GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE REFERENCE COLLECTION Revised edition Joy S. Martyniuk, M.L.S. National Library of Medicine Reference Section Bethesda, Maryland November, 1990 GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE REFERENCE COLLECTION Revised edition Joy S. Martyniuk, M.L.S. National Library of Medicine Reference Section Bethesda, Maryland November, 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REFERENCE COLLECTION page 3 EVALUATION OF REFERENCE TITLES page 5 SELECTION GUIDELINES BY FORMAT, TYPE, OR KIND page 10 APPENDIX 1: HOW TITLES ARE PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE REFERENCE COLLECTION page 22 APPENDK 2: STANDARD LISTS USED AS GUIDES FOR SELECTION OF TITLES IN THE REFERENCE COLLECTION page 23 APPENDK 3: SOURCES USED IN THE PREPARATION OF ORIGINAL GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE REFERENCE COLLECTION (December, 1987) page 25 GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE REFERENCE COLLECTION, NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REFERENCE COLLECTION The main Reading Room Collection (Reference Collection)* consists of materials considered primarily to have reference value, i.e., works that are consulted for specific information rather than for cover-to-cover reading. The Reference Collection may be characterized broadly as being current, primarily English-language, non-circulating, intended for browsing, and consisting of 5,000 to 7,000 titles that range from the international to the national to the regional levels. Various formats of materials require exceptions, and these will be discussed in detail later. The three broad categories of works in the Reference Collection are as follows: 1. Journals (Wl category that indicates a periodical in the NLM collection) 2. Monographs and serials classified broadly on the basis of subject matter from A through WZ in the NLM classification scheme 3. Abstracts, indexes, bibliographies, lists, and works in library science (the "Z collection") The Wl collection consists of approximately 200 periodical titles - 118 titles from ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS and other titles that are highly used in the Reading Room. The A-WZ collection contains textbooks in the core, related, and peripheral subject areas as defined by NLM, as well as so-called traditional reference tools, e.g., dictionaries, biographical directories, handbooks, atlases, guides, membership directories, sourcebooks, almanacs, etc. Works in the Z collection may be published either as monographs or as serials. It is important to note the following about NLM's Reference Collection: 1. Although it is a special collection, it is part of the overall collection of the Library, and except for interlibrary loan usage, helps fulfill the Library's national and international missions. ♦"Reading Room Collection" and "Reference Collection" are synonymous and are used interchangeably in this publication. 3 Reference titles are not used for interlibrary loans. All textbook monographs, and many other reference tools, are duplicated in the General Collection for such requests. Its subject coverage reflects that of NLM as described in the COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT MANUAL, 1985. These GUIDELINES for the Reference Collection are intended to complement the COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT MANUAL, 1985. Although NLM's collection at large has national and international missions, the Reference Collection has been compiled also as a. A courtesy for persons who come to the main Reading Room for information and perusal. b. Reference use by Reference Section staff and other NLM staff. Because most of NLM's vast holdings are located in closed stacks and are thus not immediately available to the public, selection of reference titles may be broader than would be true in many collections elsewhere. 4 EVALUATION OF REFERENCE TITLES Certain points of evaluation or appraisal are used in the selection of works for a reference collection. The following points, outlined by Shores and Krzys (see APPENDIX 3) are fairly standard: I. Authority A. Authorship B. Auspices (sponsorship) C. Genealogy (editions) n. Scope A. Purpose B. Coverage C. Recency (currency or dates to which the contents pertain) D. Bibliographies III. Treatment A. Accuracy B. Objectivity C. Style IV. Arrangement A. Sequence B. Indexing V. Format A. Physical makeup B. Illustrations VI. Special features A. Distinction B. Language While noting the above points, the reference selector at NLM asks the kinds of questions posed below in choosing titles for the Reference Collection. Not all points receive equal weight with every book, and the selector's questions reflect adjustments to NLM's particular Reference Collection. The questions asked also apply during the weeding process from the Reference Collection. 1. Does a title fit into the collection as defined by policy? 5 2. Is a textbook on the Brandon list? The most recent Brandon list of books for the small medical library (see APPENDK 2) is used as a basic core of titles in the Reference Collection. Is a title a new edition of a work already in the Reference Collection? Is it an eighth edition of a work not previously in Reference, but perhaps should be? Is the textbook older than seven years, the approximate cut-off date for such materials? Although older in date, does it still have current reference value, such as an approved nomenclature/classification not yet revised? 3. What is the professional status of the author (M.D., Ph.D.), his affiliated medical school, if any, and of the sponsoring or affiliated agency or organization (NLM or one of the National Institutes of Health, e.g.)? Is the publisher reputable in the bio-scientific fields, e.g., Elsevier, a university press, Williams and Wilkins, or Mosby? 4. Does the textbook have references and one or more indexes? (Both features are important.) Are there appendixes? Is there a glossary? Are organizations listed? 5. What is the copyright date or the dates of coverage? Generally, a bibliography published in 1980 would not now be considered for Reference. A bibliography of historical and current references on Alzheimer's disease from 1850 to 1985 would probably be selected for Reference because it is such a timely subject, but it would be considered for weeding within three to five years. A bibliography on death or dying published in 1980 would not be selected because much has been published on the subject since 1980. 6. Are the titles related to the core, related, and peripheral subjects as categorized by NLM? Does the textbook cover its subject well, or how do its contents compare with a slightly earlier or later book? How many levels of subject coverage are 6 there? (Generally, no more than two levels are selected, e.g., a book of pediatric nutrition would quality, whereas a work on pediatric nutrition in minority groups would not qualify.) 7. Should the title be ordered for the reference desk, the telephone area, the Reading Room shelves, or, rarely, in duplicate for the Reading Room shelves? (An example of the latter is DSM-IE-R, which is used frequently. Examples of titles for which three copies would be ordered are ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS and AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORY.) 8. Is a work with a recent date updated, revised, edited, or is it only a new printing of a previously published work? A multi-volume concordance of Freud's works recently appeared with a new date; it actually was a reprinting of the same concordance published several years ago. Government publications frequently are reprinted by another publisher because of the lack of copyright attached to government works. 9. Are the directories regional, national, or international, a necessary qualification? (Works below the regional level are not kept in Reference, e.g., individual state or county medical directories.) 10. Even in scientific works, reading style is important. Accuracy is vital also, and may be confirmed by the authority of the author, agency, and publisher, or by the selector in his or her areas of expertise. Does a possible reference work have a bias? Is this bias openly discussed? A related kind of work is INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PSYCHIATRY, PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOANALYSIS, AND NEUROLOGY, which deliberately tries to present all points of view on even controversial subjects, and is thus a valid Reference title. 7 11. What is the physical make-up of the work? Although loose-leaf works often contain relevant subject matter, their maintenance is a staffing problem, they often appear in multiple volumes and require relatively much shelf space, and pages or whole contents are easily removed by users. Thus such titles are selected for Reference with great care. When selected, it usually has to do with the importance of the topic and the need for the latest information. While hardbound works are preferable, many reputable works now are published with paperback binders and would be selected for Reference. 12. For what audience is a work intended? The Reference Collection is generally set up to accommodate usage by graduate students and clinical health professionals engaged in clinical work or, to a lesser extent, pure research. Consumer materials, works likely available in public libraries, and introductory textbooks are included only on a highly selective basis. 13. Does the work make a unique contribution to its field? Is there something unique about its physical make-up or its contents, tables, illustrations, etc., that adds to its value as a reference work? 14. Are there foreign-language general and bio- medical dictionaries available in the most recent editions? Older dates are acceptable in this kind of reference tool because new editions are slow in being published. The latest Russian-English medical dictionaries were published in 1958 and 1960, the 1958 work published in the United States, and the 1960 published in Moscow. Biographical tools may also be represented in older dates as well as new publications to cover the dead and the living, full vs. brief entries, and relatively noted persons from those relatively unknown. 8 15. Is the price likely to be a factor that should at least be noted? The cost of a reference work is ultimately not a prohibitive factor in NLM's Reference Collection. A high price (over about $300.00) is noted and discussed, but if a title is considered necessary to reference or public needs, it will be acquired. The basic consideration is as follows: Does the Reference Collection of NLM, unique in its status as part of NLM, need a particular title? 9 SELECTION GUIDELINES BY FORMAT, TYPE, OR KIND MEDICAL INDEXES, 1879-1959 Includes all medical indexes, starting with INDEX MEDICUS, 1879, and INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, 1880, through CURRENT LIST OF MEDICAL LITERATURE, which ended in 1959. Between 1879 and 1959 these indexes were published under several different titles. These titles are shelved chronologically regardless of titles because experience has shown that they are used in this way. English-language, although they cover some foreign-language materials. International and broad medical coverage. MAJOR CONTINUING ABSTRACTS, INDEXES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES Broad major biological, scientific, and medical continuing tools. English-language, although they include some foreign-language materials. Located on the index tables, with previous years of some titles on the Reference shelves. Titles: PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, CUMULATED INDEX MEDICUS (1960) to present (current year titled INDEX MEDICUS), SCIENCE CITATION INDEX, SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX, HOSPITAL LITERATURE INDEX, INDEX TO DENTAL LITERATURE, INTERNATIONAL NURSING INDEX, CUMULATED INDEX TO NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH LITERATURE. Most of these titles are maintained in the Reading Room from the beginning of their publication. OTHER ABSTRACTS, INDEXES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES Arranged by call number on the Reference shelves. Primarily English-language (exception would be a foreign biomedical bibliography that would fit into the time frame of the last five years). 10 Collected selectively for core, related, and peripheral coverage. Topics tend to be either broad or special areas of current interest. Maintained in the Reading Room for the latest five years. ABRIDGED EDITIONS May be acquired for the Reference Collection if considered useful. Selection is made on a title-by-title basis. Example: a synopsis to COMPREHENSIVE TEXTBOOK OF PSYCHIATRY is located in Reference because users often find it more useful than the textbook from which it derives. English-language only. ABSTRACTS See above. ALMANACS English-language only. No limit on countries if work is in English. Most current edition only. Example: WORLD ALMANAC, CORPUS ALMANAC AND CANADIAN SOURCEBOOK. ANNUAL REPORTS Annual reports as such are not selected. BASIC INFORMATION LEVEL MATERIALS English-language only. Although textbooks in the general fields of botany, chemistry, ecology, physics, science, and sociology are seldom selected, certain reference tools such as dictionaries, directories, or abstracts may be chosen because of their 11 comprehensive coverage. Examples are VAN NOSTRAND SCIENTIFIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, HOW TO FIND CHEMICAL INFORMATION, or HANDBOOK OF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. Certain aspects of the six basic information subjects, e.g., medical botany, biochemistry, or medical sociology, are covered more comprehensively at NLM; the above statement does not apply to these more specific areas. The Reference Section coordinator has primary responsibility for selection of general basic information materials for the Reference Collection, assisted by referrals from S/A. Upon weeding of such titles from Reference, they are sent to the History of Medicine Division for possible historical interest, or occasionally for directories, to the Technical Services Division. BIBLIOGRAPHIES See above. BIOGRAPHICAL SOURCES Current and retrospective; older dated publications may be retained, as well as newer ones. English-language preferred, but foreign language is occasionally acceptable, e.g., QUIEN IS QUIEN EN AMERICA DEL SUD. Comprehensive or brief coverage. General, scientific, biomedical, special subject sources. NOTE: Considerable latitude is given in the selection of biographical tools, as well as the retention of older tools in the Collection, because of their importance as reference sources. Biographies and autobiographies as such are not selected. BOOK REVIEW TOOLS English-language only. General, scientific, technical, special subject sources. 12 Time period: Should be maintained for ten years because of the slowness of reviewing in some fields and because health personnel sometimes want to scan reviews of older titles. Examples: BOOK REVIEW DIGEST, TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX. CATALOGS English-language only. Current medical school catalogs in microfiche (the superseded fiche are taken to the History of Medicine Division). General catalogs of supplies and equipment are selected for Reference, e.g., THOMAS REGISTER. Catalogs of specific commercial companies are not kept. Most recent editions only. CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS English-language only. Most recent editions only. May be retained for some time because revision usually does not occur as rapidly as that for other forms of literature, such as textbooks. Consist of authoritative schemes established by an official body, e.g., DSM-III- R; DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL OF MENTAL DISORDERS, published by the American Psychiatric Association. DICTIONARIES, GLOSSARIES, THESAURI Dictionary-type titles in all languages may be maintained, preferably those titles which are both English-language, language-English. Recent ones are desired, but older ones may frequently be retained because revisions are sometimes slow. One dictionary or more for a language may be kept because of differences in the contents. 13 Broad unabridged English-language dictionaries, as well as abridged dictionaries. Recent dictionaries are included, but older works may be retained for some time. Broad scientific, technical, medical dictionaries. Both English and foreign, e.g., DORLAND'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY and DICTIONNAIRE DES TERMES MEDICAUX & BIOLOGIQUES. Special subject dictionaries in foreign languages are not kept in Reference, e.g., a French dictionary of otolaryngology. Dictionaries in English for all core subjects are maintained, while closer selection is given to related and peripheral areas. Quotation dictionaries are collected only in English. These works are not revised often and appear as older items in the Reference Collection. Dictionaries are collected only in English for abbreviations, acronyms, eponyms. Polyglot dictionaries are selected in many languages. Programmed manuals for learning medical terminology are not located in the Reference Collection. Thesauri of bibliographies and data bases are maintained only in English, e.g., THESAURUS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INDEX TERMS. DIRECTORIES OF MEMBERS OF ORGANIZATIONS English-language only. Current, most recent editions. Directories of members of international, national, and regional associations in the health sciences or related fields are acquired. Equivalent national association directories of the United States and foreign countries are also acquired, e.g., AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORY, and MEDICAL DIRECTORY (British). Also directories of members of subject field organizations, e.g., MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 14 DIRECTORIES, MISCELLANEOUS English-language only. Current, most recent editions. Includes multidisciplinary or subject areas related to health sciences, such as resources, education, grants, or research. Examples are NATIONAL HEALTH DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY OF RESEARCH GRANTS, and Peterson's various education directories. DISSERTATIONS AND THESES Not maintained as such in Reference. Possibly a published book that appeared originally as a dissertation would be selected. ENCYCLOPEDIAS English-language only. Most recent, current editions. General encyclopedias, e.g., ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA, are replaced every 5-8 years. The distinction between encyclopedias and dictionaries, particularly in one- volume works, is frequently a fine line. Directories are sometimes referred to as "encyclopedias" also, e.g., ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ASSOCIATIONS. EXAMINATION GUIDES AND WORKBOOKS Answer/question examination guides are not collected in Reference. Old copies of state board or other examinations are not kept in either the Reference Collection or the General Collection of NLM. (This is a frequently asked question.) Workbooks that have questions and space for inserted answers are not selected 15 GEOGRAPHICAL ATLASES English-language only. Current, most recent editions. International to national (United States) levels. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS English-language only. Government-published monographs are located in Reference as works cataloged under proper subjects. Government-published serials are sometimes classed in the form classification, W2, e.g., MMWR. Current, most recent editions, or previous five years. HANDBOOKS AND MANUALS English-language only. Current, most recent editions. Fairly comprehensive works that provide basic chemical, biological, or core medicine information are selected &scriminately for Reference, e.g., MERCK MANUAL, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MANUAL, HANDBOOK OF PHYSIOLOGY. Each core subject should have at least one basic, current handbook or manual. HISTORY OF MEDICINE English-language only. Because the History of Medicine Division is always closed on Saturdays and in the evenings, certain medical history works are also located as duplicates in the Reference Collection. Thus, a basic mini-collection of works is in Reference - bibliographies, books, directories, dictionaries, statistics, and guides - and these are intended only as supplementary to HMD's collection during the latter's close hours. Such works frequently have older dates. 16 INDEXES See above. JOURNALS (Wl's) English-language only. Based on all titles in ABRIDGED INDEX MEDICUS (AIM) and other high- use titles. The current year plus nine previous years, or a ten-year span, will be maintained in the Reference Collection. One exception is UNLISTED DRUGS, kept in Reference from v.l, 1949, to the present. Other examples of exceptions, for which only one year is maintained, are CURRENT DIAGNOSIS and CURRENT PEDIATRIC THERAPY. LOOSE-LEAF PUBLICATIONS English-language only. Core subjects only. Also contemporary topics of particular interest in which current information is important. Examples of such subjects are AIDS and biotechnology, e.g., BIOSCAN. Carefully selected for the Reference Collection because of the difficulties discussed in No. 11 under EVALUATION OF REFERENCE TITLES. MEDICAL ATLASES English-language only. Selected only infrequently for general and core subjects. Size is a consideration because of the practicality of shelving. Otherwise follows guidelines for textbooks. Current, most recent editions. 17 MEDICAL SCHOOL CATALOGS See: CATALOGS and MICROFORMS. MEETINGS AND PROCEEDINGS English-language only. Previous five-year coverage. Examples are WORLD MEETINGS: MEDICINE and PROCEEDINGS IN PRINT. MICROFORMS BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, DISSERTATIONS ABSTRACTS (not current), and older medical indexes are on microfilm. Other titles are on fiche, e.g., telephone directories, medical school catalogs, and current NATIONAL UNION CATALOG. Previous fiche are discarded (except medical school catalogs, which are sent to History of Medicine Division when updated fiche arrive). English-language only. No journals are maintained in the Reading Room in microfiche, as well as no publishing tools such as would be available in Selections and Acquisitions and Serials Records. NEWSLETTERS AND NEWSPAPERS Newsletters and papers as such are not selected. An exception is MEDICAL LETTER ON DRUGS AND THERAPEUTICS, a Wl serial maintained because of its high use and reference value. PHARMACOPEIAS Official pharmacopeias of all countries are sought for the Reference Collection. PDR is kept for the United States; similar tools are kept for other countries only if official works are not available or if usage in the Reading Room requires such titles. 18 UNLISTED DRUGS, 1949 to present, is maintained in the Wl category in the reading room because of its retrospective value. English-language only, with infrequent exceptions if considered necessary. Most recent editions. RANKING MATERIALS Works that exist to rank in sequence as "the best," "the top ten," "the best 100," etc., are not selected for the Reference Collection. This includes the rankings of professional health personnel, hospitals, facilities, and services. Reference personnel do not make such evaluations or recommendations, and the exclusion of ranking tides in the Reference Collection is related to this policy. Examples of such materials are THE BEST DOCTORS IN THE UNITED STATES by John Pekkanen and AN ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH-DOCTORATE PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES, sponsored by the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils and published by the National Academy Press in 1982. SERIAL TOOLS English-language only. Most recent editions available. Such works are used to verify journal titles or to identify libraries that hold various titles. Examples are union lists of regions or metropolitan areas, CASSI, NEW SERIAL TITLES, UNION LIST OF SERIALS for older works and LIST OF JOURNALS INDEXED FOR INDEX MEDICUS STANDARDS Selected recent editions of standards in various fields, particularly core subjects, are in Reference, e.g., ACCREDITATION MANUAL FOR HOSPITALS. English-language only. 19 STATISTICS Some statistical works are kept in the W2 section, e.g., VITAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES and DEMOGRAPHIC YEARBOOK. HOSPITAL STATISTICS is in the Wl category. EUROPEAN HISTORICAL STATISTICS, 1750-1970, and STATISTICAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES FROM COLONIAL TIMES TO THE PRESENT, arc cataloged in the HA section. STYLE MANUALS English-language only. Current, most recent editions. General, scientific, medical, and special subject works are present. Examples are CHICAGO STYLE MANUAL, PUBLICATION MANUAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, and A COMPILATION OF JOURNAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS. TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES English-language only and United States only for the present. Eventually foreign directories will be added as they become available. Current, most recent editions. Received in microfiche format from UMI, a Bell and Howell information company. See: MICROFORMS. TEXTBOOKS English-language only. Current, most recent editions. All core subjects are represented; related and peripheral areas are more selective. Generally, textbooks in the Reference Collection deal comprehensively with a single subject or with one aspect of a general core 20 subject, e.g., a book on nursing care for the aged. Known authorities are given preference. Authority is also judged according to a work's multiple editions. The most recent Brandon list is adapted to NLM's needs, and various other lists are also used to select the most appropriate books. Textbooks selected contain indexes and references. All textbooks in the Reference Collection are duplicated in the General Collection. TRANSLATION SOURCES With infrequent exceptions, no translated works from a foreign language. An example of an exception is WHO'S WHO IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (originally in Chinese). TRANSLATION REGISTER-INDEX is located in the Z collection. YEARBOOKS OR ANNUAL REVIEWS These annually published review works are not maintained in Reference. Limited space and the proliferation of review titles makes this policy necessary. 21 APPENDK 1 HOW TITLES ARE PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE REFERENCE COLLECTION 1. Selections and Acquisitions: monographs, by S&A staff 2. Serials Records: serials, by SR staff 3. Book trucks in S&A and Serials Records, by Reference Section selectors 4. Professional literature through advertisements, reviews, etc. 5. Blurbs, etc., sent through the mail 6. Suggestions by Reference Section staff or other NLM staff 7. Suggestions from users 8. Lists that appear in the literature, e.g., Brandon list, list in ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, nursing lists, etc. 9. Guides or resource books, e.g., HOW TO FIND OUT IN PSYCHIATRY 10. Catalog proof sheets 11. Media, hearsay 12. Publication lists from publishers, e.g., Gale lists 13. Publication lists from associations, e.g., annual list from the American Psychological Association 14. Book reviews through book review tools, e.g., TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX, and through journals, particularly official publications of associations, e.g., AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 15. Classic sources, e.g., Blake and Roos, Sheehy, or Walford 16. MAJORS WEEKLY NEW BOOK RECEIPTS FOR THE MEDICAL LIBRARIAN 22 APPENDK 2 STANDARD LISTS USED AS GUIDES FOR SELECTION OF TITLES IN THE REFERENCE COLLECTION The following lists have existed for some time, and most are published periodically. The most recent available are cited here. As these lists, other lists, guides, resource books, and journal articles appear in the literature, they are surveyed for tides of interest in the Reference Collection. Books of the year. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING 1988 Dec;88(12):1659-69 Brandon AN; Hill DR. Selected list of books and journals for the small medical library. BULLETIN OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1989 Apr;77(2):139-69. Brandon AN; Hill DR. Selected list of books and journals in allied health sciences. BULLETIN OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 1988 Oct;76(4):346-67. Brandon AN; Hill DR. Selected list of nursing books and journals. NURSING OUTLOOK 1988 Mar-Apr;36:92-102. CISTI'S MEDICAL REFERENCE BOOKS, MARCH 18, 1987. Print-out to Eve-Marie Lacroix from Dianne Kharouba, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information. Hackleman, K. MEDCOR LIST: BASIC BOOKS FOR THE SMALL HOSPITAL COLLECTION. 1988 ed. Maryland Heights, Missouri: Matthews Medical Books, 1988. Huth EJ. A library for internists VI. Recommendations from the American College of Physicians. ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE Mar;108(3):497-512. Appears every two years. INFORMATION SOURCES IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Edited by L. T. Morton and S. Godbolt 3rd ed. London: Butterworths; 1984. Kowitz, Aletha. BASIC DENTAL REFERENCE WORKS. 8th ed. Chicago: American Dental Association; 1989. 23 Kronenfield MR, et al. Recommended core book list for public health libraries. MEDICAL REFERENCE SERVICES QUARTERLY 1985 Summ;4:39-52. Meranze J; Wollman H. Selected list of books and journals for an anesthesia library. ANESTHESIOLOGY 1985 Jun;62(6):781-5. Reference sources for nursing. The Interagency Council on Library Resources for Nursing. NURSING OUTLOOK 1988 Sep-Oct;36(5):246-8. Roper, Fred W., and Jo A. Boorkman. INTRODUCTION TO REFERENCE SOURCES IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES. 2nd ed. Chicago: Medical Library Association; 1984. 24 APPENDK 3 SOURCES USED IN PREPARATION OF ORIGINAL GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF MATERIALS FOR THE REFERENCE COLLECTION (December, 1987) Boorkman, Jo A. Organization and management of the reference collection. In: INTRODUCTION TO REFERENCES IN THE HEALTH SOURCES IN THE HEALTH SCIENCES. By Fred W. Roper and Jo A. Boorkman. 2nd ed Chicago: Medical Library Association; 1984. pp. 3-16. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY MANUAL. Prepared by Shirley Hesslein in cooperation with HSL Subject Bibliographers. [Buffalo, New York] Health Sciences Library, State University of New York at Buffalo; 1980. Curley, Arthur, and Dorothy M. Broderick. BUILDING LIBRARY COLLECTIONS. 6th ed. N.p.: Scarecrow Press; 1985. Futas E; Vidor DL. What constitutes a good collection? LIBRARY JOURNAL 1987 Apr 15; 112:45-7. Kroll RH. The place of reference collection development in the organizational structure of the library. RQ 1985 Fall;25:96-100. Judkins DZ. Standards for reference services in health sciences libraries: the reference product. MEDICAL REFERENCE SERVICES QUARTERLY 1986 Fall;5:35-49. Library of the American Hospital Association, Asa S. Bacon Memorial. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY OF THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, 1983. Chicago: American Hospital Association; 1983. Mancini D. Implementing a collection development policy. THE GEORGIA LIBRARIAN 1985 Nov;22:92-4. MorowitzHJ. Reference books. HOSPITAL PRACTICE [Off] 1984 Apr, 19(4):225, 229. National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Technical Services Division. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT MANUAL OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE, 1985. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, Maryland: National Institutes of Health; 1985. 25 Richards DT. Collection development in health sciences libraries; a report on the Medical Library Association postconference, 1985. LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS 1985;9(4):351-4. Shores, Louis, and Richard Krzys. Reference books. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, v. 25. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1978. pp. 136-202. Washington University (Saint Louis, Missouri). School of Medicine. Library. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE LIBRARY COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT MANUAL, 1983. Compiled by Kathy Gallagher. St Louis: The Ubrary; 1984. 26