! i THE INi f ln M' MNA 1 ^- El U^H lsw_ &-;*£ ■ 1 >» r '^f w i>iiiiiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiii"i" iiiniiiiiiiiiiiMJBiiiii lywiniiilwiiiiinnrniiwiiitiiH^^if™^^ ImiwUTT—T-f...... ' np"!.!^? Entered according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three by H. W. LIBBEF, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern Distri..*. of the State of Ohio. % •'feas NiT, believe only, and you shall he made whole." DR. H. W. LIBBET'S Indian Medical Infirmary AND NATIONAL BATH ROOMS, 90 and 92 Seneca Street, Cleveland, Ohio. WHERE HE TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASES WITH COMPLETE SUCCESS. — * ♦-»- UK HAS PHEPARED KOtt THE AFFLICTED ONE HUNDRED AN3 T VVKNTY-KI ."Bl DIFFERENT SCIENTIFIC INDIAN REMEDIES FOR ALL CHRONIC COMPLAINTS THE HUMAN FAMILY IS HEIR TO. M « •< Extends Lis sympathy to all that want. And promises to heal from nature's fount; In wisdom let each heart of pain, Seek the truth its health to gain, And a!l will say with united voice, My last but best remedial choice. SECOND NUMBER. X IXT ID I-A. 3NT HYGIEINA zr.7», $3>t> ^^" 4 ' O F" F1 I C E H.O l r Ft ?S FOR CONSULTATION. Spring, Summer and Fall.—From S a. m. to 0 p. m. Winter Season.—From 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays.—From t) to 9 \. m. and from 5 to 7 p. m. Vapor, Shower and Tub Baths given at any time during the above hours. Rooms open on Sunday morning from 6 to 9a.m. during the summer season for Vapor Baths, Shower Baths ' and Tub Baths. TO THE READER. Da. il. W. Libbey, in presenting this new edition of the ''Indian Hygiei- ira,"' would respectfully say, that since his old work was published, very many new ideas, have presented themselves, rendering it necessary, in or- der to give a satisiactoiy r.nd complete guide to the various compounds <^aich he is preparing: from the great variety of medicinal plants that a benefi- cent Creator has-provided, adapted to the almost unnumbered ills human flesh, through the use of mineral poison, or their intemperate habits, is constantly subject to, and to prove by the many witnesses who have in the most cheerful and thankful manner allowed their names to be published for the ;-ood of those who may need the help I am sure to give by my original ■Awi exclusive method of treatment, unlike in every respect, all other prac- titioners. ... With my present arrangements completed, I am confident of affording relief to all, and to the great majority, a restoration to full health, by the -:se of none but scientific Indian Remedies. "A REMEDY FOR EVERY ILb." # I do not claim to cure all diseases with one medicine. Experience teach- es me that the great variety, of complicated diseases, requires compounds adapted to, and harmonizing" with each other, thus producing more effect with a small dose than others can by giving large quantities of any single iao-redient; and to the Indian, and no other i? due the first recognition and acceptance of those infallible antidotes and remedies in the Indian system of cure. Whether a traveler, in gratitude to his red nurse for speedy restoration from some sudden illness, purchased at liberal prices, receipts for her spe- cifics of herbs—is not recorded. The Indian, separated from the rest of the human family—a child of the forest, added to the Cyclopedia of hu- man acquirements, his share of truth in the department of religion, the glorious idea of one Great and all pervasive Spirit—in medicine, the rei- VSIHS.VL MEDICINE OK PLANTS. The credibility of these medicines is host known to the hundreds that have tested their happv results. \\ no can doubt but that nature' has an antidote for all diseases'? Then who would not rather take the antidote of the field or forest in sickness ? for in it there is food as well as medicinal properties. The time is fast coming when man shall discard mineral from the "materia m.jJi<:a." I claim, also, the most natural to be the most ef- ectua!. (5 •■ With uur own judgments, dui>t we to comply, In virtue >hould wt live, in glory d:e." THE DELINEATION OF DISEASES. The delineation of diseases, I consider one of the most particular points in the practice of medicine, and in this one thing, more than any other. should there be a change with practitioners. I claim that man to man is so constructed, that each is, in one sense, ;i galvanic battery. Electricity may pass from one to the other that will be -o tangible that a tine sympathetic organized person can feel the current passing : when the telegraphic line is on the ground the current is broken; When the conditions and .surroundings arc not right ami harmonious, the physician or sympathetic one can detect it, as well as an operator in it tele- graphic office," man being the finer machine for magnetism and the tele- graphic machine the coarser instrument through which magnetism in a crude state passes. I tint one of these sympathetic persons that can ex- change electricity or magnetism, with a subject at any distance. The first symptoms I experience are that the pulsations of the heart commences to beat in unison with the person I am examining ; and I feel immediately the deranged organs of the person, as I feel the same derangement on my- self. Thus I detect symptoms of disease on any one, and at any distance. This I believe fully upon scientific principles. Some call this Spiritualism: some the Devil, but I have yet to see the connection with either, as part of my ability in delineation. In the first place, I not go into magnetic sleep, or condition, but remain the same as at another time, conversing with anv one in the room upon any subject, it has no effect upon any examination I may be engaged with. This, as I understand it, is different from Spiritual jnediuni8 for they, I believe, go into a condition of mesmerism or magnetic Jeep. As for the Devil, I can't think it is from him, especially our ortho- dox Devil, unless he has changed his business for good instead of evil.— I have found this mode of delineation to be perfect in almost every case. If I have failed it is but about once in fifty cases, this can be accounted for, by the conditions not being right. To do all this, I must admit, re- quires a peculiar organism. That this is injurious to one's health, I have no doubt. When 1 first began this method of practice, I could examine 80 cases in a day, now I find ten to fifteen cases exhausts my vitality as much as the 80. 1 would here say, that those sending for a delineation should be particular and not have the case one from any class of acute diseases, such as fever, &c; this kind of disease I do not treat, and do not wish to have anything to do with, for I retain the symptoms and suffer to a great extent, such as nose bleed, lung hemorrhage. &c; this has frequently happened. It would not be so in all cases ; I find that the organism of the person is also impressed upon my mind so that when I have time I Often describe the differ- ent points of character of the one that is being examined, and that very accurately. This, also, I object to, unless the person should be present, so that a conversational interview could be had, as it requires more time than T can spare. I find on making a short diagnosis (in as few words as possible) of one's disease, or physical troubles, that I spend time enough, considering the small amount of charge for each examination. My price is only 2o cents, whether the patient takes medicine* or not. I make the prior"thus '• The love of gaining, is the worst of ills ; With ceaseless storms the blackened s;ul it filN." low, to induce every person, even the poorest, to test this peculiar power that I have so successfully practiced for a number of years. I want but the name and age of the person, and place of residente, Town, County, and State, (no lock of hair as erroneously stated). I have already made examinations of over 10,000 cases ; In. all cases where the person is not satisfied, I will return the fee, thus relieving the peo- ple of the idea of humbug. To prove my statements I will insert a few letters, acknowledging the examinations to be correct. I have hundreds of others, which I am happy to show to any one who would still doubt : Youns! :nv care. Very Respectfully Yours, HENRY E. SEYM OCR. South Wales, N*w York. Dr. II. W. Libbey:—With sincere earnestness 1 inclosed the five dollars, trusting your prescription may lend vigor and health since your recital of .symptoms was so correct.— Please send medicine at your earliest convenience, to South Wales, Erie Co., New York. With Respect, FRANCIS G. WARNER. Hinckley, Medina Co.. O. Dr. Libbey :—I received yours of the 22nd. I must confess you gave a true description of mv little girl's case. She is in just the conditon you describe. Yours Respectfully, W. M.'ALISTER East Ton-mend, Huron Co. Dr. Libbey:—Dear Sir, 1 have been talking with some of our citizens here concerning the case of E. Reed, who wrote you a few days since, and received an answer. He thinks vou hit his case very correctly, and is anxious to try your remedies. V Yours, &c, K. jsTKN. Fort Wayne, Alien Co., hid. Dr. Libbey :—Dear Sir, I received your letter describing my symptoms correctly. In closed you will find five dollars. Please send medicine with full directions. I remain, Yours, ELI ARNOLD. Columbia, Lorain Co., O. Da. Libbey :— You stated my feelings to my satisfaction. I sent tojyou that I might know the reason of so much suffering, and I believe your statement is more reasonable than all that has been told me before. It has done me some good to learn the locality of my disease if nothing more, but it would give me much pleasure to place my self under your treatment, but I suppose I must wait yet for awhile. Yours Respectfully, MARY EDGERTON Harrisviil", Ohio Dr. Libbey —Dear Sir, yours of the 27th of April came to hand May 3rd. I was we',: satisfied with the examination. I now enclose you five dollars for medicine. Write di (■actions plain. Yours, Respectfully. et'.i LICE. 9 '• Not frequent write, though you can do it well ; Men may too oft, though not too much excel." TO APPLICANTS FOR EXAMINATIONS. All persons sending for a delineation of disease will abide by the follow- ing . Those sending for an examination to satisfy their own curiosity with- out any good to themselves or others, must not expect it to be correct, but would apply^to their nearest afflicted friend, especially where the one sent for has no particular ailment. In cases where it is convenient, I would prefer to have the person wishing a delineation of their disease, send their name written by them- selves. I would have it distinctly understood that this mode is not to be trifled with, but it is for the best good to humanity, and all persons disposed to make light of it will please consider well before they make the attempt, for the time spent with such is lost. When they are honest and the exain- ation is not satisfactory, the fee will be refunded. . When a patient finds a pain or bad feeling described on one side and they have it on the other, they can account for it in this wise : When a person is NEGATIVE to me, the symptoms will be taken on the same side : when POSITIVE, on the opposite side. When people call at the office for an EXAMINATION, and more than ONE is in the room when the examination is made, I should be just as apt to take symptoms from one as from another ; and when there are TWO names sent in ONE letter, both wishing an examination, I am apt to mix the symptoms, not having the power to distinguish one from the other, so that in both these cases a dissatisfaction will be likely to occur. I wish to examine no cases except of long standing and chronic. Should the patient be suffering with a recent cold or acute indisposition at the time of examination, it will tend to give less satisfaction where there are chronic symptoms. If all sending would abide by these remarks, though there are many others that could be suggested, they would have no reason to be dissatisfied. " DR. H. W. LIBBEY, To save so much inquiry about the e:'fect of medicines, I inclose the fol- lowing circular of explanation. CIRCULAR. All persons laboring under a combination of diseases ".hat have assumed a local and CHRONIC form who take a full course of my remedies should bear in mind, before a reaction takes place in the system, they will not feel as well ; the remedies sometimes produce a general relaxation of the whole .system, loss of appetite, headache, tired feeling all over, and a complete riled state of the system. One will readily see such an effect is necessary; in most cases the chronic symptoms become acute. In from one week to twelve days the most of such troubles will be overcome, and then, as a healthy foundation has been laid, and the system freefrom the most aggra- 10 ■ •• Men overloaded with a large estate, May spill their treasure in a nice conceit." vating causes, the patient will begin to gain in strength, and the complaint* readily yield to the influence of the remedies. ^ I give this notice particularly for those that know but httie m regard to the laws of health, or remedies for disease, or their effect upon diseases. There are plenty of friends standing ready to express their opinion either in favor of or- against these and all remedies, as it may happen ; and it is often the case, some Dr. drops a word or two of discouragement, knowing the remedies conflict with his mode of practice, and of course he will con- demn them. I would further say, in cases of combined chrome disease where the patient gains from the first dose of these remedies or any oJier, that in nine cases out of ten, after a few weeks they fall back, the medicine loses its effect, and they will not recover; therefore, I deem it good to see a patient's system generally stirred up for the first two weeks ; in such cases where they are not frightened off, their health will be restored. When there is but one organic disease, and that CHRONIC, these symptom will not always follow ; perhaps the trouble may be a little more acute for a few days, and still the patient gain from the first. I want it distinctly understood, I use no mineral poisons whatever in my remedies, and know they will not injure the smallest infant. I prepare up- wards of one hundred and twenty five natural Indian Remedies, for all chronic diseases men are heir to, not one of them injurious to the most del- icate constitution; each one particularly adapted to change the predisposi- tion to the disease for which it is recommended. DR. II. W. LIBBEY. LIST OF DISEASES CURED AT DR. LIBBEY'S INDIAN MEDICAL INFIRMARY. Cancer, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, and all taints of Scrofula, Collection of water about the heart; Chronic Enlargement of the Heart; Palpitation of the Heart; Diseases of the Lungs and Bronchial tubes; Liver Complaints; Fits of all kinds ; Dyspepsia ; Diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, all Spi- nal difficulties; Coughs, Colds, and all disposition to Consumption, although hereditary ; Paralysis, Asthma, Fistula, Chronic Catarrh in the Head, Can- ker, or Nursing Sore Mouth, whether acute or chronic ; Cross Eyes, Film on Eyes, Obstructed or Immoderate flow of the Menses, all Female Weak- nesses, such as Leucorrhcea, or Whites, Falling of the Womb, Inflammation of the Uterus, Cancer of the Womb, &c. The most direct treatment given in all such cases. Deafness, St. Vitus' Dance, White Swelling or Fever Sore, Tumors and Felons, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Venereal diseases, acute or chronic ; Crooked Limbs, Enlarged Spleen, Nervous and General Debil- ity, Rickets, Gravel, Piles; will expel all varieties of Worms from the sys- em ; remove Calomel and Quinine, although twenty years resident in the system. I can furnish any number of references to persons cured of any of the above complaints. I shall be happy to furnish them to those that require See certificates and references on the other page. 11 " Some go to church proud, humbly to repent, And come back much more guilty than they went.'' DR. LIBBEY CURES MOST CASES OF CANCER. It has long been, and still is the supposition that cancer, together with other forms of chronic disease are necessarily incurable. This, he of the Vegetable Kingdom, unhesitatingly denies. So far from it, he affirms them to be as easily cured as almost any other disease. To support his assertion, he, asks but the countenance, and a fair and honest trial from the poor and afflicted people. His object being chiefly the relief of this portion of God's suffering chil- dren, he expects by a candid exposition of facts to satisfy the public of the entire efficacy of his system of cure, by the remedies which are Nature's own antidote for disease. Even the most skeptical must become convinced of the wonderful recent progress in the healing art, by the substitution of remedies so celebrated and infallible in the hands of the aboriginal chil- dren of the forest. Those wishing more personal proof of his affirmation will, upon application, be furnished with direct certificates of any number of responsible persons he has been fortunate in treating successfully. I herein inclose a few certificates of cancers cured. I give those of old date, showing that the cancer when cured remains so. Those of wombs, Ac, I retain, but can furnish to those wishing, names of such cases cured. CERTIFICATES OF CANCERS CURED. I would make a true statement of my case to the public, hoping that by so doing that those afflicted with cancers will read, and thereby obtain relief; knowing that this loath- some disease is one ever to be dreaded by the human family. When I was seventeen years of age, I had what the physicians called a Rose Cancer make its appearance over the jugular vein, on the right side of my neck and face. It grew rapidly in size until it was as large as a quart bowl ; my friends despairing of re- lief, were about to withdraw all hope, but as the last resort, recommended me to go to Philadelphia and have it cut out. Thinking this the only alternative, I consented. The Professor told me that it was a Rose Cancer, and could be cut out, but would return again. This operation was performed, but in a few months after it began to grow again, as I was told it would do. Again I became alarmed, thinking I had done all I could do, for my family physician told me that cancers were incurable ; but at this time I heard of Dr. Libbey being apt in removing this complaint, and immediately called on him to pre- scribe for me. He first proceeded to cleanse the blood, after which he proceeded to ap- ply his Indian Cancer Plaster, which expelled the cancer, and healed up the orifice from which it came. I am now well, with an assurance of a continued freedom from the disease. Those suffering from cancer, or any chronic disease, can do no better than to consult Dr. Libbey immediately. ORINGE TUCKER, Perkins, Erie Co.' Ohio Dec. 28, 1656. To whom it may concern . This is to certify that a cancer made its appearance on my tongue, causing severe pain and suffering, and at times rendering a mastication of food nearly impossible. I could get no physician to warrant a cure until I consulted Dr. Libbey, who immediately con- sented to undertake the case. The location of the cancer was considered the worst of any, for the reason that the moisture of the mouth dissolved the plasters nearly as fast as thev could be applied. Fortunately the Dr. did not confine himself to plasters alone, but by using his Blood Purifier, and numerous Vegetable Washes, caused the same effect as the Plasters, the result was a speedy and final cure of this fatal disease. My state- 12 " Wl.or. inns: the world applaud- you. leo-t b'.w.irc : 'Tis often ie.-s a blessing than a snare." meet, though plain, is none the less true, and I wish that all who art-troubled in this wr.y may be induced by it to trv nature's remedies, and be cored, before it is too late. MRS. P. A BURTCIL Spring, Hill. Ohio. Oct. 1st. IK". To the Public : My boy, about twelve years old. had what the physicians called a Rose Cancer, make its appearance under his right eye. Having a dread of the final result of this disease unless cured, and having witnessed much suffering in others from this complaint, I re- solved if possible, to have it cured, knowing that the general belief was, that cancers were incurable. In the height of my anxiety, I was assured by a friend that Dr. Libbey could cure careers. I called on him, and am happy to say that his mode of treatment bad the desired effeect. I earnestly entreat those afflicted not to despair, for relief is at band, E. W. HITCHCOCK. Ke'ly's Island, Erie Co.. Ohio, Sept. 27th. 18.07. " Can gold calm passion, or make reason shine ? Can we dig peace or wisdom from the mine ? Wisdom to gold prefer, for 'tis much less To make a fortune than our happiness." -»■+«* m Dr. Libbey's Special Rules for Health. It-t. The greatest preservatives of health, are exercise, cleanliness and temperance. These may be practiced by all ranks, at all seasons and places. 1M. A due regard to exercise clears the vessels and promotes the circula- tion of the blood, and is absolutely indispensable to the preservation of health. Of the varieties, walking is the best adapted to those who are able to endure it: riding to those who are not o. In the tame connection, (since it appertains directly to the exercise of that wonderful vesicular mechanism, "the lungs,") we urge asstrenuous- iy as possible, the necessity for the constant breathing of pure air. As lit- tle refreshing, nay, as absolutely injurious, as would be a muscular exercise. with the limbs tightly bandaged or otherwise cramped and constrained, is the respiration of even slightly contaminated atmosphere ; how fatal then the carelessness of the majority of persons to the insidious closeness and impurity of air at balls, theatres and social entertainments, where large - _- --~&--—>.- wiuuvra, jjuh^ «jiu oiiiirjmefcs, aim is uiereiore re- sorted to in cases of invalids whose complaints do not affect their respira- tion, as with the latter clats the general prevalence of cold and damp is apt to render their stay there perilous. For these, nothing can be more suita- ble than a mild, equitable climate in some rural situation in the interior. 4th. " Cleanliness is next to godliness." Where the codes* is Hvgeia' ahe deity 0f Health) it does indeed form one of the composites in the >r)tm\. t his may be considered in two classes* or divisions—cleanliness 13 " Distrust mankind ; with your own heart confer. And dread e\ er there to find a flatterer." of house and surroundings, and cleanliness of person. Of the first perhaps we need say little ; the customs of society require a person to conform to the external decencies of life to a great extent—his domestic appurtenances are so much subject to public, or at least neighborly inspection, that fear of exposure and indictment as a public nuisance, for gathering and hoard- ing under the folds of that larger garment—his house—an offensive amount of filth, usually renders him circumspect. But there is perhaps, a great- er, because more effectually concealed, disregard of purity, and contingent source of disease, in the little attention paid to cleanliness beneath the im- mediate clothing of a person, which no public touch or friendly word ex- poses. People carry about with them a foul and pestilential presence, and witbin it the seeds for many of the fevers, epidemics and contagious dis- eases which devastate our world—while a daily, or even a weekly ablution, sheathing them in an armor of water, like a pure mail of diamonds, would render them invulnerable ; and immediately after, brisk friction with a coarse or crash towel applied to the whole surface, till the skin begins to grow red, and assumes an agreeable glow. 5th. Nothing conduces more to health than a degree of abstinence and plain food. The apothecary is chiefly employed to counteract the cook and vinter. Nature delights in the plainest and simplest diet. Most people are the best judges of their own constitution, and know what kind and proportion of food agrees with them best. We would, here however, avow a decided preference for vegetable in opposition to animal food, as a means of health. "Man's rich with little, were his judgment true ; Mature is frugal, and her wants are few ; Those few wants answered, bring delights, But fools create themselves new appetites." Man should content himself with the produce of the fields, the gardens, and diary." It appears very evident that man, in his primeval state of simplicity, never ate any animal food whatever. ATegetables alone seem to have been his only food. From this fact we may infer, that vegetable is more conge- nial to the system than animal food. We may infer this also from the effects which follow the long continued use of meat. Sailors who use it on long voyages are scurvy subjects which often proves fatal when a recurrence to vegetables immediately removes the disease. A vast number of other complaints are unquestionably produced by animal food. The evil conse- quences arising from it are in part owing to the quantities of grease it con- tains, by reason of which the digestion is disordered, the bile vitiated, the blood corrupted, and cutaneous and other diseases induced. The blood <»f the person who eats animal food is richer, thicker, and more stimulating, and produces a much greater excitement of the different or- gans, than the blood of those fed on vegetables. Flesh diet, therefore, gives a greater tendency to inflammatory and other complaints than a veg- etable diet. 14 Let him be fair, tall, short, fat or lean, To the Mationa! Bath Rooms go, and be made clean. Among other ill effects of animal food, is a temporary fever after eating, called by the old medical writers, "the fever of digestion.'' No such effects follow the use of vegetable food. That man is capable of sustaining the health, vigor, and strength of his system upon a diet purely vegetable, is established by so many proofs as to place the fact beyond the possibility of doubt. The Hindoo lives almost exclusively upon rice and water. A great portion of the Irish peasantry subsist on potatoes, with the addition of oaten cake or bread and milk ; and the laboring classes, in many districts of Scotland and north of Eng- land, are nourished upon little else than oat meal and potatoes ; while in various other countries of Europe, the poor are restricted almost exclusive- ly, to a vegetable diet, even less nourishing than these. When the food just referred to, is in sufficient quantity and of a good quality, more ro- bust, active and vigorous frames, and a greater amount of general health, ean scarcely be met with in the inhabitants of any country, or among any other classes of society, whatever may be the nature of their diet. Veg- etable food affords as much or more nutrition than animal, while the for- mer produces much less excitement. Costiveness is very hurtful to health ; therefore care should be taken to remove it at the beginning by cool, gentle purges. Obstructed perspiration (commonly called catching cold) is the great source of diseases. Let it therefore, be removed immediately by gentle eweats. Physic, for the most part, is only a substitute for exercise and temperance. Blistering, Cupping, Bleeding, 0 cents p cents per Bottle. 19 " Let high birth triumph ! what can be mora great 1 Nothing—but merit in a low estate." INDIAN CORN LINIMENT. No. 2, For Soft Corns, will Remove them in a short time. There are many that can testify to its good effects. Price 2-3 cents per Bottle. INDIAN SPECIFIC, OR COUGH SYRUP, No. 1. A complete curative of Coughs and Colds, and if taken in the earlier stages of the disease, before the lungs have been ulcerated more than twice, in all stages of Consumption. Price 51,01) per Bottle. INDIAN COUGH SPECIFIC, No. 2, With less stimulating, or tonic properties ; can be taken when lungs are extremely weak, its effect being more of a soothing nature than No. 1.— Price*!,00 per Bottle. MEDICATED VAPOR BATH, No, 1. Promotes«a healthy perspiration ; equalizes the circulation of the blood, draws all humors or eruptive diseases to the surface ; restores torpid liver to a healthy action ; promotes menstruation of females ; cures spasms. St. Vitus' dance, removes all surface eruptions. As a remedy generally adapted to a great number of complaints, it is not equalled. Given at our establishment only, through our Patent Vapor Bath. Price 51,00 for each. MEDICATED VAPOR BATH, No. 2, For extreme Nervous troubles, Rheumatism, Paralysis, or Palsy, od that has yet been known. '1 hey can be used at all. limes, and in any condition of the system with good eit'eet. In using altcratieci or blood remedies, there is in most cases a (o.;giiand unhealthy mucous thrown from the livoi and blood upon the stomach which must be removed, or it soon clogs the secretions. These s.rve as one of the best compounds in pill form for that purpose that can be made As a. family pill they are unsurpassed, being mild, sate and effectual for all, from the oldest to the younge.-t. Price 2-"> cents per Box. INDIAN ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. If the many thousands troubled with \ his frequent and much to be dread- ed disease, knew the excellence of this simple •'agent of nature " to re- store harmony to a deranged and imperfect digestion, we are sure they would not suffer it long to exist. These pills act as a thorough and active invigorator to the digestive or- gan.-, and promote a healthy action; thus bringing about a perfect and hap- py state of existence, where before, life appeared a failure, in accordance with the first intention of the great natural principle. We sec hundreds daily in our streets, dragging out a miserable life for the want of a safe aniLeffieient remedy to make all ritxht, that has seemingly been all wrong To such we would say, try these pills once, and you will try them again, until health and happiness dwell within you. Price 2"> cents per Box. INDIAN STOMACH PILLS. Tie.;e pills with great promptness, cause a thorough clcausiug of any morbid secretions of the stomach ; will remove that faml or all-gone feeling, contraction of the stomach. Ac, at the same time equalize the circulation of blood. They are nut a Cathartic as some suppose, their operation being directed to clearing the secretions that have long been obstructed by many caused ; Wife-., 21 " Who, for the poor renown of being smart, Would leave a sting within a brother's heart?" such as strong medicine, scrofula, intemperance and rich living Price 25 eimr« per Box. INDIAN VEGETABLE FEMALE PILLS, Will without injury remove Chlorosis, or retention of the menses, Amenor- rhea, or suppression of menses, and all obstructions of the menstrual dis- charge from any cause. We have sold several thousand boxes of these pills, none complaining of their not doing as they are recommended , they act in perfect harmony with the constitution and laws of life. This is one of the surest remedies now before the public, that has given such entire satisfaction in removing the above complaints. P. S.—All using these pills should be careful not to take them if they are pregnant, for fear of the consequences, such as abortion, miscarriage, Ac. Price 50 cents per Box. INDIAN STRENGTHENING AND IRRITATING PLASTER. Not excelled in the world for removing pain and strengthening parts long weakened by Humors, Injuries, Strains, Bruises, or from Mal-treatment, where some part or organ has become infected by poisonous drugs. It has power to draw the humors to the'surface, at the same time healing the sore itself before losing its effect. As a Sovereign Remedy for the above complaints, it knows no equal ; its virtues are becoming as familiar to the afflicted as " household words." It is destined to take the place of the once popular " Poor Man's Plas- ter ;" improved however, and calculated to meet the wants of these pro- gressive times. Price 25 cents per Roll. INDIAN RUPTURE OR BREACH PLASTER. This plaster will cure a rupture or breach of twenty years' standing ; it requires but the aid of a supporter or truss for a few weeks to keep it in place, when a permanent cure will be the final result. Cases of this kind are very numerous among both old and young , to free those of such troubles and remove all fear of a return in the same place, we offer this deeply studied remedy, (knowing from many it will curel as a God-send to those afflicted with such derangement. Where it results not in a final cure, and of course there are exceptions, the person being too old, or from some other cause, which may render a perfect cure im- possible—the relief is certain and fixed as far as it goes. For directions and full particulars, see roll labeled Indian Rupture or Breach Plaster. Price 50 cents per Roll. INDIAN PULMONARY SYRUP. No. 1. An assistant in obstinate cases of Pulmonary difficulties, relieving the Cough instantly, producing expectoration without increasing the pulse.— Also excellent for Whooping Cough. Easy to administer to children. F'rice $1,00 per Bottle. '>.■> ■' As i.t smooth oil, the razor best is wlie', So '. wit is by politeness sharpest set." INDIAN PULMONARY SYRUP, No. «?. For same cases as Pulmonary Syrup, No. 1, but varying in ingredient*, making its adaptation to more severe cases, and often used in connection with No.L to facilitate a speedy cure. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN NEURALGIA DROPS. For Neuralgia, Tic doioreux, Ac, Ac, unsurpassed as an immediate re- lief in eveo the worst cases. It will change the predisposition if in a chronic form. Price £1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN REMEDY FOR ST. VITUS' DANCE, No. 1. A sure and speedy cure for most developments of this complaint; it restores to a perfect control all of the diseased parts. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN REMEDY FOR ST, VITUS DANCE, NO. 2. St. Vitus' Dance has so many developements, that it is hard to compound one remedy to control all the different developements, thu3 the need of this remedy. Can be used alone in some developments, and with No. 1 in others. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN CROUP DROPS. Mothers, we assure you, this Syrup will cure the most violent forms of this terrible disease, within from one to two hours. Price 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN PILE 11EMEDY. Piles cannot be cured by salves. Being fully aware of this fact, which is yet so little known, we offer this remedy, of which the effect is directly upon the seat of the disease, in the liver and blood, after t\ large experi- ence of complete success. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN TOOTH PRESERVATIVE. The best article ever discovered for general use at the toilet. It cleanses and beautifies the teeth, removes tartar, and will preserve them from decay, even when it has already commenced, without filling. Price 50 cents per Bottle, INDIAN GONORRHOEA SYRUP, No. 1. For Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and any development of Veneral disease, partic- ularly the mild form. It will cleanse the system of the poison, and eradi- cate every particle of it from the blood. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN GONORRHOEA DROPS, No. 2. For particular cases wdiere the poison has been scattered into the system* Price SL00 per Bottle. 23 " Take up no more than you by worth can claim, Lest soon you prove a bankrupt in your fame." INDIAN SPECIFIC, OR FLOODING REMEDY. For immoderate monthly flow of the menses. A sovereign cure for this dangerous monthly complaint, which so often results in a premature death. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN CHOLERA CORDIAL. For Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cholera. Warranted a certaineeure for the most aggravated case, if taken in season. It neutralizes the morbid matter, and passes it off naturally, and does not check suddenly. Price 50 cents per Bottle, INDIAN DIURETIC CORDIAL. Infallible specific for Gravel, removing the complaint without surgical operation, giving the patient relief within three hours. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY, No. 1. This Remedy is free from Quinine, and will effect a speedy cure in cases of Fever and Ague, Chills, Fever, Ac Will remove the cause in the system, bo that when a person is cured, he will remain cured. Better adapted to cases of long standing where the blood is low. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY, No. 2. This remedy has cured cases of Ague in forty-eight hours. Better ad- apted to the complaint in the early stages. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN VERMIFUGE, No. 1. It will remove Tape Worms, Pin Worms, and all kinds of Worms. Its operation being directly for their removal, without any fear of injury to the constitution of the most delicate person, old or young. Price 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN VERMIFUGE, No. 2. Will remove Worms, particularly the Stomach Worm in children, or grown people within six hours, without injury to the constitution. This is one of the safest and most efficient remedies now before the public. Price 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN SOOTHING CORDIAL With the specific power of an opiate, without its usual prostrating effects. It can be safely taken by the most delicate children. Mothers troubled with fretful and restless children are hereby warranted immediate relief.— Price 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN FISTULA REMEDY. This we offer as something heretofore undiscovered in science. Its op- eration is to cleanse the system from the virus which supplies the ulcer, at the same time dissolving the hard and fungus growth, without the necessity 24 " His rent roil is exceeding great, But mortgages will sap the best estate."' for the use of caustic, or other surgical operation. In particular casts ac- companied by other remedies to suit the disease. Price $2,00 per Box. INDIAN INJECTION FOR CANCER IN THE WOMB, No. 1 Of all species of Cancers, those in this situation are universally acknow- ledged to be the most dangerous. For these, physicians generally are even loth to prescribe ; their position precludes them from having recourse to the knife, so they at once give over the patient to a protracted and ago- nized death. Price $1,00 INDIAN INJECTION, No. 2. For Congestion of the Womb, and inflamation of the uterus, the tfliciency of this remedy has been tested by hundreds of delicate women. Price $1, per Bottle. INDIAN INJECTION FOR FALLING OF WOMB. The finest direct application for such troubles in use. It causes a natur- al contraction and cures the above complaint. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN INJECTION FOR ULCERATION OF WOMB Where Canker and Ulceration locates in and about the Womb, this rem- edy will be found very efficient. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN REMEDY FOR CANKER. Nursing Son Mouth, and Putrid Sore Throat. Warranted infallible in every case, as frequent and innumerable certificates will vouch, rendering the U6e of Nitrate of Silver and Iodine entirely useless. It cure6 all throat difficulties. It never fails in Diptheria. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN REMEDY FOR BLOODY FLUX. It has cured the most fatal forms of Dysentery in from ten to twche Lo.rs. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN ANTIDOTE FOR SICK STOMACH, OR TREMBLES. This remedy will immediately counteract the effect of a certain poison- ous weed which, eaten by the cows pastured throughout the AVest, and pa-sing into their beef and milk, and thence into the various products of the dairy,—butter, cheese, Ac, causes so many deaths yearly. The dis- ease i6 commonly known as the Milk Sickness, or Sick Stomach, and Trem- bles,—the worst cases of which this medicine will entirely cure within three days. Farmers particularly should never be without this certain remedy. Price $1, per Bottle, INDIAN HYDROPHOBIA DROPS. Cure Warranted in every case of Hydrophobia, if taken seasonably.—' Aiso, a remedy for all kinds of animal poisons, such as bite6 of Rattlesnakes and other venomous reptiles. Direct from the Indians, well known as ex- perts in the treatment of such ills. Price $2.00 per Bottle. 2:5 " Ladies there are who think one crime is all ; " Can woman, then, no way but backward fail ?" INDIAN ANTI-SPASM REMEDY, No. 2. A sovereign remedy for all varieties of Fits, except in the most obstinate and long confirmed cases. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN INSANITY BITTERS. Valuable in all cases of Insanity, and warranted to cure at least one-third. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN COLIC CORDIAL. Used in thousands of cases with unequalled success. Also a sure remedy for Delirium Tremens. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN PICKET REMEDY. Warranted to cure all cases of Rickets, so prevalent among children.— Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN HAIR RESTORATIVE For restoring hair where lost from sickness, from a scalp diseased by mor- bid humors, or an unnatural heat in the head. In the case of those pre- maturely bald, and in many where the hair appears to have naturally fallen off through age, they may rely on a renewed, thick and heavy growth.— Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN CURE FOR MILK FEVER IN CHILDBED. A safe, certain and speedy remedy in this critical disease, before which many physicians have been powerless. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN EMENAGOGUE TINCTURE. Will remove all obstructions peculiar to females. It has over thirty in- gredients in it. It can be depended upon. Price $1,00 per Bottle. CHRONIC VENEREAL REMEDY, No. 1. Where by maltreatment or any other cause this poison has been infused in the blooS, there cannot be a remedy produced that will eradicate every vestige of it more thoroughly. Price $1,00 per Bottle. CHRONIC VENEREAL REMEDY, No. 2. For cases that have been maltreated, and where the poisonous medicine has reached the Blood and Muscular system, or the Bone and membrane Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN REMEDY FOR SEMINAL WEAKNESS. There are many dying daily with this complaint, when they might be made well. From delicacy they dare not consult a physician on this subject, Any one sending for this remedy, shall have it sent to them con- fidentially. It performs a cure after all other means fail. Price $1,00 per. Bottle. 2r ■ esses. Price $1,00 per Bottle. INDIAN COMPLEXION AVASlI, No. 1. For removal of Tan and Freckles. Infallible in every instance. Pric- 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN COMPLEXION WASH, No. 2. For smoothing the skin and removing pimples. Will entirely rejuvenate ! he most ropulsive complexion. Price 25 cents per Bottle. IDIAN DISCUTIENT OINTMENT. For Contracted Cords and Muscles. It softens hard and schirrous tumors .itid brings old callouses to a healthy condition. Price 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN LI\rER POWDER, No. 1. A quick and effective Cathartic for the Liver and Bowels. Price 25 eents per Package INDIAN LIVER POAVDER, No. 2. A mild and thorough Cathartic for the Liver and Bowels, not weakeniug in its effect. Price 25 cents per Package. INDIAN INJECTION POWDER, No. 1. For weakened Lower Bowels ; it will strengthen them and removal all tendency to Constipation. It forms a healthy mucus membrane ; equal- izes the circulation of the blood ; draws pressure from the head. It is use- ful in severe cases of general debility and deranged action of lower bowels Price 25 cents per Package. INJECTION POWDER, No. 2. A mild, soothing and healing injection; particularly in cases of inflamina- tion both chronic and acute. Price 25 cents per Package. INDIAN VEGETABLE DEAF DROPS, No. 1. Deafness can be cured! Of this, those who will give this remedy atria! we are certain will be assured ; in this, of course, we must make exception to those cases of individuals born deaf. Why will you deaf ones persist in aot hearing this call for relief? If you hear not, nor heed not this, how can you expect to be cured ? The nature of this remedy renders it safe to apply in any and all cases ; uot injurious to the finest texture or fibre of the ear organ. Its medicin- al properties are from the express juices of roots, which make a thorough compound to reach cas^s if long standing. Price 50 cents per Bottle. 27 '' The man who builds, and wants wherewith to j>h\ . Provides a home from which to run away."' INDIAN VEGETABLE DEAF DROPS. No. 2. To be used with No. 1, in particular cases where the nerve has I eon in- active a great while. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN EYE AVATER. This remedy will cure the worst cases of inflammation and sore eyes, both chronic and acute. While the good qualities of this simple but natural remedy remain un- known to those suffering for just such relief as this will give, we are happy to say, those fortunate enough to find such existed and have given it t. thorough trial, will testify to its happj^ l-esults. Price 25 cents per Bottle. INDIAN EYE FILM ERADICATOR. This remedy is free from any corrosive properties which might tend to injure the organ of vision, and will remove a film of years' standing, pro- viding the sight has not been destroyed. It operates upon the under sur- face of the eyelids, and through them, causing a distension of the pores and membranes to a roughness. The friction of the eyelid over the eye thus prepared, will wear off the film ; thus naturally removing such without the fear some have of a surgical operation, to say nothing of the uncertain re- sults. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN VEGETABLE EYE MUSCLE RELAXER, AVill cure all cases of cross and crooked eyes caused by contraction o the muscles, (unless they have been cut and hacked with a knife to produce a restoration, but failed.) Thousands of persons whose only reason for con- tinuing in this awkward condition is the dread of a surgical operation, car: here experience an almost painless and immediate relief. Price 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN TOOTHACHE DROPS This remedy will stop effectually, the worst case of Toothache instantly. AA'e will warrant it not to injure the enamel of the teeth. It will kill the nerve, but where there is a confirmed or local Neuralgia. it will but give relief. All those subject to this plague, in family or out, should keep a bottle on hand, for like many other troubles, it comes without much notice. Pric 50 cents per Bottle. INDIAN OIL OINTMENT. Will soften up and heal salt-rheum—will remove fever from the ska caused by scrofula, itch, rcsr, on remittance of the price affixed to tin m the eharge< of transportation paid by those ordering. All letters and or- ders directed to DR. II. AV. LIBBEY, !'0 and 92, Seneca Street. Cleveland. Ohio, will receive prompt attention. If a letter is conliden'ial and marked, ac such, the strictest observance of i* wjP be made. Any one wishing for more reference than wt gi»e them her. to any -p' - cial case. We will be happy to send it to them any distance free of ehnrtv All private diseases treated strictly r-onfid"ntia.:. No letter of inquiry noticed unless a stamp be enelo.- 1. People so ieg- jigem. of their business never should receive an answer. So that all who fail U hear from us can blame themselves. We cannot -pend time and pay postage to letters of inquiry. Any person or pe-sens wishing for the Indian Hygieina can have it sent the;ii free of charge by giving us their address. In all cases you would oblige us by reading carefully, and either sending it to some of your af- flicted friends and neighbors, or send their names to us, so that we can mail them one. Often in such cases a person can be instrumental in doing an incalculab;. amount o^* t'ood. DR. IL W. LIBBEY. Iuinar, MclHtil Iu'i-'nani. ('l and "2. Seneca Street Clc-dawl. (inn. 33 LETTERS AND CERTIFICATES. We give a few Certificates out of many hundreds, hoping to satisfy the public and the afflicted generally, that what we say, we prove. Read and be- lieve ; they speak for themselves. AVith such proof, who can doubt? Oberiin, Ohio. Dr. Libbey, Sir:—I take the present opportunity to thank you for your kindness in sending me medicine. I think it has done me a great deal of good. I am better than I have been in twelve years. I can get about very well without my cane ; in fact, I feel about as well as ever! But some of my friends want I should send for more remedies ; it seems to me as though I did not need any more. I work considerably now. I am st> much better, that some of my friends don't know me when they see me walking along the streets. Some think it almost a miracle, for many said I never could be cured. I am questioned every day about your treatment, medicines, &c. I shall always remem- ber you. and do all I can for you. May heaven smile on you, and length of days be given to you and yours. Respectfully yours, g HOPKINS. Auburn, Geauga Co., Ohio. Dr. Libbey, Sir :—1 have not forgotten you or your medicines. I cannot forget one that has done the good that you have for me. I think you an earthly Saviour. You have relieved me of sufferings more than any one else. I believe you will cure me yet. Please send me more medicine the first opportunity. Remember your reward is to come. I can walk something over eight rods and back for the first time in ten years. My whole prayers are for you, that you may hold out in health and strength, and keep the same; course you have begun, for many years to come Yours, with great Respect, I would say that the two cases above are those of people that I have never seen up to this date, Nov. 10, 1862. I examined and treated them without seeing either, again proving that a patient can be successfully treated at a distance. ;s4 NoricvL. C. W. Dh. JiihBKs, hear bii .-His with piease*. I •■•>iuiu. uieati I you the -late of u.> health, by the esc of your Indian Rcmcdi- - wide! I get while in Cleveland. They eared me of complaints in the Drain which J was aft'.iet- d with for thirty-six years. This 1 announce to the world with thankfulness to God, the Chief Physician, and I give yoa the highest credit as an instrument in hi* hands for the goo-l of IM* . rettores. My lv",t respe N n- yon. fii i1 *hrU e\ er remain \mtr wcllwisher. MRS. K. .1. HALL. Atiu,.l a j >.i,v itixl ii 1,„1! r.jv. 1 l.ail li m'\i iv attack o! Broni-liitis and Lung Tumble iogcthi r with Liver Complaint, and a general prostration of the whole -■y-.tem. I con- sidered myself in a very precarious situation. I called oi Dr. Libbey, and through tie- use ef his Indian Remedies I was restored to health, much better than 1 had bee-: many — and No I ise et tns Indian Remedies 1 was restored to healu\ much better tiian l baa oeen tor iany years. I must say thatfl never had any remedies-help me so promptly in a.y lit'.', -nd if I were to recommend any one particular remedy ef his, it would be his Liver Pills Jo. 1. They acton a person's system --ph ndidly, removing tarry collections of liver and iljr.il>- matter from Stomach am; Live* admirably. I can but ■<;. onnnend my friends nd alj th;>e afflicted with chronic diseases. (,, try Pr. I.ibbev's mode of treatment. Cleveland. Or'. i«th. ''-'■'•-,. ' MARK RTCTTA HD.-'O.V. Marti'!tl, horui.i (/,••■>• nnf.IL assuming ■ i-rofula Sore Eyes, tending > r-:,giy to Erysipelas. T had li--m fn-ated for'weeks with all the remedies that my frier.!- could ad rise, at last 1 became nearly blind, i sent to Dr. Libbey for ai e\ami)ia:.ioi , which lie made correctly. In a few week' from the time he prescribed his Indian !!'n.o1:'-, the eyes became well, and general health improved. They have been well ever since. At time" I discover a -light weakness, probably partly from age. bet nothing to be aCm od abou*. Any one having Sore Eyes, or any Chronic complaints, I think, will receive good and . ar--fd treatment if they place themselves under the care of It. T ;h., , >l\\. POST. rea/ci'.s/env), lj-~J. 17. Over a year ago I had u itM-rt a.e.K ol S- ctula » ,n l..i>. I ealici'i on a distin" guished Professor of Cleveland. ){>■ said he we.iid r-ui-e me in two weeks, andfrom ca-►" tic applications and such narsh ti-eatniein, he nearl s destroy.-<] my -ighi and it was wit' extreme difficulty that I could find my way ..'•out. I ,r..n- ...««.. 'Lt.nDi. Libb«v i have -eev Ter^atcd ca««B >!<• J a? •■ •-. J01\~ 'iCDTi]"- 35 Oberlm. Lorain Co., 0. t taktc extreme pleasure in giving the public a auowledge of my case. I consider it very remarkable. For several years I had Rheumatic, Dyspepsia and chronic diarhcea. I was reduced in flesh, and crippled so that I resorted to canes, and could not get along without them, and for work, that I could not do for years. My friends knew well my condition. I heard of Dr. Libbey, of Cleveland ; I sent my name to him and he describ- ed my case accurately, and sent me medicines. Taking into consideration my circum- stances, and the fact that in a few months I could walk well, eat well, my flesh become healthy, and can now do a good day's work, and feel well after it, it is indeed wonderful Vfy friends hardly know me when they see me on the street. What I think singular in this case is, that up to this writing I have not seen the doctor or he me, thus proving that he can cure without seeing the patients. If those afflicted will take my advice, they will place themselves under Dr. Libbey's treatment. He will cure you if he says so. If not, he will tell you, if called upon or consulted by mail. T should be most happy to give my opinion more fully. C. S. HOPKINS. >Ve fully concur in the abjve statement of Mr. Hopkins, being '.veil acquainted with him for many years, and knew bis trie condition. He now looks as well and heartv is most men in this place. WM. HOVEY. H. I,. HENRY, A. 3. IXGERSOL, DANIEL BUSHNELL. I 'i>ne this btatement of my daughter's case may be the means of relief to many suffer- ers. My daughter, aged about fourteen years, had a white swelling, which assumed its most aggravated form, a fever sore. The suffering it caused is little known except by those who have experienced the affliction. For months our cares and anxious efforts for her relief were beyond description. The first time the swelling was opened it discharged three quarts of acrid matter. We consulted the oldest physicians without any benefit.— They stated that the limb must be amputated or it would rot off, and the girl would not survive long. Providentially we heard of Dr. Libbey, and consulted him, and after a thorough examination he pronounced her a curable subject, much to our pleasure. With- in four weeks from the time he commenced his treatment, a portion of the thigh bone, of full size and three inches in length was extracted by his cleansing process, and in twelve weeks from the time he first saw her, she was well, the sores all healed, the limb, which was fearfully contracted, made straight, and the action of the limb became so per- fect that it soon obtained an equal size with the other. What seems the most remarkable of all is, that the limb is equally as long asthe other, notwithstanding the removal of so large aportion of the bone. Her general health is perfectlv good. (his mark,) JOHNX MARTIN. Kelly's Island, Erie Co.. Ohio, The undersigned, were the c iniiuirtee cho,en on t.'i-- aiio. - c-ese. and will avouch for the truth of the statement. J. E. WOODFORD. K. DWELLV. Some five years ago, I had that disease .,0 Cuuiiuuii Jo* iti this country, called Liver Complaint. It increased yearly, and finally became so bad that I had almost decided that I should never recover. Besides this, about seven or eight months ago, sores came out n! over me, and with the other complaint, incapacitated me for work. About this time I heard of Dr. Libbey's success , called upon him, he prescribed for me, and i am now iiappy to say that I am well. I have no h".'taCon tn ;-?commend;ng Dr. Libbey as one ably skilled to cure Chronic Di-teas^s HENRY ./"AKROT, :w DR. LIBBEY'S NATIONAL BATH ROOMS. In addition to our many remedies, we have deemed it advisable to fit up commodious Bath Rooms, known by the name of the National Bath Rooms, where the invalid, as well as the healthy, can have administered applica- tions that will give relief to the invalid and vigor to the healthy. Know- ing that many people have a decided prejudice to taking medicines, we have made these Baths particularly applicable to them. We have just patented an apparatus known as "Dr. Libbey's Patent Vapor Bath," decid- edly the best Vapor Bath in use. Through this, the patient can have ad- ministered, any form of Vapor Bath. For comfort, convenience, ami good arrangement, it is unsurpassed by any. We can assure all those wishing this manner of treatment, either with, or without internal remedies, that they will find nothing to compare with this mode of Vapor Bath in the States. The most flattering results have already more than confirmed the foregoing statements. MEDICATED VAPOR BATHS. These Baths are designed tor Rheumatism, Paralysis, or Palsy, Fits and Scrofula in all its various forms. Will remove mineral poisons from the System. They equalize the circulation of the blood. St. Vitus' Dance, and all complaints dependent upon the restoration of the Nervous System, readily yield to the influence of these preparations. Good for painful and irregular menstruation. All forms of Female difficulties relieved instantly. Dyspeptic subjects can here obtain relief. Eruptive diseases that tend to Vitiate, are brought to the surface. Catarrh in the head, throat, and Lung Diseases ; Withered and contracted limbs ; in fact, all troubles de- pendent upon a deranged blood or nervous system. Contagious diseases readily yield to the influence of these Vapors. They completely restore the suffering to health. These Vapors, or the Medications are varied in strength and kind, accor- ding to the complaints and condition of the patient, and will in all eases be administered with caution by a good careful attendant They never pro- duce bad results. Price of these Baths, *1 00 each. r*%> 37 REFRESHING SEAWATER SHOWER BATHS. To make this Department as desirable and complete as possible, we have been to a great expense, having brought from the seashore by the way of Boston, the pure seawater. We will give to any wishing the seawater Shower Bath, pure and unadulterated. Physicians having patients that need this kind of bath, can rely upon it. We have no doubt people having enjoyed the comforts of Seawater Bathing, will readily appreciate this ex- pense we have made for their comfort. This used morning or evening two or three times a week will impart new life and vigor. 23 cents each. LAKE-WATER BATHS. We have fitted up the best baths this side of New York, and are ready to give the warm or cold Lake-water Bath, Shower or Plunge. In style of tubs and convenience we think unsurpassed. For order and neatness of the entire establishment, we intend it shall recommend itself. Above all things else, do people want a display of neatness in Bath Rooms. 25 cents each. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. We have six fine rooms furnished expressly for Ladies. They are a com- plete bath house in themselves, attended by females thoroughly competent and under our immediate direction. We cordially invite ladies to exam- ine our rooms, that they may be satisfied of their completeness. We shall spare no pains in giving this department a good reputation, thu3 making this a healthful resort for the most fastidious. PEOPLE FROM THE COUNTRY. To those wishing to use these baths as restoratives to health, we would say that arrangements for their board near our establishment where they will be subject to no inconvenience can be made. Prices for board and treatment, with either Baths or Remedies, or both, may be agreed upon by writing. We will furnish those who wish, any particulars in regard to them. Direct to DR. II. W. LIBBEY, 90 and 92, Seneca Street. Cleveland, Ohio. 38 A CHAPTER TO THE AFFLICTED. Mrs. Nancy Seely, of Legrange, Lorain Co. Ohio, restored to lieilth n'b-r suffering from weakness of 20 years' standing. Mr. E. N. Parks, of Cleveland, Ohio, cured of 1 'nr,\lysis— mi extreme case. Mr. L. II. Kilburn, New York, cured of Paralysis, after having symptom* of third shock. Mrs. F. Roemer, Cleveland, 0., a lady 6<> years of age, cured in four weeks of great prostration and general debility, with strong consumptive symptoms Mrs. B. Suhr, Cleveland, Ohio, cured of consumption in two monUi*: was low in bed—the worst case cured I ever saw. Mrs. J. Romer, Amhurst, Lorain Co. 0 , cured of weakness ;»n.i i com- bination of symptoms. Mrs. E. T. Wiggins, Geneva Ashtabula Co., Ohio, cured of Chronic Rheu- matism and scrofula of many years' standing—confined to the house ~>w walking a mile without difficulty. Mrs. E. Baldoof, of Bloomingville, Erie Co., 0., curod of sick stutaie;, or Black Vomit, was given up by five physicians. Mr. Willis Clark, of Perkins, Erie Co., O., cured of Liver Comptumt.— Was unable to work, but in 12 weeks after he began to use our renr-die-i, he sheared 85 sheep in one day. Mrs. C. Critzinger, of Perkins, Erie Co., O.. cured of Iniiauiatory Ltu-vi- matism, a violent attack, limbs contracted double. We straightened Worn with Indian Discutent Ointment. 39 Miss L. Burton, of Springhill. Champaign Co., Ohio, cured of Cancer * >; the face, of six years' standing. Mr. Hannen, of Danbury, Ottawa Co., 0., cured of scrofula of 20 years' standing. General health made better than before for fifteen years. Mr. P. Wilber, Huron, Erie Co., 0., cured in five months, of Hip disease of seven years' standing. He had been treated by a professor in Cleveland- Health made good by our remedies. His father refused to give a certificate for fear of offending the physician that had treated him before. Mis. Wm. Luckle, Perkins, Erie Co., 0., cured of " Big^Neck," or •'-Goi- tre" of seven years' standing, cured in four weeks. Miss 0. Barney, of Auburn, Geauga Co., 0., cured of General Prostra- tion, Scrofula, and strong tendency to Scrofula Consumption; cured in three months. In two months had gained forty pounds of flesh. Mr. J. W. Mauley, Toledo, 0., cured of Scrofula, Rheumatism, Weak Kidneys, Cough, a General Debility and Extreme Emaciation ! For months he suffered greatly. We cured him in a short time. Miss H. W. Smith, Solon, Cuyahoga Co., cured of Cough with Consum- tive Symptoms, in eight weeks. Mr: II. Osbern, Mentor, Lake Co., 0., cured of Inflammatory Rheumatism in the worst form. Mr. A. E. Salsbury, Warrensville, Cuyahoga Co., cured of Neuralgia in ta:-; and head, of months* standing. Constitutional health not good ; that we restored also. Mrs. lloxy Pile, Northfield Summit Co., 0., cured of Female Troubles with a number of Chronic Diseases. Mr. Ii. Hemmenway, of East Townsend, Huron Co., 0., cured of Lung Disease, Liver Troubles, General Inactivity of Muscular System ; Heart had disposition to enlargement—made well in a few months. Mr. Wm. Plaisted, of Kirkland, Lake Co., cured of Cough and Hemor- rhage of Lunge and Enlarged Liver, with strong tendency to Consumption. Mrs. C. Fredricks, of Amherst, Lorain Co.. O., cured of Weakness, Lung not stroDg. and general want*of vitality. 40 Mr. Henry Lapp. Black River, Lorain. Co.. O , cured of a eomtened dc- ve'epmont of (chronic Diseases of long standing. M.ss Frances E. Warner, of South Wales, New York, cured of consump- tion, so pronounced, and many other der.it,god conditions that were thought to be incurable. Mr. T B Chapman, of Port Homer. Ohio, helped of Ulcerated Liver Nor.ra.ei;. about the heart, Scrofula, with its tendency to the lungs. Tried several physicians without help—writes that he is better than ever before in his life. Mrs. Sarah Porter, Dover, Cuyahoga Co., cured of General Weakness.— Lungs and Vitals weak and relaxed, disposed toa rapid decline. Miss Anna Webster, Mansfield, Richland Co., cured of Scrofula Sons oa Liml.s, Perforated Bone, Trouble with Vital System, Cough, Reduced Ex- tremely in flesh and strength. Had tried many physicians, but with no good effects. Cured entirely in a few months. Miss L. Bartholomew, of Oberiin, Lorain Co., Ohio, cured of Diptheria and Cankered Sore Throat and Mouth, had a relapse seven time6 ; despair- ed of by friends many times, but thanks to our Indian Remedies, they made her well. Mrs. H. Baily, of Huron, Erie (Jo., 0., cured of Scrofula and Dropsy combined. Sore from head to foot. Made well in few months. Mr. B. II. "Whitman, of Danbury, Ottawa Co., Ohio, cured of Neuralgia Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. Had tried four other nhysicians without help. Mrs. A. Wearing, of Townsend, Sandusky Co., Ohio, cured of Cancer in breast. Mr. Lewis Thitus of Kelly's Island, Erie Co., Ohio, cured of Fever Sores, Mr. T. Ward, of Bedford, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, cured of Rheumatism and Scrofula, with Consumptive Tendency, where joints had commenced separation. Mrs. H. Dewalt, of Cleveland, Ohio, cured of Severe Scrofula. Sore < r> limbs, causing great suffering, bordering upon cancer. Cured in about eight weeks. Miss A. Whipple, lived in Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio, now residing m^San Francisco, Cal., cured of Scrofula and Disposition to Spasms, of thirteen years' standing. 41 Musi- Emma Merritt, Cleveland, Ohio, cured of Spus^is, at times had eghteer. a day. Mrs. Swain, of Ravenna, Portage Co., Ohio, instantly relieved of Neural- pin in the head ; she suffered extremely for months. Child of Mr. AVm. Hoyet, of Cleveland, Ohio, could not use his limbs 'General Wasting of Flesh and Muscles, strongly inclined to Rickets, Weak Spine, tfcc, cured in a few weeks. Is now a perfect picture of health. Mr. Nelson Osburn, of Columbia, Lorain Co., Ohio, relieved of Scrofula" Liver Complaint, and a general combination of complaints of years' stand- ing. Mr. Henry Forrister, of Jasper, Pike Co., Ohio, had a Severe Cough> Pains through Chest and Lungs, Hectic Fevers, Chills, Mrs M Johnson, Hudson. Mich Mr J Fox, Sherfield, 0 " P Kimble, Green Springs, 0 Mrs H C Hunter, Huntersville, 0 Mr W F Pickerel], Ripley, O " B II Barney, Cleveland. 0 Mrs J Culburn, " Mr L Barnes, Munson, 0 Miss Lucy Whipple, Thompson. <> " K M Peck, Cleveland, O " M Hall, Norwich, C W Mr J W Manley, Toledo. (i " Cllalbrook, Lake, 0 ■' G All eit^iii.. Crawfordsville. Ind " W Cilc. X Eaton, O "AN Murphy. Brewer. <) Miss r Tart, Essex, NY " M .." Johnson, Solon. 0 " H W Smith, N Solon. O " A Lamb. Tvov. () '• H Davis. Toledo, 0 Mr H Stroud. X-in«ich, ' W •' B WSto< Maid, Munson. () Viss LA 11;..!].,,-l . Ma\fiel.i. 0 Mr R Osburn. *;■ moi','0 Mrs E Wright, Columbus. 0 " •! II Blanchard. Youngstown, O " E H Demming.' Dai.sville, NY Mr '.' E Butler, West River, Ind M-s■ .»nn Halbrook, Bainbridge. 0 " ,! Robinson, Newburgh, o " S J Heavy. Columbus, 0 Mr S Harnmel, Highlandtown. 0 " A E Salsbury. Warren vi) I e. 0 " M H Miller. Bedford, 0 Mrs Raymond, Dayton, 0 " EThornburgh, Christiui.sbirgh, 0 '' Vi IT Brown. Ashtabela, 0 " r A Btirge.sv. ('Ipveland. '.i Mrs E Lauipmau, Cleveland, 0 " J D Lyon, Grand Rapids, Mieh " Roxy Pile, Northfield, 0 Mr Wm Gagen, Fredericksburgh, 0 " S E Stapletou, Christian.shurg. O Miss E S Wilson, Geneva X Y Mr P 0 Wilson, Macon, 0 ■• J Lowthe, New Albany, Ind '• L DFarnsworth, Lewis Centre, O '' D Beckworth, Concord, O " N Smith, Warrensville, Mist: Woodwoith, Brooklyn, 0 Mi WII Cailetl, Warrenville, " E McCall, Maple Rapids, Mich Mrs C Hardman, Wellsville. <> Miss E I.oweth, Cleveland, o' •' A Thomas, Ravenna, 0 Mr C Stewart. liiiria.lo.X Y " S Milburn, Franklin, 0 Mrs M Hanson, St Joseph, Mich Mr B Brown, Auburn, 0 " W F Shaw, Brooklyn, 0 '• WmM Alvery, Elyria, 111: Mrs M Hughes, Lee, O " E Peeler, Amity, O " J Hall, Norwich, C \Y Miss E Clark, Eaton, 0 Mrs M Date, Cleveland, 0 *'~t (Fleming. RorVport. i> 4/5 DR. LIBBEY'S PATENT VAPOR BATH; PATENTED OCTOBER 21, !M2. We are ready to furnish our Patent Vapor Baths to those who wish them, to Physicians or for Family use. They can be applied to private Hath Rooms. We are ready to sell physicians' rights for using the Bath ; Town, County and State Rights, to manufacturers, also for sale. This Bath is far superior to any other in use, It is durable, easily adjust- ed; is an ornament to any house ; no dirt or slop attends it; easily kept in repair, and is decidedly the Best Vapor Bath in Use. Those wishing one, or the Right for Using or Manufacturing, in either State, County, or City, can be furnished with prices, and all necessary in- formation, by writing to our address, Cleveland, Ohio. A recipe for proper medication will be given to prjrebasers. 4 nneured, ti.f.l 1 .-iiii Aeling Agent to;- other iiistitutiei-i-- 1 wili here st-i.te.that 1 am not -connected in any way. with any establishment but my eun. I claim no knowledge from any physician or Indian Medical KsfTution in this country. Wlia* 1 iim-. no other physician hasknowledge . f. ;„••.] if any on. should offer for sale, medicines pretending to be in any wav ri.ur.eeied with me. I wmiM s-.iy.hfimre of them, unless his or her nan. is pruited in vbii- book as our agent, they are humbugs, and all who e\p<>.M- mich counterfeits will do the public, as well as myself, a great favor. One- hundred and Uenty-rA e different medicines, are compounded under my imm.-din'e direction, composed of from five 1o thirty different in <.'>••-di- > nlc. and warrfi'ited of lb.- first quality. TO JILL WHO ORDER MEDICINES. .he very e{jfeful to gt\» Plain Directions. Sometimes package* :av l.-i-t if net properly marked. Your name should he eb'stinctly written, also your Town. County and State. Borties cannot be tent by mail. ■>. 35' • • • <* \ #