt narrow beftinb, andcroking like a taple, like tfte floures of itarkes fpurre, after tfte Wfticfte tfterecommetft foortft fmaillong round ftulkes, tfte wfticfte do open of tftem felues,and tftefeede beingripe,it tpurtetft and fkippetft awap,asfoone as it is toucfted* 6 ®nz map well defcribe and place, nept tfte Mercuries (but elpeciallp tftem of tft e garben) tfte berbe wfticfteis calleb #ftpllon,bpcaufe tftat fome do tft fake tftat^ftpUonand$$mutpare but onefterbe,bttt bp tftis treatice t^zp map know tftat tftep be bitters fterbes* jftow tfterfore tftere be two fozteSof)&ftpl* Ion (as Cratetiatfwritetft) tfte #ale anb tfte jfemafe* 311 ftatft tftree oz foure ftalkes,ozmore,tfteleaueSbefomewftatlongand broade,fometftfagiike tfte leaues oftfte^Dlpue tree, but fomewftat larger anb (ftorter* All tftefterbeftiS ftalkeS anb leaues^ iS couered watfta fine fofte wftite wool or Cotton* Cfte feebe of tft efemalepftpllon, growetft in falTftion like to tfte feede of tfte female fl^ercurie; the Hiftorie of Plarites. 9£ercurie:and tfte feede of tfte male growetft like to tfte male 3$ ercurie* Cynocrambe. Phyllon Thelygonon. B&ildeSlpercttrp* ©ftildren #ercurp* 77 iff The Places CbeaardenSfcereuriegrowetft fabfaepardeS,and gardens of potftetbes* - Cbewildegrowetftinftedgesand Copfes* Cftefiftft kinde growetft tndeepe mopftbaUieS, and iftftepbeonesplanted,tftep comebpagame peareip after- ward,oftbeirowneaccorbe,oroftbeirownefowing* Afc4B^ %Uon in founde, growing tftorougft out aU kanguebock, and #ro- 'feTheTyme. Cftepflourefa3|une,andcontfauefldurtogalltfteSomer* iff The Names. ©ardm^murieiS called in©reeke^o^ /8oT^«.p:OfTheophrailus^Mop:in^atfaeandfaSftoppeS Mercurialise ttl^ taiianUr^W/i-faSpanitft and Wil- ton ajjercurtael* 5 Cfte Noli me tangerc,was bukuowenof tfte Auncients, wfterefoze it ftatft none otfter name fa ©ieke or katine*Cftep cal it fa ftigft laoucft Spziiigkrattt: m BrabantSpringcrupt, and Crupdeken enruert mp niet: and for tftat caufe menintftefedapesdo callit,Nolime tangere.tftatin to fap, toucftemenot* * ^ftpllon in called fa©reeke 4>^opK9cit\«iocpuMop:fajiatfae Phyiium. cfte male is called «p^vo>*vep,wfticftemapbe ©nglilfteb Barons#erctirp oz^ftpi- lon,orBopeS #ercurp or^ftpllo* And tftefemale in called in ©reekefrx^ovop: and tftis kinde map be called in ©ngiilft ©pries l&ftpllon oz $£ ercttrp, 5©aug^ ters^ftpllon,or#apden ^ercurp* And we cangiue it none otfter nameas |>et*CftiS iS Diofcorides ^ftplfon, btttnot Theophraftus^bPUOU . jforTheo- phraftes ^ftpllon, is notfting elS but Diofcorides <$ercurp* Anb for to be knowen fromtfte^ercuries, tftis ^ftpllon is alfo calleb Eia?ophyiion,^)itne f&ftplfon* *The Nature. Cfte#ercuries,areftoateanddrpfatftefirftdegree, as Auerroysfoitft* iff The Vertues. % flt^ercurp bopled in water and dronken,iofetft tftebellp, pttrgetft, ft biiuz^ fortft colbe pftlegmes,and ftoate and cftolerique ftumozs: ft alfo tfte water tftat in gatftered togitfter fa tfte bobies of fucft as ftaue tfte feropfie* & jf or tft efe purpofes, it map be bfeb fa meates, and potages, and tftep (ftall worke tfte fame effect,but notfo ftronglp* C Cft e fame pound witft Butter, or anp o* tfter greace,and lapde to tftefundamft, pro* uoketfttfteftooleorfiege* © Cfte BaronS# ercurp,or male ^ftpllon dronken,cattC&ft to engender male cftildzen, and tfte #apde Sl^ercurie, or gprles #ftpl- londzonken,caufetft to engender ©pries, or &augfttets* <&f mow u)o;te/o;%ert e twopence* ©ftap*liij* tgr The Defcription. Mflt>npworte ftatft fmall (lender ftalkes, creeping bp tfte grounbe, bpon euerp fibe wftereof growetft fmall rounde leaues,and fomewftat large,almoft like to a penp*CftefloureS bepellow almoftlpke to gold cuppeS* Cfte roote ig fmal and tender* iff The Place. CftiS fterbe growetft in mopft mebows, aboutditcfteS,ft watercourfes, ft in Copfes tftat ftandlowe* iffTheTyme. 3Itbegfanetft to floure fa#ap, and con- tfauetft flouring all tfte Somer* iff The Names. CftiSfterbeiSnow called fa kattoe Nu* ffiularia, Centummorbia,f of fome SerPcn- taria,and alfo Lunaria grafluia: fa ©ngiilft l?etbe two pence, two pennp graffe, and ^^_^ the Hiftorie of Plantes* 79 and aaonpWottetfa jf recft Berbe a cent m*kdies:in\)vq$ ©oucft ^fennfagkraut, ©gelkraut,ft ciein j&aterkraut:fabafe Almaigne^enfackrupt,ft ©gftetcrupt* J^The Nature. Cwo pennp graffe ig brp fa tfte tftirde degree* iff The Vertues. CfteiaterwrpterSdofop,tftatiftftisfterbebebopledfaWpneand dronken A Witft lbonp,tftat it ftealetft and curetft tft e woundes and fturtes of tft e jlunges, $ tftat it tS good againft tfte Cougft, but(peciallp againft tfte dagerous Cougft fa pong cftildren,to be taken as ig afozefopde* l^ilDe flare/ oj Ztntf lajre* €ftap»ltt9» Linaria. Ofyris. jfr The Defcription. t r Canwozte,wildefla]re,orCodeflaje,ftatft fmall,(lender,blacki(ft ftalkeS,out jof wfticft growetft manp leaues togitfter long, and narrow, mucft like to tfte leaues of ftpnvCfte floures be pello w,large, ft clofebefore, like to a frogges moutft,anb narrow beft fade, * croked like to karkeS fpurre, or t arkes clawe* Cfte feede is large and blacke, contepned in fmall rounde ftufkes, tfte wfticfte commetft foztft,after tfte falling of, of tfte floure* ' Cftereisanotfterkfadeoftftis fterbe,tfte wfticft iS not common, audit bea- retft fapre blewe floures, fa ail otfter tftings Ipke to tft e otfter, fouing tftat big ftalkes,floures,and leaues are fmaller,and tenderer, but pet it growetft bp to aftigfterftature* I Co tftefekindes of wilde jflajreozjtfaarie, it werenot amiffeto iopnz tftat © iiif fterbe. 1.3 3 *.2 s° The firft Booke of fterbe,Wfticft is calleb inlltaip BeluedercCftiS plante ftatft biuersfmall fftutes ozfcourgeSbearingfmalinarrowleaueS almoftlike to tfteleaues of jf lare:tfte doures befmallanD of a graffe colour, anb do grow at tftetoppe of tfte ftalkes* iff The Place. Cftepgrow WiIdeinbnttiledplaceS,aboutbedgeS,fttbeborberSof fieldes* % ®fylin growetft fa manp places of 3ltalp and xiombarbie* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure moft commonlp fa3|ulp,and Auguft* iff 7hiNames. Cftisfterb is called faSboppes^inaria,anb of fomePfeudoiinum, and Vn- nalis.- fa©nglUft tCode flaire, and wflde flaire: fa jfrencft unaircoi Unfauuagei in ftigft Jaoucft &pnkrattt> jflafcftkraut,^arnkrattt,bnfer frawen jf lafcft, wild jflaftft,krottenflafcft: fabafe Almaigne *©ilbtbias* 3 Cfte tftird kinde in called in ©reeke oV^?.- in Ratine o fy ris .• but in tftis our age it in calleb in ©reeke «fy>fc.-and as we ftaue fopde it in called in Jtaip Bei- uedere.fa ©ngiilft StanneWorte* •§*The Nature. Stanwozte in ftoate and dzp in tfte tft trde degree* ijj* The Vertues. Cfte decoction of ofyris,or Code flaire dronken, openetft tfte old, cold flop* a pings of tftejttuerft^iite, $ in ffagulergood,fozfucftasftauetfte3aunders, witftout jf euerS,efpeciaUp wftan tfte3launders in of long continuance* Cfte fame dotft alfo pzottoke bziue, and is a ftnguler medicine foz fucfteaSB can not piffe,but broppe after broppe,and againft tfte ftoppfags of tft e kibnzpn, and Bladder* #f^epl)etO0putfe* Cftap*lb* Hjf The Defcription. BVrfa Paftoris ftatft round,tougft,and pliable bzattncftes, of a foote long: witb long leaues, bepelp tutor iag- geb,like £ leaues of Seneup, but mucft fmaller*Cftefloures are wftite,ft grow alongftbptfteftalkeS,fa placewftereof wftan tftep are gone tftere rifetft fmall flatte Coddes, oz triangled poucftes, wfterein tftefeedeis contepned, wfticfte fSfmail,and blacke* Cbe roote in long, wftite,anb.fingle* iff The Place. SfteepefterdS poucfte growetft fa ttreates and wapeS, ft farougft, ftonie, and bntilled places. iffTheTyme. Jt flouretft moft commonlp fa3Inne and jimp* iffThe Names. CftiSfterbeftatftneitfter©reekenoj jLatine name giuen to ftim of tfte Anci- entwriters,buttftelaterwriters, ftaue ^ callebitfa!iatfaePaftoriaburfa,Pera^ " Bum Paftoria burfo. the Hiftorie of Plantes. 81 Burfa paftoris:fa©rtgiiift Sftepfterbs purfe, Sctippe, or^oucfte: and of fome Caffeweede:fa jfrecft Labouret&i, Bourfe de bergers.-in ftigft 5©ottcft Befcftelkrautv and l^irten feeftel: fabafe Almaigne CefkenS or BorfekenS erupt* *fr The Nature. 3ItiSftoateanddrpfatftetftitdedegree* iff The Vertues. Cfte decoction of SftepfterdeS purfe dronken, ftoppetft tfte lafke,tfte blou- 3 dpflite,tftefpittfagand piffing of bloub,womettS termeS,and all otber flure of blottd,ftowfoetter tt be taken:foz wfticfte it is fo cjcccilent,tftatfomc write of it, faping,tftatit wtllftancfteblottd if itbebttt onlp ftoldenut tfte ftande, or carried about tfte bobp* <£f£mqucfople o?f me fmgargrafle* €ljap*lW* iffTheKyndes. l^ere arefoure fortes of Pentaphyiion,or Cinquefople: twokinbeS tfterof bearetft pellow floures,wfterof tfte one in great,tfte otfter fmal* Cfte tftirb kinde bearetb wbite floures, anb tfte fourtft kinde redde floures,all are like one an otfter in leaues and f aftft ton* Pentaphyllon luteum maius. Pentaphyllon luteum minus. pellow Cinquefopietftegreater* pellow Cinquefople tfte letter* iffThtDefcriptio*. 4-; T^egreatpeHow Cinquefople, ftatft roundetenderftalkes, creepfagbp tbe gtound,and running abzoade,like tfte ftalkeS or bzaocftes of wilbe Canfie, and ** The firft Book* of and takingftoidefadiuersplacesof tfteground,bpon wftiefteflender brancfteS growetftlongleauesfniptozbentedround about£edges,alwaiesfiuegrow* ; fag togitfter bpon a ftem, oz at tfte ende of a ftem * Cftefloures bepellow, and parted into fiueIeaues*Cbe wbicft wftan tl^zp are baniflfteddo turneinto fmal round,and bardebearies,iikeStrawberies,towfticft growetft tftefeebe*Cfte j roote is blackiQ), long anb (lender* * Cbefmallpellow CinquefopieiSmucftliketfteotfter, foftiSieatteS, ft cree* pingbpontfte ground,alfo faftisftalkes, floures, and feede, fouing tftatitina greatedealefmaller,and dotft not ligftttp take ftoldfaft ft cleaue to tfte grounb, as tfte otfter botb* Cfte leaues are fmaller tften tfte otfterS, and of a wftittfi) co> loutbndernetft,nejetto tftegrounde* Pentaphyllon album. Pentaphyllon R ubrum. i^ftite Cinquefople* Eedde Cinquefople* 3 CftewftiteCinquefople,iSliketftegreat pellow Cinquefople, faftis fmall and flender bzancft es creeping bp tft e grounde, and fa W leaues diuided into fiuepartes,but tftat ftis ftalkeS orbrancfteSberougft*Cfteleaues belong, and riotfoipt or bentebrounbe about, but beforeonelp*Cfteflouresbewftite,anli tft e roote is no t fingle,butftatft biuzxg otber fmallrootes ftanging bp* CfterebbeCfaqttefopfealfo,tSfomewftatiiketo tfte otfters, etpecfalip like tfte great pellow kinbe* Cbe leaueSbe alfopartedfafiueieaues, andnicteor faipteround about,tbewfticftearewftiti(ftbnbernetft, and of afwarte greene colour aboue* Cfte ftalke is of atpanne or foote long,of colour browne, orred- di(fte,witft certapne iopnteS or knotS,but not ftearie* Cfte floures grow at tft e toppe of tfteftalkeS,moft comonlp two togitfter,of a btowneredde coiour,after tfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 8j tfte wfticfte tftere commetft bp fmallround beries, of a fwarte redde colour like Strawberies,but ftarber: witftin wfticfte tfte feebe in contepned* Cfte roote in tender,andfpreadingaboutftereand tftere* jff The Place. ^entapftpllonorCfaquefopiegrowetft low and inlftabdwie places, fome* times alfo bp water fibes,e(peciallp tfte redde kinde, wfticft eis onelp founde fa dicfteS,oraboutedicftesofftandingwater* iffTheTyme. Cinquefople flouretft fa#ap,but cftieflp in-line* $.7heNames. Cinquefople in called fa ©reeke ^vi^M^oy: in ftatine ft fa SftoppeS Pcn- taphyllum,and Quinquefolium:fa3talian Cinquefolioinfypmifl) Gmcoenramat fa ©ngiilft Cfaquefopie,ozSinkefopie,of fome jfpueieaued gratfe,or jfiueffa- gred graffe: in jfrencft JZuintefueit/e: faftigft^oucft jfunfffingerkraut, ft jf un& biat: in bafe Almaigne,^i>f bingercrupt* iff The Nature. Cinquefople is d.zpfa tfte tftirde degree* jff-The Vertues. Cfte roote of Spnkefoplebopled fawaterbntilltftetftirde partebeconfu- 3 med,dotftappeafetfteaking,andragfagpapneoftfteteetft* Alfo if oneftold in fyin moutft tft edecoctionof tftefame,andtfte moutft be well waflfted tfterewitft- ail,it curetft tfte toizn and blcers of tfte fome* Cfte fame decoction of tfte roote ofSinkefopiedzonken, curetb tftebldudp b flire,and all otfterflupeof tfte bellie, andftancftetftalierycelTiuebleebing, and is good againft tfte gouteSciatica* ■ Cfteroote bopleb fa bfaeger, botft molltfie and appeaee fretting and confab © ming 0o^ny and diffoluetft wennes and eoldefWellings, it curetft euiifauored naples,and tfte inflammation and fwellfag about tfte fiege, and all naugfttie fturufaeffe,if it be applieb tftereto* Cfte iupce of tfteroote being pet pong and tender, in good to bedronkena*» gainft tfte diffeafes of tfte £itier,tfte&*iuges,and al popfom Cfteleaues dzonken in ftonied water, or wine wfterein fome pepper ftatft ® bene mengied,curetft Certian, and ^Uiartafoe feuers: And dzonken after tfte fomemaner,bPtftefpaceoftftirtiebapes,itbelpetfttftefalttngftckneffe* Cfte leauespound^ lapde too ftealetftfilineburftings,ortftefailfagdotine jf oftftebowellesoz otfter mater into tbe Coddes, and mengled witft falte and Ig onp,tftep dofebp woundes, jf iftuias and fpreading blcers* Cfteitipceof^eieauesdronkendotftcuretfte3aunders,andcomfortetfte © &puet* * - ®f €o?raenttl(/0? Jbetfople* «rt>apat>& j$€ The Defcription. ®rmentill ig mucft like bnto Sinckefople: it ftatft (lender ftalkeSy rounde,and tender,fiueorfijcelVringingfcp out of oneroote,and cree* pingbp tfte ground* Cfteleaues befatall,ftue,or moft commonlp feueri growing bpon aftem,mucft like tfteleaues of Sinckefople, and euerp leafe is likewifefnipte and dented rounde about tfte edges* Cft e floures be pel- low, mucb like tftefloures of wilde Canfie, and Sinckefople* Cfte roote ig biowue,rebbe and tfticke* iff The Place. Cormentillgrowetftfalow,darkeft &)adowpwoodes, m greene WapeS* iff The $4 The firft Bookc of IffTheTyme. Tormcntilla. 3lt flouretft oftetime&altftefomeriong* *$f The Names. CftiS fterbe is now called in SftoppeS andin Ratine rormentiiia,andof fomefa ©reeke t^ctyuftoy :fa Uatirte Septifoiium; fa ©ngiilft Setfople and Cormentill: fa Jfrencft Tormentille^Souchetdebois: fa ftigft &oucft Cormentill, Bzickwurtj, and Eot ^eplwurt?:tebafeAlinaigneCormetille* Cftemarkes and notes of tftis fterbe do approcfte berp neare to tftedefcription of Chryfogonum. iffTheNdtun. 3!tT>rpetft fa tfte tftird degree* iff The Vertues. A Cfte leaues of Cozmentill witft tfteir rootebopled fa wine, or tfte iupce tftereof dronken prouoketft fWeate, and bp tftat meanesitbziuetft out all denim front tfte ftarte:moreouer tftep areberp good to be eaten or dronken againft allpopfon, and a* gainfttfte plague oz peftilence* Cfte dime bertue ftatft tfte biped rootes, to bemade fapouder and dzonken in wine, 25 Alfo tfteroote of Cormentillmadeintd pouder,ftdronkeninwihe wftan one ftatft no feuenor witft tfte water ofaSmptfteS forge,orwaterwfterein3lton, orftoate ft burning fteele ftatft bene often qtien* cft ed,wftan one batb a feuer,curetft tfteblouddp flite,ft al otfter fluires or lafkeS of tfte bellp/Jtftoppetft tftefpitting of bloud,tftepi(ffag of bioub,anb tftefupee- fluotife runfag^f womens floures,ft allotftet kfabes of flure,or ifftteof bioub* C Cfte decoction of tfte leaues ft roote of cormentill, oztfte itipee of tfte fame dzonken in good foz all woundes, botb inwarblp, anb outwatblp: it dotft alfo open and ftealetfteftoppfags and fturtes of tfte blunges, and tftejtpuet, and ig good againft tfte 3Iaunders* 23 Cfte roote oftftefamemade into pottder, and tempered ozknoden Witfttfte wftite of an ©gge,and eaten,ftapetft tfte defire to bomitte, and ig good againft tfte dtffeafe called Cftoler or #elancftolp* © Cfte fame bopled in water, and afterward tftemoutft befag waflfteb tftere* witftall,curetft tftenougfttiebicerftand io^g of tfte fame* «£>f £>trambeme0* €t)ap *Untj* iff The Defcription. flnrWe Strawberrie witft big fmall anb flenber ftearie bzantftes, creepetft Xmjm aiongft tfte ground,atid taketft roote and ftoldefaft, in diuers places of Kyitfteground like Sfockefople,tfte leaues alfo are fomewftat like Stock* fople,fortljep be likewife cut and fnipte round about, neuertft eleffe it bztngetft foztft butoneiptftzee leaues growing togitfter bpon eacft ftearie ftem oz foote- ftaike*CftefloureSbewftite,ft pellow fatftemtbbel,fomewftat after tftefaflftio ofCinquefople^ftewfticftebein^paftitbearetftapleafontrounbfruite^greene at tfte Fragaria* 2, Argentina* the Hiftorie of Plantes. at tfte firfte, but redde wban it ig rppe, fometunes alfo pelftaU finbe tftem berp wftitewftantftepberipe, fa tafteanb ftv uour berp pleafont* <£» The Place. Strawberies growe fa (ftabbowp wooddes,ft deepe trencftes,and bankes, bp ftigft wap Odes: Cftep be alfo mucfte planted fa gardens* iffTheTyme. Cfte Strawberp flouretft fa Apzfll, and tfte frute is ripe in 3|tme* *5* The Names. Cfte Strawberp ig calleb in ftatine Fraganj,Fragula:fa©nglilft Strawberp ft Strawberp plante: fa jf rencb Fraifier: & in ftigft 23oucft ©rdtbeere kraut: fabafe Almaigne ©erdtbeftencrttpt* Cfte frute in called fa Ratine Fraga.- fa jfrencft Des fratfes: fa ftigft jraottcft ©rdtbeer: fabafe Abnaigne ©erdtbeften* •5*7 he Nature. Cfte Strawberp plante orfterbe,witft tftegreeneandbnripeStrawberieS,are coibe ft drp ♦ Cfte ripe Strawberies are colde and mopft* iffThe Vertues* A Cfte decoction of tfte Strawberp plante dzonken, ftoppetft tfte iafke, ft tfte fuperfluoufe courfe of womens floures* B Cfte fome decoction, ftolden 9 kept fa tftemoutft comfortetft t^egummes,ft tu> retft tfte naugfttie blcers and fozes of tfte moutft, $ auopdetft £ (linking of ^ fome* C Cfte iupce of tfte leaues curetft tfte redneffe of tfte face* fe Strawberies quencft tftirft,ft tfte c6- tinual bfe of tftem in bezp good,foz tftem tftat feele great fteate in tfteir tbmacke* <®f£>ilntt nteede/ 01 wiint < Canfie* ©ftap*lije* ' $f The Defcription. T$?ewfldeCanfie,tsmucft like to tfte' Strawberp plante, and Cinque- fople, in W (mail and (lender bran- cfteS, and fa \^in creeping alongft and ftanging faft to tfte grounde, W ftalkes be alio fmall and tender* Cfteleaues be long, deepelp cuteuenftarde to tfte ftem and fnipt round about, mucft like to tfte leaues of Agrimonie,of a wftitifft Iftinfag colour new tfte grounds of a fafat greene ab 0 ue*Cft e floures be pello w,mticft fy like 2 8« The firft Booke of "... like tfte floures of Cinquefople* Cfte roote ftatft ftearie ftrings* iff The Place. i©ildeCanftegrowetftfamopft,bntilled,andgraffiepiaceS,ftaboutbtcftes, but elpeciallp fa clap grounbes,tftat are left from tillage* iffTheTyme. 3itflouretftmoftcommonlpfa3|uneanb 3[ttlp* iff The Names. Cftis fterbe ig now called in jlatfae Potentiiia, and Argentina, and of fome Agrimoniafylueftris,orTanacetumfylueIlrc: fa ©ngiilft Wilde Canfie, Siluer weede,and of fome wilde Agrimonie: inftznc^TanafiefauuagcopBecd'oye.mb Argentine- fa ftigft Boucft ©renfigft, ©renting, or ©enferieft, and according to tfte fome to Ratine Anferina.-fa bafe Almaigne ©anferick,and Argentine* <£r The Nature. tBilde Canfie is dzp fa tft e tftirde degree* iff The Vertues. i©ildeCanfie bopled in wineor water and dronken ftoppetft tftelafke, tfte % bloudp flijre, and ail otfter flujre of bloud,and preuapletb mucbe againft tfte fit* perfluous courfe of womens floures, but fpeciallp agapnft tfte wftite floud, or iilite of floures* Cfte fame bopled in water and falte and dzonken, diffoluetb all clo tteb and 15 congeled bloud, and ig good for fucft e as are fquatte and bzufed witft falling from aboue* Cfte decoction of wilbecanfie, curetb tbe blcers, and fores of tftemoutft, c tfteftoateftumozs tftat are fallendowtiefato tfte epes, and tfte ftrppes tftatpe- et(ftetfteftgftt,iftftepbewafiftebtberewitb*all* ' aaiideCanfie batft manp otfter good bertttes, as againft tfte done, inward a woundes and corrupt or fretting blcers of tfte gummes, and prime or fecrete partes,itftrengtftenetft tfte bowelleS,and elofetft bp greene woundes, itfafte- netft loofe teetft, and fwagetft tootft-acfte* Cfte diftitled water of tftis plante in good againft tfte freckles,^ottes,andpimpels of tft e face, and to take awap Sunite burning* <®f common fteoufe eare* <%ap.fc ft> The Kindes. j^^^rftftefterbeeailedfa^LatinePiiofelia, tft ereis found at tft in time two u kindes: Cfteonecalledtftegreat Piiofeila,tfte otfter fmall ijilofdla, tfte wfticfte fome men doalfocaU ^oufe eare, ftowbeit tbep are not tfte rigftt ozlinand I£afenpfettfa,itmapbecailedfa©^^^ mOUfeeare* J^The Nature. Cfte^iiofellasbeftoate anddrp* feTheVertues. Cfte&ecoction of tfteleaues and rooteof tftiSfterbedronken,dotftcure,and % fteale all woundes botft inwarb and outward,and alfo l&ernies,fcuptureS, or burftings* Cfteleauesof ^iiofelladrped,andaftetward made into pouder,ftftrowen b orcaftfatd woundeS,iSabieto cureand fteale tftefome* Cfte iupce of tfte great pilofella, dzopped into tfteeares; curetft tfte papne© of tfte fame,and clenfetft tftemftom all ftltft and corruption* , tt t fir " ) J t* \ 88 The firft Booke of Cbefome^ilofellaeatenor taken fameates, botft clenfeftdariftetfteftgftt tob curetft tfte rednelfe of tfte epes* . <£>f Golden floure £>tecl)ado0 and Cotton weebe* ©ftap*ljej* iff The Kindes. ^^erebet^oprfacipallkfabesofberbeS,wfticftebearewftite,fofte,and >» woollp,orCottonp leaues, wfticfte fome men call Pilofella?, or Fiiagi- nes. Cfteoneftauingfapregoldepellowandfweete fmeilfagfloures* Cfteotfterftatft palepellow floures witftout fmell, ft is of tftree fortes, Ageratum Aurelia. ©Olden Sta?chas or ^otftweede* Filago. Cotton weede* asitlftallappeare ftereafter* Of The Defcription. \ ^pl^efirftoftftefefterbeS X wfticft tfte AlmaigneS do call ttftefobiumen ftatft (lender ftalkes,rottnd and cottonie,ftatbe>ft wfti* tilft,or of aftoare grap co* iour,of atpanneldng, witft finall,narrow, $ berp fofte cottonie leaues, in quanta tiz ft making like £ leaues %$$,, of ^pffop: at tbe toppe of -M#« tfte ftalkes growetft fmall ^W tuftes, or as it werenofe- l1 gapes of ten or jetr*floures , ^ ormoze, Wfticfte are round \^i fafaflftioniiketofmalbut* ;#k toS,tfte wfticft bo notligftt* i\{g ipperilfteozbade, butmap bekeptaibng time in tbeir eftate, ft colour, neitfter are i^zp of an bnpieafant fa* uour, but are fomewftat bitter* Cfte roote is fmall, (fto.zte,anb blacke* Cfte otfter kinde Wfticft in called Filago,or Cotton weede, in of tftreeforts,as iS before fopde* Cfteftrft of tftem isiike to tfteaforefopde,buttt in greater andftigftet,fom* times growing to tftefteigtft of two foote long,or more* Cfte ftalkes be fotall, rounbe anb grapilfte, couered witft a certapne fine wooil oz Cotton, tftree or foure growpng bp from one roote, ftraigbt, anb moft commonlp witftout anp brancftes* Cfteleaues belong,narrow,Wftitifft, fofte, and woollp,like tfte leaues of ©olden or pellow sta?chas,fatiingtftat tftep belonger,and broader, and fomewftat of a greener colour* Cfteflouresbe rounde, and after tfte faf- (ftion of buttons, growing at tft e toppe of tft e ftalkes, a great manp togitfter, but notfting fo pellow, as tftefloures of ©olden Sta?chas, neitfter fo long la- ding, but are carried awap witft tfte Winde wftan tftep be ripe,like diners o- tfter floures* Cfte 'k the Hiftorie of Planfes. 80 3 Cfte otfter kinde of Cotton weede, in ftalkes and leaues is mucft Ipke to tfteafcuetapde, tftefloures alfo be like to tfte afojefapde: ftowbett tftep grow notintuffetesattftetoppeof tfteftalke,btitbetwijrt tfte leaues alongftbp tfte ftalke,anb tftis is tfte greateft difference, betwijct tbiS and tfteotfter* 4 Cfte fourtft kinde of tftefe fterbes, in like to tfte two otfter, laft tztitzb Cot- tonweebes, faftalkes and wftptecottonp leaues, but it in altogitfter tende* rer, fmaller, and lower, feldome growing to tftelengtftofonesftande* Cfte floures grow at tfte toppe of tfte ftalkes, fa fmall round buttons, of colour and fallftionliketo tfteotfter Cotton weedes* iff The Place. Cftefirftkinde growetft fa fandppiaphes, and drpl^eatfteS, and in plenti- fullp founde in fttndrp places bp tbe ritter of l&eene* 3In tftis countrep tftep fowitingarbens* Cfte otfter tftree kindes growetft in tftis countrep in fandp grottndes,about brp 23icftes,and in certapne mopft places, and in wqoddes* iffTheTyme. Cftiepflouremoftcommonlp,in3lune,and3itilPiCottonweedeflouretftof- ten,and againe fa Auguft* iff The Names. i Cfte firfte kinde of tftefe fterbes in calleb of Theophraftus fa %n ttientft Booke,and*jrjrt*Cftapter, fa ©reeke txftox^wrop .in Ratine of Cfteodore ©a$a Aurelia: And Of Bfo(COrideS*y*f«Top Ageratum : fa SftoppeS ^ticas citrina, and Sticadoscitrinum: ^)f fome Tinearea,and AmaranthusLuteus:fa©ltglilft ©olde floure, Slpotfteworte, or ©olden Stecftados,and of Curner ©olden jf loureamor: inftigft aaoucft Efteinblumen,^ottenblumen,ft ^pottenkraut; fabafe Almaigne libepnbloemen anb liibifnbioemen* Cftere is pet an otfter fterbe befcrpbeb bp Diofcorides, calleb {Mxe^Eli- chryfumand Amaranthus,tfte Wfticfte iSUOtftfaglike td Sticas citrina. jf or U«o# Xevo-ouF.liochryfon of Theophraftus,andu/xPu^°HEfychryfon of'Diofcorides, are two feuerall fterbes ♦ And tfterefore tftep are greatlp decepued tftat tftinke Sticas citrina to be tfte Hlichryion of Diofcorides. 2 Cfte otfter tftzee are allcalled (attftistpme)bp one name, fa Ratine Filago: fa Spanilft rerua Goiandnna • in ftigft ^oucft Efturkraut: in bafe Almaigne l&ftuercrupt,ozl&oot meli?cencrttpt,tftat isto fop,Bloubp jf iijceworte* Cbefirftoftftefetftree is calleb of Piinie, Herbaimpia,bpcaufe tftat ftts laft floures,do furmount and gnm* tfte firft* Some would ftaue tftefe tftreefterbes, to betftat wfticftetfte©rettanseall >v«4)«Aiop:and tfte ^tatfaifteS Centunculum., Centuncularis,and Tomentitia, butpettfteiriudgementis not rigftt, as it Iftailappeare in tfte ©ftapter nejcte following* # The Nature. Cftefe fterbes be of a drping nature* Cfte ©olde floure or golden s ta?chas,is ftoate alfo, as it map be percepueb bp biS bitterneffe* fa The Vertues. ©olden starchas bopled in wine and dronken, killetft wozmes, and britv A getft tftem fortft,and in good agapnft tfte bptings and ftingfas of benemoufe beaftes* Cftefamebopled inipe, clenfetft tfteftearefromXpce,andiaittes*Cftefame B lapde fa n^arderoobes and pizttzn, keepetft apparell, and garments from #otftes* & iti * €>f 9° The firft Booke of ^f<§napl)a!ton/oj£>maHtfotton* CljapJirf*. *fr The Defcription. Gnaplialium. tftapftalion in a bafe or low fterbe, witb manp (fender fofte brancfteS, anb fmall leaues, couereb all ouerv6 a certaine wftite cotton oz fine wooll anb berp tfticke: fo tftatpe would fop it were all wooll or Cotton* Cfte , floures be pellow, $gro we like but- tons, at tfte top of tfte ftalkes, as pt map percepue bp tbe figure* iff The Place. Cftis fterbe growetft no Wftere, but bp tfte fea coaft,tft ere ig pientp of it fa)lauguedock,and ^rouince* iffTheTyme. 3itflouretft in 3!uneand 3[uip* iffThe Names. Cftis fterbe ig calleb fa ©reeke >v«fet,ftere and tfterealongft tfte edges of tfteleaueS*CfteftalkeSbecrefteb orftraked,and beareat tfte toppefaprelpi- ked knappes witft wftite floures oz bio(foms,like tfteippkieknoppes of tfte middle *diantapne*Cfte roote is (ftozte and berp full of tftreedpftrfags* 4 Cfte Sea#lantapne in narrower, it ftatft longleaues berp narrow, and tfticke: tfte ftalkes beofafpamtelong, fullofflnaUgrapnes or knops, from tfte midble euenbp to tfte top,mucft like to tfte torcfteof tfte great ^lantapne* Cfte roo te is alfo tftrebbp* iffThePhce. Cfte tftzee firft ^lantapnes grow almoft euerp Wfterein tftiScountrep, te paftures and leafes,about wapes> and mopft places* $ iti} Plantago 9l ThefirftBookeof Plantago minor. Planrigo marina. Small J^laritapnU'vi&worte* Sea ^iantapne* Cfte Sea ^lantapne growetft in fait groundes, bpbn tfte bankes and bor- ders of $lte water ftreames, as fa Zealand, ft Barowgft fa great pientp, bp tfte Water ZOOm* iffTheTyme. Cfte^lantapneSddflouremoftcdmmdnlpfatftiStountt:ep,te'tfteinonetftS 0f3un^and3tilp*CftefeedeiSt^efaAtiguft* . ^ '"'. H.TheNames. . •'» '*- '■- ' . ^tentap^eiScalledfa©re^e^vo?xaftr^tftatiS Lingua Agninajtamtnes fnngue: «eve^,7Tfoeofr&<9^frox4 The firft Bookc of "Upon tfte ground like aftarre* jfro tfte middleof tftofeleaueS,groWetft bp fmall round ftearie ftemmes,bearfag fongfpiked knappes,or torcfteS,like tfte middle 3Mantapne*Cfte roote in long and tftzeddp* Ffeudocoronopus. Bttckft orne ^lantapne* CoronopusRucllij. Cotonopi fpecles petegrina. ^ Cfte fecond Crowfoote, ftatft tftree or foureftemmes or brancbeS, creeping bpon tfte groanb, $ alwapesipfag flat bpon tbe eartft, but neuer mounting or tiffag ftigfter, ft arefetfrill of long, nar- row, ft iaggeb leaues, mucb like to tbe leaues of tfte otfter Crowfoote ^lan- tapne, but fmaller, and notfting ftearie* Cfte floures be fmall ft wbite, ft grow- ing betwitt tbeieaues ft tfteftalke>well fattened to tfte fteme,wftantftep are de- caped,tfterecomeift foztft fmall flat pur- feS,bzoadeft rougft, fawfticfte tftefeede iScoiitepned* Cfteroote ig wftite of tfte lengtft of ones ftngar,fa taft ipke to gar- den CreffiS* 4Dne map alfo place amongft p kinds of Coronopus^certapnefterbe, wfticfte we (ftall now offer bnto pou(tfte wfticft iSalfr^er,ftbutlittleknowenintbiS countrep) the Hiftorie of Plantes. oy cotmtrep)fetngtftatitisberpweliliketo^arte[ftozne* Cfte leaues be long ft narcow,bLzancbeb witft lftozteftartes,altogitfterlike to tfteleaues of partes ftozne,fautng tftat fometimes tftep bebigger * Cbep lie alfo flat, ft fpzead round bpontfte ground,and arefomewftatrougft,ft ftearie, like tfte leaues of partes ftorne:fo tqatitiSbarbeto know onefrom anotftet,wftau tftep arebotb witft- out ftalkes and floures* But wftan tftis fterbe bcgmnetft to ftaue ftalkes and floureS,tftan tfte difference in eafilp marked: foz tftisfterbe bzingetft foztft two oztftreerounbeftalkes, partebinto funbrpbzancftes, at tfte toppe wftereof are piacebknoppesanb buttons, like to CpamtS or Corne floure, fouing tftat tfte fcales of tfte knappes oz fteabes, be not fo clofelp coucfted, and lapde one bpon an otfter,ft tfte fapdefcales feemecleare and tftozougft (ftfoing, elpeciallp wftan tftefloure is fallenofand witftered* Cfte floures come fortft of tftefapdeknops ozfteads,incoiour and making like tfte floures of Cpcftorie, but fmaller* Cfte roote in long and (lender* iffThePlace. i Cfte firft kinde growetft in Brabant ft jf launderS,fa bntiiled,fondp places* 2 Cftefecond alfo growetft about wapes, and dzp fandp patftes, and bpon baitkes and rampiers,e(peciaiipfacertapne places about Antwarpe,wftere as it growetft fo plentifulip,tftat almoft onelftall fee none otfterfterbe* 3 Cbe tftird wfticft in a ftrange fterbe, growetft not of ftis ownekinde te tftis countrep,but it in planted fa gardens* JX grow etb plentifullp in kangtfedock, in ftonp and dzp places* feTheTyme. . 2 Cftetwo firft kindes,do flourefa^ap, andllttne* j Cfte tftird flouretft,in3lulp,and Auguft* iff The Names. t Cftefirft in called fa&atfae Comu ceruinum,OZ Hert^a Stefla?.and Stellaria: in ©ngiilft of Cumer,and Coopetf^erbejue, anb Crowfoots ^antapne: of #erta,Buckftozne* UDemap alfo call it i^artesftozne ^lantapne, Buckeftorne $lantapne,or Cozonop ^lantapne: it in called fa jfrencft come decerf pi Dent auchien- itis bnknowen in Sftoppes: CfteBzabanders, do call itl|eetfftoren, andCrapenuoet erupt: Some late writers call it in ©reeke m^^vc: fa Ra- tine Pes comicis: inftigft Bottcft Jiraenfu?,fuppoffagittobetbefame Corono- pus,wfticfte Biofrozides ftatft deferibeb in tbe*»2 ?.Cftap* of bin fecbnbbooke, altftougft fa deebe tftep be not like at all: And tft erefoze we ftaue called it +«w\»* ko^vottov?, pfeudocoronopusjtftatisto fop,BaftardCrowfoote* 2 Cfte fecond kindedzawetft neare to tfte defcription of Cotonopus made bp &iofcorides,aibeit tftat notwttftftanbing, tfte learned Hucllius> doctor in ftis timeat^ariS,could notbemadebeleeue,tbat tftis was tfterigftt Coronopus. r©fterefoze for tfte fame R ueiiius fake, wfto mabe a liuelp belcrtption of tftis fterbe,webonowcallit Coronopus Rueilij.-fabafe AkiiaigneCrapenuoet, oz , Kauenuoet* Cftep call it at ^aris Verrucaria: fa fomeplaces of ©ngland tftep call it Swpnefcreltis*n^e map alfo callit Rueifius Coronppus. 3 Cftis ftrange fterbe ftatft no name as pet, knowenbnto bs, fouing tftat tfte fcerboziftes of ftangttebock take it to beakindof Scabious,orfor tfte Cozne- floure called Cyan us, fa ©ngiilft blew BottelUA man map doubt wbetftertliiS benot&iofrorides (Coronopus, bpcaufetftat $arteSftotne Iftouldfeeme to be , akind of ^iantapne*But bpeaufetftel^efcription of Coronopus in berp Iftort, , Wearenotableto affurepou*CftiSmap alfo be akinbe of Condriiia. %. The Nature.. » partes l^orne ig colbe and drp to temperature mucft like 0lantapne* Cfte 96 The firft Booke of t CfteSwfaesCrelTeS,ozRuciiius Coronopus(asitlScuident bptftetafte) iSftoateanddrp,iiketo gardenortowneCre(fiS,butnot ailtftingfo ftoate* iff The Vertues. partesftome in in bertue like to #lantapne,wftereof it in a kfade,and map % bebfed fa all tftings wftereto ^lantapne feruetft* Alfo it ftatft bznz proned fin- guler againft tfte pifffagof bloud,tfte grauell ft tfte ftone, to be taken fa meates orotfterwife* 3lf SwfaesCreffiSAzRuellius Coronopjbetftetrue Coronopus,tftantfte$ roote tftereof rolled in tfte imbzes or ftoate Aflft es, and eaten fa meates is berp good againft tfte lafke proceeding from tfte coldneffe of tfte ftomacke, wfticfte in tftecaufe of flimieftumors fa tfte ©uttes:forWfticftepurpotetfte berpfent,and tafte of tfteroote ft ere deicribed, declaretft tfte fome to be berp goob, bpcaufe it in ftoate and fomewftat aftringent* ®f 61oud Qrange/o; $*oufe taple. €f)a{u!pfi* iff The Defcription. Myofouron. €)nfe taple isafmallowfterbe,witftfmalleatieS anb berp narrow, emongft wfticfte tpringetft bp »from tfte roote fmaU ftemmes, garniflfteb witft ^berp fmall wftitifft floures, and afterward witft little log>torcftes,mucft liketo a S#oufe or Eattes tapie,ft li^z tfte feede or torcftes of $lantapne,before it bioo wetft, fa wfticfte is contepned berp foiailand browne feebe* jff The Place. ^oufetaple growetft in good paftures,and certapne medowes,and fometimes alfo bp ftigft wap (ides• iffTheTyme. 3It flouretft fa Apzill, and tfte tozcftes and feede in ripe fafllpap, fttftoztlp after tfte wftole fterbe perif(ftetft,fo tftat injunzjpz Iftall not finde tftedrp oz witftered plante* iff The Names. 3jt ig called to ©ngiilft Stpoufe taple,ft Bloud ftrange: fa jf reneft gueuedefouris.-mb according!? in ©reeke ^oc ov^.JiMv^o^^to^Latfae Cauda murina,and Cauda muris: inftigft Boticft caufent kom: fa bafe Almaigne^upfe fteertkenS*CftiS tSnot Holoiteum,neitfter Denticula Canis Rueliij,aSfomedOittdge* iff T^e Nature. Cfteleauesof tftis fterbe docoole, and differ notmucftefrom tftenature of ^lantapne* iff Tin Vertues. Cfte operation and bertues of tftis ft erbe, are not pet knowen, ftowbett,a£ % farrefbrtft as men map iudgebp tfte tafte and fentetftereof, it ig mucft like faf* ciiitieto^iantapne* 4&>fl©aterfMantapne* €t)ap*ljct)u iff The Defcription. jjAter J&lantapne ig a fapze ft erbe,witft large gfceeneleaues, not mucfte mlike tfte leaues of ^lantapne,witft aftalke full of bzancftes, ftfaiali „juftitefloures ,diuided into tftree partes, and after tftem it bztogetft "fortft ttpangied ftufkes or buttons, tfte roote ig of tftreddp ftrings* iff The Place. CftiS the Hiitorie of Phnre^. CfttSfterbegroWetftabouttftebozbers rua^oK^r andbzinkes of bieftes anb ponbes, ft font- times alfo fa riuers and bzookes* iffTheTyme. Jtflottretft from3|uuetill Auguftt iff The Names. Cftis fterbe is now calleb inkatin pis- tagoaquatica:fa©ngiilft water l&iatapne: in jfrencb Plantaindeau .• in ftigft J^ouefte waifern£>egrieft, anb jfrocftloefelkrautan bafe Almaigne water r&ecftbree* a§* The Nature. Somemen write of tftis fterbe, tftat it in of temperamentcoibeanb bzp. iff The Vertues. A Some lap (tore of tbe leaues of water ^lantapne,bpontbelftankSor(lnnnes of fucft as ftatie tftel^ropfie, fttppoftng tftat £ water in tfte bellp (ftall bp tftat meanes be drawen downe to tbe Hjinnzn or (banks* B Cftelearneb menof our timebo write, tftat itftatft tfte famebertues, ft faculties as tfte otfter ^lantapne, wfterof we ftaue alreadie written fa tfte irii*Cftapter* €>f^notgraOTe* €l>ap.I.ct)9» iffThcKyndes. Ti^ere be two Ut^zn of tbis berbe as Diofcorides wzitetft, tfte &9ale,and tfte female: tfte#ale is called in ©nglilfteStupneS graffe, and fenotgraffe, but tfte f emaleis called fmallSftaue-graffe* , iff The Defcription. 0ot graffe ftatft manp roimd,weake ft (lender brancfteSyftill offcnots anb iopnteS,and creeping aiongfttbe grounde, it ftatft long narrow leaues,not mucft bnlike tfte leaues of Eew,fouingtftat tftep be loger* Cfte floures be fmall, growing alongft tfte brancfteS betwipt tbe leaues anb tfte iopntes,of colour fometimes wbite, fometimes purple oz incar- nate, aftertftan commetft a triangfedfeede, liketo forrellfeede* Cfte roote ig round and reddilft witft manp ftrfagS* Cfte fecond kinde wfticfte tftep calif emale ftnot graffe, ftatft tftzee or foure bpzigftt,round,and zuzn ftemmes,witftout bzancftes,full of iopntes,anb mucft like to tbe ftalkes and iopnteS of Hippuris,or^orfetapie,butnotfo rougft,and about tfte iopnteS growetft manp fmall, and narrow little leaues, like to a Starre,and not mucft bnlike tfte leaues of Eofemarp*Cfte roote in wftite and runnetft alongft tfte grounde,puttfag fortft manp new (ftutes oz (pzfags* Amongft tfte kindes of ¬ graffe,we map well recken tftat fterbe,wfticfte * dotft fo wzap ft enterlace it felf,ft is fo fulof iopntS,tftat tfte bafe AlmaigneS cal it &nawei,tftat is to fop,fcnot weebe,it growetft to tfte fteigtft of a mans ftand, ft bzingetft fortft manp tenber bracftesfull of knottp iopntS,entagled ft tnarled, ozwzapped one in an otfter*CfteleaueS be fmal ft narrow,well liketo 3!untper 3 leaues 4$ $ "»»"! FT-*'" ■- 1 he firft Booke of Polygonum mas. Polygonum foemina. Cftemalefcnotgraffe,or female ftnotgraffe, oz Swtnes graffe* tmallS^auegraffe* Polygonum tertium. Cftetftirdfenotgraflk leaues,foumg tftep be fmaller and notptfck- lp:amongft wfticft growetft little floures af- ter tfte faffftion of ftarreS,facolour like to tfte ftemmts and leattes,wfticft aregrapi(ft*Cfte roote in ft earie,and as longas ones fingar* ij* TheTlacc. t Cfte^ateknot graffegrowetft,tefieides about wapes and patftes,and faftreates* * Cfte female growetft famopft places, a- bottt p biinktg ft bozders of riming waters* , Cfte tftird growetft about cftapion fields, ft places not well ftufbanbeb, etpeciallp in a mopft peare* iff The Tyme. Cfte ^aleknot graffe, ft tfte tftird kind be flottre,fromafter 3|une bntiil tfte end of So- mer*Cfte female is found moft commonlp fa 3|tlipftAttguft* i^The Names. ^ fenot graffe iS calledfa©reeke7roXvyovop:fa)tatineSanguinaria>Sanguinalis> and Proierpinata. t Cftefirftkindeis called to ©reeke Ww &tftp^MVyovop,^ Trox&^/ropan Jla* tfaeSeminalis: faSfcoppeS Centumnodia,ft Corrigiola:Of fome Sanguinaria, Sanguinalis, the Hiftorie of Plantes. 09 Sanguinalis,Ptoferpinaca: inJt^VXCorrigioU .• faSp&Uift Cerriola, y ciennudos ^r«4.-fa©ngli(ft male¬gtaffe: fa f reneft Renoue^corrigiok- inftigft &oucft u^eggraf?, and n^egtritt: fa bafe Almaigne r^ecftgras, Wrkens gras, and 53ttpfentknoop manneken* 2 CbefeCOltd in called fa ©reeke woXuyovop 0«;vv:fa)tatfae Sanguinalis foemina: fabafe Almaigne 5©upfentknoop wiifke: faCnglilft of Turner a^edow (ftaue- graffe,and fmall Sbauegraffe* . Cfte tftirbe kinde in called fabafe Almaigne &nawel, tfte wbicfte witftout doubte is a kinde of knot graffe, albeit Diofcorides ftatft defcribeb but twoo kfadeS : jfteitfter bO We takCitto be Polygonon of Diofcorides, but for one of tftefourekindesofPoiygono^wftereofPlinieftatftwzitenfatfte^bi^booke of ftis l^iftorp* iff 7'heNature. Ail tftefe fterbes arecolbe in tfte feconb degree, and drp to tbe tftirbe, aftrto- gent,and making tfticke* iff The Vertues. x Cfte iupce of knotgraffe dronke,is good againft tfte ^ittinq of bloud,tftepif* A ffag of bloud,and all otfter flujee orxffue of bloud, and in good againft bomiting and iafkes* * Cbefomedronkenfawfae,belpetb againft tftebitfagofbenemoufebeafts* & Jtin alfo good againfttertianfeuers,tobebronken,anbottrebefozetftefit*C Cfte leaues of knotgraffe bopled in wine or water and dronken, ftapetb all 33 matter of lafkes and flujees of tftebeift\Cbe bloubp flijre,anb womens floures, tft emitting of bioud,and all flujee of bloud,afwellas tbe iupce* Cfte iupce of knotgraffe,putwitft a^effarie into tfte naturall places of wo- <& men,ftoppetft tfte floures, anb tbe inorbinate courfe of tfte fame: anb put into tfte|^ofe,it ftancftetft tfte bleeding of tfte fame .• poured into tfte eares, it ta- ketft awap tftepapne of tfte fame, and drpetft bp tfte corrupt matter and filtft of tfte fome* Cfte fame bopled in wine and l^onie, curetft tfte blcers, and inflammations f of tfte prtuie or fecrete partes. Cfte greene leaues being lapbe too,preuapie mucb againft tfte great ft eate ft © burning of tbe ftomacke, ftoate iWellfags ft empoftems, tfte confuming ft bur- ning of S*Antftonies fire,and all greene oz freflfte woundes* Diofcorides alfo faitft, tftat knotgraffe prouoketft brine, ft is good for fucft ^ aSpuTedzopaftcrdzoppe: tfte wfticfte is fottnde true, wftautfte bzfaetS ftoate ' and (ftarpe* < t Cfte femalefenotgraffeftatft tfte fome bertue, as tfte male ftnotgraffe (as 31 Diofcorides foitft)bUtttOtfo ftTOttg* 3 Andtftetftirdkindealfo, ftiSbertueSbemucft liketo tfte finale knotgraffe* <*>f %o?fe taple/o; ^auegtafle* <£ljap Ijctmj* iff The Kindes. Ti^erebetwoo fortes ofl^orfe taple, or Sbauegraffe,as Diofcorides and Piinie Writetft* iff The Defcription. pan tfte great Sbauegraffe or l^orfe taple begfanetb to fpzfag, it >rtogetft foortft rottnbenakeb,and ftollow ftemmes,rougft and full of jtopntes:peatfteirrougftneffeiSl\icft,tftat Curners, Ctttelers, ft otfter 'Artificers,do bfe tftem to polilft, ft make piapne,ft fmotft tfteir wozkes, as tfte fteftes of knpues ft ©aggers $c*At tftetopjrf tftofe Afparagus, (ftutesoz " ii ftemmes 100 The firft Booke or ftemmes,growetftfmal, round, and blackeknoppeSortuffetS*Afterwardetfte ftemmes do wate browne anb rebdilfte, anbbrtoge foortbrounbe about euerp knot oz iopnte,diuerS little,fmall,(lender,and knottie ruflft es * 31* mountetb fo ftigft,tftat witft W ftanging ruffoeSAZ fmallbzancfteS,it in not mucft bnlpketo ai^ozfe taple * Cfte roote in wftite anb ftatft iopnteS or knottes ipke tfte ftalke orftemme* Maioris Equifeti afparagus. Equifetum minus. Equifeti minoris flores. Cft e*j*fpzings or fftutes of Smallftauegraffe Cfte floures of fmal Sftaue- ^ozfetaple,orlftattegraffe* or^orfetapie* graffe or $orfetaplet Cfte fmall Sftauegraffe or fcorfe taple, is not mucft bnlike to tfte great *3It bzingetft foztft wftan it begfanetft to fpnng,bare anb nakeb ftemmes,tftatbe al- fo rounb,bbllow anb knottp,at tfte toppe or enbeof tftofeftemmes it ftatft as it were,a (piked eare or knop,of fittall wftitefloureS,wfticfteperi(ft faeontfaentlpt Cftan foungetft bp from tfte roote otfter IftuteS or branches, full of knottes or iopnteS, about tftewfticfte alfo tftere growetft round knottpruOftes,likeasfa tfte great l^ozfe taple or Sftauegraffe, but not fo great nor fo rougft, but moze fofte and gentell,fo tbat tftep are notfting wortft to poliiftewitftaiU Cfteroote in fmall,blacke,anb flenber* iff The Place. Cftegreat Sftauegraffe, growetft indicfteS, and pondes, and berp mopft plaeeS*Cftefmall$ozfetapleor Sftauegraffe growetft falow (ftadowp places, and alfo fadrpfandiefieldes* %TheV™'r . . _ Cftenakedftemesoftftegreat^orfetaple,do(prmgbpm^ap*CftelftttteS andbloffomsoftftefmau^orfetapledo iprtogto AprM, ft (ftortip after cometft I ftp tfte lOl Equifetum maius. Cftegreat Sftauegraffe,oj %orfe taple* me Hiftorie of Plantes. bp tfte ftemmes,fet full of (inallruflftes* iff The Names. Cftefefterbes arecalleb fa ©reekeha *6vo\e> ft of fomet^pw^op nffjk «v«c«oucftklepnScftafftftew, ™ featjenwedei, Eatsettfcftwant?, fcat*en B fogftel: in bafe Almaigne clepu j&eerfrrj] fteert,and Cattenfteert* jff The Nature. Cftefe two Sftauegraffes or $orfe taples,are eolde in tftef trft degree,and lirp to tfte feccnd,aftr ingent,and drpfag witftout (ftarpneffe. fa The Vertues. Cftedecoction of ^ozfe taple,fa wine oz water dronken,ftoppetft all flute of A bloud,ft al otfter eptraozdinarp flures,efpectallp tfte inordinate iffue of floures, it botft alfo cure tfte bloudpflijee and dangerous lafke, and all otfter kinde of la(keS*And fozalltfteafozefopde ententsit in a foueraigneremedte(as Galen Writetft)*Cfteiupceof tftisfterbe dzonkenaloneor wttft wine,is of tfte fome operation and effect* l^ozfe taple oz Sftauegra(fe,being taken fa manner afozefapde, in moft co- B uentent and pzo f ttab le,f oz all blcers,fozes,and ft uttes of tfte kidneps, tfte blab* der anb bo weis,anb againft all burftfags* mite taple witft W roote bopled,is good againft tfte Cougft,tft e difficttltie © and papne of fetcfttng bzeatft, and againft fawarde burftfags as Diofcorides and Piinie writetft* ' Cfte iupcetqereof put into tfte$ofe,ftancftetft tftebleebingof tftefame,anb & wttft a $ effarte oz ^ otfter Subpofttozp conueped into tfte naturall places of toomen,ftoppetft tftefloures* Cfte fomepounde and (trowed bpon freffte and greene Woundes, iopnetft € tftem togitfter and ftealetft tftem, alfo itpzeferuetft tftem from inflammation* Andfo dotfte tfte powder of tftefomefterbedzped,andftrowedbponnew,and greene woundes* 3 Hi s>i I0* The firft Booke of froitfte fcoote/ o? ^olomono feale* C&apJjtff; , ?$> The Kindes. il^ite roote or Salomons feale is of two fortes* Cfte one called tfte greatorbroadeSeale of Salomon: Cfte otfteris tfte ftnallandnap row Salomons feale* Polygonatum latifolium. Polygonatum anguftifolium. Bzoad e leaued wftite roote* Harrow ieaued wftite roote* . ____ iff The Defcription. » T^e great Salomons feale,ftatftiohgroud ftalkes: tfteleauesbelongand X greene,larger,longer,ft fofter tften bap leaues, betwijct tfte wfticfte leaues * and tfte ftalke, bpon Iftortftemmes, bang pleafont wftite greene floiireS, long and ftollow, tftree oz foure togitfter, fo tftat euerp ftalke dotft commonlp bzing fortft, moe floures tftan leaues* Cfte floures periflfted, tftep tume into rounde bearies,tfte wfticft be greene at tfte firft,and afterward biacke,like 3Iup beries or wftortes* Cfte roote is long of tfte quantitie of ones fingar, full of knobbes or iopnteS, and of colour wftite,witft manp ftearie ftrfags, in tafte at tftefirftlWeete, butaftetwarb fomewftat Iftarpe anb bitter* a CbefmalSalomonSfeale,dotftnotmucftbariefromtfteotfter,fottingtftat W ieauesbenarrower,ft do not grow alone,or feuerallp one bp one,but foure or ftoegrow out of oneknotoriopnte,roundeabouttfteftalke,aimoftftarrefa- jftion*CftefloureS are gteener,and tfte frupte iSblackertban tfte otfter* Cfte roote in fmaller anb flenderer, fa aU popnts eis like to tfte aforefopde* iff The Place. Cftt the Hiftorie of Plantes. toj i Cfte great Salomons feale,growetft fa tftis countrp fadrp wooddeS,dau* dingbpon mountapnes* 2 cfte fecond alfo growetft famottntapnes and wooddes, elpeciallp fa Al- maigne* A man (ftall not ligfttlp finde it intbin countrep, except in tfte gardens of fucft as ftaue pleafure in fterbes* iffTheTyme. CftepbobotftflourefaS^apanb 31 une* iff The Names. Salomons feale in called fa ©reeke wo\u>ov«Top: to jlatfa Polygonatum: fa SftOppeS Sigillum Salomonis: fa Jttllmt Frafinella faSpanilft Fraxinella :fa ©ngiilft alfo Scaia cceii: *©ftiteroote, or wftite wurte: inftigft 33oucft u^eif?- wurt?: fa f reneft signet de Salomon.- fa bafe Almaigne Salomons fegftel: fa tfte CuftanetUnge Fralsinella. # The Nature. Salomons feale in of $tatureftoate anb drp,abfterfiue,or cienltng, ft fome- Wftataftringent* *§► The vertues. Cfterooteof Salomons fealepounb,botftclofebp,and fteale tfte woundes A Wfterebponitis lapde* Cfte fame befag frelfte anb new gatft ered,to bepounde anb lapde bpon, or if b one be annopnted witft tfte fapce tftereof, it taketft awap all fpottes, freckles, ft blacke and blew markes tftat ftappenbp beatfag,fallfag, orbrufing,wftetfter it be fa tfteface,or fa anp otfter parte of tfte bobp* Cftis fterbe,neitfterpet ftis roote, is goob to be taken into tfte bodp, a£ Ga- © lenwritetft* ®f f leattojte/oj f leabane* €\mAw> iff The Defcription. l^eleaues of f leebane, belong, narrow, and ftearie, amongft wfticfte (prfoge bp rounde and tender braricftes,fet ful of leaues *&& like tftem aforefopde,but fmaller, ft gar- ^ niflfteb at tfte top,witft little,long,round, fpikie knappes like eares, witft greeniift floures or blolfomS,wbicb do afterward cftangefatoabrowneanb (ftpning feede, fa proportion colour and quantitie like bnto fleas* iff The Place, CftiS fterbe growetft fa fieldes,and deferte places, aS Diofcoridesfaitft *3lti tftis countrep men fow itingardenS,and wfter as it ftatft bznz oncefow£,it grow- etft continuallpafterwarde of ftis owne fowing,or (ftedfag of feede* iffTheTyme.' 3Itflouretft fa 3lulp and Auguft: and fometimes alfo tftefeede is ripe* iffThe Names. Cftisfterbe is cailedfa©reeke+wMiop: fakatfae^fyilium^attd HerbaPulicaris: faSftoppes Pfyiiium: fa JXdXimPfi^0' J w to Pfyllion. *°4 The firft Booke of in Spanilft zargamain ©nglflft f leawurte,and fleabane:fa f reneft Hcrbtaux pouices: fa ftigft ^oucft f loftekraut: in bafe Abnaigne SUiopcrupt* * The Nature. Cftefeedeof pfyllium orf leawozte, (wfticfte iscftieflp bfed famedicfae) ig colde fa tftefeconddegree,and temperate in mopftureand dnmeffe: As Galea and Serapio writetft* .^fTheVertnts. Cfte feebe of fleabane bopled in water,oz ftiped ft dzonken,purgetft downe- % WardeS Adufteand Cftolertqueftumozs: bpfidestftis it (Wagetft papne,and ftaketft tfte inflammation and fteate of tfte entraples, oz bowels, and ig good agapnftftoatef euersozburufag Agues,andallfawarde fteates, and againft great dzoutft,and tftirft* Cftcfamefeedefomewftatbzufedbutnotbzoke,parcftedattfteftre, in good $ againfttfte blmtdpflijee,and debementiaCke,eipeciallp wftan tftep pzoceede of taking ftf ongand biolent medicines* Cfte feede tberof mengled witft oplecfEofeSftbinrger^rwater,tSgood to c be ftrakedoz applied ditto ftoate griefes of tft eiopntsi apoftemS ft fwclltngs beftfadtfteeares,and otfter ftoatefwellings: alfo it is good againft fteadacfte* Cftefame lapde too witft bineger ig good againft tfte gomg out of tfteika^ *ieU,andtfteburftfagofpongcftiibret** Cfte water wfterin tftefeedeftatft benefokeb or ftiped,is good to belapd ts $ tfteburniug fteate called S*AntonieSfire,and to allftoatefwellfagS*3itisalfo good to bedropped into runningeareS,and againft tfte wozmes in tfte fame* Some ftolde, tftat if tftisfterbe wftiles it ig pet greene, be ftro wed in tfte f ftoufe,tftat f leaswillnotcomenor fagender wftereas it isiaped* iff The Daunger. Coo mucft of f ieabane feebe taken inwardlp ,isberp ftttrtfull to mans na- ture: it engendretft coldneffe and fttffeneffc tftzougft out tfte bodp, witft penfitte fteaufaeffe of tfte ftarte,fo tft at fucft as ftaue dronken tftereof, dofomettmes foil into great diftreffe* Jfc The Feme die. HDftanoneftatft taken too mucft of ttefeedeof fleabane, fo tftat ftefeeletft fome nopanceczftarme, aboue all tfttngs it Iftalbe good foz fttm, toprottokebo- mite,witft medicinesconuenient,to caftbp if itbepoffibietftatwfticft ftatft bene befoze take* Afterward giitefttmtodztnkeof tbebeft * moft fauourp old wine tftat map be gotten, bp it feife, or bopled witft t&ozmewoob, or wine mengled witft ftonp and a little lie, or tfte decoction of £>pll as Serapio wzitetft: And bpffoes tftis pemap giueftun all tftings tftat is good againft tfte dangers tftat ftappen of eating greene Coliander* ^ f tettapne tyttbm fyat fleete oj ftmmme bpon tfte water* Cftap*fetf* iffTheKyndes. > ere be diners fortes of fterbes tftat gto we to ft aboue water, wft ete< !oftftei^eateftpartelftalbedefcribeb,inotfterplaces,atotfterCftapters: Ifo tftat in tftis prefent Cftapter, wee (ball fatreatebut onelp of foure or Itoefortes of tftem tftat grow bpon tft e water* iff The Defcription. rT^^eftrftand moft notableof tftefe kindes of floting fterbes, tfte wfticfte ig X called waterfppke,otmoft comonlp podeweede,ftatft long rotid ft knottp bzancftes*Cfteleaues grow bpo fmal Iftort ftems,ft are large great ft flat, lapde the Hiftorie of Plantes. toj lapdeand carried bpon tfte water, fomewftat liketo great ^iantapne,buta great dealefmaller/Cfte floures grow at tfte toppe of tfte brancfteS, aboue tfte water bpon long purple fppkie knoppes like to tfte eares oz fpikes of Biftorte, tfte wfticft being perilft ed,tftere commetft bp round knoppeS,wfterefa tfte feede iS inclofed,wfticfte in ftarde* Potamogeiton. Viola Paluftris. ^ondeweede* «aaterbiolet,or©pilofer* 2 cbefecondkfade,ftatftfongfmallftemmeStCfteleaueSbelongandtag^ liketocan^ nf^flttfte and nreateranb bzoabertbentbeleaueSof j^ertowor^titopie, ftemmess,cn;ott)tn?foure foure* fet one a. fcferS^ifcetbeffoureS of common©U£loffe,of»^gft«£gK? Safe mtttjoutfromtberooWfoureSgtotDa^ anb alittlepellotD uttbeirobbeu, patteb mto tbjee leaues:, mucb Ufce mfigure •o<> The firft Booke of to tfte floures of water JDlantapne, ft tfte floures of water ^ilfopleoz Crabs clawe*Cfte roote in tfticke and (ftozte witft manp long tftreedes ozftriugS, like tfteroote of water S^ilfople* 4 Cftere in alfo carried bpon tfte water, certapne little fmall greene rounde leaues,not mucft larger tften tfte feede of tfte pulfe called lentilles, ftatting bn- der tftem for rootes,berp fmall wftite tftreddp ftrfags, ft are called water ;&eiv tiis,^ttckesmeateand ©rapues* 5 Amongft tfte fleetfagfterbes, tftere is alfo Polyanthemum paluftre. a certapne fterbe wfticftefomecall water )Lp- v®tyxz Crowfoote,or wa- uerwozte,at tfte rootes wftereof ftangde- tet Crowfoote* rp manp ftearie ftrfags like rootes, tfte wfticft ^Y\ dotftoftentimescftangeftisbppermoftleaues Qf^ according to tfte places wftere as it growetft* Cftat wfticfte growetb witftin tfte water, car- tietft ,bpon flender ftalkes, bin leaues berp fmall cut,mucft like tfte leaues of tfte common ©ammomill,bttt before tftep ftebnder tfte wa< ter,and growing aboueabout tbe toppe of tfte ftalkes,itbearetft fmall rounde leaues, fome* wftatdented, orbneuenlp cut about* Cftat kinde wfticfte growetft out of tfte water fa tfte borders of dicftes, ftatft none otfter but tfte fmall iaggeb leaues* Cftat wfticfte growetft abiopnfagto tbe water,ft isfometimesbren> cfted oz ouerwftelmed wttft water,ftatft alfo at tfte top of tfte ftalkes, fmall rounde leaues, but mucft utoze dented tftan tfte round leaues of tftat wfticfte growetft atwapesfa tfte water* Cfte floures of tftefefterbeS arewftite,and of agoodfentorfmelkwitft acertapne pellow intftemiddei,like tftefloures of Crowfoote, golde Ctippes, or Strawberp floures: wftan tftep j are gone,tftere commetft rounbe,rougft,anb prickiep knoppes, like tftefeede of Cro wfoote,or ©olde knappes* iff The Place. Cftefefterbesgrowfaftandingwaters,and dicftes* ! iffTheTyme. j neater Spike,and f rogg^ bitte,do floitre moft commonlp fa Junz ♦ Cfte o- tftersfa#ap* j iff The Names. ^ Cfte firft in called fa ©reeke ^rcc^yiheo^ \m r«xww4n jtatine Fontalis, ft j Fominaiis,ft offome Spicata,bnknowenfaSftoppes: toCnglilft neater fpike, and ^odeweede: fa f reneft Ep ^«/^,and Bete Aquatic, fa ftigft &oucft Zam- kraut: fa bafe Almaigne f ontepnerupt* Cftefecond is counted of fome of tftewrpt^Sfatftefedapes,fora kinde of 2 tfte fterbe called in ©reeke■j*e.°4>v*oP; to jCatine Miiiefolium,Somecallitfa f reneft^^iV4^..faiatinevioiar^iijftris:fabafe Almaigne neater jfiiie* remin ©ngiilft abater ©illofer* - Cbetftirbeis called Morfus rana?,tftatisto fop, f rogge bitten itftatftnone otfter©reekenor£atfanametftat3lknow:itiScalledinbafeAimaignetttoz* \ feftenBeet,ft ©lepnplompen,tftatis, Paruam Nymphaea, or fmall naaterlpllie* 4 cfte water xLentpll in called fa ©reeke tabm0* Cljap Ijrjcttj' jfeTheKyndes. T^er* arefounb intyin eofltrep tftreekindesof Scabius, like one to an otfter: afWeU in tfte flottreS,as in tfteleaues* Scabiofa Communis. Scabiofa? tertium genus. Scabius* SfteepeSScabittS* iff The Defcription. ^efitftkfabeWfttcft is tftemoft ' minrjbp, ftis ieauestelong anb fmall, of atjrapilfte ftoze colour, and mnv> ftearie,(pread abzoabe bpon tfte ground,amongft tfte wfticft fpzfagetft ^-^Jftp round ,and ftearie(ftootes or ftemes, bearfagleaues berp tagged, ofaftoaregrapiftecofottr,ftfteariealfo,fafaltftionfomewftat like to tfteleaues oftfte great valerian, wfticfte wecall Srtwall* At tftetoppe of tfte ftalkeS growetft blewilft flouresfa^u*etuffets,faflftionebliketo alittell flattounde i^atte*Cfteroote ig wftite,long anb fingle* €)ftfttS forte tftere in foundan otfter kinde, fa aiipopntes like to tfte afotc- fapde the Hiftoric of Plantes* 109 fopde,faufag tftat at euerp ftead orknap,tftere growetft fa tfte fteede of floures, manp otfter fmall knoppeSAt littell taffets of floures, ftanging downebp long ftemmes*after tftefome manuer,as one map alfo fometimes fee,fa fome kindes of &apfieS,and Marigolds* 2 CftefecondkfadeofScabiousiStftefmalleftorleaftamongfttftekfadeSof Scabious, no ftigft er tftan ones ftande, mucft like bnto tfte great Scabious, botft inbin leaues anb floures,foufagtftatit in totaller,and tfteleaues be moze deeper cut and lagged* 3 Cfte tftird kinde is as it were a meane betwitte tfte otfter twapne, fmaller tftan tfte greateft, and bigger tftan tfte fmalleft, fa floures mucft like tfte otfter twapne*Cfte leaues belong,bearieanb grapilft, fnipt, and cut roundeaboute, butnotbingfo mucb or fo deepelpgaplftt,astfte two otfterS* Cfte roote ig long anb (lender like tbe roote of tbe firft and greateft Scabious. Iacea nigra. 9paterfilonorfenapweebe* 4 Cftere in alfo an fterbe like bnto Sea* bious,growfag to tftebeigtft of a foote ft ftalfoztwo footelong,witft long narrow leaues, like to tfte leaues of tfte greater Scabious,oz £>tuels bitte, tfte wfticft be fomwftat fnipt, and biuntip cut about tbe ebgeS*Cbe ftalkes or ftemmes be round, bpon tfte toppes wftereof growetft fmall rounb knappes ozbollfaes,couereb witft tcales,like to tfte knops of blew Bottell, a ozCornefloure, but mucb greater, out of tfte middeftwfterof growetft purple ftea- rie floures, like to tfte middell parte of Cpanusoz Blew bottell * Cbe roote in tfticke, fftozte, ft croked,witft manp t^zz* dp ftrfags* fy The Place. Cfte great f fomeiatewrttersSucdiain?latfae*Anditftatftnoneo^ IS Pet kUO W en* fy The Nature. SeuelSbitteiSftoateanbbrplikebnto Scabious* iff The Vertues. Cftebecoctio offemefobit, witft ftiSroote,bopiedfawfaeftdzoken,iSffooda agamft al tfte difeafes,tftat Scabious feruetft for,ft alfo againft tfte iffieme* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. in Cfte famedecoctiondiffbluetft clotted blond fa tfte bodp, bp mtmn of anp B butfeorfall* 5©iuelSbitte frefift and greenegatftered,witftftiSrooteand floureSpounde © or ftamped,and lapde to ©arboncles,^eftilentialioizn and Botcfte&dotft ripe and fteale tfte fame* Cftedecoction of tft e roote bopleb in'oyinz anb dzonken,iS good againft tfte £> papueof tfte S^ atrip o; Qpotfter,and againft allpopfon* <&f£>co jamm/oj mate* Germander* CfjapJInt>. iff The Defcription. ^iSfterbeftatft fquareftearie or cottonp ftalkes, creeping bp tfte grounb,and fet bpon euerp fide witft fofte,crimpled,and round, Scordium. e i wftitifft leaues, nickt, ft fnipt roud about tfte edges like a faw, betwijet wfticft and tfteftalkegrowetft littell purple floures, like to tfte floures of dead 0ettell, but fmaller* Cfte roote ftatft tftreedp ftrfags creeping fa tft e ground* fy The Place. Cftis fterbe growetft in mopft me- doweS,neare about dicftes,ft in found fa fome partes of tft e countrep of Brabant* iffTheTyme. Scordion flouretft moft commonlp in Junz ft 3Iuip, ft tfta is tfte beft gatfterfag Of it* fy The Names. Cftis fterbeiscalled fa ©zcekef Seucnotv o; tmide Germander* €ljap Jjfjc iri* fy The Defcription. I Eucnon ftatft browneftemmes, bringing fortft rounbe, ft wrin- kled leaues,fnipt and cut round about tfte edges,mucft like to tfte leaues of ©ermanberafozedefcrtbed in tftejrbf* ©ftapter* Cftelittle fmall floures, are of afodde purple, oz btowne rebde colour, liketo tfte floures of ©ermander* Cfte rooteis wftpteand of ftearie or tftreddp ftrings* fy The Place. Cftis fterbe, as Diofcorides faitft,is founb in Cilicia: in tftis countrep it is not to befound, but fowen or planteb fa ^? tfte garbens of certapne ^ erboriftes* iffTheTyme. Cftat wfticft growetft fa tftis coutrep in feeneih floure in 3une,and 3|uip* fy The Names. Cftis fterbe in called fa ©reeke ™>, ftfiop.HScinvKfir.fa ^tatfae Teucrium: bn* knowen in Sftoppes: fa ©ngiilft wilde ©ermander: fa ftigft &oucft it in called of fome ©rot* batengel: tftat in to fap, great ©ermander* # The Nature. Teucrion aS Paulus Acgineta foitft, iS ftoate in tfte fecond degree, and dzp in tfte tftirde* fa The Vertues. Teucrion bopleb fa wpne anb bronken, openetft tfte ftoppfags of tfteS^ilte^ ozSpleene,anb curetb tfte fWelling anb ft arbnes oftbe fame, foz wfticft epur* pofeitiSberpgoob, anbftatfta fingiiler pzopertie* Cfte fterbe pounbe witft f iggesand^tinegerwozketft tfte fame effect,befagiapdebpon tfte place of tfte Spleenein maner of a piapfter* reucnon onelp mengled witft bineger, in good to be lapbe to tfte bptingS ffi anb ftingings of benemous beads* <£f ^oufelpbe anti^engeeene* Cftap* Ijepbij* fy The Kindes. S©ngreene,as Diofcorides wzptetft,is of tftreefortes* Cfte one is great: tfte otfter fmall: and tfte tftirde ig tftat wfticfte ig called Stone Croppe,and Stone ftore* Semper- the Hiftorie of Plantes. Semperuiuum maius. l^oafeiike,orSrngreene* ») CraiTula minor. t©ild ^Zickittifc dam*©reatStonecrop, Semperuiuum minus, prickmadam* Tllecebra. Stone crop,ft Stone l^oze* fy The Defcription. $e great Stngreene ftatft * great,fat,and tfticke leaues, as large as a mans tftombe, and (ftarpeattfte end faflftfoned like it iij atoung, "4 The firft Booke of I atounge,emongft Wfticfte leaues, tftere growetft bp aftalke oftftelengtft of a roote or more,befet and decked roftd about witb leaues like to tfte firft, parting itfelf afterwarb abouttftetoppe,fato biuztn otber bzancbeS,aiongft tfte wfticft growetft a great manp of btowne,ozreddifft floures* * ^rickmabame batft fmall narrow tfticke anb (ftarpe popnteb leaues * Cfte ftalkes be great and tender of a fpannelong, befet rounb about witb tbe round anb fftarpepopnteb leaues aforefopbe,tftewfticftedobzfagfortft at tftetop,fmal pello w,anb ftarre like-floures*Cfte roote is fmall and creepetft bp tfte grounb* 3 Amongft tftekfabes of Sengreenealfo, attftistime tftere iScontepneb, tfte fterbe(calleb CraiTula minor) wfticfte in great ftone Crop, called of fome wilde #rickmabam,or wormegraffe,tfte wfticft ftatft tender ftalkes, and leaues fon> Wftat long,all rounde,aud reddtlft e,ltke bnto fmall wozmeS,euerp worme Ipke to a wfteate corne* Cfte floures be Wftite, anb like tfte floures of ^rickmadam butfmaller* 4 SmallStone crop is fomewftat like to wilde ^rickmadamoz Vermicula- rrs.fttbe ignorant ApotftecarieS do gatfter it infteede of VermicuiarisozOaf- fuiaminor,notwitftoutgreaterrour,andto tfteperillanddaungerof tfteficke and difeafed people, fa fo bfingit fa fteede of CraiTula minor. 3ft ftatft tender ftalkes,cottered or fet full of berp fmall,(ftort and tfticke leaueS,growing neare togitfter* Cfte floures at tfte toppe of tfte ftemmes are pellow, and liketo tfte floures of ]&rickemadame,but greater* 5 Cberemap bealfo placeb amogft tbe kinbes of Sengreene,a certapnefmal fterbeberp like to tfte aforefapb in making and growtft, fouing tftat bin leaues are fomewftat larger ft tfticker, tftewftolefterbe is eger or (ftarpe, witft wftite fldUreS* fy The Place. f Cfte greaterSengreeneoz^oufelike, growetftfamanpplacesbponolde walles and ft ottfes, wft ere as it ftatft bene planted* Cftefmall Sengreene,tj)fticfte we callprickmadam, growetft not intftiS countrep but onelp in gardens,Wft ere as it in planted* u 4 CftegreatandfmatlStonecroppe,growetftinftonieandfandpcountrieS, and bpon olde walles* 5 Cftefiftft kinde alfo growetft bp6 old walles:but not fterefa tftis countrep* IfrTkeTyme. l^ottfeUkeor great Sengreene, flouretft injnlp anb Auguft* Cfte otfter kindes floure fa #ap and 3lnne. fy The Names. Smgreeneis called in ©reeke &;fc> Ratine Sedum,and Semperuiuum, Of Apuleius, Vitalis. t Cftefirft iS called fa ©reeke it^opjuCyflctfaatatfae Sedum, ft Semperuiuum magnum, of Apuleius rtfyfriftp )(9u f6>o4)fl«X/*op: faSftOpS Barba louis: fa^itaiian semper viua- in&p&nitt) TeruaprunterawfingiiXb li^oufelike and Sengreene:in f reneft ioubarbembgrande ioubarbe.intyqffy 2§oucft l^aufwurtkand grof?Bon- derbart:fa bas Almaigne Bonberbaert* 2 Cftefeconbiscallebin©reekecci/f6)op^,oz Se- dum minus;0f fome Tf itext?, Of Apuleius Erithales: fa ©ngiilft J&Zickmadam:fa f reneft Triquemadame-. fa ftigft Boucft kleinBoderbart: in bafe Almaigne clepu Bonderbaert* CftetftirbkfadeiScalled faSftOppeS CraiTulaminor,and Vermicularis: fa Jt^\AnHerbagrauelofa,Vermicolare'.\n^^tini^ Vuasdeperrot vermicular'.in ©IV $ilft wilde #r*ckmadam, great StoneCroppe, or aaorme graffe: inbafe Al- maigneBiadeloofeand papecullekenS* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. nj 4 Cfte fourtft ig called in ©zeeke «v«/ie^xv» **/«*s« TKXi>bp:in Hatine iilecebia: fa©ngli(ft Stone Cropland Stone l£oze,ft of fome it is called iBall pepper: fa f reneft Pam doyfeau.- fa fttgft JDoucft fl^aurpfeffer, ft feat?entreublfa: fa bafe Almaigne ^uerpeper* 5 Cbe fiftb in calleb of tfte later wziters, Capraria, and we know none otfter nametocallitbp* # The Nature. Cfte great anb fmall Sengreene, and tbe fiftb kinbe (called Capraria) are coldeandd.zpfatfte tftird degree* Cftegreat and fmall Stone Crop, areftoate and drp almoft in tfte fourtft degree* fy The Vertues. , Cfte&ecoction of tfte greatSengreene,or tfte iupce tftereof broken in good A againfttfte bloubp fli]re,anb all otber Aires of tftebellp, and againft tbe bpting of pbalanges,wbicbeis a kinbe of fielbeSppbers* Cbeiupce tftereof mengleb witbparcbed Barliemeale,andopleofEofeS, B in good to belapbe to tfte papnes,or aking of toe ft cad* Cfte fome iupce dropped into zpzn in good againft tfte inflammation of tfte C fame: and fo in tfte fterbe bzufeb,anb lapbeoutwarblp tfterebnto* Cfteiupce of Sengreehe,conueped into tfte^atrijr witft a^effarp of cot- ja ton or wooll,ftoppetft tfte running of tft e floures* Sengreene bzttfed alone,o,z mengled witft parcfted barlie meale, in goob to © be lapbe to S* AtttftonieS fire, anb to boate burning ft fretting blcers oz fozes, anbbponftaldfagsandburnings,and all inflammations:^ is alfo good to be Iapdeto tftegottte commfag of ftoate ftumorS* 2 Cftefmall Sengreene or tftrifte Stone crop,ftatft tftelikebertue* f . 4 CftefapceoffmallStoriecroporwallpeppertakenwitftbfaeger,caufetft © bomite and to caft out bp bomitfag,groffe anb flpmte flegmes, anb ftoate ©ft o* lerique ftttmozs: Alfo it in good againft feuers,«and all popfon taken wttft fa tftebobp: but pet it mapnotbemfaiftreb,e]rceptbnto ftronganb iuftiepeopie* Cftis Stone crop mingled witft Swpnes greafe, diffoluetft and driuetft a* ty wapwennes,and ftarbefwellings befag lapbe tberebnto* Cfte fterbe alone lapde bpon tfte bare fkfane caufetft tfte fome to wape red, J and to rife full of wfteles and blifters,and pearcetft tfte wftole fleflft* 5 3|t ftatft bene trieb bp ejrperience,tftat Capraria^zufeb witft(pourceletS)cal* & leb fa ©reeke °vioxoi,and ople of EofeS,curetft tfte blind e l^emozrftotdes tftat are not open oz pearced,if it be applied tft ereto * £>ftl)elittide0 ofTialim&a\tVoow. <£l)ap*lrj;imj* fy The Defcription. tyz fterbe named of tfte Arabians feali, or Alkali ftatft manp groffe ftalkeS,of ftalfe afooteor ninz incftes long: out of tftem growetft fmall leaues, fomewftat long ft tfticke, notmueft bnlike tfte leauesof &iitk* madam,fauing tftep be longer,and (ftarpe popnted, witft a ftarde prick* lep toppe orpopnt,fo tftat for tftis consideration tfte wftoleplant is berp rougft and (ft arpe,and Ifin leaues be fo dangerous and fturtfnil bp reafon of tfteir (ftarp prickles,tftat tftep cannot be berp eafilp toucfted* Amongft tbe leaues growetft finall pellow floures,and after tftem folio wetb fmall feede* Cfte roote in fome- Wftatlong, weake and (lender * Cftis fterbe in folte and full of iupce oz fap like Anthyiiis altera,wfticft in before defcribed fa tbe feuentft ©ftaptet* 2 CftereiS anotfterfterbeinnaturemucft like bnto tftts, tftewfticfte in called Saltcoznta, tfte fame ftatft ftalkes witftout leaues, and diiiidetft itfelfe agapne fe iiii into 1x6 The firft Booke of S^W brancftes witft manp knotteSandfopttteS, eaKe ^awfteateCorne*Cftisplanteisalfofoltefatafteandfullofiupceiike feali* Kali. Salteworte* Salicornia. Sea grape,or kno tted feali* €>ftftefetwopiantes are made Aiumen Catinum,arid Sal Alcali, Wfticfte ig mucft bfed in tftemakfag of glaffes,and for diuers otfter purpofes* fyThe Place. ' Cftefefterbesgrow fafaltilft groundes,bptfteSeafibeor Coafte, foZe* land,and ©ngland* fy The Tyme. Cftefe fterbes arefound in tfteir naturall placeS,fa Sommer* iffThe Names. , Cfte firft is called fa 3!talian^^.-fa Spanilft Barilla,unb sodaBariSa .-and ttistfterigfttfeali, or Alkali of tfte Arabians: fome call it in ©ngiilft Saite wozte,wemapalfo call it feali,oz trickled feali* 2 Cftefeeond is nowcalled Saiicorma,ft it is a certaine kinde of feali* Some call it tn ©ngiilft Sea grape, and knotted or iopnted feali* CfteApfenoraflftes, wfticfte aremade of burnt feali, is called in&atfae of tfte Alcumiftesand ©laffemakerS Aiumen Catinum,buttfteSalte wfticfte in made of tfte fame Ajcfen,is called Sal Alcaii .• And tftat wfticft fleetetft orfwim* metftbpon tfte ftuffe wftereof ©laffes are made, in now called fa SftoppeS Axungia vitri: fa ©ngiilft tftefatteozfloure of ©laffe:in f reneft sum de voirrr in B oucft Smout bangftelafen: injtalian Fior de criftaiio. tftat is to fop,fa ftatin Flos ©ngiilft tfte Creame or floure of Crpftall* fy The Nature. Cftefefterbes befalte,and tftereforedzie* Of the Hiftorie of Plantes. $f £>op#a/oj f It* etoee&e* €ftap Atm> fy The Defcription. Thalietrum. ^^^a*ljcw:* faThe Defcription. S#oonewozte,at tfte firft ftis leaueSbe broabe anb tfticke, ftfomwbatbollow aboue like to aiittieSpoone,andfom- wftat crefted abouttfte ebgeS,almoft like tfteleaues of Eomapneforrel,faufagtftat tftep be not fo fofte anb tender, nor fo Wftite, but ftarde and of a browne greene "7 Cochlcaria. colour* u'B The firft Booke of co!our*CfteftentmeSa!fo befomewbatcrefted,of tftclengtft of onesftande, oz afooteiong*Cfte littell floures be wfttte^and growe at tfte toppe of tfte ftalkes alongfttftebzacftes: wftan tftep are gone,tfterefoUowetft tfte fmal feede wfticft in reddilft, and faclofed in little ftufkes*Cfte roote in tftreedp* fy The Place. Spooueworte growetft fa manp places of n?olland,and f rtfeland,and tfte countries adiopning about dicftes and fa medowes * Jn Brabant tftep fowe it fa garbens* ^TheTyme. Spooneworteflouretft faApziil,2pap,anb afterwarbeS* fy The Names. CbiSfterbe in called fa l^oland,and f launders &epelcrupt: to f reneft Herbe aux cmiiers.fa ©ngiiu1) Spooneworte,andaccordfaglpitiscalledfa>latine Co. chlearia:mfttgft^8iicfte)leffelkraut* *r The Nature. Spoonewozte in ftoate ft drp,ft of a (ftarpe ft biting taft,atatoft like kreffes* fy The Vertues. Spoonewortebopled fa water in aitnguler medicine,againft tfte corrupt ft 3 rotten blcers,and fteucft of tfte moutft,if it be often waflfted tfterewitftaU*CftiS in alfo afingulerremedie againft tftedifeafe of tftemoutft called of Hipocrates Voiuuius luTmatites.of piinie ^tomacace,and of f #*tt!iepne/oj ^pg taper* tfljap.lwicn fy-TheKyndcs. THerebefotirefortesof <3*9ullepne,as Diofcorides writetft: wfterof §two firft are wftite ^ullepne,anb of tftem one in ^ale, and tfte otfter female; Cfte tftird in blacke #ullepne:Cbe fourtft in wilde 3^ullepne* fy The De fnipt ion. Hewftitemale^uiiepn(or ratfter t©ollepn)ftatft great, broade,long, wftite,fofte,ft wollp leaues, from tfte lo weft parte bpward, euen to tfte middell of tfte ftem or fomewftat ftigfter:buttftebigfter,tftefmaller are tfteleaues* f romtfteleauesbpwarde, euen to tftetop oftfte ftalke, itistfticke fet round about witft pleafont pellow floures, eacft floure parted intofiuefmal leaues,tfte wftole top witft bin pleafont pellow floures tftewetft like to aware Candeil or taper cunninglp wrottgftt*Cfte roote in long and fingfejOf a woddp fubftanee,anb as tftickeasones tftombe* 2 Cue otfter wftite^uilepnecalled tftefemalefl^ullepn, ftatft wftite leaues frpfed witft afoft wooll oz Cotton, tfteftalkes and roote are like to tfteafoze- fapde,fauing tftat tftefloures be wbite, and parted into fijre littellleaues* 3 Cbetftird #ullepn, wfticft isaifoof tfte female kind, in liketo £abouefopd fa ftalkes,leaues,ft floures,foufag tftat big leaues belarger, ft big floures are ofapalepelfowcofour,witftfmallrebdetftreedesfatftemiddeil,faf^ionedal- moftlike to alittell Eofe*Cfteroote ig long and tfticke like tfteotfters* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 119 Verbafcum album mas. Verbafcum album fcemina albo flore. a&ftitemateapullepne* Wftite female 9pullepne,wttft tftewfttte floure* * Cfte Blacke &9ullepn,ftatft great,blacke, rougftleaueS, of aftrongfouour, and not fofte oz gentill in ftandeling*Cftefloures be pellow,tn faflftion mz tfte otfters,btttagreatdeale fmaller, tfte ftalk^ndroo^ is like to tfte 0^ * Cfte wtldeWlepn,iS berp mucft UkeSage,afWel m ftalkes as tn leaues* Ht ftatft manp fquare twigges and brancbes of wooddp fubftance, alwapes ttno growingtogitfter outof a iopnt,ftandfag dtrectlpone againft an ntftet* Cbe leaues be foft and wftitiW terandfofter* Cfte floures grow at tfte toppe of tfte brancfteS, and are of pel- low colour* „ . . fy The Place. Cfte ^ullepneS grow about tfte borders of fteldeS,bp tfte ftigft wap fides, /U Cbe wildeiullepn, ig not common in tftis countrep, but we ftaue feene it 5fotftepleafant garden of3|amesCftampaigne,tftedeere frtenbe anb loner of Slant CS* *& TheTyme. Cfte^ullepnSbo floure moft commonlp in3lftlp3nguft,and September, anb tfte wilbekinbe flouretft agafaemoreiater* # The Names. SBullepn in called in ©zeeke 4>x0><9- Jlatfae Verbafcum, of Apuleius Lychnitis,and Pycnitis,andbf fome Candela regis, Candelaria,aud Lunaria: m S^OppeS Tapfusbarbatus:fa3talfonr4/^*f^#;fa©nglllft alfo Tapfusbar- D.1 IU 9^ no The firft Booke of V^5f GralbQfoeminalutco florc- Verbafcum nigru. U2>ftitefemale^tiiiepne,witft uaiibe apullepne* pellot^floures* Verbafcum fylueftre.tfcfld apttllepne* batus,^ttllepne,orratben©ullepn,Hig- taper,CorcbeS, and&ongworte: inftigft &oucftnaitulkrattt,feert?enkrattt, Br£ kraut, Himelkraut, Bnftoldenkert?,anb feunnfagskertran bafe Almaigne fl*olle* crttpt,i©ollebladeren,and Cortfecrupt* & The Nature. Cbe^ullepns be dzp, witftout anp manifeftfteate* iff The Vertues. A Cfte roote ofwftite ^ullepne bopled fa redde wine,and dronken, ftoppetft and ftealetft tfte dangerous lafke, and bloudp fliire* 2$ Cftefamebopleb in water ft dronken, ig good for tftem tbat are broken, ft ftttrte inwardelp, and againft an old Cougft of long continuance* © Cfte decoction of tfte roote fWagetft tootft acfte, ft ig good againft tfte inflam- mations, and blcers of tfte Aulmondes, oz kernels of tfte tftrote,to be kept warme to tfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. izt in tftemoutft, and tftemoutft to bewafifted and cienfed,bp often gargeling of tftefame* i©edoread,tftat if drpedfiggesbewraptin tfteleaues of tfte wftite female © 9pullepn, it (ftall preferue tftem a long time from eozruption* Cfte leaues of jeelippe* ehc Hiftorie of Plantes. ni fy The Defcription. THefttfte kinde of petie ^uilepn, ftatft wftiteieaues, crumpled and wzinc- kled, fomwftat liketo tfteleaues of Bittapne,butwbiter and greater,and not fo fnipt or indented about tfte ebgeS,amongft tbe wfticfte tftere arifetft bare and naked ftemmes,of tfte lengtft of amanSftande, bearing at tftetoppe a buneft,or as it were a bunbell, of nine oz ten pellow floures, of agoob fauour and banging loppingbownewarbes:afterwbicfteflourespaft,peiftallffadefa tbe ftufkes wfterein tftep ftoobe, littell long buMzpng wfterein tftefeede in con- tepned*Cfterooteis wftite and of tftzeedp ftrfags* Cfte £>]eetip,or tfte fmall kinde of wftite 9£uilepn,is berp like to tfte Co wf- lippeaforefopde,fauingtbat ftis leaues be greater anb larger, and ftis floures beof apale or fapnt pellow eolour,almoft wbite anb witftout fouour* Verbafculum minus. Prpnterofe* 3 Cfte ^rpmerofe, wfticfte is tfte berp leaft ft totalled^ttllepn, batft fmall Wftitilfte, oz pel- lowilft greene leaues fa all partes like tb tfte leaues of iDjeeiippe, amongft tfte wfticfte tftere rifetftbplittelfineftearieftemmes,ecfteftemme bearing but one, onelp floure like to tfte floures of £)jceltppe botb in fmell, coiour,ft proportion* Cbe roote ig alfo fmall anb tftzeedp like tbe roote of €>pelippe * £Df tftis kinbefome be berp fapre and dubbell* 4 Cftere ig pet an otfter forte Wfticfte is berp like tfte lafte tzdtzb^inbz in all partes, fouing tbat it bzfagetb fortft greemfl; floures,of colour like to tfte leaues of tfte pzpmetofe fterbe ot plante* fy The Place. CoWflippes, €>jrelippes, anb ^rpnterofeS, grow fa lowe mopft wooddes, (landing in tbe penbant or ftangfagof ftilles anb mountapnes, anb fa certapne mebowes* Cfte wftite ig com* monfa tftis coiitrep,anb fo are al tfte reft, etyeciallp tfte greene ft bubble binbzg Wfticfte are pianteb in garbens* *5* The Tyme. Cftefe fterbes bo floure in Apriil,anb tomtimzg alfo in #arcft, ft f ebruarp* # The Names. Cfte petie ^ttilepns are calleb fa ©reeke tpxo^vv.-faftatfa Verbafcuiaan SftoppeS Primula? veris,and Herba?paralyfis,andoffome Arthetica?:fa©ngiilft CowtlippeS, ^rimerofeS,ft 4DjeelipS: and dubble Cowflips, ^rimerofeS,and a>]relips:fa ftigft ^ottcft ScftluffelblumenunBrabantSluetelbloemen* 11 CftefirftkindiSnowcalledfa)LatineHerbaS.Petri:fa©nglilftCowflipS: faf reneft OtfomZCoquu,primevere,$Brayes deCoquu: faftigft 230UCft l^imelftftlUf- fel,S^eterskrattt,geelScftlttffelblumm,ftWolrieckendeScbuffelblumen: fabafe Almaigne S*^eeters erupt, anb welrieckenbeSluetelbloemen* * CftefeCOUb kinbe (SCalled faSftOppeS Primula veris, ft Herba Paralyfis: fa ©ngiilft 4DjeeiipS: inftigft &ottcft wilde Scftluffelblumen, ft WeiSHtoteUcftu& lei: m bafe Almaignenaitte Siuetelbloemen, anb of fome witte Betonie* 3 CftetftirdekindeiScailedfaLatineVerbalculum minus: faSftops Primu- la veris minor: fa©ngli(ft ^rtoterofe, and wood ^zimerofe: inbafe AUnapgne clepn witte Betonie,or enkel Slnetelbloemen,anb clepn Siuetelbloemen* % U ftThe n4 The firft Booke of nru r >. . %The Nature. _. ^f The Vertues. tCbepetteapuUejm&tbat is to fap,tbe CotoOip*, mimetotes a HDteifoi* are now bfeb baplp amongft otber pot bcrbeSut toSJSe tbSfK* greataccomptmabe of tbem. *!>* are goobfo?tbebe^fr/netoeS baue otbergooD bertue&a* #ena anb #atttolu* totfte. v,wuw»» **"" 9^ *f3t$fopte, tfeqMmtfg. *5* rtr Defcription. Ethiopisftatftgreatbrode Aethiopis woollp leaues, like to tbe , leaues of S^uilepn, but rougft er ft better cottoned orfrpfed,andnotfo rounde bp tfte ebges,butmore torne witft beeper cuttes in, aboute tfte borders, and roundlp ipread abzoabe bpon tfte grounb,amongft tfte wfticfte tftere fpringetft bp a fquare rougft ft ft ea- rie ftalke,biuibfag it felf abrodefa- to fundzp brancftes,alogft £ wfticft rounbe aboute certapne iopnts, it bringetb fortft manp wftitefloureS almoftlike to tfte floures of bead jfrettell, but a great beale bigger* Cbe roote is long anb tftickelpke tfteroote of apullepn* fy The Place. Cftis fterbe growetft not fatftiS countrep,butintftegarbes of cer- tapne Herboriftes* iffTheTyme. Aethiopis flouretft inswap* fy The Names. Cftis fterbe ig called fa ©reeke ifflio;ri?,ftin}iatfaealfo Aethiopis, and otfter name tftan Aethiopis we Know not* iff The Nature. Aethiopis is meanelp ftoate and drp* fyThe Vertues. Aethiopisisgoodfortftofe tftat ftaue tfte ^leurefie: and foz fitch asbau** tfteir breads cftarged wttftcorniptandrottenmatter:andfozfueb^a^^! ued witft tfteafperitieand rougftneffe fa tfte tftroote: ft alfo aaainft the&fiZ tica,ifonedrfaketftedecoctionoftfterootetftereof* u agauut tfte »eui- f ortftefapdedifeafesof tfteftzeaft, ft lunges, it is good to licke nftefittmea of a confection made witft tfterooteoftftisfterbeandftonp* 0lwnwmes i the Hiftoric of Plantes. ®fg>W of letufalcm. CljapJcjijcb* WJ Pulmonaria. fy The Defcription. Age of 31erttfalem ftatft rougft, j| ftearie, ft large, browne greene jj§ leaues,(prmckleb witft bitters §B Wftite fpots like drops ofmilke* Amogft tfte fapd leaues tpringetft bp cer- taine ftalkes of a fpan log, bearing at tbe top manp fine floures growing togitber tit abuncb like ©owliip floures, of colour attftefirft,rebbe orpurple,anb fomtimeS blew: after tfte floures it bzingetft foortft fmallbuttons, wfterein in tfte feebe* Cbe roote in blacke,long anb tfticke,witft ma- np tftreebp ftrfags* fy The Place. CbiS fterbe growetft fa mopft Iftabowie places, ftis planted almoft euerp wft ere fa gardens* iffTheTyme. 3lt flouretft betimes,in3[)arcft anb A- prill,anblftortlp after tfte feebe is ripe* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe is calleb of tbe Apotfteca- ries,anb HeebortfteS of tbis countrep Pulmonaria ft Pulmonalis,fa Ratine Pul- monis herba3tbatistofapXungewurt,ortbeberbefortftelungeS:anb of fome it in called in ratine Symphitum Syiueiircwbicbemap be©ngliflfteb wilde Comfrep:tfte^icards call it Herbedecueur.- wecall it fa ©ngiilft Sageofjeru- falem,ftCow(lip of Jerttfalem: faf reneft Herbeauxpouimons.inbdfc%bnm%nt €)nfer brottwen meick erupt, and 4Dnfer brottwenfpin, tbat in to fap,€>ur jta* dies #ilkeworte,bpcaufe tfteleaues be full of wbite fpottes, as tftougft tftep were (princkieb witb milke* CftereiSpetan otfter kungeworte, wftereof we (ftall write in tfte tftirb Booke* fy The Nature and Vertues. Cftis fterbe ftatft no particular bfe fa^ftpftcke,but it in mucft bfeb fa meates anb Salades witft egges*as in alfo Cowflippes and ^rpmerofeS, wfterbnto fa temperature it is mucft like* <*>f$ernapne* 4l>ap*lflcrtri. fyTheKyndes. tmu^\ $ere &e tt3U0 kinbzn of 5ileruapne: tbe one calleb to Hatine Verbena m rer tfte leaues of ©erman- der defcribeb in tbe jefa* Cftapter of tftis booke, but far fmaller tften flDken leaues, ft greater tftan tfteleaues of ©ermander: tfte floures be fapre anb blew growing;a- longft tfte brancfteS at tfte top*After wfticft tftere commetft fmallflatcoddes or purffes like tfte feebe of Rattles Betonp wfticfte we cal Speebe well* Cfteroote in tftrebp* Cfte fecond kinde of flatte ozcreeping; ^eruapne, wfticfte in alfo tfte female low qfletuapne, is berp like to tfte afozefapd,fo tftat(as Piinie fa tfte]rit*Cftap*of ftis ir^b* booke writetft)* Some ftaue madenodtf- ferencebetwijcttfteajteleand f emale,and to fap tfte trutft tftere is butfmaildifferfce betwixt tbefe two fterbes: foz tfte female iSberp weilike to tftemale,afwell inftcS, as the Hiftorie of P lantes. 127 as in tfte ieaues,flottreS,anb rootes,foufag tftat tfte ftemmes of tftefemale,are rounder: bin leaues be fomwftat fmaller, anb ftatft moze (tore of brancfteS com* mingbp from tfte roote*Cfte floures alfo grow tfticker or nearertogitfter tftan tfte floures oftfte male flat metuapne* iff The Place. Cfte firft kinbe of tUetuapne growetft in rube piaceS,about ftebges,walles, wapes,ftreates anb dicbes * Cfte fecond kinde growetft fa gardens, and iowe 1ft ado wp places,and of tftis forte tfte male in more common tftan tfte female* iffTheTyme. CftetftetuapneS floure moft commonlp in 3[ulp* ^.The Names. i Cfte firft kinde of taettiapne is called fa ©reeke 7^^, ft of fomeTrt^w fli&\> of6/©L.,fa}(Latine VerbenecaColumbina, Columbaris,Herba fanguinalis, Crifta gallinacea^xiipera.and Of fome Peria,or Ferraria, Trixago, Verbena redta, and Columbinare&a; fa SftoppeS Verbena: in 31talian Verminatola,vrgibaon y cMacho. in ©ngiilft tleruapne,oa vEaruepn: in jfrencft veruaine inftigft Boticft ©ifernkraut,©ifernftart,ft ©tfernricft: fabafe Almaigne ^aerbene, jifercrupt, anb J^ferftert* 2 Cfte feconb kfab in calleb fa ©reeke ;«?« &T&W ft at tl^ig time mpis-v mp fa-xw, Of^ptftagoraS Ery"Tceptrum,ahb Of fome OtberS Dcmctria: in yitiinz Sacra herba,Verbenacafupina,and Cincinalis,of ApuleiuS Licinia,Luftrago, Colum- bina fupina,and Miiitaris.-fa SboppeS(berp erroneoutlp) it is called Chame- dryos3oz Chamedrys: fa ©ngiilft Bafe or flat sEeruaptte: in ftigft &oucft ©rdt- weirauift,andoffomefollowingtfteerrouroftfteApotftecarieS©amanderle, and Blawmenderle: inbafe Almaigne it map be calleb 0zztz oftcruppende derbene,tftat (S tO fop,faf reUCft Veruaine baJfc,oufe trainantpar terre. fy The Nature. Cftefe two kinbes of ^umtapne,areof a drptogpower* fyThe Vertues. Cfteleaues ofbpztgftt^eruapne,oztfte roote alone, or botft togetfter bop- 3 led in water are berp goob for tfte fores anb blcers oftfte moutft anb iawes, if tftemoutbbewaflfted witb tfte fameBecoction* Cfte decoction of tfte fterbe oz of ftis roote, fwagetft tootft acfte,ft faftenetft B loofeteetft,tobeoften gargleb witftallorkeptagoobfpacewitftin tftemoutft* Cftefame dronken continuaUp bp tfte fpaceof fiue dapes, curetft tfte grpptogS oftfte bellp* . , . , ^ ^ Beruapne mengled witbopieofEofesanbbtneger,orbopleb(nopleftlapd C to tfteftead after tfte manner of a plapfter, curetft tfte ftead acfte* Cfte fame ber- tueftatft a garlandeor Corone of iiileruapne gainft ft ead acfte,to be worne bpo tfteftead,asArcftigerieSfoitft* Cfteleaues of tueruapne pound witft fwpneSgreafe or ople of Eofes, dotft 33 mitigate ft appeacetftepapnes of tfte apotfter or Spatrit to be applied tbereto* Cftefomepounb witft bineger are good to belapbeto S*AntftonieSfp*e, © anb naugfttie fctiruie anbrotten fores:and (lamped or pounde witft Honp,it ftealetft greenewoundes,andclofetftbp olde* Cfteflatand bafe tweruapne is good againft allbemm and popfon, againft f tftebptfagsanbftfagingof SerpentS,andotftetbenemousbeaftS,tobe bum- kenfawfae,orlapdebpontbegreefe* t , Cfteleaues tftereof dzonken in olde Wtne, tfte wetgftt of a dram and ftaue, © tfialfaucftf rankecms,bptftellpaceof fortiedapeS,fafting,curetft £ 3laundes* JX ig good to waflfte tfte moutft witft tfteBecoction oftfte leaues and roote 1$ «* The firft Booke of tftereof bopled in Witte,againft tfte fretting ft fefterfag fozesof tftemoutft and iawes,or tfte almondes or kernels bnder tfte tftzote* Cfte greene leaues pound ft lapd too, taketft awap tftefwelling ft tftepatne J of ftoate impoftems and tttmorS,and clenfetft cozrupt and rotten blcers* Some write tljat tfte water wfterin tftis sileruapne ftatft bene fttped, being fe caftorfprtockledabouttfteftallorplacewftereasanp feaftot banket iskepte, maketft alltbecompanp botft luftie and merie* And tftatabrancbe of iftzee knottes or fopntes of tfaSberbeiSgoob to bz% dronken againftafeuer tertian^nd abzancfte of foure iopntes ig good againft afeuerquartapne* ^f^ettdl* €\)apAmby* iff Tin Kindes. Here betwo kindes of jftettels* Cfte one ig tbe burning and ftfaging Ij^ettellCbe otfter is tfte dead 0ettell wfticfte do tft no t burne,nor ftfag at ail* And eacft of tftefe kindes ig of diners fortes* for of tft e ftoate and Hinging l^ettelltftere be tftzeekfadeS, tftat ig to fap, tfte ©reeke ozEomapne $tettels,and tftegreat,tftefmall,ft tfteburnfag^etteis: wftereas agafae tftep arebiuided into two kindes, to wit,tfte #ale and tfte female, fo tftat tfteiio- mapnejftettellistfte^ale, and tfte otftertwapne aretfte jf emale* Cfte dead jfrettelllftalbe defcribeb totfteneict Cftapter* fy'The Defcription. Vrtica fylueftris. Vrticamaior. ri&a* 12 nmawrfe ®b* wilbei^ettell, or Eo- Cfte greatcomon jHettell* Si ftatft ntapne^etteU* round, rougft, ftollow, and ftearie ftalkes*Cfte leaues belong,rougft, bur- ning or dinging, ft deepelp natcfted,oz dented aboute, be- twiirt tfte leaues ft p ftalke: itbrtogetft foortft fmall rounde and rougft buttoS, orpelletteS,fullof browne,flatte,ftfb> ning feede, like bn- to Ipne-feede, but rounder ft fmaller* J, 2 Cbefeconbkind r^TIJ Wfticfte is our com- mon great ^ettell, in like tft eaforefopd fafteigtft and faftis rougft and dinging dimes* Cfteleaues be alfo rougft and fttogtng,anddeted rounde aboute, but not minor* the Hiftorie of Plantes. i*9 not fo deepelp as tft e o tfterS,moft commonlp of afwarte greene colour, ft fome- times teddiift*Cftefeedegrowetftbplongfmaltftzeedes,ftangto ft is fomewftat liketftefeede of Hirfe or #illet,fautng it is fmaller* Cfte roote in long,fatall and pellow,fpzeading it felffteee,and tftere bnder tfte grounds Cfte fmall0zttz\i in like to tfte jftettels a- v rtica fozefopd,but it in mucft fmaller, not exceeding cfte fmall '^m tolengtftafoote, ozafooteand aftalfe♦ Cfte j^ettell* ftalkes be round and rougft, and tbe leaues belike to tbe otfter,fautug tftep be fmaller and greener: Cbe feebe is bigger anb tfteroote in IftOUer* fy The Place. CfteEonta-pnej&ettelS are founb in fome woobes of tftis countrep, as tfte woob of Soiguie, but not berp commonlp: it is alfo fowen to tbe garbens of Herboziftes* Cfteo* tfterkindes grow in allplaces,as bp ftedges, )®L quickefettes and walles* S&i&i*. ^^ fy The Tyme. iliettellfeedeisripe in Auguft* fy The Names. Cfte^ettellis called in ©reeke «k«\u^k, kj kvicAh: fa Ratine ft SftoppeS Vrtica: fajjtaiian Ortica.m Spanilft Ortiga: fa f reneft Ortie. i Cftefirft kindeisnow called Vrtica Roma- na, and Vrtica mas: fa ©ngiilft, ©reeke Or EO- mapne jRtettell,or tfte male 0ettel: in f reneft OrtieGriefcheou Romaine- faftigft BOUCftU0elftft neffel:fabafeAlmaigneEoomfcbej&eteiett* 2 Cftefecond kinde is called Vrtica comunis, Vrtica fcemina,and Vrtica maior; fa©llglilb ©reatcommonnettei: faf reneft ortie: inft^rft aaoucft Hepterneffe: inbafe Al* maigne groote 0etelen* , Cbefmalleft kfade in Calleb Of Piinie Cania, anb nOW Vrtica mioor: in©t> glilft tfte fmall0ettell,anb tfte fmallburnfag#tettell:faf reneb Petite ortie,mb ortie bruiante:in\)isfh &oucft Brenneffel,ft Haberneffel; inbafe Almaignefteete jftetelen* fyThe Nature. Cfteburningorftfaging 0ettels,areboateanbdrpft of tftinne fubftance* feTheVertues. Cbe feebe of Eomapne ^etteU tempereb ozmegleb witb Honie,and often* A times iieked,clenfetft tfte bread from tougft anb flimie flettmes, ft otfter cozrupt anb rotten bumorS* Alfo it in goob foz tft e Iftortneffe of bzeatft, tfte troublefome anb beftement cougft tftatcftildren be often bejeeb witftall, tfte inflammation of tftelunges,anb tbe old ^leurefie oz long fougftt* Cftefame dzonken wttft fweetewfae,dotft dirrebp bobelp pleafure, anb in B good againft tft e blading and windfaeffe of tfteftomacke* Cftefeedeof EomapneBettell,dronken witft $)eede,tfte watgftt of a Sent- C ple,atnigfttafterfupper,caufetft one to bomit orcaftbp berp eafilp* Cfte leaues tftereof bopled witft guttles and dronken, do fof ten tftebellp a and prouoke brine* Cfte decoctio of tfteleaues of al £ kinds of ,*iietteiS,dtonken witft S^pzrfte <£ pzouoketft tfte ^enftruallfloures* And fo dotft nettle feede dronken iS fweete wine* Cfte ijo The firft Booke of Cfte iupce of tfteleaues gargarifeb,ftelpetft mucft againft tfte fallfagdowne f of tfte vUluttiaand tfte inflammationof tfte fome* Cfteleaues of jfretteiS pound witft fait, are good to be lapde to tfte bttings © of maddeBogges,biruleut and malignantblcers, as Cankers, and fucftelike corrupt and fttnking blcers or fozes,and bpon all ftardefwellutgS,tmpoftumes and botcftes bebtobetbe eares* Cbe fame mengleb witft ople and waice, and lapde to tfte ftardneffe of tfte $ Svelte oz Spleene, curetft tfte fame* Cftefame pound and Iapdeto tfte^ofe andforeftead, ftoppetft tftebleebing 3 of tftenofe,anb put into tfte nofe,caufetft tftefame to bleede* ^ettell leaues pounde witb £*f*prtfte, anb reduced to tbe orber of a ^effa- fe rie(wfticfteisamotfterfuppofitorie)anbput into tfte S*9atrijr,,prouoketft tfte floures* &f ZttlmmW oj ©eaoj&etteU €ljap*ljcjc)eijtii* fyThe Kyndes. ^f Here be two kindes of Bead $ettel*Cfte one wfticft, fauoretft or fmel- * letft but little, tbe otfter wfticfte ftatft aftrongft (linking fauour, otft er- wtfe tftere is but fmall difference betwijrt tfte one ft tfteotfter: and tfte firft kfadeof thefe fterbes is of tftzeefoztes, tfte one witft wftite floures, tftefe- cond witft pellow floureS,and tfte tftird witft redd ifH) floures* Alfo tfte fecond ktudeis of two fortes,and differetft but onelp in tftecolour of tfte floure. tfp The Defcription. t '~T1%z firft kinde of Bead nettelS, in not Lamium. X mucb bnlike tfte (tinging or burning Bead liettell or Arcftangel* j|ttetteis,ftis leaues belong anb dented roundaboutlike to tfte otfter nettel leaues, fouing tftep be wftiter,anb tftep ftpng not* Cfte ftalke in fquare, rotib about tfte wfticft Wty growetft, wftite, pellow, or red floures, be- ^^ikwdj&x ^^^ twijrt tbe leaues and tfteftemme,fafiftioned liketo a ftoode,oz openftclmet* Cfte roote ftatft tftreedp ftcirigs* 2 Cftefecond kinde, wfticft in tfteftincking Bead netteil, in like to tfteotfter, ftliketfte common netteil,fouing tftat W leaueSbe fmaller,ft fomewbat rounber* All tbe berbe iS of aberp euill, ftftrong dincking fauour* Cfte floures of one kinde are pale, and tfte floures of tfte otfter kinde are of a browne rebbe colour, fmaller tftan tfte floures of tfte firdBeab netteil* fyT'he Place. Beab netteil growetft euerp Wftere a* bout ft edges, quicke fettesand wapes, and alfo fa gardens* iffTheTyme. CbeBeab netteil flouretft tftemoftpart of all tfte Somer, from 9£ap forwarde* fyThe Names. Pliniecalletft tfte Bead netted fa Ratine Lamium, j Cbapjtfrfie. Cardiaca. the Hiftorie of Plantes. tji Lamium,anbAnonium?orAononium,at tft tS prefeltt it iS called Vrticainers,or Vrtica mortua.-fa^talian Orticamorte,mb Ortkafatida'Xn Spatti(ft Ortiga muerta: toCngluft Beadnettelt^lfadenettell,and Arcftanget:tof reneft ortummvm. ftigft Boucft Codtneffel ft Caubneffel: in bafe Almaigne Booue, and Boode ^etelett* *T he Nature. Cfte dead tfiettell in of temperament, like to tfte otfter jftettels* iff The Vertues. Bead jetted pounde or bzufeb witft falte, botft biffoltte anb cure ftarbe % wennes,botcbes,anbimpodetnS,beingiapbetfterebpon:anbinberttteiSberp like tfte otfter nettels* iff The Defcription. ^tfterworte ftatft fquare i browne dalkes, tfte leaues t be of fwarte greene colour, I large and deepelp gapflftt or cut,almodlike to jftettell, or Horeft ound leaues,btit a great beale lat> ger,blacker, anb moie beepelp cut, fome- wftat approcftfag towards tftepzoponto of p£Dke leaues* Cfte floures grow like garlandeSorCronets rounde about tfte ftalke, like tbe floures of Horeftounb, of purple colour, not mucft differing fro tfte floures of Bead jfrettell, fouing tftep be fmaller: after tbe floures commetb tfte feebe,wbicft in fmal ft bro wne,contepneb inlitteU pzicklep ftufkes* Cfte roote in fmall,ft dittided into manp fmall tftreedp parteS* fyThe Place. 3ltMigfttetft to grow to rougft,bntii- ied,ft bneuen places, about olb walles ft WapeS* iffTheTyme. ' ^otfterworteflouretft in3Iune ,3u- Ip, anb Augud, witftfa wfticfte time, tfte feede IS alfO ripe* fyThe Names. Cftis fterbe is nowe called fa Ratine offucfte as ftaue pleafure in fterbes Car- diacaan ©ngiilft #otfterwort: faf recft m ■ , % ^ ^ . Kyignpauime: in ftigft Boucft Hettfcglpan, anbHertSgtyer: inbafe Almaigne Hertfgefpan* ^ Cftis in akinde,of tfte tftree fterbes, wfticfte are calleb m ©reeketric/i^mcA*: to^atineSideritides,ftoffomeHeraclea?. AnbittStfteftrdktnbeoftfte-fapbe fterbes*Cfterefoze it map be weU calleb foftatine sidcrius prima, tftereof we IftallwriteagainetoourfecondBookeintfteCftapterofHoreftonnde* CftefterbeWftiCft Matthiolusfettetft fortft for tfte Sideruis pnma3isakmdof ^oreftottnde, and in called to tftis countrep Marrubium paluftre, tftatiS to fap, #arri(ft or water Hozeftound* fyThe Nature. \ S^otfterwozte in of a temperatefteate,and pet not Witftout btttemeffe:and tfterfozeit is alfo abderfiueor clenftog* iJ2 The firft Booke of fyThe Vertues. ^otftetwottebittfcd andlapdebpo woundes, keepetft tftem botft from tn- fiammationand apodumatio or fwelling: it ftoppetft tftebloud, anb dotft clofe, cure,and fteale tfte fame* &f 6ugle/and pmnell* Cl>ap*jf e* fyThe Kindes. TTHerebetwo kinbes of^rnnell* Cfte firft is called Bugle* Andtftefecond retepnetft ftill tfte name of ^rnnell* Bugula. Bttgle* Prunella. J&rftnell* ^rnnellftatft fquateftearteftalkes of afpannelongormoze*CfteieaueSbe fomewftat long,ftearie,and (ftarpe popnted*Cfte floures grow at tfte top oftfte ! ftalkes tftickefettogitfter,liketo aneareorfpikieknap,ofabzownecolour and mirt witft blewe,aiid fometimes alfo berp wftite* Cfte roote in fmall and berp IftZeedp* ' fyThe Place. Cftep grow botft fa certapne ^ebowes,paftures,ft Woobdes*Aifo Bugle is mucft the Hii"corie of Plantes. j?j ig mucft planteb in garbens* e^»TheTyme. Bugle flouretft faApriil*And^zunelloftentitnesalltftefomerbntili3ttlp* %. The Names. • Cftefirdkinde of tftefe fterbes in now called Confoiida, ft Solidary, ft foz a difference from otfter fterbes,wft icfte be alfo calleb bp tfte fame name,it in called Conioiidamedia.faCngiilft ^tddeil Confounde,oz fiddle Comferp, and Bugle: faf reneft confouidemoyenne,mib Bugle.- inftigftBoucft ©un?ei,and guide ©un?el: fa tfte SftoppeS of tftis countrep, tftep call it Buguia, and in bafe Al- maigne,Senegroen* z Cfte fecond kinde in alfo caUed Confolida media, but moft commonlp Pru- nelia,or Bruneila.-fa ©ngiilft Pruned,© arpentets fterbe, Seifefteale,ft Hooke fteale: faf reneft Pruncik, and fome do alfo call it charpenuer, fome call it oingtereuie.-in ftigft Boucft Brunellen,and ©ottftepl: in Brabant, Brupneiie* fyThe Nature. Cftefe two fterbes bedzp:moreouerBugleisftoate,and^zmteiltemperate betwijrt fteate anb colbe, or berp littell colbe* fyThe Vertues. t Cfte decoction of Bugle dronken, diffolltetft clotted ft congeled blottd witft* A fa tftebodp,it dotft fteale and make founde all wounbes of tft ebobp, botft efo« warde and otttwarde* Cbe fame openetft tbe ftoppingS oftfte &fuct anb ©anle, anb in goob to be b dronken againft tfte 3lattndife,and fetters tftat be of long continuance* Cfte fame becoction of Bugie,curetft tfte rotten bleers,ftfozes of tftemoutft © anb gummes,wftantftepbe waflfteb tfterewitball* Bugle greene ft frelft gatftereb, in goob to be lapbe bpon woundes, galleS, B or fcratcftes: foz it curetft tftem,ft maketft tftem wftole ft founde* And fo dotft tfte pouder of tfte fomefterbebrpeb,to becaft anb ftrowenbpontfte wounbe* Cft e iupce of Bugles curetft tfte fores ft blcers of tfte fecrete omiuiz partes, © being often dzopped in,and fo dotft tfte berbe brufed and lapde bpon* i Cfte decoction of Pruned made witft wine or water dotft iopne togetfter f andmakewftole and founde all woundes botft fawarde and outward asBu* gle dotft* Jtin good to waflft tfte moutft often witft tfte decoction of pruned, agatnft © tfte blcers of tbemoutb,and it in alfo afoueraigneremebie agathd tftat difeafe Wfticfte tfte Brabanders do name (den Brupnen)tftat is, wftan tfte tongueis inflamed and waretft blacke and is mucft fwollen, fo tftat tftegenerall reme- dies ftaue gone befoze* , Pruned bzufed witft opleof Eofesanb bineger, anb lapbe to tfte ftueparte H of tfte fteabjfwagetft anb curetft tbe aking of tbe fame* ^ntueno/oiJbanamunoa* €l,ap.tti. fi? The Defcription. j Heieauesof Sanaimtnba,Auens,orHerbeBennet,are rottgft,black* ufte,anb mucft clouenozbeepelp cut,fomewbatliketo tfte leaues of A- grimonie ♦ Cfte dalke in rounb and ftearie of tfte lengtft of a foote and ftalf,diuiding itfelf at tfte top into otfter brancbeS,wfticft brfagetft fortft pellow floureS,liketo tfte floures of Crowfoote,©olbcttp, or ©oldknap, ft afterward littell round rougb beabS or knoppeS,fet full of feebe,tbe wfticft beingripe will cleaue otftangfaftbnto garments* Cfteroote in (ftort anbreddiift witfttn,witft pellow tftreedpftrfags,and fmelletft fomewftat likeCioues, etpeetaUp if it be gatftered in ^arcfte* lH The firft Booke ot fy The Place. Garyophyllata* CftiSfterbegrowetftwilbefawoobS, and bp ft edges and quickfettes, it in alfo planted ingardes,but tftat wfticft grow- etft wilde in tfte greater, and ^ig floures be pellower tftan tfte otfter* ?§» The Tyme. 3It flouretft infl^ap anb 3lnne* $.7'he Names. Cftis fterbe in now calleb fa ftatine Garyophyiiata,bpcaufebiS roote fmelletft WkeClOUeS, and Of fome Sanamunda,Be- nedicl:a,and Nardus ruftica:fa ©ngiilft A- uzngy fterbe Bennet, anb of fome Sana* munda:inf reneft Benoitte: inftigft Boucft Benedictenwurt?: in Brabant ©ario* Pftpllate* #7'heNature. Herbe Bennet or AuenS, ig ftoate ft drp fa tftefecond degree* fyThe Vertues. A Cfte decoction of AuenS made Witft water, oz witft wine and water togitfter and dronken,refoluetft congeled and clot- ted bloub,ft curetb all inwarde woundes and ft urts* And tfte fame decoction curetft outwarde woundes if tftep be waflfted tfterewitftall ** CftedecoctionmadeoftfterooteoffterbeBen- net fa wine,ftdronken, comfortetft tftedomackeft caufetft good digedion: it openetft tfte dopptngs oftfte lpuer,and clenfetft tfte breaft,anb pttrgetft it from groffe anb pftlegmattq tte ft ttmozs* C Cbe roote bzpeb anb takenwitb wineiS good againftpopfon, ft againft tftepapne oftfte guttes orbowelles,wfticftewe call tfte Coltque* ^fppjola. €ljap.jcetj* fy The Defcription. Yroia ftatft ninz or tznnz greene, tender leaues, not mucbe bnlike tfte leaues of Bete,fouing tft ep be a great deale fmaller, amongft tfte wfticft e commetft bp a ftalke fet witft pleafont little wftite floures, mucfte like to tfte ftueete duelling floures of lillie Conuall or S*£ap liUies* Cfte roote ig fmad ft tender, creeping ft ere and tftere* fyThe Place. Pyrola growetft fa (ftadowp places,and mopft WOOddeS* iffTheTyme. Pyrola igtobz founb fa winter and fomer,but it flouretft fa June and 3|ulp* fyThe w Ophiogloffon, the Hiftorie of Plantes. # The Names. ^prola is called toSftopS Pyrola: inftigft Boucft l©totergrun,Holt?man- golt,i©albnwngoldt:inbafeAlmaignei©totergrum:fa©nglilftalfoSpzola, anb i©totergreene:inf reneft Betedeprez&nb Pyrok. &7"heNature. ^prola isbrp fa tfte tftirb degree,and colde fa tfte fecond* fyThe Vertues. Cfteleaues of j^prola, alone bp tftemfelues, oz witft otfter ftealfag fterbes, a iS goob to beale wounbes,anb bopled fa wine and bzonken,tftep fteale botft in* ward and outward woundes,fiftuias,and malignant blcers* ©reene ^prole in alfo good to belapdebpon woundes,blcerS,ft burnings: b and fo is tftepouder tftereof to be ftroweb bpon,and it in good to be mirt witft opntmentsanb piapfters,feruingfor tfte purpofes aforefapde* ^f f>erpent0 tonge/oj Uttiero tonge* ap.j«tfc fy The Defcription. Bders tonge in an fterbe of a maruelous ftragenature, it bzfagetft fortft but oneleaf oftftelegtftofonesffag^r,inwfticft grow- etft alittell ftemme, bearing a littell long, narrow,tonge,iiketo a Serpent,oz (asmp Autftor fattft)like to tfte tonge of a Serpent* fyThe Place. Abbers tongeis founde fa tftis countrep, fa cer- tapne mopft and frutefull medowes* iffTheTyme. Cftis leafe is foundewitft ftis littell tonge, fa A- prilland^ap: tfte wftole fterbe baniflftetft awap in 3lune* fy The Names. Piinie (as fome learneb meniubge) cadetft tftis fterb Lingua, Linguace3and Ungulace: it iS ItOW Cal- led fa ©reekeoc|>io>X6x\roi;;fa Ratine Linguaferpen- tis, ftfafbme countries Lancea chnfti: and footfter places Lucciola: in ©ngiilft, Abbers tonge, ft Ser- pents tonge: in f reneft Langue deferpent: inftigfte Boucft Baterjttnglin:faBzabat,€)nSHeerenfpeer crupt,anb l^atertongftefkeh* fyThe Nature. s*=*s^f^%h Abbers tonquzinbtp fa tfte tftirb begree, anb of ^Sll> 0atureberp like ^prola* \c^ d^The Vertues. Abbers tonge in alfo good ft berp finguier to beale woundes, botft inward % and outwarde,it is alfo good againft burftfags or Euptures, to be prepareb,ft taken fa like forte as l^pzola* Cbe Becoction of tftefome mabe witft water anb dronken, in good againft g ftoate f euers,tft e inflammations of tfte liuer, and againft all fawarde and oitt- wardefteates* Cfte fame incorporated oz mengled witft Stnpnes greafe, ig good againft ^ burningand fpreadfagfozesbrtftedifeafe called tftewildefire,alfoagainftbur- mngs,andallftoate tumors and impoftemS< WU ®t 156 The firft Booke of €>fZtmaria* €i)ap*jtentj* $$> The Defcription. THe ttnall lunarie alfo,brfagetft fortft but oneleafe,iaggebft cut on botft fibes into fitteoz fitebeepe cuttes or natcfteS,not mucft bnlike tfte leaues oftfte rigftt Scolopen- driaftut it in ionget,larger,anb greener* 3.j or tftzee foo tefttgft,bpon tfte wfticfte growetft leaues, fomewftat long, *-J£x\dented round about,anb tiebbpiongdemmeS,tenne ortwelue leaues growing bp a demme,danbiug bilpiaped directlp one againd an otber like bnto winges* At tfte top of tftedalkes are round knopsotfteads, compact togitfter as it were of fmaUpttrles or buttons,tbe wfticft at tftetr opening bzing foztft fmallfioures of a browne redde colour; after tftem commetft a triangled feede* Cfterooteisiong and tfticke* 2 Cfte fmall or garden ^imputed, in berp mucft like bnto tfte wilde, but it in toailpointSfmaller,anb of fattourand fmell more amiabie,ozpleafant*3lt ftatft fofte anb tender dalkes of afoote ftigft or fomewftat more, fet witft a fofteand fine fteare oz Cotton*Cfte leaues be like bnto tfte otfter, fouing tftep be a great deale fmaller, greene aboue, and blewilfte bnderneatft* Cfte floures be not fo bzowne,butof an incarnate oriittelp rebde, witb fmall pellow tbreedes,ftang* wigfortft of tftemtddeit oftftem*Cfterooteisiike to tfte otfter,but agreatdeale fmaller* fy The Place. Cfte wild oz great ^imptoell,growetft to dzp medowes,ft tftere isdooreof it found growing about vHiluorbe*Cfte fmall ^impineil in commonlp plaitted fa tfte gardens of tftis countrep* fy The Tyme. Cftep do botft floure in 31une, and fometimes fooner, and oftentimes bn- tillAugud* iff The Names. ^itttpfaell iS nOW called fa)tatfae PimpineIla,Bipennula,Pampinula,and Of fome Sanguiforba,ft Solbaftrella: fa Spanilft Frexinnain©ngiilft BUmet, and ^impinelUfaftigft Boucft &olblefkraut,Hergotfbartlfa,Blutkraut,and fllpe- gelkraut: in bafe Almaigne Pimpinelie. cftis fterbe feemetft to be berp wed like tO Sideritis altera of Diofcorides. fy The Nature. ^imputed in drp in tfte tftird degree,and coide in tfte fecond, ft adrfagent* fy The Vertues. Cftedecoction of ^imptnelldronkencuretft tfte blottdpflijre, tftefpittingof % bioud,tfte piffing of blottd,and tfte naturall iffue of women, and all otfter flute of bloud*Cfte fterbe and tftefeede made into pouder, anddzonke witft wine or water,wfterefa3ironftatft bene often quenci)ed,dotft tfte like, andfo dotft tfte fterbe alone being but onelp ftolden in a mans ftande, as fome ftaue wziten* Cfte greene leaues brufed and lapde bpon woundes, keepe tftem from i\\< 25 flammatton and apodumation. 9poreouer tftep are good to be lapbe bpon pblegmonS,wfticfte are ftoate tumors,fwellings,anb blcers* ^impineil alfo in berp goob to beale wounbes, anb in recepued in drfakeS C tftat be madeforwoundes,to put awap inflammation, and to dancfte bleeding to mucft* Cft e leaues of ^impineddiped in wine and dzonken,dotft comfort ft reiopce B tfte ft art,and are good againd tfte trembling anb (ft aking of tft e fame* <£>f $am'cI#o; £>amfcell. <£!)ap* jcefcfc P^» The Defcription. SAnicle ftatft bzowne,greene,plaine,lfttoing,anb rounbilft ieaues,parted into fitteparteswitbdeepecuttes, like bnto bineieaues, (orratfterlike 30aple leaueS)amongd wfticfte tftere (prtogebp two demmes, of tftefteigtft of a foote, the Hiftorie of Plantes. foote,bearingmanp fmall rounb buttons Sankuia. at tbe toppe, full of littell wbite floures, Wfticftebo tume into fmal rougft burres, wfticft is tfte feebe* Cfterooteftatft tftree- bp drings,anb in blacke witftout,ftWftite witftfa* fyThe Place. Santcle is founde fa mopft wo odes, anb ftonp bankes, fa ftillp ormountapne countries foztft erlp* iffTheTyme. Sanicle flouretft fa ftoelp dented round about, tfte wfticfte IS attfteirfirdcomfagbp out oftfte grounb are folden togitfter or asitwereplapted* £$ iiii Amongft 140 The firft Booke Amongd tftem growetft fmallround demmes ftalfe a foote long, fet ftere and tftere witft little leaues,and bzingetft foortft at tfte top fmadfloures, cluflering tfticke togitfter,ofapellowifl) greene colour,witft a fmal pelloiu feebe,no grea- ter tften ^urfelane oz ^oppie feebe,faclofed in fmall greene bufkes*Cfte roote in tfticke,as long as ones fingar,browne witftout,anb ftatft tftreebp drings* fy The Place. ©reatSanicleoz)Labies^anteil,growetbfafomepiaceSoftftiScoutrep, as fa certapne medowes,fa tfte ftanging of HideS,wftereas tfte fople in ofpot* tees clap, fat and redde* e%ThcTyme. CftiSfterbeflouretft in0pap,anb3lnne* fyThe Names. Cfte latter wrpters bo call tftis berbe in The Defcription. Virgaaurea. gDlden roddeat tfte firfte ftatft long bzoadeleaueS, fpzedde abzoade bpon tfteground,amongft tfte wfticft tyw* getft bp aredduft oz bzownedalkeof tftelengtft of a footeanb ftalf, witft leaues like to tbefird,butfmaller,it fpzeabetftif felfe at tfte toppe intodiuers fmall brancfteS, cftarged ozloden,witft fmallpello w floures,tfte wfticfte alfo wftan tftep areripe,arecarried awap witft tfte winde, like to tfte floures of SarrafineS Confounde* Cfte roote inbzowne andbatft tftreebpflrfags* fyThe Place. Cftis fterbe growetb in wooddeS,bppon mountapnes,and in frutefull fople* iffTheTyme. 3It flouretft mod commonlp fa Auguft* fyThe Names. Cftis fterbe in now called fa ftatfae Virga aurea, tftat is tofap,©oldenrodde:fafrencft verge dor: fa bafe Almaigne ©oldenroede:and we know not aspet wftetfter itftatft anp otfter name* fyThe Nature. CftemdeoftftiSftj^itfberpliketoSar- radnes Confounde,fltd^erefore it ig of like nature* fyThe Vertue and Operation. ©oldenrod ig alfo anfterbeapt to fteale woundes, and ftatft tftefameber-A rues H* The firft Booke of tues Wfticfte Sarrafines Confounde ftatft, and map be bfed fa addiffeafes for tfte Wfticfte tfte fapde Confounde in good* Cfte fame bopled fa wine and dzonken, in berp good agapnd tbe done aj namelp fa tfte repnes* for it ftzeaketft tfte fame, anb maketft it to defcend witft tfte water ozbzfae:anb fo dotft alfo tfte water of tftis fterbe bidilled witft wine, anb bronkenbp fome (pace of time, as wrptetft Amoidus de villa Noua. &f water Sengreene anditatgfjto venom/ or n^ounbworte* ©bap* ci* fy The Kindes. \0bzt tfte title of Stratiotes, tftat in to fap, ftnigfttswoundwozte, or plater pearrow,Diofcoridesdeftribetft twoo fterbes,well knowen iii jtftts countrie* Cfte one called Crabbesclawe: Cfte otfter watered* fopleorPearrow* Sedumaquatile. Stratiotes potamios. l^ater Sengreene* &nigftts woundewozte* fy The Defcription. He firft Wfticfte in called fenigftts *©ounbWorte,or Water Sengreene isawaterfterbewfticftefleetetftbpontftewater,notmucftebnliketfte great Sengreene, before tftat fte brfogetft foortft W dalke, but tbat it in greater* Cbe leaues be narrow of ftalfe afoote long, ftaufag bpon eacft libe iftarpe teetft anb pzieklep popnteS of indented Corners, like to Bitter Aloes, or Sea the Hiftorie of Plantes. 143 orSeaapgreene,bttt mucftefmaller,narrower and Iftozter* Cfte floures are bpon Iftort demmes,and grow foortft bp tbefides of tbe leaues, and are wftite and dittided into tftzee,witft a certapne tftrom or ftearie pellow fa tfte middell, and growe out of a clottenftufke liketo aCrabbesCiawe* 3It ftatft none 0* tft er roote fautngaberpfl)oztedemme,bzoabeanbtftickeaboue,and berp fmall and tender bnderneatft, from xuftence (pringe bp tfte leaues : bp tfte fapde tftorte demme bnderneatft tft e leaues, growe long tftzeedes (like to berp fine and fmall lutedrfags)ftere and tfteredretcfting tftemfeiues zntn to tfte bottom of tfte water ,bp tfte wfticfteit taketftftolbeaub dzawetftfudenancefrom tfte grounde* Certapne deceptfttll and naugfttie Eogues tftat would be taken for eumting^ftpfitions, witft tfteirCreacleS,Scammonie, and$lapderS,do ga* tft er of tft e fine dungs and ftearie rootes afozefapde,and put tftem into ^ftiois or ©laffes ftdiof water,and fet tftem openlp in tfteir fnoppe windowes ozdau* dings, to befeene of tfte people, wfterebp tbep make tfte people to beleeue,tftat tftat tftep be wonnes, wfticfte tftep ftaue caufeb men to auopde witft tftepr pou* • derS, Sugar and €>pntments* 1 Cfte fecond kinde called &nigftts ^tlfople (bpcatife of tbe great multitude and number of leaues) batft long, fmall, anb narrow leaues, deepelp cut fa bpon botftefides, like to tfte wingefetftersof fomefmaib^des*f oras tftefea? tfterS of bprbes baue as itwere a demme, or a certapne ribbe in tfte middell, from wftence tftere grow outbponeacftefide long narrow barres,plumesor finebeares: ettenfo fa like manner, tbefe fmall leaues, ftaue alfo aribbe or fi- new in tfte mibdeil, from wftence tftere growe out bpon botfte fides fmall and narrow leaue&cuerp ieafelike to tfte ftearie barres oz plumes of fucft fmalfea- tfterS* Amongft tftefapdeleattes growetft bp aftalkeor ftemme of a fpan long bearing leaues like to tfte aforefopde,and attfte top a fapre tttfte,6ulfte,or nofe- gap of manp fmall pellow floures like tfte common J^earrow or #ilfople*Cfte rooteis tender and tftreedp* fy The Place. Cfte firdkinde growetft fa tftis countrep fa pondes and pooieS, ft in found in diuers dicftes tftat are neare to tfte Eitiers of Efchauld and Dele,fa tfte coun- trep of Brabant* Cfte otfter growetft inberp good and ranke medowes,but amanlftalifinde itberpfeldome* iffTheTyme. n0aterSengreeneflouretftin^ap*CfteotfterfaAugttd* fyThe Names. x Cftefirft in called in ©zeekes-e«n»TH?,>t9« s-^twhc 7ror«><9- .- in&atine Mi- litaris.and itmap be well called Scdumaquaciie.faCnglilft^ntgftts worte, ftmgfttswoundewozte,oz&ntgftteS water woundworte, &mgfttsi&oiide- wozte, and of fome &nigftts water Sengreene: in bafe Almaigne Crabben* ciaw,and after tfte ©reeke, Eupters crupt,or water EupterS erupt* t Cftefecond is called fa©zeekesr^r»»rK?x^«^^©- inX&tinz Miiitaris mil- Jefolia:fa©ngU(ft &nigftts # tlfople; fouldiers perrow,and pellow knigftten j^errOW: faf reUCft HerbemilitainamiHefueiHes, WXb-iMittefueillciaulne: fa bafe Al* maigne ©eel ©erttwe* fyThe Nature. Snigftts wottndewozte of tfte water is colde and dzp: Cfte otfter Wbtyz tftoufand leaues,called fenigftten #plfoile, in drp and fomewftat aftringent* fyThe Vertues. 1 Cfte firft SnigfttS worte bopled fa water and dronken, ftoppetft tftepiffing A rr The firft Booke or of b"r;ft, and curetft tfte woundes and blcers of tfte kidneps, and tftebfeof it Us 30ud againft ad fawarde woundes* C i?e leaues tberof ponnde,and lapde bpon greene wounbes, keepetft tftem B from Uflamraatibnand apodumation or fWeiltng* Cfte fome lapdetoo witft bfaeger,curetft tfte wilde fpre, ozS* Antftomesf ^aerom/oj common f&flfople* Cftap* cft* ^ The Defcription. 3iifople ftatft round ftollow Achillea, I ftalkes of a foote and ftalfe | long: tfte leaues be long anb berp fine, and deepelp fogged bpon botft fibes, e- aen ftarbe bnto tfte midded ribbe oz fi- new,berp wellike to tftefmaUeftleaues ofCoziander ozSoutftrenwood* Cfte floures grow fa fapre rounde tuffets or buflft es at tfte toppe oftfte ftalke,and are moft commonlp all wftite,fometimes al- fo in tftis countrep of a purplilft colour, and as Diofcorideswzitetft,fometimes all pellow, tfte wfticfte as pet ftatft not bene feene in tftis countrie*Cfte roote in blacke and tftreedp* fyThe'Place. S^ilfople growetft plentifullp in tftis countrep,aboutpatbS,ftigft wapes, anb tfte borders of fieldes* iffTheTyme. 35t flouretft from June to Septem- ber* fyThe Names. Cftis fterbe in called in ©reeke *x''*< x«©-: in Ratine Achillea ,and Achillea fideritis,Of ApUfefaS Myriophyllon,My* riomorphos , Chiliophyilon , Stratioti- con, Heracleon, Chryfitis, Supercilium Veneris, Acron fyluaticum, Miliraris, and of fome Diodeia: fa SftoppeS at tftis1 prefent Millefolium: in 3|talian cMiiiefogUo: inSpanilfte Terua MiUoyas: fa©ngli(ft alfo St9ilfople, |lerrow, and faote bleebe: fa f reneft uKMefieMe: inftigft Boucft, ©arben, Seftaffgrafe Scftaffrip,and Caufenblaet: fabafe Almaigne, ©eruwe* Some count Achillea, to be tftat kinde of Canfie, wfticfte We before in tfte tentft Cftapter of tftis prefent booke ftaue named tfte tmad wftite Canfie,as it ig tfteredeclared* iff T hi MJ the Hiftorieof Plantes. fy The occafton of the Name. i^hnr^iffi anbbaliantknigbt m& Acfttilesbfeb tbtsberbeberp mucft, anbit wasfirttetaugfttbim bptfte €zn^ taureCfttron*r©ttft tftis berbe Acftdles cureb mwmwStmi Tck- phus tbe of Hercules* fyThe Nature. apilfopleis berp d.zp and adringent* fe The Vertues. and^l otfte0r l!Sf^m,ftt *m*m m Cm m °°ppe m blouI)p m*>% Cftefame bronkenftoppetft allflutes,bttt efpecfallp tfte redde flure fawo*B men tftat flowetft to abunbantlp* 3ltWorketft tfte fame effect being applied to tftefecretepartes,ortfonefttteorbatfteintftebecoctiontftereof; pefamebrufebandlapdebponwoundeSdoppetfttftebloud,andkeepetftC V tftefamefrommflammattouandfwelling,andcuretfttftefame*u,mw*"4^M* Jfc <£>f€omftep* 4fm»ctt fyThe Defcription. Symphytum magnum. ®mfzzp ftatft rougft ftearie dalkes,and long rougft lea- , ttes,mucft like tfte leaues of j commo Btigloffe, but mucft greater and blacker* Cfte floures be rounde anb ftollow like little belles,modcommonlp wftite, and fome- times teddiflnCfte roote in blacke witft- out and wftite witftfo, berp clammp oz fliiftie to toucfte* fyThe Place. Comfcep growetft alongft bp bicftes, anb in mopft places* iffTheTyme. 3ltflouretft fa Juneanb 3Iuip* fy The Names. Cftis fterbe in calleb in ©reeke*6pup» T»p K9" ftftiSforte,tftereisanotfteekindepianted fa gardens,WftofefloureSare berp double, and full of leaues* Cftere is alfo atftirde kinde, bearing floures aswftiteasfnow* Anb alfo a fourtft kinbe(but not berp common)wbofe floures be of a barke Crpmfm,oroibreddilftput^lecolour,inailotfterpopntesiiketotftefird,asfa ftts ieaues,feede,and growing* 2 Cftewildeisiiketo tftegarden bpcaufe of tlje Jfrpmpftes of Ionia 3 wfto firfte of all pzefenteb Jupiter wttft tftefe kindes of floures* fy The Nature or Temperament. t pantwoi tjarteo eafe* €f?ap*9* fe The Defcription. Viola tricolor. |^f|AnceS ftatft triangled ftemmes, I Wm ^^ man? i°^ut^:ft Wleaues are £Sai blackilft, and dented, or tootfted rounde about like afawe,betwijr;te tfte wfticfte leaues tftere growebp from tfte ftalke, fmall naked or bare (femes: brin- ging fortft fapre ft pleafont floures,par- ted into fiue littell leaues, liketo a vio- let, eacft floure being of tfttee diuerfeco- lours,wbereof tbe fttgfteft leaues for tfte modparteare of abioiet, and purpleco- lour, tfte otfterS are blewdfte or pellow, witft blacke anb pellow dreekes alongft tftefame, anb tftemidded ftearie: after* warde tftere appeare fmall Bollpns or knopppftttfkes>wfterfa tfte pellow feede iS faclofed* fyThe Place. CftefefloureS do grow in gardens, ft tftereismanpof tftem found growing a- mongft tft e ftubblein come fieldes* fy The Tyme. Cftep begin to floure faeotfaent after tfte mio lets, and remapne flouring al tfte fommerlong* fy The Names. Cftis floure in called fa ©zeeke^ K9ci a?c maxime probaturad glutinanda vulnera,ta exterius illita, quam in- terius fumpta.-adhaecad enteroeadas. In quem vfunVpuiuer em eius , menfura di- midij cochkaris,ex vinoauftero, fcelicifucceffu prQpinan*. 0 ii\ €>f »*« Viola lu tea. The fecond Booke of €f tlje i&alt floure* €lwp* 19. «g* The Defcription. THe pellow ©illofer oz r©allfloure, iS a littell Iftrubbe or bulfte, tftat is greene botft winter ft fomer, wftofe ftalkes are ftarbe ft of a woobpfttbdance, anb full of bzaneftes:tbe leaues growing tftereonarefomwftat tfticke fet,iong,nar* row, anb greene: at tfte top of tftedalkes or brancfteS, growe tfte floures, wbicfte be berp pellow, anb fapre, of a pleafont fmell,euerp floure diuided into fourefmal leaues, tfte wfticfte periflfted tftere com* metft bp long Coddes or ftulkes,wfterein (Scontepned feedewfticfteisiarge,flatte, and pellow* fyThe Place. Cfte pellow ©illofer oz r©allfloure, growetft bpon olde walles, ft doneftilled ftoufes,ft in comonlp planted in gardens* iffTheTyme. Cfte pellow ©illofer dotft cftieflp floure fa#arcft,Aprill,and ^ap* fyThe Names. Cftepellow ©illofer isakinde of bio- lets called fa ©reekexwKow, tfte wfticft are alfo called fa Hatine Leucoia l u tea, and of Serapio and tfte Apotftecaries Keyri.- ft of Piinie (wfto ftatft fettered tftem from Leucoion, tftat in to fop, from tfte docke©illofer,ozratfter tfte Wftite biolet) Viola? lutea*: fa Jtalfon Violagiala: fa Spafalft Violetas amarillas: fa ©ngiilft JJei* low ©iilofers, naall floures, anb Hartes eafe: in f reneb note iaums, a*fit uuine: fa ftigft Boucft ©eel beiei: in Brabant geel iEilieren, fteen imilieren* fyThe Nature. naailfloures are ftoate anb dzp,and of fubtiil partes* fyThe Vertues. r^allfloures brpeb anb bopled in water prouoketft brine, and caufetb We** mento baue tfteir termes, it curetft tfte Scirrftos, or ftarbe impodemsof tbe 9£otfter, wftan tftefame in deweb orbatbeb tfterewitft* Cfte fome floures witft opie anb wafobrougfttinto aplapfter bo beale tbem cftoppes or riftes oftfte fiege anb funbament,or falling bo wne of tbe Arfe-ttut and clofetbbpolbe blcers* ■ v * v «w»»b Cbei©allflouremengled Witft Honp,curetft tftenaugfttie bicers,and fWel* £ lings oftfte moutft* Cfte quantitie oftwo dzSmes oftfte feede of tiaailfloures dzonken in Wine * bringetft downe womens-floures, deliueretft tfte Secondpne1, and tftedead cftilde*Jt dotft all tfte fameberp wed, being conuepeb into th^2©atrit ozSlBo* tfter in a ^effarie* ** y *vt*y» Cftetopce of tftis ©iilof er,bzoppeb into tfte©peS,dotft waft and tcatter all & tpottesanddimneffeoftftefome. -• Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 152 Cfte roote dampeb witft bfaeger, curetft tfte ftarbneffe of tfte Splene or f fil£elte,being applied tbereto* ^f£>tocfte #tUofet0/oj ^aenefeeBtoleto. et)ap*if& fyThe Kyndes. &ere are found two kinbzn of tbefe ©illofloureS*Cft e oneis great and called tfte Cadell,or docke ©illofer,tfte wfticftemap be kept botb win- ter anb fomer* Cfte otfter in not fo bigg'e, anb in calleb tfte fmall docke ©iilofer,tfte wfticfte mud be peareip fowen againe,anb bringetft foztft ftis floure anb feede tfte fame peare* fy The Defcription. Leucoion. THefe two kindes of Violets oz©il* loferS, are not mucfte bnlike r©al* floures failing tftat tfteir leaues be wftiter anb fofter* t Cbegreat Cadell, or docke ©illofer l^ig ftalkes beftarbe anb draigftt, of tfte fteigtft of two oztftzeefoote, witft long narrow and fofte leaues like S*£oipn,far greater,longer ft larger tftan tfte leaues of O0alfloures,or pellow ©illoferS*Cfte floures be of a fragrant or pleafont fmel, fafadftion anb fmell like to Hartes eafe oz naalfloures, but mucb larger, of co* lour fometimes wbite, fometimes aplft e colour,fometimeS Carnation,Stamell, oz Scarlet colour,fometimes rebbe,and fometimes violet, after wfticftefloureS commetft iongftufkes orCoddeS, wfter- fa is flat or large feede* i Cfte fmall Cadell oz docke ©illofer, iSlike to tft e great in ftis dalkes, ft wfti- tiift,woiliefofteleaues,alfo in tftefweete fmel and fragrant fauour of ftis floures, fa tftediuerfitie of colours, faftis coddes and feede, fouing tftat it in fmaller in all refpectes,not exceeding tfte lengtft of a mans foote,of fmall continuance,and pe- rilling euerp peare* fyThe Place. CftefekfadeS of ©illoferS,arefowen fatftegardenS of tftis cofitrep:of tftis forte tftere in found an otfter kindeinplaces neare tfte fea coaft, as fa Zealand not farre from tfte (ftore, but tfte fame is fmaller anb lower tftan tftat wfticfte growetft in garbens* fyThetyme. Cftegreat Caftellgillofer flouretft in 4©arcfteanb Aprill,apeare aftertfte fowing*Cfte fmaller flouretft injulp and Auguft,tfte fome peare tftat it tS firft fowen* fyThe Names. Cftefebut not tfte leaues 0 mi oftfte ijx The fecond Booke of oftfte floureS,for tfyzp be of diners colours as in befozefapde, tbzp be called in 3Italian viola biancha fa Spanilft vioietas biancas. Some of tfte late wziters do call tftem viola? matronaks, tftat is to fop,Bames bioletS:bttt tbin name botft ratfter belongto an otfter forteof miioiets,wftereof we iftal intreate in tfte nett Cftapter following* Btittf weougftt tcrcail tftefe Violets bp tfte aforefapde name, tfte name will bed agree witft tfte fmall c adell ©ilofer ♦ Cfte greater forte in calleb fa ©ngiilft ©arnefie violets, wbite ©ilofer, Stocke ©ilofer, ft Cadell ©ilofertfte fmaller kinde,map befo calleb alfo*Cbe greater forte in cal- led in bafe Almaigne Stock sadieren, anb tbe fmaller forte is alfo calleb of tftem HeeteU Mltdieren* fy The Temperament. Cftefe miolztn are ftoate anb drp,ft of nature fomwftat like to noalfloures* fe The Vertues. Cftefloures of docke ©illof erS,bopleb in water ft dronken,is go od againft % tfte difficultie of bzeatbfag,anb tbe cougft* Cftefe miolets bo likewife prouoke tfte floureS,anb bzpne,and do caufe to 25 ftneate, if one do dtte ouer abatfte or dewefull oftfte becoction tftereof* Co conclttbe, tftep are of nature berp liketo tbe pellow, oziBalgilofer: Cfte c Wfticftepetnotwitftdandingisinallrefpectes better ft fitter in Medicine tftan tfte ftocke ©ilofers* ® f ©amC0 fetoleto/ 0; <®floflouw0* €\n%& * fy The Defcription. Ames ©fllofers ftatft greate large leaues of a browne 'greene colottr,fomwftatfnipt oz dented rounde aboute tfte ebges: Amongft tbe wbicbe 4 fpzingetft bp aftemme befet witb tbe like leaues full of brancfteS, wfticfte bearetft fweeteanb pleafont floures at tfte toppe, fapzoportioniike to tbe ©idofersafore- fopbe,moft commonlp of a wbite colour, fometimes carnation, andfomtimesred- dilft, afterwardescomebp long rounde coddes or ftufkes, fa wfticfte tfte feede ig Viola? Macronales. &%5 contepned* j €>f tbin kinde of Bamafkeviolets or ©illofloureS,are tftep alfo wfticft ar now called betanasrwfterof tft erebeft*foLztes* Cbefirdbatft fiue leaues ormoe, like ftempe growing bpon onelitie dem, tfte ftalkesbefmalanb lftort,notmucb aboue tftefteigtft of ninz facftes: bpon tfte grow fmaifloureSof a biolet colour in propor- tion liketo ©arnefee biolets orBameS ©dlofloures: after tbem comme ftufkes ft feebe like to tbem*Cfte rooteSbe fome- wftat tfticke, ft bneuen, anb as tftep were couered witft certapnefcales* Cfte otfter \)ig leaues grow alongfl tfte little ftalkes, ft are fpzead abzoade liketo tfteleaues of tfte Aiifte,ozi©almit trees, fouing tftep be fmader! Cfte floures the Hiftorie of Plantes. ijj flourer jt almoft Wftite,ft tfteftufkes or cods arelike to tfteftufkesof garnefep biolets:tfte rootes be rougb ft bneuen,mucft liketo tfte rootes of tft e firft kind* fy The Place. CftebioietS or ©iiloferS areberp commonalmoftfaall gardens* fyThe Tyme. Cftep floure in ^ap,and oftentimes elfe,wftileS Somer ladetft* fy The Names. CftefefloureSbenow called in Ratine Viola? Matronales: fa©ngii(ft Ba- mafkebioiets,BameSbioletsor©illofers, and EogueS gilloferSunf reneft vioknesde Dames-in ftigft Boucft winter biolen, wftereforefome do alfo call tftem in Ratine Hybema viola, or viola Kyemaiis: fabafe Almaigne ^aftbloe- men,anb after tfte&atine name tftep call it Joncfrouwen biiieren,wfticftemap be ©nglilfted Barnes bioiets* Cfteotfter kinde ig knowen bp tfte name of Bentarie:and iSnot otfterwife knOW en tO bS* fy The Temperament and Vertues. Cftefefloures arenot bfed in medicine,tfterefore tfteir temperature,and mv turalloperation,tSpetbnknowen* the Hiftorie of P lantes. 157 Ca!itabrica5butnow tftep be calleb fakatfae Flores Armcrij,pet fomeefteeme tftem to be a certapne kinbe of Herbetunice :tfte©ermapneS call tftem Bon- bernegifa, f eidtneglin, Heidenbtumen, anb Blutfpropfle: fabafe Almaigne &cpkmS: of tfte frencftmeu ^« o^r^^ ig commonfa tfte countrep gardenS,and tftep call it CoimenierS* Cfte fourtft in a kinde of wilde Vetonica,and tfterefore it in called Vetonica fylueftris:fa ©ngiilft wilde U£iilimns,^arlftegillofers,orCockow gillofers: inftigft Boitcfte©aitcftblmn:faBzabantCrapebloemkenS,and Coeckcoeck- blOtmkenS: it map be calleb alfo in Ratine Armorariafylueftrisvel prateniis: 0} Flos Cucuiirandinf reUCft des Barbariesfauuages. fyThe Nature. foztftemoftparte all tftefe kindes of floureS,UJitft tfteir leaues and rootes, aretemperatefafteateand d.zpneffe* fyThe Vertues. ^ Cfte Conferue of tftefloures of tfte firft kinde>made witft Sugar, comfoz-a* 1 tetfttfteftarte,fttftebfetftereof in good againft ftoate feuers ft tfte peftilence* €>f floure tfon Ban tmople* €t)aptritj* fy The Defcription. Flos Conftantinopolitanus. ^.He floure Conftantfaople ftatft two,tftzee,or foure,long ftolow and bprigftt demmes, full of lmzzg, or fopntes, (witft a cer- tafae rougftne(fe)*At euerp iopnr grow- etft two leaues, wfticft be fomwftat long and large, and of a browne greene co- lour,tfte floures grow attfte toppe oftfte ftalkes, manp cluttering togitfter after tfte manner of Col-me-neers, or fWeete Brilliants, but fomewbat larger, of tbe colour of Eed-lead, or Ipke to tfte colour of tfte Drengeptll tftat is tftfougftlp ripe* Cfte floures be berp pleafont anb delec- table to lookeon, but tftep are witftout anp pleafont fente ozfouour* Cfteleaues anb ftalkes be fomewbat rougft* Cfte roote is wftpte,and btuided fatodtuers otfter long and flender rootes, in tafte fomewftat (ftarpe* Cfte Herboriftes and fticfte as ftaue pleafuretotfteftragebarietieof floures, do plant tftefe to tft cpz gardens* tfpTheTyme. Cftefe floureSdofioriiTftefrom^id" fomer,bntiilit be almoft winter* iff The Names. Cftispieafontfloure ig caded of tfteHetbortfteS Flos Conftantmopolita- nus,tftat ig to fap, floure Conftantfaople* fyThe Nature. Cfte roote of tftis fterb ig ftoate ft djp,a$ itdotft manifeftlpappearebp^** Lychnis fatiua. !J* The fecond Booke or ^ffiofetfampton* fyThe Defcription. HDfe Campion ftis ftalkes be round, woodland knottp,ftaufagat euerp knot or iopnt, a couple of long fofte woollie leaues like^ieauesof^o- linorftigtaper,butmucftfmader,ftnarrower* Cfte flouresgroweattfte top of £ flalkes,out of long creded ftufkes, wft ereof fome be of an excellent (ftining, oz Orient rebde, ft fome be wftttc.Cfte fingle floures are parted into Rue orfipe leaues, witft little d;arpepopnts in tfte middell oftfte do ures,wfterebnto tfte fmaller endes of tfte little leaues of tfte fapde floures are iopned * tt&ftan tfte floures are periflfted, tftere growetft witft to tfteplapted or creded ftufkes, otfter coddes or ftufkes, wfticfte fte fomewbat long and round,wfterein tfte feede wfticfte in blacke ig contepned * Cfte roote in long and fmall* fyThe Place. Cftefe floures are planted fa tfte gardens of tftis countrie* iffTheTyme. Cft zp floure fa June,3|uip,and Augttft* iff The Names. Cftefekindeof floures are called fa©reke Xvxv/c r*p«v6>M«riKii: faTtatine Lychnis eoronaria5 and Lychnis fatiua, of fome A- thanato^and Acydonium,of^linieiouisflos:fa ©nglifl) Eofe Campion: in f reneft oeMets,$ oeiiiets Diew. fa ftigft Boucft Slpargenrofslfa, ft S^arienrofen, and accozdinglp tftep are now called in jiattne Rofa mariana: fa bafe Abnaigne tftep are mod commonlp calleb €bMnn oogften* fyThe Nature. Cfteflouresareftoate and dzp* fe The Vertues. Cfte feede witft tfte floure,or eitfter of tftem alonedzonken, are good againft 1 tfte (tinging of Scorpions* ^fwfloetfampion* €fyap«jr. fyThe Kindes. THerebetwo fortes of tftefe floures, tftat in to fap,awftiteandaredde, wftereof tfte wftite kinde in tfte greater and of a larger grotfte* Cfte redde in fmader and leffe* }$>The Defcription. ftewildewftiteCampfon,ftatftarougftwftiteftemme: CfteieaueSbe wftite ft cottonp, mucft liketo tfte leaues of Campions, fouing tftat tfte ftalkes be denberer, anb tfte leaues narrower anb not fo wftite* Cfte floures growe out of a rougft ftufke, greater tften tfte ftuCke oftfte garden Eofe Campion, and tfte proportion of tfte floure ig mucfte like to tfte fome, but the Hiftoric of Plantes. iJ9 but more indented aboute tfte ebges, anb witftout anp (ftarpe popnteb peake fa tftemidded: tftefloures being bahiflfted, tftere commetft after tftem rounde bodettesorpelletsfawfticftetftefeebe is contepneb* Cfteroote isozbinarilp oftfte lengtft of afoote and ftalfe,and as tfticke as affager* Lychnis fylueftris alba. Lychnis fylueftris purpurea. Cfte wftite wilde Campion* Cftepnrple wilde Campion* Cberedde wildeCampionS,arefaailtftingSiiketo tfte wftite, fautng tftat tftep grownotfo ftigft,and tfteir roote in not fo long,butis for tftemofteparte (bozterandftearie*CftefloureSberebde,andtoproportion like to tfteotfter* fy The Place. Cftefe floures growfabntilledgrofides,intftebordersoffieides,ftalongft tfte wapes:fome alfo bfe to fet tftem fa gardens, and it commetft to paffe,tftat bp oftenfettfag tftep berp double* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure moft commonlp from a?ap dntill tfte znbz of Somer* fy The Names. CftewilbeCampions, are calleb in ©reekexvxv«? «>?<« -inRatine Lychnis fylueftris OffomeTragonatum,Hieracopodium,or Lampada.mtfteSftoppeSOf ftis countrie SaPonaria,ftowbett tftis iS not tfte rigftt Saponana .m ©ngiilft wilbe Campion, ozwilbe rofeCampion: anb of fome Crowefopenn ftigft Boucft U,pdwepck,'wilde S^argenrofjlin, and tn fome places wtderftofj: m Brabant JennettekenS* fyThe Nature. Cbefe floures witft tfteir plante, are in temperament like to garben rofe Campions* 4? r*" Vertues- t&efeebeanb floures, toitft tfte wftole fterbe, of.tfte wilbe Campions, are y, £> iji berp *°° The fecond Booke of * berpgood againft tfteftingfag of Scorpions, infomucft tftat tfteir bertue isfo great in tbin beftalfe, tftat tftis fterbe onelp tftzo wen before tbe Scorpions, ta- ketft awap tfteir power to bo ftarnte* Cftefeebetaken in quantitieoftwo Bzammes,purgetft downewardetfteS ftoate and cftoleriqueftumors* ®( €o (kte/o? fteloe ^tgella* €^ap*yt fe The Defcription. Anthcmon. 4Dckle oz fielde tfttgelweede, ftatft draigftt flender ftearie ftemmes, tfte leaues bealfo long,narrow, bearie, ftgrapi(ft*Cfteflouresbeofabrowne purplecolour,cftangfog towarbesreb, dtttided faro fine fmall leaues, not mucb barping from tbepropoztionoftftewildeCampions>aftertfte ^lk wfticft tftere growetft rounde bollepns or cups, s^v fc wfterein iscotepned pientp of feede(of a broune ^y or ruffet colour*) fyThe Place* Cftefe floures growin tftefieldes, amongft tftei&fteate,Epe,and Barlep* feThcTymc. 3t flouretft in ^pap,3|une,and Juip* iff The Names. CftiS floure ig now called amongft tfte lear- ned me Githago, Or Nigellaftrum, or Pfeudolan- thium,of fome flos Micancalus,aS RuelliusWH- tetft:fa©ngiilft field j&igellaot Cockle: inftigft Boucft Eaden, ©rof? raden, and feoairof?: fa Brabant Corenroofen, and tftegelbioemen: fa f reneft Nieiie. fy The Temperament and Vertues. Cftebertues, ft temperament of tftisfterbe, are not pet knowe,bicaufe it is notinbfe,fauing of certapnefonde people,wfticft e do bfe it in tfte fteede of J£urap or Barnell, or for tfte rigftt jBtigeda,to tfte great daunger and perill oftfte ftcke people* . #f 6leto Oottell oj tfojmeflouee* Cljap.ptj. fy The Defcription. V0 anus ftatft acceded ftalke, bpon tfte wfticfte growenarrowe, (ftarpe * p^^popnted ft gmpiu^efeaues,wfticfteftdue certapne natcftes or cuts aboitt Itft e edges,ft (ftarpe corners like teetft* About tfte toppe of tfte dalkes,it bearetft fmallround buttons wfticftebe rougft ft fcalie,out of tfte wfticfte grow pleafont floureS,of fiue oz fire fmall lagged leaues,moft commonlp blew (efpe< ciadp tbe wilde kinde*)SometimeS alfo tftofe tbat grow in garbens, bo beare grapiift, purple, crimfen, and wftite floures: tbe wfticfte being b aniflb ed, tft ere growetft witftfa tfte fcalpe ftufkes ft ft eades, certapne long feed r,wfticfte ig in- clofedfaafteariedowneozCotton* Cftere ig alfo in certapne gardens, an otfter kpnde of Cpanus, wftofe floures be Ipke to tfte aforefepde, it ftatft greate bzoade leaues, larger tban tfte leaues of tfte garden Eofe Campion , tfte wfticfte bee alfo fofte and woodp, Ipke tfte leaues of fl^ullen * Cfte floures of tftis ftearbe are ipke to tfte j the Hiftorie of Plantes. :6i Cyanus. Cornefloure* Cyanus maior. ©reat Cornefloure* tfte otfter Cpanus floures botb to W Scalp knoppeb buttons, as alfo in tyn iagged,oz frenged ieaues,ft feebe: but a great beale larger,anb of colour blew, in tftemibbletttrnfagfomwbattowardSredde,orpurpie*CberooteiSoflong contfauance,anb fenbetft fortft new demmes anb (prtogS peareip* fy The Place. Cyanusor Blew bottell growetb totfte fielbes amongft tfte wfteate ,but rpeciailp amongft Eie*Cftofe wfticft baue tfte wftiteanb purple floures,anb tfte great Cyanus,are fowen and planted in gardens* feTheTyme. CftefefloureSdo flowri(ft,from^apbntiliAugttft* fy The Names. 1 Cftis floure is called of Pliniefakatine Flos Cyanus offomelaterwzpters Baptifecula,Or Blaptifecula:fa Jtalfon Fior Campefr. fa ©ngiilft Of Ctirner BfeW* bottell,and Blewblaw,it map alfo be called Hnrte Side, and Cornefloure: in ftmty^ubifoinestBleuetsSercelesMbBlaueoles:fa ftigftBOUCft &Ornbltmten:in Brabant Corenbloemen,anb Eogftbloemen* a Cfte fecond kinde ig called Cyanus maior,and ig counted oftfte learned for a kfade Of Verbafcum, and tfterefoze tftep CaditThryallis and Lychnitis: inftigft Boucft it is called J©aldtkornblumen:anbfaBrabantgrooteCorenbioemen: We map alfo cad it fa ©ngiilft great Cornefloure,anb wilde Cornefloure* fy The Temperament. Cyanus ozBlewblaw, ig coldeanddrp* d> fa fyThe t6j The fecond Booke of fyThe Vertues. Cftis Corneflourebzufed or pound,is profitably lapde bnto tfteredneffe,tfte % faflammation and running oftfte zpzn> or to anp kinde of pftlegmon or ftoate tumoz about tbe zpzg^ Cfte diddled water of ©panus, curetft tfterebneffe anb papne of tfteepes,as Wftan it in eitfter bropped fato tfte zpzg> or elfe tftat tfte zptg be waflfted tftere. Witftall* <2>fmarpgoiO0* Cijap.jrto* fy The Defcription^^ Calendula, He S^arpgolde ftatft tftree or foure ftalkes of afoote and aftalf long, fet witft leaues fomewftatlong ft large, and of awftitegreenecolour: at tftetoppe of tfteftalkes growe pleafontbrigbt ft (ftfaing pellow floures, fomewftat fltong fa fouour, tfte wfticfte bo clofe, at tbe fetting downe of tfteSunne,anddo (preadand openagaine attfte Sunneriffag* ©acft floure ftatft fa tfte midded tftereof a pedow oz bzowne crowne (liketo alftauen Crowne)abouttftecircupt ozcompaffe wfterof,tfterearefet manp littell fmall pellow leaues * J^ftan tfte floures are banif(fteb,tfteregrowetft in tfteplaceS, from wftence tftep fell, certapne round knops like bnto greatbuttonS,copact of manp crooked feedes growing togitber fato aknoplikea button, eacft feebe alone ig croked liketo a ftaifeCircle, or tfte new iBpoone* Cfteroote iS wftite and tftreddp* fy The Place. Cftefe floures do grow in euerp garden Wftere as tbzp are fowe, and tftep do pearlp fyrtogdpanewoftftefallenfeede* I y/l tfpTheTymc. S Cftep floure almoft euerp monetft to tfte peare ,but etpeciallp from Stjap bntill winter* fyThe Names. Cbepbenow calleb fo&atfae Calenduia,and of fome Caltha,and Calthula: fa ©ngiilft aparpgoldes,andEuddes:to3ltalian Fior f reneft dusoucy, and soufier fa ftigft Boucft Eingelblumen: in bafe Almaigne ©outbioemen* (Pena calletft it in )Latfae Caltha poetarunhand Chryfanthcmon.) fyThe Nature. Cfte^arpgotde fa completion ig ftoate and drp* fyThe Vertues. Cfte floures bp tftem feiueS,o.z togitfter witft tfteir plante, bopled in Wine ft t dzonken,pzouoketft tfte^enftrnallfluire* Cftefamewitfttfteirfterbebrped,andftrowedbponquicke coles, dzawetft t3 fortft tfte fecondpne or afterbirtft, witft tfte dead cftflde, tfte fume tftereof irang recepued attfte conuenient place* - Cfte diddled water of #arpgoldeS, put fato tfte zpzg, curetft tfte%dneffe, € the Hiftorie of Plantes. 164 anb faflammation of tftefame* CbecQufetuetftatismabe of tftefloures of S$atpgoldes,takenfotftemoz- B ntngfadtng, curetft tfte trembling and Iftaking of tft e ftarte,it is alfo good to be bfed againft tfte l&lagtte,and corruption of tfte apre* ^f ^ojfe floure/oj €omt roseate* €l)ap*ietf ij. fyThe Defcription. Melampyrum.Triticum vaccinum. H£>rfe floure ftatft a draigftt demme of a foote long,t6 tftzee or foure brancbes bp tfteftbes, eouereb wttft long narrow leaues: at tfte toppeof tftebrauncbes growe fapre fpikeb eares, full of floures and fmall leaues, deepelp cut and fogged, fa proportion not mucb bnltke to af ote- taple* CbiSearebegfanetfttoflourebelow,ft fo it goetft flourfagbp little anb littell bpwarb* Be- fore tfte opening of tfte floures tfte fmall leaues ft buddes of tfte floures, are all of afapze blewilft purple colour: and immediatlp after tfte opening oftfte floures, tftep are of a pellow colour mijced witft purple, and after tfte falling awap of tfte floures, tftofe fmall purple leaues do alfo loofe tfteir colour and wategreene,and in deede oftfte floures, tft qre commetft bzoade ftufkes, wfterein commonlp arefaclofed two feedes, not mucft bn* like bnto wfteate coznes but a great beale fmaller anb browner* Cfteroote in dender and of woodp fubftance* fyThe Place. Cftis plant growetft amongft wfteate and Spelt,ingood frutefull groundes* iffTheTyme. Meiampyrum flouretft fo3ittne,and fomtimeS fajuip* fyThe Names. Cftep CalltftiS fterbe nOW, in Ratine Triticum vaccinum, or Triticum boui- num,tftatisto fop,Cow wfteate,or4Dte wfteate: faf reneft Biednoir: tftat is to fap,Blacke wfteate,or Corne: in ftigft Boucft ftuwepffen, anb of fome Braun fleifcbblumemin Bzabant }Mertfbloemen: tftat is to fap, Horfe floure: Anb it (boulb feeme to be tftat bnprofitabie fterbe wfterof rheophraftusxnzitetft ixxW bii|*bOOkeCftap*b* Anb ©alen Primo deaiimentorum facultatibus, Cap. vlti- mo,caded fa ©reke /utxaV^uf ^: fa Ratine Meiampyrum,wfticft as tftep do wute iSbutaweede,orbnprofitableplantegrowing amongft wfteate, anb fo called bpcaufeoftftefeede,wftiefte is blacke anb proportioned like wfteate* Pet tftis ISUOttfteMelampyrumof Diofcorides,tfte Wfticfte alfo iScalfeb Myagrion. fyThe Nature* Hozfe fioure,ozBlacke wfteate,e(peciallp tfte grapne oz feeders ftoate, and rapfetftbp fumes* fyThe Vertues. Cftefeedeoftft in fterbe takenfameateorbrinketroubletft tftebrapnes,cau- fingfteadacfteanddzonUenneiTe,petnot fo mucft aspurap or Barnell* Vaccis pabulo grata & inuocua. ® iiij €)f 1<54 The fecond Booke of ®f larefteo fpnrre* €twp. tb. fyThe Kyndes. •y^erebe two toitzn of Confohda regalis: wfterof one kinde growetft in ga* dens,and tfte otfter ig wilde* Delphinium. Bucinum. harden ftarkesfpurre* i^iide karkes fpurre* % t fe The Defcription. HegardenHarkesfpurre ftatft around ftraigfttftemfud of bzancftes, fet witft tender leaues, all tagged and cut berp fmall, or feenged mucft liketo tfteleaues of tfte fmaUer Sotttftzenwood* Cfte floures grow alongd tftedalkes attfte toppeof tfte bzancftes, and are corapaeteof fiuelifted leaues growing togitfter,fomewftat liketo tfte^arcft biolet, fouing tftat one of tft e leaues of tftis floure ig long and ftollo w,ftaufag beftind it a croked fpurre or tapie,turnfaj3[ like tbe floure of wilde &pn,or Coode flare*Cft efe floures are of colottr,fometimes purple blewe, fometimes wbite, anb fometimes Carna- tion: after tbe fading of, of tftefe floures, tftere commetft bp long coddes, Wfterein ig contepned bzowne feebe* i Cftewifoe&arkestfturreiS ipketfte otfter,butagreatbealefmallerinfttS , ftalkes and leaues, and in iengtb (ftorter* Cbefe floures are like to tfte aboue- fopde,but tftep be mucb fmaller, anb grow not fo well togitfter, of a fapzepm> pie blew colour like bnto violets, and after tftem alfo commetft bp coddes, wfterein tfte feede iscontapned* fyTbi .<$* the Hiftorie of Plan tes. fyThe Place. Cfte garden larkes fpurre,is fowen in t\)ig coutriein tfte gardens of Her- boriftes*Cfte wildegrowetft amongfteorne,infertillcountries* fy The Tyme. Cfte garden karkes fpurre flouretft all tfte Somer long ♦ Cfte wilde flou- retft fa 3JUne,atld JUlp* fy The Names. Cfte garden jlarkes fpurre ig called fa©reeke Atxffrw and in Minz Del- ?hinium,of fomefoteWrpterS Flosregius,or Flos equeftris.Alfo Calcatrippa:fa Italian Sperone de Caualliere. Cfte Wilde iS called in ©reeke wop Wipop.Delphinum alterum,ft &*wWf$ Bucinum,itiSnOWCalledfaiLatfae C6ioIidaregiaautregalis:fa©nglilftilUngS Confounde, wilde KLarkes (purre,orKlarckesClaw:faf reneft con/ouideroyaie, and Pieddaioucttc-.infyzb Boucft Eitterftjorn,and accozdingto tftefome in bafe AlmaigneEtbber(poren,tftat in to fop,fcnigfttesfpurre* fyThe Nature. jlarkes Claw fa compiepionis temperateip wanne* fyThe Vertues. Cfte feebe of tbe garben &arckes fpurre dronken in berp good agapnft tfte % ftingfag of Scorpions, ftindeede ftisbertueisfo greatagainft tfteirpopfon, tftat tfte onlp fterbe tbrowen befozetbeScozpionS,botft caufe tftem to be witft- out force orpower to do fturte,fo tftat tftep map not moue oz fturre,bntiiltftis fterbe be taken from tftem* Cfte feebe of wilde karkes Qmrre, ig of bertue like to tfte garden Xarke ** tpurre,but not fo ftrong* ^f^olnmbpne* fy The Defcription. £Dlumbpne ftatft great faoade leaues, witft ti.oz fa.deep e cuts or gaflftes in tfte leaues, like to tfte leaues of tfte great Celon- dpne, but wftiter (ft in fome kindes of a darke fage colour) but of no ftrong fent or fauour, neitfter pelding foztft anp fucft pellow iupce,fappe, or liquor, wftan it is bzokeorbrufed, as tfteCeiondpnedotft* Cfte ftalkes be round,ft plapne ctz fmotft, of ii.oi tii.foote long, bpon wfticft growe tfte fioureS,c5pact of two kindes of little leaues,wft erof one forte,arefmall ft nar- row^ tfte otfterS growing witft tftem ar ftollow, \i a longcroked taple like larkes ©law(* bending fomwftat towards tbe pzoportio oftfte necke of aCuluer). Cfte floures are fomtimes fingle, ft fomtimeS bubble,ft of colour fomtimes blew, fom- times wftite,fometimes fkie colottr,fom- timesred,fomtimesifteckled, ftinterme- gled witft blew ft wftite* After tfte banif- iftfag of tftefapdefloureSjtfterecommetft foortft iiii. or fiue (ftarpeftufkes or cods, growing iopntlp togitfter,wfterein in co- tepned ablacke((ftinfag)feebe* •% i*e €l;ap*ptjt Aquilegia. i6"6 The fecond Booke of fyThe Place. Cftep foWe,anb plante tftemftere in garbenS,and tftep do alfo grow fa ftigft WoodeS,and roekeS,but not in tftis countrie* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure mod commonlp fa £Hpap anb June* fyThe Names. CftiS floure is now callebfaLatine Aquilegia, or Aquiieia, and of tftelater Writers Columbina,bnknowenof tfte Auneients, ftowbeit fome late wzpters makeaquedfon,WftetfteritbePonthosTheophrafti,fiueDefiderium, after tfte interpretation of Gazarit in called iuCnglilft Columbine of tftelftapeftpzopoz- tion of tfte leaues of tfte floures wfticfte do feeme to etpreffe tfte figure of a Boue,orCuluer:inf reneft o/^/;,inftigft Boucft Aglep,and Agelep: inbafe Almaigne Akelep* # The Nature* Columbine is temperate infteate,anbmopfture* fyThe Vertues. Cftis flotireas Rueiiius writetft,isnot bfed to^ebicfae:ftowbettfomeof tfte new wzpters do affirme it to be goob againft tbe Jaundice, and founding, and it openetft tfte wapes of tfte Wuer,and tfte people bfe it againfttfte inflam- mation,and fores oftfte iawes and windepipe* Cftefe floures mengled witft wft eaten meale,make a good plapfter againft fcratcft es and gaules* <® f #oateo bearde o j f ofepf)0 floure* €i>ap*]rtHj* Barba hirci. Scurzonera. the Hift orie of P lantes. 167 fy The Defcription. ADateSBearbe ftatft around ftraigftt knottie ftem, couered witft longnarrow leaues almoft liketo ©arlpcke leaues* Attftetoppe oftbeftemmes,itbearetftfapzeboublefloures,andfull:ofcolour fometimes biewilfte purple, witb golben tftreedes in tftemtddeil, and fometimes pellow, tfte wfticfte fa tfte morning atSunneri- fing do open and (jueade abroabe,anb bo turrieft bende towards tfte Sunne,and do clofe agapne and go togitber at noone: After tfte banififting ofwfticftefloures,outof tbeknoppesorfteabes,from wftence tbe floures are fallen, tftere growetft a certapne long feebe witb a bearie tufte at tfte toppe* And wftan tftis feede in rip cftis knoppie ftead openetft, and in cftanged or tur- ned into a round t ftearie baule,lpke to tbe beads of Bantedelpon, wfticft fleetft awap witft tfte winde ♦ Cfte roote in long, and as tfticke as a finger, in tafte fWeete*Cfte wftole fterbe witb bis demmes, leaues, floures and roote, in full of wbite foppe,or iupce like milke, tfte wfticfte commetft fortft, wftan tft e plante iS broken or brufeb* i CbeSpantardeSScurzone'rafeemetbalfotobeakinbeofTragoponon,oz Bttckesbearde,itftatftlong,bzoabe leattes,anb fomewftat tfticke, and bneuen aboute tfte borders oz edges, aflenoer demme parted fato diuers brancfteS, wftereongrowetft floures berp like to tfte flouresof Tragopogon,aub of apel- low colour: tft eroote in long and tftickeand wftite witft in, and couered witft a tftinne blacke barke or rinbe* fyThe Place. ©oateSBcarde growetft incertapuemeboweS, ft it is alfo planted fogar- dens foztftebeawtieof ftis floures* 12 Scurzonera growetft to Sjpapne bpon diners (ftadowte mountapnes,and in mopft waterp places: it is alfo often founde to Thoringia, a countrie of ©ermanie* iffTheTyme. .* Cfte floures of bbtfte tftefe kindes of ^lanteS, come foortft to S£ap and Junt^ fyThe Names. 1 Cftis ftearbe in now calleb in Ratine Barba hirci, anb in taken for tfte fterbe Wfticfte tfte Auneients called in ©reeke ren^vop h ko>: to jtattoe Barbuia hircund Coma: fa ©ngiilft ©oates bearbe,JofepftS floure, Starre of Hie- ntfolem,and ©0 to beddeat 0oonzt in f reneb Hbc de *>*?>and Barbe de Pre/ire: inftigft BoucftBockSbart,©aucftbroot: in bafe AlmaigneBocjtibaert,and Jofepbs Bloemen* , Cfte Spaniarbes call tfte otfter Scurzoneram,wfttcfte tSv«er',Echium m ©reeke, and to iattoe v ipennam. fy7 he Nature. ©oates beardeis temperate tofteateand mopfture* fy The Vertues. t Cfteroote of ©oates beatde,bopled to water ft dronken, fwagetft papnes, A and curetft tftepzicktogs,and empoftemS of tftefide* Cftefopde roote alfo,is berp good to be bfed tn meates and Salades,to be B taken as tfte rootes of EampionS* .«.*.,.. c . t Scurzonera ig tftougfttto be maruelottSgood, agamft tfte bptmgs of »i« © pets and Snakes and otfter benemous beaftes* €)f 16S The fecond Booke of >fi. fe The Defcription. Amaianthus purpurcu*. 1 "TXottre ©entdl batb rounde ftalkes full of rbzancftes: tfte leaues belong and large,fome- Wftat like tfte leaues of Nettie ^orreil, or figftt lbade,but mucft greater,amongft £ wfticft growetft,aiongft tfte brancftes,faprelong (piked eares, orfloureS of Crimfenpurplecolour, fofte and gentdl fa ftandlfag, Ipke Crpmfon belnet, tfte wfticfte dotfte not ligfttlp fade or decap,but map be pzeferued and keptalongtime fatftepr colour and beautie,e(peciadp if tbepbedrped fa anouentftatisbalfe ftoate* Cfte feebe growetft fatftefpikietuftes,or eares,and igfmad, and ad blacke z CftereiSanotfterkfadealtogitfterliketotfte afozefopd,indalkes,leaueS,feede, and roote,fo- uing tftat W eares, or fpikie tufteS are not fa& foioned Hke tfte otfters, but are larger and not fo tfticke fet, and do benbe, ft bo we downe againe attfte toppe Ipke featfters ,fo tftat itmaketft a gallantlftew: and dotft alfo keepeftiS Crpmfon colour liketo tfte otfter* 3 Cftereispetatftirdkpndeiiketo tfteotfter*, butit growetft to tftefteigtft of nine or ten foote* All ftis leaues are mucft larger, ftis ftalkes are tftickerandftarder,and ftraked or crefted, witft ribbes ftanbing fooztft:ftis fpikie tuftes,or earie floures are greater^ longer, anb fuller, but not of fo fapre a colour, or pleafont ftew, for it fadetft incontinent, and turnetft fato a grcentlft ft erbeltke colour, as foone as it is gatftered* fyThe Place. CftefekinbeSof fterbes grow notfatftis countrep, etcept tftep be fowen or planted fa gardens * Cfte wemenof Jtalie make great accgumpt oftfte feco .id kmde,bpcaufeofftispleafony)eautie,fo tftat peiftad notltgfttlp comeinto anp garden tftere,tftat ftatft not tftis fterbefait* iffTheTyme. Cftep bzmgfoztft tfteir floures, or fpikie tufteS fa Auguft, and tftefeede ig rppe in September* fyThe Names. CftefepleafonttuftS,orfloureS,arecalledof Plinic libro «. Cap s. Amaran- thus,attd Of fome late WZitetS Flos Amoris,and Amaranthus purpureus: fa J- talian ©ngiilft floure ©entill,f loramor,ft purple beluet flouce: faf reneft Pafeuehurst fa ftigft Boucft Samatblumen, f loramoz,and BauCent fcftoon:utbafeAUnaigneflouweelbloemen. fy The Nature. Cftefeflouresareofcompietioncoldeanddrp* fyThe Vertues. ffoureamttl^ozfloramorbopledfawuteanddrSken^oppetfttftelatke, and tfte biouddieflite* theHiftorieofPlantes. 169 ^f^apfieo, €l)ap«jtfc; iff TheKyndes. fHere are two kindes of Bapfies,tfte great and tfte fmall* Cfteftnallalfo ig of two kmde^,wftereoftfteone growetft fagardens, ft tfte otfter growetft 1 fyThe Defcription. Bellis maior. Bellis minor hortenfis. ' PHe greate wtide Cfte great wild Bapfie, CftefmadgardenBapfie* L Bafte,ftatftgrene or#audelpnwurte* leaues fomwftat log* ft dented roud about: tftedemisrounb,anb fet wttft like leaues,ft growetft fomtimeS to pfteigtftofii*footlog, at tfte top wftereof it bearetft fapze floures intftemidbed,andfet rottndeaboutewttfta little bozder of fmad Wftite leaues,fa man- ner of apale,notmucft bnlike tfte floures of tftecomonCamomili, but mucft greater,and witftoutfattottr.nafta tftep perilfte,tfte littell total wftite leaues fad downe, ft tfte pellow to ^midded, Wfticft is tftefeede,fwelletftbp* 2 Cfte fmall garden Bade ftatft ftis leaues fomewftat like to tfte abouefapde, but tbep are fmaller and not fo mucft dented* Jtfendetft fooztft W floures from tfte roote, bpon tftortefmall ftemmes,fomewftat like tfte floures of tfte great Bapfie, fouing tftat tfte fmall leaues, wfticft e in tfte great Bapde do compaffe tfte pellow in tfte middle,are fo tftickefette, ozfo double tftatamanlftad percetoe berp littell of tbe pellow fa tftemibbeil,or none at ad* And tftefe floures are fometimes wftite,ft fomtimes berp redde,ft fometimes tyeckled or partie coloured of wftite and redde* Cftere growe alfo fometimes aboute tfte compaffe oftfte fepde littell floures, manp mozeasit were fmall floures growing bponfmail ftemmes, out oftfteknops or cuppes of tftefapbe floures* Cfteroote in wftite anb tftrebbp* 5 Cfteftnall wilbe Bapfie, iSliketo tfte fmall garden Bapfiein ftis leaues* ^in littell floures do alfo fpring bp from tfteroote,bpon (ftort demmes: tft ep be alfo pellow in tfte mibbeil,anb fet aboute witft little wftiteleaues, after tfte or- der of tftegreat Bapfie,but tftep are a great dealefmaller,and witftoutfauour, asad tfte otfter fortes of BapReSbe*CfterooteiS Uketo tfte roote oftfte fmall garben Bapfie* P fyThe 170 The lecond Booke of fyThePlace. Bellis minor fylueftris. Cfte great Bapfie, and tfte fmall wilde Cfte dnailwilde Bapfie* Bapfie,do grow in medoweS,and mopdepa- dures* Cfte fapre double garden Bapfie ig planted and fet in gardens* iffTheTyme. Cfte great Bapfie flouretft moft common* ip in a^ap*Cfte fmall garden Bapfie flouretft from^apad tfteSommerlong* Cftefmall wilde Bapfie flouretft berp timelp in a^arcft, and fometimes fooner, and continuetft flou- ring bntiil April! and fomewftat later* fyThe Names. Cftefe floures arecalled of Pliniefa&atfae Bellis and Beiiius,andnow tftep are called in XLatfaeConfolida minor, and Herba Margari- ta, of fome Primula veris, (efpeciailp tfte fmall wilde Bapfie)te ©ngiilft Bapfies: fa f reneft Marguerites OZ Pafquettes fa ftigft BOUCft ^af?- iieben, ^altufelen, and in fome places Seit- lo£lfa:faBrabant ^abelieuen, anb feerfouwen* fy The Temperament. Cftefe floures anb fterbes,are of nature coldeanb mopft* fe The Vertues and effects. Cbe decoction oftfte fmall Bapfies, witft tfteir leaues oz bopled alonein % Water,is good to be dzonken againft Agues, tfte faflammatid of tfte Hiuzx and ail otfter fawarde partes* Cft efterbe taken in meates or potageS,dotft ioofe tfte bellp gentillp. # ^awbelenwurte, or tbe berbie parte of tbe wilbe Bapfie in good againft j all burning blcers anb impodems, anb againft tfte inflammation and running oftfte epes,being applieb tbereto* Cfte fome lapde bnto woundes, keepetft tfte fame from inflammation, and S faipoftumation* &T tfanterburp 0eHe0/ oj t^affte* wurte* Cftap*]rt* 4[ TheKyndes. THere be bfaersfterbes wfticfte ftaue floures like Belles, wftereof tftis Cftzotewurte or i^afkewurte in a kinbe, of wfticfte we (ftall (peake to tftis Cftapter, and it is alfo oftftree fortes, tftat is to fop, tfte great and fmall, and tfte creeping kinde* ft> The Defcription. He great B elfloure ftatft fquare,rottgft,ft ftearie ftalkes, bpon wfticfte gro we (ftarpe popnted leaues, dented rounde aboute liketo #ietteil leaues,tfte floures grow alongft tfte dalkes Ipke Belles, anb like tfte floures of Eampions, but farre greater, anb rougft ftearie witftin, of colour fometimes wftite,fometfales blew, and fometimes Carnation ozflefflie colour* Jtbeginnetft to floure at tfte toppe of tfte ftalke and fo goetft flozififting downewarde*Cftefloures paft, tfte feede wfticfte is fmadand grape, commetft bp in longknoppie ftttfkes,like tfte Eampion feede*Cfte roote ig Wftite ft mutft wrptften and interlaced*' Cfte 2 CftefmallBelflottre in ftalkes is liketo tftegreat, fauingtftattt growetft not fo ftigft,tfte leaues be fomewftat long, fmaller ft wftiter, and notfo deepelp dented as tfteleaues of tfte greater Belfloures but berp well like bnto Sage leaues* Cfte fmall Belles are biolet, anb purple, growing at tfte toppe of tfte ftalke,anb cindering tfticker t\}zn tfte floures of tft e great Belfiottre*Cfte roote ig (lender and berp tftzeedp* 3 Cfte tftird inl^ig leaues ft dalkes is ipke to tfte firft,but W leaues be fmai- lerandnotfo deepelp cut* CftefloureSftangdownewardes,andgrow almoft ftarde bp tbe ftalke,of a Ugft t biolet co lour,in proportion and making like to tbe otfterS*Cfte rootes moft commonlp are denber anb crokebip creeping alongft tfte ground,putting foortft new f^tin^g ft plantes fa diners places, fro wfticfte growetft fmall long and tftickerootes, not mucfte bnlike EampionS, Wftereof botft tftis anb tfte fozmer fortes are a certapne hinbz. 4 Cftere map be berp weiliopned bnto tbefe BelflotireS, tfte pleafant floures wfticfte are called at paris Aukuiaria,feing tftat tftep befomewftat Ipke to tfte floures of i^afkewurte or Belfloure* Cfte plante tftat bearetb tbefe floures growetft to tfte fteigtft of a ftanbebreadtft.or twapne, tfte dalkes are fmall and tender, and fet full of fmall leaues* Cfte floures growe at tfte toppe of tftedalkes of a fapre purple colour, almoft fafflnoned IpkeaBellozCpm- ball, witft a fmall wftite clapper fa tfte middle* Cftep open after Sunne rp- ffagand clofe agapnetowardes Sunne fette: and wftan tftep be clofe, tftep ftaue fpue creftes or plapteS like tfte Belfloures, or Couentrie Marians, p U or 1 .2 in The (econd Booke of or wddeEapes,okzIpke to Eamptons, and dicft otfter floures before .tftepr ope* Ufag* fyThe Place. Botft tftefe Belfloures, grow of tfteir ownekinde fa certapne drpmeades and paftures,and tftep be alfo planteb fa garbens* 3 Cbe tftirde is founde indiuers Cftampion places, andifweetepafturesof Zeaiand*And it in alfo planted in gardens, wft ere as it profperetft otiermucft: for it dotft fo (pread abzoabe anb multipiie, tftat it fturtetft otfter fterbes, and cannot eafilp be weeded orouercome* 4 Auicuiaria gro wetft in goob ground,in fields amongft wft eate,or Wftere as Wfteateftatft growen* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure moft commonlp fa Juip* fyThe Names. %.t Cfte Belflower is called fa ©reeketoccx^:and fa&atine Tracheiium, Ceruicaria,and Vuuiaria,according to tfte Boucft name: fa ©ngiilft tftep be cal- led Belfloures,and of fome Canterbury Bedes*Cfte Slaute map be berp wel caded Hafkewurte, or Cftrotewurte: faf reneft Ganteieer fa ftigft Boucft Half?* kraut: fa bafe Almaigne Halfcrupt: Anb tbep are like tfte kindes of Eampi- ons,as tfte Couentrie Marians biolet oz wilde Eape is, wft ereof iftalibe wztt* ten ftere bnder* 3 Cfte tftirde kinde is bnknowen fa tfte SftoppeS of tftis countrie* Cftefcer- boriftes of f rauncedo cad it Auicuiaria: tfteBzabanberS call it Stlrouwentpie- gel* And J know none otfter name,erceptit be p fterbe tftat in called in ©zeeke woCevxic: ft fa }tatfae o nobrkhis, tftat in to fop tfte brapfag,or founbing agatne of tfte Affe,wfterebnto it ftatft fome fmallptopottionozfunilttude* fyThe Nature. Belfloure in of a completion eolde and dzp, like to Eampion, wfterfore it m*p be bfed in meate as tfte EampiOUS* fyThe Vertues. <* Cfte Belfloure bopleb fa water, isfoueraigne to cure tfte papne anb faflammation of tfte necke, andinddeof tftetftzote, anditis good againft all blcerations of tftemoutft,if onedo gargle or waft \^ig moutft tfterewitftad* 6f ftutumne 6elfloureo/ o? <£ala< tftian Violets* Cftap. m* fe The Defcription. ^ongft adp kindes of Belfloures,tftere is none mozebeutiftti fa colour tften tftis: itftatft fmall ftraigftt knottieftemmes, ft at euerp knot or iofat,it ftatft two leaues fetbirectip one againft an otfter, wfticfte be long ft narrow: bp eacft fidewftereof,as alfo attfte top of f flalke,growetft fortft pleafont floures, wfticfte belong ft ftollow, alwapes bendingoutwardes, liketo afmalllongbed, witft two oz tftree fmall wftite tftzeebes in tbe mibble* Cftep are of a blew colour, fo cleare and excellent, tftat tftep feeme to paffe,tftea$utebfkies*i©ftantftep are pafte, tftere cometftdp intftemiddieof tftefloure around long ftufke, fudof long fmad feede* Calathiana viola. trie Hiftorie of Plantes. 173 fyThe Place. Cftefe pleafant floures grow fa mopft meboweS,ft low bntilleb groundes, daubing fa frutef till foples* feThcTyme. Cftep are in floure about tfte znb of Auguft anb September* fyThe Names. Pliniecalletft tftefeflOttreS fa&atfae Campanula? Autumnales, ft Viola Au- tum nalis: we map alfo cal tftem fa ©ngiilft Atttumne BelfloureS,Calatftian bi- oletSAt Autttmne bioiets: in ftigft Boucft tftep are calleb kungen blume: for tfte wfticft caufe Cordusealletft tftem Pneumonanthe.anb trulp it feemetft to be acertapne kinbe of ©entian: fa bafe Almaigne it ig calleb blauwkeliekens, andBupfentfcftoon* fy The Temperament and vertues. Cfte temperament, nature and pzopertie of tftefe pleafont little floures are % berp like bnto © entian, as tft e bitter tade beeiaretft * <&f mariano titolet/oj €ouentete eelleo* tfljap**^* fy The Defcription. Viola Mariana. |HiS bzatie ft pleafont floure, ftatft ftis fird leaues wfticfte grow nejct tftegrounb,long, broabeanb fom- wftat ft carte, not mucft bnlike tfte leaues. of wild rofe Camuions,from tfte mibbeft wftereof fpzingetg bp tfte fecond peare af- ter tfte Cowing oz planting one ftalke or moe, full of brancfteS, fet witft fucft e like leaues,btttfomwftat fmaller:tftere grow bpon tfte fopde bzancftes,manp fapre anb pleafant ftollow floures, moft commonlp of a ciearepttrple colour, and fometimes wftite, fa proportion berp well liketo tbe common Belfloure, but mucft larger and rounder, and notfo deepelp cut abouttfte brimmes or edges,tfte wfticfte alfo before tfteir opening are folben togitber as it were witft fiue credeb piaptesor ebges* t&ftan tftep are paft tftere cometft bp fmal roud buttons oz ftufkes,witft fiue rougft endes,or taples, wfticfte be boilow, (ftort, piped, or tntnzb backe, in ail tftings elfe like to tfte knops oz ftufkes of Eampion, or tfte common Belflbure*Cfte feebe ig in tfte middle of tfte fopde knoppie ftufkes,ft itisfmallftbroune,colouredlikeaCfted* nutte* Cfteroote iswftiteand tfticke, andputtetft fortft bptfte fidesdiuerso- tfter rootes* fyThe Place. Cftefe pleafant floures grow about ©ouentrie fa ©ngland,and are founde foWenin tfte gardens of HerborideS,and arenotpetberp common* ^» The Tyme. Cftep floure from Julp bntill September, and afterwarde, and notwitft< ^d iii Handing, 174 The (econd Booke of daubing, tftougft tftep feeme alwapes to floure, pet tftep do alfo beare feede,fo tftat oftentimes as fooneas tftis fterbe beginnetb to floure, one map alwapes findebpontftefamebubbeS,floures,anbripefeebe* fy The Names. $$znbo now call tftefe pleafant floures fa Ratine Viola? Mariana?: tftat is to fap in ©ngiilft, *©artaneSbioietS,wemap alfo cal tftem CottentrieEapes: fabafe Almaigne 30arietes: oftbeoib writers in ©reeke >onu\K Zy?i«.Jn7U< tineRapum fyiueftre. ]re gloue ftatft long bzoade (Wartgreeneleaues, fontwft at bented about tbe edges,ft fom- wftatltke tfteleaues of wilbe flpullepne, amongd'tfte wfticft elprfo- getftbp aftraigftt rounde ftem of twoo Cubites iongoz tftere aboute, bp one fibe wftereof, from tftemibbie to tfte be- rp toppe, tftere growefapzelonground ftollow floures, faflftfoned like finger ftalles, of colour fometimes carnation, and (jpeckled, te tfte tefide witft wftite fpots,and fometimes all wftite, ftfome- times pellow* naftan tftep arefallen of, tftere appearetft rounde fftarpepopnted ftufkes in wfticft in contepned tfte feede, of a bitter tade* Cfte roote in blacke ft falloftftreebpftrings* fyThe Place. Jt growetft to ftonp places ft moun- tapnes, in darke Iftadoune ballepS or coombes,wftere as tftereftatft benemp* ningfor Jron and Smitftes cole* Jt in alfo planted in certapne gardens* fyTheTyme. f ojee gloue flouretft cftieflpto Juip and Auguft* fyThe Names. Cftfo fterbe iS ttOW called to Ratine Digitalis,CampanuIa fylueftris,and No- la fylueftris: to©nglifft f Otegfotte: inf reneft Gantzno/lre Dame, and Digitale: to ftigft Boucft f togerftut, f ingerkraut, naaidtglocklin, ft naaldt (cftell: inbafe Almaigne Btogetftoetcrupt*CftiS as fomedo write,is tftat kinde of Verbafcu, Wfticfte tfte .jtjcfc fyThe Kyndes. THere be two fortes of tftefe floures founb int^ig countrie: one great ft tfte otfter fatalMfte great( o than na)gro wetft to tfte fteigftt of a man,anb flou- retft berp late*Cftefmall growetft low,anb flouretft betimes* iff The Defcription. -ci a i • Hegreat Apftrican floure ftatft a Flos APhricanus- longbzounereb, creded ft knottie ftaike,ful of bzancftes, ft growetft biii*ortt*footeftigft,ftaufagat euerp knot oiiopnty two bzacftes, fet witft greationg ^ leaues,c6pofed of manp fmall log narrow *^S leaues,nickt ft totfted toud about, ft ipred *fi^ abzode as it were winges, ft fet one otter ^fesi againft anotfter, altogitberiike Athanafla J&W) orgarben Canfie* Cftefloures grow at£ tnbz of tbe brancfteS, out of long round,4* ftufkes,of a bzo wne £>zegc colour aboue, anb of afapnt or pale pelow bnderneatft* *3p| After tfte falling of tfte floures, tfte feede Wfticfte ig inciofed in tft e aftuefapde round ftufkeS,iSiong, narrow and blacke* 4^ 2 CftefmalApftricanfloureisitkebnto^ fy abouefaide,in ft is dalkes,ieaues,floures, ftfeede,fouingitisfaairelpectsfmaller,ft growetft not berp mucft ftigfter tftan a foote* Cftep are botb in tbeir leaues and floures of a naugfttie drong ft bnpieafont J3?fe fouour, efpeciailp wfta tftep be eitfter rub- bed or bztifeb betwirt ones fingers* fyThe Place. Cbefefloures grow fa Apbrica,ftfrom tftencetftep wftere bzougfttinto tftis coun- trep, aftertftattftemigfttie and 0obie©m fiftft, wan tfte Co wne and Countrie of Cftunes,tftep are planted ft ere in gardens* iffTheTyme. a Cftefmall African ©illofer, beginnetft to floure inAprfll orin $)ap, and from tftencefortftalltfte Sommer* t Cftegreat Othonna beginnetft not to floure before Auguft* fy The Names. Cftis flottremap becallebfaftatfa Flos Aphricanus,foritwasfirdbzougftt outof Apftzicafato tfte countreps of ©ennanp and Brabant* mzbo call tbis floure Curkie ©dfofers, and f reneft S9arpgoldes,Apftzican floures, oz Apftrican the Hiftorie of Plantes. 177 Apftrican ©illofers: tfte f reneft men do call tftefe floures ouiets de Tvrque, and oiliet dinde: and from tftence it commetft to paffe tftat tft ekatintfts do cal it f i os indianus-.faftigft Boucft Jndfonffcft0egelfa:fabafeAUuaigneCftuenisbio^ men:Of Valerius CordusTanaceum pet unianu.Some learned men tftfake tftat tftis fterbe ftatft bene calleb of tbe Auncient wrpters Mw«, othon na;and tftat it (ftould be tfte Othonna,wfterof Diofcorides ftatft writen, wfticft growetft in A- rabia about ©gppt, wftofe leaues be ftolp, aftftougft tftep bab bene eaten witft £ocufteS,1£aulmers or Snaples,wfticft tfting almoft map pe percepueb fa tfte leaues of tftis Jnbian©illofer,if amanlookebpo tftem againft tfte ligbt* But fa mp iudgement it ig better like to be tftat fterbe, wfticfte Galen fa ^ig fourtft bOOkeOf SPmpfeSCalletft Lycoperfium.,or Lycoperfion. fy The vile Nature and euill qualitieofthis Htrbe. Cfte Jnbian ©illofer ig berp dangerous, fturtf ull, anb bznzmoug, botft to man ft beaft,as J ftaue trieb bp etperience,namelp bpon a pong C att, wftere- bnto J ftaue giuen of tftefe floures to eate, berp finelp pounb witft greene or frelft Cfteefe:wfterebpon Ifte bladed immediatlp, and Iftortlp after died* And J wasmoued to make tftis experience, bptfte occafton of apongcftflde wfto ftad gatfteredof tftefe floures ft puttftem fato ftismoutft,fo tftat ftraigfttwaiesftiS moutft ft lippes didfWell ejeceedfagip ft witftfa a dap or two after, tftep became berp fore and fcabbed,as alfo it botft often ftappen to tftem, tftat put fato tfteir moutftes tftepipes,oz ftollow ftalkes of Hemlocke*i©fterfoze it in manifeft tftat tftis fterbe witft l)ig floure is berp end anb benemous, and of completion mucft like bnto Hemloeke,tfte Wfticft e alfo map be partelp percepueb bp bin foule and lotft fome fauour,wft tcfte is berp ftrong and (linking, not mucfte differing from tfterancke and nopfomfmell of Hemlocke* 0ffl*ap Itllte/o* liltte tfonuall* 3Ufo of ^onopftillon* Cftap*ttbf* fy The Defcription. JllieComtall ftatft two greene fmootft leaues, liketo tfte leaues of £ common wftite iltllte but fmaller and tenderer,betwitt wfticfte tftere (pzingetft bp anaked dalke of a fpanlong,or tftereabout,at tfte wfticft dalketftere ftangetft tzuzn or eigftt, or moe, proper fmall floures, as wftite asSnowe,and of a pleafant ftrong fauottr,fmelling almoft like tfte jiii* ' lie* naftan tftefloures bepaft,tft epz commetft fa tfteir fteede certapnereddebea- ries,iike to tfte frute oz beariesof garden Afparagus, cfteroote istftreedilfte, creeping ft ere and tftere* Jt (ftould feeme tftat $® onopftiilon were a kinde of t piie ComiaU,it ftatft a leafe not mucft bnlike tfte greateft leaues of Juie,witft manp ribbes ozfinewes alongft tfte fame,like to a plantapne leafe: tfte wfticfte one leafe,or ftngle leafe, botft alwapes (pzfag bp out oftfte grottnde alone, fouing wftan tfte fterbe in in floure and feede: for tftan it baretft two leaues bpon a rounbe tenber ftalke like to tfte otfter, but fmader ft ftanding one aboue an otfter,aboue tftefapbe leaues growetft tbe fmall wftite floures like to %p\iz Conuail, but not of fo drong a fouour,after wfticfte tftere rifetft fmall bearies or rounde frute,wbicfte in wftite at tfte firfte anb afterward redde*Cfteroote ig berp deader and creepetft fatfte grounde* fy The Place. )LpllieConuailand^onopftiiion,growetft in Iftadowiewooddes* iffTheTyme. Cftep do botft floure to fl^ap* iff The V* The fecond Booke of Lilium Conuallium. Vnifolium, Jiillie ©onuail* ^onopftillon* fyThe Names. ftpttie Conuall, in now called infta- tfatfLilium conuallium, tftat iStO fop, tfte jlpUieof tfte bailie: in ©ngiilft '/Lpilieeo- - nuad,99ap bioffoms, #apipllies,& %p* rpconfancp:inf tfceft GrandMuguet inftigft Boucft^epenblumlimfabafe Almaigne fl^epbloemkenS* 2 agfonopbillon ig now calleb fa Hatine Vnifolium: ft map be alfo called in ©nglilft,one5teafe,oneBlade,orStogleleafe: inbigb Boucft ©inbiat:anb fa bafe Almaigne ©enblabt,and it tftould feeme to be a l^ixibz of Millie conuali,fe* fag tftat it ig fo well like bnto it in floures anb feebe* fyThe Nature. Cftep be fa completion,!)oate and dzp,like tfte )tillies* fy The Vertues. t Cftep write tftat tftewater of tfte floures of kpllieeonuall, diddled witft % good ftrong wine,and dronken to tfte quantitie of a tponefull, reftozetft fpeacft to tftem tftat are fallen into tft e Apoplerte, ft tftat it is good for tftem tftat ftaue tfte i&auifie,and tfte ©oute, and it eomfortetft tfte Harte* Cfte fome water as tftep fop,dotft ftrengtften tfte fl^emozie, and reftoretft it # agapne to big naturallbigor,Wftan tft oui ttgft fickneffe it in dimtoilfted* BefideS tftis tftep fop alfo tftat it in good to bedzopped fa, againfttfte fafia- © mation,and watering oftfte zpzn* a Cfteroote of $$ onopftillon in counted of fome late writers,for a foueraigne £> and fpeciall remedie againft tfte ^eftilence and alpopfon,wftan tfte weigftte of ftalfe aBragme of tfte pouder of tftefapde roote is giuen in bineger; or good wine, or fa botb mirte togitfter, accorbing to tbe nature oz completion oftfte ftcke,fo tftatbpontftereceptetftereof,tftep go to beddeandfWeate well* aponopftillon in good to belapde witb big roote, bnto greene wottndeS,to $. »eareat3intirrl)ition^atljfttatsftttotttvfi(lemmeS,«fttllofbtanftesf, tbeleauc$beofal)artsepeene,fometol)atlonsanDb.ioaDe,notmu*e bnlfeetbeleatte*^^m^^mt^tta^motam . motoring one againft an otber ,l*e tbe leaite$sof anagajhp. Ctee (JtotoetbWtoWtbettalfcealongftt^^^ another fomwbatlong anb btoabebef«e,aftee tbe fa^wnof a tegsnnoug,-. notmufbetmlifeetbeflotttejsof cobeflape,but mufte larger, anp wttbout ttplesSafatntpellowiflb colour. #*^*^^!^S& fo?emoftparttt»$ereof arefomtDbatl&e to aCalfeS fnowte op gpoofell,t»bet> narKaunoft lifee to rbeleaue* «««*« «** wbwbe bearetb bnuomtfs rebbefioure,fomettmegafapntrelibe,anlifomettmestatt>bttefloure:elfetnall ^etKnSSSW •*****■* tent,er,not mm* 1.2 180 The fecond Booke of f ^^ ^ l^tt^ie lo*3 anb narrow, betwfete wfticfte and tfte ftalkes, ?I^e ^i,fmal1 reI) ft0llreS,liketotfteaforefopbe floures, btttagreat beale rmaller.pftantfteparepaft, tftere rifetft bpfmadrounde fteadesor knappes, wttft uttleftooles totftem,liketo adeadftull,witftin Wfticft e is contepued final feede* fyThe Place. Cftefirft and great Antirrftinum, growetft not in tftis countrep, but totfte gardens of certapne Herboziftes wbere as it in fowen* Cbe feconb growetft fa fome fielbes of tftis countrie,bp ftigft wapes, anb bnder ft edg^s* iffTheTyme. Cfte great Antirrftinum flouretft to Auguft and Juip* Cftefmall Antirrfti- num bearetft floures in Juip* fy The Names. i Cftefirflktobeiscalleb fa©reekeivT«#«voH ^ knif^ tfajlatfae Amirrhi- num,anb Syiueftris Anagallis: to ©ngiilft ©affesfuowte, and Snapdragon: tn f reneft Grand ^Antirrhinum&rib cMoron violet.- in Boucft C>zant,and of fome Calfsnuefe* a t Cfte fecond kinde is called of fome to ©zeekeopoVrwH: to Xattoe Orontium: m©ngiilft fmallSnapdragon,oz Calfs fnbwte: to f reneft Petit Antirrhinum:' tn Boucft clepne4Drant,of tftis kinde Gaienftatft mademention in lib.^.dc Me- dicamentis fecundum loca, amongd tfte Medicines wfticfte Arcftigenes made foztftemtfta^ftauetftejaunders* Audit feemetft to be^PhyteumaofDioko- ndcs,ealled to ©reeke cpvnvn«. ■ . fyThe Nature. 1 Cftegreat Antirrftinum is ftoate, and of likenature andcompletfonbnto After Atticus,called in ©ngiilft Sftarewurte,as Galen wrptetft* * Cftefmadisftoateand drp,andof futtellpartes* fy The Vertues. Someftaue writen, tftat wfto fo carrietft about ftim tfte great Antirrftinum, a cannot take ftarme oz beburte witft anp benim ozpopfon wftatfoeuer* Cfte fmall Antirrftinumdotft fcatter awap, and confume tbe pellow colour s oftfte bodie, wfticfte amapnetft after one ftatft ftad tfte Jauifaice,if one be wed waflfteb witft tfte decoction tftereof* 6f mater Ipllfe* 4fpp.tftif& fyThe Kyndes. THerebetwoktobesofwater^pllies,tbatfotofop,tftepelfow,fttftewftite, not onelp differing to floure but alfo to roote* fy The Defcription. |Hewftitewatet)Lillie,l5atftgreatbroaberounbilfteleaueS, fometimes fleetingorfwimming aboue tftewater,anbfomtimesbnber,tftewfticft all do fprtog bp from tfte roote, bpon long rounde fmoo tft dalkes* Cfte flouresdo alfo growe bpon fucftelikeftemmescommtogfrom tfte roote, and t^zp ftaue in tfte middle manp pellow tftreedes,or tftzommes, compaffed round about witft ttbt*oz irtbiij* Wftite leaues fet in berp good ordet,eacft leaf almoft as large as ones finger,or like to piopo ttio to tbe leaues of Houfelike or Sert- greenc*tBftan tfte floures be paft, tftere cometo tfteir fteeberoundeknoppeSoz boiliens,wfterin tfte feede lieift, wfticft in largeand fWarte*Cfteroote in blacke and rougft,fometimes of tftebigneffe of ones arme witft manp tbreebp ftrfags* , Cbepellow waterkplliebis leaues beberpmucfte liketo tfte wftite, W floures bepellow and finaller tften tfte floures of tfte wftite, tfte wfticfte being faden,tft ere commetft fa tfteir placeround longknoppes or boiliens,narrow at tfte fy The Place. Cftefe floures do grow inl&iuers and ^ooleS,and otfter flanding waters* fe The Tyme. floater Millie flouretft in June,and fometimes fooner* fy The Names. i Cftefirftkindeof tftefeffoures,iScalled in ©reeke »/*$«;« -. iu&atfae Nym- pha»a,offomeClauus Veneris,and Papauerpaluftre.oftfteApOtftCCarieSNenu- phar: fa ©nglifft t©ftite water KLillie, neater Eofe, and wftite jfrenupftar: fa Jtt&fan Nenuphar biancho: faSpanilft AdarguasdelRio, Efcudettes del Rio, Figuos del Rio blanquos • faf reneft Nenuphar blancO} Blanc d'eaue: fa ftigft BOttCft SeebiU- men,waffer ©ilgen,naaffermaften,Hortburtj, Hordang: fa Brabant plom- pen,anb witte ^iompen* 2 CbefeCOUd kfade iS Called to&atfae Nympha?a lutea, and Nenuphar citri- num: fa ©ngiilft pellow 0emipftar, or iBater Jlillie: in Jtalian Nenuphar gi^ alio: in Spanilft Figuos del Rio amarillos,Golfan f reneft Nenuphar iaulne, or lauine deaue. cfte floure tftereof,aS Diofcorides wrptetft, in called in ©reeke &\i damped, in good to be lapbe to tfte papne and f Camomill Cl;ap*mr* fyTheKyndes. ^^^Amomdl, as Diofcorides and otfter oftfte Auneients ftaue wzitten, is fj^^oftftreefozteS* Cfte one ftatft wftite floures* Cfte otfter ftatft pellow l^^goures* And tfte tftird wfticfte is tfte greateft of tft e tftree, ftatft floures bctwtrt redde ft purple*$*et attftistime tftere be bitters otfter to^tzn found, anb fird tfterebetwofoztes of Cftamomill wbicft are berp fweete and of (frog fauour, called ftomafoe CamomttLCfte one ftatft wftite fldures,tfte otfter pel- low,andbpfides tftefe tft ere be otfters, wfticfte do (for tfte mofte parte) growe fa deferteplaces, and tfterefore we ftaue named tftem Camomill oftfte f oreft, orwiiderneffe* fy The Defcription. m firft kinde of Camomill ftatft bitters long rounde ftalkeS, creeping alongfttftegrounde, and taking roote indiuers places, berpfeldome growing ftigfter tftan ones ftande* Jt ftatft diuers dnad tender leaues berp fmall cut,oz finelp fogged* 2 Cftefecond kinde in mucft like bnto tftefirft, fouing ftis leaues befmaller, ftiSfloureSbenotftfag elfe but certapne pellow buttons, like tbemiddleof tfte floures of tfte otfter Camomid,witftout anp fmall leaues growing about it,as pe map percepue bp tbe figure,but otft erwifeit in like to tfte firft Camomill* £Df tfte number of tftefe two kinbeS,tftereiS pet an otfter 5wftcift ftatft fmad. pellow leaues growing rounde aboute tfte fmall pellow knoppes oz buttons, andarealtogitberiiketotbefirft,in leaues, fouour, anb fafiftion, fouing ftiS floures be aitogitber pedow* Cftefe two kinbes of Camomfl(tftat in to fap) tfte wftite ft tftepellow,ftaue aberp pleafont fauour, like tfte fmed of aCptron, wftereof tftep firde tooke tfteir j theHiftorieofPlantes. tfteir name fa ©reeke Chama-meium. j Cfte tftird kindeof Camomill wfticft bearetft red purple floures,ft growetft fttgfter tftan tfte two otfters,iS not pet knowen bnto bS, except it be tftat floure Wfticftefomecall flos Adonis,anft Otfter Anemone. fy The Place. 0onz of tftefweete Eomaine CamomilS growetft in tbin countrie, of tfteir owne kinbes,but areplanteb in tfte garbens of fome diligent Herboudes, and are eomebitfter as ftrangerS* fy TheTyme. Cftefe Camomils bo flourein June,ft Juip,ft fometimes alfo fooner*Cftep laftadtfte wfater,anb map berp well abibe tbe colbe* fy The Names. CfteCamomill is alfo called fa ©reeke Mpiouu x«M««>*op: fa Hatine Cha- ma>melum,andaS Apuleiu^WZitetft Bene olens,attftiSdap Camomilla; in ©n- glilft Camomill: in f reneft camomiUe fa Boucft Camdle* i Cftefirdktud of fweete Camomill wttft tftewftttefloureiScalledin©zeeke AtuH«vfitjuoj/:fa katine Chama?meium album: fa bafe Almaigne Eoomfcfte ©a- mtlle:fa©ngli(ft wftite CamomilUinf reneft camomiiu blanche. i Cfte feconb kinde of fWeete fmellfag Camomill witb tbe pellow floure in Calleb in ©reeke xpwleaues,ftfloures fouing tftat W leaues be greater and wftiter,dzaw iug towards Aflftie colour, and W floures benot onelp pellow fa tfte mtddle,bttt alfo tftep are fet round a- bout witft fmal pellow leaues,fa falftioniike tfte otfter Camomilles,ft witftout fmelliketo Cotula no foetida. Alfo it dotft not ligfttlp die or dccap,but fpttngctft bp pearelp out of tfte aide rootes* fyThe Place. Cfte iiu ftrfl kinds do grow moft comolp fa tft is coutrie fa euerp come field* Cfte golden Co tula growetft fa fucft e like places fa f ranee and ©ermanie, but notin tftis countrie, etcept fa tfte gardens of Herboriftes* iffTheTyme. All tftefe kindes of CamomUl do floure fa June, ft from tftence fortft ad tfte Somerlong* gX ii} Cotula The fecond Booke of Cotula non foetida. Cotula lutea. Silnfatterie apapdeweede* ©olden Cotula* fy The Names. % Cftefirft kindeof wilde Camomid is now called Chama-melumalbum.-fa SftoppeS Chamomilla,WftereaS it iS aptlpbfed for Leucanthemum:fa©ngitfl) common Camomill: fa Jtalmncamamiiia- in Spanilft c¥.aceiia,Manz>amiiia. fa f reneft camomiUevuigaire: in ftigft Boucft Cftamiii* Albeit tftis ig not tfte rigftt Camomill* i©ftereforewecallit Chama?meiumfyiucftre, tftat is to fop, wdde Camomill* 2 Cftefecond kinde is now called faJLatfae and inSftoppeS Cotula fcetida,of fome Cauta and Camomilla foetida and fa ©reeke KwacyfitMic, Cynanthemis.and wo&Twk, Cynobotane.tftatis to fop,Bogges Camomill: in J talian Dru/aculo: in Spanilft cj*/4£**™ faftigftBo Wilde Cftamiii: faBzabant^abbebfoemen,anb^tinckendeorwitdeCainille: fa ©ngiilft spatbers,^apweebe,Bogges Camomid, StinckfagCamomill, anbBoggef enell: anb perabuenture it in Parthemium mucrophyUonof Hip- pocrates- 3 CbetbirbekfabeiScailed Cotula non foetida, Camomilla fatua, and Camo- milla inodora, Of fomefa ©zeeke&u^Xjuop.Buphthalmumtftat in to fop in%& tine,Oculns bouisifafttgft Boucft ^udtll,andl1undfottg ft feueaug:inf reneft oeiidebeuf. ftowbeit tbisis not tfte rigftt Buphthaimum, as one map feefatfte CftapterSfodowing,and tfterefore it map better be calleb Cotula non foetida, oz Cotula alba,tban to call it bp anamenot beiogfagbnto it* J ftaue ©ngiufted ittmnfauerieCamomill,foolilft apatftes,and wftite Cotula witboutfauour* 4 Cftefourtft kinbemap welbecadeb Cocuia iutea,fefagitisfo welllike bnto tfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 187 tft e CotuleS abouefaibe: in ©ngiilft ©olben Cotula: fa ftigft Boucft Streicft- blttmen, andStefabiumen,anb accorbing to tfte fame it in calleb fabafe Al- maigneStrijckbloemen* Some wfticfte tftinke tftat tftis is tfte fecond kinde of Camomill, do callit Chryfanthemum, tftat is to fap, pellow Camomill: fa f reneft camomiikiauine: inftigft Boucft geel Camiile,bttttbep arebecepued,and tbeir opinion in not like to be true, bpcaufe tftis fterbe ftatft no fp cctall fmell* S^ozeouer tfte faflftion of tfte leaues iS notfting like to tfte leaues of garben Camomiil,neitfterpet like tfte common Camomill* j fy The Temperament. t Cfte common Camomillis of completion ftoate anb brp, and notfo feruent as tft e liomafae Cantomill,but more pleafant and genttli* 2 Cotula foetidais ftoate and drp,as W fmell and fauour declaretft* ,.4, Cfte otfter two kindes are of completion fomwftat like, butnotfo ftrong* 3 fyThe Vertues. t AS tbe common Camomill is berp like in copletion to tbe rigbt Camomill, A fo is it like in bin faculties anb opetation,faufog tftat it in not aitftfag fo ftrong fa operation* CftiS Camomill ftatft bene pzotted to be berp goob againft tfte Cftolicke and B tfteStoone,and alfo it pzottoketft bzute, to be bfeb in like manner as tbe fto* maine or rigftt garden Camomiil,and it in more conuenient,and agreabie bnto mans nature tftan tfte Eomaine Camomid* Anb furelp tbis Camomill alfo igxi$bt etcellent in all kindes of mollifipng den CamomilL^oreouer it isbetter, and more conuenient to be put into di- ffers, wfticft eare made againd tfte fetter, tftan tftat ople tftat ig made of tfte fioures of garden Camomill* 2 Cotula foetida is good foz fucb wemen, wftofe ^atrtt is ioofeb,anb falling © downe from one fide toanbtfter,ifonedowalfte tfteir feete witft a decoction tftereof made in water* Jtisalfo good againd tfte Suffocations oftfte fl^atw, ifpougiueitto be f eaten or fmelt too,anb it is of like bertue to Caftorium, as tfte learned writers of our time baue founb out bp experience* 3 CbeoperationanbbertueSoftbetwo otfterS are not pet knowen, bfttae* © corbfaglp as one map iubge, t\^zp are in facuitie not mucfte bnlike tfte Canto* mds,foufag tftat tftep be altogitfter feebler* 4 Some do wzite,tftat golben Cotula bopled in\x^inz and dzonken, ig good h againfttfte JaunderS,andreftoretfttftegood ft liuelpcolour, wfticfte isafigne tftat it ig of like bertue bnto Camo mill,f oz Camo mil w ozkerft tfte fame,as we ftaue declared fa tfte former Cftapter* ^fpaffefloure/ojfieDOe mattes* €^ap*^n:i* fyThe Defcription. tyig fterbe ftatft tfticke greene ftalkeS, anb leaues berp fmall ctttteand iagged,mucb like botftein ftalkeS anb leaues, anb alfo in fmelland fa uour,bnto Cotula fotida. Cfte flottreisof a fapzepurpleredcolour,of faflftionand making like bnto tfte golde cup,oz tftefloure of Crowfoote: wftan & iiii tftep •" The fecond Booke of tftep are paft,tftere come bp roud rougft Heranthemum forte. knops, like p knops of Crowfoote, but fomwftatlonger, wfterein ig tfte feede (UketoSpinacfte feede)* fyThe Place. Cftefe fapre ft pleafant floures grow to fome places in tfte comon corne fields as in j£ touence and &anguedoc, and fa fome places of ©ngland, in fome coun- tries tftep grow not but in garbens* iffTheTyme. Cftis fterbe beginnetft to floure fa $®ap, and remapnetft flouring ad tfte Somer* fyThe Names. Cfte dalkes ft leaues witft tfte Wftole fterbe tbat bearetft tftefe floures,wfticft is like bnto fome oftfte Camomilles fa fauour,fmell,anb proportionate fufftcu entenougb to pzoue tftis fterbe to be a kinde of Camomill, and efpeciallp tfte tftirdekfade Called Heranthemum:tfte floures onelp,wfticfte are not berp like bnto Camomill floures, caufetft me to doubt* for if tftefloures were like faflftioneb bnto Camomid, J would Wttft* out double mapntapne tftis fterbe to be tft e tftirbe kinbe o f Camomill, wfticft ig tbe true Heranthemum, wfticfte Diofcoridesdelcribetft to be greater tftan tfte two otfter kindes,* to ftaue aptirple fleure,bnto wfticfte defcription tftis fterbe dzawctft neare,fouing onlp fa tfte fafiftion of ftis floure* for tfte wftole plant is greater and ftigft er tften Camomill, but otberwife berp like it, anb tfte floures be of a fapre purple red co lour.Bttt wftatfoeuer tftis fterbe is,it ig better like to betftetbirbekindeof Camomill,tftan Confohda regia,wfticfte we call&arckes fpurre,is,or Alter Atticus wfticfte we call Sftarewurte, wfticft ftaue bene botft defcribeb of fome writers for tftis ^inbz of Camomill, altftougft tftep were no- tfting like Camomid,neptfter in tfteir leaues,floures, not fmeU, and tftep beare not rebbe floures but blew,wbicbeis agaitid tftebelcription of Heranthemum, Wbofe floures (as it is aboue fopbe) Diofcorides writetft to be ofareb purple colour* n^fterefore tbig fterbe map better be called Heranthemum, tften eitftec TLarckes (pur,oz Sftaremozte: it map be calleb in ©ngiilft purple Camomill, !Reddeft\)t Indian fnmnc / oj #oloen floure of ^errowe* Cftap*p]ejcitif* fy The Defcription. Chryfanthemum Peruuianum. |He JndianSunne,ortfte golden \ floure of ^Berrowe isaplante, of Ifucfte dature and talneffe, tftat fa oneSomer it growetft to tfte lengtft of tftirtene oz fottretenne foote,and in fome places to tfte fteigtft of foure ft twentie, ozfitteand twentp foote, bin ftalkes be rigftt ftraigbt anb tfticke, anb \^ig leaues areberpmanp, etpeciallp tftep tftat grow bpmoft, foz tfte bnder leaues do quick* Ip fail and baniflft: efpeciallp tftofe great bzoade leaues wfticfte before tbe fpzing* ing bp of tfte ftalke, are in quantitie al- moft as large as tfte leaues oftfte Clote Burre* Jn tfte berp top of tftefopbe ftigft ftalke tftere growetft aberp large ft moft excellent floure mod liked to Camomill, ozCftzpfantftemum, but mucft larger, ft to quantitie almoft liketo apzetie bzoade Hatte,fo tftat oftentimes wftan tfte cir- cuit, or bttermoft Compaffe of tfte fopde flauriis meafured, it is founde to be of tftebteabtft of ftalfe a foote* Cfte .nibble of tfte floure in wfticfte tfte feede grow- ttlhin like to a fine cloatft wrougftt as it were witft needleworke.tftefmalleaues Wfticfte grow in compaffe aboute, are of abztgftt Iftintog pellow colour, and eue- rp one of tftem are in quantitie like tfte leaues of tfte &pilie floures, or ratftet greater,andarealmoftftftie in numberormoe* Cbe feebe is flat anb long,and fomwftatbrowneorfWarte,toquantitieliketo tfte ©ourbefeebe*Cfte rootes arelike to tfte rootes of i&eebes or Canes* fyThe Place. Cftis plante growetft to tfte i©efte Jndia, tfte wfticfte in called America, and in tfte Countrep of ^errowe: and beingfowen in Spapne, it growetft to tfte lengtft of foureanbtwentiefoote, anb itbearetb floures Ipketo tfte aboue tapbz: inbafe Almaigneit growetft notabouejrij*ortiii*footeftigb,anditdotft fearflp bring fooztb W floure,and if it cftaunce fometimes to beare bin floures, pzt tftan tftepbe fmallerand berplittle,and tftep comefoortft agapnft winter,fo tftat tftep can come to no perfection* fy The Names. CftiS '91 The fecond Booke of CftiS flOlire iS Called SolIndianus5and ChryfanthcmumPeruuianunv.fa bafe Almaigne Sonne ban Jndien: we map ado call it tfte JndianSunne,or tfte ©olden floure of ^errowe* fyThe Nature and Vertues. Of tfteberttteof tftiSfterbeand floure,weare able to fop notftiug,Hbpcattfe tftefame ftatft notbenepetfound out, oz proued of anp man* <®f floure ©elute/o? frfe. €l>ap*£rjctn fyThe Kyndes. THerebe manp Unbzg of JriS,orfloure Beiuce: wftereof fome are great ft tai,aud fome are little and fmall* Cfte greater foztes are kno wen one from an otfter bp tfteir eoiours,anb fo be alfo tfte fmaller fortes* Cbere ig alfo a certapne kinde witft narrower blades, to fauour fomewftat lotftfome ozgrie* uous,almodof tftefauour of spatula?foetida?,oz©ladpn,bpfibes tfteBwartfe Jreos,tfte dincking Jris,anb tfte pedow JriS* fy The Defcription. Iris. He greater JriS, or floure Beiuce bin leaues be log ft large, not mucft bnlike to tfte blade of a two edged fwoozde,emongft tfte wfticft tftere fpringetft bpplapneand fatootft little ftalkes of two foote long ar moze, bearing floures mabe of fit leaues ibpneb togitfter, wfteroftftetft.zee tftat ftanbebprigftt,are bent inwarb one to* wards an otfter: and mod commonlp fatfte leaues tftat ftangdownewardes, tftere are certainerougft or ftearie weltes Ipke bnto a mans bzowes, growing or riftng from tbe netfter parte of tfte leafe bpwarde, almod of a pellow colour* Cfte rootes be tfticke, long and knobbp, wttft manp ftrfags, as it were ftearie tftzeedes ftanging at tftem* £Dne kinde of tftefe bearetft floures be- twirte purple and blewe, witft a certapne cftangeablenes, efpeciallp intftenetftermoft leaues* Cfte otfter kinde W leaues tftat ftang downewardeS> are of a fapre biolet colour, but tftofe%at grow bprigftt, and bende in? warbes,are of a fainte blew* Cftetftitd floure in altogitfter or wftollp of a fainte blewe* CbefourtftkinbebiSfloureS bead Wftite* & Cbe fiftft kinde W leaues be of a berp fapre deepe violet colour, and<& \^in fmell in mode delectable, and tfte ftearie or rougft weltes of tftis kpnde are wftite* M . „ „. CftefmalletfloureBeluceS,orJreos,aremalltfttngsiiketotftegreater, fouing tftat tfteir demmes be berp (ftorte, anb tfteir flagges oz blades, are alio Iftozter and fmaller tftan tfte otfterS* Cfteir floures are like to tfte greater, mcft commonlp of a pellow colour, anb fometimes of a fainte colour, and feme' times betwitte purple anb fkie colour: and tftefome in fafomekpndes of tftem fadd*t, the Hiftorie of Plantes. ipj fobdet,and in fome ligft ter* 3 Cfte narrow leaued Jreos,ftis flagges belong and narrdWe, but pet tftep be (ftorter tben tfte leaueSorblabesof tbe greater JriS , and of a blewdfte greene colour,of fouour fomewftat greeuous, but notfting fo ftozrible or lo tft* fome as Spatula foetida. cfte demmes growe to tftefteigftt of ftalfe a foote ? at tfte toppes wftereof growe cleare blewe oz fkie coloured flowers, ipke to tfte otfter flower Beluces,fauing tftat tfteir ittli leaues are fmaller and narrower, andtftebpperleauesdonotbendeinwardconetowardeanotber* After tbe fopde flowers folowe certapne triangled great coddes ozftufkcs, feparating tftemfelueS into tftree partes wften tftep are rppe:in tbem in piapnefede wfticft in berp tfticke ft flat or tftmft togttfter.Cfte rootes alfo grow crokedlp Ipke tfte otftersftut tftep befmaller,batbe,anb knottie,in tfte otttfpbe of a ©ftefnut co- iour,anb wftite wttft in,orfomewftatpellowe* fyThe Place. t CfteflowerBeluceSor Jricesbogrowein bitters Countries, mod com-AB<£ monip in iowe groundes about tft e bankes of riuers anb waters* Cbe tftzee firft kinbes arc meetelp common in ©nglanbe, Brabant, anb B flaunbers* Cbe fourtft alfo in fometimes founde in gardens* © But tftebtaueft of tftem,witfttfteflowerstwittpurpfeftbiolet, commetft, to bSfromSpapneand ^oztingale* 2 Cftefmaller flower BelticeS, are but Grangers witft bS, ncptftcr doo tftep growe of tftem felues amongft dS* 3 Cftenarrow leaued Jreos growetft incertapneplapneSof©ermanie,and in iowe mopft places,alfo it in founde tn openfeeides* fyTheTymcs. Cfte JrideS oz flower Beiuces do inoft commonlp flower about 9pap:and tfte fmaller fomwftat before tfte o tfters,and tft e narrow leaued flower Beiuce iaftofalUButin^ortingal and Spapne tftep flower at tftelater ende of Au- tumne,a litle before winter* fy The Names. Cftis fterbe in called in ©reeke <>?> and as Atfteneus, and CfteopftraftuS Write^:fa)Latfae,Iris,Conlecratix,Radix Naronica. Cftatkindewftofeflower is of ptirpleand bleweiscalleb offome lrisGer-A$ manica.faSftOpS, Iris,of Otfter0 Lilialis, fttlD Spatula-fa ©ngiilft alfo Iris: and offome blew flower Beluce:and garden flaggeS:in Jtalian, GigUo a&uro,GigUo celeste: faSpanilfte, Lirio Cardeno: fa ftigft BOUCbe, BfotlW ©Ugen , BfoUW Scft wertet,Himmel Scft wertel:in bafe Almaigne, Biauw % ifcft: in f reneft, Flambe^j. Cftat kinbewitfttftewftite flower, is callebof tbe moft part Iridem floren- C tinam: fa SftoppeS, Jreos,(efpeciallp tfte b%izb rootes ) bp tbe wfacft name it in knowen oftfte ©lotftworkers anb Brapers: for Witft tfteferootes tftep bfe to trimme tfteir clo tftes to make tftem fweete mb pleafant: fa ©ngiilft, l©bite flower Beluce,and offome Jris florentine:and tbe rootes be commolp called JreOStfa Jtalian, Giglio ftZMb,Flambe blanchedn ftigft Bottcft,tHioi- wurt?,weif? ^iolwurt?:inneatfter Boueftland,i©it kilcft:and tfterootes of tftis wftiteflower Beluce,areiudged for tfte belt Jreos, efpeciallp wften we - (ftall ftaue neede to bfe of tfte dried rootes* Cftat kinde wfticft bearetft tfte fairepurple flower, in now cadeb in Ratine* Lufitanica iris,anb iris ferotina,tbat is to fap,^ortingale JriS, anb late JriS: fa Boucft,e,Spade Jlifcft,and ftiftft ban ^ortegall* 3 ffaallp,tftatkfabewitfttftenarrowieaues,iScalledfaj(Utfoe,irisangufti- ft folia, 194 • The feconde Booke of foiia,or l"s tenuifoiia,and iris Ca?ruka:in ©uglilfte, 0arroweblabed Jreos: in ftigft Boucfte,Blo Scft wertel,tftat is,blewe gillie* fyThe Nature. Cfte Jreos rootes being petgreeneanb newegatbered, are ftoate and dtp tn tfte tftirde degree, ft tftep burne in tft e moutft oz tftzote wften tbep arctaded: but wften tftep b e dzp tbep are euer or alwaies ft oate but in tfte fecond degree: neuertftelelfe tftep be euer bxiz in tbe tftirbe degree* fyThe Vertues. Cfte greene and new gatftered ro o res of JriS, and fpceiallp tfte iuptz tfter* * of ,do 0 purge downeWarde migfttilp, and b.zing foortft pellowe cftoler,and al- moft al waterilft ftumours,and aretfterfore good againfttfte dtopfte: but tftep map not be taken but in fmal quantitie, and pet tftep ougfttto be wellmtogled Witft tftinges tftat coole: for otfterwife tftep wil inflame tfte berp bowels* But tfte fame roote dried, pzouoketft not tfte bellp, but it prouoketft brine, $ anb bzeaketft tfte done* Cfterootes of 3 ris bzing foortft tfte flowetS,wftetfter tfte fome bereceiued c intotftebobp, or conueped in witft £ effartes, or els mingled in batftes and ftewesmade for tfte purpofe* Cfte fame rootes boo clenfe tfte bzeaft and tfte lunges, and ripe tougft fleme * and dimie ftnuiours,and tftep loofe tfte fame and make tftem tftinne,ft tftep are good againft tfte (ftortneffe of breatft ,and an olb cougft to be mfeed witft fttgar or ft onte,and often taken into tfte moutft or licked on* Cfte fome rootes dzonken wttft bineger or water, are good againft tfte fti- f the Hiftorie of Plantes. 195 ^ffmall floure ® eluce/o; tnoarffc Ireoo* £im*wjttiu fe The Defcription. Chama>-ir is. Hat kinbe of flagge, wfticfte We bo nowe call tfte fmall floure Beiuce, ftatft narrow long blades, almofte like tft e leaues oftfte rigftt ©ladin, but of a browner greene, ft fomewftat tfttc* ker* Cfte ftalkes are Iftorter tftatfte leaues, but onelpof afpanlong,tfte wfticft dobeare two oztftteefmallfloures bpon (ftortedes, danding all togitfter at tfte berp top of tfte fopd ftalkes,and not one aboue an otfter as otfter flagges* Cftefe floures are almoft like tfteflouresof tfteotfter flagges, fouing tftat tftep be fmaller, ft tfte tftree firft leaues tftat ftangedowneward,ftauenotfucftftea* rie drakes or lines as are tobepercepued in tfte otfter floure Beluces* Cfteir colour for tftemoft parte is a cleare blewe, draked fa certapne places witft fmall lines ft points, of wftite ft pellow, alongft tfte fides oftfte leaues tftat ftang downewardes ♦ Cftep be of a pleafant fouour, fweeter and dronger tftananpof tfte otfter floureBeluces* Cfte rooteisftarde,brownewitftout,anb wftite witftfo* fy The Place. CftiS kinbe of a flagge is fottnbein tftis countrie in tfte gardens of Herboudes* fy The Tyme. Jt flouretft ftere inswap and June* fy The Names. CftiS floure Beiuce map wellbe called in ©reekex^mk^»Chamaeiris.-tftat iS to fop,Bwarffe 3ircos,oz tft e totalled floure B eluce, bpcaufeit in tfte lead of alltfteflagges* Cfte Hebrides do nowcallit Lis Uynca. Andfo dotft alfo Hermolaus Barbarus in Corcl.'ario, 75Ut Antonius Mufa in Examine Simpliciu, dotft berp weildeclare, tftat tbin in not iris niyrica. . The Temperament and Vertues. CftiS flagge alfo is ft oate and drp,leatting (wftan it in cftewed) acertapne fteate bpon tftetongtte,astfterootes of all tfteotfter flagges do* <®fujjld |reos/ (ttneWng #iadm/ oj &pourge* wort* ©ftap*jcjejebij* fy The Defcription. He ftfaekingflagge or ©iadpn ftatft long narrow bladed leaues liketo tfteleaues of Jreos ox tfte floureB^- ce,but a great beale fmaller and of a darke greene colour,of a lotftfome fmell oz dincke,aimod like bnto tftedincking wormecailed fakatine Cimex.cftedalkeiSrounde,bpon wfticft growetft floures Uketo tftefloure Belice,bttt fmaUer and of a grap, or alftpe eo* four: wftan tftep are gone, tftere appeare great ftufkesorcoddes, wfterein in round red feedes,ecfte grapne or bearie of tftequantitie of a little rounde peafe* f&if Cfte Xyris. 196 The fecond Booke of Cfte roote ig long and berp tft teedp* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe in a drager in Brabant, for it in felbome found in tbat countrep outoftftegarbensof Herborides* Jt in berp comon in ©nglanb,e(peciallp neare to tbe feafibe, growing fa donie places bp ft edges anb tfte borders of wood es* fyTheTyme. Jt flouretft in Augttd, anb tfte feebe tS ripe fa September* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe is calleb fa©reekeftyc. to ftattoe Xyris,anb Iris fylueftris: to SftOppeS Sphatula fcetida.-fa Spafatfte Lirio Spadanal: fa ©ngiilft StUtkfag gfo- dpn,Spourgeworte,ft wilde Jreos:to f rencfte GUieuipuante.-in ftigft Boucfte i©eifcft Scftwertel,r©andtleuf!kraut: fa bafe Almaigne r©adtlupfcrupt,wilde 7lifcft,and dinckende fiftft* fyThe Nature. Jt ig ftoate ft drp in tfte tftird degree, of power to cut and make fubtill* fy The Vertues. Cftefeedeoftfteftinkfag©iadpn,ta- ken in weigftt of ftalf a dram pzouoketft bztne migfttplp, ft taken witft bineger it dotft wadand cure tfte ft ardneffe and dopping of tfte 3$ elte or Spleene* Cfte roote of dinkfag ©ladpnpounde witft a little3LierdegrtS,a littleof tfte $ roote oftfte great Centorp,ft alittle Bonp,diawetft foztft al kindes of tftornes, fplinterS,ano bzokenbones, anb ig berp goob for tfte wounbes, and b^ntzn of tfte ftead,to draw foortft tfte broken bones* Cfte fome mengled witb bineger botft confume anb wade cold tumors and £ fw ellings being lapbe tberebpon* CftiSfterbebzpuetft awap and killetft tfteftinkingwozmes oz ^otftescab^ leb Cimici, if tftepfoce wftereas tftep ftatint or ingenber,be rubbed witft tfte iupce tftereof* €o?ne flagge/oj #!aDtoll Cljap* jcjcebttj* fy The Defcription. HtS©ladpn ozCozne flagftatft longnarrow blades,like to tftebladeS of Jreos,fttfteredoftfteflagges,buta great dealefmaller ft narower, amongft tfte wfticft tftere fpzfagetft bp a round ftalke of a eubite log, at tbe toppe wftereof tftere ftangetft fa otber fapze purple floures,one aboue an 0* tfter,aftet wbicfte tftere commetft rounbitft ftufkes, biuided in tbzee partes, al- moftlike to tfte ftufkes of Hpacfatfte or Jacintft e,fa wfticfte tfte feedeis contep- ned*Cfteroote is likebnto two round bullettes fet one bpon an otfter* fyThe Place. CftiS ©ladpn ig not found fa tftis coutrep,but in tfte gardes of HerboriftS* feTheTyme. CftiS ©ladpn flouretft in tftis countrie fa <3® ap and June* fyTbi trie Miftorie of Plantci* C The Names. CftiS fterbe in calleb in ©reeke f««vop: fa %,U* tint,Gladiolus,Of ApuleiuS Gladiolus iegetalis,anb Lingua ceruina.bnkltOWen fa Iftops: in Jtalian,3/^4 • in Spa- ni^^Gladiolodientreslospanes,oiion\Z Vic- torialistnBouefte, Aller manftarnifcft: we map calit in ©ngiilft,© ozne ©iabw: Corne flag .and rigftt ©ladin* v# Tbr Nature. Cfte roote of Come ©ladin,e(pecial- Ip tfte bppermo A, dotft dzpe ft make fub- tii,anb ftatft a litie drawing qualitie, as ©aletlWritetb* fyThe Vertues. A CbebpperrooteoftbiS©labinpound witb f rankenfence and wine, dzawetft fooztft tftoznes, and tbinqzg tftat dicke faft fa tfte delfte* $ Cfte fome roote mingled witft Jurap meale and ftonped w ater (called Hrdto* mell)dotft wade and make fubtiiftarde lumpesorfwellinges* £ Cbep fop alfo tftat tfte bppet roote dronken in wine, ptouoketft mznun, or bobilp pleafureand tfte lower roote cau- fetft barrenneffe* 0f£nrpnrui)ion. €ljap*rjrjt:t(r* fy The Defcription. Jfpnricbion ftatft two or tftree long., narrow, lit le leaues ,frbm $ wfticft growe bp rounbeftemS, m about ftalfeafootelong, on tfte toppes of tftem, growe berp faire little flowers of a ligft t blew oz fkie colour, fo growing bp courfe one after tfteotfter, tfte one of tftem in euer open anb fpzead, and tftat dandetft alwapes at tfte top, in fatftio almod Ipke tfte flowers of Jreos, but fmaller, and fomewbat differing fa proportion* After tbe fopde litie flowers tftereappearefmall,long, rounde knops or ftufkes, wfterein tfte feede growetft* Cfte roote dotft almoft make two round fteades Jpke£>npons orBulbos, moft commonlp placed one bppon anotfter, wfticft are inclofed as it were in certafae iitfe ftOUfeS* ?fr> The Places. Cftis plante growetft inpoztingale and Spaine: ft ig berp feldome found fa ffounderS,faufagfatftegard^soffome diligentHerborides* E Hi *Th< Gladiolus. 19; 198 The feconde Booke or. fyThe Names. Cfte ©recfonS call tftis plante npott,p wfticft wften it in inflower, dtuidctft it feife in twapne ,ortwo Bui* bus rootes* » Cfte otfter fa leaues is like to tfte firft, but bin flowers are partie coloured, for tfte leaues oftfte litie flowers tftat ftang or tume downewardesare fomewftat wftite, ft tfte leaues tftat grow bp ward, are of aeleare or ligftt blewe colour,alfo tbe litie leaues of tfte fopd fmal flowers are leffe tften tbe 0tfters,and tbe cobbes be longer and tft inner* Cfte tftirbe in like to tfte otfter, but it 5 bearetft a flower alto gitfter of a pleafant pellow colour* fe rh* puc^, Cbe firft kinbe in founde fa ©nglande* ft * Cfte otfter twapne growe in Spapne and iBortfagale* Z,J iffTheTyme. Cfte flowers of tftefe ftrange plantes,doo (ftewe tftem felttes commonlp fa Junzfin bafe Almaigne wftere as tftep are feantip knowen ozftardlp founde, fouing fa tfte gardens of fome diligent Herboriftes* fyThe Names. CftiS Sower ig caded now fa katine, Bulbofa 1 ris,bpcaufe it ftatft a BulbuS roote,andaflower Ipke Jreos* But it feemetft to be Apuleius Bulbus,called in©reke«pt€o\e@-,and Hieribuibus: tftep call tftis plantefaSpapne,efoeciallp tftat witft tfte pellowe flower stuu Buen.-. and wemap call it Bulbus Jreos to engliift* u.. ftthr the Hiftorie of Mantes. »S9 PfcudoirisXutea. fy The Nature and Vertues. Cbe nature of tftis kinde of Bulbtts or flower,Witft ftiS bertttes are no tpei knowen,bpcaute tbere ig no experience mabe of it as pet* #f tyepellotte tutloe Jreoa/oj flower ©elute* €ljap*ylt. fy The Defcription. I He wild pellow JriS or flower Beiuce, ftatft long uarrowe flagges orblabes, almoft Ipke to tbe rigftt Jris oz garden flagge ,but a great beale longer and narrower berp ipke to tfte blade of a long and narrowe double edged fwozde * Cbe dalkes be rounde,fmootft,and ftolow,at tftetoppe wftereof ;growetft tfte pellowe Sower witft tfte tftree leaues ftanging downe- wardes,liketo£ garde flower Beiuce, ft tftree mounting bpwardes, but tftep arc (inaUet tfte tfteleaues r bag downe* wardeS*iBfte tftep are pad tftere come bptfticketriangledcoddesor ftufkes, in wfticft ig contepned targe pellow feede* Cfte roote is tfticke ft fpzeadetft ftereand tftere,and fometimes it ftatft otfter fmall rootes ftanging bp it,and manp tyteddp ftrfags, of a flelft Ip colour w itft fa',and of a rougft aftringent oz binding tafte* *L The Places. Cbiswilde pellowe JriSgrdWetft in mopft places,and low medoweS,and fa tfte borders and bzinkes of tStuerS, poudes.and lakeS:berp commonin ©n- gland,f launders, ft otfter Countries* fy TheTyme. Cftis flower Beiuce or wilde JriS flowretft fa #ap and June* 41The Names. , Cfte wildepellow JriS ig nowe called in uUtine, Pfeudoiris Lutea: and or fome Syiueftrisirislutea,itftatftbenecalledinSboppeS»Acoron,and batb ben takenfa mebicinefor tft e fame,no t witftout great err our, lode, and danger of tfte ficke,as it ig of dtuers learned men now berp w el noted: and for tftat caufe ft tsalfo called Pfeudoacorustftat is tofopjfalfeozbaftardeAcorusjfaBoucftj! ©eelScftwertel,geel wald Scftwertel, ft Brakenwttrt?: inbafe Almaigne* ©eel Wiltiifcb,and BOjre bOOlten: fa flZU^GlayeulbasJarde, ft Flambebajlardei in ©nglilfte,tfte pellow wilde Jris,tftje pellow flower Beiuce,iBiide flagges, water flagges,and &auetS,or ZleuerS * (j'The Nature. Cfte pellowe badarbe JriS ftis roote is colbe and driein tfte tftirdedegre^, ft of adringentor binbfagfacuitie,lpke to tfterootes of Cormentill ft Biftorte, iff The Vertues. 3Dfte roote of pellowe flower Beluce,or baftarbe JriS bopled in water and % dronken,ftoppetfttftebloobpflite,andotfterflu]resof tftebellp: aiififtoppetft ft iiii blood 100 The feconde Booke of blood from Wftencefo euer it flowetft, ft womenSflowersin«wbat fortfoeuer tt be taken, pea if ic be miutftred but outwardlp onelp eptfter inplapfterS or tn batftes* 6ftfietttWte1fllfe. €tjap*jc!& fy The Defcription. Lilium Candidum,&c. He wftite Hillie bis leaues be long and bzoade, anb fomewftat tfticke oz fat,a- mongft f wfticft tpr ingetft bp a dratgftt demme o; dalke of tftree foote long or mote, fet and garndfted witb leaues from tbe roote to tfte toppe, wfticft bp idle and litie as tftep grow ftp toward tfte top, do ware fmaller,ft fmaller* Jntfte top of tftefopd garnitfted demme growe tbepleafont,beautiful, wftite,anb fweete fmel- ling liilies, diuided into fire fmall, long, and narro we leaues, wfticft e ftaue in tfte outfpde of euerp leaf e,a certapne drake or rtbb e,b tit witft- fa tftep are altogttfter of an excellent iftpnpng ftpttrewftitecolour, bending fomewftat back- wardes at tfte top, fa tfte middle amongft tftefe leaues,tfter ftang bpo ffee berp fmal ftems,fite fmal pellow pointes or title markeS, as it were tongues,intftemiddleamongfttftefealfo>tftere growetft anotfter long bprigftt and triangled ftemme, tfttcker tften tfte reft, and Ipke to tfte Clapper of a Bell* Cfteroote in ipke to agreat iDnpon, oz ratfter a garlike ftead compacte and made of diners cloues oz kernelles* 0L 7 he Places. Cftt Wftite billies beberp common not on- lp in tftis Countrie, but fa all places els wftere fa garbens, iffTheTyme. CftiS kinde of fillies botft flower attfte beginning of June oz tftere about* fy The Names. Cfte wbite Millie in calleb of tbe ©recianS w>v w **«W» offome *«** w> and >*e«v*vflti«oH: tfte plante is called k^»vw. Jt in calBdfakatfae, Lilium,and Rofa iunonis:faSftOppeS,l-ibum album:faJtalfon,6'/^//>, and Giglio biancho: in &pmitt),^z>»cena in BOucfte,r©eif? ©ilgcn, or weif? Jlilgen: faf rencfte, Lys bldnc. fyThe caufe of the Name. Conftantine Writetft tftis of tfte Millie,tftat wften Jupiter ftad begotten Hercules bpon Alcumena,and befag defpzo us to make ft tm immoztall, fte car- rpeb ft im to fucke Juno bin wife, wft iles tfte was deepfag,and wft en ft e percei- uzb tftecftilde to ftauefuckt ftis fpll, fte dzeweftimfrom fter bread, bp meaneS wftereof tftere fell great doze of mplke from tbe bzeaftes of Juno, tfte grea- teftparte wftereof wasfpilt in fteauen anb fell bppon tbe Skies, wftereof tftefigneanb marke remapnetft at tftis dap, tftat in to fop, tftat wftite and mil- kiewap tftat goetft tftrougft fteauen, from tfte^ortft to tfteSoutft (called fa Ratine the Hiftorie of Plantes. 201 JUtine via ladea): cfte reft fell bpon tfte eartft, Wftereof finang tftefe XtllieS, * fatfte floures wftereof,tftereremapnetfttfteberpwftiteneffeoftftefapbem81ie: anbftereof itcameto paffe,tftat tftis flourewas calledfa '/Latine iunor/>s rofa, tftat is to fap, Junos rofe* fyThe Nature. Cfteflottres of tfte wftite Jlillte areftoate, and partelp of a fubtile fubdanee* Cfte roote in by? in tfte firftdegree,and ftoate fa tfte fecond* fy The Vertues. Cfte roote of tfte wftite Mliefodde fa ftonied water and dzonken, dtpttftft a fortft bptfteftege all corruption of blottb, as Piinie fopetft* Cftefamerodeb, or pottnbeanb well mengleb witb ople of iftofe&dotft fof* «* ten tfte ftardneffe oftfte a^atrit,ft prouoketft tftemonetftlp termes,being lapbe tfterebpon* CbefamepounbewitbHonp,iopnetbtogitberfinewestbatarecttt, confu* © metft oz fcottretft awap tfte blcers oftfte fteab called Acftozes,and curetft all ma- ner of naugfttie fcuruineffe, afwellof tfteftead as of tfte face, and in good tobe lapde to alldidocations or places out of iopnt* Cfterooteof tfte wftite Xidie mengled witft bineger or tfteleaues of tyzn* b bane,or Barlep meale,curetft tfte tumors anb impoftemsof tftegenitozs* Cftefamebopleb fabineger,caufetbtbeCozneswbicb be intftefeetetofad © of,if itbekeptebpontftefapbeCornesasaplapder bptftefpace of tftzeebapes Witftotttremouing* Cfte fome mengleb witft ople ozgreafe,brfagetft tfte fteare agapne bpon pla- f ces tftat ftaue bznz eitfter burneb or fcalded* Cftefomerooteroded fatfte etnbers,or well pounbe witft ople of iKofeS, ig<5 goob againd tftefoulebzeaking out calleb tfte wilb fire* Jtcttretft all burnings, anb clofetft bp blcers* Cbe fame bertue ftaue tfte leaues ♦ ^oteotter tftep are goob to be lapde bpon tfte bptinqn of Serpents* Cfte iupce of tfte leaues bopleb witn bineger and ftonp fa a bzafen pipken or H fkillet,is berp good tobeale ftmunbiftebotftolbebleersanb greene wounbes* uaitft tftefloures of/liliies tftere is mabeagood€>ple, to fttpple, molltfteft J digeft,ercellenttofoftentftefpnewes, and to cttretfte ftaroneffeoftfte Matrix or#otfter* Cfte feede oiXtlUcs is good to be dzonken againft tfte biting of Serpents* ft ®l tin 4*>;enge colour/ andreode purple fttuies* Cftap*xliii* fy TheKyndes. T Here be tftzee kindes of redde oz purple kiiiies,wft erof tfte firft in tfte fmall andcommonredde&idie, tftefecond is great, and tfte tftirde is of a meane fife or quantitie* fy The Defcription. He fmall purple Millie, W ftalkes be almoft of tbe lengtft of ftalfe a foote,fetfudofnarrowbarkegreene leaues:tfte floures infaflftion are like tfte floures of tfte Wftite Xidie, fouing tftep are witftout fo- uour, and of afpziereddecolour,tprfackled or poudered witft blacke fpeckes:tfterootesbe alfo round, and witft doues or kernels like to tfte rootes oftfte wftite billies* % Cftegreater red Lidie growetft to tftefteigtft of tftewftiteftillie, and tftere growetft oftentimes bpon one dalketwentp,fiue ft twentie oz tfttrtie floures, or moe, of a Iftpning pelfowilft redde colour, ft tpeckled witft berp fmall blacke (pottes> ~.f" *°2 The fecond Booke of fpotteS,or iittlepopnted mattes as tfte otfter* CfterooteiS Liliu purpurea. alfo liketfteotfter, failing it is fomwftat fmaller* 5 Cfte tftird redde&iilie in in groutft ftigftertftan tfte fird, pet notfo ftigft ft tal as tfte feconde*Cftis kinde of Xillie bea* retft at tfte toppe oftfte dalke, anb alfo amongd ftis leaues as it were certapne pppeS or clpders, Wfticfte if tftep be fet in tbe ground,willgrow, and after tftzeeoz foure peares tftep will beare floures* fyThe Place. Cftefe kindes of billies are planted fa fome gardens,eipe* ciallp in f launders and ©ermanp,but in fomecountrieS tftep grow wilde in rougft and ftarde places* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure in apap and June* fy The Names. , Cfte red purple %i\\iz in called fa ©reeke ^m? *%&?»*& in )Latfae Liliumrubrum, Lilium rufum : and Of Ouide itig called Hyacmthus. Paufaniascalletft oneof tftefekindes Co- mofandalon:tfte JtalfonS Gigliofaluatico, ft fome Call tftegtea* teftkinde cMartagon-Xtin called faBottcfteliiootgolt©iigen* fy The-caufe of the Name. flDf tfte redde Hiliie €>uidewzptetft tftis, tftat it came of tftebloud of tfteBopHyadnthus, tfte wfticfte Apollo(bpmif^ fortune due)fapiaping witft ftfat, fo as tfte graffe and fterbes werebedewed and ipzinckled witft tftebloud of fttm* o^ftere- bpon it came to paffe tmmediatelp bp tbe commaundement of Apollo,tftat tfte eartft bzougftt foztft afloure altogitfter liketo a ?tiilie,faufag it was redde, as £>uid wrpting in tfte tentft Booke of ftis $®t* tamorpftofeos,faitft* Hcce cruor,qui fufus humo llgnauerat herbas, Definit elfe cruor,Tyrioqi nitentior oftro Flos oritur,formamqi capit quam Lilia:fi non, Purpui eus color his^argenteus elfet in illis. And foraperpetuall memorieof tfteBop Hyacinthus, Apollo named tftefe floures HPacintftes* fyThe Nature and Vertues. Cfte nature and bertttes of tfte redde fillies are pet bnknowen, bpcattfe tftep are not bfed in medicine* betwixt wbicfte tftere fpringetftbp a idle tender dalke or demme witft one flower at tfte toppe ftangingdo wneward,wfticft ftatft certapne jTmall leaues growing togitfter Ipke an arcfteordaute, and like tfte wddeTlidie, of colourwftite or pale purple,liketo a Carnation ozflelb colour:out of tfte midded of tftis flower, tftere ftange alfo fixe fmal tfttommeSAz 1ft ozt tftreds, witft title titles oz pointed notes,likeas fatfte killies*After tfte flower tftere folo wetft arbud knop or litie ftead, fa wfticft tfte fede ig co tepned*Cft e roote ig long fttlenderlpketo aCftebol,witft certapne bearie tftrebdeS,o.zftringes ftanging at it* * * fyl'he Places. Jt growetft indiuers places of Jtalp , but cftiefelp on tfte fades ft mountapnes of Bononia and #utinens,and tfte Countrietfteraboutes: it growetft not fa Brabant fouing inf gardens of certapne diligent H er bo tides* C The Names. CftiS fterbeiSnowecalled Denticuluscanis, and Dens caninus, of fomeit is alfo called Pfcu- dohermoda«ftylus,6fOtfterS Satyrio Erythroniu, wfterwitftail notwitftdanding itftatft no fimiti- tube: but itfeemetb to be fcphemeron nolethale, of BiofcozideS,wftiefteiS alfo caded *em\>«y?v>\>> tftat ts,Liiium(yiueftre:arid it map welbecadeb Lilium fyiueftre .bpeiufe tftat tfte flower wften asit ftangetft downeward towardes i ground, is mucft like to tfte 7LiilieS,ft efpeciaUp tfte wilde Lilium ryUicfire.Mirtigon lulortf; Amaryllis Hilpjnoruru. *Oj Denticulus canis'Ephemeron no lethale* jMUie&fautog it is euer fmaUer. fi>Thc Lilium non Bulbofum. Millie non bulbus* -M The feconde Booke of » fy The Nature and Vertues.. €>f tfte ttatureanb bertues of tbis berbe we can afftrmenotfting,but if it be 3 ©pftemeron as it feemetft to be, tben it in goob for tbe teetb, as Biofcozides faitft, for as fte wzttetft, tfte water wfterein tfte roote in bopled in wftolefome and fpeciallp good for tfte teetft* Cfteleaues of tftis fterbe bopled in wine and lapde to, do fcatter anb briue 23 awap all fmall tumours and wfteales,and pufftes of tfte bodp* cftze colour pellowe, and and pleafentfweete fmelLCfte rootes of tftis kinde are diners antf manp ftanging togitfter, like tfte rootes of tfte pellowe Afpftodill or Baffodill fouing tftep be greater anb tbicker*- 2 Cftebarke reb and purple % illie non buibus, tn dalke ft rootes in itke to tbe otber, btitbiS flowers be of a barke or dim red purple colour, fomewftat larger tft en tfte flowers oftfte pellow kinde tfte leaues be alfo larger and rougft er * Cfte flowersof botft kinbesbo laft but aberp fmall timcnot aboue a bap at p furtfteft, efpeciallp tfte purple wfticfte fadetft berp ligfttlp, ft witfteretftoften times before Sonne fet* fy The Place. Cft efe billies are drange in tftis Cod* trie ft f launders, anb arenot foundefo* uing in gardens, wft eras tftep grow ea* filp,and ptOfper Wei* fy The Times. Cftep flower,witft tfte otfter Uillies,and fomwftat after,and fomtimeS tftep flower agafae fa Autumne wften tfte wftetfter in milde and pleafant* fyThe Names. CfteKLatfaideSdo call tftis kinde of kitties, Lilium nonbulbofum. And it feemetft to betbat kinde of Millie wfticft tfte ©recianScail^oK«M«ff,Hemero- caliis.for as AtfteneuS writetft,it ig called Hemerocallis onlp,bpcaufe it ladetft bttta dap*^oreouer Hemerocallis iScalledKf/o|> *>eM>H,wxe*vdcVflv*oi;,fa}Latine, Lihum fyiueftre,and Lilium matinum,wfticftenames are moft agreeable bnto tftefe kinbes of jLillieS* fyTht 20J the Hiftorie of Plantes. fy The Nature and Vertues. Cftefe kindes of billies are neitfter bfed in meate nor medicine, and tftere- * fore tfteir nature and bertues are pet bnknowen* ftlie itlffe of Mejeantyfo* €&ap*jrttj0* Ornithogalum maius. fy The Defcription. He leaues of tftis kind of ftillie are long anb narrow, amongft wbicbe rifetft bp a litie fmootft, tender ftalke, at tfte top wftere- of tftere growe diuers faire and pleafant flowers, of a Iftining Wftite colour,and proportioned like to alittle kttlie, fatfte, mtdle wftereof, ouer and aboue certapne fmal tftrebbp ftalkes ortbrommes,tbere commetb foortft one fomewftat greater tften tftereft,lpke to an aglet, oztrtagled ftufke, in wfticft after tftefalltngof,of tfte flowers tfte feede growetft* Cfteroote in rounde after tfte manner of Buibus and fomewftat great, ft wftite of colour: biiubtog it felfeeafilp into biuztn otfter i rootes* fL The Place. CftiS in alfo a dranger witft bs* And it feemetft tftat it was fird bzougftt front Alexandria fato JtalieandtfteferegtoS Or Countries* fy The Names. CftiSXUllie iScalled Lilium Alexan- drinum : but Of BfofCOrfoeS fa ©rtekC ofvifloy«xoj»:fa Ratine, Ornithogalum .-and bpcaufe tftere in pet anotfter Ornithoga- lum, defended fatfte fiftft parte of tftis worke, tftis iS tftereforecalled Omitho- gal urn maius. fy The Nature and Vertues. Biofcorideswritetft of ^>rnitftogal,tftattftebulbus, orround rootetftere- * of map be eaten and bfed for meate eitfter rawe or fobben* 0ftlje ^pacmtljes* Cljap-rttntj* iff The Kindes. 7"Here be two toitzn of Hpacfatftes, pet ouer anb aboue diuers otbers wfticftearealfo counted Hpacfatftes, wftereof we will write in tfte next Cftapter* fyThe Defcription. H© firdHpacintftes Wfticft arecommonin tftelower ©ermanie,ftaue long narro weleaues:amongft wfticft fpzing bp fmootft ftalkes,wft icft betugloden litieflowersfrom tbe middle euen bp to tfte berp top, are witft tfte watgftt anb burden of tfte fome,madecrookcd,or forced to fal,bende, or ftoupe*Cft e litie flowers are long and ftolo we, and afterwarde fomewftat fpzead abrobe like bnto % illie Conuad, not fo drong fa fmell, but pet pleafont andfWeete,of colour mod commonlp blew Ipkea^urcand fometimes purple, and fometimes as wftiteas fnowe,grap,or alfte coloured: wften tftefe flowers are fallen,tftere folow triaftgled bufkeS oz coddes, wfterein tfte fmall rounde feede is contepned* . S Cfte 206 The fecondc Booke of Hyacinthus valgaris &c. Hyacinthus Orientalis &c 2 Cfte Oriental Hpacfatftes are mucft like to tfte afozefapde, but bin leaues ftalkes anb rootes are greater: anb tfte flowers be alfo larger, ft of an excellen- ter blewe colour* fy The Place. Cfte common Hpacfatft es bo grow about tfte borbers of fallowed feeldes and padures infandpozgrauelp ground,and are foundefa manp places,efpe- ciallp aboutnaincauntoh,Storton,ft #ier, in p naeft partes of ©nglande,ftc» fyTheTyme. t Cfte commonHpacintfteflowzetft abouttfteendeofj3lpape,and fa Jnne,oj fomewftat ratfter* % Cft e Oriental Hpacfatftes do flower before tfte common fort, fometimes to fl^arcfte* fyThe Names. Cftefe are calleb in ©reeke*™***' faftatine, Hyacinthi,ft asfometftinke, Vaccinia. fa©ngli(fte alfo Hpacintfte or Crowtoes:but tftefe benot tbofe Hpa* ciutftes wfterein tfteuotesozmourntng markesarepzinted;fortftep are in tfte red purple &illies,as before ig fopde* fyThe Nature. Cfterooteoffcpacintfte indzieintftefirftdegree,andcoldeintftefeconde: but tfte feede in bjiz fa tfte tftirde degree, p et temperate twixt fteate and colde* fyThe Vertues. Cfteroote of Hpacfatfte bopled in wine and dronken, ftoppetft tfte bedp, * prouoketb b}inz} anb ftelpetft mucft agapnd tfte benemousbttingsof tfte feeld Spidder* Cfte feede tS oftfte fame bertue, anb ismigfttier in ftoppfag of tftelafke: it $ ftelpetft tftem tbat ftaue tfte bloodpflite,and if ftbedronken in Wine,it is berp good agapnft tfte fading fickneffe* 207 the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^fotyerfojte0of%panntt)e$; €l>ap.j% <] ThcKyndes. BJWpdeS tfte two fortes of Hpacintftes(wfticfte fa deede are tfte rigftt Hpa- cintftes)befcribed fa tfte former Cftapter : tfterebealfo diuers flowers, wbicft are alfo taken for Hpacfatftes anb are now reckneb amongd tbem* Hyaanthus neotericorum primus. Hyacinthus neotericorum tertius. fyThe Defcription. f€ firft of tftefe kindesof Hpacfatftes, ftatft long, narrowe, greene leaues: amongft wfticft are flender ftalkes, loger tften aftand bzeadtft, _ bearing manptrimmeflowers,growing togitfter3abottttfte top oftfte ftalke tn a clufter oz bunbel Ipke to a nofegap ozlitle buncbe of grapes,efpeciai- ipbefore tbe opening or fpreabing abrobe of tfte flowers*Cbe roote in rounbe after tfte orber of Buibus oz €>npons,and dotft quicklp encreafe aed multiplie outers otfters*Cfte flowers arenotmucfte bnlike to Millie conuai, mod com- monlp of an a? ure or fkie colour ,wberof fome aremoze (fttning ft clearer fome areofadeepercolounfometimes tbep be alfo wftite,anb fometimes pelftail fee or tftem eftangingto warbes a carnation ozflelft colour: wftereof the wbite are of a berp fweete anb pleafont fauour* • .'pefeconb in fomewbat Ipke to tbe aforefepd:but bis leaues belarger and tfttcker,and tbep Ipeftro wen or fpzead bpon tbe grounbe* Cbeflowers beal- fo greater^anbboo ftandefurtber apart ozafunderonefcomanotfter, of colour J?i?at **te^fteround or Buibus rootealfo for bis quantities greater* l\h ^^"^teteatiesaifo arelongerand bzodertban tbeabouefapd, mucft mz bnto ateeke blabes: tfte ftalke of afootelong, carping manp finall ftolo we S ii flowers. *o8 Thefeconde Booke of flowers, growing fo tfticke about tbe top: tftat tftep (ft ewe like a brull) or ft dip- water fpztnckle, attfte firft of a faire biolet colour, but wften tftep beginne to witft er Dof a decaped or olde wome colore fometimes but berp feldome wftite* f inallp tfteround and buibus roote of tbis ^inb of Hpacintfte in greater, and Of COlOUr fomeWftatred OkZ purple WitftOUt* HyacinthusAutumnalis* 4 Cftefourtft Wfticfte iS called Hyacinthus Autumnalis, in tfte leaft of tftefe Hpacintbes, pea it in ieffe tften tfte . firft:it ftatft litie, narrowe,flnall,and tender leattes:and fmall deader ftemmes of ftalfe a fpan long,at tfte wfticfte growe berp fmal flow ers,of a cleare a*ure or fkie colour, and falft ioned, wft en tftep are open,like litie ftarres, witft certapne fine, fmall, and (ftorttftreddesgrowing in tfte middeft of tftem*CftefeedeiSinclofediitafmai mangled ftufke* Cfte roote in fmai,pet of tfte fafftion of an ®npon or Buibus* 1 Cfte laft of al Wfticft in befcribeb of f ucbfius amongft tbe Hpacfatftes, ftatft fometimes two:, anb fometimes tftzee fmall leaues, amongft wfticfte tftere fpzingetft bp a alittle ftemme, bearing fiue or fixe, or mo flowers at tfte berp toppe,euerp one of tftem growing bponafmall ftalke bp it felfe: ecfte flower ftatft fixe fmalleaues,falftio- nzb Ipkeadarre wften tftep are fpzead abrodeand open: of afkie colour and fometimes Wftite* After tftefe fo low rounde knoppes wfterein tfte feede in contepned* Cfte rootes are fmall and Buibus fatftioned,like tfte reft, and Ipkebnto litie 4DnponS,but leffe* fyThe Place. i Cbefirdkinb of tftcfebafeHpacfntftesbo grow fatfte woobsof Artops tftat are nextto tfte Iowe Countrie of ©ermanie, in mopft, wet,and iowe groundes: anb tftep bealfo often fet and planted in gardens: Wftereof tfte blew fort in meetelp common, but tfte wftite are geafon, anb rare to be founde* , Cftefeconbeanb tftirbebo alfogrow fa focfte Ipke places of Jtalpanb ©er* manie* 4 Cbe fourtft fortdotft growe in f rattnce,efpeciallp neare about teartS* 5 Cbe fiftb iS meetelp common fa ©ermanie,it beligbtetb moft in good fatte groundeSjbuteipeciallpinpaduresandbntopledplaces* fyTheTimes. t Cfteflowersoftftefirdkfade,dolftewebptimes,asin3l9arcfteorbefoze, iftfte weatfter bemilbe, and furelp one kinde of tft efe flowers, efpeciallp tbat witft tfte perfect a?ute or deepe colour puttetft foortft big leaues before wii> ter,and tft e reft affoone as winter ig gone* 2.3, Cftefeconde and tftirde do flower afterwarde* 4 Cfte fourtft flowretft laft of all at tfte ende of fommer,and begfanfacc of Att- tumne* * 5 Cftelaftflowretftbptimes,asto^arcfteorfebruarie* The Names. 2.1 Cftefirft baftarbe Hpacintfte ig of tftat fort of BttlbuS, toftieft e of tfte 3ttri 1 dmtzg was bfed inmeates, and called tojLatinebp tftefurnameof Buibi efcu- lenu* the Hiftorie of PUfttes* Hyacinthus Fuchfij bifolius. Hyaclnthus Fuchfij trifolius. 209 lenti. JntftefedapeSfome calltftemHyaciri- thi Botryodes, OZ Hyacinthi racemofi: Of tfte Jtalians(tfte Wftitekinde efoeciailp) ig cal- ^^ lZb,Dipcadi,0}Tipeadi. "fm% 2 Cbe feconbeisafo fa tfte number Bulborumefculentorum. Anb fo is tfte tftirde alfo,wfticfte feemetft to be Buibina,fa ©reeke /Soxfcfa ftigft Boucfteit iScalled Bzeunling,ft of fomeHondS ftnoblaucft: fa©ngii% Bogges &eekes,anb bulfte oz tttfte Hpacintfte* 4 Cfte fourtft Unbz of baftardeHpacintbe, iSndWecalledfa&atine,Hya- cinthus Autumnalis:fa©ngitft),3ntumne Hpacintfte* 5 Cftefiftft Hpacintftedefcribedof f ucftfius,iScalled inBouefte, ^ertjei* blumen,and Hoo.znungblum: in ©ngiilft e,<3Dur Jladpes flower* fy Tfie Nature and Vertues. Cftefe baftarbe Hpacintbes are not bfeb in medicine, and tfterfore of tftefe nature and bertues in notfting written * Cftep are planted in gardens 0 neip for tfteir flowers* ^f^arttOlt0* Cfyapa* fyThe Kindes. FJrftofall tftere are two berp faireandbeautifullkinbeSof jftarciffus,one witftaCrimfinoz red purple circle fatfte middle oftfte flower, tfteotfter ^ ftaufagapedow circle,ozasit wereaCrownetorcup in tfte middle oftfte flower* fy The Defcription. i^eftrd^arciffusftatft fmall narroweleaueSlpkeU,eekeblades:witft [a creded barenaked ftalke witftout leaues* of a foote or niene incftes S iti long, ► The feconde Booke of NarcifTus medio purpureus. NarcifTus medio luteus primus. $atciffus witft tfte purple edged ^arciffus witfttfte pellowe garlande circle fa tft e middle* or cro wnet in tfte middle. long, witft a flower at tfte top,gro Wing JSfk. out of a certapne fplme, as it were a Jj|^;?,1 fkinne, moftcommonlp growtngfingle Ipl%f or alone, and fometimes two togitfter, ^^/^wk^^Rs meetelp large and fweete,made and fa- ^J^W^m^-s (ftioned of fixe idle wftite leaues growing togitfter (almoft Ipke a f&rimerofe) intftemiddie wfterof in acertapnerotmde wrinckied litie ftoope,ozcttppe,bor- dered oz edged about tfte bzfakes,witft a certapne rounde edge,witfttn wfticft are certapne fmal tftreddeS,oz ftemmes, witft pelfowilft tipppes ftanging bpon tbeimafter tbe flower tftere appeare angled ftufkes, wfterin growetft tfte fede Wfticfte in blacke*Cbe roote in rounde and bttlbus,lpke an€)npon* ft Cbe otber jfrarciffuS witb tft e pello w cup or circle in tfte middie,ftiS blades be fomewftat longer anb faoaberand notaltfting fo greene as tfte firft :ftiS ftalkes be longer and tfttcker,and bppon euerp of tbem tftzee or foure flowers Ipke bnto tfte firft,fouing tftep be allpello we in tfte middle* Cftere in alfo a kinde of jftarciffus, tftat in alfo pellow in tfte middle, and it 8 bearetft a great manp mo flowerS,fmaller tften tftep before befcribed* Anb alfo anotfter fozte,wfticfte bearetft double flowers* * ^oreouertfterebe otfter fortes of0arciffusfound,wftofe garland ouitcleC in tfte mibbie of tbe flowers in wftite,but tftefe be berp rare and daintie * fy The Places. Cbe two firft kindes grow plentifullp indiuers placesof f raunce,as'Bur" gundie,and kanguedocin medo weS:but in tbiS Countrie tftep growe not at al fouing in gardens,wftereas tftep are fowen ozplanted* -feThz the Hiftorie of Plantes* m NarcifTus mcdioluteusalter. fyTheTymes. Altfte^arciffusfortftemoftpartdo flower in Apud > fouing one of tfte firft kindes in fomwftatratfter, and tftere tS anotfter wfticfte flowretft not bnttll tfte beginningof^ap* fy The Names. Cftefe pleafont flowers are called iny ©reeke v«pKiar©.:and in KLatine, Narcif- lus,of fome as witneffetft BiofcorideS Xi^iopj/^xGO-tjumKocBulbus vomitorius, and Anydros.ditknoweninlftoppes: in ©ngltffte, tffcarcilTus, wftite Baffodill, ft primerofe piereieffc: in ftigft Boucft, offoute,$arciffen&oi>lfa: in bafe Al- maigne $arciffcn,aub Spaenfcfte Jen- uettekenS* •J* The caufe oft be Name. Cftefe flowers tooke tfteir name of tfte noble poutft 0arciffus, wfto befag often required and mucb defpred of ma- np bzaue iladtes. bpcattfe of ftis pafftng beaurie be regarded tftem not: wfterfore bcingde.) zous to be deliuered fro tfteir importunate futes and requedes , fte Went a ftunting,and being tftirdte came to a fountaine,in wfticft wften fte would ftaue dzonken fawe bin owne fauour and pafftng beautte, tfte wfticfte before tftat time fte ftad neuer feene, and tftinking it ftad bene one of tbe amozus fta- dpes tftat loued fttm,fte wasfo rapt witft tfte loue of ftfat felf,tftat fte defpzed to kuTemtd embzaceftimfelf, and wften ftecold not take ftold of ftis owne Iftadow ozfigure,ftedped at tad bp extreme force of loue* Jn wftofe ftonour anb perpe- tuall remembrance, tfte eartft (as tfte ^Boetes fapne) brougftt foortft tftis be- leetable,aud fweetefmelling flower* ^The Nature. 0aretlTuS,butefpeciallp ftis roote,is ftoate and dzie in tftefeconde degree* fy The Vertues. Cfteroooteof ^arciffusbopieb,rodeb, orotfterwapes takenfa meate oz % bzinke,caufetft one to ftatteadeftre to bomite* Cft e fame pounbe witft a little ftonie,iS good to be lapde bnto burninges,it 23 curetft tfte finewes tftat befturt, and in good againft didocations ,and places outof iopnt,and eafetft aliolde greefe and papne oftfte fopntes* Cfterooteof ^tarciffus taketft awap all lentfles, and fpottesof tfteface, © befag mingled witft $tettcl feede and bfaeger: it mundifietft corrupt and rot- ten blcers,and ripetft and bzeaketft ftarde impoftumes, if it be. temp ered witft tfte flower oz meale of mzttbzn and ftonie: and ftdrawetft fooztft tftoznes and tplfatcts ,if itbemixt witft tfte meale of Jurap and ftonp* Sitif €>f txl The feconde Booke of #frufyej$aroffue* Cf>ap*tt* fyThe Defcription. NarcilTus iuncifolius. ffiSl^nqutiltas ( as tfteSpaniardeScall it) in alfo oftfte kindes of ^tarciffus , but tbeir leauesbenarrowe, tfticke, rounbe, tougft, anb pipant,fmootb and plapne, almod Ipke rulftes,tbepbealfolonganbof a fwarte greene co-< lour*Cbe dalkes grow bp to tfte lengtft of a foote,at tfte top, wftereof growefoure ozfiue,ozmo flowers, Ipke tfte flowers of 0arciffus,fouing tftep be fmaller anb of a pellow colour* Jt batb alfo a rounb Buibus roote Ipketo tbe reft of tbe $tarciffis, but couered witft atftinnebiackefkinneorbelme* 1L The Place. Jt growetft in funbzie places of Spapne, and from tftence it was brougftt ftitfter* iffTheTyme. Jt flowzctft in Apzill witft tfte reft of tfte $ar- ciffis* fy The Names. Jt in calleb in &vmitt),iunquittas.-anb tokatfae, Iuncifolius : bpcaufeof tbe fimilitube it batb witft rnlftes: we map alfo call it rulft #tarciffas:it in called of Biofcozides in ©reke,^<»x€o» Vof a purple biolet colour, garndfted and trim- med witft certapne wftitilfte biolet markes oz fpo ttes on tfte outfide, and Witft blacke fpottes fatfte infide* J t ftatft alfo a buibus or rounde roote* fyThe Place. t CftegreaterCulptaiSbrougfttfrom©rece,anbtfteCountrieabotttCon^ ftantinople* 2 CfteieffeiSfoundeabout^ounte-pelierinf raunce* 3 f miliaria is alfo foundeabottt Aurelia in f raunce* fyThcTymes. Cftep flowerbptimes Wttft tfte tfiarciffiSAZalitleafter* feThe Names. t Cfte greateris called botft Tulpia, and Tuipian, and of fottteTulipa, wfticfte ig a Curkie name or wozd e,w e map call it jtiilpnarciiTus* % Cfte fmal is called Tuiipa,or Tulpia minor,tftat is tftefmall Cnlptan: and ItiS neitfter Hermodaclylus, no} Pfeudohermoda&ylus. Cfte MdcJgris Flo*, FricilUria quorunduB* „ 114 The feconde Booke of * Cfte tftird iScalled oftfte ©rekesand katineS, FiosMeieagris, and Mekagris flos, as a difference froma kinde of birbecalleb alfo Mekagris, wbofe featftersbefpeckleb Ipke bnto tftefe flowers,but not witft Violet fpeckes, but witft wftite ft blacke fpots,lpke to tfte featfters of tfteCurkie or fbattarde J^aralius* tfi)ap*liij* fy The Defcription. ^ig flower ftatft long narrowe leaues mucft Ipke bnto fteeke blabes, but not fo long:amogft wfticft fpzingetft bp around ftalke bearing a fatre pellowe flower di- uided into fixe leaues like tfteflower of #tatciffus, witft a long rounde litie bell in tfte middle iagde a- bout tbe ebges, anb of a deeper pellowe tftentfte reft of tfteflower* After tfte flowers commetft tfte feede inclofed in round ftufkes or cods* Cfte roote in round after tfte maner of buibus, ft like to Bar* CiffUS* fyThe Places. Jt growetft fa mopft places in (ftabo wp woods ft in tfte borders of feeldeS,asbp ^uers,and Bor- neftem, ft in tfte idarke woob bp jtouapne, wftere as it growetft abunbantlp, it in alfo plated in gardens* * The Tymes. Cftis ft erbebringetft fooztft ftis leaues, ftalkes,and flowers in f ebjmatie, and in in flower fomtimesbndettftefnow*Cftefede in ripe in #arcfte*Cfte fterbe dotft fo perflft fa Apull and #ap, tftat afterward it in no mOZefeene* fy The Names. CftiS flower in called in ftigft Boucfte, ©eel Hornungfblumen, £ in to fop, tfte pel- low flower of febzuarp, of fome alfo ©eel Cftdeloofen,ft geel Spoukelbloemcn: it in now calleb in&atineof fome Narciifus iu-^ tcorPfeudonarcifTus^pcaufe ftis flowers€ are fomwftat liketo ^arciffus: in ©ngiilft, pellow Crow belS,pellow ^arciffus,ftba- ftardei&arciffus:fafrencb>^«^w^,and tftere innonz otfter name to bs pet kno we* fyThe Nature. & cllo w tftarciffus in ftoate ft brie, mucft like fa temperature to tftarciffus* fyThe Vertues. ^enftaueproued tftis trueandcertapnebpetperience,tbattwobzammejiI of tft ig roote f retft e anb newlp gatftered, bopled fa wine oz water witft a Ude AnniiT ffcudonarcifliis. the Hiftorie ofPlantes. lly AnnpS oz f enell feede, and a litie ©fager and dronken,dziuetft foortft bp fiegt* tougft and clammp fleme: wfterfore tftefaideroote ig good againft al difeafes, tftatftappenbpreafonoftougftandclammpflegme* ^f ^eoptoattu* Violet / 01 tije wfote £uH>uo Btolet. €t>ap,W^ fyThe Kindes. THerebetbreefortesofjdeucoion, two fmall, anb tfte tftirde ig bigger: wbereof tbe flower of tbe firft ieffekinbe in tftzee leaueb: 3wb tfte flower of tfte laterktndets fixe leaued* Lcucoium bulbof urn triphillum &c. Leucoium bulbofum hexaphillum.&e. fy TheDefcription. iH<£ firft kinde of Leucoion bulbofum, bearetft two or tftree nar- ro we leaues,a (ftort ftemme,and bpon it a idle faire and pleafont! flower growing fooztft of a little longftufkebpon afmalftemme Ranging do wnewards,witft tftree wftite leaueS,amongft wfticft alfo tftereappeare tftree otfter litie gf eene leaues* 2 Cfte fecond fort ftatft bigger leaues tften tfte aforefopd,pet fmal- ler ft tenderer tft en jteeke blabes,but otfterwife tftep bealpke*Cfte flowers be alfo wftite ft co mpact oz mabe of dxe little leaues fomewftat ftraked or crefted, tntftemiddeftof tfte flower are certapne ftearie ftemmeswitft fmallpellowe tippes:tftefeedeiSfmallandpellowe,contepnedinlitleroundeftufkes* Cfte roote in wftite and Bulbus,and dotft foone multiplp and increafe otber* ' s Cfte tftirb kind in tfte greateft,ft tftis fort bearetft two or tbree or mo flowers togitber bpon one ftem,aitogitfter ipke tfte flowers aforefapb: foiling tftat tfte ftalkes and leaues arelonger* fyThe Place. Cftefe kindes of violets do growefa lftadowpplaces,and Iowe wooddes ftanding neare bnto watersinjtalp and ©ermanie, tftep growe not in tftis * Countrie,but in certapne gardens* * The 2l6 The fecondebooke of \ iffTheTyme. Cftep begin to fpzingin febzuarie, and peelde tfteir feede in Aprill, and in S*9ap tfte dalke witft bin leaues dotft banilft cleane awap,but tfte roote remap- netft in tfte grounbe like to pello we Crowe belles oz badarbe 0arciffus* But tfte tftirde kinde flowretft not witft tfte otfter twapne,but longafter in Aprill* fyThe Names. Cftefe pleafont flowers areno we accounteb for a kinbe of biolettes, Wfticft Cfteopftraflecalletft in ©reke ^Koiop.tftat in to fop in katine, Viola alba Cfter- foze it iS nOW Calleb Leucoion,or Viola alba Theophra(ti:wemapcall it in©n- gti(fte,r^bite Buibus biolet,0arciffus biolet, anb Cbebpbradus Wftite ^io- let: in fnntbtyVioktte blanche, in ftigft Boucft ,l© eifj ftoznungs blumen: in bafe Aimaigne,Uf>itte Sprocket bloemen,Soomerfottekeus,and Wittz Cftde- loofen* iff The Nature. Cfte temperament and bertues of tftefe flowers are notpet knowen* #f Saffron C!)ap*ii)* fy The Defcription. C rocus. Affron ftatft long narro we blades like graffe,tfteflowerS grow bpon naked demmes and are of a wat- cftetft orpaleblewecolour,biuibeb fato fixe fmal leaues (but fomewftat long) from out of tfte middle wftereof ftange' downe tfte Saffron blabes or tftrebdes of areddcolour*Cfteroote is rounde Ipke an HDnpon, ftaufag fometimes foure or fiue fmall rootes adiopning* * ipmpe of U,pcia,neare about Aegis a to wne of Aetoiia: it growetft now in fnnbiiz pla- ces of Boucblanb, etpeciallp about mienne in Attdricbe, tbe wfacb now iscounteb for tfte beft:it growetft plentifullp alfo in fome places of ©ngland and Jrelande* fyThe Tyme. Saffronfiowtetft(befozeftiSieatteSate fprong out of tftegrounde) inSeptember: and after tftat it bzingetb foortft bisgraffie leaues, wbicbe do laftbntiliapape: butin fommeramanfl^ailnotfindeneitfterleauesnorflowers* Cfterooteonelptt* mapnetft aliue, growing bnder grounde, and bringing foortft otfter totaU rootes* . , fyThe Names. Saffro is calleb in©rekeKe^toiattoe,Crocus;offome(aswitnelTetftBio& COUOe^)Caftor,Cynomorphos,0^ Herculisfanguis: in^ Arabia (peel) Zahafcra, from tire riiftorie of Plantes. 217 fromtftenceitwascalledinf reneft ft ftigft Boucft Saffran: inbafe Almaigne Sofferaen:and in ©ngiilft Saffron* fy The caufe of the Name. ' Saffron was named Crocus, after tfte name of acertapne Bamfell called Crocus, (as ouidwutetft)from wftence Gaknboroweb tftis Hiffo^ie, wfto recitetft tfte fame In nono de medicamentis fecundum loca, WftereaS it iS Wri* tm intftis forte*A pong wettcftecallebCrocus,wentfortft into tftefielbes witft ^ ercurie to tftrow tfte dedge,ft wfttles Ifte tooke no fteede,fl;e was bnawareS drokenintftefteadbp^ercurie,and greettoudp fturte,of wfticfte fturtelftee died incontinent: tftan offtir bloubfo tftebbebpon tfte grounbe, tfte Saffron ftpngbp* fy The Temperament. Saffron is ftoatein tftefecond degree, anddrp in tfte fird* fe The Vertues. Saffron in good to be put utto medicines, wfticft are taken againd tfte dif- A feafesoftfteBread,tfteiluuges,tfte)tiuer,andtfteBiadder:itisgoodalfofor tfte domake to be taken in meates, for it comfortetft tbe domacke, and caufetft gooddigedton, and dzonken fafoddett wine it preferuetft from dronkenneife, and prouoketft bodiip luft* Saffron taken in fweete winecaufetb one to belong winded,ft to fetcbftiS yx bzeatft eaftlp,anb it is goob for tftem tftat are Iftorte winbeb,anb Aftftmattque* Saffron mengled witft womansmiikeftlapde to tfteepes,preferuetft tftem erapian:tftefiftft in Tefticulum odoratum,or Tefticulum pumilionem. fy The frs~t Kynde. THere be fine fortes of tftefirftekindeof Orchios, wfticfte tfte ©reekes call Cynoforchin. 1 uaftereof tftefirft ftatft foure or fiue great bzoade ieaues,and tfticke,ai- moftliketotfteleauesofMlteS,butfomwftatfmader:tfteftalkeiSofafooteft • ftadlong:at wfticft growetft a great foztof floures tuffetwife,fapze ft ffaeete,ft of a carnation ozflelftlp colour like tfte colour of manSftobp,but fpeckled fttllof purplefpots,tbeflottresalortearebutfmalftiiketoanopenboodozftelmet,out of $ infide wft erof,tftere ftagetft foztft acertapne ragged tfting,falftionedaUnoft Ifae^proporti6ofalitlefourefootedbeaft*Cfterootes(buerftbpfidescertaine C fmad " 3 The fecond Booke of fmall ft earie tftings growing aboute tftem) arerounb like to a papre of (tones, or a couple of Dliue berries, one ftanging fomewftat (ftorter tftan tfte otfter, wftereof tfte ftigftmoft is tfte fmaller,fuder, anb barber: anb tftenetftermoftis tfte gteated,tfteligftteft,anb moft wztnckled or fftziueled* 2 Cfte fecond in fomewftat like to tfte aforefapde,but bis leaues be narrower and plapner, wft ereof fome do compaffe or as it were embrace or clippe aboute tfteftalke: tfte fpikie tuffte in Iftozt and tfticke witft a number of floures, of a bztgft t or wftite purple colour, ft fpeckled on tfte fafide witft a great manp pur* pietpottes,andfmalldarkelpnes:faflftioned alfo like to anopenHoodeozHel- met, out of wfticftealfo tftere ftang certapne tftinges as it were fmall rabbets, oz pong mpfe, or littell men witftout ft cades, Witft tfteir armes ft legges fpzead and caft abzoabe, in like manner as tbep were wonte to papnte little cftplbzen ftanging out of Satutnes moutft: at tfte foote of tftedalke are acouple ofroiid buttons, as big as jftutmcgges: witft certapne great ft earie ftrfags or tft zedes annexed or growing bp tftem* Cynoforchios prima fpecies. Cynoforchios tertia fpccies* Cfte firft kinbe of Standergraffe, Cfte tftirde kinde of Bogges orBoggeS Cullion* Cullion* Cfte tftirdekindeofCpnoforeftioSputtetft ftp narrowfttakedleaueS,na* rower tftan tfte leaues of tftefeconde CpnoforcftfoS,fomewftatlpketfteleaue$ of mpbwozte^lantapne: a (ftozte ftemme of nine teeftes long* Cfte floure* growe tfticke togitfter fa a Iftorte typkiz buflfteor tuffte of aCfteftnutte,oz darke purple colour witftout, and wftitflfte witftfa: ftis rootes alfo are like toapapzeofftonesozCullionS, wfterof alfo oneisbiggertftantfteotfter* the riiitorie of Plantes. 119 4 Cftefourtft CpnoforcftioS,toftiS floures is liketo tfte tftirde, but in leaues it iS like tftefeconb kinde* 5 Cftefiftft Cpnofozcftiosftis leaueSbefomeWftatbroabe liketo tfte fecond, and l^ig fptkeltke btilfte or toppe in meetelp long, but \^ig floures are of a faint, ozpaie greene colour,anb tftat ragged tft fog wfticft ft angetft downe out of tftem is as itwere foure fquare:tfterooteS arelike to tftereft* * The feconde Kinde. % ■TSe fecond kindeof €>rcftfoS, caded Teftkulus Morionis, ig of twoo fortes a^ale and female* Teftkulus Morionis mas. Teftkulus Morionis foemina* fooieSCulliontftemalektode* fooles Cullion tfte female* t cftemalekindftatftRueorfixelong,broade,andfmootftleaueS,alnw to kidieieattes,faufogtfteparefullof blackefpotteS: tftefmall floures do Itke- wife grow aitogitfter in a fppkiebttflfte o^tuffte,m proportion like to a f ooleS ftoobe,ozCoxcombe,tftatiStofap,wfoeopmorgapmgbefore,anbasttw credeb aftoue, ftaufag eares Handing bpbp euerp ftde, and a taple ftanging downe beftinbe:of a biolet colour,and pleafont fauour* frtt„s,,u*<. , Cftef analeftiSleauesarelikeWifefmootft*Cftefl^^ liketfte^ale,fauing tftepftauenotfttcft fmal eares ^^^®***?J2? be of abeepebtoier colour,fome wftite as Snow,and fome Carnationor fleflft colour* , w»» 3 ^ftftiSktodetftereisadoanotfterforte,witftnarrow Sr^l^>uke to tft e leaues of narrow #lantapne(wfticfte fome cal »ibwo%zte):Cfte floures oftftiskindeareofanorientreddepurpiecolour* ft 2*0 The fecond Booke of j Teftkulus morionis mas alter. Tefticuli morionis femin* fpecies. Anotfterfooles cullionofpmalekfad* Akfadeoffemale,fooles Cudion* CftereiSpetanotftermuefte fmader kinde, witft fiue oz ^Cxefmallleaues:andafeweftnallfloures,tftfafetand dan- ding farre a fonder one fromanotfter,of afleigftt biolet co- lour, turning towarde Ajureoz fkie colour, and fometimes wftite or of adecaped and darke purple colour: and of a grie- uotts bnpieafont fauour* H The thirde Kynde. T He tftirdekinde of £2>rcftios, called fa Ratine Hirci tefti- cuius, and Tragorchis, \^in leaues are like to tfte firfte leaues of tfte jUdie, imin%t\^zp be fmaller, but pet tftep be larger tftan anp of tfte leaues of tfte otfter 4DrcftfoS* Cfte ftalke is of afootelong, anb oftentimes wzappeb aboute tv lowe witft fome leaues: bpon tfte fopde dalke oz ftemme growetb a greate manp of fmall floures togitfter in a fpikie tuffte or bulfte,of a berp drong faflftion oz makfag,mucft like to a ke^arde, bpcaufe of tbe twifteb or lirptft en taples, anb1 fpeckieb beabes* ©uerp one of tbe fopde floures alone, ig at tfte firfte, as it were a fmad rounde clofe ftufke, of tfte big- nelfe oz quantitie of a #eafe: and wftan it openetft, tftere growetft out of it alittle long and Sender taple, tftewfticfte is wftite aboue wbere as it in fafteneb to tfte ftalke,and fpec- kied witft reddefpeckes,ftauingbponeacftefibeafinalltftfag adiopned to it,ltke to alittle legge or foote:tfte refidue oftfte fopde orchis* the Hiftorie of Plantes. primus. alter. 221 fopde taple in twided about,ft ftangetft downewarde* Cfte floure in of a ranke ditfcfag fouour, like to tfte fmell of a ©oate, and prouoketft fteadacfte, if it be mucft anb often fmelleb bnto* Cfte rootes are like a couple of /i*utmegges,or a papreofdones* ' fy 7 he fourth Kynde. X^efourtftktobeof^>rcftioScallebSerapias,iSoftftreefortes,oneftauing 1 aflourefomewftatlikeaButterflie: anotfterftatftin bin flourea certapnr figure ofta.Bozre, or BzoneBee: tftetftirdeftatftiu ittftepropoztion of acer- tapne flie* x CftefirdeSerapfoS^DrcfttSftatft Orchis Scrapias Orchis Serapias two or tftreeleaues fomewftat long, bzoabe, ft fmootft, pet not fo large as tfte leaues of wftite &illics:tftcftaike in of a foote long, on wfticft growetft ftere anb tftere in a fpikie buifte or top certapne pleafant wftite floureS,fom- wftat like Butterflies, witft a little taple ftanging beftfad, in wfticfte is a certafae (Weeteiupce or moiftttre,like ftonp intad:and tfte fopde floures are fopned to tfte demmeasitwerewitft fmall twifted ftalkes: tfte rootes are like to tfte otfter ioitzn of £> zcftis* 2 Cfte fecod Serapias ®itbin ftatft narrow leaues>ft certafaeof tftem are ctokcdlp turned, and wzptfted aboute next tfte groud,tfte otfter grow about tfteftalke wfticfte is of a fpan or nine incftes long, aboute tfte top wftereof grow certapne floures, wftofe lowed or bafeft leafe, in like to a Borre or Bzoone Bee,but tfte bpper parte and leaues oftfte flottreare fometimes of agreeni(ftcolour,but modcommonlp of a ligftt biolet oifkie colour* 5 Cfte tftird, wfticft is tfteleaftofal£ Serapias 4DzcftiS,ftatft fmadfloures liketo akindeof Horfeflies* fyThe fifth Kynde. THe Kftft kind of CzcftiS in tfte lead of all, and commonlp it ftatft not aboue tftze fmal leaues witft bepnes fomewftat like ^iantapne, but no bigger tftan fieide Sorrell,or tfte fmall leaues of tfte comon Bapfies* Cfte dalke iSfmailanddenderof afpan long, aboute wfticfte growe little wftitefloureS, of a fweete fauour almod like to ^tpllie Cortuall, placeb in a certapne orber and winding aboute tfte dalke like to akinde of Hatbande, or tfte rolling of aCa- bleEope: tfterooteisiiketo apapreof StoneS,orfmall longkernelles,wfter- of one is ftarde and firme,tfte otfter is Ugftte and Fungus,orfpungie* fy The Place. Cfte Stadelwurts,orStadergraffe,do grow mod comolp inmopft places,ft C Hi marriflfteSj 221 The fecond Booke of matififtcS>Woodes,and medowes:and fomedeliteto Teftkulus odoratus. grow fa fatte clap groundes (as tftekfadewfticfte in called CragorcftiS) wfticfte ligfttlp growetft in berp good ground: fome grow in barren ground* But tbe fweete €>zcftiS,oz kadie traces are mode commolp to befounb,inbigft,bntilleb,ftbrpplaceS,aSbponfttileS anbBownes* iffTheTyme. ^ Cftefe fterbes bo all floure to dlpap and June,fa- iling tftefmal fweete€>zcftis, wfticft flouretft lad of al fa Augudanb September* fy The Names. » Cftefirftkfabeiscalleb in ©reeke*a'V, Orchis; ft RwofSfX'fi Cynoforchis : faTLatfae Tefticulus, ft Te- ftkulus canis,tbat in to fop, Bogges CuilionS, or Boggescobbes: in SftoppeS Satyrion: to ©ngiilft fome calit alfo £)zcftis,Stanbelwozt,Stabetgraffe, liagwozte,$zieft pinteli, Ballock graffe, Adders graffe, and Badard Satpuon: fa f reneft coupons de chien,mb Satyrion a deux Couillons: in Jtalian Tefticulo di cane fa Spanilft Coyondeperro: and fa BOUCftllUtaben* kraut, andStandelkraut: in bafe Almaigne Stan- delcrupt* 2 CbiS fecond kinde is calleb offome inkattoe Tefticulus Morionis: to©tv giilft great Stanbelwozte,and f ooles Balloxe. 3 Cfte tftird kinde doubtleffe, in alfo of tfte kindes of £>rcftis,and bpcaufe of W ranke fauour in called in ©reeke T*zcftiS, bpcaufe ai tfte ktodes of Serapias €>rcftiS,ftaue toad tfteir floures tfte pzopot* tion and likeneffe of one kinde of flie or otfter* 5 Cftefiftft kfade iS called Tefticulus odoratus,Tefticulus pumilio: tftat iStO fap,fouerieStandelwurte, oz fweete Ballocke, and Bwarffe®rcfti£* inbafe Almaigne,weirieckendeStandelcrupt,and clepn Standelcrupt* ^ fyThe Nature. Adtftefektodes of fterbeS,are of complexion ftoate and mopft* iff The Vertues. Cfte fit! and foppie rootes of StandergraffeS(but efpeciallp of Hares Bat j loxe,ot ©oates €>rcftiS)eaten, or bopleb in ©oates milke anb dzonkenpzouo* ketb taienus,ozbobilp lufte,dotb muiflfteand ftrengtftentftebobie,anb is good foz tftem tftat are fallen into a confumptio or feuer Hectique, wfticft ftaue great neede of nourrilftment* Cftewitftered orlftrtoeled roote is of a cleane contrarp natute,for itteftrap*» netft the Hiflorie of Plances. 22} netft or repzeffetft flelftlp luft* And it in written of tftis roote, tftat if men do eate of tfte greateft and ful- C led rootes, (and elfteciallp of tfte firde kinde of flDrcftis) tftat tftep Iftad beget Sonnes:and if wemen do eate of tfte wptftered rootes,tftep Iftad bzing f oortb BougbtetS* Cftefame rootes, but efpeciallp of Serapias,or flie £>rcftiS bopled in wtne B anb dzonken ftoppetft tfteiafke or fluxe oftfte bellie* Cfte fome roote,befagpet frefift anb greene,botft wade anb confume all tu- © mozs,anb munddietft rotten blcers, and curetft f iftuias, being lapbe tbereto: and tftefamemadeinto ponder, andcaft into fretting ft deuouring,blcerS and fozes:ftapetft tfte fame from anp farder fefterfag oz fretting* CftefomerooteCbut elpeciallp tberooteofBwarffe€>rcbto)bopieb in Wine f Witft alittle ftonp,cttretft tfterotten blcers and toizn of tfte moutft* <&f©ouble leaft and #oofe nette. tfljap*Ifeij* fy ThcKyndes. BP fides tfte kinds of Standergraffe,defcribeb in tbe former Cftapter,tftere arepettwo otfter fterbes alfo,wfticft arefomewftatltke bnto tfte afojefopde Standergraffes,e(peciadp in tft eirdalkeSft floures, and tfterforearecom- preftended offomewrpters, bnder tfte title of tfteStandergralfts* iBftereof tfte oneforteiscalledBoubleieafeorBadarbe€>rcftiS: anb tfte otfterBirdef- ned:Cfte wfticfte we ftauetftougfttgood to place alone ina Cftapitetbptftem- frtues,bpcaufe tbeir rootes are mucft bnlike tfterootes of Stanbergraffe* Bifolium. Nidd'oyfeau. B ouble leafe orCwapblade* ©oofeneft* ^fefe 224 The fecond Booke of fy The Defcription. ^Dubleleaffeftatft a roundefmotfte dalke, and it bearetft bttttwo leaues onelp,ltke to tfte leaues of great ^lantapne* Cfte dalke fro tfte middle bp to tfte top,is compared ozbefet round about witft a great manp of little fmal floures, of a pedowuftegrecne colour, al- modlike to littlepong©oodtogs,orbitbeSlatelp ftatcfteb,andnot mucb bnlike tft e floures of diners fortes of Standergraffe*Cfte ro o te in full of tftreddiedrings* * ©oofeneftftatft abare naked ftalke witftout leaues, bearing a flourcattljc top liketo afpikp tufft oz eate,of a bio wne colour like bnto wood* Jt ig abnoft like tbedalke of ^zobahcfteorBroomeEape (wfterof welftal write intftefa* parte of ourHidozieof ^lanteS) failing tt is tenderer,andnot fo tfticke as tlie ftalke of €)zobancbe*Cbe rooteiSnougbt elfebutaforteof tftrebbp ftrfags, as itwerefaterlaceb,faaeleb,ortangleb one in anotfter* fy The Place. Cfte cwapblabe oz B ottbleleaf, beligfttetft beft in mopd ft waterie places* ©oofenedeis to befounde in mopft and fondie fteldes and paftureS, and in grauelp wooddes* fy ThcTyme. Cftefetwo fterbeSdo fpring torcftiS,ozStandergraffe* <^ft^ert8l)ti>atpjitott/oj ©toftojideogmtpjton* ^aliriij* fy The Kindes. *npddeStfteaforefapde^rcftiS,orBadard Satprions, wfticft arealfo called Satprfo Of Apuleius ft Piinie, Diofcorides alfo ftatft WZpten Of tWO ktodeS of Satprion: one called in ©reeke rf/cpu^op.and tfte otfter i^ovioy. fy The Defcription. i '-p^efirdof DiofcoridesSatprions,ftiSleaues befomwftatbzoabeliketfte leaues of HiliieS, fouing tftep be dnaller, anb fomewbat redde: tbe dalke iS about tbe fteigtft offtade afoote,bare,anbnakeb,anbitftatftawftite floure attfte toppe,almodlike bnto aUiilie: aBulbusor rounberoote liketo an apple,ofafprie pellow oz rebbifffte colour witftout, anb wftite witftin, like * tftewftiteofanegge,ofafWeeteanbpleafonttafte* a Cfte otfter Satprion,ftiS feebe in fmootb anb lbpning,like bnto %pnz feebe fouing it in bigger: anb tberinbeof tbe Buibus roote in rebbilfte,buttfte roote it fetfe in wftite,anb fWeete,anb pleafant in taft,as Diofcorides writetft* fy The Place. Jt growetft in openfunnie piaces,bpon ftigft mountapnes* fyTfo 27J the Hiftorie ofPlantes. fy The Names. 1 Cfte fftft iS Called fa ©zeeke tanoerora(Te/oj palma €fjjiat* €I)ap.ltA fyThe Kyndes. gpftdestftetwoSatprionS,defcribeboftfteauncientwrpterS,tftereiSalfo at tftis bap,an otfter forte founb out of iearneb men* Jiff The Defcription. Satyrion Bafilic5 mas. Satyrion Bafilicon foem. »fl^Si^e &reatc m°?aU^* **atpjfon Eopall* SatprionEopad* ml K9*prfon wfttcft in alfo tfte ^ ,A Imaie kinde, ftatft long tfticke fnootft leaues,fmaller tftan tiiliz leaues, witftout a- npapparantor mantfeftfpots, and ftalkes of a foote long or moze,not witftout fmal leaues growingbp it: f> floures grow inalftikpbuifteortuffet, at tbe top of tfte ftalke of a ligftt pur- ple colour, and fweete fauour: fpeckled witft fmal fpeckesofa deeper purple, like to Cuckow ^Dzcftis, or fooies ballockeS,fo- uiug t\)zp lacke fucft e a come or coppe: bnber euerp one of tfte fopde floures, tftere growetft a fmall (ftarpe popnted leafe: tfte rootes be bouble , like to a papzeofftandes,and eacftepar- ted into iiii.orfiuefmall rootes like fingers: wftereof one in more witftered,iigftt,ftfpogie: tfte otfter in full and founde, or firme, witft afew fmall rootes or drings growing out,or faft- nedtftereto* £>ftftis fofte tftere in alfo akinde founde Wfticft e in berp fmall, and it ftatft berp narrow leaues, like to Saffron, or %eeke blades, and a rudftie ftalke of ninz facftes long, witft a Ift arp pointed tufte,oz fpikie eare, at tfte top of fy ftalke like tfte tuft,or fpikie bulfte of floure ©entill,br auetoet floure>ft of fucft a bzigftt crimfon,or purple colour*€)f a berp fWette ft fragrantfauour like bnto mufke, wftan tftep are frelft ft new gatftered: tfte rootes are liketo tfte otfters, but not fo large ft greene* Cfte **6 The fecond Booke of Cfte otfter great kinde Wfticfte in tftefemale of tftis ropatl Satpzion, ftatft leaues like to tfteleaues of f male kind of ropallSatpzion,fauing tftep be fatal- ler,ft daflfted fud of blacke ipottes: tfte floures be like bnto gaping ftoodes or, Coekefcomes,ft like to tftefloures off oolesballockes or Cuckowes ^)rcftiS: of colour fometimes wftite,ft fometimes pttrpie,or redde^or a ligftt f kie colour, alwapes fpeckled and garnilfted witft more fmad ipottes or fpeckes* fy The Place. Cfte ropall Satpzions are found fa certapne medowes and mopft woodes of ©ngland and ©ermanie* Buttftat kinde wfticfte bearetft tfte fweete fpikie tufte or eare>is found bpon tfte ftigft ft tiles and mountapnes of Sauop* iffTheTyme. ftopallSatpzionflouretft in ^ap and June*. fyThe Names. Cftefe plantes are now called wp /8« or noble Satpzion: in f reneft satyrion royaiu fa Boucft Cruf^blum: inbafe Almaigne Hanbeketis erupt* fyThe Nature. Cberootes of ilopadSatpzion, are infent and tad like to €>rcfties, ft tfter- fo.ze t^zp are tftougftt to be oftfte fame complexion,wfticfte in ftoate and mopft* fyThe Vertues. Cfteroote of ilopailSatprion bnifeborft? npeb,ft giuen to bzfake fa wine % prouoketb bomit,ft purgetft botb tbe ftomacke anb bealp,bp mearies wfterof it curetft tfteolb feuer ^uartapne,aftercouenientpurgation,if an facft or afmucft as ones tftumbe of tftis roote be pounbe, ft miniftreb fa wine befoze tfte accede or com- mfagoftftefit: AS0icftolaS$pcolswzi* tetft.Sermonc fecundo. <$f%paope. <0jap.lic fe The Defcription. He common HPffop ftatft foure- HylTopus communis. fquare,greene,ftarde,ftWoobdilfte %^ ftemmes,or bzacftes fet witft fmall narrow leaues, fomewftat like tfte leaues of 5tauander,butagreat deale fmaller and greener* Cfte floures growe at tfte toppes oftftebzancftesfafmalltuftes,ornofegaps almod like to a fpikie eare,fauing tftat tftep growebponefideoftbedalke* t&ftantfte floures be paft,tftere commetft feebe wfticft in blacke,anb lietft in tfte fmal ftufkes from wftencetfte floures arefallen* Cfteroote ig blackifft e,and of wooddie dibdance* % Cftere ig alfo an otfter kinde of Hpffope fowen and planted of tfteHerboziftes: tfte wfticfte ig fomewftat like to tfte otfter in ftalkes anb leaues,foufag tftat W bzacftes be fftofter,ft it growetft faft bp tfte ground: tfte leaues be bzouner ft of a deeper greene, and tfttcker, and of a bitterer tafte tften tfte leaues the Hiftorie of Plantes. 227 leaues of common HPffope* Cfte floures be well like tfte floures of tfteotfter HPffope, of afaprebeepeblew, anb growing tfticke togitfter at tftetoppe oftfte daike,fapropoztionalmodliketo alftoitetftickeftweil fetlpikietufteor eare* Cfteroote in of a woddte fttbdance,ltke to tbe roote of tbe otfter HPffope* 5 Cftere in pet a tftirbe ^inbz like to tfte otfters in leaues anb dalkes: but tfte floures of tftis kinbeare milke wftite* fy The Place. HPffope growetft not of ftis owne kinbein tftis countrep, neuertfteleffepe Iftad finde it commonlp planted in all gardens* feTheTyme. HPffope flouretft fa Juneand Juip* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe in now calleb faSftoppes Hyffopus^nb Yfopus,fo Jtalian and Spanilft Hyjfopo in ©ngiilft HPfope,faf reneft Hyfope.-in Boucft Hpfop,HPfope, andpfope: ftowbeit tftis fterbe is not tfte rigftt HPffope wfterof Diofcorides, Galen and tfte Auneients ftaue written,as it isfufficientlp declared bp certafae of tftebed learned writers of tftefe dapes* fyThe Nature. Hpffope in ftoate and dzp fatfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. % Cfte Becoction of Hpffope,Wttft figges, Eue,and Honp bopleb togitber in water and dronken,is good for tftem wfticfte ftaue anp obftruction or (topping of tfte breaft,witb fftoztneffe of bzeatft,and for tftem tftat ftaue an olde difficult, orftarde cougft,and it in good alfo for tftefame purpofe to be mengleb witft fto- np anb often licked fa,after tfte manner of &oftoc oz Xocft* B HPlfope taken in witft Sprupe Acetofus (tftat iS,of bfaeger) pttrgetft bp ftooletougft and clammp flegrne, and killetft Satureia vulgaris. anddziuetft fooztftwozmes* Jt ftatft tfte like bertue eaten Wttft figges* © HPffope bopleb. fa watpr witft figgeS,anb gargled in tfte moutft and tftrote, ripetft and bzeaketft tfte tumors, and uttpoftems of tfte moutft and tftrote* & HPffopefodde in bineger, and ftolden in tfte moutft, fwagetft tootft acfte* © CfteBecoctionof Hpffope, dotft fcatter ft confume tfte blottb tftat is congeled,clotted,ft gatftered togitfter bnder tftefkinne, and all blacke and blew markes tftat come of ftripeS oz beating* f Cfte fome becoction curetft £ itcfte,fcurffe,ft foule mangineS,if it be waflfteb tberewitftal* ^feommon garden §>auo^ rie* Cftap*ixi* fy The Defcription. THeSauozieisatenberfommerberbe,of afootelong: tfte ftalkes be fteriber,and blackilfte,berp full of bzancftes,ft fet witft fmal narrow leaues,fomwftat like tfteleaues of comon Hpffope,bttta great beale fmaller* Cfte floures grow betwixt tfteieaues,of car- nation 228 The fecond Booke of natfonfatoftitecolour,of apleafont fauour*Cfte feede in broWne or blackilfte* Cfte roote is tender and tfttcedie* fyThe Place. CftiSfterbeiSfowenfaailgarbens,and is mucftebfed about meates* iffTheTyme. Cftis fterbe flouretft fa June* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe is now calleb in ftattoe Cuniia,and Satureia in SftoppeS Satu. rcgia :fa Jtalfon Coniella Sauoregia :fa Spanilft Segurella: fa ©ngitfb fomer SattO- rie,and commongardenSauoziean f reneft samette,^ sauoneinBoucft garten Hplfop,?wibei HPf°P>&ftnel,Saturep, ft Sabanep: in bafe Almaigne Cuele, Saturepe,Xocfttekol* %The Nature. Sommer or garden Sauozie,iS ftoate and dzp in tfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Cftis Sauozfe(aSDiofcoridesfaitft)is in operation like bnto Cime, and 3 tS berp good, arid ueceffarie to be bfeb fa meates* €>f£ptne €l)ap.lje& fy The Kindes. TlHerebe two Juinbzg of Cpme, tfte one called Thymum Cretkum, tftat ig to fap,Cpme of Candie,tfte otfter ig our common bfuall Cpme* Thymum Cretkum.' Thymum durius. Cpmeof Candle* &)ur common Cpme* the Hiftorie of Plantes. tf?> The Defcription. .[J9meof Candieftatft manpfmalwooddp ftalkes/frt rot*. \ fmalnarro w leaues,at tfte top oftfte ftalkes gcowecb certapn ituftes,like bnto fmall (fto2t eares, tftzud togitfter, not mucft b\ flouriefptkeorknopsofSta?cados,btitmiicftfmaller,andbzfagfagfozti> floures*Cfte roote in buttle,and of wooddie fubdance* j Cfte common time alfo ftatft manp fmall,weake,and wooddie bzacfteS.Cfte leaues be fmall,of fljatpe and bpting tafte* Cfte floures grower ti;e^op oftfte ftalkes of incarnatecoiour* Cfteroote in fmall and wooddtlfte* fy The Place. , Cfte firft kinde of Cpme growetft fa ftoate countries, in dzp ft barren fople, and ftonp mountapnes,and fucft likebntdleb places* And it is found berpplen- ttfull in tfte countrieof ©reece,but principal!? in ©andie* t Cftefeconb growetft alfo faftoatecountries,bpo tfte donie mouutapnes, to ieane ft barren grounb and fucft likepiaces, as in manp places of Spapne and JtaIie,auO tftrougftout all)tanquedoc,wftereas it growetft berp plentifullp* «5* The Tyme. Jt flouretft in $®np and June* fyThe Names. Cpmeiscalled in ©reke flu/u@-,tftat in to fap,in Ratine Thymus.-fa Jtalian Thymo. fa spanilft Tomillo. , Cfte firft kinde in called in ©reeke k^x&t©- Mi*@j: in alatfae Thymu capi- tatum:ef tfte later writers Thymum Creticum,tftatis to fep,Cpmeof Candle* 2 CftefeCOUd iS called add fa ©reeke fo>@.: Of Diofcorides Thymum durius, tftewfticft isfeidomefoud infeafbn witftoutftiS Epithymus: it iScalled in€i> glilft Cpme,ft tfte common garden Cpme: in f reneft Thym: fa Boucft Thymus. fy The Nature. Cpme in ftoate and in tfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Cpme bopled fa water ftftonpanddzonken,iSgoodagafaftaftard ftpaine- % full cougft and (ftoztneffe of bzemft, it prouoketft bzfae, ft expuifetft tfteSecon- dineand tftedead fruitefronitfte^atrix, it bringetft to women tfteir natttrad tennes,and dtffoluetft clotted oz cottgeledbloud in tfte bodie* Cfte fame made into ponder, and taken in waigftt of tft tee btammes witft B ftonied SLtineger, wfticfte tftep call €)xtotel, and a little Salte, purgetft bp dole tougft anb clammp flegme, and iftarpe and cft olertq tie ft umozs, and all corrup- tion of bloud* Cftefame taken in like fozte in good againft tfte Sciatica, tftepapneintfte© fide,ft tfte bzeaft: alfo it in good againftbladings and windfaeffe of tbedbeand beliie,and of tbedones or genitorS, anb it ig profitable for tbofetftatarefeare- full,melancftolique,and troubleb in (ferite>or minde* Cpme eaten fa tft e morning fading, and in tfte znznin^ before Supper ig j& good forbleareb anb watering epes,fttftepainefatftefame* Anb it in alfo good fortftefamepurpofetobeoftenbfedfameateS* Jt in alfo finguier againft tfte ©oute, takenfa wine out of tfte time oftfte © greefe,ft wttft abzamme of 4Dximei, wftan one in tormented witft tfte fame* Cpme mingled witft ftonie after tfte maner of aHoftoc,to be often lickeb fa, f clenfetft tfte bzeaft, ft ripetft flegme,caudngit eadip to befpetor caft out* . ©pmeflainped witb^ineger,confumetft anb waftetft coldefwellingS,and © taketft awap mwctzn being lapde tfterebpon* Cfte fame pound witft Bariiemeale ft wine, appeafetft p papne of tfteftancft h u oj The fecond Booke of ,j*»z call tfte Sciatica ©oute, being apptieb tft erebnto* .ifo good to be giuen to tftem tftat ftaue tfte falling fickneffe, to J >on* ^f^pmbja/oj winter £auotfe. > ap*ljriu>* fy The Defcription. Herunnfag Cpme,ftatft diuersfmal wooddie bracftes,fomtimeS trap- ling alongft tfte grounb,ft fomtimeS growing bprigftt of a foote ft ftalf , long,fet full of fmal leaues, mucft like to tft e leaues of common garden Cime,butmueft iarger*CbefloureS grow about tbetoppe oftfte dalkeslike to crowneS oz garlanbs,after £ maner of Horeftounb fioures,orknops,moft cottv monlp of a purplereb colour, ftfomtimes (biit berpfeidom)as wftite as fnow. Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. Cfteroote ig ftarde,and of wooddie ftibftance, witft manp tfa < iff The Place. Scro uum vulgare CftiS fterbe growetft plentifullp fa all yx b tftis coutrieinpiaces tftat are rude,rougft, „H ^ $<* drp,bntdled,aud ftonie, bp tbe ftigft wap ddes,and in tfte borbers of fielbes* iffTheTyme. Etmning Cpme flouretft from after $)ap bntill tfte end of Sommer* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbeis now calleb fa SftoppeS Serpillum, and fa fome places Pulegium montanum:fo Jtalian Serpilto. fa Spanflft SepolloSerpam: fa ©ngiilft WddeCpme,^U- liadmountapne, ^ellamountapne, ft run- ning Cime: faf tztyserpoict. fa ftigft doucft &uendel, and of fomealfo &umci,ft ikieu- lin: in bafe Almaigne ^Lzuendei, ft in&iz* bant ^)nferbrouwenbebdroo,ft in fome places wiiben Cftpmus* S^anp iubge it to be tftat wfticfte tfte (b^zz^zg bo cad v^mc* KK7rwToff, tfte }tatUteS Serpyllum hortenfe, ftowbeit it Ift ould feeme ratber to be a kind Of Thymum durius.or tftat Wfticft ig Caded Of Diofcorides fa ©reeke \^^ tokatineft fa SftoppeS Pulegium: fa J- talian Pukgio: fa Spanilft Poleios,Pokio: fa ©ngiilft pznnp iiopall, ^ttlio II Eopall, pudding graffe, and €>zganie: in f reneft Pouiiot: inftigft Boucft ^olep: in bafe Al- maigne #olep,anb J&alep* fy The Nature. $ennp ropall is ftoate ft dzp in £ tftirb degree, ft of fubtiiepartes, and cutting* fy The Vertues pznnp ropallboplcb in wine ft bz5keh, prouoketb tfte monetftip termes,brfagetft fooztft tft eSecondine, tftedead frute,and tfte bnnaturall birtft, it prouoketft bzinz ft breaketft tfte done, efpeciallp tfte ftone of hibnzpn*^ pznnp rop,ai taken witft ftoripclerifetft tfte lunges, ft bopdetft tftem ft fte bzeaft from allgrblteanb tfticke ftumorS* Cfte fame taken witft Honp anb AloeS,purgetft bp ftole tbe 3© elancftoltque c ftumor,ft preuapletft mucft againftcrapes, ft tftedzawing togitfter of finewes* Cftefame taken witft water and bineger, affwagetft tfte inordinate dedrefc to bomit,and tfte gnawingpapnesof tfte ftomacke* ••, tymnp ropaii taken fa wine, ftelpetft tfte bitings of benemous beafteS,and $ Witft bineger it ftelpetft tftem tftat ftaue tfte falling fickeneffe* Jf atanptimemenbecondrapnedtodrinke corrupt, naugbtie, dinking,otf falte water,tftrow jBennp ropall into it,oz ftrow tftepoudrr tftereof into it,anb ft (ftall not ft arte anp bodie* A garlande made of 0ennp iRopall, and wozne about tbe fteab, in of great $ force againd tfte fwpmming papnes,and giddp turnings oftfte ftead* Cftefamepounde witft 5Lifaeger,and giuen to fmell bpon, to people tftat§ are mucft giuen to founding quickenetft tfteir SenfeS, and caufetft tftem to re* tume to tftem felues agapne, and ig good for tftem tftat ftaue colde and mopfl: bzapnes* Cfte pouder ozaxfetrof tfttS fterbe, dotft faften and ftrengtften tfte gummetf 3 tftat arerubbeb tfterewitft. pznnp ropallpoundeaiTWagetft tftepapne oftfte©oute, and Sciatica, be*s fagrubbedbpontbegreeueppartebntiditwaxerebbe* Cftefameniengledwitftbfaegerftftdnpcuretfttftecrampes,ahd isptofit*H die fo? tftediffeafes of tfte Spleneoj Svelte, being lapde tfterebnto* Polium. CfteBecoction tftereof is berp good againft bentoftt biaftings,aifo agafaft tfteftardneffe and (topping of tfte^oti, f$olep. CfcapJtW. fyThe Kyndes. p flDlep( as Diofcorides faftft) in of twofozteS, wftereof one map benamed great^olep,or as Diofcorides termetft it,^oiepoftfte^ottntaine: ft tfte otfter map be calleb fmall J^olep* fy The Defcription. j^>4Dlepof tfte 3*9ountapneis alittle, "; fmalljender, bafe,anb fWeete fmel- lfag berbe, batting fmall demmes, anb flender bzancftes, of a (panne or ftalfe foote long * Cfte leaues bee fmall,narrow,and grapuft, wftereof t^zp tftat grow lowmode are fomewftat larger, and a little fnipt or fogged aboute tfte edges: and tftep tftat groweabotte, are narrower and notfo mucft fogged or fnipte* Cfteflouresbe wftite and do grow at tfte toppe oftfte bzancftes * Cfte roote iStftzeedie* j Cfteleffe^olepiSnotmttcftebniiketfteotfter, fouing tftat ftis leaues are tenderer, fmaller, nar- rower, and wftiter tftan tfteotfter: itftatftalfo a great manp moe fmall, flender, and weakebtan* cftes*Butit ftatft notfo great bertue,norfo drong' afattottr as #oiep of tfte Mountapne* fy The Place. Jt growetft not of ftim felfe in tftis countrie, anb ig not ligfttlp found, fouing in tbe garbens of fomeHerboziftes, wfto boplanteanb efterhfte it Witft great diligence* iffTheTyme. Jt flouretft attfte end of S£ap and June, wftereas ft growetft of ftis owne kinde,and to tftis countrep in Juip* fyThe Names. JtiS Called to©zeeke woMop, woMop o>«vop, n& nv&oioy: in KLattoe Polium, Po- lium montanum, and Theuthrium: to Jtalian Polio: to Spafall) Hierua vffa: in ©ngiilft ^oiep,ft^olep mountapne* Jt ftatft neitfter f reneft nozBoucftname tftat weknow:for it is pet bnknowen of tfte Apotftecaries tftem feluesto tfte Sftoppes of tftis countrep* fy The Nature. $olep ig ftoate to tfte fecond degree, and btp to tfte tftirde* »Hi fyThe. €f)ap*frtJij* Maiorana vulgaris. . _ ?.c fecoiki Booke of *■ • - feThe Vertues. ^ *t,w^;er or wineprouoketft tftefloures,and brine, and is be-3 .ain^ttieBvoptieS and Jaunders* titetft tm*in »gainft tfte bptings of benemoufebeaftes, and againft yx •kentn mau.r aforefapde,anditdriuetft awap all benemous beads ,.omii^piaccw??ereasitisftrowenozburnte* Cbtfaincdronkenwitftbfaeger,is goob for tfte difeafeS of tfte Sopite and© Alfo it fteaietft,and clofetft bp woundes,befagpet freftft anb greene, pound *% and appited,or lapde tberebpon* ^f*$*ar,ero!tn fyThe Defcription. lArierom ig abdicate and ten- der ftearbe, of fweete fauour, berp wel knowen in tftis coun- "trie, ftaufag fmall weake and brittle dalkes, fet witft fofte and tender leaues,fomewftat round and of grapiffte colour: it baretft abouttfte toppe,anb bp- per parte of tbe brauncftes a great manp of fmall buttons ozknoppeS,itke to a lit- tle fpike eare mabe of manp dales, out of Wfticft growetft berp fmal wftite floures peeldtng a berp fmall reddilft feede* Cfte roote is wooddilft and berp tftreddp* fyThe Place. CftiS a^arierom in planted to gar- bens,and in pottes witft eartft,and it io- uetft fatte and well maintepned ground* iffTheTyme. Jt flouretft in Juip and Auguft* fy The, Names. CftiS noble anb odoziferottsplant, is HOWCaifeb toSboppeS Maiorana:to J- talte Perfa: in ©ngiilft 9t?atierom,fWeete fl£atiorom,anb ^arierom ©entle: fa f reneb uitarioiaine: inftigft Boucft #a- ioran,oz fl^epzaminbafe AUnapne#a- rioieine,anb #ageiepne- Jt in taken for tberigfttbefog . tftereto* Cbe fame witft Salte anb tatfaeger, in berp good to be applied bnto tbe B pzickings and ftingings of Scorpions* ' Apiapftermadeof^arieromwitbopieftWaxe,refoluetbcolbefwellfa^& ortumorS, anb is mucft profitable to be lapde bpon places tbat be out of iopnt orwrencbed* ajjarterombzufeb or rubbeb betwixt tfte ftandes,ft put into tfte iliofetftulS,f oz tfte jupce tftereof fntft bp into tfte nofe, dzawetft downe ftumors from tfte ftead,mttndifietft tfte ftzapne, caufetft to fneefe, anb in berp goob for tftem tftat ftaue lod tfteir duelling* Anb if ^arierombeMarumof tbe ©retians, tften iS it alfo a berp good © fterbe(aSGaienfaitft)ftfittobeput fato allmebicines,andcompofitions made againd popfon: it in alfo good to be mengled witft all odoriferous and fweete opntments,as tfte opntment called Vnguentum Amaridnum, and fucft like* Marum is ado good to be lapbe ftponfretting ft confumfag blcers, ft is berp H profitable agafaft all colbe griefes and maladies, as Diofcorides writetft* <*>f4ttnopoOtum/o;0&aQtt* <£!)ap*frtjuj. • fy The Defcription. Clinopodium. H& fterbe ftatft fmal,naked,roud, and woodilft demmes: tfteleaues be fmall and tender almofte like ^arierom*Cftefloures wfticfte are wftite and berp fmall do grow like a C ro wne or garland rounde about tfteftemme,in fmall rougft or woodp ftufkes* Cfteroote isof wooddilfte fubftance* Cfte wftole fterbe is of a berp pleafont fweete fouour, almoft dke^arierom* fyThe PUce* CftiS fterbe growetft not of ftimfeife in tftiseountrie,but tfte HerbozifteS do plant itfatfteir gardens* • feTheTyme. jt flouretft fa tftis countrie fa Auguft oztftere aboutes* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe in taken of fome Herbo- riftes for Marum, (tftat ig tfte ©ngiilft and f reneft gallic,) but feing tftat it flouretft not like flDzgane or wilb $& arterom,it fee- metft bnto me to be notfting like Marum, butratftertobeiikebnto tfte fterbe wfticft tftep call to ©reekekxivottocAioh: in ftatfaeal- fo ciynopodium, for tfte wfticfteweftaue dettribedft: Turnercalletft Clino. jtgan/o? wftoe tfkargerom* tfljapJjcfo iff The Kindes. QlRiganis of tftzee fortes, tftat is to fap, garden Origan, wildefl>rtsan, and tftat kfade Wfticfte tftepcall Origanum Onitis. Origanum Heracleoticum. Origanum fylucftre. Spanilft €>zigan* l^ildeflDrigan* Badard fl^argerom* ©roue S^argerom* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. feThe Defcription. Hefirftkinbe ftatft ftarde, rounde, andfome- Mai. timesreddilftftemes,wfterebponarerouno ©uglify a^c8" wftitilft leaues, fmaller tftan tfte leaues of Wild €>zigan,and notfting ftearie, but otfter- wife fomewftat like fa faflftion*Cfte floures grow not faknoppie Crownets,btit like untofmal fpikie cares, growing bpon little fine ftemmes, at tfte toppe of tft e ftalke* And afterwarde it bringetft fortft fmall feede* a Cfte fecond kinde ftatft wftiter leaues, and isnot offo great bertue,but otfterwtfe not mucft bnlike tfte firft* Jt is not knowen in tftis countrie* l Cfte tftirde wilde kind,ftatft manp rottndftzowne, long,ft ftearie ftalkes,tfte leaues be fomewftat round, and fofte fteared, greater tftan tfte leaues of )&ennp ]&opall*Cfteflouresarereddilft,andgrowfagagreat manp togitfter fa tuftes like^ofegapes;Cftefeedeis fmall ft reddifl;e*Cft e roote is long ftarde ft wooddilft* Cftere is alfo afozte of tftis tftirde kinde founde, bearing floures as wftite asfnow, of ftronger fated ft fouour, tftan tfteabouefopde wilde kinde,but in all tftings elfe Ipke bnto it* Pet tftere is found a tftirde kinde, tftewftieft iSco- , monlp called ©ngiilft ^arterom * CftiS in a bafe oz few fterbe,not mucft bnlike to wdde £>zigan, witft leaues fomewftat rounde, and of a darkegreene colour,fmaller tftan tfte leaues of wild £>ztgan, not ft ea* rfebutpfoineand(faotft*CfteflouresarepatiJleinredde,andgrowfacrowne- like tuftes* Cfte roote in of wooddp fubftance* fyThe Plae&. Cftefe fterbes do grow in Candie,and otfter ftoate countries,fometimeS al- fo in Spapne:ftere cftep plant tftem in gardens* «& The Tyike. Cfte fird kinde flouretft berp late in tftis countrep, and pet it flouretft not at all fouing wftan tfte Sommer in berp ftoate * Cfte wilde €>rigan ft \^in kindeS do floure at &?pdfomer* fy The Names. CftefefterbeSbe called fa ©reeke <>>y«vot, fa Ratine Origana. i CftefftftiS Calledooiy«v®-*fM*wrim, Origanum htracleoticum, andof fome Cunila:fterefaSftOppeSitiScalled Origanum Hifpanicum,bpcaufe tbep bring it dzp from Spapne to fell at Antwerp e,and tftis is tfte caufe tftat tfte B.zaban- bers call it o ngano as tfte Spaniarbs do cad it Oregan os t Cftefecond iScalled <5p/V«v©- ivinc, Origanum onitis, Wfticft ig pet bnkUOWt fatftiscottntrie* 3 Cfte tftitde ig called in ©reeke «y?iopiyrt&~'.in HHtinZ Origanum fylueftre? tftat ig tO fop,Wilde €>.ligan: fa Spanilft Oregano campefre. Cftefirftiscommolptakenfatfte SftoppeSof tftis countriefor Origanum, 31 ft in called fa ©ngiilft wilde^Drigan, and Baftarde ^arierom: fa f reneft on- ganfiuuage,mb Oitariolainebaftarde tfa ftigft BOUCft BOften f©0igentttt: fabafe Almaigne groue^ariolepne* Cfte fecond map be called wilde Origan witft tfte wftite floures* B Cftetftirdeis called ©ngiilft 39arierom: fof reneft auarioiaine dAngleterre: c and (yf\:oai?- The fecond Booke of rertgelfcfteS^ariolepne: audit in taken fafometftoppeS, «0rid^,fOT Marum:' fy The Nature. ilh brides of ityiganareftoate and dip fatfte tftird degree, tfte onebe- mgu^rt? rtuan tfteotfter* fyThe vertues. &MH bopleb m wine anb dronken, is good agafaft tfte bptin^n of bene- 3 mo us beafts,or tfte (tfagingesof Scorpions and fieldefppderS*And bopleb fa Wine as is af ozefapd e, it in good for tfte tftat ftaue taken excefffaelp oftfte iupce of Homblocke,oz^oppie,wfticfte mencall Opium. Cft efame dzonken witft water,iS of great bertue againft tfte papnes oftfte $ ftomacke,and tfteftitcftes or griping torments aboute tfteftarte, anb caufetft ligftt digeftion: and taken witft ^pdzomel (orftonied water) it lofetft tfte bel- lie gentidp, and purgetft bp ftole adttfteand ^elancftolique ftumozS", and pro- uoketft tfte fluxe menftrualL Cfte fame eaten witft f igges,pzofitetft tft em mucft tftat ftaue tfte HPdtopfie, C and agafaft tfte (ftrfakfag and dzaw ing togitfter of members* Jt is pzofitablp giuen to be licked bponwitft Honp, agafafttfteCougft, tfte B 3&leurifie,anb tfte ftoppfag of tfte&unges* Cfte iupce of £)zigan in of great force againft tfte fwelling oftfte AlmonbeS © or kernels oftfte tftzo te,and curetft tfte blcers of tftemoutft* Cfte fame iupce bzawenoztoiftbp into tfte &ofz, purgetft tfte bzapne, anb f taketft awap from tfte zpzn> tfte pedow colour remapntog, after tftat one ftatft ftad tfte Jaunders* Jtappeafetft tftep^pnes of tfte eares,befag dropped fa witftapjiike* © Jt is good againft ail kinde of fcurufaeffe, rougftneffeof tftefkinne, mangt= H neffe, and againfttfte Jaunders, if one batfte fa tfte Becoction tft ereof made fa water,ozif tft e bodp onelpbe waflfted witb tbe fome* Cftefame fterbe befag mengled Witft bineger and HDple, in good to be lapde J on Witb wool bpo fquats oz bzufes, and blacke and blewe markes, ft to partes dtlplaced or out of iopnt* Cftewilde^>ztgaim&tfte wftite floure, is offfagtiier bertue agafaft all tfte abouefopde maladies or dtf- feafes,as Galen foitb* <^f Sragoiigan / 01 Coatee €>rigan* Cftap.ixx* fyThe Kyndes. HpHerebe tWO lO%tzn Of Tragori-'1 ganum,aS Diofcorides ftatft left" fa writing* fyThe Defcription. IHefirdkinbe in berp mucft | like Organu,foufag tftat ftis ftalkes ft leaues be tederer* 2 Cbe feconde kinde ftatft manp bzowne wodduft ftemes,tfte leaues be meetelp large ft of afwart greene colour, larger tftan tfte leaues of jaellamountapne oz running timtt and fomwftat rougft ft ouer couered as Trag origanum alterum. the Hiftorie of Plantcs. 2;? as it were,Wr>ft a ec tfapue fine and fofte ftearie* Cfte fmall floures are purple, and grow liked awes or wftozles,attftetoppe of tfte ftemmes* fyThe Place. Cftefe fterbes 4te not common in tftis countrie, but are onelp founbe fatfte garbens of certapuebiligentHerboriftS* feTheTyme. Tragorigan um flouretft ftere in Auguft* fyThe Names. CftiS kinbe of Origan, in called in ©reekeT^y^iy«v^: in Hatfae Tragoriga- num,wemapalfo call it in ©ngiilft Tragoriganum,or©oates€>rigan* Cftefecond kindeiscalled alfo Prafium:ft offome of tftis eoutrie,tt ftatft bzn deemed or taken for Cpme* fyThe Nature. Cfte Tragoriganumisftoate and d.zp like €>rtffan: alfo it ftatft a certapnea- ftringent bertue* fy The Vertues. Cftedecoctionof Tragoriganumdronkenfaaketft agoodloofebellie, and a- A ttopdetbtbeCftoleriqueftumorS,anbtakert witft bineger, it in good foz tfte fl^elteorSplene* Tragoriganum isberpgood againfttftewamblingof tbe ftomacke, anb tfte 3 fowrebelkes wfticfte come from tfte fame,and agafaft tfte paine ordefire to bo- nut at tfte Sea* Tragorig5numn|engleb witft Honp anb oftentimes iickeb bpon, ftelpetft a- £ gainft tfteCqugft and (ftoztneffe of bzeatft* Jt pzottoketft brine ft bzfagetft to wemen tfteir monetftlp termes: tfte fame b lapde on witft tfte meale of polenta, ftatft power to diffolue colde tumors or ttoellfogs* ^f6afi!l* 7 once, it (]prtogetft bp ligfttlp euerp peare after* 7.:] fyThcTyme,.].^ Jt bearetft \)ig cluftering feede to Auguft jwify fcfteffc ^ ft to September* *^-^ jQOCk ** WW J j the Hiftorie of Plantes. 243 Cftis fterbe ig calleb fa ©reeke &?*!*, anb in Ratine Botrys,of fome fa Cap- padocia(asDiofcorideswritetft)Ambrofia.-bnknowen inSftoppes: it is cal- led in ©ngiilft <2ke of ftierufalem,and offome 4Dke of ^aradife: in f reneft *> »*»',and />»«** RoyaU- in ftigft Boucft Craubekraut,anb after tbefame in bafe Almaigne it in called Brupuencrupt,tftat is to fap, WneBloffom fterbe* fyThe Nature. Cftc£)ke of ^aradife isftoate and drp in tftefeconde degree, and of fubtid partes* fyThe Vertues. 4Dkeof ^aradifebopled in wfae,is good to be broken of tftem wftofe bread 3 tSftopped,and aretroubled witb tfte fftoztneffeof wtnbe oz breatft, anb cannot fetcfte tfteir breatft eafilp, for it cuttetft anb waftetb groffe ftumors anb tougft fiegme tftat is gatftereb togitfter about tft e &unges,anb fa tbe bzeaft* Jt prouoketft brine anb bzingetft bowne tfte termes, if it be taken as in a- b boue t^pbz. Cfte fame dtped in alfo rigftt goob to be bfeb in meates, as HKope,Cpme, © anb otfter like ft earbes,peelbing bnto meates a berp good tafteanb fauour* £>ke of Hierufolemdrped, and lapde fa pzeffes and r©arderobes, giuetft a B pleafant fmell bnto clotftes,anb preferuetft tftem from mo tft es anb bermin* <&f ttye ftpnoeo ofmpntt. €ljap. frjttig. fy The Kindes. THeS^pnteis biuers,afwell fa propoztion, as in bis manner of growing: Wbereof fome be garben $®pntzn, anb fome be wilde $)pntes * Cbe gar- ben Sppntznare of fourcfoztes, tftat in to fop,Curlbe mpntz, Crifoe SBpntz, Spere3t9pnte,anbHarte ^pnte* Cbe wilbe^pnte ig of two fortes, tftat igP tfte Hozfe Sfcpnte,and tfte nea- ter appnte* fe The Defcription. He firde kinde of garben ^pntes ftatft fourefquare, bzowneredde, and ftearie demmes, witft leaues almod rounde, fnipte, oz dented roundeabout, of a darke greene coiottr,and of fauour berp good and p!eafant*Cfte floures are Crpmfto or reddtlfte,and do grow in knops about tfte ftalke Ipke wftozles,oz like tfte floures of^ennpropall* Cfteroote ftatft tftreddie ftringes,and creepetft alongft tfte ground, ft puttetft foortft pong Iftootes or fprtogs pearelp* Cfte fecond kind in berp itkebnto tfte fird, in tyn rottnb,fwarte,anb fweete fauouringleaues, alfo in ftts fquare demmes, and tfte creeping rootes in tfte grounde,but biS floures growe not in knoppes or wbozies rounde aboute tfte ftemmes,btit at tbe toppe oftfte ftalkes Ipke to afmalltipikeorbuf(ftieeare* 3 Cfte tftirbe kinde ftatft long narrow leaues, almoft like wptftie leaues, but tftep begreater,wbiter,fofter anb ftearie* Cftefloures grow at tfte top oftfte ftalkes likefpikie eares,as in tftefeconb kinbe*Cfte roote is tender witft tftzed- dtlfte ftrings,and iftzfagetft fooztft in diuers piaces,like to tfte otfters* 4 Cftefourtft kindeisiiketo tfteabottefopdeinftisieaues,ftalkes>androote, but tftat ftisflottres are no t fadft ioned like fppkie eares growing at tfte toppes oftfte ftalkes,but tftep compaffe ft grow round about tfte ftalkes like wftorles, or garlandes,liketo tfte Curled, ozCrifpe <$pnte* * ** f *%mt[>toDe of #Pnte,wfticfte in tftefirft of tfte wilde kindes,and called Horfe^pnte,ftatft fquare woollieftemmes, and ftisieauesbefomwftattong, wrtncled ft foft,and couered oroueriapdewitft afinedowne,orfoftcottoa,botft £ U orer *44 Menta fatiua prima. Curlde^pnte* The fecond Booke of Menta fatiua fecunda. Cri(peaj»pnte,ozCri(pe Balme* Menta fatiua tenia. ere ^pnte,or rigftt garden appnte* otter and bnder* CftefloureSgeoW at tftetoppeoftfte ftalkeS in TpikietufteS* Cfteroote in tender witft tft teddes or fucking ftrings* 6 Cfte fecond wilde kinde, wfticfte in tfte fixtft in number of tbe appntes,and caded water 9£pnte,iS mucb like bnto £ Curlbe $$pntz>in\)in ftaikes,leaues, and creeping rooteS,fauing tftat \}in leaues ft dalkes be greater, ft of dronger fouour*Cfte floures be purpfegrowingat tfte top of tfteftalkes in fmall tuftes or knoppes like round bullets* fyThe Place. % Cfte gardenMentc cretin bafe Almaigne Brnpnftep* ligfte* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 24c 11 ,^fte fecond is alfo called of tfteftigft Boucftmen jbrattfmttnt?, and fcnw$* baifom,? is to fop, faf reneft ***tm ^«.-ia€»#iift CrifpeBauime, oz Crifpe ^pnte: atfo^coffeS^pnte: fabafe Abnaigne Cruptinunte, anb of fomeaifo i^epltgfte* 5 CftetftirbftinbeiScailebattftistimein^SftoppeSoftftiScountrep Menta. Sarraccnka,ft Menta R o ma na: fa ©ngiilft Sp ere ^pnte,OZ tfte COinon garden " sppnte:alfooffomeBaulme^pnte:faf reneft dusauimemb entente Romayner mftigft Boucft Baldim#untjrbnferfrauwen^unt?,Spit? mttnt?, SPitj- balfam:fa bafe Almaigne Koomdfte munte^nb Balfem munte* Menta fatiua quarta. Harteappnte; f*%: Mentaftrum. HorfeS^pnte* Sifymbrium. neater appute* 4 Cfte fourtft kinbe is called fa ftigft Boucft Hert?kraut, tftat is to fap Harte Wurte,or Harte^pnte: in f reneft Herbedecueunot tftelater wrpters fa Ratine Menta Romanaanguftifolia, Flore coronata,fiue Cardiaca Mentha. 5 Cftefittywifoekfade,wftW »a< ter appnte, and wftite water Sppntzi in f reneft onen/e Aquanque • fa ftigft Boucft f tftftmuntj,»&affermuutj:to bafe AlmaigneKoo munte,and Eoo wa* ter munte* £ H\ fyThe Z46 The fecond Booke of fyThe Nature.: t n't ; All tfte kindes of a^pntes,wftiles tftep are greene, are ftoate and dzp fa tfte fecond degree: but d tied tftep are ft oate fa tftetbird e degree; efpeciallp tfte wild kindes,wfticfte are ft oater tften tftegarden appntes* itttf ---•.-.-.,.£ fyTh^'Vertiies.i'^:,' y:.'*'?'. .\. "■*■' ©atdenappnte taken fa meateo^djfakt,tSberp good and profitable foz 3 tfteftomacke, fozit warmetft and fteengtftsnetft tfte fame, and drtetftbpallfui perfluous ftttmozsgatftered in tftefome,itappeafetft and curetft ad tfte papnes oftftedoitmke,audcaufetftgoi^ .: Cwo or tftzee brancfteS of appntes^dronken witft tfte iupce of foure ^ome- b granets do fwageand appeafettft^Hfcqinewr peoxe, and bomitinxp, atidft cu- retft tftecftolerique #affion,otfterwifecalled tfte felonie,tftat is wftan one dotft ftomitcontfauallp,and:ftatft alafke witftall*^ Cfte iupce of appntesdroken witft bfaeger,ftapetft tfte bomiting of bloud, © and killetft tfte roimdewormes* . Cfte fome bopled in water and broken bp tbe (jpace of tftree dapeS togitfter, B curetft tfte grpping papne and knawing fa tftebellp, witft tfte colique, anbftop- petfttfteinordinatecourfe of tfte mendruadiffue* ap pute bopleb in wine and dzo nken,eafetft women wfticft are tomttcft grie- © uebwitftftardeandperilloustrauedincftiibebaring* ••■ a^pnte mengleb witft parcfted Barlepmeale, and lapde bnto tumo^n and f fweiiings dotft waft and confumetftem*Alfo tfte fome lapde to tfteforeftead,cu* retftfteadacfte* ^ Jt is berp good to be applied bnto tfte bzeaftes tftat are ftretcfted fooztft and © fwollen and full of milke, tor it flaketft and foftenetft tftefame, and keepetft tfte mplke fromquarrfag,and cruddfagin tfte bred* Cfte fame being berp well pounbe witft Salte, ig a (p eciail medicine to be $ appiiedbpontftebitfagofmabdeBogges* Cftefapce of fpitte mengled witft ftonied water, curetft tftepapnrof tfte J eares befag dropped tfterefa, and taketft awap tfte afperitie, and rougtfaelte of tftetongue,wftan it is rubbed oz waflfted tfterewitft* >; Cfte fauour ozfent of a^pnte, reiopcetft man: wfterefoze tftep fow ft ftrow % tfte wild e aspnte fa tftis countrie in places wftereas f eades are kepte, and in CfturcfteS* ■ ~ ? Cfte Horfe fl^pnte called Mentaft rum,ftatft not bznt bfed of tfte Auneients H fa medicine* 6 Cfte water a^pnte ig diuers wapes oftfte Ipke operation bnto tfte garden % $®pntz, it curetft tfte trencft es or grpping papne fa tfte fmall of tfte beilie oz bo wels,it ftapetft tfte peoxe or fticket and bompting,and appeafetft fteadacfteto bebfedfoztftefameptirpofeastftegardenappute* JtiS alfo finguier againft tftegrauell and ftone of tfte kpdneps,an& agafaft A tfteftrangurp, wfticfte in wftanotfe cannot piffe but dzoppe after dzoppe, to be bopled in wine and dronke* Cftep lap ig witft good fttcceffe bnto tfte ftingings of Bees and n^afpes* d> <2>f€alampnt Cl)ap*tai)* fyThe Kyndes. THerebetftreefozteSofCalampnt defcribeb oftfte Auncient©zetianS,eacft of tftem ftaufag a feuerallname,and difference* Cab- the Hiftorie of Plantes. CaIrintn,v alterum genus.. Corn* 4?pntf az wilbe ^ennprpall* H7 Calamintha? tcrtium genus. Catmpnte* fyThe Defcription. =*He firft kinbe, wfticfte map be cadeb Mountapne Caiampnte, batft " ftarde fquare ftalkes couered witft a certapne ftoare, oz fine Cotton* Cfte leaues be fomwbat like $ leaues of Bafid, but tbep are rougft er* Cfte floures grow onelp bp one fide of tbe dalke amongft tbe leaues, fomtimeS tftzeeoz foure bpon aftem,of ablewilfte colour, tfteroote in tftzeddp* CftiSft erbe altogitfter is not mucft bnlike tfte fecod kinbe of Caiampnte, fo* ningit is greater,tfte ftalkes be ftarder, and tfteleaues be rougft er and blacker, and it creepetft not alongft tfte grounde,but growetft bp from tbe peartft* 2 Cft efecond kinde wfticft iScalled wild pennprpall,ftatft alfo fquare ftalkes couered witft fofte Cotton, ft almoft creeping bp tbe grounb, ftaufag euer two, and two ieauesftandfag one againft anotfter,fmall and fofte, not mucft bnlike tfte leaues of ^ennp ropeil,faufag tftep arelarger ft wftiter.Cfte floures grow about tfteftalkestoknoppes like to wftorlesorgarlartdes,ofablewilftepurple colour*Cfte ro ote is fmall and tftzeddie* 3 Cfte tftirde kinde wfticfte iScalled Catmpnte, oz Cattisfterbe, is not mucft ' bnlike (as Diofcorides foitft ) bnto tfte wftiter wilbe appnte ♦ Jt ftatft fquare fofte ftalkes fullofiopnteS,and at euerp iopnt two leaues (landing oneagatoft an otfter,and it ftatft alfo betwixttftefopdeleaueSft tfte ftalkes,littlebzancftes* ' Cfteleauesbenotmucftbnliketo tfteleaues of Horfe #pnte, fouing tftep are fomewftatlongeranddented,oznatcftedroundeabottte,inpropoztioniiketoa ' jetted Ieafe,but pet fofte and gentill, and of awbtteftoozecolour,e(pectallp fa tfte bnberfide of tft eleafe* Cfte floures grow moft comonip aboute tft e toppe of % Mi tfte i$ Tlie fecond Booke of tfte ftalkes after tfte order of Crownets* Cft e roote in tender and tftreddie* 4 Cftereispetanotfterkindeof Cattisfterbe, a great deaie fmaller fa allre- (\) ectstftan tfte firft,otfterwifetftepbealtogitfteraipke,and it ftatft aberp good fouour* fyThe Place. » Cfte firfte kfade,as Diofcorides foitft, growetft faapountapneS and ftillie places* Jn tftis countrep it in plated fa tfte gardens of Herboriftes or iouers of fterbes* z CftefeconbkindegrowetftintftiScottntrieinreftfielbeS,andbponcertaine fmall bides oz knappes* 3 Cftetftirb kfabe growetft in euerp garben,and is berp well knowen fa tftis COUntrfe* feTheTyme. AiltfteforteSoftftefefterbes,bo for tbemoftparteflourefajuneand Juip* fyThe Names. CftiSkfadeof a£|pnte, iScalled fa ©reeke k«\Vv&h: in ftatfae Caiamintha. fa Jtalian Nipotella: faSpanilft Laueuada: in SftOppeS Calamentum : of Piinie and Apuleius Mentaftrum: in ©ngiilft Caiampnte* i Cftefftde kfade in called in SftoppeS Calamentum montanum, tftat is to fop, Caiampnte mountapne: fa ©ngiilft rougft Caiampnte: in ftigft Boucfte Stefa,oderbercb apunt?* z Cfte fecond kinde is called fa ©reeke>*Nx*F«tf»oP:to)LatinePulegium fyi- ucftre,and Nepita.- in©ngiilft wild &znnp ropall, and ©ornempnte:inf reneft Poulioifauuage fa ftigft Boucft kornmtint2,wtldeni3oicp, fabafe Almapne wil- be ]&olep,and belt apunte. 3 Cbe tbirb ^inbzin now called in SboppeS Nepita: fa ©ngiilft 0eppe, and Cat appnte: faf reneb Berk de that: inftigft Boucft &at?enmunt$: fabafe Al- maigne Cattencrupt anb $epte* fyThe Nature. Cft efe fterbes are ft o ate anb b}p in tbe tftirb degree,efpeciallp tfte firft kinde Wfticfte is gatftered bponapountapnes* fy The Vertues. Calampnte(elfteciallp oftfte apountapne)bopled and dzonken,oz lapde too 3 outwardlp pzeuailetft mucft againft tfte bitings of benemottsbeafts*Cbefome dzonken firft ozafoze ftande wttft wine, preferuetft abobie from alldeadlppop- fon,and cftafttft,* biiuztb awap all benemous beads,from tftat place wftereas it is eptfter drowen oz burned* Cfte famedzoken wttft ftonied water warmetft tftebobie, anb cuttetft oz fe- 33 ueretft tfte gro(ft ftumozS,anb dziuetft awap all cold Iftiuerings, and caufetft to fw eate* J t ft atft tft e fame power, if pe bople it in ople, and annopnt all tfte bobp tfterewitft* Caiampnte dzonken fa tft e fame manner, is good for tft em tftat ftaue fallen © from a lotte,and ftaue fomeftzufe oz fouat,anb burfting,foz it bigeftetft tfte con- gelebanb clotted bloud,and ig good for tftepapne of tfte bowels, tftelftortnelTe of bzeatft,tfte opptllation oz dopping oftfte breaft,anb againft tfte Jaundice* Cft e famebopleb fa wine and dzo nken,pto uoketft brfae,and flo ttres,and ex- B p elletft tfte dead cftilde, and fo dotft it alfo if it be applied bnder fa manner of a ]&effaeie oz apotfter fupp ofitozie* Jt ig berp good for Hajer people and lepers if tftep bfe to eate ft, ft dzfake ftfoltemarp / o? 6alfampnte* €ljap*l]ctJti* fy TheKyndes. vt Alfompnte is of two fortes, great and fmall, refemblfag one an otfter fa fa- uour,leaues and feede* Balfamita maior. Balfamita minor. Coftemarp. apawdelepn* m B? fy The Defcription. He great Balfampnt ftatft flender ftalkeS,round and ftarde: tfte leaueS belong and meetelp large,of awftiteorligfttgreenecolour,berpfineip ^ftackteortoiptabouttfteedges* Cftefloures grow to tuftes, orbun- belslikej&ofegapeS,and arenotfang elfelikebut toifmalljpellow buttonS,be- rp like tbe floures of canfie,fautog tftat tftep be fmaller * Cfte roote is tftreddp and bearetft diuers ftalkes and bzancftes, and pttttetft bp pearelp new fprmgS* CftewftolefterbeiSofaftrongfouour,butpetpleafont,anbtntaftbitter* 1 CbefmallBalfompntefamncftiiketo^ to ftalkes,floureS anb feebe, as infmelland fouour,but altogitfter fmaller and not fo ftigft of growetft, W leaueS be a greatdeafe fmaller and narrower, and mucft deeper fnipt or cut about tfte edges* *€¥ eoote alfo is tftjeddte and pufe tyo The fecond Booke of tetft ftp pearelp manp new fprfogs* fyThe Place: Cftep are botft planteb in tbe garbens of tftis coutrie,but elpeciailp tfte firft, tfte wfticfte in berpcommen in all garbens* iffTheTyme. Balfompnteflouretft to Juip anb Auguftv fyThe Names. * Cbe firft Unbz in cadeb to Ratine Balfamita tftcSftoppeS of Bra- bant Balfamita,Of fome Menta Gra?ca, Satuia Romana, Laffulata,anb Herba diuae Maria?.- to ©ngiilft Coode apatie, anb of fome Balfompnte: in f reneft ceq, oz ducoq .inftigft BoucftfrauwenkrautanbafeAlmaigneBaifeme* Jtlftould iZZXUZ to be tftat Panax Chironia^ Wfticfte Theophraftus defteiftetft itt W *X* Booke* * CftefecoribekinbeiS calleb of fome palfamita minor: to Jlanguedoe Herba diua? Mana?: tn ©ngiilft apawdetefa,and of fome fmall Balfompnte: in Jtade #*r^ <7/W/4.; And fom it to be tx/xe^op,Elichryfum:andotberS foz Eupatorium Mefue. But in rnineo- pinion it is none of tftem tbree, for J tftinke it an fterbe not befcribeb of anp of tfteAuncientSbnfeffeitbeakfabeof Panaces Chironium Theophaafti. fyThe Nature. Cftefe two fterbesbeftoateanb b}p in tftefecond degree, as tfteir fmell,and bitter tade dotft declare* fy The Vertues. Cfteleaues of ©oftemariealone, oz witft jBarfenip feede bopleb inWineftA l&ronken curetb tfte trencftes of tfte belip, tbat in a griping papne anb torment in tft e gttttes oz bo wels,and it curetft tfte bloudie flixe* Cfte conferue made oftfte leaues of Codemarie and Snger, dotft warmeB and drp tfte faapncand openetft tfte ftoppfags oftfte fame, and it in berp good toftoppeallfuperfiuous Catarrftes,EeumeS,anddididationS,to be takenfa tjuantitieofa Beane* Cftisfterbeis ado bfed inmeatesas Sage and otfter fterbes, efpeciallp foe Salades and fawces,foz wfticfte purpofe it in excellent,foz it peeldetft apzoper fznt and tade* AS apawdeleinfterbe or fmallBalfaminte, in like to Codemarp orgeat© Balfompnte in tade and fouour, fo in it like in bertues anb operations, ft map fte alwapes bfed indeede of tfte great Balfaminte* <*>f£>age» tfljapJrjrbtj* fyTheKyndes. rrHerebetwo fortes of Sage,tfte oneis fmall ftfranke, ft tbe otfter in great* Cftegreat SageiS of tftree foftes,tftat in to fap,greme,wftite,and redde* fy The Defcription. 'He franke Sage ftatft fundrp wooddie brancfteS, anb leaues growing bpon longdemmes wfticfteleauesbelong,narrow,bnetten,ftoare,ozof a grapilfte wftite colour, bp tbe fibes of tftefapbe leaues at tfte lower enbe,tftere growetft two otfter fmall leaues, like bnto apapzeof little eares* CftefloureS growe alongd tfte dalkes tnptopozttonlikctfte floures of Bead ^ettell,but fmaderandof colourblewe* Cbe feebeis blacki(fte,and;tfte roote wooddie* z Cfte great Sage in not mucft bnlike tfte fmall or franke Sage, fouing it ig larger: tfte ftalkes are fquare and bjowne * Cfte leaues be rougft, bn- euen the Hiftorie ofPlantes. 251 tnzn and Wftitilfte, like to tfte leaues of franke Sage, but a greate deale larger,rougfter,and witftout eares* Cftefloures>feede,and roote are like bnto tfteotfter* Saluia minor. f rankeSage,oz fmall Sage* Saluia maior. ©reatSage,oz bzoade Sage* Cftere is found an otfter kind of tft t's great Sage, tfte wfticft bearetft leaues as wftite as too w,fometimes all wftite,and fometimes partie wftite, and tftis kinde is called wftite Sage* pettftereisfoundea tftirde kindeof great Sage, called redde Sage, tfte ftemmes wftereof,witft tfte fpnewes of tfteleaues,and tfte fmall late fpzong bp leaues,are all reddetbut fa ail tftings elfe it ig like to tfte great Sage* fyThe Place. Sage,as Diofcoridesfaitft,growetft fa rougft ftonieplaces,botft kindes of Sage,areplanted almoft inall tfte gardertsof tftis countrie* iffTheTyme. Sageflouretft fa June and Juip* fy The Names. Cfte Sage ig called fa ©reeke tM\fap«ijgM in Hatine and in SftoppeS Sal- ma: offome Corfaiuium: fa Spanilft saka: in ©ngiilft Sage: in f reneft saugei mftigft Boucft Salbep:inbafe Almaigne Saute* t Cbe firftkinbe ig now called in Ratine Saluia minor,Saiuian«biiis,andof fome Saluia vfuaiis:fa©ngii(ft Smal Sage,Sageropall,and commonSage: ut f reneb s**ge franchein bigft Boucft Spit? Salbep,klein Saibep,ebelSal- btp,^ Creutj Salbep:fabafe Almaigne €mpg fauie,and SDo.zkeuS fauie* Cfte ijt The fecond Booke ot i Cfte feconb kinbe ig cadeb fa Hatine Saluia maior, and of fome Saluia agre. ftis: in ©ngiilft great Sage, oz bzoade Sage: faf reneft grandesauge: fa ftigft Boucft ©rot? falbep,B teat falbep: in bafe Almaigne groue,ft groote Sauie* fyThe Nature. Sage in ftoate and dzp fa tfte tftirde degree and fomewftat aftringent* fy The Vertues. Sage bopled fa wine ft dzonken, prouoketft brine, breaketft tfte ftone, com- * foztetft tfte ftarte,and fwagetft ftead acfte* v Jtfagoodfoiwem? witft cbildetoeateoftftisfterbe, for as AetiusfoitftftB etofetft tfte apatrice,caufetft tfte fruite to itoe,and ftrengtftenetft tfte feme* Sagecaufetft wemen to be f erttll, wfterefo.ze in times paft tfte people of©- ft 3 efpuifetft tfte Secoridine,and dirretft bp bobelp lufte* Alfo it maketft men bronke,ft caufetft fteabacfte, ft tfterefore fome Brewers 33 do bople it witft tfteirBiet fa fteede of Hoppes* p CftiS *54 The fecond Booke of Cft# fterbe alfo ftatft al tftebertues and properties of Horminumjand map € be bfed fa fteede of it* ®f ^ojmmum wilde <£larep/o? <£xuluo Cftritti* Cftap*lxtt* fy The Kindes. THerebe two fortes of Horminum, as Biofcorides torftetft, tfte gardenand Wilde Horminum. Horminum fatiuum. Horminum fylueftre. Bubble Clarep* £>culttS Cftritti* -f .1 Mi hf fyThe Defcription. HegardmHorminumftatftleaueSinaman^rounde^anMom^ ouetlapde witft a fofte Cotton, almoft like Horeftounde ♦ Cfte ftalkeS * befquareandftearieoftftefteigtft of afoote, bearing all aboue attfte tooitaeorfixe fapre fmallleaues of a blewilft purple colour: tfteleaues ftano ateuerpiopnte,oneagainftan otfter, amongft tftewfticftetfterecommetftforfa Uttlebu(keS,tftatbrtogfortftpttrpliC*) blew floureS*Cftewfticft wftan tftefeede beccinnetbtowaxeripe,tftepturnetowarbeStbe grounbe,anb ftangbowne- warbes,bauingtntftemblackefeebeanb fomewftat long, tftewfticfte wftan it isalittlewftile foked or fteepedtoanp iicour, it waxetft clammp or dimie,al- mod like to tfte kernelles of Quinces* CftewildeHorminumbearetftgreat,broadeleaues,galftt,or natcfted rofld the Hiftotie ofPlantcs. 2JJ aboute* Cfte ftalkes alfo be fquare, and fomewftat ftearie, but pet tftep be Ion' gerand biggertftan tfte ftalkesof tfte garden Horminum Cfte floures be of a deepe blew colour, and do alfo grow bp certapnefpaces aboute tfte ftemmelike to wftozies oz CrownetteS, out of little ftufkes, wfticfte do alfo tume downe- wardes wftan tfte feede ig ripe,tfte feedeis of adunneorblacktlfte colour, round,ft alfo ftpmie wftan it ig deeped otfooked*Cfte roote is of wooddie litb- ftance,and blacke* H Cftefetwool)erbeSftattenofpcciallfauour,e(peciallptftegardenktnde:for ; tfte flouresoftftewildekindedo fauour fomewftat liketo Clarep* fyThe Place. Cftefe two kindes arefounde fa tftis countrie,fowenfa tfte gardens of Her- boriftes* }§>TheTyme. Cfteppeeldetfteirflouresin June, Jidp and Auguft, fa tfte wfticfte feafon tfteir feedeis alfo ripe* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe is calleb in ©reeke fyuivop.-faRatine Horminum anb Geminaiis. f CftefirdtSCalled Horminum fatiuum,and Hortcnfc. Cfte feCOUdeHorrni- num fyiueftre: tljzp map bebotft called wttbe ©latfe, fome call tfte dubble £ia- rep,anb fome Oculi chrifti. fyThe Nature. Horminum is of complexion ftoate anddrp* fe The Vertues. Cbefeedeof Horminummengled witft Honp dziuetft awap tfte dimneffe of A tftedgftt,and clarifietft tfte epes* Cfte fame feede witft water damped and tempered togitfter, dzawetft out B tftoznes and fplinters,and refoluetft or fcatteretft all foztes of fwedfags, being lapde or applied tftereto* Cfte fome bertue ftatft tfte greene fterbe wftan it ig (lamped oz bzufed anb lapde bpon* Cfte fome feede dzonken Witft wineftirretft bp bodelp lufte, efpeciallp tfte © feebe of tfte wilde kinde,wfticft ig of greater efftcacte, tftan tfte feede of garden Horminum. ^ftjojeljouniie* CljapJtjcrt k fy TheKyndes. J^aHere befdtire kindes of Horebounbe,fa fafiftion one like to anotfter* j® ffi Cfte wfticfte for ail tftat in Ratine ftaue tfteir particular oz feuerad \ iBSSuames * Cfte firft kinde ig our wftite Horeftounde, tfte feconde ig tfte blacke (linkingHoreftounde* Cfte tftird ig StacftpS or field H ozeftounde*Cfte | fouttftiswateror^arrilfteHoreftounde* k fyThe Defcription. t T^e toftfte Horeftoundeftatft manp fquare ft Wftite ftoare, or fteacieftaikes, 1 tfte leaues be rounde,crompled,ftearie,aplftecoloured,and of no lotftefome fouour*CftefloUreSbewftite,and growing foztft of fmall, (ftarpe, and pzicklep , ftufkes,compaffingtftedalkeS,like in faflftion to ariuge oz wfticfte I (prickiep ftufkes) after tftat tfte floure ig baniflfted, tftere ig founde a rougft I feede*Cfte roote is blacke witft manp tftrebdie ftrfags* i CfteblackeHoreftounde,isfomewftatlikebntotftewftite*CfteftalkeSbe i. alfotfatateandftearie,butpettftep be blacke or fwarte* Cfteleaues belarger r anb longer tban tfte leaues of wftite Hozeftounbe, benteb oz fnipte rounbe a- boute tfte edges almoft ipke bnto jetted leaues, tftep are blacke, and of a p U ftrong 256 The fecond Booke ot ftrong bnpleafant fouour* Cfte floures are purple Ipke to tfte dead jetted growingfawftorlingkuoppesrotutdeaboutetfte ftalkes, liketo wftite hoze- ftounde* Marrubium. Ballote. naftite Horeftounde* Blacke Horeftounde, 3 stachysorwildeHoreftounde ftatft a round ftemme,or ftalke full of iopnteS couered witft afine wftite woollpdowne or cotton: tfte leaues do euer grow bp coupples, two and two at euerp iopnre, and are wftite and woodp almoft like tfte leaueS of wftite Horeftounde, fouing tftep be longer anb wftiter * Cfte ' floures grow like Crownets oz garlanbes compafffag tfte dalke, of pellow co- lour , and fometimes purple * Cfte roote in ftarde and of a wooddp fubftance* All tftis fterbe differetft notfting in fmell or fouour from Wftite Horeftounde* Bpftdes tftefe tftere in pet an otfter fterbe called fweete fmellfag Hoieftoud, J or fweete wilde Sage,tfte wfticfte bearetft fquare dalkes, tfticke anb woollie: Cfte leaues be wftitilft anb foft,and fomewftat dented rounde about,btit mucft longer, larger and broader, tftan tfte leaues of tfte otfter HoreftoundeS * Cfte floures be redbilft growing about tfte ftalkes like to wfto ties or garlades* Cfye feede in blacke and rounde*Cfte roote in pello wifft* 4 Cfte watetftozeftounde in mucft like to blacke Dozeftounde, afWell inbig ftalkes and pzickle ftufkes,as in ftis leaues and floures* Cfteleaues bealfo of afWarte greene colour, but larger and more deepelp indented, and not berp ftearie,butfomewbat crompleb,anb wrinckieb, like to tfteleaues of tfteBttcfte tree, wftan tftep begin to fprfag* Cfte floures be wftite, and fmaller tftan tfte floures " m Stachys. Mountapne Horeftounde. the Hiftorie of Plantes. floures of tfte otfter HoreftoundeS* fy The Place. Cfte wftite ^ozeftouud and tfte blacke do grow witft lis fa all rougft and bnma- nured places, bp wades, ftedges, wapes, and aboute tfte borders of fieldes* Cfte tftirb growetft on ^plapnes of Almaigne anb elfe wftere, it in not to be founde fa tbin countrie, but fa tfte gardens of Her- boziftS*Cfte water Hozeftouube is found berp pienteoudp growing fa tftis coutrie bp bicftes anb watercourfes, and fa iowe mopft places* iffTheTyme. All tftefe fterbes do mode commonlp floure fa Juip* Cfte fouerp Horeftounde or wilde Sage dotft floure fa Aiiguik iff The Names. t Cfte firfte kinde ig called fa ©reeke ir*wtop: inkatfae Marrubium: fa SftopS Prafsium : fa Jtalian CMarrabio: fa Spa* nilft cifarruuies. fa ©nglifft Hofeftounbe, and wftite Horeftounde: faf reneft Mar- rubin and Marochemin, ado etpentes,anb benemous beades* Cbefapeeof wftite Hozeftounde mingled witft wine and Honp, anddtop* © pel into tfte epes, clearetft tfte figftt* Cfte fome iupce poured into tfte eares,af- IWagetft tfte papne,and openetft tfteftqppings oftfte fame • Jt in alfo good to be dzaw en or fnifte bp into tfte nofe,to take awap tfte pello wneffe of tfte zpzn9 wfticfte remapnetft after tfte Jaundice* Cfte leaues tempered witft Honp in good to be lapbe bnto oldeblcerS,and jf corrupt blcered napleS,or agnaples wfticfte in a papneftill (Welling aboute tfte iopnteS anb napies*Cfte famemcgled witft ^znnzn greace,refoluetft anb fcat- teretfttftefwellingabouttftetteckecalledStrttmes* Cftedrped leauesmen- gled oz tempered witft bineger, do curenottgfttpbiritlent ft fpteadtog blcers* * CfteblackeHoreftoundepounde, is good to fte applied and lapde bpon tfte # bptings of madde Bogges* Cfte leaues of tft e fame roded in a Callleaffe,bn* der tfte ftoate immers or atftes, do ftoppe and driuebacke tfteftarde iumpes or fwelltngs wfticfteftappento arife aboute tfte fiege or funbament, anb lapbe to Witb ft onp,tftep cureanb beale rotten blcers* 3 Stachys or wildeHozeftottnde bopled and dronken,caufetft women to ftaue 9 tfteir floures,ft bringetft fortb tbe Seconbine or afterbirtft, ft tft e bead frupte* 4 tt&ater Horeftounde is not bfed faapedicine* J fy The Daunger. Cfte wftite Horeftounde is fturtfull botft to tftebladder and kidnepS, elj>e> ciailp wftan tftereisanp ftttrte or exuiceration fa tftem* ^f 6awme* <2fljap.lj;wn* fy ThcKyndes. \^ilidertftetitleofaipeliiTa,arecomprefteded botft tfte rigftt Bawme, and tfte Badard Bawme,tfte wfticfte botft are fomewftat like to tfte Horeftounde* fy The Defcription. HerigfttBawmeftatft fanareftalkes, ftblackilft ieauesiike to blacke Horeftounde, but a great beale larger, of apleafont fouour, drawing towardestftefmellofaCitromCftefiouresareofCarnatioricolour* Cfteroote is fingle,ftarde,and of a wooddie fubftance* t Cfte common Bawme is not mucft bnlike to tfteafozefapd, fouing tftatftiS fouour is not fo pleafant and delectable,as tfte fouour of tfterigfttBawme* 5 Cftereisacertapnefterbe bpftdestftefe, tfte wfticftefometakefcu tfterigftt s»awme(pet tftep are mucft decepued tftat do fo tftinke) it ftatft a fquare ftalke witft the Hiftorie of Plantes. 2jj> Witft leaues like to common Bawme,bttt larger and blacker,and of an enellfo- uottr: tfte floures are wft ite,and mucft greater tftan tfte floures of tft e common Bawme:tfterooteis ftarde, and of wooddie fubftance* Meliffa vulgaris. BaWme* MelilTophylli fpecies. Herba Iudaica. t A man map alfo place, amongft tft efe fortes of Bawme, tftat ft erbe Wfticfte ofafaarflp in called Herba iudaica. Jt ftatft fquareftearie dalkes diuided oj parted fato manp brancfteS* Cfteleaues be long and dented round about,and fmaller tften tfteleaues of Sfcge:alongft tfte toppes of tftebzauncftes growetft tfte floureS,of a fainte blew or wftitilfte colour* Cfte roote ftatft ftearie drings* All tfte fterbedzawetft towardes tbefauottr of Bawme, 0} apcliffa* fyThe Place. Cftefe fterbes do grow fa certafae countries fa wooddes,and in fome cottn* tries pefft all findetftentgrowingaboutolbe wades, ftfometimes alfo pe (ftall ftaue it growing bp tfte wap fides: but now botft fortes are plated in gardens* Herba iudaica growetft in f raunce and f launders, to bntdled places> to binepardes,and fometimes alfo alongft tft e ft edges* VpTheTyme. Cftep floureto June and Juip* Cfte Judaicadfterbeflouretft to Juip and Auguft, fyThe Names. 1 apelilTeS iScalled to ©reekemMarocpv^o^Hsim^v^Qr. toJLattoe Apiaftru, Mciita?na,and Citrago :faSftoppeSMehfla.-to€ngli(ft Bawme: to Jtalian Ccdronella,Herba rofa: faSpanflft Torougil,yeruA cidrera: faftigft BOUCft#eliffetV P iiij kraut. i6o The fecond Booke of kraut,and aputterkraut:fabafe Almaigne Confdie de grepn and Relate* 4 Cftefourtft kinde iScalled of fomeinRatine Herba iudaica: inCngliift it map becalleb tfte Judaicadfterbe: faf reneft Tctrahti, or Tetrahit: fome countit to be tftefirft kfabe Of Sideritis,calfed Sideritis Heraclca. fyThe Nature. Cftefe fterbes areftoate and dzp fa tfte fecond degree,and fomewftat liketo Horeftounde,but in bertue mucb feebler* fy The venues. Bawme dzonken in wine in good againft tbe bitings,anb ftingings of be* A nemous beafts,it comfortetft tfte ftarte, anb driuetft awap aiiapelantftolp and fodnes,as tftelearned fatftefedapes do write* Bawme map be bfeb to ai purpofes wfterebnto Horeftounbeferuetft,ftow- * beit it is fa allrefpects mucft weaker,fo tftat according to tfte opinios of Galen, ft Paulus Aegineta,itfftoulde notbebfebforHorebounbein medicine, butfor wauteofHozeftounde,fadeedewftereofapelitfamapbe alwapes bfed* Jf amanputBawmeinto BeebPueS,oz elfe if tbe l&puzn be rubbeb tftere- C Vo al, it keep etft B ees togitfter, ft caufetft otfter Bees to refozte to tfteir copanie. Cfte comon Bawme in good for wemen wfticfte ftaue tfte ftranglfag oftfte 3 matrix oz motfter to be eptfter eaten or fmelleb bnto*Cfte iupce tftereof is good to beput into greene woundes', for it glewetft togitfter, foderetft and ftealetft tftefame* ^ffiue/oj^erbe grace* €f)apJrjcjritj* fyrlhcK.yndes. ^ Cftere are two fortes of Eue, tftat in garden mue, and wilde iftue* Ruta hortenfis. Ruta fylueftris minima. Herbegrate,or garden mtte* cftefmall wilde ftue* fytht the Hiftorie of Plantes. i6\ fyThe Defcription. He garben Hue ftatft rounbeftarbeftemmeS,witft leanesbfatded fa* tb diuers otfter fmallroundilft leaueS,of a grap or biewilft colour,and of aberprankeozftrongfauour* Cbe floures be pellow, growing at tfte top of tfte bzancftes, after wfticft tftere fprfagetft bp fquareftufkeS contepning tfte feede wfticfte in blacke* Cfte roote in of wooddie fubdance and pellow witftfa* CftiS Hue ladetft botft wutter and fommer,ft dietft not ligfttlp* , Cftewildeiltie, is mucft like to tfte otfter fa ftis dalkes, leaues, floures, feede, colour, tafte, and fauour: fouing tftat euerp little leafe bin cuttes are a great deale narrower* • But tftere in pet an otfter kinde wfticfte in tfteleaft of all,wftofe little leaueS # are berp narrow and tender,and of colourfomewftatwftiter tftan tfterefte* Al tftis plante(as tfte otfter wilde Hue)is of a berp grieuous fauour, and cannot abide tfte colde,but as tfte otfter wilde Hue, fo dotft tft ig periifte witft tfte firde coldeorfmalledfrode* fyThe Place. i Cfte tame Hue ig planted fa gardens,and d eiigft tetft mode in dzp groundes Wftere as tfteSonnelftinetft mode* Cfte wilde Hue growetft bpon tfte faoun- tapnes of Cappadocia,and ©alatia,in tfte leffer Ada: intbin coutrieit ig found fowen fa tfte gardens of Herboriftes* iffTheTyme. Cftep do ail flourein tftis countrp in Juip and Augttft,anb tfte feede is ripe in September* fyThe Names. Waz in called fa ©reeke dywo r. in katineR uta,and of Apuleius Eriphion. i Cfte garden Hue in called fa ©reeke nkywiv KnmvToV: fakatine R u ta horten- fis:fa SftoppeS Ruta- m ©ngiilb ilnz of tbe garben, anb Herbe grace: in Jtiv danRutta.inSpanilft La arruda.-in ftigft Boucft 2am Hauten,ft weinHatiten: in bafe Almaigne m i\n rupte* * Cfte wilde ^xxz in called fa ©reeke T^oy *y?nV: in Tlatfae Ruta fylueftris, and fa fome places as Apuleius foptft vipcraiis.- fa SftoppeS Harmel: inftigft Boucft? wald Hauteminbafe Almaigne wilde Hupte* fy The Nature. HueiSftoateanddzpfatftetftirdedegree:BttttftewildeHue(ftelfteciallp tftat wfticft growetft in mountapnes) in a great deale ftroger tften garde l^uz*, if. The Vertues. Cft e leaues of garden ^nz bopled in water ft dronken caufetft one to make % Water,pzouoketft tftefloures, and ftoppetft tfte lafke* Cfte leaues of Hue eaten alone witft meates, or receptted witft wainuttes, 3 and drped figges damped togitfter,are good againft all eutt apres, and againft tfte ^eftiience and ailpopfon, and agafaft tfte bitings of vipers ft Serpentes* Cfte fomepounde and zitzn oz dzonken in wine, ftelpetft tftem tftat are ficke <£ Witft eating of benimous Caddooles or&pouffteroms* Cfte iupce of Hue is good againfttfte fame milftafipeS,and againfttfte bp-** tings and ftingings of Scoz^qnSyBzzn,iBafpeS,HofaetftS,andmadde BoggeS, wftan it is eitfter dzotmen witft wine, or wftan tftat tfte feauesbe. (lamped witft ftoup and falte,and lapde bnto tfte wbunde* Cfte bodp tftat is annopnted witft tfte iupce of Hue,ortftat (ftall eate of Hue and naturall feede of man, and tfte milke fa tfte bzcaftes of wemen tftat giue fucke* lluz bopled witft Bpdand dtonken,fwagetft tfte gnawing tormentor gri- $ pino: papne of tfte bedp called tfte trencftes, ft in good for tfte papnes fa tfteftde andbreaft^tftedtfftctiltie ozbatdneffeof brcatftfag, tbe eotigb, tfteftoppmgof tbe lungeS,tfteSciatica,arid againft tfteriguor and dioience of feuers* Hue bopleb mgood winebntill tfte ftalfe be fodten awap, is berp good to J bedzonken of fucb as begin to fall into tfte Bfapfie* Hueeaten rawe oztondited witft Salte,oz otfterwife bfed m meates, dea- ft retb tftcrftgftt,and quickenetft tftefame berp mttcfafodotft alfo rftefapce tfterof Iapdeto tfte epes,witft ftonp,tftetopte of fenill,or bp it felfe*Cfte leaues of Hue mengled witft Bariep meale, affWagetft tfte papne of tfte epes being lapde ^fte °ium of Hue warmed fa tfte IfteU of a ^omgranete, and dropped into % tbe eares fwagetft tfte papnes of tfte fame* Cftefame mengled witft ople of Hofes,pr ople of Bapes ft Honp>iS good againft tfte finging oz ringing founde of tbe eares,wftan it ig oftendzopped warmeiuto tftem* Cfte leaues of Hue pounde witft ople of Hofes and bineger, are good to be $ Iapdeto tft epapues of tfte ftead* ^^ ^N Cftefame pounde witft BapeleaueS,and lapde too, tS good to dtlfolue and £ curetftefwellfag and bladings of tftegenitorS* *A__ Cfteleaues of Hue mingled witft wine, pepper, and tffttre, do take awap $ allfoottes of tfteface,and clenfetft tftefkfanetand mengled wttft Honp and %V ionut curetft tftefouie fcabbe or.naugfttieCetter* Cftefame leaueS pottd wttft twines fireace,dotftcureallruggednesoftftefkfane,andtftefturffeorroome of tft eftead,tfte livings euill or ftarde fweilfags about tfte tftroote,bemg applied and lapde tftereto* , ^ _ „ ^ ^ _ Hue mengled witft Honp, botft mitigate tfte papnes of tfte iopnteS, ft Witft p RggeSittaketftawaptftefWellingoftfteBropfie*, Cfteiupceof Hue witft bineger giuen to fmell bnto,botft reutueand qutcke <& fucb as ftaue tfte 3letftatgie,oz tftedeepfag anb forgetfull fickneffe* Cberooteof Httemade into pouder and mengiedwttftftonp,ftatteretftfta d'ffoluetftcongeled and clotted blond, gatftered betwixte tfte fkfane and tfte fielft,and cozrectetft all blacke and blew markes,fcarres,ft tpottes,tftatcftannce fatftebodte,wftantftepareanopntedorrttbbedtfterewitft* Cfte ople wfterein Hue ftatft bene fobben or long tnfufed ft ftieped, dotft s warme and cftaafe all colde partes or memberS,and being annopnted or ipread boon tfte region oftfte bladder it prouoketft brfae,and ig good for tfte (lopping and fWellingof tfte iftleene or apelte:and giuenfa glitter, it d.zpuetft fortft wuv dfaeffe,blaftings,and tfte grpping papne fa tfte bowels or guttes* Somewritealfo,tbattbeleaueSof Hue pounde, and lapde to outwardlp^ bpon tfte0ofe,ftancftetfttftebleedfagoftftefome* a CbeiupceofwddeHuemengled witftHonp, wme,tfte tupceof fmtlU tfte til, aaule of a ©enne,quickenetft tftefigftt,ft remouetft al clowdeS ft tfte pearlesro tfte epes*Add tftewildeHueftatft tftelikebertueastfteHueoftfte garden,but ft ig of greaterfoue,infomucft as tbe auncient ^ftpfttions would not bfeit,bv caufe it was fo drong,foufag about tfte ddeafes and webbeS oftfte epes tomtv neras iS aboue writen* . tnc riiftorie of P lantes. i6j ^r^arma!(/o; mttoe due* tf fyaplftrfui* fy The Defcription. Harmaia. H& fterbe ftatft tftree or foure demmes growing bprigftt, and in tftem are fmall long narrow leaues, more tenderer, and diui- ded into fmaller or narrower leaues tftan tfte common or garden iRuz, tfte floures grow attftetoppeof tftedemmesoz bran* cfteS,of colour wftite, after wfticfte cometft triangled ftufkes cotepning tfte feede* And tftis plante ig of a berp ftrog anb grieuous fined, elfteciaflp inftoate regions, oz coun- tries, wftere as ft growetft of \)ig owne kinde* fyThe Place. Harmaia growetft(as Bioftoribes Wzf- tetft)inCappadoeta and ©alatfo, in tftis countrie tfte Herbozids do foweit in tfteir gardens* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe ig called fa ©reeke xky«v*\> «>pjoj; :fa jiatteeRuta fylueftris : Of fome it ig called Harmaia: of tbe Arabian ^ftpffti* ons, and of tfte late wrpters Harmei. cfte people of Sprta fa times paft called itBefafa,and fome Moly.i©emap alfO call it Harmala,or Harmei. . fyThe Nature. ©alen wzitetft,p t\)ig fterbe is ftoate in tfte tftirb degrees of fubtill partes* fy The Vertues. Bpcaufe Harmaia ig of fub til pattes,ft cuttetft afunber groffe anb tougft ftu- a mozs,itpzouoketft bzine,and womens naturall fluxe* Cfte feede of Harmaia damped witft Honp,r©ine,Saffron, tfte iuptz of f e* 53 nell,and tfte gaule of a Henne,do tft quicken tft efigft t,and clearetft dimme zpzg„ <&f6ofemarp* tfljapliwri)* ?$> The Defcription. 4Dfemarp is as it ^»re a little tree or Wooddilft lftrubbe, Witft manp fmall bzancftes and denderbougftes, of ftarbe anb woobbie fubftance, couered and fetfullof little,fmal,long,and tender leaues,wbite on tfte IMnz^t tft e ground, and greene aboue* Cfte floures are wftitilft e,and mtxte Witft a little blew e, tft e wft left e paft, tftere commetft fortft fmal feed e*Cft e rooteand tfte ftemme are likewife ftarde and wooddie* Cfte leaues and tfte floures are of afterp ftrongand pleafant fouour, and good fmacke or tafte* fyThe Place. Hofemarp growetft naturallp,and plentifullp, indiuers places of Spapne andf rance,asfa0rouence and jtangucdoc* Cftep plante itin tftis countrie m gardens,and mapntapne it witft great dfligence* iffTheTyme. CfteHofemarp flouretft twife apeare, once fatfte (fctfag time of tfte peare, and fecondariip in Aupft* fyThe *64 The ftcoiuf Booke of fyTheNames, Rofmarinumcoronarium. CftiS fterbe is caded in ©reeke xiC«»wm tJc s"tcp«vo»/uatTiKR :fa )tatfae R ofmarinu co- ronarium,- fa SftoppeS Rofmarinus: fa ©ngiilft Hofemarp: in Jtalian Rofmarmox in Spanilft Romero: fa f reneft Rofmarmr fa ©ermanp Hofmarefa: fa bafe Almaigne Hofmarifa* Cftep caditiuftatineRoima* rinum coronarium,tftat iS to fap,Hofema- tie wftereof tftep make Crownes ft ©ar- . lanbes, to put a difference from tbe otfter Libanotis wfticft ig of diuerfe forts, wfter- of weelftad fatreate fa CftapterS folio w- tng>CftebloffomS or floures of tftis Hofe- marie is called in IftoppeS Anthos. iff The Nature. Cftis Hofemarie ig ftoate and d.zp to tfte fecond degree* fyThe Vertues. Biofcoztdes and ©alen do write tftat tftis Hofemarp bopled in water, and gutt todrinke fatfte morning fading ft before labozor exercice, curetb tfte JaunbetS* Cfte ArrabianS and tfteir fttcceffourS t&ftpfitions, do fop tftat Hofemarie cSfbr* fetft tfte brapne, tfte memorp, and tfte fa- warde Settees, ft tftat it redozetft fpeacft, efpeciallp tfteconferu^madeof tftefloures tftereof witft Sugar,to be recepued daplp fading* Cbe alft es oz axen of Hofemarie burnte,dotft fatten loofe teetft, and beauto t fietft tftefomeiftftep be rubbeb tfterewitft* ^flaucnderand^pphe* €l)ap.lwjttrt* fy The Kyndes. EAuender ig of two fortes, male and female ♦ Cfte male ftatft bis leaueS, floures, fpikie eares, and demmes, broader, longer, ftigfter, tfticker, and .of a ftronger fouour* Cftefemale is fmaller, lftorter,lower,anb of aplea- fonterfauour* fy The Defcription. % 4Dtft kinbes of lauenberftaue fquarebollow ftalkeS,Witft iopnteSft knottes,bponwfticftegrowetftgrapi(fteleaueS,wfticftebelong,nar* : ^j: row ft tfticke* Pet larger and longer tftan tfte leaues of Hofemarie* &m Cftefloures(Wfticftearemod commonlp blew) grow tftickefet, and coucfted togitfter in knoppes or (piked eares, at tfte toppes of tfte ftalkeS* C&e roote ig of wooddie fubftance witft manp tftreddp ftrfags* fyThe Place. Xlauender growetft in certapne places of Jtaip, Spapne, and f raunce,oit tfte apountapnes ft rougft ftonie placeS,tftatlie agafaft tfte Sunne: tftep plant ft ftere fa gardens efpeciallp tfte female Hauender, wfticfte is berp conunon it? all gardens,but tfte male kinde ig not founde fouing amongft tfte Hetb°' rides* Lauandula the Hiftorie of Plantes. 26 j Lauandula mas. Lauandula fcemina. ©ngldft Spike* kaucnber* e%> The Tymei Jlauender flouretft in June and Juip* fy The Names. Jt is caded fa Ratine Lauandula: faSftopS Lauenduia: fa ©ngiilft Spike and iauender:fa Jtalian s^^and^^/i^^nSpanilft Aihuzema,$ Aifa^ma: offome fa ©reeke iJfeudonardus,and of otfters Hircuius,and of fome alfo Ro£ marinum coronarium. Jt feemrtft to be tfte fterbe tftat Sta?chas. 166 The fecond Booke of and members taken ozfnbiect to tfte $alfte* Cfte confeme made of tfte floures witft Sugar, pzofitetft mucft againft tfte C fapde dtfeafes, to be taken in tfte morning f afting, in quantitie of a B eane* Cfte diddled water of tfte floures of Spike oz&auenderftealetft meberSB of tfte ^alfte tf tftep be walfted tfterewttft* $f st^chados/o?frenct)lauenocr. fe The Defcription. j H& is a beautiful fterbe,of agood ft ' berp pleafant fmell, witft diuers weake ft tender brancfteS, fetfullof longjfmalljftWftitilftieaueftbtitfmallerjnar- rower ft tenderers of a mozeamiab.lefauour tft an tfteleaues of &auendcr* At tbe toppe of tbe dalkes tftere growe fapre tfticke knoppes^ oz fpikie eares, witft fmal blew floureS,tfticke, fet and tftrufl togitfter* Cftefe knops or eareS' are folde euerp wftere in SftopS bp tbz name Of Sta?cados Arabicum. CftereiS pet anotfter fterbe Wfticft tfte A- potftecaries bo call Stkhascitrina,tbe wfticfte we ftaue befcribed in tfte it* Cftapter of tfte firdBooke* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe growetft in tfte JleS called ^ St^chades, danding directlp ouer agapnft fitparftles, and in diuers places of kaguedoc and ^zouince, ft in Arabia* Jn tftis countrie fome Herboriftes do fowe it, and mapntapne it witft greatdiiigence* iffTheTyme. Sta-cadosflouretft faapapand June,fom- Wftatbefore Jlauender* fyThe Names. Jt ig called fa ©reeke *'& w«5t«*to katine stichas and Sta?chas.- in SftoppeSStichas Arabica,ftStcchadosArabicum:fatfte Arabian tongue Alto- chodos:in©ngli(ft sta?chados,f reneft 7lauender,©affidonie,ft of fomeHauen- dergetie: in Jtaiian^/Ww:tnSpanilft cantuefoiRofmarinho:infv^c\)Suchados. fyThe Nature. Cfte complexion of Stsechados ig ftoate and drp* fyThe Vertues. CftedecoctionofStarchadosWitft ftis floures,or elfe tfte floures alone, bzo-3 fcen,do ope tfte doppfags oftfte £faer,tfte lunges,tfte apelte,tfte apo tfter, tfte bladder,and of all otfter inward parteS,cienffaganddritifagfoztft,all euill and corrupt ftumozs* Jt in alfo berp good agafaft tfte papnes of tfte ftead, and dtfeafes of tfte 8 bzeaft and lunges,and it bzingetft fortft tfte floures,if it be taken in maner as ig afozefopde* Cftep mengletfte floureS,witft good fucceffe fa conterpopfonS, ft medicines &.. The fecond Booke of no mJtnell tftat it ig hot founde in tftis countrie, otftetwife tft£n bzp, and tftat ' fa tfte SftoppeS of certapne wife and diligent Apotftecaries, wfto witft great diligence get it from Candp to be bfeb fa^bificke* 2. % Cftetwo otfter kinbesbo notgrow onlp foCandp,but alfo in bitters otfter ftoate countries* fy The Names. x Cfte firft kfade is called fa ©reeke a<*t«p&:fa jutfae Didamnum,ft Di- damnum Creticum ,of fome aS BfoftorideS WUtetft, Pulegium fylueftre: fa Sftqppes Diptamu,pet notwitftdanding tfte Apotftecaries ftaue bfed an otfter fterbe fa deede of tftiS,Wfticft is no kinde of Didam at all, as Iftalbe declared fa ibig place: it map be called fa ©ngiilft as Curner writetft Didam^r Di&amnu. ofCandie* 2 CftefecondkindeiS called in©reeke4^^KT^@-)and>Pfeudodiaamnum> tftat is to fop,Baftarde Didam. 3 CftetftirdekindeiScalled«A/KT«^:fa Ratine Didamnum.and mapbe weU Called Didam nitertium genus,pr Didamnumnon CretiCum. fy The Nature. » Cfte rigftt Didam is ftoate and drp like |£ennpropall,but it ig of fttbtillee partes* a. 3 Cfteotftertwapneareadoftoateftdrp,butnotfo ftoateastfterigfttDidam. fyThe Vertues. jCfterigfttBictamfaofiikebertuewitft^ennpropal^butpetitiSbetterft^ ftrbgenit bringetft bowne tftefloures, it expulfetfttfte afterbirtft anb tftedead cfttlde,wftetfterit be dzonken oz eaten,oz put in bnder asa^effarieor motfter Subpofttone*Cft elike bertueftatft tfte roote,wfticfte in berp ftoate anb (ftarpe bpon tbe tongue* Cbe iuptz of Bictam in berp goob to be dronken agafaft ail denim, and a- 53 gaind tfte bitings of ail benemous beads anb Serpents* Bictam in of fttcfte force agafaftpopfon, tftatbp tfteonelp fauour anb fmell © i tftereof,it brittetft awap all benimous anb wickeb beaftes, and in manner kil- ?. iefft tftem, caufing tftefome to be adorned, it tftep be but onelp toucfted witft tftefame* Cfte iupce oftfte fame in of foueraigneand finguiar fowzce,againft all kindeS B of woundes madewitft ©iapue,or otfter kinde of weapons,and againft all bi- tings of benimousbeaftS,to be dropped or po wred in, for it dotft botft mundi- 1 fie>cienfe and cure tfte fome* Bictam quadfietft and fwagetfttftepapne of tft e Splene oz melte, and wa* © ftetft or diminilftetft tfte fome,wftan it in tomucft fwollen, or btofted: if it be ep- tfter takeninwarbeip,ozapplied and lapdeoutwardelp* Jt drawetb fortft iftiuers, fplfaters, anb tftornes, if it be faufeb and lapde f bpon tfte place* i©emapfeeit iefte to bs mitttn of tfte Attncients,tftat tfte ©oates of fan- © diebefag Iftottein anb burtebp anptftafte or Jaueline ftanging ozftickingfaft fatfteitflelfte: ftow tftat incontinent tftep feeke out Bictamnum anb eate tft er- of,bp bertue wbereof tbe arrowes follof,anb tfteir wounbes? arecureb* 2 Cfte Baftarbe ^ittmnum in fomewftatiike tfte bertuesof tftefirft,butit H iS notoffogreatafozce* 3 Cfte tftirde kinde attapietft mucft to be put into apebicines, dzeneftes, and J implapfters tftat are madeagainft tftebpting of wicked and beneriious beads* the Miitorie of Plantes* 1.60 ^f fenell* tfljapartffr. fyThe Kyndes. THere are two foztesof f enell*Cfte one in tfterigftt f enell called in<5%t^» Marathron.cftebtfter istftatwfticft growetft berpftigft,and iScalled Hip- pomarathron,tftat is to fap,greatf enell* * fyThe Defcription. Fcenkulum. fenell* I He rigftt fenell ftatft round knot- tie dalkes, as long as a man, and fud of brancfteS tbe fapbe ftalkes are greene witftout ft ftollow unftu ,filled Witft a certafae wftite pitfte 0? ligftt pulpe* Cfte leaues are long anb tender, and berp mucft,and fmall ettt(fo fyu tbzp feeme but as a tuffte oz bulfte of fmad tftreebes ,*pet greater and gentler, and of better fouour tftan tfteleaues of Bill* Cftefloures be of pale pedo d colour,anb do growe fafpokie tuffetsorrttndeisattftetop of tfteftalkes: tbe floure periflfted it turnetft into long t Izzbzn, alwapes two growing togttfter* ^^®^| Cfte roote ig wftite,long,and fingle* ^g^z» Cftereisanotfterfozteoftftisftindeof Ik f ened, wftofe leaues waxe darke, witft a / certapnekfade of tfticke or tawnp redde co- lour, but otfterwife fa all tftings like tfte fird* 2 Cfteotfterkinbecalled tfte great fenell ftatft round demmes witft knzzg ft iopntg, fometimes as great as ones arme, and of fixteneor eigfttene foote long, as writet^ tfte learned Huellius* fyThe Place. r fenell growetft fa tftis countrie fa gardens* iffTheTyme. Jtflontetft fa June and Julp,and tftefeedeiSripefaAuguft* fyThe Names. * Cfte firft kpnde ig called fa ©reekejwHw --and of A&uariusM«'^oH :fa Xatineand in SftoppeS Fcenkulum.- to©nglilfte f ened: in Jtalian Finocbio: faSpanilft Finicho: fa frencft Fenoiiiin ftigft Boucft fencftekin bafe Almaigne <3&cnckei* a Cfte feconde kinde ig called to ©reeke^^***^- fa Ratine Foenicuium erraticum, tftat ig to fop, wilde fenell, and great fenell .• and of fome fenell ©font* fyThe Nature. fmeiliSftoatefatftetftirdedegree,anddrptotftefirft* fyThe Vertues. t, CftegreeneleaueSof fenell eaten, or tfte feedetftereof dronken Witft |&ti- A fon,fidetftwemenSbreafteSoz dngges witft mdke* -*.,.* ^ «* Cfte decoction of tftecrops of f enridz6ken,eafetft tftepapneof tfte kidneps* B caufetft one to make water,ft to auopde tfteftone,ftbrtogetftdownep floures, Zni «p» 270 The feconA Bofft of Cfte rootedotft tfte iike,fye Wfticft isnot onlp good for die intenteS aforefapd, but alfo againft tfte Bropfie to be bopled in wine and dronken* Cfteleaues and feede of fenell dzonken witft wine, in good agapnft tfte c ftingings of ScozpionS and tfte bitings of otber wicked ft benimous beaftes* fenell oz tfte feede dzonken witft water,affwagetft tfte papne of £ domaeke, b and tfte wambling ozdefireto bomtte,wfticft fucft ftaue,as ftaue tfte Ague* Cftefterbe,tfte feede and tfte roote of f enell,are berp good for tfte &unges, © tfte&iuet and tfte kidnepS,forit openetft tfte obftructionS or ftoppfags of tftofe partes,and comf oztetft tftem* Cfte rootes pounde and lapde too witftftonie>are good againft tfte bptinqn f ofmaddeBoggeS* Cfte leaues pounde witft bfaeger areffood to beiapdeto tfte dtfeafecalled © tftewildefire,andallftoate fWeilmgS,andif tftepbe damped togitfter witft waxe,it in good to be lapbe to bzufes and ftrtpes tftat are blacke anb blewe* f enellbopled in wfae,or poitnde witft ople in a?rp good for tfte pearde, or $ fecrete parte of man,tobe eptfter batfted or1tued,or rubbed at;£ anopnted witft tftefame* , , ^ Cfteiupceoffenelldroppedfatotfte eares, ktlletft tfte worm^breedtngfa J tfte fame* And tfte fopde iupcedrped fatfte Sunne, in good to be put fato ©ol- lpres,aub medicines prepared to quicken tfte figftt* ^f^tll* €&ap*jec* fy The Defcription. Anethum* Jllftatft roundeknottieftalkeS,full lof bowgftes ft bzancfteS,of afooteft bade,oz two footelong*Cbeleaues beau to iaggeb, or frenged witft fmall tftzeddeS,not mucft bnlike to fenelleaueS, but a great deale ft arder, and tfte ftrfags or tftzedeS tft erof are greater.Cft e floures be pellow ft grow in round fpokie tuffets iL. ozrundeis, attftetoppeoftfteftalkeslike r>C^^^^ fenell: wftan tftep are baniflfted,tftere co- wp&f* metft tftefeede, wfticfte in fmall and flat, tfte roote in wftite,and it dietft pearelp* fyThe Place. , Cftep fowe Bid fa algardettS,amogft^^J h Wortes,and ^otfterbeS- %&$$ iffTheTyme. Jt flouretb to June anb Juip* fy The Names. CbiS fterbe is calleb to ©reeke««^p . «* fa}LatineandintbeSftoppesAnethum: yh fa©nglilft Bil: fa Jtalian /**^.-faSpa fall) Eueldo,Endros faf reUCft Aneth: faftigft Boucft Bpllen, ft Hocftkraut: fabafe Al- maigneBille. fy The Nature. Bill in almoft ftoate fa tfte tftirde de- gree,aud drp in tfte fecond* fy The vertues. Cfte decoction of tfte toppes and croppes of Bid, witft tfte feede bopled fa ?* water ^hW^pj the Hiftone of Pianees* 171 water and dzonken, caufetft wemen to ftaueplentie of aptlke* Jt driuetft awap bentofttie or windineffe, and fWagetft tfte blaftfag ft get* # ping torment of tftebellp, itdapetft bomiting anb lafkes, anbpzouoketft bzine to be taken as is afozefopde* JtiSberpprofitiibleagafafttbefUffocationozftrangifag of tfte Matrix, if © . pe caufewemen to recepue tftefume oftfte decoction of it,tftozougft a clofe ftole, or ftollow feate made foz tfte purpofe* Cfte feede tft ereof being well cftauffeb, anb often fmelleb bnto, ftapetft tfte B pexe,orftiquet* Cftefame burned orparcfted, taketft awap tfte fwelling ittmpes, anb riftes © ozwztncles oftftetuell,orfunbement,ditbeiapdetbereto* Cfte fterbe mabe fato axfen botft redrapne,clofebp,anb fteale mopfteblcers,efpeciallp tftofe tftat are in tft e (ftare or priuie partes,if it be (trowed tft ereon* Billbopled fa opie,dotft digedand refoiue, and fwagetft papn*, pzouoketft f carnadlude,and ripetft allrawe and bnripe tumors* fyThe Daunger. Jf onebfeitto often, itdiminilftetft tftefigftt,and tftefeede of generation* ^f^npfe* eijap.jeft* fe The Defcription. Anifum. 0ifeftatft leaues liketo pong^erflep, tftat ig new (prong bp: big ftalkes be rounde and ftol- low , bis leaues at tbe firft fpzinging bp, are fomewbatround,bttt afterwardeit ftatft otfter leaueS cut and clouen like to tft e leaues of p erflep,but a great dealefmaller ft wftiter* At tftefoppeof tfteftalkes growetft diuers faire tuftes,ozfpokie nindels witft Wftite floures,like to tfte tuftes oftfte fmal Saxifrage, or of Coziandre* After tfte floures are pad, tft ere cometft bp feede,wfticft ig wftitilft,and infmelland tafte,fweete and pleafont* fyThe Place. Anife growetft naturallp in Spria,ft Candie* 0ow one map find good doze fowen fa tfte gardens of f laft* ders,and©nglande* iff The Tyme. Jt flouretft fa June, and Juip* fyThe Names. Mnitzig called in ©reeke "Wop,^*^: fa ratine andfaSftOppeS Anifum: fa JtMmSemenzede Anifi. fa Spanilft CMatahaluajeruadoce. fa ftigft BOUCft Amfj: fa bafe Almaigne Miig* fy The Nature. Cfte Anife feede, tfte wfticfte onelp ig bfeb fa apedi- tfae,isftoate anb fatfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Anife feede diffoiuetft tfte windineffe, and is good a- gainft belcftfag, and bpbzeaking anb blading of tbe ftomacke and bowels: it ^ ifaagetbtftepapnesanbgriptog tozmentof tftebellp: it ftoppetft tfte lafke: it /caufetft one to piffe,anbto auopde tbe ftone,if it be takenbrp, or witb wineoz Jbatenand ftremouetft tfte fticquetorpeoje, not onelp wftanft is dronken and Z Hii recepued \ *?> .jt, The fecondBooUeof recepued inwardlp,but alfo witft tfte onelp fmefl,and fauour* Jt curetft tfte bloubdieflixe,and ftoppetft tfte wftite ilfue of wemen,and it in % berp profitablp giuen to fucft as ftaue tfte diopffe: foz it openetft tftepppes and conduits oftfte Uiuer, and ft aneft etft tftirft* Annife feede plentifullp eaten,ftirretftbp flelftlpluft, and caufetft wemento <\ ftaue pientp of apilke* Cftefeedecftewedfatftemoutft,maketftafweetemoutft,andeadebzeatft,ft2 amendetft tfteftencft oftfte moutft* Cftc fame dried bp tbe fier, and taken witb l^onp, clenfetft tfte breaft from t fiegmatiquefnperfluitieS) and if one put tfteeebnto bitter Amandes, it curetft tfte olbe Cougft* Cfte fome dronken witft wfae,is berp good agafaft ai popfon,and tfteftfag-1 ing of ScozpionS,and biting of aU otfter benimous beaftes* Jt in firiguier to be giuento infants or pong cftildren to eate,tftat be in ban- <& ger to ftaue tfte failing ftckneffe,fo tftat fucft as do but onlp ft o id it in tfteir ftabs (as foitft |£ptftagozaS)fftaflbe no mote in pertll to fall into tbat euill* Jt fwagetft tft e fquinacc, tft at ig to fap, tfte fwelling of tfte tftrote, to be gar- 9 gled witft Honp,3*faeger and Hpffope* Cfte feede tbereof bounde in a little bagge oz ft andecarcft eff, anb kept at tfte J foote to fmell bnto,keepetft men from breaming, and darting fa tfteir deepe, ft cauretft tftem to reft qttietlp* Cbeperfumeof it,takenbpintotfte$ofe,cutetft ftead acfte* ft Cbe fame pounde witft ople of Ho fes,and put into tfte cares, curetft tfte fa % warde fturtes,oz woundes of tfte fame* <&f Kmeos/ o; il mmt* tfljap^ctj* iff The Kindes. A ap eos in of two fortes, according to tfte opinion of tfte 1&ftpfitionS of our time,tftat in tfte great Ameos,and tfte fatall* fe The\Dcfcription. ^ He great Ameos., ftatft a rounde greene ftalke, witft diuers bo wes ft bzauncbes,tfte leaues be large anb long, parted into diuers otftctlit- tie long narrow leaues,and dented rounde aboute* At tbe top of tfte ftalke tdere grow etft wftite ftarlike floures in great runbeis, or fpo* kte tuftes,tfte wfticftebringetft fortft afmall (ftarpe anb bitter feebe * Cft e roote in wftite and tftzeddie* t Cftefmall Ameos,faan fterbeberpfmalland tender,of afootelongorfom- Wbatmore.Cbedalkeisfmallft tenber* Cbefirdand oideft leaues are long, and berp mucb cut anb clouen round aboute.Cft e bpper leaues draw towards tbe proportion of tfteleaues of f enellorBill, but pet foz all tftattftep are fmal- ler* At tftetoppcof tfteftalketftere growetft alfo in (pokp littell tuffets or run- deis,tftefmall little wftite floures, tfte wfticfte afterwarde do tume fato fmall grap feede,ftoate and Iftarpe in tfte moutft.Cft eroote in little and fmall* fyThe Place. Cftefe two fterbes grow not in tbin countrie of tftemfelues, witftout tfte? be fowen in tfte gardens of HerboriftS*$euertbeleffe wftereas tftep ftaue ben* oncefowen,tftep grow pearelp.ofiftefeedewfticftefadetft of itfelfe* iffTheTyme. Cftep floure in Juip and Auguft,and iftoftelp after tftep peelde tfteir feed! fyThe Names. Cftefirft kinde ig called fa Sftoppes Amcos,bp wfticfte name it ig know* fatfti the Hiftorie of Plantes. 273 fa tftis countrie* Cftefemeaswetftinkeistfterigfttw»,Ammi defcribebbp BiOftoribeS,WftO calletft italfo Cuminum Aethiopicum,Cuminum regium, ft aS HuellfaSfoitft, Cumin um Alexandrinurn. 2 Cftednall is taken of diuers of tftelearned writers inour dapes>foj *** AmmJ,and tfterefoze we ftaue placed it in tft is Cftapter* Ammi commune. • Ammi paruum. ©reat Ameos* Small Ameos* ./. fyTheNatuYe. Cfte feede of Ameos iSftfrateand drpto tftetftird degree* fyThe Vertues. * , Cftefeedeof AmeoSiSd^p good againft tfte griping papne and totmet of 3 tftebellp,tfteftoateptffe,andtftlftrangurie,if ttbe tyontenutwine* Jt bzingetb to wemen tfteir naturall termeS,attd tfte perfume tftereof,togt- # tfter witft Hoffaand tftekernei^of HapfonS,ftrowedbpo qutckecoaies, mun- difietft and clenfetft tfte apotfter,tI tftefomebetaketimfomebollowbeffellor clofe (toole* Jtisgoobtobe bronkenttttft wine, agapnd tfte flptingSof allkmbes of © benimous beaftes: tftep bfetomfagleftwitft ©antftanpes,to refift tftebetum oftfte fome bpcaufe tftep fftoufo not befo fturtefud bntb faan, as tft ep are wftan tftep are taken alone* . , $■ Hmeosbzeped and mengled toitft Honp,fcatf etetft congeled bloud*and put- b tettjawap biackeft blew markes,wfticfteftappehbp reafon of dtipes dr fades, .ifitbelapdetoofamannerofaplapfter* fyThepxMger. f Cbefeebeof Ameos taken into greaUftdantitie, tafcefftawap tftetoiour, and bringetft fijcft apaalneffe,as ig in dead bodies* Cfap.tcttj. Caros. a74 The fecond Booke of &f €aruwape0* fyThe Defcription. Aruwap ftatft aftollo w,ftraked or crefted ftalke, witft manp knots or iopnts,tfteieafe ig be- rp like to Carot leaueS* Cfte floures are wft tte,and grow in tuffets oz rundelS,bearingafmallfeebe,and (ftarpe bpon tfte tongue* Cfte roote is meetelp tfticke, long and pellow, fa tafte almode likebnto tfte Carot* fyThe Place. Caruwap growetft in Carta, as Bi- ofcorides writetft* #to w tftere ig of it to be found in certapne dip medowesof Al- maigne* Jn tftis countrie it isfowenfa gardens* fy The Tyme. Jt flouretft in apap, apeare after tfte Cowing tftereof, and deliueretft ftis feede in June and Juip* fy The Names. CftiS ft erbe in called fa ©reeke k<*£&*: .faftatfae Careum or Carum: fa SftOpS and in Jtalian Car ui: and it tooke bin name of tfte coutrie of Caria,wft ereas it growetft plentifullp: in ©ngiilft it in cal- led Caruwap , and tfte feede Caruwap feede: in frencft carui, or fanes.- in Spa- niffte Aicaranea.Aicoronia: inftigft Boucftel&etf? ftttmmel: fa bafe Almaigne U&itteComifa* fyThe Nature. Caruwap feede in ftoate and drp in tfte tftirde degree* fy The Vertues. Cfte Caruwap feede,isberp good and conuenient for tfte ftomacke,anb for % tfte moutft, it ft elp etft digedion, and pzouoketft brine, anb it fWagetft anb diffoi- uetft all kinde of windineffe and blaftings oftfte inward es partes* And to con- cluded ig anfwereableto Annisfecbefa operation anb bertue* Cfte rootes of Caruwap bopleb,are goob to be eatenlikeCarottes* • €>f£omtjn* €ljap.]ccutj* fyThe Kyndes. , ©ompn,as Biofcoribes writetft,*S of two fortes,tame and wilde* Cuminum fatiuum. Cuminumfylueftre. ©arden Con^n* ttoilbz Comptt* ?§> The Defcription. • HP^e ©arden Compnftatft aftreigfttftem,witft ditiersbrancftes: tfteleaues X be all iaggeb and as it were tbredes not mucb bnlike^ff enell* Cbe floures ' grow in rundeis or fpokie toppeS,like to tfte toppes of Anpfe, fenell, and BiiLCfte feede is browne and long* , CbewildeCompn(asBiofcorideSfoitft)ftatftabrittleftalke,ofafpanl6g, bpon wfticfte growetft foure or fiueleaues all fogged ft toipt, or dented rounde abouf,anb ft isnot pet knowen* Clje * v j the i-iiltoric or Plantes. 27? CfteotfterwildekfadewfterofBiofcorideS writetft (ftalbeftereafterdefcri- bed in tfte Ixxxfa Xftapter amongd tfte #tpgelles,or karke fpurres* fy The Place. Cfte garden Compn growetft in ©tftiopia,©gppte,©alatia,tfteleffer Afia, Ciiicia,and Cerentiua* Cftep do alfo fo we it in certapne places of Almaigne, but it deftretft a warme and mopd grounde* fyThe Names. % Cfte common ft garden Compn in called in ©reeke *wwt\> *wy. fa ftatine Cuminum fatiuum.-faSftOppeS Cyminum: fa©ugiilftCOlfamOZ Confamfa JtalfonCimino- faSpanilft Cominos, Cominhos: fa f reUCft Comyn: faftigft BOUCft Homifcfte &ummel,and garner Pummel-in Brabante Comiju* 1 Cfte wdde Compn in called in ©reeke ™ws\?«ww in Xatine Sylueftre Cu- minum, and Cuminum rufticum. fyThe Nature. Cftefeedeof Compn is ftoate and dzp in tfte tftirdedegree* fyThe Vertues. Compn fcatteretft and breaketft all tfte windineffe ef tfteftomaeke,tftebel> 3 ip,tftebowelsandapatrix:alfoitisfinguler againft tftegripingtorment, and knawiugsorfrettingsof tfte bellp,not onelp to berecepued at tfte moutft, but alfo to be powred into tfte bodiebpclpderS,orto be Iapdeto outwardlp witft Bariep meale* CftefomeeatenordronkeniSberp profitablefor fucfteasftauetfteCongft, b ■ andftauetakencolde,aridfoztftofewftofebzeaftesare cftarged ordopped:and ' it itbed.tonken witft wine, itiSgoodfoz tftem tftat are fturte witft anp beni- mous beaftes* Jtdaketft and diffoiuetft tfte bladings anbfwellfagsof tfte Coddes and C &znitoin befag lapde tfterebpon* Cftefomemengled witft purapmeale,andpoulpeor fubdanceof rapfinS, & ftoppetft tfte inordinate courfe of tftefloures,being applied to tftebellp in forme ofaplapfter* Compn feedepotmde, and giuen to fmell bnto witft bfaeger, ftoppetft tfte * bleeding at tfte $tofe* fy The Daunger. Compn befag to mucft bfed,decapetft tfte naturall complexion and iiueip co- iour,cauffagonefo looke wamte and paale* <^f€o?tander* €t)ap*jwi». fy The Defcription. |^^^^€)rianderisaberp ftinkfagfterbe, fmellfag like to tfte dinktng §n§§&m tob zme called fa atatine Omcx, ft fa frencft Punaife, it bearetft a I WWeMt0^ ftalfee full of brancfteS of afoote and ftatfe long, tfte leaues SV^ra] are wftitilft all fagged and cut: tfte bnder leaues tftat fpzfag bp V^SaeS* firft areabnoftiiketotfteieauesof Cftaruellori^erfele: and tfte bpper ft laft leaues are not mucft bnlike to tfte fame,oz ratft er like to f umeter- rieieaues,but a great dealetederer,ft more iagged*Cfte floures be wftite ft do grow in round tuffetS*Cftefeede in ailrottnde, and ftollow witftin,ft of aplea- fontfentwftan it iSdrp*Cfte roote in ftarde and of wooddie fubdance* fyThe Place. 9 Coriander fafo weriinfieldeS and gardenS,and ft louetft agood and frute- fud grounde* •5i The Tyme. Jtflouretft fa Juip and Auguft,and fljortlp after tfte feede in ripe* fyThe Coriandrum. 25 € tyv The fecond Booke or fy The Names. CftiS fterbe is called in ©reeke*^,* *o^iiwop:fa £atfae ft in SftOppeS Corian- drum: in ©ngiilft Coriander, and of fome Coliader: in Jtalian c*r/Wr*:fa spanilft Cularrtro , Coentro. in f rCUCfte Coriandre. fa Boucft Coriander* ^ ^;n w* m tiifP fyTheNature. «^WP^ ^ Cftegreeneand(linkingCoriander, ig ^\r &4i of complexion colde and dzp, and fturtefud -&0 v \ §Y£tf?ZM;i to tfte bodp: tfte d.zp and' fweete fauoring ^^Mtif^^i feede is warme, and conuenient foz manp ^w^^w? Jtr h* purpofes* ^*K|v !fc?f ^>& fyThe Vertues. ^^^nW.^" Coriander feede prepared, and taken ^^^^^lif^i^J alone(or couered in Sugar)aftermealeS, clofetft bp tftemoutft of tftedomacke, ftap- etft bomiting, anb ftelpetft bigedion* Cfte fame rolled oz parched and dzonkc Witft wine, killetft and bringetft foortft wormes of tfte bodp,and doppetft tfte lafke and/tftebloudpflixejandallotfterextraor- dinarieiffues of bloud* Cfte feede of Coriander ig prepared af- tertftismaner* Cake oftfte feede of Cori- ander well dried, bpon wfticfte pe Iftall power oz cade good ftrorig wine and bfae- ger mingled togitfter,and fo leaue tftem to ftiepe ft fooke bp tfte fpace of xxitii* ftoures: tftan take it fortft of tft e liquor'and bpvzit, and fo keepe it to ferue for apedicinc* 12 e mud alfo note,tftat tbe Apotftecaries ougftt not to fell to anp perfon, of g Coriander feede bnprepared,nor to couer it witft Sugar, nor to put it in af*e- dtcine: for albeit it be wel drped and of good tafte,petnotwitftftandingit map no t be but a littlebfed in medicine witftout great perill and danger* CftefterbeCoriaiiderbefagpet frelft and greene, ft bopled witft tftecromes t of wftite bzead,or Barlep meale,drpuetft awap ft confumetft all ftoate tumozs, fwellings and in&iminationS,and witft Beanemeale it diffoluetft tfte&ings eutd,and wennes ozftarde lumpes* Cfte iupce of Coriander iapdeto witft Cerufe^itftarge, ozfkumeof Sil-1 tier, bttteger, and ople of Hofes, curetft S* Antftonies fire, and fwagetft and eafetft all inflammations tftat cftaunce on tftefkinne* . , fyThe Daunger. ©reene Coziander taken into tfte bodie caufetft one to waxe ftoarfe, and to fall into f renfie,and dotft fo mucft did tfte bnderftading, tftat it feemetft as tfte partie were dzonken • And tfte iupce tftereof dzonken in quantitie of foure Brammes, killetft tfte bodie, as Serapio writetft* • $f <&it o? /Stgeila* Cljap^cto* fyTheKyndes. NJ Jgeila ig of two to^tzg, tame and wtide, wftereof tfte tame ozgarden^i gella,is agapne parted into two fortes,tfte one bearing blacke feede, tij* ot^et ! the Hiftorie oFPIantes. VT7 otft er a ©ftren colour or pale pellow feede, but otft erWife like one to an otfter, as faftalkes,leaues,floures,and fmed* Mclanthium fatiuum. ©arden ^igeila* Melanthium fylueftre. i©iide$igella* feThe Defcription. Hegarden^igeilaftatftaweakeandbrittleftaike,fullofbrauncftes> and of afootelong* Cfteleauesbealltocutandiagged, mucft liketo Meauesof f umeterrie, but mucb greener* Cfte floures grow attfte ^ toppe of tfte bzauncftes,and are wftite,turning towardes a wftttufte oiiigftt blewe, eacbe floure parteb into fiue fmall leaues, after tfte matter of a little ftarte oz rowed * After tftat tfte pad, tbere commetft dp fmall knops oz fteads,witft fiue ozfixe little (ftarpe ftornes bpon tftem5eacfte knop is diuided fatftefaddeinto fiue orfixe celleS,or little cftamb^^^^ tepnedtfte feede, tfte wfticfte (as we ftaue before ^e^/°^et^^^ anb fomtimeS a bleekeor fapntpedow,and like to £>npon feede,tntaft sftarpe, and ofa good pleafont drong fauour* m . z Cfte wilde ^igella ftatft a draked,or creded ftalke, of two fpaneS long, ftiS leauesbealfte colour,and all to eut,more fagged tftan tfte leaues of W**W gella,dzawing towardes tfteleaues of BilUCftefloureS areltketo tfte floures of garden ^igella,fauingtftat^^ fo parteb into fiue ft omed ftufkes, mucft like to Columbpne ftuflkes, m Wfatft e is contepneb tfte fweete anb pleafant feetre* n^* «■„,*« t Cftere ig pet an otfter 0igella,wfticfte isbotft fapze and pleafont,and is tai- led Bamafke 0igella,it ig mucft liketo tfte wilde tfttgellatn tfte imailcu: and Aa tagge 178 The fecond Booke of iagge Of fttS leaueS, btlt biS ftalke iS foil- Melanthium Damafcenura. gee* Cbe floures are blewe anb biuibed into fiue partes ipke to tbe otfters, but a greate deale faprerand biewer witft fiue Bamafke Nigella* tftefloures are gone,tftereappearetft tfte knoppes or ft oznp fteabeS, like as fa tfte garden Nigella, fa wfticfte alfo in contep- ned tfte feede, and itin blacke like to tfte feede of tfte garde tftigella, but it ftatft no fweete fauour* fyThe Place. i. i Cftefe jfcigellas are not found in tftis countrie,fauiugfagardenSWftereaS tftep be fowen* * Cbe wilb ig found growing fa fields, fa certapne places of f raunce and Al- maigne* 3 Cfte Bamafke 0igella growetft plen- tifullp tftroitgft-outall&anguedoc* iffTheTyme. Cfte $tigellas do floure fa June and Juip* fyThe Names. Nigella ig called in ©reeke m*«'v0<°f* fo&atfae Melanthiiim,Nigella,and Papa- uer nigrum: fa SftoppeS Nigella, and of fome Gith: faf reUCft Nielle. t Cfte fftde kinde in called Melanthium fatiuum, and Nigella domeftica, offome saiufandna: fa ©ngiilft ©arden $tigella: in Jtalian Nigella ortclana? fa Spanilft Ksiiipiurc>Axcnuz,:i\\ftigft BoucfteScftwart? kumicft, Scftwart^ku- mel,in bafe Almaigne $tardus,and tfte feede is called tardus faet: in frencft Poyuntte,mb Of'fome Barbue- 2 Cfte Wilde $tigella ig called Melanthium fylueftre,and Nigella fylueftris: faf reneft Nieiiefauuage,oiBarbues. fa ftigft Boucft S* Catftarinen blumen, tftat iS to fop,S* CatftarfaeS floure, offome n^aldtfcftwatt? kumicft: fome lear- ned men tftinkeft to be wilde Compn, wftereof weftaue written iutfteftwto* Cftapter of tftis Booke* 3 CftetftftdekfadeiS ttOWcaded Melanthium Damafcenum, and Nigella Da- mafcena, tftat is to fop, Bamafke 0igella: in frencft NieUedeDamas: in ftigft Boucft Scftwart? Coriander* fyThe Nature. Cftefeedeof^igedaiSftoateanddrp fatfte tftiededegrce* The Vertues. Cftefeede of Nigella dzonken witft wine,isaremedie againft tfteflfazt- % neffeofbzeatb,itdilToluetft,and fcatteretft allbentofitieand windineffein tfte bodp,it prouoketft tyfae, ft floureS,ft facreafetft womans milke, if tftep drinke ft often* Cfte the Hiftorie of Mantes. _ 279 Cfte fame flapetft, and dziuetft out Wormes, Wftetfter ft be dronken witft » wineozwater, ozede lapde to tfte^auell oftfte bellp*Cfte fame bertue ftatft tfteopie tftat isdzaweu fortft of Nigella feede, to annopnt tfte region of tfte bellpandnauelltfterewitft* , . Cft e quantitie of a Bzamme of it dronke witft water, in^ttp good agatnft © ad popfon,and tft e biting of benimous beads* Cfte onelp fume oz fmoake of 0igella toded or burnt, driuetft awap Set* B pents and otft er benimous beads, and killetft flies, ^5zzn> and tDafpeS* Cfte fome mingled witft tfte ople of Jzeos,and lapde to tfte foreftead curetft © tft eft ead acfte: and oftentimes put into tfte 0ofe, is good againft tfte webbe,ft bloudlftotten of tfte zpzn,in tfte beginning of tfte fame* Cfte fame well dzied and ponnd,and wrapped inapiece of Sarfenet,or fine f linencloatft, and often Duelled bnto, curetft aliapurres, CatftarrfteS,ft pofes, drietft tfte biapne,anb redozetft tfte fmellfag being lod* Arid bopled witft water and bineger,and ftolden in tfte moutft,t\imgetft tfte © tootft eacft e,and if one cft ewe it(befag welldried ,)it curetft tfte blcers and io^zg oftfte moutft* Jt taketft out &entils,f reckles,and otfter fpottes of tfte face, and clenfetft H foule fcurufaeffe and itcfte,and dotft foften oide,colde,and ftarde fwellings, be- ing pounbe witft bfaeger anb lapbe bpon* Cfte fame ftiepebin olbewine, or dale piffe (as piinie foitb) caufetft tbe J Coznes and Aguaples to fall of from tfte feete,if tftep be firftftarified anb fco t- cfted rounde aboute* fyThe Daunger. Cake fteedetftatpe take not to mucft oftftisfterbe, for if pe go beponde tfte meafttre,itbringetft beatft* Turner iib.fecundo, I0I.10. 0f Ifflattotfe fiofmarie* €i)ap pctnj* fy1 he Kyndes. Elbanotis,as Biofcorides Wzttetft, is of twoo fozteS, tfte one ig frttte- fttll, tfte otfter ig barren* ®i tfte frutefull forte tftere in two or tftree , kindes* e%> The Defcription. He firft frutefullkinde,ftatft leaues (as Biofcorides foitft )berp mucft biuibed arid cut ipke bnto fenell leaues, fouing tftep be greater and larger, mode commonlp fpread abroade bpon tfte grounde ^amongft tftem growetft dp a dalke of a cubite, tft at is a foote and ftalfe long oz more, bpon wfticfte grow tft e floures in fpokie tuffefS like Bill,and it bearetft great, round,cornered feede,of adrong fouour,and (ftarpe tade * Cfte roote ig tfticke, and ftearie aboucaub fouozfag like Hofin* t Cfte feconde kinde ftatft a long dalke witft fopntes like tfte fenell dalke, on wfticfte growe leaues almode like Cftaruill, or Homlocke, fouing tftep be greater, broader, and tfticker * At tfte toppe of tfte dalkes growetft fpokie tuffets, bearing wftite floureS,tfte Wfticftedo turnefato fweetefmelling feede, flatte,and almod like to tfte feede of Angelica and Brank bzfine* Cfte rooteiS blacke witftout and wftite witftfa, ftearie aboue, anb faueretft like to Hofin or frankencence* 3 Cft ere iS pzt an otfter forte of tftefe fruteful kindes of &ibanotiS,tfte Wfticft tsdefcrtbedbpCfteopftzadusitib*ix*Cftapt*xii* Jtftatft alfo adraigftt dalke Witft knottes anb iopnteS, anb leaues greater tftan aparcfte or Smadacfte* Aa ft Cfte 280 The fecond Booke of Cfte floureS groto to tuftes, like as to tfte two otfter kindeS, ft brtogefoortft great long,and bneuen feede,wfticft is (ftarpe fa tade*Cfterooteisiong,great, tfticke,and wftite,witft a certapne kinde of great tfticke fteare aboue, and fmel- letft alfooffrankencence or Hofin* Libanotidis alterum genus. LibanotisTheophrafti. 4 Cftebarren fctbanotideS (as BtdfcorideS Wntetft)arelike to tftefrutefull faleaueSftrooteS,fauingtftepbeareneitfterftalkeS,6oureS,norfeede* * Cfte Otfterkfade Of TlibanOtiS called Rofmarinum coronanum, m ©ngitlft Hofmarie,ftatft bene alreadp defcribeb Cftap*lxxb*of tftis Booke* fyThe Pkce. CftefrtitefullWbanotideS,arenow founde bpon tfte ftigft mountapneS, billes,and defertes of ©ermanp* feTheTyme. Cftefe fterbes do floure moft commonlp fa Jul?* fy The Names. CftiS berbe in called in ©reeke *iS«v6mi,Libanotis,bf caufe tftat W roote ftv uoietftlikei ©ncenS,wfticft iScalled in ©zeke Libanos,in)Utfae Rofmannus. '- Cftefirft kind(as Biofcorides writetft) ig called offome Zea,and Campfa* ncma: faSftoppeS Funiculus porcinus: fa ftigft BOUCfte BeetWUtt?: fabafe AlmagneBeerwoztel,tbatiStofop,BeerSroote* Cftefeebetfterof is calleb fa©reeke^>xewff»K9UK«x^?:m?latine Canchrys OZCachrys. * * Cbe feconb kinde is called fa ftigft Boucft Scft^artjftirt^wurtj, tftat tS to fop, blacke Harte roote* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 281 j Cfte tftirde is delcrtbed of Cfteopftradtts, wfterefoze weftaue named it Li- banotis TheophraiH: fa ftigft BOtlfft Weif? tyitt^Utth tftat ig tO fop, Wftite Hartesroote,tftefeedeof tftis kinde is alfo called of Cfteopftradus,Canchrys, 0UZ Cachrys. fyThcNaturc. Cftefefterbeswitfttfteirfeedesandrootesare ftoate andd.zpin tfteifecond degree,and are proper to diged,diffolue, and mundifie* fyThe Vertues. Cfterootesof ^ibanotiSdronken wttft wine,pzouoketftbrine,ftfloureS,ft^[ ftealetft tfte gripingpapnes and torment of tfte bellp,and are berp good againft tftebptings of Serpents,fatd otfter benimous beads* Cfte feede of Htbanotis, ig good for tfte purpofes afozefapde: apozeouer it b is fingiiler good againft tfte falling fickneffe,and tfte olde and colde difeafes or tfte faeaft*Cftep bfe to giue it to dunfec witft pepper againft tfte Jauders, etfte- ciallp tft e feede oftfte feconde kpnde of kibanotis, for as toucfting tfte feede of tfte fird kinde called Cachrys, it in not berp good to be taken into tfte bodie, fetng tftat bp bin great fteate and (ftarpneffe, it caufetft tfte tftzoote to be rougft and griettoufe* Cfte leaues of al tfte )libanotideS pounde,do doppe tft e flute of tfte Hemoz- © rftoidesor^ples,and do Couple tfte fwellfogs and inflammations of tftetuell ozftutdement, and itmoiltftetft andtipetftatl olde colde and ftarde duellings, being lapde tfterebpon* Cfte iupce oftfte fterbe and rootes put into tfte zpzn Witft ftonp, dotft quio B ken tfte figftt, and ciearetft tftedimueffe of tftefame* Cfte drp roote mengled witft Honp,dotft fcoure and clenfe rotte blcers,and <& dotft confumeand Wade all tumors or fwellings* Cfte feede mengled witft opie,iS good to annopnt tftem p ftaue tfte ©rampe, f and it prouoketft (Weate* . Cftefomemengled witft Pttrap meale and bineger, fwagetft tfte papne of © tftegoute wftenittsiapde tfteteto* Jt dotft alfo clenfe and fteale tfte wftite dzp fcurffe, and mangfaeffe, if ft be H lapde on witft good ftrong bineger* Cftep lap to tfte foreftead tfte feede called Cachrys, againft tfte bloubtftotten J 01 watering epes* ®f £>efeit* €f)ap*rctjuj* iff The Kindes, §Efeli5asBiofcorideSWritetft,isoftftreeforteS*CftefirftiSta!lcdSefeliMaf- filienfe. CftefeCOltd SefeliAethiopicum. Cftetftftd Sefeli Peloponnenfe. fy The Defcription. [He ftrftkinde of Sefeli named apaffilienfe,ftis leaues are berp mucfte Jclottenandfinelp fogged, butpet tftep be greater and tfticker tftan tfte SSieauesof f enell,tfte dalke is long and ftigft, wttft knottie iopntzn, and bearetft tuffets at tftetoppeliketo Bill, and feede fomewftat long,ftcozncred, (ftarpeand biting* Cfte roote is long like to tfte roote oftfte great Saxifrage, of apieafant fmell(as Biofcozides wzitetb)and (ftarpe tafte* CftefecondeSefeli(aSBiofcozideSfaitft)ftatft leaues like Jupe,bttt fmal- ler and longer drawing neare to tfte propoztion of iBoodbtneleaues* Cfte ftalkeiSblackilfte,oftftzeeozfourefootelonganb fulof bzancftes.Cfte floures are p^low and grow trifpokierundeis like Bill* Cbe feede is as great as a Wfteate Corne,tfticke,fwarte,and bitter: And tftiS is counted to be tfte ©tftio- pianSefeli,altftottgft in deede it is nottfte rigftt ©tftiopian Sefeli* Aa in Cfte i8i The fecond Booke of Sefeli Mafsilienfc. Sefeli Aethiopkum. 3 Cfte tftirdeis Sefeli $elopomtenfe wfticft ftatft aftraigbt long ftalke like fe- nell, oz longer, and growetft ftigft er tften Sefeli of ^arfilcs*Cfte leaues are all to cut and parted into diuers otfter fmall leaues, pet greater and larger tftan tfte leaues of Homlock* Cfte feede growetft likewife in fpokie toppes, and in bzoade and tfticke* 4 AntogdtftekindeSof Sefeli, wemap place tbat drangeberbe wfticft in foud fa tfte garbens of certapne Herborides* Jt ftatft at tfte fird broade leaues fpread bpo tbe gronnbe,berp tender ft finelp iaggeb* Cbe dalke is aboute foure or fiue foote long,wttft knottie iopntS, anb round like to a f enel dalke, but a great beale flende- rer,anb of afapntgreene colour eftangfag towards pellow* Cfte leaues tftat grow at tfte knots or tomtes of tftedalkes do bende and ftang do wneward es,but efpe- ciallp f ftigfted(except a few fmalleaueS) Wfticfte grow betwixt tfte otfterS, ft tftep grow bpward*Cfte toppes oftfte dalkes and theHiftorieofPlantes. *8> anb bzancfteS,arefttllof fmall fpokptuffets,bearingpellow flouteS,anb after- warbefeebe*Cfte roote in long anb ladetft manp peares* . fy The PUee. i Cfte fird kinbe (as wrftetb Biofcoribes) growetft in^rouence, and ztyz* ciallp about ^arfelS,d)fterfozeit is called Sefeliof#arfelS* , Cfte fecond growetft, as witneffetft tftefopd Biofcorides>in ©tftiopia:and it growetft alfo meetelp plentifullp in }$roucnce,and &anguedoc. , Cfte tftird kinde growetft fa ^eioponnefo, tfte wfticfte in now called apo- rea,and it lietft fa ©reece, and ig now bnder tfte ©mpire and dominion of tfte cur eke 4 ' cfteVourtftisfoundbp6certapne!ai9ottntapneSof)lombardie,amaitG;all alfo ffade,it as fome fap,in certapneplaces of Brabant* feThcTyme. i Cfte firft flouretft twife a peare, fa tfte (ftring,and Autumne* .; Cfte fecond,tftirde and fourtft,do floure in Autumne* . fy The Names. x Cftefirft kindeiscalled in©reeke^^^«^«^6»mot;urt)tatfaeSefeli Mat filienie, offome TTXocTVKUjwvop, tftat in Latum Cuminum, Wftlfft iS aS rttttCft tofop in ©ngiilft as large,and broade Compn* 2 Cfte fecond kind in called in ©reeke ^m hhomKoy. fa Ratine Sefeli Aethio- picumiandO^gpptianS^ov©.^^. Cyonosphrice. , i Cftetl)irdkfadefacailed^t^^^7rcwiia-i«Kop:faX,atfae Sefeli Peloponnefe, tftat in to fop'i Sefeli ^eloponnenfe* 4 cfte fourtft ftatft no (peciail name,foning tftat fome take it for a kinde of s c- . feli,and fome fO.Z Libanotis. * fyThe Nature. Cfte feede and roote of Sefeli, are ftoate anddrp in tfte fecond degree, and of (tibtiie partes* ' feThe Vertues. Cftefeededzonkenwitft wfae,contfortetftand warmetfttftedomacke, ftel- a petftdigedion,anddziuetft awap tfte gnawing and griping of tftebellp,it cu- retft tfte fftakings and bzuffag of af euer,and iSberp good againd tfte Iftort- iteffeof bzeatft ftanold Cougft,to be Iftozt it in good for aitfteinwardepartes* Jtpzouoketft bzine,and is good againd tfte drangurie,and ftoatepiffe,ita3 prouoketft tfte menftruall Vermes, expulfetft tfte dead cfttlde, and fetteletft in ftis naturall place againe tfte Matrix or a^otfter tftat is rifen out of ftis place* Jtis mucft woztft bnto tftem tftat ftauetfte falling; ficktieffe* © Cfte traueler tftat dzinketft tfte feede of Sefeli, Wttft pepper and wfae,(ftal B not complapne mucft of coideinftisiottrnep* Cftefame giuen bnto ©oates,and otfter fourefooted beads to dzinke,cau- © ferft tftem eafiite to beliuer tfteir pog ones* Cfte fame propertie ftatft tfte leaues to be giuen to tft e catted to eate* $f^efelt of Canine* tffjap.jccM:. . fy The Defcription. =?,$!* in a tenber fterbe,abottt tftelengtft of a foote and ftalfe, ftisfaan- * cftesaretenberandfmall, and fetbutwitft afeweleaueS, Wfticftebe M berp fmall fogged and cut* Attftetoppeof tfte brancfteS growetfte ^little(pokietuffetsozrunbeis,witft wftite floures, tfte wfticfte being pafttfterecommetft feede,wfticfte ig redde,rottnd,and flatte, garndfted ozcom- paffed aboute witft a wftite border, two feebes growing togitfter one againft Aa iiii an Tdrdylion. 1S4 The fecond Booke of attotfter,eacfteof tftemftauing tfte fftape and propor- tion of a Carget or Buckler* Cfte roote is fmall and tender, and dietft pearelp, fo tftat it mude be euerp peare new fowen againe* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe (as Biofcorides Writetft) growetft bpon tfte a^ountapneAmanus in Cdicia: it is to be found in tftis countrie, fa tfte gardes offome diligent Herborides* iffTheTyme. . Jt flouretft injlttlp and tfte feede is ripe fa Au- guft* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe ig called fa ©reeke **tM**y >««**< k^htikoh , of ^auius ©gfaetttyof/rMop: fa Ratine Tor. dylium,ft Sefeli Crcticum:fa©ngiilft Sefeliof Can- dp:bnknowenfor tfte mod parteinSftoppeS* fyThe Ndture. Cfte feede of Sefeli of Candle, ig ftoate and dzp in tfte fecond degree* fyThe Vertues. CfttfeedeofTordylion dronken fa Wine, prouo-v ketft btine,anb isgoob againft tfte ftrangurie^ft cau- fetft wemen to ftaue tfteir monetfts or termes* Cfte iupce of it bzoken(in tbe qttatitie of a brame, bopleb witb good wine,) bp tfte fpace of tenne bapes, curetft tft c difeafe oftfte rapnesorkidneps* ."??"* '** Cfteroote tftereof mengled witft Honp and often licked bpon, caufetft to C fpitte out tfte tougft and groffe ^ftlegmes,tftat are gatftered aboute tfte bzeaft and lunges* •-•-- .- -w €>f©autuo. ' ap*t* fy The Kyndel. ©n do finde tftree fortes of fterbes, compzeftended bnder tfte name of Daucus,as Biofcorides ft all tfte Auneients do write,wftereof tfte tftird, is onelp kno wen at tftis dap* feThe Defcription. He firfte kinde of Da uc us in a tender fterbe, witft a ftalke of a (panne long, fet Witft leaues a great deafe fmaller and tenderer tftan f erieB leaues * At tfte toppe of tfte dalke growetft little fpokie tuffets, Witft Wftite floures,like to tftetops of Cqriander,peeiding alittle longrottgft wftite feede,ofagoodfauottr and afl;arpetafte*Cftexoote is of tftetftickneffeofoneS ffager,and of a fpannejong* % Cfte feconde kinde fa Uketo wilde #*tflep, tftefeede wftereofis of aberp pleafont and Aromaticallfauour,and of a (ftarpeand bpting tade: ft botft tftefe kindes are pet bnknowen* Cfte tftirde kinde (as BiofcozideS Writetft) ftatft leaueS like Coriander, Wftite flouresrand atufte or fpokie bu(fte, like to wilbe Carot, and longfeede. fortbiskindeof Daucus, tftere ig now taken, tfteftetbe wfticfte fome do call WiideCarrot,otftercall it burbesned: foz ft ftatft leaues like Coziander, but areater,and not mucfte bnliketfte leaues of tfte pellow Carrot* H& floures be \j the Hiftorie of Plantes. ilj be Wftite growing bpon tuffetS or run- Dauci tcrtium genus, dels, ltke to tfte tuffets of p pellow Car- rot,intfte middle wftereof toere is founde alittle fmallflotire oz twapne of a broune redde colour,turning towardes blacke* Cfte feebe in long anb ft earte,and dicketft orcleauetft fadbuto garmets* Cfte roote is fmall and ftarde* fyThe Place. i Cfte firde kinde growetft in ftonp places,tftat ftad full in tfte Sunne,e(peci- allp fa Candp, as Biofcorides writetft* 3 Cfte tftird kinde growetft euerp wftere fa tftis countrie, aboute tbe borbers of fields,in floatp places,ft bp tfte wap fibes* fyThe Tyme. Cftelftirb kfabe of Daucus flouretft in JU\p anb Attgud* fy The Names. Cfte Daucusis calleb in©rekef£ajrifra8e. €ijap*tn fyThe Kyndes. CfteSaxtfrageiSof two fortes, great and fmall* • fy The Defcription. Hp^e great Saxifrage ftatft a long ftollow dalke witft iopnteS oz ^nzzg7 X wftereon growetft darkegreene ieaues,turning towards blacke, made ft faflnoned of manp fmall leaues growing bpon one ftem,after tfte order of tfte garden(Carrot or)$arfenip, but mucft finader, ft eacft little ieafealone,ig foipt round about tfte edges fow-fa*fti6,tftefloureS are wftite, ft grow in roud Cronsgy M The fecond Booke of CronetteS orfyokp tuffets*Cfte feedeis like to common ^atftlie feede,faufag tftat it is ftoater,and bpting bpon tbe tongue* cfteroote is fingle,wftite and long,iike tfte l&arfelie roote,but (ftarpe and ftoate in tafte like ©inger* Saxifragia maior. r Saxifragia minor. Cfte great Saxifrage* Cftefmall Saxifrage* 2 Cfte fmall Saxifrage in altogitfter like tft e great,in ftalkes,leaucs,flontes and feede, fouing tftat it is a great deale fmaller, and of a greater fteate, and fbarpneffe*Cfte roote is alfo long and fingle,of aberp ftoate and (ftarpe tafte* a Cftere in pet an otfter fmall Saxifrage like to tfte aforefapde fa ftalkeS* floureS,feede and roote,and fa propbrtion,fmacke and fmell,fauing bin leaueS are deeper cut, and of anotfter faflftion, notmucftbuliketfteieauesof^arfolie oftfte garden,or tfte wilde ^arfelfe* fyThe Place. , Cftegreat Saxifrage growetft inftigft medoweS,and good groundes* -, CftefmalSaxifragesgrowebnberftedges,and alongft tfte grade fieideS, indtp:paftures, botft tftefe kindes are berp commonfa tftis countrie* iffTheTyme. Saxifrageflouretft after June bnto tfte ende of Auguft,and fromtftat tint* foortft tfte feede is ripe* fyThe Names. Cfte Saxifrage is called in katine and fa tfte SftoppeS of tftis countrie Saxifragia,andSaxifraga,OfSpmonJannenfiSPctrafindula,offomeBibinella: inftigft Boucft Biberneil,and f eldmoren: m bafe Almaigne Beuernaert, and Betternelle*Cftere be fome alfo wfticfte call it Bipennula,Pimpineiia, and Pam- pinulif the Hiftorie of P lantes. 287 pinub>tfte wfticfte ig tfte peculter or proper name of our T^utnzt dtfcribed fatfte xcb*©ftapter of tfte firft booke -and dotft not appertepne bnto tftefe fterbes> aSttappeared)bp tftiSOlde31*erfe: Pimpinellapilos,Saxifraga non habet vllos: tftat ig to fop, ^imputed oz Burnet ftatft fteares but Saxifrage ftatft none* BDfterebp it appearetft tftat our ^imputed commonlp calleb in ©nglinlft Bur- net, (wfticft ftatft certapnefineftearesappearfagitt tfteleaues wftan tftep are broken) was calleb in times pade in katfae Pim pineiia, anb tbin wfticfte ftatft noftearineffeatailwascalleb Saxifragia. Someiearnedmenof ourttme,tra- ueltng to b^m tfte fmall Saxifrage bnber certapne Cftapiters of BiofcozibeS dO cailftSifon: and OtfterSPetrofelihumMacedonicum.Cbetftirb fOZteWOide ftaue it a kinde of Daucus. But in mp iudgement it in mucft liketo Biofcorides &>vviop,Bunium. fyThe Nature. Saxifrage witft ftis leaues, feede and roote is ftoate and drp euen to tfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. CftefeedeftrooteofSaxifragedronkenwitftwine,oztftedecoctiontftere-A of made in wine, caufetft to piffe well, bzeaketb tfte doneof tfte hibnzpn and bladder, and is finguiar agafaft tfteftrangurie,aud tfte ftoppfags of tfte kid- • neps and blabber* Cfte roote bzingetft to women tfteir termes, ftdriuetft foztft of tfte^atrtx, B tl)eSeconbineandtftedeadfrupte,ifitbetaken in maner afozefapde* ' Cfte roote dried and made fato pouder,and taken witft Sugar,eomfoztetft © and warmetft tfte ftomacke,ftelpetft digeftion,and curetft tfte gnawing and gri- ping papnes fatfte belip, and tfte Colique,bpbzpttingawap bentofitieorwin- dtneffe* ^ Cftefomewitfttftefeede,areberp good for tftem wfticfte are troubled witft b anpConuulfionoz Crampe,and Apopiexte, and fozfucft as are troubled witft longcoldefetters, and for tftem tftat arebitten wttft anp benimous beaft, oz ftaue taken anp popfon* Cftefomedronken witft wine and bineger, curetft tfte^eftilenee, and ftol-e oenro tfte moutft preferttelft a man from tfte fopde difeafe, and purifietft tfte corrupt apre* Cfte fome cfteweu bpon,maketft one to auopde mucft flegme, and dzawetft f - from tftebzapneall groffe and clammp fuperfluities, it fwagetft tootftacfte,and bringetft fpeacft againe,to tbzm tftat are taken witft tfte Apopiexie* Jt ftatft tfte ramebertueif itbebopied inbineger alone, or witft fome waterputtftcreto, and afterwarde to ftolde it fa tfte moutft* Cfte iupce oftfte leaues of Saxifrage, dotft clenfe and take awap allfoots <* andfreckles and beautiftetft tfteface,and leauetft a good colour* Jt mundifietft corrupt and rotten blcers, if itbeput into tftem* Cftefame^ bertueftatft tfte leaues bzufed and lapdebpon* ^ Cftedeftiiled water, alone or witft bineger ciearetft tft e figftt, and taketft a- % map ad obfcurttie and darkene(fe,if it be put into tfte fome* &fwl)itt £>ajtffrageo? £>tonei)jseafce* <£t)ap*ct>. fe The Defcription. S^l He Wftite Sarifrageftatft round leaueS, comonlp fpread abrode bpon m f| tfte ground ft fomwftat fogged about tfte bozderS,not mucft bnlike tfte L^^ieauesofgroudJute,butfofterftfmaller,ftofamozepellowilftgrene* epe ftalkerifetft amongft tfteleaues,ft ig round and ftearie, and oftfte lengtft *8S The fecond Booke of Saxifraga alba. Saxifraga aurea. Wftite Saxifrage* ©olden Sylftage* of afoote andftalfe, it carietft at tftetoppcdi- uers wftite floures,almod like to docke ©il- lofers* Cfte roote in blackilfte witft manp tftrebbie drings, bp Wfticfte ftangetftbiuerfe ^^rn dttleroundegtapnes, cornes,orberrieS,ofa V>jh barke or reddilft purple colour, greater tftan ~^> Corianderfeede,lftatpeand bitter,tbewfticft ^jT little grapnes or berries tbep bfe in mediciite £^^ and dd calit Semen Saxifraga?alba?,tftat ig tO fop, tfte feede of wftite Saxifrage oz Stone faeake* 2 Cftere is pet an otfter called golden Saxifrage,wfticft growetft to tftelegtft ofafpanneand bade, witft compaffeb leaues, anb iagges liketo tfte otfter,at tft e toppe of tfte ftalke growe two or tbizz littel leaues togitfter, anb out of fae mibdie of tftem fprtogetft fmallfloures,of agolben colour, and after tbem little roundeftufkes,full of fmall redde feede,and tftep open and difciofe tftemfelues Wftan tfte feede in ripe*Cfte roote in tender creeping in tfte grounde, witft lon- ger tftreades and fteares, and puttetft foortft a great manp ftems or brancfteS* fy The Place. „ t Cfte wftite Saxifrage growetft in dzpe, rougft, ftonp, places, as abouttfte ColempneS, bpddes Batfte in ©ngland: it growetft alfo in f ranee and Al- nfoigne*^elftallalfo finde itplanted in tfte gardens of HerboziftS* t Cfte golden Saxifrage growetft in certapne mopft and waterp placeS,in ©ngland, jftormandie and f launders* iffTheTyme. 1 Cfte wftiteSaxifrage flouretft in apape, and to June tfte fterbe witft fti$ floureSperif(l)etft,andarenomoretobefeene,bntilltftenextpeare* 2 Cfte golbenSaxifrageflouretft toa^arcft anb Aprid* fy The Names. 1 CbiSfterbeiscallebin4atinesaxifragaalba:in ©ngiilft Stone ftteake,ft WftiteSaxifrage: infrencft Rompierre, ft saxifrage bianchc.'intyqfy Boiicft weui? Stefabrecft: in bafe Almaigne iBit Steenbreeck* 2 Cftefecod is called Saxitraga aurea: fa©ngiilft ©olde Saxifrage:fa frencft tompierrctOi saxifrage done.inftigft Boucft ©olde Stefabrecft: fa bafe Almaigne ©uiden the Hiftorie of Plantes. 280 ©uiden Steenbzeek,and tbin name in giuen it: becauft it in like to tfte Wftite Saxdrage,anb bearetft pellow or golben flowers* fy The Nature- Cftis fterbe efpeciallp tfteroote witft tftefeede, is of a warme or ftoatecom- plexion* But tftegolden Saxifrage is of a colde nature, as tfte tade dotft mantfedlp declare* ' fyThe Vertues. 1 Cfte roote of wftite Saxifrage witft tfte grapnes or berries of tftefame, bopleb in wine, and dzonken, pzouoketft brine, mundifietft and clenfetft tfte kidnepes and bladder, breaketft tbe Stone, and ftzingetb it foortft, and ig ftnguler againft tfteStrangurie and all tfte imperfections, and griefeS oftfte repnes* % r©ftat bertue tft efeconbe ftatft, ig to bs as pet bnknowen, bpcaufe tftere ig none ftatft pet pzouedtt* ^f<@romell* tffjap.ctt;. fyThe Kyndes. THe©romell is oftwofozteS,one of tftegarden, tfteotfterwilde •• and tfte garden ©romellalfo ig of twofortes,great and fmall* Lithofpermum maius. Lithofpermum minus* Cfte great ©romed* Cftefmall ©routed* 33b *Tbt *£o The fecond Booke of fy The Defcription. H<£ great ©romel batft long,dender,ftearie ftalkes,tftewfticftedo moftcommonip traple alongeft tftegrounde, befetwitft long browne ftearie leaues, betwixttfte wfticfte leaues and tfte ftalkes growetft certapne bearded ftufkes,bearing at tftefirft aCmalbiewefloure,and afterwarde, alittleftarde,rounde,ftoniefeede,ofareafonabiequautttie* Cfte ! roote in ftarde of a wooddie fubdance* 2 Cfte fmall garden ©romelftatft draigftt rounde wooddie dalkes, and fall of brancftes,ftiS leaues be loitg,fmal,lftarpe,and of a fwart greene colottr,final- ler tftan tfte leaues of tfte great ©romel * Betwixt tfte leaues and tfte ftalkes growetft fmal wftite floureS>anb tftep bring fooztft faire rounde, wftite,ftarde, and ftonie feede, l?ke bnto Series, and fmaller tftan tftefeede of tfteaforefapd kinde* z Cftewflde©romeliSiike bnto tfte fmall fodaikes,leaues and floures, fe* . utog tftat tfte feede in not fo wftite, neitfter fo fmootft ft plapne: butfomwftat fl;riueied ozwrfackled,like to tftefeede oftfte common langue de beufe,and tfte leaues be a little rougher* 4 Beddes tftefe two kindes tftere in pet founde a wilde kinde of ©romel, tbfticftiSberpfmall,ofwfticftekfade tfte learned ieromezaocke ftatft treated in l)in fterball, it growetft a (pan long, witft bin dalke fet witft fmall narrowe leaues,like to tfteleaues of lpneorflaxe,betwixttfte wfticft leaues ft tfte dalke, it bringetft foortft alittiefmootft,blacke, batbefeebc,fterplpke tfte feedeof tfte fmall garden ©romel* fy The Place. i Cftegardmortame©romelgrowetftfafomeCountrieSfarougftplacesr ftere tftep fowe it in gardens * Cft e fmaller garden ©romel growetft not often of ftim felfe,fotting alongeft tfte Hitters and water fides* 2 Cfte wtlde in founde tn rougft and donie places* iffTheTyme. ©romel flouretft fa June, Juip, and Auguft, fawfticftefeafonitdotft alfo deUuer ftis feede* * , fyThe Names. ©romeliScalledfa©reke^oOTi^oj;:andin]iatirieLithofpermum,offome yoe>wop: of tfte ArabfonS Milium Soler: faSftoppes Milium folis: in (inglilfte ©romeland©remii: fomenameitalfo ^earleplante: in f rencfte Gremii,oj Berbe auxperies: inftigft Boucft apeerftirfcft, ora&eerfttrfen, and Steinfomen: fabafe Almaigne^eeriencrupt,andSteenfaet:in Jtaiion Milium sobs* fy The Nature. Cftefeede of ©rcinii is ftoate and dzie in tfte feconde degree* fy The Vertues. ©romel feedepounde and dronken fa wftite wfae,bzeaketft tfte Stone,drv % ttetft ft fOOftft and pfaUOketft bliMX but efpecially the Stone in the bladder, as the Authors write. Turner. ^f6etonp. <£l)ap*cutj* fet he Defcription. B©tonpftatftleaueSfomWftationgandbroade, of adarke greene colour, btontlp fogged rounde about tfte ebges like a fowe,and of a good fouour* Amongft tfte fopd leaueS growetft bp a rougft fquare ftalke of a foote and ftalfe the Hiftorie of Plantes. z?l . ftalfeUwg, decked witft fticfte like leaueS / fletonica. Betonp* bfaa<#eatdeale fmaller, and bearing at tfte top atftortlppkieeare,fullof flowers, moft rmumohlp of a crpm(fa,or redde put- pie colour, and fomtpmes (but berp fel- dome),aswftiteasfnowe: after wfticfte flowers tftere commetft in tftefapdfppkie tuffets, blacke feede, long and cornered, Cfte roote ftatft tft zeddie (fringes* 2 Paulus Aegineta faaketft mention of an otfter Betonp, called of tfte later writers Veronica, tfte wfticft we ftaue defcribeb in tfte i7*Cftapter of tfte fird booke* fyThe Place. Betonp growetft fa mebbowes, Ifta- dowp wooddeS, and mottntapnes: Jtis alfo commonlp planted in gardens* fyThe Tyme. Betonp flowretb commonlp fa Juip anb Auguft* fy The Names. Betonp or Beuy ne,is called fa ©reeke Kts-e<>F. ks"4op .• Jn&atine and fa fl)OppeS Betonica and Vetonica: Jn Spa- ntlfteBrctonica : JnfrenCbe Bctonie: Jn ftigft Boucft Braun Betonick: Jn bafe Almaigne Betonie* fy The Nature. Betonp is ft oate anb drp fa tfte feconbe begree* fe The Vertues. CfteBecoctionofBetonieftzonken,pzouoketft brine, bzeaketft tfte Stone % of tftekidnepes, dotft clenfe and fcoure tfte breaft and lunges from flegme and flpme, and in berp profitable foz fucft as ftaue tfte f&fttftidk or confumptio, and are bexed witft tfte Cougft* Cfte leaues of Bettapne dzied,are good to be giuen tfte qxmntitiz of adzam B witft Hpdzomel, tftat in to fop, Honied water,bnto fucft as are troubled witft tfte Crampe,and alfo agapnft tfte difeafes oftfte a^otfter oz matrix* Cftefame takeniniike manner,bringetft tfte flute menftruall* © Cfte dreid leaues dzonken in wine, are profitable againd tfte biting of Ser- B pentes,and fo be tftep to beapplped orlapde outwardlp bpon tfte wounde: and ft is good alfo foz tbm tftat ftaue taken mp popfon* And if it be taken before ftande,it preferuetft tftepeople from all popfon* Betanp openetft and curetft tfte oppdlation oz ftoppfag oftfte iiuer,tfte melt, © and tfte kidnepes,and in good agapnd tfte Bzopfie* Cfte fame dronken witft wine and wateris good forfftemtftatfpetblood, f and ftcuretft al fawarde and outwarde woundes* Cfte fome taken witft HP^omeloz#eade,loofetft tftebellp berp gentillp, © and ftelpetft tftem tftat ftaue tfte falling fickneffe, madneffe, and ftead acfte* Jt comfortetft tfte ftomaeke,ftelpetft digeftion,teagctft beleftfag ft tftedeftre $ 3b ii t$ '* *9* The fecond Booke of tobomftifitbetakenWitft ciarifpedftonie, intfteeueningafterdipper*Cfte fome bertue ftatft tfteConfente tfterof made witft fugar and taken in tfte quan- titie of a beane* Cfteroote of Betonpdzied,and taken witft ftonied water, caufetft one to * caft out and bomit tougft ciammie flegme,and otfter fuperfluotts \)umopn, &fpmm <£ftap*tti. fyThe Kyndes. Diofcorides tftat famousftnd auncient writer of 0lanteS J ftatft defcribeb bnto dstftree fortes of #anaces: wft erof tfte firft in Panaces Heraclium. CftefeCOUdeiS Panaces Afclepij: Cfte tftftde in Panaces Chironium. fe The Defcription. n«v«xtff »£«K\«oy. Panaces Heraclcum. ^,H C firft kinde of panaces, ftatft great greene and rougft leaues, lapd ft fpzead afaoade bpon tfte grounb, and parted into fine iagges and cuttes, almoft Ipke tfte leaues oftfte figge tree * Amongft tftem fpzingetft bp, along tfticke ftalke witft iopnteS , wftite witftout and ftearie, fet ftere and tftere witft tfte ipke leaues: but fomwbat fmaller, anb bearing at tftetopabnlfte,orfpo- kie tuffete ipke bnto Bpll, tfte floure ozbloffomofitpedowe, anb tftefeede in of a pleafant fauour (ftarpe ft boate* Jt ftatft diuers wftite rootes grow- ing oz comming foortft of one bead, of a ftrong fauour, and couered witft a tfticke bitter barke* fl)ut of tfte fopde roote, and tfteftein, oz dalke cut, and fcarrified,flowetft tfte gomme or li- qttoz, called opopanax, tfte wfticfte being frelft and newlp drawen foortft of tfteplanteis wftite: but bepng due it waxetft all pellowe witftout, as tftottgft it were coloured witft Saf- fron* Cfte feconde kinde of panaces, 2 ftatft a dender dalke of acubite long witft knottes oziopnteS,tfte leaues begreater,moreftearie,*and of adronger fauour tftan tfteleaues of fenell ♦ Cfte floures growe alio in tuffetes oz run- deis,and tftep are pellowe of an odif erous fouour, and Ift arp e tafte*Cfte roote is fmall and tender* , * Cfte tftirdekinde as Diofcoridesand otftersdo write, ftatft leaues likebtt* to a£arierom,floureS of a golden colour, afmall roote, not gbpngdeepe fatfte grounde,and of alftarpetafte* But as Theophraftus,and Piimcdo defcribe it, CftiS tftirde kinde of panares (ftouldeftaueleaues Ipke bnto patience, op Sorrel, floures of a golden colour, and alongroote, fo tftat amongd tfte old* writers,iSnoperfftconfenttoucftingtftiStftirdekfadeof^anat* fyTii the Hiftorie of Plantes. 191 Quarta Panacis Species. Cfte fourtft kinde of ]£anax« fy The Defcription. 0to tbefe tftzee kindeS of 1&a- ijnaces, we map iopne a certapne otfter ftrange plant, wftofe feede kg founde amongd opopanax. And tftis plante ftatft great large leaues, fomwftat rougft ft ftearie, largelp fpread abzoade,and made of fundrp leaues iop- ned togitfter all in one, wfterof eacfte col- laterad (oz bp, leafe ) in long and large almoft like to £ leaues of ^atience:Cfte ftalke oz ftem of tftis plante in full ofr iopntes,and of fiue or fixe foote long, di- utding itfelfe agapne into otfter dalkes and bzancftes : Cfte floures bepellow, growing in fpokie tttffetes or rundeis: Cftefeede is piapne, ft tfte roote is long and wftite* fy The Place. t Cfte firft kinde growetft about €pm in Lybia,and Macedonia : alfo fa Bceotia, ft fa Phocis of Arcadia, wftereastftep bfe to fo we it, and manure it diiigentip, for tftegapne tftat in gotten of tfte foppe or iupce tftereof* 3 Cftetftirdekindegrowetft bppon tfte mount Pciius in f heffalie, ftlouetft good grounde* }§>TheTyme. . Cfte Opopanax isdzawen, gatftered fatfte time of ftarued* fyThe Names. 1 Cfte firft kinde in calleo in ©reeke w««kw no«*.\**\>, tftat in to fap fa katine Panaces Hercuieum of ©alienalfo Panax rtnknowenfa tfte (ftoppes ftere* Cfte liquor tftat commetft fromit,iS called fa ©reeke **«w«|: in Ratine al- fo Opopanax: fa IftoppeS Opopanacum. 2 Cfte feconde kinde in called »«««*«xwnou,tftat ig to fap in Ratine Panaces Afclepij,0Z Acfculapij Panaces. * CftetfttrdeiScailed7r«Wtex«e^oH,PanacesChironium. 4 Cftefourtft Iftoulde feeme to be Panaces Syriacum, wfterof Cfteopftrattus ft #lfate ftaue mentioned: wfticft differetft from tfte former kindes, as weftaue els wftere,more largelp written in jtatine* Panaces: fa IftoppeS (Stalled Siler montanum. fyThe Nature. 1 Cfte firft panaces ig ftoate fa tfte tftirde degree, and drpe fa tfte fe- conde* Cfte liquoz tftereof ig alfo oftfte Ipke temperament* 2. j Cfte tftzee otfter kindes are of tfte like temperature, but not fo ftoate, nor fo 4 ftrong* 23b til The ip4 The fecond Booke of feThe Vertues. t Cfte feede of tfte firft panaces dzonken witft wozmewood, mouetft Wo- A menS flO WrtS : Alld taken Witft Herbe Sarrafine, Wfticfte in Ariftolochia Clc- mati tis,ft ig good agapnft tfte popfon of all benimous beaftes* B eingdrouken Witft wine, it curetft tfte fuffocation and ftrangling, or cftokfag oftfte ajjtv trix or ap otfter, and caufetft tfte fame to fall aud tetunte agapne to \)ig natu- rall place. Cfte roote of panaces cftopped or ftackt berp fmall, and applied belo we to as tfte a^otfter or Matrix, drawetft foortft tftedead Cftplde, and tfte bnnatttrad birtft* Cfte fame roote mengled witft Horjp, and lapde bppon, and alfo put into © olde blcers, curetft tfte fame, anb coueretft bare, or naked bones witft delft agapne* 2 Cfteflowers and feede of tft efecondekinde of ^anaces,are berp profitable B agapnd tfte bptinges of S erpentes, to be dronken fa wine, or lapde bpon tfte wounde witft iDple* Cftefame flowers and feede mingled witft Honp, and lapde tftereunto, do © cure olde malignant, corrupt, and fretting foares, and alfo knobbes or ftarde fwellfages* i Cfte feede, tfte flo wers,and alfo tfte roote oftfte tftirde panaces, are berp * good to bebronken,againft tfte benom of Serpentes,and Pipers* ^flouage* €ljap*(W. fyThe Kyndes. f mentaketftatfterbeWfticfte ig commonlp called faSftoppeS Leuifti- cum, for one of tfte fortes of Liguftkum .Cften tftere are two kindeS or Ligufticum, tfte one wfticfte ig tfte rigftt Liguftkum, defcribeb bp tfte Attncientes, Anb tfte otfter wfticfte map be a badarbe or wilde kinde of Ligu- fticum. fe The Defcription. ]H^rigbtLigufticum,befcribedbp Diofcorides, isfa ftis rdoteipketo tfte fird kinde of ^anax: it ftatft deader dalkes, witft iopnteS like bn- to Bid* Cfte leaues are Ipketo tfteleaues of a^eiiiot, buttftepbe fofter and of a better fauour, wftereof tfte bppermod leaues are tendered, and more fogged or cut* Attfte top of tfte ftalkes growetft tfte feede in fpokie tuffetes,tft e wfticfte in ftarde and longe, almoftlike to fenell feede, of an aro- maticail or Sppcie fauour,and in tade (ftarpe and bpting*Cfte rooteis wftite> and odoriferous, mucft Ipke to tfterooteoftftefirdkindeof ^anax*#leuertfte- leffe it in not pet knowen intbin Countrie* , Cfteotfter fterbe, wfticfteis taken in tftis Countrie for Ligufticum, ftatft great, large, odoriferous leaues, mucfte lagged and cut, almoft ipke to tfte leaues of Angelica: but a great deale larger, faprer and of a deeper greene colour,deeper cut and mozeclotten*Cfte dalke in fmootft,rounde, ftolowe, and iopntie, of tfte lengtft of a man or more, witft tpokieriinbeis,orttiffetes, attfte topoftftedalkes:bearingapellowflower,andaround,flat,bzoade,feede: lar- ger tften Bpll feede, and fmaller tften Angelica feede ♦ Cfte roote ig long and tfticke and bringetft foortft perelp newe Stemmes* fyrbc 3 the Hiftorie of P kntes. -19 j Ligufticum verum. Ligufticum vulgare. Cfte rigftt tottage. Cftecommon Jdouage* fyThe Place. Cfterigftt Ligufticum, growetft in oliguria, bppon tfte mount Apennian, ' i neare to tfte Cowne oz Citie of znuznj anb in otfter monntapnes tftere about* Cftefeconde kindeisplanted in our gardens* z iffTheTyme. &ouage flowretft mod commonlp fa Juip and Auguft* fyThe Names. % CftefirdandrigfttkindetScalledfa©reeke^ywrtKop,andof©alien^vr>Kop: in katine Ligufticum.and offome alfo as Biofcozides writetft Panaces,bp tfte WfticftnameitiSpetknowenintfteSftoppeSof ©enttes: in tfte SftoppeS of fiattnders tftep call it SiierMontanum:fa©nglilfte?louage: in frencfte u. uefihe^nb in BOttCft Ligufticum. * Cfte feonde kinde is called in SftoppeS Leuiftkum, and tfte Apotftecaries bfe it fa deede of tfte rigftt Ligufticum : in ©nglilfte jkouage: in f rencfte Leueffe, or Liuefhe • fa Boucft z )liebftockel : fa Bzabant ;*lattetfe, anb %zuv ftock* fyThe Nature* Ligufticum in ftoate tub bip fatfte tftirbe degree* Houage in alfo ftoate and drpe, and of qualitie mucfte like to Ligufti- cum. fyThe 2jf 6 The fecond Booke of fy The Vertues. - Cfterooteof LigufticumisderpgoodforallinwardedtfeafeS , dtiuing a-A wap all bentofitie, or windineffe, efpeeiadp tfte windineffe of tfte (tomacke, and is good agapnd tfte bpting of Serpentes,and al otfter benimous beades* Cfte fameroote well dried and dronken witft wine, pzouoketft brine, andB tftemenllrtiall termes: it ftatft tftefame bertue, if it be applped to tfte fecrete place ina^effarieormotfterSuppofitorie* Cfte feebe of Ligufticum warmetft tbe domacke, ftelpetft bigedion, and in c pleafont to tfte moutft and tafte, wfterfore in times paft tfte people of ©emies dpd bfe it in tfteir meates fa ftebe of ^epper,asfome bo pet,as witneffetft An- tonius Mufa. 2 Cftcrooteanb feebe of louagebrpeb anbbzonkeinwine, botftdziebp and & warmetfte domacke, eafetfttreneftes or griping papne of tftebeilp,bziuing a- wap tbe bladinges and windineffe of tbe fome* Cbe fame roote and feede do mo tie brine, and tbe naturall fickneffe of wo- <$ men,wftetfter tbzp take it fawarbip, oz wft etfter tbzp batfte tftem felues witft tfte decoction tftereof, in fomeftollowefeate,or due* Co conclude, tfte louage in facultie and bertueS,botft notdiffer mucft fromf Ligufticum,and it map bebfed witftout error, in deede tftereof* Cftedidillcd water of louage, clearetft tftefigftt, and puttetft awap all® fpottes,lentiies,or frecles, and redneffe of tfteface, if it be often waflfteb tftere- witft* €>f^n0eUca. Cljap*ctj^ fyTheKyndes. * ANGELIC Aisof two fortes, tftat in tfte garben anb wilbe Angelica, fyThe Defcription. , r^W,H©gardenAngelicabatftgreatbroadeieaueS, diuided agapne fato jffllf§otfter leattes,wfttcft are fnipt and dented about,mucft liketo rfteftigljeft S^^leaueSof SpondUium, or Boucft Branckvrfme, but tftep be tenderer,, longer, greener, and of a dronger fauour* Amongdtftofeleaues fpzingetft bptfte dalke, tftzeepeeresaftertftefowingoftftefeede, tftewfticfte (ialkeis tfticke,andiopntte,ftollowewitftin,andfmelletft almoftliketo Petroleum* At tftetop oftfteftalkes growetft certapne little felmes, puffed orbolnebp Ipketo fmall bladders ozbagges,out of wfticft commetft tfte fpokie toppes or rundelS almodlikebnto tfte tops of f ened, bearingwftitefloureS,ftafterward great, bzoadedoublefeede, mucfte greater tftenBiilfeede, and liketo tftefeedeof tfte tftirde kinde of Sefelp*Cfte roote in great and tfticke, blacke witftout ft wftite witftin,out ofwfticft,wftenit isfturtor cut, tftereflowetft a fat or oplie liquor, like gomme,of a drong fmellor tafte* » Cfte wilde Angelica in like to tftat oftfte garden,feufag tftatftis leaueS are not fo deepelp cut oz clouen,and tftepbe narrower and blacker ♦ Cfte dalkes be mucfte denderer and (ftorter and tfte floures be wftiter* Cfteroote is agreat dealefmaller,and ftatft more tftzeddie (fringes, and it in not bp a great deale of fo ftrong a fauour* fyThe Place. Cfte tame Angelica is fowen and planted in tfte gardens of tftis Countrie* Cfte wilde growetft indarkelftadowp places, alongeft bp water fides, and wooddes (landing iowe* iffTheTyme. Cfte two kindeS of Angelica,do flower to Juip and Auguft* fyThi the Hillorie of Plantes. Angelica Satiua. Angelica Sylucftns. milbz Angelica* ip harden Angelica* x^^^^Sl^^^ fyThe Names. Cftis fterbeis calleb fa ©ngiiffte Angelica: faf rencfte fJtngeUaw .tnftfaii Boucft Angelick, bzn ftcpligften gfteidswurt^el, ober BruftWttm: in tit IftoppeS of Brabante Angelica. Cftereispet none otfter name knowen to bs* fy The Nature. Angelica efpeciallp tftat oftfte garben ig ftoate anb bip, almoft fa tbe tftirbe degree* fe The Vertues. Cfte late writers fop, tftat tfte rootes of Angelica are contrarte to all pop-A fon, tfte0eftileuce,and all naugfttie corruption^ euill oz infected apze* Jf anp bodp befafecteb witfttfte^ediieneeozplague,ozelstspopfoned B tftep giuefttm draigfttwapesto drinke a Bzam of tfte powder of tlits roote Wttftwineintfte winter, and infommer witfttfte diddled water of Scabiofa Carduus Benedicts, or Hofewatet, tften tftep bzingftimtobedde, andcouer fttmwellbntilifteftattefwetwelL ««huuw Cftefamerootebefagtakenfaftingintftemozning, oz but onlp kept ozboi-c denmtftemotttft, dotft keepe and pzeferue tfte bodp from tfte infection of tfte Pefttlence,and from all ettpll apze and popfon* y Cftepfapaifo tftat tfte leaues of Angelica pounde witft tfteleaues of &m%* and ftonte,are berp good to be lapde bnto tfte bitin^zn of mad Bogges, Ser- pentes,and^me^ tfteroote orleaues of Angelica ftaue bopleb* v*wunwwvur *9# The fecond Booke of ^fljeieff range oj Sbulplwtttjojt. « Peucedanus. fy The Defcription. HH & fterbe ftajft a weake flender ftalke, witft iopnteS or knottes, tfte leaues are greater tftan tfteleaues of f enill,iike to tfte leaues of $im tree* At tfte top of £ dalkes growetft rounde fpokie tuffetesfull of little pellowe flowers, tfte wfticfte afterwarde do turne into bzoade feede*Cfte roote in tfticke and long, blacke witftout,and wftite witftfa,of a ftrog gree- uotts fmell, and fuU of pellow fap oz liquet fmellfag notmucftebnliketo Sulpftur, or Bzpmdone, and it bearetft attfte ftpgfteft of tfterooteaboue tfte eartft a certapne tfticke orbulfteof fteare, like to tfte rootes of HU banotideS,beforedefcrtbed,amogdwfticfte tfteleaues and dalke do fprfagbp* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe growetft bppon tfte ftigft mountainesof AUnaigne,ft in tfte woodes of &auguedoc,ft certapne otfter countries* Here tfte Herboziftes do fowe it in tfteir tfteir gardens, jt in found inxertapnepia- ces of ©nglande,and B* Curner foptft, fte founde a roote of it at S* and tfte fading fick- neffe* Cftefamefoppeapplped as is aforefapde, curetft tfte#attlfie,tfteCrampe, f and drawing togptfter of finewes, and ailolde, coldedifeafes, efpeciallp tfte Sciatica* Cfte perfume of Peucedanum burned bppon quickecoales,dziuetft awap © Serpentesand ailotfter benemous beaftes creepingbpontftegrottnbe* Cfteiupce of itputinto tfte concauitie or ftolldwneiTeof a naugfttietodtft,H fwagetft tootftacfte: andpowzed into tfte eares witft dpfe of HofeS,curetft tfte ' papne oftfte fame* Cftep lap it witft good fueceffe bnto tfte rupture oz burfting df ptunqz cftil- J dzen, and bpon tfte ^auelles tft at dande ottt,oz are to mucfte lifted bp* Cfterootefaberttteis ipketo tfteiupce: but it in ndtaitftfag fo effectual** ft Petmendrinketftedecoction tftereof, agapnd all tft e dtfeafes wftereunto tfte tftfc iupce in good* Cfteroote dried and madeinto po wder,dotft mundifieand clenfe olde ftinc- % king and corrupt blcers, and dzawetft foortft tfte fplfaters and peeces of boones, and bzingetft to a fcarre , and ciofetft bp blcers , tftat be ftarde to fteafe* Cftep mingieitberpprofitablp witft alopntmentesand ©mplaifters, tftat ap are made to cftafe and fteate anp part of tfte bodp, wftatfoeuer* Cfte fame dzped and mengled Witft tfte *0ple of B ill, caufetft one to fweate 0 tf tfte bodp be annopnteo and rubbed tfterwitft* ^fgreat pellitotfe of f?papne/ 3Jmperato?(a/ 0; flftaacrtuojt* <£tjap* cm:. fyThe Kyndes. Afterwo.zt isof twofoftes, tamef ft wiide,ndt mucft onlpkeorfeanotfter, ,afwel in leaueS as in floures and coo tes, ft bo tft kindes are weiknowen fa tftis Countrie* fy the Defcription. ^^? f Mperatoriaor a^afterwort ftatft great broade leaueS,almoft like Ale- J||xanbet:btttof beeper greerte,anb dronger fouour, tuztp leafe in dint- Pfded into tftree otfters, f wfticft agapne ftatft two oz tftreedeepe cuttes = oz gaflftes,infomucft as euerp leafe in diuided fato feue,oz nine parts, and euerp partis tootfted op natcfted rounde about like afawe* Amongd tftefe leaues growetft tfte tender knottiedalkeS,Wfticfte be of a reddilfte colour next tftegrounde,bearfagattftetoproundfpokie tuffets witft wftite floures,after tftewfticftecomirtetfttftefeede, wfticfte is large and Ipke to Bpdfeede* Cfte rooteisiongoftftetftickneffeofonesfinger, creeping alongftandputtetftbp newe J00 The fecond Booke of A(tcrantium,Oftrutium. new leaues fa fondrte places, fomwftat blacke witftout and Wftite witftfa,ftoate or bpting bpontfte tongue, ft of a ftrong fauour* * Cftt Wpide Imperatoria, cdrttittOnlp Called Herbe Gerarde,or AilftedDeede,tS not mucft bnlpke £ abouefaidein leaues, flowers,ftrootes,fouiugtftat tfteleaues are fmaller growing bpo longer Stem- mes,and tfte roote in tenderer wftiter and not fo tfticke * Alfo tfte wftole plante witft ftis rooteis not altfting fo ftrong fa in fouor,petitiS not altogitfter witftout a certapne ftrong fmell or fatior* fyThe Place. ! Afterantium ora^afterwozMS fome- tpmes founde fa wooddes arid defertes bpon iittel ftplles oz fmall mountapnes* Cftep do alfo plante it meetelp,plentiful- Ipe in tfte gardinS of ftigft and bafe Al- mapne,and ©nglande* t Cfte feconde Imperatoria, or Wplde apaderwott,geowetft commolpinmoft gardens of W ownekinde, and tftfs iS furelp a weede oz bnprofitabie plante* And wfteras tftefefterbes ftaue once ta- ken roote, tftep wpll tftere remapne wtl- iinglp, and do pearelp increafe ft fpreade abzoade,gettingmore groundedaplp*f or wfticft cattfeas J tftinkeft was full called imperatoria or Rafter wo oft j in Boucft* - iffTheTyme. CftefefterbeSdo flower ftere in Juneand Juip* fy The Names. Cfte firft kinde in called of fomeHerborifteSand ApotfttcarieS, ofteritium, Oftrition,Oftrutium,or Afterantiumtof fofae Imperatoria: Jn ©njjli(ft alfo Im- peratoria Mafterwortejmd PeilitoricofSpapne: JnJtalion/w;^/^/i: Jn f rencfte Oftrutium,OZ Imperatoire,atlb Herbe duBenioin,bUtfalfelp: Jllftigft Boucft a^epdeewurt?: Jnbafe Almaigne ajJeefterwortell* CftefeCOUb Or Wilbe Imperatoria,iSUOW called Herba Gerardi, t^tpwaMp. 3 and Septifoiium, tbat is to fap, Herbe Gcrarde, and Setfople: Jn©ngliflje fome cailit Ailft weede: Jnbafe Almapne ©eraert,and Seuenblat* fyThe Nature. Afterantiumftut cftiefelp tfte roote isftoate and dzp in tfte tftirde degree. Cfte wilde in atotod of tfte fame nature and qttalitie, but not fo drong* iffTheVertues. aj)adetworteiSnot onelp good agapnd al popfon, but alfo it in ftnguler j 1 agapnd all cozrupt anb nougbtie apze, and infection of tfte^edilence ,ditbe dronken witb wine and tftefamerobtepoundebp itfelfe or witft big leaueS, dotftbiffolueanbcure^edilentialCarboncleSandBotcfteS, andfucfteotfter apoftumations and fwellingeS,betog applpeb tfterto* • 2 Cfteroote tftereofdronkeninwine,curetft tfte ettreme and rigorous fittes % of the Hiftorie of Plantes. J ot of olde feuers,and tfte Bropde,and it prouoketft l\uet* Cfte fome takenfa mamier aforefapde, comfortetft and ftrengtftenetft tfte C ftomacke,ft elpetft digeftion,reftoretft tfte appetite,and diffoluetft tfte bentofitie anb blading of tbe flankes and bellp* Jtftelpetftgreatlpfu^asftauetakmgreattquattes,bzudS,ozfallesfr ^loftiandareforefturtjandinwardlpburfte^fozftcutetbtftefturtes^nddi^ foluetft and fcatteretft tfte bloob tftat in aftonped,and clotted or congeled witft- fa tfte bodp* Cftefamerootepounde witft ftis leaues, is berp good to be lapbe to tfte© ftptingesofmabbeBogges,anbtoalltftebptingesand ftinginges ofSer- pentes, and fucfte Ipke benimous beaftcs* Cftewilde imperatoria, or fterbe ©erarbe,poundeand lapbe bpponfucfte f members orpartesoftftebobp,as are troubleband beted witft tftegowte, toagetfttftepapne,andtaketftawaptfte(toelling* Arfoasitftatftbenproued fafunbrie places,it curetft tfteHemorrftoides>if © tftemndement orCegebefomented,orbatfted witft tfte decoction tftereof* Werula. Cljap*cA fe The Defcription H and are brougftt fato tftis Coun- trep^ fato all partes of Cft uftendome; of wftofe ftrengtft and bertue weftaue uotwzitten:tftereforeftaueweintfteendeoftftispartforaconciufionftffailft- ing of tft e fome, written oftfte nature and bertue oftfte fame gummes* And notonelp of tfte guritmesflowingottt of tfte fterbes aboue reftearfed: butalfo of gummes and fappes flowing out of fterbes or tftereof made, tfte Wfticfte commonlp we finde at tfte Apotftecaries and are bfed in Qpzbitinzn, altftougft tftat tfte ft erbes(bicaufe tftep are not knowen in Cftziftendome)are not writtf ozfpoken of bp bS, omitting tfte fappes and gummes wfticfte flowe out of wooddesandtrees,asHofin, ^itcfte, Curpentfae,andfucfteIpke, wewpll writeoftfteftiftorieofwooddesand trees* And in tfte defcription of tftefe gummes and fappes we wpllfolowetfte learnfagof tfte AuucienteS>aSDio£ corides, Galen, Piinie, fte* Beclarfag tfteir names as tbzp are called bp tftefopd Zuntizntzn in ©reeke and in &atine,bp tfte wfticfte tftep are nowe at tW time knowen to tfte Apotftei:aries,likeas we ftaue petftitfterto bone and written fa tfte ft iftorie of fterbes* <£>f <&popanaje; €^ap*trn Popanax in tfte gumme or foppe of tfte firft kinde of Panaces,called Heracleoticum,aS Diofcorides Writetft, ft ft flOWetft OtttOf tfteroote andftaikeof Panaces,astftepll^albeburtozcut, and tftefoppe Wften it is pet frelft,and firft flowenout,is wftite, and wften ttisdzie,it is altogptfter pellowelpketftatwfticft in coloured witft Saffron* And tbe belt of tftis foppe or gumme is tftacfome wfticfte on tfteoutfpbeispelowe and witftfa wftttilft,for tftat in pet frelft* iff The Names. Cfte gummeis called in©reekeo7rd7r l©me,^epper and f ranckencenfe*And ti^zp make tftereof an ©lectuarie witft pepper,©tnger,and tfte leaues of Hue pounbetogptfter witft ftonp,tfte wfticft tscaded Anndotum ex fucco Cyreniaco, tft z wfticft zig a fingiiler medicine a- gatndfeuer&uartapnes* Jtisgood againd tftebptingesofaibenimouSbeades,and benimouslftot *e> of dartesandarrowes,to be taken fawarbip,anb applieboutwarblp bpon tbe wounbes* Jtts alfo berp profitable lapbe to all wounbes, andbpttogesof Boggesand otftermaddebeafteS,and bpon tfte (tinging Scorpions* «■. 3? Qjwfcenetft tftefigftt, and taketft awap tfte ftawe oz webbe in tfteepes, at SI tfteftrftcommingoftftefam^tfitbelftakedbpontbemwitftftonp* Btofcortbesfoitft,tftat tfit beput into tbe ftollowneffeof cozruptftnougfttpH feetft,tt taketft awap tfte acfte and papne of tfteimbut^linie bringetft agapnft tfterame tfte erpertence of acertapne man wfto ftaufag tried tfte fome, foz tbe extreame rigour ft anguiifte fte felt after tftat mebicine,tftzew ftim fede bo wne fteadiongfromaloft* i&euertfteleffe if it be wzappeb witft f rankencenfefa a fine Itnnen cloute anb ftolden bpon tfte teetft, ft curetft tfte acfte of tfte fome > oz IFH^^5W^wft^e**e*l,llte>*n* ^etfttfteSquinance,S dtt be gargled wttft Hpdromell orapede: and if ftbegargied tSifaSS and kept in tbe moutb,tt will caufe tfte Horfeleacftes,oz loiigftfeacbes to foil of,Wfttcft ftappen to cleauefadfatftetfttzWozwefan^ m Jt breaketft ^edilentiail JmpoftemesandCarboncie&beihglapd tftereto tr faitftiHue,|itter,ftftonp: after tftefamemanner it taketft awap Cozneswben «Wftepftauebenfcartifie^^^ Being lapd to witft Copperous ft Verdigris, it taketft awap al fimrtfluntitf W outgrowmgesoffleift, andtfte^olppusfrtt^togWeMM ttSS «feTWi!*la**e t0 Wtaft* pepper and SSffiwSRS nougfttte fc»rffe oftfte ftead and tfte falling of,of fteare* ' mt>m Cciij jt ;<> The thirde Booke of Jfttbebopiebinbinegerwitfttftepdoftl)e^omegarnet,tttaketftawapalJ er/growingeS,Wfticft cftaunce in tfte funbement* Againft kpbedbeeles,tftepfirftbatbetbebeeles or feete witft wine, ft tftan JI tftep annopnt tfte kpbes Witft tftis gummebopleb in ople* Cfteftinking gummecailed Affa fcetida,isgood for alpurpofesafozefapbe, 2 ftowbeit, it is not fo goob as tfte kafer of Cprene: pet it ig berp good to fmell bnto,or to belapb bpon tfte 0auell,agafaft tfte cftoking or rifingbp of tfte mo* tfter* Cftep bfe Benzoin fa fteede of ftafcrCpzenaicunt, fozall tfte purpofes a- fo.zefopdetftat be attributed bnto fweete iHafer* fyTheChoyfe. Cftebed Hafer ig tftat wfticft iSrebbi(ft,cleare and brigftt,anb fettering like appzrft e, not geeeni!ft,and of a good and pleafant fmel, tfte Wfticft being diffol- uedwaxetft wftite* ^f^aoapenum* tfliap.entj. SAgapenum p is fop oz gumme of a kinde of ferula or fcix,itke bnto ^anax growing in ap edia, altogptfter bnpzof(table, fouing for f> gumme oz liquor tftat is dzawenoutofit* And tftebeft is tftat, wfticft (as a^eftte faptft )dotft melt,bp anb bp,in tfte water,and faueretft like garlike: or betwixt kafer, and ©albanum,as Biofcorides foitft: wfticfte in Ift arp e and cieare,of apellowilfte COlOUr Witft OUt,and Wftite Witftfa* fy The Names. Cftis gumme in called fa ©reeke **>«c™<>F:fa Ratine Sagapenum,and Saga. peniu,0f ^Ifaie Sacopenium,of ©alen,o7rof o-«y«7rtv?> tftat ig, Sagapcni Succus: CftepcallftfalftoppeSySerapinunH fyTheNature. SagapenumiS ftoate in tfte tft ird e degree,and d.zpe fa tfte feconde* fyThe Vertues. Sagapenum taken tfte waigftt of a dram, purgetft bp (lege, tougft ft flpmie % ftumours,and at groffe flegmeand cftoier* Alfo ft in good againft al olde ft cold dtfeafes tftat are ftarde to cure: it purgetft tfte brapne,and in berp good againft alltftedifeafes of tfteftead,and agafaft tfte Apoplexie,and ©pilepfie* Co be taken fa tfte fame fofte,ft ig good againft C ramp es, p aul(tes,lftztn- $ kiiiges,and papnes of tfte finewes* Jt ig good againft tft e Ift oztneffe of breatft, tft t colde longand olde cougft,tfte € papnesintftefideandbreaft,forftdotftmundifieand clenfe tftebreaftofalcold mentesozflegme* v Jtdotft alfo cure tfte ftardneffe,ftoppfages, and windineffe oftfte melte, ora tftlene, not onelp taken inwardip, but alfo to be applped, outwardlp fa opnt- plapfters* Jt ig good agafaft tfte (ftakfageS and bruffages of olbe anb cold e fetters* $ Jf Sagapenum be dronken witft ftonped water, it prouoketft tft e flowers, f and deliueretft tftedead Cft ilde* And to be taken witb wine,ft ig of great force againft tbe bptinges and ftfagfages of all benimous beaftes* Cfte fente or fauour of tftis gumme, is berp good againft tfteftranglfag or 0 bpzifing oftfte motfter* Sagapenum foked ozftieped fabfaeger,fcatteretft, diffoluetft, and puttetft n cleaneawap all ftarde,olde colde fWellingeS, tumoures,Botcftes, and ftarde iumpes growing abouttfte iopnteS: Anb it ig goob to bebe mingled amongft ad opntmentes and emplapders tftat are made to moilifte and fof ten* Jt clearetft tfte figftt, ft attfte beginning ft taketft awap tfte ftawe oz webbe J fa tfte epe ft aiipottes or blottes to tfte fame, if it be dropped into tfte epes witft tfte the Hiftoric of Plantes. , $6? tftefnpceof HuetftiSalfo good agapnfttftebloodlftotiug and dimneffe of tfte fome,wfticft commetft bp tfte oceafion of groffeftumors* €>f <£atoanum* €ijap.ejtntj* GAlbantim is alfo agttmmeorliquor,dzawenfooztft of akinde of feruiairt SP^iacalled #etopfam*Arid tftebeft ig gridel,oz betwixt ftard and foft, berp pure,fat,clofe and firme, witftout anp ftickes or fpifaterS of wood a- mongd tfte fame,fauinga fewe feedes of ferula, of a ftrong fauottr,not mopft, ttOZtO dZpe* fy The Place. Cfte plant out of wfticft ©albanum flo wetft,growetft bpon tfte mountapne AmanuS in S»ta* fyThe Names. piinie calletft £ plant out of wfticft ©albanu flowetft, in&atine Stagonitis. Cfteliquoz or gumme ig calleb in ©reeke x«\e«v*: fa JLatfae and fa Ift oppeS Galbanum: Of fome alfo Metopium. fyThe Ndture. ©albanum ig ftoate almoft fa tfte tftird degree,ft dzie almoft fa tfte feconde* feTheVertueSk ©albanum ig good agafaft anoidecotigft,and fozfucft as are fftozt winded, A and cannot eafilp dzaw e tfteir bzeatft, but are alwapes panting and bzeatfting* Jt in berp good foz fucft as are broken, and bzufed witftfa, ft againft CrampeS anb (ftzinkfagoffiriewes* Cfte famedzonken in wine Wttft #prrfte,iS good againft albenome dzon- £ ken,ot foot into tfte bodp witft benimous BarteS,SftafteS,orArroweS* Co be taken in tfte fame manner, it prouoketft tfte termes, and deliueretft £ tftedead cftilde* Jt ftatft tfte fame bertue if it be conueped fato tfte fecrete place, or if a perfume tfterof berecetued at tfte place couenient: and if tfte quantitie of abeanetftereof betakeninagfoffeof wfae,itftelpetft againfttftepapneffatra- ued of women, as piinie faptft* Cfte parftime oz font tftereof driuetft awap Serpentes,fro tfte place wftere ^ as it is burned,ft no benimous beaftes ftatie power to fturt fucft as be annopn- teb witb ©albanum, and tftofe bznimoun beaftes or SerpeteS as be tottcfted witft ©albanum,mingieb witft ople, anb tfte feebe or roote or Sponddium,or Angelica,ft will caufe tbem to dpe* Cfteparfumeof ©albanum botft alfoftelpe wemen tftat aregreeued witft <$ tfteriffagoz ftrangiing oftfte motfter, and tftem tftat ftatie tfte fading fickneffe: and befag lapde to tfte nauel, ft caufetft tfte apatrix oz motfter tftat is remoued from ftis naturall place, to fettel agapne* ©albanumdotft modifie and foften,and drawetft foortft tftorneS,tplintets, f oz(ftiuers,and colde ftumours: and it is good to be lapd bpon al colde tumoig and fWellingeS,and ftis mingled witft allopntmentes,oplesand emplapders, tftat ftaue power or bertue to warme, to diged, to diffoiue, to ripe and bzeake impoftemeS,and to dzawe out tftornes and fplinters* Jtis good tobelapbebpontfteftoppingesandftardneffeof tftemelte, and <© againft tfte papne of tft e fpde* Cftefomeiapdeto witft bfaeger and ^itrnm, taketft awap tftefpottesand aa freckles oftfteface,andfromotfterpartesof bodp* ^ Jfitbepttttototfteftoloweandrmugfttietootftjittaketftawaptfteacfteof^ tftefame* Jtis good to be poured into tfte eares witft tfteople of rofeS, oz tardus, a- & gapnft tfte corruptfiltft and matter of tftefame* ?oJ The thirde Booke of * «£f ammoniacum. et)ap*tjrtj* Mmoniacum is tfte gumme ozliquorof a kinde of ferula, Wfticfte is called AgafplliS, as Biofcorides foitft, growing fa tfte €ounttiz of Cprene in Apftzica,nigft to tfte Oracle of Ammon inftpbia, wft ereof it in calleb Ammoniacum, as fome tftinke* Cftebed Ammoniacum, as Biofcoribes writetft, in tftat wfticfte in clofe or firme, pure, and witftout $ardes,tplfaterS,or donie gridelS or grauell,and witftout anp otfter baggage intermebbleb witft tfte fome, of a bitter tade, ftbrawingtowarbestftefauottr of Cadoreum,and it ig abnoft ipke tbe rigftt f rankenfence,in fmallpeeces and gObbeteS* # The Names. Cftisgummeis called fa ©reeke aftertftename of tfteCempleof Ammon, qujufevfcocop: fa Ratine Ammoniacum : faSftoPPtS Armoniacum, and Gummi Armoniacum. Cft e bed and pdreft of tftis gnmrne or liquor > ig called Thraufma, as Biefr torides faitft,tftat in to fap, Friaturafa katine* Cftat wfticft is fnilof eartft and grattell,is called Phyrama. fyThe Nature. Ammoniacum is ftoate fa tfte fecond degree,ft almoft due fatftefame degree* fy The Vertues. Ammoniacum taken tfte waigftt of a Bram, lofetft tfte bellp, anb driuetft a foortft colbe flpmie flegme,0 tawing tft e fame to it from partes afarreof: alfo ft ig goob agafaft tfte iftoztneffe of bzeatft,and foz fucft as are Aftmatique and al- wapes panting anb bzeatftfag, anb againft tfte ftoppingeS of tft e bzeaft,tfte fal- ling fickneffe, tftegowt, tftepapneof tfteftancfte or ftttcklebone, called tfte Sciatica, agafaft tfte olde ftead acfte, anddifeafesoftftebrapne, tftefiuewes, and extreame partes* Jt dotft mundifie and clenfe tfte bread, it rppetft flegme, ft caufetft tfte fome 23 tobeeafdpfpetout,tobemingled witftftonp andlickt as a&oftoc, or taken witft tfte decoction of ftnlied Barlep* Jt ig good againft tfte ftardneffe and (topping oftfte Spleene or apilte,itC deliueretft tfte dead Cftilde,and prouoketft btine:but tftere mud be but a little of it taken at oncerfor if it be takenfa to great a quantitie or to ofte,it wil caufe onetopiffeblood* Jt curetft all fwellfages and ftardneffe, ft flaketft tfte papne of tft e litter and B Splene being ftieped in bineger, and fpread or lapde bpon tfte place* Jf it be mingled witb ftonp or pitcft anb lapb to, it diffoluetft ftarde lumpeS © drfwellfages, and taketft awap Tophi, wfticfte beftarbe tnmoures engenbzed oftfte go wte in tfte fopntes and extreme partes: it confumetft ado all colde tu- mours and Scirrftus matter being lapde bpon: And it ig berp good to be put into al opntmentes and plapders tftat are made to cft afe and warme, to fwage papne,to fofteit and dzawe* Jt ig good to be lapde to tfte Sciatica or gowt of tfteftippe, and bppon all f papne and wearfaeffe of anp parte,witft tfte ople of Cppzus and #titrum* Ammoniacum ig good to be put into Colpziaand all apedicines tftat are $ made to cleare tftefigftt, ft medicines tftat are made to take awap tftedimneffe and webbe oftfte epes* ^f€upl)o?btum. €&ap«jcttf**' Vphorbium is tfte gumme or teare of a certapne ftrange plante grow- ing in kpbia on tfte mount Atftlante,or Atftlas, next to tfte Countrie of Mauritania, nowe caded #orifco,or oftfte apoozes* AnditwaS firft Euphorbium. the Hiftorie of P lantes. joj> firft foundeotitfatftetpmeof iuba king of tpbm: tfte leafe of tftis plant in long and rounde, aimoft Ipketo tfte fruit of Cncumer, but tfte endes or corners be Iftarper, ft fet about witft manp prickles, wfticft are fomtimes fond fa tfte gumme it felfe: one of tftofe leaues fet in tfte grounde, dotft increafeand multiplp di- ^ uers* Cftefappe or liquor tftat commetft mm foortft of tfte fopde leaues, burnetft or«w fcaldetft,and fteaigfttwapes it congeletft %$ andbecommetft tfticke, and tftat is tfte ^IL Euphorbium . Cfteffeft EuphorbiumiS ^S® pello u)iift,cieare,brittie,berp (ftarpe anb burning in tfte moutft anb tbrote, frelfte and newe, not mucfte elder tften a pere: foz tftis gomme dotft foonelofe mucft of ftis fteate and bertue bp age, as Galen and Mefuefaitft* fy The Place. Cfte Euphorbium defcribeb of tfte Auncientes growetft bppon tfte mount Atftlasin tfte Countrie of ]tpbia,borde-j ring bpon apauritania: it growetft alfo in Africa and Judea, from wftence ft ftatft ben conueped into certapne places of Spapne,f raunce,ft JtqUe,wftetc as, it bringetft foortft neptfter floures nor fruit * Pena ftatft feene ft growing at a^arfelies and aponfpellier in f rance,wftere as fte few tftefloures and tailed oftfte fruite* iffTheTyme. Jt puttetft bp biS leaues fa tftefpzing time,wftereof tftefirft,tfte feconb,and tftetfttiDe,is tfte ftalke oz ftem, and tfte reft growe foortft as brancfteS, and wftan tfte plant in izuzn or epgbt peeres olde,it bringetft foortft pellow floures, like in proportion to Baiauftia,and fa Autumne tfte fruit in ripe, of colour red andpztcklep*ftc* fyThe Names. ^in gumme in called fa ©reke^oefry fa&atine Euphorbium.-fa (ftoppes Euforbiurn.fomecallit Carduus Indicus, and Ficus Indica, tftat in tO fop, tfte Cftifteli,orfiggeof Jndia,fometakeftto be Opuntia Plinij -.Cftis Euphorbia ftould feeme to betftat wfterof Soiinusftatftmabementionfatftexxbft*Cftap* Of Ijin Hidorie,WfteraSftefoitft,Proficere ad oculorum claritatem3Et multiplex fanitatis pra?fidium fore, ac non mediocriter percellere vim venenorum. JtiS alfo tfte Euphorbiumdefcribed bp Joftnkeo faftis Africanftiftorie* fy7 he caufe of the Name. iubakingoflpbia,wastftefirftfinderoutoftftiSfterbe:andnamedit after tfte name of bin Pftpfftion, tftebzotfter of Mufa wfto was alfo a l&ftpfttion to tfte ©mperour Augufte* fyThe Nature. EuphorbiumiS berp ftoateanb dziealmoftin tftefonrtft degree* fyTht Jio The fecond Booke of feThe Vertues. Euphorbium prepareb in manner asiftalbebnder Wzitten,pttrgetft and dzt= % uetft foortft bp fiege (aS Mefue foitft ) tougft, eqlde, and ftpmie flegmes, and drawetft bnto it, from tfte finewes and partes a farre of, and alfo pttrgetft cftoler*#oreouer it ig berp good againft tfte olde ftead acfte, tfte ^aulfie, tfte Crampe,tfte weakeneffe tftat folo wetft after tftef reneft e pockes, tft e papne of tfte finewes and extreme partes, tftat are of continuance, ft againft tft e Jaun- ders* Jtis alfo good againft tftepeftilence,and fctcfte Ipke contagious ftcknef» feS,as one Gentilis writetft* Cftep make a plapder witft Euphorbium,and twelue times fo mucft €>ple, 33 and alittle waxe,berp finguier againd all papnes and acbes of tft e iopntes,tfte Caktoges, JUmeneffe, gaudies, Crampes, anb Iftrinking of finewes, and agafaft allacftes,papnes, ft difozder oftfte fame,as Galienfaftis fourtft booke de Medicamentisfecundum genera,beclaretft more at large, (ftewingftow and wftan tfte quantitie of Euphorbium, ig to be augmented ozdimfailfted,wfticfte (ftouidebeto long to recitein tftis place* Euphorbiumfagleb witft €>pleofBap,Bearesgreafe,ort©oolfesgreafe,c or fucft like,curetft tft e fcttrffe anb ft fteare to reneweanb groweagafae,not onlp bpon tfteftead and otfter barepla- ces,btit it will alfo caufe tfte bearbe to growe tftat ig dacke in comming,tf it be annopntebtfterwitftal* Cfte fame mingleb witb 4Dple,and (leaked oilapd bpon tfte temples of fucft B as areberpdeepie, oz troubled witft tfte letftargie, and raging, dotft awaken and quicken tfteir fpzites agapne* And if ft be applied to tft e nuqite, or nape of tfte necke,it reftozetft tfte fpeacft agapne bnto tl)em tftat ftaue loft itbp reafon of tfte Apoplexie* Euphorbiummfagleb witft bineger, and ftraked bpon tftepfoce, taketft a* $ wap alfowie,ft euidauoured (pots fromtftebobp, efpeciallptfte xuftite fcurffe anb fcalesof tftefkinne* fy The Daunger. Euphorbiumbp reafottof ftis extreamefteate M berp fturtfuil to tfte litter anb ftomacke,and ailtfteinwardepartes,wften it ig receiued fato tftebodp,for ft cftafetft and inflametft tfte fame out of meafure* fy The correction and preparation therof. x Cftemalice and biolence of Euphorbium in corrected manp waieS:and firft pemuftannopntftwitft^Dpieof fweete Almondes,after put it fato tfte midie of a Citron,and wrap it, or clofeit bp inieaueneb pafte, and fo bake it,ft wften tfte pade in readie,pemap take tfte Euphorbium out of it, to bfe in medicine* 1 Maynard us taketft 3©aftick ft gumme Dragagante , aS mticft aS tfte Euphor- bium commetftto , and mingling tftem wed togeatfter, pnttetft it fato tfte mibie of an bnbackteloafe,fo letting fabakebntti tfte bread bewelbackte:tft en taketft fteof tftecrumbeorpulpeof tftat loafe, anb maketft fmallpilies tftereof, Wfticfte beberp finguier againft tfte weakeneffe ozdebilitie com ning of tfte f rencftepockes, and al anguilft and papne of tfte outwarde partes* 3 An otfter mingletft witft Euphorbium, tftelpke quantitie of ^afttcke, and maketft piiles witft tfte iupce of Citrons or 5Drenges,tfte wfticfte are mucfte prapfed againd tftepeftilence* <&f§>arcoeolIa* €tiap*rjtbt>* SArcocolla istftegumme of acertaine tftomie plant growing in f£erfia*And tfte bzftin tftat wfticft in pelfowilft, bitter in tade and like to tfte fragmenteS orfmallpeecesof frankenfencetpet Pliniefatftexfa* Cftap* oftfte xj* booke of the Hiftoric of Plantes. pi of ftis biftozie preferred tfte wftite before tfte otfter, and fo dotft fte alfo in tfte XXuri*booke, tftextiri*Cftap* .fyThe Names. CftiS gumme ig called fa ©reeke K« nn Ratine and fa SftoppeS Sarcocolla.- fa ©nglilfte Satcocoll: in f rencfte sanocoiie .• in Boucfte Sarco- colla. fy The caufe of the Name. Cfte ©reekes called tW gumme ozteare Sarcocoiiaftpcaufe ftfoderetft and glewetft togptfter woundes and cuttes of tfte flelft, zuzn as glewe dotft iopne togptfter timber* , fy The Temperament or Nature-. Sarcocolla ig ft oate fatfte fecond degree,and dzie almod fa tftefame degree, and it dzietft witftout anp bpting (ftarpneffe,as Galen foitft* Sarcocolla, as Mefue writetft, purgetft rawe and groffe fleame, and tfte a tougftflpmiefttimours,tftatarefatfteiopntesandextreamepartes:Jtmtindi-. Retfttftebzapne,tfte finewes, tftebteaft, and tfte lunges: and ig berp good agafadari olde cougft tftat ftatft continued long, and for fucfte as are flegma- ttque and Heumattqne, to be taken tfte quantitie of a Brant or fomwftat more. Jt in berp confolidatitte oz ftealfag, wfterefore it ciofetft bp woundes ** and blcers, and it mundifietft and clenfetft malignant and corrupt blcers, andfilletfttfte fame witft newe flelft, efpeciallp being reduced andbiongftt fato a powder, and ftrowed tftereon, or applied or lapde tfteretmto witft ftonie* CftiS gumme in berp conuenient to bloodlftotten epes, tfte fpottes, ^ darkeneffe, fcarres, and fucft Ipke impedimentes oz defaultes of tfte fome: ^ efpeciallp if it be ftieped in Affes milke bp tbe fpace of foure oz fiue dapes( as Mefue wtitetft)btittftemilke miiftbe euerp bap renewed, and tfteftaleor olde mtlkecaflawap* fy The daunger and correction of the fame. Cftep tftatbfeftmucftewaxebalbe: itisdowe fa operation, and it trou* bletft tftem tftat ftaue Cftoiertque domackes: wfterefore fteede mud be taken, tftat ttbc notgiucn to fucfte* ^Dnemapaugmenteand increafeftiS bertue to ioofe tftebellp, bp putting tfteteto fome ginger and Cardamome* The ende of the feconde part. Trvife corrected and augmented by the t^ucJhor. jn The thirde Boote of CtrijetljtrDepart of tlje3|ttto;»eof planteo intreating of medicinal rooteo/and licrbeo/tljat purge tfte bodp,alfo of nopfomeweedes,and dangerous ^lauteS, CfteirfundriefalftionS, Barnes, and Matures, tfteir bertuoiis Operations and dangers* Compiled by the learned D.RembertDodoe,ns,nowe Phifition to the Emperour. €f itrtaolortjta* <£ijap*t* fyThe Kyndes. ARiflolochia, aS Diofcorides Writetft ,iS of tftree foZteS, tftat ig tO fop long Aridolocftia,rounde Aridolocftia,and tfte Aridolocftia called clemathis. nafterettnto Piinieftatft added a fourtft kinde,cailed ^iftoiocftia, and tfte later writers ftaue iopnedto tftema fiftft kinde, called Sarrafines fterbeoj Aftrolocfte* i. Ariftolochialonga. t. Ariftolochia rotunda. Jdong Aridblocfte* Hounde Ariftoiocft e* TfcTheDefcription. H<£ long Ariftolocftia,ftatft diuers fquare flender brancfteS of a (pan longormore,growfagbp from tfteroote,aboiit wfticft growetbftere andtfterecertapnebroadeieauesiike Jupieaues* Cfte floures be purple and moft commonlp pale, of adronggreeuous fauour, t^tp growe the Hiftorie of Plantes.# 5rowefaftbpleaueS,andarefaproportionlong and ftolowe,pet longer bpone fpdctftanbpanotfter: wftan tftep arepaft, tfterefolowetftacertapnefruitlike bnto fmallpeares,fouing tftep beribged alongeft tftefpbes, or creftedand clo- uen Ipke garlike fteades: tfte wfticft do ado cftop and cleette a fttnder wftan tfte feedefarppe,andtftefeedetftattftanappearetftfatriangled,andofblackill)co- lour*CfterooteiSftalfeafoote long or more, anb as tfticke as ones tftombe or ffager>of apellowiift colour like Boxe,of alftarpebittertade,and drongfouor* % Cfte rounde Ariftqiocftia fa \\ig dalkes and leaues in like to tfte firft, but ftiS leaues be fomewftat rounder* Cfte flowres differ onelpein tftis, tftat tbzp be fomewftat longer anb narrower, and of afapnte pedowifl;ecolour: (ftozter bp one fide tftan anotft er,and of a blacktlb e purple colour bpon tft at fpde tftat turnetft backeagapne:Cfte fruit of tft in Artdolocftta in alfo (ftarpe falft to- ned Ipketo a top,ot peare,fatting it in rounder and ftiller,and draked or ribbed dke tft e o tft er*Cft e feede in like to tfte feede of tft e log Arido lochia* Cft e rootes beround and fwoilen like to apttffe or Curnep, in tafte and fauour dke to tfte long* j. AriftoIochiaClematitis. 4. Piftolochia. 5. AriftolochiaSarracenica. Brancfted Ariftolocftia* Smal Artdolocftta* SarafinS Artdolocftta* 3 Cftetfttrdekinde of Ariftolocftiaftis ftalkeS and bzancftes arefmaland ten- der,ftis leaues be like to tfte otft ers,but tftelittle ftemmes ozfootftalkes oftfte leauesarefomwftatlonger,CfteflowerSalfo belong and ftolow, of apellow oz deepe biolet co!our:Cfte rootes befmallandflenderdilpearfed or growing ftere and tftere* Bd Cftt 5*4 The thirdc Booke of * Cftefourtft Aridolocftiafaftisieauesanbdalkes,iS like to tfte long and rounde Aridoiocftias,fouing it isfmaller and finer or tenderer, big leaues be alfo ftzoaoerpke Jup leaues* Cfteflowresbealfo long and ftollowe, and blao kilfteabouttfte toppes or endes*Cftefruitisaifo round and like to tfteotfters, \}ig rootes belong and fmall as ruflftes,or tftreddes* 5 Cfte fiftft kinde wfticft in called Saraffas wttrt,oz Saradns Aridoiocftia, ftatft longer and ftigft cr dalkes tftan anp of tfte kindes afozefapd:ftis leaues be alfo larger,but otfterwife tftep biffer not,for tbep be alfo Ipke J up leaues* Cfte fmall flowres growe betwixt tfte leaues1, in proportion add long anb ftollowe of a pelfowilft colour * Cfte ftuit alfo in falftioned Ipketo apeare* Cfte rootes be long,anb fometimes tfttcke,and couered witft a tftickerinde oz barke, fa fa- uour and tafte ipke tfte otfters* fy The Place. *•* Cftelongand rounde Ariftoloeftias, growe plentifullp in Spapne, andfo manp places of Jtalie,and certapne places of f raunce, it deligfttetft mucfte fa fertile grounde and good padures* i AridoiocftiaClematitis ( as l^etet Beilon wutetft ) growetft bppon tfte mountapne Jda in Crete oz Candie* Carolus ©Indus foitft it growetft about H tipalis a Citie in Spapne nowe called Ciuill, and tftat fte ftatft founde it a- mongd tftebtifffteS and briers tftere* 4 Cfte ^ifloloeftia alfo growetft in certapne places of f rattnee and Spapne* 5 Cfte SarafineS Artftolo cftta,0 eligft tetft mucfte fa bfaepardes, and ftigft de- forte places, and wilderneffes, and in founde infundrie places of ©ermanie, and Brabatlt* iffTheTyme. Cfte Ariftoloeftias do flo wze in a£ ap ft Jttlp,ft timelier in ftoate Countries* fy The Names. Cftep are called fa ©reeke ieiroxoxw-.fakattoe Ariftoiochia: fa©nglilft Ari- ftologia,and of feme Bpztft wort, ft Hartwoft: in SftoppeS ado Ariftoiochia. i Cfte firft is called in ©reeke tyroxoxfcc ihkkw. fa Ratine Ariftolochiam lon- gam,bpcaiifeof tfte falftionoftfteroote:it in alfo called /wvx/tk^kxo^ttopjuu Ttvfivop,Da&ilis MeIocarpon,and Teuxinon, ft Ariftolochiam marem : Jtt©n« glilfteiOng Ariftoiochia * Cfte feconde is called in ©reeke «?ist>\*xi«se*yyfa"> Ariftoiochia rotunda,and v Ariftoiochia foemina:Of fomex«M«^op,and Malum terrain ©ngiilft e Ariftoio- chia rotunda, and rounde Ariftologia. 3 CftetftftdeiS called i^oK^^W^Tic, Ariftoiochia Clematitis :Branefted Ariftologia. 4 Cfte fourtft kinde called of piinie to tft e epgftt Cftapter of \^ig xxb* booke •awxox't*ks« 7rox<#i£op Piftolochiaanb Polyrhizon. 5 Cftefiftft AriftolocftiaiS nowe called offome Herba Sarracenica:tof rencfte Sarrafine.inBOUCfteZarafifaCrtipttfa SftOppeS Ariftoiochialonga, Wfticft ig in Boucfte lange €>fteriucep: in ©ngiilft long Aridoiocftia, fa fteede wftereof it mapbebfed* i©em*palfo nameftin©ngli(fteSarafinesfterbe, ftSaradneS AriftOlOCftfa* * The Nature. Cfterootesof Ariftolocftia,areallftoateandd.zp fatfte extremitie of tftefe' conde degree* fyThe vertues. % Cfte rootes of Aridoiocftia are excellent agafaft ai popfon, and agapnft tfte A bttfages ft ftfagfageS of benimous beaftes, if it be taken in w toe,oi lapd bpon tftewoundeS,ozbitingeS* CftelongAriftalocftiamouetfttftemenftrttaltermes, and pzouoketft bzine: V And if ftbe dzonken witft pepper and a^prrfte, it expeiletft tfte Secondine, ft dead cftddc,ft al otfter fuperflnitiesgatftered togptfter in tfte Matrix. Jt wo> ketft the Hiltoric of Plantcs. jiy ketft tftefame effect,tobemfaidred ina^effarieor motfter Suppofttozie* * Cfte rounde Aridoiocftia in Ipkewife good for tfte fame purpofe: and it in ai- © fo berp good for tftem tftat arelftort winded, and troubled witft tfte peox or ftp- quet,itisprofitabieagainfttftepapneof tfte fpde, tfteftardneffeof tftemeltor fplene,tfte crampe,oLz conuultio,or drawing togptfter of tfte fineweS,tftefalling fickneffe,tfte gowt,and tfte (ftakinges or Iftitterfages of Agues: and foz al fucft as are fturt or burden inwardip,if it be giuen tftem to dzinke witft water* Cfte fome drawetft foortft (plinters of broken boneS,Sftaftes and BarteS, & tftorneS,and d;iuerS,if it be lapde to tfte place witft pitcfte or Hofen,as piinie wzitetft* Jt mundifietft and fconretft all corrupt and filtftp foreS,fidulas,and biruiet in called fa <5ermanie Hoiwurt?, tftat in fw to fop inCnglilft Hoioweroote, or Hole- <^Jk\) )®UXt:in$tZnt\)ZRacinecreufe:in Brabant m Hooiwortele: tftat in to fop in Ratine Ra- dix caua. Cfte otfter wfticfte ig full, clofe, and firme,is called fa Bzabant Boonkes H°l* WofteL CftiS roote efpeciallp tftat wfticfte ig ftolowe, ftatft ben of long time blzb in tbe SftoppeS of tftis Countrep for rounde Ariftolocftia,ft ittsfo taken pet of fome ignorant Apotftecaries* Someoftfte learned do tftfake tftis fterbetobetfte Piftoiochiadefcribedof jBlinie,Otfterswottideftaue ittobeaktodeoffttme* tOrie,caledCapnosPhragmitcs:andfometftfakeit tO beSfori/opThefiumTheo- phrafti. Some alfo tftfake it to be ty/w Eriphiarn Plinij.• and it feemetft to be fomewftatlpke Eriphya (tftat is written witft p ) bpcaufe itisfounbein tfte fpung time onelp : and tfterefore it map beweil called w««tftat is in Ratine Planta veris. fyThe Nature. HoleworteiSftoateand,drp in tfte feconde degree* fyThe Vertues. Holewofte curetft tfte Sqitfaancie, andoide tttmoureSoz fwellingoftfte 3 tftzo te, oz kernelles and Almondes oftfte fame,if one gargle or wafft \)ig moutft witft tfte decoction oftfte fome roote bopleb in water onelp or bfaeger, for it ftatft power to cut and confume groffe ftnmoitrs* Jt ig alfo good agapnd tfte tumoures,aud inflammations of tftebttula, to $ be kept in tfte moutft and cftewed bppon, or tfte powder of tfte fome lapde tftereto* Cftefame mfagfed Witft Vnguentum Populion nigrum,or witft fome otfter c offoe fame nature, is good to wade and confume tfte Hem?roydes, ozpileS, and ro (Wage tftepapnes of tftefame* Jt/ the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^fgmiaflowuete 01 Bineetojritum* tfftap *itj* fy The Defcription Sdepias in fomewftat Ipke tfte tftirb kinde of Aridolocft ta,in dalkes and leaues,ftiS dalkes befmotbe,rounde,and fmall, about two foote , long,witft blackilft leaues, not mucft bnlpke Jupe leatteS,fauing tftep belongerftlftarperpopnteb*Cbeflowersgrovoebponfmali demmes betwixt tbe ieaues,of a pale or bleake wbite coiotir,anb fometime epello witft, anb alfo blacke, of a certapne ftrong fWeetilft fo- Afciepias. uour: after tbem commetft long Iftarpc popnteb ftufkesorcoddes,tftewfticft do ope of tftemfelues Wftan tftep are ripcand witftin tftem in conteined feede,iapped as it were in a certafae wftite wood, tftewfticftefeedeisreddilft and bzoabe,not mucbe bnlpke tfte feebe of ©entian* Cbe rootes belong ft round, as ft were fmall round tftreddie(fringes orlaces>enterlaced one witft anotber, almoft ipke tfterootesofblackeHellebor,or€>xefteele,anbof aranckefauotir* fyThe Place. Afciepias growetft farottgft,ftigft,gratieip,and Stoniemountapnes* iffTheTyme. Jtfiowretftfa June, and ftis feede ig ripe fa Angiift* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbe iScalled in ©reke *-» ltgnantblcers,andcorruptforesbotftof tfteftzeaftesanb Matrix, or motfter* ^fperiploea** fyThe Kyndes. T^ereare two fortes of |&eripioca:wfterof oneftatft no furname, tfteotfter tS calleb Pcriploca repens. Bd Hi fyThe, JiS The thirde Booke of Cftefe plantes growe in Spria, andfucftelpkeftoateregionS, tftepdonot ligfttlp beare tfteir ftufkes fa Brabant* fy The Names. Cftep are botft called Pcriploca?; and tftefeCOnd in called Periplocca repens: botft are tftougftt to be ccttokwoh, Apocynon of Biofcoribes, tfte wfticfte in alfo called KuvoKe«^,and Braffica Canina^et tftere iS anotfter Braffica canina, a kind Of Wilde a^ erCllrie* ?$> The Nature and Vertues. Apocpnon in a deadlp and fturtfitl plant not onelp to man,but alfo to cattel: ftis leaues mixt witft meale, and tempered or made fato bzead, it dedropetft Bogges,tBolues,and f oxes,and otfter fucfte beades tftat eate tftereof. <£>f the Hiftorie of P lantcs. $f afarabacca :<^ap4i. fy The Defcription. w tfte grounde) growe tfte flowers bppon iftoft ftemmes, Wfticft be of a fapze bzo wne purple colour, and of a good fouour fomwftat lite tar- dus, ft falftioned like tfteflower of a ©ranat tree, called Balaudia or €ptvmg wfticft is tfte bttddes of Baiaudia, andfome- Alarum. WftatipketftecttppeS or ftufkes of Henbane* Cfte rootes be fmal,long,and crookedlp lapd, ouertftwart,ftere and tftere,witft diuers fmall ftearie dringes,of apieafont Iftarpefauor and tade bpting tfte tongue* fy The Place. Jt deligfttetft in Iftadowp places,and rougft drp groundes, etpeciadp in tftependent or ftan- ging of ftiiles ft mountapneS, fa tfticke darke wooddes, and commonlp bnder tfte HafelleS (as Cordus faptft*) Jt ig alwapes gteene, and (pringetft anew and flouretft in tft efprfag time, and it flouretft agapne at tfte ende of Sommer* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe ig called in ©reeke frapp: fa JUtine ft inlftoppes Alarum : of fome Nardus ruftica,ft Perpenia,apacet calletft ft Vulgago.ft iScalled fa ©nglifft Afarabacca, andfolefoote, itmapalfobecalled Hafelworte: inf rencfte cabaret.-in ©ermanieHafelwurt?: inBrabant Hafeiwortel,and offome apanfoo.zen* fy The Nature. Afarabaccaisboate and dzie fa tbetbirbe degree,elpeciallp tfte roote wfticfte ig moft bfed fa^ftpficke* fy The Vertues. Cfte roote of Afarabacca bopled in wineand dronken,prouoketft brine,and 3 fagoodagaindtfteftraugurie,tftecougft,tftelftoztneffeof breatft, arid difficult tie of bzcatfting, ConuuldonS anb Crampes, anb tfte Iftrtoking togptfter of members* Cbe fame taken in Ipke manner, ig profitable againft benome, anb agapnft $ tfte bitinges and ftingtoges of SerpenteS,and all benemous beades* Cftefamebopleb in wine,is good for tftem tftatftaue tfjeBropfie, and tfte npon, and ftatft certapne ftearie tftzeddeS, ftanging bp it, witft certapne fmall robteS,or buddes of newe plantes* . Cbe roote of water Bragon in not round after tbe ozber of Buibus, but it is a long creeping rbote,fud of fopntes, and of a reafo- nable tftickneffe, out of wftofe iopnteS, fyiin* getft bp tfte dalkes oftfte leaueS, wfticfte are fmotft witftout, and tpungie witftin: but bownewatdes towardes tfte grounde tfte fopd rootes fendetft out of tfteir fold fopntes, certafae fmal ftearie rootes* Cfte fruit grow- etft aboue, bppon a Iftorte dem, and commetft fooftft witft one of tfteleaues, compaffeda* bout witft fmall wftite tftzomes ottftredbeS, at tftefirft, (wfticft is tfte biowtog)arid after- ward it growetft foortft into a clufter, wfticft in greene attfte firft,and waxetft red wftan it isrppe, fmaller tftan tfte grape orcluderof AronS berries,bttt as (ftarpe oz bpting* Cfte leaues be large,greene,fine, fmotft,ft falftionediike Jup leaueS,pet fmaller tftS tfte leaues of C ocko wpint,or Aron*Bttt tftat leafe in Wfticft £ cluder of berries growetft,iS Onalledof al,ft on tfte bpper part ozfpde next tfte fruit, it in wftite* 4 BefideStfteaforefopdeBragons, tftereis anotfter kindeplaced of aj?at- tfttolus,witft great large leaues, growing fold en and lapped one Myitbin an 0- tfter, witft an bprigftt ftalke, and bearetft at tfte toppe a certapne bloffome or flower Ipke to afppkeeare*Cfte roote in alfo round Ipketfte otfters,as pe map perceiue bp £ figure*Sureip tW kinde of Brago(if anp fucft be to be found)iS ratfterakindeof Biftort:ftowbeittfterebetftattftfaketft tftis figure to befalfe and fapned* fy The place. t Cft e firft Bragonwozt growetft well fa Iftado wie piaces,and fa tftis Coun- trie, tftep plante it fa gardens* a Cfte feconde alfo deligft tetft in Iftado wie places bnder ft edges, and in found plentifullp growing fatfte JlandeS called a£aiorque,and a^inorque* 3 CftiS tftirde kinde growetft in mopdwaterilft places,fa(> brinkes of dicftes, anbtfotfag waterS,anb alfo alongft tfte tunning ftceames and rtuerS* iffTheTyme. Cftep flowrefa Juip, and fa Auguft tfte fruit in ripe* fyThe Names. t Cftefirftkindeis called fa ©reekec/^wovr/of^yccXK: jujiatine Dracunculus maior,0f fome Serpentaria, and Colubrina;foSljOppeS Serpentaria maior: of Serapio 3 n The thirde Booke of Serapio Luf. fa ©ngiilft BragonS,anb BragonS wurte:in frencft serpentaire, o;^r^/;»rfa©ermanieScftlangtkraut,Bracftenwurt?:toBrabatSpeer- woztele anb Brakenwortele* ' 2 Cfte feconde kinde in called in©reekeflrfi«Kovnol>M'w.,to)Lattoe Dracuncu- lus minor:andoffomclatewritetS Arum maculatum: in ©nglilftefmallBra- gonwttrte,and (peckled Arori* Cfte tftftde iS nOWe called Dracunculus paluftris, fiueaquatilis: in ©nglilfte 3 Water Bzagon,OZa^arlfteBragon: tof reUCfte Serpentairedeau^O% aquatique: to ftigft Boucfte IB alter Scftlangenkrattt,waffer Bracftenwnrt?: in bafe Al* maigne,water Bzaken wozteie* Cbe fonrtb fet downe of apatftiolus for tfte great Bragonworte,tomp 4 iubgementis none of tfte BragonwurteS,bttt tftat in tfte rigftt great B.ztv gonwurt,tfte wfticft we ftaue befcribeb anb fet in tfte fird place: ft it in tftougftt tftere is no fucft fterbe to befounbe, as a^atftioltis figure botft reprefent* fy The Nature. Cftefefterbes, but efpeciallp tfteirrootesanb fnitt,areboateanddrpein tfte tftitdedcgeee* ^The vertues. Cbe rootes of tbefe berbes eptber bopled orrodeb, ft mingled witft ftonp, j and afterward licked,is good for tft em tftat can not fetcft e tfteir breatb, anb for tbofe tbat are bexed wttft dangerous Cougftes and Catarrftes, tftat in to fop, tftedidiilation and falling downe of ftumourS fromtbe faapne to tbe ftteaft, arid agapnd conttultions or Crampes: foz tftep ditttde, ripe, and confume, ad groffe and tougft ftumourS,and tftep of fcbnreand clenfe al fawarde partes* Cftep ftaue tfte like po wer,wftan tftep are tftree or foure times bopied,bntpl B tftep ftaue lod tfteir acrimonpe or lftarpneffe,to be afterwarde eateninmeates, as ©a!en foitft* Cfte fame dried anb mingled Witft ftonp, fcottretft malignant, anb fretting © blcers,tftat are barbe to cure,efpeciailp if it be mingleb witft tfte roote of Bzio* npzymb it taketft awap all wftite tpottes,and fcutufaeffe,from anp parte of tfte bodp tftat is rubbed tfterewitftall* Cft e iupce of tfte roote oftfte fame,ptittetft awap all webbeS ft fpottes fromB tfte epes,and itin good to beput into Collpres, and Medicines tftat aremade for tfte epes* Cfte fame dropped into tfte eares witft ople,taketft awap tftepaine ft greefe © oftftefame* Cfte fruit of BragonS curetft biruient and malignant blcers > ft confumetft f and eatetft awap tfte fuperfluous flelft (called Jdolppus) tftat growetft fatfte #toie,and it is good tobelapdebnto Cankers,and fncftelike fretting and con- filming blcers* Cfte freifteand greene leaues, aregood to belapdebntofcetfteand greene pzeferue tft e fame from periling and rotting* Biofcorides writetft, tftat it is tftougftt of fome, tftat tftofe Wfticfte carrier about tft erit tft e leaues or rootes of great Bragonwurtes, cannot be fturt noj ftong,of mpztgmb Serpentes* <£>f a t oivtfalfeo foote oi Cocfcotuppnt* Cfjap* trij* fy The Defcription. f4ggg€>ckowppnt ftatft great, large,jfmotft, (ftfafag, (ftarpepopnted leaues, • p33mucl* lar9er tftan Jttpleaues,ft fpotteb witft blackilft markes of blacke ^sg?anbbtew: amongfttftemrifetftadalkeofafpannelong,(]pottebftereft tftere the Hiftorie of Planted Jij tftere witft certateepurpie tpeckles,anb it Arum. carietft acertapne longcodde, ftufke, oz ftofe: open bp one fpde like tftep'oportton of a ft aar es ear e,ttt tfte middle of tfte fopd ftufke,tftere growetft bp acertapne tfting ipketo apedelor clapper, of a darke imuv rp, oz wanne purple colour: tfte wfticfte after tfte opening of tfte betote or ftufke dotft appeare, wftan tWig gone, tfte buncfte or clufter of beries alfo or grapes, dotft at lengtft appeere, wfticft are greene attfte firft, and afterwarde of acleare or ftinfagpellowilft red colour, IpkeCozall, and full of iupce in eacft e oftfte fopde ber- rieS,isafmalftardefeedeortwafae*Cfte roote in duelling rounde Ipke to a great 4DUfe, oz fmalbulbtts Litton, Wftiteand fud of IBttft ozfubdauuce , and ft in not witftout certapne ftearie (fringes bp ft: witft mucft increafe of fmall pong rootes orfteades* fyThe Place.. Aron growetft bnder ftedgis, and cold Iftado wie places* iffTheTyme. Cfteleaues of Aron do fpring foortft in a^arcfte and Aprfllt and tftep pe* rufte and banilft e fa June and Jtiip,fo as notfting remapnetft fouing onelp tfte ftalke and naked fruit fa Julp,fa Auguft and after tftefruit waxetft rppe* fyThe Names. CftiS plant is caded fa©reeke w fa Ratine Arum: fa SftoppeS iaron, and Barba Aron .Offome Pes vituli: of tfte AffpzfonS Lupha: Of tfte CppzfartS Colocafia: (aSamongdtftebadardesandcouriterfetnameS) Wftereasftttf alfo caded oV©-, and a?«xovt/«. piinie affirmetft fa tfte pbU Cftapter of ftis Xriui*booke,tftat tftere ig mntb controuerfie about Aron and Bragonwortes, a!ldfomeaffinnefttObetftefome,atiti fo CailftSerpentariam minorem: fo©n* gluftealfo itig commonlp called Aron, ^riedesppntill, Cockowpinted: alfo Hampe,and r©ake Hobpn: in f rencfte Pieddeveau,tuib vit de Prefire fa Jtaliau Gigaro.faSpanilfte Yaro:fa©etnMnie^faffenpint,andCeutfcften tagbeer*: te Brabant #apecullekens,and ©alfsboet* fyThe Nature. Aronis of complexion boate anb biiz, anb as ©falenfaptft, it is ftoater in one region tftan fa an otfter, foz tftat wfticft growetft in Jtalie,iS onlp ftoate fa fftefirft degree,or almoft in tftefecondedegree, but tftat wfticft growetft in tftis Countrie, ig ftoate fa tfte tft irde degree* fy The Vertues. Cfterootes, leaues and fruit of Aron,are in power and facnitie mucft Ipke bnto Serpentaria, or tftat kinde of Bragonwottes tftat growetft in tftis * Cottutrie,tft e wfticfte is berp ftoate,as we ftaue fopde* p4 The fecond Booke of €>f3Wfarom. €tjap*tri& fyThe Kyndes. THereiSnowefonnde two kindesof Arifarom, Wftereofoneftatftbzoade leaues,and tfte otfter narrowe* Arifarumlatifolium. Arifarumanguftifolium. , BroadleauedArifaron* HJarrowleattedAriferon* fe The Defcription. © firft and rigftt Arifarom,ftatft leaues falftioned like Aron,fouing tftep be mucbednallerlftarpepopnteb ft fomwbatfalftioned like Jap- leaues,biS ftalke ig fmal anb flenber,ftis bnfkie couering,iS but litie, anb ftis peftillozclapperffaall: of ablacktlfte purple colour,ftiS grape oz berie wftan itig ripe ig red*Cfte kernelles are fmaUCft e roote ig alfo wftite and fafftionedlike Aron,fauing it ig fmader* Cfte feconde Artfaron ftatft fine or fixe,ozmo: long, narro we, fmotfte, and (bfafagleattes,ftiSftttfkiebaggeorftofe ig long and narrowe, tfte long taple or flender peftill tftat growetft out oftfte fopde ftufke, ig fomewftat bigger tftan a rulft e,and of a biackflft purple,ft fo ig part of tfte lining,or fafide of tfte ftufkefto tftewfticft at tfte lad tftere growetft, a Iowe euenbp tbeground,and fomtimeS deeper, acertapne fmall numberof kernelles otberries, growing togptfterin alittlebuntfte or clufter like grapes: wfticft are greene at tftefirft as tfte otfterS be and afterwarde red*Cfte roote ig alfo rounde and wftitelpke tfte otfter* fyThi the Hiftorie of Plantes. J2J fyThe Place.' Botft of tft efe plantes are drangers to ©ermanie, and tftis Countrie* But tfte fird kinde growetft in Jtalp,fpeciallp in certapne places of Cufcane: tft e o- tfter growetft about Home,and in Batoiatia, as Aloifius Angildlara Witnef- fetft* feTheTyme. Botft of tftefe plantes bo beare tfteirflow.zes anb feede at fucfte tpmeS and feafons as Aron and BragonSdo* fy The Names. . # Cfteftrdof tftefeplanteS ig called of Biofcozides kiwr- in&atine Arifaru, wemapalfo call itin ©nglifft Ariforon: idlinieinftfaxxiiif*bookeandxtof* Cftap*calletft it «e^faping,tftere ig an Aris growingin©gppt,likebnto Aron, butitisfmallerbotft utleauesanb roote, anbpettfterootetsasbiggeasan ^itfe* But tfte otfter Ariforon was bnknowen of tfte olde writers*i£et, tftat it is alfo a kinde of Arifaron,ft ig manif eft afWelintfteflowerS,frttit,ft rootes, as add in tfte qualities* fyThe Nature. Ariforon ig of a ftoater and drper complexion tft an Aron, as ©alen wzitetft* fe The Vertues. Ariforon alfo fa bertue and operation ig Ipke to Bragonwortes, and tft e A roote tftereof is proper to cure ftollowe blcers and papnefull fores, as Biofco- rideswritetft:tftep alfo make of itCollpriaandplavderSgood agapnd f idti- las * Jt rottetft and cozrttptetft tfte priute members of all liutug tftinges being put tfterefa, as Biofcozides writetft* <£>f£entone. f tftis great Centorie tftere in an otft er kinbe, wbofe leafe in not diuided or iagde into partes,or peeces,bttt after tfte manner of a Bocke leaf e,it in long and bzoade,fingie,ftnd not cut into partes: pet itin nickt ft fnipt rounde about tfte edges,Sawe faiftion*Cfte dalke in iftozter tftan tfteotfter: CfteflowerS, feebe and roote, in Ipke tfte otfter* Cfte fmall Centorie in a little fterbe,it fptfagetft bp witft afmal, fquare,cor* nereddalke,of ftalfe afoote or nine incftes long: witft fmad leaues to falftiou lpkea9arierom,orratfteelpketfteleattesofS* Joftnswozte* Cftepleafant flowersgroweat tftetop of tfte little branncftes,of a fapre carnation, or ligftt ©e purple i6 The thirde Booke of Centaurium magnum.Cfte great Centorie* Centaurium minus. purple red colour,lpketfterofecampfae,bttt fmaller: wfticftebpdaptpmeand after tfte Sunne rifingdo open, and do clofe bp agapne in tfte eucnfag* Cftere commetft after tfte flowers little longftufkes, ozlftarpepopnted coddes, fome- wftat ipke wft eate corneS,fa wfticft in contepned aberp fmall feede, Cfte roote iS fmad,ftarde,and of wboddpfubdance, and feruetft not to anp purpofe in me- dicine* fyThe Place. t Cfte great Centorie deligfttetft in a good and fruitftili grounde, and grade ftilles kplapnes*BiofcoztdeS faptft, it growetft fa5dpcia,#eloponnefo, Area* dia,Helide,^effenie,and indiuers places of ^ftoloen,ftSmpzna,tftatftande ftigft and well agapnft tfte Sunne*Jt is alfo foundebpon tftetriounte©arga- nun oz Jdea,in tfte Countrie of Apuieia, and in tfte feelde BaldtiS bppontfte monntapnes nere merona: but tftat wfticft growetft fa tft emonnt BalduS, iS not fo good as tftat of Apuleia,asapattftiolus wzitetft* Cfteffagle,orwftole leaned great Centorie growetft fa Spapne, and tfte rootes being brougftt to Antw arp e,and ftptfter,do fomerime grow being plan' ted in our gardens* Cbe fmall Centozie growetft fa bntopied feeldes and paftures,bttt efpecial- Ip inbip groundeS,and it in common fa tfte moft places of ©nglande, and ado fa Jtalieand ©ermanie* fyThe Tyme. f Cftegreat Centozies do flower infommer, and tfteir rooteSmuftbegatfte- red fa Autumne* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. ->ty i Cfte fmall €znto%iz ig gatftereb in Juip and Auguft,Witft \vg flowers and feede* fy The Names. t Cfte great Centorie in called in ©reeke mvt«vpv>i> Th ^iyoc-infLotinz Centaury magnum : CfteOpftfaftUSalfo Calletft ft Centaurida :faSftoppeSjft in Wfang named of fome Rha Ponticum:for Rha Pontkumis tftat kinde of Hfta wfticft growetft intfte Countrie of jaontus , and ft is a plant mucfte differing from tfte great C entaurte ♦ Cftere be alfo otber names afcribeb bnto tfte great Cen- torie, wfticft are fapneb anb counterfa?teb,as Apuleius writetft, wfterof fome feeme to apparteine to tfteleffer Cetorie,as vecom^ec^H * i««^vioF,vt<\rio^xijuvranop, MjuvKs-/V,7rxfcK7f ov/« h x«XHreovi^,x«^v/V«rjuflf,^«Kxi8?,tftatiSfa3tatfae Herculis fan- guis,Vnefera, Fel terra?, Poly hydion nut^Top. % Cft e final €znto}iz ig calleb fa ©reeke >«vr«uW to ^ty: anb of Cfteopftra- ftttS WTctvek. in Ratine Centaurium paruum,and Centaurium minus : offome Febrifuga,Fel terra?, and Multiradix: bf tfteApOtftecarfeS Centauria minor : fa jtalieandHetruria ^w^.faSpanilft Cintoria: fa©ermanie Cattfengttl- denkrattt: fa Brabant Santorie,and clepn Santorie: in frencft Petite centaurs. fyThe caufe of the Name. Centorie was called in ©reeke ©entattrion,and Cftironion,after tbe name ofCftirontfteCentaure,wftofirdofailfounbeouttftefetwofterbes,fttaugbt tfte to Aefculapfas, as Apuleius writetft* Anb as fome otber write tftep were fo nameb,bpcaufe Cft iron was cured Witft tftefe fterbes, of a certapne wounde wfticfteftetooke (beingreceitted as agfteftoz draunger fa Hercules ftottfeoz lodgfag)bp letting fall on ftis foote, one of Hercules iftaftes or arroweS,aS ftewas ftanblfaganb dewing of tfte fopde Hercules weapon and armour* fy The Nature. * Cfte great Centorie in ftoate and dzp in tfte tftirde degree, ft alfo adringent* * Cfte leffe or fmall Centorie, in of complexion ftoate, and drie fa tfte fecond e degree* feThe Vertues. Cfte roote of great Centorie, in quantitieof two Brammes, takenWitft A water tf tft ere be a fetter, ft in wine if tftere be no feuer: is goob for tbem tftat are burden,and foz tftem tftat fpetblood,mtd agapnft tfte Crampe ftflmnkfag ofanp member, tfte Ift oftneffe of winde, anbdifficuitieofbreatftfag, tfteolde cougft,and gripingpapries or knawinges of tftebellp* Cft e fame dronken in wirie, bzingetft downe tfte monetft es or WomettS na= $ tural termes, and expulfetft tftedead fruit, as it dotft alfo being conueped in at tfte place,as a & effarie or motfter Suppofttozie* Cfte greene roote of great €znto^iz ftamped,or tfte drie roote foked in wa- © ter and bzttfed,do tft iopne togptfter and ft eale,al greene and frelft woundes be* ing lapbe anb applped tfterebnto* Cfteiupceof tfteroote, tftewfticft tftep gatfterandkeepein fome countries, B ftatft tftelpke bertue as tfte roote ft felfe* Cfte roote oftfte fmall,or leffe Centorie, in to no purpofe for a£ebicfae,bttt © tfte leattes,flo wers,anb iupce oftfte fame,are berp neceffarie* Cfte total Centorie bopleb to wateror wine, purgetb bownewardes Cfto- f iertque,flegmattque,ft groffe ftumottrS,anb tfterefoze it ig good for fucft as are greeued witft tfte Sciatica, if tftep bepurged witft tftefame bntpll tfte blood come* Jt ig berp good agapnft tfte ftopptogeS of tfte litter, againft tfte Jaundife, © and agapnft tfteftardneffe oftfte apette oz Splene* Cftedecoction of Centozie tfte leffe dzonken, kidetft wormes, and driuetft h tftemfoortftbpfiege*JtiSalfobeii>goodagainftconuuitionS and Crampes, ' andaitftedifeafesoftftefinewes* Ceft Cfte } 18 The thirde Booke of Cfte iuptz tfterof taken ft applied bnder tea ©elforie, pzouoketft tfte flow-J ers,and expulfetft tfte dead cftilde* Cftefome witft ftonpclearetft tfte figftt,and taketft awap tfte cloudes and ft fpottes of tft e fame beirigdzopped or diftided into tft e fame, and it is berp good to bemingledwitftallCoiiprieS>and medicines tftat aremadefor tfte epes* Cfte fmall Centorie,greene pounde and lapde to,dotft cure and fteale freflje H and newe woundes, and clofetft bp,and foderetft olde malignant blcers, tftat areftardeto cure* Cftefame dried ft reduced fato powder, isprofitableto be mingled amongft 3*5 opntmentes,plat>fterS,powders,and fucfte Ipke medicines as are ozdapncd to fpd bp witft flelft, ftftulas and ftolowe blcers, and to modifie and foupple all ftardneffe* ^faeubarbeojfiljabarba* tfljap.r* fyThe Kyndes. THete be diuers foztes of Hfta, or as it is nowe calleb Heubarbe, not fo mucfte differing fapzopoztion,but tfteir diuerfitieis altogptfter fa tftepla- ces wfter as tftep are found growfag*f or onekind of ft growetft in^on* tus, and iScalled Rha Ponticum; Cftcftconde growetft inBarbaria, and is tfterefoze calleb R habarbarum, and it ig tfte common Heubarbe: Cft e tftird com- metft frombepondetfte JndianS,outoftfteregtonS of China, and it ig tftat Wfticfte tfte Arabians call Raued Seni. feThcDefcriptien. HA (as it is tftougftt)ftatft great bzoade leaues, Ipke to tft e leaues of Capfcts Barbatus, or wftite apoilin: or ipke to tfte leaues of of Clot Burre: fnipt and dented rounde about tbe edges like to a faw, greene and fmotfte aboue, and wftite and frp?ed bn- derneatft* Amongft tftem fpztogetftbp a round ftraigftt dalke of a cubite long,and attfte top tftereof growetft afapre ftatp fc— knop otftead, tfte wfticft wftan itbiowetft and openetft, Iftewetft foortft a fapze pur- ple flower, and afterward es ft bearetft feede, not mucfte bnlpke tfte feede of tfte, great Centorie, fouing it in fomewftatf longer* Cfteroote in long, tfticke, and • 7 tfttingie or open: and being cfteweb, ft Vf peelbetft apellowifl; colour Ipke £)cre, or v Saffron* ^ fyThe Place. Hfta growetft in tfte HegionS about Bofpftozus, and J^ontus, bp tfte riiter Hfta, and inBarbaria, ft fatfte Countrie of ©ftfaa*t©e ftaue found ftere in tfte gar- dens of certafae diligent H erboziftes tftat ftrangeplant Wfticfte is tftougftt of fome tO be R ha,or Rhabarbar urn. Rha. Heubarbe* fyTbi the Hiftorie of Plantes* j 529 iffTheTyme. Jtflowtetftiujune* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbe,ftfpeciallptfteroote,is called in ©reeke^«^oF:fa tfte Arabian (jpeCCfte Rhcu and Raued,or Rauct,of ^UnfefaXlatfae Rhacoma, ft Rhecoma. 1 Cftat wfticfte growetft about Bolpftorus in called fa ©reeked /rovrmoy.fa ftatfat RhaPonticum, or RheonP6ticum:0f a^eftteRaUcd Turcicum, tftat ig to fop,Hfta of Cttrkie* * Cftefecond wfticft growetft in Barbarie,iscalled Rha Barbarum: of a^efue and tfte Apotftecaries Rheu bac bai um. 3 Cftetftirdkfade(Calfed Chinarum)iS called alfo Rha,or Rheum Seniticum: and Rheum lndicuin,and Of tfte Arabians RauedSeni. fyThe Nature. Hfta in ftoate fatfte fird degree,and dzp in tfte fecond, and of an adringent Orbfadfag nature* iff The Vertues. Cfterooteof Hftaponticum, as foitft Biofcorides, in gpod againft tfte bla- n ftingeS,wamblinges, and tfte debilitie or weakeneffe of tft e domacke, and all tfte papnes of tftefame* a^ozeouer ft in finguier agapnd conuulfions and CrampeS,or agapnd tftedifeaifes of tftelitter and (piene, agapnd tfte gnawing orgriptngtbrmentes of tftebedp,tftekidnepes,and bladder* Alfo agapnft tfte akpngpapnes of bzeaftes and anotfter, and fozfucfte as are troubled witft tfte Sciatica, tftefpittfag of blood, fobbing, peoxing: it is good alfo agapnft tfte blooddiefiireandtftelafke, and againft tfte fittes of feuers, and tfte bitinges and ftfoginges of all fortes of benimous beaftes* foztftefamepttrpofe,it is ja^uenfqtiantitie of aBragme witft HPbzomelozB ftonied water fa a fetter: ft witft fputpe Acetofus agafaft tftedifeafes of £ fplene oz melt: witft ftonied wine it in good againft £ dtfeafes of £ bzeaft: ft it is taken due witftout anp mopfture,agapnft tfte weakeneffe or looferieffe of £ ftomacke* Cfte ro ote of Hfta ^ontike damped and mingled witft bineger, curetft tfte C bdewftitefcurffeormangfaeffe, ft clenfetft tfte bodp from pale ozwanfpottes (or tfte apozpftew)befagftraked or annopnted witb tfte fome* Heubarbe and Haued Seni (as a^efne writetft ) taken in quantitie of a ^ Bramme, purgetft downewardescftoleriqueftumours, wfterefore tftep are good againd allfto ate feuerS,inflammationS,and doppinges oftfte iiuer, and tfteJaunderS,elfteciailpto begiuenorminidred witft wftape or anp otfter re- freffting oz cooling drinke or potion* Heubarbeof ftim felfe,or of ftis ownepzoper nature, is alfo good agafaft al <* mannerof iffueof bloob,eptfter aboueorbelow,andisgoodfortftem tftatare fturt oz burfte fawarblp,and againft greeuous fades and beatiriges, ft agafaft Crampes,and tfte drawing togptfter of anp part oz Iftrinkfag of finewes* Alfo ft curetft tfte bloobdp flixe,ft al manner lafkes,beingfird a litie toded, # or dzied agapnd tft e fire, and dronken witft fome adringent liquor>as tfte iupce of 0iantapne,orgroffeand tfticke redde wine* fe The Choice. CftebedHfta,asa£eftte wzitetft,is £ wfticft isbrongftt fro bepond Jndia,ft growetft in p Countrie of China*, called Haued SeniCfte next to tftat in tfte Heubarbe of Barbarie,ft tftat wfticft is of tfte lead bertue is tfte Hfta potike* otutyteao. tftjap.n* fyThe Kyndes. THerebetwo fortes of cptlamen, as Biofcorides writetft* Cfteoneisa Ibweplantwitft around roote,and iS taUed Cyclamen Orbkuiatum.Cfte <$z iii otfter j;o The thirde Booke of otfter growetft ftigft,and wzappetft it felfe about (ftrubbes anb plantes, anb it ftatft no notable roote,and it is called Cyclammusahera. fy The Defcription. 1 j^5s^$rtainmon(wfticft ^emapcalround Sowbread)ftatft bzoade leaueS £>§£ Sfpreadbpontftegroundewitftpeakedcornersi?ketoJupleaues,and k&agatqfttlp dented round about tfte edges: and of afwart oz darke greene colour aboue,pet powdered or garnilfted witft wftite ipeckes or ipots, and tfte middiepartoftftefapdeleafeisfomewftatwftite : buttbatfpde of tfteleafe Wfticfte in nzit tft e grounde,is purple colour, but fometimes deeper and fome* times lighter* Cft e flowers ftang bppon tender dalkes, nodding oz beckning downewardes,and tfteir leaues turning bp wardes ozbackwarbes, in colour ipke to tbe purple biolet, but not fo faire: anb of but a little or no fouour* Cftere folo w e fmallknoppes witft feebe, growing bpon fmall dalkes tbat are Wfabed OwZ turned tWO OkZ tbXZZ tpmeS a- Cyclaminus orbicularis. bout*Cfterooteis turned rounde ipketo a Sowbread* Curnep, orBtilbtisroote, anb fomewftat flat or pzelled bo wne, witb diuers bearie (fringes bp tt,anb it in blacke witftout, and wftite witftin, ft in witfterfagit gatfteretft WrinckleS* * Cfte fecond Cpclamfaon, or So Wbzead, ftis leaues be alfo bzoade and notftuig pea- ked oz angled,but fa a manner rounde, and notfting fpeckled bppon* orat leaft wapes berp ftarde to bepercefaed: tbzp bealfo of a fobde or blackilft greene colour, but bnder* neatftofarebpurplecolour* Cfteflowers are Ipke to tfte firft, but of a better fauour* Cfte roote in fomewftat fmaller* ? Cft e tftirb kfabe alfo batb leaues witft- out cornerS,but tbep befomwftat dented or fnip rbundeabout tfte edges: tfteieleaues alfo aretpeckled,and blackilft in tfte middle* Cftefloweris of a beeper purple,and of a mod pleafant fattoz * But tft e roote in fmal- ler tftan anp of tfte red* fyThe Place. Sowbread growetft inmopd and ftonp (ftadowp placeS,bnderneatft trees, ftedges,and buflftes,and in certapne woobbeS,btit not euerpwftere* Jt grow- etft about ArtopSand^ermandopsinfrannce, ftfatftefozeft of Arden, and faBrabant* Jtis alfo commonfa©ermanieand otfter Countries* Bttttfte tftirde kinde in tfte dapntieft,and pet not drange fa Jtalie* iffTheTyme. CftekinbeSof Sowbzeaddo flower fa Autumne about September, after- warbes fpzingetft bp tbe leaues, wfticft are greene ad tfte winter* Cfte feede waxetft ripe about fommer next folo wing* fyThe Names. t Cfte firft ig calleb fa ©reeke kV*\«>@, « feitf Aw* in Hatfae Cy claminu?, Rapum terra?,Tuber tcrra?,and Vmbilicus terra;: of ApuieittS Orbicularis, Pala- lia,Malum terre, Rapum porcinum, and Panisporcinus: fafftoppeSCpcUtrtiett, and Arthanita :fa © ngiilft Sowbread: in f rencfte Pain de pour cean. fa Jtalian Paa the Hiftorie of P lantes. j ji Pan porcino.fa Spanilft fome cad it Mazam de porco:fa ©ermanie Scftwefa- brot,©rdtapffel, ©rbtwutt?,andSeuwbrot: faBrabanmerckenSbroot, anbSwegbenbroot* ^liniecalletfttftecoiouroftftisflower inkatute Colofsmum, orColofsi- nus color. » Cftefeconb kfabe is cadeb in ©reeke wrx^©-^*: fa ftatine Cyclaminus altera: of fome K/wiop xi^ocvStjwop »^d Kiajo4>wM.op, anb we take tbat to be Vitalba, tfte wfticft (ftalbe defcribeb thereafter intftexlbfa* Cftapter of tftis booke* fy The Nature. Sowbread ig ftoate and drpe in tfte tft irde degree* feThe Vertues. Cfteroote of So wbtead dzpcd,and madeinto powder,ft taken fatfte quan- A titleofadragme,oradragmeandaftadewitftHPdromeilcalled alfo ftonped water,purgetft do wnewardes groffe ft tougft flegme,ft otfter Iftarpeftttinours* Cft e fame taken in\oinz in profitable againd al popfon, and agapnft tfte bp- B tinges and ftfagfages of benimous beades, to be applped ft lapd to outwardlp bpon tfte wounded or ftutt place* Cftefame dzonken witft wine oz Hpdromei,curetft tfte Jaundife ft dopping pieSfor tfte purpofe, waftetft and confnmetft tfteftardneffe, and flapping oftfte Splene or melt* Jt alfo ftealetft wotirides,befag mingled witft ople and bfaeger., and lapde % bpon tft em,as Biofcorides faptft* Ctjebzotft ordecoctionof tftefame roote,iS good to batfte ft Huz fucft partes a? oftfte bobp as be out of iopnt: tfte gowt in tfte feete,and kpbeb ft eeles, and tfte fturuiefozesoftfteftead* Cfte €>ple wfterin tftis roote ftatft ben bopleb, clofetft bp olbeblcerS,ft witft a, tfte famealfo ft alitie waxe,tftep make an opntment berp goobfor kibeb fteeles and feete tftat are ftutt witft colde* Cfte roote ftanged bpon wemen,in trauaple witft cftplde, caufetft tftem to be g> deliuereb incontinent* fyThe Daunger. t Jn wftatfortefoeuertftisrootebetaken,itisberpbaungerous to women tottft cftiibe: wberfore let tfte take fteebe,not onlp fto w tftep receine it inward* lp,but alfo let tftem be aduifed fa anp wife not to appipe it outwardlp: nor to came jji The thirde Booke of carrie ft about tftem,nor pet to plant ft fa tfteir gatdenS,for it Wfllftfader tftem if tftep do but onelp goe otter it* ®f f el tuo jt o? Gentian* Cl>ap.jcft fy The Defcription. G entiana.©eiltfon* H<£ firft leaues of ©entian, are great and iargclapd and ipread abroabebpontbe ground witft finewes or ribbes ipke ^lan- tapne, but greater and more Ipke to tfte ieatiesof wftiteHellebor, amogd wfticft tftzfagetftbp a rounde, fmotfte, ftolowe ftalke, as thicU as ones finger, full of iopntes,and fomtimeS as long as a man, witft fmaller leaues growing bp couples at euerp fopnt, and fometpmes fomwbat fniptround about tfte edges,witft pellow flowers growinground about tfte ftalke at tfte fopde iopnteS ipke to € rownes or garlandeS, wftereof eacfteflower bepng fpzead abzoabe, (ftinetft witft ftxenarrow leaues like aftarre,and tbtp grow out of little long ftufkes, fa wfticft afterward in found tftefeede,wftcft in ligftt,flat,ft tftfa, like $ feede bf ©aroefep bioietSAtflocke- gidoferS,ozadarkeeudfattoured red co- lour* Cfte roote in long, rounde ft tfticke, fometpmes forkedordouble, of tftecolor oftfte eartft witftout, ft pellowifb witftin ipketo Boxe or €>cre, and exceedingbit- ter in tafte* Bpddes tfte ©entianaforefapd tftere are two otfter fozteS of fterbeS,wftW are alfo at tft is tpme taken for ©entian* Cfte one is attogptfter Ipke ©entian, fouing it isfmaller and bearetft blew flq wers,ft fa tafte it in farre bitterer, wfterefore Cragus foitft, it in of greater efftcacie and bertue* Cfte otfter ftatft rotindedalkes, andfmotfte, fet witft greene fmotfte long narraw leaues,alwapes growing bp conples,one agapnft anotfter: at tfte top of tfte ftalke growetft tfte flowers like little belles of a ligftt blew colotir,fomt- wftat fmaller tftan tfte flowers of £ fecdnd kinde of Hanuucttltts* CfterooteiS pellOW,long ft bitter,and this is that plant the which we call Autumne violette* or Belflowers: & is defcribed in the xxj. Chap, of thcfecond part of this hiftoric. fy The Place. zntian growetft bpon ftigft monntapnes, and fa certapne CoomeS oz bal* lepes amongft feme or btake,as fa funbrie places of ©ermanie ft Biirgtiridie* feTheTyme. Jt flow.zetft fa June, and tfte feede in rppeto Juip and Auguft* fy The Names. ©entian in called in ©reeke yivn«vnn Ratine and fa SftoppeS Gentian* of ApttlefaS Aloegallica, vcc'eKX,Narce,X«e°vwi/, Chironion, Bafilica, Cyminalis:fa ©ngiilft f elworterin f rencfte Gentiane • inftigft Botjcfte,©nt$ian, and Bitter- wurt?: fabafe Aimaigne,©entiaen* Jtis alfo called Gennane fa Jtalian and Spanilft e* fytbt the Hiftorie of Plantes. jjj fy7 he caufe of the Name. ©entius king of Jilpzia was tft e firft founder out of tW ft erbe,and tfte firft tftatbfedft fa medicine, and tfterefore it was called ©entian after tftefapde kingeS name* # The Nature. Cfte roote of ©entian in ftoate and drie fa tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Cfteroote of ©entian made fato powder, and takenfaquantitieofadrant * Witft wine, alittlepeperftHue,is profitable for tftemtftat arebitten or dong of anp benimous or mabbe beades > anb is alfo good for tft em tftat ftaue taken anp popfon* Cfte fame dzonke witft water, is good againft tfte dtfeafes Oftfte litter ft do- b macke,ft ftelpetft digeftion,and keep etft tfte meate in tfte domacke, and tfte bfe of it is berp good agapnd ail colde difeafes of tfte intztiop or inner partes* Cfteitipceof tftefame roote curetft tftepapne and acfte of tftefpde, ft ftelpetft © tftemtftat ftaue taken great fades, and brufes,and are burden, for ft d iffolttetft and fcatteretft congeleo bloob,anb curetft the fapdeftttrtes* Cfteroote of ©entian alfo curetft deepe federed, and fretting topzn and B wound es,wft an tfte iupce tftereof in ddied or dropped into tftem* ' Cfte fame iupce applped or lapde to witft fine imte or ipnnen, dotft fwage © and mitigate tfte papne and burntngft cat c oftfte zpzn: anb fcottretft awap and clenfetft tfte fkinnc of tfte bodp front all fouleand etttlfattoured fpottes, bepng annopnted or draked tfterewitft* Cfterooteof ©entian being applped bnder fa manner of a^elforieormo-f tftcr Suppofitozie, prouoketft the flowers, and drawetft foortft tftedead fruit* €>f £rueiata oj ©marf Gentian anb itltfma* €ljap*;aitj* fyThe Defcription. Jfi$^& t©arf©entianftatft roundeftalkes of afpanne longor fomewftat n ^^\5moze,tftep be alfo ftolowe, ft fpaced witft certapne knottie iopnteS, 3 ipi//tfteieaues belongnarroweanb tfticke,and growe alfo bp couples tliSlPftll one agapnft anotfter, and falling fomewftat backwardes ipke tfte ^^^^ otfter©entian,tfteflowersbeblew, long and ftolowe witftfa ipke. bedeS,growfagfoortftofgreeneftufkeS,dandingrounde togptfter at tftetop of tfteftalkes and about tfte ftem at certaine (paces*Cfte roote in wftfte,round, and long,and pearfed oz tftzttft tftzougft fa certapne placescroffewife, wfticft ig p caufe it in called ©ruciata, as fome fop: b ut it in ratber fo caded of tfte falftiou oftfte flo wers,as $ena foitft* Some men alfo take tfte fterbe Alifma or Saponariafor akinde of Cruciata, it ftatft rounbe dalkes witb iopntes or knottes: it in of a citbite or afoote and a ftalfe long,oz moze, tbe leattes be large witb bepnes or ribbes, Ipke tbe leattes ofbzoadeplantapne,fouingtftepbefmaller,ft mod commonlp growingbp cou- ples at euerp iopnt,and bending oz falling backwarbes, efpeciallp tftofe wfticft grownetttfterdote* Cfteflowers growfatftetopoftfteflalkeS,ftalfo about tfte bpper iopnteS fa tttffets,df fWeetfauour,ft colour fomtimeS red as a rofe, andfomtimesof aligftt purple oz wftitecolour, growingout of idttg rounde fttifkes,ft are made of fine leaues fet togptfter,fa ifte midie wfterof are certaine fmallbearietftzeddes*CfterooteSbelongfttbicke,ftgrowor creepe crooked- Ip, bp Wfticfte tftereftangcertapnefmallftearietftreddes ipketo tfte rootes of Beares foote or Setterwozte* fy The place. Jtgrowetft in certapne gardens of Brabant: anb els Wfterett growetft bp flubbes,bzookes,ft riners, ft in mopft places tftat are open agafaft tfte Sunne* Jt continue tft along time fa gardens. fy The $34 The thirde Booke or Cruciata. Bfaarfe©entfon* Aiifma fiue Saponaria.SopeWort©entiait* iffTheTyme. Cftep flower in Jtme,Julp, anb Attguft* fy The Names. 1 Cftefirft in calleb in ©ermanie a^obelgbeer,anb Speerenftirft: fa bafe Al- maigne a^abeigbeenof fome in &atine Cruciatatftat in to fap,Croffeb*Botft faformeanbfacttltie,itfeemetbtobeakinbeof©entian, ftConrabe ©efnere iubgetb itfo tobe, anb tberefozeit mapbecalleb Gentiana minor,tftat in to fap fa©nglilft,tftefmalorBwarf'©^tian*f or tftereis anotfter Cruciata,focalled bpcattfeHeaitesarefettogptfter,dandingliketoaBurgonion©roffe,wfterof fftalbe fpoken amongd tfte kindes of apabder* Some would ftaue it to be cal- led Chiliodynamin : btttPolemoniaiS called ChiliodynamisoftfteCappadO- tionS,asBiofcorideS writetft, but witft tftis Pokmonia tfte Bwarfe ©entian ftatft no ipkelpftode* * Cftefecondeis commonlp called Saponariam,bpcaufe oftfte denftog orfcott- ring propertie tftat in in bin leaues: for Wftan tftep are bzufed, tbzp peeide a certapne iupce wfticft wilfcotirealmodlpkefoope*Btit Htiellfas defcribetft an otfter Soopeworte* SomecallftHerbamtunkam: pet it is none oftfte cloue ©illofers,and mucfte leffe anp oftfte kindes of Polim on ij, wfticft are taken for Sweete naidiams or Colmepners,as we ftatie wzitten in tfte Cftap* of ©illo- fers* Jt iftoitlde ratfter feemeto be Aiifma or Damafonium, fouing tftat tfte ftalke for tbe moft part in notfingle, but moft commonlp growetft fooztft into certapne brancfteS or bittifionS tft tbe rootes (ftottlb be greater oz tbicker tftan tfte rootes of Bearefoote:Bttt tfte leaues are agreable witft tfte defcription of Aiifma, the Hiftorie of P lantes* ^ j Alifma,andfo is tftetuft or bundieof flowers at tftetop* But tfte daikeofAlif- mats fingle anddender,and tfte rootes Iftouldebc alfo flender: wfttcftedeclare tftedfaerfitiebetwixttftissaponana, and Aiifma * Some do alfo take itfor Struthion,bnt it is notftfaglpke: we map cailit in ©uglitft Soopewoft: fome CadftapOCke©illOfer* * The Nature. Cftebitterneffeof tftefefterbes, botft manifeftlp declare, tftat tftep beft oate anb drie,tn qualitie not mucb bnlpke ©entian* tfc The Vertues. Cfte becoction of tfteleaues or rooteof Croffeworte plie mopfture or fubftance* CftefecondeHeleniumwftereofBiofcoztdeSWzitetft, ig bnknowen fobs: tftatft tender brancfteS creeping alongft tfte grounde, befet witft manp leaueS ltftetftepulfelentides*Cfterootefawftitilft ft tftickeas ones little ffager,large aboue and narrow downewardes* fy The 2j6 The thirdeBooke of fyThe Place. i ©lecampane deligfttetft fagood fertillfople, asfabadepesandmedowes, I it is alfo founde in fttlies and iftado wie wooddeS, but not commonlp fa drpe groundes* Jt is berp common in ©ngland, f launders,and Brabant, and de- ep well kno wen in all places* Cftefecond growetft in places adiopning to tfteSea,and bpon idle ftittes*. t iffTheTyme. ©lecampaneflowretft fa Jnne and Jnlp, tfte feedeis ripe fa Auguft* Cfte beft time to gatftertfteroote,iS attfte ende of September, wftan it ftatft loft ftiS ftalkes and leaueS* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbe in called kwoy: fa Hatine inula, and Enula: fa SftoppeS Enula Campana:Of fome Panaces chironion, OZ Panaces centaurion: fa©t*glifl)e©le- campane,Scabwozte,and Horfefteelerin f rencfte Enula campana .• fa ©ermanie AlantwurtjtmbafeAlmaigneAiantwortel,and ©atontwortel: in Jtalian Enoa$nb £W4:faSpanilfte Raizdelalla. * Cfte feconde kinde is caded Helenium Aegyptiacum ,bntpetbnknowento men of tftis tpme* fyThe Nature. ©lecampanebefagpetgreene,ftatftaftiperflttoiiS mopfture Wfticfteongftt firft to beconftimed befozeftbeoccttpied*Bttttbatmopftttrebeingdrped bp, it iSftoatefatftetftirdedegree,anddrpfatftefeconde* fyThe Vertues. Cfte decoction of ©lecampane dzonken, prouoketft b^inz and womenS % flowers, andisgoodfoztftemtftataregreeuedwttftiuwardeburfttnges, or ftaue anp member dzawen togptfter orlftronke* Cfteroote taken witft ftonp fa an©lectuarie,clenfetft tfte breft,rtpetft tougft $ fleme, and maketft it eafie to befpet out, anb ig good for tfte cougft and iftorfr neffe of breatft* Cfte fome made inpowder anddzonke, ig good agapnft tfte bptfageS and c ftfagfageS of benimous beaftes, and agapnft windineffe and blaftfageS of in- warde partes* AConfituremadeoftftefapderoote,iS berp wftolefoinefortfteftomarMfc and ftelpetft digeftion* , Cfteleaues bopleb in wfae,and lapde to tftepfoce oftfte Sciatica, fwagetft t tftepapne of tfte fame* ^f^ptcftnel^etbe/o^eon* €liap*rt). a^attftioitzs figure in almoftlpketfte firft kinde of Libanotidis, ftaSCn> nerandftewrftetft,is called faBoucfteBearewortes,orHarteSWorteS* fy The Defcription. '. i l^^^f©on of Biofcorides in defcribed amongft tfterootes, wftereforewe u vwA Iftaue none otfter knowledge oftfte fall)ton of tftefame , but as oifc , P IS? IAnncienteS ftatie left it bs in wrfting*Cftis ftatie J fopde, to tfte itt- ^^%nt tftat men map knowe,tftat tftofe fterbes wfticft tfte ApotftecarieS andotftersdobfeattbiSdapfa^bPdke,arenottbetnteafeon, wfticfte we tftoulde not tellfto we to knowe, if tftat men coulde not finde tfte falftiou, and natureof tfterigftt a^eondefcribed* a^eonaecordfag to Biofcoribes, iSlpke to Bpllfa ftalkes anb leaueS, but ftiS tbicker anb of tftefteigtft of two cubites or tftree foote* Cfte rooteS ate long,fmall,wellfmelling and cftafing orft eating tfte tongue, and tftep are dat- terfagftereand tftere,fome rigfttand fomeawrp* fy™ the Hiflorie of Plantes. jj7 fyThe Place. apeW growetft plenteouflpfain Macedonia and Spapne* . fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe is calleb in ©reeke rf°vin%,utinz Meu:in(ftoppesapeW,Wfticft do but onlp keepe £ name,for tfte true a^eonig pet bnknowe,bttttfte Apotfte- carieS do bfe in tfte deede tfterof, akinde Meum. a^eon* ofwdde^arcelie,tftewfticb is defcribeb in tfte fiftft part of our ftidozp of plantes, ft it ftatft no agreement or Ipkeneffe witft tftedefcription of apeon, wfterfore it can notbea?eon* fy The Nature. Cbe roote of a^eon is ftoate in tfte tftirdedegree,and drp in tftefeconde* fy The Vertues. I cfterootes of a^ettm bopleb in wa- ter, oz onelp foked fa water and dronke, dotft riiigfttilpopentftedoppinges oftfte ktdnepesft blabber, tbepprouokebrine, eafeanbftelpe tfte drangurie, anb tftep confume all winbfaeffe and bladingeS of tfte domacke* E3 Cftefame take witft ftonp,bo appeafe tlie papnes anb grip fages oftfte bedp,are good foz tfteaffections oftfte motfter,po- dagres and acftes of iopntes,and agafaft' al CatarrfteS ft l^ftlegmes falling down bpon tfte bzead* $ Jf wemen fit ouer tfte decoction tfter- of,it bringetft downe tfteir fickneffe* m $ Cftefamelapde bpon tfte loweftpart # of tftebellp of poung cftildren, wpll caufe ftem to piffe and make water* fy The Daunger. Jf to mucfte of tfteroote of tftis fterbe be dronken, it caufetft ftead acfte* <*HPeome* <£i)ap*£bi* fyThe Kyndes. THere be two fortes of ^eonie, as Biofcorides and tfte Auncientes write, tftat is to fop,tftemale and female* fy The Defcription. Ale Pceonie ftatft tfticke redde ftalkes of aCubitelong: tfteleaues be great and large, made of diuers leaues growing or iopned togitfter, not mucfte bnlpke tfte ua alnut tree leafe fa falftiou anb greatneffe: at tfte ftpgfted oftfte dalke tftere growetft fapre large reb flowers,berp toed ipke red rofes, batting alfo fa tfte middespellow tftreddes or fteares* Af- ter tftef ailing awap of tfte leaues, tftere growetft bp great coddes or ftufkes tftree oz foure togptfter, tfte wfticfte do open wftan tftep be ripe, fatfte opening Wftereof tftere in to be feene, a faire red coloured lining, and a podilfted blacke fining feede, fud of wftite fubdance* Cfte rooteS be wftite, long, fmad, and died fmellfag* f f Cfte Pa?oniamas. a^afe^eonte* Paioniafoemina. female ^COnfe* 538 The thirde Booke of % Cftefemale^conieatfttSfirft(pringingbp,ftatftalfoftisftalkeSreddeand tfticke:tfte ieauesbeaifo large and great,btitdiuided into mozepartes,almoft like tfteleaues of Angelica,lottage,orfll?arcfte*Cfteflowers in likemanner be great and red,bttt pet ieffer and paler tften tfte flowers of tfte male kinde* Cfte coddes and feede arelike tfte otfter* Jn tftefe rootes are diuers knobbes-ot knottes as great as AcorneS* 3 p et ftaue poti anotfter kinde of ^eonie, tfte wfticft in like tfte fecond kinde,but bin flowers and leaues are mucft fmaller,and tfteftalkes (ftorter, tfte wfticfte fome cad apapden oz virgin ^eonie: altftougft ft bearetft red flowers and feede Ipke tfteo- tfter* fyThe Place. Cfte kindes of peonies are founde planted fa tfte gardens of tftis Countrie* iffTheTyme. J&eonie flo wzetft at tfte beginning of; g$ap,anb deliueretft ftis feedein June* fyThe Names. ^eonie is called in ©reeke 7r*»v/«:and fa)tatfae Pceonia:Of fome 7rtvTo^«€@-, y\v- itvenV, Dulcifida,and lda?us DaCtylus, Of A* pillClllS Aglaophotis?(rt\moy,attd tormentes oftfte beilp* Cfte fame openetft tfte ftoppfag of tfteliuer,and tftekidnepes, and fod Wttft # red wine ftoppetft tftebedp* Cfterooteoftftemale^eonieftangedabonttfteneckeftealetft, tfte falling^ fickneffe(as ©alenand manp otfterftaneprotted) efpeciallp in ponngcftildren* Cenortwelneoftfteredfeedes, dronken witft tfticke and rongft red wine, & dotft (top tfte red iffnes of women* f iftene or'tft£eneof tfte blacke comes or feebes dzonke in wine or SBeade,* ftelpetft tfte ftrangling and papnes of tfte apatrix or ritotber, and is a foeciall good remedte for tftem tftat are troubleb witb tfte nigftt a^are (wfticft in adi£ eafe wfterin men feeme to be oppreffeb in tbe nigftt as witft fome great btirtfte anb fometimes to be ouercome witft tfteir enimies)and it ig go ofi acrafaft nte- lancftoliqiiedreames* the Hiftorie of Plantes. ?J9 ^n^lctfati'pfyiio* hernial €fjap.tbij. fyThe Kyndes. THere be two fortes of valerian,tft e garden and wilde: and tfte wilde tma- ierianisof two kindes,tfte great and fmall: Beddes all tft efe tftere iSpet a drange kfade,tfte wfticft ig nowe called ©reeke valerian* t. Valeriana hortenfis. j. Valeriana fylueftris maior. Setwallor garden valerian* Cftegreater wilde valerian* fyThe Defcription. I © twall or garden sEalerian, at tfte firft ftatft faoabe leattes of a Wftitilft greene coiour,amongft wfticft tftere commetft bp around ftolow,plafae, 'and a knottie ftalke* Nippon tfte wfticfte dalkes tftere growetft leaues (pread abzoabe and cut,lpkeleauesof tfteroote called gardm$>arfenep:attfte ftigfteft of $ ftalke growetft tuffets of ©orones witft wftite flowers, of aligftt blew oz carnation colour at tft e beginning and afterwarde wftite*Cfte roote ig as tfticke as a finger, witft little rooteS and tft zedd es adiopning tfterebnto* 2 Cfte great wilde valerian, in almoftlpketotftegardenSLlalerian, ttftatft alfo plapne,round,ftolow ftalkes, diuided witft knottes* Cfteleaues arelpke defplaped winges,made of manp fmal leaues fet one againft anotfter, Ipke tfte leaues of Setwalloz garden ^alerian,wfticfte growe at tfte bppet part oftfte ftalke,but mucft greater and moze clou£ oz cut* Cfte flowers grow and are like to tft e garden kinde, of a colour dzawfag towardes a ligftt blew or fkpe colour* Cfte rooteis tender winding and trapling ftere and tftere, and puttfagfodrtft euerp pere newe plantes orfpzingeS fafundzieplaces* 3 CfteUttle wilde valerian, ig berp weldke tfte rigftt great iMalerian,bttt it ig ftii alwapes }40 The thirde Booke of aiWapeS feffe* Cfte firft and neatftermoft j.Phu paruum.Valerianafylueftris leaues are like tfte litie leaues of ^lantaine, minor.cftefmalwild walertai* tfte reft wfticft grow about tfte ftalke, arebe- rpmucftanddeepelpcnt,berpwellpketotfte leaues of wilde valerian, oz like tfteleaues wfticft grow about tfte ftalkes of garde tua- lerian*CfteftalkeS beround witft iopntes,a- bonttbelengtftofaftande* Cfteflowersbe liketo p flo iters oftfte aforefoid kindes* Cfte rootesbefmal,ft creepfagalongft^ grounbe* Cfte ©reekilft valerian ftatft two oz tftree ftoiow ftalkes,ozmoe: bpon £ wfticft grow* etft fpread leaues almoft ipke tfte leaues of wildtfuialerian, but longer, narrower, and moreffaelp cut, Ipketfte leaues of tfte wplde fetcft e, but fomewftat bigger* Cfte flo werS grow tfticke cindering togitfter at tfte top of tfteftalkeof aligftt A^ure or blew color,par« ted into fiue litie leaues, ftaufag in tfte mtdle total wftite tftzeddes pointed witft a litie pel- low at tftetbps*Cfte feede ig fmall growing faround ftttfkeS*Cfte rooteS arenotftfag elS4.Phu Grecfi. Valeriana peregrin* iike,btttdnaltftreds* fyThe place. ©reekilft valerian* Cftegarden valerian and ©reekevalerian are fowen ft planted in gardens* Cfte otfter two kindes grow ftere in mopft places,and fa waterp medowes IpfaglOW* feThcTyme. Cfte tftzeefirftkindes of tuialeriando flower from a^ap to Auguft*Cfte ©reeke saaierian dotft flower moftcommonlp in June and Juip* fy The Names. t Cftefirftkindeof tftefefterbes iScalled fa ©reeke 4>S,Phu:faRatine Valeriana,and Nardus fylueftris,or Nardus ruftica:fa(ftoppeS Valeriana domeftica,or Va- lerianahortefis,0f fomefatftefedapeS Marihella, Ge-^ nicularis, and Herba beneditfa: faf rencfte Valeriana. fa ftigft Boucfte©rot> Baidzian: fabafe Almaigne, tame or gtoote^aieria,ftoffomeS*Jozis erupt, oz Speercrupt,tftat is to fap,Spearwurte, oz Speare fterbe,bpcatifeftis firft leattes attfteir firft camming ftp, fa making are Ipke to tfte Jron or ftead of a Speare: to ©ngdfft Setwal,or Spd wad* 2 CftefeCOndkindeiScailed Valeriana fylueftris,Phu fylueftre, and Valeriana fylueftris maior: tof rencfte grande ftigft BOttCft WildeBafoZia, Mt?mwiirt?ei,Augenwurt?, r©endwtttt?,ft Ben> nenmarcke: to bafe Almaigne, wilbe taaleriane: to ©ngiilft tbe great wilbe valerian* ; Cftetftird isaktodeof wilde^alerian,and tfterefore wedo call it, Valeria* fylueftris minor,tftatistofap,tfte fmall wilde^aalerian,and alfo Phu paruum, and Valeriana minor. / r lilt Hiftorie of Plantes. ?4l 4 Cftefourtft in calleb of tfteHerbbrifteSofour time Phu Grecum,ft Valeriana G rsca,tftat in to fop,©reekifft, or ©reke 3Halerian,ft it map be wel called Vai e- mna peregrina,ozPfeudophu,for tftis is no Valerian, but fomeotber ftrange fterbe,tft e wfticft we cannot compare to anp oftfte fterbes defcribeb bp Biofco- rideS,exceptit be tfte rigftt Auricula muris,for tfte wfticft it is taken offome* fyThe Nature. Cfte roote of valerian in ftoateand drie in tftefecondedegree* iff The Vertues. Cftedecoction of tfte rootes of Setwal dronken,pzouoketft bzfae,bzingetft A downe womens flowers,and ftelpetft tfte acfte and papnes of tfte ftde,and fto- macke*Cftep be of like bertue beingmadefapowder and dronke in wine*And tftep be put into prcferttatiues anb medicines made agapnft popfon,and tfte pe- ftilence,as Crpacles and a&itftridats* CfteleaueSftrootesof tftegreat wddevalerianbopledin water, do ftealeB tfte blceration and bliftrfag of tbe moutft,elpeciallp tfterougftneffe,and inflam- mationoftfte tftrote,if one walfte ftis montft orgargarfcetfterewitft* #endobfetogfaeftwitftgreatprofitindrecftes,tofttcftaSare bnritetofa* Cfte two otfter valerians be not bfeb in mebicine* *•♦ ©ngiilft men bfe ©reeke vLialerian,agafaft cttttesand woundes* Hofefenttng u,^ 4H&ofetturteojfi!>obta* €t)ap*tfjttj* Hofefmeiltngi fy The Defcription. Rhodia radix-HOfeWUtt* SDfewurte ftatft tftree oz foure dalkes growing fro tfte roote,fet 5H|&\. ful of tfticke leaues, Ipke $ leaues Of }ipblOngor CraiTula maior,bttt tftep are more narrower,ftcttt or ftackt at tftetop*CfterooteiS tfticke, ftatifagmanp fmalftearie tftrebdes, ft wftan ftis eptfter bzupftd oz burden,ft dotft fente and fouor like tfteHofe, ft of tftat it tookeftis name* fy The Places. Hofewnrt oz tfte roote faltering like tfte Hofe, growetft in Macedonia and Hurt* garter fa tftis €ountxiz tfte Herboriftes do plante ft in tft eft garbens* «£» The Tyme. Jt flouretft in apap,but ft bearetft flower berp felbome* fy The Names. Cftisfterbeis calleb fa©reke/o alapetft ftead acfte* $f Hi s>t 3* The thirde Booke of ^fbadarb pefttojp oj 6artram* €i)ap*inje* Bartram* fy The Defcription. P©litorp ftatft leattes mucftelpke to fe- udal fineip cut orbackt*CbeflowetS arepellow in^midle,fet round about witft little wftite leaues fomewftat blew bnder,like^ flowers of Camomii, or Ipke tfte flowers oftfte great dafie* Cfte roote is long and flraigftt, fomtimeS as bpg as a fmger,fto ate and burning tfte tongue* fyThe Place. CftiS ft erbeiS not founde growing of ^ ftimfedefatftiscountricbiitftisfotind " planted in tfte gardens of certapneHer- bopi&zn^ fyThcTymcs. ^eiitorpfiowretft after a^apbntpltfte Q)n^ end of fomer, in wfticft feafon tfte feedeis f «?g/ rppe* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe in called fa ©reeke ™*$w in)tatfae Saliuaris : inlftopSPyrethru^of fome alfo in ©rekeTrvftvo^Trve&Toy,* nv?inst in frencft e Pyrethre , or Pied d2Alexandre: fa ftigft Boucft Bertra* Albeit mine Autftoz fettetft foortft tftis fterbe foz Pyrethro,pct ft in not attnfWerable bntb Biofcorides Pyrethrum.or Saiiuarem,wfterfore J tftfake We map WricalitbadarSlito- rp Or Bertram* fyThe Nature. " Cfte roote of ^pretftre in ftoateand drp fatfte tftirdedegree* fy The Vertues. *i5^rA0(Jte of W*® ^^^onp^S good agapnft tftefallfagficknes, A tfte Apoplexte, tft e long and olde difeafes of tfte ftead,and againd alUoided* eaies ot tfte brapne* toSertReme!56""1 tl,cmout^ctoelJ>^ato«ft foojtft great quantitieof0■ ala^tftewoS^S!" biaem'9 feept mmein ** moutft, botft mitigate anb € €ftespplet»ftCTew#eUito#ftatftbenbopieb,i* goob to arotopnt tfte bobp & ^f^T'^"'?^ * «3«fH«tBooo foi anp plate-of tftebobp tftatVbti fcbanbftaftenfouolbe, anbfojmemberjftftatarebmummebo/founbereb • anb fo? fucft as are ftrifcen toitft tfte £ame. f wunueteo . <£>f mllOf pclttoip. ap.3cr* *$» The Defcription. llbejMlittup ftatft rounb battle bjancftes t tfte leaues be loner ft nat«' irow ftacfetrounb about l*eafea\»,attfteftigWof tfteftalke mow ^TTu^t^ taal *Weleaue$: tfte roote is tenber gfulof IS* caufe men cal it alfo wild p edit orp* ?frri* the Hiitorie oFFIantes. j4^ fy The Place. Pyrethrum fylueftre.flail&e J&ellitOZp* nailde^ellitozpis founde about tfte bozderS of feeides, in ftigft medowes and Iftado wp places, ft fomtimeS bpon moun- tapues and ftonp places* fy TheTyme. CftiS l^eilitorp flowretft ftomapape bntpd September* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe is nowe called in ftatfae Pyrethrum fylueftre, tftat in tO fap,U9pibe ^ellttOrP : in f rencfte Pyrethrefauuage : fa Boucfte U£ilbenBertram:of fome w eif? Hefafaftrn, tftat in to fap, naftite C anfie* CftiS in not TrfrfiuiKK, Ptarmice ,or Sternu- mentariaftttt anotfter fterbebnknowen of ifteAnncientes* fe The Nature. Cft is fterbe is ftoate and drpe* fyThe Vertues. CftiS fterbe ft olden in tftemoutft and cftewed, bringetft Ipkewife fro tfte brapne flpmiefleme,aimoftasmigbtiipas peli- tozp of Spapne: ftit is berp good againft tftetootft acfte* Jt ig alfo goob in Sailabes, as Catv ragonanb Hoquet, wftereof (ftalbe writ- ten in tfteftftft booke* €>ffalfe ©tetam* €t)ap*nen fyThe Defcription. HtS fterbe ig ipke to tzntikug, or Tlpcozas in brancfteS anb ieatieS,tt jbearetft rounbe blackilft and rougb ftalkes, andileauesdtfplaped and ifpread IpkeXpcozas, attbetopof tbeftalkesgrowe fapre flowers, fomewftatturningtowarbe blew, tftewfticfteontftebpperpart, or ftalfe-bealebatft foure ozfpueleaueS, and in tfte lower,or neatfter of tfte fame flower itftatftfmallongtftzeddescrookingand ftanging ddwne almoft Ipkea bearde*Cfte flowers perilfted, tfterecommetftintfteplaceof ecfte flower foure orfiuecoddes, fometftfagrougft witftout, anddpmieto beftandled, andofa ftrong fauour abttodfmellfaglpkea©oate:fatfte wfticft in contented a blacke, plapne5fl)iningfeebe* Cfte rootes belong and wftite, fometpmeastftickeasa ftnger,and do groweatftwart oneanotfter* |j The Places. Jt growetft fa tfte Jle of Candidas Biofcorides wrftetft,fa tftis Countrie it is founde in tfte gardens of certapne Herboriftes* 3 TheTymes. JtffowzetftfatftisCountriefa Jttneand Jtilp,anb fometpmes tfte feede commetft to rppeneffe* €7'heNames. CftiSfterbe in called in ©reeke t£«W: in Ratine Tragium .• and is tfte firft kind or Tragium defcribed bp BiofcortdeS*Some fterboriftescal it Fraxineiia: ftiiii and Tragium. 344 The thirde Booke of and fome Apotftecaries do bfe tfte roote ofrtinfteebeof Dydam, and do call it Dyptamum, notwitftout greaterrowr, and tfterforett is called offome Pfeudo- di&amumnothum, tftatfatOfap, »o>! ftardeorfatfeDiciam. ^The Natures. Cragium is abnoft ftoate fatfte tftird degree,and of fubtilpartes* fy The Vertues. Cfte feebe of Cragium taken to tfte quantitieofadzagme, is good agapnft tfte ftrangurie,it prouoketft brine, brea- ketft tfteftone in tfteblabder,ftbrfagetft ft foortft: and it motietft tfte termes or flowers of women* Cftelpkebertueftatft tfteleaues and iupce to be taken after tbe fome forte: anb beingfopbe to outwarblp, ftbraw- etft out tftoznes anb (plinters* Cberobtetakenwitb a little Hfteti- barbe,kdletft, ft dziuetft fortft wormes, ftiSberpdnguler ft of excedent bertue agapnft tfte fome,as men in tft efe dapeS ftaue protiedbp experience* Jt in fopde ado (asrecordetb Biof- cozides) tftat tftewilde ©oates wftan tftep be droken witft barts or arro weS, bp tfte eating of tftis fterbe bo caufe tfte fame to fall from out of tfteir bodpeS, afwell as if tbep ftad eaten of tfterpgftt Dydam .And it in poffible, tbat for tbe fame caufe tftis fterbe was firft takenfa IftoppeS fa deebe oftfte rigftt Dydam. ^fpolemomum. €\mtt& fy The Defcription. * IRllB€>lemoniitmftatft tenber ftalkes, witft iopnteS: tfte leaues aremeetelp I llif bzode,alwaieS two fet at euerp iopnt one againd anotfter,at tft e ftigft eft *Xsi of tfte dalkes growetft wftite flowers, ftanging downewarde and iop- ningone to anotfter Ipkea tuttap,or little nofegape, after wfticfte flowers tftere commetft blacke feede, toclofed inroundeftufkes* Cfterooteiswftite, plapne and long* p et tft ere in an otfter fterbe taken for p olemonium, wfticft e dotft alfo bring 2 fooztftiongdalkes,witbknottesoriopntes:ftismucfte longer tftan 'beafore* fapd kind e,ftaufag long leaueS,narrow attfte top, and bzoabe beneatft wftere as tftep be iopneb to tftedalke* CfteflowerS of tftis kuibebe of an orientor cleare rebbe colour,and do groweintnffetes almoft ipketmalerian* Cfteroote in long,wftfte,and tfticke,and welfanoiiring* Cfte ^olemoniumwfterof Abfprtusipeaketft,fatfteHorfe»nfatebefcribed fatfte feconde booke* fyThe the Hiftorie of P lantes. j4y Polemonium. Beenalbltm* Polemonijalterafpecies. fyThe Place. Botft tftefe kindeS growbpomottntafaeS fa rougft ftonp places: men plant tftem ftere fa gardens* fy TheTymes. Cftefefterbes do flower in June ft Juip. fyThe Names. x Cfte firft is called fa ©reeke ^^^v^ *a«Ttf/«:fa ftatine Polemonium,ft Polemonia,0f fome^iMocTuv^icChiliodynamis, ? into fop, aftltttbreb bertlteS, orpropertiesrinlftops, as witneffetft BernardnS of ©ondonio, Herba tunica: of Herboriftes at tft iSdapBeften,ozBeenalbum.petnotwitftftanding tftis ig not tft at kinde of B eft en,wft erof Serapio writetft inbig ©Cxxift*Cftapter* 2 Cfte feconde is alfo taken for Polemonium, ft is called of HerborideS Behcn rubium,tftiSfterbelftould feeme to be^arciffuswfterof Virgil inftis©eorgi- qiteS,and Columella in hortis maketft mention* # The Nature. polemonium is ofcompiexiondzp fa tftefecondedegree* - . feThe Vertues. Ce roote of ^olemonia dzonken fa wine, ig good agapnft tftebloobbpflpxe, 3 and agapnft tbe bitfages arib ftingingeS of benimous beades* Cfte fome brunken in water,pzonoketft brine,anb ftelpetft tfte drangurp and 33 papnes ab 0 tit tft e ft tickle bone oz ftancfte* #en bfe it witb bineger,againd tbe ftardneffe and ftoppfages of tfte melt or © fplene,and to all fucft as are bp anp meanes greened about tftemelt* Cfte fameftolden fa tfte moutft and cftewed, taketft awap tootft acfte* 5© Cftefamepounde ft lapde to,curetft tfte dingingeS of Scorpions: ft indeede The Defcription. Cypcrus. ©ngiilft ©allangal* gi^pernsleattes are long,nat- 8! row,and ftard* Cfte dalkeis triangled of acttbtte long, in tftetop wfterof growetft litie leaues wftite feede fptfagfag out * Cfte rooteislong interlaced one witftfa an otfter , ftaufag manp tftzeddes, of a browne colour and fWeete fauour* 2 BeftbeS tftis tftere in founb anotber kinde liketo tfteafozefopd in leaues and ftemmes:but it ftatft no log rootes > but diuers round little rootes of ^bigneffe ofan€)lpueiopning togitfter: And of tftis fort Biofcozides ftatft written* \ €)ne map welpiace amongft£ kindeS of Cpperus,tfte litie rootes calledCrafi (of £ JtalianS)foz tfteir leaues be fome- wbat like tfte leattes of Cpperus, but tftep be fmaller ft narrower, tbe rootes be almoft like to fmal nuttes, or like tfte filkewozmeswrappeb rounbe fa tbeir dike, befoie tftep tume into apotftes or Butterflpes, and ftang togitfter plente- oudp, bp little fmal tbrebs,tftefe rootes befweet in tafte almoft like CfteftnntS* fy The Place. CpperuS as witneffetft BiofcottbeS, growetft fa low mopft places,ft'tS not commonlp founbe in tftis Conntrep,but w tfte gardens of fome Herboriftes* fy The Tyme. CftiS fterbe bringetft foortft W fpikie top, ft feebe witft leaneS,fa June and Jlllp* fyThe Names. Jt iScalled in ©reeke xu7r^®-:fa7Latine Cyperus, Cypirus, and Cypcris, of fome Afpalathum,ft P.ryuTceptrum : fa(ftOppeS Cyperus: Of CorneliltSCelfttS, Iuncus quadratus,Of ^Ifafe Iunculusangulofus ,and Triangularis. faf rtttCfte - 5w^/faBoncftewplden©algan:fa ©ngiilft©aiangal* * Cfterootes called Crafos,are ado named of tftem £ writenow Dulcichimu: faSpapne ^w/4»4^,ft of tfte commons of Jtalp(as is aforefoid)Trafi,ftTra- fci.Some learned men tftfake^ tftis ig w«?. Mamiras, wfterof ^aitluS Aegi- neta writetft, wfticft Anicencalletft Memirem,orratfter^>*<>v/Tif, Hoioconins, Of HiPPOCrateS* * rhe Mature. Cfteroote of Cpperns or ©ngiilft ©alangaMsftoateanddrpfatftetftitdde- gtee* fyThe Vertues. Cfterootes of Cpperns bopled and dronke prouoketft bzfae,brfagetb downe 3 womens naturall fickneffe,driuetft foortft tfte ftone,and is a ftelpe to tftemtftat ftanetfteBzopfi* Cftefame taken after tftefome manner is a remedp againft tfte dinging and & popfons of Scozpions,and agapnft tfte cougft* Jt in alfo good agapnft tfte coldneffe and ftoppinges oftfte motfter if tfte bel- © Ip be batfteb warme tfter w itftali* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 347 Cfte fame mabeinto powder clofetb bpattdfteaietft tfte olde running fores ^ df tfte moutft and fteretepartescaltftongft tftep eate,and wafte tfteflelftjif it be ftrowed tfterein,or lapde tfterebpon witft wpne* Jt in cuftomabip,and alfo witft great profite put into ftoate opntments and * ptapftersmaturatiue* CftefeedeofCpperitSdronkeiiwitft water, as piinie faptft, ftoppetft tftef flnxe of tftebellp, and ail tfte fttperfltiotis running foortft of womens flowers; but ft to mucft tft ereof be taken,it engendretft fteabacfte* ^f wljfte %e!Ieboj oj l^efe tour te* €tjap*flrftij* fyThe Defcription. Vcratr urn album* He Wftite ©llebor ftatft great bzoad lleaues, wttft ribbes or finewes like tfteleaues oftfte great 0lantapne or ©entian* Cfte dalke ig rounde two or tftree foote ftigft,at tfte bpmod part wfter- of growetft alongeft and rounbeabouttfte top, tfteflowers one aboue anotfter, pale of color,diuided into fixe little leaues, tfte wfticft ftaue a greene line 0 uertft w art.Cft e fame being palled, tftere commetft in tfteir places fatal ftufkes wft erfa ig cotepnedtfte feede, tfte roote is rounde, as tfticke as a mansffager or tftombe,wftite botft witft- outand wttft in ftaufag manp tfticke laces ortftredbpftrfages* fy The Place: m>ftiteHellebor growetft in Anticpza, neare about tfte mountapne €>eta, anb in Capabocia ft Spria, but tfte bed growetft fa Cprene*Cfte Herboriftes of tftis Court- trie do fet it in tfteir gardens* iffTheTyme. tJ^ftiteHelleboz flowzetft intftiSCoun- trietojune and Juip* fy The Names. (CftiSkfad of Heiiebor is called in ©reke wt§»f @- xwxos: fa Jlatine Veratr u m album: fa IftoppeS HelleborusaIbus: offome Pignatoxaris ft Sanguis Herculis:faftecl| Eitebore bianciin ftigft Boucfte i©eif? 0iefWurt?: fa bafe Almaigne t&ittz iftieftv wortel or wit iaieftrnpt: fa ©ngiilft naftite Hedebor, j&efeworte, anb Xing- wOzr* ^ The Nature. 'Cfte roote of ©llebor in ftoate anb bm to tft e tftirbe degree* fyThe Vertues. Cfte roote of wftite ©llebor canfetft one to bomft bp migfttilp and witft great forceiallfiiperflttottS, flpmie, benemous artdnaugfttieftumotits* %ikz* Wife ttis good agapnft tfte falling fickneffe, #ftrenfies,olbepapneof tfteftead, madneffe,fadnetTe,tfte gfowt, and S^ticMlifo.ites of dropfies, popfon, and agapnft j 48 The thirde Booke or agapnft all colde dtfeafes > tftat be barbe to cure, and fucfte as Wpll not peelde to anp medicine * But as concernfagtftepreparation tftereof befozeit be mfaiftred to anp,and alfo in wftat fori tfte bodp tftat (ftall receitte it ougftt to be pzepared,tt ftatft ben berp well and largelp Defcribeb bp bitters olde BoctorS, wfterof J mindenotto fatreate,bpcatife£ rules to beobfenieb befo long,tftat tftep cannotbe compteftenbeb infewe wozdes, for tbep map wellfpilabooke, and bpcaufe ©alent'eacbetb,tftat oneougfttnotto mfaiftertfas beftement and ftrongrootefainwarbemeoicme&but onelp to applp tftefame outwardlp* Cfterefoze it is good to be bfed agapnft all rougftneffeof tfte (Triune,wpideB fcurffe,knobbes,fotiie fpottes, and tfteleprep, if it beiapdetftereto witft Ople oz€)pntmenteS* * Cfte fome cut into gobbinS ordiceS,and put into fidulaS, taketft awap tfte © ftardneffe of tftem* . Cfte fame put bnder fa manner of a ^effarie,bringetft bowne flo wers,and B etpelletft tftedead cftilde* ■ ■ Cfte powder tftereof putinto tftenofe,oifoiftbp into tftefame, caufetft foe- <& fing,warmetft andpttrgetft tftebrapnefromgroffedpmie ftumours, ft caufetft tftem to come out at tfte nofe* Cfte fame bopled to bineger and ftolben in tfte montft, fwagetft tootftacfte, f and mingled witft epe midicines,dotft cleare and iftarpen tfte figftt* Cfte roote of Helleboz pounde witft meale and ftonp, in good to kill ajtyfe © andHattesandfttcftelpkebeadeS,andtodrfaetftemawap: Ipkewpfeifitbe bopled witft mplke, and tBafpeS and f IpeSdo eate tftereof,itkilletft tl)zm> for Wftatfoener dotft eate of ft, dotftfwellandbreake:andbptftiS weinapiubge ft owe perilous tftis roote i*>* fyThe Daunger. t©fttte©llebozbnpzepared,and taken outof time and place, oz tomttcftefa quantitie,is berpfttirtfull to tft e bodp: for it cft oketft, and troubletft all tfte in* wardepartes, drawetft togptfter and fftzinketftal tftefinewes of mansbodp, and in fineitdeaetft tfte partie* Cfterforeft ougftt not to be taken bnprepared, neptftertftanwitftout good fteedeand great aduifement*f or fucft peopleasbe eitfter to pong otto old,oz feeble,or fpit biood,or be greeued iri tfteir domackes, wftofebzeadesareftraigfttandnarrowe, and tfteir neckes iong,fticfte feeble /people map bp no meanes deale witft itwitftout ieobardie and danger* Wfter- fore tftefe landleaperS,HogeS,and ignorant AffeS,wfticft take bpo tftem witft- out learning anopzactife, do berp euill,for tftep gfaeit witftoutdiftretion to al people,wft etfter tftep be poung or olde,ftrong or f eeble,and fometimes tbep kil tfteir patienteS,orattfteieafttfteppiittftemfaperiil or greatbaunger of tfteir ipneS* ®fmtlde mlfitt €Heb0? 0? ^efemurte* Ci)ap*jr^ fyThe Defcription. ?j H& fterbe in Ipke bnto tfte wftite ©llebor abouefopb,btit fa ai partes it in fmaller: it ftatft a ftraigftt ftalke witft Sinowep ieawes, like tfte leattes of ^lantaine or wftite ©llebor,btit fmaller*Cft e flo w ers ft ang Jdownefromtftedalkeof a wftite colour, ftoloweintftemiddle, witft dnall pellowe and incaniatefpotteS,ofaberpdrangefalftion,ft wftan tftep are gone,tftere cometft bp fmal feede like fandeciofed fa tftickeftufkeS*CfterooteS are fpzead ftere and tftere full of foppe, witft a tfticke barke, of a bitter tade* fy The Place. CftiS fterbe growetft faBrabant in certapne mopft medowes, anddarke Ift ado wie places* fy The the Hiftoric of Plantes. fy The Tyme. Cftt£ fterbeflowretft fa June and Juip* fyThe Names. Cftis fterbe is.caded in ©reeke Ut§o^vH,bicatife ftiSipkeinfa{ftiontori)ftite^eilebor: inftatfae Helleborine,attd Epipa&is: fa ftigft BoitcftedDildt wttiftiefcrttpt,tftatistofop,i©ildewftite©ilebor* Some tftpnke, tftat ©leborine ig anftetbelpketo ©lieborus onelp fa bertues, and not iniafeion* Cftefefellowes wplnotreceitte tftisfterbefor Hei- leborine-.bittbptftis tftep map know tfteir errotir, bpcaufe neptfter ©alen nor Biofcozides do attri- bute anp of tfte properties of ©deboz to Heilebo- rtlte* fyThe Nature. CftiS fterbe is of ftoate and drie complexion* fyThe Vertues. A Cftedecoction of Hedeborfae bzonke, openetft tfte ftoppinges of tfte liner, anb is berp goob for fucft as are bp anp binbz of meanes bffeafeb in tfteir ifoers,or ftaue receiued anp popfon, or arebittenbp anp manner benemous bead* €>fWatftetjeHeboi* €dap*]TjcW# Veratrum nigrum Diofcorides/ Blacke Hellebor* Helleborine, H? Planta Leonis. Cftzidwoft* Mlkm ™ Jm tint fyT/jc 35° The thirde Booke of fyThe Kyndes. V^dertftename of Heliebdrus niger,tftatis tofop,blacke ©llebor,arecom- preftebed(bp tfteHerbozideS of ourtime)tftreeforteS of fterbeS,wfterof £ fird is mucfte Ipke in defcription to Helleborus niger,of Biofcorides: Cfte feconde is a drange fterbe not mucfte differing in bertne from tfte true blacke l&ellebo*, and in called CftzifteSfterbe,and in mucft Ipke fa defcription to Hei- lcborus m2er,tftatCfteopftraftus fpeaketftof: Cftetftirde in commonlp caded of tftelowe Boncftmen xe epe,and tfteref ore neitfter fturtful nor dangerous as it ftatft ben more largelp declared* C Tbe Places. * Blacke Helleboz growetft in Aetoiia, bpon tfte mountapne Heliconin Beo« tia,and bponaaarnaffus mount in #ftocidia:and fa tftis Countrie it is found fatfte gardens of certapne Herboriftes* * €bP&tn wurtes iikewife,is not common in tftiSCountrie,bttt in onlp founb fa tfte gardens of fome HerborideS * 3 Cfte baftarde blacke Helleboz growetft fa certapne woods of tftis Countrie, as fa tft e wood Spenie fa Brabant, ft it in fet or planted in diuers gardens* * 4j TheTymes. * Cfteblacke HelleborfatftiS Countrieflowretft in Jnne,and iftortlp after tfte feede is rppe* * Cftrideswurteflowzetft albptimesaboutCftriftmas,inJanuarie,ft almoft bntiiia£arcft,faf ebzuaric tfte old leaues fall of,and tftep (prtog foortft agatoe teaparcfte* t Cfte blacke Badarde Helleboz flo wretft alfo bptimes, but moft commonlp fa f ebzuarie,fometfaies alfo bnril April* fy The Names. t BlackeHelleboriScalled in ©reke ^^f©-^«?wRatine Veratrum nigru, and Helleborusniger,of fome Melampodium,Pr2etium,Polyrhyzon, Melanor- hizon,ft offome Waiters now, Luparia,ft Pulfatilla: inftigft Boucft Scftwart?, ^iefewurt?: fo bafe Almaigne Swert jftiefewortel* * Cfte feCOUd (ftould feeme to be^fre^^.Helleborus niger, wfticft Cfteo- pftraft defcribetft: and in called of learned men tftat write now, Plan ta Leonis, tftat is to fap,&fonS foote, ft it is taken foztftat fterbe wfticft Alexander Cral* lian,and }3auius Aegfaetacall in ©rekeKoeovoTro/^LatineCoronopodiu, and Pescomicis. Jtis caded inBzabantHepiicbkerdcrupt, tftat is to fap, tfte fterbeofCftzift or Cftriftmas fterbe, bpcaufe it flo wretft moft commonlp about Cftriftmas,elfteciallp wftan tfte winter in miide* Cfte tftirde iS nOW called Pfeudohelleborus niger, Veratrum adulterinum ni- * grum,and it is taken of fome foz tftefterbe wfticfte piinie calletft Confiligo: fa ftigft Boucft it in called Cftzift wurt?,tftat in to fap, CftrifteS roote: in Brabant fcliercrupt, tftat in to fap, f ier fterbe,bpcaufe witb tftis ft erbe alone men cure a difeafe in cattei nameb in f rencfte Lc feu. of fome it in called n^ranckcrupt,as of tfte learned and famous Boctoz in ftiStimeSPftrinck rcddentat&ouaigne: andfo me cad it vLiaencrttpt* ©g ti fe Tk j ji The thirde Booke of fy The occafton of the Names. CftiS fterbe was called a^elampodium, bpcaufe alftepfteard called a^elam- ptis fa Arcadia cured witft tftis fterbe tfte daugftters of ^tomts, Wfticfte were diffract of tfteir memories,and become mad:fo tftat afterwarde tfte fterbe was knOWetl* fyThe Nature. Blacke Hedebor is ftoate and drp in tfte tftirde degree* Cftziftefwurt,and tfte blacke baftarde Hedebor are in complexion\ berp Ipke to blacke Hedebor* fyThe Vertues. Blacke Hedebor takenfawarblp, prouoketft tftefiegeordoole beftementlp, % and purgetft tft eueatfter part oftftebellp from groffe and tfticke fleme,andcfto- lerique ftumours: ado it in good for tftemtftat ware mad or fall befide tftem felues, and for fucfte as be dull fteaup and melancftolique: alfo it in good for tftem tftat ftaue tfte gowte and Sciatica* &pkebertuesitftatft to betaken inpotageS , otto be fobben witft bopled $ meate,foz fo it dotft open tfte belip, and puttetft fortft al fuperfltious ftumours* Cftefame lapd to in manner of a p effarie or motfter Suppofitorie, bringetft $ do wne womens fickneffe,and deliueretft tftedead cftilde* Cftefameput into f idttias and ftolowe blcers, bp tftefpaceof tftree dapeS, ^ clenfetft tftem,and ftouretft awap tfte ftardneffe and knobbes oftfte fome* Cfteroote tfterof put fato tfte eares of tftem tftat be ftarde of ftearing,two or plc,ftealetft al rougftnelfe, $1 & ftardneffe oftfte fkinne,fcttruineffe,lpotS, ft fcarres,if ft be rubbed tfterewitft* ^lanta %eonis or Cftridefwnrtes,iS not mucft differing fa pzop erties from jl blacke Hedebortfor itdotft alfo purge and driuetft fortft bp fiege migfttilp,botft melancftolp and otfter fuperfluous ftumours* Cfte roote of badarde Hedebordieped in wine and dzonken, dotft alfo looft & tftebellp like blacke Helleboz,and isberp good againd altftofedifeafeS,wftere bnto blacke Hedebor teinetft* Jtdotft ftis operation witft mozeforce and migftt, if itbemadeintopowder, % and a dram tftereof berecefaed to wine* Cfte fame bopled fa water witft Hueft ©grimonp,or badird ©upatorp,ftea- m letft tfte Jatindife,and pnrgetft pellow ftiperflnities bp tftefiege* Cfte fame tftmft into tfte eares of £2>xen,Sfteepe,oz otfter cattel,ftelpetft tfte $ fame agapnft tfte difeafe of tfte longes,aS piinie and Columella writetft,f or it drawetft all tfte corruption and greefe of tftelonges into tfte eares* And in tfte time of p edilence, if one put tftis roote into tfte bodpes of anp, it S> dzawetft to tftat part al tft e corruption ft benomous infection of £ bodp*Cft ere- foze affone as anp drange orfodapne greefe taketft tft ecattell, tfte people oftfte Countriedo put it ftratgfttwaies into fomepatt of abeaft, wftere asitmap do leaftfturt,and witftin fl)ozt fpace ail tfte greefe willcome totftatplace, andbp tftat meanes tfte bead in fatted* fyThe Danger. ^ Altftougft blacke Hedebor in not fo beftement as tft e wftite, pet it can not be 'giuen witftoutdanger, ft efpeciallp to peopletftat ftauetfteir ftealtft,for as i}ty* pOCrateS foitft, Car nes habentibusfanas^elleborus pericuIofus,facit enim C6- uulfionem, the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^ uulfionem,tftat is to fop, to dicfteasbewftolc,He!lebor in berpperiioitS,forit caufetft drinking of finewes: tfterefoze Hedebor map not be minidred, excepr fadelfterate cattfeS, and tbatto poung and drongpeople, arid not at al times, butintbetpriugrimeonlp: pet ougfttitnot tobegeuenbefozeit be prepared and corrected* fy The correction. wftan Hedebor iS ginen witft tongpepper,Hpfope, Baucus, andAnnpS feebe,itworketft better ft witb leffe banger: alfo if ftbe bopled in tbe brotbofa Capon, ozbf anp otfter meate, and tften tftebzotftegittentobrfake,itworketft witft leffe danger* #ft>erbe3Uoe* ap*tiet)g* •5* The Defcription. Loe ftatft berp great long leaues, two fingers tfticke, ftaufag rounde about (ftort pointes or CredeS daubing wide one from anotfter * Cfte rooteis tftickeand long* CfteflowerS dalkeand feede,aremucft like£ flowersdaikeftfeedeof Affodpll, as Biofcozidesfoptft, bnt in tftefe partes tftep ftaue not ben pet feene* All tfte fterbe ig of drong fauour and bitter taft*And out of tftis fterbe wfticft growetft in JndiaiSdzawenaiupce,^ wfticft in drped and ig alfo named Aioe,and it ig carrped fato all partes of tfte worlde for to be bfed in medicine* fyThe Place. Aloe. Aloe growetft berp plenteouflp fa Jndia, and from tftence commetft tfte beft ittpce,it growetft ado in otfter places of Ada and Arabia,adiopning to tftefea, bnitbz iuptz tftereof ig not commonlp founde fo good* Jt is to be feene alfo in tbin Countrie in tfte gardens of fome Herboriftes* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe is called in ©reeke «xok: and from tftecefprang tfte Ratine name, and in called Aloe in al otfter fpeecft es of Cftziftendome, ft fo in tfte foppe or iupce tftereof named* Cftefrencftmencadit Perroquet: bpcaufeof bis gteeneffe, we map call ft in ©ngiilft Aloe, fterbe Aloe, orSeaApgreene* fyThe Nature. Cfte iupce of tftis fterbe called Aloe, Wfticfte onlp in bfed in medicine, in ftoate almod in tfte feconde degree, and drpe fa tfte tftirde* fyThe Vertues. 3t Cfte iuptz of Aloe wfticfte in of a bzowne colour, liketo tfte colour of ali- uer, wfticfte in cieareandcleane, openetft cg^^^r^ tftebellp,fa purging colde, flegmatike, and cftoleriqweftitmotirs, efpeciallp fucfte wfterewftftal tfte domackeiSburde* ned,and is tftecfteefeft of allotfterpurgingmedicfaes (wfticft moft commonlp ©g Hi do 554 The; th jrcfe Bookie of dofttirttfteftomacke)buttftiSiSafotteraignemedfcineroztfteftomacke,fbzft comfortetft,cienfetft,drietft dp,and driuetft foortft allfttperfluoits ftwmotirs, if itbetakenwitft water tftequantitie of two dzammes* a^entakeit witft Cpnamome, ©inger,^ace,CubibeS,©alangal,AnnpSB feede,and fucft fpices to afwage and driite awap tftepapne oftfte domacke: bp wfticft meanes tftep coinfozt ft fteate tfteftomacke ft caufe fleme to be expulfed* Cftefame in alfo good agapnft tfte JaunderS,aS Biofcorides wzitetft,and ple of rofes and bineger, and lapde to tfte foreftead and $ temples, fwagetft fteadacfte* Jf one do often rubbe ft ig ftead witft Aloes mingled witft wine, it wilkeepe J tfte ftearefront falling* Cfte fame lapd to witft wtne,tutetft tfte toizg and pudules oftfte gummes, ft tft e moutft,tft e tft zo te,and kernelles bnder tft e tongue* Co conclnde,tfte fame lapd to outwardlp, ig a berp good confolidatiueme-it dirfae,it ftoppetft bleeding,and dotft mundifie and clenfe all corruption* 6f Palma Itotttt £im*&i& fy The Defcription. g^^AlmaChriftiftatftagreat,round,ftolow ftalke, ftigfter tft enagood long ||S9maii,\Ditft great broade ieaues)parted fato feuen or ninediuiftons, lar* ^■S^ger,and more cut in,tft en tfte leaues of tfte f igge tree, ipke fome bpzdes foote,ozlpketoafpread ftande* at tfte fttgfteft growetft a buncfte of flowers, cindering togitfter ipke grapes, wft ereof tfte lowed be pellow, ft witft er witft- out bearing fruit,anb tfte ftigfteft are reb,bzinging fortft tftr&cornered ftufkes* iuwfticft is founde tftree grapfeedesfomewftatfmaller tft en ktdnepBeane* fy The Places. CftiS fterbe growetft uotofftttfelfe fa tftis Countrie, but tfte Herboriftes plante itin tfteir gardens* fyTheTymes. Jt in fowen in Apzill,and bin feede in rppe in Auguft and September,anft asfooneastftecofoecoinatfetft,altftefterbeperilftetft* fy The Names. Cftisberbe in called in©reeke««*&* KpoVopinftatfae Rici'nus:fa SftoppeS and Oftfte Arabians Cherua :Offome Cataputia maior, Pcutadadylon, ft Palma Chrifti: fa ©ngiilft Palma Chrifti: fa f rencfte Pautmede Chrifi : faftigft BOttCfte HDunderbaum,and ©reut?battm,ft of fome Zeckenkozntfr* inbafe Almaigne Wonderboom,Crttpfboom,anbag)olfettcriiptt feThe Ricinus. ?J* the Hiftorie of Plantes. feThe Nature. Cfte feede of Palma Chriftiis ftoate ft drie fa tfte tftirde degree* fy The Vertues. A Cftefeede of Palma Chrifti takeninward- ip,openetft tfte bellp, caufetft one to bomite, and to cad out flpmie flegme, drawing tfte fame from farre, and fometpmes cftolerique ftumours witft wateruft fuperfluities* B Cftebrotb of meate, in wbicfte tftis feebe (£L ftatb ben fod,dronke, in good foz tbe eftolike >p (tftat ig to fap,paime in tfte bellp)againd tft e/i& gowteftpapnefatfteftippe, calleb tfteScia-v tique* \h © Cftefamepounbeanb taken witft wftape v1 or new milke,driuetft fooztft waterilft fupet- fluities and cftolerique ftumours , alfo it ig good agapnft tfte Bropfie and Jaunders* k Cfte ople Wfticft ig drawen fooztft of tftis feedeis called Oleum Cicinum,faSftOppeS Oleum deCherua . Jtfteatetft and drfetft, and is berp good to annopnt and rubbe ail rougft ftardneffe, and fcuruie rougftneffe, oz itcfte* C Cfte greeneleaitesof Palma Chriftipofaid witft parcfted Barlep meale ,do mitigate and affwage tfte inflammatioandfWellingfore- neffe oftfte epes,and pounde witft bineger, tftep cure tfte greeuotts faflamma- tion,called S* ^ntonizn fire* fyThe Danger. Cftefeede oiPaima Chdai tnrnetft dptfteddfaa(!ke,and dotft ftiS operatioti Wttft mucft papne and greefe to tftepartie* fy The Remedie. Btittf potitake witft ft eptfter f enili opmnpg feede, and feme tfticesof ©pnamome, and ©inger,ftc* it willnototierttiirnertor torment tfteftomacke, but will worfee big effecte witft more eafe and gentleneffe** €>f tin itmoed of £ttl)pmaie o; £>pourge. €fjap*w#* fyThe Kyndes. THereare,as Biofcorides writetft,fetten foftes of Cftftpmal: wftereof fome at tftis timeare welknowen, ft fomelftalbe now bp our enbeitoitr brougftt agapne to ligftt,and fome are pet bnknowen* fy The Defcription. He fitft kinde of City oftfte ftetgtft of a cwbite,f is a foote ft a ftalfe ftigft* Cfteleaues are log anb narro we, fomewbat longer anb narro wer tben tfte leaues oftfte 3D tpiie tree,wfterof tfteftigfteft ieaites,befoze tftep be tbzotigftlp growen, (fteW rougft or cottonlike* Cftefeebe growetft at tfte ftigfteftof tfte ftaikeinprerie 6g lift rounde 3}6 The thirde Booke of round ftoloW leaueS,iike as it were bafon&ozlitlebiflftes, tftzottgb U*Wft tfte ftalke growetft*Cfte feebe is inclofeb fotftreecornetebbufkes like tfte feede of Pal ma c hrifti ,as well in growing as in (ftape oz falftion,bnt mucft fmaller: tfte roote in of a wooddie fubdance witft manp ftearie dringes* Tithymalus Characias. Tithymalus Characia? fpecies. n&oo&Spourge* i Cftefecond kinde of Citftpmal ftatft ftraigfttftaikes of afpan long,abouttfte Wfticft growemanp ieattes,fet afttnder witftoutorder,tfticke,wftitilft,ft (ftarpe popnteb,not mucft bnlpke tft e leaues of Mz ftolme or Hwfciis, but greater and tfticker, not blacke but al wftite of p colour of fea Spottrge* And wftan tftep be buried oz burden, tftere cometft fortft milke as out of $ otfter kinds of fponrge*. Cfte flowers are pellow, growing intuffeteS ItkeHofewttrte ozHftodia,tfte fruit in triangled,like tfte fruit of tft e otfter Spnrges or Citftpmales* Cfte tftird kind,wfticft map be wel called Citftpmal of p fea,orfea Spottrge, 3 ftatft fixe or feuen fapre reb demmes or moe, commingfrom one roote* Cfte leaues arefmal,aimoftlpketfte leaues of flaxe, ozlpnefeede, growingrounde abouttfte ftalke,betng tfticke tootfted,tft e flowers are pellow anb grow out of litie dilftes or fowfers,iike tfte fird kinb of Sponrge,after commetft tfte trian- gledfeedeas in tfteotfterCitftpmales:tfterooteiSiong,ftplaine,ftof wooddie fubdance* Cftis ^inbz ofCitftpmal,ftis leaues,biflftes,anb flowersaremutft tfticker tften anp otfter kinde of Sponrge* Cftefourtft kinde called Sonne Sponrge,after ftis ©reeke name,ozCitftp- h mai turning witft tfteSonne, ftatft tftree or foure dalkes fomewftat redduft,iv bout tfte lengtft of afoote, ft })in leaues are not fo tfticke as garden ^ozceiane* Cfte the Hiftorie of P Iantes. #c Cfte flowers fcrepeltowe growing in tuffetes*Cfte roote iSlpke tfte otfterCi* tftpmales* 5 Cftefiftft kinbe rallied CppreS Citftpmal,ftatft ronnde reddilft dalkes oftfte lmgtftofatoote:Cfteleattesareberpfmall,greene,narrow,lpketfteleanesof tfte f irre tree,bnt farre fmaller ft tenberer*Cbe feebe in fmal but in al tb fageS elS Ipke tfte otft er,anb it commetft in Uttleblewilft Cttppes or Sawfers, fatfte midbed of tftefpbe bzancftes * Cftis fterbe ftatft leanesmucft narrower tften e- zula minor. £>f tftis fort tftere ig founbe anotfter kinde berp fmal, tft e wfticftfaap be wei called €pmg Citftpmal* Jt ftatft berp fmalldalkes,botft little and tender,a- bouttfteftepgfttofafpanne,and bpontftem fmall tuffetes, witft flowers of a fepnt pellow or pale colour,after eometft tfte feedelpke to tfte otfter,but a great dealefmaller* Tithymalus Paraiios-SeaSpoarge* Het tft ere is a tft irde fozt of tftis kinde, Wftereof tfte leaues be ail wftite, but otfterwapes it is Ipketo CppreS Citftpmale,astftegreatand diligent Herbo- rift Jan tftesareckom ftatft declared bnto bg, wfto before tftis ftatft ftad fucfte Citftpmale growing in \)ig gardenmettertft eleffe, J did nener fee it,and tftere* fore J do notfet out a larger defcription* 6 Cftefixtft kinde ig great, of eigftt or niene cttbiteSfttgft, growtoglike alittle tree,tfte dalke ig fomtimeS as bigge as ones legge(as f&eter Belon wzitetft) and bringetft fooztft manp bzancbesfpred abroade, reddilfte, and fet witb fmall leaites>like tfte leaues of tfte litie appttei tree,tft e fruit ig like tfte fruit oftfte o * tfter Citftpmales* Cfte j6o The thirdeBooke of Tithymalus Heliofcopius. Tithymalis Cypariffias. t^artewoft or Son Spourge* CppreffeSpourge* Sonturner* r Cftefeuentft kinde ftatft foftleaueSl&ea^oltoor H*8taper, biitftispet ^^AdSefe kindes are full of wftite iiqwo^orfappeiikerndke, tfte wfticft conu metft foortft wftan tftep bebroken or tout, anb it is (ftarpeanb bitter bpontfte tOnCTUe* fyThe Places. t cbefirdkfabeofSpottrgegrowetftnotofftiSownekfabefo^^ trie,and is felbomefotinde,btit fa tbe ga#enS|f diligent Herboriftes* * Cftefeconde, asfaitftBioftorideS,grow^ft mpfocesmtlpe wafte* i CftetftirdegrowetftabottttbeSea,anbiSfoiinbein Zrtanbedpontten- cftesanddriefondiebankesanbinwaftplacesadto^tmgtotfteto^ 4 cftefoiirtftgrowetbabottttowneSutplamefieldeS,andinfomegardenS: ttiSberpcommonintftiSCottntrie* t , *^ «...*.*» 5 Cftefiftft calleb CppreS Citftpmale ig not founde mtfttSCottntrie,btitui fielbes,petit is not founde euerp wftere* 4 Cftedxtftkindegrowetftinftonieplaces* fyTheTymes. Alltftekindes of Citftpmal orSpowrge, are moft commonlp in flower fo Juneand Jnip,and tfteir feede ig ripe to Auguft* fyThe Names. Ail kindeS oftftis fterbe are called fa ©reeke TiMAwto&attoe La&iri*: fa the Hiftorie of Plantes. jK9" fyi^W/Kftfa&atine Tithymalus mas;or U&aria mafcula,tftat IgtO fop fa fitZUC\)Z,Tithy male mafic: fa ©ngiilft tOood Spourge* t Cfte feconde kinde ig called fa ©reekeT»flvM«*^;wp<"v;r»v,ift offome Caryites: in itatfae Tithymalus fcem ina tftat iStO fop,faf rencfte^'%w4/^w^:fa©n- glilftf emailCitftpmall,ofCfteodor©a$a Mymria, itmapbe namebin©n- glilft ^prtell Spourge* , Cftetftirbekiitdeiscalledfa©reeke7r«e«M©-,Paralios,andTithymalus,oz Mccon,of CfteopftradeHOKK©-,Coccos.CftiSkind map be Wei called faf reneft Tithymaiemarin.-in ©ngiilft Sea Spourge: in Boncbe Zzz naolfsmelck* 4 CftefotirtftiScailebin©reekeTifivM«x©rHXro(rKa7r;©-,tftat ig to fap in murine Tithymalus folfequius,or La&aria folfequia: inftZntbZTithymalefuyuantlefoleily and Reueiiie matin: in Almaigne Sonnewend, t©olfSmelck: and fa Brabant CroonkenS crttpt:fa ©ngiilft Sonne Spourge,or naartwurt* . Cftefiftft ig called in ©reeke t^**©- xv7r«evaw«r, tftat ig to fap, Citftpmale Ipke CppreS* 6 Cfte fixtft iScalled in ©reeke cAtvcTtWtaand offome Leptophyllos.fa katine Tithymalus arborefcens,tftat ig to fap,Citftpmal growfagipke a tree:or Cree Citftpmall* * i Cfte feuentft kinde ig called fa ©reeke nflv^©- mxrvepfao-Mb of fome,as HermolaUSBarbarilS Writetft,Corymbites, ft Amigdalites : in Marine Tithy- maluslatifoiius,or La&aria latifolia, tftatis to fop, jlarge leaned Citftpmall Of SpOUrge* fe The Nature. 3d tfte CitftpmaleS are ftoate and drie almod fa tftefottrtftdegtee, of a berp tftarpe,and biting qtialitte,frettfag and cofiiming, f trd of al tfte milke oz foppe, tften tftefruit and leaueS* Cfteroote ig of leaddrengtft* And amongft all tfte CitftpmaleS as ©alen faptft,tftemaleistftedrongeft, tftentftefemale,tftirbip tfte fixtft kinde, and tfteCitftpmale witft broabe leaues * Cfte ffftft in ftrengtft is tftat,wfticft iSipkeCppres, tfte fpxtft isSeaCitftpmall, tftefettentft anb of leaftforceis tfteSonneSpourge,orCitftpmall folowing tfte Sonne* iff The Vertues. Cftetopce of Citftpmal isaberp drong medicine opening tftebellp, anb fom- A times cattffagbomit^bringingtoiigb flegmeft cboleriquebumoitrs:iikebertwe ig in tfte feebe anb roote,efpeciaitp tbe barke tfterof,anb are berp good foz fucft as fall into tfte Bzopfie,wftan it is minidred witft difcretion and wei corrected orpzepared* Cfte fome mftt witft ftonp;cattfetft fteare to fall from tfte place tftat ftatft ben 23 annopntebtfterewitftallin tfte Sonne* x * Cfte fame put into tfte ftoles of corrupt ft nongfttie teetft, fwagetft tftetootft <£ acfteftut pe mutt beware,pe put not tft e iupce bpon anp foitnbe tootft,or wftole place,bittfirdpemuftcoitertftemwitft waxeto preferne tbem from tftefapbe inptz. Cfterooteof Citftpmal bopled in bineger anb ftolben in tftemontft,iS good foz tfte fame intent* Cftefomedotft alfo cnreallrotigftneffeoftftefkinne, mangineffe,leprie,wild ^ fenrffcand (pzeadingfcabbes,tfte wftitefcttrffeof tftebeab, anb it taketb awap ** anb caufetft to fall of all fidnbzg of wartes, it taketb awap tfte knobbes ft ftatd- neffeof f idtilas, corrupt and fretting blcers, and ig good agapnft ftoatefWel- lingesanbCarboncles* Jt kpiletft filfte,if it bemfrt ttutft anp bapte,anb gtoen tftem to eate* © fyThe $6z The thirde Booke of fyThe Danger. Cfte iupce, tfte feede,and rootes of CitftpmaleS, do wo&c tfteir effect Witft bioiece, and are fturtfttl to tfte nature of mait,trottbling tfte bodp,and ouertur- 4tingtfte ftomacke,burnfag and parcfting tfte tftrote, anb making it rougft and fore,infomucft tftat ©alen wzitetft, tft at tftefe fterbes ougftt not to be mmtftred oztakenfato tftebodp,mucft leffe tfte iupce ougftt to be dealt witft, btitcneipit inttft beapplied outwardlp, and tbat witft great bifcretion* fyThe correction or remedies. Jf oneiap tfte barke oftfte rootes af CitftpmaleS, to foke or ftiepeinbine- gerftp tfte fpace of a wftole dap tft en if it be dzped and madeinto powder, put- ting toft of Znnpg or fenell feede,gumme Cragagante and a^afticke, and fo mfaidred altogitfterwitft fomerefrelbingorcoolfag liquor, as of ©nditie, Cu eorie;or€>renges,ft wildo \)ig operation,witftout great trouble ozpapne,and will neitfter cftafe nor inflame tfte tft zote,noz tfte fawarde partes* $f<£*u!a* €f>ap*jrjeic* fyThe Kyndes. EZulatS of two fortes ( as apefite fail*) tfte great and fmall, wfterebnto Biofcozides dotft agree, wftere as fte writetft, tftat iditptifa ig fmallfa one place, and great fa anotfter* Pityufa maior.©reat©fttla* Pityufa minor.Smal©?ttla* Spourge ©font* ppneSpourge* fy The Defcription igfj?5| H© (jreat ©?tiiaftatft ftraigftt ftigft ftalkes, bpon£ wfticft grow great w bzode ieaues,greater tften tfte leanes of male Citftpmale*Cft e flowers and feede growe at tfte ftigfteft oftfte ftalke, and fometimes tftep come fooztft the Hiftorie of Plantes. 361 fooztft at tfte ddes of tfte dalkes,like tfte feede of Citftpmale,tfte roote ig great and tftickc,coticrcO otter witft a tfticke barke* * Cfte fmad © jwla fa dalkes and leattes ig mucft leffe, tfte leaues are narrow Ipke tft e leaues of wilde flaxe,tfte flowers and feede are Ipke tfte firft kind, but fmaller* Cbe rootes be fmallcoitered witft afmootftoz fine barke* Cbefe two kmdes be ipke tfte CitftpmaleS: tfterfore tftep ftaue ben reckeneb offome Attn- cientes for kindes of Citftpmale(as Biofcoribes writetft)anb as tbzp be now cottnted,and tbep bo alfo peelde a wftite foppe or liqttot like mdke, wftan tftep be eitfter brufeb or btoken,lfte wfticftliqitor ig (ftarpe anb biting* 41 The Places. Cfte great ©?tila fa fome Countries growetft in woobbeS anb wilderneS, and in tftis Cotuttrtetu tfte gardens of Herboriftes* Cfteleffer growetft in rougft ftonp places,anb ig found in tftis Countrie fa arable fteldes and bankes>butnot etierpwftere* f] TheTymes. Cftefe fterbes do flower about af)tbfomcr,like tfte CitftpmaleS* . fy The Names. Cftefe fterbes arecalleb in ©reeke *nW * infociiltieand operation agreable to all tftat, wfterebnto tfte otfters are profi- table, fe The Danger. AS ©?nla in like tft e CitftpmaleS in nature and working,fo it in of fttirtful quaiitic agreable to tftefame* fyThe Correction. Cfte eudl qtialirieof © j ula isamended,inipke maner as Citftpmale* ®f spourge* <^ap*jcw«* fy The Defcription. #ottrge ftatft a browne ftalke, of two foote ftigft or more, oftfte btg- neffeof ones finger*Cfte leanes belong and narrow, like tfte leaueS ofawitftieoz Aimondetree,tfteftalkebreaketbabroadeattftetop in- to manp otfter little bzancbeS,fetwitbiittlerounbe leanes, bpontfte fame little bzancftes growetft tfte triangleb ftuft,iike tbe fruit of Palma Chrifti, but fmaller,wftere fa in contepned little round feedes,tfte wfticft bp force oftfte fteateoftfteSomte,dofkipotttoftfteirftufkeswftantftefrttdeisripe* Cfte roote in of a wooddp fubftance and not berp tfticke* All tftefterbe witft ftis dalkes and leaueS dopeelde a wftite milkelpke tfte CitftpmaleS being burden oz fturt* fyThe Place. Jt is pianteb famanp gardens of tftis Countrie* Hft *t& l^i The thjrde Booke of fyThe Tyme. Lathy ris. Jt ftatft flowers and feede in Juip and Angud* fy The Names. CftiS fterbeis calleb in ©reeke x«fy*V: and inxtatine uthyris: in Sboppes Ca- taputiaminor: Of fome, aS BfofcoribeS foitb,Tithymalus : fa f rettCfte EJfurge : fa ftigft Boucfte Sprtogkraut,Springkor-. ner,anbCreikorner: in bafe Almaigne Sprtogcrupt, ft infomepiacesoff laun- ders Spurgie: in ©nglitftSpttrge* fyThe Nature. CbiS berbe in ftoate anb due in tbe tftirdedegree, and in facnltie ipke Citftp- male* fyThe Vertues. A Jf one take fpxe or fenen feedeS of Spurgcit openetft tfte bellpmigfttilp, ft bztoetftfoortft cftoler,fleme,and waterilft ftumours* Hike bertue ftatft tfte iupce, burit in of dronger operation* B Co be bziefe, Spurge and tfte iupce tftereof, are of facultie ipke to tfte Citftp- maleS* fyThe Danger. Spurge in as fturtfull to mans bobp as tfte CitftpmaleS* fyThe Correction. Jf one take tfte feede of Spurge witft Bates, f tggeS, oz gumme Craga- gante>a?aftik, Annps feede,or anp cooling oz refrelftingfterbe,oi if onedztnke water ftraigfttwapes after tfte taking of tfte fame feede, it wii not dirre bp tfte faflammation oftfte inwarb partes, not mucb trouble tbe partie recefafogtije fome,anb ft iftad not be mitcft fttirtfull to mans bobp* ^f petp fmroe* €ljap.]rjcitt. fyTht Defcription. ^^Artwitrtozratfter^eplosisapiantefatftioneb iikea tittle tree, not* m*fmtieft bnlike tfte Citftpmale tftat folowetft tfte Sonne,bnt farre fatal* I j MJHaler, growing oftfte ftigtft of ftalfe a tpanne witft bitters btancbeS , fet 'fwi of berp fmal leaues.Cbe febe in fmal growing in triangleb bufkeS ipke Spurge*Cbe roote in long anb fomwftat t^zbbp, all tfte fterbe in toil of milkelike tfte CitftpmaleS* Bpftdes tftis tftere in pet fonnde an otfter kinde defcribeb bp Hippocrates * and Biofcozides, called ^eplis, tbe wbicb batb manp ronnbeleaues like tfte izmizs of garben^ozcelane, rebbnberneatb, tbefeebegrowetb amongfttfte leaues,like tbe feebe of ^epios* Cbe roote in fmal anb berp tender, tftis fterbe is alfo fullof wftite iiquorneitfter more nor leffe,bntastfteaforefapbe*. fyThe Place. /^eplosgrowetft intbiS Countrie ingardenS amongft pot fterbes ftbeaneS, and infome places amongft bines* ^epW cne Hiftorie of Plantes. Peplos. & Sea naartwurt or wilde $orcelapne, Peplis. peplis, as Biofcoridesreportetft, growetft fa fait grounded? tfteSea fpbe* « TbeTymes. ^eplositowretft, and deliueretft ftfa feede at apibfomer, IpketfteCftftp- maleS* fyThe Names. peplos in calleb in ©reeke *™*®-'-in ztatfae Peplus.- faSftoppeS Ezula r°- tunda.faftigft BottcfteCeufelS^ilcftanbafe Almaigne Bitptteisapelck: fa f reiicbe Reueiiiemam des ^blew beforetfteir openfag,anb wften tftep areopentftepftatte witftina crowneof Tripoliunu pello w,compaffed about witb fmall a?ured leaues, Ipketo tbeflowers of Camompll fa figure* Afterwften tftep fadetfteptttrueinto arongft ozdownie wftite feede, tfte wfticfte flpetft awap witft tfte winde* Cfte rooteis long and tfticke, and couered witft a barke fomwftat tfticke ado* , fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe growetft alongft tfte fea coaft, Wftere as tfte tibe anb wanes bo ebbe and flowe,infncfte forte, tbat fometimes it in co- uered witb tfte Sea, anb fometimes it in drie* And it in founde in abundance faZea* lande* iffTheTyme. CftiS fterbe flowretft in Juip anb Ati- gwft* ffi> The Names. Someeaiftfa©reekeTewoxwii:faXatine Tripoiium: fa tfte Arabian fpeecbe of Sera- pio,Cftap*CCCxxx*Tu*bith:bttttb&tSnot tfteCurbitb of apefuc oz Anicenne* Jt ftatft no name in our bulgar fpeecft,tftat J know, but tftat fome call it blew Camomil or blew Baftes, tfte wfticft name belongetft not pro- perlp bnto ft,feing tftat it ig not of tftekfabe of Camomil or Bafies: we map berp wed call it, Serapio big rurbith. fyThe Nature. Cft e nature of Cripolium ig ftoate fatfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Cfte quantitie of two dzagmes of tfte roote of Cripolium taken Witft Wine, % dzinetft fooztft bp fiege waterie ftttmoitrs: a^oreotier, ft in berp profitable foz fucfte asftaue tfte BfaPde* Cfte fame ig berp profitable mixte fa mebicines, tftat ferue agapnft pop* s ton* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. % 365 Cfte leaues of tftis fterbe, as fome writers do now aftxrme,ftaue a Rngnler bertue agapndallwonndes,fo tftat tftepfteale and clofe tftem bp incontinent, if tfte iupce tftereof bepowtcdin , oz tf tftebrufed leaues be lapbe bppon tfte woundes* ^fmefueo€url«tt>S!japfta* €fjap.rjcff0. fy The Defcription. qHapfia, as Biofcorides writetft, isipke ferula, but ftis ftalkeS be f. fmaller,and ftis leaues Ipke f eniL^CfteflofaerSbepellbw growfagfa Tkt the Hiftorie of P lantes. j 67 fy The Places. a?edoWeSaffron,aSBiofcoridesfaptft,growetftina9effenia,andfatfte Jleof ColcftiS,wftereaSfttookeftisfirftname*jtisalfo found intftiSCoun- tric fa fat medo wes, and great ftore of it ig fottnd abotit utiiiuozde, and about Batft in ©nglande* fyThcTymes. CfteleauesofapebowSaffron,comefoortftina^areftanbApzil,tftefeebe isrppein June, in Jniptfteleaues anb ftalke dd pepilfte* And in September tfte pleafant flowers come fortft of tfte grounde* fy The Names. Cfte kinde of Hermodactil ftere figured,is called in ©reke xo\x»xfy«t$fct*of: Of fome in )Latfae Agreftis Buibus: faf rencfte Tuechien, OZ CMort aux chtens : fa ftigl) Almaigne Zeitlofen,ft IB ifenZeitiofen: in bafe Almaigne of tfteHer- bozides Hermodactiien:Citrner nametft it, a£edeSaffron,ft wild Saffron* Cfte feconde kinde wfticft in fottnd in SftoppeS, in called of ^aultts Aegi- neta,a£cdie, Serapio, and certapne otfter auncient ©reeke ^ftpdtions 'm*™- ^ktix©-: in Ratine Hermodaaiius,and bp tftis name ft is knowen fa.(ftoppeS* fy The Nature. a^cbow oz wilde Saffron in corrupt and benemous, tfterefoze not bfed fa medicine* CftefecondeHermodactdliSftoateand drieintfte feconde degree* fy The Vertues. Cftat Hermodactihnfticft in bfed in IftoppeS, driuetft fooftft bp fiege flpmie fleme,dzawing tfte fame from farre partes,anb in berp good to be bfed againft tfte gowte,tfteSciatica,and allpapnes in tfte iopnteS* fyThe Danger. apedow Saffrontakeninto tftebobpdirretft bpknawfag and fretttngfa all tfte bodp, as tftottgft alltfte bodp were rubbed witft nettles, inflametft tfte ftomacke,and fturtetft tftefowardepartes,fo tftatinfine it caufetft biooddp ex- crementes,and witftfa tfte (pace of one dap deatft* Cfte otfta* Hermd&actilbfed in SftoppeS,ftirretft bp tofffages, wamiings, Winding and bomiting,aud fubuertetft and ouertttrnetft tfte domacke* fy The Remedies. Jf anp man bp cftaunce ftaue eaten of wild Saffron,tfte remedie ig to dzinke a great dzaugftt of Co we mplke,as maider Curner ftatft written* Jf one put to tftat Hermodactill wfticft ig bfed in Sftoppes,eptft er ©fagcr,^ long^epper,AnnpSfeede,orComin, andalitlea^adik: fo taken it dotft not ouertttrne tfte domacke,neptfter dirretft bp windineffe* <2>f lauriet oj lotoype* tfi)ap.jctteW* fy The Defcription. Atiriei growetft of tfte fteigtft of afoote and aftalfe or more,ftftatft manp tougft bzancftes wfticft widnot eafilp bzeake witft weeding or m piapfag,couered witft a tbicke rinde or barke: round about tfte fopde ^bzancbes,but moft eomonlp at tfte top grow manp leattes cindering togitber,tfttcke and of a blackilft colour,like in falftiou to Bape leaues, but not fo great, tbe wfticft being cfteweb fatfte moutft, do cftafeand burne tfte moutft, tongue, ft tftzote exceedinglp*Cfte flowers grow bpon tftou demmeS,iopning and bppon tfte leaues, well cindering togitfter abouttfte ftalke, of a wbite greene oz fterbp colour* CftefntitintbebeginningiSgreene,andafterbeing rtpe,ft is blacke almod Ipke a Bape berie, but ieffer*Cfte roote ig long anb of a Wooddp fubdance* l£ft Hii fyThe Daphnoidcs. j68 The thjrdc Booke of fyThe Place. ftaurieigrowetft fa rougft mountafaes, amongft wood, and ig fottnd fatfte Coun- trie of kiegeand jftamure, alongeft tfte ri- uer ap eufe,ft fa fome places of Almaigne* Jt growetft alfo fa manp places of ©ng- lande* fyThe Tymc,. • 3tflowretftadbptimeSfo februarie; tfte feede is ripe to apap* fyThe Names. Cftisplantiscalfedto©reke/«^«^.- Daphnoides : in SftOppeS Laureola : fa f rencfte and bafe Almaigne umreoie -. fa ftigft Almaigne Zeiiandt: to ©nglilfte jUuriell* fyTheNature. Jt is ftoateand dzp to tfte tftird degree, drawing neare to tfte fourtft* fyThe Vertues. A cfte leaues of jtaurtel open tfte bel- Ip, andpnrge flpmie fleme, and waterie fuperfludies,ft are good for fucfte as ftaue tbe Bropde* Tltke bertueftaue fouretene or fiftene oftfte Beries takenat once foz apurgation* B Cfteleauesof tftefomeftolden in tfte moutft and cftewed, dzawe fooztft mut\)z water and fleme from tfte bzapne, anb put into tfte nofe t\)zp caufe face- ring* fyThe Danger. ftaurieldotft bexe and otierturne tfte domacke berp mucfte, and inflametft, fturtetft,and btirnetft tfte fawarde partes* fy The Remedies. Cfteleauesof jiauriedare corrected and made more apt to be receiueb, fa likemanneras Chamehea. <£>f hereon* €l)ap*]ejc]ctjij* fyThe Kyndes. M©?ereon,as Auicenne,a>efue,and Serapio do write, ig of two foztes, wftereof one ftatft bzoade leaues, tfte otfter narro we* And is fet fooztft bptfte Auncient ©reeke ^ftpfitionS bnder tftefe two names Chameiw, and Thymela?a. fy The Defcription. Ha meia>a is but a Iowe plante, about tfte ftetgtftof a foote and a» jftalfe,oz two foote* Cfte ftalkesbeof awooddpfnbftance, ftilof fbzancfteS:tfteleatieSbelong, narrowanb blackilft,mticft Ipke tfte leattes oftfte flDlpne tree,bnt fmaller* At tbe ftigft eft oftfte ftalkeS Jgrowelittiepaleor pelfowilfteflowers, anb afterward tfte tftzee- coznered fruite, like tfte CitftpmaleS and Spourge,greene at tfte t and red wften it ig ripe: aftet,biackiift or browne wftan it ig btpz: wftereof beginning; tne Hiftorie of Plantes* Chamela?a. ODpdowaple* wftereof eaeftefeedeiSroundealmoftlpk^a^epper cdrne, ftarde and bitterfa tftebeginning,and after ftoatebitrning tftemoutft* Cftpmelea ftatft manp fmal tprtoges or brancfteS oftfte lengtft of a ctibite, oz acttbite anb abalfe, tfteleanes are fmal,leffer and narrower tften tfteleanes of Cftamelea,and tfticker*Cfteflowersbefmallattd wftite,growing at tftetoppe of tfteipzinges or twigges*Cftefruit is greene at tftebegtoning anb after red liketfteHaw, or wftite tftornefrwit, ftauing witftin it a wftite kerned couered witft alitle blacke fkinne,berp ft oate,and burning tfte tong*Cftefe two plantes do newer lofe tfteir leaues, but are alwapes greene,botft to winter anb fomer* fyThe Place. Cftefe plantes bo grow in rougft bntopleb places, about ftigft wapes, and are found in fome places of f ranee as in zlangttedock, and about a^ompeiier, great ftoze and abundance* fy The Tyme. Cftameleaflo wretft at £ bzsinnini of fomer, ft peldetft ^ig fede in Autttmne Cftpmelea flo wretft alfo to fo miner, and l^ig fruit is rppe in Auguft* fyThe Names. Cfte Arabian #ftpffttons do call botft tftefe plantes bp tfte name of Meze- reon,aild fome call it Rapiens vitam,Etfaciens Viduas. 1 Cfte firft kinbe is calleb in©reekex«/"x*a:of fbttte Kyw^op Kx(f2>ouc!> hereon* £\)&9>mbii). fyThe Defcription. fc =gHata£ e?ereon,tfte wfticft eis called fa BonefteSeideibad,is alittle a ff lftfabbe,or tree of tftree or fourefoote ftigft,witft Iftozt bzancftes wfticft 5 f^pfllnoteadlpbzeake,bpontftefamearelongleanesiike^riiiet,but asSJ Wftiter and tenderer* CfteflowerS growe alongdtftebzancftes of a pttrplecolottraifafweetefoitottr,afterwfticftcommetfttfteberries,wfticfteare fird greene, and red wften tft ep be ripe: after wban tbep be dzpe, tbep become blacke and wrinkled:and arelpkeHempfeede wften oneftatft taken from tftem tfteir witftereb Skinne,bitt tftep arealittlerbunber, anb bigger* Anb wftan tftep becftewed,tftep are founbe berpboate anb ftrongjp burning in tftemoutft anb tftrote*Cfte wfticfte tfte feebe onlp dotft not,but alfo tfte leaues, barke,and rOOte* fyThe Place. ^e^ereon growetft fa bitierS places of Almaigne fa mopft darke woods, and fa rougft bntopleb places* fyTheTymes. Jtflowretftbptuneinfebruarieanba^arcfte,beforeftbearetftleaues,and tfte cne Hiftorie of P lantes. 571 tftefrttit becommetftred and ripe fa Altgilft Camelara Germanica. and September* fe The Names. CftiS plant is called in SftoppeS of Al- maigne^e$ereon,offomePipermontanu, attdat ftatft ben taken a long tpme for tfte rigftt Cftamelea, wfterefore it map be wed Called Chamclea Germanica,fa ftigft Boucft Seideibaft,£eu?krattt,andfcetterftals:in bafe Almaigne Zeelbaft, ft modcommonlp a£e?ereon* Cfte feede of tftis plante in wrongful!? taken of tl)e Apotftecaries of tftis Countrie for Coccos Gnidios, ft is called of tfte com* mon people Bronkacrts befiekens, tftat in to fap,BzunkarbS berries, bpcaufe tftat af- ter one batft eaten of tftefe berries, be can- not eafilp fwailow or get bowne drinke* <[The Natures. CfteieaueS,barke,roote, ft fruit of tftis plante,areftoateft drp, almoft in tftefourtft degree, and of qnalitie like tfte roote of Cftpmelea* fy The Vertues. ^CfteleaneSofSpesereondo purge downe- wardes witft biolence ft migftt, botft fleme and cftolerique ftumours* )Ukewife it pttr- getft watenlft fttiinotirs,and men do bfe ft in tfte SftoppeS of tftis Cottntrie,fa fteede of tfteleanes of Cftamelea* 33 kpke bertne ftaue tfte berries, tfte wfticfte being cftewed, do leanefatfte tftzote ftteft a fteate and burning, tftat it map ftardlp be qtiencfteb bp meanes of drinke* fe The Danger. Cftis plant in witftoitt bo wbt bwrtftil bnto tfte bobp,bpcanfe it inbztp ftoate, and of drong anb beftement working, wfterefoze it dotft fturt and greene tfte fawarde partes* fy The Remedies. CfteleatteSof tftis ^e^ereonareprepared etten as tfteleaues of Chamela?a, and in ipke manner ougftt tfte fruit and barke to beorbereb,wften one wil giiie tftem to be taken witft anp medicine* ^f&tautfafier* €l)w*mit* fy The Defcription. m Taphis-acre ftatft ftraigftt dalkes of a browne colour, witft leaues ^ clouen or cut into fiue, fixe, or fenen eliftes, almod Ipke tbe leaueS of wfld bfae*Cbe flowers grow bpo (boft demmes ofafapze blewe Sfiorfkiecoiour,parteb into fine or fixe litieleanes: wften tftep aregone tfterecommetftbpclofeftttfkeS,wftereiniSconteinedatriangled feede, blacke, (ftarpe, and burning tftemoutft, tfte roote ig of a wooddp fubdance, and fingle* fyThe Staphisagria. } 71 The thirde Booke or fy The Place. Cfte Herboriftes of tft is C ountrie bo fo we it in tfteir gardens, and it growetft p.iotperoudp in iftado wpplaces* iff The Tyme. Staphif-acre flo wretft at S^ibfomer* fy The Names. CbiSberbeis calleb fa©reeke *«#* *W«: faXatine Herba pedicularis, or Pi- tuitaria,offomefa©reke4>fl«foxTwoM,tftat is to fap, %otifebane, or 4>««*wF: in H;ops Staphisagria: to f retlCfte Staphifaigre, or Herbe auxpouiHeuxiin ftigft BOttCfte Jlettf?- krattt, and Speicftelkraut: to bafe Al- maigne Uupfcrupt, and tfte feede made into powder3tupfepouder,tftat in to fap, Tlottfepowder* ^The Natures. Stapftifocre, efpeciallp tfte feede, ig ftoatealmoftfa tftefourtft degree* fyThe Vertues. A fifteene feed es o f Stapftifocre taken Witft ftonied water, will caufe one to bo- mit groffe fleme and flpmie matter, witft bioience* B Cftefeede of Stafifocre mingled witft ople driuetft awap life from tfte ftead and from all otfter places of tftebodp,and curetft all fcuruie itcfte,and mangfaeS* C Cfte fame bopleb in bineger anb ft old en in tfte moutft, fwagetft tootft acfte* B Cftefomecftewed fatfte moutft, drawetft fooztft mucft mopfture fromtfte ftead,and mundifietft tfte bzapne* © Cfte fome tempered witft bineger,is good to rubbe bpon lottfie appared,te kill and dritte awap life* fy The Danger. Cfte feede of Staf ifoker to be taken inwardlp, igbztp fturtfull to nature, forit cftafetft and inflametft allfawardepartes,and ouerturnetft tfte domacke, ifone ftolde it inftismoutft,it caufetft inflammation in tfte montft and tftrote: Wfterefore one ougftt not ralftlp to bfe tftis feede, except it be giuen outwardlp* fy The Remedies. Before pe oeeupie tftefeede of Stafifokre, pemttftftipeitin bineger and due ft,and wftan itigbpiz7pz map giue it to drinke witft apeade or watered ftonie* apeade is ftonie and water bopled togitfter, andwftofoetier ftatft recefaed of tftis feede,muft walke witftout ftapfag,and (ftould dzinkeHidzomel berp ofte, wften ft efeeletft anp kinde of cftoking,and in tftis doofag it 1ftall perfourme big operation witftout anp great danger* &f tl)t uifloe fptrtmg €ueu mbjte. €i)ap*rl fyThe Defcription. JJlde Cucumbre ftatft leattes fomewftatrounbe anb rougb, btttleffer ptdroitgfter tften tfte leaueS of common Cucumber* Cbedalkesbe frottnde and rougb,creeping alongft tbe grounde wilftont anp clafyerS Jor ftolderS,bpon wfticfte out of tfte ftolowncffe of tfte collaterall bran- cfteS the Hiftorie of Plantes* Cucumis fylueftris. J7J cftesor Wfoges,amongft£ leaues grow footte ftemmes bearing a flower of a fapnte pellow colour, after tfte flowers tftere commetft little rougft Cucumbers oftfte bigneffe ft lengtft of ones tftombe, * full of foppe witft a browne kerned, tfte wfticft beingripe, fkippetft fortft affoone asonetoucfte pCtirttmbers*Cfteroote in wftite, tfticke, anb great, witft manp otft er fmall rootes ftanging bp* All tfte fterbe is of a berp bitter tade, but efpe- ciallp tfte frttite, wftereof men bfe to ga- tfter tfte iupce anb drpe ft, tfte wfticfte is bfeb in medicine* fyThe Place. Cftis fterbe in found fa tfte gardens of Herboriftes of tftis Countrie: and wftere as itftatftbenbncefowen,ftcofa- metft cafiipagapne euerp pere* iffTheTyme. Cftefe Cucumbers do flower fa %u* gttft,ft tfteir feede is ripe inSeptember* fyThe Names. Cftis Cttcttmber is called in ©reeke ffkve Xyflios: fa Ratine Cucumis Agreftis, fylueftris,& erraticus: of fome Cucumis v'. anguinus:fa IftoppeS Cucumis afininUsrO in ©ngiilft wplbt C ttcttmbze: in frencft concombrefauuage:in ftigft Boucfte t©iioe©ucumer,0r ©feis Cttcumer: fa bafe AlmaigneUDildeConcommeren,or©felsConcommeren: fa ©nglilften^iide Ciicumber,ozleaping Cticumber* Cft e iupce of tft e ro ote befag drp,tS caifed Elatcrium4n IftoppeSElaaeriurn; fyThe Nature. Cfte iupce of wilbe €mumbiz in ftoate and dzte fa tfte fecond degree,and of arefoluingand cienffag nature* Cfteroote is of tfte fame working,but not fo ftrong as tfte iupce* fytbeVertuesi ©lateritim(wfticfte in tfteittpceof wtide Cucumbers dzped)taken fa quan- 3 titie of ftalfe afcrtiple,dziuetft foortft bp fiege groffe fleme,cftolerique, and eipe- ciadp waterilfteftumours* a^oreouetftisgood agafafttfteBzbpfie, andfo; faem tftat be troubled wftft (ftortneffexffbzeatft* Cbe fame belaped witft fweete mflke,aitd po wred fato tfte nofe, puttetft a- B wap from tfte epes tfte eupl colour wfticfteremapnetft after tfte Jaundift,fwa- getft fteabacfte and clenfetft tfte ftzapne* -^ Cfte fame put into tfte place of conception fodden witft ftonied wine,ft elpetft C Women to tfteir naturall fickneffe,and deliueretft tftedead cftilde* ©laterfamlapd to outwatflelptiSitft cdbe0pte;oato*me,ozwitft tftegallof B an €>xe,oz Bull,ftealetft tfteSquihancie,and tfte fWeliinge^in tfte tftrote* Cfte iupce of tfte barke and roote dfwilde Cucumber, dotft alfo purge fleme, © and cftolerique,and waterilft ftumours, ft is good for fucft as ftatie tft eBropfte, but not of fo ftrong operation as ©iatertou** Ji Cfte €i)ap,|tli 4 Golocynthis. J74 The thirde Booke of _r Cfte roote of wilde Cununber mabe foft ozfokeb inbfaeger and lapde to, f fWagetft tfte papne,and taketft awap tfte fwelltng of tftegowte* Cftebineger wfterein it ftatft benbopled,ftoldenm tfte moutft,fWagetft tfte tootft acfte* Cfte famelapde to witft parcfted barltemeale,diffoluetft cold tumours, and © Iapdeto witft Curpentine,it breaketft and openetft impodemes* Cftefomf madeinto powder,and lapd to witft ftonie,clenfetft,fcouretft, and H taketft awa:p f o ttle fcuritines,fpzeading tetters,mangfaeffe,pitlft es or wft eales, red fp o ttes,and all otfter blemilftes,anb fcarres of mans bodp* Cfte iupce of tfteleaues dropped into £ eares,taketft awap tftepapne of tfte 1 fome* fe The Danger. ©iaterium taken fato tftebodp,ftnrtetft tftefaward partes,and openetft tfte fmal bapnes, pzo ttokctft gripfages and torments fa tfte bellp fa doing bin ope- ration* fyThe Remedie. Co cattfetftatttfljaido no fttitt,tt mud be geiten witft S$ede,or witft fweto mplke,a litie fait anb Annps feebe, or gene it fa powber Witft gttmme Cragtv gante,a litie Znnpn feebe and fait* <£f <£o!oqutntitia* * fyThe Defcription. * ; 2Dio quitttida creep etft Witft \bin brancfteS alongd bp tfte grounb, witft rougft bearie [leaues of a grapilft colour, mucfte clouen or cut almoft like tfte leaues of p Citron Cucumber* Cfte flowers arebleakeor pale*Cft e fruit ro and, of a greene colour attftebeginnfag, and after pellowe, tfte b'arke tft ereof is neitfter tfticke nor ftard, tfte.inner part or puipe, in open ft ipogie, fuilof grap feede,in tade berp bitter,tfte Wfticft men drp ft kepe to bfe tn medicine* t Cftere in pet founde anotfter kind of ^ Coloqutntida, notfting ipketfte firft: for £§p tftis ftatft long rougft ftalkes, mounting fomewftat ftigft, and taking ft olde witft t^in clafpers euerpwftere, like ©oordes* r Cfte leaues be Uke tfte leaues of wilde' Cucumber* Cfte fruite fa all tftinges is like tfte ©oqrde,but farre fmaller, onelp oftfte quantitie of a peare* Cftefewilde ©oozdeS ftaue a berp ftard bpper barke, ozpille of a wooddp fubdance ft greene, tfte fafide in ftill of iupce, and of a berp : bfttettade* fyThe Place*. t Cfte firftkiud growetft in Jtalieand Spapne, from Wfticft places tfte dried fruite isbrougfttbntobS* CftefecondekfadeweftattefometimefeeneintftegardenSofcertapneHer- bOli&tfr iffTheTyme. Coloqutntida bringetft foortft ft$ fruite fa September* fyTh the Hiftorie of P lantes. j7j fyThe Names. t Coloqutntida is called in ©reekeKoxoxuvMnftatine Colocynthis, of pan- tos Aegtoeta SicyoniarittIftoppeS Coloquintida : faBOWCfte©OlOqtlfatOpffe- ifaand Coloqufatappei* * Cftefecondekindemapbecallebin©reekexoxoxuVfl«avyfJ«:fa Hatine Cucur- bita fylueftris :fa f retlCb Courgefauuage: fa BO WCft tBiibe CailWOOrden,fOrtftiS iS akinbe of tfterigftt ©oorbe* feThe Nature. Coloquintida tS ft oate anb brte in tfte tftirbe degree* iff The Vertues. Cfte Wftite anb inward e pitft or poulpe of Coloquintida, taken about tft e A faeigfttofafcruple,openetfttftebellpmigbtiip,andpwrgetftgroffeflemes,and cftoleriqttefttimotirs,and tftedpmiefdtftfaeffe, and dfakingcorrtiprion or fcra- pinges oftfte guttes, pea fometimes ft caufetft blood to comefoortft,if it be ta- kenfa to great quantitie* jUkedertiteftftatft, if itbebopled, or Iapdeto foke in ftonied water or anp B otft erliquor>and after getien to bedronkemitprofitetftmticfteagafadallcolde dangerous fickneffes,as tfte Apoplexie,fallfagfickenes,giddfaeffeof tfteftead, papnetofetcftebzeatft,tftecftolique,ioofeneffeoftftefinewes,andplaceSoutof iopnt* foz tfte fome purpofes,tt map be put into ©lifters anb Snppofitories,tftat © are put into tftefunbement* CfteDplewfterefaCoioquintidaftatft benbopleb,orWfticfteftatft ben bop- jra led fa tbe Coloquintida, dzopped fato tfte eares, taketft awap tfte nopfe and finging oftfte fame* fe The Danger. Coloquintida is exceeding fturtfull to tfte ftart, tfte domacke and lfaer,and troubietft and ftuttetft tftebowelles,and otfter partes of tfte entraples* fyThe Remedie. pe mud put to tfte pulpeozpitfteof CoioqtifatidagtimmeCragantand ^adicke,and after make it into trocftilft ties or bailes witft ftonp : for of tftis t\)zp bfe to make medicine* &f Gratia ©et* Ci)ap*jeltj* fy The Defcription. r^^^^^Hatiola ig a iowe fterbe, about a fpanne long, fometftiug Ipke to commo ftpfope, witft manp fquare ftalkes or brancfteS, tfteleanes are fomwftatlarge,broader tften tfte leattes of ftpfope,anb longer tften tfte leanes of tfteleffer Centattrie * CfteflowerS growebe* twixt tfteleawesbpoMwtftemmeS,of a wftite colour mixtwitft 'alttleblewe* Alltftefterbein tafteiSbftter,atotofttiketfteieffee Centattrie* - , , , |f The Places. ...... Cftis fterbebeligfttetft to growe falowearib mopftplaceS,anb iglounb in medowes:fa tftis C onntrie tfte Herboriftes do pfont ft fatft eft gardens* fyTheTymes. .in^.- Cftfa fterbe is to flower to Jnlp and #iig#* {4^* >' €LThe Names. Cftis ft etbe ig calleb of ntzn in tbefe dapes to &$tfaf£ratioia, and offome alfo Gratia Dei, tbatfato fop,tbegweof©qd:^Limnefion i fa Jtalian Stanca cauallo.and tO tfteepe it IfteWetfttO fte akfadeof.Centaurium ininus,and ^ 3Ii U tfterefore J76 The thirde Booke of tfterefore offome ft ig called Cen- tauris. ^The Natures. ©ratiola witftout doubt is of nature ftoate and dzp, and fa dede it ig more bip tften ftoate, in quad- tie berp like bnto tfteleffe Cento- rie* fyThe Vertues. ^ ©ratioiabopleb andbronke, or eaten witb anp kind of meat, ope- netft tftebellp freeip, ft caufetft one to fcoure mucfte, ft bp tftat meanes it purgetft groffe Hemes, anb cft o- lerique ftumours* B cfte fome bried andmade fato powder, ft flrowed bpo wounbs, dotft fteale and make founde tftem tftat are nzxoz ox greene, and clen- fetft tfte old and rotten woundes* And tfterefore it is berp neceffari- ip put into £>pieSft£DpntmenteS tftat are made to clenfe and fteale Woundes* ^f$ene* f<2lort o; 6ourtre* tf&ap*jcltt#* \ fyThe Kyndes. SUcfteaSdo trauell attftisdap in tfte knowledge of Simples, do ftodetftat tftere be two kindes of ©Ider: wfterof one in berp common ft wel knowen* Cfte otfter is geafon, and not berp well kno wen,and tfterefore it in called D^ilde or ftrange ©Ider* fyThe Defcription. H<£ common ©Ider dotft oftentimes groWeto tfte ftepgftt of a tree,ftattingagreattronkeo^bodp,drong,andofawdoddpfttb- dance,from wbence grow foztft manp fonjj faancbes or fpringes berp draigbt, anb ful of topnteS,ftolo w MtUn} anb ful of wftite foftpitb,and couered witftout,orotitwardipwitftagrap or ailft- colottr barke, bnder tfte wfticfte in alfo anotfter barke or rinde, Wfticfteisnamed tftemedian ormiddlebarkeorpill: from euerp knot oriopnt growetwo leaues of adarkegreene colour, and ftrong fauour, and parted oz diuided into diuers otfter fmall leawes, wftereof euerp leafe is alitlefniptor fogged rounde about. At tfte ftigfteft of tfte brancfteS growe wftite flowers, Ji ift elude* )7& The thirde Booke of cindering togitfter fa tuftes, like flowers Sambucus. of i^arfenep* And Wften tftofeflowersbe fallen , tftere come little pzctie rounde beries, fird greene, and after blacke, out of tfte wfticfte tftep wzing a rebdefapce, or Wfaelike liquor* Jn tfte fold beries in cotv tepned tftefeede wfticfte in fmall and flat* €>f tbin kinde of ©ider, tftere in pzt founde anotfter foft, tfte beries wftereof are wftite turning towardes pello w,in ai tftfages eis like to tfteotfter: ft tftis kinde iSdrange,anb but feidome feene* 2 Cfte feconde kinde, tbatts to fop,tfte Wilde Cider is Ipke to tfte fird kinde , fa fpringes ft knottie bzancftes, full of wftite pitfte or fubdance, alfo in tft e fatto ttr oftfte leafe* But it differetft mucfte in flowers anb fruite: for tfte flowers of tftis wilde kinde do not growe in flat ft bzode tuftes like tfteflowers of tftefirft t6mon©ldrert> but cluttering togitfter like tfteflowers of Slpedowe fweete or apedefadft,or ratfter like tfte flowers of ^rtoet* Arid wften tfte flowers of cft angeable colour betwixt pel- lowe and wftite, are fallen of: tfte berieS grow after tfte fome falft ion,eluftering to- gitfter almod ipke a clufter of grapes ♦ Cftep be tounbe anb red, of a nottgfttte and ftrange fent, or fauour* fy the Places. % Cfte common ©Ider ig fottnd growing abttnbantlp fatfte ©otmtrie, about ftedges,and ft lonetft (ft ado we and mopft places* 2 cftewildeandftrangekindeof©ider, dotft growe iikewife in darke and mopft places,btit it ig berp feidome feene or founde* iffTheTyme. % cftecommon©lder tfoWretft faa^ap or foinewftat after* 2 Cfte wilde flo wtetft in April: and tfte fruite of tftem botft in ripe fa Sep- tember* fyThe Names k % Cftecommon©lderiscalledin©reeke^xTk:tn iLatineandintfteApoteca- ries Iftoppes Sambucus:faf rencfte suyn,o% Hus.• inftigft Boucft Holberrinbafe Almaigne oilier* 2 Cbe Wilbe iS no We cadeb Sambucus fylueftris, anb Sambucus ceruinus: fa ftigft Boucfte n^aldt Holder:fabafe AlmaigneuMde ^iter* * fyThe Nature. i Common ©Ider is ftoate and driefatfte tftird degree,etpeeialip in tfte barke, tfte leaues,and poungbnbbes* fy The Vertues. Cfte leanes anb tenber croppes of common ©Iber, taken fa fome bzotft oz % potage,botb opentftebedp, ptitgfogbptfte famebotft dpmiefieme,anb cftolo riqueftitmours* Cfte greene mebian barke oftfte brancfteS af ©lder,do not mucft barp from B the Hiftorie of Plantes. p9 tfteleaues and tender croppeS,but tftat it ig of a ftronger operation, purging tftefopdeftttmours witft papneand bioience* Cfte feedes, efpeciallp tft e litie flatte feede,drieb, in profitable for fucfte as y ftaue tfte Bropfie, anb forfiicfteas are to fatte,anb woulbefapnebeleaner,ifit be takenfa tbe morning tfte quantitie of a Bramme witft wine, fo tftat bpet be bfed for a certapne (pate* Cfte greeneleaueSpotind,areberp good to belapbbportftoatefwellingeS b hub titmottrs,and being lapde to plapderwtfe,witft Bearefuet, or Bulles tal- low,tftep affWagetfte papne oftfte gowte* a Cfte nature and bertues of tfte Wilde ©ldreri,are as pzt bnknowen* f£;tonfe* €f)ap*jrtt)u fyThe Kyndes. THerebe two foftes of Brionie, as Biofcozides writetft, tfte wftite in com- mon and well knowen fa mod places* Cfte blacke is pet bnknowen to bg, and is not feene in tftis Countrie* fy The Defcription. IHtte Brionie ig fomtftfag like bnto tfte comnto Wiinz in ftiSieaueS and ClatperS, fouing tftat itig botft rougft er and wftiter: ft ftatft fmal tender brancfteS or iftrttptinges,tfte wfticft iiftetft tftem felueS berp ftigft,anb are wrapped and entangled, abottt ftedgeS ft trees like HoppeS,taking ft olde bpon euerp tfttng, witft tfteir fopde claf- pers*Cfte leattes be great,parted into foure or finedepe cuttings, berpiike bnto tfte leaues of tfte maured*afae,bitt wftiter, rotigfter, and more ftearie*CfteflowerSdo growemanptogitfter, facoiour wftite,aftettftemcom- metft rounbeBerieS,fatftebeginnfag greene, but afterwarde all redde* Cfte roote ig berp great,long and tfticke,bitter,and of a berp ftrange tafte* Cft e blacke Wiinz (as Biofcorides faptft ) ftatft leaues Ipke bnto Jupe, but mucftegreater, anb almoft ipke tfte leattes of Bfadeweede,ori©itftpwinde, called Smilax* Cfte ftalkeS bi brancfteS be alfo Ipke wrapping tftemfelues about fte ftedgesand trees,and taking ftolde and cleaitingto euerp tfting witft tfteir Clafpers:tfte fruiteclttfteretft togptfter ipke to ftnalgrapes, wfticft fa tfte bzsinninsiggreene,andafterwardewftenftisripe,alblacke* CfterooteiS blacke the Hiftorie of P lantes. 3 8r blacke Wftbottt, anb pellow witbinlike Bote* Co tft tS defcription ofBiof- cozides appzocftetft tftat fterbe, wftofe figure wedo ftere fet before pott (tbe wfticft of fomemett ig taken tobetfteblacke minz, and tbe wilde blacke Brio- nie)fouingtftatftiSbzancfteSdonotmountfoftigft,neptfterdo tftep wrap tftem felues nor deaue bntb ftedgesand treeS,as BifcozideS writetft tftat tfte blacke 3iionic dotft: wfterefore pou mud ftaue regarbe to tftefe katine worbes> Caules etiam cognatos,capreolis fuis arbores quafi adminicula comprchendic, wft etfter tftep be fpoken in bapne: for if tftofe wozbes be fuperflnou^, wbicfte areaileageb in tbe tranflatton of Biofcoribes, fabiS defcription of Vitis nigra: Brioniaalba. Chriftophoriana Brionia nigra forte. n^ftiteBrionie* Cftriftopftorfa*©rapewort,orperabuentnre blacke Brionie* CftentftiSWiibe berbemtiftbewitbotitbowbttberigfttvitisnigraofBiofco- rtbes*CftiSfterbe ftatft great and large leanes of a grapilft colour, parted into diners otfter leaueS,of wfticft eacft leafe is ranke tootfted or fnipt round about, fapzopoztionaimoftiike to tfteleaues of tfte Wiinz, or tfteflowers of tfteblew Bindeweedeoznaitbpwinde*Cbeflowers be wbite,and do growe cindering togitfter at tfte top,or ende of tft e dalkes: after it bearetft a frntte,wfticft ig no* tftiugels but round berries,greene attfte beginning,and blacke wften tftep are ripe, cittdertngipkegrapes* CfterooteiS blackewitboittanbpeilowewitftin, abpbing alwapes in tbe grounde, and bzfagingfoortft euerp perebotft newe leaues and brancfteS: fortfteoldedoperitftinwfater,etten ipke as dotft botft tfteleaues and brancfteS of tft e wftite Brionie* fyThe }8x The thirde Booke of fyThe Place. * Brponieortfte Wftiteminbebo grow inmoft places of tftis Countrie in tfte feelbes,wrapping it feife,anb creeping about ft ebges anb ditcbes* * CbeberbewfttefteiStakenfortfte blackeBzponie, isfonnbe incertapne woodes,on tfteftangingof ftilleS,ingood grourid,asin tfte Countrie of f an- qnemont,and ronnde abottt Coiopgne, wftereas offome it in accottnteb for a kindeof jftapius,wfterebnto it ftatft no kindeof ipkeneffe* fyTheTymes. i&ftfte Bzponie b eginnetft to flo wre fa a? ap, anb tft e fruite is ripe in Sep- tember* fyThe Names. t t©ftiteBrponiefatailedfa©reeke^7r^ Vitisalba:fatbeArabiantongtteAlphefera,of^attfteusSpluaticttS,Viticei- la.fa SftOppeS Bryonia: faf tZtK^ZCouleuree blanche: fa ftigft Almaigne Stlfft- Wttrt?,anb HttnbS kurbSrinbafe AlmaigneBrponie* 2 CbeotberblackekinbeiScallebto©reeke*;u7r4\©-/«(xfl«v«,K £?u^;« *<&«»«: in Ratine Vitis nigra,anb Bryonia nigra,of fomex«ewK°t^ tftat iS,Chironia vitis. Anb it map be well callebftt f reneb couicuM noire .• fa ftigft Boucfte Scft wart? Stickwurt?:in bafe AlmaigneSwerteBrponie* Cfte fterbe, wfticft fome tftinke to be tbe blacke Brponie, is calleb offome Chriftophariana,anb of otfters Coftus niger, albeit it in notfting like tfte rigftt Goftus. fyThe Nature. % Cfte roote of wftiteBrponie is ftoate anb b^iz, zuzn bnto tfte tftirb begree* 2 Cfte blacke 3ipo^in of tftefame complexion,butnot altogitfter fo drong* fyThe Vertues. Cfteroote of wftite Bzponie,elpeciallp tfte topee tftereof dotft migfttilp pzo-A uoke to tfte doolccattfing tongftflemes to come foortft, and pronokfag bibxzy and in berp good to mundifie and clenfe tfte bzaine,tfteftzed, ft inward partes from flemes,groffe and flimie ftumours* Cfte roote of J5Uoniz taken dailp tfte quantitie of a B.zagme bp tfte fpace of & one wftole pere,ftealetft tfte failing euill* Jt dotft alfo ftelpe tftem tftat are troubled witft tfte Apoplexie, ftttiruingeS £ ozfwimmingeS of tftefteab*a£oreouermendo witft great profite mingle it in medicines wfticft tftep makeagapnd tfte bitfages of Setpentes* Cfte qnantitieofftalfeadragme oftfte roote of Brionie, dzonke witft binz* & get, bptfte fpace of tftittiedapes , ftealetfttftea^eltozSplenetftatiswaxen ftarde and flopped* Jtfargood for tftefame entent,if it bepounde witft figges, and lapd outwardlp dpontfte place of tfte Splene* ^Df tfte fame tftep make an ©lectuarie witft ftonie, tfte wfticfteis berp goob t for tftem tftat are (ftoft breatfteb, anb wbicfte are troubleb witft an olbe cougft, and witb papne in tbe fibes,anb for tftemtftat are ftttrt anb burden inwardlp, foz it diffoluetft and difpatcftetft congeled blood* /: Beingmfaidred below in a #effari or anotfter fuppofttorie, it monetft WS-: f mensflowerS,and deltoeretft tfte Secpndine,and tftedead cftilde* Cfte like bertueftatft a batft made of tfte Becoction tftereof: bpddes tftat it dfr purgetft and clenfetft tfte apatrix or anotfter from alfiltftp bncleanneffe,if tftep do dt ouer ft* Cfte fame pound witft fait, in good to be lapd bpo nougfttie fpteading foizn> H tftat do freat,and are cozrnpt and runnfag,efpeciallp abont tbe legges* AndtfteieattesandfruitareaSprofitabfefortftefameintent, ifftbeiapde to fa like maner* Jt the Hiftorie of Plantes. }$ Jt clenfetft tfte fkfane, and taketft awap tfte Iftrtneled WrtockteS,ft freckles 3( made witft tfte Sonne,and all kindes of ftiottes and fcarres: if it be mingled witft tfte meale of £Dzobus,and f cititgrec* So dotft tfte ople wftertotfteroote of Bzionie ftatft ben bopled* Cfte fome pounde ft mingled Witft wine, diffoluetft tfte blood tftat is adonde & ozfixed,tt difpatcftetft alfcarres,and blewemarkes of bzttpfedplaces, anb dif- foluetft newe fwellinges,it bringetft to ripeneffe and breaketft olb ApoftemeS* Jt dzawetft fooztft fplfatets and broken bones,and appeafetft nongfttie blcers and agnailes,tftat grow bp about tft e rootes of tftenaples, Cfte fruit of Brionie isgo od againft tfte ttcft clepzie ,01 no ugft tie fcabbe* % Cfte firft fp tinges or (puitmges are berp good to be eaten in Saiade, for ap tfte domacke:tftep do alfo "open tfte bedp anb prottoke brine* Cft e roote of blacke Brionie ig as good for al tbe greenes abouefaib,aS tfte 0 Wftite Brionie,but not fo drong: petit pzeuapletft mucfte againd tfte falling etiill,and tfte giddineffe or tttrntnges of tfte ft ead,to prottoke bzine,tfte natural fickneffe ofwomen, to wade and open tfteSpleneor^elt tftat is fwolicu or (lopped* ^ Cfte tender tyzfagcS of tftis fctode of Brfonie,are alfo berp good to be eaten s> inSalade,foztopurgewateriefttperflttitieS,andforto open tftebellp, neitfter more noz leffe tften tft e wftite Brionie* fyThe Danger, Cfteroote of Bzionie bp ftis diolence dotft trowbleft otterturnetftedomacke, and otfter of tfte inner partes * aporeotter tfte fome witft ftis leaues, fruite, ftalkes, and rooteS, in altogitfter contrarie and euill to women witft cftdde, Wftetfter itbepzepareb oz not,or wft etfter it be mingled witft otfter medicines: info mucft e tftat one cannot gene of tft efapde roote, oz anp otfter medicine com- pounded oftfte fame, witftout great daunger and perill* fy The Correction. Cfte malice oz nougfttie quaiftie tft ereof is taken awap, bp putting tftereto a^afticke,©toger, ©toamome,and to take ft witft ftonp,or witft tfte decoction ofHapfonS* . ®(t\)t flnloc ^me/6?tome/ oj ®m latrfeo^eate €t)ap*jtft$* fy The Defcription. 4IH ladies Seale ftatft long bzancftes, flexible, of a Woobdilfte [fubftance, couereb witb a gaping or cloitenbarke, growing berp Wft, andwindingabotittreesandftedges, Ipke tbe brancfteS of tfteisrine* Cfte leattes are Ipke tfte leanes of aporelleor garden figfttfl;ade,butmucft greater, notmucftbarptogftomtfteleattes oftbeareatetuaptftiewinbeozBtodeweede: tfte flowers be wftite, fmal,and moffieTafter tfte fabing of wfticftefiowets, tfte fruite commetft cluflertogtogi* tberlikelittle grapes ozHapfonS, red wbenft igripe,ftangtog wttfttn tftree oz foure kernelles oz feebes * Cfteroote ig berp great and tfticke, andfome* timesparted op diuided attfte ende, into tftree or foure partes, of abzowniffte coloiir wftftottt,and wftite witftto,and ciamnife like tfte roote of Comferie* fyThe Places. Jn tftis ©onntrie, tftfcfterbe growetft fa WW and mopft woods, tftat are * (ftadowedandwaterie* l ^ 3*4 The thirde Booke of Vitis fylueftris. f^theTymes. Jt flowzetft in #ape and June, and tfte fruite isripe fa September* fyThe Names. Jtis caded in ©reeke a^sx^k^: fa&atine vitisfyiueftris,tftatistofap, tftenuid Slline, pet tftis is not tftat kutd of wild 3afae,tfte wfticft men cal Labruf- ca, for tftat refembietft altogitfter tfte garden and manured tmine,but tftis (as iSafozefopde) is a plant oz fterbe of tfte kindes of Bzponie,tfte wfticft ig ado cal- led fa©reeke Ampeios, tftat istofop,a bfae,bpcaufe tftatit growetft fttgft,win- dtng it felf about trees ft ft edges like tfte bine* And of tftis J ftaue tftougftt good to geue warning,left anp ftereafter ftap- pen to falinto errottr, witft Auicen,Se- rapion,ft otfter of p Arabian ^ftifttions, tftfakfagtftatLabrufcaand Vitis fylue- ftris, fftoulde be anp otfter tften onefelfe plante* Columel calletft tftis plante Ta- mus. bpfoiowing, of wftom piinie cal- led tfte frllite Vua Taminea, ft tftis plant is caUed fa fome places Saiicaftrum. jt iScalled in Sftoppesof fome Apotfteca- ries Sigillumbeatae Marif,tftatiStOfop, tfte Seale or Signet of our Tladpe: fa Jtalian Tamaro : it map be called fa ftmbtcouieureefauuage: in B oucft en^ilde Brpoute, bpeaufettls akinde of Btponie,asadifferencefromtfterigfttwilde of a wftitecolour, (7fj\/ and well fmellfag, afterwfticfteflowers Vj^m* paft,commetft tftefeede wfticft in fmal and f-fz£ ^ fomwftat browne>beartogfmal,crooked, mmi and downie ftemmes: tfte roote is berp ' fullof fmall dringeS/Oz ftearie tftreddes* fy The Place. t ciematisaiterajts a deangefterbe,and not found fa tftis ©ottittrie, except in tfte gardens offome Herborides* a Cfte feconde in alfo a dranger in tftis Countrie, but faCnglandeit growetft a- bnndantlp about tft eft edges, in tfte dot- ^¥/ff' ders of feeldes, $ alongd bp ftigft wapes tibzn. s taritalba in common in tbiS Countrie, anb is to be founde in wooddes, bebges, anb about tfte borders of feeldes* ♦$• The Tyme. \.t Cftetwo firdkindesboflowerintftis Countrie berp late, in Augtid and Sep- ^& t ember* j Btttturitalbaflowretft in Jttne* fy TheJ2amis. i Cfte fird in caded fa ©reeke xxxM*nV me*, of fome wy^nc -. in ilatfae clema» tisaltera, Ambuxum,Epigetis,and Offome Of Ottrtpme Flammula. 2 Cftefeconde in alfo accounted to be Clematis altera,bpcanfe of tft e Ipkenelfe it ftatft witft tfte otfter,albeit bis leaues do not mucfte bite bpon tfte tongue* 3 CftetftirdeiSnowecalled vitaiba:fafremfter/>r^:fafttgftBoucft)iiinen orHcnen,andoffomer©aldreben* Some learned men take tftis fterbe fora kindeof Clematis aitera,altftongft ftis leatieslpkewifeftatteno berp great bp- ting Ift arpneffe,bpon tfte tongue* r©ft erefore it Iftonlde be ratft er iudged of me, to bemoreipketftefterbewbicftemencall in ©reekexvxx^tv<^me«:inU,atine! Cyclaminusaltera,Of fome CifIanthemon,and Ciffophilon, Wftereof Weftaue wzittenbefozc fa tfte eleuentft Cftapter of tftis tftirde booke* faThe Nature. Cfteleaues of Ciematisaitera, areftoate in tfte beginning of tft efonrtftde- gree* fyThe Vertues. Cftefeedeot Clematis altera,taken witft wattr,orfll?edemadewftft water A and ftonie,purgetft downewardecftoleriqueftwmottrs, witft groffe and toitjift 8eme,as faptft Biofcorides* Cft e leaues being lapde bppon, dotft take awap, and fteale tfte fctirffe and » leprie* Cftefruite of Cydaminus altera, dronken witft wftite wine fouttfe dipeS C togitfter, the Hiftorie of Plantes. 387 togitftet,botftftealetfteftoppfagesanbftatd^^ gingtftefomebotftbpfiege,andbrfae*Andispzofitabie foztft erri tftat are (ftort wtuded,to betaken fato tftebodp* <*>ffupe* €l>ap*jrtfc fyTheKyndes. THerebetftreekfabesof Jupe, as Biofcozides Writetft* Cfte firft ftatft a wftitefruiteandisbnknowenbntobs* Cftefecondebearetftablackeor peltowUft fruite,anb of tbiS kfabetberegrowetftgreatpientiefatftisCotin- trie*Cfte tftirdekinde is fmall,and creepetft along bpon tfte grounde, and tftis kinde bringetft no fruite* Hedera nigra. Hedera Helix. Blackejttpe* SmalJupe*BarrenJwpe* fyThe Defcription. )$€ blacke J ttpe ft atft ftarde wooddp bptm^zn, couered witft a i grape tfticke barke,wft erebp it embzacetft and taketft ftolde bpon :waileS,oldftoufes,andbnildfages,aifo about trees anb ftedges, and all tftinges els tftat it meetetft witftal* CfteieaueSbe ftarde Ift plapne,of a bzowne greene colour, trtangled at tfte beginning, anb after wften tftep be moze elder, tftep waxe fomtftfag rounder* Cfte flowers grow at tftetop or ftigfteft part oftfte brand) es,bpo long ftraigftt ftemmes,manp togitfter,like a round nofegap,of a pale color: after tftep turne into round beries, about tfte quantitie of apeafe,clttftering togitfter, greene at tfte begfaning,bttt afterwarde wften tftep be ripe, tft ep waxe blacke* fek U Cfte 588 Thcthirde Booke of 5 JCftttftitdekfode (Snot mucfte bnipketfte Juieabotiefapde, bitttftat W bzancftes are botft fmaller and tenderer, not lifting oz bearing itfelfe bpwarde "las tfte otfter kinde)bttt creeping alongd bp tfte groiinde*Cfte leaues are moft commonlp tftzee fquare, of ablackilft greene, anft at tbe enbe of fommer about Aittttmne,tftep are betwixt browne anb reb bpon one fide: tbiS J wie ftatft nep- tfter flowers norfrttite* . {fthe Places. * Cfteblacke Jiife growetft in all partes of tftis Countries bpponolbebttpl- binges* ftoufeSj walles, tples, or couerfagesof ftoitfes, anb bppon trees and ftetwes,abottttftewftfcftitembracetft,^^ '^ , Cftefinall Jtrie growetft in woodes, and creepetft alongft*t# grounde,* mongft tfte moffe* fr ifyThetj/ihes. ir^f. Cfteblacke Jttie (tbwretftin fommer,anb tftefruite in rppe in winter* fyThe Names. Jiiie iS called in ©reeke kMp. and of fome war«£©-: fa %&tinz Hedera.* fa ftigft Boucfte©pftew,oi©ppicft:to bafe Almaigne taepl* t Cbe ffeft kinbe, wfticfteisbnto bs bnknowen, in called Hederaalba, and Of |dlinie Hedera fcemina. 2 Cfte feconde kfade in C&led Hedera nignfc tmbhw&!«, Dionyfia, of^liitie Hedera mas, and tftat kinde wfticfte embzacetfttrees,iScalled(ofmenfatftefe dapeS)Hederaarborea,and tftat Wfticft growetft bpon WalleS, Hedera inuralu: in frencft Lyanenoir: inftigftBoucft Scftwatt? er ©ppicft,and a^awr ©pfteto, or Baum ©pftew: inbafe Alfaaigne mepliand Boom mzpl,oi apner <&epl* 3 Cfte tftird kinde in called fa©reeke &# failatfae Ciauicuia3and Hederuia: faf reneft Petit lyarre: fa ftigft Botttfte ftiefa ©jift efaitobafeAimaigneClepne «tllepl* -." fy'Tkt caufe ofshcNames.: \ Jizte is called fa ©reeke tiffes^awfeof acertaine#apdertor BamfeU* wftofe name was Ciffus, tftewfticftcatttfeaftor banqnet (wberebnto tfte ©oddes werealbidden)fo daunted before zsaccftu&anb ktffed bim often,ma- kfagfticftemirtftandiop,tftatbeing ottercome witft tftefome fel to tfte ground, and killed fterfefte* But asfoone as tfte eartft knew tfterof, (ftebzougftt fooztft immediatip tfte Jtiie bu(fte,bearing ftill tfte name of tftef ong Bamofel Ciffus, tfte wfticft as fodne as it growetft bp a litie, commetft to embzace tfte mini, fa remembrance tbat tfte Bambftd cuius was wonte fo to loue anb embzace Baccftus tfte ©od of wine* fyThe Nature* Cfte Jute is partlp colde,drie,and aftrfag&ft, and partlp ftoate and (ftarpe* apoteotter being greene,it ftatft a certapne toperflttous mopftneffe andftumi- dttie,tfte wfticft banilft etft wften it is drfe* fyThe VertueS. Cfte leattes of Juie bopled in wfae,do curegreat Wbttifbesand biterS,and 9 do ftapcozritptblcers,anbfrettfag fores* w Cftefome0^eredasfaafbrefefo,ftweiftamptozpound,fttapdto,ftealet^ burningeS and fcaidfageS,tft at cftaunce eptfter bp ft oate water Oz tier* Cfte fame bopfed in bineger,ftealetft tfte ftardneffe and ftoppihg of tfte melt £ ozfplene,if itbe lapbe tberebpon* Cfteiupceof tfteleaues and frttitedzawen,orfniftbp into tftenofe, purgetft $ tfte bzapne,anb caufetft dpmie oz tougft fleme,and otfter cold ftumours,Wftere witftalltftebzapneiscftarged, to iffuefooftft* Cfte fame put into tfte ear es,ftapetft tfte running ftiimonrS of tfte fam^,and t ftealetft Hedera terreftris officinarum. the Hiftorie of P lantes. '■ j fo ftealetft blcers, and tfte corrttptforesftappenteg fa tfte fame, and itdotft tt)e Ipke to tfte fozes and blcers in tftenofe* - Cbefomelapd tobp itfeife,or witft ople of rofes,iS berp profitable agafaft jt tfteolbegreeuesoftftefteab* Cbe flo wees of Jttpe lapde to,in manner of a piapfter witft ople anb waxe, © ftealetft all bitrnfages* „ Cftebecoctionoftbefomeflowersmabein wine,anbbronketwifeabap, H ftealetft tftebangerotts flixe calleb Bpfenterie* ffaejuie beries bopled witb ople of rofesin tbepille of a JBomgarnet: J CftiS ople botb cure and ftelpe the tootftacft, beingput into tfte eare,on tfte con- trarie fpbe wft ere tft e papne oftfte teetft ig^ . Cftegummeof JttpkpdetftXpceanb &itteS*Anb being lapde to,it taketft & awap fteare from tfte place po u lap it bpon* fe The Danger. Cftefruiteof Jupe taken in to great a quantitie, weakenetfttfteftart,and tronbletft tbefenfe and bnderdandfag* Cbe bfe tfterof in alfo berp bangerous for women,etp eciallp for women witft cbilbe,anb fucft as are newlp beltoereb* ®f grounde Jwt. €i>ap*l* fy The Defcription. Honnde Jupe batb manp fquare •>] tender ftalkes growing foortft fromaroote full of tftzeddespr dftnges, bppon wfticfte growe leanes fomexuftat ronnde, bnenen,and in- dented ronnde abont,of a drong fmell anb bitter tade,fmaller,rotinder, and tenderer tften tfte leaues of Jupe* Cfte flowers do k* growe amongd tfte leaueS, in tade bdter, [^^3sj\ anb of a purple colour* jgmbM* fy The Place. *~a ©rounbejnpe is berp common fa all ' * tftis Countrie, anb growetft in manp gar- dens,and (ftado wie mopft places* % > ^ fyTheTymes. Jt flo wretft from Aprill, bnto tfte enbe of foimner,and continuetft greenetftemoft partofalltftepere* fy The Names. ' CftiS fterbe ig calleb of men fa tftefe bapeS , fa liatfae Hedera terreftris, and Corona terra: : and bp tftiS name ft Xg knowen of tbe Apotftecaries* Jtis called fa ftZMfyZLyarre, OZ Lierre terreftre: in ftigft Boucfte ©ttndelreb, anb ©rnnbzeb: fa bafe Almaigne flDnberftatte * Atid tftis fterbeftatbbmlongtpmetakett^ ChamaeciiTus, butaS J bo tftfake, it ig better like W(vH,foz wfticfte ft is taketi offome* fyThe Nature. ©ronnde Jiipeisftoate and dzie* &kitj fyThe J?o The thirde Booke of fyThe Vertues. ©roundejuiebrufedandpiitfatotfteeares, taketft awap tfteftttmmingA ttopfe or ringing fotinde of tftefame*And ig goodforfocfte as are ftarde of fte* ring* &ftJ?oo6btne oj tjonpfu ritfe* €t>ap*It* Periclymenum. Periclymeni tertia fpecies. woodbine or Honpfnckce* Cfte tftirdekinde of $ ettcipmenum* ' fyThe Defcription. £DodbineozHonpfttckleftatft manp fmall bzancftes, wfterebpit windetft and wrappetft itfelfe about trees and ft edges: bpon tfte fopde bzancftes grow long leaues and tender, Wftite bpon tfte one fpbe,ft on tfte otft erfibe,ofableakeorfafat colour, betwixt wbite anb greene,at tfte end oftfte bzancftes grow tfte flowers in tnfteS ipkenofegapeS, of a pleafant colour and fweete fauour, betwixt Wftite anb pello w,o t pale anb purple, long ft ft olo w, almoft like tfte UttiebagS of Colombine* After tfte flowers comerounbeberies,wfticft are as red as Co- *iall wben tbep betipevCft e roote ig of a wooddp fubftance* ' Cftere is pet anotfter kinbe,tfte wfticftebttogetft fooztft leaues dandtngdi* rectlp one agapnft tfte otfter, and foclofedoziopned togitfter, tftat tfte ftalkeS paffe tft to ttgft tft em: but fa ad otfter popnteS,meetelp wed like to tfte aforefopd kinde** ~ Bpfide trie Hiftorie of Plantes. 3 Bpfibe tftefe two foztes of Honpfttckle ort^oobbine, tftere ispet anotfter, in leaues Ipke tftefirft,tft e wfticfte kfabe botft not wrap nor winbeitfetfe about trees and bedges,as tfte otfter fortes bo, but growetft and dandetft bprigftt of ft felf, witft out £ ftelpe of winding bzancftes or clinging ciafpers*Cfte flowers arewftite,mucftefmallertftentfteotfterforteofflowers, in figure fomewftat ,. iong,contepning witftin tft em manp fmall tftrebdes, and tftep growe euer two and two togitfter bp coupleS,anb no moe, bpon a demme, amongft tfte leaueS anb bzancbes: tft e wfticfte befag gone ft paft, tbere grow bp two round beries, eptfter red or browne wft en tft ep be ripe* fyThe Place. tBoobbine growetb in all tftis Conntrie fa ftebge&about inclofeb feelbeS, and amongdbzoome orfirres*Jtisfottnbealfo in woobes,efpeciallptftetwo laft recited kindes* Cfte tftird kind growetft in manp places of Satiope,and in tfte Countrie of tfteSwpferS* iffTheTyme. ttDoodbine flowzetft in June, and Juip: tfte feede is rppe in Auguft and September* fy The Names. • .1 Cftis fterbe or kinde of Bindeweede,is called in ©reeke ™e^w°v> offome hyivH,Kcc» ^aflopjCwXRvop.tTrafiTiTrffjXXKjuKTrri c,x«xi/xecv0«^op, Aegina, Carpathon,Splenio, Epanitis, Clematitis,and Calycanthemomfo&atfae Volucrum maius, Pericly- menum,aitd Sylua? mater: of tfte ApOtftecarfeS Caprifolium,and Mater Sylua, and offome Lilium inter fpinas:faf reneft cheurefueMe:inbi$b Almaigne ©eify bladt,Speckgilgen,Zeunling,andti0aldgilgen: inbafe Almaigne ©bepten- blabt,anda^ammekenS erupt: in ©ngiilft e Honpfucklc, or Udoodbine, anb of fomeCaprifopie* ? CftetftirdekindeiScalled inftigft BoucftlandeHnndtf^kirfcften, tftatiSto fap,BoggesU£errieS* ft The Natures. iBoodbine ig ftoate and dzie5almod in tfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Cft e fruit of Honpfttckle dronken in wine bp tfte (pace of fottrtie dapeS, dotft A fteale tfte (topping and ftardeneffeof tftebeft or Splene, bpconfuming oftfte fame,and making it leffe*3Tnd purgetft bp bzine tfte cotrupt and eud ftumours, fo dronglp,tft at after tfte daplp bfe tftereof,bp tfte fpace of fixe, or ten dapes to* gitfter, it will caufe tftebzfoe to bered anb bloobbp* Jtis goob for fucb as be troubleb witb Iftortnes of faeatb: ft for tftem tftat ^ ftaue anp dangerous cougft: mozeo tier, it ftelpetft women tftat are in trauell of cftiid,and dztetft bp tftenatttralfeedeof man to betaken in manner abouefapd* CfteleatteSftaue tftelpke bertue, as tfte frutte ftatft, as Biofcozides faptft* C apozeotter, ttkeepetftbacketftebzufinges wfticft are wonte to come at tftebe- gfaningof Agues,wftentfte fapd leanes are fodden inopie,andpoitnd ordain- ped berp fmal,and tft ebacke orridge be annopnted tfterewitftalbefore or at tfte firft comming of tfte fittes of tfte Agne* Cfte fame ftealetft wounbes and corrupt mopft blcerS,and taketft awap tfte B Ipottes and fcarres of tfte bodp and face* fe The Danger. Cfte leattes and fruit of n^oodbtoe,afe berp ftttrtfitll to women witft cftildu^ and altogtthercontrarie* ±J& <^f fmotfje 0mtuoeeoe ojt©ttl)»iiDitUre- CfjapJifc m fyThe Kyndes. TCftere be two fortes of Binbeweede orwitftpwinde, tfteone bearfaga blewe flower, tfteotfter a wftite, wftereof oneisgreat, tfte otfter fmall* %*iii\ Cfte 191 The thirde Booke of Cftegreatet kind Windetft it fede abottt ftebges anb trees, tfteleffer moft com- monlp trapletft bpon tfte gronnbe* Smilaxlenis maior. Smilaxlenis minor. C ham arcifTus. ©entietBitftiwtobe tfte great* ©entlei©itftiwinbe tfte fmal* fy The Defcription. >H « blewe iBttbiwinbebatb flenber brancfteS anb fmall, bp > wbicfte it clpmbetftbp, anb wrappetftoz winbetb ft fede about •trees anb poles* Cfteieatiesbelatgeanbcornered, ipketo tfte olbz leattes of Jupe, fatting tbat tbep be not fo barbe* Cfte (flowersarefaiftionedlikebelles, bleweanbftolowe,tfte feede is blacke, and almod tbree fquare, Ipinginknoppesorbtifkes, aftertftefamemanner,astftefeebeoftbewftiteBinbeweede* 2 Cftegreat wftite Bindeweede or foft witftiwinde ftatft Ipkewife dalkes and brancfteS, fmall anb tenber, wberebp it winbetft it fede about trees and ftedges ipke tbeftoppe*tnapontftefomebrancftes,grow tenber anb foftleaues greene,anbfmotfte,abnodliketfteleanes of Jitpcbtttmncfte fmaller anbtov derer*Cbe flowers be great, wftite, anb ftollowe, in pzoportion liketo a Bell* Znb wften tbzp are gone, tftere comein tfteir ftzzbz little clofe knopnesoz buttons, wfticft ftaue in tftemabiacke ft coznered or angled feede* Cberoote in fmal and wbite,iike to a foft of tftickebeares, creping alongft bnber tfte eartb growtogoittorfmbingfoortftnewiftutesinfunbriepiaces^oftaftefomcwhat bitter,anb full of wbitetopce oz foppe* M , Cfteiefferwftiteuaitftpwuibe, ismtteftelpketo tfte aforefopd,to ftalke leaiies,flo wers,feede,and rooteSifetung tftat to ail tftefe tftinges, it in mncfte fmaller, the Hiftorie of Plantes. joj fmalier;and mod commonlp it creepctft alongft bppon tfte grounde* €fte bzan- cftes are fmall and fmootft: tfte little leaues are tender and foft: tfte flowers are like to title belles of apurple or flelft colour: tfte feebe in coznered or angled;*, aS tfte feCde Of tfteOtfterS* fy The Places. t Cfte blew growetft not to tftis Cotinttie, but to tfte gardens of Herboriftes, wftereas it is fowen* , Cfte greatwftite tBitftpwinbe growetft tomoftpiaces of tftis Countrie,in eutrp garben, and about ftedges,and toclofures* Cftelitie wftitertaitftiwinde growetft fa feeldes, efoeciadp amongft tfte ' ftubble andfomerimes amongft tfte Barlep, £>tes,and otfter grapne* l\ •'" fyThcTym. 1 CfteblewflowretftberplatetntftisCoimtrie* *.$ Cfte wftite kindes do flower fa June and Juip* fy-fhclfames^ . CftenDitfttwtnde or Bindeweede in caded fa ©reeke^;\«f x*,«, Df ©alen ^^Milax^faaUtfaeSmilaxlenis^Of^parcUSCatO ConiugulumrfajftoppeS Volubilis,df fome Campantilajand Funis arbftr urn :faf tmtbZLifetMLiferon.m Bottcft eiBfade,andtBzangfte*** , ; i Cfte kinde wfticft bearetft blewe flowers, is called Coniuguium nigrum: and aftertfteopittion of fomeleatnedmeuintftefedapes, of Columellas hor- tis,Liguftrum'nig,rum:Of^erb^ifteSCampanaLa2ura. ' - . • i Cfte great wftftefmotfte i*ftiwfade,iscailed of tfte Apotftecaries Volu- bihs maior: iuftigft Boncfte ©rot? *©indenkraut,and ©rofjweifj glocken: fa bafe Almaigne ©rootet©inbe* CfttekitfaeiS taken of fometobeLiguftrum aibum^ereqftliitgiltrcatetft* 3 Cftefmal#itftiwfadeorBfadeweedeiScadedVolubiiisminor:fafreneft campdnette^vitreoie: fa ftigft Boucftlande fclefa iBfadenkraut: intfteatftee Bottcftlaiide Cleprte clocxkensi^inde* And it feemetft to bemttcft liketo tftat Wfticft tfte ©retkeScal W*hi*&inyitiintChamxcittvis, ft Hedera terreftris. fyThe Nature. Binbew eede or r©itftiwinde,tS of a ftoate and fyiz qttalitte 61 nature* fyThe Vertues. '.' teitftiwittbtdr25iub^ueede,iSnotfit td btput inmedicine, as ©alen and piinie witneffetft* - * / . , . fyThe Defcription. ., . x- l>Laicke^fadeweetfeftatft fmotfte red bzancftes, b&pfmalllpM gredttftzebbeS,Wfterewitftartt wrappetft and windetft it felfea- bouttrees, ftedges, ftakeS,and abotttaifterbes tftat ftrttap catcft lor ta^ftoldebpon*CfteleatteSarelpke to Jitie,bitt fmaller and ntettdetkr*mUcft tcfemblin ^Cftefldwersbewftfteandberp fmall* Cftefeebe in blacke and frtangled,toztbreefqnare, like to tfte feede of Boefcwepde oz Bolpmotig, b\ii imaderand blacfter,geowfag tfticke togftfter'v©Jieri> feedeis faclofedandcd* nered witft a iftle f kinrie*Cfte roote in alfo frnad and tender a? atftred* fyThe Place; *- BiackeBtnd weede growetft intniinepardeS,aud in tftebozderSoffeeldeS! > and gardens, about ftedges and ditcftes,and amongft fterbes* fyTheTymes. Jtdelufeitftftfti^ %Tht 394 Thethirde Booke of fy The Names. CftiS kinde of Bindeweede ig called fa ©reke ix|ivHxiftrccM7Tix^, and of tfte©mperonr * Condantfae^«x«xoxiV©-. Malacociffos, hoc eft, Mollis Hedera. Some call itin kattne Conuoluolus, Offome Vitealis, tftat iStO fop, BfodeweedeoftftetofaepatdeS,orbelongmg to tfte tuxine: in SftoppeS Voiubilis media, tftat is to fop, Cfte meane Bindeweede: m ftigft Boucfte Swerte winde, and apiddel- winde: in ©ngiilft uaeede winde, and uatud- weede,or Jttpbindweede* ^The Natures* SwetteBfadeweedeiS of aftoate nature and ftatft powerto diffolne* fyThe Vertues. A Cfte iupce of tfte leanes of tftiS Binder weede dronken, dotft lofe and open tfte bel* ipe* 25 Cfte leaues pounde, and lapde to .tfte greeued plaee,diffoluetft, waftetft, and couiu-^ metft fwedfages, as ©aienfoptft* ^ ®X £>otoatiellaoi £>ea €awfe <£t)ap*lup* fy The Defcription. m €>ldanella ftatft manp fmad ^bzancftes,fomwftatreb,bptbe . wfticfteft trapletft or creepetft m alongft tfte gronnbe,caftingor ftueabingftfelf ftere anb tftere, couered ordecked ftere ft tftere witft litie, round, greene leaues, more rounder and fmal- ler, tften tfte leaues Afarabacca, or Ipke to tfteleaueSof tfte toitnb Ariftoloeftia, orBirtftwotte, but fmaller* Cfte flow- ers are Ipke tftem of tfte leffer Binde- weede, ofabzigfttred, orfacarnateco- iotir* Cfte feede is blacke, and growetft fa ftufkes or rounde coddes, like tfte BindeweedeS* Cfte roote is fmall and long* But to conclude, tftis kinde of Bindeweede ig mncfte like tfte leffer t©itftiwfade, foiling tftattfteleaties are mucfte rounder and tfticker, and of a fel- tflfttade* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe grow etft abundantlpin Sealandebpon tfte Sea bankes, and Helxine CilTampelos. alongft the Hiftorie of P lantes. 5 55 alongft tfte coaft, orSeafibeinflaunberS, anbfaallfaltgrounbeftanbfag neare tfte Sea* CftiS fterbe flo wretft fa Jttne,after Wfticft time men map gatfter ft,to keepe to feme in medicine* fa The Names. CftiS fterbe is cafleb fa ©reeke *t&yfai*i&ri*x in liatfae Braffica Marina: in SftoppeS of tfte Apotftecaries anb common Herbaries, Soldanclia:fa ftigft BoucfteZeewfabe* fyThe Nature. Soldanella,iSftoate and drie in tfte feconde degree* fy The Vertues. Soidanedapnrgetftdownemigfttilp all kindes ofwaterie ftumours, and A openetft tfte doppinges oftfte liner, and igqzuzn witft greatprofitebnto fucfte as baue tfte Brop fte: but it mud be bopled witft tftebrbtfte of feme fatte meate orfle(fte,anb dronkemor eisftmufl bebrieb atib taken in powber* fe The Danger. Soibanella, elfteeiailp if ftbe taken in powber, ftttrtetft anb troubletft tfte ftomackeberp mucfte* fyThe Correction* fl^entake to it AnnpSfeebe,Cpnamome, ©toger, anb agreat quantitieof Sttgar,and ft muft befo receined,in powder altogitfter* ^faou0l|6moeweeoe* €ljap*lii* fy The Defcription. Smilaxafpera* jrr^^rr £>wgft oz ptikelep Binde- \i t^A^^ weede ftatft tender ftalkes 1 Pl^Wn andbzancbes,garnilfteb, or 1 RS^J fet rounbaboiit,wftft manp p fag^^l8ifliftgit> pzickeS or tftoznes, Winding and wzapppng ft feife about trees,ftedgesand bttlftes Ipketo tfteotfter kindes of Bindeweede, taking ftolde Witft tfteir clafping brancfteS bppon euerp tftingftandfagagapnftft* CfteieaueSbe berp well Ipke Jupe, but tftep arelonger anb (ftarper at tftepopnt* Cbe flowers are wftite,anb foz bis fruite,it ftatft round beries cluttering togitfter Ipke grapes,tfte wfticft eare red wften tbep be ripe* Cfte rooteis tfticke anb ftarbe* fyThe Place. Hougft Bindeweede, as witneffetft piinie , growetft in bntopled waterie places, and in iowe and IftadoWie bal- lepes ♦ Jt ig not founde fa tftis ©ountrie, but in tfte gardens offome diligent Her- boriftes* frit 39$ The thjrde Booke of fytheTymes. HottgftBitideweedeflowretftintftelpringtime,btttfaftoate Countries it flo wretft agapne tn Autttmne* ILT he Names.. Cftis Bindeweede ig called in ©reke of tft e AttnctentHomainS fa Jtatfae Colophonium. Cft e iuptz oftfte roote drped, in called in ©reeke iagridium.** fyThe Nature. Scammonie ig ftoateand drie in tfte tftirde degree* ♦jt The Vertues. « Cfteittpceof Scammoniedried,tfte wfticfteis called Scammonium,as ig A abouefoid,taken to tfte weigftt of fixe wft eate coznes, dotft pttrgedo wueward deft ementlp cftoleriqne ftumours* ^oreower, it in good againd tfte Jaundife, ^leurefte,f renfie,ft oate feuers,and agapnft all difeafes, tfte wfticft take tfteir ortgfaall beginning of ftoateand cftoleriqueftumours* Cftefomelapde to witft ftonp and fl)ple,diffoitietft all colde fwellinges,and b witft the Hiftorie of Plantes. 307 Witft bineger,ft ftealetft allfpreabing fcabbes, fcurufaeffe, and ftardneffe oftfte fkinne* Scammonie Iapdeto witft opleofHofeSftbineger,ftealetft tfte oldepapneS© oftfte ftead* Cftefame witft wooll,ptttinto tftenaturallplacesof women, as a Melius, b or motfter fnppofitorie,protioketft tfte flo wers,and expelletft tfte fecondine and deadcftdde* fe The Danger. Scammonie, tftat in tfte iupce of Scammonitim, in a berp ftrong ft biolent mebicine, bringinganttinberof inconueniences, and dangerons ends, if ftbe eptfter taken bnprepareb,or out of buz time anb place* firft, itouercommetft anb tormentetft tfteftomacke berp mncfte, canffag wambling anb windineffe in tftefame* Secondariip,it dotft bpbeatefo cftafe tfte liner ft bioob, tftat it engendzetft feners,in fticbe as be of a ftoate complexion* Cftirbip,ft openetb tbebepnes, anb fturtetft tfte bowels anb inwarb parts, zuzntotfteprouoking of bloobbp excrementes* Anb tfterefoze witftontdotibt, Scammonie in berpfttirtfullto tftelfaer,tfteftart,anb otftertnwardepartes* fyThe Correction. Cfte fird danger in corrected,bp putting tfte Scammonie to bopie,or digeft in a ^ttface, or in tfte pafte of £*uinces,bntpi tft efopd 4ttuincesbe berp tender, and perfectlp bopleb*r©ften tfte Scammonie istftitsptepared,it in called Bia- gredium* Dulcamera.tBoob^igfttlftabc* Cfte fecond danger in pretiented, bp mixing pour Scammonie, witft fome cold ittpce,as of rofeS,^fpifam,or witft tfte fubftance or pulpe of prunes* Cfte tftird in amended, bp puttingto tfteBiagrebfam, fomeaj)afttcke,or tfte iuptz of Quinces* £>f©ulcamara* <£f)ap*U>t>* fy The Defcription. His plant ftatft bin dalkes and 1 brancftes,tmaland tender,of aN wooddp fubdance, bp£ wbicft it climetft bp,bp trees,ftebges, ft bulftes* Cfteleaues be long ft greene, not mucfte differing from tfteleaues of Juie,btit fomwftat leffer, ftaufag fome- rime two eares,oz two little leaueS ad- fopning to tfte lowed part of tfte fame leaues, like bnto franke Sage* Cfte flouerS be blew growing togttft er,ene= rp flower diuided ozparted, fato fiue little narrow leattes,ft auing in p midie, a fmall pellowe pricke or popnt* Cfte flowers being paft, tftere come in tfteir fteedelongberieS,red, andberppiapne oz fmotft,of a ftrange fattottr, cluftering togitfter Ipke tfte beries of Juie* Cfte roote ig fmal and tftteddp« %Th 398 The thirde Booke of fyThe Places. CftiS fterbe growetft fa mopft places, about ditcftes anb ponbes, in quick* fettes anb ftebges* ❖ rhc rJme- J t flo wretft to Julp,and W feede is ripe to Auguft* fyThe Names. Cftelearned men of our age,do cal tftis fterbe in©reke yximwTnKeo^HxxvxvTrue?*. to alattoe Duicamara,and Amara Duicis.fome Herborides of f raitme,do cal it Soianum lignofum,tftat is to fop, t©oobbp 0igfttlftade : in ftigft Boucfte it in tailed, Jelengerielieber,anbHpnftftkraut: in0eatfterBoucftelanbeAdS- railCke* fyThe Nature. Dulcamara is of compiexfoftftoateanb brie* fyThe Vertues. Cfte becoction of tftis fterbe to wine bronken,openetft ail tfte ftoppinges of j tfte liner* a£oreouer,ft is good agapnft tfte Jaunders comming of obftruc- tionS oz ftoppinges* Cftefamedecoction taken asiSafozefopbe,tS berp good fozfucfte as are© fallen from ftigft places, agapnft brnfinges, anbbiflocationS, bitrftingesand fturtes oftfte inwarb partes:for ftbiffolnetft congeleb anb fixeb bioob,cawfing tftefometocomefoortftbptftebrtoe, and dotft cure and fteale woundes and ftripes* ^fSDoderoKufeuta* €l)ap*ltoij* fyThe Defcription. CalTytha. €>bet ig a ftrange ft erbe, witftout leaues, ft witft- out roote, Ipke bnto atftreed, mucft efnarled and wzapped togitfter, confufeip Winding it felfe a= bout ftebges anb bnlftes, anb otfterfterbes* Cfte tftzcdes be fometimes red, fometimes wbite, bpon tfte fold tftreedes are faftened,ftere and tftere little rounde ft cades or knoppes, bitogtog fooztft at tfte firft, fmall wftite flo wers,and afterwarde alittle feede* fyThe Place. ' Cftis ft erbe growetft mucfte to tftis © ountrie bppon Bzam- bleS,HoppeS,anb bpon Hint or f laxe, anb fometimes it in alfo founde growing bpon otber fterbes, efpeciallp in ftoate ©0 wn> tries,as bponCftpme,tBinter Sauerie,Citftpmale, ©erman- der, Sea Holme,bnt it in berp little and fmal,and in drie places of tftis Countrie it growetft bponl©obwaxen,anb bpo worm- wood ,as J ftaue feene in mp garden* fyTheTymes. £® 0 d commonlp, tftis fterbe in founde in Juip and Auguft, and after tftat,it bearetft ftisflowreand feede* fe The Names. CfttSfterbeiS calleb in ©reeke x^Mnllatfae CalTytha: tolftoppeSCufcuta: Of fome Podagra 1 ini, anb Angina lini: to f reneb Goutem Agouredeiimin ftigbBoucb f dt?krant,f lacbf?- feiden, and Cobtern: in Neatfter Boucftlande Scozfte, and of fomei©zange,andsilZildtcrupt* CfteBoder wfticfte growetft bpon Cftpme, is named of tfte Mntiznt ©reke ^Bftpfitions ft of tfte Arabians ^p'thynfe:fttolikemanerpoiimapcallbpbiucrs names £ Bo- der growing bpon ft abont otfter fterbes, according to p dinerfitfe of p fame, as Epi- the Hiftorie of Plantes. ]\? Epichama?dris,tbat wfticftegrowetft bpon ©ermanber* Epitithymalos,tftat wfticfte growetft bponCitbpmale* Eperingium.wfticbegrowetftaboutSeaHolme* Epigenifton,wfticbegrowetbabotitBroome* Epibaton,wfticfte wzappetft about Brambles* EPilinum,wbicbe growetb bpon f laxe* EPibryon,wbicbe windetft abottt Hoppes* Epapfinthion,WftiCftegrOWetftabOtttl©OzmWOOd* Etiicdealijs. r r feThe Nature. Cfte nature of tftiSfterbe cftangetft, accozding to tfte nature and qnalitie of tftefterbes, wftereonit groxuetft,infoinucftetftat,tftat wfticftegrowetft bppon ftoateberbeS,aSCftpme,Satterie,ftCitftpinale,isiikewifeberpboate.Cbat wfticft growetft bpon otfter fterbes,is not fo feruent ftoate^enertfteleffe of it felfe,ft ig fomwftat ftoate and drie* , fy The Vertues. BoderorCttfctita,bopledfa water oz wine, and dronke, openetft tfte ftop- A pinges of tfte liuer,tftebladder,tfte galle,tfte melt, tfte kidnepes, ft tfte bepnes: and purgetft botft bpftege and brine,tfte Cftoleriqtieftttmours* Jt is good agapnd olde Agnes,and agapnd tfte Jaunders, efpeciallp tftat B kindewfticfte growetft bpontfte Hoppes and bponBrambles* Cfte otfter fortes ftaue propertie, accorbing to tfte fterbes wfterebppon tftep © growe <*>f$oppe0* tffyap.Kjt* fyThe Kyndes. THere be two foztes of HoppeS,tfte manureb or topled Hop, and tfte wilde ftedge Hoppe*Cfteftiifbanded Hoppe,bearetft big flowers or knoppes fnl of dales oz litleleaues growing one oner anotfter,ft cindering or ftanging downe togitfter likebelleS* Cfte wilde ig not fruitefull,but if bp cftance tftep ftappen to beare,it ig but little anb fmall* fyThe Defcription. m& tamefcoppeftatft rougft brancfteS, befet witft fmallIftarpe mrickels, it growetft berpftigft, and winbetb it fede about poles anb percftes ftandtogntare wfteraS tftep be planted* Cftefcaties ^erougbaUttodliketbeleaiiesofBrionp,btttleffer,aitbnotbtog |fo mucfte, nor fo beepelp cut,of a deeper oz browne colour*Aboitt tbe top oftfte dalkes amongft tfteleanes, grow rottnbe and long knoppes or beades of a wftitilft colour, wfticft e are notfting els, but manp (mad ieattes,betwixt wbite and pellow, ozpale growfag togttber*tnanber tbe tnpbz totall leaues oz fcaleS,iS ftidden tfte feede, wfti# is flatCfte belles orknoppes beofaberpdrongfmellwftentftepberipe:CftebrewerSofAleanbBier,bo fteape anb gatftertftemtogitfter, togiueagoodrelilft , andpleafonttadbuto tfteir drinke* Cfte roote creepetft along fa tfteeartft,ft is enteriaced ortangled, pttttfagfoortftfaftindzieplacesnewelftiitesandlftringes* CfteftedgeozwildeHoppe is berpmucft like tftemanured andtameHoppe 2toleauesft dalkes,but itbearetb no knoppes or floners:anb if tbepbeareanp, tbzp beberp fmallanb to no purpofe* Cberooteof tftefame botb alfo trapleor creepe alongft in tfte grounbe, and at diners places, puttetft foortft alfo newe (fttites,and tender fprtoges, tfte wfticfte are bfed to be eateninSaladeS before tftepbztogfoortftleattes,andareagoodandftolefomemeate. ^ c " Xtl tf f C the 400 The chirde Booke of fyThe Place. Lupus Saliclarius. i Cfte tame Hoppe in planted fa gar- dens and piacesfit for tftefame purpofe, ft in alfo found in tfte borbers of feelbes and about ftedges* 2 Cfte wiib Hoppe growetft inftebges and bnfiftes fa tfte bozderS of feeldes, anb fterbe garbens* iffTheTyme. Cfte bell knoppes and fteades of Hoppes come fooztft fa Auguft, andare rppe in September* fyThe Names. Some of our tpme do cal tfteHoppe fa ©reeke js^uop: inilarine Lupuiu s Saii- darius, or Lupu^Saiiclarius: fa(ftoppeS Lupulus iin ftigft Boucfte Hopffen: in Neatfter BoucftlandeHoppe, and Hop* pectupt* $ The Natures. Cfte Hoppe, but efpeciallp ft is flow- ers , are ftoate and drie in tfte fecond de- gree* fy The Vertues* CfteBccoction of Hoppes dronken doth open tfte Aoppinges of tfte Utter, tfte fplene or melte, and kidnepes, and purgetfttftebloobfromallcorruptftumottrtf, canffagtftefometocomefoortft witft tfte brine* Alfo it in good for tftem tftat be troitbleb witft fcabbes and fetirttfaeffe and fucftelpke tofirmities,wftofeblood in groffeand cozrupted* . for tfte fame purpofe feruetft tfte poung fpzinges and tender croppes, at$ tfteir firdcommingfoortft of tftegrounde ina^arcfteanb Aprill, to be eaten in Salabe* Cfte iupce of Hoppes openetft tftebellp, anb driuetft fooztft tftepellowe cfto* c leriqueftumottrs,and purgetft tfte blood from all filtftpneffe* Cfte fame bropped into tbe eares,cienfetft tftem from tfteir filtft, anb taketft b awap tfte (linking of tft efame* &f f erne oj 6?afte* tftjapJr. fyThe Kyndes. THere be two Imbzg of f ernes(as Biofcoribes writetft) tfte male anb fa* male,tfte wfticfte in leaueS are berp well Ipke one anotfter* fy The Defcription. HC male feme ftatft great longleaues, fometimes of two foote iniengtb,lftreab afaobebpon ecfteftde like winges cut in zuzn to tft e middle ribbe or finew, anb fnipt or to otft ed round about like afowe: bnder wfticfte leaues pe map fee manp little fpottes or markes,tfte wfticfte in continuance of time become blacke, and after tbep fall of, tbe roote ig tfticke anb blacke witftout, putting fooztft manp ieaues,andfmaddodkinsorlprtoges,wfticftearetftebegtoning ofleaues* CftiS the Hiftorie of Plantes. 40t CftiS kinbeoff erne bearetft neitber flowers norfeebe, except we tftal take for feebe tfte blacke ipottes growing on tbe backfibeof tbe leaues, tbe wfticfte fomedo gatfter tft inking to workewobetS,btittofaptftetruetb, itiS notfting eis bitttrumperieanb fwperftition. Filix mas, £)fauindeHopall* Filix fcemina. Brake oz common feme* 2 Cbefemale ferine alfo, batb neptfter flowers nor feebe, but it ftatft long, greene, bare ftzmmn, bpon tfte wfticfte growe manp leattes on euerp fpde,cut in,and tootfted rounde about,berp liketo tljeteaueS of malef ertte, but fome- wftat ieffe*Cfte roote of tftis feme is long and fmal,btacke witftdttt,and cree- ping along in tfte grounde* »*ft»i» • toftarine Filix mas,tftat ig to fap, Cftea^ale feme: tof rencfte Eeuchiem mafic- ittftitfft Boucft naaldtfam mennle: to neatfter Boucftfand ?iaren manne&en, of 3$&t> tfteoius and Httellius,it is called ^DOmmdeHopall* , Cfte fecondekinde in called in ©reeke AhxvtjjV ?,anti of fome vuj«j>«;« rf^c-iti aLatine Filix foemina: faf rencfte Feuchiercfemeikm€n%lityZ'$ efaalef ernerin ftigft AlmaignetBaldtfarni®eibiin,and offome©rof?farnkrauf:fabafeAl- maigne fmunde* * fy The Place. m<\ kkW CftiS kinde of feme growetft in Woods, and mopdtftado wie places* fyTheTymes. Jtfptingetft bp in Aprill Witfttfte otfterf ernes, and fadetft at tftecom- ming of winter: pet tfte roote abibetft ftil in tfte grounde* HT he Names. CftiS fterbe ig called tokatine oftfte HerborideS or Herbaries of our tpme, Ofmunda, Filix aquatica, andoffome Filicaftrum: Oftfte AlClimideS Lunaria maior: in f rencfte Ofmonde, Or Ftuchiere aquatique: to B oucft etBater 3aaren, or }^ildttEiaarert,and of fome Suite Cftrt- ftoffelS erupt* i©emapealttto©ttglilft €>fmonde tfte naaterman,i©aterfeme, and Saint ©ftriftopftets fterbe* fyThe Nature. mmunbz toftoateis tfte firft degree, and drie to tftefeconde* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 40} fyThe Vertues. Cfte Hart or middle of tbe roote of €>fmonbe,is goob againd fquatteS and A btttfes,fteaute and greetions falles>burftinges afwel ontwarbe, as fawarbe: or wftat burt or biflocation foetier it be*And foztbispurpofe, manp pzaetifers, at tbiS dap: do 'put it into tfteir bzotbes anb biinUg wfticfte tbzp make for wounbes, cauftng it to bople witb otfter fterbes: fome bo alfo put it intfter Confolibatuie,or bealfag plapfters* <&fPolppoote/t&all ferne/oj Mttfttnt €f>ap*tjctj* Polypodium. fy The Defcription. €>ippodie ftatft leaues of a fpannelong, diuided into manp cuttes or Hittzg, rent and torne, zuzn ftarde to tfte middle ribbeozfinewe, and pet not fotptabotit tbe litie leaueS* CfterooteiSaimoftasbtggcas a mans finger, anb berp long, creeping ftard bp tfte ground,bztngingfoozth manp litie leattes, browne witftout, ft ailing ma- tt? fmall ft ear eS, anb witftin of a greene fterbelikecolotir* Jt ftatft neitfter faancfte ^§§lpl|pl| nor Sower, nor feebe* fyThe Place. ^olppodiegrowetft in tfte borders of feeldes,Aanding fomewftat ftigft, ft about tbe rootes of trees, efpeciallp of £>kes* Sometimes alfo pe Iftad finde it growing bppon olde wptftiefe, ftoufes, and olde walles* fyThe Ty me. 0olppodie uzpztb big leanes botfte dimmer and winter, but big newe leaues come foortft in Aprill* fy The Names. CftiSfterbe is called in ©reeke ttoxvtt^ Aw- in Ratine Filicuia,and Polypodium:(nf zzntbz-Poiypode .-inftigft Boucfte ©ngeltof ,Baumfarn,and Bropffwnrt?: inbafe Almaigne Boombaren, and , offome ©pckenbaren:to©ngii(fte ^oippobie^alif erne,anb £>ke feme* feThe Nature. Cfte roote of ^olppodie, ig btiz in tfte feeondedegree* fyThe Vertues. Cfterooteof ffikef erne openetft tfte bellp,and purgetft a^elancftoliqtie A groffe,and flegmatique ftumours. a^ozeotter, itigbztp good agapnft tfteCo* lique,tftatis tftepapneor griping in tfte bellp, agapnd tfte ftardneffe and flop* pingoftfteSpleneor#elt,and agapnft quartapne agues, efpeciallp if pott iopne tO it Epithymum. ^oumuftboplefttomuttonbzotfte,ortftebrotfteofaCockeorCapdn, 6r^ tfte decoction of a^allowesozBeetes, and a little Annps, andafterdztoke tftereof: oz els pott map make it mpowder and drtnke it witft ftonied water or apede* JLi iift Cfte -T The thirde Booke or Cfte powder of ^olipodp oftenput into tfte nofe,ftealetft and taketft cleane C awap tfte fuperflnoiis flelft growing in tfte nofetftrdles, wfticfte men call po- IppttS* fyThe Choife. Cfteroote of ^olppodp wfticft growetft at tfte foote of tfte ®ke, in tftebeft and moft fitte to be bfed in medicine, and iScalled fa jtatine Poiypodium quercinum. €>f <&Ue f eene^etfe ?tt ne/oj JMtoe ryopterisnigra,Blacke€)kef erne* IH fyThe Defcription. H© wftite kinde of Btpopteris,and tfte male, are not mncfte bnlpke, but ft in mucft fmailer,and not exceeding afpanne in fteigftt,and ipke- wife ft bearetft neitfter ftalke,flo werS,noz fede*Cfte leaues be Wftite, wttft great and deepe incifions and cuttes, fnipt rounde about ipitft fmaller and tfticker totpsoziaggeS, tften tfte leauesof male ferne,and it ftatft alfo fmal iftottesozmatkes bnderneatft tfteleafe* CfterooteiS tfticke and blac- kifft, witft manp litie rootes, twifted,preffed,and entetlaced one witft anotfter* Cfte blacke Brpoptetis, batft tfte ftalke or ftentme of bin leattes blacke,tfte leaues bzowntlft,tfte wbicfte are neptfter fo large, nor pet fo long, neptfter fo mucftecrettufted ozfnipt,as tfteleaues of tftewftfteBrpopteris,butinalotfter partes like,and it in befet alfo witb idle markes or fpottes bnberneatft* Cfte leaues of tftis kind do not petifft nor fade in winter, but conttoue greme ad tfte pere* fyThe Place. Botft ktobesof Brpopteris grow inboiowe wapes, in Iftadowp and eotie- 2 red places,to tfte foote oz rootes of Dkes,tftat be aged,and of manp pereS con- rinuancetbiit pet tftep are notto be founde to ail places* fy the the Hiftorie of Plantes. fit fyTheTymes* 40J Cfte wftite BziopteriS fortogtt&bpirr $pzill aS#pe#otft>..-,..-.;,j,;. j fr Cfte blacke bzingetft foortft ftis leauesaj^fte fame rime* CbiS kinbe of feme iSctiff^irt ©eeeW"^von7»TiV, Drybptens: JftXatufe. Filixquema:tftatisitt©ngli(D©kef ectte : ^atftioius,andHuedfaSpbofft metiM great ^owledge,docau ft toMri%Oimun naftereforewee^^ as alfo for a difference from tfte otfter ©keftoftS, and WititindeS, do tfttnke good to name tftiS fterbe to ourjaugtia^ ^^^Ba^epate, q^ld^C- mttnde* Cbe blacke tsrtotoerp weit Bnotiimorri^^^rncuiTi^,vw* w^h»p» iSknowen,tbepbqlpkewifecallitAdiantbum, c.ftisma^beber^apelcalled inoitrtongueJStoaitflDfmttrtde,bz^T«efem^^ fyxhew**t(\* * CbewftiteBzpopterfa,iSftoate,(ftarpe,andberpabfterdtte,orclenfing* Cfte blacke agreetft witft tfte nature or factiltie of Saiuiavna, or Stone tone* i, Ha , .-• ^ .*,. ' ■ fyThe Vermis. -. v0 r teftite mif ernewfticfte is tfte rigftt B#opteriS,& of tocft ftrongpowet % ozbertne,tftat itcatifetft tftefteareto falof,and maketft tftefkinnebaide* But fotiftedofagof tft^fome,tfterootemttftbepounbeberpfmad, and lajpdebpou tbe place WftifeS atuan is fa tfte done oz ftoate ftotife, bntillftefweate well t x tfteti it mitft be taken awap,and newe lapde on,two or tftree times,as:ttrtnefr fetft botb Biofcozides and ©aim* ' 11 J Cfte blacke map be bfeb for Adianthum^tftat in to fop, mznug or #apden b fteare* Phyllitis. «£>ffrtotie partes tongue* €l)ap*{jctit|* fy The Defcription. j^ttcs tong ftatft long nar- |-row leattes, about £ lengtft "of a fpanne ,plapne, and jfmotftebpportone dde, and _J bpon fiibz next tfte ground, it is ftrakedotiertftwart, witft certapne long rougft markes, as ft were fmall wozmes, banging bppon tfte backfibe of tfte leafe* Cfte roote in blacke, ftearie and twitted, ozgrowingasftwerewounden togitfter * And it bringetft foortft neptfter ftalke,flower,nor feebe* 4 The Place. , ^ HarteS tongue louetft (ftadowie pla- ces , and mopft ftonie bailies , about welles, fowntapnes, anb olde mopft walles* _., fyThf tin?; ■1 n.*|' 406 The thirde Booke of fyTheTyme. -- Jtbeginnetft tftbring fooztft newe leaueSfa^ApriU " " " fyThe Names'"^ CftiSfterbe ig calleb in ©reeke^uMmffandtolLatjine Phyjims. fa Iftoppes Scolopendna,810 lingua Ceruina :inftm^^hguemirf:fafttgft Boucfte Hirfftimyfabafe Almaigne Hertfttfage,anb for adfaerfitre^etwixt it and Bi- ftorte,tftettjniicftetft^ tftisiS notHemiouitis,aSfcmedotftinke*' « •£-' \ "; > /*»» V.^ ."J ! i4V,: fyThcNature. *r^ W?^' Harttfbtz^ -' 1 Cfte decoction df tfteteatteyof fmftongbzMe, ig berp good agapnft tfte 5 Wttoge^^etpent^tt ftoppei^2^g UHlfte^afiiti tj^ bio oD5p; fii^ee., ?J3 '1T1 <2>f bjo&c oilargc £>p!encuiojtvoj flMlttbafi. Cljap.Ijcti* *■ ■?-r- fyTheJDefcription^ {.'., .".Tr; -.".... Emionitis is ado an fterbe witftont frtiite, as tfte abouefapde f erne&and Hartestong, witbout ftalke, witftoutflowersand feebe,bearingieauesfomewftatgreat, largebenetft, anb fome- uWftat (ft arpe at tfte top, no t mucft e differing (asfaitneffetft Biof- |corides)from tfteleaues oftfte fecondeBzacunculits, tfte wfticfte leanes areplapnebp one fide, ft oftfte otber dde tftep ftatie alfo ftrakes ozrougft markes,etten as Hartes tong,ftiS roote ig compact of manp (fringes* *■ fyThe Place. .y Hemionitis. CftiS fterbe growetft in fftadoWp, mopft, ftonp, and frelfte places, and ig nowe found abont tftedecaped places and mines of Home, ft in fome otfter places of Jtalie,efpeciallp planted and fetintftegardenSofHerboriftes* Jn tftiS Countrie ft ig pzt adranger* fy The Names. Jtiscadledin ©reekefawnc, *& cuXfoiop: fa Ratine Hemionitis , Sple- nium , andof ©a^aMulaherba : not knowmof tfte Apotftecaries: wemap call ft Broade Splenewofte, or large Splenewofte* QThe Natures. Hemionitis ig meetelp warme, and due of Complexion* fy The Vertues. Hemionitistake witft bfaeger,dotft open and ftelpe tfte ftardneffe and ftop- pfag oftfte fpiene, and is a foueraigne medicine foz tfte moft parttif acciden- tes,and greeneScommfagor proceeding from tfteHate or Spleene* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 407 4>fwife o^rouDl) £>plcnetuojt. tffjap.lctn'. fyThe Defcription. Onchitisafpera, ig partlp Ipke tfte otft erf ernes, forftbearetft neptfter ftalke nor feede* Cfteleanesbelong,aboiittftelengtft of afpanneozfootcnotmucftcdifferiug fromtfte leaues ofpoip- podie: butmttcftenarrower, creuifeb, and cut, into morediui- fionS* Cfte roote is browne anb tfticke, liketo tfteroote of Brp* opteris* fy The Place. Lonchitis afpera. Jt growetft bppon tfte ftttokeS of bit- cftes, in wo odd es and low mopft places, of drie Countries* fyTheTymes. Jt abidetft al tfte winter, and bringetft foftft neweleaues in April* ft The Names. CftiS kind of feme is called fa ©reke XoyxmffTf*xft«:fa&atttteLonchitisafpera: Of feme Longina,and Calabrum, Of Olir la- ter W.ZiterS Afplenium magnum, ft Afple- niumfylueftre. fa ftigft BottCfte Spfcant, ft ©rof? a£ilt?kraut:in Neatfter Boucft* lande©racfttbaren: t&z map name it in ©nglilfte, ©reat Spfenewozte,oztt2ilde Splcnewozt* fyThe Nature. Lonchitis is ftoate to tfte fird degree, aud drie to tfte feconde* fyThe Vertues. Lonchitis in bztp goob agapnft tfte ftardneffe, ftoppinges, and fWellinges of tfte Splene oz # elt: wften it in dzo nken, or lapde bpoti witb bineger,bpon tbe place oftfte Splene outwarblp* Cftis fterbe in alfo goob for to be lapde bnto woundes, for ft keepetft tftem B ftominflammationand apodumation* #f <£e terael)/o j t lit rftjlit ^colopcttojia* tT)ap*icUt|* fy The Defcription. ©teracft ftatft little leaues,almoft oftfte lengtft of amans fingar, cut and iaggedbponbotbfibeseum barbe to tberibbe ormibbie finewe (witft etittes ftalfe rounbe or compaffed,dandingnotdi- I rectip,but contrarie one to anotfter)fat and greene bpon one fide: butontfte otft erfpbe,it is rougft and fomewftat ftearie, reddilfte, or of a bzowne colour* Cfte roote ig fmall, blacke and rougft, mucfte platted or enterlaced* And tftis fterbeftatft neitfter dalke,flower,uoz feebe* $ The Places. Cftis fterbe growetft fa (ftadowp and ftonp places, and it ig mucfte founde abottt UDelle&neate bnto $amttr,and tfte quarters tfteeeabout* fyThe Afplcnum. 4°8 The thirde Booke of fyTheTymes. CftiS fterbe continuetb greme altfte winter, anb pnttetft foortft newe leaues in April* fy The Names. Cftisfterbeis calleb in©reke &wxfroFl anb of fomefl-Koxo7r(v/f jo^.w^ioviop, k t^ if .• in Diatfae Afplcnum , or Afplenium : fa SftoppeS Ceterach : faf KZntyZScolopen- drie vraye: in ftigft Boucft Steinfarn,and /jj)r a£dt?ktawt: in bafe Almaigne Steen-i^: baren: in ©ngiilft HigfttScoiopenbria,v^ Scaleferne, f ingerferne,Stoneferne, Ceteracft,and a^pltewade* fyThe Nature. » Ceteracft ig temperate in fteate and cold, o f fub til partes, ft fomwft at typing* fyThe Vertues. A Cfteleaues of Ceteracft, taken witft bineger, bp tfte fpace of fottrtie bapes, ftealetft tfte apelt tftat is ftard andftopt, and in berp good agapnd £riiartepne Agties,like bertue tftep ftaue,bopled in wfae,and plapdered bpon tbe left fide* 23 Cbe fame in alfo berp goob againft tbe ftrangueie,tfte ftoate piffe,tfte done fa tfte bladder: it ftapetb peoxfing, or pextog: itopenetft tfte ftoppinges oftfte liuer,and itin giuen witft great pzofite,to fucfte as ftaue tfte Jaunders* . ^f^ertuoljeare/ ojlumbartrte ^*ftnMRttla^u^rJfi«^ mapoenlieare* €ljap*ljeWi>* *»"*w»»**»* fy The Kyndes. V&bZt \ name Of Capillus Veneris, at tftis dap,is fet before bs two Unbzg ofberbesnotalitlelpke one£otfter: Wfterof one,wfto ig tfte dranger,is£ rigftt Ad.iantum. cuie#apdenfteare* , ftadtesfteare* Mentis fteare* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 409 Capiiius Veneris,nameb of tbe AttncienteSAdiantum. Cfte otfteris berp com- mon, anbbatftbmebfebftereforCarjiiiusVeneris,tftewfticftefomemen call Ruta Muraria fa Xatine,and Of OtfterS ft ig called Saluia vita. fyThe Defcription. H<£ rigftti&znun fteare ftatft tftef ooteftalkes of ftisieawes berp fmal, blackiifte, anb glittering witft a certapne brigbtneffe* Cfte leaues are fmal ft tmber,backt or toippeb roitndabotit, like bnto tbe firft leanes ofCorianber,btttmucftefmaller*CfterooteiStenber* 2 Cfte fecond l^inbz calleb i&all Hue,batft likewife ftts leaueS fet bpon Iftorte anbfmaldemmeS,tbewbicbdofomwftatrefembletbeleaiiesofgarbmHtte, but leffer,and fometft mgdentcd abont,plapne anb fmotfte bppon one fide, but tfteotftetfibeisiaden,orcbargeb witftflnallprickesozfpottes* CfterooteiS tender and ftearie * And botft tftefe fterbes be witftout eptfter flowers or feebe like to tfte feme* fyThe Places. 1 ttemts fteare growetft to wailes,and in donp Iftado wp places, neare about waters anb welipringes, anb tftere in great pientp tberof founb in J talie,and ^zouence* Jt growetft not in tftis Co ttutrie, but it in bzougft t b;iz to bs from Jtaiie* * Heu of tfte wai in berp commonin tftis Countrie: for it ig to to befonnd al- moft bpon all olde walles tbat are mopd, and not comforted or ligft tned witft tfte Iftining oftfte S onne,as are tfte walles of Cemples or Cfturcftes* iffTheTyme. Cftep remapne all tfte peere,anb renewe tfteir leanes to Aprill* fyThe Names. t Cfte fird Unbz in called in ©reeke « kedanddalfted on tftat fide wfticfte is next tfte grounde, witft manp fmallmarkeS and ftrakes, Ipke line of tft e wall*Cft e roote in total! and biackilfte* fyThe Place. Jtlottetft mopft and tftadowie places, and growetft about waters, efpeciallp bpo mopftroekes, and olde walles, and great ftore tftereof in found in tbin Countrie* iffTheTyme. Jt abpdetft alwapes greene,like mznun fteare,and Hue of tfte wad* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe ig called to ©reekedwimU: in %uinz Fidicuia capiiiaris ,and alfo Trichomanes: in tfte SftoppeS Polytrichon: inftigft Botufter©tdertodt, Abtbdn,anb of fomeHoteeStefobrecke: toneatfter Boncftlanb iBcderdoot; to ©ngiilft e a^apdenfteare,and Common apapdenfteare* fyTbe Nature. Cftisfterbeisbzieanb temperate betwixt ftoate anb colbe, and of tftefame natnretftat mentis fteare is* fyThe Vertues. Cricft omanes after tftemtode of Biofcorides and ©alen, ftatft tbe fome fa- * CUltteSinoperatiOtt, tftat Capiiius Veneris ftatft* * €>r the Hiftorie of Plantes. 411 ^f^toncliuetaiojt. ft ope- A netft tfte ftoppinges oftfte fame,and ig berp good agapnft fetter tertians, and allinflammationS of blood* CftiS fterbe(as Biofcozides and piinie \nxitztb ) bztifed wften ft in pzt b greene,and lapd bpon wottndes,ftoppetft tfteftiperfluous bleeding oftfte fame anb pzefertietft tftembotft from inflammation anb Apoftemation* Cftefame dotft alio beale all foule fcnrffes and fpzeading fcabbes, as tfteC ^ockes,and wilde fire,and taketb awap tbe markes and fcarres mabe witft ftoate irons,if it be pounde Wttft ftonp and lapde tfterebpon* Cftefame bopleb in wfae,and ftoldm in tfte moutft,ftoppetft tfte Catarrftes, B tftat in> a diddling or failing downe of Hettme, or water and flegme from tfte tfte brapne to tfte tftrote* <£>f rootle* tfl>ap*l;rjct* fyThe Kyndes. THere be manp fortes of apoffe, wftereof fomegrowefa tftefeeldes,fome bpon trees trees,anb fome fa tft ado wie and mopd woodS,and fome in tfte roekes oftfte fea* fy The Defcription. J§€ fird kinde of a^offe, wfticft growetft bpon trees,and is moft JfSpropetlp called apoffe, in notfting elSbttt a fozte of fmall wftite 1 §leattes,ad iagged,ftackte,or fineip kerned, twtfted, and enteria- f^ced onein anotfter,witftowt roote,Witftoutflower oz feede, ftan- ding and growing bpon trees* $® m if Cfte kT^?S 411 i. Mufcus. a^offe* ; J* The thirde Booke of *. Pulmonaria. JtttngWttrt* A * Cfte feconbe kinbe growetft alfo abont s eo trees,tftewfticfteiscalleb ftwngwttrt,anb v >>• it botb fomwft at refemble 3litterwttrt, but tbat ft is greater anb larger, witft great dales lapb one bpo anotfter, metelp greme bpon one dbe, anb wftitilfte bpon tfte otfter fibe* 3.©OldplOCkeS,Polytrichon, or ©olden a^apdenfteare* 4. RosSolis. SonneBewe* A Cfte tftird kind Wfticft fome call ©olden^olp- tricfton, ftatft berp fmall dender dalkes, notfting fo log as amanSftand, couered witft (ftoftftea- f v res, of abrowne greene colour changing bppon pellow, tfte wfticft dotft fometpmes put foortft otfter little bare demes, Witft fmall grapnes or feedesattftetop* €)f tftis fort is fonndeanotfterfmalktode, B like bnto tft e aforefapb,foiiing tftat ft in mucft leffe* Cftefourtft kinbe calleb Rofa Solis, ftatft rebbilft eleaites, fomewbat rounbe, ftodowe, rougft, witft long ftemmes, almoft falftioned ipke little (poones, amongft tfte wfticfte commetft bp a (ftort ftalke, crooked at tfte toppe,and carrpingiittle wftite flowers* Cftis fterbe in of a berp ftrange nature and martieiows: foz altftougft tftat tfte Sonne do ifttoe ftoate, and a long time tftereon,pet poti fftall finde it alwapes mopft and bedewed, and tfte fmallfteares tftereof alwapes fudofdttledroppes of water: andtfteftoater tfte Sonne (fttoetft bpon tftiSfterbe,fomttcbetftemopftierttis,andtftemore bebewed,and for tftat cawfeft was caded Ros Soiisfo jlatine, wfticfteis to fop in ©nglilfte,Cftedeweof tfte Sonne,ot Sonnedewe* 5 Cftefiftft kfabe of a^offe, called Ixodesclawe,creepetft andfpzeadetft witft t^in bzancftes abzoad,wel anb tfticklp couered witft a certaine fteare of cftange- ableeolottr , betwixt greene anb pellowe, cleautogfad,anb taking ftolde fa certapne places Witft ftis fmal rootes * Cftefe brancfteS agapne do put foortft 0- tfters the Hiftorie of Plantes. y. Lycopodium. 6- Mufcus Marinus. w UDoolfsciawe* Coralin,orSeaa9offe* risers, parted into tftree ozfoure,ftaufag Jkat tfteir extremities or endes certapne ■ wftitesfaiftioned like gripes,ozclawes, almoft Ipke tfte claw es of v® olf e: And fometpmes tftep b},inz fooftb (traigftt tWty ^ dalkes, fmall, wftitilfte, wfticft eare not eouered as tft e dalkes tftat creepe bpontfte ground: and tftep earie fmal wftite eares,fiiil of litie leaues, wfticfte awpke to toiall wftite flowers* 4 : CftefixtftkittdeOfS^Offe,mdetP «• Fuci marimfpecies. apoffe of tfte Sea,ftatft manp fmal ftalkes, ftarde, and of a ftonp fub- ftance , ditiided into manp fopnteS; and titanp bzancftes g?owe foortft togitfter front one ftat, oz litie ftonp ftead, bptfte wfticfte it in fattened ditto rockes* 7. Mufcus MarinusTheophrafti, & . Fucifpecies Diofcoridis. Slankei n^rake, or &auer* iBzake, or Sea girded* 7 Cbe fettetftkfab of a£offe,wfter- ofcfteopftzadtis fpreaketft, is a plante witftout ffaike or ftemme, bearing greene leaues, crimpied, apm it* ful 414 The chirde Booke of fullofwrfackleS,andbroabe,notmticftebifferingfa fafftion from tbe leaues of fome Hettife,bnt mncfte more wrinckled and ozawen togitber, tbewbicfte leattes come bp manp togitfter,growingbponrockes* 8 Cfteeigfttwfticftisakinbeof Fucus Marinus,ftatft longnarrow lcaties,al« mod as narrow as a )leeke: tfte rooteis tfticke,fwi of bzancftes and rougft ftea- red,taking ftolde bpon rockeS* fyThe Places. *. Cftefirdkindeof^offegrowetftbpontreeS,efpeciallptfterewftereastfte grounbeiSnongftt* * ftnngwnrt growetft bpon apoffie trees, in mopft, fanbie, anb Iftado wie r places* 34/5 ©olden a^apdenfteare, or©oldpiockes^olptricfton, tfte RosSoHs, and l©oolfeSciawe,do growe fadtie waterie Countries ,and alfo in feeldes tftat ipe bnmamtred,or topled,and fa fome (ftado wp wooddes*Cfte ©olden polp- tricfton is berp common* &7- 8 Cfte Sea ^offc growetft bpondonesand rockeS to tfte Sea* fyThe NamA % Cftefirdkind of tftefeplantes in called in ©reeke^^, ft of fome^^x^ iniatine Mufci^of Serapio and in SftoppeS vfaca .- of Aettos Dorcadias: to f rencfte oMouffeiin ftigft Bottcfte a^of?tin bafe Almaigne aj*ofcft * Cfte beft and modfitted for medicine is tftat Wfticftegrowetft bpon tfte Cedar tree, and next to tftat, is tftat wfticftegrowetft bpnrttfte Ropier* a Cfte feconde kindeis nowe called P uimonaria in Ratine, in ©nglifl; Aung- wort: inftigft BottcftXwngenkraitt: inbafe Almaigne kongencrupt:inf recft Herbe aux Poulmons. » 3 Cbe tftirde in calleb to Bottcife ©ttlben naibdertodt: to bafe Almaigne, ©ttlbent^eberboot, tftat in tofop, ©olden ^olptricfton, of fome Jungfraw ftare* Some tftinke it tobe^olptricfton Apnleanum, a&eft tftere in but fmall fimilitndebetwixt tfte one and tfteotfter:for*Apitleius fttS^oiptricfton, in tfte true Trichomanes of Biofcorides : wemap cal itin ©ngiilft ©oidplockeS ©o- IptricftOlUfaf tZUtbZPolytrichon dore. 4 Cftefonrtft kinde iscalled fatftiSConntrie Ros Solis :faf rmcfte Rofee de Solemn Boncft Sondaw,and offome Sindaw,and Xoopicft erupt* y Cfte fiftft in called inftigft Boucfte Beerlap,©urtelkraut, Setlkrattt,Hat- fcftar,Ceiiffelsclawen:inBrabanti©olfsclawen, and of fomei©incmpt:fa fomeSftoppes Spica Ceitica.and istakmfortftefomeoftftebnlearned, to tfte great detriment,dammage,attd fturt of tfteficke and difeafed peopie*l©ftat tfte ©reekeoz)tarinenameis,Jkn6wnot,andtftereforeaftertftecommonname J do call it in ©reeke xvK07ro«rwP, Lycopodion, tftat ig, Pes Lupi, fa Ratine, and piedde Loup,in f rencfte: fa ©nglilfte,r©ooifesclawe* 6 Cftefixtft kind ig called in ©reke *w fl«x««noF: fa Ratine Mufcus marinus tftatiSto fap,a£offeof tfte Seaunf rencfte i@.:fo jLatine Fucus, and Alga: tbis is the fecond kind of F ucus in Bioftojides, tfte Wfticft Cfteopftraftns wrni^allbte ©reke ene Hiftorie of Plantes. 417 ©reke >re«<™ptftat ig to fop fa jlatine Porrum,ftpcaiife tft e leaueS are Ipke bnto Hztbz blabes* ;= .t cbe apoffe in dzie anb adringent, orof a binding qnalitie, witftout anp manpfedfteate or colde* 2 kuiigworte in Ipke to tfte aforefapke,fatifagtftat itcooletft more* 5.5 ©oldena^apdcnfteare,and UDooifes Clawe, are drie and temperate fa fteate and colde* 4 Cfte Ros solis is ftoate and dzie almod fatfte fourtft degree* 5 Cfte Seaapoffe,iS colde,drie,and adringent* fyThe Vertues. Cftedecoction of a^offe fa water,is good foz women to walfte tftem felttes A fa, wfticfte ftaue to mucfte of tft eft naturall fickneffe: and put into tfte nofe, it ftapetft bleeding: to conclude, it in berp well, anb profitablp put into all opnt- mertteS and opleS tftat be adringent* Cfte0ftpfitfonsofourtimebomticftecommenbtftiSPulmonaria,or)tttng-25 Woft, for tfte difeafes of tbe lunges, efpeciallp foz tft e inflammations, anb bl- cers oftfte feme,if it be made into powder and dzbnke witft water* Cftep fop alfo tftat tfte fame bopled inline and dtonkc, ftoppetft fpitting © of blood, piffing of blood, tfte flowers of women, and tft e lafke oz fluxe oftfte bellp* Cfte famemade into powder,and cad into wonndes,ftoppetft tfte bleeding, B and curetft tftem* Ros Solis bzufed witft Salt, and botmde bppon tfteflelfteoz barefkfane, © maketft blifterSandftoles, euenas Cantftarides, as pott map prouebp expe- rience* Cftecommonfoztof peopledo efteeme tftis fterbe(bttt efpeciallp tftepellow f water)didilled of tfte came,to be a finguier anb fpeciai remedie for fucft as be- gin to dzie awap, 0 z at "fallen into confumptionS, and foz tbem tftat are trou- bled witft tft edifeafe, called Adftma, wfticfte is a draigfttneffe in drawing of bzeatft ,or witft anp blceration fa tbeir lunges: tft inking tftat it in berp confoii- datfae,and tftat itftatft afpeciaiberttteto drengtften and noitrilft tfte bodp:btit tftatwfttcfteweftauerccitcdbefaze concerning tfte bertne of tftis fterbe, decla- retft fttfficientlp, tftat tfteir opinion in fade* apen bfe not ©olden a£apdenfteare,nor u^oolftSClawe in medicine* © Sea ap offe in af aberp adringent and preferttfag qualitie* Cfterefoze men H lap it to tfte beginning of ftoate tumours or f to eilfages, and bpon all kindes of go wtes tftat require reftefft fag or co oifag. Cftefamealfo in berp good agapnd wozmcs,to bemadeinpowder,and gi=J uzn to take:fozitlfopetft tftem,and driuetft tftem foortft migfttilp* Cfte two otfter forts of a^offe of tfte Sea,is alfo good againd flegmons oz k ftoate tumottrs>and tfte ftoate gowteiftftep be bfed, as tftefirft kindeof Sea apoffecommonlp called Coraiiina. <&f<£totofoote* €l)ap.Icetj* fyThe Kyndes. THere be foure kindeS of Ranunculus, or Crowfoote, as Biofcoribes and ©alendo affinne,wftereof tfte fird ig of manp fozteS*Cfte one ftatft great tfticke ieaues,tfte Wfticfte ig called neater Crowfoote * Cfte feconde ftatft Wftiteleaues, aqb ig called tBftiteCrowfoote*Cfte tftirde ftatft blacke leaues, tfte Wfticfte ig calleb jUopaedeS CfoweS* And tftefe be comprifed of Apuleius a? m iiii bnder V* The thirde Booke of tmDert&eftrftfctntie. CljerecenbeMnDehaMirbuttbftaikptfnnM^Motf.*» Wrtei*rmall»itl^ WeSttjefetljerebepetottjerCio^^ en ate calleb ©uttecjiowefcs, tbWKrffiSfttaK fyThe Defcription. ' Ranunculorum primum genus quadruples. Ranunculus paluftris. neater Crowfoote; f r Ranunculus albus, fiue echinatus. f©ftfte,Prcfttn€rowfoote* * . 1:3' >;'.fi ' \i:.l. *£££$& water Crdfafooteftatft Wftitegreeneftalk^ ;ftdildto^, kti&k ^® fmootft, bppon tfte wfticftegroweieaiteS deepelpritt 01 clouen, |M|almqft Ipke tftelefates of ^atl^,o* Smalacfte, but fattcft e wt* ;^fter,foftet,anbfy^ ^flowers be pale,fafalftionipke ©olde cnppes *"Cfte tbfticft beitftf faded, tfterecome bp fa tfteir placeslittlefteades or knbppfes^ almoftlpketftefirftbitdbeSof AiparagiiS* CfterooteiS compact of a number of wftite tftreddes* : CftewftiteorPrcfttog Crowfoote,ftatftalfo plapnewftirilfterftaikes,bnon® tftewfticftegrpwleauesalfo of a wftitilftecoidttrberpdeepelpcttt and clottett etperiallp tfte bppermoft, almoft ipke tft e leases of Coriander.Cft e flowers be ipke tftem afozefepde: wften tftep be fallen tiwap, to place of etterp flower com- metft foure or fine roitnb grafaeS or beries^la^rougft nkepzi ftfo&cbe roote tstftreddieipketfteotfter* >r ^ * *?:$ ©olden Ranunculus auricomus. Pulfatilla- ©olden Crowfoote* ^ifcftieiious jaaffeffoWer* ©olden Crowfoote ftatft W firft leattes fomewftat rotmd,but afterwarde C berp mucfte cut and diuided,of a browne greene colour, ft fpeckled in tfte mtdle witft bzode fpottes, fomwft at blacke oz blackilft,drawing toward tfte co lour of fire* Cfte flowers be of afapre pellowe colour as golde, and Iftining: after tfte flowers tftere come bp rounde fteades or buttons, more rougfter tften tfte knoppes of water Crowfoote* ADf tftis toitz tftere ig pzt one kinde fotinde(as Biofcozides, and ApiUefaS *-, are witneffes) wfticft bearetft a purple flower, and tfte fame ig pzt bnknowen*M i Cftefecottbkinb of Ranuncuius,tftat ig calleb niyrkus,ftatft tftinnedalkes, and tftereon grow cut leaues, and witft wftite, fmall,foft fteares, tfte flowers be of a pale pello w e, tfte feede ig as tfte otfter: but tft e rootes are otfterwife,and be as manp,and fomwftat more tften tfte wfteate ozbarlie tomn iopntog togi- tfter,outof tfte wfticfte fome tftreddesiVfattt, witft tfte wfticfte ft fettetft foortft and multiplietft* £>f tftiskfad tftereis pzt alfo anotfter ftrange Ranunculus,anditftatft long narrow leaues, as graffe,of colour after wftite and blew,drawfag it out oftfte green^*CfteflowerSftfeedeSareastfteaforefoid,buttfterooteSaretftzeddie* Co tftiskfad of Ranuculus fadfawenanotfter fterbewfticft ig called^affe- flower,and it ftatft rougft ftearie ftemmes, all iaggeb, anb fmall cut, or iftlftt e, fometimes tfticke maned, and ipfog for tfte moft part bpon tfte grounde: at tfte ftigftedof tfte dalkes growe flowers, almod after tfte fafftion of little Cpnv balles,ftanfag in tfte infpde fmal pello we tftreedes,as to tfte middle of aftofe, of 4*8 The thirde Booke of of colour moft purple browne, fometimes wftite, and to fomeplacesred or pel- low,and wftan tfteflowers be fallen,tftete commetft bp a round ftead, couered otter witft acertapnegrap and bzownefteare* Ranunculus Illyricus. Ranunculus Lufitanicus* ,. Cfte tftirde kinde of Ranunculus, in leffer and lower tften tfte aforefapde, i 3 ftiS leaueSbe bzoabe and bndiuided, anbdipperie:betwcene tbefe two tftere growetft a dalke, anb oneflowertfterebponlpkebnto tfte otfter,of afaprepel- lo w colour Ipke bnto golde,and of a berp pleafant fmel* Cbe rootes are of ma- np cornes gatftered,tfte wfticfte be longer tben tfte rootes of Ranunculus iiiy- ." Cfte fourtft kinde growetft ftigft, anb batft brode leaues like bnto tbe keo- pardesclawes, but bigger, tfteflowers arefalftioned as tfte otfter, of colour wftite*CfterooteS aremucfte tftzeeddie* . Bpfide tftefekindes of Ranunculus,is pet anotfter dange kind reckoned,tfte wfticfte is called Croll flowers, and ft ftatft great leaues diuided into manp parteS,and cutterounde about: tfte flowers growe bppermofle of tfte dalke, and are pellow Ipkebnto gold,falftioned Ipke tfteflowers of Ranunculus rbtit bigger, and not wftole open,bnt abiding ftalfe (but: tftereafterfolowe manp fmallcoddestogitfter,totfte wfticftetfte feedelpetft* Cfterootes are mncfte tftreddie* fyThe the Hiftorie of P Iantes. 410 Ranunculusalbo flore. Ranunculus More globofo. Crowfoote witft wftite flowers* Crol flowers* fy The Place. Crowfoote of tfte water, growetft inditcftes and ftanding waters, fome- times alfo in medowes,and Iowe fandp grottndeS,e(peciailp in mopft peres* 3 Cfte wftite and golden Crowfoote,growetft in medowes, ft mopft feldeS* © Cftefe tbitz kindes be common in tftis Countrie* 1 Cfte feconde kinde of Crowfoote growetft in tfte Countrie of Jllpzia and Sardfae,and iouetft fandp and drie ground tftat ig bntopled, and ig founde in manp p laces of f raunce and Almaigne * Jn tftis Countrie tfte Herbozides do plant it fa tfteir gardens* 1 CftetftirdRanuncuiustsfoundbponcertainemottntafaeSintfteCoiintrie of poztfagal, and of Cut tl* 4 Cftefourtft isfterefatftiSCottntrieberpftrange* 5 Cfte Crol flo w ers grow bpon tfte monntapnes of S wttferlande* fyTbcTymes. CftekfadeSofCrowfootes flower from Apriltiljttne,ft fometimes later* fy The Names. Crowfoote in called in ©reke£«Te«'x*F:fa jtatfae Ranunculus,of Apuleius Herba fcelerata:fa ftigft Boucfte Hanenftif*: fabafe Almaigne &anenboet,tftat in to fap,CockeSfoote:inf reneft Bapnet:\n Spanilft Terua beiida.inJtniimPie Coruino. Cfte firft oftfte firft kinde ig called of fome fa ©reeke "mvof ^^, >^ 9^mv 410 The thirde Booke of lap*!mij. fy The Defcription. His ft erbe is alfo akinde of Crowfoote, it growetft to tfte lengtft of a fpan oztwapne,tfteleauesareberp mucfte parted and cut,lpke to tfte leauesof ©oldknap or ©oldecup,tfte flowersbefaire and pellow, tfte feede growetft fa ronnde fteadeS or knoppes, as tftefeede of ©oldcnppeS, tfte roote in wftite and ronnd as alitle Curnep, fomerime of tfte qnantftfe of a tftttt witft a beard^oz tftzeddes bnderneatft* The the Hiftorie of Mantes. fy 7he Place. Cftis fterbe growetft in dzie fandp me- do wes,and in fucfte Ipke graffie places* iffTheTyme. Jt flo wzetft fa Aprill and aftap* fy The Names. Apuleius calletft tftis fterbe fa ©reeke far«x»°F»and feparatetft it from tfte kinds Of CroWfOOte caded Ranunculus. Jt in called in Neatfter Boucftlande, Suit An> thuentsilaepkett, tftatiSto fop, Saint Antftonies Cumep: we map callitttape Crowfoote,©oldknappe,pellow Craw* fy The Nature\Vertue,and Danger. Cftis fterbe is of likeqnaliticandeom- plexion,as tfteCrowfootes are,and in as dangerous ft fturtfttl to be take inwardlp* f #oloe Cuppro oj <£>olde ttaoppes* Ctiap-ljcjcutj* iff The Kindes. GOld knoppeis of two toitzn, p fingle and donble,or els tftegarden ©olde- cuppe,and tfte wdd*CftefingleiS tfte wild kfad,£ double isplanted fa gatdms* PoIyanthemufimpIex.Cftefingie©Old- PoIyanthcmu multiplex.CftedOUble cwppe,or Butter flower* ©oldcup,BatcftelerS Buttons* 411 The thirde Booke of fy The Defcription. )Hkilft,dit anb clotien,no t mucft differing from tfte leaues of Crow- ioote,bttt more large, anb not fo mucfte cut* Cbe flowers bepel- low as fine gold,altogttfter liketo golde Crowfoote* Cfteroote lis tftzeddicoz ftearie* Cfte double ©oldcttp/iS like to tfte fingle,in bin lcaues,flalkcs, and rdottS,buttfteflower is bcrpdouble*Co coctobe,©oldknop is berp mucft like Crowfoote, and efpeciallp to tftegoldenfcind(wfticft J tfttnke to be Chry- fanthemon Conftantini Imperatoris) foufag tftat it ftatft ltOblackefpOtteSfa tfte leaues,as gulden Crowfoote ftatft,neptfter in it bttrnfag bpon tfte tongue, aSCrOWfOOteIS* fyThe Place. ©oldeknoppes do grow bpongraffiedownesor plapnes,and fa gardens, wfter as ft is planted* fyThcTymes. Jt flowretft from Aprii>almoft al tfte fommer* fy The Names. piinie calletft tftt^fterbeiii ©reke»»*wMp: and foftatine Polyanthcmu, and it in defcribeb llb*xxbit*©bap* xu* S'oittf do alfo name it Batrachion,tftat istofop,Ranunculus,bpcatifeitislpketftefopdefterbe: fafrmcfte^//W/- fa AntfmonePaiTefluer iftofepCTflep, orUDfade^affeflower* uow called in © ngiilft, Bacftelers BliittfrtS* fyTke Nature. - Cfte ©oldknop in of complexion ftoat^ and drte,and pet no t fo ftoate as Ra- nunculus,orCrowfoote*r -. fyThe Vertues. Cftis fterbe in notbfedin^ftpficke, pzt in fome places of Abnaigne (as Hie* rom Bock writetft ) tftep do mingle it a- inongit otfter fterbes, in rounde faiades, auo jt!uukettes witft egges* fyThe Kindes. DJoftorideS defcribetfttwo kindeS of Anemone* Cfte one in tame and tfte otfter wilde: of tfte tame are founde manp foztes* fyThe Defcription. riander, as witneffetft Bi- ofcozideS,oralmodiiketfte IcaUCSof Ranunculus, bttt mucfte leffer* CfteflowerS be fometimes red, fometimes wftfte,and fometimes purple* Cfteroote is tfticke ft rounde,greater tften an €>lpue>in fome places not berp eue,but as tftougft it ftad certapne knottes and fopntes* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. t. Anemone. j. Anemone. Cfte feconde Aneinoneftatft leaues ipke ©oldctippe,bwt leffer*CfteffoWerS be foz tfte mod part blewe,fometimes alfo wftite,being befet rounde about tfte middle witft xtij. or rifa* narrowe leaues* Cfte roote is tfticke, knottie, and Ipetft ouertftwart* Cftetftird aiitemoneftatftleauesberpmticftfniptorindented, ft flowers of fetim or eigljt litie feaues,ofapurplebioletcolour,ozreb, or wftite* Cfteroote i$ mncfte Ipketo tfte feconde Anemone* Cftefourtft Anemone, is Ipketo tfte tftirbe inleawes and rootes, but tfte flowers are tfticke,and berp bonble,anb reb of Colour* Cbe fiftb Anemone in leaues in like tbe afozefapbe,biit commonlp greater* Cfte flowersarefomeptirplereb,fome wftite, and fomepedowe* Cfte rootes be berp bearie* fy The Place. Cfte firft Anemone growetft in fomeplaces of Almaigne alongft bp tbe ri- ueriiepn* Cftefiftft growetft alongft bpfielbeS,anb in wooddes, fa Iowe places and graffierand is berp common in tbis Countrep* fyTheTymcs. Jt flo wzetft in ©arcfte and fa AprilL fyThe Names. Anemone in alfo called in ©reeke «npw«> and fa IftoppeS likewife: offome Flos Adoni .and offomeHerbozides,Herbaventi,altftougft tftis name is com- mon bnto otfter fterbes: for as Antonie a£u& writetft, c otyiedon in likewife 0n ii called 4*4 The thirde Booke of called Herba venti,and alfo dfaerSOtfterS* j. Anemone. 4- Anemone. fy The Nature. Anemone in ftoat ft drie fa tfte tftird degree* fyThe Vertues. Cfte roote of Anemone cftewed fa tfte moutft, dzawetft bnto ft felfeflemeS, A and caufetft mucfte mopfture to be auopbed out of tft e inontb* Cftefame bopledin wine pzepared (called in 3LatinePaffum)and after lapd B bpon tfte epes,clearetft tftefigftt,and taketft awap webbeS anb fpottes* Cftefeanesand pongbzanrftes bopled witb cleane bulked barlep, caitfefftc fauvtzn (tbat d.zinke tftereof)to ftaue abunbance of milke* Cfte fame pnt bnder,as a ^effarie or mo tber Suppodtorie, dirretft be tbe B mmftruail flowers of women* <£>f£>peeerco?te on 6anetb0jte* 4t)ap.ljcjcUf* fy The Defcription. jjHfe fterbe ftatft reddilft ftalkes,ftolow,ful of knees oz topnteS,bpon tfte wfticfte growe long narro we leattes, almoft ipke to tfte tBptftie leaues, but pzt longer, and a litie fnipt or tootfted round about,efpe- ciallp tftofe tftat growe lowed* Cfte flowers are pellowe as golde, fomwftatrougft in tftemiddle, in falftiou and color altogitfter liketfteflowers of goldmCrowfoote*Cftofebetogpad,ft batb knops orfteabcs like tftefeedfe knoppes of goldenCrowfoote* CfterooteiS fulof tftzeddes or laces* f The Place. JtgrowetftinmopftmedoweS,wateriepiaceS,and ftanding ptiddedes* fyTheTymes. Jtflowretft in3£ap,and fooneafter peeldetft ftis feede* fy The the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyThe Names. Cftis fterbe in nowe calleb in ftatine Fiammula, tftat iS to fap, flame, oztfte fierie fterbe, bpcaufe ft is berp ftoate, anb burning like fire* Cfte Boucft emeu call it ©- gelcooIen,bptatife p (fteepe tftat ftaue eaten of tftiS fterbe, ftauetftedifeafe wfticftetftepcall©gel,tftat ig to fap, tfte inflammation and blidertng of tfteliucr * J know not bp wftat name tfte olde writers ftaue called tftis fterbe, ex- cepttftiSbeiftatfterbe,wfticfteoaauiusHoratianusdotft' name cieoma,tfte wfticftegrowetft alfo inmopdpiaces, and isofaberp ftoate temperament or complexion* Jtis called in fomeplaces of ©nglande Sperwozte,it map be ado caded Banewort* ^[ The Nature and operation. Jtin ftoate and dtie in tfte fourtft degree,and bttrnetft, andbiideretfttftebodp,aS Ranunculus, bnto wfticft ftiS partlp Ipkein complexion and operation* feThe Danger. <€bin fterbeis ftnrtfttlbotft bnto manand bead:for it dapetft botft tfte one and tfte otfter*Cfte (fteepe wfticfte do ftappen to eate of ft,are bexed witft amariteloits faflam- matton,and tftep dpe tfterewitft, bpcaufe tfteir litters are inflamed and confumed • 4^5 Flammqla. <£f tjerbe parts m ®nt 6erte< CtjapJflriJij* fy The Defcription. ©rbe^arisftatft afmotft round [dalkcabotttafpanlong, bppon j tfte wfticfte growefottreieaweS, ifet directlp one agapnd anotfter troffewtfe, or iikeaCroffe: a- mongdtfte fopde leaues grow- etft a faire darrelike flower, fa tfte middle wftereof tftere commetft foortft a bub or knop, growing barbe bp,anb fquare,tfte wfticft tur- netft into a bzowueberie ♦ Cbe roote in long and fmall, cading ft feife ftitfter and tfti- tfter* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe growetft in darke iftadowed wooddes, as fa tfte wood SoigniebpBrur- fels, wftere as it growetft abitndantlp* fyTheTymes. CftiS fterbeflowretft fa April,and tftefede iS ripe inswap* C The Names. CftiS fterbeis now calleb fa Jiatine Herba Paris,attd Offome VuaLupina,and Vuaverfai 0n iyl in Herba Paris. 4*6 Tlie thirde Booke or faf rencfte ^«^^»W:faftigftBoucftei©oifsbeer, ©inbeer: fa$eatfter BoucftlandelDolfsbefie:fa©ngli(ft, Herbe jdaris and j©neberrie* The Nature\and Vertues. Cfte fruite and feede of tftis fterbe,areberp good agapnft al popfon, etjiei- ciallp fo t fttcfte as bp taking of popfon, are become peewiffte or witftout bnder- ftanding :infomucfte tftat ft ftealetft tftem, if it be giuen euerp momfagbp tfte (pace of twentiedapes,as Bapufta Sardus ftatft firft written, and afterftimifte excellent learned man Andreas Matthiolus. 0f Aconitum tf(jap Jftllty. fy The Kindes. Aconit in of two fortes (as Biofcorides writetft) tfte one in named Aconi- tumPardaiianches, tftatistofop, Aconite tftat banetft, or killetft l£antftet& Cfte Otfter iS Aconitum Lyco<5tonu,tftatiStO fop, Aconit tftat killetft i©ooH&, Wftereof (ftalbe fpoken in tfte next Cftapter* Aconitum Pardalianchcs. |&antfter,or ileopardes bane* fyThe Defcription. jl£© fird kinde of Aconite* Stalled Pardalianches, ftatft xbizz or foure leaues,part- Ip rounde, and fomewftat ^rougft fteared, tfte wfticfte do refembie tfte leattes of Sowebzead, ozlpke tfte wdde Cow- cttmber,btit tftep befmaller*Cftedemme growetft oftfte ft eigftt of (panne * And tfterebpon grow pellow flowerS,Wfticft Wften tbzp pertffte, tftep cftange fato wooll ftearie tftreddes, Wfticft are caried awap witft tfte wind* T5p tftem ftangetft blacke feede* Cfte rooteis not bnlpke to aScozpion, ozCoztefe, and is wftite, (ftininglike Alablaftcr* £)f tftis kinde tftere ig alfo found an otfter wfticft eis fomewftat greater*Cfte roote alfo ig fomwftat longer, and more Ipke to a frelftwater Creauis * Cfte wfttcfteroote is moft commonlp foldeof tfte Apotftecaries,for ^oronicum. fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe iottetft Iftadowie, and rude or wilde places, and ig not founde intftis Countrie* if The Names. ^ CftiS kindeof Aconit, ig called fa ©reeke cctcovrrop 7rccfiand be adonieb, bntid fucft e time, as be (ftall bappen agapne to toucbe,or be tottcbed,witb tbe leaues of wbiteClebor, or 0iefewort,bp bertne wftereof fte commetft to i)im felfe agapne* feThe Danger. Aconit taken into tfte bobp, killetft UDolues, Sb)ine, anb all beades botft wilbe anb tame* ®fIDooifeo bane/ojleopardcs bare* Cbap.lrtfjr* fyThe Kindes. W^Dolfes baneis of two fortes* Cbe one bearetft bieweflowers, and tfte otfter pellowe*And of botft tftofe ktndesare diuers otfter* Lycoc"tonum caruleum maius, Napellus Lyco&onum ca?ruleum minus. verus. Blewr©oolf£bane,or ^onkes Mfo Hoode*' fyThe Defcription. Ik© ftrdkinde of blewe naoolfeS bane ig fmall, tft e leaues be fplitte and fomewbat parted, as TLeopardes bane * Cfte flowers be as litie ftoobes,like to tfte leaues of tfte greater iBoolfes bane, witft tftree coddes foiowing tftefame commonlp togitfter * ®nt\)z ftearierobte growetft asit werealitleknoppe, wfterewitft it fpzead etft itfelfe abfaabeand multiplpetftt 0niiii Cfte 410 Thethirde Booke of Cftegreatblewe r^oolfs baprte,ftatft Ipkewife large leaues,and cloucnoz cut,not mncft differing from tfte afotefapde,but mucfte greater and moreffaelp fogged and cttt,and in colour likewife btowne*CfteflaikeS grow to tftefteigftt of tftzee or foure foote,and tbzp beare at tfte toppe faire blewe flowers, rougft witft in,andmadelikeaHoodeorHelmet,offfaeieatieS: wftereof tftetwo nea- tftermodarenarroweanddraigftt, tftep of ecfte fide a little larger, and tfte ieafetftatisailbpmodisgreatanbbolowe, asaCappeorHoode, tottering tbe leanes tbat are bp tbefides* Jn tfte ftolpwneffe of tfte fopde flower,growe two fmall crooked fteares,fomewftat great at tfte ende, falftioned like a fooles bable: in tfte middle of tfte fopde flowers aremanpfmal ftearie tftzeddes, attfte ende of tft e fopde fmalltftreddes,are litie pzickes oz popntes, turning bpon pel- lowe * i©ften tfte flowers doo fad, tftere come in tfteir deede, tftzee or foure ftufkes togitfter, ftaufag a ftarde, blacke, anb cornered feede* CfterooteiS tfticke and blacke, falftionebiikeapeare, and ftatft manp ftearie dringes oz drappes* Co tftefe kinbes of blewe r©oolfeS bapne,is ipkewife accottnteb anotber purpleflower, tbe leaues bemucft cut,tfteflowerS grow along tfte dalkes,and are of a biolet colour, of falftiou like bnto afenigftts Spurre, witft a litie taile ftanging beftinde tfte flowetCfte coddes are as tfteafozefopde* Cfte rootes are topntng tbizz or foure togitfter* Cfte pellow t©ooifesbapne,iS likewife of two fortes, tfte onegreat, and tfte Hiftorie of Plantes. Lyco&onum luteum minus. 4!0 tfte otfter fmall * Cfte great pellowe HDoolfcS bane , ftatft large blackilfte leattes,ditteanb clouen, alinodlpfeeto Crowtoote , but farre greater ♦ Cbe ftemmes be roundilfte, about two foote ftigft or more: at tfte toppe of tftofe ftemmes o; bracftes grow pale flowers, almoft like tfte flowers of wilde %inz* feede, after wfticft flowers tftere folow (mad coddes, contepning a blacke and cornered feede * Cfte roote in blacke and, berp tftreddp* Cbe litie pellowe mooltzn bane is a' lower fterbe, bin leaues come foonft of tfte roote , tfte wfticfte are deepelp cut rounde about: tfteflowers growebpon fome of tfteleaues, and tftep be of apel- lowe colour, fatftioneb Ipke bnto one of tfteRanunculusflowerS*Cftereafterfo- lowe coddes like bnto tfte ti&oolfcs bane* Cfte rootes be tfticke and knottp as on tfte Anemone* fy The Place. Cftefe benemous ft nougfttie fterbes arefonnde in tftis Countrie planted fa tfte gardens of certapne Hetborifles, andtfteblew is berp common in diuers gardens * Cbe two lade kinbes are founde in Almaigne ft otfter Co mitrics, faloweballepes, and darkewooddesor wilde foredeS*Cftepelloweare alfo founbebpouwilbemountapnesindarkeplaces* iffTheTyme. Cftefefterbesdo flower in April,a?ap,anb June* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe ig in calleb in ©reke «*ovirop xukoktovo^h xwoxrovoy: fa Jtatine Aco- nitum lycoctonum.and Of fome Luparia:faf ZZUtbZTueloup. % Cfte fird is called in ftigft Boucftelande Blowolfwwrts, pfenftttt, and Blopfenftntlin: in Neatfter Boncftelande Blattw iBolfs woztele,and offome S^unckescapkeitS,andtftereforetftepcallitinXatine Cucuiius Monachi, or Cappa Monachi, tftatiSto fap, Cfte Cape or H°ode oftfte af)onke: and tftefe- cond is counted ofmanp learned mm to betfterigftt or true Napeiiusdefcribed of Autcen,ft ftecalletftit NapelUis,quafi paruusNapus,bpcattfetfterooteisiike to alitlemape or#iauew,called in Ratine Napus. f 2 Cfte pellowe ig called of Biofcorides, «xoviToy 7tovtikop,h xvkoktovop woynKoj« fa)Latfae Lyco&onum Ponticum : faf ZZUttyZTueloup iaulne : fa ftfgft Boucfte r©olffWttit?,and©etowolffwttrt?:fa^eatfterBoucftlande©eeli©olfc)noz- tell: in ©nglilfte Pello we uaoodes bane: plapnei©ooifesbane,anirHeatft Crowfoote* Cfte litie pellowe feemetft well to be tftat Aconitum,tfte Wfticfte Cfteopftra- ttUg ftatft fpoken Of, and ig nowe called Of fome Aconitum hyemaie.- bpf awfe ft in preferued in tft e gardens of tftis © ountrie,and in tfte winter ft flo wzetft* CThc 4p The thirde Booke of fyThe Nature. All tftefe Hedparbes ortsoodesbane, areftoatcmiddzfe totbefourtbde- gree,andof abenemous qualitie* fe The Danger. iBooiftSbanetakeninto tfte bodp,inflametft tfteftart,burnetft tfte inwardt partes,and killetft tft e bddp,as it ftatft ben feene not long fitftens,in Anwarpe, wftere as fome did eate in Salade tft e roote of blewe i©oolfes bane, in deede offomeotftergoodfterbe,anddiedincontinent* Cftektodesofuacolfesbane, do not onelp kidmen,but alfo BDoolfes,BoggeS,and fttcfteotfter beades, if ft begtocntftemto eatewitftflelft* #f ^leanber/o? 6ofe 6ape* €&apJjciejc* fy The Defcriptim* N er i um. Meander isalittletreebrlftrnb, Ibearfag leaues greater,tfticker, Jaud rougfter, tften tfte leaues of tfte Abnondetree, tfte flowers fteof a fapre red colour, diuided into fiue ieaues,and not mucft bnlike a litie l&ofe * Cfte fmite in as long as a finger, full of rougft ftearie feede, like tfte coddes or ftufkes of Afciepias , called fa ©nglilfte Swallowewo.zt* fy The Places. Oleander growetft fa fome Countries bpriuers,and tfte fea fpde,tnpleafant places (as Biofcoudes writetft) in tftis Countrie fatfte gardens offome Herboriftes* fylheTyme. Jn tftis Countrie ft bzingetft fooztft ftiS Cower fa June* iff The Names. Cftisplante in called fa ©reeke *w» f«- /o^«>«,iie*cro^^oji:^tcandercadetft it alfo Neris;faRatine Taurus rofea,and Rofeaar- bor : tbatisto fop, Eofe tree: fa SftoppeS Oleander : faf ZZntyZRofagine, OXRofage: fa Boucfte€)ieanderboom: fa©nglilfteitvofe tree, oz Eofe Bape tree, Oleander, and Ncrium. * fyThe Nature. Oleander is alfo berp ftoate and drie of Complexion* fy The Vertues. Jtftatft fcarfeonegoodpzopertie*Jtmapbecomparcdto a l&ftarifec wbo maketft a glorious and beatitifull Iftewe, but inwardlp in of acozriipt and popfoned nature* ©od grannt all trite ©ftztdians and Cftridtan ftealmes wftereas tftis tree, oranpbrancfte tftereof, beginnetb to fpzead and flozilbe to* put to tfteir ftelpfagftandes to deftrop ft,and all tfte brancfteS tftereof: as dill** mnlation, the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4J« mttlation,Cottetoittoeffe,Brtberie,fprSpmonie, andmatfter wtmiz. Jtis ftigft tpme, if it be tbe wpi of ©ob,to topplant it* f or it ftatft alredp flo wzed, fo tftat J f eare it wil tftortip feede, ft fil tftis ftolfome fople fill of wicked n erium. feThe Danger. Oleander or 0ertom,fo berp ftttrtfitll to man, but mod of all to Sfteepe, ©oates,ittoe,Bogges, Affes,#ttles,HorfeS,anb al fonre footeb beadesrior ftfabeaftlp,anbkidetfttftein*|^eaiftftepbobtttdrtoketftewat,er,wftereto€)- feander ftatft bm dieped or foked,ft canfetft tftem to dpe fodapnlp, as Biofcori- de&#itoic,anb ©alen bo write* . * ^fpoppfe* <£hw.\mi> fyThe Kindes. f T^erebetftzeeforteSof^oppie3aSBiofcorideSfoptft,Wfteroftftefirftkfod iswftite,and oftfte garden,tftetwo otfterareblackeanb wilbe* Papauerfatiuum. Papauerfylueftre. ©arden poppie* iBilde^oppie* 11QVC. '?.*:{:? ~' ,tti \*) ^ >, >/> 1f, fyThe Defcription. ~?\ H^gardedWftite ^oppie bearetft a ftraigftt ftem> oz ftraigftt fmotft % * ftaike,about v fteigftt of foure or fiwefoote fa lengtft, witft longleaues tftetebpon,lar£e and Wftite, bnmznlp fagged and tootfted about: at tfte ftigfteft of tfte fopde ftemmes, grow etft a round bud or btttton,tfte Wfticfteopenetftintoalargewftiteflower, made of fonre leaues, tfte wfticfte flower ftatft fatfte middle manpfmalftearte tftreddes, witft little tippes attfte endes,and a roundftead^tfte wfticftftead waxetft great and long,Wfterinis tfte feede, wfticft ig wftite,and berp neceffarie in medicine* of 4}* The thirds Booke of i>f tftis kinde tftere ig pet anotfter, wftofe fiowzie leanes be lagged oz fren- B ged,to all tftinges els Ipketo tfte aforefapd e* 2 Cfte feconbe kfabe of ^oppie,ftatft W ftalkes anb leatiesmucft Ipke to tfte A wftite,btit tbe flowers be of a fapre red colour, and tfte fteades are more rotin- der,and not long.Cfte feede isblackifft* M tft in fofte tft ereis found anotfter ktnd,wftdfefiowersbefniptftiagged,B tfte wfticfte fometimes be beep dottble,lpke to tfte otfter* > . 3 Cfte tftirde kinde of $ oppie, in ipke to tfte two otfter fortes in leanes, and ftemmes, fatting tftat it is fmaller, andbearetft moe flowers, andifeaddes* CfteflowerSbe of a colour betwixt wftiteand red, cftangingtowatbe blacke, ft atttng blacke fpottes, at tbe lower part of euerp flowers leaues*Cfte fteades be fomewftat long,mttcft fmaller tften tfte ft eabes oftfte otfters, wfterein tftere in alfo blackefeede,and wften tfte fede is ripe,tft e fteades do open aboue,brtber tftelftelozfcalewfticftecoueretbtftefapbebeabeS* And afterwarde tfte feede falletft outeafilp, Wfticfte ftappenetft not to tfte otfter two poppies , Wftofe fteades remapne alwapes cfofe* Cftere dzopp etft ozrttnnetft out of ^oppie, a liquor as wftite as milke, WftmtftefteadeSbepearceborburtjtbewbicfteiScalleb Opium,anbmenga- tfter anb dried > anb in kept oftfte Apotftecaries in tfteir IftoppeS to ferue in me- dicine* fyThe Place. AitftefektodeSof0oppiearefowmtotftfaCottntrietogardmS*Cftetftird kind in berp common>infomttcft as ft in fowen in manp feelds for tftecommodi- tie and pzofite wfticft commetft of tfte feede* Jn Apulia and Spapne,and otfter ftoateCountries,tftepgatftertfteittpce,wfticfte is tfte Opium, tftatmenof tftis Countrie put to medicines* fyTheTymes. Jfflowretftmodcommonlpinjune* fyThe Names. ^oppie in called in ©reeke w^v'-in Untinz and in IftoppeS Papauer,of feme Oxytono^ProfoponjLethe^ethufajand Onitron: inftigft Almaigne,^agfo- mm,#oen,a^agle,and 0lmag:tobafe AlmaigneHdei,ft of feme a^ancop* Cfteinpce of 0oppie in calleb in ©reke ^ioy: to rjUtine,ft to IftoppeS Opium. i Cbe fird kind in called in ©reke n«**>\> 5W©-- to katinePapauer fatiuum,of fomeThylacitis : in IftoppeS Papauer album : faf rencfte P auot cultiue & blanc: fa AlmaignetBittenHttei,anb Cammen Hdei: in ©nglilfte uaftite teoppfe, and ©arden j^oppie* 5 Cbe feconde kind Bu3fcorideScadetft/-fci6>F«V«©-.andPapauerfyiueitre, & erraticum^fomealfo calft Pithitis.-fo SftoppeS Papauer nigrum,magnum,0f tfte bnlearned Papauer rubrum, and according to tfte fame, tfte frcncftmencaliit Pauot rouge tinteonfyzWioobzMfynzlx to©nglilftei Blacke ©opine, andrailde ^qppie* Cftetftirde fofte is alfo taken for akinde of wilde popple, and in called in SftOppeS Papauer commune, and Papauer nigrum, tftat iS tO fop, Common ^oppie,andblacke^oppte:inBoucfteHnel*Cftz^(ftritildfeeinetobe^oppie Rhceas, tftat ig to fop,f lowing and fading, bpcaufe tfte feede tftereof flowetft out wftenftisripe, wfticftecftancetftto noneof tfteotfterkindes, as isaboue- fapbe* fyThe Nature. Al tfte ^oppiesbe colde and drie,almodetienftarde to tftefourtft dectree* Opium is colde and driMlmod ftarde to tftefourtft degree* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4jj if*TheVertues. Cfte becoction oftfte leaues and fteadeS of fBoppie,ntai)e in wafer ft dzonke 3f caufetft fleepe* Jt ftatft tfte Ipke bertue,if tfteftead and ftandes be walfted tfter- witft* 3Df tftefteadcsbopled in water, is mabe a Sprupe, wfticfte dotft alfo caufe B fleepe,and isberp good agapnft tftefabtiliifteiime&and Catftatrftes,tftatdi- (rdland fai do wne from tfte faapne bpon tfte lunges,anb againft tfte cotigft,ta- king big beginning of fucft fubtil ftumours* Cftefeede of blacke jdoppie dfankcin wine, ftoppetft tfteflwxeof tftebellp, c and tftebnreafonableeotirfe of womens ifftteS: ft if it be mingled witft water, and lapde to tfte foreftead,it will caufe deepe alfo* Aplapder is made witft tfte greene knoppes or fteades of ^oppie (befozeit b iSripe)ft parcfted barlep meale,tfte wfticft ig good to be lapde bpon tfte difeafe, named fakarine ignis iacer,and ftoate tumours, wfticft ftatie neede of cooling* Opium, tftat is tfte iupce of popple dried, takenfa qnantitieof a fetcfte, <* fwagetft all inwarde papnes, caufetft deepe,curetft tfte cougft,and doppetft tfte Sixe* Cfte fome lapde to witft ©pie of ftofes, ftoagetft fteadacftetand witft ©pie * of fweete Almondes, a^prrfte, and Saffron, ftftealetft acfte, orpapneoftfte eares* r©itft bineger ft ig good to be lapde to tbe bifeafe^called Eryfipeias,oz naild m fire, and all otber inflammations, and witft womans milke and Saffron, ft fWagetft tfte papne of tfte goiute* Cftefameputfatotftefttndement,asaSttppofitorie, bzingetft or caufetft i& deepe* * Co conclude, fa Wftatmannerfoeuer Opiumbetaken, eptberfawarblp or J btttwardip,it caufetft fleepe,and taketft awappapneS*Petpemufttakefteede, to bfe it euer Witft difcretion* fe The Danger. Cfte bfe of ^oppietS berp eudlanb dangerotiS,and efpeciallp Opium, tfte wfticft taken exceffiuelp,orto often applped bpon tfte flelft outwardlp, orotfter- wife witftout good coufideration and adttifement,it wplleattfe a man tb deepe to mucfte,as tfto ngft fte ftad tfte ketftargie,wfticft ig tfte fozgetfulfickneffe,and bzingetft fooiifft and dotingfanfieS,it cozruptetft tfte fenfe and bnderftanding* bzingetft tfte #aifie,and iti fine it killetft tfte bodp* f fyThe Correction. UDftanbp great neceffftie peare forced to bfe Opium, mixeSaffron witft ft,foritlftaillet^and fomewftat ftinder tfte etiiilqitalftie of Opium,fafucftefort asitlftadnotfoeafilpdoftarme, as it wotiide, if Saffron were not mingled Witft it* See Turners Herbal for theremedieagainit Opium lib.2 fol.7teS, andBatlep* Cfte lead in mod common* ; iffTheTyme. Coznerofefiowretft to^ap>andfcom tftat time foortft, bntfll tfte ende of fommer* fyThe Names. Cftisktode of wilde ^oppie in called to ©reke w**v fate •. to ftatine Papa- uer erraticum,Papauer fluidum,and Papauer Rhceas: fo fome SftoppeS Papauer rubrum.-tof rmcfte coqucikocssi Ponceaw.inftigft Boucft felapperrofen,feornro- fm: Jnbafe Almaigne Clapperroofm,andEoodenHuel,orwildm^tiel*And ftiSnotwitftotitcattfetobedottbted,wftetftertftefecondCornerofebeakinde Of Aeww* Argemone,or UO* flpThe Nature. ©ornerofesdocooleandrefretfte alfo, and are of complexion mncbeipke £oppie* 9^Tht the Hiftorie of Plantes. 43J fyTheVertues. fiueozfixefteadesofwildepoppie,orCornerofebopledfawfaeftdronke, A caufetft deepeXikebertwe ftatft tfte feede taken witft ftonp* Cfteleaues witft tfte greene fteades buried togitfter,are berp good to beB lapde bpon all end ftoatefweillfages, and blcers ,and bpon ©rpfipeleS,or wild fire,as tfte otfter poppies are* ^f^ojncdojCoddeopoppte. CbapJcmtj* And Hypocoum forte. Papauer Corniculatum. Papaueriscorniculatialiafpecies. Horned ^oppie,peiiow ^oppie* Hofaed ^oppie,an otfter kind* The thirde Booke of faufagtftatftiSflowerSbenotpeilowe,btitfl)iningred: but for tfte reft, tfte flower is agreable witft tfte pzoportion of tft e pellow* 3 Cfte feconde in Ipke to tfte otfters, failing tftat it in mucfte leffe in leattes, ftalkeS,flowerS,and coddes ♦ And tfte flowers be neptfter pellow, nor reb, but of a faire blewe biolet colotir,parted Ipkewife into foure leaues* 4 Cbere in fottnbe in fome placeS Of Corniculati Papaueris pcrcgrina f rannce,a kinde of fterbe berp fap.ze,tbe fpecies. A ftrange cobbed poppte* wbicbemapbeberp wel brottgbtbnber tbiS Cftapter, bpcaufe ft is Ipke to tbe fterbes defcribeb in tbe fame* firft ft ftatft large leaues ffaelp iaggeb ft wftite, Ipke tfte leaues of line, tfte wfticfte bo partlp Ipebpon tfte grounbe, anb partlp arelifted bpfrom tfte eartft : amongft tfte wfticft cometft bp a ftalke or twapne, fet bp certapne fpaceS , witb tbe ipke leaues , but fmaller, and diuided to- wardes tftetoppe, into otfterfmalbran- cbzn, wfticfte bzing fooub a pellowe flower witb two leaues onelp, in tfte mible wftereof,pe map fee a tftinglike to a little clipper, tfte wfticft in notfting els, but tfte ftufke or cobde, and afterwarde ft waxetft long, ft ftatft witftin a reddilft fede* Cfte roote in wftite and tender, fta- uiitg a number of tftteddes* fyThe Place. t H°*neO ^oppie growetft of ftis owne kinde,bp tfte fea ftbe to rougb places(as BiofcozibeS faptft )in tftis Countrie tfte Herboriftes do fet and fowe it in tbeir gardens* t Cbe otfter two kindes are founde in Spapne bp tbe Seacoafte, amongft Corne,anb bp tbebigb wapes* * Cbe tftirde growetft about a9onpetlier,amongft tfte wfteate and 4DteS* 4 Cfte fourtft isfoundein fome places of HangueOoc,as neare about tuiouer, Wftere as tft ereis great (lore in tfte feeldes,tftat are bp tfte ftigft wapes* fyTheTymes. Hozned iSopptcflo wzetft in Juip and Auguft* Hypeco um flo wretft in April,and tfte feede ig rppe in June* fy The Names. CftiS ktnde of l^oppie totalled in ©reeke ^wcaiThi in jLatfoe Papauer comutum,aud of fome Apotftecaries tftat are ignorant Memitha,wfterebntoft iSnotfttoglpke:infrencfte p*uot comu .inftigft Boucfte ©eftornter #agfiv men, and ©eel ^DlmagenrinbafeAlmagne©eelenHuei:in©nglilftHorned ]&oppte* Some oftfte learned fozt do tftfake,tftat tftisfterbe isakinbeof Papauer Comiculatum tftat is to fop, Horned ^oppie,defcrtbedbp Biofcorides fa ftiS fourtft booke ♦ Some woitlbe ftaue it Papauer fpumeum, defcribeb oftfte fame Biofcorides to tfte fame place* Bittif itmapbeiawfttllformeto gfaeaitidge- ment the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4J7 mmtafwelaStftereft,it(ftalbeneitfterof tftofefterbes: butratftertftat Hype- coum of BiofcozideS,named in ©reke uTrkoo^aud fa otf*«, ad tbe ftgnes and tokens do agree berp well witft tftefame* fyThe Nature. Hozned ^oppie ig ftoate and drie m tfte tft irde degree* Jftftefonrtft kindebe Hypecoum, ftlftouibebecoldeanb drieintftetftirde degree,not mucfte differing from Jdoppie,as ©aim faptft* fyThe Vertues. Sfterooteof Horneb^oppte bopled fa water bnril bade be confumed,pro- % uoketb bzfae,bnftoppetft tfte Utter, anb ft is giuen to bzfake witft great profile to fucft as makegroffeand tfticlte brine, and to tocft as are difeafed in tfte litter, and tftat ftaue anp greefe in tfteir rapncs,tfteir luting, oz ft aneft e* Cftefeede of tftiS^oppie, taken in quantitie of a fpooneful, loofetft tfte bel- v> Ip berp gmtlp,anb purgetb fleme* ^ Cfte leattes anb flowers brufed ozpound, andaftetward lapd to old to^zg, r androttmblcers, clenfetft tftem wel* vu ^fmattojafte/ojmanojtage. 4|)ap*tM0* fyThe Kyndes. MAndzake(aSBiofcorideS wzitetft )is of two foztes, tftat is to fop, Cfte wftite and tfte biacke*Cft'e wftite is called £ male a?andzake,tfte wfticfte faberpwrilltoowen*. Cfteblacke iscallebtfte femalei^anbzage,tfte WfticftefatWtietfatofteknOWen* ^ Mandragora mas. fythtbefcripnonVu% '\ ,. CftzmaleS*9andzake* |He Wftfte^andrtiWftatftgreat I; MandjaeoVafoemina. ;large leaues > of a wft trill; gceetae, coldurjtfticke^ and plapne, *}ire&d _ bpon tft egrqUnd, not mucft diffe- ring ftomtfteleattesofBeeteS,amongd tfte: wfticftetfterecommetftbp, bpon (ftort fmall and fmootft demmes, fapje, pellow.e,rownd apples, andof a drong fauour, but pet not bnpleafant * Cfteroote in great anb wftitb, notmncfte bnlpke aSadiifte roote ^ diftided into two oz tftzee pafctes , add .fometimes growing one bponanotfter, almoft Ipke tfte tftigftesandleggesof aman* « q;fte blacked* female $?anbrake, ftatft " likewife no bprigftt ftemme / ftis leattes be fa Ipke manner tpreab abroabe bppon tfte gronnbe, narrower and fmaller tften tfte leanes of lettife, of an bnpleafant fmel d^ fo- uour* Cfteappletfbepale, fafigurelpke tfte Sdzbappeloz Cortwe,bpftalfeleffe tften tfte apples of tfte apalcittandrage*Cfteroote in blacke witftout, anb wbite witftin, clouen ben etft into two oz tftree biuifions ozclifteS folding one bpon anotfter* Jtis fmaller tften tfte roote of tfte male* 4} The Place. apandzage growetft willinglp in darke Cftefemale Mandrake* €)o in and 4}8 The thirde Booke of and Iftadowiepiaces* Jt growetft not of ftim felfe fa tftis C oantrie,but pe Iftad finde it in tfte gardens offome Herborides,tfte wfticfte bo fet it fa tfte ionnz. fyTheTymes. Cfte Apples of a^anbzage,fa tftiscoimtriebe ripein Auguft* fyThe Names. apartbrage in called in ©reekeM«^«w«f :fa Ratine Mandragoras, of fome Circa?a,aud Antimalum, and Of }Bptft agOZaS alfo Anthropomorphos, bpcaufe tftattfterootesoftfttsfterbearelpketotftelowerpartesofman* i Cfte firft kfabe is called Mandragoras-rnas,of fome ( as Biofcozides foitft) Morion.-faf rembec^^^^wrf//f:faftigftBoncft Alraun menniin: faii^ea* tfterBoncftlandeapandzagoza mannekm, or Almpumanneken: in ©ngiufte t©ftitea£andrake,and#aie^andrage* a Cfte Otfter iS Called Mandragoras foemina > Of fome Thridacias: fa rjfreitcfte mundragorefemeiiein Almaigne Alrannweibifag,andfll9andzagorawi|fken: fa ©ngdlfteBlacke apandrake,and female $$airtuage* - fyThe Nature. Cfte rooteof apandzake, and efpeciallp tfte barke, ig colde and due euen ftarde to tft e fourtft degree, tfte fruite ig not fo colde, and it ftatft fome mopfture adfopnfag* .fyThe Vertues. Cftefapcedzawen foortft of tfte rootes of feed) ^andrake,dzied,and taken % fa a berp fiitall q uantitie,purgetft tfte bellp beftementip frdmfleme, and blacke melancftoliqucftuntour&eitenlpketft^ J t is good alfo to be put in Collpzes, anb medfcines, tftat do mitigate (fte $ papnes of tfteCpes: and being put bndttas a:$elfone,4tbrawetft fooztft tfte Secondine,andtfted,eadcftilde* ' f; A fuppofito tie mad e of tfte fame,anb|fat fato tfte futiftemmt caufetft deepe* c Cfte greene and frelft leaues of ^andrajpras, pouhj^ witft parcfted barlep b meale,ai e good to be lapde bnto al ftoate fwellfages and fttcers,and tftep ftaue bertue to diffoiue,and confume alf wellfagesand impoftemes,if tftep be bzufed and lapde tberebpon* ',,r ,r Jtis alfo goob to put of tberootdbppnftdatefticers ft tumours: anb Witft c €)ple and ftonp,it is good,it is good to beiapbe to tfte bitiftges of benemous beaftes* •/" :: "'. .. !"::..r/ Cfte wine wfterein tfte roote of a^attbrage ftatft bzn djepeb or bopled, catt-f fetft fleepe,and fwagetft allpaprte,wfterefore,mert do getieit (berp wet)to fucft as tftep intznbz to cut, fowe, orbitrne,faatt^partoftfteirbodies,bpcaufe tftep (ftal feele no papne*.........:.-■" '1 Cfteftnel oftfte apples caufetft fleepe,bttftfteit#ce of tfte fome fakm into tfte © bobp dotft better* , .„' .,..;.' ; v J feTh&M:;:^ -;-v :-..■ v^,. Jtin moft dangerous to reteiweiritd tfte bodp;tft e iupce oftfte roote of tftis berbe,for if one take neuerfo little moze fa qnantftfe ^ tften tfte iwft p'opoztiott wfticft fteottgftt to take,ft killetft tftebodp* Cfteleaues arttr fruit, beaifodange- rouS,for tbep caufedeadip fleepe,and peeiiilft dfawfines like opi\im.see rubers remedie agaynft this euiHin the Chapter of tJMandrages. efmabde apples/ o; fiage Kppleo* «rbap*ftjcrb. fyThe Kindes. THerebe two kindesof Amozus, orliagingloue apples* Cfte onebearetft apples of aput^lecofour,tfteotfterpaleorwftiti(fte,faall tftinges els one Ipke to tfte o tft er,as fa makfag>fa(ft ion,ttalkes,leaiies,and flowers* fyThi the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyThe Defcription. lOlalainfana. 4# ;Hisplante ftatft a ronnd ftalke ozfttmmeof afooteftigft,bea- ring bzoade browne greene leaues, almoft Ipke to £ leaueS of Bwaieot deadlp tfligfttlftade. but a litie moze rougber, amongft tbe wfticfte growetfte flowers bpon (ftort ftemmes, wfticfte do turne afterward into a great, rounde, long fruite, almoftlikean apple, tolloffeedewftftfa as tfte ©owcnmber, ftof colour outwardlp fomtimeS bzo wne as aCftefatikfomtimeS wftite,or pellow* Cfteroote in fall of laces like tft tcdd tn* 4) The Place. Apples of lotie,grow not of tfteir owne kinde fa tftis Cotuttrie:*bttt tfte Herbo- riftes do fet andmaintepne tftem fa tfteir gardens, as CowcitmberSft ©otirdeS, witft tfte wfticft tftepdo fpring,and banilft perelp* fyTheTymes. CftiS plant flowretft in Auguft, and ftiS fruite ig ripe in September* C The Names. Cbep be called nowe in Ratine Mala infana: fa f rettCft Pommcs D'amours.inbtfiZ Almaigne, Miaerangenesrinftigft Boucfte, accozbingto tftekatine name ape- lant*an,and Boll opffel, tftatiSto fap,t&agmg or mad Appie&alfo tftep be cal- led fa ©ngiilft Amorus AppleS,and Apples of loue* fyThe Nature. * Cftefe apples be of complexion colde and mopft Ipke ©onrdes* fy The Vertues.'I, - •.''* Z ' '" .> Cftepbenotbfedfamedicfae,butfomeboprepareand trim tbemwitb ople, % pepper,fait, and bfaeger,f or to eate*But it ig art bnftolfome ineate,fagendzing tftebobp fud of euill ftumours* &f$moiM%9Plt8on Golben Apples* ],*, ' fy.theKyndes. THefedrange Apples be alfo oftwo fofte&on*ted,and tfte otfter pellowe, buttn all otfter popntes tftep be ipke as fa dalkes, leattes, and growing* fyTheDefcripponj. .xi\. .... Hefe apples ftaue ronnde dalkes of a grap or afl)e colour, and ft earie: tftzeeozfourefootelcngfullofbzancbeS*Cfteleauesbegreat,bzoade, 1 and long,(pzeadabzoade dpotieuerp ride,and deepelp cut) Mmoft ipke tftefemiesofApgreinonie,biitmiicftegreater and wftiter*Cfteflowersare pellowi(fte,gro wing bpon (ftort ftemmes, fiue or fixe togitfter, and wften tftep are fallen, tftere come in tft etc places great flatte apples, ftoden or bp certapne 0o iiii tftaces 44° The thirde Booke of fpaces btincfted out, on tfte fides, and of colour fometimes red, fometimes wftite, andfometimespellowe, Ipke *2>reges,oz ap andzake apples, wft er- in tsconteined tfte feede* Al tfte fterbe ig of adrange ftinking fauo ttr,and it mttft be fowen euerp pere as tfte Cowcombersbe* iff The Place. CftiS ig a ftrange plante, and not founde in tftis C ountrie, creep t fa tft e gardens of fome Herbozides, Wftere asitiSfowen* fyTheTymes. Cftis fterbe flo wretft in Jnlp and Aiiguft, big apples be rip e fa Auguft and September* 1LThi Names. Cftis ftrange plante, ig nowe cal- led in jUatine Pomum Amoris, Poma Amoris,and Offome Pomumaureum: inf renefte Pommes dories, and offome alfo PommesDUmours: faftigft BOUCfte ©oltoffelrinbafe Almaigne ©ulden appeien:fa ©ngiilft Apples of loue,or ©olden Apples* f[ The Nature and Vertuc. Cfte complexion,nature, and Wor- king of tftis plante>is not pet knowen, but bp tftatj can gatft er of tfte tafte, it foould becoldeof nattire,e(peciallp ^ and tfterefore alfo it ig dangerous to be bfed* ®f apples of pero we* €bap*ljrjcjrtJtj* fyThe Defcription. ll^aH^appieof^erow ftatft a rounde ftalke, about twofootelong, tfte Hleleaues begrapilfte, atotftftlpke tfte leaues of Solanum ,or$igfttlftade, ^s^butgreater,e(peciallpjlowmoftnexttfteroote, tfteflowersbewbfte, ronnde,andftoloweasabell, ofapleafantfaiiottrliketftewftite^die, and wftmtftep are fallen,tftere commetft frttite;rotinde as an apple, of a greeneeo- lotir, befetrotindeabotttwitftmanp^icklep tftoznes, anb tfterefoze tftep callit Cftorneapple, ful of feedewftftfalpketfte Apples of loue* Cfte roote ig fulof tftreddie tftinges,interlaced,wo wen, and winded one to anotfter* ' fythePlace. Cfte apple of £etow,is adranger aifo,tfte wfticfteis not to be found except fatftegardmsoftfteHerborideS,andpetnotoftm* fythcTymes. Cftefe apples are to flo wer,in S©ap and June. fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 441 fy The Names. Stramonia. CftiS ftrange plant iscalled oftfte J ta- UanS, Stramonia, anb Pomumfpinofum, Offome Corona regia: at3Hetti?e Melofpi- nus,aildParacoculi: fa frencft e Pommede Perou, OpPommeefiiueufe : fa ftigft BOUCfte Stecft opffel, ilaucft opffel, ft Stecftend opffelrinbafe Almaigne Bormappei: we map call it in ©nglilfte, Cbe appleof jder- row,Cbornieappies,^rickfe9pples,anb Stramonia. fyThe Nature. Cfte complexion, bertne, anb facuitie of tftis plant, is not pet kno wen* ^f tbe 6alme ztpple 01 toomo?- otca* CbapJrwtatj. fyThe Kindes. BP tfte name of Balfomfae, poitmttd now bnderdand two fozts of apples, or fritites,barping miiefte onefrom an otfter,botft in figure anb growing * Cfte oneiscalled cfte finale Baffem, oz Balme apple*Cfte otfter in called tftefemale Bal- femapple* fy The Defcription. ^^f*g^gH<£ firftkindeof tftefe a^ariteloits Apples, ftatft long bzancftes §l& IISP^ fmal,witft litie ciafpers oz tendzelles,wfterewitftal it taketft mm IJm^ol&efaft bpon ftedges,ttees;poles, and raples, agapnd wfticfte w| ^?ft is pianted*Cftelejues be large and round, cut fa round about ^jf^^^witft certapnedeepe cuttes,almod like tfte bine leanes,but fmal- ler* Cbe flowers be pale, tbe fruite round, fljarpc popnteb,and rottgft witftout,like tfte friiftof tfte wild ©owcumber, greene at tftebeginning and afterwarbered^Jn tftefe apples are founde bzoade, rougft, and biackiffte feede*Cfte roote pttttetft fooftft manp bzancftes, oz moozes, fpread abzode ftere andtftere* — ■ 1 Cfte feconde kinde ftatft a tfticke ftalke or ftemme, of a reddilfte colonr Ipke ^urfelane,abont a foote ftigft oz fomewftat more* Cfte leaues be long and narro we, and not mucfte bnlpke tfte leaues of n&ptftie, a little tootfted or creuifed about * Cfte flowers be fapre, of an incarnate oz iiueip colour chan- ging bpon biexue,wftft a little taple ttirneb agapne, not mticft e differing from tfte flowers of karkes Spurre* Cfte fruite or apple is rounde, (ftarpe at tfte point, and rougft witftoutigremeat tfte beginning, but after pello wilfte pale, tfte wfticfte openetft itfelfe wftan itin ripe, and tfte feede falletft out,tfte wfticft iSberpwedlpkebnto af etcfte* Cfte roote is Ipke tfte abonefapde* fyThe 44Z The thirde Booke ot ;-j Charantia.Balfom apple,tfte male* Bahaminum. aJtettielouS apple?* Balfam tftef emal* «i§t T^ Places. Cftefe two drange fterbes, arefotinde in tftis Countrie, fa tft e gardens of certapne Herboriftes* fyTheTyme. j • s . Cftefe plantes do flower in Juip and Auguftjand tfteir fruite is ripe in Au- guft and September*, r< '•'"' fyTheNames. . . Cfte firft kind Of tftefeftcrbeSiSCailedfa'Jtalian Charantia,Balfamina,Mo, mordica,andfa fometkaft#,Pomum H lerdfdlymitanuman^f rencfte Pomummi- rabile, Pommedememeitleft tftrueilk map: fa ftigft BOUCft B aifom Opffel mertttlfa: in bafe Almaigne Balfom appel manneken:in ©nglilfte wemap call ft Momor- dica,andtfteaealeBalfomapple* ■■■•'■*■•'i: a .5; - CfteOtfteriifadeHScalled Balfaminum, kndiSUOt Charantia, Balfamina, or Momordica asfomedbtftinke*CfteftigftBo^^ call ft Balfamopffel weiblin, tftatisto fop,^cy«a7/^^ Balfemappel wi|f ken: in ©nglilft,tfte frinale Balfam apple* ' ' - fyThe-Nature. Cftecofaplexton of tftefe appleS,accordfag totfte fadgementdf fotr.e,isftoate in tfte ftcft degree, anddrie fa tftefeconde; . fyThe Vertues. »- . A man foal find in writing, tftat tfte a^aeueions appleSiare named Cftaran- A tia,for tfte bertttes folowfag* Cfte the Hiftorie of P lantes. 44j Cfte leaues of Cft arantia taken in wfae,are a prefent remedie for al pafaes, A afWell witftin tfte bodp as witftout,and dotft comfort tfte drengtftof fncfteas take it,in fttcfte foft, tftat no griefe map ftappen to tftem* Cfte fame made fato powder and dzonke in wine, dotft cure and fteale all B inward woundes,tftat in to fap, oftfte bowels or entraples,and are berp pro- fitable agapnd tfte Colique* Cfte onelp iupce oftfte leaues, put bpon tfte teetft, ftealetft tfteacfteof tfte c fome* Cfte &>ple wfticfte mm dzaw c fooztft of tbe fruit of tfte fame in tfte Sonne, b clofetft bp al wonndeS,affwagetftallpapnes,ftelpetft Crampes,aud tftedzaw- fagtogitfter,or(ftrtokingof finewes,beingIapdeto tfteplaceS fturt ft greetzed* Cfte fame in alfo good agapnd tfte blcers of' tfte bread, anb papnes of tbe © &?atrix: caufing women to be eafilp deliuered anb witftout great papne, if it be lapbe to or annopnted bpon tfteir bedpes* Cftefame curetft alblcerS,burtes,impoftumes,anb gatfterings togitfter of * euil ftumours fa tfte a^atrtxfteing cad into tfte fame, witft an toftrumct mabe for tftat purpofe*. Cftefame witb Cotton lapbe to tfte fundemcntft ealetft tfte HemozrftoideS, © and fWagetft all papnes of tfte fame* BtirftingeSbeadobolpen,wftmtftebifeafeb place is annopnted witft tften 4Dple af ozefatb ,bttt for tfte fame purpo fe,pe muft gitte tfte powder oftfte leaues ' to dzinkein wine* CfteiDpieofa^omo.idtca, or^aruelotiSAppieS,madeasiSaforefapde, J puttetft awap al fcarres and blemilfteS.if ft be applped tftereto* Cftereis notfting founde writtenof tfteproperties of tfte female Balfom, & bpcaufe tftep be not knowen* ^f^fgbtfbabe oj mojelle* £\)tyAmiP • fyThe Defcription. ^Ilgfttlftabeftatft rotinbe ftalkes of a footelong, fnll of brancfteS* lCfteleauesareblackiffte,large, foft, and fullof iitpce, ipketo tbe lleaueSofBafil, but mucfte greater: tfte litie flowersbe wftite, j ftanging tbzce ox foure one bp anotfter* After tftat tftep be palled, tftere come in tfteir places , berries ftanging togitfter like tfte fruit of Juie,of colour moft commonlp blacke, wftan tftep be ripe fometimes reb,and fomtimeS alfo peilow*Cfteroote in wftiteand fulof ftearp tftreddes* fyThe Places. ^tigfttlftadeiSberpcommon.fa tftis Countrie, about olde walles, bnder ftedges,aboutpatftes,anb ftollow wape&aifaal about tfte borders of feeldes, and in tfte gardens of pot ft erbes* fyThe Ty me. Cftis fterbe flo wretft from tbe monetft of Jtttte,durfag all tfte fommer, and fatftiStpace deliueretft ftisfeede* fy The Barnes. CftiS ft erbe in called in ©reke s-^xv®-,* r^V©-^ s-w^ K«7r«r®-:fa Ratine Solanum.and Solanum hortenfe:JttS^OPPe? Solatrum,attdof fome Morella, Vua lupina,and Vua Vulpis: fafrencfte \Moniie. inftigft Botufte j&acfttfcftat: fa bafe Almaigne 0afcape,and tffacfttftaderin © ngiilft e jftigfttlftade^etimo- rel,and apotel* fyThemture. adored is colde and dziein tftefecondedegree* rfo Solanum hortenfe. 444 The thirde Booke of fy The Vertues. A Cfte greene leaues of |&etiemorel, br #tigfttiftade, pounde witft parcfted barlep meale,is marueious profitable to be ap- plied, or lapd to Saint AntonieS fire, to corrupt and running blcers, and all ftoate inflammatios* And for tfte fame purpofes mm make an opntment of tfte iuptz of tfte fome, witft £>ple of Hiofes, Certtfe, and ftittarge* B Cfte fome'pottnd bp it felfe and lapd to, iS good againd papnes fa tfte ft ead, and is berp profitable againft a ftoate ftomacke, anb all ftoate didemperatttre of tfte zpzn, tfte eares,tfte litter, tfte melte, or Splene, and tfte bladder, to belapde to outwardlp bpon tfte places oftfte fame* C Cfte fame witft Salt, diffoluetft tftea- poftemesand fwellingesbeftindeft abottt tfte eares, named Parotidas, if ft be lapde tfterebnto after tfteforme of a plapfter* B Cftefapce of i&igfttfoade,mfagled witft tfte wftiteofanegge, is good to be lapde bpon tfte foreftead, againft faflammatids, redneffe, retimes, fluxions, and ad otfter ftoatedifeafes oftfte zpzn* © Cfte fome dropped into tfte eares,fwa- getft tft e papnes of tfte fome, ft laid to witft ©otton,in tftemamter of a motfter Suppofitorie, dapetft tfte ino^bit ate courfe ofwomeuS iffues* f Co conclude, ©alenaffirmetftj tftat #iigfttfoadc ot a^ozeil iSberp good a- gapnft al difeafes and Accidents, wfterein tS anp neede of cooling and reftrap* nfag* <® f 6eb ^igbtfijade/UDt n tet £!i em e anb auafcengp* Cl}ap*]cc* fy The D efcription. =* HC common Alcakengiejbearctft flender ftalkes, leaues Ipke ^etft t #orei, bittmucbe larger and greater*Cfte flowers be pale, greater, ta iwibutnotfo wbite as tbe flowersofi^igbtlftadeozpetimozel, ft wftan sLsL'lftep periCft, tftep bring fooftb rounde balles,or bladed bladders, bol- iow,clofe,greeneattbebeginning,butafterwarbreb: in tbe fapd blabdersbe ronnde red berieS,fullof feede,flat,and pelfowilft* Cfteroote in fmal, creeping aiong,and cading foortft new euerp pere,and infundzp places it pnttetft foortft newe lftutes,and tender dalkes* Bpfides tft is tbere isfoundeaftrangekfade,wfticft ig alfo taken foz Alea-* kengie, tfte wfticft ftatft fmaland tender ftalkes, tfte leaues befomewftat long, creuifedftdeepelpctttrottiidabotitCfteflowersbewftiteastoowe, bringing fooztft alfo bladders,oz ronndeblafted ballcs, at tbebeginning greene, but at- terwardeblackilfte: wbereingrowelftblackeberies,about tbe quantitieofa peafe*Cfte roote is fmall and tftzeddie* QTbe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 447 Vcficaria vulgaris. Veficaria peregrina. Aicakengie or winter Cfterie* Blacke winter Cfterie* fy The Places. Aicakengie growetft in fome wooddes of tftis ©ountric,about ftedges and Iowe mopd places,and in mucft planted fa gardens* iffTheTyme. Cfteltttle bladders, and tfte fruite of tftis plante are rppe in Auguft and September* fyThe Names. t Aicakengie is called in ©reeke r^xv©-^««»t«^.K9«4>w«X'V:fa)tatineVe- ficaria.of piinie Veficula,offomeCaiiion,fa SftoppeS Alkakmgie: in frencft K^tlquequanges, and des Coquerelles: in ftigft BOUCfte ScftlttttCU, Boberelfett, Jtt- den &irf5en,Cenffels ftirfen, Jnden Htttlin,and Eo t ^tacfttfcftad: in bafe Al* maigne,Criecken ban ouer fee,Cbat in to fap,Bepondfea Cfteries: in ©ngiilft it in calleb jkigfttfftade, Alkakengicand tBinter Cfteries* 2 Cfte otfter ftrange kindeis called of men of tftis time, Veficaria peregrina, and Veficaria nigra:faf reneft PoisMemerueiUes*faftigftBOttCba^ttUCbSCOpfflfa, ScbwarteScbiwttm,and iBelfcb Stftltttten: inbafe Almaigne mtzmbz C etecften ban oner ?ea,anb S^erte Criecken ban otter jea* fyThe Nature. Cfteleaues of Alkakengiearecolbelpke)Derimorell*CftefruiteiSnotfo colde* ap oizouzz ,ft is of fub till partes* Cfte complexion oftfte drange Alkakengie,is pet bnknowen* 1^P $The 44$ The thirde Booke of fyThe Vertues. I Cfteleaues of Alkakenaie are good forall fttcfte tftinges,as tfteleatiesof A i&etimozel feme fotftttt not to be eaten* Cfte Cfteries or fruite of Alkakengie, openetft tfte doppinges of tfte liuer 23 tftekidnepes4enfetfttftebladder,andpzottoketftbzine*Cfterfozetftepbeberp good againd tfte JattnderS,tfte acfte ft greefe of tbe raines and biadder,againft tfte dtfftcultie ft foarpneffe of making water,and againft tfte (lone and grauell* ^f0reat^t0btfbabe/oj2!)wale. Cbap.jea fy The Defcription. Mandragoras Theophrafti. >H& UOligfttie and deadlp Solanum lethale. )plant is takenfoz akinde of fe Solanum , bpcatlfe it dotft* ^^^\^^f^ <$k * \omewftatrefembleit* jt r®^ MW*~®C& (ftatft round blackilft dalkes of two ortftzee foote ftigft, ^ fJ%, or more, bppon tft e wfticfte growe great ffi\w bzoade ieaues,fomewftat rougft,greater*• and larger, pea ft blacker tften tfte leaues ( ofa£ozcl,tfteflowersbeofabzowneco-|| lottr,falftioned ipke to litie ftolow belles,^ after tfte wfticfte tftere comme bp great\ round beries, euerp onebponadalkebp ftim felfe, about tfte bigneffe of a Cfterie, greene at tfte beginning, but afterwarde wften tbzp waxe towarde rppeneffe,tftep be of afaire blacks- Iftining colour,witftfa tftefapd beries is cotepned alitlebrowne feede* Cfteroote isgreat,puttingfoortft newe ettetp pert, and bringing foortft a mtmber of newe dalkes* fy The Place. ? CfttSfterbe is founde fa fome places of tftisCountrie,inwoods, and ftedges, and fa tfte gardens of fome Herboriftes* fy The Tymes. Cfte fruit or beries of tft is b enemous Solan um,areripe fa Augttft* fyThe Names. CfttSfterbeiSttOWecalled Solanum lethale:faSftOppeS Solatrum mortale: faf reneft e soUnm* monei fa ftigft Boucfte Bolikrattt, Senkraut: in bafe Al- maigne ©roote$afcape,and Bnicrtipt,or BttllebeBen*CftiSin not Solanum Manicum,neitfter Solanum Somniferum,neftfterpCt Mandragoras Morion,tfte WfticfteBiofcorideSdefcribetft*Bittftlftoulderatfter feeme to be tftat kindeof ^andzage, wft ereof Cft eopftzad fpeaketft in W dxtft booke tfte fecond Cftap- tenAttd for tftat caitfeftmap be Weil called Mandragoras Theophrafti. fThe Nature. Cfte leattes and fruit of tftis fterbe are berp cold,euen fa tft e fourtft degree* * fy The working. Cfte greeneShd fretft leattesof tftis deadlp iBtigfttlftade,map be applped out- wardlp as tfte leattes of^aetiinojei to S* Antonies fire, and tfte Ipke ftoate in- flammations the Hiftorie of Plantes. 44? *\. flammations,but ft mud be donebpgreatabuife, feing tftat tijtS Solanum coo* letft agapne more dronglp tftan tfte common $rigfttlft ade* fe Thcmifcheuous Danger. Cftefrtttte of tftis Soianumisdeadlp,andbrtngctftdicft as ftaue eaten tft er- A of into abeepedeepe,wftb rage and anger,tfte wfticft paffionleauetft tftein not, bntid tftep die, as it ftatft ben feene bp experience, aS well in Almaigne, as at a^ecftlen jbpon fome cftildrm wfto ftaue eaten of tftiS fruite, tftinckfag tftat ft • was no t ft ttrtfulUDherfoze ecfte man ougftt to take fteede, tftat tftep plant not, neptfterpetftifferintfteir gardens, anp fucfte benemous fterbes, elfteciallpof fucfte fortes wfticftebeare afaire anb pleafant fruite, as tbis lad recited kinbe dotft: orif tftep wil ftaue it in tfteir gardens,tften at tfte lead wap, tftepowgftt to be raref ull,to fee to it, ft to clofe it fa, tftat no bobp enter into tbe place wft ere it growetft that wilbe entiftb witft tft e beautte of tbe fruite to eate tftereof,aS itcommetft berp oftentimes to paffe bnto wemen anb poung cftildten* tftat is to fap,^addeorlliaging,ftatft leaues like Semite oz #odarbe,bntgreater,anb fomewftat like to tfte leanes oftfterigfttBzanke^rfine,cailedfa)latine Acanthus, tfte wfticft (ft albebefcri- bed in tfte fiftft booke* J t bringetft fooftft from one roote ten or tweltte dalkes oftftefteigfttoftwo or tftzee foote, at tfte toppe of tftefopb dalkes or brancfteS gtowetftatotutbebeab oftfte bigneffeof anDiptte, anb rougb like tbe fruit of tfte jBlane tree,butfmaller ft longer*Cbe flower in blacke,ft wften it perilftetft, it bringetft foortft alittle grape, witft ten or tweltte beries, like tfte fruite of J* ttie, but piapner , anb fmotfter like tfte berries of grapes* Cbe roote ig Wftite and tfticke of acttbite long, anb bolow witftfa* Co tftis Befcription a- greetft tftat kinbeof ftrange apallowe,wbicbeig calleb Malua Theophrafti,and Aicea v enetatfte wfticfte iftalbe befcribed fatfte xxbft* ©ftapter oftfte fiftft part of tftis Hifforie* fy The Place. Solanum Somniferum,accorbfagto tfteopinionofBioftoribeS,growetft te donp places,lping notfarre from tfteSea* Solanum Manicum,growetftbponftigftftideS, wftofe dtuationordandihg iS agapnft tfte Sonne* fyThe Names. Cfte firft kinde of tftefe two ft etbes, ig called in ©reeke rev'xv©- imcmdr. in Xatine Solanum Somniferum,tftat iSto fop in ©nglifft,Siecpfag#rigfttlftade, Offome Halicaabon,Dircion,Apollinaris minor, Vlticana heiba,and Opfago. #P ii Cfte 44^ Tlie thirde Booke of Cfte fecond kind in called in ©reeke s^xv©- txm*oc. faftatinc Solanum Ma- nicum.tftat is to fap,f itrioiis orraging Soianum,or ^igfttlftade, of fome Per. fion,Thryon, Anydron, Pentadryon,and Enoron. fyThe Nature. Cftefleepfagj&igfttlftadeor Solanum,is colde in tfte tftirde degree, appro- . cftingberp neare bnto tfte nature or complexion of Opium, bnt mucfte weaker* Cfterooteof^ mad or fttriows Solanum or^igfttlftabe,elpeciadp tfte barke tftereof,is drie in tft e tftirde degree,and colde in tfte feconde,as ©alen writetft, fyThe Vertues. Cftefctiit of Solanum Somniferum,eaufetft oneto make water, and inbztpZ good agapnft tfte Bropfie, btitpemapnottakeabouetweliieoftfteberiesat once: for if pou take moe, tftep will bo ftarme* Cfte iupce of tfte fruit in goob to be mixed witft medicines, tbat bo afffaage * anb take awap papne* Cftefamebopleb in wine,andftoidenintftemoiitft,fWagetft tootft acfte* C Cfte roote of raging Solanum, efpeciallptfte barke tbereof, isberpgoob to to berubbeb anb lapd to Saint Antonies fier, informe of a plapder, and bpon blcers tftat becorrnptand filtftp* Jtis not good to take tftis kinde of Solanum inwardlp* t fe The Danger. Jfpotigfaemoretftentweltieof tfte beries or grapes of Solanum Somni- ferum , ft will caufe fuel) eas poudogtuettbnto, toraue,andwaxedidracte or ftiriotts,almod as mucft e as Opium. Cfteroote of Solanum Manicum,takenfawineto tfte quantitie of a Bram, caufetft idle and bapne imaginations: $ taken to tftequantitie of two Brams, ftbringetft frcnfieand madneffe, wfticfte ladetft bptfte fpace of tftree or fonre dapes:and if foureBzammes tftereof betakm, ftkilletft* €f henbane* Cljap*n:riy* fyThe Kyndes. Of Henbane are tftree kindes (as Biofcorides and otfters ftaue written) tftat is,tftebiacke,tftepellowe,and tfte wftite* fy The Defcription. HC blacke Henbane ftatft great dalkes and fofte, tfte leaues be great I broade,foft,gentle,woollp,grapilfte,ctitand fogged, efpeciallp tftofe attfte lowed part of tfte dalke,and neare tfte ro ote: foz tftep tftat grow bpon btancftes,are fmaller, narrower and Iftarper* Cfte flowers be bzo wne- biewe witftfa, anb Ipke to little belles, and wften tftep fall of, tfterefolowe round ftufkes,like litiepottes, couered witft fmalcower&faciofeb witftin witft fmall rougft belmes ozfkinnes, open aboue, and ftaufag fiue oz fixe fftarpe ' pointeS*Cftefepottesorctippesarefetinarewe,one after anotfter,alongft tfte ftalkes*tt&itftfa tfte fapd pottes in contepned a bzo wne fede*Cft e roote in long, fometimes as great, as a finger* Cbepeilowe Henbane batft bzoabe Wftitilfte anbfoft,oz gentle leaueS,nei- tfter cartieb nor cnt,almoft like tbe leaues of aortal 0igfttlftabe,but greater, Wftiter,anb fofter* CfteflowerSbe of afepnt oz palepellow colowr,and round, tfte wfticfte being paft, tftere come in tfteir fteede rounde ftufkes , almoftlike litie citppes,notmiicft differing from tfte ciippesozftufkes of blacke Henbane, wfterefa in tfte feebe,wbicft in liketo tft e feebe of otft er Henbanes* Cftefe fmall i pottesdo groweand areinclofed tearounde fkinne,but tfte fame is gentle and pzicketft not* CfterooteiStmber*CbiSkinbeofHenbane,ftatiingonceborne ftisfeebe,bpetft before wfater,and it mnftbe fowenperelp* Cfte the Hiitorie of Plantes. Hyofcyamus niger. Blacke Henbane* Hyofcyamus lutcus. 44? pellowe Henbane* , Cfte tftirde kinbe of Henbane, called Hy°^m^h^^¥t^znbmt. tfte wftite Henbane, in not mweft bnlike to tfte blacke, fattingtftatftis leattesbe gentler, wftiter,morewooltp,and mucft fmaller* CfteflowerS be alfo wftiter, ft tftefeedewfticftisinciofedin litiecnps, tSlpketftefeedeof blacke Henbane, but tfte (ftel or fkin tftat coueretft tfte ftufkes is gentle and pricketft not* Cfte roote off; tt^in kind in not berp great* Jt dietft al-[ ■ fo before wfater,and it mud be likewife newefowen euerp pere* iff The Place. Cfte Henbane dotft growe berp pien- teouflp in tbin Countrie, about wapes ft patft es,and in rougft ft fandp places* Cfte two otfter kindes ,f Herboriftes do fet in tfteir gardens, Wftereof $ wftite fort growetft of fttSoWnekfad,asBio£ coridesfoitft, bppon bttngefteapes, oz mixensbp tfte fea coaft * Jn ftanguedoc tftep ftaue fcarfe anp otfter, fouing tfte Wftite kind* jdp fa ^The 4jo The thirde Booke ot iffTheTyme. Cftefe tftree kindeS of Henbane bo flower fa Jnipand Angnft* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe ig calleb in ©reeke hoo%v«n&, ^ «*<»\wkoic: fa Ratine Hy ofcya- tnus,Apollinaris,and Faba fuilla,offome Diofcyamos,tftat igy Iouisfaba, Fabu- lonia:0f ApttleiaSymphoniaca,Calicularis,Remcnia,FabaLupina,Mania:Oftfte atmcient liomafaes, and HetrufcianS, or Cnfcans, Fabulum: of tfte Arabian J^ftpfitiOttS Altercum ,and Altercangenum: Of SIpattfteilSSpluatiCttS, L>cus Caballinus,and Cafsilago:Of JaC0bUS#anlfaS Herba Pin ula: of fome OtfterS Canicularis,anb Caniculata:faf rmcft Iufquiame^Hanebane: fa ftigft Almaigne Bilfomkraut,Sewbon,and Bolkraut: fa neatfter Boticftlande Bilfen,and Bilfencrupt* Cftefirftkind iScalledbpcaufeof ftisdarkilft browne8owerS,Hyofcyamus niger,tftat is to fap,blacke Henbane* Cfte feconde iScalled Hyofcyamus luteus,tftat is to fap, pelloweHenbane, bpcaufe ft bearetbjellow flowers* Cbe tftirde wfticfte ftatft wftite flowerS,iS caded Hyofcyamus albus,tftat ig to fap,i©ftfte Henbane* fyThe Choife. CftewftiteHenbane is bed to bebfeb in mebicine* Cftetwo otfter benotfo go od, efp eciallp tfte blacke Wfticfte in mo d ft urt f till* fyThe Nature. Cftefeebe of tft e wftite Henbane,and tfte leaues are cold in tfte tftird degree* Cftetwo otfter kindes are pet morecolder, almoftut tftefourtft degree, berp fturtfull to tfte nature of mankinde* fyThe Vertues. Cfte fapee drawen foortft of tfteleanes and greene ftalkes of Henbane, and % afterwardebrpeb in tfte Sonne in berp goob to be mingled witb Coipries, tftat are mabe agapnft tbe fteates, rfteitmes,anb ftwmo wrs of tfte zpzn, andtfte papne in tfte feme,fo tfte eares,and motfter* Cfte fome lapde to witft wfteaten meale, oz wttft parcft ed Barlep meale, in «* moft profitable againft all ftoate fwellfages of tfte epes, tftefeete, anb otfter partes of tfte bodp* Cbe febe of Henbane in good for tbe cougft ,tft e falling bowne of catarrftes, c anb fiibtillftttmottrs into tfte epes,ozbpontftebzeaft againft great papnes, tfte faorbfaatefluxe of womens iffnes anb alotfter iftuz of bloob to be taken in tfte waigftt of an ftalfepennie,or ten grapnes witft HPbzomei,tftat in to fop ftonied water* Cft e fame fwagetft tftepapne oftfte gowt, ftealetft tfteftoelling of tfte gen* *> torsordones, affwagetft tftefwelling of wemenspappes after tfteir delitte- rance* Jf ft be brnfeb witft wine,anb lapbe bpon* Jt map be alfo put into ai em- plapders anobfas,tftat is fucfte as are made to fWagepapne* Cfte leaues alone,or bp tbem feliteS,pounb witb parefteb Barlep meale, or & mingled witft otfter opntmentes, emplaifters and medicines fWagealfo all papnes* JfonedowalfteftisfeetewitfttfteBecoctionofHenbane,ozifitbegiuenf fa giifter,it will catife deepe*Cfte fame bertue batft tfte feebe to be lapb to witft ople, or anp otfter liquer bppon tfte forefteab,or if one bo but fmell often to tbe fterbe anb bin flowers* 1 CfterooteofHmbanebopied inbfaeger, and afterwardeftoldenfather moutft,appeafetft tfte tootft acfte* M M ® Co the Hiftorie of Planris. 4^ Coconclttde,tfteleaues,ftalkes,flowers,feede,roote,ilnbfapceof Henbane, H do cooie ai faflammations,caufetft deepe,and fwagetft al papne: pet notwitft- ftandfag tftis mitigationof papne dotft not contfauailp ftelpe oz remapne: for bpfnefteremediesascondftof tftingestftatare extreme coldeas Opium, Hen- bane,Hemlocke,anb fnche otfter,tfte difeafe ozpaute is not cleane taken awap, but tfte bodp and greened place is but onelp ado nted ,o z made a deepe for a fea- fon,andbptftismeanesitfeeletft no papne* But wften tftep come agapne to tfteir feeling,tfte papne is moft commonlp more greettottstftenbefore, and tfte difeafe moze ftarderto be cured, bptfte extreme cooling of tbe fopbeberbeS, Wfticfte bring to tfte ficke(e(peciailp to fucft as be of a colde nature) intolerable Crampes and retractions of finewes*Cfterefoze tftefe fterbes ougftt not to be bfed fortfteappeafing of papne, except fatime of great neede wften tfte greefe iS great and intolerable* e%>The Danger. Cft e leaues,feebe,anb iupce of Henbane, but efpeciallp of tbe blacke kfabe, % tfte Wfticft in berp common in tbiS Countrie, takm eitfter alone or witft wine, caufetft ragfag,anb long deepe, almod like bnto bzonkettneffe, wfticfte remap- netft a long fpaccanb afterwarde killetft tftepatrie* Cft e leaues or iupce taken in to great quantitie, or to often, or lapde to anp «** memberorpartof tftebodieftauing no neede, qtiencftetft tfte naturall fteate of tftefame, and dotft ntozttf te and canfe tftefapbe member to looke blacke, and at laft dotft putrtfie and ror tftefame,and caufe it to failawap* <*>f^emloefte* €t>ap*jcctttj. fy The Defcription. ;©mlocke ftatft a ftigft long I ftalke, of fiue or fixe foote |long,great and ftollowe, full |of iopnteS like tfte dalkes of ; fend, of an fterbelike colour, poudered witft fmall redde fpottes, almoftlike tfte ftemme of Bra- gon , or tfte greater Serpentarie* Cfte leaues be great, tfticke, and fmall cut, al- moft like tfte leaues of Cfterud, but mucft greater , and of a ftrong bnpleafant fa- uour* Cfte flowers be wftite, growing bp tuftes, or fpokie toppes,tfte wfticfte * bo cftange and turne fato a wftite flatte feede* Cfte roote is (ftort, and fomewftat ftolowe Witftin* ^\^ fy The Place. ^ff CftiS nottgfttie and dangerous fterbe, growetft in places not topled, bnder fted- ges,and about pales,anb fa tfte frelft,cold iftadowe* fyTheTymes. Hemlocke flo wzetft moft commonlp in Juip. fyThe Names. CftiS fterbeis called fa geeke^^-in jtattoe Cicuta: to Cnglilft Hemlocke: #p iiii in 4yi The thirde Booke of faf rencfte eigne • inftigft Almaigne Sftirlfag, tBittferling, wundtftfterltog, and UDetertcftanbafe Almaigne,Scfteerlinck,and Bnlle kerttel,oz Bulle ^e- terfelie:of fomebnfeamed Apotftecaries Hatmel, tfte wfticfte albeit tftepftane benefnndzie times warned of tfteir errours bp manp learned, as Leomcenus, Manard us,anb diners otfters,pet wil tftep not leaue, but continue obdinatein fatfteir ignorance,bftng petdaplp infteedeof tfte feede of liuecalled in ©reke Harmcitfte feede of Hemlocke(tfte wfticfte tftep takepernerflp for Harmei)and do pnt it daplp fato tfteir a^edicines* fyThe Nature. Hemlocke ig berp coide,almoft in tfte fourtft degree* fyThe Vertues. Hemlocke lapd bpon tfteftones of poung cftildzen,caufetft tl^zm to continue A in one edate, witftout waxing biggerXikewife lapbe to tfte bredes of po ting mapdenS,do caufe tbem to continue fmall: nenertft eleffe, it caufetft fucfte as d a bfe it,to be ficke anb weake,all tft e bapes of tbeir dues* Cbe fame lapbe to anb applpeb in manner of a piapder bpon wilde fire and B ftoateinflaminations,fwagetft tftepapne and taketft awap tftefteate, cum as Henbaneand Opium botb* feThe Danger. Hemlocke is b crp ettpl,bangerous,bttrtful,and benemouS,in fo mucft tftat wftofoeuer taketft of it,dpetft,except fte drinke good olde wine after ft: foz tfte dzinkingof fttcfte wine, after tfte recefafag of Hemlocke, dotft fitrmount and otiercometftepopfon\and ftealetft tfteperfontbttt if one taketbewfoeanbHcm- locke togitft er,tft e ftrengtft oftfte popfon ig augmented, and tben it killetft out of ftande, tofomucfte tftat fte is no kindeof wapes to beftolpen, tftat ftatft taken Hemlocke witft wine* The ende of the thirde parte of the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4 the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4# C trijcfouctlj part of tljc 3$ffityfeof plantes treating of tbe fundiie Utnbes faf bfons names' bertnes,anb operations,of Corne or ©rapne,pttlfe,CftiftelleS, anbfncftelpke* By Rembertus Dodonseus. ^fttDbeate. €bap*<* Tfy The Kindes. H<£ Atincient Waiters ftauedeftribeb diners fofteS of wfteate, according to tfte places and Conntries, from wftence it ftatft ben brougftt to Eome and otber fttcbe great ©ities* But fucfte as make no account of fo manp kindes,asColumellaand piinie, battebfaibeb wfteate but onelp into tftree kindes:wftereoftfteoneiS called Robus,tfteotfterSiligo*Cftewfticfte twapne are winter corne ozfruites,and tfte tftird Setanium, wfticft ig a fommer wfteate ozgrapne* J£ et to fop tfte trnetft,tftis ig as ft were but one foft or kindejand tfte diuecfitieconfidetft but onelp in tbin point,tftattfte one kinde is browner or blacker,anb tfte otfter fort is wftiter and fairer, ft tfte one is to be fowen before winter, and tbe otfter after* Triticum. i©fteate* fy The Defcription. mztp kinbz of wft eateftatft arounbe bigb demme, drawe, or reede, moft commonlp manp ftraweS growing fro onerootcetterp oneftatttng tftree or foure iopnteS, or knottes, greater ianb longer tft enbarlep ftrawe, coue- red witft two oz tftzee narro we leaues, or grapilfte blades, at tfte ftigfteft of tft e fapd ftemme or ftraw,a good wap from tfte fold leaues, oz blades, growetft tfte eare,in wfticft tftegraineorcorneiSfet,witftout order,berp tfticke,and not bearbeb* fy The Place. Cfte wfteate growetft in tbin Countrie, fa tfte bead anb fruitful feelbes* fy t be Tyme. a^ en fow tfteir winter cozne in September, oz €>ctober,ft tft e fommer corne in The 454 The fourth Booke of ^>The Nature. n^beate lapde to outwarblp as a medicine,is ft oate fa tft e firft begree,witft- otit anp manifeft mopfture*But tfte breab tftat ismabe tberof, in warmer,and ftatb a greater force, to ripe,brawe,anb bigeft* Cfte Amyiummabeof wfteate > in colbe and drie, and fomewftat aftrfa- gent* fyThe Vertues. i&aw wfteate cftewed fa tfte motttft,is good to be lapd to agapnft tfte biting % of mab BoggeS* Cbe wftole wfteate in berp profitable againft tfte papnes oftfte go wt,wfte $ a man plongetft ftim felfe tfterein,euen bp to tft e knees, as pe (ftall reade fa pli- nieof Sextus Pompeius.wbo betngfo bfeb,was cureb of tftegowte* t©fteatenmealemingleb witft tfte iiipce of Henbane,ft lapde to tfteffaewes, C is goob againft tfte rfteumes and fnbtill ftumours falling downe bppon tfte fome* Cft e famelapdebpon witft bineger and ftonp (caded €>xifacl) dotft clenfe S and take awap alt fpottes and lentilles from of tfte face* Cftemealeof #arcfteorSommerwfteate,lapd to witft snincgcr, in berp © good againd tfte bitin^zn of benemous beades* Cftefamebopleb Ipketo apadeozpappe, and licked, iSberpgood agapnft f i tfte fpetting of blood: and bopled witft b utter, ft a? fates, ft in of great power againd tfte congft,and rougftneffe of tfte tftrote* Cfteflower of wfteaten meale bopled witft ftonp and water, oz Witft €>ple© and waterftiffoluetft all tttmoitrs,or fwellfages* Cfte Branne bopled in bineger,is goob agafaft tfte fcttrttie itcfte, anb (ptea-H ding fcabbe, anb diffoluetft tfte begfanfages of ftoate (WellfageS* Cfte fopde Bzannebopled in tfte decoction of iitte, dotft dake ft linage tfte J ftardetWellfages of womans bteades* Cfte leauen made of wfteaten meale,dzawetft fooztft tftfaers,fplinterS,and & tftornes,e(peciallp from tft e foles of tftef eete* And it dotft open, ripe, anb breake alfwellinges and impoftumes,tf itbe Iapdeto witft Salt* nafteatenbread bopled in ftonied water, dotft fwage anb appeafe allftoate % fWellinges,e(periallp topwtting tftereto otfter good fterbes and inpces* tBft eatenbzead neWe baked, tempered or foked inbpnz oz pickle, dotft cure & and remoue all olde and wftite fcnrufae(fe,and tfte foule creeping oz (pleading fcabbe* Cfte AmyiumozStarcfte,tftatismadeofwfteate, in good againft tftefal-# ling downe of rfteumes and ftumours into tfte epesif it be lapd tft erebnto,and it citrettand filletft agapne witft flelft, wounbes anb ftolow blcers* Amyfumftronkendoppetft tftetpettingof bioob,andmingled witft milke, it® fwagetft tfte rougftneffe, or foreneffe oftfte tft to te and breft,and caufetft to fpet outeafplp* <2>f tbe £ow called £>pelt ot&eia* €bap*#» fyThe Kindes. SpeitiS of two foztes*Cfte one ftatft commonlp two coznes or feedesiopneb togitfter, wftereof ecfte grapne iginbig ownefkinne, or cftaffie coitering. Cfte otfter is fingle, and ftatft but one grapne* ILT be the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyThe Defcription. pelt,ftatft draw, iopntes,anb eareS,mttcft ipketo wfteate,faitfag tftat tfte corne tfter- ofisnotbare astftewfteate corne is,but 45J Zea. Far. SPelk m ig inclofeb in a Ittlcfkinne ozcftaffie ftufke, from wfticfteit cannot beeaftip purged, or clenfed, exceptintftempil,orfomeotfterdeuifemade for tfte feme purpofe, and wftan ft ig fo pplde and made . cleanefromtbecbaffe, it is berp wellpketo awbeat corne, botb in proportion anb Mature: info mnebe tftatattfteenbeof tftreeperes, tfte Spelt befagfo pttrgeb,cbangetft it felfe into faire wfteate, wftan it iS (d wen,as plinie,Cfteopftrafte, anb biuztg otfter oftfte Auncientes ftaue written* $ The Place. Spelt reqttiretft a fat anb f ruitfull grounde well laboured, and growetft in ftigft ft open feeldes* Jn times paft,it was founde onelp fa ©rece,but at tftts dap,itgrowetb inmanpplaces of Jtalie, f raunce, and f launders* fy The Tyme. Jt in fowen in September, anb October, Ipke bnto wfteate,anb in ripe in Juip* ^The Names. Cftis grapne is calleb fa ©reeke f«v- fa Ratine Zca .• of tfte Auncient i&omapnes Semen, and Far, andattftiSdap spclta: faf rencfte Efieautre.- inftigft Soticfte Spelt?, and Binckelkozne : in bafe Al- maigne Spelte: anb amongft tfte kinbes of Far,ft(ftonlbefeemetobe Venni- cuium album. fyThe Nature. Speltis of Naturelike bnto wbeate,butfomwftatcolber, brawfag neare to tft e complexion of barlep,and fomewbat drping* fy the Vertues. Cfte meale of Spelt,witft red wine,in berp pzofitabie againft £ ftinginges of Scorpious,and for fucfte as (pet blood* Cfte fome witft fweete Butter bnfalted, or Witft newe ©oates diet, 55 dotft fouple and mitigate tfte rougftneffe of tfte tftzote, and appeafetft tfte cougft* Cftefamebopleb witb wine anb Saltpeter, curetft cozrupt anb running © fores,anb tfte wftite fctirffe of all tftebodp,tftepapne oftfte ftomacke, tftefeete, anb womens ftzedes* Co conclube,Spelt in quaiitie in berp like Wfteate, and in a good nourilft- B ment botft for man and b ead,as Cfteopftzadus writetft* Cfte bread tftereof is not mncfte inferior to tftat ig made of wfteate,bwt it© tlOlttilftetft leffe* Turner lib.x.fol.i3». 4j6 Ainyleura frumcntum. The fourth Booke of £f Jtmflrojuir* tfljap.tij. fy The Defcription. H1 &> gtapne ig alfo Ipke bnto wfteate in tfte ftrawe,iopnteS, and growfag, but tftat tfte eares benot _ bare or not like wbcate,bitt rougb Witft manp Iftarpe pointed eares or beatdeS, like tfte eares of Barlep: ft tfte comes grow bp ranges, like to tfte comes or grapnes of Barlep* Cftefeebe is alfo inclofeb in little ftnfkes or cotieringeS,like to tpettand being clenfeb anb purged from ftis cftaffie ftufke,ft iS mucft Ipke to wfteate* fyThe Place. CftiS Come growetft fa manp places of Almaigne*' fyThe Ty me. a^en do alfo fowitbefore winter, anb tt tS ctttbowne in Jnip* fyThe Names. CftiS Cozne in called inftigft Boucft Am- melkozne, Cftat in to fap, fa bafe Almaigne Ainelcozne, and in Ratine Amyleum frum> tumrand is akindeofZea,anbfar:audit (ftouldefeemetobc Haiicaftrum. Jtmapbe mgltift ed,Amelcorne,or bearded u&fteate* The Nature\and Venae. AS tftis grapne in akinde of fpeit,euen fo ftis berp mucfte Ipke bnto it in complexion and wozking, bepngin tfte middle betwixt i©ljeate and Bariep,agreeable to all purpofes wfterebnto Spelt in good* Cftebzeadtftatismadeofit,isalfofomewftatlpketftebzead of wfteate* 8 <£f Cppbewbeate/ealleb W latme Triticum Romanorum. €bap*i!Q* fy The Defcription. 4Dmapnet©ft eate, in like common tBfteate in ftis blades and knottie ftrawes, but tfte eares are more rounde and plapne, and better cont- pact,berp mucfte bearbeb,tfte grapne in like tbe U0fteate* Cftere in anotfter kinbe ipkebnto tftis,wbofe ftrawe and earesare fmaller,tbeeares be alfo pointed and bearbed.Cfte feedeis Ipke bnto wfteate, fouing tftat it in fmaller, and blacker tften our common wbeate in^ fy The Place. i CftiSCome growetft notinailplaces, nor is not berp common, but ittS founde in fomepartes of Aimaigne,as fa Attffdis,about tfte mountapneS and f ozeftes, wftere as wilde Bores, and S Winedo commonlp ftaunt* And tfte ftnfbandmenoftfteCountriedofoweitfortfte fame purpofe, bptank of tfte Swine,wftfcftedoordinarilpdeftroptfte6tfterCozne,bitt tftep comeberpfel* dometo feede bppon t^in kinbe of grapne, bpcaufe of tfte rougft and pzickelp beardes wfticft bo binber anb let tbem,as Hfttome Bocke writetft Cfte feconde kinde growetft in tfte Jles of Canarie, and incertapnepiacc* of Spapne* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4j7 Triticum Romanoru,aut Triticum Triticum Typhinum. Cppft Wft eate* Barbatum. iiOtttafoe W\)ZUU fyThe Names. t Cftefirftkind in cadedin frencft cMeteih. inftigft Boucft tt£elfcftel©epffeni tljatfa to fap in 3iatine,TriticumRomanu:fa bafe Aimaigne,l*iomfcfteterwe: offome it ig calleb to ©reeke ™p«:to Ratine Typha,and alfo Typha cerealis,as atokmofknowiedgefromanotber Typha, wfticft iScalled Typha paluftris:We map call itCppftewfteateor Bearded wfteate,arid i&omatoe wfteat* 2 Cfte fecond migftt alfo beaktobeof Typha, if cftefeebe wereinciofeb inlitie cftaffiefkinnes like bnto Spelt,bitt fetog ft ig nakeb ipke wfteate, tfterefore it cannotbeTypha, altftongft in otfter relftectes ft is berp mncfte like Typha, of Cfteopftradusanb ©alen,tfterefozeitmap beweicalled Triticum Tiphinum. fyThe Nature. CftisCozneisof temperattire,fomewftatlpke to tfteotfter,btitnotfo good* ^f^pelteojne/^pelttbbeate* €bap*ti* fyThe Defcription. Eopyronisadrange grapne, berp mncfte like Spelt, in tfte ftrawe, knottes,and eares:pet tfte feede or grapne is better like wfteate,for ft is notclofebbp totfteftufke likeSpelt,biitftcommetft fooztft eafplp in tftrefiftinglikewfteat:ftitftatftabzownepellowilftcoiottr'likewfteat* fl The Place. Cftis kinde of grapne,dotft alfo growe tofomeplaceS of Almaigne* fyTheTymes. apenfowe,and cut it downe like otfter corne* 4Rq HThe mmm 458 The fourth Booke ot fy The Names. CftiScozne as ©alen writetft in\^in firftbooke, De aiimcntisftatft ben called in tfte Countrie of ibv tftpnia to ©reece b*™? °v> Zeopyron.cfte wfticfte in acompoundename,ofzea(tftatisto fop, Spelt) and Py ros,tftat in to fap,n£fteate, tfte Wfticfte name in berp agreable bnto tftis ©owe, bpcaufe it in like to tftem botft , or as a meane betwixt tftem botft* Cfte AlmaigneS call it item, Brtokelkern, and &ernfomen,tft at in to fap in bafe Almaigne foeeren- factv The Nature,and operation. A Zeopyronisoftemperatttre,notmncftedtffcrfag from Spelt* B cftebzead of Zeopyron is better tft en tfte bread made of Briza, and is as it were a meane or middle caftbzead, betwixt wft eaten bzead, anb tfte bread made of Briza,as wineffetft ©alien* effingle £>pelt* €bap*M* fyThe Defcription. Riza ig alfo fometfting like to Spelt, fouing tftat it ftatft tfte eares, motes, and ftrawes,leffer,fmaller, andfftot- ter, tfte eares be bearded, and tfte beard es are (ftarpe, like tfte beardeS =*of Barlep* Cfte feede is couered witft a ftufke Ipke to Spelt * Cfte wftole plante witft bin drawe, eares , and grapne in of a browne redde colour, and ft maketft bzo wne bread, of a berp drange and dnpiea- fonttade* fy The Place. Cftis come louetft rougft and rude places, and ftatft notto do witft tfte cftampionground* Jtftatft benfottttde intbnzn paft of ©alen,fa a@acedonia,ftCftracia: but now it in growen in fome places of Bottcftlande, being brougftt firft tftitfter out of Cfttacia,as ft in eafie to con* lecture* Cfte wfticfte Countrie tfte Curkes bo nowe cal momafoe, tfte cftiefeft citie wftereof is Conftanttoobie* iffTheTyme. a^enfowe it to September, and cut ft in Sommer,as otfter fruites oftfte Ipke kinbes* C The Names. Cftis grapne in nowe cadeb to Boucfte Blicken, Sant peters Corne, and ©inkorne: to Neatfter Bottcftlande ©encoren* Jtlftoulde feeme to be a kinde of Zea Monococcos, and Zea Zeopyroo. Briza. the Hiftorie of Plantes. 45? Zea fimplex,ofBiofcozideS,and tfte ZeaOf Mnefitheus,tfte wfticft ©alen inftiS booke,Dealiment.facuit.tftinketft to be tftat grapne, wfticftein ftis tpmewas called in Cftracia and a9acedonia,/s^«,Bnza. Jt iftoulde alfo feeme to be tfte kfade Of Far Wfticfte COlumellanametft Far Venniculum rutilum. fy The Naturetandoperation. Co wft at purpofe tftis corne fertietft in pftpficke, ftatft not pet bene written <$ of,nozptouedto mp knowledge* Buttfteftzeab mabe tftereof isberpfteaute, nonrilftetft etiiil,and iSbnftolfome* <^ffipe* <£bap*lrij* fyThe Kyndes. AS tfte Wfteate defcribeb in tfte firft Cftapter, isdiuers, accorbing to tfte times ozfeafons of fowing, etten in like manner in tftelRpe: for tfte one kfabeisfowenbeforewinter,and tfte otfter after winter* fyThe Defcription. pebzingetft fooztft ofone roote, fixe or fetienand fomtime moe, long, ftender,and leane drawes witft foure or fiue iopntzn, tfte wfticfte in good and fertiil grounde growetft to tfte lengtft of ftxe foote or moze, Ipketo tftedrawe orreedeof wfteate, but fofter, ftnaller,and longer*At tfteftied of tfte fopde drawes, grow long eares,bearded witft fl)arpepies,like Barlep eares,butnotfttngfo rougft oz(l)arpe*Cftewfticftewftentftecorneis Secale. ripedoftangozturne ftownewardes, Witftfa tfte fopde eares in tfte grapne or corne, fmaller, and mucfte blacker tften wfteate, and leffe tften Barlep,and in not enclofed in fmallftufkes,btit commetft foortft ligbtlp*£>f tftis kinde in made aberp browne bzead* 2 Cfte otfter Epe in Ipke to tfte aforefapde, to al tetpectes, fatting tftat tfte drawes and eares are fmaller* fy The Places. Epe growetft in all tfte Iowe Countrie of f launders, and in manp otfter EegionS, it lo- itetft tfte barrenfople,tftat igbip ft fonbp,wbere as none otfter cozneoz grapnemap grow, as to tfteCotintrie of Brabant,tftewfticfte iScalled &empene,and otfter likedrie fopies* i^et for al tftat,tfte bedEpe growetft in goodand fertiil foples* fyThe Tyme. Cfte firft kinde in fowen in September, and tfte otfter in a^arcfte, and are botft ripe to 3dip* 9 r fy TheNmcs. CftiS grapne is calleb of piinie to&atine secale: in ©nglilfteEperfa f rmcfte sdgk • fa ftigft Almaigne Eocken: in bafe Aiemaigne Eoggbe: in Jtalian Segala: of fome Afla, of o- tfters Farrago: altftougft tftis ig not tfte true Fa«igb,for Farrago ig none o- '-•.-'/...- fliq H tfter 4&> The fourth Booke of tber tfting, but Barlep, €)tes, and fucfte Ipke grapnes mingled togitfter anb fowmfor forrageor prouender for Catted: tfte wfticfte men do moweandctit beforeit is rtpe,to feebe tbeir £>xen, ftpen,HozfeS, anb otber Ipke catted* Anb tbat tftis grapne is not siligo ut is fufficientlp declared fa oitr fourth bookeof tfte Hiftorieaf plantes Cftapt*** v f[T he Nature. Epclapdeotitwatblp to tfte bodp,is ftoate and drie fa tftefeconde degree* fyThe Vertues. Epe mealeputintoalitlebagge, anb toped bppon tbefteab, curetft tbeolbe* and inueteratepapnesof tfteftead,and dzietft tftebzapne* * Cfte leuen made oftfte fame,drawetft foortft tftor'neS,ft tftlinters, oz Ift euers « and it ripetft alfWeilinganb fatpodttmationS,fafomncft tftat foz tftispnrpofe,it Wil workebetter anb is of mdzebertttctftentfteiewenmabeof Wfteate meale* Epe breab witb butter in of j iikebertue,btitpetnotfo drong as tfte letten* C Epe bread in fteattie and ftard to digeft,moft meeted foz labowrers,and fuck & aSworkeortrauellmncft,andfozfttcfteasftaiiegooddomackes* ^f£attep, tfbap*W#* *%> The Kindes. BArlep in of two fortes,great and fmall, to tfte wfticfte tftep ftaue noweput two otfter kindes,tftat is to fop,a kinde witftout ft ttfke: and anotfter kinde called Boucfte Barlep or Eice* i. HordeumPolyftichut^iltter a. Hordeum Dyftichum.Sommet Barlep* BeareBarlep* Barlep* Common Barlep* j. HordeumNudum.^akedorbare 4. Oriza.Efte* Barlep*UDfteate Barlep. fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 461 fy The Defcription. Arlepftatftfteimeor drawe,lpke Wfteaten draweftut it in tyoztcr and morebritle witft fixe or moe iopntes,anb knottes* Cfte eares be long anb berp rougb,cottereb ft fetfwl of longbearded Iftarpc aples, wftere as tfte grapne or coznesareplaeed in order or rewes, fometimes fa fonre ranges or moe lines* Cfte feede in ipke to wfteate,and in ciofed bp faft in a cftaffte couering or fktune,like Spelt* 2 Cfte fmall common Barlep in berp well like tfte otft er,faiting tftat ftis (pike or eare ftatft but two rewes or orders of Comes* 3 Beddes tftefe two fottes of Barlep, tftere topetanotfterkfabetftewfticfte batft tfte Barlep in drawe anb eare, but tfte grapne in not fo ciofed bp in tfte ftufke as tfte otfter Barlep,but in naked bare, and cleane, and commetft foortft eafilp from bin eare like wfteate anb ^ipz. 4 p et tft ere in anotfter kinde, wbicfte fome bo call Boucft e Epf?, tfte fame fa ftiSdraw,iopnteS,anb inftiSiong bearoeb eares botb mucft refemble Barlep* Jt ftatft alfo bin grapnes oz comes inclofeb in cftaffie ftufkes, Ipke to Barlep, but it is Wftiter tften Barlep* fyThe Place. ul, Barlep incommoninallConntries,anb itiouetft goob grottndeandfertile ' fople* 3 Cftenaked oz ftnlled Barlep growetft in fomeplaces of f rattnce, as about parts* 4 Cftat wfticft in called BoucftJEpfriS fowen fa fome places of Almaigne,as intt&efteriCft* fyThe Tyme. agendo fowetftegreat Barlep toSeptember,and tftepmoweor cut itin Jnlp,and fomerime to June* Cfte leffer or common Barlep in fowen in tfte tftrtog time,and in ripe to Au- guft* fyThe Names. Barlep in called in ©reeke *e*M: in jutine Hordeum. inf rencfte orge: fa Boucfte©erd* » Cfte great Barlep iScalled in©reke nowix*-- toTtattoe Hordeum Canthe- rinum: inftigft Boucfte ©rof? ©erd: in bafe Almaigne ©roote ©erde* J take tftisforBeare Barlep, - 2 Cfte leffer Barlep iScalled <^w>and Galatinum'Hordeum: inftigft Boucft f uder ©erdrin bafe Almaigne tuoeder © erde* 3 Cftetftirdkinde (aswitneffetftEuelfaS)iScalled Hordeum mundum,and map be welcalledfa©reeke>viuvoK^fiop,Gymnocrithon, tftat is to fop in)lattne Hordeum nudum,aS©aimfettetft foortft faftiSbOOkeDealiment.faculta. 4 Hfttome Bock nametft tfte fottrtft kinde Centfcft Epff,tftat in to fap in Ra- tine Oriza g ermanica Jt (ftould feeme to tfte epe,to be akinde of Far, efpeciallp tbat Far ciufinum,wfticftrefembletft mncfte Santalum Plinij. Jtlftonldefeeme alfo to be oxue«.oiyra,ofBiofcorideS,wfticft eis called fa ftatine not Sibgo^but Arinca.-fa ©nglilfteEife* fyThe Nature. Barlep is colde and drie in tftefirft degree* fy The Vertues. Barlep mealebopled witft figges to ftonied waterdiffotoetft ftoate and cold % tumourS,and it dotft foften and rppe all ftard fwellfages wttft pitcfte, Eofen, and pigeons dongue* Cftefame mingled witft Carre,flDple,n$axe, ft tftetHlrineof apottngcftitdeB botft digeft,foften,andripetfteftarderwellingesoftfteiEtecke,called in Ratine Struma?* tittq iijt Cfte 4°i The fourth Booke of ftpe,anD totta ZUnefeebe, jf enugrecfc, anb iRue,itts sooo to be lapb tommth* bellpagamfttftepapnes anDtannbineireoftfteguttes: P P b* « ^aMfPSwenatt^^ittels.ojuJinejOiUJtlDetatteoearegottiJtfliiRMm t* , Clw mabe aplapfter untft Barlep meale againft tftefcutffe anSie. « tbewptrte^tftapetbtbebumoar0fromfalltmjtntotbein. <^fmfll/o? billet. marueilous drangeplante, notfting refemblfag fH: ^®fmpotfterkindeofgrapne:foritbringetft fooztft ftis feede cleane im& ^Scontrarie from tfte place wftere astfte flowers growe, wfticft is (hkB ^?agapnft tfte nature and kindes of all otfter plantes, wfticfte bring ^^^^Ifoortft tfteir fruite tftere, wftere as tftep ftaue botnzfytit flower* Cftis cozne bearetft a ftigft fteime or demme,ft berp long,rounde, tfticke,firme,and belowe towardes tfte roote of a bzownilfte colour, witft fun- drie knottes and iopnteS,from tfte wfticfte dependetft long, and large leanes, like tfte leanes of fpiere or polereede: at tfteftigfted of tfte dalkes, growe idle anb barren eares, wfticftebring fooztft notfting but tfte flowers oz bloffomeS, • wfticft are fometimes browhe,fometimeS redde,fometimes pello w,and fome- times wftite,agreabie witft tfte colour of tft e fruit wfticft commetft foortft after* &q itij warde* 464 The fourth Booke of warde ♦ Cfte fruitefull eares do growe Fmmentum Turdcum. bppon tfte fides of tfte demmes amongft Ctirkilft or Jnbian wfteate* tfte leanes, tfte wfticft eares be greatand tfticke and couered witft manp leattes,fo tftat one cannot fee tfte fopde eares, bpon tfte bppermoft part of £ inpbz eares tftere grow manp long ftearie tftzeddes, wfticft ifftte foouft attfte endes or pointeS of tfte leauescbuering tfte eare, and do Iftewe tftemfelties,aboiittbetimetftattftefruit or eare waxetft ripe* Cfte grapneozfeebe Wbicft growetft in tfte eares,iSabottt tfte quantitie or bigneffeof a peafe of colour fatfteoutddefometimesbrowne, fome* time reb,anb fomerime wftite, and in tfte infideftiSin colour wftite, and fa tafte fweet,gro wing otderip about tfte eares, fa niznz or tenne ranges or rewes* fyThe Place. CftiS grapne growetft fa Curkie Wfter as it in bfeb fatfte time of deartft* fyTheTymes. Jt ig fowen in Aprill, anb ripe fa Au- guft* fy the Names. Cftep do itowe cad tftis grapne Fru- mentum Turcicum, and Frumetum Afia- ticumjfaf tZMfytBledeTurquie, orBleSar- razin: fa ft i^bBoticbe Curkic&brn: in bafe Almaigne Cozekfeftcozen: fa©n- glilfteCttrkifftCorne,or Jnbian wbeate* fy The Nature and Vertues, Cbere in as pet no certaine experience of tbenatural bertues of tftiS cozne* % Cfte ftzeab tftat is made tbereof isbrie and ftarde, ftatifag berp fmall fat-35 neffe ozmopdnre,wftereforemenmap eaftlp fadge, tftat it nourifl)etft but litie, and in euill of digedion,notftingcomparableto tfte bzeabmadeofwbeate,as fomeftatte faldp affirmed* €>f Wit pamtft/ pfcalaris gnfc/QtaOe tojnc €^ap*]ct* fy The Defcription* HalariS ftatft a rounde drawe or ftelme, witft tftzee oz foure iopnteS, tfte leaueS be narrowe anb graffie,ipke tbe blabes of Spelt oz wfteatebttt fmaller anb fftozter,bpp on tfte tnpbz drawe growetft a (ftott tfticke eare, anb cluttered oz gatftered togitfter* itbzingetftfoortft afeebeipkebntoapttl, and in falftiou Ipketo Brine feede* {[ The Place. Cftis feede growetft in Spapne,and in tfte Jles of Canarie* And in onelp fo Wen in tftiS Countrie oftfte HerborideS* fyTheTymes. Jt ig ripe fa tftis Countrie in Juip anb Auguft* ILT he Phalaris. 46*J the Hiftorie of Plantes* }$> The Names. CftiS feede is called in ©reeke 4>«x«ei?: ft likewife fakatfae Pha- laris.of fome BoucftmeSpaenfcft foet, anb Saet ban Canarien, tftat is to fap, Spanilft e or ©ana= rie feede, fome Apotftecaries do fell it for fillet* Cttrnercalletft itpetiepanicke* feThe Nature. Jneompiexion, itismttcft like to#illet* iff The Vertues. A Cfteittpceof Phaiarisdrdnken witft water, ig good agapnft tfte pa?ne orgreefe of tfteblabber* Anb a fpoenfitll of tbe feebe mabeintopowder ig good to be takenfoz tfte fame purpofe* ®f pamcto* Ci)ap*jt:t}* iff The Defcription. ►Anicke commetft bp lpkea@illet,butfti& leaues aretftarpef ft roitgfter* Jt ftatft a rounde ftemme or draw fill of knottie iopnteS, for tfte moftpart fixe, or fettenknottes bppon one ftemme, anb af euerp knot a large narrow leafe*Cfte eares be rotinb ,and ftangfagfomwftat bo wnewatbe&tn tfte Wfticft growetft fmaifeebe,notmitcftebnliketftefeedeofap diet,of colour fometimes pellowe, and fometimes Wftite* 2' Cftere ig alfo founde anotfter plant like bnto panicke,tfte wfticft fome ft old foz a kind of panicke,tfte Jtaltans do cal it Sorghi. cftis ftrange grapne ftatft foitre oz fiue ftigft ftemmes, wfticft are tfticke,knottie,and fomwftat bzo wniift, befet witft long Iftarpe leaues, not mncfte bnlike tfte leanes of Spier or pqole reede, at tfte bppermoft part oftfte dalkes, tfter grow tfticke bzo wnereb eares, greater ft tfticker tften tfte eares of pantck, tfte wfticft at tftefirft do bring fortft apedow fiower,ft afterward a round reddilft fede,of tftequantitie of aientil,ft fomwftatlftarpeorpointed* fyThe place. t panick ig not mucft kno wen in tftis €ounttizyit growetft infome places of Jtalie and f rance,and it ionetft grauel and fandp ground,it defpzetft nor mucft raine or mopduretfor wftm it rapnetft mncfte, it maketft tfte leanes to loll and ftangdo wnewardeias Cfteopftzadds writetft* 2 Cfte Jndian panick ig alfo a ftrange fede,ft ig notfotind int\)ig Countrie, but fatfte gardens of HerboziOeS*, fyTheTymes. i $®znbo few panick in tft efpzing oftfte pere, and it ig cut do wne agafae(fa ftoate C otintrieS)fottttie dapes after*Cfte©afcons do fowe it after tftep ftatie fowe tfteir otfter corne,petfor al tftat,ft is ripebefore winter,as Ettelfasfoitft* Jn tftis C onntrie wften it ig fowen fa ApriMt ig ripe in Juip, Alfo 466 The fourth Booke of Panicum. Sorghi. Melica. panik* Jndian panick* . u 2 AlfotfteJndfanpanfckeiSfofaenfatfteiftrtogtiine,andripeattftemdeof fommer* fyThe Names. % panick in called in ©reeke *W©-. of Cfteopftzade alfo m*x?v©-: in ftatfoe Panicum :and no we adapeS in Jtalian cMeiica .in ftigft Boucfte f encft,f enicft, and fcepdelpfenieft: inbafe Almaigne panickoren* i Cfte Jndian panick in nowe called of fome Jtaiians uiteiegua, o% tMeUg^ Of fome OtfterS,%^yand^r^ in Jlattoe Melica Sorghi, Milium Saburrum, and offome Panicumpcregrinum:of tfte AlmaigneS Sozgfamm: of tfteBr* bandersSorgfoet* Jtisberpipketftattftisis Milium indicum, wfticfte as piinie writetft, was firft kno wen in tfte time of tfte ©mperotir $ero* QThe Nature. panick is colde and dzie of complexion* fyThe Vertues. Cftefeede of panick dronke witft wine,euretft tftedangerottsand blooddp A 8txe,anb taken twifeabap bopleb to ©oates milke, ftdoppetft tftelafke and tfte gnawtoges oz grip ins of tfte bellp* Cftep make breab ofpanick, as of #idet, but ftnonri(ftetft,andbtobefljfi leffetftentftebzeab of fillet* •> Cfte Jnbian panick in like tfte otft er panick fa operation anb bertne* © the Hiftorie of P lantes. 46? 4>f ®tm €ltap..r ttj. fy The Defcription. CeS(asBiofcoridesfoitft)in graffie leaueS, and knottiedraw dz [motes,arefomwftat like to wfteate:at p bpperpart oftfte drawes 'growe tfte eares, diuided into manp fmall fprtoges or demmes, difplaped and fpread abzoabe farre one from anotfter, bppon tfte 'wfticft demmes or fmallbzancbes tfte grapncftangetft Iftarpepoin- ted alwapes togitfter,well couered witb bin ftufke. 2 Cftere in an otfter Wbz of 4Dtes,wbicbe in not Auena. fo inclofeb faftis ftufkes as ^otfter is, btitis bare> and witftoutbufke wban it is tftreflfted* , Alfo tbere in a barren £>te, of fome calleb tfte pttrre S>teS,of otfters wilbe 4DteS* fyThe Place. Qtzn areberp commonintbiS ©ottntrie/and are fowen in al places in tbe feelbes* Cbepilbe0tes are fowen in tfte garbens of 2 H erbOUdeS* Turner fait b they growe in Suffex. CbepnrwottcSorwilbe€>teS, commetft bp 3 in manp places amongft wfteate and witftout fow- ing* fyTheTymes. flDtes are fowen in tfte tpring time, and are ripe to Auguft* J>§» The Names. t £>tes are called in ©reeke js^©-:fa ftatine Auena.-faftigftBoucfteHabern: inbafe Almaigne Hauerrinf rencbe ^Auoyne. 2 Cfte feconbe kinde map be called in ©nglilfte, pilcorne,or pplde €)tzn> 2 Curner calletft tftetftirdekindebptfte©reeke name foy/W-'and iniatfae Auena fterilis: wfticfte pon map fee defcribeb fatfte tbj * Cftapter of tftis fourtft booke* fyThe Nature. mzn bo drie mucft,anb are of complexion font* Wftat coide,as ©alien foitft* fyThe Vertues. flDtesaregoodto beputinpiapftersandCataplafmes wberein Barlep in% bfed,men map alfo bfe tfte meale of £>teS fa fteede of Barlep meale, fozaf* mncfte as €)teS(as©alenfeitft);do dzie and digeft witftout anp biting actt- monie* 4Dten meale tempered witft bfaeger, driuetft awap tfte kcntiles and fpotS B oftfteface* Cfte fome takm in meate ftoppetft tftebellp* © m, ©tenbreabnourilftetftbutlftle,andiSnotberpdgreableormeete forman-B kmde* ~2S=—£-7*f*?>" &f 468 The fourth Booke of #f£ocbtt)f)eate* €i)ap.jriu>. fy The Defcription. Fegopyron.Tragopyron. 1® ckWfteate ftatft ronnd ftalkes cftauellurcd and fluted ( orfo- rowed and crcfted)of a tcdduft e colour,abottttftefteigfttoftwo footeormore: Cfte leaues are bzoade and iftarpe attfte endes, not mucfte bnlpke tfte leaueS of Juie or com- mon UDptftiwinde* Jtputtetft foortft Iftorte ftemmes, afwell on tfte fides as on tfte top of tfte dalkeS,bpon tfte fold (ftort demmes tftere growe manp wftite flowers in tuftes oz clu- fters,after tftefaid flowers commetft tftefede, wfticft in triangled and grap,enclofed in a litie f elme oz fkinne,lpke tfte feede of blacke binde- weede,defcribed in tfte tftird part oftfte ftifto- rie of plantes* fy The Places. Cftep fow it in leane and drie gr0nnd>and iSberp common in tfte landeS of Brabant cal- led &einpene* fy The Tyme. Jtisfowenintbefprtogtpme, fttofomer after tftecttttiugdowneof Cozne, and ig ripe niene ortm weekes after* fy The Names. CftiS kind of grapne and plant is called in f rencfte Drageeauxcheueaux in ftigft BOUCfte Hepdenkornerin bafe Almaigne Bockwepbt, after Wfticfte nameft map be en- glbfted Bocftwfteat,Cfte Atitftour of tftis worke calletft it Tragopyr6,certaine otfters do callitto©reekexfotei, it in good to be lapd € to,to fwage tfte papne oftfte gowte Sciatiqwe* Cfteplap it to tfte foreftead witft birdes greafe, to remoue nnd cure tfte ftead* f acfte* Jt in alfo fottndebp experience, tbat Jttrap put into Ale oz Bier caufetft © dronkenneffe and troubletft tfte b^pnz, Er fl)f 470 The fourth Booke of $f pout £t(0FeftucafittOMelampyrum. 4l)ap teS# fyThe Defcription. >£DurflDteSorwiide£)teS,arefaleattesandknottieftraweSitke a bnto common4DteS,tftceareSbe alfo fpread abtoade, liketo tfte common 4DteS*Cfte graine in blackilfte ft rotigft fteared, inclofeb inftearieftttfkeS,ecfteoneftatiingaiongbeardedrbarbe*CftiSiS afturtfttllplant as well to tfte ^pz as otfter corne* Feftuca,oraStfteBottcftmettcallitBrauick, isalfo afttirtfnU ulantftautngftiS leaues and ftrawenot mucft bnlpke Epe, attfte top wftereof arowefpzeading eares, wfterein in contepned afmadfeede of grapilftecolour, utelofedinlitiefkinnesorfmallftttfkeS,mticfteleffeand fmaller tften anpotftee kinde of cozne or grapne* % % _ Afc_ _ _ , ^ M i ^emapwelplacewitfttftefe,tftatfterbeorplantWfticftoftfteBrabandetS iS called peertfbloemen, tftatistofop, Horfeflower, wftofe defcription pon map fee in tftefecond booke Cftapter tiiiu placeH wttft tftofe wild flo wers,tftat groweamongdcozneriozftis feedeis ipketo wfteat,and aftitrtfulornopfome weedeto corne,efpeciallp to wfteate, as©alenfaitft* QT he Place. ^otifftalffademticftoftftisgeare amongft Epe,and oftentimes amongft Wfteate and Barlep* fyThe Names. Cftefirft in called in ©reeke &*****■• in katuie Aegilops, and acco.zdmgto piinie the Hiftorie of Plantes. 471 piinieFcftuca.-fa©ngiilftr©ilde£)teS,orpour MelampyiuBlackeWfteat* 3Dtes* ©owwfteatorH°*floUjer* 2 CftefecondeiS called fa ftigft Boucfte Boft: in j&eatftet Boucftlande Braitick: it map be alfo berp well called in Marine Feftuca, or Feftucaal- tera .-fa ©nglilfte nailde €)tes,or Braitick* fy The Nature. pour €>tes are ftoate,as ©alen tedifietft* fy The Vertues. A Cfte greme leaues Iapdeto,witft tfte meale oftft tfte feede of pour €>teS( if it be Aegilops) iS good to ftealeftolloweblcers called f idttias, riperiallp tftofe wfticfte are fatfte corners oftfte ©pes,called Acgiiopes. # Cfte fame fodden witft Ale oz Bier, caufetft faeftead to bedul and fteattp,after adronken fort oz manner, liketo Jttrape, and tfte feede of tfte fame grapne wfticft tfteBrabanbers call peertf* bloemen* $f6ft0l)t 016jantcojne. €t)ap*ybu* fy The Defcription. Stilagoisacertapnedifeafe, or in> firmitie, tbat ftappenetft bnto fucfte fruits as ebare eares, but efpeciallp bnto £>teS* CbiS kinde of plante, before it Iftwtetftottt fa earetsberp Ipke bnto £>tes, but wften it begin* netft to put foouft bin eare, indeede of a good eare,tft ere commetft bp a blacke burnt eare,f til of blacke dud o.z powder* fy The Places. Jt growetft moftcommonlp (asiSbeforefaid) amongft £>tes,and fometimes amongft wfteate* ♦5* The Tyme. Jtin founde moft commonlp in Aprill, wften as tfteSonne (ftinetft berp ftoate, ft after a rapne folowfag* iff The Names. CftiS barren anb bnfruitefull fterbe is nowe called Vftiiago, tbat ig to fop, Burned, oz Biigft* tedrin frencft Bruiurer inftigft and bafe Almaigne Brant* fy The Nature^and faculties. Vftiiago batft no goob propertie in pftificke, anb feruetft to no manner of good purpofe, but isratfter afturtor maladpe to all Cozne* Vftiiago. Er ft €)f 471 T The fourth Booke of ®fOcancs. €ljap*tfmj* fyThe Kyndes. Herebe two fortes of beanes*Cbe one foft is commonlpfoWen,tfte otfter is wiid*Cftec6ntonozmanttrcdbeane,tS diuided agaiueinto two foztes, tftat tS: great, and final* Phafelus fatiuus. Phafelus fylueftris. So wen Beanes* milbz Beanes* ,|^^ fy The Defcription. HC greatfowenBeane ftatft a fquare dalke,bpzigftt, and ftollowe* Cfte leaues growebpon ftort demmes danding bpon botft fides of tfte dalkes one againd anotfter, and are long ft tfticke* Cfte flowers grow bpon tfte fidesof tftedalke,and are wftitewitft agreatblacke fpot in tftem and fomtimeS a browne*After wfticft flowers tftere come bp long coddeS,geeat and round,foft witftin, ft frifed,or cottonlike* Jn tftefopd coddeS tfte beanes are inclofeb, of colour mod commonlp wbite, fometimes rebbe of browne,infafl)ionflat,almodlpketotbenapleofamansfingeroztoe* 2 cbelefferbeanetbatisbfedtobefowen,iSliketotbeafozefapb,indalkeS, leawes,flo wers,anb woodp cobdeS,faning tftat in all pointes it ig leffer* Cfte fruite alfo in notfting fo flat, but rounber anb fmaller* Cbe wildebeanebatb alfo afquareftolow dalke, as tftegarbenanb fowen 3 beanes bane*Cbe leaues be alfo like to tfte commonbeane leaues,btit tbe litie ftemmes,wftereon tfteleaues do growe, ftaueattfteberp ende tenbtellesand cla(pers,astftepeafe leaues ftaue*Cfteflowers beptirple*Cfte cobbes areflat, and the Hiftorie of Plantes. 4?1 and woodp Witbfa,asit werelaib witb afoft BoWneor ©otton,bttt notfting fo mucft as tftecoddes oftfte commonfowen beanes * CftefruitetS all rounde and berp blacke and no bigger tften a good peafcof a drong bnpleafant fauor, and wften it in cftewed itftlletft tfte montft fnllof dfakfag matter* * fyThe Place. Cfte domedicall, oz ftttfbandlpbeanes ,do groweinfeeldesand gardens wftere as tftep be fowen oz planted * Cfte wilde in to be founde amongd tfte Herbozides: and growetft of ftis owne kinde in kanguedoc* fyTheTymes. Cftep are planted and fowen in ^owember,Jantiarp,f ebtuarp and April, and are ripe in June and Jttlp* fy The Names. Beanes are called in ©reeke #«°*Xo«.of Biofcorides alfo Phafiolian&attnc Fafeiirnoweadapes tftep be called in SftoppeS, and commonlp Fab*: inftit 3 and bafe Almaigne Boncn* 1 CftegreatkfadC iScalled in KtatfaC Phafelus maior,Ol Fafelus fatiuus maior: uiBowcfte,©rooteBoonen:in ©ngiilft, ©reatBeanes,and garden Beanes* * Cfteotftermapbewellcalleb Faieiiminores, tftatis to fap, Cfte fmaller aSeane,inBzabantZeeitfcbeBoonkcnS,anbpcetbe Boonkens* Cftattfte • commonBeane isnot tbatkind of pwlfecalled of tbe Awncientes Cyamos.and Fabaftatft bCU toffiriCtttip bCClareb, In Hiftoria noftra. 3 Cftewilbekindemapwellbecadedin Marine Fafelus fylueftris,and Fafelus nigertftat is to fap,CbewildeBeane,andtfteblackeBeane:inBottcft,ndilde Boonm,and S werte Boonen,or a£oorkenS,as fome do cal tftem*CftiS map wedbetftatpttlfe wfticfteis calleb Cyamos,and Faba. fyThe Nature. ©remebeanes before tbep be rppe,are colbe, anb mopd: btitwften tftep be bzietftepftauepowertobinbeanbredrapne* fy The Vertues. Cfte greme and bnrtpe Beanes eaten, do loofe ft opentftebedp betp gentlp, <$ but tftep be windp,ft engender bentofitieS(as Biofcorides foitft*) Cfte wfticft ig wed knowen oftfte commonfoztes of people, and tfterefoze tftep die to eate tfteir beanes witft ©ommfoe* Brie Beanes do dop ft binde tfte bellp, efpeciallp wften tftep be eaten witft-: out tfteir ftufkesorfktones:aud tftep nonrilfte but litie, as ©alenfaftft* Beane meale lapde to outwardlp to manner of a ©ataplafmeozplapftcr, ^ diffoluetft tumours and fwellinges * And in berp good foz tfte blcers and in- flammation of womens pappes, and againd tftemiiftappesand bladings oftfte genitorS* Cfte wilde Beane feruetft to no bfe,neftft er for meate nor medicine ? tftat J b knowe* €>fWmtp Jfcane/o; gattan £>mt!ar* €l)ap*jrt>:* fy The Defcription. Arden Smilax ftatft long and fmallbrancftes,growing berp ftigft,gri- ping, and taking ftoldfaft wftm tft ep be fttccoured wttft rifes oz long poles,about tfte wfticfte,tftep wrappe and winde tftem felttes, as tfte Hoppe, otfterwife tftep Ipe flat and creepe on tfte ground, ft beare no fruiteat all * Cfte leauesbebroade almodlike Juie, growing tbzee and tbzee togitfter as tfte Crefod ortftreeleaueb graffe*Cfte flowers be fomtimeS wbite and fometimes red, after tfte flowerstfterecomeintfteirplacesiongcoddes, . Eriij wfticft 474 The fourth Booke ot wfticft be fomtimeS ctookeb,anb in tftem ipe tfte fedes oz fruit, dualler tften tfte common beane,and flat falftioned ipke to akidnep of colour fomtimeS red, fom- times,pellow,fomtimes wftite,fomtimes blackc,ft fometimes grap,* ipeckled witft ftindzie colourS*Cftis fruit is good Phafeolus. and pleafant to eate,fa fo mucft tftat men gatfter and bople tfte before tftep be ripe, and do eate tftem coddes and all* fyThe Place. k^.<£^\ JntftiS Countriemen plant tftis kind vO^ of Beanes fa gardens, ft tftep lone good grounde and places tftat dande well in tfte Sonne* fy The Tyme. Cftep are planted in Aprill after tftat tfte colde and fro des be pad: for at tfteir fird comming bp, tftep can bp no meant? at all indttre colde* Cftep are ripe itiAu« gud and September* ifL The Names. CftiSkinde of BeaneSare called in ©reeke ^a^HoX^-^oXixo?, >t£« f Peafe ojpearom Cljap*]^ fyThe Kyndes. THere be tftree hinbzg of peafon,rfte great,rfte meane,ft tbefmal,tbe Wfticft are ipke one anotfter, in ftalkes, leattes, flowers anb cobbes, but not fo frnite,as pe map perceatte ftereafter* fy The Defcription. [HC great brancfted peafon,arenotmucfte knowen fa tftis Coun- trep*Cftep growe wften tftep be ftapeb bp,bp rifes, (lakes, ozotfter Lftelpes to tfte Imgtft of a man,or ftigfter ♦ Cfte ftalkesbe rounbe and 1ftolowe,and fomewftat cornered,asbig as a finger, bpon tfte wfticft at . the Hiftorie ofPlantes. 47jf at euerp knot tftere growe two leattes, berp well ciofed anb iopneb togitber, as if it were but one leafe: amongd tfte leaues growe fmal demmes,tfte wfticft ftauefottre or fiue groffeoz fatte leaues fet directip oppoffte, one againdano- tfter,ftailing at tfte ende fonre or fine griping oz ramping clafpers,wfterebp tfte peafe botft takeftolde,and is (taped dp, and fattened to fucft tftinges as it (tan- betft bp* Abtopnfag barbe to tbe demmes of tfte leaues afozefopd,tftere growe otfter naked and bare dcmmes,bpo tbe wfticft grow pleafont flowers of blew oz purple colour* After tfte fopde flowers tftere dome bp long coddes; rounde, p!apne,and lftfaing,ftangfagdownewardes, fa wfticft tftepeafon arecoucfted and lapde,tfte wfticftebepngpet but greene^areronnbe and wftitilije,btit wften tftep be brie,tftep are grap anb cornereb* Pifum Ochros.Eruilia. ©reatpeafomBrancftepeafon* Nibble peafon* 2 Cftefeconbeforte wfticfteare tfte common peafe, ismttcftelike to tfteafoze- fapbe, but tftat big leattes anb bzancbie dalkes, are fmaller, neptfter bo tftep growe fo ftigft, altftougft tftep be ftapeb bp anb fuccottreb witft bowes or bzan- cftes* C fte flowers are moft commonlp wftite, tfte fruite ig rounbe and wftite, and remapnetft rounde wftan it in dzie* 3 Cftetftirde,wfticftefotfteleaftkinde,iSlpkebntotftefeconde,faufagtftatit tS mucft fmaller in leaues,dalkes,coddes and fruite* Jt in fuffered for tfte moft part to Ipebppon tftegrottndeintftefeeldeS,witftowt anp ftap oz ftelpe of bzan- cftes orbowes* Cftefmite tftereof in Ipkewiferonnbe, of colour fometimes wftite,fometimes greene,anb fometimes gtap oz blackilb* tte lift Befibes 476 The fourth Booke or Eruilia fylueftris. UDdde peafOU* 4 BefideS tfte aforefapde kindes, tftere is pet a certapne kind of peafe Ipke bnto tfte wdde ozlead kinde* Jt ftatft flat dalkes, tfte leaues are long wftftclatjping tendreis at tfte endes, wftole beneatb next to tbe demme, butattfte toppe of tfte bzancftes, tftej leaues are clouen anb diuided into, two or tftzee fmall narrowe leaues, almoftlpketfte leaues of Cicercula, (wfticfte Cumer calletft Cicfteling*) Cfte flowers are wftite, after tfte Wfticft flowers tftere come bp ronnd coddes ozbiifkes , letter tfteupeafe- coddes ,'witftut tftem growetft tfte fruite, wfticft is rounde ipke bnto peafe,foutog it is leffer, and in tade bitter,wftile it ispet greene, ft berp ftarde wftenftiSdrie* fyThe Place. 1 Cfte great and brancfted peafou areiplantedingardms:buttftemible and leaft kind are fowen and planted to fruitful feeldes,and are berp com- monfatftiSCountrie* 2 CfteHerborifteS do few tfte Wild kfade in tfteir gardens* fyTheTymes. a£enplant tftem in aparcfteand Aprill,and tftep berppe in Atigud* fy The Names. t Cbebrancftepeafon are calleb in ©reke vnVoHrfamatine Pifum: faBrabant ©roote ©rweten,Eoomfcfte©rwcten, andof fome Stock ©rweten* CftiS kinde in tfte rigftt p ifum, defcribeb of piinie and tbe AuncienteS: fa ©nglilfte ©reatpeafon,©ardenpeafon, andBrancftepeafon, bpcaufe,as Jtfttok^ tftepmudbeftolpmorftapebbp witft brancfteS* , ' ±, Cftetwo otfterktodesarecaded in ©reke <-xe«-tnmarine of plmte Eruilia?: tof reneft ^inftigft Boucft ©rwep(fen:tobafeAlmaigne©rweten: in Jt* MsnRoukiionc.zt wznit Pifareii:in€n$i$z, ©ontmonpeafon* Cftefourtft isberp welliketobeakindeof wildepeafe, and efpeciallp tftat ktode Wftereof Her molaus BarbarusWritetftjCalltogft Eruilia fylueftris , tftat ig, to fopde wdde peafon* fy The Nature,and Vertues. Brancftepeafonbetog eatendo nourilft meanelp,engender Windtoelfe,btit A notfb nittcfteas tfteptdfe wfticfte tfte Anncimtes call Faba. Cfte otfter ronnde and commonpeafe arebeter,and do nourilft better tften 3 tfte great or brancfted peafon,and tftep do lofe and open tfte bellp gentlp* ^fdje€tcl)elmflo?nat^afon* ap*jcj;t>* fyThe Kyndes. THere be tftree kinbes of Cicftepeafon( as Biofcozides Writetft ) tftedo- medicaiortamekinde,tftefquareorcoznered kinde, tfte wfticft Comedo cal Arietinum, and tfte wilde Cicfte, and tftere be two fortes of tbat kinde Wfticfte in called Arietinum,wftite,and blacke* Cicer fatiuum.Came CfcfteS* Cicer Arietinum. SfteepesCicftes* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 470 fy-The Defcription. gjH^^ni^Cicftepeafonisafmalkinde of pttlfe,aImodliketo aientii, itftatft foure or fiue bzancftes,and tfterebpon fmall, narrowe,diuidid leaues 5not mucfte bnlpke tfte leaues of lentilles* Cfte flowers grow' bpon (ftortdemmes, fmall and fomewftat wftitilfte, after tfte wfticfte faere come bp fmall rounbeftitfkes or cobbes , wfterein ig commonlp founbe tftzee or fottre rounb peafon,bawing a certapne bttncft,ftillock, or outgrowing bp one fibe, not nutefte bnlike Sbeepes Cicfte peafon, bnt a great deale fmal- ler,and not fo barde,and of a better tade* 2 SfteepeS Cicftes ftanedenber ftalkes,anb barbe witft manp brancftes,and rounde leaues fogged about tfte brimmes, like tft e lentiloz fecfte: growing di- rectlp oz oppofite one againd tfte otfter, tfte flowers be eitfter wftite oz purple, andbzingfooztftlftorieroundeCoddesoz ftufkes, bollenorfwellingbplike fmallbladders, wfterein growetwo oztftzee peafon coznered, and fafftioned aimoftlpkeall)eepesftead,facoiottrfometpmeswftite,and fometimes blacke* . Cfte wild Cicftepeafe,fa leanes are Ipke to tfte tame,btit tbzp are of aranke and droitgfaiioiir,and tfte fruite of anotfter falftiou (as Biofcozides foitft )bn- lilte tfte tame Cicftes* fy The Place. Cftefe Cicftepeafon,arefottndeplanted intftegardens of HerbozifteS* fy TheTymes. All t^e Cicftes are ripein Auguft,like to tfte otfter foues of pttlfe* fyThe Names. Cicfte peafon are called fa ©reeke tetavfl©-: famatfae Cicer: faf rencfte CicesyOX Pois Cice. 1 Cftefird kind iScalled Cicer fatiuum,Columbinum Venereu.and fa©reke cfoGwop, Orobia?on, tftat iStO fop famatfae Cicer eruillum : bttkUOWmfa SftoppeS * CftiS is not Eruum, as manp at tftis time do tftfake, andfoztftat purpofe tftep put it into tfteir triacles and otfter fucfte medicines* 2 Cftefecondekindeiscalled fa©reeke k^M^^i^:famatfae Cicer An'e- tinum,tftatistofop,SfteepesCicftepeafe:inSftoppes Cicer:fa ©nglilfte SfteepeS Cicftpeafon,inf reneft pm aches .• inftigft Boucft Zpfernerwepffen: inbafe Almaigne Ciceren* 3 CftetftirdekindeiScalled Cicerfylueftre,tftatistofop,l©iideCicfteS* fy The Nature. Cfte Cicfte peafe ig bom and drie in tfte firft degree* fyThe Vertues. * Cfte domefttcal or tame CicfteS,pzouoke bzinz, and canfe milke to encreafe ^r in womens b^ taketft awap tfte ettpll colotir,and caufetft good colour to entoe* Cfte fame bopled witft Orobus( called in ©nglilfte tfte bitter ficfte) dotfte affwage and fteale tfte bladfages or fWedingesof tftepearde oz pzittie mem- bers, if it be lapde tftereon:aifo men bfe witft great profite, to applie it to run- ning fores,and blcers of tfteftead,and tftefcprffe* Cfte fome mingled w itft Barlep meale and ftonie, ig go od againd cozrupt c and fedred fores,and Canckers,being lapde tfterebppon* 2 SfteepeSCicftesdo pronokebztne, and bndoppe tfte a|?eit,tfte miner,^ and tfte kidnepes: and tfte decoction tftereof dztinken, breaketft tftedone,and grauell* Co conclnde, tfte Cicfte peafon do waft,cienfe,and maketftinne,allcold and © groffe ftnmoinland are good agapnft all fpreading tbizg, and tfte foflamma* ttonS 480 The fourth Booke of tionS and fWellingeSbeftinde tfte eares* Cftep do likewife nourilft fitfficientlp,but tftep engender mncfte windineffe* f feThe Danger. 1 cfte bfe of Cicftes ig not berp good for tftem wfticfte ftatie anp blceration, in tfte kidnepes or bladder,for tftep be to ntitcft fconring, and do canfe tfte brine to be Iftarpe* 6fltipfi»fc &\)W.%m. fy The Kindes. THete be two foztesofmttpfaes,tftewftiteor garden mttpfae,andtftewild mupine* Cfte wild kind agapne ig of tondriefortes for fomtimeS pon Iftad fee fome df tftem witft a pello we fiower,fometpmes witft a blewe flower, and fometimes witft a reddilfte flower* Lupinus Satiuus. Lupinusfylueftris.mtipfoeS* M fy The Defcription. HC tameorgardmmuptoeftatft round ftardeftemmes,ftandingbp- rigftt of ftim felfe,witftout anp fuccotir dap oz ft elpe,eptfter of bo wes, orbranclieS:and afterit ftatft brougftt fooztft mn firft flowers, tften it partetft it felfe aboue,toto tftree brancftes,wfticft wften tftep ftaue alfo bzpugbtfoortb tbeir flowers, euerp of tfte fopbe bzancftes dotft part and di< fade tftem felues agapne into tftree brancbe&contiroitog fo in flowers ft parted brancftes bntiil tft ep be ftindered bp froftes* Cfte leaues are cut and flit downe into fiue,fixe,ozfetimparteS*Cfte flowers do grow manp togitfter at tbe end oz parting oftfte ftalkeS, after wfticfte flowers tftere come to tfteir places long coddes,fomwftat rougft witftont*Cfte fruit in wftite and flat like a cake, fa tafte berp bitter* ^ the Hiftorie of P krttes. 4 81 2 Cfte wilde m tiptoe ftatft pellow flowers, and in berp like to tfte aforefapd, fouing tftat ftts leaues and dalkes are mucft leffe,ft bin flowers are not wftite, but pello w,and tfte feede or fruite in not wftite,but fpotted* • Cfte wilde mtiptocs,witft tfte blewe and red flowers,arepet leffertften tfte pellow,tfte fruite in alfo marked or fpotted,and it in tfte lead of tftemupines* *J* 1 he Place. ■ Cfte Herborides do plante muptoes in tfteir gardens * Cfte wilde witft tfte blewe, do growe amongft tfte corne about aponpellier* fy TheTymes. Jn wanne Countries and ftoate feafons, tft e mwptoe flo wretft tftree times a pere* Cfte fird flower commetft foortft about tfte end of a^ap, afterward tfte tftzee fird coilaterall brancfteS do fpring ont,tfte wfticfte tftree brancfteS do like- wife flower abottt tfte beginning of Juip* Cft e fapd coilaterall bo wes or btan- rftes,do agapnebring foortft tftree otfter brancftes,ft tftep do flower in Augttfl, wftereas tftep be wellplaced in tfteSonne* Cftefmite oftfte fird and feconde blowingdotft come to perfect rip enes fa tftiscountrie, but tfte tftirde blowing dotft ftardlpcome to ripmeffe, except it cftattnce in a berp ftoatefommer* fyThe Names. CftiS kinde of ptilfe in called in ©reeke 0 w©~-fa % atine and in SftoppeS, Lupinus.-faf tzntbz Lupin in ©ngiilft miipines: tn ftigft Boucfte feigboncn: to bafe Abnaigne mupinen,and taftcftboonen* Cftefird kinde in called Lupinus fatiuus, tftat is to fap, Cfte manured oz garden mupine* Cfte tftree otfter fortes are called nsrilbe mupines, famatfae Lupinifyiue- ftres: and tftefe be not bfed in medicine* fy The Nature. Cfte garden mupine ig ftoateand drie in tfte feconde degree, ft ftatft bertue to digeft,makefubtd,and to clenfe* fyThe Vertues. Cfte meale of mupines taken witft ftonp, or els Witft water and bfaeger, % 1 dotft kill and drine foortft bp fiege ai kindes of wormes*Cfte fome bertneftatft tftedecoction of mupines, wften it is dzonken* And foz tftefame purpofe men bfe to lap mnpines (lamped bpon tfte nawel of poung cfttldten fadtng* a^mgitie tfte decoction of mtipinS,bopleb witft Eueand pepper, to dzinke 2* to open tfte doppfages oftfte liner and melt* Apeffariemadeofmnpfas, a^irrfte, andHonpmingledtogitfter, moo^ uetft womens naturalfickneffe ozflowerS,and expeiletft ozdelineretft tfte dead birtft. -, *Sfte decoction of muputesdotft beautifie tftecoiour oftfte faee,and drinetft ** ttyap ailfrekles,and Ipottes like imtiis* Cfte meale tftereof in of tfte like ber- ttte,mingleb witft water and lapde tfterto* tfteflower oz meale of mupines, witft tftemeale of parcfted barlep ft water m toragetft allimpbdumations and fwellfages* andpediientialor igne fores* X mnpins map be eaten, wftenasbp longfokingin water tftep are become^ ftoeete, and ftaite lod tfteir bitterneffe:for wft en tftep be fo prepared, tftep take atoap tftelotftfomneffe of tfteftomacke, and tfte defpze to bomit, and do caufe 8ood appetite* J^etfor ail tftat tftiskindeof foode ornottrilftment,engmdretft SS groffe 481 . The fourth Booke of groffe biood,and groffe ft umourS*f or mwpfas are ftarde to digeft, and bueafie to defcende,as ©alen foitft* Cfte wildemuptns ftaue tfte Ipke bertue,bttt mozeftrong* ] €>f ttje Wttet Bec^e called in #reefce orobos, ana in latin* Eruum. €t)ap*jc]eittj* fyThe Defcription. ^^^RullmortftebitterfetcfteiSnowebnknowm,anbtberefozewecan, l^^gettenone otfter defcriptionftutfo mucft as in written inBiofcozideS and ©alen* Cftep fap tftat Orobos,or Eruilia in a fmall plant,bearing ! \)in fruit injcoddeS,rottnd,bf a wftite orpellowilft colottr,of a drange and bnpleafant tadefo tftat tftep ferue not to be eaten,bwt of cattel,neitfter wtl catted feebe bpon tft cm,bef oze tbat witb long diking or dieping in water, tbeir bnpleafant tadebe gone anb lod: wfterefoze it in berp eade to iudge,tft at tbe flat peafe called in ©reeke Lathyri, and defcribeb in tfte xxi* Cftapter of tftis booke, are not Ers or Eruilia, as fome ftatie tftougftt:for tftofe flat peafon are fa tade ipke tfte commonpeafon,as weftaiiebefotedeclarcd* fe The Names. CftiS p wife in calleb in ©reeke k°sin marine Eru um :anb tfte f reneft men folowfagtftematfaename,bocaift^^-inBoiicfte©riien:fa©nglilfteBitter 5Lietcfte,or©rs* fy The Nature. ©rS are ftoate in tfte fird degree,and drie fa tftefeconde* fy The Vertues. ' Cfte meale of Eruum often licked in witft ftonp inmanerof amoftocft, den- # fetft tfte bread, anb cuttetft anb rip etft groffe anb tougft ftumours, falling bpon tfte lunges* Jt lofetft tfte bellp ,pzottoketftbrine,maketft amanto ftawea goob colour, if 25 ft betaken in reasonable quantitie: for to mucbe tftereof is fturtfull* mitb ftonie itfcoitretft awap lentiles or freckles from tfte face, and alio* C tfter fpottes and fcarres from tfte bodie* Jt dapetft fpreading blcers: it dotft foften tfte ftardneffe of womens ftzeadeS , ft breaketft CarboncleS anb impo- ftumes* Being knebeb or tempereb witft wine,ft in lapbe berp profitablp bnto tfte & bitinges of doggeS,of men,anb xuilde beaftes* Cfte becoction of tfte fome,ft elpetft tfte ttcfte.aud kibeb fteeles,if tftep be wa* t (ftebtfterein* / - ©rS are neuer taken in meate,bttt it fattetft oxen well* * feThe Danger. HeiHtetcfteftatft dalkes dfadtfficienttftickneffe,anbfquareaboitt itftefteigfttoftftreefoote, witft leaues difplaped ft (pzead abzoad, : compaffed about witft manp fmal leaties,fet oppoffte one directlp againd anotfter: at tfte mde of wfticfteleanes, pe ftaite tendzelleS lorclatperswfterbp it taketft ftold and isftapedbp* CfteflowerS areptirpie and faftionediiketfteBeaneflowerS,afterward tftere comebp long flat coddes, wfterefa are ^lietcftes, wfticft are flatand of abiackilft colour* fy?ht i _________ -/A the Hiftorie of Plan tes. fyThe Place. Cftep fowe mtetcftesintftiS ©ountrie, fatfte feelbes, for fowrrage or prouenber forH°rfe& iffTheTyme. Cftep be rppe in Juip anb Auguft* fy The Names. CftiS ptiifeis calleb in©tekefr,Kioy.and of fome '- in marine Vicia .• of fome ofmudi:fa©ngjilfta^etcbe,ortiiietcbes: infrencbe^#: in ftigft Boucfte naicken: inbafe Almaigne twitfen* Anb tbat tbiS ig not Eruum, ft appearetb enibentlpbptftat wfticft ig defcribeb in tfte former Cftapter* %\}in (ftoulde feeme to be Cfteopftzadus AphaceOrTaare. * fyThe caufe of the Names. Cfte tsiletcfte, as uarro faptft,is calleb fa matine vicia, bpcanfeit binbztb it felfe a- bottt otfter plantcs,and ouercometft tbem, anb in deriued from tbin marine wozde (Vincire) wbicfte fignifietft to binbefttre, toouercome and to reftrarme from liber- tie* fy The Nature and Vertues. Cfte siietcfte in not btzb fa mebietoe, neptber bfeb to be eatenofmen, but to be giuen to Hotfes anb otfter catttel,anb tftis ©alen botb alfo witneffe* ® f itomim* ox tmtoe fittfyt. *<>* Aracus,writtm witft ac, wfterof we ftatie alrebp treateb*Cftep calitinfremftr#^:faBfabant,Crock:in©nglilfte,»adbe^etcfte* fy The Nature,and Vertues. the Hiftorie of P larites. 485 fatnffeb cinders about longftemmeS,iilmoftliketo fpikebeareS.of colour pur- ple fabiew,tfte wfticft pad ft gone, tftere come bp litie flat ftufkes, wfterinlietft tftefeede,ltke to tftefeede of Arachus. 2 p ou map fet bp tftis wild atetcft e,a certaine plant not mucft bnlike tfte afore* fopd in leanes and growing,tfte wfticftebearetft rougft and prickie buttons, or boffeS* Jt dotft not commonlp gro weintftis Countrie, but planted fa tfte gar- dens of fome Herboziftcs*Cftis kind of plant ftatft leaueS like to tfte otfter, but fomwftatnarrower,wbiter ft fmotber*HiS flowers bo likewife growe tbicke bponlong ftemmes,contmonlp of a cleare reb or Crpmfen colour* After wfticfte tftere come flat p ticklep round ftufkes,boffed or buncfted, and fomtimeS falftio- ' ned like a fatal H edgcftogge, wfticft in notfting els but tfte feede* fy The Place. 1 Cbe wilbe tuetcfte growetft fatfte borberSof feelbes,fa meboweS, j often* times fa mopft places,anb aboutwater cotirfes,and running ftreames* 2 Cbe otber kind (for daintines t&^z)ig planted in tbe gardens of tfte H*tbo- riftes of tftis Cottntrie*Cftep fap it growetft plentiful*? bp tbeSeafide, bpon bankes oz trencftes made witft mans ftanbes,anb fucft like placeS*Cftep bfe to few it in medowes about paris,and otfterwftiles: it in founb growing tftere of ftis owneaccorbe* «5> The Tyme. Cfte wilde vfiietcfte flo wretft mod commonlp in June,anb foone after it be- liueretft ftis coddes and grapne* Cfte otfter flo wretft in Jtiip,and foz tft e modpart deliueretft ftisfeedefoorfft- Witft* fy The Names. t Cfte fird (l)ould feeme to be Gaiegaaitcra,ft akinb ofiitleiHtetcfteS,$map alfo be Welcaded Arachus,ft takenforakfade Of Arachus • intftmtyZVcfcefauuage .* in Boucft tBiiderUDicken: in neatfterBoucftiande, iBilde^llitfenrin ©ngiilft Small wilde ^tetcftes or Slitcfteiinges* 2 Cfte otfter iscottnted of fometo be ofoC^xic, Onobrychis, of EuelitiSfor Me- dica,tftep name it in f rencfte saint Foin: we map call ft, pellow f itcfteling,and a?ediCk f ItCft e* fe The Nature and Vertues. ' Cfte wilde vHetcftc is no better tftan Arachus,and tfterefore it femetft onelp A bnt foz padnre,and feeding foz catteil,as otfter like ft erbes do* Jfrfteorfter be onobrychis, pottfl;allfindeftiSpropertieSdefcribedintfteB CftapterofOnobrychis. <£>f3Taw0* €liap.wWij* fyThe Defcription. He Careftatft long,tender, fquare dalkeS,longer and ftigfter tften tfte ftalkes of tftelentit,gro wing almoft as ftigft as tfte wft eat or corne, or tfte otfter plantes wftereamongd it gro wetft*Cfte leaues be fmal and tender(trtangled like afcttcftion)fomwftat rottnd,growingaiwaieS two togi* tfter,one againd anotfter at tfte iopntes,betwixt tftefoid leaueS tftere grow dp clafpingtendreis,ft otfter fmaldems or(ftuteS,wfterbpongroweflowers,of a pellowuft coioitr*Cfte flowers paft tftererife coddes fomewftat large, ft longer tften tftecoddesorftttfkes of tftementiles, to wfticfte in contepned fine ozftxe blackefeedes,ftarde,flat,andlftining,leffertftentftefeedesoflentiies* 4 The Place, Cfte Care growetft in feeldes,ft is found growing to tftis Cotinttie,toferril groundes amongd wfteat &&pz. fyTheTymes. Jn tftis Countrie it flo w.zetft toa£ap,and in June and Jtrtp tftefeede Witft tfte COddeS iS ripe* ^.T he Names. Cftis kindeof pulfe is called to ©reke ** fy The Defcription. JrdeS foote ig ipke tb.Ara- hus,ft to tfte wilde tnzetcfte, btttfarfmaller* Jt ftatft berp denberand fmall dalkes oz bzancbeS, foft and tender, tfte leattes be fmal and, rounde, fafftioned like to a fmall fetfterV Cfte flowers be pellowilfte and fmal, growing clofe togitfter bpon ftufkes or dems, tfte wfticft being witftered,tft ere commetft bp in tfteir places fmall crooked ftufkes oz coddeS,gro wing fitie or fixe to- gitfter,^ wfticft intfteir dandingdo Iftewe almod like tfte elodngfoote of afmaibirb* t®itbin tfte fopde title crooked coddes tfte feede in inciofed, in falftiou not mucft bn- like Curnep feede* fyThe Places. Birdes foote gro wetft in certainefieldS, and is likewife found inftigft medowes,ft indriegraffiewapeSft Countries* Cftat wfticft growetft to medowes, and graffie wapes, in a great deale fmaller, tften tftat wfticft growetft amongdtftecorne* iffTheTyme. Birdes foote flowretft from after tfte monetft of June, bntid September, and witftin tftis fpace it deliueretft l)in feede Aphaca. the Hiftorie of Plante*. W fyThe Names. CftiS brilb fterbe in calleb faBzabantaogftelboet,tftatiSto foptoCnglilftj Birdes foote, or f o wie foote, bpcaufe ftts ftufkes or cods are Ipke to a birdes foote,ft foztftat caufe men map welcalfto>6o'rocrtol;,ornithopodion,for it ftatft noneotfter©rekenozmatinename(tftatJknow)exceptitbetftatPolygalaof Biofcorides,as it map be called, wft erebnto ft in berp like* fy The Nature and Vertues. CftiSfterbeiSnotbfebinmebictoe,norreceiued anp wapeSformanS bfe, but is a berp good fbode botft foz ftorfes anb cattel* ^fZnttflle*. He mentilftatft fmall tenber )and plpant bzancftes, abottt ■ a ctibtte ftigft.Cfte leattes be bzip fmal,tfte wfticft are pla- jceb two and two bppon litie dems, or fmall footedalkes, and do fometimes ende witb clalpingten* drelieS- wfterbp it bittbttb fad and taketft fureftold*CfteflowetSbefmal,ofabrow- nidiecolour, intermixt witft wftite* Cfte< ftufkes oz (belles areflat* Cftefmite is ^ round and flat, of colour now blackemo w wftite,and fometimes browne* fyThe Place. CftementiiiSnotbetpwel knowenin tftis Countrie, but is founbe fowen fa tfte gardens of Herborifles* fyTheTymes. Cftementil dotft botft flower and waxe ripein Juip and Angud* fyThe Names. CftiSpttlfe in called in ©reeke $«Wf ap.iw& *Hedyfaron. Securidaca.Axeficfte,or AtWlirt; Securidaca altera. the Hiftorie of Plantes. 480 fyThe Defcription Ecuridacaftatft fmallflender demmeS,wfterebpon grow fmall leaueS fpread abzoadelpke to tfteleauesofArachus,or tfte wildetletcfteftut fnialler anb rounder* Cfteflowetsgrowetfticketogttfter, aftertfte fapdeflowerS,tfterecomelongcoddeS,rotindandfmali,growfagone agapnd anotfter,bowing inward, ft crooking oz crontpifag Ipke bnto ftornes, witftin wfticfte crooked cobbes,iScontepneb a flat feebe witft flower comers* liketo alitle webge*Cfte roote ig fmal anb tenber* Cbe otfter securidaca fet fooftft bp a£attftioiiis,toleattes in berp weillpke •* to tbe afozefopb, neuertfteleffe \,ig cobbes be ionger,and not fo mncft crooked; and for tftat condderation not berp well app.tocfttog to tfte defcription of Secu- ridaca,fetfoortft bp Biofcorides* Ferrumequinum. Horfe(ftoe* 1. 1.2. 3 CftereiSfoitndanotfterfterbewftftmanpdalkeS,traplingbpontftegrotind, ftauingatetterpiopntaleafe, ozratfterabrancfte of leaues, berp well like to tfteleaues of tftemmtilozsecuridata, but pet fomewftat leffer, betwixttftofe leaues, ft tfte trapling brancfteS it bearetft fmal pellow flowers, in falftiou Ipke to tfteflowers of tfte^etcfteoz mentiil: tfte wfttcft afterward do cftange into flat ftufkes oz coddes, tfte wfticfte are bpon one fide full of deepe CftinkeS, oz Ciiftes,anb tftegeatoe oz feede waxing ripe, tfte faibe cobbes bo tttrne crooked bpon onefide fo tbat tftep beare tftefozme and falft ion of a ft ozfe foo e* Cft efede alfo ig crooked, and ttirned ronnde like a Croiffant or newe a^oone* ,'-' f[ The Place. 2 Securkiaca, as ©alen foitft, gro wetft in fome places amongft mentiles: or accordingto Biofcorides, amongeft Barlep and wfteate, bnknowen totftiS Countrie,and isnot knowen to gro webut intbegarbms of Herboriftes* , Cbe tftirde ^inbz gro wetb infome places of Jtalie, anb of mangnedoc,a*- longd tftewapes,and likebntopied places* iffTheTyme. ^ , # Securidacaflowzetft in tftis Cotintrie,in Jtilp and Aiignd, and afterwarde tfte feede is ripe* j CfteHorfe(ftoeflowretfttoJiine,andJttlp,andtftefeedeiSripeto Auguft* ?fp The Names. Cfte pulfe called to ©reke Mgro wetft alfo in tfte woob calleb #abrill bp paris* p elftall not ligfttlp finbe it fa tbiS Countrie, but fowen in tfte gar- dens of Herborides* fyTheTymes. Galega flowretft fa Jtiip and Attguft,and foortft Witft tftefeebeiStipe* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbeiscaded of tfteHerborifteSoftftefedapes,famatteeGalega, Ru- ta Capraria.andOf fome Fcenogrsecum fylueftre. And fomedO alfo COtttttfttO be Giaux,or Poiygaia,bitt as J tftfake it is notftfagipke anp of tftem: it ig called fa ©ngiilft, Jtalian f etcfte,and ©oates Ette* f[The Nature. Galega isofnatttreftoateand drie* fyThe Vertues. Galega, as JSaptiftaSatW wtft^^ A" and '* ~ the Hiftorie of Plantes. 401 and popfon,and agafaft wowieS to kill and driue tftem foortft, if tfte tttpce of ft be gfaeu to little cftildzen to dzinke* w w _ Jt in oflike bertue fried topple of minefeede, and bottnde bpon tfte nawel B oftfte cftilde* ^ , , _ Cftep gitte a (ponefuil oftfte iupceof tfttS fterbe euerp morntngto drmke, to C poung cftildtenagatod tfte falling fickneffe* . jt in counted of great bertue,to be bopled to bineger, and dronken Wttft a B lttleCreacle,toftealetfteplagtte,ifttbetakenWitft in tw elite ftoures* $ftlie £eafc €atttmut* €ljap*wwtj< fy The Defcription HC ©artftnut ftatft tftree or foure little dalkes or tender brancfteS, fomewftat reddilfte beiowe nz^t tftegronndeAmtft Chama?balanuSi clafpingtendzelles , wfterebp it taketft ftolde bpon ftedgeS,and al otfter tftinges tftat it map comebp*Cfte leaues be fmall and narrowe* Cfte flowers be of afapre red colour, and of an indifferent good fmell * After tfte fading of tftofe flowers tftere come in tfteir deede fmall coddes, in wfticft in contetoed a fmailfeede* Cfte rooteS be long and fmall, wfterebnto in ftanging ftere and tftere certepne nttttes oz kernels like CtirnepS,of an eartftlike ttl cblottrwitftout, and inwardlp wftite, IWeete in tade,aimod Ipke tfteCftefnwt* 2 Cfte otfter kinde of ©artftnut, called infomeplaces,tftelitie©artftnut,lftalbe defcribed in tftefiftft part of tftis \)ittoip, in tfte xxiif *Cftapter* fy The Places. p Cfte peafe ©artftnut, growetft abun- 7 dantlp in Hollandeand otfter places, as " in Bzabant,neare Barrow, bp tfte ritier Zobm,amongd tfte Corne, and bppon, oz bnder tfte ftedges* Jt growetft in Eicftmondefteatft, and Coomeparke,as Cnrner foitft* iffTheTyme. CftiS ft erbe flo wzetb in June,anb afterwarde tfte feede in ripe* Jn fome places tftep drawe or plucke bp tfte rootes in a£ap,anb do eate of tftem* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe in calleb inbigb Boucbe ©rdnuf?,©rckefett, ©rdfeigen,©rda- mandel, Acker ©pcftel,and ©rttnd ©pcftelrin Brabant ©rbtnoted,and offome apnpfenmetfleerten: of tfte writers in tftefe dapes tn ©reeke, x«M«»e«x«y©-, Chama?balanos:bttttftto iSUOttftat Chama?balanus,WftiCfte iS Called ^X«?»and «m&<'.in marine Giandes terreftres,tftat is to fop, ©artftfaitteS* Some of tfte learned bo count it to be Aft ragalus defcribed bp Biofcorides, and fome ftold ft for Apios.But tftat it is not Apios, it is mamf eft pnongft bptfte tftird Cftapter of tftetftirdeparte oftftisbooke, wftereas we ftwe plapnelp;fet foortft tfte rigftt Apios. fyThe 49z The fourth Booke of f[The Nature. Cfte peafe ©artftnut isdrie in tfte fecondedegree* fyThe Vertues. Cfte rootes of peafe ©artftmtt,are bopleb in manp places of H ollande and A Bzabant,and eatm as tfte rooteS o f Curneps and p arfneps,and tft ep nouruft afweUpet for all tftat tft ep be barber of digeftfon tften Cnrnep rootes, and do ftop tfte bellp,and running of tfte lafke* Jf tftefe fterbes be tfterigftt Aftragaius, \)ig roote wil prouokebrine,and dop » all fluxes of tfte bellp,betog bopleb in wine anb dronke* Cfte fame receitied in tfte fame manner, doppetft alfo tfte inordinate courfe C of womens flo werS,and all bnnaturall flute of bloob* Cftefame roote of Aftragaius dzied and made into powder, isberp goob to B beftrowenbpon olde fozes,and bpon frelfte newe woundes, to ftop tfte blood of tftem* ^ffemtgtee* tfljap.wc* fy 'the Defcription. ©nttgreck ftatft tender ftalkes, rounbe,blackilfte,ftollow,anb toi ofbzancbes, tfte leaues are biuibeb into tbree partes, Ipketfte leaties of Crifod,or tft e tftzeeleatted graffe*Cfte flowers bepale, Wbiti(ft,anb fmaller tfte tfteflowers of mwpfas* After tfte fabing of tftofe flowets,tbere come bp long coddes or ftufkes, crooked and lftarpepointcd,wfterein in apellowefeede,tfte rooteis fulof fmall ftanging fteares* fyThe Places. Fcenum Gra*cum. CfteHerborides of tftis Countrie, do fowe it fa tfteir gardens* . iffTheTyme. Jt flowretft fa Juip, and tfte feede ig ripefaAiigud* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe is called in ©reeke rftxi*: famatfaeand mSftOppeS Fcenum Grar- cum;ofColumellasiiiqua:fafrencfte^- nugrec,0%Fcnegrec: faftigft BOttCfteBOtkf- ftozn.oriritftozne: inbafe Aiemaignef e- nigriek: in ©ngiilft f enegreck* feThe Nature. Cftefeedeof fenugreek, ig ftoate in tftefecond degree, and dzp in tfte firft,and ftatft bertue to foften and diffdiue* fyThe Vertues. 31 Cfte decoction or bro tft of tfte feebe of f enttgreck,dronken witb a title bfaeger, expelletb aleuil ftumours, tftat dicke fad to tfte bowels* 23 Cbe fame decoction firft made witft Bates,and afterward witb a litie Honp, bntilftftauegotte tfte fubftance or tftick- neffe of a Spzttpe,botft munbifie ft clenfe tfte bread, atib ig berp goob forgreeues the Hiftorie of Plantes. 40J and difeafes of tbe bzeaft,fo tftat tfte patient benot bexeb wttft a fetter oztfte fteabacftetforfncftafprttpetsfturtfcllto tfteftead,ftto tftem tftat ftaueagiies* Cfte meale of f enwgteck,bopled in apeadeor Honied water dotft confume, € foften,and diffoine colde ftarde impoftumes and fwellfages* Cfte fame tempe* red or kneded, witft Saltpeter and bineger,do tft fof ten ft wafte tft e ft ardneffe, and blading of tbeapeit* Jtis goob forwomen tbat ftane eitfter impoditme,bicer, ordopping oftfte 53 a^atrixto batfte anb fit in tfte becoctidn tftereof* Cftedrapningoriupceof fenugreek mingleb witft ©oofegreafe,ft ptitbp, adder,at tfte ftigfteft of £ ftalkeS, alogeft bp tfte grow fmal flowers, and-afterward fmalcttppes,oz fede beffels, almoft Ipke tfte knoppes of minefeede, but flatter,within tfte wfticft in inciofed a fmall pellowifft feede, of tfte wfticfte an ople is made, bp pounding, and pteffing foortft of tftefame* fyThe Place. CftiS fterbe growetft in manp places a- mongd wfteat,and flaxe, and tfte mod part ofmedodeemeitasanbnpzofitabiefterbe: pet for all tftat it is fowm in manp places, bpcaufe of tfteople wfticft tftefedepeelbetft, as in tftis Countrie, Zeelande, and tfte Countrie of miege, or muke beponde Bza- bant* fyTheTyme. Jt in fowen in aparcfte and Aprill, and Myagrum. ripe abont Auguft* Ct fyThe 49 4 The fourth Booke of e%» The Names, Cft$ fterbe ig calleb in ©reeke rf«yo*^ot fome alfo i^*w: fa matine Myagrum,Linum triticeum,and Melampyrum.faf remfteanb bafe Almaigne, cameimeMxb of fome camemine. fa ftigft Boucfte f fofcftdotter, and metodottet: inCnglift Myagru ,or Cameline: JtfftouldfeemetftattftiSfterbeiS Eryfimo^ wfterof Cfteopftzaftft ©alen, Lib.t.deaiimentorumfacuiutibus,ftaue written* fyThe Nature. Myagrum ig of a ftoate complexion* fy The Vertues. Cfte ople oftfte feede of Cameline,oz Myagrum ftrakeb, or annopnted bpon % tfte bodp,d otft cleare and polity tfte fkirine from all rougftneffe* J t in bfed at tftis dap to ptepare and dreffe meate wdftal,as Eape ople,and # it map be bfed to bnrne in lamp es* €>f mtooto Ztifoploi tlntt leaued gralTe* <&)ty*mbi♦ fy The Kindes. TH ere be diuers foztes of Crefopies, tfte wfticft for tfte more parte of tftem (ftalbe fet fooztft in diuers Cftapters* But tftat kinde wfterof we (ftal now intreate>is tfte common Crefopl,gro wing in medo wes*Cft e wfticft e is of two fortes, tfte one witft redde flowers, tfte otfter witft wftite, but for tfte reft tftere is no great difference in tftefe two fterbes* fy The Defcription. Trifolium pratenfe. IHreeleaned graffe of tbe med- dowe , ftatft a ronnde tender ftalke: and leaues fomewftat Jjrounde,alwaies (landing togi- tfter bpon a ftemme, tbe flowers bo grow at tfte top oftfte bzancftes or ftemmes, in tuftes oz knoppes tuffed , and fet full of fmall flowcrs,of a red purple colour: Ipke to a Iftott tuffed eare, tfte wfticfte flowers once banilfteb, tbere commetb bp rounde feede inclofeb infmall ftufkes* Cfte roote JSlong,anb of a woobdpfitbdance* 2 Cbe Crefopl witb tfte wftite flowers, is mncfte Ipke to tfte aforefapbe, but tftat bin dalkes are fomwftat rougft anb bea- rie , anb tbe leaues be longer anb nar* rower,anb intftemibble of euerp leafe in fometimes a wftite fpotte oz marke, Ipke to tfte new a9oone*Cfte flower in wftite, fa all tftinges els ipke to tfteottjer, and growetft after tfte felfefome falftton* fy The Places. Cftefe two kindes of CrefopleS, doo growe in allplaces of tftis Countrie, fa medowes, efpeciallp fucfte as ftandefom- wftat ftigft* fy TbeTymes. Cfte tlnzz leaned graffe flowretft to St^ap and Jttne,and fometimes all tfte Sommer* ?±The the Hiftorie of Plantes. 495 fe The Names. CftiS kinde of Crefopl in called in ©reekeTe/'Wrf :1Uftigft BOUCfte U9tfcnklee,and flepfcftbliim: in bafe Silmaigne Claueren,and ©ftemepn Cla- uerenrin ©ngii(ft,ap»eoow Crefople,or C ommon Crefople, fyThe Nature. Cfte Crefoplis coldeand d%zie,as one map eafiip know bp tfte tade tftereof* fy The Vertuts. Crefopl witft bin flowerS,or bp ftim felfe,bopled in apeade,oz ftonied wa- A ter,ot wine,and dzonken,dotft dake and fwagetfte ftoate burning and fretting of tfteboweis and inwardepartes*€)f tfte like bertue in tfte becoction tfterof, made in water,and po wzed into tfte bobp bp glider* Cftefamedecoctiondronkminduettute, andfeafon, doppetft tftewftite© flowers in women* Cfte flowers oz leaues of Crefople fodde in 3Dple, and lapd to in manner of <£ aplaider,dotft ripe ftoateinflammationsand fwellinges,ft otfter like tumorS> and bzeaketft tftem,pea fometimes tftep do fcatter and diffolwe tftem cleane* €>f ftbeete Crefopl* et)ap*jc#tjtj* %. The Defcription mzztz Crefopl ftatft around ftolow ||flalke,oftwo ortftree foote long or m moze, fnll of bowes and brancfteS* ^ Cfte leattesdo alwaies grow tftree Lotus fatiua;or Vrbana. and tftzee togitfter, etien as tfte common me- do w Crefopl,but fomwftat longer,ft fogged round about like aSawe* At tfte top oftfte bzancftes grow flowers, cludering togitfter in knoppes, liketfteflowers of tfte medo we oz common Crefopl, fouing tbat tftetttfteS ozknappes ,arenotfo great as tfte knappes oftfteotftenaftertftefadingoftftofe flowers tftere come little ftufkes, or Iftarpe popnted fteades,wfterintftefeedelpetft*3ltfte fterbe, efpeciallp wften it in in flower, in of a berp good fmel or fotiotir,tfte wfticfte as fome fop, loofetft ftis fent or fmell fetten times a dap, ft reconeretft it againeas long as it in grow* togftut being wttftered and dzied,it keepetft fttllftiSfeuour, tfte wfticfteis drongerina mopdandclottdpdarkefeafon, tften Wften tfte wetft er in fapre and cleare* fy The Place. Jntbin Coitntrie men fowe tfte fweete Crefopl to gardens, ft wftere as it ftatft bene y oncefowen,itgrowetftltgfttlpeiterppereof ^"^ tftefeede Wfticft folfetft,/» Ctoaifter Riches garden. iffTheTyme. Cftis fterbeflowretft in Juip ft Augiifl, during Wfticft time,tfte fede is ripe* fy The Names. CftiS fterbe iS Called in ©reke **>roV «W©-an marine Lotus vrbana,ft Lotus fa- tiua,of fome Trifolium, and nOW adapeS Trifolium odoratum: tof reneft Trefe Ctij odoriferant; 49 °* The fourth Booke of odoriferantdn\)i$b Botteft Sibmge?ept:and inbafe Aimaigne,Senen getiide crttpt,bpcattfe that fettentpmes a dap it loofetft bin fweete fente and fmell, and reconeretft it agmne*Curncr calletft Lotus vrbana fa ©ngiilft, ©arden or Sal- letClauer: we map call it fweeteCrefopl,ortftreeleatied graffe* fyThe Nature. SweeteCrefopi,istemperateinfteateandcold,fttakingpartof fomeiitle drpnelfe* fy The Vertues. Cfte fWeet Crefopidotft fwage ft ripe, alcold fwellings,beinglaid tfterto. % Cfte itipce of tftefame taketft awap tftefpot o.z wftite perleof tfte epes,called b famatfae Argema. Cfte aDple wfterin tfte flowers of tfte fWeet Crefoplftaue bm foked, curetft © all new wonndeS,and bttrftinges,as fome afftrme* <&f tbiloe lottt0* €ljap*jc^tnt)* iff The Kindes. Tl^ereis commonlp founde in tftis conntrie, two fortes of wilde Lotus or Crefopl,witft pellow flo wers,one ftaning Coddes, and tfte otfter none* Lotus fylueftris. Lotus fylueftris minor. B^ild Crefopl* J£ello w done Clatter* pette Clatter or done Crefopl* £ fy The Defcription. Heftrftkinde of wilde Lotus in a litie low fterbe,crecptog alongd tfte grounde* Cfteleauesbefomewftatlpketo the leanes of tfte common tftzeeleatted graffe,or medo w CrefopUfatod of an attfte colour*Cfte flowers be faire and pellow, faflrioned like to tfte flowers of peafon, but mucbe fmader: tfte wbicfte decaped and fallen awap,tfterc co me bp tftzee oz foure round coddes, dandtogtogitfter one bp anotfter, wfteve tois contepned a round fede*CfterooteiS long ft reddilft* %ty Wa the Hiftorie of Plantes. 49? % Cbefeeondekinde batb rounbe dalkes, anb berp fmall * Cfteleaues belike to medo wCrefopLCfte flo werS be pello w, gro wing tfticke togitfter fa round knopped fteades,tfte wfticft do cftaunge fato a ronnde crooked blacke feede,co < tiered witb a blacke ftufke or fkinne* Cbe wfticftefeebe growetft rounde about tfte knoppeS,ozberlp compaffing tfte fame* ^ The Place. Cbefetwo kinbes of wilbe Lotus,or Crefopl do grow in tftis Cottntriein drieplaceS,alongft tfte feeldes and ftigft wapes* fyTheTymes. Cftefe CrefopleS are in flower,from after tfte monetft of Jtine,al tfte reft of tfte Sommer,and in tfte meane feafon tftep peelde tfteir feede* fy The Names. Cftefe Crefoples,are nowe caded Lotifylueftres,pet tftepbe nottbe Lotus fylueftris of Biofcoribes,tfte wfticft growetft berp ftigft, anb batft feebe Ipke to fenugreek* Cfte firft binb ig calleb inbigb BoticftitBilden klee,Steenklee, ©deldeen- klee,dogelSWtcken,^nferfrawenfcftucftlin:inf rencfte Trefefauuage iaulne: inBzabantSteenciaueren,and©eeldeenclatieren,i©ilde©laueren,and of fome suogels varitfen*Some take it for akinde of m eliiotus, anb tberefore itin Called famatfae Melilotusfylueftris OkZ MelilotusGermanica: fa©ngli(fte,Cfte wildepellowe Lotus, tbe ©ermaineS apeiilot, ortftewilde pellowe Crefopl* Cfte fecond in called in ftzntbzPetitTrefle iaulne-. in ftigft Boucfte ©eelklee, jkleiuer,Steenkle, and ©eelwifenklee: inbafe Almaigne, Clepn fteenclane- ren,and Clepn geel claucre.Cft is Iftoulde feeme to be a kind of Medica,wfterof Wefftad (peake ftereafter* feThe Nature and Vertues. Cft efe fterbes are colde,dzie,and adringenr,e(peciaUp tfte firft: tft erfore tt^zp map bebfedaffaell witftin tftebodp,as witftout, inaigreefes tftat require to A be cooled and dzted* ®ftfieltlot* €l}ap*#£tr* fyThe Kyndes. THere is nowe founde two foztes of iJQ'elilot, tfte one wfticfte is tfterigftt a?elilot,and tfte otfter wfticfte is tft exommon apelilot* fy The Defcription. H<£ tme and rigftt a? eliiot, ftatft rounde dalkeS,tfte leanes fogged rounde aboutnotmucftebnipke tfte leaues of fenugreek, alwapes gro wing tftzee anft tbxzz togitfter like to tfte Crefopl. Cfte flowers ^bepellowandffa§l,growingifticketogitfterfaatufttftewfticftpaft tftere come in tfteir places tflgnmp of fmall crooked ftulkes oz coddes, wfterfa tfte feede in co ntepneb*Cfte roote in tmder,and full of fmall ft earie tftzeddes* 2 Cftecommon^elilotftatftroundedalkes,abouttwooztbzeefootelong,ft full of faancft es*Cft e leaues do alwapes gro w bp tbree anb tbzee,lpke to Cre* fopl,backeb rounbe aboutlpke tfte leaues of fenugreek, or tfte rigftt a^elilot* CfteflowerS bepellow,cluderingtogitfter>Stertftefa(fti6tt or order of (pike, tfte wfticfte baniffteb, there come dp fmall ftufkes, wfticfte contepne tftefeede* Cfteroote is long,al tfte fterbe witft bin flowetSyiS of arigfttgoob fouour,fpe- ciadp wftan it in biiz. fy The PUce. 1 Cbe rigftt apeiilot growetb plenriftrilp in Jtalp, efp eciallp fa tbe Countrie r ofCampania,nearetfteCowneof0ola*JntftisCountrie tfteHerbozidesdo fowe it in tfteir gardens* » Cftecommon apelilot growetft fa tftis Countrie fatfte edges and borders of fieides,andmedowes,alongftbp dtcftcs,and trmeftes* Ctiii e.The 498 The fourth Booke of MelilotusTtalica. MelilotusGermanica. Cfterigftt^elilot* Cftecommona^elilot* fythetym. « Cftefetwokindesof^elilotdoflower in Juip and Aitpft,dtiring Wfticft ttme tftep peelde tfteir coddes and feedes* , iff The*Names. J- apelilot iScalled fa ©rekeM*«x*r@-.faRatine Mdilotus.and Sertula Cam- pana. Cfte firft kinde of tft efefterbes,is taken at Eome and in Jtalp for a&elilof, ft tfterforetscalleb Meiilotus itaiica tftat in to fop, Jtalian #elilot:fa jfrencft urteitiot d/taiiemb tn Boucfte, Jtalianfcfteoz Eobmftfte apelilote* ^ Cfte otft er kinde is called fa SftoppeS of tftis^onntrie, and of Almaigne Meiiiotus,andiSbfedfortftefome,andftereofftcolnmetfttopaffe tftat mm cal tt Mehlotus Germanica : faf IttofyZtMeUlotvulgairc.• fa bafe Alemaigne,©fte- mepne,or Boncbe S^elilote* Somedo alfo callit Saxifraga lutea, tftat isfape, fellow Saxifrage: anb in bigb Boucfte, ©roite defaklee: in ©nglilfte, Cbe commonanb bedknowen a^elilot* f[ The Nature. a?elilotis ftoate,anb partlp of an aftrfagentnature ,and ftatft part of adi- gefttng )confumfag,diffpliifag,and rtping power* fy The Vertues. a^elilote bopled bp it felfe fa ftoeete wine, oz wttft tftepolke of a roiled 1 egge,oz tfte meale of f enngreck,oz minefeed,or tuitft tft e fine flower of meale or witft Cicftorte, dotft fmage and foften all kindes of ftoate fwcllinaes rib* ciallptftofetftatcftatinceintfteepes,tfte matrix,ormotfter,tftefttndemmt,and geni« the Hiftorie of Plantes. 409 gettitozs orcoddeS,beinglapbe tftereto* Jfttbelapde to witft ©awlesoz ©ftalke, or Witft good Wine, ftftealetft 23 tfte fcurffe,and fitcfte fozes,as peelde corrupt matter or filtfte* Cftefomerawe, arid pounde, oz fodde fa wine, fwagetft tftepapne of tfte C ftomacke,anddiffoluetft tfteimpoftiimes and fwellfages of tfte fame, being lapde tftereto* Cfte iupce of tftefame dropped fato tfte eares, taketft awap tfte papne of ^ tftem,and lapde to tftefozeftead witft ople of rofeS and bineger,curetft tfteftead acfte* Cfte common^eliioteis bfed and found good foz all fuche tftinges as tfte © otfter feruetft: it is mod bfed to (Wage and dake papne, as tfteflower of Ca- momil is* Cft e fame bopled in wine and dzonkcpzo ttoketft btinzy bzeaketft tfte done, f and fWagetft tfte papne oftfte kidnepes, tfte bladder and bellp: and ripetft flcmc,caufmg it to be eafilp cad foortft* Cft e iupce tft erof dropped into tfte epes,ciedretft tfte figftt,and dotft confume, © diffoiue,and rake awap tfte web,pearle, or (pot oftfte epe* ef Tinted flatter/ o? mmit fotlier* Cljap*?*. Medica. Jtalfott OZ Spanilfte Spanilft Clauer* Clatter* joo The fourth Booke of ______ fyThe Defcription. \ E^g$ l^e firft kind of Medica.ftatft mam> rounde tender ftalkeS,Wfticft grow fj not bprigftt, but are fpread abtode bpon tfte grounde, like tfte common J^sl medow CrefopLCfte leaues belike tftem of tfte'commo Crefopl* Cfte flowerSbefmall,of apale pelfowilft colour,ft for tfte modpart tftep grow tftzee andtftreetogitfter*Cftewfticftoncepad,tfteregrowbpflatftnfkes or coddes, ttirned round togitfter,like a water toaple, wfterein tfte feede in contepned, tfte wfticfte in Sat* Cfte ro o te in leane or flender,and witft eretft oz pcrtlft etft in tftis Countrie, after tftat it ftatft once bomefeebe* 2 Cbe feconb kind of Medica,ismucb like £ otberin dalkes ftleaneS*Cbecods onlp be not fo flatftut longer,ft iftarpe pointed, wft erin in a fede like to £ otfter* 3 Cfte tftird kind ftatft manp ftalkes growing almod rigftt bp,ft tfteronleanes likebnto tfte otfter* Cfte flowers grow in tuitzn almod like to tftecomonCre* fopl,of color fairepnrple blew,fomtimes pellow,ft tberafter folow manp roud flat cods turned togttfter.ofp wfticft ecfteafnnder about tfte bignesof ammtil* Cberoote of tftis in iong,anb continuetb manp pereS, efpeciallp in Spapne* 4 Bpiibzg tbefe tbere in pzt anotber kinb of m edica oz drangeCrefopl,^ wfticft iietft not alogft tfte groundnut dand etft bprigftt,a foote ft a ftalfe oz two foote long* Jtftatft ftard round ftalkes>dittided into diuers bzancftes, bpo tbe Wfticft grow meetlp large leaues,grap ft tfticke, tftzee opo one demme,almod like tfte leattes of Crefopl ozf entigreck,bwt mnebe leffe * Cbe flowers be wbite mixt witft Crpmfen or Carnation coloz* Al tfte ft erbe,afwel tfteftalkes as leaneS,iS Wftiti(ft,anb couered witft a foft and gentle cotton,or woodp rougftneffe* fy The Places. Cftefekindesof Crefoplgrowein Spapne*Cftep growenotof tfteirowne kinde to tftis Countrie,but are fowen in tfte gardens of HerborideS* fyTheTymes. Medica flowretft in tftis Cotutttie in Juip, and witftin Iftoft (pace after com- metft foortft bin crooked of crompled ftufkes* 4 CftefourtftkindflowretftintftisCotintrieattfteendeofSommer* fe The Names. "' '* i.2. Cfte firft two ftaue no certainename wfticftisknowe bnto bS,tberforeftaue ' wenameb tbem in marine Trifolia Boucfte,©ed.zapde ©toueren: to frencft Trefle au ©ngiilft Hozned Crefopl or Clauer, bpcaufe tfteir tobbzn bettirneb as water fnapies,wftereto tftefeede is contepned* 3 Cftetftirdiscalledto©reke^xm and ^inz} and foz tfte fame purpofe £ it was bfeb to be fowen of tbeAuncient Eompnes in olde time* <^ftljetigl)t<[tefople/oKfeac!eClauct* €i)ap*jctt* fy The Defcription. alongft altftcfoztesofCrefoplesi fome ftere ig tbeiargeft in leaueS tftat we baue pet feene, it batb great round ftalkes of a foote ft a ftalfe oz two foote long,fisl of brancfteS,bpo the wfticft tftere gro w alwaieS tftree leattes togttfter,bpon one f o o teftalke oz demme, of a blackilft co- loured mucfte greater tften tftefe CfteflowerS growe the Hiftorie of Plantes. j6i growfromtftefpdesoftftedalkesbponlong demmes, tfticke tufttog anb cid^ fteting togitfter,almoft like tfte flowers of Stabioufe, of a deepe blew or fkpe colour* Cftefeebe in bzoade and rougft ,ot alitle ftearte,anb fyarpe at tfte ende* Cfteroote iSfmaland flender* fyThe place. Trifolium. CfteHerbozifteSof tftis Conntrie,bo alfo fowe tftis kinbe of Crefopl in tfteir gardens* fy The Tymes. CftiS Crefopl flo wzetft to tftis Conn- trie in Altgilft* C The Names. CftiS ktode of Crefopl in called in ©reke ^£/Vv^0P»0,|w1Wt'A'u^', f*w«yode Sorrel in alowe oz bafe fterbe, witftowt ftalkes: tfte leaues do growe from tfte roote bpoiftoztftemmes, and at tbefe firft eommtog fooztft are folden togitfter, but after- warde tftep fpread abzoabe, and are of a faire greene colour, and fallrioneb almod Itke tfte Crefopl, foiling tftat ecfte leafe ftatft a deepe clift in tfte middle * Amongft tfteleaues, tftere growe alfo bppon Cftozte ftemmes commingfrom tfteroote, little fmalflowers,almoftmadeltkelitlebelles, ofawftitecolottrwitft purple bepnes, all alongd,fometimesofapellowifftecolour: Wften tftepbefallen, tftererifebptotftetc places Iftarpe b^zn ox cuppes, full of pel* iowilfte feede* Cfte rooteis browne,fome- Wftatreb,anblong* t Of tbis in fottnbepet anotfter kinb,tfte wfticft bearetft pellow flowers, anb after- wardefmallcoddes* fy The Places. CbiS berbe growetft in tbin€onnttiz in fbado wie wooddes, bpon tbe rootes of great oldetrees, fometimes alfo bpon tfte biinbzn and bozbers of bitcbes* v iffTheTyme. CbiS fterbe flowretft to Apziil, anb at tftebegmntngofa^ap* fyThe Lagopus. Oxys. the Hiftorie of Plantes. joj fy The Names. CftiSfterbeis calleb fa ©reeke *|w in marine Oxys.-fa SftoppeS Alleluia, id Offome Trifoliumacetofum.and Panis Cuculi Alimonia:faf rCUCft Pain de Cocu: in ftigft BoucfteSanrerklee,Bucftklee,Bucftamffers,Bttcftbrot, ©aucftklee, and ©awcftgaticftkleetfa bafe Almaigne Coeckoecks brootrin ©nglifftl©ood- forel,^^/^^,Aiieiuya,cockowesmeate,SowerCrifoip,StwbWttrt,and Hg>00bfoWer* %The Nature. Cftis fterbe in colbe anb drie ipke Sorted* fy The Vertues. ^refttif- bandmen would not willingip ftatie in tfteir lande,or feeldes: ft tfterfore tftep take mucft papne to weede,and plttckebp tftefame* iff The Names. CftiS grade in calleb fa ©reeke «y&™> Agroftis , bpcaufe it growetft fa tfte corne J04 The fourth Booke of corne feeides,tofticfte are called in ©reeke «m*»i Agroi, tfterfozemen map eadlp iudge, tftat tfte common graffe in not Agroftis. s Cftis graffe in called in ©reeke be*™.-in marine g ramen :fa f rmcft Grime, or Dent au chien -fabafe Almaignemebtgras,anb &noopgras:and of tfteCoutv trteozbufbandmen Pceen:fa©nglilfteCoucfte, and Coucfte graffe* fy The Nature. Coucfte graffe in colde and due of complexion* fyThe Vertues. Cfte roott of Coucfte graffe bopled in wine and dronken: dotft (Wage and 3 fteale tftegnawingpapnes of tftebellp,pzouoketft brine,bzfagetft foztft grauel, and in berp profitable againd tft e drangurie* Cfte fame witft ftis leattes newe bzufed,ftealetft greene woundeS,and flop' b petft blood ,if it be lapde tftereto* ®f mall 6atlep oj wap Oennet C*jap+;lt>* fyThe Defcription. Phcenix. ►Hcenix is a kind of bn- profitable ©tade, fa \v «^. eareanb leaues almoft **» UkeJurap,ozBamel, but fmaller ft 1ftotter* Jt ftatft leaues meete- lp long and large, almod like Bar- lep, but fmaller* CftelitterordemS in (ftort,full of iopnteS, and reddilft* Cfte eares growe fa falftiou like J- ttrap,bitt tfte litie knoppes or eares, ftande notfo farre afunber one from anotfter* 2 Cftere in ptt anotfter graffe mucft like to $ aforefoid, j> Wfticft growetft almoft tftiougftout al medowes and' gardens* j&etiertfteleffe ft tS leattes be narrower, ft tfte dalkes fmaller, and are nener red, but alwapes of a fad greene colour, and fo in all tfte refidtteof tftepfont, wfterebpftmap beberp wel difcerned fro tfte otfter* (j The Place. Phcenix growetft fa tftebozbers or ebges of feeldes, and in founde in great quantftie,fa tfte Countrie of mfege ormuke* And as Biofcorides writetft, growetft bpon ftottfes* fyTheTymes. Phcenixis ripefa Jtilp and Anguft.aS otfter grapne ig* fyThe Names. CfttSfterbe ig calleb fa ©reke ^owHumatine Phcenix5and offome tolium rubrum: fa ©nglilfte r©all Barlep,or t©ap Bennettftmap be called Eed-Eap, OwZ B amed* *8* T^e Mature. Phamixdrietft witftout (ftarpneffe,as ©alen writetft* fyThe Vertues. Phcenixtaken witft red wine ftoppetft tfte fluxe of tfte bellp,and tfteabun-A dant the Hiftorie of Plantes. $°S dant running of womens flo wers,and alfo tfte fattoluntarie rttnning of brine* Somedo write,tftattbiSfterbe wzappebtoa Crpmfon fkinne, or peeceof B ieatfter,anb boundefaftto a mans bodp, ftoppetft bleeding* <&f%awet #tafle. ^ap*jrltit* fyThe Defcription. Bromus. HomusorHauergraffe,is al- fo an bnprofitable graffe, mucb ltoe to® tes,in leaues, demmes, anb eares: fouing tftat tfte graffe or leaues b efmaller,tfte ftalkes or motes be botft (hotter and fmaller, and tfte eares are longer, rougft er, ft more bztdeled or bearded, ftanding fartfter afunber one from tfte otfter* * fyThe Place. Jt growetft in$ borders of feeldes, bpon bankes and EainperS, ft alongft bpwapftdeS* fy The Tyme. Jtin to be found,fa eare, wei neare alltftefommer* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe is calleb in ©reke^°V°?: famatfae Bromus: and as adifference ftom€>tes ( Wbofe ©reeke name in Bromus) tftep pnt to tftis abbition, fyoy©-7ro«, Bromus herba, and Aifrna: herba. Jt ftad tbin name fird, bpcaufe" of tfte likeneffe ft ftatft witft €) tes: it in Called inf rencfte Aueron, OZ we map call it in ©nglilfte, Hauer, ox Ote graffe* fy The Nature. Bromus in of abtie complexion* iff The Vertues. CftiSfterbeand ftisrootebopled inwaterbntiltftetftirdpartbeconfumed, ^ andafterwardetftefomedecoctionbopiebagapnewitbbonp, bntid it waxe tfticke,fo goob to take awap tfte fmel or dmcfte of tfteforesintfte nofe, ftitbe put in witb a weeke oz matefte,bnt efpeciallp if pott put to it Aloes* Cfte fomealfo bopled in wine witb dried rofeS, amendetft tfte corrupt fined b of tfte moutfte,if it be walfted tbzougbip tfterwitftall* <*>f|btttel)wurt* <£t)ap*jclt)tj* fy The Defcription. HiSfterbeftatft round tender ftalkeS, fulof knots or iopnteS creeping bp tbe gronnb, at euerp iopnt grow two leaues one againft anotber, ftarb,brobe,and Iftarpe attfte endes* Cfte flowers be wbite, biuided into fine fmall ieaues>wften tftep be fallenawap tbere growebp litie ronnb beabes orknoppes,notmticft bnlike tfteknops orfteabeS of mtoe,wfter> in tfte freede in^ Cfte rootes be fmall anb knotticcreeping ftitfter,and tftitfter* vftb ILThe 506 The fourth Booke of fyThe Place. GramenLeucanthemum. 3ft growetft in tftis Countrie alongft tfte fieldes, and bnder ftedges and buf- (ftes* fyThe Ty me. Amanmapfinbeitin flowers in A- pridanda^ap* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe batb tfte likeneffe of tfte fterbe calleb in ©reke *fi*TcaiymYw«T«i- •vop, hs«m^«t«/@u :fa matfae Crata?ogo- num,Crat2eonum,anbCrata?us:it iS cal- led in ftigft Boucfte Augentroodgras: anb tfte Brabanbets folowingtbe fome call it tiDogmtroodgras» tbat is to fop, ©raffe comforting tfte zpzg ♦ Anb map Wel be named Gramen Leucanthemum. fe The Nature. Cfte feede Of Crata?ogonum,fteatetft and drpetft* fy The Vertues. 3d a^enftaue written, tftat if awoman drfake tfte feede of. Cratxogonum tftree dales togitfter fading after tfte purging of fter flowers,tftat tfte cftilde wfticft (fte map ftappen to conceiue witftin fonrrie dapes after,(ftalbe a man cftilde* €>f eupleutoo* €l)ap*)clUty* fy The Defcription. t i^^^Vpleuronftatft long narroweleaueS,longer ft larger tften tfteblades ipl of graffe: ctfterwife not mucfte bnlpke* Cfte dalkes be of a tftree oz I ij^l foure foote long ozmore, toimde,bpzigftt, tfticke , full of iopnteS, tfte WSBzA wfticftedo part and diuide ag;apne, into manp brancftes,at tfte toppe Wftereof tftere growe pellow flowers fa round tiiftes or fteades, ft afterward tftefeede,wfticft'e in fomewftat long* . Cftereisanotfterfterbemticftliketotfteaforefopd,infalfttonandgrowmg, fottfagtftatftisieaiieswfticftarenexttfte grounde, are fomewftat larger, tfte ftemme oz ftalke in (ft ozter,and tft e roote ig bigger,anb of a woobbp fubftance: faaltbfages eisipketo tfteaforefopbe* |i The Place. * CftiS fterbe growetft not of it felfe fa tftiS ©ountrie,bttt tfte Herboriftes do fow e it in tbeir garbens* z Cfte feconbe ig fonnbe in tfteborbetS of mangttedoc* fyTheTymes. Jt flowretft and bringetft foortft feede in Juip and Atigtift* fyThe Names. % cftefirdiScailedfa©reke^^-ueoi';tomattneBupleurum.weknoWnone otfter name* z cfte fecondefoft is called of tfteHwboriftesofprouince Auricula Leporis. Jt in berpipketftatWfticft Valerius Cordusnametft Ifophyllon. fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. Bupleuri prima fpecies. Bupleuri altera fpecies. for Cfte firft kind of BupletireS* Cftefecond kind of BttplettrcS* fyThe Nature. Buplerum is temperate to ft eate and drpneffe* fyThe Vertues. CftiS fterbe in time paft was bfed as pot fterbe, and counted of Hippocra-^ tes,as a conuenient food,as piinie writetft* Cfte leaues oftfte fame pounde witft fait and wine,and lapde to, dotft con-3 fomeanddzfaeawaptftefWelling in tftenecke,calied tftefringes endl* Jtis alfo afpeciallremedie againd tfte bitinges of Serpentes, if tftepartie © tftat ig fo ft ttrt,do tft drinke tfte feede oftfte fame in wine, and walft tfte wo und Witft tfte decoction of tfte leanes of tfte fame* Cftep tftatbfeft mucft do take Auricula Leporis,againft tfte done ft graued* B €>f €atanance* €l)ap*iclie* fyThe Defcription. ffyig fterbe ig alfo like bnto graffe,ft ftatft narrow leaues ft fmotfte liketo tfteblades of graffe,butfmaller,tbewbicbe afterward be- (ingdried,do turne crooked or bend round towardes tbe ground* Cbedalkesbetenber,fmal,anb (ftort,bpontfte wfticft grow idle Crpmfen flowers,anb afterwarbe long fmal rounbe cobbes, in tbe wfticfte in contepned a feede .fomewftat reddilfte* * fi)ftftisforttftereispetanotfter kinde, tfte wfticfte ftatft no rottndecoddes, but large and fomwftat bzoade, fa all tftinges els Ipke to tfte otfter* mb a faTht Catanancc. t kk: and tftematinidesCatanance.and it (ftould feeme to be tftefitdkind of Catanance, defcribed bp Biofcorides* fy The Nature and Vertues. CatananceWaS UOt bfeb foztttedi* iinZyin times pad: neptfter pet in bfeb tftat J can tel of* €>f molp* tfftap*!* fyThe Defcription. £DlpaecorbingasBiofcd- rides wrttetftft atft leaueS like graffe, but broader, and tpzeaden or laid bpon tfte ground* Cfte flotoers bz\3)bitzAn fafftion like tfte docke or wall ©deflowers, but fmaller* Cfte ftalke is wftite of foure cubiteslong, at.tftetop wfterof tftere growetft a certapne tftingfalftioned like ©ariike* Cfte rooteis fmall and rounde as an^Dnpon* 1 piinie in tftefourtft Cftapter of biSxxb*Booke wzitetb of anotfter a^olp, wftoferoote is not bolefafftton, oriikean€)npon,bittlonganb flenber* H& leanesbeaifo Ipke bnto graffe,anb lapd flat bpon tfteground, amongd wfticft fpzingetft bp,a rottnde,fmall, and piapnedalke diuided aboue fato manp bzan- cfteS,wfterebpongrow wftite flo wet¬ mucfte bnlpke tfte flowers of docke ©elleflowers, but mucfte fmaller* Cfte rootes be long and fmall, andberp tftreddie* 3..-. poumap alfo recken amongd tbe kinbes of a£olp,afozt of graffe growing alongft tfte fea coaft wfticft is berp tenber and fmaUbeariugfmai,lbozt,narrow ieaues,and moft commonlp Iping flat and tbicke bppon tbe grounde, amongft wfticfte commetft bp fmall Iftouand tender dalkes bearing flowers at tfte top tttftfalftion,ofawftttepttrpie,ozfkiecoioitr* Cfterootes of tftefamekindebe likewife long, fmal, and tender* fy The Place. 2 Cftefecond aMp,aspiiniewritetft,growetft in J taiie in donie placeS,tfte ^ztboiiUzn of tftis Conntrie do plant it in tfteir gardens* 3 Cftegraffetftatgrowetft bptftefeacoad, is fonndein fome places of Zea* iande,in Iowe mopd places orgroundes* fy The Tymes. plinieS a^olp,flo wretft in tftis Conntrie in Juip* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. joo Liliago. Phalangium; Pfeudo Moly. Sea graffe* Cftebadardea^olpflowretft mod com* monlp all tfte fomhter* HT he Names. Cfte firft ig called in ©reeke /^» and * in matine a^olp* Cftefecondeis called pliniesa^olp,fa * marine Moly Plinij,and ig taken to be tfte rigfftt Phalangium, or Spiders worte of Biofcbrides, and tftatin ©reke yw^, ig Of Valerius Cordusnamed Liliago. Cftatkinde of graffe wfticfte growetft bp tfte fea fpde, in called in ©reeke i ^wv^v.Pfeudomoly, tftat isfo fop, Baftarde a^olp* #tcucrtfteleffe it in no kindeof apolp, but ratfterakfadeof graffe, tftewfticfte pottmap well name Gramenmarinum.fomecailitinCngliffteonrmadiesqwilftion* ^TheNature. Cfte trtiea?olp,wfticft ig tftefirft ktnde,iSftoate in tftetftird degree,and of fobtdl partes* 'fyThe fames. t Cfterooteofa9olp,eatenorbronkm,prouoketft brine, anb applpeb as a A peffarie ozmotfter ftippofitorie,openetft tbe doppings of tbe matrix oz motfter* a^oip in alfo excellent againft encftanntementes, as piinie and Corner do B tedifie,faping, Cftata^ercitriereitealedozlftewedittotiLilpffes, wfterebpfte efcaped all tfte encftauntments of Circe tfte a^agicien* €>ffijeoealTeofparnafu0. €l)ap*lt. iff The Defcription. , ^Htofterbeftatftlitleroundeleaties,fafalftionmwcftbnliketbeleaitesof iKljuieorAfarabacca,bwtfarrefmaller,anbnotoffodarkeacolour: a- mongd tfte wfticft fprfagbp two or tftzee fmalldalkes, of afoote ftigft, and of a reddilft colour belo weanb bearing faire wftite flowers at tfte top, tfte Wfticft being pad,tbere comebp ronnb knops ozbeadS> wberin in contepned a reddifl) feede*Cfteroote ig fomwftat tfticke, witft manp tftzeddp dringes tfter- bnto annexed, iib iijl fyihe Hepatica alba. Gramen Parnafi. ♦Jt The Place* CftiS fterbe growetft inmopftplaceS,and iS founde to certapne places of Brabant* fyThiTyme. CbiS fterbe tfow.zetft fa Juip, and foone after peeldetft ftis feede* fyThe Names. Bpcaufe of tftelpkenelte tfttft tftiSfterbe ftatft witft tfte graffecalledin ©reeke h&™ ly t» nctPvccrZ ytyap&rM: fa marine Gramen Par- nafium: tbe?call it to tftis Countrie, Cfttf grade of parnafusan bafe Almaigne ©ras banparnaftis: Valerius Cordus uametft it Hepatica alba. fe The Nature. Cfte feebe of parnafus gtaite is due, and of fubtill partes* fy The Defcription. Cfte becoction of parnafus grade droit- km,dotftdrieandftrengtben tbe feeble and mopddomackeandtftemopdbowelS,ftoppetft tftebellp, and taketft awap tfte defiretobomit* Cftefamebopleb in wineoz water, prouoketft b}inzy efpeeiadp tfte feeder tft ereof, tfte wfticft dotft not onlp pronoke dztueftnt alfo breaketft tfte ftone,and driuetft it fooztft,if ftbedronken* Cfte potmg leaues bzufed,and lapd to frelft woundes, ftoppetft tft ebleeding € oftfte fame,and ftealetft tfte woundes* €>f tbe iupce of tbis fterbe in made a dnguletf Collyrium, or mefrictoefor tfte B epeS,tftewfticftecomfortetfttftefigftt,andclearetft tfte epes, ifponputbutoit afmneft wine as pott ftaue oftfte iupce,and ftalfe as mucft a^pzrft e, witft a litie pepper and f rankenfence* And for to keepe tfte fapd Codpriiim a long time in ftiSgoodneffe,itmiiftbeptitinto acopper Boxe* effiuH)e. tfljapJt}. fyThe Kindes. THere are founde fa tftiS Countrie, foure or fine kindeS of bfttal oz common mffteSv fyTheDefc/iption. rimEiilftesfeeme notfting els,btit^lgotwigs,(ftntes,ozlpzfags,tftatare igllenber,fmootft,rottnde, and witftoittieaues,ft tfte roote from wftence gtftep grow and ipring bp,is large and enteriaced*Cfte flowers ft feede grow bpon one fide, abnoft at tfte top of tfte (ft utes or rulftes to tuftes ortaffels* t Cftefirftkindetofttllofwftitefttbftanceorpitft,tftewftfcftebringdzafaW out,lft ewetft like long wftite fofte or gentle tftzeds, and feruetft for apatcfteS to btttne in lampes,and oftbefame in mabe manpplefontbeuifes* 2 Cfte feconde kind in fomwftat rougft and ftarder in dandling tftm tfte firft, and ftatft but litie pitftwitbin, and tfte tfte fome not tfticke nor clofe, fo tftat in dzawing ft fooztft, it peeldetft fmallfubftance, Wfterefore tfte fopbepitft in bit- profitable: bnt tfte Etilfte befagdued, in more plpant, and better to binbe anp tftfag wftftall,tben anp of tfte otfter fortes* 3 Cft e tftirb kinb alfo batb not mucb pitb, anb growetft not farre apart from tfte rooteS,but manp togitfter,as tfte flagge orgladenleaues:fa tftat one mfte gro wetft out of anotfter* Cfte the Hiftorie of Planted Iuncus. J" 4 Cfte fourtft ktndc in great, of eigftt oz niene foote long, oftfte bigiteffe of ones finger, fpongie^ witftin, as tfte flagge oz water mauer, wftereof tftepbfetomake apa:tcs:and of tftiskindetftep do likcwifemake a^attes, wfticft are^ called Eulfte Mattes* 5 Bpfides tftefefortes of common. rttlftes,tftere in alfo a ftrange, aro* i maticall, or fweete fmellfag riiffte, tfte wfticfte in not to be founde fa! tftiSCounfrie,but onelp inApo= tftecaries IftoppeS, bnder tfte name dfSqttfaantum* * in marine Typha;and oftfte Writers to tftefe the Hiftorie of P larites. jif tftefedapeS Typha paiuftris,asadifferencefromtfteotfter TyPha,caUed Typha1 cereal is, wft icfte in akinde of grapne oz corne,tfte wfticfte ftatft bene alreadp de*> fcribedin tftefourtft Cftap* of tftiSbooke, offome it is alfo ealed Typha aqua* tica,aitd Ceftrum morionis:faf rmcfte CMarteau,CMaffes:fa ftigft BOUCfte0tlt* renkolben,and mief5kuofpen:in bafe Almaigne, mifcft Bodden, and Bonfen* Cnrner calletft itin ©nglilfte, Eeedea^ace,and ©attestaple:to tfte wfticft we map iopne otfters, asnaater Corcfte, a^atcfteBetill, or pedili,and Buncfte downe,bpcanfetftedowneof tftis fterbe willcatifeonetobedeafe, if it ftappen to fall fato tfteeares,as apattftioltts writetft* Cfte leanes are called, a^atte reede,bpcattfe tftep make mattes tfterewitft, to tfte Wfticfte tftep onelp ferue wften itbzfagetft fooztft neitfter dalkes nor cattes taple* like as tft is plant peel- detft bin cattestaples,fo likewife be tfte leattes not neceffarie to make anp tftfag tftereof* fy The Nature. CftiS fterbe in colde and drie of complexion* fyThe Vertues. Cftedowneof tftis fterbemtngled witft SwpneS greafe well waffted,ftea*$ letft btirninges and fcaldinges witft fire ozxuater. apen ftauealfo experimented and proued,tftat tbin cottenin berp pzofitabie yx to fteale bzoken oz ftolowe kibes,tf it be lapbe bpon* ^fPoleaeeoe/o?£mt8. €!>ap*ltitj* fyThe Kindes. Harundo Vallatoria. TH©iH€ are bitters kindes of Cfte common pole Eeede* EeedeS, as Biofcozides and ^^ plimedo write, wftereof tfte fixtft $£. * kinde in betp common anb well <^ knowen intbin Countrie* fy The Defcription ;H© common Eeebe or Jcane ftatft a long dalke pljoz drawe fuil of knottie ^Ijiopntes, wfterebppon grow mariplong rougft bladesor leaues, and at tfte top large tufts* oz eares fpzead afaodctftewfticfte do cftange into a fine downe or cot- ton , and is carried awap witft tfte winde, almoft like tfte eares of apiltor apillet, but farre bigger* Cfteroote is long ft wftite, grow- ing outwardlp in tfte bottomeof tfte water* 7 CfteCaneofJnde,orpJndian ©ane,isof tfte kind of Eeedes,be- tp ftigft,long,great,and drong, tft e Wfticft in bfed to temples ft Cftur* tbzn to put otttp ligftt of candeis, Wfticfte tftep bfe to bwrne before tfteir JmageS* 8 Co tftefe we map iopne tftat Cane, wft ereof tft ep make S wgar,to tfte JlandeS of Canare,and els Wftere* 9 Bpftdes tftefe foftes,tftere in anotfter aromaticai,and fw eete duelling kind* bnknowen to tftis Countrfef &&Tbe Ji 4 The fourth Booke of fy The Place. CftecommonEeedeor fpiergrowetft indanding waters, and ontfteedges and borbers of riners* fy The Names. CftiS plante in calleb in ©reke K«x«ju©~:tomatine Har undo,oz Arundo,and Calamus:faf rencfteciwf.or^^.inftigft BoucfteEozft: fa bafe Abnaigne Eiet:in©ngli(ft,CommonpoleEeede,Spier,ot Cane Eeede* i Cfte firft kinde in called »«s-<&-> Naft us,of tftis kinde in times pad tftep made arrowesanddartes* » Cfte feconde in called *«x«ju©- rata, Arundo fcem ina ,tftis kinde dpd ferue to make tongues fozpipes,ll)aiilmes,ortrumpettes* $ Cfte tftirde in called **?now * Syringias, Fift uiaris,of wfticfte tftep make pipes and flutes* 4 witb tftefourtft men did write fa timespaft,as tftep do now bfeto do witft pmnes and quilles of certapne birdes, tfte wfticyie foz tfte fome purpofe were named Calami 5 Cftefiftft kfadeiS caded andmfagied witft bineger itfWagetfttftepaine of mem- bers out of fopnt* Cfte greene tender leaues finelp (lamped and Iapdeto, ftealetft cftolerique 13 inflammations or wilde fier,alfo ft oate fwellfages and impodumes* Cfte alftes oftfte pole Eeede mingled witft bineger and lapde to, ftealetft C tft e r oomeand dales oftfte ft ead, wfticft e do caufe tfte fteare to fal of* CfteAromattcalorffaeete Caiamusbefagbumken, prouoketftbzine, and B bopled witft pardep feede, is good agapnft tfte ftrangnrie , tfte papne of tfte rapnes, tfte bladder and dropfie* Cfte fome taken in anp kind of wapes, in berp agreable to al f> inner partes, © as tfte domacke, tfteliuer,tfte fpieene,tfte matrix, ft agapnft burftinges or rup- tures. feThe Danger. Cfte downe tftat inin tftetop of tfte Cane reede,oz fa tfte tufting taffeis tfter of,tf it cftaunce to fal fato tfte eareSAzingetft fucft ad tafeneffe, asiSftard to be cured* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. fficeDc#rafle. tfljap.lU. W Plata nana- fy The Defcription. © ede graffe ftatft long nar- row leaues, two edged or Iftarpe on botb fides, witft a (ftarpe cred or backe, rap- fed dp, fo tftat tftep feeme almod triangled or tftree (quare*Cfte dalkes growe amongd tfte leaueS, to tfte ft eigftt of two oz tftree foote oz moze, anddobeare abouttfte bpperpartof tftedalkes roundepztcklep knoppes, or bottllettes, asbigge as a $ttt*Cfteroote in ful of ftearieflringes* fy The Places. Jt growetft intbin Countrie in mopft medowes, ft to tfte borbers, or brinkeS of ditcftes ftritters* fy TheTymes. Jtbzingetft fooztft ftis boullettes, or pricklep knoppes in Angitft* fy The Names. Cftis fterbe is calleb inbafe Almaigne Eietgras,and tfterefore fome take it for akinde of graffe wfticft Biofcoribes cal- letft to ©reeke KocX«/uccye6>s-i*, Calamagro- ftis.-inmatine Gramen Arundinaceum: inCnglilfte, Eeede graffe* naitft tfte wfticft ftftatft no likeneffe and tfterefore itfernetft better to be named Platanaria, and Ipkewife it isnot Ipke bnto Spar- gam um, but ft in more ipke tftat Butomon of Cfteopftradns, tftatlikewdeto ©reeke in Calleb &ovtoho\>. fy The Nature. Jtis of a colbe anb brie complexion* fy The Vertues. Some write, tftat tfte knoppes oz rougft buttons of tftis fterbeborled to <* Wine,are good agapnd tfte bittoges of benemous beades, if it be eitfter dron- ken,or tft e wounde be walfted tfterewitft* €>faattelgtaiTe. <£l)ap*it)t* fy The Kindes. THerebetwo kindes of tftis graffe,one wfticft bearetbredbeflowers, and leaues finelp fogged or fnipt,tbe otfter batb palepellow flowerS>and long narro we leaues fnipt like a fowe rounde about tfte ebges* fyThe Defcription. ^H^fftfftond ftatft leauesberp final iagged,ordented,fpzeadabrodebpo ISpe ground:Cfte dalkes be weake ft fmal, wfterof fome Ipe along trap* selling bpon tfte grounb,ft bo beare tfte litie leanes: tberedbo growebp- rtgftt,as ftigft as a mans ftand,ft bpon tftem grow tfteflowers from tfte midle of tftedemme ronnd aboitt,etienbatd bp to tftetop, of a bzownered oz purple eoiorXomwft at like to £ flower of tft e red nettle * Cfte wfticft being falte awap, tftere gro w in tfteir place litie flat poweftes ozftnfkes, wfterein tftefeebe ig con- tetoeb,wfticft igflat,ft blackilfttCfterooteiSfmal ft tender* Cfte 516 The fourth Booke oP FiftuIaria.Eeede Eattel* Crifta gallinaceaJIrilOW Eattel* 2 Cftefeconbekfad ftatft a ftraigftt ftemme, fet about witft narro we leaues,toipt rounde about bpon tfte edges* CfteflowerS growe rounde abouttfte ftemme, at tfte ftigfteft of tfteftalke, falfttoned like tfte flowers oftfte firftkinde, fouing tftat tftep be of a fainte or pale pedowe colour,or wftitilfte, after tfte wfticft e tftere come bp iitleflat pow* cftes ozptirfeS,couered as it werewitft alitlebladder,ozflat fkin, openbefoze like tftemoutft of abladder. tBitftin tfte litie pttrfrs in tftefeede, tfte wfticfte^ flat,peilo we or bro wnilft*C ft e roote in fmall and lftoft* fyThe Place. t Cftatwitfttfteredflowersgrowetft to mopft medowes, and is berp nop* fome to tfte fame* 1 Cftat witft tfte pale oz pellowe flowers, growetft todzie medowes, and in tfte feeldes alfo,and in to tftem berp eniil and ftnrtful* fyTheTymes. t Cftat witft tftered flower$f,flowretft in apap,and big feedeis rtpein June* 1 Cfte otfter 80 wretft in Jtine and Jnip,and almod all tfte fommer* fyThe Names. 1 CftefirdiS called of tfte writers fatftefe dapeS,Fiftularia, and Crifta, and of fomein©reeke£oxo$>©-,Ale&orolophosof piinie: in ©nglilfte, Eedde Eattel* » Cfte otfter kind is called of tfte writers in tftefedapeS Crifta gaffinacca, and Crifta gall i,bpcaufe tftat in proportion of flowers and poucfteS,it in like to Eed Eatteirin ftigft Boucft ©eelEodelrinbafe Almaigne,©eeiand witte Eatele, ft offome Hanekammekms,tftat in to fap,Hetines Commes,or C oxecombcs: alfo pellowe or wftite Eattel* CftiS map wel betbatfterbe, wbereof plfaie Wzitetft in ftiSxbiif*booke,tbexxbiii*Cbapter, anb tftere in called Nimmulus, tfte wfticft is berp fturtftill to medowes* fy The the Hiftorie of Plantes. 5*7 f|[The Nature. Botft oftftefefterbesarecolbe,brie,anb adringent* fy The Vertues. Eedde Eattel in taken of tfte pftpfftions in tftefedapeS, againd tfte flttxe 31 menftruall,and all other iffue of blood,bopled in wine and dznnken* ^Cfteotfterkindeftatftnopecttlierberttietftat J knowe* ® €>f tlje clnltel tffiamefeon. €l)ap*U>tj* fyThe Kindes. * Chameleon is of two fortes, aSBiofcorideSwritetft, tfte wftite and tfte blacke* Tbe figures which my K^Autthor attributeth to Leucacantha, toil agree wellmth this de~ fiftptiorijindthey befo placed ofUWattbiolus. fy The Defcription. )Hegreat Cftameleon, ftatft greatbzodepricklepleatteS.not mttcft )bnltke tbe wilde Cfttftle,but rottgfter ft harper, tfte wfticft leaueS ;are greater,ftronger ft grbffer,tften tfte leaues of tfte blacke Cfta- meleon : amongft wfticft feattes tftere rifetft immebiatlp from tfte Iroote, apricklepfteaborbowle,almodltketbebeabesof Hatti- cftokes, anb bearetft a purple tftzommcd flo wer like beiuet * Cfte feede is almod Ipke tfte feede of badarbe foffron*Cfte roote in long, and wftite witftin,of a fweete taftcand aromattcall fmell* i Cfte blacke Cftameleons leaues, are alfo almoft Ipketo tfte leaues oftfte wilbeCftiftei,but fmaller and finer,anb fpzinckled ozfpotteb witb red fpottes* Cfte ftemme in reddilft or bzo wne red, oftfte bignelte of a finger, ft growetft to tfte fteigftt of afoote,wfterbpo grow ronnb beades witb fmalpricklep flowers of diuers colo tires, wftereof ecfte flower in not mticft bnlpke tfte flowers of tfte Hpacpntfte*Cfteroote iS great ftfirme,or(frdng,blackewitbotttanb pelfowilft witftin, Iftarpe anb biting tfte tongue, tft e wfticfte for tfte mod part in found,aS it wereaireadp taded or bitten* fyThe Place. i Cfte wfttte Cftameleon growetft bponbiiles anb monntapnes, ft fucb Ipke bntoplebplaces* Pettozalltftat it defpzctft good grounde* JtiSfottndein Spapne tn tfte region of Arragon bp tfte ftigft wap fides* s Cfte blacke gro wetft in btpz fo?ies,and places neare tfteSea* fy The Names. t CftefirdkfadeiS called in ©reekex*^^p^xtuKo?:fa marine Chama?leoal- bus,OfApttleitlS Carduus fyluaticus, Of fome alfo Erifiiceprrum, Ixia, Carduus varinus,C3rduusirinus,CarduusIadeus^attftiolUSfoptft, tftat tfte JtaliattS CaltftiSfterbe Carlina in Spapne Cardo pinro:fof rmcfte Carlme. 2 Cftefecondekindeiscalledin©reekex«r<«i^p^x«r.famatfae Chama?ieo. riiger.of fome Pancarpon, Vlophonon, Cynomazon, Cynoxylon, Ocymoides, Cnidos coccos, Carduus nigcr, Veruilago, Vftiiago, ftC* Botft tft efe kind eS are bnknowen in tftis Countrie* fe The Nature. Cftameleon istemperate fo fteate and drpneS,fi?eciailp tfte biacke,tfte wfticft in almod ftoate fa tfte feconde degree, and altogitfter drie in tfte tftirde degree* fy The Vertues. i Cfte roote of tfte wftite Cftameleon brotiken witft redde wine wft erin Ori- A ganum ftatft bmefodden, killetft and bringetft fooztft large ozfaode wozmes* Cfte famebopleb in goob \sinz,ig berp good foz fucb as ftaue tfte Bropfie,» £t and ji8 * The fourth Booke of and drangurie,for ft delapetft tfte fwelling of tftem tftat ftatie tfte Bzopfie, and difpatcftetft brine* Jt in good againd aikindes of benome or popfon tftat map be giuen* Cu 2 Cfteroote of tfteblacke Cftameleon, in not berp meete to be receiued fa» & Wardlp: for ftis indued witft a certapne ftidden euill qnalitie, as ©alen faptft, , and tfterefore it was neuer minidred oftfte Auncientes, but in outward mebi- ' cines* Cbe fame witb a litie ©opperofe and SdJineS gteafe, beaietft tfte fcabbe, € anb if pou put tftereto of Brimdone anb Eofenor Carre,it wil beale tbe ftoate runnfagorcreepingfcabbebrfcurffe,fouietetters,and all nougfttie itcfte or manginelte* Cfte fame lapde to in tfte Sonne but onelp witft Brimdone,pnttetft awap f *. tftecre^ingfcabbeanbtetter,wftitelpotteS,fonnebitrning,andotfterfitcfted^ formities oftfte face* Cftedecoction of tftis roote bopled in water or bineger being bolben fatfte © moutft, ftealetft tfte tootft acfte* Cfte Ipke pzoucrtte ftatft tfte roote, bzokjm or bzufed witft pepper and Salt, to be applped and lapbe bppon tfte nougfttie tootft* «&f$eaWp. Cljapatmj* ' fyThe Kindes. rtl^tftisCountrieiS foundetwo kindeS of Erjmgium, tfte one called tfte JMgreatEryngium,orEryngiumoftfteSea,and tfteotfter totalled biitEryn- ^^giumonrip* Eryngium marinurm . Eryngiumvulgare. Sea Hodr* Cfte ftnnbreb beaded Cfttdel* the Hiftorie of Plantes. j»o fyThe Defcription. 2rajji!H<£ great Eryngium ftatft great,large, wftitilbc, fomewftat rounde I ESSland tfticke leaues 5a litie crompled or cronkeled about tfte edges, fet ftere and tftere witft certapne prickles rounde about bppon tbe cdges,tftefopde leattes beof anaromaticallozljpicelpketafte* Cbe ftalkes be rounde, and growe about tbe beigbt of a foote, of a reddilfte colour belowenearetftegtounde,bpontftetoppesoftftebzancbescomefooztb round '* knoppie and Iftarpe pricklep beabes, about tfte quahtttte of a nut, fet ro wudea- botit full of fmad flowers, mod commonlp of a C elediall oz fkie colour, anb fa tftis Conntrie tftep ftaue fmall tippesoz wftite markes* And ftarde iopnin^ bnd er tfte flo w ers grow fiue oz fixe fmall pricklep leaueS,fet in compaffe round about tft e dalkelike a darre,tfte wfticfte witft tfte bppermod part of tbe demme arealtogitfter of afkiecoiourin tftis Countrep* CfterooteiS often oztwelue foote long, and oftentimes fo long, tbat pott cannot drawe it bp wftole, aS bigge as ones finget,fud of iopntes bp fpaces,and of a pleafant tade* % Cfte feconde kinde batb bzoade crompled leaues,al to pounced and fogged, \oftirifft,ft fet rounbe about witb Iftarpe prickles* Cfte ftalke in of a foote long, witft manp bzancftes,at tfte toppe wftereof growe rounde, rougft, and prickle bullettesotknoppes, liketo tftefteadesofSeaHollporHttluet, butnutrfte finaller>bndemeatft wfticft knoppes grow alfo fiue or fixefmall narrow Iftarpe ieaues,fet rounde about tft e demme after tfte falftiou of Starres*Cfte roote in long and plapne or fingle, as bigge as a mans finger, blackifft e witftout, and wftite witftfa* fy The Places. i ©rpnge, as Biofcozides Writetft,growetft fa rougft bntopled feelbej$:ft is foundeintbiSCountriefaZeaiand,ftf launders, bpon banckes,anb alongft bptfte Sea coaft* * Cfte common ©rpnge growetft alfo fa tftis Countrie fa tfte like places: it growetft alfo fa Almaigne alongft bp tfte riuer Eftene, and inbxiz Countries bp tfte fttgft wapes*Cftere in pientie growing about Strafboitrge* fyTheTymes. Botft tftefe kindeS do bring foortft tfteir flowers in tftis Conntrie, fa June and Juip* fe The Names. i Cfte ftrftkfade of tftefe Cftiftels is called in ©reeke lem<°rin matine Eryn- giurmplfatecalletft it adO Erynge:tfte WrttetS Of Our time Cal it try ngium ma- rinum tfte Arabians witft tfte Apotftecariescalitiringus:fa Almaigne Crupf- worteiejand ©ndeloos,and in fomeplaces of f launders, #eere woztele: fa ©nglilfte,Sea Holme,or Huluer,and Sea Hollp* , Cfte otfter kinde in called fa©nglt(ft,tbe Hwndred fteaded Cftiftelriu frencft chardona cent tefles.fa ftigft Bottcft ^anftrew, Bracften diftel, and Ead diftei: in bafe Almaigne ©rnpfdiftel: in tfteSftoppeS alfo it isnowe called iringus. Cftis witftout doubt isa kinde of Eringium, tfte wfticfte map alfo berp be well called Centumcapita. fyThe Nature. * Sea Hollp in temperate of fteate and colde,pet of drie and fttbtfl partes* * Cfteftundred fteaded Cftidell, is ftoate and dzie as one map eafpipgatber bptfte tade. fy The Vertues. i Cfteftrdleanesof EryngiumaregoodtobetatenfaSaiade, and wasfoz A tftat ptirpofefo bfed oftfte Atincientes, as Biofcozides wzitetft* ftii-' Cfte jio The fourth Booke of Cfte rooteS of tftefame bopled in wfae and dronken,are good fottftcm tftatB are troubled witft tfte Coliqueand gripfags oftfte bellp,forit curetft tftem, and driuetft fooztft windineffe* Cfte fame taken in tfte fome manner,bringetft foortft womens natural fick< C neffe* Jtis good to drinke tftewinewfteretoSeaHoilp ftatft bopleb>againdtfteBv ftone and grauel,and againft tfte papne to make water, for it prouoketft brine, driuetft foortft tfte ftone, ft curetft tfte infirmitieS,tftat cftaunce to tftekidnepes, if it bedronkenfiftienedapes togitfter one after anotfter* i Cftefamerootestakenintftefame manner, are goodfdr fucfte as be lfaer©f ficke, and for tftofe tftat are bittm of anp benemous beaftes,or baue receiued ' „ ozdronkepopfon, efpeeiadp if itbedzonken witft tftefeede of wilde Carrot* jtdotft alfo ftelpe tftofe tftat are troubled witfttfte Crampe,and tfte falling f fickneffe* Cfte greenefterbe ig good to bepounbe,and iapdetotftebpttoges of bene- © moiis beades,efpeciallp to tbe bitingeS of f roggeS* CfteApotftecariesoftftiSCountriedo bfetopreferueandcomfittfterooteH of Eringium,tobegiuentotbeaged,andoidepeopie,and otberstftat are con- fumed or nourflfte and redoze tftem againe* a Cfteroote of Centumcapita.oztfteCftideiofaftundredfteadeS,iSlikeWife J comfited,to redoze,nottrilfte,andftrengtften, albeit it commetft notnearebp a great wap,to tfte goodneffe oftfte otfter* <®fftarte elnOet/oKaUtop* €i)ap*ltft fyThe Defcription Carre Cftidell ft atft fofte fri- fed leaues, deepelp cutte or gapfte, tfteftalkes grow of a foote and a ftalfe ftigft, full of bzancftes , wfterebppon growe . fmali knappes or fteades like to otfter Cftifteiles, btitmucbefmaller,and fet rounde about witft (ftarpe tftomie pttckieS, falftioned ipke aStatreat f beginning, eitfter greene or browne rebbe, but afterwarde pale or wft tte: wften tftofe fteades do ope,tftepbring fooztft a purple flower, ft afterwarde afmall flat and round feede,tfteroote is long and fomewftat browne witft* out* 4f The Place. CftiS Cftidell growetft fa rube bntopled places, ft alongft tfte waies, ft is fotmoe fa great quantitie, about tftea£arteCowncofAnwatpe,nere to tfte riuer Scelbe, anb alongft bp tftenewewallesoftftecowne* fyTheTyme. CftiS Cftidell flowretft from tfte monetft of Juip ,bntillAuguft* fyThe Carduus ftellatus. the Hiftorie of Plants. j* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbe is nowe calleb famatine Carduus ftellatus, and Steliaria,alfo Calcitrapa : and fome take it fOZ ^^KAvflG-.PolyacanthusOfCbeopftraft^fte wfticft ©a^acalletft in marine Aculeofa, tftep call it inftzntbtchaujfetrape • fa ftigbBoucft,r©allmBidell,ano feaben Bidel: inbafe Almaigne,Sterre diftelrirtCnglilft) StarreCftidel,or Caltrop* fy The Nature. CftiS Cftidei alfo is of a ftoate nature,as tfte tade oftfte rodte dotft Iftewe* fyThe Vertues. Cftep bfe greatlp to take tfte powder of tfte feede of tftiS Cftidei in wine to A drtoke,to prouoke brfae,and to drine foortft grauel,and againd tfte drangurp* <£>ftlje Ceafel* <£l)ap*Ic* fyThe Kindes. He Cardtftidel or Ceafel ig of two foztes,tfte tame ft tfte wild * Cfte tame CeafeliS fowenof fullers and clotftwotkers to feme tfteirpurpofes, tfte Wilde growetft witftout ft tifbanbing of it felfe, ft feruetft to fmal purpofe* Dipfacum fatiuum. Dipfacumfylueftre. ' f tillers ceafeU HDilbe Ceafel* T 3 H<£ Cardtftiftelftis fird leaues be (ong,and large,ftackt round about ' witft natcftes, Ipke tfte teetft of a fowe, betwixt tftofe leaues rifetft a ftolo we ftalke of tftree foote long or moze, Witft manp bzancftes, fet ftere anb tftere witft diuers ftooked Iftarpe prickles, and (paced oz fe- %% Hi uered jzi The fourth Booke of uered bp iopnteS,$ at euerp oftfte fapb iopntzgy grow two great longleaues, tbe wfticft at tftelower endeS befo clofelp iopnzb anb fadened togitfter, round about tftedalke, tftat itftoldetft tfte water, falling eitfter bp rapne ordewe, fo fure,as adilfte ozbafon* At tfte top of tfte bzancftes growelong, rougft, and pzickiefteades,fet full of ftookes:outof tftefame knops or fteades, growfmal wftite flowers placed fa Cedes and Cabbins, like tfte ftonie Combe,to wfticfte Cftambers or C edeS(af ter tfte falling awap oftfte flo wer)is found a febe like f enil,but bitter tn tade*Cfte knoppes or ft ead es are ft olow witft in,and for tfte moftpattftantogWozmes to tftem, tftewfticftepoufftall finde to cleaning tfte fteades*Cfte rooteis long,plapne,anb wftite* 2 Cfte wiidCeafelismneft liketo tfte otfter,btitftis leaueSbe narrower,and ftiS flowers purple,tfteftookes of tftis Ceafel be notfting fo ftarde, nor (ftarpe as tfte otfter* 2 Cftere in pzt anotfter wilde kinde of tftefe CardeCftidelS,tfte Wfticft grow ftigft ed of al tfte otfter fortes, wftofe knopped fteadeS are no bigger' tften a nut, in all tftinges els Ipke to tfte otfter wilbe kinbes* fyThe Place. t CbetameCeafeliSfowmintftiSCoiintrie,andinotfterplaceSoffiaun ders,tofertiefullerSandClotftWprkers* 2 Cfte wild growetft fa mopd places,bp bzookeS,riwerS,ft fucft otfter places* fy The Tymes. Carde Cftideiflowretft for tfte moft part in June and Juip* C The Names. CftiS kinde of Cftidei is called in ©reeke cfty«K©-:fa marine Dipfacum3and Labru Veneris,of fome alfo Chama?leon,Crocodilion,Onocardion, Cneoron, Meleta5Cinararuftica, Moraria,Carduus Veneris,Venerislauacrum,ftSciaria:fa SftOppeS VirgaPaftoris,and Carduus ¥\\\\onum;inf tZWfy Verge do berger, Cor- don a Fouion>o% a c*Wtf-faftigft Boitcftefeartendidel, Bubenftrel, iBeberkar- ten: in bafe Almaigne,Caerben,and holders Caerden: in ©nglilfte, f idlers CeafeLCarde Cftiftell,and mentis batft or Baton. t Cfte tameCeafel iS tailed Dipfacum fatiuuiii,and Dipfacum album. i Cfte Wilde CeafeliS Called Dipfaca fylueftris;or Purpurea. fyThe Nature. Cfte roote of Carde Cftidell (as ©alenfoitft) is dzie in tftefecondedegree, andfomwhatfeouring* fyThe venues. Cfte roote of Ceafeil bopled in wine,and afterwardepoiinde bntdl it come % to tftefitbdanceoztfttckneffeofanopntmeut,ftealetft tfte cftappeS, rifteS,and fiftuias of tfte fnndement* Bnt to pzeferue tftis opntment, pemttft keepeit ina boxe of Copper* Cftefmall wormes tftat are founde witftfa tfte knoppes oz fteades ofCea*B felles,docure and ftealetfte^ttartapneague, to be wozne oz tped about tfte necke or arme, as Biofcozides writetft* <£>f Ztteeljobes* €!jap.!#♦ fyThe Kyndes. t T^ztz in now found two kindes of ArtecftokeS,tfte one witft biodeleaneS, 1 and notfting pzicklep,Wfticft is caded tfterigftt Artecftoke,tfte otfter wftofe leaues be all to galft ed full of Iftarpe prickles and deepe cuttes, wfticft map becailedtfteCftidelLorpricklepArtecftoke* fyThe Defcription. He rigftt Artecftokeftatft greatlongbroadeleaues,liketfteieaitesof onrmadpeSCftidel,biitblacker,greater,ft witftout pzickies,amona(l tfte wfticfte fpringetft bp a ftalke gamiffted oz fet ftere and tftetewttft tfte 1^ m the Hiftorie of Plantes. W tftelike leaues, but fmallcr,bearfarj attftetop greatrofaide fcaliefteades, tfte Wfticfte at tfteir opening beare a purple flower oz bloffom, and after it peeldetft feede, like to tfte feede of our madies Cftiftel, but greater* Cfte roote in long and groffe* 2 Cfte Cftidell otpztcklep Artecftqkcftatft great long leanes, berp mucft and deepelp cut bpo botft fides(euen to tfte berpfineWes wfticft depart tfteleaues) and full of (ftarpe cruel prickles*Cfte dalke in long, bpon tfte wfticft grow fcalp fteades,almod like tfte otfters* Cftep are botft of onekinde,ft not otfterwife to be accounteb:fot oftentimes of tft e feebe of one tpzfagetft tfte otfter, efpeciallp tfte Cftidell Artecftoke com- metft of tftefeebe of tbe rigftt Artecftoke*nafticftetftingwasberpwellknowen of palladfas,wfto commaunded to breake tfte point of tft e feede, for bpcaufe ft (ftouibe not bring foortft tfte pzicklep kinde* $ The Place. Cftefe two kindes growe not fa tftis Conntrie of tfteir owne acco.ide,but arefoweu and planted fa gardens* fyTheTymes. Cfte rigftt ft pricklep Artecftokes,bring fortft tfteir great ft eabes in Auguft* v fyThe Names. 1 t CftiS kinde of Cftifteil,efpeciallptfte fird fofte,iS called of ©alen fa ©reeke k4«?« of^atft*sxoXi/u@.:fa^atfae Cynara,Cinara,Carduus,ft Carduus fatiuus, OfWrfterSofOltrtime, Arocum,Alcoraluurand Articocalus:faf rencftetsfrti- Jtalian Auicocaifa ftigft Boucft SttobflbornanBtabatArticftatits, JXiiij foiowfag Spina alba. tiDutmadpesCftiftel* 5 H The fourth Booke of folowing tfte frencfte: tfte fteabesbe calleb fa©reeke«7o»efeor otfter flelft ,tften ferue tftem witft a faufe of butter or ople,folt anb bineger: fome bfe tftem rawe witft pepper and falt,and tfte powder of Coriander, and fo tbzp peelde anatttral pleafont and kindip fweeteneffein tafte* Cftep are not bfed fa medicine, as mpAuctftor in folowing Biofcorides and ©alen writetft* Some write, if tfteponng and tender (ftelles oz Cuttes of tfte Artecftok® (being fird diepeb oz foked in drong wine) be eaten, tftat tftep prottoke brine, and fttrre bp tfte hid of tfte bodp* Alfo tftep write, tftat tfte roote in good agapnft tfte rancke fmel of tfte arme- C ptttes,if after tfte taking cleane awap of the pitft, tfte fame roote be bopled in wine and dronken*f oz it fendetft foortft pientie of ftinking brine, wfterebp tfte rankeand rammilfte fauour of al tfte bodp tS amended* Cfte fome bopled in water and 0ronken,0otft drengtft en tfte domacke, and & fo confirmetfteplaceof natttraliconceptioninwomen, tftat it maketft tftem apt to conceauemaleCftddzen* Cftefftft fpringes or tender impeS of tfte Artecftok fodden to good faotft witft Btttter, dotft migfttelpftirrebp tfteluft of tfte bobp botft in men anb women, it caufetft fluggiffte men to be diligent in Sommer,and wilnotfnffer women to beftowe atwinter* Jt dapetft tfte inno- luntarie courfe of tfte naturall feede fa man or woman* <&f owt la&peo Cljtttelt €l)ap*!^u* fy The Defcription. m madies Cftidei ftatft great, bzoade, wftite,greene leaues, fpeckled \i5 manp wftite fpots, h fet rounde about witft Iftarpe prickles* Cfte dalkes be long, as bigge as ones finger, attfte top wftereof grow ronnde knapped fteaddes witft Iftarpe prickles, out of tfte fome knappes come foortft fapze purple flowers , and after tftem witftin tfte fame fteades growetft tfte feede inciofed or wrapt in acertapne cotton or do wne*Cfte wfticft ig not mucft bnlpke tfte feede of wilde Carthamus,bitt ieffer,rownder,and b!aeker*Cft e rooteis long, tfticke and wftite* fLThe the Hiftorie of P Iantes. 525 fy the Places. flDttrmadpesCfttftel growetft offtis ownekinde in tftiS Countrie, almoft in euerp garden of potfterbes,aud ig alfo founde in rougft dntopled places* fyTheTymes. i Jtflowzetft in June and Juip, tfte fame pere it ig firft fowen, and Wften ft ftatft brougftt foo.ztft l)ig feeder decapetft and ftaruetft* fe The Names. CftiSCftiftedis called in ©reeke «*«itf * xwkh: famatfae Spina alba, of fome \ alfo Agriocinara*, Donacitis, Eryfiicef^rum, Spina regia,and Carduus Kampta- ^rius-.of tfte Arabian pftpfttionS,Bede|^rcfa©ngiifl)e,€)wrmadieSCftidelft * inf tzntbz,chardou noHre Dame: fa ftigft Boiicfte,aj?ariett Biftel, andf rauwen f Bidel: inbafe Almatgne,€)nfer urouwen Biftel:in IftoppeS, Carduus Maria?. fy The Nature. CfterooteofourmadieSCftiftel>iSdzpandaftringent*CftefeedeiSftoate> and of fttbtill partes* fyThe Vertues. Cfteroote of ourmabpeSCftifteldzonkein Wine,isgood foztftemtftatfpit A blood,and foz tftofe tftat ftauefeebledomackes,andlofebellpeS* Caken in tftefame fortft prouoketft bzfae,and dztttetft itfooztft* B Jt confumetft colde and foft JWellingekbeing lapde tberebnto*' © Cfte wine wfterein it ftatft bene bopled, fwagetft tfte tootft acfte* B Cfte feebe ig giuen witb great pzofite,to cftildren tftat be troubled witft tfte © crampe,ortftebrawfagawrpofanp member, anb to fucfte as are bitten witft SetpetiteS,dr otfter bmemous beades* Spina peregrina. ^ffte €lobe efjtttet tlyw.tyiih fy The Defcription. ^^^^H^^td^l ftatft alfo great fl§ ^Sibroabe leaues, of a fobde wM ^Kgreene colour aboue, oziu W&. ^?tftebpper fide, and next tfte ^^^^grounde tftep are rougft, ft of agrapilft colour, deepelp lagged and ftackt rounde abont, tfte in- dented ebges arefull of iftarpe ft pricklep pointes* Cfte dalke ig rounde, and blac- kilfte, as bigge as ones finger, anb of fonreorfiuefooteiong,wberbpongrow faire round beades, and rougft, bearing rounbe about a great manp of fmal wbt* tilft flowers mixt wttft blew ♦ Cfte roote is browne witftout* fy The Place. Cftis Cftidell in a dranger fa tbis Countrie, and is not founde but fa tfte gardens of Hetbortdes,anbfticft as loue fterbes* ?&The jii. The fourth Booke of iffTheTyme. Jtflowretft in Jttneanb Jnip,apeteafterttftatftbenefowm* fy The Names. CfteCftidel is calleb oftfte writers in tftefe bapes, famatfae, Spina per©. grina:ft Of Valerius Coidus,Carduus Spha?rocephalus:faftigft BOWCftel©elfcft Bidei,or Eomifcft biftel:inbafe Almaigne, Eoomfcbe didet, ft suremdedtftel, tftat in to fap,tft e Eomapnes Cftiftei,oz tfte ftrange CftifteLHo w tftis Cftiftel was called of tfte Auncientes,we knowe not, exceptitbe Acanthus fylueftris, wftere witftallit feemes to be mucft like*Cumer calletft it s>te Cftidei, or © ot- ton Cbtdelrinfolowing Valerius Cordus, wemapalfo call it ©lobe Cbiftell, | bpcaufe tfte fteades be of a rounde fozme Ipke to a ©lobe oz bo wie* \ fy The Nature. Cftis ftrange Cftiftel ig ftoate and dzie,tbe wfticfte map be pereefaed bp tfte ftrongfmell,inrtibbfagit betweene p6ttrftandes:alfoitmapbedifernedftp tfteiftarpetade tftereof* fyThe Vertues. CftiS Cftidell in not in bfe tftat J knowe, except as fomedo wzite, tftat in A 3taip tftep bople tberottnb beabes witb flelft,andeate tbemlike Hartecftokes* ^fwlftteCotton €i)iael* €t)ap.lcurj. fyThe Defcription. Canthiumis not mncfte bnlpke our mabies Cftidell, it bearetft £ great large leaueS alto mangled and cut bp tfte edges,and fet full of Iftarpe piickleS, cowered and lapd ouer Witft afine Cotton oz foft downe* Cfte ftalke in great ft tfticke fet full of pricklep ftings,at tfte top of tfte dalkes arerongft fteades, in falftion like to tfte fteades of our madics Cftidei* CfterooteiS great and tfticke* fy The Place. CftiS Cftidell growetft ftere bp tfte ftigft wapes and borders of feeldes, and in fandp bntopled places*' fy The Tyme. Jtflowzetft from tfte monetft of June, £^S Acanthium. bnto tfte endeof Auguft, andfametimes ' ^k/? longer* w * fyThe Names. CftiSCftiftel ig called in ©reke«**v0ioF: famatfae Acanthium .- fa ftigft Boucfte i©eif?wege biftel: in neatfter Boucfte lande, natttewecft Biftel, andnailde or ©roote witte Bidel: in Jrencfte chardon argtnttn, OZ Chardon faluage : fa ©nglilfte nsfatte Cotton Cftidell, r©ilde wftite Cftidell, and Argentine, or Store Cftidei* fyThe Nature. CftiS Cftidei in ftoate of complexion* * Acanthus fatiuus* BzankevUMne* the Hiftorie of Plantes. p7 fyThe Vertues. Biofcorides and ©alen wzite,tftat tfteleaues or rootes of Acanthi u m dfan- % ken,arc good for fucft as are troubled witft tfte cricke or (ftrinking of finewes, bpmeanesoftfteCrampe* €>f6janfte inline* €tjap.l;rtj* fyThe Kyndes. B Eanke^rfine called Acanthosfa©reeke,tsoftwoforteS,aSBiofcozidetf faptft,to wit,tfte garden and wilde B.zanke tairfine* fyThe Defcription. ' i^^^jH^tameAcanthusftatft great largeleattes, of a fodde greene color,tfticke and groffe,fmootft, ft deepelp cut to, rent, oz iagged bptftefpdes orborbers, Ipke tfteleaues of toftite Semiie, oz Eoqwet* Cfte ftalke in long, of tfte bigneffe of ones finger, coue- red witb long, little, and (ftarpe popnted leaueS, tnzn all alongdbp to tfte toppe: a- mongft tfteleaues boo growefapzewbite flowers, and after tbem bzoade ftufkes, wfterein is founde apellowilft feede* cfte rootes be long and flpmie* Cfte Wttd Acanthus is ipke to tfte wild Cftidell, rougft and pricklep, but fmaller tften tfte afozefapde, as Biofcorides wzi- tetft* Jt ig of leaues, flowers, and feede, \SJ growing bp warde, Ipke bnto tfte tame* ^ fyThe Place. Branke iirfine growetft in garbens* and in mopd ftonie places,as Biofcoribes faptft* Jn tftis Conntrie it is fonnbebut onelp in tfte gardens of Herboriftes; fy The Tyme. Cfte garden Bzanke define, flowzetft ttitftis Conntrie iti Juip and Attgud,and fometimes later* fy The Names. , CftetameorgardmBfanke^rfine,iScadedfa©reeke«xwfla-K^«K«vfl«. inmatfae Acanthus,and AcanthajOffottteParderotajHerpacantha, Melamphyl* lon^Topiaria^Marmoraria^nd Craepula fatfteSftoppeSOf Jtalpandf rance^ Branca Vrfina : fa ©nglilfte, Branke Wffae : in frencfte, Brdnche Vrfme: in ftigft Boucfte, Bemklaw: in bafe Almaigne, B eerenclatiw* Jt ig knowen in tfte SftoppeS of tftis Cottntrie,foz tftep bfein ftede oftfte fame, tftefterbebefcribed in tfte next Cftapt*Cooper in big Bictionarie,cadetft it BranketLirfine,Beare 25rirfte,and not Bearefoote,as fome ftatie taken it* Cfte wpideis called of Biofcozides* Acanthus fylueftris, tftat ig to fop, tfte bJtlde Acanthus. IfcThi ji8 The fourth Booke of fyThe Nature. Cfte roote of Acanthus ig brie,anb temperate fafteate* fyThe Vertues. Cfterootes of Acanthus taken in brinkc, bo prottoke brine anbdoppetfteA bellp* Cftep be excedentfor fttcbeasbetroiibleb witb crampes or dzawing1 togitfter of finewes,and for fucft as be btoken,and tbofe tftat ftatie tfte ptpfike or confnmp tion,oz contouring fetter* Cftefame greene is goob againft buming,and members out of iopnt, and 13 Witb tbe fame is mabeberp goob piapfters agapnft tbe gowteof tfteftandes and feete* 2 Biofcorides faitft,tftattftewilde Acanthus ftatft tfte fame bertue* © £f ®oucij6?anc&t)?fme* Ci)ap*ijrtt* fyThe Defcription. $© wilde Carrot,or Cow parfenep, ftatft great rougft blacke leattes, much clouen ft diuided,fato fiue or fixe leffer leaues*Cfte dalke in long, !round,and ftolowe withtn, full of iopnteS, and fometimes of anincfte tfte top Oftfte dalkeS grOWefpOkfe Branca vrfinaGermanica. flo wers, wfticft are wftite, ft after commetft o&ild Carrot,or Cow parfnep* tftefeede wfticfte in bzoade and flatte * Cfte roote is wfttte and long* |f The Place. Cfte wilde Carrot growetft alongft tfte bozders of feeldes, and to Iowe graffiepla-i^ cesand medowes* fLM iffTheTyme. CftiS fterbe flo wretft in June and Juip, and in tftis fpace tftefeede in ripe* n&^M^a^ fy The Names. i^^^^^^ ^Wr CftiSfterbeis called to ftigftand bafe Al- '^W^ maigne, Branca vrfma, and of fome writers *4m^ Of Ottr time Pfeudacanthus , Or Acanthus ^^pf Germanica : fa f rencfte Panaizfauuage : in^'M^ti' Boucfte Bernclaw, or Bemtaif?: in Bra- bant, Beerenclanw: ih©nglilft,ODild Car- rot,oz Boncfte ffi zankbzfine* Some take it to be tfte fterbe calleb fa ©reeke Petite carm: inbigft Boucft,Jlriein©berwtirtj:and inbafe Almaigne according to tftefame it is caded ©uerwo.ttelcand Clepne Carlina. Some learned f rpersof Eonie do tfttoke it to be tftat Cftiftei,wfticfte ig called in ©reke Aw«* ^^-to marine Spina Arabica.of fome Acanthis.and of tfte Arabian pftpfitionS Suchaha. fyThe Nature. Cfte rooteof Carline is ftoate to tfte firft degree,and dzie fa tfte tftirde* fy The Vertues. Cfte roote of Carline bopled in wine > is berp good for tfte olde greefeS of % tfte fide, and againft tfte Sciatica, if pou drinke tftzee little cupf tides of wine Wfterein it ftatft bene fodden* Cfte fame fatten in ipke manner,is good foz tftem tftat are burden,and ttott- $ bled witfttfte Crampe,oz drawing togitfter of tfte finewes* Cftefame made into powder and taken to tfte quantitie of a Bzamme,is of c finguier bertue againft tft e p eftilence,for as we map reade, al tfte ftoaft of tfte ©mperottrCftarlematgne, was bptfte ftelpe of tftis roote prefertted fromtfte pedilmce* Cfte fame too te ftoldm in tfte moutft, ig good againd tft e tootft acfte* © Cfte fame lapde to witft bineger, ftealetft tfte fctirffe and no ttgft tie itcfte* <& Cfte leffer Carline is tfte Cftidei, wfticft Biofcorides cadetft Spina Arabica,f and oftfte Arabian pftpfitionS Suchaha, it ftoppetft all iffneof blood,tfte inoz- dinatecoitrfe of womens flowerS,andtftefallingdowneofEftettmes and Ca- tarrftesbpontftelttngesaud tnwardepartes,fo tftat it be eaten* Cooper faith that Leucacantha is a kinde ofThiftel with white prickle leaues, called inEnglifh, Saint Marie Thiftcl.Wherein he hath folowed Matthiolus,if theirallegationsbe trueithis place is to be amended'. Seeke for Matthiolus Carlinain the Chapter Chameleon^ Where as he reciteth the tale of the Emperour Charlemaigne. The figures here expreffed, Matthiolus vfeth to Chameleon,and to Leucacantha,he hath giuen the figure of Saint Marie, or our Ladyes Thiftel, whereof we haue before written. Chap t.^z. fc«S3£ che Hiftorie of Plantes. CftiS fterbe in calleb in ©reeke,*M %l f6!elTeO biftel* €l#p.iw* fy The Defcription. meffed Cftidell ftatft long rougft ftoare leaues,deepelp cut,and parted onbotft fides oz edges* Cfte dalkes be al- fo rougft ft ftearie, creeping or tatfter iping bpon tfte ground, and fet full of fmal leawesftwt Ipke tfte otfter,tt bea- retft rougft knoppes or fteades, befet rounde abottt witft long and Iftarpe popnted, littiepzicklep leaues, out of wfticfte growe tfte flowers, ofafaint pelfowilft colour* Cfte wfticfte being pad and gone, tftereis founde in tfte knopoes, a long grap feede (bearbeb witb btiftelles at tbe bpper enbe) laid and wrapped in a foft downe or Cot- ton* Cfte roote in long anb tenber full ftearie tftreddes* fy The Place. CftiS Bleffed Cftidell ig fo Wen fa gardens* the Hiftorie df P Uritft. * $# fyTheTymes. Jtflowretft fa June>anb Juip* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe in alfo taken of pltnie,and Cfteopftzaft,for a kind df A tradihV, and tftepcalltt Arracrilis hiriutior. J t IS UO We Called fa SftOppeS Carduusbe- nedicrus,and Cardo bcnediclus,and aCCOrditiglp fa f rmcfte t^ZP Call it Chardon benift .faftigftBoueft Cardobenedidt and zsefegnettr Bidel: inbafe Almaigne Cardobencdictus:fa©nglllfte,Bleffed Cftidei,attd Carduiis benediftus. fyThe Nature. Bleffed Cftiftel is ftoate and dzie of complexion* fy The Vertues. Cfte Bleffed Cftiftel taken in meate oz drinke, is good agapnft tfte great jj papne,and fwimming gtddineffe oftfte ftead,it dotft drengtften faemorie, and ig a finguier remedie againd deaf encffe* . „ Cftefamebopleb in wine anb dronken ftoate, ftealetft tfte griping papnes of # tfte bellp,caufetft fweate,pzottoketft bztoe,dzittetft out grattel,and mouetft wo- mens flowers* Cfte wine, wfterein it ftatft bme topled,do tb cleanfe and mundifie tbe infec- © ted ftomacke,anb is berp good to be dzonken againft fetter quartapnes* Cftepowder tftereof dronkenfawfae,dorftripe and digeft cold fleme intfte B ftomacke,and purgetft,anb bringetft bp tftatwfticft ig in tftebzeaft,fconrtogtfte fome,aud caufetft to fetcfte breatft more eafiip* Co be taken to like mantier,ft ig good for fucft as begin to ftaue tft e ptpfick © orconfumption* . A^utlftellfulloftftepbwberof Carduusb'enedi&us, is gittm witft great jf pzofite againft tftepeftilence:fo tftatfttcfte asbeinfected witft tfte fopde difeafe, do receine of tfte po wder> as ig abouefopde, y^itbin tfte fpace of xxuti* ftoures, and afterward fweate,tftep (ftalbe deliuered incontinent*Cfte like bertne ftatft tftewtoeoftftedecoctionoftftefomefterbe,dronkenwitfttoxxiii|*ftoitresafter tfte taking oftfte fopde fickneffe* . CfteBleffed Cftiftel,or tfte iupce tft ereof,takeri in Wftatfortefoeuerit be,is & ftnguiergood agapnft alpbpfon,fo tftat wftatfoeuer fte be tftat ftatft taken pop* fon>fte (ftall not be fturt tfterewitftall, if immediatlp fte take of Carduus bcnc- di<5tusinto ftis bobp > aswasprouedbp two poungfblke, wfticfte wften tftep could not be ftolpe witft treacle,pet were tftep made wftole bp tfte bfe of bleffed Cftiftel,as Hierome Bock Writetft* Cfteiupce of tftefemedropped into tfteepe&taketft awap tfteredneffe, and $ broppingof tfte epes* Cfte greene ft erbe pound and lapd to^ ig good agaptift al ftbatefaiellinges, J Eryfipiias,and toizg ozbotrfteS tbat be ftarbe to beeureb, efpeciallp foz tbem of tftepeftilence3and it in good to be lapde bpon tfte bittoges df Serpentes, and otfter benemous beaftes* • ^fScoiymus^tlielijttoeCWflefi tfijapatfi* fyThe Kindes. T^tftiscbtintrietftete^ Igrowtog bp tbewap fpbes, and in tftebozders of feeldes, and inwooddes, tfte wfticfte are allcbmpjifed bnder tftename of wilde Cftiftedes* ppiii €.The JJ4 The fourth Booke of Scolymus. Cardui fylueftris tertium genus. Carduus fylueftris. tBilb Cftiftel* cfte tftird kind of wild Cftiftel* fytheJ>efcripiion. He firft fetede of tftefe Cftifteis growetft about a foote ft abalfe ftigft, ftftatft a round ftem ful of bzancftes, anb fet witb pricklep leaues, dke tfteleaues of Acanthiumftut fmaller, anb notfting at all fri^ed ozCot* tonie,ft of a bzo wner coiotit, at tbe top of tbe dalke grow ronnb rough knops, fetrottnd abottt toll of Iftarpepzickles, tofalftionlpketo a HebgeHogge, tfte wfticfte being opm, do iftewe fooztft a faire purple flower, Witftin tfte wfticfte growetft tfte feede Ipketo tftefeede of tfte otfter Cftidelles, buttotaller* Cfte roote in long and bzowne,anb berp full of tbrebdes,or fucking dringes* i Cbe feconb \ix^z growetft tftree or foure foote ftigft, and bearetb arounde naked ftemme,witft a few branebes*CbeleaueS belike to tbe leaues aforefoid, fet on euerp fpde witb Iftarpepzickles, but tftep be fmaller, anbnotfolargeaS tfteleaues oftfteotfter*Cfteknoppesfmal and fomewftat long,notberp Iftarpe Dzpzicktog:tfte wfticfte wften it openetft ,pnttetft foortft a purple flower* Cfte rooteis blacke anb of afootelong* ? Cbe tbiro ktob of wild Cftiftel growetft alfo td tfte lertgtft of tftzee oz fonre foote, ftaning adraigfttdemme, witftoutmanpbrancbessbiitfetftillofcrtiell prickles,tft e leaueS are Ipke to tft em of tft e feconbe kinbe. Cbe knoppes of tftiS Cftidei, are fmaller tften tfte knoppes of tfte feconbe * Cbe flowers are purple* Cbe feede in wftite and berp fmaLAnd for ftiS roote, it in notfting els but final fcearie flicking (fringes* ❖ the place. Cftefe Cftifteis grow fo all places of tftis Countrie, bp tfte wap fibeS, ff in tfte the Hiftorie of Ptariris. jjj tftefeelbes*Cfte feconb anb tfte tftirb fort are Ipkewife founde in medowes* fyTheTymes. Cfte Cftifteis flower in Juip and Auguft* fy The Names. 1.1. Cftefe Cftifteis be calleb Cardui fylueftres,tftat is to fap,tt$iid CftiftelS,ft tfte two firftfoftes are of tftat kind of wild CftiftelS*called in ©reke^ox^@-»ft of plfaie in matfa Carduus fylueftris,ft alfo Limoniu,0f fome W'*^ ^e«K*vfl<*» pherufa, and Pyracantha^Cooper calletb tbiS, wild Articbokeanb Cowtftidei* 2 Cfte tftird ig alio a kinde of wild Cftiftel, pet it ig not scolymus,but it map keWel calleb Carduus A fininus,tftat iStO fop, Alft Cftidei* fyThe Nature. Cft e wilde Cftiftel ig ftoate and dzp fa tfte fecond degree,as ©alen writetft* fy The Vertues. Cfte roote of tfte Wilde Cftiftel, efpeciallp tftat oftfte fecond kinde,wfticft ig % blacke and long,bopled in wine ft dronke,putgetft bp brine,and driuetb fortft al toperfltitties of tfte bio od, ft caufetft tfte bzfae to ftineke,ft to be of a ftrongfmel: alfo it amendetft tfte ftcncftc oftfte armepfttes,and of all tfte reft of tftebobp* Cfte fome lapb to witft bineger, beaietft tfte wild fcurffe,ft nowgfttp fcabbe* b plfaie writetft,tftat in fome places tnzn do bfe to eate tftis roote, ft tftefirft © buddeS or tender croppes of tbefame,as ©alen reportetft,but it nowrilftetft but little, anb tfte nourilftment tftat it peelbetft,is waterie and nougftt* fyThe Kyndes. THedpftzaft anb Biofcozides ftaue defcribed two kindesof Tribulus,tfte one of tfte lande, wfticfte is alfo oftwo kindes* Cfte otfter of tfte water, called SaligOt* fy The Defcription. Hefirdkfafi df Tribulus terreftris theophrafti prior. lribulus terre- ftris, ftatft long bzaneftes,fttlof fopntes, fpzead abzoade dpon tfte gtonnd, garniffted witft manpieaues, fet about witftafortoflitleround leaues, (lading in ozder one bp anotfter, all fade- ned and ftanged bp one finewe or ribbe, Ipke tfte leaues of ^Cieftepeafe, amongd Wfticfte growe fmad pelloWe flowers, madeftfalftionedofftue fmall leaues,ahnod like tfte leaues dfCormetili or wfttte Canfep calleb famatfae Potentilla, tfte wfticfte doo tttrne to a fquarefrttit,ful of fljarpe prickles, wfterein is a &utoi kernel, tfte roote is wfttte ft ful of tftzeedp ftrfageS* W* The fourth Booke of Tribulus aquaticus.SaliJdt* * Cfte Saligot nj toater Tribulus, ftatft long dender dalkes growing bp, and rtftng from tfte bottom of tfte wa- ter , and mounting aboue tfte fame, weake and dend er, beneatft bnder tfte water, batting ftere and tfterecertaine tuftes or taffelS, fttllof fmall dringes and fine tftzeddtcftearesftitttfte fopde r ftalke in bi£ or great to tfte bpper part, wftere as tfte leanes grow foortft bpo f long ftemmes: tfte laid leattes beforge and fomewftat ronnb, a litie creattefed and tootfted ronnde about, amongft,ft bnder tfte leaues growetb tfte fruite* wft icft ig triaugled, ft arde, (ftarpe pofa- ted,and pricklep.r©itftin tfte wfticfte ig conteined a wfttte kernel oz nut, in taft almoft Ipke to tfteCftednttt* fyThe Place. •, Cftefirftgrowetftbptftewapftfte& and neare bnto waters, in bntopied places* Jt ig fottnde in Jtalp and fome placesoff raunce* Jt growetft abun- bantlpinCftzacia* 2 Saligot is found to certapncpiaceS of tftiS Cduntrie,as in dues sponbeS bfelearewater* iffThetjme. © ro ttnde Tribulus flo Wzetft in June, and after tftat it bringetft foortft ftiS jpricklep feede* fyThe Names. t Cftefirft df tftefe plantes in called to ©reeke Ffc^*£?<6toe^fotfh^ Tribulus,and Tribulus terreftris-CftiSiS tftefirftkittdeof Tribulus terreftris,br grounde Tribulusdeftribed of Cfteopftjaftus* forftefettetft foortft two fortes as we ftaue before fopde, tftat is to fap, one bearing leanes Ipke Cicfte peafon, whereof weftaue nowe gettenpou tfte figure to beftolbe,and tfte otfter ftaufag f^ieklep leaues,f or wfticft caufe it in called in ©reke ximel, or ftonied bineger, dotft fwageand © makeieffetfteapelt,and ftealetft tfte ftardneffe tftereof* Cft e roote put bp bnder into tfte natural place of conception, to manner of a f peffarie,ormotfterfuppofitorie,bzingetftfoortft tftebirtb, tfte flowers,andfe- cwndines* Cfte roote bzufed or pottndeberp fmad, ftealetft al fcuruie ttcfte anb snangi* © neffe,orfonleneffeoftftebodp, witft ipottes df diners coiotirS,etfteciallp lapde to witft bineger,asBiofcoribes teacftetft* Cfte Wilbe apadder ig not bfed in apcdicine* H €>f ^oofegtaffe/o? tfimet* €f)ap*1 miij. fy The Defcription. ^38|imiitet or ©oofegraffebaift manp fmal tftuarebtancft eS,rottgft ft (ftarpe, op^fttllofiopntes,abotttwfticftebrancftes, at euerp iopntgroweiongnar* j^^^roweleaues after tftefalftionof Starres,orlpke tfte leattes of ip ad- der : but fmaller and rougfter,outoftftefameiopntesgrow litlebzan- tftcs,beartog wftiteflowers, and afterwarderonnderongft feedes,mod com- monlp two bppon a demme* All tftefterbe,ftisbrancftes, leawes,and fede,do cleane and dicke' fad to etterp tfting tftat it toticftetft: it in fo Iftarpe, tftat being dzawen alongft tfte tongtte,it wil make it to bleede* fyThe Place. CftiS ft erbe gro wetft in ad places in ftedges and bttlft es* fyTheTymes. Jt flowretft and bearetft feebe al tfte Sommer* fcThe • the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyThe Names. -^ CftiS fterbe ig called in ©reke * *«&«• and of fome $>vxccv0eo7r©-, ks^ ov ftea- letft tfte papne anb acfte of tbe fame* r cftiSfterbepounde ,atid lapde bnto frelfte woundes ftoppetft tfte bleeding of tftefame,ft pounbe witb H°8g^ geeafej itdiffoiuetb $ conftimetft tfte difeafe of £ necke, called tfte kinges enil and al ftard ftecnellesand wennes wfterefoetter tftep be,ifitbelaibtberto,as.Citrnerwritetfti #f#alhon* pleof roofeS,and fet intfteSonne,i and afterwardelapde bpon wearied members,doo refrelft e and comfort tftem* Cfterootes pronoke men to tfteir naturall office in a^atrimonie* Cfte fterbe map feme for Eennet to make Cfteefe: for as apattftioiws bpon Biofcozides writetft, tfte people of cufcane oz Hetruria boo bfe it to turne tfteir milke,bp* caufe tfteCfteefe tftat tftepbfeto make of peowes and ©oateSmplke>(ftoulde betftepleafonter anb fweeter fatade* €>f l©oodjoni/o? ilDootyo mei* Cl>ap4jcjttrf« fyThe Defcription. AfperuJa. |<2)odrowe batft manp fquare dalkes,full of iopnteS,at eue- rp knot or iopnt,are feuenor eigftt longnarrow feaues,fet rounbeaboutlpke a darre,al- mod like tfteleaues of ©litter or ©oofegraffe, but broader, and notbfag rougb * Cft e flo wers gro Wat tfte toppe of tfte demmes ozbzancbes of a wftite color, anb pleafont of fmell (as ad tbe fterbe in*) Cfte feebe in round, and fomwftat rougft* fy The Place. Jn tftis Countrie tftep plante itin all gardens , and it louetft darke (ftadowie places,anddeiitetft to beneare olbefaopft Walles* fy The Tyme. naoodtowe flowretft fa map, anb tften in tft e fmeilmod delectable* if The Names. CftiSfterbeiScailedfamatine Afperula, ^ Cordialis, Herba Stellaris, and Spergula J odoratarfa ftigft Boucft,H^t5frepdt, and n^almepdenfabafe Almatgne,fl0ab meeder:infrencfte,f-^^«^>bptftewfticftenameitiSbedknoweninmoftpla* . cesofBrabant*Some woiildeftaiieftakfadeof minerwort, and tfterefozeit iS Called Of tft em in matine Hepataria,Hepatica, Iecoraria, and in ftigft Boucfte meberkratit*Cfte ignozant Apotftecaries of tftis Countriedo call ft lua mufca- ; ta,and do bfe it in deede tftereof,not Witftout great errour* ^[7he Nature. k | r^ood.zow taketft part offome fteate,ft drpneffe,not mucft bnlike to ©ailicst* | iff The Vertues. * oaoodrowe in counted a berp good fterbe to confolidate and glewetdgi* % tft er wonndeS,to be bfed in ipke maner,as tftofe fterbes we ftaue defcrifted in tfteendeoftftefirdbooke* Some fap, if ft be pnt into tbe wine wbicfte mendoo drinke, tftat ft refopfetft ft tfte ftart and comfoztetft tfte difeafed litter* ®£ the Hiftorie of Plahtes. <£>f#o!bm €tofmojt oj muguet. tfliap.lrrtjij Cruciata. ?4l fyThe Defcription. [Eofwozt in apalegreeneberbe,braw- Singnere to apellowpopingap colour* jcouered or fet full of fine cotton or foft fteares, batting manp fquare dalkeS, fulof knottes or iopntes. Cfte leaues be litie, fmal,and (ftort, alwapes foure growing togi- tfter, dandirig one againd anotfter,in falftiou ipketo a Croffe at euerp topnttabotie tfte faid leattes growebp from tfte fopde iopnteS, ma- np final pello will) flowers, growing round a* bout,ft compafffag tfte dem Ipke Cro wnetteS ozgarlands:and euerp of tfte fapd litleproper flowers, areparted againeinto fowrediuifioS falfttoned liketo a fmal C rolfe.Cfte rootes be notfting els, but a fort of fmal tender tftrcdS* fy The Place. Crofwoft growetft of ftis owne accozde, bptreneftes,and water cotirfes,and in founde bnder ftedges in mopft places* fy The Tyme. Crofwoft flowzetftalmoftalltftefommer loug,efpectailpfromapapbnto Augttd* fyThe Names. CftiSfterbe is called of tfteHerbozides of tftefe dapeStomatine Cruciata; tftat in to fap, ©rofwozt: tof rencfte,cr^.inftigftBoucfte,©oldeni©almai- fter,tftat in, ©oldenaptigtzet: inbafe Almaigne, Crwfette* fyThe Natures Jt in dzie and adringent* fyThe Virtues. Cruciata ftatft a berp good pzopertie to fteale,iopne, ftriofetogitfterwoitndS, ^ agreeablefoz allmanner of uionndes botft inwarde andotttwarde,if it befo fodde to wine and dronken* Cftep giiie tfte wine of tfte decoction of tftis fterbe, to folke tftat are burden, b and lap tfte bopled fterbe rigftt againft,or bpon tft e burden placets fome, wfto ftaue made experience tftereof, dd affirme* <£>f6wbfS6eanc0* <$ap#jettt}« fy The Defcription. |Arrive Crefopl ftatft bzode,fmotft e, tfticke ieattes,alwapes tftree to- gitfter bpon oife demme, to falftiou, quantitie, tftickneffe,and propor- tion of leaues,lpke to tfte comon beane* Cfte dalke in fmal, of a foote ^^and a ftalfe,or two foote lottg, at £ top wfterof grow wftiteflowers, and afterwarde ronnde ftiifkes oz knoppes, contepntog a pelfowilft ebzowne feede*Cfte roote is long, wftite,anb full of iopnteS* fy The Places. ^arrifl) Crefopl growetft inlowemopftplaces, topooleS,andfometpme ourtoerfpdes* fyTheTymes:. Jtflowretft in^ap, and tojnne tftefeede i? ripe* Zj *Thc 54* The fourth Booke of fy The Names. Trifolium paluftre. CftiS fterbe in called oftfte wri- ters UOWeadapeS, Trifolium pa- luftre: inBzabant,Bocxboonen, tbatisto fop, Bockes Beanes: bpcaufettisliketbeleatteSof tbe common B eane: it fftoulDe feeme tobe'^Vueop.ifopyrum, wfticfte fome boo alfo call Phafiolon, bp- caufe of tfte Ipkeneffe it ftatft to Phafiolos, as Biofcoribes wri* tetft * ^JMatthtolmconfeffeth that he ne- wer f awe the right Ifopyron. feThe Vertues. Cfte feebe of ifopyron is good againft tfte cougft,and otfter colder difeafes oftfte bzeaft, tobetakm witft apeade oz HPdromel: it ig alfo good to be taken in like man- ner of fncfte as fpet blood, and are Ipner ficke* ®f fowtaple. xetaple ftatft blades and ftelme almoft Ipke ,wfteate, ascfteopftra- 'ftus writetft,bttt fmaller and better,ltke tfte blades ft ftems of Coucfte graffe,at tftetop or end of tfte ftemmes growe fmali foft ftearie eares or kuoppes,berp like to f oxetaple* fy The Place. f oxetaple growetft not totftiS Conntrie: bnt in certapne places of f raunce, infieidesand alongft tfte fea coaft* fyTheTymes. CftiS fterbe flowretft to June ftltb Jttip* C The Names. Cfteopftraft calletft tftis fterbe to ©reeke ax*™*^, tftat ig to fap in matine, Cauda vulpina: fa ©nglilfte, f oxetaple: in frencfte gueuede Renarde : faftigft BotlCfte, fticftsfcftuantfrinbafe Almaigne soften fteert* fy The Nature and Vertues* Cfte Attncientes ftaue made no mmtion at all, of tfte nature, and bertues of tftis fterbe* the Hiftorie of Plantes. m fy The Defcription. kfflkiS^Ragacantha ftatft ma Tragacantha. mpbtancbiebougfteSv :and twigs, flender,i *k«\,b*: fa mating Tragacatitha. and Hirci fpina. bnknowen in SftoppeS,ewenamonft tftem wftere $s it growetft* Cfte gttmme alfo wfticfte commetft from it, in called in ©reeke J«p«nuM«: fa matfae Tragacantha? lachryma:faSftoppeS, Gummi Dragaganthi: fa©ngiilft> ©ummeB.zagagant* fy The Nature. Cragacantfta, as©alen writetft,is of nature like to gttmme Arabiqtie, tftat is to fa?,of a drie and clammie complexion* fy The Vertues. ©ttmmcBragagant in good againft tftecongft,tfte rougftneffe of tfte tftzdte^ tfte ft oarfeneffe and rougftneffe oftfte bopce,betogiicked in witft ftonie*f oz tfte ZlH fame 544 The fourth Booke of famepurpofe(tftat in to fop for tfterongftneffe of tfte tftiote anb (ftarpe Arterie or wind ptpe)Cftep make a certaine electtiarie inlftops,called Diatragagantho. Cftep drinke it dieped fa wine tft e quantitie of a dzamme,againd tfte patee E oftfte ktdnepes,and excoriarionorknawingof tftebiabder,inptttttogtbereto Hartes borne bitrntanb walfteb* Cftefopdgmnmeispiit fato CodpreS,and medicines tbat aremabefoztftec epes,to take awap tbe acrimonie anb (ftarpneffeoftfte foment botft alfo dbppe , tfteporesanbconbtiitesof tbefkinne* Ficus indica. fy'TheCboifcs. Pou mud cbnfe tbat wfticfte in cleare and finning, total, firme, anb clofe, well putitizb and cieenefrom al manner filtft, andfweat* ®f Ficus Indica. tftWp.UWt* Hisdrangekind of plante com- metft fooztft of one leafe fet in tfte grounde, and fometimes ft growetft ftigft, and in named of piinie Opuntia,noweintftefedapesFicus in dica. Cftat Fuphorbium commetft foOZtft Ipkewife of one leafeftut petit in fepara- ted from tftis kind, for tfte leaues of Eu- phorbium be long,rottnde,and tftick,fafc iftioned like bnto Cucumbers, fet on tfte ffaeSWitft tftOfaeS* 4Df tftat Euphorbia Writetft Ioannes LeotoftiSftiftorfeof A- pftrica, anb in fpoken of before in tbe fe- cond part of tftis booke to p cxb j*Cftap* ^fBnpreftis. €hap*ljfFjrij* jH'iS moimzig calleb in ©reeke l^ovTrfKyif.anb in marine Bupreftis, in fome places of tbe Iowe Coun- trie be in calleb SLXeemol* Anb in called Bupreftis, bpcaufe it is fturtftill to cat- tel,as namelp bnto €>xen and hpzn. And in founde in certapne places of Holland, and Ipkewife fomtimeS in Brabant, and f launders: wftere tfte kpen fometimes are bitten of tftem* CftiS wozme is of tfte kinde of Sca- rabeen or Hozfwozmes, tfte wfticfte are named Cantharid es,oz Spanilft eflpes, and ftatft winges ipke bnto tftefe, and ig of fozme and bigneffefucfte as tfte figure dotft Iftewe* And tt^ig figure ftaue we fet ftere, bpcaufe tftat fome ftatie fet foortft anotfter worme, not Ipke bnto tfte true Bupreftis. The end of the fourth Booke. Bupreftis. the Hiftdrie of Plantes. h; C Clje tyftl) part of tlie Hiffio?ie of $> lanteo treating of tlie Ditftren ieo/ fa Nitons names/ bertues,and operations offterbes,rootes,anbfrwites>wfticfteare daplp bfed in meates: Set foorth by RembertusDodonaeus. ^ flattie. tfijapa* \ fyThe Kindes. rjftacfte as Biofcorides writetft > is of two foztes: tfte gardm Snacft e, and wtftewttde€>racfte* Atriplex fatiua. Atriplex fylueftris. ©atden£>racfte* t^plde €>racfte* cF ^,% •* % a^Mfe*\jk t 9- Arden €)zacfteftatft long ftraigftt ftalkes, rounde next tfteroote* and fquare aboue witft manp brancfteS * Cfteleaues be ( almoft triangleb)longanb bzoade, of* fepnt pello w,or wftitecoioitr,as if tftep were ouerftrotoen witft meale or flower, efpeciallp tftofe leaues tftat are pet pong and new (prong bp*Cfte flowers growe attfte top of tftebzancbesa number cluderingtogitfter,fmalland ?ellow,and afterwardecommetft tftefeede,wfticft ig broadband conereb witft alitle fkinne ozrime*Cfte rooteis full of ftearie dringes* Cftere ig alfo anotfter kfabe of ©arden S>racfte,wftofe leaues, dalkes,and Zj fa flowers $46 lThc fyfth Booke of flowers,beofabzowneredcolonr, but inall tfanges els IpketotbeleaneS, ftalkes and flowers oftfte wftite €>racftc botft in bigneffe and pzopozttdn* 2 Cfte wilde £>raefte ftatft alfo a long dalke moulded or creded, wttft leattes notmucftebnlpketfte leanes of tftegarden€>racfte,btitfomewftatlelfer ,and cretiifed oz a little fnipt rounde about*Cfte flowersbe pellowiffte*Cfte feede is ftarde,and growetft tfticke cludering togitfter, ipke as tfte feede of tfte garden &racfte*Cfte roote ig full of fteares* S>f tftis wildekinde, tftere ig alfo foitnbe anotfter foft,tfte wfticfte growetft not berp ftigft,bttt remapnetft lo we,and fpzeade aftzoade into manp bzancftes* J t ftatft little long narro we leanes notfting fnipt or crewilfteb about * Cfte flowees,feebe,and rootes are berp mucfte Ipke ditto tfte wilde kinde before defcribed* fy The Place. Cfte garden 4Dracftegrdwetft amongft otfter pot fterbes to gardens* Cfte wilde £>racfte is founde alongft tfte feeldes and wapes* fyTheTymes. €>racfte flowretft to June and Juip, and almoft all tfte fommer* fyThe Names. JtiScailed in <6reeke^««(tff: in marine Atriplex: of fome Chryfoiacha- nontftat in tO fap in mattoej Aureum o\us:in$tZntbt,4rrocbes,OlBennes Dames: inbtyb Boucfte,apblteti>and apilteu: fabafe Alfaaigne, $®zlbz: to©ngli(ft, ^Dzacfte* . , e , . ■ ■ "Cftegardm^racfteiScalled in ©reke fcp«4>«f.ff.K**w#fc utmatine Atriplex fatiua,and Hortenfis faftijft Boncfte, H^pmifcft apolteti, 2am«l^«ye'«»and Atriplex fylueftris .-inftigft Boncfte, r©tldea9olten,Ackermolteti:inbafeAlmaigne,tta)tlbea9elbe* Cfteleffer wilbekinde in called inftigft Boncfte, &lepnScfteit>milizn: fa bafe AlmaigncClepne apelde* #5* The Nature. ®raefte in colde fa tfte firft degree, and mopft in tfte feconde, elfteciallp gar- den €>racfte,tft e wfticfte in more colder and mopder,tft an tfte wilde €>racfte* ♦jt The Vertues. ^Dzacfte eaten in pottage as otfter fterbes,botb foftett anb loofe tfte bellp* % Cbe feebe of Ozaefte takenfa apeabeoz Honieb water, dotft open and # tomfott tfte doppeb lpitet,and in good againft tbe Jaundice, dz ©nelfoitgftt* ©reene €>tacfte bznfed, in berp good to beiapdebpponinflammationS and flammatiomand tbe wilde, attfte mdeor going awap oftfte fame* , t©itft Saltpeter,ftonieft bineger,it is lapd to Cftoleriqne inflammations, fc called uaiide f ier(bpeanfe tt doift wad and confume tfte member it in in): and alfo to tftegowte* ^ fe The Danger. Cfte often bfe of -©zaeftfc engendretft manp infirmitieS,ouertiimetft tfte ftomacke,and caufetftdiiters tyottes, freckles,or pimples to arife in tfte face, and all tftereftof tftebodp* Alfo ftis ftarde of digeftfon, as faptft BiocleS,and BtonpftuS* the Hiftorie of Plantes. W 0f&itte0. €i)ap.#. fyThe Kindes. ..; , THerebe twoTofteS of Blites,tfte great and tftefmall,and euerp of tftem tS diuided againe into two kindeS, Wftereof tfte one ig Wftite, and tfte otfter redde,and botft common in tftis C ottntrie* fy The Defcription Blitum maiuS. Cftegreat Blfte* H© great wftite Biite growetft Blitum rubeuin. cftered Blite two or tbzee foote ftigft, $ ftatft grapi(ft,oz wftite rounde dalkes* ©fteleaueS beplapne anb fntotft Blitumalbiim.CfteWftfteBUte, ^1 almod Ipke tfte leaues of 4Dracfte, but not fo foft* wftite,nor meade * Cfte flowers growe like£>racfte, and after tbem com- metft tftefeede mclofed in litie flat ftdfkie^ fltomeS* , . ^, ^ _ *a Cftegreatred BleeteiSmucft Ipketfte otfter, failing tftat bin dalkes be berp red, and tfte leattes of afaowne greene color, cftangeable bpon redde, anb fo ig tftefeede % t cfteleffer Blite witft tfte greene ftalke,. ig toll of brancbes,anb growetft bp foden- m Ip ♦ CbeleaueSbe long anbnatroweor' total,not mucft bnlike^ leaues of Beetes, fouingtftepbefarrefmader* CbeflbwerS be browne turning to warbes rebbe* Cfte feede growetft cindering togitfter ipke 4D- racfte feebe* Cfte roote ig toll of fteatfe dringes* » Cftefmalred Blite ftatft ftalkes red aS blood,and fo are ftisleaifes and rootes, id . fo mncfte tftat witft tfte iupce of tftis fterbe, A V^ one map wzite as faire a red,as witb rofet ^-^£7 ittadeofBzafill: otberwpfe itiSlpketfte ^wfw*. reftoftftekinbesofotfterBlites** , q The Place. CftiS fterbe groweb wflbe,anb in fome gardens amongd pot fterbes, anS wftere as ft ftatft once taken roote,ft commetft bp euerp peere > wfterefore ft ig cotintebbtttaweede,orbnprofitablefterbe* iffTheTyme. Jt ig fotmbe faottcbmmonlp in flower about midfomer* fyThe Names. CbiS berbe is calledfa©reeke^TToF:famatfae,Biitum/fafrencfte,^^ indP^mr^^faftigftandbttfeAlmaigne^aier:fa ©nglilfte,Biite>and Blittes* ($The Nature; CftiS fterbe is colbe and mopft* fy The Vertues. , Blftes eaten in pottage do foften tfte bellp,but it ftnrtetft tfte ftomacke, and nonrilftetft not* ...... Z} iiii $>l H8 The fyfth Booke of ®f «5oofc foote. # T/^ Defcription [€>ofefoote growetft afooteanba bade ftigft, oz two foote in lengtft, tfte dalke ig draigftt and full of brancfteS, tfteleaues be bzode and deepelp cut rounde about, almoft like to a ©anders foote, wftereforeit in^o nameb* Cbe flowersbefmall ft rebdilft* Cbe feede growetft cindering ipke tfte€>racfte feede* Cfte roote in ftdlof ft earie tftreddes* fy The Place. Cftis fterbe growetft wilde, and fa bn- topiedplaces,alongdbptftewapfides,and in taken but as a weede or bnprofttabie fterbe* fyTheTymes. pottfftalfinde it flowzingfa June,and Jttlp* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe in called of tfte writers in OttrtpmePes Anferinus:fa ftigft B0UCfte,jS ©enfjfnfj: fa frencfte, Pieddoyfon. fabafe Almaigne, ©anfmboet, and of fome Scftweinfjtod, ft Seutod, tftat in to fop, Swfaes banckpcanfe tfte Hogges eating of tftis ft erbe,are immediatip baned, oz ta- ken witft tfte a£nrren,fo tftatwitftinlftort fpace tftep die* fy The Nature. Cftis fterbe ig cold almoft in tft e tftird degree* fy The Vertues. 31 Cftis fterbein operation ismucftlike a^oreior^igfttlftade anbmapbebfeb outwardlp to all tftinges Wfterebnto jftigfttlftade in required. oftfte ranfte #oate/oj ttta* fcmg fBotijrtmojte. etjap.nij* fyThe Defcription. gHto fterbe alfo in fomewftat | ipke €>racfte,btitfa al tftinges I fmaller* Cftis is a little Iowe tenderfterbewitft manp long brancfteS trapling on tfte ground ♦ Cfte fmal leauesare wftitilft ,as tftotigft tftep were otterftrowen witft meale, Ipketo p leaues of €>zaefte. but mucfte fmader, neitfter mucfte greater tften tfteleaues of a^arierom gentil* Cft e feede in fmal and wftite, anb growetb cludering to- gitfter like tfte feede of Ozacfte. All tfte fterbe dtnketft like rotten corrupt fitft e, PesAnferinus. Tragium Germanicum. oUpkc the Hiftorie of P lantes. J49 ozlpkeftfakfagfi(ftebrotb,orlpkearanke (linking ©oatk k • 4) The Place. Jt gro wetft in tftis Conntrie in fondle places bp tft e wap fibeS* fyTheTymes. )^oii map finbeit in flowerandfeede,aboiftmibfomer* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe ftatft no particitler marine name, wfterefore bpcaufe of ftis flirt* king fauour, webo call itin ©reekeTp«w famatfae Tragium, tbat is to fop* ©oates fterbe*And bpcaufe poufljalreadefoBiofcorideSoftwootfterfterbeS calleb Tragia,tomakefomebiffermcebetwixttftem,webonametbiS Tragium Germanicum:infrmcfte,s/4»^/>»/^:fabafe^lmaigne,Bocxcrttpt:fomecall it Vuluaria,bp wfticfte name it is knowen of tfte Herboriftes of tftiS Conntrie: Valerius Corduscalletb it Garofmos: J bauenamebit in ©nglilfte, Cbe ranke (linking ©oate,or dinking a£ otfterwort* And in taken offome to be tftat itin* king fterbe, tftat of platttiis in named Nautea. iff The Vertues. Cftefmelof tftiSfterbeis good for women tftat arebexed witft tfterifingbp A of tftemotfter:and for tfte fame greefe,ft is good to be lapde bpon tfte naued* <£f 6eetes* €&ap*ti* fyThe Kindes. THerebe two foztes of Beetes, tfte wftite and reb * Anb of tfteredfofteare two ktodes,tfte one bailing leaues and roote Ipketo tfte wftite B eete, tft e otfter ftatft a great tfticke roote, a ftranger amongft bS* Beta Candida. H&ftiteBeete* Beta nigra, liiedde Beete* fi vA C«v»* V ■-vvf-^ fy- zv* HTht 55° The fourth Booke of fy The Defcription. Beta nigra R o mana. © wfttte Beeteftatft great brode plapne leaites,amongd tfte wfticft rifetft bp along cre- ded or decked dalke * Cfte Cfte drange red B eete* flowers grow alongft bp tft e ftalkes one bpon anotfter, like little Starres* Cfte (cede is rounde, ftarde, and rougft* Cfte roote is long ft tft icke, and wftite witftin* 2 cftecommonredde Jdzztz in mucfte ipke bnto tftewftite ,toieaueS, dalkes, feede, and roote: fouing tftat ftis leaues J& and dalkes are not wftite,but of afwart \^ bzownered colour* m 5 CftedrangeredBeeteiSiiketotfteco- monred Beeteifaleaues,daikes,feede, pzopoztion,ft color,fauing tftat big roote in mncfte tfticker, and (ftorter, berp wed liketo aiaape orCnrnep,btitberp redde witftin, and tweeter totaft tftenanpof ^^# tfte otfter two fortes* fyThe'Pkce. Cftep fowe tfte Beete in gardens a- mongdpot fterbes * Cfte drangeredde BeeteiS to be fottnbeplanteb in tfte gar- bens of Herborides* fyTheTymes. Beetes boo feede to Auguft, a peere after tfteir firft rowing* fy The Names. Beetes arecailed in ©reeke TtuTX^,{($ © bpon tbe roome or nowgbtp fcaleSanb fcurffe,wfticft caufetft tftefteare to fal of* Cfte leattes fobben,arelapb to as an emplaider,bppon burninges and fcal-f dingeS,ftoateinflammations,andwftealeScomming of cftoler and blood, Cfte btotft of Beetes fcottretb awap tfte fcttruiefcaies,nittes,anb lice oftfte and in now called fwart, or blacke Coiewurtes* Jtftatft longftigft ftemmes,and great,broade,fwartgreene leaues, tfte wfticft are bnenmlp wrinkled, oz crompled* CfteflowerS bepellowe* Cftefeedeand coddes are berp well Ipke tfte otfter ColewttrteS* fy the Defcription of the redde Coltrvurtes. f Cfte firft kfabe of red CoiewtirteS,batbgreat,brode,andfmotft,bzownilft, darkened greene leaiies,witft reddilft ribbes, or bepnes goingtftrottgft tftem* Cfte flo wers be pello w,and tftecoddes or ftufkes be long and dender,tfte feede in fmall and ronnd, browne witftout, and pellow witftin, mucft e like to ftape feede,btititiSbigfgeiv t Cfte feconde kindeftis leaueS'at tfte beginning are Ipke to tfte leanes of tfte fozmer,btit afterbarde tfte middle leanes do gatfter tftem felues togitft er,and Iteoncbpoit anotfter like tftewftite Cabbage oz lofed Cole, tfte wfttcftebeof a redo: purple colour. 3 CftetftirdekindeofredCoieWttrtesfttSteatieSbealtoctit,andiagged,elS tt in like botft in colour,flowerS>and feede to tfte fird* a Cfte fottrtftkindeftiSieaueSberuft,crompled, anddrawentogitfterozcttr' led,tfte red in Ipke to tfte fozmer red kindes* r Cftefiftft kind of red c6lewwets,is tfte leaft of tftem al, and abnoft like tfte wilde Cole, \)in ftalkes and leaues are mucfte fmaller, tften tfte firft, but io ail fyfagvS m the Hiftorie of Plantes. Braffica Cumanafiue rubra. Braffica Sabellica fiue crifpa. mn €o\mwm. «utfe&, o? curteb Coletuurtegr. tmm^--j5L j- tftinges els lpke*CftiSfofteofColeWorte isnot bfed in meates, but i£ fowen for tfte feede onelp, from wfticft tft ep do drawe foortft an ople, wfticfte tS daplp and commonlp foidefor iftape ople* fy The Place. Al tftefe kindes of Coiewurtes, areplanted fa gardens of tftis Countrie* 23 tit tfte fiftft kinde in fometimes fowen in tfte feeldes ipke Iftapes* fyTheTimes. * Cft e bed Colewurtes,are tMzp wfticfte be fo Wen to a^arcft e, and planted a- gaine to a?ap:foz tftep wd be redp to be eaten in winter, and if tftep abpde tfte tomter,tftep wd flower toa^arcft and April,and tfte feede in ripe tota£ap*But fome kindes,efpeciallp tfte wftite C abbage Cole, or lofed Colewurtes,iS alfo fowen to Auguft, and planted againe in $ouember, ft tft en it clofetft or lof etft in June, Juip,and Awgnft,and after tftat time it in good to be eaten* iff The Names. ©arden Coiewurtes are called in ©reekexe«^«'w«»: in marine Braffica! 6tiua>:inSftoppeS,ColeS: inftigft Boucfte Jtolenrin bafe Almaigne Woolen* 1 Cftefirft kind of wftite ColewurteS,iS called famatine(of piinie)Braffica Tritiana,Of tfte Writers in OtirdapeS, Braffica feffilis capitata»and Imperialism fa frmcfte, chouscahus: inftigft Boncfte,feappftkrattt: inbafe Almaigne, ODitte Slwptkoolen,ft &abupfkoolen:in ©nglilfte, iBftiteCoiewurtcs,mofed Cab- bage,and ©reatronndeCabbageCole* \ Cftefecond kind in called of plfaie fa matine,Braffica Lacuturria:faf reneft, Aaa chous JH The fyfth Booke of choHi de sanoye. in bafe Almaigne,Sauop feoolen* 3 CftetftirdekfadeiScaiiedinmatfaeBiaffica Pompeiana,of tfteWritetSto OttrtiUte, Braiiica Cypria; fajtaiiait, Cauliflores: in frmcfte, Choufftorys-in bafe Almaigne, Bloemkoolen: in ©ngiilft, flowzieCole,ozCppzes Coie- wurtes* 4 Cfte fourtft kinde in nowecaded Rapa? Caulistftat in to fap,!Hape Cole: fa frencfte,c^»iV4«w«:fabafeAlmaigne,liaepkoolen* 5 Cftefiftft kinde is called Cauiis nigi-a:fa Jtalian, NigreCaulcs: tftatiSto fap,Blacke Colerin f reneft z,chou noir. in Boucfte,Swerte Woolen* * CftefirftkindoftfteredCoieiscalledof Cato to©reekeKeW»xt<«:ofpli- niz in matine, Braffica c u f reneft e chons rouges & poly • in ftigft Boucfte, Brepterroterkoien:inbafeAlmaigne,©rooterookoolen* 2 Cftefecond kiltde in alfO Called Braffica lacuturria: in frencft, Chou cabu rouge: inbafe Aimaigne,Eoolkens,andEoodeSlnptkoolen* ? Cfte tftirdekinde witft tfteiagged leanes, in called in ©reeke^vo^'-in matine Braffica Apia na-in bafe Almaigne, ©fteftackeldekoolm: tftatiSto fop, Cole witft tfte lagged leanes* 4 Cfte fourtft kind of red Cole,iS called Braffica Sabellica,and of fncft as Write in tftefedapeS, Braffica crifpa in frencft z,cboi**cre$uef: in ftigft Boucfte, &ratt- fe r fi ol: in bafe Almaigne, ©ftecronckelde koolen: in ©ngiilfte, «©rincklcd oz ruffed Cole* 5 Cfte ftftft and totalled, in called in ftigft Boucfte, lirietodce kolen,tftat isi to fap,tftefatallanO flender Cole: in frmcfte Petit c^«:fabafe Almaigne, Sloo- ren* ©ftts is tft e tftirdekinde of ©olewitrtesdeftribcdbp Cato, tfte wfticfte ig p.zoperip called in ©reeke *?« A Crambe. fy The Nature. Coiewurtes are ftoate and dzie in tfte fird degree, and of a clmfing or fcou- rtog facultie, efpeciallp tfte red kinde* fy The Vertues. Cft? iupce of Coiewurtes taken bp it feife,or witft Saltpeter,foftenetft tfte 35 bellp,and caufetft one to go to tfte ftoolettfte like propertie ftatft tfte fird water, wfterin tfte © olewnrteS ftaueben bopled* Cft e iupce of Coiewurtes dronken wttft wtoe, ig good againft tfte bittoges b ofSerpenteS* Cfte fome lapde to witft tftemealeof f enugrek, ftelpetft memberstroitbled © witft tftegowte* Jt dotft clenfe and fteale olde rotten fores* B Cfte fome put bp into tfte nofetftrilleSjPtttgetft;tfte bzapne and ftead* © Cftefomemingled witft bineger and pnt warme into tfte eares, in good* jf gainft deafeneffe, and againft tfte ftumming or rtogtogof tftefame* Cfte fame as a peffarie,pnt bp into tfte natural places of women,prouoketft $ tfteflowers* Cfte fame bopled asa Sprupe witft ftonp,ft often licked tn,is good againd ^ ftoarfeneffe and tfte cougft* Cfte decoction ozfaotft of Coiewurtes, efpeciallp of tfte fird kinde, andj oftfte berp wozde or meaneft forte of redde Coiewurtes, ftaue all tfte afore- fapde pzoperties, tfte wfticfte taken eptfter alone oz witft Sugar, dotft botft ligfttlp and gentlp loofe and foften tfte bellp, andprouoketft womens natural fickneffe* Cftefamebzotftisaifogoodforaliwoundesrfer if tftep be often walftedfc tfterewitft,itdotft botft mundtf ie aiid fteale tftem* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 55? Cfte poungleaues eaten raw tyitfy bineger, orperbopled,do open tftebedpm berp gentlp, and caufe to make water, and are berp good alfo to be eaten of fucfte as be fplenitique* Cftefame takenaftermeateormeale, in tfte fome manner, docuredron*a? kenneffe, and tfte fteadacfte proceeding of tftefame* Cftefomealone,oz witft parcfted Barlep meale, areberpgoodto be lapde #t bnto blacke and blewe markes tftat come of dripes,and ai 0 tft er ftoate inflam- mations orfwellinges* Cfte fame leaues fed and lapde to witft ftonp, are good for contouring and © ftttftp fores* Cftefeedeof Coiewurtes taken uta^eade or watered ftonie, do tft kpll and p expelalfoftesof wormes* Cftedalkes bnrned to afiftcs, and mengled witft old fwineS greafe,is good q, to be iapdeto tfteoidcpapneso.t acfte in tfteftpe* 'fe The Danger. Coiewurtes eatetungender groffe and melancftoliqtte blood,e(pectallp tfte red kinde* Cfte wftite are better to diged, and engender more agreeable and better nonrifftment,efpeciallp when tbep baue ben twife bopled* <£>ftbtfoe tfolerontteg* <£l)ap*tJi}* ^^^^ fyThe Defcription. Braffica fylueftris. iess^.|jide ColewttrteS in leaues and c3&^^p/)jT , *. powers are mucb ipke to- tbe fmall ce^-^^% (tf&* |Colewortes,or £ tft ep cal Crambe, fouing tbat bis leaues anb dalkes be Wftiter and alitle ftearie, ft to tade mucft bitterer* fyThe place. CftiS Coiewurt growetft in ftigft rougft places bp tbe fea fibe, as Biofcorides wri- tetft * Cftere in mucfte of it founde to manp places of Zealande bpon ftigft bankes call; bpbp manS band* feThe Names. CftiS kinde of Cole in named to ©reeke *p«>€h tftird part of tftis worke, amongd tftofe kinds of plates called natod weeds, or bindweedes* fyThe Nature.' Cftisktod of Cole in berp ftoate anb dzp ofcompiexion, ft dronger in working t^zn tfte great Coiewurtes* fyThe vertues. Cft e wild Cole in operation is Ipke to tfte garden Colewurtes,bttt dronner » and more abderfttte orftottrtog,anb tberefozenottgbtto be bfeb in meates Cbe leanes tftereof newlp gatftereb anb ftampeb,bo cure and fteale atzznz <** tooundes,anddilfolttetttmottrsandtoelltoges,betoglapdetfterebporit Aaaij £>f J) 6 The fyfth Booke of $f£ptnae*)e* €ljap*tritj* & The Defcription. Spinachea. pinacfte ftatft a long leafe, (ftarpe H pointed, of a brownilfte or greene co< m lour,foft,gentle,ftil of fop,and deeplp ^ cut witft large ftitteSbpo botft fides about tfte largeft parteor neatfter ende oftfte leafe. Che ftalke is round and ftolow witftin* Some of tfte plantes ftaue flowers cludering or tftick fet alongd tfte dalkes, and fomebzmg fooztft feebe witftont flowers fa tfticke fteapes or cinders full and plenteous,and for tfte moft part pZtCkfep* fy The Place. Jtis fowen in gardens amogd pot fterbes* fyTheTymes. feftep bfe to fow Spfaacftefaa£arcft,and Apzil,and it flowretft and bearetft feede witft- in two monetftes after tfte fo wing* Cftep alfo bfe to fow it in September, ft tftat continued) all tfte winter witftout bearing feede bnriltfte fpzfag time* fy The Names. Cftispotfterbe, orratfter Saiet fterbe, in tailed Of £ new WUterS Spanachea, Spinachea, Spinacheumolus, ftOffomeHifpanicum olus: Of llUellfaS ft Certapne OtfterS Seutlomalache: oftfteArabianS, Hifpanach.fafrecftj^/^rj.- inftigft Botufte,Sptoet:to Neatfter Boucfte bfei£iw.\ \ n \C? Spinagierin ©n^ilfte, Spinacfte* ^#=fe^^ fyThe Nature. Spinacfte in colde and mopd of complexion* fy The Vertues. Spinacfte dotft lofe tfte bellp,and tfte bzo tft oftfte fame in of Ipkebertue* A Cfte fome laid bnto ftoatefWeiltoges,taketft awap tftefteate:and diffoluetft B tftefwelltog* €>f©orfte0anti^ojtel* €!)ap*it* fyThe Kindes. DJdfcoribeSfettetft foortft foure kindeS of Lapathum, bpfibeStfte fiftft wfticft growetft in ditcftes and danding waters, called Hippolapathum, tfte wfticfte Iftalbedefcribeb alfo in tbin Cftapter* fyThe Defcription. He firft kind of Lapathu or R umex ftatft lot*#,narrow,ftard, ft (ftarpe pointed leatie&amogft wfticft come bp round ftolow bzo wne ftalkeS witft hntzn>ibpntzn ozknots,fet and gamilfted witft tfte like leaueS* Attfte bpperpart of tfte fopde ftalkes grow manp title pale flowers one aboue anotfter,and aftet tftem is found a blackilft triangled feede ,lapt in a tfttonefkinne*Cfte roote in long,piapne and pelldw witftin* t Cfte fecond kind called patience, dotft tiotbiffer mucft from tfte aboucfoid, fouing tftat bin leaues be greater, larger ,fofter, and not Iftarpe pointed* Cfte ftalkes be long anb tbicke,growing foure or fiue foote bigb* Cfteflowerspel- * io wi(ft*Cft e feede in red and triangled* Cfteroote ig long, dual and pellow* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 557 Oxylapathum Slfarpepopnted patience* Lapathum fatiuum.patience* 3 CftetftirdekindeofLapathum^mttcftelpketotftefirft, petforalltftattfte leaues be (ftorter and larger moft commonlp lapde alongft and fpread bpon tfte ground,almod liketfteleaues of plantapne,tfte dalke growetft notalfo ftigft* Df tftis ktode in a red fozt,tfte wfticfte ftatft faire red dalkes or purple, tfte b leaues be browne and full of red bepnes,out of tfte wfticft (being brufeb)com> metft foortft ared itipceozliqtter,bitt eis like to tfte otfter to dalkes,leattes,and feede* ♦ Cfte fourtft kinde called Sorrel,ftatftlong, narrow,(ftarpepointedleaues, and bzoade next tfte demme, berplftarpeanb eger in tade almod Ipke bineger* v tfteftalke is roiinde and dender, bppontbewbicbegrowefmallflowers,of a bzownered colour*Cbe feebe in bzo Wne, triangled and mitcbelpke tft e feebe of popnteb patience*Cbe roote in long and pedo w* Df tftiS fort in founb anotfter kind called iRomaine Sorrel, tfte wfticft ftatft B (I)ortleaueS,to a manner round, fomewftat coznered and wftitifft, almod Ipke to Juieleaties,btit mucb frnaller,anb neitfter tfticke noz barbe*Cfte dalkes be tenber,bpon wfticfte growetft feede like tfte otfter* CftereiSpetanotfterfoztof Sozrei,wfticfte in fmal and wild, andtfterfore l)0ppzg Lapatium. Cfte ' ^ the Hiftorie of Plantes. jjo" [ • Cftefirftkindeiscalledin©reekeo|vx^7r«8or.famatine,Rumexacutus.-fa ;' SlJ°PP^'LaPatiumacutum:infrencfte,i'4r^ inftigftBoticft,fl^egelwttrt?, • ©rindtwiirt?,StreiffWtirt?,Zftterwiirtes i to bafe Almaigne, paticft, and II peerdick, * Cfte fecond kinde in called x«*«floM «H*e«F: to matine,R umex fatiuus,of fome neWe W.ZiterS Rhabarbarummonachorum, of ©alen alto Hippolapathon: fa frencftejFrfr/w^.fabafeAimaignejpatientie* 3 Cftetftird kind tocalledin©rekex«7r«flop«^iop:famatine,Lapathufylueftre, tftatiSto fap,nDtldeBocke,orpatiencc:iitbafeAlmaigne,UDildepaticft* Cftered kinbeiscalleb in matine,Lapathum nigrum .anb offome late wri- terS,^anguis Draconis: fa f rmcfte Sang de Dragon.faBOUCfte, Brakm blOCt* in ©ngiilft e,reb patience* 4 Cftefonrtftkindetscalled in ©reekeH*tit famatfae, Oxaiis:faSftoppe& Acetofa.- fa f rencfte, ozeii/e.vinette^saiette.- fa ftigft Boncfte, Saur Ampffer: inbafe ailmaigne,Surckele:fa©nglilft,SozrelU EomapneSorrel isbndonbtedip akindeof Oxalis.anfi it (ftdnldefeeme to be tftat kind wfterof tfte Auneients ftaue bfeb and written mod properlp,called *f«x/V,OxalisCbe later WriterSbO call it Oxalis Romana.and Acetofa Romana.- inftZnt\)ZiOz,eillcRomainembO&eilicdeToufs:in&OUaffer Ampffer X fa bafe Ai^ maigne,©rootepatick,orn^aterpatick: fa©nglitfte,©reatSozrel, neater Sozrel,and l$oitc Sozrel* fy The Nature. Cftefe ft erbeS are of a reafonablemixtttre betwixt colde andfteate, fait tftep bedrie;aimod fa tftetftirdedegree,efpeciailp tfte feede wfticft in alfo adringent* fy the Vertues. Cfte leaues of all tftefe fterbes fodd en anb eaten is meate;do lofe and foften A tftebellp gentlp,and tftebzotft df tftemis of Ipkedertue* Cftegremeleauespotntde wttft ople of l&ofes, and a little Saffron* do di* 23 geftanddiffolue tfte impodumes and titmours of tfte ftead (called in marine Meliceris)if it be lapde tberebnto* CbefeedeofBockesandSorrelbrdnkminWater drwfae, ftoppetij tfte© lafkeandbloobbpflixe,andtftewambifagpapneSoftbedomacke* Cfte fame in alfo good agapnft tfte bitfages anb ftfaginges of Scorpions, s fo tftat if a man bab firft eaten of tbiS feede,fte (ftonldefeele no papne, albeit fte WereafterwarbeftongofaScorpion* CfterooteSof tftis fterbe bopleb fa wine ft dzonfeen, bo fteale tfte Jattnbife, # proudke bzine,and womens flowers,and do bzeake and dziue fooztft tfte done and grauell* Cfte rooteS of tftefefterbes bopled inbineger,oz bzufed rawe, dob fteale all * fcabbedneffe and fcurttie itcft e, and all outwarde mahgineffe and defozmitie of tftefkinne,being lapde tfterebnto* Cfte becoction or bzotb of tbem, is alfo berp goob agapnd all mangineffe m wdde federfag and confumfag fcabbes? tomakeadeworfaotftto wafftefa. ' iAaaiiij %\^t y6o The fyfth booke of Cfte Wineof tfte becoction of tftemdotft fwagetftetootft acfte, to bekept in h tftemotttft,anb to walfte tfte teetft tfterewitft: tt fwagetft alfo tfte papne oftfte eates,dropped tftereto* Cfte rootes alfo bopleb anb laib to tbe barb kerneis,anb fwelling tumours 31 beftinde tbe eares do dtffolue and confume tbem* Cftefameponnbe witb bineger botb beale anb wade tfteftarbneffe of tbe ft melt or fplene,anb pounde bp tftemfelues alone,anb lapde bpon tfte fecrete pla- ces of women vdo tft dop tfte totmod erate fluxe of tft e wombe,or flo wzes* Some write tftattftis roote ftangeb about tfteneckcdotft ftelpe tfte kinges & euill or (faelling in tfte tftzote* ^f iantpfana* tfljap.j:* fyThe Defcription. Lampfana. Ampfona is a wild wofteor potte fterbe, baiting large j leaues of a wbitilfteor pale ^greene colour, deepelp cutte bppon botb fides like tbe leanes of lHape or Sennie, but a great deale fmaller*Cfte dalkes growe two foote ftigh,ftare dinided agapneinto manp fmallbzancftes: at tfte toppe wftereof growe manp fmalpellow flowers,ai- moft ipke to tfte flowers of tfte leaft; Hawkeweede* C The place. mampfona growetft moft common- lp in alplaces,bp ftigft wap fides, and fpeciallp in tfte borbers of garbens a- mongd wortesanb potberbes* iffTheTyme. Jtflowretft almoflaltftefommer* HIT he Names. CbiSberbe in calleb in©reke x«*4ccvk: tomatfaejLampfanajftOf fome Napiu. fy The Nature. mampfona in fomewftat abderfiue Or fcOUrfag* fy The Vertues. mampfana,as ©alen writetft,take tomeate, engendretft euill iuice, and nottgft tie nottrifftment: pzt Biofcozides foptft,tbatitnottrdftetftmore,anbiSbetterfortbedomacke,tftentfteBockeor patience* Betogiapdetooutwardlp,ftdotftclenfeandmtindtfietftefktone*andtfter*25 foze ig goob againd tfte fcurttie itcft e* <*>faiflooo* €i)ap*tf* •J* The Defcription. mgood, ftatft long large tft icke leaues, almod liketo tfte leaues of Sorrelftut (ftozter and btober,tbeftalkeis groffeof afoote ftigft,bpo wfticft growetft tftefeedeclttderingtogitfter, almoft like to ^Dtacfte* Cfte rooteis great,long,tfticke and pellow* D The Place. Algood growetft in bntopied places, about wapes 9 patft es ,ft bp ftedges* fyThe Tota bona. the Hiftorie of Plantes. j6t fyTheTymes.. ^otilftallfiud it in flower in June and J lllp* # The Names. CftiS fterbeis calleb inmatineTotabona: ft of fome alfo Xfwrox«x«v°p. Chrylolacha- n6,tbat in to fop tomatine, Aurea ol us,for ftiS finguier bertue: in frecb, toute bonne: inftigbBoticb,©uter Hericb,ft Scftmer* beirinbafe Almaigne, ©oede Heinricft, mammekens oore, and of fome Algoede: in ©ngiilft, ©ood Henrp,and Algood: of (bme it in taken for £$ ercurie* fyThe Nature. Algood in drie ft abderfiue or fcouring feThe Vertues. % Algood taken as meate or bzo tft, botft foften tftebellp, and prouoketft tftedoole* 23 cftis fterbe greene damped,and lapde to,ftealetft old fores,and greene wounds, and killetft and bringetft foortft wormes, ^ tftat ingenber to tfte fome* Matthioius.iib. 2.Diofcor.Chap.id2.Radicisfuccusillitus fcabiem tollit, & Cutis maculas extergir, prafertimficumacctomifceatur. Quidam eam quoque pra?ferunt aduerfus veneno- forumanimalium morfus. f€ntfueanft £>u«o?p* €\m&h fyTheKyndes. . v. E&biuz accorbtogto BiofcoribeS,anb otber Auncient writers of pftpftcke, in of twofortes,tfte one calleb ©arden ©ndiwe or Succorie: and tfteotfter wild Snccorie* rE>ftetcf tftegarden ©ndiueoz Succo.zp isdtuided againe into two fortes or kindeS,oneftaitingbrode wftiteleaues, and tfte otfter nar- ro we lagged leattes* mikewife of tfte wilde kitide are two foztes, one kind fta- iting blew flowers, tfteotfter ftatft pellow flowers* fy The Defcription. He wftite garden Succorie witft tfte bzod e leaues, ftatft great, long, large, ft foft,wftitegeeene leaues, not mucft bnltketftelcaues offome fofte of metitce*Cfte dalke in rounde fet witft tfte like leaues,wfticfte growe bp fobenlp,bearing moft commonlp blewe flowers,and fome- times alfo wft ite* After tft e flowers folo wetft tfte feede, Wfticfte in wftite* Cfte rooteis wftite and long, tfte wfticft witft eretft and ftarttetft awap,tfte feede be- ing once ripe* 2 Cfte fecond kind of garden Succozie batb long narrow leanes, fometimes creuilfted or digfttlp tootfted about tbe edges* Cfteftalke in rotmd,tfte flowers blewe,lpke to tfteflowers of tfte aforefapde* Cfte roote in Wftite and long, full of foppe, and dietft not ligfttlp, albeit it ftatft borne botft \)in flowers and feede* i Cfte tftirde kinde called wdde ©ndiue, ftatft long leaues of afed greene co- loured fomewftat rougft oz ft earie,tft e wfticft be fometimes parted Witb ted* daft bapneStCfte ftalkes4otoer&$ feefte,aeebetp .nucft ipke to garden Sue* co%zie, j6i The fyfch Booke of Intubum fatiuum latifolium. Intubum fatiuum anguftifolium. n^ftite Snccorp* ©arden Snccorie* corie,and fo in tfteroote,tftewfticft ladetft a longtime,ft dotft notiigfttlpperift* 4 Cftefourtft kind,wfticftistftewildpellowSttccorie,iSalfo liketo Succo- rietoftaikesandleaues,tfteftalkesbeacttbiteiongormoze,fttllofbrancftes* Cfte leattes be long, almod like tfte leaues of wilde ©ndiiie, but larger* Cfte flowers be pello w,falftioned like tfte flowersof Dentdeiyon, but fmaller* Cfte roote is of a foote long,full of wfttte fop oz topee, wfticft commetft foortft wftan it in fttlTt* fy The Place. i .1 Cbe fird and feconde kinde,are planted in tbe garbens of tftis Countrie* 3 Cfte tftirde growetft indrie,graffie,and bntopled places,and fomtimeS add to mopft groundes* 4 Cfte fourtft ktode growetft to medowes, and mopft waterie places, about dtCfteS and WaterS* fy The Tyme. Cftefe ft erbes flower at a?idfomer, and fometimes fooner oz ratft er, e(pf ciallp tfte wftite ©ndine,tfte wfticfte beingtimelpfowenin aearcfte, flowzetft bpfimes*Cfterefore tfte garbinets wfticft would not ftaue it to flower, but are defirous to baue it great anb large,bo fowe it to Juip and Auguft: foz being fo latelp fowen, it flowretft not ai tftat peere,but waxetft large and great: a little befoze winter tftep pluckeit bp from tfte grounb,and bind togitber tftetoppeS, and burie it bnder fande, and fo it waxetft all wftite, to be eatm in SaladeS witft ople and bineger* feThcNames. Cftefe fterbes be calleb in ©reeke «e'V*f to marine intuba .• offome ™?'M. and Picrida?. * Cbefftft ktobe iS caifeb Intubum fatiuum latifolium: anb Offome Endinia: in the Hiftorie of Plantes. j6; Intubum iyueftre,Cichorium. Hedypnois.JSellOWSnCCOrte* to IftoppeS Scariola:fafrenefte,tor^ AlmatgnetftecommonCountriefolkedo call itnditteCndtute, tfte wfticft are better acquainted witft tfte rigftt ©ndine,tfte tfte ignozant Apotftecaries,wfto indeede of © bfe tfte wilde metuce: in ©ngiilft, gardenSuccorie, oz wftiteCndiue wttft tftebzode leaues* 2 Cfte fecond ig alfo a kind of garden ©ndiue,or intubum fatiuum,ft iScalled Cichoriumfatiuum,&hortenfe:faftoppeSCicoreadomex^ica:fa©ngiiift, gar- den Succorie: fa frencft e^/V^™?: fa ftigft Boucft ,2am u^egwarten: in bafe Almaigne,Camme Cicozepe* i Cftetftirde kinde is called to ©reeke 7riKe;?HKrx^»p.' tomattne, Cichorium, Intubum fylucftre,OffomeAinbubeia-in lftoppeS,Cicoreafylueftris.-infrmcft, Endiuefauuage.inl)iqbteoutbZyWilbzmz$b)Mzni inbafe Almaigne, milbz Cicozepe: in ©nglilft,n©ilde ©nditte* 4 Cftefourtft kind witft tfte pellow flowers iScalled of piinie Hedypnois.-fa ftigftBoucft,©eeiwegwart:inf izm\achoree iaulne .• inbafe Almaigne, ©eel Cicorepe:in©nglilfti^ellow Succorie* $[TheNature. Cftefe fterbes be colbe anb biiz almoft in tftirb degree, efpeciallp tfte wilde, tofticft is more dzi^and of afcotiring or abfterfiue facultie* fyThe Vertues. Cftefe fterbes eaten,do comfort tfte weake and feeble ftomacke,and do coole % and refrelft tfteftoate ftomacke,fpeciailp tfte wild ©ndiite,wfticft ig modagree* able and meeted for tfte ftomacke and inward partes* Cfte 564 The fyfth Booke of Cftefame bopled and*eaten witft bineger, ftoppetft tfte lafke or fluxe of tfte B bellp proceeding of a ftoate caufe* * Cfte iupce oj becoction of Succorie bronken is goob for tfte fteate of tfte li* C uecagainft tfte'janndife^and ftoate feuers,and Cerrians* Cftegreeneleaues of ©ndiue and Snccorie britfeb,are good againft ftoate B inflammations and impoftnmes,oz gatft ering togitfter of euill ftumours of tfte ftomacke tfte trembling or (ftaking of tfteftart, tfte ftoate gowte, and tfte great inflammation oftfte epes,betog lapbe outwardly to tbe places of tftegreefes* Cftefamelapd to witft parcfted-Barlep mealeare good agapnft cftolerique © toflammarionS,called Ery fipeias,and offome S* Antonies fier,or pftlegmon* Cfte iupce of tft e leaueS of ©udiue and Succorie, lapd to tfte foreftead witft f ople of rofes and bineger,fwagetft fteabacfte* Cfte fome witft Cerufe(tftat is,wftite ieabe)anb bineger, in good for al tu><5 mottrs,impofttimeSand toflammationswfticftereqnirecooitog* ^f£>ottJtl)tltel* <£t)ap*pitj* fy The Kindes. C o nchus in of two fozteS, tfte one moze wilde, rougft, and pzickiep, called 3Sowtftiftei,oz milke Cftidell, tfteotfter more foft and witftout prickles, wfticft we map caiHatesmettuce,ozConniesmilkeCftidei* 'Sonchus fylueftrior,afpera. ' i&ongft milke Cftidei* Sonchus tenerior,non afpera. Cender or fweete milke Cftiftel* fy The Defcription. OWtftidellftatftlongbzodeleanes, berp deepelp cutinbponbotft fides, and armed witb Iftarpepzickles* Cftedalke increded,ftolowe witftin, (paced bp fopntes ozknobbe&conered or fet witft tfte like leattes* At tfte toppe the Hiftorie of P lantes. 56jr toppe of tft e ftalke growe double pellow flowers, Ipke Bandelpdn,bttt mucfte fmaller: wften tftep be paft, tfterecome bp wftiteftoare knoppes ozdownie heades,wftiift are caried awap witft tfte wind* Cfte roote in long and peflow, fulioffteauieftringes* 2 Cft e tender ap tike tftiftei,is mitcfte Ipke to tfte aforefapd to leatteS.ftalkes, flowers and feede: but tft e leaues be fomewftat bzoder,ft not fo deepelp iagged o:cuttot}ppontfteborders,andtftepftaueneitftertftornesnor(ftarpepzickies> but are alpiapne witftout anp rougftneffe* fyThe Place. Cftefe fterbes doo growe of tftem felues botft in gardens amongft otfter , fterbes,and alfo in tfte feeldes,and are takenbitt as weedes, and bnprofitable ftetbeS* iffTheTyme. apiike tftiftel anb Sob)tftiftel,bo flo wer in June and Jttlp,and moft com- monlp all tbe fommer* iff The Names. CfterefterbeSbecallcdin©rceket tfte fame bertue in tfte tyotfte of tfte berbe bronken* Cfte iuptz of tftefefterbes do cooleanb refrelfte tftefteate of tftefundemmt, C and tft z priuie partes oftfte bodp2being lapbe tftereto witft cotton, anb of tbe ear; s, being bzopped in. Che greeneleaues of a^ilke tbidel, are good agapnd all boate fwellinges B and iinpodumations,#peeiallp of tbe domacke being brufed ft lapd tfterbpon* Cfteroote witft bin leaues betogpottnde,and lapde to as anemplapfter, in € 300D againft tfte bptin%zn and ftinginges of Scorpions* e f %d$)U IDeeOe. tfljap* jtf t> ♦ fyThe Kindes. Diofcorides fettetft fooztft twokindsof Hawke weede,tfte great and tfte fmal:of tfte fmaller are alfo tftree fortes* fy The Defcription. HC great Hawkeweedepwttetft fooztft aroitgft dalkefomtftingred- j dtB),and ftolow witftin * CfteleatieS belong, berp mucfte iagged,and 1 deepelp cut bppon tfte fpdes, ecfte cut danding wide, or a great wape onefrom anotfter,and fet witft lftarpeprickies,almoft ipke tfte leanes Bbb of 566 The fyfth Booke of Hieracium maius* Hieracium minus prim urn. ©reatHawkeweede, wilbz Snccorie* df milke Cftiftel, at tfte toppe of tfteftalke growe long knoppes, tfte Wfticfte bringe f oortb pello we Double flowers , Ipke tbe flowers of milke Cftiftel, tfte wfticftedo cftange fato rounde cotton or doWniebawles,wfticft areblowen a- wap witft tfte winbe*Cfte roote in not berp long, but it ftatft t\)izbbp (fringes ftanging at it* t Cftefirftkinbeof tfteleffeHawkeweebeftatft longleaues,bittibebandcnt ontfteedges, almoft Ipke tfteleaues of Bandelpon, butnotfobiggenorfo deepelpcut, and Ipingflatbpon tfte grounde, from amongft tftofe leaues Iftoo* tetft bp fmotft naked bzo wnilft ftalkeS,bringingfoortb Double pellow flowers in tbe top, tfte wfticfte do turne into bo wne bawles or globes anb bo flee awap Witft tfte winde*Cfteroote in longand flender,toiootfte,and wftite* $ Cftefecondekindeof tftelefferHawkweede in Ipke bnto tfte aforefapde in ftalkesandflowerS,tfteleattesdoalfolpefpreadbpontftegronnd,biittftepbe fmaller narrower and moze deepelp cut, tben tfte leanes abowefapbe* CftiS Hawkweedeftatft no deepe bo wnerigftt roote,bnt (ftewetft as tftowgft it were gnawen dr bitten,lpke to tbe roote of Bendsbit,wftereof we ftatie written in tftefirdbookeoftftisftidorieofplantes,anbitisfitllofdringeS* 4 Cfte tftirb in tfte lead of ai tbree,biS leattes be mucft Ipke to tft e fird Hawk- weebe,andfobebisflowerS,dalkesandrootes: bnt altogitfter leffe* Cfte leaues bealtogitfter fmootfteand naked, and not fo brownilft as tfte leaueS of tftefirft Hawkweebe* the Hiftorie of Plantes. i ?6> Hieracium minus alterum. fellow BeuilS bit* fyThe Ph:e. Cftefe fterbes grow inbntopleb places, as tfte bozbetS of come fieideS,in medowes, ftigft wapes,and tftebzfakes of bitcftes* fyTheTymes. Cbefe berbes boo flower from June to September* feT he Names. CbiS fterbe in called in ©reeke df fome <"yXl™ famatfae, Accipitrina : tbat is to fap,Sperbawke berbe,or Hawkeweede, ApuieittScalletft tt Lacluca fyluatica, picris, ^d Thridax agria. 1 cfte fird kinde in calleb in ©reeke k?«ki<>h to A«: fa marine, Hieraciummagnu: Offome Sonchites,Lampuca,orSitheleas:fa frencfte, Cichoreefauuage inftigft BOUCfte , ©rOf? fta- bicftkraut,fabafeAlmaigne,©rootbanickf- ^v erupt: Cbat is to fop , tfte great Hawke- ^" ^Sra weede* , . ■ ^if1' i cftelefferkindiScailedtn©reke^aK(6HTo ^M^KJ& n'tKfov-inmarine, Hieracium paruum: offome /A Intybumagrefte, OZ U«5tuca minor : fa ftigft ^££^9^p Boncfte, fclefa Habicbkrant, tbat in to fap, * tftelefferHawkweede: fabafe Almaigne* ^ Clepn Hauickfcmpt* Cftefecondeleffer kinde in alfo called of fome Morfus Diaboli. fa Boncfte Cenffels abbtf?:tftat ig to fop fa ©ngldft, BitteiS btt:anb in f rencfte,\Mws de Diabfcbp* caufe bin roote in eaten or bitten ipke tbe Scabioufe BiuelS bit* fy The Nature. Cftefe fterbes becolde and drie* fyThe Vertues. Cftefe fterbes fa bertne and operation, are mucfte like to SoweCftiftel,or A Sonchus,and beingbfed after tftelikemanner,beasgood to aipurpofes* Cftep be alfo good foz tfte epefigftt, if tfte iupce of tftem be dropped into tfte B epes,eGpeciailp of tftat foft wfticfte in called BiuelS bit* ^ftangftebeefe* <&jap jcb* fy The Defcription. Hto fterbe batft great broabe leanes, greater and broader tben tfte leanes of Botacfte, fet ful of foft ptickles, from wfticfte leaues com- metft bpateriderweakebrittleand triangleb dalkefet wttft leaues Joftftefomefort,btitfmaller* Attftetoppeof tbedalkegrowemanp fmallleawes,tfticke fet and ftarde tftzoug togitfter round abo ut tbe dalke,from amongft wfticftelitle leanes commetft arongft round Cftiftelp knoppe,bearing apurpleflower,tfte wfticfte in caried awap witft tfte wind* Cfteroote is tfticke and crooked ftaufag manp dringes* fy The Places. Cftis fterbe growetft in tftemedowesof tftiS Conntrie,and inmopftplaceS bp Water bzookes or ditcft es* Bbb ii fyThe $68 « The fyfch Booke of Cirfion. fyThriymes. CftiS Cftiftel flowretft in Auguft* fy The Names. CftiS ft erbe is called in ©reeke k^VjoH iU/fo-iop: famatfae, Cirfium, of fome Bu- gloffum magnum, and Spina mollis : fa Brabant,©roote Baww didei,bnknowe infl)oppeS, fome take Cirfion to be mang- debeefe* T.hb. t.fol.t^. fyThe Nature. Jtis colde and drie of bertne like Son- chus. fyThe Vertues. % Andreas tfte H^eborift writetft tftat tfteroote of Cirfium tped or botinde to tbe difeafed place, fwagetft tbe acfte of tbe bepneSCcalleb Varix) being to mncfte ope- ned or miarged and fplled witft groffe bloob* &f Condriiia, #umme gwccotfe* €f)ap*]et}t* fyThe Kindes. THerebe two fortes of Condrilla>aS Biofcoribes writetft, tfte great and tfte fmall* iff The Defcription. % ^^^^^Ondriiiaisfomewftatlpketowplde©ndtoe:ftisieatteSbelong, #^^^Sjgrapilft,anddeepelpcutbponbotftfideS, tftedalke iSfmall,ofa g ^^^^foote longor fomewftat more, in tfte litie dalkes of c ondrilla, is ^V^^^foundeagttmmeipke^adttke,oftftebigneffeofabeane,wftere- l^^^^lbpongroweround knoppes, wfticft after tfteir opening bringetft fooftft faire flo wers, wfticfte in coilour and making are mucft like to tfte flowers of wild ©ndiue:btttmiicftfmaller*CfterooteiS long and wftite liketo Succorie* a Cfteotfter Condrillaftatft longleanes deepelp indented bppon botft fides ipketo tfteleaues of tfte wilde ©ndiue, and for tftemod parte fpreadeabzoade bpon tfte ground, amongft wfticft leaneS grow bp fmal plapne ftolow ftalkeS, carrping fapre pellowe Double flowers tbe wbicfte paft tbep turne into rounde blowballeS,like to fine bo wne or co tton,anb are carrieb awap witb tbe wind* Cfte roote in long anb dender pelfowilft and fulof milke,Wfticft commetft foitft wften it in cut or broken* fy the Place. t Cftegreat Condriiia in notcommonintftisCountrie,btttiSto befounbem tfte garbens of Herboriftes* a 2 Cbeleffer wfticft in out Banbeiion, growetft inal partes of tftis Countrie, tomebowes anb paftures* * TheTymes. Cbegreat Condriiia flowretft toaf)ap,anb in June*Banbeiionflowzetfttn A(Hil and Altgitft, &> The Names. i Cftefirftkinde of tftefefterbes is calleb in ©reeke km/W^: tomattoe Con- driiia: the HiftorieofPlantes. j6o CondriIIa.©tttttme SnCCOjfe* Condriiia BandClpOtt* driila .• of pifafe Condrillon, and Condrillis: of fome alfo Cichorion3and Scris : of tftefotet WriterS Condriiia maior: fatftiS COltntrie Condriiia\ and ©umme Snccorie: faBoucfte,Condriila. 2 Cfte feconde kinde ig called in ©reeke kov^'mh lV^«.in marine, Condriiia al- tera.fa (ftoppeS,Densleonis,aud Roitrum poranumrfaf tmtbZ.PiJfeen-lict fa ftigft Boucfte Jiozlkraut, pfaffenblat, pfaffenrorlfa: in bafeAlmaigne,pa» pencrupt,Hontftoofen, Canckerbloemen,anbScftorftbloemen: in ©ngliflje, BandelpOtt* fy The Nature. , /; CftefefterbeSbecoldeanddrielpkeCndiueand Succorie* fyThe Vertues. Cfte iupce oftfte great Condriiia taken bp itfelfe orwitft wine,ftoppetft tfte % lafke,etfteciallp comming of tfte fteate of tft e liner* Cftefomebrufed and eatm witft bin leaues ft rooteS, in berp good agapnft $ tftebitfages of benemous SerpenteS* Cftefeede of Condriiia dotft ftrmgtftentfteftomacke, and caufetft good bi> © geftion,as Bozotftens writetft* Bantdelpon in bertne and operation in mucft likeSuecorfe, and it map be b alwapes bfed in fteede tbereof; J tiapetft do cone tfte (taring fteares of tfte epebzoweS, and caufetft newe © fteares to grow, if tbe inm be often lapd to tfte place* ^f #tottnonfoell. «ijap*jrtrtj* fy The Kindes. * Altftongft Biofcorides and otftec tfte 3 uncients ftane fet fooztft but one fozt Bbb tij of J?o Thefyfthbookeof ,:h of ©rtgeron,petforaitftat,tftelaterlearned wzitersdo fetouttwo kindeS,tfte one great,and tfte otfter fmal: bnto wfticft we ftaue iopned a tftird kind* ti£>fter- f ore ©rigeroii in nowe to be ccnnteb of tftreefoftes* > r Erigeron primum,& fecundum. Erigeron tertium. Cftefirft ftfecond kindes of ©ronndfwel* Cftetftird kind of ©roundfwcl* . fyThe Defcription. mz great ©ronndfwel,batft rougft wftitilft leaues deeplp tagged )and knawenbpb botft flbes,like to tfteleanes of wftite ajfaftarO :orfennie*CfteftalkeiStwo footeftigft or more:at tftetop wftere- of growe fmalknoppes, wfticft bo openinto fmalpellow flowers ^ ^tfte wfticft are fobmlp gone, ftcftangeb intodowniebiowbawleS liketo tftefteabes of Bantbelpon, and are blowen awap witft tfte winbe.Cfte rooteisbearie,anbtbewftdiefterbeisofadrangefmell* 2 Cfteleffer©rounbfwelftatftgremeleaiies,wfticftebealfomucbtorne,and deepelp fogged bponbotb ddes like tbeleanes of tbe great groundfwell,btita great deale fmaller, greener,fmotfter,and not fo rottgb*Cbe dalke in a fpanne lonccat tbe toppe wbereof growepeilow flowers, wfticfte do alfo eftawnge fo- denip into boare beabeS or bio wbawles, anb boo flpe awap witft tfte winde* Cbe rooteis bearie,anb batb no proper fmell* 3 Cbetbirb ©rounbfweibatbadraigbtflenberdemme, of abrownepttrple colouranb fetfullof finecotton orbowniebeares: tfteleaues belong and nar- ro w*At tbe top oftfte dalkes grow fmalknoppes,out of wfticft come fmaipale pellow flowers, tfte wfticfte incontinentlp after tfteir opening bo cbange, and beeomefo fodenip grap oz wbite, tbat be tftat taketft not tfte better beebe,map tfanketftat tftep arefoattftefirftopeningoftfteknoppes:forenentftefelf fame the Hiftorie of Plahtes. $71 &ap,anb fometimes tfte berp fame ftonre of tfteir opening, ttjzp becomegrap or ftoarcanb (boftlp after tbe knoppes bo fpreade abzode and open, and tfte grap fteare witft tftefeede,are bio wen and carried awap witft tfte windc,Cfte roote tS fmadand berp tmder* fy The puce. i Cfte great ©roundtocl gtowetft intmbp giOttube&and alongd bp wapes andpatftes* r 1 cfteiefferisoftmfottod amongft potfterbeS,anb commonlp in tftefeeideS* 5 Cftetftirdegrowetftindarkefl)adowedwooddes,anddrp Countries* fy TheTymes. 1 Cfte great ©rowndffaelflowretft fa Jiineand Jitlp* 2 Cfte leffer ©roundfwelflowretft al tftefommer, and fomtimeS alfo in\x)in- ter, wftenit ig milde and not to colde* 5 Cfte tftirde flowretft at a^idfomer* feThe Names. CftiSfterbe iScalled in©reeke^,np°F:tn mattne,Senecio:of feme Herbulu, OZ Erechtites : fa frencfte, Scncccon, OX Seneffon: fa ftigft BOttCfte, ©rtudtkratlt: in ©nglilft,©ronndfwel* * Cftefirftkindeis caded Senccio maior,tftat in to fap, ©reat ©roundfwell: in ©zabant,groot ©rupfctttpt,and offome siifom:fa funtbzfirandseneceon. 2 Cfte feconde in caded in marine Senccio minor ,tftat in to fap, tfte leffe ©rottndfwel: in frencft, Petit seneffon -. in Boucft, Crnpfcrupi, 0: clepn Crupf* crupt,,tfte wfticfte i&weilkno wen* 3 Cfte tftirde fonis a rigftt Erigeron,ftSenecio, efpeciallp tftat wfticft Cfteo* pfttafle defcribetft: for as it in abouefapbe, bin flowers waxe fodenlp wftite ftoare, from wfteceit ftatft to name fc rigeron. c onrade ©etoer calletft it fte***- e»p andpiacetft it witft tfte kindes of Conpja* fyThe Nature. ©rigeron,aS padlus wrftetft,ftattj fomewftat a cooling natiire,but pet di- geftitte* fy The Vertues. Cfteleaues and ftalkeS of ©roitndlWell, bopled to water oz fweete wine A and dzonken, ftealetft tfte acfte oftfte ftomacke tftat rifetft of cftoler* Cfte leauesarid flowers alonc,oz damped with a Idle wine, aregood to be B lapde to tfte burning fteate or inflammation of tft c (tones and fundement* Cftefomemingled Witft tfte fine powder of frankencenfe, ftealetft all© u30ttndes,e(peciailp of tfte finewes,befag lapd tftereto* Cftedo wne oftfte flowers lapde to witft a title Saffron ft water,are good B for bleared and dropping epes* Cftefame witft a litie folt dotft waft ft confume tfte kinges eutl, or ftrumes © oftfte necke* Cfte fmall ©roundfWell in good to be eaten in Salades witft ople and bU f neger,and is no euiilorbnftolfomefoode* €>fletuee* €ijap*piml* CL The Kindes. Qf metdce are two foztes, tfte garden and wilde metnee, and of tfte garden metnce are fitndriefortcs* ^^^ fy The Defcription. fSSiHefttdktodofgardenmetttcejftatftlongbzodeleatieSjettenplapneand HPfmotfte, tfte wfticft edo neuer clofe,nor come togitfter: emongd wfticft ri- mm fetft adraigfttdalkefull of wftitefappeipkemilke, oftfte fteigftt of two foote,tfte wftttft diiiidetft ft fed at tfte top into fundrp brancfteS bearing pello w Bbb iiir flowers, f ~i The fyfch Booke of Laducafatiua.©arbmmetuce* Laciucacrifpa curled or crifpemetuce* SowerS,wfticftdocftangeintoagrai(fteozwftiteftoarebearbe* Cfte feedeis wftite,longanbfmal*Cberooteislongft tftickeliketo aCarrot, but fmaller* 2 Cbe feconb kind of metuce, batft crompled leaues,wrfackled and gatftered ozdrawentogitberalmodliketftea^oquet oz Cftauden of a Calfe: otfter* wapes it in altogitfter like tfte afozefopd,indalkeS)flowers,feede,and rooteS* 3 Cftetftird fort in tfte faired and wftiteft kind: tt ftatft great large leaues,tfte wfticftedo growe berp tfticke togitfter alifromoneroote, fo tftat tfte fird and netftermod leanes do fpreabe afaobebpon tbe gronnd, and tfte middelmoft do groweand clofe togitfter one bppon anotfter, lofebanbbeabebalmodliketoa CabbageCole:bnt tbe refibtie,as tfte dalkes,flowers, feede, and rootes, are liketo tfte f trft.Cftis kind in bed betotieb and mod deftred,and commonlp bfed in meates* 4 Columella wrttetb of anotber kinbe of metuce, wftofe leaueS be darke or bzowne,almod of a purple colour* * pet tbere in anotfter kinde wbofeleattes are reddi(ft,platoe or fmotfte,berp tender and fauerie: pet foul tbat botb tbefe kinbes bednknowen of tftelatet WZitetS* fyThe Place. ' Cftep bfe to fowe metuce in garbens amongft potfterbes in goob fertile grottnbe,anb tbep muft be planteb farre a funber one from tfte otft er,otft erwife tftep wtllnotfpreade,norgrowetoa ronndefteadorclofeCabbage metuce* iffTheTyme. Cftep fow metnee earlp ft late,al feafons oftfte peere,bnt cftiefelp in a^arcft and Apzil: and two oz tftzee monetft es after tfte fo wfog,ft bringetb foortft botft flower anb feebe,bitt tften it in notfting wortft to be eaten* fyTbt the Hiftorie of Plantes. 573 fyThe Names. Cfte garben metuce in calleb to ©reke Wf*$»w&A in marine, Laftuca fan ua.- in SftoppeS, ftigft BoucfteXatticft,or mactuck: in bafe Almaigne, mattowe:in©ngli(ft,metttS,andmetttis* , Cfte firft kind of metuce ftatft none otfter particulet name, but tftat general name u&u ca,mettis* 2 cbefecon.bekindeiscalledofplinie,Laaucacrifpa:in©nglilfte, Crifpeoz curled mettis: to f rencfte, LaUhecreffue in ftigft Boncfte, &raufermatticft : to bafeAiinaigne,©ftecronckeldemattowe:in©ngli(ft,CrompledmettiS* 3 plintecailetfttftetftirdekindLaa:ucalaconica,Laci:ucafeffiiis : Columella cadetftit, Laciucabedca: tfte later writers call tt u&uca capitata .• in frencfte, Uictuepommee.Ol Laictuca ©ngltlft e,mofed,OZ Cabbage mettiS* 4 Cbefottrtbkinbeiscallebof©olttmella,La&uca Cediiana. 5 Cftefiftft kinde tS called Uduca Cypria,and of piinie, Laduca Gra?ca. fy The Nature. ©arden metttce in colde and mopft totfte firft or fecondedegree* iff The Vertues. Cftegardenmetuceeaten in meate ,kengmdretft better bloob, and cattfetb A betterbigeftiontftan tfte otfter wort oz potfterbe, efpeciallp bepngbopleb anb not eaten rawe* Jtis good in meate agapnd tfte fteateof tfte domacke, and tfte wamblingSB oftfte fame, it flaketft tftirde, anb caufetft goob appetite, efpeciallp being eaten rawetoSaiabes* Cftefame taken in tftefame manner,cattfetft founb anb fweete deepe,tt ma* © ketft tfte bellp goob anb fofr,anb engenbretft abunbance of mdke: is berp good for fucfte as cannot take tfteir red, and for Button, and for fucfte as giiie tocke, wfticft e ftatie but fmall dore of milke: but foz tbat purpofe it in bet- ter before it begpnnetb to (ftootefoortft bin dalkes: foz wftan it pttttetft fooftft l^in dalkes it waxetft bitter and in notfo good in meates as befoze* Cfte greeneleaues of metuce brwfed,are good to belapbebpponnewebur- j& ninges anb fcalbtoges befoze it rifetb bp into wbeaiesand bliders, anb bppon all ftoate fweliinges and wilde fier,cailed Erifipiies. metitce feebe being oftenbfed to be eaten alonglftace, drtetft bp tfte natural © feede,and pnttetft awap tfte defire to mecfterie* And as piinie wzitetft, it in good to be dzonken in wpne agapnft tfte (tin* f ginges of Scorpions* €>fwitte letuce* ^ap^ljc* fy The Defcription. H^biiidemetiiceftatftlong leanes deepelp cut bppon botb edges, wftitilft e,and bnberneatb tbe leafe tbe middle finewe or ribbe in fet full of Iftarpe prickles * Cbe daikeis ronnb and long,and growetft bpftigftertftentftedalkesoftftegarbenmettice,itisrotigft anbfet Witft (ftarpe prickles, anb leanes Ipke tbe otft er but fmader: at tfte toppe oftfte ftalke gro we flowers Ipke tftem oftfte garden metnce*Cfte feede in bzownilft, otfterwife tt is Ipke tftefeebeof tfte garden mettice*Cfte roote ig fmall* (j The Place- CftiS fterbe growetft in tfte borbers of feelbes, alongdtfte wapes anb fncft Ipke bntopleb places anb fometimes in tfte gardens amongft potfterbes: and wftere as it ftatft bene once fowen, it commetft agapne ligfttlp witftout anp moze labour* fyThe Iacluca fylueftris. 574 The fyfth Booke of fyTheTymes. CftiS metuce flowretft in Juip anb Attgttfl* fyThe Names. CftiS fterbe ig called in ©reeke fyV^f s^w. in ma* tine LaCtuca fylueftrisrof%oroafteS,Pherumbrum:in (ftoppes Endiuia: albeit tft in in not tfte rigftt ©ndiue: Of fomeScriola : inf mitbZyLaictuefauuage : inftigft Boucfte,naiider matticfte: to bafe Alemaigne, uMde mattouwe: in ©nglilfte, iBilde metuce, of Curner greene ©ndiue*And tftis in tfte fterbe tftat tfte Jfrae- iites did eate witft tfteir paffeoiter mambe* fypTl/e Nature. Cftewiibemetuce is partlp colde and drieintfte tftird degree,and partlp iftarpeand abfterfineozfcon* ring,witft fome warmeneffe* feThe Vertues. A Cfte iupce of tfte wildemetuce dronken witft €>xt- mel,tftat is,ft onied dtoeger,fcottretft bp fiege tfte wa- terteftumotirs* B Jtreconciletft deepe, and fwagetft alpapnes:alfo ft v^r\P? is good againd tfte dinging of Scorpions, and tfte y^sJ fielde Spider called Phaiangium. C Jtis alfo good witft womans milke to be lapde bnto burninges* B cftefomedropped into tfte epes,clearetft tftefigftt, and taketft awap tfte clowdes ft dimneffe oftfte fome* © Cftefeedeof tftis metuce alfo, abatetft tfte fozceof ^enuS,and ig of bertue like to tfte garden metiice feede* <*>f purcelapne* ♦ €i)ap*jcjc. , fyTheKyndes. THere be two kindes of purcelapne,one oftfte garden,tfte otft er wilde: bp- fides tftefe tft ereis alfo a tftirde kinde, tfte wfticfte growetft onelp in fait groundes* fy The Defcripiidn. Arden purcelapne ftatft groffe dalkes> fat,tound,and of a bzo wnred 1 colour, tfte Wft icft do grow bp to tbe lengtft of a fpan oz more," bp 5 tfte fapb ftalkes are f tbicke fat or flelftie leaues, fomtftitig long ft bzode, i round before*Cbe flowers grow betwixt tfteleaues anb ftalkes,and alfo at tfteftigfteft of tfte ftalkes, tfte wfticft be berp fmal, ft of a fapnt pelfowilft colour* Cbe fome being pad, tftere come little rounde clofe ftufkes,in wfticfte ig fonndefmalblacke feede*Cfte roote in tender and ftearie* 1 Cfte wild purcelaine ftatft tfticke fat round dalkes,like tfte garden pnrce- lapne,but tenderer,fmalier,and redder,tfte wfticft grow notfting at albpiigftt, but are fpzead abrode,and traple bpon tbe ground*Cfte leaues be fmaller tften tfteleaues of tfte otft er,bttt tfte flowers ft fede in like* Cftefe two purcelapneS are full 0 f iupce, and of a Ift arp cot quicke tade * Cftep are bfeb to tfte fommer to be eatm in Saiabe, as t\)zp bfe metuce* , Cfte tft trbe kinbe,tfte wfticft growetft in fait grounb,ftatft manp fmal,ftard, anbwoobdpdalkes*CfteleatteSbetbicke,ofawftitegreeneozalftecolonr,be- rpmneft liketo tfte leanes of tfteotfter purcelapne, but wftiter and fofterfa ftande- the Hiftorie of P lantes* Portulaca hortenfis. Portulaca fylueftris. ©ardenpprcelapne* UMdepnrcelapne* S» VfJ/ll Portulaca marina. Sea purcelapne* ftandeltog, pet not fo fmootfte noz (fttotog* Cfte flowers growe attfte toppe of tfte ftalkes?, cltideringtogttfter lpke£ flowers of *D.iacfte or Blite* Cfteroote in long and of a wooddp fttbdance,and littetft witft big (folke, and certapne of l)ig featies all tfte drinter* $ The Place. t Cfte tame purcelapne in fowen in gar- dens* 2 Cfte wild growetft of ftis owneaccozde in wapesand altes of gardens, ft in fome places it growetft bppon rockes, cleeueS, andbtoiardes* j Sea purcelapne growetft bpo bankeS or walles caft bp in places adiopntogto tftefea: and great doze tfterof isfounde fa Zeeland* and bpfides tfte Jle of ptirbeck mcnglande* iffTheTyme. •• Cfte garden ft wilde ptircelapne,do flower from after tfte monetft of Utine, bntillSeptember,and totftis.lpacetfteppeeldetfteir feedet Cfte 576 The fyfth Booke of i Cftefta purcelapne flowretft in Juip* • C The Names. purcelapne iScalled in ©reke wAt&xw. fa matine and in IftoppeS Portulaca* in f rer\cfte, PourpierM Pourceiamein ftigft Boucfte, Bitrgel: in bafe almaigne, porcelepne:in©ngii(ft,purceiapne* t Cftefftdkfade iS called ^ortulacafatiua,orHortenfis:fafrencfte,^^r,or PourcelainedomeHique&l cultiuee.inftigft BOUCfte, Heplltiftft Burgel, Or Bltrtjef- krattt: in bafe Almaigne,lHoomfcfte porceiepne,or tamme porcelepne: intn* gli(ft,garden and tame purcelapne* a Cfte feconde kinde is called of tfte newe writers, Portulaca fylueftris: fa ftzmbZyPfiurpierfauuage-. in ftigft Boncfte, tBildtBwrt?el: in bafe Almaigne, ©ftemeprie,oz wilde porcelepnerin ©nglifft,UMd ptirceiapnetbtit pet tftis in not tftat Wild purcelapne, wfticft in defcribed in fome copies of Biofcorides, tfte wfticft in of aftoatenatnreorcomplexion* * Cfte tftirde kindeof pitrcelapneof tfte laterwriterS,iS called Portulaca ma- rine .in f\xznt\)ZyPourccUwe de mn. in Boucft, Zee porcelepne*CftiS feemetft to be tftat ft erbe wft icft tfte ©reekes call «^@-tfte matinides, Halimu s,efpeciallp tfte feconde kinde defcribed bp piinie* fyThe Nature. \.\ cfte garden and wilde purcelapne are cold fatfte tftirde degree,and mopft intftefeombe* 3 Sea purcelapne isplapnelp ftoate and drie fatfte fecondedegree* si fy The Vertues. Cftep bfe to eate tfte garden and wild purcelapne inSalades and meates, A as tftep do metuce,but it cooletft tfte blood,and maketft ft waterie ft nourilftetft b erp title: pet for all tftat, it in good for tftofe tftat ftaue great fteate in tfteir fto» mackes and inwavde partes* Cft efame taken in ipke fori, doppetft all defluxionS and falling do wne of $ ftnmours,and in good for tftepapnes pf tfte bladder and kidnepes, $ it ftealetft tftem,albett tftep be exulcerated, fret or fturt* purcelapne comfortetft tfte weake inflamed domacke, ft it taketft awap tfte ^ imagtnattpns,dreames,fanftes,ft tfte outragiotis defire to tftelttd of tftebodp* Cfte iupce of purcelapne dronken ftatft tfte fome bertue: alfo it is goodtv ^ gaind burning f euers,ft againd tfte wozmes tftat ingender in tfte bodp of man* Jt is good forfucft as fpit btood,it doppetft tft^blooddp flixe,tfte flwxeof tfte^ Hemozoides,ft al i^tuzn of blood* Jt ftatft tft e like bertne being bopleb ft eaten* Cfte iupce of purcelapne powred bpon tfte ftead witft ople ft bineger rofet, ^ fwagetft tfte ftead acfte comming of fteate.or of daubing to long to tbe Sonne** Cbe fame tbrowen bp into tfte motfter or matrix , ftelpetft tfte burning in* ^ flamm^tions,exuicerati6s,or gnawing fretttogs in tfte fome, ft powreb to bp a glifter,it in good againft tfteflixe oftfte guttes ft exttleeration oftfte bowelleS* CbeleaueSof purcelapne mingled witftparcbeb barlepmeale, andlapde^ to tbe inflammations of tbe zpzn, eafetb tfte fame, anb taketb awap tfte ftoate * fWellingrio it is likewife goob againft S*Antoniesfier, calleb Eryfipelas: a- gainft tfte fteate anb papne of tfte ftead, and againft all ftoate inflammations and tumours* Cfte fame eaten rawe, are good againft tfte teetft being fet on ebge, or ado- J nied,and it faftenetb tftem tftat be loofe* C o conclude, p urcelapne cooletft all tftat in ftoate, wfterefoze being lapde fe bpon woundes, eptber bp it felfe oz witft tfte meale ofparcfteD barlep, tt ptefer- tietft woundes from inflammation* Cfte the Hiftorie of P lantes. (ftoppes,Crctamaiinaftpwfticftenameiti in kno wen to Bzabantanftzntb,Bacitie,f Crete marine &\\b Fenoilmarin: in ©Uglttfte,' Sampier,and Creftmarine* fyThe Nature. CreftmartheiSdzte and fcottring, and; meetelp warme* fy The vertues. A Cfte leaues,feede,orrootes, oraltogt tfterbopied in wine and dzonken, prono* ketbbzin^andwomehsflowers: ft ftel- petft mucfte againft tfte Jaundife* B Cftep keepeandpreferite tfte leaues ft brancfteS of Credmarin, oz Sampler, in brine ozpickle,to be eatenlpke Cappers: for being fo eaten,tftep are good for £ domacke and open tfte floppinges of tfte litter, tfte fplene and the kidnepes* €>f0jo0fteftme. Cljap*iciw. fy The Defcription. 4 ^ * Hookelime ftatft rounde fat ftalkes, full of bzancft es,ft bppon tfte fome fat tfticke leaues: tfte wfticft being brttfed do peelde a good fauour* At tbe toppe of tbe dalkes and brancfteS growe manp fapre blewe flo wers,not mucft bnlike tfte flowers of blewe pimpernet,Cfteroote in wftite ft ful of ftearie dringes* fy The Place. CftiSfterbegrowetft in f> borders ft bzinkes of ditcftesandpooles,and fometimes alfo bp running dreames,andbzookesftarde bp tbe water,fo tftat fometimes it in ouerflowm and drencfted to tftefame* fy The Tyme. Brookelimefiowretft in apap,and Jnne* fe The Names. CftiSfterbeis called now in tftefedapeS Ana- gallisaquatica,aild Becabunga,and Of fotttettiS taken for tftat fterbe tftat of Biofcorides in na- med to ©reekeKK7r«;«:fa marine, Cep*a:and ft feemetft 1'>. 1. Anagallis Aquatica, >¥ is ..K. 3*-V ■■-?> ±* AAvo ^>^a^v£L j, ■/y/1 «%v, Bolbocaftanori. the Hiftorie of Planted 57 feemetft tb beakindeof Scum, of tfte wfticfteis Written bp Ctatenas: inftigft Boticfte,uaafferpiinghen,Bacftpungfte,or pungften: fa bafe Almaigne, H£>a- terpnngftenrin ©nglilft,Brookeipme* fyThe Nature. CftiS fterbe is ftoate almoft in tfte feconde degree* fyThe Vertues. ...,.-... BzookelimeleaneSdzonkenin wfaedo ftelpe tfteftrangttllion, fttfte inward A ftabbes oftfte bladder, efpeciallp if tt be taken Witft tfteroote of AtparaguS or Sperage* Cbep be alfo eaten witft ople and bineger, and are good for tftem tftat are B troubled witft tfte (trangurie, and ftone* ®f€m\) Cljefmtt. ^ap jcjmj* fy The Defcription. >H © fmad ©artft Cfteftnut ftatft leucti creded dalkeS,of a foote and fea ftalfe long or more* Cfte firft leaues are Ipke tfte leaues of com- Imon parfelp, but tftep be leffer,ft fmaller taggeb ft tftep tftat grow about tfte ftemme , are not mucfte bnlpke tfte leaueS of Bil, tfte flowers Wfticft are white, do growe fa Ip Okie tuftes Ipke tfte toppes of Bpl* Cfte feede in fmall of a flagrant fmel, not mucft bnlpke tfte feede of comrniu or f mill, bttta great deale fmaller*Cfte rcote is rounde Ipke a wfterro w or wft erle, or ratfter like a litie round appel, bzowtie witftout and wftite witftin, in^ tafte almodlpketo Carrottes* If The Plate. CftiSfterbegrowetft tomanpplaces of Hol- lande and Z eeland e, to come feeldes ft alongft tfte wapes, tftere ig goob (lore of ft to fome places of ©nglande* Cfte Herboziftesof Bza- bant,do plant ft to tft eir gardens* fyTheTimes. CftiS fterbe flowretft and deliueretft \)ig feedeinjttne* fyTheNames. ^Z^'miBg CftiSfterbeiScalledinZeelande, Clepn ©ertitrioten, fome HerbozifteS fakeitfor Apios, otfters for Meum, and tftetftirdeforBulbina.btitit batft nd ipkeneffe bnto anp of tft em tftzee,it feemetft better in mp itidgement to iSo\eoK^- rw>;,BoibocaftanonJofAlexanderCrallianttS,tbewfticftetftelatcr©recianS docalU^»oK*xr«voH,Agriocaftanon,wfterebnto it igberp mttcbe Ipke: foz tbe wote in ipke Buibus, and in tafte it in mucbe Ipke to tfte ©ftedmit: in confp* deration wftereof, ft map be well be calleb Boibocaftanon,and Agriocaftanon? mtftm\),Noix-chastaigne .-fa bafe Almaigne,©erdtcadanten:in©nglilft,©artlj Cfteftnttt* fy ThcNature. Boibocaftanon in ftoate almoft in tfte feconde degree, and fomewftat aftrin- 8tnt,tftefeedeisftoateand drie almoft in tfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. 3nSealande tftep eate tftiS roote in meates, in wijicfte Countrie, it is not a Cccii mucfte 580 The tyfth Booke 6f mitcfte differfag in tafte and bertue from parfneppes anb CarrotteS: ft pzouo- ketft brine comfortetft tfte domacke,nourilftetft indiffierentlp, * in good foz tfte bladder and kidnepes* Boibocaftanon, as AlexanderCrallfanttS writetft, is good to be eaten of # tftemtftatfpitbioob* Cftefeedeof tftefame caufetft womento ftane tfteir natural ftcknes, bringetft © foortft tfte fecondineSJ, prouoketft brine, andisberpprofftablefortfterepnes* tftektotzepes,tfteblabder,and1tbe(pleeneozmiltebetogftoppeb* <^fm&Uovots. ^p*rjcutj* fyThe Kindes. THere bedtoerS fofteS of apallow&^ft^eof fome be of tbe garden-, and fomebewilde,tftewftfcfteto tailed tfte winter or beponbfeatoofe,is 0 f dliters fozts,not onlp in leaues, dalkes,and growing,biit in pzopoztion/colour, ft flowers: fozfome be fingle, fome donble,fome wftite,fome carnation, fome of a cleare or ligftt red, fome of a darke redde,fome grap, and fpeckled* Cfte wilde apallowes are alfo of two fortes,tfte great and tftefmad* r Malua fatiua. '.Malua fylueftris elatior. Holpftockeor garden^allow*' Uf>tfb Hockeor tftegreater wiid30allow# the Hiftorie of Plantes. j8t growetft ffxeozfeum foote ftigft ormore: itbeatetft fapre great flowers of di- ners coloureSjinfignreipketotftecommon^alloweor ^otU : but a great deale bigget,fometimcs fingle,fomtimes dotible*C be flowers fallen tfte feede commetft bp Ipkefmalcfteefes* CfterooteiSgreatand long,and contfonetft a long time,pnttfag foortft perelp newe leanes and dalkes* i Cfte great wilde a? alio w,ftatft leanes fomewftat rotind,fat,and a litie cut oztoipt rounde abottttbeborbers,biitofabzownercoiotir,fmaller anb etiener tftentfteleauesoftfteHollPbocke*Cftedalkeis rounde of two oz tftreefoote long,tfterbpon grow tfteflowers to falftiou like tojtftc otfter,but mucft fmaller, andparteb into fiue leattes of aptirple carnation colotir,after wbicfte commetft tfte feede, wft tcft e ts rounde and flat,made Ipke litie cft eefeS*Cft e roote ig long, andofaconttenienttftickneffe* Maluafyiueftris pumila. i Cbefmal wiibeapallow ig berp mucfte cftefinalwild fallow* Ipketo tfte great wilde a£ alio we, fouing tftat big leaues be a litie rounder anb fmal ler: tfteflowers be pale, ft tbe ftalkes grow not fttgft,or bprigbt: but trapie alongeft tfte ^^ grounde* Cfteroote isIpkewpfe long and tftiCke* fyThe Place. Cfte Hoilpftocke or garden apallowejt'S,, , fowen and planted to gardes of tftiS Coun-f*, trie* >- Cfte wilde kindes growe to bntopied i.$.places,bp patft wapes,anb paftures* j[m^ fyTheTyme^ _ W0/> Hollpbockefldwretb to June, Juip, anb ^^^ and Auguft* Cfte wild beginnetft to flower in June, ft continuetft flowrtogbntplSep* tember, in tfte meane fpace it peeldetft W ftede* feTheNames. a?allo wes are called in ©reeke, v**** in matine, MaUia: of pptft agoras.«*^*» A n- thema, Of ^OZOadeS, oz Bwarffe^allowe: itt Soticfte,Clepna^aliiwe* Ccc Hi fyThe j8i The fyfth Booke of fyThe Nature. apallowesaretemperatein fteate and mopfture, ofadigedine and fofte- ning nature* feThe venues. apaliowes taken in meate,nouri(ft better tbenmetuce,anb foftm tfte bellp: A neiiertfteleffctftepbefturtfiillto tfte domacke,for tftep loofe and modifieoz reicnttftefome* Cfterawe leaues of afJalloweS eaten witft a litie fait, ftelpe tftepapne and $ exulceration oftfte kidnepes and bladder* for tfte fome purpofe and againd tfte graueland done,a^allo wes are good C to be bopled in water or wine,and dronken* Cftedecoction or ftzotft of a^alloweswitft tfteirrooteS, are good agapnft & aibenome and popfon, to betaken incontinmtip after tfte popfon, fotftatit be bomitebbpagaine* Jt botft mollifte and fuppletftetumours anb ftardnesof tftemotfter,if wo< mnnbffaurt|,oi Hocblenten: in frencfte, c*^*iWfauuage in bafe AImaigney Sigmaerts erupt:in ©ngiilb,tiLleruepnSl9atlow,ozcttta^ailbwe, t\)in in alfo akinde of marlfteor8pmie^adow,Spmonsa^allow* fyThe Nature. Cnt apallow ig temperate betwixt ft eate and colde, aud ftatft fomewftat a drping nature* fyThe vertues. Cfte roote of cnt a?allowe,oz Spmons dpmie apallowe bopled to water A orwtne anb dzonken ftoppetft tfteblooddpflpxe, and ftealetft, and gltietft togi- tfter woundes and inwardeburdinges* €>f©cmQe HWHow* tfijapjcicfetj* fyThe Defcription: .'•■ AiceaVeneta. He«l*enitianapailow,ftatft M^, _^ rounde tender dalkes, witft. vifD Jk Si^> ftandefome-ftrancftes , tfte v /$A S^RsJli^fe m** sieauesbeof adarkegreene, /^VS tfticke or fat, clouen ft iaggeb not mucb r\*|^ bnlpke tbe leaues of cut fallow, oz £ ^W£ wild ©up apallow, of a fljiningdarke colour, not mncfte bnlpke tfte colour of tfteleaues of Acantftus* CfteflowerS growe at tfte toppe of the dalkes, and are tfte fapred amongd al tfte fortes of apallowes, almoft ipke in making to tfte flowers of tfte otfter apaflowes, diuided alfo into fine leaues,tfteextre-. mttie ft otitfide oftfte leaues are Wftite: or pale,btit tfte middle or inner part of tfteflower is of a bzownered purple, uutftapelloweBodkin orpedil,lpke goldeto tftemiddle* Cftefeflowersdo not open at all bntpll tftree oz foure ftoures after fonnerifing, oz ariftoure oz two befoze noone,or tftere aboutes: and wften tftep ftaueremapned open oz tpzeade abzod e tfte fpace of an ft oure,oz an ftoure ft a ftalfe, tbzp clofe togitfter agapne, and fade oz wttft er awap, tfte Wfticfte betogpaft, tfterecome in tfteir fteede little ftufkes or bladders, wfterein are fmal knoppes,or ftearie pedettes, in wfticfte ig a blacke feede*Cft e roote in final and tender,andkperilftetft perelp, fo tftat it mnftbenewefowen enerppeere* fyThe Place. t CftiSfterbeiSaftranger in tftis Cottntrie,and isnot fonnde ,at ail except w tfte gardens of fome Herboriftes,wftere as ftiS fowen* iffTheTyme. Cfteefoweftfo^atcfteor Aprid,and it flowretft to Jnneand Juip. , fyTheNames. CftiS fterbe of tfte later Wrtters,iS taken foz a kinde of Aicea, and iScalled Aicea Veneta,tftat ig to fop, Cfte dpmieez a^ucailagc fallow of tennis: of fome Malua Theophrafti .inftigft Boucft, menediger pappeln>or wetter i&o$* luirinbafe Aimaigue^eneetfifte 3£aliiwe* CftiS ig not HyPccoon,as apat* Cucumbers* 586 Thefyfth Booke of tftiolus takes it,btitftlftottlderatfterfeeme to be Solanum Mankum, defcribed * to tftexcif* Cftapter of tfte tftirde booke,wfterebnto ft refembietft mucfte* fyThe Nature. Cfte a^ucculage StSallowe in ftoate and mopft, Ipke to tfte common Hocke oz great wilde fallow, we map wellprefttme,tftat in operation and bertue it is Ipke to tfte common fallow, petforaltftatwe ftane no certapne experience Of tftefome* feThe Vertues. f orafmticfte as tftis #allowe ig ftoateand mopft,wemap wellpzefttme, * tftat in operation and bertne,it ig Ipke to tfte common gpalio we,pet for al tftat weftaue no certapne experience of tfte fame* fyThe Kindes. THerebetwofortes ofCucumbers > tfte garden anlrtfte wilde Cucumber* Cbegarden Cucumber in bfeb in meates* Cfte Wild kind isnot good for tftat purpofe, but feruetft onelp foz medicine: we ftaue giuen pouftisde- ftription in tfte tftirde booke of tftis ftidorie tfte xl* Cftapter* fy The Defcription. Cucumisfatiuus. Melopepon Galeni. H© garden and eateableCu- citmbcr, ftatft long rougft bran- cfteS , creeping alongeft tfte grounde, bpon wfticfte growe rough roundilfte leaues, and datpers or tendrelleS*Cfte flowers grow e betwixt tfte leaues anb tbe dalkes, of a faint pel- lowe colour,^ wfticft befag fallen awap, tfte fruite folo wetft after wfticft ig long, tfte outfide tftereof in fparckled, and fet fulloflitlebowlesofbpffes/tbecoaftes bzfidesbelong,ft greene at# beginning, ft afterward pellow, witftin tfte wfticfte growetft a bzoabe oz large wftite feede* Cfte rooteis of acompetent lengtft* fy The Places. - Cftefe Cucumbers arefowen fa gat- dens, anb loue places (landing well fa tfte Sonne* fyThe tyme. Cfte cftiefeft feafon, foz tfte eating of CttcumberS,iSfa Jttlp and Attguft,and tftep are ripe in September* feThe Names. CftiSkfabeof Cucumber is called of tfte later witters to ©ieeke^wt^f^r >w f7*frf+<&r~-sz> tomattoe Cucumisfatiuus,Or Cucumer r^y^J^Jlf^^^^^ ^N fatiuus,of fome Cucumis Anguinus,or Anguria:tofftOpS,Cucumer,tof rtntft, concombre-in ijigftBdttcfte, Cttcifaiem, and ©urcftm: fabafe Almaigne, Con- tommeremanbtftis feemetft to be tftefome, wfticft ©alen inlibrisdcAUmen- torurrt facultatibus,calfetft ***°*kw>F» Melopepon. fyThe Nature. Cfte Cucumber is colde and mopft in tfte feconde degree* i the Hiftorie of Plantes. 587 fy The Vertues. Cucumber taken in meates, iggoodfoztftedomackeand bowelstftat are A troubled witft fteate: but it peeldetft fmall nourrilftment ft end, infomucft tftat tfte immefurable bfe tfterof, fplletft tfte bapnes witft colbe uougbtie ftumours, tfte wfticfte (bpcaufe tftep mapnotbeconnerted into good blood )doo at tbe lengtftbrpngfoorfftloug and great agues and otfter difeafes, as©aienwzi- tetft* Cfte feede dzonken witft milke or fweete wine loofetft tfte bellp gentlp,and B (Sberp good agapnd tfte exulceration,ft rawncffe oftfte bladder,and inwarde (topping oftfte fame* * Cftegreeneleanes damped witft wine and lapde to , fteale tft ebitinges of© Bogges* ^>f ketones and peponeo. «LT)ap*!tjrir. fe TheKyndes. TH© peponiSakindeofCucumber,tftewfticfteisnowe of diuers foztes, as tfte gteat, rounb,and flat: wftereof tftegreat is alfo of two foztes, tftat iS Wftite,and greme* Pepones magni. Peponcs rotundi. ©reatfl^elons or pepons* l&otmd felons or pepons* 5^3 , The fyfth Booke of wfterebp tftis pepongrowetftbp, and taketft ftoldfad bpenerptftpng* Cfte flowers growe amongft tfte leaues ,berp great and ftollowe witftin,lagged about tfte edges,and of a pellowe colour.cfte fruite in berp bigge, tfticke, and andlong,oneforttftereof isof agreenilfte colour witft manp ribbes or coftes, and tftertndeisberpftarde:tfteotfterfozteiSWftitej,coueredwitft a foft and tender rinde*Cfte feede is inciofed in tfte frtttte,and in wftite and broade,mucft iargertftentftefeedeoftfteCiiciimber* n * Cfte fecondekind wftofe fruite in roizribftatft alfo prickip ftalkeS $ leanest tfteftalkeSbefmaller,andmoftcommonlpcreepealongfttftegrottitde* Cfte leanes bealfo fmaller and not fo deepecnt or rent*Cfte flowers bepellow Ipke tfte flowers of great a^eion or pepo* Pepones lati. Cfte fruite is rounde and fomewftat . BrodeapelonSotpeponS* flat, wft ereof one forte is greene and ^ tfte otfter wftite, wfterin growetft tfte £ Cede fmaller tftan tfte fede of tfte otfter T^^^^JT pepone,and greater tftan tftefeede ofu tfte Cucumber* % Cfte tftirde kinde of pepones in muxftelpketo tfte feconde in creeppng bzancftes, leaues, and flowers: but tfte ftalkes be not fo rougft, tfte fruite in flat,bzode,and roundiCouered witft a foft and gentle rpnde or couerpng, cronkeled ft wrinckied about tfte bor- ders or edgis,lpke to a buckler, wfter* in is tfte feede, ipke to tfte feede of tfte Cuctimberbtit greater* 4 Cftere in alfo a wildekindeof pe- ponS,wfticft arelpke £ tame pepons,' to dalkes and rougft leaues : but tfte fruite in fmaller, and altogitfter bitter Ipke tO Coloquintida , OZ tfte Wilde ©ourde, oz wilde Cucumber, wftere* bnto tftiS Wilde kinde in agreeable in bertweand operation* fy The Place. All tftefe kindeS of felons, and pepons, are fowen in gardens, and bfed in meates except tfte wilde kind* Cftefrttifeto%7^^ andaforwardepere* {[TheNames. > , CftiS fruit in called in ©reke*(7rov^and in marine, p epones :of ©aletijalfo ownxivw, Sicyopepones, tftatiStOfop, Pepones Cucumeraies: ©UCltttloet ^ ^Tft?firdkindeiScalledto©nglilft,#elonS4ndpeponf* 1 ,4SLa faftigftBoiicfte,pfeben:fabafe Aimatgne,pepocnen:ft of tftenewe writers in matine,MagniFepones, offome Cowmeres nircia* inAWgneaccozdinglpCttrckifcfterCttcumeren,ftCorckfcfteCocomm 2 * cftefecondekfadeofpeponSi?cailedPepo,orCucumismarinus:ojfome the Hiftorie of Plantes. *~ )8o Zuccomarin:faftZnt\),Concombremartn,PomponsTurquins inB0UCft,2TeeCon- commeremin ©ngli(fte,pomponS, or felons: we map alfo name tftem>S:a C ucttmbers,or Curkie pompons* 3 Cft e tftirde kinde wfticft e in tfte large pompone,iS for tfte fome canfe called Pepones lati, Bzoade pepons: inBoucfte, Bzeedepepoenen, and offome Corckfcfte a£eloenen,tftat in to fop,Curkie felons* fyThe Nature. Cftegarden^elonS,orpomponi8?,arecoldeand mopd,biit not fo mopft asitfte Cucumbers* fyThe Vertues. Cbe fruit oftfte garben pepon is not often eatm raw, but wel bopled witft % goodflelftorfweete milke, for being fo preparebitis better anb leffefturtfull tftan tfte Cucumber,and in good foz fucfte as ftaue a ftoate domacke* Cfteflefft orfubdanceof pepons fineip damped ,dotbfwage and bealetbe 55 in8anmationSoftfteepe,ifftbeiapdebntotbem,anbbeingbotindtotbefore- ftead,it doppetft tfte falling do wne of ftumours into tfte epes* Cfte feed e of pepons powned Witft meale and tft eir 0 wne ittpccdotb beau-© tifietft e face,for it taketft awap freckles anb aifpottes of tfte f ace,if tft e place be well rubbed witft ft in tfte Sonne* Cftequantitieof adrammeof.tfte dried roote takm witft meade or ftonied 3^ water,maketft oneto bomite* Cfte fame lapde to witft ftonie,ftealetft tfte fores of tfte fteate wfticfte befull £ of corruption and fdtftp matter* ^f<£tttulfe Cucumber* £$$$$%%> fy The Defcription. He Citrttl 0; Citro Cucumber is alfo a kind of Cucumber ftaufag rottnbe rougft dalkes,f nil of Ca- preoles oz clafptog tendzelles, wfterebp it taketft ftold bpon ftebges and flakes* Cbe leaues be al iaggeb and rent, milCft Ipke tO tfte leaueS Of Coloquintida. Cfte fruite in round and greme witftout, wftereingrowetft a flat blacke feebe, ipke $ toa#elonorpeponfeede,btttfomwftat WQ^ fmaller* fyThe Places. CftiS fterbe is maintepned to tfte gar- dens of Come Herboriftes* iffTheTyme. Cfte Cftrull Cucumber ig rppewftft pompons or apelonS, about tfteendeof Sommer* ffi» The Names. 1 CftiSktod of CucumbertS called Ou- cumis Citrulus,of fome Anguria: in IftopS Citrulum: and in Boucft according to tfte t^Z,€ittUllzn:in$tmt\)Concmbrecitritt: to©nglilfte,CitTuUes:andoffome,Pome Citrulles. 1 Cft e wilde ktode of tftis encumbents Bdd tfte Cucumis Citiulus* 5f$*eIon$* ty«MWi. CucumisvGaleni,&Antiquorum. fy The Defcription. ^Hea^eion trapletft alongft ^tfte grounde Ipke tfte Cu- cumber , anb ftatft tender bzancftes witft catcftingca* jpzioies > anb rounbe rougft leaueS*Cfteflowersbe pel- lowe, Ipke tft e flo wets of tfte Cucumber* Cfte fruite in long,and almoft like to tfte Cucumber, but greater, and couered all ouer witft foftfteare, eipecialipbepftgpet poung and tender, and pellowe witftfa* Cftefeede is mucfte inclofed in tfte inner parte oftfte fruite, and in mucfte Ipke to tfte Cucumber feebe* /£?V£~vi dwp* fy The Place. ^ \1&$Jg& \yW& M a^elonSarefowenfojjardenS, ands^^ tftepreqnireafatftwelddungedgroitnd,l and alfo a dzie grounde, ftanding well to tfteSonne,foz otfterwife.poti fcarfe fee tftem profper in tftis Countrie* fyTheTymes. Cfte^eloniSripetojAttguftftSep- tcmber* .* ^ feThe Names. ©aim nametft tftiS fruite in ©reeke *«wc. tbat in to fap in marine, Cucumis, ft bndOtlbtedlp it iS tfte Cucumis of tfte AttncfettteS, Wfterof Cucumer Afininus, tftatistofop,tfteieaptogCwciimberistftewiidektode*€)ftfteiaterwrttersat tftefebapes,it is calleb in ©reekeM«^^wnmatine,Meiopepo, offome Me- io,and infome places of Jtalp,itis alfo called Citrulus,and Cucumis citmlus: inf rencfte, cncion inftigft Boucfte,apelattnen:inbafeAlmaigne,^eloenen: to ©ngiilfte,apelons,and mtifke #elonS* fy The Nature. Cfte^elonintemperamentisalmodliketo tfte pepone,but not fo mopft* fyThe Vertues. Cfte a? elon in in bertne like to tfte pompon oz p ep o n,fauing tftat it dotft A not ingender fo euill blood, neitfter dotft ttdefcendefo quicklp into tftebellp, Wfterefore it ig bp fo mucft better tften tfte pepon* ef #ouroe$* €t)ap.w?ictj* fyThe Kindest THe ©ourde toof tftree foftes,tftat is to fop,tftegreat,tftefmal,fttftelong, wfticft are mucfte Ipke one anotfter toleaues ft bzancftes, oner atid bpfideS tfte wilde kind wfticft is defcribed before to tfte tftird booke* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. Cucurbita cameraria maior. # Cucurbita minor. •PSiS^^ Gourde ftatft long Itmmer B l^dalkes,tender and full of bzancftes S^ssland clafping tendzels oz capzioleS,r, Wfterebp it taketft ftolde and climbetft bp,^|^>p efpeciallp if it bz fet bp percftes,ftcdges, $ v $ quick fettes oz trees,bp tfte wfticfte it map take ftolde anb wzap and wind tt felfe: for wttftontfucft dapes ft ftelpes tfte ©ottede cannot climbe bp, but will Ipe alongd and f* groweftarde bp tftegrounde, and tftan it* can not bring foortft bin fruit* Cfteleaues ^ berounde, wftitilfte, foft, and almod Ipke beluet, drawing fomewftat towardes tfte falftiou oftfte great Clot Bur leattes, but fmaller* Cfte flowers be wfttte , euerp flower parted into fiuefatall leaues, after tfte flowers commetft tftcfruite, at tfte be* ginning greene, and ouerlapde or couered witft afoftcotton orftearie downe, but a£ ter wftan tt turnetft to ripeneffe,it in of a pellowiifte colour, and abriodbalfte witft out fteare or co tton. Cftis firft kinde is be- rp great,rounde,tfticke, and iarge*8S>itftto &ddi; tftis 591 The fyfth Booke of tftiS ituitz ig found alarge long feede, witft two peakeS oz comers at tfte ende oftfte fame feede* % Cftefeconde kinde is ipketo tftefird in dalkes, leaucS,flowerS, and feede, foupng tftat tfte fruite in fmaller, and Ipke a rounde flagon oz bottell witft a longnecke,wftich in tbe bzft falftiou of ©ourdeS,foz tftep be oftentimes bfed (efpeciallp oftbepilgrtmeS)in deede of flagons or bottedes, wften tbep are made ftollowe* $ Cfte tftirde kinde in Ipke to tfteafozefopde, fattpng tftat tfte fruit is neptfter fo (ft oft, uoz fo bigge as tfte fmite of tft e otft ers, but mod commonlp in of t^xzz or foure foote long, anb as bigge as ones iegge or arme: tfte red is Ipke tfte otfters* 4 BpfideS tftefe tftree kinds of garden ©ourdeSCas fome learned men write) tftere in found anotfter foft wftofe fruite in berp (ftort and no bigger faan ones finger,tfterefibue,astbedalkesandleaueSiSipketo tfteabouefapde* 5 £>f tftis foue in alfo a wilde kinde, wbereof tftere ismentionmade intfte Cftapterof Coioquintida^ntfte tftirde booke* fy The Place. Cftetftzeefirftkindes arepianted intfte gardens of tftiS Conntrie* 4 CftefottrtftkindegrowetfttofomeConntriesinroUgftftottpplaceS* fy The Tyme. Cfte ©ourdeis ripe to tftis Countrie in Auguft and September* fyTheNames. Cfte ©ourde ig called to ©reke *oxoitwfl« w *o\okw0« ?eT<»ap*jeiejrf#* Rapa. fy The Defcription. Heroundiiapeoztitrnep attfte beginning ftatft great rougft bzode leaues, wfticfte leaues fa tfteendenext tfte ftemme, are deepelp cut and fogged bpon botft fpdes: and towards wfater,ft wiilftaue a round ftalke, bpon tfte Wfticft grow final pellow flowers, wfticft bringfoortft fmalbrowne feede in idle coddes or ftiifkes Ipke ©die* wurteS, to wfticftetfte litapes are mncfte like in AoWerS,ftnfkeS,ft feede*Cfte roote is rounde and tfticke,wftite botft witftout and witftfa,fomtimes as great as a mans ftead,fometimeSno bigger tftenpnesfide, and fometimes fmaller* Cftere in anotfter kinde of Cttrnep or ftape, pet not tftat forte, wfticfte fome mm ^^^ calitfteredEapeor^auew, wftereof we t^/v^^ ftauealredpfpoken to p Cftaptof Beetes: but anotfter kinde berp like to tfte rounbe lHapeortttrnepaforefoid,inrougbleatteS, ftalkes,flowers,coddes,and feedes: and anb bifferetft but onelp to tftis, tftat ftis rooteS oz CurneppeS are not Wftite bnt red, to ad t^in^zn tin Ipke to tfte otfter, as J bnberftande bp fome Herboriftes, Wbo ftane beclareb bnto me,tftat tfte noble anb famous £Uteene Bouager of Hun- garteandBoftem,dotftcaufetftemto be fet anb planted inftermoft rpcfteand pleafontgardens* fy The place. CfteCurnep iouetft an opm place,it in fowen fomwftere in btoepardes, as Bdd Hi at 594 The fyfth Booke of at Hnpgarden and tfte Countrie tfterabotttes,wfticft do waxe berp great: but tbep are mod commonlp fowen in feeides,elpecialip wften tft e corne in ripe,but tftep becomenotftingfo great* fyTheTymes. Cftep are fowen at tfte beginning of fommer, tftat tftep map waxe great: anb in Juip anb Atigttd after tfte cutting bowneof cornetbnt tfte later lowing are neuer berp great,ft about April wben fommer isat ftanb,tftep bring fooztft ftalkes,and flowers*Cftefeedeisripein Sipap and June* fy The Names. Eapes are called in©reekeyo>>vAAriK5«yo>>uxicAtr.tomatfae,Rapa':faf reneft, iV4«^*Ar:faftigftBoucft,iawben:inbafeAlmaigne,Eapen:in©ngiilfte,Eapes anb Cwrneps* C The Nature. ftapes are ftoate anb mopft of complexion* fy The Vertues. CfteCurnep taken in meat nonrilftetft meetelp wel, fo tftat it be moderateip * taken,and wel digefted,bnt if a man take fo mucfte tftereof as map not be well digeded, it engendretft and dirretft bp mucft windpneffe, ft manp fuperfluous ftumours intftebodp,efpeciallp wften it in eaten rawe, for tftenit ftnrtetft tfte ftomacke,ft caufetft wfadineffe,bladfags,and papne in tft e bellp ft fmal guttes* CftefamebopIedinmilke,fwagetfttftepapneoftftegowt,beinglaidtfterto*25 £Dple of rofespttt into aCnrnep madeftolow foztft eptirpofe,and tften roded <£ bndertfte ftoate a(ftes or embers, ftealetft ^kibedfteeles* Cftebrotft ofEapes in good for tftefamepitrpofe,iftftekibed fteeles be waffted and foked tftereon, and fo in tfte jftaucw orCurnep it felfe,eptfter baked or roded,good to belapd bponmonldp and kibed fteeles* Cfte croppes and poung fpzingeS of CurnepS, eaten, pro woke brine, and $ are go od for fncft e as are troubled witft tft e done* Cfte feed e of Cwrneps or Eapes,witftdandetft all popfon, and tfterefore in © ^ ptitto tftemakfagoftreacles,wfticftearemedicfaesordapned agapnd allpop* fon,and for tfte fwagfag of papnes* Cfteopieof tftefame feedeisof tfte fame efficacie and working, and being* taken rawed expelletft tfte wozmes tftat togender in tfte bobp* Cbe roote pzepareb anb bfeb as in beforefaib dirretft bp tfte pleatore of tfte bobp,tbefeebebronkenis of tfte fome bertite, tfte feede is alfo put into medi- cines, tftat are made for tft e beatittfping of tfteface,anb al tft e bodp, as Blotto- rides,©alen,and otfterappzoueb anctftotits teftifie^iflapcs bauealfo amarue- lousproperrie to cleare tfte epefigftt,as Awerrois tfte pfttlofopfter(biit enimie bnto©ftrid)Writetft* €>ftljelongftapt/o? J&auetgentle* €ljap*icjcjcuij* H The Kindes. Cfte^anew isof two fortes,tameanb wilbe* fy The Defcription. | Anew gmtle, or garben long Eape, ftatft great large leaneS al- I mod Ipke tfteleaues of CurnepS oz ronnb tftattewes, but mucfte ! fmootft er*Cfte dalke isrottnbe of a etibite iong,bpon tfte wfticfte jgroweflowers,bwfkes,anbfeebelpketoCwrnep* CfterooteiS j oerp long,and tfticke,in all tftinges els like tfte Ciirnep or round llapc* 2 Cfte wild 0atiew in not mncft bnlpke tft e abonefepd, fatting tftat big leaueS are moze tagged from tfte neatfter part,euen bp to tbe top, anb tfte roote in not fo ioug,biit (ftorter anb rotmder,almoft Ipke to a wilde peare* WTbt the Hiftorie of Plantes. Napus hortenfis.©ardenH*ape» Napus fylueftris.^fld IRape* W fy The Place. Cfte0atteW gentle iS mticft fowen in f raunce,efpeciallp about part's* Cfte wilde $atiew growetft fa fome Countries alongeft bp riuers and brookes, and fucft colde places* iffTheTyme. Cfte0atiew flowretft intftefpring rime,liketfte Curnep and Coiewortes* fyTheNames. Cftejfrauew iScalled in ©reeke aw*r*f • in marine, Napi: fa ftigft Boucfte, SteckrtibenrinBzabantjSteckrapen^nd.parftfcftelEapen, tftatistofop, moug liiape,and pariS^taueweS* , ©ardm0aiiewiScalledfamarine,NapusfatiuusfaftigftBoucft, Crucke Steckrubenttftatis to fap,tfte drie^auew fome do alfo cal it fa ©ngiiift,$ta- uet,and jftattew gentle* , Cfte wiidekfade in called Napus fylueftris fa ftigft Almaigne^afj Steck- rubentft at in to fop,tft e mopft or water j^auet* fyThe Nature. ^auewes are of complexion ipke to tfte CnmepS,as ©alen writetft* fyThe Vertues. Cfte $attew takeninmeate,dotft nonrrilft leffetftentfteCurnep,otfterwife a to bertne and operation, it in mucft Itke to tft e rounde ftape or Curnep* Cfte feede tftereof is berp good againftpopfon, and tfterefore ttisputinto b treacles, and preferwatittes* Bdd iitf ®t effiampfonojwfl&efiapf** €f)ap*jcjc)rtj* fyThe Kindes. Cftere be two fortes of ttampions or wilbe »apes, tfte great anb tfte total, Rapum fylueftreparuum. Rapum fylueftre aliud. mitle tampions* voilbz aampions* fyThe Defcription. HC fmal common mampion,fttofitft leattes fteronnbilfte, almoftlpke tfte leaues oftfte 3®arcft Violet, afterwarb ft bringetft fooftft a round _j ftarde ftalke of two footelong,fet about witft long narrowe leaue&at v tftetop of tfte dalkes growe pleafant flowers,berp mucb Ipke to tfte wild 23cl flowers defcribeb in tfte feconde booke tfte xxiif* ©bap* after tbe flowers come long coznereb oz fqnare ftw(kes,wfterin tftefebe in inclofeb wbicb iSberp fmal* Cfte robteis long and wftftcfometimes as bigge as a mans litie finger,iu taft almod like tbe 0awew gentle, tfte wfticfte in £ winter feafonis bfeb in folades* 2 Cfte otfter l&ion, tfte wfticfte in not pet berp well knowen W fdft leanes be bzobe,anb tbep tbat grow bp afterwarb about $ ftalke are narrowe: ftftatft one bz two ftraigftt ftolow ftems, in tfte top oftfte fapb ftems growetft a great tfticke bulftie eare,fnl of litie longfmal flowers,wfticft before tfteir ope* ntog,are ipke litie crookeb ftorneS,ft being openlp fptead,are parted into foure litlenarrowe leatteS,of ablewecoioitr,purple, grap, or wbite* CbeflowerS fallen, tftereappeare manp rotinbelittleftufkes, iopnihgoneto anotfter, Ipke to tfte ftufkes oz cttppes of tfte otfter lHampion, but mucft (Waller* Cfte roote ig great wftite ft full of fap,to falftiou ft tade like tfte roote of tfte otfter lliampion* * Cfte S£arians t&ioiet,anb tbe ©auntelet,befcribed intfte fecond booke, are alfo of tbekindes of EampionS* ^frkc the Hiftorie of PlatfteS. ft7 % The Place. ' , . • CfteUttle Kampion growetft fa feeldes and padttreS of tftiS Countriebn- der ftedges and bitfftes* i Cfte otfter laampion growetft mod comonlp in wooddes, inciap gronndeSi and otfter fat,mopd and darke places* fy7heTyme. , » Cfte litie mampionflo wretft in Juneand Jnlp; % Cfte otfter flowretft toapap* * fyTheNames. i ftampioniS called to ©reekewfo* «yf&• in marine, Rapa fylueftris, tftat ig tofap^ildeEapes* i Cftefirft kinde, ig nowe called of tfte Writers to tftefedapeS', Rapontium1, Rapunculum3and Rapunculum paruum: inf XZUtbyBaiponce, anb Petite Raiponce: in ftigft B oucft e, ttlein isapun t? cin: in bafe Almaigne,C lepn or gft emepne Ea- poncelenrin ©nglilftcuampions and tfte litietiampion* CftefecondetSIpkewifeakindeofiiainpioitAzwtldeKapeS* fyThe Nature. aaampion ig of nature fomewftat like tft e Curnep; fy The bertues. . Cfte Eampion eaten witft bineger and fait dirretft bp appetite or meatelnft, A and prouoketft bzine, efp eciallp wften it in but a litie bopleb oz parbopleb* llampions mengleb witb tfte meale of mupines or J wrap, botb clenfe and B beautifie tfte face and all otfter partes of tfte bodp,bemglapde tfterebnto* Cbe iupce of tbe dalkes ft leaues of laampions, efpeciallp of tft e leffer kind, C dzopped into tfte zpzn wttft womens miike,clearetft tfte figftt* <2>f fiadiflje* €f >ap. ptjetat* ULThe Kindes. :. THerebe two kindesof Eadi(ft,tftetame,and tfte Wdde, Wftereof tfte tame or garden Eadilft is of two forteS,tfte one wttft a round roote,like tft e |^a- uew or gardenllape,and isnot berp comma fa Brabant* Cfte otfter ftatft aberplongwftiterooteanbiStftecommonllabi^oftbiSCotintrte* Co this map be iopneb a tftirbe kinde of garden or tame l&adilfte, witb tfteblacke roote wfticfte of late peeres ftatft ben bzougftt into ©nglande, anb now beginnetb al- fo to waxecommon* fyThe Defcription.. Becommon liiabtlfte batb great bfabe rougft leaues, mucft e clouen oz deepelp cut inbpon botb fibes, not mucfte bnlpke tbe Cttrnep leanes* Cftedalkes beround,witft manp flowers of a purple or wan colonr, euerp flower parted fato foure fmall leaues, tfte wfticfte being fallen, tftere come in tft eir fteebe,iong, rounde, (ftarpepopnted ftufkes, fometimes as bigge as ones tittle fingar, wfterefa in inclofeb a rounde kzowne feede* Cfte roote of tfte one kind of garden Eadifft e, in of a too te or foote and a ftalfe long, Wftite botft witftout and witftin,and of afljarpetade*Cfte roote of tfteotfter in (ftozt,anb as bigge as a jfrauew, and of a ftronger and Ift arp er tafte tben tbe longer roote* Cfte tftirb roote in blacke witftout and wftite wttft in,to tafte like to tfte otfters* Cfte wilde Eadilfte ftatft leanes like tfte common iRadilft e, but fmaller and fuller of cuttes oziagges* Cfte dalke is of afoote and a bade long, ozmoze, bpon wbicft gro w manp pellow flo wers,anb afterwarb fmal fttifkes,wftereto tfte feede,Wfticft in berp fmal,is inclofed*cft e roote ig as bigge as ones finger, m tafte berp ipke to apoung ftadiifte,bnt ftronger* 7^ The Radiculafatiua.©atdenmaditft* Radicula fylueftrislfcildeftadilft* fy The Place. * Cftep tbW iitabilft fa gardens, and it requiretft to be new few en euerp pert* * Cftewildeliiadilftgrowetftalongftbpdttcftesfides,botft bp dandfagand mnnfag WaterS* fyTheTymes. \ » Cft e garden liiadilft in fowen moft commonlp in June and Jnlp, and tftat Wiilfernetobeeatenatwinter,andttflowretftfaApzidanda^ape: andtftat wfticfteis fowen in aparcfte flowretft tftefelfefamepere in a?ap or Jane, and iS notfting woztft for to eate* * Cfte wilde flowretft in Jnne,and (ftdftlp after tt peeldetft ftis feede* C The Names. * Cfte fix d kind in called oftfte Atftenienfes, and otfter Attncientes in ©reke pcccpocvic wfovpvUV*©-stttmatfae Radicula,anb Radicula fatiua: offome Rapha- nus : and faSftOppeS,Haphanus minor: fa frmcfte, Raueejr Raueforte: faftigft Boucfte,Eettieftrin^afeAlmaigne>Eadiis:fa©ngiilfte,uadilft* a Cfte feconde kinde in calleb in ©reeke ?«$ w «ye/'*in marine, R adicula fyl- ueftris:Of fome Radicula paluftris:tofrenCft,^^y4««^;OZ^//^r^4«f:inftigft Almaigne,t©iider Hietticft: to bafe Almaigne, naiide iHadijs, and neater Etv bifs: in ©ngiilft, wilde Eadilft* orwaterEadtlft* fyThe Nature. i llladilfte is ft oate to tfte tftirde degree,and drie in tfte feconde* z Cftewildemadilftisdronger,andmorebittogtftantftegardeniaadilfte* fy The Vertues. IRadifft is no w eaten witft otfter meates,as tftep bfed in timespad,$ener- tftelelfe the Hiftorie of Plante*. ypp tfteleffetttStatfter medicine tften meate ornoiirilftment,aS witneffetft ©alen: for ft giuetft berp litie or no no urilft ment to tft e;bodp,fctng tftat it ig Iftarpe and biting bpon tfte tongue* Cfte poung ftemmes and tender croppes Or buddeS of i&adflft ,map beipke* b wpfe eaten witft ople and bineger befag fird bopleb, anb tftep nonrilft e better tftmtfterootes,altftowgftindeedetfteppeeldebiitlitienoitri(ftment* Biofcorides foptft, tftat tfte roote of Eadilft ig pleafont to tfte montft, bttf© euiilfouftedomacketfor itmgenbzetft belcftfagand windineffe, wttft adefire tobomit* Cfte fome eatm beforemeatcliftetft bptftemeatcarid takenafter meateoz B meale,it fttppreffetft tfte fome,cauftog it todefcendetand digeft* Jtis good to beeatettbeforemealeto caufe bqmit, efpeciallptfte barke tfter* © of,tfte wfticfte taken witft 4Dximel (tftat ig ftonied bineger) ftatft tfte greater ftrengtft to ftirre bp bomiting,and purgetft rougft and dpmie fleme,and quick- t netft tfte wit and bnderftanding* Cfte decoction or brotl) of Eadilfte,dronken prouoketft brine, bzeaketft tfte f ftone,and driuetft ft foortft* \ ■ Cftefame rppetfttbugft fleme,and groffeftnmoiirs,Wfterwitftftalltftebzed © and ftomacke ig cftarged,and caufetft tftem to befpet out: it ts alfo good againft anoldecowgft,andtftebrefttftatisftttffedwitftgroffeftttmoiirs* ^ l&adilft e is good agapnft tfte Bropfie, and for tftem tftat beliner ficke,and for h tftem tftat ftaneanp papne ozftoppmg of tfte rapueS ,,and eaten witft bineger and mnftarde,it in good againft tfte metftargie, wfticfte ig a dzo wfteand for- getftill fickneffe* * ; jf> Jtis alfo goodfortocftasarefickewitft eating Cadeftoolesoza^ttlftrttmes, J orHenbane,orotft&dmbme,andfortftem papnes in tfteirbedpes,tts Piiftonicus, anb Praxagoras wzitetft* Jtmonetft womens flowers, anbaspltoiewrttetft,catifetftabtinbanceof & milke* .:-.■*.. •* Cfteroote ftamped berp total witft bineger,ctrtetft tfte ftardneffe of tfte melt m orfpiene,beinglapdetberebpott* ; Cfte fame witft ftonp dapetft frettfog,feftertog anb contoming fozes, alfo it'm tegoobagainftfctirffeneffe, and fcalesof tfte ftead, and fiiletft dp agapnebare places wttft fteare** Cftefome witft tftemealeof Barnelor Jwrap,taketft awap blewe fpottes A ofbritfebplaceS,andaibleini(ftesand freckiesoftbeface* Cfte feede tftereof caufetft one to bomit beftementlp, and prouoketft brine, gp and betogdronken witft ftonp anbbtoegee, it kpdetft ft driuetft foortft wozmes oftftebodp* Cftefometakm witft bineger, waftetft tfte melt or fplene, and flaketft tbe & ftardneffe tfterof* ..... ....... ^ ^ftefomefoddminftoniedbineger,t'Sgood to beoftmbfedftoatefozagar- iSt gatifme againft tfteSqiifaancfe,,l > , CftewiideorwateriWdflftftatfttftefameb & tftegardenmadiift,butaltogitfterftronger,anb isftogitler to prottoke brine* #fSatfojt o?mountapne flairifij* €fap.mbi). fy the Defcription. jjpuntapnetiiabilft or Jiiapfoft ftatft greathzobeleatte&infalfttonipke to tftegreatBocke, called Patience, but greater and rougfter* Cfte ftalkes be tender,fl;ort, anb fmall,at tfte toptofteteof are fmall wftite [flowers>and after tftem berp fmalftnfkes,wft erein is tfte feede * Cfte roote and flowretft in June* fyTheNames. Cftis fterbe ig called of tbe later wri- ters, R a phan us magnus, ft Raphanus mo ra- ta n u s: to jf rmCfte,Grand Raifort >ft P^aphanu*: inftigft Boucfte,a9eerreticft,anblliern: m[ Bzabantmodcomm6lpRaphanus,of fomef alio sperradifa.Some of tfte learned fort of tfte later writers doo take it fot? ««v<^, Raphanusof tfte Auncient Atftentens, tfte wfticfte as fome write, in an enimie to tfte, biue,but tftis is not p«4>«vo5 of Cfteopftraft, or of tfte otfter ©reekes tfteir fticceffoiirst t©ftO take for Raphanus,.BrafficaRomanp- r u m,wfticfte in our common Coiewurtes* Someotftersiubgeitto be Thlafpi,wfter-. of Cratmas writetft,btit tbeir opinion in notfting like to tfte truetft* fyThe Nature., Cfte great laapf ozt in ftoate anb brie almoft to tfte tftirde degree, efpeciallp tfte roote,to wfticfteis tfte cfteefeft bertue* fyThe Vertues. t Cfte roote oftft e great mapfou in to berttte mucft e like to J&abitfte,but it & * ftoater and ftro nger,but not fo mucft e troubling tbe ftomacke* Cbe fame being berp fmall grounde oz damped, m^p be ferued to men in 13 fteede of^udarde,orotberfowceto eate fi(ftewitball:for being fo taken it warmetft tfte ftomacke,and caufetft good apperite,anddigeftetft filft berp wel* J t ftatft bene alfo founde bp experience, tftat tfte great Eaifoft dotft binder C tfte growing oftfte bine,and being planted neare it, caufetft tfte btoe to ftarue anb wttfter awap, tft e wfticfte tfting tfte later ©reeke writers, ft not tfte atfte* ntens,bo afcrtde to Coiewurtes* in marine Paftinaca?. t Cftefirft kinde iScalled s« inftigft Boticft,!i*bt padinprinbafe Almaigne, Ca- roten:fa©ngli(ft,iiied CarrotteS* And tftefe two garden CarrotteS are in figftt Ipke to ^©^Daucus; defcri- bed bp Cfteopftrade lib*ix*Cftap*xb* and Ipke to tfte ftetbe wfticfte ©aim in ftis fpXtft bOOkeof SpmpleSnametft/««K©uj«^vxrpftms wzitetft tft at tftis roote ftatft power tb encreafe lone* Carrot rooteS madeinto powder,and dzonken witft a^eade ozftonied wtv © ter open tfte ftoppinges of tftelfaer, the melt ozfplene, tfte kidnepes ft raines, and are good againft tfte Jaunders and grauel* Cftefeedeof wdde Carrotozouoketft womens flowers, and is beep good & agapnft tfte fuffo cation and ftiflinges of tft e a£atrix,being dzonken to wine, or Iapdeto outwardlp in manner of apeffarteoz motfter ftippofttorie* Jt prouoketft brine,and caftet ft fooztft grauel,and in berp good agapnft tfte© ftrangurie, and Bropde,and for fncft eas ftaue papne in tftefpde,tftebedpand rapnes* J t is good againft ail benome,and agapnd tft ebitinges and fttogingesoff benemous beades* Some men wrfte,tftat ft maketft tfte women fruitfull tftat bfe often to eate © of tbe feede tbereof Cfte greme leaueS of CarrotteS butted witft ftonp and lapde to, doo clenfe H and mundifiebneleane and frettingforeS* Cfte feede of tfte garden Carrot,is to bertue ipke to tfte wilde Carrot, but J notfting fodrong,bwt tfte rooteof tfte garden Carrot,ismofeconuenteut and better to beeatmt ®i the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^fparfeneppe0* €f)ap.ftjrfc fyThe Kindes. Cfterebe two foztes of parfeneppes,tftegardenand Wilde parfenep; Paftinaca vulgaris. Elaphobofcum. ©arden parfmep* tMbe parfenep* 6oT iff The Defcription. % H<£ garden parfenep ftatft great long leanes,mabe of diners leaueS " fet togitfter bpon one demme, after tfte fafftionozozder of tfteleaues of tftet&almitoz Alftetrce, wftereof eacfte fingle leafe is bzoabe or fomewftat large, anb nickt or fnipt round about tbe edges, tbe ftalke growetb to tftefteigfttof a man, cftannelldraked anb forrowed, baiting manp iopnteS,lpke tbe ftalke or ftemme of f enill: at tfte toppe growe fpokie tnftes, bearing pellowe flowers, anb flat feebes, almoft Ipke tfte feebe of Bpll,bttt greater/CfterooteiS great and long,of a pleafant tafte, and good to beeaten* i Cbe wplde parfenep,in leaues flowers and feede in mucb Ipke tbe garden parfmep, fatting tbat l)in leaues be fmaller, ft biS dalkes denderer, tfte roote is alfo ftarder and fmaller,and not fo good to beeaten* fyThe Place. * Cfte manured and tame Utibtjig fowen in gardens* * Cfte wilde growetft in tftis Cotintrie,aboiit wapes and patftes* ftThcTyme. tzneahd Juip: and tfte garden parfeneppeg are bed and moft meete to be eaten, tft e winter before tfteir flo wring* ©eei| fyTht 6©4 Thefyfch Booke of ILT he Names. i CftefrrftktndtScailedmtfteSftoppesoftftto©ountrfe>Paftinaca3andtfte neatfter Boucftemenbozowing of tfte marine do cal it padinakemin ©nglilfte Ipkewife parfenep: infrencfte, Grand cheruy. in ftigft Boucfte, a&ozen, anb 2am a^oren,and according to tfte fame tfte bafe aumaignes caliit/Camme #ooreu*Some take it for <™-«?oF, Sifarum, otfters take it for a kind of Staphi- linus,and Paftinaca And indeede it feemetft to be r«4>^/V©-, tftat iS, Paftinaca Wftereof ©alen writetft in bin bitobooke of Simples* ' * Cfte Wilbe kinbe iS calleb fa fome SboppeS, Branca leonina, OrBaucia.-fa ftzntbZyCberuy fauuage. fa fttgft Boucft,t©iid aj? oren: in bafe Almaigne,r©iide a^otenrit in called in ©reeke a«fti°™\>,otfomzy as witneffetft Biofcorides, *\«ioKToyop,x^K:to marine, tlaphobofcum;and Cerui ocel- lus : to©nglttfte,i©ilde parfenep* fy The Nature. parfenep isftoate and drie, elfteeiallp tfte feede wfticfte in ftoater and drier tften tfte rOOte* fy The Vertues. Cfteroote of tftegardenparfenepeatetomeates,astfteCarrot,dotftpeeld a more and better no ttrilft ment tften Carrot rooteS,anb in good for tfte lunges tfte rapnes,and tfte breft* ' Cfte fome roote caufetft one to make water well, and fwagetft tfte papnes B oftfte fpdes,and drinetft awap tfte windineffe of tfte bellp,and in good foztoeft as bebzttpfed, fquat,or burden* Cbe feede of tbe wilbe parfenep is goob agapnft all popfon,anb it ftealetft © tftebitingeS and fttoginges of allbenemous beaftes, being b^onUn to wine* Anb trtieip ft in fo excellent for tbiS purpofe, tbat ft in left bs in Writing, tftat Wftenjft e Stagges or ratfter tft e wdb Hartes siiar um. ftaue eaten of tftis fterbe, no benemous beads map annop or fturt tftem* <£>f frkitmrntt*. €f)ap^I* fy The Defcription. )HeSkfrwurt ftatft roud ftalkes, jtbz leaues be cut anb fnipt about Klpke tfte teetft of a fowe, diuers fet bppon one ftemme not mucfte )bnlpke $ leaueS of garden p arf< nep ,bttt a great deale fmaller ft fmootfter* CfteflowerS grow in ronnd tuftes of (pokp toppes, and are of a wftite colour .and after tftat commetft a feebe fomewftat bzoabe, (jts I reade in my copie') but the Skirworte thatgroweth in my garden which agreetb in al things els with the de- fcription of this Skirwort,hath a litie long crooked feede iff a browne colour,the which being rubbedfmelleth pled fantly, fomewbatlyke the feede ofGith ^or Nigella Romana, or like the fauour ofCypreswood. Cfte rootes are white of a finger lengtft , diuers ftanging togitfter,and as ft were growing out of onemoare, of afweete tafte,and pleafont in eating* ^ , fyTfa THc Hiftorie of Plantes* % The Place. 6oj <£l)ap*plt* Apium hortenfe. Cftefe rootes areplanted in gardens* iffTheTyme. Cftefe rootes are digged out of tfte grounde to be eaten in aparcfte, anb tfte leaft oz fmadeft of tftem are attfte fame time planted agapne5tfte wfticft be good andfafeafontoferueagapnetftepeerefolowingtobe[eaten* But wftan tftep be left in tft e grounbe witftout remouing, tftep flower anb are in feede in Juip, and AtigUd* fy The Names. CbiS roote iScailebfa©reekecr/V«fop.fa)LatineSifer,anb Sifarum: ftfome men cal it Seruillum,Seruilla,orCheruilla:fafrecb,^^C^^: fa ftigft Boucft ©erlin, ©ierlfa,ft offome Zam U*aptintiel:fa bafe Almaigne, Suptker wor- telkens,anb Seriilen: in ©nglilft,Skprwttrt,anb Skirwit rootes* \ fyThe Nature. Skirwttrtes are ftoate and drie in tfte fecond e degree* fyThe Vertues. Cfte rooteof Skirrets bopled, is good foztbeftomacke,ftirretftbpappe-a tite,and prouoketft brine* Cfte iupce of tfte roote dzonken Witft ©oates miike,ftoppetft tftelafke* b Cftefamedronkenwitftwine,drinetftawap windineffe, and gripingeS of © tfte bellp,and curetft tfte bitUt or pexe* €>f#atoenpatrelp. fyThe Defcription. \ Arden pasfeip ftatft greene 'leaues, tagged, ft in diuers places deepe cut, andtoppt rounde about Ipke tbe teetft of afowe* Cfte ftalkes be rounbe, bppon tfte wfticfte gtowecrownes or fmadtftokie toppes, witb flowers of a pale pellowe colour, and after tftem a fmall feebe fomewbat ronnbe,anb of a iftarpe or biting taft,anb good fmell* Cbe roote in wbite anb long astfterooteof f enfll,but a great beale fmaller* fyThe Places. parfelp in fowen in gardens amongft witrtes and potfterbes, anb lottetftafat and fruitfuil grounde* fy The Time. Cfte common parfelp flowretft to June, * bin feede in ripe to Jnlp, a pere after tftefirft fowtog of ft* fyTheNames. rCftecomon parfelp is called to©reke mivop K5"mallacl)e* Apium.faf rencfte,Dc Vache,vnftigft Boncfte, ©pfficft: to bafe bafe Almaigne, Jotiffrouwmerck, and offome after tfte Apotftecaries Cppe: in *nglift)e,3*9arcfte,Smallacfte,auda^arrifl)e parfelp* fyThe Nature. Smadacfte ig ftoate and drie ipke garden parfelp* fy The Vertues. Cfte feede and rootes of Smallage, to working are mucft like to tfte rootes 3 and feede of raden parfel&as Biofcorides writetft* Cfte iupce onbmallacft e do tft mundifie and clenfe corrupt and federed fores, 23 efpeciallp oftfte moutft and tfttotc, mingled wttft otfter dtiffe, feruing to tfte fame purpofe* Smadacftcas piinie wzitetft, ig good againft tfte popfon of Spiders* € <£ffl|Mmtapne parfelp* tfijap.rluj* ^^ Oriofelinon. *$$• The Defcription. alongft tfte kindes qf parfelp, tfte AifocftnteS ftaue alwapes defcri- beb a ktode wfticfte tftep name ai) ountapne parfelp * Anb albeit it be nowe growen out of knowledge, pet we baue tftougftt itgoodtode- fcribe tfte fame, to tfte intent tftat notfting (ft ould faple of tftat, wfticfte appartepneibto tfte kindes of parfelp, alfo we ftope tftat tftis parfelp (ftalbe tfte fooner fflmnbe, bpcaufe wedo here expzeffeit bp name* %bin parfelp,as wzitetft Biofcorides,ftatft fmal tenber ftalkes of a fp an longftaning idle bzan- cftes,witft fmal tpokie tops or crownets,lpke to Hemlocke, bnt mucft fmaller^ bpon tfte wbicft growetft a litie feebe fomewbat long,like to tfte feebe of com- min,fmal,of a berp good and aromaticalfent,and (ftarpebpontfte tongue* fyThe Places. CftiS kinde of parfelp growetft in rougb bntopleb places, anb bpponftigft ftonie ftplles,for tfte wfticfte confpderation it ig caded #ountapne perfeip* fe The Names. CftiS parfelp is called to &reeke,*et"t*"0p.fomarine, Apium montanum, tftat is to fop in ©ngli(fte5^pil parfelp, or ^ountapne parfelp: in frencfte,\)iqto Boncft,Bercft ©pfficftrinbafe Almaigne,bercft©ppe* fyThe Nature. CftiS perfelp ig of complexion^ temperament Ipke tfteotfter, but a great deale ftronger,as witneffetft ©alen* feThe Vertues. Cftefeebe and roote of ftill,ot mountapne parfelp dronken in wine, pzouo* % ketft brine and womens flowers, Cftefeede witft great pzofftteiS put into pzeferuattoes and medicines pzc* B pared to pronoke brine* ^f Hone parrelp* €bp*jcIifo* fy The Defcription. 'HiSparlelpftatftmeetclplargeleaueS , fettered into fnndrie partes, 'oz diuers fmal leaues,tfte wfticft bpo eacftefidearedeepe cut and fpnelp ftackt oz tni^t round aboutCbe dalkes be fmall of two foote long, bpo Wfticfte growefntallfpokietoppeswitft wfttte flowers, and after tbem afeede fomewbat fao wne,notmucftebnlpke tfte feebe oftfte garben parfelp, but bet* ter,anbofanaromaricallfottOttr,ftlftamertafte*Cberoofe ig fmall witft manp ftearie dringes ftanging tftereat* fy the Place. Cftisktobe wfticft ig tfterigftt parfelp,growetft plentifullp to a^acebonia, to rongft ftonp and bntopled places,and alfo to fomeplaces of Bowcftland,tftat belpkewife rougft ftonp and bntopled * Cft e H erboziftcs of tftis Cottntriedoo fow it in tfteir gardens* <& * c iii\ c the fyThe Times. CftiS parfelp flo wzetft in Juip, and peeldetft l,in feede in A tigwft* ' fy The Names. Cftis ftrange(but pet tbe true parfe- lp)iscalleb in ©reeke 7TiTeoand blab- ber* $ Jtis alfo pnt witb greatprofite topte- parattoes, and medicines ordapned to pronoke bzine* ®f great p arfelp ot 3Ue? anoer. Ctjap^lt]* fy The Defcription. j^^^HH^Steat parfelp ftatft large *» leaues,bzoabe,anb fomewbat bzewne, not mucfte bnlpke tfte leaues of gatden parfelp j but mucbeiarger and blacker,almodlpketbe leaues of 3 ngelica*Cfte dalke ig rounbe of tbzee ozfoure foote bigb, at tbe toppe wftereof it bzingetb foortft rounb iftokie tufts oz circles witft fmal wftiteflowers, anb Petrofelinum Macedonicum* the Hiftone or Plantes. 00? and after tftem ablackefeede(fomewftat iong,and almoft as bigge as tfte ker- ned of an £>renge ) of a fpicie fauour and bitteriifte tafte* Cfte roote in wftite wttftuxand blacke witftottt,wfticft Mng taken fooztft oftfte ground, ft broken topeeccs pnttetb foortb a tfticke liquer, or oplie gumme of apeilowilfte colour, in tafte berp bitter anb Ipke to a^prrfte* fy The Place. CftiS parfelp growetft in fome Countries iniowe (ftado wie places* Cfte HerbozifteS of tftis Countrie bo fowe it in tfteir garbens* fy TheTymes. CftiS parfelp flowretft in Jnlp,anb to Auguft tfte feebe in rppe* fyTheNames. Cfttoparfrip/tocalledin©reejke^^^vap:tomattoe,Equapium,andoiu^ fatrum,of fome^wev,0P»Smyrnium.-and «y£ioap*tfW. fy The Defcription. H© fterbe Wfticft we(in folo wing tft e auncimt CfteopftraftttS) bo cal wilde Acfte ozparfelp,ftatft large leaues,al lagged ,cut,and tottered, mucftelpke tfteleauesof tftewilde Carrotbut larger*Cfte ftalkes be —=—rotmdeand ftolow of foure or ftoe foote long,of afaowne red colonr next tfte grounde,at tftetop of tftem growefpokiernndels > or rounde tuffetes witft wftite flo wers,after tftem commetft a flat rougft feede, not mucfte bnlpke tfte fedeof Bpl,butgreater*Cfteroote in parted into two oz tbtcelong rootes, tfte wfticfte doo groweberp feidome downewardes, bntmofttommonlpare founde Iptng ouertft warteand alongft, ft ere and tftere, and are ftoate and btir- ningbpontfte tongue*Cbe wftole fterbebotft ftalkes ft leauec, The Names. CftiS fterbe in calleb to ©reeke, «rt\/vep «y£»op,noc) ii/^otrtXtvop ayfiop: fa ma* tine, Apium fylueftre, tbat iStOfop, ndilbeparfelp:infrencbe, Perffoz Ksfchefauuage-.iu ftigft Boncfte, redder ©ppicft,oz ©pfftcftrin bafe Almaigne, lBilbe©ppe* €>f tftis fterbe Cfteo* pbzaduswzitetft,to ftiS bit* booke tbe itij*Cftap*faping tftat $ wilbeparfelp ftatft red demmes * And Biofcorides to ftiS tftird booke tfte Ixbft* Cftap* Jn fomelftops of tftiS Countrie it in cal* ledMeum:ft tftep bfetfterootesof tftiS parfelp in deede of Meum. fyThe Nature. &£^i Cfte Wilde parfelp and fpeeiallp tfte J|lM* roote tftereof in ftoate and d.zpe intfte tftirde degree* fy The Vertues. % Cfte roote of wilde parfelp ftoldeh to tfte montft ft cftewed, appeafetft tfte rigour of tfte tootft acfte, and drawetft abundance of ftumours fro tftebratne* ^fmaterparfl?*Cbap*]tttj(j. feTbekyndes.. THeteiS founde to tftis Countrie two kpndes of tftis fterbe , one great,tfteotfterfmal,tfte wfticft do differ but onelp mfigure^and tftat islongof tftediuerfiteoftfteplaceSWftereasitgrowetft,fortfteoneiscftanged intotfte otfter,wfteasitiSremoued fro outplace to anotfter*Cftat in to fop,tftafcwfticft growetft alwapes to tft e water ,becommetft fmal being planted bpon tfte lande otdue grounde: andontftecontrarie, tftat wfticfte growetft bppon tfte drie land becommetft great, beingpianted in tfte water: fo tftat to fop tft e tritetft, tftefe two fterbes arebitt all one,wfticft dotft not onlp happen to tftis fterbe,bitt alfo to diuers otfter&tftat grow in tftewaters oz mopd medowes* fy The Defcription. £^sj H© jtreat water parfelp,ftatft round, ftolow,fmootft britteida!keS,£ fi ^ longleaues made ft fatftioned of diuers little leaues dandtngdirectlp ^Mtoneagapnft anotfter,andlpzeadabrodelikewingeS,wfterof eacft dtle leafe bp it felfe in plapne and fmootft, and fnipt about tfte edges ipke to afawe* At tfte top of tfte ftalkes growe litlefpokie rundeis witft wftite flowers* Cfte roote is fulof ftearie tftredS,*itptzttetft foortft ontfteftdes new fpungS, altfte berbe is of a ftronger ft pleafonter fauour tftm anp of tfte kindes of parfelp, fc beingbzufed ft rubbed betwixt tfteftandes dotft fmell almoftlike petroltum* Cfte leffer water parfelp,in fent in Ipke to tfte abouefopde, bin dalkes be ipkewife ftolo we,but fmaller*Cfte leaues be not Ipke to tfte greatet,but dial- ing neare to tfte leauesbf C fteruiU,bnt pet more tenderer, and more mangled, pounced oz fogged tbe fmal flowers be wftite and do alfo growe in Idle round ttifteS,andfl)adowieoz fpokie circles gtowing tfticke and neare tftzong togtj tber*Cfte rooteis ful of tftreddp dringes, and dotft Ipkewpfe put foortft diners newe the Hiftorie of Plantes: ©iF newe IftztngeS ozbzancftes,tftewfticfte do ftretcfteandHareade abzoabe bppon tftegrounde,and cleaite faft to tftegrotindetakingrooteftereand tftere* Lauer Crateua?. Lauerminus. ©reat water parfelp* Small water parfelp* Iuncus adoiatus. fyThe Place. % Cfte greater water parfelp growetft indicftes and pondeS* * Cfte leffer growetft tomopft medowestftat dandeloweandWaterie,not berp farrefrompoofeS,and danding waters, pet fometimes ipkewife tftereto* fyTheTymes. neater parfelp flowretft in June and Jnlp* fyTheNames. x Cfte fird fterbe tft ottlde feeme to be a kind of tftat Wfticft in called to ©reeke <"°hu marine, Lauer, and Sium .in frmcfte, ^^ inftigft Boncfte, ODaffee ©pfftcft: in bafe Almaigne, neater ©ppe,tftat in to fop, Acfte,or water parfe- lp*Cnrner anb Cooper do callft,Sadade parfelp,|lellow water creffes,and J3eilragges* , „ , » Cbe feconde isipkewife a kinde of Sium, as namelp tftat wfticfte tscalled Iuncus odoratus.And pet it is nottftebpzigfttiuncus,fortftisisbitt named foz alikmeffebnto ft,bVcawfetftatftiSdaikeSbelikerttlftes,and ftftatft apfeafant fmell* fyThe Nature and Vertues. uaitftoutdottbttftiSfterbeis of complexion ftoateanbdrie,and in bertne Ipketo tfte otfter Sium. tiv The fyfth Booke of ^feaitoeparHep, £ljap*jclMij. fyThe Defcription Caucalis. [Aucaiisisafteariefterbeft fomwftat rougft,not mucft _WlikeCatrot*Cfteleaucs beamioft Ipke tfte leaues of Cori- %& ander,butdifmembred and parted "* into fmaller iagges ozfrengis* At 5^ tftetoppe of tfte bzancftes growe (ft ado wp bu^es orfpokerundelS*v^M witft wftite flowers wftofe grea* teft blades oz leattes are turned outwardes.Cftefeedeisiongand rougft li^e Carrot fcede,but grea- ter tfte.n Co matin feede* fy The Place. CftiS fterbe in founde fa tW Countrie intfte^eu^e of Corne feeldeS* fyTheTymes. Jt flowretft in June,and witft- in ifto.zt fpace after tfte fede in ripe* feThe Names. CftiSfterbeis called in ©reeke K«vx«\/V:and alfo fa marine, Cauca- lis^ffomecA^uKO-a^'O-'tftat is to Tap, Daucus fylueftris: bltknOWen in IftoppeS: Cooper calletft tt, Ba- ftarde parllep, and faptft it in an fterbe Ipke f enill witft a wftite flower and commetft of nongfttie parflpftede* (I"The Nature. Caucalis is ft oate and drie* fyThe Vertues. Caucalis pzouoketft to make water tike Daucus, wfterbnto Caucalis in mucft A mucfte like in uertues,as witneffetft ©alen* a^attftiottts attribtttetft manp o- tfter excellent bertues to tbe fterbe Caucaiis,as pou map tzzinW Commenta- ries bpon tftefeconde booke of Biofcozides* €>f£mp?uium, -J| . fyThe Vertues. * S& A Cfternill eaten witft otfter meates, in <&0&L good for tft e domacke,foz it ginetft a good ^ '■* tade to tfte meates, and dirretft bp meate % did* |8L B CftiS fterbe bopled in wine,iS good for mW^ tftem tftat ftaue tfte drangurie,if tfte wine a fk bedronken, and tftefterbe be lapde as an A.*JsSSw implapder,bpon tfteplace of tfte bladder*' € Jtis good for people tftat be dttl,olde, and witftout courage, foz it rciopcetft and comfortetft tftem, and increafetft tftepr ftrengtft* &fGingidium,fo £>pantfl) Vifnaga. Cljap*!** fy The Defcription. lngidium,fa leaueS, flowers, 'knobbp dalkes, and falftiou., is ipke to tfte wildeCarrot,foiiing tftatftiSleauesbetenderer, tftic ker fet, and cut into fmaller tftrommes,or tagged frenges,and tfte dalkes be ftende rer and plapuer, and tfte wftole fterbe in ^ neptfter rougft nor ftearie as tfte wplde *§ri[Wrv Carrot is,butplapne and fmotfte and of a *fW\-«i ' bittertade * CfteflowerSbewftiteand^f ■SSr' gtowebpponfpokietoppesoz tuftes ipke^p tfte wilbe Carrot: after tbem commetft ^g tfte feebe,tbe wbicft being ripe, tfte dems ^jPI^ witft tfteir fpokie ttifteSbecomeftiffe,and * j% waxe ftrong and ftarde, Ipke fmall daues oz little dickes, and tfte fpokeS or little fticUg of tfte tuftof tftis fterbe, tbe Jta- lians and SpaniardeS doo bfe as tootft- ^^p^O/ jf pickes* f oz tfte wfticfte purpofe it in mar- rW^f^^^^u uelousgoodand excellent* CfterooteiS /ET wftite and bitter* '^ fyThe Place. CftiS ft erbe gro wetft of ftiS 0 wne kind to Spapne, and aSBfofcofideSfaptft, to SPfta the Hiftorie of Plantes. &j SrriaanbCftictatttisnot founde in tftis Countrie, tut amongft certapne HeibOZifteS* fylhcTyme. CbtSberbe flowretft int\)in Conutrie in Auguft, and deliueretft ftis feede in September* fy 7 he Names. Cftis fterbe in called in ©reeke w/«fi^: in marine, Gingidium .• in Spfta, Lcpidion : andoffomc alfo ,as witneffetft Biofcozides, efpeciallp of tfte ito- marnes,Bifacu tu m: therefore it in pzt at tftis dap called in Spapne, v ifnaga: bnknowen in tfte Sftoppes of Boucftlande, Bzabant, and tftisCountrie: tt map be called Cootftptcke Cfternill* fyThe Nature. Gingidium.aswitneffetl^alen^snotfoexceeedingftoate^tttftiSdriein tfte feconde degree* fe The vertues. Gingidium eatenrawe oz bopled witft otfter meates, in berp good for tfte A flomacke,as Biofcorides faptft, bpcaufe it in drie and comfortable, as piinie wzitetb* Cftefame bopled to wine and dronken, in good foz tfte bladder, prouoketft B bzine,and in good againd tfte grauell and tft e done* ' Cft e ftarde demmes of tfte great ritndels or fpokie tuftes are good to clenfe * fyThe Defcription, Scandix. l^iSfterbedotb not mucftediffer to tfte quantitie of bin ftalkes, leaues and flowers from Cfter- nill , but it ftatft no pleafant fmell* Cfte ftalkesbe round and ftarde* Cfte leaues belike tfte leaueSofCfteruii,butgreater and mjorefineip citt,ft of a bzownegrcne colour* CfteflowerS wfticfte be Wftite grow bpon cro wnes or tuftes, after tfte wfticftecomebp iongfeedes ,mucftelike ^ffg to finalpackc#teededeS* CfterooteiS S0^ Wftite,and as iongasones finger* ^$SpB$p fyThe Places. $emap finde it in ttyin Countrieto fat and fertiil feeldes* iffTheTimes. Sftepfteardes Reeded flowretft to apap and June, and to (ft ozte fpace after it peeldetft ftis feede* fyTheNames. CftiS fterbe iScalled in ©reke ™«v and 0ZZbZl Cftemiil* $ The Nature. Sandix is ftoate and drie intfte feconde d egree* f ff is fyrk &6 The fyfth Booke of fyThe Vertues. Scandix eatm in good ft wftolefome for tfte domacke and bellp, ft to times a padftatft benea common fterbe amongd tfte ©reekes, but of fmal edimation ft baiue,fttakenbutonelpforawildewurtorfterbe*3ridopftanesintimesoaft bp occaftouof tftis fterbe taunted ©wripides, fopiug, tftat ft is motfter wasnot a feller of wurtes ozgood potfterbeS,but onelpof Scandix, as piinie wzitetb Cfte fame bopled and dronken,openetft tfte dopptngs of tfteliuer,kibncpes!B and tftebiadder,and in good forall tfteinwardepartes,and boweisof man* ^fmpjrbwCaffljesdjcajceo* tffjapattj. fyThe Defcription. Myrrhis. i^rtftiS in leaueS and dalkes ig fomwftat Ipke hemlocke: it ftatft greatlarge leawes,berp mucft cut 'anb lagged,ft diuided into manp parteS,ftauing fomerime wftite fpecklesor fpottes*Cfte dalkes be roundeCfomewbat credeb)anb two or tbzee foote long: at tbe top of tfte ftalkes growe randeis ,ozfpokie tiiftes witft wftite flowers,and after tftem commetft a long feede* Cfte roote in long ft ronnde, not mucft differing in tade and fa- uour from Carrot* Cftewftoie fterbe, but efpeciallptfte fird leaues are befet witft a foft downe oz fine fteare, and are in fmell ft fauour mucft Ipke to Cfteruil, and tfterfoze ft in called to bafe Almaigne wilbe keruei, tftat is to fap,t@iibe Cfteruel* fy The Place. CftiS fterbe growetft of ftis owne kind to fome medowes of Boncftlande: in tftis 1 Conntrie tfte Hetborifles boo fowe itin -"S^f^mMii tfteir gardens* fy The Tymes. ^VWa CftiS fterbe blowetft to a^ap, and big feede in rppe to June* •§* The Names. CftiS fterbe in called to ©reeke whc and to marine, Myrrhis, of fome alfo w/«, Myrrha : and of tfte writers at tftefedapeS , Cicutaria, bpcanfeit dotft fome- wftat refemble Hemlocke,wfticfte in named famatfae, Cicuta in f rencfte,c/^- y4/rf,or^^^:tnftigftBoucfte,n^ddecitorffel: in bafe Almaigne, noilde ttertielrin ©ngliifte,as Cnrner foptft, Caffftes, or Caxes, bpcaufe Spinfters bfe tfte ftemmes botft of tftis fterbe and Hemlocke, foz quillesand Cares, to winde pame bpon,it map be calleb alfo wilde Cftenteli, oz mocke ©ftemtll* fyThe Nature. Myrrhis,elfteciailp tfteroote is ftoate fa tftefeconddegree,ft of fubtti partes* fyThe Vertues. Cfte rooteof Myrrhisdzonkmt6wineprottoketftwom^sflowerS,deliueretft3J tfte fecondine ft dead cft dd,ft pnrgetft ft clenfetft women after tft etr deliuctance* Cfte tmnzt^zn in ipke foztprouoketft brine,* in good againd tfte bitingeSB offeeldeSpiderS,andfucfteipkebmemousbeadrs* Cftefome bopleb in tbe faotb of fiefbe,botb denfe tfte bzeaft from fleme andfi otfter cozwption,and ig b erp good for fucfte as are ieane and buluft iea oj failing intocontomption* Cftep the Hiftorie of Plantes. 6x7 Cftep fap alfo tftatttisgood to bedrokmin wine, intftetimeofpeftilence, & anb tbat fticft e as ftaue dronken tftree or foure times of tfte fame wfae,lftall not be infecteb witft tfteplague* m afparafluo* tffiapattfc fyThe Kindes. Cftere be two fortes of Afparagus^tfte garden and \fawe Afparagus. Corruda. uattdeSpwage* ■mmd0 Afparagus. Spcrage* m fy The Defcription* He Afparagus oftbegarbe at ftis firft commtog foortft of tftegronnd, pnttetftfooftft long tft tires ozten- der ftalkes,plapne, ronnde, witftout leaties,asbigge asones finger, groffe, anb tbtcke, bawfagat tbe top a certapne bnb or knop,tbe wfticfte after- warde fpreadetft abrode fato manp brancfteS ftanging Ipke ft eare&Cft e fruite growetft bpon tftebraneftes Ipkerotirib berries, firft greme, anb aftetward of a pello wilft red euen oftfte colour of Coral, witftin tftat berrie ig a blacke febe* % fte rootes be long anb denber anb interlaced oz wouen one fa another* * Cftewilde Afparagus in ftis firdfpringeS and fruite, ismucftelpke to tfte garden Sparagus, tfte red in altogitfter rougft and pricking, foz ut deede of tfte long foft fteares,wfterewitftal tfte garden Afparagus in cottered,tftis ftatft no- tfting els but tftornes,berp lfaal,ftarb,fftort,ft pricklep,wftetwitftal tfte faacft es arefttrnilfteb* fyThePlaces. • Cftemanwredortame Afparagus growetft in Bttrgunbie and fome otfter Conntries as in Aimaigne,fo donp places, wftere as in good eartft, and fatte ground: in tftis Countrie it in planted in tfte gardens of HerbozifteS* * Cfte wilbe kinde growetft fa certapne places of Jtalp, and tftzougft out all manguedoc* f f f Hi c j »e <>& Thefyfthbookof $ the lyme. Cfte bare ftalkeS or firft tenber fpzinges of Afparagu s (ftute bp in Aprill, at Wftat timetftep bebopleb ft eaten in falab^witft ople,falt,ft bineger*Cfte fruit tS ripe tn Auguft* feThemmcs. » ©arden Aiparagusin called in greke ^«e«)*'-inm €>f Semite o? ^udaroe* €fjap*lb* tj. 1 be Kjndes. THere be two foztes of Semrie,tbe tame ft tfte wilde, wfterof alfo tfte tame or garden Senuieis of two fortes: tfteonewitft agreat wftite feede, tfte otfter ftatting alitle topwne feede* **•?* ttt« wu&um feet*. fyThe Defcription. ^== Ifee tame wbiteS^uftarde ftatft great rougft leaues,at tfte firft not mucft bnlike JfeaueS of Ciienep,btit after tftefirft leanes tberefolowe otfter | arefmader *more fogged, growing bpon tfte ftalkes wfticfte ftearie ft the Hiftorie of Plantes. 610 tftzee oz foure foote long,ftduiidetftitfelf into manp braefteS alongeft £ Wfticft grow pelfowilft flowers,^ after tftem longftearie ftufkes or cobdes,wfterfa in tbe fede wfticft in round ft pale,greater tften ftape fede, in tade Iftarpe ft ftoate* j Cfte feconde kindeof tame a^uftardc witft tfte brownefeede, wbicfteistfte blacke apuftarbe ft common Smtip,isiike to tbe aforefopd in leaues, ftalkes and growing*Cbe flowers be pellow*Cfte fede is b towne,(toailer tften ftape feede,and in tade alfo fftarpe and ftoate* . Cfte wilde kind ftatft great large leaues,berp mucb tagged and rougb witft ftalkes like tft eo tft er,but it growetb not foftigft*Cfte flowers be of apalepel- low,faiftioned like acroffe,after wfticft commetft tftefeede wfticft in reddilft,en- clofcd in long ronnd ftufkes* fy The Place. ut. a^uftarde or Smuie isfo wm in gardens and feeldes* B Cfte wilde kind growetft of ftis ownenatnre, in ftonie places, and waterie groundes,and alongft tfteftigft wapes* # The Tymes. Cfte a^ttftarde and Cftarlockdo flower in June and Juip, and during tfte fometime,tftep peelde tfteir feede* feTheNames. ^uftardeiscalledin©reeke^'vH7ri:fa)tarine,Sinapi,fa(ftoppeSSinapisand Sinapium: fa ftigft Boucfte, Seuff: in bafeAlmaigne,apodacrt: in©ngli(ft, Semite anb a^udarde* 1 Cftefirdkindiscalled^«?riKK7rarop*sjnapihortefe.ft in £fftops of tftiSCottn- trieiiruca:inf zzntbZyBiancheJsuufiarde.inbii^ Boucfte,B£>eiffer Seuff: inbafe Almaigne,t©it ^odaert: in ©ngfitft,i£ftite Semite, ft wfttte ^udarde fede* % Cfte feconde in alfo counted for a kind 0 f a& uftarde, and of tfte later writers iScalled Sinapi commune :in ftZWlbCyStneue de iardin,ou CMouflarde noire 'faftpgft Boucft,ZamerSeuff:inbafeAlmaigne,©ftemepne^odaert::in©ngli(fte, tfte common Semite or apudarde* j Cfte wilde kinde in caded of tfte later Writers •*»"« «>e«°f: Sinapi fylueftrerin f rencft,^»^;fa ftigft Boticft,tBiider Seuff: in bafe Almaigne, Hidden apo- ftaert* ^TheNature. Cfte a^uftarde, efpeciallp tfte feede wfticft men cal S cmtie, is ftoate and d zp, almodintftefotirtftdegree* fyThe venues. Sennie brnpfeb or ground witb bineger in a wholefome fawce meete to be A eaten witb barbe ft groffe meates, eitfter flelft or f ilfte: for it ft elpetft tfteir dtge» too, and in good for tfte domacke to wartoe tftefame,and prouoketft appetite* Jtis good to be giuen in meates, to fucft as be (ftort wfabeb,ft are doppeb in B tfte bzeaft: foz it ripetft anb caufetft to cad foortft tougft fleme,tftat troubletft or loadetft tfte domacke and bread* apuftarde feede cfteweb in tbe montft drawetft downe tfttone fleme from © tfte ftead and bzapne: appeafetft tootftacfte: it ftatft tftefame bertne, if it bemto- gled witb a?)eade,and holden in tbe moutft ,anb gargled* Cftepbfetomakeagoodgargarifme witft ftonp binegerft^uftardefeede, B againfttfte tumours and (Welling of tfte butila and tfte Almondes about tfte tftzote,and ro ote of tfte tongue* for tfte fame intznt, efpeciallp Wften fucfte tumours are becomeftarde and © War en old, tftep make a neceffarie and profitable gargarifme witb tfte iupce of a^udarde feede ft a£eade,for itdaketft, wadetft,oz confumetft fncft fwelltocrs and ftardneffe oftfte Almondes and tftrote* Senniedzonken witft HPdzomel or ftonped water, is good agapnd tfte ter- f rour and Iftaking of agues,pzouoketft tfte flowers and bnnz. Cfte famefede toift dp into tfte nofetfttilleS,caufetft one to fneefe, ftelpetft tbe © tftat ftatie tfte falltogftckneffe,and women tftat ftane tfte drangling of tftemo- fffiift ' tfter, 3' fe 620 The fyfth Booke of tfter,to waken tftembp agapne* $ Cfte fome pound witft figges,ft lapd to famanner of a plapfter, taketft awl tft e ft ommfagnopfe ft ringing of tfte eares oz ftead,ft in good againft deafnehl Cft e iupce oftfte fame drped in tfte Sonne,and afterwarde delaped witft $oP* np clearetft tfte figftt, and taketft awap rougftneffe of tfte epe b.zowes* ^ " Cbep make an emplapfter witb tfte fome ft figges, berp goob for to be laplP bpon tfte ft eabes of fucfte as are fallen into tfte metftargie or drowfie eudl,and cannotwakentftemfelueSritiSiikewifegoodagainfttfte Sciatica or papne of tft eftancfte,tfte ftardneffe of tfte fpleneozmelte: and againft tfte Bropfie J» K lapde as an emplapfter td tft e bellpes of fucfte as are greeued tft etewitftal\c 0) be (ftort tftis emplapfter in of greatforce agapnftall colbegreefesanb Difei efpeciallp wften tftep are waxen old, foz it dotft warme and bring fteate a$ into tfte bifeafed partes,it digedetft coideftumotirs and drawetft tftem fooztft, ^ Semite mingled witft ftonp and newe greafe, oz witft a Cerote made of warccttretfttftenoiigfttiefciirffeozfcalesfa tfte ftead Wfticfte canfe tfte fteare to fall of,itfcouretfttftefacefrom all freckles and fpottes,and taketft awap tfte blewe markes tftat come of buffing* a? Jf it be lapbe to witft bfaeger,it in good for mepreS,wilde fcabbes anb rnn- nfagfcurffe,and in goob agapnd tbe bitinges of Serpmtes* S* Cfteparfumeorfottortfterofbzittetftawapalbmom,ftbenemotiSbeaftes* •^fRarjiftrurn^CliarlOffe* €l#p.ftji fyThe Defcription. Rapiftrum.CftarldCk* |f^^Harlockftatftgreat rougft faobe ^^SleatteS, Ipke tfteleaues of Cur* kSiggttep, tfte ftalkes be rougft ft flen- der moftcommonlp of afoote long, witft manp pellow flowers, coddes and feede like£ Curnep,bttt ftoate ozbitingCftarpe ipketoStpuftarde feede * Cfte roote ig fmall and ftngle* fy The place. Cftarlocke growetft fa all places a- iongd tfte wapes, abont old walles and rupnoiis places and oftentimes in tfte feeldes, efpeciallp tftere,wftereasCwr- neppes and $tauewes ftaueben fowen, fo tftat ft Iftonlde feeme to be a corrupt ft euill weede,or enimieto tfte j&auew* iff The Time. Cftarlocke flowretft froma^arcfteer Aprilbntillmibfomer, and tftefeede alfo rppetft from timeto tpme fa tfte meane fpace* fyTheNames. CftiS fterbe ig calleb of tfte later wri- ters Rapiftrum, anb Offotttealfo' Synapi fylueftre:faf rmfbe, Velar, 0%Tortellt: fa ftigft Boncfte, Hebericft : in bafe Ai- matgne'Hericke:in ©nglilfte, Cbarlock* fyThe Nature. Cft arlocMnd fpeciallp tft e feede in ft 0 ate and dzie fa tfte tftirde degree, and oftemperament ipke Semite* fyThevertues. A Cfti^fterbeoftftefoterpftpdtfonS,iSnotbfebfamebicine,butfomewitft m .V the Hiftorie of Plantes. '*✓ \ 6ii feededo make apnftarde, as witft Senate, tfte Wfticfte tftep eate Witii teindeebeofaptUlarbe:wfterebpftisettidmf tftat tbefeebeoftftisfterbe Ww|mncft differ from Semite in bertue and operarion,and tftat it map be -ggakemndeede tftereof,altftougft it be not al tfting fo good, and tfterfore ft was S^reckoned of ©beopbrad anb ©aim amongft tftofe feedes,wfterewftftallmen bfed commonlp to prepare and dzeffe tfteir meates* ^fftocftat tftjap-iiitf* fyThe Kindes. O?^^^!*ibeI0imP e*?° fei?des,tfteonetame wfticft ig tfte common Koc- katmodbfed, tfteotfter is wttde, K*aM* Eruca- ftOCkat* Erucafyluedris.tefldlROCkaf* iff The Defcription. , Wz tame ftockat ftatft leanes of a bzo wne greme colour, berp muclj anb deepelp iaggedorratftertornebpo botft ftdes,ofaboatebiting tafte,tfteftalkesbea foote log or fomwftat more: bpon wfticft grow Jmanp pellowe flowers, anb after tbem little cobbes, in Wbicfte tbe feede tScontapned*Cfterdoteislongwitftfteariedringes,and dotft notligftt- lpbpefawfater,butpttttetftfoortftneweftemmesetierppere* j Cftewpldekindefamttcftelpketotftegardmiaockat,fautngtftatitisalto- tfterfmader,etfteciailp tfte leaues and 8owets,wfticftfe bealfo pellower,and do bzmg foortft fmallcoddes* ' 3_^ffbestftefetfaokindes,amanlftailfpndefatfte gardens of tftis Coun- trteanotftetkpnde of ftoekat, called !Rockatgmtle,oz!ilomapnelilockat,fa . leattes and flowers mucft Ipke to tfte wilde a^nftarde, wfterof we ftawe befois rpokm,fowingtftatftisleattesbenotfo rongft noj ftearie, and arcmorcconue- went to be beaten* £$% 6zz The fyfth Booke of UT he Places. * Cfte garden Eockat ig planted in gardens, and is alfo found fa tftis Coun- trie in certapne rude bntopled and donie places,and bpon olde broken walles* » Cft e wild Eockat ig found alfo in donp places about ftigft wapes ft patftes* fy TheTymes. Eockat flow.zetft cfteefelp injunz anb Jnlp* C The Names % Eockat ig calleb in ©reeke tifaw-in matine,ter uca :fa frencfte, Roquette .• fa Boucfte,Eoket:fabafcAlmaigne,Eakette* 1 -3 • Cfte fird anb alfo tbe tftird kind ig called Eruca fatiua,& hortenfis fa frencft, Roquette domepque, ox cuitiuee inbafe Almaigne,Eoomfcfte Eakette: in ©ngiilft, ©arden oz tame Eockat,and Eockat gentil* 2 Cfte wildeis called Eruca fyiueftris,tftatiS to fop,wddeEockat: in bafe Al- maigne, wilde Eakette* fy The Nature. Eockat is ftoate and due int\^z tftirdedegree* fy The Vertues. Eockat in a good Salade fterbe to be eaten witft metuce, purcelapne,and a otfter like colde ft erbes,foz being fo eaten it in good and wftolefomefottftefto- macke,ft caufetft tftatfucft colde fterbes do not fturt tfte ftomacke:but if Eockat be eaten aione,it canfetb ft eadacftcand ft eatetft to mwcft, tfterfo.ze it mnft neuer be eaten alone,bnt alwapes witb metuce oz purcelapne* Cfte bfe tft erof fttrretftbp bobplppleafure,efpeciadp'of tftefeebcalfo itpro-B uoketft brine,and ftelpetft tfte digedion oftfte meates* Cftefeede tftereof is good againd tfte popfon oftfte Scorpion, ft Sftto we © and fticftelikebenemotisbeades* Cftefeebelapd to wttft ftonp,taketft awap freckles, lentils,f otfterfanlteSB oftfteface,alfoit taketb awapbiaeke anb blewe fpottes and fcarres, lapde to witfttftegawleofan€>xe* a^enfep , tbat who fo taketb tbe feede of Eockat befoze bebe beaten oz© wftipt,fftalbe fo ftardened, tftatfte (ftall eafdp endure tfte papne, according as piinie writetft* Cfte roote bopled to water,dzawetft fooztft tftardcs and fpUnterS of broken f bones being lapde tfterebpon* * i&f tarragon oj biting ©iagon* €ljap*Itnp* iff The Defcription. gi Arragon ftatft long,narro w,darke,gren c leaueS,to tade berp (ftarpe, and bttrntngoz biting tfte tongue almod like Eockat, net mucftedn-, Ipke tfte leaues of common HPfope,but mitcfte longer, and fomewftat 'larger* Cfteftalkesberounbeoftwofooteftpgft,parted fato manp bzancfteS>bpon wfticfte growe manp fmall knoppes orlitlebuttons,eftewfticft at tfteir opening Iftewe manp fmall flowers,as pellowe as golde intermingled witft biacke*Cbep beingpaft commetb tbe feede * Cberoote in long and fmall, berp tbzeddp creeping alongft tbe grounbeftitfter and tbitfter,ft pnttetft fooztft perelp ftere anb tftere newe ftalkes and fptinges* Etieilius to ftisfecond booke ©ftap*xcbi*feitb, tftat tftis ft erbe comctft of minefeebe put into a Eabilft roote, orwitbintbefcaleoftftefea^)npon,called Scylia in marine, andfo fet into tbe grounde and pianted,and tberefoze fte faitft,ftftatft part of botb tfteir natures, fozitdzawetft partlp towardes bineger, and partlp towardesfalt, as map be iudged bptfte tade* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 61) fyThe Place. DittCd. Carragon is planted in gardens, bnt pet it is notberp common* fyTheTymes. Carragon abtdetft greene, from tfte monetft of aparcfte, almod to wfater,bnt it flowretft in Juip* fy The Names. " CftiS fterbe ftatft not bene written of bp anp learned man before Euelltos tpme, neptfter is it pet wel knoweti,buf in fome places of ©nglande, f rance,and certapne CowneS of this Conntrie,as Anwarpe, BuixelleS,a9alfacs, ftc*wftere as it was firftbzotigfttbtitof f ranee * And tfterfoze it ftatft none otfter name, but tbat Wbicfte was getten fird bp tbe f rencftemen, wfto called ttTargon&nb Dragon.mb according to tfte fame it iscalled fa marine, Draco: and Offome Dracunculus hortenfis : tftat iStfte litie Bragon of tfte garden: tt is al- io called in ©ngiilfte,Carragon, wfticfte fftoulde feeme to be bozowed from tfte frmcfte, nettertfteleffe it was allowed a Benson to ©ngland long before tftetime of Ettelius writing* fyThe Nature. 3d tftis fterbe in ftoate and burning fa tfte moutft and bpon tb e tongue, wft er ebp it in certapne tftat it in ftoate and drp intfte tftirde degree,and in temperature mncfte ipke to Eockat* fyThe Vertues. Cftisfterbeis alfo good to be eateninSalade witft metuce, asEockat,foz ~ ftcorrectetft tfte coldeneffe of metuce and fucftelpkecdldefterbes* a^oreouer * tofterctfttsfterbeisputintotfteSalade,tftere needetftiiotmncftbinegernoz falt,foz as EueltttS writetft,! t is lhacpe and fait pnougft of itfelfe* ^fCrelTes* £l)ap*ltjc. fy The Defcription. !ArdenCreffesftattefniallnarroweiaggedleaites,ofa(ftarpebttrnpng tade: tftedalkes be ronnde of afootelong, and bring foortft manp fmall wftite flowers, and after tftem little rounde flat ftufkes, witftfa Wfticft tftefeede in contapned of abro wne reddilft colour* 4) The Place- Creffes are commonlp fo wm to all gardens of tftis Countrie* iffTheTyme. Creffes tftat are timelp fowen, faingfoortft tfteirfcede bptime, but tftat Wfticfte is later fowen,bringetft foortft flowers and feeede more latelp* fy The Names. CftiSfterbe in called in ©reke Ka^o^tomattncNafturtium offome later Wziters Q^ioinftzntbtjCreffonainoysyO^Nafitort inftigft Boucfte,feref?,aitd ©arten&refninbafeAimaigne,feerffe:in©ngli(ft,CreffeS,Cownefears,oz Co wne Creffes* Nafturtium. 614 The fyfth Booke of fyThe Nature. Creffes are ftoateand dzp almoft in tftefourtft degree,efpeciallp tfte feede, and tfte fterbejwften it in dzie: foz being but pet greene tftep do not fteate nor dtp fo bebementlp,but tftat tftep map be eaten witft bzeab,as ©alen foitft* feThe Vertues. A Creffes eaten in Salabe witb metuce, in of 3? bertue like to Eockat,ft goob amogft cold berbes, 3f foz eaten alone it otiertttrnetft tfte ftomacke,and ftnrtetft tfte fome, bpcaufe of \^in great fteate and tftarpeneffe* B cftefeede loofetft tfte bellp, and killetft,and dri- uetft fooztft wormes,ttdimtoilftetft tfte melte,pzo- uoketft tfte flowers, and puttetft foortft tfte fecon- dineand tfte dead cftilde* C Jt in good againd Serpentes and benemous beades,anb tbe parfiime of tbe fame caufetft tftem tftem atiopbe* B Cfte fame taken witft tfte bzo tft of a pullet or cfticken,oz anp otfter Ipke mopft meates,dotft ripe and bzingfoortft tougft fleme, wfterewitftalltfte bread in combzcd or cftarged* © Cfte fome laideto witft ftonp,curetft tfte ftard- neffe of tfte melte ,fconretft awap fcitrttirveffe, and - fowle fpreading fcabbes > diffoluetft colde fwel- linges,and keepetft tfte fteare from falling of* f Betoglapdtowitftftonpftbtoeger,itisgoodagainfttfteSctatica, ft papne to tfte ftippeS,and tfte ftead acfte tftat is olde, and againft all oldecoldedifeafeS* © Co conclttde tfte feede of Creffes in in bertue berp ipke Senuie, as ©alen wzitetft* ^ftbaterCretTeo* €f)ap*ljc* €.7 he Kindes. neater CrelfeS are of two fortes,great anb fmall* fyThe Defcription. He great water Creffe ftatft rounde ftolowe ftalkeS of a foote and a bade long, witft log leaues made of diuers otfter title roundilft leaueS (landing togitfter bpon one ftemme* Cft e flowers be fmall anb wftite, growing at tfte toppe of tfte brancfteS alongft tbe ftemmes,after wfticfte folo w fmal cobbes oz ftufkes, witft in wfticft is tfte feebe, wfticft in fmall anb pellowe* Cfteroote is wftite anb fullof ftearie iacesoz dringes* 2 Cbeleffer water Creffe,at tfte firft ftatft ronnde leaues, tben commetft tfte rounde dalke of a foote long, bpopn tfte wfticfte growe long leaues fogged on botft fides,almodliketfteleauesofEockat*Cfteflowersgroweat tfteftigfted of tfte ftalkeS,of colour fomewftat wfttte,or of a ligftt C amotion,after wfticfte come fmal ftufkes,wfterein tfte feede ipetft* fyThe Place. 1 Cfte greater watercreffe growetft in dicftes, ftanding waters, and foun- tapnesozfpzinges* a Cfteleffer watercreffe growetft fa mopd groundes and medowes tftat are ouer* the Hiftorie of Planted 61$ Sium- Nafturtium aquaticum. Sifymbrium alterum cardamine. ©reatu^atercreffe* Small watercreffe* ouerwftelmed anddrmefted witft water fa tfte winter feafon, alfo in (landing waters and dicftes*' * The Tyme- 1 Cftegreatwatercreffeflowretft in Jnlp and Auguft* 2 Cfteleffer flowretft inapap,and almod bntil tfte ende of fommer* fy The Names. i Cftefirft kinde in called in ftigft Boucfte, Braun Ikerfir: to bafe Almaigne, waterkerffe: in SftoppeS alfo Nafturtium aquaticum and feemetft berp wel to be tftat Si u m of tfte wft icft ©ratenas maketft nimtion,in ©ngiilft,neater fears, and neater Creffe* 2 Cfte feconde kinde is called in ©reekecf«ju;vH: tomattoe, Sifymbrium alterum cardamine:Of fome alfo Sium:tof rmcfte, Pajfer age fauuage, oz Petit creffon aquatique.-in ftigft Boucft,©aticftblwm, Wilder&ref?, and t&ifzn jkrefKinbafe Almaigne,Coeckoecxbloemm,and ClepniBaterkerffe : of tfte HerborideS,Fioscuculi,offomeNafturtiumaquaticum:to©nglifl)e,tfteleffer l©atercreffe,and ©occo w AowerS*CftiSiS no iberis as fome ftaue deemed it* fy The Nature. ^~ Cftefetwo fterbesareftoateanddrietotftefecondedegree. fyThe Vertues. t©ater Creffe is good to be eatm inSalade, eitfterbp it felfe oz witft otfter 3 fterbes, forftcatifetft one to make water , it breaketft and bringetft foortft tfte graueland ftone,and is good for fucfte as ftauetftefttaugtirie, and agapnd all ftoppinges of tfte kidnepes and bladder* ©gg cfte 616 The fyfch Booke of Cftclcffcr Watercreffe taketft awap fpottes and freckles fromtfte face and alB fucb blemill)es>if it be laid tberto in tbe enening ft taken awap in tft e morning* Cfte wilde pafferagebopled fa Ipe, driuetft awap Ipce, if tfte ftead ozpiace© wftere tftep be,are watfted tfterwitball* Cbekinefeedfag wftere as dore of tfte wild pafferage or Coccow flowersB growe,giue berp good milke wfterewitftal in made excellent fweete butter* &f winter €telTes* €tjap*lct. fy The Defcription. Pfeudobunium. Barbarara. H 3 & berbe batb greene groffe leaues, tooabe, fmootft, anb fome- wftat round, not mucfte bnlpke tfte leattes of Smallage, or garden Eape,but greater anb larger tfte Smallage leaneS*Cfte dalkes be rounde ft full of bran- cfteS aboue bringing fo#ft manp litie pellow flowerS,and after tftem longroundecoddes, wfterfa in enclofed a litie feede* Cfteroote ig tfticke and long* fy The Places. CftiS fterbe gtowetft in tfte feelbeS> $ font- time alfo fa gardens of potfterbes > $ places nottopled orftufbandeb* iffTheTyme. CftiS fterbe is greene moft commonlp all tftewinter,bntitflowretft ft feedetft faapap and June* fyTheNames. CftiSfterbe i0 called in Boucfte S ♦ Bar- barakratit: and accordingto tftefomefama- tfae^anaae Barbare herba: We ftatie named it Barbara?a. tfte f rmcftmen, Herbe de S.Barbe: fa fomeplaces of Bzabant tftep call itSteetv crtipt,bpcawfe it in good againd tfte done and grattelrin Holland and otfterplaces iBinter- kerffe,bpcaiife tftep do bfe to eate of it in tfte wintertimeinfaladeS, indcedeofCreffes,$tfttrefdrcitiScalled Nafturtium, br Cardamum hybernum . CftiS feemetft tO be^^ci f «oy : fa matfae, Thla(pi,Capklla, and Scandulaceum, of fome alfo Myiiis, Bytron, Daimophon, Myopteron; fa fttgft Bottcfte , wilder ©ref£: in ftzntbZySeneusfauuage; in bafe Almaigne,*©tide Gertie: it map be alfo called in ©ngli(fte,Cftlafpi* » CftefirftktndeiStfterigfttCftlafpiof Biofcozides : and is called in bafe Hll- maigue,^iffelcriipt:anb of fome in ma- tine,scordothiafpi: tftatistofap, ©ar- liketftlafpt *, Cftefecond kind in called Of tftetoter WritetS,Nafturtium rufticum, ft Sinapi rufticum :fa ftigft Boitcfte,Bawrn fenff, or Baurn feref?,ft tfte neatfter Boueft- men in folowing tftefame call it, Boerm modaert,or Boeren kerffe, tftat in to fap,Senetti,ozCarlesCreffe:ozCftttrleS€reffe:Ciirnercalletft ihJaipittea- cle mtidarde,Bo wers mndarde,or dilft e mndarde: but J tbinke tt bed next to Thlaf pi,wfticfte in tfte ©reeke name to call it ©fttirles muftarde, botft bpcaufe of tbe ftrong anb biolent nature of tftis nougfttie plant, as alfo inrefpect oftfte Bonres,wfto beganto before mifcftietiotis totfteftate of tfteir Cowntrp,tften tftis fterbe is to mans nature* > X CftetftirdekindeiScalledThlafpiahguftifolium,ftThlafpi minus .-inftigft Boucfte, Bpfemkraut: in bafe Almaigne Beffemcrupt: tftat in to fop, Beffem weede,or£ fterbe ferning for Bpfoms* Cnrner calletft tftiS ibcris Diofcoridis. 4 Cfte fourtft witftout alldowbt in a kind of Thlafpi,but it ftatft no otfter par- tiClller name* fy J be Nature. Cftla(pi,efpeciallp tfte feede tftereof, in ftoateand driealmod fa tftefottrtft degree* fy The Vertues. Cfte feede oftfte fird Cftlaftri eaten,ptirgetft tftoler, botft bpwarb ft downe- Warde,it pzotioketb womens flowers,anb faeaketb fawarde impottames* Cftefame as aClpder powzed fa at tfte fnndemmt, ftelpetft tfte Sciatica* A And it is good for tfte fame purpofe to be lapbe bppon tfte greened place, Ipke ajHldacde feede* # The Danger. SeingtftefeedeofCftlafpiisberpftoate,andofa(lrongorbeftemmtwor-^ ktngMomucfte tftat befag takenfa to great aqnantttie, it purgetft oz fcottretft tnzn bnto bloob,anb in berp burtful to women witft cftild, tfterfoze it map not raiftlp be giuen or minify ed inwardlp* Qt the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^fCan&p£t>lafpt. tfljap.ljuu. fy The Defcription. His berbe growetb witb narrow leaues,to tfte lengtft of a foo teal- mod Ipke to tfteleaues of I bens. Atibh fiue Draba. Cfte flowers grow at tfte top of tfteplant torounde tuftes Ipke tfte flower of ©ider, of a wfttte or ligfttCarnation coloitnafter tftem come flat ftufkes falfttoned ipke tfte ftufkes of of tfteotfterCftlafpi, but mucfte fmaller, witftin tfte wfticfte in contapned a feede of a (ftarpe biting taftclpkc tfte feede oftfte otfter Cftlaipi* fyThe Places. CftiSfterbe in not found to tftis Coun trie,but intbz gardens of fome diligent Herboriftes* fyThe Time. Jt flowzetft to a^ape, and iftoftlp after tftefeed is ripe* fyTheNames. Mbin fterbe in called in ©reeke M&'-in matfae,Arabis ft Draba: of pifafeaS fome menftoide,Dryophonon:of^HttborideS attftefe dapeS, Thlafpi de Capdie, dtt- kno wen in fl;oppes* ♦2* 7 he Nature. Candie Cftlaftu ig in complexion Ipke to tfte otfter Cftlafpies* fyThe Vertues. Cftepbfeto eate tftebrped fede of tftis fterbe witft meates in deede of pepper .to tfte Countrie of Capadocia, as Biofcori- des wzitetft* et <£rpftmon&iofco)fte0. €f)ap*lcntj* fy The Defcription •J^Epftotonftatft logleaues'beepe- ^^jlp rmt,ft fogged bpo botft fides, " notmttcfte bnlpke tfte leaues of of Eockat gentle oz Eomapne Eockat,oz wilde a^tiftatde* Cftedalkes be fmal,dender,and plpant,and wil twift and winde Ipke £>?ter witftie, bppon tfte fame ftalkes oz brancfteS grow manp pel- low flowers,^ after tft e come litie flender ftufkes, wft erin alfo ig a feed e of a (ftarpe bitingt ade: tfteroote is long and tfticke, witft manp finalftrings oz ft earie tfttedS* fyThe Place. CftiSfterbe growetft in all places of <£gg m tftis 630 The fyfth booke of tftis tfoimtriealongft tfte wapes,and in bntopled ftonie places* fy The Times. EryfimonfloWretftberpplenrifulipintftisCountrie, intftemonetft of Jttne and Jlllp* €■ The Names. CftiSfterbe iScalled in ©reeke^^'^rin marine, Trio: of tomex*^'**^: Chama?piion.CftiStStfte Eryfimumof;Biofcorides,and not of cfteopftzaftus, foz tfte try fimum of Cfteopbtaftus,i0 not allone wttft tftat of Biofcorides, as weftaue ftifficientlp declared elfwft ere* CooperCnglitftetft ino: bp tftename of winter Creffes* fy The Nature. Eryfimon is ftoate and drie Ipke Creffes* fy 7 he Vertues. Cftefeedeof ©rpfimon taken witft ftonieinmannerof amoftoc, and often A licked, ripetft and caufetft to fpet out tfte tougft and elammie fleme gatftered Witftin tfteftzeaftft lungesriikewife it is good againfttfte fftoztneifeof bzcatft, and tfte olde cougft: it ftalbe tfte moze conttenient for tfte fome purpofe, if pou diepe tftefeede fud tn faire water ,and then duett bptfte ftte , ozcts lappett in pade and bake it,foz els it wilbe to ftoate* Cfte fome feede fo prepared and put into tfte medicineS,iS good agapnd tfte ** Jatfadcrs,and gripinges of tfte bellp, againft tfte Sciattca,aud againft all be- nome and popfon* Cfte feede of ©rpfimonmingled witft ftonp and water auapletft miteft to be fwater pepper* Cl)ap*ljitoj* fy The Defcription. I Ater pepper,ftatft plaine, roud, fmootft,oz naked dalkes ft bzan- cbes,ful of fopntes, £ leaues be "longftnarrow,notmucb bnlpke tbe leaues of witft p, of a ftoate burning tade,lpkepepper, at tftetop of £ dalkes amongd tfte leaueS growe tfteflowers bponfftozt dents, cindering or gro wpng tfticketogttfter, almod Ipke tfteflowers of Blite,fmal anb wftite tfte wfticfte pad tftere commetft abzoadefeedefomewftat bzo wne, wfticft bitetft tfte tongucp roote is ftearie* fyThe Place. Cftis fterbe growetft fa all tfttSCoun* trie mpooles ft dicftes, ftanding waters and mopd places* fy The Tyme. Jtflowretft mod commonlp in Juip ft Atigilft. fy The Names. Cftis fterbe is called in©reke w/poTri™ r- iltmatfaeHydropiper,ft Piper aquati- cu.-fa ftzntyjoyurc aquatique,Ol Couraige: in ftigft Boucft,naaffer pfeffer,or a^uc- kenkraut: fabafe Almaigne, naatcrpe- per:in©ngii(ft,uaaterpepper,orn^ater- pepperwurt,and of feme Curagie* fy The Nature. neater pepper in ftoate and drie intfte **jp^ tftird degre* fyThe Vertues. A Cfte leaues ft feede of water pepper or Curaige, dotft waft ft confume colde fwel- linges and old ftardnes,alfo ttdiffoluetft ft fcatteretft congeled or clotted blood $ com- metft of ftripes ft bzufes,befag laid tberto* Cfte dried leaues be mabe into powber, to be bfed witb meate inftzzbz of pepper, as our Bpttanie,or pafferage ig bfed* 0f arfcftnavf* €tjap*ljctmj. fy The Defcription. mn berbe in Ipke to water pep- per,in leaues,dalkes,ft cindering B I flowers, but it in neitfter ft oat nor lftarpe,butmofl contonlp witftout anp manifed tade*Cfte dalkes be rounb ft baue manp knobbp iopntes Ipke knees* Cbe leaues be long anb narrowe Ipke tbe leaues of water pepper, but browner, witb blackilftiftottes totftemiddle, wfticft are notfound to tbe leaneS of water pep- per*C ft e flowers be of a carnation oz ligftt red the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyj red colourclufterfagtogitfter faknops,afterwfticftecommetft abjbdebrodmtf feede*Cfte roote in pellowe and ftearie* fyThe Place. Cftto fterbe growetb alfo in mopd marrilfte placed, and alongd tbe water plafiftettes,and is oftentimes fonnde growing neare to tbe water pepper* fy The Tymes. Jt flowretft fa Juip and Angttft,and (ftortlp after it in in feede* fyTheNames. CftiSfterbe in called of tbe latter wziters in marine, Peril caria .• fa frencfte, perficatre, offome Curaige fa ftigft Boitcft,perficftkraut,oz f locftkeaut: inbafe Almaigne,perfickcriipt,anb otfdmcSLllooerupt: fa ©nglilfte, Arffe-fmart, or Ciderage* fyThe Name. Arfefmart is colde and drp of complexion. fyThe Vertues. Cfte greme Arfefmart pound,is good to belaib to greene or frelft wounbes, A fozit dotft coole and comfort tftem.and keepetft tftem botft from inflammation and apoftumation,and fo botft the iupce oftfte leanes dzopped in^ ®f InOtan pepper* €l)ap*Ijri]c* $ The Kindes. T$)erebetbzeefozteSoftbiSpepper,tbeonewttftftttfkesofameanelegtft and greatneffe,tfte otfterS ftufkes belong and narrow, and tfte tftird ftatft (ftort bzode ftiifkes in al tftings els not mucft bnlpke one anotfter,in figure anb manner of growing* Capfiacum. Jndian pepper* Capfiacum oblongius. mong Jndian pepper* cr£* 634 The fyfth Booke of fyThe Defcription. Capficum latum. He Jndian pepper batft fquare targe pepper of indie* dalkes fomewftat browne of a U foote ftigft, bpon wfticfte growe bzowniiftleaues, fmootft ^tzn ber,almod Ipke to tfte leaues of common a?orreloz^igfttlftabe,btttnarrowerft^^ tftarperpopnted ♦ amongd tfte leattes /£&? growe flowers ,bpo Ift oft demmes, witft ' f tue or fixe fmal leaues, of colour wftite, witft a greene flarre fa tfte middle* After tfte flowers come fmootft and plapne ft ufkes,wfticfte before tftep be rppe are of a greenecolotir, and afterwardered and ptirple.CfteftuCkeSoftfte firdkindeare of aftnger lengtft * Cfteftufkes of tftefe* cond kind be ioger ft narrower ♦ Cftep of the third kind are iarge,(ftozt and round* Jntftefopde ftivTkes in founde tfte feede ozgraines,of a pale pellow color, faode, ftoate, and of a biting tafte ipke pepper* fy The Place. Cftis fterbe growetft not of bin owne kinde intbin Cotintrie,but fomeHerbo* rides doo fet and maintapne it in tfteir gardens, witft great care and diligence* fy The Tymes. Cftefeede oftfttspepper is ripefa tftis Conntrie inSepteberft before winter* . if The Names. CftiS ftrange fterbe in called of Actuartos in ©reeke *«^™v' in marine, CapficLnn:ofAuicen,Zingibercaninu:ofpltofe after tfte opinion offome men, Siliq iaftrum,and Piperitis:Of fttcft aS WZttefatbefedapeS,Piper lndianuin,Pi- per Calecuthiun,and Piper H.fpanumrfo ftigft Boucfte, Jndianifcfterpfeffer, Calecntifcfter pfefferrin fmxtyzjoyuredindeAid'Efpaiove: inbafe Almaigne, peper ban Jndien,and Bzefilie peperrin ©nglilfte, Jndianpepper, or Cale- ctite pepper* fy The Nature. Cfte Jndian pepper ig ftoate and due fa tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Jndian p epp er in bfed fa diners places for tft e drefffag of meates,for it ftatft * tftefamebertne and tafte as tfte bfnal pepper ftatft: furtftermore it coloured) Ipke Saffron,and befag taken in fncft forte, it warmetft tfte ftomacke, and ftel- petft greatip tfte digeftfon of meates* Cfte fame dotft alfo diffoitteandcontom: tfte fwelling abont tftetftzote cal*a$, led tftekingesetzpll,allkernelleS,and alcoldefWedinges, and taketft awap al fpottes and mentiles oftfte face,being laped tfterebnto witft ftonp* fy The Danger. Jtis dangerous to beoftenbfeb or fato great a quantitie: fortftispepper ftatft fa it accrtapneftidbm etipll qnalitie, wfterebp tt kidetft Bogges, d it be giuen tftem to eate* the Hiftorie of Plarites. '6 ft <£>f Pepper. €ljap*ljc£. 4 The Kindes. THe old and ancient pftpfitionS do defcribeand fet fooztft tftere kindesof pepper,tftat is to fop tftelong,tftewftite, and tfteklacke pepper,^ wfticft a man (ftal zuzn in tftefe dapes find to be fold in tfte Ift ops of tft e Apotfteca* rieSand©rofferS* fyThe Defcription. &&&& S toucfting tfte proportion ft figure of tfte tree oz plante tftat bearetft f|g«j| pepper,we ftaue notfting els to wzite,foitfag tftat we ftaue found de* ^P^fcribed oftfte Auncieutes,and fucft as ftaue trauapied into 3)ndia,and tfte Countries about Calectite:and bpcaufe this is a drange kpnde of of frtiite,not growing amongd bs> we wpll wiite no moze thereof, but as we ftanegatftereb fro tbe writinges of tbe Ancientes,ft otfters, wfttcft latelp ftaue tranapieb into tbofe Countries, wfto notwitftdanding be not pet all of one mind oroptoionrioz piinie wzitetft tftat tfte tree wfticft bearetft pepper tsiike to our Juniper: pftilodrams foitft,tfte p epper tree witft his fruite, in Ipke to Agnus caftus. Biofcorides witft certapne otfters do uhite, f> pepper growetft in Jndia bpon a title or fmal tree* And tftat tfte long p epper(tfte wfticft in Ipke to tfte knoppes or aggiettes tftat bang in tfte Bitcfte oz Hafell trees befoze tfte comming foortft of tfte leaues) in as it were tfte fird fruit wfticft ctonctft foortft immediatlp after tfte flowers, tfte wfticft alfo in pzoceffe of time do waxe long* great and Wftite bringingfoortft manp berries ftanging togitfter, bpo one and tftefelfe fome dem.Cfte wfticft berries being pet bnripe,are tfte wfttte pepper* and beingripe ft blacke is our common blacke pepper* Sucfte as trawelto tfte Jndians,Calecitte,ft tbe Countries tftere aboutes do foptftat pepper grow- etft not bpontrees,btit bpon a plante Ipke JuieozBin8weebe,tfte wfticft dotft twidanb wrap it feifeabout trees anb ftebges, bztogtog fooztft long weake ftemmes,wfterebpon ftang tfte pepper cozneSozberries,etien like tfte Eibes, orbepondfea ©oofeberries,aspe map fee in tftis Countrie: foz pepper in toougftt fro tfte Jndians to amwarpepzcfeiued in comfiturewitft tftedems, and foote dalkes ftanging to it * Cft e greene and unripe berries, remapne tobitz, and it in tftat wecall wftite pepper, btttwfteit tftep be tftzougft ripe tftep waxe blacke,ft full of (ftztoeled wzinckles,and that in our common blacke pepper*Cfte fame attcthottrsorlater tratiaplers do affirme,tftat long pepper is notthe fruite of tftis piantc,bttt that it grotuetft bppon otfter trees, Ipke tfte tftinges tftatpou fee ftanginglpke Cattes taples,oz Aggiettes, bpon tfte 0ut trees and Bircfte trees in tfte winter, tbe wfticft fruit tftep cal long pepper, bp* caitfeintafte and worktngitisitkepepper* C The Places. pepper growetft in tfte Jles oftfte Jndian feas,as Taproban e s u matra,and certapne otfter Jlandes adiopning,from wfticft Jlaudes it in brougftt to ©ale* otte,tfte wfticft in tfte moft famous and cfteefeft citie,as alfo tfte greateft marte to wne oftfte Jndians: and tftere it in folde not bp waigftt,bttt b£ meafwres as tftep fel come in tbis Countrie* fy The Names. pepperiscailedin©reeke^^?«tomattoe,Piper inftigft Bottcfte,pfeffer: in bafe Almaigne, pepenand in ©ngiifft,pepper* i mong pepper in called in ©reeke ***? °t> ™w- inmatine, Piper longum.- in SftoppeS, iviacropiper. i Cftewftite pepper is called in ©reeke ^wty ***waxi marine, Piper album.- toSftoppeS,Lcucopiper. j Cfte blacke pepper is called in ©reke,M^«y -*'™?nn marine, Piper nigrum: to SftoppeS, Mclanopi per. fyThe Nature. pepper in ftoate and drie in tfte tftirbe degree, efpeciallp tftewftite and tfte blacke, 6]6 The fyfth Booke of blacke,fortfteiongpeppertSnotfo brie, bpcaufe tt is partaker of a certapne mopfture* fy The Vertues. Jt in put into fauces to gitie agood fmacke ft tafte bnto meateS,to ptouoke A appetite,and belpe digeftion* J t prouoketb brtoe,bttoetft fortft winbineffe, anb papnes in tftebellp,to beB "km witft tfte tender leaues of Bap or €ommin: it in alfo berp goob agapnft popfon,anb tfte bittoges and ftingtoges of benemons beaftes, and tfterefore it in put into treacles and pzcferiiattue medicines* Cftefamedzonkm befoze tfte rommgof tfte fit of tbe Ague, oz lapde to ft anf Warlike. £liap*i#i* QTheKyndes. T Here be tftzee foztes of ©arlike, tftat in tfte common or garden ©arlike, wilde ©arlike,and EamfonS* Allium ratiuum.<5«t6m«5arUbe. Allium fyIueftre.£tO» &&tUkt. Allium vrllnHua.Karaftn*. thfe Hiftorie of Plantes* fy 'fyThe Defcription. Allium vrfinum.EamfottS* s^Ardm ©arlike batft leaues ipke graffe, ormeekes, a* mongft wfticft (tft e pere after tfte fo wing) come bp rounbe bolowe ftems, wfticfte beare flowers and feede ipke to totfte€)npon* Cbe rooteis rounbe fWel* ling out ipke tft e€)npon, ft eapebbp Witft manp clones or kernelles iopnzb togitfter, bnder wfticfte bangetft abearbe or tailed of manp fmall ftearie dringes* 2 Cfte wplde ©arlpke ftatft no leanes, but to fteede tftereof it ftatft long, ronnde, finall, ftolowe, pppedblades, amongft wfticfte ftutogetft dp a round ftard ftemme of two oztftzeefoote long, bppon wfticfte grow tfte flowers and feede* Cfte roote ig alforotindBulbusfalftion,wttftoiit clones ot kernelles growing in it, pet fometimes it ftatft iopned tfterebnto newe fteades or oz rootes, from wfticft fpfatg new plants* ' £)f tftis fofte is founde anotfter kpnde Wfticfte ig fmaller, in all tftinges els like tfteotfter , afwell to leaues, or blabeSr ftemmes,and feede, as alfo in rootes, tbe wfticftedoo growemod commonlp in me- dowes* Cfte tftirde ktode of gariike (called Eamfons ) batft moft commonlp two bzode blabes orlarge leaues ,almoftltketbeleaues of iiricumphancy,orapa? mpdiestbetwixt wfticfte commetft bp a demme oz twapne, bearing manp fmal wfttte flowers*Cfte roote ig Ipke to apoung ©arlpke ft ead,of a berp ranke fa- uour and tafte* fy The Places. t ©arden©arlikeis planted ingardens* 2 Cfte Wilde ©arlpke growetft bp it felfe in feeldes, and bedgeS, and me- bowes,elpectallp tfte fmaller fott,fot tfte bigger keepetft tftefeeldeS $ padtires mod commonlp* 3 Eamfons growe to mopd darke places* fyTheTymes. . 2 Cfte wilde ©arlpke flowretft and in in feede to June and Juip* i Eamfons flowretft to Aprill and a? ap* v fyTheNames. ©arlpke is called to ©reeke n^o/op: in marine, Allium: in ftpgft Boncfte, Huioblocft,or!liinobloucft:tobafeAlmaigne*moock* » Cfte firftktode in called Allium fatiuum-: in©nglitfte, ©arden©arlpke, andpooremmstreaclerinf imt\fzyrpgan and wfoe,betug bronken, killetft g ipce and nines* , , Jtis berp good againft tfte tootft acfte,foz it flaketft tftefame, poitnde witft -j bfaeger,ft laid to tfte teetft: or bopleb in water witft alitle facence,fttftemoutft walfteb tberewitft,or put into tfte ftolowneffe of tfte corrupt teetft* Jt isof tfte fame berttiemixt wttft goofe greafe anb powreb into tbe eares* Cfte fame bzufed betwixt tfte ftanbes and lapde to tfte templeS,flaketft tfte & oldefteadacfte* v Cftefame bttrneb into alfteS ft mtngleb witft ftdnp,ftealetft tftewilb fcabbe, * and fcnrffeof tfte ft ead,andtftefalling oftfte fteare, being lapde tfterebpon* mapd e to to tft efame manner, tt ftealetft blacke and blewe fcarres,tftatre glilft e,S auce alone,and Jacke bp tfte ft edge* -fyThe Nature. Cftis fterbe isftoateand driealmoft in (tfte tftirdedegree)fourtft degree* fyThe Vertues. Cftis fterbe ig not mucft bfed fa medicine: but fome do bfe ttwitft meates a in fteede of garlpke* Cfteignozant Apotftecartesboo bfe tftis fterbe for Sccu-dium, not witftout 3 etrour,as ft in manifeft to all fncft as are learned inf knowlebge of Simples* €>f €>npono. €^ap*lcFnj* < The Kindes. THere be biuers fortes of ®npons,fome wftite,fome red, fome long, fome round e,fo me great,and fome fmall: but al of one fauour anb pzop ertie, fa* uingtbattfteoneisalitleftrongertftentfteotfter* Pet tftep differ not to leaaes,flowers,andfeede* H&ft t) C/** ^4° The fyfch Booke of fy, The Defcription. Crommion, Cepa.flDnponS' He €>npon ftatft leauesorblabes atotodlike garlike, ftolow witftin*Cfte demmes be rounb, bpon wbicfte grow roundebawles oz beabes, couereb witb little fine ortederwftttefkinnes,outof wfticftbreakemanp wbite 1 flowers Ipke darres, wfticfte turne into fmal pedettes or but- tons, in wfticfte are cdntapneb two or tftzee blacke cornered feedes* CfterooteiS rounde or long, madeofmanpfoldes, pplles,oz coueringes^grdwing one bpon anotfter,wfterof tfte bpmod ptlles or fcales are tfttoned* Jn tft e neatfter part of tft e roote in a bearde of ftearierooteS,oz dringes ipke a taffel* fy The Place. Cftep are fowen in euerp garden of tftis Countrie, bnt tftep loue a foft and gentle grounde* iffTheTyme.. Cftep are commonlp fowen fa f ebzuarie and a^arcft, and are ful growm in Augtift,ft are tft enplnckt out oftfte ground tobekeptAndiftftepbeplatedagaineinBecember, Jantta- rp,or f ebrwarp,tften tftep wil blow in June,and bring foortft toJttlpattdAitgtid* * feThe Names. Cfte £Dnpon in calleb in ©reeke *e*w*r"- in marine, Cepa> and Ccpe.- in ftigft Boucfte, Zwibel: in bafe Almaigne, feede Apettpm fyThe Nature. Cfte£)npon in almoft ftoate in tfte fourtft degree, and ra- tfter of groffe,tft en fnbtil partes* fyThe Vertues. Cfte Qnpon engendretft windpneffe, and canfetft appetite,and it dotft feat- % ter,and make tft tone groffe and clammie ftumours, witftout nourilfting: efpe- ciallp to be eaten raw.Bttt being bopled twife or tftrife it ig notfting fo iftarpe, and it nourilftetft fomewftat, but not mucfte* lupous eatm in meate, open tfte bellp gmtlp, andprouoke brineplenti-B fullp* Cftep open tfte HemorrftoideS,io called in©reeke,lapd to tftefttndement ore fiege wttft ople oz bine^er>and fo dotft tfte iupce or tfte wftole flDnpon mingled Witft roded appleS,and lapde bpon tfte fundement witft rotten* 4Dnpons fodden and lapde to witft Eapfens and figges, do ripe and breake B Wennes and fttcfte Ipke coldefwellinges* Cfte iupcz of tft em dropped into tfte zpzg^ clearetft tfte dimneffe of tfte figftt, © and at tft e beginning remouetft tfte fpotteS,clo ttdes,and ftawes of tfte epes* Cfte fame topee dropped into tfte eares, in good agapnd deafeneffe, and tfte f ftttmmingnopfe or ringing of tftefome,and in good to clenfe tfte eares from ad filtft toeffe,Und cottupt matter of tft e fame* Cfte fame powred ortoift bp into tftenofetftrilles,catifetft one to fneefe,and © purgetft tfte bzapne* Beingput bnder in a peffarie,ftbringetft out tfte flowers and fecondine* H Jt in laideto p bitinrjs of dogges,witft ftonp Ette ft fait,witft good fucceffe* J Jt curetft tftenougfttfe fcabbeand itcfte, ft tfte wfttte fpottes of alltftebodp, b and alfo tfte fctirffe and fcales of tfte ftead: and fidetft agapne witft fteare tfte ppideplaces of tfteftead,beingiapbe tftereto totfteSonne* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 64* Cfte fame lapde to witft Capons greafe, in good againft tfte blifter£ oftfte * fcetcaud againdtftecftaftog and gatilling of tftelftoe* fy The Danger. Cfte often bfe of €>npons, caufetft fteadacfte, and ouermwcfte deepe, and ig ftnrtfull to tfte epes* ^fleeites. €l)ap.!fl;«tj* fy The Defcription. Porrum. H© meeke ftatft long faobe blabes, fbldentogitfter witb a keeie orcreft in tftebackfibe, in tafte anb fouour not mucbe bnlpke tbe €>npon, be- twixt wfticft leaues in tfte fecond pere grow- etft a rounde ftemme, wfticfte bzingetb foortft arounbe bead or bawle, witft bin flowers Ipke tfte flDupon, and after tfte flowers it b ea* retftfeede, in falftiou Ipke to Dnpon feede, but tftattt in of a grapiffte colour* Cfte roote in wftite and leffer tftm a meane €>npon, witft a bearde or taffell of ft earie dringes* & The Places. Cfte meeke in planted almod to euerp gar- denof tftiS ©otintrte, and in butfeldomefuf- fered to feede: but tfte blades are cut almoft enerp dap ftarde bp tfte grounde, to bedap- Ipe bfeb in pottages, anb otber meates, and tfterefore it can bnetfteozfcarfelp growe bp* iffTheTyme. Cfte meeke flo wretft to apape anb June, a peere after tfte towing', if it ftatft not bene cut, for if it be continuallp cut, itbearetb berp feidome flowers or feede, and tfteref ore fome do wzite tftat tfte meeke bringetft fooztft nep* tfter flowers nor feede, wfticfte in bntrue,for tfte meeke wfticfte ftatft not bene cutte bzpngetft fooftft botft flowers and feede* C The Names. CftemeekeiS called in ©reeke *r«Sp. in marine, Porrum • to frencfte, v^tt r^«. faftigtj ^oucfte,mawcft:fabafe^imaigne,parape:in©ngli(fte,ameeke, or meekes* Cftebncutmeekeiscalleb fa ©reeke*?«6F w*«xaro|»: famatfae, Porrum ca- pitatum:tftatto fapin©nglifl)e,tftefteabbedozknoppedmeeke* Cbeeut meeke in called of Columella and of palladius in marine, Porrum fediiuum:fa©ngli(fte,frencbemeeke,bnfetmeeke,fll9apben meeke* fy The Nature. Cbemeeke in boateanb drie intftetftird degree,of Mature ipke tfteflDnpon. bntnotfo ftrong* > feThe Vertues. ' meekes engender groffe and eufll blood , breede Winde, andcaufefteaiifeA l^irt Hi dreames, 6^z The fyfth Booke of dreames,elfteciallp to be eaten raw: but bopled fa water twife or tftufe,it wil- be tfte better and moze conucnient to be eaten* Jtdirretb one to make water, tt maketft tfte ftninoursfine anb tftinne anb B foftenetft tbe bellp* Cfteiupceof meekes dronken witft ftonp,is good agapnft tfte bitfagesandC ftingtoges of benemous beaftes* Cftefapce of meekes taken fa an electuatie of moftocdotft mtinbifie ft clmfe B tfte bread, caufetft one to (pet out,and in good againd ftoarfeneffe and tfte olde cougft* A batft of meekes made Witft fait fea water, pzouoketft womens flowers, € openetft tfte ftoppfags of tfte a£atrix,and dotft modifie and foften adftardneffe oftfte fome,if tftep fit ouer tfte fume tftereof* Cfteleaues, or as we fap tfte tfte blabes of meekes will ftancfte bleebing, f efpeciallp nofeblteding: tbe fame bertue batb tfte iuptz mingled witft bineger, aiidfinepowder of f rankenfence to beput into tftenofetftzdles* Cft e fede in good to be mingled and put into medicines,tftat ferue to bzeake <& tfte done* Jt doppetft and ftancftetft all top erflttous bleeding to be taken witft tfte like $ quantitie of a^pftillberries* fy The Danger. meekes engender end ftnmottrs,and wiudtneffe:tftep caitfefteattp and terri- ble dzeames,tftep barken tbe epe figftt,and are derp fturtful for tftem tftatftaue anp exnlcerations or gopng of,of the fkinne, of tbebladder,oz rapnes* &f €uue9/oj ftuflie <&mong leeftes* tfl>ap*ljr#), iff The Defcription. f^SE|£iteS orEidfte4DnponS, in tfte Lig^fieede of leaues ftaue title, final, fe^^ftolcwe, ft (lender piped blades, Ipketo fmal Eulftes, growingtfticke to- gitft er,in tade not mucft bnlpke tfte tade of meekeS*3mogd tfteEutftlpke leaues growe fmalrounde ftemmes, wttft fmal bowleS,or ronnbe knoppeb fteades,like tbe bawie in tbe top of tfte feebe €>npon, but mucft fmaller, anb fulof final purple flowers* Cbe rootes be Ipke to fmall 4Dni6S,but a great beale fmaller,grow- tog clofeand tfticke togitfter, ful of long ftearie tftzeds or dringes, Ipke tfte beard of tfte DnponS,or leekes, fyThe Places. Jtin fet in gardmS amongftpotte fterbeS,orwurteS* fy The Time. Jt flowzetb to a^ap anb June a pere after p fo wing, new planting or fetttog* fyThe Names. CftiS ^inbz of meekes ig calleb in ©n- glilft,Cpttes,*ofCurnerfamatfae,Ce- pa paliacana,ft fa greke G ethyu,Wftitft fte ©tv Schcenoprafum. the Hiftorie'of Plantes. ^4? ©ngliiftetft bp al tftefe names a Cpue,a Citiet,a Cftpue,or Stoetft,and gmet& to tft e fame a berp drange figure: but tftis kinde in called in frencft, des oigmn- cents,ox Porrettes :fa ftigft Boucfte, Scftnitiaucft,Brpfclaucft: fa bafe Almaigne, Biefloock,tftat is to fap,Ett(fte ©arlike, bpcaufe indeede of leaueS it bringetft foztft fmaltwlftes like ©row ©arilke*Jtftatft neitfter ©rekenor marine name tftat Jknowe* Cfterefore in folowing tfte Boucfte,we doo call it in©reeke ^otvo7re«Gv:andfamarine,Sccenoprafum : wfticfte map be ©nglilfted, Eulfte meekes: and if anp manbab calleb it in ©reeke xww&mw J witbont anp pre- tomption migftt ftaue calleb it Eulfte $)nponn* Sometakeitto be Porrum fe- aiuumtbtititappearetftwell bp tftat wfticfte Columella and palladiusftaue wzitten,ftoweiftamefttllptbep erre, and bp tftefame auctftoritie of Columella arid palladins we ftawe ftifficientlp proued fa tfte former Cftapter,tftat tfte cut meeke,and tfte fteaded meeke,wfticfte to our common »meekearealone,and dp come botb of one feebe,anb do differ but onlp in tftis: tftat tfte one ig differed to growe and beare feede,and tfte otfter ig oftentimesicut* fyThe Nature. CpiteS are ftoate and due intfte tftirdedcgree,and of complexion or tempe- rament ipkebnto meekes* fy The Vertues. €puzg are bfed in meates and pottages tuzn as meekes, Wfticft e tftep do A refcmblein operation and bertne* ef xbitoe 6ulbu0/ojuntoe ^npon* CfyapJjcjetri* fy The Defcription. Buibus fylueftris. ?HiSfterbe ftatft long leaueS or blades Ipke ©arlpke, but berp feidome bztnging foortft more 'tfte two biades,bctwixt wfticft jfpztngetft bp a rounde ftolow ftemmeof afpanne long attfte top tftereof gro we manp pellowe fterrelpke flowers, tfte wbicfte boo cftange into a tftree fquare or triagieb ft ufke or ftufkes: in wfticft tftefeede is contapned* CfterooteiS rounde aS an £DnpOn* # The Places. CftisDnpon growetft indiuers places of Almaigne, in fandp Conntries in dales and ballpesabout bzookes anb little ftreames, and fometimes alfo bnder ftebges* fyTheTymes. Cftis ktob of Buibus flowretft toaparcft, anb ig in feebe to April, ft in (ftort (pace after itbanilftetftawap, foHna9apfolowing a man tftalf indateitft er dalkes neitfter leaues* fyTheNames. HoWetft is kindeof Buibusftatft bene cal ieb of tft e Auncientes oz 0 Id e writers, in no t cettainlp know e,fonte tft ink it to be Bulbina: fome otfters would ftaue ft /Sox66;t/flo>«xop:anb tomatine,* knowen in IftoppeS: in bafe Almaigne it ig called, tBit belt 3 ptiepn, tftat in to fap,tfte wilbe wftite feeibe tIDnpomin fome places off ranee, it is called Cfttir- les*Jtmaplpkewpfebeberpwelcalled,BuibusLeucanthcmus. ' Cfteotfter Buibus,isipkewifean Omithogaium, and in called offome nowe iittftefedapes,Lihum Alexandrinumtftat is to fop,mplieSAlexandria,bpcaufe it in tftougftt tftat it in fird bzougft t into knowledge in tft is Countrie frofa A- iexandrfo* fy The Nature. CftiS Buibus is temperate in fteateanb biprn^ fyThe Vertues. Biofcorides i^y tbat it map be eatm eitber rawe oz rodeb as pe ltde* % Jt in alfo berp goob to fotdder and clofe bp frelft oz greene wowndS, being 23 lapde bpon Ipke Comfrep* <£>f tlje Jbea&npon tailed £>qutUa« €l)ap*ljwtmj* ffTheKyndes. AC tftis dap tfterebe founb two kinds of Squilla,ot Sea tiamon: tfte one bearingdratgftt ornarrowblabes,tfte wfticft in tfterigfttSqnilla: tfteo- tfter ftatft bzode blabes,anb in commonlp bfeb for Sqwilla* fyThe Defcription. 1 Ip^^glHe rounde bollens, or unbolted fteades of tfte fird ft rigftt Squdla, af! Km at^e berp great and tfticke, and wftiter tften tftebollens oz fteades of §■ Wk tfte bfttal ft common Squilla*Cfte blades be long and narrow,and ■BBSfe of a Wftite greene or grapdft colour* 2 Cfte common Squida ftatft alfo great tfticke fteadeS or bollens, bnt t^zp are moft commonlp redder,and tftepilles or fcales are tfticker tften tfte fcales or cotteringes oftfte otfter Squdla* Cft e leaues be great anb broabe almod Ipke to mplieleaues* Cbe flowersbe fmal and pellow growing at tfte ftigfteft and alongft tfte ftalkeS or ftemmes,after tftem commetft tftefeede* fy The Place. Squdla growetft not of W 0 wne accozd e in tftiS C ottntrie,btit in bzougft t from Spapne ftttfter to ferue for medicine, wft erof fome in planted in gardens* fyTheNames. Cfte firft kind of tftis ftrange wnpon,in called in ©reeke ^/^.ft inmatine, J i i Scilla: 646* The fyfth booke of Scilla: in SftoppeS, Sqnillarin frencft, Sciiia comunis Pancratiu Squilla* Stiboule}SquiHe,Oignon demer.inftigft dOUCft a£ecr?wibel: in bafe Almaigne, Zee ApeupmofSerapiOjCepemuris.tbatis to fap, avowee £>npon: in ©nglilfte, Sqttiila,anb Sea €>npon* * Cfte fecond kind in taken of tfte grea- ter numberofApotftecariesfozSquiila, albeit it is not tfte rigftt kinde,but of tftat fort wfticfte tfte ©rekesbo cal Trav^ano^: tftematineSPancratiu,wbicft is of nature ipketo Squilla, anb tfterefore witftout 4^np errour it map be bfed in deede of Squilla* And tftis kinde of tftelearned peter Belon is cownteb to be Buibus i«- toraiisof CbeopbradnS,wfterebnto it in berp mucftelpkerior Biofcorides Pancra- tium,and Cft eopftfaftUS Buibus littoralis do feeme to be all one* fy The Nature. Squilla in ft oate in tfte fecond degree, and dzie iin tfte tftirde degree,and of berp fubtiie partes, alfo of a cutting and (tou- ring nature* fyThe Vertues. Squiila(betog fird couered rounbe a- b out witft dowe,oziapt in pade ft baked to an oitcn,oi roded bnder coles bntid it be foft or tenber) tben a fpoonefull or two tftereof taken,witft tfte eigftt part of folt,caitfetft a man to go to tfte doole, anb puttetft foortft pientp of tongft anb clammie humours* Cftefame roded or prepared after the fame manner, in goob to be put into 35 medicines tftat pzouoke bzine,and in fucfte medicines as are bfed agapnft tfte Bropfie,tbe Jatindifcbeiefting or working bp oftftedomacke, and gripingeS ozfrettingesoftftebellp* ' caken witft ftonp and oi>le,it drinetft foortft of tftebellp, botft tftelong and C toundewozmes* prepared in manner afozefapde,it in put witft great pzo fitc,tutd medicines B tftat are made againd an old inweterate cougft, and fft oztneffe of breatft, wfticft medicines docaufe to (pit out tfte tougft and clammieflemeS,tftatare gatftered togitfter witftin tfte ftolo wneffe oftfte bread: for taken to tbe fame manner it dotft diffoiue and loofe groffe ftumottrS,and bzingetft tftem fooztft* Cftefameozbered witb ftonplofetft tftebeflp berp gentlp:anb tfte likeber* © tue ftatft tftefeedeto betaken witb figges or bonp* Afcaleoztwaineof tberooteof Sqttillabeinftpet gremeanb raw in good f to be lapde bnder tfte tongue, to quencfte tfte tftirde of tftem tftat ftane tfte Bropfie,as piinie writetft* Squilla fodden in binegerbntillftbetenber, and pointed fmall, is good to H<£ fird kinde of Affodpll fellow Affodpll* )ftatft long narrow leaues, 'like meeke blades, amogft wfticft fpringetft dp a roud {ftalke of acttbite, or cubite and a ftalfe long: bppon •Wfticft e from tfte middle bp to tftetoppe growefaire wftiteflowers, or of aberp pale carnation colour,wfticft do begin to Bower below,anb bo znb tfteir flowing aboue* Cbe flowers paft tber come fmal ftufkes, tounb and writfted or tnrned a- bottt,and arefonnd diuided and fenered into partes wfte tftep waxe ripe:witftto tfte fapd ftufkes in a ftzo wne feebe* Cbe rootes do growebp great nubets or co- panpeS,ftlike to tfte rootes of tfte femat pionie,eacfte one fafftioned like to a log tfticke kerned oz fomewftat longer, and wttfttofdmwftat opeorfpongieito tafte at tfte firft fomewftat aftrfogent,and af- terwarde bitter* J£ et of no oerpfttange tafte, fo tftatit is no maruell tftat men in times paft bpd bfe to of eate tftis roote as Hefiodus ft certaine otfter do report* 2 Cftefecond kind of Affodpilftatft nar- row blades alfo Ipke to tfteabouefapde, but fmaller and fl)orter,amongft Wfticfte fptingetft fooztft a platoe draigftt dem of two f ooteft igft, from tft e middle of tfte top fet witft pale flow erS, diuided.tnto ftxe parteS,not mucft bnlike tfte flowers of tfte otfter Affodpl* Cftep once paft tftereappeare fmall triangled ftufkes, witftintftewfticftelpetfttftefeede*Cfte roote of tftiS kinde is rounde as tfte ftead of an3Dnpon,almoft Ipke tfte rooteof garden Buibus;bntfomewftatbigger*Coconcliide,tftiS Affodpll iS notmncfte bnlpke tft e fir d kind but onlp in tft e roote, wfterein in all tfte difference betwtxt tftefe two fterbes: foztftepbarie not mucft onefromanotfter in leattes,ftalkes, flowerS,and feedcs,fotttug tftat tfteleaues of tftiskind arefftozter,tfte flowers ftandefurtfter afttnder,and notfo tfticke fet,oz throng togitfter* x BpfideS tftefe two kindeS tftere is found anotfter Affodpl, tuftofeleaueSbe longer ft narrower tftm tfte leaues oftfte firft kind,tfte ftalkes be alfo round, ft lodm witft pleafant pellow flo wers,after wfticfte appearetft rounde ftufkes or knops Ipke little fteades, wfterein tfte feede in contapned: it ftatft a number of rootes growing tfticke togitfter like tbefirft Affodpl,bttt euerp roote in longer and fmaller*CfteleaueSof tftis Affodpl remapne greme al tfte wtoter,ftdo not bade and perilft as tfteleaues of tfte other* And tfte rootes doo put foortftaeet- tapne increafe of newe fpzinges and blades, wft erbp it incrocftetft and wtonetft more grounde,and dotft fo mnltipip: tftat of oueplant witftin a f ewe pereS pou (ftal get a number of otfters* # The places. Affodpl in not founde growing of ftis ownekind in tftis Countrie,bnt in tfte gardens of HeebozifteS,wftere as tftep do botft fowe and plapnt it* the Hiftorie of Plantes* 6ty fyThe Time. i Cftefirft kindeflowzetft inswap, and isfo feede to June* 2 Cfte feconde do tft alfo Sower and feede in June* feThe Names. CftiSfterbe in calleb in ©reke «o-*d/*x©*:dt marine, Albucus, anb Haftula re- gia:infoopS Affodilus:in:ffrencb,tf^ rides of Brabant, Affobilen* Cfteflower witb ftfa ftemme in calleb m©reeke ivflteiioc. Anthericos.and tomatine, as piinie faptft, Albucum: in ©ngiilft alfo AffbdpUnd Baffodpll* % Cftefirftkindeis called Afphodelusmas, and Haftula regia mas, and istftat fame wfticfteBiofcorides deftribetft* a Cfte feCOttde iS caded Aiphodelus foemina, and Haftula regia fcemina,and ig tftatWfticfte©alendefcribetft,inlib.dealimentorumfacultatibus. ^The Nature. % Affodpl efpeciallp tfterooteof tfte firft kind iSftoate ft dtp inf> fecond degree* 2.3. Cfte rootes of tfte otfter kinde, areftoate and drp almoft in tfte tftirdedegree* fe The Vertues. Cfte roote of j> firft kind boiled ft dronke, pzouoketft brine,ft womeS flowers; A Cft e waigftt of a dzam tfterof taken witft wine,ftealetft tft e papne to tfte fide, B tfte cough,tfte tftrinbing of finewes,crampes,and burftinges* Jtis berp good againft tft cbitings of benemous beafteS,to drinke tfte qttan- C titie of tbzzz drammes tft erof witft wine,and to lap bpon tfte wound e and ftur- ted placetfte leaueS, flowers and rootes beaten togitfter* Cfte feede ft tfte flowers of tft e rigftt Affodpl dzonken to wtoe,are berp good B againft p popfon of fcozpioS,ft otfter benemons beaftes,aifo tftep purge f> bellp* Cfte roote bopled in tfte Ipes of wine in good to be lapd bpon corrupt f eftered © fores,and bpon olde blcers,and tfte impoftumes oftfte bzeaftes and (tones oz genitours* J t in alfo good againft new f weilfogs and toipofternes tftat do but begiu,being lapde bpon in maner of an emplapfter wttft parched barlep meale* Cfte inpce oftfte roote bopled witft good olde wtoe,a litie a^prrfte and Saf- f fron,is a good medicine for tfte epes,to cleare and (ftarpen tfte figftt* Cfte fame inpce of itfelfe , or mingled witft frankeuceufe, ftonp, wine, and© ^puftcis good againft tfte corrupt filtft and mattering of tfte eares, wftcnit in powred ozdropped in. Cfte fame prepared ft ordered as in afor#aid,fwagetft tfte tootftaeftepowredH and dropped into tftecontrarieeare to tftepapne and greefe. Cftealftes of tfte burned coote,and fpecialip oftfte feconde kind do cure and J fteate fcabbes and nougfttie fozes oftfte ft ead,and doo reflate agapne bnto tfte pilde ftead, tfte fteare fallen awap,betog lapde tfterebnto* CfteopicptofoddentotfterootesbetngmadeftoloWjOr tfteople in wfticft tfte& rootes ftaue ben bopled,dotb beale (> burnings witb fire,moulbp oz raw kibed fteeies,ft dotft fwage £ patoe oftfte eareS>ft deafneffe, as Biofcozides writetft* Cfterootes do curetftemozpftew orwftitefpots in tfte flelft, if pou rub tftem % firft witft a iinnen do tft to tfte S onne, ft tften annopnt tfte place witft tfte iupce of tfteroote,ozlap tfteroote to tftepfoce* €>flimine* Ciiap*tow;* # TheKyndes. THere aredtuerS foztes of bines, but aboue ail tbe red tbere are two moft notable: tftat is to fop,tfte garden orftnfbanded dine, and tfte wilde bine, as wzitetb Biofcorides,and tbe Ancientes * Cfte manured oz ftufbanbeb bine in alfo of diners fofteS,botft infatftion and colotir,fo tftat it isnot eafie to Jii ii\ number 6to TheTyfth Booke of v itisCfte manureb bine* number ordefcribealltftekindes: Wftereof it Iftalbe ftifficientfozbstodiitide tbe garden or fttifbanded bine into tftzee kindes: wft ereof tfte fird is berp red, and peeldetft a darke red liqner,tfte wfticfte is called offome Tmctura. Cftefe- condeiSbiewe,andpeeldetft.aclearewftiteliqner,tftewfticftpetnotwitftftan« ding waxetft redde,wften it in differed to fetle in tfte beffel* Cfte tftirde bine ts wftiteand peeldetft a wftite wine orliquer,tfte wfticfte continuetft wftite*3ind all tftefe foztes oftfte manured or garden bines are Ipke one anotfter in leaues, bzancftes, wood, and timber* fy The Defcription. <^G)H^ ^>i^ batft manp weake and )flender bzancftes , of a woobbp ' fttbdance,onercouered witb a do* tie barke, or cftmking rinde(frcm )wfticftbrancbeS)growetb foortb new encreafe of knottie Unites or fptinges, bringing fooftft at euerp knotte or iopnt, broabe iaggeb leaues, diuided into fiue cuttes bz partes, alfo itputtetft fooztft at tftea* fozefapd iopntzn wttft tfte leaues certapne ten- drelles, or clalping caprioleS,ft tping tagglets, wfterewitft al it taketft ftold bpontrees,poles, and percfteS,and all tft inges els tftat it map at- tapne bnto* Cbe fome new fpztnges anb bian- cfteS>doo alfo bzing foortb, for tfte mod part,at ^ tftelftdnbe, tbirbe, and fourtft knotte or iopnt, firftofalllittlebulftietuftes,witftwftiteblof- ,.- fonts or flowers, anb after tftem pleafont cltt-f? fters of manp berries or grapes, tfticke fet and ^ miffed togitfter, witftin wfticfte fterries or '& grapes are foundefmall grapnes or kernelles, wfticftebetftefeebe oftfte bine* fy The Places. Cfte btoe deligfttetft to groWe bpon mottn* tapneS,tftatdandeopentotfteSontft,inftoate Countries and Eegions, astoCanarie, and tfte Jlandes adiopning in Barbaria, Spapne,©reece,Candie, Sicde, Jtalp, and diners otfter ftoate Eegions* Jt growetft alfo in f raunce, and Almaigne, bp tfte riner Eftepne,and in fome places of jftetfterland, as Brabant,Hapnau, and miege:but tftat wfticft growetft in tft efe lowerCountrieSdo bzing foortft berp fmal oz tftin wines,foz none otfter canfe but onelp bpcaufe £ Sonne is not fo beftement,and tfte nigftteS be(ftofter*f oi(as Condantine c aefar wzitetft.) Cfte Sonne mud giue to tfte wineftrengtft and bertne,ft tfte nigftt ftiS fweete- neffe,and tfte a^oone (ftineftiS rppmeffe*And tfterefoze are tfte binzn of Cana- narie,of Candie,and otftertftelpkeftoateConntrieS, botft fweete and ftrong: foz tfte Sonne Iftinetft beftementlp in tftofe Countries, and tfte nigfttesbe lon- ger tftm fa tftiS Conntrie* And for tftis confpderation tfte wine of Eft epncand of otfter tfteSeptentrional or &oitb Eegions are weaker,and not fo fweete $ pleafant,bpcaufe £ nigftts in tftofe Countries be 1ft ouer, ft tft e S onne ftatft not fo mucfte ftrengtft* And foz tfte fame caufe alfo ft growetft not in $lotweigb. SWebtonde,Benmarke,i©eftpftale, prtiffcand otfter colde Countries: foz tfte nigfttes be tftere in fommer (ftozt,and tbe power of tfte Sonne in but final* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 651 fyThcTimes. Cfte bine flowretft inftigft and bafe ©ermanie or Almaigne, about tftebe- gimting of June,anb tft e grapes be tftzougft ripe to September* A monetft af- ter,tftat is to fap in€)ctoker,tfteppreffefoortft tfteWine,and putit into ftoggek fteades,and beffels, fit for tftat purpofe, and tfterefoze tftep call tft e monetft of October in Boucfte, U£>ifamaent* fyTheNames. Cftemantireb bineis called in ©reeke «?**>& fah*t&>w«i*7t*®-*M®--. inmatine, Vitis vinifera .in ftigft Boucfte ,u£etoreb: inbafe Almaigne, ilDijn- gaert:in©nglilfte,tftegardenormanuredviltoeor©rape* fyThe Nature. Cfte leawes,btaneftes,and tendrelles of tftebtoe, are colde, drie, and aftrin- gent,andfo be tfte greme berries or bnripe grapes : but tfte ripe grapes are ftoate and mopftin tfte firft begree,and tfteEapfeu or dried grape in ftoate and drie,as witneffetft ©alen* fyThe Vertues. Cfte iuptz oftfte greme leaues,bzancbes, anb tendrels oftfte binedzonkm, A i^ good for tftem tftat bomit or (pet bloob,anb in good againft tfte bloddp flijre, and for women uutft cftilde tftat are giuen to bomit* Cfte fame bertue ftatie tfte brancfteS and clatping tendrelles to be taken alone bp tftem felues: and fo ftaue tfte kernelles,^tftat are found witftin tfte fruit, to be bopled in water and dron- ken* CftefometaggletteS ozclafping tendrelles oftfte bine,poitnd witftparefted $ barlepmeale,aregood to be^plped to tfte fteabacfte commingof fteate, anb bpon tfte ftoate blcers of tftedomacke* Cftealftes of tftedriebougbes or cwttinges of tftebine burnt, anb iapdeto <£ witft bineger3bo cure tbe excrefcmce ft fwedings of tftefnnbement, tftewfticft mnftfird be fcarrified or pared* Cftefomediffoluedinopieofrofesand bineger, is goodtobelapdetotfte & bittoges of SerpmteS,to dillocations or members out of iopnt, and to tft e to- flammation,oz fteate of tft e fplene or milte* ©reene grapes ingender windineffe in tfte bellp and domacke,and bo lo ofe © tftebellp* Cftedzped EapfenS are berp good againft tfte cougft,and all difeafes oftfte f lunges,the ^ibnzpzg and tftebladder* Cbep bealfo berp good (as ©alen fattb)againd tfte dopptngs anb weake- © neife oftfte Iitter,foz tftep botb open tftefame,anbttrengtben it* Cbe bzo tb of Eapfen kernelles, is goob agapnd tfte bloobbpflt'xe anb tften !afke,if tt be altogitfter powred into tbe bobp at oneglider* Jtdoppetbalfotbefttperflttowscoiirfeof womens flowers, if tftep batfte^ tftemfeluesintbefamebrotbeordecoctionoftbekernelies* * Cfte fome kemeileSpounbeberp fmadand laideto witb fait,boo confume^ anbwafteftardefwellinges, and fwagetft tfte blaftingesand fWedingesof Womens breaftes* €f tfje wploe Btoe o; <&t ape* tffjapJjcjcja flj The Kindes. THe wfldebine ig of two foftes, aS biofcorides faptft, tfte one forte ftatft flowers, & grapes wfticft netter come to rip en effe: and tfte otfter bringetft foortft fmall grapes or berries wfticfte come to rip eneffe* €LThd oj* The fyfth Booke of fy The Defcription. He Wilde binzin mucft like to tftegarde bine, to bzancftes, leaues,and :ia;pingcap.zeoles,wfterof tftefirft kind bzingetft fooztft firftftis flow- jrs, and afterwarde l^in fruite ipke to tfte garden dine: but tfte fruite commetft notto ripeneffe* a Cft e ftcottd kind bringetft fooftft fmal clufters,ful of litie berries orgrapes, tfte wfticft e do become ripe,and tftep due tftem IpkeEapfenS * And of tftefe are made tft e finalEapfens,wfticft are commonlp called Cozantes,but moze rigftt- IpEapfeltS Of COUtitbe* fyTheNames. Cftewilbebineiscaliebto©reeke«vrt\@-«>p/«:tomattoe, vitis fylueftris, anb ©nglilfte, tfte wildegrape orbine* » Cftedecaping or fading frtute,of tfte fird kinde of wilbebtoe, anb alfo tfte flowers of tftefame, iScalled to©reeke oW^anb in matine,Oenanthc. Cfteiuptewfticftetfteppreffeoutof tftegrapes of tftis btoe, anb of allotfter foztes of greene and bnripe grapeS,afweloftftegardenasoftftewilde kind of diues^to called in ©reke ^4>«V(op:ftfamatfae,omphacium:falftops,Agrefta: fa ftznfyyVeriMft offome ^/^.•fabafeAlmaigne,^iaerpttS:fa ©ngiilft, vizerius* % Cft efruite of tft e feconde ktode is called in tfte SftoppeS of tftis Countrie, Paffu)a?de Cointho :inftZUt\)Z>RaifinsdeCorinthe • ill bafe Almaigne, C OZltV tften:to©nglilfte,CurranteS>anb fmall EapfenS of Corpntfte, fy The Nature. Cfteleaues,bzancfteS, and clafpingcapreoles of tfte wildebine, ftaueipke power and dertue,astfteleaues,brancftes>and clafping tendrelles of tfte ma* nured oz garden bine,ft fo ftatft tfte tEerins of tftPfome** Cfte EapfenS oz Cur* rantesare ftoateand mopd of nature and complexion, not mucfte bnlpke tfte common fraple EapfenS in operation* fyThe Vertues. Cfte leaues,brancftes,and tendrelles of tfte wildebine,are oflike bertue ft % operation, as tbe leattes,brancftes,ft clafpers of tfte garden bine, and bo ferue as weito allpurpofes, as tftep oftfte garden bine* ' Cfte flower witft tftebntipe anb wttft ertogfriute of tfte firft binbz of tfte 25 wilde grape doppetft tfte lafke,and all otfter fluxeof blood* Beinglapde outwardlp bpon tfte domacke,tftep are good againd tftedebi- © litie and weakeneffe of the domacke, and fewer belcftinges and lotftfomneffe oftfte fame,and tftep be alfo oftfte fame effect to be eaten* Jtfwagetft fteadacfte, being lapde bpon tftefame greene,oz mingled witft & opleof rofeS and bineger, anb is mucfte profitable agapnft tfte fpzeadingand fretting fozeS of tfte genftours or pziuities* Cft e tsLlerius do tft no t mticft differ in operation and bertue,from tft e witft e- $ red ft bnripe grape,etfteciallp wftmit in drped ft made into powder: for being fo pzepared ft occupped, it in an excellent medicine agapnd tfte weakeneffe and fteate of tfte ftomacke, for it dotft botb ftrengtften and refrelft oz coole tfte fame, ft 0 wfoetter it be dfeb,wtjetber inmeates or otfterwpfe* Cbep make a fpzupe witb tftis Pterins, fugar, oz ftonp, tfte wfticfte in berp * good againft tftirftein ftoate agues,and tfte wambiing,bomtttog,and turning dp oftfte domacke,tftat commetft tftzottgft fteate of cftolerique ftumours* J t is alfo good foz women witft cftilde to dirre bp in tftem good appetite oz $ meate toft and to take from tftem all inozdinateluftes or dapne longing, and alfo to ftop tftewambiingtotfteirftomackesandparbzeaking* Currantes or EapfenS of Cortotfte, do not mucft differ to bertne,from tap- 9 net or fraple EapfenS* The end of the fyfth part of the Hiftorie of Plantes. the Hiftorie of Plantes. <« C tCfte fpitlj part of tljc !$ffltyfe of plantes / contapntng tlie ftefctf prion of Zttw SftzubbeS,Bttftftes,aud otfter plantes of wooddp fub- ftance,witb tbeir fruttes,EofinS, ©timmes, anb li- quers:alfo of tbeir feindeS,f afftionS,#tameS, tftaturcS, 2ilertties,and Operations* By Rembertum Dodonaeum. ^ftljeftofe* €ljap*f* QTheKyndes. '■ THerebebtoerSkindeSof EofeS, Wbereof fomeare of tbe garben, Ifaeete totelltog,and are fetplanted,and fanoured tfte otfters are wilde,gro wing of tfteir owuekindewttftoutfetttngabotttftedges,andtfteborderSof feeldes* fyTheDefcription. Rofa. CfteEdfe* H C fird kinde of garden EofeS, is tftewftite Eofe, wftofe dalkes, oz bzacftes are long, and of a wooddp nature or fubftance x*xif* orxx*footeftigft,and fome- times longeraf tftep beftated dp or dicke- red* Jn manp places fet ful of Ift arp e ft o o- kedpzickfeS, oz tftoznes* CfteieaueSbe long, and made of fptte or feuen leaues, ftanding one againft anotfter,alt bppon a demme, wftereof eacfte leafebpitfelfe in rougft, and fnipt about tbe edges Ipke to afawe*CbebuddeSdoo growe emongft tfte leaues bppon Ift o zt ftemmes,clofed to wttft fiue fmall leaues > wft ereof two are bearded bppon botb fides, two ftaue no bearbes,ft tfte fiftft isbearbeb butbppon one ftde.t© ft en tftefe buddes do open anb fpzeade, tft e fweete and pleafant EofeS do mufter and (ftewefooztft of colour wftite, witft diners pellowe fteares or tftreddes in tfte middle* Cfte flowers fallen tftere come bp ronnde knoppes, and red wften tftep beripe, witft in wfticft isaftard feede mtapped to fteare oz wooll* Cfte roote of tfte Eofe bulft e in of a wooddp fubdance Ipke tfte roote of otfter Iowe trees and plantes* 2 Cfte feconde kind of garden EofeS b e red ,ft are like to tbe wftite to leaues, tfttttes,anb bzancft es,but tftep nener grow fo ftigft nor fo great,nettfter are tfte bzancftes,fo large.Cft e flowers be of a pleafant fotto tir,o f colour redde,and fa- (ftioned Ipke tbe wbite EofeS* 3 Cfte tftirb kind aretftep Wfticft fome cad EofeS of prouince, wftofe (ftutes fekk and %4 The fyxth Booke of andfpringeSbelpketftemoftfteredEofe, fouing tftat tftep gro we bpftigfter, and pet for all tftat tftep grow not fo ftigft as tfte wftitcEofe, fo tftat tftis Eofe fljouldefeeme to bea mtddleTort or meane kinde betwixt tfte red and tftewftite Eofes,wfticfte tfting tfteberp colour oftfte flowers declare to be true, for tbep be neitfter redde nor wfttte, but of a mixt colour betwixt red and wftite,almoft carnation colottr,in al tftinges els Ipke to tfte otfters* 4 Cfte fourtft ktode aretftebzowne Eofes of prouince, tfte wfticfte be almoft ipketo tfte otfters in Ifttitesip.ftngs and leaues* But tfteir flowers be of a faire darke red colour, and of a berp pleafant fauour or fent,anb tftefe are bed to be bfed in medicine* ? Cft e fpftft is a ktode of dngle Eofes, wfticft e in total and called Caffia or Ca- nelEofcoztfteEofefinellmgfpkeCaffia* Cfte leaues wfterof befmaller tftm tfte leaues oftfte otfter Eofes, tfte (ftutes and twigges be alfo fmall and tfticke fet witft tftoznie prickies,of a browne rtiffet colottr,gro wing almod to £ ft eigftt oftfte prouince tbofe&Cfte flowers be fmal and fingle, fweet fmeliing,and of apafered coloor,and fomerime Carnation* 6 Cfte fixtft kinde of Eofes called a^ufkeEofeS , ftatft flender fpunges and (ftutes, tfte leaues and flowers be fmaller tften tfte otfter Eofes, pet tft ep grow bp almodaSftigft as tfteBamafke oz pzouinceEofe* Cfte flowersbe fmad anb fingle, and fometimes double, of a wftitecolour and pleafant fauour ,in proportion not mucfte bnlpke tfte wilde EofeS,oz Canei Eofes* 7 Cfte wilde Eofe leaueS be rougft and pricklep* Cfte fpunges, bzancftes and (ftutes,are ful of (ftarpeftookes or crooked prickles,like tfte wftite double Eofe oftfte garde,but mucft leffer, ft tfte leanes be fmaller,tfte flowers be alfo fingle, Wftite, ft drawing towardes Carnationcolotir, ft witftout fouour*Cfte Wfticft beingfallen awap, tftere rife rounde knoppes ozbttttons,lpke as to tfte garden Eofeplant, witftin wfticfte redde knoppes and buttons, tftefeede in coucfted $ laid, to a ftearie downe or rougft Cotton.^lpon tftis plant or buffte is fomtimeS founde a ipongious battle, rougft beared, and of a greene colour turning to- wardes red,and in to befottndeaboitttftentonetft of June* s Amongd tfte kindes of wilde EofeS,tftere in founde a forte, wftofe (ftutes, twigges and brancfteS, are couered all ouer witft tfticke fmall tftoznie prickles* Cfteflowersbe finalfingie ft wftite,ft of aberp goodfouottr * Cfte wftoleplant in bafe and lo w,and tfte lead of al botft of tfte garden and wilde kind of Eofes* ? BpfidestfteEofes aforefopd,tftereispet anotfter kind of Eofeplant,wfticft bearetb pellowe Eofes,itial tftinges eis Ipketo tfte wilbe Eofe plante, as fa tftntes,twigges,anb leanes* »© Cfte ©glentine oz fweete brier,mapbe alfo counted of tftekinbes of EofeS, for it is ipke to tbe wilbe Eofeplante,in (ftarpe and cruel (ftutes, fpriugeS, and rougft brancfteS* Cfte leaues alfo benot mucbe bnlpbe, but greener andofa pleafonterfmel* CfteflowerSbefingle,fmaller tften tfteflowers of tftewilde Eofe , moft commonlp wftite and fometimes redde, after whicfte tftere come alfo litie knappes or long red beries as in tbe otfter Eofes, to wfticfte tfte feede in COttCfted* fy The Places. Cfte tame EofeS,$ tfte ©glentine are planted in gardens*Cfte wilde grow- etft in manp placesof Brabant anb otber Countries, alongd bp ftedges and ditcftes,and otfter wilde places amongft brpers and tftdrnes*Cfte otfter wilde kinde growetft in certapneplaces bppon tampers anb bankes caft bp bp manS ftaudes,and bpon tbe Seacoaft of jf launders* fy The Time. Cfte fiue firft kindes of garden EofeS do flower to a^apand June,andfo do the Hiftorie of Plantes. 6«x«« trt ^vsp. i Cfte fird kinde of garden Eofes in called in Jtalp, R ofa Damafcena, in tftis Conntrie,Rofa alba:faf rencfte,^blanche: inftigft Boucfte, iBeifjEofen: fa bafe Almaigne,r©itteEoofen:to ©nglilfte, r©ftite Eofes* And tbin kinde fee- metft to be tftat, wfticftpliniecalletftinmatine,CampanaRofa. 2 Cfte feconde kinde ofEofes is called Rofapurpurea,and Rofarubra .• in€n* glia)e,EedEofes^ndoftftecommonpeople,BoiibleEofes: faf rencfte, Rofe rouge mbRofesfrancois-inbitf) Boiicfte,EoterEofen:fabafe Almatgne,Eoode Eoofen*And bnder tftis kinde are compzebmbeb tfteEofeswfttcftepiinie cal- letft Trachinias,amongft wfticfteRofa? Miiefia? are tfte deepeft red* j Cfte tftirdekinde iScalled in frencfte, Rofee de Prouinces .• in bafe Almaigne, ProitfafcftcEoofenrin ftigft Boucft, miebfarbigeEofen: tfte wfticft paradum- tureare t^zp wfticft piinie calletft AlabandicasRofas: we cal tftem in ©ngiilft, Eofes of proitince,and Bamafke Eofes* 4 Cfte fourtft kinde in alfo called in frencfte,^ de Prouins.inbntz Almaigne, ProutnfcftEoofe,andBrupnprouinfcfteEoofe:asanameof differmcefrom tfte otfter,andtftefe(ftotilde feeme to be Rofa? Miiefia?of piinie* 5 Cftefiftft kindeis called of tfte HerbozifteS of Bzabant, CaneelEoofkenS, tftat in to fop,tfte Eofes fmellingipke Caned or Cattia,ahd poffibie tbin in R o- faPra>neftrnaofpltoie:fomecail ft to ©nglilfte, tfte ©pnetEofe, ozBadarde apnfkeEofe* 6 CftefixtftiSnamedofplinieinmattoe, Rofacoroneola,of tftewriters at tftiS dape Rofa fera,and Rofaautumnalis:in frencfte, Rofe OWufquee >mb Rofesde Damasin bafe Almaigne,a^ufket EoofkenSrin ©nglilfte alfo, apnfke Eofes, bpcaufe of tfteir pleafont fent* 7 Cfte fenmtft kinde is called in ©reeke tied Jt in Ipkewife goob to be lapb to tbe inflammation oftfte epes,and al otfter c ftoateinfirmitieS,and fpeciallp agapnd Syntonics fier or wilde fire* Eofes pounde and beaten final are goob to be lapde to tbe ftoate inflamma- & tion ozfwelltogoftftebzeades oz pappes, ft againft tfte outragiotts fteate of tfte Midriff ft ftomacke,alfo againft S*Antonies fire,©rpfipelas or Serpigo* Cfte wine wfterein dzped Eofes ftaue ben bopled,iS good againft tfte paine © oftfte ft ead,tft e epes,tbe ear es,tfte iawes or gnmrnes, tfte bladder, tfte rigftt gittte,and oftfte anotfter or womens fecretes, eptfter powred in or annopnted wttftafetfter* Cftepedo w growing in tft e middle of tft e Eofe(wfticft offome in called tfte f feede ft flower of tfte Eofe)flapetft tfte fuperfltiotis courfe of womens flowers, and fpeciallp tfte wftite flo wers,and all otfter iffttes of blood* Cfte fruite eaten ftoppetft tft e lafke,and al otfter iffues of blood* © Cfte wilde Eofe powned witft Beares greafe (as piinie faptft) is berp ex- H ceilentto annopnt tfte fteadagaind Aiopecies, wfticfte fome call tfte reddefcad or falling awap of tfte fteare* Cfte rougft fpongeous bawle 0 z excrefcence tftat growetft in tft e wilde Eofe J bu(fte,iSof great efficacie and bertue againd tfte done anb ftrangnrie: foz it bringetft fooftft tft e grauell and tfte ftone, anb pzouoketft brine* / <&f?afmine* €l)ap*tN fyThe Defcription. Iafminum. Afmine gro wetft to maner ^ . *>. m-^% ofaftebgeozquickefet,and ^^^^w^^/p^^ mud be leb alongd and ca- =^^fer riedastfte Eofe or btoe,it bzingetft fooztft manp fmal bzancftes^ fttllofiopntesozknotte0,tftefftuteSr, and twigges Wftereof are filled &tll ofafpongiepitft,lpketftepitft of ©I- der*Cfteleaues be of adarke greene colour,parted into fiue oz fene otber litie leaues, (growing bppon a dem oz foote dalkelike to tbe Alfte leafe) wftereof ecfte little leafe bpit felfe ig fmotfte and fomwbat long, notfting atatlnatcfteb, oztootfted about tfte edges*Cfte flowers be wftite ft long of a fweete and pleafant fauour, and do growe foure oz fine togitfter at tfte toppe oftfte brancfteS* ULT he Places. Jafmpne growetft in fome Coun- tries of ftis own kmd,as to Spatoe and fomeplaces of ©nrjland, totftiS Countrie it in planted in gardens* iffTheTyme. Jafmpne flowretft in Juip and Auguft,but tfte fruite in tftis Countrie commetft not to perfection iikkuj Wuthe <>?& TJae fyxth Booke of iff Whe Names. CftiS plant is called of tfte Arabians Zambacft ft Jefemin,andaccozdiugIp itin called amongd tfte Herboriftes of ©nglande, f raunce, and ©ermanie iaC minum5and lefeminum^and of fome alfo iofme,and iofmenum.cfte later wri- ters do call it alfo in matine, Apiaria: bpcaufe tftat Bees deligftt gr eatlp to be about tfte flowers tftereofriome call italfo Leucanthemum. fyThe Nature. Serapio wzitetft,tftat Jafmfa in ftoatealmoftin tftefecondedegree, wfticft a man map alfo berp well perceiue bp \fig bitter tade* . fyThe Vertues. JafmfaecttretbtbefowlebziefcUrffe,anbredfpottes,ttdiffoiuetbcolbfwel-A iinges,anb weunes,or barbe iompes,Pr gatftertoges, wften ft ig applpeb anb lapde tftereto* Cfte like bertue ftatfttfte ople of Jafmtoe,tfte wfticft put into p nofetftrdlcsas oz often fmeld to,caufetft nofe bleeding, in tftem tftat are of ft oate complexion, as Serapio and out Cnrner ftane written* Jafmine dzpetft reumes or (tilling downe of ftumours from tfte ftead, and C 'tftemopftneffeoftftebrapne,andprofitetftmucfteagainft tftecolde infirmities of tfte fame* ^f€tHu0* €(japat). f| The Kindes. THere be two fortes of Cidtis of BiofcozideS,and tfte Anncfentes* Cfte one ig a kindeof plante wftereof wedo ftere geuepoti tfte figure* Cfte otfter plant ig of wooddp fubdance, bppon wfticfte ig found e tftat ftttmozorfatiiquor, wfticftetftepcallLadanum. $ Cfte firft kinde, wfticfte peeldetft no Ladantim,ts alfo of two fortes, tftat iS to fap,tftemaleand female. » Cftemale ftatft red flowetS,and tft e female Wftite>bnt te all tftiugeSelS one ipke tfte otfter* fy The Defcription. B©firftkindeofCiftiiS wfticfte bearetft no Ladanum,ftatft ronnde rbtigft or fteariifte ftalkes, and ftemmes witft kndbbeb iopnteS,and I toll of bzancfteS*Cfte leaneS be ronnbifft e anb conereb witft a cotton Jozfoftfteare,ndt mncbebnlpketfteieaiiesof Sage, but tftofterand rounder*Cfte flowers grow at tfte top of tfte dalkes, oftfte fatftion of a fingle Eofe,wfteteoftftemalekindeiS of colour red, and tftefemall Wftite, attfte laft tftep cftange into knoppes or ftufkes to wfticfte tfte feede ig contepned* a&fteras Ciftns growetft natitrallp of ftis o wne kind,tfter is fond a certaine excreftmce oz outgrowing about £ roote of tftiSplant, wbicft ig of colour fom- timeS pello w,fometimes wfttte,aud fometimes greene: out of tbe wbicfte in a certaineinpcetaken out bp att,£ wfticft tftep bfe to lftops,ft iScalled Hypociftis. i Cfte fecond kind of Ci(itts,wfticft in alfo called medon,iS aplant of a wood- dp tobftance,gro wing like a idle tree or Iftrnbbe, witft foft leaues,in figure not mncftebnlpke tfte otfterS,bift longer anb browner* HXbbn tbin plante in founb a certapne fatneffe, wfterof tftep make Ladan um tfte wfticfte abdtttmidfonter,and intfteftoateftdapes, is found growfogbpori tfteneweieaiieSoftftiSCiftns,tfteWfticftenewe leanes (after tftat tftefeede witft tfte old leaues are fallenof)do firft bud fooftft and fpring infommer* Cfte fopde fat oz greafe iS not onelp taken from tfte beardes and f eete of ©oates, or ©oate bttckes wfticfte feede bpon tfte leaneS and brancfteS of tftis plante (a$ Biofcorides the Hiftorie of Plantes* ^ &)9 Ciftus non ladanifera. ^ Ciftus cum Hypociftidc* Biofcoribes anb tfte Zuntizntzg do write)bttt alfo ftis gatftered ft taken witft tfttngesfitfortbatpitrpofe,dettifedbptfteinbuftrieftdiligmceofman,asfome oftfte learned writers of our time do repoztefpeciallp p learned peter Belon tfte wfticft ftatft mucft ftaunted and trattapleb tfte Jfontieof Creteor Candie* , fy The Places. Cftefirdkindeof Cidus, wftofe figure we fet fooztft ftere foz powrbetter bnderftanding,gro wetft to fnndrie places of Jtalp, Strife, CandieyCipzns, manguedoc,ft manp otfter ftoate Countnes,in rougft ,donp ft bntopled places* CftefecondektodeisoftmfoundtoCrete,CiprnS, and alfo tomangnedoc* fyTheTymes. > Cftefirft ktode of Ciftus flowzetft in June, and fometimes fooner* 2 Cfte feconde €i(tug flowzetft and bringetft foortft feede in tfte fpzing time, ft immebtatlp after tfte leanes fal of. about fommer ft rccotteretft newe leaues againe, bpon tfte wfticfte leaues abotttmtdfomcr and in the boated dapes, ig founde acertapne fatneffe,the wfticft isdtiigentlp gatftered atid dzted,to make tftat gumme wfticfte tftep caiUadanum. feThe Names. * % Cfteffeftktodeoftftefeplantestocalftdto Kiantfoy k&* K/0«e°P:fa matine,Ciftu^anft Ciftus non Ladanifera: of ScribOttitt^ marguS,Rofa fyluatica. Cftat wfticft growetft about tfteroote of CiftuS,iS called in ©reke u Ws-©-.- of fome Erythanon and Cytinus,otttoftftiS tftep bzawefooztftafoppe ozliquoz tfte wfticft tftep call Hypocidis,and tolftoppes Hypoquiftidos. &kk tiff Cfte 660 The fyxth Booke of 2 Cftefecondkind of Ciftusiscallefcin©reke^: famatfae Ledum, Ladum,aud Of tfte later Writers, Ciftus Ladanifera. Cfte fat dewe or liquor, wfticfte is gatftered from tfteleaues, is called fa ©reeke w«vop:famatine Ladanum.-and in SftoppeS Lapadanum. fyThe Nature. t Cfte flo wersand leaues of CUtus are biizin tfte fecondedegree,and fome- wftat adringent* 2 CftatwfticftegrowetftabottttfterootesiSoflpketemperatwre, but moze adringent* 5 Ladanumisfiilftoatefatftefftftdegree,andreacftetftnearebntotftefecond, -and is fomewftat drie and adringent* fyThe Vertues. i CfteflowerS of CidttS bopled fa wine and dronke,doppetft tfte lafke and A all otfter iffue of blood;and it dipetft bp all flip erflitous mopfture, afwell oftfte ftomacke as otfter partes of the bellp* Cfte leaues of CidttS do cure ft fteale final wonndeS,being laid tfterebpon* B i Hypociftisftoppetft alllafkes and Hu^zg oftfte bellp, ft in of adronger ope-© ration tften tfte flo wers oz leaues of Ciftus: wfterfore it curetft tfte bloodp flfte and all otfter flttxes,efpeciatlp tfte fuperfluous flowing of womens flowers* 3 Ladanum dzonken witft olde wine,Aoppetft tfte lafke,and prouoketft brine* B Jtis berp good agapnft tfteftardneffeoftftematrixormotfter, Iapdeto in© manner of a peffaticand it drawetft downe tft e fecondes oz after birtft,wften tt is lapdebponquicke coles, and tfte fumigation or parfitme tfterof be receiueb bp into tftebobp of women* Cbe fame applied to the ftead witft a^pzrfteand ople of S*pprrfte,curetft tftef fcur ffe,called Alopecia,and keepetft tfte fteare from falling of,bttt wft eras it ig alrebp fallen awap,it will not caufe tfte fteareto growe agapne* Ladan um dropped into tfte eares witft ftonped water or ople of EofeS, ftea- © tetft tft e papne of tfte fame* Jf it beiapbe to witft wine bpon tfte fcarres or toizg of wonndes,it taketft h tftem awap* JtisalfoberpprofttablpmixtwitftalopntmentesandplapderS,tftatfemej to fteate,foften, and affwage papnes, and fucfte as be mabe to lap to tfte bread againd tfte cougft* <&f tIje gamble oi 6iaclieberp Uufije* tfljapUttj. gj The Kindes. Cfte Bramble tS o f two fortes,as EuelittS writetft,tfte great anb tft e final* fyThe Defcription. i B3^H$£ greatBrambleftatft manp longffenber bzancftes oz(ftttteS,full Mj^^offftarpeprickleptftorneSjWfterebpit taketft ftolde, and tearetfttfte Hi BS Sarmentes of fucft as go neare about tft e*Cft e leaues are no t fmotft f|ljjjl§§but crompleb or frompled, and deepelp cut rounde about tfte edges, bfcolour wftite bnderneatft,and bzo wne aboue* Cfte flowersbe whit?,not mucft bnlpke tfte flowers of Strawberies: after commetft tfte fruit of afwart reb colour at tbe firflftut afterwarde it in biacke,and it confiftetft of diners be- ries cindering togitfternot mncfte bnlpke tfteap wlberie,bitt fmailer,and fnl of of aredde wpnie foppe or inpce* 2 cbelefferBzamblesaremucfte Ipketo tftegreater, bdt tftis creepetft moft commonlp bppon tfteground witft big Ibutes and brancbes, anb taketb roote eaftlp to diners places tocrocfttog gronnde witft tfte toppes of l^ig brancfteS* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 661 Cfte brancfteS or tftttteS of tftis Bramble Rubus. cfteBrambie* bealfo fet witft pzicklep tftoznes, but tfte tftoznes ozpzickles be not fofparpe : tfte fruite is alfo like to a fmal a9ulberie,bttt leffer tften tfte fruite of tfte otfter* Cfte rootes of botft kinds bo put foortb manp (lender (ftutes and bzancftes > tbe wbicbe do creepe and traple alongd tftegrounde* fyThe Places. Brambles do grow mucb in tbe feeibS and padwres of tftis Cottnttp, and in tfte wooddes anb CopfeS,anb fucft otfter co- uertplaces* fyTheTymes. Cfte Bramble bulft flowretft fro a^ap to Juip, anb tfte fruite ig ripefa Auguft* feThe Names. , CfteBzambie ,efpeciallp tbe greater' foztis calleb in ©teeke&n^inmarine, Rubus.anb Sentis:fabigft Boucfte, T5%z^ men: in bafe Almaigne, Breeme ft Brae- men:in©nglilfte, tfte Bramble or blacke berie bnlft e: in f rencbe, Rouct. 2 &ftefriiitoftftefamtiScailebfo©reke juofop tx?^ccrop.trtmatfae, Morum rubi, ft Vacinia: falftopS, Morabati, and Of fome ignozantpeople, iMora bain .-fa f rencbe, tMewe de Rouce,oi Meurons :fa bigb Boncb,Brombeer:fabafe Almaigne, B.zae- befien,anb Hagftebefien:in©ngli(fte,Bramble beries,and blacke beries* 2 Cfteleffer berie in called of Cfteopftradus in ©reeke x^^'^e-.chameba- tus,tftat in to fop in matfae,H umirubus.and tfte fruite in called in f rencfte,c*- therinein ©nglilfte,a fteare Bremble,or fteatft Bramble,a Cocolas panter,and of fomea bzper* Cfte ftuitzig called a Bewberie,or biackberie* ^The Nature. Cfte tenber fprtoges anb newe leanes of tbe Bramble, are colbe anb biiz al- mod in tfte tftirbe degree, and adringent or binbing, anb fo in tbe bnripe frnite* Cfte ripe frnite ig fomewftat warnte and adringent, bnt not fo mucft as tfte bnrppe fruite* feThe Vertues. Cfte new e fpzingeS oftfte Bramble bo cure tbe euill ioizg and ftoate blcers % oftfte moutft anb tbzotcalfo tbe (WellingeS of tbe gummes, Almonbes of tfte tftrote,and tfte buulivif tftep beftolden in tfte moutft and often cftewed bppon* Cftep do alfo faden tfte teetft,wften tfte moutft ig watfted witft tfte topee oz decoction tftereof*Cfte bnripe frnite ig good for tfte fomepurpofe,to be bfed af- ® ter tfte fame manner* Cfte iupce or decoction tfterof,is good to be dronken, to doppe tftelafke,and Womens flowers and all otfter ifftte of bloob* £ Cfteleauesbeftampeb,ftwitft good effect are applped to tfte region ozplace of tfteftomackeagatoft tftetrembltogof tfte ftart,tfte papne ft loofeneffe or acfte ^ of tfte ftomacke* Cftep 661 The fyxth Booke of Cftep cure tfteH^ift^opbes,and (lap backe running, anbconfnmfagfores, © being lapbe tftereto* Cfte bnrppe frnite ftoppetft tfte bellp, tfte bloobp flixe, anb all otfter iffitcS f ofbloob* Cfte iupce oftfte fame bopled witft \fOnp,ig berp goob againd all ftoate bl- © cers,andfwellingeS oftfte moutft,tfte tongne,and tftrote* Cfteroote of tfteBrambleiSgood againd tfte ftone and prouoketft brine* i) ^fframbovs/fialiife/oflipnoberie^ itiap.b* The Defcription. Rubuslckus. HC f rambope isakindeof, uzembie , wbofe leaues and' bzancftes are not mucfte bn* ipke tfte otfter Bramble, but no i to rougft and pricklep, nor fet witft fo manp iftarpe prickles, and fomtimeS witftout pzickles, efpeciallp tfte newe (ft utes and tenderlprtoges tftatbenot aboue tfte age of a peere* Cfte fruite or b err te in rebde,but otft erwife it is Ipke to tfte otfter* Cfte roote is long cceptng to tft e ground,and puttetft fooftft euerp perenew (ftutes orfpringes,tfte wfticft tfte next peere doo bring foortft tfteir flowers and fruite, 1L The Places. Cfte f rambope is founbe in fome places of Boucftiand in darke woods: and iu tftiS Countrietftepplanteitin gardens , and it louetft (ftadowpe places, wftere astfte Sonne tftineftt not often* fyThe Ty me. Cfte f rambope flowzetft to a£ap anb Jtine,tftefttttte*Stipeitt Juip* fyTheNames. CftiS Bramble ig calleb in ©reeke £<&-©- /c/w«: (n matine, r ubus ida?us, of tfte mountapne Jda, in Aha minor, or tfte leffer Ada, not farre from Crope, wftere as growetft abundance of tftis Bramble, and tftere it was fird founde: it ig called inf tzntbz,FramSoiferriiBoucft,Htonebraemcn: in©nglilft,f ram- bops,Eafpis,and f)indberrie*Joft*Agricoiacalletft it in matine,Crifpina. Cftefmite of tftiSBzambie iScalled in ©reeke ^wtwjjSkVoh ;/««<« toma* tine,Morum rubi ld$i: in frencfte,/>rfw*W/w:in ftigft Boucft, Bpmbeeren,and Hozbeerenrinbafe Almaigne,Hinnebeden,ftf rambefienrin ©ngiilft, EafpiS, anb f rambops berries* fyThe Nature. Cbe f rambope of complexion in fomewftat ipke tfte blacke berrie, bnt it ig no t of fo adringent nor drptog qnalitie* feThe Vertues. Cfte leanes,tender fprtoges,frnit and ro ote of tftis Brambie,are not mucft % bnlpke the Hiftorie of Planted 66} bnlpke to bertue and working,to tfteleaues, IftuteS, frnite, and rooteS of tfte otfterBramble, aSBiofcoribeSWritetft* CfteflowerS of EafpiS are goob to be fatipfeb witft ftonp, and*lapde to tfte B inflammations and ftoate ft itmours gatftered togitfter iutfteeveS, and ©rpfi- peiasorWildefire,fozitqumcftetft fucft ftoate burninges* Cftep be alfo good to be dzonken witft water of tftem tftat ftaue weake do- € mackes* «&f£;otume< Cljap.tri* C TheKyndes. TH tfte dtfter Iowe anb fmall,bnder wfticfte growetft Broome Eape oz £>rabancfte* Genifta.Broome* Rapuingenifta?. BroomeEape, or £>zobancfte* •j* The Defcription. H<£ great Broome puttetft foortft firft from ftis roote, ftarbe; ftrong,and wooddilft ftemmes,witb manp fmal,long,fqttare,and litu- merBrancfteS or twigges Ipke rulftes,tfte wfticfte are eafp to plop and twift anp wap witftout bieaking^pon tftefame growe fmal blackifft featies* amongft tfte wfticft gro wepleafantpello w flowers of a fweete fmel,in falftiou not bnlike tfte flowers of peafe* naften tbe flowers befallm tftere come flatte coddes,to wfticfte ig found feede,tftat in ftard, flat,and brownilft. Cfte roote is ftarde and wooddilfte ♦ CftiS Broome growetft commonlp to tfte Imgtft of a iongor tawie man* 2 Cftefmal Broome is mtteft ipketo tftatafozefapd, to wooddilft ftalkes,fmal baancftes,lttie leaneS,cods,ft flo wers,faiiing tftat it ig mitcftefmaller, ft grow- etftnotto lengtft, but abidetft alwapes Iowe, not exceeding tftefteigftt o% tftzee foote* t** *tes,peafe,Beanes,mentiles,and otfter grapne, wftere as tftere growetft no Broome at aH, ft alfo bpon drie banckes ,and burned fteapes alongft tft e fea coaft* fy The Tyme. t.i. Broomeflowzetftin3*9apandJitne*CftecoddeSftfeedeareripeinJulp* 3.4. Broome Eape in founb in June and Jttlp* And fo in tfte otfter plant tftat is Ipke bntO it* # The Names. 1.2. Cftisplanteiscalled of tftelater writers in marine, Genefh, GenMa,and Geneftra: fa ©nglilfte,BZOOme:fa f reUCft,C7^#,and Dugenet, OZ Genep.-in ftigft Boucfte,©inft,and pfrimmen: inbafe Aimaigne,Brem,and witftout doubt it iS akinde Of Spartiunv. Cftat exerefcence comntlng from tft e roote of Broome, in called of tfte Her- 3bozideS,and of fomeotfter inBoucfte,BremEape:inmatine,Rapum Geniftar, and Rapa Gencftrsetftat ts to fap,BzoomeEape,and in witftoutdonbtakinde of Orobanch^and Limodorum. Cfteotfter kinde wfticfteisiiketo tfteaforefapde 0atieau, iScalled ofBioO cozides to ©reeke ^oe«KX«.famatfae,Orobanche^«^6>eoF, Limodoru, offome otfter as of pftotion alfo, ocarpexittp.tftat igy Legumin q Leo. Jt ftatft no frencft norBoucftenametftatJ knowe: Cumerlib.t.fol. 72. cadetftit Orobanche, Cftoke f itcft e,S tragic tare,Sttangleweebe,€)robftrangler, ft Cftoke weede* fyThe Nature. Bzoome in full ftoate to tfte fecondedegree, and rcacft etft almod to tfte tftird degree,tt is fcottring and of fubtil partes* fyThe Vertues. Cfteleaues, brancfteS, anb croppes of Broome bopled to wineoz water,are % good the Hiftorie of Plantes. 66$ good for tftem tftat ftaue tfte dropfie, and for all tftem tftat ftaue anp ftopp fag of 1 tfteliner,tftefplene or melt,tfte kidnepes or bladder: for partlp it purgetft ft dri- uetft out of tfte bellp,anb partlp it purgetft bp brine,all waterie, tougft, and fn- perfluo us ftnmours*Cft e feede in of tft e fome bertne to be taken tfte quantitie of a dtamme,o z a dzamme and a ftalfe* Cfte fame feede is berp good to be mixt witft all medicines wfticft e prottoke B b^tine and breake tfte ftoncf or bp bin fabttll nature it ftelpetft tfte operation of otfter mebicines,feruing to tbefame purpofe* Broomeflowersmingleb witftfwiues greafe, fwagetft tftepapnesof tfte c gowte,being applped tftereto* CftiS Bzoome batb altftebertueS of Spanilft Broome, anb it map bebfeb B againd all fucft infirmities wberebnto Spanilft Broome in required* BroomeEapeiScountedoffomeCmpiriqttes (orpzactiftonerS) intftcfe© dapes,for an excellent medicine againd tfte ftone,ft to pzbuoke brine,ro be firft bopled in wine and giuen to drinke* for as tftep fap, it openetft tfte (loppings of tftekidnepes,p.touoketft water,bzeaketft tfte ftone,and driuetft fooztft grauell* Cfte frelfte and greene iupce of Broome Eape, dotft cure and fteale alnewe $ woundes,and clenfetft tftofe tftat are corrupt ft rotten: it map be Ipkewife bfed againdotfter blcers and corrupt fores* for it mundifietft and bringetft tftem to ftealing* And for tfte better preferuation of tft e fame inpce,after it in preffed or taken © out of tfte greene rootes, pe mud fet it in tfte Sonne bntil it waxe tfticke,or pe nmdpitt to it a litie ftonp, ft fet it intfte Sonne,foz tften it wilbe better, ft moze apt to mnndifie ft clmfe woundes and rotten blcers: it map bealfo take out of tfte rootes tftat be ftalfe dzp, witft ople,ft wil ferue to alintentes5eue as £> iupce* Cfte fame ople of BzoomeEapedotft ftottre and dztoeawap al fpottes,ien- h tiles,freckles>pimples>wfteales,and pu(ftes, as well from tfte face, as tfte reft of tftebodp beingoftenannopnted tfterewitftall* Biofcorides wzitetft,tftat^>rabancfte map be eaten, eitfter rawe or bopleb * as tft e (pringes of Afparagus* €>f ^pamfl) 6?oome* CIwp*t3t)\ fy The Defcription. He Spanifft Broome aifo,ftatft woobdilft ftentmeS,ftomwfticft grow fooztft long flenber plpant twigges,tfte wfticfte be bare ft naked with- out1eawes,oz at lead bailing berp few fmall leaues, fet ftere and tftere farre apart onefrom anotfter* Cfte flowers be pellow, not mucbe bnlpke tbe flowers of tbe common Broome,after wbicb it ftatft cobbes,wfterin in tfte fede bzowneandflat,lpketbeotberBzoomefeebe* 2 Cftere map be welplaceb witft tftis Broome,a drangeplant wfticft bearetft alfo longfftutesor finaltwiggeS,of afWarte colour ftdraigftt: anb bpon them are fmal browne greene leatieS,alwaieS tftree iopneb togitfter,lpke tfte leaues of Crefople,but fmaller*Cbe flowers be pellowe,ronnbe, and cnt into fiue oz pzoceebingfro a woobbp dem, anb fet witb title long fmall leaues, and at£ top witft manp faire pellow flowers notmucft bnlpke tfte flowers of tfte com- mon Broome, bnt fmaller: after tbem come narrow ftufkes or coddes,wfterem is a flatte feebe* Che roote is hardeaud of wooddilft fubdance liketo tfte otfterS* fy The Place. CftiS kinde of Broome growetft in bntopled places tftat dande Iowe, and fomtimeS alfo in mopd Clap groundes* Jt in founde about Anwarpe* iffTheTyme. Jt flowretft in Juip and Attgud,and fometimes after, ft (ft oztlp after tfte feed e iSrppe* fe The Names. CftiS plante is doubtleffea kinde of Broome,and tfterefore it map be wel cal- led tomatine,Geniftahumiiis:in Jtalian Ccrretta. tftat is 5 iowe and bafe Broome: inbafe Almaigne, Ackerbzem: tfte ftigft ©ermapnes do make df tt Flos tin&oriustftat in to fet>.£ flower to ftatoe, or dpe witftalft do terme it to tfteir langtiage,f erbblumen,©eelf erbblnmen, and Hepden fimicke,bpcaufe tfte Bpers do bfe of tt to dp tfteir clotfteS pellow: in©nglilfte,tBoodwaxen,and bafe Broome* fy The Nature. CftiS plante in of complexion ftoate and due* fyThe Vertues. woodwaxen oz bafe Bzoome innatttre ftoperation is Ipke to tftecommon A Bzoome,bnt not fo drong* <£f futje oj* ap^. fyThe Defcription. . , Anonis. Ammocke or ground f tine Iftatft manp fmall, Iptftep, or weake brancfteS, fet fail of I (Warte greene anb rouibtlb leaues, and (ftarpe , diffe pricklep tftornes: amongft wfticfte arefWeetefmellinrj flowers Ipke peafeflowers or biowinges, moflcom- monlpof apurple oz carnatio coiour,fom- times ail wftite, and fometimespeilowe Ipke Broome flowers, but tbat it inbzvp feldomefeeneozfoundtaftcr tfteflowers comefmall coddes orftufkes,fulof btobe flatfeede* Cbe roote is long and berp iimmer,fpreadingftts bmbzn botft large and long bnder tfte eartft,aud dotft oftzn* timzn let,ftinder,ft dape,botft tfte plougft and €>xen intopiing tfte groitnd,f or tftep befo tongft and limmer, tftat tfte (ftare ft colter oftfte plottgft cannot eafilp diuide, and cut tftem afunder* fyThe place. Cammocke or ground fitr^e is found in fomeplaces of Bzabant anb ©ngland, about tfte borders of fertill feelbes, and good padUreS* fyThe Tyme. Jt flowretft modcommonlp in June* fyThe Names'. CftisfterbeiS called in ©reke «vwv/V»av6)viV:fttomattoe,Anonis,ft Ononis: Of tftelater Writers Arreftabouis,Reftabouis,ftRemoraaratri:Of fome alfo Acu, tella:of©ratenasAegopyros:infrecft,^ ®cftfenbzecft,and Stalkratitrin bafe Almaigne,prangwortel, sStalcrupt: to ©ngiilft e Eed Harrow,Cammocke,t©ftpn, petp r©ftpn,or ground f nrje* fyThe Nature. Cfte roote of mil Hattow,is due in tfte tftird degree,and fomwftat ftoate* iff The Vertues. Cfte barke oftfte roote taken witft ftonp prouoketft brine anb breaketft tfte A JMi iiji (tonei fco The fyxth Booke of It 3ne*Cfte decoction or brotft of tfte fame fodde to wine and dzonken, ftatft tfte fome bertne* Cftefame btotft bopled in ftonp anb btoeger,is good to bebzonken againft B tfte falling eutll,as ^liniz writetft* Cfte fame bopled in water and bineger and boiden intfte montft, wftples it© in warme curetft tfte tootft acfte* Cft e tender fp tinges and croppes before tbep bring f o o ztft leaues,pzefcnicd B and kept in bzine oz falt,are good to be eate to falades, foz tbzp pzonoke bzine, anb bring fobztb tbe done and grauell being fometimes bfed to be eatm* €>fl©tjo?tc0 and UDtjojtelbertes* €tjap*jct* 0 The Kindes. Cfterebe two (o^tzn of tBftofteS,anb naftortel berieS,wfterof tftecommcn foftareblackcanbtbeotfterarered* Vaciniarubra.EcdnDftoztcs. Vacinia nigra. Blacke i©ftorteS* fy The Defcription. m H € Plant wfticft bringetb foortft blacke t©ftcrtcs,ts bafe and Iowe of *■ a woobdilft fubdance,bringingfoztft manp bzancftes of tfte length of ^9K3 afoote orfomwftatmore:tfteleattesberottnd ft of a darke greene cc- ISSUsl lour,lpke to tfteleaues of Boxeor a^prtcltbc wfticft at tfte camming of winterdo fallawap as tfte leattesof other trees,and attfteipzingttmc tftere comefoftbagapnenew leanes out of tbefome bzacftes*Cfteflowersbcrctmd anb ft olo we, open before, and grow alonged tfte bzancftes amongft tfte leaues* Cfte fruite in round,greene at tfte firft, tft en red,and at tfte laft wften it is ripe, tin blacke anb ful of liquer,of a good and pieafanttaftcXftcroote in (lender, ong,andfoupie* £>f tbis fozte tft err are fotinde fome tbat bearc wfttte Berries wften tfte? ) rppeft o wbett tftep are bnt feidome feene* Cfte the Hiftorie of Planter 671 t Cfte plant tftat bzingetft fooztft reb wozteS,inljto grob)tog and tnancftes ig liketo tbat, wbicft bearetft tfte blacke berries or wftorteS,fotting tftat $ leaues be greater and ftarder,almod Ipke tfteleaues of a great boxebulft,ft tbzp abide tfte winter witftout falling awap oz perifl)tog*Cfte flowers be of a Carnation colottr,long,and round,and do growe in cinders at tbetoppe of tbe bzancftes* Cfte frnite in reb,bwt els not mucfte bnlpke tfte otfter,in tade rougft and adrin- gent,orbmbing,and not altogifaerfo full of liquer as tfte blacke i©borte*Cfte rooteis of a woobbp fttbdanceanb long* Vaciniapaluftria. aparriift uoftortes* ; Amongft tftefeiBftoztes oznDftoz- telbetrieswemaprecketftofewfticft tfte©ermapnes or AlmaigneS boo call SUccnbeficn,that in to fop,a^ar- rilfteor fenberries, of wfticftetfte ftalkes be fmal, fftozt, limmer ft ten- der creeping anb almoft lapbe flatte bpon tbe grounde, befet and deckt' witb fmal narrow leaues, falftioned almoft Ipke to tbe leattes of f eommo Cftime,btit fmallcr,tbe beries grow bpon berp fmal demmes at tfteenbe or toppe of tbe litie bzancbes, almod Ipke tbe red t©ftoztes,but loger anb greater,of colour fometimes all reb, and fometimes red fpeckled, in tade fomewftat rongft and adringent* fy The Place. 1.2. t©ftoftes growe in certapne woods of Bzabant and ©nglande*Cfteblacke are berp common and are fotmde in manp places: but tfte red are dapntie,and founde but in fewe places* 1 a^arrilfte or fzn n^ftortesgro we in manp places of Hollanb,to iow,mopft placeS* fyTheTymes. t©ftortesbobIowetoa9ap,anb tbeir berries beripetojune*f mortar* ritftenaftortes are ripein Juip anb amgitd* fy The Names. :..«. Cfte two firft frttitcs are calleb infomepiaceS of f raunce, des cufms, oides Moretsinbiib Bottcbe,Hepdelbeeren,Brwmperbeeren, and Brncftbeerm, to Brabat,Crakebeftm,podelbefien,ft Haiierbefien* Jt map berp wed becalled to marine Vacinia,bpcaufe tbep belittle berries,to matine, Bacca? .• foz as fome learneb men wzite,tfte word vacinium,eommetft of Baccinium, and was deri- tted of Bacca.and witftout doubt tftis name agreetft better witft tftem, tftm tfte name of My rtiiii,tfte wfticfte fome boo call tbem bp: pet tbefe berries be not tbe rigftt Vacinia,Wftereof tUftgilWfttetft fepfog) Albaliguftra cadunt, Vacinia ni- graicgunrur.Cfteirtme©ngli(ft name in t©ftortes,ft of fomeUDftoztcl beries* j CftetftirdekindeiScalled of tfteHollandersaccordpng to tfteplaceof tfteir gro wtng,3iieenbefiett,and attd mapbetakm and bfeb to fteede of tft nit* <£f ttrilde ftufljc/ o^umae. €Ijap*jcij* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 675 brancftes,come bp otft ex litie bzancft eS,bpon wfticfte growe manp fpokie rareS oz tuftes.f ui of manp fmall flo wers,and after tftem doze of fquare or cornea a feedes cludering togitfter.CftiS feede is of a drong fauour and bitter tade,and full of fat and €>plie fop*Cfte roote in ftard as tfte roote of UDftofteS or r^ftor- tell plantes* 2 UDemapwelliopnetotftiS,tftatwtldeplantWfticftHfttomeBockecalletft DedgeHPfope,wfticft bringetft foortft from a wooddilft roote, deader dalkes, fpzeade abzode bpon tfte groutid,couered witft title grapilft leaues, fometfting rougft,infan)ionlpketo garden Hpfope,but Iftotter, attfte top of wfticfteplant comefooztft flowers falftioned Ipketo tfte flowers of wilde Canfie, of colour fomtimesa faint pellow,and fomtimeS wftite,after wfticft comebp finalround knoppes or buttons,fa wfticfte ig founde a pellowefeede* fy The Place 1 Cbefirdplantgrowetft in Brabant,and inmanp places of tftefame Coun- trie about hempen* i Hedge Hpf^pe in founde in certapne places of ©ermanie and f raunce, fa wildebntopled places and mountapnes* fy The Times. 1 CftiSEftus flowretft tn a^ap and Junctfte feede is ripe in Juip ft Augtifl* 2 H^bge Hpfope flowretft in June and Juip* fyTheNames. t Cfte fird plant is called oftfte Bzabanders ©agel,ft in of fome Apotftecaries called Myrtus,andtftefeedetfterof Myrtiiii:notwitftdandfag,it in not Myrtus. n^fterefore it is called of fomeoftftelaterwriterSjPfeudomyrfine, and Myrtus Brabantica.and infomepfoceS of Almaigne tbzp caltt Aitfein, and Bozd,fome takeittobe^«>v@-,oieagnus;ofcfteopftradus,wfterebnto it in riot berp mucfte Ipkcbtit it feemetft to be tftat kinde of wilde EfttiS,wfticfte piinie fpea- ketft of in tftexxitif ♦ Cftapter of tftexj* booke of ftis excellent worke, called tfte Hiftorieof#iatttre* 2 HedgeHpfopeiScalled inftigft Boucfte>HepdenPfop,f eideJ9fop:inbafe Almatgne,HepzjenHpfope5bpeaufe it growetft fa Hedges,and wildeplaces* Somedocalltt inmatine, GratiaDei ftowbeit it is notfting Ipke, Gratia Dei, or Gratiola,wfticfteis akindeof tfteleffe Centawrte,fet fooztft fa tftetftirdepart of tftis Httloue Cftap.xiif*Jt feemetft to be Seiago Plinij', Valerius Co.zdttS Call etft it 11 el ia n t h e m u m. fy The Nature. CftewildeEftttS,orSttmac,efpeciallptftefeedeiSftoateanddrieaimoftfa tfte tftirde Degree* feThe Vertues. naildeEftits or Siimac is notbfed in medicine,btttfernetft to be lapde in wardrobes and prelfes to keepe garmenteS from motftes* ^fftneetjolme* Cijap^nj* fy The Defcription. ^eeftolmeisalowe wooddilfte plante, like tfte wilde Eftus or Sft- macke,witft rottnde dalkes ful of brancftes,couered witft a faownifft tfticke barke or rinde, fet full of blackifft e leaues wfticft are tfticke and -pricklep notfting differing fro tfteleanes of a mprtel tree, oztftefinal- ler Bote, foiling tftat eacfte leafe ftatft a Iftarpe prickle in tfte toppe* Cfte fruite growetft in tfte middle bpon tfte leaneS;, tfte wfticft e is faireand red wften it ig rppe, witft a ftarde feede or kerned witftfa*Cfte roote ig wft fte and fingle* fy The place. feneeftolme,growetftfaJtaip,mangttedoc,andBotirgopn,ftfafomeplaces 674 The iyxth Booke of of Cngland,aStn ©ffex,feent,Barke- Rufcum. (ftire,aud Hamlftire, in manp places ft in planted in gardens* iffTheTyme. CftiS plant keepetft ftiSieaiieSbotft ^> winter and fommer,and in Jtalp and * fncft ipke places wftere as it growetft of ftis owne accorde,ft bringetft fooftft bin fruit in Attgtift, but in tftiS ©ottn< tried bearetft no frnite* fy The Names. f CbiS fterbe in calleb in ©reeke w cm «)f <«,o|vftvf crnw, /uv£T0ft0XUZ Buys poignant> and Bouffon in fttgft Boucfte, a^entidorn, and iteerbefien: in bafe Almaigne, Stekenbe palme,tbat in to fap,prick- iepBoxe,bpcanfe tt in fomewbat ipke Boxe,tftewbicbetbep boo commonlp call palmboom: offome alfo apnpf- dOZUC* fyThe Nature. Cfte rootes and leanes are ftoate to. tfte fecondedegree and drie in tftefirft* fyThe Vertues. Cfte decoction of &neeftolme or Enfctts made in wine and dzonken protto- A ketft brincbzeaketb tfte done,anb dzinetb fooztb grauel: anb in good for tftem tftat can not witft eafe make tfteir water* Jt in good to be takm in tfte like maner againd tfte Jaunbife,tftefteabacfte, * anb to prottoke womens flowers* Cbeleanesaubfrttitebeoftbefomeworking or facnltieastberooteSbe,C btttnotfo effectttallordrong,wbereforetbepbenotmncb occupied or bfed* &Vl\ ojfe tongue/double tongue/ and Zmtw of 3Uejcanty>ta* tfijap.tfttj* fy The Defcription. €>ttbletdngttebatftroitndedalkeslpke Salomons feale, of afoote andaftalfelong,bponWfticfte grow bpon eacfte fpdetftickebzownilft leaues,not mucfte bnlpke to Bape leaues , bppon tfte wbicfte tftere growetft in tfte midle of euerp ieafeanotfter fmal leafe falftioned like a tongne,and betwixt tftofe fmal and great leanes, tfteregrowe rounde redde beries as bigge as a peafe or tfterabouteS*Cfte rooteis teder, wftite, long and ofa good fauour* 2 Cftere in foundeanotfter kinde of Botible tongue, as fome learned men wzite, the wfticft alfo bringetb fooftft his fruite bpon tbe leaues,anb in Ipke to tfte afozefopde,to ftalkes, leaues,fmtte,and rootes, fouing tftat tfteregrowe noneotfterfinalleattesbptftefruit bpon tfte great leaues* Cfte tne Miitorie of Plantes. 675 f Cfteleamed apattftioiwsfettetft fooftfta tftirdekinde,tftewfttcfteis mucft 5 Ipketo tfteabouefopbinrootes and leaues:but tbe frnite tftereof growetb not bpon tbe leattes as in tfte otbers,but euerp berie growetb bppon a ftemme bp it felfe commtog foortb betwixt tfte ftemme anb tfte leaues: tfte fopde beries b e redde,and as bigge as Cicfte p eafen* Hippogloffum. Laurus Alcxandrina. Hojfe tongue or double tongue, % aunts of Alexandria* fy The Place. Bouble tongue growetft to Hnngarie and Auftriefte, and in fome darke wooddes of Jtalp*Cfte H^tborifteS of tftiS Conntrie boo plant it in tbeir gar- dens* fyTheTymes. Jt beiineretft \)ig feebe in September* fy The Names. , Cbe firft of tftefe fterbes ig cadeb in ©reeke i*n*y>*»*s9\>9 or^V^^, or i7n>6><*rop}and as fome write ,wn$vMoK«e7r«i». famatfae alfo Hippogloffum, and Hypogloflum,oftbeiaterWriterSvuularia.Bonifacia Lingua pagana, and BifL ngua:inftigft Boucfte,Zapffltokraiit,Hauckblat,Auffenblat, Beerblat,ft 2tmgenblat:anb accozbingto tbe fame inbafe Almaigne, feeelcrupt,Conge- bladt,and Capkenfcrtzpt,tftat ig to fap,Congtie berbe,or Congne wozte, alfo tfte pagane or bplandflfte tongne,Horft tongne,and double tongne, ft tongue blade* z Cfte fecondefeemetft to be akinde of Hippogloffum, anb tfterefore fome cal ft Hippogloffum foemina^and tftefirft tftep call Hippogloflum mas. Cfte 676 The fyxth Booke of Cfte tftird is called fa ©reeke«r«4>vn &xtf avjipi«iiuu Kr/«/«:famatfae,Laurus Alexandrina,and LaurusIda»a,of fome late WZfterS Vidtori.ola: faf rencfte,£'*- rier Alexandrin fa bafe Almaigne, maurus ban Alexandrien: in ©nglilfte alfo, mauriis of Alexandria,or tongne maurell* fy The Nature. Congneblabe or Double tongne ftis nature in to affwage papne, as ©aim foitft* But tfte manrei of Alexandria in ftoate and drie of complexion* feThe Vertues. Cfteleaues and rootes of double tongue,are mucft commenbeb againft tfte A fwellfages oftftetftroote,tftebuula, and tftekernellesbndertftetongue, and agapnd tfte blcers and fozes of tfte fome,taken in a gargarifme* aparcedus feitft,tftat in Jtalp tftepbfeto ftangetftts fterbe about^neckes^ of poung cftiibren tftat are ficke in tfte bnula:a garlanbe madetfterof ft wome, oz fet next bpon£ bare ftead,is good for tfteft eadacft e,as Biofcorides wzitetft* Baptida Sardus writetft, tftattftis berbe in excellent for tfte bifeafes oftfte $ motherland tftat afpoonefnloftftepowder of tfteleaues of double tongue cau- fetft tfte drangledmatrix or motfter to defcende downe to bin naturall place* Cberooteof Alexandria maureibopled in wine and dronken, ftelpetft tfte 23 drangtirie,prouoketft brine ft womensnattirallficknes,eafetb tftem tftatftaue ftarde tratieil,expelletft tfte fecondtoe,and all otfter cozruptton of tftematrix* <£>f otfter,but it growetb mucb ftigft er tftat is to fap,to tftelengtft of otfter great trees,and bearetft a fruit like to tft e leffer £DkeAppiesorgalles* fyThe Place. % Cftefmal or low Camarifk growetft bp flow ftreames anb ftanding waters: and isfoundein fomeplaces of ©erma- nie, bp tbe courfe or ftreame of tfte riuer Eftene* 2 Cfte greater Camarifk growetft fa Spriaand ©gppt, tfte wfticfte ispet bn- knowen to tftem of our time* fyThe Time. Cfte little camarifk flowretft to tfte Myrica humilis. IhfaCt^ (tying the Hiftorie of Plantes. 677 ftjztng of tftepeere,but efpeciallp in a?ap* fyTheNames. Cftis plant in called to ©reeke *VKK:tomattoe,Myrica,and Tamarix: fatfte bed Apotftecaries SlftopS,Tamarif cu s,and according to tfte tame to ©nglilfte, Camarifk: in frencfte, t amarix ,of fome ftigft Boucfte, Cama- rifcenftoit|boffomeBirt^mbert|:inbafeAlmaigne,Camarifcftboom* fy The Nature. Cfte leattes anb newe fpringeS of Camarifk, are fomwftat wanne and ab- fterfiue,witft0 ut anp manifeft dzo tttft or drineS*Cfte fruite and tfte barke tfter- of are dzie and aftringmt,and of tbe nature of galles* fyThe Vertues. Camarifo in a medicine of excellent power and bertue agapnft tfte ftardneS A and (lopping of tfte milt or Spleene, and foz tft e fome purpofe it in fo good and founde true bp experience, tftat Swine wfticfte ftaue bene baplp febbe out of a trough or bedel made oftfte Camarifk tree or timber,ftaite bene feene to bane no milt at al* And tfterefoze itig good for tftem tbat ate Splenitiqiie to drinke out of a cup or dilft e made of Camarifk wood or timber* Cbe decoction of tbe leaues ft poung fpringeS of Camarifk bopled in Wine B witft a little bineger and dronken, dotft fteale and bnftoppetfteftardneffeand ftoppingS of tftemdt or fplene* Cft e fome bertue ftatft tfte iupce tfterof dzonken to wine,as piinie faptft* Againdtftetootft acfte, it is alfo berp good to ftolde in tftemoutft tfteftoate© decoction oftfte leaues and tender bzancftes of Camarifk bopled in wtne* Cfte decoction oftfte leaueS made in water, dotft dap tftefuperfluons courfe B of womens flo wers,if tftep fit or batft in tbe fame wftiles it in ftoate* Cbe fome decoction made witft tfte poung fbntzn and leaues killetft tfte lice f^eatl)* tfijap.jrin. fyThe Kindes. THere is in tbiS Countrie two kindes of Htatft, one wfticfte bearetb bis flowers alongft tbe ftemmes,and ig called log Heath* Cbe otber bearing bis flowers fa tuttepS or tuftes at tfte toppes of tfte bzancftes, tft e wfticfte is calleb final H^atft* fy The Defcription. ©atft ig a wooddilft plant ful of bzancftes, not mucft bnlpke tfte leffer Camarifk,butmucb fmaller, tenderer,andlower, ttbatb berp fmall iaageb leaues,not mucb bnlpke tbe leaues of garden ©pprescwftieft is our mauender C 0 tton) but bzo wner and ft arder * Cfte flowers be Ipke fmalknoppes oz buttons parted infbure, of a faprecamation colour, and * fometimes(but berp feidome)wbite, growing alongft tbe brancbes from tbe middle bpwarde zuzn to tftetop* Cfte rootes belong and woodditfte,aud of a darke red colour* Cfte fecond kind of Heatft,is alfo a litie bafe plant,wttb manp litie twigges, oztmallflenderlftutescommfagfromtfteroote, of a redditftebzowne colour, apmm witft 6y % The (yxth Booke of Erica. Heatft* Erica altera. SmalHeatft* Witft berpfmalleaues,infafl)ionnotbnlike tfteleanes of common Cftpme,but mncfte finallexanb tenberer,tbe flo wers growe at tbe toppe of tbe fltigges,or twigges,fine oz fixe in a companp togitber, banging do wnewardeS,of colour Carnation and red, of makinglong arid ronnde, ftollowe Witftin,and openat tfte ende Ipke alitle tonnell,fmaller tften a Cornell wfticft ig tfte frnite of a Cor- nell tree* Cft e roote is tender, and creeping alongft, and pnttetft fooftft indi- uers places manp new e twigges or ftriggeS* fyThe Places. Heatft growetft bpon mountapnes tftat be brie, ftttngrie anb ftbarren,ank inplapnes wooddes and wilderneffe* fyTheTymes. Cbe fird kinde of h eatft flo Wretft botft at tft e beginning anb tft e end of fom- mer bntplSeptember* Cbe feconde kinde flo w.zetft abont mibfommer* 2 feThe Names. Heatb,Hatfter, anb mpng is called to ftigft and bafe Almaigne,Hepben: anb is tftougftt oftfte later writers to be tftat plant wfticft Biofcorides calletft to ©reeke ie«*H:inmatine, Erice,and Erica. Cft efmaller ktode alfo witftout doubt in a Heatb: and tft erf ore it map true- Ip becailed to marine, Erica aheraan ©reeke *e*«* We*- fy The Nature. Botft kindesof Heatft ftaue a manifed and euidentdrpneffe* • fyThe Vertues. ^ Cfteinpceof tfteleaues of Heatft dropped into tfte epes,dotft fteale jfrpatoe of % tfte fame,taketft awap tfte redneffe;and ftrengtftnetft tfte figftt. Jf the Hiflorie of Plantes. 679 Jf Heatft be tfte true ©rica of Biofcorides, tfte flo WcrS and icatieS tftereof B are good to be taped bpon tfte biringes and ftingings of Serpentes, and fucft Ipkedenemous beaftes* Cfte learned a£attftioltts inftis Commentaries bppon Biofcorides itb*t* doubtetft not of tftis plant but tftat it in ©rica of Biofcozides, wft erebnto fte bm fet two otfter ftgttrcsof ftrange Heatft,fent bnto fttoibp one©abzielf al- loppius a learned phptttton. apozeouerftecommendetft mitcfte tfte decoction ofourcommonHeatft made witft fapre watertobedzonkewarmebotft mor- ning and euentog,intftequantitie offittebnces,tftree ftonresbeforemeate,a- gapnft tfte ftone in f> bladder,fo tftat it be bfed bp tftefpace of tftirtie dapes: but at tftelaft tbepatieitt rmtft enter into a batb made oftfte decoction of Heatft, $ wftiies fte in in tfte faid batft,ft e mud fit bpon fome of tbe Heatft tftat made tfte fozefopde batft,the wfticft bath mud be oftentimes repeted and bfed* for bp tbe bfe of tbe fapb batft and diet oz decoction he ftatft knowen manp to be ftolpen, fo tftat tfte done ftatft come from tftem in berp fmall peeees* Alfo Curner faptft, tftatfoz tfte difeafes of the miite, ttwerc better to bfe the barkes of Heatft (to fteede of Camarifk)tften tfte barke of-auickbeme*Tur.ii. 1.fol .uo.ii. t.foi 5?. 0f Cotton oj 6 ombaee* €fjap.jctjtj* 'Xylon. E m fy The Defcription. ^H^Plant is but a Iftrwb ozlow ^jtree tftat growetft not berp ftigft: tfteleaues bebrode witft deepe cuttes or dittes, fmaller f tften binz leaues,btit els fomwftatlpke. T^h©^^,^ J^ffa Cfte flowers be pellowe,and fomewbat X^^SJI /r^vP-U pttrplefotfte middes, fogged about to? edges * Cfte fruite in almoft ipke to f pl- beardes,brode and flat, and full of faviz wfttte cotton, oz tfte downe tftat we call Bombace,in wfticftetfte feede Ipetft ftpd* dm* fy The Place. Cotton tree growetft to ©gppt and tfte Jiidias, and in planted in Candie, apaltfta,and otfter fucfte Countries* fy The Names. Cotton in called in ©reeke fusing* >o wolrinbafe Almaigne Boomwode* fy The Nature. Cfte feede of Cotton, in ftoate and mopd, as Serapio foitft* fy The Vertues. CftefeedeofCottonfWagetft tfte cougft, and is good agapnd allcoldedif- eafesof tftebreaft, augmentetft naturall ftrengtft, and mcreafetft tfte feede of generation*, apmm U ®f Capparis. 680 The fyxth Booke of #f€apero* Cl)ap*pWti* fy The Defcription. H© Caper is a pricklep plant or bnlft almoft Ipke tfte Bram- ble, witft manp (ftutes or bza- cftes fpzead abzode ft ftretcfted alongft tfte grounde, bppon wfticftedo grow ftard iftarpeand crooked puckles witft blackiift e rounde leaues, (landing one againft anotfter,not mucfte bnlpke tfte leatteS Of Afarabacca, or folefoote, Or tfteleaues of a Quince tree, as Biof- cozides foitft, bnt mucfte rounder* A- mbgft tfte leaues fpring dp fmal knops ozbuds, tfte wfticftedo open into faire ftatrelpke flowers, of apfeafant fmell or fauour: afterwardes commetft tfte [% fruite Wfticfte is long ft round, fmaller tften an 4Dlptie,ft ftatft in it fmal corneS ozkernelles (Ipke to tftem intftepom- granate, as Cnrner foitft*) Cfte roote in long and wooddilfte, couered witft a wftite tfticke barke or rinde, wftereof f^> tftep bfe to pftpficke* fy The Places. Capers growe in rougft bntopled places,to ttonp fandp grounde, and in ftedges: and it growetft plentifullp in Spapne, Jtalp, Arabia,and otfter fucft ftoate Countries: it growetft not in tftis Countrie, but tfte fruite anb flowers arekno w en bnto bs,bpcaufe tftep be brougftt to bS from Spapne pzefertted in brpne or fait* feThe Names. Capers arecalled to ©reeke Hec7r7r«^:and in marine, Capparis, offome alfo *wo(re«roc,Cynosbatos,tft at ig to fop inmatine, Rub us Canis,and Sentis Canis: inftigft Boncfte,Capperen: inbafe Almaigne,Cappers* ^The Nature. Cfte Capers tftat grow in Africa,Arabia, mpbta,ft otfter ftoate Countries, areberpftoate etten almod in tfte tftird degree,cauftog wft eales,pndnlles,and bltetsin tfte moutft,confuming and eating tfte fled) euen to tfte bonesftut tftep Wfticft growe to Jtalp and Spapne,benotfodrong(and, as Simeon Setftp writetft, tftepbeftoateanddrieintftefecondedegree)andtfterfozearefitterto be eaten,bpcaufe tftep bemoderatelp ftoate,drp,ft adrtogent,efpecial tfte barke oftfte roote wfticft in moftOcfitedtnpbpfickeriottfteflowerS ft poung leaueS be notdffo ftrong operation, and tfterefore doo feme better to be eaten witft meateS* fyThe Vertues. Cfte barke oftfte roote of Capers in good againft tfte ftardneffe and flop* A ping of tfte milt,to be taken witb 4Dximel,or mingleb witb oples ft opntments Bt foz tbat purpofes applpeb or lapb to otttwarblp bpon tbe place of tbe milt* Alfo tftep bfe witft great pzofite to gtoe of tftis roote in drinke, to fucfte as B ftaue tfte S ctatica,tft e p alfte,and to tftem tftat are bzufed or fqnat,o j ftaue fal- len from aboue* Jt -y^&sfy ♦rtjc. V uaCrifpa. the Hiftorie of Plantes. 681 Jt dirretft bp womensdefpred fickneffe, ft dotft fo migfttilp pzouoke brine, © tftat it waxetft btooddp,if it be to mucfte bfed and in to great a quantitie* Jt cleanfetft olde blcers and rottenfores tftatare ftarde to fteale, and lapde B to witft bineger, it taketft awap fowle wftite fpottes and mozpftew* Cftefmite and leanes of Capers ftatie tfte Ipke berate as tfte rootes,but© not fo ftrong, as ©alen faptft* Cftefeede of Capers bopleb in bineger, and kept warmein tfte moutft, f fWagetft tootfte acfte* Cfteiwpce oftfte leaues, flowers anb poung fruite of Capers, kidetft tfte © wotmes of tfte eares wften tt isdropped fa* Cbe Capers pteferued in fait or pickel,as tftep bebzowgbtfato tftisCoun- H trie,being walfteb,bopteb,and eaten witft btoegee5arehteateand medicine:for it dirretft bp appetite,openetft tfte ftoppinges of tfte litter and milt, confumetft and waftetft tfte colde flemes tftat in gatftered about tfte ftomacke ♦ P ct t\)zp nourhfteberp litie or notftingatad,as ©alen foitft* H € ©oofeberie btttfte in a iwoodditftc pricklep plante ^growing to^ftetgfttoftwo tftzee,or fonre foote, witft (manp wftitilfte bzancftes, fet full of Iftarpe prickles, and fmotfte leaues of a ligftt greme colour, fomewftat large anb round, cut to, ft totpt about almod like to bmeieatics* Amongft tfteleaues growe final flowers,and after tftem ronnde beries, tfte wfticfte are fird greene,but wbentbep waxe ripe,tftep are fomewftat pellowe or reddilfte and cleare tftzougft (ftining,of a pleafont tade fome- wftat fWeete*Cfte rooteis dmder,ftarde, woobbi(fte,anb full of bearie dringes* fyThe Places. Cbe ©oofeberie in planteb commonlp almod in euerp garben of tbiS © outrie a- longed tfte ftedges ft borbers of tftefame* fyTheTymes. Cfte©oofeberpbu(ft tpringetb bptimes, andwaxetb greene in aj?arcbe,pea anb fometimes in f ebzuarie,it flowzetb in A- pzil, anb bringetb f ooftb biS fruit in a^ap tfte wfacb is mucfte bfeb tomeateS*^b? frnite in ripe at tfte znbz of June* fyTheNames. Cfte ©oofeberie ig called of tbe later writers inmatine, g roiTularia.©cfncre tftinketb itto beaK«vd«xt«v«6e?,Spina Ceanothosof Cbeopbzadus* Cftefrtiite is calleb tomatine,Vua crifpa.of fome Groffula:of a^attftiolws Vua fpina,wfticfte map be ©ngiilfted,Cftozne grape:inf rencfte,^ Groiffeiies.-in fttgft Bottcfte,^rettf?beer>anb feriifelbeeran bafe AlmaigneStekeibetten, oz ftroefbefien,anb offome alfo fenoefelen* _______ _____ ' #mitt Hi Jb*7ie 681 The fyxth Booke of fyThe Nature. Cft e fruite before it ig ripe(f or tften it ig moft bfed ) ig colde and dzie in f ft e feconde degree,and binding,almoft of tfte fame nature tftat tftebnripe grapes v oftftebineare* fyThe vermes. Cfte bnripe ©oofeberieftoppetb tfte bellp,and alliffue of blood, efpeciallp A tfte inpce of tftempreffed fooftft and dried* Cfte fame greme ©oofeberies or tfteir inpce, in berp good to be lapd bpon B ftoate inflammationS,©rprtpelas,andwildefire*Cfteleatiesbelikewife good for tfte fame purpofe,but not al tfting fo bertuoiiS* Cfte greene ©oofeberie eaten wttft meates prottoketft appetite, ft cooietft © tfte bebemetbeateof tbe domackeand liner ,and dotb fwage anb mitigate tfte inwardefteateoftftefame5and is good againft agues* Cfte poung leaues eaten rawe,do prottoke br fae,and are good for fucfte as B are troubleb witb tbe grauell anb ftone* <£>f tedde #oofebeties« €ijap*jcj* (] ThcKyndes. Of tbefe beries tftere betwo foztes in tftis Conntrie: tfte one be»«tretft a red fruite of a pleafont tade,tfte otft er bearetft a blacke fruit of an bnpleafant tafte* ______ fy The Defcription. V ua vrfi Galeni. Ribes, vulgo. 11JSjSW^eed bepondfea ©oofeberie, fcSJJSiatft woddiffte pliant brancbes, JK^rNflcoiiered witft abtownifft barke, and bzode blackilfte leaues, not mucfte bnlpke bine leaues, but fmaller* Cbe flowers growe amongft tbe leaues, bppon tfte poung tprigges or fprapes cludering togitfter, and a great manp ftanging do wne ward bp final dringes ordemmes:wftetftofeflowersbepaft tftere grow bpon euerp fpde of tfte faid dringes manp fmall greene berries at tfte f tt ft,p wfticft afterwarde waxe red, of a pleafant quicke and (ftarpe tafte* , Cfte blacke ©oofeberies are ipke to tbe aforefapbe, in brancfteS, leattes, flowers, and friiite,fotitog tftep be of a blacke colour and bnpleafant tafte,and tfterefore not bfed* fyThe Place. Bepondfea ©oofeberiesare planted fadiuerS gardens, wfterewitftall tftep bfe to make twided ftedges alongft bp tfte allies and borders of gardens* t Cfte blacke ©oofeberies growe of tftem fellies to mopd bntopled places, alougdbptfteditcfteSft water cottrfes* fy The Times. Bepondfea ©oofeberies are moft commonlp rppe in Juip. fyTheNames. CfttSplantiScalled of tftelaterwriters famatfae,GrofTuiaria rubra, GroiTu laria- the Hiftorie of Plantes. $5$: lariatranfmarina^ibcs^aud Ribefum:pet tftiS IS UOt rigftt Ribes. Cfte fruite is alfo called of tfte later writers Groiiuletranfmarina?3and tt (ftOUlde feeme to betftefrfate tfte Wfticfte ©alen lib. 7- de medicamentis fecun- dumlocr?,calletft «e^oiis-^^«i,Vu*vrfi:fa(ftoppeS tftep cal it Ribes.fa frencft, Groifelies d outre mer in ftfgft Boucfte,S* Joftans trettbfe, ozCrettblin, and S* Joftans bcerlinrinbafe Aimaigne,BeftekenS otter ?ea,atid AelbefiekenS* , cftefirdkindeis called Groflula?rubra>,Ribes rubrum: in©nglilfte, Ecdde ©oofeberies,Bepondfea©oofeberies,Badarb CozintfteS,ft commonEibes: in fm\ibz,Groifeiies rouges: fabafe Almaigne,Eoode Aeibefien,and of tftiSfoft onelp tftep bfe fa (ftoppes,and meates* i Cfte fecond kindeis called Ribes nigrum: fa ©ngiilft, Blacke ©oofeberies, or blacke Eibes: in ftzm\)z>Grctfeites bafe Almaigne, Sbierte Aelbe- fiCn* fyThe Nature. Cbereb©oofeberieSarecoibanbbrieintftefeconbbegree, and adringent or binding* feThe Vertues. Eed©oofeberiesborefre(fte anb coole tbeboatedomackeanb litter, anb it 31 is berp good to be take againft ai inflammation, ft burning fteate of tfte bloob, and ftoate agues* Cfte fame ftolden fa tftemoutft ft cftewed,is good agafaft al inflammation, B and ftoate tumours in tfte moutft,and quencftetft tftirft in ft oate agues* Jt ftoppetft tfte lafke comming of a cftolerique ftumo ur,and tfte blooddp flixe, & efpecmtlp tbe Eobbe oz dried iupce tbeteof* Cfte rob mabe witft tfte iupce of common Eibes anb Sugar, isberpgoob & foz ail tfte dtfeafes abouefopde, it ftoppetft b oinfringes, and tfte bptocakfogeS of tfte domacke and to berp good fa ftoate agues to bedronke witft alitle cold water,oz to be ftolden fatfte moutft againft tftirft* Cfte blacke ©oofeberies arenotbfed fa pftpficke* <£ <£>f£erberi0* Cbap*^* fyThe Defcription. H € Barberieplante,isatftzub brbitlfteof ten or twelnefooteftigft or moze,b:inging fooftft manp woobdilft brancfteS, fet witft Iftarpe prick- __ lep thoznes*Cfteleaues be of a wftitilft greene ft fnipt round about,the edgesltkeafaw fet witft finepzickieS,of a (ftarpe tower tail, ft tfterforeisbfed infawces in fteede of fozrel* Cfte flowers befmal, of a pale pelfowilft e colour, growing amongft tbe leaues bpon tftoft cindering dems,after £ flowers tbere ftangbptftefapddemmesiitlelongroitndberies,redattftetftefirft wften tftep be ripedmt wften tbzp be drp,tftep are blackilft,in tadefo wer ft aftringet, witft a ftarde grap or blackilft e kernel in tbemibbie wfticfte in tfte feebe*Cfte roote in ftarde and long,diuided into manpbzancbeS, berp pellow witftin as altftereft of tfte woob of tft(Spiantis,of taftefomewftat rongft or fowrebinbing* fy The Place. CbeBarberiebttlfteiSfoundeinBrabantabout tfteborbers of woobbes and bebges* Jt ig alfo mucfteplanted in gardens, efpeciallp to tfte gardens of Herboriftes* fy The Time. Cfte Barberie buffte puttetft fooztft newe lemies to April, as tfte moft part of otfter treesbotft: itflowretft in a?ape,and tfte frnite ig ripein Septem- ber* f mm uij fyThe 6t>4 The lyxthbooke of fyTheNames. Crefpinus Matthioli. CftiSpfontiS Called tofftopS Berberis, efpeciallp tfte fruit tfterof,£ wfticft totftem°^gg^ tS bed knowen: tbe learned a^attftfolus, calletft tftis plant inmatine, Crefpinus.-ur ©ngli(ft,BarberieS,ft tbe Barberie bullae or tree: inftznt^z^ ftigft Boucfte, paiffelbeer ,Sauricft, ©rbfel, vHterficftrinbafe Almaigne Saufeboom* CftiS in a kinde of Amprberis, tftat in to % fop,Oxyacantha, inAiitcen and Serapio, fa tfte wfticft do fetouttwo kindes of A myr- bens: Cfteoneftatting a redde frnite, tfte Wfticfte BiofcOUdeS Calletft Oxyacanrha, ft in defcribed thereafter in tft e XXXI* Cftap* tfte otfter witft a long blackiffte fruite,and in counted for tfte bed Amyrberis, and in tftat wfticfte tfte later writers do call Ber- beris. it is alfo berp Ipke to be tfte Oxya- cantha, defcribed bp ©alen, lib. i. deAli- mentor. facuitat. amongft tftofekindes of (ftrubbeS or plantes wftofe poung (ftutes and fpringeS are good to be eaten* $ The Nature. Cfte leattes and fruite of Barberies^ are of complexion colde and dzie in tfte fe- cond degree,ft fomewftat of fiibtii partes* feThe Vertues. witb tfte greene leanes oftfte Barberie bufft tbep make fawce to eate witft # meates as tftep bo witb Sorrel, tbe wfticft dotft refrelft and pzonoke appetite, and ig good for ftoate people and tftem tftat are bexed witft burning agues* Cfte frnite ftoppetft tfte lafke, and allfuperfliioiis fluxes of women, and al** bnnatnrall fluxe of bloob* Cbe roote tbereof diepeb inlpe, maketft tfte fteare pello w,if it be often wa* (£ (fteb tfterewitftall* ^ftttatta* Cl)ap*rcf>* $ / be Kjndes. THerebe two foftesof Acatia,tfte one growing to ©gppt*Cftebtfter intfte Countries of pontns* fy The Defcription. HC fird ktob of Acacia in alitle tftornie tree or bttlftc witft manp bzan- cftes,fetfullof(ftarpepzickies,amongftwfticftedoarifeleattes parted into manp otfter fmall leattes* CfteflowerS are wftite* Cfte feedeis bzobe Ipke mwpines.toclofed in long codbeS, from out of wfticfte tftep dzaweaiupceorblackeiiquor,tftewfticfteiscalleb Acatia* a^attftioius firft figttreof Acatiaftatft leattes like Afarabacca.and bearetft timber of tweluecu- bites long, fit for buplbtogs,etpeciallpof tftippes, fome ftane called it a tftozne, bpcaufe all tfte tree in fet full oiprickles* j Cfte fecondekinde in alfo atftorniepiant, fet witft long (ftarpe pztckles,and tfte leaues be almod Ipke to tft e leaues of common Eue*Cfte frnite ipkewife ig faclofedtocoddes,astftefrttiteoftftefirftkinde* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 6Sj AatiaAegyptia. Acatiaaitera. Acariaof ©gppt* SBcatra of pontufc 9LThe Places. tti^tJita ^catte Wtotib in diners places of ©gppt, fa tfte wiiderneffe or oeiettes* a ^ftefecondgrowetftfapontttSandCappadocia,asBiofcorideswzitetb* C The Names. * * i CftiS tftornietreeorpianteiscalled fa ©reeked* .•famatfae, Acatia, of Jbeopftrafttis<™^ tree is called m SftoppeS Gummi Arabicum,ft in wel knowen,ftowbcfttbeii* q^r orw^eofAcat^wfticfteisalfo called Acatia, tsbnknowemfozin deede or Acatia, tftep bfetn (ftoppes tfte iupce of Sloos, or SnaggeS, wfticfte in tbe fruiteofblacketborneS(callebfabafeAlmaigne,Sieen)andwzonglp Acatia. * Cfte otfter, Wftereof we ftane giuen tftefigttteas of tfte feconde Acatia, is takenof fome learned men for «^^««®-,Afpaiathus3and not for Acatia. a9at- tftioius fettetft ft foortft for tfte feconde kinde of Acatia, called Acatia Ponuca and Acatiaaitera. fyThe Nature. Acatia, efpeciallp tfte inpce tfterfore(wfticft tfte Ancientes bfed) is dzp to tbe tftirde degree,and colde intfte ©alen foitft* g feThe Vertues. Cfteinpceof Acatia ftoppetft tftelafke, fttftefifaetfittottScottrfeof womens * Bowers:and bzingetft backe agapne,ftapfog anb keeping inW natural place, tfte matrix or motfter tftat isfoofed and faden downe, if tfte Acatia bedzonketi wttft red wtne* **i ■ 686 The fyxch Booke of Jtisgoodtobelapbe to Serpigo ,wfticfteiSadifeafeoftftefktonc calledB wildefire,and bpon inflammations and ftoate tumours: alfo ft ig good tobe lapde to tfte wfteales orftoatebliflets of tftemotitb* JtiS alfo a berp excellentmebicine foz tfte zpzny to fteale tfteinflammation, © blafttoges,and fwellingottt of tftefome,to be applped tft erebnto* Acatia maketb tftefteare blacke,if it be walfteb anb often wet intfte water B Wbereinttftatbbenefoked* ^^ Cfteleaues anb tenber croppes of Acatia do fetle and ftrengtften members afWel oftfte ftandes as of tfte f ecte,and do take awap tfte fweat of all tfte bodp* <&f tfje 0ap tree* €f)ap*tteui)* {j The Kindes. Cft ere are two fortes of Bap trees,tfte one witft greene bougftes ^ brancfteS, and *88 The fyxth Booke of andftardetftickeieattes,tfteotfterftatftreddilftebzancftes,eft)eciallpwftmft poitng,anb fofter leaties,anb more gentle tftm tftefirft* fy The Defcription. Laurus.maiirel Or Bap free* )H<5 firft kinb of Bap gro w- )etft fometimes berp ftigft, ;w ttft a ftarde or tfticke ftem, bodp,oz tronke, tfte wfticfte Spartetft it felfe into manp bougbes ft brancfteS coue- red witb a greenerindcot barke,anb bea- retft leaues tftat be bzobe>log,barb,tfticke ftl\oeete duelling: amongd wbicft tbere rife fmall wbite "or pello wilfte knoppes, tbe Wbicfte doo open into flowers of an fterbtift colour, and do cftange afterward fato a long fruite, couered witftout witft a tfticke blacke faowneppll oz barke, in Wfticft tfte kerned Ipetft, of a wftitilft grap colour,fat ft oplie,to tade (ftarpe ft bitter* 2 Cftefecondekind of Bap is not mucft bnlpke tftefirft , failing tftat ft growetft not fo ftigft, audit puttetft foortft often- times newe (ftutes or brancbes from tbe roote, tfte wfticfte do often grow as ftigft as tfte principal! bzancftes , to tftat tftis Bap dotft feidome growe to tfte falftiou or Iftape of a tree * Cfte (ftutes ft bzancftes of tftis Bap are reddilfte, anb fometimes berp red, and wften tbep waxe olbe, tftep are bzo wne redde * CfteieaueSbe Ipke to tfte otfters,fotting tftat tftep be more ten- der and fo ft,and as wed fmellfag as tfte otfter* fyThe Place. Bap growetft plentifullp in Spapne and tfte Ipke ftoate CountrieS*in tftis Iowe Conntrie tftep plant ft in gard ens and d ef end e it in tfte winter time from colde witft great diligence, failing Zeaiande, and bptfteSea fpdeinfaltitfte groundes: for tftereit growetft weilof ftisowne accozde, and dietft nottotfte Winter feafon,as it dotft infweete groundes* fyTheTymes. CfteBap treeloofetft not ftis leattes, but abpbctft greene botft winter anb fommer* And about a^arcft e oz Aprill it puttetft foortft new leaueS ft fpztoges, it bringetb fooftft no fruite to tfte lower ©ermanie,but in ©nglande it bearetft pimtfe* fyTheNames. t Cfte Bap is calleb in ©reeke f*oy GrainesdeLaurierintyiqb Bottcfte,morbeeren:fabafe Almaigne,Bake- feerS* fy The caufe of the Name. Cbe Bap tree ig calleb fa ©reeke »k, bp tfte name of a poung tftpmpfte, caded Bapftne tfte dangftter of madon, and tfte eartft, wftom tfte ©od Apollo loued,and was mncfte enamoured of ft er, fo tftat fte folo wed fter euerp wftere fo the Hiftorie of Plantes. 6$$ fo long, tftat at tft e laft fte tooke ftold of fter and fteld fter faft.But Ifte not c tfter- wife able to auopde tfte importunate fewte of Apollo, fodapnelp called for fttcconr of fter motfter tfte eartft,wfto prefentlp opened, and fwallo wed in fter dangftter Bapftnc,anO in fteede of fter brougftt foortft a fapre Bap tree.tBften Apollo fowe tft is cqabgfcft c was mucft aftonied,and named tfte tree Bapftne, after tfte name of ftis beioueb Bapftne,and tooke a bzancft tftereof,and twitted a garlande oz cap, and fet it on bin ft ead.UDft erebp from tbat time ftitft etto,tfte Bap ftatft ftiiicantinued as a token of pzopftefie, and in dedicated to Apollo, tftat in to fap,tfte Sonne* Cfterefore tfte Heatften fap, tftat tfte Bap tree wttft- ftandetft all euill fpzites and encft antmentes: fo tftat in tfte ftoufe wftere as ig but one b:ancft of Bap,tftep affirme tftat neptfter encftantements, ligfttninges, noz tft efaliing eupll map fturt anp bodp tbat ig witftin* Cftep fap alfo, tftat tfte Bapormaurellbringetftftealtft*AnbfortftefecatifeS(intimespaft)tberewas giuen a bzancft e of Bap to tfte Eomapne Senatours euerp jfteweperesdap* Ml for tftefe caufes alfo tbe poeteS were crowneb witft ©arlandes of Bap, bpcaufe tftat po etrie,oz tfte wozkes of po etes, ig a kind of pzopftefie or footft- faping,tfte wfticfte Apollo gouernetft and rttfetft* fyThe Nature. Cfteleaues and fruite of tfteBaptree,areftoateanddrietotftefecondede- gree,efpectailp tfte fruite, tfte wfticfte ig ftoater tften tfte leaues* Cfte barke of tfte ro ote is ftoate and d.zp in tfte tftirde degree* fyThe Vertues. Bap beries taken witft wine is good againft tftcbptingcs and dingingof % ScozptonS,and againft all benome and popfon* Cfte famepounde berp fiuall,and mingled witft ftonp or fome S?rope,anb <& often licked,and kept intfte montft,iSgoodfor tftemtftat waxedrie, and are in confumption,and tftat ftaue tftepapne to fetcfte breatft,anb ftatie tfteir bzeaft cftarged witft flegme* Cfte decoction tfterof fa wine, oz tfte inpce tftereof dropped into tfte eares, © curetft tfte finging or ftumming nopfe of tftefame, and in good agapnft ftarde- neffe of bearing and deafneffe* Bap beries are put into medicines tftat are made to refrelft tftem tftat be tp* B red oz weried, againft crampes and drawing togitfter of finewes, mopft and driefcuruineffe, being applpeb witb opies o.z opntmentes ferningto tfte fome purpofe* Cfteople of Bap beries in of tftefame bertue:alfo it is goob agafaft bzttfes, © anbblackeandblewemarkes,tbatcftaunceafterftripesorbeatinges* Cfte barke oftfte roote of Bap dzonken in wincprottoketft brtoeftzeaketft f tft eftone,and driuetft itfoortft,and graueilalfo* CI • efame taken in iikenianer,openetft tfte doppinges oftfte ltoer,tfte fplette m ozmiit,and to conclwde,al otfter doppinges oftfte inner partes: wfterefore tt in good agapnd tfte Janndife, tftat is inneterate or rooted, tfte ftardneffe oftfte fplme or milt,tfte bzsinnins of tfte Bropfie,and bringetft to women tfteir deft- red fickneffe* f&tuet* tffjap.jejcti* iff The Defcription. pSgEtuet isabafe piantcberp felbome growing bprigbt, but in ratber like |^itoabtiii)eozftedgetftenatree,witft manp flmder twtggesandbran- ,§^*cftes, and leaues fomewftat long, of a darke greene colour, Ipke tfte leaues of P ertoincie, but fomewftat larger and longer* At tfte toppes of tfte 0nn brancfteS *9* the fyxth Booke of brancfteS geoWe twfteS of wftite flowers, Phiiiyrea, Liguftmm. fomwftat Ipke tfte flowers of ©idzen, after .* tftem come fmall beries, at tfte fird greene, # but afterwarde blacke* fyThe Place. priuet growetb of bis owne kinde in manp places of ©ermanie and ©nglande, and in alfo planted in manp gardens* fy The Times. Priuet flowzetft fa ajJap and Jttne,and ' W frttit or beries are rppe in September* C The Names. CbiS plant in called fa ©reke (of Biof- corides *v7Te9-) wfto ibpnetft»Mve(« next to 4Cypros:fa marine of piinie, Liguftrum.-pet tftis is not tftat Liguitmm, wftereof ^tirgil and Columella ftane wzitten, wftereof we ftaue treatedbefore,li.^.Cap.52'fn©nglilft, priuet, or primprint: in frencfte, Troefhe: inftigft Boucft,Beinftoltjlin, aSJundftolt?, Eeinweiden: inbafe Almaigne, Eepnwil- gften,^onjdtftout,and fceelcrupt* ^The Nature. Cfteleaues ofpziiietarecoide,dzp,and adringent ♦ Cfte fruite ftatft a certapne -^ warmeneffe>bntels in nature Ipke to tft* -^^ leaues* f{r fy The Vertues. Cfteleaues of pritietdo cure tftefWellfageS,apodttmationS,andblcerS of 3j tftemoutft,anb tftefozes,andpwdules,orblidetsoftftetftiote, if tftemoutft be wellwaffted.and tfte tftibtegargled witft tftedecoctionbz iupce tft ereof* Cft efame leaues made into povoder, are good to be drb wed bppon ftoate^ blcers,and nongft tie federing or contouring fozes * And tfte frnite bfed in ipke maner,ferttetft to tftefomepurpofes* tPftatfoeuer in burneb or fcalbeb witb fire,map be beaieb witft tfte faotfte of priuet leaues* Cfte flowers lapb to tfte fozeftead,fojage tftepapne tftereof* Cfte oplefteatetft and foftenetft tftefinewestf itbemingted witft tftings tftat are ofaftoatenatnre,asCurner wzitetft,iib i.foi.j*. <2>f Kgnuo €adu0* tfljap.jcjcbu fy The Defcription. [ ©nus ©adits growetft after tfte maner of atftutbbp bttlft oz tree, witft manp pliant twigges or brancfteS, tftat wd benbe anb plop [witftout breaking* Cfte leaues are mod commonlp parteb into jfiue or fewen partes, Ipke to tbe leaues of Hempe,wbereof ecfte (part islong,and narrow, not mucft bnlike tbe uoptftie leaf e,but fmaller.Cfte flowers grow attfte bpmod of tftefaancftes Ipke to fpikie eares cludering togitfter rounbe about the bzancftes, and areof colour fometimespnrple,ftfometimesofaligfttpnrplemixed witft wftite*Cftefruite in rounde ipke pepper comes* fyThe Place. Agnus Caftus C as Biofcorides faptft )grow etft fa rougft bntopled places alongft — the Hiftorie of Plantes. Vitex*. '6oi alongftbp rtoerS,anb water conrteS, fa Jtalp and otfter ftoate Countries, btttftereitisnottobefotinbe, btitfa tftegatdensoffomediligent Hftbo- XifteS* fyTheTyme. Jn tftiS Conntrie Agnus ©aduS flowretft fa Auguft* ' fyTheNames. CftiS plante ig called fa ©reeke «>v©-,Agnos.ftOffomex«>'©-"«yvv©-: fa marine, Vitex, Salix marina,or Salix amerina-.and Of fome Piper agrefte.- fa IftoppeS, Agnus caft us: bptftewfticfte namettiSknoweoftfteHttborifteS: inCnglilfte, Agnus ©aftus,Hentpe tree or Cftaft tree: in ©ermanie it ig called Scftafmulle* fyThe Nature. Agnuscadus ig ftoate anb drie totftetbftbebegree:ft of natureberp ^ftriltgmt* fyThe Vertues. 3 Agnus Caftus ig a finguier reme- die and medicine for fucft as woulde due cftafte: for it witftftandetft al bn* cleanneffeoz the ftltftp Defire to iecfte- rie, it confumetft ft drietft bp tftefeede of generation, fa wftat forte foeuer it betakm, wftetfterfapowder, or fa becoction,oz tfte leaues atone lapd e on tft e bed to deepe bppon* And tfterefore it wasnameb Caftus,tftat in to fap,Cftade,cleane, and pure* 55 Cfte feede of ^qnug Cadus dronken,dzitietft awap and diffoluetft all wfa- dtneffeand bladtogesof tbe ftomacke>mtrapies, bowels, anb motftertft from al otfter partes of tft e bobp, wbere as anp winbineffe is gatbered togitft er* ples and opntmentes tftat are mabe to beate, modifie,' anb beale tfteftarbe oz ftiftz members* tftat are waxen beab,afleepe, bennmmeb, or weried: tt curetft alfo tftecliftes, or riftes oftfte fttndement,and great gnt,being lapde to witft water* f Agnus ©adtts ig good againft al benemous beaftes,ft cftafetft anb brittetft awap al Serpents, anb otberbmemotisbeadesfromtbeplace wbere asit ig ftro wed oz burned : it ftealetft all bittoges anb ftingtoges oftftefemerifftbe lapbebpontfteplacegreeued :tftelpkebertue ftatft tfte feede tftereof dronken* 6 Jtftelpetfttfteftardneffe,ftopptoges,apofttimationS,andbicersoftbema- trix,if wemenbecanfed to fitintfte decoction,or bzotft tbereof* $ Cfteleaues tfterof witft biitter,do diffoltte and fWagetftefwelltoges oftfte genttours or coddeS,being lapbe tfterebntd* 3 Some write tftat if fucft, as tournep oz traiiell, do carrfeabrancfteor rod of Agnus CaftuS to tfteir ftand,ft wiikeepe tftem botft fro cftanfftog ft werineffe* 0nn U ®f 6oz Thefyxth Booke of ^fCoMtw^umac^ €f)apjM fy The Defcription. Jv&macft growetft Ipke a buflftie Ifftrub, abouttfte fteigfttofaman, RhusCoriaria* bringing fooztft diners brancbes* bpon wfticft grow long foft ftearp orbelitetleaues,witft areb ftemorffaewe fa tbe middie,tfte wfticfte bppon euerp fpbe ftatft dxe or fenendtleleaues, ftanbm one agafaft anotfter, tootfteband fnipt about tbe edges, ipke tfte leaues of Agrimonie, wfterbnto tftefe leaues are mucft e lpke,tfte Bowersgroweamongft tfte leaueS bppon long ftemmes ozfooteftalkeS , cluttering togitfter Ipkp tfte ©attestapleS,orblow- inges of tbe But tree, of a wbite greene colonr.Cbe feebe ig flat and red, growing fa ronnde beries cludering togitfter ipke grapes* fyThe Places. Jt growetft abunbantlp faSpapneand otber ftoate Countries* Jt in notfonnd fa tftis Countrie, but amongd certapne bili- gent HerbozifteS* iffTheTyme. Sumacft flowretft in tftis Conntrie fa Jlttp* fyTheNames. CftiSplantiS calleb fa©rekepowr>anb of HPPPocrateS,p<»©--tomattoe,Rhus, bffomeRhos, oftfte Arabian Apotftecaries and pftpfitionS Sumach.- inBra- bant of tft e C orriers and meatft er dreffers, wfticft for tfte mod part do trimme anddzeffemeatfteriikeSpanilftefktones,Smackrin©nglilfte,Sttmacft,and meatfterSttmacft,orCoriersSttmack* Cfte feede of tftis R h us & called tn ©reeke ?•«»• •«" t« <4«,and * w° *-m ma- rine Rhus ©ngli(fte,apeate Snmacft,and Sauce Sumacft* CfteleadeS atecalled in ©reekedo«?/Sue|W» -inmarine, Rhus Conana, and witft tfte fameleaues tftepdzeffe and tanne fkinnes inSpapne and Jtalp, as our Canners do witft tfte Barke of €>ke* fyThe Nature. Cfte leaues,topce,and beries of Sumacft,are colde to tfte feconde degree, told driein tfte tfticdedegree,and of adrongbindingpower* feThe Vertues. Cfteleaues of Sdmacft ftatie tfte famepower as Acatia ftatft: wfterefoze % tbzp ftop tfte lafke and tftedifozdered courfe of womens flowerS,witft al otfter iffueofblood,tobefirftbopledinwaterorwtoe,anddronken* Cbewaterwberetotftefameleaiiesftattebenebopled, doppetft tfte lafkefc and bloobdp flixe,to be powzeb in as a glifter,or to batfte in tftefame decoction: it drietft bp alfo tbe tunning water ft filtft of tbe eares, wben it is droppedinto tftefame,anbitmaketfttftefteareblacke,tftatiswa(fteb intfte fomebecoction °? C°ft?feedeofSnmacft eateninfeucestbitft meate dotft alfo ftop allflnxtfC the Hiftorie of Plantes. *P? of tftebellp, Witft tftebloobbp flixe anb womens flowetS, etfteciailp tfte wftite flowers* Cfte fome lapde bpon newe bzufes,and fquattes,tftat are blacke and blew, b greene wounbes anb newe fturtes, defendetft tfte fame from inflammation or deadlp burning,appoAumarionor euilfwelling,alfo from exulceration* Cbe fame pounde witb 4Dken coaies, and lapd to tfte Hemeropdes or flow- 4 The fyxth booke of togttfter inrounb fteades orknoppes,buttftepgrowtogitfteripketfteflowers of Spike bpon fmallfootedemmes,or Ipke tfte flowers of Galega, oz tftat kind ofwtldefetcfte, wfticfte fomeitidgetobe Onobrychis, or Mcdicakuciiij, m ftm\)t,sai*# Foin.%bz tootzg of tftis mpcozife gro w not flraigftt,but trauer- fing onertftwart witft ntanp btancbes,of abzownilfte colour wttftout,and pel- lo we wttfttn,in tade fweete,pea fweeter tften tfte aforefapde* fy The Places. t mpcozpfe,as Biofcoribes faptft,growetft in pontus anb Cappabocia* 2 Cftefecondefozt is foundein certapne places of Jtalp and ©ermanie* Jn tW Countrie tftep growenot of tftemfelues, but planted in tfte gardens of fomeHerboriftes: but tftefecondefortiSbed knowen* fyTheTymes. mpcorpfe flowretft in Juip,and in September tfte feedeisrppe. fe The Names. mpcozpfeis called fa©reekey^wfF^famatine,Dulcisradix,andDulci ra- dix faSftoppes,Liquiritia;inftigl>Boitcfte,Sttf5ftolt|,andSttfjwttrtfel: in bafe limatgne,Sttetftout,©aliffto^ golttfe&nb Ercu/iffe. * Cfte firft kinde of mpcorifeor Glycy rrhiza, wftereof Biofcorides Wzitetft, map berp Well becalled Glycyrrhiza vera,orBiOfcOrideS Glycyrrhiza : tftatiS Biofcorides mpcorife,and tfte rigftt micorife* 2 Cftefecond iS Glycyrrhiza communis,or GlycyrrhyzaGermanica3tfteWfttCft mpcorpfe is common in tftetftops of tftis Countrie* CftiS ig tftat roote wfticfte Cfteopftraduscalletft^Kv6wK»«f^«,and^r«y\vKi««:andof piinie, Radix Scythica. Alfo tbin in tfteroote called to ©reeke «mh®-. Alimos, witftout atftiration* fy The Nature. mpcorife in temperate in fteate and mopttnre* fyThe Vertues. Cfte roote of mpcorife in good againd tfte rongft ftarlftneffeof tfte tftzote and 3 bteatt,it openetb and difeftargetb tfte lunges tftat be dufte or loden, ripetft tfte cougft,anb bringetft fooztft fleme being cftewed and kept a certapne fpace in tfte mcutft.Cbe topceof tfte roote ftatft tftefame bertue to be taken for tftefame in* - tent oz purpofe* fortftefamecattfetftepbfetomakeakindeoffmailcakesorbreabtofomei3 Abbepsof Hollandeagatodtbecottgb, witft tfte iupce of mpcozife, mixtwitft ©inger anb otber fpices,but tftefame feruetft but againd oibe cougft es ft cold, anb tfte like infirmities cft auncing to tftelnngesand bread* Cfteroote of mpcorife quencftetft tftirde,ft dotft coole and comfort tfte ftoate © anddrieftomacke,ftisgoodagaindtfteftoatedifeafeSoftfteliuer,tobecftewed intftemoutft,ordronkeninadecoction* Cftefame in good againdtfte blcers oftfte kidnepes, and fcabbes oztozeSB oftftebladder, itctiretbtftetftarpmeffe andfmarting of biinz, and alfo tfte filtftp corruption or mattering of tftebrine, being bopleb in water and often dronken* CbefameiSgoob tobeiapdeto witftftonpbppontfteforesorblcersof tfte © outwardepartes:for it curetb tbe fame, as piinie writetft* Co conclude, mpcorife and tfteiupce tfterof isaberp good anb ftolfomeme-f dicine,fit to affwage papne,to foften,and make wftole, berp ptoper and agrea- ble to tfte bred,tfte lunges,tfterapnes,tfte kibnepes,anb blabber* Of the Hiftorie of Plantes. 6pj 4b f ftljamnuo* lptteleawes,btit mncfte fmaller, amongd wfticfte tfteregrowe Iftozte tftornes witft ftiffe prickles* z Cfte tftirde kindeftatft leanes fomewftat broade and almoft ronnde, of a browniffte colour dzawing towardes red * Cfte tftornieprickies of tftis kinde, beneitfter fogreat,nor petfo ftrong , as tftepzickles of tftefirft kinde* Cfte flo wers be pello wiifte, tbewbicbepaft,tbeee commetft bp tbe fruite wfticfteis largcand almoft fatft ioned Ipke to a wft erro we or buckler, in tbe wfticft e Ipctft tftefeede* 0nn iiii ?&The fy** The lyxth booke of fyThe Places. Eftamnus(as Biofcorides writetft)growetft inftedges and bttlft es* 1 CftefirdkfadeiSndtknowenintftisConntrie, burin mangueboc tftere growetft plentie* t Cfte feconde kinbegrowetft in fome partes of ©ermaniebppon banckes or bicftes bp tfte Sea ftbe,cfpeciailp fa f launbers,wftereas in certapne places it growetft plentifullp* * Cfte tftirde kindeis to be found in Bzabant fa tfte gardens of fome Herbo- rides,anb tftere in dore of it founbein tbe Countrie of mangueboc* feThe Names. CftiS kinbe ofbutfte is calleb fa ©reeke ?«w®~nn marine, Rhamnus.- bn- knowen in IftoppeS* Cfte tftirde kinde of Eftamnus,iS called in Jtalp,CftrifleS tftozne* fy The Nature. Cfte leanes of Eft amnus are drie in tftefeconde degree, and colde almod to tfte fird degree* fy The vertues. Cfteleaues of Eftamnttsdo cure ©rpfipelas, tftat in ftoateand cftolerique ~ toflammations,and confuming fo^zg ft fretting blcerS,wften it in final pounde * and lapde tftereto* Cfte pftpfitionS of piemont ftaue found bp expeeience,tbat tftefeebe 0f tfte ~ tftirbe kinbeof Ebamnws,iS berp excellent againd tfte grauell and tftedone,to * be taken in tfte decoction oz otfterwife* Some ft oid,tft at tfte bzancft es or bo weS of EftamnuS ^itUz at mens dozes and windowes,do dzitie awap Sozcerie and© ncftauntmentes tftat D^itcfteS and Sorcerers do bfe againd men* <®t 6ucfee tijojne/oj filjepn bttits * €!jap*t w* fyThe Defcription. Rhamnus folutiuus recentiorum. HJS plante gro wetft to manner of a (ftzub oz final tree,wftereof tfte demme isoftetimes asbiggeas onestftigft , tfte wood or timber Wftereof is pellow witftiti,and tfte barke is of tfte colour of a Cftefnttt aimodliketftebarkeof tfte Cfter- rietree*CftebrancfteSbe fetwitft fljarpetftornes botft ftarde ftpzfck- lep,and roundilft ieaues,fomwftat like tft e leattes of a gribble,grabbe tree, or wilding, but fmaller* Cfte flowers are wftite , after wfticfte tftere come litie rounde berries, at tfte fird greene, but afterwarbe blacke* fyThe Place. CftiS plante growetft to tftis Countrie, in feeldes, wooddes, and ftedges* fyTheTyme. Jt flowretft in ajjape, and tfte fruite ig rtpeinSeptember* fyTheNames. CftiStftornetocailebinBrabant,Efti)nbefiendoren:infrencft>^r/jr»,or Bourg ejpine.inbizb Boucfte,*© egbedoaubat in to fap,t©apCborne: bpcaufe it growetft alongd tfteftigft wapesand patftes: in marine of ^attftiolus>Spi- nainfedoria.andoffomeotfterSjRhamnusfoiutiuus^ftewfttcftenameJdoo fttbfcribebnto,bpcattfeJknowenoneotbermatinename, albeit it is notbing ipke to Rhamnus of Biofcorides3or of Cbeopbradus, ft tberefore not tbe rigftt Rhamnus.Cfte JtalianS dO Cal it Spino Merloy fome CHlitSpino ceruino,Spinguerz,Oi and of tmaleriiis C ordtts, Cerui fpina: we map well call tt in ©nglilfte, Bitcke Cftorne* Cfte fruite of tfte fome tftome ig called in Brabant, Ebifabefien, tbat ig to fap in matine,Bacca?Rhenana?:fa©nglilft,EbepnberieS,bpcaufetbereiS mucft oftbemfoundealongfttfteritterEftene:inftigftBoucfte,n^egftedornbeer,and ©rwetjbeer* fyThe Nature. Jt ig ftoate and b}izin tfte fecondedegree* % fyThe Vertues. CfteberieSofBiicketftornedopiirgedownewardmigfttilp,drtttfagfooztftA tougft flemeand cftolerique ftumours, and tftat witft great force, and bioietieei and exceffe,fo tftattftepdo berp mucft trottbletftebodp tftat receinetft tfte fame, and oftentimes do caufe bomit * m>berefoze tftep be not meete to be mfoiflreb, but to poung drong and luftie people of tbe Countrie, wbicfte do fet more dore of tfteir monep tftm tfteir Ipites* But for weake fine anb tender people, tbefe berieSbeberpbangeroitsanbbttrtfttl,bpcattfeoftbeirdrongopetation*And alfo bpcaufeftitfterto tfter«j* notfting founbe, wft erewitftall to cozrect tfte bio- fence tftereof, or to make tt leffe fturtftill* €)ftftefameberieSbeforetbepberppe,fokeb, orbeiapedfo Aiiom water,B tftep make a fapre pelloane colour, and wften tftep berppe, tftep make a greene colour,tfte wfticft in called in f ranee, verdde vepe.-in ftigft Boticft,Safftgntn: to bafe AlmaigncSapgrtienrin ©ngiilft,Sappe greene* #ftfje t^ljtte STfjojme/oj* ^arotJjojme tree* Cf)ap*jcjctf* iff The Defcription. H<£ WftiteCftoznemoftcommonlp growetft tow anb trooked,wrap« ped and tangled as a ftedge, fometimes tt growetft bprigftt after tfte manner and faiftion of a tree: and tften it waxetft ftigft as a perrie, or wildepearetree,witftatronkeorftemmeof aconuenient bigneffe, wrapped oz couered in a barke of grap or alftecolottr* Cfte brancfteS doo fome- times grow berpiongandbprigbt,efpeciallp wbenit growetb inbebges, and are fet ful of long fftarpe rftormepzickles*Cb'e leaues be faode and deepe, cut to about tbeborbers*Cbeflowersbewbiteftfweetefmeiling,inproportionipke to tbe flowers of Cberrie trees, anb plomtreeS: after tfte flowers commetft tftefruite wfticfte is rounde and red * Cfte roote in diuided into manp wapes, and growetft deepein tftegrounde* C The Places. iBftite tftome growetft to ftedges and tfte borders of feeibeS,£ardms, and WoodeS,and in berp common to tftis Countrie* iff The Time. Jtflowretft toa^ap,and tftefruite is rppeinSeptember* fe The Names. CftiS tftorne in called in ©reeke - to matine, Buxusrtof XltbyCrandBuys: inftigft BOUCft, Btixbaitm: in bafe Almaigne, Bitxboom, andof tfte commonpeoplepalmboom, tftat in to fap,tft e Boxe trecand palme tree,bp- caufe bpon palme Snndap tftep earie it to tfteir Cfturrftes, anb dicke it rounbe about totfteirftotifes* Cfte fmal Bote is calleb of fome to ©reke x«j*«iwv|©-: tomattoe, Humi Buxus.-tftat in to fap,©round Boxe,or Bwarffe Boxe:in fttM\)Z,Petit Buys. fyThe Nature. Cfte leanes of Boxe are ft oate,dzie,and adringent, as tfte tafte dotft plapnelp de- clare* fy the Vertues. Boxe is not bfed inmebicine,and amongft tbe Anncient wziters,a man tftai % finb notfting to anp pnrpofe,written of tfte faculties tfterof* jiWwitftftanbing tftere be fome ignorant women (wfticft do aduance tftem felues, * take fa ft and to cure difeafes tftat tftep kno w not) wfto do minifter tfte croppes of tfte Boxe tree,to people ficke oftfte Apopiexie,Wfticft in contrarie to ai rcafon.f ozBore taken into tfte bodp,dotft not onelp fturt tfte bzapne,but in berp fturtfull for tfte bzapne Wften it in but fmelleb to* ^ Somelearned writers at tftis timedo affirme, tftat tftelpe in Wfticft Boxm b leaues ftatie bene ftiepeb,maketft tftefteare pello w,if tfte ft ead be often walked tfterewitftall* €>ftljepjuMep Uoice* €ftap^m'tj* iff The Defcription. EitklepBoxeiS a tree notmitcftebnlpke to tfte otfterBoxe,Witft manp great armes ozbzancbes of fine or fixe foote long or moze, tfte leattesbe tfticke anb fomewftat ronnde, Ipke Boxen leaues, and amongft tftem growe Iftarpe pricking Cftouies, tfte flowers alfo gro we amongft tfte leaueS,and after tftem tftere commetft a blacke rounde feedcas bigge as apepper corne* Cfterootes are woddtlfte,and (pzeade mucbe abrobe* J3 i^ftftefmal bzancftes anb rootesof tft tS tree, foked in water and bopled,or of tftcpzefffag fooztft oftfte iupce of tftefeede,tftep make Lycium^fte wfticftein rimes paft was mucfte bfed of pftpfitionS* fyThe Too fyThe Place. CftiS pricklepBoxe growetft in Cap- padocia andmpcia, and in fome partes of Jtalie and Slattonia , tt is pet bn- knowen in tftis Conntrie* fyTheNames. Cftis tftowe in called in ©reke ™fr kccvA« ^ xuKl0p:fa matfae alfo, Pyxacantha and Lycium,of CftCOpftraftttS, ovoTTif©-, tftat iS tO fap, Buxus aiinina: faf rmcfte, Buysefpineux, 01 Buys d'afne • fa bafe Al- maigne,Bitxbbren,after tbe ©reke: we map cal it trie nglilft,Boxe tftorne,A(feS Boxe tree, and pricklep Boxe, alfo Ly- cium.-CftorneBoxe* The fyxth Booke of Pyxacantha,Lycium. fyThe Nature. i?fed,i B C B Lycium djrted,ts of fttbtil parteS,and aftringent,as ©alen faith* feThe Vertues. Lycium wbiefteiS mabeof tfte bzan- cftes,roofeS,orfeebeof Boxetftozne, oz pricklepBoxe, ftelpetft tftem tftat ftaue tftelafke,anb blooddpflixe,asalfo tbofe tftat fpet blood,and ftaue tfte cougft* Jt ftoppetft tfte inordinate courfe of tfte flowers, taken eitfter inwardlp,or applped outwardlp* JtiSgood againdcozruptblcers,and running fcabbes, and famous running eares, tfte inflammation of tfte gummes and kernelles, called tfte Almondes bnder tfte tongue,and againd tfte cftoppes oftfte lippes, and fundament, to be lapde tftereto* Jt clearetft tftefigftt,and curetft tfte fcurffie federed fezes oftfte epeliddeS. and corners of tfte epes* ®f ^olme/tfollp/on %uluer* €f)w,mii%* fy The Defcription. ^4CT flDlme growetft fometimes after tfte maner af a ftedge plant,amongft | Jg| ii otfter tftoznes andbuu^es^andfomtimesalfoitgrowetftbprtgfttand % H draigftt,and becommetft a tall high and great tree, witft abig ftemme or bodp,and iimbes and bzancft es according to tfte fome*Cfte tpmbee of tftis tree is ftarde and fteauie,and finketft to tfte bottome of tfte water Ipke Guaiacum,or Lignum fanaum,wfterebntoowr Hollp in figure is not mucft bn- lpke*Cft e leaues of Hollp are tfticke and ftarde, of tfte quantitie of a Bap leafe, but full of Iftarpe popntes or pricklep corners * Cfte wfticfte leaues remapne greme botft winter and fommer,as tfte leaues of Boxe and Bap, and doo not ligfttlp babe oz witft er.Cfte beries oz fruite of Holme in ro unde,of tfte quanti- tie of a peafe,of colour red,aijd of an euill bnpleafant tafte* fyThe Place. Holme growetft mucft in tftisCottntriein rongft,ftonp,barratoeft bntopled places,alongft tfte wapes and fa wooddes* fyThi the Hiftorie of Plautek 70. fyTheTymes. < Agrifolittm. Cfte fame fruite oz beries of Holme, are ripe in September, anb ftang faft bpon tfte tree a long tpme after witftout fallmgof* fyTheNames. Holmeis called of fome late writers to©reeke fy^ecm *yewtomattoe, Ruf- cusfyiueftrisinftigftBoucft,uaalddiftei oder Steftpalmen: to bafe Almaigne, Hnlftrin Jtalian, Agrifoiium, as#at- tftioltts writetft* And in figftt it appea- retft to be much Ipke pltnies Aquifoliu, wfticfte is called of CfteopftzaftuS to ©reeke xrwwy^and *?*T«iy<>v,&g wit- neffetft piinie lib.i7.Cap.7. ^eitfter can it be fome do efteeme it: bnt tt feemetft to be fomwftat Ipke *fv«x«yflo?. Oxycanthus of Cbeopftraftus,tftewbicft is alwapes greene: to ©nglilfte it is cal- led Holme,Hollp,and Hnfuer* fyThe Nature. Cfte beries of Holme or Hollp, are ftoate* fyThe Vertues. Some boafting of tfteir etpfcrience bpon Holme,do affirme tftat ftuebertes tfterof taken inwardlp, are good againft tfte cftolique,and pzouoke to go to tfteftoole* i© itft tfte barkes of Holme tftep make Birblpme: tbe ozber of making tfterof b in berp wel kno wen, but if anp be pet befirous to learne tfte fome,let ftim feeke tfte tftirbe booke 0 W^aifter Cntners fterbaU CftapJxxxi ♦ Cftepbfe tfte fmal bzancftes and leauesof Holme to clenfe and fweepecftim- © nepj?S,astfteFbfetodotoBiirgundieand otfter places, witft imeeftolmeor Butcfters bzoome* £>tfteetftm tftis we dare not affirme of Holme,bpeaufeft feruetft not in p ftpficke* ^ftlje^ppletree* <0)ap**jeitj. . #Tbe Kytjftn. . THere be diners fortes of Apples,not onelp differing to figure and propoa* tion of maktog,bttt alfo to tafte; quantitie,and colour,fo tbat it in notpof* fikle,neitber pet neceffarie, to reciteor number al tfte kinbes, confpdertog tftat all Apple trees are almoft Ipke oneanotfter: and allfoftes of Apples map becompreft ended to a few kind es^or tfte plapner declaration of tft eft natures, facttitieS,oz powets:asinto fweet,fowec,tougft,aftrfagent, waterilft apples, and apples of a mixt temperatnre,asbetwixtfweeteand fower,ftc* fyThe Description. H©iApple trees to continuance of time, do foz tft e moft part become ftigft and great tm&^witft manparmes ft brancbes fpzead abzoabe* Cfteleattesbegreedekbd^otfadilfte, morerounde tften tfte peare- tree leaues,and do fad of a iitlebefore winter,and do fpzing and re- new agapne in a^ap* Cfte flowers for tfte moft part are wftite,and bpon fome appletreescftaungeable, betwixt wftiteand redde*Cbefrtiiteisround and of £>oo manp The fyxth Booke of Maius. 701 , manp falft tons > to colonr ft tafte as ig abouefapde* Jn tfte middle oftfte apples are inclofeb blacke kernels couered ouer witft ftard piilesorfkfanes* fy The Place. Apple trees are planted to gar- dens and €>rcftardes, and tftep deligftt in good fertil grounde* iffTheTyme. Apple treesdo moftcommon- lpblow,at tfte enbe of Apziiand beginning of a^ap. Cbe fruit igTfo ripe,offomeinJuip, offomein Auguft, anb oftfte laft forte fa September* if The Names. Cfte Apple tree ig calleb in ©reeke ^^«:famatfae,Maius,ft Pomus: in bigb Boucfte, Apffel- baum: inbafe Almaigne, Appel- boom: in frmcfte, Pommier. cfte fruitetscalled to ©reeke, t&\oV: tomaririe,Pomum, and Malum: fa©ngli(ft, an Apple: in frencft, Pommein ftigft Boucft, Apffel: in bafe Almaigne, Appel* fyThe Nature. Allfoftes of Applesbecolde and mopil,pet fomemoze tfte tfte reft: tftofe tftatbe fewer or (ftarpe, do dtp-more tften tftereft,efpeciallpif tftep be aftringentbt binding* SWeete Apples arenot fo colde, btitratfter of a meane temperature*Cftewkteriffte apples are mopftieft,elfteciallp tftofe tftat are nep- tfter fowcrnoz fweete but taking part of botft taftes* fyThe Vertues. AppleSbo coole and coinfo^tbeftoatef omacke,^eciadp tftofctftat befow-j xi% and aftringent of ta(ie,and tftep map be bfed to ftoate agues, and otfter in- flammations oz fteatesof tfteftomacke>and againft tftirfte: btitotftertuife tftep are burtful to tfteftomacke,cauftog windineffe and btaftinges intfte bellp* , Sower Apples bopled ft eaten coldebefoze meate, do lofe tfte bellp gmtlp* $ Apples eaten before meate do nourtlft e berp litie,and do peelde a mopft and <£ no ttghtp iuptz oz nourtfftment: foz tftep arefoone corrupted in tfte ftomacke, and turne to notigfttie ft iimotirS,efpeciallp tfte watertlfte Apples* Cfteleaues oftfte Apple tree are good to belapdedpontftebeginningeSufd pftlegmonS C tftatiSftoatefimple tumours or fWellingeS) and are good to be lapde bpon woundes to keepetftemfromeupdfteateand apodumatioru &f &ttnQt*/€ittonmnH It'motw* ff The Kindes.. Cftere be at tftispzefent,tftzeefoztes of Apples orratfterfmites,bifttcft oftfte AunrienteS the Hiftorie of Plantes. 70? Atmcientes fo timeSpaft were copreftmbeb bnber tftename of Citrium,\ftfter- of tfte firft in called au £> tengc,tft e feconde a Citron, tft e tftirde a mimon* fy The Defcription. Aurantia Mala.McdicaMala. Lirhpnia Mala. [He trees ^ bring fooztft €>renges, *Dzcnge* Citrons* mtoionS* Citrons, and mimons,growe as Iftigft as other trees do,with manp greme brancfteS, fa fome places fet witft ftiffe prickles, or Iftarpe tftoznes*4 Cfte leaues be alwaies greene anb tbicke,not mucft bnlpke tfte Bap leaues* Cfte fruite ftatft aberp tfticke ppl ozrindcwitftintfte rinde in a cleare through (bitting pulpe or mopft fttbdance, full 01 utpce ft liquor, a- mongd tft e wfticft in tfte feebe or kernels* 1 Cfte £Dzegc in rotinb as an applc.w ttft atfttckc ppll, at tftef itd greene witftout, but after wften tftep be ripe, of a faire reb otpleafenttawmecolour,orbiownepel» Iowe Ipke Saffron, but tbe fopde pill in wftite witftin ft fpongions or fomewftat open* Cfte pulpe or inner pitft ig tftrougft, ifttoing cleare anb ful of iupce, tft e wfticfte in fome is fower,ft in others fwccte.Cbe, feede ozkernelles are mod commonlp as bigge as wft eate comes, ft bitter in tafte* 3 cfteCitron ig long almoft Ipke a Cu- cumber,oz fomwftat longer and rugged, oz wrinekled,tfterinde oz pilis tfticke,pei- low witftout, ft wfttte witftto.Cfte inner paft or fubftance ig alfo cleare ft tftr ougft fftining like p pulpe of tft e^>zmge,wfter- in is alfo tftefeede or kernelles not mucft bnlpke £)zenge kernelles* l Cfte mimon in falftiou in longer tften tfte Ozenge, but other wapes not mucfte bnltke,fauing tftat tfte outfpde of tfte mi- mon pill in paler and fato tft er, and tfte kernels fmaller* 4t The Places. Cftefe fmites do no w gro w to Jtalp,Spapne, and fome places of f raunce* JntftiSConntrietfteHerboziftes do fetand plante tfte ^>renge trees in tbeir gardens,bnttftepbeareno frnitewitftottttftepbe wel kept and defended from colde,and pet for all tftat tftep beare berp feidome* feThe Names. Cfte tree tftat bearetb tbefe frttites,iS calleb to ©reeke n«\U f*r.u: in marine, Maius medica,and Maius citna.AndalbeittfteCitronandecfte oftfteotberare fenerad trees one from anotber, as it in ptapnelp to be feene in a^attftiolus Commentaries*f* wfterealfo tt in to be noteb in tbe Citron tree, tftat ftis leafe in Unzip fnipt about p edges or tootfteb ipke a fow, but tbe mtoto and €)zenge treeS,wbofe leaues be euer greene Ipke tfte Bap tree, are not in* bented, but fmotfte about tbe ebges, fo tbat at tbe firft figftt Citron, Orenge and jiimon treeS,do fljew ipke Bap trees,but tfte pleafant fauour anb fined of 4Dooi; tfte 704 The fyxth Booke of tfteleaues,be farre bnlpke tfte fmell oftfte Bap leanes: tftefe tftree trees, J fap, be of tfte Atinctentes, allcontapnedbndee tfteCitron tree* Cftefrtiites alfo beallcalled of tfte Awncientes bp one ©reekenameffo«/w ; Jewes, do fap tbat tftis was tfte frnite wftereof Adam dpd eate* Cftis map be tfte tree wfticft piinie de- fcribetfthb.i2,Cap.6. called Pain, wftofe fruite ig called Anene. fy The Nature. CftefrutteofapofetreeiSftoate and mopd* . fyThe Vertues. CbiS fruite eaten nottrilftetb mucbe,anb berp quicklp,as Auicmfaitb, but 3? eaten m to great a quantitie, tt ftoppetft tfte liuer, atid engendretft fleme and twuiir. Jt is alfo good for tfte bzeaft, tfte ftomacke, and tft e kidnepes, it moiliffetft ^ tfterotigftnede and (ftarpneffeof tfte tftrote,p.zowoketft brine, and encreafetft na- <*>ftljepome <&tanate. Cfjap^jcjrtMij. fyThe Kindes. T'H.ete be two foztes of pomegranates,tbe tame and tbe wilbe: tfte fruite oftfte tame in tftzee maner of wapes,^ one ftaufag a fo wze iupce oz liquor, tfte otfter in fweete,and tfte tftirdeftatft tfte tafte of wine* fyThe Defcription H<£ tame pomegranate ig not berp greatft batft manp pliant bowes or bimt^zg, fet witb cruell tbornes ♦ Cfte leaueSbe berp greene and draigbt or narro we,lpfce bnto willow leaues, but (ftozter and tfticker, Witft final! litie red bzpnzg going tbtougft tftem, ft ftangfagbp a litiered foote ftalke.Cbe flowersbe bolow dkea wine cup or gobiet,cut about tbe brimmes after tfte falftio of a ftarre,of tfte colour Scarlet oz vermilion, after tftem com- metft tfte fruite wfticfte ig rounde,and wttftinit ig full of grapnes of a Crimfin red coionr,tfte wbicfte grapnes ftaue corners or edges, Ipke tftedones called ©ranatt,and witftfa tftem ipetft fmall ftoneS*Cfte wfticfte grapnes and beries tf> 0 0 ift (bp /°6 The fyxthbooke of (bp tfte wonberful ft martielous workeof natitre ) are witft cer- tapne tftinne and pellowilft fpne belmes and fkfanes, going be- twixt, fet and coucfted in berp good order: from tftofe grapnes commetft tfte iupce, tfte wfticft ig fewer orfWeete, or ftaufag tfte tade of wtne.Cft e tft ell or ppll of tfte pomegranate ig tftinne and tender befoze it in dzp,but being dried, it waxetft ftarde, and of a woodilft fubdance,pellow witft- in, but witftout coloured Ipke a Cftetotit* % Cfte wild pomegranate tree in Ipkewife ipke bnto tfte afore- fapde: but it bringetft fooztft ho fruite, and bin flowers be berp double, tfte wfticft eis tfte caufe tftat it bringetft fooztft nofrtttce*' fyThe Place. Cfte pomegranates growe to ftoate Conntries , as Jtalp, Spapne,ft bitters otfter places* fyTheNames. Cbe pomegranate is called to ©reeke h'«wh«: inmatine, Malum punicum, ft Malum Gra- mtum:toSftoppes,Pomum©ngiilfte,a pomegranate t inftigft Boitcfte,©ranatapffel:inbafeAlmaigne,©ranateapple:infrencfte,Pommes - Granades. % Cfte flowers of tfte tamepomegranatetree, iScalled in ©reeke w^und inmatine, Cytini. 2 Cfte flowers of tfte wilde after Biofcorides,are called in ©reeke/5«x«faop: ft accordingip in marine, Balauftium :inf rencft,D« Baiujires. And tftefe flowers areberp bouble, and tftcrefoiowetft no fruite after* Cfte flowers tftat bzing foortft fruite are fingle, and tfterefoze tftep are named tft e tame* Cft erinde ozpiil of tfte pomegranate,is called to ©reeke ^oF: fa matine, Malicoriumjand Sidium. fyThe Nature. pomegranates be colde and fomewftat adrfogent,bttt no t al of a Ipke fort* Cft efo wer are more drping and adringent*Cfte fWeete are not fo mucft aftrto- gent,bttt moremopfttftentfteotfters* Cftofetftatbetotadeipkewine, are in- different* tf? The Vertues. Cftetopceoftftepomegrateisberp good for tfteftomacke comfortingjtfte 3 fame wftmttis weakeand feeble, and coolingwftmitis to ftoate ozburntog: it is good alfo againfttfte weakeneffe and wambling of tft e domacke, Ipke as tfte iupce of £>renges and ©itronS,and it is berp good againd al ftoate agues, and tfte inflammation of tfteliuer andbiood, efpeciallptfte iupce of tfte tower pomegranates, and next to tftemfncfteasbeof wfailft tade: fortftefweete pomegranates ^aiuspumca.cfte pomegranate* the Hiftorie of Plantes. foy pomegranates(bpcaufe tftep engender a litlefteate anb breede Winde)arenot berp meete to bebfed m agues* Cbe bloffomes botb ot tft e tame and wilde pomegranate trees,as alfo tfte b rindeorlftelloftftepomegranatcmade into powder and eaten, or bopled in red witte and d.zonken,are good againd tfte blooddp flixe, and tfte inordinate courfe oftfte mbtfter,not onelp taken as is afozefapde, but alfo to fit or batft in tftedecoction of tfte fome* Cfte fame barke orbloffomsbodoppetftebioob of greene wounbes, if itbe© applied to wftat fort fo euer it be* Cbe fame barke killetft wo.zmcs,and ig a good remedie againd tfte cozrup* B ttonintfte domacke and bowels* iBitft tfte fame batke or witft tfte flowers of tfte pomegranate,tftemopd© and weake gummes are ft ealed, anb it fadenetft loofe teetft, ft f ft ep be wall; ed witft tftebtotft or becoction of tftefame* Cfte batke (and asctirner foitft tfteflowers) are good to be put into tfte f plapderS tftat are mabe againd bard tnges, tft at come bp tft e falling downe of tftegtittes* Cftefeede of pomegranates dried in tfteSonne,ftane p Ipke bertue as tfte © flowersrit doppetft tfte tafke, ft al iftuz of blood to be taken in tft e fame maner* Cftefomemingled wttft ftonp in good againft tfte fores and blcers of tften moutft,tfte pmitizn and fundament* Some fap,as Biofcorides writetft, tft at wft o fo euer eatetft tftree flowers of j tfte tame pomegranate, (ftalbe for one wftole pere after pzeferued from drop- ping or bleared epes* ..y <£>ftbejW«. inmatine, Maius cotonea: in ftigft Boucfte ^uittenbanm,oder fcnttenbatim: in bafe Almaigne, ^Itteap- pelboom:infrencfte,c^»4c/>^. Cftefmite in called in ©reeke p***i> mMm?: inmatine, Malum Cotoneum: toSftoppes,Cytonium:infrencfte,c^inftigft Boucft, 0tiittenopffel,and iimttm opffel: in bafe Almaigne,&ueappei: in € ngli(ft,a dtetoce, ft an Apple, or peare Quince* 1 Soinecalltfterotindefrtiite,PomaCitonia:in©ngliffte,AppleS€*iiinces: in fvznt\)z,Pomme de Coingw coing in bafe Almaigne,€*ueappelen* * Cfte otfter fruite wfticfte ftatft tftelikcnes of a peare, ©alen calletft *?«*;«, Struthia.and it in called to©nglilfte, tfte peare Quince: in f rencfte, Pommtde bafe Almaigne,€*ucpeeren,of fome Pyra Cy toma. fy The Nature. Cft e&utoce in colde in tft e firft degree, and drie in tft e fecond ,and adringent or binding* fy The Vertues. Cft e Quince doppetft tfte lafke or common fluxe of tft e bellp,tfte Bpfeuterte, a ft all fluxes of blood,and in good againd tfte fpitting of blood, efpeciallp wften it in rawerior wften it in eitfter bopled oz roded,it doppetft not fo mucfte,btit tt in tftan fitter to beeaten,and more pleafant to tfte tade* Cbe woman with cbdbetbat eatetb of tutrices oftentimes, eitfter in meate 23 or otfterwapcs,lftal bring foortft wife cftilbzen of goob bnberdanbtog, as Si- meon Setftp wzitetft* CfteCodignac,or^armelademade witft ftonie (as it was wonte tobeC madetotimespad)ozwitftftigar,astftepbfetomakeitnoweadapes,iSberp good and pzofitabie for tfte domacke to ftrengtften tfte fome,and to retainc and keepe tfte meates intfte fome, bntilltbcp be perfectlp digcdeb* Being takenbeforemeate,ttttoppetb tbe lafke: anb after meate it lofetft tfteB bellp, anb clofetft the montft of tfte domacke fo fad, tftat no bapours can come foortft,norafcenbebpto tfte brapne: alfo it curetft tfte fteabacfte fpringing of fucfte bapours* Cft? becoction or brotft of 4JUititceS, ftatft tfte Ipke bertue, and ftoppetft tfte t bellp and all fluxe of blood, witft tftebiolentrunningfoortft of womens ficke- neffe* mitb tl^zQimz tftep bfe to batfte tfte loofe fttndement, and falling downe of jf tfte mother,to make tftem returne into tfteir natural places* Cftep do berppzofitabip mixe them witft emplapders,tftatbemadeto flop © tft e lafke and bomiting*Cftep bealfo lapde bpon tfte inflammationS,anb ftoate fwellinges of tfte bizzStzn and otfter partes* Cfte downe oz fteare Cotton tftat in founde bppon tfte ^HtinceS, fodden in fc wine,anb lapde tft erebnto ftealetft Carbuncles,as piinie writetft* Cfte ople of Quinces dapetft bomittoges, gripings to tfte bellp or ftomacke J Witb tbecafttogbp of blood,if tfte ftomacke beannopnted tberewitb* Cfteflowersof tfte Quince treebodoppetbeflwxeoftbebellp,tftefpettingk of blood,and tftemendruad flowers* Coconclude,. it ftatft tfte fome bertue as tfte Quinces tftem felues* the Hiftorie of Plantes. 7&$ ^ftljcPtacljeanoitbjtccoH trees. C&ap.jl. fyThe Kindes. THere be two bxnbzn of peaeftes, wbereof tbe one kinde in late ripe, and* moft commonlp wbtte,and fometimes pello w,alfo tft ere be fome tftat are red*Cfteotfter kindes arefoner ripe,wfterefoze tftep be called Abrecox, or Aprecox* Maius Perfica. MalusArmcniaca-CfteAprecOfttree* Cfte peacfte tree av ■ iff The Defcription. 3H * peacfte tree is more tender tftenetftertrees, and of long conti* tinuanceftut do tft perilfte and die mucft fooner, tft en anp otfter fruiteful ftrees*Cfteleaues of peacfte treebe long and ligfttlp iaggedabonttfte edges,notfting differing from wtllo we leaues, failing tftat tftep be fomewbat (ftozter and bitterer* Cfte flowers are of aredditftefkpe colour;, after wfticfte commetft tfte fruite wfticft e in rounde ipke an Apple, wttft a beepe anb ftraigftt clif t or fozro w bpon one fibe,and couered ouer wttft a foft downe or ftoare cot- ton,of colour fometimes white, fometimes greene, fometimes reddilfte, and fometimes pellowe, and of a winilbe tade, foft in feeling,and of a fi&ftp pulpe oz fubftancein tbe middeft wftereof in arongft ftarbe ftone,f nil of creaftes and gutters, witft tn wfticfte in a kernelllpke an Almonde* s Cfte Abzecok to timberflowers and maner of growingis notmucft bnlpke tfte otfter peacfte trecfaning tftat ftisieanes befftozier ftfaober, and notbing like to tfte peacfteieaueS*Cfte fruite is like to a peacfte, but fmalter,ft fooner ripe* ?&The /to Thefyxth Booke of fy The Places. Cftep plante tftepeaefte tree in garbens anb binepardes, and tftep loue a fart and gentle grounde dandfag wel in tfte Sonne* fyThe Time. Cfte peacftes flower in Aprill, and tfte Abzeeox are ripe in June, but tfte peacftes in September* fy The Names. Cftepeacfte tree is called in ©reeke ^e^^^^intutinz, Maius Perfica- iuftigftBoticfte,pferficftbattm:inbafeAlmaigne,perfeboom:tofrencb,^ ©ngliift,a peacftetree* i Cbefruite in called iu©reeke **«^p ™e<™h:int,utinz, Malum Perficum .• to (ftops,Ferficum:inf rencft,/,^« toftigft Boncft,pferfing: inbafe Almaigne, Perfen: to ©nglifft e,p eacft es* Cftat kinde wfticfte will not eafdp be feparated fromtfte done,are called Duracina,inf renefte,i>« Preffes. Cfte Abzecok tree in called in ©reeke ***** '*#*«"«»*»:inmatine, Maius Armc- niaca:toBowcfte,^lroegfteperfeboom* 2 Cfte fruite ig called mr\«* A^«i«Ka:fa marine, Mala Armeniaca,Pra!coqua, and Pra? ©ngiilft, Abzecok, Aprecok,and Aprecox: fa frencfte, as a^attftiolus foitft * Cftere be otfter bertues attributed to tfte fame kernelles,as pe map reade in a£attftioltts and d@p?alde* . ^ftlje^lmonoettee* ap*irtt. || ThcKindes. Cftere be two foztes of Almondes, tftat is to fap, tfte fWeeteand bitter Al- mondes* ***** the Hiftorie of P lantes* 7tt fyThe Defcription. Amygdalus* AfotOndeS* fiSffi H ftljef>eatetree. €t)ap.jrt#* fyThe Kindes. T&^S^*% 0f *?"*>aCu)cU **« bekfades of Apples, wft ereof fome be ratfte ripe, fomeftaue a later riping, anb fome be winter orte, ftc*fo tbat tt tS not pofftble to reciteall tfte kindes of peares: wfterefoze WedoadutfetfteEeaderstoconfpdertftetademozetftentftepzopoztion,oztbe ttmeoftfteriptngofpeares:fortbetaftedotft beft decforeand aide notice of tfte qnalttittes and temperature of peares* fy The Defcription. >H^Pearetreeisas )great or greater tfte >tfte Apple tree, and rftigfter,witftagreat )bodporftemme,and manpe great bzan- cbes,tbe Wfticft for tfte mod parte boo tftnteormoiint bprigftt, ft not one ouer ano tft er,as tfte brancfteS of tfte Apple tree* CfteieaueSbe rounbi(ft,fmotft, and berp greene aboue: but bnberneatft mod com- monlp tftep be wbitilft* Cfte frnite for tftemoftpart is iong,brobebe- neatft, anb narrowe, and Iftarpe bpwarde towardes tbe ftemme, berp bitters or cotrarp, incolour, quantitie, pzbpoztion, and tafte, as isaboitefopde* Jn tfte middle oftfte fruite tftere ig a coare witft kernels oz peppins, Ipke as in tfte middeft oftfte Apples* fyThe Places. Cfte peare tree in planted fa gardens and €>rcftardes: alfo it growetft fometimes in woods ft Wdd bntopled places, but tbep be noneetfterwpfeefteemed, butas brfldtojjs or wild ftedgepeares* ~ '*- ' ^yfyTheTynie. Cfte pearetree flowretft faAprid o.z#ap,and tfte frnite ig ripe fa fommer and Attttimne* .^w u. ^ S;«flf .feThe Names. Cfte pearetree ig called fa ©reeke «>«©-:fa matine,Pirus:fa frencfte, v*t ^p#xr/A>.-4n4^A 3Br©«tp,-1Bp2*i»ttliiStai baft 3HitMigne9]deerbbonu Cbefrnite ig caded fa ©reke«»«« fa marine, Pira,oz as fome do write Pyra: faf reneft,^™,tH ftigft Botttft,Bprm:fatfafeAimaigne,peeren,fa©nalilb, peareS* ~ %TheNature. ■■* ■? All ktobestf peares a&tf^ be the Hiftorie of Plantes. 71} be due and bind fag,but not all alpke: for tfte wilde peares,and otfters tftat be rougft,btodtog,and cftokelp, do due ft ftop a greatdeafe moze tften tfte otfters* Cfte fweete ft grottfe peares, are mopftier and berp litie adringent oz nothing at ail* Cfte middle fofte of peares wfticft eare betwixt fweete and fower,are of complexion or temperature neared to tftem bnto wftom tfteir tade d.zawetft neared* Cfte pearetree leaues are colbe of complexion,drte and adringent, as ©a- ien foitft* fyThe Vertues. peares taken befoze meate,do nouritft but title, pet t^zp nourilft more tften a Apples,efpeciailp tftofe that be groufeanb fWeete* Che fow er, rougft, and cftokelp p eares, and otfterS tftat are not waterie, b to be eaten rawe or backte befoze meale, do ftop tfte common lafke oz flowing of tft e bellp,and do fofttfie and ftrengtften tfte moutft of tfte ftomacke* Cftep be alfo good to be laibe to tfte beginnings of ftoate tumours or pftleg* © monS,anb greene wounbes* Cbe leaues are good for tbe fame purpofe, for tftep clofe togitfter anb fteale B newe wounbes* <£>ftl)e Midler tree* C!jap*jdu>. #The Kynde s. DJofcoribes fettetft f 0oztft two kindeS of 9$edlarS* Cbe firft kind grow- tog bpon tft ornes*Cfte fecond kinde in our common pedlars, tfte wfticft ado be of two foztes: foz fomebe fmadand fome great, but fa falftio botft lpke,and tfterefore fome take tftem but for one kinde* fy The Defcription. H© firde kind eis a tft oznte tree, Witft prickles and leaues,not mucfte bnlpke tfte ftawtftome * Cfte fruite of tbis plante in fmall and rounde, and,as Biofcorides foitft, ftftatft tftree kernelles or do n es fa it: and tftep growe fa cluders,ffae or fixe, oz more togi- tfter* 3 Cfte common ap edier in a tree in fome places not altogitfter witft out pzic- kles,growtogalmodlpketo tfte otfter trees* Cfte leaues be fomewftat long andnarrowe,leffer tften tfteleaues oftfte Apple tree, nothing at all dented or toipt abont tfte edgeS*Cfteflowersbewftite,and parted into fiue leaues* Af- ter tfte flowers growetft tfte fruite, wfticfteis of a faowne ruffet colour, of a roundepropoztion and fomewftat bzoabeorflat, of this kinde oneis fmal, the otfter great,pet tftep be alwapes leffer tftm Apples, witft a great broabe nauel or Crowne at tft e toppe, or enbe, to tbe middle of tfte fame fmite are fiue flatte ftones,tfte wfticftebe tfte feede tftereof* fy The Place. 1 Cfte firft kinde of Seedier called Aronia, ftatft bene feene growing at Na- ples bp tft e learned and famous a^attftiolus: and in pzt bnkno wen to fts* 2 Cftecommon^edlerisplantedin gardensand €>rcftardes,ftdeligfttetft to growe in rougft bntopled placeS,about hedges and butftes* fyTheTymes. ^nreommonapedlersdoo flower in Aprill andfl^ap, and are ripeat tfte ende of September* fy The Names. 1 Cbe Seedier is calleb to ©reke^ixoc;tomattoe,Mcfpilus:toftigft Boucft, iliefpelbaum:tobafeAlmaigne,^ifpelboom:tofrencfte,^#/fr. PpP Cfte 7l4 The fyxth Booke of Cft e fruite in calleb in ©reeke marine, M efpil u m: to ©nglilfte,a fl£eble,or an openarffe: to f rencfte# in Boncft, jftefpel: in neatfter Boticft- lanbe,apifpele* % Cbe firft kinbe is calleb in ©reeke M&smx©* ^a>v/«,p^ f/K0KK@-:to marine, A* ronia5anb Trigrania:at0apleS Aza?rolo We map tall it alfo Azaroia, tfte tftree grapne apebler,or tftej&eapolitan apedler* 2 Cfte feconbektobe in calleb in ©reeke imtu\\t, Epimeiis,and offome wowr. Sitanium,oraS fome Write Setanium- Cfte bigged of this late recited binbz is called in ©ngiilft, a great ap edler: or tfte garben 9g)ebler: in f reneb, Neffle cMuee .• in Brabant,pote ^ityeien* fyThe Nature. apeblerSbecolbe, dzie,and adringent*Cfte leaues of tfte a^edler tree,beof tftefamenature* fyThe Vertues. a^ edlers do ftoppe tfte bellp,elfteciallp being pzt greene and ftarde,for after a tbep baue bene a wftilekept,fo tftat tftep become foft and tender, tftep doo not ftoppcfo mucfte: but tften tftep aremozeconuenient tobe eaten,pet tftep nourilft but iitie,or notfting at all* Cfte &)edler (tones madeinto powder and dronken ,doo breake tfte done 13 and expulfe grauel,as Antonp apufa writetft* a&attftiolus ft a^alde,do totreate more largelp of tfte bertues of tftis fruit* m ,A.,f, ,.*r the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^ftlie^ulbettetree* Cfjap^lutj* fyThe Defcription. Morus. a9ulbetfeS* H<£ a^itlbcrtc tree is great and large,fpzeading his bzancftes in n 3 to breadtft and legtft, ftis leaueS be greene ft targe, fnipt about tbe ebges, after tftemaner of a fowe* Cfte flo wer in final witft a f toe ft oare or foft cotton*Cfte fruite confiftetft of manp beries growing $ togitber like tbe ftuitz off Bramble,but it in larger anb longer,of colour wftite at tfte beginning, after redde,and at tbe laft $ blacke,ofawinilftetafte* Cfterootesbe v pellowilfte, efpeciallp tftebarkes of tftem wfticfte be alfo bitter in tade* fyThe Places. W " Cfte aj)ulberie treereiopcetft in tfte gar- The Names. * Cftea^ttlberie treeiscalleb in ©reekewX«woH:tomatine,Morum:to SftoppeS,Morum Celfi. in ©ngiilfte,a apulbetie,or apuiberies: inftigft Boucfte,a^aulbeercnt inbafe Almaigne^oerbefiemtuf rencfte, uncures. fyThe Nature. Cfte bnripe $® ttlberies ate colb anb drie to tbe fecond degree, ft adringent* Cbe ripe beries are of a temperate complexion* Cftebarkeoftfte^ulberie efpeciallp of tfteroote,iS ftoate and dzie to tfte feconde degr ee,and of a cutting,clenfing, and abfterfiue prop ertie* fyThe Vertues. Cfte greme and bnripe $$ ttlberies dried, do ftoppe tft e bellp, tft e blooddp ^ flixe,and bomitingto be dzonken in redde wine* Cfte rppe beries bo loofe anb mopften tbe bellp, cattfing to go to tfteftoole, & efpeciallp to be takm fading,oz befoze meate* Cbe fome taken after meate are foone corrupted to tfte ftomacke, cattfing pcomo?e tree* €fjap*tf b * fy The Defcription. He Spcomoze is a great tree ipke tfte a^ulberie tree, witft a great ftem Sycomorus. or tronke, ft manp great limmes ftbzancfteS*CfteleatieSbemucfte like to tfte leaues of p a^ttlbene* Cfte fruit is like to awilb figge, but tt is witftout anp total fedes toit,anb it growetb not bpo tfte poung brancbes as tfte fruite of otfter trees growetft, but bppon tbe docke or dem, ft tfte greateft armes of tbe tree: alfo ft nener waxetft ripebnleffeit be draped Witft an irontoole* Alfo tftere ig a certapne gumme or liquor gatftered fro our oftfte barkes of tfte poung Spcomoze trees, tfte wfticfte in gotten bp pearfingtfte rinde oz barkes of tfte poung trees,before tftep ftaue borne anp fruite* 1L The Place. Cfte Spcomore tree,as Biof- coribes wzitetft, growetb in © a- ria,and Eft odes, ft in otfter pla- ces wftere as wfteate growetft not* Cftere in abundance of ft planteb in ©gppt about tfte great ©aire or Alkapre, wftere as peter Belon ftatft feene ft* iffTheTyme. Cfte trees be alwapes greme, and bring fooftft frnite tftree or fonre times apere- fyTheNames. Cftis tree is called in ©reeke ™Kftf)efiggettee* €ljap*jribn fyThe Defcription. Ficus. H<£ garden figge tree,wftercof we (ftall no w e fpeake,ftatft manp bran- cbes full of pitft witftin, Ipke tfte (ftutesor dalkes of ©fozen, oner couered witftafmotft piapnerinde oz barke* Cbe leaues be great anb iarge,blacktlfte,and for tfte moft part btuided inftoe* At tfte top of tftebtancftcs growetft tfte fruite, tfte wfticft fa round and long, falftioned ipke peares, fweete,and ful of fmal kernelles oz gratnes* Befoze tfte fruite be r ip e,if it be fturt or fcar- rtf ted,tft ere commetft foortft a fappe or iuptz line milke, but betng tftrougft ripe,tft e iupce is Ipke to ftonp* e The Place. * Cfte figge trees are plentiful toSpapne and Jtalp, and are founde alfo fometimes to tftis Cowntrie,bttt berp rare anb felbom, tftep mud be planteb to warme placcs,tftat (land wel in tbe Sonne, and are defended from tft e 0oztft and ^ouftead windeS* fyThe Times. Cfte figge trees fa tftis Countrie are berp long ft late fa waxing greene, for tft ep begin to ptttfooztft tfteir leaues but at tfte, endofa?ap* Cfteirfruiteigrppeabouttfte ende of fommer* fyTheNames. t Cfte garben figge tree ig called in ©reke <™« fcte©-:fa marine, Ficus fatiua: inftigft Boucftcf etgftenbaum,tobafe Aimaigne,niriigftenboom: inf rencfte, vng ¥ i^uier. to ©ngiilft e,a figge tree,or a garben figge tree* Cfte fruite ig calleb in ©reeke <™Win marine, Ficus:bp tbe wbicfte name tt ig knowen in SftoppeS: in ©ngli(ft,af igge:fa freneft,/^: fa ftigft Boucft, ©in f eigen: fa bafe Almaigne,©en saftgfte: tftis fruite before it ig ripe,is cal- leb in ©reeke owvfi©- in marine, Groffus .and Wben it igbp,z, tbep call itin ma- tine Carica:fa©reeke,oc<«»anb not **§*& for **?«*» fa ©reeke Carice,isa kind of figgewfticftegrowetft onelpinSpria* t Cfte wildefigge treeis called to©reeke,™ui iyoU t&iewi&i famatfae, Fi- cus fyluefrris,and Caprificus. Cfte frnite of tftis figge tree,wfticfte neuer commetft to ripeneffe, is named ppp Hi in 7l° Thefyxthbooke of ^©reekeastftcbmipefruiteoftftegard^ ius:aild Offomealfo *eiA©-,Erincus. fyThe Nature. Cfte gremefigges new gatftered are a litie warme and fomewftat mopft* Cfte drie figges are ftoate almoft intftefecond degree,and fomtftfag mopft, and of fttbtill partes* CftemplkieiupceoffiggeSiSftoateand dziealmodin tfte tftird degree,and alfo (ftarpe and biting* Cfte leattes ftaue alfo fome (ftarpeneffewitft an opening power, but notfo ftrong,as tfte iupce* fyThe Vertues. Cfte newe gatftered figges, nouritfte moze tftm tft e o tft er ftuites:bitt tftep * fagender windineffe and btaftfag,and tftep lofe tfte bellp gentlp* 4 Cftep abate fteate anb quencfte tftird,but taken into great a quantitie, tftep «* do fturttftedomacke making it weake and witftout meate tuft* ® Cfte drie figges do notirttft better tften tfte greene or newe figges, pet tftep ^ fagender no berp good blood,for tftofe tftat feede mncfte bppon figges become loufie and full of bermine* figges eaten before meat, bo loofe tfte bellp,anb are goob for tfte kidnepes, a foztftep bzine foortb grauell witft brine* Cfteppzouokefweate, and bptfte fame meanes tftep fende fooftft corrupt <£ and dinking ftumours: wfterefore tftep be berp well giuen to poung cftpldzen tftat are fickeoffmallpockes,anb wftieales, or apefelS, for tftepbzing tftem quicklp fooztft anb witftout ieoparbie* Cbep bealfo goob for tfte tftzoteaud lunges,tftep mitigate tfte cougft, and j are good for tftem tftatare lftortwfaded,tfteprppe flegme cattfing tfte fame to be eafplp fpet out,in whatfoztfo euer tftep be taken,wftttfter rawe,ozroded,oz fodden wttft laptope and dzonken* Cfte decoction of figges in water,is good to be dzonken of tftofe tftat ftaue © fallen from ftigft,anb bane taken fqnattes oz bzufesioz tftep bifpearfe and feat* ter tfte congeled or clotted blood,and affwage or flaketftepapne* figges pounde witb Salt,Eue,anb #Uittes,witftflanbetft all popfon and $ corruption oftfte apze* And tbig was a fecrete preferuatiue witft ap itftztdates king of pontitS, bfed againft adbenome and popfon* Cfte decoction of figges gargarifed or ftolden in tfte montft ig good agapnd -» tft e(l)arpeneffe and ft oarfeneffe of tfte tftrote: alfo agapnft all fwellinges and J impodumations oftfte moutft, tft e tfttotetfte Almondes oftfte tftrote ft iawes, and (Welltng oftfte tongue* figges are good to bekeptintfte moutft, againft tfte Acfteanbpapneof tfte ** teetft and iawes* Being lapde to witft wft eaten meale,tftep do foften and ripe impoftumes, m pftlcginons (that is ftoate and angrie fwellinges) and tumours beftinbetfte eares, efpeciallp if potiptitto it mpnefeebeanb fenugreek, anb ifpotiptitto ft tbe rootes of mpllies,it will ripeand breake impodtimes anb botcftes* figges mixed witft barlep meale boo fcatter anb confume fwellinges, aS $* ©alen wzitetb* Cfte fame fodden to wozmewood wine witft barlep meale, aregoobto be 4 lapbe to,as an ©mplapfter bpon tbebellies of fucfte as baue tfte bzopfte. figges and aiHidardfeede pounde berp fmall togitfter, doo ftelpetfteritv^ ging nopfe and founde of tfte eares,alfo tftep amende tft e ft earing being lapd to outwardlp* Jn the Hiftorie of Plantes. 719 Jn fewe wozdeS,tfte dried figges ftaue power to foften,confume,and make p fubtil,and map be berp well bfed botft outwarblp anb inwardlp, wftitfter to ripe oz foften impoftumes,or els to fcatter and diffolue tftem* Cfte leaues of tfte figge tree do waft and confume awap tfte kinges ettil or & (Welling kernelles in tfte tftzo te,and do modifie and wade all otfter t untours, beingfmailpoundeand lapde thereto* Cftemilkieiupceof figges ig good againftall rougftneffe oftfte fkinne, me- E pzies^pzeadingforeSjtetterSjfmailpockeSjmefelleSjpulfteSjreckles^entileS, and otfter fucfte Ipke fpottes,and fcuruineffe,botft oftfte bodp and face,lapde to witft barlep meale parcfted: alfo tt taketft awap wartes, if it be lapde to wttft fatte or greafe* Jt curetft tfte tootft acfte,if pou dip a litie Cottonor Bombafie in tfte fopde S milkeand lap it to pour too tft,oz make a title pellet tftereof, and put it into tfte ftolowneffe of tfte corrupt or akiitg tootft* Jt openetft tfte bapnes of tfte HemeroideS,ft loofetft tfte bellp being lapd to C tftefnndement* Cfte leaues ftaue tfte fame bertue, if tftep be wrong in beftinde attfte fnndement* Jt in berp good to beiapdc to witft tfte meale of f enngreke and bineger, u bpon tbe ftoate go wte,efpeciallp tfte gowte oftfte feete* Jtis good to powze of tfte fame inpce into tfte wound made witft tftefting^ of tfte ScorpionS,or tfte biringes of madde Bogges* Cbe iupce of figges turned) milke anb caufetft it to cmdde, and agapne if p fcatteretb, or diffoluetft, or meltetft tfte cluttered crudde, or milke tftat in come to a crtidd e,as bfaeger dotft* Cfte alfteS of tftef igge tree mixed witft ople of Eofes and l©axe, enretft 2 burninges,and tfte Ipe tftat in made witft tfteafftes oftfte figge ftealetft fcurui- neffe,and fedred ozfowle fretting fozes,ff tftep be walft ed tfterewitftall* ®fJMunttree0/6ullte0/£lofe/* ^nagges. €ljap*jclbtj* fyThe Kindes. FJrdto fpeake generallp of pluinmes tftere be two kindes, Wftereof fome appartepne to tfte garden, and fome are of a wilde kinde * Cfte garden or tame fort of plnmmes are of diners kindes,fome wftite fome pellow,fome blacke,fonieof tfte colourofaCftefnet,andfomeofalpgfttozcleareredde: and fome great,and fome fmall: fome fweete and dzp,fomefretft and tftarpewfterof ecfte kinde ftatft apatticuler name*Cfte wilde plnmmes aie tfte lead of al,and arecalledSiofe,Bullies,andSnagges* . * v fy The Defcription. HC plummetreegrowetft bprigfttlpke otber trees,efpeciailp if (tbe well gupded,and gouerned,and puttetb foortb manp brancbes, ouer couered witb afmootb brownitftebarke, from out of tfte wfticft being fcatrifieborotberwifeburte, Jn fommer it puttetb foortb gumme* Cfte leaueS are fomewftat long,pet for all tftat almoft rounde,and fineip fnipt oz ftackt about tfte ebges Ipke a fowe*Cfte flowers be wbite ipke tbe bloffoms of tfte Cft errie tree, anb are alfo parteb into fiue or fixe final leaues*Cbe fruite inmodcommonlpfomewftatlong,wftereoffomearegreat,fomefmall: of co- fottrfomebe wftite,fomepeilowilfte,fomeblacke,anb fomereb* Jn tftemiddle Wftereof is tociofed a litie long ftarde done,ftaning in it a nut oz kernel of a bio tertafte* Cfte rooteof tftis tree ipreadetft mucbe abzoabe in tbe grounde, and puttetft foortft fa manp places newe fpringes and fcpons, tfte wfticfte will alfo growebp to tftefteigftt,if tftepbe not cut of in feafon* %©PP iiif Cfte 720 The fyxth Booke of a Cftewilde plumtree growetft no tbp to tftedatureofatree,butrematoetft towebp tbe grounbe, Ipke to a ftebgebitlfte, wbereof it in a certapnekinbe: tt puttetft bp manp brancfteS from one roote, fet ftere and tfterewitft pricking tft outes,ft leaues like to tfte of tfte garden plummes oz BamfonsXaufog tftat tftep be fmaller*Cbe flowers be alfo wbtte*Cbe fruit in fmal,a great beale leffe tbm anp otfter plummes,to tade tower anb binding, tfte roote alfo tpteadetft farre abrobe to tftegtotinbe or eartft,berpplpant,anb of a woddilfteftibftance* fyThe Place. t CfteBamfonSanbotfteroftftegardm kindeS,are founde almoft euerp Wftere in €>rcftardes* » Cftewilde plummes do grow to feeldes and wapes,and otfter bntopled places and to ft edges* fyTheTymes. Cft eplumtrees do flower to Aprill or fommer, efpeciallp tfte wilde plum* tree,tft e wfticfte flowretft ratftertftm tfteotfter* Cftektodesofgardenpiummesareripeto Auguft, tfte Wilde moft com- monlp in September* fyTheNames. i CfteplumtreeiS cadedin ©reeke kowu^xw: to marine, Prunus: to ftigft Bottcftcpflaumenbaum: inbafeAlmaigne,prtipmboom: in frencfte, vng Prunier. CftefriiiteiScalledto©reekeKOKK^xoj>:tomatine, Prunum • to©nglilfte,a plnmmeorPrune: in f rencfte, vnePrune. fa ftigft Boucfte, ©in pflaume oder cnc 1-iiftorie of Plantes. .' '*:-fii ober pzannie: fa bafe Atmaigne,©en prupme* . Cfte great fweete biewiiftplummes,ate calleb of Cft eocrittis^cc§vx«,Bra-A byla:oftbematimftes,Pruma Damafcena: fa ©nglilfte, Bamafke prunes: in frmcfte, Prunes de Damaciu ftigft Boncbe,i!*uetfcften,anb Blauw Spilling: in bafe Almaigne,pznpmen ban Bamafcft* Cfte common browne blewe,anb CrimfenBamfonS, are called Hifpanica. b Cbepellowifftepliimmesarecalled inmatine, Cerea.and CercolaPruna: © in ©ngiilft e,tfte t® fteaten,or wftite plummet to f tzntbzjrunes blanches. Cfte great ronnde redde plummes, are called of fome inmatine, PrunaB afinina:to©nglilft,Hozfeplummes:tofrencft,/>r/^«^c^rf/toftigftBottcft, Eof?ptfoumen:tobafeAlmaigne7Eotftrupmen* Cft e lead of all wfticfte be fmall and rounde,are called to frencfte, d amines: © inftigft Boucfte,Herbftpflaumen,anb to bafe Aimaigne,palloken* 2 Cftewildeplummetree,Blacketftorne,andSloo trecis called in ©reeke f k0Kki/*k\{« iyp/ofiKsci ocy^oicoKxi^xU: to matilte, Prunus fylueftris: to ftigft BOUCft C, Scftleft edom: in bafe Abuaigne,Slefteborm:in ftznt\)Z,Prunierfauiuagc. Cfte fruite ig calleb in ©reeke kokk^n\oV *ypioy,K&* «>plOKoKK^xxop.fa ©ngiilft e> Slofe,wh ereof tft at kinde wfticfte ig founde gro wingbpon tfte blacke tftozne, ig called Catte Slofe,and Snaggesrin frencft z,Pruneiies3o% Fourdeines. to ma- ttoe,Prunumfylueftre,Pruneolum;andPrunulum:toftigftBOllCfte,Scftleftent inbafe Almaigne,Sleften* Cfteinpceof Snagges or Catte Siofe, is commonlp called inSftoppes, Acatia,and ig bfed in fteede Of Acacia. f[7he Nature. Cfte gard en plummes do coole and mopften tft e ftomacke and bellp* Cfte Snagges anb Catte Slo fe,are cold e,drie,and adringent* fy The Vertues. piumuieSdonouri(ftebutiitle,and fagender nottgfttiebiood:but tftep doo % gentlp loofe and open tftebellp,efpeciallp wften tftep be frelfte and newe gatft e- red,after tftep be ripe* piummetree leaueS are good againfttfte fwelling of tfte buula,tfte tftzote, %* gnmmes,and kernelles bnder tfteiawes, foztftep ftop tfte Emme, ft flowing downeof ftumours, if a man will gargle witft tfte decoction tftereof madeto Wine,aS Biofcorides wzitetft* Cfte gumme oftfte piummetree dzonken to wine, breaketft tfte done and > expelletft grauell,as fome do write* ^ Cftewildeplummesdoodapeandbindetftebcllp: andfo doo tfte bnripe*-* plttmmes,and all otfters tftat befower and adringent* & Cfte iuptz of wdde plummes or Snagges, doo doppe tfte lafke, womens ^ flo wers,and all iffueof bloob,and it map be berp wel bfed in deede of Acatia* *" ef^ebeffeno* €ljap*it1iwij* fyThe Defcription. Rongft tfte kindeS of plummes (tftofe Wfticft are called inSftoppes SebedenS)map be accounted, tfte wfticft do alfo growe bppon trees, wftereof tfte bodp ordemme is couered witft awftitebarke, and tfte brancfteS Witft agreenepilorrind*CfteleaiieSberottndi(ft* Cftefruit (Snot mut^z bnlpke tfte lead kinde of Bamfons or plnmmes, but fmaller, of a blewilfte colour and fweete tafte, wftite witftin, and of a bifcus bi clammie fiibftaitce,in tfte middle wftereof are fmadftones witft kernelles in tft em > ipke to plumme (tones* , fyThe 7" The fyxth Booke of , #The Places. fyTheNames. «W*jtnttebpcaiifeofftisclammilftneffeandflpme, ig called fa ©reke^ Myxa,and K«e««,Myxaria:fa SftoppeS, Sebeften,ft of fome Sebaftar: OfaSat- tfttOltlS,Prunus Sebeftena. ' Cftecomplexionof Sebeftmsdzawetowardescoideandmopft, and tber- foretftepbeofnattiremucftelpketo garden plummes* feThe Vertues. Sebeftmsbegoodtoftoate agues,elpeciailp wftentfte bellp ig ftopteot a bounde* * * Cbep be alfo berp good againft tfte «mgft,and flowing downeof ftoate and * fait ©atarres and Eeumes bpon tft e bzeaft and lunges* Cftep be alfo goob againft tbe inflammation oftfte blabber anb kidnepes, © and againft tfte ftrangurie and ftoate piffe,oz tfte burninges of brine* ^ffuiubeo* tffjapjlfjc. fyThe Kindes. THerebetwofozteSof Jttiubes,asColttmellawzitetft,tftatiStofop,redde and wftite* fyThe Defcription. niubzg ig tft e fruit of a tree,as tfte S ebedens be, tbep be round and long,not mitcfte bnlpke an 4>liue, but fmaller, of colour eitfter Wftite or red,in tafte fweete,tfte wfticftebring long kept, waxe dzie and full of wzinckles: eacfteplwmmeor fruite ftatft a ftarde long ftone in it, Ipke in falftiou to an€>lpuedone,but mucfte leffer* C The Places. Jutobes bo growe to ftoate regions,as in Jtalp anb otfter Ipke places* feThe Names. CftiS treeis called of Columella tomatine,Ziziphus:tn©ngli{ft,tfteJuiub treetin f rmcfte,/*//*£/>r,and Guindoulier. CftefrttitetocalledZizipha:toflfaps,iuiuba?:to©ngli(ft,Jttittbes:tofrecft, iuiubes,mb\)i$b Boucfte,Bruftbeerito: fome tfttoke tftat ©alen cadeb tftis frnite to ©reeke,<™e'**>Serica. fyThe Nature. Juiubes are temperate to fteate and mopfture* fy The Vertues. JuiubeS eatm are ftarbeof digeftion,andnoiirilfte berp little, but taken in * ©lectttaries,fprupes,and otfter medicines,tftepappeafe ft modifie tfterongft- neffe oftfte tftrote,tfte bzeaft and lttnges,and are berp good againfttfte cougft* Jn tfte felfe fame maner tftep are berp good foz tfte repnes oftfte backe, tfte 15 kidnepes,and tfte bladder,wftetfter tftep be exnlcerateb oz inflamed, or bexed wttft anp Iftarpeand fait ftnmottr* ^ftfijetweo* €fjap*l* D The Kindes. T'Here be two foztes of Cft errieS, great and fmall: tfte fmall Cft erries doo growe bpon ftigft treeS,and tfte greater C ft erries bpon meane trees* And of etterpkindetfterebe two fortes, fomereb, fome blacke* Bpfidestftefe kindeS the Hiftorie of Plantes. 7Zj kindes tftere are Cfterries tftat gro w,tftzee,foure,and fine bpon a ftemme,and alfo tftat ftang in cinders Ipkegrapes, wftereof tfte learned apattftiolus ftatft gitted bs tfte figures* Cerafia-S weete Cfterries* fy The Defcription. Cerafa Racemofa. Clllder CfterrieS* >Hat tree wfticft bearetft tfte Cerafaauftera-Sower Cfterries* icommonfmail Cfterries, oz< ^apa*ars,iS moft commonlp < great, ftigft, and tfticke,lpke ltootftertrees*Cftebarkeof ^ tftis tree in plapne ft fmootft of colour Ipke tfte barke of tfte Cftetout tree,tftzee or fonre fold double,tfte wfticft will differ to be ftaled,rtnded, ftripte,and ppide,liketo tftebarkeof tfte Bircfte tree* Cfte leattes be great and fomewbat long, ftackt about tfte edges witft teetft Ipke a fowe* Cfte flo wers be wfttte and parted into fiue cz fixe fmall leanes* Cfte fruite ftatft a fweete fmak or tade, of colour fometimes redde, fometimes browne, to proportion like tfte greater Cfterries,but fmaller,pea fometimes berpfmall* Jn tfte fome tftere in founde a fmall done,wifft a kernell tftereto ciofed* 2 Cfte tree tftat bearetft tfte great Cber- rieS,iS not berp higft,but mod commonlp of a meane dature, in al tftinges eis like $ otfter, botft inieaues anb flowers* Cfte fruite in alitle long and rounde, and of a pleafont fweete tafte,of colour fomtimeS of afapnt red,and almoft ftalfe wfttte and ftalfered,fometimeSbzowne,ft welneareall blacke,wftereof tfte iupcedapnetft pttrple,oz a faire ©rtotfcuIpke to Bfafill* a CftefowerCfterriesaretobebeaccottntedamongdtftereft^CftiStreetS moft commonlp weake and tend er ,nettft er ftigft nor great: and tfterefore of no long continuance*Cfte leanes be alfo fmaller, but o tfterwapes Ipke tfte leaueS of tfte fWeete CfterrieS,tfte flowers be wftite, tft e fruite in rounbe anb fo wer, fometimes red,and fomtimeS blacke,lpke tbe 3*£a?ar or Dttrtel Cfterries,tftiS Cft errie ftatft alfo a ftone in tfte middleof tfte fruite, but fmaller and rounder tften tfte ©upau or fweete Cfterries* €>ttt of al tftefe Cfterrie trees,tftere iffuetft gumme like tftat of tfte plttmme trees, ozpeacfte trees, efpeciallp wften tfte rinde or barke is anp wapes fturt OZbZUfeb* fyThe Place. Cbe tree tbat bearetft tfte fWeete ©upanCfterrieS, or tfte great frencfte Cfterries in planted in gardens and ^Dzcftardes * But tft at wfticfte bearetft tfte apa?ars,or § fmal Cfterries growetft tofome places berp plentifullp in fzzlbzg anb wooddes* a^attftioltiS wzitetft tftat about Crent a Citie in Jtalp, abouttfteCitieof Pragein tfteCoutrieofBoftem,ft about taaienna in tfteCountrie of Auftrige, tftere growe natttrallp wilbe Cfterries bpon lowebtitftes or (fttubbes, of little moze t^zn ftalfe a fa foote ftigft, anb tfteir fruite ig in ail refpectes annfwerable to tfte otfter fmall Cfterries* # The ^^ ^belyxtrTBookeot fyThcTtine. Cft^eatf reneft Cfterries,ft tfte common Cfterries do commonlp flower 2 *gWWte wD?e Cfterries arerppe in Juncand continue bntpll Juip: but **M«*£* *** ripe in Julp,and tftep map bekeptfreift ft wbolebnto tfte ende Of AUgilft* €LThe Names. CfteCfterrietreeiScalledin©reeke^e«wr®-:famatfae, Cerafus.- inftiab Boucft^tricftenbaum: inbafe AlmaigneAerfeboorinfrecft^^^.-ft^fe CftefettiteipkewifetocadebKte*™,^^^ g^»« inftigft Boucfte,feirfcften:inbafeAlmaigne,&erfen* And for tfte better declaration botft of tfte names and kindeS of Cfterries J ftane tftougftt good to gittepoti tobnderftande,wftat Jftaue concefaed of tftis matter* J reade in aMtfttoiits, tftat tfte common people of Jtalp doo cad tfte waterilfte Cfterries Acquaimia. cfte famous learned man Eobertws Ste- pftanus in big^ frencfte Bictionarie,dotft turne tftis frencft worde Guifnes fato marine,as folo wetft (Aquitamcacerafa) wfticfte foundetft fa ©ngiilft, ©ttpan Cfterriesmow wftetfter tfte people of Jtalp do cal Guyan jquitan,j referee tftat to tftem tftat be expert in tbat langitage*Bttt tbe frencft wozb feemetft to ftaue ftiS firft originallof tfte Countrie ©npan,f or tftep expound Ccnfa.Guifnesdoui- w,SweeteCfterries* Cr^^/j^w.Duracinaceraf^HardeCfterrteS* c?*^«»wwXerafiaAdian3,SmallCfterrieslpke©ldrmberieS* Guifnes fort rWw, Cerafia Ca?ciliana,EotinOe Cfterries* Guifnes fort rouges, Cerafia Aproniana, ©rape Or Clttfter CftettfeS : fo tftat Guifnes is tfteir proper worde for all fortes of Cfterries,exceptfo wer Cfterries, Wfticft tftep Cad matine, Cerafia acida. f Cftefirft kind,efpeciallp tftat wfticft bearetft tfte fmalleftfrttite,istfte Cfter- ne treedefcribed bp Cfteopftzaftus* 2 Cfteotfter is called offome x«m«^«^©-» Cham*cerafus: pet tt in not tftat Cham*cer>fuswftereof Afclepiadesa^prleaniiSWritetft, tfte frnite wftereof maketft men dronken like wine* Cfte Bzabanbers name tftis tree Spaenftfte feerfelaer,and tfte fruite Spaenfcfte &erfen,tftat in to fop, Spanilft Cfterries, orCftemetree:infrencbe,c;»w»/Vr,andcw»»©ngd(ft,frencbeCfterrieS, anb Spanilft Cfterriesuftepbealfo called in frmcfte, cueurs. and tftep tbat be ftalfe Wftite Bigarreans. j Cftecommonfower CfterriesiS of tfteiaterwriterstaken to beakindeof Cerafus,and tfterefore tft e fruite is Ipkewife called Cerafa,of fome m erenda?,or Marenae : plattoa Writetft Of One Moxetum ex Merendis, CordUS Writetft ofonecomp^tindenamed Diamarenatum,atid botft tftefe are madeof Cfterries* fyThe Nature. All Cfterries anb S*9a?atS, are colde and mopft of temperature, but aboue all tbe red tbe tower Cfterries do coole moft,and fpeciallp tftofe tftat be blacke, Wfticfte are alfo aftrfogent,eifteciadp bepng drped* fy The Vertues. Cfterries eaten firft befoze otber meates, bo foften anb loofe tfte bellp berp 3 gentlp,but tbzp nourilft e but litle,anb are ftttrtftill bnto mopft, bnftealtftie fto- mackes: for tftep be foone pittrtfied and cozrrupted witftin tfte fame, efpeciallp tfteapa?ersorfmallCfterries,tftewftttftedo oftentimes togender aguesand otfter maladies* Cftered fowerCfterrieS,doIpkewife loofe tbebellp, anb are moze wftole-^ fome and conuenientfoz tft e ftomacke: for tftep doo partlp comfozt, and partlp flake or (Wage tftirde* Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. W Cfte blacke fewer Cfterries boo ftrmgtben tfte ftomacke more tften tfte reft, t anb being dried tbep (toppe the lafke* Cfte©itmmeof tftea^ar or wilde Cfterrie ttee,oftfteSpani(ft Cfterrie, B and of our commonfower Cfterrie tree,is good to be dzonkentowtoe of tftofe tftat are troubled witft tfte grauell and tbe ftone* Jt in alfo goob againft tbe excoriation anb rougftneffe of tft e tftzo te,ltinges, <£ and breaft,anb againft tbe cougft anb ftoarfeneffe* Cfte water diddled of frelfte and newe gatftered Cherries, is good to be powred into tft e montft es of fncft as ftaue tft e falling euil,as ofte as tfte courfe oz fit tronbletft tft em, foz it in good againd tfte rigour and bioience of tfte fame* 0f tlje council tree* <£tjap*li* fy The Kindes. THere be two to^tzn oftfte Corned tree (as CfteopftzadttS writetft) tftatis to fap,tfte tame and wilde* Cornusmas. Cornusfcemirta. Cfte male or tame Cornell tree* Bogge betie,or ©atten tree* fy The Defcription. jH ® tame Cozneil tree, fometimes growetft dp banbfomlp, and waxetft meetelp greatlpke otber meane trees: fometimes alfo tt is butlow,anb growetft ipketo afl)rnborftedgebti(ft:asdtoerSotber Ifmall trees dco* Cfte woodoz timber of tftis tree in berp ftarde* Stqq Cfte 7>6 l'heiyxth Booke of Cfte flower i9i of a fapnte pello wi(ft colour*Cfte fruite ig berp redde,and fome- wftat long almoft Ipke an €>lptie,but fmaller,witft a long litie ftone oz kerned, tfteretnclofeb like to tfte done of an ®iptte berie* 2 Cfte wilde Cornell tree growetft not bp Ipkea tree, but remapnetb loweas aftedgeplant,tftetimberof tbistree botft of tftepoung twigges anb old bran- cbes ig likewife berp ftarde and plpant: tfte (ftntesandfcozges, are full of knottes or iopnteS and witftin tftep be fitllofpitft, Ipke tfte (ftutes of ©ider* Cfte leaues are berp Ipke to tbem of tfte tame or male Cornell tree* Cfte flowers be wbite anb boo growe in tuftes, after tftem rpfe fmall rounde beries, wfticfte are greene at tfte fird, but afterwarde blacke wften tftep be ripe* fyThe Place. % Cft e tame Cornel tree ig found growing Wilde in manp places of Almaigne like to otfter bulftes:btit in tftis Conntrie it ig not to be founde but in gardens andgDuftarbes* * Cfte wpldeCornell tree ig founde growing to ftedges and alongeft tfte feeldes* fyTheTymes. » Cfte tame Cornelltree flowretft bptime in aparcfte oz fometpme ratfter t and afterwarde it bringetft foortft ftisieaueS*Cfte fruite ig rppe in Auguft* 2 cfte wplde Cornell tree So wretft in Aprill and apap: bis beries be rppe to September* fyTheNames. * Cfte tame Cornell tree ig calleb to©reeke «*<*'«.* fa marine, Comus: fa ©nglilfte, tbe Cornell tree, of fome long Cfterrie, or long Cfterrie tree: to ftigft Boucfte, Corneibanm, Cftierlinbattm, and ttttcbeerbatim: inbafe Al- tuaigne,Cornoelieboom* 2 Cfte wilde Cornell tree, ig called of cft eopftradus fa ©reek£ fr^w* ? tftatiSto fop famatfae^Cornus foemina.-fa ©nglilfte, tftefemaleCornel tree: Hottndestree,andHoundeberie,orBoggeberietree,and tbepricke timber tree,bpcaufe B wteft ers bfe to make prickes of it: in bigb Boncbe, Hartriegel: ft ig called in Brabant offome m tid en wiict, tbat in to fap, uaplbe ©Ider, bp- caufe tftepitft of tftepoungtfttttesiS fomewftat like©ider*^attftioitiscailetft ft Virga fan guinea. fyThe Nature. Cfte garden or tame Cornell tree or frnite is colde drie and adringent* fy The Vertues. Cfte Cornell frnite (of tftegarden) taken in meate or ctfterwife,is good j againd tfte lafke and bloodp fltxe,ado tftep doo ftrengtften tfte weake and ftoat ftomacke* Cfte leanes and tender croppes,wdlftealegreenewoundeS,and floppetfte ^ bleeding of tftefome,as ©alenfaitft* Cfte wilde Cornell Berries arenot bfeb in medicine* £ €>ftf)e£oj&ettee. tfljapJij* fyThe Kindes. THerebetftreefozteSof SozbitS,wfterof one kinbe is ronnde like Apple*, tftefecond in long after tftefalftion of ©gges, and tftetftttdeforteisbzode to tftebottome,anb not mucfte bnlpke tfte peares* fyThe S&£ the Hiftorie of Plantes. ?r; fyThe Defcription. Sorbus,Sbzbe Apple frfo H© Sorbe apple tree growetft ftigft, witft a ftraigftt bobp or ftemme of a brownilfte colour, and manp bzancftes, couered witft long dttplaied leattes,wfticft leaues are made ofmanpdender leaueS, danding rpgftt oner one againft anotfter,allbppon one ftemme,wftereof ecfte of tfte litleleanes after tft em commetft tfte frnite, in figure fometimes ro wnde,fometimes iong,and fomtimes Ipke to a peare,and red bpon tfte fpde next tfte Sonne* ILT he Place. Cfte Sorbns tree deligbtetb in colbe anb mopft places, bppon monntapnes, bttt cfteefelp in ftonppiaces* Jtisfounbe to fome places of Boiteftelaube* x ^^p^m a -> \ v^///!^w\ iffTheTyme. 0$miW™ \ fflllx * Cfte Sorbustreefiowzetft infarct), anb W fruite is ripe to September* fyTheNames. Cfte tree wfterbpon tftis fruite grow- etft ig called to ©reeke oHnsciovj<;fa %,& ttoe,Sorbus- in ©nglilfte, Sozbe Apple tree: anb for tbe reft of tbe kindes of tftistree,jreferrefoutotftefecondpartof#aiftercurnersfterbal,foj.i4?. Cftis treets calleb tnbigft Boucfte, Sperwerbaum: and in bafe Almaigne, Sorbenftoom* Cftefmite ig calleb in ©reeke oV^oV- to marine, Sorbum: in©nglilfte, Sorbe Apple: in f rencbe, corme,op sorbe: to ftigft Boucfte, Spiereitog bud Sporapfel: in bafe Aimaigne,Sorben* fyThe Nature. Cfte Sorbus fruite ig colde, due, and adringent, almoft ipketo tfte a£ed- lers* fy The Vertues. CfteSorbe Apples gatfterebbeforetftepbe rppe,ftdrped intbeSonne or A otft erwife, doo ftoppe tfte lafke, wften tftep be eaten, oz tfte decoction of tftem dronken* Co conclude, tfte Sorbe Apples or Sendee beries, are mucbe ipke to B apedlers, to bertue and operation, fouing tftat tftep be not altfting fo ftrong* Cftebarkeof one kindeof Sorbus CWfticfte ig oitr£*iitckbeme)is tofome © placeswrongfollpbfttrpedtofteedeoftftebarkeofCamarifke,foztftedifeafes oftbemilte* Some alfo ftauebfed to make dififtes and dzinkingcnppesof tftetpmberof£Hiiickbemetodzinkeoutofasaremedie agapnd tfte Splene, bnt tftep are decerned ,foz tftep (ftonlde make tftem of Camarifke timber* &qqii S>t 7*8 The lyxth Booke of ^ftljedebuteoj^ttatoUerietree* CljapJuj. Arbutus. fy The Defcription. jHC Arbuteisafmail tree not mucfte bpgger tften a touince tree,tft e ftemme or bodp wftereof is cowered witft a reddilft barke wbicft ig rougb and fcalp* Cfte poung brancbes are fmootft and redde, fet full of long bzoade and tfticke leaues ,ftackt rounde about like a fowe * Cbe flowers be wbite, fmal, ft ftolow, anb boo growe in cinders, after wfticftecommetft tfte frnite wfticft iS rounde, andof tfte falftiou of a Strawberie, greene at tbe firft, btitafterwardepellowi(fte,and at laft red wftenftisripe* m The Place. Cfte Arbnte tree growetft fa manp places of Jtalp anb otber Countries wilb:but it isbnkno- in tftis Conntrie* iffTheTyme. Cfte Arbnte tree flowzetft fa Juip and A ttgud: tfte fruit ig ripe fa September at tfte comming fa of winter,after tftat it ftatft remai- ned ftanging bpon tfte tree bptfte fpaceofawftolepere* feThe Names. CbiS tree iScallcbfa©reeke^M^@-:famattne, Arbutus,of fome Vnedo, ftowbetttbatnameagreetb beft witb tftefruitean frencfte, ^rboufer.- fa©tv glilft e,tfte Arbnte tree,anb of fome Strawberie tree* Cfte frniteis calleb in ©reeke ^M«'^xop, or as fome Write, w«w\oir. fa ma- tfae,Vnedo,and Memsecylon-faf tzntbZy^sirbofes^l Arboufies. fy The Nature. Cfte frnite oftfte Arbnte tree ig of a colde temperature* fyThe Danger. Cftefrwite oftfte Arbntetree,fttirtetfttftedomacke and caufetft ft eadacfte* €>f lotus m fettle tree* €^ap*IuQ* fyThe Defcription. * ©tttSisa great ftigb trecfpzeading abzode %n brancfteS, Wfticftebe long and large.Che leaues be alfo large and rougft, cut round about ■ tfte edges after tftemaner ofafawe*Cftefruite in rounde and bigger 'tften pepper,aSBiofcorideS writetft, ftanrjing bpon long demmes, at tfte fird greme, tften pellowe, and blacke wften it ig rppe and drie, and of a pleafant tade and fattotir* # The Places. motus growetft plmtifudp to Africa, and is founde alfo to manp places of Jtalp, and manguedoc* i$>Tbe < Lotus. 7*9 the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyTheTymes. Cftefruiteofmotits iSripefa September, tftm it leefetft ftis leaues, and recoueretft agapne newe togitfter witft ftis flowers in tfte fpring time* fyTheNames. Cftis tree ig called fa ©reeke, Aarik: fa marine, Lotus, ft Celtis: in fome places of Jtalp, Bjgoiaro, ft offome Periaro: famangtiedoc, tMicoeoulier, and tftcfruitC Mico- coules:<&ztUZt foitft tftat Celtis ig called inftzntb,is*ig(iez,,o}Ledo. mier peter Bedon calletft it alfo inf iznt%Fregoiier: a^attftioius foitft tftat tfte Arabians call tftis tree Sadar, Sedar, OZ Alfadar : tfte J taiians, Loto Ksiibero: tfte Spa- niardes,<^w*: Curner calletft it in ©ngli(ft,mote ttzz,oi& ettle tree,bpcanfe it batft a leafelpke a 0etie* Cooper to bis Bictionarie faptft, tftat tfte frnite of Cehis,or Lotos, is calleb in marine, Faba Gra?ca. fyThe Nature. Cbe brie Lotus^refttictitte,' anb of fubtil partes* fyThe Vertues. CftetftauingeS,orfcrapingeSoftfte(ftiners, ozwood of Lotus, bopled in A water or wine ftoppetft tftelafke, tfte bloobbp flixe, anb womens flowers oz tfte flixe oftfte motfter,to be eptfter dzonken, or taken to infnfon* Cfte frtiitedotft alfo ftop tfte bellp, anb ig goob to be eaten witftout fturt to b tfte domacke* ^ftlje Cljefnut tree* €l)ap*ib* fyThe Defcription. H e Cftefnttt tree,is a berp great,ftigft ft tfticke tree, not mucft bnlike tfte ODalnut tree * CfteieaueSbe great ft large,rougft,anb crompled, ft fnipt or tagged about like a fow,amongd tfte leaues at tfte top of £ Jtoancftes grow tfte Cftefnuttes wfticfte are browne witftout, fome- wftat flat almoft after tfte fafftion of aftart, and plapne and fmootft poliiiftcd: tftep be alfo inclofeb to (ftellesand berp rougb and pricklep ftufkes Ipke to a Hedgeftogge or tiizrcftto,tfte wfticft ftufkes do opm of tfteir o wne accorde Wft en tfte Cftefnuttes be ripe fo tftat tftep fall out of tft eft fopde ftufkes of tfteir owne hinbZ* fyThe Places. CfteCftefnutdeligfttetft to(ftadowie places and monntapnes wftofe fitua- s tion in towardes tfte foztft *Cft ere in plmtie growing about tfte ritter Eft ene, to S wiferiande,and Banlpft inie,alfo tftep growe plmtifudp in Stent, abrode to tfte feeldes and in manp gardens of ©nglande* &qq ttj H)The yy The lyxth booke pf CaHanea-Cftefnilt. fyThe Times. Cfte Cftefiuutes be ripeabottt tfte enb of September,anddolad altfte winter* fyTheNames. CfteCftetouttree is called in ©reeke Kke, ft ftoate in tb z firft degree* fyThe Vertues. Amongft all kindes of wilde frtrites, tfte Cft efiutt in bed,and meeted for to be eaten, foz tftep nourilfte reafonablp wel, pettftepbeftarde of digedion, and doo ftoppe tfte bellp* Cftep make an ©leetuatie witfttfte meale of Cftefnuttes ft ftonp, berp goob againdtftecottgft ft fpetting of blood* Cbe fame mabe into powber ft lapb to as an emplaider witb Barlep meale C anb bineger, doo cure tfte bnnaturailbladinges, anb fwellinges of womens bzeades* Cftepollilfted reb barke of tbe Cbefaut bopleb anb dzonken, doppetft tfte B lafke,tfte bloobbp flixe,and all otber ifftte of blood* #f tlje Walnut tree* Cljap*ltst. fy The Defcription. He n^alnttttree is ftigft and great,parted into manp armes and bzan- cbes,tbewbicbebolftreadeabzoabeinlmgtbandbreabtb:Jntftebe- qinnin^ of tfte fpring timed bringetb foortb long tentes or pellowe ragged tbings compact of certapne fcaies,banging bpon tbe tree,like fmalCattes taples,almod like to tftat wfticfte ftangetft bpon iBptftie, ffUt it in mucfte longer tften tfteCftattonS of u^ftptftie, tfte wfticftebo bade anb wttfter, anb foone after tbep fail awap* After tft efe tentes oz Catkens,tft e leaues begin to Ift o we,wfticft e be long anb large, anb of a goob fmell mabe of manp leaueS growing one againd anotfter alongft a ribbe or finewe, wbereof eacft eleafe in of Ipke bteadtft anb quantitie * Cbe fruite growetb amongft tbe leaues, two, tbree, or foure in a cluder,couered witft agreene ftufke or ift ale, bnber wfticfte alfo tftere in anotfter ft arbe (ftale of a woddilft fubdance,wftereto in tft ebzaine, nut or kemell lapt in a foft and tender pill or fkinne* fyThe Place. Cftenaatottttreelouetft drpplaces ft#otintapnes*Cftepareplanted indi- uers places of tftis Cowntrie,and Almaigne, to ©tcftardes alongft tftef eeldes* fyThe d the Hiftorie of Plantes. 7}i fyTheTyme. Nux. IBalttUtteS* Cfte ragged CatkenS oftfte 0ut tree, begin to fpring out fa aparcfte, ozattfte forded in in April* Cfte^uttes be ripe a* bouttfteendeofAugud* ?§> The Names. Cftejftnttreeiscallebfo©reke mot* inmatine,Nux:faf rencbe, Noyer: inbigb Boncfte, ^ttf^battm: in bafe Almaigne, 0oteboom:fa.©nglia)e,tftei©atout,anb naallfte nut tree* Cbe ragged CatkenS, wfticfte come fooftft before tfte leanes, arecalled in ma tfae,iuli nucum:inBoncfte,CatkenS: fa ©ngiilfte,Bloffoms,Centes,anb Cattes taples* Cfte fruite in calleb in ©reke *«>op &*- ctxuKo^famarine,Nux regia,Nux iuglans, ft Nux Perfica:fa(ftopS, Nux:faf rmcfte, Noix inftigft Boucfte, t©elfcftnuf?,anb Battmntif?: in Bzabant €)kerno ten: in ©nglilfte ,uaaimittes, iBallfte #mttes, and offome f rencfte^nttes* fyThe Nature. Cfte s©alnwtbeing greene and newe gatftered from tfte tree,is cold and mopd* Cfte due nuttes be boatcanb of a drp- ingpo wer,and fubtill partes* Cbe greene ftufke or Iftale of tft e nDalmtt,drpetft mucfte anb in of a binding power*CfteleaneSbealmodof tftefame temperature* fyThe Vertues. Cftenewegreme^ttttesaremucft better to be eaten tften tftedrpjfrttttes, a nettertfteleffe tftep be ftarde of digedion,and do nourilfte berp litie* Cftedzp ^uttes nourilft leffe, and are pet of a ftarder digedion, tftepcanfe 33 fteadacfte,and are fturtfttllto tfte domacke,and to tftem tftatare troubled witft tftecougft,andtfte(ftortnedeofbzeatft* A dzied^utoz twapne taken fading witft a figge,and alitteEwe,witftdan- c bztb all popfomalfo tftep are mingleb witft a litie Ewe anb a figge, to cure tbe bicersoftftepappeS,andotftercoldeimpodnmes* Brpi&ttttesaregoodtobelapdtotbebitingesofmab Bogges witft fait, & ftonp,anb 4DnponS* €>ibe €>plie Cuttes do beale tbe fctirffe anb fcales,alfo tftep take awap tfte © blewe markes tftat come of dripes orbrttfeS,being pounbe berp final anb lapd tfterebpon*Cbe fame bertne batb tfteflDpletftatispreffeb out of tftem* Cftep makea medicine witft tfte greene barke oz Iftale of tbett&alnttt, tfte f wfticft in good againft all tumours and blcers, wfticftedo but begin to arifein tfte motitb,tfte tftrote,and AlmondeS,or kernelfeSbnder tfte tongue, to be gar- geleb* Cftedecoction of tfte fopde greene ftufke (witft IfOnp^in good to gargeil^ Witftall for tfte afozefapde purpofe* And tfte leaueSbealmoftoftbefome ber- tne* Ppp an €>f ■*! % 7j i The fyxth Booke of ^ffyej&ttttmgstatftjfeari*. Cbapattf. fy The Defcription. H<£ iiiutmeggeistftefruiteofacertapnetree, wfticft in growing anb leaueS in not mucft bnlike our common p eacft e tree*ns> ft en tftis fruite _ isbpotbetree,itismucb ipketo at©alnttt,fowingtbatitis fomwftat bigger*f irft it ftatft intfte ontfibe a greme tfticke bwfke or (ftale,lpke to tfte bt- terlftaleof otirt©alnttt,wfterewitftallit in conereb all oner, bnder tbe fame tbere in fonndecertapne tbinne fkinnes,lpke to cawles or nettes, of a redde or pello will) colour, all fogged or pounfed of aberp pleafant fauour (tbe wfticfte in tfterigftt a£aciS)anb it Ipetb fad coucbeb bpon a barbe woobdilft ift ell, Ipke to a f iiberd tft ell: witftin tftat (ft el is tnclofed tfte moft Aromaticall and fWeete duelling 0ut,wfticft in ftarde,tfticke,and fitllof 4Dple* fy The Places. CftiS But ig founde pzincipallp in tfte Jle of Bandan, tfte wfticfte ig in tfte Jndian Sea: tftep grow tft ere wilde in enerp wood berppletifitilp5asmewfe tfte Eomapne Writetft* fyTheNames. Cftefe#ttittes be calleb in©reekeKpleoffweeteAlmondes* Cfte apacis be almod inbertnelpke to tfte tfhttmegges, anb tftep boo not © onelp ftoppe tfte lafke,but ado tbe blooddp fl(xe,and womens flowers* At in good alfo againft tfte beating,ttembltog or (baking of tfte ftart,and is f mucbe better for al tbe colb greeues of tfteftomacke,tben tbe $tutmeggeit felf* Cfte ople tftat in draw en out of aparis lapde bpon tft e ftomacke, curetft tfte © infirmities of tftefametaking awap tftedefpze to bomit and tfte wambling of tfteftomacke,ft caufetft goob appettte,anb ftelpetft digeftfon* Qi 7\\ the Hiftorie of Plantes. ^ffljetjafelojfplberoettee* «t>ap*to$. fyThe Kindes. Cfterebetwo fortesofHafel,orwood0ttttrees:tftednekfadeiS fet and planted fa gardens,tfte otfter growetft wilde* Corylus hortenfis, Cfte fplb erde* Corylus fylueftris. CfteHafel^itt* £& iff The Defcription. HeHafelandf ilberbe trees, are but fmall growing ipke toaftedge plante,and pnt foortft from tfte roote (wfticfte ig mucfte dilftlaped and _, fpzeade abzoade)manp ftraigftt roddes,(fttites or fpringeS, of wfticfte oftentimes fome waxe tfticke and long and full of bzancftes, and fome waxe long and flender,and are berp fit to make roddes or poles to ftlft witft, bpcaufe tftep be firme anb plpant, anb wd not ligft tipbzeake*Cft e leaues be broabe and wzinckled fomewftat ftact or fnipt round about,tfte wbicft leaues fpring fooztft after tfte Catkins, aggiettes, or bio winges, wfticfte ftang bppon tfte Hafell tree be fallen of: betwixt tfte leaues commetft tft e fruit, gro wing tftree or foure togitfter in a cluder,fomewftat,but not altogitfter couered witft a ftufke oz pit* Cfteir IftaleSbeftardeand wooddilfte, in wfticfte tfte rounde kerned or #UttiS tnciofed,and is ouercouered witft afmootft tender ftufke or fktone,like to otfter #utteS,tfte wfticft is ted to tftef ilberbes, and wftite or pale to Hafei^nttes. fyThe Place. Cbe f plberdes are planted in gardens* But tfte wdde growetft to wooddes and mopft places tftat be darke anb tftadowie* /?4 The fyxth Booke of iffTheTyme. Cfte Aglets oz CatkenS of Hafel,bteake fooftft in winter, anb fa tft e fpzing time tftep open into fmalraggesorfcales,lftortlpafter tfteleaues appeare*Cfte 0nttzn be ripe in Auguft* c The Names. CftiS tree oztftzub in calleb in ©reke *«ev« »o»tirm! fa matfae.N ux aueliana,ft of^irgiljCorylusanfrencftjCW^ft^/^/Vr.fa ftigft Boucft,Hafelftraucft,ft Hafelnuf^baumrin bafe Almaigne,Hafeiaer:to ©ngtt(ft,Hafetor df dberd tree. Cfte 0ut in called in ©reke K«e<°p irwrnwy his* xi7tfoKcceiop:fa marine, N ux Pon- tica, Nux aueliana, N ux prseneftina, ft Heracleotica.- fa frencft tfte great ft rottnb kinde iScalled ^//^anbtftefmalandlongkinde,iscalled Noifiiies&Noifcttcs: in ©nglilft,tftegreat and long kinde in called f ilberbes, anb tbe rounde kinde witft tfte ftarde tfticke lftale,is called tfte tBood mit,or Hafelmtt* Cftered f ilberbes are calleb faf tznty, Adelines\)i$b Boitcft,Eftur- r mif5,aubEotnuf?:inbafeAimatgne,EoobeHafelnoten* Cftep be tfte rigftt NucesPontica-befcribed oftfte AnncimteS* (T The Nature. Cfte HafellmttteS and f plberdes are fa complexion not mitcfte bnlpke tfte t©almtttes,bttt btper altftougft tft ep be pzt newe anb greene: but wften tfte be olbe anb drie,tftep be colder tften tBalntittes* fyThe Vertues. HafeliatttteSanb f plberdes nonri(fteberp litie, and ateftarde ofdtgedton, a tftep ingender windineffe in tfte domacke, and caufe fteadacfte, if tftep be eaten into great a quantitie. Cbe fame dronken in ap eade oz watered ftonie, doo fteale tfte olde cougft: b and being rotted and taken witft alitle pepper, tft ep ripe tft e Cattar or Eeume* Cftefame burned and lapd to witft ftogges greafe or Beares greafe,doo fteale tfte nottgfttie fctirffe ft fcales of tfteftead,ft doo fit agapne witft fteare tftebalbeorpplOe places to tfte ftead* Cftep bfe of tfte Iftaies or ftufkes Qf f ilberbes againd p Squinance zuzn as tbep bfe tbe bnfkes of £ walnuts* <£f ftfltcfc/autteo. tftjapJv. fy The Defcription. |H© tree tftat bringetb fooftft f tftick $nts,ftatft long great lleanes fpread abzobe, ft made of fiue,fetie, or moe leaues, growing one againft anotfter all alongft ared- dilft ribbeoz finewe, Wftereof tfte laft Wfticfte is aloneat tftetop oftfteleafe is tfte greateft oz largeft, tftefruite of tftis tree in mucfte ipketo fmad Hafei tfmttes, ft like tfte kernels of | pine Appie,in wfticft Ipetft^ kernel or nut* fyThe Place. Cftis tree in a ftranger in tbin Countrie,and isnot founde but onlp fa £ garbens of diligent HerbozifteS, but ftcommetb of plants fa Spua,ft otfterftoateEegionS* fyThe Piftaciorura. C the Hiftorie of Plantes. /}$ fyTheNames. Cftefe $tutteS are called in©reeke wctefamatine, SbopptS> * Fiirici:inBrabant,fidicen:infrencbe,P/>^:to©nglilfte,fidick^iitteS* ^The Nature. f iftick $tuttes are of a meane or temperate ft eate, ft fomewftat adringent* fyThe Vertues. f idickesare good againft tfte (loppings of tft elitter,and alfo to ftrengtfteu A tftefame: tftep be alfo good for tbe ftomacke: but to betake as meate tftep nott- rilft but litie* * - , «. Cftepbnftop tftelnngepipeS,ft tftebzeaft,ft are alfo good agautft tbe tftdft- g neffe of winde ft papne to f etcfte bzeatft,to be eaten eitfter alone or witft fngar* Cftep bealfo bfeb to be giuen witft wine ,asa preferuatitie or medicine a- £ gainft ai? bittogs ft ftinginges of benemous beaftes,as Biofcorides writetft* ^>f tljeeiattoei^ut. <£t)* fyThe Defcription. StaphilodendronPlinij.Nux veficaria. ig^r^i ^in kind of 0ut in a wild Hi 9 frnite, wftereofmenmake 1€I!LA1 none accompt, growing bpon treeS,wfticft grow moft cont- , monlp Ipke (ftmbbes, or bedgebtif- fftes, as manp otber wild fortes of trees do*CftiStreeftis leaneS are made of fiue blades or more, not mucfte bnlpke tfte ©lb er leafe, but fmaller and grener* Cbe flowers be Wbite rounb anb double, grow- ing fine or fixe togitber,after tftem come tfte rounbe bolow bladders, diuided into two oz tftze partes, in wfticfte be founde inoft commonlp two litie Cuttes, wftereof tfte ker- neilis meetelp fweete* fyThe Places. CftiS plant in no wftere fottnd, butgtowfag wilde,tftere in pientp of it fottnd wilde in Almaigne,and fometimes alfo fa tfte ftedges of tftiS Conntrie* fyTheTymes. CftefmallflowerSdooblowefa apap: and tbe 0nttzg are ripe in September* feThe Names. . A _. , di„l-i4 Ww&twetttallrtdt£tofcto*reelww^ Suphilodendron:of tbem t^atwitenow Nux Vcfiar^anb of fome Piftaciuin Germanicum,altbou8b itijSbeep litie Ipfcetbetf ®Mf*™tnffh,u*r,*u arheftutte is calleb of tbe bigb Jsoucbemen,^unpetnuf?t of tbe baft 31* * fyThe Nature and Vertues. as touching tfte namrallbertuesand operations of tftiskindeof Cuttes, Wecanfopnotftfag,bpcaufetftepferttetonopnrpofeatal* ^ 7}6 The fyxch Booke of $f €ptifu0/ ojtrcc Stifofp. €!iap.tcu fy The Defcription. ptifug ig a fl;rtibbe or bulft witft leanes, not mucfte bnlpke f enu- _ greke,orScue, tfte flowers be faire and pedo w, almod like to Broome flowers: £ wfticft pad tfterecome ftolow ftttfkes,piiftbp ft blowenlpkebladders, cleare and (fttnmgtbc wfticft do found ft ratted wften tftep be iftaken* Jn tbem ig contapned tfte feebe, wfticfte in flat, and fwart,not mucft bnlpke mentiies* fyThe Places. CftiS plante in not fo unde growing fa tftis Countrie, bnt fa certapne garbens, fttftep plant it for Sene:btttwrogfiillp* fyTheTymes. 3t flo wretft in apap, ft tft e febe is ripe fa Aligtlft* fy The Names. CftisbulftplftrubbeisnamebofCbeo- pb.zaftusfa©reeke>u*o«n«:of Cbeodor ©a?a, Coloutea.OZ Colutea: fa ©nglilfte . offome Cptifits bittft ,ft tree Cnfolp,but ^'j^5s)\. oftftetgnorantfort,itisfalflpcalledSe' 'w [£ ne:fa frencft, Baguenaudiery ft des Bagenau- ^•inftigft Boucft,U0elfcft minfen:in bafe Almaigne,mombaertfcbeminfen, anbof tfte ignorant people bnproperlp Sene- bOOm* fyThe Nature. Cbe leattes and feede of tbe Cprilft bulft are temperate of beate anb mopfture* fy The Vertues. Cbe frttit,tftat in to fap tbefeebe, ft alfo ^leaues of Colutea,orCptifus,asCbeo- pftzadus writetft, dotft fat Sfteepeberp quicklp , and caufetft tftem peelde abun- dance of milke* <&f tljt Date tree* €J)ap*lctj* fy The Defcription. [f H<£ Bate trees be great, witb a " ftraigftt tfticke ftemme oztrucke, couered witft a fcalp barke* At tfte top thereof growe manp long brancfteS, witft great pientie ft dore of long ftraigftt narrow leaues, or twigges Ipke Eeeb es, fo tftat tfte fold brancbes feeme to be none otfter tfting,but a bundel oz foft of Eeebe leattes, growing tbicke togitber bpo one bxmtXf. amongft tftofe bzancftes gro wetft tfte Colutea 1 ncopnraiti.L yuius Latinorura. the Hiftorie of Plantes. fp tftefrnitcltiOertogtogitfter attftefirft,and lapped tnacertapne long and brobe forrell or couertoglpke to appllowe, tfte wfticft afterwarbe dotb cleene abzode and open it feife,lftewtog foortft ftisfrufte,ftandtog alongft bp certaine SionS orfmalltpringes,growfagaloutof a flatteand pellow bzanefteliketo tftetim- berorwoodofaHarpettftefomefruiteiSrowndeand long, witft a certapne tongftberpbarbeftonein tftefame* And it is to benoted tftat tftemalepalme treebtfagetft foortft notfting elSbut tfteflower ozbloffomwbicbe banilftetft a- wap,buttfte female bearetft tftefruite,wfticft afterward commetft to ripeneffe* fyThe Place. Cfte Bate tree growetft in Africa, Arabiajnbia,and Spzia, IJtidea, and otfter Countries of tfteCaft or Orient* fyThcTimes. Cfte palme or Bate tree in alwapes greene,ft flowretft fatfte fpring time: , but tfte frnite in ftoate Countries in ripe in Autumne* fyTheNames. CfteBateorpalmetreeiScalledfa©reeke^o/vi!:famatfae, Palma * faAl* matgucBadclboom: and tftat ig tfte rigftt palme* Cftefmite is called in©reeke *ofr.|. Phcenix, and of ©alim, 4>oivikoC*x«v©-, Phcenicobalanos:famatfae,Palmula:faSftOppeS,Daaylus:fafrmcfte,I>^/«: inftigft Boucft,Bactelm:fabafe Almaigne,Badelen,and Badmrin ©ngiilft, Bates, and tft e fruite of tfte palme tree* ^[The Nature. Cftebrancfte£ anb leauesoftfteBate tree are colde and aftringmt* CbefrttiteiSftoateanbdriealmoftintftefecondedegree,ft ado adringent, i efpeciallp wften it ig notpet tftzottgftlp ripe* fyThe Vertues. Bates be ftardeof digeftion,tftep ftoppe tfteliner,and tftemiltttftep engen- 3 der windineffein tftebelip,andfteadacfte,alfotftep engender groffe blood, efpe- ciallp to be eaten greeneandfrelfte,for wften tftep betftrottgft ripe, tftep are not fo fturtfttll: anb being well digefted tn agood ftomacke, tftep nourilfte tndtffe- rentlp*/ BzieBateS do ftoppe tfte bellp and (lap bomiting,and wambling of tbe $ ftomacke(efpeciallp of womenwitftcftpide) iftftepbelapbe as an emplapfter to tfte bellp oz ftomacke, or if tbep be mingled witb otfter medicines anb eaten* Alfo tftepdo reftoze and ftrengtften tfte feebleneffeof tfteliuer and milte,to <£ bemfagled witft medicines connenient,eitfter to beapplpeb otttwarblp, or to be miutftred and taken inwardlp* Cfte leaues and brancfteS of tbe Bate tree,boo fteale greene wounbeS,anb ** foder oz clofe bp blcers,and doo refrelfte and coole ftoate inflammations: and tfteceforewften as tfte Awncientesinolde time wotilde make anp emplapfter foz the purpofes afozefapde, thepdpd alwapes bfe to ftirre about tfteirfopde plapfters witft fome bzancfteoftftepalme tree,to tfteintent tfteir fopdeplap- ftersandfotuestftouldebe of tftemore bertue anb greater efficacie, asaman mapfeetn tfte cornpofttionof tfteemplaifter,namedDiacaldtheos, in©aienS fttft bOOke, De medicamentis fecundum genera. ^ftfje^iiuettee* €!>ap*ljcii?* U The Kindes. t 'T'Here be two foztes of Dliue trees, onecailed tbe garden oz fet S>liuetree^ 1 tfteotfteriStftewiidetfHiuetree* Err *Tk* The fyxth Booke of fy The Defcription. oiea fatiuaCft e garben 4Dliue tree* H € garben €>ltoe tree oiea fylueftris. cfte wilbe €>liue tree* growetft ftigft ft great, witft manp brancbes ful _|of long narrow leaueS, not much bnlpke to oaftftp leaues, but narrower ft fmaller*Cbe flow- ers be fmadand wbite, and growe in clutters* Cbe fruite ig fomwbat long anb ronnde, almoft of tbe ma- king of a Bamfon, ozplumme, at tbe firft greene witftoiit, but after tftep beginne to waxe ripe, tbep are blackilft,in tftemibble wbereof is a iitleftone.wfticft in ftarb anb firme* €>ttt of tftis frtitte,tftat ople in pref- fed, wfticfte we cal ople4Dliue* * Cfte wilbe £Dliue tree in ipke to tfte garden oz tame £>iiue tree, fa- iling tbat tfteleaues tberof be fom- wftat fmaller, amogft wfticft grow manp pzicklep tftornes* Cfte beries oz fruit alfo arefmaller,ft bo felbmn come to ripenes,fafomucb as: tbat opiewfticftispreffebfoortftoftftem abidetft ewer greene anb bnripe* fyThe Place. Cfte £>iitte tree deligfttetft to grow in dzp ballies,and bponfmal ftiilockes or barroweS, $ it gro w- etb plentifullp tftrougftont Spapne and J talp,and otfter Ipke regions* iffTheTyme. Cfte €)itoe tree flowretft in Aprttl, and about tfte beginning ofajtep: but tfte €>lfaes are ripe in October* fy The Names. t Cbe ^>lfae tree in calleb in ©reeke*w«; fa marine, oiea ? inftigft Boncfte, 4Delbaum,anb ^Diiuenbattm:in bafe Almaigne,€>litf boom* 2 Cftewilde ^Dlitte tree is called in ©reeke ^tW^, offome kotiv©-, k^uMm- ffiRHtx«m: in matine,01eafter,01eafylueftris^nb Oiea Aethiopica. Cfte frnite alfo in calleb in ©reeke *«k: inmatine, oiiua .• anb accorbtogto tfte fome it is calleb in ©ngiilft e,f rencfte,and Boitcfte,€Hiue* Cft e €>liwes cobiteb in fait or brine,are calleb in ©reke ^w^^ls^ «\ntfn: tomattoe, Colymbada?. fyTheNature. Cfte leaues ft tenber (ftutes of tft e £Ddue tree,are cold,dzp, ft adringent* Cfte grenebnripe oiiues ar ado cold ft adringet,but befag ripe tftei beboat ft moid* Cbe 4Dpie tbat in mabe of bnripe 3D dues, in colbe and adringent: but tftat Wfticft ispreffeb out of tfte ripe 4Dlfaes,iS ftoate mopft and of fubtil partes* fyThtVeftues. Cfteleaues of tfte^Dlitte tree laib to are goob againftSerpigo,ottftebifeafe % Wbicft in calleb wilbe fire,bpcaufe it creepetb bitfter and tftitfter,frettingforeS and confttmtngpoxe,aud otft erfticfte ftoate tumours or cftolerique fwellinges* Cftefame lapd e to witft ftonp, doo mundifie and clenfe blcers,and doo alfo ft (Wage the Hiftorie of Plantes. 719 Cwage and flakeall otfter fwellfages and ttimoitrS* ^ Cftep are good to be lapde to againft tfte blcets,inflammationS, and impo- C flemes oftfte montft,and gummes, efpeciallp of cftildren, if tftlBr motitfteS be ujalfted witb the decoction tftereof* Cfte inpce of tftem doppetft womens flowers, and adotfter flnxe of blood, B witft tfte lafke and bloodp flixe, to be taken inwardlp ozapplped outwardlp* Jt in alfo good againd tfte redneffe,faflammation, and blcers of tbe zpzn to € beputfato Collpzesaud medicines made fortftefame, and to clenfe tfte eares from filtftp corruption* Cfte greene and bnripe €>lpueS,do drengtften tfteftomacke,and caufegood f appetite,efpeciaitp being conbiteb fa brine, neuertft eleffe tftep be ftarde of dige* ftion,aud notirilfteberp litie* Cfte ripe £>ipues doo owertttrne tfteftomacke, and caufe wambling fatfte © fome, tftep alfo engender fteadacfte,and are fturtfull to tfte©pes* Cfte^Dple of bnripe iDiiues wfticft iScalled Omphacinum, dotft dap,ft drine H awap tfte begfaningesof tumours and inflammations, ftdotft coole tfte fteate of burning dtcers,aud exulcerations* Jtin alfo good agafaft tfte rotten fozeS, and tfte exceffitte ft fpitftp mopfture J oftfte gummes,it faftenetft loofe teetft,to be laidebpon tbe gtimmcS,witft cot- ton or a litie fine wood* Cfte jDle of rppeDliues botb modifie, ttffaagetft papne, anbdiffoluetb tn- & mourS or fwellinges,it ig good againft tfte ftiffeneffe of members ft crampes, efpeciallp wften it ig mixt or compounde witft goob fterbes* 4>pieflDliue is berp apt ft pzofitable,to makealfoftSof €)pleS,Wftetfter tftep % be of fterbes oz flo wers:for it dotb eafplp, ft rebilp draw bnto it tft e qualities and bertue of tftefe fterbes ft flowers,witft tfte wfticfte it ig fet to be formed, o.z otft er- wife fodde and pzepared* 0ftf)e Car ab tree* €t)ap*lctm* fy The Defcription. l$in fruite growetft bppon great trees, wftofe bzancftes are fmall ft couered witft a round redde barke ozrtnde, Cbe leaues be long anb fpreab a- bjtoabe Ipke wbfages,oz after tbe maner of Afift en leaues,anb made of fixe or fewen or epgbt fmall leattes, growing alongft bp a ribbe or ftemme, anb fet one ouerrigbt a- gapnftanotfter,wftereof eacft blade or leafe in rounde, and of afadde or darke greene aboue, and of a ligftt greene bnderneatft* Cfte fruite is certapne flat crooked cods or ftufkeS,fomtimeSofafooteftaftalflong,ft asbzode as ones tftombe,fWeete,in wbicft tfte feede in contepned,tfte wfticfte in great, piapne, and bzobe anb of a C ftetout colour* C The Place. Cftefe ftufkes ozfweetecoddeS,do grow to Spapne, Jtaiie, ft otfter ftoate EegionS oz Countries* Cftep growe not in tftiS Countrie * pet for ad tftat tftep be fome- Err if times Ccratonia Siliqua. Caffia Fiftula. 74° The fyxth Booke of times fountie fa tfte garbens of fome biligentHerbozideS,bwttftep befo fmall fftrubbes,tftat tftep can neitfter brfagfoortft flowers nor fruite* fyThe Names. CftiS tree is callebfa©reekewe«Toviac:famatinealfoCeratonia. Cftefmite in called in ©reeke ^novin matine,Siiiqua,and offome Siiiqua duicis. oftfte common HerbozifteS iftoppes,Xylocaraaa: in frmcbe, caronges, or carobes.inbis&b Boitcfte,S*3!oftttSbrot:ittbafe Almaigne, S*3anSbzoot:iri ©ngiilft,a C arob tree»aBeane tree, tbe frnite alfo map be called ©arobbes, anb Carob beanecoddes,orS>1ioftns breab* fyThe Nature. CbiS frnitis fomewftat ftoate, brie, and adringent, efpeciallp wften tt is frelfte anb greene* fyThe Vertues. f red) anb greene Carobes eaten do loofe tftebellpberpgentlp:buttftepbe^ fturtftilltotftedoinacke,ftardeofdigeftion,andnourilftebiitlttte* Cftefame dzied do dop tfte belSp,pzonoke brine., and are not mucftefturtful^ to tfte ftomacke,ft are fitter to eate tftan tfte greene or frelft gatftered Carobes* £>f Caffia fffluia* €ljap*lctJ* fy the Defcription. >H & tree wfticfte bearetft .Caffia Fiftula,ftatb featieS :not mucbe bnlpke Alften ■leaues: tftep be great,log, ^ft fpreade abzode, made of manp fmall leaues g?ow* tog one againd anotber, alongd bpjme ftemme,wftereof eacftelitleleafe in long and narrow.Cfte fruite isiong, round, blacke,ftard, and witft woodilft ftufkeS, oz coddes moft commonlp two foote long, and as tfticke as onestftombe or finger, parteb tn $ infpbe,or feuereb into biuttgimal Cedes or Cftambers wber- in tbe flat,anb toownilftfede in coucfted and lapd togitfter witft tfte pulpe oz fub- ftance, wft tcft is blacke, foft,and fweete, ^ig called tft eflo wer,marro w or creame of Caffia: it in berp expedient,and necef- farief or pftpficke or medicine* H The Place. Caffia growetft to Spria, Arabia, and fucfte Ipke Eegions* feThe Names. Caffia in caded of Actuartos, and of tfte later ©reke pftpfitionS *«'<«« nt\*;v« in ©reeke, tftat in to fop, Caffia nigra in marine: in IftoppeS and oftfte Arabian PftpfitionS, Caffia Fiftula. fyThe Nature. Cbe blacke pulpe or mopft fubftance of Caffia ig ftoate and mopft fa tfte fird degree* fyThe the Hiftorie of Plantes. 741 feThe Vertues. Cfte inner pulpe of Caffia in a berp fweete and pleafant medicine,tfte Wfticft A map begitie witftout anp danger to al weake people,as to women witft cftild* 31t loofetfttfte bellp and purgetft cftoleriqnefttimotirs cfteefelp* And fomerime flpmiefleme gatftered abont tfte guttes,to be taken tfte waigftt of an ounce* Caffia is berp good forfttcfte as be bexed witft ftoate agwes,tfteplettrefte, B SattnOife, or anp otfter inflammationof tfteiiner, efpeciallp wft en it in mixed wttft waters,drinkes,or fterbes tftat beof acooling nature* Jtin good for tfte rapnesand kidnepes, it driuetft fooztft grauell, and tfte C ftone,and in a preferuattue againft tfte ftone,to bemingled witft tfte decoction of liqueris or tfte rootes of parfelp,o.z Cicftes ,»or a decoction made of all togi- tfter,and dzonken* 3ittsgoodto gargle witft Caffia,for to fwage and mitigate tfte fwellinges^ oftfte tftrotcand to diffoiue,ripe,and bzeake Apodemes and tttmozs* ^ Caffia lapde to tfte member greeued witft tfte gowtcfwagetft tfte papne, as ^ Awtcen wzitetft* fy The Defcription. *mg iliagpzis ig a litie Iowe btilft or tftrnb,witft fmal bzancft eS,bpon wfticft Wm growe fmallleaneS,alwapeStftreetogitfter, otfterwapes almod Ipke ll^l to tfte leaueS of Agnus caftus. cfteflowerSbepellowealmodlpketo Bzoomeflowers, wfticftebefag paft, tftere come bp long ftufkes oz Err Hi coddes, 74* The (yxth booke of Arborluda. coddeS,to Wfticfte ig a flat fruite or feede tftat in ftarde ft firme, almoft Ipke tfte kibnep beanes, bittfome- wftat fmaller* Cfte wftole plant in of a drong iifattoured dinking fa- uour, asitweretftefmellof©la* dpnozSpurgewoft* ^ Cftere in alfo anotfter litie bulft orlftrubfounbe Ipke to Anagprft to leaues ft growing*Cft e flo wers do grow berp tbicke togitber ftan- gingbp afinedenber demme, Ipke to a fppkie eare, but pello we and- fomewbat refemblpng Broome flowers* Cbecobbesorcafesare rounder ft fmaller tftm tfte ftufkes of AnagpriS, witft a fmaller fruite alfo * CftiS plante in of no ranke fmei,but ftis leanes begreater and larger tben £ leaues of AnagpriS 5 Befpdes tbe afozefopb tbere in fownbe anotber fmal (ftrub or plant Wfticfte bzingetft fooztft cobbes or ftnfkes alfo,tfte wfticft e being well ozdered in £ growing bp, waxetft a tall tree* H& brancbes are fet Witb broabe roiinbeleaues almoft Ipketo tbe leaues of Ariftoiochia clematitis,orAfarum,bwtftronger*Cfte flow- ers bepttrple anb rebbe,like to tfte flowers of garben or ftzancfte peafon, and tfte fopde flowers do not growebpon tfte fmal brancbes, anb betwixt tfte lea- nes ipke tfte bloffoms, and flowers of otfter trees, but tbep gro we abottt tfte loweftpartoftbegreatbzancbes, tbe wfticfte afterwarbe do cftangeintoiong flatte coddes of colour fomewftat blew or wanne, ftaufag a certapne flat feede witftto,wfticft in ftarde and Ipke to amentiil* fyThe Place. Cftefe plantes boo growe wilde in diuers places of J talp and pro mnce,fo Wooddes and bpon tftemountapnes* fy ThcTimc. Anagpzisflowretb in AprttlanbS*9ap: tfte otber toa£ap,and3Ittne:but Arbor luda in#arcfte* Cfte frttiteiSripeinSeptember* fyTheNames. Cftefirft of tftefeplanteSiScallebin©reeke^«y^r:tomattoe,Anagyris:in Jtalian,^/* we map cailit Beane trifoip,bpcatife tbeleawes grow tftree to- gitfter,ft tfte feebe ismttcft like to abeane: tfte frencfte name map bzBoispuant. % Cftefecond in tftOtigftttO be Laburnum PlinipCftiSiS not Anagyris,nettftee pet Lotus,asfomebo wrongftillp iubgeit* 3 Cfte tftirb in calleb of tbemattoeHerborifteS,tomatine, Arbor iuda,ft Arbor ludar.tftis (ftould feeme to be a kind of uburnu, or as fome toen tft inkeKoxvrur. Coiytea of Cfteopftzaftus,CftiS is nottftatCercis of Cfteopftraftus,forCercis ig a kinde of popuier,tft e wfticftepiinie cadetft Popuius Lybica. fy The Nature. Cfte leanes and feede of AnagpriS are ftoate and drie of complexion* if. The the Hiftorie of Plantes. 74} fyThe Vertues. Cftep gfae tfte waigftt of a dramme, of tfte leaueS of %mq,piig bopled fa A wine,to moue womens flowers,and to dzitte foortft tfte fecondine* Cfte poung and tender leaues of tftis bulft e, bzoken and lapde to as an em- B piapfler,dotft diffolue,and keepe do wne colde fwellinges* Cfte feede eaten caufetft one to bomite foze and bebementlp* C ®ft®U\)pf%milaito. Cijap-ttbij. 41 The Kindes. THerebetwoforteSofl©ttbpberpbiuerS*Cfteonerifetft bpberpftigft ft growetft to tfte bigneffe and tbickneffe of otfter trees:tfte otfter reinainetft alwapesiowe,bearetft€)jierrobdes and twigges*Cbebarke of tftefirft fofte in fometimes rebbitft,fometimes wftite anb fometimes pello we* fy The Defcription. Salix. • KShStP c ^ ^ &at&a 8ceat ttm^ ^jMitocke,or demme, out of wfticfte viMM^ prtogftigft brancbesorpeardes, wfticft be long.draigft t, and full of bottgftes oz twigges wfticft be weake anb plpant, and co tiered witft a barke or rinbeofabrownerebcoiour,orwftite,or pellow, alongd tfte wfticft bzancftes and twiggesgrow tfte leanes wfticft be long and narro w,greene abotte,and wftite or afftecolour bnderneatft* 2 cfte feconde kind of UDitftp called tfte f ranke€>$terftatft no great dcmmcbut onelp a great wride or ftead neare tfte ground,o ut of wfticft fpringmanp SioS, and deader twigges,or peardes cowered witft a browne rind e ozppll: tfte Wfticfte peardes, twigges, or roddes, are berp plpant, anb eafp to turne anb twide eue- rp wap* XBitb tbiSkinbe of twigges or roddes tbep make Balftftes, Cftapres, panniers,anb fucfte Ipke tttiffe* fyThe Place. All kinbes of naitftp deligftt to growe in mopd places, along bp d tcft es anb wa- ters,but efpeciallp tfte Driers* fyThe Tyme ttoitbp flowretft at tfte beginning of tbe fpring ttmetftis flower oz bloffom ig ipke a fine tftzom oz tbicke fet belitet ft eaped bp togitfter about a little ftemme, tfte wfticft wftmttopmetft is foft inftandling,andlpkedowneozCotton, and tfterefore tfte wftole flower in called a Cftatton,&itekin or Catteken* fy The Names. tBit\)p in called in ©reeke M» in matine, Salix • to frencfte, saulx • to ftigft Boucfte,n&epdenbaum: inbafe Almaigne,n^ilgfte bootmCftcopftzadus dotft furnameft«^'WT<^-,oieiicarpos5tftatistofaptomattoe,Frugiperda,bpcaufe W CattektoS or bloffoms bo fall awap before tbat ftts feede be fcarfe ripe* * Cftatnaitftporn^dlowewfticftegrowetfttoatreeiscalledtomattoe, Sa- lix penicalis. Err iiir m 744 The fyxth Booke of flDftftiSfoft, tftat Wfticfte ftatft tfte reddilft barke, is called Salix nigra, Salix A purpurea,and Salix Gaiiica:in©nglilft,EediBitftp, and tftebetterfozt tfterof is called Eedfperte: inf rencfte,r^/fr.inftigft Boucfte, Eotweiden: inbafe Al- maigne,Eoode wilgften,of fome alfo,Saiixviminaiis: bpcaufe tftetwiggesbe tougft and plpant,and wilbe wzougft t and writfted more eafdp tften anp of tfte otfter kindes of naitftp,infomttcft tftat tftis kind of blacke or ratfter red UMtftp, is witftout doubt,of tftefelfe fomekinde as tfte franke tiD ?ier in of: foz tf pou plant tt in iowe waterilfte places, and cut it ftarde bp tfte grounb, it will turne to€>?iert©itftp* Cftefeconbefortebatftawftiteorgrap barke,anb is calleb Sadxcandfda, B andoffome Sahx Gra?ca:fo ©uglify,Bunnett£itftp,and ©oorei©itftp* Cftetftird kinde ftatft a pellow barke, and in called Salix viteiiina:and after C tfteminde of fome,Saiixamei ina: tftefe two kindes are called in ftigft Boucfte, m etft w eiden: in bafe Almaigne,!© itte wtlgft en,tftat in to fop,iBftite iBitftp: it in called about partis,^* ©ngli(ft,CaneU0itftp* 1 Cbefmalllowen^itftpiScalledtomatinejSalixpumiia.and Salixviminalis: b Of Columella^abinafalix ,and Amerinafalix: ittf rettCfte, Franc Ozier: to ftigt) Boucft,Metoweiden:inbafeAlm^gne,r©itmen:in©ngli(ft,tftefmall©itftp, tfteOfpart©itftp,tfteSperteortwigger©itftp* fy The Nature. Cfte leaues, flo wers,feede, and barkes of v® itftp,are colde and drie in tfte feconde degree,and adringent* fyThe Vertues. Cfteleaues and barke of tt0itftp,bo dap tbe fpitting of bloob, tfte bomiting A of blood, and all otfter flnxe of blood, witft tfte inordinate cottrfe of womens flo werS,to be bopleb to wine and dronken* Cbe leanes anb tinbzn of tt&itftp bopled in wine, boo appeafe tfte papne of 23 tftefinewes,anb bo reftoreagaine tfteir ftrengtft, if tftep be .nourilfteb witft tfte fomentation oz natural fteate tftereof* Cftegreeneleattespounbeberpfmal,anblapdeabotittfteprtoie members,© do take awap tftedefire to lecft erie oz wznun. Cftealftes of tftebarke of willow mingled witft btoeger,caufetft wattes to B fallof,taketftawaptfteftardeflrinne or btawnetftat in intfte ftandes orfeete wfticfte is gotten bp labour, and tftecornes toamanstoesorfingerS,ifitbe lapdetfterebpon* e f tl)e ®&t tree* 41)ap*U tritj. iff The Defcription. 2^|f^*@He4I>keisa great, faobe,anb tfticke tree, mod commonlp fprea- iffi^ PSP&WSftttgteatbrancbesabzobe,anb alfo growingbp into fteigftt imi Hani) lengtft * Cfte barke in grap anb finootb wbiles it in poung, (mK| ^fbtittbickerotigbbnenencftaptandcractewftenit isolde* Cfte ^^^^^lleauesbebeepelpcwtand natcbeb rounbe about,bpon tbe wbicft tftereis fomerime fonnde growing to tftis Countrie littlefmad AppieS,called £Dke Apples, Ipke as in otfter Countries galles be founb grow- ingbpon tbe £Dken ieaues,wftereof tftefe litie Apples be one kinbe*Cfte fruite oftfte 4Dkes are certapne St^ad or kernelles ftanging foortft of rougft ftufkes, wfticfte be rounde and ftollowe ipke bnto cuppes or bi(ftes*His roote fpreadetft abrobe berp long and large* Befpdes tftefe kindes of galles and Apples tftat are bpon tfte 4DkmleaueS, tfteregrowe bppon tfte £>ke diuers otfter tftinges, as Cfteopfttadus writetft, more 747 the Hiftorie of Plantes. more at large>in W Htdorie of plantes tfteift*booke,and bitj*Cft apter* fy The Places. Quercus. Cfte €>ke louetft fandp groundes, leane, anddrie,asbponplapnesandfteatftes* «. a ^t^ffl&$& fyThe Tyme. §§a #$^M# Cfte £>keremtetft ftis leaueS in apap* ^Irt^^fm^l Cfte AcomelS or matt is ripe in Auguft: M0£%^ tfte 4Dkc apples do grow fa fommer,and do begin to fall in September* fLThe Names. . Cfte €>ke is called fa ©reeked marine,Querciis.-inftigft Boucfte, baumrinbafe Aimaigne,©pckenboom* Cfte fruite iScalled fa ©reke/s«*«v@-: in marine, Gian s :in ©ngiilft ,an Akernei, or mad: in $tzntbyGiandin ftigft Boucft* ©icftel:inbafeAimaigne,©eckel* Cfte round berie or apple wfticft grow- etft bpon tfte leaues, in called in ©reeke KH)uV:famatine,©alla: inf rencfte,Noix ^•inftigft Boucft,©icftopffei,and ©al- bpffel: in bafe Almaigne,©pcken apple* and ©alno ten* Cfte Iftalesor cttppes in wfticfte one part of tfte kernel in tocldfed or toucftgd, in called in matfae, Calices glandium.- fa (ftopS,Cupuleg!andiu. fyThe Nature: Cfte leaues and barke of tfte ^Dkeias alfo tftecuppesorfftellesof tfte Acomes, are driefo tfte tftird degree,and adrfagent*Cfte Acoznesbe almod of tfte fame temperature, foninge tftat tftep be warmer,and not fo mucfte adringent* Cfte ©ale in colde and dzie in tfte tftirde degree,and berp adringent* fyThe Ver/ues. Cfte leattes and barke of tfte €)ke witfttfte cuppeS of tfte AcofaeS, do ftop ^ and cure tfte fpettingof biood,tfte piffing of biood,and ail otber fluxe of blood: tfte blooddp flixe and lafke,being bopleb in reb wine anb dronken* Cfte €>ke leaues pounde berp fmal, do fteale and clofe dp greene woundes, 23 and do ftoppe tfte blood beinglapde tfterebpon* Cfte barke of tfte €)ke made into powder, is good to be giuen to poung cftil-^ dzen,agatnd tfte wozmes and tfte inordinate lafke* Cfte CuppeS of tfte AcomeS witft tfte barke oftfte tree, are good to deputy into mediciues,opntmentes,oples,and emplapders tftat feme to flap and kepe backe tbe fluxe of biood,or of otfter ftumours* - Cfte Acornes are almoft of tfte fofae bertue as tfte leaues and barke are, opntmentesand empfoifterstobelapde outwardlp* Cbep are alfo goob againft tfte excefffae mopfture,ft fwedfag of tfte iawes oz $ gummeS,and againft tftefwellinges oftfte almondes orkerneis oftfte tftrote, and alfo againft tfte bliftering fores of tfte moutft* Cftep (tape tfte fluxe menftruall, and canfe tfte motfter tftat is fallen do wnfj to returne agapne to his natural placed women fit in tbedecoctio of tftefame; Cfte fame dieped oz tempered in bineger o z water,maketft tfte fteare blacke: & and dotft eate and confume awap ftiperfluous and prowdeflelfte bepng lapde tfterebpon* Cfte fame burned bpon coles ft afterward quencfted witft wineoz bineger, m or as Cnrner foitft, witft brine made wttft bineger and falt,doppetb alliffueoz fluxe of bloob* Cfte £>keAppieSotgreatct©alles,beingbzoken in fonder,abottttfte time of withering do fozlft ewe tftefequell oftfte peere,as tfte expert ftufbandmen of Stent ftaue obferued bptfte lining tftinges tftatare founde witftin tft em: as if tftep finde an Ante, tftep iudge plentie of grapne: if a wftite wozme ipke a ©m- till,mozrepne of beaft: if a Sptder,tftep prefagepeftilence, or fome otfter Ipke fickneffe to folo we amongd men . iBfticfte tfting alfo tfte learned ftaue noted* f or a^attftioiusbpon Biofcorides foitft, tftat before tbep beftoleb ozpearfed tftep contepne eptfter a f lpe,a Spidet,or a iBorme: if a f Ipebefounbe, it is a pzonodicattonofwarretofoiowe:ifacreeptogwozme,tftefcarcttieofbictual: if a running Spider tfte peftilente fickneffe* <®f mittil oj *$>tflelto* tfijiap Jjc(e* fyThe Defcription. Vifcum. ,H31S plante ftatft manp flender brancftes, tfte wfticfte are fpread souertft wart, and are wrapped oz enterlaced one witft anotfter, couered a j witft a barke of a ligftt greene or popin- ^ gap colour.Cfte leaues be tfticke and of a darke oz browne greene colour, greater (| and longer tften tfte leaueS of Boxe, but fz otfterwifenotmitcftbniike*Cftefiowerslr be fmal anb pellow,tfte wfticft being paft Ju tftere appeare fmall rounbe anb wbite beries,full of clammp mopfture of wfticft ecfte berie ftatft a blacke kerned, wfticft ig tfte feebe* fyThe Places. a^tffelto growetft not bpo tfteground, but bpon trees:and ig oftentimes found gro wing bpo Apple trees, peare trees, n&ptfties, and fometimes alfo bpon tfte minden,Bftcfte,andotftertreeS:but tftebeft anb of greatefteftimation,is tftat Wfticft growetft bpon tfte £>ke* fyThe Tyme.. apiffelto flowzetft at tfteendeof^ap,andtftefrnfteis ripe at tftemdeof September, tfte wfticfte remapnetft ad tfte winter* C The Names. Cftto plante fa called in ©reeke?©-: fa marine, vifcum.-fa (ftoppes,vifcus quercinus: the Hiftorie of Plantes. 747 quercinus:fa©nglilfte,fl*9iffelland apiffelto: faf rencfte,^ .fa ftigft Boucfte, a^iftei,and ©icftenapiftel: inbafe Almaigne,aj?arcntackcn* fyThe Nature. Cfte leaues and frnite of a^iffelto are ftoate and drie, and of meerelp fubtiil parteS* feThe Vertues. Cfte leaues and fruite of a^iffelto,beingiaide to witft carre,and s©axe,do % |Wten,ripe, and confume awap bptfte pores, ftarbefWellingesandbotcfteS about tbe fecrete partes,ft otfter fucft rebellious impodemes ft cold fwellfages* Cbe fome leaueS anb fruite, witb f rankenfence, doo cure olde blcers and B fozes,and greatcozruptand euill impodemes* Cbep alfo curetbe felons or noiigbtie fores, wfticft rifeabouttftetoppeS of© toes, anb fingers znbzn to be lapde to witb Arfenik* Cfte feede of abided pounde witft wine ipes,dotft cure and wade tfte ftard* B neffc of tfte apilt oz fplene to be applped to tbe fpbe* Cbep fap alfo tbat tbe woob of#iffelto,tftat growetft bpon tfte£DkeS,and © not bpon anp otfter tree yinbztp goob agafaft tfte falling eupll anb Apoplexfe, to be ftangeabout tfte necke of tbe patient* ®fti,t%wtttt. 4mMnc. fyThe Kindes. After tftemfad of Cfteopftraftus, tfterebe two kinbes of Alftettftconeeal- lebtfteA(ftettee,witftont anp otfter abbition* Cfte otfter in calleb tfte wilbe A(fte,oz wbite Aflje* v Fraxinus.Cfte Au^etree* Fraxinus bubula,Ornus. 74^ The iyxth booke of fy The Defcription. He AtfteiS agreat ftigft tree witft manp bzancfteS,wftereof tftepotmg anb newe fprong brancbes are fulof wftite pitft,or acertapne foft fub- ftance,and tftep ftane fundzie iopntes, but wften tftep waxe great anb olde,tftofeiopntes ate ioft,and tftepitft in comietted into timbcr.Cfte barke of tftis ttee(e*peciallp wftereas it beligbtetft bed to growe) ig grap and finoo tft,but in otber places it waxetft rougft *Cfte leaues be great long ft large fpread abrobe after tfte falftiou of winges mabe of manp fmalleaueS,gro wing one againd anotft er,all alongd one demme o x rib, wftereof eacfte little leafe ig long ft fomewftat fnipt rounb about tbe edges*Cft e fruite of tbe Alft e ftangetft togitfterr to cluders,and ig notfting eis but title narrow ftufkes, wft creto lie tft tftefeede wfticfteis bitter* 2 Cbe wilbe Atftealfo fometimes growetft to a great tree, but notfting Ipke to tfte Alft e,foz tt ig mucft fmaller and flow in gro w tog bp: wft irfte ig tfte caufe f itin found fo fmaLCfte rfade or barke tberof in too wne,almoft like to £ Aller rinbe* Cfte leaues be great ft long,manp growing alongft bp one ftem, rougft anb fomwftat ft earp,mucft like to tfteleaues of S orb e Apple tree*Cft e flowers bewftite and growe in tuffets, tfte wfticftedo turneinto rounde bertes,greene at tftef itft,but afteewarbe reb,anb of an bnpleafant tafte* fyThe Place. Cfte Alfte deligfttetft fa mopftplaces, as about tfte bztokes and borders of rtoers,and running ftreames* Cftewilde Atftegrowetft bppon ftigft monntapnes, and alfo in (ftadowp WOOddeS* fy The Tyme. Cfte Atftefeede ig ripe at tfte ende of September* Cfte wilde Aift e flowretft to a^ap, tft e frnite tftereof ig ripe toSeptember* iff The Names. i Cfte firft tree ig called in ©reke ^/«:in marine, Fraxin us .• in ©ngiilft, Atfte: faHtzntbz,Frefne.inftigft Boucfte,©fefternbaum,©fcftemftoltj, and Stepne- fcftern: fa bafe Almaigne,©ffcften,and ©ffeftenboom* Cfte ftufkes or fruite tftereof are called in IftoppeS Linguaauis, and Ungua paiTerina:fa ©nglilft,feptekapeS* 2 Cfte fecond kind in called of Cft eopftzadtts in ©reeke £**<*;«: ©a$a calletft ftfamatine:Fraximus bubula. plinie,and Columella calletft ft Omus,and Fra- xinus fylueftris : fomeof tfte later WriterS,calletft it Fraxinea arbor: and fome call ft Sorbus aucuparia: afwellbpcawfe it ftatft leaues Ipkebnto tfteSorbe tree, as alfo bpcaufe tfte Birders, anb fowlers boo bfe tfte fvuitz tftereof, as baite to take Birdes witftal:in ©ngiilft,£*nickebeame,feeide Alfte, wild Atfte, and Wftite Atfte: to ftZntl)Z,Frefne ChampefireyO%fauuage: in ftigft Boucfte, ^al- batim,and groffer #albaum,in bafe Almaigne,Hauereffcften,anb ittwalfter * fy The Nature. Cfte leaues and rinde oftfte Alft e,are of a temperate fteate, ft fnbtill partes or fubftance* Cftefeede is ftoate and dzie intfte feconde degree* Cfte wdde Alfte leattes bealfo ftoateand dzie,and of fitbtill partes* fyThe Vertues. Cfte leattes and barkes of tfte Alfte tree bopleb to wine, anb dzonken, doo a openandcomfozttfteltner,ftfplenebefagftopped, and doo fteale tfte difeafeof tfte fides*Cft ep ftaue tftefame bertue, to be bopleb in ople anb lapde to tfte dde* Cfteleaues and barke witft tftetendercroppesoftfteAlftetree.aregood to 15 be takm to tfte fame maner againft tftedropfie*foj tftep purge tfte water* fo; the Hiftorie of P larites. ^49 for fucfte as are to groffe or fat, tftep bfe togette daplp tftreeorfoureatften<£ leaues to drinke fa wine,to tfte intent to make tftem leaue* Cfteinpceof tfteleaues, barke, anb tenber croppes of tbe Alfte dzonkenin B wine preferuetft from al b enome,efp eciallp againd tft e biringes and ftingings of Serpcittes and Pipers* Cftep fap tftat tfte Atfte ig of fo great fozce againft popfon,tftat in tfte tivtutit © or (ftado we oftfte fametftereftatft not bene knowenaup maner of benemous beafttoabpde* Cfte Ipe tftat is made witft tfte alftes of tfte barkes of tfte Alfte tree, curetft f tftewftite fcurffe, and fucfte otfter Ipke rougftneffeof tfte fkinne* Cfte feede of tfte Atfte tree prouoketft btinz, increafetft naturall feede, and © dirretft bp mentis ,efp eciallp being take witft a 0utmegge,as 3foac,Eftafis, Bamafcenus,anb manp otfter Arabian pftifttions do write* Cfteleaues oftfte wilde Alfte tree bopled to wine,are good againfttfte H papne oftftefpde,and tfteftoppmgof tfte Inter* And to be taken intfte fome maner, tft ep dake tfte bellpes of fucft e as ftaue tfte dropfie* <^f tljefttndes 0 fpopler and Bfpe* €t>ap*frtf♦ fyThe Kindes. TH e popler is of tftzee foztes,as wineffetft piinie: tfte one ig called wftite, tfte otfter blacke,and tfte tftirde ig called A fp e: tfte wfticft tftree ktndes are berp commonin tbig Countrie* Populusalba. t©ftitcpopler* Populus nigra.Biackepopler* Populus Lybica.Afpe* SSS fyrh 75° The fyxth Booke of fy The Defcription. He Wftitepopler tree waxetftftigft,great ft tftick*Cfte timber Wfterof iS wftite,andnocberp ftarde to be wzougftt.Cftebarkeis fmootft and wftittlft e,efp eciallp on tft e bzancft es*Cft e leaneS be round e witft popn- teb corners, wftfte,foft,and woodp bpononefide,aitd plapne,fmootft,ft greene bpon tfte otfter fide*B efore it puttetft foortft leaues, it bearetft long wo olltlft e tagglettes or CattekenS,of colour almod incarnate* » Cfte blacke popler alfo growetft ftigft,great and tfticke*Cfte barke wfterof ig fmo otft,but bzo wner,Cfte leaueS be fomewftat long, anb bzode beneatft to- wardes tfte ftemme,and Iftarpe at tfte top,a litie fnipt abo ut tft e edges,but tft ep beneitberWftite,fmootft,norwollilft*CfteCattekens,ortaggletsoftftefe,boo turne into clutters witft manp ronnb beries*Cft e buddes Wfticft breake foortft befoze tfte leaues are of afweetefauour,bp reafon of a certaine pelfowilft clam- mie ople oz gteafe wfticft ig contapned witftin tftem,of wfticft in made tfte opnt- ment called Populeum. 3 Cft e Eatling or trembling Afpe(, is fomewftat like to tfte blacke popler: it waxetft as great as anp oftfte otfter twapne*Cfte ragges or CatkenS of tftefe are longer anb browner,tft en tfte otfters,almod grape or Atfte colonr browne* Cbe leaues be fomewftat ronnditfte, broabe and (ftozte, browner anb ftatdei tften tfte leaues of tfteblacke popler, deepelp indented round abouttfte ebges, tbe fopde leaues boo bang bp a long, but a berp fmalldenber ftemme, wfticfte in tfte canfe of tfteir continual tftaking,and nopfome clatter* fyThe Place. Cftefe trees do gro we to low mopft placeS,aS to medo w es,and neare bnto dtcft es,ftanding waters, and riucrs* fyTheTymes. t Cfte tagglettes or CatkenS oftfte popler do come fooftft abouttfte endeof #arcfteandAprdl,and tftm pemuftgatfter tfte buddes to make Vnguentum Populeon. fyTheNames. Cfte Wftite popler,iS called in ©reeke xw*»:fa marine, Popuiusalba;and of fome Farfarus:in©ngiiO)e,r©ftitepopler>ozpepler:inf rencfte, isiubeau . fa ftigft Boucfte,pappelbattm,tt&eil?alberbanm,ft wzi% popelwepdemin bafe Almaigne, Abeelbo ome, ft of fome iguorat people in matine, Abies,ft tftat berp erronionflp,for Abies in $ pineapple tree, wftereof we Iftal declare ftereafter* 2 Cfte feconde popler is called in ©reeke *»w©~;tn marine, Populus nigra: tn©ngliffte,Blackepopler:in frmcfte, PeupUer: in bigb Bowcfte,Alft en, and popelweidm:inbafeAlmaigne,populier,anbpopelaere* l Cfte tftirde popler iScalled Of pliniZ Populus Lybica:inf tZnt\),Tremble:in bafe Almaigne,Eateleer: in ©ngiilft, Afpe* fy The Nature. Cfte leaues and barke of popletare temperate in ft eate and cold,neuertfte- leffe tftep be fomewftat brie anb abfterfiue or clenfing* Cfte buds oftfte blacke popler ,areft oate anb drie to tfte firft degree, and of fttbtdl parteS* fyThe Vertues. Cfte barke of tfte wftite popler bopled in w tnepzouoketft bzine,ft elpetft tfte A ftrangurie,and tftem tftat ftaue tfte Sciatica,and papne to tfte ftippe* Cfteiupce oftfteleauesfwagetft tbepapneof tfte eares, ftftealetft tfteblcerSB of tftefame,to be dzopped in* Cfte leaues and poung buddes of blacke popler,doo fwage tfte papne of tfte © gowte in tfte ft andes and feete,being final pounbe anb lapde tberebpon* Cfte opntment tftat in mabe of tbebubs, in goob againft al inflammations, B and againft all bzufes,fquattes,and falles,and againft fwellinges,to be lapde tfterebpon* ot tocieeue* wzfackled the Hiftorie of Plantes. 751 eftyteimt. Cljap*Ijcic()* fyThe Kindes. T Herebe two fortes of©ime,asCfteopftzadttSandColttmellaftattewrtt- tm: tfteone growetft tofeeides,and tfteotfter on monntapnes* fyThe Defcription. Vlmus. >H<£ firft ktode of ©ime, )in a great ftigft tree witft 'manpbrancfteS fpread a- bzode at large* Cfte tint- |bertfterofisftarb,brow- niffte,finewie, ft bneafie, Cfte leattes be broabe anb fomewftat fnipt oz cut a- bouttfteedges, bpon tfte wfticft tftere growe oftentimes certapne blabbers or bliders,wft erin in founb a certapne; flimieand clammie liquor, to wbicfte moft commolp tftere be fmal wormes: but wften £ faid liquor dotft remapne, about tfte md of fommer pou tftalfind itftardmed bptfte force of tfte Sonne, euen Ipke gumme* Cfte feebe of tfte ©line in bzoade,rounde, flat, fmootft, ft foft,not mucfte bnlpke Aracfte feede, but greater* Cfteroote fpzead etft far and faod e, tft in ktode ig berp common to tftis Countrie* 2 Cfte feconde ktode of ©Ime, is not mucfte bnlpke tfte aforefapd in leaues ft timber, but it growetb mucb ftigfter witftout fpreabing bis brancbesfo farteatooabe, anb it bzingetft fooztft feebe berp feidome.Cfte leaues of tftis kind be more defpzed and better Ipked of cat- tell to feede bpon,tft en tfteleaues of tftefirft kinbe*' 3 Bpfibes tbefe two fortesof ©ime, tberearefounbe otfter trees drawing fomewftat towardes tfte ©Ime, tfte wfticft alfo doo waxe great and ftigft, tfteir timber ig berp tougft ft ftarb,and tfterefore tt ig mucb bfed to make wft eeles ft mplleS,poullieS,and fucft otfter toftrummts ft engins foz tfte carriage of great waigfttes and burtftenS.Cfteleaitcs be likewife wrincled anb fomwftat fnppt and tootfted round about,mucft longer and narrower tftan tfteleaues of tfteo- tfter , of a faint greene colour bpon tfte contrarie fpbe,euenpolli(ft ed, ft tftining, and of a good fmel wften tftep are drie: bppon tftefe leattes tftere neuer growe anp biifters or blabbers,neitfter will tfte cattedfowdlinglp eate of tftem, as tftep will boo oftfte ©Ime leaues*Cfte feebe of tftefe in almod like tfte feebe of tfte ©ImeS* * The Places. 1 Cfte firft kinbe growetb to iowe cftampion, anb piatoe feelbes,anb deligft- tetft tfte good fertill grounded is founde planted to diners places of ©ngland and Brabant,bp tfte bigb wapes,anb feeldes* a Cbefeconbkind louetb tftebiilesandmotttttapneS:petpoti(ftalfeefomeof ft, to tBeftflannder gardens wfticft ig compaffed round witft tftis kind of ©ime planted in ranges,to berp good ozder* ? Cfte tftird tad growetft plmtifudp to WoodS,aS to tfte wood Soignie,and in otfter places alongd tfte feeldes* SSS if fy tU '75* The fyxth Booke of iffTheTyme. Cfte feebe of tfte©lme growetft, anb afterwarde fattetft about tfte ende of Aprill, wften tfte leaues begtone to fpring* fyTheNames. Cfte ©Ime in called to ©reke *7t\k: famatfae, vim us :fa ©nglilft,an ©Ime tree: inftigft Boucftt,Eii(tftolt?, Euftbauin, *Lilmenbaum,mtodbaft,ft pffen- ftolt?:fabafeAlmaigne,€)imboom:fafrencfte,or^^. i Cftefitftkindeiscalledof Cfteopftfadtis^«,tftatiSto tap, Vlmus :of piinie, Vlmus paluftris:Of ©Oittmella,Vlmus vernacula,and Vlmus n oft rastftat in to fep,tfte©lme of 3talie,and our commonCinte* t Cftefecondiscalled of CfteopftradttSin©reeke<5e«^w:famatine, Mon- tiulmus:of Columella, Atinia,and Vlmus Ga!licaunpicardie,ftArtois,27Tw#: Cftefeede oftfte ©Imeis called famatfae, Samera. Cfte wormes tftat engender in tftebladderS orbliders of tfteClmeleaues, Witft tfte liquor tftat isconteined intfte fame,are called in ©reke*viwk,Cnipes. in marine,Culices,artd Muliones. Cfteiiqtior in called of tfteiaterwziters, Gummi vlmi, tftat in to fop, Cfte gumme oftfte ©Ime* 5 Cfte tftird tree in called in of Cfteopfttaftus fa ©reke ^mU, Coly tea.* tftis (ftould feemeto be Vlmus fyiueftnswftetof piinie maketft mentis: in f reneft, Hettrcjx map becalled alfo in f rencfte,o™« in called in ftigft Boncfte, Hanbncften,and Bucft efeft ernrin bafe Almaigne,!) erfeleer,and in feme places Herenteer: 3JtbinketftiSnot tobetfterigftt Opuius.bnt tftebetptree, wfticfte wecal n&itcfte,and Mitcfte HatfeUin frencfte, opier: ft in tfte belt kind of ©line to iopnzbinzn bnto, bpcaufe bin brancbes be faire anb forge of a gooblp lengtft bnt not fo tft icke* Eeade more of Opier in tfte lxxx*C ft ap ter of tft is booke* fy The Nature. Cfte leattes anb barke of © ime, are fomewftat ftoate,anb adringent* Cbeliqtiortftat is found in tftebladderS tbatgeow bpon tfteleanesiSbr?* and of a denting and fcowrtog nature* iff The Vertues. ©imeleautSdo cure and fteale greene woundes, being wel bzufed ft lapde A tftetbpon,tfte inner barke ftatft tfte lpkebertue,if it be botinbe to tfte woundes asaftoabltogbanbe* Cfte bzotft of ©ime leaueS (oz df tftebarke dr rcote, as Biofcorides foitft) B ig good to batft and foke tfte armes and legges tftat be broken and bzufed, for ft fpeedplp ftealetft bzokenboneS* Cfte leaues pourtbewitft bineger ft laid to,is good for tfte lepip ft fcuruines* <£ Cfte waigftt of an onnce of tftebtter barke take witft wine oz water,pttttetft ^ foortft colde fleme and loofctft tfte bellp* Cfte liquoz tftat ig founde in tfte leaueS,dotft beautif te tfte fkinne ft tfte face, £ and fcottretft awap all fpottes,freckleS,pimpleS,and fpreading tetters, if it be lapde tftereto* Ado it ftealetft greene and frelft woundeS, if it be po wzed to,as tfte Writers * in tftefe dapes ftaue founde bp experience* Cbe leaues of ©Ime are good fodder for ro tft er catted, as Cft eopftrafttts <$ unp Columella wztte* eftde linden tree. €l)ap*ljn:$* fyThe Kindes. THeopftzaduSdefcribetft two fortes of minden tree, tftat in tfte male and female*Cftepare botft to be found to tftis Countrie, but p female inmoft common and better knowen* * fyThe the Hiftorie ofPlances. *a m fyThe Defcriptionr . Tilia fcemina.CftC female ;itodenfree* Hecommonminden tree, wfticfte . » iS tfte female Tilia waxetft ^reat mt\ and tfticke, fpreading fooztft ftis ^| brancfteS long and large, and peetdinga greattftadowewften tfte Sonne Ifttoetft, tfte barke in brownilfte without, fmootft, |fe, andplapne, butnext to tbe timber it tom^^&s wftite mopft anb tongb,anb will eafdp bep^b ^W/:x. wreded,tttmed, and twided euerp wap: wftctforsfttotfteberpftwffe wfteroftftepJ make tftefe cordes or ftafters of barkes* 4$^^ Cfte timber in Wftitilfte piapne, and witft- ml$^M out knottes, and berp foft and gentle to ftandle: and tfterefore tfte coales tftat be made of tftis wood,aregood tomakego-, powder* Cfteleaueg be berp greme anb targe, fomewba'ttobtfteb^zalittfetrlipt ronnde about tfte edijes, otftetwapes not mucftebtilpke to Juielpaues * Cfte (mail flowe#b*ef Wftitilfte and of agooft fouour manp ftanging togitfter from out of tfte middle of a litie narrow wftite ieafe*Cfte fruite is none otfter but litlerotinb beries oz pellettes growing togitber in little cin- ders like to JuiebetieS, in wfticfte in ton* tepneb a fmall ronnb feede, wfticft in blac* ki(ft,anb falletft out, wften tfte fmall pellettes or tofttq^S bo open anb are rppe* * Cbe feconbe kinbe of mpnden tree, wbiefte is tfte/tftaie (calleb Tilia mas) growetftalfo great anb tfticke,anb fpreadetb abrpde Ipke tbe otfterminden,tfte barke wftereof ig alfotougft andplpant and feriietfttomake cozdes ft ftalters: but it is rougfter, tfticker, and britteler,grapifl^abouttftefmatbrancftes, but wftiter tften tftebarkesof tftecommon minden tree >p]et not fo wfttte as tfte btaticftes of ©lme*Cft e timber of tftis mindenig mucfteft arder, moze knottie, ft prilower tftentftetimber of tfteotfter,mttcft Kketfte rifaber orwood of ©ime, tfteleanes bebzoabe,not plapne,noz zuzn, but rough and a little cut about tfte edges, berp Ipketo ©Imen leaues,fouing tftat bpon tftem tftere nener growe anpfmalbladders* CbiS tree bringetb fooftft fruite berp felbome, and tftere- foze fome iudge it as barren,ttbringetft foo rtft for ftts ftttitc,manp tftings ipke to rottnb flatbttfkes cludering togitfter,ftauinga certapne clift or cftinke attfte enb,mttcb Ipketo pzoporrion anb quantitie to tbe bufkes of tfte rigftt Cftlalftte defcribeb to tbe fiftft booke anb lxft*Cftapter,Wfterof ecfte ftangetft alone bpon a demme bp it fede* fyThe Places. Cftemtodentreelottetftagoodconuenientfople, and it growetft ipgfttlp Wftere as it in planted* £>ne kinde of minden growetft bp Colcfteder to©ffex, to tfteparkeof one maider Bogges* < fytheTyme. Jt flowzetft inapap, and tfte fruite is ripeat tfte ende of Auguft* fy The Names. CftiS tree ig caded fa ©reeke 4>*«Wnmattoe,Tiiiato ©nglitfte,mtoden: to SW Hi frencfte, 774 The fyxth Booke of f rmcfte,T^»,or riiiet to ftigft Boucfte, mtoben, anb mtobmbanm: inbafe Al- maigne,minbe andmindeboom* t Cbe firft is called in mattoe,Tiiia foemina,tftat ig to fap, tfte female mwtden. t Cfte feconde is called, Tilia mas, tftat is tfte male mpnden: fome call it fa f rencfte,#Errand in bafe Almaigne,J^peltfae* fy The Nature. Cfte barke anb leaues of minden are of temperate beate, anb fomewftat drping and aftringent,almoft in complexion Ipke to tft e © ime* feThe Vertues. Cfte brotft of tfteleaues of mpnden fodde in water, curetb tfte nougfttie 3 blcers anb blifters of tfte moutftes of poungcftildzen if tftep be watfteb tftere- witftall* Cbe leaues pounde or brufed witft water are godd to be lapbe to tfte fweb 23 ling of tftefeete* Chebarkeof mpnden pounde with bineger, curetft tfte nougfttie Wftite C fcurffe,and fucfte Ipke ewtifauo ured fpreading fcabbeS,aS piinie writetft* ^ftyepianetree* <^apJwri(tj. Platanus. Acerisfpecies,folio maiori. Cfteplanetree* Aktod of apaple witft tftegreater leafe* feThe * the Hiftorie of Plantes. 7j j fy The Defcription. Heplane is aftrange tree,tfte wfticfte intimepaft ftatft bznz of great edimation in Jtalie and Eome*3|n fo mucft tftat pe map finde it writ- _ten,ftowe tftep ftatie bedewed or watered it Witft wine* Jtgtowetft great and ftigft,and ftueadetft big brancfteS and bottgftes bztp broade ft wpde, tfteleaues be large,mucfte like in figure to tfte leaues of tfte bine, banging bp long reddifl) ttemmes*Cfte flowers be fmall anb growe fa little tuffetes ♦ Cfte fruite ig rounbe,rougb, anb fomewftat woodp, of tfte quantitie of a f ilberde. , Cbere in founbe in tbe Alpes in Almaigne, anb fome places of b rabant,a certapne tree,mucb Ipketo tbe plane tree* Jt batb bzode leai^eS Ipke tbe dine, ftanging bp longfinal and red demmes,bttt tbe flowers anb frnite of tftis tree a*e notfting Ipke tfte flowers anb fruite of tbe plane tree,but Ipke tfte flowers and fruit of apaple(wfterof tftis in a kind)wfticft Iftalbe defcribed in tfte Ixxxi ♦ Cftapter Of tftiS bOOke* iff The Places. t Cfte plane tree growetft fa manp places of ©reece: it in alfo to be founde planted fa certapne places of JtarierittS bnknowen in tbin ©ountrie* 2 Cfte tree wfticbebearetft leaues Ipke tfte plane,is founbe bpon bigb mown- taines in fome places of Boucblanb andBzabant,and alongft tftefeelbes,but berp feldome*anb tbere in ftere and tftere a tree of it planted in ©nglande* fyThe Tyme. Cfte plane tree flowretft about tfte ende of a^arcft,ft fo dotft tfte otfter alfo* fyTheNames. f Cfte plane tree is called fa©reeke **&-«v©*. to marine alfo, Platanus. fa ftZntb^yPlatane. . 1->,■ Cfte tree tftat ig ipke bnto ft ig called fa ©ngiilft, tft e plane tree,in frencfte, planeinbi^b Boucftc,Aftorne,and t&tridefcftern* But it ig not Platanus, but a kinde of £0 aple, and ft tft onlde feefae to be tbat kinde wft itft ig called in ©reke ^>i«:famatine, Carpinus.p zt tfte figure wfticft a^attftiolns ftatft giuen bSfor Carpinus,iSmoreiiketOakfadOfl©ttcftHaffel*CarpinusabAcerediftat,quod AceriCandidaatqj neruatamateria,Carpinoautem flaua crifpaqj fyTheNature. , Cfte plane tree leaues are partakers offome colde and mopfture* 2 Cfte barke and fruit are more dzping* fyThe Vertues. Cfte frnite oftfte plane tree dronken witft wine, ftelpetft tftem tftat are bit- % tenofS|tpentes* Cftefamebzokenand mingled witft greafe, and Iapdeto, ftealetft tftebur-b ninges witft fire* Cfte B arkefoddm inbfaeger,isgood for to walfte tfte teetft agapnft tfte © tootft acfte* Cftepoungand tender leaues wel pounde are good to belapdebponfwel- b lingesand inflammations: and do ftop tfte running ft watering oftfte zpzg^ #ftrailer* gftaptljerfn fy The Defcription. H© Allerisaftigft greattree,witft manp brancfteS, tfte wfticftewpll bzeake quickeip,and will no t ligfttlp plop nor benbe * Cft e rind e of this tree ig bzo wne*Cfte timber ig meetelp ft ard e,and will lad a long feafou bnder water,pea longer tft manp otfter kinde of timber: And tfterefozetbep makepiles and poftes for to lap fundations infennes, $ foftmarritft grounds, alfo tftep are berp good to make pipes, condite&and trougftes for tfte leading S#s ini along, Alnus. f) 6 The fyxth Booke <& aloug,and carriageof Water bnder groundetbut aboue ground water wil fo one rot and confume it*CftiS timber waxetft red,affoone asft ig (popled of ftis rtode, and Ipkewpfe Wftenft ig old and drp*Cfte leaueS be fomwftatclammie to ftandle,as tftougft tftep were wet witft ftonp, of falftiou roiinditft, and fomewftat wrinckied, not mucfte bnlpke tfte leanes of tfte Hafed unites * Cfte biowinges of Alder are longtag* glets,almoft like to tfte blowingeS of Bircfte*Cftefruite ig rounb ipke tofmall^Dlfae beriS,andcompacte ormadeofdiuersfcales, fetclofe togitfter: tfte wfticft betogripeand dzp do open, fo as tfte feede wfticfte is witftin tftem falietft out and iS lod* fyThe Place. Cfte Allerdeligfttetft to gjrbWe in low mopft woodS,and watertjft places* fyThe Time. Cfte After beginnetft tobnd,and to bring fooftft newe leaueS in A*: t —- uziilas otfter trees do*Cftefriute tftrtpem September* rT flpThwNames. . cbe After, ozAlber iS calleb to ©reeked* and inmatine, Alnus :fo ftigft^Boncfte, ©rlenbaum, and ©llerribattm: inbafe Almaigne,©lfenboomt inf rencfte,^. %The^u„K /, CftebarkeandleatteSofAlder,arecold^ri^andaftrtof|ent fyThe Vertues"' Cbe barke or ttode of Alder,bpcatife of big adringent power, map be good % anatoft tbe impoftumes ,and fwellinges of tbe tftrote, anb kernelles,t>r %\ mondes bnder tfte tongtte,eum as well as tfte finales or greene pilleS of «&al- nuttcs Butas petit ftatft not bene bfebftNnpJafang onety for tfte dpetng of * *%&uznbz mncft bfed againft ftoate fwellinges,blcers, and ai towarbe ^ inflammations* ^ftyeeeetljetree* tfljapJjcirtrf* fyThe Defcription. »p«cwbeteaareat,ftigft,tfticketree,WftofeleaueSbefoft,tfttone, SLne finobtb S meetelp large,almoft liketfte leaues otpopler, M^SSiSmmg rtfttof are nougftt eis,bttt fmalpellowtlft CatSS the Hiftorie of Plantes. FiguS. 757 Cfte fruite ig triangled or tbree coznered tfritttes , fa wfticfte are (to eete kernelS*Cftefe 0ttttes be couered ouer witb pricklp ftufkes oz(ftaleS,fromoutofwfticftetftep falldo wne wften tft ep be ripe; C The Place. Cfte Beecfte lottetft a plaptie open Cottntrie,and mopdure* fyTheTymes. CfteBeecfte blowetft and brea- ketft foortft fato newe leanes, at tfte ende of Apzillorapape* Cfte #tuttes be ripe fa September etten witft tfte Cftefnuttes* j^TheNames. Cfte Beecfte tree ig calleb to ©reeke «p«yof:to marine, Fagus.- in ftznt\)Z,Feuteau:in ftigft Boncfte, Bucftbaum,orBucfte: fabafe Al* maigne,Bneckenboe* Cfte fruite iS nowecaded inmatine, Nuces Fagi.tof tzntbtyFaine. inbafe Al- maigne , Buecken nootkenS: in ©ngiilft, Beecfte made* fyThe Nature. Cfte leaues of Beecft do coble* , cfte kerned of tfte fruite ts fome- wftat mopft and warme* fyThe Vertues. Cfteleaues of Beecfte areberpprofitablplapbe to tfte beginningof ftoate * CWedingeS,blifterS, anb blcers* ^ Cbewater tbat is founbfatbeftoioWnetfeofBeecfteSjbbtbcuretbenougft-^ tieftwrffe,anb wifaetetters or fcabbes of men, and ftorfeS,kpne,and lfteepe,if tftep be watfted tfterewitftall* - Mendoo notpetgatftertftefeHttutteSformanSbfe, pet tftep befWeete and * good for to eate, and tftep doo almoft ferue to all tftofe purpofes, wfterebnto tft e ^uttes oftfte pine apple kernelles doo feme* €>f6trrijetree. Cl)ap.lflrtJ& fy The Defcription. He Bircftedotft often grow to a great ftigft tree,witft manp brancfteS, wfticft ftaue manp fmal roddes or twigges berp limber and piiant,and _ mod commonlp banging bownewarde, and will abpdeto be bowed ieafiip anp wap tftat oneiift*Cfte barke of tbe poung twiggesand bzancftes tS piapne and fmootft, and full of foppe, and of tfte colour of a Cftefaut: but tfte b arke oftfte bodp and greateft brancbes of tfte tree in ftarbe witftout, wftite;, n ingft, bneuen,and bzoken oz elotten,bpon tbe brancbes tftat be of a meane fife oy quantitie, tft e barke or rind ig fomwbat fpeckleb: bnber tbe fome barke,next iopning to tfte wood oz timber, tftere ig founde anotfter barke tbat in plapne an d fmootft as paper ,fo tftat fa times pad ft wasbfedto write bppon, before tftat 75* * The fyxth Booke of tbatpaperorparcftementwere BctuiaBftcfte* knowen or inuented* Cfte leaues are meetelp bzobe, anb fomwbat fnipt about, fmaller the Beecftcn leaues, but otft erwife not mucfte bnlpke * Cfte Bircfte tree ftatft tagglettes oz Cftattons for big bloffome, Ipke as tfteHafell, but mucb fmailer,in wfticfte tfte feede commetft* C The Place. Bircfte growetft in wooddes, and ft eatft es, and due commons, and alfo alongeft tfte borbers of Come feeldes*. fyTheTymes. Bircfte puttetft fooztft bin new leauesto Aprill: to September f^in fmall CatkenS anb feede ig ripe* feTfic Names. Bircfte ig calleb in ©reke^V*: in marine, Betuia :to f reneftM**- leau. in bigb Boucft,Birkebaum: to bafe Almaigne,Berckmboom* fy The Nature andVertues. Bircfte ig notbfeb in medicine, Wberforebisnatureanb bertues are not knowen: in old timetftep bfed tlie inner tftin barke of Bircfte, in fteede of paper, ft tftepoung twigges and brancftes tftereof to makeroddes,*nb befoms,as tftep doo at tftis dap* ^fblacbe2Uler* tftjap*tottt#* fyThe Defcription. H© blacke After growetft not Ipke a tree, neptfter waxetft ft betp great,but it bringetft fooztft manp long ftraigftt rodd es, wfticft e doo diuide tftemfelues agapne to otfter fmad twigges couered witft a Jtftinneblackertode , dndertftewfticftetftereisfoundeanotfterpel- fowilft rinde.Cftetimberoz wood of tftefe twigges is wftitilft, witft a bzowne red pitft in tfte midle*Cfte leanes be bzobe Ipke tfte leaues of Aller, almoft Ipke to Cfterrie tree leaues, but rounder and bzowner*Cftelitle flowers be wftitifl* after wfticft comebp round beries,wfticft are greme at the firft ft ut afterwards red,and blacke wften tftep are dried,ofaftrangebnpleafant tafte* C The Places. CftiS ktode of wood growetft in iowe wooddes and mopft places* fyThe Tyme. Jt flowretft in ApriUnd tfte beries be ripe to Auguft* fy The Names. Cft is plant ig called oftfte Bzabanders,Spozckenftottt, and oftfte tbplbpm of tftiS Countrie,pijlftout,tftat ig to fop,bolt timbcr,oz arrow wood ,bpcat tfe tftep make Arrowes wttft it,to tft oote witft all: to ftigft Boucft,f awlbaum,a nd mettfibau m; the Hiftorie of Plantes. metiv)batim:of fonte of f> later wri- Alnus nigra ters,in matine, Alnus nigra, tftat ig to fap tn © ngltfft,Blacke After* fyThe Nature. Cfte inner barke of tftis wood is pellow,and of adrie complexion* fyThe Vertues. % Cfte pedowebarke of Alier ftie- ped in wine or bier, anb dzonken, caufetft to bomit beft ementlp, and expelletft flemes,ftcorrupt ftumors contapned in tfte ftomacke* 23 Cft e fome bopleb in bineger anb ftolden in tfte montft, fwagetft tfte tootft acfte, ft curetft tfte fctirffe and fretting fores being lapd tfterbpon* C Cfte leaues be goob fobder, or feeding for kpne, and caufe tbem to peelde dore of mplke* e( £>pmoel tree/ o? piufcc timber. Cljaplcjriic* iff The Defcription. H is plante growetft nep^ tfterfttgft no^ great ipke a tree, but remapnetft ^fmadand lowe,ptitting foortft manpbzacfteS*Cftedemmes of £ olbe bzancftes are conereb witft awftitilftebarke, and tfte pounger bzancbesareconered witb a greene rinbeor barke,bailing as it were foure ftraigbt lines running alogft tfteponng tft uteS or brancbes, tfte wfticfte bo make a quadrature, or a dfaifionof tfte fold poung brancfteS fato foure fquare partes or ciifteS* Cfte timber is ftarbe of a wftitilfte pellow*Cfte leaues be long, ft fom- wftat large,foft,ft tenber*Cbe fmal Sowers be wftitilft ,ft ftaging fine or fixe togitfter, after tftem come fmall rounde ftufkes foure iopning togi- tfter, £ wfticft do ope wften tftefruit in ripe: 3n euerp of tfte aforefapde ftufkes,is f ottnd a fede oz kernel co- uered witft a faire pellowe fkinne, Wbicftebeing fokebtowateroranp otfterliquor wtlftaine ftdiepellow* ' fy The Place. Sptodeltree growetft tetftiS Countrie alongeft tfte feeldes in hAh^tf svnnnric? fyThe 7ft quibufdam. Euonymos Theophrafti. 1S5>? 760 The fyxth Booke of fyTheTymes. 3!taowretftfaApriii,andtftefriitteisripefaSeptember* fyTheNames. CftiS plant feemetft to be tftat fome, wfticft Cfteopftzaftus calletft fa ©reke tw«WM©-> Euonymos: fome Call ft famatfae, Fufana,and Fufanum.- faCnglllfte, Spindeltree,andpricketimber:bpcaufetfte timber of tftis tree feruetft berp Well to tftemakingbotb ofpzickesand Spindelies: in frencft, Fufaintco*$Bm dePreBreWbBoisafairLardoires.inty^b BOUCft, Sptodelbaiim,ft HanftOedlttU in Brabant,papmftotit*CftiS ig not tfwZygia,or lugalis, or a kinbe of Acer, asfomedotftinke* fyThe Vertues. Sptodeitree,as Cfteopftzaftus writetft, ig berp ftttrtftill to all cattell,efpe* A ciallp bnto ©oates,foz tt kidetft tftem,if tftep do not purge botft bpwarbe and bownewarde* ^f^arrt0€lder/^pleo?2>itjarifepianetree* CliapJ^* fy The Defcription. HiS plante ig fomewftat Ipke ©Ider or Bottrtree* Cfte timber, bnt fpeciallp Sambucus paluftris recentioribus* tfte poung brancfteS ate ful of pitft IpkeClder* Cfte leattes be large, and fiue eoznered,almod of tbe fa- (ftion of bine leaues, bttffmaller* Cfte flowers be wftite, anb grow in bzode round Iftado wp tuffetes, Wftereof tftofe to tfte middle are fmall,and tftep tbat (land al witft- out about tfte border of tfte round fpokie tuffettes, are great* Cfte fruiteiSround beries, like tfte be- ries of ©Ider, but greater, anb of a (ft ining reb colour* * Cftcreispetanotfterfozt,wfticft bzingetft fooztft flowers in round (but not flat)tuffets, in al tft fags els Ipke to tfte abouefopde* fyThe Places. CftiS plant growetft bp water cotirfes,ft in low waterilft places* fyTheTymes. Jt flo wzetft to apape, and tfte frnite ig ripe inSeptember* feThe Names. Cfttspiant ig calleb oftfte later Writers to matine, Sambucus paluftris, and Sambucus aquatica, tftat in to fope, #arrilfte©lder,orr©ater©lder, bpcaufe of tfte flowers and frnite, alfo tfte timberiSftillofpitft,lpke©lber*Cordiiscadetftft Lycoftaphyios .• fomemake ft Chama-platanus : itig calfedfo f rencfte,Obiere,0% Opiere. in fttgft BOttCfte, Scft weld er,and Bacftoiderrin Brabant,Sw eiken,ft S welkenftottt.Cftis ig notOpulus;asfomedotftinke:itmapbeweicalledto©nglilft,Bwarffeplane tree; the Hiftorie of Plantes. 76*1 tree: J take tftiS to be afftatb tftat ig calleb in ©ngiilft e,lBftittmtree,Wft ereof are twokinbes,oneinallpointeS agreable witb Sambucus paluftristfteotfter alteretft in leafe:for ftis leaueSbe like to ©Ime or naitcfte Haffei,and tftis kind ig berp tougft and flexible* fy The vertues. Some will fap, tftat tfte beries of nefaittentree, taken into tfte bodp, will caufebomitand open tftebedp:butit ftatft notftitfterto bene found trne,of anp learned and expert Boctours* #f f rangula fftatttfott. a^attftiolusftatft iopned to ftis©ldrens,acertapneplant,growinginBo«» ftem,called f rangnla,^ wfticft J ftaue tftougftt good alfo to placein tftis booke foz tfte greatpzoffite, wfticft mp Countrie men map ftaue bp tfte knowledge of fae fome* fy The Defcription. FEangtilaiSatreeofameauedatwre, tfteleaues are almodlpke to tfteCoz- nel, and Houudedree leaues,tfte barke in ipke to tfte barke or rinb of Alter, fpcckled ontftc otttftde witft wfttte fpottes: but tfte tuner rindei0fo pellow, tftat if tt be cftewed it will colo ttt,an0 ftapne pellow Ipke foffron and Eubarbe; Jltputtetft fooztft wftiteflowers,andfinallfruiteorberies>oftftebigneffeof a peafe fo diuided in tfte midle, tftat it feemetft to be two beries bp natures fktll iopneb togitber* At tfte fird tfte fruite in greene, tft en reb,anb at lad blacke,fta- fang wttft tn two fmall dones,almoft Ipke mup toes,but litie bigger tften men- tilles,fa wfticft e tfte kernels be*Cftefwbftance of tbe timber in berp bzittle and fraple, wft erof it tooke bis name to marine, Frangula-Cftere in no fmallbertue to tftcbarkeor rind,botft to loofeanbbind* for ttloofetft tfte bedp anb dreugtft- netft tfte principallpartes,eiien Ipke Eubarbe* Jt purgetft cftoller and fleme, and difpatcftetft tft e water from fucfte as ftaue tfte dropfie * C fte fopde barke ig bopleb witft common ©tipatorie,ponttoe wormwood, Agrimonie, ©pitftim, HoppeS, Cinamome, f eniil, pardep, and botft kindes of ©nbiue witb tfteir rootes,againdtftebropfie, and eniil difpofttionoftftebcdp,ft tfte3!aundets: tt is giuen to tftem tftat be ficke of tfte afozefapde dtfeafes, in tfte quantitie oz waigftt of fiue ounces Witft finguier pto f ite* But it Iftalbe berp requifite, tftat firft tfte fuperfliiftie of ftumours ,wfticft Ipe in tfte domacke,and tfte fird btiinzg oftfte liuer be pourged* J t loofetft tfte bellp witftout anp danger, ft dotft berp x well p urge and ftrengtften tfte liuer,fo tftat fucft as ftaue bene greeiteb witb tbe ftardneffe oftfte milt and liuer,ftaue bene cured onelp witb tbiS mebicine:for ft opmetb all tbe ftoppinges oftfte bowels anb entraples, anb clenfetft all tftein- dmmental partes from groffe exerements*Cfte bttermoft barkeisadringent: and tfte inner barke loofetft ♦ Botft ougftt to be ftript from tfte tree, in tfteberp beginning of tbe fpring time, and tften to be dried in tfte (ftado w e f oz if ft be oc- cupied greene, tt wil caufe bomiting* Cbe decoctio tftat in mabe witft it,ougftt to ftande oz reft two or tftzee dapes before ft be miniftred, bntilltfte pellow co- lour be cftanged into blacke,els it map perabuentute caufebomiting.Cfte fame dronken before tfte bnloofing of tfte bellp prouoketft appetite* And. Matthioli Comm. in lib.+.Diofcoridi. efmaple* ple bulft e,>or B war ffe plane Ctt trees ?6z The (yxth Booke of Aceris fpecics,Folio minori* tree,but fmaller and greener berp Ipke tfte leaues of Sanicle* Cfte frnite in long, flat, and tftinne,al- moft ipketo a featfter of a fmall birde,oz Ipke tfte wfting of a graf- ftopper* fy The Places. apaple growetft in wooddes, Wftere as it commetft to a great tree, and alongft bp dicftes and running ftreames, wftere as it in bnt fmall* fyThe Times. Jt bio wetft in ^ape, anb tfte feebe in ripe fa September* fyTheNames. CftiS tree in called fa ©reeke *<*>iv\ftv©-,R >xrv®-, of piinie, Gailica: fa ©nglilfte, apaplerinf ttntbz.Erabk. in ftigft Boticft,3$af?ftold£r: in Brabant Boogftottt,and ttUierftont* fyThe Vertues. an Cfterootes of fl^aplepottnbe in wine and dzonken, are good a- gainft tftepapnes fatfte fpde ,as Serenus Samonicu^ ftatft WZftteil* ^f ttje lumper tree* €tm#ft& 41 The.Kindes. Tl^ere be two fortes of 3nniper,as Biofcozides writetft, wftereof tfte one ktnde growetft great and ftigft*Cfte otfter kind remapnetft fmal and low, and is well kno wen in tftis Countrie* fy The Defcription. [He fmal and common juniper fometimes growetft bp, and waxetft to tfteftatiireoffomeotftertrees,btitmoftcommonlp it remapnetft iowe, land growetft likea Ift tub oz ft edge piant*Cft e brancfteS of tftis 3Iunipee are conereb witft a tftinne barke,ttft wfticft wiilfoonerine, oz cleeueafundert (etp eciallp in ftoate Conntries )after wfticft e cftopping or cftinking oftfte barke tfterecommetft fooftft agummeorliqtior,lpkefrankmfence* Cfte leaues be iitie,fmall,and ftard,gro wing alongft tfteftalkes and brancfteS, ft are alwapes greene witftout falling of in winter*Cfte frnite in roundelitle beries, wfticfte be greene attfte firft and afterward blacke of a good fauour and fweet to tafte, wfticfte at Imgtft waxe bitter* * Cfte great 3Junipcr in a great ftigft tree,and bearetft beries as great as f ii- berdes,andfometimesas great as t©alnuttes,asBiofcorides writetft* fyT he-Place. Juniper ig found bpo bigb moitntapne&to Iftado Wp woods,? low ftolow wapes,it louetft a cold ftonp ground* fe n* the Hiftorie of Plantes. fyTheTymes. Jn tfte monetft of a^ape tftere arifetft out of Juniper a certapne pellow powder oz dud, wfticft ig taken for tfte blowing oz flower of Juniper, after tftat pottlftalper- ceiue tfte fmal beries to begin to grow dp, tftewbicftedowaxeripeinSeptember,a pereaftertftattftepbeginfirdtogrowbp* Cftereforepelftaifinbe bpon tbe Juniper tree>beries botb ripe and bnripe, great and fmall al togitfter* fe The Names. Juniper fa called fa©reke*eKw0©-5anb % offome a**™*;?; inmatine, fa f rencftc,/«*^,or Geneure.-in ftigft Boucft, tBcckftolder, and tBeckftolterbaum: in Brabant, ©encuer* Cbe beries becalled in ©reke ipxotifw tomatfae,Bacca? Iunipcri.-falftopS, Grana iunipcn: fa©ngiitfte, Juniper beries: fa iZtntbtyGratnesdeGeneure: iltftigft BOUCft, n2>eckftolterbeeren,and&romerbeeren* \f ^ Cfte gumme wfticfte fweatetft out oi^rTF^^ tftis tree and bin barke, in called in (ftops, Vernix : and ill fome pfoCCS UOt WttftOUt great and dangerous errowr,$andaraca: for tfte rigftt Sandaraca in a gnawing, and benemous fubdance , wfticfteis founde fa tfte mines of mettalles wfterebuto tftis gumme in no tftfng ipke* fyThe Nature. Cfte Juntpertree witft all ftis partes,asieaues,backe,timber, fruite, and gumme*? of complexionftoateand drie* fyThe Vertues. Cftefrutteor beries of Juniper, in good for tfte domacke, lunges>liiter,and # kidncpesat curetft tfte olde cougft, tfte grtpinges and windineffe oftfte bellp, andpzouotvetft brine, to be bopled in wine or ftonied water and dzonken* Alfo it is good for people cftat be brufed b.z fquatbp falling, to be taken in ^3 tfte afozefapde manner* Cfte iupce oi tfte leaues dotft witftdand al benome,efpeciallp of tazipers and © Serpentesrit in good to drinke tfte fame, and to lap tt outwardlp bppon the wouudes.Cfte fruite in good for tfte fome purpofe,to be taken in wftat foztfo euer pe lift* Juniper or tfte beries tftereof bnrned,driuetft awap allbenentdus beades, 33 and all infection and corruption of tfte apre: wfteref oteit is good to be burned fa a plague ttme,in fucfteplaces wftere as tfte &piz in infected* Cfte rind oz barke of Juniper burned,bealetft tfte nougftttefctirffe,and fret- 45 tfagfcabbes,to bemingleb witb water and lapde thereto* Cfte gumme of Juniper is good foz tftem wftofe ttomackes and bo welleSf are combred witb colbe flegmes: it expedetft all fortes of wormes,and dapetft tfte inordinate courfe of womens flowers* Cfte parfume of Vemixris good foz tftebrapne, drietft bp tfte faperfluotts © ftumois of tfte fteab,and ftoppetft tfte foiling downe of retime or ftumors from tftefame* Cttii CftiS 7<>4 The (yxth Booke of CftiS gumme tempered witft €>ple of Eofes, ftelpetft tfte riftes, cones, oz H tftappfages oftfte ftandes and feetc* ^f€edartree* CbapJttcr.t>. (j TheKindes. THetebetWorbfteSof Cedar,greatftfmall*Cftefmal ftuitz alfo isof two fortes: tfte one witft iftarpe pricklep leattes like Juniper: tfte otfter are not pricklep at all* fy The Defcription. 0 xy ced r u s. fHe great Cedar waxetft berp dowte ft tall, ftigft, Igreat ft tfticke, pea grea- ter,ftftigfter tften tfte figge tree* Cfte barke euen from tfte foote oftfte dem bnto tfte fird bran- cfteS in rougft, and from tft ence foortft zuzn bp to tfte toppe, in berp finotft ft ptapne, of a darke blew colour,otitof wfticft tftere dioppetft wftite Eofen of bin o wne kind, wfticft is mopft and odoziferant orf weete fmellfag, tfte wfticft bp tfte fteate of f onne becommetftdrp and ftarde* H& limmes and brancbes be long, anb ftretcfted out into lengtft ft bzeabtb and parted into manp otber fmall bzancftes, daubing directlp or rigftt one againd an- otfter, Ipke as fa tfte f irre tree* Cfte fopde brancbes be dab and garnifft ed witft manp fmal litie leaues,tfticke, lftort,and fweete fmellfag like p leaues of marix, or marcfte tree*Cfte fruit ig like tftat of fy f irre tree, fouing tftat ft is greater,tfticker,ft ftarder,ft .- tft e tree growetft ftraigftt bprigftt like tft e f irre tr ee,as tfte patoeful ft diligent peter Beion ftatft wri?ten*f rom tfte tronke oz ftemme oftfte Cedar treetftere commetft foortft a certapne cleare liqttor,wfticft tfte olde writers called Cedtia* 2 Cfte firft kind of £ fmaller Cedar,is mucft liketo Jttnipenbut moft comonlp ft in fomwftat fmaller* Cfte dem is croked oz wzitft ed ,ft couered witft a rougft barke*Cfte fruit ig round beries,like Juniper bertes,bitt fomwftat greater, fa colonr atHftftgceene,tftenpellow,ft at lad reddilft,of an indifferent good tad* 3, Cbe fecond kind of final Cedar growetft not ftigft, but remapnetft alwapes total and lowelpketfteotft er*CfteleatteSdftftiSkindarenotpricklep,butfom- Wftat round ft moffte attfteendeS,almoft ipke to tfteleaues of Camarifkeand Sauin*Cft e fruite of tftis kinde alfo ig rounde beries greme at tfte firft, after- warde pello w,and at laft reddilft e,in tafte bitter* fyThe Place. Cfte great Cedar growetft to Africa and Spua ,and as taritrtitiitis repor* tetft the Hiftorie of Plantes. 7&f tetft alfo in Candie, bppon tfte ftigft monntapnes, and places tftat be colbe and mopft, wbicbe are commonlp conereb witft toowe, as bppon tfte monntapnes mibaniis,AmamiS,andCaurttS,aSBelon writetft* Cfte feconde gro wetft in pftoenicia,and certaine places of Jtalte,efpectallp toCalabzia,bpontftemoiint©arganiiS,andalfoinmangwedoc* Cftetftirdgrowetftinmpcia,andiSfottndimertapueplaceSoffraitnce,as to pzouiuce and manguedoc* fyTheTymes. Cfte great Cedar tree bringetb foortb fruite of two pereS grotb, and it iS neuer witftout fruite,wfticfte in ripe at tft e beginning af winter* Cbe fmall C ebar trees be alwapes greene and loden witft f ruite,ftatung at *'3 alltimesbpon tftem of frtiitebotft ripeand bnripeipketo Juniper* fyTheNames. Cedar in called to ©reeke^^-in matine Cedr u s. in ©ngii(fte,©edre,and Cedar:iufrencfte,c^r^inBoucbe,Ceberboom* i cfte great Cedar iScalled ofpiinie fa ©reeke Kt*°f**xTK:fa matme, Cedrus maior.atid Cedrus Gonifera.-fa f tZUtl)Z,GrandCedre. Cfteliqtier tftat flowetft out of tftis treeiS called in ©reeke ^^tnmatine alfo Cedria,andliqwoz Ccdrinus.ofAnicen,Serbin:ofSerapio,&itran: witft _ this liquoz fa olde timetftep dpd bfe toenbaulmetftebodpes of dead men, tfte wbicfte at tftiS time ig taken out of tftegraueS.orSepulcftreS, andSolde in SftopS in deede of Mumia;not witftout great and manifett errour*f or tftat wbicfte tfte Arabians do cal m umia,is called in ©reeke Piflafphaitos Cftefirftfmal©edar is called in©reke^uK{/eof.)isa>(Cotv»KH:faxatfae, 1 Acuta Cedrus, CedrusPhcenicia, Oxycedrus, anbCedrula: fafrmcfte, Petit Cedre. ire. Cftefeconde fmall Cedar in called Afi&> ***«Cedrus Lycia? and fa pro- Juince,aspeterBelonwrttetft,Moruenic. fyThe Nature. . cbeCedariSftoateanddzieintftetftftddegree*CfteliqtiorCedria, Wfticft mttoetft fooftft oftfte greatCedar tree,is almoft wftoate in tfte fottrtft degree, m c{SffiS5*ftnaU Cedar, ig alfo ftoate and drie,but not fo greatip* fyThe Vertues. Cedrta tftat ig tfteliquor of Cedar,fWagetft tfte tootft acfte, being put into % *eSSf Sefearetft tftefi£t*and taketft awap tfte Iftots and fcarres in tfte epes, b b*m£izfoS °' *e C fome,and witft tftewineoftftedecoctionofHPfope,ttcttretfttftenopfe and rin- ging in tfte eares,and caufetft tfte fteartog to be good*^ Cbe ©gpptians in times paft, kept tfteir dead bobpeswitft Ccdm.tojft a kepetft tft efame wft ole,anb prefernetft tftem fromcorrttpttombtit ft confumetft anb cozritptetft lining flelft* „ . _ ., • Jtkplletftmpceandallfucfte bermine, Wfterefore Wftatfoener tsannopn- © ted witft tftefame, apotftes, naormeS, and fucft otfter bermine, (ftal not fturt it at all Cftefrttiteoftftefame©edar,isgoodto beeaten againft tfte ftrangnrie, ft $ prouoketft brtoe,and bringetft downe womens natutall^neffe* err itf wt 7o6 The lyxth Booke of 0f£>aufoc. €l)ap.litrrmj. fyThe Kindes. THerebetwo fortesofSauine,one witft leaues mucft like Camari(ke,tftc otfter Ipke to tfte leaues of Cppzes* •J* The Defcription. $abina«Satlitt* He Saitin tree tftat is knowen in tftis Cottntrie,growetft to maner ofa fmall Iowe fftmbbe or tree,tfte demme in fometimes as bigge as ones arme, tfte wfticfte biuidetb it felfe into manp bzancft es,ligfttip fpzeadiug it felfe into lengtft and breadtft: tftofebraneftesareditii* bedagaine into otfter fmall brancbes : tfte wfticft be petagaine parteb into fmal greene twigges or (lender fautftes, fet full of fmall leaues almod liketo Camarifke,bitttfticker anb more pricklep ,'remapntog euer greene botb winter anb fommer, and of a rancke fmell* Cbe fruite is fmall blacke beries,not mucb bnlpke to Juniper beries* 2 Cbe otfter Unbz of Sauine wfticft in like to €pp^zg growetft to a competent fteigftt and quantitie, witft a demme greater tften < €pmg* Jt ftatft manp brancbes fpzead a- bzode.Cfte leaues be tike Cppzes*Cft e fruit ig rounb beries,greene at tft e fird,anb after- warde blacke* fyThe Place. t Cfte firft kinde of S auto in fo ttnde plan- ted tofome garbens of tftis Countrie* 2 Cfte feconb kinb growetft to leffer Afia,ft in tfte ©reece, it in feidome found to tftiS COtttttrie* fyThe Tyme. Cftefmite oftfteSauintreeisripeattftebeginningof winter* feThe Names. t Cft e firft tree ig calleb to ©reeke fyMvcin matine,Sabina :fa Sboppes, Sa- uina,0ffome Sauimera:fa©njgli(ft,Sattfa:fa $lZM\)Z, ftigft BOUCft, Seuenbaum:in bafe Almaigne,Sattelboom* t Cfte feconbe ig alfo calleb of Biofcoribes &e«for>mb Sabina, anb of piinie, Cupreffus cretica:it(ftould feeme to be tftettee wfticft Cfteopftzadus calletft in ©reeke fof«,N flv'rop.Thuia, velThuium, anb piinie Bruthes, oz Bruta, as peter Beion,ftatft berp wel left in writing* fyThe Nature. Cfteleaues of Saitin Wfticft aremottbfeb tomebictoe, are ftoate anb dzie fa tfte tftirde degree,and of fub till partes* fyThe Vertues. Cfte leaneS of Sanfabopled fa wineand dronken, pronoke brine, and % driueit fooftft fo migfttilp tftat tfte bloob dotft folowe,it moouetft tfte flowers, driuetft fooftft tfte fecondine and tfte dead birtft,it ft atft tfte likebertue to be re- ceiued bnder in a parfume, Cfte leanespounde ft lapd to Witft ftonp,cnretft blcers, * dapetft threading B and tne Hiftorie of Plantes. 767 and eating fores: tftep do fconre and take awap all fpottzg and fyeckles from tfte face or bodp of man* Cftep bo alfo cattfewartesto fal of, wfticft grow about tfte parbeand otfter C fecrete places of man* Cfte wood or timber ofSatiin ig pzofitablp mixt witft ftoate ffe in wfticft tft e frnite or leaneS of CppreS ftane bopled, dotft ftreng- # tften tfte ftomacke,ftapetft bomtting,ftoppetft tfte bellp, anb all otfter iimn of tftefame, anb curetft tfte excoriation or going of, of tfte fkinne fromtftefecrete partes or members* . ,.., ^ Cttutf CppreS 76tf Thelyxthbookeof €pptzg0uttzg cure tftem tftat areburftmanbftaue tfteir guttes fallen© into tfteir cobbes,to belapbeto otttwarblp* Cfte leattes ftaue tfte fame bertue m itft tfte fruite of €pmg tftep cure and take awap tfte corrupt flelft (called b poippuS)growtog in tfte j&ofe* Cftefamebzufed witft fat dziefiggeS,dotft cttretfte bladinges of tfte gem*© tors:anb if pepnt ieuen tftereto, ttdiffoluetft and waftetft botcftes and boples beingiaide tfterebpon* Cfte leaues of CppzeS bopled to fweete wine, or a^eade, doo ftelpe tfte j ftrangurie,and iffue of tftebladder* Cbefamepotinbeberpfmall,clofebpgreeneornewewotinbeS,anb ftop^ tbe bloob of tftem being lapde tft erebnto* Cftep be alfo witft great profite; lapde witft parcfted barlp meale,to wilbe $ fire,Carboncles, anb otber boateblcerS,and fretting fotzn* Cbe leaues anb fruite of CppreS, lapde to witft bineger, make tfte fteare^ blacke* * ^ftlje^eifotree* ^aptoW* fy The Defcription. Tax us. H© Cwe in a great bigb tree,remap- ning alwapes greene, it batb a great demme, couereb witb a grape barke, tftat is clouen anb dabbed or fcalpe Cfte leaues be of a barke greene, long, ft nar- rowelikeafetfter,fetfuloffmalleaues,grow- ingalalongft a ftemme, oppofite or (landing rigftt ouer one againft anotfter, wftereof eacfte leafe in narrow, and longer tften tfte leaues of Eofemarie, otft erwife not mucfte bnlpke* H& frnite in faire rounde redde beries, fomewbat bigger tftan wftofteS,bttt els not mucft bnlike* C The Place. ©we growetft in Arcabia, Jtalp, Spapne, f rannce,and Almaigne: alfo in tbe forced of Atdein* Jn time pad it was planted in gardes for Camarifke* fy The Times. ' Cfte fruite of ©we is ripe in September* fyTheNames. CftiS tree in calleb in ©reke*>«x«f ,of Cbeo- pbraftwSH^^nb after ©alen K«KT0.,Cados- inmatine, Taxus: of tfte ignorat Apotftecaries of tbis Countrie ©ngiilft,© we, or Pzwiin frencfte,//: in ftigft Boucfte, Jben- baum: anb accorbinglp in bafe Almaigne, J- benbOOlU* fyThe Nature. ©we in altogitfter benemous, anb agafaft manS nature* v fyThe Danger. ©we is no t profitablefor mans bobp,for it in to ftttrtful anb benemouS,tftat % fucfte as do but onelp deepebnder tfte (ftado we tftereof become ficke,and fome- times tftep die, efpeciallp wft e it bio wetft* Jn ©afcoigne it in mod dangerous* Jf anp eate tfte foutte,it will canfe tfte lafke,tft e Birdes tftat eate tfte beries, B do eitfter dpe,oz cadtfteir fetfters* Cfteignorant Apotftecatiesof tftiSCountrie,do bfe tfte barke of tftis tree,in c fteede the Hiftorie of Plantes. .„ 7$p ftede oftfte barke of Camarifkftp t^in we map wel perteitte, Wftat wickebnes tfte ignorant Apotftecaries do dadp comit bp miniftrtog of nougfttpfturtf ul me- dicines infteedeof good to £ great perill ft dangeroftftepooze difeafed people* ef tije pmt tree* €\)tyAffl\}#. fyThe Kindes. ... THerebe two foztes of pine trees, as tfte noble Atmcient Cfteopftzafte writetft,tftat ig to fap, tft e garben, anb Wilbe pine trees,tft ere be alfo di- ttersfortes of tfte wtldeptne tree* Pinus. fy The Defcription. H© pine tree ig ftigft ft great witft manp brancfteS at tfte toppe,parted ^ into otfter round bracftes,fet round about witb litie ftard leaueSft almoft (ftarpe pointed ozpztcklp, berp ftraigftt or narrow, and of a greme wft itifft colour * Cfte timber is;reb and ft eaup,ft witftin about tfte ftarte, fulof foppe and liquor* Hto fruite in great BoulleanS oz Bawlcs of a browne Chef* nut colour (anb are calleb pine Apples) fa wbicb grow fmal nutteS,wfterinis afWeet wftite kernell, wfticfte ig fometimes bfeb in medicine* % Cbe fird kind oftfte wiib pine trees, ig ftigft, great, and tfticke, andpetnot fo ftigft as tfte tame oz garden i!binz. Cfte brancfteS be fpzead abzoabe, witft long Iftarpe pointed leaues,tfte fruite ig iftoft and not ftard, ope- ning eafilp,and failing quicklp* B Cfte fecond kind gro w etft not fo ftigft,nei- tfter ig tftedemme growing draigfttbp,but bringetft foortft manp brancfteS fodatolp frd tfte roote creeping bp tfte ground, long,den- der,ft eafdp to beplopeb orbente,tofomucfte tftatftereof tftep make Circles and ftoopes for wine ftogffteabes ft tonnes, as tfte noble iearneb a^attftfoittS Writetft* Cfte fruite of tftiS ktode is greater tften tfte f mite of anp oftfte otfter wdde pine trees* © Cbe third kind growetft ftraigftt bprigftt,ft waxetft'gteat ft ftigft, pet not fo htob as tbe otber wilb kindes* Cfte brancfteS of tftis do grow Ipke tfte pitcfte tree Cfte fruit is long ft big,aimoft like tbe fruit of tbe pitcfte tree,tn tfte fame igcontepnedtriangiedfmallmittes, liketo tftenntteS of tfte pineapple, but fmaller ft bzitler,wttft a kernell of good tafte,lpke tft e kernel of tftetame^ptne* B Cftefourtft kind ftatft a long ftard fruite, tftewftttft will not open eaftlp nor © feCfte^^ greater tften Cppres nntteS,tftewfticftewilopenandfalquickip* n , - fromotttoftftefefreescbmmetfttftatliqnorcalfe^ Wdde trees:and it runnetb moft comonlp outof tftebarke,or from tfte timber, but fometimes alfo it is founbeto tbe fruite or apples* ,., - _e • froStrees alfo cometft pttcft botft liquid ftftard,* wfticft iSdrawe fortft bp btanina of * wood,as CbeopftzaftuS teacftetft* Cfte wfticft maner of drawing oStfag of pitcft,iS pet bfed to Candidas peter Belon writetft* fy™ 770 The fyxth Booke of fyThe Place. • Cfte tame or garden pine growetft famanp places of Jtalp,Spapne,«rece, f rance,and ©ngland,in feeldes and gardms,wftereas it ftatft ben planted* * CbewildepfaeSgrowdponmountapnes,ftfomeoftbembpontbebigbeft monntapnes, wbere as noneotfter trees noz berbes doo growe,efperialip tbe firftxfaldekinde,tftewfticfteis alfofoundeiriBoticftiande,miefland,poland, and otftercolderegions* iffTheTyme. Cfte fruite or pinz apples,are ripe fa September* fyTheNames. Cfte pine is called famatfae, Pinus .• fa ©reekenotTrm*. as diners of our later writers do fuppofe, but ***w as ft ig zuibznt bp SLrirgtts berfe fa \)ig bft* booke of Aeneidos* Ipfa inter mediasflagrantemferuida Pin um Suftinet-lBftere as iS to be bttderftandedbpFlagrantemPinum.teda pi- nea,as Sernfas writetft * Ouidius in epiftolis Heroidum. Vt vidi, vt perij,nec notisignibus ignibusaril:, Ardet vt ad magnos pinea teda deos. Item quarto. Illicaccendit geminas pro lampade Pinus. Hinc Cereris facris nunc quoq-, teda datur. Prudentius in hymno cerei pafcalis. Seu pinus piceamfertalimoniam. Bp Wfticfte berfes onemap knowe,tftat Tedacommetftof tftetreecalleb fa marine Pinus,into tftewfticfte,asCfteopftrattus writetft,™**, peuceis tranfr lated:fo tftatbp tftis onemap knowetftat Pinus,anb PeuceJSbut onetree* t Cftetame or garben kinbe in calleb in ©reeke,™™ W©-:famatine, Pinus fatiua.fa©ngit(ft,tfte garben pinerinfrencft^.in ftigft Boncft,Hart?baum, and &inboit?: in bafe Aimaigne,pifoboom* 2 Cftewilde kinde in called in ©reeke ™™ hv*- inmatine, Pinus fylueftris, ft Pinafter:in©ngliift,tfte wiidepine: inf tzntb,Pinfauuagcinbafz Almaigne, natlbepifaboom:oftftektodes of wilde pine are tftofetrees wfticbbecalled toftigftBoucfte,lliiifferftolt5,formftolt55orftterenftoltj,ficfttenbaum,ftc* Cfte fird wilde kinde in called to frencft, >>«&«: fa marine, N uces pinea;: in ©ngiilft e, pine apple kernels oriiiuttesrinf rmcfte,^^. Cfte the Hiftorie of Plantes. 77* Picea. Cfte ftart oz tfte midle oftfte timber wfticft ig full of liquor,and being kindled or burned lpkea toucfteis called in©reeke^«e w f rance,and ©ermanp* -fyTheTymes. Cftefmite of tftis tree is alfo ripe in September* fyTheNames. CftiS tree is calleb to ©teeke *Wfa marine, Picea: in ftigft Boucfte, Eot tftannen,and Eotdannebanm,tftat in to fop,tfte red f irre treetand accozding- Ipto neatfter Boucftlande,it in called EoodeBenneboom* Cftat Pitysand Picea,arebnt one kinbe of tree, Scribonitis margtts dotft fiifficientlp declare wfto to tfte CCf * Compofition writetft after tftis manner* Refina? pituina?,id eft,ex piceaarbore. fy The Nature and Vertues. Cfte leanes, barke,frnite,kernelles oz nuttes of tftiS tree,are almod of tfte famenature,bertttes,anb operations,as tfteleaues, barkes, fruite, ft kernels oftfte ppne tree* ^f ftofen t&at tommtth out of t&e pint and pitclje trees. €t)ap*lctFtjc* fy The Kindes. i nTHeEofentftatrttnnetft otitof tfte pine ft pitcfte trees iS of tftzee fortes, 1 bpfibestftepitcfte,wfticftweWiddefcribebpitfeifeintbenextCbapter* Cbe one flowetft out bp force of tftefteate oftfte Sonne to tfte fommer ttote,from tfte woob or timber Wften it ig bzoken ozcut, but: efpeciallp wft end igtuu 2 Cfte otfter is founb botft bpon and betwixt tfte barke of tfte pine ft pitcfte trees ,and mod commonlp wbere as it ig clouen or fturt* t Cfte tftirdekinde growetft betwixt tfte fcales oftfte frnite* 5 ILT he Names. All tfte kinbesofEdfen are calleb in©reeke^T^5^^/;^f.fa©ngiitfte,Carre* 2 cfte drie pttcfte is called in ©reke !*?« 7r/V«,7r«Mju7r/V«,^ 7nV« |xf «.fa ma- rine, Pixarida.-fa tftoppes, Pix nauaiis-fa ©ngiilft, (ftip pttcfte, orftonepitcfte; to $tznt\)Z,Poixfeche in bafe Almaigne,Stccupeck* fyThe Nature. pitcfte is ftoate anb drie intfte fecond degree,and of meetelp fiibtiie partes, bnt tfte (tone pitcfte is drpeft, tfte liquid pitcfte or Caere is tfte ftoater and of more fiibtilpartes* fy The vertues. miquib pitcfte ( as witneffetft Biofcorides and ©alen ) takm witft ftonie, a botft clenfe tfte bzeft and in good to be licked in of tftofe tftat ftatie tfte (ft oztnefte of bteatft, wftofe bred in duffed witft corrupt matter* Jt molltftetft and ripetft all ftarde fwellinges, and in good to annopnt tfte b necke againft tfte Squinanfie or fWedfag oftfte tftzot e* Co be (ftort, it ig good to be put into fattening plapfterS,anodineS wfticfte take awap papne ft griefe, and maturattoes oz rip tog medicines* mapde to witft Barlep meale, it fitppietft and foftenetft tfte ftardneffe of tfte c matrix and fnndement* ^liquid pttcfte mingled witft SulpftitrCor qtiicke Brimdone)repreffetft fret- & ttogblcersand tfte nougfttiefcab;ftfottlefcurffe,ft if tftatfaltbeput tftereto, ft in good to be lapd bpon tfte bptinges ft ftingtoges of Serpentes and Pipers* Jt curetft tfte tiftesand clotien cftappes,tftat ftappen to tfte ftands,feete,and © lundemeitt, to belapde tfteretinto* Jf ftbepowned berp fmall witb tfteftoepowdee of f rankmfence tt ftealetft + ftolowe blcers oz fiftttla&filltog tftem bp witft flelft* Cfte done 01 dzie pitcftcftatft tftefame bertne as tfte liquid pitcfte,but not $ foftrong:butitc£better,andaptetto glew togitfter wowndes,as ©alen foitft* Wbb m- 774 1 ^— ■^' "The fyxth Booke of •j* The Defcription. H© f irre tree is great, ftigft,ftlong,etter greene, growpng mncfte ftpgfter Abies f irre* tften the pine and pitcfte trees* Cfte dem is berp euen or ftraigftt, piaine beneatft,ft witftout iopnts, but witft iopnteS anb knoppes a- botte, bpon wbicbeiopntes grow tbe bzancftes bearing leaues al- modipke©we,btitfmaller* Cbe fruite in ipke to tbe pine apple, but fmaller and narrower, not banging downe as £ pineapple, but growingrigbt bpwarb*naitft tbe timber of tbtS tree tftep make apattes ford;ippeS,podeS,and raples for dinersotfter purpofes* B fro out of tftebarke of f pottng f irre tree in gatftered a faire ii* quid Eofen, cleare ft tftrougft tftp- ning as tfte learned apattftioltts, and peter Belon ftaue written, Wfticft in bitter and aromatical, in tade almod Ipke to Citron pities, or tfte bartes of memons codited* *£ Alfo tftereisfoundebpontftis tree aEofm ozdrp wftitegtimme, Ipke as tftere is founde bpponttfe pine and pitcfte trees,tfte wfticfteis folde for Cfttis,tftat is to fap f rancenfe, and fo in edeemed of tfte common forte* fyThe Place. Cfte f irre tree growetft bponmonntapnes: ft in nd t onlp founde fa ©rece, Jtalp,Spapne,and ftaunce,b wt fa puife, pomeran, mieflande, anddiuerS otfter places of ©ermanie* fy-The Names. CftiS tree is called fa ©reeke i^rrfa&atfae, Abies: in ©nglilfte, f irre: to tftzntbz}sapin in ftigft Boncfte,l©ef?Cftannen,and r©ed£ Bannenbanm: fo bafe Almaigne,iBitteBenneboom,and a^aftboom* Cftelower part of tftedemoftftis tree wfticfteiswitftoutknotSoziopnteSi iS called in marine, Sapinus, and tfte bpper part wfticfteis full of iopnteS and knottes,iS called Fufterna, as witneffetft not onelp plinie,biit alfo ^ttriuiittS to ^in feconde booke of Arcbitectitre,or bupidinges* B Cfte liquid and cleare Eofen,rdnntog out of tftebarke oftfte poungtreeS ig calleb Of tbe later Writers frttft in like to pine apples, fatting tftat ft in mucfte fmaller, and not mucfte greater tftenCppzeS $utteS* from tftis tree commetft foortft a liquor, Eofen, oz gumme, wfticfte ig fofte, mopft, wtutilft e, and darke, to fubftance Ipke ftonp of 3tft ens,as mitvuuiiin writetft* Cftere growetft to tftis kinde of trees a kindeof apulftrome orCadftoole,tftat ig to fap, a fungeitfe excrefcence, called Aga- ricus, oz Agarick, tfte wfticfteisa precious medicine and of great bertue * Cfte beft A- garick ig tftat,wfticft is wftiteft,berp ligftt, bzitie,and open or fpongiows*Cftat wfticft in otfterwife,tftat ig to fop,blacke, tfticke,eiofe, clammie, anb waigfttie,is not meete for medicfae,but bnftolefome and benemous* Wbb ft fyThe 776 The fyxth Booke of fyThe Place. Cftis tree growetft fa mombardie,alongftbp tfte riuer padits, and in Si- lefiaplentifnllp* iffTheTyme. CftiS tree ftatft newe leattes at tfte beginning oftfte fpring time*Cfte frnite iS ripe in September* fyTheNames. Cftis treeis calleb in ©reeke *«*«! famatine,Larix:fafome Sftops> Larga: inftigft Bottcfte,mercftenbaum:fabafe Almaigne, mozkenboom* Cfte Eofen of tftis treeis calleb fa ©reeked mm WwVK,M^ff;famatfae,Re- finalaricea,andRefinalarigna.inSbOppeS,Terebinthina,nOtWitbOttterrOttr, alfo in Boucfte it ig called,Cetmentftifa,or Cerbentftftn,tftat in to fop, Cere- bintftin,oz Cnrpentpn,ft tftiS in tfte common Curpentpn tftat we ftaue,wfticfte tftottld ratfter be calleb marcbe Eofen,or marcbe Curpentpne* Cfte fpohg;ieexcreffence wfticfte is foitnbe in tbe marcfte tree, in calleb fa ©reeke «>«6^:fa matfae, Agaricum:faSftoppeS,Agaricus:Offome,Medicina famiii^.fa ©ngii(fte,Agarik:in frencfte,^*™. , fyThe Nature. Cfte marcfte tree, ftis leaues>fruite,backe, anb kernell, are of temperature almod Ipke to tfte pine anb f irre trees,but not aitfting fo bertuous, neptfter pet fo ftrong* Cfte Eofen of tftis tree in ftoate and drie ipke tfte o tftetjEofenS, but it dotft mundifie and clenfe better tben tfte reft* Agarick is ft oate in tfte firft begree,anb btiz fa tfte feconde* feThe Vertues. Cft e Eofen of tfte marcfte, or marix trees, in as good as anp of tfte otfter % EofenS, to be put into opntmentes anb totplaifters, to glewe togitfter, clenfe anb fteale wounbes* Co be licked in witft ftonp it clenfetft tfte bzcaft,and loofetft tfte bellp,prouo-B ketft brxnz, and drinetft but tfte done and grauell, to be taken inwardlp: to be (ftort, it in of focnltie berp Ipke to tfte rigftt Curpentine, and map be bfed for tft efame, aS ©aim Writetft, medicamentis fecundum genera. Agaricktaken about tfte weigftt of a btamme,pttrgetft tfte bellp from colde C flimie fleme,and otfter groffe and raw humours, wfticfte cft argeanb ftoppe tfte brapne,tbefinewes,tfte lunges, tftebzeaft, tfte ftomacketfteliuer, tfte fplene, tftekibnepes,tftematrix,or anp otfter tfte inwarde partes* Agarick is good againft the papne and fwimmingof tftefteab, tfte fallings euiil,and tfte impodnmeS of tftebzapne,to be taken witft Spzttpe Acetofus* Jt in goob againft tfte tftortneife of breatft calleb Aftftma,^ ftarb continually tougft ounueterate eotigft,itis goob alfo for fucbeasbaue taken falles^ftare brnfed orfqtiatte ozburt, or burften inwardlp, to bedzonken in ftonped wine Wben onebatft no f ewer, and witb bonpeb water fa a fewer * Jtis alfo giuen witb great profite, fodden to fweete wine to fucfte as ftaue f tfteCpficke and confumption,and to tftem tftatfpetand caft fortft hloob,wften tftep loofe tfteir beilies,or go to tfte ftoole* Jt openetft tftedoppinges of tfteliuer,and kidnepes,and pzeuapletft mttcft ^ againd tfte Janndife, and fncfteas are euill coloured, foz it puttetft awap tfte nougfttie colour,and redoretft tfte faire naturall colour* Jf it be taken witft bineger, it openetft and curetft tftedopptog and ftarde- g netTeoftftemeltoztftlene* Cfte fome taken drie witftout anp liquor, doo tft ftrengtften and comfort tfte 3 weake i the Hiftorie of Plantes. . 7-7 weake and feeble ftomacke,it curetft tfte wamblingeS of tft e ftomacke, and tbe fewer belcfttog out of thefame,caiifing goob digeftfon* Agarick in a good medicine agapnd olde fenerS,for to pitrgetfte bobp, and agamd wozmesrit in alfo berp profitablp pnt into mebicines, tftat are gtoen againd popfon or bzno me* fyThe Daunger. Agarickisofdoweoperatton,anbtakenintogreataqtiantftie, itfeebletft tfte mwardes partes* fyThe Remedies. Aprickiscorreeted,tobegtoenettfterwitft©toget,Salgeme,bittcftieflp witft sDxmtell* fy The Defcription. iH© Curpentine tree in fome places ig bnt iftorte anb bafe: anb in Terebinthus. feme places it waxetb great anb bigb,as Cfteopftradus wzitetft* jt ftatft long leanes codding of manp otfter leaues like to Bape ieaueS,gro wing one agapnft an otfter alongft bp one dem* Cfte flowers be fmal ft reddilft grcfa- togtogttfterlpkegrapes, after- Warbe tbere come fmall rounde beries at tfte firft greene, but af- terwarb reddifl;, and wften tftep be rppe,tftep be blacke,clainmie, or fat,and of a pleafont fouour* Cfterootes be long anb growe deepe in tbe grounbe,tfte timber in faire,blacke and tfticke* £)ut of tftis tree iffuetft tfte rigftt Curpentine, tfte wfticfte in faire and cleare, tfticker, tften tfte liquid Eofen, Wfticfteis ga- tftered fro tfte barke,of tftef irre tree* C The Place. Cfte Curpentine growetft plentifullp in Spria, efpeciallp abottt Bamafctis, wftere as it waxetft berp great: it in alfo found in ©reece, and in fome places of Jtalte and manguedOCke. # The Time. Cfte Curpentine tree flowretft in tftefpring time,and ig ripe about tfte end of fommer,euen witft tftegrapes* fyTheNames. CftiS treeis called in ©reeke^tv0©-:to marine, Terebinthus .in ©nglilfte, Ctirpentine treerin bafe Almaigne,Cerebtotftifo boom: and of tfte Arabian pftpfitionS, Albotin* Cfte frnite ig called of Anicen,Granum viride. Cftegumme of Eofen is calledto©reekerWv»tt^ivM: inmatine, Reflna Terebinthina.of Atticen Gluten albotin.bttkttOWen to £ (ftopS Of tftiS COUtttrie* Ubbiii *The » Lentifcus. 778 The Tyxth Booke of fyThe Nature. Cfteleaues $batke oftfte Curpentine tree areftoateand driein tfte feconde degree(efpeciallp being weldried)tftep beaffo adringent* Cbe frnite is ft oate anb due in tbe tbirbe begree* Cbe Eofen or tftis Curpenrine,iS ftoate intfte feconb degree,bwt not otter- mncft e drping: alfo it in clenfing* fyThe Vertues. Cfte leanes and barke of tftecnrpmttoe tree, bo ftoppe tbe Iftettingfoortft A of blood,tfte bloodp flixe5and womens flowers* Co conclnde tbep be of power Ipketo Acatia,anb tfteleanes anb barkeofmentifciis or tfte a|afticketree,if tftep be takm in ipke manner* Cfte fruite of tftis tree prouoketft bzfae,ftitr etb bp flelblp luft,anb in good a- B gainft tbe bittoges of tfte feelbe Spider,to be bzonken in wine* Cfte Eofen of tftiS tree wfticfte is tfte rigftt Curpentine, loofetft tftebellp, C openetft tft e doppinges oftfte litter anb melt ozfplenerit clenfetft tbe kidnepes, prouoketft brtoe,anb driuetft out grauel taken in tfte quantitie of a iBainut,as Atticen Writetft* Curpentine in alectttarie witft ftonp, clenfetft tfte bread anb tfte lunges, ri-B p etft flemes,anb caufetft tfte fome to be fpet out* Curpentine in alfo good againft tbe wilbe fcurffe,anb enilfaitottreb mangi-^ neffe ft cftappes or clifres oftfte face: And it in mucft occupied to all emplaiders tftat ferue to make fmootft and foften* Curpentine mingled witft ople and ftonp, is good tobe dzopped into tftef eares,againft tfte matter running out of tftefame* ^f lentiflte/oj maSidte tree* €i)ap*rtno* fy The Defcription. gs§S£§|H ut oftfte mentifke tree com- metft fooftft tfte noble and excel- lent gumme or Eofen called a^a- ftickz, tfte wfticfte in not liquid, neitfter growing togitfter as tfte —v^j^ otfter the Hiftorie of Plants. yy* otfter Eofms: but remapnetft afunder in diners final grapnes or parteS,of tfte quantitieofwfteatecornes*wfteroftftebeft#adickeiSbrougftt fromtfte Jle * Cftio,itisfaire,cleare,wftite,britle,and of a fweete fauour* fyThe Place. Cftementifke tree growetft abundantlp in tfte Jle of Cftios, Wftereas it is berp wel ftnfbanded and trimmed, for tfte apadicke wfticfte commetft from it: itisfotindealfo in Jtaip,andcertapneotfterEegions,bwtitpeeldetft berp litie orno^adickeatall* fyTheNames. CftiS treeis called in ©reeke tfv©-: to marine, Lemifcus • in ©ngliffte, tfte mentifke,orapadicketree: in frencfte, ^/#^,and cnajiix .inBoucfte, * ^adixboom* Cfte gumme or Eofen is called in ©reeke ^Vh^v^^'m: in marine, RefinaLentifcinaoandMafticheantftoppeSj^adiX* fyThe Nature. Cfteleaues ft barke oftfte mentifke tree are of a meane oz temperatefteate,£flk and are dzie in tfte feconde degree,and fomewftat adringent: andof tfte fame temperature in tfte a^afticke or gumme* fyThe Vertues. Cfte leaues and barke of tfte mentifke or a^adickc tree ftoppe tfte com-A monlafke,tftebloodpflixe,tbefpetting of bloob, tftepiffing of bloob, tfte fluxe of tbe motfter,and al otber fluxe of blood:tftep be alfo good agapnd tftefallpng downe of tfte mo tft er and fundemmt* CfteajtadicketSalfo good againdtfte fpitting of blood,tftecommon lafke, 25 tfte bloobp flixe, tfte inordinate fluxe of tbe a£attix>and all otfter tffue of blood proceabingfrom anpparte of tftebodp wbatfoeuer* a^afttck in berp goood for tbe ftomackef oz it ftrengthencth tfte fome, anb © ftapetb bomiting, fwaging all tfte papne and greefe of tfte fame, and reuittetft tfteappetite wfticfte was dulled* Cfte fame ftolden in tfte moutft and cftewed bppon, bootft drie and comfort & tfte bzapne, dapetft tfte falling downe of ftumours, and maketft a fweete ftzeatft* Cftep bfe to rubbe tfteteetft witb apafttcke, to wfttten tfte fame, anb to fa- © ftmtftemtftatbeloofe,andtocomforttfte iawes or gummes wfticfte be loofe anb weake* The ende of the fixth arrd laft parte of the Hiftorie ofPlantes. 1&bb UU Index Index Latinorura nominum quibus Veceres & Viri do&i in ftirpium herbarucncjjappellationibus?vtuntur. A Biegnareftnahquida 774 Albuctu * AUtsnutint nli'Um ibid. Alc.p.t 'Abiegnttm oleum ibid. Aicea Abies ibiga Abrotonum Abrotonum fcemina rotonum mat Abrotonum fuulum Abfynthium latifolium * Abfynthium marinum v^Ab[jnthium Ponticum Abfynthium Gracia 7S0.774 Aicea. Veneta 1$ Alcb'smilla 2 Alcibiacum ibid. Aleclorolophos ibid. Alga ibid. Aiifma S Alliaria ibid. Allium ibid. Allium angmnum ibid. Allium fatiuum ibid. Mium fylueftre Abfynthium feriphium Abfynthium rufttcum ibid* Allium hfmum ■l%bfynthiumfantonicum ibid. Alnus Acatia Acatia altera Acatia pontica Acantha Acanthis Acanthium Acanthus Acanthus Germanica Acanthus fylueftris Acatalis Acer Acer camfejlris Accipitrina Acetabulum Acetabulum alterum Achillea Achillea fideritis Achimilla Acydonium Acinos Aconitum lycoftonum 6tj.7n Alnus nigra ibid. Aloe ibid. Aloe Gallied fZ7 Alopecuros S}0 Alfine jz6 Alfine marina S27 Alth&a st$ Alyffum jz6 Alimos 761 Amaracus 760.762 Amara duicis 762 Amaranthus 567 Amaranthus luteus 38 Amaranthus purpureas Wtd. Ambrofia 12.144 Ambubeia 144 Ambuxum 14Q Ammi irS Ammoniacum 240 Ampeloprafttm 429 Amygdala 649 Anthropomorphos ft4 Antbyccllon fSs Anthyllion 140 Anthyiiis 19 AnthyUis altera fi6 AnthyUis prior 4\4 Anthyhn 334 Anthirrinum 639 Antimalum 637 Anydron ibid. AHydros ibid. Aononium ibid. Anthericos 638 Aparine 7S6 Aphace 7S9 Aphedron 3S3 Apiaria 332 Apiaslrum 142 Apios S2 Apium ibid. Apium bortenfe SS3 Apium montanum t07.i'38 Apium paluftre 694 Apium rufticum 19.234 Apium rifus 398 Apium faxatile 4J8 Ajphodelus 203.647.64p 13 Ajphodelus foemina 647 ibid. Ajpienium 13 ,foo Afplenium magnum 13 Ajpienium fylueftre i\6 A (plenum 13 After Atticus 180 Athanatos 438 Atracltlis 448 Atraclilisbirfutior 211 Aftralagus 131 Atriplex 649 Atriplex hortenfis S3 9 Atriplex fatiua 48? Atriplex fylueftris S32 Auena 6s 8 Auena ft ert lis 2f9.420 Auenaberba 49LS79 Amelia 60f Aureum malum ibid. Aureum oltts 607 Auricula leporis 420.606 Auricula muris 420.606 TlAcca Iuniperi ibid. Bacca renana 608 Bacu 168 Apium fylueftre 42t.610.617 Baccinum 89 Apolinum 369 Balauft mm Aconitum pardabanches 426 Amygdalum j. eorum Acorus Acronfyluaticum Aculeofa Acorna Acula Aiianthum Mgilops Aglaophotis Atfbiopicumfefeli JEthiopis Agnos .jAgartcum Ageratum Agyiofelinum Agriocinara AmQcaftanum Atuga Albinum Alabandica rofa Atbucum 198 Amygdalus $14 Amyrberis 144 Amy rum S21 Anagallis aquatica S31 Anagallisfylueftris 61 f Anagallis ptra% 409 Anagyris 470 Anadendron 338 Anarantium malum 283 Anchufa genera 124 Anchufa alcibiadium 690 Anchufa onochiles 776 Androfamum 89,210 Anemone 609 Anetum ?2S Anifum S79 Anonis 28 Anonium 90 Antbema 6ss Anthemon 649 Anthemon foliofum 168 ApoUinaru minor 243 ApoUinaris J63 Aquifolia 386 Arabis 273 Arachus 308 Aracm 638 Arbor luda 711 Arbutus ibid. Arcium ibid. Argemone 684.698 Artene 132 Aris S78 Arifaris 180 Ariftrum ss Ariftdthea 742 Ariftoiochia genera 183 Aroma 704 Arthemifxa genera 9 Arum 9 Arum maculatum ibid. Arum paluftre 6s.&66 Arundmisgenera 423 Afarum 270 Afciepias 271 Afcyrum 669 Afta 131 Afpalathum ;8i Afparagus i6e Afparagus fylueslris ibid, Ajptdton 4+7 Ballote 4so Balaris yoi Balfamita maior 629 Balfamita minor 48s,484 Barba capri 478.48s Barba bird " 742 Barbuia hire's 728 Bafilica is Baftlicum 434 Bat's 70s Batractygenera 32s 422.&tnde, ibid. BatracbiumApulei ibid. Bellit S83 Belltus 313,314 Beneolens 714 Beta 16.18 Beta Candida 323 Beta nigra 322 Beta nigra Romana ibid, Betonica ji4 Betonica Pauli 319 Betula 317 Bipenula 6s Btfacutum 4f9 Btftqrta 346,68s Blattaria 618 Blcpbara ibid. Blitum S32 Bolbocaftanon 408 407 ibid. 408 36 V* f3* Sit 491 S4* ilnd. ibid, ibid, 467 ibil tot *9 704 146.j6i 6j.fo6 f4.341 763 697 671 ibid. 796 *n f9 2S§ ibid, 41 lb ibid* 240 S7t 419*421, 4H 179 ibid. \H ff» ibid, ibid. ibid, 26.291 26 7J* Hi Ms zi ut in 168.S47 179 Bonus Bonusgemiu 298 Botrys 2+3 Bnbyla 721 Brafica genera //* & tnde Brajhca marina 39S-HS Brafica rufttca /// Braftica fylueftris Wid. Britannic a 118 Brt^a 4S9 Bromus }cs Bromus herba ibid. Bruta 766 Biutbcs ibid. Bryonia alba 382 Bryonia nigra ibid. Bryonia fylueftris 384 Bucmum 16s Bugloffum 12 Buglojfum magnum j6S Bulbina S79 Bulk fa iris 198 Buibus 643 Buibus agrefiis 367 Buibus efculentm 643 Buibus Uttoralis 646 Buibus fylueftris 644 Buibus vomitorius 211 Bunium 287 Buphthalmum it 6,189.190 Bupleurum so6 Bupreftis S44 Butemon S'S Buxus 699 Buxusafmina 700 . Bytron 618 (T^Acalia 137 ^Cachrys 280 Caclos 768 Calathiana viola J73 Calamagroftis s'T Calamigenera si4 Calamintha 248 Calamus odoratus s>4 rCdcifiraga 116 talicesglandium 74S Calendula 161 Calicularis 4jo Cahx ro far urn 6s s Callion 44S Callitricbum ' 409 Caltha 163.189 C alt hula 163 Cammaron 426 Camp ana Rofa 6s s Campfanema 280 Canchrys ibid, Cania 129 Canina fentis 698 Canina brafica 77 Canirubus 6} 6 Cannabis vtra% 72 Cantabrica CaptUarii Capiiius Veneris Capita rofatum Capmum Capnosphragmites Capnos Plinij Capparis Capraria Caprtfitus Capfdla Capficigenera Cardamantice Car dam urn hybernum Carduus Cardutfylutft res Carduus truius Carduus lacleus Carduus niger Carduus ramptarius Carduus fatiuus Carduus fyluaticus Carduus varinus Carduus Veneris Careum Canca Carpinus Carum Carytes Cafxa Caftia nigra Cajfytha Caftanea Catfor Catanance Caucalis Caudamurina Cauda murts Cauda vulpina Caulias Cedrelate Cedtia Cedromelon Cedrula Cedrus Cedrus comftra Cedrus maior Cedrus Lycta Cedrus Pbcenica Cedrinus liquor Cedrusacuta Celtis Centauris Centaurium maius Centaurium minus Centumcaptta Centuncutaris Centmculum Cepa Cepaa Cerafa INDEX. IS* 6SS 24 ibid. Cijfarum 740 Cttocation 697 Cttharon 369 Cttxago 614 Curium malum ibid. ClauicM 317.491 Clauus Veneris 661 Clem aiifJEgypita 724 Ciematisaitera 389.393 Clematis dapbnoides 29 Cleoma 33 Cletbra 2s Ciynopodium 19s Cnecus 369.370.371 Cnecus fylueftris Cerafus 409 Ceratonia ibid. Ceruifpina Ceflrum Cbarepbyllum 23.316 CharopbfSum 24 Chamebalanus 680 Chamabatus us Chamacerafus 717 Cbamaciffus 628 Chamacyparijfus 633.634 Cbamadapbne 630 Cbamadrys 626 Cbamatrts S22 Cbamelaa S3S Cbamelaa Germanica ibid. Cneoron S17 Cbamelaatrtcoccos 369.371 Cnicus ibid. ChameUovter<^ 369.371 Cnidtos coccos ibid, Cbamameligenera 186 Cnipes S2s Chamamelum 173 Coccosgnidius S23 Chamameliiaibu183.186.s17 Coccos S17 Chamamelum'luteum 183.187 Coccus cnidius ibid, Chameleo niger S17 Coltbicum , S22 Chamamelum purpureii ibid. Colocafion 274 Chamapytis 28 Colochyntis 317.717 Chamamelum fylueftre 186 Colubra 7SS Cbamapelon 6\o Columbaris 274 Chelidoiiiumvtmnfa 31 Columbinavtratfc 361 Cbiliodynamis 33+-34S Colopbonium 29s CbiliophyUon 144 Colus rufttca 740 Cbironia 327 Coloutea 398 Chtroniavitis 382 Colutea 730 Chironion Si2 Colymbada 216 Cbryfantbemum 1S3.1S7.190 Colymbades S08 420 612 Chryfifceptrum 96 Cbryfttis. ibid. Chryfomelon S42 Chriftophorina 304 Cbryfolacbanon 76s Cicer 479 ibid. Ctcercula 704 Cicer columbinum 76s Cicer fatiuum ibid. Cicer fylueftre ibid. Cuer venereum 76s Ctchorium ibid. Cichortumfatiuum ibid. Cicuta 76s Cinara ibid. Cinara acuta 729 Cinara rufttca 376 Cincinalis 327 cinosbatos 327.37? Circa* . S19 Cirfium 89.90 cijjfantbemon tbid. cijfopbtlon 640 Ciftus S78 ciftusnon ladanifera 724 Ciftusladanifera Colytea S17 Coma 144 Condriiia 704 CondrilUs 382 Condrillon S46.J61 Con'tugulum Ciceta 478 Con'tugulum nigrum ibid. Confiligo 479 Confiligo Plinij ibid. Conuoluolus ibid. Conus ibid. Conyza 363.169 Conyz.a mas $63 Conyz.afoemina 4St.6i6 Coriandrum S22.523 Corhu ceruinum S24 Cornus S22 Cornuifoemina 127.409 Corona terra 6S0 Coronopodium 438 Coronopus Rttellij S68 Cor onopi fpecies 386 Cot chorus ibid. Corruda * 6s 9 Corylus ibtd. Cortices rofarum 660 Cojtus niger y • c* H 369 6S9 *S9 704 3*t 181 31 3S6 3J 42S 7i6 *3f 33 n* 369 33 S>7 752 J7* $6i\si7 ibid. 367 32. . 97S 32t 127 ibid. 396 S3* 736 ibtd. 7tS ibid. 742.7 s 2 167 9S.S69 ibid. ibid,. 393 ibid. iS) ist 19+ 779 ss'ffi St ibid. 276 9* 726. ibid. 3h 9* ibid: ss 61 Si n+ 6ff 81 Co- h 3& Cynomorphos ibid. Cynoforcbts 768 CyonosPhryce 327 Cynomaz.on 39 Cynoxilon 33 4. s06 Cynozjolon S06 Cyperus ibtd. cyttni 554 Cyttnm 684 Cytifus 409 Cytonium j 16 r\Attylitu t27 *-*Damafonium • 57$ Dapbnoides Crocus 216 Dardana 33 4.541 Dafmopbon 370 Daucium 59 i Daucum ibtd. Daucum Creiicuth Cucurbita barbarica ibid. Daucus Cucurbita earner aria ibid. Daucus paftinaca Cucurbita magna & maior ib. Daucus fylueftris Zotyledtn Cotyledon aquatics Cotonea Crapula Craffula maior Crataogonum Crauonum Cratatu Crambe 'Crefpinub Crinita rfrifta VriftagaUinacea tZritbmum Crocodilions** Cruciata ? Cuculus Indus Cucurbita Cucurbita anguina Cucurbita marina Cucurbita minor Cucurbita oblonga Cucurbita pertieales Cucurbita fatiua Cucurbita fylueftris Cucumis agreftis Cucumis erratum Cucumis Galeni Cucumis fattuns Cucumer fatiuus Cucumis fylueftris. Culices INDEX. 216 Empetrum 222 Enoron 283 Epabfymbion fi7 Eperingium ibid. Epibaton ibid. Epibryon \ 346 Epichamadrys 706 Epigeniftron 659 Epigetis 666 Epilinum 70S Epimelis 3*4- Epipaftis 334 Epithymbrum 368 Epithymum tS Epitithymalos 628 Equapium 285 Equinalis ibtd. Equifeta ibid. Equifetum maim 287.602 Equifetum minus 602 Equitium 612 Erecbtites 165 Erica ibid. Erica altera 127 Erice 203 Erigerum Hid. Erineus 268 Erithranon ibid. Delphinium ibid. Delphinium alterum ibid. Demetri* ibid. Denticulus canis ibid. Denscanmus 37S Diftamnum 373 Diftamnum Creticum ibid. Eripbiph Cucumis anguinus 373.586 Diftamnum noCreticum ibid. Eripbia Pliny Cucumis citrulus s89 Diadema 581 Erithales 373 Diodela 144 Eruangina S90 Dionyfia 388 Eruca 586 Dioftiamus 450 Eruca hortenfis ibid. Dipfacum vtrunfe 722 Eruca fatiua 373 Dinion 447 Dolichus474 Eruca fylueftris 75z Donax si'4 Donacitis 525 Eruilia Cuminum yEthiopicupt 273 Draba 629 Draco 623 Erudufylueftrit Cuminum Alexadrinum ibid. Dracunculus maior 321 Eritum Cuminum latum 29s Dracunculus Matthioli Cuminum regium 273 Dracunculus minor Cuminum rufticum 27j Dracunculus paluftrk Cuminum fatiuum ibtd. Dracunculus Plinij ibid. Dryophonum 228,230.237 Dryopteris 35 Dryopteris nigra 767 Dulcichimum 766 Dulcamera 161 Dulciradix ibtd, Dtdctfida 330 Duicis radix Cuminum fylueftre Cunila Cunilagines Cuprefjus Cupreffm Cretica Cyanusfibs \\Cjanus maior Cyclaminus) 322 Erynge ibid. Eryngium ibid. Eryngium marinum 22 Erypbia 629 EryfimumDiofi. 40s Eryfintum Tbeopb. ibid. Eryfifceptrum 346 Erythanon 398 Euonymus 6^4. Eupatorium 116 Tagotriticum 448 Eagus 399 Earclufinum ibid. Far ibid. Far venniculum album +ss ibid. Farvcnntculum ruttlum 4S9 468 717 461 455*456 ibid. Farrago ibid. Fafelus fylueftris 386 Fafelus vtcrfy 399 Fafeolus 714 Feria 349 Fegopyrum 399 Ferr aria 398 Femlago 399 Ferula fylueftris 609 Ferrum equinum id Feftuca ibid. Feftuca altera ibid. Ficus ibid, Ficus Indica ibid. Ficus fatiua 57\ Ficus fyluettm 678 Fidicula ibid. Filago ibid. Filixfoemina 571 Filix mas 718 Filix quern* 659 Filicula 261 Ftftularia 31$ Flamma 114 Flammula 664 FlosameUut 622 Flosamoris ibid. Flos Aphricanus ibid. Floslndianus ibid. Flos rofa 476 Flos tinftorins ibid. Faniculum 482 Faniculum erraticum Si9 FanumGracum ibid. Foliarofarum ibid. Fontalis 316 Fontmalis 630 Fragra 494 Eragaria t27,346s2S Fragula 6s9 Fraxinea arbor 760 Fraxtnus S7 Fraxtnus bubula E fCyclaminusaltera 330.331. DuracinaPerfica k' 984.386 jfeymbalium Cyminahs Cynanihemis Cynara Cynobotane Cynocrambe Cfnogloffa tflogloffon Plinij 338 Eupatorium aduherinum 59 Fraxtnus fylueftris 694 Eupatorium aquaticum ibid. Frugiperda 710 Eupatorium Autcenna ibid. Fucus Bulus 38 M-$Ebulum $32 Echion 186 Elapbobofcum 523 Elaterium 186 Elatine 77 Eleopbyllon ibid. Eliocbryfum u Eltcbryjm 380 Euphorbium ibid. Euphrafia 10.242 Eupbrofine 604 Exupera 373 TjAb* 389 *• Faba lupins 78 Fabafuilla $9,250 Fabulonia 89 Fabulum 309.544 Fumaria 40 Fuflcrna ibid. Fsifus agreftis 127 f^lAlation 473 -Galbanum 450 Galbuls ibid. Galax ibid. Galega 450 GaUga altera tbtd. +7* ibid. 474 127 46$ 117 301.36s ibut: 49$ 1+7* ibut 717 $44 717 ib'isl 41$ if 401 ibid. 40T , *•* fit X4f fS6,42f 3* i6t V* 177 65S 61 269 ibid. 490,492 65s 106 s ibid. 85 ibid. ibtd. 74S ibid. ibid. ibut: 743 414 24 77+ 53* m 307 767 49 485*49* 48$. GO- Calerion 539 Gileopfis 44 GiUa 762 GaUica 7+* Qahtricum 253 Galium 539 GariopbyUta t34 Gatofmos 549 Gemmalis 2S5 Geniila 664.666 Gentiana 332-3$+ Geranxorum genera 47. & 48 fGingidium 615 Gladiolus tQ7 GladiolusJegetalis ibid. Glans 745 Giandes terreftres 491 Glans fardiana 730 Glaflum 67 Glaux 49.490.500 Glycyrrhiza 694 Glycyrrhiza communis ibtd. Glycyrrbizjt Diofc. ibid. Gnapbalium 90 GUfypium 679 Gorgonion 296 Grame f04 Gramen arundinaceum 515 Gramen marinum Gramen Parnafxum Grapumcnidium Gratia dei Gratiola Groffus Gruina Gruinalis Gummi Armeniacum Gummi vim's Gymnocritbon LI Alicacabon Hemerocallis Hepatorium Heraclea Heracleon Heranthemum Herba S.Barbara Herba caft a Herba coxendicum Herba iniqua Herba iudaica Herba lutea Herba pedicularis Herba pulicaris Herba Robert's Herba fanguinalii Herba Sardoa Herba Saracenic a Herba fcanaria Herba feelerata HerbafteUa Herba vlttcana Herbulum Hermodaftylus INDEX. 203.204 Hypericum ■ 57 Hypociftis 131 Hypogloffum 144 IBeris 184.188 *lbiga 626 Ibifcus 338 IdausDaftylus 38 lllecebra 89 Inguinalis 260 Intuba 64 Ladum 6S9 Ladanum 67s Lagopus 62$ Lamium 2S Lampada S83 Lampfana %3$ Lampuca Hf Lanaria 36 Lapathum S62 Lapathum magnum 68 Intubum fatiuum Ut ifoliu tbi. Lapathum fatiuum 372 Intybum agrefte 103 Intybum fatiuum 47 intybum fylueftre 127 Inula 420 Inula campana 314 louisfaba 6is Iouisflamma 419 Iouisglans 95 Iringus 447 iris S71 Iriscarulea 367 Iris Germanica Herculis fangu'ts 216327.347 Iris lutea Herpacantha 527 iris fylueftris Halicaftrum Halmades Halimus Harundmis genera Haftula regia Hebifcus Hedera folium Hedera genera Hedera mollis Hedera terreftris Hederuticula Hedypnois Hedyfarum Helenium Heltantbemum Heiiotropium vtrmcj3 Helix > JteUcboraftrum 'HeUeborine tentti folia HeOeborwe 224.349 Hellebom niger 18 9.3 51 Helxine cijfampelot 39+ Hemionitis 406 509 510 370 375 375.673 717 47 48 ibid. 308 752 461 447 456 73* 576 St4 649 5*3 3'7 388 39+ 3*9-393 317.388 & 489 33^ 673 61 388 189 ibid. Hibifcus Hibifcus Thophraft. Hicra botane Hieracium Hieracium magnum Hieracium paruum Hieracopodium Hippogloffum Hippolapatum Htppofelinum Hippofcltnon agrefte Hircift>ina Hirundinaria 31 Hifpanica pruna Holoconitts Hotofthocnus Holofteum 96 Hordeum 461 Hordeum camber mum ibid. j 63, s67 Lapathum fylueftre ibid. Larix 775 Lafer ibid. Lafer Cyrenaicum 336 Laferpitium ibid. Lafer Syriacum 4 so Latum cuminum 724 Latbyr'ts 730 Lathyrus j 19 Lauandula 193 Lauandula foemina 194 Lauandula mas 193 Lauer 192 Lauer Crateua 193.196.199 Lauribacca IfophyUon 506 Laurus 342 Laurus Alexandria 67 Laurus idaa n Laurusrofea S?o Ledum 760 Leguminumleo Sit Leclipes 23s Lcmnitis 327 212 Lens 487 jn Lenslacuftris ,106 ibid. Lens paluslris . ibtd, 346 Lenticula 487 fit Lentifcus 779 ibid. Lepidtum 615.630 346 LeptophyUos '361 ibid. Lethe 432 Lethufa il/itt. S83 Ir'to 630 ibid. Ifopyrum 127 Ifatis vtracfc S67 Ifatis fyluellrii ibid, lfckias ibid. lugaUi is9 lunci 67f Iuncifolius ffp lunci flos 613 Iuncus acutus ibid. Iuncus angulofm S43 669 l**w 1 ■■ 1 669 ibid, 512 t3l 560 567 "9 55* • 559 ibid. ibid. 303 ibid. ibid. ibid. 283 362 47* 26S ibid. ibid. 6a ibid. 688 ibid: 676 ibid. 43» 669 664 Hordeum galaitnum Hordeum nudum Hordeum mundum Horminum Horminum fatiuum Horminum fylueftre Humibuxus Humirubus Hyacinthus Hyacinthus autumnalts & 209 Hyacinthus Ouidij Hydropiper Hydrofelimon agrion Hyofcyamus Hyofcyamus albus Hyofcyamus luteus Hyofcyamus niger 7 21 Iuncus quadratus j46 Iuncus triangularis fit lumper us lunonisrofa luli nucum Ixia rca ibid. ibid. ibid. 253-255 255 ibid. LAbmfct 763 Leucanthemum 2 co Leucoion 731 Leucoia lutea 717 Lemfticum 384,652 Libanium Labrum Veneris Laburnum Lachryma abiegna Lathryma abietis 699 Lachryma tragacantba 661 Lachryma lob 2o6 Laftari* 'ibid. Laclariafcemina taclaria mafcula 202 Lacluariafolfequia 632 Lafturia lattfolta 322 Libanotis j42 Lib ano tides 6si lihlit i$i *9f 12 280 264 774 Libanotis Tbeofb. ibid. & 281 ibid. Libanotis S43 Libanus 463 Lichen 360 Licinid 361 Ligufticum ibid. Liguftrum ibid. Liguftrum album ibid. Liguftrum nigrum 606 Lacluca fatiuagenerafol. 573 Lilium 4S0 LaSlucaleporina 565 LiUummarinum ibid. Latluca minor 567 Lilium rubrum ibid. Latlucafyluatica ibid. Lilium rufum ibid, Latluca fylueftris 57+ Lilium fylueftre 289 773 +n, 127 19* 393$9* ibid*. ibtd* 20a 204 20* ibid. 203 Lilium ilium thesphrasli ) tmnefton Lmnitcs Limodorum limones Ltmontum Lingua Lingua bouts Lingua bubula lingua canis Lmguace Lingua ceruina $:£sngulace 135 Linum triticeum lithofpermum lobi 474 Lolium Ltjtkbitis afpera Lotus fylueftris minor Lotus Lotusfatiua Lotus fylueftris Lotus vrbana Luparia Lupinus Lupinus fatiutis Lupinus fylueftris Lupus faltclarius Lupulus faltclarius 'psfftrago Luteum herba Lychnis lychnis coronaria Lychnis fatiua lychnis fylueftris Lycbnttis x.ycium Lytoclonon t78 Malum limonium 37S Malum pun:cum 327 Malum terra 664 Maius 704 Maius Armeniaca '535 Mains citria 135 Malm cotonea 12 Malum Perftcuni ibid. Maius medica 11 MalusPerfica 135 Marmorarid V97 Mamiras Linum 70 Mandragoras 494 Mandragoras foemina 290 Mandragoras mas 469 Mandragoras Tbeopb. INDEX. ibid, Milax 706 Mollis hedera 314.330 Milefiarofa 702 Mditaris 393 NigeUaDamafiend 394 Nigella domeflica 65s Nigella fylueihis 127.t43.144 Norton 710 Mtlitaris millefolia 13 Nucescupreft 703 Milium '463.465 Nucesfagi 708 Milium Indicum 710 Miliumfaburrum 703 Millefolium 710 Mimmulus f27 Mitbridatium 346 Moly 438 Moly Plinij ibid. Monttulmus ibid. Morarta 446 Morum 407 Mandragoras Morion Diofco- Morum rubi 497 ridis 729 Mania 495 Marifcus ' 497 Maronium 495 Marrubiaftrum 351.429 Marrubium 481 Marrubium nigrum ibid. Marrubium paluftre ibid. Marum 400 Masliche ibid. Mecon 127 Medica 67 Meleta ibid. Morum rubi idai 450 Morus fii Mofe 327 Mulaberbd 257 Muliones , ibid. Muralis ibid. Muralium \31.2s7 Mufa 234.23S Mufcus 779 Mufcus marinus 361 Myagrum 497.100 Myitis f22 Myoilonon 327 Myopteron 351 Myricahumilis 656 Melampbyhm 158 Melampodium ibid. Melampyrum 164*469.494 Myrimorpbos 159 Melanorbiz*on 3ft Myriophyllou 1t9.161.17s Melanthium 278 Myrrha 700 "Melanthium Damafcenum ibi. Myrrhis 429 Melanthium fatiuum ibid. Myrtaria Lycoclonon Ponticum ibid. Melanthium fylueftre ibid. Myrtus fjyeeperfium 177 Melica 466 Myrtus fylueftris lj4SpolliML4i4 Lycopfts 8 Melilotus 497 Myxa Lycipfisff^gftr^ ^ 9 Melilotus germanica 497*498 Myxaria Lyfimacbia 74 Melilotus Italtca Ly&macbium ibid. Melilotus fylueftris Lyfmachium carttkum 75 MeliffophyUum Lyfma hium pmpureum ibid. Meltttana 2 59 Mdcer Maior ana MaU Armeniaca Mala cttria M0sicociffos Mala infanta r Malic or turn Mltlut genera Malua Tbeopb* Malum Malum anarannum Malum ar annum Malum aureum Malum cotoneum Maimgranatum Malum bejpericum 732 Melocarpon 234 Melopepo 710 Melopepo Galeni 703 Memacylon 394 Menta aquatica 439 Menta Romana 706 Menta Saracenica 581 Menta fatiua 5*3*58s Meutaftrum 702 Mercurialis 704 Mercurialis foemina ibid. Mercurialis mas ibtd. Mercurialis fylueftris 70S Mefptlum 706 Mefpilus 70* Meum 466 Nux ibid. NuxaueUana 106.144 Nuxcaftanca 516 NuxHeracleotica tn Nuxiuglans 263.509 Nuxmyriftica _ ibid. NuxPerftca 752 Nucespinca 522 Nux pinea 715 Nux Pontics 661 NuxPraneftina 662 Nux Regia 715 Nympbaavtracjj 70s (~\Cima8rum 27l ibid. ibid. 438 7^7 757 731 734 730 734 731 73* 73t 779 ibil 734 ibid, 73i 181 242 40 240.468 240 ibid. ibid. fjApue ibid. ^ Napus fatiuus 259 Napus fylueftris Meb 590 Narce 314 Narciffus S90 Narciffus luteus 586 Nardus rufttca 728 Nardus fylueftris 244 Nafturtium 245 Nafturtium hibernum ibid. Nafturtium rusltcum ibid. Naslurtium fylueftre 245*248 Naftus 77 Nepa ibid. Nepita ibid. Nerantzjum ibid. Nerium 714 Neris 713 Neftion 337>57f Nigella 406 x^ Ocularis 752 Ocymum so Ocymum maius ibid. Ocymum minus 70s Ocymumgariophyllatum ibid, 414 Ocymoides 517 ibid. Ocnantbe 651 494 Oiea 73I 628 Oiea j£thioficd ibid, 426 Oleago 369 628 Olaagnus 673 677 OleafteUus 369 144 Oleasler 73I ibid. Oiea fylueslris ibid. 616 olcofarefwa 77? ibid. Oleficarpos 743 361 Olibanum 774 673.687 Oliua 738 674 Olufatrum 609 722 Olyra 461 ibid, Ompbacium 651 S9S Onogra 74 ibtd. Onitron 43* ibid, Onobrychis 172.485 332 Onocardion 5** 211.345 Ononis 669 214 Opbrts 224 t3+'34o Ophtbalmkd. 40 340 Opium 431 623 Opopanax 302 626 Opfago 447 628 Opulus 769 ibid. Opuntia 544 Si 4 Orbicularis 339 116 Orobtis 482 248 Origana 234*235.237 704 Origanum Heracleoticum 237 430 Origanum onitis 234.237 ibid. Origanum Hifpanicum 237 327 Origanum fylueftre ibid. 278 Orchios genera ftli9 221 Ornitbf Omthogalum Ornitbopodium Ornus Orobancbi Orobiaum Orontium OiizA Germanica Ofmundi Ofyris Otbonna Oxalis parua Oxalis Romana Oxalis Oxyacantbd Oxycedrus Oxffbanos OxytrtpbiUoH Oxys Oxytonon UjHonia 1 Paid PaUtia Paludap'wm Palma Palmula Tampmuld Paliurus Panaces 6*5 487 748 664 479 180 461 +83 8? 177 S59 ibid. ibid. 684 765 Sit 500 503 +32 33* 70s 330 606 737 ibid. 138 669.701 293-29S'33+ Ventadryon Paderota PentaphyHigenerd Pepltou Peplis Peplus' Pepones Pepones cucumer ales Pepones lati Pepones magn'% Perdicalis Perdtcium Periclymemm Perpenfa Perfion Perfinata Perfonatia Pes cornicis Pes gallinaceus Petafites Petrapium Petrofeltnum INDEX7 448 Piper Indianum 527 Piper montanum . &3 Piper album 363 Piperlongum ibid. Leuconpiper ibid. Leucoptper 588, Macronpiper ibid. Melanepiper ibid. Melanptper ibid. Pipentis so Piper ibid, Pira 391 Pints 319 Piffaphakos 448 Ptftacia 634 Prafepium 371 Prafiium 63s Prottium ibid, Proferpinaca tbid. Profopon ibid. P'runum ibid. Prima aftnina ibid, Prunacerea ibid. Prunacereola 631.634 PrunaDamafcena 63s Pruneolum 712 Prunulum ibid. Prunum fylueftre 765 Prunus 73s Prunus fylueftris iS Ptftacium Germanicum ibid, Pfeudachantbus ibid. Ptslolotbia 95>35t Pifuty 24 Pitbitis 21 Pit tut aria 608 Pitys 608.613 Pityufa Petrofeltnum Alexandr. 609 Pix Petrofeltnum Macedonicu 287 Pix artda Panaces AfcUpq' ibid. panaces Centaurion 336 panaces Chironium ibid. panaces Herculeum 293 Panax ibid. Pancarpon 517 pancratium 646 panicum 466 Panicum peregrinum ibid. Panis proctnus 330 Papauer 432 Papauer album [ibid. papauer commune 436 papauer corniculatum ibid. Papauer cornutum 432 Papauer erraticum 432.434 Papauer ftuidum 434 Papauer nigrum 278.43 2 Papauer paluftre 181 Papauer rhceas 432.434 Papauer fatiuum 432 Papauer fpumeum . 436 Papauer fylueftre .9\* ibtd. Papauer rubrum ibtd. Papyrus 511 Par alios 361. Parietarit so Par then is 16 Partbenium 19 Paftinaca 602.604 Paftinaca genera 602 Pedicular is 516 Pelecinon 489 Pelihronia 32? 608 Peuce Peucedanum Pbalaris Phafelus fatiuus Pbafelusjylueftris Phafioli phaftolon philyra pberufa philiterium phenix phocmcobalanos pberubrum phillyrea pbu pbu Gracum phu paruum pbu fylueftre pbyllitis PbyUon Picea Pmatoxaris Pilula cuprefti Pimpinella Pinafter Pinus Piniu humilis Pinus Idea Pinus fatiua Pinus fylueftris Pinus Tarentina Pinus tereUris Pinus marina Picrtda Picris Piper agrefte Pix liquid a 770 Plantaginis genera 298 Plantago aquatica 465 Plantaveris 4-73 Platanus ibid. Polemonia 474 Polemonium 742 Po lie art a 753 Poiypodium S35 Poltum 242 Folium montanum 504.737 Polyacanthus 314 Pfeudoacorus 476 Pfeudobunium 432 Pfeudocorompus 372 Pfeudodillamum 772 P feud obeUcbor us niger 361 Pfcudohepatorium 773 Pfettdolinum ibid. Pfcudomoly tbid. Pfeudomyrfine 92 Pfeudonarctffus 97 Pftudonardus 316 Pfeunophu 755 PM*"* 345 Pulegium ibid. Pulegium montanum S3' 2)7 35t. 9* +3^ 720^ 726 VU. ibid. tbid. ibid. ibid. ibid. 720 72) 528 190 626. ' 9fi 368.344 3SI 59 $• 509 671 21: 26$ 3*1 103. 231.23Z 3S Pulegium fylueftre 248,26$ 403 PulmonaUs 233 Pulicaria ibid. Pyonitis 521 Pyra 737 Polyanthemum aquaticum 107 Pyracytoma S74 421 Pyrethrum 609 Polyanthemum paluftre ibid. Pyracantha 304 Polygala 49.487.490.500 Pyrina ibid, polygonatum ibid, polygon's genera ibid. Polybtdion 406 Polyrhizjon 78,530 Polytrichon 772 Polytrichon Apulei 347 Pomum 767 Pomum cytonium 138 Pomum Granatum 770 Pomus ibtd. Populus alba ibid. Populus Libyca ibid. Populus nigra ibid. Porrum ibid. Porrum capitotum ibid, Porrum feftiuum ibid. Portulaca 'tbtd. Portulaca marina Sb2 Portulaca fylueftris $67 Pracocia 691 Pratoqua 103,530 Pytyanthe 99 Pyxacantba 327 3i+>3Si 409 414 702 708 3S 119 712 708 l+i Sit vnd. ■ vO f~\Vercus Quinquefolium R RAdicula Radicula palufttis 706 Radicula fylueftris 702 Radicula fatiua 750 Radix caua ibid. Radix Rhodia ibid. Radix ro fata 415*641 Radix Scytica 641.643 Radix fylueftris ibid. Ranunculi genus 57*> Ranunculi genera ibid. Ranunculi auricomus 363.576 Rapa 710 Rapafyluefltis ibid, Rmnitum Xxx ibid. ibtd. Hid. 316 tb'xd. ■66a +16.4$ 4%l *9* ibtd INDEXT*' Kaftmtiumparuum Raphanus pifianus magnus kspbanus montanus Raphanus paruus "Rmp-m fylueftre Rapum porcinum R.;pam terra Regium nia Hefvta ' *naabiegna Refina arida Refina colophonid Refma lartcaa iiefma lartgna Tlefina lentifcina gReftnaliquida %&L.fma pice a Rrfina pinea Rehna ftrobilina Zu fma terebintbint Rha ■■ Rhabarbarum Rhacoma Rhamnus 'Rtmnus folutiuus \Rba ponticum Thecoma ! Rheum tytum Indit'um tlbeum ponticum "hhtTJas Rbos Rbous Rhus coriariorum l"Rbiu obfomorum 1Rhus fylueftris Plinij Kibes i :nus ivw us v.- a canina Refk lunonis Rofa mariana Hops Graca Rttfd Coroneala Rofa autumnalis *>■h annum Rfifrft'toronarium ibid. Ros 69 z Rubia fatiua 53* Scordothlafpi S98.600 Rubia fylueftris ibid. Scordopraffum 600 Rubtts 661 Scorpioides \bi. Rub.canis 6j6.680.698 Scorpius ibtd, Rubusldaus 662 Scythica radix 174 Rumicisgenera 559>&inde. Secale 330 Rufcum ibid, Ru feus fylueftris 240 Ruta 450 Ruta hortenfis 772 Ruta muraria 7jf Ruta fylueftris 772 QAbtna ibid. ^Sabinafalix 776 Sacopenium ibid. Sacra herba 779 Sagapenifuccus 772 Sagapemum ibid. Sagapenum tbid. Salicaftrum 775 Salicumgenera 777 Salmaris 329 Salixamerind ibid. Salix equina ibid, Salix marina 696 Saluia maior 697 Saluia minor 329 Saluia nobilis ibid. Saluia vfualis ibid. Saluia ibid. ibtd. Sambucus humilis ibid. Sambucus fylueftris 304 Samera 692 Samolus Plinij ibid. Sampfycum ibid. Sanguinalis ibid. Sanicula ibtd. Sanguinaria 673 Sdntalum 683 Sapinus 354 Sarcocolla 453 Sardianaglans 6s s Satureia vulgaris ibid. Satyrium 200 Satyrium bafdicum 158 Satyri erythromum 159*656 Satyrium regium 655 Satyrium trifolium ibid, Saxifraga rubea ibid. Scammomum ibtd. Scandix ibid. Scandulaceum ibid. Scoenopbrafum ibid. Sccenuantbos ibtd. Sciara ibid. Scilla ibid. Sctmbron 656 Scolymus 430 Scopa regis, 280 Scordtum 264.265 Scordotu 674 Securidaca 701 Sedigenera 261 Selago Plinij ibid. Semen 409 Seminalis 261.363 Semperuiuigenera "766 Sena 744 Senecio 306 Senecio maior 127 Senecio minor 306 Sentis ibid. Sentis canis ibid. Septifolium 384 Ser tea 744 Serfs 342 Sertphium 691.744 Serpentaria 161 SerpyUum vulgare 691 SertuLt campana 252 Sefeleosgenera 251 Setanium ibidn Sifamoidesparuum ibid. Sicula Sambucus 378 Sicyonia 380 Sicyopepones 378 Siderttis 752 Siderttis altera 671 Siderttis Heracled 234 Siderttis lati folia 98 Siderttis prima 139 Siderttis tertia ibid. Stdtum 461 Stltgo 770.774 Siiiqua 311 Siiiqua duicis 730 St It qua 228 Siiiquaftrum 225 Sinapi 226 Sinapi commune 225 Sinapi hortenfe 926 Sinapi Perfuum 22s Sinapi rufticum 40 Sinapi fylueftre 396 Sirica 615 Sifarum 628 Stfer 60s 643 Sijguricbium fit Sifymbrium 628 638 63 669 694 +!9 . 489 114 673 +55 98 U4 377 571 ibid. ibid. 661 680 84.300 722 569 5 10,22.321 231 498 283.284 453-714 9S 550 375 588 47lit 138 ibid. 626 I3i*2f7 47 706 453*^61 492.740 ibtd. 474 634 619 ibid. ibid, 154 628 619,620 722 6c 4.60s Stfon 287 198 245 Smilax lenis Smyrnium Solanum Solanum hortenfe Solanum Inhale Solanum lignofum Solanu manictl 446.448.j8s Solanum fomniferum 447 Solidago '33.145 Soltdago Sarracen'ica 133.141 W 609.613 443 tbid. 446 39* Sompbos Soncbi Sonckus afpera Soncbuslauis Sonchutnon afpera Sonchus tenenor Sonchusfylueftris ibtd, Sorbum 727 Sorbus ibid. 19* S65 ibid. ibid. tbid. tbid. 522 Sifymbrium cardamine 62s 646 Sttanium 714 245 Sitheleas 367 535 Sium 611,62s 626,674 SiumCrateud 611 ut Smilax afpera 396 639 Smilax hortenfis 474 Sorgai Spagas Sparganium Spartum Sphacelus Spharocephalus Spina Spina acuta Spina alba Spina Arabica Spina mollis Spina peregrina Sptnaregia Spina Ceanothot Spina bird spmguerzjo Spino merlo Spinoceruino Spknium Spondyli Spondylium Stacbys Stichas Stcecbas Stellaria Staphis agria Staphylinuslutem Stapbylinus _ Staphyltaus niger Stapbylinus fatiuus Stapbylinus fylueftris Stkpbylodendron Plinij Statarta Stellaria Stirnutamentaria Strattotes Stcechos Stratoticon Struthia mold Strution Succifa SuceusCyreniacut Succus Medicus 466 773 200 666 25} 526 685 69? 325W ibid. 568 526 525 681 543 697 ibid. ibtd. 406 524 524528 257 266 ibid. 9f 372 602 604 602 ibid. ibid. 73S 29* f2l 3+1 143 ibid. 144 708 $!f no >°1 ibtd. Sucbar Suchaha S30 Super cilium terra 409 Supercilium Veneris 144 Sycoworus 716 Sylua mater 391 Symphitum magnum 14 5 Symphoniaca 4 so 'T'Amarix 677 * Tamus 384 TdXJts 768 Teda 771 jelephium 118 Teliphonon 426 Terebinthus 777 Terra capiiius 409 Terzjola 59 Tbefium 316 Tefttculus 222 Tefticulus canis ibtd. Tefticulus bird ibid. Tefticulus leporis ibid. Tefticulus odoratus ibid. Tefttculus ferapios tbid. Tefticulus vulpts ibid. Teucrium 112 Teuthrtum ^ 233 Teuxinon 314 Tbaltdrum 117 Tbaltetrum 43.117 Tbapfia 365 Tblafpi 154.600,628 Tblafpi Crateua is 4 fblafpi alterum 628 Tblafpi anguftifolium ibid. Tblafpi minus ibid. Thridacias 43 g Tbridax agria S67 Tbryattis 161.17s Tbryon 448 Thus 773-775 Tbuia 766 Tbumm ibid. Tbylacitts 432 Thymbra 230 Thymum 229 Thymum capita tbid. Thymus Creticum Thymum durius Thymelaa 3 69 Tilia 7S3 Ttliafcemina ?s4 Tilia mas tbid, Ttthymali omnes 362 Tithymalus 361.362 Tomentitia 89.90 Topiaria S27 Tor dy Hum 284 Tormentilla 84 Trachelium vtruncy 172 Tragacantba 543*669 Tragacantba lachryma S43 Tragium 3+3*549 Tragium Germanicum tbid. Tragonatum isg Tragorcbis 222 Tragortganum 239 Tragopyron 468 Tragus n6 Trafus 346 Trachinia 655 Tribulus aquatic ut S36 Tribulus ibid. Tribulus terreftris ibid. Trichomanes 410.414 Trifolium 495.501 Trifolium paluftre S42 Trifolium bituminofum sot Trifolium foetidum ibtd. Trifolium fruttcans 666 Trifolium odoratum 495.501 Trifolium pratenfe 49s Trtgrania 714 Trior chit 222 Tripoltum 364 Triticum 453 Triticum Romanum 4S7 Triticum Ttphimum ibid Triticum bomnum 164 Triticum tnmeftre 453 Triticum vaccinum 164 Trixago 25.127 Trtxago paluilris in INDEX. ibid. 229 Tuber terra 330 Tultpa, TulpiatTuYt4n, 213 Tuftlago 20 Typha 457-5t2 Typha aquatica 513 typha cerealts 457.513 Typha paluftris ibid. \YAeinia 661. 671 * Vaccinium 148. 206 Vaccintapaluftria 671 Valeriana 340 Valeriana genera ibid. Vatrachion apulei 419 Veneris lauacrum 522 Veratrum adultertnum ni- grum 3st Veratrum album 347 Veratrum nigrum 351 Verbafci genera 119.122 Verbafcula 123 Verbafculum minus ibid. Verbena 127 Verbenaca ibid. Verbena recla ibid. Verbenaca fupina tbid. Vemix763 Veronica 26 Veruilago s'7 Veficaria 44s Veficaria nigra ibid. Veficaria peregrina ibid. Veficula ibid. Vetonica 156,291 Vetonica alt'tlis \s6 Vetonica coronaria ibtd. Vetonica coronaria minor ib. Vetonica fylueftris \S7 Vicia 394 Viola alba t52.tr3.if4 Viola alba Tbeoph. 216 Viola autumnalis 173 Viola flammed 149 Viola hyentalts is3 Viola Utifolia ibid. Viola lutea \fi Viola Mariana t7+ Viola matronalis 153 Finis huius India's. Viola nigra 148 Viola peregrina H3 Viola tricolor 149 Viola purpurea 148 Viperalu 261 Vipermx to Vifcum 747 Vitalis 114 Vitealis ibid* Vitex 691 Vitia 4 a3 Vitis alba ' l 382 Vitis nigra ^ ibicL Vitujylueftrss 384.6S2 Vitis vtnifera 651 Vlopbononsi7 Vlmus 752 Vlmus campeftris ibid. Vlmus Italica Utf. Vlmm Galltca ibtd. Vlmus noftros fa,;, Vlmus fylueftris tbid. Vmbilicus terra' .-, 0 Vmbilicus Veneris "38 Vmbilicus Veneris alter ib'u>. Vnedo 7i $ Vnefera ji? Vnguesrofarum f <■ Volucmm maius ?:/, Vrceolaris " '.■„ Vrinamuris ;Sl Vrticagenera l2? Vrtica men ,,z Vrtica labeo 4+ Vrtica mortua u, Vj** . 47, Jv Vua tamtnea zg4 Vuavrfi *c* Vuafp,„a 6;t v«bago m Y Anthium jy ^Xylum 6?9 XJ* >?' /Z* 280.4ss.4s6.4S7 Zeopyron • 4Ss* Zea Monococcos ibtd. Zeafmplex 4/9 Zjupba ?22 ' ?upbm Wlit zm 76o Xx* 9 Index Index appellationum & nomenclaturarum omnium Scirpium3hoc opere contentarum,quibus pafsim OfficinxPharmaco- polarum, Arabes, & noitn temporis Herbarij vtuntur. A Bfynthium 5 Anthera 555 Anthosi/fy Behen "Abfynthiugreriaribi. Apium 606 Bebcnrubrum Abfynthium ponticu ibi, Apium rifus Abfynthiullomanu ibi. Apolinum Abrotonum Abutilon Acatia Acetofa Acetofa Romana Acetofella Achimilla Acorus Acus mofchata 420 Belle videre 369 Bencdi&a 101 Berberis 166 Befafa ibid. Beta ibid. Betonica 704 Bibinella 755 Bifolium Bipennula Bifacutum Aprella 58} Aquilegia jit Aquileia 559 Aquilina ibid. Arantium ibid. Arbor vitis 140 Argentina 199 Ariftologia 47 Ariftologia Ionga ibid. Biflingua Acuspaftoris ibid.& 615 Armoniacum 308 Bifmalua A cut ell a 666 Arreftabouis 66*9 Biftorta vtraque 158 Arocum 523 Blaptifecula 405.409 Arthanita 350 Bolbonac 105,649 Arthemilia 16 Bombax 776 Arthemifiavnicaulis 18 Bombafum 691 Arthcmifia Tragantes & Bonifacia 86 S'4 Acylonium Adiantum. Affodillus Agaricus Agnus callus Agrefta Agrifolium Agriraonia Agr imonia fylueftris Albotin Aicea veneta Alchimilla Alcocoluna Alkakcngi Alkali Alleluya Alliaria Allium vrfinum Aloes Alectorolophos Alphefera Alfcebran Altercangenum Altercum Aiumen catinum Amaranthus luteus Amarella Am bro liana Ameos Amyberis Amomum Anogallus aquatica Anaphalis. Anaxiton Anetum Angelica Angina lini Anguria Anilum Anierina tragetes 651 701 Arthetica 57 Articoca 86 Articocalus 777 Afa" 585 Afaodorata. 140 Alarum 319 ^23 Afperula 445 Afprclla 116 Alia foetida 503 Afterancium 639 Aftochodos 637 Athanafia 35} Athanatos 253 Auellanada 382 Axungiavitri 361 Azarolo 450 LJ Abyron ibid. *-* Bagolaro 116 Balfamina 89, Balfaminum 19 Balfamita 253 Balfamita maior 27a Balfamita minor 684 Baptifecula 608 Barba Aron 578 Barba capri 90 Barba Iouis ibid* Babarxa 270 Barbarica 297 Bardana maior 398 Baucia 586,589 Becabunga 271 Bedegar 85 Been album ibid* Borago 123 Borda 523 Branca leonina ibid. Branca 304 Brunella ibid. Brufcus Alia 4*9 Bryonia 540 Bucheiden 101 Buzeiden /04 Bulbi fpecies 300 Buglofla 266 Buglofla domeftica ma- 18 ior ibid. 158 Buglofla longifolia ibid. ibid. ibid. »7S SH 684 263 S50 £91 286 224 138.287 615 675 585 22 161 '54 679 ibid. 675 12 '4 604 $17,528 674 382 226 ibid, 209 8 Candelaria Canicularis Caniculata Capiiius Veneris Cappa monachi Caprifolium Cardiaca Cardobenedi&us Cardopatium Carduusafininus Carduus bcncdiclus Carduus fullonum Crrduus Maria; Carduus ftelhtus Carlina 5/0.531.656 Carlina fylueftris 551 Carobe 740 Carolina 530 Carota 601 Carthamus 33 Carthamus fylueftris 531 ibid. 450 ibid. 409 429 i9t »Jt JiJ Jjo 555 53* 5" 5*5 511 346 Buglofla fylueftris 9 116 Bugula 133 714 Burfa pa ft oris 80 602 /^Achla 189 729 ^'Calcatrippa 165 442 Calabrum 407 ibid. Calamentum 24S 250 Calamentu montanu ibi, ibid. Calendula 163 ibid. Caltha J63.189 i6t Calthula 163 223 Camomilla 183.186 41 Camomilla fatua 186 114 Camomilla foetida ibid. 626 Camomilla inodora ibid. 156 Campanalazara 393 15 Campanula '73.594 604 Campanulacerulea 175 578 Campanula fylueftris ibi. 5251655 Cannabis 72 345 Candela regit 119 *74 740 450 44 554 362 101 96 . ibid. 185.189 555 554 ibid. ibid. 770 5*7 Carui Cafsia fiftula Cafsilago Caftrangula Cataputia maior Cataputia minor Cauda equina Cauda murioa Cauda muris Cauta Caulesmarinae Cauliflores Caulis Caulis nigra Cembri Centauria minor Centrum galli 253 Centum capita 519 Centumnodia 98. Centummoibia 78 Cepe 640 Cepe muris 646 Cerefolium 614 Cerui ocellus 604 Ceruicana 172 Ceftum morionis 515 Ceterach 40$ Chamxdryos 25.117 Chamedrys 127 Chamcdrys foemina 15 Chamspiteos 28 Chamacpitys 25 Charantia 442 Chelidonia maior 31 CheUdonia minor ibid, Che- INDEX. Chelidonia paluftre cor- Cupulx glandium 745 Flos amoris di Cherua Cheruiila Chocortis Citrullus Cicer Cicerbitx Cicorea domeftica Cicorea fylueftris Cicutaria Cirmoli Citocacium Citrones Citrullum Cochlcaria 31 Cufcuta398 Cyamus473 Flos Chryftalli 354 Cyclamen 60s Cyminum 581 Cynoglofla 590 Cynogloflum 479 Cyperus 565 Cyprcflus 56J Cytonium ibid. pjAdilus "-'Daucus Daucus Creticus Dens caballinus Densleonis 55<> *75 11 ibid. 34« 767 788 168 LIArmala 116 "Halmiridia Floscuculi 615 Harmei Flos Conftantiopolita- Hedera nus Flos Cyanus Flos equeftris Floslndianus FlosS.Iacobi 263 555 261.263,452 388 157 Helleborus albus 347 161 Helleborus niger 351 165 Hepataria 540 177 Hepatica 59.107*411 510 616 770 J69 704 589 DeticuluscanisRuelliJ96 Fraxinella 69 Hepatica alba 737 Flosregius 165 Hepatica aquatica 285,602 Flostin&orius 68.667 "Hepaticapaluftn's 28; Fcenum Gr^cu 490,492 Herba Serracenica 450 Foeniculus 269 t- erba Benedi&i 569 Fcenicul9 porcin'280.298 Herba S.Barbara 118 Diagredium 343 Herba cancri Coloquintida 57M9° Diagridium Colubrina 22 Diapenfia 127 Didramum 57 Digitalis 95069 Digiti citrini 1*3 Diodela 133.145 Draco 396 Frumentum Afiaticu 464 Herba clauellata ibid. Frumentum Turcicu ibi. Herba fortis Columbina rc<5ta Concordia Condriiia Confolida Confolida maior Confolida media Confolida minor Confolida regalis Confolida regia Confolida Sarracenica 141 Corallina L^iCordialis i*9 268 »75 226 '44 623 Fugadxmonum Fu muster re Funis arborum G Albanum Galega Gallitricum Coriandrum Corona regia Corona terra? Cornu ceruinum Corota Corrigiola Corfaluium Cotula alba Cotula foetida Cotula non foetida Cotula lutea Cotum Craflula maior Crafliila minor Crefsio Creta marina Crifta galli 133 Dracuculus hortenfis ibi, Gariophyllata 170 Dyptamum 268.344 Garipot 773 165 pLa&erium 373 Genefta ibid. ^Elxophyllon 78 Geneftella Eghelo 742 Geneftra 414 Endiuia 562.574 Geneftra Hifpanica 540 Enula campana 336 Geniculars 276 Eruca 6io Efchara 414 Genifta 441 Efula 361 Euforbiu 309 Genifta humilis 389 Eufrafia 40 Genifta fpinofa 95 Eupatorium 59 Genifta fylueftris 602 Eupatorium aquaticu ib. Geniftella 98 Eupatorium Mefue 250 Gentiana 151 Ezula 361 Geranium fupinura Ezuta rotunda 363 Githago DAba 473 Glaudes terreftres * Faba crafla 39 Glandiola Fabaria ibid. Gladiolus fylueftris Facicns viduas 369 Gluten albotin Fagotriticum 468 Granaluniperi Farfara 20 Farfarus 750 Granatum pomum 623 Febrifugia $27 Granumviride 578 Fel terra; ibid. GrafTula 516 Ferdecauallo 490 Gratia Dei 64 Herba Gerardi 24 Herba Hungarica 393 Herba giulia 307 Herba S.Iacobi 490 Herba impia 253 Herba Margarita 134 Herba D.Marix Gelafo9o Herba paralyfis 664 Herba Paris 668 Herba S.Petri 664 Herba pinula 666 HerbaRoberti 340 Herba Siroe'onis 664 Herba ftelJx 667 Herba ftellaris 669 Herba Trinitatis ibid. Herba tunica 668 Herba vend 332 Hermoda&ilus 47 Hepatorium Mefue 107 ibid. 314 340 626 61 149 141 300 584 250 69 89 170 250 123 425 123 4°5 47 584 5>S 540 59.149 '57'34J 423 186 ibid ibid. ibid. 679 39 114 160 Hippia vtraque 491 Hires 90 Hirculus il Hirundinaria 197 Hifpanach 777 Hifpanicumolus 763 Hyacinthi genera 706 Hypericum 777 Hypoquiftidos! 78 Hyflbpus 48»57^673 JAcea Crifta galhnacea 127.516 Feria 127 Ferraria 44.127 Groflularia 683 * Iacea nigra Crocus hortenfis, 33 Ferraria minor 57 Groflularia rubra 682 Iacobea 69 Crocus Sarraccnicus ibid. Ficaria 31.44 Filago 89 GroflTularia trafmarina ib. lafroinum Cruciata Cucullus monachi Cucumer Cucumer anguinus 334 Filicaftrum 429 Filipendula 586 Filius ante patrem ibid. Filix aquatica 402 40 Cucumer afininus 373.59.0 Fior deCriftallo Cucumer marinus 5#8 CucumerTurcicus ibid. Cucumuscitrulli 589 Cucurbita 592 Fiftici Flammula Flos Adonis Flos Amcllus GrofTuIx 682 Iefemin Groflidx rubra: ibid. Iecoraria 74 Grofluletrafmarinxibid. Iefeminum 402 Gruinalis 47 Guadu 67 Iofmcnum 116 Gummi Arabicum 685 Iofme 7^5 Gummi Armoniacum 308 Lreos 793 386.425 Gummi benzui ibid. IrisFlorentina 193 188423 Gummi dragaganthi 543 Iris ibi. Iris Illyrica 195 31.36 Gummi vlmi 752 Iuaartetica 2$ Xxx iij IU4 250 5* 265 3<7 556 ibid. 208 64 |Acis 732 • rAMacropiper 635 Maiorana 234 Malainfana 439 Malua 581 Mala Theophrafti 581 ivlaluauifcum ibid. Mandragora 438 Lingua bouis Lingua canis Marinella 340 Marmorella 57 Marum * 234.235 Marerfilon 109 Mater herbarum 16 Mater fylua* 391 Mater violai;ura 148 Maftix 779 Matricaria 19 Matrifaluia 253 Medicina family 776 Melampyrum 164.494 M^lanopiper 635 Melica 466.497 Melega466 Maleguaib. Melilotus 497,498 Melifla 259 Millefolium 144 Meio 590 Melofpinus 441 Memirem 346 Memitha 436 Menu 244 Menta aquatica ibid. Menta Grxca 250 Menta Romana 245 Menta Sarracenica ibid. Mercurialis 77 Meum 610 Meu 337*610 Mezereon 369 Milium 0*63.465 Milium foler 290 Miliusfolis ibid. Millefolium 144 Millemorbia 44 Momordica 442 Mora bafsi 662 Mora bad ibid. Mora cell! 715 Morella 44; Morfus diaboli 110.569 Morfus gallinae 52 Morfus ranae 106 Morus cclfi 716 Mughi & 770 Mukiradix 3zy Mumia j6f Myrtilli 6yt,6j3*6Sj Myrtus 6-73 Myrtus Brabantica ibid. SwjApellus 429 ^ Napium 560 Napus 429 Nardus ruftica 13 a*.319 Naranzas 704 Nafturtium aquaticu 625 Nafturtium 613 Negrecaules 554 Nepita 248 Nenuphar 181 Nenuphar citrinum ibid. Nigella 278 Nigelbftrum 160 Nola fylueftris 175 Noli me tangere 78 -Nucescyprefsi 767 NuCespinex 770 Nummularia 78 Nux 7ji Nuxmofchata 7*2 Nux veficaria 73% /"JCellus, s%6 ^'Ocellus cerui 604 Ocimu gariophillatu 240 Oculus bouis 186.189 Oleander 4*0 Opiu 432 Opoponacum 301 Opulus76i» Organu 2^7 Origan uHifpanicu ibid. Ofmunda 402.405 Ofmundi 48J Qfteritium £00 Oftritium ibid, Oftrutium ibid. Q Alalia 3to * Palma Chrifti 226.^54 Pampinula 1*8 Paniscuculi 50/ Panis porcinus 330 Papauer album 4; 2 Papauer commune ibid. Papauer magnum ibid. Papauer nigrum 278 Papauerrubrum 4^2.4^4 Paracoculi 441 Paritaria 50 Paflulx corintho 652 Paftinaca 604 Paftoria burfa 80 Pentada&ylon 354 Pera paftoris 80 Perfoliata 177 Perfoliatu ib.perforata 64 Perlaro 729 Pcrpenfa/19 Pentaphyllum genera 8j Perficaria6,tf PcrficU7io Peruinca 33 Pesanferinus 548 Pes afininus 639 Pescolumbs 47 Pescornicis 95*42° Pes corui 420 Pes leonis 140 Pes leopardi 420 Pes leporis r02 Pes lupi 414 Pes vituli £13 Perrafindula ilt Petrofelinum 605.61.? Pctrofelinum Macedoni- cum Peucedanum Philipendula Phyteuma Pigamum Pilofella maior Pilofella minor Pimpinella Pinaltcllura Pionia Piper aquaticum 609 298 40 #4 4; J7 ibid. ■J8 298 Piper Calecuthium 6m Piper Hifpanum ibid. Pipcritis f,iv Pifarcli Al6 Pixnaualis 7^ Plantago fiz Planta4conis 140.^/1 Pneumonanthe 17; Podagra lini 3^ Polipodium 40J Polytrichon 410 Poma amoris - 440 Pomum amoris ibid, Pomum aureum ibid. Pomum granatum 70* Pomum Hicrofolymita- num 44: Pomum mirabile ibid. Pomum fpinofum 441 Porrum 6a.t Portulaca 57I Potentilla 8* Prafsium 2.79.257 Prafsium fcetidum 257 Premulaveiis 123.170 Premula veris minor ibid* Prunella 133 Pfyllium 103 Pfeudornelanthium 160 Pulegium 231.232 Pulmonalis 125 pulmonaria "5,414 pulfatilla 351,420 pylocarada 740 pyra citonia 708 pyrethrum 342 pyrola 135 QVercula minor 25 Quinquefolium. 8; Quinqueneruia 92 Lj Apageneltre, 664 *^Rapa rubra 550 Rapecaulis 554 Raphanus minor 598 Raphanus fylueftris 631 Rapieus vitam 369 Rapiftrum 620 Rapontium 597 Rapum genifta? 66a} Raued Rauedfceni Raued furcicum Rauet Rauetfceni Regtna prati Remoraaratri Rcfma anda Rcfina pini Refta bouis INDEX. ; %. Rapunculum 597 Sanguis draconis 5^9 Sorgho . ibid. Trixagopaluftris m Rapunculummaius ibid. Sangmforba 138 Spanachea - 556 TurbithMefue 365 Rapunculum paruu ibid. Saoiculai^ Satolina69 Sparta parilla ~ 396 Turbith .Scrap. ibid. si9 Saponaria *5v 3J4 Spartulafoetida 196 Typhaaquatica 51* ibid. Sarcocolla 311 Spelta 455 Sparagus 6.8 ^Aleriana 340 ibid. Sarratula 15 >P9rgula . 56.540 V Valeriana domeftka ibid Saturegia 218 Sffcrgulaodorata 540 ibidem ibid. Satyriones222 &inde. SpicaCeltka 414 Valeriana hortenfis 41 Sauimcia 766 Spicata 106 Spica 265 Verbena 669 Sauma ib. Saxifraga a88 Spicanardi ibid. VermicuWis 771 Saxifraga alba ibid. Spinachea 556 Veronica foemina ibid. Sauifraga aurea ibid. Spinacheumolus ibid. Vernix 66o Saxifraga? alba? fcmen 286 Spina mollis Rhabarbarum monacho- Saxifraga lutea ZIS6.498" Squilla rum Rhapontica Rheu Rheubarbarum Ribes Ribes nigrum Ribes rubrum Ribefum Robertiana Rofa Graeca Rofa mariana Rofa vltramar ina Rofmarinus Ros folis Roftrum ciconix Roftrum porcioum Rorella Ruberta Rubiatinctorum Ruta capraria Ruta Rufcus CAggina **^Salicaria Salicornia Sat alkali Saliirora Saluia agreftis Saluia maior Saluia minor Saluia nobilis Saluia Romana Saluia vfuahs Salulandria Sambucus Sambucus aquatica Sambucus ceruuius Sambucus huroilis Sambucus palufti is Sambucus fylueftris Sanamunda Sanctilacobiflos Sandaraca ;/9 Saxifragarubea 327 Saxifraga maior 329 Saxifraga minor ibid. Scabiofa? genera 683 Scammonea 40 Squinantum 286 Staphifagria ibid. Sutaria 109 Stramonia 396 Stellaria 568 Victoriola 646 Vincaperuinca 511 Viola 372 Viola paluftris 298 Violaria 4-j 1 Viperina 95.140 Virga aurea 266 Virgapaftoris 89 Vifcusquercinus 266 Vifnaga 89 Vitalba ibid. Vitealis ibid. Viticella 157 Vlmaria ibid. Scariola 563 Scarlea 253 Sticados Arabieum ibid. Scatum cceli 38 Sticados citrinum ibid. Scatum cellus ibid. Sticas Arabica 47 Sceuola 101 Scirpus 197 Sticas citrina 159 Scolopendria 406 Stoecas citrina 158 Scordium 111 Stcecados citrinum 581 Scrophularia 44 struchion 264 Scprodonia 2x3 Succifa no Suchaha 5*0 Vmbilicus Veneris 414 Scrophularia maior ibid. Sumach 692, Vngula caballina 47 & $1 Superba i^6 Vnifolium 569 Scrophularia minor 31 Symphytum fylueftre us Volubiiis 414 Sebaftx 722 HTAmarifcus 677,768 Volubiiis maior 47 Sebeften ibid. *■ Tanacetum 18 Volubiiis minor 53$ Segala 459 Sena 377 Tanacetum maius ibid. Volubiiis acuta 490 Serapinu 306 Serbin 765 Tanacetum minus ihtd. Volubiiis media 261 Serpentaria 10,78.321 Tanacetum fylueftre 119 Volubiiis pungens 674 Serpentaria maior 321 Tapiusbarbatus 466 Serpillum 231 Taraxacon 74 Septifolium 300 Terebinthina 116 Serratulai) Seruilla 605 Terebina Vencta ibid. Seruillum ibid. Tefticulus hirci 414 Seutlomalachc S56 Teftkulus leporis *53 Sicla 550 Skelkaibid. Tefticulusvulpis 251 Sicha 60a Tetrahil ibid. SigillurnbeatxMarix384 Tctrahit ibid..Sigillum Salomonis 103 Thus 250 Siler montanum 293.295 Thymus 251 Sinapis 619 Tinearia 278 Sinapium ibid. Tola bona 378 Sinapi Perficura 154 Tomentitia 760 Solanum letale 446 Tormeniilla 443 Tragopyrum 119 Vrinalis 565 Vfnea 777 Vftiiago 774 Vuacrifpa 222 Vuaiupina ibid. Vuaverfa ibid. Vua vulpis 26o Vulgigo ibid. Vuluaria 773.774 Vuulana 229.^9 X 89 Xylocaracta 561 y 89,90 Yfbpus 84 Yreos 468 Z J46" ^Ahafaran ibid. '27 "4 26 763 676 u 146 106 148 10 14c 522 747 615 286' J94* 4* 3* 2Q 17S 395 ibid. ibid* 19* 394, 396 80' 4*4 47M«7 6St 4*5-445 4*$ 44? V9 549 72.67$ 740 ibid. Zambach 378 solatrum 380 Solatrum mortale 446 Trali 760 Solbaftrella /38 Trafci 578 Soldanella 395-4»4 Trifolium acetofum ^ /03 Zarfa parella 134 Solidago 133 Trifolium bituminofu 501 Zinziber caninum 69 Solidago Sarracenica 141 Trifolium humile 502 Zizania 765 Sophia 117 Sorgi 466 Trifolium odoratum 49/ Zuccomarin 227 '95 216 658 396 634 469 588 FINIS. Xxx iiij Tru The Englif he Table conteyning the names and fyr- ot all the Herbes,Trees, and Plances,of this prefent Booke, or Herball. names Ial catia «8* %*%cH «» Aconit 4^« bbcrs graffe 221 bbers tongue *?5 3frber-wurt »3 3etb top is "4 $r?obpl «49 agrimonie 57 *>oble Sgtimonie 59 TOiltie Agrimonie 86 tfgnuscaftus 691 Stftjwccbe 3°° 3llgOOD 56t ^Ikabengie 4-45 sUbanet 9 BlacfeeiHler 759 Slier tree 02 3lloer 7 5« Slmonbes 02 Almonbe yn &mbios amelcoine Ammoniacum SJtnoius Apples ^meosoiaimmi nemone tngelica tbplliS fe nple tree triples ofloue 253 45« jo 8 4? 9 171 4i? »97 t? 271 7OJ 43 9. 4+° 30plc8of,33crowe 441 ■female balfamSpple 442 aJHicble Apples 44* flp|0»nte apples ibio. "aletaifamllpple 441 ache**rcrjangeU 157 *frbute tree 7*8 3tboi3Dut>a 74» gtgentinc 5^ »iftologia/Q(c. 3*4 •J&tfaron 3*4 *fro» 322 i3k(lefmart «33 Tvtecbocfe 5^4 itfilbeattecbocb 535 ■(arabacca 319 ■fclcpias ?'7 Cfte tree/ft. 748 'r,2 75° es bore tree 7°° zfoetiba 3°4 uens *34 2JutumneBelflowers ?7? Stsewoite 4-89 3 r fter) 4-89 ■jfeeaapgrcene . 353 ^tbalets Buttons 4*1 Bap oi Laurel tree 683 36 alio cb graffe 212 olesBallore m aresBallore au alumpnte 150 fcjlUow woolfsBane ft.^g pontic wo^t 4.2 j Stic Barberie buu)e 02 Ktrec 684 35 aperies tbtb. ?5*;(ep*ofalb,t0fimb 4.61 £aros ijjpercurp 02 f*bpl* kiCH 78 Mfe&ioome 667 Cowc Baull 141 Bafill ropaIl/3ft. 34° CrifpeBauIme 245 Baulme 159 Beanes +7? Bocbes Beanes 542 Beane tree 74° Garben Beane 47? (great Beanes 473 fciDnci? Beanes 474 ftomaine Beanos tbib. w tide ? biacbe Beanes 47; 4Dur&abiesBet>ftran> 539 Beeciie mafte 757 Beecr)e tree ibib. Beetes 550 BebenoiBeenalbum *45 Belflowers 171 Blew belles * »74 Belroin oiBentoin 504 Bap beries. 638 Blarite beries 661 Biamble beries t'bto. fl^arrbeBetil 02ldeftil-50 Betonp ojBetapne 291 paulcs Betonp 26 water Betonp 44 wbiteBeete 550 Binbeweebe 39? JitougbBtnbweebe 396 Btrcbe tree 758 Bribes foote 01 fowle roote 487 Biacbe berie buflic 661 Blabber nut 73$ Blewblaw i&i Blewbottel tbib. tjjteb 471 10 anb Bltttes 547 rooovcoit 380 ^apBloffoms 178 Blooo ftrange 96 Bocfewbeate 463 d5reat dote Burre 2Dicbe Burre JLotofeBurre Butter Burre Butter flowers Bp>tb,woit C Bolbanacfe 01 ftrange tit 0^ lets ih Bombace 579 $mallBombafe 90 Boiage_..— « Bore tboine . 700 Bore tree ■' 699 Bopes iBpercurp bi filsiU ion 7a Biafec 401 Biamble 661 Bioobelpme 579 Biootne 004 Biperbuu)e 655 wbite £ biacbeB*ionp 387 Bnlbpne Bulfoote Bupleuros Bupieftts Burneb Burnet Butrijersbioome dBteat Burre L iDfeb Cabbage 55? threatrounb Cabbage tbib. ?23 r8o 248 tfalO. 521 190 cole Calfes foote Calfes fnowtc Caiampnte iftougb Calaminte Calatbian violets Caltrop Caltb* Camelme Camels ftr awe Cammocbe Camomill „v fettnebing Camomill its Common Camomill ibtb. purple Camomill 184.(88 7elot» fwtiitt Camomill m to ilb z Camp ion $pamft) Canes Hargesbiobe Compn ftugarCane Canterbuip belles Capers Capiifople Car ob tree xo ilbe Caroline wilbe Cartbamus Carrottes anb of ail tjis 60j 18J.528 90 174 81 74° 166 616 508 5i3 7*5 3i Bucbboine 95 Bacferammes 630 Bugle 133 Bugloffe 8 Bugloffetb,e leffer 10 mipcrs Bugloffe ibils. volsiteT&uUms biolet 216 «44 »o Jos 544 47* • i38 674 1$ fetnbe t©ilbe Carrot Catapbiiago Caruwap Caffeweebe Caffia fiftula Caffibonie Caffljes/oi Cates Catanance Cattes taple Cebar anb Cebie tree Celanbpne Centuitegreat9 fmal 327 Ceteracb 4° 8 Cbafeteeeb 90 ©biftel Ctjamelc on $17 Cbarlocb wett) 643 Cicbeling 478 WiloeCtcbes 479 Cibcrage 633 Cinquefople 01 feinbe* fople 83 ftiHuB 659 Citros 704 Citrulies 589 ) Sciatica Creffe 610 water Creffe 61 $ winter Creffes 6t» fellow water Creffes sn Creft-marine 578 Crompleb lettis 577 CroCwoit 541 7ellow Crow belles 214 Crowe fope 159 Crowfoote 40 water 01 matrifl)c Crorj> foote 41° $eatb Crowfoote 4>9 wbite Crowfoote 107.429 Crowtoes 20c wplbe Cucumber 371 Cucumbers 58* Leaping Cucumber 371 iCunvottts 90 Cutagie63t Cur ran tes Cufruta/sc. Cpues Ciuet C^titus bwfy &WIZ3 tree Cpp? es nuttes jFeclbc Cppies <£ arben Cppies 651 390 041 73« 7«7 ibio. >t 29 ID&Sos The Table. fiQicb&uttc* 649 water flagges ut wilbejflagges 569 jflare-oi Lpn 504 Coinejflag ?ao Cobe anb wilbe jflarc 80 Bepobfca anb el? on- Darnell 469 Dancwoit rratc 01 ^alme tree ipaucusofCanbp IDavft'/s BlewflowcrlDclucc Oe fmaileft flowie 50^ ^Ujcewoit lure '95 ^loiamoi ©bitcflowerlDeiuce 93 iDurLabpcsf/lower *cllowfiowcr3Deluce 199 -floure (gentill 1______i-i..... ..r. ^tnrif^*Tntifl-flt 375 (goetobebatnoone 299 malboncfties 156 681 i)onpfucfele 391 683 $oppe 400 7?7 fleabane 185 jFieawurtc 170 jFlcbane 93 Bloubp 5FW«eoite Oeuclsbtt ©ewberie oiblarttbcrie 6«t f/lourie bole JDictam/of, JDictatnnum of JF olefoote Canbie 268 5Foigetmenot jjill 270 f/ore gloue j6aftarbcoifalfelDicta344 -fotctaple fcutanp 631 f/rambops jDiuelsbit 567 3Docbs 558 -francbe 104 iSebbe(goofeberies tbib. (grace ofea.3ibons (graffe 64 Wounbes tree 20.319 Square &. 3Bobns graffe #ounb bene tree _ober 3Dogge ber \t tree froggcsCall fcogges Camomill JDoggesLccbes 3Doggcs ®ootq jboue foote Rouble tongue fc^agen biting 398 ;f umeterre 716 $ebge f umeterre 77 (great -fur*,c 186 (grounb jfur$e 209 -fiueleaueb graffe 203- *" *i?i vello'wranb'w^tV'^env YV3ter ^ar0 ^i \l bane 450 *3ncfeleb feali n^ m ©emlocbe 4.51 Jfenceqolme 674 ^ennesfoote 24 lutapweeoe »erbc3lo^ 353 feneeijttl i^erbe Bennet 234 Unigqtstmifoplc c Carpenters ^erbe 133 lapnoe fbib. S>.CbMftopbers^erbe4°2 KniQUtB water $erbc grace ^erbejitte jlubaicaHjerbe ^erbe Pans ibi^. #erbe Robert r57 ©erbetwjopence ibi*. Pipers^erbe 235 $ermobactil #eptree $?mbbctte f^ttfc ^uluer #urt S)icle ^ufuet ^46 i§afeloi5Filberbtree 307 ^afelwo^t 72 ^aucr 67 #awbeweebe 193 fjawtbojne 637 #earebjemble 322 Crow9 wilbe(garlifce ibi. ^caronsbpll 471 (garben (garlpbe 637 *eatbmoufecare 114 Beates(gatlifee 638 ^eatb io7 lfcufcbe(garlibe 643 ^eatb biamble - 513 (garlifeetqlafpt 628 Biacbe^elleboj 446 (gentian 332 wbiteif?elleboi 760 Bafftnet Geranium 48 $empe ftmalojjiwarf (gentia 334 itfpetree o>tqaft tree e9r 491 Croefoote (geranium 579 (gcrmanber water (germanbec in 10 6 *5i 252 153 256 ibib 156 615 ■I97 tbtb, 261 greene 38.95 fenigqtswoMe 260 L 425 f aibicsmantcll 47 JL»Langi3ebccf 78 Lampfana ro Larcbcsclaw J67 Larcfeesfpurre 655 *-afcr 662 Laferpitium 46? Laucnbercotton $i9 Lauenber gentle 161 :f reneb Lauenber 701 Lauets/ojLeuers ace Lauriel/oiLowjpe 10 y e7* *4i 25* £>en.< 243 tbit. 14.^ J6c 16? ibib 3°? ibib 2, 266 ibih IS 9 363 186 269 492 401 4° 8 405 405 30! X9 544 7*7 rowe (golben flower (golbfenoppes (goofe foote (golben tUobbc (golbbnappe (goofencft (goofe-graffe 408 tgoofefqare 31 (goob 0enr? ©vacintbe Sutumne&pacitttiie *°9 Laurus of 3leranb2ia 67 Buftoj.tuft^pacintqeib. *J«5*« *«** / ^nl no 227 230 *f""i9. pepper hpffope 4r Roches 4.7, ^femalwilbe^ocbe j+8 0oofcebeale i+i ^olewurte 4„ #ollp 124 i^olpqocbes ^9 Common bocbes jibib. ifeea^lip 561 ^oime Lecbe 6. Leebe 01 Leebes &- ©be beabbeb oj bnopp- 5gl Leebe 6~ ^r ij^apben Leebe ib' * 133 ftufrije Leebes <- ,r6 wtlba CojneLeebe 6^ 7oi Lcntilies ** 581 Leoparbes foote * ibib ^«tts ' 5,"9 water Lentils 701 Lofeb/ o> Cabbage 3, ^ TheTable. <(s 573 icttus ibib, v^ilttc Letucc 574 aUblong 39 Wbite Lillte- *°o vMlbe LUlie 203 iLtlltenonBulbus ^04 Lillicof^leranb^ia 205 wbttewater Lellie t8i Ltmotis 7°4 Lmbentrce 753 iuilipnarciffus 213 &fogWOt,t 347 Ltuc long 39 Ltuerwoit 4" £>tone Liucwojt ibin. Lote tree 729 Louciniblenes 149 itjuiepowbat 37* Louage 295 ii ungwojt 4*4 *.unarie 136 finpintB 481 Lungwurt 125 Lpeojpfe 694 LpliieConuall r7s idjjap Lpilics tbib. L^pconfaucp tbib. Ivfimacijia 74 Bfewe oj a*>urcb • Lpmn* C$U8 75 GCqrceleafe Ltujrwurt 59 f>eebe^ace 513 £\5Jft)aOber 538 $£ ale bnot graffe 99 £3sllowes?c. 581 aD^arffe *Q8allowe Mtt. iConitnon clepn anb tawie wtlbe fallow tbib. ^-4rtfb#aUowe 583 ^fcire<3»aIlow ibto. rr-^auowc 585 mons fallow tbib. cruepn shallow tbib. SsTije fipmieoj *3£ucculagc <;i; allow of tennis 585 *..;.■ \s fil^anbiage 438 -/, nale *j#anciage ibib. v.-v-?cs3j}anbiafee 458 i?=^bei^anb?abc ibin. Ac 762 wearer) 452 t^-aricrom / anb' of qis fe- ilOC 234.236 ^uftarfie fl£atierom 237 <,o*ftsDparie 250 : 1 ftUz £#artgolbc 31 r.;itpgolbesf wubces r63 I &>!4J>e *3£3r?goIbe r9o t^smfqe beries 671 fafln.l'ttC 235 13.- :tv eratoii'a £3j$ftpfter* [ r .-jit 298 ijipaterftlonios :*=£*tqers 186 ^.etifrj sj^atbes ibib. A."'vic^atbes r83 ^Jawbclcin 250 $&a»xjen £#eearp 73 ^.iVbenqeare 410 ^r-efweete 4r Q^rucwurte fbib. & thick 9 yellow fiteqe 485 41;, owg)!)auegraurc 99 If.. iertree ' 713 --: f.aiirc0£9eltiot 497 out on anb b eft in owe Uiet 498 "tis 533.5^0 . e felons 590 Hie felons 5S9 4tp 77 337 flpwoj Simeon Sl#e*;crcon • 369.370 SBtbbellConrounbe- 133 Nibble Comferp ibib. l3pllfoplC 18.144 fttjilbewutte 49 sJlfiiU 4«3 $®illttibib. BaftarbiDjcqis J^iffeU an&Q&iffclto 747 j©*cngc tfpilrwaft 4°6 *3g)olp 509 ttufqe jDnpons wtldcaDnvon wbitcfcclbcjDnpon fceaGnvon £Dp op attar Ojarbe 546 Baftarbe 33^ olp ibib i^omojbica 442 JJponpwoite 79 fl^ooncwojt 136 S&ojell 443 Pctie 03$ ojel tbib. iJ©ofcqata 47 s39offeoftbc&ea 4-14 )3$otqewo?be 89 gljtotbcrwoit 131 ^tinfeinsjc^otberwo2/t549 Ml 54.87 96 16 539 54i 120 7*5 7°5 6xg tbib. 494 408 244 flpotbc s^ttilcpn s$oufecare iBoufc taple SJf*ugwo#e pctps3l£uguet (golben i^oguet $JJ9ullepne J^ulberietree s3JJufaoj5j*3ofctrce g^uftarbe wbite fjjpuftarbe fllBpagtum s^iltwafte fl$pntes$r. #o?fe *&£pnte anb of alibis 643 «44 645 646 302 0?Ct}l6 222 214 704 st)?ganiei32 tDjtigan 237 wtlbe £>itgan tbiXt. mall £>fmunbe tbib. pplbc jjDftnunbe ibib. ^Dtes467 pilbc£>tesib. Pour£)tes 471 wilbe £>tzB ibib. iDte graffe 5° 5 Creepe r89 jaDjtclips n? iiDretongue 8.12 *!>|Vttipbpllon 5^2 . P Paibelton < 240 pagane 0? fcplanbifte tongue 675 ^9 alma Cblifti 226.354 palme tree 699 Panar 2^3 fiances 149 i^antcb 466 luetic |3anica 4*5 parfelp c 05 (gcrben parfelp ibib, iTg 11 Parfelp 6o7- Mountapne parfelp ibib. i&parcbe fi>maftacbe anb x^arriftjepawlp 607 5&tcne parfelp 608 in (great parfelp 01 31eran«« in bet6o9 wilbParfelp610 611 water Pcppct water Pepperwurt jfnbtan pepper Calrrutc pepper Pcrtplora pcruinclc Biting 01 tufl)c Pcrrnirw rle395 fi>.Peterswo^tej ibib. tbib. 3« 33 245 248 674 687 Cowe parfenep >attetarp 49 partisan 7 5 fepnbe Comet^pnte wtlbe vl^pttel i^p^tell tree NSfrriffus KuftjiUarciffus BaftarbeBarciffus 214 fi>ailabeparfelp Yellow JUareiffus tbib. water parfelp J^arciffus biolet 216 Baftarbparfelp attet 595 parfenep lie mopft oj water J^a* wilbe parfenep' uet 595 Bauew getle ib. fi^ebow Parfenep Paris J&auewes ibib. Ifterbewce 71 ^eebelCbcruill 615 $qepqe3tbe0Beel tbib. wbite anb ?ellow J5enu#> Pbar r8i Dieppe(iCatmpnte 248 iieiewurte 347 £>mal Betel 129 (greatcomonilJettel ibib. ftomapne oj (gteebe fatu tzl 119 2Dea&$cttcl 131 B^ancbe Peafon BltnbBettelanb arcban* «reatpeafon gel io. fettle tree 729 -JFicibeBigelia uso (garben Bigcila 278 wtlbe Bigeila tbib. woobbp Bigqtfqabe 398 Bigbtfbabe 443.445.446 Pcttgrec Petp cotton Wllcoinz (Btzat Pilofella Pimpcrnell Pimp in eu pir.benecbcll Pine tree anb _ binb 770 Cocbowptrel3ii Pitcqc77rpianetree7j< Plantapne &ca&i|ntapnc Cojorrttlpiantapne water piantapne piummetree pjucblcpbore Plicbmabam Plicbe timber tree PlieftptntcU Plttncrofes pitmetofcpiereleffe 1a Pjtmp^int «9o piiuet ibib. Pjmwln? pplewojt „ Ppncbens 15s Polerutye in polemonfttm 345 polep/(ic. 2l? polppobp 40 $ (goibplocbes polptrt> ebon 414; pomegranate 70s Curbie Pompons 53, P>onbzvozzbz 105 poojemens treacle, 637 Popler oj, pepler ' 750 &oppiz 431 674 90 467 «7 5< »3« 47 of all bis 91 ibib. 9$ 57 710 700 "4 72* »22.?jf *2| tbib. 612 . 604 Biacbe9 wilbepoppie ib. tbib. " 528 ibib. >affe flpwer p aftef Uzbbt patience Peacbetree Pearlc plante Pearetree Common peafon (garben peafon wilbe Peafon 183.4?o «7 55« 710 290 7" 47 6 tbib. tbib. ibib. tbib. 478 479 1&zbbzfcoppiz 4)4 ifroinzb Poppie 43 s Pubbing graffe t;r puliall mountapne 231 puliollISopail - 13* Putcelapne 57* w ilbe p arcclapne tbin. (garden anb tame pure* 57S ITt 168 2 3T. Boofebleebe 144 Butmcgge a maeis 732 water Buttes 536 ■ O f\CuHCq*tftt 555 V/jDbc tree 745 i£>bc of iDterufalem anb jt3>be of p aron tfe 343 iDleaber 4^° jSOliue tree 837 ^neblabe 178 4>ne leafe ibib £>neberie42$ £>»pon64o Bjobeojt flat peafe Cicqepeafon S>beepes cicbe Peafe tbib. pellitojieofrbe^all 49 Pelittojue of Spapne 300 Baftarb pellitojteoiBer* tram 342 wilbe pellitoiie 343 pellatnountapne 231 pen|fp laopall 232 wilbe pennp Uopall 248 §>bcepe bpllpng pennpe graffe 38 (great Pennpwutt tbib. Ipountaine pf npwojt ib. Peonie male 9 female 338 Pepons 588 pepper 635 pepperwurt 631 Japne purple Purple taclttet flower l^eb purple Ullie SI QvKincetree 708 5luicb beams 74! Ottriabiesqui(bid5o> tt > n 3Jbifl) 5«t Ivwilb o^waterlciabOn ttr, Belli&agges 6« ittagwojt 22t ttaifojt ojmonntaime iaa* Diffy 599 ttampibns 597 ttamfonc 633 ttapes 594 Couentrieiaapcs 174 iSiape Crowfoote 4« Long Eape' Hi wtlKttapcs 497 §>mai ttafens of Cojitu* tbe 652 ttafpis 66t ttafpis anb -f rambops bt* riesib. iReb battel 5*« - ttape 4«» Jfteb-»af jo* pou |9ole Hecbc CancEccbc Indian iff ccbe (agar Eecbe Gertie graffe Beft barrow Thctiblc. 514 ftcacawle 594 (gumme ^orcojtte fbib. Our Labtes fteale ojfttg.* Yellow ftuccotfe ibib. net 384 ftebeftens 712 ftulpberwurt ibib. ftclfc beale 13? ftenuie 619 ftumac 515 wbite ftenuie tbtb* ftumaeq 669 ftcne 37* &*ngteeneii4 Copiers ftunticfe 84 Lcatqet ftumaeq ftcfcli 683 ftefeli ofCanbte ibib. ftctwai/offtpbwai Heubarbe oj Ebabarba 328 ftctfople jfrflflatb Heubarbe 43 ft crpentes tongue Rqatnnus 696 ©lacae Eibes Common Eibes flUnbtftcolopcnbjia 4*8 ftbarcwurt Bifc461 ilbcpnberies 697 ftbeapberbspurfe $ arien op tame anb genttli ft ingle leafe i^tbateii Eocfeatibib. ftbttwitrootes water Eofe Eofe tree 430 gpaetEofe 235 *3#eate ftumaeq 281 Jnbian ftunne 284 ftwaiiowurt 34© ftwincfereffis ftpcomoietrce C f 3nfic * ritv 36 81 r78 605 tjoifbe Eofe wbite Eofes fatiCke Eofes Djmafbe Eofes EJfeofPiouinre Epfc Campion wilbe Eofe Campion [ofematp <8r ftbirwurt Eofe 65$ SleepingBigbttt)abe447 ibib, ftlootrce 721 ibib. (garben ft mila* - ibib. ftmpinium ibib. Catftlofe«ftnagges tbib. ftnafecweebe tbib. ftnapbjtagon 158 ftolbanelia 159 ftowb^cab 264 ftonncbeato wilbe Canfie 569 Cumeps 594 S63 Cutfan oj, parte leattes *e 398 Cwapblabe 324 «73 Cpme*c. «s 69» EunningCpme 231; ibib. WilbCimeib. Cpmbl8 23c ibib. m ibib. r;Eeatwilbemaieria 34c 192 ^waliBarlcp 504 13.317 wallflowers 151 95 walnut / anb walffte nut 7«« tree 731 walwojt 380 Cbe leffer watercreffe en 18 waterferne 401 86 water fpibe 23 180 279 ■fbanotis Eofmatie TfofeBapetrce 430 ftojbe apple tree feofentbat cometb out of ftoitel tbePine anb pttcbe of (gteatftoircll ';trees 771 Eofcwutt34* ftbcepesftoirell Rue of tbe garben 261 ftmallfto?ret wilbe Eue «63 dBoares Eue 490 Euc of tbe wall 4° 9 Ruffles 5n 106 tbib. Camarifb 677 Cares486 wartwutt \6t%6, Carragonj 613 wap Bennet'* 50* -fullers Ceafell 511 BtttermetcqeojCrs 482 474 Cettcrwurt 31 Bafe Opfiatmeruapne 127 613 ^unbjtebbeabebCqiftel5i9 wilbeSttetcqe 48* 721 fttarreCburd 521 weebewinbe 394 CarbeCbiftell 522 IDperswecbe 6: Our Labies Cqtftel 525 fipapweebe *8* 395 CBlobe Cbiftel 526 winbweebe 39- 330 CottonCqiftel ibib. wetcbeoj wetcqes 48, 4^4 Ote Cbiftel ibib. wqcateanb of allIjfs bin?? a»opbian7 jboepewoit335 wbite cotton Cbiftel ibib. 453.455.457* 727 wilbe wbite Cbiftel ibib. Cowwqeate 559 ftiluer Cbiftel ibib. Orewqeatd[ ibib. Carline Cbiftel 530 Cppbewqeate ibib. Bieffeb Cbiftel 533 BearbCb wqeatfc ibib. wilbeCbiftels 535 ftpeltwbeate tbib. CoweCbiftell fbib. jnbian wbeate tbib. EougbmilbeCbiftel 565 wqiferoote 143 Cbe tenber oj foft milbe wqitewurt f Cbiftel ib. Cqlafpi6i8 wqitte'tree76iwqo#S6- • 629 wqsitel beries ibth. water ftoirell $oifefto}rel ft 0 ulbters perr ow ftoutbienwobb ©tUEuftojpanierruftjtb. -female ftoutb>c"woob tb. CanbpCblafpt Euu)canble tbib. (greatftoutbicnw00b ib. BuebeCboine 5J9atoxfrapleEuu)e ibib. ftmalftoutqienwoob ib. Cbo?neb?oome WilbeEuftje 672 Epe459 ftowfeniU 298 wqiteCqoine ftowtf)iftel 565 Cq oj ne grape ft pan ift)bioome 666 Cbojnebore 4 4 4. 4c -i 203 »*7 ft S3ffron Eaftarbftaffron 33 ftpamfq'o*canarpfebe46 5 Blacke Cqoine fljjeoefrwitb ftaffron 367 ftpearwurt 34° Cbo^owware ftmgle ftpelt 458 Cqojowleafe ftpelt oj ft eta 455 Cqjotewurt ftpcrage 474." 18 Spurge time ftperbawae berbe 5*7 ©ogges Congue ftperwoit 425 ftpiee $14 ©ounbes Congue ftpfbe anb Lauenber 265 ftbeepes Congue wilbebaftaerb ftaffron 532 Sagapenum 30 6 Sage? ofqiscomo Cage251 fcageofjDerufalem 125 woob anb wilbe ft age 253 j&altgot 53& Salomons feale 103 ftpinacbe 697 wbpn 669 Petpwq-pnts- 6 68 Cbe common wbpn 698 wilbepellow lotus, 681 Sweetc Williams 700 wilbe Williams ' 721 willow qerbe 137 wttbpwinbe ibtit. wttqpojwilf 172 woobbme 353 woobjowe / 11 wet 54° w. ib~ib. woobwaren o woolfesclaw 5>altwojtu6 ^apfer 578 Bioabe 01 large splene* Congue berbe jfeanamunba ' 234 woit 406 Conguewojtt Wilbe op rougb feplenes- Congue blabe wo^t4o7 ^poonewojtn8 Congue Laurel &>pourgewo}t 296 Coicbes 556 fftonebartesCSgue 4°* wofmegtaffe 239 140 122 311 &pourge anb of all qts water Coicqe 675 wojmvwoob ibib. Sea»©ojmwar tbib. Lauenber wojn. 676 Bart;owe ieaucb> v woob ibib. wulte\-: 513 Biounewurt panicle op ^antaell ©teat panicle fearaptas ft ones ^arcocoll SarrafinesComferp " 142 btnbe 361 fijpurrie 56 Cornettp^C^nefbl 61 £>.pcter.s wurt Aarrafinesconfounbtbib. Squilla646 ^qutnat5i CowneCreffes 623 wpbowaple Sorption 225 fi)tacbis 257 BattarbSjatpjion 215.226 &tanbe!woit !■ Scbf^pitan&atpiio 22$ (Cunucbe&tabergraffenw. CbKCleaueb^atpiion2i5 ^tanbergraffe 212.11' ttannewoit 8 (tarreofl^ierufalem 167 ftiatpiio ropal op noble 226 ftawceSumacq 692 fcauintrec 766 (golben^tecqabos to ttommogarb^^auoiiei28 5>tarrewurt Corner ^auoiie ibib. gbticqwutt Winter f^aaojit 23* g>tone-b^eabe feaute alone 639 (greatftoneari- ft tribes bpll frage 188 ftcabious ro9 jfetrangleweebe S>cabwOft 336 Strangle tare ^calefecne 408 ftttawbeeietree CownebafS Bafe Cr^opl ifeea Crpfolp Common Crefople ^jfttbowe Crefople jpiweet Crefople •i4«»' ifa, tbib. ^laencrupt ?-{ 502 n&mubbatb o?Bafon < 49 ^ttetius qeare 4°9 ©er? s v ■. 495 «2Jeruapne01 Uaruepnn ibib. mtolcts T**beSt(TUC/ 3.q/t«.C/59.b/ ii5.g/133.b/248.0/157.8/ 170. a/187, b/302. a/329, a. ■fop q oate 3lgues 01 ;f euers/ 204,3/13 5. b/146 •*/ *49 *q/ i82.b/3i9.b/39«,.a/564.r/576.b/656.a/67i.a.b/683.8/ 684.3/701.8/704.3/706,3/711.a/7 4r.b, jFo^tqe tertian ague/n ,c/59.8/6r.e/64,b/ 83*8/9? .*/$?« C/r2^i/i33.b/4rr,a/5°r.b. ' f/o>-Wfng colbe 2fgues/oi-feuers/i 87.^/301.*. agapnftolbe3tgues/399.b/777.fe. " * . Co engenbero^ caufe agues 01-f euers/397^7l4^. Co quencbe tbetbirfte of boate agues/683 .&% Co biiue awapftjabinges » fljiuermgs of aguef^oi. 8V 3o5.0/3o6.e/3i5,C/39i.e/6i9.f/636.C. •o^ft .Hinfoims fple/oj wtibefpK/'9.e/io.8/38,3/5o .3 99.g/|o4.e/ir5.e.r27.C/i44.C/20i.g/2r7.b/276.f/3r9.f/ *55.e/4ii.C/433.b/444.a/44'ei+qefalltng bowncof tq^^*rf0Utfe/37.c/i5i.b,. vxivu eutl tnfeetcb MIPJ&S/i e i.b/ 287,«/197.8/ 2 99.8/ *-h/ 04.3/7i8/q/763.0, B oc-gr owe fpeebiIp/2 .e. ^fCOtogitqer/ snb csufeotqetBeesto mpamvieo.c. ssnbW8fpes/279.b. ?rgetbe ^Hf berp gentlp/331.6/352.*/ b/473.8/47 2 .a/474.b/481 .b/487.3/493.1/ /'587. b/ 593.C/ &ao.b/646. e/ «49. b/65i. e/ £/7i7.a/7i3.a.b/7ir.8/724.a,b/739.8.775.8 ^BeAl^ir|iff btti^/anb purge groffe ffeames/ *«/4,>8.8/550.3/697.8. 4i»blofetbeBelip/34b/43.8/78.a/i49.q/i7o.*/ ,u*«s5 59.8/i9i.g/298.8/308.8.353.3/355.a/361.3/'377.8/ ^iur8,a 383,0/.394.8.546.a/547.8/55r.a/554..a/ 573.e/f8T, -■ *./59i.a/6i8.a/656.a/7o8.b/7io.b/7i5.b/7i6.f/74T.a/ /<2.b.76r.8/77.6.b/778.C. Co caufe blaftinges anbpapnein tbeBelty/594.8. CoftoptbeflureoftbeBeiip/8tb/84.b/93.V99.b.iir.8 115.8/199.8/206.8/223,b/236.e/239.a/272.b/305»tl/33«.b/ 347.f/406.a/409.C/433.C/4«7-e/ So?.8/504.8/57.a/ ^or.C.363.b/636.b.737.8. ' V -foi tbe griping papnes of tqeBellp/35. by^f/n- b^ 1 i3-o.b/i35.a/i46.b.m/25o.8/i<5i.b.f;27i.b/i73.8/i7J.a/ 23i.3/i83.a/285.b/287.e/x96.b/i98.8/302.8/317.8/3 27. d J29.8/338.3/380.8/403.8/466.8/504.8/ 520.b/53^t' ^>7.n/599.q/6o5.c/6o8.b/639.n/646.b/707.i/737 ijy «3.3. &V.U3nbfpople wpibeanb tame^eafree/asmprtf,' #wine/w olues/anb 5Dogges/« c.4»o .b/421.8/42 5.% ^7.8/433.8/431.3. 7 /objiueswapalibenemousBeaftes/i.c/e.t ?gapnft grecuous #eat inges/vide galles. Co preferue ttSict from fowling/t*. e Cbeinwarbc fcuruineffe oj burt of tbe ttSlao&et/ib, a Cqeerulctrationojtawneffe of tq'e Blabber/ <8Vi?J 72i.C/7fl8,b. , ' 7tW Durtfull ro tbcBlabber/i58.f. Cbe inwarb fcabbes of tb,eBlabber/579.8/687 a/««* t Sop tqe pAtne 0? ftoppings of tqeBlabber/15.8/18 |K; 3/8o^3.b/ioi.b/ni.8/ft4i.b/i82.b.e/i84.e/i66 a/iVt : 299.b/3378/344.a/599.8/444.n/446.b/5i4.b/54ui iy $82.b/6f?.b/6i6.b/625.8/(8jh.f7657,e/732, Coeoolcbo8te^lnoo/^i76-jf/(j71iTj/68? a Coftopfe3lfffuesbfBioob/42.8/93.b/99.'8/n5 a/131 a 220.8/276. C/3'9e/4^o.e/5o5.b/5i7.a/5?o.f/$4x>,V<7Vt 584.b/642.q/652.b/657.f/60o.3.C/66l.C/662.f/6 7 h/ 682.8/687.8/691.8/707^/708.8/721^/730.11/7-4, 1/ 745.3/746.1.767.8/779.a.b. ' ™ Co ftancbctqeBloob of greene wounbe0y48.t/6»8^1 75. C/?3.bA32.8/138. C/r44.b/i45.C. 'TH CoftoppetqeBloobofalwounbes/252.b/?54.b/4o|^ 425.b/492.b/504.t»/5io.C/y39.C/J4o.b/7o7,c/72«,fc/" 745.t/768.g. ' Co purgeBloob from all corrupt bumours/400 a e dFo^tbe infl8mm8ttonofBloob/4n.3/672.b/706 a '' Co engenber groffe Bloob anb bumours/48a.g/ ' Co engenber groffe * melancbolifieBloob/5S» r/«4i a Co t^genbereupllBloob / 638.a/718. c/721. a/727 J' %8ittft tt)eBlOObpffi)te/i3.8/33.8/57.t/75.8/8r.8/l|,8/ ■' 84.t)/86.a/9o.8/93.b/99.8.b/ior,a/io+.b/i07,b/in.C/ref ■' 8/H7-8/i2o.8/t38.8/i45.8/181.8/r99.8/2o6.3/,5ej/^J £> ?29.8.f 345.8/466.8/487.b/^9.C/«$r.8.q/«83.C/69i,b'C 7o«.a/707-*.7*$.8//»*.«/729.8/73o.b/732.e/739.b/ 74,6.g/77i.a/77«.f/778.8/779*.8.b. Agapnft tqefpettpng of Bloob op coptupt matter/i«.e/ 33.8/8r.8/84.b/99.a/m,f/i38.8/i39.b"/r45.8/23o.b.246.c/ 252.b/258.8.b/29i.f/327.8/35l.C.409.c/4r^f/4j4if/4Wj }2?.8/J76.c/'58o.b/65r.8/677.f/687.8/700.8/708.a/7o.e 730 .b/744.8/745.3/767.8/776.f/778.8/779.a.b. Coftop tb,tpittiti$ ofBloob/57.b/8r.a/84.b/93.b/9«.a/^ 99.8/i38.8/i44.8/425.e/537-f/687.8/74+.8/745.8/77o.| Caufe topiffeBloob/J38.b. ' fogpln luftAide^iefliip&efpje. 0 ftrengtben tbe B obp/i 2 2 .a/i m .a ObftructionS anb ftoppinges of tbeBobp/ii a * Co btffblue clottie 0^ congeleb bloob in t\sz B obp/i».f - 8397.e. J5ofcftc0/vidcttttpofteme8. Coftrengtqentbe^ntticncff/8*.b/i4a.e/apnes/343.a/348.e. Croubletq tqeBjapnes/i«4.8. Impoftemes of tqeB?apne/775.b. 3:0 cleanfe tqe tqe %caft/7r.g/no.a/m.b/t24.«/»t9.8/ H4.b/r46.f/r94.b/u».8/jj2.b/a>fi.8/27i.f/i4i.8/to3.t/ rx. laDieoiL |e4.f/J06.e/308.t/3'>5.8/336.b/382.8/48z. t 599.g/tf°4.a/<»l6.C/624.b/630.3/642.b/69.4, t/??r.b/773.8/,76.b/778.b. flbftructton o^ftopping of tbeBieaft/2. a 117.8/243.8 /i66.b/i75.b/3o8.8/3u.8/365.i; «94.b/72i.a/773.a. Cqrerulccrations oy fwellinges of wotnet « 0^p8ppeS/454i/455.C/483.C $8i.b/65i.b/o> Cobip bp womensBjeaftes^icf, jp Of imp'oftumes of tqeB^eaft/2o.b/no.a/m i" 630.C/6 49.e/65r.b/707.g/722.8. fop olbe bifeafes of tqeB^eaft/i8r.b/4io .f. : fgapnft greatpapnes boon tbeBieaft/450 r Cocurebnnaturaifwclungs ofwomesB} *&(•■/73.. Co beepemapbens B^eaftes fmail/4 52 .b. Co beale tbeqarbneffe of womens Bieaftes/28.b/24«.g. Iiattfull foj tbem tqatsrcftjoit bpon tbeB2,eaft/732.b, f optqefljoitneffe of ^wrt/2,8/2o.b/25.b/n 9.a/i52. a/ i94.b/22 7.a/229.8/239.r/24i.8/248.c/262,l|/2 78.8/283.a t98.8/3°3ie/3o6.e/307.8/3o3.a/3r3.b/3^9.8/322.8/32 7.8/ |65.8/373.8/382.b/402.8/533.b/6i3.8/6i9. b/630.3/646. b.7n.b/7i8.f/735.b/775.8/776.e. Vgfpnft papne in feteqingofBjeatb/34.8/689.8/735.b. "CaufctoqaueagoobfweeteBje8tq/304.a/732.3/779.b . Coamenbe tb,zfttncbing B jcatq/704.e. L 'jf op fucqeas ate*%olten/528.8. igapnft fcalbing ot>*$ittiUitfj toitq fp>e op water/ 9.8/ l6,g/«4.b/65.b/iu.b/i35.b/20r.g/211.b/388.b/g/513.8/ Jt8Vb/54°.3/55r.f/573.b/584.g/593.g/649.b/6»o.C/;7x5.e 7»9-V755.b/77i.ft. ^oftqemtbat are^uc/rcn ojbjufeb inwarblp/329. e/ 403.8/^38.c. jfojattBurftinges/87.8/ior.b/m.b/i35.a/146 .e/t24.b/ J36.8/'3i5.b/327.a/443.q/524.f/53o.0/54».8/6O4. 5/ 649. */7g».«. f o>^urftingcs of poung cqplbjen/io4.b/io7.5/137.5/ ' vljfjpjE/t99& 4?F^9tdleo4.b/306.f/307.t/3^8.a Ji4.b/327.b/33'.C/348.5/352.C/373.C/382.f/396.5/438.5/ .48r.a/6i3.e/6i6.a/624.5/6 6o.e/766.a. "Co engenber male Cqtl5jen/78.5/223 .c/s°«.a. Co engenber female Cqil5i,ett/78,5/223.c. fop Cqplbjen troubled wttq t\it er8mpe/o>5>awt«g or anp member/5 2 5. e. Cobpeo*eolourClofne0pellow/697.b. Cobpe oi colour Clotbesgreene/68.a/697-ft« Cobpe op eol our Clotqes blacbe/7 56 .a. jfoitqeCoterrlie qumouts/tf.5/24.b/84.cA°4*/?77« ;.:' 8/7*8.8/741.8/775.8. 'jfoi,Colerfteinflammattons/i9.e/5o.8/2i7.5/t4«.5. fojtqe€olictie/34.a/i34.r/r84.5/'87-5/246.5/285.*/ 287^/3 55.b/365.8/375,5/403.3/443.b/5io.5/701.8. Catafeeawaptqe goo5Colour/ sn5 tying paleneffe/ f3.e/2, *34.8/ 6j6.8/?o^ ,e.V>2?g. agapnft tqebptinges of tnab 246.b/«S8,g/26i.b.270.f/i7 .5/ ., 454.8/482.C/j84.g/5«7.C/d .1 : '7 ;i.^ Cobeepeantdnfro &£eamtft£-'a ftsrt (g 00b foj melancolibe IDieames/ >k .*. Co.caufe qeaup DjesmesA 7 4.5/64? a/6 4.-. Cobeepeamanfcom #X0nKenc(Tc tbat sat v. 687.f/7«».e/ Co cure £>ionbeneffe/555.m. Co caufe IDjonbeneffe/i64.3/25^.3. againft -©jtoppfffe/ »id4 ft rranguria. Co qelpetbe*Djopfie76.q/;5.8/34.a/?«.5/-2,8/97.8/- h>. 5/194.8/234.a/i«2,t/p/iii9.5/'9«.e/;oJ.c/3cj,b/)iv.r/ ?46.8/347.8/35».g/|>5.c/itf!.8/?H.a/36o.8/J73.3/J79.C 38°.5/384.8/;95.8A44.S.8/SM.b/5«7.b/aoj .e/6«3 ,f/62c.5^ 638.g.646.b/66$.8/685i.g/7i8.n/748.b/7 6f.8. ""' Co flake tbe bellp of fucb. as qauetqe3Djopfte/749.q. Comabewpueo ojmapbens ^nggco qarbe/ 40.5. :fojtqem tbat are qeaup anb ^Dull/j77.c/6i4.e. 45 FO>papneintotbe^arc0/5e.5A3.c/7?.c/87.c/9 $>.e/»O4.c/ii7^.0/jj6.g/246.i/t6.'.l/i99.5/3l2.i e/374.t/4-oo.b/4?3.f/44 4.e/4S0.8/4<>9.t!/539.b/^ C/5^.b/59'.f/('4 .bA«7.e/66c .g/718.1/750.5. impoftumes bebinbetbe 45 8res/i3o.g/444,c/484. t 5<5o.i/ 3mpoftumes in tbe 458res/7o.3/93.5/272.1/307.^/388 3 444g.5/^6^.C.649.g. (goob fo?, riming 45ares/io4.c/$88.g/687.e/6s2,5/70*. C/73 9.e/778.f. tfop wojmestntbe45ares/104.0/270.t768».g/*76?.c. - Co clenfe flopping into tbe4£ares/r58.e/6 4o.f. jfojftnging 01 bumming of tbe45ares/190.3/460.5/ 5$o.r/554.6ao.q/64o.f/fi89.C/7:8.0/7#5.e. Jinfl animations op rebneffe of tbe 4fyt8/j.f/ 3«.b / 53a/ 56.5/88.5/»3.5;/H5.C/i48.f/i65.c/r7o.c/i78.C/i-i6.f/jiv,f/ 3?3.e/35^e/444.b/b/45°.a/5?'.g/ 564.5/576.q/5«9.5/ j5?j.e/606.e/«56.c.678. a/686. c/67*.e/7}9,e. Ibimneffe of tbe 45pes/6.g/84.c.i5».e/i4i.e/255. 8/2*3.5/ 28r.5/2i7.t'/306.i.3it.O/3*8.b/j54.gAio.5/j37.e/573.5. :foj5loo5fljoto?/5l8eltefpottes45pes/ 6.g/3i.a/i5i.5/ " *7*.e/28i.t/3otf.i/3r«.C/3i*.5. :f 02,tb.epapnefull5leare5 4£pes/«.g/ 229.5/450.8/ $71.5) " «57.e/7o7.8. Co5jnue awap qaweotpearle from tbe 4?pes/25.5/*«r.- •' 5/305.q/33«.g.4a4.b/496.5/49«'.f/64O.e/?0 5.b. \ Agapnft fiftulas anb bleers intqe coiners of tqc Cpesy ]f4.8/i»4.g/354.g/47'.a/4«2.i/49,i.a/6*3.5/7oo.c/7-9.' (Copjeferue (Cpesfrom flowpng bowne of qumours/ \2i7.C/24t.C/444.5/45°.8/C/454.n.5it<>.b/72i.b. (5f 0 t8beawap rougbneffe of tqe 45pe biowes/6 2cf. ?urtfull foj 45pes anb figbt/o39.8/64!.8.64».i/739.g. 0} tqepapne of tqe45^e0.657.e/678.8. / ;0 2rpfe.n T-.*?/-776.5. .,= 5? i* fry 01 beaten/ . ,3$.c/68o,b/7i8»g/7$o,5/ .*S/32 9.e/403»8» ..»t^ir.i jf alien ina foun5e/24i.e. de agUfC ^UCt/f2.C/vidcagtte/6r.C/64.5/83.e/93.e/ „/4o8,a/5-r.5/522.5/533.t. ♦ on tqe (^cttc anb qan5es/2or.e/3o5,f. ^pes ojtriues of tbejF eete/646.q/778.e. . !ipiljrif&e/36i,e. tf'.G tbelFtffUiaS/83. g/93.f/i44.5/ 2»3.S/325.8/328.W/ 3^8.C/36i.5/47r-a/773.f. sro^tqemtbstsrelPleijmafiflUe/jii.a. Co5jiue8wapilrlca0/«.f/36.g/io4.f/i33.n. ^To rabe awap ol5enature frlcfIjlf 5efpjc/ op Carnall ropulationoftiaentts/i82.c/iii.b/576.c/69i.8/744.e. Dopiouobe5Fleftjlpbefpje/oj^lenus/i97.c/ii7.a/i22. t/1,25.8/ 253.8/255.8/271.0/272. e/ 524.5/ e/544.g/6o». /622.5/749.g/778.5. tabe awap fuperfluous ptoubc ^(9/746.5. 5MueawapiisiPC0/6.i.75.5/279t5y34a.g. 4 topjouobeanb bjfngbowne tbenatural jFlorrjeroi efwomen/i.a/28:b/35.a/64.a/ioi.3/t«:8/ii7.e/i3o.3j[/ 151,8/5/152.b/i63.a/i84.8A94-.C/ioi.b/u9.8/23o.8/23i.8/ 134.8/235.5/236.8/243.5/248.b/253.8/258.b/i 61.8/263.a -. 05.3/268.8/278.8/281.8/283.5/234.8/285.3/287 .b/i9i.b »94.a/296.5/e/299.5/303.g/305.1/306.f/307.C/3r4.8/3i9. 5/327.5/i/33'.5/336.8/338.8/34t.8/344.8/346, 8/348.5/ *5i.C/ 373. t/ 382.f/ 396. 5/48i.e/$oi,3/52o.C/5?3.5/ 533^/554^/^55^^/578.8/580^/599.^/607.5/ 607.8/ do9.8/6i3.C/6i9.f/6i4.b/ 618.8/ 638. p/ 640. b/ 642,e7 649.a/674.b/676.5/68r.e/69t.b/719-8/765.f/766.8, Co ftoppe tbeinoibinate 01 ouer mucb flowing of too* mens flowers ojtermes/23.b/33.8/75.b/84.b/ 85.3/ Br .8/93.5/99.5/e/ioi.C/n5.5/138.8/145.5/182^/241.6/ a76.5/275.5/338.5/347.f/4i5. a/C/433.C/444.e/43o.C/ 4-87.5/492. r/5o5.3/5it.a/5i7.a/53°.f/56o.8/65i.i/657.t;. 66o.c/66i.C/669.3/477.5/f/684.5/685.a/687.a.g/69^. Q/C/698.8/700.5/708.e/732.e/739.5/ 744..8/ 753.3/778.3. Cr4obfo*,tqewqite^loubojjpiowersofwomen/86.a/ i82.b/4,95.5/657.f/692.C. Co purge s2pelancqolyjFlcume0/i9. a/377. */ 403.8/ 4-37 b. Co rppe jFleumes/229.f/2«7.f/336.5/382.3/409.8/ 4»4.3 ^|-99.f/599.g/630.8/694.a/7«8.f/77 i.b/778.5. ^0 purge coibe f leumcs of tqettom8ebe/533.48i.q/7S*. . ?>.759.a/763.f. Moengenber 5puumes anb cqoler/705.8. CtKfeamanto fail into lrKii6c/a76.g. 348pnft5Ftenfie/396.8. 2D tab JrruifcAide oeab Cqilbr. I p all outgtowpnges in tqe jfunfatticnf/ '■ ^uubament fallen out of ijis place/331.0 8. Uvz of tbejFun53mcnt/37.5/171.8/354.5, types/ riftes/ anb f tuuias of tqcjFu»bl# l/<::-.C/7oo.C/775.e. (g f-i tqeftoppinges of tqe ^alle/399.8. op tqe blaftings anb fwellinges of tqe 45cnftoj0/ '*.K/593.f/768.e. agapnft rp^eabpng anb fretting fojes of tqe (genftois / p> PJiuiemembers/652.5. Co bp,itiz swap ^nattC0/36.0/7>. 5. ___ £0* tbe fweiltng of tbe 4§ 0UtC/374.f. Co 8ffwagei.qepdpne of tqe e Jjeab/- iii,8/r33.q/232.g/2 6j.b/342.a/375.b/38i.f/ 3?3 n/JJJ.8/ *»76.5. fop tb,z naugqtie feurffe of tb e $eab/i81 .fAof.t/ 4»e • U 5t4.t/^ de ftrurffe. Co purge nsugqtie fleame op qumours of tqe ^esb/?t. f/56.b/5?4.e/76j.g. impoftumes anb tumours of tqe 0e8b/29i.c /$•, b. «oobfoj tbebjpneffeof $eab/n8.e. C8ufetqe^ea5tobebull8nbqeauie/47i.b. C8ttft5^e858cqe/ t«4.0/»«.a/J4;.fV 4B*.-£.4>J.&^/ Vertue,and Dangers. 5I:.a/639.8/«4T.8/728.8/-3t45/734.d/7n^/739.g. ^8.5/«2 5.a/«3'.f/««55.8/705.b/7iTA/»7i8 5/tn r/bA,** tf ioci»apne op greeues of tqe *?eao/347.3/389.f/397. cZ 5/74^/763.3/77 6jx/-? ;/^/7"',,/7i8.o/722.c/5/7?n 4.60.8/638.B. /er^». • ■»- J?* ' ' ' Cobtpbumoursoftbe^eab/658.r/763.g. ^ob^tueawapItiiatrc^o^gtt8tte0/35.g/75.5. Co qcale wounbes of tqe t^eab/775.c. L. fOjbpbCb H)«lC0/38,a/3O5.p/33r.m/482.5/5Jr.g/594e8lteinwarbe1inipofi€rrtc0/628.8, foialllmpoftemes about ppiuiz mrmbers / oi7.a. 5fo>acqco^ papne in tq z Joytlt CO jvoits qaue bzn bzfopz bjoften/o.e/ioV.c/rra f/i3t.8. * f ojtqepartes bepng out of 3JpptttZ33r.tnZ5i4.8. Coqelpeanb euretqeffcije offcuruineffeZ227.f/}5$.r/ J7i.b/377.C/38».l/S59.f/56o.5. Co tqejltcqeofp^tufe members/22 j.g. ft \ K^!^qe5obpZi76.g fco qeaietyofien 01 Ijollowe "Ufbtn/^.v, Cqel&in#ts z upll op qarbe fwelling about tqe tfooteZ 262.0/27«.e/j87.8/3O4.C/5O7.5/537.5/5?9.C/560.i/572.f i .*?4.b/S3«.f/647.b.7r9.p. Ulcerations anb qurtes of tqe T£iimcye0/i39.*/ w.v 284.5/581.5.697.5/775.3. f- gurtfuil to tqe%ibnepes/2?8.iz^T9.8. Comunbifie anb clenfe tqe nibncpes/i 89.8/304.9/ ft topping anb p am c-of tbe &inbncp'cs/i7.8/ 5-.s/l*,5/ 9?.b/ioi.b/m.8/i7o,e/i9i.e/299.5/329.8/ 3J7.8/ 3 jUr. 399.8/^oo.a/44a/444.b/67i.8/682.c/694.e/70678. ^oftrengtqentqeLiuer/57.a/83.b/258.s/S20.e/54,o.b/ 546.5Z«5s.8/735.8/76r.8. ©urtful to tbe Litter/375. fttooperqeLiuer/705.a/727.8. fop ftopping of tqe Liuer/28.5/^.8Z57 >/■''- 5.8o.8/84.c/93.5/i33.5/i34.e/i4i.5/i52.C/ 258.8/ 16 i »7°-C/272.b/29r.e/3i7.g/3i9.3/33r.c/338.b/349,a - 398.3/4oo.a/4c8.3/4o9.5/ 411.8/437.8/446.5A;.- 43r.bZ538.aZ546.b/55M/564.CA78.b/602.C/6o'6 y H/6i8.b/65r-q/65«.8/C/b/665.a/ 68r.q/ 687.g/*<; 720.C/7ri.b/7r6.f/73,.5/735.a/747.S/ 749.q/ TC. 77r.eZ776.g/77g.f4 " " CbepapneOftqelopnC0/io.b. Co encreafeioue/6ot.q, inflammation of tqe Ititftjc $!zi4.z/utf.b/w.v/yn.$? Co clenfe tqeLunges/i49.b/i94.b/232.b/238.5/24.^ u, ,3«.8/482.a/69 ?.8. Eougbneffeof tbeLunges/7»8.f/-'«2.8/725.e. fop tbe bjpneffesnbqsrmes of tqe Lunges/17, c/79.8/ 83.5/84.C/rro.3/ii!.f/i24,b/i39.b/r46.5/ 262.b/ i6«,5Z 6o4.8Z65i.f/694.f77io.f/7Ir.5/7i8.f/77,.3/735.a/77i.5. 773b. B o5plp lufi/vMt ^letylp 5efpje. Co tsfeeawap slinofbinsteLuftes ojbapneiongingea ofwomenwitqcqiibe/652.5. A (gapnft ^atJt«ff€/1?pt.g/5 47.3/352.8. i^8be#85neffe/488H. popfon qurtfull to J^an/anbfipIIetb tqe 5007/420.5. 4M.a/425.8/43°.8/43i.5/433.b/438.q/ 447-8/ 448.6/ 45r.8/452.t/768.8, Biacbe HIOachM commpng out of ftripes ojbeatpng/ 227.e/235.C/238.i/249.g/i62.r/270.g/273.5/30,fi-- -h, f 365.CZ3*3,ft/384.5Z398.5Z555.nZ559.nZ 620.1/6J -, >■ 638.m/689.e/73 ,e. Case awap ajterftes tDitq qoate irons/4rr.e. Cafeeawapajjarftesof tqe fmallpocftes anb 332.1. flPun5tftetqe^rtfr{r/304.5/3£4.5/33s,a/676, Co tlofebp tqe ^atrirzi 52.bZ779.a/b. } A Table o-cl ^momctfemtbeflpatw/^.az^b. _ Olaftingcsanbwinbineffcoftbej^atrtr oj fi^otqcrz 48.3/233.m/3°}g/363.b. >u ^goobfoitq^papncoftbeJl^stii^oimotbcr/^b/ip.b 33.b/i6,5/7a.f/'*:.b/i27.C/i9i.b/J29.a/38^g/44?.e/45o. aZ65-.c/7;2.5. . ftettelltbeil©3trieeinbisnaturallplacetqatisrifen 0Ut/I8:.b/^4.a/676-t/685.a/7o».f/746.l/779.3 ftuffocationoftbeftcanglingof tbe fl^otqcrof j^a* tri2J/*i.8/i<7.fZ270.b/i7«.C/294.8/-J99.5/jo6.Vio6.g/ 50-7 e/?;8.e/?8}.n.607.D/6i9.g. ^ -f oiftopping o>b3rbueffeof tqe Sfcotqer op $J#atrtr/ «9 C/ici;b/i/i58.5/3'5»b/U7.g/!3«.i/345.C/346.C/38o.b/ 388.c/493.b/e/5oi.a/>^9.a/558.a/e/64*.e/66o.e/69r.g. agapnft ^elanci)qlic/u.a/i9,3/84.cZ'48.ez229»cZ24i. az 260.8. \ Member© tqatatewaren5eab/69t.e. *$ollifie qarbe anb ftiffe jj£em5er0/*9*.e/739.«. ' ftb^tnbmg of anp $D£emberZ327.8Z69i.f. Co warmc all colb partes of flgembersz262.f. ftwollcns3pemberS/9;.g/v8.b/?24.bZ*63. bZ 171.CZ 382.5/ l9.C/!99.8/4°2.5/403.a/4' 6.8/407.8/401.8/409.5/493. C/538.8/5Co.5/599.l/602.e/lt/«2 4.e/tf77.3/63r.e/ 7i6.f/ 7»7.b/7 >*.b/7 47.8/748.8/; 6i.8/77i.e/776.q/778.e. Agapnft qoate anb qarbe impoftemes of tbe fl&offeet/ ' «i.8Z 37-b/ 443.f/ 498.8/ 576.g/ 582.e/ ,84.e/ 69»/f/ 773.C. • 4*t[ fop tqertfing5p of tqe 3#otqet/549.8. Cofteepeclotbanb garment from #&Ot&C0/6.tZ89.c/ 1*6.5/2 43.5/673.8/7? s.e. 3fgapnft tbe ol5 blcers anb greeuances of tbe ^Otit0/ u.5/^.5/48.e/83 •3/84.CA<.5/86.C/9}.t/'ro.b/117.8/5.Z i33.CZqZi39.5ZiSr.CZ»72.8Zi84.f/223.f/»27.c/2j6.e/379.gZ " 34J.8/?54.ft/5o3.5Zn7.5/607.5/6 6i.8Zlcc5itigZ33.5/75 e/99.e/ioi.czi3o,. C/5 53. f/7°4.8. agapnft ^5c!ircfie/r,4.8/ii9.8/i48.b/238.5/305, limgea 27.3. &M$t clammp ficamcanb tqicftequmours/365.8/371» 8/74'.8. ^urge 5p 5*ine/39'.a/399.8/5? 5 s. # urge women after tbeir beitueranre/i 6 2 ,f. #urger8we anb groffe fleame/3i«.a/33i.a. $uegeqoatecbolertquequmours/i6o.b/239.8/196.8/ r|j!!?<3/3,27.f/329.5/361.8/363.8/3738/371.8/386,8/396.8/ 3?-9.8/«<:6.8/6 97.8/7 *r.8. f&ur|geb08temeulcqoIpqumottrs/i3*.e.i3ff.b/j52.i/377 1&urjgc cqoler 5otb bpwar5eanb bownewar5e/6i8.a.' ^urgeopftegebownewarbe/ 34.8/6 . az 148.8/ i94/.8Zioi.3/j 14.3/117,6/2 9.5/196.a/^oi.b/;!".• ?'i^8Z3S2.8Z|/i67.8Zj86.C/5Z646.8. '/ p,f !1'' ft Dgrre oimaOncffecaufcb 5? tb,zbiting Of a mab 5oggc 108.5. Co bpll i^affcc 8n5 g$pce/}48.g. #abeto Haue/8n5ma5/448.e/45i.8 3|8pnft ftauiitiT/ojfrenfte/23o.i/3to.5. 0gfttfbt 8m8n/684.a. jaapnft fu5til Heumtg an5 r8tqarres/433.5z53o f fop au ftupft!CC0/87 .a/vide B urflinges. ft Agapnft tunning anb fpjeabfctg §fabbeo a no foics $o.8/347.b/^82.bZ4n.C/42«».5/455.cZ469. 5Z479.5Z ji8.C/f5i.C/559.g/607.5/624.e/ 647.q/ eei.eZ 687.5/ 700.C/ 7J».g/7i9.r/754. CZ763. e/766.5Z77n5Z775.5. jjlpttftftfabbesojftcttrtttneffez 27.5z »o.5z i38,q/ i6i,0/3iO.C/322.C.352.b/3 7*.bJ/386,5/396Jb/4oo.8. jgapnftScliatQinff witqfpjeA.deBurning. 2tt^^Ciatfta/«.8/i5 5/i8.8/64.t/65.3/ 8?.b/ 114.8/ s U9.8A32.ft/!62.q/299.f/j0j,e/jo4.C/3o8.3/f/3i9.C/336.e 34^8/352.8/355.5/367.469.c/Her.f 530. a/ 6i3.o/6i8.ez 6l0.1Z624.f/6i8.5/633.5/63r.8/b/666. C/68o.b/7jo.3, }t>pnftftingingof5co?piou0/i9.a/ 6*.5z «3.8Z Mt.g/ ij8.a/i6o.a/r65.3/*94.C/235. 5/238.8/261.5/270.c/305,0/ }4,.e/346.b/427.455.3/532.8/559.5/Sfi5.e/573.f/622.c/ #89.8. jaapnftwbiteneugbtie^cutumcffe/rro^/joi.c. I^ugbticwbiteft curuineffe of t1iebea5/3o5.5/331. m/ *J«t.b/365.5/4fl9.b/479.b/492.fZ550.b/62o.l/-38.l/64o. f/647.t/649.iZ66o.f/ 637.5/ 734.C/749.f/754.CZ759.5. rjgqtie 5cueffe/o? Cetters of Spen / ft qeepez anb li"l?0?f«/757.b. Jfeapnft tqefoulc ftcurffe/tetter/ gaule/ anb fcabbes/ !r4to.b/454.m/5i8^/535.b/6io,tn/ 687.1/ 7*9.r/ 73r.8Z 7J2.C/T/757.b. Sggpnft tbe bpiz ft curfle anb mangineffe/2 81. q/ 30 5.5/ Jio.t/329,CA6i^/374.i|/377.C/383.l/454.m/5i8.e/f/53o. e/i5«t/5S9.f/j99.m/638.n/S47.iZ458.aZ763.e/778.e. *3«&&c of generation/vide j&ature. ; Colniueawap.3BerpCHtC0/75.5z 2 99.gz 307.5Z 38>.fz *" «!4.e/<*9i.f. ' l|8pnft tqebittng 0ifterpentes/io^/i5.b/x28.e/29.8Z iK.8Zi84.bZioi.g/236.3/242.8/258.b/26i.a/ 281.8/ 291*5/ »94.f/296.8/3oi.e/ 380.CZ 406.8Z 52".e/ 554.5Z J69.5Z 6:oJB/65*.b/679.b/69i.f/74V.b/755.a/7*3.C. Co bjineawap tlie §eramDme/oi sfterbtrtq/r*3 .5/229, . 8.2}2.a/23«.b/^S3.8Z258.5ZbZ262y.f/i65.8Z 26s.aZ285.8Z •*^87.5/299.5/303.g/304.5/3H..5/3i9.5/382.f/538. g/580. *f/6i?.C/6i6,3/624.5/638.p/640,q/66o.C/643.8/766,8. ioitqe, falling 8ichcBeiTiVi4.5/3 5.r/ 37bz 83.ezr48.5z JP#.5/23o.i/2|2.e/28i.5/«83.C/i9i.g/,o7.eZ 308.8/315.C/335.8/338.C/34l.8/347.8/375.b/377.C/382.5/ $01.8/52 o.f. Igamft titz falling fticfteneffe of poung cqfl5jen/i7 i.g ftp tbe ereoiiatione>gopng of tqejfehmneof tb,zU* rr etc par tes/767.8Z7 7 5.5. to mabe blifters anb b oles in tbe ft ft innez 415. e/420.3 L Co ttte swap barbe ftainne of qanqesojfeete gotten 8pl8b0ttr/744.5. 8ot»gq»efleofr^eftftfnnez 348.5/ 352 Ji/ ?6»<5/396.5/ l506/5/7W.r/749.f. Make a man ouermucbe Slcepe/'64.1.3. 4v ■0piouofte s quiet ft leepe/i4|,ezi8i .qz»7i .tZ413.8/5/ R/b/e/b/t/435.0/438.C/f/45o.f/573.C. } jr8*tbemtbat8re5erpftl«pie/3ro,5. j * tntftopt tqe Smelling being loft/27 9.f. ^ „, ! B€0p!i0U0fte.»5n^l,^4o2.C/6r9.g/64|O.g, v be t5OjtC0/9.3/w.5/x6.'g/24.*/ 7l-5/ *».*/ n$,5/>i$.£' " i1/$tfi.b/687.e ud Dangers. fop fpltqp fretting rotten ft 0**0/21.5/17.5/32.1/44.0' e/50.5/56.C/68.C/83.C/g/86.C/i97.a/rr5.e/ 128.IZ'223.6/ 294.e/5i5.C/3i2,fZ333.5/36r.5/437.CZ469.5ZJ54.5/555.a/ 599.m/602.q/64.9.e/690.b/737.a/745.f. Cobjptjpfto^csanbapoftttmations/fixj.b. ^plmtero Cbotnes. ■% Cattfe to Suit bloob/348.f. ^arbneffe of tbe 8p!ene/vide $$Qii. fop b ulneffe op qeauineffe of.SfritffltaA.e/ «i4.c/vide Cocuretqe6dUMjanrt/ ?oj.ixw|Ej?7?. oz 599. q/ 636.eZ6e6.rzvideftwelltngintqccb;iote. 'ffo/^6%^ ?£ifr/J^pi87'ft/l8/a/"7.f/329.C/23o.3/24r.n/ 269.5/ »85.8/4o8.5/446.b/5a7.5/520.5/ 511.8Z 536.8Z 559 C/ 58^/66,.q/665.C/682,CZ696.5/698.5/725 5 H*-" COOieafteanb otiticfoojtbt^ 1425 194.5/232.8/251. a/287.8f|8^a4o.a/i4i.f/}o5.q/,r4.a 409.5/449.f/5io.5Z520.5/5^/565.8/594.5/599.f/6oS, 8Z608;8Z609.5/625.8/« rtf.CZ 641tg/»665.5/ 669,8/5,- 674.8/679.c/689.f/7»4.5/72i.C/74i.C/775 3, ^ttrtfuito tbe §romarhc/j.f/348.,e/395.b/ *« J/S'JSa»?//0mf0?t '*£ *tomacfteA34.5/»i7.3 11,fc;a/,Il,8/,£?-8^ff7.I/29i.5./3or.C/3i4.5/336.5/354. ^^ c 7°8,t,/:'?,-d/f/ ™*a/ 739.f/767.fc^ *.!?£? p8//"C °(T^c*^«»acftez6.8Zni.ezi3*.5Zi38.^ ^ojtqe 5oplrng 8tt5 wangling oftlje ft tomsrite /e.*f a7t773^ ^oitbeinflatnmation oftbeft^omacftez7.p/36.8Z841 i8i.eZ444.bZ564.b/5«5.5/573.5ZS7<.8Z6r7.5Z 6-»T,S 681.CZ702.8Z706.8Z726.8. ' ' Co W8rme tbefttom8cftez196.5z354.5z503.8Z600.8Z6 8/7C4.e/73j.8/f. Corefreflietqe qoste fttomacftez 38.3/ 274.8/ 33? <63.8Z587.8Z589.8Z094.CZ7Oi.8/7o6.8 "* againft colb winbineffe 9 blsftinges of tb,e ft tomac 4J.5/127.5/271.8/175.8 *96.8Zi98.8Z336.CZ337.8 '6ol 6t3.eZ636.C/^9f.5/763.f. Co.fttengtben tbe wesftenes 9 ouercafttng of tb,z ft: m3cbc/4e3.5/5^.a/a46.5/652.c/e/662.c/704.5/^,. 7 = 6.a/732.3/f/739.f- 7 7 " Ouerturnetbcfttomaefte/739.g, 45ngenber winbineffe in tbe ft tomscfte/ 488J/ 7 . 7 34.8/7 3 9. f. ' Comfort tbe moutb of tqe ft tomacfte/ 608 5/ 7c 7-8.5/7«.b/73i.a. ' Co purge tbefttomacftefromffe8nfe/354.5. Clenfe tbe ft tomacfte/550.3. againft Sfingiii^ of Bees 8nb wafpes / 146.0/ ,*x 5/ 582.q.s84.g. ** ^' \U9' agapnft§tranffutic/oj5ioppiffc/r4.a/i5.8/3<.5/i * 99.b/n|'3/283.5/«84.0/i85.a/287.3/289.8/ 3«9.8/33 344«8/)45.5/408.5/50i.3/5i4.5/5i8.5/522.8.<5E>).a/ 6o9.8/6i4.5/6i8.8/625-.3/6j6.c/ 657.I/ 676.5/ - 75o.8/765.f/768.f/775,5. ^jouofteanb csufe 6ttJeafinff/,8.g/84.8/152.5/1, s 28r.f/299.n/3oi.5/34i.5/533.5/«i3,f/7i8.e. agapn(talqar5neffeain5 6ttJ?lUnfTC0/44.8/7o 3/35 5/499.C/65i,fe/658.8/739.ft/745.f/755.5/775 5* ag8inft8llboateftwelltnges/io4.c/io7.c.i4r 5/379 & * 4i5.ft/433.b/435.a/438.5/4»8.8/525.C/5|7.C/J$5,5/<8ti/ 638.0/738.8/775.5,- »«.w>». .ir Co Oiffoltte anb 5jeafte al col5e anb qarbe ftweUmg' r i89.8/i96.e/i97.5/2i7.e/235.e/247.f/25J.5/ 7 ' 3o3.C/3O4,t/306.q/3o7.f/308.e/374.q/454. S/f +6o 46i.3/47v3.C/493.C/49*.a/613.b/63i,8/636.f/7IP v■' ' ag8inft col5 ftwellings/3.g/83,c.«Kp^st9 g .3T }96,5z$i8.8ZS82.fZ584.5Z024.C/638.o/64o,5/73i - 747««. 7t? «^ AT,! >le ci the Natii i< f ojailjbwelllngcs about tqeftegc op fcutumcffe/fi.c/ vuic^inbamcnt. .. Co tafte cwap bmtf n'(r/c87 ,i, jFo^barbncffcanbfljjincfttng of Suieroes/i. a/71.5/ >87.c, i9j,.f 1J%.i/23°.b/2-2.c/jd6.b/5o7. 8/311. a/ 519.8/ V9.f/4.:4.5™3.5/454.C/5*7»8/649.5. (goob fo^biawingtqaftinges zattnacbe of ftinewesz i&5/i99.f/:o* 1/3^8/^5.8A,75.5/5rt.3/57i.C/744.5. |5tfiieo*fweUin^s"offtinewcs/i8.5/;it.b/3io.a/327.l> Co fof ten ft in ewffc StMp. c. Co iopne ftmeweVgKttber tqatare cut/26t.c/57».c. Caufe to bjaw anb fljfmft e tqe ft inzvozs into tqe 5obpz 348.iZ35^p/483.b. Co appeafe tqepapne of tqe SftJC/m, f/ i6>.a/ J2».c/ . ,,35?.e/i6*.q/?oi.8Z307.gZ333.CZ}4i.8Z}6 5.8Z5o'.8Z53°.8/ \ 55$.q/ 604,8/ 6o».5/ 609. 5/ 649.5/ 747.5^ 743.3/ f 74?.q. Co 5jp tqemopft v§t omacKe/4S8.b/*38,g/«87.c. c T05eautifiean5 clenfe tbe Ceetfj/iK.fzerj.e. sjjpafeefaft loofe CeetbA .5/8tf.5A^7.5/i64.c/?i5.e 576.i/ote/454.f/o/4S5.b/7i8.f -japnft tbcrougqneffcanb qo8rfeneffeof tqe Cqjotez 5).n4i3A48.C/694.8. *.. esanb inflammations of tqe Cqjote/»2.5zzp.5z 93. ,'ijo.b/ 14'.C/ 236.C/ 272.q/ 3"6.S/341.5/354.B/607.8/ *y.5. ' tbeXOOtlj aCh€/3i.5A3.C/5«.5/8?.8/86.5/»3.f/fio.e/ ^iXJ.t/tzy.f/ 299.q/ 3o:.6.e/7o.b/i94.q/,96.5/i97.8Z2n.CZ»55.5Z268.f : .1/307, f/3i*.5/*44.b/;83.a/454.ft/46o.b/46 9.C/5i4. 82.q/62i.f/tf3qcm tbat are ftefceof eating of ^O&cftoote0/599.i - Cqainptons. " j^S/wdc ftweliinges ano^rapoftamations. i i m ftt^gttcmouoft)otofbartesan5 8rroweszio5.p/, ^-.V3i5.5. He'uzawapfllenemousbeaftes/ 7-.o/ i3o.f/ 234.5/ **.*.£/ 258.C/ 279.5/ 3->X#/ ?8<>.f/ 6*o,n/ 638.5/69i,fZ V r.tmft tsienome bj onben op eaten/ • .0/6.1/1*7 .f/107.5/ 7.C/i8t.a/^68.8Zz65.eZ)]».5Z5;6.5/6 5i.f. -bating of ofpers/fnsftes/f benemous besftesz .q/*8,e/3KCZ5Vaz>7.8/89.8/ u>.5Z i94.t/*d6.3/i!:%e/234.b/t3J.8/24«. 3/248.8/252.5/ i fi 0 .IZ268,5/279.C/i8/,8Zi8 J .CZj 97* 5Z|w.eZ3os.p/ 3o6.f/3i4.3/3)f.5/333.8/t44.8/4O9.C/438.eZ454.e/50ilf $07.c/5io.g/5i5.C/$;3.f/5«9.8/6oi.f/604*C/.«i3.8/6i* u/ - 6^.5/612.C*^.b/6)8.Cy 042.C/ 646.g/ 649.C/ 66j),5/ «77.f/704.f/735.C/74}.C 2>#ue awapt^entofitito anb winbineffe/^i.a/287, c/ 296.8 • j engenbecwmbc8anbtoentofitics/473.a/474.8/43o,f .?94.3/349.8/64i.8/*V«.i/eV.P/7,8.a. Cofteepeclotq anb gaTmentsfrom ©etmfaC/«.i7£4j,5 Co clenfe anb munbif je olb rotten ® Icrra/i23.c/u7.q/ 29Q.l/3".b/3i5.e/322.8/'352.5/3i.5/454.g/448.g/6i6.5/ Ms,V 687. ezft. 73».<>/ 739-i/ 75°>b/ 766.5/7»t,q/ 773-f. L jFojneweviaicerS/44ibZ!8?.ft/756.a/757.8. Colofean5cute cofrtsttpt fpltqpUlcers / videftojes/ 28.C/ 44.5/e/4«. b/V 5«.C/64.b/68.8/7o.5/ird.a/ii7.e i84.g/i94.5/iri*'S/b'l35.q/258.f/28i.e/i?4.c/325.8/3i8.i 332.n/33f.C/388.8/444.8/448.b/4S4.n/5a9.e/<9. e/68i.b/690.b/6pff.a(/7oo.8/737.b/773.b. V\P ^oate fleets in p^iuicplaces 0?, partes/48.b/53,8Z86.e 69.f/i33.e/i46.5/66i,a/ videjimpoftumes. fop tbe befpje of ^own'ft/vide f^arbiafte. fcefpje of liomtte b|on tbe fea/j 39.8. Co caufetaomite/ 8n5 caft out cafplp flpmie flegmes/ anb cqoleriquequmottrs/ri5.g/n9.c/2 r.8/m>a/ „(, g *3i.a/292.i/3r9.e/33ip.a/3tfi.aV372.a/59'?.o/697.a/765,b/e/ 669.8/5/ «74.8/ 676.5/ 689.f/7n.5/74°^/749.g/75o.8/ 7*3.8/ 7«5.f/7M,"t/ 77r.8/775.8/b/778.ftZt. JDifficultie ojftopping of airine/i .a/i8.b/5o.e. 53 y V&tfeogrowing about tqe Jlarbeanb fecrctplsrej •76".b. wartes taftC"awapz«r»b/gZ229.gZ23s.5Z304.ez3«i.bZ4to,| 7I9.t/744.5, Cbepapnefulimafting of n^afer/28j.a/44<. 5/*i3.a. agamft bombing-of corrupt ftinfting nougqtie water/ 23i.f/638.f, fop U^caleo comming of tqoler anb bloob/j:jr.f/ «6j.f/ 7i9.r. Corefretq tt&cav?members/j46.c/«89.b. Cqat trauelers u)8llnot 5e tiPearpzixJi^i.i. fopth,zliPilOe fr^e/n.s/<9.e/137. cvid«ft. antonies fpie; '' jV Biting of «atlbe5eaftesZ482.5. 1 fop tqeftjo^tneffe of il^iu^ie/vide Bje8t|/2.a/i8.a/io.l/ 217.5/243. a/389, c/391.8. <%o biffolucblaftinganb tipinbtneffe oftiiebelip/185.5/ >20.5/*o6.C/4p8.b/6c9.3. f op V&itcltfng/ vide Cncbantements. ftopV&Qtnmvoitb, cbilbe giuen to bomft/*5». 8. C^ufeitDomen to qaueeafiebeliueraneeof cqilbe/i99.b 4f43.e/676.b. Crj purge anb clenfe w omen after tqeir beltuersnce of cqilbe/6i6.a, JD«Biget?8us fo> women witq cqilbe/33 «• p/383.pZ|?9.l/ -■3«t«t/4i*.eZ6i8. ^Uoabeireopo?ojmes/7«0.5/74J.r/7'3'f/777'fc' c Vertue,and Dangers. kfftttfe women to 5e fettfl an5 get cl>pl5ienZ2 52 .e. wfeing bownc womens natural ficftneffezi ;.b jiiiifc women wbicqe are to mucbegraueb witb barb #d perilous trauell in cqilbc bearing/ 146.1/158. 0/ jr ,5/«i.0/39i.5. ,, onfirmetbenaturst place ofconccptio of women/ .^ mabe tqem apt to receiuecqtlbjen 514. t seepc llfraimDco from inflammation/138. b/144.*/ W|Jo4.5/5io.C/555.bZ56i.b/584.5/633. a/645.5 ^j.f/7U.CZ5/7a6.bZ737.bZ745.5Z752.8ZfZ768.gZ772.C 773.8/7-75.C. -^ jfoiaiftinbe of wounbes msoewttq fiz* Jmwttcb at ^nttoerpe/bp Henry LdeBookeprinter,and are to be folde at London in Poyvels Churchyarde, by Gerard Devves. f3ole!&ee5e £*nc Be coc Jnbian l&ccbz ftu gar l&eebe Siecoe graffe Heft barrow The Table. it4 ftcarawle 594 (gumme ftaecoiic t5i5. SurldOies fteale o*ftig* Tellowftuccojte tbib net 384 ftebeftens 7*2 ftulpqerwurt ibib. ftelfebeale 133 ftenuie619 ftumac 515 wqiteftenuie tbib. ftumaeq 669 ftcne 376 ftcngreenen4 Cotters ftumach Ucubarbeot «babarb8 3i8 ftetfople Baftarb i&cubarbc 43 fterpentes tongue iRbamnus 696 ftcfeli ©lacfec Wibcs 683 ftefeli of Canbie Common Eibes tout, ftctwai/otftpbwal Etgbtftcolopcnbiia 4^8 ftqarewurt Rife 4*' Iftbepn5erie0697 ftbeapberbf purfe Garben op tame anb gentili ft ingle leafe ]&och8t622 Eocftatibib. fthtrwitrootes 569 Cumeps 594 563 Curfan 01 parse leaues 6« 298 Cwapblabc 224 «73 Cpmeac 229 692 i&unmng Cvme i3« ibib. wtlbCime 16. Cpmbza230 water Eofe IRofetree 430 Cpnetlttofe Wilbe Eofe wbite Eofes flftufbe Eofes JDamaffte Eofes Eofeofpjomnce Eofe Campion wilbe Eofe Campion Eofcraarp 181 Eofe 655 tbib. ibib. ibib. ibtb. ibib. 3« 81 r78 605 ftftirwurt ibtb. ftleepmg £igqtQ85e 447 ftiootree 721 (garben ftmilajt .474 613 721 23 180 395 330 4'4 ibtb. tbib. 191 r).3'7 95 716 si 18 86 r;Erat wilbe vHalerid 34° ^ nail Barlep. $04 wallflowers 151 walnut / anb walfqe nut tree 731 walwojt 380 Cbe leffer watercreffe 61$ watcrferne 4°* water fp the »°« 84 ILeatbcr ftumaeq 135 flqleatc ftumaeq 181 Jnbian ft unne 184 ftwallowurt 340 ftwtnefrreffts ftpcomctictree C Tanfie x wtlbc Canfie Camarifk 677 Cares 486 wartwurt 361.363 Carragon 613 wap Bennet 504 -fullers Ceafell 522 BittermztckzopGtB 4** Ccttcrwurt 31 Bafe op flat TOeruapne 127 &un5ic5 5e85e5Cqiftel5t9 wilbeCttetcbe 484 ft tar re Cbiftel 521 wecbewtnbe 394- Carbc Cbiftell 521 IDpersweebc 68 jDur Jtabics Cqiftel 525 tjflpapweebe 186 (globeCbiftel 526 wtn5weebe 394 Cotton Cqiftel tbib. wettbc opwetrqes 483 ,- Ote Cbiftel ibtb. wqeateanb of all qis kino ftopqian7ftoope«Don335 wbite cotton Cbiftel ibib. 453.455457. 717 wilbe wbite Cbiftel ibib. Cowwqeate 559 fttluer Cbiftel tbib. £)rewqeatei ibt5. Carline Cbiftel 530 Cppbewbeate ibtb. Bleffeb Cbiftel 533 Bearbcbu. beate tbib. wtlbcCbiftels 535 ftpeltwbeate tbib. CoweCbiftell ibtb. Jlnbtanwqeate tbib. Uougbmilfte Cbiftel 565 wbiteroote 143 Cbe tenber op foft milfte xrbttewurt 2 Cbiftel ib. Cql8fpi6i8 nrqittCtree76iwqoitS67i 629 wb02tel beries ibi5. 697 wbpn 669 |2>etp wqpnib ftmpjjtium Cat ft lofe 9 ftnagges ftnafceweebe ibib. ftnapbiagon 158 ftolbanclla 159 ftowbtrab 164 ftonncbeaw Libanotis Eofmarie 279 Hofe Bape tree 430 ftojbe apple tree" Eofen tbat romctb oat of ftotrcl tbe pine anb I3ttcbc of (great ft oiecll trees 77s Eofcwttrt34* ftbecpesftotrell Aue of tqe garben 161 ftmall ftotrcl WtlbcEue ,63 wstcr ft opt ell Joatesmue 490 ttoptzfboptzl gucof tbe wall 409 ftoulbtcrsperrow Baftes . 511 ftoutb»enwoob BulUufliotpanierrttfliib. female ftoutqtfwoob ib. CanbpCblafpi Eufteanolc tbib. (greatftourqfenwoob tb. BuchcCbotnc 164 fbib. 457 4.5« 458 464 IOJ 19 #8t0*frapleEuflje tbib. ftmalftoutq£enwoo5 tb'. wnbeEuibe 672 i»pe459 ftowfcnill 298 ft •affron J17 )Baflarb ftaffron 33 flpebe9wilb ftaffron 367 Wilbe baftaerb ftaffron 531 ftagapenum 306 ftageaofbtscffmo Cage 151 ftageoQerufalem 125 Wftob anb wilbe ft age 253 ftaligot 536 Cbotncbtoome wbttcCbo^ne Cboinc grape Cbotneborc ftowtbiftel 565 ftpamfbbtoome 666 ftpamfbotcanarpfe5e46 5 Blacke Cbojne ftpearwurt 340 Cbotowware ft ingle ftpelt 458 ftpeltotfteta 455 ftperage 474.6 4 ftperbawbe berbe 567 ftperwoit425 ftpter5'4 . ftptheanDliauender 265 . Salomons feale 103 ftpinacbe 556 ft tone bartes Cogue 406 ftaltwo^t»6 ftapier 578 Broabe op large ftplene* Congue berbe 675 ftanamnnba 134 voopt 406 Congucwott tbib. ftanideoj ftaniftell 139 Wilbe op rougb ftplcne* Congue blabe tbib. WOM407 ftpoonewo^tiis Congue Laurel 67* ftpourgewo^t 196 Cojcqes no ftpourge anb of ail qis water Coicqe 513 ftinbe 361 ftpurrie 56 Cionu?til 84 Coinefol 61 Cbotowlcafc Cqjotewurt Spurge time JDogges Congue I?ounbes Congue ft becpes Congue »37 ibib. *7« 363 n ibib. 9 ib. 497 15s »57 74 39? 74* 39« 623 6 63 Cqecommonwqpn 698 wtlbepellow lotus 681 Sweete Williams C 4ffron 217 ftpamfbbtoome 666 Cbotneborc 700 wilbe Williams OBaflarb ftaffrOtt 22 &\namfh niranar«rrhc.i.6< Blacke Cboinc 771 Willow berbe witbpwtnbe witbpo? willow woobbine woobjowe z op woobpo* wel 540 woobfotel 50) woobwaren 667 woolfes clawe 414 wo^me graffe 114 wojtmwoob 5 £eawo}mw305 tbio. ILauenberwotmwooO * J&arrowe Jrauco voopmz* woo5 ibib. wullepn no B^ouncwurt" 44 £>.13etcrswurt ibib. , wpbowbple 369 ibib. Stlacncrupt ?5l 501 menus batijojBafon s,z 49 2aenusbearc^o95aen'6 5r 495 SicruapncoHasruepn 117 ibtb. Citolcrs I+8 496 5Jql8rcbelliolet tbib. 89 Wilbepellow Crefopl 497 dBarncfee^iiolets lix 36 $ot«e5 Crefople oi cla^ ,1D8maffteliiolets I5t5m fttrawberteojfttrswberp fl^efuesCurbitbtapfi8365 B^anbe^lrfine 5,^ ftcojpionwurt «3 piant85 iLoufeftrife 74 ftcrapionsCurbitq 364 3Doucqe5^8ncft definesia fttu5wurt 5°3 Curftifbco^ne 464 ^ 05arbcnftucco?ie 563 Curftie. m Great ft an tele 140 ftatapias ft ones 222 ftarcocoll 3k ftarrafines Comferp 141 ftarrafines confound tbid. ftarption 225 $aftarbftatpt>ion 215.116 ftquill3 646 ftquinat5" CowneCreffes fttacqis 257 Cowntftars '^^L^ivK in.iio ftt&nbelwo^t 211 Bafe Crefopl iacb^ftpjianftarptio 225 (£unucqcfttabcrgtaffcii4 fteaCrpfolp Cb>eele8ue5ftatp^ion22 5 fttan5ergr8ffe 222,225 Common Crefople featpiio ropal 0^noble 126 fttannewott 80 fj^ebowe Crefople ftaweeSumacq 692 fttarreofl^terufalem 167 ftweetCrefople damn tree 766 (golben ft tecbabos £omm6garbfftauotte?i8 fttarrewurt ftomer'ftauo?ie ibib. fttiebwurt v^intzt ftauo^ie , 230 fttone-bteafte ftauee alone 639 (greatftonecroppe ftartfrage «86 ft tone bote Golben anb wbite ftari- ftto^ftesbpll frage 288 ftcabtous 109 fttrangleweebe ftcabwo?t 336 fttrangletare ft trawbene tree ftraleferne ftcamonie3>- ftcotptonwurt ftcotpton feco^ptoibes 408 rn 53 fbib. ibib. $'ymJfciCtu 7* €•< A Table wherein is conteyned the Nature, Vertue, and Dangers,of al the Herbes,Trees,and Plantes,of the which are fpoken in this prefent booke, or Herball. wie* i i~*u ^°P^^«e *&"* ftomfow>mg/t4.c Tg Ojawea^aptbc»t«wrtl|/videfteronwnf. Cbeinwar5efcuruincffeo^urtoftbe^!aober/,rt • Co5iawe50wrtetqeafterbirtq/victc oeabCqilbe. c?eeruleerationo>rawneffe of the Bl355et/ <£'£ fop tbe 5t(jue/3.q/i8.c/ 59.5/115.9/133.5/143.5/157.8/ 722.C/768.5. >0',0/ 170.3/187.5/30, .s/329.8. l7urtfulltotbeBlabbtr/258.i. jfot tbe tertian ague/n.c/59.a/6r.c/64.5/83.8/93 .e/99. CZ118.IZ133.0/411.3/501.5. ^oj long colbe agues/otjfeuers/287.5/301.5. agapnft olbeagues/399.b/777.ft. Co engender op caufe agues op feuers/ 397 .eZ7 24.8. Co quencqetqetqtrfte of qoate agues/683.5. Co btiuc awapibakinges 9 ttnuertngs of agues/302.8/ 3c'5.0/3o6.e/3r5.C/39i.C/6i9.f/636.C. f :fbift.HinfOiuc0fp;c/ojwtibefpje/i9.e/io.a/38.8/5o.a 99.g/io4.C/"5.e.i?7.e/i44.c/ior.g/117.5/17.6.f/319.f/ J55.C/4«.C/433.5/444-8/446. a/488. t-Z 535.5/546.5Z $64.e/573.5/57£.b/593.g/*33.n/656.C/663.5/681.5/ 686.5/737.3/7 <#.q/77«.c. Corefto|,eanbc8ufegoobHlppCftfc/3or.c/48r.gZ5o3.8Z 573.b/577.m/597-3/6oo.5/605.3/606.8/614.8/619.8/ 636.8/640.8/68r.l|/682.C/684.3/704.c/73i.g/739.f. *0^ the Hp0p!f»lC/i78.8/287.5/306.3/375.5/381.C. Co toingtbeirfpescqe8g3pne to tqemtqat are taken witq tqeapoplcrie/i87.f/3io.b/7lo.g/747.e fop tqe falling 5owne of tqe XtfcQUtU/iy ,t/ni.b. againft euil tnfectcb WyitQJioi.b/ 287. e/297.3/299.8/ 335.kZ704.8Z7i8.qZ763.5. B J^nes of tljeBcllr/35. b/]7i.f/117. b/ 230.6/235.a-240.bjn/i50.8/261.q.f 271.5/173.3/175.8/ »8i.8/183.8/185.b/i87.C/296.5/i98. 8/301.8/317.3/317.8 329.8 '338.8/380.3 403.8/466.8/504.3/ 520.5/ 533.b/ /77.n/599.q/6o5.c/6c8.b/639.ft/646.b/707.i/732.5/ ^763.8. Cokpllan5fpoplc wplbean5 tamc^cafrco/asiipen/ ftwine/wolues/anbDogges/*c.4io.5/42i.8/4i5.8/ 417.3/433.8 4?'.3. Co5iiucawap3llbcnemou8Be8fte8/i.c/6,f. igapnft grecnous ^catinjes/vide galles. »99.b/337-3/344.8/599.8/444.b/446. 5Zji4.5>5<4. ay 581.5/613.5/6i6.5/615.8/65i.f/657.e/73i. '"»-»■• W Co coole boatc*&iooD/576.8/672.5/683 a Co ftoppe aliffues of Bioo5/42.8Z9?.5z9'9.8Zn5 azns a 220.8Z276.CZ329.e/450.C/5o5.b/5i7.a/53o.f/J4.o bA-e'c 584.b/642.q/652.b/657.f/660.3.C/66r.C/66l.f/6 7 h/ 682.8/687.8/691.3/707^/708.8/711^/730.5/74/ "2/ 745.3/746.1.767.8/779.8.5. ?^" 9/ CoftancbctqeBloo5ofgreenewoun5es/48 c/e8 a/ 75- C/83.5/r?i. 8/138. C/r44.5/r45.c. C0ft0ppCtbeBl005 0falW0UttbeS/252,5/354.5/4n.5/ 425.5/492.b/504.b/510.C/539. C/540. 5/707.c/7j6'fc/ 745.5/768.g. CopurgeBloo5from3!leoiruptijttmottrs/4oo 3 e foitkz infl8mm3ttonofBroo5/4n.8/672.5/706 3 ' * Coengenoergroffe Bloo5an5bumours/482 g ' Coengen5ergroffe(imclancqolibeBloo5/5S5 rz64is CoengenbereupllBloobZ638.az7i8.c/72r.8/7»7 V againft tqeBloo5pflire/23.s/3?.a/-.r/75.8/81.8/83.8/ 84.5/80.8/90.8/9?.b/99.a.b/ror.8/io 4.5/107,5/ m.r/iif 8/117.8/120.8/138.8/145.8/182.8/199.8/106. 8/150.3/,,, I 329.8.f/345.8/466.8/487.5/j<9.C/65i.a.q/ 7oo.8Z707.5.7i5.aZ72 6.8Z^29.aZ73o.5Z732.eZ739.b/ 746.g/77r-3/776.f/7~8.8/779.8.b. agapnft tqefpettpng of Bloob op corrupt matter/rs.e/ 33.8/81.8/84.b/99.8/i2i.f/i38.8Zi39.5Zt45.8/230.5.246. c/ ij2.5/258.a.5/i9r.f/327.a/354.C.409.C/4i;.c/454.f/45j.3 52 S.8ZJ7fe.CZ58o.5Z65i.a/677.f/687.8/700.3/708.8/711.0 •73o.5Z744.8/745.8/767.3/7 76.f/778.8/77 9 8.5 Coftop tlizpi^ins ofBloob/5 7.b/8i.a/84.b/93.b/9e.8/ 99.8/138.8/144.8/415. C/5?7.f/o87.8Z744.8Z74j.8Z779.a Caufe topiffeBloob/533.b. tt^obplp luft/vide:fiefl)lp5erp^e. CoftrengtbentbeBo5p/22i.a/n«.a £)5ftruetions anb ftoppinges of tbcBobp/i» a ' Co btffolue clottie op congeleb bloob tn tie B obpZ28.f 86.b/m.b/»33.8/i34.'8Z229.8Zj3:.C/248.C/253.8/262 rZ 273.5/301.5/304. e/333.e/366.c.382.e/384.5/398.5/>38!r/ 63i.a/-'i8.g. agapnft win5ineffeot/bentofitie of tqe Boop/278.8/ 69r.b/702.a. $urtfull to tqeBobp/348.i/397.e. Bofcbco/vide impoftemes. Co ftrengtqen tqe i6oroeHfo/8«.5/,48.C/5ro.8/76i.a. inflammation anb beat erulcetations of tb e B oroclics 0^CntraplCS/iO4.8/r?4.b/495.3/57«.g. Co biffoltte wmbineffeanb blaftinges of tqe Bowels/ 69r.b/763.8. 6.a/3°8.8/3ri.3/33i.q/368.b/ 37 3.b/33i.a/338.b/55o.b/554.e/636.5/64o.g - Co cofott tbeBjapnes/i 41.8Z 2 64.b/2 65.b/i 66.5/279^ 372.5/6S8.C/779.5. Co 5tp tbeB^apnes/779.5. Co warme 9 bpv tbcBjspncs/250.5/3 »2.3/4«o.8/6j8.t. ftlpmicfleamefrom tbeBjapnes/343 .3/348.6. Croubletb tqeBjtapnes/i^.a. impoftemes of tb]zBjapne/775.b. Cocleanfctbetbe%eafr/7i.g/,rJ.3/mD/r?4a/r?0-8/ i34.b/i46.C/i94.5/t29.a/j32,b/2i8.a/272.f/j4i.8/303.C/ 4°3.f/ A Table of the Nature,Vertue,and Dangers. jo4.f/3°6.C/3o8.5/3i5.8 536.5/382.8/432.3/192. 5/ 33.C/ 599.g/«04.8/« 16.C/614.5/630.3/642.5/694.f/ 7C5.b/735. b/77i.b/773.a/'76.b/7735. jpbftruetion oxftopping of tbcBjcaft a. a /31.3/ m. fz 227.8/1-3.a/i 66.6/2 75.b/3o8.a/3ir.a/j 65.a/49».b/6i9.b ^94.b/7ii.8/773.8. fXbeerulcerationso^fwellinges ofwomens Btcaltcs/ 0>p8ppC8/454.i 4 55.C/483.r53i.k/65i.fc/657.5. Co D>pbp womens Btcaftcs/; 19.f. ;foMnipoftumcsoftbcB2.caft/io.b/iio.8/3i7.b/443.e/ 63o.r/6J9.e/65i.b/7o7.g/7i2.8. fo>olbebife8fesoftbeBxeaft/i8r.b/4io.t. agapnft greatpapnes bpon tbcBicaft/<5o.c. Cocure5nnaturalfwellingsofwomCsB^cafts/73o.c Co fteepe mapbcns Btcaftcs fmall/ 4 52.5. Cobcaletbeqar5neffeofwomensBic8ftes/i8.5/24<.g. ^urtfullfottqenttqatareftjoit bpon tbeBieaftZ73i.5. foitbcftjoitneffeof^catlj/i.8/io.5/i5.5/ri9.a/i5i.a/ 194.0/117.a/n9.8/239.c/24i.a/i48.c/i6i.q/i 78.8/283.a 198.8/303.C/306.C/307.8/308.a/3»3-b/3'9.8/311.a/317.8/ 365.8/373.8/382.5/4°2.8/533.5/613.a/619.5/630.8/646. b.7".b/7i8.f/735.b/775.8/776.e. 3gavnft papne inferring of Bieatb/34.8/689.8/735.5. Caufe to baueagoo5 fweete Bieatb/304.8/;32.az779.5 Coamen5ctbefttnckingBieatb/704.e. fotfucbeasare^oMcn/528.8. agapnft fcalbingoi^urntttrjteitqfpieoiwater/ 9.8/ r6.g/:4.5/65.5/i2r.k/i35.5/20i.g/iii.5/388.5/g/5i3.8/ 578.b/54°.8/55i.f 573.5/584.g/593.g/649.k/69o.c/7i5.e 7'9.V755.5/77i.5. f 01 tbem tbat are*&Utffcii oi5iufe5 inwatblp/319. e/ 403.8 A3 8. C. ^ot8UBurftinges/8;. a/IOL5/KI.5/I35.a/146.8/114.5/ 236.8/3i5.5/327.8/443.q/5i4.e/53o.5/54'.8/6o^. 5/649. 5/7*8.r. f ojBurfttngcs of roung cqpl5ien/io4.5/io7.5/i37.5/ l39.C/299.f. C TiDqc8ieCariChcr0/44.5/93.f/i;°. g/322.f/479.c/ x 630.C. Co piouoke^arnall Copulatfon/ano qfnbcr tqe cntt> cementes agapnft it/3 .i. Carnall Copulation z vide fleftjlp 5cfpje. Cobrpop^ac&arrcoopEcumcZ7 4b. jFoifalitngbowneCatdrres oiqumours/93.8/433. b/ 45o.C/53o.f/7ir.b/722.5. ^oipeftilent^arUoiiclc0/fo^es/oi5ot(bcs/ni.c/i48.f/ 707.ll/768.q. fcurtfull to allCaffcll^eo.a. fop fucbe as are ficke witb eating of Cljampfono/ot Cobeftooles/6.c.2«/.c/5o9.i. foitobelpucrtbebcab^rtlUOp/is.f/35.8/163.5/184.8/ 229.8/232. a/136.5/258.5/q/262.f/265.a/268.8/283.5/ 285.8/287.5/194-b/i99.bZ303.f/304.b/3O6.f/3o7.e/308.8 ?i4.5/327.5/33r.C/348.5/352.e/373.C/38i.f/396.5Z438.5Z 48r.8/6i3.C/6i6.3/6t4.5/6 6o.e/76 6.3. Coengenbcrm3leCbil5?en/78.5/i23.cAo6.8. Co engenber female Cbil5t,en/78.5/ii3.c. f 01 Cbplbien troublebwitq tqe crampe/o>bjawing of 8npmembcr/525.c. |Cobpeoicolour^^Ofb'P0pcIlow/697.5. Cobpe op colour Clotbes greene/68.3/697-*. Cobpe 031 col our Clotqes blacbc/7 so .a. jFoitqeColcrilie qum outSA.5/24.5/84.cZio4.a/377- 3/738.8/741.8/775.8. fotColertfteinflammations/i9.e/5o.8/217.5/146.5. fOJtbe^r0l!CliC/34.3/i34.r/rg4.5/r87.5/i46. 5/185.5/ »87.t/355.b/365.a/37s.b/403.8/443.b/52o.5/7o,.3. Co takeaway tbe goob^Olour/ dn5 5iingp8leneflV t"73.e/n4>.5/«5'. f/66o.i/7u.5/7i .f/712.5/715.e. agapnft tqeol5eCougb/i7.cAo.e/7t.g/79.a/itc.8/in.5 no.b,»'4.b/t2 .a/ii".a/»58/a/c/i7i.e/2«3.a/8<.b/3^3. C/; '.a/?:i.3/?«i.e/59 .gZ«ij.8Z«jo.8Z64*.5/64«.5Z«94. 5/73-.b/77i.5Z77-.e. foptkz*£o}MQ wbieqbcontqetoesanbfcetezioi.e/ lo^t/744.5. fop tbe ^rampc/01 oiawing togitber of finewesz^ .n 2|6.3/i8'.5/i9i.5/i9».f/,oi.5/3 i.l/?o*.b/3«'7.3/110.8/ }t9.3/ji2.8/}29.8/44>3.5/5»o.f/528.8Z530.5/>77.n/jl|.8/ «49.b/689.5. 3D A (gapnft tbc^cafciicffc/?90.«/ 5|I.s/ „4.f/ tf2c,q/ *■ »49.k/«»9.C/7i8.0/764.C. Cobbing snb caufe IDcafcncffc/5i4.e/^4o.f. fop tltz ©tfciifcrta/o* 5a0er ous Aire alfo eallc5Z;*9.q\ Cotnakcgoo5©ifTftioiiofmeate/i74.a/!7#.8/287.c/ 1<*I. 5/296.C/30l.C/^;.5/}36.5/$«V.C/«c6.a/6l9.8/62;.5/ ff'4.8Zft?6.8Z.T04.e/7 ;i.g. agapnft tbebptinges ofmab 4?oggf0/i5.r/9;. f' ne.g/ 24«.b/>58.g/i6i.b.i70.f/-s7.b/ 3oi.e/U'5.p/3«7.8/+CJ.0 45A.8/4K2.C/jf4.g/537.C/6^.e/7ii.g/7i9.r/7?,.b. Cokecpeamanfro ©;camtng ^ftarting/.72.t/ j7«.c. (goob fojmclaneoltftett^eamesAio .5. Co caufe qeaup IDjcamesA 4.5Z64<.3/64i.i. Co keepe aman from ©Wuheucflc tbatbap/6,cAi7.a 6«7.f/7'i.e/ Co cure DjonkencffeZi 55.m. CocaufciDionheneiTc/.si.a/^'.a. againft ■©H'pptffr/vMeftttanguria. Co belpetbeii>»opftez6.q/ <.8/,4-.8Zi«.5z 78.8/97.8/ i4'.b/94. 8/134.8/2<» M/p/i««.bAs,>.e/?oj.CAct.k/V' ^O 146.8/247 .a/}M.g/3>s.c/i«\3/'/4.8/168.8/573.8/J79.C 3t°.5/U4.8/-95.8/448.8/j.!4.0/Si7.5/ftCt.f/6 \.t/ 638.g.646.b/66s.8/689.g/7i*.n/74<5.b/7 6 .8, Co flake tqe bellp ofrucq as qaue tqe iftopfic/-4t.q.. Comabewpucs o^mapbens ^ugrjvo qaroe/ 40.5. * ^ojtqemtbatarcqcaup anb Dull/377.C/614.C. FtlD^papne into tbe ^arC0/5P.5/^.c/7?.c/87.c/93.^/ 99.C/i04.CZ.!'7.5/»?<5.g/246.t/J6 .l/i5s>.q/l.l2.e.i5j, C/374.i/4o°.5Z4^3.f/t44.C/4»o.8/4«>^.5/539.5/5$o e/5'" ^/w.f/^.k/'57.e/66' .g/7^.1/750.5 3:mpoftumes5eqin5etbeeare8/Mc.g/444..V/4i4.f/ 5'o.l/58<.5.«?o.C. impoftumes in tbe €arc6/7o.d/93.k/i72.l/3c7.k/288 a 44-4.g.5Z<6.r.649.g. ** (goo5foiruningbloobflioto*,bl8cftcfpottes HBvzb/ t.wuE.:\» •79.8/8i.i/?o«.t/3r..c/3»'.5. ».wi>i.u/ ^OMbepdpnefull blcarebtfpesA.g/229.5/450.3/57,.2, Co bt,me aw8p qawe oipearlc from tbe Cpe0/» 5/ ,*, b/?o5.q/3?i.g.42*.q/4^.5/49c.f/64o.e/.;, L ,-q/2«'« agapnft fiftulas snb blcers in tqe cotners of tbe s?t>en> 5+.aA,4.g/3^4.g/47K8/48£.i/49?.a/6,,.tj/"o t/H i Copiefcruc 4?pesfrom flowpng bowneoffaumoursJ /5J'7.C/24.'.C/444.b/4S0.8/C/4.54.n.58..b/72,5 ' CotabcawsprougbncffeoftbeCpeinowes/^oi- gurtfullfo^dBveoanbftgbt/ M/*™™, ^'(r dfoMbcpspne of tqe«pcs.657.ez«78.8 7 ?* TtB Co A Table of the Nat ure. Co ftop tqe running anb watering oftqcepes/7«s.5. Cofljarpc anb quicken tqe <2pcftgqt/2 4.a/b/3».a^4-: .a 71.5/88.5/2 55.3/2 53.8/16z.5/5/243.5/181.5/196^/303.5 ?o5.q/3o6.i/3o8.g/33'.g/543.f/5io.5/567.5/574.5/597.C 6?o.t/63«.g/t> 40 .e/»4 9.^700.5/705.5. fop 4?neqantme" ts op witcqingzio8.c/m.l/509.5/696.t fop «£pilrpfiC7vide ^allpng fickneffe. Co take awap 811 outgtowpnges in tqefuntJaroenf/ ?°6.]r.354.e. Co/^u*e*B»58ment fallen out of qtsplace/33i.f/ inVAl. f"1"8oftqe5Fun5ament/375/»7'.e/354.5. ^,l?!Cc,,appcs/ tlfte6/ snbfiftttiasof tWtt»b* ment/j„.8/«w.e/700tC/775.c# H J 8* FOitqerebncffe of tqe tract f+^t/n.t. Cotakeawap fpottes artblentiles/an5 denfe tbe HFacc/fbinne/ot,tbebobp/7o.c/8«.5Ao3.5/ii6.5/ l82.fA94.i/2ir.C/26 2.0/i79.b/287.g/i96.g/3o8.g/3io.e/ 329.e/33r.l/333.C/36 5.5/384.b/39r.5/454.5/467.b/48r.5 56i.5/584.i/589.C/599.n/ 6io.5/622.5/ 626.5/ 634.5/ 665.q/7ir.q/7 52.6/767.5. Co5e3uttfietqejpaceanbfkinne/589.c/594.g/597.5/ 752.C Co caufe5iuersfpottes/freckles/pimpels/to arpfe in tbe ;f ace/5 4 6.e. ^o>tqe(rallt»(rcupU/67o.5/725.f/747.c/776.5. Jot, fucb 8S are fallen aloft/ anb are btufeb op beaten/ 2 53. a/301.5/302.3/333. C/398.5/538.t/a8o.5/7i8.g/7$o»5/ 763.5/776. e. agapnftgreeuous5Falles/329.e/403.8. fop furbe as are fapnt anb fallen in 8 founb8Z2 4t.e. ^o^tbeJFcmr/vKk agues. Clu8rt8piie5fcuer/n.e/vicieagueZ6i.cZ64.5z83.eZ93.t/ 3oJ.O/403.8/4o8.8/5°i.5/52i.5/533.Ck Coynes on tbe (2r^8n5qan5eSAor.feZ3o5.f. Cbappes ot rift es of tqe jF eete/646.q/778.e. CokplliFou5e5flcfl)Z746 >k. 'Co5iiueawap'?l^c0/6.i.75.5Zi79.5/343.g. fop to pjou ok c anb btingb owns tqe natural (Ftoroerd ofwomen/2.a/28.b/35.a/64.a/toi.8/r[r.a/rj7.e/ i5r.3ZbA52.b/r63.a/f84.a/r94-.C/2or.b/229.8/230.8/231.8/ «3 4.8A35.b/i36.a/243.bA48.b A 53.8/158.0/161.3/163.8 *65.8/168.8/178.8A3i.a/i83.bA84.a/i85.aA87.bA9i.b 194.8/196.5/8/2 99.5/303. g/jo5.l/3o6.f7307.C/3i4.8/3»9. 5/327.5/i/33'.5/336.a/333.a/34t.8/344.ft/346. 8/348.5Z • 35i.CZ 373. C/ 38i.f/ 396. 5/48f.C/50r.8/5!°.e/533.5/ 538.g/554g/i/55!S.e/573.8/58o.c/599.k/6oi.b/ 607.3Z «o9,3/613.C/6i9.f/ 614. b/*28.3/ 638.p/ 64°. 5/ 642.CZ 649.8/674.b/676.b/63r.C/69r.b/7l9.8/76 5.f/*7 6 6.8. Co ftoppe tbeittoybinateo^ ouer mucq flowing of wo* mens flowers or termes a 3.5/3 3.8/7 5. b/84.5/ 85.8/ 86.8Z93.b/99.b/e/roi.C/rrS.b/133.3/145. b/182.b/24J.CZ 37 6.5/27 5.5/33 3.5/347.f/4'5.8/C/4-33.C/444.e/430.C/ 487.5/492. e/505.8/5 ".8/517.3/53°. f/56o. ft/6 5r.i/657.f. 660.c/6 6r.C/669.8/*77.5/f/684.b/635.8/687. a.g/692. a/c/698.a/7oo.b/7o8.e/731.e/739.5/ 744.8/746.1/ 763.0/773.3. tf> oob fop tbe wqire jFloub op ;f lowers of women/86.8/ i82.b/495-b/657.f/6 9i.r. Co purge i^elancqolpli£leumc0/i9.8/377. 3/ 4°3.a/ 4*7.0. C0rppC;fleumC8/ii9.f/2g7.f/^6.5/38i.8/4°9.a/4*4.3 499.f/599.g/63°.8/6 94.8/7i8.f/77!.b/778.5. Co purge col5e f leumes of tqeftomacfte/53}.68i.q/75». 5.759.0/763. f. Co engenber ^ieumesanb ebolcr/70<;.8. Caufe a man to fall into JIccnac/j76.g. 3gapnft ;f renficA96.a. £>eao fruite/vide ocab Cqiibe. 1"0 open tqeftoppinges of tqe ^allc/399.8. fop tb,z blaftings anb fwellinges of tqe <@C m'foig/ t62.n/593.i/-68.e. agapnft fp^eabpng anb fretting fojes of tqe (genitois/ o?p?imcmembers/65,.b. ftobpiuz awap ®n,tftc0/36.g/72.5. £°* *J* rwelling of tqe ^oufe/374.f. Co affwage tqepapne of tqe «.5/7i4.b/7i8.b/72i,CZ7ij.5 732.5Z74i.C/77r.e/775.r/776.5. Co ftrengtben the ^iimmeo/2 31.1/6 57.8/707.8, ^0^fwellinges of tqe(gummes/657.e/66i.0/7oo.f/7jr, 0Z739.r/779.e. fop tbe fpitqp mopfture of tb,z (gummesz 759.1/ 74«.&. fop tbem tqat q3ue tqeir <>B.i. Co refto^e #e3re bepng 5urnc5 op fcal5e5Aoi.f. Caufe ii?e3retof8llZ36i.5/4°5.azc>20.i. C5oo5fortbe1Uicabacrjc/7o4.c/ir5.5At7.5/ 148.*/ »8».b/ 166.5/ i7i.k/ 179.C/ 291.g/»99.e/3o6.a/308.8/310.8/319.f/34'.8/354.0/ 3"3.a/ 377-e/4ro.g/433.c/++4.k/499.5/ 533.8/ 5^.5/ 56'*/ 576.f/ 5/ 6,4.f/ 651.5/ 651.5/672.b/ 676.b/708.b/ 7».f. fop turning op gi5bincffc anb fwpmmpng in tbe t?ea5/ i*.3A33.q/232.g/i6..lj/3H,.s/3;5.5/331.c/ ]S).H/)3|.8/ "77 6.0.' ^Fojt tbe naugfttie fcurffe of tbe £?eabA8i.fAot,c/410.f/ eab/j47.3 389.t>397'*/ 46®.a/638, k. Cobivbumoursoftbel!?c3b/653.c 7tf3g. Co beale wounbes of tbe l>cab/775.f. 5f Or ftVbCblKClCO/38.a/306.p/3}t.m/482.5/55'.g/594.t/ 640.b/649.b. Co qeaic tqe inwaroe an5 outwarbe^cmcrrbOiOfff/ u.b/'3>.e /44*/ii>.k/i3».5/!i8.C/3oi.g/304-C/?i«-f/354.e" 443.g/576.C/6 40.C/65l.C/6 61.e/6 93.C/7I9.C. f ortbe^rmeo/ vide Burftpnges / anb Euptures/ 87.8. jp0jtqc^»fHft/io8.a/i4«.8/mA46.b/27i.5/3r5C/329.8Z 4o8.b/6o5.C/732.8. f or"^P^°P^C/tH.a/ i38.e/M'.a. Cowsftwatcrifl)cliumour0/373.e/3o8.c/384.a/ 574.8/66 5.3/66 6.b/76 f.O. jDiffolucsnbwafteal colbe Rumours/3.gA6|.3/266.8/ 2,07.6 6io.kZ*o8.5. J»CunOCT0/84.CZ93.0A27.qA87.q/i89.bA9O.3/5/234.0Z * i38.bA4*.8/i64.8Ae5.5A8i.5/305.k/3io.8/319.5/354- f/355.e/?98.8'399-5/4^8.5/ 446.5/449.5/ 53*.8/ 564.C/ 5«J.8/63l.C/630.b/646.b/6 56.8 689.g/76l.8/77«.g. for tbe eupll colour remapnpng after tb,z ^.dlinbtfc/ 373-b.776.g. for tbe Jaunbifc/or pellow fogbt/6.5A8.8/3».c/34.c/ 3(.b/4°.e/72.b/8c.aA33.bA4f.b/ 3l7.g/^3I•C•35,' tn/?96.8/545.b/>59.e/674.5/74'.b. for corruptions or fwellpnges of t\iz lidWtO/ vide ^ummes/j37.7i3.i/7u.b/779.c. Cobreakcinwarbef fnrtcflfmC0/«i8.8. for all impoftemes about priuie members / op<8cni< tOrS Or 5ulU8/36.8/ioi.b/i7x.e/?-5.C/3r5.C/347.5/354. b/38o.b/4"73.e/473.C/498.a/564.5/56t.C/57i.5/ c30.cZ «J49.C/69r.f/707.b/72i.b/747. a/755.5. foral3Impofte;nc8/68.5/70.b/93.5A87.c/374.g/4i5.1,Z 48o.f/48f.eA6 4.g/7 5°.5.775.5. Co foften qoate impoftemes about tfte f unaamentz •48.f/i94.bA58.g/2-r.e/i8r.C/488.i/498.8/77f.b. Corppe anbbrcakeqarbc Jtnpoftcmrs/orfwclling5l<< rerS/i».C/383.b/46i.8/469.e/483.C/493.e/7i8.l/7i9.pZ 745.f/775.b. for all inwarbe Tnf! *w mat tono/n 9.5zi 53 b. Co cure boare^nflammations op itnpoftcmeszii.bzio.a 38.3/99.g rK.e i»2.IA3J.C/r52.5/i4-4-.CA46.5A48.f/276.C 438.b/C/444.8/446.3/495.C/ii+.b/ 533.1/ 54*.CZ 55».fZ <55.n/56 4.b/59?.b/S8j.b/633.b/"ii6.b/696.aZ7 37.5. beginning of impoftemes or inflammations z 745. f/7>6.8/757.8. f oraebe or pa?nz in tqe"fOVrttC0/witsqaueben5efore broben/it'.e/roi.c/rri.f/^r.a. fortqepartcsbcpngoutof3opnt/33r.mZ5i4.8. Coqelpe3nbcuretbeltCOCoffcuruineffeZ227.fz355.rZ 37».ftZ377.C/?8».I/5$9.f/56o.5. Co tljejCtcqeofpriuie members/22 j.g. KPW tb,z 505p/276.g. ^0 qeslebroken or qollowe%fbC0/5r3.5. *Qe Umaco eUrii 0} qarDC fociiing 8bout tqe tltpotz/ »S2.0A76.CA87 .8/304.C/507.5Z537.5/539.CZ560.I/ 571.8 6?4.b/636.f/64.7.fe>7l9.y. Ulcerations anb qurtesof tqeBttincpC0/i39.5z 144.8Z **4.b/58i.b.»*9-7.0/7-75.a. gurtfull to tbe laibneves a53.1/-39.8. Jomunbifie anb clenfe tbe feibnepes a 89.8/304.g. Vertue,and Dangers. 6i8.5/«i5.8/«3'.f/«9<.8/*i.C/5/7l*» 5/742^/763.8/776^/771. C Co5riuc8wapMiiattC0/orgnattes/35.g/7f,5. 11. 1->C0ft0ppCtqeiafftC/23.3/33.8/57.C/tf4.t/8«.8/84.t 85.a/86.8/96.5/ior.8A34.5/io7.5/ 117.8/110.8/ i44.8/ 168.8/182.8/206.5/223.5/230.8/ 24».e/ 161.8/ »7i.8/5/ 176.5/185.e/319.a/406.8/4'5.C/433.*/ 466.8/ 487.5/ 49i.a/5oi.a/5ii.8/j59.e/564.b/569.8/577.i/584.5/6°J» 5/55'.f/652.5/6$7.f/6«o.8/663.C/699.8/677.f/ 084.0/ 685.8/692.8/5Z693.8/7oo.a/707.gZ708.8/5/g/7I°.*/' 7i3.ft/72i.C/7»5.e/726.8/727.8/729.8/73i.C/e/745.8/ C/746.g/767.8/77/.8. \ Co ftoppe H8fkc commpng of cqoletiquc burnouts/ 68?. c. or tqem tbat areIfane/an5 5nluftp/6i6. c. 0 mabe tbem JLcane tqat are groffe an5 fat/7 49.C. Co ftealetf fffTf 0 or armes tftat fte broken/7 5 2.5. fop fores tbat runne in tbe !Legges/io7.3. Cbe Irtftarffie/or tlie fleeping onb forgetful fickneffe/ i6i.q/i99.5/3ik>.5/6io.k. Caufe tqe JLetqargiez433.kZ488.l. (gooq for Lafer anb leper/i48.e/348.5/36r«5/383.lz?86. bZ449.b/,c. Caufe Lepcr/488.1. Cqappcs of tqcltppC0/7o6.c. fop lire anb n.5V 546.5Z656.8/735.8/76i.8. hurtful to tqe Jliuer/375. ft toppe tbe liuer/7os.8/737.8. ^orftoppmg of tqe iLiuerz28.5Z32.c/34.fZ55.8Z57.8Z7i. 5.8o.8/84.C/9?.bZr33.5/i34.eA4r.b/252.e/ 258.8/ 266.8/ 270.C/27i.5/29i.C/?:7.g/329.3/33r.C/338.5/349.8/377.8 ?98.8Z4oo.3/4o8.3/4o9.5/411.8/437.8/44.6.5/479.8/ 48t.5/5?8.8/546.b/55i.i/S64.CA78.5/6oi.cZ606.5Z6i6. 5Z6/8.5Z65r.q/656.8/CZ5Z665.3Z 68i.ljZ 687.g/ 691.C/ 720.e/7ii.5/7i6.f/73,.5/735.3/747.3/ 749.IIZ 761.8/ 77i.e/776.g/778.c. Cqep8pneoft^eXoj»ri€0/io,5. Co encreafelouc/602.5. Inflammation oftqeXuitfjf0/1:4.3/148.5/415.5/711.5. Co clenfe tqe iungc8Z149.5zr94.5z131.5/ 238.5 / 243.8/ 311.8/482.8/694.a. l&ougbneffe of tbeiunges/7i8.f/-2i.8/725^. ^FortbebrpneffeanbqarmesoftbelLungc8/i7.c/79.t/ 83.b/34.CAro.8/iii.fAi4.5A?9.5A46.5/ i6i.q/ 166.5/ 6o4.3/65r.f/694;f/7io.f/7n.5/7i8.f/722.8/735.0V77i.5. 778.5. B o5plp Xllfl/vidf f irftilp 5efpre. Co tabeawap al in oibinste ILuftes or bapnclongingcs of women witq cqtl5e/652.5,.r7 -i g/36?.5. 45oo5 for tqe papne of tqe QfJatnr or motber/> 4 b/19.5 33.b/}6,5/7i.f/»:.5/u7.C/29i.b/J29.a/38t.g/443.e/45°. 8/657.C/7',2.5. ft ettell tbe tDpatrice in b is naturall place tqat is rtfen OUt/18 .5A«4.8/676.t/685.8/7o)l.f/74«.i/779,8 ftuffocation of tbe ft tangling of tffz 5j$otqeror ffl^a^ trirZti.8Zi47.fZi70.b/2 7*.C/294.8Zi99.5Z}06.V306kgZ 3o7.e/3;8.eZ38}.n.6ot.5/6i9.g. -fforftoppmg op qarbneffeof tqe Sftotqcr or d&atrir/ ^49.C/ici.5/t/i$8.5/3«5.b/^7.g/|3i.tA45.C/346.C/38o.5/ 3l8.C/493.5/e/$o«.8/5w9.8/558k8/e/6 42.e/66o.8/69i.g. agapnft fi^elamljolic/i, .3/9.a/84.c/i48.e/ 229.CZ241.3/ 2^0.8. Member© tqat ate warcn5ea5/6»t.e. flpollific qarbe 8n5 fttffe 5j$em5ers/«9i.eZ739.ts. ftbrmbtng of anp tfl9 ember A*7.a/6Qr.f. Cowarmc all colO partes of iHBembers/i61,f. ftwollen 5JJ^embers/9,.g/vuie Jiopnt. SDtflocation or btfplacing 5j$embersOut of iopnt/6i.e/ l94.f/ioi.C/i'.5/2i8.i/;9<.5/52>'.5/65i.5/686.8. Co mortifte ano tabc awap a gtycmbcrz^i.ft. Co ftrcngtqen anb comfort tqe it^cmo;ic/4o.5/i78.b/ 264.bA6a.b/sn.a. Co caufe a man to 5e gl85 anb ftftcrrVe .a/nt.ft/ 246.5. agapnft iltecfclo/27 .ft/lI7,c/7 r8,8. Co caufe pientp of ffttlhc in womens brcaftcs/io.c/49. a/m.a/269.5/i7*.8/272.C/278.3/ 479v8Z 565.*/ $73.8/ <77.n/582.g/599.k. Co caufekpen topeeI5eftore of g©ilbe/5is.a. Co 5tp Jjqlilke in womens breaftcs/72.8/x$ ?.g. :f or clottereb or cluftcrcb fflpilke in womens brcaftes/ 4*1.5. iDpzn tb,z flbiK anb fplene/258.3. up aft tbe fwelling or inflammation of" tqe £$ tit/ 298.8/ 444.5/538.8/C5I.5. jf or tltzpapnz anb ft op ping of tb. e $3$ ilt or fplcnezi94. f 262.fZ29'.eZ407.8Z479.C/4»i.5/jSnt/578.5Z58o.f/«65i8/ «77.5/68o.8/'i8i.q/689.g. lDtminta)etbeJ39tlt/6iu.5. i^arOneffeof tbebTpilteorfpleneAj.e/^9.8/ *t.oz 8°.8Z m.a/n2.8/130. liAj2.f/i8t.5/i9*.aA3:!4i/::34»e/2t,<\8/t6tf. aZ3o3.5/3«6.5/?o7.g/ji)8.5/3 24.b/»63.5/ 17I.C/ 382.5/ 319.CA99.8/4-02.5/401.8/4 6.8Z407.8/408.8/409.5/4^. 8Z5l8.8Zi6o.kZ599.l/602.c/k/«24.e/7.b/7^.5Z747.3Z748.8Z76j.aZ77i.eZ776.ft/778.C. 3gapnft ft oate ano qarbe impoftemes of tbelttotbcr7 ii'.8/ 3 7-0/ 44).f/ 498.8/ 576.g/ $8*.e/ 584.CZ 69] 773.c 5For tqe rifing5p of tqe ^otqerZ$4p.a. Co keepe dotb anb garment from 0H>ttyee/*.i/*9. c / i9b.5A 43.5/673.8/7*5.e. 3gapnft tqe olb blcers anb greeuanccs of tqe fteoufb/ u.5/»^5Z48.eZ83.8Z84.CZS«..5Z86.CZ91.iZ'ro.5Zii7.8ZqZ »33.e/ft/rT9.5ZiSiCZi7».aZr84.f/223.fA27.C/2i6.8/379.g/ 34i.8/3$4.*/503.5A37.5/607.5/66i.a/«8tf.5/690.8/707. q/7'5.5/->i8.i/-3i.fA39.C/74*.ft. 3menbefttnbingoftbei39outq/48.c/85.5Ai6.a/i4,.c/ 371.5/503.5/5^5.5. againft blcers of poung cqplOrens 5J$outqe0Z7 $4.8. f or tqe IRlitreil ofi?oggcsorftwinc8/?i5.b. tjD 5rp 5p Mature an5 fec5c of genetattoii^i.a/iat.c ± 2 i.g/3 r.5/573.e/-4.-.e. Co encreafe tqe feebe of generation/ oriBature/705.5 749.g. :f or tbe going out of tfte ^auell/i^.o/^.c/^.i. Jor tbe/fiaucll off oung cijtl5renZ49.5. 3gnaples growing about tfteroote of tbef£aplC0/383.H rf or corrupt eupll/Jiaplcs of qanbes a feete/j2.e/7o.r/ 83.C/i94.q/i58.f/4i°-8A87.k. for tqe ftarbe impoftemes oftfte flttl\t/op kings coil/ 70.8/171.8/158.r/46i.b/5>J7.ft. Caufe tbe l^fefing/i 41.5. Caufe tbel^ofr blccbe/i3o.i/658.5. Cafee awapftencqe or fmell of tbe JRofe/,c.23tf.5/351.1/377 a/3-»8.e. Purge rboler 5otb 5pwar5e an5 5owncwar5e/628.8. purge bp fiege bownewarbe/ 34.8/61. a/ 7&.C/ 249.3/ i94.a/ior.a r 14.8/117.5/229.5/296.8/^02,5/joff.8/: 10.a Jii.8/?S2.8/|/i67.8/386.C/i63.5/646.8. ffiagc Vertue,drid Dangers. is Rtf fjc or maoncffe caufcb bp tqe biting of a mao bogge io8.5. Co kpll fiatfC0 anb S$pce A48.g. «$3afecto fiauc/8nbmab/448.c/45i.8 agapnft flauiiivr/or fr enfic a 3 o .e/310.5. f or l^3tuc anb witboutfliinneplaccs/493.q. f op tbepapne of lliapncozvid, fcibnepes/io.5/14.8/284. 5Z289.a/437.8/476.5/5r4.bZ58o.C/694.fZ7"-ftZ 741.C. flefwfuc am8n/684.3. jgapnft fubtti ilcumeo anb ratbarrcs/433.ftz$3°.f. for all liuptUCC0/ vide Burftingcs. A38.qz j62.0/3iO.c/322.C.352.b/374.5/386.5/396.5/4oo.8. agapnft OfqalDuifT witq fpre/vide Burning. agapnft tDciatica/«.8A5.5/28.a/64.c/65.a/ 8?,q/ „4a/ j29.8Z232.k/i6i.q/299.f/3o3.f/J04.5/3o3.a/f/3i9.C/336.e 341. 8/352.a/355-ft/367.409. eZH8i.f/J3o. 8/ 613.5/618.CZ 6l0.ft/6l4.f/6l8.ft/633.ft/63l.8/5/666. C/680,5/750.8. 3gapnftfttngmg of-0:0^10110/29.a/ 6i.5/ «3.a/ m.g/ 158.8/160.8/165.8/194.C/135. 5/138.8/161.5/170.r/305;OZ 34i.e/346.5/4i7.455.3/532.8Z559.5Z565.eZ573.fZ 621.C/ 689.8. 3taapnftwbitenougbtie6cucuiiicffc/no.5/jor.c. ^0 ugb tie wbite ft curumeffe of tqirqeab/305.5/ m.m/ 36i.5/365.5/4*9.5/479.ft/492.f/5 50.5/620.1/638.1/640. f/647.t/649.i/66o.f/ 637.5/ 734.C/749.f/?54.C/759.5. liougbtie Scucffe/or Cetters of Spen / ftqeepe/ anb ^orfes/757.5. agapnft tqefoule ft curffe/tetter/ gaule/ anb fcabbes/ 4to.b/4>4.m/5>8.e/535.ft/ 7i9.rz 752.C/f/7 57-0- agapnft tbe 5rie ft curffe an5 mangmeffe/2 «i. q/ 3°5.5Z lio.C/329.C/36i.5/374.b/377.C/333.l/454im/5i3.e/f/53o. e/55i.e/$J9.tV$99.m/633.n/647iZ458.8Z763.eZ778.e. j6ccoe of generation/vide Mature. Cobriueawap t5crpCllCC0/75. 5/ 299.g/ 3°7.&/ Jt8«f/ A24.C/691.C agapnft tbe biting orft erpentesAo.8A5.b/r28.e/29.a/ 111.8/184.5/201^/136.a/242.a/258<5A61.8/ 281.8/ i9i.5/ 294.f/296.a/3oi.e/ 380.c/ 4°6.a/ jts.e/ 554.b/ $69.5/ 6io.m/65*.5/679.5/69i.f/749.b/755.8/7*3.C. Co brine awap tbe f>cruttDme/or afterbirtft A63 .5/229* 8.232.8/136.5/253.8Z258.5zqz262.fz26$.az 268.8Z 285.8/ 287.5/299.5/303. g/304.5/3'4.5/3t9.5/382.f/538. g/ 580. C/6IJ.C/615.8/624.5/638. p/640.q/660.e/643^a/7 66.8. f or tqe falling 6trhCH8(ttVi4.5/3 5. c/ 37.5Z 83.ez148.5z i06.b/i30,t/23i.e/28r.b/»8j.cZ29i.g/305.mZ3O6.8Zjo7.eZ 308.8/315. e/3)5.8Z338.CZ34*.8Z347.8Z375.5/377.C/i82.5Z 5"i.8/52 o.f. againft tqe falling ftirkeneffe ofroung cqilbren/27 :-g fortbeercoriationorgopng of tbeShiuncof tqe re* cretepartcs/767.a/775.5. t Co make blifters anb b oles in tfte ftkinne/ 415. eZ42o .a Co take awap barbe ftkinne of qanbes or feete gotten bp labour/74.4.0. Hougqneffc of tqe ftktnnez 348.5/ 36i.5/i96.5z 506.bZ719.rz749.f- ©abeaman oucrmucbe §^fp€/64r.a. CoprouokcaqutetftleepeA48.eA82.5/27j.tZ4i3,az5/ C/5/e/ft/i/43S.8/438.C/f/45o.f/573.C f or tqcmtq8t are 5erp ftlecpie/310.5. Co reftore t\sz Smelltng being loft/279.f. Coprouoke *5lt,C^,,ij/402.C/6i9.gZ 640,g. £)lbe50;C<3/9.8Zii.5Zi6.gZ24,5Z7i.5Zioi.5/nj.5Zj5l.fZ 1,4.5/561.5/687.8. jfor fpitqp fretting r of ten ftore0Z21.kZ27.0Z31.bZ44.*1 e/5o.5/56.C/68.C/83.CZg/86.C/i97.0ZH5.eZ 128.i/ 213.CZ *94.CZ5i5.e/322.f/333.5/36r.5Z437.CZ469.OZ554.OZ555.0/ 599.mz602.qz649.ez69o.bZ737.8/745.f. Cobrp5pftoresanbapoftumations/6ij.5. ^pliutcro vide Cqorncs. Caufe to 6jritftloo5A48.<. $arbneffe of tqe 6p!ciie/vide jj^tlte. fop buineffe or qeaulneffe of 5pirifc/i48.e/ s14.cZ vide 3Dull. Cocuretqc6ilUftwnTC/ 305. f/ ?r6.a/~373. 5/ 599. O./ 636.e/6 6 6.c/^deftwellingmtqc Cqrote. agapnft 6fonr/vide (graueii/i4.q/i9.ft/48.d/5o.c/64.0/ 86.5/96.8/i87.5/i88.0/ii7.f/3i9.e/i3o.8/i4i.n/ 169ft/ 285.8/4"8.5/446.5/5o7.5/52o.5/ eattnfT/,8.g/84,,a/I$,.5/,48 ft/ 28i.f/299.n/3oi.5/342.5/533.5/«i3.f/7i8.e. agapnft aUjar5neffean5 SrocllirifTC0/44.8/7© 3/»a- r 5/499^/651.5/658.3/739.5/745^/755.5/775 5 againft 8ilboateftwellinge0Ao4.c/lo7.c.t4t 5/m 5/ 4i5.k/433.5/435.a/438.5/498.8/5i5.C/517.C/555.5A8xf/ 638.0/733.8/77^.5. ' " ' **' Co 5iffolue 8n5 5rcake al colOe ano qar5e ftweUtnae0/ i89.8/i96.CA97.ftAi7.eZi35.eZi47.f/i55.5/i79.DV i8r C/ jo3.e/3o4.C/306.q/3o7.f/3oB.e/374.q/454. fc/f/ 4*0 h/ 46i.8/473.CZ493.C/49 agapnft rougqneffe of tqe Cqrote/4S4.f/o/455.ft/7,8f 1/722.3. agapnft tqetougqneffe anb q oarfeneffe of tqe Cqrotez , l2.b.«24.aZi48.e/094.8. ftorcs anb inflammations oftqcCqrotc/'t.5Z7o.5z»?. kZiio.bZ I4'.CZ 116.Z/ x*7».l|/ ji6.a/34'.ftZ,54.kZ607.8/ 6IU.5. ^Fortbe^0Otljachc/i,.5A}.c/56.5/83.8/86.5/9}.(A«o.e/ ;.!*:.5/227.C/287.f/ 299.ft/ 30^.1/ 305.q/r/307.t/i4T.C/ 345.5/^48.f/;6t.C/i77.e/^74.f/3^9.i/443.C/448.C/450.g/ $t8.g/525.5/53o.O/5«o.q/584.C/6io.8/6t9.C/638.i/649.b/ 67o.C/677.CA8i.f/7'6.g/q/7»8.ft/7i9.f/ 755 CZ 759.5/ 765.3/77'.t. Co or aw foortb 7Too?nc0/or fplintcrs tqat ftickc into tqeflefl)/56.C/7o.5A94.b/,96.b/i<47.8An.C/i55.bA68.f »99.lA07. f/3»J.5A44.b/383.3/4S4k/ 460.5/469.C/514. 8.58i.q/622.f/eritieji rougqneffeof tqeXoncjUC/ 246.i/-'4.'.3/72S.e. Cocurcftcmeis onbertbeCongac/54..ft/7°0.c. almonbes or blcers about tqeroote of tbe Conguez 6i9.0/t»6i.g/67C|.a/;i5.b/7i8.i/73r.f/756.3. ftlafeC tqe WCilC/573.b/592.5/672.C/683.5/689.ft/694. C.70'-.a/704. C/7r8.5/724.b. jF or tqem tqat are ftcfte of eating of ^O0CttOOlC0/599.i vice Cqampions. 5Cumow/vide ftwcllingcs anb Impoftumations. m agapnft l^encmouo fbot of battes anb arrowes/105.PZ 307.O/315.O. - .. Cobriueawap benemous beaftes/ 7^.5/ i,o.f/ ?34.5Z 248.3/ 258.C/ 279.5/ 3>7.5/ ?«:;.r7 620.U/ 633.0/691.r/ agapnft axenomebronben or eaten/.b/6.f/ii7.fA07.5/ 5;o.e/599.iAo2.f/9.b/s -6.b/6 9i.f. againft bvttng of otpers/fnafces/d Clcncmoua1beaftes/ f5.5/i6.q/2.8.r/lo.8/5'/.8/57.0^8*.0/ »,,-0/ «i-b/r-7.a/ 184 5/«94.8/iO«.8/*3o.C/»34.ft/*38».k/756.a/757.0. Colofeanbeure corrupt fpitqpSileers / videftores/ 28.c/ 44.b/e/4». b/z/ 5*.c/64.b/68.a/7o.5/n6.a/n7.e i34.g/i94.q/2-i.g /q/235.0/258.f/23i.e/254.CA25.8/328.l 33i.n/335.C/388.a/444-8/448.b/454.n/589.e/638.n/649. ezeSi 5/690.5/6 9^.3/700.3/737.0/773.0. feoatc Ulcers in priutcplaecs or partes/48.5/53.5Z86.C 69.fA?3.e 146.5/661.3Z v^eImpoftumes. . ^ortbeberpreof^Onuff/vi^parbTabe. feefpre of^lomtte5pontbe fea/i39 a. Co caufeMomitz/ anb caft out eafplp flpmie flegmes/ 3nb cbolcrtqucftumoursA15.gA19.cAjr.8/111.3/ 226.3 23i.8/i92.i/3r9.e/335.8/-:/749.g/75o.8/ 7°3-8/ 7*5^/7*6.8/ 771.8/775.8'b/'778.5/C 2Difficultieorftoppingofairine/2.aA8.b/5o.c. w VVHtf£0gronin8 about tqe Jarbeanb ferret places V 767.5. wattes tabC"awap/rc Biting of \Oilbcbeaftcs/482.b. jf or tbefliortncffe of ll^inbe/vide Brcatq/2.8A8.8/io.b/ 217.5A4 3.8/389. C/39I.8. Co biffolueblafting anb ODinbineffe of tqe bellp/28 5.5/ 52o,5/6o6.CA>o8.b/6o9.8. ^or il^itcliinrT/vide enebantcments. fop UPorntti Witb eqilbe giuen to bomit/s?*. 0. Caufe women to qaueeafiebeliueranre of cqilbeAw.b .-41.6/676.5. Co purge anb clenfe women aftet tqetr beliuerance of cbilbe/«t6.o. iOangcrou8for^)omenwttl|cbilbe/33,.p/333.p/i?9.l/ 3gi.C/4-°i.C/6i3. fipllopbeftropwormes/7io.5/745.c/7«3f/777.0. _ Ho Co caufe women to be ferttl anb get cbylbrcn/252.c. Co bring bownc womens natural ficftneffcA .b Co cafe .women wbicfte are ro mucbe graueb witb barb anb perilous trauell tncbtlbc bearing/ i46.l/158. 5/ 207.5/351.0/391.5. Co conftrme tbe natural place ofconccptio of women/ anb mabe tbem apt to recciuc cbilbren/52 4. Co fteepe il3ouuoc3 from inflammation/138. b/144.5/ 145.C/170.5/ 173.e/ 182.g/ tv7.b/ 4".b/ 576.5/633.8/ «93.b. Co cure inwarb wounbcs/i34.a/139.3/141.3/244.3/145.3 2 53.3/19' f 398.b/443-b 54'.a/585.8/701.5/756.b. Co take awap tfte papne anb b. eate of al wounbes tnfla# tneb/i4c. a/739, gb. Co clofe greene wounbcs86.b/99.gAoi.cAir.c/117. c/ ,33.5.f/i46.b.:oi.q/ij4.5/i6o.5/3n.g/ 317.5/1/ 354-5/ 443.5/496.e/5°4.b 510.C 5S5.b/561.b/584.b/633.a/645.b 665.f/7«3.C/I)/'26'0/^7.b/745.b/75i.3/f/768.g/77i.C Vertue,and Dangers. 773.8/775. r. f oialbtnbcofrcjounbc8mabcwitqtqe7.b/65.c/7o.5Z93.f/*OI.0/ in. CZ492.5Z540. a/616, b. Co hecpe newe luotmbcs from beablp burning apoftu* ma non anb cup 11 fwc([ing/6 93.b. Co beftrop UPoxme0/i.c/tf.i/i8.8/ii.8/44.5/ii7.ftZ27** 5/179.5/Ji 7. ft/3 44.C/4i5.l/48i.8/49i.8/555.p/56i.5/573« 5/577.1/599.0/624.5/704. Vyoy.t. Cobplltberoun5ewormes/i46.c/4oi.c/594.f- Co kpll long anb flat wormes in tbe bobp/6.m/».e/ax.f 148.f/6 4 6.C/7l6.f/76 3.f. Co kpll brobc wormcs/401.8/CZ517.8Z638.C. Hecr endeth this Table concerning the Na:ure,Vertue,and Dangers,of all the Herbes,Yrees,and Plantes, conteyned in this Booke, ofHerball. ^Jmpantcb at &ntlocrpc/bp mc Henry LoeBookeprinter,andaretobe folde at London in Povvels Churchyarde, by Gerard Devves. ^ 1 Med. Hist. wz: ■■■■■ ^Jinm^mf.'- .**•••: :£-£ i- .--••'sifts* *?>;.; 'I*