or- c t ^ er cc «f i v» c cr re L i i £§ m rsssa e©S -*■■■"■. ✓ - ' ' <&$&£ i m w mm ma WA ^ » t < 1 c 1 « V « « «' « I < C < ire c c, c C < € < 1 ^ % «■ 4 < < i 4SC «: < «f * 4f 4 C r A* *" ^k' «? «" S Si «* 4!% | AW* o«f I < « <« m m ^g r- i c 4 m ^5" ^ -.' ^_ \ « C mf ■ **" m tg r S i ^ u or < . «r 4T cc c c < « «. C «*"."*«il '{'tilt MiU Cf rr C SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. No. 113, W. D.S. G.O. 3—513 <: * < < t <. «, « 4CC i v t. « <!i. C <) M 1* A R A T I Ar K A X A T O M A'. ••Foxes. Researches: Chemical and Physiological, concerning certain North American Vertebrata. Joseph Jones. M. D. Washing- ton, 1850. (Smithson, Contrib.) Li-rrox. The Anatomy of the Aluscular System of the Horse. James Irvine Lupton. London, 1802. Mitchell. Researches upon the A'enom of the Rattlesnake, with an investigation of the Anatomy and Phy.-iology of the Organs con- cerned! S. AVeir Mitchell, M. D, AVashington. 1800. i Smithson, Contrib.) 3 P M YS I 0 LOGY. 'Beatmont. 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A Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. Ths late J. Cunningham Sauixlers. With .Biography, etc., by J." 13. Fane, AL I). Lou./lKlG. Sai'rei.. Chirurgie Navalo. Jouis J. Saurel. Pan-, 1855. Scarpa. Treatise on the Principal i>i-.ases of (he Eyes. Antonio Scarpa. From the Italian, by James Brigg.-. AI. D. London. 1818. S. iierer. Jahresbericht fiber die Leistungen in. der Kriegsheilkunde. Prof. Soberer, etc. 2 vols. Wurzburg, 18G1-2. Scrive. Relation Medico -Chirurgicale de la Campagno d'Oricnt. Dr. G. Scrive. Paris, 1857. Skey. Operative Surgery. Fred.. C. Skey, AI. D, Phila., 1850. Smith. Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations. Rob. W. Smith, AI. D Philadelphia,. 1850.. Smith. Handbook of Surgical Operations. Stephen Smith, AL I). New A'ork, 1802. Snellen. Probe-Buchstaben zur Re-timmung der Sehscharfe. Dr. H. Snellen. Utrecht, 1862. Snellen. Test-types for the Determination of the A.cuteness of Vision.. II. Snellen, Al D. Utrecht, 1804. S'ieixer. Handbuch fiir die Fcldar/Je der k..k. Armee. Dr. Sterner. Sikomey.er. Alaximen der Kriegsheilkunde.. Dr. L. Stromeyer. 2 vols. Hanover, 1855. Stromeyer—Esmarch. Gunshot Fractures. Dr. Louis Stromeyer. Resection in GunMiot Injuries. Dr. Friedrich Esmarch. Trans- lated (from the German) by S. F. Statham. Philadelphia. 1802. Sweihaii:. Treatise on. Syphilis. I\. Swediaur. From,the French, by Th. T. Hcwson, AI. D. Philad(4phia, 1815. Teulon. Lecons sur le Strasbisme et.la Diplopie. AI. le Dr. F. Giraud —Teuton. Paris, 1805. Toynhee. Diseases of the Ear. Joseph. T.oynbee. London, 18UO. Trolts. n. The Dl-eases of the Ear, their Diagnosis and Treatment. Dr. Anton von Troltsch. Translated (from the German) by D. P.. Sf. John.Roosa. New York, 1804. Yeli-eal. Nouveau Elements de Aledccine Operatoirc. A. L. Al. A'el- peau. With Atlas. 5 vols. Paris, 1832. V.Ei.r-EAt',. Traite Complet cV.Anatomie Chirurgicale. A. L.. AL Vol-- pcau. 2 vols. Paris, 1853. Yidal. Traite de Pathologie Externe. Aug. A'.idai. (de CassLi. 5 vols. 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AVith Notes by John Bell, Al. D. Philadelphia, 1841. Velpau. Treatise on Alidwifery. Alf. A. L. AI. Arelpau. From the French, by Charles D. Aleigs, AI. D. Philadelphia, 1838. Velpau. Diseases of the Breast and Alammarv Region. From the French, by AI. Henry. London, 1856. West. Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. Charles Wot, AI. D. Philadelphia. 1800. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, [ 1 Y NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, ETC. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND MtiTKOROLOGV. Baoiie. Aleteorological Observations made at the Girard College, Phila- delphia, under the direction of A. D. Bache, L. L. D. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1840-5. Balley. Aleteorologie et Aleteorographie, Pathogenic et Nosographie. Dr. F. Ball.y. Paris, 1863. (Atlas annexe aux Nos. II et 42 du Recueil de Aleni. de Aled. Coffin. On the AVinds of the Northern Hemisphere. Prof. J. H. Coffin. Washington, 1853. (Smithson, Cont.) Caswell. Aleteorological Observations made at Providence, R. I., ex- tending over a period of 2X years, from 1831-60. Prof. Alexis Caswell. Washington, I860. (Smithson, Cont.) Clvier. Kssav on the Theory of the Karth. Al. Ouvier. New York, I SI 8. Daniell. Aleteorological Essays and Observations. "Fred. Daniell. London, 1827. ------Directions for Aleteorological Observations, and the Registry of Periodical Phenomena. Washington, 1860. (Smithson, Cont. i -------Directions for taking Aleteorological Observations, adopted by the Aledical Department of the U. S. Army. AVashington, isll. Ksi'v. Report on Aleteorology to the Secretary of the Navy. James P. Espy. AA'ashington, 1850. Force. Record of Aurora Phenomena observed in the higher Northern Latitudes. Peter Force. AVashington, 1X5... (Smithson, Cont.) Gilless. Astronomical and Aleteorological Observations made at (he U. S. Naval Observatory for the years 1861-2. Published by authority from the Hon. Secretary of the Navy. Captain J. AL Gilless. U. S. N. 2 vols. AVashington, 1863, (irYOT. Tables: Aleteorological and Physical. Prepared for the Smith- sonian Institute by Prof. Arnold Guyot, L. L. D. AA'ashington, 1850. (Smithson, Cont.) Kaemtz. Cours complet de Aleteorologie. L. F. Kaemtz. Paris, 1843. Kureer. Annales de PObscrvatoire Physique Central de Russie. A. T. Kupfer. 6 vols. St. Petersburg, 1856-61. Klpkek. Annuaire Aleteorologique et Alagnetique. 8 vols. St. Peters- burg, 1845. Kupfer. "Recherches Experimentales sur I'elasticite des Aletaux. St. Petersburg, I860. Loomis. On certain Storms in Europe and America. Elias Loomis, L^ L. D. Washington. I860. (Smithson. Cont.) 2/ -\I. ■< 'mniu.k. Meteorological < fi.-er vat ions in the Arctic. Seas. >ii Franci- Leopold AleClintock, R. N .Made on board the Arctic Searching Yacht "Fox," in Baffin's Bay and Prince Regent's Inlet, 18o7-9. AVashington, 1860. (Smithson, Cont.) ■-----(Army) Aleteorological Register, 1822 to 1825 inclusive. From observations made by the Surgeons of the Army at the Alilitary Posts of the United States. Prepared under the Direction of Joseph Lovell, AI. D.. Surgeon General, U. S. A. AA'ashington, 1826. -----The same, for the years 1826 to 1830 inclusive. Prepared under the direction of Thomas Lawson, AL I)., Surgeon General, XL S. A. Philadelphia, 1840. -----The same, for the years 1831 to 1812 inclusive. Prepared under the direction of Brevet Brig. General Thomas Lawson. Surgeon General, U. S. A. AVashington. 1851. -----The same, from 1843 to 1854 inclusive. Prepared under the direction of Brevet Brig. General Thomas Lawson, Surgeon Gen- eral. I'. S. A. AVashington, 1855. -----The same, from 1855 to 1860 inclusive. Appendix to Statistical Report of the Sickness and Mortality in the Army. Under the direction of Brevet Brig. General Thomas Lawson. Prepared by Kichard II. Coolidge. Al. I)., Asst. Surg., U. S. A. AA'a.--hington, 1860. -----The same, monthly—from 1810 to \x">'.K 52 vols. Manuscript. —-— The same, hourly—from 1843 to 1854. 10 vols. Manuscript. AIueler. Considerations sur la prevision des tempetes. Ferdinand Aluller. St. Petersbourg, 1864. Olmsteap. On the recent Secular Period of the Aurora Borealis. Den- nison Olmstead. L. L. D. AA'ashington, 1856. (Smithson, Cont.) Polillet. Elements de Physique experimentale et de Aleteorologie. AYith Atlas. AL Pou.illet. Paris, 1840. (Juhkett, Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope. John Quekett, London, 1858. Quetklet. Annalesde PObscrvatoire Royal de Bru.xelles. Publiees par A. Quetelet, Dirccteur, etc. Bruxeilos. 1861. Poreri'sox. General View of the Natural History of the. Atmosphere, Henry Robertson, AI. D. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1808 Sflliman. American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by Prof. Silliman, B. Silliman, Jr.. and James D. Dana. 30 vols. New Haven, 1845-65. Smith. Aleteorological Observations made near Washington, Arkansas, from 1« 10-59. Nathan D. Smith, AL D. AA'ashington, 1800. (Smithson, Cont,) Tyndall. H.at considered as a mode of motion; being a course of Twelve Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Giva; Britain. John Tyndall. London, IS63. C H K AI I S 'F 11 Y Anna les de Chimie et de Physio, ue, M. Al. Gay Lu-ac An CLeyrcul, Savary, etc, 64 vols, Pari-,, LSD -of. Z1- ID:i.l. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. Edited bv Jabub Bell. 18 vols. London, 1842-50. Berzeliis. Jahres Bericht iiber die ForGehritte der Physischcn AVis- sen.-chaften. Jacob Berzelius. From the Swedish, by F. AVob- ler. 4 vols. Tubingen, 1834. Besaney. Lehrbuch der Chemic. Dr. F. F. von Gorup-Besaney. 3 vols. Braunschweig, 1862. ------Bordeaux A\Tine and Liquor. Dealer's Guide. New York. Bowman. A Practical Handbook of Aledical Chemistry. John E. Bowman. Philadelphia, 1855. Byrn. The Practical Distiller. La Fayette Byrn. Philadelphia, i860. Ci-teush. Chemistry. James Cutbush, AI. D. Philadelphia, 1813. Cutiusii. System of Pyrotechnv. James Cutbush, AL I). Philadel- phia, 1825. Fardel. Traite Therapeutique des Eaux Alinerales de France et de l'Etrangcr. Dr. Alax. Durand-Fardcl. Paris, 1857. Fardel. Dictionnairc General© des Eaux Alinerales. 2 vols. Paris, 1800. Foewarczny. Handbuch der Physiologischen Chemic. Dr. Folwar- czny. Wien, 1863. Fresenius. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Dr. C. Remig. Presenilis. Translated (from the German) by Lloyd Bullock. London, 1860. Fresenils. ijualitativn Chemical Analysis. Dr. C. Bomig. Fresenius. London, 1859. Ginns—Gentii. Researches of the .Ammonia Cobalt Bases. AValcott Gibbs and Fred. Aug. (Jenth. AA'ashington, 1856. (Sniithson, Cont.) 'Graham. Elements of Chemistry. Thomas Graham. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1857. Hare. Alcmoir on the Explosivcness of Nitre, with a view to elucidati' its agenev in the Explosion of July, 1845, in New York. Robert Hare. AL D. AVashington, 1850." (Smithson, Cont.) Henry. Traite Pr?.ctiquc d'Analysc Chimiquc des eaux Alinerales. ()-.-ian Henry. Paris, 1858. _______lahrbuch der Chemic und Physik. 5 vols. Halle. 1*20-*. Knapp. Chemical Technology. Dr. F. Knapp. 3 vol>. London, 18ls. Lank ester—Risk. Quart. Journal of Alicroscopical Science. Edw. Lankestcr, AL D., and Geo. Rusk. London, 1864. Leeort. Traite de Chimie Hydrologique. J. Leforl. Paris. 1*50. Lehmann. Physiological Chemistry. Prof. C. G. Lehmann. From the German, by G. E. Day. 2* vols. Philadelphia, 185".. AIoOi'Li.ot'H. Alanual for the Inspectors of Spirits. Prof R. L. AlcCulloch. Miller. Elements of Chemistry: Theoretical and Practical. William Allen Miller, AL 1). 13 vols. London, 1863. Mohr. Chcinisch-Analitische Titrirmethode. Fr. Alohr. AI. D. Braunschweig, 1862. Milder. Die Chemic des AYcines. G. J. Mulder. A us dem Holland, •von Carl Arenz. Leipzig, 1856. 2-3 Milder. Die Chemie des Bieres. G.J.Mulder. A us dem Holland, by Dr. Chr. Grimm. Leipzig, 1858. -----Natural History Review. Edited by G. Busk, AV. B. Carpenter, etc. 3 vols. London, 1861-4. N ei-ral er—Ar0GEi.. Guide to the Qualitative and Quantitative Analy- sis of the Urine. Dr. C. Neubauer—Dr. Vogel. From the Ger- man, by AV. O. Alarkham. London, 1863. P.h.oendorfr. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. J. C. Poggenclorff. 16 vols. Leipzig, 1837-43. Proctok. American Journal of Pharmacy. Edited by Wm. Proctor, Jr. Philadelphia, 1863-5. Quesneville. Aloniteur Seientifique du Chimiste et du Alanufacturier. Dr. Quesneville. 5 vols. Paris, 1857-63. Qt esneville. Revue Seientifique et Industriellc. Dr. Quesneville. 16 vols. Paris, 1840-44. Ronalds. Chemical Technology. Dr. Edm. Ronalds—Dr. Richardson.. 2 vols. London, 1855. Rotureau. Des Principales Faux Alinerales de V Europe. Armand Rotureau. Paris. 1859. Stoker. Dictionary of Chemical Substances. Frank H. Storer, AL D. Cambridge, 1863. Sr-noN. Handbook of Volumetric Analysis. Francis Sutton. London, 1863. Thomson. Chemistry. Thomas Thomson. Philadelphia, 1818. IJre Dictionary of Chemistry. Andrew Ure, AL D. First American, Edition, with Notes by Rob. Hare, Al. D., and Franklin Bache, AL D. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1821, Watts. Dictionary of Chemistry. Henry AVatts. London, 1863. Williams. Chemical Atanipulations. G. AVilliams.. London,, 1864, X-tf N A T I" R A L HISTORY: INOLLDINO ZOOLOGY, botany and geology. ------Annales des Sciences Naturelles Comprenant la Zoologie, la Bot- anique, 1'Anatomie. et la Physiologic Comparee des Deux Regnes, et P Historic des Corps Organises Fossiles. Redigees pour la Zoologie, AI. Alilne Edwards. Pour la Botanique, AL AL Brong- niart and J. Decaisne. 18 vols. Paris, 1849-56. ----Annales de la Societe d'Horticulture de Paris. 15 vols. Paris, 1827-41. — Annals and Alagazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. Conducted by P. J. Selby, George John- ston, etc. 2 vols. London, 1851. A i'duron. Quadrupeds of North America. John James Audubon and the Rev. John Bach man, D. D. 3 vols. New A'ork, 1854. ArnoriN. Dictiohaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle. AL AL Audouin, Bn.ngniart, Cambessides, etc. 17 vols. Paris, 1831. Baird. On the Serpents of New A'ork; with a notice of a species not hitherto included in the Fauna of the State. Spencer F. Baird. Albany, 1854. Baird. Catalogue of North American Alammals, chiefly in the Aluseum of the Smithsonian Institute. Prof. S. F. Baird. Washington. 1S57. (Smithson, Cont.) Baird. Catalogue of American Birds, chiefly in the Aluseum of the Smithsonian Institute. AA'ashington, 185s. i Smithson, Oont.j Brewer. North American Oology, or discriptions and figures of the Fggs of North American Birds, with notices of their geopraphical distribution during the breeding season. Thomas AI. Brewer, At. D. AA'ashington, 1857. (Smithson, Cont.) _____Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale ZOologique d'Acclimation. 9 vols. Paris, 1854-02. ______ Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et do Geologic. Public sous la direction de AI. le Baron de Ferussae. 27 vols. Paris, 1824-31. K,sk—Carpenter. Natural History Review. G. Busk and W. B. Carpenter. 3 vols. London, 1861-4. ._____ ('atalogues of the contents of Aluseum of the Royal College of Sur- geons ; ""Plants, Fossils, Arertebrata, Pisces, etc. 11 vols. London. _____ Dictionnaire d" Histoire Naturelle. 36 vols. Paris. 1810. _____ Fntomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1857-8. Gervais. Zoologie Alcdicale. Expose Alcthodique du Regno Animal. AI. AI. Paul Gervais and P. J. van Beneden. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. Harvey. Nereis Boreali-Americana. AVilliam Henry Harvey. AL D. AVashington. 1858. (Smithson. Cont.) 7.1' H irciiccK. Illustrations of Surface Geology. Fdward Hitchcock, L, L. D. AA'ashington. 1857. (Smithson, Cont.) 11 enter. Observations on Geology. John Hunter. London. Hunter. Memoranda on Aregetation. John Hunter. London. Huxley. On Origin of Species. Prof. Th. Henry Huxley. London,. 1863. IIi'xley. Evidence as to Alans Place in Nature. Prof. Th. Henry Huxley. London, 1863. —---Jahroshefte des A'ereins fiir Araterlandisehe Naturkunde in AYiir- tcmberg. 5 vols. Stuttgart, 1847. ------ Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. 32 vols. London,1840-57. Leidy. Alcmoir upon the extinct species of Fossil Ox. Joseph Leidy, AI. I). AA'ashington, 1852. (Smithson, Cont.) Leidy. The Ancient Fauna of Nebraska, etc. AVashington, 1853. (Smithson, Cont.) Leidy. Alcmoir on the extinct Sloth Tribe of North America. A\rash- ington, 1855. (Smithson, Cont.) Leidy. A Flora and Fauna within Living Animals. AVashington, 1853. (Smithson, Cont.) LeConte. The Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Alexico. John LeConte. AA'ashington, 1859. (Smithson, Cont.) Lyell. Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Alan. Sir Charles. Lyell. Philadelphia, 1863. _____Magazin liir die Neuesten Entdcckungcn in der Gcsammten Nat- urkunde. 5 vols. Berlin, 1811. _____Alagazin; (Hamburg) aus der Naturforschung, etc. Hamburg and Leipzig. 25 vols. 1702. ______Natural History of the Red River of Louisiana. Reprinted from the Report of Oapt. Alarcy, U. S. A. AVashington, 1853. (Smith- son, Cont.) AhTeiiELL. Catalogue of the Organic Remains presented to the New York Lyceum of Natural History in 1826. S. L. Alitehell. Pritchard. Natural History of Alan. James Cowles Pritchard, AL I). 2 vols. London, 1855. Sitmeson Synopsis of the Alarine Invertebrata of Grand Alanau, or the region about the Alouth of the Bay of Fundy, N. B. AA . Stimpson. AA'ashington, 1853. (Smithson, Cont.) _____Zoology of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. (Ex- tracted from Captain H. Stanshury"s Report to the United States Senate.) Mammals and Birds, by Prof. Baird. Reptiles by Prof. Baird and Girard. Insects, by Prof. Holdeman. Philadel- phia,' 1852. "Lk MEDICAL JOURNALS & REVIEWS. AMERICAN. ------American Journal of the Aledical Sciences. 26 vols. Philadel- phia, 1827-40. ----— The same, new series. Edited by Isaac Hays, AL D. 48 vols. Philadelphia, 1841-65. -----xVmerican Medical Times. 8 vols. New York, 1861-4. ------Bulletin of Aledical Science. Edited by John Bell, M. D. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1843-5. -----Boston Aledical and Surgical Journal. 72 vols. Boston. 1829-65. -----Buffalo Aledical Journal and Alonthly Review. Edited by Austin Flint, M. D. 4 vols. Buffalo, 1850-54. -----Chicago Medical Journal. Edited by Daniel Brainard, AI. D., and E."~Fugales, AL D. Chicago, 1860. -----Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Edited by John Bell, AI. D. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1838. -----Alaryland Aledical and Surgical Journal. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1840-2. -----Aledical Library: a Collection of Monographs. (Republication.) 13 vols. Philadelphia, 1839-47. -----Aledical Recorder. Conducted by Physicians of Philadelphia, 10 vols. Philadelphia, 1818-27. -----Medical Repository of Original Essays and Intelligence, relative to Physic, Surgery, Chemistry, and Natural History. 3 vols. New York, 1821-4." -----Aledico-Chirurgical Review and Journal of Practical Aledicine, Edited by James Johnson and Henry Johnson. 25 vols. New York, 1837-47. -----New England Journal of Aledicine and Surgery. 3 vols. Boston, 1812. ------New York Journal of Aledicine and Collateral Sciences. 17 vols. New A'ork, 1843-51. -----Aledical and Surgical Reporter. Edited by S. AV. Butler, AI. D. New York, 1804-5. ______New Orleans Aledical and Surgical Journal. 6 vols. New Orleans, 1841-40. ______North American Mcdico-Chirurgical Review. Edited by S. D, Gross, AI. D., and T. G. Richardson, AL D. 3 vols. Philadel- phia, 1857. -_____North American Aledical and Surgical Journal. Conducted by Hugh L. Hodge, Ch- Aleigs, AI. D., etc. 11 vols. Philadelphia, 1826-31. ■ Pacific ALdical and Surgical Journal. Edited bv John B. TrasR -M. I)., and David AVooster, AL D. 2 vols. San'Francisco, 1858 -Philadelphia Aledical Aluseum. Edited by John Redman'Coxe, Al. D. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1805-9. -Philadelphia Journal of the Aledical and Physical Sciences. Edited by N. Chapman, AI. D. 4 vols. Philadelphia, 1820-7. -The Stethoscope and Virginia Aledical Gazette. Edited by P. Claiborne Gooch, AL D. 5 vols. Richmond, 1851-5. - The Arirginia Aledical and Surgical Journal. Edited by Drs. Otis and Thomas. 15 vols. Richmond, 1853-60. - Transactions of the American Aledical Association 3 vols Phila- delphia, 1860. - Transactions of the Aledical Society of the State of New York 3 vols. New Yrork, 1858-03. BRITISH. Br.vithvv-aite. The Retrospect of Practical Aledicine and Surgerv Ed. W. Braithwaite, Al. D. 21 vols. New York, 1840-59. ------British and Foreign Aledico-Chirurgical Review. 23, vols New York, 1848-59. ------The same. 10 vols. London, 1860-5. ------Edinburgh Aledical and Surgical Journal. 82 vols. Edinburgh 1805-55. ------London Aledical Gazette, or Journal of Practical Aledicine. 4 J > >y> ■» J ) ^»-/0-«J ■^ ~> A ^ "* ; ) J* B» 1 i ij >^»> a _> > > > >k -> r» s+ > jp>»> > > > > > y » >> ^> > > » "% . * % ■> ;* »^ ^ > j' )A > > > ? V r J > i ) / i> -> > V ^ / . ' > > J J» "> > »> > > ) > )0 "> ivn j a > >^ >i iS >") ^ > ^ ■> > >"» .J> "> > > > -T > > V J J ) r > > JL-U_>> "*> F ^> > 'J > J ~ ~"> ^ * -> > A >. ^ Jf> Id >^ > 1» » _ - » "» » " > ■> » » * --> >> * ^> ) > » > ^> j> :> »> -»> :> >* >> j> > X* > ^ > > > jy ^> > _>> >^ } 1 i "■ > >n ■> »^ ) >> "> j > ) ) 1' Vs) > I 1) D j> ^ >^fe>^ A »> k * v> >> I "*> f > J7*# "*> *> > '• » > ril IT s> 0 > > > » > ?5 )»> » .>,> #!> .' '■»