* .* ¥ S'&A* 6^**^ /A^ <*£. *, /Lf^SV^A-^f'' fV w »% ' > --^~3 c2%ul*: Snrffeon General's Office ©5 erection, No. /3&&* > % i I { 4-" 1 Harper s Thirteenth Edition, improved and enlarged LEXICON MEDICUM; OR MEDICAL DICTIONARY; CONTAINING AN EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS IN ANATOMY, BOTANY, CHEMISTRY, MATERIA MEDICA, MIDWIFERY, MINERALOGY, PHARMACY, PHYSIOLOGY, PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, SURGERY, AND THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY CONNECTED WITH MEDICINE SELECTED, ARRANGED, AND COMPILED FROM THE BEST AUTHORS. « Nec aranearum sane texus ideo melior, quia ex sc fila gignunt, nee noster vilior quia ex alien* Htamu, « .,«£ .fc ^ ^ ^ ^ L By ROBERT gOOPER, M.D. F.L.S. ,^.r iwdtpaw FROM THE LAST LONDON EDITION, W1T, J^S'2S^5S?f-^i. CHE™, MATER.A .ED.CA, MI,ERALOOT, *. By SAMUEL AKERLY, M.D. ~~ ™™,.»«11V RESIDENT MUSICIAN TO TI1E CITY HOSPITAI, rO»BBRLY PHVS.CTAH TO ™™™™ f^%£^Wa*X TO THE NEWARK INSTITUTE LAT« HOSPITAL 'g^™™™^ OF THE DEAF AND DUHB, &C &0. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NO. S3 CLIFF-STREET, '838. w M187L 1838 nJin r»|||l£> SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ITftfT-TORK a BE iT REMEMBERED, That on the 16th day of Oct *. A. D. I8», in the fifty-fourth yew of the independence ne Abe vacua tio. (From ab, dim, and evacuo, to potD out) A partial or incomplete evacuation of the pec cant humours, cither naturally or by art. Abicum. The thyroid cartilage. ABIES. (Abies, etis. fern.; from abeo, to proceed because it rises to a great height; or from amos, a wild pear, the fruit of which its cones something re semble.) The fir. See Pinus. Abies Canadensis. See Pinus Balsamea. Abigea'tus. See Abactus. ABIO'TOS. (From a, neg. and /3iow, to live.) Deadly. A name given to hemlock, from its deadly qualities. See Conium maculatum. ABLACTA'TIO. (From ab, from, and lac, milk.) Ablactation, or the weaning of a child from the breast ABLATION. (Ablatio; from avfero, to take away. 1. The taking away from the body whatever is hurtful. A term that is seldom used but in its gene- ral sense, to clothing, diet, exercise, &x. In some old writings, it expresses the intervals between two fits oi a fever, or the time of remission. 2. Formerly chemists employed this term to signify the removal of any thing that is either finished or else no longer necessary in a process. AULUE'NT. (Ablucns; from abluo, to wash away.) Abstergent. Medicines which were formerly supposed to purify or cleanse the blood. ABLUTION. (Ablutio; from aMte.towash off.) 1. A washing or cleansing either of the body or the intestines. 2. In chemistry it signifies the purifying of a body, by repeated affusions of a proper liquor. Aboli'tio. (From aboleo, to destroy.) The sepa • ration or destruction of diseased parts. Aborsus. A miscarriage. ABORTIENS. Miscarrying. In botany, it is sometimes used synonymously with sterilis, sterile or barren. ABORTION. (Abortio ; from aborior, to be sterile.) Aborsus; Amblosis; Diaphthora, Ectrosis; Exam* bloma; Examblosis ; Apopallesis ; Apopalsis; Apoph- thora. Miscarriage, of the expulsion of the foetus from the uterus, before the seventh month, after which it is called premature labour. It most commonly occurs between the eighth and eleventh weeks of pregnancy, but may happen at a later period. In early gestation, the ovum sometimes comes oft'entire; sometimes the foetus is first expelled, and the placenta afterwards. It is pre- ceded by floodings, pains in the back, loins, and lower part of the abdomen, evacuation of the water, shiver- ings, palpitation of the heart, nausea, anxiety, syncope, subsiding of the breasts and belly, pain in the inside of the thighs, opening and moisture of the os tinea. The principal causes of miscarriage are blows or falls; great exertion or fatigue; sudden frights and other vio- lent emotions of the mind; a diet too sparing or too nutritious; the abuse of spirituous liquors; other dis- eases, particularly fevers, and hemorrhages; likewise excessive bleeding, profuse diarrhoea or cholic, parti- cularly from accumulated faeces; immoderate venery, &c. The spontaneous vomiting so common in preg- nancy, rarely occasions this accident: but when in- duced and kept up by drastic medicines, it may be very likely to have that effect. Abortion often happens without any obvious cause, from some defect in the uterus, or in the foetus itself, which we cannot satis- factorily explain. Hence it will take place repeatedly in the same female at a particular period of preg- nancy ; perhaps in some measure from the influence of habit. The treatment of abortion must vary considerably according to the constitution of the patient, and the causes giving rise to it. If the incipient symptoms should appear in a female of a plethoric habit, it may be proper to take a moderate quantity of blood from the arm, then clear the bowels by some mild cathartic, as the sulphas magnesias in the infusuin rose, after- wards exhibiting small doses of nitrate of potash, di- recting the patient to remain quiet in a recumbent po- sition, kept as cool as possible, with a low diet, and the antiphlogistic regimen in other respects. Should there be much flooding, cloths wetted with cold water ought to be applied to the region of the uterus, or even lStruduced ilUo tne vaSlna> t(> obstruct the escape of the blood mechanically. Where violent forcing pains attend, opium should be given by the mouth, or in the form of glyster, after premising proper evacuations. ABS ABS Should these means not avail to check the discharge of the forcing pains, and particularly if the water be eva- cuated, there can be no expectation of preventing the miscarriage; and where there is reason for believing the fretus dead, from the breasts having previously subsided, the morning sickness gone off, the motion stopped, &c. it will be proper rather to encourage it by manual assistance. If on the other hand females of a delicate and irri- table habit, rather deficient in blood, be subject to abor- tion, or where this accident is threatened by profuse evacuations and other debilitating causes, it may be more probably prevented by a diet nutritious, yet easy of digestion, with tonic medicines, and the use of the cold bath, attending at the same time to the state of the bowels, giving opium if pain attend, and carefully avoiding the several exciting causes. [When a female has suffered several abortions, it becomes almost impossible to prevent a repetition at the same period of gestation in a subsequent preg- nancy. Nothing, however, will be so successful in preventing a recurrence of a similar misfortune, as in allowing the uterine vessels to recover their tone; for which purpose a sufficient time must intervene before the next conception, otherwise the remedies above re- commended will have little or no effect. A.] ABORTIVE. (Abortivus; from aborior, to be sterile.) That which is capable of occasioning an abor- tion, or miscarriage, in pregnant women. It is now generally believed, that the medicines which produce a miscarriage, effect it by their violent operation on the system, and not by any specific action on the womb. [From the violent operation of the seeale cornutum, or spurred rye, upon the gravid uterus, it has been thought that it would act at any period of gestation as an abortive; but the experiments and trials made with it, have proved it to be inert, having no specific action upon the uterus, except in time of labour. A.] ABORTUS. A miscarriage. Abra'sa. (From abrado, to shave off.) Ulcers at tended with abrasion. ABRASION. (Abrasio; from abrado, to tear off.) This word is generally employed to signify the de- struction of the natural mucus of any part, as the sto- mach, intestines, urinary bladdei, &c. It is also ap- plied to any part slightly torn away by attrition, as the skin, &c. A'brathan. Corrupted from abrotanum, southern- wood. See Artemisia abrotanum. A'brette. See Hibiscus Abelmoschus. Abro'ma. (From a, neg. and Bpuua, food ;' i. e. not fit to be "eaten.) A tree of New South Wales, which yields a gum. ABROTANUM. (Arjporavoi>; from a, neg. and fiporos, mortal; because it never decays: or from afipof, soft, and tovos, extension; from the delicacy of its texture.) Common southernwood. See Artemisia. Abrotanum mas. See Artemisia. ABROTONI'TES. (From abrotanum.) A wine mentioned by Dioscorides, impregnated with abro- tanum, or southernwood, in the proportion of about one hundred ounces of the dried leaves, to about seven gallons of must, ABRUPTE\ Abruptly. Applied to pinnate leaves which terminate without an odd leaf or lobe:—;folia abrupti pinnata. Absckde'ntia. (From abscedo, to separate.) De- cayed parts of the body, which, in a morbid state, are separated from the sound. ABSCESS. (Abscessus; from abscedo, to depart: because parts, which were before contiguous, become separated, or depart from each other.) Abscessio; Imposthuma. A collection of pus in the cellular mem- brane, or in the viscera, or in bones, preceded by in- flammation. Abscesses are variously denominated according to their seat: as empyema, when in the ca- vity of the pleura; vomica, In the lungs; panaris, in any of the fingers; hypopyon, in the anterior chamber of the eye; arthropuosis, in a joint; lumbar abscess, &c. The formation of an abscess is the result of inflam- mation terminating in suppuration. This is known by a throbbing pain, which lessens by degrees, as well as the heat, tension, and redness of the inflamed part; and if the pus be near the surface, a cream-like white- ness is soon perceived, with a prominence about the middle, or at the inferior part, then a fluctuation may be felt, which becomes gradually more distinct, till at length the matter make!) its way externally. When suppuration occurs to a considerable extent, or in a part of importance to life, there are usually rigours, or sudden attacks of chilliness, followed by flushes of heal; and unless the matter be soon discharged, and the abscess healed, hectic fever generally comes on. When abscesses form in the cellular membrane in persons of a tolerably good constitution, they are usu- ally circumscribed, in consequence of coagulable lymph having been previously elfused, and having obi iterated the communication with the adjoining cells; but in those of a weakly, and especially a scrophulous consti tution, from this not occurring, the pus is very apt to diffuse itself, like the water in anasarca. Another cir- cumstance, which may prevent its readily reaching the surface, is its collecting under an aponeurosis, or other part of dense structure, when the process of ulceration will rather extend in another direction; thus pus ac- cumulating in the loins, may descend to the lower part of the thigh. When suppuration occurs, if the inflammation have not yet subsided, it may be necessary to employ means calculated to moderate this, in order to limit the extent of the abscess: but evacuations must not be carried too far, or there will not be power in the system to heal it afterwards. If the disease be near the surface, fo- mentations or warm emollient poultices should be employed, to take off the tension of the skin, and pro- mote the process of »'ceration in that direction. As soon as fluctuation is obvious, it will be generally pro- per to make an opening, lest contiguous parts of im- portance should be injured; and often at an earlier period, where the matter is prevented from reaching the surface by a fascia, &c, but it is sometimes ad- visable to wait awhile, especially in large spontaneous abscesses, where the constitution is much debilitated, till by the use of a nutritious diet, with bark and other tonic means, this can be somewhat improved. There are different modes of opening abscesses. 1. By inci- sion or puncture; this is generally the best, as being least painful, and most expeditious, and the extent of the aperture can be better regulated. 2. By caustic; this may be sometimes preferable when suppuration goes on very slowly in glandular parts, (especially in scro- phulous and venereal cases,) lessening the subjacent tumour, giving free vent to the matter, and exciting more healthy action in the sore; but it sometimes causes much deformity, it can hardly reach deep seated abscesses, and the delay may be often dangerous. 3. By seton; this is sometimes advantageous in superfi- cial abscesses, (where suppuration is likely to con- tinue,) about the neck and face, leaving generally but a small scar; likewise when near joints, or other im- portant parts liable to be injured by the scalpel or caustic. See Lumbar Abscess, and Ulcer. ABSCES'SUS. See Abscess. ABSCISSION. (Abscissio; from ab, and seindo, to cut.) 1. The cutting away some morbid, or other part, by an edged instrument. The abscision of the prepuce makes what we call circumcision. 2. Abscission is sometimes used by medical writers to denote the sudden termination of a disease in death, before it arrives at its decline. 3. Celsus frequently uses the term abscissa vox to express a loss of voice. Absinthites. Absinthiac,or absinthiated. Some- thing tinged or impregnated with the virtues of absin- thium or wormwood. ABSINTHIUM. (Absinthium, thii, n. arpivBtwi from a, neg. and xpivBoq, pleasant: so called from the disagreeableness of the taste.) Wormwood. BceAr- temisia. Absinthium communk. Common Wormwood. See Artemisia Absinthium, Absinthium maritimum. Sea Wormwood. See Artemisia Maritima. Absinthium pc nticum. Roman Wormwood. See Artemisia Pontica. Absinthium vulgare. Common Wormwood. Sea Artemisia Absinthium. ABSORBENS. See Absorbent ABSORBENT. (Absorbens; from absarbeo, to suck up.) 1. The small, delicate, transparent vessels, which take up substances from the surface of the body, or from any cavity, and carry it to *he blood, are termed absorbents or absorbing vessels. They are denomi- nated, according to the liquids which they convey aBV ACA aete&ls and lymphatics. See Lacteal and Lym- phatic. 2 Those medicines are so termed, which have no acrimony in themselves, and destroy acidities in the Btoioich and bowels; such are magnesia, prepared chalk, oyster-shells, crabs' claws, &c. 3. Substances are also so called by chemists, whicli have the faculty of withdrawing moisture from the atmosphere. Absorbing vessels. See Absorbent. ABSORPTION. (Absorptio; from absorbeo, to suck up.) 1. A function in an animated body, ar- ranged by physiologists under the head of natural ac- tions. It signifies the taking up of substances applied to the mouths of absorbing vessels; thus the nutritious part of the food is absorbed from the intestinal canal by the lacteals; thus mercury is taken into the system by the lymphatics of the skin, &c. The principle by which this function takes place, is a power inherent in the mouths of the absorbents, a vis insita, dependent on the degree of irritability of their internal membrane by which they contract and propel their contents for- wards. 2. By this term chemists understand the conversion of a gaseous fluid into a liquid or solid, on being united with some other substance. Itdirlers from condensation in tills being the effect of mechanical pressure. [Absorption by plants.—In 1604, Dr. Foote sent to Dr. Mitchill of New-York, a peach, with the following account of it:—" I present you with a peach by the bearer. You will readily perceive that I could not be induced to this from any thing very promising in its asiiect, the richness of its flavour, or the singularity of its species. On tasting, you will find it highly charged with muriate of soda : and when I inform you that it has undergone no artificial management, but possessed this property when plucked from the tree, you may find some difficulty in explaining the fact. " This peach was presented to me by Mr. Solomon Brewer, of Westchester Co., New-York, my former residence. Mr. B. is a respectable man, and the pre- sent clerk of the town in which he lives. The history he gives me of this natural salt-peach is, that it grew in his neighbourhood, oil a tree, around the body and roots of which had been accidentally poured a quan- tity of pork or beef-brine ; that its fruit ripens in the month of September ;\hat the effect of the brine had been, to produce a sickness and decay in the tree ; and that at this time (Sept. 1804) it presents the singular fact of a tree hanging tolerably full of salt peaches. He was unable to inform me of the precise time of the occurrence, but that it was the fore-part of summer, and after the fruit had obtained its shape and some size. This fact, as respects the vegetable kingdom, is in my mind an isolated one. " I have felt the more interest in noticing this fact, as it contributes much to strengthen and confirm the opinion you long since advanced, that certain vegeta- bles, as wheat, partake much of the properties of the manure wliich is used as their aliment, and thence urge with much propriety the importance of the sub- ject to agriculturists."—See Med. Hepos. of New-York. vol. viii. p. 209. A.] ' ABSTEMIOUS. (Abstemius; from abs, from, and Umetum, wine.) Refrainiig absolutely from all use of wine ; but the term is applied to a temperate mode of living, with respect to food generally. Abste'ntio. Cselius Aurelianus uses this word to express a suppression, or retention: thus, abstentio stercorum, a retention of the excrements, which he mentions as a symptom very frequent in a satyriasis. In a sense somewhat different, he uses the word ab- stcnta, applying it to the pleura, where he seems to mean that the humour of the inflamed pleura is prevented, by the adjacent bones, from extending ABSTERGENT. (MsUrgens; from abstergo, to cleanse away.) Any application that cleanses or clears away foulness. The term is seldom employed bv modern writers. ^ ' ABSTRACTION. (From abstraho, to draw away ) A term employed by chemists in the process of humid dutillation, to signify that the fluid body is again drawn off from the solid, which it had dissolved. A'bsus. The Egyptian lotus. Abvacua'tio. (From abvacue, to empty.) A mor- bid discharge; a large evacuation of any fluid, as of blood from a plethoric person. A term used by somo old writers. ACA'CIA. (Acacia, «. f. anaiua ; from eucaya, to sharpen.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nean system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Monxcia. The Egyptian thorn. Acacia catechu. This plant affords a drug, form- erly supposed to be an earthy substance brought from Japan, and therefore called terra Japonica, or Japan earJi; afterwards it appeared to be an extract prepared in India, it was supposed till lately, from the juice of the Mimosa catechu, by b6iling the wood and evapo- rating the decoction by the heat of the sun. But the shrub is now ascertained to be an acacia, and is termed Acacia catechu. It grows in great abundance in the kingdom of Bahar, and catechu conies to us principally from Bengal and Bombay. It has received the follow- ing names: Acachou; Faufel; Catchu; Caschu; Ca- techu; Cadtchu; Cashow; Caitchu; Castjoe; Gachu; Cate; Kaath. The natives call it Cult, the English who reside there Cutch. In its purest state, it is a dry pulverable substance, outwardly of a reddish colour, internally of a shining dark brown, tinged with a red- dish hue; in the mouth it discovers considerable ad- stringency, succeeded by a sweetish mucilaginous taste. It may be advantageously employed for most purposes where an adstringent is indicated; and is particularly useful in alvine fluxes, wiiere astringents are required. Besides this, it is employed also in uterine profluvia, in laxity aud debility of the viscera in general; and it is an excellent topical adstringent, when suffered to dis- solve leisurely in the mouth, for laxities and ulcerations of the gums, apththous ulcers in the mouth, and simi- lar affections. This extract is the basis of several formula; in our pharmacopueias, particularly of a tinc- ture : but one of the best forms under which it can be exhibited, is that of simple infusion in warm water with a proportion of cinnamon, for by this means it is at once freed of its impurities and improved by the addi- tion of the aromatic. Fourcroy says that catechu is prepared from the seeds of a kind of palm, called aieca. Sir Humphrey Davy has analyzed catechu, and from his examination it ap- pears, that from Bombay is of uniform texture, red- brown colour, and specific gravity 1.39: that from Ben- gal is more friable and less consistent, of a chocolate colour externally, but internally chocolate streaked with red-brown, and specific gravity 1.28. The catechu from either place differs little in its properties. Its taste is astringent, leaving behind a sensation of sweetness. It is almost wholly soluble in water. Two hundred grains of picked catechu frv, to grow weary.) A perfect rest of the muscles, or that dispo- sition of a limb which is equally distinct from flexion and extension. ACA'NTHA. (AicavBa; from axn, a point.) 1. A thorn; or any thing pointed. 2. Sometimes applied to the spina dorsi. Acantha'bolus. (From a/cavOa, a thorn; and QaXXu, to cost out.) An instrument, or forceps, for taking out or removing thorns, or whatever may stick in the flesh. —Paulas JEgineta. Aca'nthe. The name of the artichoke in ancient authors. ACANTHINUM. (From axavOa, a thorn.) Gum- arabic was called gummi acanthinum, because it is produced from a thorny tree. Soe Acacia Vera, Acanticone. See Epidote. ACA'NTHULUS. (From axavBa, a thom.) A surgical instrument to draw out thorns or splinters, of to remove any extraneous matter from wounds. ACA'NTHUS. (Acanthus, i. m. axavBos; from axavda, a thorn; so named from being rough and prickly.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angiosper- mia. Bear's-breech. Acanthus mollis. The systematic name of the bear's-breech, or brank-ursine. Acanthus:—foliia sinuatis inernribus, of Linnaeus. Branca ursina of the shops. The leaves and root abound with a mucilage, which is readily extracted by boiling or infusion. The roots are the most mucilaginous. Where this plant is common, it is employed for the same purposes to which althaea and other vegetables possessing similar qualities are applied among us. It is fallen into disuse. The herb-women too often sell the leaves of bear's-foot, and of cow's parsnip, for the bear's-breech. Aca'pnon. (From a, priv. and /cairvof, smoke.) 1. Common wild marjoram. 2. Unsmoked honey. ACAROIS. The name of a genus of plants, from New South Wales. Acarois resinifera. The name of a tree which affords the Botany bay gum. See Botany bay. [Gum Acaroides, New Holland resin, or earthy gum-lac. This is the produce of the tree called Aca- rois resinifera, or resin-bearing Acarois. The tree grows abundantly in New Holland, near Botany bay. The substance under consideration is usually found in the ground near the trees from which it has sponta- neously exuded. From some resemblance it bears (though by no means a near one) to the article called gum-lac, it has been known as the earthy gum-lac It is of yellowish, brownish, or yellowish brown colour, and sometimes contains roots, sticks, and other foreign substances. It has been distinguished in commerce by the term Botany bay resin. They refer its importa- tion into England to the year 1799. An account of its chemical properties was published by Lichtenstein in Crell's Journal, and afterwards by Dr. Thompson, in the fourth volume of his Chemistry, p. 138. It was known to the early navigator Tasman,and was brought to New-York and presented to Dr. Mitchill many years ago by some of our navigators. For some time past it has been regarded in Massachusetts as a pow- erful restorative, or an invigorating medicine in cases of gastric or general debility. Gum Acaroides is insoluble in water: alcohol or dis- tilled spirits is its proper menstruum. Even in pow- der its use is improper, as it is not acted upon by the intestinal or alimentary fluids. It is therefore neither administered in substance, infusion, or decoction. It is mostly prescribed in the form of tincture: Tinctura gummi acaroidis. Tincture of New Holland resin. The proper rule is to make a saturated tincture, of which a tea-spoon full may be given once in three or four hours, according to the circumstances, in milk, jelly, or syrup, water being apt to decompose it. From Kite's essay upon this production, it appears, 1. That dyspepsia has been exceedingly relieved by it, and even wholly removed. 2. That it is an excellent restorative in the debility consequent upon the depletion and exhaustion of acute diseases. 3. It is said to have done good in hysteria 4. Cholera, with cramps of the lower extremities, is reported to have yielded to its powers. 5. The morbid evacuations and commotions of diar- rhoea are reported to have yielded to its virtue, after opium had failed. 6. Chronic and atonic catarrhs have been benefitted by its administration. 7. It is alleged to have been remarkably serviceable in incipient dysentery, as well as in that of long duration. 8. In various spasmodic affections, such as stitches in the sides, cramp of the stomach, rheumatic twinges, Sec., it has often afforded relief after opiates had failed. It must be observed, however, that it is not to be prescribed in cases of high action, or phlogistic dia- thesis, nor during the prevalence of inflammatory symptoms. From this abstract of the practice with, this remedy, no doulb-can be entertained of its value, nor. of tb* 13 ACE ACE propriety of considering the discovery of its qualities, as worthy to be considered among the happy events attending the modern Materia Medica.—MitcltilVs MS. Lectures. A.] A CARUS. (From axapm, small.J The tick. An insect which breeds in the skin. A very numerous genus of minute insects which infest the skin of ani- mals, and produce various complaints. Those which are found on the human body are 1. The acarus domesticus, or domestic tick. 2. The acarus scabiei, or itch tick. 3. The acarus autumnalis, or harvest-bug. AC AT ALE' PSIA. (From o, neg. and KaraXauSavia, to apprehend.) Uncertainty in the prognosis or judg- ment of diseases. ACA'TALIS. (From a, neg. and xareui, to want.) The juniper tree: so named from the abundance of its seeds. ACATA'POSIS. (From a, neg. and Karamva, to swallow.) Difficult deglutition. Aca'statos. (From a, neg. and KaQtarnui, to deter- mine.) Inconstant 1. Fevers were so called which are anomalous in their appearance and irregular in their paroxysms. 2. Turbid urine without sediment. ACAULIS. (From a, priv. and caulis, a stem.) Without stem. Plants destitute of stem are called acaules, stemless; as Cypripedium acaule, and Car- duus acaulis. This term must not be too rigidly un- derstood. ACCELERATOR. (From accelero, to hasten or propel.) ' The name of a muscle of the penis. Accelerator urin^e. A muscle of the penis. Ejaculator Seminis; Bulbo-syndesmo-caverneux of Dumas; Bulbo-cavernosus of Winslow. It arises fleshy from the sphincter ani and membranous part of the urethra, and tendinous from the crus, near as far forwards as the beginning of the corpus cavernosum penis; the inferior fibres run more transversely, and the superior descend in an oblique direction. It is in- serted into a line in the middle of the bulbous part of the urethra, where each joins with its fellow; by which the bulb is completely closed. The use of these mus- cles is to drive the urine or semen forward, and by grasping the bulbous part of the urethra, to push the blood towards its corpus cavernosum, and the glans, by which they are distended. ACCESSION. (Accesio; from accedo, to approach.) The t ommencement of a disease. A term mostly ap- plied to a fever which has paroxysms or exacerbations: thus Ihe accession of fever, means the commencement or approach of the febrile period. ACCESSO'RIUS. (From accedo, to approach: so callen from the course it takes.) Connected by con- tact or approach. Akcessorius lumbalis. A muscle of the loins. See Sacro-lumbalis. A -cessorius nervus. The name given by Willis to trio nerves which ascend, one on each side, from the second, fourth, and fifth cervical pairs of nerves, through the great foramen of the occipital' bone, ana pas i out again from the cranium through the foramina lac iia, with the par vagum, to be distributed on the trapezius muscle. ACCI PITER. (From accipio, to take.) 1. The hawk; so named from its rapacity. 2. A bandage which was put over the nose: so called torn its likeness to the claw of a hawk, or from the tightness of its grasp. ACCIPITRINA. (From aecipiter, the hawk.) The herb hawk-weed- which Pliny says was so called be- cause hawks are used to scratch it, and apply the juice to their eyes to prevent blindness. ACCLI'VIS. A muscle of the belly, so named from Ihe oblique ascent of its fibres. See Obliquus internus abdominis. Accouchement. The French word for the act of delivery. Accoucheur. The French for a midwife. ACCRETIO. (From ad, and cresco, to increase.) Accretion. 1. Nutrition; growth. 2. The growing together of parts naturally separate as the fingers or toes. Acccba'tio. (From accumbo, to recline.) Child- tad; reclining. At s'dia. (From a, priT. and /cr/iJoj, care.) Careless- ness, neglect in the application of medicines. Hippo- crates sometimes uses this word, irrjhis treatise on the glands, to signify fatigue or trouble. ACE PHALUS. (Acephalus, i. m. a«0aAoc; from a, priv. and nedtaXn, a head.) Without a head. A term applied to a lusus naturae, or monster, born with- out a head. [This term is also applied by modern naturalists to a certain portion of the gelatinous or soft bodied ani- mals, which were formerly classed among the Vermes of Linnaeus. They are now termed Acephalous Mol- lusca, or headless molluscae, having no distinct part corresponding to the head of other animals. A.] A'CER. (Acer, ens. neut; from acer, sharp: be- cause of the sharpness of its juice.) The name of a genus of plants in the Limucan system. Class Polyga- mia; Order, Monascia, Acer campestre. The common maple. This tree yields a sweetish,soft, milky sap, which contains a salt with basis of lime, possessed, according to Sherer, of peculiar properties. It is white, semitransparent, not altered by the air, and soluble in one hundred parts of cold, or fifty of boiling water. Acer pskudoplatanus. The maple-tree, falsely named sycamore. It is also called Platanus traga. This tree is common in England, though not much used in medicine. The juice, if drank while fresh, is said to be a good antiscorbutic. All its parts contain a sac- charine fluid; and if the root or branches be wounded in the spring, a large quantity of liquor is discharged, which, when inspissated, yields a brown sort of sugar and syrup like molasses. Acer saccharinum. The 6ugar maple-tree. Large quantities of sugar are obtained from this tree in New- England and Canada, whicli is much used in France, where it is commonly known by the name of Saccha- rum Canadense or Saccharum Acernum, maple sugar. It has been supposed that all Europe might be supplied from the maple of America, which grows in great quantities in the western counties of all the middle States of the American Union. It is as tall as the oak, and from two to three feet in diameter; puts forth a white blossom in the spring, before any appearance of leaves; its small branches afford sustenance for cattle, and its ashes afford a large quantity of excellent pot- ash. Twenty years are required for it to attain its full growth. Tapping does not injure it; but, on the con- trary, it affords more syrup, and of a better quality, the oftener it is tapped. A single tree has not only survived, but flourished, after tapping, for forty years. Five or six pounds of sugar are usually afforded by the sap of one tree; though there are instances of the- quantity exceeding twenty pounds. The sugar is separated from the sap either by freezing, by spontaneous evaporation, or by boiling. The latter method is the most used. Dr. Rush describes the process; which is simple, and practised without any difficulty by the farmers. From frequent trials of this sugar, it does not appear to be in any respect inferior to that of the West Indies It is prepared at a time of the year when neither insect, nor the pollen of plants, exists to vitiate it, as is the case with common sugar. From calculations grounded on facts, it is ascertained, that America is now capa- ble of producing a surplus of one-eighth more than its own consumption. [The Acer Saccharinum, or sugar-maple tree abounds in the state of New-York and many other parts of the United States. It furnishes a great amount of rough sugar in the interior of the country and the new settlements, where foreign and refined sugars are but little used. Very little effort has heretofore been made to introduce it into market as an article of com- merce. But in 1828 several hundred barrels of this sugar, from the Territory of Michigan, readied the city of New-York by way of the great Western ca- nal. It was sold at auction for six cents per pound ■ and when refined and converted into loaf sugar, it af- forded a reasonable profit to the refiner. A.} ACERATE. Aceras. A salt formed or the acid of the Acer campestre with an alkaline, earthv or metallic base. '' ACE'RATOS. From a, neg. and Ktpau, or Ktaav vvut, to mn.) Unmixed; uncorrupted. This term is applied sometimes to the humours of the body by Hit, pocrates. Paulus iEgineta mentions a plaster of thij name, ^^ ACERB. (Acerbus from acer sharp. 1 ■ A spectea ACE ACE of taste which consists in a degree of acidity, with an addition of roughness; properties common to many immature fruits. Ace'rbitas. Acerbness. ACERIC ACID. A peculiar acid, said to exist in the juice of the common maple, Acer campeslre of Linnsus. It is decomposed by heat, Uke the other vegetable acids. ACE'RIDES. (From o, priv. and «poy, wax.) Soft plasters, made without wax. ACEROSUS. (From acus, a needle.) 1. Acerose: having the shape of a needle. Applied to leaves which are so shaped, as in Pinus sylvestris and Juniperus communis. 2. (From acus, chaff.) Chaffy: applied to coarse bread, &c. ACESCENT. (Acescens; from aceo, to be sour or tart) Turning sour or acid. Substances which rea- dily run into the acid fermentation, are so said to be, as some vegetable and animal juices and infusions. The suddenness with which this change is effected, during a thunder-storm, even in corked bottles, has not been accounted for. In some morbid states of the stomach, also, it proceeds with astonishing rapidity. ACE'STA. (From ancouai, to cure.) Distempers which are easily cured. Ace'stis. Borax. ACETABULUM. (Acetabulum, i. n.; from ace- turn, vinegar: no called because it resembles the ace- tabulum, or old saucer in which vinegar was held for the use of the table.) A name given by Latin writers to the cup-like cavity of the os iniiominatum, which receives the head of the thigh-bone. See Innomina- tum os. ACETA'RIUM. (From acetum, vinegar: because it is mostly made with vinegar) A sallad or pickle. ACE'TAS. (Acetas, tis ; f. from acetum, vinegar.) An acetate A salt formed by the union of the acetic acid, with a salifiable base. Those used in medicine are the acetates of ammonia, lead, potassa, and zinc. Acetas ammonia. Acetate of ammonia. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Acetas plumbi. Acetate of lead. See Plumbi acetas and Plumbi acetatis liquor. Acetas potassx. Acetate of potassa. See Potassa! acetas. Acetas zinci. A metallic salt composed of zinc and acetic acid. It is used by some as an astringent against inflammation of the eyes, urethra, and vagina, diluted in the same proportion as the sulphate of zinc. Acetate. See Acetas. Acetate of Ammonia. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Acetate of Potassa. See Potassa acetas. Acetate of Zinc. See Acetas unci. Acetated vegetable Aicali. See Potassa acetas. Acetaled volatile Aicali. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. ACETIC ACID. Acidum aceticum. The same acid which, in a very dilute and somewhat impure state, is called vinegar. Acetic acid is found combined with potassa in the juices of a great many plants; particu- larly the Sambucus nigra, Phanix dactilifera, Ga- lium verum, and Rhus typhinus. " Sweat, urine, and even fresh milk, contain it. It is frequently ge- nerated in the stomachs of dyspeptic patients. Almost all dry vegetable substances, and some animal, sub- jected in close vessels to a red heat, yield it copiously. It is the result likewise of a spontaneous fermentation, to which liquid vegetable and animal matters are liable. Strong acids, as the sulphuric and nitric, de- velope the acetic by their action on vegetables. It was long supposed, on the authority offioerhaave, that the fermentation which forms vinegar is uniformly pre- ceded by the vinous. This is a mistake: cabbages sour in water, making sour crout; starch, in starch- makers' sour waters; and dough itself, without any previous production of wine. " The varieties of acetic acid known in commerce are four: 1. Wine vinegar. 2. Malt vinegar. 3. Sugar vineear. 4. Wood vinegar. " We shall describe first the mode of making these commercial articles, and then that of extracting the absolute acetic acid of the chemist, either from these vinegars, or directly from chemical compounds, of which it is a constituent * The following is the plan of making vlnegir at present practised in Paris. The wine destined for vinegar is mixed in a large tun with a quantity of wine lees, and the whole being transferred into cloth- sacks, placed within a large iron-bound vat, the liquid matter is extruded through the sacks by superincum- bent pressure. What passes through is put into large casks, set upright, having a small aperture in their top. In these it is exposed to the heat of the sun in summer, or to that of a stove in winter. Fermenta- tion supervenes in a few days. If the heat should then rise too high, it is lowered by cool air and the addition of fresh wine. In the skilful regulation of the fermen- tative temperature consists the art of making good wine vinegar. In summer the process is generally completed in a fortnight: in winter, double the time is requisite. The vinegar is then run off into barrels, which contain several chips of birch- "vood. In about a fortnight it is found to be clarified, and is then fit for the market. It must be kept in close casks. " The manufacturers at Orleans prefer wine of a year old for making vinegar. But if by age the wine has lost its extractive matter, it does not readily un- dergo the acetous fermentation. In this case, acetifi- cation, as the French term the process, may be deter- mined by adding slips of vines, bunches of grapes, or wieen woods. " Almost all the vinegar of the north of France being prepared at Orleans, the manufactory of that place has acquired such celebrity, as to render their process worthy oi a separate consideration. The Orleans' casks contain neai'.y 400 pints of wine. Those which have been already used nre preferred. The, '**o placed .n three rows, one over another, and in the top have an aperture of two inches' diameter, kept al way,' open. The wine for acetification is kept in adjoining casks, containing beech shavings, to which the lew adhere. The wine, thus clarified, is drawn off to make vinegar. One hundred pints of good vinegar, boiling hot, are first poured into each cask, and left there for eight days. Ten pints of wine are mixed in, every eight days, till the vessels are full. The vinegat is allowed to remain in this state fifteen days before it is exposed to sale. " The used casks, called mothers, are never emptied more than half, but are successively filled again, to acetify new portions of wine. In order to judge if the mother works, the vinegar-makers plunge a spatula into the liquid; and according to the quantity of froth which the spatula shows, they add more or less wine. In summer, the atmospheric heat is sufficient. In winter, stoves heated to about 75° Fahr. maintain the requisite temperature in the manufactory. " In some country districts, the people keep, in a place where the temperature is mild and equable, a vinegar cask, into which they pour such wine as they wish to acetify; and it is always preserved full by replacing the vinegar drawn off, by new wine. To establish this household manufacture, it is only neces- sary to buy at first a small cask of good vinegar. " At Gand, a vinegar from beer is made, in which the following proportions of grain are found to be most advantageous:— 1880 Paris lbs. malted barley. 700 — wheat. 500 — buckwheat These grains are ground, mixed, and boiled, along with twenty-seven casks full of river water, for three hours. Eighteen casks of good beer for vinegar are obtained. By a subsequent decoction, more fermenta- ble liquid is extracted, which is mixed with the former. The whole brewing yields 3000 English quarts. " In this country, vinegar is usually made from malt. By mashing with hot water, 100 gallons of wort are extracted in less than two hours from 1 boll of malt. When the liquor has fallen to the temperature of 75° Fahr. 4 gallons of the barm of beer are added. After thirty-six hours it is racked off into casks, which are laid on their sides, and exposed, with their bung- holes loosely covered, to the influence of the sun in summer; but in winter they are arranged in a stove- room. In three months this vinegar is ready for the manufacture of sugar of lead. To mak* vinegar for domestic use, however, the process is somewhat dif ferent. The above liquor is racked off into casks placed upright, having a false cover, pierced with holes fixed at about a foot from their bottom. On this a considerable quantity of rap*, or the refuse from tb« ACE ACE makers of British wine, or otherwise a quantity of low- priced raisins, is laid. The liquor is turned into ano- ther barrel every twenty-four hours, in which time it has begun to grow warm. Sometimes, indeed, the vinegar is fully fermented, as above, without the rape, which is added towards the end, to communicate flavour. Two large casks are in this case worked together, as is described long ago by Boerhaave, as follows: "' Take two large wooden vats or hogsheads; and in each of these, place a wooden grate or hurdle, at the distance of a foot from the bottom. Set the vessel upright; and on the grate, place a moderately close layer of green twigs, or fresh cuttings of the vine. Then fill up the vessel with the footstalks of grapes, commonly called the rape, to the top of the vessel, which must be left quite open. "' Having thus prepared the two vessels, pour into them the wine to be converted into vinegar, so as to fill one of them quite up, and the other but half-full. Leave them thus for twenty-four hours, and then fill up the half-filled vessel with liquor from that which is quite full, and which will now in its turn only be left half-full. Four-and-twenty hours afterwards, repeat the same operation; and thus goon, keeping the ves- sels alternately full and half-full during twenty-four hours, till the vinegar be made. On the second or third day, there will arise in the half-filled vessel a fermentative motion, accompanied with a sensible heat, which will gradually increase from day to day. On the contrary, the fermenting motion is almost im- perceptible in the full vessel; and as the two vessels are alternately full and half-full, the fermentation is by this means in some measure interrupted, and is only renewed every other day in each vessel. "' When this motion appears to have entirely ceased, even in the half-filled vessel, it is a sign that the fermentation is finished; and therefore the vinegar is then to be put into casks close stopped, and kept in a cool place. "' A greater or less degree of warmth accelerates or checks this, as well as the spirituous fermentation. In France, it is finished in about fifteen days, during the summer; but if the heat of the air be very great, and exceed the twenty-fifth degree of Reaumur's thermo- meter (88 1-4° Fahr.) the half-filled vessel must be filled up every twelve hours; because, if the fermenta- tion be not so checked in that time, it will become violent, and the liquor will be so heated, that many of the spirituous parts, on which the strength of the vine- gar depends, will be dissipated, so that nothing will remain after the fermentation but a vapid liquor, sour indeed, but effete. The better to prevent the dissipa- tion of the spirituous parts, it is a proper and usual pre- caution to close the mouth of the half-filled vessel in which the liquor ferments, with a cover made of oak wood. As to the full vessel, it is always left open, that the air may act freely on the liquor it contains: for it is not liable to the same inconveniences, because it ferments but very slowly.' " Good vinegar may be made from a weak syrup, consisting of 18 oz. of sugar to every gallon of water. The yeast and rape are to be here used as above described. Whenever the vinegar (from the taste and flavour) is considered to be complete, it ought to be decanted into tight barrels or bottles, and well secured from access of air. A momentary ebullition before it is bottled is found favourable to its preservation. In a large manufactory of malt vinegar, a considerable revenue is derived from the sale of yeast to the bakers. "Vinegar obtained by the preceding methods has more or less of a brown colour, and a peculiar but rather grateful smell. By distillation in glass vessels the colouring matter, which resides in a mucilage, is separated, but tbe fragrant odour is generally replaced by an empyreumatic one. The best French wine Vine- gars, and also some from malt, contain a little alcohol, which comes over early with the watery part, and renders the first product of distillation scarcely denser, sometimes even less dense, than water. It is accord- ingly rejected. Towards the end of the distillation the empyreuma increases. Hence only the interme- diate portions are retained as distilled vinegar. Its specific gravity varies from 1.003 to 1.015, while that w common vinegar of equal strength varies from 1.010 * L025. " A crude vinegar has been long prepared fur the 10 calico printers, by subjecting wood in Iron retorts to a strong red heat." " The acetic acid of the chemist may be prepared 10 the following modes; 1st. Two parte of fused acetate of potassa with one of the strongest oil of vitriol yield, by slow distillation from a glass retort into a refrige- rated receiver, concentrated acetic acid. A small portion of sulphurous acid, which contaminates it, may be removed by re-distillation, from a little acetate of lead. 2d. Or four parts of good sugar of lead, with one part of sulphuric acid treated in the same way, afford a slightly weaker acetic acid. 3d. Gently cal- cined sulphate of iron, or green vitriol, mixed w .th sugar of lead in the proportion of 1 of the former to 2 1-2 of the latter, and carefully distilled from a porce- lain retort into a cooled receiver, may be also consi- dered a good economical process. Or without distilla tion, if 100 parts of well-dried acetate of lime bo cautiously added to 60 parts of strong sulphuric acid, diluted with 5 parts of water, and digested for 24 hours, and strained, a good acetic acid, sufficiently strong for every ordinary purpose, will be obtained. " The distillation of acetate of copper, or of lead perse, has also been employed for obtaining strong acid. Here, however, the product is mixed with a portion of the fragrant pyro-acetic spirit, which it is troublesome to get rid of. Undoubtedly the best pro- cess for the strong acid is that first described, and the cheapest the second or third. When of the utmost possible strength its sp. gravity is 1.062. At the tem- perature of 50° F. it assumes the solid form, crystal- lizing in oblong rhomboidal plates. It has an extremely pungent odour, affecting the nostrils and eyes even painfully, when its vapour is incautiously snuffed up. Its taste is eminently acid and acrid. It excoriates and inflames the skin. "The purified wood vinegar, which is used for pickles and culinary purposes, has commonly a specific gravity of about 1.009; when it is equivalent in acid strength to good wine or malt vinegar of 1.014. It contains about 1-20 of its weight of absolute acetic acid, and 19-20 of water. But the vinegar of fermenta- tion=1.014 will become only 1.023 in acetate, from which, if 0.005 be subtracted for mucilage or extractive, the remainder will agree with the density of the acetate from wood. A glass hydrometer of Fahren- heit's construction is used for finding the specific gra- vities. It consists of a globe of about 3 inches' diameter, having a little ballast ball drawn out beneath, and a stem above of about 3 inches long, containing a slip of paper with a transverse line in the middle, and sur- mounted with a little cup for receiving weights or poises. The experiments on which this instrument, called an Acetometer, is constructed, have been detailed in the sixth volume of the Journal of Science." " An acetic acid of very considerable strength may also be prepared by saturating perfectly dry char coal with common vinegar, and then distilling. The water easily comes off, and is separated at first; but a stronger heat is required to expel the acid. Or by exposing vinegar to very cold air, or to freezing mixtures, its water separates in the state of ice, the interstices of which are occupied by a strong acetic acid, which may be procured by draining. The acetic acid, or radical vinegar of the apotnecaries, in which they dissolve a little camphor, or fragrant essential oil, has a specific gravity of about 1.070. It contains fully 1 part of water to 2 of the crystallized acid. The pungent smelling salt consists of sulphate of potash moistened with that acid. " Acetic acid acts on tin, iron, line, copper, and nickel; and it combines readily with the oxydea of many other metals, by mixing a solution of their sul- phates with that of an acetate of lead." " Acetic acid dissolves resins, gum-resins, camphor, and essential oils." " Acetic acid and common vinegar are sometimes fraudulently mixed with sulphuric acid to give them strength. This adulteration may be detected by the addition of a little chalk, short of their saturation. With pure vinegar the calcareous base forms a limpid solution, but with sulphuric acid a white insoluble gypsum. Muriate of barytes is a still nicer test. Bri- tish fermented vinegars are allowed by law to contain a little sulphuric acid, but the quantity is frequent^ exceeded. Copper is discovered In vinegars by super- saturating them with ammonia, when a tat blua ACE ACE tokrar is produced; and lead by sulphate of soda, hydrosulphurets, sulphuretted hydrogen, and gallic acid. None of these should produce any change on genuine vinegar." See Lead. " Salts consisting of the several bases, united in definite proportions to acetic acid, are called acetates. They are characterized by the pungent sinelr-of vine- gar, which they exhale on the affusion of sulphuric acid; and by their yielding on distillation in a mode- rate red heat a very light, odorous, and combustible liquid called pyro-acetate (spirit) ; which see. They are all soluble in water ; many of them so much so as to be uncrystallizable. About 30 different acetates have been formed, of which only a very few have been applied to the uses of life. " The acetic acid unites with all the alkalies and most of the earths; and with these bases it forms compounds, some of which are crystallizable, and others have not yet been reduced to a regularity of figure The salts it forms are distinguished by their great solubility; their decomposition by fire, which carbonizes them; the spontaneous alteration of their solution ; and their decomposition by a great number of acids, which extricate from them the acetic acid in a concentrated state. It unites likewise with most of the metallic oxides. " With barytes the saline mass formed by the acetic acid does not crystallize; but, when evaporated to dryness, it deliquesces by exposure to air. This mass is not decomposed by acid of arsenic. By spontaneous evaporation, however, it will crystallize in fine trans- parent prismatic needles, of a bitterish acid taste, which do not deliquesce when exposed to the air, but rather effloresce. ' With potassa this acid unites, and forms a deli- quescent salt scarcely crystallizable, called formerly foliated earth of tartar, and regenerated tartar. The solution of this salt, even in closely stopped vessels, is spontaneously decomposed: itdepositesa thick, mucous, fiocculent sediment, at first gray, and at length black; till at the end of a few months nothing remains in the liquor but carbonate of potassa, rendered impure by a little coaly oil. " With soda it forms a crystallizable salt, which does not deliquesce. This salt has very improperly been called mineral foliated earth. According to the new nomenclature, it is acetate of soda. " The salt formed by dissolving chalk or other calca- reous earth in distilled vinegar, formerly called salt of chalk, or fixed vegetable sal ammoniac, and by Bergman calx acetata, has a sharp bitter taste, appears in the form of crystals resembling somewhat ears of com, which remain dry when exposed to the air, unless the acid has been superabundant, in which case they deliquesce." Of the acetate of strontian little is known, but that it has a sweet taste, is very soluble, and is easily decomposed by a strong heat " The salt formed by uniting vinegar with ammonia, called by the various names of spirit of Mindererus, liquid sal ammoniac, acetous sal ammoniac, and by Bergman alkali volatile acetatum, is generally in a liquid state, and is commonly believed not to be crys- tallizable, as in distillation it passes entirely over into the receiver. It nevertheless may be reduced into the form of small needle-shaped crystals, when this liquor is evaporated to the consistence of a syrup." " With magnesia the acetic acid unites, and after a perfect saturation, forms a viscid saline mass, like a solution of gum-arabic, which does not shoot into crystals, but remains deliquescent, has a taste sweet- ish at first, and afterwards bitter, and is soluble in spirit of wine. The acid of this saline mass may be separated by distillation without addition. " Glucine is readily dissolved by acetic acid. This solution, Vauquelin informs us, does not crystallize; but is reduced by evaporation to a gummy substance, which slowly becomes dry and brittle; retaining a kind of ductility for a long time. It has a saccharine and pretty strongly astringent taste, in which that of vinegar, however, is distinguishable. " Yttria dissolves readily in acetic acid, and the solu- tion yields by evaporation crystals of acetate of yttria." " Alumine, obtained by boiling alum with alkali, and edulcorated by digesting in an alkaline lixivium, is dissolved by distilled vinegar in a very inconsiderable quantity." 0 "Acetate of lircone may be formed by pouring acetic acid on newly precipitated zircone. It has an astringent taste." " Vinegar dissolves the true gums, and partly the gum-resins, by means of digestion. " Boerhaave observes, that vinegar by long boiling dissolves the flesh, cartilages, bones, and ligaments of animals."— Ure's Chemical Dictionary. Moderately rectified pyrolignous acid has been re- commended for the preservation of animal food ; but the empyreumatic taint it communicates to bodies im- mersed in it, is not quite removed by their subsequent ebullition in water. See Acid, Pyrolignous. The utility of vinegar as a condiment for preserving and seasoning both animal and vegetable substances in various articles of food is very generally known. It affords an agreeable beverage, when combined with water in the proportion of a table-spoonful of the former to half a pint of the latter. It is often employed as a medicine in inflammatory and putrid diseases, when more active remedies cannot be procured. Re- lief has likewise been obtained in hypochondriacal and hysteric affections, in vomiting, fainting, and hiccough, by the application of vinegar to the mouth. If this fluid be poured into vessels and placed over the gentle heat of a lamp in the apartments of the sick, it greatly contributes to disperse foul or mephitic vapours, and consequently to purify the air. Its anticontagious powers are now little trusted to, but its odour is em- ployed to relieve nervous headache, fainting fits, or sickness occasioned by crowded rooms. As an external application, vinegar proves highly efficacious when joined with farinaceous substances, and applied as a cataplasm to sprained joints; it also forms an eligible lotion for inflammations of the sur- face, when mixed with alcohol and water in about equal proportions. Applied to burns and scalds, it is said to be highly serviceable whether there is a loss of substance or not, and to quicken the exfoliation of ca- rious bone. (Gloucester Infirmary.) Mixed with an infusion of sage, or with water, it forms a popular and excellent gargle for an inflamed throat, also for an in- jection to moderate the fluor albus. Applied cold to the nose in cases of haemorrhage, also to the loios and abdomen in menorrhagia, particularly after parturi- tion, it is said to be very serviceable. An imprudent use of vinegar internally is not without considerable inconveniences. Large and frequent doses injure the stomach, coagulate the chyle, and produce not only leanness, but an atrophy. When taken to excess by females, to reduce a corpulent habit, tubercles in the lungs and a consumption have been the consequence. [" When any of the vinous liquors are exposed to the free access of atmospheric air, at a temperature of | 80 to 85 degrees, they undergo a second fermentation, terminating in the production of a sour liquid, called vinegar. During this process a portion of the oxygen of the air is converted into carbonic acid; hence, un- like vinous fermentation, the contact of the atmos- phere is necessary, and the most obvious phenomenon is the removal of carbon from the beer or wine. Vi- negar is usually obtained from malt liquor or cider, while wine is employed as its source in those countries where the grape is abundantly cultivated.— Webster1 a Manuel of Chemistry. Vinegar for ordinary use may also be made from sugar, molasses, raisins, or other fruits, or from the re- fuse of fruits, as follows: " Take the skins of raisins after they have been Used in making wine, and pour three times their own quantity of water upon them; stir them well about, and then set the cask in a warm place, also covered, and the liquor in a few weeks' time will become a sound vinegar, which drawn off from its sediments, put into another cask, and well bunged down, will be a good vinegar for the table."—Beastall's Useful Guide. A.] ACETIFICATION (Acctificalio; from acetum, vinegar, andjJo, to make.) The action or operation by which vinegar is made. ACETOMETER. An instrument for estimating the strength of vinegars. See Acetic Acid. ACETO'SA. (From accsco, to be sour.) Sorrel. A genus of plants in some systems of botany. See Rumex. ACETOSE'LLA. (From acetosa, sorrel: so called from the acidity of its leaves.) Wood-sonel. Seo Ozalie aceiosella. 17 ACH ACETOUS. (Acelosus; from acetum, vinegar.) Of or belonging to vinegar. Acetous Acid. See Acetum Acetous Fermentation. See Fermentation. ACETUM. (Acetum, i. n.; from acer, sour.) Vi- negar. A sour liquor obtained from many vegetable substances dissolved in boiling water, and from fer- mented and spirituous liquors, by exposing them to heat and contact with air; under which circumstances they undergo the acid fermentation, and afford the liquor called vinegar. Common vinegar consists of acetic acid combined with a large portion of water, and with this are in solution portions of gluten, mucilage, sugar, and extractive matter, from which it derives its colour, and frequently some of the vegetable acids, par- ticularly the malic and the tartaric. See Acetic Acid. Acetum aromaticum. Aromatic vinegar. A pre- paration of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, thought to be an improvement of what has been named thieves' vinegar. Take of the dried tops of rosemary, the dried leaves of sage, of each four ounces; dried lavender flowers, two ounces; cloves, two drachms; distilled vinegar, eight pounds. Macerate for seven days, and strain the expressed juice through paper. Its virtues are anti- septic, and it is a useful composition to smell at in crowded courts of justice, hospitals, &c. where the air is offensive. Acetum colchici. Vinegar of meadow-saffron. Take of fresh meadow-saffron root sliced, an ounce; acetic acid, a pint; proof spirit, a fluid ounce. Mace- rate the meadow-saffron root in the acid, in a covered glass vessel, for three days; then press out the liquor and set it by, that the feculencies may subside; lastly, add the spirit to the clear liquor. The dose is from 3 ss to 3 iss. Acetum distillatum. See Acidum aceticum di- lutum. Acetum scilljE. Vinegar of squills. Take of squills recently dried, one pound; dilute acetic acid, six pints; proof spirit, half a pint. Macerate the squills with the vinegar in a glass vessel, with a gentle heat for twenty-four hours; then express the liquor and *el it a*ide until the faeces subside. To the decanted liquor add the spirit. This preparation of squills is employed as an attenuant, expectorant, and diuretic. Dose, xv. to lx. drops. A'CHEffi. (From a, neg. and xt'pi hand.) With- out hands. Acui'colum. By this word Caelius Aurelianus, Acut. lib. iii. cap. 17, expresses the sudatorium of the ancient baths, which was a hot room where they used to sweat. ACHILLE'A. (Achillea, a, f. k\i\\tia: from Achilles, who is said to have made his tents with it, or to have cured Telephus with it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class Syn- genesia; Order, Polygamiasuperfi.ua. 2. The pharmaceutical name of the milfoil. See Achillea millefolium. Achillea aoeratum. Maudlin, or maudlin tansy. Balsamita fosmina; Eupatorium Mesues This plant, the ageratum of the shops, is described by Linnams as Achillea:—foliis lanceolatis, obtusis, acutoserratis. It is esteemed in some countries as anthelminthic and alterative, and is given in hepatic obstructions. It possesses the virtues of tansy. Achillea millefolium. The systematic name of the common yarrow, or milfoil. Achillea; Myriophyl- lon; Chiliophyllon ; lAtmbus veneris; Militaris herba; Stratwtes ; Carpentaria; Speculum veneris. The leaves and flowers of this indigenous plant, Achillea— foliis bipinnatis nudis,■ laciniis linearibus dentatis; caulibus superne sulcatis of Linnaeus, have an agree- able, weak, aromatic smell, and a bitterish, rough, and somewhat pungent taste. They are both directed for medicinal use in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia; in the present practice, however, they are almost wholly ne- glected. Achillea ptarmica. The systematic name of the sneeze-wort, or bastard pellitory. Pseudopyrethrum; Pyrethrum sylvestre; Draco sylvestris ; Torchon syl- vestris ; Sternutamentoria ; Dracunculus prattnsis. The flowers and roots of this plant, Achillea—foliis lanceolatis, acuminatis, argute serratis, have a hot biting taste, approaching to that of pyrethrum, with wiiicb they also agree in their pharmaceutical proper- 1S ACH ties. Their principal use is as a masticatory and ster- nutatory. Achillea foliis pinnatis. See Genipi verum. ACHl'LLES. The son of Peleus and Thetis, one of the most celebrated Grecian heroes. A tendon is named after him, and also a plant with which he is said to have cured Telephus. Acuillis tendo. The tendon of the gastrocnemii muscles. So called, because, as fable reports, Thetis, the mother of Achilles, held him by that part when she dipped him in the river Stvx, to make him Mnvulne- rable. Homer describes this tendon, and some writers suppose it was thus named by the ancients, from their custom of calling every thing Achillean, that had any extraordinary strength or virtue. Others say it was named from its action in conducing to swiftness of pace, the term importing so much. The tendon of Achilles is the strong and powerful tendon of the heel which is formed by the junction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, and which extends along the pos- terior part of the tibia from the calf to the heel. See Gastrocnemius externus, and Gastrocnemius internus. When this tendon is unfortunately cut or ruptured, as it may be in consequence of a violent exertion, or spasm of the muscles of which it is a continuation, the use of the leg is immediately lost, and unless the part be afterwards successfully united, the patient must re- main a cripple for lite. When the tendon has been cut, the division of the skin allows the accident to be seen. When the tendon has been ruptured, the pa- tient hears the sound like that of the smack of a whip, at the moment of the occurrence. In whatever way the tendon has been divided, there is a sudden inca- pacity, or at least an extreme difficulty, either of stand- ing or walking. Hence the patient falls down, and cannot get up again. Besides these symptoms there is a very palpable depression between the ends of the tendon; which depression is increased when the foot is bent, and diminished, or even quite removed when the foot is extended. The patient can spontaneously bend his foot, none of the flexor muscles being interested. The power of extending the foot is still possible, as the peronei muscles, the tibialis posticus, and long flexors, remain perfect, and may perform this motion. The indications are to bring the ends of the divided parts together, and to keep them so, until they have become firmly united. The first object is easily fulfilled by putting the foot in a state of complete extension ; th« second, namely, that of keeping the ends of the ten don in contact, is more difficult. It seems unneces sary to enumerate the various plans devised to ac complish these ends. The following is Desault's me thod: After the ends of the tendon had been brough into contact by moderate flection of the knee, am complete extension of the foot, he used to fill up th» hollows on each side of the tendon with soft lint and compresses. The roller applied to the limb, made as much pressure on these compresses as on the tendon, and hence this part could not be depressed too much against the adjacent parts. Desault next took a com- press about two inches broad, and long enough to reach from the toes to the middle of the thigh, and placed it under the foot, over the back of the leg and lower part of the thigh. He then began to apply a few circles of a roller round the end of the foot, so as to fix the lower extremity of the longitudinal compress; after cover- ing the whole foot with the roller, he used to make the bandage describe the figure of 8, passing it under the foot and across the place where the tendon was rup- tured, and the method was finished by encircling the limb upward with the roller as far as the upper end of the longitudinal compress. A'CHLYS. (AAuc.) Darkness; cloudiness. An obsolete term, generally applied to a close, foggy air. or a mist. ' 1. Hippocrates, de Morbis Mulierum, lib. ii. signifies by this word air, condensed air in the womb. 2. Galen interprets it of those, who, during sickness, lose that lustre and loveliness observed about the pupil of the eye in health. 3. Others express it by an ulcer on the pupil of the eye, or the scar left there by an ulcer. 4. It means also an opacity of the cornea; the same as the caligo cornea of Dr. Cullen. ACHME LLA. See Spilanthus acmella. A CHOLUS. (From a, priv. and yoXij, bile.' 0-s ficient in bile. ACI ACI A'CHOR. (Achor, oris. m. ax^o, qu. axyao ; from »X>"?! *>raJ1; according to Blancliard it is derived from a, priv. and xwpoj, space, as occupying but a small compass.) JLactummi ; Abas; Acores ; Cerion; Fa- vus; Crusta lactea of authors. The scald-head; so called from the branhy scales thrown off it. A dis- ease which attacks the haiiy scalp of the head, for the most part, of young children, forming soft and scaly eruptions. Dr. Willan, in his description of different kinds of pustules, defines the achor, a pustule of inter- mediate size between the phlyzacium and psydracium, which contains a straw-coloured fluid, having the ap- pearance and nearly the consistence of strained honey. it appeared most frequently about the head, and is succeeded by a dull white or yellowish scab. Pustules of this kind, when so large as nearly to equal the size of phlyzacia, are termed ceria or favi, being succeeded by a yellow semi-transparent, and sometimes cellular, scab, like a honeycomb. The achor differs from the favus and tinea only in the degree of virulence. It is called favus when the perforations are large; and tinea wi"in they are like those which are made by moths in cloch; but generally by tinea is understood a dry scab on the hairy scalp of children, with thick scales and an offensive smell. When this disorder affects the face, It is called crusta lactea or milk scab. Mr. Bell, in his Treatise on Ulcers, reduces the tinea capitis and crusta lactea to some species of herpes, viz. the herpes pus- tulosus, differing only in situation. ACHOR1STOS. Inseparable. This term was ap- plied by the ancients, to symptoms, or signs, which are inseparable from particular things. Thus, softness is inseparable from humidity; hardness from fragility ; and a pungent pain in the side is an inseparable symp- tom of a pleurisy. ACHRAS. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria ; Order, Mono- gynia. The sapota plum-tree. Achras sapota. The systematic name of the tree which affords the oval-fruited sapota, seeds of which are sometimes given in the form of emulsion in calcu- lous complaints. It is a native of South America, and bears a fruit like an apple, which has, when ripe, a luscious taste, resembling that of the marmalade of quinces, whence it is called natural maunalade. The bark of this, and the Achras mammosa is very astrin- gent, and is used medicinally under the name of Cor- tex jamaicensis. ACHREI'ON. Useless. Applied by Hippocrates to the limbs which, through weakness, become useless. ACHROI'A. A paleness. A'CHYRON. A-xypov. This properly signifies bran, or chaff, or straw. Hippocrates, de Morbis Mulierum, most probably means by this word, bran. Achyron also signifies a straw, hair, or any thing that sticks upon a wall. A'CIA. (From axn, a point.) A needle with thread in it for chirurgical operations. A'CICYS. Weak, infirm, or faint. In this sense it is used by Hippocrates, de Morb. lib. iv. ACID. (Acidum, i. n.) 1. That which impresses upon the organs of taste a sharp or sour sensation. The word sour, which is usually employed to denote the simple impression, or lively and sharp sensation pro- duced on the tongue by certain todies, may be regarded as synonymous to the word acid. The only difference which can be established between them, is, that the one denotes a weak sensation, whereas the other com- prehends all the degrees of force, from the least per- ceptible to the greatest degree of causticity: thus we say that verjuice, gooseberries, or lemons, are sour; but we use the word acid to express the impression which the nitric, sulphuric, or muriatic acids make upon the tongue. 2. Acids are an important class of chemical com pounds. In the generalization of facts presented by Lavoisier and the associated French chemists, it was the leading doctrine that acids resulted from the union of a peculiar combustible base called the radical, with a common principle technically called oxygen, or the acidifier. This general position was founded chiefly on the phenomena exhibited in the formation and decomposition of sulphuric, carbonic, phosphoric, and nitric acids ; and was extended by a plausible analogy to other acids, the radicals of which were unknown. " I have already shown," says Lavoisier, " that phosphorus is changed by combustion into an extremely light, white, flaky matter. Its properties are likewise entirely altered by this transformation; from being insoluble in water, it becomes not only soluble, but so greedy of moisture as to attract the humidity of the air with astonishing rapidity. By this means it is converted into a liquid, considerably more dense, and of more specific gravity than water. In the state of phosphorus before combustion, it had scarcely any sensible taste; by its union with oxygen it acquires an extremely sharp and sour taste; in a word, from one of the class of combustible bodies, it is changed into an incombustible substance, and becomes one of those bodies called acids. "This property of a combustible substance, to be converted into an acid by the addition of oxygen, we shall presently find belongs to a great number of bodies. Wherefore strict logic requires that we should adopt a common term for indicating all these operations which produce analogous results. This is the true way to simplify the study of science, as it would be quite im- possible to bear all its specific details in the memory if they were not classically arranged. For this reason we shall distinguish the conversion of phosphorus into an acid by its union with oxygen, and in general every combination of oxygen with a combustible substance, by the term oxygenation; from this I shall adopt the verb to oxygenate; and of consequence shall say, that in oxygenating phosphorus, we convert it into an acid. " Sulphur also, in burning, absorbs oxygen gas; the resulting acid is considerably heavier than the sulphur burnt; its weight is equal to the sum of the weights of the sulphur which has been burnt, and of the oxygen absorbed ; and, lastly, this acid is weighty, in- combustible, and miscible with water in all proportions. " I might multiply these experiments, and show, by a numerous succession of facts, that all acids are formed by the combustion of certain substances; but I am prevented from doing so in this place by the plan which I have laid down, of proceeding only from facts already ascertained to such as are unknown, and of drawing my examples only from circumstances already explained. In the mean time, however, the examples above cited may suffice for giving a clear and accurate conception of the manner in which acids are formed. By these it may be clearly seen that oxygen is an ele- ment common to them all, and which constitutes or produces their acidity ; and that they differ from each other according to the several natures of the oxyge- nated or acidified substances. We must, therefore, in every acid, carefully distinguish between the aciditia- ble base, which de Morveau calls the radical, and ' the acidifying principle or oxygen.'" Elements, p. 115. " Although we have not yet been able either to com- pose or to decompound this acid of sea salt, we cannot have the smallest doubt that it, like all other acids, is composed by the union of oxygen with an acidifiable base. We have, therefore, called this unknown sub- stance the muriatic base, or muriatic radical." P. 122. 5th Edition. Bcrthollet maintains, that Lavoisier had given too much latitude to the idea of oxygen being the universal acidifying principle. "In fact," says he, "it is car- rying the limits of analogy too far to infer, that all acidity, even that cf the muriatic, fluoric, and boracic acids, arises from oxygen, because it gives acidity to a great number of substances. Sulphuretted hydrogen, which really possesses the properties of an acid, proves directly that acidity is not in all cases owing to oxygen. There is no better foundation for concluding that hydrogen is the principle of alcalinity, not only in the alcalies, properly so called, but also in magnesia, lime, strontian, and barytes, because ammonia appears to owe its alcalinity to hydrogen. " These considerations prove that oxygen may be regarded as the most usual principle of acidity, but that this species of affinity for the alcalies may belong to substances which do not contain oxygen; that we must not, therefore, always infer, from the acidity of a substance, that it contains oxygen, although this may be an inducement to suspect its existence in it; still less should we conclude, because a substance con- tains oxygen, that it must have acid properties ; on the contrary, the acidity of an oxygenated substance shows that the oxygen has only experienced an incom- plete saturation in it, since its properties remain pre- dominant." This generalization of the French chemists concern- ACI ,ng oxygen, was first experimentally combated by Sir Humphry Davy, in a series of dissertations published in the Philosophical Transactions. "His first train of experiments was instituted with the view of operating by voltaic electricity on muriatic and other acids freed from water. Substances which are now known by the names of chlorides of phos- phorus and tin, but which he then supposed to contain dry muriatic acid, led him to imagine that intimately combined water was the real acidifying principle, since acid properties were immediately developed in the above substances by the addition of that fluid, though previously they exhibited no acid powers. In July, 1810, however, he advanced those celebrated views concerning acidification, which, in the opinion of the best judges, display an unrivalled power of scientific research. The conclusions to which these led him, were incompatible with the general hypothesis of Lavoisier. He demonstrated that oxymuriatic acid is, as far as our knowledge extends, a simple substance, which may be classed in the same order of natural bodies as oxygen gas, being determined like oxygen to the positive surface in voltaic combinations, and like oxygen combining with inflammable substances, pro- ducing heat and light. The combinations of oxymu- riatic acid with inflammable bodies were shown to be analogous to oxydes and acids in their properties and powers of combination, but todiller from them in being, for the most part, decomposable by water; and, finally, that oxymuriatic acid has a stronger attraction for most inflammable bodies than oxygen. His pre- ceding decomposition of the alcalies and earths having evinced the absurdity of that nomenclature which gives to the general and essential constituent of alca- Iine nature, the term oxygen or acidifier; his new dis- covery of the simplicity of oxymuriatic acid, showed the theoretical system of chemical language to be equally vicious in another respect. Hence this philo- sopher most judiciously discarded the appellation oxymuriatic acid, and introduced in its place the name chlorine, which merely indicates an obvious and per- manent character of the substance, its greenish yellow colour. The more recent investigations of chemists on fluoric, hydriodic, and hydrocyanic acids, have brought powerful analogies in support of the chloridic theory, by showing that hydrogen alone can convert certain undecompouuded bases into acids well characterized, without the aid of oxygen." " After these observations on t^e nature of acidity, we shall now state the general properties of the acids. " 1. The taste of these bodies is for the most part Bour, as their name denotes; and in the stronger species .t is acrid and corrosive. " 2. They generally combine with water in every proportion, with a condensation of volume and evolu- tion of heat " 3. With a few exceptions they are volatilized or decomposed at a moderate beat " 4. They usually change the purple colours of vege- tables to a bright red. " 5. They unite in definite proportions with the alcalies, earths, and metallic oxydes, and form the important class of salts. This may be reckoned their characteristic and indispensable property." " Thenard has lately succeeded in communicating to many acids apparently a surcharge of oxygen, and thus producing a supposed new class of bodies, the oxygenized acids, which are, in reality, combinations of the ordinary acids with oxygenized water, or with the deutoxide of hydrogen." " The class of acids has been distributed into three orders, according as they are derived from the mineral, the vegetable, or the animal kingdom. But a more specific distribution is now requisite. They have also been arranged into those which have a single, and those which have a compound basis or radical. This arrangement is not only vague, but liable in other respects to considerable objections. The chief advan- tage of a classification is to give general views to beginners in the study, by grouping together such sub- stances as have analogous properties or composition. These objects will be tolerably well attained by the following divisions and subdivisions. "1st. Acids from inorganic nature, or which are procurable without having recourse to animal or vegetable products. " 2d. Acids elaborated by means of organization. ACI "The first group is subdivided into three families: 1st. Oxygen acids; 2d. Hydrogen acids; 3d. Acida destitute of both these supposed acidifiers. -Oxygen acids. Non-metallic. 11. Hypophosphorus. 12. Phosphorus. 13. Phosphatic. 14. Phosphoric. 15. Hyposulphurous. 16. Sulphurous. 17. Hyposulphuric 18. Sulphuric 19. Cyanic 1 Family 1st.- Section 1st, 1. Boracic. 2. Carbonic. 3. Chloric. 4. Perchloric? 5. Chloro-Carbonic. 6. Nitrous. 7. Hyponitric. 8. Nitric. 9. Iodic. 10. Iodo-Sulphuric. Section 2d, Oxygen acids.—Metallic. 1. Arsenic. 6. Columbic. 2. Arsenious. 7. Molybdic. 3. Antimonious 8. Molybdous. 4. Antimonic. 9. Tungstic. 5. Chromic. Family 2d.—Hydrogen acids. I. Fluoric. 6. Hydroprussic, or 2. Hydriodic. Hydro-cyanic. 3. Hydrochloric,or Muria- 7. Hydrosulphurous. tic 8. Hydrotellurous. 4. Ferroprussic. 9. Sulphuroprussic. 5. Hydroselenic. Family 3d.—Acids without Oxygen or Hydrogen I. Chloriodic. 3. Fluoboric. 2. Chloroprussic, or 4. Fiuosilicic. Chlorocyanic. Division 2d.- 1. Aceric. 2. Acetic. 3. Amniotic. 4. Benzoic. 5. Boletic. 6. Butyric. 7. Camphoric. 8. Caseic. 9. Cevadic. 10. CMesteric. 11. Citric. 12. Delphinie. 13. Ellagic? 14. Formic. 15. Fungic. 16. Gallic. 17. Igasuric. 18. Kinic. 19. Laccic. 20. Lactic. 21. Lampic. 22. Lithic, or Uric 23. Malic. -Acids of 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 33, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Organic Origin Meconic. Menispermic. Margaric. Melassic 1 Mellitic. Moroxylic Mucic. Nanceic % Nitro-leucic. Nitro-saccharic Oleic. Oxalic. Purpuric. Pyrolithic. Pyromalic. Pyrotartaric. Rosasic. Saclactic. Sebacic. Suberic. Succinic. Sulphovinic 1 Tartaric. The acids of the last division are all decorti|KWable at a red heat, and afford generally carbon, hvrlropen oxygen, and, in some few cases, also nitrogen. The mellitic is found like amber in wood coal, and like it is undoubtedly of organic origin." ' Acid, aceric. See Aceric acid. Acid, acetic. See Acetum. Acid, acetous. See Acetum. Acid, aerial. See Carbonic acid. Acid, atherial. See JEthers. Acid, aluminous. See Sulphuric acid. Acid, amniotic. See Amniotic acid. Acid, animal. See Acid. Acid, antimonic. See Antimony. Acid, antimonovs. See Antimony. Acid of ants. See Formic acid. Acid, arsenical. See Arsenic. Acid, arsenious. See Arsenic. Acid, benzoic. See Benzoic acid. Acid, boletic. See Boletic acid. Acid, boracic. See Boracic acid. Acid, camphoric. See Camphoric acid. Add, carbonic. See Carbonic acid. Acid, caseic. See Caseic acid. Acid, cetic- See Cttic acid. ACI > ACI Acid, chloric See Chloric acid. 1 Acid, chloriodic. See Chloriodic acid. Acid, chlorous. See Chlorous acid. Acid, chloro-carbonic. See Chloro-carbonous acid a.id Phosgene. Acid, chloro-cyanic. See Chloro-cyanic acid. Acid, chloro-prussic. See Chloro-cyanic acid. Acid, chromic. See Chromic acid. Acid, citric. See Citric acid. Acid, columbic. See Columbic acid. Acid, cyanic. See Prussic acid. Acid, depklogisticated muriatic. See Chlorine. Acid, dulcified. Now called ^Ether. Acid, ellegic. See Ellagic acid. Acid,ferro-chyazic. See Ferro-chyaiic acid. Acid, ferro-prussic. See irttMic acid. jJcirf, ferruretted-chyazic. See .Ferro-yrttMtc actrf. Acid,fluoboric. See Fluoboric acid. Acid, fluoric. See Fluoric acid. Acid, fluoric, silicated. See Fluoric acid. Acid,fluosilicic. See Fluoric acid. Acid, formic. See Formic acid. Acid, fungic. See Fungic acid. Acid, gallic. See Gallic acid. Acid, hydriodic. See Hydriodic acid. Acid, hydrochloric. See Muriatic acid. Acid, hydrocyanic. See Prussic acid. Acid, hydrofluoric. See Fluoric acid. Acid, hydrophosphorous. See Phosphorous acid. Acid, hydrophtoric. See Fluoric acid. Acid, hydrosulphuric. See Sulphuretted hydrogen. Acid, hydrothionic. See Sulphuretted hydrogen. Acid, hyponitrous. See Hyponitrous acid. Acid, hypophosphorous. See Hypophosphorous acid. Acid, hyposulphuric. See Hyposulphuric acid. Acid, hyposulphurous. See Hyposulphurous acid. Acid, igasuric. See Igasuric acid. Acid, imperfect. These acids are so called in the chemical nomenclature, which are not fully saturated with oxygen. Their names are ended in Latin by osum, and in English by ous : e. g. acidum nitrosum, or nitrous acid. Acid, iodic. See Iodic acid. Acid, iodosulphuric. See Iodosulphuric acid. Acid, kinic. See Kinic acid. Acid, krameric. See Krameric acid. Acid, laccic. See Laccic acid. Acid, lactic. See Lactic acid. Acid, lampic See Lampic acid. Acid, lethic. See Lelhic acid. Acid, malic. Seel Malic acid. Acid, manganesic. See Manganesic acid. Acid, margaritic. See Margaritic acid. Acid, mcconic. See Meconic acid. Acid, mellitic. See Mellitic acid. Acid, menispermic. See Mcnispermic acid. Acid of milk. See Mucic acid. Acid, mineral. Those acids which are found to ex- ist in minerals, as the sulphuric, the nitric, &c. See Acid. Acid, molybdic. See Molybdic acid. Acid, molybdous. See Molybdous acid. Acid, moroxylic. See Moroxylic acid. Acid, mucic. See Mucic acid. Acid, mucous. See Mucic acid. Acid, muriatic. See Muriatic acid. Acid, muriatic, depklogisticated. Acid, nanceic. See Nanceic acid. Acid of nitre. See Nitric acid. Acid, nitric. See Nitric acid. Acid, nitro-leucic. See Nitro-leucic acid. Acid, nitro-muriatic. See JVttro-muriatic acid. Acid, nitro-saccharine. See Nitro-saccharic acid. Acid, nitro sulphuric. See Nitro-sulphuric acid Acid, nitrous. See Nitrous acid. Acid, (Enothionic. See (Enothionic acid. Acid, oleic. See Oleic acid. Acid, oxalic. See Oxalic acid. Acid, oxiodic. See Iodic acid. Acid, oxychloric. See Perchloric acid. Acid, oxymuriatic. See Chlorine. dcid, perchloric. See Perchloric acid. Acid, perfect. An acid is termed perfect in the che- mical nomenclature, when it is completely saturated with oxygen. The names are ended hi Latin by icum, and in English by ic; e. g- acidum nitricum, or nitric Mtf. Acid,perlate. See Perlate acid. Acid, pernitrous. See Hyponitrous acid Acid, phosphatic. See Phosphatic acid. Acid, phosphoric. See Phosphoric acid. Acid, phosphorous. See Phosphorous acid. Acid, prussic. See Prussic acid. Acid, purpuric. See Purpuric acid. Acid, pyro-acetic. See Pyro-acetie acid. Acid, pyrocitric. See Pyrocitric acid. Acid, pyroligneous. See Pyro-ligneous acta Acid, pyromucous. See Pyro-mucic acid. Acid, pyrotartarous. See Pyrotartaric acid Acid, rheumic. See Rheumic acid. Acid, saccho-lactic. See Mucic acid. Acid, saclactic. See Mucic acid. Acid, sebacic. See Sebacic acid. Acid, selenic. See Selenic acid. Acid, silicated fluoric. Acid, sorbic. See Sorbic acid. Acid, stannic. See Stannic acid. Acid, stibic. See Stibic acid. Acid, stibious. See Stibious acid. Acid, suberic. See Suberic acid. Acid, succinic. See Succinic acid. Acid of sugar. See Oxalic acid. Acid, sulpho-cyanic. See Sulphuro-prussic acid. Acid, sulphovinous. See Sulphooinic acid. Acid, sulphureous. See Sulphureous acid. Acid, sulphuretted chyazic. See Sulphuro-prussic acid. Acid, sulphuric. See Sulphuric acid. Acid of tartar. See Tartaric acid. Acid, tartaric. See Tartaric acid. Acid, telluric. See Telluric acid. Acid, tungstic. See Tungstic acid. Acid, uric. See Lithic acid. Acid, vegetable. Those which are found in the vegetable kingdom, as the citric, malic, acetic, &.c. See Acid. Acid of vinegar. See Acetum. Acid of vinegar, concentrated. See Acetum. Acid of vitriol. See Sulphuric acid. Acid, vitriolic. See Sulphuric acid. Acid, zumic. See Zumic acid. ACIDIFIABLE. Capable of being converted into an acid by an acidifying principle. Substances possessing this property are called radicals and acidifiable bases. ACIDIFICATION. (Acidificatio ; from acidum, an acid.) The formation of an acid; also the impreg- nation of any thing with acid properties. ACIDIFYING. See Acid. ACIDIMETRY. The measurement of the strength of acids. This is effected by saturating a given weight of them with an alkaline base; the quantity of which requisite for the purpose, is the measure of their power. ACIDITY. Aciditas. Sourness. ACIDULOUS. Acidula, Latin; acidule, French. Sligntly acid: applied to those salts in which the base is combined with such an excess of acid, that they manifestly exhibit acid properties, as the supertartrate and the supersulphate of potassa. Acidulous waters. Mineral waters, which contain so great a quantity of carbonic acid gas, as to render them acidulous, or gently tart to the taste. See Mine- ral waters. ACIDULUS. Acidulated. Any thing blended with an acid juice in order to give it a coolness and brisk ness. A'CIDUM. (Acidum, i. n.; from aceo, to be sour.; An acid. See Acid. Acidum aceticum. See Acidum aceticum dilutum. Acidum aceticum dilutum. Dilute acetic acid. Take of vinegar, a gallon. Distil the acetic acid in a sand bath, from a glass retort into a receiver also of glass, and kept cold; throw away the first pint, and keep for use the six succeeding pints, which are distilled over. In this distillation, the liquor should be kept mode- rately boiling, and the heat should not be urged too far, otherwise the distilled acid will have an empyrcu- matic smell and taste, which it ought not to possess. If the acid be prepared correctly, it will be colourless, and of a grateful, pungent, peculiar acid taste. One fluid ounce ought to dissolve at least ten grains of car- bonate of lime, or white marble. This liquor is the acetum distillatum ; the acidum acetosuta of the Lon- 81 ACI ACO don Pharmacopoeia of 1787, and the acidum aceticum of that of 18B2, and the acidum aceticum dilutum of the present. The compounds of the acid of vinegar, directed to be used by the new London Pharmaco- poeia, are acetum colchici, acitvm scilla, ceratum plumbi acetatis, liquor ammonia acetatis, liquor plumbi acetatis, liquor plumbi acetatis dilutis,oxymel, oxymel scilla, potasse acetas, and the cataplasma sinapis. . Acidum aceticum concentratum. When the acid of vinegar is greatly concentrated, that is, de- prived of its water, it is called concentrated acid of vinegar, and radical vinegar. Distilled vinegar may be concentrated by freezing : the congelation takes place at a temperature below 28 degrees, more or less, according to its strength; and the congealed part is merely ice, leaving, of course, a stronger acid. If this be exposed to a very intense cold, it shoots into crystals; which, being separated, liquefy, when the temperature rise? , and the liquor is limpid as water, extremely strong, and has a highly pungent acetous odour. This is the pure acid of the vinegar; the foreign matter remaining in the uncon- gealed liquid. Other methods are likewise employed to obtain the pure and concentrated acid. The process of Westen- dorf, which has been often followed, is to saturate soda with distilled vinegar; obtain the acetate by crystal- lization ; and pour upon it, in a retort, half its weight of sulphuric acid. By applying heat, the acetic acid is distilled over; and, should there be any reason to suspect the presence of any sulphuric acid, it may be distilled a second time, from a little acetate of soda. According to Lowitz, the best way of obtaining this acid pure, is to mix three parts of the acetate of soda with eight of supersulphate of potassa; both salts being perfectly dry, and in fine powder, and to distil from this mixture in a retort, with a gentle heat. It may also be obtained by distilling the verdigris of commerce, with a gentle heat. The concentrated acid procured by these processes, was supposed to differ materially from the acetous acids obtained by distil- ling vinegar; the two acids were regarded as differing in their degree of oxygenizement, and were after- ward distinguished by the names of acetous and ace- tic acids. The acid distilled from verdigris was sup- posed to derive a quantity of oxygen from the oxyde of copper, from which it was expelled. The experi- ments of Adet have, however, proved the two acids to be identical; the acetous acid, therefore, only differs from tile acetic acid in containing more water, render- ing it a weaker acid, and of a less active nature. There exists, therefore, onlycne of acid vinegar, which is the acetic; its compounds are termed acetates. Acidum acetosum. See Acetum. Acidum .ethereum. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum aluminosum. (So called because it exists in alum.) See Sulphuric acid. Acidum Arsenicum. See Arsenic. Acidum benzoicum. Benzoic acid. The London Pharmacopoeia directs it to be made thus:—Take of gum benzoin a pound and a half: fresh lime, four ounces: water, a gallon and a half: muriatic acid, four fluid ounces. Rub together the benzoin and lime; then boil them in a gallon of the water, for half an hour, constantly stirring; and, when it is cold, pour off the liquor. Boil what remains a second time, in four pints of water, and pour off the liquor as before. Mix the liquors, and boil down to half) then strain through paper, and add the muriatic acid gradually, until it ceases to produce a precipitate. Lastly, having poured off the liquor, dry the powder in a gentle heat; put it into a proper vessel, placed in a Hand bath; and by a very gentle fire, sublime the benzoic acid. In this pro- cess a solution of benzoate of lime is first obtained; the muriatic acid then, abstracting the lime, precipi- tates the benzoic acid, which is crystallized by sub- limation. The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia forms a benzoate of soda, precipitates the acid by sulphuric acid, and after- ward crystallizes it by solution in hot water, which dissolves a larger quantity than cold. Benzoic acid has a strong, pungent, aromatic, and peculiar odour. Its crystals are ductile, not pulver- izable; it sublimes in a moderate heat, forming a white irritating smoke. It is soluble in about twenty- four times its weight of boiling water, which, as it cools, precipitates 19-20ths of what it had dissolved- It is soluble in alcohol. Benzoic acid is very seldom used in the cure of dis- eases ; but now and then it is ordered as a stimulant against convulsive coughs and difficulty of breathing. The dose is from one grain to five. Acidum Boracicum. See Boracic acid. Acidum carbomcum. See Carbonic acid. Acidum catholicon. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum citricum. See Citric acid. Acidum muriaticum. See Muriatic acid. Acidum muriaticum oxygenatum. See Oxygen- ized muriatic acid. Acidum nitricum. See Nitric acid. Acidum nitricum dilutum. Take of nitric acid a fluid ounce; distilled water nine fluid ounces. Mix them. Acidum nitrosum. See Nitrous acid. Acidum phosphoricum. See Phosphoric acid Acidum primigenium. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum succinici m. See Succinic acid. Acidum sulphurkum. See Sulphureous acid. Acidum sulphuricum. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum sulphuricum dilutum. Acidum vitrio- licum dilutum. Spiritus vitrioli tenuis. Take of sulphuric acid a fluid ounce and a half; distilled water, fourteen fluid ounces and a half. Add the water gradually to the acid. Acidum tartaricum. See Tartaric acid. Acidum vitriolicum. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum vitriolicum dilutum. See Acidum sul- phuricum dilutum, A'cies. Steel. ACINACIFORMIS. (From acinaces, a Persian scimitar, or sabre, and forma, resemblance.) Acina- cifonn; shaped like a sabre, applied to leaves: as those of the mysembryanthemum acinaciforme. ACINE'SIA. (From anivrjaia, immobility.) A loss of motion and strength. ACINIFORMIS. (From acinus, a grape, and forma, a resemblance.) Aciniform. A name given by the ancients to some parts which resembled the colour and form of an unripe grape, as the uvea of the eye, which was called tunica acinosa, and the choroid membrane of the eye, which they named tunica acimforma. A'CINUS. (Acinus, i. m.; a grape.) 1. In ana- tomy, those glands which grow together in clusters are called by some acini glandulosi. 2. In botany, a small berry, which, with several others, composes the fruit of the mulberry, black- berry, &c. Acinus biliosus. The small glandiform bodies of the liver, which separate the bile from the blood, were formerly called acini biliosi: they are now, however, termed penicilli. See Liver. ACMA'STICOS. A species of fever, wherein the heat continues of the same tenor to the end. Actuarius. A'CME. (From attun, a point.) The height or crisis. A term applied by physicians to that period or state of a disease in which it is at its height. The ancients dis- tinguished diseases into four stages : 1. The Arcne, the beginning or first attack. 2. Anabasis, the growth. 3. Acme, the height. 4. Paracme, or the decline of the disease. ACME'LLA. See Spilanthus. A'CNE. aicvn. Acna. A small pimple, or hard tubercle on the face. Foesius says, that it is a small pustule or pimple, which arises usually about the time that the body is in full vigour. Acne'stis. (From a, priv. and Kvaia, to scratch.) That part of the spine of the back, which reaches from the metaphrenon, which is the part between the shoul- der-blades, to the loins. This part seems to have been originally called so in quadrupeds only, because they cannot reach it to scratch. A'COE. aKor]. The sense of hearing. ACOE'LIUS. (From a, priv. and KotXia, the belly.) Without belly. It is applied to thise who are so wasted, as to appear as if they had no belly. Galen. ACOE'TUS. Akoitos. An epithet for honey, men tioned by Pliny; because it has no sediment, which is called koittj. ACO'NION. A.Kovtov. A particular form of me dicine among the ancient physicians, made of powders levigated, and probably like collyria for the disorders of the eyes. ACONITA. (Aconita, , to cover.) The prepuce which covers the extremity of the penis. ACROCHEIRE'SIS. (From aicpoc, extreme, and Ytip, a hand.) An exercise among the ancients. Pro- bably a species of wrestling, where they only held by the hands. S3 ACT ACT ACROCHEI'RIS. (From expos, extreme, and x«p. a hand.) Gorraeus says, it sigmfies the arm from the elbow to the ends of the fingers; x"p signifying the arm, from the scapula to the fingers' end. ACROCHO'RDON. (From aKpos, extreme, and \opit), a string.) Galen describes it as a round ex- crescence on the skin, with a slender base ; and that it hath its name because of its situation on the surface of the skin. The Greeks call that excrescence an achrochordon, where something hard concretes under the skin, which is rather rough, of the same colour as the skin, slender at the base and broader above. Their size rarely exceeds that of a bean. ACROCO'LIA. (From aicpos, extreme, and ku>\ov, a limb.) These are the extremities of animals which are used in food, as the feet of calves, swine, sheep, oxen, or lambs, and of the broths of which jellies are frequently made. Castellus from Budaeus adds, that the internal parts of animals are also called by this name. Achrole'nion. Castellus says it is the same as Olecranon. ACROMA'NIA. (From axpog, extreme, and pavia, madness.) Total or incurable madness. ACRO'MION. (From axpov, extremity, and ouioy, the shoulder.) A process of the scapula or shoulder- blade. See Scapula. ACROMPHA'LIUM. (AxpouqiaXov; from aicpos, extreme, and oudtaXos, the navel.) Acromphalon. The tip of the navel. ACKO'MPHALON. See Acromphalium. Acro'nia. (From axpov, the extremity.) The am- putation of an extremity, as a finger. ACHO'PATHOS. (From aicpos, extreme, and tsa- 6os, a disease.) Acropathus. It signifies literally a disease at the top or superior part. Hippocrates in his treatise De Superfoetatione, applies it to the internal orifice of the uterus; and in Praidict. lib. ii. to cancers which appear on the surface of the body. ACROPATHUS. See Acropathos. A'CROPIS. (From axoov, the extremity, and o>/>, the voice.) Imperfect articulation, from a fault in the tongue. ACROPOSTHIA. (From axpos, extreme, and tsoaOn, the prepuce.) The extremity of the prepuce ; or that part which is cut off in circumcision. ACRO'PSILON. (From aicpos, extreme, and u^Aos naked ) The extremity of the denuded glans penis. ACRO'SPELOS. (From aicpos, extreme, and rrcXos black, so called because its ears, or tops, are often of a blackish colour.) Acrospclus. The bromus discordis, or wild oat grass. ACRO'SPELUS. See Acrospelos. ACROTE'RIA. (From aicpos, extreme.) The ex- treme parts of the body ; as the hands, feet, nose, ears chin, (kc. ACROTERIA'SMUS. (From aKpos, summus.) The amputation of an extremity. Acrothv'mia. See Acrothymion. ACROTHYMION. (From aKpos, extreme, and dvuos, thyme.) Acrothymia. Acrothymium. A sort of wart, described by Celsus, as hard, rough, with a narrow basis, and broad top; the top of the colour of thyme; it easily splits and bleeds. Acrothymium. See Acrothymion. ACROTICUS. (From a«pof, summus; whence aKp6rrjs, nros; summitas ; cacumen.) A disease affect ing the external surface. Acrotica. 7'he name of an order in Good's No- sology. ACROTISMUS. Acrotismus; (From a. priv. and Kporos, pulsus, defect of pulse.) Acrotism or pulse- lessness. A term synonymous with asphyxia, and ap- plied to a species of entasia in Good's Nosology. ACTJE'A. (From ayia, to break.) Acte. The el- der-tree, so called from its being easily broken. See Sambucus nigra. A'CTINE. The herb Bunias, or Nanus ACTINOBOLISMUS. (From okZ, a ray, and PoA>w, to cast out.) Diradiatio. Irradiation. It is applied to the spurts, conveying the inclinations of the mind to the body. ACTINOLITE. The name of a mineral which is round in primitive districts. ["This mineral possesses all the essential characters of hornblende. In fact, common hornblende and ac- (ynohte, separated only by slight differences, when viewed in the extremes, do in other cases insensibly pass into each /other. The actynolite has usually a greater transparency, a more lively green colour, arising from the chrome which it contains, and differs also in the result of fusion by the blow-pipe. " The actynolite occurs in prismatic crystals which are commonly long and incomplete, sometimes extremely minute and even fibrous, and variously aggregated into masses more or less large. Its pre- vailing colour is green, sometimes pure emerald green, but varying from a dark or leek green to a pale green, which is sometimes shaded with gray, yellow, or brown. Its colours are liable to change in conse- quence of decomposition. It scratches grass, but its prisms are often very brittle in a transverse direction. Its cross fracture is often a little chonchoidal, and more shining than that of common hornblende. Its specific gravity is, about 3.30. " It melts by the blow-pipe into a gray or yellowish- gray enamel. It contains, according to Langier, of Silex................................ 50.00 Magnesia............................ 19.25 Lime................................ 9.75 Alumine............................ 0.75 Oxideofiron ........................ 11.00 Oxide of chrome .................... 5.00 95.75 Its green colour is derived from the chrome, but is often modified by the large quantity of iron which is present. It presents the following varieties, which pass into each other: 1. common actynolite - 2. glassy; 3. acicular; 4. fibrous. " Actynolite is found in primi?!ve rocks, or in veins which traverse them ; it is sometimes in metallic beds. It is perhaps most common in minerals which contain magnesia. Its more distinct crystals occur in talc, quartz, and limestone. " It is found in various parts of the United States. In Maryland, near Baltimore, all its varieties occur in granite or gneiss. In Pennsylvania, at Concord in Chester county, in large masses of an emerald-green colour. In Connecticut, near New-Haven, in serpen- tine ; its structure generally radiated. In Maine, at Brunswick, all its varieties occur, sometimes in granite and gneiss, but more frequently in limestone."__ Cleaveland's Mineralogy. A.] ACTION. (Actio, nis. f.; from ago, to act.) 1. The operation or exertion of an active power. 2. Any faculty, power, or function. The actions or functions of the body are usually divided by physiolo- gists into vital, natural, or animal. 1. The vital functions, or actions, are those which are absolutely necessary to life, and without which animals cannot exist; as the action of the heart, lungs, and arteries. 2. The natural functions are those which are instru- mental in repairing the several losses which the body sustains: digestion, and the formation of chyle, &c. fall under this head. 3. The animal actions are those which we perform at will, as muscular motion, and all the voluntary motions of the body. Independently of these properties, each part may be said to have an action peculiar to itself—for instance the liver, by virtue of a power which is peculiar to it' forms continually a liquid which is called bile ■ the same thing takes place in the kidneys with regard to the urine. The voluntary muscles, in certain states be- come hard, change their form, and contract. These are, however, referrible to vitality. It is upon these the attention of the physiologist ought to be particu- larly fixed. Vital action depends evidently upon nu- trition, and reciprocally, nutrition is influenced by vital action.—Thus, an organ that ceases to nourish loses at the same time its faculty of acting; conse- quently the organs, the action of which is oftenest re- peated, possess a more active nutrition; and, on the contrary, those that act least possess a much slower nutritive motion. The mechanism of vital action is unknown. There passes into the organ that acts an insensible molecular motion, which is as little susceptible of description as the nutritive motion. Every vital action, however simple, is the same in this respect. a,£a ZY.AL' This word is aPP|ied to any thing en- dued with a property or virtue which acta by an im- mediate power inherent in it: it is the reverse of potential: thus, a red-hot iron or fire is called an actual ACU ADA eautery, in contradistinction from caustics, which are called potential cauteries. Boiling water is actually hot; brandy, producing heat in the body, is potentially hot, though of itself cold Actual cautery. The red-hot iron, or any red-hot substance. See Actual. ACTU A' RH/S. This word was originally a title of dignity given to physicians at the court of Constanti- nople ; but became afterward the proper name of a celebrated Greek physician, John, (the son of Zachary, a Christian writer,) who flourished there about the 12th or 13th century. He is said to be the first Greek author who has treated of mild cathartics, as manna, cassia, &c, though they were long before in use among the Arabians. He appears also to have first noticed distilled waters. His works, however, are chiefly compiled from his predecessors. ACTUATION. (From ago, to act) That change wrought on a medicine, or any thing taken into the body, by the vital heat, which is necessary, in elder to make it act and have its effect. ACUTTAS. Acrimony. Acui'tio. (From acuo, to sharpen.) The sharpen- ing an acid medicine by an addition of something more acid; or, in general, the increasing the force of any medicine, by an addition of something that hath the same sort of operation in a greater degree. ACULEA'TUS. (From aculeus, a prickle.) Prickly; covered with sharp-pointed bodies: applied to stems covered with sharp-pointed bodies, the prickles of which separate with the epidermis, as in Rosa ccntifolia. ACU'LEUS. (From acus, a needle; from c\kt], or uKif, cuspis, a point.) A prickle or sharp point. A species of armature with which the stems, branches, and other parts of several plants are furnished; as in the rose, raspberry, gooseberry. The part on which it grows is said to be aculeated, thus:— Caulis aculeatds ; as in the Rosa canina. Folia aculeata; as in Solanum marginatum. Calix aculeatus ; as in Solanum aculeatum. Stipula aculeata ; as in Rosa cinnamomia. Legumen aculeatum ; as in Scorpiurus muricata. From the direction it has:— Aculeus rectus, not curved; as in Rhamnus spina chrisli, and Rosa eglanteria. Aculeus incurvus, curved inward ; as in Mimosa cineraria. Aculeus recurvus, curved downward; as in Rubus fruticosus, and Rosa rubiginosa. From the number in one place:— Aculeus solitarius ; as in Rosa canina. Aculeus bifidus, or geminatus, in pairs ; there being two joined at the basis; as in Rhamnus spina christi. Aculeus trifidus, three in one; as in Barbaris vul- garis. A'culon. (From a, neg. and kvXoio, to roll round ;) so called because its fruit is not involved in a cup, or sheath, like others. Aculos. The fruit or acorn of the ilex. A'culos. See Aculon. ACUMEN. 1. A point. 2. The extremity of a bone. ACUMINATUS. (From acuo, to point.) Acumi- nate; or terminated by a point somewhat elongated. Applied by botanists to several parts of plants. An acuminate leaf is seen in the Syringa vulgaris. Acu- minate leaf-stalk; as that of Saxifraga stcllaris. ACUPUNCTU'RA. (From acus, a needle, and punctura, a prick.) Acupuncture. A bleeding per- formed by making many small punctures. [The operation of making small punctures in certain parts of the body with a needle, for the purpose of relieving diseases, is practised in Siam, Japan, and other oriental countries, for the cure of headaches, lethargies, convulsions, colics, &.c. The practice of acupuncture is not followed in England nor America. In a modern French work it has been highly com- mended ; but, the author sets so rash an example, and is so wild in his expectations of what may be done by the thrust of a needle, that the tenor of his observa- tionswill not meet with many approvers. For instance, in one case, he ventured to pierce the epigastric region so deeply, that the coats of the stomach were supposed to have been perforated : this was done for the cure of an obstinate cough and is alleged to have effected a cure. But if this be not enough to excite wonder, I am sure the author's suggestion to run a long needle into the right ventricle of the heart, in cases of asphyxia, must create that sensation.—See Cooper's Surg. Diet. A.J A curon. (From a, neg. and icvpia, to happen.) A name of the Alisma, because it produces no effect if taken internally. ACUSPASTO'RIS. A name of the Scandix an- thrisens, the shepherd's needle, or Venus'scomb. ACUTANGULARIS. Aculangulatus. Acutan- gular: applied to parts of plants, as caulis acutan- gularis. ACUTE\ Sharply. Applied in natural history to express form; as folium acut dentatum; acuti emar- ginatus, which means sharply dentate, and with sharp divisions. ACUTENA'CULUM. (From acus, a needle, and tenaculum, a handle.) The handle for a needle, to make it penetrate easy when stitching a wound. Heister calU the portaiguille by this name. ACUTUS. Sharp. 1. Used by naturalists to de- signate form; thus acute-leaved; as in rumex acutus &c. 2. In pathology, it is applied to a sharp pungent pain; and to a disease which is attended with violent symptoms, terminates in a few days, and is attended with danger. It is opposed to a chronic disease, which is slow in its progress, and not so generally dangerous. ACY'ISIS. (From a, neg. and kvo), to conceive.) |A defect of conception, or barrenness in women. A'cyrus. (From a, priv. and icvpos, authority; so named from its little note in medicine.) The German leopard's-bane. See Arnica montana. ADvEMO'NIA. (From a, priv. and Saiuav, a ge- nius of fortune.) See Ademonia. Adam's Apple. See Pomum Adami. Adam's needle. The roots of this plant, Yucca gloriosa of Linnaeus, are thick and tuberous, and are used by the Indians instead of bread; being first re- duced into a coarse meal. This, however, is only in times of scarcity. ADAMANTINE SPAR. A stone remarkable for its extreme hardness, which comes from the peninsula of Hither India, and al'so from China. [Its colour is dark brown, and its internal lustre usually very strong. It comes from China, and almost always contains grains of magnetic oxide of iron. A specimen was found by chemists to contain, Alumine ............................ 86.50 Silex................................ 5.25 Oxide of iron ....................... 6.50 98.25 The corundum appears to belong to primitive rocks, and particularly to granite, into the composition of which it sometimes enters ; hence scales of mica and particles of feldspar sometimes adhere to its surface. In the United States, it is by some supposed to exist in Maryland, near Baltimore; and in Connecticut, at Haddam, in the same granite, which contains chryso- beryl, &c. It may be employed, like emery, in polish- ing hard substances.—Cleav. Min. A.] A'DAMAS. (From a neg. andSauaoi, to conquer; as not being easily broken.) The adamant or diamond, the most precious of all stones, and which was for- merly supposed to possess extraordinary cordial virtues. Adami'ta, or Adamitum. A hard stone in the bladder. [ADAMS, DR. SAMUEL, was the only son of Samuel Adams, late governor of Massachusetts. He was born at Boston, in October, 1751. His prepa- ratory education was at a Latin school in his native town. He entered Harvard University at the age of fourteen years, and was graduated in 1770. His pro- fessional education was acquired under the direction of Dr. Joseph Warren, and he practised in Boston. When hostilities commenced with Great Britain, in 1775, Dr. Adams, imbued with the patriotic spirit of his father, engaged as surgeon in the hospital depart- ment of the United States' army. Commencing fiis public services at Cambridge, by attending the soldiers who were wounded at Lexington and Bunker's Hill, he afterward removed to Danbury, and successively to various stations in several of the states, and conti- nued in the service during the revolutionary war; after which he returned to his native town with a broken constitution, and unable to recommence his 25 ADD ADE professional pursuits: he died on the 17th of January, 1788. He possessed a substantial mind, social feelings, and a generous heart; and his greatest pleasure was to do good to his fellow-men.—Thacher's Med. Bio- graphy. A.] ADANSO NIA. (From Adanson who first de- scribed the ./Ethiopian sour gourd, a species of this genus.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Po- lyandria; Order, Monadelphia. Monkeys' bread. Adansonia dioitata. This is the only species of the genus yet discovered. It is called the ./Ethiopian sour gourd and monkeys'bread. Baobab. Bahobab. It grows mostly on the west coast of Africa, from the Niger to the kingdom of Benin. The bark is called lalo: the negroes dry it in the shade; then powder and keep it in little cotton bags; and put two or three pinches into their food. It is mucilaginous, and gene- rally promotes perspiration. The mucilage obtained from this bark is a powerful remedy againsfcthe epi- demic fevers of the country that produces these trees ; so is a decoction of the dried leaves. The fresh fruit is as useful as the leaves, for the same purposes. Ada'rces. (From a, neg. and Scpxio, to see.) A saltish concretion found about the reeds and grass in marshy grounds in Galatia, and so called because it hides them. It is used to clear the skin with, in lepro- sies, tetters, tec. Dr. Plott gives an account of this production in his Natural History of Oxfordshire. It was formerly in repute for cleansing the skin from freckles. Adarticulation. See Arthrodia. ADDEPHA'GIA. (From a abundantly, and 6ayti>, to eat) Insatiability. A voracious appetite. See Bulimia. ADDER. See Coluber berus. ADDITAME'NTUM. (From addo, to add.) An addition to any part, which, though not always, is sometimes found. A term formerly employed as synonymous with epiphysis, but now only applied to two portions of sutures of the skull. See Lambdoidal and Squamous Sutures. Additamentum coli. See Appendicula caci ver- Wliformis. ADDUCENS. (From ad, and duco, to draw.) The name of some parts which draw those together to which they are connected. Adducens oculi. See Rectus internus oculi. ADDUCTOR. (From ad, and duco, to draw.) A drawer or contractor. A name given to several mus- cles, the office of which is to bring forwards or draw together those parts of the body to which they are annexed. Adductor brevij femoris. A muscle of the thigh, which, with the adductor longus and magnus femoris, forms the triceps adductor femoris. Adduc- tor femoris secundus of Douglas; Triceps secundus of Winslow. It is situated on the posterior part of the thigh, arising tendinous from the os pubis, near its joining with the opposite os pubis below, and behind the adductor longus femoris, and is inserted tendinous and fleshy, into the inner and upper part of the linea aspera, from a little below the trochanter minor, to the beginning of the insertion of the adductor longus femoris. See Triceps adductor femoris. Aiductor femoris primus. See Adductor longus femoris. Adductor femoris secundus. See Adductor brevis femoris. Adductor femoris tertius. See Adductor mag- nus femoris. Adductor femoris quartus. See Adductor mag- nusfemoris. Adductor indicis pedis. An external interrosse- ous muscle of the fore-toe, which arises tendinous and fleshy by two origins, from the root of the inside of the metatarsal bone of the fore-toe, from the outside of the root of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, and from the os cuneiform internum. It is inserted, ten- dinous, into the inside of the root of the first joint of ihe fore-toe. lis use is to pull the fore-toe inwards from the rest of the small toes. Adductor longi s fkmokij). A muscle situated on the posterior part of the thigh, which, wih the adductor brevis, and magnus femoris, forms the tri- ceps adductor femoris Adductor femoiis primus of Douglas. Triceps minus of Winslow. It arises by a pretty strong roundish tendon, from the upper and 26 interior part of the os pubis, and ligament of its syn chondrosis, on the inner side of the pecUneus, and is inserted along the middle part of the linea aspera See Triceps adductor femoris. Adductor magnus femoris. A muscle which, with the adductor brevis femoris, and the adductor longus femoris, forms the Triceps adductor femoris ; Adductor femoris tertius et quartus of Douglas. Tri- ceps magnus of Winslow. It arises from the symphy- sis pubis, and all along the flat edge of the thyroid foramen, from whence it goes to be inserted into the linea aspera throughout its whole length. See Tri- ceps adductor femoris. Adductor minimi dioiti pedis. An internal inter- rosseous muscle of the foot. It arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the inside of the root of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. It is inserted, tendinous, into the inside of the root of the first joint of the little toe. Its use is to pull the little toe inwards. Adductor oculi. See Rectus internus oculi. Adductor pollicis. See Adductor pollicis manus. Adductor pollicis manus. A muscle of the thumb, situated on the hand. Adductor pollicis; Adductor ad minimum digitum. It arises, fleshy, from almost the whole length of the metacarpal bone that sustains the middle finger; from thence its fibres are collected together. It is inserted, tendinous, into the inner part of the root of the first bone of the thumb. Its use is to pull the thumb towards the fingers. Adductor pollicis pedis. A muscle of the great toe, situated on the foot. Antitlienar of Winslow. It arises, by a long, thin tendon, from the os calcis, from the os cuhoides, from the os cuneiforme externum, and from the root of the metatarsal bone of the second toe. It is inserted into the external os sesamoideum, and root of the metatarsal bone of the great toe. Its use is to bring this toe nearer to the rest. Adductor prostata. A name given by Sanc- torini to a muscle, which he also calls Levator pros- tata, and which Winslow calls Prostaticus superior. Albinus, from its office, had very properly called it Compressor prostata. Adductor tertii dioiti pedis. An external interosseous muscle of the foot, that arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the rpots of the metatarsal bones of the third and little toe. It is inserted, tendinous, into the outside of the root of the first joiut of the third toe Its use is to pull the third toe outward. ADE'LPHIA. ('A.SeXd>ta, a relation.) Hippocrates calls diseases by this name that resemble each other. ADEMO'NIA. (From a, priv. and 5aiuv, a genius, or divinity, or fortune.) Adamonia. Hippocrates uses this word for uneasiness, restlessness, or anxiety felt in acute diseases, and some hysteric fits. A'DEN. (Aden, enis, m.; a&nv, a gland.) 1. A gland. See Gland. 2. A bubo. See Bubo. Adende'ntes. An epithet applied to ulcers which eat and destroy the glands. ADE N1FORMIS. (From aden, a gland, and forma, resemblance.) Adeniform. 1. Glandiform, or resem- bling a gland. 2. A term sometimes applied to the prostate eland ADENO'GRAPH Y. (Adenographia ; from a&nv a gland, and ypa^ut, to write.) A treatise on the glands. ADENOl'DES. (From aSnv, a gland, and eiSos resemblance.) Glandiform : resembling a gland. An epithet applied also to the prostate gland ADENO'LOGY. (Adenologia; from aSnv, a gland, and Aovoj, a treatise.) The doctrine of the glands. „,ADENOUS- (Adenosus, from aim, a gland.) Gland-like. ° ' ADEPHA'GIA. (From aSnv, abundantly, and 4>ayw, to eat.) Insatiable appetite. See Bulimia. A DEPS. (Adeps, ipis, ni. aud f.) Fat. An oily secretion from the blood into the cells of the cellular membrane. See Fat. Adeps anserinus. Goose-grease. Adeps pr/eparata. Prepared lard. Cut the lard into small pieces, melt it over a slow fire, and Dress it through a linen cloth. Adeps suilla. Hog's lard. This forms the basis of many ointments, and is used extensively for culi- nary purposes. ' uu ADEPT. (From Adipiscor, to obtain.) 1. A skilful alchyrmat. Such are called so as pretend to soma AD1 ADI extraordinar"tkiU in chemistry; but these have too often proved'euner enthusiasts or impostors. 2. The professors of the Adepta Philosophia, that philosophy the end of which is the transmutation of metals, and a universal remedy, were also called Adepts. 3. So Paracelsus calls that which treats of the dis- eases that are contracti d by celestial operations, or communicated from heaven. ADFLA'TUS. A blast; a kind of erysipelas, or Bt Anthony's fire. ADH^ESION. (Adhesio; from adharo, to stick to ) The growing together of parts. ADHjESIVE. (Adhasivus; from adharo, to stick to.) Having the property of sticking. Adh.esive inflammation. That species of inflam mation which terminates by an adhesion of the inflamed surfaces. Adh.csive plaster. A plaster made of common litharge plaster and resin, is so called because it is used for its adhesive properties. See Emplastrum resina. Adhato'da. (A Zeylanic term, signifying expel- ling a dead foetus.) See Justicia adhatoda. Adiachy'tos. (From a, neg. and (Siaxuw, to diffuse, scatter, or be profuse.) Decent in point of dress. Hip- pocrates thinks the dress of a fop derogatory from the physician, though thereby he hide his ignorance, and obtain the good opinion of his patients. ADIA'NTHUM. (Adiantum, i. n. a6iav]ov ; from a, neg. and Staivio, to grow wet: so called, because its leaves are not easily made wet.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system Class, Cryptoga- tnia; Order, Filice.i. Maiden-hair. Adiantrum aureum The golden maiden-hair. See Polytrichum. Adianthum capillus veneris. Maiden-hair. The leaves of this plant are somewhat sweet and aus- tere to the palate, and possess mucilaginous qualities. A syrup, the syrop de capillaire is prepared from them, which is much esteemed in France against catarrhs. Orange-flower water, and a proportion of honey, it is said, are usually added. It acts chiefly as a demulcent, sheathing the inflamed sides of the glottis. Adianthum pedatum. Adianthum canadense. This plant is in common use in France for the same pur- poses as the common adianthum capillus veneris in this country, and appears to be far superior to it. ADIAPHOROUS. Adiaphorus. A term which implies the same with neutral; and is particularly used of some spirits and salts, which are neither of an acid nor alcaline nature. ADIAPNEU'STIA. (From the privative particle a, and iianvco), perspiro.) A diminution or obstruc- tion of natural perspiration, and that in which the ancients chiefly placed the cause of fevers. ADIARRHOE'A. (From a, priv. and Sta^eio, to flow out or through.) A suppression of the necessary evacuations from the bowels. ADIPOCI'RE. (Adipocera, a. f. ; from adeps, fat, and cera, wax.) A particular spermaceti or fat-like substance formed by the spontaneous conversion of animal matter, under certain conditions. This con- version has long been well known, and is said to have been mentioned in the works of Lord Bacon. " On the occasion of the removal of a very great number of human bodies from the ancient burying-place des Innocens at Paris, facts of this nature were observed in the most striking manner. Fourcroy may be called the scientific discoverer of this peculiar matter, as well as the saponaceous ammoniacal substance contained in bodies abandoned to spontaneous destruction in large masses. This chemist read a memoir on the subject in the year 1789 to the Royal Academy of Sciences, from which the general contents are here abstracted. "At the time of clearing the before-mentioned burying-place, certain philosophers were specially charged to direct the precautions requisite for securing the health of the workmen. A new and singular ob- ject of research presented itself, which had been neces- sarily unknown to preceding chemists. It was impos- sible to foretell what might be the contents of a soil overloaded for successive ages with bodies resigned to the putrefactive process. This spot differed from com- mon burying-grounds, where each individual object is surrounded by a portion of the soil. It was the bury- Ing-ground of a large district, wherein successive gene- rations of the inhabitants had been deposited for up- wards of three centuries. It could not be foreseen that the entire decomposition might be retarded for more than forty years; neither was there any reason to suspect that any remarkable difference would arise from the singularity of situation. " The remains of the human bodies immersed in this mass of putrescence, were found in three different states, according to the time they had been buried, the place they occupied, and their relative situations with regard to each other-. The most ancient were simply portions of bones, irregularly dispersed in the soil, which had been frequently disturbed. A second state, in certain bodies which had always been insulated, exhibited the skin, the muscles, the tendons, and apo- neurosis, dry, brittle, hard, more or less gray, and similar to what are called mummies in certain caverns where this change has been observed, as in the cata- combs at Rome, and the vault of the Cordeliers at Toulouse. "The third and most singular state of these soft parts was observed in the bodies which filled the com- mon graves or repositories. By this appellation are understood cavities of thirty feet in depth, and twenty on each side, which were dug in the burying-ground of the Innocents, and were appropriated to contain the bodies of the poor; which were placed in very close rows, each in its proper wooden bier. The necessity for disposing a great number, obliged the men charged with this employment to arrange them so near each other that these cavities might be considered when filled, as an entire mass of human bodies separated only by two planks of about half an inch thick. Each cavity contained between one thousand and fifteen hundred. When one common grave of this magnitude was filled a covering of about one foot deep of earth was laid upon it, and another excavation of the same sort was made at some distance. Each grave remained open about three years, which was the time required to fill it. According to the urgency of circumstances, the graves were again made on the same spot after an interval of time, not less than fifteen years, nor more than thirty. Experience had taught the workmen, that this time was not sufficient for the entire destruc- tion of the bodies, and had shown them the progress- ive changes which form the object of Fourcroy's me- moir. " The first of these large graves, opened in the pre- sence of this chemist, had been closed for fifteen years. The coffins were in good preservation, but a little set- tled, and the wood had a yellow tinge. When the covers of several were taken off, the bodies were ob- served at the bottom, leaving a considerable distance between their surface and the cover, and flattened as if they had suffered a strong compression. The linen which had covered them was slightly adherent to the bodies; and with the form of the different regions ex- hibited on removing the linen, nothing but irregular masses of a soft ductile matter of a gray-white colour. These masses environed the bones on all sides, which had no solidity, but broke by any sudden pressure. The appearance of this matter, its obvious composition, and its softness, resembled common white cheese; and the resemblance was more striking from the print which the threads of the linen had made upon its sur- face. This white substance yielded to the touch, and became soft when rubbed for a time between the fingers. " No very offensive smell was emitted from these bodies. The novelty and singularity of the spectacle, and the example of the grave-diggers, dispelled every idea either of disgust or apprehension. These men asserted that they never found this matter, by them called gras (fat) in bodies interred alone; but that the accumulated bodies of the common graves only were subject to this change. On a very attentive ex- amination of a number of bodies passed to this state, Fourcroy remarked, that the conversion appeared in different stages of advancement, so that, in various bodies, the fibrous texture and colour, more or less red, were discernible within the fatty matter; that the masses covering the bones were entirely of the same nature, offering indistinctly in all the regions a gray substance, for the most part soft and ductile, some- times dry, always easy to be separated in porous frag- ments, penetrated with cavities, and no longer cihl biting any traces of membranes, muscles, tendons, vessels, or nerves. On the first inspection of thee* ADI ADI white masses, it might have been concluded that they were simply the cellular tissue, the compartments and vesicles of which they very well represented. " By examining this substance in the different re- gions of the body, it was found that the skin is particu- larly disposed to this remarkable alteration. It was afterward perceived that the ligaments and tendons no longer existed, or at least had lost their tenacity; so that the bones were entirely unsupported, and left to the action of their own weight. Whence their rela- tive places were preserved in a certain degree by mere juxtaposition: the least effort being sufficient to sepa- rate them. The grave-diggers availed themselves of this circumstance in the removal of the bodies. For they rolled them up from head to feet, and by that means separated from each other the extremities of the hones, which bad formerly been articulated. In all those bodies which were changed into the fatty matter, the abdominal cavity had disappeared. The teguments and muscles of this region being converted into the white matter, like the other soft parts, had subsided upon the vertebral column, and were so flat- tened as to leave no place for the viscera; and ac- cordingly there was scarcely ever any trace observed in the almost obliterated cavity. This observation was for a long time matter of astonishment to the in- vestigators. In vain did they seek in the greater num- ber of bodies, the place and substance of the stomach, the Intestines, the bladder, and even the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, and the matrix in females. All these viscera were confounded together, and for the most part no traces of them were left. Sometimes only certain irregular masses were found, of the same nature as the white matter, of different bulks, from that of a nut to two or three inches in diameter, in the regions of the liver or of the spleen. "The thorax likewise offered an assemblage of facts no less singular and interesting. The external part of this cavity was flattened and compressed like the rest of the organs; the ribs, spontaneously luxated in their articulations with the vertebrae, were settled upon the dorsal column; their arched part left only a small space on each side between them and the ver- tebrae. The pleura, the mediastinum, the large vessels, the aspera arteria, and even the lungs and the heart, were no longer distinguishable; but for the most part had entirely disappeared, and in their place nothing was seen but some parcels of the fatty substance. In this case, the matter which was the product of decom- position of the viscera charged with blood and various humours, differs from that of the surface of the body, and the long bones, in the red or brown colour pos- sessed by the former. Sometimes the observers found in the thorax a mass irregularly rounded, of the same nature as the latter, which appeared to them to have arisen from the fat and fibrous substance of the heart They supposed that this mass, not constantly found in all the subjects, owed its existence to a superabun- dance of fat in this viscus, where it was found. For the general observation presented itself, that, in similar circumstances, the fat parts undergo this conversion more evidently than the others, and afford a larger quantity of the white matter. " The external region in females exhibited the glan- dular and adipose mass of the breast converted into the futty matter, very white and very homogeneous. " The head was, as has already been remarked, en- vironed with the fatty matter; the face was no longer distinguishable in the greatest number of subjects; the mouth, disorganized, exhibited neither tongue nor pa- late ; and the jaws, luxated and more or less displaced, were environed with irregular layers of the white matter. Some pieces of the same matter usually oc- cupied the place of the parts situated in the mouth ; the cartilages of the nose participated in the general alteration of the skin; the orbits, instead of eyes, con- tained white masses ; the ears were equally disorgan- ized ; and the hairy scalp, having undergone a similar alteration to that of the other organs, still retained the bair. Fourcroy remarks incidentally, that the hair appears to resist every alteration much longer than any other part of the body. The cranium constantly contained the brain contracted in bulk; blackish at the surface, and absolutely changed like the other organs. In a great number of subjects which were examined, this viscus was never found wanting, and it was al- ways iu the above-mentioned state; which proves that the substance of the brain is greatly disposed to be converted into the fat matter. " Such was the state of the bodies found in the bu- rial-ground des Innocens. Its modifications were also various. Its consistence in bodies lately changed, that is to say, from three to five years, was soft and very ductile, containing a great quantity of water. In other subjects converted into this matter for a long time, such as those which occupied the cavities which had been closed thirty or forty years, this matter is drier, more brittle, and in denser flakes. In several, which were deposited in dry earth, various portions of the fatty matter had become seraitransparent The aspect, the granulated texture, and brittleness of this dried matter, bore a considerable resemblance to wax. " The period of the formation of this substance had likewise an influence on its properties. In general, all that which had been formed for a long time was white, uniform, and contained no foreign substance, or fibrous remains; such, in particular, was that afforded by the skin of the extremities. On the contrary, in bodies recently changed, tiie fatty matter was neither so uni- form nor so pure as in the former; but it was still found to contain portions of muscles, tendons, and ligaments, the texture of which, though already altered and changed in its colour, was still distinguishable. Accordingly, as the conversion was more or less ad- vanced, these fibrous remains were more or less pene- trated with the fatty matter, interposed as it were between the interstices of the fibres. This observation shows, that it is not merely the fat which is thus changed, as was natural enough to think at first sight. Other facts confirm this assertion. The skin, as haa been remarked, becomes easily converted into very pure white matter, as does likewise the brain, neither of which has been considered by anatomists to be fat. It is true, nevertheless, that the unctuous parts, and bodies charged with fat, appear more easily and speed- ily to pass to the state under consideration. This, was seen in the marrow, which occupied the cavities of the longer bones. And again, it is not to be supposed but that the greater part of these bodies had been ema- ciated by the illness which terminated their lives; not- withstanding which, they were all absolutely turned into this fatty substance. " An experiment made by Poulletier de la Salle, and Fourcroy likewi e, evinced that a conversion does not take place in the fat alone. Poulletier had suspended in his laboratory a small piece of the human liver, to observe what would arise to it by the contact of the air. It partly putrefied, without, however, emitting any very noisome smell. Larvae of the dermestes and bruchus attacked and penetrated it in various direc- tions ; at last it became dry, and after more than ten years' suspension, it was converted into a white friable substance resembling dried agaric, which might have been taken for an earthy substance. In this state it had no perceptible smell. Poulletier was desirous of knowing the state of this animal matter, and experi- ment soon convinced him and Fourcroy that it was far from being in the state of an earth. It melted by heat, and exhaled in the form of vapour, which had the smell of a very fetid fat; 6piritof wine separated a concrescible oil, which appeared to possess all the pro perties of spermaceti. Each of the three alcalies con verted it into soap; and, in a word, it exhibited all the properties of the fatty matter of the burial-ground of the I.inocents exposed for several months to the air. Here then was a glandular organ, which in the midst of the atmosphere had undergone a change similar to that of the bodies in the burying-place; and this fact sufficiently shows, that an animal substance which is very far from being of the nature of grease, may be totally converted into this fatty substance. " Among the modifications of this remarkable sub- stance in the burying-ground before-mentioned, it was observed that the dry, friable, and brittle matter, was most commonly found near the surface of the earth and the soft, ductile matter at a greater depth. Four- croy remarks, that this dry matter did not differ from the other merely in containing less water, but likewise by the volatilization of one of its principles." The grave-diggers assert, that near three years are required to convert a body into this fatty substance But Dr. Gibbes of Oxford found, that lean beef secured in a running stream, was converted into this fattyinatter at the end of a month. He judges from facta, that run- ADI ADI ning water is most favourable to tliis process. He took three lean piecesof mutton, and poured on each a quan- tity of the three common mineral acids. At the end of three days, each was much changed: that in the nitric acid w;is very soft, and converted into the fatty mat- ter ; that in the muriatic acid was not in that time so much altered; the sulphuric acid had turned the other black. Lavoisier thinks that this process may hereafter prove of great use in society. It is not easy to point out what animal substance, or what situation, might be the best adapted for an undertaking of this kind. The result of Fourcroy's inquiries into the ordinary changes of bodies recently deposited in the earth, was not very extensive. The grave-diggers informed him, that those bodies interred do not perceptibly change co- lour for the first seven or eight days; that the putrid pro- cessdisengages elastic fluid, whichinflatesthe abdomen, and at length bursts it; that this event instantly causes vertigo, faintness, and nausea in such persons as un- fortunately are within a certain distance of the scene where it takes place; but that when the object of its action is nearer, a sudden privation of sense, and fre- quently death, is the consequence. These men are taught by experience, that no immediate danger is to be feared from the disgusting business they are engaged in, excepting at this period, which they regard with the utmost terror. They resisted every inducement and persuasion which these philosophers made use of, to prevail on them to assist their researches into the nature of?this active and pernicious vapour. Fourcroy takes occasion from these facts, as well as from the pallid and unwholesome appearance of the grave- diggers, to reprobate burials in great towns or their vicinity. Such bodies as are interred alone, in the midst of a great quantity of humid earth, are totally destroyed by passing through the successive degrees of the ordi- nary putrefaction; and this destruction is more speedy, the warmer the temperature. But if these insulated bodies be dry and emaciated; if the place of deposition be likewise dry, and the locality and other circum- stances such, that the earth, so far from receiving moisture from the atmosphere, becomes still more ef- fectually parched by the solar rays;—the animal juices are volatilized and absorbed, the solids contract and harden, and a peculiar species of mummy is produced. But every circumstance is very different in the com- mon bury ing-grounds. Heaped together almost in con- tact, the influence of external bodies affects them scarcely at all, and they become abandoned to a pe- culiar disorganization, which destroys their texture. and produces the new and most permanent state of combination here described. From various observa- tions, it was found, that this fatty matter was capable of enduring in these burying-places for thirty or forty years, and is at length corroded and carried off by the aqueous putrid humidity which there abounds. Among other interesting facts afforded by the chemi- cal examination of this substance are the following from experiments by Fourcroy. 1. This substance is fused at a less degree of heat than that of boiling water, and may be purified by pressure through a cloth, which disengages a portion of fibrous and bony matter. 2. The process of destructive dis- tillation by a very graduated heat was begun, but not completed, on account of its tediousness, and the little promise of advantage it afforded. The products which came over were water charged with volatile aicali, a fat oil, concrete volatile aicali, and no elastic fluid during the time the operation was continued. 3. Fragments of the fatty matter exposed to the air during the hot and dry summer of 1786 became dry, brittle, and almost pulverulent at the surface. On a careful examination, certain portions were observed to be Bemitransparent, and more brittle than the rest. These possessed all the apparent properties of wax, and did not afford volatile aicali by distillation. 4. With water this fatty matter exhibited all the appearanc«s of soap, and afforded a strong lather. The dried sub- stance did not form the saponaceous combination with the same facility or perfection as that which was re- cent. About two-thirds of this dried matter separated from the water by cooling, and proved to be the semi- transparent substance resembling wax. This was taken from the surface of the soapy liquor, which being then passed through the filter, left a white soft shining matter, which was fusible and combustible. 5. Attempts were made to ascertain the quantity of volatile aicali in this substance, by the application of lime, and of the fixed alcalies, but without success: for it was difficult to collect and appreciate the first por- tions which escaped, and likewise to disengage the last portions. The caustic volatile aicali, with the assistance of a gentle.heat, dissolved the fatty matter, and the solution became perfectly clear and transpa- rent at the boiling temperature of the mixture, which was at 185° F. 6. Sulphuric acid, of the specific gravity of 2. 0, was poured upon six times its weight of the fatty matter, and mixed by agitation. Heat was produced, and a gas or effluvium of the most insup- portable putrescence was emitted, which infected the air of an extensive laboratory foi several days. Four- croy says, that the smell cannot be described, but that it is one of the most horrid and repulsive that can be imagined. It did not, however, produce any indispo sition either in himself or his assistants. By dilution with water, and the ordinary processes of evaporation and cooling, properly repeated, the sulphates of am- monia and of lime were obtained. A substance was separated from the liquor, which appeared to be the waxy matter, somewhat altered by the action of the acid. 7. The nitrous and muriatic acids were also applied, and afforded phenomena worthy of remark, but which for the sake of conciseness are here omit- ted. 8. Alcohol does not act on this matter at the ordinary temperature of the air. But by boiling it dissolves one-third of its own weight, which is almost totally separable by cooling as low as 55°. The alco- hol, after this process, affords by evaporation a portion of that waxy matter which is separable by acids, and is therefore the only portion soluble in cold alcohol. The quantity of fatty matter operated on was 4 ounces, or 2304 grains, of which the boiling spirit took up the whole except 26 grains, which proved to be a mixture of 20 grains of ainmoniacal soap, and 6 or 8 grains of the phosphates of soda and of lime. From this expe- riment, which was three times repeated with similar results, it appears that alcohol is well suited to afford an analysis of the fatty matter. It does not dissolve the neutral salts; when cold, it dissolves that portion of concrete animal oil from which the volatile aicali had flown off; and when heated, it dissolves the whole of the truly saponaceous matter, which is after- ward completely separated by cooling. And accord- ingly it was found, that a thin plate of the fatty mat- ter, which had lost nearly the whole of its volatile aicali, by exposure to the air for three years, was almost dissolved by the cold alcohol. The concrete oily or waxy substance obtained in these experiments constitutes the leading object of research, as being the peculiar substance with which the other well-known matters are combined. It sepa- rates spontaneously by the action of the air, as well as by that of acids. These last separate it in a state of greater purity, the less disposed the acid may be to ope- rate in the way of combustion. It is requisite, there- fore, for this purpose, that the fatty matter should be previously diffused in 12 times its weight of hot water; and the muriatic or acetous acid is preferable to the sulphuric or the nitrous. The colour of the waxy matter is grayish; and though exposure to the air, and also the action of the oxygenated muriatic acid did produce an apparent whiteness, it nevertheless dis- appeared by subsequent fusion. No method wax dis- covered by which it could be permanently bleached. The nature of this wax or fat is different from that of any other known substance of the like kind. When slowly cooled after fusion, its texture appears crystal- line or shivery, like spermaceti; but a speedy cooling gives it a semitransparency resembling wax. Upon the whole, nevertheless, it seems to approach more nearly to the former than to the latter of these bodies. It has less smell than spermaceti, and melts at 127° F.; Dr. Bostock says 92°. Spermaceti requires 6° more of heat to fuse it, (according to Dr. Bostock 20°.) The spermaceti did not so speedily become brittle by cooling as the adipocire. One ounce of alcohol of the strength between 39 and 40 degrees of Baume's aerometer, dis- solved when boiling hot 12 gros of this substance, but the same quantity in like circumstances dissolved only 30 or 36 grains of spermaceti. The separation of these matters was also remarkably different, the spermaceti being more speedily deposited, and in a much more regular and crystalline form. Ammonia dissolves ADI ADN with singular facility, and even in the cold, this con- crete oil separated from the fatty matter ; and by heat it forms a transparent solution, which is a true soap. But no excess of ammonia can produce such an effect with spermaceti. Fourcroy concludes his memoir with some specu- ations on the change to which animal substances in peculiar circumstances are subject In the modern chemistry, soft animal matters are considered as a com- position of the oxydes of hydrogen and carbonated azote, more complicated than those of vegetable mat- ters, and therefore more incessantly tending to altera- tion. If then the carbon be conceived to unite with the oxygen, either of the water which is present, or of the other animal matters, and thus escape in large quan- tities in the form of carbonic acid gas, we shall perceive the reason why this conversion is attended with so great a loss of weight, namely, about nine-tenths of the whole. The azote, a principle so abundant in animal matters, will form ammonia by combining with the hydrogen; part of this will escape in the vaporous form, and the rest will remain fixed in the fatty mat- ter. The residue of the animal matters deprived of a great part of their carbon, of their oxygen, and the whole of their azote, will consist of a much greater proportion of hydrogen, together with carbon and a minute quantity of oxygen. This, according to the theory of Fourcroy, constitutes the waxy matter, or adipocire, which, in combination with ammonia, forms the animal soap, into which the dead bodies are thus converted. Muscular fibre, macerated in dilute nitric acid, and afterward well washed in warm water, affords pure adipocire, of a light yellow colour, nearly of the con- ,fstence of tallow, of a homogeneous texture, and of course free from ammonia. This is the mode in which t is now commonly procured for chemical experiment. Ambergris appears to contain adipocire in large quantity, rather more than half of it being of this sub- stance. Adipocire has been more recently examined by Chevreul. He found it composed of a small quantity of ammonia, potassa, and lime, united to much marga- rine, and to a very little of another fatty matter differ- ent from that Weak muriatic acid seizes the three alcaline bases. On treating the residue with a solu- tion of potassa, the margarine is precipitated in the form of a pearly substance, while the other fat remains dissolved. Fourcroy being of opinion that the fatty matter of animal carcasses, the substance of biliary calculi, and spermaceti, were nearly identical, gave them the same name of adipocire; but it appears from the researches of Chevreul that these substances are very different from each other. In the Philosophical Transactions for 1813, there is a very interesting paper on the above subject by Sir E. Home and Mr. Brande. He adduces many curious facts to prove that adipocire is formed by an incipient and incomplete putrefaction. Mary Howard, aged 44, died on the 12th May, 1790, and was buried in a grave ten feet deep at the east end of Shoreditch churchyard, ten feet to the east of the great common sewer, which runs from north to south, and has always a current of water in it, the usual level of which is eight feet below the level of the ground, and two feet above the level of the coffins in the graves. In August, 1811, the body was-taken up, with some others buried near it, for the purpose of building a vault, and the flesh in all of them was converted into adipocire or spermaceti. At the full and new moon the tide raises water into the graves, which at other tunes are dry. To explain the extraordinary quantities of fat or adipocire formed by animals of a certain intestinal construction, Sir E. ob- serves, that the current of water which passes through their colon, while the loculated lateral parts are full of solid matter, places the solid contents in somewhat •miliar circumstances to dead bodies in the banks of a common sewer. The circumstance of ambergris, which contains 60 per cent, of fat, being found in immense quantities in the lower intestines of the spermaceti whales, and never higher up than seven feet from the anus, is an undeniable proof of fat being formed in the intestines; and ar ambergris is only met with in whales out of health It is most probably collected there from the ab- sorbents, under the influence of disease, not acting so as to take it iuto the constitution. In the human 30 colon, solid masses of fat»« sometimes met with in a diseasedstateofthatcanal. Adescnption ana analysis hv Doctor Ure of a mass of ambergns, extracted in Perthshire from the rectum of a Uving woman, were published in a London Medical Journal in September, 1817. There is a case communicated by Dr. Babmgton, of fat formed in the intestines of a girl four and a halt years old, and passing off by stool. Mr. Brande found, on the suggestion of Sir E. Home, that muscle digested in bile, is convertible into fat, at the temperature of about 100°. If the substance, however, pass rapidly into putrefaction, no fat is formed. Faeces voided by a gouty gentleman after six days' constipation, yielded, on infusion in water, a fatty film. This process of forming fat in the lower intestines by means of bile, throws considerable light upon the nourishment de- rived from clysters, a fact well ascertained, but which could not be explained. It also accounts for the wast- ing of the body, which so invariably attends all com- plaints of the lower bowels. It accounts too for all the varieties in the turns of the colon, which we meet with in so great a degree in different animals. This property of the bile explains likewise the formation of fatty concretions in the gall bladder so commonly met with, and which, from these experiments, appear to be produced by the action of the bile on the mucus secreted in the gall bladder; and it enables us to understand how want of the gall bladder in children, from mal-formation, is attended with excessive lean- ness, notwithstanding a great appetite, and leads to an early death. Fat thus appears to be formed in the intestines, and from thence received into the circu- lation, and deposited in almost every part of the body. And as there appears to be no direct channel by which any superabundance of it can be thrown out of the body, whenever its supply exceeds the consumption, its accumulation becomes a disease, and often a very distressing one. [In the New-York Medical Repository, vol. ii. p. 325, is related the case of a person who was drowned, and whose body was converted into this substance after lying in the mud of a river for a year. We have seen a piece of meat raised out of a well by pumping, into which it had fallen, and where it was completely changed into adipocire. A barrel of meat, which had undergone a change and become adipocire, was raised from the British frigate Hussar, sunk near Hell-Gate during the revolutionary war, where it had remained in eight or ten fathoms of salt water near fifty years. A single body of a female, consisting of a solid mass of adipocire, was dug up in dry ground, near the City Hall in New-York. A box of candles, taken from a sunken wreck on the coast of Brazil, was changed in appearance and consistence, and had become a mass of adipocire. The bones of a huge cetaceous animal were dug up in the low grounds about New-Orleans: when they were exhibited as a show in New-York, in 1828, adipocire was discovered in the cells of the spongy part of the jaw-bone. A.] ADIPOSE. (Adiposus; from adeps, fat.) Fatty; as adipose membrane, &c. Adipose membrane. Membrana adiposa. The fat collected in the cells of the cellular membrane. ADI'PSA. (From a, neg. and Si\pa, thirst) 1. So the Greeks called medicines, &c. which abate thirst. 2. Hippocrates applied this word to oxymel. ADI'PSIA. (From a, neg. and lt\pa, thirst.) A want of thirst. A genus of disease in the class locales, and order dysorexia of Cullen's Nosology. It is mostly symptomatic of some disease of the brain. ADI'PSOS. So called because it allays thirst.) 1. The Egyptian palm-tree, the fruit of which is said to be the Myrobalans, which quench thirst. 2. Also a name for liquorice. ADJUTO'RIUM. (From ad and juvo, to help.) A name of the humerus, from its usefulness in lifting up the fore-arm. ADJUVA'NTIA. Whatever assists in preventing or curing disease. Adnata tunica. Albuginea oculi; Tunica albu- ginea oculi. A membrane of the eye mostly confound- ed with the conjunctiva. It is, however, thus formed: five of the muscles which move the eye, take their ori- gin from the bottom of the orbit, and the sixth arises from the edge of it; they arc all inserted by a tendi- nous expansion, into the anterior part of the tunica sclerotica, which expansion forms the adnata, and ADV JEQO gives the whiteness peculiar to the fore-part of the eye. It lies between the sclerotica and conjunctiva. ADNA'TUS. (From adnescor, to grow to.) A term applied to some parts which appear to grow to others: as tunica adnata, stipula adnata, folium adnatum. ADOLESCE'NTIA. See Age. Ado'nion. (From ASuivis, the youth from whose blood it was feigned to have sprung.) Adonium. See Artemisia abrotanum. Adonium. See Adonion. ADO'PTER. Tubus intermedins. A chemical vessel with two necks, used to combine retorts to the cucurbits or matrasses in distillation, with retorts instead of receivers. A'dor. A sort of corn, called also spelta. A'dos. Forge water, or water in which red-hot iron is extinguished. AD PONDUS OMNIUM. The weight of the whole. These words are inserted in pharmaceutical prepara- tions, or prescriptions, when the last ingredient ought to weigh as much as all the others put together. ADPRESSUS. Approximated. A term in botany, applied to branches of leaves when they rise in a direction nearly parallel to the stem, and are closely applied to them, as in the branches of the Genista tinctoria and leaves of the Thlaspi campestris. Adra Rhi'za. Blancard says the root of the Aris- tolochia is thus named. Adra'chne. The strawberry bay-tree. A species of Arbutus. Adr ara'gi. An Indian name for our garden-saffron. ADROBO'LON. (From a<5poj, large, and /3wAoj, a globe, bole, or mass.) Indian bdellium, which is coarser than the Arabian. See Bdellium. ADSCENDENS. See Ascendens. ADSTRICTION. Costiveness. ADSTRINGENT. See Astringent. [ADULARIA. This is the most perfect variety of feldspar, and bears to common feldspar, in many respects, the relation of rock crystal to common quartz. Adularia is more or less translucent, and sometimes transparent and limpid. Its colour is white, either a little milky, or with a tinge of green, yellow, or red. But it is chiefly distinguished by presenting, .when in certain positions, whitish reflections, which are often slightly tinged with blue or green, and exhibit a pearly or silver lustre. These reflections, which are often confined to certain spots, proceed in most cases from the interior of the crystal. Adularia is sometimes cut into plates and polished. The fish's eye, moonstone, and argentine, of lapidaries, come chiefly from Persia, Arabia, and Ceylon, and belong to adularia, as do also the water opal and girasole of the Italians.—Cleavl. Mtn. It has been found in the states of Maryland, Penn- sylvania, New-York, and Massachusetts. A.] ADUSTION. Adustio. 1. An inflammation about the brain, and its membranes, with a hollowness of the eyes, a pale colour, and a dry body; obsolete. 2. In surgery, adustion signifies the same as cauter- ization, and means the application of any substance to the animal body, which acts like fire. The ancient surgeons, especially the Arabians, were remarkably fond of having recourse to adustion in local diseases; but the use of actual heat is very rarely admitted by the modems. ADVENTITIOUS. (Adventitius; from advenio, to come to.) Any thing that accidentally, and not in the common course of natural causes, happens to make a part of another. Something accruing or befall- ing a person or thing from without It is used in medicine in opposition to hereditary; as when diseases may be transmitted from the parent and also acquired, as is the case with gout and scrofula. They are some- times hereditary, and very often adventitious. ADVERSIFO'LIA. (From adoersus, opposite, and folium, a leaf.) A plant with alternate leaves. Adversipo li.s plant/e. 1. Plants the leaves of which stand opposite to each other on the same stem or branch. 2. The name of a class in Sauvages' Methodus Fo- liorum. Valerian, teasel, honey-suckle, &c. are examples. ADVERSUS. Opposite. Applied in natural history to parts which stand opposite to each other; as plant a •dotrsifolia, the leaves standing opposite to each other on the same stem, as in valerian, teasel, honey- suckle, &x. ADYNA'MIA. (Adynamia, a, f.; ASvvauia, from a, priv. and ivvauis, power.) A defect of vital power. Adyna'mi.*:. (The plural of Adynamia.) The second order of the class neuroses of Cullen's Noso- logy ; it comprehends syncope, dyspepsia, hypochon- driasis, and chlorosis. Ady'namon. (From a, neg. and Svvapis, strength.) Adynamum. Among ancient physicians, it signified a kind of weak factitious wine, prepared from must, boiled down with water; to be given to patients to whom pure or genuine wine might be hurtful. Adynamum. See Adynamon. [jEDELITE. A mineral described by Kirwan, con- taining, according to Bergman, silex from 62 to 69 parts, alumiue from 18 to 20, lime from 8 to 16, watei 3 to 4.—CleaVtMin. A.] •zEDOI'A. fFrom ai8s, modesty; or from a, neg. and uScto, to see; as not being decent to the sight) The pudenda, or parts of generation. jEDOPSO'PHIA. (From ailoia, pudenda; and xpo'bciii, to break wind.) A term used by Sauvages and Sagar, to signify a flatus from the bladder, or from the womb, making its escape through the vagina. jEDOPTO'SIS. (JEdoptosis ; from aiiolov, the groin; pi. aiooca, pudenda; and itswoit, a falling down.) Genital prolapsi. The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. iEGAGRO'PILUS. (From aiyavpoy, a wild goat, and pila, a ball.) JEgagropila. 1. A ball found in the stomach of deer, goats, hogs, horned cattle, as cows, &c. It consists of hairs which they have swallowed from licking themselves. They are of different degrees of hardness, but have no medi- cinal virtues. Some rank these balls among the Bezoars. Hieronymus Velschius wrote a treatise on the virtues of this. 2. A species of conferva found In Wallenfenmoor, from its resembling these concretions, is also so named. JE'GIAS. A white speck on the pupil of the eye, which occasions a dimness of sight jEGI'DES. Aglia. A disorder of the eyes men- tioned by Hippocrates. Foe"sius thinks thq disease consists of small cicatrices (n the eye, caused by an afflux of corrosive humours upon the part. But in one passage of Hippocrates, Foesius says it signifies small white concretions of humours which stick upon the pupil, and obscure the sight. / iEGI'DlON. A collyrium or ointment for inflamma- tions and defluxions of the eyes. jE'GILOPS. 1. The same as JEgylops. 2. Wild fescue grass, so called from Its supposed virtue in curing the disorder named jEgylops. It is a species of Bromus in the Linnaean system. jEGINE'TA, Paulus. A celebrated surgeon of the island of iEgina, from which he derived his name. He is placed by Le Clerc in the fourth century; by others in the seventh. He was eminently skilled in his pro- fession, and his works are frequently cited by Fabri- cius ab Aquapendente. He is the first author that notices the cathartic quality of rhubarb. He begins his book with the description of the diseases of women; and is said to be the first that deserves the appellation of a man midwife. •/Egine'tia. Malabrian broom rape. A species of Orobancha. M'GIS. A film on the eye. ^EGO'CERAS. (From ai%, a goat, and icepas, a horn ; so called, because the pods were supposed to resemble the horns of a goat.) Foenugreek. See Triirmella Fanumgracum. iEGO'LETHRON. (From ai\, a goat, and oAtflpoj, destruction : so named from the opinion of its being poisonous to goats.) Tournefort says it is the Cha- marododendron, now the Azelma pontica of Linnaeus. jEGO'NYCHON. (From ail, a g°at> and wv(, a hoof: because of the hardness of the seed.) See Lithospermum officinale. iEGOPO'DIUM. (JEgopodium, i. n.; from ail-, a goat, and tsovs, a foot: from its supposed resemblance to a goat's foot.) A genus of plants in the Linnaian system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Goat- weed. The following species was formerly much esteemed. ^Eoopodutm podagraria. Goalweed. This plant is sedative, and was formerly applied to mitigate pains AER JEST of gout, and to relieve piles, but not now employed. In its earlier state it is tender and esculent. ./Egofroso'pon. (From ai\, a goat, and srpoo-uirov, a face: so called because goats are subject to defects in the eyes, or from having in it some ingredients named after the goat.) A name of a lotion for the eyes, when inflamed. .iE'GYLOPS. (JEgylops, opis, m.; from ai\, a goat, and wty, an eye.) Anchilops. A disease so named from the supposition that goats were very sub- ject to it. The term means a sore just under the inner angle of the eye. The best modern surgeons seem to consider the aegylops only as a stage of the fistula lachrymalis. Paulus^Egineta calls it anchilops, before it bursts, and aegylops after. When the skin covering the lachrymal sac has been for some time inflamed, or subject to frequent returning inflammations, it most commonly happens that the puncta lachrymalia are affected by it; and the fluid, not having an opportu- nity of passing off by them, distends the inflamed skin, so that at last it becomes sloughy, and bursts exter- nally. This is that state of the disease which is called perfect aigylops, or agylops. ^Egt'ptia muscata. See Hibiscus abelmoschus. , yEGYPTI'ACUM. A name given to different un- guents of the detergent or corrosive kind. We meet with a black, a red, a white, a simple, a compound, and a magistral segyptiacum. The simple aegyptiacum, which is that usually found in our shops, is a composi- tion of verdigris, vinegar, and honey, boiled to a con- sistence. It is usually supposed to take its name from its dark colour, wherein it resembles that of the natives of Egypt It is improperly called an unguent, as there is no oil, or rather fat in it. jEgt'ptium pharmacum ad aures. Aetius speaks of this as excellent for deterging foetid ulcers of the ears, which he says it cures, though the patient were born with them. AEIPATHEI'A. (From act, always, and xsaQos, a disease.) Diseases of long duration. iENEA. (From as, brass, so called because it was formerly made of brass.) A catheter. iEO'NION. The common house leek. See Sem- pervivum tectorum. ^EO'RA. (From aiupcoi, to lift up, to suspend on high.) Exercise without muscular action ; as swing- ing. A species of exercise used by the ancients, and of which A*tius gives the following account. Gesta- tion, while it exercises the body, the body seems to be at rest. Of this motion there are several kinds. First, swinging in a hammock, which, at the decline of a fever, is beneficial. Secondly, being carried in a litter, in which the patient either sits or lies along. It is useful when the gout, stone, or such other disorder attends, as does not admit of violent motions. Thirdly riding in a chariot, which is of service in most chroni- cal disorders; especially before the more violent exer- cises can be admitted. Fourthly, sailing in a ship or boat This produces various effects, according to the different agitation of the waters, and, in many tedious chronical disorders, is efficacious beyond what is ob- served from the most skilful administration of drugs. These are instances of a passive exercise. ^EaUA'LIS. Equal. Applied by botanists to dis- tinguish length; as filimenta aqualia; pedunculi equates, &c. .-E'QUE. Equally. The same as ana. .(EaUIVALVIS. JEquivalve. A botanical term, implying, composed of equal valves. AER. (Aer, m's, m.; from 070.) The fluid which surrounds the globe. See Air and Atmosphere. /E'ra. Darnel, or lolium. JRrdted alkaline water. An alkaline water impreg- nated with carbonic acid. SERIAL. Belonging to air. JErial Acid. See Carbonic acid. JErial plants. Those plants are so called which after a certain time, do not require that their roots should be fixed to any spot in order to maintain their life, which they do by absorption from the atmosphere. Such are a curious tropical tribe of plants called caett the epidendrum, flos aeris, and the ficus australis. ' /ERIT1S. The Anagallis, or pimpernel1. ^EROLITE. A meteoric stone. AEROLO'GICE. See Aerology. AEROLOGY. (Aerologia, a, f.; from arip, the air, and Aoyoj, a discourse.) Aerologice. That part of medicine which treats of the nature and proper ties of air. Aero'meli. Honey dew; also a name for manna. UROMETER. An instrument for making the ne- cessary corrections in pneumatic experiments to ascer- tain the mean bulk of the gases. AEROPHOBIA. Fear of air or wind. 1. Said to be a symptom of phrenitis and hydro- phobia. 2. A name of Hydrophobia. AERO'PHOBUS. (From a»7p, air, and o6oc, fear.) According to Coelius Aurelianus, some phrenetic pa- tients are afraid of a lucid, and others of an obscure air: and these he calls aerophobi. AERO SIS. The aerial vital spirit of the ancients. AEROSTATION. JErostatio. A name commonly, but not very correctly, given to the art of raising heavy bodies into the atmosphere, by buoyancy of heated air, or gases of small specific gravity, enclosed in a bag, which from being usuailyof a spherical form, is called a balloon. .rERO'SUS LAPIS. So Pliny calls the Lapis cala- minaris, upon the supposition that it was a copper ore. ^Eru'ca. Verdigris. ^ERU'GO. (JErugo, ginis, f., from as, copper.) 1. The rust of any metal, particularly of copper. 2. Verdigris. See Verdigris. jErugo jeris. Rusts of copper or verdigris. See Verdigris. ^Erugo pr.gpara'ta. See Verdigris. ^ES. Brass. .(ESCULA'PIUS, said to be the son of Apollo, by the nymph Coronis, born at Epidaurus, and educated by Chiron, who taught him to cure the most dangerous diseases, and even raise the dead; worshipped by the ancients as the god of medicine. His history is so in- volved in fable, that it is useless to trace it minutely. His two sons, Machaon and Podalirius, who ruled over a small city in Thessaly, after his death accom- panied the Greeks to the siege of Troy: but Homer speaks merely of their skill in the treatment of wounds; and divine honours were not paid to their father till a latter period. In the temples raised to him, votive tablets were hung up, on which were recorded the dis- eases cured, as they imagined, by his assistance. ^E'SCULUS. (JEsculus, i, m.; from esca, food.> The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system' Class, Heptandria; Order, Monogynia. Horse- chesnut /Esculu8 hippocastanum. The systematic name for the common horse-chesnut tree. Castanea equina, pavina. JEsculus—foliolis septenis of Linnaeus. The fruit of this tree, when dried and powdered, is recom- mended as an errhine. The bark is highly esteemed on the continent as a febrifuge; and is, by some, con- sidered as being superior in quality to the Peruvian bark. The bark intended for medical use is to be taken from those branches which are neither very young nor very old, and to be exhibited under similar forms and doses, as directed with respect to the Peru- vian bark. It rarely disagrees with the stomach ; but its astringent effects generally require the occasional administration of a laxative. During the late scarcity of grain, some attempts were made to obtain starch from the horse-chesnut, and not without success iESTHE'TICA. (From aiMvouai, to feel, or per- ceive.) Diseases affecting the sensation. The name of an order of diseases in Good's Nosology. See No sology. AESTIVALIS. (From astas, summer.) iEstival; belonging to summer. Diseases of animals and plants which appear in the summer. ^Estivales plants. Plants which flower in sum- mer. A division according to the seasons of the year. iESTIVA'TIO. ^Estivation; the action of the summer, or its influence on things. ^Estphara. Incineration, or burning of the flesh, or any other part of the body. jESTUA'RITJM. A stove for conveying heat to all parts of the body at once. A kind of vapour bath. Ambrose Pare1 calls an instrument thus, which he de- scribes for conveying heat to any particular part. Pal- marius, De Morbis Contagions, gives a contrivance under this name, for sweating the whole body. jEstua'tio. The boiling up, or rather the ferment- ing of liquors when mixed. jE'STUS. JEstus, tis, m.; from the Hebrew tsh, iETH AFF heat. Heat; applied to the feeling merely of heat, and sometimes to that of inflammation in which there is heat and redness. AEstus volaticus. 1. Sudden heat, or scorching, which soon goes off, but which for a time reddens the part. 2. According to Vogel, synonymous with phlogosis. 3. Erythema volaticum of Sauvages. JE TAS. See Age. jE'THER. (AUther, eris, m.; from atBnp: a sup- posed fine subtile fluid.) /Ether. A volatile liquor, obtained by distillation, from a mixture of alcohol and •a concentrated acid. The medical properties of aether, when taken inter- nally, are antispasmodic, cordial, and stimulant. Against nervous and typhoid fever, all nervous dis- eases, but especially tetanic affections, soporose dis- eases from debility, asthma, palfy, spasmodic colic, hysteria, &c. it always enjoys some share of reputa- tion. Regular practitioners seldom give so much as empirics, who sometimes venture upon large quanti- ties, with incredible benefit. Applied externally, it is of service in the headache, toothache, and other pain- ful affections. Thus employed, it is capable of pro- ducing two very opposite effects, according to its ma- nagement; for, if it be prevented from evaporating, by covering the place to which it is applied closely with the hand, it proves a powerful stimulant and rubefacient, and excites a sensation of burning heat, as is the case with solutions of camphor in alcohol, or turpentine. In this way it is frequently used for re- moving pains in the head or teeth. On the contrary, if it be dropped on any part of the body, exposed freely to the air, its rapid evaporation produces an intense degree'of cold; and, as this is attended with a propor- tional diminution of bulk in the part, applied in this way, it has frequently contributed to the reduction of the intestine, in cases of strangulated hernia. .Ether rectificatus. JEtker vitriolicus. Recti- fied aether. Take of sulphuric aether, fourteen fluid ounces. Fused potash, half an ounce. Distilled water, eleven fluid ounces. First dissolve the potash in two ounces of the water, and add thereto the aether, shaking them well together, until they are mixed. Next, at a temperature of about 200 degrees, distil over twelve fluid ounces of rectified aether, from a large retort into a cooled receiver. Then shake the distilled auhcr well with nine fluid ounces of water, and set the liquor by, so that the water may subside. Lastly, pour off the supernatant rectified ■ether, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle. Sulphuric aether is impregnated with some sulphu- reous acid, as is evident in the smell, and with some Ktlierial oil: and these require a second process to separate them. Potash unites to the acid, and re- quires to be added in a state of solution, and in suffi- cient quantities, for the purpose of neutralizing it; and it also forms a soap with the oil. It is advantage- ous also to use a less quantity of water than exists in the ordinary solution of potash; and therefore the above directions are adopted in the last London Phar- macopoeia. For its virtues, see JEther. /Ether sulphuricus. Naphtha vitrioli; JEther vitriolicus. Sulphuric aether. Take of rectified spirit, mlphuric acid, of each, by weight, a pound and a half. Pour the spirit into a glass retort, then gradually add to it the acid, shaking it after each addition, and taking care that their temperature, during the mixture, may not exceed 120 degrees. Place the retort very cautiously into a sand bath, previously heated to 200 degrees, so that the liquor may boil as speedily as pos- sible, and ihe aether may pass over into a tubulated receiver, to the tubulure of which another receiver is applied, and kept cold by immersion in ice, or water. Continue the distillation until a heavier part also begins to pass over, and appear under the aether in the bottom of the receiver. To the liquor which remains in the retort, pour twelve fluid ounces more of rectified spirit, and repeat the distillation in the same manner. It is mostly employed as an excitant, nervine, anti- spasmodic, and diuretic, in cases of spasms, cardialgia, enteralgia, fevers, hysteria, cephalalgia, and spasmodic asthma. The dose is from min. u to 3 ij. Exter- nally, it cures toothache, and violent pains in the head. 8ee JEther. ./Ether vitriolicus. See JElher sulphuricus and J&thir rectificatus. ^the'rea hkrba. The plant formerly so eallrd Is supposed to be the Eryngium. /Etherial oil.. See Oleum JEtherium. /E'THlOPS. A term applied formerly to several preparations, becausw of a black colour, like the skin of an ./Ethiopian. /Ethiops antimonia'lis. A preparation of anti- mony and mercury, once in high repute, and still em ployed by some practitioners in cutaneous diseases A few grains are to be given at first, and the quantity increased as the stomach can bear it. ^thiops martialis. A preparation of iron, for merly in repute, but now neglected. JEthiops mineral. The substance heretofore known by this name, is called by the London College, Hy drargyri sulphuretum nigrum. /ETHMOID. See Ethmoid. JEthmoid Artery. See Ethmoid Artery. JF.thmoid Bone. See Ethmoid Bone. ^ETHU'SA. (JEthusa, a, f.; from aiOovo-a, beg- garly.) The name of a genus of plants of the Linnsean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. ^thusa meum. The systematic name of the meum of the Pharmacopoeias. Called also Meum athaman- ticum; Men; Spignel; Baldmoney. The root of this plant is recommended as a carminative, stomachic, and for attenuating viscid humours, and appears to b« nearly of the same nature as lovage, differing in its smell, being rather more agreeable, somewhat like that of parsnips, but stronger, and being in its taste less sweet, and more warm, or acrid. /ETIOLOGY. (JEtiologia,a,t; amoXoyia: from a«7ia, a cause, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the causes of diseases. jETITES. Eagle stone. A stone formed of oxyde of iron, containing in its cavity some concretion which rattles on shaking the stone. Eagles were said to carry them to their nest, whence their name: and su- perstition formerly ascribed wonderful virtues to them. [This is now arranged among the ores of iron by the name of the nodular argillaceous oxide of iron. See Cleav. Min. A.] AE'TIUS. A physician, called also Amidenus, from the place of his birth. He flourished at Alexan- dria, about the end of the fifth century, and left six- teen books, divided into four tetrabiblia, on the prac- tice of physic and surgery, principally collected from Galen and other early writers, but with some original observations. He appears very partial to the use of the cautery, both actual and potential, especially in palsy; which plan of treatment Mr. Pott revived in paraphlegia; and it has since often been adopted with success. Afitius is the earliest writer who ascribed medical efficacy to the external use of the magnet, par ticularly in gout and convulsions; but rather on the report of others, than as what he had personally ex- perienced. jEto'cion-. JEtolium. The granum cnidium. See Daphne mezercon. a!to'nychum. See Lithospermum. AFFECTION. (Affectio,onis,f. This is expressed in Greek by zzados '■ hencepathema, passio.) Any ex isting disorder of the whole body, or a part of it; as hysterics, ieprosy, &c. Thus, by adding a descriptive epithet to the term affection, most distempers may be expressed. And hence we say febrile affection, cuta- neous affection, &c, using the word affection synony- mously with disease. AFFINITY. (Affinitas, atis, f.; a proximity of relationship.) The term affinity is used indifferently with attraction. See Attraction. Affinity of aggregation. See Attraction. Affinity, appropriate. See Affinity, intermediate. Affinity of composition. See Attraction. Affinity, compound. When three or more bodes, on account of their mutual affinity, unite and form one homogeneous body, then the affinity is termed com pound affinity or attraction: thus, if to a solution of sugar and water be added spirits of wine, these three bodies will form a homogeneous liquid by compound affinity. Affinity, divellent. See Affinity, quiescent. Affinity, double. Double elective attraction. When two bodies, each consisting of two elementary parts, come into contact, and are decomposed, so thai their elements become reciprocally united, and pro- duce two new confound bodies, the decomposition u AFF then termed decomposition by double affinity, thus, if we add common salCwhich consists of muriatic.»c>& and soda, to nitrate of silver, which is composed of niuic add^d'oxydeof silver, these two bodies will °«f ex- pounded ; for the nitric acid unites with the soda, and the oxyde of silver with the munatic acid, and thus may be obtained two new bodies. The common salt and nitrate of silver therefore mutually decompose each other by what is called double affinity. Affinity, intermediate. Appropriate affinity. Affinity of an intermedium is, when two substances of different kinds, that show to one another no component affinity, do, by the assistance of a third, comoine, and unite into a homogeneous whole: thus, oil and water are substances of different kinds, which, by means of aicali, combine and unite into a homogeneous sub- stance : hence the theory of lixiviums, of washing, &c. See Attraction. , Affinity, quiescent. Mr. Kirwan employs the term quiescent affinity to mark that, by virtue of which, the principle of each compound, decomposed by double affinity, adhere to each other; and Divel- lenl affinity, to distinguish that by which the princi- ples of one body unite and change order with those of the other: thus, sulphate of potash is not com- pletely decomposed by the nitric acid or by lime, when either of these principles is separately presented; but if the nitric acid be combined with lime, this nitrate of lime will decompose the sulphate of potash. In this last case, the affinity of Ihe sulphuric acid with the ai- cali is weakened by its affinity to the lime. This acid, therefore, is subject to two affinities, the one which retains it to the aicali, cailed quiescent, and the other which attracts it toward the lime, called divellent affinity. Affinity, reciprocal. When a compound of two bodies is decomposed by a third, the separated princi- ple being in its turn capable of decomposing the new combination : thus ammonia and magnesia will sepa- rate each other from muriatic acid. Affinity, simple. Single elective attraction. V a body, consisting of two component parts, be decom- posed on the approach of a third, which has a greater affinity with one of those component parts than they have for each other, then the decomposition is termed decomposition by simple affinity: for instance, if pure potash be added to a combination of nitric acid and lime, the union which existed between these two bodies will cease, because the potash combines with the nitric acid, and the lime, being disengaged, is pre- cipitated. The reason is, that the nitric acid has a greater affinity for the pure potash than for the lime, therefore it deserts the lime, to combine with the pot- ash. When two bodies only enter into chemical union, the affinity, which was the cause of it, is also termed simple or single elective attraction; thus the solution of sugar and water is produced by simple affi- nity, because there are but two bodies. AFFLA'TUS. (From ad and flare, to blow.) A vapour or blast A species of erysipelas, which at- tacks people suddenly, so named upon the erroneous supposition that it was produced by some unwhole- some wind blowing on the part. AFFUSION. (Affusio; from ad, and fundo, to pour upon.) Pouring a liquor upon something. The affusion of cold water, or pouring two or three quarts on the patient's head and body, is sometimes practised by physicians, but lately introduced by Dr. Currie, of Liverpool, in the treatment of typhus fever, and which appears to possess a uniformity of success, which we look for in vain in almost any other branch of medical practice. The remedy consists merely in placing the patient in a bathing-tub, or other convenient vessel, and pouring a pailful of cold water upon his body; after which he is wiped dry, and again put to bed. It should be noted, First, That it is the low contagious fever in which the cold affusion is to be employed: the first symp- toms of which are a dull headache, with restlessness and shivering; pains in the back, and all over the body, the tongue foul, with great prostration of strength; the headache becoming more acute, the heat of the body, by the thermometer, 102° to 105°, or more; general restless- ness, increasing to delirium, particularly in the night Secondly, That it is in Vie early stage of the disease we must employ the remedy; and generally in the state of the greatest heat and exacerbation. 3-1 AGA Thirdly, It is affusion, not immersion, that must be GmSL first publication^of Dr. ■Cube's work ^ nractice of affusion has been extended throughout Fnehmd and its efficacy has been established m some stages of 'the^iseaseVfrom which the author had origin X Drosciibed the practice of it. One of the caution- aryVnjunions which had been given for the affusion Kd water in fever, was never to employ U m cases IhTthe patient had a serise of chillmessu^njim even if the thermometer, app led to the trunk of the body, indicated a preternatural degreei ofheat.In h» last edition of Reports, however, Dr. Currie: has.given the Darticulars of a case of this kind, in which the cow affusion was. » managed as to produce a successful eVfn fevers arising from, or accompanied by, topical inflammation, his experience does not justify.the use of cold affusion ] though, in a great variety of these cases, the warm affusion may be used with advantage " And," says he, " though I have used the coldat fusion in some instances, so late as the twelfth or four teenth day of contagious fever, with safety and suc- cei yet it can only be employed, at this advanced period, in the instances in which the heat keeps up steadily above the natural standard, and the respira- tion continues free. In such cases, I have seen it ap- pease agitation and restlessness, dissipate delirium, and, as it were, snatch the patient from impending dis- solution. But it is in the early stages of fever (let me again repeat) that it ought always to be employed, if possible; anywhere, without any regard to the heat of the patient, it is had recourse to in the last stage ol fever after every other remedy has failed, and the case appears desperate, (of which I have heard several in- stances,) can it appear surprising that the issue should sometimes be unfavourable ?" Numerous :ommunications from various practition ers, in the West and East Indies, in Egypt and Ame- rica, also show the efficacy of affusion in the raging fevers of hot countries. . AFORA. ( From a, priv. and fores, a door.) Having a door or valve: applied to plants, the seed vessel of which is not furnished with a valvule. AFTER-BIRTH. See Placenta. Aba cretensium. The small Spanish milk-thistle. AGALACTA'TIO. See Agalactia. AGALA'CTIA. (AyaAa AGRIA'MPELOS. (From aypio?, wild, and auics- \os, a vine.) The wild vine, or white bryony. See Bryonia. AGRIEL^'A. (From ayptoc, wild, and tkata, the olive-tree.) The oleaster, or wild olive. AGRI'FOLIUM. (From axis, a prickle, and d makes up exactly, when the effect of heat ceases, the bulk of the original air. The breathing of animals, in like manner, changes the oxy- gen into carbonic acid gas, without altering the atmos- pherical volume. There are many provisions in nature by which the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere, which is con- tinually consumed in respiration and combustion, is again restored to that fluid. In fact there appears, as far as an estimate can be formed of the great and ge- neral operations of nature, to be at least as great an emission of oxygen as is sufficient to keep the general mass of the atmosphere at the same degree of purity. Thus, in volcanic eruptions, there seems to be at least as much oxygen emitted or extricated by fire from va- rious minerals, as is sufficient to maintain the combus- tion, and perhaps even to meliorate the atmosphere. And in the bodies of plants and animals, which appear in a great measure to derive their sustenance and aug- mentation from the atmosphere and its contents, it is found that a large proportion of nitrogen exists. Most plants emit oxygen in the sunshine, from which it is highly probable that they imbibe and decompose the air ofthe atmosphere, retaining carbon, and emitting the vital part. Lastly, if to this we add the decomposition of water, there will be numerous occasions in which this fluid will supply us with disengaged oxygen; while, by a very rational supposition, its hydrogen may be considered as having entered into the"bodies of plants for the formation of oils, sugars, mucilages, &c, from which it may be again extricated. To determine the respirability or purity of air, it is evident that recourse must be had to its comparative efficacy in maintaining combustion, or some other equivalent process. From the latest and most accurate experiments, the proportion of oxygen in atmospheric air is by measure about 21 per cent.; and it appears to be very nearly the same, whether it be in this country or on the coast of Guinea, on low plains or lofty mountains, or even at the height of 7250 yards above the level of the sea, as ascertained by Gay Lussac, in his aerial voyage in September, 1805. The remainder of the air is nitro- gen, with a small portion of aqueous vapour, amount- ing to about one per cent, in the driest weather, and a still less portion of carbonic acid, not exceeding a thousandth part of the whole. As oxygen and nitrogen differ in specific gravity in the proportion of 135 to 121, according to Kirwan and of 139 to 120, according to Davy, it has been pre-' sumed, that the oxygen would be more abundant in the lower regions, and the nitrogen in the higher, if they constituted a mere mechanical mixture, which appears contrary to the fact. On the other hand it has been urged, that they cannot be in the state 'of chemical combination, because they both retain their distinct properties unaltered, and no change of tem- perature or density takes place on their union. But perhaps it may be said, that, as they have no repug- nance to mix with each other, as oil and water have the continual agitation to which the atmosphere is ex- posed, may be sufficient to prevent two fluids, differ- ing not more than oxygen and nitrogen in gravity, from separating by subsidence, though simply mixed On the contrary, it maybe argued, that to saychemicai combination cannot take place without producing new properties, which did not exist before in the compo- nent parts, is merely begging the question; tor though this generally appears to be the case, and often in"a very striking manner, yet combination does not al- ways produce a change of properties, as appears in M. Blots experiments with various substances- of which we may instance water, the refraction of which is precisely the mean of that ofthe oxygen and hydro- gen, which are indisputably combined in it. To got rid of the difficulty, Mr. Dalton of Manchester AIR AIZ framed an ingenious hypothesis, that the particles of different gases neither attract nor repel each other; so that one gas expands by the repulsion of its own par- ticles, without any more interruption from the pre- sence of another gas, than if it were in a vacuum. This would account for the state of atmospheric air, it is true; but it does not agree with certain facts. In the case of the carbonic acid gas in the Grotto del Cano, and over the surface of brewers' vats, why does not this gas expand itself freely upward, if the superin- cumbent gases do not press upon it t Mr. Dalton himself, too, instances as an argument for his hypo- thesis, that oxygen an'd hydrogen gases, when mixed by agitation, do not separate on standing. But. why should either oxygen or hydrogen require agitation, to diffuse it through a vacuum, in which, according to Mr. Dalton, it is placed 1 The theory of Berthollet appears consistent with all the facts, and sufficient to account for the phenome- non. If two bodies be capable of chemical combina- tion, their particles must have a mutual attraction for each other. This attraction, however, may be so op- posed by concomitant circumstances, that it may be diminished in any degree. Thus we know, that the affinity of aggregation may occasion a body to combine slowly with a substance for which it has a powerful affinity, or even entirely prevent its combining with it; the presence of a third substance may equally pre- vent the combination; and so may the absence of a certain quantity of caloric. But in all these cases the attraction-of the particles must subsist, though diminish- ed or counteracted by opposing circumstances. Now we know that oxygen and nitrogen are capable of combination; their particles, therefore, must attract each other; but in the circumstances in which they are placed in our atmosphere, that attraction is pre- vented from exerting itself, to such a degree as to form them into a chemical compound, though it operates with sufficient force to prevent their separating by their difference of specific gravity. Thus the state of the atmosphere is accounted for, and every difficulty obvi- ated, without1 any new hypothesis. The exact specific gravity of atmospherical air, compared to that of water, is a very nice and impor- tant problem. By reducing to 60° Fahr. and to 30 inches ofthe barometer, the results obtained with great care by Biot and Arago, the specific gravity of atmos- pherical air, appears to be 0.001-220, water being re- presented by 1.000000. This relation expressed frac- tionally is 1-820, or water is 820 times denser than at- mospherical air. Mr. Rice, in the 77th and 78th num- bers of the Annals of Philosophy, deduces from Sir George Shuckburgh's experiments 0.00120855 for the specific gravity of air. This number gives water to air as 827.437 to 1. If with Mr. Rice we take the cubic inch of water=252.525gr, then 100 cubic inches of air by Biot's experiments will weigh 30.808 grains, and by Mr. Rice's estimate 30.519. He considers with Dr. Prout the atmosphere to be a compound of 4 volumes of nitrogen, and 1 of oxygen; the specific gravity of the first being to that of the second as 1.1111 to 0.9722. Hence 0.8 vol. nitr. sp. gr............. 0.001166=0.000933 05 oxy...................0.001340=0.000268 0.001201 The numbers are transposed in the Annals of Phi- losophy by some mistake. Biot and Arago found the specific gravity of oxygen to be ...................................... 1.10359 and that of nitrogen........................ 0.96913 air being reckoned, ......................... 1.00000 Or compared to water as unity,— Nitrogen i3 ............0.001182338 Oxygen, ..............0.001340379 And 0.8 nitrogen....................=0.00094587 0-2oxygen ...................=0.00026927 And 0.79 nitrogen 0.21 oxygen . 0.00121514 =0.000934 =0.000283 0.001217 A number which approaches very nearly to the result of experiment Many analogies, it must be confessed, favour Dr. Prout's proportions; but the greater num- ber of experiments on the composition and density of the atmosphere agree with Biot's results. Nothing can decide these fundamental chemical proportions, except a new, elaborate, and most minutely accurate series of experiments. We shall then know whether the atmosphere contains in volume 20 or 21 per cenL of oxygen."—Ure's Chem. Diet. Air, alcaline. See Ammonia. Air, azotic. See Nitrogen. Air, fixed. See Carbonic acid. Air, fluoric. See Fluoric acid. Air, hepatic. See Hydrogen sulphuretted. Air, heavy inflammable. See Carburetted hydrogen. Air, inflammable. See Hydrogen. Air, marine. See Muriatic acid. Air, nitrous. See Nitrous. Air, phlogisticated. See Nitrogen. Air, phosphoric. See Hydrogen phosphuretted. Air, sulphureous. See Sulphureous acid. Air, vital. See Oxygen. AISTHETE'RIU M. (From atcBavouai, to perceive.) The sensorinm commune, or common sensory, or seat, or origin of sensation. AIX LA CHAPE'LLE. Called Akcn by the Ger- mans. A town in the south of France, where there is a sulphureous water, Thermae Aquis-granensis, the most striking feature of which, and what is almost peculiar to it, is the unusual quantity of sulphur it con- tains: the whole, however, is so far united to a gase- ous basis, as to be entirely volatilized by heat; so that none is left in the residuum after evaporation. In co- lour it is pellucid, in smell sulphureous, and in taste saline, bitterish, and rather alcaline. The temperature of these waters varies considerably, according to the distance from the source and the spring itself. In the well ofthe hottest bath, it is, according to Lucas, 136°, Monet, 146°; at the fountain where it is drank, it is 112° This thermal water is much resorted to on the Continent for a variety of complaints. It is found essentially serviceable in the numerous symptoms of disorders in the stomach and biliary organs, that follow a life of high indulgence in the luxuries of the table; in nephritic cases, which produce pain in the loins, and thick mucous urine with difficult micturition. As the heating qualities of this water are as decided as in any of the mineral springs, it should be avoided in cases of a general inflammatory tendency, in hectic fever and ulceration of the lungs; and in a disposition to active haemorrhagy. As a hot bath, this water is even more valuable and more extensively employed than as an internal remedy. The baths of Aix la Cha- peile may be said to be more particularly medicated than any other that we are acquainted with. They possess both temperature of any degree that can be borne; and a strong impregnation with sulphur in its most active forms; and a quantity of aicali, which is sufficient to give it a very soft soapy feel, and to ren- der it more detergent than common water. From these circumstances, these baths will- be found of particular service in stiffness and rigidity of the joints and liga- ments, which is left by the inflammation of gout and rheumatism, and in the debility of palsy, where the highest degree of heat which the skin can bear is re- quired. The sulphureous ingredient renders it highly active in almost every cutaneous eruption, and in ge- neral in every foulness ofthe skin; and here the inter- nal use of the water should attend that of the bath These waters are also much employed in the distress- ing debility which follows a long course of mercury and excessive salivation. Aken water is one of the few natural springs that are hot enough to be employed as a vapour bath, without the addition of artificial heat. It is employed in cases in which the hot bath is used; and is found to be a remarkably powerful auxiliary in curing some ofthe worst species of cuta- neous disorders. With regard to the dose of this wa- ter to be begun with, or the degree of heat to bathe in, it is in all cases best to begin with small quantities and low degrees of heat, and gradually Increase them, agreeably to the effects and constitution ofthe patient. The usual time of the year for drinking these waters is from the beginning of May to the middle of June, or from the middle of August to the latter end of Sep tcmber. Aizo'on. (From act, always, and fu, to live.) Aizc- um. 1. An evergreen aquatic plant, like the aloe, said to possess antiscorbutic virtues. ALA l The house leek. See Sempervivum tectorum. Aizoum. See Aizoon. Aja' va. An ancient name of a seed used in the East as a remedy for the colic. AJUGA. (From a, priv. and fuyov, a yoke.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Liniiaean system. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the creeping bugloss. See Ajuga pyramidalis. Ajuoa pyramidalis. Consolida media. Bugvla. Upright bugloss. Middle consound. This plant, Aju- ga—caule tetragono foliis radicalibus maximis, of Linnaeus, possesses subadstringent and bitter qualities: and has been recommended io phthisis, aphtha, and cynanche. [AKANTICONE. The name of a mineral synony- mous with the epidote of HaCiy, pistazit of Werner, glassy actynolite of Kirwan, &c. A.] A'KENSIDE, Mark. An English physician, born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in 1721; but more distin- guished as a poet, especially for his " Pleasures of the Imagination." After studying at Edinburgh, and graduating at Leyden, he settled in practice; but though appointed physician to the queen, as well as to St. Thomas's Hospital, he is said not to have been very successful. He died of a putrid fever, in his 49th year. He has left a Dissertation on Dysentery in Latin, admired for its elegance ; and several small Tracts in the Pliilosophical and London Medical Transactions. AL. The Arabian article, which signifies the ; it is applied to a word by way of eminence, as the Greek o is. The Easterns express the superlative by adding God thereto, as the mountain of God, for the hignest mountain; and it is probable that Al relates to the word Alia, God : so Alchemy, may be the chemistry of God, or the most exalted perfection of chemical science. A'LA. 1. The wing of a bird. 2. The arm-pit, so called because it answers to the pit under the wing of a bird. I 3. An accidental part of the seed of a plant; consist- ing of a membraneous prolongation from the side of the seed, and distinguished by the number into Semina monoterygia: one-winged, as in Bignonia. Dipterygia: two-winged, as in Betula. Triptsrygia: three-winged. Tetrapterygia: four-winged. Polypterigia: many-winged, or Molendinacca: windmill-winged, for so the many-winged seeds of some umbelliferous plants are termed. 4. The two lateral or side petals of a papilionaceous or butterfly-shaped flo.wer. Ala auris. The upper part of the external ear. Ala interna minor. See Nympha. Ala nasi. 1. The cartilage of the nose which forms the outer part of the nostrils. 2. The sides of the nose are called ala nasi. Ala vespbrtilionis. That part of the ligament of the womb, which lies between the tubes and the ovarium ; so called from its resemblance to the wing of a bat. ALABASTER. Among the stones which are known by the name of marble, and have been distinguished by a considerable variety of denominations by statua- ries and others, whose attention is more directed to their external character and appearance than their component parts, alabasters are those which have a greater or less degree of imperfect transparency, a gra- nular texture, are softer, take a duller polish than marble, and are usually of a white colour. Some stones, however, of a veined and coloured appearance, iiave been considered as alabasters, from their possess- jig the first-mentioned criterion; and some transpa- rent and yellow sparry stones have also received this appellation. [Alabaster is a variety of compact gypsum. It is found in compact masses of a fine grain, whose frac- ture is even, or splintery, and nearly or quite dull, or sometimes a little foliated. It is nearly opaque, and its colours are commonly white or gray, sometimes shaded with yellow, red, &x. or variously mingled. Its specific gravity is sometimes only 1.87. It is some- times in concretions. Compact gypsum, and some varieties of granular gypsum, are employed in sculpture and architecture, under the name of alabaster. The same name is also given to certain varieties of carbonate of linie. It may ALB be well to employ the term gypseous and calcareous alabaster.—Cleav. Min. The cabinet of the New-York Lyceum of Natural History contains some very fine specimens of gypseous alabaster, from various parts of the United States. A.] ALiEFO'RMIS. (Alwformis; from Ala, a wing, and forma, resemblance.) Wing-like. Any tiling like a wing. Alai'a phthi'sis. (From aXaios, blind, and Biats, a wasting.) A consumption from a flux of humours from the head. [ALALITE. A rare mineral, consisting principally of silex, magnesia, and lime, found in the form, of pris- matic crystals, otherwise called diopside. A.] Alandahla. The Arabian for bitter. The bitter apple. See Cucumis colocynthis. Alanfu'ta. An Arabian name of a vein between the chin and lower lip, which was formerly opened to prevent foetid breath. Alaria ossa. The wing-like processes of the sphe- noid bone. ALA'RIS. (Alaris; from ala, a wing.) Formed like, or belonging to a wing. Alaris externus. Musculus alaria extemus. A name of the external pterygoid muscle; so called be- cause it takes its rise from the wing-like process of the sphenoid bone. Alaris vena. The innermost of the three veins in the bend ofthe arm. Alate'rnus. A species of rhamnus. ALATUS. (From ala, a wing.) Winged. ] Ap- plied to stems and leaf-stalks, when the edges or angles are longitudinally expanded into leaf-like borders; as in JEnopordium acanthium; Lathyrus latifalius, &c. and the leaf-stalk of the orange tribe, citrus, &c 2. One who has prominent scapulae like the wings of birds. Albagras nigra. So Avicenna names the Lepra ichthyosis, or Lepra Gracorum. ALBAME'NTUM. (From albus, white.) The white of an egg. Alba'num. Urinous salt. Alba'tio. (From albus, white.) Albificatii The calcination or whitening of metals. A'LBICANS. (From albico, to grow white ) In- clining to white. Whitish. Albica'ntia co'rpora. Corpora albicantia WiX- lisii. Two small round bodies or projections from the base ofthe brain, of a white colour. ALBIN. A mineral found in Bohemia; so called from its white colour. Albi'num. Sec Gnaphalium dioicum. ALBI'NUS Bernard Siegfred, son of a physician, and professor at Leyden of the same name, was born near the end of the 17th century, and prosecuted his studies with so much zeal and success, that he was appointed, on the recommendation of Boerhaave, pro- fessor of anatomy and surgery, when only 20 years old. This office he filled for half a century, and ac quired a greater reputation than any of his predeces- sors. He has left several valuable anatomical works; and particularly very accurate descriptions, and plates of the muscles and bones, which are still highly esteemed. A'LBORA. A 'sort of itch; or rather of leprosy. Paracelsus says, it is a complication of the morphew, serpigo, and leprosy. When cicatrices appear in the face like the serpigo, and then turn to small blisters of the nature of the morphew, it is the albora. It termi- nates without ulceration, but by foetid evacuations in the mouth and nostrils ; it is also seated in the root of the tongue. ALBUCA'SIS, an Arabian physician and surgeon of considerable merit, who lived about the beginning of the twelfth century. He has copied much from preceding writers, but added also many original ob- servations; and his works may be still perused with pleasure. He insisted on the necessity of a surgeon being skilled in anatomy to enable him to operate with success, as well as acquainted with the materia me- dica, that he may apply his remedies with propriety. He appears to have extracted polypi from the nose, and performed the operation of bronchotoiny. He is the first »vho left distinct descriptions and delineations of the instruments used in surgery, and of the manner of employing them. ALBUGI'NEA. (Albuginia; from albus, white: so ALB ALB called on account of its white colour.) The name of a membrane of the eye and of the testicle. Albt/oinea oculi. See Adnata tunica. Albuginea testis. Tunica albuginea testis. The innermost coat of the testicle. A strong, white, and dense membrane, immediately covering the body or substance of the testicle. On its outer surface it is smooth, but rough and uneven on the inner. See Testicle. ALBU'GO. A white opacity of the cornea of the eye. The Greeks named it leucoma; the Latins, albugo, nebula, and nubecula. Some ancient writers have called u> pterygium, janua oculi, onyx, unguis, and egidcs. It is a variety of Cuilen's Caligo cornea. [Albugo, (from albus, white.) It is a white opacity of the cornea, not of a superficial kind, but affecting the very substance of this membrane. A.] Album balsamum. The balsam of copaiba. See Copaiba. Album Grjecum. The white dung of dogs. It was formerly applied as a discutient, to the inside of the throat, in quinsies, being first mixed with honey; me- dicines of this kind have long since justly sunk into disuse. Album olus. See Valeriana locusta. ALBUMEN. Albumine. 1. Coagulable lymph. This substance, which derives its name from the Latin for the white of an egg, in which it exists abundantly, and in its purest natural state, is one of the chief con- stituent principles of all the animal solids. Beside the white of egg, it abounds in the serum of blood, the vi- treous and crystalline humours ofthe eye, and the fluid of dropsy. Fourcroy claims to himself the honour of having discovered it in the green feculae of plants in general, particularly in those ofthe cruciform order, in very young ones, and in the fresh shoots of trees, though Rouelle appears to have detected it there long before. Vauquelin says it exists also in the mineral water of Plombieres. Seguin has found it in remarkable quantity in such vegetables as ferment without yest, and afford a vinous liquor; and from a series of experiments, he infers, that albumen is the true principle of fermentation, and that its action is more powerful in proportion to its solu- bility, three different degrees of which he found it to possess. The chief characteristic of albumen is its coagula- bility by the action of heat. If the white of an egg be exposed to a heat of about 134° F. white fibres begin to appear in it, and at 160° it coagulates into a solid mass )n a heat not exceeding 212 it dries, shrinks, and as- sumes the appearance of liorn. It is soluble in cold water before it has been coagulated, but not after; and when diluted with a very large portion, it does not coagulate easily. Pure alcalies dissolve it, even after coagulation. It is precipitated by muriate of mercury, nitro-muriate of tin, acetate of lead, nitrate of silver, muriate of gold, infusion of galls and tannin. The acids and metallic oxydes coagulate albumen. On the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid, it becomes black, and exhales a nauseous smell. Strong muriatic acid gives a violet tinge to the coagulum, and at length becomes saturated with ammonia. Nitric acid, at 70° F. disengages from it abundance of azotic gas; and if the heat be increased, prussic acid is formed; after wilich carbonic acid and carburetted hydrogen are evolved, and the residue consists of water containing a little oxalic acid, and covered with a lemon-coloured fat oil. If dry potassa or soda be triturated with albu- men, either liquid or solid, aininoniacal gas is evolved, and the calcination of the residuum yields an alcaline prussiate. On exposure to the atmosphere in a moist state, albu- men passes at once to the state of putrefaction. Solid albumen maybe obtained by agitating white of egg with ten or twelve times its weight of alcohol. This seizes the water which held the albumen in solu- tion ; and this substance is precipitated under the form of white flocks or filaments, which cohesive attraction renders insoluble, and which consequently may be freely washed with water. Albumen thus obtained is like fibrine, solid, white, insipid, inodorous, denser than water, and without action or vegetable colours. It dissolves in potassa and soda more easily than fibwne; but in acetic acid and ammonia, with more difficulty. When these two animal principles are separately dis- solved in potassa, muriatic acid added to the albumi- nous, does not disturb the solution, but it produces a cloud in the other. Fourcroy and several other chemists have ascribed the characteristic coagulation of albumen by heat to its oxygenation. But cohesive attraction is the real cause ofthe phenomenon. In proportion as the temperature rises, the particles of water and albumen recede from each other, their affinity diminishes, and then the albu- men precipitates. However, by uniting albumen with a large quantity of water, we diminish its coagulating property to such a degree, that heat renders the solution merely opalescent. A new-laid egg yields a soft coagu- lum by boiling; but when, by keeping, a portion of the water has transuded so as to leave a void space within the shell, the concentrated albumen affords a firm co- agulum. An analogous phenomenon is exhibited by acetate of alumina, a solution of which, being heated, gives a pre- cipitate in flakes, which re-dissolve as the caloric which separated the particles of acid and base escapes, or as the temperature falls. A solution containing 1-10 of dry albumen forms by heat a solid coagulum; butwhen it contains only 1-15, it gives a glary liquid. One-thou- sandth part, however, on applying heat, occasions opa- lescence. Putrid white of egg, and the pus of ulcers, have a similar smell. According to Dr. Bostock, a drop of a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate let fall into water containing 1-2000 of albumen, occasions a milkiness and curdy precipitate. On adding a slight excess of the mercurial solution to the albuminous liquid, and applying heat, the precipitate which falls, being dried, contains in every 7 parts 5 of albumen. Hence that salt is the most delicate test of this animal product. The yellow pitchy precipitate occasioned by tannin, is brittle when dried, and not liable to putrefac- tion. But tannin, or infusion of galls, is a much nicer test of gelatin than of albumen. The cohesive attraction of coagulated sJbumen makes it resist putrefaction. In this state it may be kept for weeks under water without suffering change. By long digestion in weak nitric acid, albumen seems convertible into gt'atin. By the analysis of Gay Lussac and Thenard, 100 parts of albumen are formed of 52.883 carbon, 23.872 oxygen, 7.540 hydrogen, 15.705 nitrogen; or, in other terras, of 52.883 carbon, 27.127 oxygen and hydrogen, in the proportion for constituting water, 15.705 nitrogen, and, 4.285 hydrogen in excess. The negative pole of a voltaic pile in high activity coagu- lates albumen; but if the pile be feeble, coagulation goes on only at the positive surface. Albumen, in such a state of concentration as it exists in serum of blood, can dissolve some metallic oxydes, particularly the pro- toxide of iron. Orfila has found white of egg to be the best antidote to the poisonous effects of corrosive subli- mate on the human stomach. As albumen occasions precipitates with the solutions of almost every metallic salt, probably it may act beneficially against other spe- cies of mineral poison. From its coagulability albumen is of great use in cla- rifying liquids. It is likewise remarkable for the property of render- ing leather supple, for which purpose a solution of whites of eggs in water is used by leather-dressers.— Ure's Chem. Diet. 2. In botany, the term albumen is applied to a fari- naceous, fleshy, or horny substance, which makes up the chief bulk of some seeds, as grapes, corn, palms, lilies, never rising out of the ground, nor assuming the office of leaves, being destined solely to nourish the ger- minating embryo, till its roots perform their office. In the date palm, this part is nearly as hard as stone, In mirabilis it is like wheat-flour. It is wanting in seve- ral tribe^ of plants, as those with compound or with cruciform flowers, and the cucumber or gourd kind, according to Gardner. Some few leguminous plants have it, and a great number of others, which, like them, have cotyledons besides. We are not, however, to suppose, that so important an organ is altogether want- ing, even in the above-mentioned plants. The farina- ceous matter destined to nourish their embryos, is un- questionably lodged in their cotyledons, the sweet taste of which, as they begin to germinate, often evinces Its presence, and that it has undergone the same change as in barley. The albumen of the nutmeg is remarkable for its eroded variegated appearance, and aromatic quality; the cotyledons of this plant are very small.— Smith. 4] ALE ALG ALBUMEN ovi. Albugo ovi; Albumen albor ori ; Ovi albus liquor; Ovi candidum albumcntum; Cla- reta. The white of an egg. ALBURNUM. (From albus, white.) The soft white substance, which, in trees, is found between the liber, or inner bark, and the wood. In process of time it acquires solidity, becoming itself the wood. While soft, it performs a very important part of the func- tions of growth, which ceases when it becomes hard. A new circle of alburnum is annually formed over the old, so that a transverse section of the trunk presents a pretty correct register of the tree's age, each zone marking one year. From its colour and comparative softness, it has been called by some writers, the adeps arborum. The alburnum is found in largest quantities in trees that are vigorous. In an oak six inches in diameter, this substance is nearly equal in bulk to the wood. A'LBUS. White. This term is applied to many parts, from their white colour; as linea alba, lepra alba, macula alba, &c. A'LCAHEST. An Arabic word to express a uni- versal dissolvent, which was pretended to by Paracel- sus and Van Helmont Some say that Paracelsus first used this word, and that it is derived from the German words al and gecst, i. e. all spirit: and that Van Hel- mont borrowed the word, and applied it to his inven- tion, which he called the universal dissolvent. A'LCALI. (Arabian.) This word is spelt indif- ferently with a c or a Ac. See Alkali. ALCAL1ZATION. The impregnating any spritu- ous fluid with an aicali. ALCANNA. (Indian word.) See Anchusa. A'lcaol. The solvent for the preparation of the philosopher's stone. ALCARRAZES. A species of porous pottery made in Spain. ALCEA. (Alcea, a. f.; fromaA/07, strength.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaeati system. Class, Monadelphia; Order, Polyandria. Hollyhock. Alcea jEovptiaca villosa. See Hibiscus Abel- moschus. Alcea Indica. See Hibiscus Abelmoschus. Alcea rosea. Common hollyhock. The flowers of this beautiful tree are said to possess adstringent and mucilaginous virtues. They are seldom used me- dicinally. Alchemia. See Alchemy. ALCHEMI'LLA. (Alchemilla, at. f. So called be- cause it was celebrated by the old alchemists.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Limiaean system. Class, Tetrandria; Order, Monogynia. La- dies' mantle. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the plant called la- dies' mantle. Sea Alchemilla vulgaris. Alchemilla vulgaris. Ladies' mantle. This plant, Alchemilla:—Foliis lobatis of Linnaeus, was formerly esteemed as an adstringent in haemorrhages, fluor albus, &c. given internally. It is fallen into disuse. ALCHEMIST. One who practises the mystical art of alchemy. A'LCHEMY. Alchemia; Alchimia; Alkima. That branch of chemistry which relates to the transmuta- tion of metals into gold;—the forming a panacea or universal remedy,—an alcahest, or universal men- struum,—a universal ferment, and many other (ab- surdities. Alchimia. See Alchemy. ALCHIMI'LLA. See Alchemilla. A'lchitron. 1. Oil of Juniper. 2. Also the name of a dentifrice of Messue. A'LCHYMY. Alchemy. ALCOHOL. See Alkohol. ALCYO NIUM. It is difficult to say what the Greeks called by this name. Dioscorides speaks of five sorts of it. It is a spongy plant-like substance, met with on the sea-shore, of different shapes and co- lours. This bastard sponge is calcined with a little salt, as a dentifrice, and is used to remove spots on the skin. ALDER. See Betula alnus. Alder, berry-bearing. See Rhamnus frangula. Alder wine. See Betula alnus. Aldrum. See Alzum. Aldum. See Ahum. ALE. CcrevUia; Liquor ctreris ; Vinumhordea- ceitm. A fermented liquor made from malt and hops, and chiefly distinguished from beer, made from the same ingredients, by the quantity of hops used therein, which is greater in beer, and therefore renders the liquor more bitter, and fitter for keeping. Ale, when well fermented, is a wholesome beverage, but seems to disagree with those subject to asthma, or any dis- order ofthe respiration, or irregularity in the digestive organs. Tne old dispensatories enumerate several medicated ales, such as cerevisia oxydorica, for the eyes, cerevisia antiarthritica, against the gout; ct- phalica, epileptica, Sec. See Beer. ALEI'ON. (AXuov, copious.) Hippocrates uses this word as an epithet for water. ALEI'PHA. (From aXudm, to anoint.) Any me- dicated oil. ALELAI'ON. (From aXs, Bait, and eXaiov, oil.) Oil beat up with salt, to apply to tumours. Galen fre- quently used it. ALE'MA. (From a. priv. and Xtuos, hunger.) Meat, food, or any tiling that satisfies the appetite. ALEMBIC. (Alembicus. Some derive it from the Arabian particle al, and ap&i\ ; from ap6atvu>, to as- cend. Avicenna declares it to be Arabian.) Moors- head. A chemical utensil made of glass, metal, or earthenware, and adapted to receive volatile products from retorts. It consists of a body to which is fitted a conical head, and out of this head descends laterally a beak to be inserted into the receiver. ALE'MBROTH. (A Chaldee word, importing the key of art.) 1. Some explain it as the name of a salt, sal mercurii, or sal philosophorum <$• artis; others say it. is named alembrot and sal fusionis or sal fixionis Alembroth desiccatum is said to be the sal tartari, hence this word seems to signify alkaline salt, which opens the bodies of metals by destroying their sulphurs, and promoting their separation from the ores. From analogy, it is supposed to have the same effect in con- quering obstructions and attenuating viscid fluids in the human body. 2. A peculiar earth, probably containing a fixed alkali, found in the island of Cyprus, has also this ap- pellation. X A solution of the corrosive sublimate, to which the muriate of ammonia has been added, is called sal alembroth. A lepe'nsis. A species of ash-tree, which produces manna. A'les. (From aXs, salt.) A compound salt Aleu'ron. (From aXcui, to grind.) Meal. ALEXANDERS See Smymium olusatrum. Alexanders, round-Uavtd. See Smymium perfo- liatum. ALEXANDRIA. (Alexandria.) Alexandrina. The bay-tree, or laurel, of Alexandria. Alexa'ndrium. Emplastrum viride. A plaster described by Celsus, made with wax, alum, &c. ALEXICA'CUM. (From aAtJw, to drive away, and kokov, evil.) An antidote or amulet, to resist poison. ALEXIPHA'RMIC. (Alcxipharmicum; fromaA^a,, to expel, and appaKov, a poison.) Antipharmicum ; Caco-alexiteria. A medicine supposed to preserve the body against the power of poisons, or to correct or ex- pel those taken. The ancients attributed this pro- perty to some vegetables and even waters distilled from them. The term, however, is now very seldom used. ALEXIPYRE TICUM. (From oA^cj, to drive away, and •svperos. fever.) A febrifuge. ALEXIPY'RETOS. Alexipyreturn. A remedy for a fever. Ale'xir. An elixir. ALEXITE'RIUM. (Alcxiterium, i.n.; from aArfa, to expel, and rnpeui, to preserve.) A preservative me- dicine against poison, or contagion. ALGA. A sea-weed. Alg*. 1. The name of an order or division of the class Cryptogamia in the Linnaean system of plants. The name of one of the seven families or natural tribes into which the whole vegetable kingdom is di- vided by Linnaeus in his Philosophia Botanica. He defines them plants, the roots, leaves, and stems of which are all in one. Under this description are compre- hended all the sea-weeds and some other aquatic plants. 2. In the sexual system of plants Alga constitute the third order of the class, Cryptogamia. From their admitting of little distinction of toot, leaf, or stem, end ALI ALI the parts of their flowers being equally incapable of description, the genera are distinguished by the situ- ation of what is supposed to be the flowers or seeds, or by the resemblance which the whole plant bears to some other substance. The parts of fructification of the algae are in caly- eules of which there are three varieties:— I. Pelta, target; a flat, oblong fruit, seen in the Li- then caninus. 2. Scutella, the saucer; a round, hollow, or flat fruit, as in Lichen stellaris. 3 Tuberculum, the tubercle; a hemispherical fruit, observable in Lichen geographicus. In the fuci, the parts of fructification are sometimes in hollow bladders; and in some ofthe ulvae, it is dis- persed through the whole substance ofthe plant. A'LGAROTH. (So called from Victorius Alga- roth, a physician of Verona, and its inventor.) Alga- rot; Algaroth; Mercurius vita; Pulvis Algarothi; Pulvis angelicus • Mercurius mortis. The antimo- nial part of the butter of antimony, separated from some of its acid by washing it in water. It is vio- lently emetic in doses of two or three grains, and is preferred by many for making the emetic tartar. ALGE DO. (From aAyos, pain.) A violent pain about the anus, perinseum, testes, urethra, and blad- der, arising from the sudden stoppage of a virulent go- norrhoea. A term very seldom used. ALGE'MA. (From aXyeto, to be in pain.) Alge- modes; Algematodes. Uneasiness; pain of any kind. A'LGOR. A sudden dullness or rigour. Algosarel. The Arabian term for the wild carrot. See Daucus sylvestris. / Alha'gi. (Arabian.) A species or Hcdysarum. The leaves are hot and pungent, the flowers pur- gative. A lha'ndala. An Arabian name for the colocynth, or bitter apple. Alha'sef. (Arabian.) Alhasaf. A sort of foetid pustule, called also Hydroa. A'lia squilla . (From aXtos, belonging to the sea, and oklXXci, a shrimp.) The prawn. A species of the genus cancer. A'hca. (From alo, to nourish ) In general signi- fication, a grain, a sort of food admired by the ancients. It is not certain whether it is a grain or a preparation of some kind thereof. Alicastrum. (From alica, as siliquastrum from siliqua.) A kind of bread mentioned by Celsus. A'lices. (From a\iZ,u>, to sprinkle.) Little red spots in the skin, which precede the eruption of pus- tules in the small-pox. Aliena'tio mentis. Estrangement ofthe mind. ALIENA'TION. (Alienatio; from alieno, to estrange.) A term applied to any wandering of the mind. ALIENA'TUS. Alienated. A leaf is so termed when the first leaves give way to others totally differ- ent from them, and the natural habit of the genus, as is the case in many of the mimosa from New Holland. ALIFO'RMIS. Alaeform, or wing-like. A name given by anatomists and naturalists to some parts from their supposed resemblance, as aliform muscles, ice. See Alaformis. ALIRIENT. (Alimentum; from alo, to nourish.) The name of aliment is given generally to every sub- Btance, which being subjected to the action of the or- gans of digestion, is capable by itself of affording nou- rishment. In this sense an aliment is extracted neces- sarily from vegetables or animals: for only those bodies that have possessed life are capable of serving usefully in the nutrition of animals during a certain time. This manner of regarding aliments appears rather too confined. Why refuse the name of ali- ments to substances which, in reality, cannot of them- selves afford nourishment, but which contribute effica- ciously to nutrition, since they enter into the compo- sition of the organs, and of the animal fluids ? Such are the muriate of soda, the oxyde of iron, silicia, and particularly water, which is found in such abundance in the bodies of animals, and is so necessary to them. It appears preferable to consider as an aliment every substance which can serve in nutrition; establishing, however, the important distinction between substances which can nourish of themselves, and those which are useful to nutrition only in concert with the former. In respect to their nature, aliments are different from each other, by the proximate principles which predominate in their composition. They may be dis- tinguished into nine classes:— 1st, Farinaceous aliments: wheat, barley, oats, rice, rye, maize, potato, sago, salep, peas, haricots, lentils, &.c. 2d, Mucilaginous aliments: carrots, salsafy, (.goats- beard) beet-root, turnip, asparagus, cabbage, lettuce, artichoke, cardoons, pompions, melons, &c. 3d, Sweet aliments: the different sorts of sugar figs, dates, dried grapes, apricots, &c. 4th, Acidulous aliments: oranges, gooseberries, cherries, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, mulberries, grapes, prunes, pears, apples, sorrel, &c. 5th, Fatty and oily aliments: cocoa, olives, sweet almonds, nuts, walnuts, the animal fats, the oils, butter, &c. 6th, Caseous aliments: the different sorts of milk, cheese, &c. 7th, Gelatinous aliments: the tendons, the aponeu- rosis, the chorion, the cellular membrane, young ani- mals, &c. 8th, Albuminous aliments: the brain, the nerves, eggs, &c. 9th, Fibrinous aliments: the flesh and the blood of different animals. We might add to this list a great number of sub- stances that are employed as medicines, but which doubtless are nutritive, at least in some of their im- mediate principles; such are manna, tamarinds, the pulp of cussia, the extracts and saps of vegetables, the animal or vegetable decoctions. Among aliments there are few employed such as nature presents them ; they are generally prepared, and disposed in such a manner as to be suitable to the action of the digestive organs. The preparations which they undergo are infinitely various, according to the sortof aliment, the people, the climates, customs, the degree of civilization: even fashion is not without its influence on the art of preparing aliments. In the hand of the skilful cook, alimentary sub- stances almost entirely change their nature-.—form, consistence, odour, taste, colour, composition, &c, every thing is so modified that it is impossible for the most delicate tastes to recognise the original substance of certain dishes. The useful object of cookery is to render aliments agreeable to the senses, and of easy digestion; but it rarely stops here: frequently with people advanced in civilization its object is to excite delicate palates, or difficult tastes, or to please vanity Then, far frem being a useful art, it becomes a real scourge, which occasions a great number of diseases, and has fre- quently brought on premature death. We understand by drink, a liquid which, being in- troduced into the digestive organs, quenches thirst, and so by this repairs the habitual losses of our fluid humours: the drinks ought to be considered as real aliments. The drinks are distinguished by their chemical com- position :— 1st, Water of different sorts, spring water, river wa ter, water of wells, &c. 2d, The juices and infusions of vegetables and ani- mals, juices of lemon, of gooseberries, whey, tea, coffee, &c. 3d, Fermented liquors : the different sorts of wine, beer, cider, perry, &c. 4th, The alcoholic liquors: brandy, alcohol, ether, rum, sack, ratafia. ALIMENTARY. Alimentarius. Nourishing or belonging to food. Alimentary canal. Canalis alimentarius. Ali- mentary duct. A name given to the whole of those passages which the food passes through from the mouth to the anus. This duct may be said to be the true characteristic of an animal; there being no ani- mal without it, and whatever has it, being properly ranged under the class of animals. Plants receive their nourishment by the numerous fibres of their roots, but have no common receptacle for digesting the food re ceived, or for carrying off the excrements. But in all, even the lowest degree of animal life, we may observe a stomach, if not also intestines, even where we cannot perceive the least formation of any organs of the senses, unless that common one of feeling, as in oysters. ALE ALK Alimentary duct. 1. The alimentary canal. See Alimentary canal. 2. The thoracic duct is sometimes so called. See Thoracic duct. Alimos. Common liquorice. A'limum. A species of arum. Alipa'sma. (From aXutbw, to anoint) An oint- ment rubbed upon the body to prevent sweating. Alipow. A species of turbith, found near Mount Ceti, in Languedoc. It is a powerful purgative, used instead of senna, but is much more active. Ahl'tTJE. (From aXeicbio, to anoint.) Those who anointed persons after bathing. Alisanders. The same as alexanders. ALI'SMA. (Alisma; from aXs, the sea.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Polygynia. Water-plantain. Alisma plantago aquatica. The systematic name ofthe water-plantain, now fallen into disuse. A'lit. Alith. Asafostida. A'lkahat glaube'ri. An alkaline salt. A'lkahest. An imaginary universal menstruum, or solvent. See Alcahest. A'lkahest glaube'ri. An alkaline salt. ALKALESCENT. Alkalescens. Any substance in which alkaline properties are beginning to be deve- loped, or to predominate, is so termed. A'LKALI. (Aicali, in Arabic, signifies burnt; or from al and kali, i. e. the essence, or the whole of kali, the plant from which it was originally prepared, though now derived from plants of every kind. Aicali; alifi ; alafor; alafort; calcadis. Alkalies may be defined, those bodies which com- bine with acids, so as to neutralize or impair their ac- tivity, and produce salts. Acidity and alkalinity are therefore two correlative terms of one species of com- bination. When Lavoisier introduced oxygen as the acidifying principle, Morveau proposed hydrogen as the alkalifying principle, from Us being a constituent of volatile aicali or ammonia. But the splendid dis- covery by Sir H. Davy, ofthe metallic basis of potassa and soda, and of their conversion into alkalies, by com- bination with oxygen, has banished for ever that hypo- thetical conceit. It is the mode in which the consti- tuents are combined, rather than the nature of the constituents themselves, which gives rise to the acid or alkaline condition. Some metals combined with oxygen in one proportion, produce a body possess- ed of alkaline properties; in another proportion, of acid properties. And on the other hand, ammonia and prussic acid prove that both the alkaline and acid conditions can exist independent of oxygen. These observations, by generalizing our notions of acids and alkalies, have rendered the definitions of them very imperfect. The difficulty of tracing a limit between the acids and alkalies is still increased, when we find a body sometimes performing the functions of an acid, Bometimes of an alkali. Nor can we diminish this difficulty by having recourse to the beautiful law dis- covered by Sir H. Davy, that oxygen and acids go to the positive pole, and hydrogen alkalies, and inflam- mable bases to the negative pole. We cannot in fact give the name of acid to all the bodies which go to the first of these poles, and that of alkali to those that go to the second ; and if we wished to define the alkalies by bringing into view their electric energy, it would be necessary to compare them with the electric energy which is opposite to them. Thus we are always re- duced to define alkalinity by the property which it has of saturating acidity, because alkalinity and acidity are two correlative and inseparable terms. M. Gay Lussac conceives the alkalinity which the metallic oxides enjoy, to be the restdt of two opposite properties, the alkalifying property ofthe metal, and the acidifying of oxygen, modified both by the combination and by the proportions. The alkalies maybe arranged into three classes- 1st, Those which consist of a metallic- basis combined with oxygen. These are three in number, potassa, soda, and hthia. 2d, That which contains no oxygen viz. ammonia. 3d, Those containing oxygen, hydro- gen, and carbon. In this class we have aconita, atro- pia, brucia, cicuta, datura, delphia, hyosciama, mor- phia, strychnia, and perhaps some other truly vegeta- blt alkalies. The order of vegetable alkalies may be as numerous as that of vegetable acids. The earths lime, barytes, and strontites, were enrolled among the 44 alkalies bv Fourcroy, but they have been kept apart by other systematic writers, and are called alkaline earths. Besides neutralizing acidity, and thereby giving birth to salts, the first four alkalies having the following pro- perties :— 1st, They change the purple colour of many vegeta bles to a green, the reds to a purple, and the yellows to a brown. If the purple have been reddened by acid, alkalies restore the purple. 2d, They possess this power on vegetable colours after being saturated with carbonic acid, by which criterion they are distinguishable from the akaline earths. 3d, They have an acrid and urinous taste. 4th, They are powerful solvents or corrosives of animal matter ; with which, as well as with oils in general, they combine, so as to produce neutrality. 5th, They are decomposed, or volatilized, at a strong red heat. 6th, They combine with water in every proportion, and also largely with alcohol. 7th, They continue to be soluble in water when neu tralized with carbonic acid; while the alkaline earths thus become insoluble. It is needless to detail at length Dr. Murray's specu lations on alkalinity. They seem to flow from a pa'. tial view of chemical phenomena. According to him either oxygen or hydrogen may generate alkalinity, but the combination of both principles is necessary to give this condition its utmost energy. "Thus the class of alkalies will exhibit the same relations as the class of acids. Some are compounds of a base with oxygen ; such are the greater number of the metallic oxydes, and probably of the earths. Ammonia is a compound of a base with hydrogen. Potassa, soda, barytes, strontites, and probably lime, are compounds of bases with oxygen and hydrogen ; and these last, like the analogous order among the acids, possess the highest power." Now, perfectly dry and caustic ba rytes, lime, and strontites, as well as the dry potassa and soda obtained by Gay Lussac and Thenard, are not inferior in alkaline power to the same bodies after they are slacked or combined with water. 100 parts of lime destitute of hydrogen, that is, pure oxyde of calcium, neutralize 78 parts of carbonic acid. But 132 parts of Dr. Murray's strongest lime, that is, the hy- drate, are required to produce the same alkaline effect. If we ignite nitrate of barytes, we obtain, as is well known, a perfectly dry barytes, or protoxide of bari- um ; but if we ignite crystallized barytes, we obtain the same alkaline earth combined with a prime equi- valent of water. These two different states of barytes were demonstrated by M. Berthollet in an excellent paper published in the 2d volume of the Memoirs D'Arcueil, so far back as 1809. " The first barytes " (that from crystallized barytes) says he, " presents all the characters of a combination ; it is engaged with a substance which diminishes its action on other bodies which renders it more fusible, and which gives it by fusion the appearance of glass. This substance is no- thing else but water; but in fact, by adding a little water to the second barytes (that from ignited nitrate' and by urging it at the fire, we give it the properties of the first." Page 47. 100 parts of barytes void of hydrogen, or dry barytes, neutralize 28 1-2 of dry car- bonic acid. Whereas 111 2-3 parts of the hydrate or what Dr. Murray has styled the most energetic, are required to produce the same effect In fact, it is not hydrogen which combines with the pure barytic earth but hydrogen and oxygen in the state of water. The proof of this is, that when carbonic acid and that hy- drate unite, the exact quantity of water is disengaged The protoxide of barium, or pure barytes, has never been combined with hydrogen by any chemist— Ure'a Chem. Diet. * Alkali causticum. Caustic alkali. An alkali is so called when deprived of the carbonic acid it usually contains, for it then becomes more caustic, and more violent in its action. Alkali, caustic volatile. See Ammonia. Alkali, phlogisticated. Prussian alkali. When a fixed alkali is ignited with bullock's blood, or other animal substances, and lixiviated, it is found to be in a great measure saturated with prussic acid • from the theories formerly adopted respecting this combination it was called phlogisticated alkali. ' Alkali rixuM. Fixed alkali. Those alkalies or* ALK ALK so called that emit no characteristic smell, and cannot be volatilized, but with the greatest difficulty. Two kinds of fixed alkalies have only hitherto been made known, namely potassa and soda. See Potassa and Soda. Alkali, fossile. See Soda. Alkali, mineral. See Soda. Alkali, Prussian. See Alkali, phlogisticated. Alkali, vegetable. See Potassa. Alkali, volatile. See Ammonia. ALKALI'NA. Alkalines. A class of substances described by Cullen as comprehending the substances otherwise termed antacida. They consist of alkalies, and other substances which neutralize acids. The principal alkalines in use, are the carbonates and sub- carbonates of soda and potassa, the subcarbonate of ammonia, lime-water, chalk, magnesia and its car- bonate. ALKALIZATION. Alkalizatio. The impreg- nating any thing with an alkaline salt, as spirit of wine, Sec. ALKALOMETER. The name of an instrument for determining the quantity of alkali in commercial potassa and soda. A'lkanet. (Alkanah, a reed, Arabian.) See An- chusa tinctoria. Alka'nna. See Anchusa. Alka'nna ve'ra. See Lawsonia inermis. ALKEKE'NGI. (Arabian.) The winter-cherry. See Physalis alkekengi. ALKE'RMES. A term borrowed from the Arabs, denoting a celebrated remedy, ofthe form and consist- ence of a confection, whereof the kermes is the basis. See Kermes. Aleima. See Alchemy. A'LKOHOL. (An Arabian word, which signifies antimony: so called from the usage of the Eastern ladies to paint their eyebrows with antimony, reduced to a most subtile powder; whence it at last came to signify any thing exalted to its highest perfection.) Alcohol; Alkol; Spiritus vinosus rectificatus ; Spi- ritus vini rectificatus ; spiritus vini concentratus ; Spiritus vini rcctificatissimus. 1. This term is applied in strictness only to the pure spirit obtainable by distillation and subsequent rectifi- cation from all liquids that have undergone vinous fermentation, and from none but such as are suscepti- ble of it. But it is commonly used to signify this spirit more or less imperfectly freed from water, in the state in which it is usually met with in the shops, and in which, as it was first obtained from the juice of the grape, it was long distinguished by the name of spirit of wine. At present it is extracted chiefly from grain or molasses in Europe, and from the juice of the sugar cane in the West Indies; and in the diluted state in which it commonly occurs in trade, constitutes the basis of the several spirituous liquors called brandy, rum, gin, whiskey, and cordials, however variously denominated or disguised. As we are not able to compound alkohol imme- diately from its ultimate constituents, we have recourse to the process of fertnentation, by which its principles are first extricated from the substances in which they were combined, and then united into a new compound; to distillation, by which this new compound, the alko- hol, is separated in a state of dilution with water, and contaminated with essential oil; and to rectification, by which it is ultimately freed from these. It appears to be essential to the fermentation of alkohol, that the fermenting fluid should contain sac- charine matter, which is indispensable to that species of fermentation called vinous. In France, where a great deal of wine is made, particularly at the com- mencement of the vintage, that is too weak to be a saleable commodity, it is a oommon practice to subject this wine to distillation, in order to draw off the spirit; and as the essential oil that rises in this process is of a more pleasant flavour than that of malt or molasses, the French brandies are preferred to any other; though even in the flavour of these there is a difference, ac- cording to the wine from which they are produced. In the West Indies a spirit is obtained from the juice of the sugar-cane, which is highly impregnated with its essential oil, and well known by the name of rum. The distillers in this country use grain, or molasses, Whence they distinguish the products by the name of vialt spirits, and molasses spirits. It is said that a very good spirit may be extracted from the husks of gooseberries or currants, after wine has been made from them. As the process of malting developes the saccharine principle of grain, it would appear to render it fitter for the purpose; though it is the common practice to use about three parts of raw grain with one of malt. For this two reasons may be assigned: by using raw grain, the expense of malting is saved, as well as the duty on malt; and the process of malting requires some nicety of attention, since, if it be carried too far, part of the saccharine matter is lost, and if it be stopped too soon, this matter will not be wholly developed. Besides, if the malt be dried too quickly, or by any unequal heat, the spirit it yields will be less in quantity, and more unpleasant in flavour. Another object of economical consideration is, what grain will afford the most spirit in proportion to its price, as well as the best in quality. Barley appears to produce less spirit than wheat; and if three parts of raw wheat be mixed with one of malted barley, the produce is said to be particularly fine. This is the practice of the distillers in Holland for producing a spi»it of the finest quality; but in Eng- land they are expressly prohibited from using more than one part of wheat to two of other grain. Rye, however, affords still more spirit than wheat. Other articles have been employed, though not ge- nerally, for the fabrication of spirit, as carrots and potatoes; and we are lately informed by Professor Proust, that from the fruit of the carob tree he has ob- tained good brandy in the proportion of a pint from five pounds ofthe dried fruit. To obtain pure alkohol, different processes have been recommended; but the purest rectified spirit ob- tained as above described, being that which is least contaminated with foreign matter, should be employed. Rouelle recommends to draw off half the spirit in a water bath; to rectify this twice more, drawing off two-thirds each time; to add water to this alkohol, which will turn it milky by separating the essential oil remaining in it; to distil the spirit from this water; and finally rectify it by one more distillation. Baume sets apart the first running, when about a fourth is come over, and continues the distillation till he has drawn off about as much more, or till the liquor runs off milky. The last running he puts into the still again, and mixes the first half of what comes over with the preceding first product. This process is again repeated, and all the first products being mixed together, are distilled afresh. When about half the liquor is come over, this is to be set apart as pure alkohol. Alkohol in this state, however, is not so pure as when, to use the language of the old chemists, it has been dephlegmated, or still further freed from water, by means of some alkaline salt Boerhaave recom- mended, for this purpose, the muriate of soda, deprived of its water of crystallization by heat, and added hot to the spirit. But the subcarbonate of potassa is pre- ferable. About a third of the weight of the alkohol should be added to it in a glass vessel, well shaken, and then suffered to subside. The salt will be moist- ened by the water absorbed from the alkohol; which being decanted, more of the salt is to be added, and this is to be continued till the salt falls dry to the bot- tom of the vessel. The alkohol in this state will be reddened by a portion of the pure potassa, which it will hold in solution, from which it must be freed by distillation in a water bath. Dry muriate of lime may be substituted advantageously for the alkali. As alkohol is much lighter than water, its specific gravity is adopted as the test of its purity. Fourcroy considers it as rectified to the highest point when its specific gravity is 829, that of water being 1000; and perhaps this is nearly as far as it can be carried by the process of Rouelle or Baume simply. Bories found the first measure that came over from twenty of spirit at 836 to be 820, at the temperature of 71° F. Sir Charles Blagden, by the addition of alkali, brought it to 813, at 60° F. Chaussier professes to have reduced it to 798; but he gives 998.35 as the specific gravity of water. Lowitz asserts that he has obtained it at 791, by adding as much alkali as nearly to absorb the spirit; but the temperature is not indicated. In the shops, it is about 835 or 840: according to the London College it should be 815. It is by no means an easy undertaking to determine ALK ALK the strength or relative value of spirits, even with suf- ficient accuracy for commercial purposes. The fol- lowing requisites must be obtained before this can be well done: the specific gravity of a certain number of mixtutes of alkohol and water must be taken so near each other, as that the intermediate specific gravities may not perceptibly differ from those deduced from the supposition of a mere mixture of the fluids; the expansions or variations of specific gravity in these mixtures must be determined at different temperatures; some easy method must be contrived of determining the presence and quantity of saccharine or oleaginous matter which the spirit may hold in solution, and the effect of such solution on the specific gravity; and lastly, the specific gravity of the fluid must be ascer- tained by a proper floating instrument with a graduated stem or set of weights; or, which may be more con- venient, with both. The most remarkable characteristic property of al- kohol, is its solubility or combination in all proportions with water; a property jiossessed by no other com- bustible substance, except the acetic spirit obtained by distilling the dry acetates. When it is burned in a chimney which communicates with the worm-pipe of a distilling apparatus, the product, which is condensed, is found to consist of water, which exceeds the spirit in weight about one-eighth part; or more accurately, 1U0 parts of alkohol, by combustion, yield 136 of water. If alkohol be bumed in closed vessels with vital air, the product is found to be water and car- bonic acid. Whence it is inferred that alkohol con- sists of hydrogen, united either to carbonic acid, or its aciditiable base; and that the oxygen uniting on the one part with the hydrogen, forms water; and on the other with the base of the carbonic acid, forms that acid. The most exact experiments on this subject are those recently made by De Saussure. The alkohol he used had, at 62.8°, a specific gravity or 0.8302; and by Richter's proportions, it consists of 13.8 water, and 86.2 of absolute alkohol. The vapour of alkohol was made to traverse a narrow porcelain tube ignited; from which the products passed along a glass tube about six feet in length, refrigerated by ice. A little charcoal was deposited in the porcelain, and a trace of oil in the glass tube. The resulting gas being ana- lyzed in an exploding eudiometer, with oxygen, was found to resolve itself into carbonic acid and water. Three volumes of oxygen disappeared for every two volumes of carbonic acid produced; a proportion which obtains in the analysis by oxygenation of de- fiant gas. JS'ow, as nothing resulted but a combustible gas of this peculiar constitution, and condensed water equal to 1000-4064 ofthe original vveightof the alkohol, we may conclude that vapour of water and defiant gas are the sole constituents of alkohol. Subtracting the 13.8 per cent, of water in the alkohol at the begin- ning of the experiment, the absolute alcohol of Richter will consist of 13.7 hydrogen, 5L98 carbon, and 34.32 oxygen. Hence Gay Lussac infers, that alkohol, in vapour, is composed of one volume olefiant gas, and one volume of the vapour of water, condensed by che- mical affinity into one volume. Thesp. gr. of olefiant gas is.................0.97804 of aqueous vapour is............0.62500 Sum=1.60304 And alkoholic vapour is=1.6133 These numbers approach nearly to those which would result from two prime equivalents of olefiant gas, combined with one of water; or ultimately, three of hydrogen, two of carbon, and one of oxygen. The mutual action between alkohol and acids pro- duces a light, volatile, and inflammable substance, called aether. Pure alkalies unite with spirit of wine, and form alkaline tinctures. Few ofthe neutral salts unite with this fluid, except such as contain ammonia. The carbonated fixed alkalies are not soluble in it From the strong attraction which exists between alko- hol and water, it unites with this last in saline solu- tions, and in most cases precipitates the salt. This is a pleasing experiment, which never fails to surprise those who are unacquainted with chemical effects. If, for example, a saturated solution of nitre in water betaken, and an equal quantity of strong spirit of wine be poured upon it, the mixture will constitute a weaker spirit, which is incapable of holding the nitre in solu- tion ; It therefore falls to the bottom instantly, In the form of minute crystals. The degree of solubility of many neutral salts in alkohol have been ascertained by experiments made by Macquer, of which an account is published in the Memoirs ofthe Turin Academy. All deliquescent salts are soluble in alkohol. Alko- hol holding the strontitic salts in solution, gives a flame of a rich purple. The cupreous salts and boracic acid give a green ; the soluble calcareous, a reddish; the barytic, a yellowish. The alkohol of 0.825 has been subjected to a cold of —!)1° without congealing. When potassium and sodium are put in contact with the strongest alkohol, hydrogen is evolved. When chlorine is made to pass through alkohol in a Woolfe's apparatus, there is a mutual action. Water, an oily- looking substance, muriatic acid, a little carbonic acid and carbonaceous matter, are the products. This oily substance does not redden turnsole, though its analysis by heat shows it to contain muriatic acid. It is white, denser than water, has a cooling taste analogous to mint, and a peculiar, but not aethereous odour. It is very soluble in alkohol, but scarcely in water. The strongest alkalies hardly operate on it. It was at one time maintained, that alkohol did not exist in wines, but was generated and evolved by the heat of distillation. On this subject Gay Lussac made some decisive experiments. He agitated wine with litharge in fine powder, till the liquid became as limpid as water, and then saturated it with subcarbonate of potassa. The alkohol immediately separated and floated on the top. He distilled another portion of wine in vacuo, at 59° Fahr., a temperature considera- bly below that of fermentation. Alkohol came over. Mr. Brande proved the same position by saturating wine with subacetate of lead, and adding potassa. Adem and Duportal have substituted for the redis- tillations used in converting wine or beer into alkohol, a single process of great elegance. From the capital of the still a tube is led into a large copper recipient. This is joined by a second tube to a second recipient, and so on through a series of four vessels, arranged like a Woolfe's apparatus. The last vessel communi- cates with the worm of the first refrigeratory. This, the body of the still, and the two recipients nearest it, are charged with the wine or fermented liquor. When ebullition takes place in the still, the vapour issuing from it communicates soon the boiling temperature to the liquor in the two recipients. From these the volatilized alkohol will rise and pass into the third vessel, which is empty. After communicating a certain heat to it, a portion of the finer or less condensible spirit will pass into the fourth, and thence, in a little, into the worm of the first refrigeratory. The wine round the worm will likewise acquire heat, but more slowly. The vapour that in that event may pass uucondensed through the first worm, is conducted into a second, surrounded with cold water. Whenever the still is worked off, it is replenished by a stop-cock from the nearest recipient, which, in its turn, is filled from the second, and the second from the first worm tub. It is evident, from this arrangement, that by keeping the third and fourth recipients at a certain temperature we may cause alkohol, of any degree of lightness, to form directly at the remote extremity ofthe apparatus. The utmost economy of fuel and time is also secured, and a better flavoured spirit is obtained. The am ire gout of bad spirit can scarcely be destroyed by infu- sion with charcoal and redistillation. In this mode of operating, the taste and smell are excellent, from the first. Several stills on the above principle have been constructed at Glasgow for the West India distillers, and have been found extremely advantageous. The excise laws do not permit their employment in the home trade. If sulphur in sublimation meet with the vapour of alkohol, a very small portion combines with it, which communicates a hydrosulphurous smell to the fluid. The increased surface of the two substances appears to favour the combination. It had been supposed, that this was the only way in which they could be united • but Favre has lately asserted, that having digested two drachms of flowers of sulphur in an ounce of alkohol, over a gentle Are not sufficient to make it boil, for twelve hours, he obtained a solution that gave twenty- three grains of precipitate. A similar mixture left to ALL ALL stand for a month in a place exposed to the solar rays, afforded sixteen grains of precipitate; and another from which the light was excluded, gave thirteen grains. If alkohol be boiled with one-fourth of its weight of sul- phur for an hour, and filtered hot, a small quantity of minute crystals will be deposited on cooling; and the clear fluid will assume an opaline hue on being diluted with an equal quantity of water, in which state it will pass the filter, nor will any sediment be deposited for several hours. The alkohol used in the last-mentioned experiment did not exceed 840. Phosphorus is sparingly soluble in alkohol, but in greater quantity by heat than in cold. The addition of water to this solution affords an opaque milky fluid, which becomes clear by the subsidence of the phos- phorus. Earths seem to have scarcely any action upon alko- hol. Quicklime, however, produces some alteration in this fluid, by changing its flavour, and rendering it of a yellow colour. A portion is probably taken up. Soaps are dissolved with great facility in alkohol, with which they combine more readily than with water. None of the metals, or their oxydes, are acted upon by this fluid. Resins, essential oils, camphor, bitumen, and various other substances, are dissolved with great facility in alkohol, from which they may be precipitated by the addition of water. From its pro- perty of dissolving resins, it becomes the menstruum of some varnishes. Camphor is not only extremely soluble in alkohol, but assists the solution of resins in it. Fixed oils, when rendered drying by metallic oxydes, are soluble in it, as well as when combined with alkalies. Wax, spermaceti, biliary calculi, urea, and all the animal substances of a resinous nature, are soluble in alkohol; but it curdles milk, coagulates albumen, and hardens the muscular fibre and coagulum ofthe blood. The uses of alkohol are various. As a solvent of resinous substances and essential oils, it is employed both in pharmacy and by the perfumer. When diluted with an equal quantity of water, constituting wnat is called proof spirit, it is used for extracting tinctures from vegetable and other substances, the alkohol dis- solving the resinous parts, and the water the gummy. From giving a steady heat without smoke when burnt in a lamp, it was formerly much employed to keep water boiling on the tea-table. In thermometers, for measuring great degrees of cold, it is preferable to mer- cury, as we cannot bring it to freeze. It is in common use for preserving many anatomical preparations, and certain subjects of natural history; but to some it is Injurious, the molluscae for instance, the calcareous covering of which it in time corrodes. It is of consi- derable use, too, in chemical analysis, as appears under the different articles to which it is applicable. From the great expansive power of alkohol, it has been made a question, whether it might not he applied with advantage in the working of steam engines. From a series of experiments made by Betancourt, it appears, that the steam of alkohol has, in all cases of equal temperature, more than double the force of that of water; and that the steam of alkohol at 174° F. is equal to that of water 212°; thus there is a considerable diminution of the consumption of fuel, and where this is so expensive as to be an object of great importance, by contriving the machinery so as to prevent the alko- hol from being lost, it may possibly at some future time be used with advantage, if some other fluid of great expansive power, and inferior price, be not found more economical. Alkohol may be decomposed by transmission through a red-hot tube: it is also decomposable by the strong acids, and thus affords that remarkable product, Ether, and Oleum Vini.— Ure's Chem. Diet. 2. The alkohol of the London Pharmacopoeia is directed to be made thus:—Take of rectified spirit, a gallon; subcarbonate of potassa, three pounds. Add a pound of the subcarbonate of potassa, previously heated to 300°, to the spirit, and macerate for twenty- four hours, frequently stirring them; then pour off the spirit, and add to it the rest of the subcarbonate of potassa heated to the same degree; lastly, with the aid of a warm bath, let the alkohol distil over, keep it iii a well-stopped bottle. The specific gravity of alkohol is to the specific gravity of distilled water, as 815 to 1/100. ALLAGITE. A carbosilicate of manganese. ALLANITE. A mineral, first recognised as a dis- tinct species by Mr. Allan of Edinburgh. It is massive and of a brownish black colour. [Before the blowpipe it froths, and is converted into scoria. In nitric acid it forms a jelly. It contains silex 35.4, lime 9.2, oxide of cerium 33.9, alumine 4.1, oxide of iron 25.4, volatile matter 4.0. It is found in Greenland, and associated with mica and feldspar. A.l Allantoi'des. (From aAAaf, a hog's pudding, and eiSos, likeness: because in some brutal annuals it is long and thick.) Membrana allantoides. A membrane of the foetus, peculiar to brutes, which contains the urine discharged from the bladder. ALLELUIA. (Hebrew. Praise the Lord.) So named from its many virtues. See Oxalis acetosella. ALL-GOOD. See Chenopodium bonushenricus. ALL-HEAL. See Heraclium and Stachys. ALLIA'CEOUS. (Alliaceus ; from allium, garlick.) Pertaining to garlick. ALLI A'RI A. (From allium, garlick: from its smell resembling garlick.) See Erysimum alliaria. A'LLIUM. (Allium, i. n.; from oleo, to smell; be- cause it stinks: or from aXeui, to avoid; as being unpleasant to most people.) Garlkk. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys tem. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of garlick. See Allium sativum. Allium cepa. Cepa. Allium:—scaponudoinferni ventricoso longiore, foliis teretibus, of Linnaeus. The Onion. Dr. Cullen says, onions are acrid and stimu- lating, and possess very little nutriment. With bilious constitutions they generally produce flatulency, thirst, headache, and febrile symptoms: but where the tem- perament is phlegmatic, they are of infinite service, by stimulating the habit and promoting the natural secre- tions, particularly expectoration and urine. They are recommended in scorbutic cases, as possessing anti- scorbutic properties. Externally, onions are employed in suppurating poultices, and suppression of urine in children is said to be relieved by applying them, roasted, to the pubes. Allium porrum. The Leek or Porret Porrum Every part of this plant, but more particularly the root, abounds with a peculiar odour. The expressed juice' possesses diuretic qualities, and is given in the cure of dropsical diseases, and calculous complaints, asthma, and scurvy. The fresh roe- is much employed foi culinary purposes. Allium sativum. Allium; Theriaca rusticorum Garlick. Allium:—caule planifolio bulbifero, bulb/ composilo, staminibus tricuspidatis, of Linnaeus. This species of Garlick, according to Linnaeus, grows spon- taneously in Sicily; but, as it is much employed for culinary and medicinal purposes, it has been long very generally cultivated in gardens. Every part of the plant, but more especially the root, has a pungent acri- monious taste, and a peculiarly offensive strong smell. This odour is extremely penetrating and diffusive; for, on the root being taken into the stomach, the alliaceous scent impregnates the whole system, and is discover able in the various excretions, as in the urine, perspi. ration, milk, Sec. Garlick is generally allied to the onion, from which it seems only to differ in being more powerful in its effects, and in its active matter, being in a more fixed state. By stimulating the stomach, they both favour digestion, and, as a stimulus, are readily diffused over the system. They may, therefore, be con- sidered as useful condiments with the food of phleg- matic people, or those whose circulation is languid, and secretions interrupted; but with thosesubject to inflam- matory complaints, or where great irritability prevails, these roots, in their acrid state, may prove very hurtful. The medicinal uses of garlick are various; it has been long in estimation as an expectorant in pituitous asth- mas, and other pulmonary affections, unattended with inflammation. In hot biiious constitutions, therefore, garlick is improper: for it frequently produces flatu- lence, headache, thirst, heat, and other inflammatory symptoms. A free use of it is said to promote the piles in habits disposed to this complaint. Its utility as a diuretic in dropsies is attested by unquestionable au- thorities ; and its febrifuge power has not only been experienced in preventing the paroxysms of intermit- tents, but even in subduing the plague. Bergius says quartans have been cured by it; and he begins by giving one bulb, or clove, morning and evening, addi ALL ALL every day one more, till four or five cloves be taken at a dose: if the fever then vanishes, the dose is to be diminished, and it will be sufficient to take one or two cloves, twice a day, for some weeks. Another virtue of jarlick is that of an anthclminthic. It has likewise been found of great advantage in scorbutic cases, and in cal- culous disorders, acting in these not only as a diuretic, but, in several instances, manifesting a lithontriptic power. That the juice of alliaceous plants, in general, has considerable effects upon human calculi, is to be Inferred from the experiments of Lobb; and we are abundantly warranted in asserting that a decoction of the beards of leeks, taken, liberally, and its use per- severed in for a length of time, has been found remark- ably successful in calculous and gravelly complaints. The penetrating and diffusive acrimony of garlick, ren- ders its external application useful in many disorders, as a rubefacient, and more especially as applied to the soles ofthe feet, to cause a revulsion from the head or breast, as was successfully practised and recommended by Sydenham. As soon as an inflammation appears, the garlick cataplasm should be removed, and one of bread and milk be applied, to obviate excessive pain. Garlick has also been variously employed externally, to tumours and cutaneous diseases: and, in certain cases of deafness, a clove, or small bulb of this root, wrapt in gauze or muslin, and introduced into the meatus auditorius, has been found an efficacious remedy. Garlick may be administered in different forms; swallowing the clove entire, after being dipped in oil, is recommended as most effectual; where this cannot be done, cutting it into pieces without bruising it, and swallowing these may be found to answer equally well, producing thereby no uneasiness in the fauces. On being beaten up and formed into pills, the active parts of this medicine soon evaporate: this Dr. Woodville, in his Medical Botany, notices, on the authority of Cullen, who thinks that Lewis has fallen into a gross error, in supposing dry garlick more active than fresh. The syrup and oxymel of garlick, which formerly had a place in the British Pharmacopoeias, are now expunged. The cloves of garlick are by some bruised, and applied to the wrists, to cure agues, and to the bend of the arm to cure the toothache: when held in the hand, they are said to relieve hiccough; when beat with common oil into a poultice, they re- solve sluggish humours; and, if laid on the navels of children, they are supposed to destroy worms in the intestines. Allium victoriale. Victorialislonga. The root, which when dried loses its alliaceous smell and taste, is said to be efficacious in allaying the abdominal spasms of gravid females. ALLOCHROITE. A massive opaque mineral of a grayish, yellowish, or reddish colour. [This mineral resembles certain varieties of the gar- net in some of its physical characters, but more parti- cularly in composition. It contains silex 37.0, lime 30.0, alumine 5.0, oxide of iron 18.5, oxide of manga- nese 6.25 ;=96.75. Cleav. Min. A.] ALLOEO'SIS. (From aXXos, another.) Alteration in the state of a disease. Alloeo'tica. (From oAXoj, another.) Alteratives. Medicines which chauge the appearance of the dis- ease. ALLOGNO'SIS. (From aAAos, another, and yivw- o-ku), to know.) Delirium; perversion of the judgment; incapability of distinguishing persons. ALLOPHANE. A mineral of a blue, and some- times a green or brown colour. ALLO PHASIS. (From aXXos, another, and tbato, to speak.) According to Hippocrates, a delirium, where the patient is not able to distinguish one thing from another. ALLOTRIOPHA'GIA. (From aXXorpws, foreign, and dtayio, to eat.) In Vogel's Nosology, it signifies the gKeedily eating unusual things for food. See Pica. ALLOY. Allay. 1. Where any precious metal is mixed with another of less value, the assayers call the latter the alloy, and do not in general consider it in any other point of view than as debasing or duriinishing the value of the precious metal. 2. Philosophical chemists have availed themselves of this term to distinguish all metallic compounds in ge- neral. Thus brass is 6alled an alloy of copper and zinc; bell metal an alloy of copper and tin. Every alloy is distinguished by the metal which pre- dominates in its composition, or which gives it its va lue. Thus English jewellery trinkets are ranked under alloys of gold, though most of them deserve to be placed under the head of copper. When mercury is one ofthe component metals, the alloy is called amal- gam. Thus we have an amalgam of gold, silver, tin, &c. Since there are about thirty different permanent metals, independent of those evanescent ones that con- stitute the bases of the alkalies and sarths, there ought to be about 870 different species of binary alloy. But only 132 species have been hitherto made and exa- mined. Some metals have so little affinity for others, that as yet no compound of them has been effected, whatever pains have been taken. Most of these ob- stacles to alloying, arise from the difference in fusibility and volatility. Yet a few metals, the melting point of which is nearly the same, refuse to unite. It is obvi- ous that two bodies will not combine, unless their affi- nity or reciprocal attraction be stronger than the cohe- sive attraction of their individual particles. To over- come this cohesion ofthe solid bodies, and render affi- nity predominant, they must be penetrated by caloric. If one be very difficult of fusion, and the other very volatile, they will not unite unless the reciprocal attraction be exceedingly strong. But if their degree of fusibility be almost the same, they are easily placed in the circumstances most favourable for making an alloy. If we are therefore far from knowing all the binary alloys which are possible, we are still further removed from knowing all the triple, quadruple, &c. which may exist. It must be confessed, moreover, that this department of chemistry has been imperfectly cultivated. Besides, alloys are not, as far as we know, definitely regulated like oxydes in the proportions of their com- ponent parts. 100 parts of mercury will combine with 4 or 8 parts of oxygen, to form two distinct oxydes, the black and the red ; but with no greater, less, or inter- mediate proportions. But 100 parts of mercury will unite with 1, 2, 3, or with any quantity up to 100 or 1000, of tin or lead. The alloys have the closest rela- tions in their physical properties with the metals. They are all solid at the temperature of the atmos- phere, except some amalgams; they possess metallic lustre, even when reduced to a coarse powder: are completely opaque, and more or less dense, according to the metals which compose them ; are excellent con- ductors of electricity ; crystallize more or less per- fectly ; some are brittle, others ductile and malleable; some have a peculiar odour; several are very sono- rous and elastic. When an alloy consists of metals differently fusible, it is usually malleable while cold, but brittle while hot; as is exemplified in brass. The density of an alloy is sometimes greater, some- times less than the mean density of its components, showing that, at the instant of their union, a diminu- tion or augmentation of volume takes place. The re- lation between the expansion of the separate metals and that of their alloys, has been investigated only in a very few cases. Alloys containing a volatile metal are decomposed, in whole or in part, at a strong heat. This happens with those of arsenic, mercury, tellurium' and zinc. Those that consist of two differently fusible metals, may often be decomposed by exposing them to a temperature capable of melting only one of them. This operation is called eliquation. It is practised on the great scale to extract silver from copper. The ar- gentiferous copper is melted with 31-2 times its weight of lead; and the triple alloy is exposed to a sufficient heat. The lead carries off the silver in its fusion, and leaves the copper under the form of a spongy lump The silver is afterward recovered from the lead by another operation. Some alloys oxydize more readily by heat and air, than when the metals are separately treated. Thus 3 of lead and 1 of tin, at a dull red, burn visibly, and are almost instantly oxydized. Each by itself in the same circumstances, would oxydize slowly, and with- out the disengagement of light. The formation of an alloy must be [regulated by the nature of the particular metals. The degree of affinity between metals may be in some measure estimated by the greater or less facility with which, when of different degrees of fusibility or vola- tility, they unite, or with which they can after union be separated by heat. Tre greater or less tendency to separate into different proportional alloys, by lon»-con- ALO ALO tlnued fusion, may also give some information on this subject. Mr. Hatchett remarked, in his admirable researches on metallic alloys, that gold made standard with the usual precautions by silver, copper, lead, anti- mony, &c. and then cast into vertical bars, was by no means a uniform compound ; but that the top of the bar, corresponding to the metal at the bottom of the crucible, contained the larger proportion of gold. Hence, for thorough combination, two red-hot cruci- bles should be employed; and the liquified metals should be alternately poured from the one into the other. And to prevent unnecessary oxydizement by exposure to air, the crucibles should contain, besides the metal, a mixture of common salt and pounded charcoal. The melted alloy should also be occasion- ally stirred up with a rod of pottery. The most direct evidence of a chemical change hav- ing taken place in the two metals by combination, is when the alloy melts at a much lower temperature than the fusing points of its components. Iron, which is nearly infusible, when alloyed with gold acquires almost the fusibility of this metal. Tin and lead form solder, an alloy more fusible than either of its compo- nents; but the triple compound of tin, lead, and bis- muth, is most remarkable on this account. The ana- logy is here strong, with the increase of solubility which salts acquire by mixture, as is exemplified in the uncrystallizahle residue of saline solutions, or mo- ther waters, as they are called. Sometimes two me- tals will not directly unite, which yet, by the interven- tion of a third, are made to combine. This happens with mercury and iron, as has been shown by Messrs. Aiken, who effected this difficult amalgamation by previously uniting the iron to tin or zinc. The tenacity of alloys is generally, though not always, inferior to the mean of the separate metals. One part of lead will destroy the compactness and tenacity of a thousand of gold. Brass made with a Email proportion of zinc, is more ductile than copper Itself; but when one-third of zinc enters into its com- position, it becomes brittle. In common cases, the specific gravity affords a good criterion whereby to judge of the proportion in an alloy, consisting of two metals of different densities.— Ure. ALLSPICE. See Myrtes Pimento. ALLUVIAL. That which is deposited in valleys, or in plains, from neighbouring mountains, or the over- flowing of rivers. Gravel, loam, clay, sand, brown coal, wood coal, bog iron ore, and calc tuff, compose the alluvial deposites. A'LMA. The first motion of a foetus to free itself from its confinement. 2. Water.—Rulandus. Almabri. A stone like amber. Alma'nda cathartica. A plant growing on the shores of Cayenne and Surinam, used by the inhabit- ants as a remedy for the colic; supposed to be ca- thartic. Alme'ni. Rock salt. ALMOND. See Amygdalus. Almond, bitter. See Amygdalus. Almond, sweet. See Amygdalus. Almond paste. This cosmetic for softening the skin and preventing chops, is made of four ounces of blanched bitter almonds, the white of an egg, rose wa- ter and rectified spirits, equal parts, as much as is suf- ficient. Almonds of the ears. A popular name for the ton- sils, which have been so called from their resemblance to an almond in shape. See Tonsils. Almonds of the throat. A vulgar name for the ton- sils. See Tonsils. Alnabati. In Avicenna and Serapion, this word means the siliqua dulcis, a gentle laxative. See Ce- ratonia siliqua. A'LNUS. (Alno, Italian.) The alder. The phar- macopoeia! name of two plants, sometimes used in me- dicine, though rarely employed in the present practice. 1. Alnus rotundifolia; glutinosa; virid,is. The common alder-tree. See Betula alnus. 2. Alnus nigra. The black or berry-bearing alder. See Rhamnus Frangula. A'LOE. (Aloe, Is. ft. from ahlah, a Hebrew word, signifying growing near the sea.) The name of a ge- nus of plants of the Linnsean system. Class Hexan- a ■ Order, Monogvnia. The Aloe. i Aloe Caballina. See Aloi perfoliate Aloe Guineensis. See Aloe perfoliata. Aloe perfoliata. Aloe Succotorina; Alot Zor.o* torina. Succotorine aloes is obtained from a variety of the Aloe perfoliata of Linnaeus:—foliis caulinis dentatis, amplexicaulibus vaginantibus, ftoribus co- rymbosis cernuis, pedunculotis subcylindricis. It is brought over wrapped in skins, from the Island of So- cotora, in the Indian Ocean; it is of a bright surface, and in some degree pellucid; in the lump of a yellow- ish red colour, with a purplish cast; when reduced into powder, it is of a golden colour. It is hard and friable in very cold weather; but in summer it softens very easily between the fingers. It is extremely bitter, and also accompanied with an aromatic flavour, but not so much as to cover its disagreeable taste. Its scent is rather agreeable, being somewhat similar to that of myrrh. Of late this sort has been very scarce, and its place in a great measure supplied by another variety, brought from the Cape of Good Hope, which is said to be obtained from the Aloe spicata of Lin- naeus, by inspissating the expressed juice ofthe leaves, whence it is termed in the London Pharmacopoeia Extractum aloes spicata. The Aloe hepatica, vel Barbadensis, ihe common or Barbadoes or hepatic aloes, was thought to come from a variety of the Aloe perfoliata described .—floribus pedunculatis, cernuis corymbosis, subcylindricis, foliis spinosis, confertis, dentatis, vaginantibus, planis, ma- culatis: but Dr. Smith has announced, that it will be shovvu in Sibthorp's Flora Graeca, to be from a distinct species,the Aloe vulgaris, or trueaAo^of Dioscorides; and it is therefore termed in the London Pharmaco- poeia, Aloes vulgaris extractum. The best is brought from Barbadoes in large gourd-shells; an inferior sort in pots, and the worst in casks. It is darker coloured than the Socotorine, and not so bright; it is also drier and more compact, though sometimes the sort in casks is soft and clammy. To the taste it is intensely bitter and nauseous, being almost wholly without that aro- ma which is observed in the Socotorine. To the smell it is strong and disagreeable. The Aloe caballina, vel Guineensis, or horse-aloes, is easily distinguished from both the foregoing, by its strong rank smell; in other respects it agrees pretty much with the hepatic, and is now not unfrequently sold in its place. Sometimes it is prepared so pure and bright as scarcely lo be distinguishable by the eye, even from the Socotorine, but its offensive smell be- trays it; and if this also should be dissipated by art, its wanting the aromatic flavour of the finer aloes will be a sufficient criterion. This aloe is not admitted into the materia medica, and is employed chiefly by farriers. The general nature of these three kinds is nearly the same. Their particular differences only consist in the different proportions of gum to their resin, and in their flavour. The smell and taste reside principally in the gum, as do the principal virtues ofthe aloes. Twelve ounces of Barbadoes aloes yield nearly 4 ounces of resin, and 8 of gummy extract. The same quantity of Socotorine aloes yields 3 ounces of resin and 9 of gum- my extract Aloes is a well-known stimulating purgative, a pro- perty which it possesses not only when taken inter- nally, but also by external application. The cathartic quality of aloes does not reside in the resinous part of the drug, but in the gum, for the pure resin has little or no purgative power. Its medium dose is from 5 to 15 grains, nor does a larger quantity operate more effec- tually. Its operation is exerted on the large intestines; principally on the rectum. In small doses long conti- nued, it often produces much heat and irritation, par- ticularly about the anus, from which it sometimes oc- casions a bloody discharge; therefore, to those who were subject to piles, or of an hemorrhagic diathesis, or even in a state of pregnancy, its exhibition has been productive of considerable mischief; but on the con- trary, by those of a phlegmatic constitution, or those suffering from uterir.e obstructions (for the stimulant action of aloes, it Iras been supposed, may be extended to the uterus) and in some cases of dyspepsia, palsy, gout, and worms, aloes may be employed as a laxative with peculiar advantage. In all diseases of the bilious tribe, aloes is the strongest purge, and the best prepara- tions for this purpose are the pilula ex aloe cum myrrha, the tinctura aloes, or the extractum colocynthidis ALO ALT lompositum. Its efficacy: in jaundice Is very consi- derable, as it proves a succedaneum to the bile, of which in that disease there is a defective supply to the intestine either in quantity or quality. Aloes there- fore may be considered as injurious where inflamma- tion or irritation exists in the bowels or neighbouring parts, in pregnancy, or in habits disposed to piles; but highly serviceable in all hypochondriac affections, ca- chectic habits, and persons labouring under oppression of the stomach caused by irregularity. Aromatics cor- rect the offensive qualities of aloes the most perfectly. The cauella arba answers tolerably, and without any inconvenience; but some rather prefer the essential nils for this purpose. Dr. Cullen says, "If any medi- cine be entitled to the appellation of a stomach purge, it is certainly aloes. It is remarkable with regard to ft, that it operates almost to as good a purpose in a small as in a large dose; that one or two grains will produce one considerable dejection, and 20 grains will do no more, except it be that in the last dose the opera- tion will be attended with gripes, &c. Its chief use is to render the peristaltic motion regular, and it is one of the best cures in habitual costiveness. There is a difficulty we meet with in the exhibition of purga- tives, viz. that they will not act but in their full dose, and will not produce half their effect if given in half the dose. For this purpose we are chiefly confined to aloes. Neutral salts in half their dose will not have half their effect; although even from these, by large dilution, we may obtain this property ; but besides them and our present medicine, I know no other which has any title to it except sulphur. Aloes some- times cannot be employed. It has the effect of stimu- lating the rectum more than other purges, and with justice has been accused of exciting haemorrhoidal swellings, so that we ought to abstain from it in such cases, except when we want to promote them. Aloes has the effect of ratifying the blood and disposing to haemorrhagy, and hence it is not recommended in ute- rine fluxes. Foetid gums are of the same nature in producing haemorrhagy, and perhaps this is the founda- tion of their emmenagogue power." Aloes is admi- nistered either simply in powders, which is too nause- ous, or else in composition;—1. With purgatives, as soap, scammony, colocynth, or rhubarb. 2. With aromatics, as canella, ginger, or essential oils. 3. With bitters, as gentian. 4- With emmenagogues, as iron, myrrh, wine, &c. It may be exhibited in pills as the most convenient form, or else dissolved in wine, or diluted alkohol. The officinal preparations of aloes are the following:— 1. Pilulse Aloe's. 2. Pilula AloSs Composita 3. PiluUe Aloes cum Assafcetida. 4. Pilula Aloe\s cum Colocynthide. 5. Pilula Aloes cum Myrrha. 6 Tinctura Alofo. 7. Tinctura Aloe's JEtherialis. 8. Tinctura Aloe's et Myrrha. 9. Vinum Aloes. 10. Extractum Aloe's, 11. Decoctum Aloe's Compositum. 12. Pulvis Aloes Compositus. 13. Pulvis Aloe's cum Canella. 14. Pulvis Aloe's cum Guaiaco. 15. Tinctura Aloe's Composita. 16. Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum. 17. Tinctura Benzoini Composita. Aloe Socotorina. See Aloi perfoliata. Aloe Zocotorina. See Aloe perfoliata. Aloeda'ria. (From aAsij, the aloe.) Compound purging medicines: so called from having aloes as the chief ingredient. Aloephangina. Medicines formed by a combina- tion of aloes and aromatics. ALOES. Felnatura. The inspissated juice ofthe aloe plant. Aloes is distinguished into three species, socotorine, hepatic, and caballine; of which the two first are directed for officinal use in our pharmaco- poeias. See AloU perfoliata. Aloes^ lignum. See Lignum Alois. ALOE'TIC. A medicine wherein aloes is the chief or fundamental ingredient Alogotro'phia. (From aAoyoy, disproportionate, and rptcba, to nourish.) Unequal nourishment as in the rickets. ALOTECES. (From dXu-rnl, the fox.) The psoas muscles are so called by Fallopius and Vesallui be- cause in the fox they are particularly strong. ALOPECIA. (From aAuimjj-, a fox: because the fox is subject to a distemper that resembles it; or, as some say, because the fox's urine will occasion bald ness.) Baldness, or the falling off of the hair. A ge nus of disease in Sauvages' Nosology. ALOPECUROIDEA. (From alopecurus, the fox- tail grass.) Resembling the alopecurus. The name of a division of grasses. Alo'sa. (From aXto-Kto, to take: because it is ra venous.) See Clupea alosa. Alosa'nthi. (From aA$, salt, andavBos, a flower.) Alosanthum. Flowers of salt A'losat. Quicksilver. Alosohoc. Quicksilver. A'LPHITA. (Alphita, the plural of aA^irov, the meal of barley in general.) By Hippocrates this term is applied to barley-meal either toasted or fried. Ga- len says that xpiuva is coarse meal, aXtvpov is fine meal, and aX *• f-; from a\8c, to pour.) A remedy for drying the body by sprinkling it with hot sand.—Oribasius. AMMO'NIA. (Ammonia, m. f; so called because it is obtained from sal ammoniac, which received its name from being dug out of the earth near the temple of Jupiter Ammon.) Ammonia gas. The substance bo called is an aeriform or alkaline air. " There is a saline body, formerly brought from Egypt, where it was separated from soot by sublimation, but which is now made abundantly in Europe, called sal ammo- niac. From this salt pure ammonia can be readily obtained by the following process: Mix unslacked quicklime with its own weight of sal ammoniac, each in fine powder, and introduce them into a glass retort. Join to the beak of the retort, by a collar of caout chouc, (a neck of an Indian rubber bottle answers well,) a glass tube about 18 inches long, containing pieces of ignited muriate of lime. This tube should lie in a horizontal position, and its free end, previously bent obliquely by the blowpipe, should dip into dry mercury in a pneumatic trough. A slip of porous paper, as an additional precaution, may be tied round the tube, and kept moist with aether. If a gentle heat from a charcoal chaffer or lamp be now applied to the bottom of the retort, a gaseous body will bubble up through the mercury. Fill a little glass tube, sealed at one end, with the gas, and transfer it, closely stopped at the other end, into a basin containing water. If the water rise instantly and fill the whole tube, the gas is pure, and may be received for examination. Ammonia is a transparent, colourless, and conse- quently invisible gas, possessed of elasticity, and the other mechanical properties of the atmospherical air. Its specific gravity is an important datum in chemical researches, and has been rather differently stated. Now as no aSriform body is more easily obtained in a pure state than ammonia, this diversity, among accu- rate experimentalists, shows the nicety of this statical operation. Biot and Arago make it = 0.59669 by ex- periment, and by calculation from its elementary gases, they make it = 0.59438. Kirwan says that 100 cubic inches weigh 18.16 gr. at 30 inches of bar. and 61° F., which compared to air reckoned 30.519, gives 0.59540. Sir H. Davy determines its density to be = 0.590, with which estimate the theoretic calculations of Dr. Prout, in the sixth volume ofthe Annals of Phi- losophy, agree. This gas has an exceedingly pungent smell, well known by the old name of spirits of hartshorn. An animal plunged into it speedily dies. It extinguishes combustion, but being itself to a certain degree com- bustible, the flame of a taper immersed in it is enlarged before going out. It has a very acrid taste. Water condenses it very rapidly. Water is capable of dissolving easily about one-third of its weight of ammoniacal gas, or 460 times its bulk. Hence, when placed in contact with a tube filled with this gas, water rushes into it with explosive velocity. Ammoniacal gas, perfectly dry, when mixed with oxygen, explodes with the electric spark, and is con- verted into water and nitrogen, as has been shown in an ingenious paper by Dr. Henry. But the simplest, and perhaps most accurate mode of resolving ammo- nia into Its elementary constituents, is that first prac- tised by Berthollet, the celebrated discoverer of its composition. This consists in making the pure gas traverse very slowly an ignited porcelain tube of a small diameter. The alkaline nature of ammonia is demonstrated, not only by its neutralizing acidity, and changing the vegetable reds to purple or green, but also by its being attracted to the negative pole of a voltaic arrangement. When a pretty strong electric power is applied to ammonia in its liquid or solid combinations, simple decomposition is effected; but in contact with mercury, very mysterious phenomena occur. If a globule of mercury be surrounded with a little water of ammo- nia, or placed in a little cavity in a piece of sal ammo- niac, and then subjected to the voltaic power by two wires, the negative touching the mercury, and the positive the ammoniacal compound, the globule is instantly covered with a circulating film, a white smoke rises from it, and its volume enlarges, while it shoots out ramifications of a semi-solid consistence over the salt. The amalgam has the consistence of soft butter, and may be cut with a knife. Whenever the electrization is suspended, the crab-like fibres retract towards the central mass, which soon, by the constant formation of white saline films, resumes its pristine globular shape and size. The enlargement of volume seems to amount occasionally to ten times tiiat of the mercury, when a small globule is employed. Sir H. Davy, Berzelius, and Gay Lussac and Thenard, have studied this singular phenomenon with great care. They produced the very same substance by putting an amalgam of mercury and potassium into the moistened cupel of sal ammoniac. It becomes five or six times larger, assumes the consistence of butter, while it retains its metallic lustre. What takes place in these experiments'? In the second case, the substance of metallic aspect which we 57 AxrlM AMM obtain is an ammoniacal hydruret of mercury and po- tassium. There is formed, besides, muriate of potassa. Consequently a portion of the potassium of the amal- gam decomposes the water, becomes potassa, which itself decomposes the muriate of ammonia. Thence result hydrogen and ammonia, which, in the nascent state, unite to the undecomposed amalgam. In the first experiment, the substance which, as in the second, presents the metallic aspect, is only an ammo- niacal hydruret of mercury; its formation is accom- panied by the perceptible evolution of a certain quan- tity of chlorine at the positive pole. It is obvious, therefore, that the salt is decomposed by the electricity. The hydrogen of the muriatic acid, and the ammonia, both combine with the mercury. Ammonia is not affected by a cherry-red heat. According to Guyton de Morveau, it becomes a liquid at about 40°—0°, or at 0° the freezing point of mer- cury ; but it is uncertain whether the appearances he observed may not have been owing to hygrometric water, as happens with chlorine gas. The ammo- niacal liquid loses its pungent smell as its temperature sinks, till at—50° it gelatinizes, if suddenly cooled; but if slowly coole#it crystallizes. Oxygen, by means of electricity, or a mere red heat, resolves ammonia into water and nitrogen. When there is a considerable excess of oxygen, it acidifies a portion of the nitrogen into nitrous acid, whence many fallacies in analysis have arisen. Chlorine and ammonia exercise so powerful an action on each other, that when mixed suddenly, a sheet of white flame per- vades them. The simplest way of making this fine experiment, is to invert a matress, with a wide mouth and conical neck, over another with a taper neck, con- taining a mixture of sal ammoniac and lime, heated by a lamp. As soon as the upper vessel seems to be full of anunonia, by the overflow of the pungent gas, it is to be cautiously lifted up, and inserted, in a perpen- dicular direction, into a wide-mouthed glass decanter or flask, filled with chlorine. On seizing the two ves- sels thus joined with the two hands covered with gloves, and suddenly inverting them, like a sand-glass, the heavy chlorine and light ammonia, rushing in opposite directions, unite, with the evolution of flame. As one volume of ammonia contains, in a condensed state, one and a half of hydrogen, which requires for its saturation just one and a half of chlorine, this quan- tity should resolve the mixture into muriatic acid and nitrogen, and thereby give a ready analysis of the alka- line gas. If the proportion of chlorine be less, sal ammoniac and nitrogen are the results. The same thing happens on mixing the aqueous solutions of ammonia and chlorine. But if large bubbles of chlo- rine be let up in ammoniacal water of moderate strength, luminous streaks are seen in the dark to per- vade the liquid, and the same reciprocal change of the ingredients is effected. Gay Lussac and Thcnard state, that when 3 parts of ammoniacal gas and 1 of chlorine are mixed together, they condense into sal ammoniac, and azote, equal to 1-10 the whole volume, is given out. Iodine has an analogous action on ammonia; seizing a portion of its hydrogen to form hydriodic acid, whence hydriodate of ammonia results; while another portion of iodine unites with the liberated nitrogen to form the explosive pulverulent iodine. Cyanogen and ammoniacal gas begin to act upon each other whenever they come into contact, but some hours are requisite to render the effect complete. They unite in the proportion nearly of 1 to 1 1-2, forming a compound which gives a dark orange-brown colour to water, but dissolves in only a very small quantity of water. The-solution does not produce Prussian blue with the salts of iron. . By transmitting ammoniacal gas through charcoal ignited in a tube, prussic or hydrocyanic acid is formed. The action ofthe alkaline metals on gaseous ammo- nia, is very curious. When potassium is fused in that gas, a very fusible olive-green substance, consisting of potassium, nitrogen, and ammonia is formed; and a volume of hydrogen remains exactly equal to what would result from the action on water of the quantity of potassium employed. Hence, according to Thenard, the ammonia is divided into two portions. One is decomposed, so that its nitrogen combines with the potassium, and its hydrogen remains free, while the other is absorbed in whole or in part by the nitroguret of potassium. Sodium acts in the tame manner. The olive substance is opaque, and it is only when in plates of extreme thinness that it appears semitransparent; it has nothing of the metallic appearance; it is heavier than water; and, on minute inspection, seems imper- fectly crystallized. When it is exposed to a heat pro- gressively increased, it melts, disengages ammonia, and hydrogen, and nitrogen, in the proportions constituting ammonia; then it becomes solid, still preserving its green colour, and is converted into a nitroguret of potassium or sodium. Exposed to the air at the ordi nary temperature, it attracts only its humidity, but not its oxygen, and is slowly transformed into ammoniacal gas, and potassa or soda. It burns vividly when pro- jected into a hot crucible, or when heated in a vessel containing oxygen. Water and acids produce also sudden decomposition, with the extrication of heat Alkalies or alkaline salts are produced. Alkohol like wise decomposes it with similar results. The pie- ceding description of the compound of ammonia with potassium, as prepared by Gay Lussac and Thenard, was controverted by Sir H. Davy. The experiments of this accurate chemist led to the conclusion, that the presence of moisture had modified their results. In proportion as more precautions are taken to keep every thing absolutely dry, so in propor- tion is less ammonia regenerated. He seldom obtained as much as 1-10 of the quantity absorbed; and he never could procure hydrogen and nitrogen in the pro- portions constituting ammonia; there was always nn excess of nitrogen. The following experiment was conducted with the utmost nicety. 31-2 gr. of potas- sium wen; heated in 12 cubic inches of ammoniacal gas; 7.5 were absorbed, and 3.2 of hydrogen evolved. On distilling the olive-coloured solid in a tube of plati- na, 9 cubical inches of gas were given off, and half a cubical inch remained in the tube and adapters. Of the nine cubical inches, one-fifth of a cubical inch only was ammonia; 10 measutes of the permanent gas mixed with 7.5 of oxygen, and acted upon by the electrical spark, left a residuum of 7.5. He infers that the results of the analysis of ammonia, by electricity and potassium, are the same. On the whole we may legitimately infer, that there is something yet unexplained in these phenomena. The potassium separates from ammonia as much hy- drogen, as an equal weight of it would from water. If two volumes of hydrogen be thus detached from the alkaline gas, the remaining volume, with the volume of nitrogen, will be left to combine with the potassium, forming a triple compound, somewhat analogous to the cyanides, a compound capable of condensing am- monia. When ammoniacal gas is transmitted over ignited wires of iron, copper, platina, &c. it is decomposed completely, and though the metals are not increased in weight, they have become extremely brittle. Iron, at the same temperature, decomposes the ammonia, with double the rapidity that platinum does. At a high temperature, the protoxyde of nitrogen decomposes ammonia. Of the ordinary metals, zinc is the only one which liquid ammonia oxydizes and then dissolves. But it acts on many of the metallic oxydes. At a high tem- perature the gas deoxydizes all those which are re- ducible by hydrogen. The oxydes soluble in liquid ammonia, are the oxyde of zinc; the protoxyde and peroxyde of copper; the oxyde of silver; the third and fourth oxydes of antimony ; the oxyde of tellurium; the protoxides of nickel, cobalt, and iron, the peroxyde of tin, mercury, gold, and platinum. The first five are very soluble, the rest less so. These combinations can be obtained by evaporation, in the dry state, only with copper, antimony, mercury, gold, platinum, and silver; the four last of which are very remarkable for their detonating property. See the particular metals. All the acids are susceptible of combining with am- monia, and they almost all form with it neutral com- pounds. Gay Lussac made the important discovery that whenever the acid is gaseous, its combination with ammoniacal gas takes place in a simple ratio of determinate volumes, whether a neutral or a subsalt be formed. Ammoniacal salts have the following general cha- racters :— 1st, When "treated with a caustic fixed alkali or earth, they exhale the peculiar smell of ammonia. AMM AMN fid, They are generally soluble in water, and crys- 3d, They are all decomposed at a moderate red neat; and if the acid be fixed, as the phosphoric or boracic, the ammonia comes away pure. 4th, When they are dropped into a solution of mu- riate of platina, a yellow precipitate falls."— Ure's Chem. Diet. The preparations of ammonia in use are, 1. Liquor ammoniae. See Ammonia liquor. 2. The sub-carbonate of ammonia. See Ammonia subcarbonas, and ammonia subcarbonatis liquor. 3. The acetate of ammonia. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. 4. The muriate of ammonia. See Sal ammoniac. 5. Ferrum ammoniatum. 6. Several tinctures and spirits, holding ammonia in solution. Ammonia, argentate of. Fulminating silver. Ammonia acetata. See Liquor ammonia acetatis. Ammonia muriata. See Sal ammoniac. Ammonia fr£Parata. See Ammonia subcarbonus. Ammoniac, sal. See Sal Ammoniac. AMMONIACUM. (Auuoviokov ; so called from Ammonia, whence it was brought.) Gum-ammoniac. A concrete gummy resinous juice, composed of little lumps, or tears, of a strong and somewhat ungrateful smell, and nauseous taste, followed by a bitterness. There has, hitherto, been no information had concern- ing the plant which affords this drug ; but Wildenow considers it to be the Heracleum gummiferum, having raised that plant from the seeds, which are sometimes found in the drug. It is imported here from Turkey, and from the East Indies. It consists, according to Braconnot, of 70 resin, 18.4 gum. 4.4 glutinous matter, 6 water, and 1.2 loss in 100 parts. Gum ammoniacum is principally employed as an expectorant, and is fre- quently prescribed in asthma and chronic catarrh. Its dose is from 10 to 30 grains. It is given in the form of pill or diffused in water, and is frequently combined with squill, or tartarized antimony. In large doses it proves purgative. Externally, it is applied as a discu- tient, under the form of plaster, to white swellings of the knee, and to indolent tumours. The officinal pre- parations are ammoniacum purificatum. Emplastrum smnioniuci; Empl. ammoniaci cum hydrargyro; Mis- tura ammoniaci. Ammonias acetatis liquor. A solution of ace- tate of ammonia; formerly called Aqua ammonia ace- tata. Take of sub-carbonateof ammonia, two ounces; dilute acetic acid, four pints. Add the acid 10 the salt, until bubbles of gas shall no longer arise, and mix. The effervescence is occasioned by the escape of car- bonic acid gas, which the.acetic acid expels, and neu- tralizes the ammonia. If the acid rather predominate, the solution is more grateful to the taste: and provided that acid be cor- rectly prepared, the proportions here given will be found sufficient; where the acid cannot, be depended on, it will be right to be regulated rather by the cessa- tion of effervescence than by quantity. This preparation was formerly known in the shops under the name of spirit of Mindererus. When assist- ed by a warm regimen, it proves an excellent and pow- erful sudorific; and, as it operates without quickening the circulation, or increasing the heat of the body, it is admissible in febrile and inflammatory diseases, in which the use of stimulating sudorifics are attended with danger. Its action may likewise be determined to the kidneys, by walking about in the cool air. The common dose is half an ounce, either by itself, or along with other medicines, adapted to the same in- tention. ... Ammoni.s carbonas. See Ammoma subcarbonas. Ammonia liquor. Liquor of Ammonia. Take of muriate of ammonia eight ounces; lime newly pre- pared, six ounces; water, four pints. Pour on the lime a pint of the water, then cover the vessel, and set them by for an hour; then add the muriate of ammonia, and the remaining water previously made boiling hot, and cover the vessel again; strain the liquor when it has cooled; then distil from it twelve fluid ounces of the solution of ammonia into a receiver cooled to the temperature of 50°. The specific gravity of this solu- tion should be to that of distilled water, as 4.960 to Lime is capable of decomposing muriate of ammo- nia at a temperature much below that of boiling W» ter; so that when the materials are mixed, a solution of ammonia and of muriate of lime is obtained. This being submitted to distillation, tht ammonia passes over with a certain portion of the water, leaving be- hind the muriate of lime dissolved in the rest. The proportion of water directed seems, however, unneces- sarily great, which obliges the operator to employ larger vessels than would otherwise suffice. But the process now directed is certainly much easier, more economi- cal, and more uniform in its results, than that of former pharmacopoeias. This preparation is colourless and transparent with a strong peculiar smell; it parts with the ammonia in the form of gas, if heated to 130 degrees, and requires to be kept, with a cautious exclusion of atmospherical air, with the carbonic acid of which it readily unites on this latter account, the propriety of keeping it in small bottles instead of a large one, has been sug- gested. This is the aqua ammonia pura of the shops, anj the aicali volatile causticum. Water of ammonia is very rarely given internally, although it may be used in doses of ten or twenty drops, largely diluted, as a powerful stimulant in asphyxia and similar diseases. Externally it is applied to the skin as a rubefacient, and in the form of gas to the nostrils, and to the eyes as a stimulant: in cases of torpor, paralysis, rheumatism, syncope, hysteria, and chronic ophthalmia. Ammonije murias. See Sal ammoniaea. Ammonije nitras. Aicali volatile nitratum; Sal ammoniacus nitrosus; Ammonia nitrata. A salt composed of the nitric acid and ammonia, the virtues of which are internally diuretic and deobstruent, and externally resolvent and sialogogue. Ammonije subcarbonas. Subcarbonate of ammo- nia. This preparation was formerly called ammonia praparata, and sal volatilis salis ammoniaci, and sal volatilis. It is made thus:—Take of muriate of am- monia, a pound: of'prepared chalk, dried, a pound and a half. Reduce them separately to powder; then mix them together, and sublime in a heat gra- dually raised, till the retort becomes red. In this pre- paration a double decomposition takes place, the car- bonic acid ofthe chalk uniting with the ammonia, and forming subcarbonate of ammonia, which is volatilized while muriate of lime remains in the vessel. This salt possesses nervine and stimulating powers, and is highly beneficial in the dose of from two to eight grains, in nervous affections, debilities, flatulency, and acidity from dyspepsia. Ammonije subcarbonatis liquor. Liquor am- monia carbonatis. Solution of subcarbonate of am- monia. Take of subcarbonate of ammonia, four ounces; distilled water a pint. Dissolve the subcar- bonate of ammonia in the water, and filter the solution through paper. This preparation possesses the pro- perties of ammonia in its action on the human body See Ammonia subcarbonas. Ammonicated copper, liquor of. See Cupri ammo- niati liquor. Ammo'nion. (From afijioy, sand.) AStius uses this term to denote a collyrium of great virtue in many diseases ofthe eye, which was said to remove sand or gravel from the eyes. AMMONI'TES. Petrifactions, which have like- wise been distinguished by the name of cornua ammo- nis, and are called snake-stones by the vulgar, consist chiefly of lime-stone. They are found of all sizes, from the breadth of half an inch to more than two feet in diameter; some of them rounded, others greatly compressed, and lodged in different strata of stones and clays. They appear to owe their origin to shells ofthe nautilus kind. AMMO'NIUM. Berzelius first gave this name to a supposed metal which with oxygen he conceives to form the alkali called ammonia. It is now generally used by all chemists. See Ammonia. AMNESIA. (From a, priv. and uvnois, memory.) Amnestia. Forgetfulness; mostly a symptomatic affection. Amne'stia. See Amnesia. AMNIOS. (From auvos, a lamb, or lamb s skin.) Amnion. The soft internal membrane which sur- rounds the foetus. It is very thin and pellucid in the early stage of pregnancy, but acquires considerable AMP AMY HiicknesB and strength in the latter months. The am- nios contains a thin watery fluid, iu which the foetus is suspended. See Liquor amnii. AMNIOTIC. (Amnioticus; from amnios : so called because it is obtained from the membrane of that name.) Of or belonging to the amnios. Amniotic acid. Acidum amnioticum. A peculiar acid found in the liquor ofthe amnios of the cow. It exists in the form of a white pulverulent powder. It is slightly acid to the taste, but sensibly reddens vege- table blues. It is with difficulty soluble in cold, but readily soluble in boiling water, and in alkohol. When exposed to a strong beat, it exhales an odour of ammonia and of prussic acid. Assisted by heat, it de- composes carbonate of potassa, soda, and ammonia. It produces no change in the solutions of silver, lead, or mercury, in nitric acid. Amniotic acid may be ob- tained by evaporating the liquor of the amnios of the cow to a fourth part, and suffering it to cool; crystals of amniotic acid will be obtained in considerable quan- tity. Whether this acid exists in the liquor of the am- nios of other animals, is not yet known. AMO'MUM. (Amomum, i. n.; from an Arabian word, signifying a pigeon, the foot of which it was thought to resemble.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean system. Class Monanaria; Order, Amomum cardamomum. The former systematic name for the cardamomum minus. See Elettaria cardamomum. Amomum granum paradisi. The systematic name of the plant which affords the grains of paradise. Car- damomum majus; Meleguetta; Maniguetta; Carda- momum piperatium. Grains of paradise, or the greater cardamom seeds, are contained in a large brown, somewhat triangular flask, the thickness of one's thumb, and pyramidal. The seeds are angular, and of a reddish brown colour, smaller than pepper, and resemble very much the seeds of the cardamomum minus. They are extremely hot, and similar in virtue to pepper. Amomum vbrum. Truestone parsley. The fruit is about the size of a grape, of a strong and grateful aro- matic taste, and penetrating smell. The seeds have been given as a carminative. Amomum zingiber. The former systematic name of the plant which affords ginger. See Zingiber offici- nale. Amo'rge. See Amurca. AMPELITE. The aluminous ampelite, is the alum slate; and the graphic, the graphic slate. AMPELOSA'GRIA. (From auireXos, a vine, and aypios, wild.) See Bryonia alba. AMPHEMERI'NA. See Amphemerinos. AMPHEMERl'NOS. (Fom auQt, about and Vuepa, a day.) Amphemerina. A fever of one day's du- ration. AMPHIARTHRO'SIS. AuftapBpuiats; from autbt, both, and apBpuots, an articulation: so called from its partaking both of diarthrosis and synarthrosis.) A mixed species of connexion of bones, which admits of an obscure motion, as is observed in the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, and the vertebrae. AMPHIBIUM. (From outfit, ambo, and (3ios, vita.) An amphibious animal, or one that lives both on land and in the water. The amphibious animals, according to Linnaeus, are a class, the heart of which is fur- nished with one ventricle and one auricle, in which respiration is in a considerable degree voluntary. AMPHIBLESTROI'DES. (From aut, about, and Bparxta, the 'jaws.) The fauces or parts about the tonsils, according to Hippocrates and FoSsius. Amphicau'stis. (From auibi, about, and Kav?is, ripe corn.) 1. A sort of wild barley. CO 8. Eustachius says, it was also to express the pri- vate parts of a woman. AMPHIDEON. (From outfit, on both sides, and Satio, to divide.) Amphidaum; Amphidium. The os tincte, or mouth of the womb, which opens both ways, was so cal'ed by the ancients. AMPHiDIARTHRO'SIS. The same as Amphtar- throsis. Amphigene. A name of Vesuvian. [This name is given by Hafiy to that crystalline sub- stance, frequently found among volcanic productions, and which other mineralogists have called Leu- cite. A.] AMPHIMERI'NA. (From audu, about, and nucpa, a day.) A fever of one day's continuance. AMPHIME'TRION. (From aut, on both sides, and autXn, an incision-knife.) A dissecting knife, with an edge on both sides. Galen. AMPLECTENS. Embracing, clasping. AMPLEXICAULIS. (From amplector, to sur- round, and caulis, a stem.) Embracing or clasping the stem. Folium amplexicaule is a leatj the base of which surrounds the stem, as in Papaver somntferum and Carduus marianus; and the Sencsio hirsutus, has a leafstalk which embraces the stem as its base. AMPU'LLA. (ApfioXXa; from avaSaXXui, to swell out.) A bottle. 1. All bellied vessels are so called in chemistry, as bolt-heads, receivers, cucurbits, &c. 2. In anatomy this term is applied by Scarpa to the dilated portions of the membranaceous semicircular canals, just within the vestibulum ofthe ear. 3. In botany; it is a small membranaceous bag attached to the roots and the emersed leaves of some aquatic plants, rendering them buoyant.—Thompson. AMPULLE'SCENS. (From ampulla, a bottle.) The most tumid part of the thoracic duct is called al- veus ampullescens. AMPUTA'TIO. (From amputo, to cut off.) Ectome. Amputation; a surgical operation, which consists in the removal of a limb or viscus: thus we say, a leg, a finger, the penis, &c. when cut off, are amputated; but when speaking of a tumour or excrescence, it is said to be removed, or dissected out. AMULE'TUM. (From auua, a bond; because it was tied round the person's neck; or rather from apvvta, to defend.) An amulet, or charm ; by wearing which the person was supposed to be defended from the admission of all evil: in particular, an antidote against the plague. Amu'rca. (From autpyto, to press out.) Amorge. 1. A small herb, whose expressed juice is used in dying. 2. The sediment ofthe olive, after the oil has been pressed from it; recommended by Hippocrates and Galen as an application to ulcers. Amu'tica. (From auvrjio, to scratch.) Medicines that, by vellicating or scratching, as it were, tho bron chia, stimulate it to the discharge of whatever is to be thrown off' the lungs. A'myche. (From apvooto, to scratch.) 1. A superficial laceration or exuiceration of the skin: a slight wound.—Hippocrates. 2. Scarification.—Galen. AMYGDALA. (Amygdala, a. f.; AuvydaXn; from apvoaw, to lancinate: so called, because after the green husk is removed from the fruit, there appear upon the shell certain fissures, as it were lace- rations.) 1. The fruit called the almond. See Amygdalis communis. 2. The tonsil glands of the throat are sometimes termed, from their resemblance, Amygdala. Amygdala, amara. The bitter almond. See Amur- dalus communis. ■ AMY ANA Amygdala dulcis. The sweet almond. See Amyg- dalus communis. Amygdalje oleum. See Amygdalus communis. AMYGDALOID. (Amygdaloides; from amygda- lus, an almond, and ttios, resemblance.) Almond-like. 1. A name given to some parts of the body and to parts of vegetables and minerals, which resemble almonds. 2. A compound mineral consisting of spheroidal par- ticles or vesicles of lithomarge, green earth, calc spar, steatite imbedded in a basis of fine-grained green- stone or wacke, containing sometimes, also, crystals of hornblende. [Amygdaloid is a compound rock, composed of a basis, in which are imbedded various simple minerals. But these imbedded minerals are not crystals and grains, apparently of cotemporaneous origin with the basis itself, as in the case of porphyry. On the con- trary, their form, though sometimes irregular, is usually spheroidal or oval, like that of an almond; and hence the name of this rock, (from Amygdala, an almond.) —Cleav. Min. A.] AMY'GDALUS. (Amygdalus, i. m.; from amyg- dala, the derivation of which look to.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class Ico- sandria ; Order, Monogynia. The almond-tree. Amvgdalus communis. The systematic name of the plant which affords the common almond. Amyg- dalus—foliis serratis infimis glandulosis, floribus scs- silibus geminis of Linnaeus. The almond is a native of Barbary. The same tree produces either bitter or sweet. Sweet almonds are more in use as food than medicine; but they are said to be difficult of digestion, unless extremely well com- minuted. Their medicinal qualities depend upon the oil which they contain in the farinaceous matter, and which they afford on expression, nearly in the propor- tion of half their weight. It is very similar to olive oil; perhaps rather purer, and is used for the same purposes. The oil thus obtained is more agreeable to the palate than most of the other expressed oils, and is therefore preferred for internal use, being generally employed with a view to obtund acrid juices, and to soften and relax the solids, in tickling coughs, hoarse- ness, costiveness, nephritic pains, Sec. Externally, it is applied against tension and rigidity of particular parts. The milky solutions of almonds in watery liquors, usually called emulsions, possess, in a certain degree, the emollient qualities ofthe oil, and have this advantage over pure oil, that they may be given in acute or inflammatory disorders, without danger of the •11 effects which the oil might sometimes produce by turnitig rancid. The officinal preparations of almonds are the expressed oil, the confection, and the emulsion ; to the latter, the addition of gum-arabic is sometimes directed, which renders it a still more useful demul- cent in catarrhal affections, stranguries, &c. Bitter almonds yield a large quantity of oil, per- fectly similar to that obtained from sweet almonds, but the matter remaining after the expression of the oil, is more powerfully bitter than the almond in its entire state. Great part of the bitter matter dissolves by the assistance of heat, both in water and rectified spirit; and a part arises also with both menstrua in distilla- tion. Bitter almonds have been long known to be poisonous to various brute animals; and some authors have alleged that they are also deleterious to the human species; but the facts recorded upon this point appear to want further proof. However, as the noxious quality seems to reside in that matter which gives it the bitterness and flavour, it is very probable, that when this is separated by distillation, and taken in a sufficiently concentrated state, it may prove a poison to man, as is the case with the common laurel, to which it appears extremely analogous. Bergius tells us, that bitter almonds, in the form of emulsion, cured obstinate intermittents, after the bark had failed. A simple water is distilled from bitter almonds, after the oil is pressed out, which possesses the same qualities, and in the same degree, as that drawn from cherry- stones. These afforded, formerly, the now-exploded aqua cerasorum nigrorum, or black cherry-water. Amygdalus persica. The systematic name of the common peach-tree. The fruit is known to be grateful and wholesome, seldom disagreeing with the stomach, unless this organ is not in a healthy state, or the fruit has been eaten to excess, when effects similar to those of the other dulco-acid summer fixits may be pro* duoed. The flowers, including the calyx as well as the corolla, are the parts of the persica used for medi- cinal purposes. These have an agreeable but weak smell, and a bitterish taste. Boulduc observes, " that when distilled, without addition, by the heat of a water-bath, they yield one-sixth their weight, or more, of a whitish liquid, which communicates to a consi- derable quantity of other liquids a flavour like that of the kernels of fruits. These flowers have a cathartic effect, and especially to children, have been success- fully given in the character of a vermifuge ; for this purpose, an infusion of a drachm of flowers dried, or half an ounce in their recent state, is the requisite dose. The leaves of the peach are also found to possess an- thelmintic power, and from a great number of experi- ments appear to nave been given with invariable suc- cess both to children and adults. However, as the leaves and flowers of this plant manifest, in some de- gree, the quality of those of the laurocerasus, they ought to be used with caution." A'myla. (From arnylum, starch.) This term has been applied to some chemical ftecula, or highly pul- verized residuum. Obsolete. Amy'leon. Amylion, Starch. A'MYLUM. (Amylum, i. n. ApvXov; from a, priv. and uvXn, a mill; because it was formerly made from wheat, without the assistance of a mill.) Amy lean; Amylion. See Starch. AMYRIS. (From a, intensive, and uvpov, oint- ment, or balm; so called from its use, or smell.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Octandria; Order, Monogynia, of which two species are used in medicine. Amyris elemifera. The systematic name of the plant from which it is supposed we obtain the resin called gum-elemi. The plant is d escribed by Linnaeus: Amyris:—foliis tcrnis quinato pinnatisque subtus to- mentosis. Elemi is brought here from the Spanish West Indies: it is most esteemed when softish, some- what transparent, of a pale whitish colour, inclining a little to green, and of a strong, though not unpleasant smell. It is only used in ointments and plasters, and is a powerful digestive. Amyris gileadensis. The systematic name ofthe plant from which the opobalsamum is obtained. It has been called by a variety of names, as Balsamum genu- inum antiquorum ; Balsamclaon; JEgyptiacum balsa- mum; Balsamum Asiaticum; Balsamum Judaicum, Balsamum Syriacum; Balsamum e Mecca; Balsamum Alpini; Oleum balsami; Carpobalsamum; Xylobal- samum. Balsam, or balm of Gilead; Balsam of Mecca. A resinous juice, obtained by making incisions into the bark of the Amyris .-—foliis ternatis integerrimis, pedunculis unifloris lateralibus of Linnaeus. This tree grows spontaneously, particularly near to Mecca, on the Asiatic side of the Red Sea. The juice of the fruit is termed carpobalsamum in the pharmacopoeias, and that of the wood and branches xylobalsamum. The best sort is a spontaneous exudation from the tree, and is held in so high estimation by the Turks, that it is rarely, if ever, to be met with genuine among us. The medicinal virtues of the genuine balsam of Gilead, have been highly rated, undoubtedly with much exaggera- tion. The common balsam of Mecca is scarcely used; but its qualities seem to be very similar to those of the balsam of Tolu, with perhaps more acrimony. The dose is from 15 to 50 drops. A'myum. (From a, priv. and pvs, muscle.) A limb so emaciated that the muscles scarcely appear. ANA. In medical prescriptions it means "of each." See A. Ana'basis. (From ava6atvu>, to ascend.) 1. An ascension, augmentation, or increase of a dis- ease, or paroxysm. It is usually meant of fevers.— Galen. 2. A species of the equisetum, or horse-tail plant Anaba'tica. (From ataSaivu, to ascend.) An epithet formerly applied to a continual fever, when if increases in malignity. ANABE'XIS. (From avaSvrru, to cough up^ An expectoration of matter by coughing. ANABLE'PSIS. (From ava and fiXenm, to see again.) The recovery of sight after it has been lost Anablysis. (From ova and (3Xvgu, to gush out again.) Ebullition or effervescence. Ana'boli. (From ava6a\Xu, to cast up.) The AN£ ANA discharge of any thing by vomit; also dilatation, or extension.—Galen. Anabroche'sis. (From ava and Ppoxca, to reab- sorb.) The reabsorption of matter. Anabrochi'smos. (From avaBpoxem, to reabsorb.) Anabrochismus. The taking up and removing the hair on the eyelids, when they become troublesome.— Galen, JEgineta, and others. ANABRO'SIS. (From avafipooKt*, to devour.) A corrosion of the solid parts, by sharp and biting humours.—Galen. ANACA'RDIUM. (From ava, without, and icapSta, a heart) Without heart; because the pulp of the fruit, instead of having the seed enclosed, as is usually the case, has the nut growing out of the end of it. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Enneandria ; Order, Monogynia. Anacardium occidentals. The cashewnut The oil of this nut is an active caustic, and employed as such in its native country: but neither it, nor any part of the fruit, is used medicinally in this country. It is a useful marking ink, as any thing written on linen or cotton with it, is of a brown colour, which gradually grows blacker, and is very durable. Anacardium orientals. The Malacca bean. See Avicennia tomentosa. ANACATHA'RSIS. (From ava, and KaBatpouat, to purge up.) An expectoration of pus, or a purgation by spitting, contra-distinguished from catharsis, or evacuation downwards. In this sense the word is used by Hippocrates and Galen. Blanchard denotes, by this word, medicines which operate upwards, as vomiting, &c. ANACATHA'RTIC. (Anacatharticus; from ava- KaBatpouai, to purge upwards.) Promoting expecto- ration, or vomiting. Ana'chron. Mineral alkali. ANA'CLASIS. (From avaxXato, to bend back.) A reflection or recur vature of any of the members, accord- ing to Hippocrates. ANA'CLISIS. (From avaKXevto, to recline.) A couch, or sick-bed.—Hippocrates. Anaco'che. (From avaKiaxeut, to retard.) Delay in the administration of medicines; also slowness in the progress of a disease.—Hippocrates. ANACGELIA'SMUS. (From ava, and xotXta, the bowels.) A gentle purge, which was sometimes used to relieve the lungs. Anacollk'ma. (From ava, and tcoXXaw, to glue together.) A collyrium made of agglutinant sub- stances, and stuck on the forehead.—Galen. Anaconcholi'smos. (From avaxoyxoAi Jo),tosound as a shell.) A gargarism: so called, because the noise made in the throat is like the sound of a shell.—Galen. ANACTE'SIS. (From avaxraopat, to recover.) Restoration of strength; recovery from sickness.— Hippocrates. ANACUPHI'SMA. (From avaKovtbtgw, to lift up.) A kind of exercise mentioned by Hippocrates, which consists in lifting the body up and down, like our weigh jolt, and dumb bells. Anacyce'sis. (From avaicvKaw, to mix.) The mixture of substances, or medicines, by pouring one upon another. ANACY'CLEON. (From avaicvKXoio, to wander about.) Anacycleus. A mountebank, or wandering quack. ANACYRI'OSIS. (From ava, and kudos, autho- rity.) By this word, Hippocrates means that gravity and authority which physicians should preserve among sick people and their attendants. ANADIPLO'SIS. (From avaSttrXoa, to redupli- cate.) A reduplication or frequent return of a parox- ysm, or disease.—Galen. Ana'dosis. (From avto, upwards, and StSupi, to give.) ' 1. A vomit 2. The distribution of aliment all over the body. 3. Digestion. Ana'drome. (From avto, upwards, and Speuio, to run.) A pain which runs from the lower extremities to the upper parts ofthe body.—Hippocrates. Anju'des. (From a, priv. and aioW, a shame.) Shameless. Hippocrates uses this word metaphori- cally for without restraint; and applies it to water rushing into the aspera arteria. AN^ESTHE'SIA. (Anasthesia, a. f. AvaioBtitria; from a, priv. and aiodavouai, to feel., Loss of the sense of touch. A genus of disease In the class Locales, and order Dysastliesia of Cullen. ANAGA'LLIS. (From avaytXau, to laugh; be- cause, by curing the spleen, it disposes persons to be cheerful.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the anagallis arvensis. Anagallis arvensis. The systematic name for the Anagallis—foliis indivisis, caule procumbente of Lin- naeus. A small and delicately formed plant, which does not appear to possess any particular properties. Anaoargali'ctum. (From ava, and yapyapewv, the throat.) A gargarism, or wash for the throat Anagargari stum. A gargle. ANAGLY'PHE. (From avayXvipto, to engrave.; A part of the fourth ventricle ofthe brain was formerly thus called, from its resemblance to a pen, or style. ANAGNO'SIS. (From avayivwaKta, to know.) The persuasion, or certainty, by which medical men judge of a disease from its symptoms.—Hippocrates. ANA'GRAPHE. (From avaypatpu, to write.) A prescription or receipt. ANALCINE. Cubic zeolite. A mineral found in granite, gneiss, trap rocks, and lavas, at Caltnn Hill, Edinburgh, in Bohemia, and Ferroe islands. From its becoming feebly electrical by heat, it has got this name. [Derived from AvuXkis- Weak.] Anale'ntia. A fictitious term used by Paracelsus for epilepsy. ANALE'PSIA. (From ava, and Xau6avu>, to take again.) A species of epilepsy, which proceeds from a disorder ofthe stomach, and with which the patient is apt to be seized very often and suddenly. ANALE'PSIS. (From avaXauSavta, to restore.) A recovery of strength after sickness. ANALE'PTIC. (Analepticus; from avaXauSavw, to recruit or recover.) That which recovers the strength which has been lost by sickness. ANALO'SIS. (From avaXtcKu, to consume.) A consumption, or wasting; ANA'LYSIS. (AvaXvms; from avaXvto, to resolve.) The resolution by chemistry, of any matter into its primary and constituent parts. The processes and ex- periments which chemists have recourse to, are ex- tremely numerous and diversified, yet they may be reduced to two species, which comprehend the whole art of chemistry. The first is, analysis, or decompo- sition ; the second, synthesis, or composition. In analysis, the parts of which bodies are composed, are separated from each other: thus, if we reduce cinna- bar, which is composed of sulphur and mercury, and exhibit these two bodies in a separate state, we say we have decomposed or analyzed cinnabar. But if, on the contrary, several bodies be mixed together, and a new substance be produced, the process is then term- ed chemical composition, or synthesis: thus, if by fusion and sublimation, we combine mercury with sulphur, and produce cinnabar, Che operation is termed chemical composition, or composition by synthesis. Chemical analysis consists of a great variety of opera- tions. In these operations the most extensive know- ledge of such properties of bodies as are already dis- covered must be applied, in order to produce simplicity of effect, and certainty in the results. Chemical ana- lysis can hardly be executed with success, by one who is not in possession of a considerable number of simple substances in a slate of great purity, many of which, from their effects, are called reagents. The word ana- lysis is often applied by chemists to denote that series of operations, by which the component parts of bodies are determined, whether they be merely separated, or exhibited apart from each other; or whether these distinctive properties be exhibited by causing them to enter into new combinations, without the perceptible intervention of a separate state; and, in the chemical examination of bodies, analysis or separation can scarcely ever be effected, without synthesis taking place at the same time. AN AMNE'SIS. (From avautuvncKw, to remember.) Remembrance, or recollection of what has been done — Galen. ANAMNE'STIC. (From the same.) A rem»dy for bad memory, or whatever strengthens the memory. ANA'NAS. The egg-shaped pine-apple. See Bro- tnelia Ananas. Ana'nce. (From avav/cajw, to compel.) Neeeg- ANA ANA ■ity. It is applied to any desperate operation.—Hip- pocrates. Anaphalanti'asis. (From avatbaXavros, bald.) A thinness of hair upon the eyebrows.—Gorraus. Ana'phora. (From avacbepia, to bring up.) It is applied to a person who spits blood.—Gorraus. ANAPHORY'XIS. (From avatpopvaaw, to grind down.) The reducing of any thing to dust, or a very fine powder. ANAPHRODI'SIA. (Anaphrodisia, a. f.; from a, priv. and a, to restore again.) A restoration of flesh where it has been lost; also the reuniting a fractured bone.—Hippocrates. ANAPLERO'SIS. (From avatrXvpoto, to fill again.) The restitution or filling up of wasted parts.—Galen. A naplero'tica. (From the same.) Medicines re- newing flesh: incarnatives, or such medicines as fill up a wound so as to restore it to its original shape.— Galen. Anapleu'sis. (From avairXevui, to float upon.) The rotting of a bone, so that it drops off, and lies upon the flesh. Exfoliation, or separation of a bone.—Hip- pocrates, JEgineta, Sec. ANAPNEU'SIS. (From avanvcvto, to respire.) Res- piration. ANA'PNOE. Respiration. ANAPTO'SIS. (From avamvlut, to fall back.) A relapse. Ana'ptysis. The same as Anacatharsis. Anarrhegni'mia. (From ava, and fayvuiu, to break again.) Anarrhexis. A fracture; the fresh opening of a wound. ANARRHCS'A. (From ava, upwards, and fieto, to flow.) A flux of humours from below upwards.— Schneider de Catarrho. Anarrho'pia. (From ava, upwards, and ^£i(j, to creep.) A flux of humours, from below upwards.— Hippocrates. A'NAS. (Anas, Us. f.; from veto, to swim, a nando.) A genus of birds in the Linnaean system. Anas cygnus. The swan. The flesh of the young swan or cygnet is tender, and a great delicacy. Anas domestica. The tame duck. The flesh of this bird is difficult of digestion, and requires that warm and stimulating condiments be taken with it to enable the stomach lo digest it ANASA'RCA. (Anasarca, a. f.; from ava, through, and aao\, flesh.) Sarcitcs. A species of dropsy from a serous humour, spread between the skin and flesh, or rather a general accumulation of lymph in the cel- lular system. Dr. Cullen ranks this genus of disease in the class Cachexia, and the order Intumescentia. He enumerates the following species, viz. 1. Ana- sarca serosa: as when the due discharge of serum is suppressed, &c. 2. Anasarca oppilata: as when the blood-vessels are considerably pressed, which happens to many pregnant women, &c. 3. Anasarca exanthe- matica: this happens after ulcers, various eruptive disorders, and particularly after the erysipelas. 4. Anasarca anemia happens when the blood is rendered extremely poor from considerable lossesof it. 5. Ana- sarca debilium: as when feebleness is induced by long illness, &c. This species of dropsy shows itself at first with a swelling of the feet and ancles towards the evening, which, for a time, disappears again in the morning. The tumefaction is soft and inelastic, and when pressed upon by the finger, retains its mark for some time, the skin becoming much paler than usual. By degrees the swelling ascends upwards, and occupies the trunk of the body; and at last, even the face and eyelids appear full and bloated; the breathing then becomes difficult, the urine is small in quantity, high coloured, and de- posites a reddish sediment; the belly is costive, the perspiration much obstructed, the countenance yellow, and a considerable degree of thirst, with emaciation ofthe whole body, prevails. To these symptoms suc- ceed torpor, heaviness, a troublesome cough, and a slow fever. In some cases the water oozes out, through the pores of the cuticle; in others, being too gross to pass by these, it raises the cuticle in small blisters; and sometimes the skin, not allowing the water to escape through it, is compressed and hard- ened, and is at the same time so much distended as to give the tumour a considerable degree of firmness. For the causes of this disease, see Hydrops. In those who have died of anasarca, the whole of the cellular membrane has been distended with a fluid, mostly of a serous character. Various organic dis- eases have occurred; and the blood is s*id to be altered in consistence, according to the degree of the disease. In general a cure can be more readily effected when it arises from topical or general debility, than when occa- sioned by visceral obstruction ; and in recent cases, than in those of long continuance. The skin becoming somewhat moist, with a diminution of thirst, and in- creased flow of urine, are very favourable. In some few cases the disease goes off' by a spontaneous crisis by vomiting, purging, &c. The indications of treat- ment in anasarca are, 1. To evacuate the fluid already collected. 2. To prevent its returning again. The first object may be attained mechanically by an opera- tion ; or by the use of those means, which increase the action of the absorbents: the second by removing any exciting causes, which may still continue to operate ; and at the same time endeavouring to invigorate the system. Where the quantity of fluid collected is such as to disturb the more important functions, thn best mode of relieving the patient is to make a few small incisions with a lancet, not too near each other, through the integuments on the fore and upper part of each thigh; the discharge may be assisted by pressure, and when a sufficient quantity has been evacuated, it is better to heal them by the first intention. In the use of issues or blisters, there is some risk of inducing gan- grene, especially if applied to the legs: and the same has happened from scarifications with the cupping in- strument. Absorption may be promoted by friction, and bandaging the parts, which will at the same time obviate farther effusion; but most powerfully by the use of different evacuating remedies, especially those which occasion a sudden considerable discharge of fluids. Emetics have been often employed with ad- vantage ; but it is necessary to guard against weaken- ing the stomach by the frequent repetition of those which produce much nausea; and perhaps the benefit results not so much from the evacuation produced by the mouth, as from their promoting other excretions; antimonials in particular inducing perspiration, and squill increasing the flow of urine, &c.; for which pur- pose they may be more safely given in smaller doses: in very torpid habits, mustard may claim the prefer- ence. Cathartics are of much greater and more gene- ral utility ; where the bowels are not particularly irri- table, the more drastic purgatives should be employed and repeated as often as the strength will allow; giv- ing, for example, every second or third morning, jalap, scammony, colocynth, or gamboge, joined with calo mel or the supertartrate of potassa and some aromatic, to obviate their griping. Elaterium is perhaps the most powerful, generally vomiting as well as purging the patient, but precarious in its strength, and there- fore better given in divided doses, till a sufficient effect is produced. Diuretics are universally proper, and may be given in the intervals, where purgatives can be borne, otherwise constantly persevered in ; but un fortunately the effects of most of them are uncertain. Saline substances in general appear to stimulate the kidneys, whether acid, alkaline, or neutral; but the acetate, and supertartrate of potassa, are chiefly re- sorted to in dropsy. Dr. Ferriar, of Manchester, has made an important remark of the latter salt, that its diuretic power is much promoted by a previous opera tion on the bowels, which encourages the more liberal use of it; indeed, if much relied upon, a drachm or two should be given three tunes or oftener in the day. It is obviously, therefore, best adapted to those cases, in which the strength is not greatly impaired; and the same holds with the nauseating diuretics, squill, col- chicum, and tobacco. The latter has been strongly recommended by Dr. Fowler of York, in the form of tincture; the colchicum, as an oxymel by some Ger- man physicians; but the squill is most in use, though certainly very precarious if given alone. In languid and debilitated habits, we prefer the more stimulant diuretics, as juniper, horserudish, mustard, garlic, the 1 spiritus setheris nitrici, &c; even turpentine, or the ANA ANC tinctura canthandis, may be proper, where milder means have failed. Digitalis is often a very powerful remedy, from the utility of which in inflammatory dis- eases we might expect it to answer best in persons of great natural strength, and not much exhausted by the disorder; but Dr. Withering expressly states that its diuretic effects appear most certainly and beneficially, where the pulse is feeble or intermitting, the counte- nance pale, the skin cold, and the tumours readily pit- ting on pressure; which has been since confirmed by other practitioners: it should be begun with in small doses two or three times a day, and progressively in- creased till the desired operation on the kidneys ensues, unless alarming symptoms appear in the mean time. Opium and some other narcotics have been occasion- ally useful as diuretics in dropsy, but should be only regarded as adjuvants, from their uncertain effects. In the use of diuretics, a very important rule is, not to restrict the patient from drinking freely. This was formerly thought necessary on theoretical grounds; whereby the thirst was aggravated to a distressing de- gree, and the operation of remedies often prevented, especially on the kidneys. Sir Francis Milman first taught the impropriety of this practice, which is now generally abandoned ; at least so long as the flow of urine is increased in proportion to the drink taken, it is considered proper to indulge the patient with it Another evacuation, which it is very desirable to pro- mote in anasarca, is that by the skin, but this is with difficulty accomplished: nauseating emetics are the most powerful means, but transient in their effect, and their frequent use cannot be bome. If a gentle dia- phoresis can be excited, it is as much as we could ex- pect ; and perhaps on the whole most beneficial to the patient. For this purpose the compound powder of ipecacuanha, saline substances, and antimonials in small doses, assisted by tepid drink, and warmth ap- plied to the surface, may be had recourse to. Some- times much relief is obtained by promoting perspira- tion locally by means of the vapour-bath. Mercury has been much employed in dropsy, and certainly ap- pears often materially to promote the operation of other evacuants, particularly squill and digitalis; but its chief utility is where there are obstructions of the viscera, especially the liver, of which, however, ascites is usually the first result: its power of increasing ab- sorption hardly appears, unless it is carried so far as to affect the mouth, when it is apt to weaken the system so much as greatly to limit its use. The other indica- tion of invigorating the constitution, and particularly the exhalant arteries, may be accomplished by tonic medicines, as the several vegetable bitters, chalybeates in those who are remarkably pale, and, if there be a ■anguid circulation, stimulants may be joined with them: a similar modification will be proper in the diet, which should be always as nutritious as the patient can well digest; directing also in torpid habits pungent articles, as garlic, onions, mustard, horseradish, Sec. to be freely taken, which will be farther useful by pro- moting the urine. Rhenish wine, or punch made with hollauds and supertartrate of potassa, may be allowed for the drink. Regular exercise, such as the patient can bear, (the limbs being properly supported, espe- cially by a well-contrived laced stocking) ought to be enjoined, or diligent friction of the skin, particularly ofthe affected parts, employed when the tumefaction is usually least, namely, in the morning. The cold bath, duly regulated, may also, when the patient is convalescent, materially contribute to obviate a relapse. ANASPA'SIS. (From ava, and errata, to draw to- gether.) Hippocrates uses this word to signify a con- traction of the stomach. Ana'ssytos. (From ava, upwards, and azvopat, to agitate.) Anassytus. Driven forcibly upwards. Hip- pocrates applies this epithet to air rushing violently upwards, as in hysteric fits. Anasta'ltica. (From avag-eXXio, to contract.) Styptic or refrigerating medicines. ANA'STASIS. (From ava^nut, to cause to rise.) 1. A recover;-- from sickness; a restoration of health. 2. It likew'se signifies a migration of humours, when expelled from one place and obliged to remove to ano- ther.—Hippt srates. ANASTOMOSIS. (From ava,through, and c-oua, a mouth.1 The communication of vessels with one another. 61 ANASTOMO'TTC (Anttstomoticus; from aim, through, and $oua, the mouth.) That which opens the pores and mouths of the vessels, as cathartics, di- uretics, deobstruents, and sudorifics. ANATASE. A mineral found only in TJauphiny and Norway. [This name is given by Haiiy and Brogniart, to the octahedral oxide of Titanium, which has been found in various parts of the United States, in the forms of The oxide of titanium, The ferruginous oxide, The silico-calcareous oxide. See Bruce's Mineralogical Journal, in which nume- rous specimens are figured and described by him.' A.] Ana'tks. (From nates, the buttocks.) A disease ofthe anus. Feslus, Sec. ANATO'MIA. See Anatomy. ANA'TOMY. (Avarouta, or avarouv, Anatomia, a. f. and Anatome, es; from ava, and reuyoi, to cut up.) Androtomy. The dissection or dividing of or- ganized substances to expose the structure, situation, and uses of parts. Anatomy is divided into that of animals strictly so called, also, denominated zootomy, and that of vegetables or phytotomy. The anatomy of brute animals and vegetables is comprised under the term comparative anatomy, be- cause their dissection was instituted to illustrate or compare by analogy their structure and functions with those of the human body. Anatomy, comparative. Zootomy. The dissec- tion of brutes, fishes, polypi, plants, &c. to illustrate, or compare them with the structure and functions of the human body. ANATRE'SIS. (From ava, and Tirpaut, to perfo- rate.) A perforation like that which is made upon the skull by trepanning. ANATRI'BE. (From avarpi&u, to rub.) Friction all over the body. Anatri'psis. Friction all over thje body.—Mos- chion de Morb. Mulieb. and Galen. Ana'tron. (Arabian.) The name of a lake in Egypt, wh^re it was produced. See Soda. Ana'trope. (From avarptirta, to subvert.) Ana- trophe; Anatropha. A relaxation or subversion of the stomach, with loss of appetite and nausea. Vo- miting; indigestion.—Galen. Ana'trum. Soda. ANAU'DIA. (From a, priv. and am5i7, the Epeech.) Dumbness; privation of voice; catalepsy.—Hip- pocrates. Ana'xyris. (From ava\vpts, the sole.) The herb sorrel; so called because its leaf is shaped like the sole ofthe shoe. ANCEPS. (Anccps, ipitis. adjective.) Two-edged; that is, compressed, having the edges sharp like a two- edged sword; applied to stems and leaves of plants, as in the Sisyrinchium striatum, Iris graminea, and leaves of the Typha latifolia. A'NCHA. (Arabian, to press upon, as being the support of the body.) The thigh.—Avicenna, Fo- restius. Sec. A'NCHILOPS. (From ayx'i near, and o>uV, the eye.) A disease in the inward corner of the eye. See JEgilops. ANCHORA'LIS. (From ovkwv, the elbow.) The projecting part of the elbow on which we lean, called generally the olecranon. See Ulna, Anchoralis processus. The olecranon, a process of the ulna. ANCHOVY. See Clupea encrasicolus. Anchovy Pear. See Grias cauliflora. ANOHU'SA. (Anchusa, a. f. ; from ay%av, to strangle: from its supposed constringent quality; or, as others say, because it strangles serpents.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pcntandria ; Order, Monogynia. 2. The name in some pharmacopoeias for the alka- net root and bugloss. See Anchusa officinalis, and Anchusa linctoria. Anchusa officinalis. The officinal bugloss. In some pharmacopoeias it is called Buglossa ; Buglos sum angustifolium majus; Buglossum vulgare ma- jus; Buglossum sylvestre ; Buglossum sativum. An- chusa—foliis lanceolatis strigosis, spicis secundis imbricatis, calycibus quinque partitis, of Linnauis- it was formerly esteemed as a cordial in melancho-' lie and hypochondriacal diseases. It is seldom used ANC AND In modern practice, and then only as an aperient and refrigerant. Anchusa tinctoria. The systematic name for the anchusa or alkanna of the pharmacopoeias. This plant grows wild in France, but is cultivated in our gardens. The root is externally of a deep purple co- lour. To oil, wax, turpentine, and alkohol, it imparts a beautiful deep red colour, for which purpose it is used. Its medicinal properties are scarcely percep- tible. A'nchyle. See Ancyle. ANCHYLOMERl'SMA. (From ayxvXouai, to bend.) Sagar uses this term to express a concretion, or growing together of the soft parts. ANCHYLO'SIS. (From ayxv^uai, to bend.) A Stiff joint. It is divided into the true and npurious, ac- cording as the motion is entirely or but partly lost. This state may arise from various causes, as tumefac- tion ofthe ends of the bones, caries, fracture, disloca- tion, &c. also dropsy of the joint, fleshy excrescences, aneurisms, and other tumours. It may also be owing to the morbid contraction of the flexor muscles, in- duced by the limb being long kept in a particular posi- tion, as a relief to pain, after burns, mechanical inju- ries, &c. The rickets, white swellings, gout, rheuma- tism, palsy, from lead particularly, and some other disorders, often lay the foundation for anchylosis: and the joints are very apt to become stiff in advanced life. Where the joint is perfectly immoveable, little can be done for the patient; but in the spurious form of the complaint, we must first endeavour to remove any cause mechanically obstructing the motion of the joint, and then to get rid of the morbid contraction of the muscles. If inflammation exist, this must be first sub- dued by proper means. Where extraneous matters have been deposited, the absorbents must be excited to remove them: and where the parts are preternaturally rigid, emollient applications will be serviceable. Fo- mentations, gentle friction of the joint and of the muscles, which appear rigid, with the camphor lina- ment, Sec. continued for half an hour or more two or three times a day; and frequent attempts to move the joint to a greater extent, especially by the patient ex- erting the proper muscles, not with violence, but steadily for some time, are the most successful means: but no rapid improvement is to be expected in general. Sometimes, in obstinate cases, rubbing the part with warm brine occasionally, or applying stimulant plas- ters of ammoniacum, &c. may expedite the cure; and in some instances, particularly as following rheu- matism, pumping cold water on the part every morning has proved remarkably beneficial. Where there is a great tendency to contraction of the muscles, it will be useful to obviate this by some mechanical contrivance. It is proper to bear in mind, where, from the nature of the case, complete anchylosis cannot be prevented, that the patient may be much less inconvenienced by its being made to occur in a particular position; that is in the upper extremities generally a bent, but in the bip or knee an extended one. A'nci. A term formerly applied to those who have a distorted elbow. A'ncinar. Borax. ANCIPITIUS. (From Anceps.) Two-edged: ap- plied to a leaf which is compressed and sharp at both edges, as that ofthe Typha lalifolia. Ancirome'le. See Ancylomele. A'NCON. (From ayxasopat, to embrace; ajro rov ayiccteBai crtpta of«i> to o$tov: because the bones meet- ing and there uniting, are folded one into another.) The elbow. ANCONE'US. (From ay/tuv, the elbow.) A small triangular muscle, situated on the back part of the el- bow. Anconeus minor of Winslow ; Anconeus vel cubitalis Riolani of Douglas. It arises from the ridge, and from the external condyle of the humerus, by a thick, strong, and short tendon: from this it becomes fleshy, and, after running about three inches obliquely backward, it is inserted by its oblique fleshy fibres into the back part or ridge of the ulna. Its use is to extend the fore-arm. Anconeus externus. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Anconeus internus. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Anconeus major. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Anconeus minor. See Anconeus. ANCONOID. (Anconoideue ; from aymv, the el bow.) Belonging to the elbow. Anconoid process. See Ulna. A'NCTER. (Ay/cnjfi, a bond, or button.) A fibula or button, by which the lips of wounds are held to- gether.—Gorraus. A.NOTERIA'SMUS. (From avicrnp, a button.) The operation of closing the lips of wounds together by loops, or buttons.— Galen. Ancu'bitus. A disease ofthe eyes with a sensation as if sand were in them.—Joh, Anglic. Ros. Ang. A'NCYLE. (From crymiXos, crooked.) Anchyle. A species of contraction, called a stiff joint.—Galen Ancylion. See Ancyloglossum. ANCYLOBLE'PHARON. (Ancyloblepharum, i. n; from ayicvXn, a hook, and (iXttftapov, an eyelid.) A disease of the eye, by which the eylids are closed to- gether.—Aetius. ANCYLOGLO'SSUM. (Ancyloglossum,i.n.; from ayicvXri, a hook, and yXuioca, the tongue.) Ancylion of .^Igineta. Tongue-tied. A contraction of the frae- nulum ofthe tongue. ANCYLOMELE. (From ayicvXos, crooked, and linXn, a probe.) Ancyromele: Anciromele. A crooked probe, or a probe with a hook, with which surgeons search wounds.—Galen, &c. ANCYLO'SIS. See Anchylosis. Ancylo'tomus. (From ayKvXn, a hook, and repvtit, to cut.) A crooked chirurgical knife, or bistoury. A knife for loosening the tongue, not now used. A'ncyra. (Ayicupa, an anchor.) A chirurgical hook. Epicharmus uses this word for the membrum virile, according to Gorraeus. ANCYROI'DES. (Ancyroides processus; from aymjpa, an anchor, and eitios, a likeness.) A process of the scapula was so called, from its likeness to the beak of an anchor. The coracoid process of the sca- pula. See Scapula. Ancyrome'le. See Ancylomele. ' ANDALUSITE. A massive mineral, ofa flesh, and sometimes rose-red colour, belonging to primitive coun- tries, and first found in Andalusia in Spain. [It has been found also in the United States. The hardness of this mineral is nearly equal to that of co- rundum. Its specific gravity is 3.16. Its structure is more or less distinctly crystalline. It is perfectly infu sible by the blow-pipe. It contains alumine 52, silex 38, potash 8, iron 2. It differs from feldspar by its greater hardness and its infusibility; and from corundum, by its structure and less specific gravity. Some mineralogists, how- ever, are inclined to believe this mineral to be feldspar intimately mixed with corundum; and hence its hard- ness.—Clcav. Min. A.] Amier son's pills. These consist of Barbadoes aloes, with a proportion of jalap, and oil of aniseed. [ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. Dr. Ander- son, of the city of New-York, received his degree of Doctor in Medicine from the Medical faculty of Co- lumbia College. He afterward turned his attention to the subject of engraving in wood, and finally aban- doned his profession of a physician for the employ- ment of an engraver, ,in which he now stands pre- eminent, being a self-taught artist. His wood en- gravings are excellent, and many of them equal copperplate. He has made this art subservient to his first profession, by engravings illustrating the intes- tines, blood-vessels, &c, as well as subjects of botany and natural history. He is a modest, unassuming man, and is now (1829) in the height of his reputatiou and usefulness. A.] [ANDERSON, JAMES, M.D. Having successfully terminated his academical pursuits at an early age, Dr. Anderson commenced the study of medicine under the direction of his father, a very respectable physi- cian from Scotland. He attended a course of lectures, by Professors Shippcn and Morgan, in the school of Philadelphia, then in its infancy ; and next sailed for Edinburgh, at that time the focus of medical literature. Circumstances, which it is unnecessary to mention, not permitting him to remain long enough to obtain a degree, he returned to this country with an ample cer- tificate, signed by his preceptors, Cullen, the elder Munro, and the whole board of professors. Immedi- ately on his return, he commenced the practice of physic in conjunction with his father. Deeply versed in general, and particularly in medical science, and devoted almost beyond example to the performance of his professional duties, he soon obtained a reputation, ANE ANE nnenjoyed by any of his competitors. For a period of upwards of thirty years, he retained a practice of an extent certainly without a parallel in this section of the country. Advancing rapidly toward his six- tieth year, and feeling the infirmities consequent on a life so laborious, he retired to his seat near Chester- town. In this situation, however, he was not allowed the repose which he anticipated. Though the native vigour of his constitution was broken down by the in- vasion of disease, and by those accidents to which his course of life subjected him, he attended almost to the close of it, to the calls of his patients. He died December 8lh, 1820, at his seat in tile vicinity of Ches- tertown, Maryland, in the 69th year of his age.— Thacher's Med. Biog. A.] „.„,.,_. Andi'ra. A tree of Brazil, the fruit of which is bitter and astringent, and used as a vermifuge. ANDRANATO'MIA. (From avvp, a man, and Ttuvm, to cut.) Andranatome. The dissection of the human body, particularly of the male.—M. Aur. Se- verinus, TiOotome Democrit. Andrapodocape'lus. (From avSponoSov, a slave, and KamjXos, a dealer.) A crimp. Galen calls by this name the person whose office it was to anoint and slightly to wipe the body, to cleanse the skin from foul- ness. ANDREOLITE. A species of crop-stone. ANDROCOSTE'SIS. (From avep, a man, and koi- rtut, to cohabit with.) 1. The venereal act. 2. The infamous act of sodomy.—Moschion, Sec. ANDROGYNUS. (From avtp, a man, and yvvn, a woman.) 1. An hermaphrodite. 2. An effeminate person.—Hippocrates. 3. A plant is said to be androgenous, which produces both male and female flowers from the same root, as the walnut, beech, horn-beam, nettle, &c. ANDRO'MACHUS, of Crete, was physician to the emperor Nero. He invented a composition, supposed to be an antidote against poison, called after him, 1heriaca Andromachi, which he dedicated to that em- peror in a copy of Greek verses still preserved. This complicated preparation long retained its reputation, bat is now deservedly abandoned. Andro'nion. Andronium. A kind of plaster used by iEgineta for carbuncles, invented by Andron. ANDROPO'GON. (From avnp, a man, and rtuiytov, a beard.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- iifean system. Class, Polygamia: Order, Monctcia. Andropogon nardus. The systematic name of Indian nard or spikenard. Spicanardi; Spica Indi- ca. The root of this plant is an ingredient in the mithridute and theriacn.; it is moderately warm and fungent, accompanied with a flavour not disagreeable. t is said to be used by the Orientals as a spice. Andropogon sch*nanthus. The systematic name of the camel-hay, or Sweet-rush. Juncus oiloratus ; Feenum camelorum; Juncus aromaticus. The dried plant is imported into this country from Turkey and Arabia. It has an agreeable smell, and a warm, bit- terish, not unpleasant taste. It was formerly em- ployed as a stomachic and deobstruent ANDRO'TOMIA. Androtome. Human dissection, particularly of the male. ANDRY, Nicholas, a physician, born at Lyons in 1658. He was made professor of medicine at Paris in 1701, and lived to the age of 84. Besides a Treatise on Worms, and other minor publications, and contribu- tions in the Medical and Philosophical Journals, he was author of a work, still esteemed, called " Ortho- pedie," or the art of preventing and removing defor- mities in children; which he proposed to effect by regimen, exercise, and various mechanical contri- vances. Anebium. (From avaSacvui, to ascend.) The herb alkanet, so called from its quick growth. See Anchusa. ANELE'SIS. (From avttXtto, to roll up.) Aneile- ma. An involution of the guts, such as is caused by flatulence and gripes. —Hippocrates. ANE'MIA. (From avcuos, wind.) Flatulence. ANE'MONE. (From avcuos, wind ; so named, be- cause it does not open its flowers till blown upon by the wind.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Polyginia. The wind flower. Anemone hkpatica. The systematic name for the hepatica nobilis of the pharmacopoeias. Merba trim 68 tatt*. Hepatica, or herb trinity. This plant possesses mildly adstringent and corroborant virtues, with which intentions infusions of it have been drunk as tea, or the powder of the dry leaves given to the quantity of half a spoonful at a time. Anemone nkmorosa. The systematic name ofthe ranunculus albus of the pharmacopoeias. The bruised leaves and flowers are said to cure tinea capitis ap- plied to the part. The inhabitants of Kamskatka, it is believed, poison their arrows with the root of this plant. Anemone pratensis. The systematic name for the Pulsatilla nigricans of the pharmacopoeias. This plant, Anemone—pedunculo involucrato, petalis apice reflexis, foliis bipinnatis, of Linnaeus, has been re- ceived into the Edinburgh pharmacopoeia upon the authority of Baron Stoerck, who recommended it as an effectual remedy for most of the chronic diseases affecting the eye, particularly amaurosis, cataract, and opacity of the cornea, proceeding from various causes. He likewise found it of great service in venereal nodes, nocturnal pains, ulcers, caries, indurated glands, suppressed menses, serpiginous eruptions, melancholy, and palsy. The plant, in its recent state, has scarcely any smell; but its taste is extremely acrid, and, when chewed, it corrodes the tongue and fauces. ANENCE'PHALUS. (Fioma.priv.andtyKe^aAoj, the brain.) A monster without brains. Foolish.— Galen de Hippocrate. A'neos. A loss of voice and reason. ANEPITHY'MIA. (From a. priv. and tmBvuia, desire.) Loss of appetite. A'NESIS. (From avinpt, to relax.) A remission, or relaxation, of a disease, or symptom. Aetius, Sec. Ane'sum. See Anisum. ANETHUM (AneOium, i. n. AvtBov; from avev, afar, and Sew, to run : so called because its roots run out a great way.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linmean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common dill. See Ancthum graveolcns. Anethum Foemculum. The systematic name for Ihe faniculum of the shops. Sweet fennel, Ancthum— fruclibus ovatis of Linnaeus. The seeds and roots of this indigenous plant are directed by the colleges of London and Edinburgh. The seeds have an aromatic smell, and a warm sweetish taste, and contain a large proportion of essential oil. They are stomachic and carminative. The root has a sweet taste, but very little aromatic warmth, and is said to be pectoral and diuretic. Anethum graveolens. The systematic, name of the Anethum of the shops. Ancthum—fructibus com- pressis, of Linnaeus.—Dill. Anet. This plant is a native of Spain, but cultivated in several parts of England. The seeds are directed for use by the Lon- don and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias: they have a mo- derately warm, pungent taste, and an aromatic, but sickly smell. There is an essential oil, and a distilled water prepared from them, which are given in flatu- lent colics and dyspepsia. They are also said to pro- mote the secretion of milk. ANE'TICA. (Aneticus; from avtijpai, to relax.) Medicines which assuage pain, according to Andr Tiraquell. Anetus. (From avtnui, remilto.) A name given by Good, in his Study of Medicine, to a genus of dis- eases which embraces intermittent fevers. See No- sology. ANEURI'SMA. (Ancurisma, matis, neut. Avtv- pvoua; from avevpvvu, to dilate.) An aneurism ; a preternatural tumour formed by the dilatation of an artery. A genus of disease ranked by Cullen in the class Locales, and order Tumores. There are three species of aneurism: 1. The true aneurism, aneurisma verum, which is known by the presence of a pulsating tumour. The artery either seems only enlarged at a small part of its tract, and the tumour has a deter. minate border, or it seems dilated for a considerable length, in which circumstance the swelling is oblong, and loses itself so gradually in the surrounding parts, that its margin cannot be exactly ascertained. The nr3fi which is the most common, is termed circum- scribed true aneurism; the last, the diffused true aneu- rism. The symptoms of the circumscribed true aneu- rism, take place as follows: the first thing the patient ANE ANE perceives is an extraordinary throbbing in some par- ticular situation, and, on paying a little more attention, he discovers there a small pulsating tumour, which entirely disappears when compressed, but returns again as soon as the pressure is removed. It is commonly unattended with pain or change in the colour of the skin. When once the tumour has originated, it con- tinually grows larger, and at length attains a very con- siderable size. In proportion as it becomes larger, its pulsation becomes weaker, and, indeed, it is almost quite lost, when the disease has acquired much mag- nitude. The diminution of the pulsation has been ascribed to the coats ofthe artery, losing their dilatable and elastic quality, in proportion as they are distended and indurated; and, conseujuently, the aneurismal sac being no longer capable of an alternate diastole and systole from the action of the heart. The fact is also imputed to the coagulated blood, deposited on the inner surface of the sac, particularly in large aneurisms, in which some of the blood is always interrupted in its motion. In true aneurisms, however, the blood does not coagulate so soon, nor so often, as in false ones. Whenever such coagulated blood lodges in the sac, pressure can only produce a partial disappearance of the swelling. In proportion as the aneurismal sac grows larger, the communication into the artery beyond the tumours is lessened. Hence, in this stale, the pulse below the swelling becomes weak and small, and the limb frequently cold and cedematous. On dis- section, the lower continuation of the artery is found preteruaturally small, and contracted. The pressure of the tumour on the adjacent parts also produces a variety of symptoms, ulcerations, caries, &c. Some- times an accidental contusion, or concussion, may detach a piece of coagulum from the inner surface of the cyst, and the circulation through the sack be ob- structed by it. The coagulum may possibly be im- pelled quite into the artery below, so as to induce important changes. The danger of an aneurism arrives when it is on the point of bursting, by which occurrence the patient usually bleeds to death; and | this sometimes happens in a tew seconds. The fatal event may generally be foreseen, as the part about to give way becomes particularly tense, elevated, thin, soft, and of a dark purple colour. 2. The false or spurious aneurism, aneurisma spurium, is always owing to an aperture in the artery, from which the blood gushes into the cellular substance. It may arise from an artery being lacerated in violent exertions; but the most common occasional cause is a wound. This is particularly apt to occur at the bend of the arm, where the artery is exposed to be injured in attempting to bleed. When this happens, as soon as the puncture has been made, the blood gushes out with unusual force, of a bright scarlet colour and in an irregular stream, corresponding to the pulsation of the artery. It flows out, however, in an even and less rapid stream when pressure is employed higher up than the wound. These last are the most decisive marks of the artery being opened; for blood often flows from a vein with great rapidity, and in a broken current, when the vessel is very turgid and situated immediately over the artery, which imparts its motion to it. The surgeon endeavours precipitately to stop the haemorrhage by pressure; and he commonly occasions a diffused false aneurism. The external wound in the skin is closed, so that the blood cannot escape from it; but insinuates itself into the cellular substance. The swelling thus produced is uneven, often knotty, and extends upwards and downwards, along the tract nf the vessel. The skin is also usually of a dark purple colour. Its size increases as long as the internal haemorrhage continues, and, if this should proceed above a certain pitch, mor- tification of the limb ensues. 3. The varicose aneu- rism, aneurisma varicosum: this was first described by Dr. W. Hunter. It happens when the brachial artery is punctured in opening a vein: the blond then rushes into the vein, which becomes varicose. Aneurisms may happen in any part of the body, except the latter species, which can only take place where a vein runs over an artery. When an artery has been punctured, the tourniquet should be applied, so as to stop the Aow •f blood by compressing the vessel above; then the most likely plan of obviating the production of spurious aneurism appears to be applying a firm compress immediately over the wound, and securing it by a bandage, or in any other way, so as effectually to ckwe the orifice, yet not prevent the circulation through other vessels: afterward keeping the limb as quiet aa possible, enjoining the antiphlogistic regimen, and examining daily that no extravasation has happened, which would require the compress being fixed more securely, previously applying the tourniquet, and pressing the effused blood as much as possible into the vessel. If there should be much coldness or swelling ofthe limb below, it will be proper to rub it frequently with some spirituous or other stimulant embrocation. It is only by trial that it can be certainly determined when the wound is closed; but always better not to discontinue the pressure prematurely. The same plan may answer, when the disease has already come on, if the blood can be entirely, or even mostly, pressed into the artery again; at any rate, by determining the circulation on collateral branches, it will give greater chance of success to a subsequent operation. There is another mode, stated to have sometimes succeeded, even when there was much coagulated blood; namely, making strong pressure over the whole limb, by a bandage applied uniformly, and moistened to make it sit closer, as well as to obviate inflammation; but this does not appear so good a plan, at least in slighter cases. If however the tumour be very large, and threatens lo burst, or continues spreading, the opera- tion should not be delayed. The tourniquet being applied, a free incision is to be made into the tumour, the extravasated blood removed, and the artery tied both above and below the wound, as near to it as may be safe; and if any branch be given off between, this must be also secured. It is better not to make the ligatures tighter, than may be necessary to stop the flow of blood; and to avoid including any nerve if pos- sible. Sometimes, where extensive suppuration or caries has occurred, or gangrene is to be apprehended, amputation will be necessary: but this must not be prematurely resolved upon, for often after several weeks the pulse has returned in the limb below. In the true aneurism, when small and recent, cold and astringent applications are sometimes useful; or making pressure on the tumour, or on the artery above, may succeed; otherwise an operation becomes neces- sary to save the patient's life; though unfortunately it oflener fails in this than in the spurious kind; gangrene ensuing, or haemorrhage; this chiefly arises from the arteries being often extensively diseased, so that they are more likely to give way, and there is less vital power in the limb. A great improvement has been made in the mode of operating in these cases by Mr. John Hunter, and other modern surgeons, namely, instead of proceeding as already explained in the spu- rious aneurism, securing the artery some way above, and leaving the rest in a great measure to the powers of nature. It has been now proved by many instances, that when the current of the blood is thus interrupted, the tumour will cease to enlarge, and often be con- siderably diminished by absorption. There is reason for believing loo, that the cures effected spontaneously, or by pressure, have been usually owing to the trunk above being obliterated. There are many obvious advantages in this mode of proceeding; it is more easy, sooner performed, and disorders the system less, par ticularly as you avoid having a large unhealthy sore t» be healed ; besides there is less probability of the vessel being diseased at some distance from the tumour. In the popliteal aneurism, for example, the artery may be secured rather below the middle of the thigh, wheie it is easily come at The tourniquet therefore being applied, and the vessel exposed, a strong ligature is lo be passed round it; or, which is perhaps preferable, two ligatures a little distant, subsequently cutting through the artery between them, when the two portions contract among the surrounding flesh. It is proper to avoid including the nerve or vein, but not unnecessarily detach the vessel from its attachments. For greater security one end of each ligature, after being tied, may be passed through the intercepted portion of artery, that they may not be forced off. Then the wound is to be closed by adhesive plaster, merely leaving the ends of the ligatures hanging out, which will after some time come away. However it must be remembered that haemor- rhage is liable to occur, when this happens, even three or four weeks after the operation; so that proper pre- cautions are required, to check it as soon as possible; likewise the system should be lowered previously, and kept bo during the cure. When a true aneurism ANG ANG changes Into the spurious form, which is known by the tumour spreading, becoming harder, and with a less distinct pulsa'ionj the operation becomes immediately necessary. When an aneurism is out of the reach of an operation, life may be prolonged by occasional bleeding, a spare diet, Sec; and when the tumour becomes apparent externally, carefully guarding it from injury. In the varicose aneurism an operation will be very seldom if ever required, the growth ofthe tumour being limited. Aneurisma spurium. See Aneurisma, Aneurisma varicosum. See Aneurisma. Aneurisma verum. See Aneurisma. ANE'XIS. (From avcx<*> to project) A swelling, or protuberance. ANGEIOLO'G Y. (Angeiologia, a. f.; from ayyetov, a vessel, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A dissertation, or reasoning, upon the vessels of the body. ANGEIO'ITSMUS. (From ayyetov, a vessel, and rtuvta, to cut.) An angeiotomist,orskilful dissectorof the vessels. ANGEIO'TOMY. (Angeiotomia; from ayyetov, a vessel, and repvia, to cut.) The dissection of the blood- vessels of an animal body; also the opening of a vein, or an artery. ANGE'LICA. (So called from its supposed angelic virtues.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Angelica. ■i. The pharmacopoeial name ofthe garden angelica. See Angelica archangelica. Angelica archangelica. The systematic name for the angelica-of the shops. MUzadella Angelica— foliorum impart lobato of Linnaeus. A plant, a native of Lapland, but cultivated in our gardens. The roots of angelica have a fragrant, agreeable smell, and a bitterish, pungent taste. The stalk, leaves, and seeds, which are also directed in the pharmacopoeias, possess the same qualities, though in an inferior degree. Their virtues arc aromatic and carminative. A sweatmeat is made, by the confectioners, of this root, which is extremely agreeable to the stomach, and is surpassed only by that of ginger. Angelica, garden. See Angelica archangelica. Angelica pilula. Anderson's Scots pill. Angelica sativa. See Angelica sylvestris. Angelica sylvestris. Angelica sativa. Wild angelica. Angelica—foliis aqualibus ovato-lanceo- lalis serratis, of Linnaeus. This species of angelica possesses similar properties to the garden species, but in a much inferior degree. It is only used when the latter cannot be obtained. The seeds, powdered and put in the hair, kill lice. Angelica, wild. See Angelica sylvestris. ANGELICUS. (From angelus, an angel.) Some plants, Sec. are so called, from their supposed superior virtues. Angelicus pulvis. Submuriate of mercury. ANGELI'NA. Angelina zanoni acosta. A tree of vast size, sometimes above sixteen feet thick, growing in rocky and sandy places in Malabar in the East Indies. It bears ripe fruit in December. The dried leaves healed are said to alleviate pain and stiffness of the joints, and dismiss swelling of the testes caused by external violence; and are also said to be useful in the cure of venereal complaints. Angelina cortex. The name of the tree from which the Cortex Angelina is procured. It is a native of Grenada. This bark has been recommended as an anthelmintic for children. Angeloca'cos. The purging Indian plum. See Myrobalanus. A'ngi. (From angor, anguish; becauseof their pain.) Buboes in the groin.—Fallopius de Morbo Gallico. ANGIGLOSSUS. (From ayicvXr,, a hook, and yAdHrca, the tongue.) A person who stammers. ANGI'NA. (Angina, a. f.; from ayx^i tostrangle; because it is often attended with a sense of strangu- lation.) A sore throat. See Cynanehe. Angina iini. A name used by some of the later Greeks writers to express what the more ancient writers of this nation called linozostres, and the Latins epili- num. which is the cuscuta or dodder, growing on the limit* or flax, as that on the thyme was called epithy- num. See Cuscuta. Angina maligna. Malignant or putrid sore throat Bee Cynanehe maligna. Angina parotidka. The mumps. See Cynan&t parotidca. Angina pectoris. Syncope ang nosa of Dr. Parry. An acute constrictory pain at the lower end of the sternum, inclining rather to the left side, and extending up into the left arm, accompanied with great anxiety Violent palpitations of the heart, laborious breathings, and a sense of suffocation, are the characteristic symp- toms of this disease. It is found to attack men much more frequently than women, particularly those who have short necks, who are inclinable' to corpulency, and who, at the same time, lead an inactive and seden- tary life. Although it is sometimes met with io per- sons under the age of twenty, still it more frequently occurs in those who arc*j)etween forty and fifty. In slight cases, and in the first stage of the disorder, the fit comes on by going up hill, upstairs, or by walking at a quick pace after a hearty meal; but as the disease advances, or becomes more violent, the paroxysms are apt to be excited by certain passions of the mind ; by slow walking, by riding on horseback, or in a carriage; or by sneezing, coughing, speaking, or straining at stool. In some cases, they attack the patient from two to four in the morning, or whilst sitting or standing, without any previous exertion or obvious cause. On a sudden, he is seized with an acute pain in the breast, or rather at the extremity of the sternum, in- clining to the left side, and extending up into the arm, as far as the insertion of the deltoid muscle, accom- panied by a sense of suffocation, great anxiety, and an idea that its continuance or increase, would certainly be fatal. In the first stage of the disease, the uneasy sensation at the end of the sternum, with the other un- pleasant symptoms, which seemed to threaten a sus- pension of life by a perseverance in exertion, usually go off upon the person's standing still, or turning from the wind; but, in a more advanced stage, they do not so readily recede, and the paroxysms are much more violent. During the fit, the pulse sinks, in a greater or less degree, and becomes irregular; the face and extremities are pale, and bathed in a cold sweat, and, for a while, the patient is perhaps deprived of the powers of sense and voluntary motion. The disease having recurred more or less frequently during the space of some years, a violent attack at last puts a sudden period to his existence. Angina pectoris is attended with a considerable degree of danger; and it usually happens that the person is carried off suddenly. It mostly depends upon an ossification ofthe coronary arteries, and then we can never expect to effect a radi cal cure. During the paroxysms, considerable relief id to be obtained from fomentations, and administering powerful antispasmodics, such as opium and aethei combined together. The application of a blister to the breast is likewise attended sometimes with a good effect. As the painful sensation at the extremity of the sternum often admits of a temporary relief, from an evacuation of wind by the mouth, it may be proper to give frequent doses of carminatives, such as pepper mint, carraway, or cinnamon water. Where these fail in the desired effect, a few drops of ol. anisi, on a little sugar, may be substituted. With the view of preventing the recurrenceof the disorder, the patient should carefully guard against passion, or other emotions of the mind: he should use a light, generous diet, avoiding every thing of a heat • ing nature ; and he should take care never to overload the stomach, or to use any kind of exercise immedi- ately after eating. Besides these precautions, he should endeavour to counteract obesity, which has been considered as a predisposing cause; and this is to be effected most safely by a vegetable diet, moderate exercise at proper times, early rising, and keeping the body perfectly open. It has been observed that angina pectoris is a disease always attended with considera- ble danger, and, in most instances, has proved fatal under every mode of treatment. We are given, how ever, to understand, by Dr. Macbride, that of late several cases of it have been treated with great sur> cess, and the disease radically removed, by inserting a large issue on each thigh. These, therefore, should never be neglected. In one case, with a view of cor- recting, or draining off the irritating fluid, he ordered instead of issues, a mixture of lime water with a little ofthe spirituous juniperi romp., and an alterative pro- portion of Huxham's antiinonial wine, together with a plain, light, perspirable diet From this course the ANI AN1 patient was soon apparently mended; but it was not until after the insertion of a large issue in each 'high, that he was restored to perfect health. Anoini tonsillaris. See Cynanehe tonsillaris. Angina trachealis. See Cynanehe trachealis. ANGIOCARPI. The name given by Persoon to a division of funguses which bear their seeds internaily. They are either hard or membranous tough and leathery. ANGIOLO'GY (Angiologia; from ayyetov, a vessel, and Xovos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the vessels ofthe human body. ANGIOSPERMIA. (From ayyos, a vessel, and nrtzpfia, a seed.) The name of an order of plants in the class Didynamia of the sexual system of Lin- naeus, the seeds of which are lodged in a pericarpium or seed- vessel. Anoiospermjb herbs. Those plants, the seeds of which are enclosed in a covering or vessel. A'NGLICUS. (From Anglia, England.) The sweating sickness, which was so endemic and fatal in England, was called Sudor Anglicanus. See Sudor Anglicus. Ango'lam. i A very tall tree of Malabar, possessing vermifuge powers. Ango'ne. (From ayxo), to strangle.) A nervous sort of quinsy, or hysteric suffocation, where the fauces are contracted and stopped up without inflam- mation. A'NGOR. (Angor, oris', m.: from Ango.) Agony or intense bodily pain.—Galen. A'NGOS. (Ayyos, a ves3el.) A vessel. A col- lection of humours. ANGULATUS. Angled.—A term used to desig- nate stem, leaves, petioles, &c. which present several acute angles in their circumference. There are seve- ral varieties of angular stems. 1. Triangulatus, three-angled; as in Cactus trian- gularis. 2. Quadrangulatus, four-angled; as in Cactus tetragonus. 3. Quinqueangulatus, five-angled; as in Cactus pentagonus. 4. Hexangulatus, six-angled; as in Cactus hexa- gonus. 5. Multiangulatus, many-angled; as in Cactus cereus. 6. Obtusangularis, obtuse-angled; as in Scrofula- ria nodosa. 7. Aculangulalus. acute-angled; as in Scrofularia aquatica. 8. Caulis triqueter, three-sided, but with flat sides ; as in Hedysarum triquetrum, Viola mirabilis, Carex acuta. 9. Caulis tetaquetrus, quadrangular with flat sides; as in Hypericum quadrangularc, Mentha officinalis. For angular leaves, See Leaf, Petiole, Sec. ANGULOSUS. Angular. Angustu'rje cortex. A bark imported from An- gustura. See Cusparia. ANHELA'TION. (Anhelatio; from anhelo, to breathe with difficulty.) Anhelitus. Shortness of breathing. ANHYDRITE. Anhydrous gypsum. There are six varieties of this mineral su hate of lime. 1. The compact—2. The granular. 3. The fibrous. 4. The radiated. 5. The sparry or cube spar. 6. The silici- ferous or vulpinite. Anhydros. A name given by the ancient Greeks, to express one of those kinds of Strychna or night- shades, which, when taken internally, caused madness. ANHYDROUS. (From a, neg. and viwp, water. Without water. Ankk'ton. (From a, priv. and vtien, victory.) A name of a plaster invented by Crito, and so called be- cause it was thought an infallible orinvincible remedy forachores, or scald-head. It was composed of litharge, alum, and turpentine, and is described by Galen. Anil. The name of the Indigo plant. A'NIMA. A soul: whether rational, sensitive, or vegetative. The word is pure Latin, formed of avc- uos, breath. It is sometimes used by physicians to de- note the principle of life in the body, in which sense Willis calls the blood anima brutalis. By chemists it was used figuratively for the volatile principle in bo- dies, whereby they were capable of being raised by the fire; and by the old writers on botany, materia me- dica, and pharmacy, it was frequenlly employed to denote its great efficacy: hence anima, hepates, aloes, rhabarbari, Sec. Anima aloes- Refined aloes. Anima articulorum. A name of the Hermodac tyles. See Hermodactylus. Anima hepatis. Sal martis. Anima pulmonum. The soul ofthe lungs. A name given to saffron, on account of its use in asthmas. Anima rhabarbari The best rhubarb. Anima saturni. A preparation of lead. Anima veneris. A preparation of copper. ANIMAL. An organized body endowed with life and voluntary motion. The elements which enter into the composition of the bodies of animals are solid, liquid, gaseous, and inconfinable. Solid Elements. Phosphorus, sulphur, carbon, iron, manganese, potassium, lime, soda, magnesia, silica, and alumina. Liquid Elements. Muriatic acid ; water, which in this case may be considered as an clement, enters into the organization, and constitutes three-fourths of the bodies of animals. Gaseous Elements. Oxygen, hydrogen, azote. Inconfinable Elements. Caloric, light, electric, and magnetic fluids. These diverse elements, united with each other, three and three, four and four, &c. according to laws still unexplained, form what we name the proximate principles of animals. Proximate Materials, or Principles. These are di- vided into tzotized, and non-azotized. The azotized principles are: albumen, fibrin, gela tin, mucus, cheese-curd principle, urea, uric acid, osmazome, colouring matter of the blood. The non-azotized principles are: the acetic, benzoic, lactic, formic, oxalic, rosacic, acids; sugar of milk, sugar of diabetic urine, picromel, yellow colouring matter of bile, and of other liquids or solids which be- come yellow accidentally, the blistering principle ol cantharides, spermaceti, biliary calculus, the odorife- rous principles of ambergris, musk, castor, civet, &c which are scarcely known, except for their faculty of acting on the organ of smell. Animal fats are not immediate, simple, proximate principles. It is proved that human fat, that of the pig, of the sheep, &c. are principally formed by two fatty bodies, stearin, and elain, winch present very different characters that may be easily separated. Neither is the butter of the cow a simple body; it comains acetic acid, a yellow colouring principle, an odorous principle, which is very manifest in ferment- ed cheese. We must not reckon among these substances, adi- pocire, a matter which is seen in bodies-long buried in the earth ; it is composed of margarinwfof a fluid acid fat, of an orange colouring principle, and of a peculiar odorous substance. Nor must this substance be con- founded with spermaceti, and the biliary calculus, which are themselves very different from each other. It does not contain a single principle analogous to them. Organic Elements. The materials or principles above mentioned combine among themselves, and from their combination arise the organic elements, which are solid or liquid. The laws or forces that go- vern these combinations are entirely unknown. Organic Solids. The solids have sometimes the form of canals, sometimes that of large or small plates, at other times they assume that of membranes. In man the total weight of solids is generally eight or nine times less than that of liquids. This proportion is nevertheless variable according to many circum- stances. The ancients believed that all the organic solids might be reduced by ultimate analysis to simple fibres, which they supposed were formed of earth, oil, and iron. Haller, who admitted this idea of the ancients, owns that this fibre is visible only to the eye of the mind. Invisibilis est eafibra sola; mentis acie dis- Unguimus. This is just the same as if he had said that it does not exist at all, which nobody at present doubts. The ancients also admitted secondary fibres, which they supposed to be formed by particular modilica lions of the simple fibre. Thence, ihe nervous, mus cular, parenchymatous, osseous fibre. ANN ANO Chaussier has lately proposed to admit four sorts of fibres, which he calls luminary, nerval, muscular, and albuginous. Science was nearly in this state when Pinel con- ceived the idea of distinguishing the organic solids, not by fibres, but by tissues or systems. Bichat applied it to all the solid parts of the bodies of animals: the classification of Bichat has been perfected by Dupuy- tren and Richerand. Classification of the Tissues. 1. Cellular............. I Arterial. 2. Vascular < Venous. Nervous Osseous ( Lymphatic. ! Cerebral. Ganglaic. 5. Fibrous ( Fibrous. < Fibro-cartilaginous. ( Dermoid. Muscular j ^XntZy. 7. Erectile 8. Mucous................... 9. Serous .. —............... 10. Horny or I Hairy. Epidemic ) Epidermoid. 11. Parenchymatous, Glandular. These systems, associated with each other and with the fluids, compose the organs or instruments of life. When many organs tend by their action toward a common end, we name them, collectively considered, an apparatus. The number of apparatus, and their disposition, constitute the differences of animals.— Magendie. Animal actions. Actiones animates. Those ac- tions, or functions, are so termed, which are performed through the means of the mind. To this class be- long the external and internal senses, the voluntary action of muscles, voice, speech, watching, and sleep. See Action. Animal Heat. See Heat, animal. Animal lEconomy. See UEconomy, animal. Animal Oil. Oleum animate. Oleum animate Dip- polii. An einpyreumatic oil, obtained from the bones of animals, recommended as an anodyne and anti- spasmodic. A'nime gummi. The substance which bears this name in the shops is a resin. See Hymenea courbaril. A'nimi deliquium. (From animus, the mind, and delinquo, to leave.) Fainting. See Syncope. A'NIMUS. This word is to be distinguished from anima; which generally expresses the faculty of rea- soning, and aMimus, the being in which that faculty resides. Anin'ga. A root which grows in the Antilles islands, and is used by sugar-bakers for refining their sugar. ANISCA'LPTOR. (From anus, the breech, and scalpo, to scratch.) The latissimus dorsi is so called, because it is the muscle chiefly instrumental in per- forming this office.—Bartholin. Anisotachys. (From avisos, unequal, and raxuj, quick.) A quick and unequal pulse.—Gorraus. ANI'SUM. (From a. neg. and iaos, equal.) See Pimpinella anisum. Anisum sinense. See Illicium anisatum. Anisum stellatum. See Illicium. Anisum vulgare. See Pimpinella anisum. ANNEAL. We know too little of the arrangement of particles to determine what it is that constitutes or produces brittleness in any substance. In a conside- rable number of instances of bodies which are capable of undergoing ignition, it is found that sudden cooling renders them hard and brittle. This is a real inconve- nience in glass, and also in steel, when this metalic substance is required to be soft and flexible. The in- conveniences are avoided by cooling them very gradu- ally, and this process is called annealing. Glass vessels, or other articles, are carried into an oven or apartment near the great furnace, called the leer, where they are permitted to cool, in a greater or less time, according to their thickness and bulk. The annealing of steel, or other metallic bodies, consists simply in heating them and suffering them to cool again, either upon the TO hearth of the furnace, or in any other situation when the heat is moderate, or at least the temperature is no* very cold. Annoto. See Bixa orleana. ANNUAL. (Annuus, yearly.) A term applied in botany to plants and roots, which are produced from the seed, grow to their full extent, and die in one yeai or season, as Papaver somniferum, Helianthus annuus, Hordeum triticum, Sec. Annue'ntes. (From annuo, to nod.) Some mus- cles of the head were formerly so called, because they perforin the office of nodding, or bending the head downwards.—Cowper, Sec. ANNULAR. (Annularis; from Annulus, a ring, because it is ring-like, or the ring is worn on it, or it surrounds any thing like a ring; thus, annular bone, &c Annular bone. Circulus osseus. A ring-like bone, placed before the cavity of the tympanum in the foetus. Annular cartilage. See Trachaa. ANNULA'RIS. Annularis digitus. The ring- finger. The one between the little and middle fingers. Annularis processus. See Pons varolii. A'NNULUS. (Annulus, i. m., a ring.) A ring. In botany applied to the slender membrane surrounding the stem ofthe fungi. Annulus abdominis. The abdominal ring. An oblong separation of tendinous fibres, called an open- ing, in each groin, through which the spermatic chord in men, and the round ligament of the uterus in wo- men, pass. It is through this part that the abdominal viscera fall in that species of hernia, which is called bubonocele. See Obliquus externus abdominis. A'NO. (Avu, upwards; in opposition to (carui, down- wards.) Upwards. ANOCATHA RTIC. (From avu>, upwards, and KaBaipw, to purge.) Emetic, or that which purges up- wards. ANOCHEI'LON. (From avta, upwards, and x«aoc; the lip.) The upper lip. Ano'dia. (From a, neg. and oSos, the way.) Hip- pocrates uses this word for inaccuracy and irregularity in the description and treatment of a disease. ANO'DYNA. See Anodyne. ANODYNE. (Anodynus; from a, priv. and wSvvn, pain.) Those medicines are termed Anodynes, which ease pain and procure sleep. They are divided into three sorts; paregorics, or such as assuage pain; hyp notics, or such as relieve by procuring sleep; and nar- cotics, or such as ease the patient by stupifying him. Ano'dynum martiale. Ferrum ammoniatum pre- cipitated from water by potassa. Ano'dynum minerals. Sal prunella. ANOMALOUS. (From a- priv. and vouos, a law.) This term is often applied to those diseases, the symp- toms of which do not appear with that regularity which is generally observed in diseases. A disease is also said to be anomalous, when the symptoms are so varied as not to bring it under the description of any known affection. ANO'MPHALOS. (From a, priv. and optpaXos, the navel.) Anomphalus. Without a navel. ANO'NYMUS. (Anonymus, from a, priv. and ovo- ua, name.) Nameless; some eminences of the brain are called columna anonyma; and it was formerly applied to one of the cricoid muscles. ANO'RCHIDES. (From a, priv. and opxts, the testicle.) Children are so termed which come into the world without testicles. This is a very common oc- currence. The testicles of many male infants at the time of birth are within the abdomen. The time of their descent is very uncertain, and instances have occurred where they have not reached the scrotum at the age often or fifteen. ANORE'XIA. (Anorexia, a, f.; from a, priv. and ope\ts, appetite.) A want of appetite, without loath- ing of food. Cullen ranks this genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Dysorexia. He believes it to be generally symptomatic, but enumerates two species, viz. the Anorexia humoralis, and the Anorexia atonica. See Dyspepsia. ANO'SMIA. (Anosmia, a, f.; from'a, neg. and o^w, to smell.) A loss of the sense of smelling. This genus of disease is arranged by Cullen in the order Locales, and order Dysesthesia. When it arises from a dis- ease of the Schneiderian membrane, it is termed Anos- mia organica; and when from no manifest cause Anosmia atonica. a? ANT ANT A'NSER. (Anser, eris.m.; a goose or gander.) | The name of a genus of birds. Anser dome'sticus. The tame goose. The flesh of this bird is somewhat similar to that of the duck, and requires the assistance of spirituous and stimu- lating substances, to enable the stomach to digest it. Both are very improper for weak stomachs. ANSERI'NA. (From anser, a goose; so called be- cause geese eat it.) See Potentilla anserina, ANT. See Formica rufa. Ant, acid of. See Formic acid. , ANTACID. (Antacidus; from av7ij against, and meidus, acid.) That which destroys acidity. The ac- Tion of antacids in the human stomach, is purely che- mical, as they merely combine with the acid present, and neutralize It They are only palliatives, the gene- ration of acidity being to be prevented by restoring the tone of the stomach and its vessels. Dyspepsia and diarrhoea are the diseases in which they are employed. The principal antacids in use are the alkalies; e. g. Liquoris potassae, gutt xv. or from 5 to 15 gr. of sub- carbonate of potassa, or soda dissolved in water. The solution of soda called double soda-water, or that of potassa supersaturated with carbonic acid, is more frequently used, as being more pleasant Ammonia has been recommended as preferable to every other antacid, from 10 to 20 drops of the liquor ammoniae in a cupful of water. The liquor calcis, or lime water, is likewise used to correct acidity, two or three ounces being taken occasionally. Creta praeparata alone, or with the addition of a small quantity of any aromatic —chelae cancrorum praeparaue; magnesia also and its carbonate, are used for the same purpose. ANTAGONIST. (Antagonistus, counteracting.) A term applied to those muscles which have opposite functions. Such are the flexor and extensor of any limb, the one of which contracts it, the other stretches it out; and also the abductors and adductors. Soli- tary muscles are those without any antagonist, as the ANTALGIC. (Antalgicus; from avft, against, and aAvoj, pain.) That which relieves pain. ANTA'LKALINE. (Autalkalinus; from av7t, against, and alkali, an aicali.) That which possesses the power of neutralizing alkalies. All the acids are of this class. ANTAPHRODISI'AC. Antaphrodisiacus; from av}i, against, and Atbpo&t'Jn, Venus. Antivenereal, or whatever extinguishes amorous desires. Antaphrodi'tic The same. Antapo'dosis. (From av'Jartoitiiapi, to recipro- cate.) A vicissitude, or return of the paroxysm of fevers.—Hippocrates. Called by Galen eipidosis. Antarthri'tic. See Antiarthritic. Antasthma'tic See Antiasthmatic. Antatro'phic See Antiatrophic. Anteche'sis. (From av]ex°uai, to resist) A vi- olent stoppage in the bowels, which resists all efforts to remove it.—Hippocrates. Antela'bium. (From ante, before, and labium, a lip.) The extremity ofthe lip. Ante'mbasis. (From avrt, mutually, and euBatvoi, to enter.) A coalescence, or union of bone.—Galen. Anteme'tic. See Antiemetic. Antenea'smus. (From avn, against, and rttvtouos, implacable.) That species of madness in which the patient endeavours to destroy himself. Antephia'ltic See Antiphialtic. Antepile'ptic. See Antiepileptic. ANTERIOR. Before. A term applied to what may be situated before another of the same kind, as a muscle, a projection, eminence, lobe, artery, Sec. Anterior auris. Musculus anterior auris. One ofthe common muscles of the ear, situated before the external ear. It arises thin and membranous, near the posterior part of the zygoma, and is inserted into a Bmall eminence on the back ofthe helix, opposite to the concha, which it draws a little forwards and upwards. Anterior intercostal. Ncrvusintercostalis an- terior. Splanchnic nerve. A branch of the great in- tercostal that is given off in the thorax. Anterior mallei. See Laxator tympani. ANTHE'LIX. See Antihelix. Anthe lmia. (From avn, against, and cXutvs,, a worm ; so called, because it was thought of great vir- tue iu expelling worms.) See Spigclia anthelmia, and Marilandica. ANTHELMINTIC. (Anthelminticus; from avrt, against, and eXutvs, a worm.) Whatever procures the evacuation of worms from the stomach and intestines. The greater number of anthelmintics act mechani- cally, dislodging the worms, by the sharpness or rough- ness of their particles, or by their cathartic operation. Some seem to have no other qualities 'nan those of powerful bitters by which they either piove noxious to these animals, or remove that debility of the digestive organs, by which the food is not properly assimilated, or the secreted fluids poured into the intestines are not properly prepared; circumstances from which it has been supposed the generation of worms may arise. The principal medicines belonging to tbis class, are, mercury, gamboge, Geoffraea inermis, tanacetum, po- lypodium filix mas, spigelia marilandica, artemisia santonica, olea Europaea, stannum pulverisatum, ferri limaturae, and dolichos pruriens; which see under their respective heads. A'NTHEMIS. (Anthemis, midis. foem.; from av- Beu>,floreo ; because it bears an abundance of flowers.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia su- perfiua. 2. The name in the London Pharmacopoeia for cha- momile. See Anthemis nobilis. Anthemis cotula. The systematic name of the plant called Cotula fetida • Chamamelum fetidum, in the pharmacopoeias. Mayweed. Stinking chamo- mile. This plant, Anthemis:—receptaculis conicis paleis setaceis, seminibus nudis, of Linnaeus, has a very disagreeable smell; the leaves, a strong, acrid, bitterish taste; the flowers, however, are almost insi- pid. It is said to have been useful in hysterical affec- tions, but is very seldom employed. Anthemis nobilis. The systematic name for the Chamamelum; Chamamelum nobile; Chamomilla ro- mana; Euanthemon of Galen. Anthemis ofthe last London pharmacopoeia. Common chamomile. Anthe- mis—foliis pinnalo-compositis linearibus acutis sub- villosis, of Linnaeus. Both the leaves and flowers of this indigenous plant have a strong though not un- grateful smell, and a very bitter, nauseous taste ; but the latter are the bitterer, and considerably more aro- matic. They possess tonic and stomachic qualities, and are much employed to restore tone to the stomach and intestines, and as a pleasant and cheap bitter. They have been long successfully used for the cure of intermittents, as well as of fevers of the-irregular ner- vous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. The flowers have been found useful in hysterical af- fections, flatulent or spasmodic colics, and dysentery; but, from their laxative quality, Dr. Cullen tells us they proved hurtful in diarrhoeas. A simple infusion is frequently taken to excite vomiting, or for promoting the operation of emetics. Externally they are used in the decoctum pro fomenta, and are an ingredient in the decoctum malva compositum. Anthemis pyrethrum. The plant from which we obtain the pyrethrum of the pharmacopoeias; Aste- rantium; Buphthalmum cretieum; Bellis montana putescens acris; Dentaria; Herba salivaris; Pes Alexandrinus. Spanish Chamomile; pellitory of Spain. Anthemis ;—caulibus simplicibus unifloris decumbentibus—foliis pinnato-multifidis, of Linnaeus. This root, though cultivated in this country, is gene- rally imported from Spain. Its taste is hot and acrid, its acrimony residing in a resinous principle. The ancient Romans, it is said, employed the root of this plant as a pickle. In its recent state, it is not so pun- gent as when dried, and yet, if applied to the skin, it produces inflammation. Its qualities are stimulant; but it is never used, except as a masticatory, for re- lieving toothaches, rheumatic affections of the face, and paralysis of the tongue, in which it affords relief by stimulating the excretory ducts of the salival glands. ANTHERA. (From avBos, a flower.) 1. A compound medicine used by the ancients; so called from its florid colour.—Galen. JEgineta. 2. The male part ofthe fructification of plants:—so called by Linnaeus, by way of eminence. The male genital organ of plants consists of three parts, the fila- ment, anther, and pollen. The anthera is the little head or extremity which rests on the filament. Different terms are applied to the anthers from their figure: 1. Obion"; as in Lilium candidum. " ■ 71 ANT ANT 8. Globose; as in Mercurialis annua. 3, Semilunar; as in Fragaria vesca. 4. Angular; as in Tuiipagesncriana, 5. Linear ; as in the grasses and Protea. 6. Didymous; as in Digitalis purpurea. 7. Arrow-shaped; as in Crocus sativus. 8 •Bt/ia', parted half way down in two ; as in the grasses and Erica. 9. Shidd-like, or peltate, of a round shape; as in Taxus baccata. 10. Dentate, with a tooth-like margin; as in Taxus haccata. 11. Hairy; as in Lamium album. 12. Bicoru, with two divisions like horns; as in Srbutus uva ursi and Vaccinium myrtillus. 13. Cristate, having cartilaginous points. 14. Crucial; as in Mellitis. 15. Double or twin-like; as in Callisia and Hura. 16. Rostrate; as in Osbeckia. 17. Subulate, or awl-shaped; as in the genus TJo- i'o. 18. Cordate; as in Cupraria. 19. Reniform, kidney-shaped; as in Tradescantia \ nd Ginora. 20. Trigonal, or three-cornered ; as in the jRose. 21. Tetragonal, or four-cornered, as in Cannabis and Dictamnus. From their situation: 22. i>ec£, with its base upon the apex of the fila- ment ; as in Tuiipa gesneriana. 23. Incumbent, lying horizontally upon the filament, as in Amaryllis fornwssima. 24. Versatile when the incumbent anther adheres so loosely to the filament, that the least agitation of the plant puts it in motion ; as in Sccale cereale. 25. Lateral, adhering laterally to the filament; as in Dianthera. 26. Sessile, the filament almost wanting; as in Bristolochia clematitis. 27. Free, not united to any other anther. 28. Connate, united together; as in Viola odorata. ANTHODIUM. A species of calyx, which contains many flowers being common to them all. It is distinguished from its structure into, 1. Monophyllous, consisting of one leaflet perfect at Its base, but cut at its limb or margin; as in Trago- vogon. 2. Polyphyllous, consisting of several leaflets; as in Carduus and Centaurea. 3. Simple, consisting of one series of leaflets; as in Caealia porophyllum. 4. Equal, when all the leaves of the Anthodium simplex are ofthe same length, as in Ethulia. 5. Imbrecate or squamose, as in Centaurea cyanus. 6. Squarrose, the leaflets bent backward at their extremities. 7. Scabrous, rough, consisting of dry leaflets; as in Centaurea glastifolia and jacea. 8. Spinous, the leaflets having thorns; as in Cynaa scolymus and Centaurea sonchifolia. 9. Turbinate ; as in Tarconanthus camphoratus. 10. Globose; as in Centaurea calcitrapa. 11. Hemispherical, round below and flat above; as in Anthemis and Chrysocoma. 12. Cylindrical, long and round; as with Eupato- rium. 13. Caleyculate, the basis surrounded by another small leafy anthodium; as in Leontodon taraxacum, Senecio, and Crepis. ANTHOPHYLLITE. A massive mineral, of a brown colour, found at Konigsberg, in Norway. [This substance has been observed only in amor- phous masses, whose longitudinal fracture is foliated, or radiated, and whose cross fracture is uneven. The lustre ofthe most perfect laminae is somewhat metallic. Its natural joints, of which two are much more perfect than the others, are parallel to the faces of a rectan- gular four-sided prism. It is rather difficult to break, and strongly scratches fluate of lime, but produces little or no effect on glass. It is feebly translucent at the edges, and its colour is brown, tinged with violet. Its powder is whitish, and rough to the touch. Its specific gravity varies from 3.11, to 3.29. Before the blow-pipe It is infusible. It contains silex 62.66, alu- mine 13.33, magnesia 4 0, lime 3.33, oxide of iron 12.00, manganese 3.25, water 1.43. It is softer, lighter, and has less lustre, than Labrador stone.—Gleav. Min. \ l 79 ' ANTHOPHY'LLUS. (Prom avOos, a flower, and tbvXXov, a leaf; so called from the fragance of the flowers and the beauty of the leaves.) The clove is so termed when it has been suffered to grow to matu- rity.—Bauhin, ANTHOPHY'LLUS. (From avBos, a flower, and tpiXeot, to love.) A florist. A'NTHORA. (Quasi antithora. AvrtBopa; from avn, against, and Sopa, monkshood: so called, because it is said to counteract the effects ofthe thorn or monkshood.) A species of Wolfsbane. See Aco- nitum anthora. A'nthos flores. The flowers of the rosmarinus are so termed in some pharmacopoeias. See Rosma- rinus officinalis. ANTHRA'CIA. 1. The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. See Nosology. 2. A name of the carbuncle. See Anthrax. ANTHRACITE. Blind coal, Kilkenny coal, or glance coal. There are three varieties, conchoidal, slaty, and columnar. [When pulverized and heated, it becomes red, and slowly consumes with a very light lambent flame, without smoke, and when pure emits no sulphureous or bituminous odour; it leaves a variable proportion of reddish ashes. Slaty glance coal consists of car bon, with from 3 to 30 per cent, of earth and iron. This mineral occurs in imbedded masses, beds, or veins, in primitive, transition, and floetz rocks. It is found in gneiss, in micaceous: shistus, in mineral veins, with calcareous spar, native silver, mineral pitch, and red iron ore; and has been discovered by Jameson in the independent coal formation in the Isle of Arran.— Phillips's Mm. The coal of Rhode-Island is mingled with quartz, and occasionally with fibrous asbestos ; yet it has but little hydrogen, and less bitumen. It is overlaid by coarse shale, containing numerous and strong impres- sions of ferns. In Pennsylvania there are two great coal formations; one situated S. E. of the mountains, and the other N. W. The former is the Anthracite or glance coal, ex- tending almost from Delaware along the head waters of the Lehigh and Schuylkill, and to Wilkesbarre on the Susquehanna!), and along the Juniata.—Mitchilt's Notes to Phil. Min. This formation of Anthracite has been traced for ninety or a hundred miles in the state of Pennsylvania, and mines have been opened in manv places on the branches of the Susquehannah, Schuylkill, and Dela- ware rivers, and some of them bordering on the states of New-Jersey and New-York. In many places it is near the surface, and appears to be inexhaustible. It is now extensively used as fuel, and its consumption is increasing. A.] Anthraco'sis oculi. A red, livid, burning, sloughy, very painful tumour, occurring on the eyelids.—JEgi- neta. ANTHRAX. (Anthrax, acts, m.; from avBpal, a burning coal.) Anlhracia; Anthrocosia; Anthro- coma; Carbunculus ; Carbo ; Rubinus versus ; Codi- sella; Granatrislum; Pruna; Persicus imius of Avicenna. A hard and circumscribed inflammatory tubercle like a boil, which sometimes forms on the cheek, neck, or back, and in a few days becomes highly gangrenous. It then discharges an extremely foetid sanies from under the black core, which, like a burning coal, continues destroying the surroundine parts It is supposed to arise from a peculiar miasma is most common in warm climates, and often attends the plague. ANTHROPOGRA'PHY. (Anthropographia; from avOptoTtos, a man, and ypa, to write.) Description of the structure of man. ANTHROPOLOGY. (Anthpopologia; from avVpwiros, a man, and Aoyoj, a discourse.) The de- scription of man. ' ANTHYPNO'TIC. (Anthypnolicus; from avlt, against, and vwvos, sleep.) That which prevents sleep or drowsiness. orders ofthe hvpoctontiriaT" "" sPlntedncss or ** ANTHYSTERIC. (Anthystericus; from avlt, ffiSf womb° That which reUev- ANT ANT A'NTI. (Av7«> against) There are many names compounded with this word, as Antiasthmatic; Anti- hysteric; Antidysenteric, Sec; which signify medi- cines against the asthma, hysterics, dysentery, &c. Antia'gra. (From avjtas, a tonsil, and aypa, a prey.) Antiagri. A tumour of the tonsils.— Ulpian, Roland, Sec. ANTIARTHRI'TIC. (Antiarthriticus; from «»7«i against, and apBpi]ts, tie gout) Antiarthritic. Against the gout. ANTIASTHMATIC. 'Antiasthmatic^'; from iv'7'i against, and aoBua, an isthma.) Antasthmatic. Against the asthma. ANTIATROPHIC. (Antiitrophicus ; from av7t, against, and a)ao6ia, an atio.ihy.) Against an atro- phy or wasting away. ANTICACHE'CTIC (Anticachecticus; from ai»7<, against, and tcaxe\ia, a cachexy.) Medicines against a cachexy, or bad hal.it of body. ANTICA'RDIUM. (From av7c, against, or oppo- site, and icapSta, the heart.) Tl le hollow at the bottom of the breast, commonly called xcrobiculus cordis, or the pit of the stomach. ANTICATARRHA'L. {Auticatarrhalis; from 017c, against, and Ka^appn. a. catarrh.) That which relieves a catarrh. ANTICAUSO'TIC. (Fiom av7t, against, and Kavaos, a burning fever) Ren.edies against burning fevers. We read, in Corp. Piiarm. of Junken, of a syrupus anticausoticus. A'nticheir. (From av7c, against, and %cip, the hand.) The thumb.—Galm. Anticne'mion. (From avn, against, or opposite, and Kvnpn, the calf of the Up.) That part ofthe tibia which is bare of flesh, and opposite the calf of the leg. The shin-bone.—Galen. ANTICO'LIC. (From avn, against, and KtaXacn, the colic.) Remedies againut the colic. Antidia'stole. (From aeri, against, and Sias-tXXa>, to distinguish.) An exact and accurate distinction of one disease, or symptom, from another. ANTIDI'NIC. (From avn, against, and 6tvos, cir- cumgyration.) Medicines against a vertigo, or giddi- ness.—Blanchard. ANTIDOTARIUM. (Antidotarium, i. n.; from avnioTos, an antidote.) A term used by former writers tor what we now call a dispensatory ; a place where antidotes are prescribed and prepared. There are antidotaries extant of several authors, as those of Nicholaus, Mesue, Myrepsus, Sec. ANTI'DOTUS. From avn, against, and StSuut, to give.) 1. An antidote. 2. A preservative against sickness. 3. A remedy.—Galen. ANTIDYSENTERIC. (Antidysentericus; from avn, against, and iuacvrtpia, a flux.) Medicines against a dysentery. ANTIEMETIC. (Antiemelicus; from aire, against, and tueoi, to vomit.) Antemetic. That which pre- vents or stops vomiting. ANTIEPHIALTIC. (Antiephialticus ; from avn, against, and etbiaXrris, the nightmare.) Antephialtic. Against the nightmare. ANTDZPILEPTIC. (Antiepilepticus ; from avn, against, and ciriAijuVty, the epilepsy.) Antepileptic. Against epilepsy. ANTIFEBRI'LE. (Antifebrilis; from aire, against, and fehris, a fever.) A febrifuge, a remedy against fever. ANTI HECTIC. (Antihecticus; from avn, against, and Iktikos, a hectic fever.) A remedy against a hec- tic fever. Antihe'cticum poterii. Antimonium diaphore- ticum Joviale. A medicine invented by Poterius, formerly extolled as effectual in hectic fevers, but now disregarded. It is an oxyde of tin and chaly- beated regulus of antimony, in consequence of their deflagration with nitre. ANTIHE'LIX. (Antihelix, licis. m.; from avn, against, and cXt\, the helix.) The inner circle of the external ear, so called from its opposition to the outer circuit, called the helix. ANTHELMINTIC. See Anthelmintic. ANTIHYSTER'IC. (Antihystericus; from avn, •gainst, and b^eptKa, hysterics.) Medicines which prevent or relieve hysterics. Antile'psis. (FromavnAa/ioavu, to take hold of.) The securing of bandages or ligatures from slipping. —Hippocrates. ANTILO'BIUM. (From avn, opposite, and XoSos, the bottom of the ear.) The tragus or that part of the ear which is opposite the lobe. ANTILOI'MIC. (Antiloimicus; from avn, against, and Xotuos, the plague.) Remedies or preventives against the plague. AINTI'LOPUS. The antelope. An African beast resembling a deer, the hoofs and horns of which were formerly given in hysteric and epilectic cases. ANTILY'SSUS. (From avn, against, and Xvooa. the bite of a mad dogi) A medicine or remedy against the bite of a mad dog. ANTIMONIA'L. (Antimonialis; from antimo- nium, antimony.) An antimonial or composition in which antimony is a chief ingredient. A preparation of antimony. Antimonial powder. See Antimonialis pulvis. Antimonia'lis pulvis. Antimonial powder. Take of sulpburet of antimony, powdered, a pound; harts- horn shavings, two pounds. Mix and throw them into a broad iron pot heated to a white heat, and stir the mixture constantly until it acquires an ash colour. Having taken it out, reduce it to powder, and put it into a coated crucible, upon which another inverted crucible, having a small hole in its bottom, is to be luted. Then raise the fire by degrees to a white heat, and keep it so for two hours. Reduce the residuary mass to a very fine powder. The dose is from five to ten grains. It is in high esteem aa a febrifuge, sudo- rific, and antispasmodic. The diseases in which it is mostly exhibited are, most species of asthenic and exanthematous fevers, acute rheumatism, gout, dis- eases arising from obstructed perspiration, dysuria, nervous affections, and spasms. Tliis preparation was introduced into the former London pharmacopoeia as a substitute for a medicine of extensive celebrity, Dr. James's powder; to which, however, the present form more nearly assimilates in its dose, and it is more manageable in its adminis- tration, by the reduction of the proportion of antimony to one-half. Antimonic acid. See Antimony. Antimonious acid. See Antimony. Antimonii oxydum. Oxyde of Antimony. This preparation is now directed to be made by dissolving an ounce of tartarized antimony, and two drams of subcarbonate of ammonia, separately in distilled water, mixing the solutions and boiling, till the oxyde of antimony is precipitated, which is to be washed with water, and dried. This must not be confounded with the old calcined or diaphoretic antimony, being a much more active preparation. See Antimony. In its effects, it will be found to agree pretty much with the antimonium tartar izatum ; but it is very little employed. Antimonii sulphuretum frjecipitatum. Sulphur antimonii pracipitatum. Precipitated sulphuret of antimony. This preparation of antimony appears to have rendered that called kermes mineral imaeces- sary. It is made thus:—Take of sulphuret of anti- mony, in powder, two pounds;—of the solution of potassa, four pints:—of distilled water, three pints. Mix; and boil the mixture over a slow fire for three hours, stirring it well, and occasionally adding distil- led water, so that the same measure may be preserved. Strain the solution quickly through a double linen cloth, and while it is yet hot, drop in gradually, as much sulphuric acid as may be required to precipitate the powder; then wash away the sulphate of potassa by hot water; dry the precipitated sulphuret of anti- mony, and reduce it to powder. In this process part of the water is decomposed, and its oxygen unites partly with the antimony; the oxyde of antimony, as well as the potassa, combines with sulphur and hydro- gen, forming hydrosulphuret of antimony and hydro- guretted sulphuret of potassa: if the solution be allow- ed to cool, the former of these partly precipitates, con slituting the kermes mineral; but the addition of the sulphuric acid throws dows tne whole of it at once, mixed with some sulphur, furnished with the decom position of the hydroguretted sulphuret of potassa. As an alterative and sudorific, it is in high estima- tion, and given in diseases of the skin and glands; and, joined with calomel, it is one of the most power fill and penetrating alteratives we are in possession of 73 ANT ANT Antimonii tartarizati vinum. Wine of tartar- Ized antimony. Take of tartarized antimony, one scruple; boiling distilled water, eight fluid ounces; rectified spirit, two fluid ounces. Dissolve the tartar- ized antimony in the boiling distilled water, and add the spirit to the filtered liquor. Four fluid drachms of this contain one grain of tartarized antimony. ANTIMONITE. A salt formed by the combina- tion of the antimonous acid with alkaline and other bases. Seo Antimony. ANTIMO'NIUM. See Antimony Antimonium calcinatum. An oxyde of antimony. Antimonium diaphoreticum. An old name for an oxyde of antimony. Antimonium tartarizatum. Tartarus emeticus; Tartarum emeticum; Tartarus antimonialus; Tar- tris antimonii cum potassa; Tartarum stibiatum. Tartar emetic. It is obtained by boiling the fusible oxyde of antimony with supertartrate of potassa, the excess of tartaric acid dissolves the oxyde, and a triple salt is obtained by crystallization. The London Phar- macopoeia directs thus Take of glass of antimony finely legivated, supertartrate of potassa in powder, of each a pound; boiling distilled water a gallon; mix the glass of antimony and the supertartrate of potassa well together, and then add them by degrees to the distilled water, which is to be kept boiling and con- stantly stirred; boil the whole for a quarter of an hour, and then set it by. Filter it when cold, and evaporate the filtered liquor so that crystals may form in it A solution of this salt in dilute wine is ordered in the Pharmacopoeia. See Antimonii tartarizati vinum. Tartar emetic is the most useful of all the antimo- nial preparations. Its action is not dependent on the state of the stomach, and, being soluble in water, its dose is easily managed, while it also acts more speed- ily. In doses of from one to three, four, or five grains, it generally acts powerfully as an emetic, and is em- ployed whenever we wish to obtain the effects which result from full vomiting. As patients are differently affected by this medicine, the safest mode of exhibiting it is: R. Antimonii tartarazati, gr. iii. Aqua distil- lata, 5 iv. Misce et cola. Dosis ? ss. omni horae quad- rante, donee supervenerit vomitus. For children, emetic tartar is not so safe for an emetic as ipecacuanha powder: when great debility of the system is present, even a small dose has been known to prove fatal. Sometimes it proves cathartic. In smaller doses it excites nausea, and proves a pow- erful diaphoretic and expectorant. As an emetic it is chiefly given in the beginning of fevers and febrile diseases; when great debility is present, and in the advanced stages of typhoid fever, its use is improper, and even sometimes fatal. As a diaphoretic, it is given in small doses, of from an eighth to a quarter of a grain; and as an expectorant, in doses still smaller. Emetic tartar, in small doses, combined with calomel, has been found a powerful yet safe alterative in ob- stinate eruptions of the skin. R. Antimonii tartari- zati, gr iv. Hydrargyri submuriatis, gr. xvi. Con- fectionis rosa gallics, q. s. Divide in pil. xxiv. Capiat i. mane nocteque ex thea sassafras. In the form of powder, or dissolved in water, it is applied by a pencil to warts and obstinate ulcers: it is also given in the form of clyster, with a view to pro- duce irritation in soporose diseases, apoplexy, ileus, and strangulated hernia. The powder mixed with any fluid, and rubbed on thescorbiculus cordis, excites vomiting. Another property which tartar emetic has, when rubbed on the skin, is that of producing a crop of pustules very like to the small-pox, and with this view it is used against rheumatic pains, white, and other obstinate swellings. The best antidote against the bad effects of too large a quantity of this andother antimonial preparations, is a decoction of the bark of cinchona; in defect of which, tea and other astrin- gents may be used. In a larger dose, this salt is capa- ble of acting as a violent poison. The best antidotes are demulcent drinks, infusions of bark, tea, and sul- phuretted hydrogen water, which instantly converts the energetic salt into a relatively mild sulphuret: anodynes are useful afterward. Antimonium vitrifactum. Glass of antimony. An oxyde of antimony, with a little sulphuret. ANTIMONY. (Antimonium, i. n. Avriuovcov. The origin of this word is very obscure. The most received etymology is, from avn, against, and' uovof, a monk; because Valentine, by an injudicious ad- ministration of it, poisoned his brother monks.) Sti- bium. A metal found native, but very rarely; it has. in that state, a metallic lustre, and is found in masses of different shapes; its colour is white, between those of tin and silver. It generally contains a small por- tion of arsenic. It is likewise met with in the state of an oxyde, antimonial ochre. The most abundant ore of it is that in which it is combined with sulphur, the gray ore of antimony, or sulphuret of antimony The colour of this ore is bluish, or steel-gray, of a me- tallic lustre, and is often extremely beautifully varie- gated. Its texture is either compact, foliated, or striated. The striated is found both crystallized, massive, and disseminated: there are many varieties of this ore. Properties of Antimony.—Antimony is a metal of a grayish white, having a slight bluish shade, and very brilliant. Its texture is lamellated, and exhibits plates crossing each other in every direction. Its sur- face is covered with herbarisations and foliage. Its specific gravity is 6.702. It is sufficiently hard to scratch all the soft metals. It is very brittle, easily broken, and pulverizable. It fuses at 810° Fahr. It can be volatilized, and burns by a strong heat. When perfectly fused, and suffered to cool gradually, it crys- tallizes in octabedra. It unites with sulphur and phosphorus. It decomposes water strongly at a red heat. It is soluble in alkaline sulphurets. Sulphuric acid, boiled upon antimony, is feebly decomposed Nitric acid dissolves it in the cold. Muriatic acid scarcely acts upon it. The oxygenated muriatic acid gas inflames it, and the liquid acid dissolves it with facility. Arsenic acid dissolves it by heat with diffi- culty. It unites, by fusion, with gold, and renders it pale and brittle. Platina, silver, lead, bismuth, nickel, copper, arsenic, iron, cobalt, tin, and zinc, unite with antimony by fusion, and form with it compounds, more or less brittle. Mercury does not alloy with it easily unless very pure. We are little acquainted with the action of alkalies upon it Nitrate of potassa is decomposed by it. It fulminates by percussion with oxygenated muriate of potassa. Antimony forms three, probably four, distinct combinations with' oxygen: 1. The protoxyde, a blackish gray powder obtained from a mixture of powder of antimony and water at the positive pole of a voltaic circuit. 2. The deutoxyde, obtained by digesting the metal in powder, in muriatic acid, and pouring the solution in water of potassa. Wash and dry the precipitate. It is a powder of a dirty white colour which melts in a moderate red heat, and crystallizes as it cools. 3. The tritoxyde, or antimonious acid, which as immediately produced by the combustion of the metal, called formerly, from its fine white colour, the argen- tine flowers of antimony. It forms the salts called antimonites with the different bases. 4. The peroxyde, or antimonic acid. This is formed when the metal in powder is ignited along with six times its weight of nitre in a silver crucible. The excess of potassa and nitre being afterward sepa- rated by hot water, the antimoniate of potassa is then to be decomposed by muriatic acid, when the insolu- ble antimonic acid of a straw colour will be obtained. Methods of obtaining antimony. 1. To obtain anti- mony, heat 32 parts of filings of iron to redness, and project on them, by degrees, 100 parts of antimony; when the whole is in fusion, throw on it, by degrees, 20 parts of nitrate of potassa, and after a few minutes quiet fusion, pour it into an iron melting cone, pre- viously heated and greased. 2. It may also be obtained by melting eight parts of the ore mixed with six of nitrate of potassa, and three of supertartrate of potassa, gradually projected into a red-hot crucible, and fused. To obtain perfectly pure antimony, Margraaf melted some pounds ofthe sulphuret in a luted crucible, and thus scorified any metals it might contain. Of the antimony thus purifi d, which lay at the bottom, he took sixteen ounces, which he oxydized cautiously first with a slow, and afterward with a strong heat, until it ceased to smell of sulphur, and acquired a grayish-white colour. Of this gray powder he took four ounces, mixed them with six drachms of supertartrate of potassa, and three of charcoal, and kept them in ANT ANT solve in boiling water the result of the evaporation, evaporate till the solution acquires the spec. grav. 1.161, and then let it repose, that crystals be obtained, which, by this process, will be pure. By another recipe, copied, with some alteration, from Mr. Phil- lips's prescription, into the appendix of the French Pharmacopoeia, a subsulphale of antimony is formed first of all, by digesting two parts of sulphuret of anti- mony in a moderate heat, with three parts of oil of vitriol. This insoluble subsulphate being well washed, is then digested in a quantity of boiling water, with its own weight of cream of tartar, and evaporated at the density 1.161, after which it is filtered hot. On cool- ing, crystals of the triple tartrate are obtained. One might imagine, that there is a chance of obtaining by this process a mixture of sulphate of potassa, and per- haps of a triple sulphate of antimony, along with the tartar emetic. Probably this does not happen, for it is said to yield crystals, very pure, very white, and without any mixture whatever. Pure tartar emetic is in colourless and transparent tetrahedrons or octohedrons. It reddens litmus. Its taste is nauseous and caustic. Exposed to the air, it effloresces slowly. Boiling water dissolves half its weight, and cold water a fifteenth part. Sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, when poured into a solution of this salt, precipitate its cream of tartar; and soda, potassa, ammonia, or their carbonates, throw down its oxyde of antimony. Barytes, strontites, and lime waters occasion not only a precipitate of oxyde of an- timony, like the alkalies, but also insoluble tartrates of these earths. That produced by the alkaline hydro- sulphurets is wholly formed of kermes; while that caused by sulphuretted hydrogen, contains both kermes and cream of tartar. The decoctions of several varie- ties of cinchona, and of several bitter and astringent plants, equally decompose tartar emelic; and tne pre- cipitate then always consists of the oxyde of antimony, combined with the vegetable matter and cream of tartar. Physicians ought, therefore, to beware of such incompatible mixtures. When tartar emetic is ex- posed to a red heat, it first blackens, like all organic compounds, and afterward leaves a residuum of me- tallic antimony and subcarbonate of potassa. From this circumstance, and the deep brownish red precipi- tate, by hydrosulphurets, this antimonial combination may readily be recognised. The precipitate may further be dried on a philter, and ignited with black flux, when a globule of metallic antimony will be ob- tained. Infusion of galls is an active precipitant of tartar emetic. The composition of this salt, according to M. The- nard, is 35.4 acid, 39.6 oxyde, 16.7 potassa, and 8.2 water. The presence of the latter ingredient is obvi- ous, from the undisputed phenomenon of efflorescence. If we adopt the new views of M. Gay Lussac, this salt may be a compound of a prime equivalent of tartar = 23.825, with a prime equivalent of deutoxide of anti- mony = 13. On this hypothesis, we would have the following proportions: 2 primes acid, = 16.75 45.4 1 prime potassa, = 5.95 16.2 1 prime water, = 1.125 3.1 4 oxyde of antimony, =13.00 35.3 fusion in a well-covered and luted crucible, for one hour, and thus obtained a metallic button that weighed one ounce, seven drachms, and twenty grains. The metal, thus obtained, he mixed with half its weight of desiccated subcarbonate of soda, and cover- ed the mixture with the same quantity of the subcar- bonate. He then melted it in a well-covered and luted crucible, in a very strong heat, for half an hour, and thus obtained a button which weighed one ounce, six drachms, and seven grains, much whiter and more beautiful than the former. This he again treated with one and a half ounce of subcarbonate of soda, and obtained a button, weighing one ounce, five drachms, and six grains. This button was still purer than the foregoing. Repeating these fusions with equal weights of subcarbonate of soda three times more, and an hour and a half each time, he at last obtained a button so pure as to amalgamate with mercury with ease, very hard, and in some degree malleable; the scoriae formed in the last fusion were transparent, which indicated that they contained no sulphur, and hence it is the obstinate adherence of the sulphur that renders Ihe purification of this metal so difficult. "Chlorine gas and antimony combine with combus- tion, and a bichloride results. This was formerly pre- pared by distilling a mixture of two parts of corrosive sublimate with one of antimony. The substance which came over having a fatty consistence, was called butter of antimony. It is frequently crystal- lized in four-sided prisms. It is fusible and volatile at a moderate heat; and is resolved by water alone into the white oxyde and muriatic acid. Being a bichloride, it is eminently corrosive, like the bichlo- ride of mercury, from which it is firmed. It consists of 45.7 chlorine 4- 54.3 antimony, according to Dr. John Davy's analysis, when the composition of the sulphuret is corrected by its recent exact analysis by Berzelius. But 11 antimony -4- 2 primes chlorine = 9.0, give the proportion per cent, of 44.1 + 55.5; a good coincidence, if we consider the circuitous pro- cess by which Dr. Davy's analysis was performed. Three parts of corrosive sublimate, and one of metal- lic antimony, are the equivalent proportions for making butter of antimony. Iodine and antimony combine by the aid of heat into a solid iodine, of a dark red colour. The pkosphvret of this metal is obtained by fusing It with solid phosphoric acid. It is a white semicrys- talline substance. The sulphuret of antimony exists abundantly in nature. It consists, according to Berze- lius, of 100 antimony -f- 37.25 sulphur. The propor- tion given by the equivalent ratio is 100 + 36.5. The only important alloys of antimony are those of lead and tin; the former constitutes type-metal, and con- tains about one-sixteenth of antimony; the laUer alloy is employed for making the plates on which mu- sic is engraved. The salts of antimony are of two different orders; In the first, the deutoxyde acts the part of a salifiable base; in the second, the tritoxide and peroxide act the part of acids, neutralizing the alkaline and other bases, to constitute the antimonites and antimoniates. The only distinct combination ofthe first order enti- tled to our attention, is the triple salt called tartrate of potassa and antimony, or tartar emetic, and which, by Gay Lussac's new views, would be styled cream-tar- tratc of antimony. This constitutes a valuable and powerful medicine, and therefore the mode of pre- . paring it should be correctly and clearly defined. As the dull white deutoxyde of antimony is the true basis of this compound salt, and as that oxyde readily passes by mismanagement into the tritoxide or antimonious acid, which is altogether unlit for the purpose, ade- quate pains should be taken to guard against so capital an error. In the British pharmacopoeias, the glass of antimony is now directed as the basis of tartar emetic. More complex and precarious formulae were formerly introduced. The new edition of the Pharmacopee Frangaise has given a recipe, which appears, with a slight change of proportions, to be unexceptionable. Take of the sulphuretted vitreous oxide of antimony, levigated and acidulous tartrate of potassa, equal parts. From a powder, which is to be put into an earthen or silver vessel, with a sufficient quantity of pure water. Boil the mixture for half an hour, adding boiling water from time to time; filter the hot liquor, and evaporate to dryness in a porcelain capsule; dis- 36.825 100.0 But very little confidence can be reposed in such atomical representations. The deutoxyde seems to have the property of com- bining with sulphur in various proportions. To this species of compound must be referred the liver of an- timony, glass of antimony, and crocus metallorum of the ancient apothecaries. Sulphuretted hydrogen forms, with the deutoxide of antimony, a compound which possessed at one time great celebrity in medi- cine, and of which a modification has lately been in- troduced into the art of calico printing. By dropping hydrosulphuret of potassa, or of ammonia, into the cream tartrate, or into mild muriate of antimony, the hydrosulphuric of the metallic oxyde precipitates of a beautiful deep orange colour. This is kermes mineral. Cluzel's process for obtaining a fiue kermes, light, velvety, and of a deep purple-brown, is the following: one part of pulverized sulphuret of antimony, 22 1-2 parts of crystallized subcarbonate of soda, and 200 parts of water, are to be boiled together in an iron pot Filter the hot liquor into warm earthen pans, and ANT ANT allow them to cool very slowly. At the end of 34 hours, the kermes is deposited. Throw it on a filter, wash it with water which had been boiled and then cooled out of contact with air. Dry the kermes at a temperature of 85°, and preserve in corked phials. Whatever may be the process employed, by boiling the liquor, after cooling and filtration, on new sulphuret of antimony, or upon that which was left in the former operation, this new liquid will deposite, on cooling, a new quantity of kermes. Besides the hydrosulphuret- ted oxyde of antimony, there is formed a sulphuretted hydrosulphuret of potassa or soda. Consequently the alkali seizes a portion of the sulphur from the antimo- nial sulphuret, water is decomposed; and, while a a portion of its hydrogen unites to the alkaline sul- phuret, >ts oxygen, and the other portion of its hydro- gen, combine with the sulphuretted antimony. It seems, that the resulting kermes remains dissolved in the sulphuretted hydrosulphuret of potassa or soda; but as it is less soluble in the cold than the hot, it is partially precipitated by refrigeration. If we pour into the supernatant liquid, after the kermes is deposited and removed, any acid, as the dilute nitric, sulphuric, or muriatic, we decompose the sulphuretted hydrosul- phuret of potassa or soda. The alkaline base being laid hold of, the sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphur to which they were united are set at liberty ; the sulphur and kermes fall together, combine with it, and form an orange-coloured compound, called the golden sul- phuret of antimony. It is a hydroguretted sulphuret of antimony. Hence, when it is digested with warm muriatic acid, a large residuum of sulphur is obtained, amounting sometimes to 12 per cent. Kermes is com- posed, by Thenard, of 20.3 sulphuretted hydrogen, 4.15 sulphur, 72.76 oxyde of antimony, 2.79 water and loss; and the golden sulphuret consists of 17.87 sulphuretted hydrogen, 68.3 oxyde of antimony, and 12 sulphur. By evaporating the supernatant kermes liquid, and cooling, crystals form, which have been lately em- ployed by the calico printer to give a topical orange. These crystals are dissolved in water, and the solution, being thickened with paste or gum, is applied to cloth in the usual way. When the cloth is dried, it is passed through a dilute acid, when the orange precipi- tate is deposited and fixed on the vegetable fibres. An empirical antimonial medicine, called James's powder, has been much used in this country. The inventor called it his fever powder, and was so suc- cessful in his practice with it, that it obtained very great reputation, which it still in some measure retains. Probably, the success of Dr. James was in a great measure owing lo his free use of the bark, which he always gave as largely as the stomach would bear, as soon as he had completely evacuated the primae viae by the use of his antimonial preparation, with which at first he used to combine some mercurial. His speci- fication, lodged in chancery, is as follows: " Take antimony, calcine it with a continued protracted heat, in a flat, unglazed, earthen vessel, adding to it from time to time a sufficient quantity of any animal oil and salt, well dephlegmated ; then boll it in melted nitre for a considerable time, and separate the powder from the nitre by dissolving it in water." The real recipe has been studiously concealed, and a false one published in its stead. Different formulae have been offered for imitating it. That of Dr. Pearson furnishes a mere mixture of an oxyde of antimony, with phos- phate of lime. The real powder of James, according to this chemist, consists of 57 oxyde of antimony, with 43 phosphate of lime. It seems highly probable that luperphosphate of lime would act on oxyde of anti- mony in a way somewhat similar to cream of tartar, and produce a more chemical combination than what can be derived from a precarious ustulation, and cal- cination of hartshorn shavings and sulphuret of anti- mony, in ordinary hands. The antimonial medicines are powerful deobstiuents, promoting particularly the cuticular discharge. The union of this metallic oxyde with sulphuretted hydrogen, ought undoubtedly to favour its medicinal agency in chronic diseases of the skin. The kermes deserves more credit than it has hitherto received from British physicians. The compounds, formed by the antimonious and antimonic acids with the bases, have not been applied to any use. Muriate of barytes may be employed as a test lor tartar emetic. It will show, by a precipitate insoluble in nitric acid, if sulphate of potassa be pre- sent. If the crystals be regularly formed, more tartar need not be suspected."— Ure's Chem. Diet. The preparations of antimony formerly in use were very many : those now directed to be kept are ;— 1. Sulphurctum antimonii. 2. Oxydum antimonii. 3. Sulphuretum antimonii pracipitatum, 4. Antimonium tarlarizatum. 5. Vinum antimonii tartarizati. 6. Pulvis antimonialis. ANTl'MORIS. (From avn, against, and uopos, death, or disease.) A medicine to prolong life. ANTINEPHRITIC. (Antinephriticus; from avn, against, and vedipins, a disease of the kidneys.) A remedy against disorders ofthe kidneys. ANTIODONTALGIC. (Antiodontalgicus; from avrt, against, and oiovraXyta, the toothache.) Against the toothache. ANTIODONTA'LGICUS. An insect described by Germi in a small work published at Florence 1794, so called from its property of allaying the toothache. It is a kind of curculio found on a species of thistle, Car- duus spinosissimus. If twelve or fifteen of these in- sects, in the state of larva, or when come to perfection, be bruised and rubbed slowly between the fore-finger and thumb until they have lost their moisture, and if the painful tooth, where it is hollow, be touched with that finger, the pain ceases sometimes instantaneously A piece of shamoy leather will answer the same pur- pose with the finger. If the gums are inflamed, the remedy is of no avail. Other insects possess the pro- perty of curing the toothache; such as the Scarabeus ferrugineus of Fabricius; the Coccinclla septempunc- tata, or lady-bird; the Chrysomela populi, and the Chrysomela sanguinolenta. This property belongs to several kinds of the Coleoptera. ANTIPARALY'TIC. (Antiparalyticus; from avn, against, and -rapaXvots, the palsy.) Against the palsy. ANTIPATHY. (Antipathia, as. f. AvniraBns, from avnttaBcia, to bave a natural repugnance or dislike; from avn, against, and naBos, an affection.) ' 1. An aversion to particular objects. 2. The name of a genus of diseases in some classifi- cations. ANTIPERISTALTIC- (Antiperistalticus; from avn, against, and -irepi^tXXti), to contract.) Whatsoe- ver obstructs the peristaltic motion ofthe intestines. Ajthperi'statis. (From avrt,against, and ittpi^n- ui, to press.) A compression on all sides. Theo- phrastus de igne. ANTIPHA'RMIC. (Antipharmicus; from avri, against, and ipapuanov, a poison.) The same as alexi- pharmic. Remedies or preservatives against poison.— Dioscorides. ANTIPHLOGISTIC. (Antiphlogisticus; from av- ri, against, and tbXeyot, to burn.) A term applied to those medicines, plans of diet, and other circumstances, which tend to oppose inflammation, or which, in other words, weaken the system by diminishing the activity of the vital power. ANTIPHTHIS1C. (Anliphthisicus; from avn, against, and dtBiots, consumption.) Against a con- sumption. Anti'phthora. (From avn, against, and tpBopa, corruption.) A speciesof wolfsbane which resists cor ruption. See Aconitum anthora. ANTIPHY'SIC. (Antiphysicus; from avn, against, and tpvoato, to blow.) A carminative or remedy against wind. ANTIPLEURI'TIC. (Antipleurilicus; from avn, against, and TtXevnms, pleurisy.) Against a pleurisy. ANTIPODA'GIUC. (Antipodagricus; from avn, against, and irodaypa, the gout.) That which relieves or removes the gout. Antipraxia. (From avn against, and 7rpa, to work.) A contrariety of functions and temperaments in divers parts. Contrariety of symptoms. ANTIPYRE'TIC. (Antipyreticus; from avn, against, and irvptros, fever.) Against a fever. Antiquartana'ria. (From avn, against, and quartana, a quartan fever.) Remedies against quar tan agues. Antiqita'rticum. The same as Antiquartanaria. ANTIRRHI'NUM. (Avn^ivov; from «vn against, and pis, the nose: so called because it represents the nose of a calf.) The name of a genua of plants in the ANT ANT Llnnaean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angio- epermia. Antirrhinim elatine. The systematic name of the plant we call flu?'!.-'.:, or female speedwell. Ela- tine of the shops. The leaves of this plant have a roughish bitter taste, but no smell. It was formerly much used against scurvy and old ulcerations, but now wholly forgotten. Antirrhinum linaria. The systematic name for the linaria of the pharmacopoeias. Osyris; Urina ria; Antirrhinum—foliis lanceolatis linearibus con- fertis, caule erecto, spicis terminalibus stssilibus,flo- ribus imbricatis of Linnaeus. Common toad-flax. A perennial indigenous plant, common in barren pas- tures, hedges, and the sides of roads, flowering from July to September. The leaves have a bitterish and somewhat saline taste, and when rubbed between the fingers, have a faint smell, resembling that of elder. They are said to be diuretic and cathartic, and in both characters to act powerfully, especially in the first; hence the name urinaria. They have been recom- mended in dropsies and other disorders requiring pow- erful evacuations. The linaria has also been used as a resolvent in jaundice, and such diseases as were sup- posed to arise from visceral obstructions. But the plant has been chiefly valued for its effects when ex- ternally applied, especially in hemorrhoidal affections, for which both the leaves and flowers have been em- ployed in various forms of ointment, fomentation, and poultice. Dr. Wolph first invented an ointment of this plant for the piles. The Landgrave of Hesse, to whom he was physician, constantly interrogated him, to discover its composition; but Wolph obstinately refused, till the prince promised to give him a fat ox annually for the discovery: hence, to the following verse, which was made to distinguish the linaria from the escula, viz. " Escula lactescit, sine lacte linaria crescit." The hereditary Marshal of Hesse added, " Escula nil noiis, sed dot linaria taurum." ANTISCO'LIC. (Antiscolicus; from avn, against, and oK8ai; from atrrui, to inflame.) The thrush. Frog, or sore mouth. Aphtha lactucimen of Sauvages. Ulcera scrpentia oris, or spreading ulcers in the mouth, of Celsus. Pustula oris. Alcola. Vesicula gingivarum. Acacos. Aphtha infantum. A disease ranked by Cullen in the class Pyrexia, order Exanthemata. Children are very sub- ject to it. It appears in small, white ulcers upon the tongue, gums, and around the mouth and palate, resembling small particles of curdled milk. When the disease is mild, it is confined to these parts; but when it is violent and of long standing, it is apt to extend through the whole course of the alimentary canal, from the mouth down to the anus; and so to excite severe purgings, flatulencies, and other disagreeable symp- toms. The disease when recent and confined to the mouth, may in general be easily removed; but when of long standing, and extending down to the stomach and intestines, it very frequently proves fatal. The thrush sometimes occurs as a chronic disease, both in warm climates and in those northern countries where the cold is combined with a considerable degree of moisture, or where the soil is of a very marshy nature. It may, in some cases, be considered as an idiopathic affection; but it is more usually symp- tomatic. It shows itself, at first, by an uneasy sen- sation, or burning heat in the stomach, which conies on by slow degrees, and increases gradually in violence. After some time, small pimples, of about the size of a pin's head, show themselves on the tip and edges ofthe tongue; and these, at length, spread over the whole inside of the mouth, and occasion such a tenderness and rawness, that the patient cannot take any food of a solid nature ; neither can he receive any vinous or spirituous liquor into his mouth, without great pun- gency and pain being excited; little febrile heat attends but there is a dry skin, pale countenance, small pulse, and cold extremities. These symptoms will probably continue for some weeks, the general health being sometimes better and sometimes worse, and then the patient will be attacked with acrid eructations, o» API APO severe purging?, which greatly exhaust his strength, and produce considerable emaciation of the whole body. After a little time, these symptoms cease, and he again enjoys better health ; but, sooner or later, the acrid matter shows itself once more in the mouth, with greater virulence than before, and makes frequent translations to the stomach and intestines, and so from these to the mouth again, until, at last, the patient is reduced to a perfect skeleton. Elderly people, and persons with a shattered constitution, are most liable to its attacks. The treatment of the thrush in children is generally to be begun with the exhibition of a gentle emetic: then clear the bowels, if confined, by rhubarb and magnesia, castor oil, or other mild aperients; or sometimes in gross, torpid habits by a dose of calomel. In general the prevalence of acid in the prima; viae appears to lead to the complaint; whence antacid remedies prove beneficial in its progress: when the patient is costive, giving the preference to magnesia ; when relaxed, to chalk, which may be sometimes ,oined with aromatics, the mild vegetable astringents," or even a little opium, if the diarrhoea be urgent. Where the child is very weak, and the aphthae of a dark colour, the decoction of bark or other tonics must be had recourse to. The separation ofthe sloughs and healing ofthe ulcers may be promoted by washing the mouth occasionally with the honey of borax, diluted with two or three parts of rose water; or where they are of a dark colour, by the decoction of bark, acidu- lated with sulphuric acid. The diet should be light and nutritious, especially where there is much debility. As the complaint is subsiding, particular attention is required to obviate the bowels becoming confined. In the chronic aphthae affecting grown persons, pretty much the same plan of treatment is to be pursued: besides which, the compound powder of ipecacuanha and other diaphoretics, assisted by the occasional use of the warm bath, wearing flannel next the skin, par- ticularly in a damp cold climate, Sec. appear to be beneficial. APHYLLUS. (From a, priv. and dtvXXov, a leaf.) Leafless. A term applied to parts of plants which arc so conditioned when similar parts of other plants have leaves. Thus a stem is said to be aphyllous when it is altogether void of leaves. Linnaeus uses the term nudus. Examples are found in Cuscuta Europaa, dodder; Asphodelusfistulosus, Sec. Aphyllje plant*. Aphyllous plants, or plants without leaves. Some plants being entirely devoid of leaves, are naturally arranged under one head, to which this name is given. A'PIS. The name of a genus of insects in the Lin- naean system. The bee. Apis mellifica. The systematic name of the honey-bee. It was formerly dried and powdered, and thus given internally as a diuretic. It is to the industry of this little animal that we are indebted for honey and wax. See Mel and Cera. The venom of the bee, according to Fontana, bears a close resemblance to that of the viper. It is contained in a small vesicle, and has a hot acrid taste like that of the scorpion. A'PIUM. (Apium, i. n.; from nittos, Dorice, amos, mild: or from apes, bees ; because they are fond of it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeia! name of the herb smallage. See Apium graveolens. Apium oraveolens. The systematic name for the apium of the pharmacopoeias. Apium—foliolis cau- linis, cunciformibus, umbellis, sessilibus, of Linnaeus. Smallage The root, seeds, and fresh plant, are ape- rient and carminative. Apium hortinsi. See Apiumpetroselinum. Apium petroselinum. The systematic name for the petroselinum ofthe pharmacopoeias. Petroselinum vulgare. Apium hortense. Common parsley. Apium —foliis caulinis linearibus, involucellis minutis; of Linnaeus. Both the roots and seeds of this plant were formerly directed by the London College for medicinal use, and the root is still retained in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia: the former have a sweetish taste accompanied with a slight warmth or flavour, some- what resembling that of carrot; the latter are in taste warmer and more aromatic than any other part of the plant, and manifest considerable bitterness. The roots are said to be aperient and diuretic, and have been employed in nephritic pains and obstructions of urine 80 The seeds possess aromatic and carminative powers, but are seldom prescribed. [APLOME of Hauy, Brochant, Brogniart. This very rare mineral has been observed only in dodecae- drons with rhombic faces, marked by striae, parallel to theshorter diagonals. Thisdodecaedron is supposed to be derived from a cube by one ofthe most simple laws of decrement: viz. that of a single range of particles parallel to all the edges of a cube. Hence its name from the Greek AttAooj, simple. The Aplome gives fire with steel, and feebly scratches quartz. Its specific gravity is 3.44. Its fracture in some parts is uneven and nearly dull; while in others it is shining and slightly conchoidal. Its colour is usually a deep brown, sometimes yellowish green. It is usually opaque, but the small crystals often trans- mit an orange-coloured light. It is fusible by the blow-pipe into a blackish glass. It is composed of silex, 40.0, alumine 20.0, lime 14.5, oxyde of iron 14.5, manganese 2.0, ferruginous silex 2.0; = 93.00. It differs from the garnet in the direction of its striae and its inferior specific gravity. It has been found in Siberia and Saxony.—CI. Min. A.] APLON^E. A deep orange-brown mineral, mostly considered to be a variety ofthe garnet. APNEU'STIA. (From a, and nvcia, to breathe.) A defect or difficulty of respiration, such as happens in a cold, &c. Foesius. Apncea'. The same.—Galen. Apocapni'smus. (From ano, and tcaitvus, smoke.) A fumigation. Apocalha'rsis. (From ano, and xaBatpio, to purge.) An evacuation of humours. A discharge downwards, and sometimes applied, with little discrimination, to vomiting. Apocaulize'sis. (From anoKavXltw, to break trans- versely.) A transverse fracture.—Hippocrates. APOCENO'SIS. (From airo, and kcvoco, to evacu- ate.) 1. A flow or evacuation of any humour. 2. The name of an order in the class Locales of Cullen, which embraces diseases characterized by a superabundant flux of blood, or other fluid, without pyrexia. Apo'cope. (From ano, and Konrio, to cut from.) Abscission, or the removal of a part by cutting it off. Apo'crisis. (From a-co, and koivw, to secrete from.) A secretion of superabundant humours.— Hippocrates. Apocru'sticon. See Apocrustinum. Apocru'stinum. (From attoKpovta, to repel.) Apo crusticon. An astringent or repellent medicine.— Galen. Apocye'sis. (From a7ro, and kvu, to bring forth V Parturition, or the bringing forth of a child.— Galen. Apodacry'tica. (From airo, and oWpu, a tear) Medicines which, by exciting tears, remove super- fluous humours from the eyes, as onions tec—Pliny. Apogeu'sis. See Ageustia. Apogeu'stia. See Ageustia. Apooinome'sis. (From anoyivouat, to be absent) The remission or absence of a disease.—Hippocrates. Apoolauco'sis. (From ano, and yXaricos,' sky- coloured ; so called because of its bluish appearance.) See Glaucoma. Apo'gonum. (From airo, and ytvouat, to beget.) A living foetus in the womb.—Hippocrates. Apolepsis. (From a-co, and XauSavio, to take from.) An interception, suppression, or retention of urine, or any other natural evacuation.—Hipvo- crates. Apouno'sis. (From ano, and Xivov, flax.) The method of curing a fistula, according to jEgineta, bv the application of raw flax. ' Apo lysis. (From airo, and Atiw, to release.) The solution or termination of a disease. The removal of a bandage.—Erotianus. APOMA'GMA. (From airo, and parrm, to cleanse from.) Any thing used to cleanse and wipe awav filth from sores, as sponge, Sec—Hippocrates. i«^^MAJHK'MA' (Fr0UI ano' ne«' and uavOavu,, to learn.) Hippocrates expresses, by this term, a forget fulness of all thai has been learnt Apo'meli. (From a™, from, and usAi, honey.) An oxymel, or decoction, made with honey APONEUROSIS. (From ano, and vcvpot, a nerve • from an erroneous supposition of the ancients, that it APO APO was formed by the expansion of a nerve.) A tendi- nous; expansion. See Muscle. Al'ONIA. (From a, priv. and novos, pain.) Free- dom from pain. Aponitro'sis. (From ano, and virpov, nitre.) The sprinkling an ulcer over with nitre. Apopalle'sis. (From airo-aXAu, to throw off hastily.) An abortion, or premature expulsion of a foetus.—Hippocrates. Avopalsis. See Apopallesis. Apopeda'sis. (From airo, and nnSau, to jump front.) A luxation. APOPHLEGMA'SIA. (From airo, and fXcyua, phlegm.) A discharge of phlegm or mucus. APOPHLEGMA'TIC. (Apophlegmaticus; from airo, and Xcyua, phlegm.) Apophlegmatizantia; Apophlegmalizonta. 1. Medicines which excite the secretion of mucus from the mouth and nose. 2- Masticatories. 3. Errhines. Apophlegmatizantia. See Apophlegmatic. Apophlegmatizonta. See Apophlegmatic. Apophra'xis. (From ano, and tbpaoobi, to interrupt.) A suppression of the menstrual discharge. Apophtha'rma. (From airo, and tpBetpto, to cor- rupt.) A medicine to procure abortion. Apophthe'gma. (From anof8eyyouat, to speak eloquently.) A short maxim, or axiom; a rule. Apo'phthora. (From anotbBetpio, to be abortive.) An abortion. Apophy'ades. The ramifications of the veins and arteries.—Hippocrates. Apo'phyas. (From oito^dui, to proceed from.) Any thing which grows or adheres to another, as a wart to the finger. APOPHYLLITE. Ichthyophthalmite. Fish-eye stone. A mineral composed of silex, potassa, and water, found in the iron mine of Utoe, in Sweden. [This mineral occurs in laminated masses, or in regular crystals, having a strong, and peculiar externa! lustre, which is intermediate between vitreous and pearly. When exposed to the flame of a lamp it exfo- liates. Before the blow-pipe it melts with some diffi- culty into a white enamel. Its fragments, placed in cold nitric acid, are gradually converted into a whitish, flaky substance. Its powder forms a jelly in nitric or muriatic acid. It contains silex 51, lime 28, potash 4, water 17. It is lighter and harder than sulphate of barytes, but much less hard than adularia, both of which it may resemble.—CI. Min. A.J APO'PHYSIS. (From anocbvw, to proceed from.) 1. In anatomy. Appendix ; Probole, Ecphysis; Pro- cessus ; Productio; Projectura; Protuberantia. A process, projection, or protuberance of a bone beyond a plain surface; as the nasal apophysis of the frontal bone, &c. 2. In botany, this word is applied to a fleshy tuber- cle under the basis of the capsule or dry fruit adher- ing to the frondose mosses. Apople'cta vena. A name formerly applied to the internal jugular vein; so called because in apoplexies it appears full and turgid.—Bartholin. APOPLE'CTIC. (From airoirA^ta, an apoplexy.) Belonging to an apoplexy. APOPLE'XY. (Apoplexy, a. f.; from airo, and •tXrioow, to strike or knock down; because persons, when seized with this disease, fall down suddenly.) A sudden abolition, in some degree, of the powers of sense and motion, the patient lying in a sleep-like state; the action of the heart remaining, as well as the respiration, often with a stertorous noise. Cullen arranges it in the class Neuroses, and order Comata: 1. When it takes place from a congestion of blood, it is termed Apoplexia sanguinea. 2. When there is an abundance of serum, as in per- sons of a cold phlegmatic temperament, Apoplexia serosa. 3. If it arise from water in the ventricles of the brain, it is called Apoplexia hydroccphalica. See Hy- drocephalus. 4. If from a wound, Apoplexia traumatica, 5. If from poisons, Apoplexia venenata. 6. If from the action of suffocating exhalations, Aooplexia suffocata. '". If from passions of the mind, Apoplcxiamentalis is. And when it is joined with catalepsy, Apoplexia catalcptica. Apoplexy makes its attack chiefly at an advanced period of life; and most usually on those who are of a corpulent habit, with a short neck, and large head; and who lead an inactive life, make use of a full diet, or drink to excess. The immediate cause of apoplexy, is a compression of the brain, produced either by an accumulation of blood in the vessels of the head, and distending tiv-m to such a degree, as to compress the medullary portion of the brain; or by an effusion of blood from the red vessels, or of serum from the exha- lants; which fluids are accumulated in such a quan- tity as to occasion compression. These states, of overdistension and of effusion, may be brought on by whatever increases the afflux, and impetus of the blood in the arteries of the head; such as violent fits of passion, great exertions of muscular strength, severe exercise, excess in venery, stooping down for any length of time, wearing any thing too tight about the neck, overloading the stomach, long exposure to ex cessive cold, or a vertical sun, the sudden suppression of any long-accustomed evacuation, the application of the fumes of certain narcotic and metallic substances, such as opium, alkohol, charcoal, mercury, Sec. and by blows, wounds, and other external injuries: in short, apoplexy may be produced by whatever deter- mines too great a flow of blood to the brain, or pre vents its free return from that organ. The young, and those of a full plethoric habit, are most liable to attacks of the sanguineous apoplexy; and those of a phlegmatic constitution, or who are much advanced in life, to the serous. Apoplexy is sometimes preceded by headache, giddiness, dimness of sight, loss of memory, faltering of the tongue in Fpeaking, numbness in the extremities, drowsiness, stupor, and nightmare, all denoting an affection of the brain; but it more usually happens that, without much previous indisposition, the person falls down suddenly, the countenance becomes florid, the face appears swelled and puffed up, the vessels of the head, particularly of the neck and temples, seem tur gid and distended with blood; the eyes are prominent and fixed, the breathing is difficult and performed with a snorting noise, and the pulse is strong and full. Although the whole body is affected with the loss of sense and motion, it nevertheless takes place often more upon one side than the other, which is called hemiplegia, and in this case, the side least affected with palsy is somewhat convulsed. In forming an opinion as to the event, we must be guided by the violence of the symptoms. If the fit is of long duration, the respiration laborious and sterto- rous, and the person much advanced in years, the dis- ease, in all probability, will terminate fatally. In some cases, it goes off entirely; but it more frequently leaves a state of mental imbecility behind it, or termi- nates in a hemiplegia, or in death. Even when an attack is recovered from, it most frequently returns again, after a short period of time, and in the end proves fatal. In dissections of apoplexy, blood is often found effused on the surface and in the cavities of the brain; and in other instances, a turgidity and disten- tion of the blood-vessels are to be observed. In some cases, tumours have been found attached to different parts of the substance of the brain, and in others, no traces of any real affection of it could be observed. On an attack of sanguineous apoplexy, all compres- sion should be removed from the neck, the patient iaid with his head a good deal raised, and a free admission of cool air allowed. Then blood should be taken freely from the arm or the temporal artery, or the jugu- lar vein; which it may be sometimes necessary to repeat, if the symptoms continue, and the patient is still plethoric; or if blood can less be spared, cupping or leeches may lessen the congestion in the brain. The next object should be thoroughly to evacuate the bowels by some active purgative, as calomel joined with jalap, or with extract of colocynth, or followed by infusion of senna and some neutral salt, with a lit- tle tartarized antimony or tincture of jalap repeated every two hours till it operates; or a draught of tinc- ture of senna and wine of aloes, where the bowels are very torpid, may answer the purpose. Stimulant clysters will also be proper, particularly if the patient cannot swallow, as common salt and syrup of buck- thorn, with a proper quantity of gruel, infusion of senna or infusion of colocynth; or a turpentine clyster in elderly torpid habits. Cold should then be applied 81 APO APO assiduously »o the scalp, the hair being previously shaved, and a blister to the back of the neck; and diaphoretic medicines may be exhibited, avoiding, however, those which contain opium. Sinapisms to the feet may also be useful, particularly if these are cold. If under these means, the sensibility does not gradually return, some ofthe gentle diffusible stimulants will be proper, as ammonia, mustard, aether, camphor, &c.: and at this period, a blister to the scalp may come in aid. By some practitioners emetics arc recommended, but their use is hazardous, especially if sufficient evacuations be not premised: and the same may be observed of sternutatories. In the serous form of the disease, general bleeding is inadmissible, and even the local abstraction of blood should be very spa- ringly made; the bowels should be kept open, espe- cially by aloetic or mercurial formulae, but not pro- curing profuse discharges; and the other secretions maintained, especially by the use of the diffusible stimulants already mentioned; blisters to the head, and errhines may be here also useful. When apo- plectic symptoms have been occasioned by opium, or other narcotics, the timely discharge of this by an active emetic will be the most important measure; but in a plethoric habit, bleeding should be premised; subsequently various stimulants may be employed, as ammonia, vinegar, &c. endeavouring to procure a determination to the surface, and rousing the patient from his torpid state. The prevention of the san- guineous form of the disease will be best attempted by abstemiousness, regular moderate exercise, and keeping up the evacuations ; an issue or seton may also be useful; but under urgent circumstances, bleed- ing, especially topical, must be resorted to. In leuco- plilegmatic habits, a more nutritious diet will be proper. APOPNI'XIS. (From airoirviyw, to suffocate.) A suffocation.—Meschion. APOPSOPHE'SIS. (From airo, and xpoipm, to emit wind.l The emission of wind by the anus or uterus, according to Hippocrates. APOPSY'CHIA. (From una, from, and uVuv»;, the mind.) The highest degree of deliquiuin, or fainting, nccording to Galen. APO'PTOSIS. (From airoiriirnj, to fall down.) A prolapsus, or falling down of any part through relaxa- tion.—Erotian. Aporh'xis. (From airo, and optyta, to stretch out) A play with balls, in the gymnastic exercises. Apo'ria. (From a, priv. and iropo?, a duct.) Rest- lessness, uneasiness, occasioned by the interruption of perspiration, or any stoppage of the natural secretions. Aporrhi'psis. (From ano^inru, to cast off.) Hippocrates used this word to signify that kind of insanity where the patient tears off his clothes, and casts them from him. Aposceparni'smus. (From ano, from, and axtnap- vt^io, to strike with a hatchet.) Dcasciatio. A spe- cies of fracture, when part of a bone is chipped off.— Gorraus. Aposcha'sis. (From airo, and oxa^io, to scarify.) Aposchasmus. A scarification. Venesection.—Hip- pocrates. [APOSEPEDINE. The products of the fermenta- tion of cheese have been examined bv M. Bracconnot, who has shown that the substance," called by Proust castmts oxide, has no claim to such a title, and pro- poses to call it Aposepedine, from airo, and o/irtLv, (result of putrefaction). To obtain this substance, the curd of skim-milk, spontaneously coagulated, is to be mixed with water, and exposed in an open vessel until the putrefaction has fully obtained its height. By filtration, a liquor is obtained which, on being con- centrated by evaporation, yields a product of a veiy frond odour, owing apparently to the presence of an oily substance. Towards the close of the evaporation, vapours of acetic acid pass over, and a liquid of the consistence of syrup remains; which, on cooliii". con- cretes into a granulated, reddish mass like honey, and of a saline bitter taste. Treated by alkohol, it is sepa- rated into a soluble and insoluble portion. The latter is the Aposepedine of M. Bracconnot; the former is tht caseate of ammonia of Proust— fVebster's Man Oicm. A.] Aposi'tia. (From ano, from, and o-iroj, food.) Apositios. A loathing of food.—Galen. Apospa'sma. (From anoonaw, to tear off.) A vio- lent, irregular fracture of a tendon, ligament, tec- Galen. ArosPHACELi'sis. (From airo, and cfaxcXos, a mortification.) Hippocrates uses this word to denote a mortification of the flesh in wounds, or fractures, caused by too tight a bandage. APO'STASIS. (From airo, and tcvut, to recede from.) 1. An abscess, or collection of matter. 2. The coming away of a fragment of bone by frac- ture. 3. When a distemper passes away by some outlet, Hippocrates calls it an apostasis by excretion. 4. When the morbific matter, by its own weight, falls and settles on any part, an apostasis by settle- ment. 5. When one disease turns to another, an apostasis by metastasis. APOSTA'XIS. (From airos-as use ; and to prevent, after cooling, the rising of the water from the trough into the disengaging vessel, the tube of safety is employed. For the extrication of gases taking place in solutions, for which no external heat is required, the bottle called disengaging bottle, or proof, may be used. For receivers, to collect disengaged airs, various cylinders of glass are used, whether gra- duated or not, either closed at one end or open at both; nnd in this last case, they are made air-tight by a stop- per fitted by grinding. Besides these, glass bells and common bottles are employed. To combine with water, in a commodious way, Borne gases that are only gradually and slowly ab- sorbed by it, the glass apparatus of Parker is ser- APPENDI'CULA. A little appendage. Appendicula c>eci vkrmiformis. A vermicular process, about four inches in length, and the size of a goose-quill, which hangs to the intestinum caecum of the human body. APEPNDicuLiB eppiloicje. Appendices coliadiposa. The small appendices of the colon and rectum, which are'filled with adipose substance. See Omentum. APPENDICULA'TUS. Applied to leaves, leaf- stalks, Sec. that are furnished with an additional organ for some particular purpose not essential to it; as the Dionaa muscipula, the leaves of which terminate c?.ch in a pair of toothed irritable lobes, that close over and imprison insects; as also the leaf of the Ne- pentha distillatorea, which bears a covered pitcher full of water; the leaves of our Utriculum, which have numerous bladders attached to them which seem to secrete air and float them ; and the petiolus of the Dipsacus pilosus, which has little leaves at Its base. APPENDIX. 1. An appendage; that which be- Iongeth to any thing. 2. See Apophysis. APPLE. See Pyrus Apple, acid of. See Malic acid". Apple, pine. See Bromelia ananus. Apple, thorn. See Datura stramonium. Appropriate affinity. See Affinity intermediate. APRICOT. See Prunus armeniaca. APYRE'XIA. (From a, priv. and irupe^ia, a fever.) Apyrexia. Without fever.—The intermission of fever- ish heat. APYRI'NUS. (From a, priv. and nvprjv, nucleus, a kernel.) Without a kernel. Apyrinje plant*. Plants without kernels. The name in Gerard's arrangement of a class of plants. APYROUS. Bodies which sustain the action of a strong heat for a considerable time, without change ot figure or other properties, have been called apyrous; but the word is now very seldom used. It is synony mous with refractory. A'QUA. See Water. Aq.viE aeris fixi. Water impregnated with fixed air. This is liquid carbonic acid, or water impreg- nated with carbonic acid. It sparkles in the glass, has a pleasant acidulous taste, and forms an excellent be- verage. It diminishes thirst, lessens the morbid heat of the body, and acts as a powerful diuretic. It is also an excellent remedy in increasing irritability of the stomach, as in advanced pregnancy, and it is one of the best anti-emetics which we possess. Aqua aluminis composita. Compound solution of alum, formerly called aqua aluminosa bateana. See Liquor aluminis compositus. Aoj.ua ammonije acetatje. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Aqua ammonije purje. See Ammonia. Aqua aneti. See Anethum graveolens. Aqua calcis. See Calcis liquor. Aqua carui. See Carum carui. Aqua cinnamomi. See Laums*cinnamomum. Aqua ccelestis. A preparation of copper. Aqua cupri ammoniati. See Cupri ammoniutt liquor. Aqua cupri vitriolati composita. This pie- paration of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia is used externally, to stop haemorrhages ofthe nose, and other parts. It is made thus: R Cupri vitriolati, Aluminis, sing. 5 ss. Aqua pure, J iv. Acidi vitriolici, 3 ij. Boil the salts in water until they are dissolved; then filter the liquor and add the acid. Aqua distillata. Distilled water. This is made by distilling water in clean vessels, until about two- thirds have come over. In nature, no water is found perfectly pure. Spring or river water always contains a portion of saline matter, principally sulphate ot lime; and, from this impregnation, is unfit for a mi in ber of pharmaceutic preparations. By distillation, a perfectly pure water is obtained. The London Col- lege directs ten gallons of common water ; of which, first distil four pints, which are to be thrown away; then distil four gallons. This distilled water is to bu kept in glass vessels. See Water. Aqua fcsniculi. See Ancthum faniculum. Aqua fortis. This name is given to a weak and impure nitric acid, commonly used in the arts. It is distinguished by the terms double and single, the single being only half the strength of the oiher. The arlisis who use these acids call the more concentrated acid, which is much stronger even than the double aqua fortis, spirit of nitre. This distinction appears to be of some utility, and is therefore not improperly re- tained by chemical writers. See Nitric acid. Aqua kali prjeparati. See Potassa subcarbuua tis liquor. Aqua kali puri. See Potassa liquor. Aqua lithargyri acetati. See Plumbi ucetatis liquor. Aqua lithargyri acetati composita. See Plumbi acetatis liquor dilutus. Aqua marine. See Beryl. Aqua menth.b piperita. See McntJia piperita. Aqua menth.« sativje. See Mentha viridis. Aqua menthje viridis. Sec Mentha viridis Aqua de napoli. See Aquetla. Aqua pimentje. See Myrtus pimenta. Aqua pulegii. See Mentha Pulegium. Aqua regia. Aqua regalis. This acid, which is a mixture of the nitric and muriatic acids, lately called nitro-muriatic, and now chlorine, was formerly called aqua regalis, because it was, at that time, the only ACJU ARB acid that was known to be able to dissolve gold. See Chlorine. Aqua rosje. See Rosa centifolia. Aqua stvptica. A name formerly given to a com- bination of powerful astringents, viz. sulphate of cop- per, sulphate of alum, and sulphuric acid. It has been applied topically to check haemorrhage, and, largely diluted with water, as a wash in purulent oph- thalmia. See Aqua cupri vitriolati composita. Aqua Toffania. See Aquetta. Aqua vit*. Ardent spirit of the first distillation has been distinguished in commerce by this name. .Aqua zinci vitriolati cum camphora. Aqua vitriolio > camphorata. This is made by dissolving half an ounce of sulphate of zinc in a quart of boiling water, adding half an ounce of camphorated spirit, and filtering. This, when properly diluted, is a use- lul collyrium for inflammations of the eyes, in which there is a weakness of the parts. Externally, it is ap- plied by surgeons to scorbutic and phagedenic ulcera- tions. Aqu/e distillate. Distilled waters. These are made by introducing vegetables, as mint, penny royal, Sec into a still with water; and drawing oft"as much as is found to possess the propertiesof the plants. The London College orders the waters to be distilled from dried herbs, because fresh are not ready at all times of the year. Whenever the fresh are used, the weights are to be increased. But whether the fresh or dried herbs are employed, the operator may vary the weight according to the season in which they have been pro- duced and collected. Herbs and seeds, kept beyond the space of a year, are improper for the distillation of waters. To every gallon of these waters, five ounces by measure, of proof spirit are to be added. Aqv/e minerales. See Mineral waters. waters4 STILLAT1TIJE splices. Simple distilled tmlf^f ,BTILLATIT'* spirituosje. Spirituous dis- inderiiI ' B0W °Dly SpiritUS; M sPiritus nol ,iU1EDUCT- ■*?«*<*«**«*; a canal or duct, so named because it was supposed to carry a watery «£?r5.*„,r,ET ,0r r*L">™™- A canal in the petrous by FaUoptos temporal bone' &st accurately described Aquatic nut. See Trapa nutans. mn^TICJB PLANTJE- Aquatic plants, or such as e^UATrrr«Ttf,r; A "atural order of Plan^ ori^iSVo'the^r a9Ua> Wal6n) A^atic' ortS^wa(t1rSaS,Watery° 0fthe«atureof, Aqueous humour. Humor Aquosus. The verv eyeP,dSeWeagy,flUid' whlch nl,s "»th chambers oflhl .-<,A51JE^TTtA- Tne name of a lifl"id Poison, made Alexander VH°raTa,nW°men> Under t,,e Pontifical™ of ToDha^if I ToiL^aS prePared and sold j» df0PS. by l opnaiua, or Toffama, an infamous woman who re- ttt a PalefT' and aftervvard at Naples. From her^ S ^nPSn,°^AmpA *» name of Aqua ToTania Aqua delta Toffana ; and also Aqua diNavoli ThU ■mTbVnth*ld V S^C t0 be a A>osltloZf arsenic AOmln-? r>rfT?SUU','i,and cantharides. °' a W?« ? u yM- (Fr0m acus> a needle> ™<* folium ^^J^'of^S^^ SpecieS0f ^ mercurfu enr1Cal ^ form«'y "^saVarnlnonutc Ssopher's0 sPto„?UatUS' ^^ ™l*h™> and 'C' Aquilje ven*. Branches of the jugular veins. which are particularly prominent in the eagle AQUILE'GIA. (From aqua, water, and lego, to gather; so called from the shape of its leaves which retain water.) The herb columbine 0„LThe £fme °l f gT,s of~p1ants jn the Linn*an system. Class, Polyandna; Order, Pentagynia. 2. The nanie in the pharmacopoeias, for the colum- bine, bee Aquilegia vulgaris. Aquilegia vulgaris. The systematic name of the columbine. The seeds, flowers, and the whole plant have been used medicinally, the first in exanthematous diseases, the latter chiefly as an antiscorbutic. Thoueh retained in several foreign pharmacopoeias, their uti- lity seems to be not allowed in this country ... Aquiu',n,a' (Pr°m ^uilai a« eagle; so'called from tne resemblance of its leaves to eagle's wings.) The To,m?reA0f aAPedeS 0f Pteri3' See Pteris. ' ° tutiTf^ A- (Dim,'.nut!ve of aqua.) A small quan- K„7 fill,e and '"«Pid water. This term is ap^ pliedI to the pellucid water, which distends the capsule ^„h „ ryStal'-ne 'T' and the ,ens "self. Paulus ^gineta uses it to denote a tumour consisting of a fatty substance under the skin of the eyelid s Arabic gum. See Acacia gummi. A racalan. An amulet. Araca mira. (Indian.) A shrub growing in the senteric r°°tS °f Whl a'e diure"C a°d ^d"- ARA'CHNE. (From arag, Hebrew, to weave- or rrorn opaxiT7, a spider.) The spider. .^'^ntat^^anfnS «" ^ ^~ eo^rap^aSoftn%&« «™ * ■» dis" Aquila vkneris. A nreDararinr. ne .u rmade with ^^^^Ze^lmml .„£i CiJN9IDV. ^radsnoides;'from apaxvn, a spider, and tiSps, likeness; so named from its7e?ern- blance to a spider's web.) Web-like Arachnoid membrane. Membrana arachnoides. l. A thin membrane ofthe brain, without vessels and nerves, situated between the dura and pia mater and surrounding the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla' ob- longata, and medulla spinalis. tiini^/.h™13 ?'?? ap.plied bysome writers to the the eye crystaliine lens and vitreous humour of nrAJtiA, t-he-iuice °f which *™*"»m sfances y lncls,on> an« ftom other sub r-rSjt*'?,0!' f,(From aWeu, to be turbulent.) Hippo- crates uses this term to signify a commotion in ihf stomach, occasioned by the fermentation of its contents arjeotica. (From apatoio, to rarefy.) Thills which rarefy the fluids of the body. ' D ARA'LIA. (From ara, a bank in the sea ; so called because it grows upon the banks near the sea.) The ?W °p 8, geTUS °f P'anIS "> the Linntean system. Class, Pentandna; Order, Pentagynia. The berrv S}crirs£Anita'''ta'"Sj!^3 Ara'nea. (From apato, to knit together.) l. 1 he name of a genus of insects. ». 1 he spider. mi«RAJ*TiFS3'-Ju'Llus Cjesar, a celebrated anafo 5™ Aftpnys'c',an' born at Bologna, about the year ^uaAJieanSrt-tUdyinS unde'Vesalius and others^ he 158 r^ha « became Pr°fe^r there, and died in described' tlT W0*' " °n tne Human Fffit^." he andIcarL,"5 fora'ne,., 0vale- and duclus arteriosus; araviH ■»! l d V^*} errors jn the anatomy of the fie exanfn^on "f u had been «enera"y deriv<;u ^ he hlnnH ,f,0n,?' ,brutes' He afterward showed that be left tide brvb|'^'.C°Uld^'^ pass f,mn *** tiSht " lun« th.. = y th? heart trough the vessels of the atiln nf rrPrepanng.for ** "'^covery of the circ"! Comrnent£arVey- A Trpi,tise ou Tumours, and a ten°y Mm? Part °f HiPPocrates- w«« also writ triviallimnl1^ Th« Plo«»eh. A plant'.as this for a Plou3! Z',because,ts r<>o's a^e found to hinder the ARC ARE 3. In anatomy, it is applied to parts which ramify like a tree, as the Arbor vita ofthe cerebellum. 3. In chemistry, applied to crystallizations which ra- mify like branches. Arbor dianje. See Silrer. Arbor vit*. The tree of life. 1. The cortical substance of the cerebellum is so disposed, that, when cut transversely, it appears rami- fied like a tree, from which circumstance it is termed arbor vita. 2. The name of a tree formerly in high estimation in medicine. See Thuya occidentalis. Arbores. One of the natural divisions or families of plants. Trees consist of a single and durable woody trunk, bearing branches, which do not perish in the winter, as Tdia, Fraxinus, Pyrvs, Sec. ARBUST1VA. (From arbustum, a copse of shrubs or trees.) The name of an order of plants in Lin- nams's natural method. ARBUTHNOT, John, a physician, born in Scotland soon after the restoration, celebrated for his wit and learning. He graduated at Aberdeen, and settling in this metropolis, had the good fortune to be at Epsom, when Prince George of Denmark was taken ill there; whom, having restored to health, he was appointed physician to Queen Anne, but never got into very ex- tensive practice. His chief medical publications were " On the Choice of Aliments," and " On the Effects of Air upon Human Bodies." He died in 1735. A'RBUTUS. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsan system. Class, Decandria; Order, Mo- nogynia. Arbutus, trailing. See Arbutus uva ursi. Arbutus unkdo. Amatiquitl; Unedo papyrace.a. A decoction of the bark ofthe root of this plant is re- commended in fevers. Arbutus uva ursi The systematic name for the officinal trailing Arbutus; Bear's berry ; Bear's whor- tle-berry; Bear's whorts; or Bear's bilberries; called also Vaccaria. Arbutus—caulibus procumbentibus, foliis integerrimis, of Linnaeus. This plant, though employed by the ancients in several diseases, requiring adstringent medicines, had almost entirely fallen into disuse until the middle ofthe present century, when it first drew the aUention of physicians, as a useful re- medy in calculous and nephritic complaints, which diseases it appears to relieve by its adstringent qualities. A'rca arca'norum. The mercury of the philo- sophers. A'rca cordis. The pericardium. ARCA'NUM. A secret A medicine, the prepara- tion or efficacy of which is kept from the world, to enhance its value. With the chemists, it is a thing secret and incorporeal; it can only be known by ex- perience, for it is the virtue of every thing, which ope- rates a thousand times more than the thing itself. Arcanum catholicum. Bezoar, plantain, and colchicum. Arcanum duplex. Arcanum duplicatum. A name formerly given to the combination of potassa and sulphuric acid, more commonly called vitriolated tartar, and now sulphate of potassa. Arcanum tartari. The acetate of potassa. Arce'rthos. Juniper. ARCHiE'US. 1. The universal archasus, or prin- ciple of Van Helmont, was the active principle of the material world. See Vis vita. 2. Good health. A'rche. (From apxtf i the beginning.) The earliest stage of a disease. Arche'nda. (Arabian.) A powder made of the leaves of the Iigustruin, to check the foetid odour of the feet. Archeo'stis. White briony. [ARCHER, JOHN, M. D. of the state of Maryland, a celebrated practitioner of medicine. Many con- tributions of his, on various subjects of medical science, are to be found in the New-York Medical Repository. He was the first who introduced the fieneca snake-root (polygaia senega) as a remedy in Croup. He died in 1814. A.] Archil. See Lichen rocella. [There are several lichens which abound in colour- ing matter; of these the most remarkable is the lichen rocella, which grows in the south of France, and in the Unitary Islands; and which affords the beautiful, hut perishable blue, called litmus, archil, or turnsole The moss is dried, powdered, mixed with pearlash and urine, and allowed to ferment, during which it becomes red and then blue; in this state it is mixed with carbonate of potassa and chalk, and dried. It is used for dying silk and ribands; and by the chemista as a most delicate t?st of acids, which it indicates by passing from blue to red; the blue colouris restored by alkalies, which do not render it green. Cudbear ap- pears to be a similar preparation of the lichen tar tareus.—Webster's Man. Chem. A.] Archilla. See Lichen rocella. Archi'tholos. (From apxi, the chief, and SoXos. a chamber.) The sudatorium, or principal room of the ancient baths. ARCHOPTO'MA. (From apxos, the anus, and nrr- tw, to fall down.) A bearing down of the rectum, or prolapsus ani. A'rchos. (From apxos, an arch.) The anus; so called from its shape. ARCTA'TIO. (From arcto, to make narrow.) Arctitudo. Narrowness. 1 A constipation of the intestines, from inflam- mation. 2. A preternatural straitness of the pudendum mu- liebre. A'RCTIUM. (From apxroj, a bear; so called from its roughness.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polyga- mia aqualis. The burdock. Arctium lappa. The systematic name for the herb clot-bur, or burdock. Bardana; Arctium; Bri- tannica; llaphis. The plant so called in the pharma- copoeias, is the Arctium—foliis cordalis, inermibus, petiolatis, of Linnaeus. 'It grows wild in uncultivated grounds. The seeds have a bitterish subacrid taste : they are recommended as very efficacious diuretics, given either in the form of emulsion, or in powder, to the quantity of a drachm. The roots taste sweetish, with a slight austerity and bitterness: they are es- teemed aperient, diuretic, and sudorific; and are said to act without irritation, so as to be safely ventured upon in acute disorders. Decoctions of them have been used in rheumatic, gouty, venereal, and other disorders ; and are preferred by some to those of sar- saparilla. Two ounces of the roots are to be boiled in three pints of water, to a quart; to this, two drachms of sulphate of potassa have been usually added. Of this decoction, a pint should be taken every day in scorbutic and rheumatic cases, and when intended as a diuretic, in a shorter period. ARCTIZITE. The foliated species of scapolite. See Scapolite. ARCTU'RA. (From arcto, to straiten.) An in- flammation of the liuger, or toe, from a curvature of the nail.—Linneus. ARCUA'LIA. (From arcus, a bow.) Arcualis. The sutura coronalis is so named, from its bow-like shape; and, for the-sarne reason, the bones of the sin- ciput are called arcualia ossa.—Bartholin. ARCUA'TIO. (From arcus, a bow.) A gibbosity of the fore-parts, with a curvation of the sternum, of" the tibia, or dorsal vertebra.—Avicenna. A'rculje. (A dim. of area, a chest.) The orbits or sockets of the eyes. A'RDAS. (From apivw, to defile.) Filth, excre- ment, or refuse.—Hippocrates. ARDENT. (Ardcns ; from ardeo, to burn.) Burn- ing hot. Applied to fevers, alkohol, Sec. ARDOR. (Ardor, oris. m.; from ardeo, to burn.) A burning beat. Ardor febrilis. Feverish heat. Ardor urinje. Scalding of the urine, or a sense of heat in the urethra. Ardor ventriouli. Heartburn. A'REA. 1. An empty space. 2. That kind of baldness where the crown of the head is left naked, like the tonsure of a monk. ARE'CA. The name of a genus of plants of the class Palma. Areca indica. An inferior kind of nutmeg. Are'oon. (From apnyto, to help; so called from us valuable qualities.) A resolvent ointment. Arema'ros. Cinnabar. ARE'NA. Sand, or gravel. Arena'mkl. (From arena, sand; so called because it was said lo be procured from sandy places.) Arena- men. Bole-armenic. 85 ARG ARI ARENA"TIO. (From arena, sand.) Saburation, or the sprinkling of hot 6and upon the bodies of pa- tients.—Baccius de Thermis. [Arendalite. The same as Arendate; both of which are synonymous with Epidote. A.] Arendate. See Epidote. Akk'ntes. (From areo, to dry up.) A sort of an- cient cupping-glasses, used without scarifying. ARE OLA. (A diminutive of area, a void space.) A small red or brown circle, which surrounds the nip- ples of females. During and after pregnancy, it be- comes considerably larger. Areometer. See Hydrometer. Aretjenoi'dks. See Arytanoides. ARET., to be quickly impregnated.) A woman who conceives quickly an*, often. ARILLUS. (From arire, to be dry or parched.) The seed-coat or tunic of the permanent husk that invests a seed, which drying falls off spontaneously. It is a peculiar membrane, thick, and loosely sur- rounds the seed. The varieties of arilli are, 1. The succulent, pulpy; like a berry in Evonymus europeus and Latia. 2. Cartilaginous ; in Coffea Arabica. 3. Dimidiate, half round; as in Taxus baccata. 4. Lacerate, cut-like; as in the mace of the Myris- tica moschata. 5. Reticulate, net-like, surrounding the seed like a net; as in the Orchis tribe. 6. Tricuspid; as in Malva coromandiliana. 7. Hirsute, hairy; as in Geranium incanum. 8. Villous ; in Geranium dissectum. ARISTA. (From areo, to dry.) The awn: a sharp beard, or point, or bristle-like filament, which proceeds from the husk or glume of grasses. Its dis- tinctions are into, 1. Naked, without villi; as in Stipa arguens and juncea. 2. Plumose, having white villi; as in Stipa pennata. 3. Straight, as in Bromus secalinus, and mollis. 4. Geniculate, having a knee-like bend; as with Avena sativa. 5. Recurved, bent back; as in Holcus lanatus, and Agrostis canina. 6. Tortile, twisted like a rope; as in Agrostis rubra, and Aira montana. 7. Terminal, fixed to the apex of the husk: it is so in Agrostis miliacea. 8. Dorsal, fixed to the back or outward part of the husk; as in Agrostis canina; Bromus; Alopecuris. 9. Uncinate, honked; as in Panicum hirtellum. ARISTALTH^E'A. (From apij-oj, best, and uXfloia, the althaea.) The common marsh-mallow. See J& thaa officinalis. ARK ARN ABISTATUS. (From arista, the awn.) Awned. Applied to leaves, leaf-stalks, Sec when terminated by a long rigid spine, which in a leaf does not appear as a contraction. In Galium aristatum, the leaf-slalk is awned. ARISTOLO'CHIA. (Aristolochia, a. f.; from apioTos, good, and Xoxta ot Xoxcia, parturition; so called because it was supposed to be of sovereign use in disorders incident to child-birth.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaian system. Class, Gynandria; Order, Hexandria. 2. The pharmaeopoBial name of the long-rooted birthworl See Aristolochia longa. Aristolochia anguicida. Snake-killing birth- wort. Aristolochia—foliis cordatis, acuminatis ; caule volubili, fructieoso ; pedunculis solitariis; sti- pulis cordatis, of Linnreus. The juice of the root of this plant has the property of so stupifying serpents, that they may be handled with impunity. One or two drops are sufficient; and if more be dropped into the mouth, they become convulsed. So ungrateful is the smell of the root to those reptiles, that it is said they immediately turn from it. The juice is also esteemed as a preventive against the effects usually produced by the bite of venomous serpents. AaisTOLocniA clematitis. Aristolochia tenuis. The systematic name of the Aristolochia vulgaris of some pharmacopoeias. An extract ip ordered by the Wirtemberg Pharmacopoeia, and the plant is retained in that of Edinburgh. It is esteemed as possessing antipodagric virtues. Aristolochia fabacea. See Fumaria bulbosa. Aristolochia longa. The systematic name for the aristolochia of our pharmacopoeias. Aristolochia —foliis cordatis, petiolatis, integerrimis, obtusius- culis ; caule infirmo, floribus solitariis. The root of this plant only is in use; it possesses a somewhat aromatic smell, and a warm bitterish taste, accompa- nied with a slight degree of pungency. The virtues ascribed to this root by the ancients were very con- siderable ; and it was frequently employed in various diseases, but particularly in promoting the discharge of the lochia; hence its name. It is now very rarely used, except hi gouty affections, as an aromatic sti- mulant Aristolochia rotunda. The root of this species of birthwort, Aristolochia—foliis cordatis, subsessi- libus, obtusis; caule infirmo; floribus solitariis, of Linnaeus; is used indiscriminately with that of the aristolochia longa. See Aristolochia longa. Aristolochia serpentaria. The systematic name for the Serpentaria virginiana of the pharma- copoeias. Aristolochia; Colubrina virginiana; Vi- perina; Viperina virginiana; Pestilochia; Con- trayerva virginiana. Virginian snake-root The plant which affords this root is the Aristolochia— foliis cordato oblongis planis; caulibus infirmis Aexuosis teretibus ; floribus solitariis. Caulus geni- culata valde nodosa. Flores ad radicem of Linnmus. Snake-root has an aromatic smell, approaching to that of valerian, but more agreeable; and a warm, bitterish, pungent taste. It was first recommended as a medicine of extraordinary power, in counteract- ing the poisonous effects ofthe bites of serpents; this, however, is now wholly disregarded: but as it pos- sesses tonic and antiseptic virtues, and is generally admitted as a powerful stimulant and diaphoretic, it is employed, in the present day, in some fevers where these effects are required. A tinctura is directed both by the London end Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias. Aristolochia tenuis. See Aristolochia clematitis. Aristolochia trilobata. Three-lobed birthwort The root, and every part of this plant, Aristolochia— foliis trilobis, caule volubili, floribus maximis of Lin- naeus, is diuretic, and is employed in America against the bite of serpents. Aristolochia vulgaris. See Aristolochia cle- matitis. Aristophanei'on. (From Aristophanes, its in- ventor.) The name of an ancient emollient plaster, composed of wax, or pitch.—Gorraus. [ARKTIZIT. This mineral is otherwise called Wcrneritc, after the celebrated German mineralogist Werner. The Wernerile, a rare mineral, occurs in eight-sided prisms, terminated by four-sided summits, whose fnces form, with the alternate lateral planes on which they stand, an angle of about 121°. Oritmaybecalledafour sided prism, truncated on its lateral edges. The primi- tive form appears to be a quadrangular prism, with square bases. It also occurs in irregular grains. The Wernerite strikes fire with steel, but is scratched by feldspar. Its fracture is both imperfectly foliated and uneven, with a moderate lustre, a little pearly or resinous. Its specific gravity is 3.60. It is usually more or less translucent; and its colour is greenish gray, or olive green, and sometimes white. The surface of the crystals sometimes has the lustre and aspect of an enamel. Before the blow-pipe, it froths and melts into an opaque, white enamel. A mean of two analyses, by John, gives silex 45.5, alumine 33.5, lime 13.SEJ, oxide of iron 5.75, oxide of manganese 1.47=il9.44. Its mode of fusion by the blow-pipe, and its imper fectly foliated structure, may serve to distinguish it from most minerals which it resembles. This mineral is sometimes in tabular masses, but most commonly in crystals which are easily recog- nised. The general form of these crystals, (certain small faces being neglected,) is a very oblique rhomb, or rather four-sided prism, so flattened that some of its edges become thin and sharp, like the edge of an axe. The primitive form is a four-sided prism, the bases of which are parallelograms, with angles of lOfo 30', and 78° 30'. The integrant particles are oblique, triangular prisms. M. Uaiiy has described live secondary forms.—CI. Min. A.] ARM A. (Arma, orum. pi. n. Arms.) In botany, applied to a species of armature or offensive weapons. They are one of the seven kinds offulcra, or props of plants enumerated by Linnaeus in his Delineatio planta. They are pungent points in some part of a plant. In the present day, arma is used as a generic term embracing the aculeus, furca, spina, and sti- mulus. ARMATU'RA. 1. See Arma. 2. The amnios or internal membrane which sur- rounds the foetus. ARMATURE. See Arma. A'rme. (From apo>, to adapt) 1. A junction of the lips of wounds. 2. The joining of the sutures of the head. [ARMINIAN STONE. Cluartzy or calcareous substances, penetrated by the azure carbonate of cop- per, have been called by this name, the copper giving a most beautiful blue colour. A.] Armi'lla. (Diminutive of armus, the arm.) The round ligament v/liich confines the tendons of the carpus. ARMORA'CIA. (From Armorica, the country whence it was brought.) See Cochlearia Armoracia. ARMSTRONG, John, a Scotch physician, born in 1709, who, after graduating at Edinburgh, settled in London, but met with little success, having distin- guished himself less in his profession than as a poet, particularly by his "Essay on the Art of Preserving Health;" in blank verse. He afterward attended the army in Germany, which brought him more into notice as a physician. He attained the age of seventy, and died in pretty good circumstances. His profes- sional publications are not of much note; the princi- pal one is entitled " Medical Essays." He is supposed, however, to have contributed materially to a useful Treatise on the Diseases of Children, published by his brother George, who, after practising many years as an apothecary, obtained a diploma in medicine. A'RNICA. (Arnica, a. f. ApvtKn; from aps, a lamb; because of the likeness of the leaf ot this plant to the coat of the lamb.) Arnica. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linncean system Class, Syngcncsia; Order, Polygamia superflua. 2. The pharmacopoeia! name of the Mountain arnica See Arnica montana. Arnica Montana. The systematic name for the arnica of the pharmacopoeias. Arnica- Joins oralis intcgris; caulinis geminis oppositis, of Lmnajus. Doronicum Germanicum. Acyrus. The flowers of this plant are very generally employed on the Conti- nent. Of the advantages derived from their use, in paralytic and other affections, depending upon a want of nervous energy, theri- are several proofs; and their extraordinary virtues, as a febrifuge and antiseptic, have be»m highly extolled by Dr. Collin, of Vienna. Much caution is necessary in regulating the dose, as ARS ARS It is a medicine very apt to produce vomiting, and much uneasiness of the stomach. See Arnica. Arnica suedensis. See Inula dysenterica. Arno'tto. A Spanish name for a shrub. See Bixa orleana. ARO'MA. (Aroma, matis, neut. ; from apt, in- tensely, and ogui, to smell.) Spiritis rector. The odorous principle of plants, and other substances, which have their characteristic smell. This is called by the moderns, aroma. Water charged with aroma, is called the distilled water of the substance made use of: thus lavender and peppermint waters are water impregnated with the aroina of the lavender and peppermint. Aromata. (Apuuara, sweet spices, herbs, &c.) Aromatics. AROMA'TIC. (Aromalicus; from apwua, an odour.) A term applied to a grateful spicy scent, and an agreeable pungent taste, as cinnamon bark, cardamoms, &c. Aromatic vinegar. See Acetum aromaticum. Aromatice plants. Odoriferous or strong and agreeable smelling plants. The name of a class of plants in some natural arrangements. Aroma'ticus cortex. A name for canella alba. Cortex wintcr-mus. AROMATOPO'LA. (From apwua, an odour, and iruXefa), to sell.) A druggist; a vender of drugs and spicerics. ARUUEBUSA'DE. (A French word, implying good for a gun-shut wound.) Aqua sclopetaria; Aqua vulneraria; Aqua catapultarum. The name of a spirituous water, distilled from a farrago of aro- matic plants. ARRA'CK. A spirituous liquor distilled from rice, and drunk, in the rice countries, as brandy is in this island. Its effects on the animal economy are the same. ARRAGONITE. A mineral of a greenish and pearly gray colour, found at Arragon in Spain, Eng- land, and Scotland. [Although this mineral is composed chiefly of lime and carbonic acid, yet there is reason to believe, that other ingredients are essential to its true composition. It differs from pure carbonate of lime in hardness, specific gravity, and crystalline structure. In nitric acid it dissolves with effervescence. The analysis of no mineral has ever so much exercised the talents, exhausted the resources, and disappointed the expectations of the most distinguished chemists of Europe, as that of arragonite. Vauquelin and Four- croy obtained lime 58.5, carbonic acid 41.5; and the analysis of Biot and Thenard, conducted with much ingenuity, scarcely differs from this, except in giving a little water. With these, both Chevenix and Kla- proth agree, in finding the arragonite to contain lime and carbonic acid in nearly the same proportions as in the common carbonate of lime. Kirwan in his mine- ralogy, published in 1794, conjectured that the arra- gonite might contain strontian; and very recently Professor Stromeyer of Gottingen has discovered in this mineral between three and four per cent, of the carbonate of strontian. This discovery will very pro- bably lead to a solution of the preceding difficulty; but it is important that the analysis should be repeated by different chemists.—CI. Min. A.] A'rraphus. (From a, priv. and patpn, a suture.) Without suture. It is applied to the cranium when naturally without sutures. Arrangement of Minerals. See Minerals, arrange- ment of. ARRHjE' A. (From a, neg. and feu, to flow.) The suppression of any natural flux, as the menses, &x. ARRHIZUS. (From a, priv. and pi$a, a root: without root) Applied to paraatical plants, which have no roots, but adhere and imbibe their nourish- ment by ainastomosing of the vessels; as Viscum al- bum, and Loranthus europeus. ARROWHEAD. The Sagittaria, sagittifolia of Linnsus. The roots of this plant are said to be escu- lent, but it must be in times of very great scarcity. Arrow-root. See Maranta. Arrow-shaped. See Leaf. ARSE'NIATE. (Arsenias, atis.m.; from arseni- eum, arsenic.) A salt formed by a con.lmiation of arsenic acid with salifiable bases; as arseniate of am- monia, which is produced by the union of ammonia Witil a*|emc »°id. The only one used in medicine is the superarseniatc of potassa, which is in solution in the liquor arsenicalis. See Arsenicalis liquor. A'RSENIC. (Arsenicum, t. n.; from the Arabic term Arsanek, or from aporyv, for appvv, mamiulus; from its strong and deadly powers.) The name of a metal scattered, in great abundance, over the minera. kingdom. It is found in black, heavy masses of little brilliancy, called native arsenic or testaceous arsenic. This exists in different parts of Germany. Mineral- ized by sulphur, it forms sulphurized arsenic. This mineral is met with in Italy, about Mount Vesuvius. There are two varieties of this ore, which differ from each other in colour, occasioned by the different pro- portions of their component parts. The one is called yellow sulphurized arsenic, or orpiment; the other, red sulphurized arsenic, or realgar, or ruby arsenic; both are met with in Hungary and different parts of Ger many. The colour of the first ore is a lemon-yellow, inclining sometimes to a green; the colourof the latter is a ruby-red; it is more transparent than the former, and found in compact and solid masses, sometimes crystallized in bright needles. Arsenic united to oxy- gen, constitutes the ore called native oxyde of arsenic. This ore is scarce; it is generally found of an earthy appearance, or as an efflorescence, coating native, or metallic arsenic; its colour is a whitish gray; it is rarely met with crystallized. Arsenic exists likewise alloyed with cobalt, antimony, tin, copper, lead, and various other metals. .Mithod of obtaining Arsenic. In order to obtain metallic arsenic, mix two parts of the white oxyde of arsenic of commerce, with one of black flux (obtained by detonating one part of nitrate of potassa with two of supertartrate of potassa), and put the mixture into a crucible, or melting pot. Invert over this anothei crucible, lute the two together with a little clay and sand, and apply gradually a red heat to the lower one. The oxyde of arsenic will be reduced, and be found lining the upper crucible in small crystals of a metal- lic brilliancy. The charcoal of the black flux takes in this process the oxygen from the white oxyde, and forms carbonic acid gas; which flies off' during the process, and the oxyde becomes reduced to the metallic state. This re- duction of the oxyde is greatly facilitated by the alkali of the flux. Remark.—In order to obtain arsenic in a state of absolute purity, the metal thus obtained must be re- duced to a powder, dissolved by heat in nitro-muriatic acid, and then precipitated by immersing into the so- lution a plate of zinc. The arsenic is thus precipitated in a fine powder, and may be reduced to a mass, by exposing it in a covered crucible to a moderate heat. " It is among the most combustible of the metals, burns with a blue flame, and garlic smell, and sublimes in the state of arsenious acid. Concentrated sulphuric acid does not attack arsenic when cold; but if it be boiled upon this metal, sul- phurous acid gas is emitted, a small quantity of sul- phur sublimes, and the arsenic is reduced to an oxyde. Nitrous acid readily attacks arsenic, and converts it into arsenious acid, or, if much be employed, into ar- senic acid. Boiling muriatic acid dissolves arsenic, but affects it very little when cold. This solution affords precipi- tates upon the addition of alkalies. The addition of a little nitric acid expedites the solution; aud this so- lution, first heated and condensed in a close vessel, is wholly sublimed into a thick liquid, formerly termed butter of arsenic. Thrown in powder into chlorine gas, it burns with a bright white flame, and is con- verted into a chloride. None of the earths or alkalies act upon it, unless it be boiled a long while in fine powder, in a large pro- portion of alkaline solution. Nitrates detonate with arsenic, convert it into ar- senic acid, and this, combining with the base of the nitrate, forms an arseniate, that remains at the bottom of the vessel. Muriates have no action upon it: but if three parts of chlorate of potassa be mixed with one part of ar- senic in fine powder, which must be done with great precaution, and a very light hand, a very small quan- tity of this mixture placed on an anvil, and struck with a hammer, will explode with flame and a con- siderable report; if touched with tire, it will burn with considerable rapidity; and if thrown into concentrated sulphuric acid, at the instant, 0f contact a flame rises ARS ARS into the air like a flash of lightning, which is so bright as to dazzle the eye. Aiseaic readily combines with sulphur by fusion and sublimation, and forms a yellow compound called orpiment, or a red called realgar. The nature of these, and their difference, are not accurately known; but Fourcroy considers the first as a combination of sul- phur with the oxyde, and the second as a combination of sulphur with the metal itself, as he found the red sulphuret converted into the yellow by the action of acids. Arsenic is soluble in fat oils in a boiling heat; the solution is black, and has the consistence of an oint- ment when cold. Most metals unite with arsenic; which exists in the metallic state in such alloys as possess the metallic brilliancy. Iodine and arsenic unite, forming an iodide, of a dark, purple-red colour, possessing the properties of an acid. It is soluble in water, and its solution forms a soluble compound with potassa. Arsenic combines w ith hydrogen into a very noxious compound, called arsenuretted hydrogen gas. To pre- pare it, fuse in a covered crucible 3 parts of granu lated tin, and 1 of metallic arsenic in powder; and submit this alloy, broken in pieces, to the action of muriatic acid in-a glass retort. On applying a mode- rate heat, the arsenuretted hydrogen comes over, and may be received in a mercurial or water pneumatic trough. Protomuriate of tin remains in the retort. A prime equivalent of hydrogen is to one of arsenic as 1 to 7(i; and 2 consequently as 1 to 38. Gehlen fell a victim to his researches on this gas; and therefore the new experiments requisite to elucidate its consti- tution must be conducted with circumspection. It extinguishes flame, and instantly destroys animal life. Water has no effect upon it. From the experiments of Sir H. Davy, and Gay Lussac and Thenard, there appears to be a solid compound of hydrogen and ar- senic, or a hydruret. It is formed by acting with the negative pole of a voltaic battery on arsenic plunged in water. It is reddish brown, without lustre, taste, and smell. It is not decomposed at a heat approaching to cherry-red; but at this temperature it absorbs oxy- gen ; whilewater and arsenious acid are formed, with the evoluton of heat and light. The proportion of the two constituents is not known. Arsenic is used in a variety of arts. It enters into metallic combinations, wherein a white colour is re- quired. Glass manufacturers use it; but its effect in the composition of glass does not seem to be clearly explained. Orpiment and realgar are used as pig- ments." Arsenic and its various preparations are the most active of all poisons. That which is mostly taken, is the white oxyde, or arsenious acid. See Arsenious acid. [Arsenical pyrites, or arsenical iron, is found in the Highlands of New-York, on the west side of the Hud- son. In the town of Warwick, in Orange county, of this state, there is a huge vein of it in a moun- tain range, sufficient, as is said by a traveller, to poison the whole world. A.] ARSENIC ACID. Acidum arsenicum; Acidum arsenicale. " We are indebted to the illustrious Scheele for the discovery of this acid, though Macquer had before noticed its combinations. It may be ob- tained by various methods. If six parts of nitric acid be poured on one of the concrete arsenious acids, or while arsenic of the shops, in the pneumato-chemical apparatus, and heat be applied, nitrous gas will be evolved, and a white concrete substance, differing in its properties from the arsenious acid, will remain in the retort This is the arsenic acid. It may equally be procured by means of aqueous chlorine, or by.heat- ing concentrated nitric acid with twice its weight of the solution of the arsenious acid in muriatic acid. The concrete acid should be exposed to a dull red heat for a few minutes. In either case an acid is obtained, that does not crystallize, but attracts the moisture of tlie air, has a sharp, caustic taste, reddens blue vege- table colours, is fixed in the fire, and of the specific gravity of 3 391. If the arsenic acid be exposed to a red heat in a glass retort, it melts and becomes transparent, but assumes a milky hue on cooling. If the heat be increased, so I tnat the retort begins to melt, the acid boils, and sublimes into the neck of the retort. If a covered crucible be used instead of the glass retort, and a vio- lent heat applied, the acid boils strongly, and in a quarter of an hour begins to emit fumes. These, on being received in a glass bell, are found to be arsenious acid; and a small quantity of a transparent glass, difficult to fuse, will be found lining the sides of the crucible. This is arseniate of alumina. Combustible substances decompose this acid. If two parts of arsenic acid be mixed with about one or charcoal, the mixture introduced into a glass retort, coated, and a matrass adapted to it; and the retort then gradually heated in a reverberatory furnace, till the bottom is red; the mass will be inflamed violently, and the acid reduced, and rise to the neck of the retort in the metallic state, mixed with a little oxyde and charcoal powder. A few drops of water, devoid of acidity, will be found in the receiver. With sulphur the phenomena are different If a mixture of six parts of arsenic acid, and one of pow dered sulphur, be digested together, no change will take place: but on evaporating to drynes?, and distil- ling in a glass retort, fitted with a receiver, a violent combination will ensue, as soon as the mixture is suf- ficiently heated to melt the sulphur. The whole mass rises almost at once, forming a red sublimate, and sul- phurous acid passes over into the receiver. If pure arsenic acid be diluted with a small quan- tity of water, and hydrogen gas, as it is evolved by the action of sulphuric acid on iron, be received into this transparent solution, the liquor grows turbid, and a blackish precipitate is formed, which, being well washed with distilled water, exhibits all the pheno- mena of arsenic. Sometimes, too, a blackish-gray oxyde of arsenic is found in this process. If sulphuretted hydrogen gas be employed instead of simple hydrogen gas, water and a sulphuret of ar- senic are obtained. With phosphorus, phosphoric acid is obtained, and a phosphuret of arsenic, which sublimes. The arsenic acid is much more soluble than the ar- senious. According to Lagrange, two parts of water are sufficient for this purpose. It cannot be crystal- lized by any means; but, on evaporation, assumes a thick honey-like consistence. No acid has any action upon it: if some.of them dissolve it by means of the water that renders them fluid, they do not produce any alteration in it. The boracic and phosphoric are vitrifiab'e with it by means of heat, but without any material alteration in their natures. If phosphorus acid be heated upon it for some time, it saturates itself with oxygen, and be- comes phosphoric acid. The arsenic acid combines with the earthy and alka- line bases, and forms salts very different from those furnished by the arsenious acid. All these arsenates are decomposable by charcoal, which separates arsenic from them by means of heat. All its salts, with the exception of those of potassa, soda, and ammonia, are insoluble in water; but excepv arseniate of bismuth, and one or two more, very solu- ble in an excess of arsenic acid. Hence, after barytes or oxyde of lead has been precipitated by this acid, its farther addition re-dissolves the precipitate. This is a useful criterion of the acid, joined to its reduction to the metallic state by charcoal, and the other cha- racters already detailed. Sulphuric acid decomposes the arseniates at a low temperature, but the sulphates are decomposed by arsenic acid at a red heat, owing to the greater fixity of the latter. Phosphoric, nitric, muriatic, and fluoric acids, dissolve, and probably convert into suhsalts all t!ie arseniates. The whole of them, as well as arsenic acid itself when decomposed at a red heat by charcoal, yield the characteristic gar- lic smell of the metallic vapour. Nitrate of silver gives a pulverulent brick-coloured piecipitaip, with arsenic acid. The acid itself does not distuib the transparency of a solution of sulphate of copper; but a neutral arseniate gives with it a bluish green pre- cipitate; with sulphate of cobalt, a dirty red; and with sulphate of nickel, an apple-t'reen precipitate. These precipitates redissolve, on adding a small quan- tity of the acid which previously held them in solution. Orfila says, that arsenic acid gives, with acetate of copper, a bluish-white precipitate, but that it exercises no action either on the muriate or acetate of cobalt; but with the ainnionio-muriate, it gives a rose-coloured precipitate. Arsenic acid ought to be accounted a more violent poison than eve.'i the arsenious. 83 ARS ARS The arseniate of barytes is insoluble, uncrystalliza- ble, soluble in an excess of its acid, and decomposable by sulphuric acid, which precipitates a sulphate of barytes. The bin-arseniate of potassa is made on the great scale in Saxony, by fusing together equal parts of nitre and arsenious acid ; dissolving the melted mass, and crystallizing the salt. Of the arseniate of strontian nothing is known, but no doubt it resembles that of barytes. With lime-water this acid forms a precipitate of arseniate of lime, soluble in an excess of its base, or in an excess of its acid,though insoluble alone. The aci- dulous arseniate of lime affords on evaporation little crystals, decomposable by sulphuric acid. The same salt may be formed by adding carbonate of lime to the solution of arsenic acid. This acid does not decom- pose the nitrate or muriate of lime: but the saturated alkaline arseniates decompose them by double affinity, precipitating the insoluble calcareous arseniate. If arsenic acid be saturated with magnesia, a thick substance is formed near the point of saturation. This arseniate of magnesia is soluble in an excess of acid; and on being evaporated takes the form of a jelly, with- out crystallizing. Neither the sulphate, nitrate, nor muriate of magnesia is decomposed by arsenic acid, though they are by the saturated alkaline arseniates. Arsenic acid, saturated with potassa, does not easily crystallize. This arseniate, being evaporated to dry- ness, attracts the humidity of the air, and turns the syrup of violets green, without altering the solution of litmus. It fuses into a white glass, and with a strong fire is converted into an acidule, part of the alkali be- ing abstracted by the silex and alumina of the crucible. If exposed to a red heat with charcoal in close vessels, it swells up very much, and arsenic is sublimed. It is decomposed by sulphuric acid ; but in the humid way the decomposition is not obvious, as the arsenic acid remains in solution. On evaporation, however, this acid and sulphate of potassa are obtained. If arsenic acid be added to the preceding salt, till it ceases to have any effect on the syrup of violets, it will redden the solution of litmus ; and in this state it affords very regular and very transparent crystals, of the figure of quadrangular prisms, terminated by two tetraedral pyramids, the angles of which answer to those ofthe prisms. These crystals are the arsenical neutral salt of Macquer. As this salt differs from the preceding arseniate by its crystallizability, its redden- ing solution of litmus, its not decomposing the calcare- ous and magnesian salts like it, and its capability of absorbing an additional portion of potassa, so as to become neutral, it ought to be distinguished from it by the term of acidulous arseniate of potassa. With soda in sufficient quantity to saturate it, arse- nic acid forms a salt crystallizable like the acidulous arseniate of potassa. To form the neutral arseniate, carbonate of soda should be added to the acid, till the mixture be decidedly alkaline. This salt crystallizes from the concentrated solution. It is much more so- luble in hot than in cold water. Pelletier says, that the crystals are hexaedral prisms, terminated by planes perpendicular to their axis. This neutral arseniate of soda, however, while it differs completely from that of potassa in this respect, and in becoming deliquescent instead of crystallizable on the addition of a surplus portion of arsenic acid, resembles the arseniate of po- tassa in its decomposition by charcoal, by acids, and by the earths. Combined with ammonia, arsenic acid forms a salt affording rhomboidal crystals analogous to those ofthe nitrate of soda. The arseniate of soda and ammonia is formed by mixing the two separate arseniates; and the compound salt gives crystals with brilliant faces. If we redis- Bolve the crystals, and then recrystallize, we should add a little ammonia, otherwise the salt will be acidu- lous from the escape of some ammonia. Arsenic acid saturated with alumina forms a thick solution, which, being evaporated to dryness, yields a salt insoluble in water, and decomposable by the sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, as well as by all the other earthy and alkaline bases. The arsenic acid readily dissolves the alumina ofthe crucibles in which it is reduced to a state of fusion; and thus it attacks silex also, on which it has no effect in the humid way. By the assistance of a strong are, as Fourcroy asserts, arsenic acid decomposes the alkaline and earthy sulphates, even that of barytes; the sulphuric acid flying off in vapour, and the arseniate remaining in the retort. It acts in the same manner on the ni- trate, from which it expels the pure acid. It likewise decomposes the muriates at a high temperature, the muriatic acid being evolved in the form of gas, and the arsenic acid combining with their bases, which it sa- turates; while the arsenious acid is too volatile to have this effect. It acts in the same manner on the filiates, and still more easily on the carbonates, with which, by the assistance of heat, it excites a brisk effervescence. Lagrange, however, denies that it acts on any of the neutral salts, except the sulphate of po- tassa and soda, the nitrate of potassa, and the muriates of soda and ammonia, and this by means of heat It does not act on the phosphates, but precipitates the boracic acids from solutions of borates when heated. Arsenic acid does not act on gold or platina; neither does it on mercury or silver, without the aid of a strong heat; but it oxydizes copper, iron, lead, tin, zinc, bis- muth, antimony, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and ar- senic. This acid is not used in the arts, at least directly, though indirectly it forms a part of some compositions used in dying. It is likewise one of the mineralizing acids combined by nature with some of the metallic oxydes."— Ure's Chem. Diet. Arsenic, oxyde of. See Arsenious acid. Arsenic, white. See Arsenious acid. Arse'nical caustic. A species of caustic said to possess useful properties, independent of those of de- stroying morbid parts to which it is applied. It is composed of two parts of levigated antimony to one of white arsenic. This is the caustic so extensively em- ployed under the name of arsenical, caustic, by the late Mr Justamond, in his treatment of cancers. [Arsenic is a powerful, a dangerous, and yet a valuable caustic. Small tumours, excrescences, warts, Sec, may be easily and safely removed by it. Alone, it gives much pain; and in large quantities, and ap- plied to an extensive surface, is extremely dangerous. Its painful action may be modified and more safely applied by mixing one part of white arsenic with one of powdered opium, and two of lapis calami- naris. A.] Arsenica'lis liquor. Arsenical solution. Take of sublimed oxyde of arsenic, in very fine powder, sub- carbonate of potassa from tartar, of each 64 grains ■ distilled water a pint. Boil them together in a glass vessel, until the arsenic be entirely dissolved. When the solution is cold, add compound spirit of lavender four fluid drachms. Then add as much distilled water as may exactly fill a pint measure. This pre- paration accords with the formula of Dr. Fowler of Stafford, who first introduced it in imitation of a cele- brated popular remedy for intermittents, sold under the name of the tasteless ague-drop. The compound spirit of lavender is. only intended to give some colour and taste, without which it would be more liable to mis- takes. Where the dose is small, and the effects so powerful, the most minute attention to its proiwrtion and preparation becomes necessary. Each junce contains four grains of the oxyde, and each drachm half a grain; but it will rarely be proper to go beyond one-sixteenth of a grain as a dose. Arsenical solution. See Arsenicalis liquor. Arsenici oxydum praparatum. See Arsenici oxy. dum subhmatum. Arsenicum album. Arsenici oxydum sublimatvm • Arsenici oxydum praparatum. Reduce white arsenic into powder, then put it into a crucible and expose it to the fire, so as to sublime it into another crucible in- verted over the former. This is intended to render the arsenic more pure. Arsenicum album. White arsenic. See Arsenious acid. ASScE^xT■,AI„CJlY.STALLINU,,I• See -Arsenious acid. ARSE NIOUS ACID. White arsenic. Oxyde of arsenic. Arsenicum crystallmum, risigallum, aquala, arfar, aquila, zarnick, artaneck. Rat's bane. The earliest chemists were embarrassed in the determina- tion of the nature of the poisonous white substance known m commerce by the name of white arsenic lourcroy was the first who distinguished by thja name the white arsenic of the shops, which Scheele \ had proved to be a compound of the metal arsenic with ARS ARS oxygen, and which the authors of the new chemical nomenclature had consequently termed oxyde of arse- nic. As, however, it manifestly exhibits the proper- ties of an acid, it has a fair claim to the title; for many oxydes and acids are similar in this, that both consist of a base united with oxygen, and the only dif- ference between them is, that the compound in which the acid properties are manifest is termed an acid, and that in which they are not is called an oxyde. This acid, which is one of the most virulent poisons known, frequently occurs in a native state, if not very abundantly; and it is obtained in roasting several ores, particularly those of cobalt. In the chimneys of the furnaces where this operation is conducted, it ge- nerally condenses in thick semitransparent masses; though sometimes it assumes the form of a powder, or of little needles, in which slate it was formerly called flowers of arsenic. The arsenious acid reddens the most sensible blue vegetable colours, though it turns the syrup of violets green On exposure to the air it becomes opaque, and covered with a slight efflorescence. Thrown on incan- descent coals, it evaporates in white fumes, with a strong smell of garlic. In close vessels it is volati- lized ; and, if the heat be strong, vitrified. The re- sult of this vitrification is a transparent glass, capable of crystallizing in tetraddra, the angles of which are truncated. It is easily altered by hydrogen and car- bon, which deprive it of its oxygen at a red heat, and reduce the metal, the one forming water, the other car- bonic acid ivith the oxygen taken from it; as it is by phosphorus, and by sulphur, which are in part con- verted into acids by its oxygen, and in part form an arsenical phosphuret or sulphuret with the arsenic re- duced to the metallic state. Hence Margraaf and Pel- letier, who particularly examined the phosphurets of metals, assert they might be formed with arsenious acid. Its specific gravity is 3.7. It is soluble in thirteen times its weight of boiling water, but requires eighty times its weight of cold. The solution crystallizes, and the acid assumes the form of legular tetrafcdrons, according to Fourcroy; but, according to Lagrange, of ociae'drons, and these frequently varying in figure by different laws of decre- ment. It crystallizes much better by slow evaporation than by simple cooling. The solution is very acrid, reddens blue colours, unites with the earthy bases, and decomposes the alka- line sulphurets. Arsenious acid is also soluble in oils, spirits, and alkohol; the last taking up from 1 to 2 per cent. It is composed of 9.5 of metal =3 oxygen; and its prime equivalent is therefore 12.5. Dr. Wollaston first observed, that when a mixture of it with quick- lime is heated in a glass tube, at a certain temperature, ignition suddenly pervades the mass, and metallic arse- nic sublimes. As arseniate of lime is found at the bottom of the tube, we perceive that a portion of the arsenious acid is robbed of its oxygen, to complete the acidification of the rest. There are even some metals, which act upon the so- lution, and have a tendency to decompose the acid so as to form a blackish precipitate, in which the arsenic is very slightly oxydized. The action of the other acids upon the arsenious is very different from that which they exert on the metal arsenic. By boiling, sulphuric acid dissolves a small portion of it, which is precipitated as the solution cools. The nitric acid does not dissolve it, but by the help of heat converts it into arsenic acid. Neither the phosphoric nor the carbonic acid acts upon it; yet it enters into a vitreous combination with the phosphoric and boracic acids. The muriatic acid dissolves it by means of heat, and forms with it a volatile compound, which water precipitates; and aqueous chlorine aci- difies it completely, so as to convert it into arsenic acid. i The arsenious acid combines with the cartliy and alkaline bases, forming Arsenites. The earthy arse- niates possess little solubility; and hence the solutions of barytes, strontian, and lime, form precipitates with that of arsenious acid. . , This acid enters into another kind of combination with the earths, that formed by vitrification. Though b part of this volatile acid sublimes before the glass enters Into fusion, part remains fixed in the vitrified substance, to which it imparls transparency, a homo- geneous density, and considerable gravity. The arse- nical glasses appear to contain a kind of triple salt, since the salt and alkalies enter into an intimate com- bination at the instant of fusion, and remain afterward perfectly mixed. All of them have the inconvenience of quickly growing dull by exposure to the air. With the fixed alkalies the arsenious acid forms thick arsenites, which do not crystallize; which are decomposable by fire, the arsenious acid being volati- lized by the heat; and from which all the other acids precipitate this in powder. These saline compounds were formerly termed livers, because they were sup- posed to be analogous to the combinations of sulphur with the alkalies. With ammonia it forms a salt capable of crystalliza- tion. If this be heated a little, the ammonia is decom- posed, the nitrogen is evolved, while the hydrogen, uniting with part of the oxygen of the acid, forms water. Neither the earthy nor alkaline arsenites have yet been much examined; what is known of them being only sufficient to distinguish them from the arseniates. The arsenious acid is used in numerous instances in the arts, under the name of white arsenic, or of arse- nic simply. In many cases it is reduced, and acts in its metallic state. Many attempts have been made to Introduce it into medicine ; but as it is known to be one of the ruo-.:t violent poisons, it is probable that the fear of its bad effects may deprive society ofthe advantages it might afford in this way. An arseniate of potassa was ex- tensively used by the late Dr. Fowler, of York, who published a treatise on it, in intermittent and remittent fevers. He likewise assured the writer, that he had found it extremely efficacious in periodical headache, and as a tonic in nervous and other disorders; and that he never saw the least ill effect from its use, due precaution being employed in preparing and adminis- tering it. Externally it has been employed as a caustic to extirpate cancer, combined with sulphur, with bole, with antimony, and with the leaves of crowfoot; but it always gives great pain, and is not unattended with danger. Febvre's remedy was water one pint, extract of hemlock |j. Goulard's extract $iij. tincture of opium 3 j. arsenious acid gr. x. With this the cancer was wetted morning and evening ; and at the same time a small quantity of a weak solution was adminis- tered internally. A stili milder application of this kind has been made from a solution of one grain in a quart of water, formed into a poultice with crumb of bread. It has been more lately used as \n alterative with advantage in chronic rheumatism. The symptoms which show the system to be arsenified are thickecs?, redness, and stiffness of the palpebra, soreness of the gums, ptyalism, itching over the surface of the body, restlessness, cough, pain at stomach, and headache. When the latter symptoms supervene, the adminis- tration of the medicine ought to be immediately sus- pended. It has also been recommended against chin- cough ; and has been used in considerable doses with . success, to counteract the poison of venomous ser- pents. Since it acts on the animal economy as a deadly poison in quantities so minute as to be insensible to the taste when diffused in water or other vehicles, it has been often given with criminal intentions and fatal effects. It becomes therefore a matter of the utmost importance to present a systematic view of the phenomena characteristic of the poison, its opera tion, and consequences. It is a dense substance, subsiding speedily after agi tation in water. Dr. Ure found its sp. gr. to vary from 3.728 to 3.730, which is a little higher tlian the number given above: ~1 parts dissolve in 1000 of boiling water, of which 30 remain in it, after it cools. Cold water dissolves, however, only 3-1000 or 1-10 of the preceding quantity. This water makes the syrup of violets green, and reddens litmus paper. Lime water gives a fine white precipitate with it of arsenite of lime, soluble in an excess of the arsenious solution; sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and hydrosulphuretted water, precipitate a golden yellow sulphuret of ar- senic. By this means, 1-100000 of arsenious acid may be detected in water. This sulphuret dried on a filter, and heated in a glass tube with a bit of caustic po- tassa, is decomposed in a few minutes, and converted into sulphuret of potassa, which remains at the but ARS ARS torn, and metallic arsenic of a bright steel lustre, which sublimes, coating the sides of the tube. The IndTosiilphurttsof alkalies do not affect the arsenious solution, unless n drop or two of nitric or muriatic acid be poured in, when the characteristic golden yel- iow precipitate falls. Nitrate of silver is decomposed fty the arsenious acid, and a very peculiar yellow arsenite of silver precipitates; which, however, is apt to be redissolved by nitric acid, and therefore a very minute addition of ammonia is requisite. Even this, however, also, if in much exces.-', redissolves the silver precipitate. As the nitrate of silver is justly regarded as one of the best precipitant tests of arsenic, the mode of using it has been a subject of much discussion. This excel- lent test was first proposed by Mr. Hume of Long Acre, in May 1809. Phil. Mag. xxxiii. 401. The pre- sence of muriate of soda indeed, in the arsenical solu- tion, obstructs, to a certain degree, the operation of this reagent But that salt is almost always present in the prima via, and is a usual ingredient in soups, and other vehicles of the poison. If, after the water of ammonia has been added, (by plunging the end of a glass rod dipped in it into the supposed poisonous liquid,) we dip another rod into a solution of pure nitrate of silver, and transfer it into the arsenious solu- tion, either a fine yellow cloud will be formed, or at first merely a white curdy precipitate. But at the second or third immersion ofthe nitrate rod, a central spot of yellow will be perceived surrounded with the white muriate of silver. At the next immersion, this yellow cloud on the surface will become very conspi- cuous. Sulphate of soda does not interfere in the least with the silver test. The ammoniaco-sulphate, or rather ammoniaco- acetate of copper, added in a somewhat dilute state to an arsenious solution, gives a line grass-green and a very characteristic precipitate". This green arseniate of copper, well washed, being acted on by an excess of sulphuretted hydrogen water, changes its colour, and becomes of a brownish-red. Ferro-prussiate of potassa changes it into a blood-red. Nitrate of silver converts it into the yellow arsenite of silver. Lastly, if the precipitate be dried on a filter, and placed on a bit of" burning coal, it will diffuse a garlic odour. The cupreous test will detect 1-110000 of the weight of the arsenic in water. The Voltaic battery, made to act by two wires on a little arsenious solution placed on a bit of window- glass, developes metallic arsenic at the negative pole, and if this wire be copper, it will be whitened like tombac. We may here remark, however, that the most ele- gant mode of using all these precipitation reagents U upon a plane of glass; a mode practised by Dr. Wol- luston in general chemical research, to an extent, and with a success, which would be incredible in other hands than his. Concentrate by heat in a capsule the suspected poisonous solution, having previously filtered it if necessary. Indeed, if it be very much disguised with animal or vegetable matters, it is better first of all to evaporate to dryness, and by a few drops of nitric acid to dissipate the organic products. The clear liquid being now placed in the middle of the bit of glass, lines are to be drawn out from it in different d irections. To one of these a particle of weak annno- niacal water being applied, the weak nitrate of silver may then be brushed over it with a hair pencil. By placing the glass in different lights, either over white paper or obliqirely before the eye, the slightest change of tint will be perceived. The ammoniaco-acetate should be applied to another filament of the drop, deut- acetate of iron to a third, weak ammoniaco-acetate of cobalt to a fourth, sulphuretted water to a fifth, lime water to a sixth, a drop of violet-syrup to a seventh and the two galvanic wires at the opposite ed«es ofthe whole. Thus with one single drop of solution many exact experiments may be made. But the chief, the decisive trial or experimental crusts remains, which is to take a little of the dry matter, mix it with a small pinch of dry black flux put it into a narrow glass tube sealed at one end, and after cleansing its sides with a feather, urge its bottom with a blow-pipe till it be distiactly red-hot for a minute. Then garlic fumes will be smelt, and the steel-lustred coating of metallic arsenic will be seeii in the tube about one-fourth of an inch above its bot- tom. Cut the tube across at that point by means oi a tine file, detach the scale of arsenic with the point of a penknife; put a fragment of it into the bottom of a small wine-glass along with a few drops of ammoni- aco-acetate of copper, and triturate them well toge- ther for a fewinimites with a round-headed glass rod. The mazarine blue colour will soon be transmuted into a lively grass-green, while the metallic scale will vanish. Thus we distinguish perfectly between a par- ticle of metallic arsenic and one of annualized char- coal. Another particle ofthe scale may be placed be- tween two smooth and bright surfaces of copper, with a touch of fiue oil; and while they are firmly pressed together, exposed to a red-heat. The tombac alloy will appear as a white stain. A third particle may be placed on a bit of heated metal, and held a little under the nostrils, when the garlic odour will be recognised. No danger can be apprehended, as the fragment need not exceed the tenth of a grain. It is to be observed, that one or two of the precipi- tation tests may be equivocal from admixtures of vari- ous substances. Thus tincture of ginger gives with the cupreous reagent a green precipitate;—and the writer of this article was at first led to suspect from that appearance, that an empirical tincture, put into his hands for examination, did contain arsenic. But a careful analysis satisfied him of its genuineness. Tea covers arsenic from the cupreous test. Such poisoned tea becomes, by its addition, of au obscure olive or violet red, but yields scarcely any precipitate. Sulphuretted hydrogen, however, throws down a fine yellow sulphuret of arsenic. The true way of obviating all these sources of falla- cy, is to evaporate carefully to dryness, and expose the residue to heat in a glass tube. The arsenic sublimes, and may be afterward operated on without ambi- guity. M. Orfila has gone into ample details on the modifications produced by wine, coffee, tea, broth, Sec. on arsenical tests, of which a good tabular abstract is given in Mr. Thomson's London Dispensatory. But it is evident that the differences in these menstrua, as also in beers, are so great as to render precipitations and changes of colour by reagents very unsatisfactory witnesses, in a case of life and death. Hence the me- thod of evaporation above described should never be neglected. Should the arsenic be combined with oil, the mixture ought to be boiled with water, and the oil then separated "by the capillary action of wick-threads. If with resinous substances, these may be removed by oil of turpentine, not by alkohol, (as directed by Dr. Black,) which is a good solvent of arsenious acid. It may moreover be observed, that both tea and coffee should be freed from their tannin by gelatin, which does not act on the arsenic, previous to the use of re- agent for the poison. When one part ofthe arsenious acid in watery solution is added to ten parts of milk, the sulphuretted hydrogen present in the latter, occa- sions the white colour to pass into a canary yellow; the cupreous test gives it a slight green tint, and the nitrate of silver produces no visible change, though even more arsenic be added; but the hydrosulphurets throw down a golden yellow, with the aid of a few drops of an acid. The liquid contained in the stomach of a rabbit poisoned with a solution of three grains of arsenious acid, afforded a white precipitate with ni- trate of silver, grayish-white with lime water, green with the ammoniaco-sulphate, and deep yellow with sulphuretted hydrogen water. The preceding copious description of the habitudes of arsenious acid in different circumstances, is equally applicable to the soluble arsenites. Their poisonous operation, as well as that of the arsenic acid, has been satisfactorily referred by Mr. Brodie to the suspension ofthe functions of the heart and brain, occasioned by the absorption of these substances into the circulation, and their constant determination to the nervous sys- tem and the alimentary canal. This proposition was established by numerous experiments on rabbits and dogs. Wounds were inflicted, and arsenic being ap- plied to them, it was found that in a short time death supervened with the same symptoms of inflammation of the stomach and bowels, as if the poison had been swallowed. He divides the morbid affections into three classes: 1st, Those depending on the nervous system, as palsy at first of the posterior extremities, and then of the rest of the body, convulsions, dilatation of the pupils ARS ARS and general insensibility: 2a", Those which indicate disturbance in the organs of circulation; for example, the feeble, slow, and intermitting pulse, weak con tractions ofthe heart immediately after death, and the impossibility of prolonging them, as maybe done in sudden deaths from other causes, by artificial respira- tion : 3d, Lastly, those which depend on lesion ot the alimentary canal, as the pains of the abdomen, nau- seas, and vomitings, in those animals which were suf- fered to vomit. At one time it is the nervous system that is most remarkably affected, and at another the organs of circulation. Hence inflammation of the stomach and intestines, ought not to be considered as the immediate cause of death, by the greater number of cases of poisoning by arsenic. However, should an animal not sink under the first violence of the poison, if the inflammation has had time to be developed, there is no doubt that it may destroy life. Mr. Earl states, that a woman who had taken arsenic resisted the alarming symptoms which at first appeared, but died on the fourth day. On opening her body the mu- cous membrane of the stomach and intestines was ulcerated to a great extent. Authentic cases of poison are recorded, where no trace of inflammation was perceptible hi the prima via. The effects of arsenic have been graphically repre- sented by Dr. Black: ' The symptoms produced by a dangerous dose of arsenic begin to appear in a quarter by an hour, or not much longer, after it is taken. First sickness, and great distress at stomach, soon followed by thirst, and burning heat in the bowels. Then come on violent vomiting and severe colic pains, and exces- sive and painful purging. This brings on faintings, with cold sweats, and other signs of great debility. To this succeed painful cramps, and contractions of the legs and thighs, and extreme weakness, and death.' Similar results have followed the incautious sprink- ling of schirrous ulcers with powdered arsenic, or the application of arsenical pastes. The following more minute specification of symptoms is given by Orfila: 'An austere taste in the mouth; frequent ptyalism ; continual spitting; constriction of the pharynx and esophagus; teeth set on edge; hiccups; nausea; vomiting of brown or bloody matter; anxiety; fre- quent fainting fits; burning heat at the precordia; in- flammation of the lips, tongue1", palate, throat, stomach; acute pain of stomach, rendering the mildest drinks intolerable; black stools of an indescribable foetor; pulse frequent, oppressed, and irregular, sometimes slow and unequal; palpitation of the heart; syncope ; unextinguishable thirst; burning sensation over the whole body, resemb'ing a consuming fire; at times an ley coldness; difficult respiration ; cold sweats; scanty urine, of a red or bloody appearance; altered expres- sion of countenance; a livid circle round the eyelids; swelling and itching of the whole body, which be- comes covered with livid spots, or with a miliary eruption; prostration of strength; loss of feeling, espe- cially in the feet and hands; delirium, convulsions, sometimes accompanied with an insupportable pria- pism ; loss of the hair; separation of the epidermis; horrible convulsions; and death.' It is uncommon to observe all these frightful symp- toms combined in one individual; sometimes they are altogether wanting, as is shown by the following case, related by M. Chaussier:—A robust man of middle age swallowed arsenious acid in large fragments, and died without experiencing other symptoms than slight syncopes. On opening his stomach, it was found to contain the arsenious acid in the very same state in which he had swallowed it. There was no appear- ance whatever of erosion or inflammation in the intes- tinal canal. Etmuller mentions a young girl's being poisoned by arsenic, and whose stomach and bowels were sound to all appearance, though the arsenic was found in them. In general, however, inflammation does extend along Hie whole canal, from the mouth to the rectum. The stomach and duodenum present frequently gangrenous points, eschars, perforations of all their coats; the villous coat in particular, by this and all other corrosive poisons, is commonly detached, as if it were scraped off or reduced into a paste of a reddish-brown colour. From these considerations we may conclude, that from the existence or non-existence of intestinal lesions, from the extent or seat of the symptoms alone, the physician should not venture to pionouncc definitively en the fact of poisoning. The result of Mr. Brodie's experiments on brutes teaches, that the inflammations of the intestines and stomach are more severe when the poison has been applied to an external wound, than when it has been thrown into the stomach itself. The best remedies against this poison in the sto- mach, are copious draughts of bland liquids of a muci laginous consistence, to inviscate the powder, so as to procure its complete ejection by vomiting. Sul- phuretted hydrogen condensed In water, is the only direct antidote to its virulence; Orfila having found, that when dogs were made to swallow that liquid, after getting a poisonous dose of arsenic, they reco- vered, though their oesophagus was tied to prevent vomiting; but when the same dose of poison was administered in the same circumstances, without the sulphuretted water, that it proved fatal. When the viscera are to be subjected after death to chemical investigation, a ligature ought to be thrown round the cesophagus and the beginning of the colon, and the intermediate stomach and intestines removed. Their liquid contents should be emptied into a basin; and thereafter a portion of hot water introduced into the stomach, and worked thoroughly up and down this viscus, as well as the intestines. Alter filtration, a portion of the liquid should be concentrated by evaporation in a porcelain capsule, and then submitted to the proper reagents above de- scribed. We may also endeuvour to extract from the stomach by digestion in boiling water, with a little ammonia, the arsenical impregnation, which has been sometimes known to adhere in minute particles with wonderful obstinacy. This precaution ought, therefore, to be attended to. The heat will dissipate the excess of ammonia in the above operation; whereas, by adding potassa or soda, as prescribed by the German chemists, we introduce animal matter in alkaline solution, which complicates the investigation. The matters rejected from the patient's bowels before death, should not be neglected. These, generally speaking, are best treated by cautious evaporations to dryness; but we must beware of heating the resi- duum to 400°, since at that temperature, and perhaps a little under it, the arsenious acid itself sublimes. Vinegar, hydroguretted alkaline sulphurets, and oils, are of no use as counterpoisons. Indeed, when the arsenic exists in substance in the stomach, even sulphuretted hydrogen water is of no avail, however effectually it neutralize an arsenious solution. Syrnps, linseed tea, decoction of mallows, or tragacanth, and warm milk, should be administered as copiously as possible, and vomiting provoked by tickling the fauces with a feather. Clysters of a similar nature may be also employed. Many persons have escaped death by having taken the poison mixed with rich soups; and it is well known, that when it is prescribed as a medi- cine, it acts most beneficially when given soon after a meal. These facts have led to the prescription of butter and oils; the use of which is, however, not adviseable, as they screen the arsenical particles from more proper menstrua, and even appear to aggravate its virulence. Morgagni, in his great, work on the seats and causes of disease, states, that at an Italian feast the dessert was purposely sprinkled over with arsenic instead of flour. Those of the guests who had previ- ously ate and drank little, speedily perished; those who had their stomachs well filled, were saved by vomiiing. He also mentions the case of three children who ate a vegetable soup poisoned with arsenic. One of them who took only two spoonfuls, had no vomiting, and died ; the other two, who had eaten the rest, vomited, and got well. Should the poisoned patient be inca pable of vomiting, a tube of caoutchouc, capable of being attached to a syringe, may be had recourse to. The tube first serves to introduce the drink, and to withdraw it after a few instants. The following tests of arsenic and corrosive subli- mate have been lately proposed by Brugnatelli • Take the starch of wheat boiled in water until it is of a proper consistence, and recently prepared; to this add a sufficient quantity of iodine to make it of a blue colour; iv is afterward to be diluted with pure watei until it becomes of a beautiful azure. If to this, some drops of a watery solution of arsenic be added, the colour changes to a reddish hue, and finally vanishes. The solution of corrosive sublimate poured into iodine and starch, produces almost the same change aa ART ART arsenic; but if to the fluid acted on by the arsenic we add some drops of sulphuric acid, the original blue colour is restored with more than its original brilliancy, while it does not restore the colour to the corrosive sublimate mixture.— Ure's Chem. Diet. ARTEMISIA. (From a queen of that name, who first used it; or from Aprt/Hj, Diana; because it was formerly used in the diseases of women, over whom she presided.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linmcan system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Poly- gamia superflua, Artemisia abrotanum. The systematic name for the Abrotanum of the pharmacopoeias. Abrotanum mas; Adonion; Adonium; Abrathan. Common southernwood. Artemisia—foliis setaceis ramosissi- mis of LinnEeus. A plant possessed of a strong, and, to most people, an agreeable smell; a pungent, bitter, and somewhat nauseous taste. It is supposed to sti- mulate the whole system, but more particularly the uterus. It is very rarely used unless by way of fomen- tation, with which intention the leaves are directed. Artemisia absinthium. The systematic name for the Absinthium vulgare of the pharmacopoeias. Com- mon wormwood. Falsely called in our markets Absinthium Romanum, or Roman wormwood. Absin- thium Ponticum of Dioscorides and Pliny, according to Murray. Artemisia—foliis compositis multifidis flori- bus subglobosis pendulis; receptaculo villoso of Lin- meus. This plant is a native of Britain, and grows about rubbish, rocks, and sides of roads. The leaves of wormwood have a strong disagreeable smell: their taste is nauseous, and so intensely bitter as to be pro- verbial. The flowers are more aromatic and less bitter than the leaves, and the roots discover an aromatic warmth without bitterness. This species of worm- wood may be considered the principal of the herba- ceous bitters. Its virtus, (in the words of Bergius,) is antiputredinosa, antacida, anthelmintica, resolvens, tonica, spasmodica. And although it is now chiefly employed with a view to the two last-mentioned quali- ties, yet we are told of its good effects in a great variety of diseases, as intermittent fevers, hypochondriasis, obstructions of the liver and spleen, goiit, calculi, scurvy, dropsy, worms, &c. Cullen thinks it is pos- sessed of a narcotic power, and that there is in every bitter, when largely employed, a power of destroying the sensibility and irritability of the nervous system. Externally, wormwood is used in discutient and antiseptic fomentations. This plant may be taken in powder, but it is more commonly preferred in infusion. The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia directs a tincture ofthe flowers, which is, in the opinion of Dr. Cullen, a light and agreeable bitter, and, at the same time, a strong impregnation of the wormwood. Artemisia chinensis. Mugwort of China. Moxa Japonica; Musia patlra. A soft lanuginous sub- stance, called Moxa, is prepared in Japan, from the young leaves of this species of mugwort, by beating them when thoroughly dried, and rubbing them between the hands, till only the fine fibres are left. Moxa is celebrated in the eastern countries for pre- venting and curing many disorders, by being burnt on the skin; a little cone of it laid upon the part, previ- ously moistened, and set on fire on the top, burns down with a temperate and glowing heat, and produces a dark-coloured spot, the ulceration of which is promoted by putting a Imle garlic, and the ulcer is either healed up when the eschar separates, or kept running for a length of time, as different circumstances may require. Artemisia glacialis. Mountain wormwood. This is found on Alpine situations, and has similar virtues to common wormwood. Artemisia judaica. The systematic name for the Santtnucum of the pharmacopoeias, according to some botanists. See Artemisia santonica. Artemisia maritima. The systematic name for ine Absinthium maritimum of the pharmacopoeias Sea wormwood. Falsely called in our markets, Ro- man wormwood. Artemisia-foliis multipartitis, tomentosis; racemis cernuis; fiosculis femineis temis ot i.iiina;us. This plant grows plentifully about the sea-shore, and in salt marshes. The specific differ- ences between it and the common wormwood, arte- mtsia, absinthium, are very evident. Its taste and Bmell are considerably less unpleasant than those of the r^n;L"0r'.w0rrauV.00d;-anleveu to essential oil, which contains the whole of its flavour concentrated, is some- what less ungrateful, and the watery extract some- what less bitter than those of the common wormwood. Hence it is preferred, in those cases where the Artemi- sia absinthium is supposed to be too unpleasant for the stomach. A conserve of the tops of this plant wan directed by the London pharmacopoeia. Artemisia pontica. The systematic name for the Absinthium ponticum, or Roman wormwood, not now used medicinally. Artemisia rupestris. The systematic name for the Genipi album of the pharmacopoeias. Artemisia- foliis pinnatis; caulibus adscendentibus; floribus globosis, cermuis; receptaculo papposo. It has a grateful smell, and is used in some countries in the cure of intermittents and obstructed catamenia. Artemisia santonica. Absinthium santonicum Alexandrinum; Sementina; Absinthium seriphium JEgyptium; Scheba Arabum ; Zedoaria semen; Xan- tolina ; Lumbricorum semina; Cina ; Semen contra ; Semen sanctum; Artemisia Judaica. The Tartarian southernwood or wormseed. Artemisia-foliis cauli- nis linearibus, pinnato-multifidis; ramis indivisis, spicis secundis rrflexis ; floribus quinquefloris of Lin- nams. The seeds are small, light, and oval, composed of a number of thin membraneous coats of a yellowish- green colour, with a cast of brown, easily friable, upon being rubbed between the fingers, into a fine chaffy kind of substance. They are brought from the Levant; have a moderately strong and not agreeable smell, somewhat of the wormwood kind, and a very bitter subacrid taste. Their virtues are extracted both by watery and spirituous menstrua. They are esteemed to be stomachic, emmenagogue, and anthelmintic; but it is especially for the last-mentioned powers that they are now administered, and from their efficacy in this way they have obtained the name of wormseed. To adults the dose in substance is from one to two drachms, twice a day. Lewis thinks that the spiritu- ous extract is the most eligible preparation of the san- tonicum, for the purposes of an anthelmintic. Artemisia vulgaris. Mugwort. This plant, Ar- temisia-foliis pinnatifidis, planis, incisis, subtus tomentosis ; racemis simplicibus, recurvatis ; floribus radio quinquefloro of Linnreus, is slightly bitter, and, although in high esteem in former days-, is now almost wholly forgotten. Artemo'nium. (From Artemon, its inventor.) A collyrium, or wash for the eyes. ARTE'RIA. (Arteria, as. f.; from arjp, air, and rnpeoi, to keep; so called because the ancients believed they contained air only.) See Artery. Arteri'aca. (From aprnpta, an arterv.) Medi- cines formerly used against disorders of "the aspera arteria, or trachea. Arterije adiposje. The arteries which secrete the fat about the kidneys are so called. They are branches ofthe capsula and diaphragmatic, renal, and spermatic arteries. Arterije venosje. The four pulmonary veins were so called by the ancients. Arteriosus ductus. See Ductus arteriosus. ARTERIO'TOMY. (Artcriotomia, a. f.; from ap- ri7pta, an artery, and rcuvw, to cut.) The opening of an artery. This operation is frequently performed on the temporal artery. A'RTERY. Arteria. A membraneous pulsatin" canal, that arises from the heart and gradually be^ comes le^s as it proceeds from it. Arteries are com- posed of three membranes- a common, or external; a muscular; and an internal one, which is very smooth. They are only two in number, the pulmonary arterv, and the aorta, and these originate from the heart; trie pulmonary artery from the right ventricle, and the aorta from the left: the other arteries are all branches ofthe aorta. Their termination is either in the veins, or in capillary exhaling vessels, or they anastomose with one another. It is by their means that the blood is carried from the heart to every part of the body, for nutrition, preservation of life, generation of heat, and the secretion ofthe different fluids. The action ofthe arteries, called the pulse, corresponds with that of the heart, and is effected by the contraction of their mus- cular, and great elasticity of their outermost coat. A table of the Arteries. All the arteries originate from the pulmonary arterv and the aorta. ART ART The pulmonary artery emerges from the right ven- tricle of the heart, soon divides into a right and left branch, which are distributed by innumerable ramifi- cations through the lungs. The aorta arises from the left ventricle of the heart, and supplies every part of the body with blood, in the following order. a. It forms an arch. b. It then descends along the spine; and, c. It divides into the two iliacs. a. The arch or the aorta gives off three branches. 1. The arteria innominata, which divides into the right carotid and right subclavian. 2 The left carotid. *.. The left subclavian, I The carotids are divided into external and in- ternal. The external carotids give off 1. The thyroid, 2. The lingual, 3. The labial, 4. The inferior pharyngeal, 5. The occipital, 6. The posterior auris, 7. The internal maxillary, from which the spinous artery of the dura mater, the lower maxillary, and several branches about the palate and orbit arise, B. The temporal. The internal carotid affords, 1. The ophthalmic, 2. The middle cerebral, 3. The communicans, which inosculates with the ver- tebral. II. The subclavians give off the following branches. 1. The internal mammary, from which the thymic, comes phrenici, pericardiac, and phrenico-pericar- diac arteries arise, 2. The inferior thyroid, which gives off the tracheal, ascending thyroid, and transversalis humeri, 3. The vertebral, which proceeds within the vertebrae, and forms within the cranium the basilary artery, from which the anterior cerebelli, the posterior ce- rebri, and many branches about the brain, are given off, 4. The cervicalis profunda, 5. The cervicalis superficialis, 6. The superior intercostal, 7. The supra-scapular. As soon as the subclavian arrives at the arm-pit, it is called the axillary artery; and when the latter reaches the arm, it is called the brachial. The axillary artery gives off, 1. Four mammary arteries, 2. The sub-scapular, 3. The posterior circumflex, 4. The anterior circumflex, which ramify about the shoulder-joint The brachial artery gives off, 1. Many lateral branches, 2. The profunda humeri superior, 3. The profunda humeri inferior, 4. The great anastomosing artery, which ramifies about the elbow-joint. The brachial artery then divides, about the bend of the arm, into the ulnar and radial arteries, which are ramified to the ends ofthe fingers. The ulnar artery gives off, 1. Several recurrent branches, 2. The common interosseal, of which the dorsal ulnar, the palmaris profunda, the palmary arch, and the digitals, are branches. The radial artery gives off, 1. The radial recurrent, 2. The superficialis vola, and then divides into the palmaris profunda, and the digitals. b. The descending aorta gives off, In the breast, I. The bronchial, 2. The esophageal, 3. The intercostals, 4. The inferior diaphragmatic. Within the abdomen, 1 The celiac, which divides into three branches: ' 1. The hepatic, from which are given off, before it reaches the liver, . a. The duodcno-gastric, which sends off the right gastroepiploic and the pancreatico-duodenal, R. The pylorica superior kepatica; 2. The coronaria ventriculi, 3. The splenic, which emits the great and small pancreatics, the posterior gastric, the left gastro- epiploic, and the vasa brevia ; 2. The superior mesenteric, 3. The emulgents, 4. The spermatics, 5. The inferior mesenteric, 6. The lumbar arteries, 7. The middle sacral. c. The aorta then bifurcates into the iliacs, each of which divide into external and internal- The internal iliac, called also hypogastric, gives oft, 1. The lateral sacrals, 2. The gluteal, 3. The ischiadic, 4. The/>ttdica, from which the external hemorrhoidal, the perineal, and the arteria penis arise, 5. The obturatory. The external iliac gives off, in the groin, 1. The epigastric, 2. The circumflexia iliaca ; It then pa=sos under Poupart's ligament, and is called the femoral artery; and sends off, 1. The prof 'unda, 2. The ramus anastomoticus magnus, which runs about the knee joint; Having reached the ham, where it gives off some small branches, it is termed the popliteal. It then di- vides into the anterior and posterior tibial. The tibialis antica gives off, 1. The recurrent, 2. The internal malleolar, 3. The external malleolar, 4. The tarsal, 5. The metatarsal, 6. The dorsalis externa halicis. The posterior tibial sends off, 1. The nutritia tibia, 2. Many small branches, 3. The internal plantar, 4. The external plantar, from which an arch is formed, that gives off the digitals of the toes. ARTHANI'TA. (From apros, bread ; because it is the food of swine.) The herb sow-bread. See Cy- clamen Europeum. Arthre'mbolus. (From apopov, a joint, and tu- SaXXio, to impel.) An insmiment for reducing luxated ARTHRITIC. (Arthriticus; from apBpins, the gout.) Pertaining to the gout. Arthritica herba. The JEgopodiumpodagrana. and several other plants, were so called. ARTHRITIS. (Arthritis, tidis, foem.; from ap- Boov, a joint: because it is commonly confined lo the joints.) The gout. Dr. Cullen, in his Nosology, gives it the name of podagra, because he considers the foot to be the seat of idiophatic gout. It is arranged in the class Pyrexia, and order phlegmasia, and is divided into four species, the regular, atonic, retrocedent, and misplaced. See Podagra. _ _ ARTHROCA'CE. (From apBpov, a joint, and icaicn, a disease.) An ulcer of the cavity of the bone. ARTHRO'DIA. (Arthrodia, a. f.; from apBpoia, to articulate.) A species of diarthrosis, or moveable con- nexion of bones, in which the head of one bone is re- ceived into the superficial cavity of another, so as to admit of motion in every direction, as the head of the humerus with the glenoid cavity ofthe scapula. ARTHRODY'NIA. (Arthrodynia, a. f.; from ap, Buov, a joint, and oSvvn, pain.) Pain in a joint. It is one of the terminations of acute rheumatism. See Rheumatism us. ARTHROPUO'SIS. (Arthropuosis, is. f.; from apBpov, a joint, and nvov, pus.) Arthropyosis. A collection of pus in a joint. It is however frequently applied to other affections. See Lumbar abscess. AKTHROSIA. (Arthrosia ; from apBaoo), to arti- culate : whence arthrosis, arthrites.) The name of a genus of disease in Good's new classification, which embraces rheumatism, gout, and white swelling. See Nosologi/ ■ , . ARTHROSIS. (From ap0poa>, to articulate, or join together.) Articulation. ARTICHOKE. See f'mara scolymus. Artichoke, French. See Onara studymus. ARU ASA Artichoke, Jerusalem. See Helianthus tuberosus. ARTICULA'R. (Articularis; from articulus, a toint.) Belonging to a joint Articularis morbus. A name given to a disease which more immediately infests the articuli, or joints. The morbus articularis is synonymous with the Greek word arthritis, and our gout. Articularis vena. A branch of the basilic vein is so called because it passes uuder the joint of the shoulder. ARTICULATION. (Articulatio ; from articulus, a joint.) The skeleton is composed of a great number Of bones, which are all so admirably constructed, and with so much affinity to each other, that the extremity of every bone is perfectly adjusted to the end of the bone with which it is connected: and this connexion is termed their articulation. Anatomists distinguish three kinds of articulation; the first they name Diar- throsis; the second, Synarthrosis; and the third, Amphiarthrosis; which see, under their respective heads. ARTICULA'TUS. Articulate; jointed. A term applied to roots, stems, leaves, &c, when they are ap- parently formed of distinct pieces united as if one piece grew out of another, so as to form a jointed, but connected whole: in the Radix articulata, radicals shoot out from each joint, as in the Oxalis acetocella, wood sorrel. The Caulis articulata is exemplified in the Cactus flagclliformis and Lathyrus sylvestris ; the Cactus opuntia and Cactus ficus indica have arti- culate leaves. The Oxalis acelosella articulate leaf- stalks. ARTICULUS. (From artus, a joint; from apBpov.) 1. A joint See Articulation. 2. Botanists apply this term to that part of the stalk of grasses which is intercepted, or lies between two knots; and also to the knot itself. Arti'scus. (From apros, bread.) A troch; so called because it is made like a little loaf. Arto'creas. (From aprof, bread, and xpcas, flesh.) A nourishing food, made of bread and various meats, boiled together.—Galen. Arto'gala. (From aproy, bread, and yaXa, milk.) A cooling food made of bread and milk. A poultice. Arto'meli. (From apros, bread, and/ieXt, honey.) A cataplasm made of bread and honey.—Galen. A'RUM. (Arum, i. n.; from the Hebrew word ja- ron, which signifies a dart; so named because its leaves are shaped like a dart; or apo, injury.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsjan system. Class, Gynandria; Order, Polyandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common arum. See Arum maculatum. Arum dracunculus. The systematic name of the plant called, in English, dragon's wort, and many- leaved arum; Dracunculus polyphyllus ; Colubrina dracontia; Serpentaria gallorum; Erva de Sancta Maria; Gigarus serpentaria; Arum polyphyllum. The roots and leaves of this plant are extremely acri- monious, more so than the Arum maculatum, with which it agrees in medicinal virtues. Arum maculatum. The systematic name for common arum, or wake-robin; the arum of the phar- macopoeias. Arum—acaule; foliis haslatis, inte- gerrimis; spadice clavato of Limucus. Common arum or wake-robin. The root is the medicinal part of this plant, which, when recent, is very acrimo- nious; and, upon being chewed, excites an intolerable sensation of burning and prickling in the tongue, which continues for several hours. When cut in slices and applied to the skin, it has been known to produce blisters. This acrimony, however, is gradu- ally lost by drying, and may be so far dissipated by the application of heat, as to leave the root a bland fa- rinaceous aliment. In this state it has been made into a wholesome bread. It has also been prepared as starch. Its medicinal quality, therefore, resides wholly in the active volatile matter, and consequently the powdeied root must lose much of its power, on being long kept. Arum is certainly a powerful stimulant, and, by promoting the secretions, may be,,advantage- ously employed in cachectic and chlorotic cases in rheumatic affections, and in various other complaints of phlegmatic and torpid constitutions; but more es- pecially in a weakened or relaxed state of the sto- mach, occasioned by the prevalence of viscid mucus. If this root is given in powder, great care should be ill! ' taken that it be young and newly dried, when it may be used in the dose of a scruple, or more, twice a day, but in rheumatisms, and other disorders requiring the full effect of this medicine, the root should be given in a recent state ; and, to cover the insupportable nun- gency it discovers on the tongue, Dr. Lewis advises us to administer it in the form of emulsion, with gum-ara- bic and spermaceti, increasing the do?e from ten grains to upwards of a scruple, three or four times a day. in this way, it generally occasioned a sensation of slight warmth about the stomach, and afterward, in the re- moter parts, manifestly promoted perspiration, and frequently produced a plentiful sweat. Several obslir- nate rheumatic pains were removed by this medicine. The root answers quite as well as garlic for cataplasms, to be applied on the feet in deliriums. The London College, in their Pharmacopoeia, 1788, ordered a con- serve, in the proportion of half a pound of the fresh root to a pound and a half of double refined sugar, beat together in a mortar, which appears to be one of the best forms of exhibiting arum, as its virtues are de- stroyed by drying, and are not extracted by any men- struum. It may be given to adults in doses of a drachm. ARUNDINACEUS. (From arundo, a reed.) Arun- dinaceous or reed-like. Arundinace* plants. Arundinaceous plants. A name given to a class of plants by Ray, from their appearance. ARUNDO. (Arundo, inis, f.: supposed to be de- rived from areo, because it soon becomes dry.) Tlie name of a genus of plants in the Linna-an system. Class Triandria ; Order, Digynia. Arundo bambos. The bamboo plant. The young shoots of this plant are prepared by the natives of both Indies with vinegar, garlic, pepper, tec into excellent pickles, which promote the appetite and assist di- gestion. A substance called Tabashcer or Tabachir, which is a concretion of the liquor in the cavities of the cane, and extracted at certain seasons, is much esteemed as a medicine by the orientalists. Arundo saccharifkra. The name of the sugar- cane. See Saccharum officinale. ARYTAJ'NO. Belonging to the arytenoid carti- lage. Some muscles are so named because they are connected with this cartilage: they have also the ter ininal name of the part they go to; as tcrytano-cpi glottideus. Arytjeno-epiglottideus A muscle of the epi glottis. Arytano-Eviglottici of Winslow. It is com- posed of a number of fibres running between the aryte- noid cartilage and epiglottis. It pulls the side of the epiglottis towards the external opening of the glottis, and when both act, they pull it close upon the glottis. ARYTiENOI'D. (Arytanoideus and Arytanoidcs ; from apvjaiva, a funnel, and ciios, shape.) The name of some parts, from their being funnel-shapped. Arytjenoid cartilage. Cartilago arytanoidia. The name of two cartilages of the larynx. See La rynx. ARYTiENOIDE'US. Applied to some muscles. vessels, nerves, &c. Arytjenoideus major. See Arytanoideus trans- versus. Arytanoideus minor. See Arytanoideus obli. quus. Arytjenoideus obliquus. A muscle of the glottis Arytanoideus minor of Douglas. It arises from the base of one arytenoid cartilage, and crossing ils fel- low, is inserted near the tip ofthe other arytenoid car- tilage. This muscle is occasionally wanting; but when present, and both muscles act, their use is to pull the arytenoid cartilages towards each other. Aryt/Enoideus transvkrsus. An azygos or sin- gle muscle of the glottis. Arytanoideus major of Douglas. It arises from the side of one arytenoid car tilage from near its urticulation with the cricoid to near its tip. The fibres run across, and are inserted In the same manner into the other arytenoid cartilage Its use is to shut the glottis, by bringing the two aryue- noid cartilages, with their ligaments, nearer to each other. ASAFCE'TIDA. (Asafetida, a, f.; from the He brew word asa, to heal.) See Ferula. Asa'phatum. (From a, neg. and catfujs, clear, to ; called by reason of their minuteness.1 An intercuta ASB ASC neous disorder, generated in the pores, like worms With black heads Asa'phia. (From a, neg. and oavs> clear.) A dtf ct in utterance or pronunciation ASARABACCA. See Asaram Europeum. A'SAUUM. (Asarum, i. n.; from a, neg. and cat- fta, to adorn; because it was not admitted into the ancient coronal wreaths.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeia! name of the asarabacca. See Asarum Europeum. Asarum buropjeum. The systematic name of the asarabacca of the shops. Nardus montana ; Nardus rustica; Asarum—foliis reniformibus, obtusis, binis of Linnxus. This plant is a native of England, but not very common. Its leaves are extremely acrid, and are occasionally used, when powdered, as a sternuta- tory. For this purpose, the leaves, as being less acrid than the roots, are preferred, and in moderate doses, not exceeding a few grains, snuffed up the nose, for several evenings, produce a pretty large watery dis- charge, which continues for several days together, by which headache, toothache, ophthalmia, and some paralytic and soporific complaints have been effectu- ally relieved. Prior to the introduction of ipecacuanha, the leaves and root of this plant were frequently employed on account of their emetic power: the dose of the dried leaves was 20 grains ; ofthe dried roots 10 grains. As they were occasionally violent in their operation, they have fallen into disuse. Asarum hypocistis. A parasitical plant which grows in warm climates, from the roots of the Cistus. The juice, succus hypocistidis, is a mild astringent, of no particular smell nor flavour. It has fallen into disuse. ASBESTOS. Asbestus. A mineral of which there are five varieties, all more or less flexible and fibrous. 1. Amianthus occurs in very long, fine, flexible, elastic fibres, of a white, greenish, or reddish colour. It is somewhat unctuous to the touch, has a silky or pearly lustre, and is slightly translucent. Sectile; tough ; sp. grav. from 1 to 2.3. The ancients manufactured cloth out of the fibres of asbestos, for the purpose, it is said, of wrapping up the bodies of the dead, when exposed on the funeral pile. Several moderns have likewise succeeded in making this cloth, the chief artifice of which seems to consist !in the admixture of flax and a liberal use of oil; both which substances are afterward consumed by exposing the cloth for a certain time to a red heat. Although the cloth of asbestos, when soiled, is restored to its primitive whiteness by heating in the fire, it is found, nevertheless, by several authentic experiments, that its weight diminishes by such treatment. The fibres of asbestos, exposed to the violent heat of the blow-pipe, exhibit slight indications effusion ; though the parts, instead of running together, moulder away, and part fall down, while the rest seem to disappear before the current of air. Ignition impairs the flexibi- lity of asbestos in a might degree. 2. Common asbestos occurs in masses of fibres of a dull greenish colour, and of a somewhat pearly lustre- Fragments splintery. It is scarcely flexible, and greatly denser than amianthus. It is more abundant than amianthus, and is found usually in serpentine, as at Portsoy, the Isle of Anglesea, and the Lizard in Corn- wall. It was found in the limestone of Glentilt, by Dr. M'CulIoch, in a pasty state, but it soon hardened by exposure to air. 3. Mountain Leather consists not of parallel fibres like the preceding, but interwoven and interlaced so as to become tough. When in very thin pieces it is called too untain paper. Its colour is yellowish-white, and its touch meagre. It is found at Wanlockhead, in La- narkshire. Its specific gravity is uncertain. 4. Mountain Cork, or Elastic Asbestos, is, like the preceding, of an interlaced fibrous texture; is opaque, has a meagre feel and appearance, not unlike common cork, and like it, too, is somewhat elastic. It swims on water. Its colours are white, gray, and yellowish- krown; receives an impression from the nail; very rough; cracks when handled, and melts with difficulty before the blow-pipe. 5. Mountain Wood,or Ligniformasbestos,ieum».\iy mow-he, of a bic wn colour, and having the aspect of wood. Internal lustre glimmering Soft, sectile, and tough; opaque; feels meagre; fusible into a black slag. Sp. grav. 2.0. It is found in the Tyrol; Dau- phiny; and in Scotland, at Glentilt, Portsoy, and Kil- drumle. Ascaloni'tes. A species of onion. ASCA'RIDES. The plural of ascaris. A'SCARIS. (Ascaris, idis ; from aoxca, to move about; so called from its continued troublesome mo- tion.) The name of a genus of intestinal worms. There are several species of this genus. Those which belong to the human body are:— 1. Ascaris vermicularis, the thread or maw worm which is very small and slender, not exceeding half aa. inch in length; it inhabits the rectum. 2. Ascaris bumbricoides, the long and round worm, which is a foot in length, and about the breadth of goose-quill. ASCE'NDENS. (From ad and scando, to ascend., Adscendens. Ascending. Applied to muscles, leaves stalks, &c. from their direction; as musculus obliquus ascendens, folium ascendens, caulis ascendens, the leaves of the geranium vitifolium and stems of the hedysarum onobrychis, Sec. Ascendens obliquus See Obliquus internus ab ■ dominus. A'scia. An axe or chisel. A simple bandage; so called from its shape in position.—Galen. ASCIDIATUS. (From ascidium.) Ascidiato or pitcherform: a term applied to a leaf and other parts of plants which are so formed; the folium ascidiatum is seen in the Nepenthes Distillatoria, and in Sa- racenia. ASCIDIUM. (From a, to nauseate.) A nausea or loathing, or a fever with much sense of heat and nau- sea.—Aretaus. Aspadia'lis. A suppression of urine from an im- perforated urethra. Aspalathum. S,ee Lignum aloes. ASPALATHUS. (From a, and anato, because the thorns were not easily drawn out of the wounds they made.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Decan- dria. Aspalathus canariensis. The systematic name of the rose-wood tree, or lignum rhodium of the an- cients. An essential oil is obtained from the roots, which is used principally as a perfume; but is an ex cellent cordial and carminative given internally. The best preparation is a tincture, made by macerating four ounces of the wood in a pint of rectified spirit. ASP A R AGIN. White transparent crystals, of a pecu liar vegetable principle, which spontaneously form i| asparagus juice which has been evaporated to the con- sistence of 6yrup. They are in the form of rhomboids} prisms, hard and brittle, having a cool and slightly nau seous taste. They dissolve in hot water, but sparingly in cold water, and not at all in alkohol. On being heat ed, they swell and emit penetrating vapours, which affect the eyes and nose like wood-smoke. Their solu- tion does not change vegetable blues; nor is it affected by hydrosulphuret of potassa, oxalate of ammonia, ace- tate of lead, or infusion of galls. Lime disengages r.m monia from it; though none is evolved by triturating it with potassa. The asparagus juice should be first heated to coagulate the albumen, then filtered and left to spontaneous evaporation for 15 or !2U days. Along ASF ASP with the asparagin crystals, others iu needles of little consistency appear, analogous to mannite, from which the first, can be easily picked out—Vauquelin and Robiquet. Annates de Chimie, vol. Iv. and Nichol- son's Journal, 15. ASPA'RAGUS. (Asparagus, i. m. Acnapayos, a young shoot before it unfolds its leaves.) 1. The name of a genus of plants iu the Linna>an system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. Asparagus, 2. The pharmacopceial name of the sparage. See Asparagus officinalis. Asparagus officinalis. The systematic name of the asparagus, the root of which has been esteemed as a diuretic. It is mostly employed as a food, but it contains very little nourishment A peculiar vegeta- ble principle, called asparagin, has been found in this plant. See Asparagin. [ASPARAGUS STONE. This is one of the va- rieties of the phosphate of lime. Vauquelin found it to contain lime 54.28, phosphoric acid 45.7-J; by which analysis it appears to differ but little from Apatite, the other variety, which see. A.] Aspa'sia. (From a, for aua, together, and anaui, to draw.) A constrictive medicine for the pudendum muliebrc. Capivac. ASPER. Rough. Applied to parts which are rough, as linea aspera, Sec. In the language of botany, scaber and asper are used synonymously. Asper caulis. Caulis scaber. Scabrous stem; is when it is thickly covered with papule which are not visible, but can be felt when running the finger along >t; as in Galium aperine, Lithospermum arvense, Centaurea nigra, Sec Aspera arteria. (So called from the-fnequality of its cartilages.) See Trachea. ASPERLFOLLE. (From asper, rough.) Rough- leaved plants. The name of a class and of an order of plants given by Boerhaave, Ray, Linneus, Sec. ASPE'RULA. (A diminutive of asper, the seeds being rough.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Tetrandria; Order, Mono- gynia. Asperula odorata. The systematic name for the officinal matrisylva. Woodruff. It is a low umbelli- ferous plant, growing wild in woods and copses, and flowering in May. It hath an agreeable odour, which is much improved by moderate drying; the taste is a little austere. It imparts its flavour to vinous liquors; and is commended as a cordial and deobstruent remedy. Asphalti'tis. 1. A kind of trefoil. 2. The last vertebra of the loins. ASPHALTUM. Asphaltus. This substance, like- wise called Bitumen Judaicum, or Jews' Pitch, is a smooth, hard, brittle, black or brown substance, which breaks with a polish, melts easily when healed, and when pure burns without leaving any ashes. It is found in a soft or liquid state on the surface of the Dead sea, but by age grows dry and hard. The same kind of bitumen is likewise found in the earth in other parts of the world; in China; America, particularly in the island of Trinidad; and some parts of Europe, as the Carpathian hills, France, Neufchatel, &c. According to Neumann, the asphaltum of the shops is a very different compound from the native bitumen; and varies, of course, in its properties, according to the nature of the ingredients made use of in forming it. On this account, and probably from other reasons, the use of asphaltum, as an article of the materia medica, is totally laid aside. The Egyptians used asphaltum in embalming, under the name of mumia mineralis, for which it is well adapted. It was used for mortar at Babylon. [This bitumen is dry and solid, and usually very brittle, but often too hard to receive an impression from the finger nail. In some varieties its fracture is more or less conchoidal, and shining with a resinous lustre; in others, it is earthy, or uneven, or nearly dull. The earthy variety is less hard than the others, and seems to be intermediate between Maltha and the harder kinds of Asphaltum.—CI. Min. The ancient bricks of Babylon, several of which I have had the best opportunities to examine, have a portion of bitumen adhering to them. This is black, anil emits, by burning, a somewhat aromatic vapour. U appears to haw lost none of its peculiar qualities, during the term of 3000 or 4000 years, since it was first incorporated as a cement, in the walls and towers constructed by the ancient inhabitants of Shinaar. The specimens I possess of modern bitumen from Bosrah, or its vicinity, are substantially the same with that used of old. Asphaltum of St. Antonio, at the western extremity of Cuba, is compact, deep black, and capable of sup- porting a flame when heated and set on fire. That from Trinidad island is not so pure; but is stated to be much more abundant. Specimens from St. Ste- phens, near the Alabama river, were sent me by Mr Magoffin.—MitchilVs Notes to Philips's Min. A.] ASPHO'DELUS. (Asphodelus, i. m. from aoms, a serpent, and SaXos, fearful; because it destroys the venom of serpents: or from oTrot5«Xof, ashes, because it was formerly sown upon the graves of the dead.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean sys- tem. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the daffodil. See Asphodelus ramosus. Asphodelus ramosus. The systematic name for the officinal, or branched asphodel. Asphodelus:— caulenudo ; foliis enciformibus, carinatis, lavibus, of Linneus. The plant was formerly supposed to be eftS ■ cacious in the cure of sordid ulcers. It is now wholly laid aside. ASPHY'XIA. (Asphyxia, a. f.; from a, priv. and ctbvlts, a pulse.) The state ofthe body, during life, in which the pulsation of the heart and arteries cannot be perceived. There are several species of asphyxia enumerated by different authors. See Syncope. Aspidi'scus. (From aoms, a buckler.) The sphincter muscle of the anus was formerly so called from its shape.—Celius Aurelianus. [ASPINWALL, William, M. D. was born in Brookline, Mass., on the 23d of May, (old style,) 1743. His ancestors emigrated from England about the year 1630. He was fitted for College by the Rev. Amos Adams, minister of Roxbury, and was graduated at Harvard University, in 1764. It was the personal interest which he took in the revolutionary contest, acting upon a mind deeply imbued with a sense of his country's wrongs, that gave strength and tone to his sentiments in after life. Dr. Aspinwall's language on political subjects was bold and strong, his creed being that of a democratic republican. In the unhappy scenes of party excitement, he unwaveringly adhered to what he deemed original and fundamental princi- ples ; but he aimed to preserve a good conscience, and to do justice to the honest opinions, the pure motives, and undoubted integrity of his opponents. He was not a political persecutor; and, when he was in the councils of the State, resolutely declined acting with his coadjutors, who were disposed to drive from office incumbents, whose only fault was what they deemed political heresy. After the death of the eminent and distinguished Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, the first inoculator of small-pox in America, Dr. Aspinwall established himself in that undertaking, and erected hospitals for that purpose in Brookline. Perhaps no practitioner in the United States ever inoculated so many persons, or acquired such skill and celebrity in treating this malignant disease, as Dr. Aspinwall. Besides his practice in this disorder when it generally spread, he was allowed, after the year 1788, to keep a hospital open at all times, to which great numbers resorted, and from which they returned with warm expressions of satis- faction. He continued in the successful treatment of this disease, till the genera! introduction of vaccine inoculation. He had made ample accommodation for enlarged practice, and established what might have been justly deemed a sure foundation for pros- perity, when vaccine inoculation was first introduced. He well knew that if vaccination possessed the virtues ascribed to it, his schemes of fortune and usefulness arising from inoculation at his hospital, were ruined; that he should be involved in loss, and bis anticipa- tions of fortune would be blasted. But as an honest man and faithful physician, he deemed it his duty to inquire into the efficacy of the novel substitute. With the utmost alacrity, therefore, he gave the experiment a fair trial, promptly acknowledged its efficacy, and relinquished his own establishment. The foregoing is corroborated by the following statement, recently made by Dr. Watcrhouse.in the Medical Intelligencer ASP AST " The late Dr. Aspinwall, a man of great sagacity, and uncommonly well grounded in the principles of bis profession, gave evidence of it on the first sight of a vaccine pustule. I had invited all the elder physi- cians of Boston, and tho vicinity of Cambridge, to see the first vaccine pustules ever raised in the new world. They gave them the ordinary inspection on the skin; all but Dr. Aspinwall, whose attention was rivetted on the pustule, its areola, and efflorescence. He came a second time, and viewed the inoculated part in every light, and reviewed it, and seemed loath to leave the sight of it. He seemed wrapped in seri- ous thought, and said repeatedly—' This pustule is so like small-pox, and yet it is not small-pox, that should it, on scabbing, take out a portion of the true skin, so as to leave an indelible mark or pit behind, I shall be ready to conclude that it is a mild species of small- pox, hitherto unknown here.' He had been in the habit of examining the small-pox pimple and pustule through glasses, to know if it ' had taken;' and he remarked, that they were peculiar, unique, and unlike any other eruption he ever saw; but that this kine- poclc came the nearest to it. Some time after, I gave him a portion of the virus to make his own experi- ments, and observe the progress of its inoculation, and coincidence of the constitutional symptoms; when he observed, that its progress, febrile affection, and ' mode of scabbing, were very like small-pox, and so of the indelible mark left on the arm; yet, throughout the whole visible affection, different. To crown the whole of his honourable conduct, he some time after took all those of my family whom I had vaccinated, into his small-pox hospital, the only licensed one in the state, and there tested them to his satisfaction, and one to the very verge of rigid experiment: and then he said to me and others—' This new inoculation of yours is no sham. As a man of humanity, I rejoice \n it; although it will take from me a handsome annual income.' His conduct throughout was so strongly marked with superior intelligence, generosity, and hononr, as to excite my esteem and respect; and I accordingly dedicate this effusion of gratitude to the memory of the Hon. William Aspinwall, M. D.; a gentleman respectable in public life as a counsellor, and an honour to his profession as a physician."— Thach. Med. Biog. A.] ASPLENIUM. (Asplenium, ii. n.; from a, priv. o-irXi7v, the spleen; because it was supposed to remove disorders of the spleen.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Filices. Asplenium ceterach. The systematic name of the herb spleenwort Miltwaste. Scolopendria vera; Dorodilla. This small bushy plant, Asplenium—fron- dibus pinnatifidis, lobis alternis covfluentibus obtusis of Linnteus, grows upon old walls and rocks. It has an herbaceous, mucilaginous, roughish taste, and is recommended as a pectoral. In Spain it is given, with great success, in nephritic and calculous diseases. Asplenium ruta muraria. The systematic name for the ruta muraria of the pharmacopoeias. It is supposed by some to possess specific virtues in the cure of ulcers of the lungs, and is exhibited in the form of decoction. Asplenium scolopendrium. The systematic name for the scolopendrium of the pharmacopoeias. Philli- tis ; Lingua cervina. Harts-tongue. This indige- nous plant, Asplenium—frondibus simplicibus,cordato lingulatis, intcgerrimis; stipitibus hirsutis of Lin- neus: grows on most shady banks, walls, &c. It has a slightly astringent and mucilaginous sweetish taste. When fresh and rubbed, it imparts a disaereeable smell. Harts-tongue, which is one ofthefive capillary herbs, was formerly much used to strengthen the vis- cera, restrain hemorrhages and alvine fluxes, and to open obstructions of theliver and spleen, and for the genera! purposes of demulcents and pectorals. Asplenium trichomanes. The systematic name for the trichomanes of the pharmacopoeias. Common maiden-hair or spleenwort. Asplenium—frondibus jrinnatts, pinnis subrotundis, crenatis of Linneus. Phis plant is admitted into the Edinburgh Pharmaco- pceia: the leaves have a mucilaginous, sweetish, sub- astringent taste, without any particular flavour: they are •.-stecined useful in disorders of the breast, being supposed to promote the expectoration of tough *hiegin, and to open obstructions of the viscera. ASS. See Asinus Ass's milk. See Asinus. Assad a. A shrub found on the coast of Guinea, tM leaves of which are supposed to disperse buboes. ASSAFCE'TLDA. See Ferula assafatida. ASSARABA'CCA. See Asarum Europeum. Assa'rium. A Roman measure of twelve ounces. Assarthro'sis. Articulation. ASSAY. Essay. This operation consists in de- termining the quantity of valuable or precious metal contained in any mineral or metallic mixture, by ana- lyzing a small part thereof. The practical difference between the analysis and the assay of an ore, con sists in this: The analysis, if properly made, deter- mines the nature and quantities of all the parts of the compound; whereas the object of the assay consists in ascertaining how much of the particular metal in question may be contained in a certain determinate quantity of the material under examination. Thus, in the assay of gold or silver, the baser metals are con- sidered as of no value or consequence ; and the prob- lem to be resolved is simply, how much of each is contained in the ingot or piece of metal intended to be assayed. ASSIMULA'TION. (Assimilatio, from ad, and similis, to make like to.) The conversion of the food into nutriment. Assiste'ntes. (From ad, and sisto, to stand near.) A name of the prostate glands, so called because they lie near the bladder. ARSO'DES. (From aaaopat, to nauseate, or from assarc, to burn.) Asodes. A continual fever, attended with a loathing of food. A'STACUS. (Astacus, i. m.; from a, neg. and traXtfo, todistil; so called from the hardness and dryness of its shell.) The name of a genus of shell-fish. Astacus fluviatilis. The officinal crevis, or cray-fish. See Cancer astacus. Astacus marinus. The lobster. See Cancer gam- marus. A'stapsis. (From sa, to breathe with difficulty.) Difficult respiration, returning at intervals, with a sense of stricture across the breast, and in the lungs; a wheezing, hard cough, at first, but more free towards the close of each paroxysm, with a discharge of mucus, followed by a remission. It is ranked by Cullen in the class Neurosis, and order Spasmi. There are, according to him, three species of asthma:— 1. Asthma spontaneum, when without any manifest cause. 2. Asthma plethoricum,xvhen it arises from plethora 3. Asthma exanthematicum, originating from the re pulsion of some acrid humour. Asthma rarely appears before the age of puberty, and seems to attack men more frequently than women, particularly those of a full habit, in whom it never fails, by frequent repetition, to occasion some degree of emaciation. In some instances, it arises from an hereditary predisposition, and in many others, it seems to depend upon a particular constitution of the lungs. Dyspepsia always prevails, and appears to be a very prominent feature in the predisposition. Its attacks arc most frequent during the heats of summer, in the dog-days, and in general commence about midnight On the evening preceding an attack of asthma, the, spirits are often much affected, and the person expe- riences a sense of fulness about the stomach, with las situde, drowsiness, and a pain in the head. On tho approach of the succeeding evening, he perceives a sense of lightness and stricture across the breast, and a sense of struitness in the lungs, impeding respiration. The difficulty of breathing continuing to increase for AST AST some length of time, both inspiration and expiration are performed slowly, and with a wheezing noise; the speech becomes difficult and uneasy, a propensity to coughing succeeds, and the patient can no longer re- main in a horizontal position, being as it were threat- ened with immediate suffocation. These symptoms Usually continue till towards the approach of morn- ing, and then a remission commonly lakes place; the breathing becomes less laborious and more full, and the person speaks and coughs with greater ease. If the cough is attended with an expectoration of mucus, he experiences much relief, and soon falls asleep. When he awakes in the morning, he still feels some degree of tightness across his breast, although his bieathing is probably more free and easy, and he can- not bear the least motion, without rendering this more difficult and uneasy; neither can he continue in bed, unless his head and shoulders are raised to a consider- able height. Towards evening, he again becomes drowsy, is much troubled with flatulency in the sto- mach, and perceives a return of the difficulty of breathing, which continues to increase gradually, till it becomes as violent as on the night before. After some nights passed in this way, the fits at length mo- derate, and suffer more considerable remissions, par- ticularly when they are attended by a copious expec- toration in the mornings, and this continues from time to time throughout the day; and the disease going off at last, the patient enjoys his usual rest by night, with- out further disturbance. The pulse is not necessarily affected in this disease, though often quickened by the difficulty of breathing; and sometimes slight pyrexia attends. In plethoric habits, the countenance is flushed and turgid during the fit; but in others rather pale and shrunk: in the former, too, some difficulty of breathing and wheezing usually remain in the interval; in others the recovery is more complete. On this is founded the common distinction of asthma into the humid, pituitous, or catarrhal, and the dry, spasmodic, or nervous forms. The exciting causes are various:— accumulation of blood, or viscid mucus in the lungs, noxieus vapours, a cold and foggy atmosphere, or a close hot air, the repulsion of eruptions, or other me- tastatic diseases, flatulence, accumulated feces, vio- lent passions, organic diseases in the thoracic viscera, &.c. Sometimes the fits return at pretty regular periods; and it is generally difficult to obviate future attacks, when it has once occurred: but it often con- tinues to recur for many years, and seldom proves fatal, except as inducing hydrothorax, phthisis, &c. The treatment must vary according to the form ofthe disease. In young persons of a plethoric habit, with great dyspnoea, a flushed countenance, accelerated pulse, &x. the abstraction of blood will be found to afford marked relief; but under opposite circum- stances, it might be highly injurious, and we should always avoid repeating it unnecessarily. In ambigu- ous cases, cupping may be preferred, or leeches to the chest, with blisters. Mild cathartics should also be employed; or where costiveness appears to induce the fits, those of a more active nature. Nauseating emetics are of considerable service, especially where the pa- tient is distressed with viscid mucus, not only by pro- moting perspiration and expectoration, but also by their antispasmodic power, the return of a paroxysm may often be prevented by their timely use. Squill combined with Ipecacuanha is one of the best forms. Where the disease is of the purely spasmodic charac- ter, opium will be found the most powerful palliative remedy, especially if combined with ether, though it unfortunately loses some of its power by repetition; the foetid gum resins are also useful, particularly where the bowels are torpid; and other antispasmodics may be occasionally employed. The practice of smoking, or chewing tobacco, has sometimes appeared extremely beneficial; and a cup of strong coffee has often afforded speedy relief. Means should also be employed for strengthening the system; and where there appears a tendency to serous effusion, digitalis may be very useful. But by far the most important part of the treatment consists in obviating or removing the several exciting causes, whether operating on the lungs immediately, or through the medium of the prime vie, Sec Indi- vidual experience can alone ascertain what state of the atmosphere as to temperature, dryness, purity, &c. shall be most beneficial to asthmatics, though a good deal depends on habit in this respect: but a due regu- lation of this, as well as of the diet, and other parts of regimen, will usually afford more permanent relief than any medicines we can employ. A'STITES. (From ad, and sto, to stand near.) A name given by the ancients to the prostate glands, because they are situated near the bladder. ASTRA'GALUS. (Astragalus, i. m.; As-payaXoc, a cockle, or die; because it is shaped like the die used in ancient games.) 1. The ankle-bone; a bone of the tarsus, upon which the tibia moves. Also called the sling-bone, or first bone of the foot. Ballisteos; aria- trios; talus; quatrio; tetruros; cavicula; cavilla; diabebos; peza. It is placed posteriorly and superiorly in the tarsus, and is formed of two parts, one large, which is called its body, the other small, like a pro- cess. The part where these two unite is termed the neck. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diadelphia ; Order, Decandria. Astragalus excapus. Stemless milk-vetch. The root of this plant, Astragalus acaulis excapus ;—legu- minibus lunatis ; foliis villosis of Linneus, is said to cure confirmed syphilis, especially when in the form of nodes and nocturnal pains. Astragalus tragacantha. The former system atic name for the plant which affords the gum traga- canth. See Astragalus verus. Astragalus verus. Goat's thorn. Milk-vetch. Spina hirci; Astragalus tragacantha; Astragalus aculeatus. We are indebted to a French traveller, of the name of Olivier, for the discovery that the gum tragacanth of commerce, is the produce of a species of astragalus not before known. He describes it under the name of astragalus verus, being different both from A. tragacantha of Linneus, and from the A. gummifera of Labillardiere. It grows in the North of Persia. Gum-tragacanth, or gum dragant, or dragon, (which is forced from this plant by the intensity of the solar rays, is concreted into irregular lumps or vermicular pieces, bent into a variety of shapes, and larger or smaller proportions, according to the size ofthe wound from which it issues,) is brought chiefly from Turkey, in irregular lumps, or long vermicular pieces bent into a variety of shapes: the best sort is white, semi-trans- parent, dry, yet somewhat soft to the touch. Gum-tragacanth differs from all the other known gums, in giving a thick consistence to a much larger quantity of water; and in being much more difficultly soluble, or rather dissolving only imperfectly. Put into water, it slowly imbibes a great quantity of the liquid, swells into a large volume, and forms a soft but not fluid mucilage; if more water be added, a fluid solution may be obtained by agitation but the liquor looks turbid and wheyish, and on standing, the mucilage subsides, the limpid water on the surface retaining little of the gum. Nor does the admixture of the preceding more soluble gums promote its union with the water, or render its dissolution more durable: when gum-tragacanth and gum-arabic are dissolved together in water, the tragacanth separates from the mixture more speedily than when dissolved by itself. Tragacanth is usually preferred to the other gums for making up troches, and other like purposes, and is supposed likewise to be the most effectual as a medi- cine; but on account of its imperfect solubility, is unfit for liquid forms. It is commonly given in pow- der, with the addition of other matenals of similar intention; thus, to one part of gum-tragacauth are added one of gum-arabic, one of starch, and six of sugar. According to Bucholtz, gum-tragacanth is composed of 57 parts of a matter similar to gum-arabic, and 43 parts of a peculiar substance, capable of swelling in cold water without dissolving, and assuming the ap- pearance of a thick jelly. It is soluble in boiling water, and then forms a mucilaginous solution. The demulcent qualities of tliis gum are to be con sidered as similar to those of gum-arabic. It is seldom given alone, but frequently in combination with more powerful medicines, especially in the form of troches, for which it is peculiarly well adapted: it gives name to an officinal compound powder, and was an ingre dient in the compound powder of cerusse. ASTRA'NTLA. (From aorpov, astrum, a star; so called from the star-like shape of its flowers.) The name Uff a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Dyginia. A H ATM •istrantia MAJOR. Astrantia vulgaris. ■dstrantia nigra. The herb snnicle master-wort. A rustic purge in the time of Gerard. A'strape. (From afpanjto, to corruscate.) Light- ning. Galen reckons it among the remote causes of epilepsy. ASTRI'CTUS. (From astnngo, to bind.) When applied to the belly, it signifies costiveness; thus, alvus astricta. ASTRINGENT. (Aslringens; from astringo,to constringe.) Adstringent. That which, when applied to the body, renders the solids denser and firmer, by contracting their fibres, independently of their living, or muscular power. Astringents thus serve to dimi- nish excessive discharges; and by causing greater compression ofthe nervous fibrille, may lessen morbid sensibility or irritability. Hence they may tend indi rectly to restore the strength, when impaired by these causes. The chief articles of this class are the acids, alum, lime-water, chalk, certain preparations of cop- per, zinc, iron, and lead; the gallic acid, which is commonly found united with the true astringent prin- ciple, was long mistaken for it. Seguin first distin- guished them, and, from the use of this principle in tanning skins, has given it the name of tannin. Their characteristic differences are, the gallic acid forms a black precipitate with iron; the astringent principle forms an insoluble compound with albumen. ASTRONO'MY. (Astronomia; from arpov, a star, and vopos, a law.) The knowledge of the heavenly bodies. Hippocrates ranks this and astrology among the necessary studies of a physician. ASTRUC, John, a learned physician, born in France, 1684. He studied and took bis degrees at Moutpelier, and became afterward a professor there. In 1729, he was appointed physician to the king of Poland, but soon returned to his native country, was made consulting physician to the French king, and professor of medicine at Paris, where he attained great celebrity. He was author of numerous medical and philosophical works, but especially one " on Ve- nereal Diseases," which deservedly became extremely popular, and was translated into various modern lan- guages. He lived to the advanced age of 82. ATA'XIA. (From a, neg. and raaata, to order.) Want of regularity in the symptoms of a disease, or of the functions of an animal body. ATE'CNIA. (From a, neg. and tiktio, to bring forth.) Venereal impotency: inability to procreate children. ATHAMANTA. (Athamanta, a. feem; so named from Athamas in Thessaly.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Athamanta cretensis. The systematic name for the daucus creticus of the pharmacopoeias. Myrrhus annua. Candy carrot The seeds of this plant, Athamanta—foliolis linearibus planis, hirsutis ; peta- lis bipartitis; seminibus oblongis hirsutis, of Lin- neus, are brought from the isle of Candy: they have an aromatic smell, and a slightly-biting taste; and are occasionally employed as carminatives, and diuretics in diseases of the prims vie and urinary passages. Athamanta oreoselinum. The systematic name for the officinal oreoselinum. Black mountain parsley. The root and seed of this plant, Athamanta—foliolis divaricatis of Linneus, as well as the whole herb, were formerly used medicinally Though formerly iu so high estimation as to obtain the epithet of polij- chrcsta, this plant is seldom used in the practice of the present day. An extract and tincture prepared from the root were said to be attendant, aperient, deobstruent, and lithontriptic. The oil obtained by distillation from the seed was esteemed to allay the toothache; and the whole was recommended as an antiscorbutic and corroborant. ATHAMANTICUM. See JEthusa meum. ATHANA'SIA. (From a, priv. and Savaros, death; so called because its flowers do not wither easily.) 1. The immortal plant. A name given to tansy; because when stuffed up the nose of a dead corpse, it is said to prevent putrefaction. See Tana- tetum vulgare. 2. It means also immortality. 3. The name of an antidote of Galen, and another of Oribasius. 108 4. It is the name also of a collyrium described by A£tius, and of many other compositions. A'thara. (From aBnp, corn.) A panada, or pap for children, made of bruised corn. ATHERO'MA. (Atheroma, atis, n. ABnpoua, pulse, pap.) An encysted tumour that contains a soft sub- stance of the consistence of a poultice. ATHRIX. (AVli debilis, weak.) 1. Weakness. 2. (From a, priv. and Bpi\, a pair.) Baldness. ATHY'MIA. (From a, neg. and Svpos, courage.j 1. Pusillanimity. 2. Despondency or melancholy. A'TLAS. (Atlas, antis, m.; from ArXata, to sus- tain, because it sustains the head ; or from the fable of Atlas, who was supposed to support the world upon his shoulders.) The name of the first vertebra. This vertebra differs very much from the others. See Vertebra. It has no spinous process which would prevent the neck from being bent backwards, but in its place it has a small eminence. The great foramen of this is much larger than that of any other vertebra Its body, which is small and thin, is, nevertheless, firm and hard. It is somewhat like a ring, and is distin- guished into its great arch, which serves in the place of its body, and its small posterior arch. The atlas is joined superiorly to the head by ginglymus; and infe- riorly, to the second cervical vertebra, by means of the inferior oblique processes, and the odontoid process by trochoides. ATMOMETER. The name of an instrument to measure the quantity of exhalation from a humid sur- face in a given time. ATMOSPHERE. (Atmosphera, a. f.; fromaruos, vapour, and odiaipa, a globe.) The elastic invisible fluid which surrounds the earth to an unknown height, and encloses it on all sides. Neither the properties nor the composition of the atmosphere, seem to have occupied much the attention of the ancients. Aris- totle considered it as one ofthe four elements, situated between the regions of water and fire, and mingled with two exhalations, the dry and the moist; the first of which occasioned thunder, lightning, and wind; while the second produced rain, snow, and hail. The opinions of the ancients were vague conjectures, until the matter was explained by the sagacity of Hales, and of those philosophers who followed his career. Boyle proved beyond a doubt, that the atmosphere contained two distinct substances:— 1. An elastic fluid distinguished by the name of air. 2. Water in a state of vapour. Besides these two bodies, it was supposed that the atmosphere contained a great variety of other sub- stances which were continually mixing with it from the earth, and which often altered its properties, and rendered it noxious or fatal. Since the discovery of carbonic acid gas by Dr. Black, it has been ascertained that this elastic fluid always constitutes a part of the atmosphere. The constituent parts of the atmosphere, therefore, are:— 1. Air. 2. Water. 3. Carbonic acid gas. 4. Un- known bodies. 1. For the properties, composition, and account of the first, see Air. 2. Water.—That the atmosphere contains water, has been always known. The rain and dew which so often precipitate from it, the clouds and fop with which it is often obscured, and which deposite moisture on all bodies exposed to them, have demonstrated its existence in every age. Even when the atmosphere is perfectly transparent, water may be extracted from it in abundance by certain substances. Thus, if con- centrated sulphuric acid be exposed to air, it gradually attracts so much moisture, that its weight is increased more than three times: it is converted into diluted acid, from which the water may be separated by dis- tillation. Substances which have the property of ab- stracting water from the atmosphere, have received the epithet of hygroscopic, because they point out the presence of that water. Sulphuric acid, the fixed alkalies, muriate of lime, nitrate of lime, and, in gene- ral, all deliquescent salts, possess this property. The greater number of animal and vegetable bodies like- wise possess it. Many of them takewaterfrom moist air, but give it out again to the air when dry. These bodies ATM ATM augment in bulk when tney receive moisture, and diminish again when they part with it. Hence some of them have been employed as hygrometers, or mea- sures of the quantity of moisture contained in the air around them. This they do by means of the increase or diminution of their length, occasioned by the addi- tion or abstraction of moisture. This change of length is precisely marked by means of an index. The most ingenious and accurate hygrometers are those of Saus- sure and Deluc. In the first, the substance employed to mark the moisture is a human hair, which by its contractions and dilatations is made to turn round an index. In the second, instead of a hair, a very tine thin slip of whalebone is employed. The scale is divided into 100°. The beginning of the scale indi- cates extreme dryness, the end of it indicates extreme moisture. It is graduated by placing it first in air made as dry as possible by means of salts, and after- ward in air saturated with moisture. This gives the extremes of the scale, and the interval between them is divided into 100 equal parts. The water, which constitutes a component part of the atmosphere, appears to be in the state of vapour, and chemically combined with air in the same manner as one gas is combined with another. As the quantity of the water contained in the atmosphere varies con- siderably, it is impossible to ascertain its amount with any degree of accuracy. 3. Carbonic acid gas.—The existence of carbonic gas as a constituent part of the atmosphere, was ob- served by Dr. Black immediately after he had ascer- tained the nature of that peculiar fluid. If we expose a pure alkali or alkaline earth to the atmosphere, it is gradually converted into a carbonate by the absorption of carbonic acid gas. This fact, which had been long known, rendered the inference that carbonic acid gas existed in the atmosphere unavoidable, as soon as the difference between a pure alkali and its carbonate had been ascertained to depend upon that acid. Not only alkalies and alkaline earths absorb carbonic acid when exposed to the air, but several of the metallic oxydes also. Carbonic acid gas not only forms a constituent part of the atmosphere near the surface of the earth, but at the greatest heights which the industry of man has been able to penetrate. Saussure found it at the top of Mount Blanc, the highest point of the old continent; a point covered with eternal snow, and not exposed to the influence of vegetables or animals. Lime-water, diluted with its own weight of distilled water, formed a pellicle on its surface after an hour and three-quarters exposure to the open air on that mountain; and slips of paper moistened with pure potash, acquired the property of effervescing with acids after being exposed an hour and a half in the same place. This was at a height no less than 15,668 feet above the level of the sea. Humboldt has more lately ascertained the exist- ence of this gas in air, brought by Mr. Garnerin from a height not less than 4280 feet above the surface of the earth, to which height he had risen in an air-bal- loon. This fact is a sufficient proof that the presence of carbonic acid in air does not depend upon the vici- nity of the earth. Now, as carbonic acid gas is considerably heavier than air, it could not rise to great heighis in the atmo- sphere unless it entered into combination with the air. We are warranted, therefore, to conclude, that car- bonic acid is not merely mechanically mixed, but that •t is chemically combined with the other constituent parts of the atmosphere. It is to the affinity which exists between carbonic acid and air that we are to nscribe the rapidity with which it disperses itself through the atmosphere, notwithstanding its great specific gravity. Fontana mixed 20,000 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas with the air of a close room, and yet half an hour after he could not discover the traces of carbonic acid in that air. Water impregnated with cirbonic acid, when exposed to the air, very soon loses the whole of the combined gas. And when a phial full of carbonic acid gas is left uncorked, the gas, as Bergman first ascertained, very soon disappears, and the phial is found filled with common air. The difficulty of separating this gas from air, has hitherto prevented the possibility of determining with accuracy the relative quantity of- it in a given bulk of air; but from the experiments which have been made, we may conclude with some degree, of confidence, that it is not very different from 0.01. From the experi- ments of Humboldt, it appears to vary from 0.005 to 0.01. This variation will by no means appear impro- bable, if we consider that immense quantities of car- bonic acid gas must be constantly mixing with the atmosphere, as it is formed by the respiration of ani- mals, by combustion, and several other processes which are going on continually. The quantity, indeed, which is daily formed by these processes is so great, that at first sight it appears astonishing that it does not increase rapidly. The consequence of such an increase would be fatal, as air containing 0.1 of carbonic acid extinguishes light, and is destructive to animals. But there is reason to conclude, that this gas is decomposed by vegetables as rapidly as it forms. 4. Bodies found in the atmosphere.—From what has been advanced, it appears that the atmosphere con- sists chiefly of three distinct elastic fluids united together by chemical affinity; namely, air, vapour, and carbonic acid gas; differing in their proportions at different times and in different places; the average proportion of each is, 98.6 air 1.0 carbonic acid 0.4 water 100.0 But besides these bodies, which may be considered as the constituent parts of the atmosphere, the existence of several other bodies has been suspected in it. It is npt meant in this place to include among those bodies electric matter, or the substance of clouds and fogs, and those other bodies which are considered as the active agents in the phenomena of meteorology, but merely those foreign bodies which have been occa- sionally found or suspected in air. Concerning these bodies, however, very little satisfactory is known at present, as we are not in the possession of instruments sufficiently delicate to ascertain their presence. We can indeed detect several of them actually mixing with air, but what becomes of them afterward we are unable to say. 1. Hydrogen gas is said to have been found in air situated near the crater of volcanoes, and it is very possible that it may exist always in a very small propor- tion in the atmosphere, but this cannot be ascertained till some method of detecting the presence of hydrogen combined with a great proportion of air be discovered. 2. Carburetted hydrogen gas is often emitted by marshes in considerable quantities during hot weather. But its presence has never been detected in air; so that in all probability it is again decomposed by some unknown process. 3. Oxygen gas is emitted abundantly by plants during the day. There is some reason to conclude that this is in consequence of the property which plants have of absorbing and decomposing carbonic acid gas. Now as this carbonic acid gas is formed at the expense of the oxygen of the atmosphere, as this oxygen is again restored to the air by the decomposition of the acid, and as the nature of atmospheric air remains unaltered, it is clear that there must be an equilibrium between these two processes; that is to say, all the carbonic acid formed by combustion must be again decomposed, and all the oxygen abstracted must be again restored. The oxygen pas which is thus continually returning to the air, by combining with it, makes its component parts always to continue in the same ratio. 4. The smoke and other bodies which are continually carried into the air by evaporation, Sec are probably soon deposited again, and cannot therefore be con- sidered with propriety as forming part of the atmo- sphere. 5. There is another set of bodies, which are occa- sionally combined with air, and which, on account of the powerful action which they produce on the human body, have attracted a great deal of attention. These are known by the name of contagions. That there is a difference between the atmosphere in different places, as far as respects its effects upon the human body, has been considered as an established point in all ages. Hence some places have been cele- brated as healthy, and others avoided as pernicious, to the human constitution. It is well known that in pits and mines the air is often in such a state as to suffo- cate almost instantaneously those who ntterapt to 103i AfO ATO breathe It. Some places arc frequented by peculiar diseases. It is known that those who are much in the apartments of persons ill of certain maladies, are extremely apt to catch the infection; and in prisons and other places, where crowds of people are confined together, when diseases once commence they are wont to make dreadful havoc. In all these cases, it has been supposed that a certain noxious matter is dis- solved by the air, and that it is the action of this matter which produces the mischief. This noxious matter is, in many cases, readily dis- tinguished by the peculiarly disagreeable smell which it communicates to the air. No doubt this matter differs according to the diseases which it communi- cates, and the substance from which it has originated. Morveau lately attempted to ascertain its nature; but he soon found the chemical tests hitherto discovered altogether insufficient for that purpose. He has put it beyond a doubt, however, that this contagious matter is of a compound nature, and that it is destroyed alto- gether by certain agents. He exposed infected air to the action of various bodies, and he judged of the re- sult by the effect which these bodies had in destroying the foetid smel! of the air. The following is the result of his experiments: 1. Odorous bodies, such as benzoin, aromatic plants, &c. have no effect whatever. 2. Neither have the solutions of myrrh, benzoin, Ac. in alkohol, though agitated in infected air. 3. Pyroligneous acid is equally inert. 4. Gunpowder, when fired in infected air, displaces a portion of it; but what remains, still retains its foetid odour. 5. Sulphuric acid has no effect; sulphurous acid weakens the odour, but does not destroy it. Distilled vinegar diminishes the odour, Lut its action is slow and incomplete. 7. Strong acetic acid acts instantly, and destroys the foetid odour of in- fected air completely. 8. The fumes of nitric acid, first employed by Dr. Carmichael Smith, are equally efficacious. 9. Muriatic acid gas, first pointed out as a proper agent by Morveau himself, is equally inef- fectual. 10. But the most powerful agent is oxymu- riatic acid gas, first proposed by Mr. Cruickshanks, and now employed with the greatest success in the British navy and military hospitals. Thus there are four substances which have the property of destroying contagious matter, and of puri- fying the air; but acetic acid cannot easily be obtained in sufficient quantity, and in a state of sufficient con- centration to be employed with advantage. Nitric acid is attended with inconvenience, because it is almost always contaminated with nitrous gas. Muriatic acid and oxymuriatic acid are not attended with these inconveniences; the last deserves the preference, be- cause it acts with greater energy and rapidity. All that is necessary is to mix together two parts of salt with one part of the black oxyde of manganese, to place the mixture in an open vessel in the infected chamber, and to pour upon it two parts of sulphuric acid. The fumes of oxymuriatic acid are immediately exhaled, fill the chamber, and destroy the contagion. Ato'chia. (From a, neg. and tokos, offspring; from tiktu), to bring forth.) 1. Inability to bring forth chil- dren. 2. Difficult labour. ATOMIC THEORY. In the chemical combina- tion of bodies with each other, it is observed that some unite in all proportions; others in all proportions as far as a certain point, beyond which combination no longer takes place; there are also many examples, in which bodies unite in one proportion only, and others in several proportions; and these proportions are defi- nite, and in the intermediate ones no combination ensues. And it is remarkable, that when one body enters into combination with another, in several dif- ferent proportions, the numbers indicating the greater proportions are exact simple multiples of that denoting the smallest proportion. In other words, if the smallest portion in which B combines with A, be denoted by 10 A may combine with twice 10 of B, or with three tirons 10, and so on; but with no intermediate quan- tities. Examples of this kind have of late so much increased in number, that the law of simple multiples bids fair to become universal with respect at least to chemical compounds, the proportions of which are definite. Mr. Dalton has founded what may be termed the atomic theory of the chemical constitution of bodies. Till this theory was proposed, we had no adequate explanation of the uniformity of the propor- tions of chemical compounds; or of the nature of the cause which renders combination in other proportions impossible. The following is a brief illustration of the theory: Though we appear, when we effect the che- mical union of bodies, to operate on masses, yet it is consistent with the most rational view of the consti- tution of bodies, to believe, that it is only between their ultimate particles, or atoms, that combination takes place. By the term atoms, it has been already stated we are to understand the smallest parts of which bodies are composed. An atom, therefore, must be mechanically indivisible, and of course a fraction of an atom cannot exist, and is a contradiction in terms Whether the atoms of different bodies be of the same size, or of different sizes, we have no sufficient evi- dence. The probability is, that the atoms of different bodies are of unequal sizes; but it cannot be deter- mined whether their sizes bear any regular proportion to their relative weights. We are equally ignorant of their shape; but it is probable, though not essential to the theory, that they are spherical. This, however, requires a little qualification. The atoms of all bodies, probably consist of a solid corpuscle, forming a nucleus, and of an atmosphere of heat, by which that corpuscle is surrounded, for absolute contact is never supposed to take place between the atoms of bodies. The figure of a single atom may therefore be supposed to be sphe- rical. But in compound atoms, consisting of a single central atom surrounded by other atoms of a different kind, it is obvious that the figure (contemplating the solid corpuscles only) cannot be spherical; yet if we include the atmosphere of heat, the figure of a com- pound atom may be spherical, or some shape approach- ing to a sphere. Taking for granted that combination takes place between the atoms of bodies only, Mr. Dalton has deduced from the relative weights in which bodies unite, the relative weights of their ultimate par- ticles or atoms. When only one combination of any two elementary bodies exists, he assumes, unless the contrary can be proved, that its elements are united atom to atom; single combinations of this sort he calls binary. But if several compounds can be obtained from the same elements' they combine, he supposes, in proportions expressed by some simple multiple of the number of atoms. The following table exhibits a view of these combinations: 1 Atom of A-f 1 atom of B=l atom of C, binary. 1 Atom of A-f-2 atoms of B=l atom of D, ternary. 2 Atoms of A+l atom of B—1 atom of E, ternary. 1 Atom of A-f-3 atoms of B=l atom of F, quaternary 3 Atoms of A+l atom of B=l atom of G, quaternary. A different classification of atoms has been proposed by Berzelius, viz. into 1. Elementary atoms. 2. Com- pound atoms. The compound atoms he divides again into three different species; namely; 1st, Atoms formed of only two elementary substances, united or compound atoms of the first order. 2dly, Atoms composed of more than two elementary substances, and these, as they are only found in organic bodies, or bodies obtained by the destruction of organic matter, he calls organic atoms. 3dly, Atoms formed by the union ot two or more compound atoms; as, for example, the salts. These he calls compound atoms of the second order. If elementary atoms of different kinds were of the same size, the greatest number of atoms of it that could be combined with an atom ol B would be 12 • for this is the greatest number of spherical bodies that'ean be arranged in contact with a sphere of the same diameter. But this equality of size, though adopted by Berzelius, is not necessary to the hypothesis of Mr Dalton, and is, indeed, supposed by him not to exist. As an illustration of the mode in wliich the weight of the atoms of bodies is determined, let us suppose that any two elementary substances, A and B, form a binary compound, and that they have been proved es perimentally to unite in the proportion by weight, of five to the former, to four of the latter, then since (according to the hypothesis) they unite particle to particle, those numbers will express the relative weight of their atoms. But besides combining atom to atom singly, 1 atom of A may combine with 2 of B, or with 3, 4, Sec or one atom of B may combine with 2 of A or with 3, 4,6m. When such a series of compounds exists, the relative proportion of their elements ought necessarily on analysis to be proved to be 5 of A to 4 ATO ATO of B, or 5 to (4+4=) 8 or 5 to (4+4+4=) 12, &c, or contrariwise, 4 of B to 5 of A, or 4 to (5+5=) 10 or 4 to ',5+5-1-5=) 15. Between these there ought to be no .ntermediate compounds, and the existence of any such (as 5 of A to 6 of B, or 4 of B to 7£ of A) would, if clearly established, militate against the hypothesis. To verify these numbers, it may be proper to examine the combinations of A and B with some third sub- stance, for example, with C. Let us suppose that A and C form a binary compound, in which analysis discovers 5 parts of A, and 3 of C. Then if C and B are also capable of forming a binary compound, the relative proportion of its elements ought to be 4 of B to 3 of C, for these numbers denote the relative weights of their atoms. Now this is precisely the method by which Mr. Dalton has deduced the relative weights of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, the first two from the known composition of water, and the last two from the proportion of the elements of ammonia. Extend- ing the comparison to a variety of other bodies, he has obtained a scale ofthe relative weights of their atoms. In several instances additional evidence is acquired of the accuracy of the weight assigned to an element, by our obtaining the same number from an investigation of several of its compounds. For example, 1. In water, the hydrogen is to the oxygen as 1 to 8. 2. In olefiant gas, the hydrogen is to the carbon as Ito8- 3. In carbonic acid, the oxygen is to the carbon as 810 6- . , z. , Whether, therefore, we determine the weight of the atom of carbon from the proportion in which it com- bines with hydrogen, or with oxygen, we arive at the same number 6, an agreement which, as it occurs in various other instances, can scarcely be an accidental coincidence. In similar manner, 8 is deducible, as representing the atom of oxygen, both from the combi- nation of that base with hydrogen, and with carbon, and 1 is referred to be the relative weight of the atom of hydrogen, from the two principal compounds into which it enters. In selecting the body which should be assumed as unity, Mr. Dalton has been induced lo fix on hydrogen, because it is that body which unites with others in the smallest proportion. Thus in water, we have 1 of hydrogen, by weight, to 8 of oxygen ; in ammonia, 1 of hydrogen to 14 of nitrogen; in carbu- retted hydrogen, 1 of hydrogen to 6 of carbon; and in sulphuretted hydrogen, 1 of hydrogen to 16 of sulphur. Taking for granted that all these bodies are binary compounds, we have the following scale of numbers expressive ofthe relative weights of the atoms of their elements: Hydrogen............................. J Oxygen............................... ° Nitrogen............................x* Carbon.............................._" Sulphur..............................J* Drs. Wollaston and Thomas, and Professor Berze- lius, on the other hand, have assumed oxygen as the decimal unit, (the first making it 10, the second 1, and the third 100,) chiefly with a view to facilitate the esti- mation of its numerous compounds with other bodies. This perhaps is to be regretted, even though the change may be in some respects eligible, because it is extremely desirable that chemical writers should em- ploy a universal standard of comparison for tne weights of the atoms of bodies. It is easy, however, to reduce the number to Mr. Dalton's by the rule ot proportion. Thus, as 8, Mr. Dalton's number for oxy- gen, corrected by the latest experiments, is to 1, Ins number for hydrogen, so is 10, Dr. Wallaston's number for oxygen, 1.25 the number for hydrogen. Sir H. Davy has assumed with Mr. Dalton, the atom of hydro- gen as unity; but that philosopher and Berzelius also nave morified the theory, by taking for granted that water is a compound of one proportion (atom) of oxy- gen and two proportions (atoms) of hydrogen. This is founded on the fact that two measures of hydrogen gas and one of oxygen gas are necessary to form water; and on the supposition that equal measures of differ- ent gases contain equal numbers of atoms. And as in water the hydrogen is to the oxygen by weight as 1 to 8 two atoms or volumes of hydrogen must, on this hy- pothesis, weigh 1, and 1 atom or volume of hydrogen I- or if we denote a single atom of hydrogen by 1, we must express an atom of oxygen by 16. It is objec- tionable, however, to this modification of the atomic theory, that it contradicts a fundamental proposition of Mr. Dalton, the consistency of which with mecha- nical principles he has fully shown; namely, that that compound of any two elements which is with most difficulty decomposed, must be presumed, unless the contrary can be proved, to be a binary one. It is easy to determine, in the manner already explained, the re lative weights of the atoms of two elementary bodies which unite only in one proportion; but when one body unites in different proportions with another, it is necessary in order to ascertain the weight of its alom, that we should know the smallest proportion in which the former combines with the latter. Thus if we have a body A, 100 parts of which by weight combine with not less than 32 of oxygen, the relative weight of its atom will be to that of oxygen as 100 to 32; or reducing these numbers to their lowest terms, as 25 to 8; and the number 25 will therefore express the relative weight of the atom of A. But if, in the progress of science, it should be found that 100 parts of A are capable of uniting with 16 parts of oxygen, then the relative weight of the atom of A must be doubled; for as 100 is to 16, so is 50 to 8. This example will serve to ex- plain the changes that have been sometimes made in assigning the weights of the atoms of certain bodies, changes which it must be observed always consist either in a multiplication or division of the original weight by some simple number. There are, it must be acknowledged, a few cases in which one body coin bines with another in different proportions; and yet the greater proportions are not multiples of the less by any entire number. For example, we have two ox- ydes of iron, the first of which consists of 100 iron and about 30 oxygen ; the second of 100 iron and about 45 oxygen. But the numbers 30 and 45 are to each other as 1 to IJ. It will, however, render these numbers 1 and 14 consistent with the law of simple multiples; if we multiply each of them by 2, it will change them to 2 and 3; and if we suppose that there is an oxyde of iron, though it has not yet been obtained experiment- ally, consisting of 100 iron and 15 oxygen; for the multiplication of this last number by 2 and 3 will then give us the known oxydes of iron. In some cases where we have the apparent anomaly of one atom of one substance united with li of another, it has been proposed by Dr. Thomson to remove the difficulty by multiplying both numbers by 2, and by assuming that in such compounds we have two atoms of the one combined with 3 atoms of the other. Such combina- tions, it is true, are exceptions to a law deduced by Berzelius, that in all inorganic compounds one of the constituents is in the state of a single atom; but they are in no respect inconsistent with the views of Mr Dalton, and are indeed expressly admitted by him to be compatible with this hypothesis, as well as con- firmed by experience. Thus, it will appear in the sequel, that some of the compounds of oxygen with nitrogen are constituted in this way. Several objec- tions have been proposed to the theory of Mr. Dalton; of these it is only necessary to notice the most impor- tant. It has been contended that we have no evidence when one combination only of two elements exists, that it must be a binary one, and that we might equally well suppose it to be a compound of 2 atoms of the one body with one atom of the other. In answer to this objection, we may urge the probability, that when two elementary bodies A and B unite, the most ener- getic combination will be that in wliich one atom of A is combined with one atom of B; for an additional atom of B will introduce a new force, diminishing the attraction of these elements for each other, namely, the mutual repulsion of the atoms of B; and this re- pulsion will be greater in proportion as we increase the number ofthe atoms of B. 2dly, It has been said, that when more than one compound of two elements exists, we have no proof which of them is the binary compound, and which the ternary. For example, that we might suppose carbonic acid to be a compound ot an atom of charcoal, and an atom of oxygen; and car- bonic oxyde of an atom of oxygen, with two atoms of charcoal. To this objection, however, it is a satisfac- tory answer that such a constitution of carbonic acid and carbonic oxyde would be directly contradictory of a law of chemical combination; namely, that it is attended, in most cases, with an increase of specific gravity. It would be absurd, therefore, to suppose carbonic acid, which is the heavier body, tobe only ATR ATR Once compounded, and carbonic oxyde, which is the lighter, to be twice compounded. Moreover, it is uni- versally observed, that of chemical compounds, the most simple are the most difficult to be decomposed; and this being the case with carbonic oxyde, we may naturally suppose it to be more simple than carbonic acid. 3dly, It has been remarked, that instead of sup- posing water to consist of an atom of oxygen united with an atom of hydrogen, and that the atom of the former is 7£ times heavier than that of the latter, we might with equal probability conclude, that in water we have 7£ times more atoms in number of oxy- gen than of hydrogen. But this, if admitted, would involve the absurdity that in a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases so contrived that the ultimate atoms of each should be equal in number. 7 atoms of oxygen would desert all the proximate atoms of hydrogen in order to unite with one at a distance, for which they must have naturally a less affinity. ATONIC. Atonicus. Having a diminution of strength. A'TONY. (Atonta, from a, neg. and rstva, to extend.) Weakness, or a defect of muscular power. ATRABI'LIS. (Atrabilis, from atra, black, and bilis, bile.) 1. Black bile. 2. Melancholy. Atrabiliarje capsulje. (From atra, black, and eito.) See Renal glands. ATRACHE'LUS. (From a, priv. and Tpaxix'h the neck.) Short-necked. Atrage'ne. See Clematis vitalba. Atra'sia. (From a, neg. and rnpam, to perforate.) Atresia. 1. Imperforate. 2. A disease where the natural openings, as the anus or vagina, have not their usual orifice. Atreta'rum. (From a, neg. and rpato, to perfo- rate.) A suppression of urine from the menses being retained in the vagina. A'TRICES. (From a, priv. and $pi\, hair.) Small tubercles about the anus upon which hairs will not grow.—Vaselius. A'trici. Small sinuses in the rectum, which do not reach so far up as to perforate into its cavity. A'TRIPLEX. (Atriplex, icis. f.; said to be named from its dark colour, whence it was called Atrum olus.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Monecia. Atriplex fcbtida. See Chenopodium vulvaria. Atriplex hortensis. See Atriplex sativa. Atriplex sativa. The systematic name for the atriplex hortensis of the pharmacopoeias. Orache, the herb and seed of this plant, Atriplex—caule erecto herbaceo, foliis triangularibus, of Liuneus, have been exhibited medicinally as antiscorbutics, but the prac- tice of the present day appears to have totally rejected them. ATROPA. (Atropa, a. f., from Arponos, the god- dess of destiny: so called from its fatal effects.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Monogynia. Atropa belladonna. The systematic name for the belladonna of the pharmacopoeias. Solanum melo- nocerasus; Solanum lethale. Deadly nightshade or dwale. Atropa—caule herbaceo; foliis ovatis inte- gris of Linneus. This plant has been long known as a strong poison of the narcotic kind, and the berries have furnished many instances of their fatal effects, particularly upon children that have been tempted to eat them. The activity of this plant depends on a* principle sui generis called Atropia. (See Atropia ) The leaves were first used internally, to discuss scir- rhous and cancerous tumours; and from the good effects attending their use, physicians were induced to employ them internally, for the same disorders; and there are a considerable number of well-authenticated facts, which prove them a very serviceable and im- portant remedy. The dose, at first, should be small; and gradually and cautiously increased. Five grains are considered a powerful dose, and apt to promote dimness of sight, vertigo. Sec. Atropa mandraoora. The systematic name for the plant which affords the radix mandragora of the pharmacopoeias. Mandrake. The boiled root is em- ployed in the form of poultice, to discuss indolent tu- mours. m ATRO'PHIA. (Atrophia, a f.; from a, neg. and Tpeb>, to nourish.) Marasmus. Atrophy. Nervous consumption. This disease is marked by a gradual wasting of the body, unaccompanied either by a diffi- culty of breathing, cough, or *ny evident fever, but usually attended with a loss oi appetite and impaired digestion. It is arranged by Cullen in the class Ca- chexia, and order Marcores. There are four species :— 1. When it takes place from too copious evacuations, it is termed atrophia inanitorum; and tabes nutri- cum ;—sudatoria ;—a sanguifluxu, Sec. 2. When from famine, atrophia famelicorum. 3. When from corrupted nutriment, atrophia cata- chymica. 4. And when from an interruption in the digestive organs, atrophia debilium. The atrophy of children is called paidatrophia. The causes which commonly give rise to atrophy, are a poor diet, unwholesome air, excess in venery, fluor albus, severe evacuations, continuing to give suck too long, a free use of spirituous liquors, mental uneasi- ness, and worms; but it frequently comes on without any evident cause. Along with the loss of appetite and impaired digestion, there is a diminution of strength, the face is pale and bloated, the natural heat of the body is somewhat diminished, and the lower extremities are cedematous. Atrophy, arise from whatever cause it may, is usually very difficult to cure, and not unfrequently terminates in dropsy. A'TROPHY. See Atrophia. ATROPIA. A poisonous vegetable principle, pro- bably alkaline, recently extracted from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, by Brandes. He boiled two pounds of dried leaves of atropa belladonna in a sufficient quantity of water, pressed the decoction out, and boiled the remaining leaves again in water The decoctions were mixed, and some sulphuric acid was added, in order to throw down the albumen and similar bodies; the solution is thus rendered thinner, and passes more readily through the Alter. The de- coction was then supersaturated with potassa, by which he obtained a precipitate that, when washed with pure waie.i and dried, weighed 89 grains. It con- sisted of smal. crystals, from which by solution in acids, and precipitation by alkalies, the new alkaline substance, atropia, was obtained in a state of purity. The external appearance of atropia varies consi- derably, according to the different methods by which it is obtained. When precipitated from the decoction of the herb by solution of potassa, it appears in the form of very small short crystals, constituting a sandy powder. When thrown down by ammonia from an aqueous solution of its salts, it appears in flakes like wax, if the solution is much diluted; if concentrated, it is gelatinous like precipitated alumina: when ob- tained by the cooling of a hot solution in alkohol, it crystallizes in long, acicular, transparent, brilliant crys- tals, often exceeding one inch in length, which are sometimes feathery, at other times star-like in appear- ance, and sometimes they are single crystals. Atropia, however, is obtained in such a crystalline state only when rendered perfectly pure by repeated solution in muriatic acid, and precipitation by ammonia. When pure, it has no taste. Cold water has hardly any effect upon dried atropia, but it dissolves a smal] quantity when it is recently precipitated; and boiling water dissolves still more. Cold alkohol dissolves but a mi- nute portion of atropiu; but when boiling, it readily dissolves it. Ether and oil of turpentine, even when boiling, have little effect on atropia. Sulphate of atropia crystallizes in rhomboidal tables and prisms with square bases. It is soluble in four or five parts of cold water. It seems to effloresce in the air, when freed as much as possible from adhering sulphuric acid, by pressure between the folds of blot- ting paper. Its composition by Brandes seems to be, Atropia,..........................38.93 Sulphuric acid,....................36.52 Water, ..........................24.55 100.00 This analysis would make the prime equivalent of atropia ao low as 5.3, oxygen being 1. Muriate of atropia appears in beautiful white brilliant crystals, which are either cubes or square plates similar to the muriate of daturia. He makes the composition of this salt to bei ATT ATT Atropia,..........................39.19 Muriatic acid.....................25.40 Water,..........................35.41 100.00 This analysis was so conducted as to he entitled to little attention. Nitric, acetic, and oxalic acids dis- solve atropia, and form acicular salts, all soluble in water and alkohol. Mr. Brandes was obliged to dis- continue his experiments on the properties of this alkali. The violent headaches, pains in the back, and giddiness, with frequent nausea, which the vapour of atropia occasioned while he was working on it, had such a bad effect on his weak health, that he has en- tirely abstained from any further experiments. He once tasted a small quantity of sulphate of atro- pia. The taste was not bitter, but merely saline; but there soon followed violent headache, shaking in the limbs, alternate sensations of heat and cold, oppression of the chest, and difficulty in breathing, and diminished circulation ofthe blood. The violence of these symp- toms ceased in half an hour. Even the vapour of the different salts of atropia produces giddiness. When exposed for a long time to the vapours of a solution of nitrate, phosphate, or sulphate of atropia, the pupil of the eye is dilated. This happened frequently to him, and when he tasted the salt of atropia, it occurred to such a degree, that it remained so for twelve hours, and the different degrees of light had no influence.— Schweigger's Journal, xxviii. 1. We may observe on the above, that it is highly im- probable that atropia should have a saturating power, intermediate between potassa and soda. ATTE'NUANT. (Attenuans; from attenuo, to make thin.) An attenuant or diluent is that which possesses the power of imparting to the blood a more thin and more fluid consistence than it had, previous to its exhibition; such are, water, whey, and all aque- ous fluids. ATTOLLENS. (Attollens; from attollo, to lift up. Lifting up: a term applied to some muscles, the office of which is to lift up the parts they are affixed to. Attollens aurem. A common muscle of the ear. Attollens auricula of Albinus and Douglas; Superior auris of Winslow ; and Attollens auriculam of Cow- per. It arises thin, broad, and tendinous, from the tendon of the occipito-frontalis, from which it is almost inseparable, where it covers the aponeurosis of the temporal muscle: and is inserted into the upper part of the ear, opposite to the antihelex. Its use is to draw the ear upwards, and to make the parts into which it is inserted, tense. Attollens occuli. One of the muscles which pulls up the eye.—See Rutus superior occuli. Atto'nitus morbus. (From attono, to surprise; ■o called because the person falls down suddenly.) Attonitus stupor. The apoplexy and epilepsy. ATTRACTION. (Attractio; from attraho, to attract.) Affinity. The terms attraction, or affinity, and repulsion, in the language of modern philosophers, are employed merely as the expression of the general facts, that the masses or particles of matter have a tendency to approach and unite to, or to recede from one another, under certain circumstances. The term attraction is used synonymously with affinity. See Affinity. i All bodies have a tendency or power to attract each other more or less, and it is this power which is called attraction. Attraction is mutual: it extends to indefinite dis- tances. All bodies whatever, as well as their compo- nent elementary particles, are endued with it. It is not annihilated, at how great a distance soever', we suppose them to be placed from each other; neither does it disappear though they be arranged ever so near each other. i The nature of this reciprocal attraction, or at least the cause which produces it, is altogether unknown to us. Whether it be inherent in all matter, or whether it be the consequence of some other agent, are ques- tions beyond the reach of human understanding; but its existence is nevertheless certain. " The instances of attraction which are exhibited by the phenomena around us, are exceedingly numerous, and continually present themselves to our observation. The effect of gravity, which causes the weight of bo- dies, is so universal, that we can scarcely form an idea now the universe could subsist without it Other attractions, such as those of magnetism and electricity, are likewise observable; and every experiment in chemistry tends to show, that bodies are composed of various principles or substance s, which adhere to each other with various degrees of force, and may be sepa rated by known methods. It is a question among phi- losophers, whether all the attractions which obtain be- tween bodies be referrible to one general cause modi- fied by circumstances, or whether various original and distinct causes act upon the particles of bodies at one and the same lime. The philosophers, at the Degin ning ofthe present century, were disposed to consider the several attractions as essentially different, because the laws of their action differ from each other; but the moderns appear disposed to generalize this subject, and to consider all the attractions which exist between bo- dies, or at least those which are permanent, as dej end ing upon one and the same cause, whatever it may be, which regulates at once the motions of the immense bodies that circulate through the celestial spaces, and those minute particles that are transferred from one combination to another in the operations of chemistry. The earlier philosophers observed, for example, that the attraction of gravitation acts upon bodies with a force which is inversely as the squares of the distances; and from mathematical deduction they have interred, that the law of attraction between the particles them- selves follows the same ratio; but when their observa- tions were applied to bodies very near each other, or in contact, an adhesion took place, which is found to be much grealer than could be deduced from that law applied to the centres of gravity. Hence they con- cluded, that the cohesive attraction is governed by a much higher ratio, and probably the cubes of the dis- tances. The moderns, on the contrary, have remark- ed, that these deductions are too general, because, for the most part, drawn from the consideration of spheri- cal bodies, which admit of no contact but such as is indefinitely small, and exert the same powers on each other, whichever side may be obverted. They remark, likewise, that the consequence depending on the sum of the attractions in bodies not spherical, and at mi- nute distances from each other, will not follow the inverted ratio of the square of the distance taken from any point assumed as the centre of gravity, admitting the particles to be governed by that law; but that it will greatly differ, according to the sides of the solid which are presented to each other, and their respective distances; insomuch that the attractions of certain particles indefinitely near each other will be indefi- nitely increased, though the ratio of the powers acting upon the remoter particles may continue nearly the same That the parts of bodies do attract each other, is evident from that adhesion which produces solidity, and requires c certain force to overcome it For the Bake of perspicuity, the various effects of attraction have been considered as different kinds of affinity or powers. That power which physical writers call the attraction of cohesion, is generally called the attraction of aggregation by chemists. Aggregation is consi- dered as the adhesion of parts of the same kind. Thus a number of pieces of brimstone, united by fusion, form an aggregate, the parts of which may be sepa- rated again by mechanical means These parts have been called integrant parts; that is to say, the mi- nutest parts into which a body can be divided, either really or by tin! imagination, so as not to change its nature, are called integrant parts Thus, if sulphur and an alkali be combined together, and form liver of sulphur, we may conceive the mass to be divided and subdivided to an extreme degree, until at length the mass consists of merely a particle of brimstone and a particle of alkali. This then is an integrant part; and if it be divided further, the effect which chemists call decomposition will take place; and the particles, con- sisting no longer of liver of sulphur, but of sulphur alone, and of alkali alone, will be what chemists call component parts or principles. The union of bodies in a gross way is called mix ture. Thus sand and alkali may be mixed together. But when the very minute parts of a body unite with those of another so intimately as to form a body which has properties different from those of either of them, the union is called combination or composition. Thus, , if sand and an alkali be exposed to a strong lie at, ATT ATT the minute parts of the mixture combine and form glass. If two solid bodies, disposed to combine together, be brought into contact with each other, the particles which touch will combine, and form a compound; and if the temperature at which this new compound assumes the fluid form be higher than the temperature of the experiment, the process will go no farther, be- cause this new compound, being interposed between the two bodies, will prevent their farther access to each other; but if, on the contrary, the freezing point of the compound be lower than this temperature, lique- faction will ensue; and the fluid particles being at liberty to arrange themselves according to the law of their attractions, the process will go on, and the whole mass will gradually be converted into a new com- pound, in the fluid state. An instance of this may be exhibited by mixing common salt and perfectly dry pounded ice'together. The crystals of the salt alone will not liquefy unless very much heated; the crystals of the water, that is to say, the ice, will not liquefy unless heated as high as thirty-two degrees of Fahren- heit ; and we have, of course, supposed the tempera- ture of the experiment to be lower than this, because our water is in the solid state. Now it is a well- known fact, that brine, or the saturated solution of sea-salt in water, cannot be frozen unless it be cooled thirty-eight degrees lower than the freezing point of pure water. It follows then, that if the temperature ofthe experiment be higher than this, the first combi- nations of salt and ice will produce a fluid brine, and the combination will proceed until the temperature of the mass has gradually sunk as low as the freezing point of brine; after which it would cease if it were not that surrounding bodies continually tend to raise the temperature. And accordingly it is found by ex- periment, that if the ice and the salt be previously cooled below the temperature of freezing brine, the combination and liquefaction will not take place. The instances in which solid bodies thus combine together not being very numerous, and the fluidity which ensues immediately after the commencement of this kind of experiment, have induced several che- mists to consider fluidity in one or both of the bodies applied to each other, to be a necessary circumstance, in order that they may produce chemical action upon each order. Corpora non agunt nisi sintfluida. If one of two bodies applied to each other be fluid at the temperature of the experiment, its parts will successively unite with the parts of the solid, which will by that means be suspended in the fluid, and dis- appear. Such a fluid is called a solvent or menstruum; and the solid body is said to be dissolved. Some substances unite together in all proportions. In this way the acids unite with water. But there are likewise many substances which cannot be dissolved in a fluid, at a settled temperature, in any quantity be- yond a certain portion. Thus, water will dissolve only about one-third of its weight of common salt; and if more salt be added, it will remain solid. A fluid which holds in solution as much of any substance as it can dissolve, is said to be saturated with it. But saturation with one substance is so far from preventing a fluid from dissolving another body, that it very frequently happens, that the solvent power of the compound ex- ceeds that of the original fluid itself. Chemists like- wise use the word saturation in another sense; in which it denotes such a union of two bodies as pro- duces a compound th ; most remote in its properties from the properties of the component parts themselves. In combinations where one of the principles predomi- nate, the one is said to be supersaturated, and the other principle is said to be subsaturated. Heat in general increases the solvent powerof fluids, probably by preventing part of the dissolved substance from congealing or assuming the solid form. Itoften happens,that bodieswhich have no tendency to unite are made to combine together by means of a third, which rs then called the medium. Thus water and fat oils are made to unite by the medium of an alkali, in the combination called soap. Some writers, who seem desirous of multiplying terms, call this iendency to unite the affinity of intermedium. This case has likewise been called disposing affinity; but Berthollet more property styles it 'reciprocal affinity. He likewise distinguishes affinity into elementary, when it is between the elementary parts of bodies; and resulting, when it is a compound only, and would not take place with the elements of that compound. It very frequently happens, on the contrary, that the tendency of two bodies to unite, or remain in com- bination together, is weakened or destroyed by the ad- dition of a third. Thus alkohol unites with water in such a manner as to separate most salts from it. A striking instance of this is seen in a saturated or strong solution of nitre in water. If to this there be added an equal measure of alkohol, the greater part of the nitre instantly falls down. Thus magnesia is sepa- rated from a solution of Epsom salt, by the addition of an alkali, which combines with the sulphuric acid, and separates the earth. The principle which falls down is said to be precipitated, and in many instances is called a precipitate. Some modern chemists use the term precipitation in a more extended, and rather forced sense; for they apply it to all substances thus separated. In this enunciation, therefore, they would say, that potassa precipitates soda from a solution of common salt, though no visible separation or precipi- tation takes place; for the soda, when disengaged from its acid, is still suspended in the water by reason ot its solubility. From a great number of facts of this nature, it is clearly ascertained, not as a probable hypothesis, but as simple matter of fact, that some bodies have a stronger tendency to unite than others; and that the union of any substance with another will exclude, o* separate, a third substance, which might have been previously united with one of them; excepting only in those cases wherein the new compound has a tendency to unite with that third substance, and form a triple compound. This preference of uniting, which a given substance is found to exhibit with regard to other bodies, is by an easy metaphor called elective attrac- tion, and is subject to a variety of cases, according to the number and the powers of the principles which are respectively presented to each other. The cases which have been most frequently observed by chemists, are those called simple elective attractions, and double elective attractions. When a simple substance is presented or applied to another substance compounded of two principles, and unites with one of these two principles so as to sepa- rate or exclude the other, this effect is said to be pro- duced by simple elective attraction. It may be doubted whether any of our operations have been carried to this degree of simplicity. All the chemical principles we are acquainted with are simple only with respect to our power of decomposing them; and the daily discoveries of our contemporaries tend to decompose those substances, which chemists a few years ago considered as simple. Without insist- ing, however, upon this difficulty, we may observe, that water is concerned in all the operations which are called humid, and beyond a doubt modifies all the effects of such bodies as are suspended in it; and the variations of temperature, whether arising from an actual igneous fluid, or from a mere modification of the parts of bodies, also tend greatly to disturb the effects of elective attraction. These causes render it difficult to point out an example of simple elective attraction, which may in strictness be reckoned as such. Double elective attraction takes place when two bodies, each consisting of two principles, are pre- sented to each other, and mutually exchange a prin- ciple of each; by which means two new bodies, or compounds, are produced of a different nature from the original compounds. Under the same limitations as were pointed out in speaking of simple elective attraction, we may offer instances of double elective attraction. Let oxyde of mercury be dissolved to saturation in the nitric acid, the water will then contain nitrate of mercury. Again, let potassa be dissolved to saturation in the sulphuric acid, and the result will be a solution of sulphate ot potassa. If mercury were added to the latter solution, it would indeed tend to unite with the acid, but, would produce no decomposition; because the elective attrac- tion of the acid to the alkali is the strongest So like- wise, if the nitric acid alone be added to it, its tend- ency to unite with the alkali, strong as it is, will not effect any change, because the alkali is already in combination with a stronger acid. But if the nitrate of mercury be added to the solution of sulphate of pr> ATT ATT lassa, a change of principles will take place; the sul- phuric acid will quit the alkali, and unite with the mercury, while the nitric acid combines with the alkali; and these two new salts, namely, nitrate of potassa, and sulphate of mercury, may be obtained separately by crystallization. The most remarkable circumstance in this process, is that the joint effects of Ihe attractions of the sulphuric acid to mercury, and the nitric acid to alkali, prove to be stronger than the sum of the attractions between the sulphuric acid and the alkali, and between the nitrous acid and the mer- cury ; for if the sum of these two last had not been weaker, the original combinations would not have been broken. Mr. Kir wan, who first, in the year 1782, considered this subject with that attention it deserves, called the affinities which tend to preserve the original combina- tions, the quiescent affinities. He distinguished the affinities or attractions which tend to produce a change of principles, by the name of the divellent affinities. Somo eminent chemists are disposed to consider as effects of double affinities, those changes of principles only which would not have taken place without the assistance of a fourth principle. Thus, the mutual decomposition of sulphate of soda and nitrate of po- tassa, in which the alkalies are changed, and sulphate of potassa and nitrate of soda are produced, Is not considered by them as an instance of double decom- position ; because the nitre would have been decom- posed by simple elective attraction, upon the addition of the acid only. There are various circumstances which modify the effects of elective attraction, and have from time to time misled chemists in their deductions. The chief of these is the temperature, which, acting differently upon the several parts of compounded bodies, seldom fails to alter, and frequently reverses the effects of the affinities. Thus, if alkohol be added to a solution of nitrate of potassa, it unites with the water, and pre- cipitates the salt at a common temperature. But if the temperature be raised, the alkohol rises on account of its volatility, and the salt is again dissolved. Thus again, if sulphuric acid be added, in a common tem- perature, to a combination of phosphoric acid and lime, it will decompose the salt, and disengage the phosphoric acid; but if this same mixture of these principles be exposed to a considerable heat, the sul- phuric acid will have its attraction to the lime so much diminished, that it will rise, and give place again to the phosphoric, which will combine with the lime. Again, mercury kept in a degree of heat very nearly equal to volatilizing it will absorb oxygen, and become converted into the red exyde formerly called precipi- tate per se; but if the heat be augmented still more, the oxygen will assume the elastic state, and fly off, leaving the mercury in its original state. Numberless instances of the like nature continually present them- selves to the observation of chemists, which are suffi- cient to establish the conclusion, that the elective attractions are not constant but at one and the same temperature. Many philosophers are of opinion, that the variations produced by change of temperature arise from the elective attraction of the matter of heat itself. But there are no decisive experiments either in confirma- tion or refutation of this hypothesis. If we except the operation of heat, which really produces a change in the elective attractions, we shall find, that most of the other difficulties attending this subject arise from the imperfect state of chemical science. If to a compound of two principles a third be added, the effect of this must necessarily be different according to its quality, and likewise according to the state of saturation of the two principles of the com- pounded body. If the third principle which is added be in excess, it may dissolve and suspend the compound which may be newly formed, and likewise that which might have been precipitated. The metallic solutions, decomposed by the addition of an alkali, afford no precipitate in various cases when the alkali is in ex- cess; because this excess dissolves the precipitate, which would else have fallen down. If, on the other iand, one of the two principles ofthe compound body te in excess, the addition of a third substance may combine with that excess, and leave a neutral sub- stance, exhibiting very different properties from the former. Thus, if cream of tartar, which is a salt of difficult solubility, consisting of potassa united to an excess of the acid of tartar, be dissolved in water, and chalk be added, the excess unites with part of the lime of the chalk, and forms a scarcely soluble salt; and the neutral compound, which remains after the privation of this excess of acid, is a very soluble salt, greatly differing in taste and properties from the cream of tartar. The metals and the acids likewise afford various phenomena, according to their degree of oxy dation. A determinate oxydation is in general neces- sary for the solution of metals in acids; and the acids themselves act very differently, accordingly as they are more or less acidified. Thus, the nitrous acid gives place to acids which are weaker than the nitric acid; the sulphurous acid gives place to acids greatly inferior in attractive power or affinity to the sulphuric aci i The deception arising from effects of this nature is in a great measure produced by the want of discrimina- tion on the part of chemical philosophers; it being evident that the properties of any compound substance depend as much upon the proportion of its ingredients, as upon their respective nature. The presence and quantity of water is probably of more consequence than is yet supposed. Thus, bis- muth is dissolved in nitrous acid, but falls when the water is much in quantity. The power of double elective attractions, too, is disturbed by this circumstance: If muriate of lime be added to a solution of carbonate of soda, they are both decomposed, and the results are muriate of soda and carbonate of lime. But if lime and muriate of soda be mixed with just water sufficient to make them into a paste, and this be exposed to the action of car- bonic acid gas, a saline efflorescence, consisting of carbonate of soda, will be formed on the surface, and the bottom of the vessel will be occupied by muriate of lime in a state of deliquescence. Berthollet made a great number of experiments, from which he deduced the following law:—that in elective attractions the power exerted is not in the ratio of the affinity simple, but in a ratio compounded of the force of affinity and the quantity ofthe agent; so that quantity may compensate for weaker affinity. Thus an acid which has a weaker affinity than another for a given base, if it be employed in a certain quantity, is capable of taking part of that base from the acid which has a stronger affinity for it; so that the base will be divided between them in the compound ratio of their affinity and quantity. This division of one substance between two others, for which it has differ- ent affinities, always takes place, according to him, when three such are present, under circumstances in which they can mutually act on each other. And hence it is, that the force of affinity acts most power- fully when two substances first come into contact, and continues to decrease in power as either approaches the point of saturation. For the same reason it is so difficult to separate the last portions of any substance adhering to another. Hence, if the doctrine laid down by M. Berthollet be true, to its utmost extent, it must be impossible ever to free a compound completely from any one of its constituent parts by the agency of elective attraction; so that all our best established analyses are more or less inaccurate. The solubility or insolubility of principles, at the temperature of any experiment, has likewise tended to mislead chemists, who have deduced consequences from the first effects of their experiments. It is evi- dent, that many separations may ensue without pre- cipitation; because this circumstance does not take place unless the separated principle he insoluble, or nearly 60. The soda cannot be precipitated from a solution of sulphate of soda, by the addition of potassa, because of its great solubility; but, on the contrary, the new compound itself, or sulphate of potassa, which is much less soluble, may fall down, if" there be not enough of water present to suspend it. No certain knowledge can therefore be derived from the appear- ance or the want of precipitation, unless the products be carefully examined. In some instances all the products remain suspended; and in others, they all fall down, as may be instanced iu the decomposition of sulphate of iron by lime. Here the acid unites with the lime, and forms sulphate of lime, which is scarcely at all soluble; and the still less soluble oxyde of iron, which was disengaged, falls down along with it. Many instances present themselves, in which decom 100 J AUR eosition does not take place, but a sort of equilibrium of affinity is perceived. Thus, soda, added to the supertartrate of potassa, forms a triple salt by com- biuing with its excess of acid. So likewise ammonia combines with a portion of the acid of muriate of mercury, and forms the triple compound formerly dis- tinguished by the barbarous name of " sal alembroth." Attraction, double elective. See Affinity, double. Aua'nte. (From avatvui, to dry.) A dry disease, proceeding from a fermentation in the stomach, de- scribed by Hippocrates de Morbis. Aua'pse. The same. Au'chen. (From a«X£to, to be proud.) The neck, which in the posture of pride, is made stiff and erect. AUDITORY. (Auditorius; from audio, to hear.) Belonging to the organ of hearing; as auditory nerve, passage, &c. Auditory nerve. See Portio mollis. Auditory passage. See Ear, and Meatus auditorius internus. AUG1TE. Pyroxene of Haiiy. A green, brown, or black mineral, found crystallized, and in grains in vol- canic rocks in basaltes. It consists of silica, lime, oxyde of iron, magnesia, alumina, and manganese. [It occurs in crystals, amorphous, in rounded frag- ments, or in grains. The Aunite has a foliated struc- ture in two directions, parallel to the sides of the primitive form. It is harder than hornblende or olivine, scratches glass, and gives sparks with steel. Its specific gravity varies from 3.10 to 3.47. It is fused with difficulty by the blow-pipe; but in small fragments melts into an enamel, which, in the coloured varieties, is black. Its greater hardness, the results of mechanical division, and its difficult fusi- bility, will in general be sufficient to distinguish it from hornblende, which it often resembles. It cannot easily be confounded with schorl. It has two varie- ties. 1. Common Augite. 2. Coccolite.—CI. Min. A.] Auou'stum. An epithet formerly given to several compound medicines. Aun'scos. (From avXos, a pipe.) A catheter, or clyster-pipe. AU'LOS. (AvXos, a pipe.) A catheter, canula, or clyster-pipe. AURA. (Aura, a. f.; from aoi, to breathe.) Any subtile vapour or exhaltation. Aura epileptica. A sensation which is felt by epileptic patients, as if a blast of cold air ascended from the lower parts towards the heart and head. Aura seminis. The extremely subtile and vivify- ing portion of the semen virile, that ascends through the Fallopian tubes, to impregnate the ovum in the ovarium. Aura vitalis. So Van Helmont calls the vital heat. AURA'NTHJM. (Aurantium, i. n.; so called, ab aureo colore, from its golden colour, or from Arantium. atownof Achaia.) Theorange. See Citrus aurantium Aurantium curassavl-nte. The Curassoa, or Curassao apple, or orange. The fruit so called seems to be the immature oranges, that by some accident have been checked in their growth. They are a grate- ful aromatic bitter, of a flavour very different from that of the peel of the ripe fruit, and without any acid; what little tartness they have when fresh, is lost in drying. Infused in wine, or brandy, thev afford a good Ditter for the stomach. They are used to promote the discharge in issues, whence their name of issue peas, and to give the flavour of hops to beer. Auranth baccjE. See Citrus aurantium, Aurantii cortex. See Citrus aurantium, Aurichalcum. Brass. AURI'CULA. (Auricula, a. f. dim. of auris, the ear.) 1. An auricle or little ear. 2. The external ear, upon which are several emi- nences and depressions; as the helix, antilielix, tragus, antitragus, concha auricula, scavha, and lobulus. See Ear. r 3. Applied to some parts which resemble a little ear, as the auricles of the heart. 4. In botany, applied to parts of plants, which re- semble an ear in figure, as Auricula juda, and Auricula muris, «rc. Auricula jud.e. See Petua auricula. Auricula muris. See Hieracium. Auricula cordis. The auricles of the heart. See Heart. 110 AUT AURICULA'RIS. (Auricularis; from auris, the ear.) Pertaining to the ear. Auricularis digitus. The little finger; so called because people generally put it into the ear, when the hearing is obstructed. AURIC ULATUS. Auricled. A leaf is said to be so, when furnished at ils base with a pair of leaflets, pro- perly distinct, but occasionally liable to be joined to it, as in Citrus aurantium. Auriga. (Auriga, a wagoner.) A bandage for the sides is so called because it is made like the traces of a wagon-horse.—Galen. AURI'GO. (Ab aureo colore; from its yellow colour.) The jaundice. See Icterus AURIPI'GMENTUM. (From aurum, gold, and pigmentum, paint; so called from its colour and its use to painters.) Yellow orpiment See Arsenic. AU'RIS. (Auris, is. f.; from aura, air, as being the medium of hearing.) The ear, or organ of hearing See Ear. AURISCA'LPIUM. (From auris, the ear, and scalpo, to scrape.) An instrument for cleansing the ear. Auru'go The jaundice. SeeAurigo. AURUM. 1. Gold. 2. This term was applied to many substances by alchemists and chemists, which resembled gold in colour or virtues. Aurum fulminans. The precipitate formed by putting ammonia into a solution of gold. Aurum graphicum. An ore of gold. Aurum horizontale. Oil of cinnamon and sugar Aurum leprosum. Antimony. Aurum musivum. Mosaic gold. " A combination of tin and sulphur, which is thus made; Melt twelve ounces of tin, and add to it three ounces of mercury; triturate this amalgam with seven ounces of sulphur, and three of muriate of ammonia. Put the powder into a mattress, bedded rather deep in sand, and keep it for several hours in a gentle heat; which is after- ward to be raised, and continued for several hours longer. If the heat have been moderate, and not con- tinued too long, the golden-coloured scaly porous mass, called aurum musivum, will be found at the bottom of the vessel; but if it have been too strong, the aurum musivum fuses to a black mass of a striated texture. This process is thus explained: as the heat increases! the tin, by stronger affinity, seizes and combines with the muriatic acid of the muriate of ammonia; while the alkali of that salt, combining with a portion ofthe sulphur, flies off in the form of a sulphuret. The com- bination of tin and muriatic acid sublimes- and is round adhering to the sides of the mattress. The mer- cury, which served to divide the tin, combines with part of the sulphur, and forms cinnabar, which al°e sublimes; and the remaining sulphur, with the re- maining tin, forms the aurum musivum which occu- pies the lower part of the vessel. It must be adm itted however, that this explanation does not indicate the reasons why such an indirect and complicated process should be required to form a simple combination of tin and sulphur. Aurum musivum has no taste, though some sneci- mens exhibit a sulphureous smell. *lt is not soluble in* water, acids, or alkaline solutions. But in the drv way it forms a yellow sulphuret, soluble in water It deflagrates with nitre. Bergman mentions a native aurum musivum from Siberia, containing tin, sulnhur and a small proportion of copper. »uipnur, This substance is used as a pigment for giv-in" a golden colour to small statue or plaster figures, ft is ikevyise said to be mixed with melted glass to imi- tate lapis lazuln. Aurum potabile. Gold dissolved and mixed with oil of rosemary, to be drunk. Authe'meron. (From avros, the same, and nutoa a day.) A medicine which gives relief, or is to be ad' ministered the same day. AUTOCRATE'IA. The healing power of nature Hippocrates. [AUTOMALITE. Thismineral substance is other- wise called Gahnite. It is always crystallized in small, but very regular octnedrons, which are some- times double, like those of spinelle. Its colour is deen green, or greenish black, and its fragments are trans- lucent It scratches quartz, and has an uneven or conchoidal fracture. Its specific gravity varies from 4.26 to 4.60. It , oxide of iron 9.25, silex, 4.75=98.25. According to Vauquelin, Alumine 42., oxide of zinc 28., oxide of iron 5., silex 4., sulphur 17., insoluble residue 4. It has been found at a mine of Fahlun, in Sweden, in a rock abounding in talc. —a. Min. A.] AUTO'PSIA. (From avros, himself, and orfouai, to see.) Ocular evidence. Auto'pyros. (From avros, itself, and zsvpos, wheat.) Bread made with the meal of wheat, from which the bran has not been removed.— Galen. AUXILIARY Assisting. This term is applied to the means which co-operate in curing diseases, and to parts which assist others in performing certain func- tions. The pyramidales were called auxiliary muscles. AVANTURINE. A variety of quartz rock con- taining mica spangles. It is found in Spain and Scot- land AVELLA'NA. (From Abella, or Avella, a town in Campania, where they grow.) The specific name of the hazel-nut. See Corylus avellana. Avellana cathartica. A purgative seed or nut, from Barbadoes, the produce of the Jatropha curcas. See Jatropha curcas. Avellana mexicana. Cocoa and chocolate nut. Avellana purgatrix. Garden spurge. AVE'NA. (Avena, a. f.; from aveo, to covet; be- cause cattle are so fond of it.) The oat. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Triandria; Order-, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the oat. Avena sativa. The systematic name for the avena of the pharmacopoeias. It is the seed which is com- monly used, and called the oat. There are two kinds of oats: the black and the white. They have similar virtues, but the black are chiefly sown for horses. They are less farinaceous, and less nourishing, than rice, or wheat; yet afford sufficient nourishment, of easy digestion, to such as feed constantly on them. In Scotland, and some of the northern counties of Eng- land, oats form the chief bread of the inhabitants. They are much used in Germany ; but, in Norway, oat bread is a luxury among the common people. Gruels, made with the flour, or meal, called oatmeal, digest easily, have a soft mucilaginous quality, by which they obtund acrimony, and are used for com- mon drink and food in fevers, inflammatory disorders, coughs, hoarseness, roughness, and exulceration ofthe fauces; and water gruels answer all the purposes of Hippocrates's ptisan. Externally, poultices, with oat- meal, vinegar, and a very little oil, are good for sprains and bruises. Stimulant poultices, with the grounds of strong beer, mixed up with oatmeal, are made for tumours, Sec. of a gangrenous tendency. Aven acu. A Molucca tree, of a caustic quality. AVENS. (Avens, entis; from aves, to desire.) 1. The specific name of a species of dipsosis in Good's Nosology: immoderate thirst. 2. The name of a plant See Geum. AVEN'IUS. Veinless. Without a vein. A term applied by botanists to a leaf which is without what they call a vein; as in Clusia alba. AVLNZOAR. A native of Seville, in Spain, who flourished about the beginning of the twelfth century; be was made physician to the king, and is said, but on imperfect evidence, to have attained the uncommon age of 135. He prepared his own medicines, and prac- tised surgery, as well as physic. His principal work was a compendium of the practice of medicine, called, '' Al-Theiser," containing some diseases not elsewhere described, and numerous cases candidly related. He was called the Experimenter, from his careful investi- gation of the powers of medicines by actual trial. AVERROES. An eminent philosopher and physi- cian, born about the middle of the 12th century, at Corduba,in Spain. He studied medicine under Aven- zoar, but does not appear to have been much engaged in the practice of it, his life exhibiting the most extra- ordinary vicissitudes of honours bestowed upon him as a magistrate, and persecutions, which he under- went for religion. He appears to have first observed, that the small-pox occurs but once in the same person. His orincipal medical work called the " Universal;' is a compendium of physic, mostly collected from other authors. He died about the year 1206. AVICENNA. A celebrated philosopher and phy- sician, born in Chorasan, in the year 9S0. He studied at Bagdat, obtained a degree, and began to practise at 18: and he soon attained great wealth and honour in the court of the caliph. But during the latter part of his life, residing at Ispahan, after several years spent in travelling, he impaired his constitution by intemper- ance, and died of a dysentery in his 58th year. His chief work on medicine, called " Canon Medicine," though mostly borrowed from the Greek or other pre- ceding writers, and in a very diffuse style, acquired great reputation, and was taught in the European colleges till near the middle ofthe 17th century. AVICENNIA. (Named after the celebrated phy sician of that name.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angiospermia. Avicennia tomentosa. The systematic name for the Avicennia—foliis cordato ovatis, subtus tomentosis, of Linneus, which affords the Malacca bean, or Ana- cardium orientate of the pharmacopoeias. The fruit, or nut, so called, is of a shining black colour, heart- shaped, compressed, and about the size of the thumb- nail. It is now deservedly forgot in this country. Avigato pear. See Laurus persea. Awl-shaped. See Leaf. AWN. See Arista. AXE-STONE. A species of nephrite, and a suc- species of jade, from which it differs in not being of so light a green, and in having a somewhat slaty texture. [The fracture of this mineral is more or less splintery and glimmering. The structure of large specimens is a little slaty. Its hardness is less than that of nephrite; it is more easily broken, and often falls into tabular fragments. It is usually translucent, sometimes at the edges only. Its colour varies from a dark or leek green, to grass and olive green, or even greenish gray It occurs amorphous, sometimes in rolled fragments. It is less easily fusible than nephrite or Saussurite, and melts with efferverscence into a black enamel. It often appears to be nearly allied to serpentine. This mineral has been found chiefly in South America, New Zealand, and the islands of the South sea. It receives a tolerable polish; and is employed by the natives of the aforesaid islands for making hatchets, and other instruments; and hence its name.—Cleav. Min. A.J AXILLA. (Axilla, a. f. Atzil, Heb. Scaliger deduces it from ago, to act; in this manner, ago, axo, axa, axula, axilla.) 1. In anatomy, the cavity under the upper part of the arm, called the arm-pit. 2. In botany, the angle formed by the branch and stem of a plant, or by the leaf with either. AXILLARIS. (From axilla, the arm-pit.) Axillary. 1. Of, or belonging to the axilla, or arm-pit. 2. In botany, leaves, J&c. are said to be axillary which proceed from the angles formed by the stem and branch. AXILLARIS. See Axillary. Axillaris gemma. Axillary gem. The gem which comes out of the axilla of a plant. It is this whieh bears the fruit. AXILLARY. (Axillaris; from axilla, the arm- pit.) Of or belonging lo the axilla, or arm-pit. Axillary arteries. Arteria axillares. The ax- illary arteries are continuations of the subclavians, and give off, each of them, in the axilla, four mam- mary arteries, the subscapular, and the posterior and anterior circumflex arteries, which ramify about the joint Axillary nerves. Nervis axillares. Articular nerve. A branch of the brachial plexus, and some- times ofthe radial nerve. It runs outwards and hack- wards, around the neck of the humerus, and is lost in the muscles ofthe scapula. Axillary veins. Vena axillares. The axillary veins receive the blood from the veins of the arm, and evacuate it into the subclavian vein. AX1NITE. Thumerstone. A massive or crystal- lized mineral, the crystals of which resemble an axe in the form and sharpness of their edges. It is found in beds at Thum, in Saxony, and in Cornwall. [This mineral is sometimes in tabular masses, but most commonly in crystals, which are easily recog- nised. The general form of these crystals is a very A 20 AZT oblique romb, or rather four-sided prism, so flattened, that some of its edges become thin and sharp, like the edge of an axe. The primitive form is a Ibur-sided prism, whose bases are parallelograms with angles of 101° 30' and 78° 30'. The integrant particles are oblique triangular prisms. M. Hatty has described five second- ary forms. Before the blow-pipe it easily melts with ebullition, into a dark gray enamel, which with borax becomes olive green. It contains, according to Vauquelin, silex 44, alumine 18, lime 19, iron 14, manganese 4,=99. Axinite is a rare mineral. It is found in primitive rocks, more particularly in fissures or veins which traverse them. In Dauphiny, it is associated with quartz, feldspar, epidote, and asbestus. In the Pyre- nees with quartz and limestone, in Norway, near Arendal, with feldspar and epidote; and near Kons- berg it exists in limestone with mica, quartz, Sec. It occurs in lamellar masses near Thum in Saxony, whence the name Thumerstone.—CI. Min. A.] A'XIS. (From ago, to act) The second vertebra. See Denlatus. AXU'NGIA. (Axungia, a. f.; from axis, an axle- tree, and unguo, to anoint) Hog's lard. Axungia curata. Purified hog's lard. Axungia de mummia. Marrow. A'zac (Arabian.) Gum ammoniac. Aza'gor. Verdigris. AZALjEA. (From agaXcos, dry, from its growing in a dry soil.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Mono- gynia. Azaljea pontica. The Pontic azalea. Azamar. Native cinnabar. Vermilion. Az»d. A fine kind of camphire. AZOl Z. (From a, priv. and g«i>, to live; because It is unfit foi aspiration.) Azot. See Nitrogen. i /Ixotane. The chloride of azote. dtote, chloride of. See Nitrogen. Azote, deutoxyde of. Sen Nitrogen Azote, gaseous oxyde of. See Nitrogen. Azote, iodide of. See Nitrogen. Azote, protoxyde of. See Nitrogen. A'zoth. An imaginary universal remedy A'zub. Alum. Azurestone. See Lapis lazuli. Azure spar, prismatic. See Ainrite AZURITE. Prismatic azure spar. Lazulite of Werner. A mineral of a fine blue colour, composed of alumina, magnesia, silica, oxyde of iron, and lime. It occurs in Vorau, in Stiria, and the bishopric of Salzburg. Azu'rium. Quicksilver, sulphur, and sal-ammoniac. A'zyges. (From a, priv. and tyyos, a yoke.) The os sphenoides was so called, because it has no fellow. A'ZYGOS. (From a, priv. and guyos, a yoke ; be- cause it has no fellow.) Several single muscles, veins, bones, &c. are so called. Azygos processus. A process ofthe os sphenoides. Azygos bvulje. A muscle of the uvula. Palato slaphilinus of Douglas. Slaphilinus, or Epistapht linus of Winslow. It arises at one extremity of the suture which joins the palate bones, runs down the whole length of the velum and uvula, resembling an earth-worm, and adhering to the tendons of the cir- cumflexi. It is inserted/into the tip of the uvula. Its use is to raise the uvula upwards and forwards, and to shorten it. Azygos vena. Azygos vein. Vena sine pari. This vein is situated in the right cavity of the thorax, upon the dorsal vertebre. It receives the blood from the vertebral, intercostal, bronchial, pericardiac, and diaphragmatic veins, and evacuates it into the vena cava superior. B. X»ABUZICA'R1US. (BaSougiicapios; -»om /fa6oX,ta, ■** to speak inarticulately.) The incubin, or night- mare : so called, because, in it, the person is apt to make an inarticulate or confused noise. BA'CCA. (Bacca, a. f., a berry.) A pulpy peri- carpium, or seed-vessel, enclosing several naked seeds, connected by a slender membrane, and dispersed through the pulp. It is distinguished by its figure into, 1. Bacca rotunda, round; as in Ribes rubrum, the currant, and Grossularia, the gooseberry. 2. Bacca oblonga, oblong; as in Barbaria vulgaris, common barberry. 3. Bacca dicocca, double, as in Jasminum. 4. Bacca recutita, circumcised like the prominent glans penis, without the prepuce; as in Taxus baccata. From the substances it is denominated, 1. Bacca succosa, juicy; as in Ribes rubrum. 2. Bacca corticosa, covered with a hard bark; as in Garcinia mangostana. 3. Bacca exsicca, dry ; as in Hedera helix. From the number of loculaments into, 1. Bacca unilocularis, with one; as in the Actaa and Cactus. 2. Bacca bilocularis, with two; as in Lonicera. 3. Bacca trilocularis, with three; as in Asparagus and R us ous. 4. Bacca quadrilocularis,vri\h four; as Caris qua- drifolia. 5. Bacca quinquelocularis, with five; as in Me- lastoma. 6. Bacca multilocularis, with many; as in Nymphaa. From the number ofthe seeds into, 1. Bacca monosperma, with one only; as in Daphne, Viscum, and Viburnum. 2. Bacca disperma, with two seeds; as Barbarea vulgaris, and Coffea arabica. 3. Bacca trisperma, with three; ns in Sambucus, and Jvniperis. 112 4. Bacca quadrisperma, with four; as in Ligus trum, and Ilex. 5. Bacca polysperma, with many seeds; as in An butus unedo, Ribes, and Gardenia. The Bacca is also distinguished into simple and compound, when it is composed of several berries, which are called acini; as in Rubns fruticosus. Bacca bermudensis. The Bermuda berry. See Sapindus saponaria. Bacca juniperi. The juniper berry. See Junipc- rus communis. Bacca lauri. The laurel berry. See Lauras nobilis. Bacca monspeliensis. See Inula dysenterica. Bacca norlandica. The shrubby strawberry. See Rubus arcticus. Bacca piscatoria. So named because fish are caught with them. See Menispermum cocculus. Bacca'lia. (From baccharum copia, because it abounds in berries.) The bay, or laurel-tree. See Laurus nobilis. BA'CCHARIS. (From bacchus, wine; from its fragrance resembling that liquor.) See Inula dysen- terica. BACCIFERUS. (From bacca, a berry, and fero, to bear.) Berry bearing. Bacciffrs plant*. Plants are so called which have a berry or pulpy pericarpium. BA'CCHIA. (From bacchus, wine; because it ge- nerally proceeds from hard drinking and intemper- ance.) A name given by Linneus to the pimpled face, which results from free living. BACCILLUM. A little berry. BACC1US, Andrew, a native of Ancona, practised medicine at Rome towards the end ofthe 16th century, and became physician to Pope Sixtus V. He appears to have had great industry and learning from his nu- merous publications; of which the chief, " De Ther- mis," gives an extensive examination of natural waters. BAI BM Ba'cculi. 1. Is used, by some writers, for a parti- cular kind of lozenges, shaped into little short rolls. 2. Hildanus likewise uses it for an instrument in surgery. Backer's Pills. Pilula tonica Bacheri. A cele- brated medicine in France, employed for the cure of dropsies. Their principal ingredient is the extract of melampodium, or black hellebore. Ba'coba. The Banana. BACTISHUA, George, was a celebrated physician of Chornsan, distinguished also for his literary attain- ments. He was successful in curing the reigning ca- liph of a complaint of the stomach, which brought him into great honour; he translated several of the ancient medical authors into ihe Arabian language; and many of his observations are recorded by Rhazes and other succeeding physicians. His son, Gabriel, was in equal estimation with the famous Haroun Al Ras- chid, whom he cured of apoplexy by blood-letting, in opposition to the opinion of the other physicians. B adi a'ga. A kind of sponge usually sold in Russia, the powder of which is said to take away the livid marks of blows and bruises within a few hours. It is only described by Bauxbaum, and its nature is not properly understood. Badian semen. The seed of a tree which grows in China, and smells like aniseed. The Chinese, and Dutch, in imitation of them, sometimes use the badian to give their tea an aromatic taste. Badi'za aqua. See Bath waters. Badranum semen. Indian aniseed. Badu'cca. The Indian name for a species of c&p- paris. Ba'dzcher. An antidote. Bje'os. Batos- In Hippocrates it means few; but in P. jEgineta, it is an epithet for a poultice. •"BAGLIVI, George, born at Ragusa in 1668, after graduating at Padua, and improving himself greatly by travelling throughout Italy, was made professor of medicine and anatomy at Rome. In 1696, he pub- lished an excellent work on the practice of physic, condemning the exclusive attachment to theory, and earnestly recommending the Hippocralic method of observation; which, he maintained, assisted by the modern improvements in anatomy and physiology, would tend greatly to the advancement of medicine. He has left also several other tracts, though he died at the early ase of thirty-eight. BAGNIGGE WELLS. A saline mineral spring, near Clerkenwell, in London, resembling the Epsom water. In most constitutions, three half-pints is con- sidered a full dose for purging. BA'GNIO. (From bagno, Italian.) A bathing or sweating-house. B v'hei ooyolli. Ray takes it to be the Areca, or Fanfel. Ba'hel schulli. An Indian tree. See Genista spinosa indica. Bahodal. See Adansonia. Baikalite. The asbestiform species of tremolite. [It is a variety of tremolite which Kirwan named Baikalite, because it was first found near lake Baikal in Siberia, in foliated limestone.—In Chinese Tartary it occurs in dolomite. It is found in groups of acicular prisms, sometimes very long, and sometimes radiating from a centre. Its colour is greenish, often with a shade of yellow; and its lustre sometimes silky. According to Kirwan, its spec. grav. is only 2.20, and it melts into a dark green glass. It contp.ins silex 44, lime 20, magnesia 30, oxyde of iron 6.—See CI. Min. A.] BAILLIE, Matthew, horn in Scotland, in the year Z760. His mother was sister of the two celebrated Hunters, Dr. William and Mr. John; his father, a cler- gyman. In 'he early part of his education he enjoyed great advantages. After studying at Glasgow, where his father was Professor of Divinity, he was sent to one ofthe exhibitions of that university at Baliol Col- lege, Oxford, where he took his degrees in physic, by which he became a Fellow of the College of Physi- ciai.s in London, and was soon after elected Fellow of the Royal Society. At an early period he came to London and was an inmate with his uncle, Dr. Wil- liam Hunter, at that time lecturing to a numerous class of pupils, and who had the superintendence of his education. After demonstrating in the dissecting room with the celebrated and learned Mr Cniick- shanks, he became, on the death of his uncle, joint lecturer with him, and continued to lecture until 1791 Dr. Baiilie's practice as a physician was for several years extremely small, and he often complained ofthe little he had to do; indeed, at one time, he thought of leaving the metropolis. In the year 1787, he was elected physician to St. George's Hospital; and h« now began to find his practice increase. About this period he married. Dr. Denman, the celebrated accoucheur of the day, had two daughters; Mr. Croft, afterward Sir Richard, married one, Dr. Baillie, the other. The confidence which the two first obtained in the higher circles of society, was great and extensive; and they lost no op- portunity of requiring the opinion and attendance of their relation. Dr. Baiilie's pupils had now gone yearly to every part of England, and the Indies, and were not merely enforcing the principles and doctrines of their master, whose lectures they had heard deli- vered with such lucid order, and clearness of ex- pression, as to convey information in the most simple and intelligible manner; but were sending their pa tients from the most distant parts to profit by his advice and experience. Two other circumstances soon oc- curred, which at once placed Dr. Baillie in a practice before unheard of. His uncle's, and his own great friend, Dr. Pitcairn, who was in great practice, was, from ill health, obliged to leave England for a more liemperate climate, and he previously introduced him to all his patients; and Dr. Warren, who had enjoyed the greater part of the practice of the nobility, was suddenly cut off. There was no practitioner left whose opportunities had fitted him to take the lead; and thus a field was opened for aspiring genius, abi- lity, skill, and perseverance, which Dr. Baillie soon occupied, and from which he reaped an abundant har- vest for more than twenty years. Before he discontinued his lectures in 1799, he pub- lished an octavo volume, on Morbid Anatomy, in which is compressed more accurate and more useful information than is to be found in the elaborate works of Bonetus, Morgagni, and Lieutaud. This was fol- lowed by a large work, consisting of a series of splen- did engravings to illustrate Morbid Anatomy. He also gave a description of the gravid uterus, and many im portant contributions to the transactions and medical collections of the time. Dr. Baillie presented his collection of specimens of morbid parts to the college of physicians, with a sum of money to be expended in keeping them in order. The professional and moral character of this great physician cannot be too highly appreciated. To his brethren, among whom he might, from his extensive and peculiar practice, have exercised a high and re- served deportment, he was humble, attentive, commu- nicative, and kind; and he never permitted the caprice of a patient or friends to interfere with the conduct of, or injure a practitioner, when unjustly censured. In the exercise of his practice, he displayed a discri- minating and profound knowledge; happy in the con- ception of the cause of symptoms, he distinguished diseases from those with which they might have been confounded, and pointed out their probable progress and termination; and in delivering his opinion, he expressed himself with clearness, decision, and candour. His moral character was adorned by the strictest virtues, and amplest charities. He died in the year 1823, in the sixty-third year of his age, from a gradual decay of the powers of nature, continuing to practise until about a year before his death, leaving a wife, a son, a daughter, and a sister, Miss Joanna Baillie, who has acquired a degree of eminence surpassed by none of her sex in any age. A few of his private pro fessional friends have directed a simple tablet and bust from the chisel of Chantry, to be placed in West minster Abbey, to perpetuate his high and honourable professional character, and his many private virtues. BAILLOU, Guillaume de, commonly called Bal- lonius, was born in 1538 at Paris, where he graduated, and attained considerable eminence. He was very active in the contest for precedence between the phy- sicians and surgeons, which was at length decided in favour of the former. His writings are numerous, though not now much esteemed; but he appears to have been the first, who properly discriminated be- tween gout and rhenmatism. BAL BAL Bala. The plaintain-tree. BALjE'NA, (haXatva; from SoXXd), to cast, from Its power in casting up water.) The name of a genus of animals. Class, Mammalia; Order, Cete. [Baljena mysticktus. The systematic and Lin- nean name for the common or right whale, which is pursued in the icy and Greenland seas, on the coast of Brazil, and in the Pacific Ocean, supplying, when taken, blubber and whalebone. The blubber is the fat cut from the body of the whale, and being afterward tried, produces common whale or lamp oil. The whalebone is a horny substance projecting from the jaws, and does not partake of the nature of bone. Tf le ends are split into numerous fibres, and the animal uses them as a filtering machine. The right-whale lives upon the small worms and molluscous animals which abound in the ocean. When it feeds, it opens the mouth, and swims forward, and when it has col- lected a large quantity of those vermes, the mouth is closed, and tiie water is forced through the fibrous ends of the whalebone, while the small animals are re- tained within and swallowed.—See Scorcsby'sNorth. Whale Fishery. A.] Baljena macrocephala. The systematic name of a species of whale. [This is the cacholet or large-headed whale, the true spermaceti-whale, principally taken in the Pacific ocean. It is called macrocephalus, from uaicpos, large, and KctftaXn, the head, because the head constitutes two-thirds of the animal. The blubber or fat is strip- ped off' this as it is from the right-whale, and affords abundant oil. There is however a cavity in the skull of the niarcrocephalus containing a large quantity of. pure oil called head-matter, which affords the best of spermaceti. In the natural state it is so liquid that it can be dipped out with a bucket. A.] Balais ruby. See Spinelle. BALANCE. "The beginning and end of every exact chemical process consists iu weighing. Willi imperfect instruments this operation will be tedious and inaccurate; but with a good balance, the result will be satisfactory; and much time, which is so pre- cious in experimental researches, will be saved. The balance is a lever, the axis of motion of which is formed with an edge like that of a knife; and the two dishes at its extremities are hung upon edges of the same kind. These edges are first made sharp, and then rounded with a fine hone, or a piece of buff' leather. The excellence of the instrument depends, in a great measure, on the regular form of this rounded part. When the lever is considered as a mere line, the two outer edges are called points of suspension, and the inner the fulcrum. The points of suspension are supposed to be at equal distances from the fulcrum, and to be pressed with equal weights when loaded. 1. If the fulcrum be placed in the centre of gravity of the beam, and the three edges lie all in the same right line, the balance will have no tendency to one position more than another, but will rest in any posi- tion it may be placed in, whether the scales be on or off', empty or loaded. 2. If the centre of gravity of the beam, when level, be immediately above the fulcrum, it will overset by the smallest action; that is, the end which is lowest will descend : and it will do this with more swiftness, the higher the centre of gravity, and the less the points of suspension are loaded. 3. But if the centre of gravity ofthe beam be imme- diately below the fulcrum, the beam will not rest in any position but when level; and, if disturbed from this position, and then left at liberty, it will vibrate, and at last come to rest on the level. Its vibrations will be quicker, and its horizontal tendency stronger, the lower the centre of gravity, and the less the weights upon the points of suspension. 4. If the fulcrum be below the line joining the points of suspension, and these be loaded, the beam will overset, unless prevented by the weight of the beam tending to produee a horizontal position. In tills last case, small weights will equilibrate; a certain exact weight will rest in any position of the beam; and all giealer weights will cause the beam to overset. Many scales are often made this way, and will over- pel with any considerable load. 5. If the fulcrum be above the line joining the points of suspension, the beam will come to the horizontal position, unless prevented by its own weight. If tin; 114 centre of gravity ofthe beam be nearly in the fulcrum, all the vibrations of the loaded beam will be made in times nearly equal, unless the weights be very small, when they will be slower. The vibrations of balances are quicker, and the horizontal tendency stronger, the higher the fulcrum. 6. If the arms of a balance be unequal, the weights in equipoise will be unequal in the same proportion. It is a severe check upon a workman to keep the arms equal, while he is making the other adjustments in a strong and inflexible beam. 7. The equality of the arms of a balance is of use, in scientific pursuits, chiefly in making weights by bisection. A balance with unequal arms will weigh as accurately as another of the same workmanship with equal arms, provided Ihe standard weight itself be first counterpoised, then taken out of the scale, and the tiling to be weighed be put into the scale, and ad- justed against the counterpoise; or when proportional quantities only arc considered, as in chemical and in other philosophical experiments, the bodies and pro- ducts under examination may be weighed against the weights, taking care always to put the weights into the same scale. For then, though the bodies may not be really equal to the weights, yet their proportions among each other may be the same as if they had been accurately so. 8. But though the quality of the arms may be well dispensed with, yet it is indispensably necessary thus their relative lengths, whatever they may be, should continue invariable. For this purpose, it is necessary, either that the three edges be all truly parallel, or that the points of suspension and support should lie always in the same part of the edge. This last requisite is the most easily obtained. The balances made in London are usually construct- ed in such a manner, that the bearing parts form notches in the other parts of the edges; so that the scales being set to vibrate, all the parts naturally foil into the same bearing. The balances made in the country have the fulcrum edge straight, and confined to one constant bearing by two side plates. But the points of suspension are referred to notches in the edges, like the London balances. The balances here mentioned, which come from the country, are enclosed in a sTnall iron japanned box; and are to be met with at Birmingham and Sheffield ware-houses, though less frequently than some years ago; because a pocket contrivance for weighing guineas and half-guineas has got possession of the market. They aie, in general, well made and adjusted, turn with the twentieth of a grain when empty, and will sensibly show the tentd of a grain, with an ounce in earh scale. Their price is from live shillings to half a guinea; but those which are under seven shilling?, have not their edges hard- ened, and consequently are not durable. This may be ascertained by the purchaser, by passing the poinl of a penknife across the small piece which goes througl1 one of the end boxes: if it make any mark or impres- sion, the part is soft. 9. If a beam be adjusted so as to have no tendency to any one position, and the scales be equally loaded, then, if a small weight be added in one of the scales, that balance will turn, and the points of suspension will move with an accelerated motion, similar to that of falling bodies, but as much slower, in pioportiou, very nearly, as the added weight is less than the whole weight borne by the fulcrum. 10. The stronger the tendency to a horizontal posi- tion in any balance, or the quicker its vibrations, the greater additional weight will be required to cause it to turn, or incline to any given angle. No balance, therefore, can turn so quick as the motion deduced. Such a balance as is there described, if it were to turn with the ten-thousandth part of the weight, would move at quickest ten thousand times slower than fall- ing bodies; that is, the dish containing the weight, instead of falling through sixteen feet in a second of time, would fall through only two hundred parts of an inch, and it would require four seconds to move through one-third part of an inch; consequently all accurate weighing must be slow. If the indices of two balances be of equal lengths, that index which U connected with the shorter balance will move proportional iy quicker than the other. Long beams are the most in request, because they are thought to have less friclioii: this is doubtful, but the quicker angular motion, B/L BAL greater strength, and less weight of a short balance, are certainly advantages. 11. Very delicate balances are not only useful in nice experiments, but are likewise much more expe- ditious than others in common weighing. If a pair of scales with a certain load be barely sensible to one- tenth of a grain, it will require a considerable time to ascertain the weight to that degree of accuracy, because the turn must be observed several times over, and is very small. But if no greater accuracy were required, and scales were used which would turn with ihe hundredth of a grain, a tenth of a grain, more or less, would make so great a difference in the turn, that it would be seen immediately. 12. If a balance be found to turn with a certain addition, and is not moved by any smaller weight, a greater sensibility may be given to that balance, by producing a tremulous motion in its parts. Thus, if Hie edge of a blunt saw, a file, or other similar instru- ment, be drawn along any part of the case or support of a balance, it will produce a jarring, which will diminish the friction on the moving parts so much, that the turn will be evident with one-third or one- fourth of the addition that would else have been re- quired. In this way, a beam which would barely turn by the addition of one-tenth of a grain, will turn with one-thirtieth or fortieth of a grain. 13. A balance, the horizontal tendency of which depends only on its own weight, will turn with the same addition, whatever may be the load; except so far as a greater load will produce a greater friction. 14. But a balance, the horizontal tendency of which depends only on the elevation of the fulcrum, will be less sensible the greater the load; and the addition requisite to produce an equal turn will be in propor- tion to the load itself. 15. Iu order to regulate the horizontal tendency in some beams, the fulcrum is placed below the points of suspension, and a sliding weight is put upon the cock or index, by means of which the centre of gravity may be raised or depressed. This is a useful con- trivance. 16. Weights are made by a subdivision of a standard weight. If the weight be continually halved, it will produce the common pile, which is the smallest num- ber for weighing between its extremes, without placing any weight in the scale with the body under examina- tion. Granulated lead is a very convenient substance to be used in this oper«.*ion of halving, which, how- ever, is very tedious. The readiest way to subdivide small weights, consists in weighing a certain quantity of small wire, and afterward cutting it into such parts, by measure, as are desired; or the wire may be wrap- ped close round two pins, and then cut asunder with a knife. By this means it will be divided into a great number of equal lengths, or small rings. The wire ought to be so thin, as that one of these rings may barely produce a sensible effect on the beam. If any quantity (as, for example, a grain) of these rings be weiihed, and the number then reckoned, the grain may be subdivided in any proportion, by dividing that number, and making the weights equal to as many of the rings as the quotient of the division denotes. Then, If 750 of the rings amounted to a grain, and it were required to divide the grain decimally, downwards, 9-10ths would be equal to 675 rings, 8-10ths would be equal to 600 rings, 7-10ths to 525 rings, &c. Small weights may ue made of thin leaf brass. Jewellers' foil is a good material for weights below l-10th of a grain, as low as to 1 100th of a grain; and all lower quantities may be either estimated by the position of the index, or shown by actually counting the rings of wire, the value of which has been determined. 17. In philosophical experiments, it will be found very convenient to admit no more than one dimension of weight. The grain is of that magnitude as to de- serve the preference. With regard to the number of weights the chemists ought to be provided with, wri- ters have differed according to their habits and views. Mathematicians have computed the least possible number, with which all weights within certain limits might be ascertained; but iheir determination is of little use. Because, with so small a number, it must often happen, that the scales will be heavily loaded with weights on each side, put in with a view only to determine the difference between them- Itis not the least possible number of weights which it is necessary an operator should buy to effect his purpose, that ws ought to inquire after, but the most convenient number for ascertaining his inquiries with accuracy and expe- dition. The error of adjustment is the least possible, when only one weight is in the scale; that is, a single weight of five grains is twice as likely to be true, as two weights, one of three, and the other of two grains, put into the dish to supply the place of the sin gle five; because each of these last has its own proba bility of error in adjustment. But since it is as incon sistent with convenience to provide a single weight, as it would be to have a single character for every nnm- ber; and as we have nine characters, which we use in rotation, to express higher values according to their position, it will be found very serviceable to make the set of weights correspond with our numerical system. This directs us to the set of weights as follows: 1000 grains, 900 g. 800 g. 700 g. 600 g. 500 g. 400 g. 300. 200 g. 100 g. 90 g. 80 g. 70 g. 60 g. 50 g. 40 g. 30 g. 20 g. 10 g. 9g. 8g. 7g. 6g. 5g. 4g. 3g. 2g. 1 g. 9-10 g. 8-10 g. 7-10 g. 6-10 g. 5-10 g. 4-10 g. 3-10 g. 2-10 g. 1-10 g. 9-100 g. 8-100 g. 7-100 g. 6-100 g. 5-100 g. 4-100 g. 3-100 g. 2-100 g. 1-100 g. With these the philosopher will always have the same number of weights in his scales as there are figures in the number expressing the weights in grains. Thus 742.5 grains will be weighed by the weights 700,40,2, and 5-10ths."— Ure's Chemical Dictionary. Balani'num oleum. Oil of the ben-nut Balanoca'stanum. (From (SaXavos, a nut, and Kas-avov, a chesnut; so called from its tuberous root.) The earth-nut. See Bunium bulbocastanum. BA'LANOS. (From f3aXXw, to cast; because it sheds its fruit upon the ground.) Balanus. 1. An acorn. 2. The oak-tree. See Quercus robur. 3. Theophrastus uses it sometimes to express any glandiferous tree. 4. From the similitude of form, this word is used to express suppositories and pessaries, fiaXavos signify- ing a nut. 5. A name of the glans penis. Balas ruby. See Spinelle. BALAU'STIUM. (From jSaXioj, various, and ava. to dry; so called from the variety of its colours, and its becoming soon dry; or from (JXas-avu, to germi- nate.) Balaustia. A large rose-like flower, of a red colour, the produce of the plant from which we obtain the granate. See Punica granatum. BALBU'TIES. (From /Jafiagu, to stammer; or from balbel, Heb. to stammer.) A defect of speech ; pro- perly, that sort of stammering where the patient some- times hesitates, and immediately after, speaks preci pilalely. It is the Psellismus balbutiens of Cullen. Baldmoney. See JEthusa meum. Baldwin's phosphorus. Ignited nitrate of lime. BALISMUS. (BaXXicuos; from (laXXigia,tripudity, pedibus plando.) The specific name of a disease in Good's genus Synclonus for shaking palsy. See Chorea and Tremor. BALI'STA. (From (SaXXa>, to cast.) The astragu lus, a bone of the foot, was formerly called os balists, because the ancients used to cast it from their slings. BALLOO'N. (Ballon, or balon, French.) 1. A large glass receiver in the form of a hollow globe. For certain chemical operations balloons are made with two necks, placed opposite to each other; one to receive the neck of a retort, and the other to enter the neck of a second balloon: this apparatus is called enfi- laded balloons. Their use is to increase the whole space of the receiver, because any number of these may be adjusted to each other. The only one of these vessels which is generally used, is a small oblong bal- loon with two necks, which is to be luted to the retort, and to the receiver, or great balloon; it serves to re- move this receiver from the body of the furnace, and to hinder it from being too much heated. 2. A spherical bag filled with a gas of a small spe- cific gravity, or with heated air, by the buoyancy of which it is raisediinto the atmosphere. BALLOTE. (From fiaXXia, to send forth, and ov( wros the ear; because it sends forth flowers like ears.) Ballota. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnospermia. Ballote nigra. Stinking horehound. A nettle- like plant, used, when boiled, by the country peopl« against scurvy' and cutaneous eruftions. BAL BAL BALM. See Melissa. Balm of Gilead. Sec Dracocephalum. Balm of Mecca. See Amyrisgileadensis. Balm, Turkey. See Dracocephalum. BA'LNEUM. (riilncum,d. n. tfaikavtiov, a bath.) A bath, or bathing-house. See Bath. Balneum animals. The wrapping any part of an animal just killed, round the body, or a limb. Balnei'M aremje. A sand-bath for chemical pur- poses. See Bath. Balneum caliditm. A hot-bath. See Bath. Balneum frigidum. A cold-bath. See Bath. Balneum mari.e. Balneum maris. A warm-wa- ter bath. See Bath. Balneum medicatum. A bath impregnated with drugs. / Balneum siccum. Balneum cinerenm. A dry bath, either with ashes, sand, or iron filings. Balneum sulphuricum. A sulphurous bath. Balneum tbpidum. A tepid bath. See Bath. Balneum vaporis. A vapour bath. BA'LSAM. (Balsamum; from baal samen, He- brew.) The term balsam was anciently applied to any strong scented, natural vegetable resin of about the fluidity of treacle, inflammable, not miscible with water, without addition, and supposed to be possessed of many medical virtues. All the turpentines, the Peru- vian balsam, copaiba balsam, &c. are examples of natural balsams. Besides, many medicines com- pounded of various resins, or oils, and brought to this consistence, obtained the name of balsam. Latterly, however, chemists have restricted this term to-vegeta- ble juices, either liquid, or which spontaneously be- come concrete, consisting of a substance of a resinous nature, combined with benzoic acid, or which are capable of affording benzoic acid, by being heated alone, or with water. They are insoluble in water, but readily dissolve in alkohol and Ether. The liquid balsams are copaiva, opo-balsam, Peru, styrax, Tolu; the concrete are benzoin, dragon's blood, and storax. Balsam apple, male. The fruit of the elaterium. See Momordica elaterium. Balsam, artificial. Compound medicines are thus termed which are made of a balsamic consistence and fragrance. They are generally composed of expressed or ethereal oils, resins, and other solid bodies, which give them the consistence of butter. The basis, or body of thein, is expressed oil of nutmeg, and fre- quently wax, butter, Sec. They are usually tinged with cinnabar and saffron. Balsam of Canada. See Pinus Balsamea. Balsam, Canary. See Dracocephalum. Balsam of Copaiba. See Copaifera officinalis. Balsam, natural. A resin which has not yet assumed the concrete form, but still continues in a fluid state, is so called, as common turpentine, oalsa- uium copaiva, peruvianum, tolutanmu, &x. Balsam, Peruvian. See Myroxylon Peruiferum. Balsam of sulphur. See Balsamum sulphuris. Balsam of Tolu. See Toluifera balsamum. Balsam, Turkey. See Dracocephalum. BALSAMA'TIO. (From balsamum, a balsam.) The embalming of dead bodies. Balsa'.mea. (From balsamum, balsam.) The balm of Gilead fir; so called from its odour. See Pinus balsamea. Balsamelje'on. (From balsamum, balsam, and tXaiov, oil.) Balm of Gilead, or true balsamum Ju- daicum. Ba'lsami oleum. Balm of Gilead. BALSA'MIC. (Balswmica, sc. medicamenta; from BiXaauov. balsam.) A term generally applied to sub- stances of a smooth and oily consistence, which pos- sess emollient, sweet, and generally aromatic qualities. Hoffman calls those medicines by this name, which a e hot and acrid, and ais of the earth barytes, so named by Sir Humphrey Davy, who discovered it. " Take pure barytes, make it into a paste with water, and put this on a plate of platinum. Make a cavity in the middle of the barytes, into which a globule of mercury is to be placed. Touch the globule with the negative wire, and the platinum with the positive wire, of a voltaic battery of about 100 pairs of plates in good action. In a short time an amalgam will be formed, consisting of mercury and barium. This amalgam must be introduced into a little bent tube, made of glass free from lead, sealed at one end, which being filled with the vapour of naphtha, is then to be hermetically sealed at the other end. Heat must be applied to the recurved end of the tube, where the amalgam lies. The mercury will distil over, while the barium will remain. This metal is of a dark gray colour, with a lustre inferior to that of cast iron. It is fusible at a red heat. Its density is superior to that of sulphuric acid; for though surrounded with globules of gas, it sinks imme- diately in that liquid. When exposed to air, it in- stantly becomes covered with a crust of barytes; and when gently heated in air, burns with a deep red light. It effervesces violently in water, converting this liquid into a solution of barytes." BARK. A term very frequently employed to sig- nify, by way of eminence, Peruvian bark. See Cin- chona. Bark, Carribaan. See Cinchona Carribaa. Bark, Jamaica. See Cinchona Carribaa. Bark, Peruvian. See Cinchona. Barkired. See CinchonaoblongifoHa. Bark, yellow. See Cinchona cordifolia. BARLEY. See Hordeum. Barley, caustic. See Cevadilla. Barley, pearl. See Hordeum, BARM. See Fermentum cerevisia. BARNET. A town near London, where there is a mineral water; of a purging kind, of a similar quality to that of Epsom, and about half its strength. [BAROLITE. The name given by Kirwan to the carbonate of barytes. A.] BARO'METER. (From Bapoy, weight, and uerpov, measure.) An instrument to determine the weight of the air; it is commonly called a weather-glass. Barolytb. A carbonate of barytes 118 Baro'kes. Small worms; called also Nepones. BA'ROS. (Bapoj.) Gravity. 1. Hippocrates uses this word to express by it, uu uneasy weight in any part. 2. It is also the Indian name for a species of enm- phire, which is distilled from the roots of the true cin- namon-tree. [BAROSELENITE. Kirwan's name for the sul- phate of barytes. A.] Barras. Galipot. The resinous incrustation on the wounds made in fir-trees. Barren Flower. See Flos. BARRENNESS. See Sterility. BA'RTHOLINE, Thomas, was born at Copen- hagen in 1616. After studying in various parts of Europe, particularly Padua, and graduating at Basil, he became professor of anatomy iu his native city; in which office he greatly distinguished himself, as well as in many other branches of learning. He was the first who described the lymphatics with accuracy; though some of these vessels, as well as the lacteuls and thoracic duct, had been before discovered by other anatomists. Besides many learned works which he published, several others were unfortunately destroyed by fire in 1670; and he particularly regretted a dissertation on the ancient practice of midwifery, of which an outline was afterward published by his son Caspar. Of those which remain, the most esteemed are, his epistolary correspondence with the most cele- brated of his cotemporaiies: his collection of cases where foetuses have been discharged by preternatural outlets; and the "Medical and Philosophical Transac- tions of Copenhagen," enriched by the communication-* of many correspondents. This last work was in four volumes, published within the ten years preceding his death, which happened 1680; and a fifth was after- ward added by his son. Bartholinia'njE glandulje. See Sublingual glands. [BARTLETT, Josiah, M.D. Dr. Bartlett was born in Amesbury in Massachusetts in 1729, and after ac- quiring his profession commenced practice in the town of Kingston in New-Hampshire, where he had acquired considerable reputation before the com- mencement of the American revolution, in which he took an active and decided part in favour of his country. " From his integrity and decision of charac ■ ter, Dr. Bartlett was soon designated as a magistrate, and sustained various offices from the lowest to the highest. In 1775 he was chosen a delegate to the con- tinental congress. He attended in that honourable assembly, and when the vote for American Indepen- dence was taken, Dr. Bartlett's name was first called, as representing the most easterly province, and he boldly answered in the affirmative." After the revo- lution he was elected governor of the state of New- Hampshire under the new form of government. " His mind was quick and penetrating, his memory tenacious, his judgment sound and prospective; his natural temper was open, humane, and compassionate. In all his dealings he was scrupulously just, and faith- ful in the performance of all his engagements. These shining talents accompanied with distinguished pro- bity, early in life recommended bim to the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. But few persons, by their own merit, without the influence of family or party connexions, have risen from one degree of honour to another as he did; and fewer still have been the instances in which a succession of honourable and important offices, have been held by any man with less envy, or executed with more general approbation."— See Thach. Med. Biog. A.] [BARTON, Benjamin Smith, M. D. Dr. Barton was born at Lancaster in Pennsylvania in 1766. In 1786 he went to Great Britain, and prosecuted his medical studies at Edinburgh and London. He after- ward visited Gottingen, and there obtained the degree of doctor in medicine. On returning to Philadelphia, in 1789, he established himself as a physician in that city, and his superior talents and education soon pro- cured him competent employment. He was that year appointed Professor of Natural History and Botany in the College of Philadelphia, and continued in the office on the incorporation ofthe college w ith the university, in 1791. He was appointed Professor of Materia Me- dica on the resignation of Dr. Griffiths, and on the death of Dr. Rush, succeeded him in the department BAR BAR of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. He died in December, 1815. He published, " Elements of Zoology and Botany," M Elements of Botany, or Outlines ofthe Natural His- tory of Vegetables," " Collections for an Essay towards a Materia Medica of the United States;" besides nu- merous essays and communications contributed to the "Medical and Physical Journal."—See Thacker's Med. Biog. A.] BARYCOI'A. (From Paovs, heavy, and axovu, to hear.) Deafness, or difficulty of hearing. Baryoco'ccalon. (From [iapvs, heavy, and kokku- Xos, a nut; because it gives a deep sound.) A name for the stramonium. BARYPHO'NIA. (From fiapos, dull, and aWi;, the voice.) A difficulty of speaking. BARYTE. See Heavy spar. BARY'TES. (From 0apvs, heavy; so called be- cause it is very ponderous.) Cauk; Calk; Terra ponderosa; Baryta. Ponderous earth; Heavy earth. United with the sulphuric acid, it forms the mineral called sulphate of barytes, or baroselenite. When united to carbonic acid, it is called afrated barytes, or carbonate of barytes. See Heavy spar. Barytes, is acompoundof barium and oxygen. Oxy- gen combines with two portions of barium, forming, 1. Barytes. 2. Deutoxyde of barium, 1. Barytes, or protoxyde of barium, " is best obtained by igniting, in a covered crucible, the pure crystallized nitrate of barytes. It is procured in the state of hydrate, by adding caustic potassa or soda to a solu- tion of the muriate of nitrate. And barytes, slightly coloured with charcoal, may be obtained by strongly igniting the carbonate and charcoal mixed together in fine powder. Barytes obtained from the ignited nitrate is of a whitish-gray colour; more caustic than strontites, or perhaps even lime. It renders the syrup of violets green, and the infusion of tumeric red. Its specific gravity by Fourcroy is 4. When water in small quantity is poured on the dry earth, it slakes like quicklime, but perhaps with evolution of more heat. When swallowed it acts as a violent poison. It is destitute of smell. When pure barytes is exposed, in a porcelain tube, at a heat verging on ignition, to a stream of dry oxy- gen gas, it absorbs the gas rapidly, and passes to the state of deutoxyde of barium. But when it is calcined in contact with atmospheric air, we obtain at first this deutoxyde and carbonate of barytes; the former of which passes very slowly into the latter, by absorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere. 2. The deutoxyde of barium is of a greenish-gray solour, it is caustic, renders the syrup of violets green, und is not decomposable by heat or light The voltaic pile reduces it. Exposed at a moderate heat to car- bonic acid, it absorbs it, emitting oxygen, and becoming carbonate of barytes. The deutoxyde Is probably decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen at ordinary temperatures. Aided by heat, almost all combustible bodies, as well as many metals, decompose it. The action of hydrogen is accompanied with remarkable phenomena. Water at 50° F. dissolves one-twentieth of its weight of barytes, and at 212° about one half of its weight It is colourless, acrid, and caustic. It act6 powerfully on the vegetable purples and yellows. Exposed to the air, it attracts carbonic acid, and the dissolved barytes Is converted into carbonate, which falls down in inso- luble crusts. Sulphur combines with barytes, when they are mixed together, and heated in a crucible. The same com- pound is more economically obtained by ieniting a mixture of sulphate of barytes and charcoal in fine powder. This sulphuret is of a reddish yellow colour, and when dry without smell. When this substance is put into hot water, a powerful action is manifested. The water is decomposed, and two new products are formed, namely, hydrosulphuret, and hydroguretted sulphuret of barytes. The first crystallizes as the liquid cools, the second remains dissolved. The hydro- sulphuret is a compound of 9.75 of barytes with 2.125 sulphuretted hydrogen. Its crystals should be quickly separated by filtration, and dried by pressure between the folds of porous paper. They are white scales, have a silky lustre, are soluble in water, and yield a solution having a greenish tinge. Its taste is acrid, sulphureous, and when mixed with the hydroguretted sulphuret, eminently corrosive. It rapidly attracts oxygen from the atmosphere, and is converted into the sulphate of barytes. The hydroguretted sulphuret is a compound of 9.75 barytes with 4.125 bisulphuretted hydrogen: but contaminated with sulphite and hypo sulphite in unknown proportions. The dry sulphuret consists probably of 2 sulphur •+- 9.75 barytes. The readiest way of obtaining barytes water is to boil the solution of the sulphuret with deutoxyde of copper, which seizes the sulphur, while the hydrogen flies off, and the barytes remains dissolved. Phosphuret of barytes may be easily formed by ex posing the constituents together to heat in a glass tube. Their reciprocal action is so intense as to cause igni- tion. Like phosphuret of lime, it decomposes water, and causes the disengagement of phosphurelted hydro- gen gas, which spontaneously inflames with contact of air. When sulphur is made to act on the deutoxyde of barytes, sulphuric acid is formed, which unites to a portion of the earth into a sulphate. The salts of barytes are white, and more or less transparent. All the soluble sulphates cause in the soluble salts of barytes a precipitate insoluble in nitric acid. They are all poisonous except the sulphate; and hence the proper counter-poison is dilute sulphuric acid for the carbonate, and sulphate of soda for the soluble salts of barytes." Pure barytes has a much stronger affinity than any other body for sulphuric acid; it turns blue tincture of cabbage green. It is entirely infusible by heat alone, but melts when mixed with various earths. Its spe- cific gravity is 4.000. It changes quickly in the air, swells, becomes soft, and falls into a white powder, with the acquisition of about one-fifth of its weight This slaking is much more active and speedy than that of lime. It combines with phosphorus, which com- pound decomposes water rapidly. It unites to sulphur by the dry and humid way. Il has a powerful attrac- tion for water, which it absorbs with a hissing noise, and consolidates it strongly. It is soluble in twenty limes its weight of cold, and twice its weight of boiling water. Its crystals are long four-sided prisms of a satin-like appearance. It is a deadly poison lo ani- mals. Other Methods of obtaining Barytes.—1. Take na- tive carbonate of barytes; reduce it to a fine powder, and dissolve it in a sufficient quantity of diluted nitric acid; evaporate this solution till a pellicle appears, and then suffer it to crystallize in a shallow basin. The | salt obtained is nitrate of barytes; expose this nitrate of barytes to the action of heat in a china-cup, or silver crucible, and keep it in a dull red beat for at least one hour; then suffer the vessel to cool, and transfer the greenish solid contents, which are pure barytes, into a well-stopped bottle. When dissolved in a small quan- tity of distilled water, and evaporated, it may be ob- tained in a beautiful crystalline form. In this process the nitric acid, added to the native carbonate of barytes, unites to the barytes, and expels the carbonic acid, and forms nitrate of barytes; on exposing this nitrate to heat, it parts with its nitric acid, which becomes decomposed into its constituents, leaving the barytes behind. 2. Pure barytes may likewise be obtained from its sulphate. For this purpose, boil powdered sulphate of barytes in a solution of twice or three times its weight of carbonate of potassa, in a Florence flask, for about two hours; filter the solution, and expose what remains on the filter to the action of a violent beat Iu this case, the sulphuric acid of the barytes unites to the potassa, and the carbonic acid of the latter joins to the barytes ; hence sulphate of potassa and carbonate of barytes are obtained. The lormer is in solution, and passes through the filter; the latter is insoluble, and remains behind. From this artificial carbonate of barytes, the carbonic acid is driven off by heat. Barytje murias. Terra ponderosa salita. The muriate cf barytes is a very acrid and poisonous pre- paration. In small doses it proves sudorific, diuretic, deobstruent, and alterative; in an over-dose, emetic, and violently purgative. The late Dr. Crawford found it very serviceable in all diseases connected with scro- fula ; and the Germans have employed it with great success in some diseases of the skin and viscera, and obstinate ulcers. The dose of the saturated solution iu IU BAS BAS distilled water, is from five to fifteen drops for children, and from fifteen to twenty for adults. Basaal. (Indian.) The name of an Indian tree. A decoction of its leaves, with ginger, hi water, is used as a gargle in disorders of the fauces. The ker- nels of the fruit kill worms.—Ray's Hist. BASA'LT ES. (In the .rEthiopic tongue, this word means iron, which is the colour of the stone.) A heavy aid hard kind of stone, found standing up in the form of regular angular columns, eomposed of a number of joints, one placed upon and nicely fitted to another as if formed by the hands of a skilful archi- tect. It is found in beds and veins in granite and mica elate, the old red sandstone, limestone, and coal for- mations. It is distributed over the whole world; but nowhere is it met with in greater variety than in Scotland. The German basalt is supposed to be a wa- tery deposite; and that of France to be of volcanic origin. The most remarkable is the columnar basaltes, which forms immense masses, composed of columns thirty, forty, or more feet in height, and of enormous thickness. Nay, those at Fairhead are two hundred and fifty feet high. These constitute some ofthe most astonishing scenes in nature, for the immensity and regularity of their parts. The coast of A ntrim in Ire- land, for the space of three miles in length, exhibits a very magnificent variety of columnar cliff's: and the Giant's Causeway consists of a point of that coast formed of similar columns, and projecting into the sea upon a descent for several hundred feet. These columns are, for the most part, hexagonal, and fit very accurately together; but most frequently not adherent to each other, though water cannot penetrate between them. And the basaltic appearances on the Hebrides Islands on the coast of Scotland, as described by Sir Joseph Banks, who visited them in 1772, are upon a scale very striking for their vastness and variety. [Basaltes belongs to a class of rocks now called superincumbent. They are always found in a vertical position, resting upon other strata of rocks which are horizontal. Some of the most remarkable of these are the Pallisado rocks, extending forty miles or more along the Hudson river, on its west bank, partly in New-Jersey and partly in the state of New-York. There are other ridges of the same formation in other parts of New-Jersey, all resting upon sandstone. On the south shore of Lake Superior, the basaltic rocks,'as they have been described by travellers, particularly by Mr. Schoolcraft, have a grand and imposing appear- ance. There is a ridge of this kind of rock extending a number of miles north from New-Haven, in the state of Connecticut. A singular formation of basaltic rocks is found in North Carolina, constituting a wall many miles in extent, which has given rise to much controversy ; but Dr. Woodhouse, of Philadelphia, set- tled the question, as to the true nature of this for- mation. " Basalt (says professor Eaton) is a hornblende rock, not primitive, probably of volcanic origin. Subdivi- sions—Amygdaloid, when amorphous, of a compact texture, but conta..iing cellules, empty or filled. Greenstone trap, when of a columnar structure, or in angular blocks, often coarse-grained. Variety—Toad- atone, when the amygdaloid has a warty appearance, and resembles slag." A.J Basaltic hornblende. See Hornblende. BASANITE. See Flinty slate. Basani'tes. (From Bacravigo}, to find out.) A stone said, by Pliny, to contain a bloody juice, and useful in diseases of the liver: also a stone upon which, by some, tlie purity of gold was formerly said to be tried, and of which medical mortars were made. BASE. See Basis. Base, acidifiable. See Acid. Base, acidifying. See Acid. Basia'tio. (From basio, to kiss.! Venereal con- nexion between the sexes. Basia'tor. See Orbicularis oris BASIL. See Ocimum basilicum. BASILARIS. See Basilary. Basilaris arteria. Basilary artery. An artery of ■**e brain; so called, because it lies upon the basilary process of the occipital bone. It is formed by the junc- tion of the two vertebral arteries within the skull, and runs forwards to the sella turcica along the pons varo- lii, which it supplies, as well as the adjacent parts, with Mood 120 Basilaris torcessus. See Occipital bone. Basilaris apophysis. See Occipital bone. BASILA'RY. (Basilaris ; from BaoiXtvs, a king.) Several parts of the body, bones, arteries, veins, pro- cesses, &c. were so named by the ancients, from their situation being connected with or leading to the liver or brain, which they considered as the seat of the soul or royalty. Basi'lica mediana. See Basilica vena. Basilica nux. The walnut. Basilica vena. The large vein that runs in the in- ternal part of the arm, and evacuates its blood into the axillary vein. The branch which crosses, at the head of the arm, to join this vein, is called the basilic median. They may either of them be opened in the operation of bloodletting. Basilicon. See Basilicum unguentum. BASI'LICUM. (From BaaiXixos, royal; so called from its great virtues.) See Ocimum basilicum. Basilicum unguentum. Unguentum basilicum ftavum. An ointment popularly so called from its having the ocimum basilicum in its composition. It came afterward to be composed of wax, resin, Sec. and is now called ceratum resina. BASILICUS. (From BaotXevs, a king. See Basi- lary.) Basilic. Basilicus pulvis. The royal powder. A prepara- tion formerly composed of calomel, rhubarb, and jalap. Many compositions were, by the ancients, so called, from their supposed pre-eminence. Basili'dion. An itchy ointment was formerly so called by Galen. Ba'silis. A name formerly given to collyriums of supposed virtues, by Galen. BASILI'SCUS. (From (SactXcvs, a king.) 1. The basilisk, or cockatrice, a poisonous serpent; so called from a white spot upon its head, which resembles a crown. 2. The philosopher's stone. 3. Corrosive sublimate. BASIO. Some muscles so have the first part of their names, because they originate from the basilary process of the occipital bone. Basio-cerato-chondro-glossus. See Hyoglossus. Basio-glossum. See Hyoglossus. Basio-pharynqjeus. See Constrictor pharyngis medius. BA'SIS. (From Batvio, to go: the support of any thing, upon which it stands or goes.) Base. 1. This word is frequently applied anatomically to the body of any part, or to that part from which the other parts appear, as it were, to proceed, or by which they are supported. 2. In pharmacy it signifies the principal ingredient. 3. In chemistry, usually applied to alkalies, earths, and metallic oxydes, in their relations to the acids and salts. It is sometimes also applied to the particular constituents of an acid or oxyde, on the supposition that the substance combined with the oxygen, &c. is the basis of the compound to which it owes its parti- cular qualities. This notion seems unphilosophical, as these qualities depend as much on the state of com bination as on the nature of the constituent. Basi colica. The name of a medicine in Scribo nius Largus, compounded of aromatics and honey. BASSORINE. This substance is extracted from the gum resins which contain it, by treating them suc- cessively with water, alkohol, and anher. Bassorine being insoluble in these liquids, remains mixed merely with the woody particles, from which it is easy to separate it, by repeated washings and decantations: because one of its characteristic properties is to swell extremely in the water and to become very buoyant. This substance swells up in cold as well as in boiling water, without any of its parts dissolving. It is solu- ble however almost completely by the aUl of heat, in water sharpened with nitric or muriatic acid. If after concentrating with a gentle heat the nitric solu- tion, we add highly rectified alkohol, there results a white precipitate, flocculent and bulky, which, washed with much alkohol and dried, does not form, at the utmost, the tenth of the quantity of bassorine em ployed, and which presents all the properties of gum arable. Vauquelin, Bulletin de Pharmaeie, iii. 56. BASTARD. A term often employed in medicine, and botany, to designate a disease or plant which has the appearance of, but is not in reality what it resent* BAT BAT bles: The name of that which it similates is generally attached to it, as bastard peripneuinony, bastard pel- litory, Sec Bastard pcllitory. See Achillea ptarmica. Bastard pleurisy. See Peripneumonia notha. Bata'tas. (So the natives of Peru call the root of a convolvulus falso. The potato, which is a native of that country. See Solanum tuberosum, and Con- volvulus batatas. [The Solanum tuberosum is the common potato, from which all the edible varieties are derived The Convolvulus batatas is the Carolina or sweet potato ofthe United Slates. A.] Batatas pereorina. The purging potato. BATH. BaXavciov BaUcum. A bath. '1. A convenient receptacle of water, for persons to wash or plunge in, either for health or pleasure. These are distinguished into hot and cold; and are either natural or artificial. The natural hot baths are formed ■ >f the water of hot springs, of which there are many in different parts of the world; especially in those countries where there are, or have evidently been, volcanoes. The artificial hot baths consist either of water, or of some other fluid, made hot by art. The cold bath consists of water, either fresh or salt, in its natural degree of heat; or it may be made colder by art, as by a mixture of nitre, sal-ammoniac, Sec The chief hot baths in our country are those of Bath and Bristol, and those of Buxton and Matlock; which lat- ter, however, are rather warm, or tepid, than hot. The use of baths is found to be beneficial in diseases of the head, as palsies, Sec.; in cuticular diseases, as leprosies, Sec; obstructions and constipations of the bowels, the scurvy, and stone; and in many diseases of women and children. The cold bath, though popu- larly esteemed one of the most innocent remedies yet discovered, is not, however, to be adopted indiscrimi- nately. On the contrary, it is liable to do considerable mischief in some cases of diseased viscera, and is not, in any case, proper to be used during ihe existence of costiveness. As a preventive remedy for the young, and as a general bracer for persons of a relaxed fibre, especially of the female sex, it often proves highly advantageous; and, in general, the popular idea is a correct one, that the glow which succeeds the use of cold or temperate bath, is a test of their utility; while, on the other hand, their producing chilliness, head- ache, &c. is a proof of their being pernicious. 1. The Cold Bath. The diseases and morbid symp- toms, for which the cold bath, under one form or another, may be applied with advantage, are very numerous; and some of them deserve particular atten- tion. One of the most important of its uses is in ar- dent fever; and, under proper management, it forms a highly valuable remedy in this dangerous disorder. It is highly important, however, to attend to the precau- tions which the use of this vigorous remedial process requires. "Affusion with cold water," Dr. Currie ob- serves, " may be used whenever the heat of the body is steadily above the natural standard, when there is no sense of chilliness, and especially when there is no general nor profuse perspiration. If used during the cold stage of a fever, even though the heat be higher than natural, it brings on interruption of respiration, a fluttering, weak, and extremely quick pulse, and cer- tainly might be carried so far as to extinguish anima- tion entirely." Tlieino.-.t salutary consequence which follows the proper use of this powrrftil remedy, is the production of free and general perspiiation. It is this circumstance thai appears to give so much advantage to a general affusion of cold water in fevers, in prefer- ence to any partial application. The cold bath is bet- ter known, especially in this country, as a general tonic remedy in various chronic diseases. The general cir- cumstances of disorder for which cold bathing appears to be of service, according to Dr. Saunders, are a Ian-1 gour and weakness of circulation, accompanied with profuse sweating and fatigue, on very moderate exer- tion ; tremors in the limbs, and many of those symp- toms usually called nervous; where the moving pow- ers are weak, and the mind listless and indolent*, but, at the same time, where no permanent 11101 bid ob- struction, or visceral disease, is present. Such a state of body is often the consequence of a long and debili- tating sickness, or of a sedentary life, without using the exercise requisite to keep up the activity of the bodily powers. In all these cases, the great object to be fulfilled, is to produce a considerable reaction, from the shock of cold water, at the expense of as little heat as possible ; and when cold bathing does barm, it is precisely where the powers of the body are too languid to bring on reaction, and the chilling effects remain unopposed. When the patient feels the shock of immersion very severely, and, from experience of its pain, has acquired an insuperable dread of this, application; when he has felt little or no friendly glow to succeed the first shock, but on coining out of the bath remains cold, shivering, sick at the stomach, op- pressed with headache, languid, drowsy, and listless. and averse to food and exercise during the whole or the day, we may be sure that the bath iVas been too cold, the shock too severe, and no reaction produced at all adequate to the impression on the surface of the body. There is a kind of slow, irregular fever, or rather febricula, in which Dr. Saunders has often found the cold bath of singular service. This disorder princi- pally affects persons naturally of a sound constitution, but who lead a sedentary life, and at the same time are employed in some occupation which strongly en- gages their attention, requires much exertion of thought, and excites a degree of anxiety. Such persons have constantly a pulse rather quicker than natural, hot hands, restless nights, and an impaired appetite, but without any considerable derangement in the di- gestive organs. This disorder will continue for a long time in an irregular way, never entirely preventing their ordinary occupation, but rendering it more than usually anxious and fatiguing, and often preparing the way for confirmed hypochondriasis. Persons in this situation Care remarkably relieved by the cold bath, and, lor tne most part, bear it well ; and Us use should also, if possible, be aided by that relaxation from busi- ness, and tiiat diversion ofthe iniud from its ordinary train of thinking, which are obtained by attending a watering place. The Doctor also lOund cold battling hurtful in chlorosis, and observes, that it is seldom ad- visable in those cases of disease in the stomach which are brought on by high living, and constitute what may be termed the true dyspepsia. The topical application of cold water, or of a cold saturnine lotion, iu cases of local inflammation-, has become an established practice; the efficacy of which is daily experienced. Bums of every description will bear a most liberal use of cold water, or even of ice: and this may be applied to a very extensive inflamed surface, without even producing the ordinary effects of general chilling, which would be brought on from the same application to a sound and healthy skin. Another very distressing symptom, remarkably relieved by cold water, topically applied, is that intolerable iichingin the vagina, which women sometimes expe- rience, entirely unconnected with any general cause, and which appears to be a kind of herpes confined to that part. C'oid water has also been used topically in the various cases of strains, bruises, and similar inju- ries, in teutinous and ligamentous parts, with success, also in rigidity of muscles, that have been long kept at rest, in order to favour the union of bone, where there appears to have been no organic injury, but only a de- ficiency of nervous energy, and in mobility of parts, or at most, only slight adhesions, which would give way to regular exercise of the weakened limb. Another very striking instance, of the powerful effects of topical cold, in stimulating a part to action, is shown in the use of cold, or even iced water, to the vagina of per- turien* women, during the dangerous lutmorrhages that take place from the uterus, on the partial separa- tion of the placenta. 2. The shower Bath. A species of cold bath. A modern invention, in which the water falls through numerous apertures on the body. A proper apparatus for this purpose i3 to be obtained at the shops. The use of the shower bath applies, in every case, to the same pur|ioses as the cold bath, and is often attended with particular advantages. 1. From the sudden con- tact of the water, which, in the common cold bath, is only momentary, but which, in the shower bath, may be prolonged, repeated, and modified, at pleasure; and, secondly, from the head and breast, which are exposed to some inconvenience and danger in the common bath, being here effectually secured, by re- ceiving the first shock ofthe water. 3 The Tepid Bath. The range of temperature, * ism BAT BAT from the lowest degree of the hot bath to the highest of the cold bath, forms what may be termed the tepid. In general, the heal of water which we should term tepid, is about 90 deg. In a medicinal point of view, It produces the greatest effect in ardent fever, where the temperature is little above that of health, but the powers of the body weak, not able to bear the vigor- ous application of cold immersion. In cutaneous dis- eases, a tepid bath is often quite sufficient to produce a salutary relaxation, and perspirability of the skin. 4. The Hot Bath. From 93 to96deg. of Fahrenheit, the hot bath has a peculiar tendency to bring on a state of repose, to alleviate any local irritation, and thereby induce sleep. It is, upon the whole, a safer remedy than the cold bath, and more peculiarly appli- cable to very weak and irritable constitutions, whom the shock produced by cold immersion would over- power, and who have not sufficient vigour of circulation for an adequate reaction. In cases of topical inflam- mation, connected with a phlogistic state of body, preceded by rigour and general fever, and where the local formation of matter is the solution of the general inflammatory symptoms, experience directs us to the use of the warm relaxing applications, rather than those which, by exciting a general reaction, would in- crease the local complaint This object is particularly to be consulted when the part affected is one that is essential to life. Hence it is that in fever, where there is a great determination to the lungs, and the respi- ration appears to be locally affected, independently of the oppression produced by mere febrile increase of circulation, practitioners have avoided the external use of cold, in order to promote the solution of the fever; and have trusted lo the general antiphlogistic treatment, along with the topically relaxing applica- tion of warm vapour, inhaled by the lungs. Warm bathing appears to be peculiarly well calculated to re- lieve those complaints that seem to depend on an irre- gular or diminished action of any part ofthe aliment- ary canal; and the state of the skin, produced by immersion in warm water, seems highly favourable to the healthy action of the stomach and bowels. Ano- ther very important use of the warm bath, is in her- petic eruptions, by relaxing the skin, and rendering it more pervious, and preparing it admirably for receiv- ing the stimulant applications of tar ointment, mercu- rials, and the like, that are intended to restore it to a healthy state. The constitutions of children seem more extensively relieved by the warm bath than those of adults; and this remedy seems more generally ap- plicable to acute fevers in them than in persons of a more advanced age. Where the warm bath produces its salutary operation, it is almost always followed by an easy and profound sleep. Dr. Saunders strongly recommends the use of the tepid bath, or even one of a higher temperature, in the true inenorrhagia of fe- males. In paralytic affections of particular parts, the powerful stimulus of heated water is generally allowed; and in these cases, the effect may be assisted by any thing which will increase the stimulating properties of the water; as, for instance, by the addition of salt. In these cases, much benefit may be expected from the use of warm sea-baths. The application of the warm bath topically, as in pediluvia, or fomentations to the feet, often produces the most powerful effects in qui- eting irritations in fever, and bringing on a sound and refreshing repose. The cases in which the warm bath is likely to be attended with danger, are particularly those where there exists a strong tendency to a deter- mination of blood to the head; and apoplexy has sometimes been thus brought on. The lowest temper- ature will be required for cutaneous complaints, and to bring on relaxation in the skin, during febrile irrita- tion ; the warmer will be necessary in paralysis: more heat should be employed on a deep-seated part than one that is superficial. 5. The Vapour Bath. The vapour bath, called also Balneum laconicum, though not much employed in England, forms a valuable remedy in a variety of cases. In most of the hot natural waters on the Con- tinent, the vapour bath forms a regular part of the bathing apparatus, and is there highly valued. In no country, however, is this application carried to so great an extent as in Russia, where it forms the prin- cipal and almost daily luxury of all the people, in every rank ; and it is employed as a sovereign remedy for a 8reat v.*™ V of disorders. The Hon. Mr. Basil Coch- rane has lately published a Treatise on the Vapour Bath, from which, it appears, he has brought the ap- paratus to such perfection, that he can apply it to all degrees of temperature, partially or generally, by shower, or by steam, with a great force or a small one; according to the particular circumstances under which patients are so variously placed, who require such assistance. See Cochrane on Vapour Baths. Con- nected with this article, is the air-pump vapour bath; a species of vapour bath, or machine, to which the in- ventor has given this name. This apparatus has been found efficacious in removing paroxysms of the gout and preventing their recurrence; in acute and chronic rheumatism, palsy, cutaneous diseases, ulcers, Sec. It has also been proposed in chilblains, leprosy, yaws, tetanus, amenorrhea, and dropsy. [The vapour bath has been introduced and success- fully applied in many cutaneous and other diseases, in the city of New-York. This bath may be either aque- ous or spirituous. Its immediate effect is to produce relaxation of the skin and copious perspiration. It may be made a medicated bath by passing the steam or vapour through a quantity of herbs, belbre it is ap plied to the body of the person requiring it. A.] H. Those applications are called dry baths, which are made of ashes, salt, sand, &c. The ancients had many ways of exciting a sweat, by means of a dry beat, as by the use of hot sand, stove rooms, or arti- ficial bagnios; and even from certain natural hot steams of the earth, received under a proper arch, or hot-house, as we learn from Celsus. They had also another kind of bath by insolation, where the body was exposed to the sun for some time, in order to draw forth the superfluous moisture from the inward parts; and to this day it is a practice, in some nations, to cover the body over with horse-dung, especially in painful chronic diseases. In New-England, tlieymake a kind of stove of turf, wherein the sick are shut up to bathe, or sweat It was probably from a knowledge of this practice, and of the exploded doctrines of Cel- sus, that the noted empiric Dr. Graham drew his notions of the salutary effects of what he called cartA bathing; a practice which, in the way he used it, consigned some of his patients to a perpetual mansion under the ground. The like name of dry bath, is sometimes also given to another kind of bath, made of kindled coals, or burning spirit of wine. The patient being placed in a convenient close chair, for the reception of the fume, which rises and provokes sweat in a plentiful manner ; care being taken to keep the head out, and to secure respiration. This bath has been said to be very effectual m removing old ob- stinate pains in the limbs. HI. Medicated baths are such as are saturated with various mineral, vegetable, or sometimes animal sub- stances. Thus we have sulphur and iron baths, aro- matic and milk baths. There can be no doubt that such ingredients, if duly mixed, and a proper tempera- ture given to the water, may, in certain complaints, be productive of effects highly beneficial. Water, im- pregnated with sulphate of iron, will abound with the bracing particles of that metal, and may be useful for strengthening the part to which it is applied, re-invi- gorating debilitated limbs, stopping various kinds of bleeding, restoring the menstrual and hemorrhoidal discharges when obstructed, and, in short, as a substi- tute for the natural iron bath. There are various other medicated baths, such as those prepared with alum, and quick-lime, sal-ammoniac, &c. by boiling them together, or separately, in pure rain water. These have long been reputed as eminently serviceable in paralytic, and all other diseases arising from nervous and muscular debility. IV. A term in chemistry, when the vessels in which bodies are exposed to the action of heat, are not placed in immediate contact with the fire, but receive the required degree of heat by another intermediate body, such apparatus is termed a bath. These have been variously named, as drv, vapour, &c. Modern chemists distinguish three kinds: 1. Balneum arena, or the sand bath. This consists merely of an open iron, or baked clay sand-pot, whose bottom is mostly convex, and exposed to the furnace. Finely sifted sea-sand is put into this, and the vessel containing the substsnee to be heated, &c. in the sand bath, immersed in the middle. 2. Balneum marie, or the water bath. This is vet" BAT BAT simple, and requires no particular apparatus. The object is to place the vessel containing the substance to be heated, in another, containing water; which ast must be of such a nature as to be fitted for the application of fire, as a common still, or kettle. 3. The vapour bath. When any substance is heated by the steam, or vapour, of boiling water, chemists say it is done by means of a vapour bath. Bath waters. Bathonie aqua; Solis aqua; Badi- gua aqua. Bath is the name of a city in Gloucester- shire, that has been celebrated, for a long series of years, for its numerous hot springs, which are of a higher temperature than any in this kingdom, (from 112° to 116°,) and, indeed, are the only natural waters which we possess that are at all hot to the touch; all the other thermal waters being of a heat below the animal temperature, and only deserving that appella- tion from being invariably warmer than the general average of the heat of common springs. By the erec- tion of elegant baths, these waters are particularly adapted to the benefit of invalids, who find here a variety of establishments, contributing equally to health, convenience, and amusement. There are three principal springs in the city of Bath, namely, those called the King's Bath, the Cross Bath, and the Hot Bath; all within a short distance of each other, and emptying themselves into the river Avon, after having passed through the several baths. Their sup- ply is so copious, that all the large reservoirs used for bathing are filled every evening with fresh water from their respective fountains. In their sensible and medi- cinal properties, there is but a slight difference. Ac- cording to Dr. Falconer, the former are—1. That the water, when newly drawn, appears clear and colour- less, remains perfectly inactive, without bubbles, or any sign of briskness, or effervescence. 2. After being exposed to the open air for some hours, it becomes rather turbid, by the separation of a pale yellow, ochery precipitate, which gradually subsides. 3. No odour is perceptible from a glass of the fresh water, but a slight pungency to tho taste from a large mass of it, When fresh drawn: which, however, is neither fcetid nor sulphureous. 4. When hot from the pump, it affects the mouth with a strong chalybeate impression, Without being of a saline or pungent taste. And, fifthly, on growing coid, the chalybeate taste is entirely lost, leaving only a very slight sensation on the tongue, by which it can scarcely he distinguished from com- mon hard spring-water. The temperature of the King's Bath water, which is usually preferred for drinking, is, when fresh drawn in the glass, above 116°; that of the Cross Bath, 112°. But, after flow- ing into the spacious bathing vessels, it is generally from 100° to J06° in the hotter baths, and from 92° to 94° in the Cross Bath; a temperature which remains nearly stationary, and is greater than that of any other natural spring in Britain. A small quantity of gas is also disengaged from these waters, which Dr. Priestley first discovered to contain no more than one-twentieth part of its bulk of fixed air, or carbonic acid. The chemical properties of the Bath waters, according to the most accurate analyzers, Doctors Lucas, Falconer, and (Jibbs, contain so small a proportion of iron, as to amount only to one-twentieth or one-thirty-eighth of a grain in the pint; and, according to Dr. Gibbs, fifteen grains and a quarter of siliceous earth in the Sallon. Dr. Saunders estimates a gallon ofthe King's lath water to contain about eight cubic inches of car- bonic acid, and a similar quantity of air, nearly azotic, about eighty grains of solid ingredients, one-half of which probably consists of sulphate and muriate of soda, fifteen grains and a half of siliceous earth, and the remainder is selenite, carbonate of lime, and so small a portion of oxyde of iron as to be scarcely cal- culable. Hence he concludes, that the King's Bath water is the strongest chalybeate; next in order, the Hot Bath water; and, lastly, that of the Cross Bath, which contains the smallest proportions of chalybeate, gaseous and saline, but considerably more of the earthy particles; while its water, iu the pump, is also two degrees lower than that of the others. It is like- wise now ascertained, that these springs do not exhibit the slightest traces of sulphur, though it was formerly believed, and erroneously supported, on the authority of Dr. Charleton, that the subtile aromatic vapour in the Bath waters, was a sulphureous principle entirely similar to common brimstone. With regard to the effect of the Bath waters on the human system, independent of theirspecific properties, as a medicinal remedy not to be imitated completely by any chemical process, Dr. Saunders attributes much of their salubrious influence to the natural degree of warmth peculiar to these springs, which, for ages, have preserved an admirable degree of uniformity of temperature. He thinks too, that one of their most important uses is that of an external application, yet supposes that, in this respect, they diner little from common water, when heated to the same temperature, and applied under similar circumstances. According to Dr. Falconer, the Bath water, when drunk fresh from the spring, generally raises, or rather accelerates the pulse, increases the heat, and promotes the different secretions. These symptoms in most cases, become perceptible soon after drinking it, and will sometimes continue for a considerable time. It is, however, remarkable, that they are only produced in invalids. Hence we may conclude, that these waters not only possess heating properties, but their internal use is likewise attended with a peculiar stimu- lus, acting more immediately on the nerves. One of the most salutary effects of the Bath water, consists in its action on the urinary organs, even when taken in moderate doses. Its operation on the bowels varies in different individuals, like that of all other waters, which do not contain any cathartic salt; but, in general, it is productive of costiveness: an effect resulting from the want of an active stimulus to the intestines, and probably also from the determination this water occasions to the skin, more than from any astringency which it may possess; for, if perspiration be suddenly checked during the use of it, a diarrhoea is sometimes the consequence. Hence it appears that its stimulant powers are primarily, and more particu- larly exerted in the stomach, where it produces a variety of symptoms, sometimes slight and transient, but, occasionally, so considerable and permanent, as to require it to be discontinued. In those individuals with whom it is likely to agree, and prove beneficial, the Bath waters excite, at first, an agreeable glowing sensation in the stomach, which is speedily followed by an increase both of appetite and spirits, as well as a quick secretion of urine. In others, when the use of them is attended with headache, thirst, and constant dryness o'f the tongue, heaviness, loathing of the sto- mach, and sickness; or if they are not evacuated either by urine or an increased perspiration, it may be justly inferred that their further continuance is im- proper. The diseases for which these celebrated waters are resorted to, are very numerous, and are some of the most important and difficult to cure of all that come under medical treatment In most of them, the bath is used along with the wateis, as an internal medicine. The general indications, of the propriety of using this medicinal water, are iu those cases where a gentle, gradual, and permanent stimulus, is required. Bath water may certainly he considered as a chalybeate, in which the iron is very small in quantity, but in a highly active form; and the degree of temperature is in itself a stimulus, often of considerable powers. These cir- cumstances again point out the necessity of certain cautions, which, from a view of the mere quantity ol foreign contents, might be thought superfluous. Al- though, in estimating the powers of this medicine, allowance must be made for local prejudice in its favour, there can be no doubt but that its employment is hazardous, and might often do considerable mischief, in various cases of active inflammation, especially in irritable habits, where there exists a strong tendency to hectic fever; and even in the less inflammatory state of diseased and suppurating viscera; and, in general, wherever a quick pulse and dry tongue indi- cate a degree of general fever. The cases, therefore, to which this water are peculiarly suited, are mostly of the chronic kind; and by a steady perseverance iu this remedy, very obstinate disorders have given way The following, Dr. Saunders, in his Treatise on Mine ral Waters, considers as the principal, viz. 1. Chlorosis a disease which, at all time3, is much relieved by steel, and will bear it, even where there is a consider able degree of feverish irritation, receives particular benefit from the bath water; and its use, as a warm bath, excellently contributes to remove that languor of circulation, and obstruction of the natural evacuations, BAT BAY which constitute the leading features of this common and troublesome disorder. 2. The complicated dis- eases, which are often brought on by a long residence rn hot climates, affecting the secretion of bile, the functions of the stomach, and alimentary canal, and which generally produce organic derangement in some part of the hepatic system, often receive much benefit from the bath water, if used at a time when suppu- rative inflammation is not actually present. 3. An- other and less active disease of the biliary organs, the jaundice, which arises from a simple obstruction of the gall-ducts, is still oftener removed by both the in- ternal and external use of these waters. 4. In rheu- matic complaints, the power of this water, as Dr. Charleton well observes, is chiefly confined to that species ot' rheumatism which is unattended with in- flammation, or in which the patient's pains are not increased by the warmth of his bed A great number ofthe patients that resort to Bath, especially those that are admitted into the hospital, are affected with rheu- matism in all its stages; and it appears, from the most respectable testimony, that a large proportion of them receive a permanent cure. (See Falconer on Bath Water in Rheumatic Cases.) 5. In gout, the greatest benefit is derived from this water, in those cases where it produces anomalous affections of the head, stomach, and bowels; and it is here a principal advantage to be abie to bring, by warmth, that active local inflamma- tion in any limb, which relieves all the other trouble- some and dangerous symptoms. Hence it is that Bath water is commonly said lo produce the gout; by which is only meant that, where persons have a gouty affection, shifting from place to place, and thereby much disordering the system, the internal and external use of the bath water will soon bring on a general in- crease of action, indicated by a flushing in the face, fulness in the circulating vessels, and relief of the dyspeptic symptoms; and the whole disorder will ter- minate in a regular fit of the gout in the extremities, which is the crisis always to be wished for. 6. The colica pictonuin, and the paralysis or ioss of nervous power in particular limbs, which is one of its most se- rious consequences, is found to be peculiarly relieved by the use of the Bath waters, more especially when applied externally, either generally, or upon the pari affected. The quantity of water taken daily, during a fuH course, and by adults, is recommended by Dr. Falconer, not to exceed a pint and a half, or two pints; and in chlorosis, with irritable habits, not more than one pint is employed ; and when the bath is made use of, it is generally two or three times a week, in the morning. The Bath waters require a considerable time to be lei- severed in, before a full and lair trial can be male. Chronic rheumatism, habitual gout, dyspepsia, Iron, a long course of high and intemperate living, and the like, are disorders not to be removed by a short course of any mineial water, and many of those who have once received benefit at the fountains, find it necessary to make an annual visit to them, to repair the waste in health during the preceding year. Bath, cauteres. A sulphureous bath near Barege, which raises the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer to 131°. Bath, St. Saviour's. A sulphureous and alkaline bath, in the valley adjoining Barege, the latter of which raises Fahrenheit's thermometer »as high as 131°. It is much resorted to from the South of France, and used chiefly externally, as a simple thermal water. Bath, cold. See Bath. Bath, hot. See Bath. Bath, tepid. See Bath. Bath, vapour. See Bath. Ba'thmis. (From Batvu, to enter.) Bathmus. The seat, or base; the cavity of a bone, with the pro- tuberance of another, particularly those at the articu- lation of the humerus and ulna, according to Hippo- crates and Galen. Batho'nijE aquje. See Bath waters. Ba'thron. (From (iaivu, to enter.) Bathrum. The same as bathmis; also an instrument used in the extension of fractured limbs, called scamnum.—Hip- pocrates. It is described by Oribasius and Scultetus. Ba'tia. A retort Obsolete. Bati'non-moron. (From Bans, a bramble, and jsopov, a raspberry.) The raspberry. Batra'chiuk. (From (3arpaxoSi a frog; so called from its likeness to a frog.) The herb crow's foot, or ranunculus. BA TRACHUS. (From /Jarpaxoy, a frog; so called because they who are infected with it croak like a fiog.) An inflammatory tumour under the tongue See Ranula. [Batrachian. Batrachian animals. A term used in natural history, intended to include all animals of the frog, toad, or lizard kind. A.] Battari'smus. (From Butj-os, a Cyrenaean prince who stammered.) Stammering; a defect in pronun- ciation. See Psellismus. Batta'ta virginiana. See Batatas, and Convol- vulus batatas. Batta'ta pereorina. The cathartic potato; per- haps a species of ipomaa. If about two ounces of them are eaten at bed-time, they greatly move the belly the next morning. BATTIE, William, was born in Devonshire, in 1704. He graduated at Cambridge, and after prac- tising some years successfully at Uxbridge, settled 'in Loudon, and became a fellow of the College of Phy- sicians, as well as of the Royal Society. The insuf- ficiency of Bethlehem hospital to receive all the indi- gent objects labouring under insanity in this metropolis, naturally led to the establishment of another similar institution; and Dr. Battie having been very active in promoting the subscription for that purpose, he was appointed physician to the new institution, which was called St. Luke's Hospital, then situated on the north side of Moorfields. In 1757 he published a treatise on madness; and a few years after, having exposed be- fore the House of Commons the abuses often com mitted in private mad-houses, they became the subject of legislative interference, and were at length placed under the control of the College of Physicians, and the magistrates in the country. He died at tho age of 72. BAUHIN, John, was born at Lyons, in 1541. Being greatly attached to botany, he accompanied thecele- braied Gesner in his travels through several countries of Europe, and collected abundant materials for his principal work, the "Historia Plantarum," which con- tributed greatly to the improvement of his favourite science. He was, at the age of 32, appointed phy- sician to the duke of Wirtemberg, and died in 1613. A Treatise on Mineral Waters, and some other pub- lications by him also remain. BAUHIN, Gaspard, was brother to the preceding, but younger by 20 years. He graduated at Basle, after studying at several universities, and was chosen Greek professor at the early age of 22: afterward professor of anatomy and botany ; then of medicine, with other distinguished honours, which he retained till his death in 1024. Besides the plants' collected by himself, be received material assistance from his pupils and friends, and was enabled to add considerably lo the knowledge of botany; on which subject, as well as anatomy, he has left numerous publica.ious. Among other anatomical improvements, he claims the disco- very ofthe valve ofthe colon. His " Pinax" contains the names of six thousand plants mentioned by the ancients, tolerably well arranged; and being continu- ally referred to In Linnanis, must long retain its value. BAULMONEY. See jEthusa meum. ■ BAUME, Anthony, an apothecary, born at Senlis, in 1728. He distinguished himself at an early age by his skill in chemistry and pharmacy: and was after- ward admitted a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris. He also gave lectures on chemistry for several years with great credit. Among other works, he published " Elements of Pharmacy," and a "Manual of Chemistry," which met with consider- able approbation; also a' d tailed account of tne dif- ferent kinds of soil, and the method of improving them for the purposes of agriculture. Baxa'na. (Indian) Rabuxit. A poisonous tree growing near Ormuz. BAY. A name of several articles; as bay-cherry, bay-leaf, bay-salt, &c. Bay-cherry. See Prunus Lauro-cerasus. Bay-leavs. See Laurus. Bay-leaced Passion-flower. See Passiflora lauri- folia. Bay-salt. A very pure salt, prepared from sea- water by spontaneous evaporation. [BAYLJEY, Da. Ricbakd, a celebrated surgeon and BEC BEE practitioner in the city of New-York. Dr. Bayley was born at Fairfield, Connecticut, in the year 1745. His father was of English, and his mother of French, de- Ecent. After returning from Loudon, where he studied anatomy under Dr. John Hunter, he commenced piac Be'chion. (From Bv\, a cough; so called from Its supposed virtues in relieving coughs.) See Tusilago farfara. Bechi'ra nux. A large nut growing in Brazil, from which a balsam is drawn that is held in estimation in tice in connexion with Dr. Charleton of New-York, I rheumatisms. with whom he had previously studied. At that time the croup (cynanehe trachealis) was confounded with the angina maligna,or putrid sore throat, and both treated with stimulants. Dr. Bayley was the first to point out the difference, and demonstrate that the croup was an inflammatory disease, and reauired a different treat- ment. "In the year 1782, he successfully removed the arm from its glenoid cavity by the operai ion at the shoulder joint; an opeiaiion at which Dr. Wright Fost, then a student, assisted; and which, as far as it has been in our power 10 examine, is the first instance of its being practised in the United States." His surgical skill was often displayed in operations upon the eye. With Dr. Bard and others, he was o.ie of the earliest promoters of the New York City Dispensary. In 1797, be pub- lished his work on yellow fever, in which he advocates the opinion of iis local origin and noncoutagiousness. He aiterward, while health officer of the port of New- York, published a series of letters on the same subject, addressed to the New-York common council, or cor- poration of the city. He died in August, 1801, " leaving behind him a high character as a clinically instructed physician, an excellent and bold operator, a prompt practitioner, of rapid diagnosis, and unhesitating de- cision."—See Thach. Med. Biog. A.] Bde'lla. (From BSaXXw, to suck.) Bdellerum. BDELLIUM. (From bedallah, Arab.) Adrabolon; Madeleon; Bulchon; Balchus. Called by the Ara- bians, Mokel. A gurn resin, like very impure myrrh. The best bdellium is of a yellowish-brown, or dark- brown colour, according to its age; unctuous to the touch, brittle, but soon soitening, and growing tough between the fingers; in some degree transparent, not unlike myrrh; of a bitterish taste, and a moderately strong smell. It does not easily take flame, and, when set on fire, soon goes out. In burning, it sputters a little, owing to its aqueous humidity. Its sp. grav. is 1.371. Alkohol dissolves about three-filths of bdellium, leaving a mixture of gum and cerasin. Its constitu- ents, according to Pelletier, are 59 resin, 9.2 gum, 30.6 cerasin, 1.2 volatile oil and loss. It is one of the weak- est of the deobstruent gums. It was sometimes used as a pectoral and an emmenagogue. Applied exter- nally, it is stimulant, and promotes suppuration. It is never met with in the shops of this country. BEAK. See Rostrum. BEAN. See Vicia faba. Bean, French. See Phaseolus vulgaris. Bean, Kidney. See Phaseolus vulgaris. Bean, Malacca. See Avicennia tomentosa. Bean of Cartkagena. See Be.juio. Bean, St. Ignatius. See Ignatia amara. BEAR. Ursa. The name of a well-known ani- mal. Several tilings are designated after it, or a part of it. Bear's berry. See Arbutus uva ursi. Bear's bilberry. See Arbutus uva ursi. Bear's breech. See Acanthus. Bear's foot. See Helleborus fetidus. Bear's whortleberry. See Arbutus uva ursi. Bear's whorts. See Arbutus uva ursi. BEARD. 1. The hair growing on the chin and ad- acent parts of the face, in adults of the male sex. 2. In botany. See Barba; Arista. Be'cca. A fine kind of resin from the turpentine and mastich trees of Greece and Syria, formcily held in great repute. , BECCABU'NGA. (From bachbungen, water-herb. German, because it grows in rivulets.) See Veronica beccabunga. Bf'cha. See Bechica. BE'CHICA. (Bechicus; from Bn\, a cough.) Be- ehita. Medicines to relieve a cough. An obsolete term. The trochisci bechici albi consist of starch and liquorice, with a small proportion of Florentine orris root made into lozenges, wilh mucilage of gum traga- canth. They are a soft pleasant demulcent. The trochisci bechici nigri consist chiefly of the juice of liquorice, with sugar and gum tragacanth. Bede'ouar. (Arabian.) Bedeguar. The Car- duos lacteus syriacus is so called, and also the Rosa canina. Bedengian. The name of the love-apples in Avi- cenna. BEDSTRAW. See Galium aparine. BEE. Sec Apis mellijica. BEECH. See Fagus. BEER. The wine of grain made from malt and Imps in the following manner. The grain is steeped for two or three days in water, until it swells, becomes somewhat tender, and tinges the water of a bright red- dish brown colour. The water being then drained away, the barley is spread about two feet thick upon a floor, where it heats spontaneously, and begins to grow"^ by first shooting out the radical. In this state the germination is slopped by spreading it thinner, and turning it over for Iwo days; after which it is again made into a heap, and suffered to become sensibly hot, which usually happens in little more than a day. Lastly, it is conveyed to the kiln, where, by a gradual and low beat, it is rendered dry and crisp. This is malt; and its qualities differ accoiding as it is more or less soaked, drained, germinated, dried, and baked In this, as in other manufactories, the intelligent opera- tors often make a mystery of their processes from views of profit; and others pretend to peculiar secrets who really possess none. Indian corn, and probably all large grain, requires to be suffered to grow into the blade, as well as root, before it is fit to be made into malt. For this purpose it is buried about two or three inches deep in the ground, and covered with loose earth; and in tenor twelve davs it springs up. In this state it is taken up and washed, or fanned, to clear it from its dirt; and then dried in the kiln for use. Barley, by being converted into malt, becomes one- fifth lighter, or 20 percent ; 12 of which are owing to kiln-diying, 1.5 are carried off by the steep-water, 3 dissipated on the floor, 3 loss in cleaning the roots, and 0.5 waste or loss. The degree of heat to which the malt is exposed in this process, gradually changes its colour from very pale to actual' blackness, as it simply dries it, or con- verts it to charcoal. The colour of the malt not only affects the colour of the liquor brewed from it; but, in consequence of the chemical operation, of the heat applied, on the princi- ples that are developed in tho grain during the process of malting, materially alters the quality of the beer, especially with regard to the properties of becoming fit for drinking and growing line. Beer is made from malt previously ground, or cut to pieces by a mill. This is placed in a tun, or tub With a false bottom: hot water is poured upon it, and the whole stirred about with a proper instrument. The temperature of the water in this operation, called mashing, must not be equal to boiling; for, in that case, the malt would be converted into a paste, from which the impregnated water could not be separated. This is called setting. After the infusion has remained for some time upon the malt, it is drawn off, and is then distinguished by the name of Sweat Wort By one or more sulwequ nt infusions of water, a quantity of weaker wort is made, which is cither added to the foregoing, or kept apart, accoiding to the intention of the operator. The wort is then boiled with hops, which gives it aa aromatic bitter taste, and is supposed to render it less liable to be spoiled in keeping; after which it is cooled in shallow vessels, and suite:ed to ferment, with the addition of a proper quantity of yest. The fermented liquor is beer; and differs greatly in its quality, according to the nature of the grain, the malting, the mashing, the quantity and kind of the hops and the yest, the purity or admixtures of the water made use of, the temperature and vicissi- tudes of the weather, Sec. Beside the various qualities of malt liquors of a similar kind, there are certain leading features by which they are distinguished, and classed under differ I ent names, and to produce which, different inodes jI BEE BEL management must be pursued. The principal distinc- tions are into beer, properly so called ; ale ; table, or small beer; and porter, which u commonly termed beer in London. Beer is a strong, fine, and thin liquor; the greater part of the mucilage having been separated by boiling the wort longer than for ale, and carrying the fermentation farther, so as to convert the saccharine matter inio alkohol. Ale is of a more sy- rupy consistence, and sweeter taste; more ofthe mu- cilage being retained in it, and the fermentation not having been carried so far as to decompose all the sugar. Small beer, as its name implies, is a weaker liquor; and is made, either by adding a large portion of water to the malt, or by mashing with a fresh quan- t ty of water what is left after the beer or ale wort is drawn off. Porter was probably made originally from very high dried malt; but it is said, that its pecu- liar flavour cannot be imparted by malt and hops alone. Mr. Brande obtained the following quantities of alkohol from 100 parts of different species of beers. Burton ale, 8.88; Edinburgh ale, 6.2; Dorchester ale, 5.56; the average being = 6.87. Brown stout, 6.8; London porter (average) 4.2; London small beer (ave- rage) 1.28. As long ago as the reign of Queen Anne, brewers were forbid to mix sugar, honey, Guinea pepper, essen- tia bina, cocculus indicus, or any other unwholesome ingredient, in beer, under a certain penalty; from which we may infer, that such at least was the prac- tice of some; and writers, who profess to discuss the secrets of the trade, mention most of these, and some other articles, as essentially necessary. The essentia bina is sugar boiled down to a dark colour, and empy- reumatic flavour. Broom tops, wormwood, and other bitter plants, were formerly used to render beer fit for keeping, before hops were introduced into this coun- try ; but are now prohibited to be used in beer made for sale. By the present law of this country, nothing is allow- ed to enter into the composition of beer, except malt and hops. Quassia and wormwood are often fraudu- lently introduced; both of which are easily discovera- ble by their'nausfous bitter taste. They form a beer which does not preserve so well as hop beer. Sulphate of iron, alum, and salt, are oes to rise, the cover may be changed, a new one applied, and the heat raised : more flowers of a yellowish co- lour will then rise, which will require a second sub- limation to deprive them of the empyreuinatic oil they contain. The sublimation of the acid of benzoin may be con- veniently perlbrined by substituting an inverted earth- en pan instead of the paper cone. In this case the two pans should be made to fit, by grinding on a stone with sand, and they must be luted together with paper dipped in paste. This method seems preferable to the other, where Ihe presence of the operator is required elsewhere; but the paper head can be more easily in- spected and changed. The heat applied must be gentle, and the vessels ought not to be separated till they have become cool. The quantity of acid obtained in these methods differs according to the management, and probably also from difference of purity, and in other respects, of 127 BEN BEN the resin itself. It usually amounts to no more than about one-eighth part of the whole weight. Indeed Scheele says, not more than a tenth or twelfth. The whole acid of benzoin is obtained with greater cer- tainty in the humid process of Scheele: this consists in boiling the powdered balsam with lime water, and afterward separating the lime by the addition of mu- riatic acid. Twelve ounces of water are to be poured upon four ounces of slaked lime; and, after the ebulli- tion is over, eight pounds, or uiiiety-six ounces, more of water are to be added; a pound of finely-powdered benzoin being then put into a tin vessel, six ounces of the lime water are to lis added, and mixed well with the powder; and afterward the rest of Die lime water iu the same gradual manner, because the benzoin would coagulate into a mass, if the whole were added at once. This mixture must be gently boiled for half an hour with constant agitation, and afterward suf- fered to cool and subside during an hour. The super- natant liquor must be decanted, and the residuum boiled with eignt pounds more of lime water; after which the sam.- process is to be once more repeated: the remaining powder must be edulcorated on the filter by affusions of hot water. Lastly, all the de- coctions, being mixed together, must be evaporated to two pounds, and strained into a glass vessel. This fluid consists of the acid of benzoin combined with lime. After it is become cold, a quantity of muriatic acid must be added, with constant stirring, until the fluid tastes a little sourish. Duirng Ibis time the last- mentioned acid unites with the limp, and forms a so- luble salt, which remains suspended, while the less soluble acid of benzoin being diseiijjaged, falls to the bottom in powder. By repeated affusions of cold water upon the filter, it may be deprived of the muriate of lime and muriatic acid with which it may happen to be mixed. If it be required to have a shining appearance, it may be dissolved in a small quantity of boiling water, from which it will separate in silky filaments by cooling. Ly this process the benzoic acid may be procured from other substances, in which it exists. Mr. HatchtU has shown, that, by digesting benzoin in hot sulphuric acid, very beautiful crystals are sublimed. This is perhaps the best process for ex- tracting the acid. If we concentrate the urine of horses or cows, and pour muriatic acid into it, a copi- ous precipitate of benzoic acid takes place. This is the cheapest source of it."— Ure's Chem. Diet. As an economical mode of obtaining this acid, Four- croy recommends the extraction of it f. om the water that drains from dunghills, cowhouses, and stables, by means of the muriatic avid, which decomposes the benzoate of lime contained in them, and separates the benzoic acid, as in Scheele's process. He confesses the smell of the acid thus obtained differs a little from that of the acid extracted from benzoin; but this, he says, may be remedied, by dissolving the acid in boiling water, filtering the solution, letting it cool, and thus suffering the acid to crystallize, and repeating tins ope: ration a second time. The acid of benzoin is so inflammable, that it bums with a clear yellow flame without the assistance of a wick. The sublimed flowers in ilieir purest state, as white as ordinaly writing paper, were fused into a clear transparent yellowish fluid, at the two hundred- and-thirtieth degree of Fahrenheit's tbermomUer, and at the same time began to rise iu sublimation. It is probable that a heat somewhat greater than this may be required to separate it from the refill. It is strongly disposed to take ihe crystalline form in cooling. The concentiated sulphuric and 'litric acids dissolve this concrete acid, and it is agaiu separated without altera- tion, by adding water. Othei acids dissolve it by the assistance of heat, from whicl it separates by cooling, unchanged. It is plentifully soluble in ardent spirit, from which It may likewise bs: separated by diluting the spirit with water. It readily dissolves in oils, and in melted tallow. If it be added in a small proportion to this last fluid, pat of the tallow congeals before the resl, iu the form of white opaque clouds. If the quan- tity of acid be more considerable, it separates in part by cooling, in the form of needles or feathers. It did not communicate any considerable degree of hardness to the tallow, which was the objectof this experiment. When the tallow was heated nearly to ebullition, it emitted fumes which affected the respiration, like those 128 ofthe acid of benzoin, but did not possess the peculiar and agreeable smell of that substance, being probably the sebacic acid. A stratum of this tallow, about one- twentieth of an inch thick, was fused upon a plate of brass, together with other fat substances, with a view to determine its relative disposition to acquire and retain the solid state. After it had cooled, it was left upon the plate, and, in the course of some weeks, it gradually became tinged throughout of a bluish-green colour. If this circumstance be not supposed to have arisen from a solution of the copper during the fusion, it seems a remarkable instance ofthe mutual action of two bodies in tne solid state, contrary to that axiom of chemistry which affirms, that bodies do not act on each other, unless one or more of them be in the fluid state. Tallow itself, however, has the same effect. Pure benzoic acid is in the form of a light powder, evidently crystallized in fine needles, the figure of which is difficult to be determined from their small- ness. It has a white and shining appearance; but when contaminated by a portion of volatile oil, is yellow or brownish. It is not brittle, as might be ex- pected from its appearance, but has rather a kind of ductility and elasticity, and, on rubbing in a mortar, becomes a sort of paste. Its taste is acrid, hot, acidu- lous, and bitter. It reddens ihe infusion of litmus, but not syrup of violets. It has a peculiar aromatic smell, but not strong utiles;; heated. This, however, appears not to belong to ihe acid ; for Mr. Giese informs us, that on dissolving the benzoic acid in as little alkohol as possible, filtering the solution, and precipitating by water, the acid will be obtained pure, and void of smell, the odorous oil remaining dissolved in the spirit. Its specific gravity is 0.667. It is not perceptibly altered by the air, and has been kept in an open vessel twenty years without losing any of its weight. None of the combustible substances have any effect on it; but it may be refined by mixing it with charcoal powder and subliming, being thus rendered much whiter and better crystallized. It is not very soluble in water; Wenzel and Lichtenstein say four hundred parts of cold water dissolve but one, though the same quantity of boiling water dissolves twenty parts, nineteen of which separate on cooling. The benzoic acid unites without much difficulty with the earthy and alkaline bases. These com- pounds are called benzoatcs. The benzoate of barytes is soluble, crystallizes tole- rably well, is not affected by exposure to the air, but is decomposable by fire, and by the stronger acids. That of lime is very soluble in water, though much less in cold than in hot, and crystallizes on cooling. It is in like manner decomposable by the acids and by barytes. The benzoate of magnesia is soluble, crystallizable, a liille deliquescent, and more decomposable than the former. That of alumina is very soluble, crystallizes in dendrites, is deliquescent, has an acerb and bitter taste, and is decomposable by lire,.and even by most of the vegetable acids. The benzoate of potassa crystal- lizes on cooing in little compacted needles. AII theacids decompose it, and the solution of barytes and lime form with it a p.ecipitate. The benzoate of roda is very crystallizable, very soluble, and not deliquescent like that of potassa, but it is decomposable by the same means. It is sometimes found native in the urine of graminivorous quadrupeds, but by no means so abun- dantly as that of lime. The benzoate of ammonia is volatile, and decomposable by all the acids and all the bases. The solutions of all the benzoates, when dry- ing on the sides of a vessel wetted with them, form dendritical crystallizations. Trommsdorf found in his experiments, that benzoic acid united readily with metallic oxydes. The benzoates ate all decomposable by heat, which, when it is slowly applied, first separates a portion of the acid in a vapour, that condenses in crystals. The soluble benzoates are decomposed by the powerful acids, which separate their acid in a crystalline form. The benzoic acid is occasionally used in medicine, but not so much as formerly ; and enters into the com- position of the camphorated tincture of opium of the London collegi', heretofore called paregoric elixir. BENZOl l'ERA. See Styrax benzoin. BENZOI'NUM. (From the Arabic term benzoah.) See Styrax benzoin. Benzoini magistkrium. Magistery, or precipitate of gum-benjamin. BER BET Bbnzoini oleum. Oil of benjamin. BERBERIA. (Origin uncertain.) Berber!. The name of a species of disease iu the genus Synclonus of Good's Nosology See Beribcria. BERBERIS. (Berberi, wild Arab, used by Aver- rhoes, and officinal writers.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. The barbery, or pepperidge bush. 2. The pharmacopceial name for the barberry. See Berberis vulgaris. Berberis gelatina. Barberry jelly. Barberries boiled in sugar. Berberis vuloaris. The systematic name for the barberry of the pharmacopoeias. Oxycantha Galeni; Spina acida; Crespinus. This tree, Berberis; pedun- eulis racemosis, spinus triplicibus, of Linnaeus, is a native of England. The fruit, or berries, which are gratefully acid, and moderately astringent, are said to be of great use in biliary fluxes, and in all cases where heat, acrimony, and putridity of the humours prevail. The filaments of this shrub possess a remarkable de- gree of irritability; for on being touched near the base with the point of a pin, a sudden contraction is pro- duced, which may be repeated several times. BERENGA'RIUS, James, bom about the end ofthe 15th century at Carpi, in Modena, whence he is often called Carpus. He was one of the restorers of ana- tomy, of which he was professor, first at Padua, after- ward at Bologna, which he was in a few years obliged to quit, being accused of having opened the bodies of two Spaniards alive. By his numerous dis- sections, he corrected many previous errors concerning the structure of the human body, and paved the way for his successor Vesalius. He was among the first to use mercurial frictions in sypliilis, whereby he acquired a large fortune, which he left to the Duke of Ferrara, into whose territory he retired; at his death in 1527. His principal works are an enlarged Commentary on Mundinus, and a Treatise on Fracture ofthe Cranium. Bereni secum. See Artemisia vulgaris. Bereni'ce. (The city from whence it was formerly brought.) Amber. Bereni'cium. (From tbcpw, to bring, and vikv vic- tory.) A term applied by the old Greek writers to niire, from its supposed power in healing wounds. BERGAMO'TE. A species of citron. See Citrus mtdica. B ERG M A NITE. A massive mineral of a greenish, grayish-white, or reddish colour, which fuses into a transparent glass, or a semitransparcnt enamel: It is found in Frederickswam, in Norway, in quartz and in felspar. [This mineral has not yet been satisfactorily ana- lyzed. Its masses are composed of fibres, or little needles, confusedly grouped, and often so closely ap- plied to each other, that the texture becomes nearly compact. Some of the needles have a foliated shining fracture. Its colour is a deep gray. Its sharp frag- ments scratch glass, and even quartz in a slight degree. Its spec. grav. is 2.30. When moistened by the breath, it yields an argillaceous odour. A fragment exposed to the flame of a candle, or placed on a hot coal, be- comes white and friable. It melis by the blow-pipe into a white translucent glass.—See Cleav. Min. A-] BERIBE'RI. (An Hindostan word signifying a sheep.) Beribcria. A species of palsy, common in some parts of the East Indies, according to Bontius. In this disease, the patients lift up their legs very much iu the same manner as is usual with sheep. Bontius adds, that this palsy is a kind of trembling, in which there is deprivation ofthe motion and sensation ofthe hands and feet, and sometimes of the body. BERKENHOUT, John, born at Leeds, about the year 1730. His medical studies were commenced late in life, having graduated at Leyden only in 1765; nor did he long continue the practice of medicine. His " Pharmacopoeia Medica," however, was very much approved, and has since passed through many edi- tions ; his other medical publications are of little im- portance. He died in 1791. Bermudas berry. See Sapindus saponaria. BERRY. See Bacca. Bers. Formerly the name of an exhilarating electuary. Be'rula. An old name for brooklime. Be'eula OAtLicA. Upright water parsnip. BERYL. Aqua marine. A precious mineral, harder than the emerald, of a green, or greenish-yellow colour, found in Siberia, France, Saxdny, Brasil, Scotland, and Ireland. Bessa'nen. (An Arabian word.) A redness of the external parts, resembling that which precedes the leprosy; it occupies the face and extremities.—Avi- cenna. Be'sto. A name in Oribasius for a species of saxifrage. BE'TA (So called from the river Betis, in Spain, where it grows naturally; or, according to Blanchard, from the Greek letter Btjra, which it is said to resem- ble when turgid with seed.) The beet. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pcntundria; Order, Digynia. The beet 2. The pharmacopceial name of (he common beet See Beta vulgaris. Beta uybrida. The plant which affords the root of scarcity. Mangel wurztl of the Germans; a large root. It contains much of the saccharine principle, and is very nourishing. Applied externally it is useful in cleaning foul ulcers; and is a better application than the carrot. Beta vulgaris. The systematic name for the beet of the pharmacopoeias. Beta .-—floribus conges- lis of Linnaeus. The root of this plant is frequently eaten by the French; it may be considered as nutri- tious and antiscorbutic, and forms a very elegant pickle with vinegar. The root and leaves, although for- merly employed as laxatives and emollients, are now forgotten. A considerable quantity of sugar may be obtained from the root of the beet. It is likewise said, that if beet roots be dried in the same manner as malt, after the greater part of their juice is pressed out very good beer may be made from them. It is occasionally used to improve the colour of claret. Bctele. Bet hie; Belle; Betelle. An oriental plant, like the tail of a lizard. It is chewed by the In- dians, and makes the teeth black; is cordial and exhi- larating, and in very general use throughout the east. It is supposed to be the long pepper. BETONICA. (Corrupted from Vettonica, which is derived from the Vectones, an ancient people of Spain.) Betony. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin nrtan system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnos- permia, 2. The pharmacopceial name of the wood betony See Betonica officinalis. Betonica aquatica. See Scrophularia aquatica. Betonica officinalis. The systematic name of the betony ofthe pharmacopoeias. Betonica purpurea j Betonica vulgaris ; Cestrum; Vetonica cordi; Beto- nica—spica interrupta, corollarum labii lacinia inter- media emarginata of Linnaeus. The leaves and tops of this plant have an agreeable, but weak smell; and to the taste they discover a slight warmth, accompa- nied with some degree of adstringency and bitterness. The powder of the leaves of betony, snuffed up the nose, provokes sneezing; and hence it is somiiimes made an ingredient in sternutatory powders. Its leaves are sometimes smoked like tobacco. The roots differ greatly, in their quality, from the other parts; their taste is very bitter and nauseous; taken in a small dose, they vomit and purge violently, and are supposed to have somewhat in common with the roots of hellebore. Like many other plants, formerly in high medical estimation, betony is now almost entirely neglected. Antonius Musa, physician to the emperor Augustus, filled a whole volume with enumerating its virtues, stating it as a remedy for no less than forty- seven disorders; and hence in Italy the proverbial compliment, You have more virtues than betony. Betonica pauli. A species of veronica. Betonica vulgaris. See Betonica officinalis BETONY. See Betonica. Betony, water. See Scrophularia aquatica BETULA. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monecia; Order, Telrandria. Alder and birch. 2. The phannacopceial name of the white birch. See Betula alba. Betula alba. The systematic name ofthe betula of the pharmacopoeias. Betula:—foliis ovatis, acu- mtnatis, serratis, of Linnajus. The juice, 'eaves, and BEZ BIC bark have been employed medicinally. If the tree be bored early in the spring, there issues, by degrees, a large quantity of limpid, watery, sweetish juice; it is said that one tree will afford from one to two gallons a day. This juice is esteemed as an antiscorbutic, de- obstruent, and diuretic. When well fermented, and having a proper addition of raisins in its composition, it is frequently a rich and strong liquor; it keeps better than many ofthe other made-wines, often for a num- ber of years, and was formerly supposed to possess many medical virtues; but these experience does not seem to sanction; and the virtues of the alder, like those of many other simples formerly prized, have sunk into oblivion. The leaves and bark were used externally as resolvents, detergents, and antiseptics. Betula alnus. The systematic name for the alnus ofthe pharmacopoeias. The common alder. BEX. (From Bnoota, to cougtj.) A cough. Dr. Good, in his Nosology, has applied this term to a genus of diseases, which embraces three species, bex humida, sicca, convulsiva. Bexagui'llo. A name given to the white ipecacu- anha, which the Spaniards bring from Peru, as the Portuguese do the brown from Brazil. Bexu'go. The root of the JEmatitis peruviana of Caspar Bauhin; one drachm of which is sufficient for a purge. Be'zahan. The fossile bezoar. Beze'tta coerulea. See Croton tinctorium BE'ZOAR. (From pa-zahar, Persian, a destroyer of poison.) Lapis bezoardicus. Bezoard. A pre- ternatural or morbid concretion formed in the bodies of land-animals. Several of these kinds of substances were formerly celebrated for their medicinal virtues, and distinguished by the names of the countries from whence they came, or the animal in which they were found. There are eight kinds, according to Fourcroy, Vauqueliu, and Berthollet. 1. Superphosphate of lime, which forms concretions in the intestines of many mammalia. 2. Phosphate of magnesia, semitransparent and yel- lowish, and of sp. grav. 2.160. 3. Phosphate of ammonia and magnesia. A con- cretion of a gray or brown colour, composed of radia- tions from a centre. It is found in the intestines of herbiverous animals, the elephant, horse, &c. 4. Biliary, colour reddish-brown, found frequently in the intestines and gall-bladder of oxen, and used by painters for an orange-yellow pigment. It is inspis- sated bile. 5. Resinous. The oriental bezoars, procured from unknown animals, belong to this class of concretions. They consist of concentric layers, are fusible, combus- tible, smooth, soft, and finely polished. They are composed of bile and resin. 6. Fungous, consisting of pieces of the Boletus igni- arius, swallowed by the animal. 7. Hairy. 8. Ligniform. Three bezoars sent to Bonaparte by the king of Persia, were found by Berthollet to be no- thing but woody fibre agglomerated. Bezoars were formerly considered as very powerful alexipharmics, so much so, indeed, that other medi- cines, possessed, or supposed to be possessed, of alexi- pharmic powers, were called bezoardics; and so effi- cacious were they once thought, that they were bought for ten times their weight in gold. These virtues, however, are in the present day justly denied them, as they produce no other effects than those common to the saline particles which they contain, and which may be given to greater advantage from other sources. A composition of bezoar with absorbent powders, has been much in repute, as a popular remedy for disor- ders in children, by the name of Gascoigne's powder and Gascoigne's ball; but the real bezoar was rarely, if ever, used for these, its price offering such a tempta- tion to counterfeit it. Some have employed for this purpose, a resinous composition, capable of melting in the fire, and soluble in alkohol; but Newmann sup- posed that those nearest resembling it, were made of gypsum, chalk, or some other earth, to which the proper colour was imparted by some vegetable juice. We understand, however, that tobacco-pipe clay, tinged with ox-gall, is commonly employed, at least *»r the Gascoigne's powder; this giving a yellow tint to paper, rubbed with chalk, and a green to paper rub- bed over with auick-lime; which are considered as 130 proofs of genuine bezoar, and which a vegetable juice would not effect. Bezoar bovinum. Bezoar of the ox. Bezoar germanicum. The bezoar from the alpine goat. Bezoar hystricis. Lapis porcinus; Lapis ma lacensis; Petro del porco. The bezoar of the Indian porcupine; said to be found in the gall-bladder of an Indian porcupine, particularly in the province of Ma- lacca. This concrete differs from others: it has an intensely bitter taste ; and on being steeped in water, for a very little time, impregnates the fluid with its bitterness, and with aperient, stomachic, and, as it is supposed, with alexipharmic virtues. How far it dif fers in virtue from the similar concretions found in the gall-bladder ofthe ox, and other animals, docs not appear. Bezoar microcosmicum. The calculus found in the human bladder. Bezoar occidentale. Occidental bezoar. This concretion is said to be found in the stomach of an ani- mal of the stag or goat kind, a native of Peru, Sec It is of a larger size than the oriental bezoar, and some- times as large as a hen's egg ; its surface is rough, and tile colour green, grayish, or brown. Bezoar orientals. Lapis bezoar orientalis. Oriental bezoar stone. This concretion is said to be found in the pylorus, or fourth stomach of an animal of the goat kind, which inhabits the mountains of Persia. It is generally about the size of a kidney bean, of a roundish or oblong figure, smooth, and of a shining olive or dark greenish colour. Bezoar porcinum. See Bezoar hystricis. Bezoar simije. The bezoar from the monkey. Bezoardica radix. See Dorstenia. Bezoardicum joviale. Bezoar with tin. It dif- fered very little from the Antihecticum Poterii. Bezoardicum lunale. A preparation of antimony and silver. Bezoardicum martiale. A preparation of iron and antimony. Bezoardicum minerals. A preparation of anti- mony, made by adding nitrous acid to butter of anti- mony. Bezoardicum saturni. A preparation of anti- mony and lead. Bezo'ardicus lapis. See Bezoar. Bezoardicus pulvis. The powder of the oriental bezoar. Bezoarticum minerals. A calx of antimony. BI. (From bis, twice.) In composition signifies twice or double, and is frequently attached to other words in anatomy, chemistry, and botany; as biceps, having two heads; bicuspides, two points, or fangs; bilocular, with two cells; bivalve, with two valves, &c. Bijeon. Wine made from sun-raisins, fermented in sea water. Bibine'lla. See Pimpinella. BIBITO'RIUS. (Bibitorius, from bibo, to drink, because by drawing the eye inwards towards the nose, it causes those who drink to look into the cup.) See Rectus internus oculi. BIBULUS. Bibulous; attracting moisture; ckarta bibula, blotting paper. BICAPSULARIS. Having two capsules. Pericar- pium bicapsulare. See Capsula. BI'CEPS. (From bis, twice, and caput, a head.) Two heads. Applied to muscles from their having two distinct origins or heads. Biceps braciiii. See Biceps flexor cubiti. Biceps cruris. See Biceps flexor cruris. Biceps cubiti. See Biceps flexor cubiti. Biceps externus. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Biceps flexor cruris. Biceps cruris of Albinus. Biceps of Winslow, Douglas, and Cowper; and Ischio- femoroperonien of Dumas. A muscle of the leg, situ ated on the hind part of the thigh. It arises by two distinct heads; the first, called longus, arises in com- mon with the semitendinosus, from the upper and posterior part of the tuberosity of the os ischium. The second, called brevis, arises from the linea aspera, a little below the termination ofthe glutaeus maximus, by a fleshy acute beginning, which soon grows broader, as it descends to join with the first head, a little above the external condyle of the os femoris. It is insurtmi by a strong tendon, into the upper part of the head ot the fibula. Its use is to bend the leg. This muscle BIF BIL forms what is called the outer hamstring; and, between it and the inner, the nervous popliteus, arteria and vena poplitea, are situated. Biceps flexor cubiti. Biceps brachii of Albinus. Coraco-radialis, sen biceps of Winslow. Biceps in- ternus of Douglas. Biceps internus humeri of Cow- per. Scapulo coracoradial of Dumas. A muscle of the forearm, situated on the forepart of the os humeri. It arises by two heads. The first and outermost, called longus, begins tendinous from the upper edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula, passes over the head of the os humeri within the joint, and in its descent without the joint, is enclosed in a groove near the head of the os humeri, by a membraneous liga- ment that proceeds from the capsular ligament and adjacent tendons. The second, or innermost head, called breiris, arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the coracoid process of the scapula, in common with the coracobrachialis muscle. A little below the middle of the forepart of the os humeri, these heads unite. It is inserted by a strong roundish tendon into the tubercle on the upper end of the radius internally. Its use is to turn the hand supine, and to bend the forearm. At the bending of the elbow, where it begins to grow ten- dinous, it sends off an aponeurosis, which covers all the muscles on the inside of the forearm, and joins with another tendinous membrane, which is sent off from the triceps extensor cubiti, and covers all the muscles on the outside of the forearm, and a number of the fibres, from opposite sides, decussate each other. It serves to strengthen the muscles, by keeping them from swelling too much outwardly when in action, and a number of their fleshy fibres take their origin from it. Biceps internus. See Biceps flexor cubiti. Bichi'chije. An epithet of certain pectorals, or rather troches, described by Rhazes, which were made of liquorice, Sec Bi'chos. A Portuguese name for the worms that get under the toe of the people in the Indies, which are destroyed by the oil of cashew nut. Bici. The Indian name of an intoxicating liquor, made from Turkey wheat in South America. See wheat, Turkey. BI'CORNIS. (From bis, twice, and cornu, a horn.) 1. An epithet sometimes applied to the os hyoides, which has two processes, or horns. 2. In former times, to muscles that had two termi- nations. 3. A name given to those plants, the anthers of which have the appearance of two horns. Bicornes plantje. The name of an order of plants in the natural method of Linnaeus and Gerard. BICUSPIDATUS. Having two points. See Bi- cuspis. ... BICU'SPIS. (From bis, twice, and cuspis, a spear.) 1. The name of those teeth which have double points, or fangs. See Teeth. 2. Applied to leaves which terminate by two points; folia bicuspida, or bicuspidata. BI'DENS. (From bis, twice, and dens, a tooth; so called from its being deeply serrated, or indented.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnssan system. Class, Syngenesia ; Order, Polygamia aqualis. Bidens tripartita. The systematic name of the hemp agrimony, formerly used as a bitter and aperient, but not in the practice of the present day. BIDLOO, Godfrey, a celebrated anatomist, born at Amsterdam, in 1649. After practising several years as a surgeon, he was appointed physician to William HI., and in 1694, made professor of anatomy and surgery at Leyden. He published 105 very splendid, though rather inaccurate anatomical tables, with explana- tions ; and several minor works. His nephew, Nicho- las was physician to the Czar Peter I. BIENNIS. Biennial. A biennial plant is one, as the term imports, of two year's duration. Of this tribe there are numerous plants, which being raised one year from the seed, generally attain perfection the same year, or within about twelve months, shooting up stalks, producing flowers, and perfecting seeds in the following spring or summer, and soon after com- monly perish. Bifariam. In two parts. BIFER. (From bis, twice, and fero, to bear.) A plant is so called, which bears twice in the year, in spring and autumn, as is common between the tropics. BIFIDUS. Forked. Divided into two; as a bifid seed-vessel in Adoxa moschatellina, petala bifida in the Hilcne nocturna and Alyssum incanum. BIFLORUS. Boating two flowers; aspeduncnlus biflorus. BIFORIUM. Applied to a leaf which points two ways. BIFORUS. (From it's, twice, and forus, a door.) Two-doored, or bivalved. A class of plants is so de- nominated in some natural arrangements, constituted by those which have a pericarp, or seed-vessel, fur- nished with two valves. BIFURCATE. (Bifurcus; from bis, twice, and furca, a fork.) A vessel, or nerve, stem, root, Sec is said to bifurcate when it divides into two branches; thus the bifurcation of the aorta, Sec. BIFURCATIO. Bifurcation. BIFURCATUS. (From bis, twice, and furca, a fork.) Forked. See Bifurcate and Dichotomus. BIGA'STER. (Bigaster: from bis, twice, and y ostip, a belly.) A name given to muscles which have two bellies. BIGEMINATUS. (From bis, and gemini, twins i Twice paired. Biconjvgatus. A leaf is so called when near the apex of the common petiole there is a single pair of secondary petioles, each of which sup- port a pair of opposite leaflets; as in Mimosa un- guis cati. BIH'ERNIUS. (From bis, double, and hernia, a disease so called.) Having a double hernia or one on each side. Bihydromiret of carbon. See Carburetled hydrogen. B1JUGUS. A winged leaf is termed folium biju- gum, which bears two pairs of leaflets. B1LABIATUS. Two-lipped. Often used in bo- tany ; as pericarpium bilabiatum; corolla bilabeata, tec. BILACINIATUS. Applied to a leaf Folium bila- ciniatum; when cut into two segments. Bila'den. A name of iron. B1LAMELLATUS. Composed of two lamina. Bilberry bean. See Arbutus uva ursi. BILDSTEIN. See Figurestone. BILE. (Bilis. Ntevius derives it from bis, twice, and lis, contention; as being supposed to be the cause of anger and dispute.) The gall. A bitter fluid, se- creted in the glandular substance of the liver; in part flowing into the intestines, and in part regurgitating into the gall-bladder. The secretory organs of this fluid are the penicilli of the liver, which terminate in very minute canals, called biliary ducts. The biliary ducts pour their bile into the ductus hepaticus, which conveys it into the ductus communis choledochus, from whence it is in part carried into the duodenum. The other part of the bile regurgitates through the cystic duct into the gall-bladder: for hepatic bile, except du- ring digestion, cannot flow into the duodenum, which contracts when empty; hence it necessarily regurgi- tates into the gall-bladder. The branches of the vena porta contribute most to the secretion of bile; its pe- culiar blood, returning from the abdominal viscera, is supposed to be, in some respects, different from other venal blood, and to answer exactly to the nature of bile. It is not yet ascertained clearly whether the florid blood in the hepatic artery, merely nourishes the liver, or whether, at the same time, it contributes a certain principle, necessary for the formation of bile. It has been supposed, by physiologists, that cystic bile was secreted by the arterial vessels of the gall-bladder; but the fallacy of this opinion is proved by making a ligature on the cystic duct of a living animal. From what has been said, it appears that there are, us it were, two kinds of bile in the human body:— 1. Hepatic bile, which flows from the liver into the duodenum: this is thin, of a faint yellow colour, m odorous, and very slightly bitter, otherwise the liver of animals would not be eatable. 2. Cystic bile, which regurgitates from the hepatic duct into the gall-bladder, and there, from stagnating, becomes thicker, the aqueous part being absoibed by lymphatic vessels, and more acrid from concentration Healthy bile is of a yellow, green colour; of a plastic consistence, like thin oil, and when very much agitated, it froths like soap and water: its smell is fatuous, somewhat like musk, especially the putrefying or eva- porating bile of animals : its taste is bitter. The primary uses of this fluid, so important to the animal economy, are: 131 B1L BIP 1. To separate the chyle from the chyme: thus chyle is never observed in the duodenum before the chyme has been mixed with the bile: and thus it is that oil is extricated from linen by the bile of animals. 2. By its acridity it excites the peristaltic motion of the intestines; hence the bowels are so inactive in people with jaundice. 3. It imparts a yellow colour to the excrements : thus we observe the white colour ofthe faeces in jaun- dice, in which disease the flow of bile into the duode- num is entirely prevented. 4. It prevents the abundance of mucus and acidity in the prima; via;; hence acid, pituitous, and vermin- ous saburra are common from deficient or inert bile. The chemical analysis of bile has been principally illustrated by Mons. Thenard. " Ox bile is usually of a greenish-yellow colour, rarely of a deep green. By its colour it changes the blue of turnsole and violet to a reddish-yellow. At once very bitter, and slightly sweet, its taste is scarcely supportable. Its smell, though feeble, is easy to recognise, and approaches somewhat to the nauseous odour of certain fatty mat- ters, when they are heated. Its specific gravity varies very little. It is about 1.026 at 43° F. It is some- times limpid, and at others disturbed with a yellow matter, from which it may be easily separated by water: its consistence varies from that of a thin muci- lage, to viscidity." Cadet regarded it as a kind of soap. This opinion was first refuted by Thenard. According to this able chemist, 800 parts of ox bile are composed of 700 water, 15 resinous matters, 6'J picromel, about 4 of a yellow matter, 4 of soda, 2 phosphate of soda, 3.5 muriates of soda and potassa, 0.8 sulphate of soda, 1.2 phosphate of lime, and a trace of oxide of iron. When distilled to dryness, it leaves from l-8th to l-9th of solid matter, which, urged with a higher heat, is resolved into the usual igneous products of animal analysis; only with more oil and less carbonate of ammonia. Exposed for some time in an open vessel, the bile gradually corrupts, and lets full a small quantity of a yellowish matter; then its mucilage decomposes. Thus the putrefactive process is very inactive, and the odour it exhales is not insupportable, but in some cases has been thought to resemble that of musk. Water and alkohol combine in all proportions with bile. When a very little acid is poured into bile, it becomes slightly turbid, and reddens litmus; when more is added, the precipitate augments, particularly if sulphuric acid be employed. It is formed of a yel- low animal matter, with very little resin. Potassa and soda increase the thinness and transparency of bile. Acetate of lead precipitates the yellow matter, and the sulphuric and phosphoric acids of the bile. The solution of the subacetate precipitates not only these bodies, but also the picromel and the muriatic acid, all combined with the oxide of lead. The acetic acid remains in the liquid united to the soda. The greater number of fatty substances are capable of being dissolved by bile. This property, which made it be considered a soap, is owing to the soda, and to the triple compound of soda, resin, and picromel. Scourers sometimes prefer it to soap, for cleansing woollen. The bile of the calf, the dog, and the sheep, are similar to that of the ox. The bile of the sow contains no picromel. It is merely a soda-resinous soap. Huiqan bile is peculiar. It varies in colour, sometimes being green, generally yellowish-brown, occasionally almost colourless. Its taste is not very bitter. In the gall- — bladder it is seldom limpid, containing often, like that of the ox, a certain quantity of yellow matter in sus- pension. At times this is in such quantity, as to ren- der the bile somewhat grumous. Filtered and boiled, it becomes very turbid, and diffuses the odour of white of egg. When evaporated to dryness, there results a brown extract, equal in weight to 1-lltli of the bile. By calcination we obtain the same salts as from ox bile. All the acids decompose human bile, and occasion an abundant precipitate of albumen and resin, which are easily separable by alkohol. One part of nitric acid, sp grav. 1.210, saturates 100 of bile. On pouring into it a solution of sugar of lead, it is changed into a liquid of a light-yellow colour, in which no picromel can be found, and which contains only acetate of soda and some traces of animal matter. Human bile appears hence to be formed, by Thenard, in 1100 parts; of 1000 water; from 2 to 10 yellow insoluble matter; 42 albumen; 41 resin; 5.6 sodi; and 45 phosphates of soda of lime, sulphate of soda, muriate of soda, and oxide of iron. But by Berzelius, its con- stituents are in 1000 parts: 0O8.4 water; 80 picromel; 3 albumen; 4.1 soda; 0.1 phosphate of lime; 3.4 common salt; and 1 phosphate of soda, with some phosphate of lime. BILGUER, John Ulrick, was born at Coire, in Swisserland. He practised surgery at Berlin with such reputation, that he was appointed, by the great Frederick, Surgeon-General to the Prussian army. It was then the general practice to amputate in bad compound fractures; and being struck with the small proportion of those who recovered after the operation, he was led to try more lenient methods; from which meeting with much better success, he published as a thesis, on graduating at Halle, in 1761, a pr* tty general condemnation of amputation. This work attracted much notice throughout Europe, and materially check- ed the unnecessary use ofthe knife. In his " Instruc- tions for Hospital Surgeons," which appeared soon after, he insisted farther on the same subject; and where amputation was unavoidable, he advised leav- ing a portion of the integuments, which is now gene- rally adopted. BILIARY. (Biliaris; from lilis, the bile.) Of or belonging to the bile. Biliary duct. Ductus biliosus. The very vas- cular glandules, which compose almost the whole substance of the liver, terminate in very small canals, called biliary ducts, which at length form one trunk, the ductus hepaticus. Their use is to convey the bile, secreted by the liver, into the hepatic duct; this uniting with a duct from the gall-bladder, forms one common canal, called the ductus communis choledochus, which conveys the bile into the intestinal canal. Bili'mbi. (Indian.) See Malus Indica. BI'LIOUS. (Biliosus, from bilis, bile.) A term very generally made use of, to express diseases which arise from too copious a secretion of bile: thus bilious colic, bilious diarrhoea, bilious fever, &c. BILIS. See Bile. Bilis atra. Black bile. The supposed cause among the ancients of melancholy. Bilis cystica. Bilis fellea. Cystic bile. The bile when in the gall-bladder is so called to distinguish it from that which is found in the liver: See Bile. Bilis hepatica. Hepatic bile. Bile that has not entered the gall-bladder. See Bile. BI'LOBUS. (From bis, double, and lobus, the end of the ear.) Having two lobes, resembling the tips of ears; applied to a leaf, folium biloburn, when it is deeply divided into rounded segments, as the petals of the Geranium pyrenaicum and striatum which are bilobed. BILOCULARIS (From bis, twice, and loculus, a little cell.) Two-celled ; applied to a capsule which has two cells. Biloculares. Is the name of a natural order of plants. BIME'STRIS. (From bis, twice, and mensis month.) Two months old. BINATUS. Binus. Binate. A term applied to compound leaves, when consisting of a pair of leaflet* only, on one footstalk as in the great everlasting pea and other species of lathyrus. BINDWEED. See Convolvulus septum. BINERVIUS. Two-nerved. Having two ribs oi nerves very apparent Hence, folium binerium. Binga'lle. See Casumuniar. Bino'culus. (From binus, double, and oculus, the eye.) A bandage forsecuring the dressings on bolli eyes. Bi'nsica. A disordered mind.—Helmont. Binsica mors. The binsical, or that death which follows a disordered mind. BINUS. (From bis, twice.) Two by two; by couplets; applied to leaves when there are only twe upon a plant, folia bina; as in Convallaria majalis, Sec Bioly'ciinium. (From fiios, life, and Xvxviov, a lamp.) Vital heat: also the name of an officinal nostrum. Bi'ote. (From f3tos, life.) Life. Also light food. BIOTHA'NATI. (From Bia, violence, or (Stos, life and ^ava'Jos, death.) Those who die a violent death, or suddenly, as if there were no space between life and death. BU'ARTITUS. Bipartite. Deeply divided almost BIS BIS to the basis; as calyx bipartitus; folium bipartilum ; perianthium bipartitum; and petala bipartita. Bipemo'lla. See Pimpinella. Bipene'lla. See Pimpinella. BITINATIFIDUS. Doubly pinnatifid; as in the long rough-headed poppy, Papaver anemone. See Pinnatifidus. BIPINNATIFIDUS. Doubly pinnatifid; applied to a leaf. See Leaf. B1PINNATUS. Doubly pinnate. A compound leaf is so termed when the secondary petioles arc arranged in pairs on the common petiole, and each secondary petiole is pinnate. Bi'ra. Malt liquor or beer. Bira'o. Stone Parsley. BIRCH. See Betula. BIRDLIME. The best birdlime is made of the middle bark of the holly, boiled seven or eight hours in water, till it is soft and tender; then laid in heaps in pits in the ground and covered with stones, the water being previously drained from it; and in this state left for two or three weeks lo ferment, till it is reduced to a kind of mucilage. This being taken from the pit is pounded in a mortar to a paste, washed in river water, and kneaded, till it is freed from extrane- ous matters. In this state it is left four or five days in earthen vessels, to ferment and purify itself, when it is fit for use. It may likewise be obtained from the misletoe, the Viburnum lantana, young shoots of elder, and other vegetable substances. litis sometimes adulterated with turpentine, oil, vine- gar, and other matters. Good birdlime is of a greenish colour, and sour fla- vour ; gluey, stringy, and tenacious ; and in smell re- sembling linseed oil. By exposure to the air it becomes dry and brittle, so that it may be powdered; but its viscidity is restored by wetting it. It reddens tincture of litmus. Exposed to a gentle heat it liquefies slightly, swells in bubbles, becomes grumous, emits a smell re- sembling that of animal oils, grows brown, but reco- vers its properties on cooling, if not heated too much. With a greater heat it burns, giving out a brisk flame and much smoke. The residuum contains sulphate and muriate of potassa, carbonate of lime and alu- mina, with a small portion of iron. BIRDSTONGUE. A name given to the seeds of the Flaxinus excelsior of Linnaeus. Bi'rsen. (Hebrew for an aperture.) A deep ulcer, or iinposthume in the breast. BIRTHWORT. See Aristolochia. Birthwort, climbing. See Aristolochia clematitis. Birthwort, long-rooted. See Aristolochia longa. Birthwort, snake-killing. See Aristolochia o»- guicida. Birthwort, three-lobcd See Aristolochia trilobata. BISCO'CTUS. (From bis, twice, and coquo, to boil.) Twice dressed. It is chiefly applied to bread much baked, as biscuit. Biscute'lla. Mustard. Bise'rmas. A name formerly given to clary, or garden clary. BISHOP'S WEED. See Ammi. BIS1L1NGUA. (From bis, twice, and lingua, a tongue; so called from us appearance of being double- tongued ; that is, of having upon each leaf a less loaf.) The Alexandrian laurel. Bisma'lva. From vismalva, quasi viscum malva, from its superior viscidity. The water, or marsh- mallow. BISMUTH. (Bismuthum, from Bismut, Germ.) A metal which is found in the earth in very few dif- ferent states, more generally native or in the metallic state. Native bismuth is met with in solid masses, and also in small particles dispersed in and frequently deposited on different stones, at Schreeberg, in Saxony, Sweden, &c. Sometimes it is crystallized in four- sided tables, or indistinct cubes. It e.rists combined With oxygen in the oxide of bismuth (bismuth hoehre,) found in small particles, dispersed, of a bluish or yel- lowish-gray colour, needle-shaped and capillary; some- times laminated, forming small cells. It is also, though more seldom, united to sulphur and iron in the form of a sulphuret in the martial sulphuretted bismuth ore. This ore has a yellowish-gray appearance, resembling somewhat the martial pyrites. And it is sometimes combined with arsenic. Bismuth is a metal of a yellowish or reddish-white colour, little subject to change in the air. It is some- what harder than lead, and is scarcely, if at all malle- able; being easily broken, and even "reduced to pow- der, by the hammer. The internal face, or place of fracture, exhibits large shining plates, disposed in a variety of positions; thin pieces are considerably sono- rous. At. a temperature of 480° Fahrenheit, it melts, and its surface becomes covered with a greenish-gray or brown oxide. A stronger heat ignites it, and causes it to burn with a small blue flame; at the same time that a yellowish oxide, known by the name of flowers of bismuth, is driven up. The oxide appears to rise in consequence of the combustion ; for it is very fixed, and runs into a greenish glass wben exposed to heat alone. Bismuth urged by a strong heat in a close vessel, sublimes entire, and crystallizes very distinctly when gradually cooled. The sulphuric acid has a slight action upon bismuth, when it is concentrated and boiling. Sulphurous acid gas is exhaled, and part of the bismuth is converted into a white oxide. A small portion combines with the sulphuric acid, and affords a deliquescent salt in the form of small needles. The nitric acid dissolves bismuth with the greatest rapidity and violence; at the same time that much heat is extricated, and a large quantity of nitric oxide escapes. The solution, when saturated, affords crys- tals us it cools; the salt detonates weakly, and leaves a yellow oxide behind, which effloresces in the air Upon dissolving this salt in water, it renders that fluid of a milky white, and lets fall an oxide of the same colour. The nitric solution of bismuth exhibits the same pro perty when diluted with water, most of the metal falling down in the form of a white oxide, called ma- gistery of bismuth. This precipitation of the nitric solution, by the addition of water, is the criterion by which bismuth is distinguished from most other metals. The magistery or oxide is a very white and subtile powder; when prepared by the addition of a large quantity of water, it is used as a paint for the com- plexion, and is thought gradually to impair the skin. The liberal use of any paint for the skin seems indeed likely to do this; but there is reason to suspect, from the resemblance between th? general properties of lead and bismuth, that the oxide of this metal may be attended with effects similar to those which the oxides of lead are known to produce. If a small portion of muriatic acid be mixed with the nitric, and the preci- pitated oxide be washed with but a small quantity of cold water, it will appear in minute scales of a pearly lustre, consisting the pearl poader of perfumers. These paints are liable to be turned black by sulphu- retted hydrogen gas. The muriatic acid does not readily act upon bismuth. When bismuth is exposed to chlorine gas it takes fire, and is converted into a chloride, which, formerly prepared by heating the metal with corrosive subli- mate, was called butter of bismuth. The chloride is of a grayish-white colour, a granular texture, and Is opaque. It is fixed at a red heat. When iodine and bismuth are heated together, they readily form an iodide of an orange yellow colour, insoluble in water, but easily dissolved in potassa ley. Alkalis likewise precipitate its oxide; but not of so beautiful a white colour as that afforded by the affu sion of pure water. The gallic acid precipitates bismuth of a greenish yellow, as ferroprussiate of potassa does of a yellow- ish colour. There appears to be two sulphurets, the first a com- pound of 100 bismuth to 22.34 sulphur; the second of 100 to 46.5: the second is a bisulphuret. The metal unites with most metallic substances, and renders them in general more fusible. When calcined with the imperfect metals, its glass dissolves them, and produces the same effect as lead in cupillation; in which process it is even said to be preferable to lead. Bismuth is used in the composition of pewter, in the fabrication of printers' types, and in various other me- tallic mixtures. With an equal weight of lead, it forms a brilliant white alloy, much harder than lead, and more malleable than bismuth, though not ductile' and if the proportion of lead be increased, it is ren dered still more malleable. Eight parts of bismuth BIS BIT five of lead, and three of tin, constitute the fusible metal, sometimes called Newton's, from its discoverer, which melts at the heat of boiling water, and may be fused over a candle in a piece of stiff paper without burning the paper. One part of bismuth, with five of lead, and three of tin, forms plumbers' solder. It forms the basis of a sympathetic ink. The oxide of bis- muth precipitated by potassa from nitric acid, has been recommended in spasmodic disorders of the stomach, and given in doses of four grains, four times a day. A writer in the Jena Journal says he has known the dose carried gradually to one scruple with- out injury. Bismuth is easily separable, in the dry way, from its ores, on account of its great fusibility. It is usual, in the processes at large, to throw the bismuth ore into a fire of wood; beneath which a hole is made in the ground to receive the metal, and defend it from oxi- dation. The same process may be imitated in the small way, in the examination of the ores of this metal; nothing more being necessary, than to expose it to a moderate heat in a crucible, with a quantity of re- ducing flux; taking care, at the same time, to perform the operation as speedily as possible, that the bismuth may be neither oxidized nor volatilized. ["In the United States, native bismuth has been found in Connecticut. The officinal preparation of this metal is the subnitratc. As a small portion of nitric acid remains combined with the oxide of bis- muth in its preparation, it is properly called a subni- trate. The precipitation which takes place from the nitric solution, by adding mere water, is a criterion by which bismuth is distinguished from most other me- tals. Subnitrate of bismuth is a fine, soft powder, of a pearly white colour, and nearly destitute of taste and smell. It changes to a dark colour on the contact of sulphuretted or carburetted hydrogen. Under the name of magistery of bismuth, this sub- stance was formerly regarded as noxious to the human system. But during the last forty years it has been brought into the practice of medicine, and found to be a salutary tonic to the stomach and organs of diges- tion. Its use commenced iu Geneva, and it has since had the testimony of some of the most distinguished physicians in France and England in its favour. It has also in this country generally satisfied the expecta- tions formed of it. In dyspeptic complaints, especially in patients of a nervous temperament, it is found a very useful palliative, and sometimes does much to- ward promoting a cure. It is an important medicine in the case of persons habitually subject to cramp of the stomach, and does more to fortify that organ against the returns of the disease than perhaps any of the to- nics in common use. In habitual vomiting or nausea, both from a primary affection of the stomach, and from sympathy with other parts, it frequently gives great relief. Its tonic effect appears not to be confined to the stomach, since it is found to do good in different spasmodic affections, such as palpitations and chorea. Recently, it has been announced to cure intermittents. A drachm ofthe bismuth, with an equal quantity of liquorice powder, divided into twelve papers, three of which are to be taken during the day, will commonly be sufficient to display the activity of the medicine. Large quantities taken at once are unsafe."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] BISMU'THUM. (From bismut, German.) See bismuth. BISSET, Charles, was born about the year 1716. After studying at Edinburgh, and practising some years as an hospital-surgeon in Jamaica, he entered the army; but soon after settled in Yorkshire, and in 1755, published a Treatise on the Scurvy. But his most celebrated work is an " Essay on the Medical Constitution of Great Britain," in 1762. He obtained three years after a diploma from St Andrew's, and reached his 75th year. BISTORT. SeeBislorta. BISTO'RTA. (From bis, twice, and torqueo, to bend; so called from the contortions of its roots.) Bistort See Polygonum bistorta, BISTOURY. (Bistoire, French.) Any small knife for surgical purposes. BISTRE. A brown pigment, consisting of the finer parts of wood soot, separated from the grosser by washing. The soot of the beech is said to make the •est 134 BISULPHATE. A sulphate with an additional quantity of sulphuric acid. BIT NOBEN. Salt of bitumen. A white saline substance has lately been imported from India by this name, which is not a natural production, but a Hindoo preparation of great antiquity. It is called in the country, bit noben, padanoon, and soucherloon, and popularly khala mimuc, or black salt Mr. Henderson, of Bengal, conjectures it to be the sal asphaltites and sal sodomenus of Pliny and Galen. This salt is far more extensively used in Hindostan than any other medicine whatever. The Hindoos use it to improve their appetite and digestion. They consider it as a specific for obstructions of the liver and spleen ; and it is in high estimation with them in paralytic disorders, particularly those that affect the organs of speech, cutaneous affections, worms, old rheumatisms, and indeed all chronic disorders of man and beast. BITERNATUS. Twice-ternate. Applied lo com- pound leaves, when the common footstalk supports three secondary petioles on its apex, and each of these support three leaflets; as in JEgopodium. Bithi'nici emplastrum. A plaster for the spleen. Bi'tiiinos. A Galenical plaster. BITTER. Amarus. BITTER APPLE. See Cucumis Colocynthis. BITTERN. The mother water which remains after the crystallization of common salt in sea-water, or the water of salt springs. It abounds with sulphate and muriate of magnesia, to which its bitterness is owing. BITTERSPAR. Rhombspar. A mineral of a grayish or yellowish colour, and somewhat pearly lustre, usually found embedded in serpentine, chlorite, or steatite, and found in the Tyrol, Salsburg, Dau- phiny, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. BITU'MEN. (U.i]vpa, ni]vs, pine; because it flows from the pine-tree; or, qudd vi tumeat i terra, from its bursting forth from the earth.) This term in- cludes a considerable range of inflammable mineral substances, burning with flame in the open air. They are of different consistency, from a thin fluid to a solid; but the solids are for the most part liquefiable at a moderate heat. The fluid are, 1. Naphtha; a fine, white, thin,fragrant,colourless, oil, which issues out of white, yellow, or black clays in Persia and Media. This is highly inflammable, and is decomposed by distillation. It dissolves resins, and the essential oils of thyme and lavender; but is not itself soluble either in alkohol or aether. It is the lightest of all the dense fluids, its specific gravity being 0.708. See Naphtha. 2. Petroleum, which is a yellow, reddish, brown, greenish, or blackish oil, found dropping from rocks, or issuing from the earth, in the dutchy of Modena, and in various other parts of Europe and Asia. This like- wise is insoluble in alkohol, and seems to consist of naphtha, thickened by exposure to the atmosphere. It contains a portion of the succinic acid. Seo Pe- troleum. 3. Barbadoes tar, which is a viscid, brown, or black inflammable substance, insoluble in alkohol, and con- taining the succinic acid. Tnis appears to be the mi- neral oil in its third state of alteration. The solid are, 1. Asphaltum, mineral pitch, of which there are three varieties: the cohesive; the semi-compact, maltha; the compact, or asphaltum. These are smooth, more or less hard or brittle, inflam- mable substances, which melt easily, and burn with out leaving any or but little ashes, if they be pure. They are slightly and partially acted on by alkohol and aether. See Asphaltum. 2. Mineral tallow, which is a white substance of the consistence of tallow, and as greasv, although more brittle. It was found in the sea on the coasts of Finland, in the year 1T36; and is also met with in some rocky parts of Persia. It is near one-fifth lighter than tallow ; burns with a blue flame, and a smell of grease, leaving a black viscid matter behind, which is more difficultly consumed. 3. Elastic bitumen, or mineral caoutchouc, of which there are two varieties. Besides these, there are other bituminous substances, as jet and amber, which ap- proach the harder bitumens in their nature; and all the varieties of pit coal, and the bituminous schistus, or shale, which contain more or less of bitumen in their composition. BLA BLA Bitumen barbadense. See Petroleumbarbadense. Bitumen judaicum. Asphaltus. Jews' pitch. A solid, light, bituminous substance; of a dusky colour on the outside, and a deep shining black within; of very little taste, and scarcely any smell, unless heated; when it emits a strong pitchy one. It is said to be found plentifully in the earth in several parts of Egypt, and floating on the surface of the Dead sea. It is now wholly expunged from the catalogue of offi- cinals of this country; but was formerly esteemed as a discutient, sudorific, and emmenagogue. Bitumen liquidum. See Petroleum. BITUMINOUS. Of the nature of bitumen. [Bituminous coal. In the United States, coal has been explored in several districts, and undoubtedly ex- ists in great abundance. In Virginia, near Richmond, is a deposite of coal about 20 miles in length, and ten miles in breadth; it is accompanied byawhitish sand- stone and shale, with vegetable impressions, as is usual in the independent coal formation, which here lies over, and is surrounded by, primitive rocks. In Pennsylvania, coalisfound on the west branch of the Susquehannah; in various places west of that branch; also on the Ju- niata, and on the waters ofthe Alleghany and Monon- gahela. Indeed, according to Mr. Maclure, the inde- pendent coal formation extends from the head waters of tie Ohio, with some interruptions, to the waters of tin Tombigbee river, in Alabama.—See d. Min. A.l Bituminous limestone. Found near Bristol, and in Galway, in Ireland. The Dalmatian is so charged with bitumen, that it may be cut like soap, and is used for building houses. When the walls are reared, fire Is applied to them, and they burn white. BIVALVIS. Two-valved. Applied to the valves of the absorbents in anatomy, and in botany to cap- sules.—Capsula bivalvis. BIVASCULARIS. (From bis, twice, and vascu- lum, a little vessel.) Having two cells. BIVENTER. (From bis, twice, and venter, a belly.) A muscle is so termed, which has two bellies. Biventer cervicis. A muscle of the lower jaw. Biventkr maxill/e inferioris. See Digastricus. BI'XA. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Polyandria, Order, Monogynia. Bixa orellana. The systematic name for the plant affording the terra orellana or annottq of the shops and pharmacopoeias. The substance so called is a ceraceous mass obtained from the pellicles of the seeds, in Jamaica and other warm climates, it is con- sidered as a useful remedy in dysentery, possessing adstringent and stomachic qualities; but here it is only used to colour cheese, and some other articles. Bla'ccije. The measles.—Rhazes. BLACKBERRY. The fruit of the common bram- bles.—See Rubus fruticosus. [In the United States, there are two species of the blackberry, the fruit of which is eaten, and the roots used as astringents. They are the Rubus trivialis, or Dewberry, or running blackberry, and the Rubus vil- losus. or standing blackberry. "The bark of the root of the dewberry, or low blackberry, a common native briar, is highly astrin- gent, possessing both tannin and gallic acid in large quantity. It is a popular remedy in cholera infantum, to which disease it appears well suited after liberal evacuations have been made. In the secondary stages of dysentery, and in diarrhoea, after the removal of offending causes from the alimentary canal, it has been resorted to with success in controlling the dis- charges, and giving tone to the bowels. It is usually exhibited in strong decoction. The Rubus villosus is commonly distinguished from the preceding by the name of high, or tall blackberry. The properties of the two are the same."—See Big. Mat. Med. A jelly made of the fruit is an excellent domestic remedy for young children in cholera infantum, after proper evacuations. A.j BLACK CHALK. A mineral of a bluish black colour, and slaty texture, which soils the Angers. It is found in primitive mountains, and occurs in Caer- narvonshire, and the island of Isla. [Black drop. " The formula for this preparation in the Pharmacopoeia, is essentially the same with the one made public by Dr. Armstrong, and which, under the name of Black Drop, has been known and prized in England for a century and upwards. As the recipe wants the usual precision of pharmaceutical formulaj, it may be proper to secure a tolerable uniformity of strength, by boiling the first ingredients no longer than is necessary to blend them together, and by afterward exposing them in a warm place, until about one-fourth of their original volume is evaporated. The compound directed in the Pharmacopoeia should afford about two pints of strained liquor. As the filtration of so viscid a liquor is difficult, it may be strained without pressure through a double linen bag. The black drop is a fermented aromatic vinegar of opium. Its taste, when properly prepared, is bitter and acid, the saccharine principle being changed by the fermentation. Its consistence is moderately viscid. Acetous solutions of opium have been in use since the days of Van Helmont, and even earlier. Our me- dical chemists of the present day consider that the peculiarities which attend the operation of these pre- parations depend upon the formation of an acetate of morphia. The black drop has sustained its popularity for a great length of time on account of its favourable operation. According to Dr. Armstrong, it often stays in the stomach when other preparations will not, and it also affects the head less than laudanum. Dr. Paris and other medical writers give their testimony to its usefulness. About ten or twelve minims form a dose. Notwith- standing the advantages ascribed to this preparation, it is not always uniform in its strength, or in the amount of sediment it deposites. It is probable that a better vinegar of opium might be prepared."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] BLACK JACK. Blende, or mock lead; an ore of zinc. BLACK LEAD. See Plumbago. BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, was born in Wilt shire about the year 1650. After studying at Oxford, he took his degree in medicine at Padua, then settled in London, and met with considerable success, inso- much that he was appointed physician to William HI. and retained the same office under Queen Anne. He then published several long and dull epic poems, which appear to have materially lessened his reputation; so that his opposition to the inoculation for small-pox had very little weight. He wrote also several medical tracts, which are little known at present. BLACK WADD. One of the ores of manganese. [Black vomit. This is one of the fatal symptoms of yellow fever, it being a very rare case for a patient to recover after its occurrence. " A memoir on the analysis of black vomit, by Dr. Cathral, was read before the American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, on the 20th June, 1800. The experienced and intrepid author has given a description of the black vomit, has analyzed the fluids ejected a few hours before the commencement of black vomiting itself, to which he has added experiments to ascertain the effects of black vomit on the living system of man and other animals, and a synopsis of the opinions of authors concerning its formation and qualities. The experiments show that this singular morbid excretion contains an acid, which is neither carbonic, phospho- ric, nor sulphuric; and, what our readers will hardly expect, that the black vomit may be smelted, tasted, and swallowed, without inducing yellow fever, or even any sickness at all—so little infection or contagion does it seem to contain. He concludes it to be an altered secretion from the liver."—New-York Med. Repos vol. iv. p. 75. " Dr. May, of Philadelphia, dropped the matter of black vomit into his eyes, and never experienced in- convenience or sickness."—Med. Rep. vol. v. p. 131. " Dr. Ffirth of Salem, in New-Jersey, has published a Dissertation on Malignant Fever, with an attempt to prove that it is not contagious. In this he relates a number of experiments which he has made upon the matter of black vomit, as discharged by persons labour- ing under that disease. He inoculated himself in the left fore-arm with black vomit just discharged from a moribund patient; a slight inflammation ensued, which subsided in three days, and the wound readily healed, and without the formation of pus. To avoid cavil and deception, he repeated these experiments above twenty times on various parts of his body, with the black matter collected in Philadelphia during the seasons of 1802 and 1803. He put it into his eye, with- out experiencing more inconvenience than coid water BLE BL1 produces. He exposed himself to the exhalations of ft while acted upon by heat in an iron skillet, and ex- perienced no unpleasant sensation. He swallowed the thick extractive matter which remained after eva- poration, in the form of pills, without incommoding his stomach. He even went so far as to mix half an ounce of fresh black vomit with an ounce and a half of water, and to drink it. It produced no more effect upon his stomach than so much water. He increased the dose to two ounces, and finally swallowed the black vomit in like quantity without any dilution at all, and without sustaining the least injury. He ino- culated himself with saliva and serum, with as little inconvenience!!"—Med. Rep. vol. viii. p. 70. A.] BLADDER. See Urinary bladder, and Gall- bladder. Bladder, inflamed. See Cystitis. BLADE-BONE. See Scapula. BLjE'SITAS. (From blasus.) A defect in speech, called stammering. Blje'sus. (From fJXavJu), to injure.) A stam- merer. Bla'nca. (Blanc, French.) A purging mixture; so called because it was supposed to evacuate the white phlegmatic humours. Also white lead. BLANCARD, Stephen, was born at Leyden, and graduated at Franeker, in 1678. He settled at Amster- dam, and published many anatomical and medical works; especially one on morbid anatomy, contain- ing 200 cases, and a "Lexicon Mcdicum," which passed through numerous editions. Bla'sa. (Indian.) A tree, the fruit of which the Indians powder, and use to destroy worms. BLASIUS, Gerard, son of a physician at Amster- dam, from whom he derived a great predilection for comparative anatomy. After graduating at Leyden about the year 1646, he returned to his native city, and acquired so much reputation, that he was made pro- fessor of medicine in 1660, and soon after physician to the hospital. Besides publishing new editions of seve- ral useful works, with notes comprehending subse- quent improvements, he was author of various original ones, especially relating to comparative and morbid anatomy. He claimed the discovery of the ductus salivaris, asserting he had pointed it out to Steno; to whom it has been commonly ascribed. Blaste'ma. (From f3Xa^-avtii, to germinate.) A bud or shoot. Hippocrates uses it to signify a cutane- ous pimple like a bud. Bla'stum mosylitum. Cassia bark kept with the wood. Bla'tta. (From pXarrta, 'to hurt) A sort of beetle, or bookworm; so called from its injuring books or clothes; the kermes insect. [Blatta is the generic name given by Linnaeus to the cock-roach, which infests houses, and preys upon pro- visions, and not upon clothes. A.] Blatta'ria lutea. (From blatta; so called, be- cause, according to Pliny, it engenders the blatta.) The Verbascum blattaria, or herb yellow moth- mullein. BLEACHING. The chemical art by which the various articles used for clothing are deprived of their natural dark colour, and rendered white. Bleaching powder. The chloride of lime. Ble'chon. (From BXnxaouat, to bleat; so called according to Pliny, because if sheep taste it they bleat.) The herb, wild penny-royal. See Mentha pulegium. BLEEDING. See Blood-letting and Hamorrhage. BLE'MA. (From 6aXXo>, to inflict.) A wound. BLE'NDE. A species of zinc ore, formed of zinc In combination with sulphur, forming a sulphuret of zinc. BLE'NNA. BXtvva. Blena. Mucus, a thick ex- erementitious humour. BLENNORRHA'GIA. (From [3Xewa, mucus, and few, to flow.) The discharge of mucus from ,the urethra. BLENNORRHEA. (From BXtvva, mucus, and freto, to flow.) 1. A gleet; Gonorrhea mucosa. A discharge of mucus from the urethra, arising from weakness. 2 The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Noso- logy, embracing three species, Blennorrhea simplex, luodes, and chronica. BLE'PHARA. (Quasi BXewovs ifiapos, as being the cover and defence of the sight) The eyelids. 136 Blepha'rides. (From BXttbapov.) The hair upon the eyelids ; also the part of the eyelids where the hair grows. BLEPHAROPHTHA'LMIA. (From BXttbapov, the eyelid, and ocbBaXpia, a disease of the eye.)' An in- flammation of the eyelid. BLEPHAROPTO'SIS. (From BXtiiapov, the eye- lid, and izltao-is, from ainju, to fall.) A prolapse, or falling down of the upper eyelid, so as to cover the cornea. See Ptosis. BLEPHARO'TIS. (From (3Xt, to boil.) Malt, or ger- minated barley. Bra sma. (From Ppaaout, to boil.) The unripe black pepper. Fermentation. Bra'smos. The same. BRASS. JEs. A combination of copper and zinc. Brassade'lla. Brassatclla. The Ophioglossum, or herb, adder's tongue. BRA'SSICA. (Varro says, quasi presiea; from praseco, to cutoff; because it is cut from the stalk for use ; or from zupaoia, a bed in a garden where they are cultivated, or from Bpaoaii), to devour, because it is eagerly eaten by cattle.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliquosa. Crambe. Cabbage. Colewort Brassica alba. The white cabbage. Brassica apiana. Jagged or crimpled colewort. Brassica canina. Mercurialis sylvestris. See Mercurialis annua. Brassica capitata. Cabbage. There are several varieties of cabbage, all of which are generally hard of digestion, producing flatulencies, and afford very lit. tie nourishment These inconveniences are not ex>>e BRE BRE rienced by those whose stomaclis are strong and accus- tomed to them. Few vegetables run into a state of putrefaction so quickly as cabbages; they ought, there- fore, always to be used immediately after cutting. In Holland and Germany there is a method of preserving them, by cutting them into pieces, and sprinkling salt and some aromatic herbs among them; this mass is put into a tub, where it is pressed close, and left to fer- ment, when it is called sour crout, or sauer kraut. These, and all pickles of cabbage, are considered as wholesome and antiscorbutic, from the vinegar and spices they contain. Brassica congylodes. Turnip cabbage. Brassica cumana. Red colewort. Brassica eruca. Brassica erucastrum. Eruca sylvestris. The systematic name for the plant which affords the semen eruca:. Garden rocket. Roman rocket Rocket gentle. Brassica—foliis lyartis, caule hirsuto siliquis glabris, of Linnaeus. The seeds of this plant, and of the wild rocket, have an acrid taste, and are eaten by the Italians in their pickles, &c. They are said to be good aperients and antiscorbutics, but are esteemed by the above-mentioned people for their supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Brassica erucastrum. See Brassica eruca. Brassica Florida. The cauliflower. Brassica gonylicodes. The turnip cabbage. Brassica lacuturria. Brassica lacutums. The Bavoy plant Brassica marina. See Convolvulus soldanella. Brassica napus. The systematic name for the plant from which the semen napi is obtained. Napus sylvestris. Bunias. Wild navew, or rape. The seeds yield, upon expression, a large quantity of oil called rape oil, which is sometimes ordered in stimu- lating liniments. Brassica oleracea. The systematic name for the brassica capitata .of the shops. See Brassica capitata. Brassica rapa. The systematic name for the plant whose root is called turnip. Rapum. Rapus. Napus. Napus dulcis. The turnip. Turnips are accounted a salubrious food, demulcent, detergent, somewhat laxa- tive and diuretic, but liable, in weak stomaclis, to pro- duce flatulencies, and prove difficult of digestion. The liquor pressed out of them, after boiling, is sometimes taken medicinally in coughs and disorders of the breast. The seeds are occasionally taken as diuretics; they have no smell, but a mild acrid taste. Brassica rubra. Red cabbage. A very excellent test both for acids and alkalies in which it is superior to litmus, being naturally blue, turning green with alkalies, and red with acids. Brassica sabauda. The Savoy plant. Brassica sativa. The common garden cabbage. Brasside'llica ars. A way of curing wounds, mentioned by Paracelsus, by applying the herb Brassi- della to them. Bra'thu. Bpflf?!!. An old name for savine. BRAZIL WOOD. See Cesalpina crista. ["Brazil wood is the produce of the Casalpina crista, growing in Brazil, in the Isle of France, Japan, and other countries. The wood is hard and heavy; and though pale when recent, it acquires a deep red colour by exposure. Digested in water, it affords a fine red infusion, of a sweetish flavour; the residue, which appears nearly black, imparts much of its colour to alkaline liquors. With alkohol it gives a deep red tincture: alkalies and soap convert its red colour to a fine purple; hence, paper tinged with Brazil wood is sometimes used as a test for alkalies; acids render it yellow: alum produces a fine crimson lake, with infusion of Brazil wood: muriate of tin forms with it a crimson precipitate, bordering on pur- ple : the salts of iron give a dingy purple colour. Sul- phuretted hydrogen destroys the colour of infusion of Brazil wood, but it reappears on expelling the gas."— See Webster's Man. of Chem. A.] BREAD. Panis. "Farinaceous vegetables are converted into meal by trituration, or grinding in a mill; and when the husk or bran has been separated by sifting or bolting, the powder is called flour. This is conposed of a small quantity of mucilaginous sac- charine matter, soluble in cold water; much starch, which is scarcely soluble in cold water, but combines with that fluid by heat; and an adhesive gray sub- stance insoluble in water, alkohol, oil, or aether, and resembling on animal substance in many of its pro- perties. When flour is kneaded together with water, it forms a tough paste, containing these principles very little altered, and not easily digested by the stomach. The action of heat produces a considerable change in the gluten, and probably in the starch, rendering the com- pound more easy to masticate, as well as to digest. Hence the first approaches towards the making of bread consisted in parching the corn, either for imme- diate use as food, or previous to its trituration into meal; or else in baking the flour into unleavened bread, or boiling it into masses more or less consistent.; of all which we have sufficient indications in the histo- ries of the earlier nations, as well as in the various prac- tices of the moderns. It appears likewise from the Scriptures, that the practice of making leavened bread is of very considerable antiquity; but the additions of yest, or the vinous ferment, now so generally used, seems to be of modern date. Unleavened bread in the form of small cakes, or bis- cuit, is made for the use of shipping iu large quanti- ties ; but most of the bread used on shore is made to undergo, previous to baking, a kind of fermentation, which appears to be of the same nature as the fer- mentation of saccharine substances; but is checked and modified by so many circumstances, as to render it not a little difficult to speak with certainty and pre- cision respecting it. When dough or paste is left to undergo a sponta- neous decomposition in an open vessel, the various parts of the mass are differently affected, according to the humidity, the thickness or thinness of the part, the vicinity or remoteness of fire, and other circum- stances less easily investigated. The saccharine part is disposed to become converted into alkohol, the mu- cilage has a tendency to become sour and mouldy, while the gluten in all probability verges towards the putrid state. An entire change in the chemical attrac- tions of the several component parts must then take place in a progressive manner, not altogether the same in the internal and more humid parts as in the exter- nal parts, which not only become dry by simple evapo- ration, but are acted upon by the surrounding air. The outside may therefore become mouldy or putrid, while the inner part may be only advanced to an acid state. Occasional admixture of the mass would of course not only produce some change in the rapidity of this alteration, but likewise render it more uniform throughout the whole. The effect of this commencing fermentation is found to be, that the mass is rendered more digestible and light; by which last expression it is understood, that it is rendered much more porous by the disengagement of elastic fluid, that separates its parts from each other, and greatly increases its bulk. The operation of baking puts a stop to this process, by evaporating great part of the moisture which is requisite to favour the chemical attraction, and pro- bably also by still farther changing the nature of the component parts. It is then bread. Bread made according to the preceding method will not possess the uniformity which is requisite, because some parts may be mouldy, while others are not yet sufficiently changed from the state of dough. The same means are used in this case as have been found effectual in promoting the uniform fermentation of large masses. This consists in the use of a leaven or ferment, which is a small portion of some matter of the same kind, but in a more advanced stage of the fermentation. After the leaven has been well incor porated by kneading into fresh dough, it not only brings on the fermentation with greater speed, but causes it to take place in the whole of the mass at the same time; and as soon as the dough has by this means ac- quired a due increase of bulk from the carbonic acid, which endeavours to escape, it is judged to be suffi- ciently fermented, and ready for the oven. The fermentation by means of leaven or sour dough is thought to be of the acetous kind, because it is ge- nerally so managed, that the bread has a sour flavour and taste. But it has been ascertained that this acidity proceeds from true vinegar. Bread raised by leaven is usually made of a mixture of wheat and rye, not very accurately cleared ofthe bran. It is distinguished by the name of rye-bread; and the mixture of these two kinds of grain is called bread-com, or meslin, in many parts ofthe kingdom, where it is raised on one WIE BRE — u fire same piece of ground, and passes through all the processes of reaping, threshing, grinding, Sec. in this mixed state. Jfest or barm is used a« the ferment for the finer kinds of bread. This is the mucilaginous froth which rises to the surface of beer In its first stage of ferment- ation. When it is mixed with dough, it produces a much more speedy and effectual fermentation than that obtained by leaven, and the bread is accordingly much lighter, and scarcely ever sour. The fermenta- tion by yest seems to be almost certainly ofthe vinous or spirituous kind. Bread is much more uniformly miscible with water than dough; and on this circumstance its good quali- ties most probably do in a great measure depend. A very great number of processes are used by cooks, confectioners, and others, to make cakes, puddings, and other kinds of bread, in Which different qualities •re required. Some cakes are rendered brittle, or as It is called short, by an admixture of sugar or of starch. Another kind of brittleness is given by the addition of butter or fat. White of egg, gum-water, isinglass, and other adhesive substances, are used, when it is Intended that the effect of fermentation shall expand Ihe dough into an exceedingly porous mass. Dr. Per- cival has recommended the addition of salep, or the nutritious powder of the ovchis root. He says, that an ounce of salep, dissolved in a quart of water, and mixed with two pounds of flour, two ounces of yest, and eighty grains of salt, produced a remarkably good loaf, weighing three pounds two ounces; while a loaf made of an equal quantity of tile other ingredients, without the salep, weighed but two pounds and twelve ounces. If the salep be in too large quantity, how- ever, its peculiar tasle will be distinguishable in the bread. The farina of potatoes, likewise, mixed with wheaten flour, makes very good bread. The reflecting chemist will receive considerable information on this subject from an attentive inspection of the receipts to be met with in treatises of cooking and confectionary. Mr. Accum, in his late Treatise on Culinary Poisons, states, that the inferior kind of flour which the Lon- don bakers generally use for making loaves, requires the addition of alum to give them the white appear- ance of bread made from fine flour. ' The baker's flour is very often made ofthe worst kinds of damaged foreign wheat, and other cereal grains mixed with them in grinding the wheat into flour. In this capital, no fewer than six distinct kinds of wheaten flour are brought into the market. They are called fine flour, seconds, middlings, fine middlings, coarse middlings, and twenty-penny flour. Common garden beans and pease are also frequently ground up among the Lon- don bread flour. ' The smallest quantity of alum that can be employed with effect to produce a white, light, and porous bread from an inferior kind of flour, I have my own baker's authority to state, is from three to four .ounces to a sack of flour weighing 240 pounds.' 'The following account of making a sack of five bushels of flour into bread, is taken from Dr. P. Mark- ham's Considerations on the Ingredients used in the Adulteration of Flour and Bread, p. 21. Five bushels flour, Cight ounces of alum, Four lbs. salt, Half a gallon of yest, mixed with about Three gallons of water. ' Another substance employed by fraudulent bakers Is subcarbonate of ammonia. With this salt they realize the important consideration of producing light and porous bread from spoiled, or what is technically called sour flour. Tnis salt, which becomes wholly converted into a gaseous substance during the ope- ration of baking, causes the dough to swell up into air-bubbles, which carry before them the stiff dough, and thu9 it renders the dough porous; the salt itself, is at the same time totally volatilized during the ope- ration of baking.'—' Potatoes are likew ise largely, and, perhaps, constantly used by fraudulent bakers, as a cheap ingredient to enhance their profit'—' There ere instances of convictions on record, of bakers hav- ing used gypsum, chalk, and pipe-clay, in the manu- facture of bread.' Mr. E. Davy, Prof, of Chemistry at the Cork Insti- tution, has made experiments, showing that from •vjnty to forty grains of common carbonate of mag- nesia, well mixed with a pound of the worst neto se- conds flour, materially improved the quality of the bread baked with it. The habitual and daily introduction of a portion of alum into the human stomach, however small, must be prejudicial to the exercise of its functions, and par- ticularly in persons of a bilious and costive habit. And, besides, as the best sweet flour never stands in need of alum, the prepuce of this salt Indicates an in- ferior and highly acescent food; which cannot fail to aggravate dyspepsia, and which may generate a cat culous diathesis in the urinary organs. Every precau- tion of science and law ought, therefore, to be em- ployed to detect and stop such deleterious adulterations Bread may be analyzed for alum by crumbling it down when somewhat stale in distilled water, squeez- ing the pasty mas3 through a piece of cloth, and then passing the liquid through a paper filter. A limpid infusion will thus be obtained. It is difficult to pro- cure it clear if we use new bread or hot water. A di- lute solution of muriate of barytes dropped into the fil- tered infusion, will indicate by a white cloud, more or less heavy, the presence and quantity of alum. I find that genuine bread gives no precipitate by this treat- ment The earthy adulterations are easily discovered by incinerating the bread at a red heat in a shallow earthen vessel, and treating the residuary ashes with a little nitrate of ammonia. The earths themselves will then remain, characterized by their whiteness and insolubility. The latest chemical treatise on the art of making bread, except the account given by Mr. Accum in his work on the Adulterations of Food, is the article Baking, in the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Bri- tunnica. Under Process of Baking, we have the following statement: ' An ounce of alum is then dissolved over the fire in a tin pot, and the solution poured into a large tub, called by the bakers the seasoning-tub. Four pounds and a half of salt are likewise put into the tub, and a pailful of hot water.' Note on this pas- sage.—' In London, where the goodness of bread ii estimated entirely by its whiteness, it is usual with those bakers who employ flour of an inferior quality. lo add as much alum as" common salt to the dough Or, in other words, the quantity of salt added is dimi- nished one-half, and the deficiency supplied by an equal weight of alum. This improves the look of the bread very much, rendering it much whiter and firmer.'"— Ure's Chem. Diet. BREAD-FRUIT. The tree which affords this, grows in all the Ladrone islands in the South sea, in Otaheite, and now in the West Indies. The bread- fruit grows upon a tree the size of a middling oak. The fruit is about the size of a child's head, and thesur face is reticulated, not much unlike the surface of a truffle. It is covered with a thin skin, and has a core about the size of a small knife. The eatable part is between the skin and the core: it is as white aa snow, and somewhat of the consistence of new bread. It must be toasted before it is eaten, being first divided into three or four parts. Its taste is insipid, with a slight sweetness, nearly like that of wheaten bread and artichoke together. This fruit is the constant food of the inhabitants all the year, it being in season eight months. Bread-nut. See Brosimvm alicastrum. _ BREAST. Mamma. The two globular projec- tions, composed of common integuments, adipose sub- stance, and lacteal glands and vessels, and adhering to the anterior and lateral regions of the thorax or females. On the middle of each breast is a projecting portion, termed the papilla, or nipple, in which the excretory ducts of the glands terminate, and around which is a coloured orb, or disc, called the areola. The use ofthe breasts is to suckle new-born infants. BREAST-BONE. See Sternum. BRECCIA. An Italian term, frequently used bv our mineralogical writers to denote such compound stones as are composed of agglutinated fragments of considerable size. When the agglutinated parts are rounded, the stone is called pudding-stone. Breccias are denominated according to the nature or their com ponent parts. Thus we have calcareous breccias, or marbles ; and aiUceous breccias, which are still more minutely classed, according to their varieties. BREGMA. (From (Jpsxw, lo moisten; formerly so BRI BRO celled, because, in infants, and sometimes even in adults, they are tender and moist) An old name for the parietal bones. BREVIS. Short. Applied to distinguish parts dif- fering only in length, and to some parts, the termina- tion of which is not far from their origin; as breoia vasa, the branches of the splenic vein. Brky'nia. (An American plant named in honour of Dr. Brennius.) A species of capparis. BRIAR. See Rosa. Bri'cumum. A name which the Gauls gave to the herb artemisia. BRIMSTONE. See Sulphur. BRISTLE. See .Seta. BRISTOL HOT-WELL. Bristoliensis aqua. A pure, thermal or warm, slightly acidulated, mineral swing.situated about a mile below Bristol. The fresh water is inodorous, perfectly limpid and sparkling, and sends forth numerous nir-bubbles when poured into a glass. It. is very agreeable to the palate, but without having any very decided taste, at least none that can be distinguished by a common observer. Its specific gravity is only 1.00077, which approaches so nnar to that of distilled water, that this circumstance alone would show that it contained but a very small admix- ture of foreign ingredieuts. The temperature of these waters, taking ihe average of the most accurate ob- servations, may be reckoned at 74 dec.; and this does not very sensibly vary during winter or summer. Bristol water contains both solid and gaseous matter, and the distinction between the two requires to be attended to, as it is owing to the very small quantity of solid matter that il deserves the character of a very fine natural spring; and to an excess in gaseous con- tents that it seems to be principally indebted for its medical properties, whatever they may be, independent of those of mere water, with an increase of tempera- ture. From the different investigations of chemists, it appears that the principal component parts of the Hot- Well water are, a large proportion of carbonic acid gas, or fixed air, and a certain portion of magnesia and lime, in various combinations, with the muriatic, vitriolic, and carbonic acids. The general inference is, that it is considerably pure for a natural fountain, as it contains no other solid matter than is found in almost all common spring water, and iu less quantity. On account of these ingredients, especially the car- bonic acid gas, the Hot-Well water is efficacious in promoting salutary discharges, iu greensickness, as well as in the blind (Hemorrhoids. It may be taken with advantage in obstructions, and weakness of the bowels, arising from habitual costiveness; and, from the purity of its aqueous part, it lias justly been con- sidered as a specific in diabetes, rendering the urinary organs more fitted to receive benefit from thos^ medi- cines which are generally prescribed, and sometimes successful. But the high reputation which this spring has ac- quired, is chiefly in the cure of pulmonary consumption. From the number of unsuccessful cases among those who frequent this place, many have denied any pecu- liar efficacy in this spring, superior to that of common water. It is not easy to determine how much may be owing to the favourable situation and mild, temperate climate which Bristol enjoys; but it cannot be doubted that the llnl-Well water, though by no means a cure for consumption, alleviates some of the most harassing symptoms of this formidable disease. It is particu- larly efficacious in moderating the thirst, the dry, burn- ing heat of the hands and feet, the partial night sweats, and the symptoms that are peculiarly hectical; and thus, in the earlier stages of phthisis, it may materially contribute to a complete re-establishment of health; and even in the latter periods, mitigate the disease when the cure is doubtful, if not hopeless. The sensible effects of this water, when drunk warm and fresh from the spring, arc a gentle glow of the stomach, succeeded sometimes by a slight and trnn: sient degree of headach and giddiness. By a con- tinued use, in most cases it is diuretic, keeps the skin moist and perspirable, and improves the appetite and health. Its effects on the bowels are variable. On ihe whole, a tendency tb costiveness seems to be the more general consequence of along course of this medicinal spring, and therefore the use of a mild aperient is re- I quisite. These effects, however, are applicable only to invalids; for healthy persons who taste the water at J the fountain, seldom discover any thing in it but a degree of warmth, which distinguishes it from the common element. The season for the Hot-Well is generally from the middle of May to October: but as the medicinal pro- perties of the water continue the same throughout the year, the summer inonihs are preferred merely on account of the concomitant benefits of air and exercise. It should be mentioned, that another spring, nearly resembling the Hot-Well, has been discovered at Clifton, which is situated on the summit of the same hill, from the bottom of which the Hot-Well issues. The water of Sion-Spring, as it is called, is one or two degrees colder than the Hoi-Well; but in other respects it sufficiently resembles it to be employed for all similar purposes. Britannica herba. See Rumex hydrolapathum, and Arctium lappa. BRITA'NNICUS. British. Applied to plants which grow in this country, and to some remedies. BRITISH GUM. When starch is exposed to a tem- perature between 000° and 700° it swells, and exhales a peculiar smell; it becomes of a brown colour, and in that state is employed by calico-j renters. It is so- luble in cold water, and does not form a blue compound with iodine. Vauquelin found it to differ from gum in affording oxalic instead of mucous acid, when treated with nitric acid.—Brande's Manuel, in. 34. British Oil. A variety of the black species of pe- troleum, to which this name has been given as an empirical remedy. BROCATELLO. A calcareous stone or marble, composed of fragments of four colours, white, gray, yellow, and red. BRO CCOLI. Brassica Italica. As an article of diet, this may be considered as more delicious than cauliflower and cabbage. Sound stomachs digest broccoli without any inconvenience; but in dyspeptic stomachs, even when combined with pepper, Sec. it always produces flatulency, and nauseous eructations. Brochos. (Bpovos, a snare.) A bandage. Bro'chthus. (From jSpsxh), to pour.) The throat; also a small kind of drinking-vessel. Bro'ciius. BpoKos- One with a prominent upper- lip, or one with a full mouth and prominent teeth. BROCKLESBY, Richard, was born in Somerset- shire, though of an Irish family, in 1722. After study- ing at Edinburgh, he graduated at Leyden; then set- tled in London, but did not advance very rapidly in practice. About 1757, he was appointed physician to the army in Germany, and on his return after six years, published the result of his experience, iu a work entitled "Economical and Medical Observations." His success now became more decided, and being pru- dent in his affairs, and without a family, he realized a considerable fortune. He proved himself however sufficiently liberal by presenting 10002. lo Mr. Edmund Burke, who had been his school-fellow; and by offer- ing an annuity of 100/. to Dr. Johnson, to enable him to travel, which was not however accepted. He was author of several other works, and died iu 1797. Bro'dium. A term in pharmacy, signifying the same with jusculum, broth, or the liquor in which any tiling is boiled. Thus, we sometimes read of brodium salis, or a decoction of salt. BRO'MA. (From BpiooKio, to eat.) Food of any kind that is masticated, and not drank. Broma-thkon. (From/3pti>a»cu),toeat.) Mushrooms. BROMATOLOGY. (Bromatologia; from (ipiaua, food, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A discourse or treatise on food. BROME'LIA. (So named in honourof Olaus Bromel, a Swede, author of Lupologia, Sec. in 1087.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Hexandria. Older, Monogynia,' Bromelia ananas. The systematic name of the plain which affords the pine-apple, Bromelia .—foliis ciliato spiuosis, mucronatis, spica comosa of Linn.Tiis It is used principally as a delicacy for the table, and is also given with ndvantage as a refrigerant in fevers. Bromelia karatas. The systematic name of the plant from which we obtain the fruit called penguin, which is given in the Spanish West Indies to cool and quench thirst in fevers, dysenteries, &c. It grows in a cluster, there beingseveral ofthe size of one's finger to- gether. Each portion is clothed with husk containing a white pulpy substance, which is the eatable part; and if BRO BRO It be not perfectly ripe, its flavour resembles that of the pine-apple. The juice of the ripe fruit is very austere, and is made use of to acidulate punch. The inhabit- ants of the West Indies make a wine of the penguin, which is very intoxicating, and has a good flavour. BROMFIELD, William, was born iu London, 1712; and attained considerable reputation as a sur- geon. At the age of twenty-nine he began to give anatomical lectures, which were very well attended. About three yeais after, in conjunction with the Rev. Mr. Madan, he formed the plan of the Lock Hospital; and so ably enforced the advantages of such an insti- tution, that a sufficient fund was raised for erecting the present building; and it has been since maintained by voluntary contributions. He was appointed surgeon, and held that office for many years: he was also sur- geon to St. George's Hospital, and to Her Majesty's household. He wrote many works; the most con- siderable was entitled "Chirurgical Cases and Ob- servations," in 1773, but reckoned not to answer the expectations entertained of him. He attained his eightieth year. [BROMINE. In 1826, M. Balard of Montpelier dis- covered in sea-water a new substance, to which he gave the name muride; but it has since been changed to bromine, a word derived from the Greek Btwuos (graveolentia) signifying a strong or rank odour. Bromine exists in sea-water in the form of hydro- bromic acid. It is present, however, in very small quantity; and even the uncrystallizable residue called bittern, left after the muriate of soda has been sepa- rated from sea-water by evaporation, contains but little nf it. On adding chlorine to this liquid, an orange yellow tint appears; and on heating the solution to the boiling point, the red vapours of bromine are expelled, which may be condensed by a freezing mixture. A better process is to transmit a current of chlorine gas through the bittern, and then to agitate a portion of aether with the liquid. The rether dissolves the whole of the bromine, from which it receives a beautiful hyacinth red tint, and on standing, rises to the surface. When the ethereal solution is agitated with caustic potassa, its colour entirely disappears, and on evapo- ration, cubic crystals of the hydro-broinate of potassa are deposited. On mixing these crystals, reduced to powder, with pure peroxide of manganese, and adding sulphuric acid diluted with its volume of water, the bromine is disengaged in a gaseous state. A small receiver, nearly filled with water, is attached to the retort, the beak of which and the receiver are kept cool by a frigorific mixture. The bromine condenses in the beak, runs into the receiver, and falls to the bottom on account of its great specific gravity. It is slightly soluble, but the water in its immediate vicinity soon becomes saturated. The water is decanted, and the remainder distilled with chloride of calcium, by which the bromine is obtained in a liquid state. M. Balard has also detected bromine in marine plants which grow on the shores of the Mediterranean, and has procured it from the ashes of the sea-weeds that furnish iodine. He has likewise found it in the ashes of some animals, especially in those of the jan- thina violacea, one of the, testaceous molluscs. Bromine at common temperature is a liquid, the colour of which is blackish red, when viewed in mass and by reflected light, but appears hyacinth red when a thin stratum is interposed between the light and the observer. Its odour, which somewhat resembles that of chlorine, is very disagreeable; and its taste power- ful. It acts with energy on organic matters, such as wood or cork, ai 1 corrodes the animal texture; but if applied to the skin for a short time only, it commu- nicates a yellow stain less intense than that from iodine, and which soon disappears. It is highly de- structive to animals: one drop of it placed on the beak of a bird proves fatal.— Webster's Man. of Chem. A.] [Bromic acid. Bromine unites with oxygen and forms Bromic acid, which may be obtained in a sepa- rate state by decomposing a dilute solution of the bro- mate of baryta with sulphuric acid. From the analy- sis of the bromate of potassa, it appears to consist of 1 atom of bromine -4-5 atoms oxygen. The bromates are analogous to the chlorates and iodates. Thus the bromate of potassa is converted by heat into the bromuret of potassium, with disen- gagement of pure oxygen, deflagrates when thrown on burning coals, and forms with sulphur a mixture which detonates by percussion. The acid of the bra- mates is decomposed by hydro-bromic and muriatic acids.— Webst. Man. of Chem. A.) Bro'mion. (From (fpuiuos, the oat) The name of a plaster, made with oaten flour, mentioned by Paulus JEgineta. BROMUS. (From Bptoua, food.) The name of a genus of plants in the Limuean system. Class, Tri- andria; Order, Digynia. Brome-grass. Bromus sterilis. (From BpiaoKto, to eat) The wild oat BRO'NCHIA. (Bronchia, oruni. neut plur.; from BpoyxoSi the throat) See Trachea. BKONCHIAL. (Bronchialis; from bronchia.) Appertaining to the windpipe, or bronchia; as bron- chial gland, artery, &c. BRONCHIA'LIS. See Bronchial. Bronchialks arterije. Bronchial arteries — Branches ofthe aorta given off in the chest. Bronchiales glandulje. Bronchial glands. - Large blackish glands, situated about the bronchia and trachea. BRONCHOCE LE. (From (ipoyxos, the windpipe, and icnXn, a tumour.) Botium; Hernia gvtturis; Guttur tumidum; Trachdophyma; Gossnm; F.xe- chebronehos; Gongrona; Hernia bronchialis ; Tra- cheocele. Derbyshire neck. This disease is marked by a tumour on the fore-part of the neck, and seated between the trachea and skin. In general, it has been supposed principally to occupy the thyroid gland. We are given to understand that it is a very common dis- order in Derbyshire; but its occurrence is by no means frequent in other parts of Great Britain, or in Ireland. Among the inhabitants of the Alps, and other moun- tainous countries bordering thereon, it is a disease very often met with, and is there known by the name of goitre. The cause which gives rise to it, is by no means certain, and the observations of different writers are of very little practical utility. Dr. Saunders con- troverts the general idea of the bronchocele being pro- duced by the use of snow water. The swelling is at first without pain, or any evident fluctuation ; when the disease is of long standing, and the swelling con- siderable, we find it in general a very difficult matter to effect a cure by medicine, or any external applica- tion ; and it might be unsafe to attempt its removal with a knife, on account of the enlarged state of its arteries, and its vicinity to the carotids; but in an early stage of the disease, by the aid of medi'.ine, a cure may be effected. Although some relief has been obtained at times, and the disease probably somewhat retarded by external applications, such as blisters, discutient embrocations, and saponaceous and mercurial plasters, still a com- plete cure has seldom been effected without an infer- nal use of medicine ; and that which has always proved the most efficacious, is burnt sponge. The form under which this is most usually exhibited, is that of a lo- zenge. R. spongiae ustae 3 ss. mucilag. Arab i, to abound, from its abundance.) Bryony. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diecia; Order, Syngencsia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the white bryony. See Bryonia alba. Bryonia alba. The systematic name of the white bryony plant Vilis alba sylvestris; Agrostis; An- pelo sagria; Archcoslris; Echetrosis of Hippocrates. Bryonia aspera; Cedrostis; Chclidonium ; Labrusca; Melothrum; Ophrostophijlon; Psilothrum. Bryonia —foliis palmatis utrinquc calloso-scabris of Linnaeus, This plant is very common in woods and hedges. The root has a very nauseous biting taste, and disagreeable, smell. Bergius states the virtues of this root lo be pur- gative, hj'dragogue, emmenagogue, and diuretic; the fresh root emetic. This powerful and irritating cathartic, though now seldom prescribed by physicians, is said to be of great efficacy in evacuating serous humours, and has been chiefly employed in hydropical cases. Instances of its good effects in other chronic diseases are also mentioned; as asthma, mania, and epilepsy. In small doses, it is reported to opeiate as a diuretic, and to be resolvent and deobstruent. In powder, from 3j. to a drachm, it proves strongly pur- gative, and the juice, which issues spontaneously, in doses of a spoonful or more, has .similar effects, but is more gentle in its operation. An extract prepared by water, acts more mildly, and with greater safety, than the root in substance, given from half a drachm to a drachm. It is said to prove a gentle purgative, and likewise to operate powerfully by urine. Of the ex- pressed juice, a spoonful acts violently both upwards and downwards; but cream of tartar is said to takeoff its virulence. Externally, the fresh root has been employed in cataplasms, as are solvent anddiscutient: also in ischiadic and other rheumatic affections. Bryonia mechoachana nigricans. A name given to the jalap root. Bryonia nigra. See Tamus communis Bryonia peruviana. Jalap. BRY'ONY. See Bryonia nigra. Bryony, black. See Tamus. Bryony, white. See Bryonia alba. Bry'thion. Bpu0iov. A malagma; so called and described by Paulus iEgineta. Bry'ton. (From Bpvw, to pour out.) A kind of ale, or wine, made of barley. Bubasteco'rdium. (From bubastus and cor, the heart.) A name formerly given to artemisia, or mug- wort. BU'BO. (From BovSuiv, the groin; because they most frequently happen in that part.) Modern sur- geons mean, by this term, a swelling of the lymphatic glands, particularly of those of the groin and axilla. The disease may arise from the mere irritation of some BUC BUG local disorder, when it is called sympathetic bubo; from •he absorption of some irritating matter, such as the venereal poison; or from constitutional causes, as in the pestilential bubo, and scrophulous swellings, of the inguinal and axillary gland. BU'BON. (From |3ouSuiv, the groin, or a tumour to which that part is liable, and which it was supposed to cure.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Bubon galbanum. The systematic name of the plant which affords the officinal galbanum. Albetad; Chalbane; Gesor. The plant is also named Ferula Africana; Oreoselinum Africanum; Anisian frutico- sum galbaniferum; Anisum Africanum fruticescens ; Ayborzat. The lovage-leaved bubon. Bubon;—foliis rkombcis dentatis striatis glabris, umbellis paucis, of Lmnseus. Galbanum is the gummi-resinous juice, obtained partly by its spontaneous exudation from the joints of the stem, but more generally, and in greater abundance, by making an incision in the stalk, a few inches above the root, from which it immediately issues, and soon becomes sufficiently concrete to be gathered. It is imported into England from Turkey, and the East Indies, in large, sottish, ductile, pale- coloured masses, which, by age, acquire a brownish- yellow appearance; these are intermixed with distinct whitish tears, that are the most pure part of the mass. Galbanum has a strong unpleasant smell, and a warm, bitterish, acrid taste. Like the other gummy resins, it unites with water, by trituration into a milky liquor, but does not perfectly dissolve, as some have reported, in water, vinegar, or wine. Rectified spirit takes up much more than either of these menstrua, but not the whole; the tincture is of a bright golden colour. A mixture of two parts of rectified spirit, and one of water, dissolves all but the impurities, which are com- monly in considerable quantity. In distillation with Water, the oil separates and rises to the surface, in colour yellowish, in quantity one-twentieth of the weight of the galbanum. Galbanum, medicinally con- sidered, may be said to hold a middle rank between assafoeiida and ammoniacum; but its fcetidness is very inconsiderable, especially when compared with the former: it is therefore accounted less antispasmodic, nor are its expectorant qualities equal to those of the latter: it however is esteemed more efficacious than either in hysterical disorders. Externally, it is often applied, by surgeons, lo expedite the suppuration of inflammatory and indolent tumours, and, by physicians, as a warm stimulating plaster. It is an ingredient in the pilule g alb ani composite, the emplastrum gatbani compos.tum of the London Pharmacopoeia, and in the emplastrum gummosum of the Edinburgh. Bubon MAtEnoNicuM. The systematic name ofthe plant which affords the semen petroselini Macedonici of the shops. Apium petreum; Petrapium. Mace- donian parsley. This plant is similar in quality to the common parsley, but weaker and less grateful. The seeds enter the celebrated compounds mithridate and theriaca. Bubo'niuk. (From BovSoiv, the groin.) A name of the golden starwort; so called because it was supposed to he efficacious in diseases of the groin. BUBONOCE'LE. (From Bov6iav, the groin, and tcnXn, a tumour.) Hernia inguinalis. Inguinal her- nia, or rupture of the groin. A species of hernia, in which tbe bowels protrude, at the abdominal ring. See Hernia inguinalis. BUCCA. (Hebrew.) The cheek. The hollow inner part of the cheek, that is inflated by the act of blowing. B uccacr a'to v. (From bucca, or buccella, and xpaw, to mix.) A morsel of bread sopped in wine, which served in old times for a breakfast. BUCCAL. (From bucca, the cheek.) Belonging to the cheek Biccinales glandulje. The small glands of the mouth, under the cheek which assist in secreting saliva into that cavity. Bu'ccka. (From buccu, ihe cheek; as much as can be contained at one time within the cheeks.) 1. A mouthful; a morsel. 2. A polypus ofthe nose. Buccela'ton. (From buccella, a morsel.) A purg- ing medicine, made up in the form of a loaf; consisting of scammony, Sec. put into fermented flour, and then baked in on oven. Bucce'lla. Paracelsus calls the polypus in the nose by this name, because he supposes it to be a portion of flesh parting from the bucca, and insinuating itself into the nose. Buccella'tto. (From bucellatus, cat into small pieces.) Baccellatio. A method of stopping an haemorrhage, by applying small piecesof lint to the vein, or artery. BUCCINA'TOR. (From Bovxavov, a trumpet; so named from its use in forcing the breath to sound the trumpet) Retractor anguli oris of Albinus, and alveolo-maxillaire of Dumas. The trumpeter's mus- cle. The buccinator was long thought to be a muscle of the lower jaw, arising from the upper alveoli, and inserted into the lower alveoli, to pull the jaw up- wards; but its origin and insertion, and the direction of its fibr/s, are quite the reverse of this. For this large flat muscle, which forms in a manner the walls of the erieek, arises chiefly from the coronoid process of the lower jaw-bone, and partly also from the end of the alveoli, or socket process of the upper-jaw, close by the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone: it goes forward, with direct fibres, to be implanted into the comer of the mouth; it is thin and flat, covers in the mouth, and forms the walls of the cheek, and is perforated in tbe middle of the cheek by the duct of the parotid gland. These are its principal uses:—it flattens the cheek, and so assists in swallowing liquids; it turns, or helps to turn, the morsel in the mouth wh.ie chewing, and pre- vents it from getting without the line of the teeth ; i/> blowing wind instruments, it *oth receives and expels the wind; it dilates like a bag, so as to receive tbe wind in the cheeks; and it contracts upon the wind, so as to expel the wind, and to swell the note. In blow- ing ihe strong wind-instruments, we cannot blow from the lungs, for it distresses the breathing, we reserve the air in the mouth, which we keep continually full; and from this circumstance, as mentioned above, it is named buccinator, from blowing the trumpet. Bu'ccula. (Diminutive of bucca, the cheek.) The fleshy part under the chin. Bucephalon, red-fruited. See Trophis Americana. Bu'ceras. (From Bovs, an ox, and xtpas, a horn; so called from the horn-like appearance of its seed.) Buceros. See Trigonella Fenumgrecum. BUCHAN, William, was born at Ancram, in 1729. After studying at Edinburgh, he settled in Shef- field, and was soon appointed physician to the Found- ling Hospital at Ackworth: but that establishment being afterward given up, he went to practise at Edin- burgh, where he remained several years. During that period he composed his celebrated work, called " Do- mestic Medicine," on the plan of Tipsot's " Avis aux Peuples;" which has been very extensively circulated, translated into other languages, and obtained the au- thor a gold medal, with a commendatory letter, from the Empress of Russia. It has been objected, that such publications tend to degrade and injure the me- dical profession; but it does not appear, that those who are properly qualified can suffer permanently thereby. There seems more foundation for the opinion, that imaginary diseases will be multiplied, and patients sometimes fall victims to their complaints, being treated by those who do not properly understand them. Dr. Buchan afterward practised in London, and published some other works; and died in 1805 BUCK-BEAN. See Menyanthes trifoliata. BUCK-THORN. See Rhamnus eatharticus. BUCK-WHEAT. See Polygonum fagopyrum. Buck-wheat, eastern. See Polygonum divaricatnm. BUCNEMIA. (Bucnemia; from Sou, a (.'reek aug menl, and icvnpn, the leg) A name in Good's Noso logy for a genus of disease characterized by a tense, diffuse, inflammatory swelling ofthe lower extremity! usually commencing at the inguinal glands, and ex- tending in the course of the lymphatics, it embraces two species; 1. Bucnemia sparganosis, the puerpeial tumid leg. 2. Bucnemia tropica, the tumid leg of hot climates. Buura'nion. (From Bovs, an ox, and Kpaviov, the head; so called from its supposed resemblance to a calf's snout.) The Snap-dragon plant. See Antir rhinum. Bu'cton. The hymen, according to Piraeus. Buoa'ntia. Chilblains. BUGLE. See Prunella. f Pea lb weed. This plant is tbe Lytewus Vit> BUL BUN tntca. It has of late been popular as a remedy in oleeding from the lungs, taken freely in the form of decoction. It is not, however, introduced as a medi- cinal plant into the American Pharmacopoeia, nor in Bigelow's Materia Medica. Physicians in general place little confidence in its efficacy. A.] BUGLOSS. See Anchusa officinalis. Buglo'ssa. See Anchusa officinalis. BUGLOSSUM. (Buglossum,i. n.; from Bovs, an ox, and yXuioca, a tongue: so called from the shape and roughness of its leaf.) See Anchusa officinalis. Buglossum angustifolium. See Anchusa offici- nalis. Buglossum majus. See Anchusa officinalis. Buglossum sativum. See Anchusa officinalis. Buglossum sylvestre. The stone bugloss. Bu oula. (A diminutive of buglossa.) See Ajuga pyramidalis. [BUHRSTONE. Millstone. " The exterior aspect of this mineral is somewhat peculiar. It occurs in amorphous masses, partly compact, but always con- taining a greater or less number of irregular cavities. Sometimes the mass is comparatively compact, and the cavities small and less frequent, but they always exist even in specimens of a moderate size. These cavities are sometimes crossed by siliceous threads or membranes, much resembling the interior structure of certain bones; and are sometimes lined by siliceous Incrustations, or crystals of quartz. Its fracture is nearly even, sometimes dull, and sometimes smooth, like that of flint. Its colour is gray or whitish, sometimes with a tinge of blue, and sometimes yellowish or reddish. Near Paris, the Buhrstone occurs in beds, unusually horizontal, and seldom more than 9 or 10 feet thick. It contains no organic remains. Its cavities are often crossed by threads, and filled with argillaceous marl or sand; but are very seldom lined by crystals of quartz. In Georgia, (United States,) the Buhrstone is found ■ear the boundary of South Carolina, about 40 miles from the sea. It is said to cover shell limestone. Borne of its cavities are those of shells in a siliceous itate, and lined by siliceous incrustations, or crystals »f quartz. Others are traversed by minute threads, or contain a friable substance somewhat argillaceous. Its hardness and cavities, when not too numerous, render it peculiarly useful for making millstones. Hence also it is sometimes known by the name of Millstone."—See Cleav. Min. A.] BULBIFERUS. (From bulbus, and fero, to bear.) BulU-bearing. Having one or more bulbs; applied to •terns. Caulis bulbiferus. BULBOCASTANUM. (From BoXSos, a bulb, and cufavnv, a chesnut: so called from its bulbous ap- pearance.) See Bunium bulbocastanam. BULBOCA VERNO'SUS. (So called from its ori- gin and insertion.) See Accelerator urine. Bu'lbonach. See Lunaria rediviva. BULBOSUS. (From bulba, a bulb.) Bulbous: applied in anatomy to soft parts which are naturally enlarged, as the bulbous part of the urethra. In bota- ny, to roots which have a bulb; as tulip, onion, lily, Sec. B'/lbos.e. (jTtom bulbus.) The name of a class of Casalpmus's systematic method, consisting of heibaceous vegetables, which have a bulbous root, and a jicricarpium, divided into three cells; also, the name of one ofthe natural orders of plants. BULBULUS. A litre bulb. BUL'BUS. (BoAfSos, a bulb, or somewhat rounded root.) A globular, or pyriform coated body, solid, or formed of fleshy scales or layers, constituting the lower part of some plants, and giving off radicals from Ihe circumference of the flattened basis. A bulb dif- fers from a tuber, which is a farinaceous root, and sends off radicles in every direction. Bulbs are divided into, 1. The solid, which consists of a solid fleshy nutri- tious substance; as in Crocus sativus, Colchicum au- tumnale, Tuiipa gesneriana. 2. The scaly, which consists of fleshy concentrical scales attached to a radical plate; as in Allium cepa. 3. The ."fuamose, consisting of concave, overlapping scales; as iu Lilium candidum, and Lilium bulbiferum. 4. The compounded, consisting of several lesser bulbs, lying close to each other: as in Allium sativum. The bulbs of the orchis tribe differ from tbe common •ulbs in .lot sending off radicles from the lower part, 158 but from between the stem and basis. These are dis- tinguished into, 5. The testicular, having two bulbs of a round-ob- long form; as in Orchis morio, and Orchis mascula. 6. Palmate, a compressed bulb, hand-like, divided below into finger-like lobes; as in Orchis maculata. Bulbus esculentus. Such bulbous roots as are commonly eaten are so called. Bulbus vomitorius. See Hyacinthus muscari. BULGE-WATER-TREE. The Geoffroya jamai- censis. BULl'MIA. (From Bov, a particle of excess, and Xiuos, hunger.) Bulimiasis ; Boulimos; Bulimus; Bohsmos of Avicenna. Fames canina; Appetitus caninus; Phagedena; Adephagia; Bupeina; Oyno- rexia. Insatiable hunger, or canine appetite. Dr. Cullen places this genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Dysorexia; and distinguishes three species. 1. Bulimia helluonum; in which there is no other disorder of the stomach, than an excessive craving of food. 2. Bulimia syncopalis; in which there is a frequent desire of food, and the sense of hunger is preceded by swooning. 3. Bulimia emetica, also cynorexia; in which an extraordinary appetite for food is followed by vomiting. The real causes of this disease are, perhaps, not properly understood. In some cases, it has been supposed to proceed from an acid in the stomach, and in others, from a superabun- dance of acid in the gastric juice, and from indigested sordes, or worms. Some consider it as depending more frequently on monstrosity than disease. An ex- traordinary and well attested case of this disease, is related in the third volume of the Medical and Phy- sical Journal, of a French prisoner, who, in one day, consumed of raw cow's udder 4 lbs., raw beef 10 lbs., candles 2 lbs.; total, 16 lbs.; besides 5 bottles of porter. Bulimia adephagia. A voracious appetite. Bulimia canina. A voracious appetite, with sub- sequent vomiting. Bulimia cardialgica. A voracious appetite, with heartburn. Bulimia convulsorum. A voracious appetite, which attends some convulsive diseases. Bulimia emetica. A voracious appetite, with vo- miting. Bulimia esurioio. Gluttony. Bulimia helluonum. Gluttony. Bulimia syncopalis. A voracious appetite, with fainting from hunger. Bulimia verminosa. A voracious appetite from worms. BULIMIASIS. See Bulimia. BULIMUS. See Bulimia. BULI'THUM. (From Bovs, an ox, and Xidos, a Btone.) A bezoar, or stone found in the kidneys, or gall, or urinary bladder, of an ox, or cow. BU'LLA. A bubble. A clear vesicle, which arises from burns, or scalds; or other causes. [This word is also applied by Linnaeus to a genus of univalve shells. A.] BU'LLACE. The English name of the fruit ofthe Prunus insitia of Linnaeus, which grows wild in our hedges. There are two varieties of bullace, the red and the white, which arc used with the same inten- tion as the common damsons. BULLATUS. (From bulla, a bubble, or blister.) Blistery. Applied to a leaf which has its veins so tight, that the intermediate space appears blistered. This appearance is frequent in the garden cabbage. Bullosa febris. An epithet applied to the vesi- cular fever, because the skin is covered with little ve- sicles, or blisters. See Pemphigus. Buni'tes vinum. (From bunium, wild parsley.) Wine made of bunium and must. BUNIUM. (From Bovvos, a little hill; so called from the tuberosity of its root.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pen- tandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The name ofthe wild parsley. Bunium bulbocastanum. The systematic name of a plant, the root of which is called the pig-nut. Agriocastanum; Nucula terrestris; Bulbocaetaneum; Bulbocastanum majus et minus. Earth-nut; Hawk- nut ; Kipper-nut; and Pig-nut The root is as large as a nutmeg; hard, tuberous, and whitish; which is eaten raw, or roasted. It is sweetish to tbe taste, nourishing, and supposed to be of use against strangnry BUR BUR and bloody urine. The roots, which are frequently Sloughed up by the peasants of Burgundy, and called y them arnotta; and those found in Scotland, and called arnots, are most probably the roots of this spe- cies of bunium. They are roasted, and thus acquire the flavour of chesnuts. Bu'nius. A species of turnip. BU'PEINA. (From Bov, a particle of magnitude, and zstiva, hunger.) A voracious appetite. BU'PHAGOS. (From Bov, a particle of excess, and payio, to eat.) The name of an antidote which created a voracious appetite in Marcellus Empericus. BUPHTHALMUM. (From Bovs, an ox, an oebBaX- uoj, an eye; so called from its flowers, which are sup- posed to resemble an eye.) The herb, ox-eye daisy. See Ohrysanthemum leucanthemum. Buphthalmum creticum. Pellitory of Spain. See Anthemis pyrethrum. Buphthalmum oermanicum. The common ox-eye daisy. Buphthalmum majus. Great, or ox-eye daisy. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. BUPHTHALMUS. (From Bovs, an ox, and otbdaXpos, an eye; so named from its large appear- ance like an ox's eye.) 1. Houseleek. 2. Diseased enlargement of the eye. BUBLEU'RUM. (From Bov, large, and -aXsvpov, a rib; so named from its having large rib-like filaments upon its leaves.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Liiuwean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia superflua. 2. The pharmacopceial name ofthe herb hare's ear. See Bupleurum rotundifolium. Bupleurum rotundifolium. The systematic name ofthe plant called perfoliata, in some pharmacopoeias-. Bupleuron ; Bupleuroides. Round-leaved hare's ear, or thorow wax. This plant was formerly celebrated for curing ruptures, mixed into a poultice with wine and oatmeal. BU'RDOCK. See Arctium lappa. BU'RGUNDY PITCH. See Pinus abies. Bu'ris. According to Avicenna, a scirrhous hernia, or hard abscess. .... , BURN. Ambustio. A burn, or scald, is a lesion of the animal body, occasioned by the application of heat, but the latter term is applicable only where this is con- veyed through the medium of some fluid. The con- sequences are more or less serious according to the extent of the injury, or the particular part affected: sometimes even proving fatal, particularly in irritable constitutions. The life of the part may be at once destroyed by these accidents, or mortification speedily follow the violent inflammation excited; but when slighter, it usually produces an effusion of serum un- der the cuticle, like a blister. When the injury is ex- tensive, considerable fever is apt to supervene, some- times a comatose state; and a remarkable difficulty ot breathing often precedes death. In the treatment of these accidents, two very different methods have been pursued. The more ancient plan consists in r.ntiphlo- gistic means, giving cooling purgatives, 4c. and even taking blood, where the irritation is great; employing at the same time cold applications, and where the skin is destroyed, emollient dressings; opium was also recommended to relieve the pain, notwithstanding stupor might attend. Mr. Cleghorn, a brewer at Edinburgh, was very suc- cessful in these cases by a treatment materially differ- ent • first bathing the part with vinegar, usually a little warmed, till the pain abated; then, if there were any destruction of the parts, applying poultices, and finely powdered chalk immediately on the sore, to absorb the discharge: in the meantime allowing the patient to live pretty well, and abstaining from active purgatives, &c. More recently, a surgeon at Newcastle, of the name of Kentish, has deviated still more from the ancient practice; applying first oil of turpentine, alkohol, &c. heated as much as the sound parte could bear, and eradually lessening the stimulus; in the mean time Supporting the patient by a cordial diet, sether.&c. andgivlng opium largely to lessen the irritation. Now, chiefly under his care were of persons the antiphlogistic plan, or to use cold applications, which, while intended to keep down action, are wear- ing out the power of the part. If any extraneous sub- stance be forced into the burnt part, it should be ot course removed: and sometimes where a limb is irre- coverably injured, amputation maybe necessary. Bu'rnea. Pitch. Burnet saxifrage. See Pimpinella. Burning. Brenning. An ancient medical term, denoting an infectious disease, got in the stews by con- versing with lewd women, and supposed to 6c the same with what we now call tbe venereal disease. Burnt hartshorn. See Cornu ustum. Burnt sponge. See Spongia usta. Bu'rrhi spiritus matricalis. Burrhus's spirit, for disorders of the womb. A compound of myrrh, olibanum, amber, and spirit of wine. BU'RSA. From Bvpva, a bag.) A bag. 1. The scrotum. ?, An herb called Thlaspi bursa pasloris, from the re- semblance of its seminal follicles to a triangular purse. Bursa mucosa. A mucous bag, composed of pro- per membranes, containing a kind of mucous fat, formed by the exhaling arteries of the internal coat. The bursa mucosae are of different sizes and firmness, and are connected by the cellular membrane with arti cular cavities, tendons, ligaments, or the periosteum. Their use is to secrete and contain a substance to lu- bricate tendons, muscles, and bones, in order to render their motions easy. the cases ....•—v ----- scorched very exteusively by the explosion of ear burctted hydrogen in mines; and probably where the lniurv is over a large part of the surface, or where the constitution U weakly, it may be hazardous to pursue 1 tendon of the anconou. muscle. A Table of all the Bursa Mucosa. In the Head. 1. A bursa of the superior oblique muscle of tho eye, situated behind its trochlea in the orbit. 2. The bursa of the digastricus, situated in the in- ternal surface of its tendon. 3. A bursa of the circumflexus, or tensor palati, situated between the hook-like process of the sphenoid bone and the tendon of that muscle. 4. A bursa of the stemo-hyoideus muscle, situated between the os hyoide3 and larynx. About the Shoulder-joint. 1. The external acromial, situated under the acro- mion, between tne coracoid process, deltoid muscle, and capsular ligament. 2. The internal acromial, situated above the tendon of the infra-spinatus and teres major: it often com- municates with the former. 3. The coracoid bursa, situated near the root of the coracoid process; it is sometimes double and some- times triple. 4. The clavieula bursa, found where the clavicle touches the coracoid process. 5. The subclavian bursa, "between the tendon of the subclavius muscle and the first rib. 6. The coraco-brachial, placed between the common origin of this muscle and the biceps, aud the capsular ligament. 7. The bursa of the pectoralis major, situated under the head of the humerus, between the internal surface of tbe tendon of that muscle, and another bursa placed on the long head of the biceps. 8. An external bursa of the teres major, under the head of the os humeri, between it and the tendon of the teres major. 9. An internal bursa of the teres major, found within the muscle where the fibres of its tendons diverge. 10. A bursa of the. latissimus dorst, between the tendon of this muscle and the os humeri. 11. The humero-bicipital bursa, in the vagina of the tendon of the biceps. There are other burse mucosae about the humerus, but their situation is uncertain. Near the Elbourjoint 1. The radio-bicipital is situated between the tendon of the biceps, brachialis, and anterior tubercle of the radius. , 2. The cubito-radial between the tendon of the bi- ceps, supinator brevis, and the ligament common to the radius and ulna. 3. The anciineal bursa, between the olecranon and 157 BUR BUT 4. The capitulo-radial bursa, between the tendon common to the extensor carpi radialis brevis, and ex- tensor communis digitorum, and round head of the radius. There are occasionally other bursee ; but as their situation varies, they are omitted. About the inferior part of the Fore-arm and Hand. On the inside of the Wrist and Hand. 1. A very large bursa, for the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus. 2. Four short bursa on the forepart of the tendons of the flexor sublimis. 3. A large bursa behind the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus, between it and the forepart of the ra- dius, capsular ligament of the wrist and os trapezium. 4. A large bursa behind the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus, and on the forepart of the end of the radius, and forepart of the capsular ligament of the wrist. In some subjects it communicates with the former. 5. An oblong bursa between the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis and os trapezium. 6. A very small bursa between the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris and os pis itorme. On the back part of the Wrist and Hand. 7. A bursa between the tendon of the abductor pol- licis longus and the radius. 8. A large bursa between the two extensores carpi radiales. 9. Another below it, common to the extensores carpi radiates. 10. A bursa, at the insertion of the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis. 11. An oblong bursa, for the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus, and which communicates with 9. 12. A bursa, for the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus, between it and the metacarpal bone of the thumb. 13. A bursa between the tendons of the extensor of the fore, middle, and ring fingers. 14. A bursa for the extensors of the little finger. 15. A bursa between the tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris and ligament of the wrist. There are also bursse mucosa; between the musculi luinbricales and interossei. Near the Hip-joint. On ihe forepart of the joint. 1. The ileo-puberal, situated between the iliacus in- ternus, psoas magnus, and the capsular ligament of the bead of the femur. 2. The pectineal, between the tendon of the pecU- neus and the thigh-bone. 3. A small bursa of the gluteus mediu muscle, situ- ated between it and the great trochanter, before the insertion of the pyriformis. 4. A bursa of the gluteus minimus muscle between its tendon and the great trochanter. 5. The gluteo-fascial, between the gluteu maximus and vastus externus. On the posterior part of the Hip-joint. 6. The tubero-ischiatic bursa, situated between the obturator internus muscle, the posterior spine of the ischium, and its tuberosity. 7. The obturatory bursa, which is oblong and found between the obturator internu and geniini muscles, and the capsular ligament. 8. A bursa of the semi-membranosu under its origin and the long head of the biceps femoris. 9. The gleuteo trochanteral bursa, situated between the tendon of the psoas muscle and the root of the great trochanter. 10. 7V>o glutco-femoral bursa, situated between the tendon of the gluteus maximus and os femoris. 11. A bursa of the quadratus femoris, situated be- tween it and the little trochanter. 12. Tlie iliac bursa, situated between the tendon of the iiiacua internus and the little trochanter. Near the Knee-joint, L The supra-genual, which adheres to the tendons of the vastus and cruraUs and the forepart of tbe thigh-bone. 1SB 2. The infra-genual bursa, situated under the llga ment of the patella, and often communicating with the ElbOVGi 3. The anterior genual, placed between the tendon of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus, and the internal and lateral ligament of the knee. 4. The posterior genual, which is sometimes double and is situated between the tendons ofthe semi-mem branosus, the internal head of the gastrocnemius, the capsular-ligament, and internal condyle. 5. The popliteal, conspicuous between the tendon of that muscle, the external condyle of the femur, the semilunar cartilage, and external condyle of the tibia. 6. The bursa of the biceps cruris, between the ex- ternal part of the tendon, the biceps cruris, and the external lateral ligament of the knee. In the Foot On the back, side, and hind part of the Foot. 1. A bursa of the tibialis anticus, between its ten don, the lower part of the tibia, and capsular ligament of the ankle. 2. A bursa between the tendon of the extensor pol- licis pedis longus, the tibia, and capsular ligament of the ankle. 3. A bursa of the extensor digitorum communis, between its tendons, the tibia, and ligament of the ankle. 4. A large bursa, common to the tendons of the pe- ronei muscles. 5. A bursa of the peroneus brevis, proper to its tendon. 6. The calcaneal bursa, between the tendo Achillis and os calcis. In the Sole of the Foot. 1. A bursa for the tendon of the peroneus longus. 2. A bursa common to the tendon of the flexor pol ■ licis pedis longus, and the tendon of the flexor digito- rum pedis communis longus profundus. 3. A bursa of the tibialis posticus, between its ten- don, the tibia, and astragalus. 4. Five bursa for the flexor tendons, which begin a little above the first joint of each toe, and extend to the root of the third phalanx, or insertion of the tendons. BURSA'LIS. From its resemblance to a bursa, or purse. See Obturator externus et internus. BURSA'LOGY. (Bursalogia; from Bvpoa, a bag, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the bursa; mucosa*. BUSELI'NUM. (From (3ov, great, and ctXtvov, parsley.) A Inrge species of parsley. Bu'ss'n spiritus bezoardicus. The bezoardic spirit of Bussius, an eminent physician at Dresden A distillation of ivory, sal-ammoniac, amber, &c. BUTCHERSBROOM. See Ruscus. Bu'tiga. Small red pimples on the face. Called also gutta rosacea. Bu tino. Turpentine. Bu'tomon. See Iris pseudacorus. BUTTER. (Bulyrum; from Bovs, a cow, and rv- pos, coagulum, or cream.) "The oily, inflammable part of milk, which is prepared in many countries as an article of food. The common mode of preserving it is by the addition of salt, which will keep it good a considerable time, if in sufficient quantity. Mr. Eaton informs us, in his Survey of the Turkish Empire, that most of the butter used at Constantinople is brought from the Crimea and Kirban, and that it is kept sweet by melting it while fresh over a very slow fire, and removing the scum as it rises. He adds, that by melt- ing butter in the Tartarian manner, and then salting it in ours, he kept it good and fine-tasted for two years; and that this melting, if carefully done, injures neither the taste nor colour. Thenard, too, recommends the Tartarian method. He directs the melting to be done on a water-bath, or at a heat not exceeding 180° F.; and 'to be continued until all the caseous matter has subsided to the bottom, and the butter is transparent. It is then to be decanted, or strained through a cloth, and cooled in a mixture of pounded ice and salt, or at least in cold spring water, otherwise it will become lumpy by crystallizing, and likewise not resist the ac- tion of the air so well. Kept in a close vessel, and in a cool place, it will thus remain, six months or more BUX BY2? nearly as good as at first, particularly after the top Is taken off. If beaten up with one-sixth of its weight of the cheesy matter when used, it will in some de- gree resemble fresh butter in appearance. The taste of rartcid butter, he adds, may be much corrected by melting and cooling in this manner. Dr. Anderson has recommended another mode of curing butter, which is as follows: Take one part of sugar, one of nitre, and two ofthe best Spanish great sail, and rub them together into a fine powder. This composition is to be mixed thoroughly Willi the butter, as soon as it is completely freed from the milk, in the proportion of one ounce to sixteen; and the butter thus prepared is to be pressed tight into the vessel pre- pared for it, so as to leave no vacuities. This butter does not taste well till it has stood at least a fortnight; it then has a rich marrow flavour, that no other but- ter ever acquires; and with proper care may be kept for years in ibis climate, or carried to the East Indies, if packed so as not to melt. In the interior parts of Africa, Mr. Pa;dt informs us, there is a tree much resembling the American oak, producing a nut in appearance somewhat like an olive. The kernel of this nut, by boiling in water, affords a kind of butter, which is whiter, firmer, and of a richer flavour, than any he ever tasted made from cow's milk, and will keep without salt the whole year. The natives call it shea toulou, or tree butter. Large quantities of it are made every season." Fresh butter is nourishing and relaxing, but it rea- dily becomes sour, and, in general, agrees with few stomachs. Rancid butler is one of tbe most unwhole- some and indigestible of all foods. Butter of antimony. See Murias antimonii. Butter of cacao. An oily concrete white matter, of a tinner consistence than suet, obtained from the cacao nut, of which chocolate is made. The method ot" separating it consists in bruising the cacao and boil- ing it in water. The greater part of the superahun- dantaud uncombined oil contained in the nut is by this means liquefied, and rises to the surface, where it swims, and is left to congeal, that it may be the more easily taken off. It is generally mixed with small pieces ot the nut, from which it may be purified, by keeping it iu fusion without water in a pretty deep vessel, until the several matters have arranged them- selves according to their specific gravities. By this treatment it becomes very pure and white. Butter of cacao is without smell, and has a very mild taste, when fresh ; and in all its general proper- ties and habitudes it resembles fat oils, among which it must therefore be classed. It is used as an ingredi- ent iu pomatums. BUTTER-BUR. See Tussilago pctasites. BUTTER-FLOWER. See Ranunculus. Butter-milk. The thin and sour milk which is separated from the cream by churning it into butter. BUTTERWORT. See finguicula. [Button snake-root. See Eryngium aquati- cum. A.] Butua. See Cissampelos pariera. BUTYRIC ACID. We owe the discovery of this acid to M. Chevreul. Butter, he says, is composed of two fat bodies, analogous to those of hog's lard, of a colouring principle, and a remarkably odorous one, to which it owes the properties that distinguish it from the fats, properly so called. This principle, which he has called butyric acid, forms well characterized salts wild barytes, strontian, lime, the oxides of copper, lead, &c.; 100 parts of il neutralize a quantity of base which contains about 10 of oxygen. M. Chevreul has not explained his method of separating this acid from the other constituents of butter. See Journ. de Phar- macie, iii 80. BUTY'RUM. See Butter. Butyrum antimonii. See Marias antimonii. BUXTON. A village in Derbyshire in which there are warm mineral springs. Buxtonicnses aqua. They have been long celebrated for their medicinal properties. With respect to sensible properties, the Buxton water cannot be distinguished from common spring water, when heated to the same temperature. Its temperature, in the gentleman's bath, is invariably 82°. The principal peculiarity in the appearance of this spring, is a large quantity of elastic vapour, that rises and forms bubbles, which pass through the water, and break as soon as they reach the surface. The air of these bubbles was ascertained, by Dr. Pearson, tc consist of azotic gas, mixed with a small proportion of atmospheric air. Buxton water is frequently employ- ed both internally and externally: one of which me- thods often proves beneficial when the other would be injurious: but, as a bath alone, its virtues may not be superior to those of tepid common water. As the temperature of 82° is several degrees below that of the human body, a slight shock of cold is felton the first immersion into the bath; but this is almost im- mediately succeeded by a pleasing glow over the whole system. It is therefore proper for very delicate and irritable habits. The cases which derive most benefit from the external use nf Buxton waters, are those in which a loss of action, and sometimes of sensation, affects particular limbs, in consequence of long-conti- nued or violent inflammation, or external injury. Hence the chronic rheumatism succeeding the acute, and where the inflammation has been seated in parti- cular limbs, is often wonderfully relieved by this bath. The internal use of the water has been found to be of considerable service in symptoms of defective diges- tion and derangement of the alimentary organs. A judicious use of this simple remedy will often relieve tho heartburn, flatulency, and sickness; it will in- crease the appetite, animate the spirits, and improve the health. At first, however, it sometimes occasions a diarrhoea, which is rather salutary than detrimental; but costiveness is a more usual effect, especially in sluggish habits. It also affords great relief when taken internally, in painful disorders of the bladders and kid neys; and lias likewise been recommended in cases of gout; but when taken for these complaints, the ad- dition of some aromatic tincture is recommended. In all cases of active inflammation, the use of these wa- ters should be carefully avoided, on account of their supposed heating properties. A full course consists of two glasses, each containing one-third of a pint, before breakfast; which quantity should be repeated between breakfast and dinner. In chronic cases, a long resi- dence on the spot is requisite to insure the desired effect. BUXUS. (From BJu/cagio, to become hard.) The box-tree. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monecia; Order, Triandria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the box. See Buxus sempervirens. Buxus sempervirens. The systematic name of the buxus of the pharmacopoeias. The leaves possess a very strong, nauseous, bitter taste, and aperient vir- tues. They are occasionally exhibited, in foiin of de- coction, among the lower orders of people, in cases of dropsy, and asthma, and worms. As much as will lie upon a shilling, of the common dwarf box, dried and i powdered, may be given at bed-time, every night, to an infant. By'arus. A plexus of blood vessels in the brain. Byng. A Chinese name for green tea. Byre'thrum (Beretta, Ital. or burette, Fr. a cap.) Byrethrus. An odoriferous cap, filled with cephalic drugs, for the head. By'rsa. (Bvpaa, leather.) A leather skin, to spread plasters upon. Bysau'chen. (From Bvta, to hide, and avxnv, the neck.) Morbid stiffness of the neck. B YSSOLITE. A massive mineral of an olive green colour, found at the foot of Mount Blanc and neat Oisans in gneiss. By'ssus. (Hebrew.) 1. A woolly kind of moss. 2. The Pudendum muliebre. 3. A kind of fine linen. [4. The fine silky threads by which the Mytilu and Pinna, both bivalve shells, fasten themselves, ait» thereby remain attached to logs or stones in the water. The Pinna affords the most and finest quantity of this byssus; and, in the Mediterranean, it has been collected and spun into silk, of which various orna- mental articles have been made. A.} By'thos. (Bvfloj, deep.) An epithet used by Hip- pocrates for the bottom of the stomach. By'zen. (From Bvto, to rush together.) In a heap; throngingly. Hippocrates uses this word to express the hurry in which the menses flow in an excessive ' discbarge. 139 c CAC r^ABALI'STICA ARS. (It is derived fr>m the ^ Hebrew word signifying to receive by tradition.) Cabala; Cabula; Kabala. Tbe cabalistic art A term that hath been anciently used, in a very myste- rious sense, among divines; and since, some enthusi- astic philosophers and chemists transplanted it into medicine, importing by it somewhat magical; but sjuch unmeaning terms are now justly rejected. Cabalistic art. See Cabalistica ars. CABALLINE. (Caballinus; from EafioXAoj, a horse.) Of, or belonging to, a horse; applied to the coarsest aloes, because it is so drastic as to be fit only for horses. Caballine aloes. See Aloe. CABBAGE. See Brassica. Cabbage tree. See Geoffraya jamaicensis. Cacago'ga. (From kokkv, excrement, and ayta, to expel.) 1. Cathartics. 2. Ointments which, being rubbed on the funda- ment, procure stools.—Paulus JEgineta, Caca'lia. (Fromkokov, bad, and Aiav, exceedingly; because it is mischievous to the soil on which it grows.) Cacamum. The herb wild chervil, or wild carraways. Ca'camum. See Cacalia. CA'CAO. See Theobroma cacao. Cacapho'ma. (From kokos, bad, and (pwvn, the voice.) Defective articulation. Cacato'ria. (From coco, to go to stool.) An epi- thet given by Sylvius to a kind of intermittent fever, attended with copious stools. Caccio'nde. A pill recommended by Baglivi against dysenteries; its basis is catechu. CACHE'XIA. (From kukos, bad, andri-u, a habit) A bad habit of body, known by a depraved or vitiated state of the solids and fluids. CACHE'XLE. (The plural of cachexia.) A class of diseases in Cullen's Nosology, embracing three orders; viz. Marcorcs, Intumescentia, and Impetigines. CACHINNA'TIO. (From cachinno, to laugh aloud.) A tendency to immoderate laughter, as id some hysteric and maniacal affections. Ca'chlex. A little stone, or pebble. Galen says, that the cochleces, heated in the fire and quenched in whey, become astringents, and useful in dysenteries. CACHOLONG. A variety of quartz. Cacho're. A name of catechu. CA'CHRYS. (Kaxpvs- which is used in various senses.) 1. Galen says, it sometimes means parched barley. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Cachrys odontalgics. A plant, the root of which may be substituted for that of the pyrethrum against toothache. Cachu. See Acacia catechu. CACHU'NDE. A medicine highly celebrated among the Chiiibse and Indians, made of several aro- matic ingredients, perfumes, medicinal earths, and precious stones. They make the whole into a stiff paste, and form out of it several figures, according to their fancy, which are dried for use. These are prin- cipally used in the East Indies, but are sometimes brought over to Portugal. In China, the principal persons usually carry a small piece in their mouths, which is a continued cordial, and gives their breath a very sweet smell. It is highly esteemed as a medicine in nervous complaints; and it is reckoned a prolonger of life and a provocative to venery; the two great intentions of most of the medicines used in the East. Cachy'mia. Kaicvuia. An imperfect metal, or an immature metalline ore, according to Paracelsus. Cacoalexite'rium. (From kukos, bad, and aXtlt- Jnoeu, to preserve.) An antidote to poison or against infectious diseases. CACOCHO'LIA. (From kukos, and voXij, bile.) A vitiated or unhealthy condition of the bile. CACOCH Y'LIA. (From kukos, bad, and xuXr,, the ehyle.) Indigestion, or depraved chyliflcation. CACOCHY'MIA. (From kokos, bad, and x«M«Ji Juice, or humour.) A diseased or depraved state of the humours. CAD CACOCNlS'MUS. (From *u»s, bad, and tcvnun, the leg.) Having a natural defect in the tibia. CACOCORE'MA. (From kukos, bad, and Koptia, to purge, or cleanse.) A medicine which purges off the vitiated humoucs. CACODjE'MON. (From kukos, bad, and iatuuv, a spirit) An evil spirit, or genius, which was supposed to preside over the bodies of men, and afflict them with certain disorders. The nightmare. CACO'DIA. (From kokos, bad, and a>gw, to smelL) A defect in the sense of smelling. CACOE'THES. (From kukos, ill, and nBos, a word which, when applied to diseases, signifies a quality, or a disposition.) Hippocrates applied this word to ma- lignant and difficult distempers. Galen, and some others, express by it an incurable ulcer, that is ren- dered so through tbe acrimony of the humours flowing to it. Linnaeus and Vogel use this term much in the same sense with Galen, and describe the ulcer as su- perficial, spreading, weeping, and with callous edges. CACOPA'THIA. (From kokos, bad, and actios, affection.) An ill affection of the body, or part. CACOPHO'NIA. (From kukos, bad, and tfxavn, the voice.) 1. A defect in the organs of speech. 2. A bad pronunciation. Cacopra'gia. (From kukos, bad, and apar'Ju, to perform.) Diseased viscera. Cacorry'thmus. (From kokos, bad, and pvQuos order.) A disordered pulse. CACO'SIS. (From kukos, bad.) A bad disposition of body. CACOSI'TIA. (From kokos, and ailtov, food.) An aversion to food, or nausea. CACOSPHY'XIA. (From kokos, bad, and . Mr. Brande justly observes, in the lfith number of his Journal, that the urine has at all times a tendency to deposite the triple phosphate upon any body over which it passes. Hence drains by which urine is car- ried off, are often incrusted with its regular crystals; and incases where extraneous bodies have got into the bladder, they have often in a very short time become considerably enlarged by deposition of the same sub- stance. When this calculus, or those incrusted with its semi-crystalline particles, are strongly heated before the blowpipe, ammonia is evolved, and an imperfect fusion takes place. When a little of Ihe calcareous phosphate is present, however, the concretion readily fuses. Calculi composed entirely of the ammonia- magnesian phosphate are very rare. Mr. Brande has seen only two. They were crystallized upon the sur- face, and their fracture was somewhat foliated. In its pure state, it is even rare as an incrustation. The powder of the ammonia-phosphate calculus has a brilliant white colour, a faint sweetish taste, and is somewhat soluble in water. Fourcroy and Vauquelin suppose the above deposites to result from incipient putrefaction of urine in the bladder. It is certain that the triple phosphate is copiously precipitated from urine in such circumstances out of the body. Species 3. The bone earth calculus. Its surface, ac- cording to Dr. Wollaston, is generally pale brown, smooth, and when sawed through it appeal sofa lami- nated texture, easily separable into concentric crusts. Sometimes, also, each lamina is striated in a direction perpendicular to the surface, as from an assemblage of crystalline needles. It is difficult to fuse this calculus by the blowpipe, but it dissolves readily in dilute mu riatic acid, from which it is precipitable by ammonia. This species, as described by Fourcroy and Vauquelin, was white, without lustre, friable, staining the hands, paper, and cloth. It had much of a chalky appear- ance, and broke under the forceps, and was intimately mixed with a gelatinous matter, which is left in a membraneous form, when the earthy salt is withdrawn by dilute muriatic acid. Dr. Henry says, that he has never been able to recognise a calculus of pure phos - phate of lime in any of the collections which he has examined; nor did he ever find the preceding species in a pure state, though a calculus in Mr. White's collec- tion contained more than 90 per cent of ammonia- magnesian phosphate. Species 4. The fusible calculus. This is a very friable concretion, of a white colour, resembling chalk in ap- pearance and texture; it often breaks into layers, and exhibits a glittering appearance internally, from inter- mixture of the crystals of triple phosphate. Sp. grav. from 1.14 to 1.47. Soluble in dilute muriatic and nitric acids, but not in alkaline lixivia. The nucleus is ge- nerally lithic acid. In 4 instances only out of 187. did Dr. Henry find the calculus composed throughout of the earthy phosphates. The analysis of fusible calcu- lus is easily performed by distilled vinegar, which at a gentle heat dissolves the ammonia-magnesian phos- phate, but not the phosphate of lime; the latter may be taken up by dilute muriatic acid. The lithic acid present will remain, and may be recognised by its so- lubility in the water of pure potassa or soda. Or the lithic acid may, in the first instance, be removed by the alkali, which expels the ammonia, and leaves the phosphate of magnesia and lime. Species 5. The mulberry calculus. Its surface is rough and tuberculated ; colour deep reddish-brown. Sometimes it is pale brown, of a crystalline texture, and covered with flat octohedral crystals. This cal- culus has commonly tne density and hardness of ivory, a sp. grav. from 1.4 to 1.98, and exhales the odour of semen when sawed. A moderate red heat converts it into carbonate of lime. It does uot dissolve in alka- line lixivia, but slowly and with difficulty in acids. When the oxalate of lime is voided directly after leaving the kidney, it is of a grayish-brown cokrui. CAL CAL composed of small cohering spherules, sometimes with a polished surface resembling hempseed. They are easily recognised by their insolubility in muriatic ucid, and their swelling up and passing into pure lime before the blowpipe. Mulberry calculi contain always an admixture of other substances besides oxalate of lime. These are, uric acid, phosphate of lime, and animal matter in dark flocculi. The colouring matter of these calculi is probably effused blood. Dr. Henry rates the frequency of this species at 1 in 17 of the whole which lie has compared; and out of 187 calculi, he found that 17 were formed round nuclei of oxalate of lime. Species 6. The cystic-oxide calculus. It resem- bles a little the triple phosphate, or more exactly mag- Vsian limestone. It is somewhat tough when cut, and is a peculiar greasy lustre. Its usual colour is pale brown, bordering on straw yellow; and its texture is irregularly crystalline. It unites in solution with acids and alkalies, crystallizing with both. Alkohol precipitates it with nitric acid. It does not become red with nitric acid; and it has no effect upon vegetable blues. Neither water, alkohol, nor ether dissolves it It is decomposed by heat into carbonate of ammonia and oil, leaving a minute residuum of phosphate of lime. This concretion is of very rare occurrence. Dr. Henry states its frequency to the whole as 10 to 985. In two which he examined, the nucleus was the same substance with the rest of the concretion; and in a third, the nucleus of a uric acid calculus was a small spherule of cystic oxide. Hence, as Dr. Marcet has remarked, this oxide appears to be in reality the production of the kidneys, and not, as its name would import, to be generated in the bladder. It might be called with propriety renal oxide, if its eminent dis- coverer should think fit. Species 7. The alternating calculus. The surface of this calculus is usually white like chalk, and fria- ble or semicrystalline, according as the exterior coat is the calcareous or aiiiinonia-magnesian phosphate. They are frequently of a large size, and contain a nu- cleus of lithic acid. Sometimes the two phosphates form alternate layers round the nucleus. The above are the most common alternating calculi; next are those of oxalate of lime with phosphates; then oxa- late of lime with lithic acid; and lastly, those in which the three substances alternate. The alternating, taken all together, occur in 10 out of 25, in Dr. Henry's list; lithioacid with phosphates, as 10 to 48; the oxalate of lime with phosphates, as 10 to 116; the oxalate of lime with lithic acid, as 10 to 170; the oxalate of lime with litbic acid and phosphates, as 10 to 265. Species 8. The compound calculus. This consists of a mixture of lithic acid with the phosphates in variable proportions, and is consequently variable in its appearance. Sometimes tbe alternating layers are so thin as to be undistinguishable by the eye, when their nature can be determined only by chemical analysis. This species, in Dr. Henry's list, forms 10 in 235. About l-40th of the calculi examined by Fourcroy and Vauquelin were compound. Species 9 has been already described. In almost all calculi, a central nucleus may be dis- covered, sufficiently small to have descended through the ureters into the bladder. The disease of stone is to be considered, tberefore, essentially and originally as belonging to the kidneys. Its increase in the blad- der may be occasioned, either by exposure to urine that contains an excess of the same ingredient as that composing the nucleus, in which case it will be uni- formly constituted throughout; or if the morbid nu- cleus deposite should cease; the concretion will then acquire a coating of the earthy phosphates. It becomes, therefore, highly important to ascertain the nature of the most predominate nucleus. Out of 187 calculi examined by Dr. Henry, 17 were formed round nuclei of oxalate of lime; 3 round nuclei of cystic oxide; 4 round nuclei ofthe earthy phosphates; 2 round extra- neous substances; and in 3 the nucleus was replaced by a small cavity, occasioned, probably, by the shrink- ing of some animal matter, round which the ingre- dients ofthe calculi (fusible) had been deposited. Rau has shown by experiment, that pus may form the nucleus of a uriuary concretion. The remaining 158 calculi of Dr. Henry's list, had central nuclei composed chiefly of lithic acid. It appears also, that in a very great majority of the cases referred to by him, the dis- 160 I position to secrete an excess of lithic acid has been the essential cause of the origin of stone. Hence it be comes a matter of great importance to inquire, what are the circumstances which contribute to its excessive production, and to ascertain by what plan of diet and medicine this morbid action of the kidney may best be obviated or removed. A calculus in Mr. White's collection had for its nucleus a fragment of a bougie, that had slipped into the bladder. It belonged to the fusible species, consisting of, 20 phosphate of lime, 60 ammonia-magnesian phosphate, 10 lithic acid, 10 animal matter. In some instances, though these are comparatively very few, a morbid secretion of the earthy phosphates in excess, is the cause of the formation of stone. Dr. Henry relates the case of a gentleman, who, during paroxysms of gravel, preceded by severe sickness and vomiting, voided urine as opaque as milk, which depo- sited a great quantity of an impalpable powder, con- sisting of the calcareous and triple phosphate in nearly equal proportions. The weight ofthe body was rapidly reduced from 188 to 100 pounds, apparently by the ab- straction of the earth of his bones; for there was no emaciation of the muscles corresponding to the above diminution. The first rational views on the treatment of calcu- lous disorders, were given by Dr. Wollaston. These have been followed up lately by some very judicious observations of Mr. Brande, in the 12th, 15th, and 16th numbers of his Journal; and also by Dr. Marcet, in his excellent treatise already referred to. Of the many substances contained in human urine, there are rarely more than three which constitute gravel; viz. calca- reous phosphate, ammonia-magnesian phosphate, and lithic acid. The former two form a white sediment; the latter, a red or brown. The urine is always an acidulous secretion. Since by this excess of acid, the earthy salts, or white matter, are held in solution, whatever disorder of the system, or impropriety of food and medicine, diminishes that acid excess, fa- vours the formation of the white deposite. The in ternal use of acids was shown by Dr. Wollaston to be the appropriate remedy in this case. White gravel is frequently symptomatic of disor- dered digestion, arising from excess in eating or drink- ing ; and it is often produced by too farinaceous a diet It is also occasioned by the indiscreet use of magnesia, soda water, or alkaline medicines in general. Medical practitioners, as well as their patients, ignorant of chemistry, have often committed fatal mistakes, by considering the white gravel, passed on the admini- stration of alkaline medicines, as the dissolution of the calculus itself; and have hence pushed a practice, which has rapidly increased the size of the stone. Magnesia, in many cases, acts more injuriously than alkali, in precipitating insoluble phosphate from the urine. The acids of urine, which, by their excess, hold the earths in solution, are the phosphoric, lithic, and carbonic. Mr. Brande has uniformly obtained the latter acid, by placing urine under an exhausted re- ceiver ; and he has formed carbonate of barytes, by dropping barytes water into mine recently voided. The appearance of white sand does not seem de- serving of much attention, where it Is merely occa- sional, following indigestion brought on by an acci- dental excess. But if it invariably follows meals, and if it be observed in the urine, not as a mere deposite, but at the time the last drops are voided, it becomes a matter of importance, as the forerunner of other and serious forms of the disorder. , It has been sometimes viewed as the effect of irritable bladder, where it was in reality the cause. Acids ore the proper remedy, and unless some peculiar tonic effect be sought for in sulphuric acid, the vegetable acids ought to be prefer- red. Tartar, or its acid, may be prescribed with ad- vantage, but the best medicine is citric acid, in daily doses from 5 to 30 grains. Persons returning from warm climates, with dyspeptic and hepatic disorders, often void this white gravel, for which they have re- course to empyrical solvents, for the most part alka line, and are deeply injured. They ought to adopt an acidulous diet, abstaining from soda water, alkalies. malt liquor,madeira, aad port', to eat salads, with acM CAL CAL truits; and if habit requires it, a glass of cider, cham- pagne, or claret, but Ihe less of these fermented liquors the better. An effervescing draught is often very bene- ficial, made by dissolving 30 grains of bicarbonate of poiassa, and 20 of citric acid, in separate teacups of water, mixing the solution in a la.gc tumbler, and drinking the whole during the effervescence. This dose may be repeated 3 or 4 times a-day. The carbonic acid of the above medicine enters the circulation, and passing off' by the bladder, is useful in retaining, par- ticularly, the triple phosphate in solution, as was first pointed out by Dr. Wollaston. The bowels should be kept regular by medicine and moderate exercise. The febrile affections of children are frequently attended by an apparently formidable deposite of white sand in the urine. A dose of calomel will generally carry off both the fever and the sand. Air, exercise, bark, bit- ters, mineral tonics, are in like manner often success- ful in removing the urinary complaints of grown-up persons. In considering the red gravel, it is necessary to dis- tinguish between those cases in which the sand is actually voided, and those in which it is deposited, after some hours, from originally limpid urine. In the first, the sabulous appearance is an alarming indi- cation of a tendency to form calculi; in the second, it is often merely a fleeting symptom of indigestion. Should it frequently recur, however, it is not to be dis- regarded. Bicarbonate of potassa or soda is the proper remedy for the red sand, or lithic acid deposite. The alkali may often he beneficially combined with opium. Am- monia, or its crystallized carbonate, may be resorted to with advantage, where symptoms of indigestion are brought on by the other alkalies; and particularly in red gravel connected with gout, in which the joints and kidneys are affected by turns. Where potassa and soda have been so long employed as to disagree with the stomach, to create nausea, flatulency, a sense of weight, pain, and oilier .symptoms of indigestion, mag- nesia may be prescribed with the best effects. The tendency which it has to accumulate in dangerous quantities in the intestines, and to form a white sedi- ment iu urine, calls on the practitioner to look mi- nutely after its administration. It should be occasion- ally alternated with other laxative medicines. Mag- nesia dissolved in carbonic acid, as Mr. Scheweppe used to prepare it many years ago^y the direction of Mr. Brande, is an elegant form of exhibiting this remedy. . ,. . Care must be had not to push the alkaline medicines too far, lest they give rise to the deposition of earthy phosphates in the urine. Cases occur in which the sabulous deposite consists of a mixture of lithic acid with the phospliates. The sediment of urine in inflammatory disorders is some- times of this nature; and of those persons who habitu- ally indulge in excess of wine; as also of those who, labouring under hepatic affections, secrete much albu- men in their urine. Purges, tonics, and nitric acid, which is the solvent of both the above sabulous mat- ters, are the appropriate remedies. The best diet for patients labouring under the lithic deposite, is a vege- table. Dr. Wollaslon's tine observation, that the ex- crement of birds ted solely upon animal matter, is in a great measure lithic acid, and the curious fact since ascertained, that the excrement ofthe boa constrictor, fed aLo entirely on animals, is pure lithic acid, concur in giving force to the above dietetic prescription. A week's abstinence from animal food has been known to relieve a fit of lithic acid gravel, where the alkalies were of little avail. But we must not carry Ihe vege- table system so far as to produce flatulency and indi- gestion. . . Such are the principal circumstances connected with the disease of gravel in its incipient or sabulous itate. The calculi formed in the kidneys are, as we have' said above, either lithic, oxalic, or cystic; and vory rarely indeed of the phosphate species. An aqueous regimen, moderate exercise on horseback, when not accompanied with much irritation, cold bathing, and mild aperients, along with the appropriate ch mical medicines, must be prescribed in kid.i.-y Tliese are particularly requisite immediately alter acute pain in the region of the ureter, and in- flammatory symptoms have led to the belief that a nucleus has descended into the bladder. Purges, jdiu- retics, and diluents, ought to be liberally enjoined. A large quantity of mucus streaked with blood, or of a purulent aspect, and haemorrhagy, are frequent symptoms of the passage of the stone into ihe bladder. When a stone has once lodged in the bladder, and increased there to such a size as no longer to be capa- ble of passing through the urethra, it is generally allowed by all who have candidly considered the sub- ject, and who are qualified by experience to be judges. that the stone can never again be dissolved; and although it is possible that it may become so loosened in its texture as to be voided piecemeal, or gradually to crumble away, the event is so rare as to be barely probable. By examining collections of calculi we leam, that in by far the greater number of cases, a nucleus of lithic acid is enveloped in a crust of the phosphates. Our endeavours must therefore be directed towards reducing the excess of lithic acid in the urine to its natural standard ; or, on the other hand, to lessen the tendency to the deposition of the phusphates. The urine must be submitted to chemical .examination, and a suitable course of diet and medicines prescribed. But the chemical remedies must be regulated nicely, so as to hit the happy equilibrium, in w hich no deposite will be formed. Here is a powerful call on the physi- cians and surgeons to make themselves thoroughly versant iu chemical science; for they will otherwise commit the most dangerous blunders in calculous complaints. . ' The idea of dissolving a calculus of unc acid in the bladder, by the internal use of the caustic alkalies,' says Mr. Brande, ' appears too absurd to merit serious refutation.' In respect to the phosphates, it seems possible, by keeping up an unusual acidity in the urine, so far to soften a crust of the calculus, as to make it crumble down, or admit of being abraded by the sound; but this is the utmost that can be looked for; and the lithic nucleus will still remain. 'These considerations,' adds Mr. Brande, 'independent of more urgent reasons, 6how tbe futility of attempting the solution of a stone of the bladder by the injection of acid and alkaline solutions. In respect to the alka- lies, if sufficiently strong to act upon the uric crust of the calculus, they would certainly injure the coats of tbe bladder; they would otherwise become inactive by combination with the acids of the urine, and they would form a dangerous precipitate from the same cause.'—'It therefore appears to me, that Fourcroy and others, who have advised the plan of injection, have thought little of all these obstacles to success, and have regarded the bladder as a lifeless receptacle, into which, as into an India rubber bottle, almost any solvent might be injected with impunity.'—Journal of Science, vol. viii. p. 216. It does not appear that the peculiarities of water in different districts, have any influence upon the pro- duction of calculous disorders. Dr. Wollaston's dis- covery ofthe analogy between urinary and gouty con- cretions has led to the trial in gravel of the vinum col- chici, the specific for gout. By a note to Mr. Brande's dissertation we learn, that benefit has been derived from it in a case of red gravel. Dr. Henry confirms the above precepts in the follow- in" decided language. 'Thes« cases, and others of the same kind, which I think it unnecessary to men- tion, tend to discourage all attempts to dissolve a stone supposed to consist of uric acid, after it has attained considerable size in the bladder; all that can be effected under such circumstances by alkaline medicines ap- pears, as Mr. Brande has remarked, to be the preci- pitating upon it a coating of the earthy phosphates from the urine, a sort of concretion which, as has been observed by various practical writers, increases much more rapidly than that consisting of uric acid oiily. The same unfavourable inference may be drawn also from the dissections of those persons in whom a stone was supposed to be dissolved by alka- line medicines; for in these instances it has been found either encysted, or placed out of the reach of the sound by an enlargement ofthe prostate gland. The urinary calculus of a dog, examined by Dr. Pearson, wa» found to consist principally of tbe phos- phates of lime and ammonia, with animal matter. Several taken from horses, were of a similar composi One of a rabbit consisted chiefly of carbonate of liine and animal matter, with perhaps a uttie phos CAL CAL phoric acid. A quantity of sabulous matter, neither crystallized nor concrete, is sometimes found in the bladder of the horse: in one instance there were nearly 45 pounds. These appear to consist of carbonate of lime and animal matter. A calculus of a cat gave Fourcroy three parts of carbonate, and one of the phosphate of lime. That of a pig, according to Ber- thollet, was phosphate of lime. The renal calculus in man appears to be of the same nature as the urinary. In that of the horse, Fourcroy found 3 parts of carbonate, and one of phosphate of lime. Dr. Pearson, in one instance, carbonate of lime, and animal matter; in two others, phosphates of lime and ammonia, with animal matter. Arthritic calculi, or those formed in the joints of gouty persons, were once supposed to be carbonate of lime, whence they were called chalkstones; afterward it was supposed that they were phosphate of lime : but Dr, Wollaston has shown that they are lithate of soda. The calculi found sometimes in the pineal, prostate, salivary, and bronchial glands, in the pancreas, in tbe corpora cavernosa penis, and between the muscles, as well as the tartar, as it is called, that incrusts the teeth, appear to be phosphate of lime. Dr. Crompton, however, examined a calculus taken from the lungs of a deceased soldier, which consisted of lime 45, car- bonic acid 37, albumen and water 18. It was very bard, irregularly spheroidal, and measured about 6J Inches in circumference. It has been observed, that the lithic acid, which constitutes the chief part of most human urinary cal- culi, and abounds in the arthritic, has been found in no phytivorous animal; and hence has been deduced a practical inference, that abstinence from animal food would prevent their formation. But we are inclined to think this conclusion too hasty. The cat is carni- vorous; but it appeared above, that the calculus of that animal Is equally destitute of lithic acid. If, there- fore, we would form any deduction with respect to regimen, we must look for something used by man, exclusively of all other animals; and this is obviously found in fermented liquors, but apparently in nothing else: and this practical inference is sanctioned by the most respectable medical authorities. The following valuable criteria of the different kinds of urinary calculi, have been given by M. Ber- aelius in his treatise on the use ofthe blowpipe: 11. We may recognise calculi formed of uric acid, from their being carbonized and smoking with an ani- mal odour, when heated by themselves on charcoal or platinum-foil. They dwindle away at the blowpipe flame. Towards the end, they burn with an increase of light; and leave a small quantity of very while alkaline ashes. ' To distinguish these concretions from other s-ub- ctaures, which comport themselves in the above man- ner, we mu6t try a portion of the calculus by the humid way. Thus a tenth of a grain of this calculus being put on a thin plate of glass or platinum, along with a drop of nitric acid, we must heal it at the flame ofthe lamp. The uric acid dissolves with effervescence. The matter, when dried with precaution to prevent it from charring, is obtained in a fine red colour. If the calculus contains but little uric acid, the substance sometimes blackens by this process. We must then take a new portion ofthe concretion, and after having dissolved it in nitric acid, remove it from the heat: the solution, when nearly dry, is to be allowed to cool und become dry. We then expose it, sticking to its support, to tbe warm vapour of caustic ammonia. (From waterof ammonia heated in a tea-spoon.) This ammoniacal vapour developes a beautiful red colour in it. We may also moisten the dried matter with a little weak water of ammonia. ' If the concretions are a mixture of uric acid and earthy phosphate, they carbonize and consume like tbe above, hut their residuum is more bulky ; it is not alkaline, nor soluble in water. They exhibit with nitric acid and ammonia, the fine red colour of uric acid. Their ashes contain phosphate of lime, or of lime and magnesia. '2. The calculi of urate of soda are hardly met with except in the concretions round the articulations of gouty patients. When heated alone upon charcoal, they blacken, exhaling an empyreumatic animal odour; thf-y are with difficulty reduced into ashes, which are strongly alkaline, aud are capable of vitrifving silica. When there are earthy salts (phosphates) in thow concretions, they afford a whitish or opaque gray glasn. ' 3. The calculi of urate of ammonia comport them- selves at the blowpipe like those of uric acid. A drop of caustic potassa makes them exliale, at a moderate heat, much ammonia. We must not confound this odour with the slight ammontnco-lixivial smell, which potassa disengages from the greater part of animal substances. Urate of soda is likewise found in these calculi. ' 4. Calculi of phosphate of lime. They blacken, with the exhalation of an empyreumatic animal odour, without melting of themselves at the blowpipe, but whiten into an evident calcareous phosphate. With soda they swell up without vitrifying. Dissolved in boracic acid, and fused along with a little iron, they yield a bead of phosphuret of iron. '5. Calculi of ammoniaco-magncsian phosphate, heated alone on a plate of platinum, exhale the empy reumatic animal odour, at the same time blackening, swelling up, and becoming finally grayish white. A kind of grayish-white enamel is in this manner ob- tained. With borax they melt into a glass, which is transparent, or which becomes of a milky-white on cooling Soda in small quantity causes them to fuse into a frothy white slag; a larger quantity of soda makes them infusible. They yield, with iron and bo- racic acid, a bead of phosphuret of iron ; with nitrate of cobalt, a glass of a deep red or brown. If salts of lime exist in these concretions, the mixture of them is less fusible. ' 6. Calculi of oxalate of lime, exposed to the blow- pipe, exhale at first the urinous smell; they become first of a dull colour at the flame, and afterward their colour brightens. What remains after a moderate ignition, effervesces with nitric acid. After a smart jet of the flame, there remains quicklime on the char- coal, which reacts like an alkali on the colour of lit- mus, wild mallow flower, or cabbage, and slakes with water. But this does not happen when the residuum consists of calcareous phosphate. ' 7. The siliceous calculus, heated alone, leaves sub- coriaceous or infusible ashes. Treated with a little soda, these dissolve with effervescence, but slowly, leaving a bead of glass of a gray colour, or of little transparency. 18. Lastly, the cystic oxyde calculi afford nearly the same results as uric acid at the blowpipe. Thev rea- dily take fire, burning with a bluish green flame, with- out melting, with the disengagement of a lively and very peculiar acid odour, which has some affinity to that of cyanogen. Their ashes, which are not aika- line, redissolve by a jet of the flame, into a grayish- white mass. They do not yield a red colour in their treatment with nitric acid, like the uric acid concre- tions.' " The Causes of the Generation of Urinary Calculi. To inquire into the causes by which urinary con- cretions are produced, is both interesting and useful, however attended with the greatest difficulties. The writings of medical authors are full of conjectures and hypotheses with regard to this subject, on which no- thing could be ascertained before we had acquired an accurate knowledge of the nature of urinary concre- tions. It is owing to this circumstance that the most enlightened physicians acquiesced in ascribing the im- mediate cause of them to a superabundance of terrc- ous matter in the urine ; and Boerhaave, as well as, particularly, Van Swieten, imagined that the urine of all men contained calculous matter in the natural state, and that, for the generation of stonet, a nucleus was only required, to attract it. That this may be the case, in some instances, is proved by frequent experi- ence ; but stones produced by foreign bodies, that have accidentally got into the urethra or bladder, are always white, and composed of phosphates of earths, and seldom or never covered with lithic acid, a sub- stance which is observed to form the stones that most frequently occur; but even in these the nucleus con- sists of a substance formed in the body itself, as a par- ticle descended from the kidneys, Sec. which must, therefore, have necessarily originated in a peculiar in- ternal cause. A superabundance of uric acid iu stony patients, and its more copious generation than in a sound state, though it seems to be one of the principal and most certain causes, is by no means satisfactory, as it only explains the precipitation of stony matter CAL CAL from the urine, but not why it unites in strata. A coagulating substance is required for separating, attracting, and, as it were, agglutinating the condensi- ble particles that are precipitated. This substance is undoubtedly the animal matter which we have con- stantly found in all calculous masses, and which seems to constitute the basis of stones, like the membraneous gelatina that of bones. It is known that the urine of calculous patients is generally muddy, ductile, in threads, slimy, and as if mixed with albumen, which quality it obtains at the moment when the ammonia is disengaged, or on the addition of potassa that sepa- rates it from the acid in which it was dissolved; and in all cases of superabundance of lithic acid the urine contains a great quantity of that animal matter, which promotes the precipitation of it, and attracts, and unites the particles thus separated. Hence it appears, that every thing capable of increasing the quantity of that pituitous gluten in the urine, may be considered as the remote cause of the formation of calculi. And the old ideas on pituitous temperaments, or supera- bundant pituita, &.c. which were thought to dispose people to a calculus, seem to be connected with the late discoveries on the nature of urinary stones. Though the animal matter appears to be different in different calculi, yet it is certain, that every calculous substance contains an animal gluten, from which its concrete and solid state arises; whence we may fairly state the superabundance of that substance as the chief and principal cause ofthe formation of calculi. There are, however, other causes which seem to have a particular influence on the nature of urinary stones, and the strata in which they are formed; but it is extremely difficult to penetrate and to explain them. We are, for instance, entirely ignorant of the manner in which urinary stones are formed from the oxalate of lime; though, from their occurring more frequently in children than in adults, we might be en- titled to ascribe them to a disposition to acor, a cause considered by Boerhaave as the general source of a great number of diseases incident to the infantile age. This opinion seems to be proved by the ideas of Bon- homme, physician at Avignon, on the oxalic or saccha- ric acid, as the cause of mollities ossium in the rickets; by this acid being discovered in a species of saliva by Brugnatelli; and, lastly, by an observation of Turgais, who found this acid in the urine of a child diseased with worms. We but rarely observe saccharic acid in the human body, which appears to be mostly ad- ventitious, and by which the animal matter is rendered coagulable, and deposited, or precipitated, with the oxalate of lime; or the oxalic acid decomposes the phosphate of lime, and forms an insoluble combina- tion, incapableof being any longer kept dissolved in the urine. It is, however, extremely difficult to determine how far the constitution of the body is connected with that particular disposition in the urine, of precipi- tating sometimes phosphate of lime mixed with oxalate of lime, sometimes phosphate of ammoniacal magne- sia, either by itself or mixed with lithic acid, &c. Sec. Who can explain the reason why, of 600 stones, there were only two in which siliceous earth could be traced ? Still more difficult is it to explain the causes wiiy the above substances precipitate either at once or in differ- ent strata; but it may suffice to have shown how many observations and experiments are required, and what accurate attention and perseverance are neces- sary, in order to throw light on so difficult a subject The means to be employed in calculous complaints must vary according to circumstances. Permanent relief can be obtained only by the removal of the mor- bid concretion: and where this is of too large a size to be passed by the natural outlet, the operation of litho- tomy becomes necessary. Various remedies indeed have been proposed as capable of dissolving urinary calculi; and some of them are certainly useful in pal- liating the symptoms, and perhaps preventing the formation of fresh calculous matter: but experience has not sanctioned their efficacy as actual lithontrip- tics; and by delaying the operation, we not only incur the risk of organic disease being produced, but the con- cretion may also become friable externally, so as to be with more difficulty removed. Sometimes, however, the advanced age of the patient, the complication with organic disease, or the exhausted state of the system, may render an operation inexpedient; or he may not be willing to submit to it; we shall then find some ad- vantage from the use of chemical remedies, according to the morbid quality of the urine; that is generally from alkaline or earthy preparations, where a red de- posite appears, and from acids where there is a white sediment. Tonic medicines may also be useful, and some of the mild astringents, especially uva ursi, and occasional narcotics, where violent pain attends: sometimes an inflammatory tendency may require fomentations, the local abstraction of blood, and other antiphlogistic measures. The most likely plan of effect- ing a solution of the calculus must certainly be that proposed by Fourcroy, namely, injecting suitable liquids into the bladder. The most common calculi, containing uric acid, are readily soluble in a solution of potassa, or soda, weak enough to be held in the mouth, or even swallowed without inconvenience; those which consist of phosphoric acid neutralized by lime, or other base, the next in frequency, dissolve in nitric or muriatic acid of no greater strength ; the most rare variety, made up mostly of oxalate of lime, may be dissolved, but very slowly, in nitric acid, or solu- tions of the fixed alkaline carbonates, weak enough not to irritate the bladder. However, it is not easy to ascertain which of these solvents is proper in a parti- cular case, for most calculi are not uniform through- out, owing probably to the urine having varied during their formation, so that the examination of this secre- tion will not certainly indicate the injection required. The plan recommended, therefore, is, the bladder having been evacuated, and washed out with tepid water, to inject first the alkaline solution, heated to the temperature ofthe body, and direct it to be retain- ed for half an hour, or longer, if the person can bear it; then, to the liquor voided and filtered, add a little muriatic acid, which will cause e white precipitate, if there be any uric acid dissolved; and so long as this happens, the same injection should be used, otherwise diluted muriatic acid is to be thrown in, and ammonia added to it when discharged; whereby phosphate of lime, if there be any, is precipitated: and when nei- ther of these succeeds, diluted nitric acid is to be tried; in each case varying the injection from time to time, as that previously used loses its efficacy. However; there appears one source of error in this method; namely, that the urine secreted, while the liquid is retained, may give rise to a precipitate, though none of the calculus may have been dissolved; it would therefore be proper to examine the urine previously, as well as occasionally during the use of injections, and, if necessary, correct its quality by the exhibition of proper internal medicines. See Lithontriplics and Lithotomy. Calculus biliaris. See Gall-stone. CALDA'RIUM. (From caleo, to make hot) A vessel in the baths of the ancients, to hold hot water. CALEFA'CIENT. (Calefaciens; from calidus, warm, and facio, to make.) A medicine, or other substance, which excites a degree of warmth in the parts to which it is applied: as piper, spiritus vini, Sec. They belotit, to the class of stimulants. CALE'NDULA. (Quad singulis calendis, i. e. mensibusyflorescat; so called because it flowers every month.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia necessaria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the single marigold. See Calendula officinalis. Calendula alpina. The mountain arnica. See Arnica montana. Calendula arvensis. The wild marigold. See Caltha palustris. Calendula officinalis. The garden marigold Calendula sativa; Chrysanthemum; Sponsa soils; Caltha vulgaris. The flowers and leaves of this plant, Calendula:—seminibus cymbiformibus, muri cutis, incurvatis omnibus, of Linnaeus, have been ex- hibited medicinally: the former, as aperients in ute- rine obstructions and icteric disorders, and as diapho- retics in exanthematous fevers; the latter, as gentle aperients, and to promote the secretions in general. Calendula palustris. Common single marsh- marigold. See Caltha palustris. CALENTURE. A febrile delirium, said to be pe- culiar to sailors, wherein they imagine the sea to be green fields, and will throw themselves into it if not restrained. Bonetus, Dr. Oliver, and Dr. Stubbs, give an account of it. lW » CAL CaM'twit. The Indian name of a tree which grows in Malabar, the bark of which made into an ointment with butter, cures convulsions from wounds, and heals ulcers. The juke of the bark cures the aphtha:, and, taken inwardly, the dysentery.—Ray. ~Calf's snout. See Antirrhinum. Ca'li. (Arabian.) The same as kali Calicha'pa. The white-thorn. CA'LIDUS. In medical language, it is commonly used for animal heat, or the vis vita? • thus, calidum animals innatum. Calidje plantje. (From color, heat) Plants that are natives of warm climates. Calik'ta. (From koXux, a nest, which it some- what resembles.) CaUiette. A fungus growing on the juniper-tree. CALI'GO. (Caligo, ginis. fo?m.) A disease of the eye, known by diminished or destroyed sight; and by the interposition of -a dark body between tbe object and the retina. U is arranged by Cullen in the class Ijoeales, and order dysasthesia. The species of ca- ligo are distinguished according to the situation of the interposed body: thus caligo lentis, caligo coma, caligo papilla, caligo humorum, and caligo palpe- brarum. Caliha'cha. The cassia-lignea, or cassia-tree of Malabar. Cali'mia. The lapis calaminaris. CA'LIX. (Calix, ids. m.; from KaXvnlu, to cover.) See Calyx. Call*'um. (From xaXXvvu, to adorn.) Gallaon. The gills of a cock, which Galen says, is food not to be praised or condemned. CaLlu'na. A kind of saltpetre. Ca'lli. Nodes in the gout.—Galen. Ca'llia. (From koXos, beautiful.) A name of the chamomile. Callible'phara. (From koXos, good, and fiXctpa- oov, the eyelid.) Medicines, or compositions, appro- priated to the eyelids. CALLICO'CCA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Penlandria, Order, Monogynia. Callicocca ipecacuanha. The plant from which ipecacuan root is obtained was long unknown; it was said by some writers to be the Psychotria emetica ■ Class, Penlandria; Order, Monogynia; by others, the Viola ipecacuanha, a syngeuesious plant of the order Monogynia. It is now ascertained to be neither, but a small plant called Callicocca ipecacuanha. There are three sorts of ipecacuan to be met with in our snois. viz. the ash-coloured or gray, the brown, and the white. The ash-coloured is brought from Peru, and is a small wrinkled root, bent and contorted into a great variety of figures, brought over in short pieces, full of wrinkles, and deep circular fissures, down to a small white woody fibre that runs in the middle of each piece: the cortical part is compact, brittle, looks smooth and resinous upon breaking: it has very little smell; the taste is bitterish and subacrid, covering the tongue, as it were, with a kind of mucilage. The brown is small, somewhat more wrinkled than the foregoing; of a brown or blackish colour without, and white within; this is brought from Brazil. The white sort is woody, and has no wrinkles, nor any perceptible hittei net's in taste. The first, the ash- .coloured or gray ipecacuan, is that usually preferred for medicinal use. The brown has been sometimes observed, even in a small dose, to produce violent effects. The white, though taken in a large one, has scarcely any effect at all. Experience has proved that this medicine is the safest emetic with which we are acquainted, having this peculiar advantage, that, if it does not operate by vomit, it readily passes off' by (he other emunctories. Ipecacuan was first introduced as an infallible remedy against dysenteries, and other in- veterate fluxes, as diarrhoea, nienorrhagia, leucorrhoea, &c. and also in disorders proceeding from obstructions of long standing; nor has it lost much of its reputation by time: its utility in these cases is thought to de- pend upon its restoring perspiration. It has also been successfully employed in spasmodic asthma, catarrhal and consumptive cases. Nevertheless, its chief use is s^ a vomit, and in small doses, joined with opium, as a diaphoretic. The officinal preparations are the pulvit ipecacuanha compositus, and the vinum ipecacuanha. 170 CAL I Calli'cri as. (From koXos, good, and xptas, meat, | so named from its delicacy as food.) Sweet bread. j See Pancreas. I Calli'oonum. (From koXos, beautiful, and yovn, a knot, or joint; so named from its being handsomely jointed, like a cane.) The polygonum, or knot-grass. Callioma'rchus. The Gaullic name, in Marcellus Empiricus, of colt's-foot Ca'llion. A kind of night-shade Calliphy'llum. From xaXXos, beauty, and q>vX- Xov, a leaf.) See Adianthum. Callistru'thia. (From A-aXof, good, and ;-pvt?o;, a sparrow; because it was said to latten sparrows.) A fig mentioned by Pliny, of a good taste. CALLITRI'CHE. (From koXXos, beauty, and 5pi£, hair; so named because it has the appearance of long, beautiful hair; or, according to Littleton, be cause it nourishes the hair, and makes it beautiful.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Monandria; Order, Digynia. Water starwort Water chickweed. 2. The herb maidenhair. See Adianthum. CALLO'NE. (From koXoc, fair.) Hippocrates used this word, to signify that decency and gravity of character and deportment which ii is necessary that all medical men should be possessed of. CALLO SITAS. Callosity, or preternatural hard- ness. CALLOSITY. Callositas. Hardness. CALLOSUS. Hard. Applied in surgery to parts which are morbidly hard; and, in botany, to seeds which are hard; as those of the Citrus medica. CA'LLOUS. Callosus. Hardened or indurated, as the callous edges of ulcers. CALLUS. (Callus, t.m.; and Callum, i. n.) 1. The bony matter deposited between the divided ends of broken bones, about the fourteenth day after the fracture. It is in reality nothing more than the new ossific substance formed by a process of nature, very similar to the growth of any other part of the body. 2. A preternatural hardness, or induration, of any fleshy part. 3. This term is applied in Good's Nosology to that species of ecphyma, which is characterized by callous extuberaut thickening of the cuticle; insensible to the touch. Caloca'tanus. (From koXos, beautiful, and mla- vov, a cup ; so called from the beauty of its flower and shape) The wild poppy. See Papaver rhaas. CALO'MELAS. (From xaXos, good, and ptXas, black; from its virtues and colour.) 1. The prepa- ration called .jEthiops mineral, or hydrargyria cum sulphure, was formerly so named. 2. The chloride of mercury. See Hydrargyri sub- murias. CALO'RIC. (Caloricum; from color, heat.) Heat; Igneous fluid. Heat and cold are perceptions of which we acquire the ideas from the senses; they indicate only a certain state in which we find ourselves, independent of any exterior object. But as these sensations are for the most part produced by bodies around us, we consider them as causes, and judging by appearances, we apply the terms hot, or cold, lo the substances themselves - calling those bodies hot, which produce in us the sen- sation of heat, and those cold, which communicate the contrary sensation. This ambiguity, though of little consequence in the common affairs of human life, has led unavoidably to confusion and perplexity in philosophical discussions. It was to prevent this, that the Iramers of the new nomenclature adopted the word caloric, which denotes that which produces the sensation of heat Theories of Heat. Two opinions have long divided the philosophical world concerning the nature of heat 1. The one is; that the cause which produces the sensation of heat, is a real, or distinct substance, uni- versally pervading nature, penetrating the particles or pores of all bodies, with more or less facility, and in different quantities. This substance, if applied to our system in a greater proportion than it already contains, warms it, as we call it, or produces the sensation of heat; and hence it has been called caloric or calorific. 2. The other theory concerning heat is; that the cause which produces that sensation it not a separate CAL CAL or self-existing substance; but that it is merely like gravity, a property of matter; and that it consists in a specific or peculiar motion, or vibration ofthe particles of bodies. The arguments in favour of the first theory have been principally deduced from the evolution and absorption of heat during chemical combinations; those of the latter are chiefly founded on the produc- tion of heat by friction For it has been observed, that whatever is capable of producing motion in the par- ticles of any mass of matter, excites heat. Count Rumford and Professor Davy have paid uncommon attention to this fact, and'proved, that heat continues to be evolved from a body subjected to friction, so long as it is applied, and the texture or form of the body not altered. All the effects of heat, according to this theory, de- pend therefore entirely upon the vibratory motion of the particles of bodies. According as this is more or less intense, a higher or lower temperature is produced; and as it predominates over, is nearly equal or inferior to the attraction of cohesion, bodies exist in the gase- ous, fluid, or solid state. Different bodies are susceptible of it in different de- grees, and receive and communicate it with different celerity. From the generation, communication, and attraction of this repulsive motion, under these laws, all the phenomena ascribed to heat are explicable. Each of these theories hes been supported by the most able philosophers, and given occasion to the most Important disputes in which chemists have been en- gaged: which has contributed in a very particular manner to the advancement of the science. The ob- scurity of the subject, however, is such, that both parties have been able to advance most plausible arguments. Setting aside all inquiries concerning the merits of these different doctrines, we shall confine ourselves to the general effects which heat produces on different bodies. For the phenomena which heat presents, and their relation to each other, may be investigated with sufficient precision, though the materiality, or imma- teriality of it, may remain unknown to us. Nature of Heat. Those who consider heat as matter, assert that caloric exists in two states, namely, i n combination,or at liberty. In the first state it is not sensible to our organs, nor indicated by the thermometer; it forms a constituent part of the body; but it may be brought back to the state of sensible heat In this state it affects animals with the sensation of heat It therefore has been called sensible or free heat, or fire; and is synonymous with uncombined caloric, thermometrical caloric, ca- loric of temperature, interposedcaloric, Sec. expressions now pretty generally superseded. From the diversity of opinions among chemists re- specting the nature of caloric, several other expres- sions have been introduced, which it is proper to notice. For instance, by specific heat is understood, the relatitive quantities of caloric contained iu equal weights of different bodies at the same temperature. Latent heat is the expression used to denote that quan- tity of caloric which a body absorbs when changing its form. It is, however, more properly called caloric of fluidity. The disposition, or property, by which different bodies contain certain quantities of caloric, at any temperature, is termed their capacity for heat. By the expression of absolute heat, is understood the whole quantity of caloric which any body contains. , Methods of exciting and collecting Heat. Of the different methods of exciting heat, the fol- lowing are the most usual: I. Percussion or Collision. This method of pro- ducing heat is the simplest, and therefore it is gene- rally made use of in the common purposes of life for Obtaining fire. When a piece of hardened steel is struck with a flint, some particles of the metal are scraped away from the mass, and so violent is the beat which fol- lows the stroke, that it melts and vitrifies them. If the fragments of steel are caught upon paper, and viewed with a microscope, most of them will be found perfect spherules, and very highly polished. Their sphericity demonstrates that they have been in a fluid state, and the polish upon their surface, shows them to be vitrified. No beat, however has been observed to follow the percussion of liquids, nor of the softer kind of bodies which yield to a slight impulse. 2. Friction. Heat may likewise be excited by mere friction. This practice is still retained in some parts of the world. The natives of New Holland are said to produce fire in this manner, with great facility, and spread it in a wonderful manner. For that purpose, they take two pieces of dry wood; one is a stick, about eight or nine inches long, and tbe other piece is flat; the stick they bring to an obtuse point at one end, and pressing it upon the other piece, they turn it very nimbly, by holding it between both hands, as we do a chocolate-mill, often shifting their hands up, and then moving down upon it, in order to increase the pressure as much as possible. By this method they get fire in a few minutes, and from the smallest spark they increase it with great speed and dexterity. If the irons at the axis of a coach-wheel are applied to each other, without the interposition of some unc- tuous matter to keep them from immediate contact, they will become so hot when the carriage runs swiftly along, as to set the wood on fire; and the fore-wheels, being smallest, and making most revolutions in a given time, will be most iu danger. The same will happen to mill-work, or to any other machinery. It is no uncommon practice in this country, for blacksmiths to use a plate of iron as an extemporane- ous substitute for a tinder-box; for it may be ham mered on an anvil till it becomes red-hot, and will fire a brimstone match. A strong man who strikes quick, and keeps turning the iron so that both sides may be equally exposed to the force of the hammer, will per form this in less time than would be expected. If, in the coldest season, one dense iron plate be laid on another, and pressed together by a weight, and then rubbed upon each other by reciprocal motions, they will gradually grow so hot as, in a short time, to emit sparks, and at last become ignited. It is not necessary that the substances should be very hard; a cord rubbed backwards and forwards swiftly against a post or a tree will take fire. Count Rumford and Professor Pictet have made some very ingenious and valuable experiments con cerning the heat evolved by friction. 3. Chemical Action. To this belongs the heat pro- duced by combustion. There are, besides this, many chemical processes wherein rapid chemical action takes place, accompanied with a de vclopement of heat, or fire, and flame. 4. Solar heat. It is well known that the solar rays, when collected by a mirror, or lens, into a focus, pro- duce the most astonishing effects. Dr. Herschel has discovered that there are rays emitted from the sun, which have not the power of illuminating or producing vision: and that these are the rays which produce the heat of the solar iigbt. Consequently, heat is emitted from the sun in rays, but these rays are not the same with the rays ol light. 5. The Electric Spark, and Galvanism. The effects of electricity are two well known in this point of view to need any description. Galvanism has of late become a powerful instrument for the purpose of exciting heat. Not only easily in- flammable substances, such as phosphorus, sulphur, &c. have been fired, but likewise, gold, silver, copper, tin, and the rest of the metals, have been burnt by means of galvanism. General Effects of Heat. The first and most obvious effect which heat pro- duces on bodies, is its expansive property. Experience has taught us that, at all times, when bodies become hot, they increase in bulk. The bodies experience a dilatation which is greater in proportion to the accu- mulation of coloric, or in other words, to the intensity of the heat. This is a general law, which holds good as long as the bodies have suffered no change either in their combination or in the quantity of their chemical principles. This power, which heat possesses, consists, there • fore, in a constant tendency to separate the particles of bodies. Hence philosophers consider heat as the repulsive power which acts upon all bodies whatever. and which is in constant opposition to the power of attraction. The phenomena which result from these mutual ac- tions, seem, as it were, tbe secret springs of nature* CAL CAL Heat, however, does not expand all bodies equally, and we are still ignorant of the laws which it follows. 1. Expansion of Fluid Bodies. Take U gloss globe, with a long slender neck (called a bold heat); fill it up to the neck with water, ardent spirit, or any other fluid which may be coloured with red or black ink, in or- der to be more visible, and then immerse the globe of the instrument in a vessel of hot water; the included fluid will instantly begin to mount into the neck. If it be taken out of the water and brought near tbe fire, it will ascend more and more, in proportion as it be- comes heated; but, upon removing it from the source of heat, it will sink again: a clear proof that caloric dilates it, so as to make it occupy more space when hot than when cold. These experiments may, there- fore, serve as a demonstration that heat expands fluid bodies. 2. Expansion of Aeriform Bodies. Take a bladder partly filled with air, the neck of which is closely tied, so as to prevent the enclosed air from escaping, and let it be held near a fire. The air will soon begin to occupy more space, and the bladder will become gra- dually distended; on continuing the expansion of the air, by increasing the heat, the bladder will burst with a loud report 3. Expansion of Solid Bodies. If we take a bar of iron, six inches long, and put it into a fire till it becomes red-liot; and then measure it in this state accurately, it will be found l-20th of an inch longer than it was before; that is, about 120th part of the whole. That the metal is proportionally expanded in breadth, will be seen by trying to pass it through an aperture which is fitted exactly when cold, but which will not admit it when red-hot. The bar is, therefore, increased in length and diameter. To discover the minutest changes of expansion by heat, and the relative proportions thereof, instruments have been contrived, called Pyrometers, the sensi- bility of which is so delicate as to show an expansion of l-100,000th of an inch. It is owing to this expansion of metals, that the mo- tion of time-pieces is rendered erroneous; but the ingenuity of artists has discovered methods of ob- viating this inaccuracy, by employing tbe greater expansion of one metal, to counteract the expansion of another; this is effected in what is called the grid- iron pendulum. Upon the same principle, a particular construction of watches has been contrived. The expansion of metals is likewise one of the prin- cipal reasons that clocks and watches vary in winter and summer, when worn in the pocket, or exposed to the open air, or when carried into a hotter or a colder climate. For the number of the vibrations of the pendulum is always in the sub-duplicate ratio of its length, and as the length is changed by heat and cold, rthe times of vibration will be also changed. The .quantity of alteration, when considered in a single vibration, is exceedingly small, but when they are .-often repeated, it will be very sensible. An alteration of one-thousandth part in the time of a single vibra- tion of a pendulum which beats seconds, will make a .change of eighty-six whole vibrations in twenty-four hours. As diffeoent metals expand differently with the same .degree of heat; those musical instruments, whose jparts are to maintain a constant true proportion, should never.be strung with different metals. It is on this account that harpsichords, &c. are out of tunc by a change of temperature. Bodies which are brittle, or which want flexibility, crack or break,.if suddenly heated. This likewise de- pends upon the expansive force of heat, stretching the surface to which it is applied, while the other parts, not being equally .heated, do not expand in the same ratio, and are therefore torn asunder or break. Hence thin vessels stand heat better than thick ones. Tbe same holds, when they are suddenly cooled. Measurement of Heat. Upon the expansive property of heat, which we have considered before, is founded, its artificial mea- surement Various means have been employed to as- sist the imperleetioncCour sensations in judging of the different degrees of Beat; for our feelings, unaided, afford but very inaccurate information concerning tliis matter; they indicate the presence of heat, only when the bodies presented to them are hotter than tbe actual temperature of our orgaud t vl, h^. ,my s« r V 0pen by hVe °"fice3 IDt0 ! e^e and deeper in the body of the gland. In the ,.r, the vestibuluin^ See Ear. , minent , of n turnour,in this state, a corroding Canalis svmispetros. The half bony canal ofthe ichor sometimes transudes through the skin, booS o ».... _..M„.^. a-» -i ,- ,_ * formtne an ulcer: at other times a considerable quan- ta V"N0B!I8' A canal Pecu,lar w ** fetus, I tity of a thin lymphatic fluid tinged with blood from CAN CAN eroded vessels is found on it. Ulcers of the cancerous nature discbarge a thin, foetid, acrid sanies, which corrodes the parts, having thick, dark-coloured re- torted lips; and fungous excrescences frequently rise from these ulcers, notwithstanding the corrosiveness of the discharge. In this state they are often attended with excruciating, pungent, lancinating, burning pains, and sometimes with bleeding. Though a scirrhus may truly be deemed a cancer, as soon as pain is perceived in it, yet every painful tumour is not a cancer; nor is it always easy lo say whether a cancer is the disorder or not Irregular hard lumps may be perceived in the breast; but on ex- amining the other breast, where no uneasiness is per- ceived, the same kind of tumours are sometimes found, which renders the diagnostic uncertain. Yet in every case after the cessation of the catamenia, hard, un- equal tumours in the breasi are suspicious; nor, though without pain, are they to be supposed indolent or in- noxious. In the treatment of this disease, our chief reliance must be on extirpating the part affected. Some have attempted to dispel the scirrhous tumour by leeches and various discutient applications, to destroy il by caustics, or to check its progress by narcotics; but without material success. Certainly before the disease is confirmed, should any inflammatory tendency ap- pear, antiphlogistic means may be employed with pro- priety ; but afterward tbe operation should not be de- layed : nay, where the nature of the tumour is doubt- ful, it will be better to remove it, than incur the risk of this dreadful disease. Some surgeons, indeed, have contested the utility of the operation; and no doubt the disease wilt sometimes appear again; from consti- tutional tendency, or from the whole not having been removed: but the balance of evidence is in favour of the operation being successful, if performed early, and to an adequate extent. The plan of destroying the part by caustic is much more tedious, painful, and un- certain. When the disease has arisen from some acci- dent, not spontaneously, when the patient is otherwise healthy, when no symptoms of malignancy in tbe can- cer have appeared, and the adjacent glands and absor- bents seem unaffected, we have stronger expectation of success: but unless all the morbid parts can be removed without the risk of dividing important nerves or arte- ries, it should scarcely be attempted. In operating it Is advisable, 1. To make the external wound suffici- ently large, and nearly in the direction ofthe subjacent muscular fibres. 2. To save skin enough to cover it, unless diseased. 3. To tie every vessel which might endanger subsequent haemorrhage. 4. To keep the lips of the wound in contact, not interposing any dress- ing, &c. 5. To preserve the parts in an easy and steady position for some days, before they are inspected. 6. To use only mild and coolins; applications during the eure. Supposing, however, the patient will not con- Bent to an operation, or circumstances render it inad- missible, the uterus, for example, being affected, in- ternal remedies may somewhat retard its progress, or alleviate the sufferings of the patient; those, which have appeared most beneficial, are, 1. Arsenic, in very small doses long continued. 2. Conium, in doses pro- gressively increased to a considerable extent. 3. Opium. 4. Belladonna. 5. Solanum. 6. Ferrum ammonia- turn. 7. Hydrargyri oxymurias. 8. The juice of the galium aparine. When the part is external, topical applications may be useful to alleviate pain, cleanse the sore, or correct"the fcetor; especially, 1. Fresh- bruised hemlock leaves. 2. Scraped young carrots. 3. The fermenting poultice. 4. Finely levigated chalk. 5. Powdered charcoal. 6. Carbonic acid gas, intro- troduced into a bladder confined round the part. 7. A watery solution of opium. 8. Liquid tar, or tar- water. But none of these means can be relied upon for effecting a cure. 3. See Carcinus. Cancer astacus. The systematic name of the crab-fish, from which the claws are selected for medi- cal use. Crab's claws and crab's eyes, as they are called, which are concretions found in the stomach, are of a calcareous quality, and possess antacid virtues. They are exhibited with their compounds in pyrosis, diai:brea, and infantile convulsions from acidity. Canc r* oancellus. See Cancellus. Canckr .ammarus. The systematic name of the lobster Cancer munditorium. A peculiar ulceration of the scrotum of chimney-sweepers. Ca'nchrys. Parched barley.—Galen. Cancre'na. Paracelsus uses this word instead of gangrena. Cancro'rum chelje. Crab's claws. See Carbonas calcis, and Cancer astacus. Cancrorum oculi. See Carbonas calcis, and Can- cer astacus. CA'NCRUM. (From cancer, a spreading ulcer.) The canker. Cancrum oris. Canker of the mouth; a fretted ulceration ofthe gums. CANDE'LA. (From candeo, to shine.) A candle. ' Candela fumalis. A candle made of odoriferous powders and resinous matters, to purify the air and ex cite the spirits. Candela regia. See Verbascum. Candela'ria. (From candela, a candle; so called from the resemblance of its stalks to a candle.) Mul- lein. See Verbascum. Candy carrot. See Athamanta cretensis. Cane'la. Sometimes used by the ancients for cin ■ namon, or rather cassia. CANE'LLA. (Canella, diminutive of canna, a reed ; so named because the pieces of bark are rolled up in the form of a reed.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Monogynia. The canella-tree. Canella alba. The pharmacopceial name of the laurel-leaved canella. See Winteria aromatica. Canella cubana. See Canella alba. Canellje malabaricje cortex. See Laurus cat eia. Canelli'fera malabarica. See Laurus cassia. Caneon. ( rom kowij, because It was made of split cane.) A sort of tube or instrument, mentioned by Hippocrates, for conveying the fumes of antihysterie drugs into the womb. Ca'nicje. (From cant's, a dog, so called by the an cients, because it was food for dogs.) Coarse meal Hence panis caniceus means very coarse bread. CANICI'DA. (From cams, a dog, and cado, to kill, so called because dogs are destroyed by eating it) Dog's bane. See Aconitum. CANICI'DIUM. (From canis, a dog, and cado, to kill.) The anatomical dissection of living dogs; for the purpose of illustrating the physiology of parts. Canina lingua. See Cynoglossum. Canina malus. The mandragora. Canina rabies. See Hydrophobia. CANINE. Whatever partakes of, or has any rela- tion to, the nature of a dog. Canine appetite. See Bulimia. Canine madness. See Hydrophobia. Canine teeth. Derates canini; Cynodontes ; Cut pidati of Mr. John Hunter; because they have the two sides of their edge sloped off to a point, and this point is very sharp or cuspidated; columellares of Vara and Pliny. The four eye-teeth are so called from their re- semblance to those ofthe dog. Sec Teeth. CANI'NUS. (From canis, a dog.) 1. a tooth is so called, because it resembles that of a dog. See Teeth. 2. The name of a muscle, because it is near the ca nine tooth. Sec Levator angvli oris. 3. A disease to which dogs are subject is called Ra- bies canina. See Hydrophobia: Caninus sentis. See Rosa eanina. Caniru'bus. (From cam's, and rubus, a bramble.) See Rosa eanina. CA'NIS. 1. A dog. The white dung'of this ani- mal, called album gracum, was formerly in esteem, but now disused. 2. The frauiurn of the penis. Canus interfecto'k. Indian barley. See Vera- trum sabadilla. Canis posticus. Sec Castor. CANNA. (Hebrew.) 1. A reed or hollow cane. 2. The fibula, from its resemblance to a reed. Canna fistula. See Cassia fistula. Canna indica. See Sagittaria alexipharmica. Canna major. The tibia. Canna minor cruris. The fibula. Cannabi'na. (From canna, a reed, named from its reed-like stalk.) So Tournefort named his datisca. CA'NNABIS. (From xawa, a reed. KawaSoi are foul springs, wherein hemp, Sec. grow naturally. Or CAN CAO from kanaba, from kanah, to mow. Arabian.) Hemp 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnasan sys- tem. Class, Diecia; Order, Pentandria. > 2. The pharmacopceial name ofthe hemp-plant. See Cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa. The systematic name of the hemp-plant. It has a rank smell of a narcotic kind. The effluvia from the fresh herb are said to affect the eyes and head, and that the water In which it has been long steeped is a sudden ppison. Hemp-seeds, when fresh, afford a considerable quantity of oil. Decoc- tions and emulsions of them have been recommended against coughs, ardor urina?, &c. Their use, in gene- ral, depends on their emollient and demulcent quali- ties. The leaves of an oriental hemp, called bang or bangue, and by the Egyptians assis, are said to be Hied in eastern countries, as a narcotic and aphrodi- siac. See Bangue. CA'NNULA. (Diminutive of canna, a reed.) The name of a surgical instrument. See Canula. CA'NON. Kavwv. A rule or canon, by which medicines are compounded. Cano'nial. Kavoviai. Hippocrates in his book De Aire, &c. calls those persons thus, who have straight, and not prominent bellies. He would intimate that they are disposed, as it were, by a straight rule. Cano Picon. (From xavoinov, the flower of the elder.) 1. A sort of spurge, so named from its resem- blance 2. A eollyrium, of which the chief ingredient was elder flowers. Canopi'te. The name of a eollyrium mentioned by Dels us. Cano'pum. Kaviairov. The flower or bark of the elder-tree, in Paulus ASgineta. Canta'brica. See Convolvulus. Canta'brum. (From kanta, Hebrew.) In Ccelius Aurelianus it signifies bran. Ca'ntacon. Garden saffron. Ca'ntara. The plant which bears the St. Ignatius's bean. See Ignaria amara. CANTERBURY. The name in history of a much celebrated town in Kent, in which there is a mineral water, Cantuariensis aqua, strongly impregnated with iron, sulphur, and carbonic acid gas; it is recommend- ed in disorders of the stomach, in gouty complaints, jaundice, diseases of the skin, and chlorosis. Ca'nthari figulini. Earthen cucurbits. CA'NTHARIS. (Cantharis, pi. cantharides: from navBapos, a beetle, to which tribe it belongs.) Musca Hispanica; Lytta vesicatoria; The blistering fly; Spanish fly. These flies have a green shining gold body, and are common in Spain, Italy, France, and Germany. The largest come from Italy, but the Spanish cantharides are generally preferred. The importance of these flies, by their stimulant, corrosive, and epispastic qualities, in the practice of physic and surgery, is very considerable; indeed, so much so, as to induce many to consider them as the most powerful medicine in the materia medica. When applied on the skin, in the form of a plaster, it soon raises a blis- ter full of serous matter, and thus relieves inflamma- tory diseases, as phrenitis, pleuritis, hepatitis, phleg- mon, bubo, myositis, arthritis, Sec. The tincture of these flies is also of great utility in several cutaneous diseases, rheumatic affections, sciatic pains, Sec. but ought to be used with much caution. See Blister, and Tinctura cantharidis. This insect is two-thirds of an inch in length, one-fourth in breadth, oblong, and of a gold shining colour, with soft elytera or wing sheaths, marked with three longitudinal raised stripes, and covering brown membraneous wings. An insect of a square form, with black feet, but possessed of no vesi- cating property, is sometimes mixed with the cantha- rides. They have a heavy disagreeable odour, and acrid taste. If the inspissated watery decoction of these insects be treated with pure alkohol, a solution of a resinous matter is obtained, which being separated by gentle evaporation to dryness, and submitted for some time to the action of sulphuric aether, forms a yellow solu- tion. By spontaneous evaporation, crystalline plates are depoeited, which may be freed from some adkering colouring matter by alkohol. Their appearance is I ike spermaceti. They are soluble in boiling alkohol, but precipitate as It cools. They do not dissolve in water. 182 According to Robiquet, who first discovered them, these plates form the true blistering principle. They might be called Vesicatoria. Besides the above pecu- liar body, cantharides contain, according to Robiquet, a green' bland oil, insoluble in water, soluble in alko- hol ; a black matter, soluble in water, insoluble in al- kohol, without blistering properties; a yellow viscid matter, mild, soluble in water and alkohol; the crys- talline plates; a fatty bland matter; phosphates of lime and magnesia; a little acetic acid, and much lithic or uric acid. The blistering fly taken into the stomach in doses of a few grains, acts as a poison, oc- casioning horrible satyriasis, delirium, convulsions, and death. Some frightful cases are related by Orfila, vol. i. part second. Oils, milk, syrups, frictions on the spine, with volatile liniment and laudanum, and draughts containing musk, opium, and camphorated emulsion, are the best antidotes. [" Cantharides Vittatve. Potato flies. The Can- tharis vittata of Olivier, called Lytta vittata by Fabri cius, inhabits the United States and South America. It is also given by Pallas among his insects of Siberia. It feeds on different plants, but chiefly on the potato vine, and is easily caught in the morning and towards night. It agrees with the Spanish fly in its generic character, but is a smaller insect, having its elytra or wing cases black with a yellow stripe and margin, its head reddish yellow, and its abdomen and legs black. This fly is found by. abundant experience to possess all the vesicating powers of the European cantharis, and to exert the same effect, when internally admi- nistered, upon the bladder and urethra. The potato fly might well supersede the Spanish, were it not that its visits in different years vary greatly as to certainty and numbers. It is probable that many insects of the coleopterous class possess vesicating powers. Re- cently a fly possessing this quality was sent from the country to a physician in Boston. It proved to be the meloe proscarabeus of Linnaeus. The discovery of the epispastic property in any native insect, is an ob- ject of interest -But that such insects, may become extensively useful, they must be abundant and easy of collection."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] Ca'nthum. Sugar-candy. CA'NTHUS. (KavBos, the tire or iron binding of a cart-wheel. Dr. Turton, in his glossary, supposes from its etymology, that it originally signified the circular extremity of the eyelid.) The angle or corner of the eye, where the upper and under eyelids meet. That next the nose is termed the internal or greater canthus; and the other, the external or less canthus. Cantion. Sugar. CA'NULA. (Diminutive of canna, a leed.) Can nula. A small tube. The term is generally applied to a tube adapted to a sharp instrument with which it is thrust into a cavity or tumour, containing a fluid; the perforation being made, the sharp instrument is withdrawn, and the canula left, in order that the fluid may pass through it. Canusa. Crystal. CAOUTCHOU'C. The substance so called is ob- tained from the vegetable kingdom, and exists also in the mineral. 1. The first, known by the names Indian rubber, Elastic gum, Cayenne resin, Cautchuc, and Caout chouc, is prepared principally from the juice of the Siphonia elastica ;—foliis ternatis ellipticis integerri- mis subtis canis longe petiolatis, (Suppl. Plant) and also from the Jatropha elastica and Unceola elastica. The manner of obtaining this juice is by making in- cisions through the bark ofthe lower part ofthe trunk of the tree, from which the fluid resin issues in great abundance, appearing of a milky whiteness as it flows into the vessel placed to receive it, and into which it is conducted by means of a tube or leaf fixed in the incision, and supported with clay. On exposure to the air, this milky juice gradually Inspissates into a soft, reddish, elastic, resin. It is formed by the In- dians in South America into various figures, but is commonly brought to Europe in that of pear-shaped bottles, which are said to be formed by spreading the juice of the Siphonia over a proper mould of clay; as soon as one layer is dry, another is added, until the bottle be of the thickness desired. It is then exptfJed to a thick dense smoke, or to a fire, until it becomes so dry as not to stick to the fingers, when, by means of CAO certain instruments of iron, or wood, it is ornamented on the outside with various figures. This being done, it remains only to pick out the mould, which is easily effected by softening it with water. " The elasticity of this substance is its most remark- able property: when warmed, as by immersion in hot water, slips of it may be drawn out to seven or eight times their original length, and will return to their for- mer dimensions nearly. Cold renders it stiff and rigid, but warmth restores its original elasticity. Exposed to the fire it softens, swells up, and burns with a bright flame. In Cayenne it is used to give light as a candle. Its solvents are aether, volatile oils, and petroleum. The ether, however, requires to be washed with wa- ter repeatedly, and in this state it dissolves it com- pletely. Pelletier recommends to boil the caoutchouc in water for an hour; then to cut it into slender threads; to boil it again about an hour; and then to put it into rectified sulphuric aether in a vessel close stopped. In this way he says it will be totally dis- solved in a few days, without heat, except the impuri- ties, which will fall to the bottom if aether enough be employed. Berniard says, the nitrous aether dissolves it better than the sulphuric, if this solution be spread on any substance, the aether evaporates very quickly, and leaves a coating of caoutchouc unaltered in its pro- perties. Naphtha, or petroleum, rectified into a co- lourless liquid, dissolves it, and likewise leaves it un- changed by evaporation. Oil of turpentine softens it, and forms a pasty mass, that may be spread as a var- nish, but is very long in drying. A solution of caout- chouc in five times its weight of oil of turpentine, and this solution dissolved in eight times its weight of dry Ing linseed oil by boiling, is said to form the varnish of air-balloons. Alkalies act upon it so as in time to de- stroy its elasticity. Sulphuric acid is decomposed by it; sulphurous acid being evolved, and the caoutchouc converted into charcoal. Nitric acid a-.ts upon it with heat; nitrous gas being given out, and oxalic acid crystallizing from the residuum. On distillation it gives out ammonia, and carburetted hydrogen. Caoutchouc may be formed into various articles without undergoing the process of solution. If it be cut into a uniform slip of a proper thickness, and wound spirally round a glass or metal rod, so that the edges shall be in close contact, and in this state be boiled fur some time, the edges will adhere so as to form a tube. Pieces of it may be readily joined by touching the edges with the solution In ether; but this is not absolutely necessary, for, if they be merely softened by heat, and then pressed together, they will unite very firmly. If linseed oil be rendered very drying by digesting it upon an oxide of lead, and afterward applied with a small brush on any surface, and dried by the sun or in the smoke, it will afford a pellicle of considerable firmness, transparent, burning like caoutchouc, and wonderfully elastic. A pound of this oil, spread upon a stone, and exposed to the air for six or seven months, acquired almost all the properties of caoutchouc; it was used to make catheters and bougies, to varnish balloons, and for other purposes. Of the mineral caoutchouc there are several varie- ties:—!. Of a blackish-brown, inclining to olive, soft, exceedingly compressible, unctuous, with a slightly aromatic smell. It burns with a bright flame, leaving a black oily residuum, which does not become dry. 2. Black, dry, and cracked on the surface, but, when cut into, of a yellowish-white. A fluid resembling pyrolignic acid exudes from it when recently cut It is pellucid on the edges, and nearly of a hyacinthine red colour. 3. Similar to the preceding, but of a some- what firmer texture, and ligneous appearance, from having acquired consistency in repeated layers. 4. Resembling the first variety, but of a darker colour, and adhering to gray calcareous spar, with some grains of galoena. 5. Of a liver-brown colour, having the aspect of the vegetable caoutchouc, but passing by gradual transition into a brittle bitumen, of vitreous lustre, and ayellowisfl colour. 6. Dull reddish-brown, of a spongy or cork-like texture, containing blackish- gray nuclei of impure caoutchouc. Many more varieties are enumerated. One specimen of this caoutchouc has been found in a petrified marine shell enclosed in a rock, and another enclosed in a crystallized fluor spar. Tbe mineral caoutchouc resists the action of solvents CAP still more than the vegetable. The rectified ofl ef petroleum affects it most, particularly when by parti*. burning'it is resolved into a pitchy viscous substance. A hundred grains of a specimen analyzed in the dry way by Klaproth, afforded carburetted hydrogen gas 38 cubic inches, carbonic acid gas 4, bituminous oil 73 grains, acidulous phlegm 1.5, charcoal 6.25, lime 2, silex 1.5, oxide of iron .75, sulphate of lime .5, alu- mina .25. CAPA1BA. See Copaifera officinalis. CAPAIVA. See Copaifera officinalis. Capeli'na. (From capeline, French, a woman's hat, or bandage.) A double-headed roller, put round the head. Cape'lla. A cupel or test Also a name for a goat. CAPER. See Capparis. Caper-bush. See Capparis. Ca'petus. (Kancjos, per apharesin, pro eKantJos:, from cKanfia, to dig.) Hippocrates means by this word a foramen, wbich is impervious, and needs the use of a chirurgical instrument to make an opening; as tbe anus of some new-born infants. Ca'phora. (Arabian.) Camphire. Ca'phura baros indorum. A name for camphire. Caphurje oleum. An aromatic oil distilled from the root of the cinnamon-tree. CAPILLACEUS. Capillory. CAPILLARIS. See Capillary. Capillares plantje. Capillary, or hair-shaped plants. Capillaris vermiculus. See Crinones and Dra- cunculus. CAPI'LL ARY. (Capillaris; from capillus, a little hair: so called from the resemblance to hair or fine thread.) 1. Capillary vessels. The very small rami- fications of the arteries, which terminate upon the external surface of the body, or on the surface of inter- nal cavities, are called capillary. 2. Capillary attraction. See Attraction. 3. Applied to parts of plants, wbich are, or resemble. hairs: thus, a capillary root is one which consists of many very fine fibres, as that of Festuea ovina, and most grasses. Capilla'tio. (From capillus,a hair.) A capillary fracture ofthe cranium. CAPI'LLUS. (Quasi capitis pilus, the hair of the head.) The hair. Small, cylindrical, transparent, insensible, and elastic filaments, which arise from the skin, and are fastened in it by means of small roots. The human hair is composed of a spongy, cellular texture, containing a coloured liquid, and a proper covering. Hair is divided into two kinds; long, which arises on the scalp, cheek, chin, breasts of men, the anterior parts of the arms and legs, the arm-pits, groins, and pelvis: and short, which is softer than the long, and is present over the whole body, except only the palm ofthe hand and sole ofthe foot. The hair origi- nates in the adipose membrane from an oblong mem braneous bulb, which has vessels peculiar to it. The hair is distinguished by different names in certain parts ; as, capillus, on the top of the head: crinis, on the back of the head; circrinnus, on the temples; cilium, on the eyelids; supercilium, on the eyebrows; vibrissa, in the nostrils; barba, on the chin; pappus, on the middle of the chin; mystax, on the upper lip; pilus, on the body. From numerous experiments Vauquelin infers, that black hair is formed of nine different substances, namely:— 1. An animal matter, which constitutes the greater part. 2. A white concrete oil, in small quantity 3. Another oil of a grayish-green colour, more abundant than the former. 4. Iron, tbe state of which in the hair is uncei tain. 5. A few particles of oxideof man ganese 6. Phosphate of lime. 7. Carbonate of lime, in very small quantity. 8. Silex, in a conspicuous quantity. 9. Lastly, a considerable quautity of sul- phur. The same experiments show, that red hair differs from black only in containing a red oil instead of a blackish-green oil; and that white hair differs from both these only in the oil being nearly colourless, and in containing phosphate of magnesia, which is not found in them. Capillus veneris. See Adianthum. Capillus veneris canadensis. See Adianthunt canaitnsa. ___ XB3 CAP CAP Capiple'nium. (From caput, the head, and plenus, full; a barbarous word: but Baglivi uses it to signify that continual heaviness or disorder in the head, which tbe Greeks call KapvBapia.) A catarrh. Capistra'tio. (From capistrum, a bridle: so called because the praepuce is restrained as it were with a bridle.) See Phimosis. CAPI'STRUM. (From caput, the head.) 1. A bandage for the head is so called. 2. In Vogel's Nosology it is the same as Trismus. CA'PITAL. Capitalis. 1. Belonging to the caput, or head. 2. Tbe head or upper part of an alembic. Capita' lia. (From caput, the head.) Medicines which relieve pains of the head. CAPITATUS. (From caput, the head.) Headed. See Capitulum. CAPITE'LLUM. The head or seed vessels, fre- quently applied to mosses, Sec. CAPITILU'VIUM. (From caput, the head, and lavo, to wash.) A lotion for the head. Ca'pitis obliquus inferior ct major. See Obli- quus inferior capitis. Capitis par tertiuw fallopii. See Trachelo- mastoideus. Capitis posticus. See Rectus capitis posticus major. Capitis rectus. See Rectus capitis posticus minor. CAPITULUM. (Diminutive of caput, the head.) 1. A small head. 2. A protuberance of a bone, received into the con- cavity of another bone. 3. An alembic. In botany, the term for a species of inflorescence, called a head or tuft, formed of many flowers, in a globular form, upon a common peduncle. From the insertion ofthe flowers, it is called, 1. Pedunculated; as iu Astragalus syriacus, and Eryngium maritimum. 2. Sessile; as in Trifolium tomentosum. 3. Terminal; as in Monarda fistulosa. 4. Axillary ; as in Gomphrena sessilis. From the figure, it is said to be, 1. Globose ; as in Gomphrena globosa. 2. Subrotund; as in Trifolium pratense. 3. Conic; as in Trifolium montanum. 4. Dimidiate, flat on one side, round on the other; as in Trifolium lupinaster. From its covering, 1. Naked; as in IUecebrum polygonoides. 3. Foliose; as in Plantago indico. A capitulum that is very small, and is mostly in the axilla, is called Glomerulus. CAPI'VI. See Copaifera officinalis. CAPNEL-jE'UM. (From Kanvos, smoke, and eXatov, oil; so named from its smoky exhalations when ex- posed to heat) In Galen's works it means a resin. Ca'pnias. (From Kanvos, a smoke.) 1. A jasper of a smoky colour. 2. A vine which bears white and part black grapes. Capni'ston. (From Kanvos, smoke.) A prepara- tion of spice and oil, made by kindling the spices, and fumigating the oil. Capni'tis. (From Kanvos, smoke; so called from its smoky colour.) Tutty. CAPNOI'DES. (From Kanvos, fumitory, andeiooc, likeness.) Resembling fumitory. CA'PNOS. (Kanvos, smoke; so called, says Blanch- ard, because its juice, if applied to the eyes, produces the same effect and sensations as smoke.) Capnus. The herb fumitory. See Fumaria. CAPNUS. „ See Capnos. Ca'ppa. (A capite, from the head: so called from its supposed resemblance.) The herb monkshood. See Aconitum. CA'PPARIS. (From eaoar, Arab, or aapa ro Kairnavtiv apav, from its curing madness and melan- choly.) The caper plant 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the caper plant. Bee Capparis spinosa. Capparis spinosa. The systematic name of the caper plant. Capparis:—pendunculis solitariis uni- fioris, stipulis spinosis, foliis annuis, consults ovalibus of Linnaeus. The buds, or unexpanded flowers of this plant are in common use as a pickle, which is said to 134 possess antiscorbutic virtues. The bark of the root was formerly in high esteem as a deobstruent CAPREOLA'RIS. (From capreolus, a tendril.) Capreolatus. Resembling in its contortions, or other Appearance, the tendrils of a vine; applied to the spermatic vessels. CAPREOLA'TUS. See Capreolaris. CAPRE'OLUS. (Dim. of caprea, a tendril. Dr. Turton suggests its derivation from caper, a goat, the horn of which its contortions somewhat resemble.) 1. The helix or circle of the ear, from iu tendril-like contortion. 2. A Tendril. See Cirrus. Cafrico'rnus. Lead. CAPRIFICATION. (Caprificatio; from caprificus, a wild fig.) The very singular husbandry, or manage- ment of fig-trees. CAPRIFTCUS. (From caper, a goat, and ficus, a fig; because they are a chief food of goats.) The wild fig-tree. See Ficus. Caprimulous. A species of bird, the goat-sucker, to which belong the night-hawk and the whip- poor-will. Capri'zans. Galen and others used this word to express an inequality in the pulse, when it leaps, and, as it were, dances in uncertain strokes and periods. Capse'lla. (Diminutive of capsa, a chest, from its resemblance.) A name in Marcellus Empiricus for viper's bugloss; the Echium Italicum, of Linnaeus. CA'PSICUM. (From Kan}u>, to bite; on account of its effect on the mouth.) I. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the capsicum. See Capsicum annuum. Capsicum annuum. The systematic name of the plant from which we obtain Cayenne pepper. Gui- nea pepper. Piper indicum; Lada chilli; Capo Mo- lago; Solanum urens; Siliquastrum Plinii; Piper Brazilianum ; Piper Guineense ; Piper Calecuttcum ; Piper Hispanicum; Piper Lusitanicum. Cayenne pepper. This species of pepper is obtained from the Capsicum; caule herbaceo, pedunculus solitariis of Linnaeus. What is generally used under the name of Cayenne pepper, however, is an indiscriminate mix- ture of the powder of the dried pods of many species of capsicum, but especially of the capsicum minimum, or bird pepper, which is the hottest of all. These pep- pers have been chiefly used as condiments. They pre- vent flatulence from vegetable food, and give warmth to the stomach, possessing all the virtues of the oriental spices, without producing those complaints of the head which the latter are ap't to occasion. An abuse of them, however, gives rise to visceral obstructions, especially of the liver. In the practice of medicine, there can be little doubt that they furnish us with one of tbe purest and strongest stimulants which can be introduced into the stomach, and may be very useful in some paralytic and gouty cases. Dr. Adair, who first introduced them into practice, found them useful in the cachexia Africana, which he considers as a most frequent and fatal predisposition to disease among the slaves. Dr. Wright says, that in dropsical and other complaints where chalybeates are indicated, a minute portion of powdered capsicum forms an ex- cellent addition, and recommends its use in lethargic affections. This pepper has also been successfully employed in a species of cynanehe maligna, which proved very fatal in the West Indies, resisting the use of Peruvian bark, wine, and other remedies com- monly employed. In tropical fevers, coma and deli- rium are common attendants; and, in such cases, ca- taplasms of capsicum have a speedy and happy effect. They redden the parts, but seldom blister unless when kept on too long. In ophthalmia from relaxation, the diluted juice of capsicum is found to be a valuable remedy. Dr. Adair gave six or eight grains for a dose, made into pills; or else he prepared a tincture by di- gesting half an ounce of the pepper in a pound of al- kohol, tbe dose of which was one or two drachms, diluted with a sufficient quantity of water. A tinctura capsici is uow for the first time introduced into the London pharmacopoeia. [" This article is well known for its excessively pun- gent and biting acrimony, exceeding that of any other article used with food. The principle on which its pungency depends is soluble in both water and alka- CAP CAR hoi, and is not dissipated by boiling. Its solutions are disturned by various reagents, which, however, arc of no cor-sequence in practical use. It is found to con- tain cinchonin, resin, mucilage, and an acrid principle said to be alkaline. It is sometimes adulterated with red-lead to increase its weight. Capsicum is a warm, powerful stimulant, promoting digestion, and obviating flatulence. Its abuse, bow- ever, produces visceral obstructions, and an inflamma- tory disposition in the system. It is never of service to the healthy. In disease it is administered to stimu- late the stomach when in a torpid state, and to excite the nerves of the paralytic and lethargic. In the West Indies it has been employed both externally and internally in ulcerated sore throat It is applied as a gargle in this disease, and in paralysis of the tongue. Its chief use, however, is as a rubefacient to the skin, upon wbich it acts with great power. The dose inter- nally is from five to ten grains. The rubefacient cataplasm is made of meal and vinegar heated, and its surface covered with pulverized capsicum."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] CA'PSULA. (Diminutive of capsa, a chest or ease.) A capsule. 1. A membraneous production enclosing a part of the body like a bag; as the capsu- lar ligaments, the capsule of the crystalline lens, &c. 2. In botany, a dry, woody, coriaceous, or membra- neous pericarpium, or seed-vessel, generally splitting into several valves. The parts of a capsule, are, 1. Tbe valves, or external shell, into which the cap- sule splits. 2. The sutures, or the external surface in which the valves are joined. 3. The dissepimenta, or partitions by which the cap- sule is divided into several cells. 4. The loculamenta, or cells, the spaces between the partitions and valves. 5. The columella, or central column, or filament, Which unites the partitions, and to which the seeds are usually attached. From the number ofthe valves, a capsule is said to be, 1. Bivalvcd; as in Magnolia, and Capraria. 2. Three-valved; as in Canna indica. 3. Four-valved; as in Datura stramonium and Oenothera biennis. 4. Five-valved; as in Illeeebrum, and Coris. 5. Manyvatved; as in Hura crepitans. 6. Operculate, or circumcised, tbe operculum split- ting horizontally; as in Hyosciamus niger, and Le- cythis ollaria. From the number of cells, 1. Unilocular, when there is no partition; as in Parnassia palustris, and Agrostema. 2. Bilocular, two-celled; as Hyosciamus niger, and Datura stramonium. 3. Triloeular, three-celled; as in JEsculus hypocas- tanum, and Iris germanica. 4. Quinquelocular, five-celled ; as in Hibiscus syri- acus, and Azalea procumbens. 5. Novemlocular, nine-celled; as in Punica gra- natum. 6. Submultilocular, when there are many cells, and the partitions do not reach tbe middle of tbe capsule ; as in Papaver somniferum. From the appearance ofthe external surface, a cap- sule is called, 1. Glabrous ; as in Papaver somniferum. 2. Aculeate; as in Datura stramonium. 3. Muricate; as in Canna indica. From the number of tubercles on the external surface, 1. Capsula dicocca, or didyma ; as in Spigelia. 2. C. tricocca ; as in Euphorbia lathyrus, and Cne- orum tricoccum. 3. C. tetracocca; as in Paururus cernuus, »nd Evo- nymus europeus. From the number of contiguous capsules, 1. C. simplex, if solitary. 2. C. duplex, two aggregated; as in Paonia offi- cinalis. 3. C. triplex ; as in Veratrum album, 4. C. quintuplex; as in Aquilegia vulgaris, and Nigella. 5. C. multiplex ; as in Sempervivum tectorum. From the substance, a capsule is called, 1 Mtmbranaceous; as in Datura stramonium. 2. Corticated, the external fungous membrane re- ceding from the capsule; as in Ricinus communis. 3. Woody, very hard, yet splitting; as in Hura ere pitans. 4. Baccated, when the seed is surrounded by a pulp, as Evonymus europeus, and Samyda. 5. Spurious, if the calyx, capsule-like, surrounding the seed, splits; as in Fagus sylvatica. The number of seeds contained in the capsule, gives rise to the following distinctions. 1. Capsula monosperma, one-seeded; as in Gom phrenia, Hemiaria, and Salsola. 2. C. disperma, two-seeded; as in Hebenstratia, and Bvffonia. 3. C. Trisperma, three-seeded; as in Glaux, and Hudsonia. 4. C. polysperma, many-seeded; as in Papaver som- niferum. Capsula atrabilaris. See Renal Glands. Capsula renalis. See Renal Glands. CA'PSULAR. (Capsularis; from capsa, a bag./ Surrounding a part, like a bag: applied to a ligament which surrounds every moveable articulation, and contains the synovia like a bag. CA'PSULE. See Capsula. Capsule of glisson. Capsula Glissonii. Vagi na porta ; Vagina Glissonii. A strong tunic, formed of cellular texture, which accompanies the vena portae, and its most minute ramifications, throughout the whole liver. Ca'pulum. (From Kaunrto, to bend.) A contor- tion of the eyelids, or other parts. Ca'pdr. (Arabian.) Camphire. CA'PUT. (Caput, itis. neut; from capio, to take; because from it, according to Varro, the senses take their origin.) 1. The head, cranium, or skull. It ii situated above or upon the trunk, and united to ths cervical vertebrae. It is distinguished into skull and face. On the skull are observed vertex, or crowa; sinciput, or foreparts; occiput, or hinder part; aid the temples. The parts distinguished on the face are well known; as the forehead, nose, eyes, &c. The arteries ofthe head are branches of the carotids; and the veins empty themselves into the jugulars. See Skull and Face. 2. The upper extremity of a bone; as the head of the humerus or femur. 3. The origin of a muscle; as the long head of the biceps. 4. A protuberance like the head of any thing; as caput gallinaginis. 5. The beginning of a part; as caput cojei. 6. The remains of any thing after its destruction by fire, or other means: hence caput mortuura, or ashes. Caput gallinaoims. Verumontanum. A cuta- neous eminence in the urethra of men, before tbe neck ofthe bladder, somewhat like the head of a woodcock in miniature, around which the seminal ducts, and the ducts ofthe prostate gland, open. Caput mortccm. A fanciful term, much used by the old chemists, but now entirely rejected. It de- noted the fixed residue of operations. As the earlier chemists did not examine these, they did not find any inconvenience in one general term to denote them: but the most slender acquaintance with modern che- mistry must show, that it is utterly Impracticable to denote, by one general term, all tbe various matters that remain fixed in certain degrees of heat The term is obsolete, but spoken of fancifully. Caput obstipum. The wry neck. Mostly a spas- modic complaint. Caput purgia. (A barbar >us word, from caput, the head, and purgo, to purge.) Medicines which, by causing a defluxion from the nose, purge, as it were, the head, as some errhincs do. Capyri'dion. (From Kanvpos, burnt.) Capyrion. A medicated cake, much baked. Capyrion. See Capyridion. . CA'RABUS. A genus of insects ofthe beetle kind. Two species, the chrysocephahis and ferruginous, have been recommended for the toothache. They must be pressed between the fingers, and then rubbed on the gum and tooth affected. Caroco'smos. A name of the sour mare s milk, so much admired by the Tai tars. Caragua'ta. The aloe of Brazil. CARA'NNA. (Spanish.) Caragno, jGarann«s CAR CAR gummi. Bresilis. A concrete resinous juice, thai exudes from a large tree, of which we have no parti- cular account. It is brought from New Spain and America, in little masses, rolled up in leaves of flags; externally and internally it is of a brownish colour, variegated wiA irregular white streaks. When fresh, it is soft and tenacious; but becomes dry and friable by keeping. Pure caranna has an agreeable aromatic smell, especially when heated, and a bitterish slightly pungent taste. It was formerly employed as an in- gredient in vulnerary balsams, strengthening, discu- tient, and suppurating plasters; but its scarcity has 'caused it to be forgotten. CARAWAY. See Carum. Ca'rbasus. KapSaoos. Scribonius Largus uses this word for lint. L" Carbazotic acid. By the action of nitric acid upon indigo, a substance is obtained in yellow brilliant crystalline plates, which exhibits acid properties, and has been called by Dr. Liebig, carbazotic acid, a name derived from its composition, which is as follows: Carbon, ............13.043 or 15 atoms. Azote.............16.167 or 3---- Oxygen,............48.790 or 15---- To obtain carbazotic acid, the following process has been given by Dr. Liebig: A portion of the best indigo is to be broken into small fragments, and moderately heated with eight or ten times its weight of nitric acid, of moderate strength. It will dissolve, evolving nitrous vapours and swelling up in the vessel; after the scum has fall- en, the liquid is to be boiled, and nitric acid is added as long as any red vapours are disengaged. When the liquid has become cold, a large quantity of semi-trans- parent yellow crystals will be formed, and if the ope- ration has been well conducted, no artificial tannin or resin will be obtained. The crystals are to be washed with cold water, and then boiled in water sufficient to dissolve them. If any oily drops of tannin form on the surface of the solution, they must be care- fully removed by touching them with filtering paper. Then filtering the fluid, and allowing it to cool, yellow brilliant crystalline plates will be obtained, which will not lose their lustre by washing. To obtain the sub- stance perfectly pure, the crystals must be redissolved in boiling water, and neutralized by carbonate of po- tassa. Upon cooling, a salt of potassa will crystallize, which should be purified by repeated crystallizations. When the substance is heated, it fuses, and is volati- lized without decomposition; when subjected to a strong heat, it inflames without explosion, its vapours burning with a yellow flame, and a carbonaceous resi- due remaining. It is but little soluble in cold water, but much more so in boiling water; the solution has a bright yellow colour, reddens litmus, has an extremely bitter taste, and acts like a strong acid on metallic oxides, dissolving them, and forming peculiar crystal- lizable salts. Ether and alkohol dissolve it readily. Carbazotic acid combines with bases, and forms salts called carbazotates." (Of which the following have been determined:) Carbazotate of Potassa, crystallizes in long, yellow, semi-transparent, and very brilliant needles; it dis- solves in 260 parts of water at 59° Fah. Strong acids decompose it. When a little is gradually heated in a glass tube, it first fuses, and then suddenly explodes, breaking the tube to atoms; traces of charcoal are- observed on the fragments. The slight solubility of this' salt supplies an easy method of testing and separating! potassa in a fluid. Even the potassa in tincture of litmus may be discovered by it; on the addition of a few drops of carbazotic acid dissolved in alkohol, to infusion of litmus, crystals of the salt gradually sepa- rate. The salt contains no water of crystallization. Its composition is potassa 16.21, acid 83.79, Carbazotate of Soda crystallizes in fine silky yellow needles, having the general properties of the salt of potassa, but soluble in from 20 to 24 parts of water at 59° F. Carbazotate of Ammonia forms very long, flattened, brilliant, yellow crystals, very soluble in water. Heated carefully in a glass tube, it fuses, and is vola- tilized without decomposition; heated suddenly, it inflames without explosion, and leaves much carbo- naceous residue. Carbazotate of Baryta, obtained by heating carbo- nate of baryta, and carbazotic acid with water, crys- tallizes in quadrangular prisms of a deep colour, and dissolves easily in water. When heated it fuses, and is decomposed with very powerful explosion, pro- ducing a vivid yellow flame: 100 parts lose at 212° F. 125 parts of water; 100 parts of the anhydrous salt contain 75.72 acid, and 24.28 baryta. Carbazotate of Lime obtained like the salt of baryta, forms flattened, quadrangular prisms, very soluble in water, and detonating like the salt of potassa. Carbazotate of Magnesia forms very long indistinct needles, of a clear yellow colour, is very soluble and detones violently. Carbazotate of Copper, prepared by decomposing sulphate of copper by carbazotate of baryta: it crys- tallizes with difficulty, the crystals being of a fine green colour: it is deliquescent; when heated it is decomposed without explosion. Carbazotate of Silver. Carbazotic acid readily dis- solves oxide of silver, when heated with it and water; and the solution, gradually evaporated, yields starry groups of fine acicular crystals of the colour and lus- tre of gold; the salt dissolves readily in water; when heated to a certain degree; it does not detonate, but fuses like gunpowder. Proto-carbazotate of Mercury, obtained in small yellow triangular crystals, by mixing boiling solutions of the carbazotate of potassa or soda, and proto- nitrate of mercury. It requires more than 1200 parts of water for its solution; it consists of 53.79 acid, and 46.21 protoxide of mercury per cent. Carbazotate of Lead may be formed by decom- posing a salt of lead by carbazotate of potassa or soda; it is a yellow powder, but slightly soluble, and deto- nating by heat. All these salts detonate much more powerfully when heated in close vessels, than when heated in the air, and what is remarkable, those bases yielding oxygen most readily are those which explode with least force."—From Webster, as taken from Ann. de Chim xxv. 72, and Quart. Jour. N. S. iii. A.] CA'RBO. (Charbah, Hebrew, burnt or dried.) Coal. 1. In medicine and chemistry, it is commonly un- derstood to mean charcoal, and receives its name from its mode of preparation, which is by burning pieces of tight wood into a dry, black coal. 2. A carbuncle. See Anthrax. Carbo ligna. Charcoal. As an external appli- cation, powdered charcoal has been recommended in the cure of gangrene, from external causes, and all descriptions of foetid ulcers. Meat which has acquired a mawkish or even putrid smell, is found to be ren- dered perfectly sweet, by rubbing it with powdered " charcoal. It is also used as tooth-powder. CA'RBON. (From carbo, coal.) Chemists apply this term to the diamond, and what is commonly called charcoal. The diamond is the purest form of it. 1. When vegetable matter, particularly the more solid, as wood, is exposed to heat in close vessels the volatile parts fly off, and leave behind a black porous substance, which is charcoal. If this be suffered to undergo combustion in contact with oxygen, or with atmospheric air, much the greater part of it will coin- bine with the oxygen, and escape in the form of gas • leaving about a two-hundredth part, which consists chiefly of different saline and metallic substances. This pure inflammable part of the charcoal is what is commonly called carbon; and if the gas be received into proper vessels, the carbon will be found to have been converted by the oxygen into an acid, called the carbonic. See Carbonic acid. From the circumstance, that inflammable sub- stances refract light in a ratio greater than that of their densities, Newton inferred, that the diamond was in flammable. The quantity of the inflammable part of charcoal, requisite to form a hundred parts of carbonic acid, was calculated by Lavoisier to be twenty-eight parts. From a careful experiment of Mr. Tennaut, 27.6 parts of diamond, and 72.4 of oxygen, formed 100 of carbonic acid; and hence he inferred tbe identity of diamond and the inflammable part of charcoal. Well-burned charcoal is a conductor of electricity though wood simply deprived of its moisture by baking is a non-conductor; but it is a very bad conductor of caloric, a property of considerable use on many occa- sions, as in lining crucibles. It is insoluble in water, and hence the utility of charring tile surface of wood exposed to that liquid, In CAR CAR Older to preserve it, a circumstance not unknown to tbe ancients. This preparation of timber has been proposed as an effectual preventive of what is com- monly called the dry rot. It has an attraction, how- ever, for a certain portion of water, wbich it retains very forcibly. Heated red-hot, or nearly so, it de- composes water; forming with ils oxygen carbonic acid, or carbonic oxide, according to the quantity pre- sent ; and with the hydrogen a gaseous carburet, call- ed carburetted hydrogen, or heavy inflammable air. Charcoal is infusible by any heat. If exposed to a very high temperature in close vessels, it loses little or nothing of its weight, but shrinks, becomes more com- pact, and acquires a deeper black colour. Recently prepared charcoal has a remarkable pro- perty of absorbing different gases, and condensing them in its pores, without any alteration of their pro- perties or its own. Very light charcoal, such as that of cork, absorbs scarcely any air; while the pit-coal of Rastiberg, sp. gr. 1.326, absorbs ten times and a half its volume. The absorption was always completed in 24 hours. This curious faculty, which is common to all porous bodies, resembles the action of capillary tubes on liquids. When a piece of charcoal, charged with one gas, is transferred into another, it absorbs some of it, and parts with a portion of that first condensed. In the experiments of Messrs. Allen and Pepys, charcoal was found to imbibe from the atmosphere in a day about one-eighth of its weight in water. For a general view of absorption, see Gas. When oxygen is condensed by charcoal, carbonic acid is observed to form at the end of several months. But the most remarkable property displayed by char- coals impregnated with gas, is that with sulphuretted hydrogen when exposed to the air or oxygen gas. The sulphuretted hydrogen is speedily destroyed, and water and sulphur result, with the disengagement of consider- able heat Hydrogen alone has no such effects. When charcoal was exposed by Sir Humphrey Davy to intense ignition in vacuo, and in condensed azot, by means of Mr. Children's magnificent voltaic battery, it slowly volatilized, and gave out a little hydrogen. The re- maining part was always much harder than before; and in one case so hard as to scratch glass, while its lustre was increased. This fine experiment may be re- garded as a near approach to the production of dia- mond. Charcoal has a powerful affinity for oxygen; whence its use in disoxygenaling metallic oxides, and restoring their base to its original metallic state, or reviving the the metal. Thus too it decomposes several of the acids, as the phosphoric and sulphuric, from which it abstracts their oxygen, and leaves the phosphorus and sulphur free. Carbon is capable of combining with Bulphur, and with hydrogen. With iron it forms steel; and it unites with copper into a carburet, as observed by Dr. Priestley. A singular and important property of charcoal is that of destroying the smell, colour, and taste of vari- ous substances: for the first accurate experiments on which we are chiefly indebted to Mr. Lowitz, of Pe- tersburgh, though it had been long before recommend- ed to correct the foetor of foul ulcers, and as an anti- septic. On this account it is certainly the best denti- frice. Water that has become putrid by long keep- ing in wooden casks, is rendered sweet by filtering through charcoal powder, or by agitation with it; particularly If a few drops of sulphuric acid be added. Common vinegar boiled with charcoal powder be- comes perfectly limpid. Saline solutions, that are tinged yellow or brown, are rendered colourless in the same way, so as to afford perfectly white crystals. Tbe impure carbonate of ammonia obtained from bones, is deprived both of its colour and foetid smell by sublimation with an equal weight of charcoal powder. Malt spirit is freed from its disagreeable fla- vour by distillation from charcoal; but if too much be used, part of the spirit is decomposed. Simple mace- ration, for eight or ten days, in the proportion of about l-150th of the weight of the spirit, improves the fla- vour much. It is necessary that the charcoal be well burned, brought to a red heat before it is used, and used as soon as may be, or at least be carefully excluded from the air. The proper proportion too should be ascertained by experiment on a small scale. The charcoal may be used repeatedly, by exposing M for some time to a red heat before it is again employed. Charcoal is used on particular occasions as fuel, on account of its giving a strong and steady heat without smoke. It is employed to convert iron into steel by cementation. It enters into the composition of gun- powder. In its finer states, as in ivory-black, lamp- black, &c. it forms the basis of black paints, Indian ink, and printers' ink. The purest carbon for chemical purposes is obtained by strongly igniting lamp-black in a covered crucible. This yields, like the diamond, unmixed carbonic acid by combustion in oxygen. Carbon unites with all the common simple combus- tibles, and with azot, forming a series of most impor- tant compounds. With sulphur it forms a curious limpid liquid, called carburet of sulphur, or sulphuret of carbon. With phosphorus it forms a species of compound, whose properties are imperfectly ascer- tained. It unites with hydrogen in two definite pro- portions, constituting subcarburetted and carburetted hydrogen gases. With azot it forms prussic gas, the cyanogen of Gay Lussac. Steel and plumbago are two different compounds of carbon with iron. In black chalk we find this combustible intimately asso- ciated with silica and alumina. The primitive com- bining proportion, or prime equivalent of carbon, is 0.75 on the oxygen scale. 2. Carbon mineral. This is of a gray blackish co- lour. It is charcoal with, various proportions of earth and iron, without bitumen. It has a silky lustre, and the fibrous texture of wood. It is found in small quantities, stratified with brown coal, slate coal, and pitch coal. Carbon, gaseous oxide of. Gaseous oxide of car- bon was first described by Dr. Priestley, who mistook it for a hydrocarbonate. With the true nature of it, we have been only lately acquainted. It was first proved to be a peculiar gas, by Mr. Cruikshank, of VVoolwich, who made it known to us as such, in April, 1801, through the medium of Nicholson's Journal for that month. Several additional properties of this gas were soon afterward noticed by Desormes, Clement, and others. Gaseous oxide of carbon forms an interme- diate substance between the pure hydrocarbonates and carbonic acid gas ; but not being possessed of acid pro- perties, Mr. Cruikshank called it, conformably to the rules of the chemical nomenclature, gaseous oxide of carbon, for it consists of oxygen and carbon rendered gaseous by caloric. See Carbonic oxide. Carbonaceous acid. See Carbonic acid. CARBO'NAS. (Carbonas, atis. m.; from carbonic acid being one of its constituents.) A carbonate. A salt formed by the union of carbonic acid with a sali- fiable basis. The carbonates employed In medicine are: 1. The potassa? carbonas. 2. The sodse carbonas. 3. The creta praeparata, and the testae prteparate, which are varieties of carbonate of lime. When the base is imperfectly neutralized by the car- bonic acid, the salt is termed a subcarbonate; of which kind are employed medicinally, 1. The potassae subcarbonas. 2. The sodas subcarbonas, and tbe sodae subcarbonas exsiccata. 3. The ammonias subcarbonas, and the liquor am moniae subcarbonatis. 4. Tho plumbi subcarbonas. 5. The ferri subcarbonas. 6. The magnesia; subcarbonas. Carbonas ammonia. See Ammonia subcarbonas Carbonas calcis. Carbonate of lime. Several varieties of this are used in medicine: the purest and best are the creta preparata, testae preparaue, chela cancrorum, testae ovorum, and oculi cancrorum. Carbonas ferri. See Ferri subcarbonas. Carbonas ufAQNESUE. See Magnesia subcarbonas Carbonas plumbi. See Plumbi subcarbonas. Carbonas potassje. See Potassa carbonas Carbonas sodje. See Soda carbonas. CARBONATE. See Carbonas. Carbonate of barytes. See Heavy spar. Carbonated hydrogen gas. See Carburetted hydro- gen gas. CARBONIC ACID. Acidum carbonicum. Fixed air; Carbonaceous acid; Calcareous acid: AWal CAR CAR acid. " This acid, being a compound of carbon and oxygen, may be formed by burning charcoal; but as it exists in great abundance ready formed, it is not neces- sary to have recourse to this expedient. All that is necessary is to pour sulphuric acid, diluted with five or six times its weight of water, on common chalk, which is a compound of carbonic acid and lime. An effervescence ensues; carbonic acid is evolved in the state of gas, and may be received iu the usual manner. Carbonic acid abounds in great quantities in nature, and appears to be produced in a variety of circum- stances. It composes 44-100th of the weight of lime- Btoue, marble, calcareous spar, and other natural spe- cimens of calcareous earth, from which it may be ex- tricated, either by the simple application of heat, or by the superior affinity of some other acid; most acids having a stronger action on bodies than this. This last process does not require heat, because fixed air is strongly disposed to assume the elastic state. Water, under the common pressure of the atmosphere, and at a low temperature, absorbs somewhat more than its bulk of fixed air, and then constitutes a weak acid. If the pressure be greater, the absorption is augmented. It is to be observed, likewise, that more gas than water will absorb should be present. Heated water absorbs less; and if water impregnated with this acid be exposed on a brisk fire, the rapid escape of the aerial hubbies affords an appearance as if the water were at the point of boiling, when the heat is not greater than the hand can bear. Congelation separates it readily and completely from water; but no degree of cold or pressure has yet exhibited this acid in a dense or con- centrated state of fluidity. Carbonic acid gas is much denser than common air, and for this reason occupies the lower parts of such mines or caverns as contain materials which afford it by decomposition. The miners call it choke-damp. The Grotto del Cano, in the kingdom of Naples, has been famous for ages on account of the effects of a stratum of fixed air which covers its bottom. It is a cave or hole in the side of a mountain, near the lake Aguano, measuring not more than eighteen feet from its entrance to the inner extremity; where if a dog or other animal that holds down its head be thrust, it is immediately killed by inhaling this noxious fluid. Carbonic acid gas is emitted in large quantities by bodies in the state of the vinous fermentation, and on account of its great weight, it occupies the apparently empty space or upper part of the vessels in which the fermenting process is going on. A variety of striking experiments may be made in this stratum of elastic fluid. Lighted paper, or a candle dipped into it, is immediately extinguished; and the smoke remaining in tbe carbonic acid gas renders its surface visible, which may be thrown into waves by agitation like water. If a dish of water be immersed in this gas, and briskly agitated, it soon becomes impregnated, and ob- tains the pungent taste of Pyrmont water. In conse- quence of the weight of the carbonic acid gas, it may bo lifted out in a pitcher, or bottle, which, if well corked, may be used to convey it to great distances, or it may be drawn out of a vessel by a cock like a liquid. Tbe effects produced by pouring this invisible fluid from one vessel to another, have a very singular ap- pearance: if a candle or small animal be placed in a deep vessel, tbe former becomes extinct, and the latter expires in a few seconds, after the carbonic acid gas is poured upon them, though the eye is incapable of dis- tinguishing any thing that is poured. If, however, it be poured into a vessel full of air, in the sunshine, its density being so much greater than that of the air, renders it slightly visible by the undulations and streaks it forms in this fluid, as it descends through it. Carbonic acid reddens infusion of litmus; but the redness vanishes by exposure to tbe air, as the acid flies off. It has a peculiar sharp taste, which may be perceived over vats in which wine or beer is ferment- ing, as also in sparkling Champaign, and the brisker kinds of cider. Light passing through it is refracted by it, but does not effect any sensible alteration in it, though it appears, from experiment, that it favours the separation of its principles by other substances. It will not unite with an overdose of oxygen, of which it contains 72 parts in 100, the other 28 being pure car- bon. It not only destroys life, but the heart and muscle of animals killed by it lose all their irritability, so as to be insensible 10 the stimulus of galvanism. 188 Carbonic acid is dilated by heat, but not otherwise altered by it. It is not acted upon by oxygen, or any of the simple combustibles. Charcoal absorbs it, but gives it out again unchanged, at ordinary tempera tures; but when this gaseous acid is made to traverse charcoal ignited in a tube, it is converted into carbonic oxide. Phosphorus is insoluble in carbonic acid gas; but, as already observed, is capable of decomposing it by compound affinity, when assisted by sufficient heat; and Priestley and Cruikshank have shown that iron, zinc, and several other metals, are capable of producing the same effect. If carbonic acid be mixed with sul- phuretted, phosphuretted, or carburetted gas, it renders them less combustible, or destroys their combustibility entirely, but produces no other sensible change. Such mixtures occur in various analyses, and particularly in the products of the decomposition of vegetable and animal substances. The inflammable air of marshes is frequently carburetted hydrogen intimately mixed with carbonic acid gas, and the sulphuretted hydrogen gas obtained from mineral waters is very often mixed with it. Carbonic acid appears from various experiments of Ingenhuosz to be of considerable utility in promoting vegetation. It is probably decomposed by tbe organs of plants, its base furnishing part at least of the carbon that is so abundant in the vegetable kingdom, and its oxygen contributing to replenish the atmosphere with that necessary support of life, which is continually diminished by the respiration of animals and other causes. The most exact experiments on the neutral carbon- ates concur to prove, that the prime equivalent of carbonic acid is 2.75; and that it consists of one prime of carbon=0.75+2.0 oxygen. Water absorbs about its volume of this acid gas, and thereby acquires a specific gravity of 1.0015. On freezing it, the gas is as completely expelled as by boiling. By artificial pressure with forcing pumps, water may be made to absorb two or three times its hulk of carbonic acid. When there is also added a little potassa or soda, it becomes the aerated or carbo- nated alkaline water, a pleasant beverage, and a not inactive remedy in several complaints, particularly dyspepsia, hiccup, and disorders of the kidneys. Al- kohol condenses twice its volume of carbonic acid. The most beautiful analytical experiment with car- bonic acid, is the combustion of potassium in it, the formation of potassa, and the deposition of charcoal. In point of affinity for the earths and alkalies, car- bonic acid stands apparently low in the scale. Before its true nature was known, its compounds with them were not considered as salts, but as the earths and alkalies themselves, only distinguished by the names of mild,or effervescent, from their qualities of effer- vescing with acids, and wanting causticity. The carbonates are characterized by effervescing with almost all the acids, even the acetic, when they evolve their gaseous acid, which, passed into lime water by a tube, deprives it of its taste, and converts it into chalk and pure water. The carbonate of barytes, found native in Cumber- land, by Dr. Withering. From this circumstance it has been termed Witherite. It has been likewise called aerated heavy spar, aerated baroselenite, aerated heavy earth or barytes, barolite, Sec Carbonate of strontian, found native in Scotland, at Strontian in Argyllshire, and at Leadhills. Carbonate of lime exists in great abundance in na- ture, variously mixed with other bodies, under the names of marble, chalk, limestone, stalactites, Sec. in which it is of more important and extensive use than any other of the salts, except perhaps tbe muriate of soda. The carbonate, or rather sub-carbonate of potassa, was long known by the name of vegetable alkali. It was also called fixed nitre, salt of tartar, salt of wormwood, Sec. according to the different modes in which it was procured; and was supposed to retain something of the virtues of the substance from which it was extracted. This error has been sometime ex- ploded, but the knowledge of its true nature is of more recent date. As water at tbe usual temperature of the air dis- solves rather more than its weight of this salt, we have thus a ready mode of detecting its adulterations in general; and as it is often of consequence to know how CAR CAR much alkali a particular specimen contains, this may be ascertained by the quantity of sulphuric acid it will saturate. This salt is deliquescent It consists of 6 potassa+2.75 carbonic acid=8.75» The bi-carbonate of potassa crystallizes in square prisms, the apices of which are quadrangular pyra- mids. It has a urinous but not caustic taste; changes the syrup of violets green: boiling water dissolves five-sixths of its weight, and cold water one-fourth; alkohol, even when hot, will not dissolve more than l-1200th. Its specific gravity is 2.012. When it is very pure and well crystallized it effloresces on expo- sure to a dry atmosphere, though it was formerly con- sidered as deliquescent It was thought that the com- mon salt of tartar of the shops was a compound of this carbonate and pure potassa; the latter of which, being very deliquescent, attracts the moisture of the air till the whole is dissolved. From its smooth feel, and the manner in which it was prepared, the old chemists called this solution oil of tartar per deliquium. The bi-carbonate of potassa melts with a gentle heat, loses its water of crystallization, amounting to 9-100th, and gives out a portion of its carbonic acid; though no degree of heat will expel the whole of the acid. Thus, as the carbonate of potassa is always prepared by incineration of vegetable substances, and lixiviation, It must be in the intermediate state; or that of a carbonate with excess of alkali: and to ob- tain the true carbonate we must saturate this salt with carbonic acid, which is best done by passing the acid In the stale of gas through a solution of the salt in twice its weight of water; or, if we want the potassa pure, we must have recourse to lime, to separate that portion of acid which fire will not expel. The bi-carbonate, usually called super-carbonate by the apothecaries, consists of 2 primes of carbonic acid =5.500, 1 of potassa=6, and 1 of water=1.125, in all 12.625. The carbonate of soda has likewise been long known, and distinguished from the preceding by the name of mineral alkali. In commerce it is usually called barilla, ar soda; in which state, however, it al- ways contains a mixture of earthy bodies, and usually common salt. It may be purified by dissolving it in a small portion of water, filtering the solution, evapo- rating at a low heat, and skimming off the crystals of muriate of soda as they form on its surface. When these cease to form, the solution may be suffered to cool, and the carbonate of soda will crystallize. It is found abundantly in nature. In Egypt, where it is collected from the surface of the earth, particu- larly after the desiccation of temporary lakes, it has been known from time immemorial by the name of nitrum, natron, or natrum. A great deal is prepared in Spain by incinerating the maritime plant of salsola; and it is manufactured in this country, as well as in Frawce, from different species of sea-weeds. It is likewise found in mineral water, and also in some animal fluids. It crystallizes in Irregular or rhomboidal decaSdrons, formed by two quadrangular pyramids, truncated very near their bases. Frequently it exhibits only rhomboi- dal laminae. Its specific gravity is 1.3591. Its taste is urinous, and slightly acrid, without being caustic. It changes blue vegetable colours to a green. It is solu- ble in less than its weight of boiling water, and twice its weight of cold. It is one of the most efflorescent salts known, falling completely to powder in no long time. On the application of heat it is soon rendered fluid from the great quantity of its water of crystal- lization ; but is dried by a continuance of the heat, and then melts. It is somewhat more fusible than tbe carbonate of potassa, promotes the fusion of earths in a greater degree, and forms a glass of better quality. Like that, it is very tenacious of a certain portion of its carbonic acid. It consists in its dry state of 4 soda, +2.75 acid, =6.75. But the crystals contain 10 prime proportions of water. They are composed of 22 soda, +15.3 car- b.mit acid, +C2.7 water in 100 parts, or of 1 prime of soda =4.1 of carbonic acid =2.75, and 10 of water =11.25, iu whole 18. The bi-carbonate of soda may be prepared by sa- turating the solution of the preceding salt with car- bonic acid gas, and then evaporating with a very gen- tle heat to dryness, when a white irregular saline mass is obtained. The salt is not crystallizable. Its constituents are 4 soda, +5.50 carb. acid, +1.125 water, =10.625 ; or in 100 parts 37.4 soda,+52 acid. +10.6 water. T ^ The carbonate of magnesia, in a state of imperfect saturation with the acid, has been used in medicine for some time under the simple name of magnesia. It is prepared by precipitation from the sulphate of magnesia by means of carbonate of potassa. Equal parts of sulphate of magnesia and carbonate of po- tassa, each dissolved in its own weight of boiling water, are filtered and mixed together hot; the sulphate of potassa is separated by copious washing with wa- ter; and the carbonate of magnesia is then left to drain, and afterward spread thin on paper, and car- ried to the drying stove. When once dried it will be iu friable white cakes, or a fine powder. To obtam carbonate of magnesia saturated with acid, a solution of sulphate of magnesia may be mixed cold with a solution of carbonate of potassa; and at the expiration of a few hours, as tbe superflu- ous carbonic acid that held it in solution flies off, the carbonate of magnesia will crystallize in very regular transparent prisms of six equal sides. It may be equally obtained by dissolving magnesia in water im- pregnated with carbonic acid, and exposing the solu- tion to the open air. These crystals soon lose their transparency, and be- come covered with a white powder. Exposed to the tire in a crucible, they decrepitate slightly, lose their water and acid, fall to powder, and are reduced to one- fourth of the original weight When the common carbonate is calcined in the grate, it appears as if boiling, from the extrication of carbonic acid; a small portion ascends like a vapour, and is deposited in a white powder on the cold bodies with which it comes into contact; and in a dark place, toward the end of the operation, it shines with a bluish phosphoric light. It thus loses half its weight, and the magnesia is left quite pure. As the magnesia nf the shops is sometimes adulte- rated with chalk, this may be detected by the addition of a little sulphuric acid diluted with eight or ten times iu weight of water, as this will form with the magnesia a very soluble salt, while the sulphate of lime will remain undissolved. Calcined magnesia should dissolve in this dilute acid without any effer- vescence. The crystallized carbonate dissolves in forty-eight times its weight of cold water; the common carbonate requires at least ten times as much, and first forms a paste with a small quantity of the fluid. The carbonate of ammonia, once vulgarly known by the name of volatile sal ammoniac, and abroad by that of English volatile salt, because it was first prepared in this country, was commonly called mild volatile alkali, before its true nature was known. When very pure it is in a crystalline form, but sel- dom very regular Its crystals are so small, that it is difficult to determine their figure. The taste and smell of this salt are the same with those of pure ammonia, but much weaker. It tu rns the colour of violets green, and that of tumeric brown. It is soluble in rather more than twice its weight of cold water, and in its own weight of hot water; but a boiling heat volati- lizes it. When pure, and thoroughly saturated, it is not perceptibly alterable in the air; but when it has an excess of ammonia, it softens and grows moist. It cannot be doubted, however, that it is soluble in air; for if left in an open vessel, it gradually diminishes in weight, and its peculiar smell is diffused to a certain distance. Heat readily sublimes, but does not decom- pose it It has been prepared by the destructive distillation of animal substances, and some others, in large iron pots, with a fire increased by degrees to a strong red- heat, the aqueous liquor that first comes over being removed, that the salt might not be dissolved in it Thus we had the salt of hartshorn, salt of soot, essen- tial salt of vipers, Sec If the salt were dissolved in the water, it was called spirit of the substance from which it was obtained. Thus, however, it was much contaminated by a foetid animal oil, from which it re- quired to be subsequently purified, and is much better fabricated by mixing one part of muriate of ammonia and two of carbonate of lime, both as dry as possible, and subliming in an earthen retort. Sir H. Davy has shown that its component parts 188 CAR CAR tary, according to the manner of preparing it. The lower the temperature at which it is formed, the greater the proportion of acid and water. Thus, if formed at the temperature of 300°, it contains more than fifty per cent, of alkali; if at 60°, not more than twenty per cent There are three or four definite compoundsof carbo- nic acid and ammonia. The first is the solid sub-carbonate of the shops. It consists of 55 carbonic acid, 30 ammonia, and 15 wa- ter ; or probably of 3 primes carbonic acid, 5 ammo- nia, and 2 water; in all 14.7 for its equivalent. 2d, Cay Lussac has shown that when 100 volumes of ammoniacal gas are mixed with 50 of carbonic acid, tile two gases precipitate in a solid salt, which must consist by weight of 56 1-3 acid +43 2-3 alkali, being in the ratio of a prime equivalent of each. 3d, When the pungent sub-carbonate is exposed in powder to the air, it becomes scentless by the evapo- ration of a definite portion of this ammonia. It is then a compound of about 55 or 56 carbonic acid, 21.5 am- monia, and 22.5 water. It may be represented by 2 primes of acid, 1 of ammonia, and 2 of water, =9.875. Another compound, it has been supposed, may be prepared by passing carbonic acid through a solution of the sub-carbonate till it bo saturated. This, how- ever, may be supposed to yield the same product as the last salt. Lussac infers the neutral carbonate to consist of equal volumes of the two gases, though they will not directly combine in these proportions. This would give 18.1 to 46.5; the very proportions in the scentless salt. For 46.5: 18.1: : 55: 21.42. It is well known as a stimulant usually put into smelling-bottles, frequently with the addition of some odoriferous oil. Fourcroy has found, that an ammoniaco-magnesian carbonate is formed on some occasions. Thus, if car- bonate of ammonia be decomposed by magnesia in the moist way, leaving these two substances in con- tact with each other in a bottle closely stopped, a com- plete decomposition will not take place, but a portion of this trisalt will be formed. The same will take place if a solution of carbonate of magnesia in water, impregnated with carbonic acid, be precipitated by pure ammonia; or if ammoniaco-magnesian sulphate, nitrate, or muriate, be precipitated by carbonate of potassa or of soda. The properties of this triple salt are not much known, but it crystallizes differently from the carbo- nate of either of its bases, and has its own laws of so- lubility and decomposition. The carbonate of glucine is in a white, dull, clotty powder, never dry, bat greasy, and soft to the feel. It is not sweet, like the other salts of glucine, but insipid. It is very light, insoluble in water, perfectly unaltera- ble by the air, but very readily decomposed by fire. A saturated solution of carbonate of ammonia takes up a certain portion of this carbonate, and forms with it a triple salt Carbonic acid does not appear to be much disposed to unite with argillaceous earth. Most clays, how- ever, afford a small quantity of this acid by heat. The snowy white substance, resembling chalk, and known by the name of lac luna, its found to consist almost wholly of alumina, saturated with carbonic acid. A saline substance, consisting of two six-sided pyramids, joined at one common base, weighing five or six grains, and of a taste somewhat resembling alum, was pro- duced by leaving an ounce phial of water impregnated with carbonic acid, and a redundancy of alumina, ex- posed to spontaneous evaporation for some months. Vauquelin has found, that carbonate of zircone may be formed by evaporating muriate of zircone, redis- solving it in water, and precipitating by the alkaline carbonate. He also adds, that it very readily com- bines, so as to form a triple salt, with cither of tbe three alkaline carbonates."—Ure's Chem. Diet. This gas is much esteemed in the cure of typhus fevers, and of irritability and weakness of stomach, producing vomiting. Against the former diseases it is given by administering yest, bottled porter, and the like; and for the lauer it is disengaged from the car- bonated alkali by lemon juice, in a draught given While effervescing. CARBONIC OXIDE. Gaseous oxide of carbon. " A gaseous compound of one prime equivalent of car- bon, and one of oxygen, consisting by weight of fl.75 iUO of the former, and 1.00 ofthe latter. Hence the prmw of the compound is 1.75, the same as that of azote. This gas cannot be formed by the chemist by the direct combination of its constituents; for at the tempera- ture requisite for effecting a union, the carbon attracts its full dose of oxygen, and thus generates carbonic acid. It may be procured by exposing charcoal to a long continued heat. The last products eonsist chiefly of carbonic oxide. To obtain it pure, however, our only plan is to ab- stract one proportion of oxygen from carbonic acid, either in its gaseous state, or as condensed in the car- bonates. If we subject to a strong heat, in a gun barrel or re- tort, a mixture of any dry earthy carbonate, such as chalk, or carbonate of strontites, with metallic filings or charcoal, the combined acid is resolved into tile gaseous oxide of carbon. The most convenient mix.- ture is equal parts of dried chalk and iron, or zinc filings. The specific gravity of this gas is stated by Gay Lussac and Thenard, from theoretical considerations, to be 0.96782, though Mr. Cruikshanks's experimental estimate was 0.9569. This gas burns with a dark blue flame. Sir H. Davy has shown, that though carbonic oxide, in its combustion, produces less heat than other inflamma- ble gases, it may be kindled at a much lower tempera- ture. It inflames in the atmosphere, when brought into contact with an iron wire heated to dull redness, whereas carburetted hydrogen is not inflammable by a similar wire, unless it is heated to whiteness, so as to burn with sparks. It requires, for its combustion, half its volume of oxygen gas, producing one volume of carbonic acid. It is not decomposable by any of the simple combustibles, except potassium and sodium. When potassium is heated in a portion of the gas, potassa is formed with the precipitation of charcoal, and the disengagement of heat and light. Perhaps iron, at a high temperature, would condense the oxy- gen and carbon hy its strong affinity for these sub- stances. Water condenses l-50th of its bulkof thegas. The above processes are those usually prescribed in our systematic works, for procuring the oxide of car- bon. In some of them, a portion of carbonic acid is evolved, which may be withdrawn by washing the gaseous product with weak solution of potassa, or milk of lime. We avoid the chance of this impurity by extricating the gas from a mixture of >dry carbon- ate of barytes and iron filings, or of oxide of zinc, and previously calcined charcoal. The gaseous product from the first mixture, is pure oxide of carbon. Oxide of iron, and pure barytes, remain in the retort. Car- bonic oxide, when respired, is fatal to animal life. Sir H. Davy took three inspirations of it, mixed with about one-fourth of common air; the effect was a tem- porary loss of sensation, which was succeeded by gid- diness, sickness, acute pains in different parts of the body, and extreme debility. Some days elapsed be- fore he entirely recovered. Since then, Mr. Witter of Dublin was struck down in an apoplectic condition by breathing this gas; but he was speedily restored by the inhalation of oxygen. See an interesting accounl of this experiment, by Mr. Witter, in the Phil Mae vol. 43. ^' When a mixture of it and chlorine is exposed to sunshine, a curious compound, discovered by Dr. John Davy, is formed, to which he gave the name of phosgene gas. It has been called chlorocarbonic acid, though chlorocarbonous acid seems a more appropriate name."—Ure's Chem. Diet. CARBUNCLE. 1. The name of a gem highlj prized by the ancients, probably the atamandine, a va riety of noble garnet 2. The name of a disease. See Anthrax. CARBU'NCULUS. (Diminutive of carbo, a burn ing coal.) A carbuncle. See Anthrax. CARBURET. Carburetum. A combination of charcoal with any other substance: thus carburetter hydrogen is hydrogen holding carbon in solution; car buretted iron is steel, &c. Carbi:ret of sulphur. Sulphuret of carbon Alkohol of" sulphur. " This interesting liquid was ori L'mally obtained by Lampadius in distilling a mixture ol pulverized pyrites and charcoal in an earthen re tort, and was considered by him as a peculiar com pound of sulphur and hydrogen. But Clement and CAR CAR Deeormee first ascertained its true constitution to be carburetted sulphur ; and they invented a process of great simplicity, for at once preparing it, and proving its nature. Thoroughly calcined charcoal is to be put into a porcelain tube, that traverses a furnace at a slight angle of inclination. To the higher end of the tube, a retort of glass, containing sulphur, is luted; and to the lower end is attached an adopter tube, which enters into a bottle with two tubulures, half full of water, and surrounded with very cold water or ice. From the other aperture of the bottle, a bent tube pro- ceeds into the pneumatic trough. When the porcelain tube is brought into a state of ignition, heat is applied to the sulphur, which subliming into the tube, com- bines with the charcoal, forming the liquid carburet. The carburet of sulphur dissolves camphor. It does not unite with water; but very readily with alko- hol and tether. With chloride of azot it forms a non- detonating compound. The waters of potassa, bary- tes, and lime, slowly decompose it, with the evolution of carbonic acid gas. It combines with ammonia and lime, forming carbo-sulphurets. The carburet, satu- rated with ammoniacal gas, forms a yellow pulveru- lent substance, which sublimes unaltered in close ves- sels, but is so deliquescent that it cannot be passed from one vessel to another without absorbing moisture. When heated in that state, crystals of hydrosulphuret of ammonia form. The compound with lime is made by heating some quicklime in a tube, and causing the vapour of carburet to pass through it. The lime be- comes incandescent at the instant of combination. When the carburet is left for some weeks in contact with nitro-muriatic acid, it is converted into a sub- stance having very much the appearance and physical properties of camphor; being soluble in alkohol and oil, and insoluble in water. This substance is, ac- cording to Berzelius, a triple acid, composed of two atoms of muriatic acid, one atom of sulphurous acid, and one atom of carbonic acid. He calls it, muriatico- sulphurous-carbonic acid. When potassium is heated in the vapour of the car- buret, it burns with a reddish flame, and a black film appears on the surface. On admitting water, a green- ish solution of sulphuret of potassa is obtained, con- taining a mixture of charcoal. From its vapour pass- ing through ignited muriate of silver, without occa- sioning any reduction of the metal, it is demonstrated that this carburet is destitute of hydrogen. When the compound of potassa, water, and carbu- ret of sulphur, is added to metallic solutions, precipi- tates of a peculiar kind, called carbo-sulphurets, are obtained. Carburet of sulphur was found by Dr. Brewster to exceed all fluid bodies in refractive power, and even the solids, flint-glass, topaz, and tourmaline. In dis- persive power it iixceeds every fluid substance except oil of cassia, hold-ng an intermediate place between phosphorus and balsam of Tolu."—Ure. Carburetted hydrogen gas. Carbonated hydro- gen gas; Heavy inflammable air; Hydro-carbonate. Olefiant gas. Hydroguret of carbon. " Of this com- pound gas we have two species, differing in the pro- portions of the constituents. The first, consisting of 1 prime equivalent of each, is carburetted hydrogen; the second, of 1 prime of carbon, and 2 of hydrogen, is subcarburetted hydrogen. 1. Carburetted hydrogen, the percarburetted of the French chemists, is, according to Mr. Brande, the only definite compound of these two elements. To prepare it, we mix, in a glass retort, 1 part of alkohol and 4 of sulphuric acid, and expose tbe retort to a moderate heat. The gas is usually received over water; though De Saussure states, that this liquid absorbs more than l-7th of its volume of the gas. It is destructive of ani- mal life. Its specific gravity is 0.978, according to Saussure. 100 cubic inches weigh 28.80 gr. It pos- sesses all the mechanical properties of air. It is invi- sible, and void of taste and smell, when it has been washed from a little asthereous vapour. The effect of heat on this gas is curious. When passed through a porcelain tube, heated to a cherry-red, it lets fall a portion of charcoal, and nearly doubles its volume. At a higher temperature it deposites more charcoal, and augments in bulk; till finally, at the greatest heat to which we can expose it, it lets fall almost the whole of its carbon, and assumes a volume 3£ times greater than it had at first Theee remarkable results, observed with great care, have induced the illustrious Berthol- let to conclude, with much plausibility, that hydrogen and carbon combine in many successive proportions. The transmission of a series of electric sparks through this gas, produces a similar effect with that of simple heat. Carburetted hydrogen bums with a splendid white flame. When mixed with three times its bulk of oxy- gen, and kindled by a taper or the electric spark, it ex- plodes with great violence. When this gas is mixed with its own bulk of chlo- rine, the gaseous mixture is condensed over water into a peculiar oily -looking compound. Hence this carbu- retted hydrogen was called by its discoverers, the as sociated Dutch chemists, olefiant gas. Robiquet and Colin formed this liquid in considerable quantities, by making two currents of its constituent gases meet in a glass globe. The olefiant gas should be in rather larger quantity than the chlorine, otherwise the liquid be- comes of a green colour, and acquires acid properties. When it is washed with water, and distilled off dry muriate of lime, it may be regarded as pure. It is then a limpid colourless essence of a pleasant flavour, and a sharp, sweet, and not disagreeable taste. At 45° its specific gravity is 2.2201. Dr. Thompson calls this fluid chloric ather, and it may with propriety, Mr. Brande thinks, be termed hydro chloride of carbon. Olefiant gas is elegantly analyzed by heating sulphur in it over mercury. One cubic inch of it, with 2 grains of sulphur, yields 2 cubic inches of sulphuretted hy- drogen, and charcoal is deposited. Now we know that the latter gas contains just itsown volume of hydrogen, 2. Subcarburetted hydrogen. This gas is supposed to be procured in a state of definite composition, from the mud or stagnant pools or ditches. Wc have only to fill a wide-mouthed goblet with water, and invert- ing it in the ditch-water, stir the bottom with a stick. Gas rises into the goblet. The fire-damp of mines is a similar gas to that of ditches. There is iu both cases an admixture of car- bonic acid, which lime or potassa-water will remove. A proportion of air is also present, the quantity of which can be ascertained by analysis. By igniting acetate of potassa in a gun-barrel, an analogous species of gas is obtained. Subcarburetted hydrogen is destitute of colour, taste, and smell. It burns with a yellow flame, like that of a candle. As the gas of ditches and the choke-damp of mines is evidently derived from the action of water on de- caying vegetable or carbonaceous matter, we can un- derstand that a similar product will be obtained by passing water over ignited charcoal, or by heating moistened charcoal or vegetable matter in retorts. The gases are here, however, a somewhat complex mix- ture, as well as what we obtain by igniting pit coal and wood in iron retorts. The combustion of subcar- buretted hydrogen with common air takes place only when they are mixed in certain proportions. If from 6 to 12 parts of air be mixed with one of carburetted hydrogen, we have explosive mixtures. Proportions beyond these limits will not explode. In like manner, from 1 to 2A of oxygen must be mixed with one of the combustible gas, otherwise we have no explosion. Sit H. Davy says, that this gas has a disagreeable empy- reumatic smell, and that water absorbs l-30tli of its volume of it."—Ure. CA'RCARUS. (From Kapxatpia, to resound.) Car- caros. A fever in which the patient has a continual horror and trembling, with an unceasing sounding in bis ears. Ca'rcax. (From Kapa. a head.) A species of pop- py, with a very large head. Ca'rckr. A remedy, according to Paracelsus, for restraining the motions of body, the extravagant and libidinous conversation in some disorders; as in Chorea Sancti Vili, &c. Carche'sius. (Kapxioios- The openings at the top of a ship's mast through which the rope passes.) A name of some bandages noticed by Galen, and de- scribed by Oribasius. CARCLNO'MA. (Carcinoma, atis.n. From/cap- kivos, a cancer.) See Cancer. CARCINUS. (Kupxivos, a cancer.) Carcinos See Cancer. Cardama'ntica. (From KapSauov, the nasturtium ; A species of sciatica cresses. CAR CAR See Amomum granum See Illicium Stella- Cardamile'ch. A medicine of no note, mentioned By Galen. CARDAMINE. (Cardamine es. f.; from KapSta, the heart; because it aits as a cordial and strengthener, or from its having the taste of cardamom, that is, nas- turtium, or cress.) Cuckoo-flower. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Te- tradynamia; Order, Siliquosa. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the cuckoo-flower. Bee Cardamine pratensis. Cardamine pratensis. The systematic name of the common ladies' smock, or cuckoo-flower, called cardamine in the pharmacopoeias. Cardamantica; Nasturtium; aquaticum; Culifios; Iberis Sophia; Cardamine:—foliis pinnatis, foliolis, radicalibus sub- rotundis, caulinis lanceolatis of Linnaeus. The flower has a place in the materia medica, upon the authority of Sir George Baker, who has published five cases, two of Chorea Sancti Viti, one of spasmodic asthma, one of hemiplegia, and a case of spasmodic affections of the lower limbs, wherein the flores cardamines were sup- posed to have been successfully used. A variety of virtues have been given to this plant, but it does not deserve the attention of practitioners. CARDAMO'MUM. (From Kapdauov and apwuov: because it partakes of the nature, and is like both the cardamuin and amomum.) The cardamom. See Amomum, Eleltaria, and Illicium. Cardamomum majus. See Amomum granum para- disi. Cardamomum medium. The seeds correspond, in every respect, with tbe less, except in being twice as long, but no thicker than the Cardamomum minus. Cardamomum minus. See Elettaria cardamo- mum. Cardamomum piperatum. paradisi. Cardamomum siberiense turn. CA'RDAMUM. (From KapSta, the heart; because it comforts and strengthens the heart.) The carda- mum. See Amomum, Eleltaria, and Illicium. CA'RDIA. (From Ktap, the heart.) 1. This term was applied by the Greeks to the heart 2. The superior opening ofthe stomach. CARDI'AC. (Cardiacus; from KapSta, the heart.) A cordial. See Cordial. Cardiaca confectio. See Confectio aromatica. Cardiaca herba. So named from the supposed re- lief it gives in faintings and disorders ofthe stomach. The pharmacopceial name of the plant called Mother- wort See Leonurus cardiaca. Cardiaca passio. The cardiac passion. Ancient writers frequently mention a disorder under this name, which consists of that oppression and distress which often accompanies fainting. Cardiacus morbus. A name by which the an- cients called the typus fever. CARDIA'LGLV (From KapSta, the cardia, and aXyos, pain.) Pain at the stomach. The heartburn. Dr. Cullen ranks it as a symptom of dyspepsia. Heart- burn is an uneasy sensation in the stomach, with anxiety, a heat more or less violent, and sometimes at- tended with oppression, faintness, an inclination to vomit, or a plentiful discharge of clear lymph, like saliva. This pain may arise from various and differ- ent causes; such as flatus; from sharp humours, either acid, bilious, or rancid; from worms gnawing and vel- licating the coats of the stomach; from acrid and pun- gent food, such as spices, aromatics, &c.; as also from rheumatic and gouty humours, or surfeits; from too free a use of tea, or watery fluids relaxing the stomach, tec; from the natural mucus being abraded, particu- larly in the upper orifice of the stomach. Cardialgia sputatoria. See Pyrosis. Cardime'lech. (From icapSia, the heart, and me- leck, Heb. a governor.) A fictitious term in Dolaeus's Encyclopedia, by wbich he would express a particular active principle in the heart, appointed to what we call the vital functions. Cardimo'na. Pain at the stomach. Cardinal flowers. See Lobelia. Cardiname'ntum. (From cardo, a hinge.) An ar- ticulation like a binge. CARDIO'GML'S. (From zcopo'iuo'c'ii), to have a pain tn the stomach.) L A diaf-essiiig pain at die praxor- dia or stomach. Ib2 2. An aneurism in or near the heart, which occa- sions pain in the praecordia. 3. A variety of the Exangia aneurisma of Good's nosological arrangement. CARDIO'NCHUS. (From KapSta, the heart, and oyKos, a tumour.) An aneurism in the heart, or in the aorta near the heart. Cardiotro'tus. (From KapSta, the heart, and nrpoioKiii, to wound.) One who hath a wound in his heart. CARDITIS. (From KapSta, the heart.) Empres- ma carditis of Good. Inflammation of the heart It is a genus of disease arranged by Cullen in the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia. It is known by py- rexia, pain in the region of the heart, great anxiety, diffi- culty of breathing, cough, irregular pulse, palpitation, and fainting, and the other symptoms of inflammation. The treatment of carditis is, in a great measure, similar to that of pneumonia. It is necessary to take blood freely, as well generally as locally, and apply a blister near the part. Purging may be carried to a greater extent than in pneumonia; and the use of di- gitalis is more important, to lessen the irritability of the heart. It is equally desirable to promote diapho- resis, but expectoration is not so much to be looked for, unless indeed, as very often happens, the inflam- mation should have extended, in some degree, to the lungs. Cardite. See organic relics. CA'RDO. A hinge. 1. The articulation called Ginglymus. 2. The second vertebra of the neck. Cardo'nium. Wine medicated with herbs.—Para- celsus. Cardopa'tium. The low carline thistle. Most pro- bably the Carlina acaulis of Linnaeus, said to be dia- phoretic. ,, CA'RDUUS. (A carere, quasi aptus carenda lana, being fit to tease wool; or from Kttpu, to abrade; so named from its roughness, which abrades and tears whatever it meets with.) The thistle or teasel. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia aqualis. Carduus acanthus. The bear's breech. Carduus altilis. The artichoke. Carduus arvensis. The way-thistle. See Serra- tula arvensis. Carduus benedictus. See Centaurea. Carduus hjemorriioidalis. The common creep- ing way-thistle. Serratula arvensis of Linnaeus. Carduus lacteus. See Carduus marianus Carduus mari/e. See Carduus marianus. Carduus marianus. The systematic name of the officinal Carduus marie. Common milk-thistle, or Lady's thistle. Carduus : foliis amplexicaulibus, has ■ tato-pinnatifidis, spinosis; calycibus aphyllis; spinis caliculalis, duplicato-spinosis, of Linnaeus. The seeds of this plant, and the herb, have been employed medi- cinally. The former contain a bitter oil, and are re- commended as relaxants. The juice of the latter is said to be salutary in dropsies, in the dose of four ounces; and, according to Miller, to be erncacioua against pungent pains. The leaves when young sur pass, when boiled, the finest cabbage, and in that state --- dit— are diuretic Carduus sativus. The artichoke. Carduus solstitialis. The Calcitrapa officinalis of Linnaeus. Carduus tomentoscs. The woolly thistle. See Onopordium acanthium. CAREBA'RIA. (From icapn, the head, and 0apos, weight) A painful and uneasy heaviness of the head. CARE'NUM. (From Kapn, the head.) Galen uses this word for the head. Carenum vinum. Strong wine. Careum. (From Carta, the country whence they were brought) The caraway. CA'REX. (Carex, ids, fcem. from careo, not quia viribus careat, but because, from its roughness, it is fit ad carendum, to card, tease, or pull.) Sedge. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsan system Class, Monacia; Order, Triandria. Carex arbm aria. The systematic name of the ofB • cinal sarsaparilla germanica, which grows plentifully on the sea coast. The root has been found serviceable in some mucal affections of the trachea, in rheumatic I pains, and gouty affections. These rooty, and those of CAR CAR the carex hirta, are mixed with the true sarsaparilla, which they much resemble. CA'RICA. (From Carta, the place where they were cultivated.) The fig. See Ficus carica. Carica pataya. Papaw-tree. This is a native of both Indies, and the Guinea coast of Africa. When the roundish fruit are nenrly ripe, the inhabitants of India boil and eat them with their meat, as we do tur- nips. They have somewhat the flavour of a pompion. Previous to boiling, they soak them for some time in salt and water, to extract the corrosive juice, unless the meat they are to be boiled with should be very salt and old, and then this juice being in them, will make them as tender as a chicken. But they mostly pickle the long fruit, and thus they make no bad succedaneum for mango. The buds of the female flowers are gathered, and made into a sweetmeat; and the inhabitants are such good husbands of the produce of this tree, that they boil the shells of the ripe fruit into a repast and the insides are eaten with sugar in the manner of me- lons. Every part of the papaw-tree, except the ripe fruit, affords a milky juice, which is used, in the Isle of France, as an effectual remedy for the tape-worm. In Europe, however, whither it has been sent in the concrete state, it has not answered, perhaps from some change it had undergone, or not having been given in a sufficient dose. A very remarkable circumstance regarding the pa- paw-tree, is the extraction from its juice of a matter exactly resembling the flesh or fibre of animals, and fence called vegetable fibrin. Caricum. (From Caricus, its inventor.) Carycum. An ointment for cleansing ulcers, composed of helle- bore, lead, and cantharides. CA'RIES. (From carah, Chald.) Gangrena Ca- ries of Good. Rottenness, mortification of the bones [Cooper derives caries from Keipio, to abrade. "It is a disease of the bones, supposed to be very analo- gous to ulceration of the soft parts; and this compa- rison is one of great antiquity, having been made by Galen. However, by the generality of. the ancients, Caries was not discriminated from necrosis. " It was from the surgeons of the eighteenth century that more correct opinions were derived respecting caries. Until this period, writers haddone little more than mentioning the complaint, and the methods of treating it. Some new light, was thrown upon the subject by J. L. Petit, in his remarks upon exostosis and caries. But, as he only spoke of the disorder as one ofthe terminations of exostosis, he has not entered far into the consideration of it. The best observations on caries were first made by Dr. A. Monro, primus. This memoir contains tbe earliest correct ideas of dry caries, or necrosis, which is rightly compared to mor- tification of the soft parts, and named gangrenous caries. .... "The bones, like other parts of the body, are com- posed of arteries, veins, absorbent vessels, nerves, and a cellular texture; they are endued with vitality ; they are nourished, they grow, waste, are repaired, and undergo various mutations, according to the age of the individual, and they are subject to diseases analogous to those of the soft parts. To the phosphate of lime, which is more or less distributed in their texture, they owe all their solidity; and, perhaps, it is to the same earthy substance that the difference in their vital pro- perties, and in their diseases, from those ofthe rest of the body, is lo be referred. In fact, this particular or- ganization, and inferior vitality ofthe bones, are gene- rally supposed to account for the small number, pecu- liar character, and general slow progress of their dis- eases."— Cooper's Surg. Diet. A.] Cari'ma. The cassada bread. CARI'NA. The keel of a ship. 1. A name for- merly applied to the nack bone. 2. In botany, the keel, or that part of the petals which compose a papilionaceous flower, consisting of two, united or separate, which embrace the internal or genital organs. See Corolla. CARINATUS. Keel-shaped ; applied to leaves and petals when the back is longitudinally prominent like the keel of a boat; as in the leaf of the Allium cart- natum, and t*\e petals of tbe Allium ampellprasum Carum earn- CARINTHINE. A subspecies of mineral atigite found in Carinlhia. CARIOUS. When a part of a bene is deprived of its vitality, it is said to be carious, dead, or rottem hence carious tooth, &c. Ca'rium terra. Lime. Carivilla'ndi. Sarsaparilla root. CARLI'NA. (From Carolus, Charles the Great, or Charlemagne; because it was believed that an angel showed it lo him, and that, by the use of it, his army was preserved from the plague.) Carline thistle. The name of a genus of plants in the Linn.-nan system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia equalis. The officinal name of two kinds of plants. Carlina acaulis. The systematic name of the chameleon album. Carlina; Cardopatium. Carline thistle. Star thistle. Carlina—caule unifioro, fiore breviore, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant is bitter, and said to possess diaphoretic and anthelmintic virtues. It is also extolled by foreign physicians in the cure of acute, malignant, and chronic disorders, particularly gravel and jaundice. Carlina oummifera. Carduus pinea; Ixine. Pine thistle. This plant is the Atractylis gummifera of Linnaeus. The root, when wounded, yields a milky, viscous juice, which concretes into tenaceons masses, at first whitish, resembling wax, when much handled growing black; it is said to be chewed with the same views as masticb. Carline thistle. See Carlina acaulis. Ca'rlo sancto radix. St. Charles's root, so called by the Spaniards, on account of its great virtues. It is found in Mechoachan, a province in America. Its bark hath an aromatic flavour, with a biuer acrid taste. The root itself consists of slender fibres. The bark is sudorific, and strengthens the gums and sto- mach. CA'RMEN. (Carmen, inis. neut. A verse; be- cause charms usually consisted of a verse.) A charm; an amulet. Carmes. (The Carmelite friars, Fr.) Carmelite water; so named from its inventors; composed of baum, lemon-peel, &c. Carmina'ntia. See Carminative. CARMI'NATIVE. (Carminativus ; from carmen. a verse, or charm ; because practitioners, in ancient times, ascribed their operation to a charm or enchant- ment.) That which allays pain and dispels flatu- lencies of the prims viae. The principal carminatives are the semina cardamomi, anisi et carui; olea essen- tialia carui, anisi et juniperi; confectio aromatica: pulvis aromaticus; tinctura cardamomi; tinctura Cin- namomi composita; zingiber; stimulants; tonics; bitters; and astringents. CARMINE. A red pigment prepared from cochi- neal. CARMINIUM. The name given by the French chemists to the colouring matter of'cochineal. See I Coccus cacti. Carnaba'dium. Caraway-seed. CA'RNEA COLUMNA. A flesbypillaror column. | The name of some fleshy fasciculi in the ventricles of the heart. See Heart. CARNELIAN. A subspecies of calcedony. CARNICULA. (Diminutive of caro, earnis,flesh.) A small fleshy substance; applied to the substance which surrounds the gums. CARNIFO'RMIS. (From caro, flesh, and forma, likeness.) Having the appearance of flesh. It is com- monly applied to an abscess, where the flesh surround- ing the orifice is hardened, and of a firm consistence. CARNOSUS. Fleshy; applied to loaves, pods, &c. of a thick pulpy substance; as in the leaves of all those plants called succulent, especially cedum eras- sula, Sec. CA'RO. (Caro, earnis. fcem.) 1. Flesh. The red part or belly of a muscle. 2. The pulp of fruit. Carou na. See Carlina. CAROMEL. The smell exhaled from sugar at the calcining heat CaRo'pi. The Amomum verum. Caro'ra. A chemical vessel that resembles a urinal. Caro'sis. See Cams. CARO'TA. See Daucus, CAROTID. (From Kaposi, to cause to sleep; be- cause, If tied witli a ligature, tbe animal becomes comatose, and has the appearance of betog asleep) i An arterv of the netk See Carotid artery. 193 CAR CAR Carotid artery. Arteria carotidca. The caro- tids are two considerable arteries that proceed, one on each side ofthe cervical vertebrae, to the head, to sup- ply it with blood. The right carotid does not arise immediately from the arch of the aorta, but is given off from the arteria innominata. The left arises from the arch of the aorta. Each carotid is divided into external and internal, or that portion without and that within the cranium. The external gives off eight branches, to the neck and face, viz. anteriorly, the su- perior thyroideal, the sublingual, the inferior maxil- lary, the external maxillary ; posteriorly, the internal maxillary, the occipital, the external auditory, and the temporal. The internal carotid or cerebral artery, gives off four branches within the cavity ofthe crani- um ; the anterior cerebral, the posterior, the cential artery ofthe optic nerve, and the internal orbital. Caro'um. The caraway-seed. CA'KPASUS. (So named zzapa ro xapov noinoat: because it makes the person who eats it appear as if he was asleep.) An herb, the juice of which was for- merly called opocarpason, opocarpathon, or opocalpa- son; according to Galen, it resembles myrrh; but is esteemed highly poisonous. Carpa'thicum balsamum. See Pinus Cembra. Carpentaria. (From carpentarius, a carpenter; and so named from its virtues in healing cuts and wounds made by a tool.) A vulnerary herb; not pro- perly known what it is, but believed to be the common milfoil or yarrow, the Achillea millifolium of Linnaeus. CARPHA'LEUS. (From Kapipu), to exsiccate.) Hippocrates uses this word to mean dry, opposed to moist. CARPHOLO'GIA. (From Kapifios, the nap of clothes, and Xtyu>, to pluck.) Carpologia. A deliri- ous picking of the bed-clothes, a symptom of great danger in diseases. See Floccilatio. CA'RPHUS. (From Kaptbn, a straw.) 1. In Hip- pocrates it signifies a mote, or any small substance. 2. A pustule of the smallest kind. 3. The herb fenugreek. CA'RPIA. (From carpo, to pluck, as lint is made from linen cloth.) Lint. Carpi'smus. The wrist. CARPOBA'LSAMUM. (From xapnos, fruit, and BaXc/auov, balsam.) See Amyris gileadensis. CARPI >LO'GIA. See Carphologia. CARPOTICA. (Carpolicus ; from Kapmoais, frui- tio, from Kapnots, fructus.) The name of an order of diseases in the class Genetica of Good's Nosology; diseases afflicting the impregnation. It embraces four genera. 1. Paracyesis, morbid pregnancy. 2. Paro dyniu, morbid labour. 3. Eccyesis, extra uterine fce- tation. 4. Pseudocyesis, spurious pregnancy. CA'RPUS. (Kapiros, the wrist.) The wrist, or carpus. It is situated between the forearm and hand. See Bone. CARROT. See Daucus carota. Carrot, candy. See Athamanta Cretcnsis. Cai-rotpoultice. See Cataplasma dauci. CARTHAMUS. (From KaBatpui, to purge.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia equalis. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the saffron flower. See Carthamus tinctorius. Carthamus tinctorius. The systematic name of the saffron flower, or bastard saffron, called also Cnicus; Crocus saracenicus ; Carthamum officinarum; Carduus sativus. Carthamus—foliis ovatis, intcgris, serralo-aculeatis of Linnaeus. The seeds, freed from their shells, have been celebrated as a gentle cathartic, 111 the dose of one or two drachms. They are also supposed to be diuretic and expectorant; particularly useful in humoral asthma, and similar complaints. The carthamus lanatus is considered in France as a febrifuge and sudorific. The dried flowers are fre- quently mixed with saffron, to adulterate it The plant is cultivated in many places on account of its flowers, which are used as a dye. " In some of the deep reddish, yellow, or orange- coloured flowers, the yellow matter seems to be of the same kind with that of the pure yellow flowers; but tlie red to be of a different kind from the pure red ones. Watery menstrua take up only the yellow, and leave the red, which may afterward be extracted by alkohol, or by a weak solution of alkali. Such par- ticularly arc the safliou-coloured flowers of carthamus. These, after the yellow matter has been extracted b* water, are said to give a tincture to Icy; from which', on standing at rest for some time, a deep red fecula subsides called safflower, and from the countriif whence it is commonly brought to us, Spanish red ani China lake. This pigment impregnates alkohol with a beautiful red tincture ; but communicates no colour to water. Rouge is prepared from carthamus. For this pur- pose the red colour is extracted by a solution of the subcarbonate of soda, and precipitated by lemon juice previously depurated by standing. This precipitate is dried on earthen plates, mixed with talc, or French chalk, reduced to a powder by means of the leaves of shave-grass, triturated wilh it till they are both very fine, and then sifted. The fineness of the powder and proportion of the precipitate constitute the difference between the finer and cheaper rouge. It is likewise spread very thin on saucers, and sold iu this state for dying. Carthamus is used for dying silk of a poppy, cherry, rose, or bright orange-red. After the yellow matter is extracted as above, and the cakes opened, it is put. into a deal trough, and sprinkled at different times with pearl ashes, or rather soda, well powdered and sifted, in the proportion of six pounds to a hundred, mixing the alkali well as it is put in. The alkali should be saturated with carbonic acid. The cartha- mus is then put on a cloth in a trough with a grated bottom, placed on a larger trough, and cold water poured on, till the large trough is filled. And this is repeated, with the addition of a little more alkali toward the end, till the carthamus is exhausted and become yellow. Lemon juice is then poured into the bath, till it is- turned of a fine cherry colour, and after it is well stirred, the silk is immersed in it. The silk is wrung,. drained, and passed through fresh baths, washing and' drying after every operation, till it is of a proper colour; when it is briglitened in not water, and lemon juice. For a poppy or fire colour a slight annotto f round is first given; but the silk should not be alumcd. 'or a pale carnation a little soap should be put into the bath. All these baths must be used as soon as they are made; and cold, because heat destroys tht colour of the red fecula:." CARTHEUSER, John Frederick, a professor of medicine at Francfort, on the Oder, acquired consider- able reputation about the middle of the last century, by several luminous works on botany and pharmacy; especially his " Rudiiucnta Materia; Medicic Rationa- lis," and " De Geuericis quibusdam Piantarum Prin- cipiis." He had two sons, Frederick Augustus and William, also of the medical profession, and authors of some less important works. Cartuusia'nus. (From the monks of that order, who first invented it.) A name of the precipitated sulphur of antimony. CARTILAGE. See Cartilago. CARTILAGINEUS. Cartilaginous. 1. Applied, in anatomy, to parts which naturally, or from disease, have a cartilaginous consistence. 2. In botany, to leaves which have a hard or horny leaf-edge, as in several species of saxifrage. See Leaf. CARTILA'GO. (Cartilago, inis. firm. Quasi carnilago ; from caro, earnis, flesh.) A white elastic, glistening substance, growing to bones, and commonly called gristle. Cartilages are divided, by anatomists, into obduccnt, which cover the moveable articulations of bones; inter-articular, which are situated between the articulations, and uniting cartilages, which unite one bone with another. Their use is to facilitate the motions of bones, or to connect them together. The chemical analysis of cartilage affords one-third the weight of the bones, when the calcareous salts are removed by digestion in dilute muriatic acid. It re- sembles coagulated albumen. Nitric acid converts it into gelatin. With alkalies it forms an animal soap. Cartilage is the primitive paste, into which ihe calca- reous salts are deposited in the young animal. In the disease rickets, the earthy ma'ter is withdrawn by morbid absorption, and the bones return into the state nearly of flexible cartilage. Hence arise the diswr tions characteristic of this disease. Cartilaoo annularis. See Cartilago cricoidea. Cartilaoo ARKT.r.noidea. See Larynx. Cartilaoo cricoidea. The cricoid cartilage be longs to the larynx, and is situated between the thyroid CAR CAS and arytenoid cartilages and the trachea; it consti- tutes, as it were, the basis of the many annular carti- lages of the Irachea. Cartilaoo ensiformis. Cartilagoxiphoidea. En- siform cartilage. A cartilage shaped somewhat like a sword or dagger, attached to the lowermost part of the sternum, just at the pit of the stomach. Cartilaoo scutiformis. See Thyroid cartilage. Cartilago thyroidea. See Thyroid cartilage. Cartilaoo xiphoidea. See Cartilago ensiformis. CA'RUI. (Caruia. Arabian.) The caraway. See Oorum. CA'RUM. (Kapos; so named from Caria, a pro- vince of Asia.) The Caraway. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pen- landria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the caraway plant. See Carum carui. Carum carui. The systematic name for the plant, the seeds of which are called caraways. It is also called Carvi; Cuminum pratense; Carus; Caruon. The seeds are well known to have a pleasant spicy smell, and a warm aromatic taste; and, on this ac- count, are used for various economical purposes. They are esteemed to be carminative, cordial, and stomachic, and recommended in dyspepsia, flatulencies, and other symptoms attending hysterical and hypochondriacal disorders. An essential oil and distilled water are directed to be prepared from thein by the London College. CA'RUNCLE. (Caruncula; diminutive of caro, flesh.) Ecphynia caruncula of Good. A little fleshy excrescence; as the caruncula; myrtiformes, carun- cula; lachrymales, &c. CARUNCULA. See Caruncle. Caruncula lachrymalis. A long conoidal gland, red externally, situated in the internal canthus of each eye, before the union of the eyelids. It appears to be formed of numerous sebaceous glands, from which many small hairs grow. The hardened smegma observable in this part of the eye in the morning, is separated by this caruncle. Carunculje mamillares. The extremities of the tubes in the nipple. Carunculje myrtiformes. When the hymen has been lacerated by attrition, there remain in its place two, three, or four caruncles, which have received the name of myrliform. Carunculje papill.vres. The protuberances within the pelvis of the kidney, formed by the papillous sub- stance ofthe kidney. Ca'ruon. See Carum. CA'RUS. (Kapos; from Kapa, the head, as being the part affected.) Caros; Carosis. 1. Insensibility and sleepiness, ns in apoplexy, attended with quiet respiration. 2. A lethargy, or a profound sleep, without fever. 3. Dr. Good gives this name to a genus in his Noso- logy, embracing those diseases characterized by mus- cular immobility; mental or corporeal torpitude, or both. It has six species; Cirus asphyxia; ccstasis; catatepsia; lethargus; apoplexia; paralysis. 4. The caraway seed. Ca'rva. The cassia lignea. Cary'don. See Caryedon. Carye'don. (From irapua, a nut.) Carydon. A eort of fracture, where the bone is broken into small pieces, like the shell of a cracked nut. Caryocosti'num. An electuary; so named from two of its ingredients, the clove and costus. CARYOPHYLLATA. (From , to throw round.) The outermost fillet, which secures the rest of the bandases. CATaBRONCHESIS. (From xa7a, and Bpoyxos, the throat; or Ka^aSpoyx^, to swallow.) The act of swallowing. CATACAU'MA. (From iuflaKaiu>, to burn.) A bum or scald. CATACAU'SIS. (From/ta7aicaia), to burn.) 1. The act of combustion, or burning. 2. The name of a genus of diseases in Dr. Good's Nosology: general combustibility of the body. It has only one species, Catacausis ebriosa. CATACECLI'MENUS. (From KalaKXtvouai, to lie down.) Keeping the bed, from the violence of p. disease. CATACECRA'MENUS. (From Kafacpawopt. to reduce to small particles.) Broken into small pieces: applied to fractures. Catacera'stica. (From Karaxtpawvpt, to mix together.) Medicines which obtund the acrimony of humours, by mixing with them and reducing them. CATACLIDE'SIS. (From (ca7axXi<5an>, to indulge in delicacies.) A gluttonous indulgence in sloth and delicacies, to the generation of diseases. CATACHRI'SMA. An ointment. CATACHRI'STON. (From gci>, to wash.) A clyster. CATACLY'SMUS. (From *a7a, to flow from.) A disease proceeding from a discharge of phlegm. CATA'RRHOPA. (From Kajapptta, to flow down.) Tubercles tending downward; or, as Galen stales, those that have their apex on a depending part have received this appellation. CATA'RRHOPOS. (Karapponos vov&os-) A remis- sion of the disease, or its decline, opposed to the paroxysm. CATA RRHUS. (From Kalapptui, to flow down.) Coryza. A catarrh. An increased secretion of mu- cus from the membranes of the nose, fauces, and bronchia, with fever, and attended with sneezing, cough, thirst, lassitude, and want of appetite. It is a genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Pro- fluvia of Cullen. There are two species of catarrh viz. catarrhus d frigore, which is very common, and is called a cold in the head; and catarrhus a contagio, the influenza, or epidemic catarrh, which sometimes seizes a whole city. Catarrh is also symptomatic of several other diseases. Hence we have the catarrhus rubeolosus; tussis variolosa, verminosa, calculosa, phthisica, hysterica, d dentitione, gravidarum, metalli colarum, Sec Catarrh is seldom fatal, except in scrofulous habits, by laying the foundation of phthisis; or where it is aggravated by improper treatment, or repeated expo- sure to cold, into some degree of peripneumony; when there is hazard of the patient, particularly if advanced in life, being suffocated by the copious effusion of vis- cid matter into the air-passages. The epidemic is generally, but not invariably, more severe than the common form of the disease. The latter is usually left to subside spontaneously, which will commonly happen in a few days, by observing the antiphlogistic regimen. If there should be fixed pain of the chest, with any hardness of the pulse, a little blood may bo taken from the arm, or topically, followed by a blister: the bowels must be kept regular, and diaphoretics ex- hibited, with demulcents and mild opiates to quiet the cough. When the disease hangs about the patient in a chronic form, gentle tonics and expectorants are required, us myrrh, squill, &c. In the epidemic catarrh more active evacuations are often required, the lungs being more seriously affected; but though these should be promptly employed, they must not be carried too far, the disease being apt to assume the typhoid cha- racter in its progress; and as the chief danger appears to be of suffocation happening from the cause above- mentioned, it is especially important to promote ex- pectoration, first by antimoniuls, afterward by squill, the inhalation of steam, &c. not neglecting to support the strength of the patient as the disease advances. Catarrhus a frigore. The common defluxion from the head from cold. Catarrhus a contaoio. The influenza. Catarrhus bellinsulanus. Mumps. See Cy- nanehe parotidaa. Catarrhus suffocativus. The croup. See Cy- nanehe trachealis. Catarrhus vesicje. A discharge of mucus from the bladder. Catarrti'smus. (From Ka7ap7i£&>, to make per- fect According to Galen, it is a translation of a bone from a preternatural to its natural situation. CATASA'RCA. (From *a7a and oap\, flesh.) See Anasarca. CATASBE'STIS. (From *a7a and oUcwvut, to extinguish.) The resolution of tumours without sup- puration. CATASCHA'SMUS. (From «a7a on tne ground, and kiooos, ivy.) Ground-ivy. CHAMiECLE'MA. (From xcmat, on the ground, and KXnua, ivy.) The ground-ivy. Ciiamjkcrista. The Cassia chamecrista of Lin- meus, a decoction of which drank liberally is said to be serviceable against the poison of the night-shade. CHAMjE'DRYS. (From x«M<"> on the ground, and Spvs, the oak; so called lrom its leaves resem- bling those of the oak.) See Teucrium chamedrys Chamjedrvs FRUTascEKS. A name for teucrium. Chamjedrys incana maRitima. See Teucrium marum. Chamjedrys palustris. See Teucrium scordium. Chamjedrys spuria. See Veronica officinalis. Chamjedrvs sylvestris. Wild germander. The Veronica chamedrys. Chamjele'a. (From xaf">:> on the ground, and eXaia, the olive-tree.) See Daphne alpina. CHAMjELiEA'GNUS. (From x"/"") on the ground, and cXatayvos, the wild olive.) See Myrica gale. CHAM^E'LEON. (From xafal> on tne ground, and Xttov, a lion, i. e. dwarf lion.) 1. The chauneleon, an animal supposed to be able to change his colour at pleasure. 2. The name of many thistles, so named from the variety and uncertainty of their colours. Chamjeleon album. See Carlina acaulis. Chamjkleon verum. See Cnicus. CHAMcELEU'CE. (From \auai, on the ground, and Xtvicn,Lhe herb colt's-foot) See Tussilago far- faro, Chamjeli'num. (From %auai, on the ground, and Xtvov, flax.) Purging flax. SeeZ.inumcatAarf.icim. CHAM^EME'LUM. (From xajiac, on the ground, and unXov, an apple; because it grows upon the ground, and has the smell of an apple.) See Anthemis nobilis. Chamamelum canariense. The Chrysanthemum frutescens of Linnams. CllAMJEMELUM CHRYSANTHEMUM. The Bupthal- mum germanicrum of Linnaeus. Chamjemelum fcetidum. The Anthemis cotula of Linnasus. Chamjemelum nobile. See Anthemis nobilis. Chamjemelum vulgare. See Matricaria chamo- milla. CHAMiE'MORUS. (Xauaiuopea; from-xapat, on the ground, and uopea, the mulberry-tree.) See Rubus chamamorus. CHAMjEPEU'CE. (From x«M<"i on the ground, and ntvKn, the pine-tree.) See Camphorosma Mons- pcliensis. CHAM^'PITYS. (Chamapitys, yos. f.; from Xauac, the ground, and aims, the pine-tree.) See Teu- crium chamapitys. Chamjepitys moschata. The French ground pine. See Teucrium iva. CHAMjB'PLION. See Erysimum alliaria. Chamjera'phanus. (From \auiu, on the ground, and padiavoc, the radish.) 1. The upper part of the 90S root of apium, according to P. ^Egineta The smal. age, or parsley. 2. The dwarf radish. Chamje'riphbs. The Chamarop9humilis,OTtV/tsrt palm. The fruit called wild dates, are adstringent Chamcrododi'ndron. (From xapai, on the ground, and poSoStvSpov, the rose laurel.) The Azaleapontica of Linnaeus. Chamjerubus. (From xafal' on tne ground, and rubus, the bramble.) See Rubus chamamorus. Chamjespa'rtium. (From xaaah on tne ground, and onapnov, Spanish broom.) See Genista tinctoria. CHAMBER. Camara. The space between the capsule of the crystalline lens and the corner of the eye, is divided by the iris into two spaces, called cham- bers; the space before the iris is termed the anterior chamber; and that behind it, the posterior. They are filled with an aqueous fluid. CHAMBERLEN, Hugh, a native of London, about the middle of the 17th century. He succeeded his father as a practitioner in midwifery, and had also two brothers in the same profession. They invented among them an instrument, the obstetric forceps, wbich greatly facilitated delivery in many cases, and often saved the child: but to him alone, as most distinguished, the merit has been usually ascribed. In 1683, be publish- ed n translation of Mauriceau's Observations, wbich was much sought after. The instrument procured him great celebrity in this, as well as other countries; and, with successive improvements by Smellie, fee. still continues to be esteemed one of the most valuable adjuvants in the obstetric art. The period of his death is not ascertained. [Chamitk. See organic relics. A.] CHAMOMILE. See Anthemis nobilis. Chamomile, stinking. See Anthemis cotula. CHAMOMI'LLA. From x^uai, on the ground, and unXov, an apple.) See Anthemis nobilis. Chamomilla nostras. See Matricaria Chamo- milla, Chamomilla romana. See Anthemis. CHAMPIGNION. See Agaricus pratensis. CHANCRE. (French. From Kapxivos, cancer.) A sore which arises from the direct application of the venereal poison to any part of the body. Of course it mostly occurs on the genitals. Such venereal sores as break out from a general contamination ofthe system, in consequence of absorption, never have the term chancre applied to them. Channelled leaf. See Leaf. Chaoma'ntia signa. So Paracelsus calls those prognostics that are taken from observations of the air; and the skill of doing this, he calls Chaomancia. Chao'sda. Paracelsus uses this word as an epithet for the plague. CH.APMAN, Edmund, was born about the end of the 17th century; and, after becoming properly in- structed as a surgeon and accoucheur, settled in Lon- don, and soon distinguished himself by his success in difficult labours. His plan consisted chiefly in turning the child, and delivering by the feet when any part but the head presented; also in often availing himself of the forceps of Chamberlen, much improved by him- self, and of which he had the merit of first giving an account to the public in his treatise on Midwifery, in 1732. He also ably defended the cause of the nien- midwives against tbe attack of Douglas, in a small work, in 1737. Cha'rabe. An Arabian name for amber. Cha'radka. (From x, l0 take.) 1. A forked probe, for drawing a polypus out of the nose. 2. A fissure in the feet, or other places. 3. The claw of crabs, which lays hold like forceps. Chelje cancrorim. See Cancer. Cheli'don. The bend of the arm. CHELIDONIUM. (From xtXidW, the swallow. It is so named from an opinion, that it was pointed out as useful for the eyes by swallows, who are said to open the eyes of their young by it; or because it blos- soms about the time when swallows appear.) Celan- dine. A genus of plants iu the Linn&an system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Monogynia. There is only one species used in medicine, and that rarely. Chelidonium majus. Papaver corniculatum, lu- teum; Curcum. Tetterwort, and great celandine. The herb and root of this plaut, Chelidonium—pedun- culis umbcllatus, of Linnaeus, have a faint, unplea- sant smell, and a bitter, acrid, durable taste, which is 1 stronger in the roots than the leaves. They are ape- ! rient and diuretic, and recommended in icterus, when not accompanied with inflammatory symptoms. The chelidonium should be administered with caution, as it is liable to irritate the stomach and bowels. Of the dried root,from 3ss to 3j is a dose; of the fresh root, infused in water, or wine, the dose may be about 3 ss. The decoction of the fresh root is used in dropsy, cachexy, and cutaneous complaints. The fresh juice is ui-ed to destroy warts, and films in the eyes; but, fur the latter purpose, it is diluted with milk. Chelidonium minus. The pill-wort See Ranun- culus ficarin. CHELO'XE. XeXiavv- 1. The tortoise. 2. An instrument for extending a limb, and so called because, in its slow motions, it represents a tortoise. Tiiis instrument is mentioned in Oribasius. Chelo'nion. (From xtXiavn, the tortoise; so called from its resemblance to the shell of a tortoise.) A hump or gibbosity in the back. CHELTENHAM. The name of a village, now be- come a larL',; and populous town, in Gloucestershire. It is celebrated for its purging waters, the reputation of which is daily incr^aiin^, as it poi?s.\-.-' ■< both a sa- 310 line and chalybeate principle. When first drawn, it l» clear and colourless, but somewhat brisk; has a sa- line, bitterish, chalybeate taste. It does not keep, nor bear transporting to any distance ; the chalybeate part being lost by ptecipitation of the iron, and in the <•;n 11 air it even lurns foetid. The salts, however, remain. Its heat, in summer, was from 50° to 55° or .")!i°. when the medium heat of the atmosphere was nearly 15° higher. On evaporation, it is found to contain a cal- careous earth, mixed with ochre and a purging salt. A general survey of the component parts of this wa- ter, according to a variety of analyses, shows that it is decidedly saline, and contains much more salt than most mineral waters. By far the greater part of the salts are of a purgative kind, and therefore an action 011 the bowels is a constant effect, notwithstanding the considerable quantity of selenite and earthy tin bonales, which may be supposed to have a contrary tendency. Cheltenham water isr besides, one of the strongest cha- lybeatcs we are acquainted with. The iron is sus- pended entirely by the carbonic acid, of which gas the water contains about an eighth of its bulk; but, from the abundance of earthy carbonates, and oxide of iron, not much of it is uncombined. It has, besides, a slight impregnation of sulphur, but so little as to be scarcely appreciable, except by very delicate tests. The sensible effects produced by this water, arc gene- rally, on first taking ii, a degree of dtowsiness, and sometimes headache, but which soon go off spontane- ously, even previous to the operation on the bowels. A moderate dose acts powerfully, and speedily, as a cathartic, without occasioning griping, or leaving that faintness and languor which often follow the action of the rougher cathartics. It is principally on this ac- count, but partly too from the salutary operation of the chalybeate, and perhaps the carbonic acid, that the Cheltenham water may be, in most cases, persevered in, for a considerable length of time, uninterruptedly, without producing any inconvenience to the body; and during its use, the appetite will be improved, the di- gestive organs strengthened, and the whole constitu- tion invigorated. A dose of this water, too small lo operate directly on the bowels, will generally deter- mine pretty powerfully to the kidneys. As a purge, this water is drank from one to three pints; in general, from half a pint to a quart is sufficient Half a pint will contain half a drachm of neutral purging salts, four grains of earthy carbonates, and selenite, about one-third of a grain of oxide of iron; together with an ounce in bulk of carbonic acid and half an ounce of common air, with a little sulphuretted hydrogen. Cheltenham water is used, with considerable benefit, in a number of diseases, especially of the chronic kind, and particularly those called bilious: hence it has been found of essential service In the cure of glandular obstructions, and especially those that affect the liver, and the other organs connected with the functions ot' the alimentary canal. Persons who have injured their biliary organs, by a long residence in hot climates, and who are suffering under the symptoms, either ot excess of bile or deficiency of bile, and an irregularily in its secretion, receive remarkable benefit from a course of this water, judiciously exhibited. Its use may be here continued, even during a considerable degree of debility; and from the great determination to the bowels, it may be employed with advantage to check the incipient symptoms of dropsy, and general anasarca, which so often proceed from an obstruction of the liver. In scrofulous affections, the sea has the decided preference; in painful affections of the skin, called scorbutic eruptions, which make their appear- ance at stated intervals, producing a copious discharge of lymph, and an abundant desquamation, in common with other saline purgative springs, this is found to bring relief; but it requires to be persevered in for a considerable time, keeping up a constant determina- tion to the bowels, and making use of warm bulbing. The season for drinking the Cheltenham water is during the whole ofthe summer months. CHE'LYS. (XeXvs, a shell.) Tbe breast is so called,' as resembling, in shape and office, the shell of some fishes. Chely'scion. (From x&vuf> the breast.) A dry^ short cough, in which the muscles of the breast are very sore. Cke'.ma. A measure mentioned by the Greek phj> sicianc, supposed 10 contain two dmall spoonful*. CHE CHE CHE^ilA. See Chemistry. CHEMICAL. Of or belonging to chemistry. CHEMISTRY. (Xvuia, and sometimes xifia: CJiamia, from chama, to burn, Arab, this science being the examination of all substances by fire.) Chemia; Chimia; Chymia. The learned are not yet agreed as to the most proper definition of chemistry. Boerhaave seems to have ranked it among the arts. According to Macquer, it is a science, the object of which is to dis- cover the nature and properties of all bodies by their analyses and combinations. Dr. Black says, it is a science which teaches, by experiments, the effects of heat and mixture on bodies; and Fourcroy defines it a science which teaches the mutual actions of all na- tural bodies on each other. '-Chemistry," says Jac- quin, "is that branch of natural philosophy which unfolds the nature of all material bodies, determines the number and properties of their component parts, and teaches us how those parts are united, and by what means they may be separated and recombined." Mr. Heron defines it, "That science which investigates and explains the laws of that attraction which takes place between the minute component particles of na- tural bodies." Dr. Ure's definition is, "the science Which investigates the composition or material sub- Btances, and the permanent changes of constitution which their mutual actions produce." The objects to which the attention of chemists is directed, compre- hend the .whole of the substances that compose the globe. CHEMO'SIS. (From xaivta, to gape; because it gives the appearance of a gap, or aperture.) Inflam- mation of the conjunctive membrane of the eye, in which the white of the eye is distended with blood, and elevated above the margin of the transparent cor- nea. In Cullen's Nosology, it is a variety of the ophthalmia membranarum, or an inflammation ofthe membranes of the eye. Chenopodio-morus. (From chenopodium and mo- rtis, the mulberry; so called because it is a sort of chenopodium, with leaves like a mulberry.) The herb mulberry-blight. The Blitum capitatum of Lin- nieus. CHENOPO'DIUM. (From xfv, a goose, and izovs, a foot; so called from its supposed resemblance to a goose's foot) The name of a genus of plants in the Llniiicaii system. Class, Penlandria ; Order, Digy- nia. The herb chenopody: goose's foot. Chenopodium ambrosioides. The systematic name of the Mexican tea-plant Botrys Mexicana; Botrys ambrosioides Mexicana; Chenopodium Mexi- canum; Botrys Americana. Mexico tea; Spanish tea and Arteinisian botrys. Chenopodium—foliis lan- ceolatis dentatis, racemis foliatis simplicibus, of Lin- naeus. A decoction of this plant is recommended in paralytic cases. Formerly the infusion was drank in- stead of Chinese tea. Chenopodium anthelminticum. The seeds of this plant, Chenopodium—foliis evato-oblongis den- tatis, racemis aphyllisrof Linnaeus, though in great esteem in America, for tbe cure of worms, are seldom exhibited in this country. They are powdered and made into an electuary, with any proper syrup, or conserve. [" The Chenopodium anthelminticum, is a native plant, found in the middle and southern states, usually known by the names of wormseed and Jerusalem oak. The name wormseed is applied in Europe to the Ar- temisia santonica, a very different plant. The cheno- podium is accounted a good vermifuge, especially in the lumbrici of children. The expressed juice of the whole plant is sometimes given in the dose of a table- spoonful to a child two or three years old. More fre- quently the powdered seeds arc employed, mixed with treacle or syrup. The seeds yield a volatile oil on dis- tillation, which is prescribed iu doses of six or eight drops, in sugar or some suitable vehicle."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] Chenopodium bonus Henricus. The systematic name of the English mercury. Bonus Henricus; Tota bona; Lapathum unctaosum; Chenopodium; Cheno- podium—foliis triangulari-sagittatis, integcrrimis, spicis compositis aphyllis axularibus, of Linnajus. The plant to which these names are given, Is a native of this country, and common iu waste grounds from June to August It differs little from spinach when cultivated ; and ia manv nlaces the young shoots arc i eaten in spring like asparagus. The leaves are ac- counted emollient, and have been made an ingredient in decoctions for clysters. They are applied by the common people to flesh wounds and sores under the notion of drawing and healing. Chenopodium botrys. The systematic name of the Jerusalem oak. Botrys vulgaris; Botrys; Am- brosia; Artemisia clienopodium; Atriplex odorata; Atriplex suaveolens; Chenopodium—foliis oblongis sinuatis, racemis nudis multifidis, of Linnreus. This plant was formerly administered in form of decoction in some diseases of the chest; as humoral asthma, coughs, and catarrhs. It is now fallen into disuse. Chenopodium fcutidum. See Chenopodium vnl- varia. Chenopodium vulvaria. The systematic name for the stinking orach. Atriplex fetida; Atriplex olida; Vulvaria; Garosmum: Raphex; Chenopodium fetidum ; Blitum fatidum. The very fuetid smell of this plant, Chenopodium—foliis inlegerrimn rhombeo ovatis, floribus eonglomeratis axillaribus, of Linnreus, induced physicians to exhibit it in hysterical diseases. It is now superseded by more active preparations. Messrs. Chevalier and Lasseigne have detected am- monia in this plant in an uncombined state, which is probably the vehicle of the remarkably nauseous odour which it exhales, strongly resembling that of putrid fish. When the plant is bruised with water, and the liquor expressed and afterward distilled, we procure a fluid which contains the subcarbonate of ammonia, and an oily matter, which gives the fluid a milky ap- pearance. If the expressed juice of the chenopodium be evaporated to the consistence of an extract, it is found to be alkaline; there seems to be acetic acid in it. Its basis is said to be of an albuminous nature. It is stated also to contain a small quantity of the sub- stance which the French call osmazome, a little of an aromatic resin, and a bitter matter, soluble both in alkohol and water, as well as several saline bodies. Che'ras. (From xtu, to pour out) An obsolete name of struma, or scrofula. Cherefo'lium. See Scandix cerefolium. CHE'RMES. (Arabian.) A small berry, full of insects like worms: the juice of which was formerly made into a confection, called confectio alkennes, which has been long disused. The worm itself was also so called. Chermes mineralis. Hydro-sulphuret of anti- mony. Cherni'bium. Chcrnibion. In Hippocrates it sig- nifies a urinal. Chero'nia. (From Xttptav, the Centaur.) See Chironia centaurium. CHERRY. See Cerasa nigra, and Cerasa rubra. Cherry bay. The Lauro-cerasus. Cherry-laurel. The Lauro-cerasus. Cherry, winter. The Alkekengi. CHERVI'LLUM. See Scandix cerefolium. CHESELDEN, William, was born in Leicester- shire, 1688. After serving his apprenticeship to a sur- geon at Leicester, he came to study at St. Thomas's hospital, lo which he afterward became surgeon. He began to give lectures at the early age of 22, and about the same period was elected Fellow of the Royal So- ciety. Two years after, he published his " Anatomical Description of the Human Body," with some select cases in surgery, which passed through several edi- tions ; in one of which he detailed his success in the operation of lithotomy by the lateral method, as it is termed, which he found not so liable to failure as the high operation. He also gave, in the Philosophical Transactions, an interesting account of a grown per- son whom he restored to sight after being blind from infancy; and furnished some other contributions to the same work. Besides being honourably distin- guished by some of the French societies, he was ap- pointed principal surgeon to Queen Caroline, to whom he dedicated his splendid work on the bones in 1733. He was four years alter chosen surgeon to Chelsea Hospital, and retired from public practice, and lived to the age of 64. CHESNUT. See JEsculus and Fagus. Chesnut, horse. See JEsculue Hippucastanum. Chesnut, sweet See Fagus castanea- Cheu'sis. (From x*">i to pour out.) Liquation. Infusion. i Che .a btre. A double-headed roll -r, applied by 211 CHI CHI ia middle below the chin; then running on each side, it is crossed on the top of tbe head; then passing to the nape of the neck, is there crossed: it then passes under the chin, where crossing, it is carried to the top of the head, Sec. until it is all taken up. CHEYNE, George, was born iu Scotland, 1670. After graduating in medicine, be came to London, at the age of 30, and published a Theory of Fevers, and five years after a work on Fluxions, which procured his election into the Royal Society; and this was soon followed by his "Philosophical Principles of Natural Religion." Being naturally inclined to corpulency, and indulging in free living, he became, when only ot a middle age, perfectly unwieldy, with other marks of an impaired constitution; against which, finding medi- cines of little avail, he determined to abstain from all fermented liquors, and confine himself to a milk and vegetable diet. This plan speedily relieved the most distressing symptoms, which led him after a while to resume his luxuries; but finding his complaints pre- sently returning, he resorted again to the abstemious plan ; by a steady perseverance in which he retained a tolerable abate of health to the advanced age of 72. In 1722, in a treatise on the gout, &c. he first incul- cated this plan; and two years after greatly enlarged on tile same subject, in his celebrated "Essay on Health and Long Life." His " English Malady, or Treatise on Nervous Diseases," which lie regarded as especially prevalent in this country, a very popular work, published 1733, contains a candid and judicious narrative of his own case. CHEZANAN'CE. (From xt&«)> to go to stool, and avayiai, necessity.) 1. Any thing that creates a ne- cessity to go to stool. 2. In P. ASgineta, it is the name of an ointment, with which the auus is to be rubbed fur promoting stools. CHI'A. (From Xioj, an island where they were formerly propagated.) 1. A sweet fig of the island of Cyprus, Chio, or Scio. 3. An earth from the island of Chio, formerly used in fevers. 3. A species of turpentine. See Pistacia lerebin- thus, Chi'acus. (From Xios, the island of Scio.) An epithet of a eollyrium, the chief ingredient of which was wine of Chios. Chi'adus. In Paracelsus it signifies the same as furunculus. Chian turpentine. See Pistacia terebinthus. Chia'smus. (From x'"^) to form like the letter X, chi.) Tbe name of a bandage, the shape of which is like the Greek letter X, cAi. CHIASTOLITE. The name of a mineral found in Britany and Spain, somewhat like steatite. Chia'stos. The name of a crucial bandage in Oribosius; so called from its resembling the letter X, chi. ^ Chia'strb. The name of a bandage for the tempo- ral artery. It is a double-headed roller, the middle of which is applied to the side of the head, opposite to that in which the artery is opened, and, when brought round to the part affected, it is crossed upon the com- press that is laid upon the wound, and then, the con- tinuation is over the coronal suture, and under the chin; then crossing on the compress, the course is, as at the first, round the bead, Sec. till the whole roller is taken up. Chi'bou. A spurious species of gum-elemi, spoken of by the faculty of Paris, but not known in England. Chichi'na. Contracted from China China;. See Cinchona. CHICKEN. The young of the gallinaceous order of birds, especially of the domestic fowl. Bee Pha- sianus gallus. CHICKEN POX. See Varicella. CHICKWEED. See Alsine media. CHICOYNEAU, Francis, was born at Montpelier in 1072, the second son of a professor there, who be- coming blind, he was appointed to discharge his du- ties, after taking his degrees in medicine. Having ac- quitted himself very creditably, he was deputed with other physicians to Marseilles in 1720, lo devise mea- sures for arresting the progress of the plague, wbich in the end almost depopulated that city. The zeal which he evinced on that occasion was rewarded by a pension; and on the death of his lather-in law, M. 219 | Chirac, in 1731, he was appointed to succeed him ns first physician to the king; and received also other honours previously to his death in 175-'. He published in 1721, in conjunction with the other physicians, an account of the. plague at Marseilles, in which the opi- nion is advanced, that the disease was not contagious: and having received orders from the king to collect all the observations that had been made concerning that disease, he drew up an enlarged treatise with much candour, and containing a number of useful facts, which was made public in 1744. [Chigoe, or gigger. A small insect so called in the West India islands, infesting the feet of those who go barefoot, and particularly the negroes. It is a very minute insect, and, when magnified, has very much the appearance of a flea. It penetrates the 6kin of the feet without producing pain, and there forms its nidus. As it increases in growth in its new situation, it pro- duces little swellings and intolerabje itching. The fe- male negroes carefully extract them with a needle. When they are not extracted, the parent deposited its eggs, and as these hatch, the irritation causes increased swellings and ulceration, which sometimes cause the loss of limbs, and even death to the sufferers. Poul- tices of Indian meal are the only applications to heal the ulcerations and abscesses caused by the chi- goes. A.J CHILBl-AIN. See Pernio. [" CHILDS, Timothy, M.D., was born at Decrfield, Massachusetts, February, 1748. He was entered as a member of Harvard College in 17G4, but was under the necessity of taking a dismission at the close of his junior year, by the failure of the funds on which he had relied to carry him through the regular course of that seminary. From Cambridge he returned to Deer- field, where he studied physic and surgery with Dr. Williams; and from whence, in 1771, at the age of twenty-three, he removed to practise in Pittsfield. An ardent and decided friend of civil liberty, he took a deep interest in those great political questions which at that period were agitated between Great Britain and her American colonies. No young man, perhaps, was more zealously opposed to the arbitrary encroachment of tbe British iiarliament than Dr. Childs, and as a proof of the confidence reposed in him by the fathers of the town, it need only be mentioned that in 17V4, when the crisis of open hostility was approaching, he was appointed chairman of a committee to draw a'pe- tition to his Majesty's Justices of Common Pleas in the county of Berkslwe, remonstrating against certain acts of parliament which bod just been promulgated, and praying them to stay all proceedings till those un- just and oppressive acts should be repealed. In the same year, (1774,) Dr. Childs took a cotimis- sion in a company of minute-men, which, in compli- ance with a recommendation from the convention of the New-England states, was organized in that town. When the news of the battle of Lexington in 1775 was received, lie marched with his company to Bos- ton, where he was soon after appointed a surgeon of Colonel Patterson's regiment From Boston he went with the army to New-York, and from thence accom- panied the expedition to Montreal. In 1777 he left the army, and resumed his practice in the town of Pittsfield, and continued in it till less than a week be- fore his death, at the advanced age of seventy-three. In 1792, Dr. Childs was elected a representative to the General Court, and for several years received the same pledge of public confidence. He also held a seat in the senate for a number of years, by the suffrages of the county in which he lived and died. But it was in his profession he was most highly honoured and extensively useful. He was early elected a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and held the office of counsellor of that society to the lime of his death. In the year 1811, the University of Cambridge coufcrred on him tlie degree of Doctor of Medicine. When the district society, composed ofthe fellows of the state society, was established in the county in which he lived, he was appointed censor, and elected to the office of president As a practitioner, Dr. Childs stood high in public es- timation, both at home and abroad. For more than thirty years he was the only physician of note in tlie town; and this single fact strongly testifies to the un- common estimation in which he was held by those who were most competent to judge of his professional CHI CHL skill and success. He died on the 25th Feb. 1821, as he lived, honoured, respected, and lamented."—Th. Med. Biog. A] Chi'li, halsamum de. Salmon speaks, but with- out any proof, of its being brought from Chili. The Bar- badoes tar, in which are mixed a few drops of the oil of aniseed, is usually sold for it. Chiliody'namon. (From x(^""> a thousand, and ouvauis, virtue.) In Dioacorides, this name is given on account of its many virtues. An epithet of the herb Polemonium. Most probably the wood sage, Teu- crium scorodonia of Linna-us. Chiliophyllon. (From vfXtot, a thousand, and d/uAAoi/, a leaf, because of the great number of leaf- lets.) A name of the milfoil. See Achillea millefo- lium. Chi'lon. XetXiav- An inflamed and swelled lip. Ciulpela'oua. A variety of capsicum. Chimk'thlon. A chilblain. ('iii'mia. See Chemistry. Chimia'ter. (From xvuta> chemistry, and larpoj, a physician.) A physician who makes the science of chemistry subservient to the purposes of medicine. Chimo'lea laxa. Paracelsus means, by this word, the sublimed powdei which is separated from the flowers of saline ores. . CHI'NA. (So named from the country of China, from whence it was brought.) See Smilax China. China chinje. A name given to the Peruvian bark. China occidentalis. China spuria nodosa; Smi- laxpseudo-China; Smilax Indica spinosa ; American or West-Indian China. This root is chiefly brought from Jamaica, in large round pieces full of knots. In scrofulous disorders, it has been preferred to the ori- ental kind. In other cases it is of similar but inferior virtue. . China suppostta. See Scnesiopscudochina. Chinchi'na. See Cinchona. Chinchi'na Caribjea. See, Cinchona Caribea. Chinchina de Santa Fe\ There are several spe- cies of bark sent from Santa Fe; but neither their particular natures, nor the trees which afford them, ■re yet accurately determined. Chinchina Jamaicensis. See Cinchona Caribaa. Chinchina rubra. See Cinchona oblongifolia. Chinchina de St. Lucia. St Lucia bark. See Cinchona fioribunda, CHINCOUGH. See Pertussis. CHINE'NSIS. See Citrus aurantium. Chinese Smilax. See Smilax China. Chio turpentine. See Pistacia terebinthus. Chi'oli. In Paracelsus it is synonymous with fu- runculus. CHIRA'GRA. (From x«Pi the hand, and aypa, a seizure.) The gout in the joints of the hand. See Arthritis. CHIRO'NES. (From xup, the hand) Small pas- tilles on tlie hands and feet, enclosed in wbich is a troublesome worm. CHIRO'NIA. (From Chiron, the Centaur, who discovered its use.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnrjeau system. Class, Penlandria; Order, Monogynia. , 2. ("From x«P> the hand.) An affection of the hand, where it is troubled with chirones. Chironia Centaurium. The systematic name of the officinal centaury. Centaurium minus vulgare; Centaurium parvum; Centaurium minus; Libadium; Chironia—corollis quinquefidis infundibuliformibus, caule dichotomo, pistillo simplici, of Linmeus. This plant is justly esteemed to be the most efficacious bit- ter of all the medicinal plants indigenous to ibis coun- try. It has been recommended, by Cullen, as a sub- stitute for gentian, and by several is thought to be a more useful medicine. The tops of the centaury plant are directed for use by the colleges of London and Edin- burgh, and are most commonly given in infusion; but they may also be taken in powder, or prepared into an extract. (Chironia anqitlarib. See American centaury. A.] Ciiiro'nium. (From Xtiptav, the Centaur, who is paid to have been the first who healed them.) A ma- lignant ulcer, callous on its edges, and difficult to cure. CHIROTHE'CA. (From x«P> the hand, and nBn- ui, to put) A glove of the scarfskin, with tlie nails, which is brought off from the dead subject, after tlie cuticle is loosened by putrefaction, from the parts un- der it. CHIR'URGIA. (From Xup, the hand, and tpyov, a work; because surgical operations are performed by the hand.) Chirurgery, or surgery. Chi'ton. Xitov. A coat, or membrane. [Chitonite. Sec Organic relics. A.] Chi'um. (From Xios, the island where it was pro- duced.) An epithet of a wine made at Scio. Chlia'sma. (From x^'aw, to make warm.) A warm fomentation. CHLORA'SiMA. (From x^wP. In the second volume of Thenard's work, published in 1814, he explains the mutual action of chlorine and ammonia gases, solely on the oxygenous theory. ' On peut demontrer par ce dernier procede, que le gas inuriatique oxigene, doit con ten ir la moitie de son volume d'origene, uni A I'acide murialique.' P. 147.— In the 4th volume, which appeared in 1816, we find the following passages: ' Oxygenated muriatic gas.— Oxygenated muriatic gas, in combining with the metals, gives rise to the neutral muriates. Now, 107.6 of oxide of silver, contain 7.6 of oxygen,.and-absoib 26.4 of muriatic acid, to pass to the state of neutral muriate. Of consequence, 348 of this last acid sup- posed dry, and 100 of oxygen, form this gas. But ihe sp. gr. of oxygen is 1.1034, and that of oxygenated muriatic gas .is 2.47; hence, this contains the half of its volume of oxygen.' P. 52. The force of Sir H.Davy's demonstrations, pressing for six years on the public mind of the French philo sopbers, now begins to transpire in a note lo tbe above passage.—'We reason here,' says Thenard, 'obviously on the hypothesis, which consists in regarding oxygen- ated muriatic gas as a compound body.' This pressure of public opinion becomes conspicuous at the end of the volume. Among the additions, we have the follow ing decisive evidence of the lingering attachment to the old theory of Lavoisier and Berthollet—' A pretty considerable number of persons who have subscribed for this work, desiring a detailed explanation of tlie phenomena which oxygenated muriatic gas presents, on the supposition thai this gas is a simple body, we are now going to explain these phenomena, on this supposition, by considering them attentively. The oxygenated muriatic gas will take the name of chlorine; its combinations with phosphorus, sulphur, azot, metals, will be called chlorures; the muriatic acid, which results from equal parts in volume of hydrogen and oxygenated muriatic gases, will be hydrochloric acid; the superoxygenated muriatic acid, will be chlorous acid; and tlie hyperoxygenated muriatic, chloric acid; the first, comparable to the hydriodic acid, and the last to the iodic acid.' In fact, therefore, we evidently see, that so far from the chloridic theory originating in France, as has been more than insi- nuated, it was only the researches on iodine, so ad- mirably conducted by Gay Lussac, that, by their auxi- liary attack on the oxygen hypothesis, eventually opened the minds of its adherents to the evidence long ago advanced by Sir H.Davy. It will be peculiarly instructive, to give a general outline of that evidence, which has been mutilated in some systematic works on chemistry, or frittered away into fragments. Sir H. Davy subjected oxymuriatic gas to the action of many simple combustibles, as well as metals, and from the compounds formed, endeavoured to eliminate oxygen, by the most energetic powers of affinity and voltaic electricity, but without success, as the follow- ing abstract will show. If oxymuriatic acid gas be introduced into a vessel exhausted of air, containing tin, and the tin be gently heated, and the gas in sufficient quantity, the tin and the gas disappear, and a limpid fluid, precisely the same as Libavius's liquor, is formed : If this substance is a combination of muriatic acid and oxide of tin, oxide of tin ought to be separated from it by means.of ammonia. He admitted ammoniacal gas over mercury to a small quantity of the liquor of Libavius; it was absorbed with great heat, and no gas was generated ; a solid result was obtained, which was of a "dull white colour; some of it was heated, to ascertain if it con- tained oxide of tin; but the whole volatilized, pro- ducing dense pungent fumes. Another experiment of the same kind, made with great care, and in which the ammonia was used in great excess, proved that the liquor of Libavius cannot be decompounded by ammonia; but lhat it forms a new combination with this substance. Ho made a considerable quantity of the solid com, CHL CHL pound of oxymuriatic acid and phosphorus by com- bustion, and saturated it with ammonia, by heating it in a proper receiver filled with ammoniacal gas, on which it acted with great energy, producing much heat; and they formed a white opaque powder. Sup- posing that this substance was composed of the dry muriates aud phosphates of ammonia ; as muriate of ammonia is very volatile, and as ammonia is driven off from phosphoric acid by a heat below redness, he conceived that, by igniting the product obtained, he should procure phosphoric acid; he therefore intro- duced some of the powder into a tube of green gloss, and heated it to reduess, out ofthe contact of air, by u spirit lamp; but found, to his great surprise, that it was nut at all volatile, nor decomposable at tills degree of heat, and that it gave off no gaseous matter. The circumstance, that a substance composed prin- cipally of oxymuriatic acid, and ammonia, should re- sist decomposition or change at so high a temperature, induced him to pay particular attention to the proper- ties of this new body. It has been said, and taken for granted by many chemists, Uiat when oxymuriatic acid and ammonia act upon each other, waier is formed: he several times made the experiment, and was convinced that this is uot ihe case. He mixed together sulphurated hydrogen in a high degree of purity, and oxymuriatic acid gas, both dried, in equal volumes. In this instance the condensation was not l-40th.; sulphur, which seemed to contain a liltle oxymuriatic acid, was formed on the sides of the vessel; no vapour was deposited, and the residual gas contained about 19-20ths of muriatic acid gas, and the remainder was inflammable. When oxymuriatic acid is acted upon by nearly an equal volume of hydrogen, a combination takes place between them, and muriatic acid gas results. When muriatic acid gas is acted on by mercury, or any other metal, the oxymuriatic acid is attracted from the hy- drogen by the stronger affinity of the metal, and an oxy muriate, exactly similar to that formed by combus- tion, is produced. The action of water upon those compounds which have been usually considered as muriates, or as dry muriates, bft which are properly combinations of oxy- muriatic acid with inflammable bases, may be easily explained, according to these views of the subject When water is added in certain quantities to Liba- v-ius's liquor, a solid crystallized mass is obtained, from which oxide of tin and muriate of ammonia can be procured by ammonia. In this case, oxygen may be conceived to be supplied to the tin, and hydrogen to the oxymuriatic acid. The compound formed by burning phosphorus in oxymuriatic acid, is in a similar relation to water. If thai substance be added to it, it is resolved into two powerful acids; oxygen, it maybe supposed, is fur- nished to the phosphorus to form phosphoric acid, hy- drogen to the oxymuriatic acid to form common muri- atic acid gas. He caused strong explosions from an electrical jar to pass through oxymuriatic gas, by means of points of platina, for several hours in succession; but it seemed not to undergo the slightest change. He electrized the oxymuriates of phosphorus and sulphur for some hours, by the power of the voltaic apparatus of 1000 double plates. No gas separated, but a minute quantity of hydrogen, which he was in- clined to attribute to the presence of moisture iu the apparatus employed; for he once obtained hydrogen from Libavius's liquor by a similar operation. But he ascertained that this was owing to the decomposi- tion of water adhering to the mercury: and in some late experiments made with 2000 double plates, in which the discharge was from platina wires, and in which the mercury used for confining the liquor was carefully boiled, there was no production of any per- manent elastic matter. Few substances, perhaps, have less claim to be con- sidered as acid, than oxymuriatic acid. As yet we have no right to say that it has been decompounded; and as its tendency of combination is with pure in- flammable matters, it may possibly belong to the same class of bodies as oxygen. May it not in fact be a peculiar acidifying and dis- solving principle, forming compounds with combustible bodies, analogous to acids containing oxygen or oxides, I in their properties and powers of combination-; but differing from them, in being for tlie most part decom- posable by water 1 On this idea, muriatic acid may be considered as having hydrogen for its basis, and oxymuriatic acid for its acidifying principle; and the phosphoric sublimate as having pliospnorus for its basis, and oxymuriatic acid for its acidifying matter; and Libavius's liquor, and the compounds of arsenic with oxymuriatic acid, may be regarded as analogous bodies. The combinations ctf oxymuriatic acid with lead, silver, mercury, potassium, and sodium, iu this view, would be considered us a class of bodies related more to oxides than acids, in their powers of attraction, —Bak. Lee. 1809. On the Combinations of the Common Metals with Oxygen and Oxymuriatic Gas. Sir H. used in all cases small retorts of green glass, containing from three to six cubical inches, furnished with stop-cocks. The metallic substances were intro- duced, the retort exhausted and filled with the gas to be acted upon, heat was applied by means of a spirit lamp, and after cooling, tlie results were examined, and the residual gas analyzed. All the metals that he tried, except silver, lead, nickel, cobalt, and gold, when heated, burnt in the oxymuriatic gas, and the volatile metals with flame Arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and zinc, with a white flame, mercury with a red flame. Tin became ignited to whiteness, and iron and copper to redness; tungsten and manganese to dull redness; platina was scarcely acted upon at the heat of fusion of the glass. The product from mercury was corrosive sublimate. That from zinc was similar in colour to that from antimony, but was much less volatile. Silver and lead produced born-silver and horn-lead; and bismuth, butter of bismuth. In acting upon metallic oxides by oxymuriatic gas, he found that those of lead, silver, tin, copper, antimony, bismuth, and tellurium, were decomposed in a heat below redness, but the oxides of the volatile metals more readily than those of the fixed ones. The oxides of cobalt and nickel were scarcely acted upon at a dull red heat. The red oxide of iron was not affected at a strong red heat, while the black oxide was readily decomposed at a much lower temperature; arsenical acid underwent no change at the greatest heat that could be given it in the glass retort, while the white oxide readily decomposed. In cases where oxygen was given off, it was found exactly the same in quantity as that which had been absorbed by the metal. Thus, two grains of red oxide of mercury absorbed 9-10ths of a cubical inch of oxy- muriatic gas, and afforded 0.45 of oxygen. Two grains of dark olive oxide from calomel decomposed by po- tassa, absorbed about 94-100ths of oxymuriatic gas-, and afforded 24-100ths of oxygen, and corrosive sub limate was produced in both cases. In the decomposition of the white oxide of zinc, oxygen was expelled exactly equal to half the volume of the oxymuriatic acid absorbed. In tbe case of the decomposition of the black oxide of iron, and the white oxide of arsenic, the changes that occurred were of a very beautiful kind; no oxygen was given off in either case, but butter of arsenic and arsenical acid formed in one instance, and the ferruginous sublimate and red oxide of iron in the other. General Conclusions and Observations, illustrated by Experiments. Oxymuriatic gas combines with inflammable bodies, to form simple binary compounds; and in these cases, when it acts upon oxides, it either produces the expul- sion of their oxygen, or causes it to enter Into new combinations. If it be said that the oxygen arises from the decom- position of the oxymuriatic gas, and not from the oxides, it may be asked, why it is always the quantity contained in the oxide 1 and why in some cases, as those of the peroxides of potassium and sodium, U. bears no relation to the quantity of gas % If there existed any acid matter in oxymuriatic gas, combined with oxygen, it ought to be exhibited in the fluid compound of one proportion of phosphorus, and two of oxymuriatic gas; for this, on such an assump- tion, should consist of muriatic acid (on tlie old hypo- thesis, free from water) and phosphorous acid ; but this substance has no effect on litmus paper, and does not aa under common circumstances, on fixed alkaline CHL CHL eases, sach as dry lime or magnesia. Oxrmuriatic gns, tike oxygen, must be combined in large quantity with peculiar inflammable matter, lo form acid matter. In its union with hydrogen, it instantly reddens the driest litmus paper, though a gaseous body. Contrary to acids, it expels oxygen from protoxides, and com- bines with peroxides. When potassium is burnt in oxymuriatic gas, a dry compound is obtained. If potassium combined with oxygen is employed, the whole of the oxygen is ex- pelled, and the same compound formed. It is contrary to sound logic to say, that this exact quantity of oxygen is given off from a body not known to be compound, when we are certain of its existence in another; and all the cases arc parallel. Scheele explained the bleaching powers of the oxy- muriatic gas, by supposing that it destroyed colours by combining with phlogiston. Berthollet considered it as acting by supplying oxygen. He made an experi- ment, which seems to prove that the pure gas is in- capable of altering vegetable colours, and that its opera- tion in bleaching depends entirely upoii its property of decomposing water, and liberating its oxygen. He filled a glass globe, containing dry powdered mu- riate of lime, with oxymuriatic gas. He introduced some dry paper tinged with litmus tbat had been just heated, into another globe containing dry muriate of lime - after some time this globe was exhausted, and then connected with the globe containing the oxyniu- "iaiic gas, and by an appropriate set of stop-cocks, tlie paper was exposed to the action of the gas. No change of colour took place, and after two days there was scarcely a perceptible alteration. Some similar paper dried, introduced into gas that had not been exposed to muriate of time, was instantly rendered white. It is generally stated in chemical books, that oxymu- riatic gas is capable of being condensed and crystal- lized at a low temperature. He found by several ex- periments that this is not the case. The solution of oxymuriatic gas in water freezes more readily than pure water, but the pure gas dried by muriate of lime undergoes no change whatever, al a temperature of 40 below uo of Fahrenheit. The mistake seems to have arisen from tlie exposure of the gas to cold in bottles containing moisture. He attempted to decompose boracic and phosphoric acids by oxymuriatic gas, but wilbout success; from which it seems probable, that the attractions of bora- cium and phosphorus for oxygen are stronger than for oxymuriatic gas. And from the experiments already detailed, iron and arsenic are analogous in this re- spect, and probably some other metals. Potassium, sodium, calcium, strontium, barium, cine, mercury, tin, lead, and probably silver, antimony, and gold, seem to have a stronger attraction for oxy- muriatic gas than for oxygen. ' To call a body which is not known to contain oxy- gen, and wbich cannot contain muriatic acid, oxymu- riatic acid, is contrary to the principles of that nomen- clature in which it is adopted ; and an alteration of it seems necessary to assist the progress of discussion, and to diffuse just ideas on the subject. If tlie great dis- coverer of this substance had signified it by any simple name, it would have been proper to have recurred to it; but dephlogisticated marine acid is a term which can hardly be adopted in the present advanced era of the science. ' After consulting someof the most eminent chemical philosophers in this country, it has been judged most proper to suggest a name founded upon one of its ob- vious and characteristic properties—its colour, and to call it chlorine or chloric gas. ' Should it hereafter be discovered to be compound, and even to contain oxygen, this name can imply no error, and cannot necessarily ,equire a change. 'Most of the salts which have been called muriates, are not known to contain any muriatic acid, or any oxygen. Thus Libavius's liquor, though converted into a muriate by water, contains only tin and oxymu- riatic gas, and horn-silver seems incapable of being converted into a true muriate.'—Bak. Lee 1811. We shall now exhibit a summary view of the pre- paration and properties of chlorine. Mix in a mortar 3 parts of common salt and 1 of black oxide of manganese. Introduce them into a glass retort, and add 2 parts of sulphuric acid. Gas will issue, which must be collected in tlie water-pneumatic trough. A gentle heat will favour Its extrication. In practice, tbe above pasty-consistenced mixture is apt to boil over into the neck. A mixture of liquid mu riatic acid and manganese is therefore more conve- nient for the production of chlorine. A very slight heat is adequate to its expulsion from the retort. In- stead of manganese, red oxide of mercury, or puce- coloured oxide of lead, may be employed. This gas, as we have already remarked, is of a greenish yellow-colour, easily recognised by daylight, but scarcely distinguishable by that of candles. Its odour and taste are disagreeable, strong, and so cha- racteristic, that it is impossible to mistake it for any other gas. When we breathe it, even much diluted with air, it occasions a sense of strangulation, constric- tion of the thorax, and a copious discharge from the nostrils. If respired in larger quantity, its excites vio- lent coughing, with spitting of blood, and would speedily destroy the individual, amid violent distress. lis specific gravity is 2.4733. This is better inferred from the specific gravities of hydrogen and muriatic acid gases, than from the direct weight of chlorine, from the impossibility of confining it over mercury. On volume of hydrogen, added to one of chlorine, form two of the ccid gas. Hence, If from twice the specific gravity of muriatic gas=2.5427, we subtract that of hydrogen=0.0694, the difference 2.4733 is tbe sp. gr. of chlorine. 100 cubic inches at mean pressure and temperature weigh 75J grains. See Gas. In its perfectly dry state, it has no effect on dry vege- table colours. With the aid of a Utile moisture, it bleaches them into a yellowish-white. Scheele first remarked this bleaching property; Berthollet applied it to the art of bleaching in France; and from him Mr. Watt introduced its use into Great Britain. If a lighted wax taper be immersed rapidly into this gas, it consumes very fast, with a dull reddish flame, and much smoke. The taper will not burn at the sur- face of the gas. Hence, if slowly introduced, it is apt to be extinguished. The alkaline metals, as well as copper, tin, arsenic, zinc, antimony, in fine lamina) or filings, spontaneously burn in chlorine. Metallic chlorides result Phosphorus also takes fire at ordi- nary temperatures, and is converted into a chloride. Sulphur may be melted in the gas without taking fire. It forms a liquid chloride, of a reddish colour. When dry, it is not altered by any change of temperature. Enclosed in a phial with a little moisture, it concretes into crystalline needles, at 40° Fahr. According to Thenard. water condenses, at the tem- perature of 68° F. and at 29.92 barom. 11-2 limes its volume of chlorine, and forms aqueous chlorine, for- merly called liquid oxymuriatic acid. This combina- tion is best made in the second bottle of a Woolfe's ap- paratus, tlie first being charged with a little water, to. intercept tlie muriatic acid gas, while tbe third bottle- may contain potassa-water or milk of lime, to con- dense the superfluous gas. Thenard says, that a kilo- gramme of salt is sufficient for saturating from 10 to- 12 litres of water. These measures correspond to, 2 1-3 lbs. avoirdupois, and to from 21 to 25 pints Eng- lish. There is an ingenious apparatus for making aqueous chlorine, described in Berthollefs Elements of Dying, vol. i.; which, however, the happy substi- tution of slacked lime for water, by Mr. Charles Ten- nant, of Glasgow, has superseded, for the purposes of manufacture. It congeals by cold at 40° Fahr. and affords crystallized plates, of a deep yellow, contain- ing a less proportion of water than the liquid combina- tion. Hence when chlorine is passed into water at temperatures under 40°, the liquid finally becomes a concrete mass, wbich at a gentle heat liquefies with effervescence, from the escape of the excess of chlorine. When steam and chlorine are passed together through a red-hot porcelain tube, they are converted into mu- riatic acid and oxygen. A like result is obtained by exposing aqueous chlorine to the solar rays; with this difference, that a little chloric acid is formed. Hence aqueous chlorine should be kept in a dark place. Aqueous chlorine attacks almost all the metals at an ordinary temperature, forming muriates or chlorides, and heat is evolved. It has the smell, taste, and co lour of chlorine; and acts, like it, on vegetable and animal colours. Its taste is somewhat astringent, bw not i n the least degree acidulous. When we put in a perfectly dark place, aMhe oral CHL CHL nary temperature, a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen it experiences no kind of alteration, even in the space of a great many days. But if, at the same low tem- perature, we expose the mixture to the diffuse light of day, by degrees the two gases enter into chemical com- bination, and form muriatic acid gas. There is no change in the volume of the mixture, but the change of Its nature may be proved, by its rapid absorbability by water, its not exploding by the lighted taper, and the disappearance of the chlorine hue. To produce the complete discoloration, we must expose the mix- ture finally for a few minutes to the sunbeam. If ex- posed at first to this intensity of light, it explodes with great violence, and instantly forms muriatic acid gas. The same explosive combination is produced by the electric spark and the lighted taper. Thenard says, a heat of 392° jg sufficient to cause the explosion. The proper proportion is an equal volume of each gas. Chlorine and nitrogen combine into a remarkable de- tonating compound, by exposing the former gas to a solution of an ammoniacal salt. Chlorine is the most powerful agent for destroying contagious miasmata. The disinfecting phials of Morveau evolve this gas." — Ure. CHLORITE. A minerat usually friable or very easy to pulvei ize, composed of a multitude of little spangles, or shining small grains, falling to powder under the pressure of the fingers There are four sub- species. 1. Chlorite earth. In green, glimmering, and some- what pearly scales, with a shining green streak. 2. Common chlorite. A massive mineral of a black- ish-green colour, a shining lustre, and a foliated frac- ture passing into earthy. 3. Chlorite slate. A massive, blackish-green mine- ral with a resinous lustre, and curve slaty or scaly- foliated fracture. 4. Foliated chlorite. Colour between mountain and blackish-green. CHLORIODATE. A compound of the chloriodic acid with a salifiable basis. CHLORIODE ACID. Acidum chloriodicum. See Chloriodic acid. CHLORIODIC ACID. Acidum chloriodicum. Chloriode acid. Sir H. Davy formed it, by admitting Chlorine in excess to known quantities of iodine, in vessels exhausted of air, and repeatedly heating the sublimate. Operating in this way, he found that iodine absorbs less than one-third of its weight of chlorine. Chloriodic acid is a very volatile substance, formed by the sublimation of iodine in a great excess of chlo- rine, is of a bright yellow colour; when fused it be- comes of a deep orange, and when rendered elastic, it forms a deep orange-coloured gas. It is capable of combining with much iodine when they are heated together; its colour becomes, in consequence, deeper, and the chloriodic acid and the iodine rise together in the elastic state. The solution of the chloriodic acid in water, likewise dissolves large quantities of iodine, so that it is possible to obtain a fluid containing very different proportions of iodine and chlorine. When two bodies so similar in their characters, and in the compounds they form, as iodine and chlorine, act upon substances at the same time, it is difficult, Sir H. observes, to form a judgment of the different parts that they play in the new chemical arrangement produced. It appears most probable, that the acid property of the chloriodic compound depends upon the combination of the two bodies; and its action upon solutions of the alkalies and the earths may be easily explained, when it is considered that chlorine has a greater ten- dency than iodine to form double compounds with the metals, and that iodine has a greater tendency than chlorine to form triple compounds with oxygen and the metals. A triple compound of this kind with sodium may exist in sea water, and would be separated with the first crystals that are formed by its evaporation. Hence, it may exist in common salt. Sir H. Davy ascertained, by feeding birds with bread soaked with water, holding some of it in solution, that it is not poisonous like iodine iteelf.— Ure's <-h. Diet. CHLORO-CARBONOUS ACID. "Theterm chloro-carbonic which has been given to this compound is incorrect, leading to the belief of its being a com- pound of chlorine and acidified charcoal, instead of being a compound of chlorine and the protoxide of SIB charcoal. Chlorine has no immediate action on car- bonic oxide, when they are exposed to each other in common daylight over mercury: not even when the electric spark is passed through them. Experiments made by Dr. John Davy, in the presence of his brother Sir H. Davy, prove that they combine rapidly when exposed to the direct solar beams, and one volume of each is condensed into one volume of the compound. The resulting gas possesses very curious properties, approaching to those of an acid. From the peculiar potency of the sunbeam in effecting this combination, Dr. Davy called it phosgene gas. The constituent gases, dried over muriate of lime, ought to be intro- duced from separate reservoirs into an exhau.sted globe, perfectly dry, and exposed for fifteen minutes to bright sunshine, or for twelve hours to daylight. The colour of the chlorine disappears, and on opening the stop-cock belonging to the globe under mercury re- cently boiled, an absorption of one-half the gaseous volume is indicated. The resulting gas possesses pro- perties perfectly distinct from those belonging to either carbonic oxide or chlorine. It does not fume in the atmosphere. Its odour is different from that of chlorine, something like that which might be imagined to result from the smell of chlorine combined with that of ammonia. It is in fact more intolerable and suffocating than chlorine it- self, and affects the eyes in a peculiar manner, pro- ducing a rapid flow of tears, and occasioning painful sensations. It reddens dry litmus paper; and condenses foul volumes of ammonia into a white salt, while heat is evolved. This ammoniacal compound is neutral, has no odour, but a pungent saline taste; is deliquescent, decomposable by the liquid mineral acids, dissolves without effervescing in vinegar, and sublimes unal- tered in muriatic, carbonic, and sulphurous acid gases. Sulphuric acid resolves Itself into caroor.tcand muriatic acids, in the proportion of two in volume of the latter, and one of the former. Tin, zinc, anti mony, and arsenic, heated in chloro-carbonous acid, abstract the chlorine, and leave the carbonic oxide expanded to its original volume. There is neither ignition nor explosion takes place, though the action of the metals is rapid. Potassium acting on the com- pound gas produces a solid chloride and charcoal. White oxide of zinc, with chloro-carbonous acid, gives a metallic chloride, and carbonic acid. Neither sulphur, phosphorus, oxygen, nor hydrogen, though aided by heat, produce any change on the acid gas. But oxygen and hydrogen together, in due propor- tions, explode in it; or mere exposure to water con- verts it into muriatic and carbonic acid gases. From its completely neutralizing ammonia, which carbonic acid does not; from its separating carbonic acid from the subcarbonate of this alkali, while itself is not separable by the acid gases or acetic acid, and its reddening vegetable blues, there can be no hesita- tion in pronouncing the chloro-carbonous compound to be an acid. Its saturating powers indeed surpass every other substance. None condenses so large a proportion of ammonia. One measure of alkohol condenses twelve of chloro- carbonous gas without decomposing it; and acquires the peculiar odour and power of affecting the eyes. To prepare the gas in a pure state, a good air-pump is required, perfectly tight stop-cocks, dry gases, and dry vessels. Iu specific gravity may be inferred from the specific gravities of its constituents, of which it is the sum. Hence 2.4733 + 0.9722 = 3.4455, is the specific gravity of chloro-carbonous gas; and 100 cubic inches weigh 105.15 grains. It appears that when hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and chlorine, mixed iu equal volumes, are exposed to light, muriatic and chloro-carbonous acids are formed, in equal propor- tions, indicating an equality of affinity. The paper in the Phil. Trans, for 1812, from which the preceding facts are taken, does honour to the school of Sir H. Davy. Gay Lussac and Thenard, as well as Dr. Murray, made controversial investigations on the subject at the same time, but without success. The- nard has, however, recognised its distinct existence and properties, by the name of carbo-muriatic acid, in the 2d volume of his System, published in 1814, where he considers it as a compound of muriatic and carbonic acids, resulting from the mutual actions of the oxygem- attd muriatic acid and carbonic oxide."— Ore, CHL CHL CHLOROCYANIC ACID. Acidum chloro-cyani- tum. Chloroprussic acid. " When hydrocyanic acid to mixed with chlorine, it acquires new properties. Its ndour is much increased. It no longer forms prussian Dlue. with solutions of iron, but a green precipitate, which becomes blue by the addition of sulphurous acid. Hydrocyanic acid, thus altered, had acquired the name of oxyprussic, because it was supposed to have acquired oxygen. Gay Lussac subjected it to a minute examination, and found that it was a com- pound of equal volumes of chlorine and cyanogen, whence he proposed to distinguish it by the name of chlorocyanic acid. To prepare this compound, he passed a current of chlorine into solution of hydrocya- nic acid, till it destroyed the colour of sulphate of in- digo; and by agitating the liquid with mercury, he deprived it ofthe excess of chlorine. By distillation, afterward, in a moderate heat, an elastic fluid is dis- engaged, which possesses the properties formerly assigned to oxyprussic acid. This, however, is not pure chlorocyanic acid, but a mixture of it with car- bonic acid, in proportions which vary so much as to make it difficult to determine them. When hydrocyanic acid is supersaturated with chlo- rine, and the excess of this last is removed by mercury, the liquid contains chlorocyanic and muriatic acids. Having put mercury into a glass jar until it was 3-4ths full, he filled it completely with that acid liquid, and inverted the jar in a vessel of mercury. On exhaust- ing the receiver of an air-pump, containing this vessel, the mercury sunk in the jar, in consequence of the elastic fluid disengaged. By degrees, the liquid itself was entirely expelled, and swam on the mercury on the outside. On admitting the air, the liquid could not enter the tube, but only the mercury, and the whole elastic fluid condensed, except a small bubble. Hence it was concluded, that chlorocyanic acid was not a permanent gas, and that, in order to remain gaseous under the pressure of the air, it must be mix- ed with another gaseous substance. The mixture of chlorocyanic and carbonic acids has the following properties. It is colourless. Its smell is very strong. A very small quantity of it irritates the pituitory membrane, and occasions tears. It red- dens litmus, is not inflammable, and does not detonate when mixed with twice its bulk of oxygen or hydro- gen. Its density, determined by calculation, is 2.111. Its aqueous solution does not precipitate nitrate of silver nor barytes water. The alkalies absorb it ra- pidly, but an excess of them is necessary to destroy its odour. If we then add an acid, a strong effervescence of carbonic acid is produced, and the odour of chloro- cyanic acid is no longer perceived. If we add an ex- cess of lime to the acid solution, ammonia is disen- gaged in abundance.' To obtain the green preci- pitate from solution of iron, we must begin by mixing chlorocyanic acid with that solution. We then add a little potassa, and at last a little acid. If we add the alkali before the iron, we obtain no green precipitate. Chlorocyanic acid exhibits with potassium almost the same phenomena as cyanogen. The inflammation is equally slow, and the gas diminishes as much in volume."—Ure. CHLOROPHANE. A violet fluor spar, found in Siberia. CHLOROPHILE. The name lately given by Pel- ietier and Caventou to the green matter of the leaves of plants. They obtain it by pressing, and then wash- ing in water, tbe substance of many leaves, and after- ward treating it with alkohol. A matter was dis- solved, which, when separated by evaporation, and purified by washing in hot water, appeared as a deep- green resinous substance. It dissolves entirely in alko- hol, Ether, oils, or alkalies; it is not altered by expo- sure to air; it is softened by heat, but does not melt; it bums with flame, and leaves a bulky coal. Hot water slightly dissolves it. Acetic acid is the only acid that dissolves it in great quantity. If an earthy or me- tallic salt be mixed with the alkoholic solution, and then alkali or alkaline subcarbonate be added, the oxide or earth is thrown down in combination with much of the green substance, forming a lake. These lakes appear moderately permanent when exposed to the air. It is supposed to be a peculiar proximate principle. CHLOROPRUSSIC ACID. See Chlorocyanic acid. CHLOROSIS. (From x^Wi fireen, pale; from xXotfj or x^o»), herba virens ■ and hence xXtapaapa and xXiapiaois, viror, pallor; so called from the yellow- greenish look those have who aie affected with it.) Febris alba; Febris amatoria; Icterus albus; Chlo- rasma. The green-sickness. A genus of disease in the class Cachexia, and order Impetigines of Cullen. It is a disease which afiecu young females who labout under a retention or suppression of the menses. Hea- viness, listlessness to motion, fatigue on the least exer- cise, palpitations ofthe heart, pains in tlie back, loins, and hips, flatulency, and acidities in the stomach and bowels, a preternatural appetite for chalk, lime, and various other absorbents, together with many dyspep- tic symptoms, usually attend on this disease. As it advances in its progress, the face becomes pale, or assumes a yellowish hue; the whole body is flaccid, and likewise pale; the feet are affected with redema- tous swellings; the breathing is much hurried by any considerable exertion of tbe body; the pulse is quick, but small; and the person is apt to be affected with many of the symptoms of hysteria. To procure a flow of the menses, proves in some cases a very difficult matter; and where the disease has been of long stand- ing, various morbid affections of the viscera are often brought on, which at length prove fatal. Dissections- of those who have died of chlorosis, have usually shown the ovaria to be in a scirrhous, or dropsical state. Iu some cases, the liver, spleen, and mesenteric glands, have likewise been found in a diseased slate. The cure is to be attempted by increasing the tone of the system, and exciting the action of the uterine vessels. The first may be effected by a generous nu- tritive diet, with the moderate use of wine; by gentle and daily exercise, particularly on horseback; by agreeable company, to amuse and quiet the mind; and by tonic medicines, especially the preparations of iron, joined with myrrh, Sec. Bathing will Ukewise help much to strengthen them, if the temperature of the bath be made gradually lower, as the patient bears it; and sometimes drinking the mineral chalybeate wa- ters may assist. The bowels must be kept regular, and occasionally a gentle emetic will prepare for the tonic plan. The other object of stimulating the uterine ves- sels may be attained by the exercises of walking and dancing; by frequent friction of the lower extremities; by the pediluvium, hip-bath, &c.; by electric shocks, passed through the region of the uterus; by active purgatives, especially those formula containing aloes, which acts particularly on the rectum. These means may be resorted to with more probability of success, when there appear efforts of the system to produce the discharge, the general health having been previously improved. Various remedies have been dignified with the title of emmenagogues, though mostly little to be depended on, as madder, Sec. In obstinate cases, the tinctura lytta;, or savine, may be tried, but with proper' caution, as the most likely to avail. CHLOROUS ACID. Acidum chlorosum. See Chlorous oxide. CHLOROUS OXIDE. Euchorine. Protoxide of chlorine. " To prepare it, put chlorate of potassa into a small retort, and pour in twice as much muriatic acid as will cover it, diluted with an equal volume of water. By the application of a gentle heat, the gas is evolved. It must be collected over mercury. Its tint is much more lively, and more yellow than chlorine, and hence its discoverer named it euchlorine* Its smell is peculiar, and approaches to that of burnt sugar. It is not respirable. It is soluble in water, to which it gives a lemon colour. Water absorbs 6 or 10 times its volume of this gas. Its specific gravity is to that of common air nearly as 2.40 to 1; for 100 cubic inches weigh, according to Sir H. Davy, between 74 and 75 grains. If the compound gas result from 4 vo- lumes of chlorine -f- 2 of oxygen, weighing 12.1154, which undergo a condensation of one-sixth, then the specific gravity comes out 2.423, in accordance with Sir H. Davy's experiments. He found that 50 mea- sures detonated in a glass tube over pure mercury, lost their brilliant colour, and became 60 measures, of which 40 were chlorine and 20 oxygen. This gas must be collected and examined with much prudence, and in very small quantities. A gentle heat, even that of the hand, will cause its explosion, with such force as to burst thin glass. From this facility ot decomposition, it is not easy to ascertain tlie action of combustible bodies upi n it. None of the metals that CHO CHO born in chlorine act upon this gas at common temper- atures ; but when the oxygen is separated, they then inflame in tbe clorine. This may be readily exhibited, by first introducing into the protoxide a little Dutch foil, which will not be even tarnished; but on apply- ing a heated glass tube to the gas in the neck of the bottle, decomposition instantly lakes place, and the foil burns with brilliancy. When already in chemi- cal union, therefore, chlorine has a stronger attraction for oxygen than for metals; but when insulated, its affinity for the latter is predominant Protoxide of chlorine has no action on meicury, but chlorine is rapidly condensed by this metal into calomel. Thus, Ihe two gases may be completely separated. When phosphorus is introduced into the protoxide, it instantly burns, as it would do in a mixture of two volumes of chlorine and one of oxygen; and a chloride and acid of phosphorus result. Lighted taper and burning sulphur likewise' instantly decompose it. When the protoxide, freed from water, is made to act on dry ve- getable colours, it gradually destroys them, but first gives to the blues a tint of red ; from wbich, from its absorbability by water, and the strongly acrid taste of the solution approaching to sour, it may be considered a* approximating to an acid in its nature."—Ure. Chlorure of iodine. The chloriodic acid. CHNUS. (From xwww, to grind, or rasp.) 1. Chaff; Bran. 2. Fine wool, or lint, which is, as it were, rasped from lint. Cko'aita. (Xonva, a funnel*; from x«<>i to pour out.) 1. A funnel. 2. The infundibulum ofthe kidney and brain. Cho'arus. A furnace made like a funnel, for melt- tat; metals. CHO'COLATE. (Dr. Alston says this word is compounded of two Indian words, choco, sound, and a swine; so called because hogs are diseased with it.) See Scrofula. Choke damp. The name given by miners to a nox- ious air, which is now known to be carbonic acid gas, found iu mines, wells, and mineral springs. See Car- bonic acid. Cho'lades. (From xoXn, the bile.) Sothesmallei intestines are called, because they contain bile. CHOL^BUS. (XoXatos, bilious.) Biliary. Chola'oo. See Cholas. CHOLAGO'GA. (From voAn, bile, and ayta, to i evacuate.) Cholegon. By cholagogues, the ancients meant only such purging medicines as expelled the internal faces, which resembled the cystic bile in their yellow colour, and other properties. Cholas. (From xoAn, the bile.) Cholago. All the cavity of the right hypochondrium, and part of the neighbourhood, is so called because it contains the liver which is the strainer ofthe gall. CHO'LE. XoAij. Tlie bile. ' CHOLE'DOCHUS. (Fromx,Xn, bile, and Sexouat, to receive; receiving or retaining the gall.) The re- ceptacle of bile. Choledochus ductus. Ductus communis chole- dochus. The common biliary duct, which conveys both cystic and hepatic bile into the intestinum duo- denum. Chole'gonv See Cholagpga. CHOLERA. (Celsus derives it from xoAn, and hua, literally a now of bile, and Trallian, from XoXas, and pea, intestinal fli c.) Diarrhea cholerica; Fcllifiua passio. A genus of disease arranged by Cullen in the class Neurosis, and order Spasmi. It is a purging and vomiting of bile, with anxiety, painful gripings, spasms of the abdominal muscles, and those of the; 9» calves of the legs. There are two species of this genus:—1. Cholera spontanea, which happens, in hot seasons, without any manifest cause. 2. Cholera accidentally, which occurs after the use of food that digests slowly, and irritates. In warm climates it is met with at all seasons of the year, and its occurrence is very frequent; but in England, and other cold cli- mates, it is apt to be most prevalent in the middle of summer, particularly in the month of August; and the violence of the disease has usually been observed to be greater in proportion to the intenseness of the heat. It usually comes on with soreness, pain, disten- sion, and flatulency in the stomach and intestines, succeeded quickly by a severe and frequent vomiting, and purging of bilious matter, heat, thirst, a hurried respiration, and frequent but weak and fluttering pulse. When the disease is not violent, these symp- toms, after continuing for a day or two, cease gra- dually, leaving the patient in a debilitated and ex- hausted state; but where the disease proceeds with much violence, there arises great depression of strength, with cold clammy sweats, considerable anxiety, a hur- ried and short respiration, and hiccups, with a sinking, and irregularity of the pulse, which quickly terminate in death; an event that not unfrequently happens within the space of twenty-four hours. The appearances generally observed on dissection are, a quantity of bilious matter in the prima; via;, the ducts of tho liver relaxed and distended; and seve- ral of the viscera have been found displaced, probably by the violent vomiting. In the early period of the disease, when the strength is not much exhausted, the object is to lessen the irritation, and facilitate the dis- charge of the bile, by tepid demulcent liquids, fre- quently exhibited. It will likewise be useful to procure a determination to the surface by fomentations to the abdomen, the pediluvium, or even the warm bath. But where the symptoms are urgent, and the patient appears rapidly sinking from the continued vomiting, violent pain, Sec it is necessary to give opium freely, but in a small bulk; from one to three grains, or even more, in a table spoonful of linseed infusion, or with an effervescing saline draught; which must be repeated at short intervals, every hour perhaps, till relief be ob- tained. Sometimes, where the stomach could not be got to retain the opium, it has answered in the form of clyster; or a liniment containing it may be rubbed into the abdomen; or a blister, applied over the stomach, may lessen the irritability of that organ. Afterward the bile may be allowed to evacuate itself downwards; or mild aperients, or clysters, given, if necessary, to promote its discharge. When the urgent symptoms are relieved, the strength must be restored by gentle tonics, as the aromatic bitters, calumba, and the like, with a light nutritious diet: strong toast and water is the best drink, or a little burnt brandy may be added if there is much langour. Exposure to cold must be carefully avoided, particularly keeping the abdomen and the feet warm; and great attention is necessary to regulate the bowels, and procure a regular discharge of bile, lest a relapse should happen. It will also be proper to examine the state of the abdomen, whether pressure give pain at any part, because in- flammation in the prima; vire is very liable to super- vene, often in an insidious manner; should that be the case, leeches, blistering the part, and other suitable means, must be promptly resorted to. CHOLERICA. (From x&tpa, the cholera.) Me- dicines which relieve the cholera. CHOLESTERIC ACID. " When the fat matter of the human biliary calculi is treated with nitric acid, which Chevreuil proposed to call cholcsterine, there is formed a peculiar acid, which is called the cholesteric. To obtain it, the cbolesterine is heated with its weight of concentrated nitric acid, by which it is speedily at- tacked and dissolved. There is disengaged, at the same time, much oxide of azot; and the liquor, on cooling, and especially on the addition of water, lets fall a yel low matter, which is the cholesteric acid impure, or impregnated with nitric acid. It may be purified by repeated washings in boiling water. Howevor, after having washed it, it is better to effect its fusion in the midst of hot water; to add to it a smoll quantity of carbonate of lead; to let the whole boil for some hours, decanting and renewing tbe water from time to time; then to put the remaining dried moss in contact with alkohol. and to evaporate the alkohoiic solution. The CHO CHO residuum now obta'.ned is the purest possible choleste- ric acid. This acid has an orange-yellow colour when it is in mans; but it appears in white needles, when dissolved in alkohol, and left to spontaneous evaporation. Its taste is very feeble, and slightly styptic; its taste re- sembles that of butter; and itfl specific gravity is inter- mediate between that of alkohol and Water. It fuses at 58° C. and is not decomposed till the tempesature be raised much above that of boiling water. It then affords oil, water, carbonic acid, and carburetted hy- drogen, but no trace of ammonia. It is very soluble in alkohol, sulphuric and acetic aether, in the volatile oils of lavender, rosemary, turpentine, bergamot, &c. It is, on tlie other hand, insoluble in the fixed oilsof olives, sweet almonds, and castor oil. It is equally so in the vegetable acids, and almost entirely insoluble in water, which takes up merely enough to make it redden lit- mus. Both in the cold, and with heat, nitric acid dis- solves without altering it. Concentrated sulphuric acid acting on it for a considerable time, only carbonizes it. It appears that the cholesteric acid is capable of uniting with the greater part of the salifiable bases. All the resulting salts are coloured, some yellow, others orange, and others red. The cholesterates of potassa, soda, ammonia, and probably of morphia, are very soluble and deliquescent; almost all the others are in- soluble, or nearly so. There is none of them which cannot be decomposed by all the mineral acids, except the carbonic, and by the greater part of the vegetable acids; so that on pouring one of these acids into a solution of the cholesterate, the cholesteric acid is in- stantly separated in flocks. The soluble cholesterates form precipitates in all the metallic solutions, whose base has the property of forming an insoluble or slightly soluble salt with cholesteric acid. Pelletier and Caventou found the cholesterate of barytes to consist of 100 of acid, and 56.259 base; whence the prime equivalent of the former appears to be about 17.35. Vet they observed, on the other hand, that on treating the cholesterate of lead with sulphuric acid, they obtained as much sulphate of lead as of cholesterate. From this experiment, the equivalent of the dry acid would seem to be 5; hence we may ima- gine, that when the cholesteric acid unites to the oxide of lead, and in general to all the oxides which have a slight affinity for oxygen, there takes place something similar to what happens in the reaction of oxide of lead and oxalic acid."—Journ. de Phar. iii. 292. CHOLESTER1XE. The name given by Chevreuil to the pearly substance of human biliary calculi. It consists of 72 carbon, 6.66 oxygen, and 21.33 hydrogen, by Berard. CHOLICE'LE. (From xoAn, bile, and xv^V, a tumour.) A swelling formed by the bile accumulated in the gall-bladder. CUOLOLITHUS. (From xoXn, bile, and XtBos, a stone, gall-stone.) A name of a genus of disease in the Class, Celiaca; Order, Splanchnica, of Good's Nosology, characterized by pain about the region of the liver, catenating with pain at the pit ofthe stomach; the pulse unchanged; sickness; dyspepsy; inactivity; bilious concretion in the gall bladder, or bile ducts. It has two species, Chololithus quiescens, the quiescent gall-stone, and C. means, the passing of gall-stones. CHOLOLITHICUS. Of or belonging lo gall-stone. Ciiolo'ma. (From xuAoc, lame, or maimed.) 1. A halting, or lameness in the leg. 2. Galen says that, in Hippocrates, it signifies any d'stortion of a limb. C H ONDRO. Some muscles have this word forming a part of their name, because they are connected with a particular cartilage. Ciiondkoglo'ssus. (From \pvSpov, a cartilage, and yXiaaan, the tongue.) A muscle so named from its in- sertion, which is in the basis or cartilaginous part of the tongue. See Hyoglossus. CHONDRO'LOGYT (Chondrologia; from xovSpos, | a cartilage, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A discourse on cartilages. Ciionduopharynojeus. (From xpvSpos, a carti- lage, and q>apvyl, the upper part of the fauces.) A muscle so named because it rises in the cartilaginous part of the tongue, and is inserted in the pharynx. CHO'NDllOS. XovSpos- 1. A cartilage. 2. A food of the ancients, the same at ftlica. 3. Any grumuus concretion. I CHONDROSYNDE'SMUS. (From XM-fc»fe» car- tilage, and evv&tia, to tie together.) A cartilaginouf ligament. Oho'ndrus. A cartilage. Ciio'ne. Xiavn- The infundibulum. Cho'ra. Xiapa. A region. Gelen, in his book D« Usu Partiuin, expresses by it particularly tlie cavities of the eyes; but, in others of his writings, he iulimates by it any void space. CIIO'RDA. (From xoP^V> which properly signifies an intestine, or gut, of which a chord may be made.) 1. A cord, or assemblage of fibres. 2. A tendon. 3. A painful tension of tbe penis in the venerea disease. 4. Sometimes the intestines are called chords. Chorda magna. A name of the tendo Achillis Chorda tympani. A branch of the seventh pair of nerves. The portio dura of the seventh pair of nerves, having entered the tympanum, sends a small branch to the stapes, and another more considerable one, which runs across the tympanum from behind forwards, passes between the long leg of the incus and the handle of the malleus, then goes out at the same place where the tendon of the anterior muscle of tbe malleus enters. It is called chorda tympani, because it crosses tlie tympanum as a cord crosses tlie bottom of a drum. Dr. Monro thinks, tiiat the chorda tympani is formed by the second branch of the fifth pair, as well as by the portio dura of the seventh. Chorda tunmnea. The tendinous and cord-like substances which connect the carnee columna of the ventricles of the heart to the auricular valves. Chorda Willisu. The small fibres which cross the sinuses of the dura mater. They are so termed, be- cause Willis first described them. Chorda'fsus. (From x»P&7> a cord, and an'Jui, to knit) A sort of painful colic, where the intestines appear to be twisted into knots. CHORDEE'. (Chorde. French.) A spasmodic contraction of the penis, that sometimes attends go- norrhoea, and is often followed by a hemorrhage. CHO'REA. (XopEia; from %opo$, a chorus,' which of old accompanied dancing. It is called St. Vitus's dance, because some devotees of St. Vitus exercised themselves so long in dancing, that their intellects were disordered, and could only be restored by dancing again at the anniversary of St. Vitus.) Chorea Sancti Vitif Synclonus chorea of Good. St. Vitus's dance. Con- vulsive motions of the limbs, as if the person were dancing. It is a genus of disease, arranged by Cullen in the class Neuroses ; and order Spasmi. These con- vulsive motions, most generally, are confined to one side, and affect principally the arm and leg. When any motion is attempted to be made, various fibres of other muscles act which ought not; and thus a con- trary effect is produced from what the patient intended. It is chiefly incident to young persons of both sexes, and makes its attack between the age often and fifteen, occurring but seldom after that of puberty. By some practitioners it has been considered rather as a paralytic affection than as a convulsive disorder, and has been thought to arise from a relaxation of the muscles, which, being unable to perform their func- tions in moving the limbs, shake them irregularly by jerks. Chorea Sancti Viti is occasioned by various irritations, as teething, worms, offensive smells, poi- sons, &c. It arises likewise in consequence of violent affections of the mind, as horror, fear, and anger. In many cases it is produced by general weakness; and, in a few, it takes piace from sympathy, at seeing tlie disease in others. The fits are sometimes preceded by a coldness of the feet and limbs, or a kind of tingling sensation, that ascends like cold air up the spine, and there is a flatu- lent pain in the left hypochondrium, with obstinate costiveness. At other times, the accession begins with' yawning, stretching, anxiety about the heart, palpita- tions, nausea, difficulty of swallowing, noise in the ears, giddiness, and pains in the head and teeth; and then come on the convulsive motions. These discover themselves at first by a kind of lame- ness, or instability of one of the legs, which the person draws after him in an odd and ridiculous manner; nor can he hold the arm of the same side still for a mo- ment: for if he lays it on his breast, or auy other part of bis body, it is torced ouickly from thence by an in- CHR CHR Voluntary motion. If he is desirous of drinking, lie Uses many singular gesticulations before he can carry the cup to his head, and it is forced in various direc- tions, till at length be gets it to his mouth ; when he pours the liquor down his throat in great haste, as if he meant to afford amusement to the by-standers. Sometimes various attempts at running and leaping take place; and at others, the head and trunk of the body are affected with convulsive motions. In many Instances, the mind is affected with some degree of fatuity, and often shows the same causeless emotions (such as weeping and laughing) which occur in hyste- ria. When this disease arises in children, it usually ceases about the age of puberty; and in adults, is often carried off by a change from the former" mode of living. Unless it (lasses into some other disease, such as epi- lepsy, it is hardly attended with danger. The leading indications in the treatment of this com- plaint are, 1. To obviate the several exciting causes; 2. To correct any faulty state of the constitution, which may appear to give a predisposition; 3. To use those means which experience has shown best calcu- lated to allay irregular muscular action. Among the sources of irritation, the most common is the state of the bowels; and the steady, but moderate, use of active cathartics has often a great effect upon the disease, im- proving the appetite and strength at the same time. Senna, scammony, jalap, &c. may be exhibited ac- cording to circumstances, often in conjunction with calomel, particularly where the liver is torpid. The general debility usually attending indicates the em- ployment of tonics, as the cinchona, chalybeatcs, or sulphate of sine, which is particularly useful; and with these, cold bathing, not too long continued, may be advantageously conjoined; also requiring the pa- tient to use muscular exertion, as much as they can readily, will assist materially in the cure. Sometimes in violent cases, and in irritable constitutions, the oc- casional exhibition of opium, or other sedative, may be required, taking care, however, that the bowels are not confined thereby. Occasionally too, where the above means are not successful, the more powerful antispasmodics may be tried, as asther, camphor, musk, &c. Electricity also has been by some recommended. CHO'RION. (From x01?"*, t0 escape; because it always escajies from the uterus with the fcetus.) Shaggy chorion. The external membrane of the fcetus in utero. CHO'ROID. (Choroidea; from x°Pl0Vitne chorion, and tiSos, resemblance.) Resembling the chorion, a membrane of the foetal ovum. Choroid membrane Membrana ehoroides. The second tunic of the eye, lying immediately under the sclerotica, to which it is connected by vessels. The true knowledge of this membrane is necessary to a perfect idea of the iris and uvea. The tunica cho- roidea commences at the optic nerve, and passes for- wards, with the sclerotic coat, to the beginning of the cornea transparens, where it adheres very firmly to the sclerotic membrane, by means of a cellular mem- brane, in the form of a white fringe, called the ciliary circle. It then recedes from the sclerotica and cornea and ciliary circle, directly downwards and inwards, forming a round disk, which .is variously coloured; hence, blue, black eyes, &c. This coloured portion, reflected inwards, is termed the iris, and its posterior surface is termed uvea. The choroid membrane is highly vascular, and its external vessels are disposed like stars, and termed vasa vorticosa. The internal surface of this membrane is covered with a black pig- ment, called the pigment of the choroid membrane. Choroid plexus. Plexus choroideus. A plexus of blood-vessels, situated in the lateral ventricles of the brain. Choroid tunic. See Choroid membrane. Chri'sis. (From xp">>)t0 anoint) An inunction, or anointing of any part. Christmas rose. See Helleborus niger. Chris'tum. (From xpiu, to anoint) Anutguent, or ointment of any kind. CHRO'MAS. A chromate, or salt, formed by the union of chromic acid with salifiable bases; as chro- mate of lead, &c. [" Chromate of iron, is found in large quantities, at the bare hills, near Baltimore, (Maryland.) massive and granular, in veins and masses disseminated through a I st-rpentine rock. Perhaps in no part of the world has 233 so much been discovered at one place: it furnishes the means of preparing the beautiful paint called the chro- mic yellow, with which carriages and furniture are now painted in the United States. Chromate of" iron, in octaedral crystals, very small and magnetic, is found at the same place, and has nowhere else been disco- vered, as far as we can learn from the writings of mineralogists. The crystals are found in the ra- vines, and on the sand of the rivulets of the bare- hills, mixed with granular chromate'of iron. The green oxide of chrome is also found there, colouring the talc, as well as the ruby or violet coloured ore."— Bruce's Min. Jour. A.] Chromati'smus. (From xp','/*a7'?<',, to colour.) The morbid discoloration of any of the secretions, as of the urine, or blood. CHROMIC ACID. Acidum chromicum. " This acid was extracted from the red lead ore of Siberia, by treating this ore with carbonate of potassa, and separating the alkali by means of a more powerful acid. In this state it is a red or orange-coloured pow- der, of a peculiar rough metallic taste, which is more sensible in it than in any other metallic acid. If this powder be exposed to the action of light and heat, it loses its acidity, and is converted into green oxide of chrome, giving out pure oxygen gas. The chromic acid is the first that has been found to deoxygenate itself easily by the action of heat, and afford oxygen gas by this simple operation. It appears that several of its properties are owing to the weak adhesion of a part at least of its oxygen. The green oxide of chrome cannot be brought back to the state of an acid, unless its oxygen be restored by treating it with some other acid. The chromic acid is soluble in water, and crystallizes, by cooling and evaporation, in longish prisms o-f a ruby red. Its taste is acrid and styptic. Its specific gravity is not exactly known; but it always exceeds that of water. It powerfully reddens the tincture of trrnsole. Its action on combustible substances is little known. If it be strongly heated with charcoal, it grows black, and passes to the metallic state without melting Of the acids, the action of the muriatic on it ■» the most remarkable. If this be distilled with the chromic acid, by a gentle heat, it is readily converted into chlo- rine. It likewise imparts to it by mixture the property of dissolving gold; in which the chromic resembles the nitric acid. This is owing to the weak adhesion of its oxygen, and it is the only one of the metallic acids that possesses this property. The extraction of chromic acid from the French ore, is performed by igniting it with its own weight of nitre in a crucible. The residue is lixiviated with water, which being then filtered, contains the chromate of potassa. On pouring into this a little nitric acid and muriate of barytes, an instantaneous precipitate of the chromate of barytes takes place. After having pro- cured a certain quantity if this salt, it must be put in its moist state into a capsule, and dissolved in the smallest possible quantity of weak nitric acid. The barytes is to be then precipitated by very dilute sul- phuric acid, taking care not to add an excess of it When the liquid is found by trial to contain neither sulphuric acid nor barytes, it must be filtered. It now consists of water, with nitric and chromic acids. The whole is to be evaporated to dryness, conducting the heat at the end so as not to endanger the decomposi- tion of the chromic acid, which will remain in tlie capsule under the form of a reddish matter. It must be kept in a glass phial well corked. Chromic acid, heated with a powerful acid, becomes chromic oxide; while the latter, heated with the hy- drate of an alkali, becomes chromic acid. As the solution of the oxide is green, and that of the acid yellow, these transmutations become very remarkable to the eye. From Berzelius's experiments on the combinations of tlie chromic acid with barytes, and oxide of lead, its prime equivalent seems to be 6.5; consisting of 3.5 chromium, and 3.0 oxygen. It readily unites with alkalies, and is the only acid that has the property of colouring its salts, whence the name of chromic has been given it If two parte of the red lead ore of Siberia in fine powder be boiled with one of an alkali saturated with carbonic acid, in forty parts of water, a carbonate of lead will be precipitated, and the chromate remain dissolved. The solutions are of a lemon colour, and allbrd c.i\v:tl>» CHR CHY of a somewhat deeper hue. Those of chromate of ammonia are ill yellow laminae, having the metallic lustre of gold. The chromate of barytes is very little soluble, and that of lime still less. They are both of a pale yel- low, and when heated give out oxygen gas, as do the alkaline eliminates. If the chromic acid be mixed with filings of tin and tlie muriatic acid, it becomes at first yellowish-brown, and afterward ai-sunies a bluish-green colour, which preserves the same shade after desiccation. ^Ether alone gives it the same dark colour. With a solu- tion of nitrate of mercury, it gives a precipitate of a dark cinnabar colour. With a solution of nitrate of silver, it gives a precipitate, which, the moment it is formed, appears of a beautiful carmine colour, but becomes purple by exposure to the light. This com- bination, exposed to the heat of the blow-pipe, melts before the charcoal is inflamed, and assumes a black- ish and metallic appearance. If it be then pulver- ized, the powder is still purple; but after the blue flame of tlie lamp is brought into contact with this powder, it assumes a green colour, and the silver appears in globules disseminated through its sub- stance. With nitratT rf copper it gives a chesnut-red preci- pitate. With the solution of sulphate of zinc, muri- ate of bismuth, muriate of antimony, nitrate of nickel, and muriate of platina, it produces yellowish precipi- tates, when the solutions do not contain an excess of acid. With muriate of gold it produces a greenish precipitate. When melted with borax, or class, or acid of phos- phorus, it communicates to it a beautiful emerald- green colour. If paper be impregnated with it, and exposed to the sun a few days, it acquires a green colour, which remains permanent in the dark. A slip of iron, or tin, put into its solution, imparts to it the same colour. The aqueous solution of tannin produces a floccu- lent precipilate of a brown fawn colour. Sulphuric acid, when cold, produces no effect on it; but when warm it makes it assume a bluish-green colour."— Ure's Diet. CHROMIUM. (Chromium, ii. n.; from xp about J of an hour. The beak of the retort is to be surrounded with a tube of wet linen, and plunged into water, to facilitate the condensation of the mer- cury. The oxide, newly precipitated from acids, has a dark-green colour, and is easily redissolved; but exposure to a dull-red heat ignites it, and renders it denser, insoluble, and of a light-green colour. This change arises solely from the closer aggregation of the particles, for the weight is not altered. 2. The deutoxide is procured by exposing the pro- tonitrate to heat, till the fumes of nitrous gas cease to issue. A brilliant brown powder, insoluble in acids, and scarcely soluble in alkalies, remains. Mu- riatic acid digested on it exhales chlorine, showing the increased proportion of oxygen in this oxide. 3. The tritoxide has been already described among the acids. It may be directly procured by adding nitrate of lead to the above nitrochromate of potassa, and di- gesting the beautiful orange precipilate of chromate of lead with moderately strong muriatic acid, till its power of action be exhausted. The fluid produced is to be passed through a filter, and a little oxide of silver very gradually added, till the whole solution becomes of a deep red tint. This liquor, by slow eva- poration, deposites small ruby-red crystals, which are the hydrated chromic acid. The prime equivalent of chromic acid deduced from the eliminates of barytes and lead by Berzelius, is 6.544, if we suppose them to be neutral salts. According to this chemist, the acid contains double the oxygen that the green oxide does. But if those chromates be regarded as subsalts, then the acid prime would be 13.088, consisting of 6 oxy- gen = 7.088 metal; while the protoxide would consist of 3 oxyxen + 7.088 metal; and the deutoxide of an intermediate proportion. CHRO'NIC. (Chronicus; from xp°v colour, and oxpis, sight.) Visus coloratus. A disease of the eyes, in which tha i person perceives objects of a different colour from their natural one. CHRYSA'NTHEMUM. (From xpvoos, gold, and avBtuov, a flower.) 1. The name ofa genus of plants in the Linmean system. Class, Syngenesia ; .Order, Polysomia. Sun-flower, or marigold. 2. Many herbs are so called, the flowers of which are of a bright yellow colour. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. The system- atic name of the great ox-eye daisy. Maudlin-wort Bcllis-major; Buphthalmum majus; Leucanthemum vulgare; Bellidioides; Consolida media; Oculus bo- vis. The Chrysanthemum;—foliis amplexicaulibus, oblongis, supei-ni serratis, inferni dentatis, of Lin- nicus. The flowers and herb were formerly esteemed in asthmatic and phthisical diseases, but have now deservedly fallen into disuse. Chry'se. (From XP""0^ E°'d.) The name of a yellow plaster. i Chysble'ctrum. (From xpwcofi g°'d, and ijA«7pov, amber.) Amber of a golden yellow colour. Chrysi'ppea. (From Chrysippus, its discoverer.) An herb enumerated by Pliny. Chrysi'tis. (From xpucoy, gold.) 1. Litharge. 2. The yellow foam ot lead. 3. The herb yarrow, from the golden colour of its flower. CHRVSOBA'LANUS. (From xP»oos, gold, and BaXavos, a nut; so named because of its colour, which, before it is dried, is yellow.) The nutmeg. CHRYSOBERYL. Cymophane of Haiiy. A mi- neral of an asparagus green colour and vitreous lus- tre, found in the Brazil, and Ceylon. [Chrysoberyljs found in the United States, and is sometimes employed in jewelry. In the township of Haddam, on the Connecticut river, and in the State of Connecticut, it occurs in granite in six-sided prisms and six-sided tables; its colour varies from greenish yellow to yellowish green. A.] CHRYSOCO'LLA. (From xpvaos, gold, andKoXXiy, cement.) Gold solder; Borax. CHYSO'COMA. (From xP«»°f< ?old> and "Wi hair; so called from its golden, hsiir-liKe aj pearaueej The herb niUfoii, or yarrow. Sue Achilhra wMtff CHY CHY Chrysooo'jua. (From xpvaos, gold, and ytvopat, to become.) A tincture of gold. Chrysola'ciiaxon. (From xPva°!i 8°'d, and Xa- vavov, a pot-herb; so named from its having a yellow leaf.) The herb orach ; a spccic3 of atriplex. CHRYSOLITE. Peridot of Haiiy. Topaz of the ancients, while our topaz is their chrysolite. The hard- est of all gems of a pistachio-green colour. It comes from Egvpt and Bohemia. CHRYSOSPLE'NIUM. (From xpvcos, gold, and aenXivtov, spleenwort.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Digynia. Golden saxifrage. CHRYSOPRASE. A variety of calcedony. Chrysu'lcus. (From xf>v<">Si S°'di and *A/eci>, to take away.) The aqua regia which has the property of dissolving gold. [CHURCH, Dr. Benjamin, was graduated at How- ard College in 1754. He established himself as a phy- sician in the town of Boston, where he rose to very considerable eminence in his profession. As a skilful and dexterous operator in surgery, he was inferior to no one of his contemporaries in New-England; and as a physician, he was in a career of distinguished re- putation. He possessed a brilliant genius, a lively poetic fancy, and was an excellent writer. For several years preceding the American revolution, he was a conspicuous character, and had great influence among the leading whigs and patriots of the day. When the war commenced in 1775, his character was so high that he was appointed physician-general to the army. But while he was performing the duties assigned him, circumstances occurred which led to a suspicion thai he held a treacherous correspondence with the enemy. Certain letters in cipher were intercepted, which he had written to a relation in Boston. He was imme- diately arrested, imprisoned, and tried before a mili- tary tribunal appointed to investigate his conduct, and was pronounced guilty of a criminal correspondence with the enemy. It appears that the only evidence by which he was convicted, rested on an intercepted le'tter directed to a friend in Boston. This letter was written in cipher, and when it was deciphered and examined, its contents seemed in a considerable de- gree to justify the plea which he had made, that it was designed as an innocent stratagem to deceive and draw from the enemy some information for the benefit of the public. Dr. C. was, at the same time, a member of the House of Representatives, from which he would have been expelled had he not resigned his seat He was, however, arraigned before the House, subjected to a rigid examination, and his letter was read by him- self by, paragraphs, and commented upon, and explain- ed. His defence before the House may be considered as a specimen of brilliant talents and great ingenuity. " Confirmed," said he, in assured innocence, " I stand prepared for your keenest searchings. The warmest bosom here does not flame with a brighter zeal for the security, happiness, and liberties of America, than mine." Sc high was party zeal, and such the jealousy and prejudice of the day, that a torrent of indignation was ever at hard to sweep from the land every guilty or suspected character. In the instance of Dr. C., there were not a few among the most respectable and intel- ligent of the community, who expressed strong doubts of a criminal design in his conduct. It was, however, his hard fate to pine in prison until the following year, when he obtained permission to depart for tlie West Indies. The vessel in which he sailed was supposed to have foundered at sea, as no tidings respecting her were ever obtained. A.] CHUSrTE. A yellowish-green translucent m ineral, found by Saussure in the cavities of porphyries, iu tlie environs of Limbourg. CHYAZIC ACID. See Prussic acid. Chyla'ria. (From xuAoc, chyle.) A discharge of a whitish mucous urine, of tlie colour and consistence of chyle. CHYLE. Chylus. The mirk-like liquor observed some hours after* eating, in the lacteal vessels of the mesentery, and in the thoracic duct. It is separated by digestion from the chyme, and is that fluid sub- stance from which the blood is formed. See Digestion. " The chyle may be studied under two different forms: 1st, When it is mixed with chyme in the small in- testine. 3d, Under the liquid form, circulating in theehyhV ferous vessels, and the thoracic duct No person having particularly engaged in the exa initiation ofthe chyle during its slay in the small intes tine, our knowledge on this point is little. The liquid chyle contained in tlie chyliferous vessels has been ex amined with great care. In order to procure it, the best manner consists in giving food to an animal, and, when tho digestion is supposed to be in full activity, to strangle it, or to cut the spinal marrow behind the occipital bone. The whole length of the breast is cut open; the hand is thrust in so as to pass a ligature wbich embraces the aorta, the oesophagus, and the thoracic duct, the near- est to the neck possible; the ribs of the left side are then twisted or broken, and the thoracic duct is seen, closely adhering to the oesophagus. The upper part is detached, and carefully wiped, to absorb the blood; it is cut, and the chyle flows into the vessel intended to receive it. The ancients were acquainted with the existence of the chyle, but their ideas of it were very inexact; it was observed anew at the beginning of the seventeenth century; and being, in certain conditions, of an opaque white, it was compared to milk: the vessels that contain it were even named lacteal vessels, a veiy improper expression, since there is very little other similarity between chyle and milk except the colour. It is only in modern times, and by the labours of Dupuytren, Vauquelin, Emmert, and Marcet, that po- sitive notions concerning tlie chyle have been ac quired. We shall give the observations of these learned men, with the addition of our own. If tlie animal from which the chyle is extracted has eaten animal or vegetable substances of a fatty nature, the liquid drawn from the thoracic duct is of a milky white, a little heavier than distilled water, of a strong spermatic odour, of a salt taste, slightly adhering to the tongue, and sensibly alkaline. Chyle, very soon after it has passed out of the vesse that contained it, becomes firm, and almost solid: after some time, it separates into three parts; the one solid that remains at the bottom, another liquid at tlie top, and a third that forms a very thin layer at the surface of tbe liquids. The chyle, at the same time, assumes- a vivid rose colour. When the chyle proceeds from food that contains no fat substance, it presents the same sort of properties, but instead of being opaque white, it is opaline, and almost transparent; the layer which forms at tbe top is less marked than in the former sort of chyle. Chyle never takes the hue of the colouring sub- stances mixed in the food, as many authors have pre- tended. Animals that were made to eat indigo, saffron, and madder, furnished a chyle, the colour of which had no relation to that of the substances. Of the three substances into which the chyle sepa- rates when abandoned to itself, that ofthe surface, of an opaque white colour, is a fatty body; the solid part is formed of fibrin and a little colouring mailer; the liquid is like the serum of the blood. The proportion of these three parts is variable ac- cording to the nature of the food. There are species of chyle, such as that the sugar, which contain very little fibrin; others, such as that of flesh, contain more. The same thing happens with the fat matter, which is very abundant when the food contains grease or oil, while there is scarcely any seen when the food is nearly deprived of fatty bodies. The absorption of the chyle has been attributed to the capillarity of the lacteal radicles, to the com- pression of the chyle by the sides of the small intes- tine, &c. Latterly, it has been pretended that it takes place by virtue of the proper sensibility ofthe absorb- ing mouths, and ofthe insensible organic contractility that they are supposed to possess. It first enters the threads of the lacteal vessels, it then traverse** the me- senteric glands, it arrives at the thoracic duct, and at last enters the subclavian vein. The causes that determine its motion are the con- tractility proper to the chyliferous vessels, the un- known cause of its absorption, the pressure of the ab- dominal muscles, particularly in the motions of respi- ration, and, perhaps, the pulsation of tbe arteries of the abdomen. CHY CTC If we wish-to have a correct idea of the velocity with which the chyle flows into the thoracic duct, we must open this canal in a living animal, at the place where it opens into the subclavian vein. We find that this rapidity is not very great, and that it increases every time that the animal compresses the viscera of the abdomen, by the abdominal muscles; a similar effect is produced by compressing the belly with the hand. However, the rapidity ofthe circulation of the chyle appears to me to be in proportion to the quantity formed in the small intestine; this last is in proportion to the quantity of the chyme: so that if the food is in great abundance, and of easy digestion, the chyle will flow quickly; if, on the contrary, the food is in small quantity, or, which is the same thing, if it is of diffi- cult digestion, as less chyle will be formed, so its pro- gress will be more slow. It would be difficult to appreciate the quantity of chyle that would be formed during a given digestion, though it ought to be considerable. In a dog of ordi- nary size, that bad eaten animal food at discretion, an incision into the thoracic duct of the neck (the dog being alive) gave about half an ounce of liquid in five minutes, and the running was not suspended during the whole continuance of the formation of the chyle, that is, during several hours. It is not known whether there is any variation 'in the rapidity ofthe motion of the chyle during the same digestion; but, supposing it uniform, there would enter six ounces of chyle per hour into the venous system. We may presume that the proportion of chyle is more considerable in man, whose chyliferous organs are more voluminous, and in whom the digestion is, in ge- neral, more rapid than in the dog."—Magendie's Phy- siology. The chyle is mixed with the albuminous and gela- tinous lymph in the thoracic duct, which receives them from the lymphatics. The uses of the chyle are, 1. To supply the matter from which the blood and other fluids of our body are prepared; from which fluids the solid parts are form- ed. 2. By its acescent nature, it somewhat restrains the putrescent tendency of the blood: hence the dread- ful putridity of the humours from starving; and thus milk is an excellent remedy against scurvy. 3. By iu very copious aqueous latex, it prevents the thickening ofthe fluids, and thus renders them fit for the various secretions. 4. The chyle secreted in the breasts of puerperal women, under the name of milk, forms the most excellent nutriment of all aliments for new-born infants. CHYLIFICA'TION. (Chylificatio; from chylus, and fio, to become.) Chylifactio. The process car- ried on in tbe small intestines, and principally in the duodenum,-by which the chyle is separated from the chyme. Chvli'sma. (From xwAoJi juice.) An expressed juice. CHYLOPOIE TIC. (Chylopoieticus; from x"Aoc, chyle,and zzoitia, to make.) Chylopoielic. Any thing connected with the formation of chyle; thus chylopoi- elic viscera, chylopoietic vessels, &.c. CHYLO'SIS. i.From x»Aoc, juice.) Chylification, or the changing the food into chyle. Chylosta'oma. (From x"Aoy, juice, and s"a$o>, to distil.) The distillation or expression of any juice, or humid part from tbe rest. Chv lostaoma diaphoreticum. A name given by Mindererus to a distillation of Venice treacle and milh- ridate. CHYLUS. (XuAoc, succus, from xvs of each will be found to take place in eveiy instance where the brain has been violently shaken. Whether they bear any certain proportion to each other or not, is not known ; indeed, this will depend upon such a variety of circum- stances in the constitution, the injury, and lite alter treatment, that it must be difficult to determine. To distinguish between an extravasation and a con- cussion by the symptoms only, Mr. Potts says, is fre- quently a very difficult matter; sometimes an impossi- ble one. The similarity of the effects, in some cases, and the very small space of time which may intervene between the going off of the one and accession of the other, render this a very nice exercise ot' the judgment. The fii st stunning or deprivation of sense, whether total or partial, may be from either, and no man can tell from which; but when these first symptoms have been removed, or have spontaneously disappeared, if such patient is again oppressed with drowsiness, or stupidity, or total or partial loss of sense, il then be- comes probable that the first complaints were from concussion, and that the latter are from extravasation; and the greater the distance of time between the two, the greater is the probability not only that an extrava- sation is the cause, but that the extravasation is of the limpid kind, made gradatira, and within the brain. Whoever seriously reflects on the nature of these two causes of evil within the cranium, and considers them as liable to frequent combination in the same subject, and at the same time considers that, in many instances, no degree of information can be obtained from the only person capable of giving it, (the patient) will immediately be sensible how very difficult a part CON CON a practitioner has to act in many of these cases, and how very unjust it must be to call that ignorance wiiich is only a just diffidence arising from the obscu- rity of the subject, and the impossibility of attaining materials to form a clear judgment. Abernethy observes, tbat in cases of simple concus- sion, the insensibility is not so great, as where com- pression exists, the pupils are more contracted, the muscles less relaxed, little or no stertor attends, but the pulse is very intermitting, and in slight cases there is often considerable sickness. Very different modes of treating these accidents have been practised, and no doubt tbe same means should not be pursued indiscriminately. Much must depend on the state of the patient, when he received the injury, the degree of this, the time which has elapsed since, and other circumstances. Abernethy considers, that in the first stage little should be done; that the stimulants often employed may be even inju- rious ; but more especially so in the second stage, in- creasing the tendency to inflammation; and where this has come on, that the antiphlogistic plan must be actively pursued. However, a moderate abstraction of blood, general or topical, will be commonly proper at first, where the habit will allow it, as' congestion may be suspected, and to obviate inflammation, espe- cially where the person was intoxicated at the time of the accident; and the effect of this measure may influ- ence the subsequent treatment. If the pulse rose after it, and the patient became more sensible, we should be led to pursue the evacuating plan, taking perhaps more blood, exhibiting active cathartics, as the bowels will be found very torpid, applying cold lotions to the head, Sec. These means, however, will be especially called for, when marks of inflammation appear. Sometimes brisk emetics have been very beneficial, as sulphate of zinc, &c.: they are particularly recom- mended, where the person was under the influence of anger; or the stomach full, when the accident hap- pened; but they are liable to objection, where there are marks of congestion, or increased action in the vessels of the head. If bleeding should lower the pulse, and render tbe patient worse, evacuations must not be pursued ; it may be better generally to wait the gradual return of sensibility, unless the torpor be alarming, like a state of syncope: in which case, or if it continue very long, stimulants appear justified, as ammonia, or others of transient operation, with a blis- ter to the head, to restore some degree of sensibility. If, in the sequel, marks of irritation appear, as spasms or convulsions, opium joined with antimony, or in the form of Dover's powder, will probably be useful, the necessary evacuations being premised, and the warm baih. In all cases the head should be kept quiet; as the patient is convalescent, tonics, and the shower- bath may be employed with advantage; and it will be particularly necessary to avoid great bodily ex- ertion, stimulating liquors, &c. Should paralytic symptoms remain, stimulants, general or local, may be required. Where alarming symptoms follow an injury to the head, extravasation may be suspected: and the operation of trepanning, skilfully performed, will do no harm to the patient, but may materially relieve, even by the loss of blood attending. CONDENSATION. (Condensatio; fromcondenso, to make thick.) A thickening of any fluid. CONDIME'NTUM. (From condio, to preserve, or season.) A condiment, preserve, or sweetmeat. Condu'ctio. (From conduco, to draw along.^ In Coelius Aurelianus, it is a spasm, or convulsion, draw- ing the muscles out of their proper positions. CONDUCTOR. (From conduco, to lead, or guide.) A surgical instrument, the use of which is to direct the knife in certain operations. It is more commonly called a director. CONDUPLICATUS. Folded. Applied to leaves, when tbe margins are clapped flatly together; as in Roseau purpurea, and the bases of sword-shaped leaves. See Leaf. CO'NDYLE. (Condylus; from kovSv, an ancient cup, shaped like a joint.) A round eminence of a bone in any of the joints. CONDYLOMA. (Condyloma, atis. n.; from kov ivXos, a tubercle, or knot.) A soft, wart-like excres- cence, that appears about the anus and pudendum of both sexes. There are several species of condylo- mata, which have received names from their appear- 236 ances; as ficus, crysta, thymus, from their resem blance to a fig, Sec. CONE. See Strobilus. Conki'on. (From Kiavav, to turn round.) In Hip- pocrates it imports hemlock. It is said to be thus named, because it produces a vertigo in those who take it inwardly. See Conium. Conk'ssi cortex. See Nerium antidysenteri- cum. CONFE'CTION. (Confectio, onis. f.\ from con- ficio, to make up.) A confection. In general, it means any thing made up with sugar. The term, in the new London Pharmacopoeia, includes those arti- cles which were formerly called electuaries and con- serves, between which there do not appear to be suffi- cient grounds to make a distinction. [" Confections are soft solids, in the composition of which sugar forms a principal article. The term in- cludes what have been called conserves, made from recent vegetable substances, beaten with sugar as ti preservative; and electuaries, which were formed of dry powders, &c. brought to a proper consistence with syrup, either to facilitate their deglutition, or to conceal their taste."—Big. Mat. Med. The Pharmacopoeia ot the United States has tbe following :—Confectio aromatica, Confectio aurantii corticis, Confectio cassia, Confectio rosa, Confectio scammonia, Confectio senna. A.] Confectio amygdalarum. Confection of almonds. Take of sweet almonds, an ounce; Acacia gum pow- dered, a drachm ; refined sugar, half an ounce. The almonds having been previously macerated in water and their external coat removed, beat the whole to gether, until they are thoroughly incorporated. It has been objected to the almond mixture, which is an article of very general use, that it requires considerable time for its extemporaneous preparation, and that it spoils, and cannot be kept when it is made This will be obviated by the present form, which does keep for a sufficient length of time, and rubs down into the mix- ture immediately. Confectio aromatica. This preparation was for- merly called Confectio cardiaca. Confectio Ralrigh- ana. Take of cinnamon bark, nutmegs, of each two ounces; cloves, an ounce; cardamom seeds, half an ounce; saffron dried, two ounces; prepared shells, six- teen ounces; refined sugar powdered, two pounds; water, a pint. Reduce the dry substances, mixed to- gether, to very fine powder; then add the water gra- dually, and mix the whole, until it is incorporated. This preparation is now much simplified by the Lon- don college. It is an excellent medicine, possessing stimulant, antispasmodic, and adstringent virtues; and is exhibited with these views to children and adults, in a vast variety of diseases, mixed with other medi- cines. It may be given in doses of 10 gr. to a drachm. Confectio aurantiorum. Conserva corticis exte- rioris aurantii hispalensis. Conserva flavedinus cor- ticum aurantiorum. Take of fresh external rind of oranges, separated by rasping, a pound; refined sugar, three pounds. Bruise the rind with a wooden pestle, in a stone mortar; then, after adding the sugar, bruise it again, until the whole is thoroughly incorporated. This is well calculated to form the basis of a tonic and stomachic confection, and may be given alone in doses of from two to five drachms, twice or three times a day. Confectio cardiaca. See Confectio aromatica: Confectio cassije. Electuarium cassia. Electu- arium e cassia. Confection of cassia. Take of fresh cassia pulp, half a pound; manna, two ounces; tama- rind pulp, an ounce; syrup of roses, half a pint. Bruise the manna; mell it in the syrup by a water- bath ; then mix in the pulps, and evaporate down to a proper consistence. This is a very elegant, pleasant, and mild aperient for the feeble, and for children. Dose from two drachms to an ounce. Confectio opii. Confectio opiata. Philonium Londinense. Philonium Romanum. Confection of opium. Take of hard opium powdered, six drachms; long pepper, an ounce; ginger root, two ounces; cara- way-seeds, three ounces; syrup, a pint. Rub together the opium and the syrup pteviously heated; then add the remaining articles reduced to powder, and mix. To the credit of modern pharmacy, this is the only one that remains of all those complicated and confused CON CON preparations called mithridate, theriaca, etc.; it more nearly approximates, in its composition, the philonium than any other, and may be considered as an effectual substitute for them in practice. This very warm and stimulating confection is admirably calculated to re- lieve diarrhoea, or spasms ot' the stomach and bowels, and is frequently ordered in doses of from 10 grs. lo half a diaclun. About 36 grains contain one of opium. Confectio piperis nigri. Confection of black pepper. Take of black jivpper; elecampane, of each a pound; fennel seeds, three pounds; honey; refined sugar, of each two pounds. Rub the dry ingredients together, so as to reduce them to a very fine powder; then, having added the honey, rub them again so that the whole may incorporate. This confection is given internally against a relaxed condition of the extremity ofthe rectum, producing partial prolapse, and against tbat piley state which results from weakness. A similar compound has been long celebrated and sold under the name of Ward's paste. Confectio ros/b caninje. Conserva cynosbati. Conserva fnidus cynosbati. Conserve of hips. Con- fection of dog-rose. Take of dog-rose pulp, a pound; refined sugar powdered, twenty ounces. Expose the pulp in a water bath to a gentle heat; then add the sugar gradually, and rub them together until they are thoroughly incorporated. This preparation is cooling and adstringent; it is seldom given alone, but mostly joined to some other medicine, in the form of linctus, or electuary. Confectio ROSJE gallicje. Conserva rosa. Con- serva rosarum rubrarum. Conserve of red rose. Take of the petals of the red rose, before it is expanded, and without the claws, a pound; refined sugar, three pounds. Bruise the petals in a stone mortar; then, having added the sugar, beat them again together, until they are thoroughly incorporated. This is an excel- lent sub-astringent composition. Rubbed down with water, it forms ah excellent drink, with some lemon juice, in hemorrhagic complaints; it may also be given with vitriolated zinc, iu the form of an electuary. Confectio rut^:. Electuariumebaccis lauri. Con- fection of rue. Take of rue leaves dried, caraway seeds, bay-berries, of each an ounce and a half; saga- penum, half an ounce; black pepper, two drachms; clarified honey, sixteen ounces. Rub the dry articles together, into a very fine powder; then add the honey, and mix the whole. Its use is confined to clysters. Confectio scammoneje. Eleduarium scammonii. Electuarium e scammonio. Eleduarium caryocosti- num. Confection of scatnmony. Take of scanimony gum resin powdered, an ounce and a half; cloves bruised, ginger root powdered, of each, six drachms; oil of caraway, half a drachm; syrup of roses, as much as is sufficient. Rub the dry articles together, into very fine powder; next rub them again while the syrup is gradually added; then add the oil of caraway, and mix the whole well together. This is a strong stimulating cathartic, and calculated to remove worms from the priniae viae, with which view it is mostly ex- hibited. Dose from 3ss. to 3j. Confectio sennje. Electuarium senna. Eledu- arium lenitivum. Confection of senna. Take of senna leaves, eight ounces; figs, a pound; tamarind pulp, pulp of prunes, cassia pulp, of eacii half a pound ; coriander seeds, four ounces; liquorice root, three ounces; refined sugar, two pounds and a half. Pow- der the senna leaves with the coriander seeds, and separate, by sifting ten ounces of the mixed powder. Boil, the remainder with the figs and the liquorice-root, in four pints of water, until it be reduced to half; then press out and strain the liquor. Evaporate the liquor, until a pint and a half only remains of the whole; then add the sugar, to make syrup. Lastly, mix the pulps gradually with the syrup, and, having added the sifted powder, mix the whole together. This is a mild and elegant aperient, well adapted for pregnant women, and those whose bowels are easily moved. CONFERTUS. Clustered, or crowded together: applied to leaves. See Leaf. CONFERVA. (From conferveo, to knit together.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Alga. 2. A kind of moss: named from its use formerly in healing broken bones. I Conferva helminthocortos. See Corallina cor- sicana. Conferva rivalis. This plant, Conferva; fila- mentis simplicissimus aqualibus longissimus, of Lin- naeus, has been recommended in cases of spasmodic asthma, phthisis, Sec. on account of the great quantity of vital air it contains. CONFIRMA'NTIA. (From con, and firmo, to strengthen.) 1. Restoratives. 2. Medicines which lasten the teeth in their sockets. CONFLUENT. Running together. Applied to eruptions. See Variola. CONFLU'XION. Much used by Hippocrates, and his interpreter Galen, from a notion that parts at a distance have mutual consent with one another, and that they are all perspirable by many subtle streams. Paracelsus, according to his way, expressed the former by confederation. CONFORMA'TIO. (From conformo, to shape or fashion.) Conformation. The natural shape and form of any part. Conforta'ntia. (From conforto, to strengthen. Cordial and strengthening medicines. Confortati'va. The same. Confu'sio. (From confundo, to mix together.) A confusion, or disorder in the eyes, proceeding from a rupture of the membranes, which include the hu- mours, by which means they are all confounded to- gether. Congela'ti. (From congelo, to freeze.) Congela- tici. Persons afflicted with a catalepsy are so called, by which all sensation seems to be taken away. CONGELA'TION. (Congelatio; from congelo, to freeze.) That change of liquid bodies which takes place when they pass to a solid state, by losing the caloric which kept them in a state of fluidity. Congelati'va. (From congelo, to congeal.) Medi- cines that inspissate humours, and stop fluxions and rheums. CO'NGENER. (From con, and genus, kind.) Of the same kind; concurring in the same action. It is usually said of the muscles. CONGESTION. (From congero, to amass.) A collection of blood or other fluid; thus we say a con- gestion of blood in the vessels, when they are over dis- tended, and the motion is slow. CONGLOBATE. Conglobatus ; from conglobo, to gather into a ball.) 1. A term applied lo a gland, Glandula conglobata,\\hich is formed of a contortion of lymphatic vessels, connected together by cellular structure, having neither a cavity nor any excretory duct: such are the mesenteric, inguinal, axillary glands, &.c. See Gland. 2. A conglobate flower, is a compound one growing in the form of a sphere or globe. CONGLOMERATE. (Conglomeratus; from con- glonuiro, to heap upon one.) 1. Applied to a gland, Glandula conglomerata, which consists of a number of smaller glomerate glands, the excretory ducts of which all unite into one common duct: such are the salival, parotid glands, Sec. 2. Conglomerate flowers, are such as arc heaped to- gether on a footstalk, to which they are irregularly, but closely connected. See Panicula. CONGLOMERITE. A compound mineral mass, in which angular fragments of rocks are imbedded. The Italian term brecchia, has the same meaning. In pudding stone, tbe imbedded fragments are round, bearing the marks of having been polished by attrition. CONGLUTIN A'NTIA. (From conglutino, to glue together.) Healing medicines; and such as unite parts disjoined by accident. CONIC US. Conical. Applied to leaves, nectaries, receptacles, Sec—Nectarium contcum, in tlie Ulricu- lariafoliosa, and the receptacle ofthe daisy, Anthemis arvensis, cotula, and Matricaria chamomilla. CONLFERiE. Cone-bearing plants. The name of an order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Me- thod. CO'NIS. Kovts- Dust; fine powder; ashes; ank in the hair; scurf from the head; and sometimes it signifies lime. CON1TE. 1. An ash or greenish-gray coloured mi- neral, which becomes brown on exposure to air. It is found in Saxony and Iceland. 2. Dr. Maccullock has given ibis name to a pulveru- lent mineral, as fusible as glass into a transparent Lead, 1 " OCT CON CON which he found in the trap hills of Kilpatrick, and the Isle of Sky. [3. The petrifaction of a conus. See Organic re- lics. A.] CONITJM. (From Kovta, dust, according to Lin- naeus ; or from xiavaia, circamago, on account of its inebriating and poisonous quality.) Hemlock. 1. Tbe name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Penlandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the officinal hem- lock. See Conium maculatum. Coniuk maculatum. The systematic name for the cicuta of the pharmacopoeias. It is called by some camaran; by others abiotos; and, according to Ero- tian, cambeion is an old Sicilian word«for cicuta. Ci- cuta major fatida. Conium—scminibus striatis, of Linnaeus. Hemlock is found in every part of England, and is distinguished from those plants which bear some re- semblance to it, by the spotted stem. It is generally believed to be a very active poison. In a very mode- rate dose it is apt to occasion sickness and vertigo; in a larger quantity it produces anxiety, cardialgia, vomit- ing, convulsions, coma, and death. Baron Stoerk was the first who brought hemlock into repute as a medi- cine of extraordinary efficacy: and although we have not in this country any direct facts, like those men- tioned by Stoerk, proving that inveterate scirrhuses, cancers, ulcers, and many other diseases hitherto deem- ed irremediable, are to be completely cured by the cicuta; we have however the testimonies of several eminent physicians, showing that some complaints which had resisted other powerful remedies, yielded to hemlock ; and that even some disorders, which if not really cancerous, were at least suspected to be of that tendency, were greatly benefited by this remedy. In chronic rheumatisms, some glandular swellings, and in various fixed and periodical pains, the cicuta is now very generally employed; and from daily experience, it appears in such cases to be a very efficacious remedy. It has also been nf singular use in the hooping-cough. Nor is it less efficacious when applied externally; a poultice made of oatmeal and the expressed juice, (or a decoction of the extract, when the other cannot be obtained,) allays the most excruciating torturing pains of a cancer, and thus gives rest to the distracted patient The proper method of administering conium inter- nally, is to begin with a few grains of the powder or inspissated juice, and gradually to increase the dose until a giddiness affects the head, a motion is felt in the eyes as if pressed outwards, with a slight sickness and trembling agitation of the body. One or more of these symptoms are the evidence of a full dose, which should be continued until they have ceased, and then after a few days tbe dose may be increased; for little advan- tage can be expected but by a continuance of the greatest quantity the patient can bear. In some con- stitutions even small doses greatly offend, occasioning spasms, heat and thirst; in such instances it will be of no service. As the powder of the dried leaves has been thought to act, and may be depended upon with more certainty than the extract, the following direction should be observed in the preparation:—Gather the plant about the end of June, when it is in flower; pick off the little leaves, and throw away the leaf- stalks: dry the small selected leaves in a hot sun, or in a tin or pewter dish before the fire. Preserve them in bags made of strong brown paper, or powder them and keep the powder in glass phials where the light is excluded ; for light dissipates the beautiful green co- lour very soon, and thus the medicine loses its appear- ance, if not its efficacy: this mode is recommended by Dr. Withering. The extract should also be made of tbe plant gathered at this period. From 2 to 20 grains of the powder may be taken twice or thrice a day. CONJUGATUS. Conjugate or yoked: applied to leaves, which are said to be conjugate or binate. They consist of one pair of leaflets; as in the Mimosa. CONJUNCTIVA. Membrana conjunctiva. The conjunctive membrane of the eye; a thin, transpa- rent, delicate membrane, that lines the internal super- ficies of one eyelid, and is reflected from thence over the anterior part of the bulb, then reflected again to the edge of the other eyelid. That portion which covers the transparent cornea cannot, without much difficulty, be separated from it Inflammation of this membrane is called ophthalmia. 258 CONJUNCTUS. Conjoined. A botanical term applied to a tuber which is said to be conjoined when in immediate contact with another, as in many of the Orchides. CONNA'TUS. (From con, and nascor, to grow together.) 1. Born with a person; the same with con- genitus. 2. In botany it is applied to leaves, which are said to be connate when united at their base; as in Chlora perfoliata. CONNEXION. See Articulation. CONNIVENS. (From conniveo, to make as if he did not see.) In botany applied to petals of flowers, as in those of the Rumex, and to the receptacle of the fig, which the fruit really is, being a fleshy connivent receptacle, enclosing and hiding the florets. Connutri'tus. (From con, and nutrior, to be nourished with.) It is what becomes habitual to a person from his particular nourishment, or what breaks out into a disease in process of time, which gradually had its foundation in the first aliments, as from sucking a distempered nurse, or the like. Conquassa'tio. Conquassation. In pharmacy it is a species of comminution, or an operation by which moist concrete substances, as recent vegetables, fruits, the softer parts of animals, &c. are agitated and bruised, till, partly by their proper succulence, or by the affusion of some liquor, they are reduced to a soft pulp. CONRI'NGIUS, Herman, was born at Norden, in East Friesland, 1606, and graduated in medicine at Helmstat, where he soon after became professor in that science, and subsequently in physics, law, and politics. He was also made physician and aulic coun- sellor to the Queen of Sweden, the King of Denmark, and several of the German princes. He wrote nume- rous works in philosophy, medicine, and history, dis- playing great learning, and long highly esteemed. In one treatise he refers the degeneracy of the modern Germans to their altered mode of living, the use of stoves, tobacco, Sec. He published also an "Introduc- tion to the whole Art of Medicine, and its several Parts," containing a History of Bibliotheca Medica, with numerous Dissertations on particular Diseases. He died in 1681. CONSENT. Consent of parts. See Sympathy. CONSE'RVA. (From conservo, to keep.) A con- serve. A composition of some recent vegetable and sugar, beat together into aTmiform mass of the con- sistence of honey; as conserve of hips, orange peel, &c. Conserves are called confections in the last edi- tion of the London Pharmacopoeia. See Confectio. Conserva absinthii maritimi. See Artemisia maritima. Conserva ari. This is occasionally exhibited as a stimulant and diuretic. See Arum maculatum. Conserva aurantii hispalensis. See Confectio aurantiorum. Conserva cynosbati. See Confectio rosa canina. Conserva lujulje. A preparation of woodsorrel, possessing acid, cooling, and antiseptic qualities. See Oxalis acetosella. Conserva mbnthje. This preparation of mint is given occasionally as a stomachic, in sickness and weakness of the stomach. See Mentha viridis. Conserva pruni sylvestris. Astringent virtues are ascribed to this medicine, which is now seldom used but in private formulae. Conserva rosje. This conserve, rubbed down with water, to which is added some lemon-juice, forms an excellent drink in hemorrhagic complaints. See Con- fedio rosa gallica. Conserva sctllje. A preparation of squills, which affords an excellent basis for an electuary, possessing expectorant and diuretic qualities. [Conservatives. See Organic relics. A.] Consiste'ntia. (From consisto, to abide.) The state or acme of a disease. The appearance or state of the humours and excrements. CONSO'LIDA. (So called, quia consolidandi et conglutinandi vi pollet; from its power in agglutina- ting and joining together things broken.) See Sywt- phytum. Consolida aurea. See Solidago virga aureo. Consolida major. See Symphytum. Consolida media. See Ajuga pyramidalis Consolida sinor. See Prunella. CON CON Consolida reoalis. See Delphinium consoltaa. Consolida saracenica. See Solidago virga aurea. CONSOUND. See Symphytum. Consound middle. See Ajuga pyramidalis. CONSTANTI'NUS, Aprii anus, was born at Car- thage, towards the middle of the 11th century. He lived near forty years at Babylon, and was celebrated for his knowledge of the Eastern languages. Among the sciences, medicine appears to have principally occupied his attention; and two of his works were thought deserving of being printed at Bale, about 4 1-2 centuries after his death, which occurred in 1087. They are thought however to have been chiefly translated from Arabian writers. CONSTIPATION. (Constipatio: from constipo, to crowd together.) Obstipatio. Costiveness. A person is said to be costive when the alvine excre- ments are not expelled daily, and when tlie faeces are so hardened as not to receive their form from the im- pression of the rectum upon them. CONSTITUTION. Constitute. The general con- dition of the body( as evinced by the peculiarities in I the performance ot its functions: such are, the pecu- liar predisposition to certain diseases, or liability of particular organs to disease; the varieties in digestion, in muscular power and motion, in sleep, in the appe- tite, *cc. Some marked peculiarities of constitution are observed lo be accompanied with certain external characters, such as a particular colour and texture of the skin, and ofthe hair, and also with a peculiarity of form and disposition oft mind; all of which have been observed from the earliest time, and divided into classes: and which received names during the preva- lence of the humeral pathology which they still retain. See Temperament. Constricti'va. (From constringo, to bind toge- ther.) Styptics. CONSTRICTOR. (From constringo, to bind toge- ther.) A name given to those muscles which con- tract any opening of the body. Constrictor alje nasi. See Depressor labii su- perioris alaque nasi. Constrictor ani. See Sphincter ani. Constrictoristhmi faucium. Glosso-staphilinus, of Winslow, Douglas, and Cowper; and Glosso sta- philin of Dumas. A muscle situated at the side of the entry of the fauces, that draws the velum pendu- lum palati towards the root of the tongue, which it raises at the same time, and with its fellow contracts the passage between the two arches, by which it shuts the opening of the fauces. Constrictor labiorum. See Orbicularis oris. Constrictor oris. See Orbicularis oris. Constrictor palpebrarum. See Orbicularis pal- pebrarum. Constrictores pharyng.ei. The muscles of the oesophagus. Constrictor pharyngis inferior. CWco pha- ryngeus; Thyro-pharyngeus of Douglas and Whi- tlow. Cricothyropharyngien of Dumas. A muscle situated on the posterior part of the pharynx. It arises from the side of the thyroid cartilage, near the attachment ofthe stemo-hyoideus and thyro-hyoideus muscles; and from the cricoid cartilage, near the crico-thyroideus; it is inserted into the white line, where it joins with its fellow, the superior fibres run- ning obliquely upwards, covering nearly one-half of the middle constrictor, and terminating in a point; the inferior fibres run more transversely, and cover the beginning of the oesophagus. Its use is to compress that part of the pharynx which it covers, and to raise it with the larynx a little upwards. Constrictor pharyngis medius. Hyopharyn- geus and eephalo-pharyngeus of Douglas and Win- slow. Chondro-pharyngeus of Douglas. Syndesmo- pharyngens of Winslow. Cephalo-pharyngeus of Winslo'w and Douglas. Hyo-glisso basi pharyngien of Dumas. A muscle situated on the posterior part of the pharynx. It arises from the appendix of the os hyoldes, from the cornu of that bone, and from the ligament which connects it to the thyroid cartilage; the fibres of the superior part running obliquely upwards, and covering a considerable part of the superior con- strictor, terminate in a point; and it is inserted into the middle of the cuneiform process of the os occipitis, before the foramen magnum, and joined to ils fellow ai a white line in the middle part of the pharynx Tins muscle compresses that part of the pharyrn which it covers, and draws it and the os hyoides up- wards. Constrictor pharyngis superior. Glosso-pha- ryngeus ; Mijlo-pharyngeus ; Pterygo-pharyngeus of Douglas and Winslow, and Pterigo syndesmo staphili pharyngien of Dumas. A muscle situated on the pos- terior part of the pharynx. It arises above, from the cuneiform process of the os occipitis, before the fora- men magnum, from the pterygoid process of the sphe- noid bone, from the upper and under jaw, near the roots of the last dentes molares, and between the jaws. It is inserted in the middle of the pharynx Us use is to compress the upper part of the pharynx, and to draw it forwards and upwards. Constrictor vesicje urinarije. See Detrusor urina. CONSTRICTO'RIUS. A disease attended with constriction, or spasm. Constringen'tia. (From constringo, to bind to« gether.) Astringent medicines. See Astringent. CONSU MPTION. (F roni consumo, to waste away.) See Phthisis. Contabesce'ntia. (From contabesco, to pine or waste away.) An atrophy, or nervous consumption. CONTAGION. (Contagio; from contango, to meet or touch each other.) This word properly im- ports the application of any poisonous matter to the body through the medium of touch. It is applied to those very subtile particles arising from putrid sub- stances, or from persons labouring under certain dis- eases, which communicate the disease to others; as the contagion of putrid fever, the effluvia of dead ani- mal or vegetable substances, the miasm of bogs and fens, the virus of smallpox, lues venerea, Sec. Sec. The principal diseases excited by poisonous mias- mata are, intermittent, remittent, and yellow fevers, dysentery, and typhus. That of the last is generated in the human body itself, and is sometimes called the typhoid fomes. The other miasmata are produced from moist vegetable matter, in some unknown state of decomposition. The contagious virus of the plague, smallpox, measles, chincough, cynanehe maligna, and scarlet fever, as well as of typhus and the jail fever, operates to a much more limited distance through the intermedium of the atmosphere, than the marsh mias- mata. Contact of a diseased person is said to be ne- cessary for the communication of plague; and ap- proach within 2 or 3 yards of him, for that of typhus. The Walchercn miasmata extended their pestilential influence to vessels riding at anchor, fully a quarter of a mile from the shore. The chemical nature of all these poisonous effluvia is little understood. They undoubtedly consist, how- ever, of hydrogen, united with sulphur, phosphorus, carbon, and azot, in unknown proportions, and un- known states of combination. The proper neutral- izes or destroyers of these gasiform poisons, are nitric acid vapour, muriatic acid gas, and chlorine. The last two are the most efficacious; but require to be used in situations from which the patients can be removed at the time of the application. Nitric acid vapour may, however, be diffused in the apartments of Uie sick, without much inconvenience. Bed-clothes, par- ticularly blankets, can retain the contagious fomes, in an active state, for almost any length of time. Hence, they ought to be fumigated with peculiar care. The vapour of burning sulphur or sulphurous acid is used in the East, against the plague. It is much inferior in power to the other antiloimic reagents. There does not appear to be any distinction com- monly made between contagious and infectious dis- eases. [Thevery evident distinction has longsince been made and employed in this country. Contagion is applied to those diseases which are propagated from one to another by contact or close approach, and which. produces a like disease; as the venereal disease, itch, smallpox, measles, &c. Diseases produced by infec- tion, are those contracted from a vitiated atmosphere, as intermittent remittent, bilious, and yellow fevers. In 1819 and 1822, we had the yellow-fever in New- York, and the board of health shut up that part of the city where the disease prevailed, by running fences across the streets leading to it. This was called the infected district, from the local causes contami- uaiins the atmosphere and producing the infection. CON CON Beyond this district the city was not unhealthy, and those who were taken sick in the infected district, when removed to other parts not infected, recovered, and did not communicate the disease to others. A.] Co.ntk'nsio. (From contineo, to restrain.) It is sometimes used to express a tension or stricture. ' Co'ntinens febris. A continent fever, which pro- ceeds regularly in the '-amo tenor, without either exa- cerbation or remission. This lately, if ever, happens. Conti'nua febris. (Fiom conlinuo, to persevere.; A continued fever. See Febris continua. CONTINUED. Cvntinuus; from continue, to per- severe.) A term applied in pathology to diseases which go on with a regular tenor of symptoms, but mostly to fevers, the symptoms of which continue, without intermission, until the disease terminates: hence continual fevers in distinction to intermittent levers. CONT1NUUS. See Continued. CONTO RSIO. (From contorqueo, to twist about) A contortion, or twisting. In medicine this word has various significations, and is applied to the iliac pas- sion, to luxation of the vertebrae, head, Set.. CONTORTjE. Twisted plants. The name of an order in Linuaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants which have a single petal that is twisted or bent toward the side, as Nerium Vinca, Sec. CONTORTUS. (From con, and torquco, to twist.) Twisted. Applied to the seed-vessel of plants: as the legumtn contortum ofthe Mcdicago sativa CONTRA APERTURA. (From contra, against, and ap-.rio, to open.) A counter-opening. An open- ing itiiide opposite to the one that already exists. CO.N TKACTILITY. Contractilitas. A property in bodies, the effect of the cohesive power, by which their particles resume their former propinquity when the force ceases which was applied to separate them. It also denotes the power which muscular fibres pos- sess of shortening themselves.' CONTRACTION. (From contralto, to draw toge- ther.) Contractura ; Beribcria, A rigid contraction of the joints. It is a genus of disease in the class Lo- cales, and order Dyscincsie of Cullen. Tho species are, 1. Contractura primaria, from a rigid contraction ofthe muscles, called also obstipitas; a word that, with any other annexed, distinguishes the variety of the contraction. Of this species he forms four va- rieties. 1. Contractura ab injlantmatione, when it arises from inflammation. 2. Contractura a spasmo, called also ionic spasm and cramp, when it depends upon sj:asm. 3. Contractura ob antagonistas parali- ticos, from the antagonist muscles losing their action. 4. Contractura ab acrimonid irritante, which is in- duced by some irritating cause. 2. Contractura articularis, originating from a dis- ease of the joint. CONTRAFI^SU'RA. (From contra, against, and findo, lo cleave.) Contre-coup of French writers. A fracture in a part opposite to thai in which the blow is received ; as when the frontal hone is broken by a fall on the occiput, where the bone remains sound. Contraue'ntia. (From contraho, to contract.) Medicines which shorten and strengthen the fibres. Astringents ate the only medicines of this nature. CO.NTRA-1NDICATION. (Conlra-indicatio; from contra, against, and indico, to show.) A symptom attending a disease, which forbids the exhibition of a remedy which would otherwise be employed ; for in- stance, bark and acids are usually given in putrid fevers; but if there be difficulty of breathing, or in- flammauon of any viscus, they are contra-indications to their use. Contra-luna'ris. (From contra, and luna, the moon.) An epithet given by Dictericus to a woman who conceives during the menstrual discharge. Contra-semen. See Artemisia Santonica. CONTRAYE'RVA. (From contra, against, and ycrva, poison, ^pan.; i.e. an herb good against poison.) See UorsUnia. Contrayerva alba. Cantrayerva Germanorum. A name lor a species of asclcpias. Contrayerva nova. Mexican contrayerva. See Psoralea pentaphylla. Contrayerva virginiana. See Aristolochia ser- pentaria. Contre-coup. See Contrafissura. sea CONTRI'TIO. The act of grinding, or reducing to powder. CONTUSION. (Contusio; from contundo, to knock together.) A bruise, or contused wound. CON US. A cone. See Strobilus. CON VA LESC KNCE. (Convalescentia ; from eon valesco, to grow well.) The recovery of health after the cure of a disease. The period of convalescence is that space from the departure of a disease, to the re- covery of the strength lost by it. CONVALESCENT. Recovering or returning to a state of health after the cure of a disease. CONVALLARIA. (From convallis, a valley; named from its abounding in valleys and marshes.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Hexandria ; Order, Monogynia. Convallaria majalis. The systematic name of the lily of the valley. J'Allium convallium; Convallaria; Maianthemum. May-lily. The flowers of this plant, Convallaria—scapo nudo of Linnaeus, have a pene- trating bitter taste, and are given in nervous and catar- rhal disotders. When dried and powdered, they prove strongly purgative. Watery or spirituous extracts made from them,given in doses of a scruple, or drachm, act as gentle stimulating aperients and laxatives; and seem to partake of the putgativc virtue, as well as the bitterness of aloes. The roots, in the form of tincture, or infusion, act as a sternutatory when snufled up the nose, and as a laxative or purgative when taken inter- nally. Convallaria polygonatum. The systematic name of Solomon's seal. Sigillum Salomonis ; Convallaria —foliis altemis amplexicaulibus, caule ancipiti, pe- dunculis axillaribus subunifloris, of Linnaeus. The roots are applied externally as adstringents, and are administered internally as corroborants. CONVEXUS. Convex. A term in very general use in anatomy, botany, Sec. Convolu'ta ossa. See Spongiosa ossa. CONVOLU'TUS. Roiled up or folded. Applied to bones, membranes i-r.vrs, &c. CONVO'LVULl'S rrom convolve, to roll toge- ther, or entwine.) 1. A name for the iliac passion. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system, so called from their twisting round others, (Class, Penlandria; Order, Monogynia,) which affords the Jala; a, mechoacanna, turbith, and scainmony. The whole genus consists of plants containing a milky juice strongly cathartic and caustic. Convolvulus americanus. The jalap root. See Convolvulus jalapa. Convolvulus batatas. Batatas. A native of the West Indies. Its root is firm and of a pale brown on the outside, and white within. When boiled it is sweet, like chesnuts, and is esteemed by some as an esculent. [This is the sweet potato, extensively cultivated and eaten in all the southern parts of the United States, even as far north as New-Jersey. It is commonly called the Carolina potato. See Batatas. A.] Convolvulus cantabrica. A name for the can- tabrica. Convolvulus minimus spice foliis ; Convol vulus linaria folio; Convolvulus Cantabrica of Lin naeus. Lavender-leaved bind-weed. Pliny says it was discovered in the time of Augustus, in the coun- try of the Cantabri in Spain; whence its name. It is anthelmintic and actively cathartic. Convolvulus colubrinus. The pariera brava See Cissampelos pareira. Convolvulus jalapa. The systematic name of the jalap plant. Jalapium mechoacanna nigra. Convol vulus; caule volubli; foliis ovatis, subcordatis, ob- tusis, obsolete repandis, sublus villosis ; pedunculis umfloris of Linnaeus. It is a native of South Ameri- ca. In the shops, the root is found both cut into slices and whole, of an oval shape, solid, ponderous, black- ish on the outside, but gray within, and marked with several dark veins, by the number of which, and by iu hardness, heaviness, and dark colour, the goodness of the root is to be estimated. * It has scarcely any smell, and very little taste, but to tlie tongue, and to the throat, manifests a slight degree of pungency. The medicinal activity of jalap resides principally, If not wholly, in the resin, which, though given in small doses, occasions violent tormina. The toot powdered is a very common, efficacious, and tafe purgative, as CON CON daily experience evinces; but, according as it contains more or less resin, its effects must of course vary. In large doses, or when joined with calomel, it is recom- mended as an anthelmintic and hydragogue. Iu the pharmacopoeias, this root is ordered in the form of tincture and extract; and the Edinburgh College di- rects it also in powder, with twice its weight of crys- tals of tartar. Convolvulus major albus. See Convolvulus sepium. Convolvulus maritimus. The brassica mari- tima, or sea colewort. Convolvulus mechoacan. Mechoacanna; Jalapa alba; or Bryonia alba Peruviana; Rhabarbarum album. Mechoacan. The root of this species of con- volvulus is brought from Mexico. It possesses aperi- ent properties, and was long used as the common purge of this country, but is now wholly superseded by jalap. (" Convolvulus panduratus. Wild potato. The affinity of this plant to jalap, iu its botanical charac- ter, has caused a medicinal quality to be ascribed to it which it does not possess, it is one of the weakest of our indigenous cathartics, and requires too large a dose to be of much use iu that character. It is said to miti- gate strangury and gravel, and to operate as a diuretic." —Big. Mat. Med. A.] Convolvulus soamkonia. The systematic name of the scainmony plant. See Scammonium; Con- volvulus syriacus ; Scammonium syriacum; Diagry- diuin. This plant, Convolvulus—foliis sagiltatis pos- tice truncatis, pedunculis teretibus subtifloris of Lin- naeus, affords the concrete giimmi-resinous juice termed scaniuiony. It grows plentifully about Maraash, An- tioch, Eallib, and towards Tripoli, in Syria. No part of the dried plant possesses any medicinal quality, but the root, which Dr. Russel administered in decoction, and found it to be a pleasant and mild cathartic. It is from the milky juice of the root that we obtain the officinal scamniony, which is procured in the follow- ing manner by the peasants, who collect it in the be- ginning of June. Having cleared away the earth from about the root, they cut off the top in an oblique di- rection, about two inches below where the stalks spring from it. Under the most depending part of the slope, they fix a shell, or some other convenient re- ceptacle, into which the milky juice gradually flows. It is left there about twelve hours, which lime is suffi- cient for draining off the whole juice; this, however, is in small quantity, each root affording hut a very few drachms. This juice from the several roots is put together, often into the leg of an old boot, for want of some more proper vessel, where, iu a little time, it grows hard, and is the genuine scainmony. The smell of scammouy is rather unpleasant, and the taste bit- terish and slightly acrid. The different proportions of gum and resin, of which it consists, have been vari- ously stated; but, as proof spirit is the best menstruum for it, these substances are supposed to be nearly in equal parts. It is brought from Aleppo and Smyrna in masses, generally of a light shining gray colour, and friable texture; of rather an unpleasant smell, and bitterish and slightly acrid taste. The scainmony of Aleppo is by far the purest. That of Smyrna is pon- derous, black, and mixed with extraneous matters. Scainmony appears to have been well known to the Greek and Aiabian physicians, and was exhibited in- ternally as a purgative, and externally for the itch, tincu, fixed pains, &c. It is seldom given alone, but enters several compounds, which are administered as purgatives. Convolvulus sepium. Convolvulus major albus. The juice of this plant, Convolvulus—foliis sagittatis postice truncatis pedunculis tetragonis, unifioris, of Linnatus, is violently purgative, and given in dropsical affections. A poultice of the herb, made with oil, is recommended in white swellings of the knee joint. Convolvulus soldanella. The systematic name of the sea convolvulus. KpauSn SaXacroia- Brassica marina; Convolvulus maritimus; Soldanella. Sol- danella. This plant, Conoolvulus—fuliis renifornii- Ohs, pedunculis unifioris, of Linnaeus, is a native of qui coasts. The leaves are said to be a drastic purge. It is only used by the common people, the pharmaco- poeias having now substituted more safe and valuable remedies in its place. Convolvulus syriacus. The scammony plant. See Convolvulus scammonia. Convolvulus turpethum. The systematic name of the turbith plant Turpethum. .The cortical part of the root of a species of convolvulus, brought from the East Indies, in oblong pieces: it is of a brown or ash colour on the outside, and whitish within. The best is ponderous, not wrinkled, easy to break, and discovers lo the eye a large quautity of resinous mat- ter. When chewed, it at first imparts a sweetish laste, which is followed by a nauseous acrimony. It is consi- dered as a purgative liable to much irregularity of action • CONVULSION. {Convulsio; from cvnvello, to pull together.) Hieranosos; Distentio nervorum; Syspa,- cia convulsio of Good. Clonic spasm. A diseased action of muscular fibres, known by alternate re- laxations, with violent and involuntary contractions ofthe muscular parts, without sleep. Cullen arranges convulsion in the class Neuroses, and order Spasmi. Convulsions are universal or partial, and have obtain- ed different names, according to the parts affected, qr the symptoms; as the risus sardonicus, when the muscles of the lace are affected; St. Vitus's dance, when the muscles of the arm are thrown into invo- luntary motions, with lameness and rotations. The hysterical epilepsy, or other epilepsies, arising from different causes, are convulsive diseases of the uni versal kind: the muscles of the globe of the eye, throwing the eye into involuntary distortions in defi- ance of the direction of the will, are instances of par- tial convulsion. The muscles principally affected in all species of convulsions, are those immediately under the direction of the will; as those of the eyelids, eye, face, jaws, neck, superior and inferior extremities. The muscles of respiration, acting both voluntarily and involuntarily, are not unfrequently convulsed ; as the diaphragm, intercostals, &c. The more immediate causes of convulsions are, 1. Either mental affection, or any irritating cause exciting a greater action in the arterial system of the brain and nerves. 2. An in- crease of nervous energy, which seems to hold pace or be equipoient with the increased arterial energy ex- cited in the brain. 3. This increased energy, convey- ing its augmented effects, without the direction of the will, to any muscles destined to voluntary motion, over-irritates them. 4. The muscles, irritated by the i increased nervous energy and arterial influx, contract more forcibly and involuntarily by their excited vis iusita, conjointly with other causes, as long as the in- creased nervous energy continues. 5. This increased energy in the nervous system may be excited either by the mind, or by any acrimony iu the blood, or other stimuli sufficiently irritating 10 increase the arterial action, nervous influence, and ihe vires insiue of muscles, tj. After muscles have been once accustom- ed to act involuntarily, and with increased action, the same causes can readily produce the same effects on those organs. 7. All parts that have muscular fibres may be convulsed. 8. The sensations in the mind most capable of producing convulsions, are timidity, horror, anger, great sensibility of the soul, Sec. Convulsio canina. A wry mouth. Convulsio cerealis. Cereal convulsion is a sin- gular disorder of the spasmodic convulsive kind, not common to this country, but mentioned by Cartheuser under this title, from the peculiar tingling and formi- cation perceived in the arms and legs. Motus spas t.iodicus of Hoffman. It is endetnial in some.places in Germany; but more a rural llian urbanical disor- der, said to arise from the use of spoiled corn. Convulsio ha.bituai.is. Saint Vitus's dance. See Chorea SanctitViti. CONY'ZA. (From kcvis, dust; because its powder is sprinkled to kill fleas in.places where tlievare trou- blesome.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- uaean system. Class Syngcnesia; Order, Polygamia superflua. There is some difficulty in ascertaining the plants called conyzas by the older practitioners: they are either of the genus conyza, inula, gnaphaliuui, eri- geron, or chrysocoma. Conyza jethiopica. The plant so called is most probably the Chrysocoma comaurea of Willdenow, a shrub which grows wild about the Cape of Good Hope, and is cultivated in our green-houses, because it flowers the greater part ofthe year. Conyza ccerulea. The Erigeron acre of Linnaeus answers to the description of this plant. 261 COP COP Conyza major. Supposed to be the Inula viscosa of Linnaeus. Conyza major vulgaris. See Inula dysenterica. Conyza media. See Inula dysenterica. Conyza minor. Tbe Inula pulicaris of Linnrcus answers to the description given of this plant in most books. Its chief use is to destroy fleas and gnats. Cooperto ria. (From co-operio, to cover over.) The thyroid cartilage. Coo'strum. The centre of tlie diaphragm. COPA'IBA. (Copaiba, a. fcem.; from copal, the American name for any odoriferous gum, and iba, or iva, a tree.) The name given by the College of Physi- cians of London to the balsam of copaiva. See Co- paifera officinalis. COPAIFERA. (From Copaiva, the Indian name, and fero, to bear.) The name of a genus of plants in tbe Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Mo- nogynia. Copaifera officinalis. The systematic name of the plant from which the Copaiba balsam, Balsamum Braziliense; Balsamum copaiba; Balsamum de co- paibu; Balsamum capivi; Copaiba; Capevi; is ob- tained. Copaiba is a yellow resinous juice, of a moderately agreeable smell, and a bitterish biting taste, very per- manent on the tongue. The tree whssh affords it 5rows in Brazil, New-Spain. It is obtained by making eep incisions near its trunk, when the balsam imme- diately issues, and, at the proper season, flows in such abundance, that sometimes, in three hours, twelve pounds have been procured. The older trees afford the best balsam, and yield it two or three times in the same year. Tbe balsam supplied by the young and vigorous trees, wbich abound with the most juice, is crude and watery, and is, therefore, accounted less valuable. While flowing from the tree, this balsam Is a colourless fluid ; in time, however, it acquires a yellowish tinge, and the consistence of oil; but, though by age it has been found thick, like honey, yet it never becomes solid, like other resinous fluids. By distilla- tion in water, the oil is separated from the resin; and, in the former, the taste and smell of the balsam are concentrated. If the operation is carefully performed, about one-half of the balsam rises into the receiver, in the form of oil. The balsam unites with fixed and volatile oils, and wilh spirit of wine. It is given in all diseases ofthe urinary organs, when no inflammation is present. In gleets, and in gonorrhoea, it was once a favourite remedy, but is now disused. In diseases of the kidneys it is still employed, though less frequently than usual; and in haemorrhoids it is occasionally trusted. The dose is from 20 to 30 drops, twice or three times a day, mixed with water, by means of an egg, or any mucilage. The balsam of copaiva is occa- sionally adulterated with turpentine, but its virtues are not greatly injured by the fraud. Copaiva. See Copaiba. COPAL. (The American name of all clear odori- ferous gumsA Gum copal. This resinous substance is imported from Guinea, where it is found in the sand on the shore. It is a hard, shining, transparent, citron- coloured, odoriferous, concrete juice of an American tree, but which has neither the solubility in water common to gums, nor the solubility in alkohol common to resins, at least in any considerable degree. By these properties it resembles amber. It may be dis- solved by digestion in linseed oil, rendered drying by quicklime, with a heat very little less than sufficient to boil or decompose the oil. This solution, diluted with oil of turpentine, forms a beautiful transparent varnish, which, when properly applied, and slowly dried, is very hard, and very durable. This varnish is applied to snu ff-boxes, tea-boards, and other utensils. It preserves and gives lustre to paintings, and greatly restores the decayed colours of old pictures, by filling up the cracks, and rendering the surfaces capable of reflecting light more uniformly. Cope'lla. See Cupel, Co'pher. A name for camphor. COTHOS. (Kiotbos, dumb.) Deaf or dumb. Also a dulness in any of the senses. COPHO'SIS. (From Ktoibos, deaf.) A difficulty of hearing. It is often symptomatic of some disease. Bee Dysecea. COPPER. (Cuprum, i neut quasi as Cyprium; 262 so named from tlie island of Cypius, whence it was formerly brought.) " A metal of a peculiar reddiah- brown colour: hard, sonorous, very malleable and ductile; of considerable tenacity, and of a specific gravity from 8.6 to 8 9. At a degree of heat far below ignition, the surface of a piece of polished copper be- comes covered wilh various ranges of prismatic co lours, the red of each order being nearest the end which has been most heated; an effect which must doubtless be attributed to oxidation, the stratum of oxide being thickest where the heat is greatest, and growing gradually thinner and thinner towards the colder part. A greater degree of heat oxidizes it more rapidly, so that it contracts thin powdery scales on its surface, which may easily be rubbed off; tbe flame of the fuel becoming at the same time of a beau- tif*-' bluish-green colour. In a heat, nearly the same as U necessary to melt gold or silver, it melts, and ex- hibits a bluish-green flame; by a violent heat il boils and is volatilized partly in the metallic slate. Copper rusts in the air; but the corroded part is very thin, and preserves the metal beneath from fat tiler corrosion. There are two oxides of copper: 1st, The black, procurable by heat, or by drying the hydratic oxide precipitated by potassa from the ni- trate. It consists of 8 copper-f-2 oxygen. It Is a deu- toxide. 2dly, The protoxide is obtained by digesting a solu- tion of muriate of copper with copper turnings, in a close phial. The colour passes from green to dark brown, and gray crystalline grains are deposited!' The solution of these yields, by potassa, a precipitate of an orange colour, which is the protoxide. It con- sists of 8 copper -f-1 oxygen. Protoxyde of copper has been lately found by Mushet, in a mass of copper, which had been exposed to heat for a considerable time, in one ofthe melting furnaces ofthe mint under his superintendence. Copper, in filings, or thin laminae, introduced Into chlorine, unites wilh flame into the chloride, of which there are two varieties; the protochloride, a fixed yellow substance, and the deulochloride, a yellowish- brown pulverulent sublimate. 1. The crystalline grains deposited from the above muriatic solution, are protochloride. The protochlo- ride is conveniently made by heating together two parts of corrosive sublimate, and one of copper filings. An amber-coloured translucent substance, first dis- covered by Boyle, who called it resin of copper, is ob- tained. It is fusible at a heat just below redness; and in a close vessel, or a vessel with a narrow orifice, Is not decomposed or sublimed by a strong red heat. But if air be admitted, it is dissipated In dense white fumes. It is insoluble in water. It effervesces In nitric acid. It dissolves silently in muriatic acid, from which it may be precipitated by water. By slow cool- ing ofthe fused mass, Dr. John.Davy obtained it crys- tallized, apparently in small plates, semi-transparent, and of a light yellow colour. It consists, by the same Ingenious chemist, of Chlorine, 36 or 1 prime =4.45 35.8 Copper, 64 or 1 prime 8.00 64.2 100 12.45 100.0 2. Deulochloride is best made by slowly evaporating to dryness, at a temperature not much above 400° Fahr. the deliquescent muriate of copper. It ii a yel- low powder. By absorption of moisture from the air, It passes from yellow to white, and then green, repro- ducing common muriate. Heat converts it Into proto- chloride, with the disengagement of chlorine. Dr. Davy ascertained the chemical constitution of both these compounds, by separating the copper with iron, and the chlorine by nitrate of silver. The deutochlo- ride consists of Chlorine, 53 2 primes 8.9 52.7 Copper, 47 1 do. 8.0 47.3 100 16.9 100.0 The iodide of copper is formed »y dropping aqueous hydriodate of potassa into a solution of any cupreous salt It is an insoluble dark brown powder. Phosphuret of copper is made by projecting phos- phorus into red-hot copper. COP COP _ Sulphuret of copper is formed by mixing together eight parts of copper filings, and two of sulphur, and exposing the mixture to a gentle heat. The sulphuric acid, when concentrated and boiling, dissolves copper. Nitric acid dissolves copper with great rapidity, and disengages a large quantity of nitrous gas. Part of the metal falls down in the form of an oxide ; and the filtrated or decanted solution, which is of a much deeper blue colour than the sulphuric solution; affords crystals by slow evaporation. This salt is deliquescent, very soluble in water, but most plentifully when the fluid is heated. The saline combinations of copper were formerly called sales veneres, because Venus was the mytho- logical name of copper. They have the following general characters: 1. They are mostly soluble in water, and their solu- tions have a green or blue colour, or acquire one of these colours on exposure to air. 2. Ammonia added to the solutions, produces a deep blue colour. 3. Ferroprussiate of potassa gives a reddish-brown precipitate, wilh cupreous salts. 4. Gallic acid gives a brown precipitate. 5. Hydrosulphuret of polassa gives a black precipi- late. 6. A plate of iron immersed in these solutions throws down metallic copper, and very rapidly if there be a slight excess of acid. The protoxide of copper can be combined with the acids only by very particular management All the ordinary salts of copper have the peroxide for a base. The joint agency of air and acetic acid, is neces- sary to the production of the cupreous acetates. By exposing copper plates to the vapours of vinegar, the bluish-green verdigris is formed, which, by solution in vinegar, constitutes acetate of copper. Arseniate of copper presents us with many sub- species which are found native. The arseniate may be formed artificially by digesting arsenic acid on cop- per, or by adding arseniate of potassa to a cupreous saline solution. Carbonate of copper. Of this compound there arc three native varieties, the green, the blue, and the an- hydrous. Chlorate of copper is a deflagrating deliquescent green salt. Fluate of copper is in small blue-coloured crystals. Hydrtodate of copper is a grayish-white powder. Protomuriate of copper has already been described in treating ofthe chlorides. Deutomuriate of copper, formed by dissolving the deutoxide in muriatic acid, or by healing muriatic acid on copper filings, yields by evaporation crystals of a grass-green colour. The ammonio-nitrate evaporated, yields a fulmi- nating copper. Crystals of nitrate, mixed with phos- phorus, and struck with a hammer, detonate. Subnitrate of copper is the blue precipitate, occa- sioned by adding a little potassa to the neutral nitric solution. Nitrate of copper is formed by mixing nitrate of lead with sulphate of copper. The sulphate, or blue vitriol of commerce, is a bisul- phate. A mixed solution of this sulphate and sal ammoniac, forms an ink, whose traces are invisible in the cold, but become yellow when heated; and vanish again as tne paper cools. Protosulphite of copper is formed by passing a cur- rent of sulphurous acid gas through the deutoxide of copper diffused in water. It is deprived of a part of its oxygen, and combines with the acid. The sul- phate, simultaneously produced, dissolves in the wa- ter ; while the sulphite forms small red crystals, from which merely long ebullition in water expels the acid. Sulphite of potassa and copper is made by adding the sulphite of potassa to nitrate of copper. A yellow flocculent precipitate, consisting of minute crystals, falls. Ammonia-sulphate of copper Is the salt formed by adding water of ammonia to solution of the bisulphaie. It consists, according to Berzelius, of 1 prime of the cupreous, and 1 of the ammoniacal sulphate, com- bined together; or 20.0+7.13+14.625 of water. Subsulphate of ammonia and copper is formed by adding alkohol to the solution of the preeeding salt. which precipitates the subsulphate. Il is the cuprum ammoniacum of the pharmacopoeia. Sulphate of potassa and copper is formed by di- gesting bisulphate of potassa on the deutoxide or car- bonate of copper. The following acids, antimonic, antimonious, bo- racic, chromic, molybdic, phosphoric, tungstic, form insoluble salts with deutoxide of copper. The first two are green, the third is brown, the fourth and fifth green, and the sixth white. The benzoate is in green crystals, sparingly soluble. The oxalate is also green. The binoxalates of polassa and soda, with oxide of copper, give triple salts, iu green needle-form crystals. There arc also aminonia-oxalates in different varieties. Tartrate of copper forms dark bluish-green crystals Cream-tartrate of copper is a bluish-green powder, commonly called Brunswick green. To obtain pure copper for experiments, we precipi- tate it in the metallic state, by immersing a plate of iron in a solution of the deutomuriate. The pulve- rulent copper must be washed with dilute muriatic acid. v This metal combines very readily with gold, silver, and mercury. It unites imperfectly with iron in the way of fusion. Tin combines with copper, at a tem- perature much lower than is necessary to fuse the copper alone. On this is grounded tile method of tinning copper vessels. For this purpose, they are first scraped or scoured; after which they are rubbed with sal-ammoniac. They are then heated, and sprinkled with powdered resin, which defends the clean surface of the copper from acquiring the slight film of oxide that would prevent the adhesion of the tin to its surface. The melted tin is then poured in, and spread about An extremely small quantity ad- heres to the copper, which may perhaps be supposed insufficient to prevent the noxious effects of the cop- per as perfectly as might be wished. When tin is melted with copper, it composes the compound called bronze. Copper unites with bismuth, and forms a reddish- white alloy. With arsenic it forms a white brittle compound, called tombac. With zinc it forms the compound called brass, and distinguished by various other names, according to the proportions of the two ingredients. Copper unites readily with antimony, and affords a compound of a beautiful violet colour. It does not readily unite with manganese. With tungsten it forms a dark brown spongy alloy, which is somewhat ductile. Verdigris, and other preparations of copper, act as virulent poisons, when introduced in very small quan- tities into the stomachs of animals. A few grains are sufficient for this effect. Death is commonly preceded by very decided nervous disorders, such as convulsive movements, tetanus, general insensibility, or a palsy of the lower extremities. This event happens fre- quently so soon, that it could not be occasioned by in- flammation or erosion of the prime vie; and indeed, where these parts are apparently sound. Il is proba- ble that the poison is absorbed, and, through the circu- lation, acts on the brain and nerves. The cupreous preparations are no doubt very acrid, and if death do not follow their immediate impression on tbe sentient system, they will certainly inflame the intestinal canal. The symptoms produced by a dangerous dose of cop- per arc exactly similar to those which are enumerated under arsenic, only the taste of copper is strongly felt. The only chemical antidote to cupreous solutions, whose operation is well understood, is water strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen. The al- kaline hydrosulphurets are acrid, and ought not to be prescribed. But we possess, in sugar, an antidote to this poison, of undoubted efficacy, though its mode of action be obscure. Duval introduced into the stomach of a dog, by means of a caoutchouc tube, a solution in acetic acid, of four French drachms of oxide of copper. Some minutes afterward he injected into it four ounces of strong syrup. He repeated this injection every half-hour, aud employed altogether 12 ounces of syrup. The animal experienced some tremblings and convulsive movements. But the last injection was followed by a perfect calm. The animal fell asleep, and awakened free from any ailment. 263 COR COR Orfila relates several cases of individuals who had by accident or intention swallowed poisonous doses of acetate of copper, and who recovered by getting large doses of sugar. He uniformly found, that a dose of verdigris wbich would kill a dog in the course of an hour or two, might be swallowed with impunity, provided it was mixed with a considerable quantity of sugar. As alkohol has the power of completely neutraliz- ing, in the aethers, tlie strongest muriatic and lt> driodic acids, so it would appear that sugar can neutralize tbe oxides of copper and lead. The neutral saccharite of lead, indeed, was employed by Berzelius in his experi- ments, to determine the prime equivalent of sugar. If we boil for half an hour, in a flask, an ounce nf white sugar, an ounce of water, and 10 grains of verdigris, we obtain a green liquid, which is not affected by the nicest tests of copper, such as ferroprussiate of potassa, ammonia, and tbe hydrosulphurets. An insoluble green carbonate of copper remains at the bottom of the flask."—Ure's Chem. Diet. Copper, ammoniated solution of. See Cupri ammo- Kt'oti liquor. CO'PPERAS. A name given to blue, green, and white vitriol. Cofraoo'oa. (From xonpos, dung, and ayta, to bring away.) Purgatives. Copragogum is the name of a gently-purging electuary, mentioned by Rulandus. COPRIE'MESIS. (From Konpos, excrement, and tpaa, to vomit.) A vomiting of faeces. Coprocri'tica. (From xonpps, excrement, and Kiyvia, to separate.) Mild cathartic medicines. Copropho'ria. (From xonpos, excrement, and Qopcto, to bring away.) A purging. CO'PROS. KoTpoc. The faeces, or excrements from the bowels. COPROSTA'SIA. (From icoirpoc, faeces, and «pj«i, to remain.) Costiveness, or a constriction ot the belly. Copta'riom. (Kot7>7> a small cake.) Coptarium. A lozenge CO'PTE. (Koir7i7, a small cake.) 1. The form of a medicine used by the ancients. 2. A cataplasm generally made of vegetable sub- stances, and applied externally to the stomach, and on many occasions given internally. ["Coptis tri folia. Goldthread. The coptis tri- folia, which was arranged among the Hellebores by Linnaeus, is a beautiful native, evergreen plant, of the northern States. Its roots are creeping, thread-shaped, and of a bright yellow colour. They have an intensely bitter taste, without warmth or astringency. Alkohol is the best solvent of this article, forming a bright yel- low tincture. Water also extracts the bitterness, but less perfectly. Gold thread is a pleasant tonic, and promotes appetite and digestion. It is a popular reme- dy in apthous mouths and ulcers ofthe throat, though it does not appear to be very powerful in these com- plaints. As a tonic it may be given in the dose of ten or twenty grains of the powder. It is, however, some- what difficult to pulverize, owing to the tenacity of the fibres. A tincture, formed by an ounce of the root in a pint of diluted alkohol, may be given in doses of a drachm."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] Co'pula. (Quasi compula; from compello, to re- strain.) A name for a ligament Coque'ntia. (From coquo, to digest.) Medicines which promote concoction. COR. (Cor, Us. neut.) L The heart See Heart. 2. Gold. 3. An intense fire. Coraci'ne. (From Kopa\, a crow; so named from its black colour.) A name for a lozenge, quoted by Galen from Asclepiades. CORACO. The first part of the name of some muscles wbich are attached to tbe coracoid process of tbe blade-bone. CoRaco-brachialis. Coraco-humeral of Dumas. Corace-brachiaus. A muscle, so called from its origin and insertion. It is situated on the humerus, befora the scapula. It arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the forepart of tbe coracoid process of the scapula, ad- hering, in its descent, to the short head of the biceps; Inserted, tendinous and fleshy, about the middle of the internal part of the os humeri, near the origin of the third head of the triceps, called brachialis externus, 264 where it sends down a thin tendinous expansion to the internal condyle of th> hang down, and ir£cW, the ground.) A relaxation of the uvula, when it bangs down in a thin, long membrane, like the hem of a garment. CRASSAME'NTUM. (From crassus, thick.) See Blood. CRA'SSULA. (From crassus, thick: so named from the thickness of its leaves.) See Sedum tele- phium. CRATAEGUS. (From «pa7oc,strength: so called from tbe strength and hardness of its wood.) The wild service-tree, of which there are many, are all spe- cies of the genus jPnoiiur. The fruits are most of them astringent CRATEVA. (So called from Cratevas, a Greek physician, celebrated by Hippocrates for his knowledge of plants.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Polyandria ; Order, Monogynia. Orateva marmelos. The fruit is astringent while unripe; but when ripe, of a delicious taste. The bark 273 ofthe tree strengthens the stomach, and relieves hy- pochondriac languors. Crati'cula. (From crates, a hurdle.) The bars or grate which covers ihe ash-hole in a chemical fur- nace. CRATON, John, called also Crafftheim, was bom at Breslaw in 1519. He was intended for the church, but preferring the study of medicine, went to graduate at Padua, and then settled at Breslaw. But alter a few years he was called to Vienna, and made physi- cian and aulic counsellor to the Emperor Ferdinand I.: which offices also he held under the two succeeding; emperors, and died in 1585. His works wfrr nume- rous: the principal are, " A Commentary on Syphilis;" " A Treatise on Contagious Fever;" another on "The- rapeutics ;" and seven volumes of Epistles and Con- sultations. Cream of tartar. See Potassa supertartras. CREMA'STER. (From Kptpaia, to suspend.) A muscle of the testicle, by whicn it is suspended, and drawn up and compressed, in the act of coition. It arises from Poupart's ligament, passes over the sper- matic chord, and is lost in the cellular membrane of tlie scrotum, covering the testicles. Cre'mnus. (From xpnuvos, a precipice, or shelving place.) 1. The lip of an ulcer. 2. The labium pudendi. CRE'MOR. 1. Cream. The oily part of milk which rises to the surface of that liquid, mixed with a little curd and serum. When churned, butter is ob tained. See Milk. 2. Any substance floating on the top, and skimmed off. CRENATUS. Crenate or notched, applied to a leaf or petal, when tbe indentations are blunted or rounded, and not directed toward either end of the leaf; as in Glecoma hederacea. The two British spe- cies of Salvia are examples of doubly crenate leaves. The petals of the Linumusitalissimum are crenate. CRE'PITUS. (From crepo, to make n noise.) A puff or little noise. The word is generally employed to express the pothognamonic symptoms of air being collected in the cellular membrane of the body; for when air is in these cavities, and the part is pressed, 8 little cracking noise, or crepitus, is heard. Crepitus lupi. See Lycoperdon bovista. Crescent-shaped. See Leaf. CRESS. There are several kinds of cresses eaten at the table, and used medicinally, as antiscorbutics. Cress, water. See Sisymbrium nasturtium aquati- cum. CRE'TA. Chalk. An impure carbonate of lime. See Creta praparata. Creta prjeparate. Take of chalk a pound ; add a little water, and rub it to a fine powder. Throw this into a large vessel full of water; then shake them, and after a little while pour the still turbid liquor Into another vessel, and set it by that the powder may sub- side; lastly, pouring off the water, dry this powder Prepared chalk is absorbent, and possesses antacid qualities: it is exhibited in form of electuary, mixture. or bolus, in pyrosis, cardiaigia, diarrhaea, acidities or tbe primae viae, rachitis, crusta lactea, Sec and is said by some to be an antidote against white arsenic. Cretaceous acid. See Carbonic acid. Crete, dittany of. See Origanum dictamnus. CRETINISMUS. Cretinism. A species of Cyrto sis in Dr. Good's Nosology: a disease affecting chiefly the head and neck; countenance vacant and stupid ; mental faculties feeble, or idiotic; sensibility obtuse) mostly with enlargement ofthe thyroid gland. CRIBRIFO'RM. (Cribriformis; from cribrum, a sieve, and forma, likeness; because it is perforated like a sieve.) Perforated like a sieve. See Ethmoid bone. CRICHTONITE. A mineral named after Dr. Crichton, which Jameson thinks is a new species of titanium ore. It is of a splendent velvet black colour. CRI'CO. Names compounded of this word belong to muscles which me attached to the cricoid cartilage. CRICO-ARTTiENOIDEUS LATERALIS. Crico-latrri arithenoidien of Dumas. A muscle ofthe glottis, that opens the> rima by pulling the ligaments from each other. Crico-aryT/T.noideus posticus. Crico-creti ari thenoidien of Dumas. A muscle of the glottis, that opens tbe rima glottidis a little, and by pulling back CRT CRO the arytenoid cartilage, stretches the ligament so as to make it tense. Crico-pharvngeus. See Constrictor pharyngis inferior. Crico-thyp.oideus. Crico-thyroidien of Dumas. The last of the second layer of muscles between the os hyoides and trunk, that pulls forward and depresses the thyroid cartilage, or elevates and draws backwards the cricoid cartilage. CRICOI'D. (Cricoides; from xpixos, a ring, and tiSos, resemblance.) A round ring-like cartilage of theTOrynx is called the cricoid. See Larynx. CRIMNO'DES. (From xpipvov, bran.) A term applied to urine, which deposites a sediment like bran. Crina'tus. (From Kpivov, the lily.) A term given to a stiff umigation mentioned by P. iEgineta, composed chiefly of the roots of lilies. CRI'NIS. The hair. See Capillus. Crinomy'ron. (From Kpivov, a lily, and uuoov, oint- ment) An ointment composed chiefly of lilies. CRINONES. (From crinis, the hair.) Malis gor- dii of Good. Morbus pilaris of Horst. Malis d cri- nonibus of Ehnuller and Sauvages. Collections of a sebaceous fluid in the cutaneous follicles upon the face and breast, which appear like black spots, and when pressed out, look like small worms, or, as they are commonly called, maggots. Crio'gknes. An epithet for certain troches, men- tioned by P. JEgmela, and which he commends for cleansing ulcers. CRIPSO'RCHIS. (From Kpvn]ia, to conceal, and opx'd a testicle.) Having the testicle concealed, or nol yet descended from the abdomen into the scro- tum. CRl'SIS. (From xpivia, to judge.) The judgment. The change of symptoms in acute diseases, from which tlie recovery or death is prognosticated or judged of. Crispatu'ra. (From crisps, to curl.) A spas- modic contraction or curling of the membranes and fibres. CRISPUS. Curled. Applied to a leaf, when the border is so much more dilated than the disk, that it necessarily becomes curled and twisted; as in Malva crispa, Sec. CRISTA. (Quasi cerista; from Ktpas, a horn, or carista; from Kapa, the head, as being on the top of the head.) Any thing which has the appearance of a crest, or the comb upon the head of a cock. 1. In anatomy it is thus applied to a process of the ethmoid bone, christa galli, and to a part of the nympha;— crista clitoridis. 2. In surgery, to excrescences, like the comb of a cock, about the anus. 3. In botany, to several accessary parts or appen- dages, chiefly belonging to the antherae of plants; as the pod of the Hedysarum crista galli, Sec. Crista galli. An eminence ofthe ethmoid bone, so called from its resemblance to a cock's comb. See Ethmoid bone. CRISTATUS. Crested. Applied to several parts of plants. Cri'thamum. See Crithmum. Cri'the. (Kpidf, barley.) A stye or tumour on the eyelid, in the shape and of the size of a barley- corn. Crithe'rion. (From xptvia, to judge.) The same as crisis. CRI'THMUM. (From xptvia, to secrete; so named from its supposed virtues in promoting a discharge of tlie urine and menses.) Samphire or sea-fennel. Crithmum maritimum. The Linnaean name of the samphire or sea-fennel. Crithmum of the phar- macopoeias. It is a low perennial plant, and grows about the sea-coast in several parts of the island. It has a spicy aromatic flavour, which induces the com- mon people to use it as a pot-herb. Pickled with vine- gar and spice, it makes a wholesome and elegant con- diment, which is in much esteem. CRITHO'DES. (From xpiBn, barley, and «opc, re- semblance.) Resembling a barley-corn. It is applied lo small protuberances. CRITICAL. (Criticus; from crisis; from Kttvta, to judge.) Determining the event of a disease. Many physicians have been of opinion, tbat there is some- thing in tlie nature of fevers which generally deter- mines them to be of a certain duration; and, therefore, that their terminations, whether salutary or fatal, hap- pen at certain periods of the disease, rather than at others. These periods, which were carefully marked by Hippocrates, are called critical days. The critical days, or those on which we suppose the termination of continued fevers especially to happen, are the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth, and twentieth. CROCIDI'XIS. (From KpoKiSt\ta, to gather wool.) Floccilation. A fatal symptom in some diseases, where the patient gathers up the bed-clothes, and seems to pick up substances from them. Cro'cinum. (From Kpoxos, saffron.) A mixture of oil, myrrh, and saffron. Croco'des. (From Kpo/coj, saffron; so called from the quantity of saffron they contain.) A name of some old troches. Crocoma'gma. (From Kpoxos, saffron, and uayua, the thick oil or dregs.) A troch made of oil of saffron and spices. CROCUS. (Kpo/coc of Theophrastus. The story of the young Crocus, turned into this flower, may be seen in the fourth book of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Some derive this name from jtpoxn or xpoxis, a thread -. whence the stamens of flowers are called xpoKtSts Others, again, derive it from Coriscus, a city and mountain of Cilicia, and others from crokin, Cbald.) Saffron. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Triandria: Order, Monogynia. Saf fron. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the prepared stig- mata of the saffron plant. See Crocus sativus. 3. A term given by the older chemists to several pre- parations of metallic substances, from their resem- blance : thus, Crocus mortis, Crocus veneris. Crocus antimonii. A sulphuretted oxide of an- timony. Crocus germanicus. See Carthamus. Crocus indicus. See Curcuma. Crocus martis. Burnt green vitriol. Crocus metallorum. A sulphuretted oxide of antimony. Crocus officinalis. See Crocus sativus. Crocus saracenicus. See Carthamus. Crocus sativus. The systematic name of the saffron plant. Oocus:—spatha univalvi radicali, corolla tubo longissimo, of Linnaeus. Saffron has a powerful, penetrating, diffusive smell, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. Many virtues were formerly attributed to this medicine, but little confidence is now placed in it. The Edinburgh College directs a tincture, and that of London a syrup of this drug. Crocus veneris. Copper calcined to a red powder. Cro'mmyon. (Ilapa ro ras xopas pvetv, because it makes the eyes wink.) An onion. Crommyoxyre'gma. (From xpoppvov, an onion, ol-uj, acid, and prjywpi, to break out) An acid eruc- tation accompanied with a laste resembling onions. CROONE, William, was born in London, where he settled as a physician, after studying at Cambridge. In 1659, he was chosen rhetoric professor of Gresham College, and soon after register of the Royal Society, which then assembled there. In 1662, he was created doctor in medicine by mandate of the king, and the same year elected fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians. In 1670, he was appointed lecturer on anatomy to the Company of Surgeons. On his death, .in 1684, he bequeathed them 1007.; his books on Medicine to the College of Physicians, as also the profits of a house, for Lectures, to be read an nually, on Muscular Motion; and donations to seven of the colleges at Cambridge, to found Mathematical Lectures. He left severalpapers on philosophical sub- jects, but his only publication was a small tract, " De Ratione Motus Musculorum." CROSS-STONE. Harmotome; Pyramidal zeolite. A crystallized grayish-white mineral, harder than fluor-spar, but not so hard as apatite, found only in mineral veins and agate balls in the Hartz, Norway, and Scotland. CROTALUS. The name of a genus of reptiles. Crotalus borridus. The rattle-snake; the stone out of the head of which is erroneously said to be an antidote to the poison of venomous animals. A name also of the Cobra de capclla, the Coluber naja of Lin- CRO CRO Crota'phica arteria. Tbe tendon of the tempo- ral muscle. CKOTAPHl'TES. (From xpcjaBos, the temple.) See Temporalis. Crota puium. (From Kpo"]tia, to pulsate; so named from tbe pulsation which in the temples is eminently discernible.) Crotaphos. Crotaphus. A pain iu tiio temples. Cro taphos. See Orotaphium. Crotaphus. SeeCrolaphium. CROTCHET. A curved instrument with a sharp hook to extract the fcetus. CRO TON. (From Kpo7m>, to beat.) 1. An insect called a tick, from the noise it makes by beating lis head against wood. 2. A name ofthe ricinusor castor-oil berry, from its likeness to a tick. 3. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monacia; Order, Monadelphta. Croton benzoe. See Styrax benzoe. Cro ton cascarilla. The systematic name of the plain which affords the Cascarilla bark. Cascarilla; Chu car ilia.; Elutheria ; Eluleria. The bark comes to us iu quills, covered upon the outside with a rough, whitish matter, and brownish on the inner side, ex- hibiting, when broken, a smooth, close, blaukish-brown surlace. It bas a light agreeable smell, and n mode- rately bitter taste, accompanied with a considerable aromatic warmth. It is a very excellent tonic, adstrin- gent, and stomachic, and is deserving of u more gene- ral use than il has hitherto met with. Croton lacciferum. The systematic name of the plant upon which gum-lac is deposited. See Dacca. Croton tiglium. The systematic name of the tree which affords the pavana wood, and tiglia seeds. Croton—foliis ovatis glabris acuminatis serratis, caule arboreo ol Linnaeus. 1. Pavana wood. Lignum pavana; Lignum pava- num ; Lignum moluccense. The wood is of a light spongy texture, while within, but covered with a gesyisli bark: and possesses a pungent, caustic taste, and a disagreeable smell. It is said to be useful as a purgative in hydropical complaints. 2. Grana tiglia. Grana tilli. Grana tiglii. The grana tiglia are seeds, of a dark gray colour, in shape very like the seed of the ricinus communis. They abound with an oil which is far more purgative than coslor-oil, which has been lately imported from tlie East Indies, where it lias been long used, and is now admitted into the London pharmacopcr-ia. One drop proves a drastic purge, but it may be so managed as to become a valuable addition to the materia me- dico. [Tbe oil of Croton is the produce of a shrub or arborescent plant well known to botanists, and the oil when taken into the stomach acts as a powerful ca- thartic. The shrub belongs to the Class Monecia, and Order, Monaddphia, of Linnaeus's sexual system. Pei soon enumerates 82 species of this genus of plants. The specific character of the Tilgium is, that " The leaves are ovate, smooth, acuminated, serrated, and the stem arborescent" It is a native of the East Indies,China, and other Australasian islands. Ceylon, and tlie Moluccas are particularly quoted as affording this species of Croton. It is also well known in Am- boyna and Batavia, and, indeed, generally through the distant east Several parts of the plant possess medi- cinal virtue. L Radix, the root, or pulvis radicis croti. The pow- dered root of Croton is a drastic cathartic, when exhi- bited iu tbe small quantity of even a lew grains, on which account it has been considered by the Asiatics as a grand remedy for dropsy, upon tbe same principle by which the operation ot scammony and gamboge is explained. •2. The Wood of the Croton. Lignum croti tiglii. This is also efficacious, for in small doses it acts as a sudorific, by relaxing the pores of the skin; while in large ones it purges severely. 3. The leaves. Folia croti tiglii. Pulvis foliorum tiglii siccaloruia. Tbe dried leaves when powdered are reputed an antidote against the bite cf that formi- dable and venomous serpent the Coora de Capello. 4. The Seeds. Semina vel grana croti tiglii. Tliey are the |iart of the plant most known and employed in medicine. Tney are of a dale at kaoi as old a* the. 278.. nge of Serap1on,one of the earliest physicians of Ara- bia who wrote on the Materia Medica, and he flour ished about 1000 years ago, or probably in the 8th cen- tury. When they were introduced into Europe long since, they were known by the name of " Molucca grains or seeds, and as the grains or seeds of Tilluni or Tiglium. It appears that they were freely administered, not merely for the purpose as a cathartic, but for the ac- complishment of mischievous and deleterious ends. It is even stated by the accomplished Ruinphius, the Dutch physician and botanist, that a dose of four grains had been administered for the working of de- struction by women who wished to kill their hus- bands. Though the seeds were freely administered at that age and after, the extreme violence of their opera- tion seems to have induced a very unfavourable opi- nion of them. This no doubt arose from injudicious do3es; ns, under similar circumstances, the digitalis purpurea, or purple fox-glove, had undergone a similar fate. It had been frequently administered, and was even popular, but from the bad consequences of inju- dicious prescription, was condemned ns noxious, and ivas neglected as unfit lor use. So, cubebs (amomum cubeba) were once in use, then discontinued from a supposed want of power, and latterly revived and rendered fashionable. It nevertheless appears, that molucca grains are still used in the East Indies as an effectual cathartic. 5. The baked Seeds. Semina tosta vel furno cocta. The baked or roasted seeds of the Croton Tiglium. By these operations the shell or hull was removed, the seed rendered capable of being powdered, and, accord- ing to Ainslie's Materia Medica of Hindostan, the acrimonious and vehement qualities very much mo- derated. The medicinal history of this plant seems to have rested a long time. AI length, however, as the seeds were replete with oil, it occurred to somebody to ex- press it, and this oil was known to the celebrated pharmacians, Lemery and Geoffioy. Yet it lay dor- mant, until a revival was made by Mr. E. Conwell, of ihe Euglish East India Company's Bervice on the Ma- dras Establishment. Having prescribed the Croton oil for many years with advantage, he sent a parcel of it to London for experiment. 6. The Oil of Tiglium, or oil of Croton. Oleum, croti tiglii expression. The oil has a yellowish hue, but a faint smell, and an acrimonious taste. Though these qualities have some variation, caused probably by the degree of heat, or torrefaction, employed in the process for obtaining it 7. Gustus old tiglii. Touching ihe tongue with the oil. It is reported, that in some constitutions the mere application of a particle to the tongue, is sulfi cient to produce a cathartic effect, thereby evincing an extraordinary power of sympathy between the organ of taste and the alimentary canal. There are, how- ever, very striking analogies to illustrate- its action. Tobacco, for example, in tbe form of a segar, applied to the mouth of some persons, moves the intestines to evacuation. A drop of the Prussic acid applied to the mouth of a rat causes instant dtath. The poison of a rattlesnake, as witnessed by Dr. MUchill, infused in a wound, destroys the life of a rat, or other small animal in an exceedingly short time. It is reported, that a man who had been in the habit of using enemas had beeu brought to a stool by the sight of a clyster- pipe. 8. Pills of the Oil of Tiglium. Pillules olel tiglii. A single drop, or at most two, is a sufficient dose. A safe method is to take the pills, to contain each one drop, with a crumb of bread; or, for more expeditious practice, the prescribe! may pie pa re them containing twodrops. He can thus administer with nn assurance that the laxative effect will be produced without the fear of exciting any alarming commotion, in cases where there is an aversion to taking medicines, and where the bulk and repetition of the doses are objec- tionable, this remedy therefore possesses advantages which highly recommend it. The quantity of even half a drop, or in other words half a grain, will fre- quently move the intestines lo discharge; and the ef- fect, wbich ie generally speedy, more resembles that of the saline cathartics than the other drastics, such us elaterium, gamboge,- and scammony. \>. Tinetunt of ihaxOUvf-Tiglitni Solutio olei CRU CRY tiglii ir alcohol. Chemistry has proved that this oil is composed of two principal constituent parts: 1. A fixed oil, resembling that of the olive, destitute of cathartic qualities; and, 2. An acrid purgative prin- ciple, in which ils virtue resides. The proportions are slated by Dr. Nimmo thus, Fixed oil,............ 55 parts. Acrid principle,......45 do. 100 The latter has been denominated Tiglin, in the modern nomenclature. Alkohol is capable of decomposing this native oil; the tiglin being dissolved with a minute quantity only of the fixed oil, and the rest of it left un- combiued. This discovery enables us to form a tinc- ture upon a well-ascertained principle. It is accord- ingly proposed to form the tincture, by adding two drops of the oil (as it comes to us) to a fluid drachm of rectified spirit. After digesting long enough to secure the union between the spirit and the tiglin, the tincture must be filtered. Yet, as a fluid so volatile as the spirit will suffer some loss by evaporation, it is calcu- lated that half a fluid drachm ofthe tincture is equal to a drop and an half of the oil. It is found that the alko- hol does not impair the cathartic power of the tiglin. This solution may therefore be exactly apportioned to the nature of the disorder, and the wish of the physi- cian, and thus be regulated with the greatest exact- ness. If taken in quantity corresponding to the num- ber of drops decomposed, experience has decided that the same effects were produced as by the same quantity of undecompounded and entire oil. An article so expensive as this in comparison with other fixed oils, holds out a strong temptation for fraud by adulteration. This has been practised to a considerable extent by mixing it with the cheaper kinds. A method, however, has been proposed for de- tecting such vitiation by Dr. Nimmo, by means of alko- nol, a phial, a balance, and an evaporating process, of which an abstract will be found in the Pliarmacologia of Dr. Paris, vol. 2, p. 338. New-York edit, by Dr. Ives. This writer's opinion is, on the whole matter, " that this oil does not appear to produce any effects which cannot be commanded by other drastic purga- tives. Its value depends upon the facility with which it may be administered.—Notes from Dr. MitchiU's Lectures on Mat. Med. AJ Croton tinctorium. The systematic name of the lucmus plant. Croton—-foliis rhombeis repandis, cap- sulis pendulis, caule herbaceo, of Linnaeus. Bezetta cerulea. This plant yields the Succus heliotropii; Lacmus seu torne; Lacca cerulea; Litmus. It is much used by chemists as a test. Croto'ne. (From Kpolov, the tick.) A fungus on trees produced by an insect like a tick; and by meta- phor applied to tumours and small fungous excres- cences on the periosteum. Crotopus. (From xporos, pulsus.) Painful pulsa- tion. CaoxoFHunc. (From xporos, the pulse.) Painful pulsation. CRX7UP. . See Synanche. Crousis. (From xpovta, to beat, or pulsate.) Pul- iation. Crou'smata. (Eiom xpovia, to pulsate.) Rheums or defliutions from the head. CROWFOOT. See Ranunculus. Crowfootrcranesbill. See Geranium pratense. CUUCIAL. (Crucialis; from crus, the leg.) 1. Cross-like. Some parts of tbe body are so called When they cross one another, as the crucial ligaments of the thigh. 8, A name of the mugweed or crosswort. CRUCIA'LIS. See Crucial. CRUCIBLE. (Crucibulutn; from crudo, to tor- ment: so named, because, in the language of old chemists, metals are tormented in it, and tortured, to yield up their powers and virtues.) A chemical ves- sel made mostly of earth to bear the greatest heat. They are of various shapes and composition. CRUC1FORMIS. Cross-like. Applied to leaves, flow era, Sec. which have that shape. CRU'DITAS. (From crudus, raw.} It is applied to undigested substances in the stomach, and formerly to humours in the body unprepared for concoction. CRUICKSHANK, William, was born at Edin- burgh, in 1746. He watt intended for.the church, and made great proficiency in classical learning; but; showing a partiality to medicine, he was placed with a surgeon at Glasgow. In 1771, he came to London, and was soon after made librarian to Dr. William Hunter; and, on the secession of Mr. Hewson, became assist- ant, and then joint lecturer in anatomy, with the Doctor. He contributed largely to enrich tbe Museum, particularly by his curious injections of the lympathic vessels. He published, in 1786, a work on this subject, which is highly valued for its correctness. In 1795, he communicated to the Royal Society an Account ofthe Regeneration of the Nerves; and the same year published a pamphlet on Insensible Perspiration; and in 1797, an Account of Appearances in the Ovaria of Rabbits in different Stages of Pregnancy. He died in 1800. Cru'nion. (From xpovvos, a torrent.) A medicine mentioned by AStius, and named from the violence of its operations as a diuretic. CRU'OR. (From Kpvos,frigus, it being that which appears like a coagulum as the blood cools.) The red part of the blood. See Blood. CRU'RA. The plural of cms. Crura clitoridis. See Clitoris. Crura medullje oblongatje. The roots of, the medulla oblongata. CRURjE'US. (From crus, a leg; so named, be- cause it covers almost the whole foreside of the upper part of the leg or thigh.) Oruralis. A muscle of the leg, situated on the forepart of tlie thigh. It arises, fleshy, from between the two trochanters of the os femoris, but nearer the lesser, firmly adhering to most of the forepart of the os femoris; and is inserted, ten- dinous, into the upper part of the patella, behind the rectus; Its use is to assist the vasti and rectus muscles in the extension of the leg. CRURAL. (Oruralis; from crus, the leg.) Be longing to the crus, leg, or lower extremity. Crural hernia. See Hernia cruralis. CRURA'LIS. See Crureus. CRUS. 1. The leg. 2. The root or origin of some parts of the body, from their resemblance to a leg or root; as Crura ce- rebri, Crura cerebelli ; Crura of the diaphragm, Sec CRU'STA. 1. A shell. 2. A scab. 3. The scum or surface of a fluid. Crusta lactea. A disease that mostly attacks some part of the face of infants at the breast. It is known by an eruption of broad pustules, full of a glutinous liquor, which form white scabs when they are ruptured. It is cured by mineral alteratives. Crusta villosa. The inner coat of the stomach and intestines has been so called. Crustula. (Dim. of crusta, a shell.) A discolo- ration of the flesh from a bruise, where the skin is en- tire, and covers it over like a shell. Crustumina'tum. (F.rom Orustuminum, a town where they grew.) 1. A kind of Catherine pear. 2. A rob or electuary made of this pear and apples boiled up with honey. Crymo'des. (From xpvos, cold.) An epithet for a. fever, wherein the external parts are cold. CRYOLITE. A while or yellowish brown mi- neral, composed of alumina, soda, and fluoric acid. It is curious and rare, and found hitherto only at West Greenland. CRYOPHORUS. (From kcvoc, ooM, and djcpu, to bear.) The frost-bearer, ot carrier of cold; an ele gant instrument invented by Dr. Wollaston, to demon- strate the relation between evaporation at tow tempe- ratures, and the production of cold. ' - CRYPSO'RCHIS. (From Kpmjia, to conceal, and opxic, a testicle.) A term applied to a man whose testicles are hid in the belly, or have not descended into the scrotum. CRY'PTA. (From xponrta, to hide.) Tbe little rounded appearances at tlie end of the small arteries of the cortical substance of the kidneys, that appear as if formed bv the artery being convoluted upon it- self. CRYPTOGAMIA. (From Kpvnru, to conceal, and yauos, a marriage.) The twenty-fourth and last class of the sexual or Linniean system of plants, containing several numerous genera, in which the parts essential to their fructification have not been sufficiently ascer- tained to admit of their being referred to the other CRY CRY class. It is divided by Linnaeus into four orders, Fi iicrs, Musci, Alga, and Fungi. Cryso'rchis. Kpuo-opxtf. 1. A retraction or retro- cession of one of the testicles. 2. See Crypsorchis. CRYSTAL. See Crystallus. CRYSTALLINE. (Crystallinus ; from its crystal- like appearance.) Crystal-like. Crystalline lens. A lentiform pellucid part of the eye, enclosed in a membranous capsule, called the capsule of the crystaUine lens, and situated in a pecu- liar depression in the anterior part of the vitreous hu- mour. Its use is to transmit and refract the rays of light See Eye, Cryrtalu'num (From xpucaXXoc, a crystal: so called from its transparency.) White arsenic. CRYSTALLIZATION. (Crystallizatio; from crystallus, a crystal.) A property by which crystal- lizable bodies tend to assume a regular form, when placed hi circumstances favourable to that particular disposition of their particles. Almost all minerals possess this property, but it is most eminent in caline substances. The circumstances which are favourable lo the crystallization of salts, and without which it cannot take place, are two ? 1. Their particles must be divided and separated by a fluid, in order that the cor- responding facesof those particles may meet and unite. 2. In order that this union may take place, the fluid which separates the iutegraut parts of the salt must be gradually carried off, so that it may no longer divide them. [" Crystallization, in the most limited extent of the term, is that process by which the particles of bodies unite in such a manner as to produce determinate and regular solids. But it is equally true, that those mine- rals, which possess a foliated or fibrous structure, are the products of crystallization, under circumstances which have rendered tbe process more or less imper- fect, and prevented the appearance of distinct and regular forms. The ancients believed crystallized quartz (rock crystal) to be water, congealed by exposure lo intense cold; and accordingly applied to it the term KpvraXXos, which signified ice. Hence tlie etymology ot the word crystal. Now, as a beautiful regularity of form is one of the most striking properties of crystallized quartz, tbe name crystal has been extended to all mineral and other inorganic substances, wbich exhibit themselves under tho form of regular geometrical solids. A crystal may therefore be defined an inorganic body, which, by the operation of affinity, has assumed the form of a regular solid, terminated by a number of plane and polished faces. The corresponding faces of all crystals, wbich possess the same variety of form, and belong to the same substance, are inclined to each other in angles of a constant quantity. This con- stancy of angles remains, even in those cases wher« the faces themselves, from some accidental causes, have changed their dimensions or number of sides. Transparency, though many crystals possess it in a greater or less degree, is not a necessary property. But plane surfaces, bounded by right lines, are so essential to the crystalline form, that their absence decidedly indicates imperfection in the process of crys- tallization. The lustre and smoothness of the faces may also be diminished by accidental causes."— Gear. Min. A,] CRYSTALLUS. (Crystallus, i. m.; from xpvos, cold,and s-tXXia*.to contract: i. e. contracted by cold into ice.) A crystal. " When fluid substances are suffered to pass with adequate slowness to the solid state, the attractive forces frequently arrange their ultimate particles, so as to form regular polyhedral figures or geometrical solids, to which tbe name of crystals has been given. Most of the solids which compose the mineral crust of the earth are found in the crystallized state. Thus granite consists of crys- tals of quartz, felspar, and mica. Even mountain masses like clay-slate, have a regular tabulated form. Perfect mobility among the corpuscles is essential to crystallization. The chemist produces it either by ig- neous fusion, or by solution iu a liquid. When the temperature is slowly lowered in tlie former case, or the liquid slowly abstracted by evaporation iu the lat- ter, ihe attractive force* resume the ascendency, and arrange tbe particles In symmetrical forms. Mere ap- proximation of the particles, however, is not alone suf- '-74 ficient for crystallization. A hot saturated saline solo- lion, when screened from all agitation, will contract by cooling into a volume much smaller than what It occupies in the solid state, without crystallizing. Heme the molecules must not only be brought within a cer tain limit of each other, for their concreting into crys- tals; but they must also change the direction of their poles, from the fluid collocation to their position in the, solid state. This reversion of the poles may be effected, 1st, By contact of any part of the fluid with a point of a solid, of similar composition, previously formed. 2d, Vi- bratory motions communicated, either from the atmos- phere or any other moving body, by deranging, how- ever slightly, the fluid polar direction, will instantly determine the solid polar arrangement, when the ba- lance had been rendered nearly even by previous re- moval of the interstitial fluid. On this principle we explain the regular figures wliich particles of dust or iron assume, when they are placed on a vibrating plane, in the neighbourhood of electrized or magnetized bodies. 3d, Negative or resinous voltaic electricity instantly determines the crystalline arrangement, while- positive voltaic electricity counteracts it. Light also favours crystallization, as is exemplified with camphor/ dissolved in spirits, which crystallizes in bright and ro- dissolves in gloomy weather It might be imagined, that the same body would al- ways concrete in the same, or at least in a similar crys- talline form. This position is true, iu general, for the, salts crystallized in the laboratory; and on this unifor- mity of figure, one of the principal criteria between different salts depends. But even these forms are lia- ble to many modifications, from causes apparently slight; and in nature we find frequently the same' chemical substance crystallized in forms apparently very dissimilar. Thus, carbonate of lime assumes the form of a rhomboid, of a regular hexae'dral prism, of a solid terminated by 12 scalene angles, or of a dodeca- hedron with pentagonal faces, &c. Bisulphuret of iron or martial pyrites produces sometimes cubes andj sometimes regular octahedrons, at one time dodeca- hedrons with pentagonal faces, at another icosahedrooe* with triangular faces, &c. , While one and the same substance lends Itself to so many transformations, we meet with very different) substances, which present absolutely the same form. Thus fluate of lime, muriate of soda, sulphuret of iron, sulphuret of lead, Sec crystallize in cubes, under cer- tain circumstances; and in other cases, the same mi- nerals, as well as sulphate of alumina and the dia- mond, assume the form of a regular octohedron. Rome de l'lsle first referred the study of crystalliza- tion to principles conformable to observation. He ar- ranged together, as far as possible, crystals of the same nature. Among the different forms relative to each species, he chose one as the most proper, from its sim- plicity, to be regarded as the primitive form ; and by supposing it truncated in different ways, he deduced the other forms from it, and determined a gradation a scries of transitions between this same form and that of polyhedrons, which seem to be still further removed from it. To the descriptions and figures which be gave of the crystalline forms, he added the results of the mechanical measurement of their principal angles, and showed that these angles were constant in each variety. The illustrious Bergrnann, by endeavouring to pene- trate to the mechanism of the structure of crystals, considered the different forms relative to one and the Bame substance, as produced by a superposition of, planes, sometimes constant and sometimes variable and decreasing around one and the same primitive form. He applied this primary idea to a small nu tuber of crystalline forms, and verified it with respect to a variety of calcareous spar by fractures, which enabled him to ascertain the position of the nucleus, or of tbe primitive form, and the successive order of the lamina; covering this nucleus. Bergmann, however, stopped here, and did not trouble himself either with deter- mining the laws of structure, or applying calculation to it. It was a simple sketch of the most prominent point of view in mineralogy, but in which wo tee the hand of the same master who so successfully filled up the outlines of chemistry. In tbe researches which HaQy undertook, about the same period, on the structure of crystals, he proposed cue CUL combining the form and dimensions of integrant mole- cules with simple and regular laws of arrangement, and submitting these laws to calculation. This work produced a mathematical theory, which he reduced to analytical formulae, representing every possible case, and the application of which to known forms leads to valuations of angles, constantly agreeing with ob- servation."—Ure's Chem. Diet. 2. An eruption over the body of white transparent pustules. [."Crystallography. Of the physical properties of minerals, no one is so important in itself, and ex- tensive in its influence and application, as that by which crystals or regular solids are produced. To in vestigate and describe these solids is the object of crys- tallography, and constitutes, without doubt, the most interesting branch of mineralogical research."—Cleav. Mineralogy. A.l Cte'dones. (From kJi/Siov, a rake.) The fibres are no called from their pectinated course. Cteis. Krcic. A comb or rake. Ctenes, in the plural number, implies those teeth which are called incisores, from their likeness to a rake. CUBE ORE. Hexaedral olivenite. Wurfelerz of Werner. A mineral arseniate of iron, of a pistachio- green colour. CUBE SPAR. See Anhydrite. CUBEB. See Piper cubeba. CUBE'BA. (From cubabah, Arab.) See Piper cubeba. Cibit.eus externus. An extensor muscle of the fingers. See Extensor digitorum communis. Cubitjeus internus. A flexor muscle of the fin- gers. See Flexor sublimis, and profundus. CUBITAL. (Cubitalis; from cubitus, the fore- arm.) Belonging to tlie forearm. Cubital artery. Arteria cubitalis ; Arteria ul- naris. A branch of the brachial that proceeds in the forearm, and gives""off the recurrent and interosseals, and forms the palmary arch, from which arise branches going to the fingers, called digitals. Cubital nerve. Nervus cubitalis; Nervus ul- naris. It arises from the brachial plexus, and pro- ceeds along the ulna. Cubitalis musculus. An extensor muscle of the fingers. See Extensor. CU'BITUS. (From cubo, to lie down; because the ancients used to lie down on that part at their meals.) 1. The forearm, or that part between the elbow and wrist. 2. The larger bone ofthe forearm is called os cubiti. See Ulna. CUBOI'DES OS. (From kvSos, a cube or die, and ei<5oc, likeness.) A tarsal bone of tlie foot, so called from its resemblance. CUCKOW FLOWER. See Cardamine. CUCU'BALUS. The name of an herb mentioned by Pliny. The name of a genus or family of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order Try- gynia. Cucubalus bacciferus. The systematic name of the berry-bearing chick-weed, which is sometimes used as an emollient poultice. Cucubalus behen. The systematic name of the Behen officinarum, or spatling poppy, formerly used as a cordial and alexipharmic CUCULLA'RIS. (From cucullis, a hood: so named, because it is shaped like a hood.) See Tra- pezius. CUCULLATU3. Hooded. Applied to a leaf, when the edges meet in the lower part, and expand in the upper, forming a sheath or hood, of which the genus Sarcacenia are an example; to the nectary of the aconite tribe, Sec. CUCU'LLUS. 1. A hood. 2. An odoriferous cap for the head. CUCUMBER. See Cucumis. Cucumber, bitter. See Cucumis colocynthis. Cucumber, squirting. See Momordica elaterium. Cucumber, wild. See Momordica elaterium. CU'CUMIS. (Cucumis, mis. m.; also cucumer, ris.; quasi curvimcres, from their curvature.) The cucum- ber. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Monecia; Order, Syngenesia. The cucumber. 2. The phannacopo-ial name of the garden cucum ber. Sec Cucumis sativus. S 2 Cucumis agrestis. See Momordica elaterium. Cucumis asininus. See Momordica elaterium. Cucumis colocynthis. The systematic name for the officinal bitter apple. Colocynthis; Alhandula of the Arabians. Coloquintida. Bitter apple; bittei gourd; bitter cucumber. The fruit, which is the me • dicinal part of this plant, Cucumis—foliis multifidis, pomis globosis glabris, of Linnaeus, is imported from Turkey. Its spongy membranous medulla or pith, is directed for use; it has a nauseous, acrid, and in- tensely bitter taste; and is a powerful irritating ca- thartic. In doses of ten or twelve grains, it operates with great vehemence, frequently producing violent gripes, bloody stools, and disordering the whole sys- tem. It is recommended in various complaints, as worms, mania, dropsy, epilepsy, &c.; but is seldom resorted to, except where other more mild remedies have been used without success, and then only in the form of the extractum colocynthidis compositum, and the pilule ex colocynthide cum aloe of the pharmaco- poeias. Cucumis melo. The systematic name of the me- lon plant. Melo. Musk-melon. This fruit, when ripe, has a delicious refrigerating taste, but must be eaten moderately, with pepper, or some aromatic, as all this class of fruits are obnoxious to the stomach, producing spasms and colic. The seeds possess muci- laginous qualities. Cucumis sativus. The systematic name of the cu- cumber plant. Cucumis. Cucumis—foliorum angu- lis rectis; pomis oblongis scabris of Linnaeus. It is cooling and aperient, but very apt to disagree with bilious stomachs. It should always be eaten with pep- per and oil. The seeds were formerly used medi- cinally. Cucumis sylvestris. See Momordica elaterium. Cu'cupha. A hood. An odoriferous cap for the head, composed of aromatic drugs. CUCU'RBITA. (A curvitate, according to Scali- ger, the first syllable being doubled; as in Cacula, Po- pulus, Sec.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monecia; Order, Syngene- sia. The pumpion. 2. The pharmacopceial name ofthe common gourd. See Cucurbita pepo. 3. A chemical distilling vessel, shaped like a gourd. Cucurbita citrullus. The systematic name of the water-melon plant. Citrullus; Angura; Jace brasilientibus; Tetranguria. Sicilian citrul, or wa- ter-melon. The seeds of this plant, Cucurbita—foliis multipartitis of Linnaeus, were formerly used medi- cinally, but now only to reproduce the plant Water- melon is cooling and somewhat nutritious; but so soon begins to ferment, as to prove highly noxious to some stomachs, and bring on spasms, diarrhoeas, cho- lera, colics, &c. Cucurbita laoenaria. The systematic name of the bottle-gourd plant See Cucurbita pepo. Cucurbita pepo. The systematic name of the common pumpion or gourd. Cucurbita. The seeds of this plant, Cucurbita—foliis lobatis, pomis levibus, are used indifferently with those of the Cucurbita lage- naria—foliis subangulatis, tomentosis, bad subtus bi- glandulosus; pomis lignosis- They contain a large proportion of oil, which may be made into emulsions; but is superseded by that of sweet almonds. Cucurbitaceje. (From cucurbita, a gourd.) The name of an order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants which resemble the gourd. CUCURBI'TINUS. A species of worm, so called from its resemblance to the seed of tlie gourd. See Tenia. CUCURBI'TULA. (A diminutive of cucurbita, a gourd ; so called from its shape.) A cupping-glass. Cucurbitula cruenta. A cupping-glass, with scarification to procure blood. Cucurbitula cum ferro. A cupping-glass, with scarification to draw out blood. Cucurbitula sicca. A cupping-glass vftthout scarification. CUE'MA. (From xvia, to carry in the womb.) The conception, or rather, as Hippocrates signifies by this word, the complete rudiments of the foetus. Culbi'cio. A sort of stranguary, or rather heat of urine. Culila'wan. Soe Laurus culilawan. CtJL CUP CULI'NARY. (Culinarius, fromeuZina/a kitchen.) Any thing belonging to the kitchen, as salt, pot-herbs, Sec. CULLEN, William, was born at Lanark, Scot- land, in 1712, of respectable, but not wealthy parents. After the usual school education, he was apprenticed to a surgeon and apothecary at Glasgow, and then, made several voyages, as surgeon, to the West Indies. He afterward settled in practice at Hamilton, and formed a connexion with the celebrated William Hunter; but their business being scanty, tney agreed to pass a winter alternately at some university. Cul len went first to Edinburgh, and attended the classes so diligently, that he was soon after able to commence teacher. Hunter came the next winter to London, and engaged as assistant in the dissecting-room of Dr. William Douglas, who was so pleased with his assi- duity and talent, as to offer him a share in his lectures: but though the partnership with Cullen was thus dis- solved, they continued ever after a friendly corres- pondence. Cullen had the good fortune, while at Ha- milton, to assist the Duke of Argyle in some chemical pursuits: and still more of being sent for to tbe Duke of Hamilton, in a sudden alarming illness, which he speedily relieved by his judicious treatment, and gain- ed the entire approbation of Dr. Clarke, who afterward arrived. About tbe same time he married the daugh- ter of a neighbouring clergyman, who bore him seve- ral children. In 1746 be took the degree of doctor in medicine, and was appointed teacher of chemistry at Glasgow. His talents were peculiarly fitted for this office; bis systematic genius, distinct enunciation, lively manner, and extensive knowledge of the subject, rendered his lectures highly interesting. In the mean time his reputation as a physician increased, so that he was consulted in most difficult cases. In 1751, he was chosen professor iu medicine to the university; and, five years after, the chemical chair at Edinburgh was offered him, on the death of Dr. Plummer, which was too advantageous to be refused. He soon became equally popular there, and his class increased, so as to exceed that of any other professor, except the anato- mical. This success was owing not only to his assi- duity, and his being so well qualified for the office, but also in a great measure to the kindness which he showed to his pupils, and partly to tbe new Views on the Theory of Medicine, which he occasionally intro- duced into his lectures. He appears also, about this time, to have given Clinical Lectures at the Infirmary. On the death of Dr. Alston, Lecturer on the Materia Medica, he was appointed to succeed him: and six years afterward, jointly with Dr. Gregory, to lecture on the Theory and Practice of Medicine, when he re- signed the Chemical Chair to his pupil, Dr. Black. Dr. Gregory having died the following year, he continued the Medical Lectures alone, till within a few months of his death, which happened in February 1790, in his seventy-seventh year; and he is said, even at the last, to have shown no deficiency in his delivery, nor in his memory, being accustomed to lecture from short notes. His Lectures on the Materia Medica being surrepti- tiously printed, he obtained an injunction against their being issued until he had corrected them, which was accomplished in 1772: but they were afterward much improved, and appeared in 1789, in two quarto vo- lumes. Fearing a similar fate to his Lectures on Me- dicine, he published an outline of them in 1784, in four volumes, octavo, entitled " First Lines of the Practice of Physic" He wrote also the " Institutions of Me- dicine," in one volume, octavo: and a "Letter to Lord Cathcart, on the Recovery of drowned Persons " Bat his most celebrated work is his " Synopsis Noso- logic Methodicae," successively improved in different editions; the fourth, published in 1785, in two octavo volumes, contains the Systems of other Nosologists till that period, followed by bis own, which certainly, as a practical arrangement of rilapaJma, greatly surpasses tnem. CULMUS. Culm. Straw. The stem of grasses, rushes, and plants nearly allied to them. It bears both leaves and flowers, and its nature is more easily un- derstood than defined. Its varieties are, 1. Culmus teres, round; as in Carex uliginosa. 2 C tetragonus ; as in Festuca ovina. 3. C triangularis ; as in Eriocaulon triangulare. 4. C capillaris ; as in Sdrpus capillaris. 5. C. prostratus; as in Agrostis canina. 27C 6. C. repens; as In Agrostis stolonifera. 7. C. nudus, as in Carex montana. 8. C enodis, without joints; as in Juncus conglo- meratus. 9. C articulatus, jointed; as in Agrostis albs, 10. C. geniculatus, bent like the Knee; as in Alo- pecurus gcniculatus. It is also either solid or hollow, rough or smooth, sometimes hairy or downy, scarcely woolly. Culmiferje. Plants which have smooth soft stems. CULPEPER, Nicholas, was the son of a clergy- man, who put him apprentice to an apothecary; alter serving his time, be settled in Spitaltieldi, London, about the year 1642. In the troubles prevailing at that period, he appears to have favoured the Puritans; but bis decided warfare was with the College of Physi- cians, whom he accuses of keeping tlie people In Igno- rance, like the Popish clergy. He therefore published a translation of their Dispensary, with practical re- marks ; also an Herbal, pointing out, among other mat- ters, under what planet the plants should be gathered; and a directory to midwives, showing the method or ensuring a healthy progeny, Sec These works were for some time popular. He died In 1654. CU'LTER. (From colo, to cultivate.) 1. A knife or shear. 2. The third lobe of the liver is so called from its supposed resemblance. CU'LUS. (From kovXos-) The anus or funda- ment Cu'mamus. See Piper cubeba. CUMIN. See Cuminum. CU'MINUM. (From xvta, to,bring forth; because it was said to cure sterility.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in theLinnean system. Class, Heptandrio; Order, Digynia. The cumin plant. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the cumin plant See Cuminum cyminum. Cuminum jethiopicum. A name for the ammi ve- rum. See Sison ammi. Cuminum cyminum. The systematic name of the cumin plant. Cuminum; Feniculum orientals. A native of Egypt and Ethiopia, but cultivated in Sicily and Malta, from whence it is brought to us. The seedi of cumin, which are the only part of the plant in use, have a bitterish taste, accompanied with an aromatic flavour, but not agreeable. They are generally pre. ferred to other seeds for external use in discussing in- dolent tumours, as the encysted scrofulous, etc. and give name both to a plaster and cataplasm in the phar- macopoeias. Cunea'dis sutura. The suture by which the cm sphenoides is joined to the os frontis. CUNEIFORMIS. (From cuneus, a wedge, and forma, likeness.) Cuneiform, wedge-like. Applied to bones, leaves, etc. which are broad and abrupt at the extremity. See Sphenoid bone; Tarsus, and Car- pus; Leaf; Petalum. Cune'olus. (From cuneo, to wedge.) A crooked tent to put into a fistula. ["Cunila. Pennyroyal. The plant called pony- royal, in England, is a species of mint, Mentha pule- gium; while the American plant, which bears tbe same common appellation, belongs to the genus Cu- nila, of Linnaeus, and Hedeoma, of Persoon. Ameri- can pennyroyal is a warm aromatic, possessing a pun- gent flavour, which is common to many ofthe labiate plants of other genera. Like them, it is heating, car- minative, and diaphoretic. It is in popular repute as an emmenagogue."—Big. Mat. Med. A.) Cup of the flower. See Calyx. CUPEL. (Kuppel, a cup, German.) Copella; Catellus cinereus; Cineritium; Patella docimastica; Testa probatrix, exploratriz, or docimastica. A shal- low earthen vessel like a cup, made of phosphate of lime, which suffers the baser metals to pass through It, when exposed to heat, and retains the pure metal. This process is termed cupellation. CUPELLATION. Cupellatio. Tbe purifying of perfect metals by means of an addition of lead, which, at a due heat, becomes vitrified, and promotes the vitrification and calcination of such imperfect metals as may be in the mixture, so that these last are carried off in tbe fusible glass tbat Is formed, and tbe perfect metals are left nearly pure. The name of this opera- CUP cus tion is taken from the vessels made use of, which are called cupels. Cu'phos. Kovtbos- Light When applied to ali- ments, it imports their being easily digested; when to distempers, that they are mild. [Cupping. Topical bleeding. "This is done by means of a scarificator, and a glass, shaped somewhat like a bell. The scarificator is an instrument contain- ing a number of lancets, sometimes as many as twenty, which are so contrived, that when the instru- ment is applied to any part of the surface of the body, and a spring is pressed, they suddenly start out, and make the necessary punclures. The instrument is so constructed, tbat the depth, to which the lancets pe- netrate, may be made greater or less, at tlie option of the practitioner. As only small vessels can be thus opened, a very inconsiderable quantity of blood would be discharged, were not some method taken to pro- mote the evacuation. This is commonly done with a cupping-glass, the air within the cavity of which is rarefied by the flame of a little lamp, containing spirit of wine, and furnished with a thick wick. This plan is preferable to that of setting on fire a piece of tow, dipped in this fluid, and put in the cavity of the glass. The larger the glass, if propeily exhausted, the less pain does the patient suffer, and the more freely does the blood flow. When the mouth of the glass is placed over the scarifications, and the rarefied air iu it be- comes condensed as it cools, the glass is forced down on the skin, and a considerable suction takes place."— Cooper's Surg. Did. A.] CUPRE'SSUS. (So called, ano tov xvttv naptaovs rovs axpeuovas, because it produces equal branches.) Cypress. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monecia; Order, Monadelphia. The cypress-tree. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the cypress-tree. Bee Cupressus sempervirens. Cupressus sempervirens. The systematic name of the cupressus of the shops. Cupressus—foliis im- bricatis squamis quadrangulis, of Linnaeus; called also eyparissus. Every part of the plant abounds with a bitter, aromatic, terebinthinate fluid; and is said to be a remedy against intermittents. Its wood is extremely durable, and constitutes the coses of Egyp- tian mummies. Cupri ammoniati liquor. Solution of ammoni ated copper. Aqua cupri ammoniati of Pharm. Loud. 1787, and formerly called Aqua sapphirina. Take of ammoniated copper, a drachm; distilled water, a pint Dissolve the ammoniated copper in tbe water, and filter the solution through paper. This preparation is employed by surgeons for cleansing foul ulcers, and dis- posing them to heal. Cupri rubiqo. Verdigris. Cupri sulphas. Vitriolum cupri ; Vitriolum ca- rulcum ; Vitriolum Romanum ; Cuprum vitriolatum. Sulphate of copper. It possesses acrid and styptic qualities; is esteemed as a tonic, emetic, adstringent, and escharotic, and is exhibited internally in the cure of dropsies, haemorrhages, and as a speedy emetic. Ex- ternalry ittia applied to stop haemorrhages, to haemor- rhoids, leucorrhcea, phagedenic ulcers, proud flesh, and condylomata. OU'PRUM. (Quasi as Cyprium; so called from the island of Cyprus, whence it was formerly brought.) See Copper. Cuprum ammonlacale. See Cuprum ammonia- turn. Cuprum ammoniatum. Cuprum ammoniacale. Am- moniated copper. Ammoniacal sulphate of copper Take of sulphate of copper, half an ounce; subcar Donate of ammonia, six drachms; rub them together in a glass mortar, till tbe effervescence ceases; then dry the ammoniated copper, wrapped up in bibulous paper, by a gentle heat. In this process the carbonic acid is expelled from the ammonia, which forms a triple compound with the sulphuric acid and oxide of copper. This preparation is much milder than tbe sulphate of copper. It is found to produce tonic and astringent effects on the human body. Its principal internal use has been in epilepsy, and other obstinate spasmodic diseases, given in doses of half a grain, gradually increased to five grains or more, two or three times a day. For iu external application, see Cupri ammoniati liquor. Cuprum vitriolatum. See Cupri sulphas. CUPULA. An accidental part of a seed, being a rough calyculus, surrounding the lower part of a gland, as lliat of the oak, of which it is the cup. Cura avanacea. A decoction of oats and succory roots, in which a little nitre and sugar were dis- solved, was formerly used in fevers, and was thus named. Cu'rcas. See Jatropha curcas. Cu'rculio. (From karkarali, Hebrew.) The throat and the aspera arteria. [Also the name of a genus of coleopterous insects, according to Linnaeus's system. A.] Cu'rcum. See Cheledonium majus. CURCU'MA. (From the Arabic curcum or hercum.) Turmeric. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monandria ;. Order, Mono- gynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the turmeric-tree. See Curcuma longa. Curcuma longa. The systematic name of the turmeric plant. Crocus Indicus ; Terra marita ; Can- nacorus radice croceo; Curcuma rotunda; Mayella; Kua kaha of the Indians. Curcuma—foliis lanceola- tis; nervis lateralibus numerossimis of Linnaeus. The Arabians call every root of a saffron colour by the name of curcum. The root of this plant i3 im- ported here in its dried state from the East Indies, in various forms. Externally it is of a pale yellow colour, wrinkled, solid, ponderous, and the inner substance of a deep saffron or gold colour: its odour is somewhat fragrant; to the taste it is bitterish, slightly acrid, ex- citing a moderate degree of warmth in the mouth, and on being chewed, it tinges the saliva yellow. It is an ingredient in the composition of Curry powder, is valuable as a dying dru and furnishes a chemical test of the presence of uncombined alkalies. It is now very seldom used medicinally, but retains a place in our pharmacopoeias. Curcuma rotunda. See Curcuma longa. CURD. The coagulum, which separates from milk, upon the addition of acid or other substances. ["Curette. (French.) An instrument shaped like a minute spoon, or scoop, invented by Daviel, and used in the extraction of the cataract, for taking away any opaque matter, which may remain behind the pu- pil, immediately after the crystalline has been taken out."—Cooper's Surg. Did. A.] Curled leaf. See Leaf. CU'RMI. (From xtpaia, to mix.) Ale. A drink made of barley, according to Dioscorides. CURRANT. See Ribes. Cu'rsuma. Curtuma. The Ranunculus ficaria of Linnaeus. Cursu'ta. (Corrupted from cassuta, kasuih, Ara- bian.) The root of the Gentiana purpurea of Lin- naeus. Curva'tor coccyois. A muscle bending the coc- cyx. See Coceygeus. CURVATUS. (From curvus, a curve.) Curvate, bent. Applied to the form of a pepo or gourd seed- vessel ; as in Cucumi fiexuosus. CUSCU'TA. (According to Linnaeus, a corruption from the Greek Kaovlas, or KaSvJas, which is from the Arabic Chessuth, or Chasuth.) Dodder. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetrandria ; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of dodder of thyme. See Cuscuta epiViymum. Cuscuta epithymum. The systematic name of dodder of thyme. Epythymum. Cuscuta—foliis ses- silibus, quinquifidis, bracteis obvallaiis. A parasiti- cal plant, possessing a strong disagreeable smell, and a pungent taste, very durable in the mouth. Recom- mended in melancholia, as cathartics. Cuscuta europjea. The systematic name of a species of dodder of thyme. Cuscuta—-floribus sessi- libus, of Linnaeus. CUSPA'RIA. The name given by Messrs. Hum- boldt and Bonpland to a genus of plants in which is the tree we obtain the Angustura bark from. Cusparia febrifuga. Thi3 is the tree said to yield the bark called Angustura.—Cortex cusparie, and imported from Angustura in South America. Its external appearances vary considerably. The best is not fibrous, but hard, compact, and of a yellowish- brown colour, and externally of a whitish hue. When CYC CYN teduced into powder, it resembles tbat of Indian rhu- barb. It is very generally employed as a febrifuge, tonic, and adstringent While some deny its virtue in curing intermittents, by many it is preferred to the Peruvian bark; and it has been found useful in diar- rhoea, dyspepsia, and scrofula. It was thought to be the bark of the Brucea antidysenterica, or ferruginea. Wildenow suspected it to be the Magnolia plumieri; but Humboldt and Bonplaud, the celebrated travellers in South America, have ascertained it to belong to a tree not before known, and which they promise to de- scribe by the name of Cuspariafebrifuga. CUSPIDA'TUS. (From cuspis, a point.) 1. Four of the teeth are called cuspidati, from their form. See Teeth. 2. Sharp-pointed. Applied to leaves which are tipped with a spine, as in thistles. See Leaf. CU'SPIS. (From cuspa, Chaldean, a shell, or bone, with which spears were formerly pointed.) 1. The glans penis was so called, from its likeness to the point of a spear. 2. The name of a bandage. Cu'stos oculi. An instrument to fix the eye dur- ing an operation. Cuta'mbulus. (From cutis, the skin, and ambulo, to walk.) 1. A cutaneous worm. 2. Scorbutic itching. CUTANEOUS. (Cutaneus; from cutis, the skin.) Belonging to the skin. Cuta'neus musculus. See Platysma myoides. CUTICLE. Cuticula. (A diminutive of cutis, the skin.) Epidermis. Scarf-skin. A thin, pellucid, insensible membrane, of a white colour, that covers and defends the true skin, with which it is connected by the hairs, exhaling and inhaling vessels, and the rete mucosum. CUTICULA. See Cuticle. CU'TIS. (Cutis, tis. fcem.; See Skin. Cutis anserina. The rough state the skin is some- times thrown into from the action of cold, or other cause, in which it looks like the skin of the goose. Cutis vera. The true skin under the cuticle. CYANIA. The trivial name in Good's arrange- ment of diseases of a species called Exangia cyania, or blue skin. Class, Hemalica; Order, Struma. CYANIC ACID. Acidum cyanicum. See Prussic acid. CYANITE. Kyanite. Disthene of Hafly. A mi- neral of a Berlin blue colour, found in India and Eu- rope. CYANOGEN. (From icvavos, blue, and yivouai, to form.) Production of blue. See Prussine. CY'ANUS. {Kvavos, caerulean, or sky-blue; so called from its colour.) Blue-bottle. See Centauria cyanus. CY'AR. (From xtta, to pour out) 1. The lip of a vessel. 2. The eye of a needle. 3. The orifice of the internal ear, from its likeness to the eye of a needle. Cya'sma. Spots on the skin of pregnant women. Cyathi'scus. (From xvados, a cup.) The hollow part of a probe, formed in the shape of a small spoon, as an ear-picker. Cy'bitos. See Cubitus. Cf'bitum. See Cubitus. Ct'bitus. See Cubitus. Cyboi'des. See Cuboides. CYCAS. (Kvicas, of Theophrastus. The name of a palm, said to grow in Ethiopia.) The name of a genus of plants, one of the Palma pinnatifolia, of Lin- nueus; but afterward removed by him to the fdices. Cycas circinalis. The systematic name of a palm-tree which affords a sago, called also Sagus; Sagu:—a dry fecula, obtained from the pith of this palm, in the islands of Java, Molucca, and the Philip- pines. The same substance is also brought from the West ladies, but it is inferior to that brought from the East. Sago becomes soft and transparent by boiling in water, and forms a light and agreeable liquid, much recommended in febrile, phthisical and calculous dis- orders, &c. To make it palatable, ii is customary to add to it, when boiled or softened with water, some lemon juice, sugar, and wine. Cy'ceum. (From icvxaui, to mix.) Cyceon. A mixture of tbe consistence of pap. Cy'cima. (From xvxaia, to mix.) So called from the mixture of the ore with lead, by which litharge is made. CY'CLAMEN. (From kvkXos, circular; either on account of the round form of the leaves, or of the roots.) Cyclamen. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the sow-bread. See Cyclamen Europaum. Cyclamen europjeum. The systematic name of the sow-bread. Arthanita of the pharmacopoeias. The root is a drastic purge and errhine; and by the common people it has been used to procure abortion. Cycli'scus. (From kvkXos, a circle.) An instru- ment in the form of a half-moon, formerly used fot scraping the rotten bones. Cycli'smus. (From kvkXos, a circle.) A lozenge. Cyclopho'ria. (From kvkaos, a circle, and o)»e», to bear.) Tho circulation of the blood, or other fluids. Cyclo'pion. (From KvxXoia, to surround, and udr, the eye.) The white of the eye. CY'CLOS. Oyclus. A circle. Hippocrates uses this word to signify the cheeks, and the orbits of the eyes. Cyclus metasyncriticus. A long protracted course of remedies, persisted in with a view of restor- ing the particles ofthe body to such a state as is neces- sary to health. C YDO'NIA. (From Cydon, a town in Crete, where the tree grows wild.) The quince-tree. See Pyrus cydonia. Cydonium malum. The quince. See Pyrus cy- donia. CYE'MA. (From xvta, to bring forth.) Parturition. Cyli'chnis. (From kvXi\, a cup.) A gallipot or vessel to hold medicines. Cylindrical Leaf. See Leaf. OYLI'NDRUS. (From KvXita, to roll round.) A cylinder. A tent for a wound, equal at the top and bottom. Cyllo'sis. (From KvXXoia, to make lame.) A tibia or leg bending outwards. Cy'lus. (From kvXXow, to make lame.) In Hip- pocrates, it is one affected with a kind or luxation, which bends outwards, and is hollowecf inward. Such a defect in the tibia is called Cyllosis, and the person to whom it belongs, is called by the Latins Varus, which term is opposed to Valgus. CYMA. A cyme. A species of inflorescence of plants, consisting of several flower-stalks, all spring- ing from one centre or point, but each stalk is variously subdivided; and in this last respect a cyme diners essentially from an umbel, the subdivisions of the lat- ter being formed like its primary divisions, of several stalks springing from one point. This difference is of great importance in nature. The mode of inflores- cence agrees also with a corymbus In general aspect; but in the latter the primary stalks have no common centre, though the partial ones may sometimes be um- bellate, which last case is precisely the reverse of a cyme. From its division into primary stalks or branches, it is distinguished into, 1. Trifid; as in Sedum acre. 2. Quadrifid ; as in Crassula rubens. 3. Tripartite, having three less cymes; as in Sambucus ebulus. 4. Quinquipartite; as in Sambucus nigra. 5. Sessile, or without stalk; as in Gnaphalium fru- tescens. Comus sanguinea and sericea afford examples of the Cyma nvda. Cymato'des. Is applied by Galen and others to an unequal fluctuating pulse. Cy mba. (From kvuSos, hollow.) A bost, pinnace, or skiff. A bone of tne wrist is so called, from its supposed likeness to a skiff. See Naviculare os. CYMBLFORMIS. (From cymba, a boat or skiff, and forma, likeness.) Skiff or boat-like. Applied to the seeds of the Calendula officinalis. CY'MINUM. See Cuminum. CYMOPHANE. See Chrysobcryl. Cymosus. Having the character of a cyme. Ap- plied to aggregate flowers. CYNArNCHE. (From xvuv, a dog, and ayxta, to suffocate, or strangle; so called from dogs being said to CYN CYN fce subject to it.) Sore throat. A genus of disease In the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia of Cullen. It is known by pain and redness of the throat, attend- ed with a difficulty qf swallowing and breathing. The species of this disease are:— 1. Cynanehe trachealis; Cynanehe laryngea; Suffo- catio stridula ; Angina pernictosa; Astlima infant- um; Cynanehe stridula; Morbus strangulatorius; Catarrhus suffocatius ; Barbadensis ; Angina poly- posa sive membranacea. The croup. A disease that mostly attacks infants, who are suddenly seized with a difficulty of breathing and a crouping noise: it is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea that induces the secretion of a very tenacious coagu- lable lymph, which lines the trachea and bronchia, and impedes respiration. The croup does not appear to be contagious, whatever some physicians may think to the contrary; but it sometimes prevails epidemi- cally. It seems, however, peculiar to some families ; and a child having once been attacked, is very liable to its returns. It is likewise peculiar to young chil- dren, and has never been known to attack a person arrived at the age of puberty. The application of cold seems to be the genera! cause which produces this disorder, and therefore it occurs more frequently in the winter and spring, than in the other seasons. It has been said, that it is most prevalent near the sea-coast; but it is frequently met with in inland situations, and particularly those which are marshy. Some days previous to an attack of the disease, the child appears drowsy, inactive, and fretful; the eyes are somewhat suffused and heavy; and there is a cough, which, from the first, has a peculiar shrill sound; this, in the course of two days, becomes more violent and troublesome, and likewise more shrill. Every fit of coughing agitates the patient very much; the face is flushed and swelled, the eyes are protube- rant, a general tremor takes place, and there is a kind of convulsive endeavour to renew respiration at the ilose of each fit, As the disease advances, a constant difficulty of breathing prevails, accompanied some- times with a swelling and inflammation in the tonsils, uvula, and velum pendulum palati; and the head is thrown back, in the agony of attempting to escape suf- focation. There is not only an unusual sound pro- duced by the cough, (something between the yelping and barking of a dog,) but respiration is performed with a hissing noise, as if the trachea was closed up by some slight spongy substance. The cough is gene- rally dry; but if any thing is spit up, it has either a purulent appearance, or seems to consist of films re- sembling portions of a membrane. Where great nau- sea and frequent retchings prevail, coagulated matter of the same nature is brought up. With these symp- toms, there is much thirst, an uneasy sense of heat over the whole body, a continual inclination to change from place to place, great restlessness, and frequency ofthe pulse. In an advanced stage of the disease, respiration be- comes more stridulous, and is performed with still greater difficulty, being repeated at longer periods, and with greater exertions, until at last it ceases entirely. The croup generally proves fatal by sufiircation, in- duced either by spasm affecting tbe glottis, or by a quantity of matter blocking up by the trachea or bron- chia ; but when it terminates in health, it is by a reso- lution ofthe inflammation, by a ceasing ofthe spasms, and by a free expectoration of the matter exuding from the trachea, or of the crusts formed there. The disease has, in a few instances, terminated fatally within twenty-four hours after its attack ; but it more usually happens, that where it proves fatal, it runs on to the fourth or fifth day. Where consider- able portions of the membranous films, formed on the surface of the trachea, are thrown up, life is sometimes protracted for a day or two longer than would other- wise have happened. Dissections of" children who have died of the croup, have mostly shown a preternatural membrane, lining the whole internal suiface of the upper part of the trachea, which may always be easily separated from the proper membrane. There is likewise usually found a good deal of mucus, with a mixture of pus, in the rachea and its ramifications. The treatment of this disease must be conducted on he strictly antiphlogistic plan. It will commonly be proper, where the patient is not very young, to begin by taking blood from the arm, or the jugular vein; several leeches should be applied along the forepart of the neck. It will then be right to give a nauseating emetic, ipecacuanha with tartarized antimony, or with squill in divided doses; this may be followed up by ca- thartics, diaphoretics, digitalis, Sec Large blisters ought to be applied, near the affected part, and a dis- charge kept up by savine cerate, or other stimulant dressing. Mercury, carried speedily to salivation, has in several instances arrested the progress of the dis- ease, when it appeared proceeding to a fatal termina- tion. As the inflammation is declining, it is very im- portant that free expectoration should take place; this may be promoted by nauseating medicines, by inhaling steam, and by stimulating gargles ; for which the de- coction of senna is particularly recommended. Where there is much wheezing, an occasional' emetic may relieve the patient considerably, and under symptoms of threatening suffocation, the operation of broncho- tomy has sometimes saved life.—-Should fits of spas- modic difficulty of breathing occur in the latter pe- riods of the disease, opium joined with diaphoretics would be most likely to do good. 2. Cynanehe tonsillaris. The inflammatory quinsy, called also angina infiammatoria. In this complaint, the inflammation principally occupies the tonsils; but often extends through the whole mucous membrane of the fauces, so as essentially to interrupt the speech, respiration, and deglutition ofthe patient. The causes which usually give rise to it are, expo - sure to cold, either from sudden vicissitudes of wea- ther, from being placed in a partial current of air, wearing damp linen, sitting in wet rooms, or getting wet in the feet; all of" which may give a sudden check to perspiration. It principally attacks those of a full and plethoric habit, and is chiefly confined to cold climates, occurring usually in the spring and autumn ; whereas the ulcerated sore throat chiefly attacks those of a weak irritable habit, and is most prevalent in warm climates. The former differs from the latter likewise in not being contagious. In many people there seems to be a particular tendency to this dis- ease ; as from every considerable application of cold it is readily induced. An inflammatory sore throat discovers itself by a difficulty of swallowing and breathing, accompanied by a redness and tumour in one or both tonsils, dryness oi* the ihroat, foulness of the tongue, lancinating pains jn the parts affected, a frequent but difficult excretion of mucus, and some small degree of fever. As the dis- ease advances, the difficulty of swallowing and breath- ing becomes greater, the speech is very indistinct, the dryness of the throat, and thirst increases, the tongue swells and is incrusted with a dark fur, and the pulse is full and frequent. In some cases, a few white, sloughy spots are to be observed on the tonsils. If the inflammation proceeds to such a height as to put a total stop to respiration, the face will become livid, the pulse will sink, and the patient will quickly be de- stroyed. The chief danger arising from this species of quin- sy is, the inflammation occupying both tonsils, and proceeding to such a degree as to prevent a sufficient quantity of nourishment for the support of nature from being taken, or to occasion suffocation; but this seldom happens, and its usual termination is either in resolu- tion or suppuration. When proper steps are adopted, it will in general readily go off by the former. Where the disease has proved fatal by suffocation, little more than a highly inflamed state ofthe parts af- fected, with some morbid phenomena in the head, have been observed on dissection. This is usually a complaint not requiring very active treatment. If, however, the inflammation run high, in a tolerably strong and plethoric adult, a moderate quantity of blood should be drawn from the arm, or the jugular vein: but still more frequently leeches will be required; or scarifying the tonsils may afford more effectual relief. An emetic will often be very beneficial, sometimes apparently check the progress of the complaint: likewise cathartics must be employed. diaphoretics, and the general antiphlogistic regimen. A blister to the throat, or behind tbe neck, sometimes has a very excellent effect: but in milder cases, the lini- mentum ammoniae, or other rubefacient application, anplicd every six or eight hours, and wearing flannel CYN CP1 round the throat, may produce a sufficient determina- tion from the part affected. The use of proper gargles generally contributes materially to the cure. It there be much tension and pain in the fauces, a solution of nitrate of potassa will be best; otherwise dilute acids, a weak solution of alum, etc. Should the disease pro- ceed to suppuration, warm emollient gargles ought to be employed, and perhaps similar external applications may be of some service: but it is particularly impor- tant to make an early opening into the abscess for tbe discbarge of the pus. When deglutition is prevented by the tumefaction of the tonsils, it is recommended to exhibit nutritious clysters; and when suffocation is threatened, an emetic or inhaling aether may cause a rupture of the abscess, or this may be opened; but if relief be not thereby obtained, bronchotoiuy will be- come necessary. 3. Cynanehe pharyngea. This species is so called when the pharynx is chiefly affected. Dr. Wilson, in his Treatise on Febrile Diseases, includes in his defi- nition of cynanehe tonsillaris, that of cynanehe pha- ryngea. These varieties of cynanehe diffir consider- ably when they are exquisitely formed. But the one is seldom present in any considerable degree, without being attended with mure or less of the other. Dr. Cullen declares, indeed, that he never saw a case of true cynanehe pharyngea; that is, a case in which the inflammation was confined to tlie pharynx; it con- stantly spread in a greater or less degree to the tonsils and neighbouring parts. Besides, the mode of treat- ment is, in almost every instance, the same in both cases. And if we admit the cynanehe pharyngea to be a distinct variety, we must admit another, the cy- nanehe oesophageal for inflammation frequently at- tacks the oesophagus, and is sometimes even confined to it. 4. Cynanehe parotidea. The mumps. A swelling on the cheek and under the jaw, extending over the neck, from inflammation of the parotid and other sali- vary glands, rendering deglutition, or even respiration, sometimes difficult, declining the fourth day. Epide- mic and contagious. The disease is subject to a metastasis occasionally. in females to the mammae, in males to the testes; and in a few instances, repelled from these parts, it has affected the brain, and even proved fatal. In general, however, the disease is without danger, and scarcely calls for medical aid. Keeping a flannel over the part, and tbe antiphlogistic regimen, with mild laxatives, will be sufficient. Should the mammae, or the testes, be affected, more active evacuations may be necessary to prevent the destruction of those organs, bleeding general and topical, etc. but avoiding cold applications, lest it should be driven to the brain. And where this part is unfortunately attacked, besides the means ex- plained under Phrenitis, it may be useful to endeavour to recall the inflammation to its former seat by warm fomentations, stimulant liniments, etc. 5. Cynanehe maligna. The malignant, putrid, or Ulcerous sore throat Called also Cynanehe gangra- nosa ; Angina ulcerosa; Febris epidemica cum angina ulcusculosa; Angina epidemica; Angina gangra- nosa; Angina suffocativa ; Angina maligna. This disease is readily to be distinguished from the inflam- matory quincy, by the soreness and specks which ap- pear in the fauces, together with the great debility of the system, and small fluttering pulse, which are not to be observed in tbe former. In the inflammatory sore throat there is always great difficulty of swallow- ing, a considerable degree of tumour, with a tendency in the parts affected to suppurate, and a hard, full pulse. Moreover in the former affection the disease is seated principally in the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat; whereas in the latter the inflam- mation chiefly occupies the glandular parts. The putrid sore throat often arises from a peculiar state of the atmosphere, and so becomes epidemical; making its attacks chiefly on children, and those of a weak relaxed habit It is produced likewise by con- tagion, as it is found to run through a whole family, when it has once seized any person in it; and it proves often fatal, particularly to those in an infantile state. It appears, however, that under this head two differ- ent complaints have been included; the one, especially fetal to children, is an aggravated form of scarlatina; the other, a combination of inflammation of the fauces with typhus fever; the former is perhaps always, the 280 latter certainly often, contagious. See Scarlatina and Typhus. CYNANCHICA. (Cinanchicvs; from Kwayxh the quincy.) Medicines which relieve a quincy. Cynanthro'pia. (From tcvtav, a dog, and avBommf, a man.) It is used by Bellini, De Morbis Capital, to express a particular kind of melancholy, when men fancy themselvc» changed into dogs, and imitate their actions. Cy'nara. See Cinara. Cynarocephalus. (From Kivapa, the artichoke, and KtcXn, a beehive.) The aperture of the ear, also the wax of the ear. Ctrcne'sis. (From Kvpxvata, to mix.) A mixture, or composition. Cyrto'ma. (From Kvplos, curved.) 1. An unna- tural convex tumour. 2. Tympanites. Cyrtono'sus. (From xvplos, curved, and votros, a disease.) 1. The rickets. 2. Curved spine. CYRTOSIS. (Oyrtosis, is. f.; from xvpros, curvus, incurvus, gibbosus, and among the ancients particu- larly imputed recurvation of the spine, or posterior crookedness, as XopSams, imputed procurvation of the head and shoulders, or anterior crookedness.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Eccritioa ; Order, Mesotica. Contortion of the bones; defined, head bulky, especially anteriorly; sta- ture short and incurvated; flesh flabby, pale, and wrinkled. It has two species, Cyrtosis rhachia, and C. eretenismus, cretenism. Cy'sbarus. (From xvaos, the anus.) Tbe intes- tinum rectum is so called, because it reaches to the anus. Cysso'tts. (From xvaos, the anus.) An inflamma- tion of the anus. OYSTEOLI'THUS. (Prom Kvsrts, the bladder, and XiBos, a stone.) A stone in the bladder, either urinary or gall-bladder. CVsthus. KvoBos- The anus. CYSTIC. (Cystica*; from kvs-iSi a bag.) Belong- ing to the urinary or gall-bladder. Cystic duct. See Ductus cysticus. Cystic oxide. A peculiar animal product disco- vered by Dr. Wollaston. See Calculus, urinary. Cy'stica. (Cysticus; from kv?is> the bladder.) Remedies for diseases of the bladder. CY'STIDES. (Cystis, idis.f.; from icus-cc, a bag.) Encysted tumours. CYSTIPHLO'GIA. (From icus-ic, the bladder, and AXtya, to bum.) An .inflammation In the bladder See Cystitis. CYSTIRRHA'GIA. (From kv?is, the bladder, and pnywui, to burst forth.) A discharge from the bladder. CYSTIS. (Kvfic, a bag.) 1. Cyst or bladder. 2. The urinary bladder. 3. The membranous or cyst surrounding or contain ing any morbid substance. Cystis choledocha. See Gall-bladder Cystis fellea. See Gall-bladder. Cystis urinaria. See Urinary bladder. CYSTITIS. (From miyjc, the bladder.) Inflam- mation of the bladder. A genus of disease arranged by Cullen in the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia. It is known by great pain in the region of the bladder, attended with fever and hard pulse, a frequent and painful discharge of urine, or a suppression, and gene- rally tenesmus. This is rarely a primary disease, and when it occurs, the above character of it will readily point it out There also is frequently nausea and vomiting, and, in some cases, delirium. It most generally arises in consequence of inflammation of tlie adjacent parts, or from calculi in the bladder. The treatment is very similar to that of Nephritis ; which see. When suppression of urine attends, the catheter must be occasionally introduced. CYSTOCE'LE. (From xv?ts, the bladder, and xnXn, a tumour.) A hernia formed by the prolusion of the urinary bladder. C YSTOLI'THICUS. (From xv?is, the bladder, and XtBos, a stone.) Having a stone in the bladder. CYSTOPHLE'GICUS. (From kv^is, the bladder, and ibXeyia, to burn.) An inflammation of the bladder. CYSTOPHLEGMA'TICUS. (From kus-ij, the blad- der, and QXtyua, phlegm.) Having matter or mucus in the bladder. CYSTOPRO'CTICUS. (From mm, the bladder, and tspoiKJos, the anus, or rectum.) A disease of the bladder and rectum. CYSTOPTO'SIS. (From kv^is, the bladder, and zstnlia, to fall.) A protrusion of the inner membrane of the bladder, through the urethra. CYSTOSPA'STICUS. (From jojr(c, the bladder, and onacrpa, a spasm.) A spasm in the sphincter of the bladder. CYSTOSPYTCUS. (From (turij, the bladder, and utiov, pus.) Purulent matter in tbe bladder. CYSTOTHROMBOI'DES. (From xvfis, the blad- der, and BpouSos, a coagulation of blood.} A concre- tion of grumous blood in the bladder. CYSTOTO'MIA. (From nifts, the bladder, and Ttpvia, to cut.) The operation of cutting or piercing the bladder. Cy'thion. An eye-wash. CY'TLNUS. (Perhaps, as Martyn suggests, from kvIivoi, a name given by Theophrastus to the blos- soms ofthe pomegranate, the calyx of which the flower in question resembles in shape.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Gynandria; Order, Octandria of Linnaeus. Cytinus hypocistis. Rape of Cystus. A fleshy pale-yellowish plant, parasitical on the roots of several species of cystus in the south of Europe, from which the succus hypocis'idus is obtained. Cytiso-oknista. Common broom. See Spartium scoparium. Cyzemer. A swelling of the wrists. Cyzicb'nus. A plaster for wounds of the nerves. D DACNE'RUS. (From Saicvia, to bite.) Biting. Pun- gent. An epithet for a sharp eye-wash, composed of burnt copper, pepper, cadmia, myrrh, and opium. Dacry'dium. (From Saxpv, a tear.) The inspis- sated juice of scammony, in small drops, and there- fore called a tear. DACRYGELO'SIS. (From Saxpvia, to weep, and ytXcua, to laugh.) A species of insanity, in which the patient weeps and laughs at the same time. Dachyo'des. (From Saxpvia, to weep.) Asonious, or weeping ulcer. DACRYO'MA. (From Saxpvta, to weep.) A closing of one or more of the puncta lachrymalia, causing an effusion of tears. Dactyle'thra (From SokJvXos, a finger.) A species of bougies shaped like a finger, to excite vomiting. Dactyle'tus. (From SaxlvXos, the date.) The hermodactyl. See Hermodadylus. Da'ctylius. (From SaK/vXos, a finger.) A round pastil, troche, or lozenge, shaped like a finger. DA'CTYLUS. (From oa*7uXoc, a finger; so called DAP DAP from the likeness of its fruit to a finger.) 1. A finger. See Digitus. 2. The date. See Phamix dadylifera. DiE'DIUM. (From Sats, a torch. A small torch or candle. A bougie. DjEMONOMA'NIA. (From Saiutav, a daemon, and uavia, madness.) That species of melancholy where the patient supposes himself to be possessed by devils. DAISY. Sec Bellis perennis. Daisy, ox-eye. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. DALE, Samuel, was born in 1659. After practising as an apothecary, be became a licentiate of tbe col- lege of physicians, and settled at Bocking, where he continued till his death in 1739. He was also chosen a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1693, he published his " Pharmacologia," an Introduction to the Materia Medica, which he afterward much enlarged and im- proved; the work was well received, and passed through many editions. He also gave a good account of the natural productions about Harwich and Dover Court. Damask rose. See jRosa centifolia. Damna'tus. (From damno, to condemn.) The dry useless faeces, left in a vessel after tbe moisture has been distilled from it, is called terra damnata, or caput mortuum. DAMSON. The fruit of a variety of the Prunus domestica. [DANA, James Freeman, M. D., was the oldest son of Luther Dana, Esq., and was born in Amherst, in the state of Ntw-Hampshire, in September 1793. After bis graduation, he commenced the study of me- dicine under Dr. John Gorbam, at that tune Professor of Chemistry in Harvard University. In the year 1815, before he had completed his professional studies, he had become so well known as a practical chemist, tbat he was selected by the University to go to London, as an agent, for the purpose of procuring a new appa- ratus for the chemical department. While in Eng- land, where he remained several months, he prose- cuted the study of chemistry in the Laboratory of Accum, a celebrated operative chemist. With Dartmouth College he remained connected, in the capacity of Lecturer on Chemistry, until the year 1820, wben he received the appointment of Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in the same institution. This office he held until the year 1826; and those who enjoyed the privilege of hearing his admirable lectures, will long remember with what ability and success he discharged its duties. In 1826 he was appointed one of ihe Board of Visiters of the Military Academy at West Point; and, immediately after bis return from tbe discharge of this duty, he was appointed Professor of Chemistry in the University of New-York. This appointment, which opened a wide field for the ex- ertion of bis talents, he readily accepted, and removed with his family to the city, in the autumn of the same year. About six months after bis removal to New- York, be sunk under an attack of erysipelas, at the early age of 33, and when just entering upon an ex- tended sphere of usefulness and honour. His principal publications were the following, viz. " Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston and its Vicinity:" " Epitome of Chemical Philoso- phy :" " Report on a singular Disease of horned Cat- tle, in the Town of Burton, New-Hampshire." Besides these publications, he contributed several papers to the American Journal of Science, the New-England Journal of Medicine, and the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New-York, some of them of very considerable merit, and some of which have been re- printed in Europe.'*— Thatch, Med. Biog. A.] DANDELION. See Leontodon Taraxacum. DANDRIF. See Pityriasis. DANEWORT. See Sambucus Ebulus. DAOUR1TE. A variety of red schorl from Siberia. DAPHNE. (Daphne, Satbvn; from Saw, to burn, and dmvn, a noise: because of the noise it makes when burnt) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Octandria; vn, the laurel.) A sort of cassia resembling the laurel. DAPHNOl'DES. (From SaQvn, the laurel, and tiSos, a likeness.) The herb spurge laurel. See Daphne laureola. Da'rsin. (From darzin, Arabian.) The grosser sort of cinnamon. DA'RSIS. (From Septa, to excoriate.) An excoria- tion. DA'RTOS. (From Stpia, to excoriate: so called from its raw and excoriaied appearance.) The part so called, under the skin of the scrotum, is jiy some anatomists considered as a muscle, although it appears to be no more than a condensation of the cellular mem- brane lining the scrotum. It is by means of the dar- tos that the skin of the scrotum is corrugated and re- laxed. DARWIN, Erasmus, was bom at Elton, in Not- tinghamshire, in 1731. After studying at Cambridge and Edinburgh, and becoming doctor of medicine, he went to settle at Litchfield. He had soon after the good fortune to succeed in the cure of a gentleman in the neighbourhood, who was so ill of a fever, as to have been given over by the physician previously in attendance: this speedily procured him very extensive practice. He soon after married, and by his first wife had three sons, of whom only one survived him. At the age of 50, he married again, and removed to Derby, where he continued till his death in 1802, leaving six children by_ his second wife. The active life he led, and his very temperate habits, preserved his health and faculties in a great degree unimpaired. He distin- guished himself more as a poet, than by professional improvements: though he certainly suggested some in- genious methods of practice; but, warned by prece- ding examples, he avoided publishing any material poem, till his medical fame was thoroughly established. His " Botanic Garden," and " Zoonomia," are well known, but they have long ceased to be popular: and the philosophy of the latter work, which advocates materialism, is justly censured. He communicated to the College of Phvsicians an account of his successful use of digitalis iti dropsy, and some other diseases, which was published in their Transactions. His son Charles, who died while studying at Edinburgh, ob- tained a gold medal by an Essay on the distinction of Pus and Mucus; and left another unfinished on the Retrograde Action of the Absorbents: which were published after hii death by his futhcr. Dasy'mna. (From cWvc, rough.) A scabby rough- ness of the eyelids. Da'sys. (Aamis, rough.) 1. A dry, parched tongue, 2. Difficult respiration. DATE. See Dactylus. Date plum, Indian. See Dyospyrus lotus. DATOLYTE. Datholit of Werner., A species of silicious ore divided into common datolyte and botroi- dal datolyte. [This is the silicious borate of lime, called Datho- lit, by Werner and Brogniart. It was discovered by Esmark. " It is sometimes in prismatic crystals, with ten sides, having two opposite solid angles on each base truncated. The primitive form is a right prism, whose bases are rhombs, with angles of 109° 28' and 70° 32'. It also appears in large granular concretions, which frequently discover indications of a prismatic form; also in grains or amorphous. The surface of the concretions is rough and glimmering. Its hardness enables it to scratch fluate of lime, and Us specific gravity is 2.98. Its fracture is imperfectly conchoidal, shining, and nearly vitreous. Its colour is white, shaded with gray or green, often very de- licately. When exposed to the flame of a candle, it assumes a dull white colour, and becomes very brittle, even be- tween the fingers. Before the blowpipe it swells into a milk-white mass, and then melu into a pale rose- coloured glass. It is composed of Lime.............................35.5 Silex............................36.5 Boracic acid......................24.0 Water........................... 4.0 ----100 Cleav. Min. A.] DATU'RA. (Blanchard says, it is derived from the Indian word datiro, of which he knows not the mean- ing.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Datura stramonium. The systematic name of the thorn-apple. Stramonium; Dutray; Barryococ- calon; Solanum maniacum of Dioscorides. Stramo- nium spinosum of Gerard. Solanum fatidum of Bau hin. Stramonium majus album. Common thorn-apple Datura—pericarpiis spinosis erectis ovatis, foliis ova- tis glabris, of Linnaeus. This plant has been long known as a powerful narcotic poison. In its recent state it has a bitterish taste, and a smell somewhat re- sembling that of poppies, especially if the leaves be rubbed between the fingers. Instances of the delete- rious effects of the plant are numerous, more particu- larly of the seed. An extract prepared from the seeds is recommended by Baron Stoerck in maniacal, epilep- tic, and convulsive affections; and is said by some to succeed, while, in the hands of others, it has failed. In this country, says Dr. Woodville, we are unac- quainted with any practitioners whose experience tends to throw light on the medical character of this plant It appears to us, continues Dr. Woodville, that its effects as a medicine are to be referred to no other power than that of a narcotic. And Dr. Cullen, speaking on this subject, says, "I have no doubt that narcotics may be a remedy in certain cases of mania and epilepsy; but I have not, and I doubt if any other person has, learned to distinguish the cases to which such remedies are properly' adapted. It is therefore that we find the other narcotics, as well as the stramo- nium, to fail in the same hands in which they had in other cases seemed to succeed. It is this consideration that has occasioned my neglecting tbe use of stramo- nium, and therefore prevented me from speaking more precisely from my own experience on this subject." The extract of this plant has been the preparation usually employed from one to ten grains and upwards a day; but the powdered leaves, prepared after the manner of those of hemlock, would seem to be more certain and convenient. Grediog found the strength ot the extract to vary exceedingly; that which he obtain- tained from Ludwig was much more powerful than that which he had of Sloerck. Externally, the leaves of stramonium have been applied to inflammatory tu- mours and bums, and it is said with success, and of late, the dried leaves have been smoked ns a remedy in asthma ; but it docs uot appear that they have been more efficacious in this way than tobacco. [The Stramonium is known in different parts of the United States, by the name of Thorn-apple, Jamettotw-, DEC DEC msad, Stink-weed, etc. All parts of the plant appear to be poisonous. Some soldiers died, during the revo- lutionary war, by eating the young plants, for greens, early in the spring. I have seen children labouring under tbe effects ofthe poison from having swallowed tbe seeds, and from drinking a decoction of herbs in which some of the young seed-vessels, and small leaves, ofthe stramonium had been accidentally mixed. The poison of the stramonium produces, in children, a peculiar spasmodic delirium, attended with dilata- tion of the pupils of the eyes, heat ofthe skin, and a flush of tbe face. The ripe or unripe seeds, or the leaves, produce the same effect, and the only remedy is to discharge them from the stomach by emetics, as won as possible. A.] DAUBENTON, Lewis Mary, was born in Bur- gundy, 1716. Having become doctor in medicine at the age of 24, he went to Paris, and being very zealous in tbe study of comparative anatomy, tbe office of keeper of the royal cabinet of natural history was pro- cured for him by the celebrated Buffon. He contri- buted materially to enrich the splendid work of that eminent naturalist, by furnishing the anatomy both of man and animals. He was a member of several dis- tinguished societies, among others of the Royal Aca- demyof Sciences at Paris, to which he made some use- ful communications. Having escaped the revolution- ary horrors in France, be was chosen, in 1799, a mem- ber of the Conservative Senate: but he died towards the end of the same year. Dauc'ites vinum. Wild-carrot seeds, steeped in must DAU'CUS. Anov rov Savtiv, from its relieving the colic, and discussing flatulencies.) The carrot. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. Tbe pharmacopoeia! name of the garden carrot. See Daucus carota. Daucus alsaticus. The Oreoselinum pratense, of Linnaeus. Daucus annuus minor. The Caucalis anthriscus, of Linnaeus. Daucus carota. The systematic name of the ear- rot plant Daucus; Daucus sylvestris; Pastinaca sylvestris tenuifolia officinarum ; Daucus—seminibus kispidis, petiolis subtus nervosis, of Linnaeus. The cultivated root, scraped, and applied in the form of a poultice, is a useful application to phagedenic ulcers, and to cancers and putrid aores. The seeds, which obtain a place in the materia medica, have a light aromatic smell, nnd a warm acrid taste, and are esteemed for their diuretic qualities, and for their utility in calculous and nephritic complaints, in which an infusion of three spoonfuls of the seeds, in a pint of boiling water, has been recommended; or the seeds may be fermented in malt liquor, which receives from them an agreeable flavour, resembling that of lemon- peel. The boiled root is said by many to be difficult of digestion; but this is the case only when the stomach is weak. It contains a considerable quantity of the saccharine principle, and is very nutritious. Daucus creticus. See Athamanta cretensis. Daucus sativus. A variety ofthe Daucus carota, the seeds of which are preferred by some practitioners, Daucus seprinius. Common chervil. Daucus sylvestris. Wild carrot, or bird's nest The seeds of the wild plant are said to be more effica- cious than those of the garden carrot; they possess de- mulcent and aromatic qualities, and are given, in in- fusion, or decoction, in calculous complaints. DAY-MARE. See Ephialtes. DAY-SIGHT. See Paropsis nodifuga. Dead nettle. See Lamium album. Deadly nightshade. See Atropa belladonna. DEAFNESS. Surditas. See Paracusis. Deaf-dumbness. Speechlessness, from deafness. Dearticula'tio. (From de, and articulus, a joint) Articulation admitting evident motion. Deascia'tio. (From de, and ascio, to chip, as with a hatchet.) A bone splintered on its side. DECAGY'NIA. (From Stxa, ten, and yvvn, a wo- man.) The name of an order ofthe class Decandria, of the sexual system of plants. See Plants. Dscamy'rox. (From Stxa, ten, and 'pvpov, an oint- ment.) Aa aromatic ointment, mentioned by Oriba- sius, containing ten ingredients. DECA'N DRIA. (From Stxa, ten, and avnp, a man.) 284 The name of a class, and also of an order of plants In the sexual system. See Plants. Decide'ntia. (From decide, to fall down.) Any change prolonging acute diseases. DECI'DUA. (Deciduus; from decido, to fall off.) Membrana decidua. A very thin and delicate mem- brane or tunic, which adheres to the gravid uterus, and is said to be a reflection of the chorion, and, on that account, is called decidua reflexa. The tunica decidua comes away after delivery, in small pieces, mixed with the lochia. DECI'DUTJS. (From deciio, to fall off, or down! to die.) Deciduous; falling off. Applied to trees and shrubs, which, in most European countries, lose their leaves as winter approaches, and to the perianthium of Tilia europaa, which does not fall off until after the flower is expanded. This term is expressive of the second stage of dura- tion, and, like caducous, has a different application according to the particular part to which it refers: thus leaves are deciduous which drop off in the au- tumn, petals which fall off with the stamina and pis- tils ; and calyces are deciduous which fall off after the the expansion, and before the dropping ofthe flower. DECIMA'NUS. (From decern, ten, and mane, the morning.) Returning every tenth day, applied to some erratic fevers. DECLI'VIS. (From de, and clivis, a hill.) De dining, descending. A name of an abdominal muscle, because of ils posture. DECOCTUM. (From decoquo, to boil.) A decoc tion. Any medicine made by boiling in a watery fluid. In a chemical point of view, it is a continued ebullition with water, to separate such parts of bodies as are only soluble at that degree of heat. The following are among the most approved decoctions. Decoctum album. See Mistura cornu usti. Dicoctum aloes compositum. Compound de coction of aloes. Take of extract of liquorice, half an ounce; subcarbonateof potassa, two scruples; extract of spiked aloe powdered, myrrh powdered, saffron stig- mata, of each a drachm; water, a pint. Boil down to twelve fluid ounces, and strain; then add compound tincture of cardamoms, four fluid ounces. This decoc- tion, now first introduced into the London Pharmaco- poeia, is analogous to an article in very frequent use, invented by the late Dr. Devalingin, and sold under tbe name of Beaume de vie. By the proportion of tincture wbich is added, it will keep unchanged for any length of time. Decoctum alth je je. Decoction of marsh mallows.' Take of dried marsh-mallow roots, $ iv; raisins of the sun, stoned, 1 ij; water Ibvij. Boil to five pounds; place apart the strained liquor, till the faeces have sub- sided, then pour off the clear part. This preparation, directed in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, may be ex- hibited as a common drink in nephralgia, and many diseases ofthe urinary passages, with advantage. Decoctum antuemidis. See Decoctum chama- meli. Decoctum astraoali. Take of the root of the astragalus escapus, $ j; distilled water, lbiij. These are to be boiled, till only a quart of fluid remain, lie whole is to be taken, a little warmed, in the course] of 24 hours. This remedy was tried very extensively ia Germany, and said to evince very powerful effects, as an antisyphilitic. Decoctum bardanje. Take of bardana root,Jvj: of distilled water, Ibvj. These are to be boUeitf till only two quarts remain. From a pint to a quart in a day is given, in those cases where sarsaparilla and other remedies, that are called alterative, are supposed to be requisite. Decoctum cbamjemeli. Chamomile decoction, Take of chamomile flowers, ?j; caraway seeds. 5 as; water, ftv. Boil fifteen minutes, and strain. A very common and excellent vehicle for tonic powders, pills, Sec. It is also in very frequent use for fomentation, and clysters. Decoctum cincuonje. Decoction of cinchona, commonly called decoction of Peruvian bark. Take of lance-leaved cinchona bark bruised, an ounce; wa- ter, a pint Boil for ten minutes, in a vessel •lightly covered, and strain the decoction while hot. Accord- ing to the option ofthe practitioner, tbe bark of either ofthe other species of cinchona, the cordi folia, or yel- low, or the oblongifolia, or red, may be substituted foe DEC DEC the lancifolia, or quilled; which is here' directed. This way of administering the bark is very general, as all the other preparations may be mixed with it, as ne- cessity requires. It is a very proper fomentation for prolapsus ofthe uterus and rectum. Decoctum coknu. See Mistura cornu usti. Decoctum cydonije. Mucilago seminis cydonii malii. Mucilago seminum cydoniorum. Decoction of quince seeds. Take of quince seeds, two drachms; water, a pint Boil over a gentle fire for ten minutes, then strain. This decoction, in the new London Phar- macopoeia, has been removed from among the muci- lages, as being less dense than either ofthe others, and as being employed in larger doses, like other mucila- ginous decoctions. In addition to gum, it contains other constituent parts of the seeds, and is, therefore, more apt to spoil than common mucilage, over which it possesses no other advantages, than that it is more grateful, and sufficiently thin, without further dilution, to form the bulk of any liquid medicine. Its virtues are demulcent Joined with syrup of mulberry and a little borax, it is useful against aphtha; of the mouth and fauces. Decoctum daphnes mezerei. Decoction of me- zereon. Take of the bark of mezereon root, §ij; liquorice root, bruised, 5 ss; water, Ibiij.' Boil it, with a gentle heat, down to two pounds, and strain it. From four to eight ounces of this decoction may be given four times a day, in some obstinate venereal and rheumatic affections. It operates chiefly by per- spiration. Decoctum dulcamarje. Decoction of woody night- shade. Take of woody nightshade stalks, newly ga- thered, Jj; distilled water, Ibiss. These are to be boiled away to a pint, and strained. The dose is half an ounce to two ounces, mixed with an equal quantity of milk. This remedy is employed in inveterate cases of scrofula; in cancer and phagedena; in lepra, and other cutaneous affections; and in anomalous local diseases, originating in venereal lues. Decoctum geoffr.jeje inekmis. Decoctionof cab- bage-tree plant. Take of bark of the cabbage-tree, powdered, 5j; water, tbij. Boil it, with a gentle fire, down to one pound, and strain. This is a powerful anthelmintic. It may be given in doses of one table- spoonful to children, and four to adults. If disagreea- ble symptoms should arise from an over-dose, or from drinking cold water during its action, we must imme- diately purge with castor oil, and dilute with acidu- lated drinks. Decoctum ouaiaci officinalis compositum. Decoctum lignorum. Compound decoction of guaia- cum, commonly called decoction of the woods. Take of guaiacum raspings, 5 iij; raisins, stoned, 1 ij; sas- safras root, liquorice, each, §j; water, Ibx. Boil the guaiacum and raisins with the water, over a gentle fire, to the consumption of one half; adding, towards the end, the sassafras and liquorice. Strain the liquor without expression. This decoction possesses stimu- lant and diaphoretic qualities, and is generally exhibit- ed in rheumatic and cutaneous diseases, which are de- pendent on a vitiated state of the humours. It may be taken by itself, to the quantity of a quarter of a pint, twice or thrice a day, or used as an assistant in a course of mercurial or antimonial alteratives; the pa- tient, in either case, keeping warm, in order to promote the operation ofthe medicine. Decoctum hellebori albi. .Decoction of white hellebore. Take of the root of white hellebore, pow- dered, by weight, |j; water, two pints; rectified spi- rits of wine, 5 ij, by measure. Boil the water, with the root, to one pint; and the liquor being cold and strained, add to it the spirit. This decoction, in the last London Pharmacopoeia, is called decoctum vera- tri. It is a very efficacious application, externally, as a wash, in tinea capitis, lepra, psora, Sec. When the Bkin is very tender and irritable, it should be diluted with an equal quantity of water. Decoctum hordei. Decoctum hordei distichi. Aqua hordeola. Take of pearl barley, Jij; water, four pints and a half. First wash away any adhering extraneous substances with cold water; next, having poured upon the barley half a pint of water, boil for a few minutes. Let this water be thrown away, and add the remainder of the water boiling; then boil down to two pints, and strain. Barley-water is a nu- tritive and softening drink, and the most proper of all liquors in inflammatory diseases. It is an excellent gargle in inflammatory sore throats, mixed with a little nitre. Decoctum hordei compositum. Decoctum pec- torale. Compound decoction of barley. Take or de- coction of barley, two pints; figs, sliced, 1 ij; liquorice root, sliced and bruised, J ss; raisins, stoned, ? ij; wa ter, a pint. Boil down to two pints and strain. From the pectoral and demulcent qualities of this decoction, it may be administered as a common drink in fevers and other acute disorders, in catarrh, and several affec- tions of the chest Decoctum hordei cum oummi. Barley-water, tbij; gum arab., j;j. The gum is to be dissolved in the barley decoction, while warm. It then forms a suita- ble diluent in strangury, dysury, &c. for the gum, finding a passage into the bladder, in an unaltered state, mixes with the urine, and prevents the action of its neutral salts on the urinary canal. Decoctum lichenis. Decoction of Iceland moss or liverwort. Take of liverwort, one ounce ; water, a pint and a half. Boil down to a pint, and strain. The dose is from Jj to 51 v. [The Iceland moss was once in great repnte as a remedy in consumption, the decoction being made with milk, but it is no longer in repute, being consider ed a weak mucilagious bitter of little or no efli cacy. A.] Decoctum lobelije. Take a handful of the roots ofthe Lobelia syphilitica; distilled water, Ibxij. These are to be boiled in the usual way, till only four quarts remain. The very desirable property of curing the venereal disease has been attributed to this medicine, but it is not more to be depended on than guaiacum, or other vegetable substances, of which the same thing has been alleged. The effects of this decoction are purgative, and the manner of taking it, as described by Swediaur, is as follows:—The patient is to begin with half a pint, twice a day. The same quantity is then to be taken, four times a day, and continued so long as its purgative effect is not too considerable. When the case is otherwise, it is to be discontinued for three or four days, and then had recourse to again till the cure is completed. As this is a remedy on the old system, and not admitted into our pharmacopoeias, little confidence ought to be placed in it. Decoctum lusitanicum. Take of sliced sarsapa rilla, lignum sassafras,lignum santalum rubrum, offi- cinal lignum guaiacum, of each one ounce and a half; of the root of mezereon, coriander seed, of each half an ounce ; distilled water, ten pounds. These arje to be boiled till only half the fluid remains. The dose is a quart or more in a day. Take of sliced sarsaparilla, lignum santalum ru- brum, lignum santalum citrinum, of each, ? iss; ofthe root of glycirrhiza and mezereon, of each, 3 ij; of lig- num rhodii, officinal lignum guaiacum, and lignum sassafras, of each, |ss; of antimony, Jj; distilled water, ibv. These ingredients are to be macerated for twenty-four hours, and afterward boiled, till the fluid is reduced to half its original quantity. From one to four pints are given daily. The late Mr. Hunter notices this, and also the fol- lowing formula, in his Treatise on tbe Venereal Dis- ease. Take of sliced sarsaparilla, ofthe root of China, of each |j; walnut peels dried, xx; antimony, I ij, pumice-stone, powdered, 5 j; distilled water, Ibx. The powdered antimony and pumice-stone are to be tied in separate pieces of rag. and boiled, along with the other ingredients. This last decoction is reckoned to be the genuine Lisbon diet drink, the qualities of which have been the subject of so much encomium. Decoctum malvjb compositum. Decoctum pre enemate. Decoctum commune pro clysters. Com- pound decoction of mallows. Take of mallows dried, an ounce; chamomile flowers dried, half an ounce: water, a pint. Boil for a quarter of an hour, and strain. A very excellent form for an emollient clyster. A variety of medicines may be added to answer par- ticular indications. Decoctum mezerei. See Decoctum daphnes me- zerd. Decoctum papaveris. Decoctum pro foments. Fotus communis. Decoction of poppy. Take of white poppy capsules bruised, $ iv ; water, four pints Boil for a quarter of au hour, and strain. This pre DEC DEG paration possesses sedative and antiseptic properties, and may be directed with advantage in sphacelus, &c. Decoctum pro enemate. See Decoctum malva compositum. Decoctum pro fomento. See Decoctumpopaveris. Decoctumquerccs. Decoctionof oak bark. Take~ of oak bark, 5j; water, two pint«. Boil down to a pint, and strain. This astringent decoction has lately been added to the Lond. Pharm., and is chiefly used for external purposes. It is a good remedy in prolap- sus ani, and may be used also in some cases as an in- jection. Decoctum sarsaparillje. Decoctionof sarsapa- rilla. Take of sarsaparilla root, sliced, 5 iv; boiling water, four pints. Macerate for four hours, in a ves- sel lightly covered, near the fire; then take out the sarsaparilla and bruise it. After it is bruised, put it again into the liquor, and macerate it in a similar manner for two hours more; then boil it down to two pints, and strain. This decoction is much extolled by some practition- ers, in phthisis, and to restore the strength after along course of mercury. Decoctum sarsaparillje compositum. Com- pound decoction of sarsaparilla. Take of decoction of sarsaparilla boiling, four pints; sassafras root sliced, guaiacum wood shavings, liquorice root bruised, of each an ounce; mezereon root bark, 3 iij. Boil for a quarter of an hour, and strain. The alterative property ofthe compound is very great; it is generally given after a course of mercury, where there have been nodes and indolent ulcerations, and with great benefit. The dose is from half a pint to a pint in twenty-four hours. Decoctum seneq.e. Decoction of senega. Take of senega root, 5j; water, two pints. Boil down to a pint, and strain. This is now first introduced into the Lond. Pharm. a- being a useful medicine, espe- cially in affections ofthe lungs, attended with debility and inordinate secretion. Decoctum ulmi. Decoction of elm bark. Take of fresh elm bark bruised, four ounces; water, four pints. Boil down to two pints, and strain. This may be employed with great advantage as a collyrium in chronic ophthalmia. It is given internally in some cutaneous eruptions. Decoctum veratri. See Decoctum hellebori albi. [The Pharmacopoeia of the United States contains the following decoctions. Decoctum aralije nudicaulis. Decoction of ealse sarsaparilla. Decoctum cinchonje. Decoction of Peruvian bark. Decoctum colombje compositum. Compound de- coction, of Columbo. Decoctum dulcamarje. Decoctionof bitter-sweet. Decoctum ouaiaci. Decoction of guaiacum. Decoctum hordei. Decoction of barley. Decoctum hordei compositum. Compound de- coctionof barley. Decoctum lichenis. Decoction of Iceland moss. Decoctum mezerei. Decoction of mezereon. Decoctum sarsaparillje. Decoctionof sarsapa- rilla. Decoctum sarsaparillje compositum. Com- pound decoction of sarsaparilla. Decoctum scillje. Decoctionof squill. Decoctum seneoje. Decoctionof senecasnake root. Decoctum veratri. Decoction of white helle- bore. AJ DECOLLA'TIO. (From decello, to behead.) The loss of a part of the skull. Decompositje. The name of a class in Sauvage's Methodus Foliorum, consisting of such as have twice compounded leaves; tbat is, have a common foot- stalk supporting a number of lees leaves, each of which is compounded; as in Fumaria, and many un- belliferous plants. DECOMPOSITION. Decompositio. The separa- tion ofthe component parts or principles of bodies from each other. The decomposition of bodies forms a very large part of chemical science. It seems proba- ble, from the operations we are acquainted with, that it seldom takes place but in consequence of some com- binations or composition having been effected. It would be difficult to point out an instance of the sepa- ration of any of the principles of bodies which has 236 been effected, unless in consequence of some new combination. The only exceptions seem to consist in those separations which are made by heat, and voltaic electricity. DECOMPOSITUS. A term applied to leaves, and ' means doubly compound. Sir James Smith observes, that Linnatus, in his Philosophia Botanica, gives an erroneous definition of this term which does not ogres with his own use of it. The JEgopodium podagraria and Fulmaria claviculata, afford examples of ihe de- composite leaves. Supra decompositum, means thrice compound, or more; as in Caucalis anthriscus. The decomposite flowers are such as contain within a com- mon calyx a number of less or partial flower-cups, each of which is composed of many florets. DECORTICATION. (Decorticatio; from de, from, and cortex, bark.) The stripping of any thing of its bark, husk, or shell; thus almonds, and tile like, are decorticated, that is, deprived of their pellicle, when ordered for medicinal purposes. [There is a natural and artificial decortication pet , formed on certain trees. The shag-bark hickory-tree (juglans alba) throws off its bark by a natural and. spontaneous decortication. So does tbe button-wood (platanus occideutalis) or plane-tree. The cork-tree is deprived of its bark artificially every few years, and lives longer than those trees which are suffered to grow without molestation. Those not decorticated become shaggy and hide-bound, while the others form a new bark and improve in appearance and vigour. These facts suggested the idea of improving fruit-trees that had become hide-bound and shaggy, and appeared to be In a state of decay. Dr. MitchiU first tried the ex- periment on an old apple-tree, and by removing the old bark, in the warm season, from the body of the tree, and protecting it from external injury for a time, he succeeded in producing a new bark and in regene- rating a tree which was considered as past bearing. The tree became vigorous, again put forth blossoms and bore fruit. Since that experiment, it has become common in apple orchards to improve old trees by a similar process. A.] DECREPITATION. (Decrepitatio ; from decrepo, to crackle.) A kind of crackling noise, which takes place in some bodies, when heated: it is peculiar to some kinds of salts, as muriate of soda, sulphate of barytes, Sec. DECUMBENS. (From decumbo, to He down.) Drooping: a term applied to flowers which incline to one side and downwards. DECURRENS. Decurrent. A term applied by botanists to leaves which run down the stem or leafy border or wing; as in Onopordium acanthium, and many thistles, great mullein, and comfrey: arid to leaf- stalks ; as in Pisum ochrus. DECURSrVE\ Decurrently. Applied to leaflets that run down the stem; us in Eryngium campestre. ' DECUSSATION. (Decussatio; from deculio, to divide.) When nerves, or muscular fibres cross ope'.- another, they are said to decussate each other. :< DECUSSATUS. Decussated. Applied to leaves' " and spines wbich are in pairs, alternately crossing each other; as in Veronica decussata, and Genista luci tanica. DECUSSO'RIUM. (From deeusso, to divide.) An instrument to 'depress the dura mater, after tie panning. Defensi'va. (From defendo, to preserve.) Cordial medicines, or such as resist infection. DE'FERENS. (From defero, to convey; because it conveys the semen to the vesiculse seminales.) See Vus deferens. DEFLAGRATION. (Deflagratio; From defia- gro, to burn.) A chemical term, chiefly employed to express the burning or setting fire to any substance; as nitre, sulphur, See ' DEFLUXION. (Defluxio; from defluo, to run off) A falling down of humours from a superior to an In- ferior part Many writers mean nothing more by it than inflammation. DEFOL1ATIO. (From de, anifolium, a leaf.) The fall ofthe leaf. A term opposed to frondeecenlia, or tlie renovation of the leaf. DEGLUTITION. (Deglutitio; from dcglvtio, to swallow down.) A natural action. " It Is under- stood to be the passage of a substance, either mild, liquid, or gaseous, from the mouth to the stomach DEG DEG Though deglutition is very simple in appearance, it is nevertheless the most complicated of all the muscular actions that serve for digestion. Il is produced by tbe contraction of a great number of muscles, and requires the concurrence of many important organs. All the muscles of the tongue, those of the velum of the palate, ofthe pharynx, ofthe larynx, and the mus- cular layer of the (esophagus, are employed in deglu- tition. The velum is a sort of valve attached to the poste- rior edge of the roof of the palate; its form is nearly quadrilateral; its free or inferior edge is pointed, and forms the uvula. Like the other valves of the intes- tinal canal, the velum is essentially formed by a du- plicative of the digestive mucous membrane; there are many mucous follicles that enter into its composi- tion, particularly in the uvula. Eight muscles move it; it is raised by the two internal pterygoid: the ex- ternal pterygoid hold it transversely ; the two palato- pharyngei, and the two constridores isthmi faucium carry it downwards. These four are seen at the bot- tom of the tbroal, where they raise the mucous mem- brane, and form the pillars os ofthe velum of the pa- late, between wbich are situated the amygdala, a mass of mucous follicles. The opening between the base of the tongue below, the velum of the palate above, and the pillars laterally, is called the isthmus of the throat. By means of its muscular apparatus, the ve- lum of the palate may have many changes of posi- tion. In the most common state it is placed vertically, one of its faces is anterior, the other posterior; in cer- tain cases it becomes horizontal: it has then a supe- rior and inferior aspect, and its free edge corresponds to the concavity of tlie pharynx. This last posi- tion is determined by the contraction of the elevating muscles. 'Thepharynx is a vestibule into which open the nos- trils, the Eustachian tubes, the mouth, the larynx, and the oesophagus, and which performs very important Auctions in the production of voice, in respiration, hewing, and digestion. The pharynx extends from top to bottom, from the basilar process of the occipital bone, to which it is| Mtacaed, to the level of the middle part of the neck. Its transverse dimensions are determined by the os byoides, the larynx, and the pterygo-maxillary apo- neurosis, to which it is fixed. The mucous membrane which covers it interiorly is remarkable for the deve- lopement of its veins, which form a very apparent plexus. Round this membrane is the muscular layer, the circular fibres of which form the three constrictor muscles of the pharynx, the longitudinal fibres of ivhich are represented by the stylo-pharyngeus and constridores isthmi faucium. The contractions of these different muscles are not generally subject to the will. The esophagus is the immediate continuation of the pharynx, and is prolonged as far as the stomach, where it terminates. Its form is cylindrical; it is united to the surrounding parts by a slack and extending cellu- lar tissue, which gives way to its dilatation and its motions. To penetrate into the abdomen the oesopha- gus passes between the pillars of the diaphragm, with which it is closely united. The mucous membrane of tbe oasopbagus is white, thin, and smooth; it forms longitudinal folds very proper for favouring the dilata- tion of the canal. Above it is confounded with tbat of the pharynx. There are found in it a great number of mucous fol- licles, and at its surface there are perceived the orifices of many excretive canals of the mucous glands. The muscular layer of the oesophagus is thick, its tissue is denser than that of the pharynx; the longitu- dinal fibres are the most external and the least nume- rous; the circular are placed in the interior and are very numerous. Round the pectoral and inferior portion of the oeso- phagus, the two nerves of the eighth pair form a plexus which embraces the canal, and sends many filaments into it The contraction of the oesophagus takes place with- out the participation of the will. Mechanism of Deglutition. Deglutition is divided into three periods. In the first, the food passes from the mouth to the pharynx; iu the second, it passes the opening of tbe glottis, that of tlie nasal canals, and arrives at the oesophagus; in the the third it posses through this tube and enters the stomach. Let us suppose the most common case, that in which we swallow at several times the food which is in the mouth, and according as mastication takes place. As soon as a certain quantity of food is sufficiently chewed, it is placed, by the effects of the motions of mastication, in part upon the superior face of the tongue, without the necessity, as some think, of its being collected by the point of the tongue from the dif- ferent parts of the mouth. Mastication then stops; the tongue is raised and applied to the roof of the palate, in succession, from the point towards the base. The portion of food, or the alimentary bolus placed upon its superior surface, having no other way to es- cape from the force that presses, is directed towards the pharynx; it soon meets the velum of the palate applied to the base of the tongue and raises it; the velum becomes horizontal, so as to make a continua- tion of the palate. The tongue, continuing to press the food, would carry it towards the nasal canals, if the velum did not prevent this by the tension that it receives from the external peristaphyline muscles, and particularly by the contraction of its pillars; it thus becomes capable of resisting the action of the tongue, and of contributing to the direction of the food to- wards the pharynx. The muscles which determine more particularly the application of the tongue to the top of the palate, and to the velum of the palate, are the proper muscles of the organ, aided by the mylo-hyoideus. Here the first time of deglutition terminates. Its motions are volun- tary, except those of the velum of the palate. The phenomena happen slowly and in succession; they are few and easily noticed. The second period is not the same; in it the pheno mena are simultaneous, multiplied, and are produced with such promptitude, that Boerhaave considered them as a sort of convulsion. The space that the alimentary bolus passes througb in this time is very short, for it passes only from the middle to the inferior part of the pharynx; but it was necessary to avoid the opening of the glottis and that of tlie nasal canals, where its presence would be inju- rious. Besides, its passage ought to be sufficiently rapid, in order that the communication between the larynx and the external air may not be interrupted, except for an instant. Let us see how nature has arrived at this important result. The alimentary bole no sooner touches the pharynx than every thing is in motion. First, tbe pharynx contracts, embraces and retains tbe bole; the velum of the palate, drawn down by its pillars, acts in the same way. On the other hand, and in the same instant, the base of the tongue, the os hyoides, the larynx, are raised and carried forward to meet tbe bole, in order to render its passage more rapid over tbe opening of the glottis. While the os hyoides, and the larynx are raised, they approach each other, that is, the superior edge of Ihe thyroid cartilage engages it- self behind the body of the os hyoides: the epiglottic gland is pushed back; the epiglottis descends, inclines downwards and backwards, so as to cover the en- trance of the larynx. The cricoid cartilage makes a motion of rotation upon the inferior horns of the thy- roid, whence it results tbat the entrance of tbe larynx becomes oblique downwards and backwards. The bole slides along its surface, and being always pressed by the contraction of the pharynx and of the velum of the palate, it arrives at the oesophagus. It is not long since the position that the epiglottis takes in this place was considered as the only obstacle opposed to the entrance of the food into the larynx, at the instant of deglutition; but Dr. Magendie has shown, by a series of experiments, that this cause ought to be considered as only accessary. In fact, the epiglottis may be entirely taken away from an animal without deglutition suffering any injury from it. What is the reason, then, that no part of the food is intro- duced into the larynx the instant that we swallow 1 The reason is this. In tbe instant that the larynx is raised and engaged behind the os hyoides, the glottis shuts with the greatest closeness. This motion is pro- duced by the same muscles that press the glottis in the production of the voice; so that if an animal has tlie reeurreute and nerver of the larynx divided, while the DET DEL epiglottis is untouched, its deglutition is rendered very difficult, because the principal cause is removed which opposes the introduction of food into the glottis. Immediately after the alimentary bole has passed the glottis, the larynx descends, the epiglottis is raised, and the glottis is opened to give passage to the air. After what has been said, it is easy to conceive why tbe food reaches the oesophagus without entering any of the openings which end in the pharynx. The velum of the palate, which, in contracting, embraces the pha- rynx, protects the posterior nostrils, and the orifices of the Eustachian tubes; the epiglottis, and particularly the motion by which the glottis shuts, preserves the larynx. Thus, the second period of deglutition is accom- plished; by the effects of which the alimentary bole passes the pharynx, and is engaged in the superior part erf the oesophagus. All the phenomena-which concur ia it take place simultaneously, and with great prompti- tude: they are not subject to the will; they are then different in many respects from the phenomena that belong to the first period. The third period of deglutition is that wbich has been studied with the least care, probably on account of the situation of the oesophagus, which is difficult to be observed except in its cervical portion. The phenomena which are connected with it are not complicated. The pharynx, by its contraction, presses the alimentary bole into the oesophagus with sufficient force to give a suitable dilatation to the superior part of this organ. Excited by the presence of the bolus. its superior circular fibres very soon contract, and press the food towards the stomach, thereby producing the distension of those more inferior. These contract in their turn, and the same thing continues in succes sion until tlie bolus arrives at the stomach. In the upper two-thirds of the oesophagus, the relaxation of the circular fibres follows immediately the contraction by which (they displaced the alimentary bolus. It is not the same with the inferior third; this remains some moments contracted after the introduction of food into the stomach. AH the extent of the mucous surface that the ali- mentary bolus passes in the three periods of degluti- tion is lubricated by an abundant mucoeity. In the way that the bolus passes, it presses more or less the follicles that it meets in its passage, it empties them of tbe fluid that they contain, and slides more easily upon the mucous membrane. We remark that in those places where the bolus passes more rapidly, and is pressed with greater force, tbe organs for secreting mu- cus are much more abundant For example, in the narrow space where the second period of deglutition takes place, there are found the tonsils, the fungous parjiltSse of the base of the tongue, the follicles of the velum of the palate, and the uvula, those of the epi- glottis, and the arytenoid glands. In this case the saliva and the mucosity fulfil uses analogous to those of the synovia. The mechanism by wbich we swallow the succeed- ing mouthfuls of food does not differ from that which we have explained. Nothing is more easy than the performance of deglu- tition, and, nevertheless, all the acts of which it is composed are beyond the influence of the will and of instinct We cannot make an empty motion of deglu- tition. If the substance contained in tbe mouth is not sufficiently chewed, if it has not the form, the consist- ence, and the dimensions of the alimentary bolus, if the motions of mastication which immediately pre- cede deglutition have not been made, we will fre- quently find it impossible to swallow it, whatever efforts we make. How many people do we not find who cannot swallow a pill, or medicinal bolus, and who are obliged to fall upon other methods to intro- duce it into the oesophagus i—Magendie. DE'GMUS. (From jarvu, to bite.) A biting pain in the orifice of the stomach. DEHISCENTIA. (From dehisco, to gape wide.) A spKting, or bursting open. Applied to capsules, anthers, Sec. of plants. DETDLER, Anthony, was son of a surgeon of MontpeUer. Having graduated in medicine in 19)1, he was six years after made professor of chemistry. In 1732, being appointed physician to the galleys, he went to Marseilles, where he died in 17+6. He published, among many other work* on different branches of me- 286 dicine, "Experiments on the Bile, and the Bodies of those who died of the Plague," which occurred while he was at Marseilles. He states that he tried mercu- rial inunctions, but tbey had no effect on the disease. There are three volumes of consultations and obser- vations by him deserving of perusal. The rest of bis works are scarcely now referred to. Deino'sis. (From Stivoia, to exaggerate.) An en- largement of the eupercilia. DEJE'CTIO. A discharge of any excrementitioiM matter; generally applied to the faeces: hence atjectio alvina. DEJECTO'RIA. (From dejicio, to cast out.) Purging medicines. Delachrymati'va. (From de, and lachryma, a tear.) Medicines which dry the eyes, first purging them of tears. DELA'PSIO. (From dtlabor, to slip down.) A falling down of any part, as the aims, uterus, or intes- tines. DELETERIOUS. (Deleterius; from SnXtm, to hurt or injure.) Of a poisonous nature; as opium, hemlock, henbane, ace. [Deliquesce. To deliquesce is that action by which certain bodies become liquid by absorbing mois- ture from tbe atmosphere. Potash for instance by ex- posure to the air will absorb so much water as to change from a solid to a fluid state. This is common to many saline bodies. A.] DELIQUESCENCE. Deliquation, or the spon- taneous assumption of the fluid state of certain saline bodies, when left exposed to the air, in consequence of their attracting water from it. DELI'UUIUM. (Deliquium; from delinquo, to leave.) A fainting. See Syncope. DELI'RIUM. (From deliro, to rave.) A febrile symptom, consisting in the person's acting or talking unreasonably. It is to be carefully distinguished from an alienation of the mind, without fever. DELIVERY. See Parturition. Deloca'tio. (From de, from, and locus, a place.) A dislocation. DELPHIA. See Delphinia. DELPHINE. See Delphinia. DELPHINIA. Delphia. Delphine. Ancwvete- table alkali, recently discovered by Lasseigne and Feneulle, in Stavesacre. See Delphinium staphyna- gria. DELPHINIC ACID Acidum delphimcum. The name of an acid, extracted from the oil of the dolphin. It resembles a volatile oil; has a light lemon colour, and a strong aromatic odour, analogous to that of ran- cid butter. Its taste is pungent, and its vapour has a sweetened taste of aether, ft is slightly soluble in wa- ter, and very soluble in alkohol. The latter solution strongly reddens litmus. 100 parts of delphinic acid neutralize a quantity of base, which contains 9 of oxygen, whence its prime equivalent appears to be 11.11. DELPHtNITE. See Epidote. DELPHI'NIUM (From SeXtivos, the dolphin.) Larkspur; so called from the likeness of its flower to the dolphin's head. The name of a genus of plants I n the Linnaean system. Class, Poly anuria; Order, Tn. gynia. [ "Delphinium or Larkspur. The botanical al- liance of the larkspur of our gardens with aconite and some other poisonous plants, would justify, a pri- ori, a belief, that it possesses active properties. Tbu is found on experiment to be the case. A tinctura formed by infusing an ounce of tbe bruised seeds in a pound of spirit has been found an antispasmodic in asthma, and an active diuretic in dropsy. The dose is from ten to twenty drops. Larger doses are liable to nauseate, and would, not improbably, produce narco- tic symptoms."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] Delphinium consolida. The systematic name of the Consolida regalis. Calcatrippa. Delphinium— nectariis monophyllis, caule subdiviso, of Linnaeus. Many virtues have been attributed to this plant. The flowers are bitter, and a water distilled from them is recommended in ophthalmia. The herb has been ad ministered in calculous cases, obstructed menses, and visceral diseases. Delphinium staphisaoria. The systematic name of stavesacre. Staphisagria; Staphis; Pedicular ia; Delphinium—■nectariis Ulraphsjllis petals breoiuribus, DEL DEN feliia palmaris, Mis obtusis, of Linnaeus. The seeds, which are the only parts directed for medicinal use, are usually imported here from Italy; ibey are large, rougn, of an irregular triangular figure, and of a black- ish colour on the outside, but yellowish within; their smell is disagreeable, and somewhat foetid; to the taste they are very bitter, acrid, and nauseous. It was for- merly employed as a masticatory, but is now con- fined to external use, in some kinds of cutaneous erup- tions, but more especially for destroying lice and other insects: hence, by the vulgar, it is called louse-wort A new vegetable alkali has lately been discovered in this plant by Lasseigne andFeneulle. It is thus obtained: The seeds, deprived of their husks, and ground, are to be boiled in a small quantity of distilled water, and then pressed in a cloth. The decoction is to be filter- ed, and boiled for a few minutes with pure magnesia. (t must then be-refiltered, and the residuum left on the filter is to be well washed, and then boiled with highly rectified alkohol, which dissolves out the alkali. By evaporation, a white pulverulent substance, presenting a lew crystalline points, is obtained. It may also be procured by the action of dilute sul- •huric acid, on the bruised but unshelled seeds. The lolution of sulphate thus formed, is precipitated by subcarbonate of potassa. Alkohol separates from this precipitate the vegetable alkali in an impure state. Pure delphinia obtained by the first process, is crys- talline while wet, but becomes opake ou exposure to air. Its taste is bitter and acrid. Wben heated it melts; and on cooling becomes hard and brittle like resin. If more higbly heated, it blackens and is de- composed. Water dissolves a very small portion of it. Alkohol and aether dissolve it very readily. The alkohoiic solution renders syrup of violets green, and restores the blue tint of litmus reddened by an acid. It forms soluble neutral salts with acids. Alkalies precipitate the delphinia in a white gelatinous state, like alumina. Sulphate of delphinia evaporates in the air, does not crystallize, but becomes a transparent mass like gum. It dissolves in alkohol and water, and its solution has a bitter acrid taste. In the voltaic circuit it is de- composed, giving up its alkali at the negative pole. Nitiate of delphinia, when evaporated to dryness, is a yellow crystalline mass. If treated with excess of nitric acid, it becomes converted into a yellow matter, little soluble in water, but soluble in boiling alkohol, This solution ia bitter, is not precipitated by potassa, ammonia, or lime-water, and appears to contain no nitric acid, though itself is not alkaline. It is not de- stroyed by further quantities of acid, nor does it form oxalic acid. Strychnia and morphia take a red colour from nitric acid, but delphinia never does. The muri- ate is very soluble in water. The acetate of delphinia does not crystallize, but forms a hard transparent mass, bitter and acrid, and readily decomposed by cold sulphuric acid. The oxa- late forms small white plates, resembling in taste the preceding/salts. Delphinia, calcined with oxide of copper, gave no other gas than carbonic acid. It exists in tbe seeds of the stavesacre, in combination with malic acid, and associated with the following principles: 1. A brown bitter principle, precipitable by acetate of lead. 2. Volatile oil. 3. Fixed oil. 4. Albumen. 5. Animal- ized matter. 6. Mucus. 7. Saccharine mucus. 8. Vellow bitter principle, not precipitable by acetate of ead. 9. Mineral salts.—Annates da Chimie et de Phy- sique, vol. xii. p. 358. DE'LPHYS. AeXtbvs- The uterus, or pudendum midlebre. DE'LTA. (The Greek letter, A-> The external pudendum muliebre is so called, from the triangular shape of its hair. DELTOI'DES. (From StXra, the Greek letter A, and tiSos, a likeness; shaped like the Greek delta.) 1. A muscle of the superior extremity, situated on the shoulder. Sous-aeromio-elavi-humeralof Dumas. It arises exactly opposite to tlie trapezius, from one-third part of the clavicle, from the acromion and spine of the scapula, and is inserted, tendinous, into the middle of the os humeri, which bone it lifts up directly; and it assists with the supraspinatus and coracobrachial^ n all the actions of the humerus, except tbe depres- sion; it being convenient that the arm should be raised and sustained, in order to its moving on any side. 2. A leaf is so called, folium delloides, which is trowel shaped, or like the letter delta, having three an- gles, of which the terminal one is much further from the base than the lateral ones; as in Chenopodium bo- * nus-henricus. DEME'NTIA. (From de, and mens, without mind.) Absence of intellect; madness; fatuity. DEMERSUS. A leaf which is naturally under wa- ter, and different from those above, is so called; folia immersa, and submersa, are the same as demersa. See Nutans. DEMULCENT. (Demulcens; from demulceo, to soften.) Medicines suited to obviate and prevent the action of acrid and stimulant matters; and that not by correcting or changing their acrimony, but by involving it in a mild and viscid matter, which prevents it from acting upon the sensible parts of our bodies, or by cover- ing tbe surface exposed to their action. Where these substances are directly applied to the parts affected, it is easy to perceive how benefit may be derived from their application. But where they are received by the medium of the stomach, into tlie circulating system, it has been supposed that they can be of no utility, as they must lose that viscidity on whicb their lubricating quality depends. Hence it has been concluded that they can be of no service in gonorrhoea, and some similar affections. It is certain, however, says J. Murray, in his Elements of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, that many substances which undergo the process of digestion are afterward separated, in their entire state, from the blood, by particular secret- ing organs, especially by tbe kidneys; and it is possi- ble, that mucilaginous substances, which are the prin- cipal demulcents, may be separated in this manner. There can be no doubt, however, but that a great share of the relief demulcents afford, in irritation or inflam- mation of the urinary passages, is owing to the large quantities of water in which they are diffused, by which the urine is rendered less stimulating from dilu- tion. In general, demulcents may be considered*merely as substances less stimulating than the fluids usually applied. Catarrh, diarrhoea, dysentery, calculus, and gonor- rhoea, are the diseases in which demulcents are em- ployed. As they are medicines of no great power, they may be token in as large quantities as the stomach can bear. , The particular demulcents may be reduced to the two divisions of mucilages and expressed oils. The principal demulcents are, the acacia vera, astragalus, tragacanthe, linum usitatissimum, althaea officinalis, malva, sylvestris, glycyrrhiza glabra, cycas circinalis, orchis mascula, maranta arundtnacea, triticum hyber- num, ichthyocolla, olea Europaea, amygdalus commu- nis, cetaceum, and cera. [Dendritic (From StvSpov, a tree.) A term used in mineralogy to designate those appearances fre- quently found in minerals resembling trees or clusters of trees. A.l DENDROLI'BANUS. (From StvSpov, a tree, and oXiSavos, frankincense.) Frankincense-tree. See Ros marinus officinalis. DENS. (Dens, tis. m.; quasi edens; from edo, to eat, or from oSovs, oSovJos-) 1. A tooth. See Teeth. 2. Many herbs have this specific name, from their fancied resemblance to the tooth of some animal, as Dens leonis, the dandelion; Dens canis, dog's tooth, Sec Dens caninus. See Teeth. Dens cuspidatus. See Teeth. Dens incisor. See Teeth. Dens lacteus. See Teeth, and Dentition. Dens leonis. See Leontodon Taraxacum. Dens molaris. See Teeth. DENTA'GRA. (Dentagra, oSovraypa; fronjjooovs, a tooth, and aypa, a seizure.) 1. The toothache. 2. An instrument for drawing the teeth. DENTA'RIA. (Dentaria; from den*, a tooth: so called because its root is denticulated.) See Plumbago europaa. DENTARPA'GA. (From oSovs, * tooth, and apiroijw, to fasten upon.) An instrument for drawing of teeth. Dintata. Bee Dentatu*. 839 DEP DES DENTA'TUS. (Fromdens, a tooth; from its tooth- Jke process.) 1. The second vertebra of the neck. DeMata; Epistropheus. It differs from the other cervical vetebne, by having a tooth-like process at the upper part of the bbdy. See Vertebra. 2. Toothed: applied to roots; leaves, petals, Sec. which are beset with projecting, horizontal, rather distant teeth of its own substance; as in the leaf of Atriplex lacinata, and the perianttlium of Marrubium vulgare, and Ereca dcnticulata, and the petals of the Silene lucitanica. The Ophris corallorhiza has a toothed Dentella'ria. (From dentella, a little tooth; so called because its root is denticulated.) The herb tooth-wort. See Plumbago europaa. DENTIDU'CUM. (From dens, a tooth, and duco, to draw.) An instrument for drawing of teeth. DENTIFRICE. (Dcntifricus; from dens, a tooth, and fr<"o, to rub.) A medicine to clean the teeth. DENTISCA'LPIUM. (From dens, a tooth, and scalpo. to scrape.) An instrument for scaling teeth. DCNTITION. (Denlitio; from dcniio, to breed teeth.) Odontiasis; Odontophica. The breeding or cutting of the teeth. The first dentition begins about the sixth or seventh month, and tlie teeth are termed the primary or milk teeth. About the seventh year, these fall out, and tire succeeded by others, which re- main during life, and are called the secondary or pe- rennial teeth. The last dentition takes place between the ages of twenty and five-and-twenty, when the four last grinders appear; they are called dentes sapientia. See also Teeth. De.ntodu'cum. See Dentiducum. Denudatje pi.antje. The name of an order of Lin- nreus's Fragments of a Natural Method, embracing those planis, ihe flowers of which are naked, or with- out a flower-cup. DENUDA'TIO. (From denudo, to make bare.) The layiug bare any part; usually applied to a Done. DENUDATUS. (From denudo, to strip naked.) Dcnndi:; naked. DEOBSTRUENT. (Deobstruens; from de, and obstruo, to obstruct.) A medicine that is exhibited with a view of removing any obstruction. DEOPPILA'NTIA. (From de, and oppilo, to stop.) Deoppilaliva. Medicines which remove obstructions. Departi'tio. (From de, and partior, to divide.) Separating metals. Depkrdi'tio. (From deperdo, to lose.) Abortion, or the undue loss of the foetus. Depeti'oo. (From de, and pctigo, a running scab.) A ringworm, tetter, scurf, or itch, where the skin is rough. DEPHLEGMA'TION. (Dephlegmatio; from de, and phlegma, phlegm.) The operation of rectifying or freeing spirits from their watery parts, or any me- thod by which bodies are deprived of their water. DEPHLOGISTICATED. A term of the old che- mistry, implying deprived of phlogiston or the inflam- mable principle. Dephlogisticatcd air. See Oxygen gas. Dephlogisticated muriatic acid. See Chlorine. DEPILATORY. (Depilatorius; from de, of, and pilus, the hair.) Any application which removes tbe hairs from any part of the body; thus, a pitch cap pulls the hairs ofthe head out by the roots. [A depilatory ointment is sometimes used to remove hairs from inconvenient places. The French call it Pate depilatoire, a depilatory paste. It is made with quick lime, lapis calaminaris, and arsenic, intimately united and made into a thm paste with a little water, and a thin coat spread upon the surface. The hairs are removed by the action of tlie arsenic as a caustic, but its action is modified by the other ingredi- ents. A.] Deplu'matio. (From de, and p'itma,'a featherA A dis< « < >f lite eyelids, which causes the hair to fall off. l)\ i'UEHE'NSIO. (From deprehendo, tocateh un- awares.) The epilepsy is so called, from the sudden- ness with which persons are seized with it DEPRESSION. (Urpressio; from deprimo, to press down.) When the bines ofthe skull are forced inwards by fracture, they are said to be depressed. DEPRESSOR. (From deprimo, to press down.) A muscle is so termed, wbich depresses the part on which it acts. 900 Depressor alje nasi. See Depressor labii wpt- rioris alrcque nasi. Depressor anouli oris. A muscle of the mouth and lip; situated below the under lip. Triangiilatis, of Winslow. Depressor labiorumcommums,o( Doil|- las. Depressor lubiorum, of Cowper. Sous-maxiUe- labial of Dumas. It arises broad and fleshy, from the lower edge of the lower jaw, near tbe chin; and is in- serted into the angle of the month, which it pulls downwards. Depressor labii inferioris. A muscle of the mouth and lip. Quadratus, of Winslow. Depressor labii inferioris proprius, of Douglas and Cowper. Mentonier labial, of Dumas. It pulls the under lip and skin of the side of the chin downwards, and a little outwards. Depressor labii superioris aljeque nasi. A muscle of the mouth and lip. Depressor ala nasi, of Albinus. Incisivus medius, of Winslow. Depressor labii superioris proprius, of Douglas. Constridores alarum nasi, he depreasores labii superiores,oi Cow- per. Maxilla-alveoli nasal, of Dumas. It is situated above the mouth, draws the upper lip and ala nasi downwards and backwards. It arises, thin and fleshy, from the superior maxillary bone, immediately above the joining of the gums, with the two incisor teeth and cuspidatus; from thence il runs upwards, and is in- serted into the upper lip and root of the ala of. tlie nose. v Dfpressor labii superioris proprius. SeeDa- pressor labii superioris aleque nasi. Depressor labiorum communis. See Depressor anguli oris. Depressor oculi. See Rectus inferior oculi. DEPRE3SUS. Depressed; flattened vertically, as the leaves of the Mcsembryanlhemum linguiforme* Folia depressa is applied also to radical leaves which* are pressed close to the ground, as is seen in Plantago media; but when applied to stem leaves, it regards their shape only, as being vertically flattened in op- position to compressa. DE'PRIMENS. See Rectus inferior oculi. DEPURA'NTIA. (Depurans; from depuro, to make clean.) Medicines which evacuate impurities. DEPURA'TION. Depuratio. The freeing a liquot or solid from its foulness. DEPURATO'RIUS. (From de, and pums, pure.) Depuritory: applied to fevers, which terminate iu perspiration. DERBYSHIRE SPAR. A mineral formed of cal- careous earth with fluoric acid. DE RIS (Atpij; from Septa, to excoriate.) The Bkin. DERIVATION. (Derivatio; from dcrivo, to drain off.) The doctrines of derivation and revulsion talked of by the ancients, are now, in their sense of the terms, wholly exploded. Derivation means the drawing away any disease from its original seat to another part. DERMA. Atpucu The skin. See Skin. DERMATOMES. (From Stppa, skin, and ciioc, a likeness.) Resembling skin, or leather; applied to the dura mater. DERMATOLO'GIA. (From Stpua, the skin, and Xoyoj, a discourse.) A discourse or treatise on tbe skin. De'rtron. (From Septs, skin.) The omentum, and peritonaeum, are so named, from their skin-like consistence. DESAULT, Peter, was a native of Bordeaux, where he graduated, and became distinguished as a practitioner in medicine about the beginning of the last century. He was author of some popular and useful dissertations on medical subjects. In syphilis he maintained that a cure could be effected witlwiit salivation; and in calculous complaints, by Ihe patient drinking the Bareges water, this being also injected into tbe bladder; but it probably merely palliated tin symptoms. He exposed also some of the prevailing errors concerning hydrophobia; as that the pal lent barked like a dog, and had a propensity to biu his attendants. The precise period of bis death is not mentioned. DESAULT, Peter Joseph, was chief surgeon to the Hdtel-Dieu at Paris. He published several num- bers of a surgical journal, in 1791, Sec.; also, jointiy I with Chopart, in 1794, " A Treatise on Chirargical DEU DIA Diseases, and the Operations required in their Cure;" which is allowed to have considerable merit. He attended the young King of France, Lewis XVII., in the temple; and died under suspicious circumstances, shortly before Ins royal patient, in 1795. DESCENSORIUM. (From descendo, to move downwards.) A vessel in which the distillation by descent is .performed. DESCE'NSUS. (From descendo, to move down- wards.) The same chemists call it a distillation per descensum, by descent, when the fire is applied at the top and round the vessel, the orifice of which is at the bottom. DESICCATI'VE. (Desicativus; from desicco, to dry up.) An application to dry up the humours and moisture running from a wound or ulcer. DE.SIPIB'NTIA. (From desipio, to dote.) A de- fect of reason. DESIRE. Will. We give the name of will to that modification of the faculty of perception by which we form desires. It is generally the effect of our judgment; but what is remarkable, our happiness or our misery nre necessarily connected with it. When we satisfy our desires we are happy; but we are miserable if our desires be not fulfilled; it is then necessary to give such a direction to our desires that we may be enabled to obtain happiness. We ought not to desire things which cannot be obtained; we ought to avoid, even with greater care, those things which are hurtful; for in such cases we must be unhappy, whether our de- sires are satisfied or not. Morality is a science which lends to give the best possible direction lo our desires. De'sme. (From Seta, to bind up.) A bandage, or ligature. Desmi'dion. (From Scour;, a handful.) A small bundle, or little bandage. De'smos. (From Seta, to bind up.) 1. A bandage. 2. An inflammatory stricture of a joint, after luxa- tion. DE'SPUMATION. (Despumatio; from despumo, to clarify.) The clarifying a fluid, or separating Us foul parts from it. DESQUAMATION. (Desquamatio ; from desqua- mo, to scale off.) The separating of laminae, or scales, from a bone. Exfoliation. Desquam ato'rium. (From desquamo, to scale off.) A trepan, or instrument to take a piece out of the skull. DESTILLA'TION. See Distillation. DESUDA'TIO. (From desudo, to sweat much.) An unnatural and morbid sweating. Dete'ntio. (From detineo, to stop, or hinder.) Epilepsy is so called, from the suddenness with which the patient is seized. DETERGENT. (From detergo, to wipe awny.) 1. A medicine which cleanses and removes such vis- cid humours as adhere to and obstruct the vessels. 2. An application that clears away foulness from ulcers. DETERMINATE". Applied by botanists to branches and stems: determinate ramosus is abruptly branched, when each branch, after terminating in flowers, pro- duces a number of fresh shoots, in a circular order, from just below the origin of those flowers. The term occurs frequently in the latter publication of Linnaeus, particularly the second Mantissa; but he does not appear to have any where explained its meaning.— Smith. DETONATION. (Detonatio; from detono, to make a noise ) A sudden combustion and explosion. DETRA CTOR. (From detraho, to draw.) Ap- plied to a muscle, the office of which is to draw the part to which it Is attached. DE'TRAHENS. (From detraho, to draw.) The name of a muscle, the office of which is to draw the part it is attached to. Detrahens quADRATns. See Platysma myoides. DETRU'SOR URIN^E. (From detmdo, to thrust out.) 1. The name of a muscle, the office of which is to squeeze out the urine. '2. The muscular coat of the urinary bladder was formerly bo called. Dku'teri. (From Sev'Jtpos, second: because it is discharged next after the foetus.) The secundines, or after-birth. DEUTEROPA'THIA. (FromStv]epos,second,and Faftoj, a suffering.) An affection or suffering by con- T 2 sent, where a second part suffers, from consent, with the part originally affected, as where the stomach is disturbed through a wound in the head. DEUTOXUJE. See Oxide. Deutoxide of azot. See Nitrogen. DEVENTER, Henry, was born in Holland, toward the end of the 17th century. He took a degree in me- dicine, but his practice was principally in surgery, and at last almost confined to midwifery. He distin- guished hjmself much by his improvements in this art, as well as by his mechanical inventions for obvi- ating deformities in children. He published some ob- stetrical works several years prior to his death, which occurred in 1739; after which appeared a Treatise on the Rickets in his native language, of which Haller makes favourable mention. Devil's dung. See Ferula assafetida. Dewberry. See Blackberry. DIA. Aia. Many terms in medicine, surgery, and pharmacy, commence with this word, when they sig- nify composition and mixture; as Diacassia, Diacas- toreum, Sec [Diabase. The Diabase of some French mineralo- gists is the greenstone of Werner and Jameson. Greenstone abounds in tbe United States. There is a long ridge of this kind of rock in Connecticut running northward from New-Haven. There are several ridges of this formation of superincumbent rocks in New-Jersey. The most remarkable is the ridge bor- dering the Hudson river on the west side, running north from New-York city to the extent of thirty or forty miles, and known by the common appellation of the Palisado Rocks. There is a sublime show of this kind of rock on the south side of Lake Superior. Diabase or " Greenstone is essentially composed of hornblende and felspar, in the state of grains, or some- times of small crystals. The proportions are somewhat various; but the hornblende predominates, and very frequently gives to this aggregate more or less of a greenish tinge, especially when it is moistened. Hence the name of this rock (Greenstone). Sometimes the tinge of green is considerably lively, and may arise either from the hornblende, or from Epidote dissemi- nated through the mass. Sometimes also its colour is dark gray, or grayish black. In fine, its colour, espe- cially at the surface, is often modified by the presence of'oxide of iron. " This rock presents a considerable variety of as- pect, depending on the general structure, or on the size, proportion, disposition, and more or less intimate mixture of its constituent parts. " In some' of the more common varieties, the two ingredients are in distinct grains of considerable size, like those of granite ; and the foliated structure both of the hornblende and felspar is often distinctly visible. The proportion of felspar is sometimes very small. " From Greenstone with a coarse granular structure. to those varieties whose texture is so finely granular that the two ingredients can scarcely be perceived, ' there is a gradual passage, exhibiting every interme- diate step. Indeed the grains are sometimes so mi- nute, and so uniformly and intimately mingled, that the mass is altogether homogeneous, and the different ingredients a,e hardly perceptible, even with a glass. Hence the texture of this rock is sometimes distinctly crystalline, and sometimes almost compact and earthy. , " Greenstone, like basalt, sometimes presents itself in prisms, or columns of various sizes. These prisms may have from three to seven sides, and are sometimes as regular as those of basalt " The general aspect of Greenstone is sometimes much diversified by the foreign ingredients, which it admits into its composition. Among these are quartz, epidote, mica, talc, carbonate of lime, and almost always sulphuret of iron, which is sometimes mag- netic.—The quartz is, in some cases, abundant, and seems almost to take the place of felspar, iron fre- quently enters into the composition of this rock. Hence by exposure to the weather, its exterior becomes brownish or reddish brown; and sometimes Green stones are gradually decomposed. " Many Greenstones are susceptible of a polish ;— and that variety which admits epidote into its compo- sition, often forms a very beautiful mineral, when pr> lished, especially if it be porphyritic. Its colour ia DIA DIA often a fine dark green, resembling serpentine. The epidote, either crystallized or compact, is sometimes in very narrow veins; and sometimes it is uniformly dis- seminated in very minute grains. In other cases, the epidote and felspar form a kind of base, containing acicular crystals of hornblende; or the three ingre- dients are distinct, as in granite."—Cleavcland's Mi- neral. A.] Diabe'cus. (From StaftSatoia, to strengthen ; so called, as affording the chief support to the foot.) The ankle-bone. DIABETES. (From c*ia, through, and Batvia, to pass.) An immoderate flow of urine. A genus of dis- ease in the class Neuroses, and order Spasmi of Cullen. There are two species in this complaint: 1. Diabetes insipidus, in which there is a supera- bundant discharge of limpid urine, of its usual urinary taste. 2. Diabetes mellitus, in which the urine is very sweet, and contains a great quantity of sugar. Great thirst, with a voracious appetite, gradual emaciation of the whole body, and a frequent dis- charge of urine, containing a large proportion of sac- charine and other matter, which is voided in a quan- tity even exceeding that of the aliment or fluid intro- duced, are the characteristics of this disease. Those of a shattered constitution, and those who arc in the decline of life, arc most subject to its attacks. Il not unfrequently attends on hysteria, hypochondriasis, dyspepsia, and asthma: but it is always much milder when symptomatic, than when it appears as a primary affection. Diabetes may be occasioned by the use of strong di- uretic medicines, intemperance of life, and hard drink- ing; excess in venery, severe evacuations, or by any thing that tends to produce an impoverished state of the blood, or general debility. Il has, however, taken place, in many instances, without any obvious cause. That which immediately gives rise to the disease, has ever been considered as obscure, and various the- ories have been advanced on the occasion. It has been usual to consider diabetes as the effect of relaxation of the kidneys, or as depending on a general colliquation of the fluids. Dr. Richter, professor of medicine in Iks university of Gottingen, supposes the disease to be generally of a spasmodic nature, occasioned by a sti- mulus acting on the kidneys; hence a secretio aucta urina, and sometimes perversa, is the consequence. Dr. Darwin thinks tbat it is owing to an inverted ac- tion of the urinary branch of the lymphatics; which doctrine, although it did not escape the censure of the best anatomists and experienced physiologists, met, nevertheless, with a very favourable reception on its being first announced. The late Dr. Cullen offered it as his opinion, that the proximate cause of this disease might be some fault in the assimilatory powers, or in those employed in converting alimentary matters into the proper animal fluids, which theory has since been • adopted by Dr. Dobson, and still later by Dr. Rolla, surgeon-general to the royal artillery. The liver has been thought, by some, to be the chief source of the disease; but diabetes is hardly ever attended with any affection of this organ, as lias been proved by frequent dissections; and when observed, it is to be considered as accidental. The primary seat of the disease is, however, far from being absolutely determined in favour of any hypothesis yet advanced; and, from the most atten- tive consideration of all the circumstances, the weight of evidence appears to induce the majority of practi- tioners to consider diabetes as depending on a primary affection of the kidneys. Diabetes sometimes comes on slowly and impercep- tibly, without any previous disorder; and it now and then arises to a considerable degree, and subsists long Without being accompanied with evident disorder in any particular part of the system; the great thirst which always, and the voracious appetite which fre- quently occur in it, being often the only remarkable symptoms; but it more generally happens, that a con- siderable affection of the stomach precedes tbe coming on of the disease; and tbat, in its progress, besides the symptoms already mentioned, there is a great dryness in the skin, with a sense of weight in the kidneys, and a pain in the ureters, and tbe other urinary passages. Under a long continuance of the disease, the body becomes much emaciated, the feet oedematous, great debility arises, the pulse is frequent and small, and at) obscure fever, with all the appearance of hectic, pre- vails. The urine in diabetes mellitus, from being at first Insipid, clear, and colourless, soon acquires a sweetish or saccharine taste, its leading characteristic; and, when subjected to experiment, a considerable quantity of saccharine matter is to beextracted from it Some- times it is so loaded with sugar, as to be capable of being fermented Into a vinous liquor Upwards of one-twelfth of its weight of sugar wa» extracted from some diabetic urine, by Cruickshank, which was hi the rate of twenty-nine ounces troy a day, from oua patient. In some instances, the quantity of urine in diabetes is much greater than can be accounted for from all the sources united. Cases arc recorded, in which 23 to 30 (tints were discharged in the space of a until ml day, for many successive weeks, and even months; and in which the whole ingesta, as was said, did not amount to half the weight of the urine. To account for this overplus, it has been alleged that water is absorbed from the air by the surface of the body; as also that a quantity of water is compounded in the lungs them- selves. Dissections of diabetes have usually shown the kid« neys to be much affected. In some instances, they have been found in a loose flabby state, much enlarged in size, and of a pale ash colour; in others, they have been discovered much more vascular than in a healthy state, approaching a good deal to what takes place in inflammation, and containing, In their inlundibula, a quantity of whitish fluid, somewhat resembling pus, but without any sign of ulceration whatever. At Ihe same time that these appearances have been observed in their interior, the veins on their surface were found lo be much fuller of blood than usual, forming a most beautiful net-work of vessels, the larger branches of which exhibited an absorbent appearance. In many cases of dissection, the whole of the mesentery has been discovered to be much diseased, and its glands re- markably enlarged; some of them being very hard, and of an irregular texture; others softer, and of a uniform spherical shape. Many of the lacteals have likewise been seen considerably enlarged. The liver) pancreas, spleen, and f-'tomach, are in general perceived lo be in a natural state; when they are not so, the oc- currence is to be considered as accidental. The blad- der, in many cases, Is found to contain a considerable quantity of muddy urine. A great variety of remedies has been proposed foi this disease; but their success is generally precarious, or only temporary, at least in the mellitic form of the complaint. The treatment has been generally con- ducted on the principles of determining the fluids to other outlets, particularly the skin, and of increasing the lone of the kidneys. Diaphoretics are certainly very proper remedies, especially the combination oi opium with ipecacuanha, or antimonials, assisted by the warm bath, suitable clothing, and perhaps removal to a milder climate: hi the insipid form of diabetes, this plan has sometimes effected a cure; and it appears that the large use of opium has even the power of correcting, for the time, the saccharine quality ofthe urine. Cathartics are hardly of service, farther thai. to keep the bowels regular. Tonics are generally Indi- cated by obvious marks of debility; and if the patient be troubled with acidity in the prima? viae, alkaline medicines will be properly joined with them, prefer- ring those which have nodiuretic power. Astringent! have been highly extolled by some practitioners, but do not appear likely to prevail, except those whiesi pass off by the urine, as uva ursi; or the milder sti- mulants, which can be directed to the kidneys, as co- paiba, &c. may correct the laxity of those organs, if the disease depend on this cause. Tbe tinctura lyase must be used with great caution, and Ks efficacy is not well established: and blisters to the loins can only be useful as counter-irritants, though not the most suit- able. Frequent friction, especially over the kidney*, wearing a tight belt, and gentle exercise, may assist the recovery of the patient; and when the function ofthe skin is restored, using the bath gradually of a tower temperature, will tend greatly to obviate its suppres- sion afterward. It is likewise highly Important te regulate the diet, especially in tbe mellitic diabetes. Dr Rolla first pointed out the advantage derived from DIA nstrieting the patient to a diet principally of animal food, avoiding especially those vegetables which might afford saccharine matter, the urine becoming thereby of a more healthy quality, and diminishing in quan- tity : but unfortunately the benefit appears but tempo- rary, and the plan is not persevered in without distress to the patient. The same gentleman recommended also the sulphuret of potassa, and still more Ihe hy- drosulphuret of ammonia; but they are very nau- seous medicines, and of doubtful efficacy. Another plan of treating the disease has been more recently proposed, namely, by bleeding, and other antiphlogistic measures; and some cases of its success have been recorded: but farther experience is certainly required, before we should be justified in relying much upon it. Dia'bolus metallorum. Tin. Diabo'tanum. (From cim, and fioravrj, an herb.) A plaster made of herbs. Diaca'dmias. (From Sia, and xaSuea, cadmia.) The name of a plaster, the basis of which is cadmia. Diacalami'ntues. (From Sta, and xaXaptvBti, cala- miut.) The name of an antidote, the chief ingredient in which is calamint Dlaca'rcinum. (From Sta, and xapxtvos, a crab.) The name of an antidote prepared from the flesh of crabs and cray-fish. Diaca'ryon. (From Sta, and xapvov, a nut.) Rob of nuts, or walnuts. Diaoa'ssia. (From Sta, and xatrota, cassia.) Elec- tuary of cassia. Diacasto'rium. (From Sia, and xa^iap, castor.) An antidote, the basis of which is castor. Diacatho'licon. (From r5ia, and koBoXikos, uni- versal.) The name of a purge, so called from its general usefulness. Diackntau'rium. (From Sia, and xtvjavpiov, cen- taury.) The Duke of Portland's powder is so called, because its chief ingredient is centaury. Diacentro'tum. (From 6ia, and xevjpota, to prick.) A collyrium, so called from its pungency and stimula- ting qualities. Diacualci'tis. (From Sia, and x«^<"7'fi chalci- tisj A plaster, the chief ingredient in which is chalcitis. Diacha'lbis. (From StaxaXu, to be relaxed.) 1. A relaxation. 2. The opening of the sutures of the head. Diacheiri'smvs. (From r5ia, and x«p, the hand.) Any operation performed by the hand. DiACHELioo'tflUM. (From Sta, and xcAtoWtoi/, celandine.) A plaster, the chief ingredient in which ivas tbe herb celandine. Diachore'ma. (From Siax to anoint.) Medicines to anoint parts. Diachry'sum. (From Sia, and xpucoc, gold.) A plaster for fractured limbs; so named from lis yellow colour. DIACHYLUM. (From Sia, and jpiAoc, juice.) A plaster formerly made of certain juices, but it now means an emollient digestive plaster. Dia'ciiysis. (From Sia, and xvw> t0 Pour out-) Fusion or melting. Diachy'tica. (From Siaxvia, to dissolve.) Medi- cines which discuss tumours. Diacine'ma. (From Sta, and xivtia, to move.) A slight dislocation. Diaci'ssum. (From Sia, and Kioaos, ivy.) An ap- plication composed of ivy leaves. Dia'clasis. (From Sta, and xAaw, to break.) A small fracture. Diaclv'sma. (From StaxXugta, to wash out.) A gargle or wash for the mouth. Diacoccyme'lon. (From Sta, and KOKKvpnXov, a plum.) An electuary made of prunes. Diaco'dium. (From Sta, and xiaSia, a poppy head.) A composition made of tbe heads of poppies. Diacolocy'nthis. (From Sia, and xoXoxvvBts, the colocynth.) A preparation, the chief ingredient of which is colocynth. Diaco'mma. (From Siaxonjia, to cut through.) Diacope. A deep cut or wound. Dia cope. See Diacomma. Dlacoprje'oia. (From Sta, xonpos, dung, and at\, a joat) A preparation with goat's dung. DIA Diacora'llum. (From&a, and xopaXXtov, coral J A preparation in which coral is a chief ingredient. DIA'CRISIS. (From Siaxpivta, to distinguish.) The distinguishing diseases one from another by their symptoms. Diacro'cicm. (From Sta, and xpoxos, saffron.) A collyrium in which is saffron. Diacurcu'ma. (From Sia, and xvpxovua, turmeric.) An antidote in which is turmeric or saffron. Diacydo'nium. (From Sta, and xvSiavia, a quince.) Marmalade of quinces. Diadaphni'dion. (From Sia, and Saipvis, the laurel- tree.) A drawing plaster in which were bay-berries. DIADELPHIA. (From Sis, twice, and aStXQis, a broihcrhood ; two brotherhoods.) The name of a class in the sexual system of plants, embracing those the flowers of which are hermaphrodites, and have the male organs united below in two sets of cylindrical fila- ments. DIADE'MA. (From StaStta, to surround.) 1. A diadem or crown. 2. A bandage to put round the head. Diade'xis. (From SiaStvouai, to transfer.) Dia- doche. A transposition of humours from one place to another. Dia'docre. SeeDiadexis. Dia'dosis. (From StaSiAtaui, to distribute.) The remission of a disorder. DLE'RESIS. (From Statptia, to divide or separate.) A solution of continuity of the soft parts of thehumun body. Dijere'tica. (From&aipcu, to divide.) Corrosive medicines. DLE'TA. (From Statjaia, to nourish.) Diet; food. It means also the whole of the non-naturals. See Diet. Diaglau'cium. (From Sia, and yXavxiov, the blue juice of an herb.) An eye-water made of the purging thistle. DIAGNO'SIS. (From Stayivtaexta, to discern or distinguish.) The science which delivers the signs by which a disease may be distinguished from another disease: hence those symptoms which distinguish such affections are termed diagnostic. Diagry'dium. Corrupted from dacrydium or scam- mony. Diahermoda'ctylun. (From(5ia, andtppoSaxJuXos, the hermodactyl.) A purging medicine, the basis of which is the hermodactyl. Diai'reon. (From oia, and ipis-, the lily.) An an- tidote in which is the root of the lily. Diai'um. (From Sia, and tov, a violet.) A pastil, the chief ingredient of which is violets. Diala'cca. (From Sia, and Xaxxa.) An antidote in which is the lacca. Dialaoo'um. (From <5ia, and Xaytas, a hare.) A medicine in which is the dung of a hare. Dlale'mma. (From StaXapjiavio, to interrupt) The i emission of a disease. Diale'psis. (From SiaXapSavia, to interrupt.) 1 An intermission. 2. A space left between a bandage. Dlali'banum. (From r5ia, and XiSavov, frankin cense.) A medicine in which frankincense is a chief ingredient. DIALLAGE. Smaragdite of Saussure. Verde di Corsica duro of artists. A species of the genus Schil- ler spar. It is a mineral of a greenish colour, com- posed of silica, alumina, magnesia, lime, oxide of iron, oxide of copper, and oxide of chrome. It is found principally in Corsica. Dia'loes. (From Sia, and aXon, the aloe.) A me- dicine chiefly composed of aloes. Dialtbje'a. (From Sia, and aXBata, the mallow) An ointment composed chiefly of marsh-mallows. DIA'LYSIS. (From StaXvia, to dissolve.) A solu- tion of continuity, or a destruction of parts. Dia'lyses. The plural of dialysis. The name of an order in the class Locales of Cullen's Nosology. Dialy'tica. (From SiaXvta, to dissolve.) Medi- cines which heal wounds and fractures. Diamargari'ton. (From Sta, and papyapCJtt, pearl.) An antidote in which pearls are the chief in- gredient DIAMASSE'MA. (From Sia, and uaooopai, to chew.) A masticatory, or substance put into the mouth, and chewed to excite a discharge of the saliva. 209 DIA DIA Dia'hhjl. (From Sta, and auBpa, amber.) An aromatic composition in which was ambergris. Diame'lon. (From Sia, and unXov, a quince.) A composition of quinces. DIAMOND. The diamond, which was well known to the ancients, is principally found in the western peninsula of India, on the coast of Coromaudel, in the kingdoms of Golconda and Visapour, in the island of Borneo, and in the Brazils. Il is the most valued of all minerals. Diamonds are generally found bedded in yellow ochre or in rocks of freestone, or quartz, and sometimes in the beds of running waters. When taken out of the earth, they are incrusted with an exterior earthly covering, under which is another, consisting of carbo- nate of lime. In the Brazils. It is supposed that diamonds might be obtained in greater quantities than at present, if the sufficient working of the diamond-mines was not pro- hibited, in order to prevent that diminution of their commercial value, which a greater abundance of thein might occasion. Brazilian diamonds are, in commercial estimation, inferior to the oriental ones. In the rough, diamonds are worth two pounds ster- ling the carat, or four grains, provided they are without blemish. The expense of cutting and polishing amounts to about four pounds more. The value how- ever is far above what is now stated when they be- come considerable in size. The greatest sum that has been given for a single diamond is one hundred and fifty thousand pounds. The usual method of calculating the value of dia- monds is by squaring tlie number of carats, and then multiplying the amount by tbe price of a single carat: thus supposing one carat to be 21. a diamond of 8 carats is worth 128J. being 8x»X2. The famous Pigol diamond weighs 188 l-8th grains. Physical Properties of Diamond. Diamond is always crystallized, but sometimes so imperfectly, that, at first sight, it might appear amor- phous. The figure of diamond, when perfect, is an eight-sided prism. There are also cubical, flat, and round diamonds. It is the oriental diamond which crystallizes into octohedra, and exhibits all the varie- ties of this primitive figure. The diamond of Brazil crystallizes into dodecahedra. The texture of the diamond Is lamellated, for it may be split or cleft with an instrument of well-tempered steel, by a swift blow in a particular direction. There are however some diamonds which do not appear to be formed of lamina, but of twisted and interwoven fibres, like those of knots in wood. These exceed the others greatly in hardness, they cannot be cut or po- lished, and are therefore called by the lapidaries dia- monds of nature. The diamond is one of the hardest bodies known. It resists the most highly-tempered steel file, which cir- cumstance renders it necessary to attack it with dia- mond powder. It takes an exquisite and lasting polish. It has a great refractive power, and hence its lustre, when cut into the form of a regular solid, is uncom- monly great. The usual colour of diamonds is a light gray, often inclining to yellow, at times lemon colour, violet, or black, seldomer rose-red, and still more rarely green or blue, but more frequently pale brown. The purest diamonds are perfectly tiansparent The colour- less diamond has a specific gravity which is in propor- tion to that of water as 3.512 to 1.000, according to Brisson. This varies however considerably. When rubbed it becomes positively electric, even before it has been cut by the lapidary. Diamond is not acted upon by acids, or by any chemical agent, oxygen excepted; and this requires a very great increase of temperature to produce any effect. The diamond burns by a strong heat, with a sensible flame, like other combustible bodies, attracting oxy- gen, and becoming wholly converted into carbonic acid gas during tbat process. It combines with iron by fusion, and converts it, like common charcoal, into steel; but diamond requires a much higher temperature for its combustion than com- mon charcoal does, and even then it consumes but slowly, and ceases to burn tbe instant its temperature is lowered. "From the high refractive power of the diamond. 204 Bigot and Arago supposed that it might contain hydro- gen. Sir H. Davy, from the action of potassium on It, and its non-conduction of electricity, suggested In his third Bakerian lecture, that a minute portion of oxy- gen might exist in it; and in his new experiments on the fluoric compounds, he threw out the ideu, that it might be the carbonaceous principle, combined with some new, light, and subtle element of the oxygenous and chlorine class This unrivalled chemist, during his residence at Florence in March 1(314, made several experiments on the combustion of the diamond and of plumbago, by means of the great lens in the cabinet of natural his- tory ; the same instrument us that employed in the first trials on the action of the solar heat on the diamond, instituted iu 1694 by Cosmo III. Grand Duke of Tus- cany. He subsequently made a series of researches on the combustion of different kinds of charcoal at Rome. His mode of investigation was peculiarly ele- gant, and led to the most decisive results. He found that diamond, when strongly ignited by the lens, in a thin capsule of platinum, perforated with many orifices, so as to admit a free circulation of air, continued to burn with a steady brilliant red light, visible in the brightest sunshine, after it was with- . drawn from the focus. Home time after the diamond! were removed out of the focus, Indeed, a wire of pla- tina that attached them 'o the tray was fused, though their weight was «.riiy 1.84 grains. His apparatus consisted of clear jjass globes of the capacity of from 14 to 40 cubic inches, having single apertures to which stop-cocks were attached. A small hollow cylinder of platinum was attached to one end of the stop-cock, and was mounted with the little perforated capsule for containing the diamond. When the experiment was to be made, the globe containing the capsule and the substance to be burned was exhausted by an excellent air-pump, and pure oxygen, from chlorate of potassa, was then introduced. The change of volume in the gas after combustion was estimated by means of a fine tube connected with a stop-cock, adapted by a proper screw to the stop-cock of the globe, and the absorption was judged of by the quantity of mercury that entered the lube which afforded a measure so exact, that no alteration however minute could be overlooked. He had previously satisfied himself that a quantity of moisture, less than l-100th of a grain, is rendered evi- dent by deposition on a polished surface of glass; for a piece of paper weighing one grain was introduced into a tube of about four cubic inches' capacity, whose exterior was slightly heated by a candle. A dew was immediately perceptible on the inside of the glass, though the paper, when weighed in a balance turning with l-100th of a grain, indicated no appreciable diminution. The diamonds were also heated to redness before they were introduced into the capsule. During their combustion, the glass globe was kept cool by the appli- cation of water to that part of it immediately above the capsule, and where the heat was greatest. From the results of his different experiments, con- ducted with the most unexceptionable precision, it is demonstrated, that diamond affords no other substance by its combustion than pure carbonic acid gas; end that the process is merely a solution of diamond in oxygen, without any change in the volume of the gas. Il likewise appears, that in the combustion of the dif- ferent kinds of charcoal, water is produced; and that from the diminution of the volume of the oxygen, there is every reason to believe that the water is formed by the combustion of hydrogen existing in strongly ignited charcoal. As the charcoal from oil of turpentine left no residuum, no other cause but the presence of hydrogen can be assigned for the diminu- tion occasioned in the volume of the gas during its combustion. The only chemical difference perceptible between diamond and the purest charcoal is, that the last con tains a minute portion of hydrogen; but can a quan- tity of an element, less in some cases than 1-50,000th part of the weight of the substance, occasion so great a difference in physical and chemical character.-. ? Tbe opinions of Tennant that the difference depends on crystallization, seems to be correct Transparent solid bodies are in general non-conductors of electri- city ; and it is probable that the same corpuscular I a r ran/iements which give to matter the power of t raae- DIA DIA mining and polarizing light, are likewise connected with its relations to electricity. Thus water, the hy- drates of the alkalies, and a number of other bodies which are conductors of electricity when fluid, become non-conductors in their crystallized form. That charcoal is more inflammable than the dia- mond, may be explained from the looseness of its tex- ture, and from the hydrogen it contains. But the diamond appears lo burn in oxygen with as much facility as plumbago, so that at least one distinction supposed to exist between the diamond and common carbonaceous substances is done away by these re- searches. The power possessed by certain carbon- aceous substanco of absorbing gases, and separating colouring matters from fluids, is probably mechanical and dependent on their porous organic structure; for it belongs in the highest degree to vegetable and ani- mal charcoal, and it does not exist in plumbago, coke, or anthracite. The nature of the chemical difference between the diamond and other carbonaceous substances, may be demonstrated by igniting them in chlorine, when mu- riatic acid is produced from the latter, but not from the former. The visible acid vapour is owing to the moist- ure present in the chlorine uniting to the dry muriatic gas. But charcoal, after being intensely ignited in chlorine, is not altered in its conducting powerof colour. This circumstance is in favour of the opinion, that the Minute quantity of hydrogen is not the cause of the great difference between the physical properties of the diamond and charcoal." See Carbon. Diamond-shaped. See Leaf. Diamo'ron. (From Sta, and utopov, a mulberry.) A preparation of mulberries. Diamo'schum. (From rjia, and uooxos, musk.) An antidote in which musk is a chief ingredient. Diamoto'sis. (From Sia, and polos, lint.) The introduction of lint into an ulcer or wound. KA'NA. 1. The moon. 4; Tbe chemical name for silver from its white shining appearance. Diananca saus. (From Sia, and avayKotta, to force.) 1. The forcible restoration of a luxated part into its proper place. 2. An instrument to reduce a distorted spine. DIA'NDRIA. (From Sis twice, and avrjp, a man.) The name of a class in the sexual system, consisting of hermaphrodite plants which have flowers with two stamina?. DIA'NTHUS. (From Acs, dcoc, Jove, and avBos, a flower: so called from the elegance and fragrance of its flower.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria ; Order, Di- gynia. Dianthus caryophyllus. The systematic name ofthe clove-pink. Garyophyllum rubrum ; Tunica; Vetonica; Betonica; Coronaria; Caryophyllus hor- tensis. Clove gilliflower. Clove July flower. This fragrant plant, Dianthus—floribus solitariis, squamis calycinus subovatis, brevissimus, corollis crenatis, of Linnaeus, grows wild in several parts of England; but the flowers, which are pharmaceutically employed, are usually produced in gardens: they have a pleasant aromatic smell, somewhat allied to that of clove- spice; their taste is bitterish and sub-adstringent. These flowers were formerly in extensive use, but are now merely employed in form of syrup, as a useful and pleasant veliiele for other medicinrs. Diapa'sma. (From Sianaoaia, to sprinkle.) A me- dicine reduced to powder and sprinkled over the body, or any part DIAPEDE'SIS. (From StannSato, to leap through.) The transudation or escape of blood through the coats of an artery. Diapc'oma. (From Stannyvvia, to close together.) A surgical instrument for closing together broken bones. Diape'nte. (From Sia, and jrcvrt, five.) A medi- cine composed of five ingredients. DIAPHANOUS. (Diaphanosus ; from Sia,through, and ipatvia, to shine.) A term applied to any substance which is transparent; ns the hyaioid membrane covering the vitreous humour of the eye, which is as transparent as glass. Diaphce'nicum. From Sta, and otvi\, a date.) A medicine made of dates. DJA'PHORA. (From StavXaoiria, lo preserve.) Medicines which resist putrefaction or prevent infec- tion. Dia'physis. (From Siaipva, to divide.) An inter- stice or partition between the joints. Diapisbelje'um. (From Sia, and mooiXaiov, the oil of pitch, or liquid pilch.) A composition in which is liquid pitch. Dia'plasis. (From SianXaoata, to put together.) The replacing a luxated or fractured bone in its proper situation. Diapla'sma. (From SiawXaoota, to anoint) An unction or fomentation applied to the whole body or aay part Dia'pne. (From Sianvtia, to blow through, or pass gently as the breath does.) An insensible discharge of the urine. DIA'PNOE. (From Sianvtia, to breathe through.) The transpiration of vapour through the pores of the DIAPNO'ICA. (From Sianvtia, to transpire.) Dia- phoretics or medicines which promote perspiration. Diapore'ma. (From Sianoptia, to be in doubt.) Nervous anxiety. Diaporon. (From Sta, and orruipa, autumnal fruits.) A composition in which are several autumnal fruits, as quinces, medlars, and services. Diapra'ssium. (From jta,and Trpaovtov,hoarhound.) A composition in which hoarhound is the principal ingredient. Diapru'num. (From Sta, and npovvn, a prune.) An electuary of prunes. Diapso'ricum. (From Sta, and ipiapa, the itch or scurvy.) A medicine for the itch or scurvy. Diaptc'rnes. (From r5ia, and nltpva, the heel.) A composition of cow heel and cheese. Diaptero'sis. (From Sta, and n]tpov, a feather.) The cleaning the ears with a feather. Diapye'ma. (From Sia, and 7niov, pus.) A suppu- ration or abscess. Diapye'mata. (From Sianvnua, a suppuration.) Suppurating medicines. Diapyk'tica. (From Stanvr/pa, a suppuration.) Suppurating applications. Diarho'cha. (From Sta, and onx<>ii a space.) The space between the foldings of a bandage. DIA'RIUS. (From dies, a day.) A term applied to fevers which last but one day. Diaroma'ticum. (From Sia, and apopalixov, an aromatic.) A composition of spices. Dia'rrbaoe. (From Stappnyvvut, to break asun- der.) A fracture. Diarrhodo'meli. (From Sta, poSov, a rose, and fieXi, honey.) Scammony, agaric, pepper, and honey. Dia'rrhodon. (From Sia, and poSov, a rose.) A composition of roses. DIARRHOEA. (From Siapptta, to flow through.) A purging. It is distinguished by frequent stools with the natural excrement, not contagious, and seldom at- tended with pyrexia. It is a genus of disease in the class Neuroses, and order Spasmi of Cullen, contain- ing the following species: 1. Diarrhea crapulosa. The feculent diarrhoea, from crapulus, one who overloads his stomach. 2. Diarrhea biliosa. The bilious, from an increased secretion of bile. 3. Diarrhea mucosa. Tbe mucous, from a quantity of slime being voided. 4. Diarrhea kepatirrhaa. The hepatic, in which there is a quantity of serous matter, somewhat resem- bling the washings of flesh, voided; the liver being primarily affected. v 5. Diarrhea lienterica. The lientery; when the food Basses unchanged. 6. Diarrksta celiaca. The coeliac passion: the food passes off in this affection in a white liquid state use chyle. 7. Diarrhea verminosa. Arising from worms. Diarrhoea seems evidently to depend on an increase of the peristaltic motion, or of the secretion of the in- testines; and besides the causes already noticed, it may arise from many others, influencing the system generally, or the particular seat of tbe disease. Of the former kind are cold, checking perspiration, cer- taia passions of the mind, and other disorders; as den- 896 DIA tition, gout, fever, fce; To the latter belong varioui acrid ingesta, drastic cathartics, spontaneous acidity, tec. In this complaint each discbarge is usually pre- ceded by a murmuring noise, with a sense of weight and uneasiness in the hypogastrium. When it is pro- tracted, the stomach usually becomes affected with sicknejs, or sometimes vomiting, the countenance grows pale or sallow, aud the skin generally dry and rigid. Ultimately great debility and emaciation, with dropsy of the lower extremities, often supervene. Dis- sections of diarrhoea, where it terminated fatally, have shown ulcerations of the internal surface of llie intes- tines, sometimes to a considerable extent, especially about the follicular glands; in which occasionally a cancerous character has been observable. The treat. ment of this complaint must vary greatly according to circumstances: sometimes we can only hope to palli- ate, as when it occurs in the advanced period of phthi- sis pulmonalis; sometimes it is rather to be encour- aged, relieving more serious symptoms, as a bilious diarrhoea coining on in fever, though still some liiuiti must be put to tlie discharge. Where, however, we are warranted in using the most speedy means of stop- ping it, the objects are, 1. To obviate the several causes. 2. To lessen tlie inordinate action, and give tone to the intestine. I. Emetics may sometimes be useful, clearing out the stomach, and liver, as well as determining to the skin. Cathartics also, expelling worms, or indurated faeces; but any acrimony in the intestine would pro- bably cause its own discharge, and where there is much irritability, they might aggravate the disease: however, in protracted cases, the alvine contents speedily become vitiated, and renew the irritation: which may be best obviated by an occasional mild aperient, particularly rhubarb. If, however, the liver do not perforin its office, tbe intestine will hardly re- cover its healthy condition: and that may most proba- bly be effected by the cautious use of mercury. Like- wise articles which determine the fluids to other out- lets, diuretics, and particularly diaphoretic*, in many cases contribute materially to recovery; the latter per- haps assisted by bathing, warm clothing, gentle exer- cise, &c. Diluent, demulcent, antacid, and other chemical remedies, may be employed to correct acri- mony, according to its particular nature. In children teething, the gums should be lanced; and if the boweil have been attacked on the repulsion of some other dis- ease, it may often be proper to endeavour to restore this. But a matter of the greatest importance is the due regulation of the diet, carefully avoiding tboaa »r«, tides, which are likely to disagree, or irritate the" els, and preferring such as have a mild astringent Fish, milk, and vegetables, little acescent, as rice, I &c. are best; and for the drink, madeira or brand; sufficiently diluted, rather than malt liquors. U. Some of the means already noticed will help fulfil the second indication also, as a wholesome diet exercise, diaphoretics, &c.: but there are others tot more power, which must be resorted to in urgent At the head of these is opium, a full dose of ' frequently at once effects a cure; but where there some more fixed cause, and the complaint of any stand- ing, moderate quantities repeated at proper intervals will answer better, and other subsidiary means ought not to be neglected; aromatics may prevent its disor- dering the stomach, rhubarb obviate its causing per- manent constipation, &c. Tonics are generally pro- per, tbe discharge itself inducing debility, and where there is a deficiency of bile particularly, the lighter forms of the aromatic bitters, as the infusum caluaibc, Sec will materially assist; and mild cnalybeates are sometimes serviceable. In protracted case* astringents come in aid of tlie general plan, and where opium dis- agrees, they may be more necessary: but the milder ones should be employed at first, tbe more powerful only where the patient appears sinking. Chalk and lime-water answer best where tlierelsmcidity; other- wise tbe pomegranate rind, iogwaed As tract, catechu, kino, tormentil, Sec may be given: where these fail, alum, sulphate of zinc, galls, or superacetate of lead. DIARTHRO SIS. (From iiapdpou, to articulate.) A moveable connexion of bones. This genus has five species, viz. enartlirosis, arthrodia, giuglymus, UechoV des, and ainphiarthrosis. Diasapo'nium. (From Sia, and etentas, soap.) Aa ointment of soap. DIA Diasaty'riuK. (From Sta, and gafypiov, the orchis.) An ointment of the orchis-root Diasci'llium. (From Sta, and oxiXXa, the squill.) Oxymel and vinegar of squills. Diasci'ncus. (From Aia, and oxtyKos, tbe croco- dile.) A name for the mithridate, in tbe composition of which there was a part of the crocodile. Diasco'rdium. (From Sta, and oxopStov, the water germander.) Electuary of scordium. Diase'na. (From Sta, and sena.) A medicine in which is senna. Diasmy'rnum. (From Sta, and ouvpvn, myrrh.) Diasmyrncs. A wash for the eyes, composed of myrrh. Diaso'sticus. (From Staotagta, to preserve.) That which preserves health. Diaspe'rmatum. (From Sta, and ontpua, seed.) A medicine composed chiefly of seeds. Dia'sphaoe. (From Siac(baZ,va, a nymph.) An herb which, if bruised, smells of wine, and yet resists drunkenness. Diopo'rum. (From Sia, and oniapa, autumnal fruiu.) A medicine composed of ripe fruits for quinsy. DIOPSIDE. A subspecies of oblique-edged augite, found near Piedmont. DIOPTASE. Emerald, copper ore. Dio'ptra. (From Stonjouat, to see through.) Di- optron. 1. Speculum ani, oris, or uteri. 2. The lapis specularis. DIOPTRICS. (Dioptricus; from Sionjopai, to see through.) The doctrine ofthe refraction of light Dioptki'smus. (From Stonfopat, to see through.) Dilatation of any natural passage. Dio'robum. (From Sta, and opoSos, a vetch.) A medicine, in the composition of which there are vetches. Diorrho'sis. (From Sta, and oppos, the serum.) Diorosis. 1. A dissolved state ofthe blood. 2. A conversion of the humours into serum and water. Diortiiro'sis. (From StopBpoia, to direct) The reduction of a fracture. DIOSCO'REA. (Named in honour of Dioscorides.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diecia; Order, Hexandria. Dioscorea alata. The name of the plant which affords the esculent root, called the yam. It is obtain- ed, however, from three species; the alata, bulbifera, and sativa. They grow spontaneously in both Indies, and their roots are promiscuously eaten, as the potato is with us. There is great variety in the colour, size, and shape of yams; some are generally blue or brown, round or oblong, and weigh from one pound to two. They are esteemed, when dressed, as being nutritious and easy of digestion, and are preferred to wheaten bread. Their taste is somewhat like the potato, but more luscious. The negroes, whose common food is yams, boil and mash them. They are also ground and made into bread and puddings. When they are lo be kept for some time, they are exposed upon the ground to the sun, as we do onions, and when sufficiently withered, they are put into dry sand in casks, and placed in a dry garret, where they remain often for many seasons without losing any of their primitive goodness. Dioscorea bulbifera. See Dioscorea alata. Dioscorea sativa. See Dioscorea alata. DIOSCORI'DES, Pedacics, or Pedanius, a cele- brated Greek physician and botanist of Anazarba, in Cilicia, now Caramania, who is supposed to have lived In the time of Nero. He is said to have been origin- ally a soldier, but soon became eminent as a physician, and travelled much to improve his knowledge. He paid particular attention to the materia medica, and especially to botany, as subservient to medicine He profited much by the writings of Theophrastus, who appears to have been a more philosophical bo- tanist. Dioscorides has left a treatise on the materia medica, in five books, chiefly considering plants; also two books on the composition and application of medicines, an essay on antidotes, and another on ve- nomous animals. His works have been often printed in modern times, and commented upon, especially by Matthiolus. He notices about 600 planU, but hie de- scriptions are often so slight and superficial, as to leave their identity a matter of conjecture; which is perhaps of no very great medical importance; though their virtues being generally banded down from the Greeks, It might be useful to ascertain which particular plants they meant. Dioscu'ri. (i- e. Aioc, Koupoi, the sons of Jupiter, or Castor and Pollux.) The parotid glands were so named from their twin-like equality in shape and po- sition. I" DiosrYROs. Persimmon. The persimmon-tree is very common in the middle and western states, and grows also in the southern paru of our country. The bark Is bitter, and has been added to our numerous list of native tonics. It is recommended in intermit- tents and ulcerated sere throats, and may Be exhibited In the same manner as cinchona."—Birclow's Mat Med. A.l * Diosrv'aoB lotos. The Indian date plum. The fruit, when ripe, has an agreeable taste, and is very nutritious. IIioxkl*:'um. (From Sia, o^vc, acid, and sXatov, oil.) A medicine composed of oil and vinegar Dio'xos. (From c"ia, and otys, acid.) A collyrium composed chiefly of vinegar. DIPHYLLUS. (From Arc, double, and ibvXXov, a leaf.) Diphyllotis, or two-leaved. Applied lo the perianthium of flowers, when there are two calyces; as in Papaver rhaas. Diplasia'smcs. (From SmXoia, to double.) The re-exacerbation of a disease. DI'PLOE. (From SmXoia, to double.) The spongy substance between the two tables of tbe skull. DIPLO'Pf A. (From StnXoos, double, and annual, to see.) Visus duplicatus. A disease of the eye, in which the person sees an object double or triple. Dr. Cullen makes it a variety of the second species of pseudoblepsis, wbich he calls mutans, in which ob- jects appear changed from what they really are; and the disease varies according to the variety of the re- mote causes. Di'pnoos. (From Sis, twice, and nvtco, to breathe.) A wound which is perforated quite through, and ad- mits the air at both ends. Dipple's animal oil. See Animal oil. DP PS ACUS. (From Sti^a, thirst; so called from the concave situation of iu leaves, which hold water, by which the thirst of the traveller may be relieved.) Dipsacum. I. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia. The teasel. 2. A diabetes, from the continual thirst attend- ing it. DIPSOSIS. (From Sidia, thirst.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology, known by the desire for drinking being excessive or impaired. It has two species, Dipsosis avens, and Dipsosis expers, DIPYRE. Schmelstein. A mineral found in white or reddish steatite in the Western Pyrenees, composed of silica, alumina, and lime. Dipyre'num. (From Sis, twice, and mipi7v, a ber ryj 1. A berry, or kernel. 2. A probe with two buttons. Diptri'tes. (From Sis, twice, and imp, fire.) Di- pyros. An epithet given by Hippocrates to bread twice baked, and which he recommended in dropsies. DIRE'CTOR. (From dirigo, to direct) 1. A hollow instrument for guiding an incisor- knife. 2. The name of a muscle. Director penis. (From dirigo, to direct.) The same as erector penis. Diri'nqa. A name, in the isle of Java, for the Calamus aromaticus. See Acorus calamus. Disce'ssus. (From discedo, to depart.) The sepa- ration of any two bodies, before united, by chemical I op ration. DISCIFO'RMIS. (From discus, a quoit, and forma, likeness.) Resembling a disk, or quoit, in shape. It is applied to the knee-pan. DISCOI'DES. (From £10*00, a quoit, and tiSos, resemblance.) Resembling a disk, or quoit, in shape It is applied to the crystalline humour ofthe eye Discri'mcn. 1. A small roller. 2. The diaphragm. DISCUS. (From Siokos, a quoit and disk, and from its flat and round appearance like the circumference of the sun.) The disk, or central part of e leaf, and of a compound flower. In the common daisy, the white leaflets of the flower surround the disk. Tbe disk of a leaf is the whole flat surface within the margin DISCU'TIENT. (Diseuliens; from discutio, to shake in pieces.) Discusorius; Diachyticus. A term in surgery, applied to those substances which possess a power of repelling or resolving tumours. DISEASE. Morbus. Any alteration from a per- fect state of health. A disease Is variously termed- when it pervades the whole system, as fever does, it is called a general disease, to distinguish it from inflam- mation of the eye, or any other viscus, »"bicb is a »'e) Parorasis. Difficult sight. Sight depraved, requiring one certain quantity of light one particular distance, or one position. A genus of disease In tbeelM'loca- le*, and order Dysesthesia of Cullen, coTftalBtag tM five following sjiecies: DYS DYS 1. Dysopia tenebrarum, called also Amblyopia ere- Jiuscularis, requiring objecU to be placed in a strong ight 2. Dysopia luminis, likewise termed Amblyopia meriiiana, objecu only discernible iu a weak light 3. Dysopia dtssitorum, in wbich distant objecu are not perceived. 4. Dysopia proximorum, or Dysopia amblyopia, in which objecu too near are not perceived. 5. Dysopia lateralis, called also Amblyopia lusco- rum, in which objecu are not seen, unless placed iu an oblique position. DVTSORE XIA. (From oiic, bad, and opd-tc, appe- tite.) A depraved appetite. DysoRK.vi.t. (The plural of Dysorexia.) The name of an order in the class Locales of Cullen's No- sology, which he divides into two sections, appetitus errouei and deficientes. DYSPE PSIA. (From Svs, bad, and Btir7u, to con- coct) Apepsia. Indigestion. Dr. Cullen arranges tbis genus of disease in the class Neuroses, and order Adynamia. Il chiefly arises in persons between thirty and forty years of age, and is principally to be met with iu those who devote much time to study, or who lead either a very sedentary or irregular life. A great singularity attendant on it is, that it may and often does continue a great length of time, without any ag- gravation or emission of the symptoms. Great grief and uneasiness of mind, intense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery, hard drinking, particularly of spirituous liquors, and of tea, tobacco. opium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, and over distention of the stomach, a deficiency in tlie se- cretion of the bile, or gastric juice, and the being much exposed to moist and cold air, when without exercise, are the causes which usually occasion dyspepsia. A long train of nervous symptoms generally attend on this disease, such as a loss of appetite, nausea, heart-burn, flatulency, acid, foetid, or indorous eructa- tions, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, a sense of constriction and uneasiness in the throat, with pain in the side, or sternum, so that the patient at times can only lie on his right side; great costiveness, habitual chilliness, paleness of the countenance, languor, un- willingness to move about, lowness of spirits, palpita- tions, and disturbed sleep. The number of these symptoms varies in different cases, with some, being felt only in part; iu others, being accompanied even with additional ones, equally unpleasant, such as severe transient pains in the head and breast, and various affections of the sight, as blindness, double vision, &c. Dyspepsia never proves fatal, unless when, by a very long continuance, it produces great general de- bility and weakness; and so passes into some other disease, such as dropsy; but it is at all times very diffi- cult to remove, but more particularly so in warm cli- mates. The morbid appearances to be observed on dissec- tions of this disease, are principally confined to that part of the stomach which U called tbe pylorus; which is often found either in a contracted, scirrhous, or ul- ceaated state. In every/ instance, the stomach is per- ceived to be considerably distended with air. The treatment of dyspepsia consisu, 1. In obviating the several exciting causes. 2. In relieviug urgent symptoms, some of wbich may tend to prolong the dis- ease. 3. In restoring the tone of the stomach, or of the general system, and thus getting rid of the liability to relapse. I. In fulfilling the first indication, we are often much circumscribed by the circumstances or habiu of the patient; and particularly when they have been accus- tomed to drink spiriu, which they can hardly relin- quish, or only in a very gradual manner. The diet must be regulated by the particular form of the disease; in those who are liable to acidity, it should be chiefly of an animal nature, with the least acescent vegetable substances, and for drink, toast and water, or soda water, adding a little brandy, if really necessary; where the opposite, or septic tendency appears, which happens especially in persons of a florid complexion, it should consist principally of vegetable matter, particu- larly the ripe subacid fruits, with the meat of young animals occasionally, and if plain water be not agreea- ble, table-beer, cider, Sec may be allowed for drink; and to those of the phlegmatic temperament the most nutritious and digestible articles must be selected, mostly of an animal nature, assisted by the warmer condiments, and the more generous fermented liuuore in moderation. It will be generally butter to lake food ofteuer, rather than to load Ihe stomach loo much at once; but more thau four meals a day can hardly be requisite; if at any other time a craving should occur, a crust of bread or a piece of biscuit may be eaten. II. Among tbe symptoms requiring palliation, heart- burn is frequent, resulting from acrimony In tlie »t<>- macli. and to be relieved by antacid, or antiseptic remedies, according to circumstances, or diluent* and demulcents may answer the purpose. A sense of weight at the stomach, with nausea, may occasionally indicate u gentle emetic; but will be less likely to occur if the bowels arc kept regular. Flatulence may be re- lieved by aromatics, Ether, Sec.; and these will be pro- per for spasmodic, or nervous pains; but if ineffectual, opium should be had recourse to. Vomiting is gene- rally best checked by carbonic acid. When diarrhoea occurs, the aromatic confection is mostly proper, some- times with a little opium. But the bowels are much more commonly confined, and mild cathartics should be frequently exhibited, as castor oil, rhubarb, aloes, Sec.; sometimes the more active, where these do not answer. In those of a florid complexion a laxative diet, with tlie supertartrate of potassa, or other saline cathartic occasionally, may agree better: and where the liver is torpid, mercurials should be resorted lo. HI. The third object is to be attempted by tonics, particularly the aromatic bitters, the mineral acids, ot the preparations of iron; by the cold bath prudently regulated; by gentle exercise steadily persevered in, particularly walking or riding on horseback; by a care- ful attention to tlie diet; by seeking a pure mild air, keeping regular hours, with relaxation and amusement of the mind, Sec DYSPERMATI'SMUS. (Fromovr, bad, andontpua, seed.) Agenesia. Slow, or impeded emission of se- men, during coition, insufficient for the purpose of generation. A genus of disease In the class Locales, and order Epischeses of Cullen. The species are: 1. Dyspermatismus urethralis, when the obstruc- tion is in the urethra. 2. Dyspermatismus nodosus, when a tumour u formed iu either corpus cavernosum penis. 3. Dyspermatismus praputialis, when the imped! ment is from a straightness of the orifice of tbe pre* puce. 4. Dyspermatismus mucosus, when the urethra ia obstructed by a viscid mucus. 4. Dyspermatismus hypertonics, when there Is an excess of erection of the penis. 6. Dyspermatismus epilepticue, from epileptic flu coming on during coition. 7. Dyspermatismus apradodes, from a want of vi- gour in the genitals. 8. Dyspermatismus refluus, in which the semen is thrown back into the urinary bladder. DYSPHA'GIA. (From Svs, with difficulty, and 0ay, to eat) A difficulty of deglutition. A genua of disease in Good's Nosology, embracing five species, Dysphagia constrida; atonica; globosa; uvulosa; linguosa, DYSPHO'NIA. (From Svs, bad, and tfnavn, the voice.) A difficulty of speaking. Dissonant voice. The sound of the voice imperfect or depraved. A ge- nus of disease in Good's Nosology, embracing tbrea species Dysphonia susurro-is, puberans, and immo- dulata. DYSPHORIA. (From Svs, and cbopua, gesto.) Restlessness. A genus of disease in Good's Nosology, it has two species, Dysphorea simplex and annetas. DYSPNOS'A. (From Svs, difficult, and *vaa, to breathe.) Dyspnoon. Difficult respiration, without sense of stricture, and accompanied with cough through the whole course of the disease. A genua of disease in the class Neuroses, and order Spasmi ot Cullen. He distinguishes eight species. 1. Dyspnea catarrhalis, when with a cough there are copious discharges of viscid mucus, called also asthma catarrhale, pntumodes, pneumonicum, and pituitosum. 2. Dyspnea sicca, when there is a cough without any considerable discharge. 3. Dyspnea alrea, when the disease is much In creased by slight changes of tbe weather EAR EAR 4. Dyspnea terrea, when earthy or calculous mat- ters are spit up. 5. Dyspnea aquosa, when there is a ecarcity of urine and oedeinatous feet, without the other symptoms of a dropsy in the chest. 6. Dyspnea pinguedinosa, from corpulency. 7. Dyspnea thoracica, when parte surrounding the chest are injured, or deformed. 8. Dyspnea\ extrinseca, from manifest external causes. Dy'spnoon. See Dyspnea. DYSTHETICA. (AvaBtrtKO, an ill-conditioned state of the body.) Tbe name of the fourth order of Ihe class Hematica in Good's Nosology. Cachexies. Iu genera are Plethora ; Hamorrhagia; Marasmus; Struma ; Carcinus; Lues ; Elephantius ; Bucnemia; Catacausis; Porphyra; Exangia; Gangrena ; Ulcus. DYSTHY'MIA. (From Svs, bad, and 0iu [EATON, Aatos, professor in Hie ReMtetaeY IMlNMl' at Troy, in the state of New-York. AltmtagfclMP1 fessor Eaton to still Irving, we deem it but Jns*lce*to say, that he is one of the most industrious acsl-Inde- fatigable votaries of natural science In the state. He has lectured a number of years at Alesmy and Trojy on botany, mineralogy, and geology. He has publtofr- ed a valuable Manual of Botany for the NortheMb States, a Geological Section of the Country from Bos- ton to Lake Erie, and a pamphlet, containing n"Ge- ological Nomenclature for North America." He has been employed forseven years past, under tbe direc- tion ofthe Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer, in travelling over different paru of the state of New-York, and those adjoining, and in making geological surveys and examinations of strata. He hw probably done more in this way than any geologist iu the country. He promises to publish a System of American Geology, in which will be displayed some peculiarities of the for- mations in this country, and show how they differ from those of the Eastern continent A.] Eau-de-luce. See Spiritus ammonia succinate*. Eau-de-rabd. This Is composed of one putt ef sulphurous acid to three of rectified spirit of wine, (t s much used in France, when diluted, In tho cure nf ■gonorrhoeas, lenxorrhoBe, fcd ECK ECP Bat'sctra. Bee Hibiscus abelmoschus. EBULLITION. (Ebullitio. From ebullio, to bubble up.) Boiling. This consists in the change which a fluid undergoes from a stale of liquidity to that of an elastic nuid, in consequence of the ap- plication of heat, which dilates and converts il into vapour. E'BL'LUS. (From ebullio, to make boil: so called because of its supposed use in purifying the humours of the body.) See Sambucus ebulus. Ecbo'uua.. (From exSaXXta, to cast out.) Medi- cines which cause abortion. Ecno'uos. (From cirfaAAw, to cast out.) Miscar- riage. E< bra'smata. (From txSpagta, to be very hot.) Ecchymata. Painful fiery pimples in the face, or sur- face of the body. Ecbra'smos. (From txCpa^ia, to become hot.) Fer- mentation. Ecbyrso mata. (Prom tx, and Bvpsa, the skin.) Protuberances of the bones at tbe joinu, which appear through the skin. Kcciiylo'ma. (From ex, and xv^°(, juice-) An extract. Euchy'kata. (From iirxvtii, to pour out.) See Ecorasmala. ECCHYMO'MA. (Exxvpiapa; from txxvu, to pour out.) Ecchymosis; Crustula; Sugillatio. Ex- travasation. A black and blue swelling, either from a bruise or spontaneous extravasation of blood. A ge- nus of disease in the class Locales, and order Tumores of Cullen. Ecchymoma. arterioscm. The false aneurism. ECCHYMO'SIS. See Ecchymoma. E'CCLlSIrf. (From txxXivia, to turn aside.) A luxation or dislocation. E C'COPE. (From tKKonjia, to cut off.) The cut- ting off any part. Ecco'rtos. (From tKKortln, to cut off.) An an- cient instrument, the raspatory, used in trepanning. ECCOPRO'TIC. (Eccoproticus; from tx, and xo- irpoc, dung.) An opening medicine, the operatiou of Which is very gentle; such as manna, senna, &c. ECCRINOCRITICA. (From txxpivia, to secrete, and xftvia, to judge.) Judgments formed from the se- cretions. EIX' RINOLO'GIA. (From txxpivia, to secrete, and Xoyos, a discourse.) Eccrinologica. The doctrine of secretions. E'CCRISIS. (From exxptvia, to secrete.) A secre- tion of any kind. ECCRITICA. (From ttcxpivta, to secern, or strain off) Dr. Good applies this name to a class of diseases ofthe execrueut system. It haB three orders, viz. Me? sotica, Catotica, Acrotica. ECOYESIS. (From tx, and xvmns, gravidity.) Extra-utei ine fcetatiou. The name of a genus of dis- eases in Good's Nosology. It has three species: Ec- cyesis ovaria, tit ball s, abdominalis. ECCYMO'SIS. . See Ecchymoma. ECDORA^ (From cxStpia, to excoriate.) An exco- riation: and particularly used for an excoriation of the urethra. Ecoo'ria. (From acStpta, to excoriate.) Medicines which excoriate and bum through the skin. Eoheco'llon. (From txia, to have, and koXXo, glue.) Echecollum. Any topical glutinous remedy. Echetro'sis. So Hippocrates calls tlie white briony. ECHiNATUS. Bristly. Applied in botany to any thing beset with bristles, as the pod of Glycyrrhiza tchinata, and to the gourd seed-vessel, or pepo. Echini'des. In Hippocrates it is mentioned as what be used for purging the womb with. ECHINOPHTHA'LMIA. (From (pivot, a hedge- bog, and oepBaXuta, an inflammation of the eye.) An inflammation of that part of the eyelids, where the hairs bristle out like the quills of an echinus, or hedge- hn». J'.CHINOPO'DIUM. (From tx'yot, a hedge-hog, and jrotic, a foot; so named because its flowers rescm- Me the foot of an urchin.) A species of broom or genista. ECHI'NOPS. (From rxivoc, as beset with prickles.) Tbe name of a genus of planU. Class, Syngenesia; Onlf-r, Polygamia scgregata. •i-kinok ariliRocErnAi.cs. The systematic name of the globe thistle. Crocodilian; Aecmthairuca; Scabiosa carduifolia ; Spherocephala datis ; Echino- pns. It is raised in our gardens. The root and seedfe are moderately diuretic, but not used. Echi'nopvs. See Echinops. ECHINUS. 1. The-hedge-hog, or Erinaceus Eu- ropaus of Linnsus. 2. A genus in the Linnaean system, included in the molusca order of vermes. 3. The calcareous petrifaction of the sea hedge-hog, 4. The prominent poinU on the surface of the pileus, or upper part ofthe mushroom tribe, are called echini. See Fungus. ECHIOIDES. (From txis, a viper, and tiSos, re- semblance.) The trivial name of some plants, from their supposed resemblance to the Echium. E'CHIUM. (From exit, a viper; so called because it was said to heal the slings of vipers.) The name of a genus of plants in the Limucan system. Class, ten- tandria; Order, Monogynia. Viper's bugloss. Eciiium JEGYPTIACUM. Wall bugloss. The Aspe- rugo egyptiaca, the root of which is sudorific, and is used with oil as a dressing for wounds. E'CHOS. Kxos- Sound. In Hippocrates, it signi- fies the same as the tinnitus aurium, or noise in the* ears. E'CHYSIS. (From txvu, to pour out) A fainting. or swooning. ECLAMPSIA. (From txXaunia, to shine. See Eclampsis. ECLAMPSIA. (From txXaunia, to sbine* Edarmp sia. It signifies a splendour, brightness, effulgence flashing nf light, scintillation. Il is a flashing light, or those sparklings which strike the eyes of epileptic pa-. tienu. Ccelius Aurelianus calls them circuit ignei, scintillations, or fiery circles. Though only a symp- tom of the epilepsy, Hippocrates puts it for epilepsy itself. ECLE'CTIC. (Eclecticus; from rxXcyu, to. select.) Archigenes and some others selected from all other. sects what appeared to them to be tbe best and most rational; hence they were called Eclectics, and their medicine Eclectic medicine. ECLE'CTOS. (From ettXtix". to lick up. A linc- tus, or soft medicine, like an electuary, to be licked up. ECLE'GMA. (From t/cAtixwi to lick.) A linctus, or form of medicine made by the incorporation of oils. with syrups, and which is to be taken upon a liquor- ice stick. E'CLYSIS. (From cxXvta, to dissolve.) A uni versa) faintnese. ECMA'GMA. (From txuaaaw, to form together.) A mass of substances kneaded together. ECPEPIE'MENOS. (From txnit^a, to press out.) An ulcer wilh protuberating lips. ECPHLYSIS. (EKtbXvots; from uctbXvgio, to boil, or bubble up, or over.) A blam, or vesicular eruption. The name of a genus of disease in Good's Nosology. It has four species, viz. Ecphlysis pompholex, herpes, rhi/pia, and eczema. ECPHRA'CTIC. (From txt^paaoia, to remove ob- structions. That which attenuates tough humours, so as lo promote their discharge. ECPHRA'XIS. (From txibpaooia, to remove ob struction.) A perspiration-, an opening of obstructed pores. ECPHRONIA. (E*0pvs, or cxdipoovvn, from tx- tbptov, extra menlem, out of one's mind.) The name of a genus in Good's Nosology. Insanity and crazi- ness. It has two species: Ecphronia melancholia, and Ecphronia mania. E'CPHYAS. (From tx, and cbvo, to produce.) 1. An appendix, or excrescence. 2. The appendicula exci vermiformis. ECPHYMA. (From txipvia, educo, egero.) A cu taneous excrescence. The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Eccritica; Order, Aero- tia. Il has four species, viz. Ecphyma caruncula, ver- ruca, clavus, and callus. E'cphysk. (From txibvoaia, to blow out) Flatus from the bladder through ihe urethra, and from the wound through the vagina. Ecpiivse'sip. (From extbuaata, to breathe through.), A quick expulsion ofthe air from the lungs. E'CPHYSIS. (From txipvia, to produc.:.) 1. An apophysis, or appendix. 2. A process. ECT ECT Ecpie'sma. (From wirieC**, to press out.) A frac- ture ofthe skull, in which the bones press inwardly. Ecria'sMos. (From trruju, to press out.) A dis- order of the eye, in which ihe globe is almost pressed out of the socket by an afflux of humours. Ecplero'ma. (From ecxXnpou, to fill.) In Hippo- crates tbey are bard balls ot leather, or other sub- stances, adapted to fill the arm-piu, while by tile help of the heels, placed against the balls, and repressing the same, the luxated os humeri is reduced into iu place. ECPLE'XIS. (From ticnXtjoia, to terrify or astonish.) A stupor, or astonishment, from sudden external acci- denu. E'cpnoe. (From txnvtia, to breathe.) Expiration; that part of respiration in which the air is expelled from the lungs. ECPTO'MA. (From cmn^M, to faU out.) 1. A luxation of a bone. 2. The expulsion of the secundines. 3. The falling off of gangrenous parts. 4. A hernia in the scrotum. 5. A falling down of the womb. Ecpy'ctica, (From txnvxaXfo, to condense.) Medi- cines that render the fluids more solid. ECPYE'MA. (From tx, and nvov, pus.) A collec- tion of pus, from tiie suppuration of a tumour. ECPYESIS. (From txnvia, to suppurate.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Eccritica ; Order, Acrotica. Humid scalp. It has four species, Ecpyesis impetigo, porrigo, ecthyma, scabies. Ecre'oma. (From txpnyvvpi, to break.) A rup- ture. Ecre'xis. (From cKonywut, to break.) A rupture. Hippocrates expresses by it a rupture or laceration of the womb. ' Echry'thmos. (From tx, and pvBpos, harmony.) A term applied to the pulse, and signifies that it is irre- gular. E'croe. (From txptta, to flow out.) An efflux, or the course by which any humour which requires purging is evacuated. Ecrueles. The French for scrofula. E'crysis. (From txptia, to flow out.) In Hippo- crates it is an efflux of tlie semen before it receives the conformation of a fcetus, and therefore is called an efflux, to distinguish it from abortion. ECSARCO'MA. (Frorh tx, and aap\, flesh.) A fleshy excrescence. E'CSTASIS. (Ecstasis, cos. f. Kx^aois; from £sifa- uai, to be out of one's senses.) An ecstasy, or trance. In Hippocrates it signifies a delirium. Ecstro'phius. (From tKs-pttbia, to invert.) An epithet for any medicine, that makes the blind piles appear outwardly. Ecthely'nsis. (From txBtXvvia, to re ndcr effemi- nate.) Softness. It is applied to the skin and flesh, when lax and soft, and to bandages, when not suffi- ciently tight Ecthli'mma. (From txBXtSia, to press out against.) An ulceration caused by pressure of the skin. Eothli'psis. (From txByiSia, to press out against.) Elision, or expression. It is spoken of swelled eyes, when they dart forth sparks of light E'CTHYMA. (Ecthyma, atis. n. txBvtiv, to rage, or break forth with fury.) A pustule or cutaneous erup- tion. Ectillo'tica. (From txfiXXia, to pull out.) Medi- cines which eradicate tubercles or corns, or destroy superfluous hair. ECTO'PIA. (From txjonos, out of place.) Dis- placed. . Ectopia. (The plural of edopia.) ParU dis- placed. An order in the class locales of Cullen's No- Mlogy. See Nosology. Ectrapeloga'stkos. (From txjpcnouai, to degene- rate, and yasnp, a belly.) One who has a monstrous belly, or whose appetite is voraciously large. Ectri'mma. (From sxJpiSta, to rub off) An exco- riation. In Hippocrates il is an exulceration of the skin about the os sacrum. E'ctrope. (From tx]ptnia, to divert, pervert, or in- vert) It is any duct by which the humours arediverted and drawn off. InP.ASgiiietaitisthe same as Euro- pium. ECTRO'PHJM. (From «7 to form convolutions.) The Disc passion. Ei'sBOLK. (From us, into, and BaXXu, to cast) It signifies strictly an injection, but is used to express the access of a distemper, or of a {.articular paroxysm. Ei'spnok. (From ««, into, and neia, to breathe.) Inspiration of air. EJAOULA'NTIA. (From ejaculo, to cast out.) Ejaculatoria. The vessels which convey the seminal matter secreted in the testicles to the penis. These are the epididymis, and the vasa deferentia; the vesi- cula? seminales are the receptacles of the semen. EJE'CTIO. (From ejicio, to cast out.) Ejection, or the discharging of any thing from the body. Elaca'lm. The Indian name of a cathartic shrub, the Euphorbia nervifolia, of Linnaeus. Elaea'onon. (From cXatov, oil, and ayvos, chaste.) See Vitex agnus castus. Elso'meu. (From tXatov, oil, and ucXi, honey.) A sweet 'mrging oil, like honev. ELcEOSA'CCHARUM. (From eXatov, oil, and oaKxapov, sugar.) A mixture of an essential oil with sugar. Elcoseli'nitm. See Eleoselinum. ELAIN. The oily principle of solid fats, so named by its discoverer, Chevreuil, who dissolves tallow in very pure hot alkohol, separates the stearin by crys- tallization, and then procures the elain by evaporation of the spirit. Braconnot has adopted a simpler, and probably a more exact method. By squeezing tallow between the folds of porous paper, the elain soaks into it, while the stearin remains. The paper being then soaked in water, and pressed, yields up its oily im- pregnation. Elain has very much the appearance and properties of vegetable oil. It is liquid at the tempera- ture of CO0. Its smell and colour are derived from the solid l'au from which it is extracted. [" Mr. Pictet's method of procuring elftine, consists in pouring upon oil a concentrated solution of caustic soda, stirring the mixture, heating it slightly to sepa- rate the elaine from the soap of the stearine, pouring it on a cloth, and then separating by decantation the elaine from ihe excess of alkaline solution.— Webster's Man. of Chemistry. A.] Elais guinex'nsis. A species of palm which grows spontaneously on the coast of Guinea, but is much cul- tivated in the West Indies. It is from this tree that the oil, called in the West Indies Mackaw fat, is ob- tained : and, according to some, the palm-oil, which ia considered as an emollient and strenglhener of all kinds of weakness of the limbs. It also is recom- mended against bruises, strains, cramps, pains, swell- ings, Sec. Elambica'tio. A method of analyzing mineral waters. ELAOLITE. A subspecies of pyramidal felspar. ELAPHOBO'SCUM. (From tXutbos, a stag, and Booxia, to eat: so called, because deer eat them greedi ly.) See Pastinaca. ELAPHOSCO RODON. (From tXatbos, the stag, and oxopoSov, garlic.) Stag's or viper's garlic. Ela'sma. (From tXavvia, to drive.) A lamina of any kind. A clyster-pipe. ELASTIC. (Elasticus; from tXasilS, impulsor, or of tXavvtiv, to impel, to push.) Springy; having the power of returning to the form from which it has been forced to deviate, or from which il is withheld; thus, a blade of steel is said to be elastic, because if it ia bent to a certain degree, and then let go, it will of it- self return lo iu former situation; tbe same will hap- pen to the branch of a tree, a piece of Indian rubber, Sec See Elasticity. Elastic fluid. See Gas. Elastic gum. See Caoutchouc. ELASTICIT Y. Elaitidtas. A force in bodies, by which they endeavour to restore themselves to the posture from whence they were displaced by any ex ternal force. To solve this property, many have re course to the universal law of nature, attraction, by which the paru of solid and firm bodies are caused to cohere together: whereby, when hard bodies are struck or bent, so that the component paru are a little moved from one another, but not quite disjoined or broken off, nor separated so far as to be out of the power of the attracting force, by which tbey cohere together; they certainly must, on the cessation of the external violence, spring back with a very great velo- city lo tbeii former state. But in this circumstance, the atmospherical pressure will account for it as well; because such a violence, if .t be not great enough to ' -no ELA ELE separate the constituent particles of a body far enough to let in any foreign matter, must occasion many va- cuole between tbe separated siiuaces, so that upon the removal of the external force, tney will close again by the pressure of the aerial fluid upon the external pai U, i. e. tiie body will come again into iu natural posture. Tbe included air, likewise, in most bodies, gives that power of resilition upon their percussion. If two bodies perfectly dastic strike, one against another, there will be or remain in each the same rela- tive velocity as before, i. e. they will recede with the same velocity as they met together. For the compress- ive force, or the magnitude of the stroke in any given bodies, arises from the relative velocity of those bodies, and is proportional to it, and bodies perfectly elastic will restore themselves completely to tiie figure they had before the shock; or, in other words, tbe resti- tuiive force is equal to the compressive, and therefore must be equal to the force wilh which they came to- gether, and consequently they must, by elasticity, re- cede again from each other with the same velocity. Hence, taking equal times before and after the shock, the distances between the bodies will be equal: and therefore the distances of them from tiie common cen- tre of gravity will, in the same times, be equal. And hence the laws of percussion of bodies perfectly elastic are easily deduced. ELATERIUM. (From tXavvia, to stimulate or agitate: so named from iu great purgative qualities.) See Momordica daterium. ["The Momordica elaterium is a perennial plant, growing spontaneously in the south of Europe. The fruit, which is botanically allied to the cucuinber and melon, has the curious property of separating itsell, | when ripe, from ils stalk, and ejecting iu seeds with great force through an opening in the base, where the 3talk was attached. The medicinal property resides chiefly in the juice at the centre of the fruit, and about the seeds. The drug called Elaterium iu our Phar- macopoeia, and which ihe London College have, with some latitude of application, called an extract, is the sediment which subsides from the juice of ihe fruit after it has been drawn out The quantity of genuine elaterium contained in a single fruit is extremely small, as it appears that only six grains were obtained by Dr. Clutterbuck from forty of the cucumbers. The plant might be raised in this country. « Elaterium is sold in small, thm cakes, or fragments, of a greenish colour, and a bitter and somewhat acrid taste. It is liable to vary in strength, according to the mode of iu preparation. If tiie juice has been ex- tracted with much pressure, the sediment contains portions of the fruit which are comparatively inac- tive, and which, of course, tend to lessen its acuvity. In selecting elaterium, those specimens which have a ■very dark colour, are compact and heavy, and break wRh a shining resinous fracture, are to be rejected as *"" This drug is one of the most violent cathartics. It was cmnioved by the ancienU as a hydragogue in drops?, fo a form not dissimilar to that used at the present day. It was also used by the Arabians, and in more modern limes by Boerhaave Sydenham and Lister, auite recently it has been highly recom mended in dropsy by some distinguished1 Enghsb phy jffcians, and their practice has been successfully mi tated in this country; although the peat uncertainty of its operation has repeatedly caused it to be Man 4oned. It lias the peculiar property of«otM^u ging, but at the same time exciting a febrile acuon. which Lister describes as attended with a throbb nf tiiat is felt to the fingers' ends. Orfila found that a «& Li^r Ifosc^es ^attended with a throbbing tiiat is felt to the fingers' ends Orfilai foundI that a large dose, given to a dog, brought on inflammat on M tiie stomach, but when injected in two cases into the cell.tiar texture of the thifh, tbe rectum^wos toe only par, of the canal which became wn^A^on concludes, that the medicine has some peculiar acuon °VTt° ^certainty arising from the different prepa- is ventured on in any ?°n»de'*l>7 C" iiVen from one 320 excessive operation resulting from it."—Ma. Jtm Med. AJ ELATHE'RIA. A name for the cascarilla bark. ELATIN. The active principle of elatenuui. ties Momordica elaterium. ELATI'NE. (From tXalnov, smaller, being toe smaller species.) See Antirrhinum clatine. ELATIO. Elevated, exalted. This term is ap- plied in Good's Nosology, to a species of the genus Alusio, to designate mental extravagance. Elati'tes. Bloodstone. ELCO'SIS. (From tXxos, an ulcer.) A disease at- tended wilh foetid, carious, and chronic ulcers. Tbe term is seldom used. ELDER. See Sambucus. Elder, dwarf. See Sambucus Ebulus. ELECAMPANE. See Inula hclenium, ELECTIVE. That which is done, or passes, by election. Elective affinity, double. See Affinity double. Elective attraction. Sec Affinity. Elective attraction, double. See Affinity double ELECTRICITY. (Eiec'ricitoj; from dectrum, nXtxrpov, from nXtxliap, the sun, because of its bright shining colour; or from tXxta, to draw, because of ita magnetic power.) A property which certain bodies possess when rubbed, heated, or otherwise excited, whereby they attract remote bodies, and frequently emit sparks or streams of light The ancients first ob- served tiiis property in amber, which they called Elecr trum, and hence arose the word electricity. " If a piece of sealing-wax and of dry warm flannel be rubbed against each other, they both become capa- I ble of attracting and repelling light bodies. A dry and I warm sheet of writing-paper, rubbed with India rub- ber, or a tube of glass rubbed upon silk, exhibit the same phenomena. In these cases, the bodies are Baid to be electrically excited; and when in a daik room, they always appear luminous. If two pith-balls be electrified by touching them with the sealing-wax, or with the flannel, they repel each other; but if one pith-ball be electrified by the wax, and the other by the flannel, they attract each other. The same applies to the glass and silk: it shows a difference- in the electri- cities of the different bodies, and the experiment leads lo the conclusion, tbat oodia* similarly electrified repel each other; but that when dissimilarly electrified, they attract each other. The term electrical repulsion is berc used merely to denote the appearance of tlie phenomenon, tbe separa- tion being probably referrible to the new attractive power which they acquire, when electrified, for the air and other surrounding bodies. If one ball be electrified by sealing wax rubbed by flannel, and another by sUk rubbed with glass, those balls will repel each other; which proves that the electricity of thesilk is the same as that of the sealing- wax But if one ball be electrified by the sealing-wax and the other by the glass, they then attract each other, showing that they are oppositely electrified. These experimenu are most conveniently performed with a large downy feather, suspended by a silken thread If an excited glass tube be brought near It, it will receive and retain its electricity; il will be that attracted and then repelled; and upon re-exelting tbe tube, and again approaching it, it will not again be at- tracted, but retain ita state of repulsion; but upon ap- proaching it with excited sealing-wax, it will instant y be attracted, and remain in contact wilh the wax till it has acquired iu electricity, when it will be repelled, and in that state of repulsion it will be attracted by tne glass, in uu.-=o <=»k»-.....—■--i-------- -. . • that the feather remains treely^usramded in the air, and touches nothing capable ol carrying off iu elec- ^ The terms vitreous and resinous electricity were anolied to these two phenomena; but 1 ranklin, ob- ■eSthat ihe same electncity was not ... hereof In tiie same body, but ibal glass sometimes exhibited the same phenomena as wax, and viceversa, adopted anc- KS instead of regarding tne plieim.nc.ia as dependent upon two electric fluids, referred them to rh« wraeaoe of one fluid, in excess in some caws, and ndScy taSnersT Toreprweni these state* he used Ibe S plus and sums, po.itis, and negative. WhcrMdulis tubbed "ith silk' ' P"1 °? of eU*"1 ELE ELE sitite, therefore, and the silk negative: but when seal- ing-wax ia rubbed with flannel, the wax loses, and the flannel gains; the former, therefore, is negative, and tiie latter positive. All bodies in nature are thus re- garded as containing the electric fluid, and when its equilibrium is duturbed, they exhibit the phenomena just described. The substances enumerated in the fol- lowing tallc become positively electrified when rubbed witii tlnoe which follow them in the list; but with thoae which precede them they become negatively electrical.—Biot, Traiti de Physique, torn ii. p. 220. Cat's-skin. Paper. Polished glass. Silk. Woolen cloth. Gum lac. Feathers. Rough glass. Very delicate pith-balls, or strips of gold leaf, are usually employed in ascertaining the presence of elec- tricity ; and by the way iu which their divergence is effected by glass or sealing-wax, the kind or state of electricity is judged of. When properly suspended or mounted for delicate experiments, they form an elec- trometer or dectroscope. For this purpose, the slips ofi gold leaf are suspended by a brass cap and wire in a glass cylinder: they hang in contact when unelec- trified, but when electrified they diverge. When this instrument, as usually constructed, becomes in a smtdl degree damp, its delicacy is much diminished, and it is rendered nearly useless. The kind of electricity by which the gold leaves are diverged may be judged of by approaching the cap of the instrument with a stick of excited sealing-wax; if it be negative, the divergence will increase; if positive, tiie leaves will collapse, upon tlie principle ofthe mu- tual annihilation of the opposite electricities, or that bodies similarly electrified repel each other, but that when dissimilarly electrified, they become mutually attractive. Some bodies suffer electricity to pass through their substance, and are called conductors. Others only receive it upon the spot touched, and are called non- conductors. The former do not, in general, become electrified by friction, and are called non-electrics: the latter, on the contrary, are electrics, or acquire elec- tricity by friction. They are also called insulators. The metala are all conductors; dry air, glass, sulphur, and resins, are non-conductors. Water, damp wood, spirit of wine, damp air, and some oils, are imperfect conductors. Raritied air admiu of Ihe passage of electricity; so does tiie Jarricellian vacuum; hence, if an electrified body be placed under the receiver of the air-pump, it loses its electricity during exhaustion. So that the air, independent of its non-conducting power, appears to influence the retentive properties of bodies, in re- spect to electricity, by its pressure. There appears to be no constant relation between the state of bodies and their conducting powers: among aolids, metals are conductors; but gums and resins are non-conductors: among liquids, strong alkaline acid, and saline solutions, are good conductors; pure water Is an imperfectconductor, and oils are non-conductors; solid wax Is almost a non-conductor; but when melted a good one. Conducting powers belong to bodies in the roost op- posite stales; thus, the flame of alkohol and ice are equally good conductors. Glass is a non-conductor when cold, but conducu when red-hot: the diamond is a non-conduoior; but pure and well-burned char- coal is among the best conductors. There are many mineral substances which show signs of electricity when heated, as the tourmalin, topaz, diamond, boracite, Sec, and in these bodies the different surfaces exhibit different electrical states. Whenever one part of a body, or system of bodies, is positive, another part is invariably negative; and these opposite electrical states are always such as ex- actly to neutralize each other. Thus, in the common electrical machine, one conductor receives the electri- city of the glass-cylinder, and tbe other that of the silk-rubber, and tiie former conductor ia positive, and the latter negative; but, if they be connected, all elec- trical phenomena cease. Electricians generaUy employ the terra quantity to Indicate the absolute quantity of electric power in any body, and the term intensity, to signify iu power of passing through a certain stratum of air, or other ill-. conducting, medium. If we suppose a charged Leyden phial to furnish a spark, when discharged, of one inch in length, we should find that another uncharged Leyden phial, the inner and outer coating of which were communicated with those of the former, would, upon the same ouan- » tity of electricity being thrown in, reduce the length of tlie spark to half an inch ; here the quantity of elec- tricity remaining the same, its intensity is diminished by one-half, by its distribution over the larger surface It isobvious that the extension of surface liluded to in the last paragraph will be attended with 1 greater superficial exposure to the unelectrified air; and hence it might be expected that a similar diminution of in tensity would result from the vicinity of the electrified surface to the ground, or to any other body of sufficient magnitude in iu ordinary state. That this is the case, may be shown by diverging tbe leaves of the gold leaf electrometer, and in that state approaching the instru- ment with an uninsulated plate, which, when within half an inch of the electrometer plate, will cause the leaves to collapse; but, on removing the uninsulated plate, they will again diverge, in consequence of the electricity regaining its former intensity. The same fact is shown by the condensing electrometer. The power of the Leyden jar is proportioned to its surface; but a very large jar is inconvenient and diffi- cult to procure ; the same end is attained by arranging several jars, so that by a communication existing be- tween all their interior coatings, their exterior belrig also united, they may be charged and discharged aa one jar. Such a combination is called an electrical battery, and is useful for exhibiting the effect of accu- mulated electricity. The discharge of the battery is attended by a consi- derable report, and if it be passed through small ani- mals, it instantly kills them; if through fine metallic wires, they are ignited, melted, and burned; and gun- powder, cotton sprinkled with powdered resin, and a variety of other combustibles, may be inflamed by the same means. There are many other sources of electricity than those just noticed. When glass Is rubbed by mercury, it becomes electrified; and this is the cause of the luminous appearance observed when a barometer Is agitated in a dark room, in which case flashes of light are seen to traverse the empty part of the tube. Even the friction of air upon glass is attended by electrical excitation : for Wilson found, that by blowing upon a dry plate of glass with a pair nf bellows, it acquired a positive electricity. Whenever bodies change their forms, their electrical states are also altered. Thus, the conversion of water into vapour, and the congela- tion of melted resins and sulphur are processes in which electricity ia also rendered sensible. When an insulated plate of zinc is brought into contact with one of copper or silver, it is found, after removal, to be positively electrical, and the silver or copper is left in the opposite stale. The most oxidisable metal is always positive, in relation to tbe least oxidisable metal, which is nega- tive, and the more opposite the metals in these respects tlie greater tbe electrical excitation; and if the metals be placed in the following order, each will become positive by the contact of* that which precedes it, and negative by the contact of that which follows it; and the greatest effect will result from the contact of tbe most distant metals. Platinum. Mercury. Tin. Gold. Copper. Lead. Silver. Iron. Zinc. If the nerve of a recently killed frog be attached to a silver probe, and a piece of zinc be brought into the contact of the muscular ports of the animal, violent convulsions are produced every time tlie metals thus connected are made to touch each other. Exactly the same effect is produced by an electric spark, or the dis- charge of a very small Leyden-pbial. If a piece of zinc be placed upon the tongue, and a piece of silver under it, a peculiar sensation will be perceived every time the two metals are made to touch. In these cases the chemical properties of tbe metala are observed to be effected. If a sliver and zinc wire be put into a wine glass full of dilute sulphuric acid, the zinc wire will only evolve gas; but upon bringing the two wires in contact with each other, the silver will also copiously produce air bubbles. If a number waiteratlons be made of coppctjat stt- ELE ELE ter leaf, zinc leaf, and thin paper, the electricity ex- cited by the contact of the metals will be rendered evi- dent to the common electrometer. If the same arrangement be made with the paper moistened with brine," or a weak acid, it will be found, on bringing a wire communicating with the last copper plate into contact with the first zinc plate, that a spark is perceptible, and also a slight shock, provided the number of alternations be sufficiently numerous. This hi the voltaic apparatus. Several modes of constructing this apparatus have been adopted with a view to render it more conve- nient or active. Sometimes double plates of copper and zinc soldered together, are cemented into wooden troughs in regular order, the intervening cells being filled with water, or saline, or acid solutions. Another form consisU in arranging a row of glasses, containing dilute sulphuric acid, in each of which is placed a wire, or plate of silver, or copper, and one of zinc, not touching each other, but so connected by metallic wires, that the zinc of the first cup may com- municate with the copper of the second ; the zinc of the second with the copper of tiie third; and so on throughout the series. Wlien the poles of the Voltaic apparatus are con- nected by a steel wire, it requires magnetic properties, and if by a platinum, or other metallic wire, that wire exhibits numerous magnetic poles, which attract and repel the common magnetic needle. This very curious fact was first observed by Professor Oersted, of Copen- hagen. On immersing the wires from the extremes of this apparatus into water, it is found that the fluid suffers decomposition, and that oxygen gas is liberated at the positive wire or pole, and hydrogen gas at the negative pole. All other substances are decomposed with similar phenomena, the inflammable element being disengaged at the negatively electrical surface; hence it would appear, upon the principle of similarly electrified bodice repelling each other, and dissimilarly electrified bodies attracting each other, that the inherent or natu- ral electrical state of the inflammable substances is positive, for they are attracted by the negative or op- positely electrified pole; while the bodies, called sup- porters of combustion, or acidifying principles, are attracted by the positive pole, and, therefore, may be considered as possessed of the negative power. When bodies are thus under the influence of elec- trical decomposition, their usujuVchemical energies arc suspended', and some very curious phenomena are ob- servedl The most difficult decomposable compounds may be thus resolved into their component paru by the elec- trical agency; by a weak power the proximate ele- ments are separated, and by a stronger power these are resolved into their ultimate constituents. All bodies which exert powerful chemical agencies upon each other when freedom of motion is given to their particles, render each other oppositely electrical when acting as masses. Hence Sir H. Davy, the great and successful investigator of this branch of chemical philosophy, has supposed tbat electrical and chemical phenomena, though in themselves quite distinct, may be dependent on one and the same power, acting in the former case upon masses of matter, in the other upon iu particles. The power of the Voltaic apparatus to communicate divergence to the electrometer, is most observed when it is well Insulated, and filled with pure water; but iu power of producing ignition and of giving shocks, and of producing the other effecu observed when iu poles are connected, are much augmented by the interpo- sition of dilute acids, which act chemically upon one ofthe plates: here the insulation is interfered wilh by tbe production of vapour, but the quantity of elec- tricity is much increased, a circumstance which may, perha|«, be referred to the increase of the positive energy of tbe most oxidisable metal by the contact of the acid. In experiments made with the great battery nf the Royal Institution, it has been found that 130 plates rendered active by a mixture of one part of ni- tric acid, and three of water, produces effects equal to 480 plates rendered active by one part of nitric acid, and fifteen of water. In the Voltaic pile, the intensity of the electricity Increases with the number of alternations, but the •jas quantity is increased by extending the surface of that plates. Thus, if a battery, composed of thirty pairs of plates, two inches square, be compared wilh another battery of thirty pairs of twelve inches square charged in the same way, no difference will be perceived la their effects upon bad or imperfect conductor*; Uiett powers of dec (imposing water, and of giving shocks, will be similar; but upon good conductora the effecu of the large plates will be considerably greater than those of tiie small: they will ignite and fuse large quantities of platinum wire, and produce a very bril- liant spark between charcoal points. The following experiment well illustra. is the different effecu of quantity and intensity in ine Voltaic apparatua. Immerse the platinum wires connected with the ex- tremity of a charged battery composed of twelve-inch plates into water, and it will be found that the evolu- tion of gas is nearly the same as that occasioned by a similar number of two-inch plates. Apply the moist- ened fingers to the wires, and the shock will be the same as if there were no connexion by the water. While the circuit exisU through the human body and the water, let a wire attached to a thin slip of char- coal be made to connect the poles of the battery, and the charcoal will become vividly ignited. The water and the animal substance discbarge the electricity of a surface, probably, not superior to their own surface of contact with the metals ; the wires discharge all the residual electricity of the plates; and if a similar ex- periment be made on plates of an inch square, there will scarcely be any sensation when the hands are made to connect the ends of the battery, a circuit being previously made through water ; and no spark, when charcoal is made the medium of connexion, im- perfect conductors having been previously applied. These relative effects of quantity and intensity were admirably illustrated by the experimenU instituted by Children, who constructed a battery, the plates of which were two feet eight inches wide, and six feel high. They were fastened to a beam, suspended by counterpoises, from the ceiling of his laboratory, so aa to be easily immersed into, or withdrawn from tlie cells of acid. The effecu upon metallic wins, and perfect conductors, were extremely intense; but u|h>b imperfect conductors, such as the human body, and water, they were feeble.—Phil. Trans. 1815, p. 303. When the extremes of a battery composed of large plates are united by wires of different metals, it is found that some are more easily ignited than others, a circumstance which has been referred to their con- ducting powers: thus platinum is more easily ignited than silver, and silver than zinc. If the ignition be supposed to result from the resistance to the paasags of electricity, we should say that the zinc conducted better than silver, and the silver than platinum. .« An important improvement has been suggestedjjn the construction of the Voltaic apparatus, by Dr. Vfa- laston, (Annals of Philosophy, Sept. 1815;) by whys great increase of quantity is obtained, without incon- venient augmentation ofthe size ofthe plates; it coo- sisu in extending the copper plate, so as to oppose il to every surface of the zinc. With the single pair of plates, of very small dimes srons, constructed upon this principle, Dr. Wollaston succeeded in fusing and igniting a fine platinum wire. This is the most economical and useful form of the Voltaic apparatus ; certainly, at least it is so for all those researches in which there is an occa-ional de- mand for quantity as well as intensity of electricity. The theory of the Voltaic pile is involved in many difficulties. The original source of electricity appears to depend upon the contact of t lie metals, for we know that a plate of silver and a plate of zinc, or of any other difficultly and easily oxidisable metals, become nega- tive and positive on contact Tbe accumulation rnujt be referred to induction, which takes place in the elec- trical column, through tbe very thin stratum of air, or paper, and through water, when that fluid Is interposed between the plate*. Accordingly, we observe, that tbe apparatus ia in tile condition of the scries of cosr doctors, with interposed1 fir, and of tbe Leyden phials. When the electiiccoJuuk|s insulated, the extreoilties exhibit feeble negative gnd positive powers, but If either extremity be connected with the ground, the electricity r^TTf^iwl«l—'"- isgreetly increased, as may be shown by the increased divergence of tbe leaves of ihe electrometer which then ensue*. ELE ELE As general changes in the form and constitution of ■matter are connected with iu electrical states, it is ob- vious that electricity must be continually active in na- ture. Its effecu are exhibited on a magniticent scale ■in the thunder-storm, which results from the accumu- lation of electricity in the clouds, as was first experi- mentally demonstrated by Dr. Franklin, who also first showed the advantage of pointed conductors as safe- guards to buildings. In these cases, the conducting rod, or rods, should be of copper, or iron, and from half to three-fourths of an inch diameter. Iu upper end should be elevated three or four feet above the highest part of the building, and all the metallic parts of the roof should be connected with the rod, which should be perfectly continuous throughout, and passing down the side of the building, penetrate several feet below iu foundation, so as always to be immersed in a moist stratum of soil, or if possible, into water. The leaden water pipes attached to houses, often might be made to answer the purpose of conductors, especially when thick enough to resist fusion. During a thunder-storm the safest situation is in the middle of a room, at a distance from the chimney, and standing upon a woollen rug, which is a nonconductor. Blankets and feathers being nonconductors, bed is a place of comparative safety, provided the bell-wires are not too near, which are almost always melted in houses struck by lightning. When out of doors, it is dangerous to take shelter under trees: the safest situ- ation is within some yards of them, and upon the dryest spot that can be selected. The discharge of electricity in a thunder-storm is sometimes only from cloud to cloud; sometimes from the earth to tlie clouds; and sometimes from the clouds -to the earth; as one or the other may be positive or negative. When aqueous vapour is condensed, the clouds formed are usually more or less electrical; and the earth Mow them being brought into an opposite slate, by induction, a discharge takes place when the clouds approach within a certain distance, constituting lightning; and the indulation of the au, produced by the discharge, is the cause of thunder, which is more or less intense, and of longer or shorter duration, ac- cording to the quantity of air acted upon, and the dis- tance of the place, where the report is heard from the point of the discharge. It may not be uninteresting to give a further illustration of this idea. Electrical effecu take place in no sensible time. It has been found that a discharge through a circuit of four miles is instantaneous; but sound moves at tbe rate of about twelve miles a minute. Now, suppose the lightning to pass through a space of some miles, the explosion will be first heard from the point of the air agitated nearest to the spectator: it will gradually come from the more distant parts of the course of electricity, and last of all, will be heard from the remote extremity, and the different degrees of the agitation of the air, and like- wise the difference of the distance, will account for •» different intensities of the sound, and iu apparent reverberations and changes. In a violent thunder-storm, when the sound instantly succeeds the flash, the persons who witness the cir- cumstance are in some danger; when the interval is a quarter of a minute, they are secure. A variety of electrical apparatus has been devised to Illustrate the operation of conductors for lightning, and the advantage of points over bolls; the simplest consists of a model of a house having a conductor with a break in it, In which some Inflammable matter should be placed; the lower end of the conductor should be communicated with the exterior of a charged Leyden phial, the knob of which, brought over iu upper end, will then represent a thunder cloud. If the conductor be pointed, it will be slowly discharged, if surrounded by a ball, there will be an explosion, and the combustibles probably inflamed. Tbe coruscations of tbe Aurora borealia are also probably electrical, and much resemble flashes of elec- tric light traversing rarefied air. The water-spout may be referred to the same source, and is probably the re- sult of the operation of a weakly electrical cloud, at an inconsiderable elevation above the sea, brought Into an opposite electrical state: and the attraction of the lower part of the cloud, for the surface of the water, may be the immediate cause of this extraordi- nary phenomenon. In tits gymnotus, or electric eel, and in tile torpceh, or electric ray, are arrangemenu given to those re markable animals for the purimse of defence, which certain forms of the Voltaic apparatus must resemble; for they consist of many alternations of different sub- stances. These electrical organs are much more abundantly supplied with nerves than any other part of the animal, and the too frequent use of them is succeeded by debility and death. Tbat arrangements of different organic substances are capable of producing electrical effects, has been shown by various experimentalists. If the hind-legsof a frog be placed upon a glass plate, and thecrural nerve dissected out of one made to communicate with ano- ther, it will be found on making occasional contacU with the remaining crural nerve, that the limbs of the animal will be agitated at each contact. These cir- cumstances have induced some plwsiologisu to sup- pose, that electricity may be concerned in some of the most recondite phenomena of vitality, and Dr. Wol- laston, Sir E. Home, and myself, have made some ex- periments tending to confer probability on this idea. We have as yet no plausible hypothesis concerning the cause of electrical phenomena, though the subject has engaged the attention of the most eminent philo- sophers of Europe. They have been, by some, referred to the presence of a peculiar fluid existing in all mat- ter, and exhibiting itself by tbe appearances which have been described wherever iu equilibrium is dis- turbed, presenting negative and positive electricity, when deficient, and when redundant. Others have plausibly argued for the presence of two fluids, distinct from each other. Others have considered the effects aa referrible to peculiar exertions of the attractive powers of matter, and have regarded the existence of any distinct fluid, or form of matter, to be as unneces- sary to the explanation of the phenomena, as it is in the question concerning the cause of gravitation. When the flame of a candle is placed between a positive and negative surface, it is urged towards the latter; a circumstance which has been explained upon the supposition of a current of electrical matter pass- ing from the positive to the negative pole; indeed, it has been considered as demonstrating the existence of such a current of matter. But if the flame of phos- phorus be substituted for that of a candle, it takes an opposite direction; and instead of being attracted to- wards the negative, it bends to the positive surface. It has been shown that inflammable bodies are always attracted by negative surfaces; and acid bodies, and those in which the supporters of combustion prevail, are attracted by positive surfaces. Hence the flame of the candle throwing off carbon, is directed to the negative pole, while that of phosphorus forming acid matter goes to the positive, consistently with the ordi- nary laws of electro-chemical attraction. There are other experimenU opposed to the idea tha" electricity is a material substance. If we discharge a Leyden phial through a quire of paper, the perforation is equally burred upon both sides, and not upon tbe negative side only, as would have been the case if any material body had gone through in that direction. The power seems to have come from the centre of the paper, as if one half of the quire had been attracted by the positive, and the other by the negative surface. When a pointed metallic wire is presented towards the conductor of the electrical machine, in a darkened room, a star of light is observed when the conductor is positive', but a brush of light when it is negative; a circumstance which has been referred to the reception of the electric fluid in the one case, and its escape in the other. In the Voltaic discbarge the same appear- ances are evident upon the charcoal point; rays ap- pearing to diverge from the negative conductor, while from the positive a spot of bright light is perceptible. But these affections of light can scarcely be considered as indicating tbe omission, or reception of any specific form of matter. The efficacy of electricity in the cure of several dis- eases has been supported by many very respectable authorities, especially in paralytic diseases. It con- siderably augmenu the circulation of the blood, and excites the action ofthe absorbents.''—Brands'a Che- mistry. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. The name given to a —ass of very interesting phenomena, first observed by Oersted, of Copenhagw, in the w inter of 181&-30, and which line since received great Illustration from tiie ELE ELE labours 'of Ampere, Arago, Sir H. Davy, Wollaston, Faraday, de la Rive, ana several other philosophers. The following is a short outline of the fundamental facta. Let the opposite poles of a voltaic battery be con- nected by a metallic wire, which may be lot! of such length as to suffer iu being benl or turned in various directions. ThU is the conjunctive wire of Oersted. Let us suppose that the rectilinear portion of this wire is extended horizontally in the line of the magnetic mewdian. If a freely suspended compass-needle be now introduced, with its centre under the conjunctive wire, the needle will instantly deviate from the mag- netic meridian; and it will decline towards the west, under that part of the conjunctive wire which is near- est tbe negative electric pole, or tbe copper end of the voltaic apparatus. The amount of this declination depends on the strength of tiie electricity, and the sen- sibility of tlie needle. Ite maximum is SO0. We may change the direction of the conjunctive wire, out of the magnetic meridian, towards tbe east or tiie west, provided it remains above the needle, and parallel to its plane, without any change in tlie above result, except that of iu amount Wires of platinum, gold, silver, brass, and iron, may be equally employed; nor does the effect cease, though the electric circuit be partially formed by water. The effect of the con- junctive wire takes place across plates of glass, metal, wood, water, resin, pottery, and stone. If the conjunctive wire be disposed horizontally be- neath tiie needle, tlie effecu are of the same nature as those which occur when it is above it; but they operate in an inverse direction ; that is to say, the pole of tbe needle under which is placed the portion of the con- junctive wire which receives tbe negative electricity of the apparatus, declines in tbat case towards the east. To remember these results more readily, we may employ the following proposition: The pole, abovk which the negative electricity enters, dedines towards the west ; but if it enters iiknxatii it, the needle de- clines towards the east. If the conjunctive wire (always supposed horizon- tal) is slowly turned about, so as to form a gradually increasing angle with the magnetic meridian, the de- clination of the needle increases, if tbe movement of the wire be towards the line of position of the dis- turbed needle; it diminishes, on the contrary, if it re- cede from its position. When tbe conjunctive wire Is stretched alongside of the needle in the same horizontal plane, it occasions no declination either to the east or west; but it causes it merely to incline in a vertical line, so that the pole adjoining the negative influence of the pile on the wire dips when the wire is on iu west side, and rises when it is on the east. If we stretch the conjunctive wire, either above or beneath the needle, in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic meridian, it remains at rest, unless the wire be very near the pole ofthe needle ; for, in this case, it rises when the entrance takes place by the west part of the wire, and sinks when it takes place by the east part When we dispose the conjunctive wire in a vertical tine opposite the pole of the needle, and make the upper extremity of the wire receive the electricity of the negative end of the baltery, the pole of the needle moves towards the east; but if we place the wire op- posite a point between the pole and the middle of the needle, it moves to the west. The phenomena are presented in an inverse order, when the upper extre- mity of the conjunctive wire receives the electricity of the positive side of the apparatus. It appears from the preceding facte, says Oersted, that tbe electric conflict (action) is not enclosed within the conducting wire, but that it has a pretty extensive sphere of activity round it We may also conclude from the observations, that this conflict acu by revo- lution ; for without this supposition we could not com- prehend bow the same portion of the conjunctive wire, wbich, placed beneath the magnetic pole, carries the needle towards the east, when it is placed aoooe this pole, should carry it towards the west But such is the nature of the circular action, that the move- ments which it produces take place in directions pre- cisely contrary to tbe two extremities ofthe same di- ameter. It appears also, that the circular movement, combined with a progressive movement In the tbm tion of the length of the conjunctive wire, ought la form a kind of action, which operates spirally around this wire as an axis. For further information, Fara- day'* able Bud original paper, in tin- Journal of Sci- ence, may bu consulted; oe alsoAiuptia-'a several In- genious memoirs in the Annates de Chiiuie el de Phy- sique. ELECTRO DES. (From nhtxlpov, amber.) An epithet for intestinal faeces which shine like amber. ELECTROMETER. (From nXuloov, and ptipnv, a measure.) See Electricity. ELECTROSCOPE. (From tXtKfpov, lad oxonua, to see.) See Electricity. t ELE'CTRUM. EA«c7poi>. Amber. Electrum minerals. The tincture of metal*. It is made of tin and copper, to wbich some add gold, and double iu quantity of murtial regulus of antimony melted together; from these there results a metallic mass, to which some chemists have giveu tiie name of clectrum minerale. This mass is powdered and deto- nated with nitre and charcoal to a kind of scoria; It is powdered again while hot, and then digested ia spirit of wine, wlience a tincture is obtained of a fin*>< red colour. -1 ELECTUARIUM. An electuary. The Londoa. Pharmacopoeia refers those articles which were for-- inerly called electuaries to confections. See Confetti**^ Electuarium antimonii. $. Electuaril senna, Jj ; guaiaci gummi, hydrargyri cum sulphure, ami-. monii ppli. sing. 5 ss; syrupi siuiplicis q. s. misce. Of .1 this electuary, from a drachm to about two drachma*! given twice a day, in those cutaneous diseases wbich go under tbe general name of scorbutic. It is usually accompanied with the decoctions of elm bark or sar- saparilla. Electuarium cassi*. See Confectio cassia. i*i Electuarium catechu. Confectio Japonic*** Electuary of catechu, commonly called Japonic con- fection. Take of mimosa catechu, four ounces; kino, Ihree ounces; cinnamon, nutmeg, each one ounce; opium diffused iu a sufficient quantity of Spaniah white wine one drachm and a half; syrup of red roses boiled to the consistence Of honey, two pounds and a quartet Reduce the solids to powder, and, having mixed tins) with the opium and syrup, make them into an electu- ary. A very useful astringent, and perhaps the attVtl efficacious way of giving the catechu to advantage. Ten scruples of this electuary contain one goaanof opium. ;-*Sp Electuarium cinchona cum natro. Bi.tfiatri ppti. 3 ij.; pulveris cinchona; unc.: mucilaginis*un»toi arabici q. s. misce. In this composition, inuclla ' preferred 10 syrup on account of its covering tit of the bark much more advantageously. It tl; for this purpose, however, be made thin, otherw; will increase the bulk of the electuary too much.i This remedy will be found an excellent subsi for the burnt sponge, the powers of which, as B in scrofula, arc known solely to depend on portion of natron contained in it The dose drachms, twice or thrice a day. .. ht Electuarium opiatum. See Confectio opii. Eleli'sphacos. (From tXtXt^ia, to distort, atbaxos, sage: so named from the spiral coiling tef its leaves and branches.) A species of sage. •>. ELEMENT. Radical. First principle*.; Btance wbich can no further be divided er " by chemical analysis. E'LEMI. (It is said this is the Ethiopian name.) Gum elemi. The parent plant of this resin 'is sop- posed to be an amyris. See Amyris damife*a.n Elen'gi. A tree of Malabar, which ia aasaVto pos- sess cordial and carminative properties.' -V** ELEOCHRY'SUM. (From nXioj, the «*n, and Xpvooc, gold: so called from its gcld-sUslhmsbiaiQf yellow appearance.) Goldilocks. Bee tWpAiih'sss stachas. ELEOSELI'NUM (From sXos, a lake, and «Xf vov, parsley.) See Apium. ELEPHANTIA. (From tXttpas, antelephaotl w called from the great enlargement of the body In this disorder.) See Elephantiasis. Elephantia arabim. In De. Cullen'* Noaoloff * is synonymous with elephantiasis. The term is. boar ever, occasionally confined to this dieses* When i affects the feet ELE ELM ELEPHArTTTABIS. (From tXttpat, an elephant: ■o named from the legs of people affected with this disorder growing scaly, rough, and wonderfully large, at an advanced period, Kke the legs of an elephant.; Elephas; Elephantia; Luzari morbus vel malum; Pheniceus morbus. A disease that attacks the whole body, but mostly affects the feet, which appear some- what like those of the elephant It is known by the skin being thick, rough, wrinkly, unctuous, and void of hair, and mostly without the sense of feeling. It is said to be contagious. Cullen makes it a genus of dis- ease in the class Cachexia, and order Impetigines. Elephantiasis has generally been supposed to arise In consequence of some slight attack of fever, on the cessation of which the morbid matter foils on the leg, and occasions a distention and tumefaction of the limb, which is afterward overspread with uneven lumps, and deep fissures. By some authors It has been considered as a species of leprosy; but it often subsisu for many years without being accompanied with any Of the symptoms which characterize that disease. It sometimes comes on gradually, without much pre- vious indisposition; but more generally, the person is seized with a coldness and shivering, pains In the head, back, and loins, and some degree of nausea. A Blight fever then ensues, and a severe pain Is felt in one of the inguinal glands, which, after a short time, becomes hard, swelled, and inflamed. No suppura- tion, however, ensues; but a red streak may be ob- served running down the thigh from the swelled gland to the leg. As the inflammation increases in all the parts, the fever gradually abates; and, perhaps, after two or three days' continuance, goes off. It, however, returns again at uncertain periods, leaving the leg greatly swelled with varicose turgid veins, the skin rough and rugged, and a thickened membrana cellu- losa. Scales appear also on the surface, which do not fell off, but are enlarged by the Increasing thickness of the membranes; Uneven lumps, with deep fissures, are formed, and the leg and foot become at last of an enormous size. A person may labour under this disease many years without finding much alteration in the general health, except during the continuance of the attacks; and perhaps the chief inconvenience he will experience is the enormous bulky leg which be drags about with him. The incumbrance has, Indeed, induced many who have laboured under this disease to submit to an Smptotalion; but the operation seldom proves a radi- cal cure, as the other leg frequently becomes affected. Hilary observes, that lie never saw both legs swelled at the same time. Instances where they have alike acquired a frightful and prodigious size, have, how- ever, frequently fallen under the observation of other physicians'. Elephanti'num emplastrum. A plaster described by Oribaaius. Celsus describes one ofthe same name, but very different in qualities. E'LEPHAS. (EXe^ac, the elephant.) 1. The name of an animal. 6. The name of a disease of tbe skin. See Ele- phantiasis. 3. Aqua fortis was so called in some old chemical books. Ele'ttari primum. The true amomum. See Eleltaria cardamomum. ELETTA'RIA. (From eldtari.) The name of a new genus of planu formed by Dr. Maton, to which tbe less cardamom is referred. Class, Monandria; Order, Monogynia. ElkttaRIa cardamomum. Cardamomum minus. Less or officinal cardamom. Amomum repens; or le emrtamome de la die de Malabar, of Sonnerat Elel- taria cardamomum, of Maton, in Act. Soc. Lin. The seeds of this plant are imported in their capsules or husks, by which they are preserved, for they soon lose a part of their flavour when freed from this covering. On being chewed, they impart a glowing aromatic warmth, and grateful pungency; they are supposed gently to stimulate the stomach, and prove cordial, carminative, and antispasmodic, but without that irri- tation and heat which man v of the other spicy aroma- tics are apt to produce. Simple and compound spi- rituous tinctures are prepared from them, and they are ordered as a spicy ingredient in many of the officinal Compositions. RLKUTHE'RIA. See Croton eastariUa. Eleva'tto. (From elevo, to lift up.) Elevation. Sublimation. ELEVA'TOR. (From elevo, to lift up.) 1. A muscle is so called, the office of which is to lift up the part to which it is attached. 2. A chirurgical instrument, elevatorium, with which surgeons raise any depressed portion of bone, but chiefly those of the cranium. Elevator labii inferioris proprius. See Le- vator labii inferioris. Elevator labii superioris proprius. See Le- vator labii superioris alaque nasi. Elevator labiorum. See Leoator anguli oris. Elevator nasi alarum. See Levator labii supe- rioris alaque nasi. Elevator oculi. See Rectus superior oculi. Elevator palpkbr* superioris. See Levator palpebra superioris. Elevator scapulc See Levator scapula. ELEVATCRIDM. (From elevo, to lift up.) An instrument to raise a depression in the skull. Eli'banum. See Juniperus lycia. ELICHRY'SUM. (Prom nXios, the sun, and %pv- oos, gold; so called from its gold-like, or shining yel- low appearance.) See Gnaphalium stadias. Eli'drion. Mastich. A mixture of brass. ELI'GMA. A linctus. ELIOSELI'NUM. See Eleoselinum. ELIPTICUS. Eliptlc. Applied to leaves and re- ceptacles, which are of a somewhat oval form, but broader at each end; as in the-leaf of the Convalla- ria majalis, and the receptacle of the Dorstenia drakenia. ELIOUATION. An operation, by means of which a more fusible substance is separated from another, which is less fusible. It consists in the application of a degree of heat, sufficient to fuse the former, but not the latter. [" If lead be heated so as to boil and smoke, it soon dissolves pieces of copper thrown into it; the mixture when cold is brittle. The union of these two metals is remarkably slight; for upon exposing the moss to a heat no greater than that in which lead melu, the lead almost entirely runs off by itself. This process is called eliquation. The coarser sorts of lead, which owe their brittleness and granulated texture to an ad- mixture of copper, throw it up to the surface on being melted by a small heat"— Web. Man. of Chem. A.) ELITHROI'DES. The vaginal coat of the testicle See Elythroides and Testis. Elixa'tio. (From elixo, to boil.) The act of seething or boiling. ELI'XIR. (From elekser, an Arabic word, signify- ing quintessence.) A term formerly applied to many preparations similar to compound tinctures. It is now very little employed. Elixir of health. Elixir salutis. A term formerly applied to tincture of senna. Elixir parbgoricum. See Tinctura camphora composita. Elixir proprietatis. A preparation like the compound tincture of aloes. Elixir sacrum. A tincture of rhubarb and aloes. Elixir salutis. See Tinctura senna. Elixir stomachicum. See Tinctura gentian* composita. Elixiva'tio. (From elixo, to boil, or from lixivium, lye.) The extraction of a fixed salt from vegetables, by an affusion of water. See Lixiviation ELLAGIC ACID. (Aridum dlagicum ; so named by Braconnot, by leversing the word galle.) The de- posite which forms in infusion of nut-galls, left to iuelf, is not composed solely of gallic acid and a mat- ter which colours it. It contains, besides, a little gal- late and sulphate of lime, and a new acid, which was pointed out for the first time by Chevreuil, in 1815, an acid on which Braconnot made observations, in 1818, and which he proposed to call acid dlagic, from the word galle reversed. Probably this acid does not exist ready formed in nut-galls. It is insoluble; and, carrying down with it the greater part of the gallic acid, forms the yellowish crystalline deposite. But boiling water removes the gallic acid from the ellagic; whence the means of separating them from one ano ther. Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. ix. 181. Eli.ebori'm. See Hellebonts and Veratrum. ELM. Pee Ulmus. ___ 389 EMB EME Elm-leaved sumach. See Rhus coriaria. ELMI'NTHES. (From tiXtta, to involve, from iu contortions.) A worm. ELO'DES. (From tXos, a swamp.) A term given to a sweating fever, from iu great moisture. Elonoa'tio. (From elongo, to lengthen out.) An imperfect luxation, where the ligament is only length- ened, and the bone not put out of its socket. ELOY, Nicholas Francis Joseph, was bom at Mons, in 1714, and died in 1788, having practised as a physician with great ability and humanity. He had the honour of attending Prince Charles of Lorraine. He was a man of extensive learning, and, notwith- standing his professional avocations, was author of several publications. Tbe principal of these, an His- torical Medical Dictionary, was originally in two octavo volumes; but in 1788, it appeared greatly Improved and enlarged in four volumes quarto. An Introduction to Midwifery; a Memoir on Dysentery; Reflections on the Use of Tea; and a Medico-Political Tract on Cof- fee ; were likewise written by this author. The latter work procured him the reward of a superb snuff-box from the estates of Hainault, inscribed "Ex dono Patriaj." ELUTRIATION. (Elutriatio; from dutrio, to cleanse.) Washing. It is the pouring a liquor out of one vessel into another, in order to separate the lighter earthy paru, which are carried away while the heavier metallic parts subside to the bottom. ELUVIES. (From eluo, to wash out.) The efflu- vium from a swampy place. Also the humour dis- charged in fluor albus. Eluxa'tio. (From eluzo, to put out of joint.) A luxation, or dislocation. ELYMAGRO'STIS. (From'tXu^oc, the herb panic, and ayotafts, wild.) Wild panic. ELY'MUS. EAtuioc. The herb panic, or panicum of Dioscorides, but now tbe name of a new genus of grasses, in the Linnsan system. ELYOT, Sir Thomas, was born of a good family in Suffolk, about the beginning of the sixteenth cen- tury. After studying at Oxford, and improving himself by travelling, he was introduced at court; and Henry VIII. conferred upon him the honour of knighthood, and employed him in several embassies. He distin- guished himself in various branches of learning, as well as by patronising learned men; and was generally beloved by his contemporaries for bis virtues and ac- complishments. He died in 1546, and was buried in Cambridgeshire, of wbich he had been sheriff. Among other studies, he was partial to medicine, and made himself master of the ancient authors on that subject, though he never exercised the profession. He pub- lished a work about the year 1541, called " The Castell of Health," which was much admired, even by some of the faculty: in this he is a strong advocate for tem- perance, especially in sexual pleasures. He also no- tices, that catarrhs were much more common than they had been forty years before; which he ascribes chiefly to free living, and keeping the head too much covered. He also wrote and translated several other works, but not on medical subjecu. ELYTROCE'LE. (From tKorpov, the vagina, and icnXn, a tumour.) A hernia in the vagina. See Hernia vaginalis. ELYTROI'DES. (Elytroides; from eXvrpov, a sheath, and tiSos, form.) Like a sheath. The tunica vaginalis is so called by some writers, because it in- cludes the testis like a sheath ELYTRON. (From tXvia, to involve.) The va- gina. A sheath. The membranes which involve the spinal marrow are called eXvlpa. EMACIATION. See Atrophia and Marasmus. Emargina'tio. (From emargino, to cleanse the edges.) The cleansing of the edges of wounds from scurf and filth. EMARGINATUS. Emarginate, nicked, that is, having a small acute notch at the summit; as the leaf of the bladder senna, Colutea arborescens, the petals of tbe Allium roseum, and Agrostema floe jovis. ESIASCULA'TUS. (From emasculo, to render im- potent) Having the testicles in the belly, and not fallen into tbe scrotum.' Emba'mma. (From tuBanJta, to emerge in.) A medicated pickle to dip the food in. E'mbolc. (From tptaXXw, to put in.) The setting of a dislocated bone 390 E'MBOLUM. (From tuBatott, to cast om- « named because it ejecu the semen.) The penis. Embrro.ma. (From tpgpexta, to make wet) A fluid application to any part oi the body. KMBROCA'TIO. (From tp6ptx. in weight, are found singly disseminated through the granite. They are of various dimensions, from a small size to that of a foot in diameter; their colour light green. The Chesterfield emerald greatly resembles that lately discovered in France. If the new earth glucine should be required for the arts or manufac- tures, this emerald would furnish it iu abundance; as such is the quantity occurring at this place, that Dr. Waterhouse obtained upwards of 701b. within a very small space. The emerald occurs in other parts ot Masaachusetu. To the politeness of Dr. David Hunt, we are indebted for several specimens found by that indefatigable mineralogist, in the vicinity of North- ampton and Goshen. " At Haddara, in Connecticut, this mineral occurs ia abundance; the crystals are from a very small size to EME EMP ■everai inches in length; they are generally of a light yellowish-green, and sometimes ot an amber colour, resembling topaz. Col. Gibbs has in bis possession a crystal of a deep green an inch in diameter, and several iu length, it bears a strong resemblance to the Peruvian emerald. Mr. Mather, a young mineralogist of great promise, discovered one seven inches in length, by nine inches in the diagonal diameter: it U in the cabinet of Professor Silliman. " New-York affords but few instances of the pro- duction of emerald. It now and then, though rarely, occurs in the granite veins which traverse the gneiss on the island, about four miles from the city. " The emerald is foundin the vicinity of Philadelphia, and at Chester. These arc the principal localities of this mineral in the United States, which have as yet come to our knowledge. As others occur, we shall with pleasure notice them,"—Bruce's Min. Journal. MERSUS. (From emerge, to rise up or appear out of tlie water.) Raised above the water, as the upper (eaves accompanying the flowers of the Merio- phytlum verticillatum, while iu lower ones are de- mersa. E'merus. Scorpion senna. A laxative. EMERY. A sub-species of rhomboidal corundum, found in quantities in the isle of Naxor, and at Smyr- na. IU fine powder, which is used for polishing hard minerals and metals, is made by trituration and elu- triaiiou. EMESIA. (From tutto, to vomit.) Emesma; Ernests. The act of vomiting. Medicines which cause vomiting. EME'TIC. (Emeticus; from tptia, to vomit.) That wbich Is capable of exciting vomiting, independently of any effect arising from the mere quantity of matter introduced into the stomach, or of any nauseous taste or flavour. The susceptibility of vomiting is very different in different individuals, and is often considerably varied by disease. Emetics are employed in many diseases. When any morbid affection depends upon, or is con- nected with, over-distention of the stomach, or the presence of acrid, indigestible matters, vomiting gives speedy relief. Hence its utility in impaired appetite, acidity in the stomach, in intoxication, and where poi- sons have been swallowed. From the pressure of tbe abdominal viscera in vo- miting, emetics have been considered as serviceable in jaundice, arising from biliary calculi obstructing the ducts-. The expectorant power of emetics, and their utility in catarrh and phthisis, have been ascribed toa similar pressure extended to the thoracic viscera. In the different varieties of febrile affections, much advantage is derived from exciting vomiting, especially in the very commencement of the disease. In high inflammatory fever it is considered as dangerous, and in the advanced stage of typhus it is prejudicial. Emetics given in such doses, as only to excite nausea, have been found useful in restraining hxnior- rhage. Different speciesof dropsy have been cured by vomit- ing, from iu having excited absorption. To the same effect, perhaps, U owing the dispersion of swelled tes- ticle, bubo, and other swellings, which has occasion- ally resulted from this operation. The operation of vomiting is dangerous, or hurtful, in the following cases: where there is determination of the blood to the head, especially in plethoric ha- biu; in visceral inflammation; in the advanced stage of pregnancy; in hernia and prolapsus uteri; and wherever there exisU extreme general debility. The frequent use of emetics weakens the lone ofthe sto- mach. An emetic should always be administered in the fluid form. Iu operation may be promoted by drinking any tepid diluent, or bitter infusion. The individual emetica may be arranged under two beads, those derived from tne vegetable, and those from tlie mineral kingdom. From the vegetable king- dom are numbered ipecacuanha, scilla ruaekiuia, an- themis nobilis, sinapis alba, asarum Eurousmm, nico- tisma tabacum. From tbe mineral kingdom^ antimony, the sulphates of zinc and copper, and the subacetate •f copper. To these may be added ammonia and iu hydro-tulphuret. EMETIN. Emetine. Digest ipecacuan root, first in airier and then in alkohol. Evaporate the alkohoiic infusion to dryness, redissolve in water, and drop in acetate of lead. Wash the precipitate, and then dif- fusing it in water, decompose by a current of sulphu- retted hydrogen gas. Sulphuret of lead falls to the bottom, and the cmetin remains in solution. By eva- porating the water, this substance is obtained pure. Emetin forms transparent brownish-red scales. It has no smell, but a bitter acrid taste. At » heat some- what above thai of boiling water, it is rt&oived into carbonic acid, oil, and vinegar. It affords no ammo- nia. It is soluble both in water and alkohol, but not in aether; and uncrystallizable. It is precipitated by protonitrate of mercury and corrosive sublimate, but not by tartar emetic. Half a grain of emetin acts as a powerful emetic, followed by sleep ; six grains vomit violently, and produce stupor and death. The lungs and intestines are inflamed."—Pelletier and Ma gendie. Emetine. See Emetin. EMETOCATHA'RTICUS. (From tufta, to vomit, and KaBaipia, to purge.) Purging both by vomit and stool. EMINE'NTIiE QUADRIGEMLNJ3. See Tuber- cula quadrigemina. ENMENAGOGUE. (Emtntnagogus; from tppnvia, the menses, and ayia, to move.) Whatever possesses the power of promoting that monthly discharge by tlie uterus, which, from a law of the animal economy, should take place in certain conditions of the female system. The articles belonging to this class may be referred to four ordres: — 1. Stimulating emmenagogues, as hydrargyrine and antimonial preparations, which are principally adapted for the young, and those with peculiar insensibility of the uterus. 2. Irritating emmenagogues, as aloes, savine, and Spanish flies: these are to be preferred in torpid and chlorotu: habiu. 3. Tonic emmenagogues, as ferruginous prepara- tions, cold bath, and exercise, which are advanta- geously selected for the lax and phlegmatic. 4. Antispasmodic emmenagogues,asasafetida, cas- tor, and pediluvia: the constitutions to which these are more especially suited are the delicate, the weak, and the irritable. EMME'NIA. (From tv, in, and pnv, a month.) The menstrual flux. EMOLLIENT. (Emolliens; from emollio, to soft- en.) Possessing the power of relaxing the living and animal fibre, without producing that effect from any mechanical action. The different articles belonging to this class of medicines may be comprehended under the following orders:— 1. Humectant emollients, as warm water, and tepid vapours, which are fitted for the robust and those in tlie prime of life. 2. Relaxing emollients, as althea, malva, Sec These may be employed in all constitutions, while at the same time they do not claim a preference to others from any particular habit of body. 3. Lubricating emollients, as bland oils, fat, and lard. The same observation will hold of this order as was made of the last mentioned. 4. A tonic emollients, as opium and pediluvia. These are applicable to any constitution, but are to be pre ferred in habits where the effecu of this class are re- quired over the system in general. EMTATHEMA. ('Kunadns; from na9n.ua, passio, affectio.) Ungovernable passion. A genus of disease in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica; Order, Phrenica. It has three species, Empathema entonieum, atoni cum, insane, and innumerable varieties. Empei'ria. (From cv, and tzeipia, to endeavour.) Professional experience. Emphero'menus. (From tutbtpia, to bear.) Urine, or other substances which have a sediment. EMPHLYSIS. (From tu, in, and Xvots, a vesicu- lar tumour or eruption.) The name of a genus, ichorous exanthem, of Good's Nosology, which includes six species: Emphlysis miliaria; Aphtha ; Vaccinia; Varicella; Pemphigus ; Erysipdas. Emphra'ctica. (From tpipparlia, to obstruct) Medicines which, applied to tho skin, shut up the EMP EMP EMPHYMA. This term, applied by Good to a genus of disease, Class, Eccritica; Order, Mesotica, of his arrangement, imports (in contradiction to Phy- na, which, in his system, is limited to cutaneous tu- mours, accompanied with inflammation,) a tumour originating below the integumenu, and unaccompanied with inflammation, at least in iu commencement It embraces three species, viz. Emphyma sarcoma; En- cystis; Exostosis. EMPHYSE'MA. (Emphysema, atis, n.; from tp&vaaia, to inflate.) See Pneumatosis. EMPIRIC. (Empiricus. Epntipixos; from tv, in, and attpa, experience.) One who practises the heal- ing art upon experience, and not theory. This is the true meaning of the word empiric; but it is now ap- plied, in a very opposite sense, to those who deviate from the line of conduct pursued by scientific and re- gular practitioners, and vend nostrums, or sound their own praise in the public papers. Ehpla'stica. (From tunXaoma, to obstruct.) Me- dicines which, spread upon the skin, stop the pores. EMPLA'STRUM. (Emplastmm, i. n.; from tpnXaooio, to spread upon.) A plaster. Plasters are composed of unctuous substances, united either to powders or metallic oxides, &c. They ought to be of such a consistence as not to stick to the fingers when cold, but to become soft, so as to be spread out in a moderate degree of heat, and in that of the human body, to continue tenacious vnough to adhere to the skin. They owe their consistence either to metallic oxides, especially those of lead, or to wax, resin, Sec They are usually kept in rolls wrapped in paper, and spread, when wanted for use, upon thin leather; if tiie plaster be not of iuelf sufficiently adhesive, it is to be surrounded at iu margin by a boundary of resin plaster. Emplastrum ammoniaci. Take of purified am- moniacum, five ounces; acetic acid, half a pint. Dis- solve the ammoniacum in the acid, then evaporate the liquor in an iron vessel, by means of a water-batb, constantly stirring it, until it acquires a proper con- sistence. This plaster is now first introduced into the London Pharmacopoeia; it adheres well to the skin, without irritating it, and without producing inconve- nience by iu smell. EMPLA8TRUM AMMONIACI CUM HYDRARQYRO. Take of purified ammoniacum, a pound; purified mercury, three ounces; sulphuretted oil, a fluid drachm. Rub the mercury with the sulphurated oil until the glo- bules disappear; then add by degrees the ammonia- cum, pieviously melted, and mix the whole together. This composition is said to possess resolvent vir- tues; and the plaster is recommended with this view to be applied to nodes, tophs, indurated glands, and tumours. Emplastrtm ASAro-.TiD«. Emplastrum antihys- tsricum. Piaster of asafoetida. Take of plaster of semi-vitrified oxide of lead, asafoetida, each two parts: galbanum, yellow wax, each one part. This plaster is said to possess anodyne and antispasmodic virtues. It is, therefore, occasionally directed to be applied to the umbilical region in hysterical cases. Emplastrum cantharidis. Blistering-fly plaster. Emplastrum vcsicatorium. Take of blistering flies, in very fine powder, a pound; wax plaster, a pound and a half; prepared fat, a pound. Having melted the plaster and fat together, and removed them from the fire, a little before they become solid sprinkle in the blistering flies, and mix the whole together. See Blis- ter and Cantharis. Emplastrum ciss. Wax plaster. Emplastrum cttraksus. Take of yellow wax, prepared suet, of each three pounds; yellow resin, a pound. Meltthem together and strain. This is a gently-drawing prepa- ration, calculated to promote a moderate discharge from the blistered surface, with which intention it is mostly used. Where the stronger preparations irri- Utt, this will be found in general to agree. Emplastrum cumini. Cumin plaster. Take of cuinin-aeeds, caraway-seeds, bay-berries, of each three ounces; dried pitch, three pounds; yellow wax, three ounces. Haviag melted the dry pitch and wax toge- ther, add the Mtaaining articles previously powdered, and mix. A warm stomachic plaster, wbich, when ap- plied tothe stomach, expels flatulency. To indolent scrofulous tumours, where the object is to promote suppuration, this is an efficacious plaster. Emplastrum oalbani compositum. Conrpmrni Galbanum plaster, formerly called rmplastrmn lithar- gyri compositum and diachylon magnum cum gummi. Take of galbanum gum resin purified, eight ounce*; lead plaster, three pounds; common turpentine, ten drachms; resin of the spruce fir, three ounces. Hav- ing melted the galbanum gum resin with the turpen- tine, mix in first the powdered resin of the spruce fir, and then tlie lead plaster, previously melted by n slow fire, and mix the whole. This plaster is oted as a warm digestive and suppurative, calculated to pro- mote maturation of indolent or scirrhous tumours, and to allay the pains of sciatica, arthrodynia, fee. Emplastrum hydrargyri. Mercurial plaster. Emplastrum lithargyri cum hydrargyro. Take of purified mercury, three ounces; sulphurated oil, a fluid drachm; lead plaster, a pound. Rub tbe mercury with the sulphurated oil, until the globules disappear; then add by degrees the lead plaster, melted, and mix tin whole. Emplastrum ladani compositum. Take of soft labdanum, three ounces; of frankincense, one ounce; cinnamon and expressed oil of mace, each half an ounce; essential oil of mint, one drachm: add to the frankincense, melted first, the labdanum a little heat- ed, till it becomes soft, and then the oil of muce: after- i ward mix in the cinnamon with the oil of mint, and - beat them together into a mass, in a warm mortar, and keep it in a vessel well closed. This may be used with the same intentions as the cumin-plaster, to which it is in no way superior, though composed of mora oxpensive materials. Formerly, it was considered as a very elegant stomach plaster, but is now dis- used. Emplastrum lithargyri. See Emplastrum plumbi. Emplastrum lithargyri compositum. SeeEnt- plastrum Galbani compositum. Emplastrum lithargyri cum resina. See Em- ' plastrum resina. Emplastrum lyttx. See Emplastrum cantha- ridis. ' Emplastrum opii. Plaster Of opium. Take of •' hard opium, powdered, half an ounce ; resin of tbe spruce fir, powdered, three ounces; lead plaster, a pound. Having melted the plaster, mix in the resin of the spruce fir, and opium, and mix the whole. Opium is said to produce somewhat, though in a smaller de- gree, its specific effect when applied externally. Emplastrum picis compositum. Compound pitch plaster. Emplastrum picis Burgundica. Take of dried pitch, two pounds; resin of spruce fir, a pound; yellow resin, yellow wax, of each four ounces; ex- pressed oil of nutmegs, an ounce. Having melted to- ; gether the pitch, resin, and wax, add first the resin of the spruce fir, then the oil of nutmegs, and mix the whole together. From the slight degree of redness this stimulating application produces, it is adapted to gently irritate the skin, and thus relieve rheumatic pains. Applied to the temples, it is sometimes of use in pains of the head. Emplastrum plumbi. Lead plaster. Emplastnsst * lithargyri; Emplastrum commune; Diachylon stWh plcx. Take of semi-vitreous oxide of lead, in very fine powder, five pounds; olive oil, a gallon; water, two pinu. Boil them with a slow fire, constantly stirring until the oil and litharge unite, so as to form a piaster. Excoriations of the skin, slight bums, and the llke« may be covered with this plaster: but is in more gene- ral use, as a defensive, where the skin becomes red from lying a long time on the part. This phester iralso of great importance, as forming the basis, by addition to which many other plasters are preparsaV Emplastrum REsiN.e. Resin plaster; •Mmplastrvm adhasivum; Emplastrum lithargyrieuntrestna. Take of yellow resin, half a pound; lead plaster, three pounds. Having melted the lead piaster ewer a slow fire, add the resin in powder, ami mis, 'The adhe- sive,"or sticking plaster, is chiefly ttsed»' insentient properties- are attrimrejaVs* Ma atsjitil titter, with which view, it ia appiiesUQ-ljsjjfciM hi il ather irate EMt) ENG lent tumours. It forms an admirable defensive and soft application, spread on linen, to surround a frac- tured limb. Emplastrum thuris compositum. Compound frankincense plaster. Take of frankincense, half a pound; dragon's blood, three ounces; litharge plaster, two pounds. To the melted lead plaster, add the rest powdered. This plaster Is said to possess strengthen- ing, as well as adhesive powers. By keeping the skin firm, il may give time to the relaxed muscles it sur- rounds, but cannot, in any way, impart more strength than the common adhesive plaster. [The pharmacopoeia of the United States admits the following plasters: Emplastrum ammoniaci. Do. asafoetida;. Do. lerri. Do. hyorargyri. Do. plumbi. Do. plumbi subcarbonatis compo&itum. Do. resinosum. Do. resinosum cantharldum. A.] Empnecmato'sis. From cv, in, and tsvua, to blow.) An inflation of the stomach, or any other viscus. EMPO'RIUM. (From tunoptta, to negotiate-) A mart. The brain is so called, as being the place where all rational and sensitive transactions are collected. EMPRESMA. Good revives this term (used in its simple form both by Hippocrates and Oolcn, to express internal inflammation) to designate a genus of disease in bis Class, Hamatica; Order, Pklogotica. Visceral inflammation. It embraces inflammation of all the viscera: hence Empresma cephalitis ; otitis ; paroti- tis ; paristhmitiS ; laryngitis; bronchitis ; pneumo- nitis ; pleuritis; carditis; peritonitis; gastritis; enteritis; hepatitis; splenitis; nephritis; cystitis; hysteritis / orchitis. E'mprion. (From cv, and apttav, a saw.) Serrated. Formerly applied to a pulse, in which tbe artery at dif ferent times is unequally distended. EMPROSTHO'TONOS. (From tunpooBtv, before, or forwards, and rtivta, to draw.) A clonic spasm of several muscles, so as to keep the body in a fixed posi- tion and bent forward. Cullen considers it as a spe- cies of tetanus. See Tetanus. E'MPTYSIS. (From tpnTvto, to spit out.) A dis- charge Of blood from the mouth. EMP YE'MA. (From n>, within, and vsvov, pus.) A collection Of pus iu the cavity of the thorax. It is one of the terminations of pleuritis. There is reason for believing tbat matter is contained In the cavity of the chest, when, after a pleurisy, or inflammation in the thorax, the patient bas a difficulty of breathing, particularly on lying on the side opposite the affected one; and when an edematous swelling is externally perceptible. EMPYE'MATA. (From tv, and rsvov, pus.) Sup- purating medicines. EMPYEStS. (From epnvota, or tpnvtta, suppuro.) Good has given this term (found in the fifth book of Hippocrates's aphorisms) to a genus of disease, class, Hamatica; order, Exanthematica, characterized by phlegmonous pimples, which gradually fill with a pu- rulent fluid. _ It has only one species, small-pox— Empyesis variola. Empyreal air. Scheele gave this name to oxygen gas. EMPYREU'MA. (From tpmptve, to kindle, from jrvp, fire.) A peculiar and offensive smell that distilled waters and other substances receive from being ex- posed to beat in closed vessels, or when burned under circumstances which prevent the accession of air to a considerable part of the mass. EMPYREUMATIC. EmpyreHmatieus; from sp- nvptwa, to kindle.) Smelling as it were burnt; thus empyreumatic oils are those distilled with a great heat, and impregnated with a smell of tbe fire. EMU'LGENT. (Emulgcns; from emulgeo, to melt out; applied to tbe artery and vein which go from the aorta and vena cava to the kidneys, because the ancients supposed they strained, and, as it were. milked the serum through tbe kidneys.) The vessels of the kidneys are so termed. The eiuulgerft artery is a branch of the aorta. TheemttifeM vetn evacuates Us blood Into the ascending cava. BMU'LSIO. (Emtklsio, onis. f.; from emulgeo, to mUk.) An emulsion. A soft and somewhat oily me- dicine resembling milk. An Imperfect comUnatRm W oil and water, by the intervention of some other sub- stance capable of combining with both these sub- stances. Emulsio acacis. This is made in the same man- ner as the almond emulsion, only adding while beating the almonds, two ounces of gum arable. This cooling and demulcent emulsion, ordered in the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, may be drank ad libitum to mitigate ardor Urina;, Whether from the venereal vims or nny other cause. In difficult and painful micturition, and strangury, it is of infinite service. Emulsio amygdala:. Almond emulsion. Take of almonds, one ounce; water, two pounds and a half. Beat the blanched almonds in a stone mortar, gra- dually pouring on them the water; then strain off tbe liquor. It possesses cooling and demulcent properties. Emulsio camphorata. Take of camphor, one scruple; sweet almonds,blanched, two drachms; dou- ble refined sugar, one drachm; Water, six ounces. This is to be made in the same manner as the common emulsion. It is calculated for the stomachs of those who can only bear small quantities of camphire. EMULSION. See Emulsio. Emulsion, almond. See Emulsio amygdala. Emulsion, Arabic. Bee Emulsio acacia. Emulsion of asafetida. Sec Mistura asafafidst Emulsion, camphorated. See Emulsio camphorata. Emulsion, of gnm-ammoniac. See Mistura ammo- niaci. EMU'NCTORY. (Emundoriuin; from emungo, to drain off.) The excretory ducts of the body are so termed; thus the exhaling arteries of the skin consti- tute the great emunctory of the body. Enje'ma. (From tv, and atua, blood.) Enemos. So Hippocrates and Galen call such topical medicines as are appropriated to bleeding wounds. En^ore'ma. (From tv, and aiiaptia, to lift up.) The pendulous substance which floats in the middle of the urine. ENA'MEL. See Teeth. ENANTHE'SIS. ]. (From cv, in, intra, and avBtm, floreo; efflorescence from within, or from internal af- fection.) A genus of disease, Class, Hamatica; Order, Exanthematica, in Good's Nosology. Rash exahtlWm. It comprehends three species: vkt. Enattthesto rvtaltbii rubeola; urticaria. 2. (From tv, and av7aw, to meet.) The new api proachof ascending and descending vessels. ENARTHRO'SIS. (From cv, in, and opMevj * joint) The ball and socket-joint A species or diar- throsis, or moveable connexion of bones; In which ihe round head of one is received Into the deeper cavity of another, so as to admit of motion in every direction; as the head of the os femoris with the acetabulum of the os innominatum. See Articulation. ENCA'NTHIS. (From tv, and xavBos; the angle of the eye.) A disease of tbe caruncula lachrymaus, of which there are two species. Encanthis benigna, apd Encanthis maligna sen inveterata. The encan- this, at its commencement, u nothing more than a small, soft, red, and sometimes rather livid excrescence which grows from the caruncula lachrymal!*, arid at the same time from the neighbouring semilunar fold 6f the conjunctiva. This excrescence on its first appear- ance is commonly granulated, like a irrarberry, or is of a ragged and fringed structure. Afterwara, when it has acquired a certain size, one part of h represents a granulated tumonr, While the rest appears We} a smooth, whitish, or ash-coloured substance^ streaked with varicose vessels, sometimes advancing as far over the conjunctiva, covering tbe side of tbe eye next to the nose, as where the cornea and sclerotica unite. The encanthis keeps up a chronic ophthalmy, im- pedes the action of the eyelids, and prevents, in parti- cular, the complete closure of the eye. Besides, partly by compressing and partly by displ icing ihe orifices of the puncta lachrymalia, it obstructs the free passage of the (ears into the nose. The inveterate encanthis is ordinarily of a very considerable magnitude; ite roots extend beyond tbe caruncula lachrymalis and semi- lunar fold to the membraneous lining of one or both eyelids. The patient experiences very serious incon venience from its origin and Interposition between the commissure of the eyelids, which it necessarily keeps asunder on the side towards the nose. Sometimes the .disease assumes a cancerous malignancy. This cfaa- END ENN Meter is evinced by the dull red, and, as it were, leaden colour of the excrescence; by iu exceeding hardness, and tbe lancinating pains which occur in it, and ex- tend to the forehead, the whole eyeball and the temple, especially when the tumour has been, though slightly, touched. It is also shown, by tbe propensity of tbe excrescence to bleed, by the partial ulcerations on iu surface, which emit a fungous substance, and a thin and exceedingly acrid discharge. ENCATALE'PSIS. (From o>, and xalaXauBavw, to seize.) A catalepsy. ENCATHl'SMA. (From tv, and koOiZm, to sit in.) A aemicupium, or bath for half the body. ENCAU'MA. (From tv, in, and xatta, to burn.) A burn See Bum. ENCAU'SIS. (From cv, and xatia, to burn.) A burn. See .Bum. ENCEPHALOCE'LE. (From cvKcatoAov, the brain, and irnXn, a tumour.) A rupture of the brain. ENCE PHALON. (From tv, in, and KtibaXn, the head.) Encephalum. By some writers the cerebrum only is bo called; and others express by this term tlie contenu of the cranium. Ence'ris. (From cv, and xnpos, wax.) A roll of wax for making plasters. Encero'sis. (From tv, and xepoia, to wax.) The covering of a plaster with wax. ENCHARA'XIS. (From tv, and xapaoau, to sca- rify.) A scarification. ENCHEIRE'SIS. (From tv, and x"V, lhe hand.) Enchdra. Galen uses this word as a part of the title to one of his works, which treau of dissection. The word imports the manual treatment of any subject. Encbei'ria. See Enchdresis. Enchilo'ma. See Enchyloma. Encho'ndrub. (From tv, and %ov5poc, a cartilage.) A cartilage. Enchris'ta. (From cyxP"11! *° anoint) Oint- menu. Enchylo'ma. (From tv, and %u\oc, juice.) An inspissated juice. An elixir, according to Lemery. E'NCHYMA. (From c», and xeui to infuse.) En- chysis, 1. An infusion. 2. A sanguineous plethora. Enchy'kata. (From tyxvta, to infuse.) Injec- tions for the eyes and ears. Enchymo'ma. (From tv, and x»(a, to pour in.) In the writings of the ancient physicians, it is a wdrd by which tbey express that sudden effusion of blood into the cutaneous vessels, which arises from joy, anger, or shame; and, in the last instance, U what we usually call blushing. Enchymo'sis. Kyxvpiaats- 1- Blushing. 2. An extravasation of blood, which makes the part appear livid. E'nciiysis. See Enchyma. Encly'sma. (From cv, and ttXuJoi, to cleanse out.) A clyster. ENCC3LIA. (From cv, within, and koiXio, the belly.) The abdominal viscera. Enoolpi'smus. (From cyxoXntta, to insinuate.) A uterine injection. ENCRA'NIUM. (From a>, within, and xpavtov, the skull.) The cerebrum and the whole contenu of the skull. Encrasi'cholus. (Fiomev, in, xcpas, tbe head, and SaXri, bile; because it is said to have the gall in iu ead.) The anchovy. See Clupea. E'ncris. Eyxotc. A cake of meal, oil, and hemey. E'mcymon. (From cv, and xvia, to conceive.) Pregnancy. ENCYSIS. (From cv, and xvia, to bring forth.) Parturition. ENCYSTED. Saccatus. A term applied to those tumours wi'iich consul of a fluid or other matter, en- closed m a sac or cyst- . ENCY'STIS. (From cv, in, and ctj-ic, a bag.) An encysted tumour. ENDE MIC. (Endemicus, sc. morbus; from cv, in, and Srjuos, people.) A disease is so termed tliat is pe- culiar to a certain class of persons, or country: thus struma is endemial to the inhabitauU of Derbyshire and tbe Alps; scurvy to seafaring people; and the plica polonica is met with in Poland. E'noesis. (From cv, and Sua, to tie up.) A ligature. A bandage. ENDIVE. See Cichorium. 330 ENDI'VIA. (Quasi eundo via, fni'epassim nssd- tur; named from the quickness of iu growth.) Sea Cichorium, E'mdosis. (From cv, and StSiaut, to give.) A re- mission, disorder. ENECIA. (From Hvwrnc, continued.) A genus of disease in Good's Nosology. Class, Hamatica; Or der, Pyretica: continued fever. It comprehends three species, Eneeia cauma; typhus; synochui. Enella'gmenus. (From cvoMar7w, to inter- change.! An epithet applied to the union of the joinu of the vertebra;. ENEMA. (Enema, mafic, neut; from cvuipi, to inject.) A clyster. A well-known form of conveying both nourishment and medicine to the system, under certain morbid circumstances. The former takes place where obstruction of tbe passage to the stomach is so great as to render access to that organ impossible, such as occurs in lockjaw, diseased oesophagus, Sec. By these means the body can be supported for a few weeks, while an attempt is made at effecting a cure. It is composed, in such cases, of animal broths, grueli made of farinaceous seeds, mucilages, &c. As a form of medicine, clysters are no less useful; and, accord- ing to the intention with which they are prescribed, they are cither of an emollient, anodyne, or purgative nature. The following forms are in general use. Enema anodynum. Take of starch jelly, half a pint; tincture of opium, forty to sixty drops. Mix. The whole to be injected by means of a clyster-syringe, in cases of dysentery or violent purging, and pain in the bowels. Enema antispabmodicum. Take of tincture of asafoetida, half an ounce; tincture of opium, forty drops; gruel, half a pint. Mix. For spasmodic affec- tions of the bowels. Enema laiativum. Take of sulphate of magne- sia, two ounces; dissolve in three quarters of a pint of warm gruel, or broth, with an ounce of fresh butter, or sweet oil. Enema nicotian*. Take of the infusion of to- bacco from a hal f to a whole pint Employed in cases of strangulated hernia. Enema nutriens. Take of strong beef tea, twelve ounces; thicken with hartshorn shavings, or arrow- root. Enema terebinthinc Take of common turpen- tine, half an ounce; the yelk of one egg, and half a pint of gruel. The turpentine being first incorporated with the egg, add to them the gruel. This clyster is generally used, and with great good effect, in violent fiu of the stone. Enerei'bis. (From tvepeiSta, to adhere to a com- pression.) A tight ligature. E'NERGY. (Energia; from tvtpytta, to act.) The degree of force exercised by any power: thus, nervous energy, muscular energy, &c. ENERVATING. The act of destroying the force, use, or office of the nerves, either by cutting them, or breaking them by violence or abuse of the non-na- turals. Eneurb'sIS. See Enuresis. ENERVIS. Ribless: applied to leaves which are without lines or ribs. Engala'ctum. (From tv, and yaXa, milk; so called, because it is eaten by nurses to increase tieir milk.) The herb saltwort. See Salsola. ENGASTRIMY'THUS. (From cv, in, yaeijp, tbe belly, and uvdeouat, to discourse.) A ventriloquist; one who appears to speak from his belly. Enoiso'ma. (From eyyifyo, to approach.) 1. An instrument for making the parts of a broken clavicle meet 2. A fracture of tne cranium. English Mercury. See Mercurialis. Enolotto-gastor. (From tv, yXiar]ti, the tongue, ana yacTip, the belly.) A ventriloquist. ENGOMPHO'SIS. (From tv, and youibos, a nail., That species of articulation which resembles a nail driven into wood, as a tooth in iu socket. Engo'nios. (From cv, and yiavta, an angle.) The flexure, or angle made by the bending of a joint Eni'xum paracelsi. The caput mortuum of the dutitlation of nitric acid, which is a super-sulphate of potassa. ENNEANDRIA. (From cvvta, nine, and dmp, a man.) The name of a class of pianu in the sexual ENT ENT tystem. containing such as have hermaphrodite flow- ers with nine stamina. Enneapha'rmacum. (From evvta, nine, and q}ap- fiaxov, a medicine.) A medicine composed of nine simple ingredients. ENNEAPHY'LLUM. (From cvvta, nine, and 6vXXov, a leaf; because iU flower consisu of nine leaves.) A name for helleboraster, or bear's-foot. ENODIS. Without knots: applied to stems of plants, as Culmus enodis; that is, a smooth culm, as in our common rushes. Enry'tiimus. (From cv, and pvBuos, number.) A pulse in some respect regular. ENS. This word denoted in ancient chemistry the most efficacious part of any natural mixed body, whe- ther animal, vegetable, or fossil, wherein all the qua- lities or virtues of the ingredients of the mixed are comprehended in a small compass. ENSATjE. (From ensis, a sword.) The name of a natural order of plants, consisting of such as have sword-shaped leaves. E'NSIFORM. (Ensiformis; from ensis, a sword, and forma, resemblance.) Sword-like. 1. A term applied to some paru from their resemblance; as the ensiform cartilage. 2. In botany, a leaf is called folium ensiforme, which has two edges, and tapers to a point, like a sword. See Leaf. Ensta'ctum, (From cv, and s-a^oi, to instil.) A liquid medicine, wbich is applied instillatim, or drop by drop. ENTASIA. (From cvracic, intentio vehementia.) A name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica; Order, Cinetica. Constrictive spasm. It has eight species, viz. Entasia priapis- mus; loxia; articularis; systremma; trismus; teta- nus; lyssa; acrotismus. Enta'tica. (From tvlttvia, to strain.) Provoca- tives, or whatever excites venereal inclination. a, E'NTERA. (From cv7oc, within.) j, The bowels. ' S. Hippocrates calls by this name the bags in which medicines for fomentations were formerly enclosed. . ENTERADE'NES. (From tvttpov, an intestine, tod aZnv, a gland.) The intestinal glands. Entere'nchyta. (From tvltpa, ihe bowels, and tyxvta, to Infuse into.) An instrument for adminis- tering clysters. A clyster-pipe. ENTERICA. (From tvrtpov, intestinum, alvus.) The name of the first order, class Celiaca, of Good's Nosology. Diseases affecting the alimentary canal. Its genera are, Odontia; Ptyalismus; Dysphagia; Dipsosis; Limosis; Colica; Coprostasis; Diar- rhea; Cholera; Enterolithus; Helminthia; Proctica. ENTERI'TIS. (From cvjtpov, an intestine.) In- flammation of the intestines. It is a genus of disease In tbe Class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasie of Cullen, and is known by the presence of pyrexia, fixed pain in the abdomen, costiveness, and vomiting. The causes of enteritis are much the same as those of gas- tritis, being occasioned by acrid substances, indurated fasces, long-continued and obstinate costiveness, spas- modic colic, and a strangulation of any part ofthe in- testinal canal; but another very general cause is the application of cold to the lower extremities, or to the belly iuelf. It is a disease which is most apt to occur at an advanced period of life, and is very liable to a relapse. It comes on with an acute pain, extending in general over the whole of the abdomen; but more especially round the navel, accompanied with eructations, sick- ness at the stomach, a vomiting of bilious matter, ob- stinate costiveness, thirst, heat, great anxiety, and a quick and hard small pulse. After a short time the pain becomes more severe, the bowels seem drawn to- gether by a kind of spasm, the whole region of tlie abdomen is highly painful to the touch, and seems drawn together in'lumpy contractions; invincible cos- tiveness prevails, and the urine U voided with great difficulty and pain. The inflammation continuing to proceed with vi- olence, terminates at last in gangrene; or abating gradually, it goes off by resolution. Enteritis is always attended with considerable dan- ger, aa it often terminates in gangrene to the space of m few hours from iu commencement; which event is narked by the sadden remission of pain, sinking of the pulse, shrinking of the features, and distention of the belly, and it frequently proves fatal likewise, du- ring the inflammatory stage. If the pains abate gra- dually, if natural stools be passed, if a universal sweat, attended wilh a firm equal pulse, comes on, or if a copious discharge of loaded urine, with the same kind of pulse, takes place, a resolution and favourable ter- mination may be expected. Dissections of this disease show, that the inflamma- tion pervades the intestinal tube to a very considerable extent; that adhesions of the diseased portion to con- tiguous parts are formed ; and that, in some cases, the intestines are in a gangrenous state, or that ulcerations have formed. They likewise show, that, besides ob- stinate obstructions, introsusception, constrictions, and twistings, are often to be met with; and that, in most cases, the peritoneeum is more or less affected, and ia perceived, at times, to be covered with a layer of coagulable lymph. The treatment must be begun by taking blood freely from the arm, as far as the strength of the patient will allow; but the disease occurring more frequently In persons rather advanced in years, and of a constitution somewhat impaired, it becomes more important to limit this evacuation and rely in a great measure on the effects of a number of leeches, applied to tbe abdomen. Another very useful step ia to put the patient into a hot bath, which may presently induce faintness; or where this cannot be procured, fomenting tbe abdomen assiduously. When the symp- toms are thus materially relieved, an ample blister should be applied. It becomes also ofthe first import- ance to clear out the bowels: a copious laxative clyster will evacuate the inferior part of tbe canal, and solicit the peristaltic motion downwards; and the milder cathartics, as castor oil, neutral sails, &c. in divided doses, may gradually procure a passage. But where the disease has been preceded by costiveness, norc active articles will probably be necessary, as calonel, compound extract of colocynth, infusion of serins, with salts, sec. If the stomach be irritable, the effer- vescing saline draught may enable it lo retain tbe re- quisite cathartics. Another plan, often very success- ful, is giving opium in a full dose, particularly in col- junction with calomel, taking care to follow it up ly some of the remedies above mentioned, till the bowtls are relieved; which effect il appears to promote by its soothing artispasmodic power. Afterward we may en- deavour, to keep up diaphoresis, and recruit tiie strength of the patient by a mild nourishing diet; taking rare to guard against accumulation of freces, exposure to cold, or any thing else likely to occasion a relapse ENTERO'. (From tvftpov, an intestine.) Names compounded of this word belong to things which re- semble an Intestine; or to parts connected witti, or diseases of some part of the intestine. ENTEROCE'LE. (From tvjtptv, ai intestine, and 107*17, a tumour.) An intestinaF rurture or hernia. Every hernia may be so called that is produced by the protrusion of a portion of intestine, whether it is in the groin, navel, or elsewhere. Entero-epiplocele. (From ttjtpov, an intestine, tiriirXoov, the epiploon, and > Enterolithus bezoar ; calculus; scybalum ENTERO'MPHALUS. (From evrcpov, an tittes tine, and outbaXos, the nave?.) An umbilical henna, produced by the protrusion of a portion of intestine. ENTERO'PHYTUM. vFrom cv7£pov, an intestine, and fiJu7ov, a plant.) A pfant which grows in the form of a cut, the sea-chUteriing. ENTERORA'PHLi. (From tvrtpov, an intestine, and padi?, a suture.> A suture of the intestines, or the sewing toeether the divided edges of an intestine. ENTEROSCHEOCE'LE. (From tvrtpov, an httes- tine, ooxte-v, the scrotum, and KnXn, • rupture.) A EPH icrotal hernia, or rupture of the intestines into the scrotum. Enthe'kata. (From cv7«0»«i, to put in.) Anti-in- flammatory styptics. Enthlasis. A contusion witli the impression of die instrument by which it happened. Entire Leaf. See InUftrrimus. ENTROCHI. A genus of extraneous fossils, made up of round joinU, which, when separate and loose, are called trochitm. ENTRO PIUM (Entropium, i. n.; from tv, and rpcirc*, to turn.) A disease of the eyelids, occasioned by the eyelashes and eyelid being inverted towards tlie bulb of tbe eye. Enttpo'sjs. (From tvlvnoia, to make an impres- sion.) 1. The acetabulum. 2. The scapula, or concave bone of the shoulder. E'NULA. (A corruption of henula, or Helenium, from Hdene, the island where it grew.) See Inula helenium. Enula campana. See Inula helenium. Enu'lon. (From tv, and ovXov, the gums.) The internal flesh of the gums, or that part of them which b within tbe mouth. ENURE SIS. (Eneuresis, is. f.; from tvovptia, to make water.) An fiicoutinency, or involuntary flow of urille. This disease usually proceeds either from re taxation or a paralytic affection of the sphincter of the braider, induced by various debilitating causes, as too free a use of spirituous liquors, manustupration, and excess in venery; or it arises from compression on the bladder, from the diseased state of the organ, or from tone irritating substance contained in iu cavity. It is arranged in the class Locales, and order Apocenoses of Cttilen, and contains two species: 1. Enuresis ato- itica the sphincter of the bladder having lost iu tone Iron) some previous disease. 2. Enuresis ab irrita- liont, vd compressions vesica), from an irritation or (omprcssion of the bladder. Bpacma'sticub. (From em, and oxua&io, Jto in- crease.) A fever which is Increasing in malignity. Epa'cme. (From tnaxpafyo, to increase.) The in- rease, or exacerbation ot a disease. Epaoo'oium. (From cnaya>,ia draw over.) The prepuce, or that part of tbe penis which is drawn over tbe glans, according to Dioscorides. Epanamdo'ntes. (From c»ed upon the breast.) Incubus, or nightmare. See Oneirodynia, Epiiia'ltia. (From ephialtes, the nightmare ;ao called because it was said to cure the nightmare.) The herb peony. EPHIDRO'SIS. (From tduSpoia, to perspire.) Su. datio. Mador. A violent and morbid perspiration. A genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Apocenoses of Cullen. EPHI'PPIUM. A saddle, which it is thought to re- semble. See Sella turcica. E'phodos. (From cm and ooos, a way.) In Hip- pocrates ithath three significations: 1. The ducu or passages, by which the excrement! of the body are evacuated. 2. The periodical attack of a fever, from the com- mon use of it to express the attack of thieves. 3. The access of similar or dissimilar things, which may be useful or hurtful to the body. Epia'ltes. See Ephialtes. Epi'alus. (From nmov, gently, and aXtalia, to heat.) Epialos. An ardent fever, In which both heal and cold arc felt in the same part at the same time. Galen defines it to be a fever in which the patient labours under a preternatural heat and a coldness at the same time. The ancient Latins call it Quercera. Epi'uole. (From tntSaXXia, to press upon.) Thl nightmare, or ephialtes. Epica'nthis. (From cm, and xavBos, the angle of the eye.) The angle of the eye. Epica'rpium. (From em, upon, and xapnos, the wrist.) A medicine applied to the wrist. Epica'uma. (From em, and xatta, to burn.) A burn. Epicau'sis. A burn. Epi'ceras. (From cm, and Ktpas, a horn: so called because ite pods ere shaped like a horn.) See Trigo- nella fanum grecum. Epicera'stica. (From em, and kipavwui, to mix.) Medicines which, by mixing with acrimonioiU juices, temper them and render them less troublesomej.ai emollienU. Epicheire'sis. (From cm, and xcip, the hand.) A manual operation. Epicholus. (From em, and x^Vi the bile.) Bilious. Epicho'rdis. (From tni, upon, and x°P&V, a Eut-) The mesentery. Epicho'rios. (From em, upon, and x°pa, a region.) Tbe same as epidermis. EPICHROSIS. (From tmxpuots, a coloured or spotted surface.) The name of a genus of dlsea<*, Class, Eccritica; Order, Acrotica, in Good's No'sOftjsJ. Macular skin, or Simple discoloration of the surfaqe It embraces seven species, vte. Epichrdsis IcucasmuSj spilus ; lenticula; ephelis ; aurigo ; petilia ; alphdsU. Epiccelis. (From tni, upon, and koiXjc, tiie eyelid.) The upper eyelid. EPICO'LIC. (Epicolicus; from tni. upon, fad xiaXov, the colon.) That part of the abdomen Which lies over the head of the ccecum and the sigmoid tmC- ure of the colon, is called the eplcolic region. Epicopho'sis. (From tni, and «uf)oc, deaf.) A total deafness. EPICRA'NIUM. (From tm, and itpaviov, the cranium.) The common integumenu, aponeurosis, and muscular expansion which lie upon the cranium. Epicra'nius. See Occipito frontalis. EPI'CRASIS. (From tni, and xtpavwui, to tem- per.) A critical evacuation of bad humours, an at- temperation of bad ones. When a cure is performed, in the alterative way, It is called per Epicrasin. EPICRISIS. (From cm, and xptvia, to Judge from.) A judgment of the termination or a disease from pre- sent symptoms. Epicte'nium. (From tnt, about, snd x^us, the pubes.) Tbe parts above and about the pubes. Epicye'ma. (From cm, upon, and xvta, to conceive.) Epicyesis. Superfcetatlon. Epicye'sis. See Epieyema. EPIDEMIC. (Epidmitujj from cm, upon, and Snuot, the people.) A contafwtis disease is so termed EPI EPI that attacks many people at the same season, and In the same place; thus, putrid fever, plague, dysentery, sec. are often epidemic. EPIDE NDRUM. (From cm, upon, and StvSpov, a tree; because all this genus of plants grow parasiti- ca I ly on the trunks or branches of trees.) The name of a genus of plants in the Llnnaiau system. Class, Qynandria; Order, Monandria. Epidendrum vanilla. The systematic name of the vanelloe plant. Vanilla; llanlia; Banilas; Ara- tus aromaticus; Epidendrum—scandens, foliis ovato oblongis nervosis sessilibus caulinis, cirrhis spiralibus ot Linnceus. The vanelloe is a long, flattish pod, con- taining, under a wrinkled brittle shell, a reddish brown pulp, with small shining black seeds, which have an unctuous aromatic taste, and a fragrant smell like that of spine of the finer balsams heightened with musk. Although chiefly used as perfumes, they are said to possess aphrodisiac virtues. Epi'oeris. (From tm, and Stpas, the skin.) The clitoris. EPIDERMIS, (From tm, upon, and Stpua, the true skin.) The scarf-skin. See Cuticle. Epi'desis. (From cm, upon, and Stia, to bind.) A bandage to stop a discharge of blood. Epide'smus. (From cm, upon, and Sua, to bind.) A bandage by which splints, bolsters, &c. are secured. EPIDIDYMIS. (From em, upon, and SiSvuos, a testicle.) A hard, vascular, oblong substance, that lies upon the testicle, formed of a convolution of the vas deferens. It has a thick end, which is convex, and situated jiosteriorly ; and a thin end, which is rather flat, and situated inferiorly. The epididymis adheres to the testicle by iu two extremities only, for its middle part Is free, forming a bag, to which the tunica vagi- nalis of the testicle is attached. Epi'dosis. (From tmSiSiaut, to grow upon.) Apre- teruatural enlargement of any part. EPIDOTE. Pistacite of Werner. Acanticone from Norway. A sub-species of prismatoidal augite. A compounded ore, containing silica, alumina, lime, ox- ide of iron, oxide of manganese, found in primitive beds and veins, along with augite, hornblende, calca- reous spar, sec. Epi'drome. (From tmSptuia, to run upon.) An afflux of humours. EPIGA'STRIC. (Epigastrieus; from em, upon, or above, and yae-fjp, tbe stomach.) That part of the abdomen that lies over the stomach, is called the epi- gastric region; it reaches from the pit of the stomach to an imaginary lino above the navel, supposed to be drawn from one extremity of the last of the false ribs to the other. Ils sides are called hypochondria, and are covered by tbe false ribs, between which lies the epigastrium. EPIGA'STRIUM. (From tm, upon, or above, and yas-np, the belly.) The part immediately over the stomach. EPIGENESIS. A name given by the ancients, to that theory of generation which consisu in regarding the fcetus as the joint production of matter afforded by both sexes. EPIGENNE'MA. (From emyivouai, to generate upon.} 1. The fur on the tongue. 3, An accessory symptom. EPIGENNE"SIS. See Epigennema. EPIGINO'MENA. (From tmyivopat, to succeed or supervene.) Galen says, they are those symp- toms which naturally succeed, or may be expected In tbe progress of a disease; but Foesius says, they are accessions of some other affection to diseases, which never happen but in stubborn and malignant diseases. EPIGLO'SSUM. (From cm, upon, and yXiaaaa, the tongue: so called because a less leaf grows above the larger in the shape of a tongue.) The Alexandrian laurel, a species of Ruscus. EPIGLOTTIS. (From cm, upon, and yXiarfis, the tongue.) The cartilage at tbe root of the tongue that fall* upon the glottis or superior opening ofthe larynx. Its figure is nearly oval; it is concave posteriorly, and convex anteriorly. Iu apex or superior extremity is loose, and is always elevated upwards by its own elasticity. While the back of the tongue is drawn backwards in swallowing, the epiglottis is put over the aperture of the larynx, hence it shuu up the passage from the mouth into the larynx. The base of the epi- glottis is fixed to tbe thyroid cartilage, the os hyoide% and the base of the tongue, by a strong ligament. Epiglo'ttum. (From tmyAii)T7ic, the epiglottis, which it resembles in shape.) An instrument men tioned by Paracelsus for elevating the eyelids. EP1GLOU TIS. (From em, upon, and yXovlos, the buttocks.) The superior paru of the buttocks. Epigo'natis. (From em, upon, and yovn, the knee.) The patella or knee-pan. Epioo'nides. (From eui, and yovv, the knee.) The muscles inserted into the knees. Epioonum. (From emyivouac, to proceed upon.) A superlactation. Epile'mpsis. See Epilepsy. Epile'ntia. Corrupted from epilepsia. EPILEPSY. (Epilepsia, e, f.; from cmXapBavta, to seize upon: so called, from the suddenness of iu attack.) It is also called falling sickness, from the patient suddenly falling to the ground on an attack of this disease. By the ancients it was termed, from its, affecting the mind, the most noble part of the rational creature, the sacred disease. It consists of convul- sions with sleep, and usually froth issuing from the mouth. It is a genus of disease in the class New roses, and order Spasmi, of Cullen, and contains three species: 1. Epilepsia cerebralis; attacking suddenly without manifest cause, and not preceded by any unpleasant sensation, unless perhaps some giddiness or dimness of sight 2. Epilepsia sympathica; without manifest cause, but preceded by a sensation of an aura ascending from some part of the body to the head. 3. Epilepsia occasionalis; arising from manifest irritation, and ceasing on the removal of this. It com- prehends several varieties:—a. Epilepsia traumatica, arising from an injury of the head: b. Epilepsia A do- lore, from pain: c. Epilepsia verminosa, from the irri- tation of worms: d. Epilepsia d veneno, from poisons: e. Epilepsia exanthematica, from the repulsion of cuta- neous eruptions: f. Epilepsia a cr adit ale ventriculi, from crudities of the stomach: g. Epilepsia ab inani tione, from debility: h. Epilepsia uterina, from hys- terical affections: I. Epilepsia ex onanismo, from onanism, Sec. Epilepsy attacks by fits, and after a certain duration goes on, leaving the person most commonly in his usual state; but sometimes a considerable degree of stupor and weakness remain behind, particularly where the disease has frequent recurrences. It is oftenermet with among children than grown persons, and boys seem more subject to iu attacks than girls. Its returns are periodical, and iu paroxysms commence more frequently in the night than in the day, being some- what connected with sleep. It is sometimes coun- terfeited, in order to extort charity or excite com- passion. Epilepsy is properly distinguished into sympathetic and idiopathic, being considered as sympathetic, when produced by an affection in some other part of the body, such as acidities in the stomach, worms, teeth- ing, Sec. as idiopathic when It is a primary disease, ueilher dependent on nor proceeding from any other. The causes which give rise to epilepsy are blows, wounds, fractures, and other injuries, done to tbe bead by external violence, together with lodgments of water in the brain, tumours, concretions, and polypi. Violent affections of the nervous system, sudden frights, fiu of passion, great emotions of the mind, acute pains in any part, worms in the stomach or intestines, teething, the suppression of long-accustomed evacuations, too great emptiness or repletion, and poisons received into the body, are causes which likewise produce epilepsy. Sometimes it is hereditary, and at others it depends on a predisposition arising from mobility of the senso rium, which is occasioned either by plethora, or a state of debility. An attack of epilepsy is now and then preceded by a heavy pain in the head, dimness of sight, noise in the ears, palpitations, flatulency in the stomach and intestines, weariness, and a small degree of stupor, and in some cases, there prevails a sense of something like a cold vapour or aura arising up to the head; but it more generally happens that the patient falls down suddenly without much previous notice; his eyes are distorted, or turns so that only the whites of tbem can be seen; his fingers are closely clenched, and tiie trunk EPI EPI •f his body, particularly on one side, is much agitated; he foams at the mouth, and thrusu out his tongue, which often suffers great injury from the muscles of tbe lower jaw being affected; he loses all sense of feeling, and not unfrequtntly voids both urine and feces involuntarily. Tbe spasms abating, he recovers gradually; but on coming to himself feels languid and exhausted, and retains not the smallest recollection of what has ptu-y. d during the fit When the disease arises from an hereditary disposi- tion, or comes on after the age of puberty, or where the fits recur frequently, and are of long duration, it will be very difficult to effect a cure: but when its at- tacks are at an early age, and occasioned by worms. or any accidental cause, it may in general be removed with ease. In some cases, it has been entirely carried off by the occurrence of a fever, or by the appearance of a cutaneous eruption. It has been known to ter- minate in apoplexy, and in some instances to produce a loss of the powers of the mind, and to bring on idiotism. The appearances usually to be observed on dissec- tion, are serous and sanguineous effusion, a turgid tense state of the vessels of the brain without any effusion, a dilatation of some particular part of the brain, ex- crescences, polypi, and hydatids, adhering to it, and obstructing iu functions, and likewise ulcerations. Durlug the epileptic paroxysm in general, little or nothing is to be done, except using precautions, that the patient may not injure himself; and it will be pru- dent to remove any thing wbich may compress the veins of the neck, to obviate congestion in the head. Should there be a considerable determination of blood to this part, or the patient very plethoric, it may be proper, if you can keep him steady, to open a vein, or Ihe temporal artery ; and in weakly constitutions the most powerful antispasmodics may be tried in ihe form of clyster, as they could hardly be swallowed: but there is very seldom time for such measures. In the intervals, the treatment consists: 1. In obviating the several exciting causes. 2. In correcting any observ- able predisposition. 3. In the use of those means, which are most likely to break through the habit of re- currence. I. The manner of fulfilling the first indication re- quires little explanation; after an injury to the head, or where there is disease of the bone, an operation may Be necessary, to remove irritation from the brain ; in Children teething, the gums ought to be lanced: where tbe bowels are foul, or worms suspected, active purga- tives should be exhibited, &c. In those instances in which the aura epileptics is perceived, it has been re- commended to destroy the part, where it originates, or divide the nerve going to it, or correct the morbid ac- tion by a blister, ate.; such means would certainly be proper when there is any disease discoverable in it. Making a tight ligature on tbe limb above has some- times prevented a fit; but, perhaps, only through the medium of the imagination. II. Where a plethoric state appears to lay the foun- dation of the disease, which is often the case, the pa- tient must be restricted to a low diet, frequent purges exhibited, and tbe other excretions kept up, and he f bould take regular moderate exercise, avoiding what- ever may determine the blood to the head; and to counteract such a tendency, occasional cupping, blis- ters, issues, &c. may be useful, as well as the shower- bath ; but in urgent circumstances, the lancet ought to be freely used. If, on the contrary, there are marks of inanition and debility, a generous diet, with tonic medicines, and other means of strengthening the sys- tem, will be proper. The vegetable tonics have not been so successful in this disease as the metallic pre- parations, particularly tbe FUlpbate of zinc, the nitrate of silver, and the ammoniated copper, but this cannot perhaps he so safely persevered in : where the patient is remarkably exsanguineous, chalybeatcs may answer better, and, in obstinate cases, tbe arsenical solution might have a cautious trial. In irritable constitutions, sedatives are indicated, as digitalis, opium, ace.: but the free use of opium is restricted by a tendency to congestion in the head. Where syphilis appears to be concerned, a course of mercury is proper; in scrofu- lous habits, bark, or steel, with iodine, soda, and sea- bathing; and so on. III. The third division of remedies comes especially In use, where the flu arc frequent, or where their re currence can be anticipated; emetics will often pre- vent them, or a full dose of opium; also other power- ful antispasmodics, S9 atthcr, musk, valerian, Set. or strong odours, and in short any thing producing a con- siderable impression on the system. Bark, taken large- ly, might perhaps be more successful on this principle. The disease has sometimes been cured, especially when originating from sympathy, by inspiring fear or horror; and many frivolous charms may, no doubt have taken effect through the medium of the imagina- tion. Also long voyages have removed it, which might especially be hoped for at the age of puberty, particu- larly if a considerable change in the mode of life were made in other respects; those who bad lived Indo- lently being obliged to exert themselves, the diet pro- perly adapted to the state of the system, See. EP1LO BIUM. (From em XoBov tov, a violet or beautiful flower, growing on a pod.) The name of a genus of planu in the Linnman system. Class, Oc- tandria; Order, Monogynia. Epilobium angustifolium. Rose-bay-wlllow herb. The young tender shoots cut in tho spring, and dressed as asparagus, are little inferior to it. Epime'dil-m. The plant barren-wort. Epimo'rius. (Fro em, and pttpia, to divide.) An obsolete term, formerly applied to an unequal pulse. Epimy'lis. (From em, and pvXt}, the knee.) The patella or knee-bone. Epineneu'cub. (From tmvevia, to nod or incline.) An unequal pulse. Epino'tium. (From em, upon, and via"]os, the back.) The shoulder-blade. EPINY'CTIS. (From em, and vuL night.) A pus- tule, which rises in the night, forming an angry tumour on the skin ofthe arms, hands, and thighs, of the size of a lupine, of a dusky red, and sometimes of a livid and pale colour, with great inflammation and pain. In a few days it breaks, and sloughs away. Epipa'ctis. (From cmnaxjoia, to coagulate.) A plant mentioned by Dioscorides; and so named be- cause iu juice was said to coagulate milk. Epiparoxy'smus. (From em, upon, and napc\vo- uos, a paroxysm.) An unusual frequency of febrile exacerbation. Epipa'stum. (From em, upon, and naaoia, to sprinkle.) Any powdered drug sprinkled on the body. Epipe'chys. (From tm, above, and irnxwi the cu- bit) That part of the arm above the cubit. Epiphlooi'sma. (From em, upon, and produced by the protrusion of a portion of the omen-1 tum. See Hernia omenlalis. Epiplocomi'stis. (From cmrAoov, the omentum, and xopfyi, to carry.) One who has the omentum morbidly large. Epiploic appendages. See Appendicule epiploice. EPIPLOl'TIS. (From emnXoov, the omentum.) An inflammation of the process ofthe peritoneum, tliat forms the epiploon or omentum. See Peritonitis. EPIPLOO'MPHALON. (From emirXoov, the omen- tum, and ouibaXos, the navel.) An omental hernia protruding at tbe navel. EPI'PLOON. (From tmnXota, to sail over, because it is mostly found floating, as it were, upon the intes- tines.) See Omentum. EPIPLOSCUEOCE'LE. (From emirAoov.the omentum, ooxtov, the scrotum, and xnXn, a tumour or hernia.) A rupture of tbe omentum into the scrotum, or n scrotal hernia containing omentum. Epipo'lasis. (From tmnoXat/a, to swim on the top.) 1. A fluctuation of humours. 2. A species of chemical sublimation. Enpo'MA. (From em, upon, and ntaua, a lid.) An Instrument to cover the shoulder in a luxation. Epiporo'ma. (From tmniaptia, to harden.) A hard tumour about the joints. Epipty'xis. (From emn]voc^a, to close up.) A spasmodic closing of the lips. Epipyre'xis. (From tm, and nvptrjia, to be fever- IshO A rapid exacerbation in a fever. Epirioe'sis. (From em, and ptyeui, to become cold.) An unusual degree of cold, or repetition of rigors. Epi'rrboe. (From em, upon, and pirn, to flow.) An influx or afflux of humours to any part. EPISARCT'DIUM. (From em, upon, and capl, the flesh.) An anasarca, or dropsy, spread between the skin and flesh. EPISCHE'SES. (From tmoxeia, to restrain.) A suppression of excretions. It is an order in the class Locales of Cullen's Nosology. EPl'SCHIUM. (From em, upon, and ttrxtov, the hip-bone.) The os pubis. EPISCOPA'L. (From episcopus, a bishop, or mi- tred dignitary.) Of, or belonging to a bishop: applied to a vulve at the orifice between the left auricle and Ventricle of the heart. See Mitral valve. • Epispa'bmub. (From tmcrnaia, to draw together.) A quick Inspiration. EPISPA'STIC. (Epispasticus; from tmcmaia, to draw together.) Those substances which are capable, when applied to the surface of the body, of producing a serous or puriform discharge, by exciting a previous state of inflammation. The term, though compre- hending likewise issues and setons, is more commonly restricted to blisters—those applications which, ex- citing inflammation on the skin, occasion a thin serous fluid to be poured from the exhalanu, raise the cuticle, and form the appearance of a vesicle. This effect arises from their strong stimulating power, and to this stimulant operation and the pain tbey excite, are to be ascribed the advantages derived from them in the treatment of disease. The evacuation they occasion is too inconsiderable to have any material effect. See Blister. Episph.c'ria. (From cm, and otbaipa, a sphere: so called from the spherical shape of tne brain.) The windings of the exterior surface of the brain; or the winding vessels upon it. Epista'omus. (From em, and jago), to trickle down.) A catarrh. EnsTAPHYMNt a. (From tm, and $-aa*oc of the Greeks. Ervum—pedunculis sub- bifloris; scminibus compressis, convexis, of Linnaius. There are two varieties; the one with large, the other with small seeds. They are eaten in many places as we eat pease, than which they are more flatulent, and niore difficult to digest A decoction of these seeds is used as a lotion to the ulcerations after small-pox and, it is said, with success. ERYNGIUM. (From epuvyavco, to eructate.) Eryngo, or sea-holly. 1. The name of a genus of planU in the Linntean system. Class Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharniacopoeial name of the sea-holly. See Eryngium mantimum. [" Erynoium aquaticum. Button snake-root. The Eryngium aquaticum is a native ofthe southern states. We are told in Mr. Elliott's botany, that the root is of ' a pungent, bitter, and aromatic taste. When chewed, it very sensibly excites a flow of saliva. A decoction of it is diaphoretic and expectorant, and sometimes proves emetic. It is preferred by some physicians to the Seneca snake-root, wbich it much resembles in iu effects." A.] Erynoium campistrb. The root of this plant, Eryngium—foliis radicalibus, amplexicaulibus, pin- nato-laneeolatis, of Linneus, is used in many places for that of the sea-eryngo. See Eryngium. Ertnoibm maritimum. The systematic name of the sea-holly or eryngo. Eryngium—foliis radicalibus subrotundis, plicatis spinosis, capitulis pedunculatis, voids tricuspidatis, of Linneus. The root of this plant is directed for medical use. It has nq particular emell, but to the taste it manrfesu a grateful sweet- ness ; and, on being chewed for some time, it discovers a light aromatic warmth or pungency. It was former- ly celebrated for IU supposed aphrodisiac powers, but it is now very rarely employed. ERYNGO. See Eryngium. Eryngo, sea. See Eryngium. Eryngo-leaved lichen. See Lieften islandicus. ERY SIMUM. (From tpvia, to draw, so called from ite power of drawing and producing blisters. Others derive it from airo rov tptixtiv, because the leaves are much cut; others from coitiwov, precious.) 1. The name of a genus of planu in the Linnean system. Class, 7Wrooynamia; Order, Siliquosa. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the hedge-mustard See Erysimum officinale. Erysimum alliaria. The systematic name of Jack-in-the-hcdge. Alliaria; Chamaplion of Oriba- sius. Sauce alone, or stinking hedge-mustard. The plant to which this name is given, is the Erysimum foliis cordatis, of Linnteus; it is sometimes exhibited iu humid asthma and dyspncea, wilh success. Its virtues are powerfully diaphoretic, diuretic, and anti- scorbutic. Erysimum barbarea. The systematic name of the barbarea of the shops. The leaves of this plant, Erysimum—foliis lyratis, extimc subrotundo of Lin- naeus, may be ranked among the antiscorbutics. They are seldom used in practice. Erysimum officinale. The systematic name of the hedge-mustard. Erysimum—siliquis spice ad- pressis, foliis runcinatis, of Linneus. It was former- ly much used for its expectorant and diuretic qualities, which are now forgotten. The seeds are warm and pungent, and very similar to those of mustard in their sensible effecu. ERYSIPELAS. (From epuw, to draw, and oeAaf, adjoining: named from the neighbouring paru being affected by the eruption.) Ignis sacer. The rose, or St. Anthony's fire. A genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Exanthemata of Cullen. It is known by synocha of two or three days' continuance, with drowsiness, and sometimes with delirium; pulse commonly full and hard; then erythema of the face, or some other part, with continuance of synocha, tending either to abscess or gangrene. There are two species of this disease, according to Cullen: 1. Erysi- pelas vesiculosum, with large blisters: 2. Erysipelas phlydenodes, the shingles or an erysipelas with phlyc- tsntE, or small blisters. This disease is an inflammatory affection, princi pally of the skin, when it makes iu appearance ex- ternally, and of the mucous membrane when it is seated internally; and is more liable to attack women and children, and those of an irritable habit, than those of a plethoric and robust constitution. It is remarkable that erysipelas sometimes returns periodically, attacking the patient once or twice a year, or even once every month, and then by iu repeated attacks it often gradually exhausts the strength, espe- cially if he be old and of a bad habit. When the inflammation is principally confined to the slcin, and is unattended by any affection of the sys- tem, it is then called erythema; but when the system is affected, it is named erysipelas. Every part of the .body is equally liable to it, but it more frequently appears on the face, legs, and feet, than any where else, when seated externally; and it occurs oftener in warm climates than phlegmonous inflammation It is brought on by all the causes that are apt to ex- cite inflammation, such as injuries of all kinds, the external application of stimulants, exposure to cold, and obstructed perspiration; and it may likewise be occasioned by a certain matter generated within the body, and thrown out on its surface. A particular state of the atmosphere seems sometimes to render it epidemical. In slight cases, where it attacks the extremities, it makes iu appearance with a roughness, heat, pain, and redness of the skin, which becomes pale when the fin- ger is pressed upon il, and again returns to ite former colour, when it is removed. There prevails likewise a small febrile disposition, and tbe patient is rather hot and thirsty. If the attack is mild, these symptoms will continue only for a few days, the surface of the part affected will become yellow, the cuticle or scarf- skin will fall off in scales, and no further inconve- nience will perhaps be experienced; but if the attack has been severe, and the inflammatory symptoms have run high, then there will ensue pains in the head and back, great beat, thirst, and restlessness; tiie pan affected will slightly swell: the pulse will become small and frequent; and about tbe fourth day, a num ber of little vesicles, containing a limpid, and, in some cases, a yellowish fluid, will arise. In some instances, the fluid is viscid, and instead of running out, as gene- rally happens when the blister is broken, it adheres to and dries upon tbe skin. In unfavourable cases, these blisters sometimes de- generate into obstinate ulcers, wbich now and then 337 ERf ESS become gangrenous. This, however, does not happen frequently; for although it is not uncommon for the surface ofthe skin and the blistered places to appear livid, or even blackish, yet this usually disappears with the other symptoms. The period at which the vesicles show themselves is very uncertain. The same may be said of the dura- tion of the eruption. In mild cases, it often disappears fradually, or U carried oft' by spontaneous sweating. a some cases it continues, without showing any dis- position to decline, for twelve or fourteen days, or longer. The trunk of the body is sometimes attacked with erysipelatous inflammation, but less frequently so than the extremities. It is not uncommon, however, for infante to be attacked in this manner a few days after birth; and in these it makes iu appearance about the genitals. The inflamed skin is hard, and apparently very painful to the touch. The belly often becomes uniformly tense, and sphacelated spoU sometimes are to be observed. From dissections made by Dr. Un- derwood, it appears, that in this form of the disease the inflammation frequently spreads to the abdominal viscera. Another species of erysipelatous inflammation, which most usually attacks the trunk of the body, is that vulgarly known by the name of shingles, being a corruption of the Frencii word cringle, which implies a belt. Instead of appearing a uniform inflamed surface, it consists of a number of little pimples ex- tending round tlie body a little above the umbilicus, which have vesicles formed on them in a short time. Little or no danger ever attends this species of erysi- pelas. When erysipelas attacks the face, it comes on with chilliness, succeeded by heat, restlessness, thirst, and other febrile symptoms, with a drowsiness or tendency to coma or delirium, and the pulse is very frequent and full. At the end of two or three days, a fiery red- ness appears on some part of the face, and this extends at length to the scalp, and then gradually down the neck, leaving a tumefaction in every part the redness has occupied. The whole face at length becomes tur- Sid, and tbe eyelids are so much swelled as to deprive le patient of sight When the redness and swelling have continued for some time, blisters of different sizes, containing a thin colourless acrid liquor, arise on different paru of the face, and the skin puu on a livid appearance in the blistered places; but in those not affected with blisters, the cuticle, towards the close of the disease, falls off in scales. No remission of the fever takes place on the appear- ance of the inflammation on the face; but, on the con- trary, it is increased as the latter extends, and both will continue probably for the space of eight or ten days. In the course of the inflammation, the disposi- tion to coma and delirir.in are sometimes so increased as to destroy the patient between the seventh and eleventh days of the disease. When the complaint is mild, and not leading to a fatal event, the inflamma- tion and fever generally cease gradually without any evident crisis. If the disease arises in a bad habit of body, occupies a part possessed of great sensibility, is accompanied wilh much inflammation, fever, and delirium, and these take place at an early period, we may suppose the patient exposed to imminent danger. Where translations of the morbid matter take place, and the inflammation falls on either the brain, lungs, or abdo- minal viscera, we may entertain the same unfavoura- ble opinion. Erysipelas never terminates in suppura- tion, unless combined with a considerable degree of phlegmonous inflammation, which is, however, some- times tbe case; but in a bad habit, it is apt to termi- nate in gangrene, in which case there will be also great danger. When the febrile symptoms are mild, and unaccompanied by delirium or coma, and the in- flammation does not run high, we need not be appre- hensive of danger. Where the disease has occupied the face, and proves fatal, inflammation ofthe brain, and iu consequences, arc in some cases met with on dissection. The treatment of erysipelas must proceed on the antiphlogistic plan, varied however in iu activity ac- coiding to the type of the disease. When it occurs in robust plethoric constitutions, partaking of the phleg- monous character, with severe synocha! fever, it will 338 be proper to begin by taking a moderate quantity of blood, then direct cooling saline purgatives, antimonial diaphoretics, a light vegetable diet, Sec When tbe disorder attacks the face, it may be better to use cup- ping behind the neck, and keep the head somewhat raised. But if the disease exhlbiu rather the typhoid type, and particularly where there Is a tendency to gangrene, the patient's strength must be lupporlcd: after clearing out the prima} via;, and endeavouring to promote the other secretions by mild evacuanu, when the pulse begins to fail, a more nutritious diet, with a moderate quantity of wine, and the decoction of bark with sulphuric acid, or other tonic medicine, may be resorted to; nay, even the bark in substance, and the more powerful stimulants, as ammonia, Sec. ought to be tried, if the preceding fall. Should the inflamma- tion, quitting the skin, attack an internal part, a blis- ter, or some rubefacient, may help to relieve the pa- tient; and stimulants to the lower extremities will likewise be proper, where the head is severely affected. To the inflamed part of the skin, applications must not be too freely made: where there is much pain and heat, cooling it occasionally, with plain water, is per- haps best; and where an acrid discharge occurs, wash- ing it away from time to time with warm milk and water. Should suppuration happen, it is important to make an early opening for the escape of tiie matter, to obviate the extensive slough ings otherwise apt to follow, and where gangrene occurs, the fermenting ca- taplasm may be applied. ERYTHEMA. (From tpvBpos, red.) Inflamma- tory blush. A morbid redness of ihe skin, as is ob- served upon the checks of hectic patients alter eating. - and the skin covering bubo, phlegmon, &c. 1*\ Erythro'danum. (From tpvBpos, red: so caned from the colour of iu juice.) See Rubia tinctorum^^ Erythroei'des. (From tpvBpos, red, and eioac,! likeness: so called from iu colour.) A name given to the tunica vaginalis testis. Erythro'nium. (From tpvBpos, red : so called from the red colour of its juice.) A species of satyrion. ' [" Erythronium Americamum. TheErythronium Americanum is an emetic in its recent state; producing vomiting in the dose of thirty or forty grains. That property is impaired by drying. The affinity of tbfc plant to Colchicum, and some others of known activlt' renders it deserving of further investigation. Tj bulbs should be dug when the leaves first appear, fore flowering. A pure fecula may be obtained t them."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] Erythro xylum. (From tpvBpos, red, and tyXij, wood: so named from iu colour.) Logwood. See Hamatoxylum. ' "•' E'rythrus. (From tpvBpos, red: so named from the red colour of iu juice.) The sumach. See Rhus coriaria. E'saphe. (From toadtato, to feel.) The touch; 01 feeling the mouth of tiie womb, to ascertain iu con- dition. E'SCHAR. CKoxapa; from toxapota, to scab over.) Eschara. The portion of flesh that is destroyed by the application of a caustic, and which sloughs away, ESCHARO'TIC. (Escharoticus ; from toxapoia, It scab over.) Caustic; corrosive. A terra given by surgeons to those substances which possess a power of destroying the texture of the various solid parts of the animal body to which they are directly applied. Tbe articles of thU class of substances may be arranged under two orders: 1. Eroding escharotics; as blue vitriol, alumen ustum, Sec. 2. Caustic escharotics; as lapis infernalis, argenti nitras, acidum sulphuricum, nitricum, Sec ESCULENT. Esculentus. An appellation given to such animals, fishes, and plants, or any part of them, that may be eaten for food. E'SOX. The name of a genus of fishes. Class, Pisces; Order, Abdominales.. Esox lucius. The systematic name of tbe pike fish, from the liver of which in oil is separated s|K>u- taneousiy, which is termed, in some pharmacopoeias, oleum lucii piscis. It it UNM) in some countries, by surgeons, to destroy spoU ofthe transparent cornea. ESSENCE. Several of the volatile or essential oils are called by this name. ESSENTIAL. Essentialis. Something that Is ne cessary to constitute a thing, or thai has such a con ETH ETM Mxion with the nature of a thing, that is found wher- ever tho tiling iUelf U; thus the heart, brain, spinal marrow, lungs, stomach, &c. are parts essential to life. Iu natural history, it is applied to those circum- stances which mark or dUtinguish an animal or plant from all others in the same order or genus. Essk'ntial oil. See Oil. E'SSERA. (Easera, from Eshera, an Arabian word literally meaning papula.) A species of cuta- neous eruption, distinguished by broad, shining, smooth, red spots, mostly without fever, and differing from the nettle-rash in not being elevated. It generally attacks the face and hands. Estiuomknos. (From toBiia, to eat.) A term for- merly applied to any disease which rapidly destroyed, or, as ii were, ate away the Hesh, as some forma of herpes, lupus, cancer. E'SULA. (From esus, eaten, because it is eaten by some as a medicine.) Spurge. EsuLA major. See Euphorbia palustris. I'mila minor. See Euphorbia cyparissias. ETHER. See JEther. Ether, acetic. Acetic naphtha. An ethereal fluid, drawn over from an equal admixture of alkohol and acetic acid, distilled with a gentle heat from a glass retort in a sand-bath It has a grateful smell, is ex- tremely light, volatile, and inflammable. Ether muriatic Marine either. Muriatic either U obtained by fixing and distilling alkohol with ex- tremely concentrated muriate of tin. It U stimulant, antiseptic, and diuretic. Etuer, nitrous. Nitric naphtha. This is only a stronger preparation than the spiritus retheris nitrici of the London Pharmacopoeia; it is produced by the dis- tillation of two parts of alkohol to one part and a half of fuming nitric acid. Ether, sulphuric. See JEther sulphuricus. Ether, vitriolic See JEther sulphuricus. ETHEREAL. A term applied to any highly rec- tified essential oil, or spirit. See Oleum athereum. Ethiops, antimonia. See JEthiops antimonialis. Ethiops, martial. The black oxide of iron. Ethiops mineral. See Hydrargyri sulphuretum ni- grum. Ethiops per se. Sec Hydrargyri oxydum cinereum. ETHMOID. (Ethmoides; from cipuos, a sieve, and uSos, form: because it is perforated like a sieve.) Sieve-like. Ethmoid bone. Os ethmoideum; os athmoides. Cri- briform bone. A bone ofthe head. This is, perhaps, oneofthemostcurlousbonesofthe human body. Ilap- pears almost a cube, not of solid bone, but exceedingly light, spongy, and consisting of many convoluted plates, which form a net-work, like honey-comb. It is cu- riously enclosed in the os frontis, between the orbitary processes of that bone. One horizonUil plate receives the olfactory nerves, which perforate that plate with such a number of small holes, that it resembles a sieve; whence tbe bone is named cribriform, or ethmoid bone. Other plates dropping perpendicularly from this one, receive the divided nerves, and gave them an op- portunity of expanding into the organ of smelling; and these bones, upon which the olfactory nerves are spread out, are so much convoluted as to extend the surface of this sense very greatly, and are named spongy bones. Another flat plate lies in the orbit of the eye ; and being very smooth, by the rolling of the eye, it is named the os planum, or smooth bone. So that the ethmoid bone supporu the forepart ofthe brain, receives the olfactory nerves, forms the organ of smell- ing, and makes the chief part of the orbit of the eye; and the spongy bones, and the os planum, are neither of them distinct bones, but parts of this ethmoid bone. The cribriform plate is exceedingly delicate and thin; lies horizontally over the root of the nose; and tills up neatly the space between the two orbitary plates of the frontal-bone. Tbe olfactory nerves, like two small flat lobes, lie out upon this plate, and, ad- hering to it, shoot down like many roou through this bone, so as to perforate it with numerous small holes, as if it had been dotted with the point of a pin, or like a nutmeg-grater. This plate is horizontal; but iu processes are perpendicular, one above, and three below. 1. The first perpendicular process is what is called arista galli; a small perpendicular projection, some- what like a cock's comb, but exceedingly small, stand- ing directly upwards from the middle ofthe cribriform plate, and dividing that plate into two; so that one ol- factory nerve lies upon each side of the crista galli; and the root of the falx, or septum, between the two hemispheres of the brain, begins from tbis process. The foramen ctecum, or blind hole of the frontal bone, is formed partly by the root of the crista galli, which is very smooth, and sometimes, it is said, hollow, or cellular. 3. Exactly opposite this, and in the same direction with it, i. e. perpendicular to the ethmoid plate, stands out the nasal plate of the ethmoid bone. It is some- times called azygous, or single process of the ethmoid, and forms the beginning of that septum, or partition, which divides the two nostrils. This process is thin but firm, and composed of solid bone; it is commonly inclined a little to one side, so as to make the nostrils of unequal size. The azygous process is united with the vomer, which forms the chief part of the partition: so that the septum, or partition of the nose, consiste of the azygous process of the ethmoid bone above, of the vomer below, and of the cartilage in the fore or pro- jecting part of the nose; but the cartilage roU away, so that whatever is seen of the septum in the skull must be part either ofthe ethmoid bone or vomer. 2. Upon either side of the septum, there hangs down a spongy bone, one hanging in each nostril. They are each rolled up like a scroll of parchment; they are very spongy; are covered with a delicate and sensible membrane; and when the olfactory nerves depart from the clibriform plate of the ethmoid bone, they attach themselves to the septum, and to these upper spongy bones, and expand upon them so that the con- volutions of these bones are of material use in expand- ing the organ of swelling, and detaining the odorous effluvia till the impression be perfect. Their convolu- tions are more numerous in the lower animals, in pro- portion as they need a more acute sense. They are named spongy or turbinated bones, from their convolu- tions resembling the many folds of a turban. The spongy bones have a great many honey-comb- like cells connected with them, which belong also to the organ of smell, and which are useful perhaps by detaining the effluvia of odorous bodies, and also by reverberating the voice. Thus, in a common cold, while the voice is hurt by an affection of these cells, the sense of smelling is almost lost. 4. The orbitary plate, of the ethmoid bone, is a large surface; consisting of a very firm plate of bone, of a regular square form: exceedingly smooth and polished; it forms a great part of the socket for the eye, lying on iu inner side. When we see it in the detached bone, we know it to be just the flat side of the ethmoid bone; but while it is incased in the socket of the eye, we should believe it to be a small square bone: and from this, and from its smoothness, it has got the distinct name of os planum. The cells of the ethmoid bone, which form so im- portant a share of the organ of smell, are arranged in great numbers along the spongy bone. They are small neat cells, much like a honey-comb, and regu- larly arranged in two rows, parted from each other by a thin partition; so that the os planum seems to have one set of cells attached to It, while another regular set of cells belongs In like manner to the spongy bones. There are thus twelve in number opening into each other, and into the nose. These cells are frequently the seat of venereal ulcers; and the spongy bones are tbe surface where polypi often sprout up. And from the general connexions and' forms of the bone, we can easily understand how the venereal ulcer, when deep in the nose, having got to these cells, cannot be cured, but undermines all the face; how the venereal disease, having affected the nose, soon spreads to the eye: and how even the brain iuelf is not safe. We see the danger of a blow upon the nose, which, by a force upon tbe septum, or middle partition, may depress the delicate cribriform plate, so as to oppress the brain with all the effecu of a frac- tured skull, and without any operation which can give relief. And we also see the danger of pulling away polypi, which are firmly attached to the upper spongy bone. ETHMOIDES. See Ethmoid bone. ETMULLER, Michael, was born at Leipsic, in 1644. He graduated there at the age of twenty-four, aftergolng through the requisite studies, and much im- EUD EUD proving himself by travelling through different parts of Europe. Eight years after he was appointed professor of botany in that University, as well as extraordinary professor of surgery and anatomy. He fulfilled those offices with great applause, and his death, wlrch hap- pened in 16c)3, was generally regretted by the faculty Of Leipsic. He was * very voluminous writer, and his works were considered to have sufficient merit to be translated into most European languages. E'tron. (From tSta, to eat, as containing the re- ceptacles of the food.) The hypogastrium. Eua'nthemum. (From tv, well, and avBtuos, a flower: so named from tbe beauty of iu flowers.) The chamomile. Eua'phium. (From cv, well, and adm, the touch, so called because its touch was supposed to give ease.) A medicine for the piles. EUCHLORINE. See Chlorous oxide. Euclase. The prismatic emerald. Eudialite. A brownish red-coloured mineral, be- longing to the tessular system of Molis. EUDIO'METER. An instrument by which the quantity of oxygen and nitrogen in atmospherical air can be ascertained. Several methods have been em- ployed, all founded upon the principle of decomposing common air by means of a body which has a greater affinity for the oxygen. See Eudiometry. EUDIOMETRY. The method of ascertaining the purity of atmospheric air. No sooner was the composition of the atmosphere known, than it became an inquiry of importance to find out a method of ascertaining, wilh facility and precision, the relative quantity of oxygen gas contained in a given bulk of atmospheric air. The instruments in which the oxygen gas of a de- termined quantity of air was ascertained, received the name of Eudiometers, because they were considered as measures of the purity of air. They are, however, more properly called Oximeters. The eudiometers proposed by different chemisU, are the following. 1. Priestley's Eudiometer.—The first eudiometer was made in consequence of Dr. Priestley's discovery, that when nitrous gas is mixed with atmospheric air over water, the bulk of the mixture diminishes rapidly, in consequence of the combination of the gus with the oxygen ofthe air, and the absorption ofthe nitric acid thus formed by tlie water. When nitrous gas is mixed with nitrogen gas, no diminution takes place; but when it is mixed with oxygen gas, in proper proportions, the absorption is complete. Hence it is evident, tbat in all cases of a mixture of these two gases, the diminution will be pro- portional to tbe quantity of the oxygen. Of course it will indicate the proportion of oxygen in air; and, by mixing it with different portions of air, it will indicate the different quantities of oxygen which they contain, provided the component paru of air be susceptible of variation. Dr. Priestley's method was to mix together equal bulks of air and nitrous gas in a low jar, and then transfer the mixture into a narrow graduated glass tube about tbree feet long, in order to measure the diminu- tion of bulk. He expressed this diminution by the number of hundredth parts remaining. Thus, suppose pe bad mixed together equal paru of nitrous gas and air, and that the sum total was 200 (or 2.00): suppose the residuum, when measured in the graduated tube, to amount to 104 (or 1.04), and of course that 96 paru of the whole had disappeared, he denoted the purity of the air thus tried by 104. This method of analyzing air by means of nitrous gas is liable to many errors. For the water over which the experiment is made may contain more or less car- bonic acid, atmospheric air, or other heterogeneous substance. The nitrous gas is not always of the same verity, and is partly absorbed by the nitrous acid which is formed; the figure of the vessel, and many other circumstances are capable of occasioning con- siderable differences in the results. Fontana, Cavendish, Ladriani, Magellan, Von Hum- boldt, and Dr. Falconer, have made series of laborious experiments to bring the test of nitrous gas to a state of complete accuracy; but, notwithstanding the exer- tions of these philosophers, the methods of analyz- ing air by means of nitrous gas are Uable to so many anomalies, tbat it is unnecessary to give a particu- lar description of the different instruments Invented by them. 2. Scheele's Eudiometer.—This is merely a gradu ated glass cylinder, containing a given quantity of air, exposed to a mixture of iron filings and sulphur, formed into a paste with water. The .substances may be made use of in the following manner: Make a quantity of sulphur in powder, and iron filings, into a paste with water, and place the mixture in a saucer, or plate, over water, on a stand raised above the fluid; then invert over ita graduated bell- glass, and allow this to stand for a few days. The air contained in the bell-glass will gradually diminish, as will appear from the ascent of the water. When no further diminution takes place, the ves- sel containing the sulphuret must be removed, and tbe remaining air will be found to be nitrogen gas, which was contained in that quantity of atmospheric air. In this process, the moistened sulphuret of iron has a great affinity to oxygen; it attracts and separates It from the atmospheric air, and the nitrogen gas is left behind; the sulphur, during tbe experiment, Is con- verted into sulphuric acid, and the iron oxidized, and sulphate of iron results. The air which is exposed to moistened iron and sul- phur, gradually becomes diminished, on account of its oxygen combining with a portion of the sulphur and iron, while iu nitrogen remains behind. The quantity of oxygen contained in tbe air examined becomes thus obvious, by the diminution of bulk, which the volume of air submitted to examination has undergone. A material error to which this method is liable, Is that the sulphuric acid which is formed, acU partly on the iron, and produces hydrogen gas, which joins to some of tiie nitrogen forming ammonia; and hence it is that the absorption amounts in general to 0.27 parts, although the true quantity of oxygen is no more than from 0.21 to 0.22. 3. De MartCs Eudiometer.—De Marti obviated the errors to which the method of Scheele was liable. He availed himself, for that purpose, of an hydroguretted sulphuret, formed by boiling sulphur and liquid potassa, or lime water, together. These substances, when newly prepared, have the property of absorbing a mi- nute portion of nitrogen gas; but they lose this pro- perty when saturated with that gas, which is easily effected by agitating them for a few minutes in contact with a small portion of atmospheric air. The apparatus is merely a glass tube, ten inches long, and rather less than half an inch in diameter. open at one end, and hermetically sealed at the other. The close end is divided into one hundred equal parte having an interval of one line between each division The use of this tube is to measure the portion of ail to be employed in the experiment. The tube is filled wilh water; and by allowing the water to run out gradually, while the tube is inverted, and the open end kept shut with the finger, the graduated part is exactly filled with air. These hundredth parts of air are in- troduced into a glass bottle, filled with liquid sulphuret of lime previously saturated with nitrogen gas, and capable of holding from two to four times the bulk of ihe air introduced. The bottle is then to be closed with a ground glass stopper, and agitated for fire mi- nutes. After this, tbe stopper is lo be withdrawn, while the mouth of the phial is under watert and, for the greater accuracy, it may be closed and agitated again. Lastly, the air is to be again tranasamaVIo the graduated glass tube, in order to ascertain the diminu- tion of iu bulk. 4. Humboldt's Eudiometer consists in decompos- ing a definite quantity of atmospheric air, by means of the combustion of phosphorus, after whieb, the por- tion of gas which remains must be measured. Take a glass cylinder, closed at the top, and whose capacity must be measured into sufficiently small por- tions by a graduated scale fixed-on it If tbe instru- ment be destined solely for examining atmospheric air, it will be sufficient to apply the scale from the orifice of the cylinder down to about half iu leagth, or to sketch that scale on a slip of paper pasted m the out- side of the tube, and to varnish it over wilh a trans- parent varnish. This half of the eudiometrical tube is divided imo fifty equidistant parts, which In this case Indicate hundredth parts of the whole capacity of the lnstra ment. EUD EUG Into this vessel, full of atmospheric air, put a piece of dry phosphorus (one grain to every twelve cubic Inches), close it air-tight, and heat it gradually, first the aides near the bottom, and afterward tbe bottom itself. The phosphorus will take fire and burn rapidly. After every thing is cold, invert the mouth of the eudiometer- tube into a basin of water, and withdraw the cork. The water will ascend in proportion to the loss of oxygen gas the air has sustained, and thus iu quantity may be ascertained. Analogous to this is, 5. Seguin's Eudiometer, which consists of a glass tube, of about one inch in diameter, and eight or ten inches high, closed at the upper extremity. It is filled with mercury, and kept inverted in this fluid in the mercurial trough. A small bit of phosphorus is in- troduced into it, which, on account of its specific gravity- being lesa than that of mercury, will rise up in it to the top. The phosphorus is then melted by means of a red-hot poker, or burning coal applied to the outside of the tube. When the phosphorus is liquefied, small portions of air destined to be examined, and which have been previously measured in a vessel graduated to the cubic inch, or Into grains, are introduced into the tube. As soon as the air which is sent up reaches the phosphorus, a combustion will take place, and the mercury will rise again. The combustion continues till the end of the operation; but, for the greater exact- ness, Seguin direcu the residuum to be healed strongly. When cold, it is introduced into the graduated vessel to ascertain its volume. The difference of the two volumes gives the quantity of the oxygen gas contained in the air subjected to examination. 6. Berthollet's Eudiometer.—Instead of the rapid combustion of phosphorus, Berthollet has substituted iu spontaneous combustion, which absorbs the oxygen of atmospheric air completely; and, when the quan- tity of air operated on is small, the process is accom- plished in a short time. Berthollel's apparatus consisu of a narrow graduated glass tube, containing the air to be examined, into which is introduced a cylinder, or stick of phosphorus, supported upon a glass rod, while the tube stands in- verted in water. The phosphorus should be nearly as long as the tube. Immediately after the introduction of the phosphorus, white vapours are formed which fill the tube; these vapours gradually descend, and be- come absorbed by the water. When no more white vapours appear, tbe process Is at an end, for all the oxygen gas wbich was present in the confined quantity of air, has united with the phosphorus: the residuum is the quantity of nitrogen of the air submitted to ex- amination. This eudiometer, though excellent of the kind, is nevertheless not absolutely to be depended upon; for, as soon as the absorption of oxygen is completed, the nitrogen gas exercises an action upon the phosphorus, and thus iu bulk becomes increased. It has been as- certained, that the volume of nitrogen gas is increased by l-40th part; consequently the bulk ofthe residuum, diminished by l-40th, gives us the bulk of the nitrogen gas of the air examined; which bulk, subtracted from the original mass of air, gives us the proportion of oxygen gas contained in it. The same allowance must be made in the eudiometer of Seguin. 7. Davy's Eudiometer.—Until very lately, the pre- ceding processes were the methods of determining the relative proportions of the two gases which compose our atmosphere. Some of these methods, though very ingenious, are bo extremely slow in their action, that it is difficult to ascertain the precise time at which the operation ceases. Others have frequently involved inaccura- cies, not easily removed. The eudiometer of Davy is not only free from these objections, but the result it offers is always constant; it requires little address, and is very expeditious; the apparatus is portable, simple, and convenient Take a small glass tube, graduated into one hundred equidistant parte; fill this tube with the air to be ex- amined, and plunge it into a bottle, or any other con- venient vessel, containing a concentrated solution of green muriate or sulphate of iron, strongly impreg- nated with nitrous gas. All that is necessary to be done, is to move the tube in the solution a little back- wards and forwards; under these circumstances, the •xygeii gas contained in the air will be rapidly ab- sorbed, and condensed by the nitrous gas in the eola- tion, in the form of nitrous acid. N. B. The state of the greatest absorption should be marked, as the mixture afterward emiu a little gas which would alter the result. This circumstance depends upon the slow decompo- sition of the nitrous acid (formed during the experi- ment,) by the oxide of iron, and the consequent pro- duction of a small quantity of aeriform fluid (chiefly nitrous gas); which, having no affinity with tbe red muriate, or sulphate of iron, produced by the combi- nation of oxygen, is gradually evolved and mingled with the residual nitrogen gas. However, the nitrous gas evolved might be abstracted by exposing the resi- duum to a fresh solution of green sulphate or muriate of iron. The impregnated solution with green muriate, is more rapid in iu operation than the solution with green sulphate. In cases when these salu cannot be obtained in a state of absolute purity, the common sul- phate of iron of commerce may be employed. One cubic inch of moderately impregnated solution, is capable of absorbing five or six cubic inches of oxy- gen, in common processes; but the same quantity must never be employed for more than one experi- ment. In all these different methods of analyzing air, it is necessary to operate on air of a determinate density, and to take care that the residuum be neither more condensed nor dilated than tbe air was when first ope- rated on. If these things are not attended to, no de- pendence whatever can be placed upon the result of the experimente, how carefully soever they may have been performed. It is, therefore, necessary to place the air, before and after the examination, into water of the same temperature. If this, and several other little circumstances, have been attended to, for in- stance, a change in the height of the barometer, Sec we find that air is composed of about 0.21 of oxygen gas, and 0.7!) of nitrogen gas by bulk. But as the weight of these two gases is not exactly the same, the proportion of the component parts by weight will dif- fer a little; for as the specific gravity of oxygen gas is to that of nitrogen gas as 8 to 7 nearly, it follows that 100 parts of air are composed by weight of about 76 nitrogen gas, and 24 oxygen gas. The air of this metropolis, examined by means of Davy's eudiometer, was found, in all the different sea- sons of the year, to contain 0.21 of oxygen : and the same was the case with air taken at Islington and Highgatc; in the solitary cells In Cold-Bath-Fields pri- son, and on Ihe river Thames. But the quantity of water contained in a given bulk of air from these places, differed considerably. El'GALENUS, Severisus, b physician of Doccum, in Friesland, known chiefly as the author of a Trea- tise on the Scurvy, in 1604, which once maintained a considerable character: but tiie publication of Dr. Lind, pointing out his numerous errors, has entirely superseded it. EUGENIA. (So named by Micheli, in compli- ,ment to Prince Eugene of Savoy, who sent him from Germany almost all the planU described by Clusius.) The name of a genus of planU in the Linnean sys- tem. Class, Icosandria; Order, Monogynia. Eugenia caryophyllata. The systematic name of the tree which affords the clove. Caryophyllus aromaticus. It grows in the East Indies, the Moluc- cas, Sec. The clove is the unexpanded flower, or rather the calyx; it has a strong agreeable smell, and a bitterish, hot, not very pungent, taste. The oil of cloves, commonly met wilh in the shops, and received from the Dutcb, is highly acrimonious and sophisti- cated. Clove is accounted the hottest and most acrid of the aromatics; and, by acting as a powerful stimu- lant to the muscular fibres, may, in some cases of ato- nic gout, paralysis, &c. supersede most others of the aromatic class; and the foreign oil, by iu great acri- mony, is also well adapted for several external pur poses ; it is directed by several pharmacopoeias, and the clove itself enters many officinal preparations. Eugenia jambos. The systematic name of the Malabar plum-tree. The fruit smells, when ripe, like roses. On the coast of Malabar, where the trees grow plentifully, these plums are in great esteem. They are not only eaten fresh off the trees, but ere preserved in sugar, in order to have them eatable all the year. 6 341 EUP Of the flowers, a conserve is prepared, which is used medicinally as a mild adstringent. Euoe'us. (From cv, well, and yn, the earth: so called because of iu fertility.) The uterus. EUKAIR1TE. A new mineral, composed of silver, selenium, copper, and alumina, found in the copper mine of Shrickerum, in Switzerland. Eu'le. (From tvXa^io, to putrefy.) A worm bred in foul and putrid ulcers. Eunu'chium. (From twovxps, a eunuch : so call- ed because it was formerly said to render those who eat it impotent, like a eunuch.) The lettuce. See Lactuca. Eupatoriofha'lacrox (From tvna"]iapiov, agri- mony, and tfaXaxpos, bald.) A species of agrimony with naked heads. EUPATO'RIUM. (From Eupator, iu discoverer: or quasi hepatorium, from nnap, the liver; because it was said to be useful in diseases of tbe liver.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia aqualis. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the Eupatorium, See Eupatorium cannabinum. Eupatorium Arabicum. See Eupatorium canna- binum. Eupatorium cannabinum. The systematic name ofthe hemp agrimony. Eupatorium; Eupatorium arabicum. The juice of this very bitter and strong- smelling plant, Eupatorium—foliis digitalis of Lin- nxus, proves-violently emetic and purgative, if taken in sufficient quantity, and promotes the secretions generally. It is recommended in dropsies, jaundices, agues, Sec. and is in common use in Holland among the loner orders, as a purifier of the blood in old ul- cers, scurvy, and anasarca. Eupatorium mesues. See Achillea ageratum. ["Eupatorium perfoliatum. Thoroughworl. The Eupatorium perfoliatum is an indigenous vegetable, growing in wet meadows throughout the United States. The whole plant is medicinal, but the leaves and flowers are most active. Tbe taste is intensely bit- ter, accompanied by a flavour peculiar to the plant, but without astrmgency or acrimony. A kind of ex- tractive matter appears to contain iu sensible and medicinal properties, and of this water is an adequate solvent. " The medicinal powers of this plant are, such as iu aensible qualities would seem to indicate, those of a tonic stimulant. Given in moderate quantities,either in substance, in cold infusion or decoction, it promotes digestion, strengthens the viscera, and restores tone to the system. Like other vegetable bitters, if given in large quantities, especially in warm infusion or decoc- tion, it proves emetic, cathartic, and sudorific. Evert in cold infusion, it brings on diaphoresis more readily than most tonics. It is an efficacious article in tbe cure of intermittent^, and is much employed for this use in districts where fever and ague prevail. Cures effected by it appear to have been as speedy as those from any ofthe medicines in common use. Thorough- wort has been/employed in small doses with benefit io other febrile complaints attended with prostration of strength in their advanced stages. Its action upon the skin has acquired for it some confidence in the treat- ment of cutaneous diseases. "As a tonic, twenty or thirty grains of the powder may be given in milk or wine, or two fluid ounces of the infusion. When intended to act as an emetic, a strong decoction may be made from an ounce of the plant in a quart of water boiled to a pint. The decoc- tion is a disagreeable, but popular and effectual medi- cine in catarrhs, rheumatism, and febrile attacks. It is powerfully emetic, cathartic, and sudorific."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] ["Eupatorium purpurecm. Gravelroot. This ia a taller plant than the species already cited. Its taste Is bitter, astringent, and aromatic. I am informed that it operates as a diuretic, and is employed by different country physicians as a palliative in dysury and calcu- lous diseases."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] t" Eupatorium teucrium. Wild hoarhound. Many of the species of Eupatorium, which nearly resemble Eupatorium perfoliatum, in botanical habit, are like- wise similar to it in medicinal properties. The present species is one of this kind. It is tonic, diaphoretic, and cathartic, and in small doses siu well on the sto- mach. It is extensively used in the southern states in RUP the cure of fever and agu*."—Bigehv's .Valeria Ms- dica. A.] ) [" Euphorbia ipecacuAnha. Ipecacuanha spurge. This is a low tufted plant, growing native in sandy soils in the middle and fbulhern parts of the United States. It was at one tiino supposed to be the plaol from which the officinal Ipecacuanha is derived. "The root is very larpa in proportion to the plsnt, fleshy, irregular, and broached. When dried, It ii of a grayish colour outsideiand white within. It is light and brittle, without a ligneous centre, and baa about the hardness of cork. To the taste it is sweetish, and not particularly unpleasant. It contains a tubstanco ofthe nature of caoutchouc, which is soluble in ether, and precipitated by alkohol; likewise resin, mucus, and probably fiecula. " Most of the species of the extensive genus Euphor- bia, are violent emetics and cathartics. The lactescent juice, which they exude when wounded, is acrid and virulent, so as to blister and ulcerate the skin when externally applied. Taken internally in large doses, they produce the violent symptoms which are common to other acrid narcotics. The Euphorbia ipecacuanha is milder in iu operation than many of the other spe- cies, and lias lately been revived in practice as an effectual emetic. With a view of becoming acquaint- ed with the mode of operation of this plant, I perform- ed u series of experimenU on iu action, assisted by some medical gentlemen ofthe Boston Dispensary and Alms-house. These trials have led to tbe conclusion, that this root, in doses of from ten to twenty grains, la both an emetic and cathartic; thai it Is more active than ipecacuanha, in proportion to the number of grains administered; that in small doses it operates with as much case as most emetics in a majority of instances. If it fails, however, at first, it is not so safely repeated as many of the emetics in common use. If accumulated in the stomach to the amount of two or three scruples, it finally excites active and long con- tinued vomiting, attended with a sense of heat, vertigo, indistinct vision, and great prostration of strength. Iu operation seems exactly proportionate to the quan tity taken, and vomiting is not checked by Ihe powder being thrown off in the first efforts of the stomach. " From ten to twenty grains constitute an emetic, to be given at once. If this quantity fails to vomit, it generally purges. It may be quickened by a Uttie tar- tarized antimony, but ought not to be repealed to the amount of more than twenty-five or thirty grains."— Big. Mat. Med. A.] EUPE'PSIA. (From e«, well, and jr«r7», to con- coct) A good digestion. EUPEPTIC. (Eupcpticus; from cv, good, and jreir7, to digest) That which is of easy digestion. EUPHODITE. A species of rock, composed of felspar and diallage. EUPHORBIA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsan system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Trigynia. Euphorbia antiquorum. The systematic name of a plant supposed to produce the Euphorbium. Euphorbia canariensis. In the Canary islands this species of spurge affords tbe gum euphorbium. Euphorbia cyparibbias. Tbe systematic name of the cypress spurge. Esula minor; Tithymalus cy- parissius. This, like most of tbe spurges, u very acri- monious, inflaming tlie eyes and oesophagus after touching them. It is now fallen into disuse, whatever were its virtues formerly, which, no doubt, among some others, was that of opening tbe bowels, for among rustics, it was called poor man's rhubarb. [" Euphorbia corollata. Large flowering spurge. The Euphorbia corollata is a tall species with a five- rayed umbel, and white flowers. It grows iponta neously in dry fields from Pennsylvania to Carolina. " The soft brittle texture of the root, and iu sweetish taste, are similar to those of Euphorbia ipecacuanha Its chemical constitution is nearly the same, except that the quantity of resin is apparently somewhat greater. " This is a very active medicine, of the evacuating class, operating in small doses as a cathartic, and in large ones as an emetic. It has been thought to pos- sess about twice the strength of jalap. It cxeru its cathartic efficacy in doses of less than ten grains, and if given to the amount of fifteen or twenty, it is as suie to vomit as other common emetics in their propei EUS EVA 3uantities. The only inconveniences attending these nBes, which have come to my knowledge, are, that when given in small quantities, for a cathartic, it is liable to produce nausea; and in large ones, suitable for an emetic, it has sometimes induced a degree of hypcrcatharsis. But similar inconveniences may oc- cur from Jalap and tartarized antimony. The effecu which large doses of this root may produce on the ner- vous system, I have not had occasion to witness. The Euphorbia corollata, like many others of its genus, if applied in a contused state to the skin, excites inflam- mation and vesication. Its volatile particles possess a certain degree of virulence, so that inflammation of the face has been brought on by handling the root. It remains to be ascertained whether the vesicating powers of this and the other species are equally defi- nite and manageable, with those of the more common epispastic substances."—Big-- Mat. Med. A.] Euphorbia lathyris. The systematic name of the plant which affords the less cataputia seeds. Ca- taputia minor; Euphorbia—umbella quadrifida, di- chotoma, foliis oppositis integerrimis of Linnreus. The seeds possess purgative properties; but if exhi- bited in an over-dose, prove drastic and poisonous: a quality peculiar to all the Euphorbia. Ei'piicirbia officinarum. The systematic name of the plant which affords the euphorbium in the greatest abundance. Euphorbium is an inodorous gum-resin, in yellow tears, which have the appear- ance of being worm-eaten; said to be obtained from several species of euphorbias, but principally from the Euphorbia officinarum; aeulatea nuda multangularis, arukis germ mat is of Liumcus: it is imported from Ethiopia, Libya, and Mauritania. It contains an active resin, and is very seldom employed internally, but, as an ingredient, it enters into many resolvent and discutient plasters. Euphorbia palustris. The systematic name of the greater spurge. The officinal plant ordered by the name, Esula major, in some pharmacopoeias, is the Euphorbia palustris; umbella multifida, bifida, invo- lucellis ovatis, foliis lanceolatis, ramis sterilibus of Linnatus. The juice is exhibited in Russia as a com- mon purge; and the plant is given, in some places, in the cure of intermittenU. Euphorbia paralias. Tithymalus paralios. Sea- purge. Every part of this plant is violently cathartic and irritating, inflaming the mouth and fauces. Il is seldom employed in the practice of this country; but where it is used, vinegar is recommended to correct its irritaline power. .,_,_• EUPHO RBIOl. (From Euphorbus, the physician of king Juha, in honour of whom it was named.) See Euphorbia officinarum. EUPHRA'SIA. (Corrupted from Euphrosyne, tvibpoovvri, from tvqipiav, joyful: so called because it exhilarates the spiriu.) . 1 The name of a genus of planU in the Linntran system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angiospermia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of eye-bright, bee Euphrasia officinalis. __ Euphrasia officinalis. The systematic name of the eye-bright. This beautiful little plant, Euphrasia —foliis ovatis, lineatis, argute dentatis of Linneus, has been greatly esteemed by the common people, as a remedy for all diseases of the eyes; yet, notwithstand- ing this, and the encomiums of some medical writers, it is now wholly fallen into disuse. It is an ingredient in the ISriti8h herb-tobacco. Eustachian tube. Tuba eusluchiana. 1 he tube so called was discovered by the great Eustachius. It begins, one in each ear, from the anterior extremity of the tympanum, and runs forwards and inwards in a bony canal, which terminates with the petrous portion of the tempo! al bone. It then goes on, partly cartila- ginous, and partly membranous, gradually becoming larger, and at length ends behind the soft palate. Tbroti-h this tube the air passes to the tympanum. Eustachian valve, bee Valvula Eustachtu EUSTACHIUS, Bartholomew, one of the most celebrated anatomists of tiie 16th century, was born at San Severino, in Italy. He studied at Rome, and made himself such a proficient in anatomy, that he was chosen professor of tbat branch of medicine there, where he died in 1574. He was author of several works, many of which are lost, especially his treatise "De Controversiis Anatomicorum, which h much regretted. He made several discoveries in ana- tomy ; having first described the renal capsules, and the thoracic duct; also the passage from the throat te the internal ear, named after him the Eustachian tube. A series of copperplates, to which he alludes in his " Opuscula," were recovered by Lancisi, and pub- lished in the beginning of the 18th century. He edited the Lexicon of Erotian with a commentary. Euthypo'ria. (From Eufluc, straight, and iropoc, a passage.) Euthiporos. An extension made in a straight line, to put in place a fracture, or dislocation. EVAPORA'TION. A chemical operation usually performed by applying heat to any compound sub- stance, in order to dispel the volatile parts. " It dif- fers from distillation in its object, which chiefly con Bists in preserving ihe more fixed matters, while the volatile substances ore dissipated and lost. And the vessels are accordingly different; evaporation being commonly made In open shallow vessels, and distilla- tion in an apparatus nearly closed from the external The degree of heat must be duly regulated in eva- poration. When the fixed and more volatile matters do not greatly differ in their tendency to fly off, the heat must be very carefully adjusted; but in other cases this is less necessary. As evaporation consists in the assumption of the elastic form, iu rapidity will be in proportion to the degree of heat, and the diminution of the pressure of the atmosphere. A current of air is likewise of ser- vice in this process. Barry has lately obtained a patent for an apparatus, by which vegetable extracts for the apothecary may be made at a very gentle heat, and in vacuo. From these two circumstances, extracts thus prepared differ from those in common use, not only in their physical, but medicinal properties. The taste and smell of the extract of hemlock made in this way are remarkably different, as is the colour both of the soluble and fecu- lent parte. The form of apparatus is as follows:— _ The evaporaling-pan, or still, is a hemispherical dish of cast-iron, polished on ils inner surface, and fur- nished with an air-tight flat lid. From the centre of this a pipe rises, and bending like the neck of a retort, it forms a declining tube, which terminates in a copper sphere of a capacity three (four-!) times greater than that of the still. There U a stop-cock on that pipe, midway between the still and the globe, and another at the under side ofthe latter. The manner of setting it to work is this:—The juice, or infusion, is introduced through a large opening into the polished iron still, which is then closed, made air- tight, and covered with water. The stop-cock which leads to the sphere is also shut. In order to produce the vacuum, steam from a separate apparatus is made to rush by a pipe through the sphere, till it has expelled all the air, for which five minutes are commonly suffi- cient. This is known to be effected, by the steam issuing uncondensed. At that instant, the copper sphere is closed, the steam shut off, and cold water ad- mitted on ite external surface. The vacuum thus pro- duced in the copper sphere, which contains four-fifths ofthe air ofthe whole apparatus, is now partially transferred to the still, by opening tbe intermediate stop-cock. Thus, four-fitths of the air in the still rush into the sphere, and the stop-cock being shut again, a second exhaustion is effected by steam in the same manner as the first was; after which a mo- mentary communication is again allowed between the iron still and the receiver; by this means, four-fifths of the air remaining after the former exhaustion, are expelled. These exhaustions, repeated five or six times, arc usually found sufficient to raise the mercurial co- lumn to the height of 28 inches. The water-bath, in which the iron still is immersed, is now to be heated, until the fluid that is to be inspissated begins to boo which is known by inspection through a window in the apparatus, made by fastening on, air-tight, a piece of very strong glass; and the temperature at which the boiling ppint is kept up, is determined by a ther- mometer. £ouMition is continued until the fluid is inspissated to the proper degree of consistence, which also is tolerably judged of by iu appearance through the glass window. The temperature of the boiling fluid is usually about 100° F., but it might be reduced to nearly 90°. In the Medico-chirurgical Transactions for 181^ J49 EXA EXC (Vol. x.) there is a paper by J. T. Barry on a new me- thod of preparing Pharmaceutical Extracts. It con- sists in performing the evaporation in vacuo. For this purpose he employed apparatus which was found to answer so well, that, contemplating its application to other manufacturers, he was induced to take out a patent for it, that is to say, for the apparatus. As it has been erroneously supposed that the patent is for preparing extracts in vacuo, it may not be improper to correct the statement by a short quotation from the above paper. ' On that account, I have been induced to take out a patent for it (the apparatus). It is, how- ever, to be recollected by this society, that I have de- clined having a patent for iu pharmaceutical products ChemisU, desirous of inspissating extracU in vacuo, are therefore at liberty to do it in any apparatus dif- fering from that which has been made the subject of my patent; and thus these substances may continue the object of fair competition as to quality and price.' The apparatus combines two striking improvemenu. The first consisu in producing a vacuum by the agency of steam only, so that the use of air-pumps and tiie machinery requisite for working them, is superseded. The other improvement is a contrivance for super- seding ibe injection of water during the process of eva- poration in vacuo." Evergreen leaf. See Sempervirens. Everriculum. (From everro, to sweep away.) A sort of spoon, used to clear the bladder from gravel. EXACERBATION. (Exacerbatio; from exacerbo, to become violent.) An increase of the force or vio- lence of the symptoms of a disease. The term is ge- nerally applied to an increase of febrile symptoms. EXjE'RESIS. (From t\atptia, to remove.) One of tbe divisions of surgery adopted by the old sur- geons ; the term implies the removal of parts. Exa'lma. (From t\aXX.opat, to leap out.) Hippo- crates applies it to the starting of the vertebra; out of their places. EXAMBLO'MA. (From tlap6Xoia, to miscarry.) An abortion. EXAMBLO'SIS. An abortion. Exanastomo'sis. (From t\avaalop.oia, to relax, or open.) The opening of the mouths of vessels, to dis- charge their contenu. EXANGIA. (Exangia; from tl, and avytiov, a vessel.) The name of a genus; class, Hamatica; order, Dysthetica, in Good's Nosology. It embraces three species, Exangia aneurisma, varix, cyania. EXANTHEMA. (Exanthema, atis. n.; from t\- avOtia, effioresco, to effloresce, or break forth on a sur- face-) Exanthisma. An eruption of the skin, called a rasb. It consisu of red patches on the skin, vari- ously figured; in general confluent, and diffused irre- gularly over tbe body, leaving interstices of a natural colour. Portions of the cuticle are often elevated in a rash, but the elevations are not acuminated. The eruption is usually accompanied with a general disor- der of the constitution, and terminates in a few days by cuticular exfoliations. EXANTHEMATA. (The plural of exanthema.) The name of an order of diseases of the class Pyrexie in Cullen's Nosology. It includes diseases, beginning With foyer, and followed by an eruption on the skin. EXANTHEMATICA. The name of an order of diseases, class, Hamatica, in Good's Nosology. Erup- tive fevers. It comprehends four genera, viz. Exan- thesis, Emphlyis, Empyesis, Anthracia. EXANTHESIS. (From el, extra, and avBtia, fioreo.) The name of a genus of disease, class, Eccritica; or- der, Acrotica, in Good's Nosology. Cutaneous blush. It affords only one species, Exanthesis roseola. Exanthi'sma. See Exanthema. Exakthro'pia. (From e!-, without, and avBptonos, a man. i. e. having lost the faculties of a man.) A spe- cies of melancholy, in which the patient fancies him- self some kind of brute. Exara'oma. (From tlpparjio, to break.) A fracture. Exa'rma. (From i\aipta, to lift up.) A tumour or ■welling. Exarte'ma. (From t\ap7ata, to suspend.) A charm, hung round the neck. Exa&thre'ma. (From tlapBpoio, to put out of oint.) Exarthroma; Exarthrosis. A dislocation, or uxation. Exarthro'ma. See Exarthrema. Exaethko'sis. See Exarthrema. 344 EXARTICULA'TIO. (From ex, out of, and oric- culus, a joint.) A luxation, or dislocation of a Inme from iu socket. Exci'pulum. (From excipio, to receive.) A cliu- mical receiver. EXCITABILITY. Thatcondition of living bodies wherein they can be made to exhibit the functions mid phenomena which distinguish llicui from inanimate mailer, or the capacity of organized beings to be af- fected by various agents called exciting powers. Much confusion seems to have arisen in medical controversies from tlie application of the word iiimuii, to denote tiie means necessary to the support of life: and particularly by Brown, in his celebrated attempt to reduce the varied and complicated states of the sys- tem lo ihe reciprocal action of the exciting powers upon the excitability. By this hyjiothesis, instead of regarding life as a continued series of actions, which cannot go on without certain agenu constantly minis- tering to them, we arc to suppose a substance or quality, called exritability, which is superadded or as- signed lo every being upon tiie commencement of iu living state. The founder of the Brunonian school considers that this substance or quality is expanded by the incessant action of the exciting powers. These are—air} food, and drink, tbe blood and the secretions. as well as muscular exertion, sensation, thought, and passions, or emotion, or other functions of the system iuelf; and these powers, which exhaust the excitabi- lity or produce excitement (according to the language of the school), are strangely enough called stimuli. We are told, that it is in the due balance between the exciting powers and the excitability that health con- sists : for if the exciting powers be in excess, indirect debility is produced; and where, on the other hand, the stimuli are deficient and the excitability accumu- lated, there ensues a state of direct debility. EXCITATION. (Excitotio; from excito, to ex- cite.) The act of awakening, rousing, or producing some power or action: thus we say, the excitation of motion, excitation of heat, excitation of the passions, &c. In natural philosophy, it is principally used in the subjects of action of living parts, and in electri city and heat. EXCI'TKMENT. According to the opinion of Brown, excitement is the continual exhaustion of the matter of life, or excitability by certain agenu, which have received the name of stimuli or exciting powers The due degree of this expension or excitement is the condition necessary to health: the excessive action of stimuli causing indirect debility and generating sthenic diseases, while the opposite state of deficient excite- ment produces direct debility, and gives birth to asthe- nic diseases: and death is said to result equally from complete exhaustion of the excitability, and from total absence of the exciting powers. Excitement is in this view equivalent to that forced state which is supposed by tbe Brunonian school to constitute life. It has been objected to this hypothesis, that by sim- plifying too much the varied phenomena of healthy functions and of diseases, it necessarily classed toge- ther conditions of the system which have been consi- dered as widely different, and of opposite tendencies, by the more patient observer. And though gladly caught at by many, as pointing out in a few general rules tbe mode of cure in all diseases, namely, by re- storing the proper equilibrium between excitability and the action of stimuli, the Brunonian theories seem now to be considered, by those who are suspicious of bold classifications, as an example of the observation, " that the most ingenious way of becoming foolish ia by a system ; and the surest way to prevent truth, u to set up something in the room of it" EXCITING. That which has the power of im- pressing the solids, so as to altar their action, and thus produce disease. Exciting cause. That which, when applied to tbe body, excites a disease. EXCORIATION. (Excoriatio; from exeorio, to take off the skin.) An abrasion of the skin. E'XCREMENT. (Excrementurn; from excerno, to separate from.) The alvine feces. EXCRESCENCE. (Excrescentia; from excresco, to grow from.) Any preternatural formation of flesh, or any part of the body, as wens, warts, Ac. EXCRETION. (Excrdio; from excerno, to sepa- rate from.) This term is applied to the separation ot EXP EXP those fluids from the blood of an animal, that are sup- posed to be useless, as the urine, perspiration, and alvine feces. The process is the same with that of secretion, except with the alvine fasces; but the term excretion is applied to those substances which, when separated from the blood, are not applied to any useful purposes in the animal economy. EXCRETORY. (Exeretorius; from excerno, to purge, sift, &.c.) This name ia applied to certain little ducu or vessels in the fabric of glands; thus tiie tubes wbich convey the secretion out of the testicle into the vesicula- seminoles are called the excretory ducts. EXERCISE. See^ora. EXFOLIATION. (Ezfoliatio ; from exfolio, to cast the leaf.) The separation of a dead piece of bone from the living. Exfoliati'vum. (From exfolio, to shed tbe leaf.) A raspatory, or instrument for scraping exfoliating portions of bone. Exi'scmos. (From t\, out of, and toxtov, the is- chium.) A luxation of the thigh-bone. Exitu'ra. (From ezeo, to come from.) A running abscess. E'xitus. (From ezeo, to come out.) A prolapsus, or falling down of a part of tiie womb or bowel. E'xochas. (From t\ta, without, and txayia, to eat; iu nut being one of the first fruits used by man.) 1. The name of a genus of planU in the Linnican system. Class, Monecia ; Order, Polyandria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the beech See Fagus sylvatica. Fagus castanea. The systematic name of the chesnut-tree. Castanea; Lopima; Mota; Glans Jovis Theophrasti. Jupiter's acorn; Sardinian acorn; tlie common chesnut. The fruit of this plant, Fagus —foliis lanceolatis, acuminato-serratis, subtus nudis, of Linna-us, are much esteemed as an article of luxury after dinner. Toasting renders them more easy of di- gestion; but, notwithstanding, they must be considered as improper for weak stomachs. They are moderately nourishing, as containing sugar, and much farinaceous substance. Fagus sylvatica. The systematic name of the beech-tree. Fagus; Oxya; Balanda; Valanida. The fruil and interior bark of this tree, Fagus—foliis ovatis, obsolete serratis, of Linneus, are occasionally used medicinally, the former in obstinate headache, and the latter in the cure of hectic fever. The oil ex- pressed from beech-nuts is supposed to destroy worms; a child may take two drachms of it night and morn- ing ; an adult an ounce. The poor people of Silesia use this oil instead of butler. FA H LUMITE. A sub-species of octohedral corun- dum. FAINTING. See Syncope. FAIRBURN. The name of a village in the county of Ross, in the north of Britain, where there is a sul- phureous spring. FA'LCIFORM. (Falciformis; from falx, a scythe, and forma, resemblance.) Resembling a scythe. Falciform process. The falx. A process of the dura mater, that arises from the crista galli, separates the hemispheres of the brain, and terminates in the tentorium. Falde'lla. Lint, used as a compress. Falling-sickness. See Epilepsia. Fallopian tube. See Tuba Fallopiana. Fallopian ligament. See Poupart's ligament. FALLOPIUS, Gabriel, a physician of Modena, was born about the year 1523. He showed early great zeal in anatomy, botany, chemistry, and other branches of knowledge; and after studying in Italy, travelled to other countries for his improvement In 1548, he was appointed professor of anatomy at Pisa, and three years after at Padua; where he also taught, botany, but with less celebrity. His death happened in 1563 He distinguished himself, not only as an anatomist, but also iu medicine and surgery. Douglas has characterized him as highly systematic in teach- ing,, successful in treating diseases, and expeditious in operating. Some of the discoveries, to which be laid claim, appear to have been anticipated; as, for in- stance, the tubes proceeding from the uterus, though generally called after him Fallopian. However, he has the merit of recovering many of the observations ofthe ancients, which had fallen into oblivion. His " Observationes Anatomies;," published in 1561, was one of the best works of the 16th century; io this some of tlie errors, which bad escaped his master, Vesalius, are modestly pointed out. Many other pub- lications, ascribed to him, were printed after hi* death; some of which are evidently spurious. FAT FAT FALX. See Falciform process. FA'MES. Hunger. Fames canina. See Bulimia. Famigerati'ssimum emplastrum. (From fami- geratus, renowned; from fama, fame, and gero, to bear: so named from itt excellence.) A plaster used in intermittent fever, made of aromatic, irritating sub- stances, and applied to'the wrists. FAMILY. Familia. A term used by naturalists to express a certain order of natural productions, agree- ing in the principal characters, and containing nume- rous individuals not only distinct from one another, but in whole sets, several members being to be col- lected out of the same family, all of which have the family character, and all some subordinate distinction peculiar to that whole number, or, though found in every individual of it, not found in those of any others. It has been too common to confound the words, class, family, order, &c. in natural history; but the determi- nate meaning of the word family seems to be tbat larger order of creatures under which classes and or- ders are subordinate distinctions. FA'RFARA. (From farfarus, the white poplar: so called because iu leaves resemble those of the white poplar.) See Tussilago farfara. FARI'NA. (From far, corn, of which it is made.) Meal, or flour. A term given to the pulverulent and glutinous part of wheat, and other seeds, which is ob- tained by grinding and sifting. It is highly nutritious, and consists of gluten, starch, and mucilage. See Triticum. FARINA'CEA. (From farina, flour.) This term includes all those substances, employed as aliment, called cerealia, legumina, and nuces oleose. FARINACEOUS. (Farinaceus; from farina, flour.) A term given to all articles of food which con- tain farina. See Farina. Farina'rium. See Alica. Fa'rreus. (From far, corn.) Scurfy. An epithet of urine, where it deposites a branny sediment. FA'SCIA. (From fascis, a bundle; because, by means of a band, materials are collected into a bun- dle.) 1. A bandage, fillet or roller. 2. The tendinous expansions of muscles, which bind parts together, are termed fascia. See Aponeu- rosis. Fascia lata. A thick and strong tendinous expan- sion, sent off from the back, and from the tendons of the glutei and adjacent muscles, to surround tiie mus- cles of the thigh. It is the thickest on the outside of the thigh and leg, but towards the inside of both be- comes gradually thinner. A little below the trochanter major, it U firmly fixed to the linea aspera; and, fur- ther down, to that part of the head of the tibia that is next the fibula, where it sends off the tendinous ex- pansion along tbe ouuide of the leg. It serves to strengthen the action of tlie muscles, by keeping them firm in their proper places when in action, particularly the tendons that pass over the joints where this mem- brane is thickest. FASCIA'LIS. (From fascia, a fillet.) See Tensor vagine femoris. Fascia'tio. (From fasda, a fillet.) The binding up any diseased or wounded part with bandages. FASCICULARIS. (From fascis, a bundle.) Ap- plied to roou which are sessile al their base, and con- sist of bundles of finger-like processes ; as the root of the Ophris nidus avis. FASCICULATUS. Fasciculate. Bundled or clus- tered. Applied to nerves, stems of planu, leaves, Sec See Leaf and Caulis. FASCICULUS. (From fascis, a bundle. 1. In pharmacy, a handful. 2. In botany, a fascicule is applied to flowers on lit- tle stalks, variously inserted and subdivided, collected into a close bundle, level at the top ; as in Sweet-wil- iiam. It differs from, 1. A corymb, in the little stalks coming only from about the apex of the peduncle, and not fromiu whole length. 2. An umbel, from the stalks not coming from a common point. 3. A cyme, in not having iu principal division um- bellate. FAT. Adeps. A concrete oily matter contained in the cellular membrane of animals, of a white, or yellowish colour, with little or no smell, or taste. It differs in different animals in solidity, colour, taste, Sec and likewise in the same animal at different ages. In infancy it is white, insipid, and not very solid; in tbe adult it is firm and yellowish, and in animals of an ad- vanced age, iu colour is deeper, its consistence various, and its taste in general stronger. The fat appears to be useful in tiie animal economy principally by iu physical properties; it forms a sort of elastic cushion in the orbit upon which the eye moves with facility; in the soles of the feet, and in the hips, it forms a sort of layer, which renders the pressure ex- erted by the body upon the skin and other soft parts less severe ; its presence beneath the skin concurs in round- ing the outlines, in diminishing the bony and muscu- lar projections, and in beautifying the form ; and as all fat bodies are bad conductors of caloric, it contributes to the preservation of that of the body. Full persons in general suffer little in winter by the cold. Age, and the various modes of life, have much in- fluence upon the developement of this fluid: very young children are generally fat Fat is rarely abun- dant in the young man ; but the quantity of it increases much towards the age of thirty years, particularly if the nourishment is succulent, and the life sedentary; the abdomen projects, the hips increase in size, as well as the breasu in women. The fat becomes more yel- low in proportion as the age is more advanced. Fat meat is nourishing to those that have strong digestive powers. It is used externally, as a softening remedy, and enters into the composition of ointmenu and plas- ters. " Concerning the nature of tbu important product of animalization, nothing definite was known, till Chevreuil devoted himself with meritorious zeal and perseverance to iu investigation. He has already pub- lished in the Annates de Chimie, seven successive me- moirs on the subject, each of them surpassing its pre- decessor in interest. We shall in this article give a brief abstract of the whole. By dissolving fat in a large quantity of alkohol, and observing the manner in which iu different portions were acted upon by this substance,and again separated from it, it is concluded that tiie fat is composed of an oily substance, which remains fluid at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere; and of another fatty substance which is much less fusible. Hence it fol- lows, that fat is not to be regarded as a simple principle, but as a combination of the above two principles, which may be separated without alteration. One of these substances melte at about 45°. the other at IOTP - the same quantity of alkohol which dissolves 3.2 parU of the oily substance, dissolves 1.8 only of the fatty substance: the first is separated from the alkohol in the form of an oil; tbe second in that of small silky needles. Each of the constituents of natural fat was then sa- ponified by the addition of potassa; and an accurate description given of the compounds which were form- ed, and of the proportions of their constituents. The oily substance became saponified more readily than the fatty substance; the residual fluids in both cases con- tained the sweet oily principle; but the quantity that proceeded from the soap formed of the oily substance, was four or Ave times as much as that from tiie fatty substance. The latter soap was found to contain a much greater proportion of the pearly matter than the former, in the proportion of 7.5 to 2.9; the proportion of the fluid fat was the reverse, a greater quantity of this being found in the soap formed from the oily sub- stance of the fat. When the principles which constitute fat unite with potassa, it is probable that they experience a change in the proportion of their elements. This change deve- lopes at least three bodies, margarine, fluid fat, and the sweet principle; and it is remarkable, that it takes place without the absorption of any foreign substance, or the disengagement of any of the elements which are separated from each other. As this change is effected by the intermedium of the alkali, we may conclude that the newly formed principles must have a strong affinity for salifiable bases, and will in many respecu resemble the acids; and, in fact, they exhibit the leading characters of acids, in reddening litmus, in decomposing the alkaline carbonates to unite to their bases, and in neutralizing the specific properties ofthe alkalies. Having already poiuted out the analogy between the FAT FAT properties of acids and the principles into which fat is converted by means of the alkalies, the neit object was to examine the action which other bases have upon fat, and to observe flic effect of water, and of the cohesive force of the bases upon the process of saponi- fication. The substances which the author subjected to experiment, were soda, the four alkaline earths, alu- mina, and the oxides of zinc, copper, and lead. After giving a detail of the processes which he employed with these substances respectively, he draws the fol- lowing general conclusions:—Soda, barytes, strontian, lime, the oxide of zinc, and the protoxide of lead, con- vert fat into margarine, fluid fat, the sweet principle, the yellow colouring principle, and the odorous princi- ple, precisely in the same manner as potassa. What- ever be the base that has been employed, the producu of saponification always exist in the same relative pro- portion. As the above mentioned bases form with margarine and the fluid fat compounds which are in- soluble in water, il follows, that the action of this li- quid, as a solvent of soap, is not essential to the pro- cess of saponification. It is remarkable that the ox- ides of zinc and of lead, which are insoluble in water, and which produce compounds equally insoluble, should give the same resulu with potassa and soda,— a circumstance which proves that those oxides have a strong alkaline power. Although the analogy of mag- nesia to the alkalies is, in other respects, so striking, yet we find that it cannot convert fat into soap under the same circumstances with*the oxides of zinc and lead. It was found that 100 parts of hog's-lard were re- duced to the completely saponified state by 16.36 parts of potassa. The properties of spermaceti were next examined: it melU at about 112°; it is not much altered by distil- lation ; it dissolves readily in hot alkohol, but separates as the fluid cools; the solution bas no effect in chang- ing the colour of the tincture of litmus, a circumstance, as it is observed, in which it differs from margarine, a substance which, in many respecU, it resembles.— Spermaceti is capable of being saponified by potassa, with nearly the same phenomena as when we submit hogs-lard to the action of potassa, although the opera- tion is effected with more difficulty The author's general conclusion respecting the fatty matter of dead bodies is, that even after the lactic acid, the lactates, and other ingredients which are less es- sential, are removed from it, it is not a simple, ammo- niacal soap, but a combination of various fatty sub- stances with ammonia, potassa, and lime. The fatty substances which were separated from alkohol, had different melting points,and different sensible properties. It follows, from ChevreuiPs experimenu, that the sub- Btance which is the least fusible, has more affinity for bases than those which are more so. It is observed, that adipocere possesses the characters of a saponified fat; it is soluble in boiling alkohol in all proportions, reddens litmus, and unites readily to potassa, not only without losing iu weight, but without having iu fu- sibility or other properties changed. Chevreuil has shown, that hog's-lard, in iu natural state, has not the property of combining with alkalies; but that it acquires it by experiencing some change in the proportion of ite elemenu. This change being in- duced by the action ofthe alkali, it follows that the bodies of the new formation must have a decided af- finity for the species of body which has determined it. If we apply this foundation of the theory of saponifi- cation to the change into fat which bodies buried in the earth experience, we shall find that it explains the pro- cess in a very satisfactory manner. In reality, the fatty matter is the combination of the two adipose sub- stances with ammonia, lime, and potassa: one of these substances has the same sensible properties with mar- garine procured from the soap of hog's-lard; tbe other, the orange-coloured oil, excepting iu colour, appears to have a strong analogy with the fluid fat. From these circumstances, it is probable that the formation ofthe fatty matter may be the result of a proper sapo- nification produced by ammonia, proceeding from the decomposition of the muscle, and by the potassa and ;ime, which proceed from the decomposition of certain salts. The author remarks, that he bas hitherto made use of periphrases when speaking of the different bodies that he has been describing, as supposing that their 352 nature was not sufficiently determlnfd. He now, how- ever, conceives, that he may apply specific name* to them, which will be more commodious, and, at the same time, by being made appropriate, will point out the relation which these bodies bear to each oilier. The following is the nomenclature which he after- ward adopted :—Thc crystalline matter of human biliary calculi Is named cholesterine, from the Greek word x°^V, D''ei and $tptos, solid; spermaceti is named cettne, from kvtos, a whnle; the fattj- sub stance and the oily substance, are named respectively, atearine and elaine, from the words $tap, and tXatov, oil; margarine, and the fluid fat obtstined after sapo nification, are named margarie acid and oleic acid, while the term celic acid is applied to what was named saponified spermaciti. The margarates, oleates, and cetates, will be the generic names of the soaps or com binations which these acids are capable of forming by their union with salifiable bases. Two portions of human fat were examined, one taken from the kidney, the other from the thigh: after some time they both of them manifested a tendency to separate into two distinct substances, one of a solid, and the other of a fluid consistence: the two portions differed in their fluidity and their melting point. These variations depend upon the different proportions of stearine and elaine; for the concrete part of fat Is a combination of the two with an excess of stearine, and the fluid part is a combination with an excess of elaine. The fat from the other animals was then examined, principally with respect to their melting point and their solubility in alkohol; the melting point was not always the same iu the fat of the same species of animal. Chevreuil next examines the change which is pro- duced in the different kinds of fat respectively by the action of potassa. All the kinds of fat are capable of being perfectly saponified, when excluded from the contact ofthe air, in all of them there was the production of the saponified fat and the sweet principle; no car- bonic acid was produced, and the soaps formed con- tained no acetic acid, or only slight traces of it. The saponified fats had more tendency to crystallize in needles than the fats in their natural state; they were soluble in all proportions in boiling alkohol of the specific gravity of 821. The solution, like that of the saponified fat of the hog, contained both the margarie and the oleic acids. They were less fusible than the fats from which they were formed: thus, when human fat, after being saponified, was melted, the thermometer became stationary at 95°, when the fluid began to congeal, in that of the sheep, the thermometer fell to 118.5°, and rose to 122°; in that of the ox it re- mained stationary at 118.5°; and in that ofthe jaguar at 96.5°. The method of analysis employed was to expose the different kinds of fat to boiling alkohol, and to suffer the mixture to cool: a portion ofthe fat that had been dissolved was then separated in two states of combi- nation ; one with an excess of stearine was deposited, the other with an excess of elaine remained in solution. The first was separated by filtration, and by distilling the filtered fluid, and adding a little water towards the end of the operation, we obtain the second in the re- tort, under the form of an alkohoiic aqueous fluid. The distilled alkohol which bad been employed in the analysis of human fat, had no sensible odour; the same was the case with that which had served for the analysis of the fat of the ox, of the hog, and of the goose. The alkohol which had been employed in tlie analysis of the fat ofthe sheep, had u slight odour of candlegrease. All the snaps of stearine were analyzed by the same process as the soap of the fat from which tbey had been extracted: there was procured from them the pearly super-margarate of potassa and the oleate; but the first was much more abundant than the second. The margarie acid of the stearines had precisely the same capacity for saturation as that wbich was extracted from the soaps formed of fat The margarie acid of the stearine of the sheep was fusible at 144°, and that of tbe stearine of the ox at 143.5°; while the mar- garie acids of the hog and the goose had nearly the same fusibility with the margarie acid of the fat of these animals. Chevreuil technically calls spermaceti, cdtne. In the fifth memoir, in which we have an account of many FEB FEB of the properties of this substance, it was stated, that it is not easily saponified by potassa, but that it is con- verted by this reagent into asubstance which is soluble in water, but has not the saccharine flavour ofthe sweet principle of oils; into an acid analogous to the mar- garie, to which the name of cetic was applied; and into another acid, which was conceived to be analo- gous to tlie oleic. Since he wrote the fifth memoir, the author has made the following observations on this subject:—1. That the portion of tlie soap of cetine which is insoluble in water, or the cetate of potassa, is in part gelatinous, and in part pearly: 2. The two kinds of crystals were produced from the cetate of potassa which had been dissolved in alkohol: 3. That the cetate of potassa exposed, under a bell glass, to the heat of a stove, produced a sublimate of a fatty mat- ter which was not acid. From this circumstance Chev- reuil was led to suspect, that the supposed cetic acid might be a combination, or a mixture of margarie acid, and of a fatty body which was not acid. He accord- ingly treated a small quantity of it with barytic water, and boiled the soap which was formed in alkohol; the greatest part of it was not dissolved, and the alkohoiic solution, when cooled, filtered, and distilled, produced a residuum of fatty matter which was not acid. The suspicion being thus confirmed, Chevreuil determined to subject cetiue to a new train of experimenu. Be- ing treated with boiling alkohol, a cetine was pro- cured which was fusible at 120°, and a yellow fatty ■natter which began to become solid at89.5°, and which at 73.5° contained a fluid oil, which was separated by filtration.— Ure's Chem. Die. FATUI'TAS. (From fatuus, silly.) Fatuity or foolishness. FAU'CES. (Faux, pi. fauces.) A cavity behind the tongue, palatine arch, uvula, and tonsils; from which the pharynx and larynx proceed. Fau'fel. Terra japonica, or catechu. [Fausse avoine. False oaU. Indian rice. See Zizania aquatica. A.] FAUX. (Faux, cis. C) 1. The gorge, or mouth, or opening ofthe gullet. 2. Applied by botanists to the opening of the tube of monopetalous corals. See Corolla. Fava'go australis. (Fromfavus, a honey-comb; from iu resemblance to a honey-comb.) A species of bastard sponge. FAVOSUS. (From favus, a honey-comb.) Honey- coinb-likc. 1. Applied to some eruptive diseases; as Lichen faeosus, the secretion in which is cellular and honcy-comb-like. J. To paru of plants, as the receptacle of the ono- pordium which has cells like a honey-comb. FAVUS. 1. A honey-comb. 2. A species of achor, or foul ulcer. FE'BRES. (The plural of febris.) An order in the class Pyrexia, of Cullen, characterized by the presence of pyrexia, without primary local affection. FEBRI'CULA. (Dim. of febris, a fever.) A term employed to express a slight degree of symptomatic fever. FEBRIFUG-A. (From febrem fugare, to drive away a fever.) The plant feverfew; less centaury. FE'BRIFUGE. (Febrifugus; from febris, a fever, and fugo, to drive away.) That which possesses the property of abating the violence of any fever. Febrifugum crknii. Regulus of antimony. Febrifugum oleum. Febrifuge oil. The flowers of antimony, made with sal-ammoniac and antimony sublimed together, and exposed to tiie air, when tbey deliquesce. Febrifugus pulvis. Febrifuge powder. The Ger- mans give this name to the pulvis stypticus Helvetii. In England, a mixture of oculi cancrorum and emetic tartar, in the proportion of half a drachm and two grains, has obtained the same name; in fevers it is given in doses of gr. iii. to iv. Febrifugus sal. Regenerated marine salt. FEBRIS. (Febris, is. f.; from ferveo, to burn.) A fever. A disease characterized by an increase of heat, an accelerated pulse, a foul tongue, and an impaired state of several functions of the body. Febris alba. See Chlorosis. Febris ami-himerina. A quotidian fever. Febris anoivisa. S«-e Scarlatina anginosa. Fkbhis aputuosa. See Aphtha. Febris ardens . Fever attended by a very hot or burn- ing state of the skin. A burning inflammatory fever. Febris assodks. A tertian fever, with extreme restlessness. Febris bullosa. See Pemphigus. Febris cacatoria. An intermittent fever, with diarrhcea. Febris carcerum. The prison fever. Febris castrensis. A camp fever, generally typhus. Febris catarrhalis. A fever, either typhoid, nervous, or synochal, attended with symptoms of ca- tarrh. Febris cholerica. A fever, attended throughout with bilious diarrhoea. Febris continua. A continued fever. A division of the order Febres, in the class Pyrexia, of Cullen. Continued fevers have no intermission, but exacerba- tions come on usually twice in one day. The genera of continued fever are: 1. Synocha, or inflammatory fever, known by in- creased heat; pulse frequent, strong, and hard; urine high-coloured; senses not much impaired. See Sy- nocha. 2. Typhus, or putrid-tending fever, wbich is con- tagious, and is characterized by moderate heat; quick, weak, and small pulse; senses much impaired, and great prostration of strength. This genus has two species; Typhus pelechialis, attended with petechia:; and Typhus icterodes, or yellow fever; and of tiie former there are iwo varieties: Typhus mitior, or nervous fever; and Typhus gravior, or putrid fever. See Febris nervosa, and Typhus. 3. Synochus, or mixed fever. See Synochus. Febris elopes. A fever with continual and pro fuse sweating. Febris epiala. A fever with a continual sense of coldness. See Epialus. Febris erysipelatosa. See Erysipelas. Febris exanthematica. A fever with an erup- tion. See Exanthema. Febris flava. See Typhus. Febris hectica. A genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Febris, of Cullen. It is known by exacerbations at noon, but greater in the evening, with slight remissions in the morning, after nocturnal sweats; the urine depositing a fuifuraceo-lateritious sediment; appetite good; thirst moderate. Hectic fever is symptomatic of chlorosis, scrofula, phthisis, diseased viscera, Sec. Febris hungarica. A species of tertian intermit- tent fever. Febris hvdrodes. A fever with profuse sweaU. Febris inflammatoria. See Synocha. Febris intermittens. An intermittent fever, or ague. A division of the order Febres, of Cullen, in the class Pyrexie. Intermittent fevers are known by cold, hot, and sweating stages, in succession, attending each paroxysm, and followed by an intermission or remission. There are three genera of intermitting fevers, and several varieties. 1. Quotidiana. A quotidian.ague. The paroxysms return in the morning, at an interval of about twenty- four hours. 2. Tertiana. A tertian ague. The paroxysms com- monly come on at mid-day, at an interval of about forty-eight hours. 3. Quartana. A quartan ague. The paroxysms come on in the afternoon, with an interval of about seventy-two hours. The tertian ague is most apt to prevail in the spring, and the quartan in autumn. Of the quotidian, tertian, and quartan intermittents, there are several varieties and forms; as the double tertian, having a paroxysm every day, with the alter- nate paroxysms, similar to one another. The double tertian, with two paroxysms every other day. The triple tertian, with two paroxysms on one day, and another on the next. The double quartan, with two paroxysms on the first day, none on the second and third, and two again on the fourth day. The double quartan, with a paroxysm on the first day, another on the second, but none ou the third. The triple quartan, with three paroxysms every fourth day. The triple quartan, with a paroxysm every day, every fourth paroxysm being similar. When these fevers arise in the spring of the year, they are called vernal; and when in the autumn, they 353 FEB FEB are known by the name of autumnal. Intermittenls often prove obstinate, and are of long duration in warm climates; and they not unfrequently resist every mode of cure, so as to become very distressing to the Salient; and by the extreme debility which theythere- y induce, often give rise to other chronic complaints. It seems to be pretty generally acknowledged, that marsh miasmata, or the effluvia arising from stagnant water, or marshy ground, when acted upon by heat, are the most frequent exciting causes of this fever. In marshes, the putrefaction of both vegetable and ani- mal matter is always going forward, it is to be pre- sumed ; and hence it has been generally conjectured, that vegetable and animal putrefaction imparted a pe- culiar quality to the effluvia arising from thence. We are not yet acquainted with all the circumstances, which are requisite to render marsh miasma pro- ductive of the intermittents; but it may be presumed that a moist atmosphere has a considerable influence in promoting its action. A watery poor diet, great fatigue, long watching, grief, much anxiety, exposure to cold, lying in damp rooms or beds, wearing damp linen, the suppression of some long-accustomed evacua- tion, or the recession of eruptions, have been ranked among the exciting causes of intermittenU; but it is more reasonable to suppose that these circumstances act only by inducing that state ofthe body, which pre- disposes to these complainU. By some it has been imagined that an intermittent fever may be communi- cated by contagion; but this supposition is by no means consistent with general observation. One peculiarity of this fever is, its great susceptibi- lity of a renewal from very slight causes, as from the prevalence of an easterly wind, even without the re- petition of the original exciting cause. It would ap- pear that a predisposition is left in the habit, which favours the recurrence of the complaint. In this cir- cumstance, intermittents differ from most other fevers, as it is well known, that after a continued fever has once occurred,and been removed, the person so affect- ed is by no means so liable to a fresh attack ofthe dis- order, as one in whom it had never taken place. We have not yet attained a certain knowledge of tiie proximate cause of an intermittent fever, but a de- ranged state of the stomach and prime vie is that which is most generally ascribed. Each paroxysm of an intermittent fever is divided into three different stages, which are called tiie cold, the hot, and the sweating stages or fits. The cold stage commences with languor, a sense of debility and sluggishness in motion, frequent yawning and stretching, and an aversion to food. The face and extremities become pale, the features shrink, the bulk of every external part is diminished, and the skin over the whole body appears constricted, as if cold had been applied to it. At length the patient feels very cold, and universal rigors come on, with pains in the head, back, loins, and joints, nausea, and vomiting of bilious matter; the respiration is small, frequent, and anxious; the urine is almost colourless; sensibility is greatly impaired; the thoughts are somewhat confused; and the pulse is small, frequent, and often irregular. In a few instances, drowsiness and stupour have prevailed in so high a degree as to resemble coma or apoplexy; but this is by no means usual. These symptoms abating after a short time, the se- cond stage commences with an increase of heat over the whole body, redness of the face, dryness of the skin, thirst, pain in the head, throbbing in the temples, anxiety and restlessness; the respiration is fuller and more free, but still frequent; the tongue is furred, and the pulse has become regular, hard, and full. If the attack has been very severe, then perhaps delirium will arise. When these symptoms have continued for some time, a moisture breaks out on the forehead, and by degrees becomes a sweat, and this, at length, extends over the whole body. As this sweat continues to flow, the heat ofthe body abates, the thirst ceases, and most of the functions are restored to their ordinary state. This constitutes the third stage. It must, however, be observed, that In different eases these phenomena may prevail in different degrees, and their mode of succession vary; that the series of tiiem may be more or less complete; and that the several stages, in the time they occupy, may be in different proportions to one another. 3S4 Such a depression of strength has been known lo take place on the attack ot' an intermittent, as to cut off the patient at once; but an occurrence of this kind is very uncommon. Patients are seldom destroyed in Intermittents from general inflammation, or from a fulness of the vessels either of the brain or of tiie thoracic viscera, as hap- pens sometimes in a continued fever; but when they continue for any length of time, they are apt to induce other complainU, such as a loss of appetite, flatulency, schirrhus of the liver, dropsical swellings, and general debility, which in the end now and then prove fatal. In warm climates, particularly, intermittenU are very apt to terminate in this manner, if not speedily re- moved ; and in some cases, they degenerate into con- tinued fevers. When the paroxysms are of short du- ration, and leave the intervals quite free, we may ex pect a speedy recovery ; but when they are long, vio- lent, and attended with much anxiety and delirium, the event may be doubtful. Relapses are very com- mon to this fever at the distance of five or six months, or even a year; autumnal intermittents are more diffi- cult to remove than vernal ones, and quartans more so than the other types. Dissections of those who have died of on intermit- tent, show a morbid state of many of the viscera ofthe thorax and abdomen; but tlie liver, and organs con- cerned in the formation of bile, as likewise the mesen- tery, are those which are usually most affected. The treatment of an intermittent fever resolves itself into those means, which may be employed during a paroxysm, to arrest its progress, or to mitigate iu vio- lence ; and those, which may prevent any return, and effect a permauent cure: this forms of course Ihe more important part of the plan; but it is sometimes necessary to palliate urgent symptoms; and it is always desirable to suspend a paroxysm, if possible, not only to prevent mischief, but also that there may be more time for the use ofthe most effectual remedies. When therefore a tit is commencing, or shortly expected, we may try to obviate it by some of those means, which excite move- ments of an opposite description iu the system; an emetic will generally answer ihe purpose, determinmg the blood powerfully to the surface of the body; or a full dose of opium, assisted by the pediluvium, &c; ether also, and various stimulant remedies, will often succeed, but these may perhaps aggravate, should they not prevent the fit; the cold bath, violent exercise, strong impressions on the mind, &c. have likewise been occa- sionally employed with effect Should the paroxysm have already come on, and the cold stage be very se- vere, the warm bath, and cordial diaphoretics in re- peated moderate doses, may assist in bringing Warmth to the surface: when, on the contrary, great heat pre- vails, the antiphlogistic plan is to be pursued; and it may be sometimes advisable, when an organ of im- portance is much pressed upon, to take some blood locally, or even from the general system, if the patient is plethoric and robust: and where profuse perspirations occur, acidulated drink may be exhibited, with a little wine to support the strength, keeping tiie surface cool at the same time. In the intermissions, in conjunction with a generous diet, moderate exercise, and other means calculated to improve the vigour of tlie system; tonics are the remedies especially relied upon. At the head of these we must certainly place the cinchona, which, taken largely in substance, will seldom fail lo cure the disease, where it is not complicated with vis- ceral affection: in a quotidian an ounce at least should be given between the fits, in a tertian half as much more, and in a quartan two ounces. It will be gene- rally better to clear out the prime vie before this re- medy is begun with; and various additions may often be required, to make it agree better with the stomach and bowels, particularly aromatics and other stimulanu, aperienu or small doses of opium, according to circum- stances. We must not be content with the omission of a single paroxysm, but continue it till the health ap- pears fully established. In failure of the cinchona, other vegetable tonics may be tried, as the salix, gen- tian, calumba, and other bitters; or the astringents, ns tormentil, galls, &c.; or these variously combined with each other, or with aromatics. The mineral acids are often powerfully tonic, and the sulphuric has been of late stated to have proved very successful in the removal of this disease. Some metallic preparations are also highly efficacious, particularly the liquor arsvuicsJis, FEM FEM which, however, is too hazardous a remedy to be employed indiscriminately; it must be given in small doses two or three times a day, and iu effecu assidu ously watched. The sulphate of zinc, and chalybeates, may be used more freely alone, or preferably joined with bitters. Where visceral disease attends, we can hardly succeed in curing the ague, till this be removed; a state of congestion, or inflammatory tendency, may require local bleeding, blistering, purging, &c.; and when there is a more fixed obstruction, particularly in the liver, the cautious use of mercury will be most likely to avail. Febris lactea. Milk fever, which is mostly of the synoclms-type attended with much irregularity of mind, and nervousness. Febris lenta. See Febris nervosa Febris lenticularis. A fever, either typhus or synochus, attended by an eruption like small lentils. Febris maligna. See Typhus. Febris miliaris. See Miliaria Febris morbillosa. See Rubeola Febris nervosa. Febris lenta nervosa. The ner- vous fever. A variety of the typhus mitior of Cullen, but by many considered as a distinct disease. It mostly begins with loss of appetite, increased heat and ver- tigo; to which succeed nausea, vomiting, great lan- guor, and pain in the head, which is variously described, by some like cold water pouring over the top, by others a sense of weight. The pulse, before little increased, now becomes quick, febrile, and tremulous; the tongue is covered with a white crust, and there is great anxiety about the prrccordia. Towards the seventh or eighth day, the vertigo is increased, and tinnitus aurium, cophosis, delirium, and a dry and tremulous tongue, take place. The disease mostly terminates about the fourteenth or twentieth day. See Typhus. Febris nosocomiorum. The fever of hospitals, mostly the typhus gravior. Febris palustris. The marsh fever Febris pestilens. See Peslis. Febris petechialis. See Typhus. Febris putrida. See Typhus. Febris remittens. A remittent fever: a feverwith strong exacerbations, which approach in some cases to the nature of a paroxysm of an intermittent, and which follow each other so closely as to leave very little time between. In some, there is a great secretion of bile, when it is called a bilious remittent; in others, there is great putrescency, when it U termed aputrid remittent, and so on. Febris scarlatina. See Scarlatina. Febris synocha. See Synocha. Febris typhodes. See Typhus. Febris urticaria. See Urticaria. Febris variolosa. See Variola. Febris vesiculosa. See Erysipelas. FE'CULA. See Fecula. FECUNDATION. See Generation. FEL. See Bile. Fel natur*. See Aloes. FEL-WORT. So called from iu bitter taste, like bile. See Gentiana. Felli'culus. The gall-bladder. Felli'flua passio. See Cholera. Felon. See Paronychia. FELSPAR. An important mineral genus, distributed by Jameson into four species: prismatic felspar; pyra- midal felspar; prismato-pyramidal felspar; rhomboidal felspar. 1. The prismatic felspar has nine Bub-species, a. Adularia. b. Glassy felspar. c. Ice spar. d. Common felspar. , e. Labradore felspar. /. Compact felspar. g. Clink-stone. h. Earthy common spar. i. Porcelain earth. 2. Pyramidal felspar. This embraces the scapolite and claolite. 3. Prismato-pvramidal felspar. See Mdonite. 4. Rhomboidal felspar. See Nepheline. Chiastolite and sodalitc have also been annexed to this species. [Fesite. Blue felspar of Stiria. A.] Fe'men. (Quasi fcrimen; from fero, to bear: so railed because it is the chief support of the body.) The thigh. v„ FEMINEUS. A flower is termed a female, which Is furnished with the pistillum, and not with the stamina; the pistil being considered as the female generative organ. FEMORAL. (Femoralis; from femur, the thigh.) Of or belonging to the thigh. Femora'lis arteria. A continuation of the ex- ternal iliac along the thigh, from Poupart's ligament to the ham. FEMORIS OS. The thigh-bone. A long cylindri- cal bone, situated between the pelvis and tibia. IU upper extremity affords three considerable processes; these are, the head, the trochanter major, and trochan- ter minor. The head, which forms about two-thirds of a sphere, is turned inwards, and is received into the acetabulum of the os innorninatum, with which it is articulated by enarthrosis. It is covered by a cartilage, which is thick in ite middle part, and thin at its edges, but which is wanting in its lower internal part, where a round spongy fossa is observable, to which the strong ligament, usually, though improperly, called the round one, is attached. This ligament is about an inch in length, flattish, and of a triangular shape, having its narrow extremity attached to the fossa just described, while its broader end is fixed obliquely to the rough surface near the inner and anterior edge of the ace- tabulum of the os innorninatum, so that it appears shorter internally and anteriorly, than it does externally and posteriorly. The head of the os femoris is supported obliquely, with respect to the rest of the bone, by a smaller part, called the cervix, or neck, which, in the generality of subjects, is about an inch in length. At its basis we observe two oblique ridges, which extend from the tro- chanter major to the trochanter minor. Of these ridges, the posterior one is the most prominent. Around thu neck is attached the capsular ligament of the joint, which likewise adheres to the edge of the cotyloid ca- vity, and is strengthened anteriorly by many strong ligamentous fibres, which begin from the lower and an- terior part of the ilium, and spreading broader as they descend, adhere to the capsular ligament, and are attached to the anterior oblique ridge at the bottom of the neck of the femur. Posteriorly and externally, from the basis of the neck of the bone, a large unequal pro- tuberance stands out, which is the trochanter major. i he upper edge of this process is sharp and pointed posteriorly, but is more obtuse anteriorly. A part of it is rough and unequal, for the insertion of the muscles; the rest is smooth, and covered with a thin cartilaginous crust, between which and the tendon of the gluteus maximus that slides over it, a large bursa mucosa is interposed. Anteriorly, at the root of this process, and immediately below the bottom of tlie neck, is a small process called trochanter minor. IU basis is nearly triangular, having iu two upper angles turned towards the head of the femur and the great trochanter, while iu lower angle is placed towards the body of the bone. Ite summit is rough and rounded. These two pro cesses have gotten the name of trochanters, from the muscles that are inserted into them being the principal instruments of the rotatory motion of the thigh. Im mediately below these two processes the body of the bone may be said to begin. It is smooth and convex before, but is made hollow behind by the action of the muscles. In the middle of this posterior concave sur- face is observed a rough ridge, called linea aspera, which seems to originate from the trochanters, and ex- tending downwards, divides at length into two branches, which terminate in the tuberosities near tbe condyles. At the upper part of it, blood-vessels pass to the internal substance of the bone by a hole that runs obliquely upwards. The lower extremity ofthe os femoris is larger than the upper one, and somewhat flattened, so as to form two surfaces, of which the anterior one is broad and convex, and the posterior one narrower and slightly concave. Thisend ofthe bone terminates in two large protuberances, called condyles, which are united be- fore so as to form a pulley, but are separated behind by a considerable cavity, in which the crural vessels and nerves are placed secure from the compression to which they would otherwise be exposed in the action of bending the leg. Of these two condyles, the ex- ternal one is the lamest; and when the bone is sepa- rated from the rest ofthe skeleton, and placed perpen dicularly, the internal condyle projects less forward^ FER FER and descends nearly three-tenths of an inch lower than the external one ; but in its natural situation, the bone is placed obliquely, so that both condyles are then nearly on a level with each other. At the Bide of each condyle, externally, there is a tuberosity, the situation of which is similar to that of tlie condyles of the os humeri. The two branches of the linea as- pera terminate in these tuberosities, which are rough, and serve for attachment of ligaments and muscles. FE'MUR. (Femur, maris, n.) The thigh. FENE'STRA. (Fromtfiaivta, quasi phenestra.) A window, entry, or hole. Fenestra ovalis. An oblong or elliptical foramen, between the cavity of the tympanum and the vestibu- lum of the ear. It is shut by the stapes. Fenestra rotunda. A round foramen, leading from the tympanum to the cochlea of the car. It is co- vered by a membrane in the fresh subject FE'NNEL. See Anethumfeniculum.' Fennel, hog's. See Peucedanum. FE'NUGREEK. See Trigonella fenum gracum. FE'RINE. (Ferinus, savage or brutal.) A term occasionally applied to any malignant or noxious dis- ease. FERMENTA'TION. (Fcrmentatio, onis.f.; from fermento, to ferment.) When aqueous combinations of vegetable or animal substances are exposed to ordi- nary atmospherical temperatures, they speedily under- go spontaneous changes, to which the generic term of iermentation has been given. There arc several cir- cumstances required in order that fermentation may proceed: such are, 1. A certain degree of fluidity: thus, dry substances do not ferment at all. 2. A cer- tain degree of heat 3. The contact of air. Chem ists, after Boerhaave, have distinguished three kinds of fermentation. 1. The vinous or spirituous, which affords ardent spirit. 2. The acetous, which affords vinegar, or acetic acid. 3. The putrid fermentation, or putrefaction, which produces volatile alkali. I. The conditions necessary for vinous fermentation are: 1. A saccharine mucilage. 2. A degree of flu- idity slightly viscid. 3. A degree of heat between 55 and 65 of Fahrenheit. 4. A large mass, in which a rapid commotion may be excited. When these four conditions are united, the vinous fermentation takes place, and is known by the following characteristic phenomena: 1. An intestine motion takes place. 2. The bulk of the mixture then becomes augmented. 3. The transparency ofthe fluid is diminished by opaque filaments. 4. Heat is generated. 5. The solid parts mixed with the liquor rise and float in consequence of the disengagement of elastic fluid. 6. A large quan- tity of carbonic acid gas is disengaged in bubbles. All these phenomena gradually cease in proportion, as the liquor loses iu sweet and mild taste, and it becomes brisk, penetrating, and capable of producing intoxica- tion. In this manner, wine, beer, cider, ice. are made. All bodies which have undergone the spirituous fer- mentation are capable of passing on to the acid fer- mentation; but although it is probable that the acid fermentation never takes place before the body has gone through the spirituous fermentation, yet the du- ration of the first is frequently so short and impercep- tible, that it cannot be ascertained. Besides the bodies which are proper for spirituous fermentation, this class includes all sorts of fiecula boiled in water. II. The conditions required for the acid fcrmenta- tii hi are, 1. A heat from 70 to 85 degrees of Fahren- heit. 2. A certain degree of liquidity. 3. The pre- sence of atmospheric air. 4. A moderate quantity of fermentable matter. Tbe phenomena which accom- |«ny this fermentation, are an intestine motion, and a considerable absorption of air. The transparent liquor becomes turbid, but regains ite limpidity when fermen- tation is over. The fermented liquor now consists, in a great measure, of a peculiar acid, called the acetic acid, or vinegar. Not a vestige of spirit remains, it be- ing entirely decomposed, but the greater ihe quantity of spirit in the liquor, previous to the fermentation, the greater will be the quantity of true vinegar ob- tained. As the ultimate constituenu of vegetable mat- ter are oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon: and of animal matter, the same" three principles with azote, we can readily understand that all the producuof fermenta- tion must be merely new compounds of these three or JJO four ultimate constituents. Aecordinrffy, 100 parts of real vinegar, or acetic acid, are resolvable, by Gay Lussac and Thenard's analysis, into 50.221 carbon -f> 46.911 hydrogen and oxygen, as they exist in water, + 2.863 oxygen in excess. In like manner, wines are all resolvable into the same ultimate components, iu proportions somewhat different. The aeriform rtsulu of putrefactive fermentation are in like manner found to be, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and azote, variously combined, and associated with minute quantities of sulphur and phosphorus. The residuary matter con- sisu of the same principles, mixed with the saline and earthy paru of animal bodies. Lavoisier was the first philosopher who Instituted, on right principles, a series of experimenu to investi- gate the phenomena of fermentation, and they were so judiciously contrived, and so accurately conducted, as to give resulu comparable to those derived from tile more rigid methods of the present day. Since then, Thenard and Gay Lussac have each contributed most important researches. By the labours of these three illustrious chemists, those material metamorphoses, formerly quite mysterious, seem susceptible of a satis- factory explanation. As sugar is a substance of uniform and determinate composition, it has been made choice of for determining the changes which arise when iu solution is fermented into wine or alkohol. Lavoisier justly regarded it as a true vegetable oxide, and stated iu constituents to be, 8 hydrogen, 28 carbon, and 64 oxygen, in 100 parts. By two different analyses of .Berzelius, we have, Hydrogen............ 6.802 6.891 Carbon............... 44.115 42.704 Oxygen............... 49.083 50.405 100.000 100.000 Gay Lussac and Thenard's analysis gives, o^™::v::.v.v::.v.v.»:"I nja water- Carbon..................42.47 42.47 100.00 100.00 It has been said, that sugar requires to be dissolved in at least 4 parts of water, and to be mixed with some yest, to cause its fermentation to commence. But this is a mistake. Syrup stronger than the above will fer- ment in warm weather, without addition. If the tem- perature be low, the syrup weak, and no yest added, acetous fermentation alone will take place. To de- termine the vinous, therefore, we must mix certain proportions of saccharine matter, water, and yest, and place them in a proper temperature. To observe the chemical changes which occur, we must dissolve 4 or 5 parts of pure sugar in 20 parts of water, put the solution into a matrass, and add 1 part of yest Into the mouth of the matrass a glass tube must be luted, which is recurved, so as to dip into the mercury of a pneumatic trough. If the apparatus be now placed in a temperature of from 70° to 80°, we shall speedily observe the syrup to become muddy, and a multitude of air bubbles to form all around tbe for ment. These unite, and attaching themselves to par' tides of the yest, rise along with it to the surface, forming a stratum of froth. The yesty matter will then disengage itself from the air, fall to tbe bottom of the vessel, to reacquire buoyancy a second time by at tached air bubbles, and thus in succession. If we ope rate on 3 or 4 ounces of sugar, the fermentation will be very rapid during the first ten or twelve boors; it will then slacken, and terminate in the course of a lew days. At this period the matter being deposited wbich disturbed the transparency of the liquor, this will be- come clear. The following changes have now taken place: 1. The sugar is wholly, and tlie yest partially, decom- posed. 2. A quantity of alkohol and carbonic acid, together nearly in weight to the sugar, is produced. 3. A white matter is formed, composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, equivalent to about half the weight of the decomposed ferment The carbonic acid passes over into the pneumatic apparatus; the alkohol may be separated from the vinous liquid by distillation, and the white matter falls down to the bottom of tiie ma- trass with the remainder ofthe yest The quantity of yest decomposed is very small. 100 FER FER parts of sugar require, for complete decomposition, only two and a half of that substance, supposed to be in a dry state. It is hence very probable, that the fer- ment, which has a strong affinity for oxygen, takes a little of it from the saccharine particles, by a part of iu hydrogen and carbon, and thus the equilibrium be- ing broken between the constituent principles of tlie sugur, these so react on each oilier, as to be transform- ed into alkohol and carbonic acid. If we consider the composition of alkohol, we shall find no difficulty in tracing the steps of this transformation. Neglecting the minute products which the yest fur- nishes, in the act of fermentation, let us regard only the alkohol and carbonic acid. We shall then see, on comparing the composition of sugar to that of alkohol, that to transform sugar into alkohol, we must with- draw from it one volume of vapour of carbon, and one volume of oxygen, which form by their union one volume of carbonic acid gas. Finally, let us reduce the volumes into weights, we shall find, that 100 parts of sugar ought to be conyerted, during fermentation, into 51.55 of alkohol, and 48.45 of carbonic acid. When it is required to preserve fermented liquors in the state produced by the first stage of fermentation, it is usual to put them into casks before tiie vinous pro- cess is completely ended; and in these closed vessels a change veiy slowly continues to be made for many uionlhs, and perhaps for some years. But if the fermentative process be suffered to proceed in open vessels, more especially if the temperature be raised to 90 degrees, the acetous fermentation comes on. In this, the oxygen of the atmosphere is absorbed; and the more speedily in proportion as the surfaces of the liquor are often changed by lading it from one ves- sel to another. The usual method consisu in exposing the fermented liquor to the air in open casks, the bung- hole of which is covered with a tile to prevent the en- trance of the rain. By the absorption of oxygen which takes place, the inflammable spirit becomes converted into an acid. If the liquid be then exposed to distilla- tion, pure vinegar comes over instead of ardent spirit. III. When the spontaneous decomposition is suffered to proceed beyond the acetous process, the vinegar be- comes viscid and foul; air is emitted with an offensive smell; volatile alkali flies off; an earthy sediment is deposited; and the remaining liquid, if any, is mere water. This is the putrefactive process. See also Putrefaction. FERME'NTUM. (Quasi fervimentum, from ferveo, to work.) Yest. Fermentum cerrvisi2e. Yest; Barm; the scum which collecu on beer while fermenting, and has the property of exciting that process in various other sub- stances. Medicinally it is antiseptic and tonic; and has been found useful internally in the cure of typhus fever attended with an obvious tendency to putrefac- tion in the system with petechia;, vibices, and the like: the best way to administer it, is to mix a fluid ounce with seven of strong beer, and live three table spoon- fuls to an adult every three or four hours. Externally, it is used In Ihe fermenting cataplasm. FERN. See Filix and Poiypodium. Fern, male. See Poly dodium filix mas. Fern, female. See Pteris aquilina. KERNEL, John, was born at Claremont, near the end of the 15th century. He went at the age of 19 to prosecute his studies at Paris, and distinguished him- self so much, that, after taking the degree of master of arts, he was chosen professor of dialectics in his college. His application then became intense, till a quartan ague obliged him to seek his native air: and on his return to Paris, he determined on the medical profession, and taught philosophy for his support, till iu 15150, he took his doctor's degree. Soon after he married, and speedily got into extensive practice; and at length was made physician to the Dauphin, who afterward became Henry II. He was obliged to ac- company that monarch in his campaigns, yet be still, though at the age of sixty, seldom passed a day with- out writing. But in 1558, having lost his wife of a fever, he did not long survive her. His works are nu- merous on philosophical, as well as medical subjects: of the latter, tlie most esteemed were his " Medicina," dedicated to Henry II., and a posthumous treatise on fevers. Flru om ntiim. An instrument made of iron. FLRRO-CHYAZIO ACID. Acidum forro-chyazi- cum,' chyazicum, from the initial letters of carbon, hydrogen, and azote.) An acid obtained by Porrett by adding to a solution of ferro-cyanite of batyt.es, sul- phuric acid just enough to precipitate the barytes. It has a pale yellow colour, no smell, and is decomposed by genlle heat or strong light, in which case hydrocy- anic acid is formed, and white hydrocyanite of iron is deposited, which becomes blue by exposure. FERRO-CYANATE. A compound of ferro-prus- sic acid with salifiable bases. FERRO-CYANIC ACID. See Ferro-prussit acid. FERRO-PRUSSIC ACID. Acidum ferro-prussi- cum. Acidum ferro-cyanicum. Into a solution of the amber-coloured crystals, usually called prussiates of potassa, pour hydro-sulphuret of barytes, as long as any precipitate falls. Throw the whole on a filter, and wash the precipitate with cold water. Dry it; and having dissolved 100 paru in cold water, add gradually thirty of concentrated sulphuric acid; agitate the mix- ture, and set it aside to repose. The supernatant li- quid is ferro-prussic acid, called by Porrett, who had the merit of discovering it, ferruretted chyazic acid. It has a pale lemou-yellow colour, but no smell. Heat and light decompose it. Hydrocyanic acid is then formed, and white ferro-prussiate of iron, which soon becomes blue. Its affinity for the bases enables it lo displace acetic acid, without heat, from the acetates, and to form ferro-prussiates. FE'RRUM. (Ferrum, i. neut; the etymology un- certain.) Iron. See Iron. Ferrum ammoniatum. Ammoniated iron; for- merly known by the names of flores martiales ; flores salis ammoniaci martiales ; ens martis; ens veneris Boylei; sal martis muriaticum sublimatum, and lately by the title of ferrum ammoniacale. Take of subcarbonate of iron, muriate of ammonia, of each a pound. Mix them intimately, and sublime by imme- diate exposure to a strong fire; lastly, reduce the sub- limed ammoniated iron to powder. This prepara- tion is astringent and deobstruent, in doses from three to fifteen grains, or more, in the form of bolus or pills, prepared with some gum. It is exhibited in mostcases of debility, in chlorosis, asthenia, menorrhagia, inter- mittent fevers, Sec. This or some other strong prepa- ration of iron, as the Tinct ferri muriatis, Mr. Cline is wont to recommend in schirrhous affections of the breast. See Tinctura ferri ammoniati. Ferrum tartarizatum. Tartarized iron. A tar- trate of potassa and iron; formerly called tartarus clialybeatus ; mars solubilis ; ferrum potabile. Take of iron, a pound); supertartrate of potassa, powdered, two pounds; water, a pint. Rub them together; and expose them to the air in a broad glass vessel for eight days, then dry the residue in a sand bath, and reduce it to a very fine powder. Add to this powder a pint more water, and expose it for eight days longer, then dry it, and reduce it to a very fine powder. Its virtues are astringent and tonic, and it forms in solution an excellent tonic fomentation to contusions, lacerations, distortions, &c. Dose from ten grains to half a drachm. Ferri alkalini liquor. Solution of alkaline iron. Take of iron, two drachms and a half; nitric acid, two fluid ounces; disilled water, six fluid ounces ; so- lution of subcarbonate of potassa, six fluid ounces. Having mixed the acid and water, pour them upon the iron, and when the effervescence has ceased, pour off the clear acid solution ; add this gradually, and at in- tervals, to the solution of subcarbonate of potassa, occasionally shaking it, until it has assumed a deep brown-red colour, and no further effervescence lakes place. Lastly, set it by for six hours, and pour off' the clear solution. This preparation was first described by Stael, and called tinctura martis alkalina, and is now introduced in the London Pharmacopoeia as afford- ing a combination of iron distinct from any other, and often applicable to practice. The dose is from half a drachm to a drachm. Ferri carbonas. See Ferri subcarbonas. Ferri limatura purificata. Purified iron filings. These possess tonic, astringent, and deobstruent vir- tues, and are calculated to relieve chlorosis and other diseases in which steel is indicated, where acidity in the prima: vice abounds. Ferri rubigo. See Ferri subcarbonas. Fkrri subcarbonas. Ferri carbonas; Ferrum precipitalum, formerly called chalybis rubigo prapa- FER FIB rata and ferri rubigo. Subcarbonate of iron. Take of sulphate of iron, eight ounces; subcarbonate of soda, six ounces; boiling water, a gallon. Dissolve the sul- phate of iron and subcarbonate of soda separately, each in four pints of water; then mix the solutions together and set it by, that the precipitated powder may subside; then having poured off the supernatant liquor, wash the subcarbonate of iron with hot water, and dry it upon bibulous paper in a gentle heat. It possesses mild corroborant and stimulating properties, and is exhibited with success iu leticotrhoea, ataxia, asthenia, chlorosis, dyspepsia, rachitis, &c. Dose from two to ten grains. Ferri sulphas. Sulphate of iron; formerly called sal martis, vitriolum martis, vitriolum ferri, and fer- rum vitriolatum. Green vitriol. Take of iron, sulphu- ric acid, of each by weight, eight ounces; water, four pinU. Mix together the sulphuric acid and water in a glass vessel, and add thereto the iron; then after the effervescence has ceased, filter the solution through paper, and evaporate it until crystals form as it cools. Having poured away the water, dry these upon bibu- lous paper. This is an excellent preparation of iron, and is exhibited, in mar.y diseases, as a styptic, tonic, astringent, aud anthelmintic. Dotie from one grain to five grains. [Ferrilite. Common trap of Kirwan. Amor- phous basalt of Cleaveland. The Ferrilite, arid per- haps the Mullen stone of Kirwan, may be referred to this variety of basalt. A.] FERRURETTED CHYAZIC ACID. See Ferro- prussic acid. Fers.e. The measles. Fertileflower. See Flos. FE'RULA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Ferula africana oalbanifera. The galbanum plant See Bubon galbanum. Ferula assafcctida. The systematic name of the assafcetida plant. Assafatida. Hingiseh of the Per- sians. Altiht of the Arabians. By some thought to be the oiXibtov, vel oxoc aiXipiov of Dioscorides, Theo- phrastus, and Hippocrates. Laser et laserpitium of the Latins. Ferula assafatida—foliis alternatim si- nuatis, oblusis, of Linnaius. This plant, which affords us the assafcetida ofthe shops, grows plentifully on the mountains in the provinces of Chorassan and Laar,in Persia. The process of obtaining it is as follows: the earth U cleared away from the top of the rooU of the oldest plants; the leaves and stalks are then twisted away, and made iuto a covering, to screen the root from the sun; iu this state the root is left for forty days, when the covering is removed, and tlie top of tlie root cut off transversely; it is then screened again from tbe sun for forty-eight hours, when the juice it exudes is scraped off, and exposed to tlie sun to harden. A se- cond transverse section of tiie root is made, and the exudation suffered to continue for forty-eight hours, mid then scraped off. In this manner it is eight times repeatedly collected in a period of six weeks. The juice thus obtained has a bitter, acrid, pungent taste, and is well known by its peculiar nauseous smell, the strength of which is the surest test of its goodness. This odour is extremely volatile, and of course the drug loses much of iu efficacy by keeping. It is brought to us in large irregular masses, composed of various little shining lumps, or grains, which are partly of a whitish colour, partly reddish, and partly of a violet hue. Those masses are accounted the best which are clear, of a pale reddish colour, and variegated with a great number of elegant white tears. This concrete juice consisu of two-thirds of gum, and one- third of resiu and volatile oil, in which iu taste and smell reside. It yields all iu virtues to alkohol. Tri- turated with water, it forms a milk-like mixture, the resin being diffused by the medium of the gum. Dis- tilled with water, it affords a small quantity of essen- tial oil. It is the most powerful of all the fcetid gums, and is a most valuable remedy. It is most commonly employed in hysteria, hypochondriasis, some symp- toms of dyspepsia, flatulent colics, and in most of those diseases termed nervous, but iu chief use is de- rived from iu antispasmodic effects; and it is thought lo be the most powerful remedy we passess, for those peculiar convulsive and spasmodic affections, which often recur in the first of these diseases, both taken 358 into the stomach and in the way of enema. It is also recommended as an emmenagogue, anthelmintic, anil asthmatic, and anodyne. Dr. Cullen prefers It as aa expectorant to gum ammoniacum. Where we wish it to act immediately as an antispasmodic, it should be used in a fluid form, as that of tincture, from half a drachm to two drachms. When given in tbe form of a pill, or triturated with water, iu usual dose ia from five to twenty grains. When in the form of enema, one or two drachms are to be diffused in eight ounces of warm milk or water. It is sometimes applied externally as a plaster and stimulating remedy, in hysteria, ate. Ferula minor. All-heal of ./Esculapius. This plant is said to be detergent Ferula'cca. See Bubon galbanum. FEVER. See Febris. FEVERFEW. See Matricaria. FIBER. (From fiber, extreme, because it resides in the extremities of lakes and rivers.) The beaver. See Castor fiber. FIBRE. Fibra. A very simple filament. It is owing to the difference in the nature and arrangemenu of the fibres that the structure of the several parts of animals and vegetables differ: hence the barks, woods. leaves, &c. of vegetables, and the cellular structure, membranes, muscles, vessels, nerves, and, iu short every part of the body, has its fibres variously consti- tuted and arranged, so as to form these different parts. Fibre muscular. See Muscular fibre. FIBRIL. (Fibrila, diminutive of fibra.) A small thread-like fibre: applied to the little rooU which are given off' from radicles. FI'BRIN. " A peculiar organic compound found both in vegetables and animals. Vauquelin discovered it in the juice of the papaw-tree. It is a soft solid, of a greasy appearance, insoluble in water, which softens in the air, becoming viscid, brown, and semi-transpa- rent. On hot coals it melu, throws out greasy drops, crackles, and evolves the smoke and odour of roasting meat. Fibrin is procured, however, in IU most cha- racteristic state from animal matter. It exists in chyle; it enters into the composition of blood; of it, the chief part of muscular flesh is formed ; and hence it may be regarded as the most abundant constituent of the soft solids of animals. To obtain it, we may beat blood as it issues from the veins with a bundle of twigs. Fibrin soon attaches itself to each stem, under the form of long reddish fila- ments, which become colourless by washing them with cold water. It is solid, white, insipid, without smell, denser than water, and incapable of affecting the hue of litmus or violets. Wheu moist it possesses u spe- cies of elasticity; by desiccation it becomes yellowish, hard, and brittle. By distillation we can extract from it much carbonate of ammonia, some acetate, a fcetid brown oil, and gaseous products; while there remains in ihe retort a very luminous charcoal, very brilliant, difficult of incineration, which leaves, after combus- tion, phosphate of lime, a little phosphate of magnesia, carbonate of lime, and carbonate of soda. Cold water has no action on fibrin. Treated with boiling water, it is so changed as to lose the property of softening and dissolving in acetic acid. The liquor filtered from it, yields precipitates with infusion of galls, and the residue is white, dry, hard, and of an agreeable taste. When kept for some time in alkohol of 0.810, it gives rise to an adipocerous matter, having a strong and disagreeable odour. This matter remains dissolved in tbe alkohol, and may be precipitated by water. ./Ether makes it undergo a similar alteration, but more slowly. When digested in weak muriatic acid, il evolves a lit- tle azote, and a compound is formed, hard, horny, and which, washed repeatedly with water, is transformed into another gelatinoos compound. Tfiis seems to be a neutral muriate, soluble in hot water; while the first is an acid muriate, insoluble even in boiling water. Sulphuric acid, diluted wilh six times iu weight of water, has similar effecu. When not too concentrated, nitric acid has a very different action on fibrin. For example, when iu sp. gr. is 1.25, there results from it at first a disengagement of azote, while the fibrin be- comes covered with fat, and i lie liquid turns yellow. By digestion of twenty-four hours, the whole fibrin is attacked, and converted into a pulverulent mam of lemon yellow colour, which seems to be composed of u uiixture of fat and fibrin, altered and intimately coin FIB FIL bined with the malic and nitric or nitrous acids. In fact, if we put this mass on a filter, and wash it copi- ously with water, it will part with a portion of ite acid, will preserve the property of reddening litmus, and will take an orange hue. On treating it after- ward with boiling alkohol, we dissolve tbe fatty mat- ter ; and putting the remainder in contact with chalk and water, an effervescence will be occasioned by the escape of carbonic acid, and malate or nitrate of lime will remain in solution. Concentrated acetic acid renders fibrin soft at ordi- nary temperatures, and converu it by the aid of heat into a jelly, which is soluble in hoi water, with tiie dis- engagement of a small quantity of azote. This solu- tion U colourless, and possesses little taste. Evapo- rated to dryness, it leaves a transparent residue, which reddens litmus paper, and which cannot be dissolved even in boiling water, but by the medium of more acetic acid. Sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, pre- cipitate the animal matter, and form acid combina- tions. Potassa, soda, ammonia, effect likewise the precipitation of this matter, provided we do not use too great nn excess of alkali; for then the precipitated matter would be redissolved. Aqueous potassa and soda gradually dissolve fibrin in the cold, without oc- casioning any perceptible change in iu nature; but with heat they decompose it, giving birth to a quantity of ammoniacal gas, and other usual animal products, Fibrin does not putrefy speedily when kept in water. It shrinks on exposure lo a considerable heat, and emiu the smell of burning horn. It is composed, ac- cording to the analysis of Gay Lussac, and Thenard, of Carbon, 53.360 Azote, 19.934 Oxygen, 19.685 ) 22.14 water. Hydrogen, 7.021 ( 4.56 hydrogen. FIBROLITE. A crystallized mineral harder than quartz, of a white or gray colour, found in the Car- nalic, and composed of alumina, silica, and iron. FIBROSUS. (From fibre, a fibre.) Fibrous. A term frequently used in anatomy to express the texture of parts. In botany, iu meaning is the same, and is applied to roots and other paru, as those of grasses, &x. FI'BULA. (Quasi figilula; from figo, to fasten: bo named because it joins together the tibia and the muscles.) A long bone of the leg, situated on the outer side of the tibia, and which forms, at iu lower end, the outer ankle. Its upper extremity is formed into an irregular head, on the inside of which is a slightly con- cave articulating surface, which,in the recent subjecu, is covered with cartilage, and receives the circular flat surface under the edge of the external cavity of the tibia. This articulation is surrounded by a capsular ligament, which is farther strengthened by other strong ligamentous fibres, so as to allow only a small motion backwards and forwards.—Externally, the head ofthe fibula is rough and protuberant, serving for the attach- ment of ligaments, and for the insertion of the biceps cruris muscle.—Immediately below it, on its inner side, is a tubercle, from which a part of the gastrocnemius internus has iu origin. Immediately below this head the body of the bone begins. It is of a triangular shape, and appears as if it were slightly twisted at each end, in a different direction. It is likewise a little curved inwards and forwards. This curvature is in part owing to the action of muscles; and in part perhaps to the carelessness of nurses.—Of the three angles of* the bone, that which is turned towards the tibia is the most prominent, and serves for the attachment of the interosseous ligament, which, in ite structure and uses, resembles that ofthe forearm, and, like that, is a little interrupted above and below. The three surfaces of the bone are variously impressed by different muscles. About the middle of the posterior surface is observed a passage for the medullary vessels, slanting down- wards. The lower end of the fibula is formed into a Bpongy, oblong head, externally rough and convex, in- ternally smooth and covered with a thin cartilage, where it is received by the external triangular depres- sion at the lower end of the tibia. This articulation, which resembles that of its upper extremity, is fur- nished with a capsular ligament, and farther strength- ened by ligamentous fibres, which are stronger and more considerable than those before described. They extend from tiie tibia to the fibula, in an oblique direc- tion, and are more easily discernible before than be- hind. Below this the fibula is lengthened out, so as to form a considerable process, called malleolus exter nus, or the outer ankle. It is smooth and covered with cartilage on the inside, where it is contiguous to the astragalus, or first bone of the foot. At the lower and inner part of this process, there is a spongy cavity, filled with fat; and a little beyond this, posteriorly, is a cartilaginous groove, for the tendons ofthe peroneus longus and peroneus brevis, which are here bound down by tho ligamentous fibres that are extended over them. The principal uses of this bone seem to be, to afford origin and insertion to muscles, and to contribute to the articulation ofthe leg with the foot. FICA'RIA. (From ficus, a fig; so called from its likeness.) See Ranunculus ficaria. Fica'tio. (From ficus, a fig.) A tuberculous dis- ease, near the anus and pudenda. FICOIDE'A. Ficoides. Resembling a fig. A name of the house-leek. See Sempcrvivum tectorium. FI'CUS. 1. A fleshy substance about the anus, in figure resembling a fig. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean system. Class, Polygamia ; Order, Diecia. The fig- tree. Ficus carica. The systematic name of the fig- tree. Carica; Ficus; Ficus vulgaris; Ficus com- munis. EvKr/ of the Greeks. French figs are, when completely ripe, soft, succulent, and easily digested, unless eaten in immoderate quantities, when they are apt to occasion flatulency, pain of the bowels, and diarrhoea. The dried fruit, which is sold in our shops, is pleasanter to tbe taste, and more wholesome and nutritive. They are directed in the decoctum hordd compositum, and in the confectio senna. Applied ex- ternally, they promote the suppuration of tumours; hence they have a place in maturating cataplasms; and are very convenient to apply to the gums, and, when boiled with milk, to the throat Ficus indica. See Lacea. Fiddle-shaped. See Leaf. Fidicina'les. (Fidicinalis, sc. musculus.) See Lumbricales. FIENUS, Thomas, was son of a physician of Ant- werp, and bom in 1567. After studying at Leyden and Bologna, he was invited, at the age of 36, to be one of the medical professors at Louvaine, where he took his degrees. With the exception of one year, during which he attended the Duke of Bavaria, he remained in that office till his death in 1631. Besides his great abilities in medicine and surgery, he was distinguished for his knowledge of natural history, the learned languages, and the mathematics. He has left several works: the chief of which is termed " Libri Chirurgici XII.," treating of the principal operations; it passed through many editions. His father, John, was author of a well- received treatise," De Flatibus." FIG. See Ficus carica. FIGURESTONE. Bildstein. Agalmatolite. A massive mineral of a gray colour, or brown flesh-red, and sometimes spotted, or with blue veins; unctuous to the touch, and yielding to the nail. It comes from China, cut into grotesque figures. It differs from stea- tite in wanting the magnesia. It is also found in Tran- sylvania, and in Wales. FIGWORT. See Ranunculus ficaria, FILA'GO. (From filum, a thread, and ago, to pro- duce or have to do with, in allusion to the cottony web connected with every part of the plant.) Cud or cot- ton-weed ; formerly used as an astringent. FILA'MENT. (Filamentum; from filum, a thread.) 1. A term applied in anatomy to a small thread-like portion adhering to any part, and frequently synony mous with fibre. See Fibre. 2. The stamen of a flower consisu of the filament, anther, and pollen. The filament is the column which supporu the anther. From its figure it is called, 1. Capillary; as in Plantago. 2. Filiform; as iu Scilla maritima. 3. Flat; as in Allium cepa. 4. Dilatate, spreading laterally; as in Ornithogalum umbellatum. 5. Pedicellate, affixed transversely to a little stalk; as in Salvia. 6. Bifid, having two; as in Stemodia. 359 FIL FIS 7. Bifurced; as in Prunella. 8. Multifid; as in Carolina princeps. 9. Dentate ; as in Rosmarinus officinalis. 10. Nicked; as in Allium cepa. 11. Lanceolate; as in Ornithogalum pyrenaicum. 13. Castrate, the anther naturally wanting; as in Gratiola officinalis. 13. Subulate; as in Tuiipa gcsneriani. From the pubescence, 1. Barbate, bearded; as in Lycinm. 2. Lanate, woolly; as in Verbascum thapsus. 3. Pilose; aa in Anthericum frulescens. 4. Gland-bearing; as in Laurus and Rheum. From iu direction, 1. .Erect; as in Tuiipa gesneriana. 2. Incurved; curved inward, and a little bent. 3. Declinate; as in Hcinerocalis fulva. 4. Connivent; us in Physalis alkekengi. From iu concretion, 1. Liberate, free, nowhere adhering; as in JVico- tiana tabacum. 2. Connate, adhering at their base; as in Malva syl- vestris, and Alcea rosea. From iu insertion, I. Receptaculine, inserted into the receptaculum; as in Papaver somniferum. 2. Corolline, as in Verbascum thapsus, and Ncrium oleander. 3. Calicine; as in Pyrus malus, and Mespilus ger- manica. 4. Styline; as in the Orchides. 5. Nectarine; as in Pancratium declinatum. From iu length, it is said to be very long; as in Plantago major: very short in Jasminum and Vinca: and unequal, some long, some short; as in Cheiranthus cheiri. F1LARIA. The name of a genus of intestinal worms. File'llum. (From filum, a thread; because it resembles a string.) The framum of the penU and tongue. File'tum. (From filum, a thread; named from its string-like appearance.) The frsenum of the tongue and penis. FILICES. (Filix, as. f.; from filum, a threadA Ferns. One of the families, or natural tribe into which the whole vegetable kingdom is divided. They arc defined planU which bear their flower and fruit on the back of the leaf or stalk, which is termed frons. FILI'CULA. (Dim. of filix, fern; a small sort of fern: or from filum, a thread, which it resembles.) Common maiden-hair. See Adianthum capillus ve- neris. FILIFORMIS. Filiform, thread-like: applied to many paru of animals and vegetables from their re- semblance. FILIPE'NDULA. (From filum, a thread, and pen- deo, to hang; so named because the numerous bulbs of ite roote hang, as it were, by small threads.) See Spiraa filipendula. Filipendula aquatica. Water-dropwort; the CEnanthe fislulosa of Linnanis. Filius ante patrem. Any plant, the flower of which comes out before the leaf; as coltsfoot FILIX. (From filum, a thread; so called from iu being cut, as it were, in slender portions, like threads.) Fern. See Polypsdium. Filix aculeata. See Polypodium aculeatum. / Filix Florida. See Osmunda regalis. Filix fcemina. See Pteris aquilina. Filix mas. See Polypodium filix mas. FILTRATION. (Filtratio; from filtrum, a strainer.) An operation, by means of which a fluid is mechanically separated from consistent particles mere- ly mixed with it. It does not differ from straining. An apparatus fitted up for this purpose is called a filter. The form of this is various, according to the intention of the operator. A piece of tow, or wool, or cotton, stuffed into the pipe of a funnel, will prevent the passage of grosser particles, and by that means render the fluid clearer which comes through. Sponge is still more effectual. A strip of linen rag wetted and hung over the side of a vessel containing a fluid, in such a manner as that one end of the rag may be im- mersed in the fluid, and tiie other end may remain without, below the surface, will act as a syphon, and cany over the clearer portion. Liueu or woolleu stutii i may eltner be fastened over the mouths of proper ves- sels, or fixed to a frame, like a sieve, for the purpose of filtering. All these are more commonly used by cooks and apothecaries than by philosophical chemists, who, for the most part, use the paper called cap paper, made up without si/e. As the filtration of considerable quantities of fluid could not be effected M. once without breaking the filter of paper, it is found requisite to use a linen cloth, upon which the paper is applied and supported. Precipitates and other pulverulent matters are col- lected more speedily by filtration than by subsidence. But there are many chemists who disclaim the use of this method, and avail themselves of the latter only, which is certainly more accurate, and liable to no ob- jection, where the powders are such as will admit of edulcoration and drying in the open air. Some fluids, as turbid water, may be purified by filtering through sand. A large earthen funnel, or stone bottle with the bottom beaten out, may have its neck loosely stopped with small stones, over which smaller may be placed, supporting layers of gravel In- creasing in fineness, and lastly covered to the depth of a few incites with fine sand all thoroughly cleansed by washing. This apparatus is superior to a filtering stone, as it will cleanse water in large quantities, and may readily be renewed when the passage is ob- structed, by taking out and washing the upper stratum of sand. A filter for corrosive liquors may be constructed, on the same principles, of broken and pounded glass.— Ure's Chem. Diet. FILTRUM. A filter, straining or filtering instru- ment FILUM. A thread or filament. Filum arsenicale. Corrosive sublimate. FI'MBRIA. (A fringe, quasi finibria; from finis, the extremity.) A fringe. 1. A term used by anato- mists to curled membraneous productions. See Fim- bria. 2. In botany, it is applied to the dentate or fringe- like ring of the operculum of mosses, by the elastic power of which the operculum is displaced. See Ps- ristomiwm. FiMBRiiE. (Fimbria, a fringe. Quasi finibria; from finis, the extremity.) The extremities of the Fallopian tubes. See Uterus. FINCKLE. See Anethum faniculum. Fingered leaf. See Leaf. FIORITE. See Pearl sinter. FIR. See Pinus. Fir balsam. See Pinus balsamea. Fir, Canada. See Pinus balsamea. _ Fir, Norway spruce. See Pinus obits. Fir, Scotch. See Pinus sylvestris. Fir, silver. See Pinus picea. FIRE. Ignis. A very simple and active element, the principal agent in nature to balance the power and natural effect of attraction. The most useful accepta- tion of the word fire comprehends heat and light. There have been several theories proposed respecting fire, but no one as yet is fully established. See Caloric and Light. [FFIRTH, Dr. S. of Salem, in New-Jersey, pub- lished a dissertation on malignant fever in 1805, with an attempt to prove that yellow fever is not conta- gious. The experiments he tried with the matter of blaek-vomit are bold and decisive. He proves by his experimenu, that neither the black-vomit, serum, nor saliva of persons labouring under yellow fever, are capable of communicating that disease. He dropped the matter of black-vomit in his eye, inoculated himself with, and even swallowed it. For the particulars of these and other experimenu, see Black-vomit. A.] Firmi'sium mineralium. Antimony. FISCHER, John Andrew, son of nn apothecary at Erfurt, was born in 1667. He graduated there, and was appointed in succession to several professorships; but that of pathology and the practice of medicine he did not receive till the age of 48. He acquired con- siderable reputation in his profession; and he had been ten years phvsician to the court of Mayence when he died in 1729. Among several minor works he was author of some of greater importance; as the "Con- siiia Medica," in three volumes; the " Responsa Prac- tica," and a Synopsis of Medicine, facetiously termed "Uliaa m Nuce." FIS FLE [FISHERY, SEAL. Vessels belonging to the United States, employed in voyages for catching seals, usually pass round Cape-Horn, and visit the islands of Juan Fernandez and Massafuero. At the latter of these, seals were formerly very numerous. They are also taken at Falkland's Islands, Southern Georgia, Tristan d'Acunha, St. Paul's, and Amsterdam islands. But of late years they have been found to be much more rare. Even at Massafuero, and the islands in iu vicinity, they are no longer found in that abundance which pre- vailed when these voyages were first undertaken. The sea-elephant belongs to the same family with the seal. He is found on many of the uninhabited islands of the great southern ocean, particularly at Kerguelan's Land, which they frequent in great herds. They make little resistance, and of course are easily killed. Several of our vessels are said to have been engaged in their destruction. Their oil is found to be of an excellent quality; and not only answers for home consumption, but makes a valuable article of exportation. A.] [" Fishery, whale. This branch of business seems to be less inviting and profitable than it formerly was. Whether this is owing to a scarcity of whales, to greater exertions of other nations, or to the inferiority of the market at home, and high duties abroad, we need not examine particularly here. The decline*of the whale-fishery among the people of the United States, is probably to be ascribed to the operation of all these causes, as well as to bounties and immunities granted by some of the European powers so generously as to tempt many of our most enterprising whalemen to engage themselves and their capitals in foreign ser- vice."—Med, Repos. These observations were made in 1805, since which there has been a great increase in the amount of capi- tal, number of ships, and seamen engaged in the whale fishery from the United States. The greatest number of ships in this business are fitted out at New-Bedford in Massachusetts, the island of Nantucket, and Sag- Harbour, on the east end of Long-Island, of the state of New-York. Some few are fitted out from this city, and some from ports in Connecticut. Few or none of our vessels pursue tills business in the Arctic seas. Some take the right whale on the coast of Brazil, but most of those engaged in this employment from the United States resort to the Pacific ocean, where they take both the spermaceti and the right whale. Vessels are fitted out on shares; the owners, master, and seamen, dividing the proceeds of the voyage ac- cording to a certain ratio agreed upon before the voyage commences, and which generally lasu about two years. The success depends upon the skill and enterprise of the officers and crew, which generally consUts of hardy and active young men. The greater their success the greater their share of the profiu. The spermaceti-whale is the great object of their search in the Pacific, as from this animal is derived the pharmacopceial substance called sperma ceti. Ambergris is also occasionally found in tiie intestines of this whale. A.] [Fishery, cod. "This employment appears to be on the increase. Notwithstanding the abundance of business which might be followed on shore, in a coun- try having so many millions of unappropriated acres, there are found plenty of people who prefer the catching of fish along the coasU of the United States, and on the Banks of Newfoundland. Government allows a bounty on the tonnage of the vessels engaged in the cod- fishery, in lieu of a drawback upon the salt used in curing the fish."—Med. Rep. The cod taken along our shores and on the Banks of Newfoundland is the Gadus morhua, though some of the other species are also taken. On the rocky shores of Maine, the hake (Gadus merlucdus) is abundantly taken. The fish is not so good as the Gadus morhua, but it has a very large sound from which icthyocolla, or fish glue, of a good quality, may be prepared in any quantity. A.] Fish-glue. See Ichthyocolla. FISSURA. A fissure. 1. That species of frac- ture in which the bone is slit, but not completely di- vider! 2. A name given to a deep and long depression in a part Fissira magna sylvii. The anterior and middle lobes of the cerebrum ou each side are parted by a deep narrow sulcus, which ascends obliquely back- wards from the temporal ala of the os sphenoides, to near the middle of the os parietale, and this sulcus is thus called. FISSUS. Cleft, cloven. Applied to leaves, and poAs,foliafissa, that are, as it were, cut into fissures or straight segmenu. See Leaf. FISTIC-NUT. See Pistachio vera. FI'STULA. (Quasi fusula: from fundo, to pour out; or from iU similarity to a pipe, or reed.) Eligii morbus. A term in surgery, applied to a long and sinuous ulcer that has a narrow opening, and which sometimes leads to a larger cavity, and has no disposi- tion to heal. FISTULA'RIA. (From fistula, a pipe, so called because its stock is hollow.) Stavesacre. See Del- phinium staphisagria. FIXED. In chemistry, the term fixed bodies is ap plied to those substances which cannot be caused to pass by a strong rarefaction from the solid or liquid state of an elastic fluid. Fixed air. See Carbonic acid. FIXITY. The property by which bodies resist the action of heat, so as not to rise in vapour. FLAG. See Acorus and Iris. [FLAGG, Dr. John, was son of the Rev. Ebenezer Flagg, the first minister of Chester, in New-Hamp- shire. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1761, and studied medicine under the direction of Dr. Osgood, of Andover. He commenced practice at Wo- burn, but in 1769 removed to Lynn, where he enjoyed the full confidence of his fellow-citizens, and acquired a high standing in his profession. When, in 1775, the dark cloud overspread our politi- cal hemisphere, Dr. Flagg was prepared to unite in the strong measures of resistance against every encroach- ment upon the rights and freedom of his countiy. He was an active and useful member of the committee of safety, and contributed largely to the promotion of the military preparations to meet the exigencies which soon after happened. From a native modesty, he de- , clined any appointment in the councils of the state, | but was prevailed upon to accept the commission of lieutenant-colonel of militia, under the venerable Col. Timothy Pickering, which, however, he soon after re- signed, that he might devote bis whole attention to the practice of medicine, which he preferred to mili tary pursuits. He was elected a member of the Massachusetti Medical Society immediately after its incorporation, when the number of fellows was restricted to seventy in the whole commonwealth. He held a commission of justice of the peace before the revolution and after the adoption of our state constitution, till his death. The fatigues of an extensive circle of practice, and the exposures incident to a professional life, impaired ai3 constitution, and he fell a victim to pulmonary consumption in 1793, in the 50th year of his age. A.] FLAGELLIFORMIS. Whip-like. A term ap- plied to a stem that is long and pliant, whip-like; as ; that of jasmine and blue boxthorn. See Caulis. Flake-white. Oxide of bismuth. ; FLA'MMULA. (Dim. of flamma, a fire: named from the burning pungency of its taste.) See Ranun- culus flammula. Flammula jovist. See Clematis recta. FLATULENT. Windy. FLAX. See Linum. Flax-leaved daphne. See Daphne gnidium. Flax, purging. See Linum eaiharticum. Flax,,spurge. See Daphne gnidium. FLEA-WORT. See Plantago psyllium. Fle'men. (From flecto, to incline downwards.) Flegma. A tumour about the ankles. Flere'sin. Gout. FLESH. 1. The muscles of animals. 2. A vulgar term for nil the soft parte of an animal 3. It is also applied to leaves, fruit, e ovarium. It is quite the same with the motion which the Fallopian tube is supposed to have in em- bracing the circumference of Ihe ovarium: it has never been proved by experiment Even if one should suppose that the semen penetrates into the uterus at the moment of coition, which is not impossible, though it has not been observed, it would still be very difficult to comprehend how the fluid could pass into the Fallo- pian tubes, and arrive at the ovarium. The uterus in the empty state is not contractible; the uterine orifice of the Fallopian tubes is extremely narrow, and these canals have no known sensible motion. On accountof the difficulty of conceiving the passage of the semen to the ovarium, some authors have ima- gined that this matter is not carried there, but only the vapour which exhales from It, or the aura seminalis. Others think that the semen is absorbed in the vagina, passes into ihe venous syatem, and arrives at the ova- ria by the arteries. The phenomena which accom- pany the fecundation of women are,'then, nearly un- known. An equal obscurity rests on the fecundation of other mamraiferous females. Nevertheless, it would be more caay to conceive a passage of the se- men to the ovaria in these, since the uterus and the Fallopian tubes possess a peristaltic jfaotion like that of the intestines. Fecundation, however, taking place by the contact of the semen with the ova, In Ashes, reptiles, and birds, it is not very likely that nature em- ploys any other mode for the mammifera; if is neces- sary, then, to consider it as very probable, that/either at the instant of coition, or at a greater or a less time afterward, the semen arrives at the ovarium, where It exerts more especially iu action upon the vessels most developed. But, even should it be out of doubt that the semen arrives at the vesicles of the ovarium, it would still remain to be known how ite contact animates the germ contained in it Now, this phenomenon is one of those on which our senses, and even our mind, have ' o hold: it is one of those impenetrable mysteries of vbich we are, and, perhaps, shall ever remain ig- norant We have, however, on this subject, some very inge- nious expernnenuof Spallanzani, which have removed the difficulty as far as it seems possible. This philosopher bas proved, by a great number of trials, 1st, that threegrains of scttKm, dissolved in two pounds of water, are sufficient to give to rt th<- fecun lating virtue; 2d, that the spermatic animalcula are GEN OE1N irot necessary to fecundation, as Buffon and other au- thors have thought; 3d, that the aura seminalis, or seminal vapour, has no fecundating property; 4th, that a bitch can be impregnated by the mechanical injec- tion of semen into her vagina, Sec. Sec. It is thus necessary to consider as conjectural what authors say about the general signs of fecundation. At the instance of conception, the woman feels, it is said, a universal tremor, continued for some time, ac- companied by a voluptuous sensation; the features are discomposed, the eyes lose their brilliancy, the pu- pils are dilated, the visage pale, Sec No doubt, im- regnation is sometimes accompanied by these signs; ut many mothers have never felt them, aud reach even the third month of their pregnancy without sus- pecting their situation."—Magendie's Physiology. Fecundation having thus taken place, a motion is induced in the vivified ovum, which ruptures the ten- der vesicle that contains it; the fimbria; of the Fallo- pian tube then grasp and convey it into the tube, which, by iu peristaltic motion, conducts it into the cavity of the uterus, there to be evolved and brought to maturity, and, at the expiration of nine months, to be sent into tiie world. Generation, oroans of. The parts subservient to generation in a woman are divided into external and internal. The external paru are the mons veneris, the labia, the perineum, the clitoris, and the nympha. To these may be added the meatus urinarius, or ori- fice of the urethra. The hymen may be esteemed the barrier between the external and internal paru. The internal paru of generation are the vagina and uterus, and iu appendages. The parts which constitute the organs of genera- tion in men, are the penis, testes, aud vesicula semi- nales. GENICULATUS. Geniculate; bent like the knee: applied to the culm or straw of grasses; as in Alopecu- risgcniculatus. GENIO. (From ytvtiov, the chin.) Names com- pounded of this word belong to muscles which are attached to the chin. Gbnio-hyo-olossus. (From yevaov, the chin, votiSts, the os hyoides, and yXiaacra, the tongue; so called from iu origin and insertion.) Genioglossus of some authors. The muscle which forms the fourth layer between the lower jaw and os hyoides. It arises from a rough protuberance in the inside of the middle of the lower jaw; its fibres run like a fan, forwards, upwards, and backwards, and are inserted into the tip, middle, and root of the tongue, and base of the os hyoides, near iu corner. Iu use is to draw the tip of the tongue backwards into the mouth, the middle downwards, and to render its back concave. It also draws iu root and the os hyoides forwards, and thrusts the tongue out of the mouth. Genio-hyoideus. (From ytvtiov, the chin, and votiSts, the os hyoides; so called from iu origin in the chin, and iu insertion in the os hyoides.) The muscle which comitates the third layer between tbe lower jaw and os hyoides. It is a long, thin, and fleshy muscle, arising tendinous from a rough protuberance at the inside of the chin, and growing somewhat broader and thicker as it descends backward to be in- serted by very short tendinous fibres into both the edges of the base of the os byoides. It draws ihe os hyoides forwards to the chin. Geniopharynge'us. See Constrictor pharyngis superior. Genipi album. See Artemisia rupestris. Genipi verum. The plant directed for medicinal purposes under this title, is the Achillea—foliis pinna- tis, pinnis simplicibus, glabris, pundatis, of Haller. It has a very grateful smell, and a very bitter taste, and is exhibited in Switzerland, in epilepsy, diarrhcea, and debility of tbe stomach. GENI'STA. (From genu,a knee; so called from the inflection and angularity of its twigs.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaian system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Decandria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of tiie common broom. See Spartium scoparium. Genista canariensis. This tree was supposed to afford the lignum Rhodium, which is now known to be an aepalathus. See Aspalathus canariensis. Genista spinosa indica. Bahel schulli. An In- dian tree, a decoction of tiie roots of which is diuretic. The leaves, boiled and sprinkled in vinegar, have the same effect, according to Ray. Genista *in<.toria. The systematic name of Chamapartmm, or Dyer's broom. GEN ITA LE. (From gigno, to beget) The mem- brum virile See Penis. Genita'u.um. (From genitale, the membrum virile.) * A disease of the genital parts. GENITICA. (From ytivopai, gignor.) The name of a class of diseases, in Good's Nosology, embracing diseases of the sexual function. It has three orders, viz. Cenotica, Orgastica; Carpotica. Genitu'ra. (From gigno.) 1. The male seed. 2. The membrum virile. Ge'non. (From ytvv, the knee.) A moveable ar- ticulation like that of the knee. ["Genesee oil. This is a variety of petroleum found in various parte ofthe United States, sometimes abundantly, as in Kentucky, Ohio, the western paru of Pennsylvania, and in New- York, at Seneca lake, &c. It usually floau on the surface of springs, which, in many cases, are known to be in tlie vicinity of coal. It is sometimes called Seneca or Genesee oil."— Cleat). Min. A.] GENSING. See Panax. GENTIA'NA. (From Gentius, king of Illyria, who first used it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Liimaian system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Gentian. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the gentian root. See Gentiana lutea. Gentiana alba. See Laserpitium latifolium. Gentiana centaurium. Less centaury was so called in the Linncean system; but it is now Chironia oentaurium. Gentiana lutea. The systematic name of the officinal gentian. Gentiana rubra. Felwort The gentian met with in the shops is the root of tbe gen- tiana—corollis aubquinquefidis rotatis verticillatis, calycibus spathaeds, of Linnams; and is imported from Switzerland and Germany. It is tlie only medi- cinal part of the plant, has little or no smell, but to tiie taste manifests great bitterness, on which account it is in general use as a tonic, stomachic, anthelmintic, an- tiseptic, enunenagogue, and febrifuge. The officinal preparations of this root are the infusum gentiana compositum, and tinctura gentiana composita, of the London Pharmacopoeia; and tiie infusum amarum, vinum amarum, tinctura amara, of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia; and the extractum gentiana is order- ed by both. Gentiana rubra. See Gentiana lutea. ["Gentiana catesbcei. Blue gentian. Of various native species of gentian, which our country affords; this approaches most nearly to the officinal plant in bitterness. Iu virtue appears to reside chiefly in an extractive principle, soluble in water and alkohol. It has also a little resin. Like the imported gentian, it is an active tonic, invigorating the stomach, and giving relief in complaints arising from indigestion. It ap- pears to possess much reputaiion in the Southern States, to which iu growth is principally confined."— Bigel. Mat. Med. A.] Gentianine. The bitter principle of the Gentian root. [" The discovery of this immediate principle, pre- senU a circumstance so singular as to merit being re- lated. " M. Henry, chief of central pharmacy, and M. Ca- venlou, were occupied at the same time, and without tbe knowledge of each other, on the analysis of gen- tian. They arrived at resulu so much alike, that having communicated their labours to each other, they perceived that they seemed to have acted in concert, and resolved to publish them in common. " Preparation of gentianine. The powder of gen- tian is treated with cold ether. After forty-eight hours, a tincture is obtained of a greenish yellow;—this tinc- ture filtered, poured into an open vase, and exposed to heat, will become, by cooling, if the liquor is sufficiently concentrated, a yellow crystalline moss, with a very perceptible taste and smell of gentian. "This mass is treated wilh alkohol until it ceases taking a citron tinge. The washings are reunited and exposed to a mild heat; the yellow crystalline mass reappears, which, upon evaporation, becomes con- centrated, and of a very 6Uong bitterness. 387 GEO GEO 11 Returned by feeble alkohol, it is redlssolved in part, wilh the exception of a certain quantity of oily matter " This last alkohoiic solution, besides the bitter prin- ciple of the gentian, contains an acid substance, and tlie odorous matter of gentian. " By evaporating this liquor to dryness, soaking the matter in water, adding a little washed and calcined magnesia, boiling and evaporating with a vapour bath, the greatest part of the odorous matter of the gentian is expelled; the acidity disappears by means of the magnesia, and the yellow bitter principle remains in part free and in part combined with the magnesia, to which it communicates a beautiful yellow colour. Then by boiling this magnesia with ether, the greater part of this bitter principle is taken up, which is ob- tained pure and alone by evaporation. If it be w ished to separate the greatest part of the bitter principle, which remains fixed in the magnesia, and which the ether could not take up, it must be treated with oxalic acid, in a quantity sufficient to produce acidity. This acid unites with the magnesia, and seU free the bit- ter principle, which is retaken by the means already pointed out. " Properties of gentianine. The gentianine is yel- low, inodorous, wilh the aromatic bitterness of rhe gentian very strong, and which is increased very much when it is dissolved in an acid. "It is very soluble in ether and alkohol, and is sepa- rated by spontaneous evaporation, in the form of very small yellow crystalline needles. It is much less solu- ble in cold water,which it renders, however,very bitter; boiling water dissolves more. " The dilute alkalies deepen very much iu colour, and dissolve it a little more than water alone. " Acids lighten iu yellow colour in a very evident manner. Iu solutions are almost colourless with sul- phuric and phosphoric acid, and yellowish with acids more feeble, such as the acetic arid. Concentrated sulphuric acid carbonizes it and destroys iu bitterness. "Gentianine, exposed in a glass tube to the heat of boiling mercury, is sublimed in tlie form of small yel- low crystalline needles. One part is decomposed. ".Action of gentianine on man and other animals. Some which I made, taught me that gentianine has no poisonous qualities. Several grains of this substance injected into the veins, produce no apparent effect. I myself swallowed two grains dissolved in alkohol, and only experienced an extreme bitterness, and a slight feeling of warmth at the stomach " Mode of employing gentianine. The tincture is the preparation which should be most frequently used. It may be prepared from the following formula: Tt nctare of gentianine. B% Alkohol at 24°, 1 ounce. Gentianine, 5 grains. "This tincture replaces with success the elixir of gentian, and is employed in the same circumstances: Syrup of gentianine. &• syrup of sugar, 1 pound. Gentianine, 16 grains. "This is one ofthe best bitters which can be used in scrofulous affections."—Magendie's Formulary. A.] GE'NU. The knee. GENU'GRA. (From ytw, the knee, and aypa, a seizure.) A name in Paracelsus for the gout in the knee. GENUS. (From yams, a family.) By this term is understood, in natural history, a certain analogy of a number of species, making them agree together in the number, figure, and situation of then- paru; in such a manner, that they are easily distinguished from the species of any other genus, at least by some one arti- cle. This is the proper and determinate sense of tbe word genus, whereby it forms a subdivision of any class, or order of natural beings, whether of the ani- mal, vegetable, or mineral kingdoms, all agreeing in certain common and distinct characters. GEODES. A kind of artites, the hollow of wliich contains only loose earth, instead of a nodule. GEOFFRJEA. (Named in honour of Dr. Geoffroy.) Geoffroya. 1. The name of a genus of planU in the Linnsan system. Class, Diaddphia ; Order, Decan- dria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of tbe cabbage bark- tree. See Geoffraa inermis. Geoffrjea inermis. The systematic name of the cabbage bark-tree, or worm bark-tree. Geoffraa— foliis lanceolatis of Swanz. It has a mucilaginous 388 and sweetish taste, and a disagreeable smell. Accord- ing to Dr. Wright of Jamaica, il is powerfully modicl tial as an anthelmintic. t Geoffraa jamaicensis. The systematic name of, tlie bastard cabbage-tree, or bulgewater-treu. Geoffroya —inermis folic lis lanceolatis, of Sworlz. The bark ii principally used in Jamaica, and with great success, as a vermifuge. Geoffrjea surinamensis. The systematic namo of a tree, the bark of which is esteemed as an anthel- mintic. GEOFFROY, Stephen Francis, was born at Paris, in 1672. After giving him an excellent general education, his father, who was an apothecary, sent him to study his own profession at Monlpelier; wheie he attended the several lectures. On his return io Paris, having already acquired considerable reputation, be was appointed to attend the Dukcde Tallard, on his embassy to England, in 1698. Here he was very favour- ably received, and elected a member of the Royal So- ciety: and he afterward visited Holland and Italy. His attention was chiefly directed to natural history and the materia medica, his father wishing him to succeed to his establishment at Paris: however, he became am- bitious of the higher branch of the profession, and at length graduated in 1704. His reputation rapidly in- creased ; and he was called in consultation even by the most distinguished practitioners. In 1709 he was appointed to the professorship of medicine on the death of Tournefort He then undertook to deliver to his pupils a complete History of the Materia Medica, divided into mineral, vegetable, and animal sub- stances ; the first part of which he finished, and about half of the second: this was afterward published from his papers, in Latin, in three octavo volumes. In 1712 he was made professor of chemistry in the king's gar- den ; and 14 years after, dean of the faculty. In this office he was led into some active disputes; wlience bis health, naturally delicate, began to decline; and he died in the beginning of 1731. Nothwithstanding his illness, however, he completed a work, which had been deemed necessary by preceding deans, but never accomplished; namely, a Pharmacopoeia, which was published under the name of " Code Medicamentairo de la Faculte de Paris." GEOGNOSY. The same as geology. GEOLOGY. (Geologia; from yn, the earth, and Xoyoc, a discourse.) A description of the structure of the earth. This study may be divided, like most others, into two parts; observation and theory. By the first we learn the relative positions of the great rocky or mineral aggregates that compose the crust of our globe; through tbe second, we endeavour to pene- trate into the causes of these collocations. A valuable work was some time since published, comprehending a view of both paru of the subject, by Mr. Greenough, to which the reader is referred for much instruction, communicated in a very lively manner. - Very recently the world has been favoured with the first part of an excellent view of this seieme by Messrs. Conybeare and Phillips, in their "Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales-;" from which work, the following brief sketch of the subject at taken: The Traits' de Geognosie of D'Aubuissot) bears a high character on the continent. Werner's Table of the different Mountain Rocks, from Jameson. Class L—Primitwt rocks.- •%" ■ 1. Granite. 8. Porphyry. 2. Gneiss. 9. Syenite. 3. Mica-slate. 10. Topaz rock. 4. Clay-slate. 11. Quartz-rock. 5. Primitive limestone. 12. Primitive flinty-slate. 6. Primitive trap. 13. Primitive gypsum. 7. Serpentine. 14. White stone. Class II.—Transition rocks. l.Transltionlime-stone. 4. Transition flinty-slate. 2. Transition trap. 5. Transition gypsum. 3. Grey wacke i Class III.—Floeti rocks. 1. Old red sandstone, or first sandstone formation. 2. First or oldest floetz limestone. 3. First or oldest floetz gypsum. 4. Second or variegated sandstone formation. S. Second floetz gypsum. 6. Second floetz limestone. 7. Third floetz limestone. GEO GEO 8- Rocksak formation. 9. Chalk formation. 10. Floetz-trap formation. 11. Independent coal formation. 12. Newest floetz-trap formation. Class IV.—Alluvial rocks. 1. Peat. 5. Nagelfluh. 2. Sand and gravel. 6. Calc-tuff. 3. Loam. : 7. Calc-sinter. 4. Bog-iron ore. Class V.—Volcanic rocks. Pseudo-volcanic rocks. 1. Burnt clay. 2. Porcelain jasper. 3. Earth slag. 4. Columnar clay ironstone. 5. Poller, or polishing slate. True volcanic rocks. 1. Ejected stones and ashes. 2. Different kinds of lava. 3. The matter of muddy eruptions. The primitive rocks lie undermost, and never con- tain any traces of organized beings imbedded in them. The transition rocks contain comparatively few or- ganic remains, and approach more nearly to the chemical structure ofthe primitive, than the mechani- cal of the secondary rocks. As these tradition rocks were taken by Werner from among those which, in his general arrangement, were called secondary, the formation of that class made it necessary to abandon the latter term. To denote the mineral masses re- posing in his transition series, he accordingly employed the term floetz rocks, from the idea that they were generally stratified in planes nearly horizontal, while those of the older strata were inclined to tlie horizon at considerable angles. But this holds good with re- gard to the structure of those countries which are comparatively low; in the Jura chain, and on the borders of the Alps and Pyrenees, Werner's floetz formations are highly inclined. Should we therefore persist in tbe use of this term, says Mr. Conybeare, we must prepare ourselves to speak of vertical beds of floetz, (i. e. horizontal), limestone, &c. As the in- quiries of geologists extended the knowledge of the various formations, Werner, or his disciples, found it necessary to subdivide the bulky class of floetz rocks into floetz and newest floetz, thus completing a fourfold enumeration. Some writers hare bestowed the term tertiary on the newest floetz rocks of Werner. The following synoptical view of geological arrangement is given by the Rev. Mr. Conybeare. ES. Wernerian names- Other Writers. Newest floetz class. Tertiary class. er. Floetz class. Secondary class. Sometimes referred to the preceding, some-times to the succeeding class, by writers of these schools; very often the coal measures are refer-red to the former, the subjacent limestone and sandstone to the latter. r. Transition class. Intermediate class. Primitive class. Primitive class. above the chalk. In all these instances a regular diminution in the degree of consolidation may be per- ceived in ascending the series. [UA Geological Nomenclature for North America, founded upon Geological Surveys, by Amos Eaton, Professor in the Rensellaer School at Troy, N. x. Classes of Rock*. Class 1. Primitive Rocks; being those which contain no organic relics nor coal See Fig. 1, 2,3, 4,5, and 6. Class 2. Transition Rocks ; being those which con- tain no animal remains, but radiated and moUuscous— the latter more than one valved, or one valved and chambered. See Fig. 7,8,9,10,11, and 12. Class 3. Secondary Rocks ; being those which con- tain in some localities, one valved molluscous animal remains, not chambered. They embrace most of those remains found in transition rocks also; and the upper secondary rocks contain oviparous vertebral remains. See Fig. 13,14,15,16,17,18, and 19. Class 4. Superincumbent Rocks ; being those horn- blende rocks, which overlay others without any regular order of superposition, supposed to be of volcanic origin. See Fig. 20. Classes of Detritus. Class 5. Alluvial DUritus; being those masses of detritus, which have been washed into their present situation. See Fig. 21, 22,23, and 24. Class 6. Analluvial Detritus; being those masses of detritus, which have not been washed from places where they were first formed by the disintegration of i rocks. Sec Fig. 25 and 26. 389 Character. Proposed Names. 1. Formations (chiefly of sand and clay) above the chalk. Superior order. 2. Comprising, a. Chalk. b. Sands and clay, beneath the chalk. C Calcareous freestones (ooli-tes) and argillaceous beds. d. New red sandstone, conglo-merate, and magnesian limestone. Supermedial order. 3. Carboniferous rocks, comprising, a. Coal measures. b. Carboniferous limestone. C. Old red sandstone. Medial order. 4. Roofing slate, Sec. Sec Submedial order. 5. Mica slate, gneiss, granite, Sec. Inferior order. In all these formations, from the lowest to the high- est, we find a repetition of rocks and beds of similar chemical composition; i. e. siliceous, argillaceous, and calcareous, but with a considerable difference in tex- ture; those in the lowest formations being compact and often crystalline, while those in tbe highest and most recent are loose and earthy. These repetitions form what the Wemerians call formation suites. We may mention, 1st. TJae limestone suite. This exhibiu, in the in- ferior or primitive order, crystalline marbles; in the two next, or transition and carboniferous orders, com- pact and subcrystalline limestones (Derbyshire lime- stone) ; in the supermedial or floetz order, less compact limestone (lias), calcareous freestone (Portland and Bath stone),' and chalk; in the superior or newest floetz order, loose earthy limestones. id. The argillaceous suite presenU the following gradations; clay-slate, shale ofthe coal-measures, shale of the lias, clays alternating in the oolite series, and that of the sand beneath the chalk; and, lastly, clays above the chalk. 3d. The siliceous suite may (since many of the sand- stones of which it consisu present evident traces of felspar and abundance of mica, as well as grains of quartz, and since mica is more or less present in every bed of sand) perhaps deserves to have granite placed at its head, as its several members may possibly have been derived from the detritus of that rock: it may he con- tinued thus; quartz rock and transition sandstone, old red sandstone, millstone-grit, and coal-grits, new red sandstone, sand and sandstone beneath the chalk, and Wernerian names- Other Writers. Newest floetz class. Tertiary class. Floetz class. Secondary class. GEOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE Case or SPF.CIMENS. Classes 2 & 1. GENERAL STRATA and SUBDIVISIONS. VARIETIES. IMBEDDED and DISSEMINATED. gp Second Gray-Wacke. B. Rubble. A. Compact. Red sandy, (old red sand 1) Horne-slate. Grind-stone. Manganese. Anthracite. -"'——>___ Metalliferous Limerock. B. Shelly. A. Compact. Blrdseye marble. JO Calciferoos Sandrock. B. Geodiferous A. Compact. Quartzose. Sparry. Oolitic Semi-opal. An-thracite. Barytes. Concentric con-cretions. *8SB' Sparry Limerock. B. Slaty. A. Compact. Checkered rock. Chlorite. Calc spar. 'Hi First Gray-Wacke.* B. Rubble. A. Compact. Chloritic. Milky quartz. Calc spar. Anthracite. 1§1§ Argillite. B. Wacke Slate. A. Clay Slate. Chloritic. Glazed. Roof-slate. Red. Purple. Flinty slate. An-thracite. Striated quartz. Milky quartz. Chlorite. '#51 Granular Lime-rock. B. Sandy. A. Compact. Verd-antique. Dolomite. Statuary marble. TremdUte. Serpentine. Chromate of iron. 1^81 Granular Quartz. B. Sandy. A. Compact. Ferruginous. Yellowish. Translucent. Manganese. Hematite. *m Talcose Slate. B. Fissile. ' A. Compact. Chloritic. Octahedral crys-tals of iron ore. Chlorite. '®§ Hornblende Rock. B. Slaty. A. Granitia Greenstone. Gneissoid. Porphyritic. Sienitic. Granite. Actynolite. Augite. in Mica-Slate. B. Fissile. A. Compact. Staurotide. Sappare. Garnet. im Granite. B. Slaty (gneiss). A. Crystalline. Sandy. Porphyritic. Graphic Shorl. Plumbago. Steatite. Diallage. • No. 8. (Second Gray-W»cke) is a KCondarT rock, and embraces tbe Anthracite coal of the Lebigh rUer, in Penoqrlnni*. 390 or rocks m place. CASE OF SPECIMENS. Classes 4 & 3. GENERAL STRATA and SUBDIVISIONS. IMBEDDED and DISSEMINATED. Basalt. B. Greenstone trap (columnar). A. Amygdaloid (cellular). Granular Compact Toadsione. Amethyst. Calcedony. Prehnite. Zeolite. Opal. Third Gray- wacke.* B. Pyritiferous grit. A. Pyritiferous .-late c0rnit1fer0us Limerock. B. Shelly. A. Compact. Geodiferous Limerock. B. Sandy. A. Swinestone. Lias. B. Caldferous grit. A. Caldferous slate. Conglomerate (breccia). Calcareous grit Red sandstone, (old red sandstone 1) Red-wacke. Argillaceous. Fcetid. Shell grit. Argillaceous. Conchoidal. Grindstone. Hornstone? Honeslate. Bituminous shale and coal. Fibrous barytes. Hornstone. Snow-gypsum. Strontian. Zinc. Fluor spar. Shell limestone. Vermicular. Water cement. Gypsum. Ferriferous Rock. B. Sandy. A. Slaty. Conglomerate. Green. Blue. Saliferous Rock. B. Sandy. A. Marl-slate. Conglomerate. Gray-band. i Red-sandy. Gray slate. Red slate. Millstone Grit. B. Conglomerate. A. Sandy. Argillaceoui iron ore (reddle). Salt, or salt springs Coal? No 19. (Third Graywicke) ii overlaid by Oolile, in the State of Ohio. It is the upper tecondarjr of BAke NOMENCLATURE OF DETRITUS CASE OF SPECIMENS. Classes 6 St 5. GENERAL depo- sites AMD SUBDIVISIONS. Superficial Anal- luvion. B. Granulated (from graywacke). A. Clay-loam (from argillite). Stratified Anal- luvion. C. Lias. B. Ferriferous. A. Saliferous. varieties. IMBEDDED AND D1SSMHHATBD SUBSTANCES. Various boulders. Pebbles. Gypsum. Shell limestone. Reddle. POST-DILOVION. B. Sediment. A. Pebbles (in tbe rocky bed of a river). Ultimate Dilu- viom (on crag in old fo- rests). Diluvion (in an antediluvial trough). Yellowish gray. Grayish yellow. Quicksand. Gravel. Vegetable mould. Various boulders. Trees and herbs. Fish bones and shells. Works of art. ■ Boulders. Trees and leaves. Bones and shells. No works of art. Antbdiluviok, or Upper Tertiary.* C. Marine, or Bag- shot, sand, and crag. B. Marly clay. A. Plastic day. Quicksand. Yellow sand. Hardpan. Brick earth. Pudding-stone. Buhrstone. Bog ore. Shell-marl. Indurated marl Septarial • No. II. (Antedihwion) ii the genuine tertiary formation In New Jeraey, along (he bay ot haboj. Frotanr Eaton hat recenUy renewed most of the territory upon which h» synopsA mi founded. He now Bvattatall strata may be arranged under)!.* nria. each compruing ttrw /ornioltonfjthe to* f*».•«?""« 3u> the irtmttiTe dai, the wechU with the trantito, the third with the lower fmstaj^ fourth with ft. Zr~r Mmndarr. and thefifth wilh the tertiary: that the lower formation of every aeries is nerbmlforna, the middle SJ^SSwe? the upper one calearaona. In die conne of a year, thU view of the wibject wfflptobaMy be puM „h«l Stotanrtby i^eSo^ map of the Statool New York. A prodeonrat of the*. it«t« irttfappev in Sdlmanl 392 GEO GEO DEFINITIONS* OF NAMES ARRANGED IN THE SYNOPSIS. Names under the Primitive Class. 1. Granite, is an aggregate of angular masses of quartz, felspar, and mica. Subdivisions.—It is called chrystalline (granite proper) when the felspar and quartz present a crystalline, not a slaty, form. It is called slaty (gneiss) when tbe mica is so interposed in layers as to present a slaty form. Varieties.—It is graphic when the felspar is in a large proportion, and the quartz is arranged in oblong masses, so as to pre- sent an appearance resembling Chinese letters. It is porphyritic when spotted with cuboid blocks of fel- spar. This variety is peculiar to the slaty division. 2. Mica-Slate, is an aggregate of grains of quartz and scales of mica. Subdivisions.—Compact, when the slaty lamina: are so closely united, that it will pre- sent a uniform smooth face when cut transversely. Fissile, when the laminee separate readily by a blow upon its surface. 3. Hornblende Rock,! is an aggregate, not basal- tic, consisting wholly, or in part, of hornblende and felspar. Subdivisions.—Granitic, when it presents the appearance of crystalline granite with hornblende substituted for mica. Slaty, when of arifty or tabular structure. Varieties.—Gneisseoid, when it resembles slaty-granite (gneiss) with scales of hornblende substi- tuted for mica. Greenstone, when of a pretty uniform green colour, and containing but a small proportion of felspar, generally of a slaty structure. Porphyritic, When spotted with cuboid blocks of felspar. Sienitic, when speckled with small irregular masses of felspar. 4. TalCOSB Slate, is an aggregate of grains of quartz and scales of mica and talc.J Subdivisions.— Compact, having the lamina; so closely united that a transverse section may be wrought into a smooth face. When the quartzose particles are very minute and in a large proportion, it is manufactured into scythe-whet- atones, called Quinnebog stones. Fissile, when the lamina) separate readily by a blow upon the surface. Varieties.—Chloritic, when coloured green by chlorite. In some localities the chlorite seems to form beds; or rather the rock passes into an aggregate consisting of quartz, mica, talc, and a large proportion of chlorite. Vast beds of pure chlorite are embraced in this rock on Deerfield river, in Florida, Mass. 5. Granular Quartz, consists of grains of quartz united without cement. Subdivisions.—Compact, when it consists of fine grains, so as to appear almost homo- geneous; generally in large rhomboidal blocks. Sandy, when tbe grains are so slightly attached as to be some- what friable. Varieties.— Translucent, when it is so compact and homogeneous as to transmit light. Yel- low, when slightly tinged with iron (probably a carbo- nate). Ferruginous, when an aggregate of minute crystals, strongly coloured yellow or red with the car- bonate or peroxyde of iron. There is a remarkable locality two miles north of Bennington village, in Ver- mont Large masses may be found consisting of six- sided crystals, with six-sided pyramids on both ends. 6. Granular Limestone, consists of glimmering grains of carbonate of lime united without cement. Subdivisions.—Compact, when it consists of grains of nearly pure carbonate of lime, so closely united that it will take a polish. Sandy, when grains of quartz are aggregated with the grains of carbonate of lime, but so loosely as to be somewhat friable. Varieties.—Do- lomite, when it consists in part of magnesia, and is friable. Verd-antique, when it is variegated in colour by the presence of serpentine, giving it more or less of a clouded green. Names under the Transition Class. 7. Asoillite, is a slate rock of an aluminous • Every rock consists, aientiatly, of one, two, or three, of the fol- owtng nine homogeneous minerals. These are called the geological alphabet; and every student must procure and familiarize himself With a specimen of each, before he commences the study of geology— 2uartz, felspar, mica, talc, hornblende, argillite, limestone, gypsum, hlorite. He should procure also a specimen of iron pyrites, born- etone, calc spar, reddle-ore, bog-ore, glance coal, bituminous coal. t I believe M'Clure first applied this general name, to all the varieties of primitive hornblende rock. J That a small proportion of talc scales should serve to distinguish Ibis rock from mica-slate, would scarcely satisfy a mere cabinet student But the travelling geologist will acknowledge its importance. fee Tacheonnuc and Saddle mountains, and the same range along the wast side of tbe Green mountains lo Canada. character and nearly homogeneous, always consisting of tables or lamina; whose direction forms a large angle with the general direction of the rock. Subdivisions — Clay Slate, when the argillite is nearly destitute of all grittiness, and contains no scales of mica or talc. Wacke Slate, when it is somewhat gritty and contains glimmering scales of mica or talc. Varieties.—Roof Slate, when the slate is susceptible of division into pieces suitable for roofing houses and for ciphering slate. Glazed Slate, when the natural cleavages are lined with a black glazing. This variety contains anthracite coal and marine organic relics. 8. First Graywacke, is an aggregate of angular grains of quartzose sand, united by an argillaceous cement, apparently disintegrated clay slate, and ia never above the calciferous sandrock. Subdivisions. —Compact, when the grains are so fine and united so compactly, as to be suitable for quarrying. Rubble, when the grains, or a part of them, are too large for quarrying. This division is often very hard, and some- times contains felspar, and has the appearance of coarse granite; though some of the largest pebbles are generally rounded. It is often coloured green with chlorite. Every kind of first graywacke is almost horizontal—being a little elevated at the edge next to the primitive rocks only. 9. Sparry Limerock, consists of carbonate of lime intermediate in texture between granular and compact; and is traversed by veins of calcareous spar. Subdi- visions.—Compact, when the masses or blocks, between the veins of spar, are sufficiently homogeneous and uniform to receive a polish. Slaty, when the rock is in slaty tables or lamina;, with transverse veins of calcareous spar. This rock is often cut into very small irregular blocks by the spar, which gives it the name of checkered rock. 10. Calciferous Sandrock, consists of fine grains of quartzose sand and of carbonate of lime, united without cement, or with an exceeding small proportion. Subdivisions.—Compact, when the rock is uniform, or nearly so, without cells or cavities. Geodiferous when it contains numerous geodes, or curvilinear cav ties; which are empty or filled with calc spar, quait crystals, barytes, anthracite, or other mineral substan- ces different from the rock. Varieties.—-Oolitic, when it consists in part of oolite, of a dark colour, arid harder than tbe kind which is common in die lias or oolitic formation of Europe. 11. Metalliferous Limerock, consists of carbo- nate of lime in a homogeneous state, or in a state of petrifactions. Subdivisions.—Compact, when it con- tarns but few petrifactions, and is susceptible of a polish. Shelly, when it consists of petrifactions, mostly of bivalve molluscous animals., Variety.—Birdseye mar ■ ble, when the natural layers are pierced transversely with cylindrical petrifactions, so as to give the birds- eye appearance when polished. 12. Second Graywacke, scarcely distinguished from first graywacke, excepting by its relative position, being always above calciferous sandrock. Subdi- visions.—Compact, when in blocks or slaty, consisting of fine grains. Rubble, when it consists of, or contains large rounded pebbles. The rubble of second graywacke is in a much smaller proportion than in first gray- wacke. Varieties.—Rid sandy, when it passes into red sandstone, which formation occurs in a lew locali- ties. Hone-slate, when soft, and suitable for setting a fine edge. Grind-stone, when the quartzose particles are sharp-angular. Names under the Secondary Class. 13. Millstone Grit, is a coarse, hard aggregate of sharp-angular quartzose sand or pebbles; mostly with out any cement, always gray or rusty gray. Subd1 visions.—Sandy, when it contains few or no pebbles. Conglomerate, when it consists chiefly of rounded pebbles. 14. Saliferous Rock, consists of red, or bluish- gray, sand or clay-marie, or both. The grains of sand are mostly somewhat rounded, and all the varieties of this rock, in some localities, form the floor of salt mines and salt springs. Subdivisions.—Marie-slate, when the rock is soft, slaty, and contains minute grains of carbonate of lime. Sandy, when it is in solid blocks or layers, consisting of red or bluish-gray quart- zose sand. Varieties.—Gray-band, the uppermost layers of bluish-gray sandrock. Conglomerate, (brec- cia) consisting chiefly of rounded pebbles, red, gray, o Onti OER rust-colour, as under the superincumbent rocks at Mount Holyoke, the Palisades, on the Hudson river, ace. 15. Ferriferous Rock, is a soft, slaty, argillaceous, or a hard, sandy, siliceous rock, embracing red argil- laceous iron ore. Subdivisions.—Slaty, consists of green, or bluish-green, smooth soft slate, generally im- mediately under the layer of red argillaceous iron ore. Sandy, consists of a gray, or rusty-gray, aggregate of quartzose sandrock, in compact blocks or layers, over- laying or embracing red argillaceous iron ore. Variety. —Conglomerate, consists of rounded pebbles, cemented together by carbonate or oxide of iron, or adhering without cement. 16. Lias, consists of rounded grains of quartzose sand, clay-slate, and sometimes partly of other alumi- nous compounds, of a dark or light-gray colour, aggre- gated with fine grains of carbonate of lime. Subdi- visions.—Calciferous slate, when it is of a slaty texture, and the argillaceous and calcareous constituents pre- dominate. Calciferous grit, when it is in blocks or thick layers, and the quartzose sand, or sharp grit, predominates. Varieties.—Conchoidal, when the slaty kind is separated into small divisions, somewhat of a lenticular form, by natural conchoidal cleavages. Shell grit, when the gritty variety consists, in part, of petrifactions of quartzose sand. 17. Geodiferous Limerock, (lowest of the oolitic formation of Europe,) consists of carbonate of lime, combined with a small proportion of argillite or quartz, in a compact state, mostly fcetid, and always contain- ing numerous geodes. Subdivisions.— Swinestone, when it contains very little or no quartzose sand, is Irregular in structure, fcetid and abounds in geodes. Sandy, when it contains quartzose sand, is stratified, scarcely fcetid, and contains but few geodes. 18. Cornitiferous Limerock, (included in the oolitic formation of Europe,) consists of carbonate of lime, embracing hornstone. Subdivisions.—Com7 pad, when the rock is close-grained; and it generally contains hornstone in layers. Shelly, when it consists of shells, and contains hornstone in nodules or irregular masses. 19. Third Graywackb, (well-known to be em- braced in the oolitic formation of Europe; but con- tains no oolite,) having the character of first and second graywacke in general; but differing in containing much iron pyrites, fine grains of carbonate of lime, in larger or smaller proportion, and in having the quart- zose grains mostly rounded.—Subdivisions.—Pyriti- ferous slate, when the rock has a slaty structure, and is in thin lamina; or in blocks or thick layers. Pyriti- ferous grit, when the rock has a siliceous or gritty structure, containing a large proportion of quartzose sand or pebbles. Varieties.—Red sandstone, and red toacke,vrhen the gray rock passes into a dirty orange, and' thence into a red siliceous sandrock. This has been called old red sandstone; but I do not believe that Buch a general stratum is admissible. Conglomerate, (breccia) when the rock consists chiefly of rounded pebbles, of a light-red, grayish red, or rust colour. Names under the Superincumbent Class. 20. Basalt, is a hornblende rock, not primitive, pro- bably of volcanic origin. Subdivisions.—Amygdaloid, when amorphous, of a compact texture, but containing cellules, empty or filled. Greenstone trap, when of a columnar structure, or in angular blocks, often coarse- grained. Variety.—Toadstone, when the amygdaloid has a warty appearance, and resembles slag. Names under the Alluvial Class. 21. Antbdiluvion, or upper tertians, when the detritus is in layers, so situated that it must have been deposited from water, while standing over it at a great depth, in nearly a quiescent state. As we have no chalk in North America, and as no tertiary rocks have hitherto been ascertained, this grand division may all be referred to detritus. Subdivisions.—Plastic clay, when it will not effervesce with acids; being destitute of carbonate of lime. Jlfar'y da*, when the clay contains fine grains of carbonate or lime, sufficient to effervesce strongly with acids. Jlfarins, or Bogshot, sand and crag, when it consists of qaartzose sand, nearly pure, or combined with a little loam, It is called marine sand; when it passes into a gravelly forma- tion, often containing pudding-stone, beds of clay, Ate, It is called crag. Variety.—Hard pan, when the crag consists of gravel, strongly cemented by clay. 22. Dili'vion, consists of a umfu«)d mixture of ' 3&1 gravel, sand, clay, loam, plants, ibr-ll animals, Jte. so situated, tbat It muBt have been deposited from water in a slate of forcible and violent action. To make Its character perfectly evident, it must he so situated, that the elevation of the water, sufficient for making tho deposite, could not have been effected by any existing cause. 23. Ultimate Diluvion, a thin deposite of yellow- ish-gray loam, reposing on crag or some other sub- stance in ancient uncultivated forest grounds. It is so situated, that it could not have been produced by the disintegration of any stratum in the vicinity, nor by water when running with much velocity. It appears to have been deposited from waters greatly elevated, and which had been rendered turbid by violent action, but had become almost quiescent. It may be consi- dered as the last settlings of a deluge. 24. Post-diluvion, when the detritus is so arranged that coarse pebbles appear towards the source of the waters which deposited theni, and fine sediment, more remote. Names under the Analluvial Class. 25. Stratified Analluvion, is the detritus formed by the disintegration of rock strata, which remains in the situation formerly occupied by tho rocks, retain- ing tbe same order of superposition. Subdivisions.— These take the names, and retain the essential charac- ters, of the original rocks; as saliferous, ferriferous, lias, &rc 26. Superficial Analluvion, is the detritus formed by the disintegration of the exposed surfaces of all rocks, and remains on or near the place of disintegra- tion. Subdivisions.—Clay-loam, when the detritus is fine and adhesive. Granulated, when In coarse grains, or friable. The character of the soil depends on the character of the rock disintegrated. Remarks. 1. The upper part of every general rock-stratum, is either more fissile or more loose and siliceous, than the under part. This affords a natural character for making the two-fold divisions adopted in this nomen- clature. 2. The upper surface of every general rock-stratum in our district, is destitute of a superimposed rocky covering, for a great distance. This affords a very natural guide for the limit of general strata. 3. By general strata is meant, those deposites of rocks and detritus, which constitute the exterior visibls rind of the earth, of nearly equal importance. Tbey may be distinguished from each other by essential characters. The most conclusive is relative position —the next in importance is the contents—tbe last is the constituents. For example, we know the third gray- wacke as the uppermost rock in the regular series of superposition—we know the ferriferous rock from its embracing the argillaceous peroxyde of iron—we know the granite from its consisting of quartz, feld- spar, and mica. 4. The words upper and lower are applied, without reference to degree of devotion. A stratum is said to be geologically tbe lowest, or oldest, when it is nearest to the centre of the range of granite towards wbich it inclines. 5. General strata may he very naturally subdivided, are subject to variations incharacter, and containbeds. Numerous minerals not essential to their respective characters, are found in them in the state of veins and of dissemination. They appear to have become hard, while the strata containing them were in a soft statu; for their forms are always impressed in them. 6. All strata have their peculiar associates and con- tents. Therefore a knowledge of strata enables us to foretell the probable discovery of useful minerals. Geology, then, embraces the "Science of Mining." 7. The bassetting, or out-cropping sides of transition and secondary rocks, at and near the edges approach- ing primitive rocks, present more of a primitive aspect. and contain fewer petrifactions, than other parts of the same rocks. A.] Gera'nis. (From ytpavos, a crane: so called from its supposed resemblance to an extended crane.) A bandage for a fractured clavicle. GERA'NIUM. (From ytpavos, a crane: so calk-d because its pistil is long like the bill of a crane.) Class, Monadelphia; Order, Decandria. The name of a genus of plants in tile Linuaan system. Gera- nium or ciuiut's-bill. GES GIL Geranium batrachioidbs. Bee Geranium pra- 'tense. Geranium columbinum. See Geranium rotundi- folium. Geranium moschatum. The adstringent property of this plant has induced practitioners to exhibit it in cases of debility and profluvia. Geranium pratense. The systematic name of the crow foot crane's-bill. Geranium batrachioides. A plant which possesses adstringent virtues, but in a slight degree. Geranium robertianum. Stinking crane's-bill. Herb Robert. This common plant has been much es- teemed as an external application in erysipelatous inflammations, cancer, mastodynia, and old ulcers, but is now deservedly fallen into disuse. Geranium rotundifolium. The systematic name of the dove's-foot. Geranium columbinum. This plant is slightly astringent. Geranium sanguinarium. See Geranium sangui- neum. Geranium sanouineum. The systematic name of the Geranium sanguinarium. Bloody crane's-bill. The adstringent virtues ascribed to this plant do not appear to be considerable. ["Geranium maculatum. Crane's-bill. The ' Geranium maculatum is a native (American) plant, connnon about woods and fences, and conspicuous for its large purple flowers in May and June. "The root is horizontal, nearly as large as the little finger, tortuous, and full of knobs. To the taste it is a pure and powerful astringent. It abounds with tan- nin, which is imparted in great quantities both to the tincture and watery solution, and appears to be the basis of its medicinal efficacy. - " It is applicable to all the purposes of vegetable astringents, being surpassed by very few articles of that class. In various debilitating discharges, particu- larly from the bowels, it has afforded relief, when the disease has been of a nature to require astringent me- dicines. In apthous eruptions, and ulcerations of the mouth and throat, a strong decoction has been found 'beneficial as a gargle. A dose of the powder is twenty tor thirty grains, and of a saturated tincture from one to two fluid drachms. The extract of this root is a very powerful astringent, and may be substituted for kino and catechu."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] GERM. See Corculum. GERMANDER. See Teucrium chamadrys. Germander water. See Teucrium Scordium. GERMEN. This is the rudiment of the young fruit and seed, and is found at the bottom of the pistil. See Pistillum. It appears under a variety of shapes and sizes. From its figure it is called, 1. Globose; as in Rosa eglantaria, and cinna- momea. 2. Oblong; as in Stellar ia biflora. 3. Ovate; as in Rosa canina, and alba. From its situation, it is distinguished into, 1. Superior, when internal between the corolla; as In Prunus. 2. Inferior, below and without the corolla; as in Galanthus nivalis. 3. Pedicellate, upon a footstalk; as in the Eu- phorbia. It is of gieat moment, for botanical distinctions, to observe whether it be superior, above the bases of the calyx, or below. GERMINATION. Germinatio. The vital dcve- lopement of a seed, when it first begins to grow. GEROCO'MIA. (From ytpiav, an aged person, and xoutia, to be concerned about.) That part of medicine wnich regards the regimen and treatment of old age. Gerontopo'oon. (From ytpiav, an old man, and rtiayiav, a beard; so called because its downy seed, while enclosed in the calyx, resembles the beard of an aged man.) The herb old man's beard, a species of tragopogon. Gbronto'xon. t,From ytpiav, an old person, and ro\ov, a dart.) 1 A small ulcer, like the head of a dart, appearing sometimes in the cornea of old persons. 2. The socket of a tooth. GERoro'oo.v. See Geronlopogon. GE9NER, Conrad, was bom at Zurich, In 1516. His father was killed in the civil war, and left hiin in such poverty, that he was obliged to become a tenant, at fttrasburg. His master allowed him to devote some time to study, in which he made great progress; and having acquired a little money, he went to Paris, where he improved rapidly in the classics and rheto- ric, and then turned his attention to philosophy and medicine. But he was soon compelled to return to his native country, and teach the languages, &c. for a livelihood. This enabled him afterward to resume his medical studies at Moutpelier, and he graduated at Basil in 1540. He then settled in his native city, where he was appointed professor of philosophy, which office he discharged with great reputation for twenty-four years. He had an early predilection for botany, which led him to cultivate other parts of na tural history; he was the first collector of a museum, and acquired the character of being tlie greatest na- turalist since Aristotle. He also founded and sup- ported a botanic garden, had numerous drawings and wood engravings made of plants, and appears to have meditated a general work on that subject. He like- wise discovered the only true principles of botanical arrangement in the flower and fruit. Though of a feeble and sickly constitution, he traversed the Alps, and even sometimes plunged into the waters in search of plants: he also carefully studied their medical pro- perties, and frequently hazarded his life by experi- ments on himself; indeed he was at one time reported to have been killed by the root of doronicum. His other occupations prevented his entering very exten- sively into practice, but his enlarged views rendered him successful; and the profits of his profession ena- bled him to support tbe great expense of his favourite pursuits. He gave also many proofs of liberal and active friendship. He died of the plague, in 1565. His chief works are his " Historian Animalium," in three folio volumes, with wood cuts; and a pharma- copoeia, entitled " De Secretis Remediis Thesaurus," which passed through many editions. Gestation, uterine. See Pregnancy. GE'UM. 1. The name of a genus of plants In the Linnaean system. Class, Icosanana; Order, Poly- gynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the two following species of this genus. Geum rivale. The root is the part directed for medicinal uses. It is inodorous, and imparts an aus- tere taste. In America it is in high estimation in tbe cure of intermittents, and is said to be more efficacious than the Peruvian bark. Diarrhoeas and haemor- rhages are also stopped by its exhibition. Geum urbanum. The systematic name of the herb bennet, or avens. Caryophyllata; Herba benedicta; Caryophyllus vulgaris; Garyophylla; Janamunda; Geum—floribus erectis, frudibus globosis villosis, aristis uncinatis nudis, foliis lyratis, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant bas been employed as a gentle styptic, corroborant, and stomachic. It has a mildly austere, somewhat aromatic taste, and a very pleasant smell, of the clove kind. It is also esteemed on the Continent as a febrifuge. GIBBUS. Gibbous; swelled; applied to leaves when swelled on one side or both, from excessive abundance of pulp; as in Die Aloe retusa. GIDDINESS. See Vertigo. GILBERT, William, was born at Colchester, in 1540. After studying at Cambridge, he went abroad for improvement, and graduated at some foreign univer- sity. He returned with a high character for philoso- phical and chemical knowledge, and was admitted into the college of physicians in London, where he set- tled about the year 1573. He was so successful in his practice, that he was at length made first physician to Queen Elizabeth, wbo allowed him a pension to pro- secute philosophical experiments. He died in 1603, leaving his books, apparatus, and minerals, to the col lege of physicians. His capital work on the magnet was published three years before his death; it is not only the earliest complete system on that subject, but also one of the first specimens of philosophy founded upon experiments; which method the great Lord Bacon afterward so strenuously recommended. Gilead, balsam. See Amyris gileadensis. GILLIFLOWER. See Dianthus caryophyllus. [" Gillenia trifoliata. The Gillenia trifoliaia is a native, perennial plant, more generally known to cultivators of the Aint-tican Materia Medica by the Luiintan name of Spirtta trifoliata. It grows in and GLA OLA about woods, in light soil, throughout most parts ofthe Union, excepting the eastern states. "The root is much branched and knobby. It con- sists of a woody portion, invested with a thick bark, which, when dry, is brittle, and very bitter to the taste. Tbe predominant soluble ingredients appear to be, a bitter extractive matter and resin. When boiled in water, it imparts to it a beautiful red wine-colour, and an intensely bitter taste. The tincture deposites an abundant resinous precipitate on the addition of water. " This article is one of the most prominent indige- nous emetics, resembling ipecacuanha in its operation, but requiring a large dose. It sometimes fails to pro- duce vomiting, especially if the portion used has be- come old. Thirty grains of the hark of the root, re- cently dried and powdered, are a suitable dose for an emetic In doses so small as not to excite nausea, it has been thought useful as a tonic The Gillenia sti- pula.cea, of tbe western states, possesses properties similar to those of this species."—Bigelow's Mat. Med. A.] GIN. Spiritus Juniperi. Geneva. Hollands. The name of a spirit distilled from malt or rye, which after- ward undergoes the same process, a second time, with juniper-berries. This is the original and most whole- some state of the spirit; but it is now prepared without juniper-berries, and is distilled from turpentine, which S'tves it something of a similar flavour. The consump- on of this article, especially in the metropolis, Is im- mense, and the consequences are pernicious to the health of the inhabitants. GINGER. See Zingiber. GI'NGIBER. See Zingiber. Ginoibra'chium. (From gingiva, the gums, and brachium, the armj A name for the scurvy, because the gums, arms, and legs, are affected with it. Ginoi'dium. A species of Daucus. Gi'noibil. See Zingiber. Ginoipb'dium. (From gingiva, the gums, and pes, the foot.) A name for the scurvy, because the gums, arms, and legs are affected. GINGI'VjE. (From gigno, to beget; because the teeth are, as it were, born in them.) The gums. See Gums. GI'NGLYMUS. (TiyyXvuos, a hinge.) The hinge- like Joint. A species or diarthrosis or moveable con- nexion of bones, which admits of flexion and extension, ae the knee-joint, &c. GI'NSENG. An Indian word. See Panax quinquc- folium, Gir. Quick-lime. Gi'rmir. Tartar. GITHAGO. A name used by Pliny, for the Loliun, or darnel-grass. GIZZARD. The stomach of poultry. Those from white flesh, have long been considered in France as medicinal. They have been recommended in obstruc- tions of the urinary passages, complaints of the blad- der, and nephritic pains; but particularly as a febri- fuge. Bouillon Lagrange considers ils principal sub- stance as oxygenated gelatine, with a small quantity of extractive matter. Glabe'lla. (From glaber, smooth; because it is without hair.) The space between the eyebrows. GLABER. Glabrous; Smooth; applied to stems, leaves, seeds, &c. of plants, and opposed to all kinds of hairiness and pubescence; as in the stem of the Eu- phorbia peplus, and the seeds of Galium montanum. GLACIES. Ice. GLADI'OLUS. (Diminutive of gladius, a sword; so named from the sword-like shape of ils leaf.) The name of a genus of plants in the Liuntean system. Class, Triandria; Order, Monogynia. Gladiolus lutbus. See Iris pseudacorus. Gla'ka. TXaua. The sordes of the eye. GLAND. Glans. Glandula. I. In anatomy, an organic part of the body, composed of blood-vessels, nerves, and absorbents, and destined for tbe secretion or alteration of some peculiar fluid. Tne glands of the human body are divided, by anatomists, into dif- ferent clauses, either according to their structure, or the fluid they contain. According to their fabric, they are diatrnrtished into four classes: 1. Simple glands. 2. Compounds of simple glands. 3. Conglobate glands. 4. Conglomerate glands. According to then- fluid contents, they are more pro- perly divided into, 1. Mucous glands. 2. Sebaceous glands. 3. Lymphatic glands. 4. Salival glands. 5. Lachrymal glands. 1. Simple glands are small hollow follicles, covered wilh a peculiar membrane, and having a proper ex- cretory duct, through wbich they evacuate the liquor contained in their cavity. Such are the mucous glands of the nose, tongue, fauces, trachea, stomach, intestine, and urinary bladder, the sebaceous glands about the anus, and those of the ear. These simple glands are either dispersed here and there, or are con- tiguous to one another, forming a heap in such a man- ner that they are not covered by a common mem- brane, but each hath its own excretory duct, which is never joined to the excretory duct of another gland. The former are termed solitary simple glands, the lat- ter aggregate or congregate simple glands. 2. The compound glands consist of many simple glands, the excretory ducts of wbich are joined In one common excretory duct; as the sebaceous glands of tbe face, lips, palate, and various parts of the skin, especially about the pubes. 3. Conglobate, or, as they ore also called, lympAatt'c glands, are those into which lymphatic vessels enter, and from which they go out again: as the mesenteric, lumbar, Sec. They have no excretory duct, but are composed of a texture of lymphatic vessels connected together by cellular membrane: they are the largest in the fcetus. 4. Conglomerate glands are composed of a congeries of many simple glands, the excretory ducts of which open into one common trunk: as the parotid gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, and all the salival glands. Conglomerate glands differ but little from the com- pound glands, yet they are composed of more simple glands than the compound. The excretory duct of a gland is the duct through which the fluid of the gland is excreted. Tbe vessels and nerves of glands always come from the neighbour- ing parts, and the arteries appear to possess a high de- gree of irritability. The use of the glands is to sepa- rate a peculiar liquor, or to change it. The use ofthe conglobate glands is unknown. IL In botany, Linnaeus defines it, a little tumour discharging a fluid; From their situation they are said fo be, 1. Foliares, when on the surface ot the leaf; as in the Gossypium rdigiosum, which has one gland on tbe leaf; and Gossypium barbadense, the leaves of which have three. 2. Petiolares, when in the footstalk; as) tn Prunus cerasus. 3. Corollares. The claw of the corolla of the Ber- beris vulgaris has two glands. 4. Filumentares, in the filaments; as in Dictamnus albus. From their adhesion, 1. Glandula sessilis, without any peduncle; as in Prunus cerasus. 2. Glandula pedicillata, furnished with a peduncle; as in Drosera. Glands are abundant on the stalk and calyx of the moss-rose, and between the serratures of the leaf of the Salix pentandria; on the footstalks of the Vibur- num opulus, and various species of passion-flower. The liquor discharged is resinous and fragrant GLANDORP, Matthias Louis, was born at Co- logne, in 1595. Soon after commencing his medical pursuits, he went to Padua, which had at that time great reputation. He improved so much in anatomy under Spigelius, that he was deemed competent to give public demonstrations: and be took his degree in 1618. He settled in Bremen, whence his family originated ; and he was so successful in practice, that he was raised to the most honourable offices. He was physi- cian to the archbishop, and to the republic, when he died in 1640. He left several works, with plates, con- taining many important observations on anatomy, tec. Tbe principal are his "Speculum Chirurgorum," and a Treatise on Issues, and Setons. He was very paitla. to the use of the actual cautery, even in the most com- mon disorders. GLE GLO GLA'NDULA. (A diminutive of glans, a gland.) A small gland. See Gland. Glandula lacbrymalis. See Lachrymal gland. Glandul* myrtiformes. See Caruncula myr- tiformes. Glandulje pacchionls. A number of small, oval, fatty substances, not yet ascertained to be glandular, situated under the dura maten, about the sides of the longitudinal sinus. Their use is not known. Glandulosoca'rneus. An epithet given byRuysch to some excrescences, which he observed in the bladder. GLANDULOSUS. Glandular. 1. In anatomy, having the appearance, structure, or function of a gland. 2. In botany, applied to leaves wbich have little glandiform elevations; as the bay-leaved willow, and Hypericum montanvm. GLANS. A gland, or nut. See Gland. Glans penis. The very vascular body that forms the apex of the penis. The posterior circle is termed the corona glandis. See Corpus spongiosum urethra. Glaus ukguentaria. See Guilandina moringa. GLASS. This substance was formerly employed by surgeons, when roughly powdered, to destroy opa- cities of the cornea. Glass of antimony. See Antimony. Glass-wort, snail-seeded. See Salsola kali. Gla'stuh. (Quasi callastum; from Callia, who first used it) The herb woad. See Isatis tinctoria. Glauber's salt. A sulphate of soda. It is found native in Bohemia, and is the produce of art. See Soda sulphas. GLAUBERITE. A native crystallized salt, com- posed of dry sulphate of lime, and dry sulphate of soda, (bund in rock salt at Villarubra in Spain. GLAUCEDO. (From yXavKos, bluish, or greenish tint.) See Glaucoma. GL AU'CIUM. (So named from its glaucous or sea- green colour. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Mono- gynia.) The horned poppy. GLAUCO'MA. (From yXavxos, blue; because of the eye becoming of a blue, or sea-green colour.) Glaucedo ; Glaucosis ; Apoglaucosis. 1. An opacity of the vitreous humour. It is difficult to ascertain, and is only to be known by a very attentive examination of the eye. 2. A species of cataract. See Cataract. GLAUCO'SIS. See Glaucoma. GLAUCUS. (rAaiMcoj, sea-green.) Stems are called glaucous which are clothed with a fine sea-green mealiness, which easily rubs off; as in Chlora per- foliata. GLECO'MA. (From yXrjxioy, the name of a plant in Dioscorides.) Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymno- epermia. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Ground-ivy. Glecoma hederacea. The systematic name of the ground-ivy, or gill. Hedera terrestris. Glecoma— foliistreniformibus crenatis, of Linnaeus. This indi- genous plant has a peculiar strong smell, and a bitterish somewhat aromatic taste. It is one of those plants which was formerly much esteemed for possessing vir- tues that, iu the present age, cannot be detected. In obstinate coughs, it is a favourite remedy with the poor. Gle'chon. (VXtrxtav.) Pennyroyal. Glkchoni'tes. (From yXirx?av,pennyroyal.) Wine impregnated with pennyroyal. GLEET. In consequence of the repeated attacks of gonorrhoea, and the debility of the part occasioned thereby, it not unfrequently happens, that a gleet, or constant small discharge takes place, or remains be. hind, after all danger of infection is removed. Mr. Hunter remarks, that it differs from gonorrhoea in be- ing uninfectious, and in the discharge consisting of globular particles, contained in a slimy mucus, instead of serum. It is unattended with pain, scalding in making of water, &c CLE'NE. rXnvi- Strictly signifies tbe cavity or socket of the eye; but by some anatomists is also used for tbat cavity of a bone wbich receives another with- in it. GLENOID. (Glenoidea; from yXirw?, a tavity, and ti&os, resemblance.) The name of articulate ca- vities of bones. Gleu'cinum. (From yXcvkos, must.) An oint- ment, in the preparation or which was must Gleu'xis. (From yXtvxvs, sweet.) A sweet wine. GLIADINE. See Gluten. Gliscere. To increase gradually, properly as fire does; but, by physical writers, is sometimes applied to the natural heat and increase of spirits; and by others to the exacerbation of fevers which return pe- riodically. GLISCHRO'CHOLOS. (From yXiaxpos, viscid, and voX>7, the bile.) Viscid bilious excrement. GLISCRA'SMA. (From yXtcxpaivia, to become glutinous.) Viscidity. Glisoma'roo. White chalk. GLISSON, Francis, was bom in Dorsetshire, 1597. He studied at both the English universities; but look his degree of doctor in Cambridge, where he was made Regius professor of Physic, which office he held about forty years. He settled, however, to prac- tise in London, and became a Fellow of the College in 1635; four years after which he was chosen reader of Anatomy, and distinguished himself much by his lec- tures " De Morbis Partium," which he was requested to publish. During the civil wars he retired to Col- chester, where he practised with great credit; and was there during the siege of that town by the Parliament- ary forces. He was one ofthe members of the society, which, about the year 1645, held weekly meetings in London to promote Natural Philosophy: and which having removed to Oxford during the troubles, was augmented after the Restoration, and became ulti- mately the present Royal Society. He was afterward several years president of the College of Physicians, and died at the advanced age of eighty. He left the following valuable works: 1. A Treatise on the Rick- ets. 2. The Anatomy of the Liver, which he described much more accurately than any one before, and par- ticularly the capsule ofthe Vena Portarum, which has since been named after him. 3. A large metaphysical treatise " De Natura Substantial Energetica," after the manner of Aristotle. 4. A Treatise on the Stomach, Intestines, &c, a well-arranged and comprehensive work, with various new observations, which came out the year before his death. Glisson's Capsule. See Capsule of Glisson. GLOBATE. See Gland. GLOBOSUS. Globose. A root is so called wbich is rounded, and gives off radicles in every direction; as that ofthe Cyclamen europeum. The receptacle of the Cephalanthus and Nauclea, are so called from their form. GLOBULA'RIA. (From globus, a globe: so called from the shape of its flower.) The French daisy. Globula'ria alypum. The leaves of this plant are used in some parts of Spain in the cure of the venereal disease. Il is said to act also as a powerful but safe cathartic. GLOBUS. A ball. Globus hystericus. The air rising in tbe oeso- phagus, and prevented by spasm from reaching the mouth, is so called by authors, because it mostly at- tends hysteria, and gives the sensation of a ball as- cending in the throat. GLOCHIS. (rXta%ts, cuspis teli.) A pointed hair. A sharp point: used in botany to a bristle-like pubes- cence, which is turned backwards at its point into many straight teeth. GLO'MER. A clue of thread. A term mostly ap- plied to glands. GLOMERATE. A gland is so called which is formed of a elomer of sanguineous vessels, having no cavity, but furnished with an excretory duct; as the lachrymal and mammary glands GLOMERULUS. In botany, a smal tuft, or eapi- tulum, mostly in the axilla ofthe peduncle. GLOSSA'GRA. (From yXtocoa, the tongue, and aypa, a seizure.) A violent pain in the tongue. GLO'SSO. (From yXuxrca, the tongue.) Names compounded with this word belong to muscles, nerves, or vessels, from their being attached, or going to the tongue. Glossopharyngeal nerves. The ninth pair of nerves. They arise from the processes of the cere- bellum, which run to the medulla spinalis, and termi- nate by numerous branches in the muscles of the tongue and pharynx. 397 GLU GLU Glosso-pharyhoeus. See Constrictor pharyngeus superior. Globso-staphylinus. See Constrictor isthmi fau- cium. Glossoca'tochos. (From yXoaaa, tongue, and xa- rt%ia, to hold.) An instrument in P. vEgineta for de- "pressing the tongue. A spatula lingua). Tbe ancient glossocatochus was a sort of forceps, one of the blades of which served to depress the tongue, while the other was applied under the chin. GLOSSOCE'LE. (From yXiaooa, the tongue, and KnXri, a tumour.) An extrusion of the tongue. Glossocoma. A retraction of the tongue. Glossocomi'on. (From yXiaaoa, a tongue, and xo- ptia, to guard.) By this was formerly meant a case tor the tongue, for a hautboy; but the old surgeons, by metaphor, use it to signify an instrument, or case, for containing a fractured limb. GLO'TTA. (rXo»r7a, the tongue.) The tongue. GLOTTIS. (From yW7a, the tongue.) The su- perior opemng of the larynx at the bottom of the tongue. GLUCINA. (From yXuxuc, which signifies sweet, because it gives that taste to the salts in forms.) The name of an earth, for the discovery of which we are indebted to Vauquelin, who found it, in 1795, in the Aigue-marine or beryl, a transparent stone, of a green colour, and in the emerald of Peru. It exists com- bined with silex, alumine, lime, and oxide of iron, iu tlie one; and with the same earths, and oxide of chrome, in the other. It has lately been discovered in the gadolinite by Mr. Ekeberg. Glucina is white, light, and soft to the touch. It is insipid, and adheres to the tongue; and is inlusible by itself in the fire. Its specific gravity is 2.967. It is so- luble in alkalies and their carbonates, and in all the acids except the carbonic and phosphoric, and forms with them saccharine and slightly astringent salts. It is exceedingly soluble in sulphuric acid used to excess. It is fusible with borax, and forms with it a transpa- rent glass. It absorbs one-fourth of its weight of car- bonic acid. It decomposes sulphate of alumine. It is not precipitated by the hydro-sulphurets nor by prus- Biate of potassa, but by all the succinates. Its affinity for the acids is intermediate between magnesia and alumine. To obtain this earth, reduce some beryl to an impal- pable powder, fuse it with three times its weight of potassa, and dissolve the mass in muriatic acid. Se- parate the silex by evaporation and filtration, and de- compose the remaining fluid by adding carbonate of potassa; redissolve the deposite when washed in sul- phuric acid, and by mingling this solution with sul- phate of potassa, alum will be obtained, wbich crys- tallizes. Then mix the fluid with a solution of carbonate of ammonia, which must be used in excess ; filter and boil it, and a white powder will gradually fall down, which is glucine. GLUE. An inspissated jelly made from the parings of hides and other offals, by boiling them in water, straining through a wicker basket, suffering the impu- rities to subside, and then boiling it a second time. The articles should first be digested in lime water, to cleanse them from grease and dirt; then steeped in water, stirring them well from time to time; and, last- ly, laid in a heap, to have the water pressed out, be- fore they are put into the boiler. Some recommend, that the water should be kept as nearly as possible to a boiling heat, without suffering it to enter into ebulli- tion. In this state it is poured into flat frames or moulds, then cut into square pieces when congealed, and afterward dried in a coarse net. It is said to im- prove by age; and that glue is reckoned the best, which swells considerably without dissolving by three or four days' infusion in cold water, and recovers its former dimensions and properties by drying. Shreds or parings of vellum, parchment, or white leather, make a clear and almost colourless glue. GLUMA. (Gluma, a glubendo, a husk of corn.) The husk. The peculiar calyx of grasses and grass- like plants, of a chaffy texture, formed of little con- cave leaflets which are called valves. To the husk belongs the arista, the beard or aicn See Arista. Tlie gluma is, 1. Univalve, in Loilum perenns. il. Bivalve, in most grasses. 3!'3 3. Trivalvsi in Panicum miliaceum. 4. Many-valved, in Uniola paniculata: 5. Coloured, otherwise than green; aa in Hsltus bicolor. From the number of flowers the husk contains, it ii called, 1. Gluma unifibra, one-flowered; as in Panicum. 2. G. biftora, with two ; as in Airo. 3. G. multiflora, having many; as in Poa aud Avena. From the external appearance, the gluma is termed, 1. Glabrous, smooth; as in Holcus laxus. 2. Hispid, briskly; as in Secale orientals, 3. Striate; as in Holcus striatus. 4. Villose; as in Holcus sorghum, Holcus saccha- ratus, mid Bromus purgans. 5. Ciliate, fringed; as in Bromus ciliatus. 6. Beardless; as in Briza and Poa. 7. Awned; as in Hordeum. GLUMOSUS. A flower is so called, which is ag gregate, and has a glumous or husky calyx. GLUTEAL. Belonging to the buttocks. Gluteal artery. A branch of the internal iliac artery. GLUTEN. (Quasigeluten; from gelo, to congeal.) See Glue. Gluten, animal. This substance constitutes the basis of the fibres of all the solid parts. Il resembles iu its properties the gluten of vegetables. Gluten, vegetable. If wheat-flower be made into a paste, and washed in a large quantity of water, it is separated into three distinct substances: a muci- laginous saccharine matter, which is readily dissolved in the liquor, and may be separated from it by evapo- ration ; starch, which is suspended in the fluid, and subsides to the bottom by repose; and gluten, which remains in the hand, and is tenacious, very ductile, somewhat elastic, and of a brown-gray colour. The first of these substances does not essentially differ from other saccharine mucilages. The second, namely, the starch, forms a gluey fluid by boiling in water, though it is scarcely, if at all, acted upon by that fluid when cold. Its habitudes and products with the fire, or wilh nitric acid, are nearly the same as those of gum and of sugar. It apiiears to be as much more remote from the saline state than gum, as gum is more remote from that state than sugar. The vegetable gluten, though it existed before tbe washing in the pulverulent form, and has acquired its tenacity and adhesive qualities from the water it bas imbibed, is nevertheless totally insoluble-in this fluid. It has scarcely any taste. When dry, it ia semitrans parent, and resembles glue m its colour and appear ance. If it be drawn out thin, when first obtained, il may be dried by exposure to the air: but if it be ex posed to warmth and moisture while wet, it putrefies like an animal substance. The dried glaten applied to the flame of a candle, crackles, swells, and burns, ex- actly like a feather, or piece of horn. It affords the same products by destructive distillation as animal matters do; is not soluble in alkohol, oils, or ether; and is acted upon by acids and alkalies, when heated. According to Rouelle, it is the same with the caseous substance of milk. Gluten of Wheat.—Ta&Aey, an Italian chemist, has lately ascertained that the gluten of wheat may be de- composed into two principles, which he has distin- guished by the names, gliadine (from yXia, gluten,) and zimome (from Cvur/, ferment.) They are obtained in a separate state by kneading the fresh gluten in suc- cessive portions of alkohol, as long as that liquid con- tinues to become milky, when diluted with water The alkohol solutions being set aside, gradually depo site a whitish matter, consisting of small filaments of gluten, and become perfectly transparent. Being now left to slow evaporation, the gliadine remains huhind, of the consistence of honey, and mixed with a little yellow resinous matter, from which it may be freed by digestion in sulphuric ether, in which gliadine is not sensibly soluble. The portion of the gluten not dissolved by tbe alkohol is the zimome. Properties of Gliadine.—When dry, it has a straw- yellow colour, slightly traBsparoiit, and in thin platen, brittle,having a slight smell, similar lo that of honey- comb, and, when sllglslly heated, giving out an odour similar to that of boiled applet. In the mouth, h be- comes adhesive, and has a sweetish and baUaimu GLU GNA taste. It is pretty soluble in boiling alkohol, which loses its transparency in proportion as it cools, and then retains only a small quantity in solution. It forms a kind of varnish in those bodies to which it is applied. It softens, but does not dissolve in cold distilled water. At a boiling heat it is converted into froth, and the li- quid remains slightly milky. It is specifically heavier than water. The alkohoiic solution of gliadine becomes milky when mixed with water, and is precipitated in white flocks by the alkaline carbonates. It is scarcely af- fected by the mineral and vegetable acids. Dry gli- adine dissolves in caustic alkalies and in acids. It swells upon red-hot coals, and then contracts in the manner of animal substances. It burns with a pretty lively flame, and leaves behind it a light spongy char- coal, difficult to incinerate. Gliadine, in 6ome re- spects, approaches the properties of resins; but differs from them in being insoluble in sulphuric ether. It is very sensibly affected by the infusion of nut-galls. It is capable of itself of undergoing a slow fermentation, and produces fermentation in saccharine substances. From the flour of barley, rye, or oats, no gluten can be extracted as from that of wheat, probably because they contain too small a quantity. The residue of wheat which is not dissolved in al- kohol, is called zimome. If this be boiled repeatedly in alkohol, it is obtained pure. Zimome thus purified has tiie form of small globules, or constitutes a shapeless mass, which is hard, tough, destitute of cohesion, and of an ash-white colour. When washed in water, it recovers part of its visco- sity, and becomes quickly brown, when left in contact with the air. It is specifically heavier than water. Its mode of fermenting is no longer that of gluten; for when it purifies it exhales a fcetid urinous odour. It dissolves completely in vinegar, and in the mineral acids at a boiling temperature. With caustic potassa, i l combines and forms a kind of soap. When put into lime water, or into the solutions of the alkaline carbo- uates, it becomes harder, and assumes a new appear- ance without dissolving. When thrown upon red-hot coals, it exhales an odour similar to tbat of burning bair or hoofs, and burns with flame. Zimome is to be found in several parts of vegetables. It produces various kinds of fermentation, according to the nature of tiie substance with which it comes in contact. GLUTE'US. (From vXodtoc, the buttocks.) The name of some muscles of the buttocks. Gluteus maximus. Gluteus magnus of Albinus. Glutaus major of Cowper; and Ilio sacro femoral of Dumas. A broad radiated muscle, on which we sit, is divided into a number of strong fasciculi, is covered by a pretty thick aponeurosis derived from the fascia lata, and is situated immediately under the integu- ments. It arises fleshy from the outer lip of somewhat more than the posterior half of tlie spine of the ilium, from the ligaments that cover the two posterior spinous processes; from the posterior sacro-ischiatic ligament; and from the outer sides of the os sacrum and os coc- cygis. From these origins the fibres of the muscle run towards tbe great trochanter of the os femoris, where they form a broad and thick tendon, between which and the trochanter there is a considerable bursa mu- cosa. This tendon is inserted into the upper part of the linea aspera, for the space of two or three inches downwards; and sends off fibres to the fascia lata, and to the upper extremity of the vastus externus. This muscle serves to extend the thigh, by pulling it directly backwards ; at the same time it draws it a little out- wards, and thus assists in its rotatory motion. Its origin from the coccyx seems to prevent that bone from being forced too far backwards. Gluteus medius. Ilio troclianlerien of Dumas. Tbe posterior half of this muscle is covered by the gluteus maximus, which it greatly resembles in shape; but tbe anterior and upper part of it is covered only by the integuments, and by a tendinous membrane which belongs to tbe fascia lata. It arises fleshy from the outer lip of the anterior part of the spine of the ilium, from part of the posterior surface of that bone, and likewise from the fascia that covers it. From these origins its fibres run towards the great trochanter, into the outer and posterior part of which it is inserted by a broad tendon Uelweeu this tendon and the trochan- ter there is a small thin bursa mucosa. The uses of this muscle are nearly the same as those of the glu - tcus maximus; but it is not confined, like that muscle, to rolling the os femoris outwards, its anterior portion being capable of turning that bone a little inwards. As it has no origin from the coccyx, it can have no effect on that bone.. Gluteus minimus. Glutaus minor of Albinus and Cowper; and Ilio isckii trochanterien of Dumas. A radiated muscle, is situated under the gluteus me- dius. In adults, and especially in old subjects, its outer surface is usually tendinous. It arises fleshy between the two semicircular ridges we observe on tbe outer surface of the ilium, and likewise from the edge of its great niche. Its fibres- run, in different direc- tions, towards a thick flat tendon, which adheres lo a capsular ligament of the joint, and is inserted into the fore and upper part of the great trochanter. A small bursa mucosa may be observed between the tendon of this muscle and the trochanter. This muscle assists the two former in drawing the thigh backwards and outwards, and in rolling it. It may likewise serve to prevent the capsular ligament from being pinched in the motions of the joint. GLUTIA. (From yXouroc, the buttocks.) The buttocks. See Nates Gluttu'patens. (From glultus, the throat, and pateo, to extend.) The stomach, which is an exten- sion of the throat. GLUTUS. (rXouroc; from yXotoj, filthy.) The buttock. See Nates. Glyca'sma. (From yXvxvs, sweet.) A sweet me- dicated wine. Glycypi'cros. (From yXvxvs, sweet, and 7r(Acpoc, bitter: so called from its bitterish-sweet taste.) See Solanum dulcamara. GLYCYRRHIZA. (From yXwcuc, sweet, and pi^a, a root.) 1. The name of a genus of planis in the Linntean system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, De- candria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of liquorice. See Glycyrrhiza glabra. Glycyrrhiza echinata. This species of liquorice is substituted in some places for the root of the glabra. Glycyrrhiza glabra. The systematic name of the officinal liquorice. Glycyrrhiza; leguminibus glabris, slipulis nullis, foliolo imparl petiolata. A native of the south of Europe, but cultivated in Bri- tain. The root contains a great quantity of saccha- rine matter, joined with some proportion of mucilage, and hence it has a viscid sweet taste. It is in common use as a pectoral or emollient, in catarrhal defluxiona on the breast, coughs, hoarsenesses, Sec. Infusions, or the extract made from it, which is called Spanish liquorice, afford likewise very commodious vehicles for the exhibition of other medicines; the liquorice taste concealing that of unpalatable drugs more effec- tually than syrups or any of the sweets of the saccha- rine kind. Glycysa'ncon. (From yXvxvs, sweet, and ayxiav, the elbow: so called from its sweetish taste, and its in- flections, or elbows at the joints.) A species of south- ern wood. GNAPHA'LIUM. (From ymtbaXov, cotton: so named from its soft downy surface.) i. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Syngcnesia; Order, Polygamia superfiua. 2. The pharmacopceial name of ihe herb cotton weed. See Gnaphalium dioicum. Gnaphalium arenarium. The flowers of this plant, as well as those ofthe gnaphalium stcechas, are called, in the pharmacopoeias, fiores elichrysi. See Gnaphalium stachas. Gnaphalium dioicum. Tbe systematic name of the pes cati. Gnaphalium albinum. Cotton weed. The flores gnaphalii of the pharmacopoeias, called also flores hispidula, seu pedis cati, are the produce of this plant. They are now quite obsolete, but were for inerly used as astringents, and recommended in the cure of hooping-cough, phthisis pulmonalis, and he- moptysis. Gnaphalium stcechas. The systematic name of Goldilocks. Eliehrysum; Stachas cilrina. The flow- ers of this small downy plant are warm, pungent, and bitter, and said to possess aperient and corroborant virtues. Gna'tiius. (From yvanjia, to bend; so called from their curvature.) 1. The jaw, or jaw-hones. 399 GOM GON 2. Tbe check. GNEISS. A compound rock, consisting of felspar, quartz, and mica, disposed in slates, from the prepon- derance ofthe mica scales. Gni'dius. A term applied by Hippocrates, and others since, to some medicinal precepts wrote in the island of Gnidos. Goat's-rue. See Galega. Goat's-thorn. See Astragalus verus GOAT-WEED. See (Egopodium. GOUT-WEED. See OXgopodium podagraria. GODDARD, Jonathan, was born at Greenwich, in 1617. After studying at Oxford, and travelling for im- provement, he graduated at Cambridge, and settled to practise in London. He was elected a Fellow of the College of Physicians in 1646, andj the following year, appointed Lecturer on Anatomy. He formed a So- ciety for Experimental Inquiry, which met at his bouse; and he was very assiduous in promoting its objects. Having gained considerable reputation, and sided with the popular party, he was appointed by Cromwell chief physician to the army, and attended him in some of his expeditions. Cromwell then made him warden of Merton College, Oxford, afterward sole representative of that university in the short parlia- ment, in 1653, and in the same year one of the Coun- cil of State. On the Restoration, being driven from Oxford, he removed to Gresham College, where he had been chosen Professor of Physic. Here he continued to frequent those meetings, which gave birth to the Royal Society, and he was nominated one of the first council of that institution. He was an able and con- scientious practitioner; and was induced, partly from the love of experimental chemistry, but principally from doubting the competency of apothecaries, to pre- pare his own medicines: in which, however, finding numerous obstacles, he published " A Discourse, set- ting forth the unhappy Condition of the Practice of Physic in London;" but this was of no avail. Two papers of his appeared in the Philosophical Transac- tions, and many others in Birch's History of the Royal Society. He died in 1674, of an apoplectic stroke. GOELICKE, Andrew Offon, a German physi- cian, acquired considerable reputation in the begin- ning of the eighteenth century, as a medical professor, and especially as an advocate ofthe doctrines of Stahl. He left several works which relate principally to the History of Anatomy, &c, particularly the " Historia Medicine Universalis," which was published in six different portions, between the years 1717 and 1720. Goitre. See Bronchocele. GOLD. Aurum. A metal found in nature only in a metallic state; most commonly in grains, ramifica- tions, leaves, or crystals, rhomboidal, octahedral, or pyramidal. Its matrix is generally quartz, sandstone, siliceous schistus, &c. It is found also in the sands of many rivers, particularly in Africa, Hungary, and France, in minute irregular grains, called gold dust. Native gold, found in compact masses, is never com- pletely pure; it is alloyed with silver, or copper, and sometimes with iron and tellurium. The largest piece of native gold that has been hitherto discovered in Europe, was found in the county of Wicklow, in Ire- had. Ite weipht was said to be twenty-two ounces, and the quantity of alloy it contained was very small. Several other pieces, exceeding one ounce, have also been discovered at the same place, in sand, covered with turf, and adjacent to a rivulet OrM is also met with in a particular sort of argenti- ferous copper pyrites, called, in Hungary, Gelf. This ore is found either massive, or crystallized in rhom- boids, or other irregular quadrangular or polygonal masses. It exists likewise in the sulphurated ores of Nteaya m Transylvania. These all contain the metal eaBed tellurinm. Berthollet, and other French che- mists, bave obtained gold out of the ashes of Vega- tabs'!!. GOLD-CUP. See Ranunculus. GOLDEN-ROD. See Solidago virga aurea. Golden maidenhair. See Polylrichum commune. GOLDILOCKS. See Gnaphalium stachas [Goldthread. See Coptis trifolia. A.] GOMPHPASIS. (From youtbos, a nail.) G-omphi- asmus. A disease of the teeth, when they are loosened from the sockets, like nails drawn out of the wood. Gomphia'smus. Sec (lomphiasis. Go'mphioi. :r'rom yopios, a nail: so called be- 400 cause they ai e aa nailsfMvenrinto tasiT wsjuns l The) denies molares, or grUfHrtf teeth. Goxpho'ma. See Gsmphosits GOMPHO'SIS. (From yop$ov, to drive In a usjl.) Gomphoma. A species of immoveable connexion of bones, in which one bone is fixed in another, like a nail in a board, as the teeth in the alveon of the jaws. GONA LGIA. See Gonyalgia. GONA'GRA. (From yew, the knee,, and ay pa, a seizure.) The gout in tbe knee. GO'NE. (yovn.) 1. The seed. 2. In Hippocrates it is the uterus. GONG. Tam-tam. A species of cymbal which produces a very loud sound when struck. It is an alloy of about eighty parts of copper with twenty of tin. GONGRO'NA. (From yoyypos, a hard knot.) 1. The cramp. 2. A knot in the trunk of a tree. 3. A hard round tumour of the nervous parts; but particularly.a bronchocele, or other hard tumour of the neck. Gonoy'lion. (From yoyyvXos, round.) A pill. GONIOMETER. An instrument for measuring tlie angles of crystals. GONOI'DES. (From yovn, seed, and n joe, form.) Resembling seed. Hippocrates often uses it as an epithet for the excrements of the belly, and for the con- tents of the urine, when there is something in them which resembles the seminal matter. GONORRHOEA. (From yovn, the semen, and ptia, to flow; from a supposition of the aacients, that it was a seminal flux.) A genus of disease ia the class Locales, and order Apocenoses, of Dr. Oullen's ar- rangement, who defines it a preternatural dux of fluid from the urethra in males, with or without libidinous desires. Females, however, are subject to the same complaint in some forms. He makes four species, viz. 1. Gonorrhaa pura or benigna; a purifortn dis- charge from the urethra, without dysuria, or lascivious inclination, and not following an impure connexion. 2. Gonorrhaa impura, maligna, syphilitica, viru- lenta; a discharge resembling pus, from the urethra, with heat of urine, Sec, after impure coition, to whicli often succeeds a discharge of mucus from the urethra, with little or no dysury, called a gleet. This disease is also called Fluor albus malignus Bleniiorrhagia, by Swediaur. In English, a clap, from the old French word clapises, which were public shops, kept and in- habited by single prostitutes, and generally confined to a particular quarter ofthe town, as is even now the case in several of the great towns in Italy. In Ger- many, the disorder is named tripper, from dripping; and in French, chaudpisse, from the heat and scalding in making water. No certain rule can be laid down with regard to tiie time that a clap will take before it makes its appear- ance, after infection has been conveyed. With some persons It will show itself in thecourseofthreeorfour days, while, with others, there will not be the least appearance of it before the expiration of some weeks. It most usually is perceptible, however, in the space of from six to fourteen days, and in a male, begins with an uneasiness about the parts of generation, such as an itching in the glaus penis, and a soreness and tingling sensation along the whole eourse of the ure- thra; soon after which, the person perceives un ap- pearance of whitish matter at its orifice, and also some degree of pungency upon making water. In the course of a few days, the discbarge of matter will increase considerably; will assume, most proba bly, a greenish or yellowish hue, and will become thin- ner, and lose its adhesiveness; the parts will also be occupied with some degree of redness and inflamma- tion, in consequence of which the glaus will put on the appearance of a ripe cherry, the stream of urine wit be smaller than usual, owing to the canal being made narrower by the inflamed state of ils internal mem- brane, and a considerable degree of pain, and scald- ing heat will be experienced on every attempt to make water. Where the inflammation prevails in a very high de- gree, it prevents the extension of the urethra, on tile taking place of any erection, so that the penis ia, at that tune, curved downwards, with great pain, which is much increased, if attempted to b» raised towards tbe belly, and the etimulu* occasions it often to be GON GOS it ^»W TJ erected, particularly when the patient is warm in bed, and bo deprives him of sleep, producing, in some cases, an involuntary emission of semen. In consequence of the inflammation, it sometimes happens that, at the lime of making water, owing to tlie rupture of some small blood-vessel, a slight hemor- rhage ensues, and a small quantity of blood is voided. In consequence of inflammation, the prepuce likewise becomes often so swelled at the end, tbat it cannot be drawn back, which symptom is called a phimosis; or, that being drawn behind tho glans, it cannot be re- turned, wluch is known by the name of paraphimosis. Now and then, from the same cause, little hard swell- ings arise on the lower surface of the penis, along the course of the urethra, and these perhaps suppurate and form into fistulous sores. The adjacent parts sympathizing with those already affected, the bladder becomes irritable, and incapable of retaining the urine for any length of time, which gives the patient a frequent inclination to mako water, and he feels an uneasiness about the scrotum, peri- neum, and fundament Moreover, the glands of the groins grow indurated and enlarged, or perhaps the testicles become swelled and inflamed, in consequence of which he experiences excruciating pains, extending from the sea' ofthe complaint up into the small of the back; he gets hot and restless, and a small sympto- matic fever arises. Where the parts are not occupied by much inflam- mation, few or none of the last-mentioned symptoms will arise, and only a discharge with a slight heat or scalding in making water will prevail. If a gonorrhoea be neither irritated by any irregu- larity of the patient, nor prolonged by the want of timely and proper assistance, then, in the course of about a fortnight, or three weeks, the discharge, from having been thin and discoloured at first, will become thick, white, and of a ropy consistence; and from having gradually begun to diminish in quantity, will at last cease entirely, together with every inflammatory symptom whatever; whereas, on the contrary, if the patient has led a life of intemperance and sensuality, has partaken freely of the bottle and high-seasoned meals, and has, at the same time, neglected to pursue the necessary means, it may then continue for many weeks or months; and, on going off, may leave a weakness or gleet behind it, besides being accompa- nied with the risk of giving rise, at some distant period, to a constitutional affection, especially if there has been a neglect of proper cleanliness; for where vene- real matter has been suffered to lodge between the prepuce and glans penis for any time, so as to have oc- casioned either excoriation or ulceration, there will always be danger of its having been absorbed. Another risk, arising from the long continuance of a gonorrhoea, especially if it has been attended with inflammatory symptoms, or has been of frequent re- currence, is the taking place of one or more strictures in the urethra. These are sure to occasion a consider- able degree of difficulty, as well as pain, in making water, and, instead of ita being discharged in a free and uninterruD6jj%tream, it splits into two, or perhaps is voided dropTjjBrc-p. Such affections become, from neglect, of a n^H serious a'tfiT.dangerous nature, as they not unfrequently block up" tile urethra, so as to "nduce a total suppression of urine. Where the gonorrhoea has been of long standing, 'warty excrescences are likewise apt to arise about the parts of generation, owing to the matter falling and lodging thereOn; and they not unfrequently prove both numerous and troublesome. Having noticed every symptom which usually at- tends on gonorrhoea, in tiie male sex, it will only be necessary to observe, that the same heat and soreness in making water, and the same discharge of discolour- ed mucus, together with a slight pain in walking, and an uneasiness in sitting, take place in females as in the former; but as the parts in women, which are most apt to be affected by the venereal poison, are less com- plex in their nature, and fewer in number, than in men, so of course the former are not liable to many of the symptoms which the latter are; and, from the urinary canal being much shorter, and of a more sim- ple form, in them than in men, they are seldom, if ever. Incommoded by the taking place of strictures. With women, it indeed often happens, that all the symptoms of a gonorrhoea are so very slight, they ex- Cc pcrience no other inconvenience than the discharge except perhaps immediately after menstruation, at which period, it is no uncommon occurrence for them to perceive some degree of aggravation iu the synip toms. / Women of a relaxed habit, and such as have had frequent miscarriages, are apt to be afflicted with a disease known by the name of fluor albus, which it is often difficult to distinguish from gonorrhoea virulenta, as the matter discharged in both is, in many cases, of the same colour and consistence. The surest way of forming a just conclusion, in instances of this nature, will be to draw it from an accurate investigation, both of the symptoms which are present and those which have preceded the discharge; as likewise from the concurring circumstances, such as the character and mode of life of the person, and the probability there may be of her having had venereal infection con- veyed to her by any connexion in which she may be engaged. Not long ago, It was generally supposed that gonor- rhoea depended always upon ulcers in the urethra, pro- ducing a discharge of purulent matter; and such ulcers do, indeed, occur in consequence of a high degree of inflammation and suppuration; but many dissections of persons, who have died while labouring under a gonorrhoea, have clearly shown that the disease may, and often does, exist without any ulceration in the urethra, so that the discharge which appears is usually of a vitiated mucus, thrown out from the mucous folli cles of the urethra. On opening this canal, in recent cases, it usually appears red and inflamed; its mucous glands are somewhat enlarged, and its cavity is filled with matter to within a small distance from its ex- tremity. Where the disease has been of long con- tinuance, its surface all along, even to the bladder, is generally found pale and relaxed, without any erosion. 3. Gonorrhaa laxorum, libidinosa; a pellucid dis- charge from the urethra, without erection of the penis, but with venereal thoughts while awake. 4. Gonorrhaa dormientium. Oneirogonos. When, during sleep, but dreaming of venereal engagements, there is an erection of the penis, and a seminal dis- charge. Gonorrhoea balani. A species of gonorrhoea af- fecting the glans penis only. GONYAFLGIA. (From yovu, the knee, and aXyoc, pain.) Gonialgia; Gonalgia. Gout in the knee. GOOSE. Anser. The Anser domesticus, or tame goose. GOOSE-FOOT. See Chenopodium. GOOSE-GRASS. See Galium aparine. GO'RDIUS. 1. The name of a genus of the Order Vermes, of animals. 2. The gordius, or hair-tail worm, of old writers. which is the seta equina found in stagnant marshes and ditches in Lapland, and other places. Gordius medinensis. The systematic name of a curious animal. See Medinensis vena. GORGONI A. The name of a genus of corals. Goroonia nobilis. The red coral. GOSSY'PIUM. (From gotne, whence gottipium, Egyptian.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Monaddphia ; Order, Poly- andria. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the cotton-tree. See Gossypium Iterbaceum. Gossypium herbacbum. The systematic name of the cotton-plant. Gossypium ; Bomb ax. Gossy- pium—foliis quinqudobis subtus eglandulosis, cauls herbaceo, of Linneus. The seeds are directed for medicinal use in some foreign pharmacopoeias; and are administered in coughs, on account of the muci- lage they contain. The cotton, the produce of this tree, is well known for domestic purposes. [Besides the Gossypium herbaceum, there are other species, producing cotton-wool, some of which is of a fawn-colour, found in Peru, and used by the natives ofthe country. Which of the following species it is, we have not been able to ascertain. Persoon, in his Synopsis Plantarum, gives the ten following species of Gossypium, viz. 1. Gossypium herbaceum. 2. .. indicum. 3. .. micranthura. 4. .. arboreum. 5. .. vitifoliuni. 401 GRA GRA t of a 6. Gossypium hirsutum. 7. .. religiosum. 8. .. latifolium. 0. .. barbadense. 10. .. peruvianum. A GoularcTs Extract. A saturated solution of acetate •f lead. See Plumbi acetatis liquor. GOULSTON, Theodore, was born in Northamp- tonshire. After studying medicine at Oxford, he prac- tised for a time with considerable reputation at Wy- mondham, of which hia father was rector. Having taken his doctor's degree in 1610, he removed to Lon- don, and became a fellow ofthe College of Physicians. He was much esteemed for classical and theological learning, as well as in. his profession. He died in 1632, and bequeathed £200 to purchase a rent-charge for maintaining an annual Pathological Lecture, to be read at the college by one of the four junior doctors. He translated and wrote learned notes on some of the works of Aristotle and Galen; of which the latter were not published till after his death. GOURD. See Cucurbita. Gourd, bitter. See Cucumis colocynthis. GOUT. See Arthritis, and Podagra. Gout stone. See Chalk stone. GRAAF, Reinier de, was born at Schoonhove, in Holland, 1641. He studied physic at Leyden, where he made great progress, and at the age of twenty-two published his treatise " De Succo Pancrealico," which gained him considerable reputation. Two years after he went to France, and graduated at Angers; he then returned to his native country, and settled at Delft, where he was very successful in practice; but he died at the early age of thirty-two. He published three dissertations relative to the organs of generation in both sexes; upon which he had a controversy with Swammerdam. GRA'CILIS. (So named from its smallness.) Rec- tus interior femoris, sive gracilis interior of Winslow. Sous pubio creti tibial of Dumas. A long, straight, and tender muscle, situated immediately under the integuments, at the inner part of the thigh. It arises by a broad and thin tendon, from the anterior part of the ischium and pubis, and soon becoming fleshy, descends nearly in a straight direction along the in- side of the thigh. A little above the knee, it termi- nates in a slender and roundish tendon, which after- ward becomes flatter, and is inserted into the middle of the tibia, behind and under the sartorius. Under the tendons of this and the rectus, there is a consider- able bursa mucosa, which on one side adheres to them and to the tendon of the semitendinosus, and on the other to the capsular ligament of the knee. This mus- ic assists in bending the thigh and leg inwards. GRiECUS. The trivial name of some herbs found in or brought from Greece. GRAFTING. Budding and inoculating is the pro- cess of uniting the branches or buds of two or more separate trees. The bud or branch of one tree, accom- panied by a portion of its bark, is inserted into the bark of another, and the tree which is thus engrafted upon is called the stock. By this mode different kinds of fruits, pears, apples, plums, Sec, each of which is only a variety accidentally raised from seed, but no further perpetuated in the same manner, are multi- plied; buds of tbe kind wanted to be propagated, being engrafted on so many stalks of a wild nature. GRA'MEN. (Gramen,inis. n.) Grass. Any kind of grass-like herb. Gram en arundinaceum. See Calamagrostis. Gramen caminum. See Triticum repens. Gramen crucis cyferioidis. Gramen agyptia- cum. Egyptian cock's-foot grass, or grass of the cross. The roots and plants possess the same virtues as the dog's grass, and are serviceable in tbe earlier stages of dropsy. They are supposed to correct the bad smell of the breath, and to relieve nephritic disorders, colics, tec, although now neglected. Gramia. The sordes of the eyes. GRAMMATITE. See TremdiU. Gramme. (From yaaum, » line: so called from lis linear appearance.) The ins ofthe eye. Granadi'lla. (Diminutive of granado, a pome- granate, Spanish: so called because at the top of the flower there are points, like the grains ot the pomegra- nate.) The passion-flower, the fruit of wbich Is said to possess refrigerating qualities. 403 GRANATITE. Sec Grenatitt. Gran atri'stum. A bile or carbuncle. GRANATUM. (From granum, a grain, because il Is full of seed.) The pomegranate. See Punica gra- nalum. Grande'bal.c. (Quod in grandioribus atate nas- cantur, because they appear in those who are advanced in years.) The hair? under the arm-pits. Grandinosum os. The os cuboides. GRA'NDO. (Grando,inis.f. Quod similitudinrm granorum habcat, because it is in shape and size like a grain of seed.) 1. Hail. 2. A moveable tumour on the margin of the eyelid is so called, from its likeness to a hail-stone. GRANITE. A compound rock consisting of quartz, felspar, and mica, each crystallized, and cohering by mutual affinity without any basis or cement. GRANULATION. (Granulatio; from granum, a grain.) 1. In surgery: The little grainlike fleshy bodies which form on the surfaces of ulcers and sup- purating wounds, and serve both for filling up the cavi- ties, and bringing nearer together and uniting their sides, are called granulations. Nature is supposed to be active in bringing parts as nearly as possible to their original slate, whose dispo- sition, action, arid structure, have been altered by acci- dent, or disease; and after having,in her operations for this purpose, formed pus, she immediately sets about forming a new matter upon surfaces, in which there bas been a breach of continuity. This process is called granulating or incarnation; and the sub- stance formed is called granulations. The colour of healthy granulations is a deep florid red. When livid, they are unhealthy, and have only a languid circula- tion. Healthy granulations, on an exposed or flat surface, rise nearly even with the surface of the sur- rounding skin, and often a little higher; but when they exceed this, and take on a growing disposition, they are unhealthy, become soft, spongy, and without any dis- position to form skin. Healthy granulations are always prone to unite to each other, so as to be the means of uniting parts. 2. In chemistry: The method of dividing metallic substances into grains or small particles, iu order to facilitate their combination with other substances, and Bometimes for the purpose of readily subdividing them by weight. GRANULATUS. Granulated. Applied to ulcers and to parts of plants. A root is so called which is jointed; as that of the Oxalis acetocclla. GRA'NUM. (Granum, i. n.) A grain or kernel. Granum cnidium. See Daphne mezereum. Granum infectorivm. Kermes berries. Granum kermes. Kermes berries. Granum moschi. See Hibiscus abelmoschus Granum paradibi. See Amomum. Granum regium. The castor-oil seed. Granum tiglii. See Croton tiglium. Granum tinctori*. Kermes berries. GRAPHIC ORE. An ore of tellurium. GRAPHIOI'DES. (From ypircne, a pencil, and tiSos, a form.) 1. The styliform process of the os temporis. 2. A process of the ulna. » 3. The digastricus \\ as formerly so called from ita£> supposed origin from the above-mentioned process of*? the temporal bone GRAPHITE. Rhomboidal graphite of Jameson, or plumbago, or black-lead, of which he gives two sub- species, the scaly and compact. Gra'ssa. Borax. GRATI'OLA. (Diminutive of gratia, so named from its supposed admirable qualities.) Hyssop. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Diandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the hedge-hyssop. See Gratiola officinalis. Gratiola officinalis. The systematic name of the hedge-hyssop. Digitalis minima; Gratia dei; Gratiola centauriodes. This exotic plant, the Gra- tiola ;—-foliis lanceolatis, serratis, floribus peduncu- latis, of Linneus, is a native ofthe south of Europe; but is raised in our gardens. The leaves have a nau- seous bitter taste, hut no remarkable smell; they purge and vomit briskly in the dose of half a drachm of the dry herb, or of a drachm infused in wine or water GRE GRE This plant, in small doses, has been commonly em- ployed as a cathartic and diuretic in hydropical dis- eases; and instances of its good uffects in ascites and anasarca are recorded by many respectable practi- tioners. Gesncr and Bergius found a scruple of the powder a sufficient dose, as in this quantity it fre- ejuently excited nausea or vomiting; others have given it to half a drachm, two scruples, a drachm, and even more. An extract of the root of this plant is said to be more efficacious than the plant itself, and exhibited in the dose of half a drachm, or drachm, in dysenteries, produces the best effect. We are also told by Kostr- zewski that in the hospitals at Vienna, three maniacal patients were perfectly recovered by its use; and in the most confirmed cases of lues venerea, it effected a complete cure; it usually acted by increasing the uri- nary, cutaneous, or salivary discbarges. GRAVE'DO. (From gravis, heavy.) A catarrh, or cold, with a sense of heaviness in the head. GRAVEL. See Calculus. [Gravel root. See Eupatorium purpureum. A.] GRAVITY. A term used by physical writers to denote the cause by which all bodies move toward each other, unless prevented by some other force or obstacle. Gravity, specific The density of the matter of which any body is composed, compared to the destiny of another body, assumed as the standard. This standard is pure distilled water, at the temperature of 60° F. To determine the specific gravity of a solid, we weigh it, first in air, and then in water, in the latter case, it loses of its weight a quantity precisely equal to the weight of its own bulk of water; and hence, by comparing this weight, wilh its total weight, we find its specific gravity. The rule, therefore, is, Divide the total weight by the loss of weight in water, the quo- tient is the specific gravity. If it be a liquid or a gas. we weigh it in a glass or other vessel of known capa- city; and dividing that weight by the weight of, the same bulk of water, the quotient is, as before, the spe- cific eravitv. ["GREEN, Thomas. The family of Green has made itself remarkable, in the medical profession, by jg humble and singular origin. The subject of this notice, the medical ancestor of the family, was bom In Maiden, and was one of the first settlers of Leices- ter, county of Worcester, Massachusetts. He received his first medical impressions, and impulse, from a book, given him by a surgeon of a British ship, who resided a few months at his father's, and took an in- terest in his vigorous and opening intellect. His outfit, for the wilderness, consisted of his gun, his axe, his book, his sack, and his cow. His first habitation was built by nature, its roof composed of a shelving rock. Here he passed the night in sound repose, after the labour of the day, in felling and clearing the forest. Soon after he began his settlement, he was attacked by a fever. Foreseeing the difficulties which must attend his situation, without a friendly hand to admi- nister even the scanty necessaries of life, he had the precaution to tie a young calf to his cabin, formed under the rock. By this stratagem he was enabled to ,v- obtain sustenance from the cow, as often as she re- <**' turned to give nourishment to her young. In this man- ner he derived his support for some weeks. By the aid of his book, and the knowledge of simples, a profi- ciency in which he early acquired by an intercourse with the Indians, he was soon enabled to prescribe successfully for the simple maladies of his fellow-set- tlers. By practice, from the necessity of the case, as well as from choice, he acquired theory and skill, and soon rose to great reputation. Thus, from fortuitous circumstances, and an humble beginning, the name of Green has attained its present eminence in the medical profession "—Thach. Med. Biog. A.] ["GREEN, Dr. John, (senior,) son of the above mentioned, was born at Leicester, in the year 1736. By the aid of his father, he early became a physician, and settled at Worcester. He married a daughter of Brigadier Ruggles, of Hardvvick, and became the father of a large family. Not satisfied, as too many are, with the limited means of knowledge which necessa- rily fell to his lot, he afforded his children the best edu- cation in his power. He was extensively employed, and distinguished himself for his tenderness and fide- lity. He inherited a taste and skill in botany, with his professirin, fcom his father. In his garden were to be found Ilv **eful plant, the kealing herb, and the grateful rVuit; which either his humanity bestowed on the sick, or his hospitality on his friends. He died, November 29th, 1799, aged 63 years.— Thach. Med. Biog. A.] ["GREEN, Dr. John, (junior,) son of the pre- ceding, was born A. D. 1763. Descended from an- cestors who made the art of healing their study, Dr. Green was easily initiated in the school of physic; and, from his childhood, the natural bias of his mind led him to tbat profession, which, through life, was the sole object of his drdent pursuit. To be distinguished as a physician, was not his chief incentive. To as- suage the sufferings of humanity, by his skill, was a higher motive of his benevolent mind. Every duty was performed with delicacy and tenderness. With these propensities, aided by a strorsjj inquisitive, and discriminating mind, he attained to a pre-eininent rank among the physicians and surgeons of our country To this sentiment of his worth, correctly derived from witnessing his practice on others, a more feeling tribute is added by those who have experienced his skill; for so mild was his deportment, so soothing were his manners, and so indefatigable was his attention, that he gained the unbounded confidence of his patients, and the cure was in a good measure performed before medicine was administered. To those who were ac- quainted wilh Dr. Green, the idea, tbat " some men are born physicians," was not absurd; for be not only possessed an innate mental fitness for the profes sion, but was constitutionally formed to bear its fa- tigues and privations. Few men, of his age, have had such extensive practice, or endured a greater va riety of fatigue, or have been so often deprived of stated rest and refreshment. It is worthy of remark, that in all the variety of duty, incident to his calling, he was never known to yield to the well-intended proffer of that kind of momentary refreshment, so ready at command, and so often successfully pressed upon the weary, exhausted, and incautious physician. " The firmness and equanimity of his mind, which were conspicuous in all the exigencies of life, forsook him not in death. With Christian resignation, he "set his house in order" knowing he " must die and not live." In perfect possession of his intellectual facul- ties, with a mind calm and collected, he spent the last moments of life performing its last duties, with the sublime feelings of a philosopher and Christian. And when, by an examination of his pulse, he found the cole1 hand of death pressing hard upon him, he bade u cam adieu to his attending physicians, whom ho wished should be the sole witnesses of nature's last conflict. Placing himself in the most favourable pos- ture for an easy exit, he expressed a hope that his for- titude would save his afflicted family and friends from the distress of bearing a dying groan. His hope was accomplished! He died, August 11th, 1808, aged 45 years. At his request, his body was examined. The cause of death was found in the enlargement, and consequent flaccidity, of the aorta."—Thachtr's Med. Biog. A.J GREEN EARTH. Mountain green. A mineral of a celandine green colour, found in Saxony, Verona, and Hungary. GREEN SICKNESS. See Chlorosis. Green vitriol. Sulphate of iron. GREENSTONE. A rock of the trap formation, consisting of a hornblend, and felspar, both in the state of grains or small crystals. Sec Diabase. GREGORY, John, was born in 1725, his father being professor of medicine at King's College, Aber- deen : after studying under whom, he went to Edin- burgh, Leyden, and Paris. At the age of 20, he was elected professor of philosophy at Aberdeen, and was made doctor of medicine. In the year 1756 he was chosen professor of medicine on the death of his bro ther James, who had succeeded his father in that chair But about nine years after he went to Edinburgh; and was appointed professor of the practice of mediciue there, Dr. Rutherford having resigned in his favour The year following, on the death of Dr. White, he was nominated first physician to the king for Scotland. He also enjoyed very extensive practice, prior to his death in 1773. He published, in 1765," A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man with those of tbe Animal World," which contains many Just and origi- GRY GUA nal remarks, and was very favouraDly received. Five years after his " Observations on tlie Duties and Of- fices of a Physician, Sec," given in his introductory lectures, were made public surreptitiously; which in- duced him to print them in a more correct form. Tbe work has been greatly admired. His last publication, " Elements of the Practice of Physic " was intended as a syllabus to his lectures; but he did not live to complete it GRENATITE. Prismatoidal garnet Gressu'ra. (From gradior, to proceed.) The pe- rineum which goes from the pudendum to the anus. GREW, Nehemiah, was born at Coventry ; where, after graduating at some foreign university, he settled in practice. He there formed the idea of studying the anatomy of plants. His first essay on this subject was communicated to the Royal Society in 1670, and met with great appftbation: whence he was. induced to settle in London, and two years after became a fellow of that society; of which he was also at one period secretary. In 1680 he was made an honorary fellow of the College of Physicians. He is said to have at- tained considerable practice, and died in 1711. His " Anatomy of Vegetable Roots and Trunks," is a large collection of original and useful facts; though his theories have been invalidated by subsequent disco- veries. He had no correct ideas of the propulsion or direction of the sap; but he was owe of the first who adopted the doctrine of the sexes of plants; nor did even the principles of methodical arrangement entirely escape his notice. In 1681, he published a de- scriptive catalogue of the Museum of the Royal So- ciety ; to which were added some lectures on the com- parative anatomy of the stomach and intestines. Another publication was entitled " Cosmographia Sa- cra, or a Discourse of the Universe; as it is the Crea- ture and Kingdom of God." His works were soon translated into French and Latin; but the latter very incorrectly GREYWACKE. A mountain formation, consist- ing of two similar rocks, which alternate with, and pass into each other, called grey wacke, and grey wacke- slate. GRIAS. (A name mentioned by Apuleius.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Polyandria; Order, Monogynia. Grias cauliflora. The systematic name of the tree, the fruit of which is the anchovy pear. The in- habitants of Jamaica esteem it as a pleasant and cool- ing fruit Grib'lum. A name formerly applied to parsley and smallage. Gripho'menos. (From ypafios, a net; because it surrounds the body as with a net.) Applied to pains which surround the body at the loins. GROMWELL. See Lithospermum. GROSSULARE. A mineral of an asparagus-green colour, of the garnet genua GROSSULA'RIA. (Diminutive of grossus, an un- ripe fig; so named because its fruit resembles an unripe fig.) The gooseberry, or gooseberry-bush. See Ribes. Grotto del cane. (The Italian for the dogs' grotto.) A grotto near Naples, in wbich dogs are suf- focated. The carbonic acid gas rises about eighteen inches. A man therefore is not affected, but a dog forcibly held in, or that cannot rise above it, is soon killed, unless taken out He is recovered by plunging him in an adjoining lake. Ground ivy. See Glecoma hederacea. Ground liverwort. See Lichen caninus. Ground-nut. See Bunium bulbocastanum. Ground-pine. See Teucrium chamapitys. GROUNDSEL. See Senecio vulgaris. GRUINALES. (From eras, a crane.) The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of geranium, or crane's- bill genus principally. GRU'TUM. A hard, white tubercle of the skin, re- sembliug in size and appearance a millet-seed. GRYLLUS. Tbe name of an extensive genus of insects, including the grasshoppers, and the locust of the Scriptures. Gryllus vbrrucivorus. The wart-eating grass- hopper. It has green wings, spotted with brown, and is taught by the common people in Sweden to destroy warts, which they do, by biting off the excrescence and discharging a corrosive liquor on the wound. 404 GRYPHO'SIS. (From ypu-Kwo, io incurvnle.) A disease of the nails, which turn Inwards, and Irritate tiie soft parts below. GUAI'ACUM. (From the Spanish Guayaenn, which is formed from the Indian Hoazacum.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system Class, Decandria ; Order, Monogynia, 2. The pharmacopceial name of the officinal guaia cum. See Guaiacum officinale. Guaiacum officinale. _ This tree, Guaiacum— foliis bijugis, obtusis of Linneus, is a native of the West Indian islands. The wood, gum, bark, fruit, and even the flowers, have been found to possess medi- cinal qualities. The wood, which is called Guaiacum Americanum; Lignum vita; Lignum sanctum; Lie nun benedictum; Palus sanctus, is brought principally from Jamaica, in large pieces of four or five hundred weight each, and from its hardness and beauty is used for various articles of turnery-ware. It scarcely dis- covers any smell, unless heated, or while rasping, in which circumstances it yields a light aromatic one : chewed, it impresses a slight acrimony, biting the palate and fauces. The gum, or rather resin, is ob- tained by wounding the bark in different parts of the body of the tree, or by what has been called jagging. It exudes copiously from the wounds, though gradu- ally; and when a quantity is found accumulated' upon the several wounded trees, hardened by exposure to the sun, it is gathered and packed up in small kegs for exportation: it is of a friable texture, of a deep green- ish colour, and sometimes of a reddish hue; it has a pungent acrid taste, but little or no smell, unless heat- ed. The bark contains less resinous matter than the wood, and is consequently a less powerful medicine, though in a recent state it is strongly cathartic. " The fruit," says a late author, "is purgative, and, for medicinal use, far excels the bark. A decoction of it has been known to cure the venereal disease, and even the yaws in its advanced stage, without the use of mercury." The flowers, or blossoms, are laxative, and in Jamaica are commonly given to the children in the form of syrup. It is only the wood and resin of guaiacum which'are now in general medicinal use in Europe; and as the efficacy of the former is supposed to be derived merely from the quantity of resinous matter which it contains, they may be considered in- discriminately as the same medicine. Guafacum was first introduced into the materia medica soon after the discovery of America; and previous to the use of mercury in the lues venerea, it was the principal reme- dy employed in the cure of that disease: its great suc- cess brought it into such repute, that it is said to have been sold for seven gold crowns a pound: but notwith- standing the very numerous testimonies in its favour, it often failed in curing the patient, and was at length entirely superseded by mercury ; and though it be still occasionally employed in syphilis, it is rather with a view to correct other diseases in the habit, than for its effects as an anti-venereal. It is now more generally employed for its virtues in curing gouty and rheumatic pains, and some cutaneous diseases. Dr. Woodville and others frequently conjoined il with mercury and soap, and in some cases with bark or steel, and found it eminently useful as an alterative. In the pharma- copoeia it is directed in the form of mixture and tinc- ture : the latter is ordered to be prepared in two ways, viz. with rectified spirit, and the aromatic spiri^of ammonia. Of these latter compounds, the doee may be from two scruples to two drachma; the gum is gene- rally given from six grains to twenty, or even more, for a dose, either in pills or in a fluid form, by means of mucilage or the yelk of an egg. The decoctum ligno- rum (Pharm. Edinb.) of which guaiacum is the chief ingredient, is commonly taken in the quantity of a pint a day. As many writers of the sixteenth century contended that guaiacum was a true specific for tbe venereal dig- ease, and the celebrated Boerhaave maintained the same opinion, the following observations are inserted: Mr. Pearson mentions, that when be was first intrust- ed with the care ofthe Lock Hospital, 1781, Mr. Brom- field and Mr. Williams were in the habit of renowns, great confidence in the efficacy of a decoction of guaia- cum wood. This was administered to such patients as had already employed the usual quantity of mer- cury ; but who complained of nocturnal pains, or had gummata, nodes, ozena, and other effects of the vene- GUI GUM real virus, connected with secondary symptoms, as did not yield to a course of mercurial frictions. The diet consisted of raisins, and hard biscuit; from two to four pints of the decoction were taken every day; the hot bath was used twice a week; and a dose of anti- monial wine and laudanum, or Dover's powder, was commonly taken every evening. Constant confine- ment to bed was not deemed necessary; neither was exposure to the vapour of burning spirit, with a view of exciting perspiration, often practised; as only a moist state of the skin was desired. This treatment was sometimes of singular advantage to those whose health had sustained injury from the disease, long con- finement, and mercury. The strength increased; bad ulcers healed; exfoliations were completed; and these anomalous symptoms which would have been exas- perated by mercury, soon yielded to guaiacum. Besides such cases, in which the good effects of guaiacum made it be erroneously regarded as a specific for the lues venerea, the medicine was also formerly given, by some, on the first attack of the venereal dis- ease. The disorder being thus benefited, a radical cure was considered to be accomplished: and though frequent relapses followed, yet, as these partly yielded to the same remedy, its reputation was still kept up. Many diseases also, which got well, were probably not venereal cases. Pearson seems to allow, that in syphilitic affections, it may indeed operate like a true antidote, suspending, for a time, the progress of certain venereal symptoms, and removing other appearances altogether; but he observes that experience lias evinced, that the unsubdued virus yet remains active in the constitution. Pearson has found guaiacum of little use in pains of the bones, except when it proved sudorific; but that it was then inferior to antimony or volatile alkali. When the constitution has been impaired by mercury and long confinement, and there is a thickened state of the ligaments, or periosteum, or foul ulcers still re- maining, Pearson says, these effects will often subside during the exhibition of the decoction; and it will often suspend, for a short time, the progress of certain secondary symptoms of the lues venera; for instance, ulcers of the tonsils, venereal eruptions, and even nodes. Pearson, however, never knew one instance in which guaiacum eradicated the virus; and he con- tends, that its being conjoined with mercury neither increases the virtue of this mineral, lessens its bad effects, nor diminishes the necessity of giving a certain quantity of it Pearson remarks that he has seen guaiacum produce good effects in many patients, having cutaneous diseases, the ozena, and scrofulous affec- tions of the membranes and ligaments. GUILA'NDINA. (Named after Guilandus, a Prus- sian, who travelled in Palestine, Egypt, Africa, and Greece, and succeeded Fallopius in the botanical chair at Padua. He died in 1589.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogynia. Guilandina bonduc. The systematic.name of the plant, the fruit of which is called Bonduch indorum. Molucca or bezoar nut. It possesses warm, bitter, and carminative virtues. Guilandina morinoa. This plant, Guilandina— inermis, foliis subpinnatis, foliolis inferioribus terna- tis of Linneus, affords the ben-nut and the lignum nephriticum. 1. Ben nux ; Glans unguentaria ; Balanus myrep- sica; Coatis. The oily aconi, or ben-nut A whitish nut, about the size of a small filberd, of a roundish triangular shape, including a kernel of the same figure, covered with a white skin. They were formerly em- ployed to remove obstructions of the prime vie. The oil afforded by simple pressure, is remarkable for its not growing rancid in keeping, or, at least, not until it has stood for a number of years; and on this ac- count, it is used in extricating the aromatic principles of such odoriferous flowers as yield little or no essen- tial oil in distillation. The unallerability of this oil would render it the most valuable substance for ce- rates, or liniments, were it sufficiently common. It is actually employed for this purpose in many parts of Italy. 2. Lignum nephriticum. Nephritic wood. It is brought from America in large, compact, ponderous pieces, without knots, the outer part of a whitish, or pale yellowish colour, the inner of a dark brown or red. When rasped, it gives out a faint aromatic smell. It is never used medicinally in this country, but stands high in reputation abroad, against difficulties of making urine, nephritic complaints, and most disorders of the kidneys and urinary passages. GUINEA PEPPER. See Capsicum annuum. Guinea-worm. See Medinensis vena. GUINTERIUS, John, was born in 1487. at Ander- nach, in Germany. He was of obscure birth, and his real name was said to have been Wintlier. He showed very early a great zeal for knowledge, and at the age of 12 went to Utrecht to study; but he had to struggle with great hardships, supported partly by his own in- dustry, partly by the bounty of those who commiserated his situation. At length, having given striking proofs of his talents, he was appointed professor of Greek at Louvain. But his inclination being to medicine, he went to Paris in 1525; where he was made doctor five years after. He was appointed physician to the king, and practised there during several years; giving also lectures on anatomy. His reputation had reached the north of Europe; and he received the most advanta- geous offers to repair to the court of Denmark. But in 1537 he was compelled by the religious disturbances to retire into Germany. At Strasburgh he was received with honour by the magistrates, and had a chair as- signed him by the faculty; he also practised very extensively and successfully; and at length letters of nobility were conferred upon him by the emperor. He lived, however, only twelve years to enjoy these honours, having died in 1574. His works are nume ■ rous, consisting partly of translations of the best ancient physicians, but principally of commentaries and illustrations of them. GUM. I. Gummi. The mucilage of vegetables. It is usually transparent, more or less brittle when dry, though difficultly pulverable; of an insipid, or slightly saccharine taste; soluble in, or capable of combining with, water in all proportions, to which it gives a gluey adhesive consistence, in proportioa as its quan- tity is greater. It is separable, or congulates by the action of weak acids; it is insoluble in alkohol, and in oil; and capable of the acid fermentation, when diluted with water. The destructive action of fire causes it to emit much carbonic acid, and converts it into coal without exhibiting any flame. Distillation affords water, acid, a small quantity of oil, a small quantity of ammonia, and much coal. These are the leading properties of gums, rightly so called; but the inaccurate custom of former times ap- plied the term gum to all concrete vegetable juices, so that in common we hear of gum copal, gum sandarach, and other gums, which are either pure resins, or mix- tures of resins with the vegetable mucilage. The principal gums are, 1. The common gums, ob- tained from the plum, the peach, the cherry-tree, Stc 2. Gum Arabic, which flows naturally from the acacia in Egypt, Arabia, and elsewhere. This forms a clear transparent mucilage with water. 3. Gum Seneca, or Senegal. It does not greatly differ from gum Arabic: the pieces are larger and clearer; and it seems to com- municate a higher degree of the adhesive quality to water. It is much used by calico-printers and others The first sort of gums are frequently sold by this name, but may be known bt their darker colour. 4. Gum adragant, or tragacantn. It is obtained from a small plant, a species of astragalus, growing in Syria, and other eastern parts. It comes to us in small white con- torted pieces, resembling worms. It is usually dearer than other gums, and forms a thicker jelly with water. Willis has found, that the root of the common blue- bell, Hyacinthus non scriptus, dried and powdered, affords a mucilage possessing all the qualities of that from gum Arabic. The roots of tbe vernal squill, white lily, and orchis, equally yield mucilage. Lord Dun- donald has extracted a mucilage also from lichens. Gums treated with nitric acid afford the saclactic, malic, and oxalic acids. II. Gingiva. The very vascular and elastic sub- stance that covers the alveolar arches ofthe upper and under jaws, and embraces the necks ofthe teeth. Gum acacia. See Acacia vera. Gum arabic. See Acacia vera. Gum, elastic. See Caoutchouc. GUM-BILE. SeeParulis. GU'MMA. A strumous tumour on the periosteum of a bone. GUMMI. (Gummi, n. indeclin.) See Gum. GUT GYP Gummi acaclc. See Acacia vera. Gummi acanthinum. See Acacia vera. Gummi arabicum. See Acacia vera. Gummi carann.e. See Caranna. Gummi cerasorum. The juices which exude from the bark of cherry-trees. It is very similar to gum Arabic, for which it may be substituted. Gummi chibou. A spurious kind of gum elemi, but little used. Gummi courbaril. An epithet sometimes applied to the juice of the Hymenaa courbaril. See Ani me. Gummi euphorbii. See Euphorbia. Gummi oalda. See Galda. Gummi oambiense. See Kino. Gummi gutt.«. See Stalagmitis. Gummi hkdkr.e. See Hedera helix. Gummi juniperinu.m. See Juniperus communis. Gummi kikekunemalo. See Kikekunemalo. Gummi kino. See Kino* Gummi lacca. See Lacca. Gummi lamac See Acacia vera. Gummi lutea. See Botany Bay. Gummi myrrha. See Myrrha. Gummi rubrum astringensgambiense. See Kino. Gummi sagapenum. See Sagapenum. Gummi scorpio.nts. See Acacia vera. Gummi senega. See Acacia vera. Gummi senegalensk. See Mimosa Senegal. Gummi senica. See Acacia vera. Gummi thebaicum. See Acacia vera. Gummi tragacantha. See Astragalus. GUM-RE'SIN. Gummi resina. Gum-resins are the juices of plants that are mixed with resin, and an extractive matter, which has been taken for a gum- my substance. They seldom flow naturally from plants, but are mostly extracted by incision in the form of white, yellow, or red fluids, which dry more or less quickly. Water, spirit of wine, wine, or vinegar, dis- solve them only in part according to the proportion they contain of resin or extract. Gum-resins may also be formed by art, by digesting the parts of vegetables containing the gum-resin in diluted alkohol, and then evaporating the solution. For this reason most tinc- tures contain gum-resin. The principal gum-resins employed medicinally are aloes, ammoniacum,assafceti- da, galbanum, cambogia, guaiacum, myrrha, olibanum, opoponax, sagapenum, sarcocolla, scammonium, and styrax. GUNDELIA. (The name given by Tournefort in honour of his companion and friend, Andrew Gundel- scheiiner, its discoverer, in the mountains of Armenia.) A genus of plants. Class, Syngenesia ; Order, Poly- gamia segregata. Gundelia tournifortii. The young shoots of this plant are eaten by the Indians but the roots are emetic. GUTTA. (Gutta, a. f.) 1. A drop. Drops are uncertain forms of administering medicines, and should never be trusted to. The shape of the bottle or of its mouth, from whence the drops fall, as well as the consistence of the fluid, occasion a considerable difference in the quantity administered. See Minimum. 2. A name of apoplexy, from a supposition that ils cause was a drop of blood falling from the brain upon the heart •» Gutta oamba. See Stalagmitis. Gutta nigra. The black drop, occasionally called the Lancashire, or the Cheshire drop. A secret pre- preparation of opium said to be more active than the common tincture, and supposed to be less injurious, as seldom followed by headache. Gutta opaca. A name for the cataract. Gutta serena. (So called by the Arabians.) See Amaurosis. 406 GuTTi rosace*. Red spots upon the face and nose. G CJ'TTURAL. Belonging to the throat. Guttural artery. The superior thyroideal artery. The first branch ofthe external carotid. GYMNASTIC. (Gymnasticus; from vvuvof, ue- ked, performed by naked men in the public game*.) This term is applied to a method of curing diseases by exercise, or that part of physic which treats of the rules that are to be observed in all sorts of exercises, for the preservation of health. This is said to have been invented by one Herodicus, bom at Salymltrn, a city of Thrace ; or, as some say, at Leutini, in Sicily. He was first master of an academy where young gen- tlemen came to learn warlike and manly exerciser; and observing them to be very healthful on that ac- count, ho made exercise become an art in reference lo the recovering of men out of diseases, as well as pre- serving thern from them, and called it Gymnastic, which he made a great part of his practice. But Hip- pocrates, who was his scholar, blames him sometimes for his excesses with this view. And Plato exclaims against hiin with some warmth, for enjoining his patients to walk from Athens to Megara, wbich is about 25 miles, and to come home on foot as they went, as soon as ever they had but touched the walls of the city. GYMNOCARPI. The second division in Persoon's arrangement of mushrooms, such os bear seeds em- bedded in an appropriate, dilated, exposed membrane, denominated hymenium, like helvella, in wbich that part is smooth and even; boletus, in which it is porous; and the vast genus agaricus, in which it consists of gills. GYMNOSPERMIA. (From yvuvos, naked, and mttpua, a seed.) The name of an order of the class Didynamia, of the sexual system of plants, embracing such as have added to the didynamial character, four naked seeds. Gyns'cia. (From ywn, a woman.) The menses, and also the lochia. GYNjE'CIUM. (From yvvn., a woman.) 1. A seraglio. 2. The pudendum muliebre. 3. A name for antimony. GYNECOMANIA. (From yvvn, a woman, and pavta, madness.) Tiiat species of insanity that arises from love. Gynjecomy'stax. (From ywn, a woman, and pvs-raX, a beard.) The hairs on the female pudendum. Gynxcoma'ston. (From yvvy, a woman, and pa^-os, a breast.) An enormous increase of the breasts of women. GYNANDRIA. (From yvvn, a woman, and avnp, a man, or husband.) The name of a class in the sexual system of plants. It contains those hermaphro- dite flowers, the stamina of which grow upon the pistil, bo that the male and female organs are united, and do not stand separate as in other hermaphrodite flowers. GYPSATA. (From gypsum, a saline body consist- ingof sulphuric acid and lime.) Dr. Good denominates a species of purging diarrhaa gypsato, in which the digestions are liquid, serous, and compounded of earth of lime. GYPSUM. A genus of minerals, composed of lime and sulphuric acid, containing, according to Jameson, two species: the prismatic and the axifrangible. 1. Prismatic gypsum, or anhydrite, bas five sub-spe cies: sparry anhydrite, scaly anhydrite, fibrous anhy- drite, convoluted anhydrite, compact anhydrite. Bee Anhydrite. 2. Axifrangible gypsum contains six sub-species: sparry gypsum, foliated, compact, fibrous, scaly foliated, and earthy gypsum. H HMM H.EM aarkies. Werner's name for Ihe capillary pyrites of Jameson, and the Nickel natif of Hauy. Native nickel. A.] HABE'NA. A bridle. A bandage for keeping the lips of wounds together, made in the form of a bridle. Hacub. See Gunddia toumefortii. HiEMAGO'GA. (From atpa, blood, and ayia, to bring off) Medicines wbich promote the menstrual and hemorrhoidal discbarges. HiEAlALO'PIA. (From aip-a, blood, and oiclouai, to see.) A disease ofthe eyes, in which all things ap- pear of a red colour. A variety of the Pseudoblepsis imaginaria. HjE'MALOPS. (From atpa, blood, and uu>, the face.) 1. A red or livid mark in the face or eye. 2. A blood-shot eye. HEMA'NTHUS. (From aiua, blood, and avOos, a flower, so called from its colour.) The blood-flower. H., the eye.) A defect in the sight, which consists in being able to see in the daytime, but not in the evening. The following is Scarpa's description of this curious disorder. Hemcralopia, or nocturnal blindness, is pro- perly nothing but a kind of imperfect periodical amau- rosis, most commonly sympathetic with the stomach. Its paroxysms come on towards the evening, and dis- appear in the morning. The disease is endemic in Bome countries, and epidemic, at certain seasons of the year, in others. At sunset, objects appear to persons affected with this complaint as if covered with an ash- coloured veil, which gradually changes into a dense cloud, which intervenes between the eyes and sur- rounding objects. Patients with hemeralopia, have the pupil, both in the day and nighttime, more dilated, and less moveable than it usually is in healthy eyes. The majority of them, however, have the pupil more Tjr less moveable in the daytime, and alwaysexpanded and motionless at night. When brought into a room faintly lighted by a candle, where all tbe bystanders can see tolerably well, they cannot discern at all, or in a very feeble manner, scarcely any one object; or they only find themselves able to distinguish light from darkness, and at moonlight their sight is still worse. At daybreak they recover their sight, which continues perfect all the rest of the day till sunset. ("According to M. Dujardin, this term is derived from fipipa, the day, dXaoc, blind, and to\p, the eye; and in ils right signification is therefore inferred io be diurna cacitudo, or day blindness. In the same sense, Dr. Hillary and Dr. Hcbeiden, have employed the term Dd "Hemeralopia then, which is of very rare occur- rence, stands in opposition to the nyctalopia of the an- cients, or night-blindness. Numerous modern writers, however, have used these terms in the contrary sense; considering the hemeralopia, as denoting sight during the day, and blindness in the night; and nyctalopia as expressing night-seeing, (owl-sight, as the French call it,) and blindness during the daytime."—Cooper's Sur. Die. A.] HEMERALOPS. (From nutpa, the day, and taxf/, the eye.) One who can see but in the daytime. Hsmicerau'nios. (From npiovs, half, and xtipta, to cut: so called because it was cut half way down.) A bandage for the back and breast. HEMICRA'NIA. (From nutovs, half, and xpavtov, the head.) A pain that affects only one side of the head. It is generally nervous or hysterical,sometimes bilious; and in both esses sometimes comes at a regu- lar period, like an ague. When it is accompanied by a strong pulsation like that of a nail piercing the part, it is denominated clavus. HEMIO'PSIA. (From 17/1101;?, half, and wti/, an eye.) A defect of vision, in which the person sees the half, but not the whole of an object Hemipa'oia. (From ij/uctvc, half, and iraytos, fixed.) A fixed pain on one side of the head. See Hemicrania. HE.VHPLE'GIA. (From npiovs, half, and nXnoeta, to strike.) A paralytic affection of one side of the body. See Paralysis. HEMLOCK. See Conium maculatum. HEMLOCK-DROPWORT. See CEnanthe crocata. Hemlock, water. See Cicuta virosa. Hemorrhage from the lungs. See Hamoptysis. Hemorrhage from the nose. See F.pistaxis. Hemorrhage from the stomachs See Hamaiemesis. Hemorrhage from the urinary organs. See Hama- turia. Hemorrhage from the uterus. See Menorrhagia. HEMP. See Cannabis. HEMP-AGRIMONY. See Eupatorium canniba- num. Hemp, water. See Eupatorium. HENBANE. See Hyoseyamus. HE'PAR. (Hepar, atis. n. Hirap, the liver.) See Liver. Hepar sulphuris. Liver of sulphur. A sulphu- ret made either with potassa or soda. See Sulphure- tum polassa. Hepar uterinum. The placenta. HEPATA'LGIA. (From r/irap, the liver, and aXyof, pain.) Pain in the liver. HEPATIC. (Hepaticus; from rptap, the liver.) Belonging to the liver. Hepatic air. See Hydrogen sulphuretted. Hepatic artery. Arteria hepatica. The artery which nourishes the substance of the liver. It arises from the cceliac, where it almost touches the point of the lobulus Spigelii. Its root is covered by the pan- creas ; it then turns a little forwards, and passes under ihe pylorus to the porta of the liver, and runs between the biliary ducts and the vena ports?, where it divides into two large branches, one of which enters the right, and the other the left lobe of the liver. In this place it is enclosed along with all the other vessels in the capsule of Glisson. Hepatic duct. Ductus hepaticus. The trunk of the biliary pores. It runs from the sinus of the liver towards the duodenum, and is joined by the cystic duct, to form the ductus communis choledochus. See Biliary duct. Hepatic veins. See Vein, and Vena porta. Hepatica. (From nirap, the liver: so called be- cause it was thought to be useful in diseases of the liver.) See Marchantia polymorpha. Hepatica nobilis. See Anemone hepatica. Hepatica terrestris. See Marchantia poly morpha. HEPATIRRHiE'A. (From uirap, the liver, and ptia, to flow.) 1. A purging with bilious evacuations. 2. A diarrhoea, in which portions of flesh, like liver are voided. HEPATITE. Foetid, straight, lamellar, heavy spar. A variety of lamellar barytes, containing a small quan- tity of sulphur, in consequence of which, when it is heated or rubbed, it emits a fcetid sulphureous odour. 417 IILT HER HEPATITIS. (From qvap, the liver.) Inflamma- tie hepatis. An inflammation of the liver. A genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia ot Cullen, who defines it " febrile affection, attended with tension and pain of the right hypochondrium, often pungent, like that of a pleurisy, but more fre- quently dull, or obtuse, a pain at the clavicle and at the lop of the shoulder of the right side; much uneasiness in lying down on the leftside: difficulty of breathing; a dry cough, vomiting, and hiccup." Besides the causes producing other inflammations, such as the application of cold, external injuries from contusions, stows, &c. this disease may be occasioned by certain passions of the mind, by violent exercise, by intense summer beats, by long-continued intermit- tent and remittent fevers, and by various solid concre- tions in the substance of the liver. In warm climates this viscus is more apt to be affected with inflamma- tion than perhaps any other part of the body, proba- bly from the increased secretion of bile which takes place when the blood is thrown on the internal parts, by an exposure to cold ; or from the bile becoming acrid, and thereby exciting an irritation in the part. Hepatitis has generally been considered of two kinds ; one the acute, tiie other chronic. The acute species of hepatitis comes on with a pain in the right hypochondrium, extending up to the cla vicleand shoulder; which is much increased by press- ing upon tbe part, and is accompanied with a cough, oppression cf breathing, and difficulty of lying on the leit side ; together with nausea and sickness, and often wilh a vomiting of bilious matter. The urine is of a deep saffron colour, aud small in quantity ; there is loss of appetite, great thirst, and costiveness, with u strong, hard, and frequent pulse; and when the dis- ease lias continued for some days, the skin and eyes become tinged of a deep yellow. When the inflam- mation is in tlie cellular structure or substance of the liver,, it is called by some hepatitis parenchymatosa, and when the gull-bladder which is attached to this organ, is- tbe seat of the inflammation, it has been called hepatitis cystica. The chronic species is usually accompanied with a morbid complexion, loss of appetite and flesh, costive- ness, indigestion, flatulency, pains in the stomach, a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, clay-coloured stools, high-coloured urine, depositing a red sediment and ropy mucus; an obtuse pain in ihe region of the liver, extending to the shoulder, and not unfrequently with a considerable degree of asthma. These symptoms ate, however, often so mild and insignificant as to pass almost unnoticed; as large ab- scesses have been found in tiie liver upon dissection, which in the person's lifetime had created little or no inconvenience, and which we may presume to have been occasioned by some previous inflammation. Hepatitis, like other inflammations, may end in re- solution, suppuration, gangrene, or scirrhus, but its termination in gangrene is a rare occurrence. The disease is seldom attended with fatal conse- quences of an immediate nature, and is often carried ofl' by hemorrhage from the nose, or ha-morrhoidal vessels, and likewise by sweating, by a diarrhoea, or by an evacuation of urine, depositing a copious sedi- ment. In a few instances, it has been observed to cease on the appearance of erysipelas, in some external part. When suppuration takes place, as it generally does, before litis forms an adhesion wilh some neighbouring part, the pus is usually discharged by the different outlets with which this part is connected, as by cough- ing, vomiting, purging, or by an abscess breaking out- wardly ; but, iu some instances, the pus has been dis- charged into the cavity of the abdomen, where no such adhesion bud been formed. On dissection, the liver is often found much enlarged, and hard to tbe touch; its colour is more of a deep purple than what is natural, and its membranes are more or less affected by inflammation. Dissections Ukewise show thai adhesions to the neighbouring parts often take place, and large abscesses, containing a con- siderable quantity of pus. are often found in its sub- stance. The treatment of this disease must be distinguished, as it is of tlie acute, or of the chronic form. In acute hepatitis, where the symptoms run high, and tiie con- stitution will admit, we should, In the beginning, bleed 413 freely from tiie arm; which it will seldom be neces sary to repeat, If carried lo the proper extent :u first iu milder cases, or where there is less pnw^r in the system, Ihe "local abstraction of blood, by cupping or leeching, may be sufficient. We should next give calo- mel alone, or combined with opium, and followed up by infusion of senna with neutral salts, jalap, or other cathartic, to evacuate bile, and thoroughly clear out the intestines. When, by these means, the inflamma- tion is materially abated, we should endeavour to pro- mote diaphoresis by suitable medicines, assisted by the warm bath; a blister may be applied; and the antiphlogistic reeimen is to be duly enforced. But tlie dischaige of bile, by occasional doses of calomel, must not be neglected: and where the alvine evacuations are deficient in that secretion, it will be proper to posh this, or other mercurial preparation, till the mouth is in some measure affected. In India this is the re- medy chiefly relied upon, and exhibited often in much larger doses than appear advisable in more temperate climates. Should tiie disease proceed to suppuration, means must be used to support the strength; a nutri- tious diet, with a moderate quantity of wine, and de- coction of bark, or other tonic medicine: fomentations or poultices will also be proper to promote the discharge externally; but when any fluctuation is perceptible, it is better to make an opening, lest it should burst in- wardly. In the chronic form of the disease, mercury is the remedy chiefly to be relied upon; but due cau- tion must be observed in its use, especially in scrofu- lous subjects. It appears more effectual in restoring the healthy action of the liver, when taken internally: but if the mildest forms, though guarded by opium, or rather sedative, cannot so be borne, the ointment may be rubbed in. In the meantime, calumba, or other tonic, with antacids, and mild aperients, as rhubarb, to regulate the state of the priuue vim, will be proper. Where the system will not admit the adequate use of mercury, the nitric acid is the most promising substi- tute. An occasional blister may be required to relieve unusual pain; or where this is very limited and con- tinued, an issue, or seton may answer better. , The strength must be supported by a light nutritious diet; and gentle exercise with warm clothing, to maintain the perspiration steadily, is important, in the convales- cent state: more especially a sea voyage iu person* long resident in India has often appeared the only means of restoring perfect health. Hepatitis parenchymatosa. Inflammation of the substance of the liver. Hepatitis pkritonjealis. Inflammation in the peritonamm covering the liver. HEPATOCE'LE. (From rprap, the liver, and xnXrj, a tumour.) A hernia, in which a portion of the liver protrudes through the abdominal parieles. Hepato'rium. The same as Eupatorium. Hepiije'stias. (From Hai%-os, Vulcan, or fire.) A drying plaster of burnt tiles. Hepi'alus. (From nmos, gentle.) A mild quoti- dian fever. HEPTA'NDRIA. (From trra, seven, and avnp, a man, or husband.) The name of a class in the sexual system of plants, consisting of such hermaphrodite flowers as have seven stamens. Heptapha'rmacum. (From nr7a, seven, and tf>appa- kov, medicine.) A medicine composed of seven in gradients, the principal of which were cerusse, litharge, wax, Sec. HEPTAPHY'LLUM. (From tula, seven, and ibvXXor, a leaf: so named because it consists of seven leaves.) See Tormentilla erecta. Heptaple'urum. (From trr7a, seven, and -irXtvpa, a rib: so named fiom its having seven ribB upon the leaf.) The herb plantain. See Plantago major. HERACLEA. 1. Writer hoarhound. 2. Tho common wild marjoram received a trivial name from its growing in abundance in Heraclea. See Origanum vulgare. HERA'CLEUM. (From Heraclea, the city near which it grows; or from'HpaxXns, Hercules, being the plant sacicd to him.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Heraclecm ocmmiferum. This species Is sup- posed by Wildenow to afford the gum ammoniacum. See Ammoniacum. llLRACLtuM sfondylium. Branca ursina German HER flfiR mica; Spondylium. Cow-parsnip. All-heal. Hera- cleum—foliolis pinnatifidis, lavibus ; floribus unifor- mibus of Linnatus. The plant which is directed by the name of Branca ursina in foreign pharmacopoeias. In Siberia it grows extremely high, and appears to have virtues in the cure of dysentery which the plants of this country do not possess. ["The Heracleum Lanatum is one of our largest native umbellate plants, growing frequently to the height of a man, with a stalk more than an inch in thickness. Ita taste is strong and acrid. The bruised root or leaves, externally applied, excite rubefaction. Internally used, this article has been recommended in epilepsy. It appears to nie to possess a virose charac- ter, and should be used with caution, especially when gathered from a watery or damp situation."—Big. Mat. Med. A.l HERB BENNET. See Geum urbanum. HERB-OF-GRACE. See Gratiola. HERB- MASTICH. See Thymus maslichina. Herb-trinity. See Anemone hepatica. HERBA. An herb. A plant is properly so called which bears ils flower and fruit once only, and then with its root wholly perishes. .- There are two kinds: annuals, which perish the same year; and biennials, which have their leaves the first year, and Iheir flowers and fruit the second, and then die away. By the term herba, Linnaeus denominates that por- tion of every vegetable which arises from the root, and is terminated by tiie fructification. Herba britannica. See Rumex hydrolapathum. Herba militaris. Sej Achillaa millefolium. Herba sacra. See Verbena trifoliata. Herba trinitatis. See Anemone hepatica. HERBACEUS. Herbaceous. Plants are so con- sidered which have succulent stems or stalks, and die down to the root every year. HERBARIUM. A collection of dried or preserved plants; called also Hortus siccus HERCULES'S ALL-HEAL. See Lascrpiti'um chironium. Hercules bovii. Gold and mercury dissolved in a distillation of copperas, nitre, and sea-salt. HERE'DITARY. (From hares, an heir.) A disease, or predisposition to a disease, which is transferred from parents to their children. HERMA'PHRODITE. (Hermaphroditus; from 'Epuvs, Mercury, and h.poSt]ri, Venus, i. e. partaking of both sexes.) 1. The true hermaphrodite of the an- cients was, the man with male organs of generation, and tiie female stature of body, that is, narrow chest and large pelvis; or the woman with female organs of generation, and the male stature of body, that is, broad chest and narrow pelvis. The term is now, how- ever, used to express any lusus natura wherein the parts of generation appear to be a mixture of both sexes 2. In botany, an hermaphrodite flower is one which contains both the male and female organs, for the production of the fruit, within the same calyx and petals. HERME'TIC. (From 'Epuns, Mercury.) In the language of the ancient chemists, Hermes was the father of chemistry, and the hermetic seal was the closing the end of a glass vessel while iu a state of fusion, according to the usage of chemists. HERMODACTYL. See Hermoductylus. HERMODA'CTYLUS. ('Epuoiaic7iiAoj. Etymolo- gists have always derived this word from 'Epur/c, Mercury, and SatfvXos, a finger. It is, however, pro- bably named from Hermits, a river in Asia, upon whose banks it grows, and SokJvXos, a date, which it is like.) Anima arliculorum. The root of a species of col- chicum, not yet ascertained, but supposed to be the Colchicum illvricum of Linnaeus, of the shape of a heart, flattened on one side, with a furrow on the other, of a while colour, compact and solid, yet easy to cut or powder. This root, which has a viscous, sweetish, farinaceous taste, and no remarkable smell, is import- ed from Turkey. Its use is totally laid aside in the practice of the present day. Formerly the roots were esteemed as cathartics, which power is wanting in those that reach this country. HE'RNIA. (From Ipvos, a branch; from its pro- truding out of its place.) A rupture. Surgeons un- derstand, by the term hernia, a tumour formed hy the protrusion of some of the vittera of tiie abdomen out of that cavity into a kind of sac, composed of the portion of peritoneum, which is pushed before them. However, there are certainly some case3 which will not be comprehended in this definition; either because the parts arc not protruded at all, or have no hernial sac. The places in which these swellings most fre- quently make their appearance, are the groin, the navel, the labia pudendi, and the upper and forepart of the thigh; they do also occur at every point ofthe anterior part of the abdomen; and there are several less com- mon instances, in which hernial tumours present them- selves at the foramen ovale, in the perinsum, in the vagina, at the ischiatic notch, Sec The parts which, by being thrust forth from the cavity, in which they ought naturally to remain, mostly produce herniae, are either a portion of the omentum, or a part of the in- testinal canal, or both together. But the stomach, the liver, the spleen, uterus, ovaries, bladder, &c. have been known to form the contents of some hernia) tu- mours. From these two circumstances of situations and contents, are derived all the different appellations by which hernia; are distinguished. If a portion of intestine only forms the contents of the tumour, it is called enteroccle; if a piece of omentum only, epiplo- cele; and if both intestine and omentum contribute to the formation of a tumour, it is called entero-epiplp- cele. When the contents of a hemia are protruded at the abdominal ring, but only pass as low as the groin, or labium pudendi, the case receives the name of bubo- nocele, or inguinal hernia; when the parts descend into the scrotum, it is called an oscheocele or scrotal hernia. The crural, or femoral hernia, is the name given to that which takes place below Poupart's liga- ment. When the bowels protrude at the navel, tbe case is named an exomphalos, or umbilical hernial and ventral is the epithet given to the swelling, when it occurs at any other promiscuous part ofthe front of the abdomen. The congenital rupture is a very parti- cular case, in which the protruded viscera are not covered with a common hernial sac of peritoneum, but are lodged in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis, in contact with the testicle; and, as must be obvious, it is not named, like hernia in general, from its situation, or contents, but from the circumstances of its existing from the time of birth. When the hernial contents lie quietly in the sac, and admit of being readily put back into the abdomen, it is termed a reducible hernia: and when they suffer no constriction, yet cannot be put back, owing to adhe- sions, or their large size in relation to the aperture, through which they have to pass, the hernia is termed irreducible. An incarcerated, or strangulated hernia, signifies one which not only cannot be reduced, but suffers constriction: so that, if a piece of intestine be protruded, the pressure to which it is subjected stops the passage of its contents onward towards the anus, makes the bowel inflame, and brings on a train of most alarming and often fatal consequences. The general symptoms of a hernia, which is reduci- ble and free from strangulation, are—an indolent tu- mour at some point of the parietes of the abdomen j most frequently descending out of tiie abdominal ring, or from just below Poupart's ligament, or else out of the navel; but occasionally from various other situa- tions. The swelling mostly originates suddenly, ex- cept in the circumstances above related; and it is sub- ject to a change of size, being smaller when the patient lies down upon his back, and larger when he stands up, or draws in his breath. The tumour frequently diminishes when pressed, and grows large again when the pressure is removed. Its size and tension often increase after a meal, or when the patient is flatulent. Patients with hernia, arc apt to be troubled with colic, constipation, and vomiting in consequence of the un- natural situation of the bowels. Very often, however, the functions of the viscera seem to suffer little or no interruption. If the case be an cntcrocele, and the portion of thE intestine be small, the tumour is small in proportion; but though small, yet, if the gut be distended with wind, inflamed, or have any degree of stricture made on it, it will be tense, resist the impression ofthe finger, and give pain upon being handled. On the contrary, if there be no stricture, and ihe intestine suffers no de- gree of inflammation, let the prolapsed piece be of what length it may, and the tumour of wnateiwr size. yet 'ihe teiiFion will be little, and no pain wi,i auend HER HER the handling of it; upon the patient's coughing, it will feel as if it was blown into; and, in general, it will be found very easily returnable. A guggling noise is often made when Ibe bowel is ascending. If the hernia be an epiplocde, or one of tlie omental kind, ihe tumour has a more flabby and a more un- equal feel; it is in general perfectly indolent, is more compressible, and (if in the scrotum) is more oblong and less round than the swelling occasioned in the same situation by an intestinal hernia; and, if the quantity be large, and the patient an adult, it is, in BOine measure, distinguishable by its greater weight. If the case be an entero-cpiptocele, that is, one con- sisting of both intestine and omentum, the character- istic marks will be less clear than in either of the sim- ple cases; but the disease may easily be distinguished from every other one, by any body iu the habit of making the examination. Hernia cerebri. Fungus cerebri. This name is given to a tumour which every now and then rises from the brain, through an ulcerated opening in the dura mater, and protrudes through a perforation in the cranium, made by the previous application of the trephine. Hernia congenita. (So called because it is, as it were, born with the person.) This species of hernia consists in the adhesion of a protruded portion of intes- tine or omentum to the testicle, after its descent into tbe scrotum. This adhesion takes place while the testicle is yet in the abdomen. Upon its leaving the abdomen, it draws the adhering intestine, or omentum, along with it into the scrotum, where it forms the hernia congenita. From the term congenital, we might suppose that this hernia always existed at the time of birth. The protrusion, however, seldom occurs till after this pe- riod, on the operation of the usual exciting causes of hernia in general. The congenital hernia does not usually happen till some montlis after birth; in some instances not till a late period; Hey relates a case, in which a hernia congenita was first formed in a young man, aged sixteen, whose right testis had, a little while before the attack of the disease, descended into the scrotum. It seems probable that, in cases of hernia congenita, which actually take place when tbe testicle descends into the scrotum before birth, the event may commonly be referred, as observed above, to tlie testi- cle having contracted an adhesion to a piece of intes- tine, or of the omentum, in its passage to the ring. Wrisberg found one testicle which had not passed the ring, adhering, by means of a few slender filaments, to the omentum, just above this aperture, in an infant that died a few days after birth. Excepting the impossibility of feeling the testicle in hernia congenita, as we can in most cases of bubono- cele, (which criterion Mr. Samuel Cooper, in his Sur- gical Dictionary, observes Mr. Pott should have men- tioned,) the following account is very excellent. "The appearance of a hernia, in very early infancy, will always make it probable that it is of this kind; but in an adult, there Is no reason for supposing his rupture to be of this sort, but his having been afflicted with it from his infancy; there is no externa) mark, or cha- racter, whereby it can be certainly distinguished from the one contained in a common hernial sac; neither would it be of any material use in practice, if there was." Hernia cruralis. Femoral hernia. The parts composing this kind of hernia are always protruded under Poupart's ligament, and tbe swelling is situated towards the inner part ofthe bend of the thigh. The rupture descends on the side ofthe femoral artery and vein, between these vessels and the os pubis. Fe- males are particularly subject to this kind of rupture in consequence of the great breadth of their pelvis, while in them the inguinal hernia is rare. It has been computed, that nineteen out of twenty married women, afflicted with hernia, have this kind; but that not one out of a hundred unmarried females, or out of the same iiit-nber of men, have this form of tbe disease. The situation of the tumour makes it liable to be mis- taRj-n for an enlarged inguinal gland; and many fatal events are recorded to have happened from the sur- geon's ignorance of the existence of the disease. A gland can only become enlarged by the gradual effects of inflammation; the swelling of a crural hernia comes on in a momentary and sudden manner; and, when 420 strangulated,occasions the tratnof symptoms described in the account ot tiie hernia incarcerate, which symp- toms an enlarged gland could never occasion. Buch circumstances seem to be sufficiently discriminative- thouuli the feel of the two kinds of swelling is otlesi nol in itself enough to make the surgeon derided In his opinion. A femoral hernia may be mistaken for a bubonocele, when the expanded part of the swelling lies over Poupart's ligament. As the taxis and opera- tion for the first case ought to be done differently from those for the latter, the error may lead to very bad consequences. The femoral hernia, however, may always be discriminated, by the neck of the tumour having Poupart's ligament above it. In the bubono- cele, the angle of the pubes is behind and below this part of the sac; but in the femora) hernia, it is on the same horizontal level, a little on the inside of it Until very lately, the stricture, in cases of femoral hernia, was always supposed to be produced by the lower border of the external oblique muscle, or as it is termed, Poupart's ligament. A total change of surgi- cal opinion on this subject has, however, latterly taken place, in consequence of the accurate observations first made in 1768, by Gimbernat, surgeon to the king of Spain. In the crural liernia, (says he,) the aperture through which the parts issue is not formed by two bauds, (as iu the inguinal hernia,) but it Is a foramen, almost round, proceeding from the internal margin of the crural arch, (Poupart's Ligament,) near its insertion into the branch of the os pubis, between the bone and the iliac vein, so that, in this hernia, the branch of the os pubis is situated more internally than the intestine, and a little behind; the vein externally, and behind; and the internal border of the arch before. Now it is this border which always forms tbe strangulation. Hernia flatulenta. A swelling of the side, caused by air that has escaped through the pleura: an obsolete term. Hernia gutturis. Bronchocele, or tumour of the bronchial gland. Hernia humoralis. See Orchitis. Hernia incarcerata. Incarcerated hernia. Stran- gulated hernia, or a hernia with stricture. The symp- toms are a swelling in the groin, Sec. resisting the im- pression of the fingers. If the hernia be of the intes- tinal kind, it is generally painful to the touch, and the pain is increased by coughing, sneezing, or standing upright. These are the very first symptoms, and, if they are not relieved, are soon followed by others; viz. a sickness at the stomach, a frequent retching, or inclination to vomit, a stoppage of all discharge per anum, attended with frequent hard pulse, and some degree of fever. These are the first symptoms; and if they are not appeased by the return of the intestine, that is, if tbe attempts made for this purpose do not succeed, the sickness becomes more troublesome, the vomiting more frequent, the pain more intense, the tension of the belly greater, the fever higher, and a general restlessness comes on, which is very terrible to bear. When this is the state of the patient, no time is to be lost; a very little delay is now of the utmost consequence; and if the one single remedy, which the disease is now capable of, be not admi- nistered immediately, it will generally baffle every other attempt. This remedy is the operation whereby the parts engaged in the stricture may be set free. If this be not now performed, the vomiting is soon ex- changed for a convulsive hiccup, and a frequent gulp- ing up of bilious matter: the tension of the beBy, tbe restlessness and fever, having been considerably In- creased for a few hours, tiie patient suddenly become* perfectly easy, the belly subsides, the pulse, from having been hard, full, and frequent, becomes low, languid, and generally interrupted; and the skin, espe- cially that of the limbs, cold and moist; tbe eyes have now a languor and glassiness, a lack lustre not easy to be described: the tumour of the part disappears, and the skin covering it sometimes changes its natural co- lour for a livid hue; but whether it keeps or loses its colour, it has an emphysematous feel, a crepitus to the touch, wbich will easily be conceived by all who have attended to it, but is not easy to convey an idea of by words. This crepitus is the too sure indicator of gangrenous mischief within. In this state, the gut either goes up spontaneously or is returned wilh the smallest degree of pressure; a discharge is made by stool, and tbe patient is generally much pleased at HER HER tiie ease he finds; but this pleasure is of short dura- tion, for the hiccup and the cold sweats continuing and increasing, with the addition of spasmodic rigours and subtultus tendinum, the tragedy soon finishes. Hernia inguinalis. Bubonocele. Inguinal hernia. The hernia inguinalis is so called because it appears in both sexes at the groin. It is one of the divisions of hernia, and includes all those hernias in which the parts displaced pass out of the abdomen through the ring, that is, the arch formed by the aponeurosis of the musculus obliquus externus in the groin, for the passage of the spermatic vessels in men, and the round ligament in women. The parts displaced that form the hernia, the part inlo which they fall, the manner of the hernia being produced, and the time it has con- tinued, occasion, great differences in this disorder. There are three different parts that may produce a hernia in the groin, viz., one or more ofthe intestines, the epiploon, and the bladder. That which is formed by one or more of the intestines, was called, by the ancients, enterocele. The intestine which most fre- quently produces the hernia, is the ilium: because, being placed in the iliac region, it is nearer the groin than the rest: but notwithstanding the situation of tbe other intestines, which seems not to allow of their coming near the groin, we often find the jejunum, and frequently also a portion of tbe colon and caecum, in- cluded iu the hernia. It must be remembered, that the mesentery and mesocolon are membranous substances, capable of extension, which, by little and little, are sometimes so far stretched by the weight of the intes- tines, as to escape with the ilium, in this species of hernia. The hernia made by the epiploon, is called •piplocele; as that caused by the epiploon and any of the intestines together, is called entero epiplocelc. The hernia of the bladder is called crytocele. Hernia of the bladder is uncommon, and has seldom been known to happen but in conjunction with some of the other viscera. When the parts, having passed through the abdominal rings, descend no lower than the groin, it is called an incomplete hernia; when tbey fall into the scrotum in men, or inlo the labia pudendi in women, it is then termed complete. The marks of discrimination between some other diseases and inguinal hernia are these:— The disorders in which a mistake may possibly be made, are the circocele, bubo, hydrocele, and hernia humoralis, or inflamed testicle. For an account of the manner of distinguishing cir- cocele from a bubonocele, see Circocele. The circumscribed incompressible hardness, the situ- ation of the tumour, and its being free from all connex- ion with the spermatic process, will sufficiently point out its being a bubo, at least while it is in a recent state; and when it is in any degree suppurated, he must have a very small share of the taclus eruditus who cannot fee the difference between matter, and either a piece of intestine or omentum. The perfect equality of the whole tumour, and free- dom and smallnese of the spermatic process above it, the power of feeling tbe spermatic vessels, and the vas deferens in that process; ils being void of pain upon being handled, tbe fluctuation of the water, the gra- dual formation of the swelling, its having begun below and proceeded upwards, its not being affected by any posture or action of the patient, nor increased by his coughing or sneezing, together with the absolute im- possibility of feeling the testicle at the bottom of the scrotum, will always, to an intelligent person, prove the disease to be hydrocele. Pott, however, allows that there are some exceptions in which the testicle cannot be felt at the bottom of the scrotum, in cases of hernia. In recent bubonoceles, while the hernial sac is thin, has not been long, or very much distended, and the scrotum still preserves a regularity of figure, the testicle may almost always be easily felt at the inferior and posterior part of the tumour. But in old ruptures, which have been long, down, in which the quantity of contents is large, the sac considerably thickened, and the scrotum of an Irregular figure, the testicle frequently cannot be felt; neither is it in general easily felt in the congenital her- nia, for obvious reasons. In the Aernia humoralis, the pain in the testicle, its enlargement, the hardened state of the epididymus, and the exemption of the spermatic cord from all un- natural fulness, are such marks as cannot easily be mistaken; not to mention the generally preceding go- norrhoea. But if any doubt still remains of the true nature of the disease, the progress of it from above downwards, its different state and size in different pos- tures, particularly lying and standing, together with its descent and ascent, will, if duly attended to, put it out of all doubt that the tumour is a true hernia. When an inguinal hernia does not descend through the abdominal ring, but only into the canal for the spermatic cord, it is covered by tbe aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, and tlie swelling is small and undefined. Now and then, the testicle does not descend into the scrotum till a late period. The first appearance of this body at tbe ring, in order to get into its natural situation, might be mistaken for that of a hernia, were the surgeon not to pay attention to tiie absence of the testicle from tbe scrotum, and tiie peculiar sensation occasioned by pressing tiie swelling. Hernia intestinalis. A rupture caused by the protrusion of a portion of tiie intestine. See Hernia inguinalis. Hernia ischiatica. A rupture at the ischiatic notch. This is very rare. A case, however, which was strangulated, and undiscovered till after death, is related in Sir A. Cooper's second part of his work on hernia. The disease happened in a young man aged 27. On opening the abdomen, tbe ilium was found to have descended on the right side of the rectum into the pelvis; and a fold of it was protruded into a small sac, which passed out of the pelvis at the ischiatic notch. The intestine was adherent to the sac at two points; the strangulated part, and about three inches on each side, were very black. The intestines towards the stomach, were very much distended with air, and here and there had a livid spot on ihem. A dark spot was even found on the stomach itself, just above the pylorus. The colon was exceedingly contracted, as far as its sigmoid flexure. A small orifice was found in the side ofthe pelvis, in front of, but a little above the sciatic nerve, and on the forepart of the pyrifor- mis muscle. The sac lay under the glutaeus maximus muscle, and its orifice was before tiie internal iliac: artery, below the obturator artery, but above the vein. Hernia lachrvmalis. When the tears passthrough the puncta lachrymalia, but stagnate in the succulus lachrymalis, the tumour is styled hernia lachrymalia with little propriety or precision. It is wilh equal impropriety called, by Anel, a dropsy of the lachrymal sac. If the inner angle of the eye is pressed, and an aqueous humour flows out, the disease is the fistula lachrymalis. Hernia mesknterica. Mesenteric hernia. If one of the layers of the mesentery be torn by a blow, while the other remains in its natural state, the intestines may insinuate themselves into the aperture and form a kind of'hernia. The same consequences may result from a natural deficiency in one of these layers. Sir A. Cooper relates a case, in which all the small intes- tines, except the duodenum, were thus circumstanced. The symptoms during life were unknown. Hernia mesocolica. Mesocolic hernia. So named by Sir A. Cooper, when the bowels glide between the layers of the mesocolon. Every surgeon should be aware that the intestines may be strangulated from the following causes: 1. Apertures in the omentum, me- sentery, or mesocolon, through which the intestine protrudes. 2. Adhesions, leaving an aperture, in which a piece of intestine becomes confined. 3. Membra- nous bands at the mouth of hernial sacs/which be- coming elongated by the frequent protrusion and return of the viscera, surround the intestine, so as to strangu- late them within the abdomen when returned from the sac. Hernia omentalis. Epiplocele. A rupture of the omentum; or a protrusion of the omentum through apertures in the integuments ofthe belly. Sometimes, according to Sharpe, so large a quantity of the omen- tum hath fallen into the scrotum, that its weight, draw- ing the stomach and bowels downwards, hath excited vomiting, inflammation, and symptoms similar to those ofthe incarcerated hernia. Hernia perinealis. Perineal hernia. In men, tbe parts protrude between the bladder and rectum; in women, between the rectum and vagina. The hernia does not project so as to form an external tumour; and, in men, its existence can only be distinguished by ex- 421 HER HER ■mining in the rectum. In women, it maybe detected both from this part and the vagina. Hernia purenica. Phrenic hemia. The abdomi- nal viscera are occasionally protruded through the diaphragm, either through some of the natural aper- tures in this muscle, or deficiencies, or wounds, and lacerations in it. The second kind of case is the most frequent. Morgagni furnishes an instance of the first. Two cases related by Dr. Macauley, and two others published by Sir A. Cooper, are instances of the se- cond sort. And another case has been lately recorded by the latter gentleman, affording an example of the third kind. Hildanus, Pare, Petit, Schenck, &c. also mention cases of phrenic hernia. Hernia pudendalis. Pudendal hernia. This is the name assigned by Sir A. Cooper, to that which descends between the vagina and ramus ischii, and forms an oblongtumour in the labium, traceable within the pelvis, as far as the os uteri. Sir A. C. thinks this ease has sometimes been mistaken for a hernia of the foramen ovale. Hernia scrotalis. Hernia Oschealis. Oscheocele. Paracelsus calto it Crepatura. When the omentum, the intestine, or both, descend into the scrotum, it has these appellations; when the omentum only, it is called spiploscheoode. It is styled a perfect rupture in con- tradistinction to a bubonocele, which is the same dis- order ; but the descent is not so great. The hernia scrotalis is distinguished into the true and false; in the former, the omentum or intestine, or both, fall into the scrotum; in the latter, an inflammation, or a fluid, causes a tumour in this part, as in hernia humoralis, or hydrocele. Sometimes sebaceous matter is collected In the scrotum; and this hernia is called sleatocde. Hernia thtroidealis. Hernia foraminis ovalis. Thy roideal hernia. In the anterior and upper part of the obturator ligament there is an opening, through which the obturator artery, vein, and nerve proceed, and through which occasionally a piece of omentum or in- testine is protruded, covered with a part of the perito- nssum, which constitutes the hernial sac. Hernia umbilicalis. Epiploomphalinn ; Ompha- locele ; Exomphalos; Omphalos; and when owing to flatulency, Pneumatomphalos. The exomphalos, or umbilical rupture, is so called from its situation, and has, like other hernits, for its general contents, a por- tion of intestine, or omentum, or both. In old umbi- lical ruptures, the quantity of omentum is sometimes very great. Mr. Ranbysays, that he found two ells and a half of intestine in one of these, with about a third Sari of the stomach, all adhering together. Gay and fourse found the liver in the sac of an umbilical hernia; and Bohnius says that he did also. But whatever are the contents, they are originally contained in the sac, formed by the protrusion of the peritoneum. In recent and small ruptures, this sac is very visible; but in old and large ones, it is broken through at the knot of the navel, by the pressure and weight of the contents, and is not always to be distinguished; which is the reason why it has by some been doubted whether this kind of rupture has ahemial sac or not Infants are very subject to this disease, in a small de- gree, from the separation of the funiculus; but in gene- ral they either get rid of it as they gather strength, or are easily cured by wearing a proper bandage. It is of still more consequence to get this disorder cured in fe- males, than in males; that its return, when they are become adult and pregnant, may be prevented as much as possible; for at this time it often happens, from the too great distention of the belly, or from unguarded motion when the parts are upon the stretch. Dr. Hamilton has met with about two cases aunually for the space of seventeen years, of umbilical hernia, wbich strictly deserve the name of congenital umbili- cal hernia. The funis ends in a sort of bag, containing some of the viscera, which pass out of the abdomen through an aperture in the situation of the navel. The swelling is not covered with skin, so tbat the contents of the hernia can be seen through the then distended covering of the cord. The disease is owing to a pre- ternatural deficiency in the abdominal muscles, and the hope of cure must be regulated by the size of the malformation and quantity of viscera protruded. Hernia uteri. Hysteroeele. Instances have oc- curred of the uterus being thrust through tbe rings of the muscles; but this is scarcely to be discovered, unless in a pregnant state, when the strugglings of a child 423 would discover the nature of the disease. In that state, however, it could scarcely ever occur. It is the ctrtxis of Hippocrates. Hernia vaginalis. Elytroeele. Vaginal hernia. A tumour occurs within the os externum of ihe vagina. It is elastic, but not painful. When compressed, It readily recedes, but is reproduced by coughing, or even without this, when the pressure is removed. The In- conveniences produced are an inability to undergo much exercise or exertion ; for every effort of this sort brings on a sense of bearing down. The vaginal hernia pro- trudes in Ihe space left between the uterus and rectum. This space is bounded below by the peritoneum, which membrane is forced downwards, towards the perina-um; but being unable to protrude further in tbat direction, Is pushed towards the back part of the vagina. These cases probably are always intestinal. Some hernial protrude at the anterior part of the vagina. Hernia varicosa. See Circocele. Hernia ventosa. See Pneumatocele. Hernia ventralis. Hypugaslrocele. The ventral hernia may appear at almost any point of the anterior part of the belly, but is most frequently found between the recti muscles. The portion of intestine, &c. tec. is always contained in a sac made by the protrusion of the peritonaeum. Sir A. Cooper imputes its causes to the dilatation ofthe natural foraminavfor the transmission of vessels, to congenital deficiencies, lacerations, and wounds of the abdominal muscles, or their tendons In small ventral hernias, a second fascia Is found be neath the superficial one; but in large ones the latter is the only one covering the sac. Hernia ventriculi. Gaslrocele. A ventral rup- ture caused by the stomach protruding through some part of the abdominal parietes. It rarely occurs, but it docs it generally at or near the navel. Hernia vesicalis. Hernia cystica; Cystocels. The urinary bladder is liable to be thrust forth, from its proper situation, either through the openings in the oblique muscle, like the inguinal hernia, or under Pou part's ligament. In the same manner as the femoral. This is not a very frequent species of hemia, but does happen, and has as plain and determined a character as any other. HERNLA'RIA. (From hernia, a rupture : so called from its supposed efficacy in curing ruptures.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Rupture-wort Hernia glabra. The systematic name of the rup- ture-wort Herniaria. This plant, though formerly esteemed as efficacious in the cure of hernias, appears to be destitute, not only of such virtues, but of any other. It has no smell nor taste. HERNIOTOMY. (Herniotomia; ftomhernia, and rtuvta, to cut.) The operation to remove the strangu lated part in cases of incarcerated hernia;. HE'RPES. From Ipma, to creep; because it creeps and spreads about the skin.) Tetter. A genus of dis- ease in the class Locales, and order Dialyses of Cullen, distinguished by an assemblage of numerous little creeping ulcers, in clusters, itching very much, and difficult to heal, but terminating in furfuraceous scales. Bell, in his Treatise on Ulcers, arranges the herpes among the cutaneous ulcers, and says, that all the varieties of importance may be comprehended in the four following species: 1. Herpes farinosus, or what may be termed the dry tetter, is the most simple of all the species. It appears indiscriminately in different parte of the body, but most commonly on the face, neck, arms and wrists, in pretty broad spots and small pimples. These are generally very itchy, though not otherwise troublesome; and, after continuing a certain time, they at last fall off in the form of a white powder, similar to fine bran, leav- ing the skin below perfectly sound; and again return- ing in the form of a red efflorescence, they fall off, and are renewed as before. 2. Herpes pustulosus. This species appears in the form of pustules, which originally arc separate and dis- tinct, but which afterward run together in clusters. At first, they seemed to contain nothing but a thin wa- tery serum, which afterward turns yellow, and, exud- ing over the whole surface ofthe part affected, it at last dries into a thick crust, or scab; when this falls off, the skin below frequently appears entire, with only a slightdegree of redness on its surface; but on some oe- caHiuos wh«u tbe matter has probably been more acrid, HEW HIE Upon the scab falling off, the skin is found slightly ex- coriated. Eruptions of this kind appear most frequently on the face, behind the ears, and on other parts of the head; and they occur most commonly in children. 3. Herpes miliaris. The miliary tetter. This breaks out indiscriminately over the whole body; hut more frequently about the loins, breast, perimcum, scrotum, and inguina, than in other parts. It generally appears In clusters, though sometimes in distinct rings, or cir- cles, of very minute pimples, the resemblance of which to the millei-seed has given rise to the denomination of the species. The pimples are at first, though small, perfectly separate, and contain nothing but a clear lymph, which, in the course of this disease, is excreted upon the surface, and there forms into small distinct scales; these, at last, fall off, and leave a considerable degree of inflammation below, and still continues to exude fresh matter, which likewise forms into cakes, and so falls off as before. The itching, in this species of complaint, is always very troublesome; and the matter discharged from the pimples' is so tough and viscid, that every thing applied to the part adheres, so as to occasion much trouble and uneasiness on its being removed. 4. Herpes exedens, the eating and corroding tetter (so called from its destroying or corroding the parts which it attacks,) appears commonly, at first, in the form of several small painful ulcerations, all collected into larger spots, of different sizes and of various figures, with always more or less of an erysipelatous inflamma- tion. These ulcers discharge large quantities of a thin, sharp, serous matter, which sometimes forms into small crusts, that in a short time fall off; but most frequently the discharge is so thin and acrid as to spread along the neighbouring parts, where it soon produces the same kind of sores. Though these ulcers do not, in general, proceed farther than the cutis vera, yet sometimes the discharge is so very penetrating and corrosive as to destroy the skin, cellular substance, and, on some occa- sions, even the muscles themselves. It is this species that should be termed the depascent, or phagedenic ulcer, from the great destruction of parts which it fre- quently occasions. See Phagedana. Herpes ambulativa. A species of erysipelas which moves from one part to another. Herpes depascens. The same as herpes exedens. See Herpes. Herpes esthiomenos. Herpes destroying the skin by ulceration. Herpes farinosus. See Herpes. Herpes ferus. An erysipelas. Herpes indica. A fiery, itchy herpes, peculiar to India. Herpes miliaris. See Herpes. Herpes periscelis. The shingles. See Erysipe- las phlyctanodes. Herpes pustulosus. See Herpes. Herpes serpigo. The ring-worm. Herpes siccus. The dry, mealy tetter. Herpes zoster. Shingles encircling the body. See Erysipelas. HERPETIC. Relating to Herpes He'rpkton. (From iontia, to creep., A creeping pustule, or ulcer. HESPERIDEjE. (From Hesperides, whose or- chards, according to the poets, produced golden ap- ples.) Golden or precious fruit. The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants which have rigid ever- green leaves; odorous and polyandrous flowers; as the myrtle, clove, &c. [" The Heuchera Cortusa of Michaux, is a native plant, growing in woods, from New-England to Caro- lina. The root is one of the strongest vegetable as- tringents. As such, it has been employed in various complaints, to which astringents are adapted, and favourable reports are made of its operation. Hitherto it has been more known as an external application than as an internal remedy."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] HEWSON, William, was born at Hexham, in 1739. After serving an apprenticeship to his father, he came to London at the age of twenty, and resided with Mr. John Hunter, attending also the lectures of Dr. Hunter. His assiduity and skill were so conspicu- ous, that he was appointed to superintend the dissect Ing room, when the former went abroad with the army in 1760. He then studied a i-ear at Edinburgh and in 1762 he became associated with Dr. Hunter in delivering the anatomical lectures, and he was after- ward allowed an apartment in Windmill-street. Here he pursued his anatomical investigations, and his experimental inquiries into the properties of the blood, of which he published an account in 1771. He also communicated to the Royal Society several papers concerning the lymphatic system iu birds aud fishes, for which he received the Copleyan medal, and was soon after elected a fellow of that body.' He began a course of lectures alone in 1772, having quitted P<- Hunter two years before, and soon became very popu- lar. In 1774, he published his work on tlie Lymphatic System. But not long after, his life was terminated by a fever, occasioned by a wound received in dis- secting a morbid body, in the thirty-fifth year of his age. "HEXAGY'NIA. (From i\, six, and yovn, a woman, or wife.) The name of an order of plants in the' sex- ual system, which, besides the classic character, have six females or pistils. HEXA'NDRIA. (From l\, six, and avnp, a man, or husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system, consisting of plants with hermaphrodite flow- ers that are furnished with six stamens of an equal length. Hexapha'rmacum. (From i\, six, and tbapuaxov, a medicine.) Any medicine in the composition of which are six ingredients. Hibe'rnicus lapis. See Lapis hibemicus. HIBISCUS. (From i/3ic, a stork, who is said to chew it, and inject it as a clyster.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Mona- delphia; Order, Polyandria. Hibiscus abelmoschus. The systematic name of the plant, the seeds of which are called musk-seed; Abelmoschus; Granum moschi; Moschus Arabum; JEgyptia moschata; Bamia moschata; Alcea; Alcea Indica; Alcea JEgypliaca villosa; Abrette ; Abel- mosch; Abelmusk. The plant is indigenous in Egypt, and in many parts of both the Indies. These seeds have the flavour of musk. The best comes from Mar- tinico. By the Arabians, they are esteemed cordial, and are mixed with their coffee, to which they impart their fragrance. In this country they are used-by the perfumers. HICCUP. Singultus- A spasmodic affection of, the diaphragm, generally arising from irritation pro- duced by acidity in the stomach, error of diet, Sec. HIDRO'A. (From iSpias, sweat.) A pustular dis- ease, produced by sweating in hot weather. HIDRO'CRISIS. (From iSpias, sweat, and xptvia, to judge.) A judgment formed from the sweat of the patient. HIDRO'NOSOS. (From iSpias, sweat, and vocos, z. disease ) The sweating sickness. HIDROPY'RETUS. (From iSpias, sweat, and TTvptJos, a fever.) Sweating fever. HIDRO'TICA. (From iSpias, sweat.) Medicines which cause perspiration. HIDROTOPOIE TICA. (From iSpias, sweat, and noieio, to make.) Sudorifics. HI'ERA. (From ttpos, holy; and from itpa\, a hawk.) Holy. Also applied to some plants which hawks are said to be fond of. Hiera picra. (From ttpos, holy, and mxpos, bitter. Holy bitter.) Pulvis aloeticus, formerly called hiera logadii, made in the form of an electuary with honey. It is now kept in the form of dry powder, prepared by mixing Socotorine aloes, one pound, with three ounces of white canella. Hierabo'tane. (From ttpos, holy, and fiolavtj, an herb: so called from its supposed virtues.) See Ver- bena trifoliata. Hieraca'ntha. (From itpal, a hawk, and avdos, a flower: so named because it seizes passengers as a hawk does its prey.) A sort of thistle. HIERA'CIUM. (From i£pa£, a hawk: so called be- cause hawks feed upon it, or because it was said that hawks applied the juice of it to cleanse their eyes.) The name of a genus of plants in ihe Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Syngenesia ; Order, Polygamia cqualts. Hawk-weed. Hieracium pilosella. The systematic name of the mouse-ear, Auricula muris; Pilosella ; Myosotis ; Hicraculum. This common plant contains a bitter lactescent juice, which has a slight degree of amir*. HIP HIP fency. The roots an more powerful than the leaves. They are very seldom used in this country. Hiera'culuMi See Hiaracinm. HIERA'NOSOS. (From icpoc, holy, and vooos, a disease: so called because it was supposed to be that disorder which our Saviour cured in those who were said to be possessed of devils.) The epilepsy. Hiera'ticum. (From ttpos, holy.) A poultice for the stomach, so named from its supposed divine vir- tues. Highgate resin. See Fossil copal. HIGHM " 1MORE, Nathaniel, was born at Fording- bridge, in Hampshire, in 1613. After graduating at Oxford, he settled at Sherborne, where he obtained considerable reputation in practice, and died in 1684. He pursued the study of anatomy with zeal, though with limited opportunities of dissection; and his name has been attached to a part, though not originally dis- covered by him, namely, the Antrum Maxillare, which bad been before mentioned by Casserius. His prin- cipal work is " Corporis humani Disquisitio anato- mica," printed at the Hague in 1651, with figures, chiefly from Vesalius. He also published two disser- tations on Hysteria and Hypochondriasis; and a his- tory of Generation. Highmore's antrum. See Antrum of Highmore. Hique'ro. The calabash-tree, tbe fruit of which is said to be febrifuge. HILDA'NUS. See Fabricius, William. HILUM. Tbe scar, or point by which the seed is attached to its seed-vessel or receptacle, and through which alone life and nourishment are conveyed for the perfecting of its internal parts. Consequently all those parts must be intimately connected with the inner sur- face of this scar, and they are all found to meet there, and to divide or divaricate from that point, more or less immediately. In describing the form or various external portions of any seed, the hilum is always to be considered as the base. When the seed is quite ripe, the communication through this channel is interrupted, it separates from the parent plant without injury, a scar being formed on each. Yet the hilum is so far capable of resuming its former nature, that the moisture Of the earth is imbibed through it, previous to germi- nation.—Smith. Himanto'sis. (From iuaf, a thong of leather.) A relaxation of the. uvula, when it hangs down like a thong. ' Hi mas. A relaxation of tbe uvula. HlN. Hindisch. Hing. Assafcetida. HIP. The ripe fruit of the dog-rose. They are chiefly used as a sweetmeat, or in a preserved state. Bee Confectio rosa canina. HIPPOCAMPUS, (IiriroKau7roc, the name of a sea insect which bas a head like that ofthe horse, and tail like the xaptrij, or eruca.) 1. The sea-horse. S. Some parts are so called from their supposed re- semblance. See Cerebrum. HIPPOCA'STANUM. (From uriroc, a horse, and xac-avov, a chesnut: so called from its size.) See JEs- cuius hippocastanum. HIPPOCRATES, usually called the father of phy- sic, was born in the island of Cos, about 460 years be- fore Christ. He is reckoned the 18th lineal descendant from jEsculapius, the profession of medicine having been hereditarily followed in that family, under whose direction the Coan school attained ils high degree of eminence, and by the mother's side he is said to have descended from Hercules. Born with these advan- tages, and stimulated by the fame of his ancestors, he devoted himself zealously to the cultivation of the healing art Not content with the empirical prac- tice, which was derived from his predecessors, he studied under Herodicus, who had invented the gym- nastic medicine, as well as some other philosophers. But he appears to have judged carefully for himself, and to have adopted only those principles, which seemed founded in sound reason. He was thus ena- bled to throw light on the deductions of experience, and clear away the false theories with which medicine bad been loaded by those wbo had no practical knowledge j of diseases, and bring it into tbe true path of observa- I tion, under the guidance of reason. Hence the physi- ■ ciar.s of the rational or dogmatic sect always acknow- I ledged him as their leader. The events of his life are ' involved in much obscurity and fable. But he appears i to have travelled much, residing at different ulaces for j 424 some time, and practising his profession titer*, ne dies) at Larissa, In Thessaly, at a very advanced age, which is variously staled from 85 to 109 yearn. He left two sons, Thessalus and Draco, who followed -tho samn profession, and a daughter, married lo his favourite pupil Polybus. who arranged and published his works; and he formed many other disciples. He acquired a high reputation among his countrymen, which has descended to modern times; and his opinions have been respected as oracles, not only in the schools of medi- cine, but even in the courts of law. He has shared with Plato the title of divine: statues and temples have been erected to his memory, and his altars co- vered with incense, like those of Aesculapius himself. Indeed, the qualifications and duties required in a phy- sician, were never more fully exemplified than In his conduct, and more eloquently described than by his pen. He is said to nave admitted no one to his in- structions without the solemnity of an oath, in which the chief obligations are, the most religions atten- tion to the advantages of the sick, the strictest chas- tity, and inviolable secrecy concerning matters which ought not to be divulged. Besides these charac- teristics, he displayed great simplicity, candour, and benevolence, with unwearied zeal, in investigating the progress and nature of disease, and in administering to their cure. The books attributed to him amount to 72; of which, however, many are considered spurious, and others have been much corrupted. The most es- teemed, and generally admitted genuine, are the essay " On Air, Water, and Situation," the first and third books of " Epidemics," that on " Prognostics," the " Aphorisms," the treatise "On the Diet in acute Dis- eases," and that "On Wounds of the Head." He wrote in the Ionic dialect, in a pure but remarkably concise style. He was necessarily deficient in the knowledge of anatomy, as the dissection of human bodies was not then allowed; whence his Physiology also is, in many respects, erroneous: but he, in a great measure, compensated this by unceasing observation of diseases, whereby he attained so much skill in pathology and therapeutics, that he has been regarded as the founder of medical science: and his opinions still influence the healing art in a considerable degree. He diligently investigated the several causes of dis- eases, hut especially their symptoms, which enabled him readily to distinguish them from each other: and very few of those noticed by him are now unknown, mostly retaining even the same names. But he is more remarkably distinguished by his Prognostics, which have been comparatively little improved since, founded upon various appearances in tlie state of the patient, but especially upon the excretions. His at tention seems to have been directed chiefly to these In consequence of a particular theory. He supposed that there are four humours in the body, blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile, having different de- grees of heat or coldness, moisture or dryness, and that to certain changes in the quantity or quality of these, nil diseases might be referred; and farther, that in acute disorders a concoction of the morbid humours took place, followed by a critical discharge, which be believed to happen, especially on certain days. But he seems to have paid little, if any, attention to the state of the pulse. He advanced another opinion, which has since very generally prevailed, that there is a principle, or power in the system, which he called Nature, tending to tbe preservation of health, and the removal of disease. He, therefore, advised practition- ers carefully to observe and promote the efforts of nature, at the same time correcting morbid states by their opposite?, and endeavouring to bring back the fluids into their proper channels. The chief part of his treatment at first was a great restriction of the diet; in very acute diseases merely allowing the mouth to be moistened occasionally for three or four days, and only a more plentiful dilution during a fortnight, provided the strength would bear it; afterward a more substan- tial diet was directed, but hardly any medicines, except gentle emetics, and iaxatives, or clysters. Where these means failed, very active purgatives were em- ployed, as hellebore, elaterium, Sec or sometimes the sudorific regimen, or garlic and other diuretics. He seems cautious in tbe UBe of narcotics, but occasionally had recourse to some of the preparations of lead, enp- per,silver, andiron. He bled freely in casesof extreme pain or inflammation, sometimes opening two veins at HOD HOL once, so as to produce fainting; and also took blood often by cupping, but preferably from a remote part, with a view of producing a revulsion. Where medi- cines fail, he recommends the knife, or even fire, as a last resource, and he advises trepanning, in cases of violent headache. But he wishes the more difficult operations of surgery to be performed only by particular persons, who might thereby acquire more expertness. HIPPOCRATIC. Relating to Hippocrates. See Fades hippocratica. Hippola'patuum. (From l-mros, a horse, and Aaira- ■6ov, the lapathum.) A species of lapatiium; so named from its size. See Rumex patientia. Hippoma'ratiirum. (From hios, a horse, and papaOpov, fennel: so nauied from its size.) See Peuce- danum silaus. Hipposeli'num. (From Sinroc, a horse, and otXivov, purslane; so named because il resembles a large kind of purslane.) See Smyrnaum olusatrum. HIPPU'RIS. (From ijr7roc,a horse, and oupa, a tail.) 1. Some herbs are thus named because they resemble a horse's tail. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monandria; Order, Monogynia, Mare's tail. Hippurus vulgaris. The systematic name of the horse's or mare's tail. Equisetum; Cauda equina. It possesses astringent qualities, and is frequently used by the common people as tea in diarrhoeas and haemor- rhages. The same virtues are also attributed to the Equisetum arvense, fluviatile, limosum, and other species, which are directed indiscriminately by the term Equisetum. HIPPUS. (From Imroj, a horse; because the eyes of those who labour under this affliction are continually twinkling and trembling, as is usual with those who ride on horseback.) A repealed dilatation and alter- nate constriction of the pupil, arismg from spasm, or convulsion of tbe iris. Hir. (From %ttp, tne hand.) The palm of the hand. Hira. (From hir, the palm of the hand; because it is usually found empty.) The intestinum jejunum. HIRCUS. Tragus. The goat. Hircus bezoarticus. (Quasi hirt.us; from his shaggy hair.) The goat which affords the oriental bezoar. Hi'rq.uus. (From tpxos, a hedge; because it is hedged in by the eyelash.) The angle ofthe eye. H1RSUTIES. A trivial name in Good's Nosology 3ar a species of disease in which hair grows in extra- neous parts, or superfluously in parts where il naturally grows. Trichosis hirsnties. HLRSUTUS. Hairy: applied to leaves, petals, seeds, Sec of plants; as the petals of the Menyanthes trifoliata and Asclcpias crispa: tbe seeds of the Scan- dix trichosperma. HI'RTUS. (A contraction of hirsutus.) Hairy: applied to stems of plants, as tbat cf the Cirastium al- pinum. HIRU'DO. (Quasi haurudo; from haurio, to draw out: so named from its greediness to suck blood.) See Leech. Hirudo medicinalis. See Leech. HIRUNDINA'RIA. (From hirundo, the swallow: so called from the resemblance of its pods to a swal- low.) Swallow wort, or asclepias. See Lysimachia numularia and Asclepias vincetoxf.cum. Hirc'ndo. (Ab harendo; from its sticking its nest to the eaves of houses.) 1. The swallow. 2. The cavity in the bend ofthe arm. Hispi'dula. (From hispidus, rough: so named from the rough, woolly surface of its stalks.) See Gnaphalium. HISPIDUS. Bristly: applied to stems, seeds, Sec. of plants. The Borago officinalis is a good example of the Caulus hispidus: the seeds ofthe Daucus carota, and Galium boreale. HOARHOUND. See Marmbium. HODGES, Nathaniel, son of the Dean of Hereford, ft/as born at Kensington, and graduated at Oxford in 1659. He then settled in London, and continued there luring the plague, when mostotber physicians deserted (heir post. He was twice taken ill, but by timely reme- dies recovered. He afterward published an authentic account of the disease, which appears to have de- stroyed 68,596 persons in the year 1665. It is to be regretted, that a person who had performed such an important and dangerous service to his fellow-citizens, should have died in prison, confined for debt, in 1684. HOFFMANN, Frederic, was born at Halle, in Saxony, 1660. Having lost his parents from an epi- demic disease, he went to study medicine at Jena, where he graduated in 1681. The year following he published an excellent tract, " De Cinnabari Anti- monii," which gained him great applause, a Ad nume- rous pupils to attend a course of chemical lectures, Which he delivered there. He then practised his pro- fession for two years at Minden with very good suc- cess; and after travelling to Holland and England, where he received many marks of distinction, he was appointed, on his return in 1685, physician to the gar- rison, and subsequently to Frederic William, Elector of Brandenburgh, and the whole principality of Min- den. He was, however, induced to settle, in 1688, as public physician at Halberstadt; where he published a treatise, " De Insufficiencia Acidi et Viscldi." A university being founded at Halle, by Frederic III., afterward first King of Prussia, Hoffman was ap- pointed, in 1693, primary Professor of Medicine, and composed the Statutes of that institution, and recom- mended Stahl as his colleague. He was most active in his professional duties; and by the eloquence and learning displayed in bis lectures and publications, he extended his own reputation, and tbat of the new uni versity. He was admitted into tbe scientific societies at Berlin, Petersburgh, and London; and had the honour of attending many of the German courts aa physician. Haller asserts that he acquired great wealth by the sale of various chemical nostrums. He examined many of the mineral waters in Germany, particularly those of Seidlitz, which he first introduced to public notice in 1717. The year after he com- menced the publication of his " Medicina Rationalis Systematica," which was received with great applause by the faculty in various parts of Europe, and is said to have occupied him nearly twenty years. He also published two volumes of " Consultations," and thiee books of select chemical observations. In 1727, he was created Count Palatine, by the Prince of Swart- zenburgti, whom he carried through a dangerous dis- ease. About seven years after, be attended Frederic William, King of Prussia, and is said by dignified remonstrance to have secured himself against the brutal ruedness shown by that monarch to those about him; he was ultimately distinguished with great honours, and invited strongly to settle at Berlin, but declined it on account of his advanced age. He con- tinued to perform his duties at Halle till 1742, in which year he died. Hoffman was a very voluminous writer; His works have been collected in six folio volumes, printed at Geneva. Tbey contain a great mass of valuable practical matter, partly original, but detailed in a prolix manner, and intermixed with much hypo- thesis. He has the merit, however, of first turning the attention of practitioners to the morbid affections of the nervous system, instead of framing mere mechani- cal or chemical theories: but he did not carry the doc- trine to its fullest extent, and retained some of the errors of the humoral pathology. He pursued the study of chemistry and pharmacy with considerable ardour ; but his practice was cautious, particularly in advanced age, trusting much to vegetable simples. [Hopfman's anodyne liquor. Formerly so called; now known by the name of compound spirit of Sul- phuric ether. A.l Hog's fennel. See Peucedanum. [Hog-tooth spar. A variety of calcareous spar. A.] Ho'lcimos. (From tXxia, to draw.) It sometimes means a tumour ofthe liver. HO'LCUS. 1. The name of a genus of plants io the Linnean system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Mo nacia. 2. The Indian millet-seed, which is said to be nutri live. » Holcus sorgum. Guinea corn. HOLERACEUS. See Oleraceous. [HOLYOKE, Dr. Edward. This beloved and venerated man was born at Marblehead, Mass. in 1728. The house in which he was born is still stand- ing. He was graduated at Harvard University in 1746, and settled in this place in 1749, where he has ever Binee, for a period of 80 years, resided, useful, beloved, HOR HOR and honoured. He was married, the first time in 1755, and a second time in 1759. He had by the second marriage 12 children, of whom only two survive. His only child by his first wife died in infancy He has lived iu his mansion-house, in Essex-street, for the last 66 years, and at one period of his practice, ho has stated that there was not a dwelling-house in Salem which he had not visited professionally. For a long period he nearly engrossed the medical practice of the place, and is known to have made a hundred profes- sional visits in a day. This was in May or June of 1783, at which time the measles prevailed epidemi- cally. He passed his long life in almost uninterrupted health, without any of those accidents and dangers which his skill was exerted to remedy and remove in others, and his old age has been almost without infir- mity, and literally without decrepitude. Who that saw him does not recollect his firm and elasticstep and his cheerful looks on tiie day of his hundredth anni- versary ? To much exercise and great temperance he was disposed to attribute his health and advanced age. And when to these causes we add those of pious opinions, virtuous practices, and a calm, cheerful, and contented spirit, we shall have disclosed much of the secret of his corporeal advantages. Of his temperance we are induced to make one remark, that it was not a system of rules in diet and regimen, but a temperance of mo- derate desires. He enjoyed all the bounties of Provi- dence wilh remarkable appetency, but his well-regu- lated mind always saved him from excessive indul- gence. Of his exercise some idea may be formed by a computation which he made a short time before his decease, that he had walked in the course of his prac- tice, a distance which would reach three times round the globe. He died iu 1829. A.] Hollow leaf. See Cuncavus. HOLLY. See Ilex. Holly, knee. See Ruscus. Holly, sea. See Eryngium. Holmi'scus. (Dim. of oXuos, a mortar.) 1. A small mortar. 2. The cavity of the large teeth, because they pound the food as in a mortar. HOLMITE. A new mineral composed of lime, carbonic acid, alumina, silica, oxide of iron, and water. Holopiilv'ctides. (From oXoc, whole, and tbXuxlts, a pustule.) Little pimples all over the body. • Holo'stes. See Holosteus. Holo'steum. Sec Holosteus. Holo'steus. (From oXoc, whole, and o$tov, a bone.) Glue-bone. See Osteocolla. Holoto'nicus. (From oXoc,'whole, and rttvia,to stretch.) A term formerly applied to diseases accom- panied with universal convulsion, or rigour. HOLT THISTLE. See Centaurea benedicta. HOLYWELL. There is a mineral water at this place arranged under the class of simple cold waters, remarkable for its purity. It possesses similar virtues to tbat of Malvern. See Malvern water. Ho'ma. An anasarcous swelling. Homberg's phosphorus. Ignited muriate of lime. Bamberg's salt. See Boracic acid. HOMOGENEOUS. (Homogenous; from ouoc, like, and ytvos, a kind.) Uniform, of a like kind or species, of the same quality. A term used in contradistinction to heterogeneous, when the parts of the body are of different qualities. HOMOPLA'TA. (From tauos, the shoulder, and nXa'Ja, the blade.) See Scapula. HONEY. See Mel. HONEY-STONE. Mellite. Crystalhartzof Mohs. Pyramidal honey-atone of Jameson. This is of a honey colour, distinctly crystallized, and occurs on bituminous wood and earth coal, and is usually accom- panied with sulphur at Artern, in Thuringia. HONEY-SUCKLE. See Lonicera peridymenum. Hooded leaf. Cucullatus. HOOPING-COUGH. See Pertussis. HOP. See Humulus lupulus. Hoplocbri'sma. (From on-Xov, a weapon, and xptspa, a salve.) A salve which was ridiculously said to cure wounds by consent; that is, by anointing the instrument with wbich the wound was made. HORDEOLUM. (Diminutive of hordeum, barley.) A little tumour on the eyelids, resembling a barley- corn, A stye. Scarpa remarks, the stye is strictly 426 only a little bile, which projects from the edge of the eyelids, mostly near the great angle of the eye. This Utile tumour, like the furunculus, Is of a dark red colour, much inflamed, and a groat deal more painful than might be expected, considering its small size. The latter circumstance is partly owing to the vehemence of the inflammation producing the stye, and partly to the exquisite sensibility and tension of the skin, which covers the edge of the eyelids. On this account, the hordeolum very often excites lever and restlessness in delicate, irritable constitutions; it suppurates slowly and imperfectly; mid, when suppurated, has no ten- dency to burst The stye, like other furunculous inflammations, forms an exception to the general rule, that the best mode in which inflammatory swellings can end, is resolution; for whenever a furunculous inflammation extends so deeply as to destroy any of the cellular substance, the little tumour can never be resolved, or only imperfectly so. This event, indeed, would rather be hurttul, since there would still remain behind a greater or smaller portion of dead cellular membrane; which, sooner or later, might bring on a renewal of tiie stye in the same place as before, or else become converted into a hard indolent body, deforming ihe edge of the eyelid. HO'RDEUM. (Ab horrvre arista; from the un- pleasantness of its beard to the touch.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Liunatan system. Class Triandria; Order, Digynia. Barley. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the common barley See Hordeum vulgare. Hordeum causticum. Sec Cevadilla. Hordeum distichon. This plant affords the barley in common use. See Hordeum vulgare. Hordeum perlatum. See Hordeum vulgare. Hordeum vulgare. The systematic name of the common barley. The seed called barley, is obtained from several species of hordeum, but principally from the vulgare, or common or Scotch barley, and the distichon, or hordeum gallicum vel mundatum, or French barley, of Linnatus. It is extremely nutritious and mucilaginous, and in common use as a drink, when boiled, in all inflammatory diseases and affec- tions of the chest, especially where there is cough or irritation about the fauces. A decoction of barley with gum, is considered a useful diluent and demulcent in dysury and strangury; the gurn mixing wilh the urine, sheaths the urinary canal from the acrimony of the urine. Among the ancients, decoctions of barley, xpiBn, were the principal medicine, as well as aliment, in acute diseases. Barley is freed from its shells in mills, and in this state called Scotch and Frencii barley. In Holland, they rub barley into small tound grains, somewhat like pearls, which is therefore called pearl barley, or hordeum perlatum. HORIZONTALS. Horizontal: applied to leaves, roots, &c. which spread in the greatest possible degree; as the leaves of Gentiana campestris, and roots of the Laserpitium prutenicum. HO'RMINUM. (From opuaui, to incite: named from its supposed qualities of provoking venery.) See Salvia sclarea. HORN. An animal substance chiefly membraneous, composed of coagulated albumen, wilh a little gelatin, and about a half per cent, of phosphate of lime. The horns of the buck and hart are of a different nature, being intermediate between bone and bora See Cornu. Horn silver. A chloride of silver. HORNBLENDE. A sub-species of straight-edged augite. There are three varieties of it: 1. Common hornblende, which is of a greenish black colour: is an essential ingredient of the mountain rocks, syenite and green-stone, and occurs frequently iu granite, gneiss, Sec It is found abundantly in the British isles, and on the Continent. 2. Hornblende, slate, of a colour intermediate be- tween green and black. It occurs in beds of gneiss in many parts of Scotland, England, and the Conti- nent 3. Basaltic hornblende, of a velvet black colour. It is found imbedded in basalt, along with olivine and augite, at Arthur's Seat, near Edinburgh, an J in basal- tic rocks of England, Ireland, and tiie Continent HORNSTONE. Professor Jameson's uinth sub species of rhomboidal quartz. HORRLPILA'TIO. Horripilation. (From horror HUM HUM and pilus, a hair.) A shuddering or a sense of creep- ing in different parts of tiie body. A symptom of the approach of fever. Horse-chesnut. See JEsculus hippocastanum. Horse-radish. See Codilearia armoracia. HORSE-TAIL. See Hippurus vulgaris. HORSTIUS, Gregory, was born at Torgau, in 1578. After studying in different parts of Germany and Switzerland, he graduated at Basil in 1606, and was soon after appointed to a medical professorship at Wittenhurg. But two years after he received a simi- lar appointment at Giessen, and was made chief phy- sician of Hesse; where he attained considerable repu- tation iu his profession. In 1722 he went to Ulm, on an invitation from the magistracy as public physician and president of the college; where his learning, skill, and humanity, procured him general esteem. He died in 1636. His works were collected by his sons in three folio volumes. HO'RTUS. (From orior, to rise, as being the place where vegetables grow up.) 1. A garden. 2. The genitals of a woman, which is the repository of the human semen. Hortus siccus. A collection of dried plants HOUNDS-TONGUE. See Cynoglossum. HOUSE-LEEK. See Sempervivum tectorum. HUBER, John James, was born at Basle in 1707, and graduated there at the age of 26, after studying under the celebrated Haller and other able teachers. Two years after he was appointed physician to the Court of Baden Dourlach. He materially assisted Haller in his work on the Botany of Switzerland, and was consequently invited by him iu 1738 to be dis- sector at Goltingen. He speedily rose to considerable reputation there, and received different public appointments. He had likewise the honour of being elected into the most celebrated ofthe learned societies iu Europe. He died in 1778. The chief objects of his research were the spinal marrow, and the nerves originating from it: he also inquired into the supposed influence of the imagi- nation of the mother on the fcetus, and into the cause of miscarriages. [HULL, Dr. Amos G. This gentleman is a living practitioner of physic and surgery in the city of New- York. He has paid particular attention to the cure of Reducible Hernia, and has succeeded beyond all other surgeons in the cure of this frequent complaint. Prac- titioners have most usually directed their patients to apply a truss. Dr. Hull, however, in attending more particularly and personally to the adaptation of trusses to different kinds of Reducible Hernia, found that they were all made upon erroneous principles. He has ac- cordingly invented a truss differing from all preceding trusses, and it has the general approbation of practi- tioners in this country, for its simplicity and superior Utility. He has improved upon those he first made, and he now calls it his improved hinge and pivot Truss, for an account of which see article, Truss. A.] HULME, Nathaniel, was born at Halifax, in York- shire, 1732, and bred to the profession of a surgeon- apothecary. After serving some time in the navy, he graduated at Edinburgh in 1765. He then settled in London, and was soon after appointed physician to the General Dispensary, the first institution of that kind established in the metropolis. About the year 1775 he was elected physician to the Charter-house. In 1807 he died, in consequence of a severe -bruise by a fall. He was author of several dissertations on scurvy, puerperal fever, &c. He also made a series of expe- riments on the light spontaneously emitted from vari- ous bodies, published iu the Philosophical Transac- tions : and he was one of the editors of the Loudon Practice of Physic. HUMECT A'NTIA. (From humecto, to make moist.) Medicines which are supposed capable of softening by making the solids of the body moist. HUMERAL. Humeralis. Belonging to the hume- rus or arm. Humeral arterv. Arteria humeralis. Brachial artery. The axillary artery, having passed the tendon of the great pectoral muscle, changes its name to the brachial or humeral artery, which name it retains in its course down the arm to the bend, where it divides Into the radial and ulnar arteries. In this course it gives' off several muscular branches, three of which onlv deserve attention: 1. The arteria profunda supe- rior, which goes round the back of the arm to the ei- terior muscle, and is often named the upper muscular artery. 2. Another like it, called arteria profunda in- ferior, ot the lower muscular artery. 3. Ramus anas- tomoticus major, which anastomoses round the elbow with the branches of the ulnar artery. Humeralis musculus. See Deltoides. HU'MERUS. (From wuoc, the shoulder.) 1. The arm, as composed of hard and soft parts, from the shoulder to the forearm. 2. The shoulder. 3. The bone of the arm, or os humeri, os brachii. A long cylindrical bone, situated between the scapula and forearm. Its upper extremity »s formed somewhat laterally and internally, into a large, round, and smooth head, which is admitted into the glenoid cavity of the scapula. Around the basis of this head is observed a circular fossa, deepest anteriorly and externally, which forms what is called the neck of the bone, and from the edge of which arises the capsular ligament, which is further strengthened by a strong membraneous ex- pansion, extending to the upper edge of the glenoid cavity, and to the coracoid process of the scapula; and likewise by the tendinous expansions of the muscles, inserted into the bead of the humerus. This capsular ligament is sometimes torn in luxation, and becomes an obstacle to the easy reduction of the bone. The articulating surface of the head is covered by a car- tilage, which is thick in its middle part, and thin to- wards its edges; by which means it is more convex in the recent subject than in the skeleton. This upper extremity, besides the round smooth head, affords two other smaller protuberances. One of these, which is the largest of the two, is of an irregular oblong shape, and is placed at the back of the head of the bone, from which it is separated by a kind of groove, that makes a part of the neck. This tuberosity is divided, at its upper part, into three surfaces; the first of these, which is the smallest and uppermost, serves for the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle; the second or middle- most, for the insertion of the infraspinatus; and the third, which is the lowest and hindmost, for the inser- tion of the teres minor. The other smaller tuberosity is situated anteriorly, between the larger one and the head of the humerus, and serves for the insertion of the subscapulars muscle. Between these two tube- rosities there is a deep groove for lodging the tendinous head of the biceps brachii; the capsular ligament of the joint affording here a prolongation, thinner than the capsule itself, which covers and accompanies this muscle to its fleshy portion, where it gradually disap- pears in the adjacent cellular membrane. Immedi- ately below its neck, the os humeri begins to assume a cylindrical shape, so that here the body of the bone may be said to commence. At its upper part is ob- served a continuation of the groove for the biceps, which extends downward, about the fourth part of the length of the bone in an oblique direction. The edges of this groove are continuations ofthe greater and smaller tuberosities, and serve for the attachment of the pectoralis, latissimus dorsi, and teres major mus- cles. The groove itself is lined with a glistening sub- stance like cartilage, but w hich seems to be nothing more than the remains of tendinous fibres. A little lower down, towards the external and anterior 6ide of the middle of the bone, it is seen rising into a rough ridge for the insertion of the deltoid muscle. On each side of this ridge the bone is smooth and flat, for the lodgment ofthe brachialis internus muscle; and be- hind the middle part of the outermost side of the ridge is a channel, for the transmission of vessels into the substance of the bone. A little lower down, and near the inner side of the ridge, there is sometimes seen such another channel, which is intended for the same purpose. The os humeri, at its lower extremity, be- comes gradually broader and flatter, so as to have this end nearly of a triangular shape. The bone, thus ex- panded, affords two surfaces, of which the anterior one is the broadest, and somewhat convex; and the posterior one narrower and smoother. The bone ter- minates in four large processes, the two outermost of which are called condyles, though not designed for the articulation of the bone. These condyles, which are placed at some distance from each other, on each side of the bone, are rough and irregular protuberances. formed for the insertion of muscles and ligaments, and differ from each other in size and shape. The external HUN HUN condyle, when the arm is in the most natural position, is found to be placed somewhat forwarder than the other. The internal condyle is longer, and more pro- tuberant, than the external. From each of these pro- cesses a ridge is continued upwards, at tile side of the bone. In the interval between the two condyles are placed the two articulating processes, contiguous to each other, and covered with cartilage. One of these, which is the smallest, is formed into a small, obtuse, smooth head, on which the radius plays. This little head is placed near the external condyle, as a part of which it has been sometimes described. The other, and larger process, is composed of two lateral protu- berances and a middle cavity, all of which are smooth and covered with cartilage. From the manner in which the ulna moves upon this process, it has gotten the name of trochlea, or pulley. The sides of this pul- ley are unequal; that which is towards the little head, is the highest of the two; the other, which is contigu- ous to the external condyle, is more slanting, being situated obliquely from within outwards, so that when Ihe forearm is fully extended, it does not form a straight line with ihe os humeri, and, for the same reason, when we bend the elbow, the band comes not to the shoulder, as it might be expected to do, but to the forepart ofthe breast. There is a cavity at the root of these pro- cesses, on each of the two surfaces of the bone. The cavity on the anterior surface is divided by a ridge into two, the external of which receives the end of the radius, and the internal one lodges the coronoid pro- cess of the ulna in the flexions of the forearm. The cavity on the posterior surface, at the basis of the pul- ley, is much larger, and lodges the olecranon when the arm is extended, The internal structure of the os humeri is similar to that of other long bones. In new- eorn infants, both the ends of the bone are cartilagi- nous, and the large head, with the two tubercles above, and the condyles, with the two articulating processes below, become epiphyses before they are entirely united to the rest of the bone. HU'MILIS. (From humi, on the ground: so named because it turns the eye downwards, and is expressive of humility.) See Rectus inferior oculi. HUMITE. A mineral of a reddish brown colour found near Naples, and named by Count Bournon in nonour of Sir Abraham Hume, a distinguished culti- vator of mineralogy. HU'MOR. (Ab humo, from the ground; because moisture springs from the earth.) Humour, a general name for any fluid of the body except the blood. Humor vitreus. The vitreous humour of the eye, Which takes its name from the resemblance to melted glass, is less dense than the crystalline but more than the aqueous humour; it is very considerable in the human eye, and seems to be formed by the small arte- ries that are distributed in cells of the hyaloid mem- brane ; it is heavier than common water, slightly albu- minous and saline. HUMOUR. See Humor. Humour, aqueous. See Aqueous humour. Humour, vitreous. See Humor vitreus. Humours of the Eye. See Eye. H U MULIN. The narcotic principle of the fruit of tbe hop. See Humulus. HU'MULUS. (From humus, the ground: so named because, wilhout factitious support, it creeps along the (round.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Dicecia; Order, Pentandria. The hop. Humulus lupulus. The systematic name of the hop-plant. Lupulus; Convolvulus perennis. The hop is the floral leaf or bractea of this plant: it is dried and used in various kinds of strong beer. Hops have a bitter taste, less ungrateful than most of tbe other strong bitters, accompanied with some degree of warmth and aromatic flavour, and are highly intoxi- cating. The hop-flower also exhales a considerable quantity of its narcotic power in drying; hence those who sleep in the hop-houses are with difficulty roused from their slumber. A pillow stuffed wilh these flow- ers is said to have laid our late monarch to sleep when other remedies had failed. The young sprouts, called Imp-tops, if phKfcei when only a foot above the ground, and boiled, are eaten, like asparagus, and arc a whole- some delicacy. The active or narcotic principle of the hop, is called humulm. HUNGER. Famts. " The want of solid aliments 428 is characterized by a peculiar sensation In the retton of the stomach, and by a general feebleness, more or less marked. This feeling is generally renewed after the stomach has been for some time empty; it la varia- ble in its intensity and its nature in different individu- als, and even in the same individual. In some Its violence is excessive, in others it is scarcely feK; some never feel it, and eat only because the hour of repast Is come. Many persons perceive a drawing, a pres- sure more or less painful in the epigastric region, ac- companied by yawnings, and a particular noise, pro- duced by tbe gases contained in the stomach, which becomes contracted. When this want is not satisfied it increases, and may become a severe pain: the same takes place with the sensation of weakness and gene- ral fatigue, which is felt, and which may Increase, so as to render the motions difficult, or even im- possible. Authors distinguish in hunger, local phenomena, and general phenomena. This distinction is good in itself, and may be useful for study; but have not mere gratuitous suppositions been described as local or general phenomena of hun < ger, the existence of which was rendered probable by this theory 1 This point of physiology is one of those in which the want of direct experiment is the most strongly felt.—The pressure and contraction of the stomach are considered among the local phenomena of hunger: 'the sides of that viscus,' it is said, 'be- come thicker; it changes its form and situation, and draws the duodenum a little towards it; its cavity con- tains saliva mixed with air, mucosilies, bile, which has regurgitated in consequence of the dragging of the duodenum; the quantity of these humours in creases in the stomach in proportion as hunger is of longer continuation. The cystic bile does not flow inlo the duodenum; it collects in the gall-bladder, and it becomes abundant and black according to the con- tinuance of abstinence. A change takes place in the order of tbe circulation of the digestive organs; the stomach receives less blood, perhaps on account ofthe flexion of these vessels, which is then greater; perhaps by the compression of the nerves, in consequence of this confinement, the influence of which upon the cir- culation will then he diminished. On the other hand, the liver, the spleen, the epiploon, receive more, and perform the office of diverticula: the liver and the spleen, because they are less supported when the sto- mach is empty, and then present a more easy access to the blood; and the epiploon, because the vessels are then less flexuous,' Sec. The most of these data are mere conjectures, and nearly devoid of proof. After twenty-four, forty-eight, and even sixty hours of com- plete abstinence. Dr. Magendie says he never saw the contraction and pressure of the stomach of which some authors speak: this organ bas always presented to him very considerable dimensions, particularly in its splenic extremity; it was only after the fourth and fifth day that it appeared to icturn upon itself, to di- minish much in size, and slightly in position ; even these effects are not strongly marked unless fasting IrSs been very strictly observed. BichAt thinks that the pressure sustained by tne empty stomach is equal to that wbich it supports when distended by aliments, since, says he, tbe sides of the abdomen are compressed in proportion as the volume ofthe stomach diminishes. The contrary of this may be easily proved by putting one or two fingers into the abdominal cavity, after having made an incision in its sides; it will then be easily seen that the pressure sus- tained by the viscera, is, in a certain degree, in direct proportion to the distention of tbe stomach; if the stomach is full, the finger will be stronger pressed, and Ihe viscera will press outward to escape through the opening; if it is empty, the pressure will be very trifling, and the viscera will have little tendency to pass out from the abdominal cavity. It must be un derstood that in this experiment the prersure exerted by tile abdominal muscle, when they are relaxed, ought not to be confounded with that which ihey exert v* hen contracted with force. Also, when the stomach ii empty, all tbe reservoirs contained in the abdomen are more easily distended by the matters which re- main some time in them. Perhaps this is the princi- pal reason why bile then accumulates in the gall- bladder. With regard to the presence of bile in the stomach, that some persons regard as the cause at HUN HUN hunger, unless in certain sickly cases bile does not enter it, though it continues to flow into tho small in- testine. The quantity of mucus that the cavity of the sto- mach presents U so much greater in proportion to the prolongation of abstinence. Relatively to the quantity of blood which goes to the stomach when empty, in proportion to the volume of ils vessels, and tbe mode of circulation which then exists, the general opinion is that it receives less of this fluid than when it is full of aliments; but, far from being in this respect in opposition with the other abdominal organs, this disposition appears to be com- mon lo all the organs contained in the abdomen. To the general phenomena of hunger is ascribed a weakness and diminution of the action of all the organs; the circulation and the respiration become slow, the heat of the body lowers, the secretions dimi- nish, the whole of the functions are exerted with more difficulty. The absorption alone is said to become more active, but nothing is strictly demonstrated in this respect. Hunger, appetite itself, which is only its first degree, ought to be distinguished from that feeling which in- duces us to prefer one sort of food to another, from that which causes us, during a repast, to choose one dish rather than another, Sec. These feelings are very different from real hunger, which expresses the true wants of the economy; they in a great measure depend on civilization, on habits, and certain ideas relative to the properties of aliments. Some of them are in unison with the season, the cli- mate, and then they are equally legitimate as hun- ger itself; such is tbat which inclines us to a vegetable regimen in hot countries, or during the heats of summer. Certain circumstances render hunger more intense, and cause it to return at nearer intervals; such as a cold and dry air, winter, spring, cold baths, dry fric- tions upon the skin, exercise on horseback, walking, bodily fatigue, and generally all the causes that put the action ofthe organs in play, and accelerate the nu- tritive process with which hunger is essentially con- nected. Some substances, being introduced into the stomach, excite a feeling like hunger, but which ought not to be confounded with it. There are causes which diminish the intensity of hunger, and which prolong the periods at which it habitually manifests itself; among this number are the inhabiting of hot countries, and humid places, rest of the body and mind, depressing passions, and indeed all the circumstances thai interrupt the action of the organs, and diminish the activity of nutrition. There are also substances which, being brought into the di- gestive canals, prevent hunger, or cause it to cease, as opium, hot drinks, &c. With respect to the cause of hunger, it has been, by turns, attributed to the providence of the vital princi- ple, to the frictions of the sides of the stomach against each other, to the dragging of the liver upon the dia- phragm, to the action of bile upon the stomach, to the acrimony and acidity ofthe gastric juice, to fatigue of the contracted fibres of the stomach, to compression of the nerves of this viscus, ace. ace. Hunger arises, like all other internal sensations, from the action of the nervous system; it has no other seat than this system Itself, and no other causes than the general laws of organization. What very well proves the truth of this assertion is, tbat it sometimes conti- nues though the stomach is filled wilh food; that it cannot he produced though the stomach has been some time empty; lastly, that it is so subject to habit as to cease spontaneously after the habitual hour of repast is over. This is true not only of the feeling which takes place in the region of the stomach, bul also ofthe general weakness that accompanies it, and which, consequently, cannot be considered as real, at least in the first instant in which it is manifested." HUNTER, William, was born in 1718, at Kilbride in Scotland. He was educated for the church at Glas- gow; but feeling scruples against subscription, and having become acquainted with the celebrated Cullen, he determined to pursue the medical profession. After living three years with that able teacher, who then practised as a surgeon-apothecary at Hamilton, he went to Edinburgh in November, 1740; and in the fol- lowing summer came to London with a recommenda- tion to Dr. James Douglas, who engaged him to assist in bis dissections, and superintend tbe education of his son. He was also enabled by that physician's libe- rality to attend St. George's Hospital, and other teach- ers ; but death deprived him of so valuable a friend within a year. However, he remained in the family, and prosecuted his studies with great zeal. In 1743, he communicated to the Royal Society a paper on the structure and diseases of articulating cartilages, which was much admired. He now formed the design of teaching anatomy; and, after encountering some dif- ficulties, commenced by giving a course on the opera- lions of surgery to a society of navy surgeons in lieu of Mr. Samuel Sharpe. At first he felt considerable solicitude in speaking in public; but gradually this wore off, and he evinced a remarkable facility in ex- pressing himself with perspicuity and elegance. He gave so much satisfaction, that he was requested to ex- tend the plan to anatomy, which he began accordingly in 1746. His success was considerable, but having somewhat embarrassed himself at first by assisting his friends, he was obliged to adopt proper caution in lending money; which, with bis talents, industry, and economy, enabled him to acquire an ample fortune. In 1748, he accompanied his pupil, young Douglas, on a tour, and having seen the admirable injections of Albinus at Leyden, he was inspired with a strong emulation to excel in that branch. On his return, be relinquished the profession of surgery, and devoted himself to midwifery, to which his person and man- ners well adapted him; and having been appointed to the Middlesex and British lying-in hospitals, as well as favoured by other circumstances, he made a rapid ad- vance in practice. In 1750 he obtained a doctor's degree from Glasgow, and was afterward often con- sulted as a physician, in cases which required peculiar anatomical skill. Six years after, he was admitted a licentiate of the College in London; and also a mem- ber of the society, by which the " Medical Observa tions and Inquiries" were published. He enriched that work with many valuable communications; par ticularly an account of the disease, since called Aneut rismal Varix, a case of emphysema, with practical re. marks, wherein he showed the fat to be deposited iq distinct vesicles; and some observations on the retro- version ofthe uterus: and, on the death of Dr. Fother- gill, he was chosen president of that society. In 1762 he published his " Medical Commentaries," in which he laid claim, with much asperity, to several anatomi- cal discoveries, especially relative to the absorbent system, in opposition to the second Monro, of Edin- burgh. He was extremely tenacious of his rights in this respect, and would not allow them to be infringed, even by his own brother. It must be very difficult, and of little importance, to decide such controversies; especially as the principal points concerning the ab- sorbent system had been stated as early as 1726, in a work printed at Paris by M. Noguez. About the same period, the queen being pregnant, Dr. Hunter was con- sulted ; and, two years after, he was appointed her physician extraordinary. In 1767 he was chosen a Fellow of the Royal Society, to which he communi cated some papers; and, in the year following, he was appointed, by tbe king, Professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy, on its first institution; he was also elected into the Society of Antiquaries, and some respectable foreign associations. In 1775 he published a splendid work, which had occupied him for 24 years previously, "The Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus," illustrated by plates, admirable for their accuracy, as well as elegance; among other improvements, the membrana decidua reflexa, discovered by himself, was here first delineated. He drew up a detailed descrip- tion of the figures; which was published after his death by his nephew, Dr. Baillie. Another posthu- mous publication, deservedly much admired, was the "Two Introductory Lectures" to his anatomical course. As his wealth increased, he formed the noble design of establishing an anatomical school; and pro- posed to government, on the grant of a piece of ground, to build a proper edifice and endow a perpetual pro- fessorship : but this not being acceded to, he set about the establishment in Great Windmill-street, where he collected a most valuable museum of anatomical pre- parations, subjects of natural history, scarce books, coins, Sec. to which an easy access was always given. He continued to lecture«and practise till near the pe- HIX HYD rtod of his death, In 1783. He bequeathed the use of his museum, for thirty years, to Dr. Baillie; after which it was to belong to the University of Glasgow. HUNTER, John, was born ten years alter bis bro- ther William. His early education was much ne- glected, and bis temper injured, through his mother's indulgence. At a proper age he was put under a rela- tion, a carpenter and cabinet-maker, who failed in his business. Hearing, at this period, of his brother's suc- cess, he applied to become his assistant, and accord- ingly came to London in the autumn of 1748. He made such proficiency in dissection, lhat he was capa- ble of undertaking the demonstrations in tbe following Jeason. During the summer he attended the surgical practice at different hospitals; and, in 1756, he was appointed house-surgeon at St. George's. He had been admitted by his brother to a partnership in the lectures the year before. After labouring about ten years with unexampled ardour in the study of human anatomy, he turned his attention to that of other ani- mals, with a view to elucidate physiology. His health was so much impaired by these pursuits, that, in 1760, he went abroad as surgeon on the staff, and thus ac- quired a knowledge of gun-shot wounds. On his re- turn, after three years, he settled in London as a sur- geon, and gave instructions in dissection and the per- formance of operations; and he continued, with great zeal, his researches into comparative anatomy and natural history. Several papers were communicated by him to the Royal Society, of which he was elected a member in 1767. About this time, by his brother's interest, he was appointed one of the surgeons al St. George's Hospital; and his professional reputation was rapidly increasing. In 1771 he published the first part of his work on tiie teeth, displaying great accuracy of research: and, two years after, he began a course of lectures on the principles of surgery. He fell short of his brother in methodical arrangement, and facility of expressing his ideas, and indeed adopted a peculiar language, perhaps in part from the deficiency of his education; but he certainly brought forward many in- genious speculations in physiology and pathology, and suggested some important practical improvements, particularly the operation for popliteal aneurism. In 1776 he was appointed surgeon-extraordinary to the king; and soon after received marks of distinction from several foreign societies. His emoluments in- creasing, he took a large house in Leicester-square, and built a spacious mt.seum, which he continued to store with subjects in comparative anatomy, at a very great expense. The post of Deputy-Sureeon General to the Army was conferred upon him in 1786; and, in the same year, his great work on the venereal disease appeared, wbich will ever remain a monument of his extraordinary sagacity and talent for observation. He also published, at this period, " Observations on the Animal Economy," chiefly composed of papers already printed in the Philosophical Transactions. In 1790 he was appointed Inspector-General of Hos- pitals, and Surgeon-General to the Army; when he resigned his lectures to Mr. Home, whose sister he had married. He had been for two years before labouring under symptoms of organic disease about the heart, which were aggravated by any sudden exertion or agi- tation of his mind; these increased progressively, and, in October 1793, while at the hospital, being vexed by some untoward circumstance, he suddenly expired. He left a valuable treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds, which was published soon after, wilh a life prefixed, by his brother-in-law. His mu- seum was directed to be offered to the purchase of government: it was bought for 15,0002. and presented to the College of Surgeons, on condition of their open- ing it to public inspection, and giving a set of lectures annually, explanatory of its contents. The prepara- tions are arranged so as lo exhibit all tbe gradations of nature, from tlie simplest state of animated existence up to man, according to the different functions. It comprehends also a large series of entire animals, ske- letons of almost every genus, and other subjects of na- fural history. HURTSICKLE. (So called because it is trouble- some to cut down, and sometimes notches the sickle.) See Ontaurca cyanus. HUSK. See Gluma. HUXHAM, Joun, was born about the end of the 17th century, and practised as a physician, with consider- able reputation, at Plymouth, where he died in 1760 His writings display great learning and talent for ob- servation. He kept a register of the weather arid pre- vailing diseases for ucurly thirty years, which was published in Latin, in three volumes. He was early elected into the Royal Society, and communicated several papers on pathology and morbid anatomy. But his fame rests chiefly upon liis " Essay on Fevers," which went through several editions; a dissertation being afterward added on the malignant sore throat. HYACINTH. 1. A sub-species of pyramidal zircon. It comes from Ceylon, and is much esteemed as a gem. 2. :See Hyacinthus. HYACI NTI1CS. (Said by the poets to be named from the friend of Apollo, who was turned into this flower.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. Hyacinthus muscari. Muscari. The systematic name of the musk-grape flower, which, according lo Ray, possescs emetic and diuretic qualities. Hyacinthus non scairTus. Hare-bells. The sys- tematic name of the blue-bells, so common in our hedges in spring. The roots are bulbous; the flowers agreeably scented. Galen considered Ihe root as a remedy in jaundice. It is ranked among the astrin- gents, but of very inferior power. HYALITE. A transparent siliceous stone, which is often cut into ring-stones, found near Frankfort on the Maine. HYALO'IDES. (Membrana hyaloidea; from vaXos, glass, and e«5oc, likeness.) Membrana arachnoidea. Capsule of the vitreous humour. The transparent membrane enclosing the vitreous humour of tlie eye. HYBERNACULUM. Thi3 is defined by Linnanis to be a part of the plant which protects the embryo herb from external injuries. An organic body which sprouts from the surface of different parts of a plant, enclosing the rudiments of the new shoot, and which is capable of evolving a new in- dividual perfectly similar to the parent. This is a modification ofthe definition of Gtertner.— Thompson Hyboma. A gibbosity ofthe spine. HYBRID. (Hybrida, from tifcfyic, an injury; because its nature is tainted.) A monstrous production of two different species of animals or plants. In the former it is called mongrel, or mule. Neither the animal nor the seeds of hybrid plants propagate their species. HYDA'RTHRUS. (From vSiap, water, and apBpov, a joint.) Hydarlhron. Hydarthros. Spina ventosa ofthe Arabian writers, Rhazesand Avicenna. While- swelling. The white-swelling, in this country, is a peculiarly common and exceedingly terrible disease. The varieties of white-swelling are very numerous, and might usefully receive particular appellations. Syste- matic writers have generally been content with a dis linction into two kinds, viz. rheumatic and scrofulous The last species of the disease they also distinguish into such tumours as primarily affect the bones, and then the ligaments and soft parts; and into other cases, in which the ligaments and soft parts become diseased before there is any morbid affection of the hones. These divisions, Mr. Samuel Cooper, in his Treatise on the Diseases of the Joints, proves to be not suffi- ciently comprehensive; and the propriety of using the term rheumatic bethinks to be very questionable. The knee, ankle, wrist, and elbow, are Ihe joints most subject to white-swellings. As the name of the disease implies, the skin is not at all altered in colour. In some instances, the swelling yields, in a certain degree, to pressure; but it never pits, and Is almost always sufficiently firm to make an uninformed ex- aminer believe that the bones contribute to the tumour. The pain is sometimes vehement from the very first in other instances, there is hardly the least pain in th beginning of the disease. In the majority of scrofu Ions while-swellings, let the pain be trivial or violent it is particularly situated in one part of the joint, viz cither the centre of the articulation, or the head of the tibia, supposing the knee affected. Sometimes the pain continues without interruption;-trimciiiues there are intermissions; and in other Instances the pain recurs at regular times, so as to have been called by some writers, periodical. Almost all authors describe tbe patient as suffering more uneasiness in the diseased part, when he is warm, and particularly when he is in this condition in bed. At tiie commencement ofthe disease in the majority HYD HYD of instances, the swelling is very inconsiderable, or there is even no visible enlargement whatever. In the little depressions, naturally situated on each side of the patella, a fulness first shows itself, and gradually spreads all over the affected joint. The patient, unable to bear the weight of his body on tlie disordered joint, in consequence of the great in- crease of pain thus created, gets into the habit of only touching the ground with his toes: and the knee being generally kept a little bent in this manner, soon loses thecapacity of becoming extended again. When white- swellings have lasted a while, the knee is almost always found in a permanent sta'.e of flexion. In scrofulous cases of this kind, pain constantly precedes any appear- ance of swelling; but the interval between the two symptoms differs very much in different subjects. The morbid joint, in the course of time, acquires a vast magnitude. Still the integuments retain their natural colour, and remain unaffected. The enlarge- ment of the articulation, however, always seems greater than it really is, in consequence ofthe emacia- tion ofthe limb both above and below the disease. An appearance of blue distended veins, and ashining smoothness, are the only alterations to be noticed in the skin covering the enlarged joint. The shining smoothness seems attributable to the distention, which obliterates the natural furrows and wrinkles of the cutis. When the joint is thus swollen, the integuments cannot be pinched up into a fold, as they could in the state of health, and even in the beginning of the disease. As the distemper of the articulation advances, col- lections of matter form about the part, and at length burst. The ulcerated openings sometimes heal up; but such abscesses are generally followed by other collec- tions, which pursue the same course. In some cases, these abscesses form a few months after the first affec- tion of the joint; on other occasions, several years elapse, and no suppuration of this kind makes its ap- pearance. Such terrible local mischief must necessarily produce constitutional disturbance. The patient's health be- comes gradually impaired; he loses both his appetite and natural rest and sleep; his pulse is small and fre- quent; and obstinate debilitating diarrhoea and profuse nocturnal sweats ensue. Such complaints are sooner or later followed by dissolution, unless the constitution be relieved in time, either by the amendment or remo- val of the diseased part. In different patients, how- ever, the course ofthe disease, and its effects upon the system, vary very much in relation to the rapidity with which they occur. Rheumatic white-swellings are very distinct diseases from the scrofulous distemper of large joints. In the first, the pain is said never to occur without being at- tended with swelling. Scrofulous white-swellings, on the other hand, are always preceded by a pain, which is particularly confined to one point of the articulation. In rheumatic cases, the pain is more general, and dif- fused over the whole joint. With respect to the particular causes of all such white-swellings as come within the class of rheumatic ones, little is known. External irritation, either by exposure to damp or cold, or by the application of vio- lence, is often concerned in bringing on the disease; but very frequently no cause of this kind can be as- signed for the complaint. As for scrofulous white- Bwellings, there can be no doubt that they are under the influence of a particular kind of .constitution, termed a scrofulous or strumous habit. In this sort of temperament, every cause capable of exciting in- flammation, or any morbid and irritable state of a large Joint, may bring such disorder as may end in the severe disease of which we are now speaking. In a man of a sound constitution, an irritation of tbe kind alluded to might only induce common healthy inflammation of the affected joint In scrofulous habits, it also seems probable that the irritation of a joint is much more easily produced than m the other constitutions; and no one can doubt that, •vhen once excited in scrofulous habits, it is much more dangerous and difficult of removal than in other patients. HYDATID. (Hydatis; from vStap, water. 1. A very singular animal, formed like a bladder, and dis- tended with an aqueous fluid. These animals are sometimes formed in the natural cavities of the body, as the abdomen ajid ventricles of the brain, but more frequently in the liver, kidney, and lungs, where tbey produce diseased actions of those viscera. Cullen arranges these affections in the class Locales, and order Tumores. If the vires nature medicatrices are not sufficient to effect a cure, the patient mostly falls a sacrifice to their ravages. Dr. Baillie gives the follow- ing interesting account of the hydatids, as tbey are sometimes found in the liver:—'There is no gland in the human body in which hydatids are so frequently found as the liver, except the kidneys, where they are still more common. Hydatids of the liver are usually found in a cyst, which is frequently of considerable size, and is formed of very firm materials, so as to give to the touch almost the feeling of cartilage. This cyst, when cut into, is obviously laminated, and is much thicker in one liver than another. In some livers it is not thicker than a shilling, and in others it is near a quarter of an inch in thickness. The laminae which compose it are formed of a white matter, and on the inside there is a lining of a pulpy substance, like the coagulable lymph. The cavity of the cyst, I have seen, in one instance, subdivided by a partition of this pulpy substance. In a cyst may be found one hydatid, or a greater number of them. They lie loose in tbe cavity, swimming in a fluid; or some of them are attached to ihe side of the cyst. They consist of a round bag, which is composed of a white, semi-opaque, pulpy matter, and contain a fluid capable of coagula- tion. Although tlie common colour of hydatids be white, yet I have occasionally seen some of a ligh' amber colour. The bag of the hydatid consists of two lamina?, and possesses a good deal of contractile power In one hydatid this coat, or bag, is much thicker and more opaque than in another; and even in the same hydatid, different parts of il will often differ in thick ness. On the inside of a hydatid, smaller ones are sometimes found, which are commonly not larger than the heads of pins, but sometimes Ihey are even larger in their size than a gooseberry. These are attached to the larger hydatid, either al scattered irregular dis- tances, or so as to form small clusters; and they are also found floating loose in the liquor of the larger hydatids. Hydatids of the liver are often found un- connected with each other; but sometimes they have been said to enclose each other in a series, like pill- boxes. The most common situation of hydatids of the liver is in its substance, and enclosed in a cyst; but they are occasionally attached to the outer surface of the liver, hanging from il, and occupying more or less of the general cavity of the abdomen. The origin and real nature of these hydatids are not fully ascer- tained ; it is extremely probable, however, that they are a sort of imperfect animalcules. There is no doubt at all, that the hydatids in the livers of sheep are ani- malcules; they have been often seen to move when taken out of the liver and put into warm water; and they retain this power of motion for a good many hours after a sheep has been killed. The analogy is great between hydatids in the liver of a sheep and those of the human subject. In both, they are contained in strong cysts, and in both they consist of the same white pulpy matter. There is undoubtedly some dif- ference between them in simplicity of organization; the hydatid in the human liver being a simple uniform bag, and the hydatid in that of a sheep having a neck and mouth appendant to the bag. This difference need be no considerable objection to the opinion above stated. Life may be conceived to be attached to the most simple form of organization. In proof of this, hydatids have been found in the brains of sheep, re- sembling almost exactly those in the human liver, and which have been seen to move and therefore are cer- tainly known to be animalcules. The hydatids ofthe human liver, indeed, have not, as far as I know, been found to move when taken out of the body and put into warm water; were this to have happened, no uncertainty would remain. It is not difficult to see a good reason why there will hardly occur any proper opportunity of making this experiment. Hydatids are not very often found in the liver, because it is not a very frequent disease there; and the body is allowed to remain for so long a time after death before it ia examined, that the hydatids must have lost their living principle, even if they were animalcules, and it ap- pears even more difficult to account for their produc- tion, according to the common theory of generation. than for that of intestinal won is We do not get rid 431 HYD HYD nf the difficulty by asserting, that the hydatids in the human liver are not living animals, because in sheep they are certainly such, where the difficulty of account- ing for tneir production is precisely the same." 2. Tbe name of a tumour, the contents of which is a water-like fluid. HYDERUS. (From vSepos, ley-drops; from vSiap, water.) An increased flow of urine. HY'DRAGOGUE. (Hydragogus; from vSiap, wa- ter, and ayia, to drive out) Medicines are so termed which possess the property of increasing the secre- tions or excretions of the bodv so as to cause the re- moval of water from any of its cavities, such as ca- thartics, &c. HYDRARGYRATUS. Of or belonging to mer- cury. HYDRA'RGYRUM. a sedative and antispasmodic. Others deny that cinna- bar, taken internally, has any medicinal quality, jjuid their opinion is grounded on the insolubility ofitjn jany menstruum. In surgery its chief and almost only, use ii in the administration of quicksilver by fumigation. Thus employed it has proved extremely serviceable in venereal cases. Ulcers and exorescences „afccnit4tie pudendum and anus in women, are particularly bene- fited by it; and in these cases it is most conveniently applied by placing a red hot beater at the bottom of a night stool-pan, and after sprinkling on it a fewgrajjna of the red sulphuret of quicksilver, placing the patient on the stool. To fumigate ulcers in the throat, if is necessary to receive the fumes on the part affected, through the tube of a funnel. By enclosing-tne patient naked in a box, it has on some occasions been contrived to fumigate the whole body at once, and in this way the specific powers of the quicksilver have been very rapidly excited. This mode of curing the lues venerea is spoken of as confirmed; and the subject has of late years been revived in a treatise by Sabonette, and by trials made in Bartholomew's hospital. Mr. Pearson, from his experiments on mercurial fu- migation, concludes, that where checking the progress of the disease suddenly is an object of great moment, and where the body is covered with ulcers or large and numerous, eruptions, and in general to ulcers, fungi, and excrescences, the vapour of mercury is an application of great efficacy and utility; but that it is apt to induce a ptyaliam rapidly, and great consequent debility, and that for the purpose of securing, the con- stitution against a relapse, as great a quantity of mer- cury must be introduced into the system, by inunction, as if no fumigation had been employed. HYDRATE. Hydroxure. Hydro-oxide. A com- pound of oxygen, in a definite proportion, with water. HYDRELiE'UM. (From vSiap, water, and iXatov, oil.) A mixture of oil and water. HYDRENTEROCE'LE. (From vSiap, water, tv Itpov, an intestine, and anXif, a tumour.) A hydro- cele, or dropsy of the sc*)tum, attended with a rup- ture. HYDRIQDATE. A salt consisting of the hydriodic acid, combined in a definite proportion with an oxide. HYDRIODIC ACID. Acidum hydriodicum. A gaseous acid, in its Insulated state/ " If four parts of iodine be mixed with one. of phosphorus, in a small glass retort, applying a gentle heat, and adding a few drops of water from time to time, a gas comes over, which must be received in the mercurial bath. Its specific gravity is 4.4: 100 cubic inches, therefore, weigh 134.2 grs. It is elastic and invisible, but has a smell somewhat similar to that of muriatic acid. Mer- cury after some time decomposes it, seizing its iodine, and leaving its hydrogen, equal to one-half. tho ori ginai bulk, at liberty. Chlorine, oa the other hand. HYD HYD unites to lis hydrogen, aud precipitates the iodine. From these experiments, it evidently consists of vapour of iodine and hydrogen, which combine in equal vo- lumes, wilhout change of their primitive bulk. Hy- driodic acid is partly decomposed at a red-heat, and the decomposition is complete if it be mixed with oxy- gen. Water is formed, and iodine separated. We can easily obtain an aqueous hydriodic acid very economically, by passing sulphuretted hydrogen gas through a mixture of water and iodine in a Woolfe's bottle. On heating tbe liquid obtained, the excess of sulphur flies oil', and leaves liquid hydriodic acid. At temperatures below 262°, it parts with its water; and becomes of a density = 1.7. At J62° the acid distils over. When exposed to the air, it is speed- ily decomposed, and iodine is evolved. Concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids also decompose it. When poured inlo a saline solution of lead, it throws down a fine orange precipilate. With solution of peroxide of mercury, il gives a red precipitate; and with that of silver, a white precipitate Insoluble in ammonia. Hy- driodic acid may also be formed, by passing hydrogen over iodine at an elevated tempet ature. The compounds of hydriodic acid with the salifiable bases may be easily formed, either by direct combina- tion, or by acting on the basis in water, with iodine. The latter mode is most economical. Upon a deter- minate quantity of iodine, pour solution of potassa or soda, till the liquor ceases to be coloured. Evaporate to dryness, and digest the dry salt in alkohol of the spe- cific gravity 0-810, or 0.820. As the iodate is not solu- ble in this liquid, while the hydriodate is very soluble, ihe two salts easily separate from each other. After having washed the iodate two or three times with al- kohol, dissolve it in water, and neutralize it with ace- tic acid. Evaporate to dryness, and digest the dry salt in alkohol, to remove the acetate. After two or three washings, the iodate is pure. As for the alkohol con- taining the hydriodate, distil it off, and then complete the neutralization of the potassa, by means of a little hydriodic acid separately obtained. Sulphurous and muriatic acids, as well as sulphuretted hydrogen, pro- duce no change on the hydriodates, at the usual tem- perature ofthe air. Chlorine, nitric acid, and concentrated sulphuric, in- stantly decompose them, and separate the iodine. With solution of silver, they give a white precipi- tate insoluble in ammonia; with the pernitrate of mer- cury, a greenish-yellow precipilate; with corrosive sublimate, a precipitate of a fine orange-red, very solu- ble in an excess of hydriodate; and with nitrate of lead, a precipitate of an orange-yellow colour. They dissolve iodine, and acquire a deep reddish-brown co- lour. Hydriodate of potassa, or in the dry state, iodide of potassium, yields crystals like sea-salt, which melt and sublime at a red-heat. This salt is not changed by being healed in contact with air. 100 parts of water at 64°, dissolve 143 of it. It consists of 15.5 iodine, and 5 potassium. Hydriodate of soda, called in the dry stale iodide of sodium, may be obtained in pretty large flat rhom- boidal prisms. It consists, when dry, of 15.5 iodine -f- 3 sodium. Hydriodate of barytes crystallizes in fine prisms, similar to muriate of strontites. In its dry state, it con- sists of 15.5 iodine -j- 8.75 barium. The hydriodates of lime and strontites are very so- luble ; and the first exceedingly deliquescent. Hydriodate of ammonia results from the combina- tion of equal volumes of ammoniacal and hydriodic gases; though it is usually prepared by saturating the liquid acid with ammonia. It is nearly as volatile as sal ammoniac; but it is more soluble and more deli- quescent. It crystallizes in cubes. Hydriodate of magnesia is formed by uniting its constituents together; it is deliquescent, and crystal- lizes with difficulty.—It is decomposed by a strong beat Hydriodate of zmc is easily obtained, by putting Iodine into water with an excess of zinc, and favour- ing their action by heat When dried it becomes an iodide. All the nydriodaies nave tbe property of dissolving abundance of iodine: and thence they acquire a deep reddish-brown colour. They part with it on boiling, or when exposed to the air after being dried. ' 434 HYDRO-CHLORIC ACID. Muriatic acid ; a corrr pound of chlorine and hydrogen. Bee. Muriatic acid- HYDRO-CYANIC ACID. See Prussic acid. HYDRO FLUORIC ACID, Acidum hydrofiuori- cum. This is procured by distilling, in lead or silver, a mixture of one part of the purest fluor spar, In fine powder, with two of sulphuric acid. The heat re- quired is not considerable; sulphate of lime remains in the retort, and a highly acrid and corrosive liquid paste* over, which requires the assistance of ice for its con- densation. HYDRO-SULPHURIC ACID. The aqueous solu- tion of sulphuretted hydrogen, is bo called by Gay Lussac. HYDRO-SULPHUROUS ACID. When three vo- lumes of sulphuretted hydrogen gas and two of sul- phurous acid gas, both dry, are mixed together over mercury, they ate condensed into a solid orange-yellow body, which Dr. Thompson calls hydro-sulpburous acid. HYDRO'A. (From vSiap, water.) A watery pus- tule. HYDROCARBON ATE. See Carburetted hydro- gen gas. HYDROCA'RDIA. (From vSiap, water, and Kafr rJta, the heart.) Hydrocordis. Hydrops pericardii. Dropsy of the heart. Dropsy of the pericardium. A collection of fluid in the pericardium, which may he either coagulable lymph, serum, or a puriform fluid. It produces symptoms similar to those of hydrothorax, with violent palpitation of the heart, and mostly an intermittent pulse. It is incurable. HYDROCE'LE. (From i><5u>p, water, and xnXri, a tumour.) The term hydrocele, used in a literal sense, means any tumour produced by water; but surgeons have always confined it to those which possess either the membranes of tbe scrotum, or the coats of the testicle and its vessels. The first of these, viz. that which has its seat in the membranes of tbe scrotum, anasarca integumentorum, is common to the whole bag, and to all the cellular substance which loosely envelopes both the testes. It is, strictly speaking, only a symptom of a disease, in which tiie whole habit is most frequently more or less concerned, and very sel- dom affects the part only. The latter, or tbat which occupies the coals immediately investing the testicle and its vessels, hydrocele tunica vaginalis, is abso- lutely local, very seldom affects the common membrane of the scrotum, generally attacks one side only; and is frequently found in persons who are perfectly free from all other complaints. The anasarca integumentorum retains the impres- sion of the finger. The vaginal hydrocele has an un- dulating feel. The hydrocele ofthe tunica vaginalis testis is a mor- bid accumulation of the water separated on the inter- nal surface of the tunica vaginalis, to moisten or lubri- cate the testicle. From its first appearance, it seldom disappears ot diminishes, hut generally continues to Increase, some- times rapidly, at others more slowly. In some it grows to a painful degree of distention in a few months: in others, it continues many years with little disturbance. As it enlarges, it becomes more tense, and is sometimes transparent; so that if a candle is held on the oppo- site side, a degree of light is perceived through the whole tumour; but the only certain distinction is tbe fluctuation, wbich is not found when the disease is a hernia of the omentum, or intestines, or an inflamma- tory or scirrhous tumour of the testicle. Hydrocele cystata. Encysted hydrocele of tbe spermatic cord, resembles tbe common hydrocele; but the tumour does not extend to the testicle, which may be felt below or behind it, while, in the hydrocele of the vaginal coat, when large, the testicle cannot be disco- vered. In this disease, also, the penis is not buried in the tumour. Sometimes the fluid is contained in two distinct cells; and this is discovered by little contrac- tions in it. It is distinguished from the anasarcoua hydrocele by a sensible fluctuation, and the want of the inelastic pitting; from hemia, by its beginning be- low, from its not receding In a horizontal position, and not enlarging by coughing and sneezing. Hydrocele funiculi spkrmatici, or hydrocele o the spermatic cord. Anasarcous hydrocele of the tp«r matic cord sometimes accompanies ascites, and, at other times, it is found to be confined to trw ceituia, HYD HYD substance, in or about tbe spermatic cord. Tbe causes | of this disease may be obstructions in tbe lymphatics, leading from the part, in consequence of scirrhous af- fections of the abdominal viscera, or the pressure of a truss applied for the cure of hernia. When the affection is connected with anasarca in other parts, it is then so evident as to require no par- ticular description. When it is local it is attended With a colourless tumour in the course ofthe spermatic cord, soft and inelastic to the touch, and unaccom- panied wilh fluctuation. Iu an erect position of the body, it is of an oblong figure; but when the body is recumbent, it is flatter, and somewhat round. Gene- rally it is no longer than the part of the cord which lies In the groin; though sometimes it extends as far as the testicle, and even stretches the scrotum to an uncom- mon size. By pressure a great part of the swelling can always be made to recede into the abdomen. It in- stantly, however, returns to its former situation, on the pressure being withdrawn. Hydrocele peritonei. The common dropsy of the belly. Hydrocele spinalis. A watery swelling on the vertebrae. HYDROCEPHALUS. (From vSiap, water, and *£ as' well as supporting tbe strength. The mhalauoii Of bxVgktl gas is stated to have been in some instances stagtilaftf beneficial. Where the fluid is collected in mttervt the sacs of the pleura, the operation-of paractJntesiscf the thorax may afford relief under Iffgent symptoms, and, perhaps, contribute to the recoverytof the patient. HYDRUXURE. See Hydrate. ' HYDRURET A compound of hydrdgen with a metal. See Uret. ,: ; •" HYGEIA. Hygieia. The goddeseof health. One ofthe four daughters ef Esculapius. Sire often'ac- companies her father in tbe monuments of him ttdw remaining, and appears Mke a young woman, com- monly holding a serpent in one hand, and a pater* in the other. Sometimes the serpent drinks out of $e patera; sometimes he twines about the whole body of the goddess. HYGIE'NE. (From vyiaivta,to be well.) Hygiesis. Modern physicians have applied this term to that divi- sion of Iherapda which treats of the diet and non naturals of the sick. Hygiesis. See Hygiene. .-*■ Hy'gra. (From vypoc, humid.) An ancient term for liquid plasters. Hyorempla'strum. (From vypoc, moist, and ru- nXa^pov, a plaster.) A liquid plaster. Hygroblepha'ricus. (From vypoc, humid, and QXttbapov, the eyelid.) Applied to the emuuetory ducts in the extreme edge, or inner part of the eyelid Hygrocirsoce'le. (From vypoc, moist, xtpoos, a varix, and xtiXij, a tumour.) Dilated spermatic veins, or circocele, with dropsy of the scrotum. Hygrocolly'rium. (From vypoc, liquid, and icctA- Xvpiov, a collyrium.) A collyrium composed of liquids HYGRO'LOGY. (Hygrologia; from vypoc, a hu- mour or fluid, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The aoctrine of the fluids. HYGROMA. (Typwua; from vypos, a liquid.) An encysted tuniour, the contents of which are either serum or a fluid-like lymph. It sometimes happens that these tumours are filled with hydatids. Hygro matous tumours require the removal ofthe cyst, or the destruction of its secreting surface. HYM HYO HYGRO'METER. (Hygromctrum; from, vypoc, Oioist, and ptrpov, a measure.) Hygrometer. An in- strument to measure the degrees of moisture in the atmosphere. It also means an infirm part of the body, affected by moisture of the atmosphere. Hyoromy'rum. (From vypos, moist, and pvpov, a liquid ointment; A liquid ointment, HYGROSCOPIC. Substances which have the pro- perty of absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. See Atmosphere. Hyoropho'bia. See Hydrophobia. HY'LE. ('VX17, matter.) The materia medica, or matter of any kind that comes under the cognizance Of a medical person. HY'MEN. (From Hymen, the god of marriage, because this membrane is supposed to be entire before marriage, or copulation.) The hymen is a thin mem- brane, of a semilunar or circular form, placed at tbe entrance of the vagina, which it partly closes. It has a very different appearance in different women, but it is generally, if not always, found in virgins, and is very properly esteemed the test of virginity, being ruptured in the first act of coition. The remnants of the hymen are called the caruncula; myrtiformes. The hymen is also peculiar to the human species. There are two circumstances relating to the hymen which require medical assistance. It is sometimes of such a strong ligamentous texture, that it cannot be ruptured, and prevents the connexion between the sexes. It is also sometimes imperforated, wholly closing the en- trance into the vagina, and preventing any discharge from the uterus; but both these cases are extremely rare. If the hymen be of an unnaturally firm tex- ture, but perforated, though perhaps with a very Binall opening, the inconveniences thence arising will not lie discovered before the time of marriage, when they may be removed by a crucial incision made through it, taking care not to injure the adjoin- ing parts. The imperforation of the hymen will produce its inconveiuences when the person begins to menstruate. For tbe menstruous fluid, being secreted from the uterus at each period, and not evacuated, the patient suffers much pain from the distention of the parts, many strange symptoms and appearances are occa- sioned, and suspicions injurious to her reputation are often entertained. In a case of this kind, for which Dr. Denman was consulted, the young woman, who was twenty-two years of age, having many uterine complaints, with the abdomen enlarged, was suspected to be pregnant, though she persevered in asserting the contrary, and had never menstruated- When she was iirevailed upon to submit to an examination, the cir- cumscribed tumour of tbe uterus was found to reach as high as the navel, and the external parts were stretched by a round soft substance at tiie entrance of tbe vagina, in such a manner as to resemble that ap- pearance which they have when the head of a child is passing through them; but there was no entrance into the vagina. On the following morning an incision was carefully made through tbe hymen, which had a fleshy appearance, and was thickened in proportion to its detention. Not less than four pounds of blood, of the colour and consistence of tar, were discharged; and the tumefaction of the abdomen was immediately removed. Several stellated incisions were afterward made through tlie divided edges, which is a very ne- cessary part of the operation: and care was taken to jprevent a reunion of the hymen till the next period of menstruation, after which she suffered no inconve- nience. The blood discharged was not putrid or co- agulated, and seemed to have undergone no other change after its secretion, but what was occasioned by tbe absorption of its more fluid parts. Some caution is required when the hymen is closed in those who are in advanced age, unless the membrane be distended by the confined menses; as Dr. Denman once saw an in- stance of inflammation of the peritoneum being im- mediately produced after the operation, of which the .patient died as in the true puerperal fever; and no other reason could be assigned for the disease. The caruncula; myrtiformes, by their elongation and enlargement, sometimes become very painful and Jttpublesome. v HYMEN A2A. (From Hymen, the god of marriage; because, as Linnaeus informs us, its younger leaves cohere together in pairs, throughout the night.) Tho name of a genus of plants. Class, Dectndria; Order, Monogynia. Hvmen-ea courbaril. The systematic name of the. locust-tree which affords the resin called gum anime, which is now fallen into disuse, and is only to be found in the collections ofthe curious. HYMENIUM. (From vunv, a membrane.) The dilated exposed membrane of gymnocarpous mush rooms, in which the seed is placed. See Gymnocarpi. HYMENODES. (From vunv, a membrane, and tiSos, likeness.) An old term for such urine as is found to be full of little films and pellicles. Hippocrates applies it also to the menstrual discharge when mixed with a tough viscid phlegm. HYO. Names compounded of this word belong to muscles which originate from, or are inserted into, or' connected with, the os hyoides; as Hyo-glossus, Hyo- pharyngeals, Genio-hyo-glossus, Sec HYC-GLOSSUS. Cerato-glossus of Douglas and Cowper. Basio-cerato-ckondro-glossus of Albinus. Hyo-chondro-glosse of Dumas. A muscle situated at tbe sides, between the os hyoides and the tongue. It arises from the basis, but chiefly from the corner of the os hyoides, running laterally and forwards to the tongue, wbich it pulls inward and downward. HYOIDES OS. (From the Greek letter 11, and ctSos, likeness: so named from its resemblance.) This bone, which is situated between the root of the tongue and the larynx, derives ils name from its supposed resem- blance to the Greek letter v, and is, by some writers, described along with the parts contained in the mouth. Ruysch has seen the ligaments of tiie bone so com- pletely ossified, that the os hyoides was joined to the temporal bones by anchylosis. In describing this bone, it may be distinguished into its body, horns, and appendices. The body is the middle and broadest part of the bone, so placed that it may be easily felt with the finger in the forepart of the throat Ils forepart, which is placed toward the tongue, is irregularly con- vex, and ils inner surface, which is turneds towards the larynx, is unequally concave. Tbe cornua, or horns, which are flat, and a little bent, are considerably longer than the body of the bone, and may be said to form tiie sides of tbe v. These horns are thickest near the body of the bone. At tbe extremity of each is observed a round tubercle, from which a ligamec* passes to the thyroid cartilage. The appendices, or smaller horns, cornua minora, as tliey are called by some writers, are two small processes, which, in their size and shape, are somewhat like a grain of wheat. They rise up from tbe articulations of the cornua, with the body of the bone, and are sometimes connected wilh the styloid process on each side, by means of a ligament. It is not unusual to find small portions of bone in these liga- ments; and Ruysch, as we bave already observed, bas seen them completely ossified. In the fcetus, almost the whole of the bone is in a cartilaginous state, excepting a small point of a bone in the middle of its body, ana in each of its horns. The appendices do not begin to appear till after birth, and usually remain cartilaginous many years. The os hyoides serves to support the tongue, and affords attachment to a variety of muscles, some of wliich perform the motions of the tongue, while others act on the larynx and fauces. HYOPHARYNGE'US. (From votiSts, the hyoicl bone, and f>apuv^, the pharynx.) A muscle so called from its origin in the os hyoides, and its insertion in the pharynx. HYOPHTHA'LMUS. (From vc, a swine, and otb- OaXpof, an eye: so named from the supposed resem- blance of its flower to a hog's eye.) Hogs-eye plant. Most probably the Buphthalmum spmosum Of Linnaeus. HYOSCIANIA. A new vegetable alkali extracted by Dr. Brande from henbane. See Hyoscyamus niger. HYOSCYAMUS. (From vc, a swine, and (evador, a bean: so named because hogs eat it as a medicine, or it may be because the plant is hairy and bristly, like a swine.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnasan system. Class, Pentandria; Older, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the henbane. See Hyoscyamus niger. Hyoscyamus albus. This plant, a native of tbe south of Europe, possesses similar virtues to the hyos- cyamus niger. Hyoscyamus luteus. A species of tobacco, tin Nicotiana rustica of Linneus. 441 HYP HYP Htosctamus meia. The systematic name of com- mon or black henbane, called also Faba suilla; Apolli- naris altercum; A gone; Altercan genon; Hyoscyamus —foliis amplexicaulibus sinuatis, floribus sessilibus of Linnaeus. The leaves of this plant, when recent, have a slightly fcetid smell, and a mucilaginous taste; when dried, they lose both mate and smell, and part also of their narcotic power. The root possesses the same ualities as the leaves, and even in a more eminent egree. Henbane resembles opium ia its action, more than any other narcotic dose. In a moderate dose it increases at first the strength of the pulse, and occa- sions some sense of heat, which are followed by diminished sensibility and motion; in some cases, by thirst, sickness, stupor, and dimness of vision. In a larger quantity it occasions profound sleep, hard pulse, and sometimes fierce delirium, ending in coma, or con- vulsions, wilh a remarkable dilatation of the pupil, dis- tortion of the countenance, a weak tremulous pulse, and eruption of petechia;. On dissection, gangrenous spots have been found on the internal surface of the stomach. Its baneful effects are best counteracted by a powerful emetic, and by drinking largely of the vege- table acids. Henbane has been used in various spasmodic and painful diseases, as in epilepsy, hysteria, palpitation, headache; paralysis, mania, and scirrhus. It is given in the form of the inspissated juice of the fresh leaves, the dose of which is from one to two grains; which requires to be gradually increased. It is sometimes employed as a substitute for opium, where the latter, from idiosyncrasy, occasions any disagreeable symp- tom. The henbane also is free from the constipating quality ofthe opium. Dr. Brande has extracted a new alkali from this plant, which he calls hyosciania. It crystallizes in long prisms, and when neutralized by sulphuric or nitric acid, forms characteristic salts. Hyotbyroi'des. (From votiSts, the hyoid bone. and OvpoctSns, the thyroid cartilage.) A muscle named from ils origin in the hyoid bone, and insertion in the thyroid cartilage. Hypa'otica. (From virayta, to subdue.) Medicines Wbich evacuate the faeces. Hypalei'ptrum. (From viraXtttfna, to spread upon.) A spatula for spreading ointments with. Hype'lata. (From virtXaia, to move.) Medicines which purge. HYPERiETHE'SIS. (From virtp, and aioBavopai, to feel.) Error of appetite, whether by excess or de- ficiency. HYPERCATHA'RSIS. (From virtp, supra, over or above, and xaBatpia, to purge.) Hyperinesis; Hype- rinos. An excessive purging from medicines. Hypebcorypho'sis. (From virtp, above, and xopv- q)n, the vertex.) A prominence or protuberance. Hip- pocrates calls the lobes of the liver and lungs Hyper- coryphoses. HYPE'RCRISIS. ('i*irtpA-p«ric; from virtp, over or above, and xpivta, to separate.) A critical excretion above measure; as when a fever terminates in a loose- ness, the humours may flow off faster than the strength can bear, and therefore it is to be checked. HYPERE'MESlS. (From virtp, in excess, and tutia, to vomit.) An excessive evacuation by vomiting. HYPEREPHIDRO'SIS. (From virtp, excess, and iSpias, sweat.) Immoderate sweating. HYPERICUM. (From virtp, over, and ttxtav, an image or spectre: so named because it was thought to have powerover and to drive away evil spirits'.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyaaelphia; Order, Polyandria. St. John's wort. S. The pharmacopceial name of the common St. John's wort See Hypericum perfoliatum. Hypericum bacciferum Caa-opia; Arbuncula gummi/era Braziliensis. A juice exudes from the wounded bark of this plant, in the Brazils, which, in a dry state, resembles camboge, but is rather darker. Hypericum coris. Coris lutea; Coris legitima eretica. Bastard St. John's wort. The seeds are diuretic, emmeuagogue, and antispasmodic. Hypericum perfoliatum. The systematic name ofthe St. John's wort, called also fuga damonum; and androsamum. Hypericum perforatum—floribus tri- gynis, caule andpiti, foliis obtusis pellucido-punctatis, of Linneus. This indigenous plant was greatly es- 443 teemed by the ancients, Internally in a great variety of diseases, and externally as an anodyne and dis» anient, but is now very rarely used. The flowers were formerly used in our pharmacopoeia, on account of ihe great proportion of resinous oily matter, in which the niedical efficacy ofthe plant is supposed to reside, but are now omitted. Hypericum saxatile. Hypericoides. Tbe seeds are said to be diuretic and antispasmodic. HYPERI'NA. (From virtp, in excess, and ivtia, to evacuate.) Medicines which purge excessively. Hyperinb'sis. See Hypercatharsis. Hyperi'nos. See Hypercatharsis. Hypero'a. (From virtp, above, and taov, the top of a house.) The palate. Hyperopharyngz'us. (From virtp; above, and tpapvy\, the pharynx.) A muscle named from its situa- tion above the pharynx. HYPEROSTOSIS. (From virtp, upon, and taov, a bone.) See Exostosis. Hypero'um. (From virtp, above, and u>ov, the roof or palate.) A foramen in the upper part of tbe palate. Hyperoxymuriate of potassa. See Murias potassa oxygenatus Hyperoxymurialic acid. See Chlorine. HYPEROXYMURIATE. A salt now called a chlo- rate. HYPERSARCO MA. (From virtp, in excess, and 8-apl-, flesh.) Hypersarcosis. A fleshy excrescence. A polypus. Hypkrsarco'sis. See Hypersarcoma. HYPERSTENE. LaDrador schiller spar. Found in Labrador, Greenland, and Isle of Skye. It has a beautiful copper colour when cut and polished into rings, brooches, &c. Hyperydro'sis. (From virtp, in excess, and vSiap, water.) A great distention of any part, from water collected in it. Hypk'xodos. (From viro, under, and t\oSos, passing out.) A flux of the belly. HYPNO'BATES. (From virvoc, sleep, and (3atvta, logo.) Hypnobatasis. One who walks in his sleep See Oneirodynia. HYPNOLO'GIA. (From virvoc, sleep, and Xoyoc, a discourse.) A dissertation, or directions for tbe due regulation of sleeping and waking. HYPNOPOIE'TICA. (From virvot, sleep, and irottia, to cause.) Medicines which procure sleep. See Anodyne. HYPNOTIC. (Hipnoticus; from virvoc, sleep.) Sec Anodyne. HYPO-SULPHITE. A sulphuretted sulphite. HYPOjE'MA. (From tnro, under, and aiua, blood; because the blood is under the cornea.) An effusion of red blood into the chambers ofthe eye. Hypocaro'des. (From viro, and xapos, a carus.) Hypocarothis. One who labours under a low degree of carus. Hypocatha'rsis. (From viru, under, and xaBatpia, to purge.) It is when a medicine does not work so much as expected, or but very little. Or a slight purg- ing, when it is a disorder. HYPOCAU'STRUM. (From viro, under, and«a«a, to burn.) A stove, hot house, or any such like con- trivance, to preserve plants from cold air. Hypocerchna'leon. (From viro, and xtpxvos, an asperity of the fauces.) A stridulous kind or asperity ofthe fauces. Hypocheo'menos. (From viro, under, and xt«, to pour.) One who labours under a cataract. Hypochloro'sis. (From viro, and \Xuipwcis, the green-sickness.) A slight dogree of chlorosis. HYPOCHONDRIAC. (From viro, under, and XovSpos, a cartilage.) 1. Belonging to the hypochon- dria. 2. A person affected with lowness of spirits. See Hypochondriasis Hypochondriac regions. Regiones hypochondri- acal Hypochondria. The spaces in the abdomen that are under the cartilages of the spurious ribs on each side of the epigastrium. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. (FromvirexovopjaKos,one who is hipped.j Hypochondriacus morbus; Affcctia hypochondriaca ; Passio hypochondriaca. The hypo- chondriac affection, vapours, spleen, Sec A genus of disease in tbe class Neuroses, and order Adynamia, of Cullen, characterized by dyspepsia, languor, and want HYP HYP d/ energy; Badness and fear from uncertain causes, with a melancholic temperament The state of mind peculiar to hypochondriacs is thus described by Cullen:—" A langour, listlessness, or want of resolution and activity, with respect to all undertak- ings ; a disposition to seriousness, sadness, and timidity, as to all future events, and apprehension of the worst or most unhappy state of them; and, therefore, often upon slight grounds, and apprehension of great evil. Bueh persons are particularly attentive to the state of their own health, to every the smallest change of feel- ing in their bodies: and from any unusual sensation, perhaps of the slightest kind, they apprehend great danger, and even death itself. In respect to these feelings and fears, there is commonly the most obsti- nate belief and persuasion." He adds, " that it is only when the state of mind just described is joined with indigestion, in either sex, somewhat in years, of a me- lancholic temperament, and a firm and rigid habit, that the disease takes the name of Hypochondriacism." The seat of the hypochondriac passions is in the stomach and bowels; for, first these parts are disor- dered, then the others suffer from the connexion. The causes are, sorrow, fear, or excesses of any of the pas- sions ; too long continued watching; irregular diet. Those habitually disposed to it (and these causes have little effect in other constitutions,) have generally a sal- low or brown complexion, and a downcast look; a rigidity of the solids, and torpor of the nervous system. Whatever may occasion nervous disorders in general, may also be the cause of this. The signs of this complaint are so various, that to describe them is to describe almost every other disease; but, in general, there is an insurmountable indolence, dejected spirits, dread of death, costiveness, a slow and somewhat difficult inspiration, flatulencies in the prima vie, and various spasmodic affections. It is seldom fatal; but if neglected, or improperly treated, may bring on incurable melancholy, jaundice, madness, or vertigo, palsy, and apoplexy. On dissections of hypochondriacal persons, some of the abdominal viscera (particularly the liver and spleen) are usually found considerably enlarged. In some few instances, effusion and a turgescence of the vessels have been observed in the brain. This being a disease of a mixed description, the treat- ment must be partly corporeal, partly mental; but it has been too often neglected, as merely imaginary, and their complaints met by argument or railiery, which, however, can only weaken their confidence in the practitioner. It may be very proper to inform them, that their disorder is not so dangerous as they suppose, and may be removed by suitable remedies; but to tell them tbey ail nothing, is absurd. In reality, medicine is often of much service; and though others have been cured chiefly by amusements, country air, and exer- cise, it by no means follows, that their disorder was only in the imagination. In so far as dyspeptic symptoms appear, these must be encountered by the remedies pointed out under that head; antacids, aperients, &c. Sometimes emetics, or drastic cathartics, have pro- duced speedy relief; but they are too debilitating to be often employed. The bowels will be better regulated by milder remedies, as castor oil, senna, aloes, (unless they are subject to haemorrhoids,) and the like; and magnesia may at the same time correct ascidity; but if the liver be torpid, some mercurial preparation will be of more avail. Flatulence and spasmodic pains may be relieved by aromatics, ether, the fcetid gum resins, musk, valserian, &c. but severe and obstinate pain, or high irritation, will be best attacked by opium: it is important, however, to guard against the patient get- ting into the habitual use of this remedy. Occasionally, mild tonics appear useful, especially chalybeate waters; and tepid bathing, with friction, gentle exjr- cise, and warm clothing, are important to keep up the function of the skin. The diet should be light, and sufficiently nutritious; but moderation must be en- joined to those who have been accustomed to indulge too much in the luxuries of the table: and, in all cases. those articles which are ascesccnt, flatulent, or difficult of digestion, must be avoided. Mall liquors do not usually agree so well ss wine or spirits, considerably diluted; but these stimuli should never be allowed un- necessarily. The mental treatment required will be such as is calculated to restore the strength, and cor- rect the aberrations of the judgment. When any false association of ideas occurs, the best mode of re- moving it is, by keeping up a continued train of natural associated impressions of superior force, which may amuse the mind, and moderately exercise, without exhausting it. A variety of literary recreations and diversions, especially in the open air, with agreeable company, will be therefore advisable: frequently changing the scene, taking them to watering places, and adopting other expedients, to prevent them from dwelling too much upon their own morbid feelings. HYPOCHONDRIUM. (From viro under, and XovSpos, a cartilage.) That part of the body which lies under the cartilages of the spurious ribs. HYPO'CHYMA. (From viro, and xo, under, and yXtaaea, the tongue.) A nerve which goes to the under part of the tongue. HYPOGLO'TTIDES. (From viro, under, and yXtarla, the tongue.) They are a kind of lozenge to be held under the tongue until they are dissolved. HYPOGLU'TIS. (From viro, under, and yXovror, the nates.) It is the fleshy part under the nates to- wards the thigh. Some say it is the flexure of the coxa, under the nates. Hypo'mia. (From viro, under, and taeos, shoulder.) In Galen's Exegesis, it is the part subjacent to the shoulder. HYPONITRIC ACID. See JVi'tWe acid. HYPONITROUS ACID. Pernitrous acid. «It appears from the experiments of Gay Lussac, that there exists an acid, formed of 100 azole and 150 oxygen. When into a test tube filled with mercury, we pass up from 500 to 000 volumes of deutoxide of azote, a little alkaline water, and 100 parts of oxygen gas, we obtain an absorption of 500, proceeding from HYP the condensation of the 100 parts of oxygen with 400 of deutoxide of azote. Now these 400 parts are com- posed of 200 azote and -200 oxygen; consequently, the new acid is composed of azote and oxygen, in the ratio sf 100 to 130, as wc have said above. It is the same acid, according to Gay Lussac, which is produced on reaving for a long time a strong solution of potassa in contact with deutoxide of azote. At the end of three months he found that 100 parts of deutoxide of azote were reduced lo 23 of protoxide of azote, and that crystals of hyponitrite (pernitrile) were formed. Hyponitrous acid (called pernitroua by the French chemists) cannot be insulated. As soon as we lay hold, by an acid, of the potassa with which it is asso- ciated, it is transformed Into deutoxide of azote, which is disengaged, and into nitrous or nitric acid, which remains in solution." Htpo'momos. (From vstovquoc, a phagedenic ulcer.) 1. A subterraneous place. 2. A deep phagedenic ulcer. Hy-pope'dium. (From viro, under, and irovs, tlie foot) A cataplasm for the sole of the foot. Hypo'phora. (From vvotbtpouoi, to be carried or conveyed underneath.) A deep fistulous ulcer. HYPOPHOSPHOROUS ACID. This acid was lately discovered by Dulong. Pour water on the phos- phuret of barytes, and wait till all the phosphuretted hydrogen be disengaged. Add cautiously to the filtered liquid dilute sulphuric acid, till the barytes be all precipitated in the state of sulphate. The superna- tant liquid is hypophosphorous acid, which should be passed through a filter. This liquid may be concen- trated by evaporation, till it become viscid. It has a very snur taste, reddens vegetable blues, and does not Crystallize. It is probably composed of 2 primes of phosphorus = 3 + 1 of oxygen. Dulong's analysis ap- proaches to this proportion. He assigns, but from rather precarious data, 100 phosphorus to 37.44 oxy- gen. The hypophosphites have the remarkable pro- perty of being all soluble in water; while many ofthe phosphates and phosphites are insoluble. HYPOPHTHA'LMION. (From viro, under, and oa)BaXppf, the eye.) The part under the eye which is subject to swell in a cachexy, or dropsy. Hypo'pbysis- (From viro, under, and dnita. to pro- duce.) A disease of the eyelids, when the hairs grow so much as to irritate and offend the pupil. HYPOPYUM. (From viro, under, and rrvov, pus; because the pus is under the cornea.) Hypopion; Pyosis; Abscessus oculi. An accumulation of a glu- tinous yellow fluid, like pus, which takes place in the anterior chamber of the aqueous humour, and fre- quently also in the posterior one, in consequence of severe, acute ophthalmy, particularly the Internal spe- cies. This viscid matter of the hypopyum, is com- monly palled pus; but Scarpa contends, that it is only coagulating lymph. The symptoms portending an extravasation of coagulable lymph in the eye, or an hypopyum, are the same as those which occur in the highest stage of violent acute ophthalmy, viz. prodi- gious tumefaction of the eyelids; the same swelling and redness as in cbemosis; burning beat and pain in the eye; pains In the eyebrowi and nape of the neck; fever, reaUessoesa, aversion to tbe faintest light, and a contracted state ofthe pupil. Hyfori'nion. (From viro, under, and oia>, tbe nose.) \ name for the parts of tile upper lip below tbe (ostrifs. HvaosA'acA. (From «nro, under, and gopl, flesh.) t/ypasorddios. A collection of fluid or air in the cel- lular roembraue Hypospadije'os. (From viro, uader, and , to draw.) The urethra terminating under tbe glans. Hyfogfatw'smus. (From vto, under, and oiraBn, a spatola.) The name of an operation formerly used iu surgary, for removing defluxions in the eyes. It was thus named from the instrument with which it was performed. Hypospha'sxa- (From viro, under, and oda£ia, tt> kill.) Aposphagma. An extravasation of blood in the tunica adnata of the eye, from external injury. HvpotPLe'siA- (From viro, under, and eirXnv, the spleen.) A tumour under the spleen. Hvposta'phyle. (From viro, and s-aipuki, the Wruja.) Relaxation ofthe uvula. Hybo'stajis. (From v*i™k> to subside.) Asedi- 444 HYS meat, as that which Is occasionally let down from urine. HYPOSULPHUREOUS ACID. <> In order to ob- tain hypostilpliureous acid, Herschel mixed a dilute solution of hyposulphite of strontites with a slight ex- cess of dilute sulphuric acid, and, after agnation, poured the mixture on three filters. The first was re- ceived into a solution of carbonate of potassa, from which it expelled carbonic acid gas. The second por- tion being received successively into nitrates of silver and mercury, precipitated the metals copiously in the state of sulphurets, but produced no effect on solutions of copper, iron, or sine. The third, being tasted, was acid, astringent, and bitter. Wtien fresh filtered, it was clear; but it became milky on standing, deposit- ing sulphur, and colouring sulphureous acid. A mo- derate exposure to air, or a gentle heat, caused its en- tire decomposition." HYPOSULPHURIC ACID. "Gay Lussac and Welther have recently announced the discovery of a new acid combination of sulphur and oxygen, interme- diate between sulphureous and sulphuric acids, to which they have given the name of huposulphttflc acid. It is obtained by passing a current of sulphure- ous aoid gas over the black oxide of manganese. A combination takes place; the excess of the oxide of manganese is separated by dissolving tbe hyposulphats of manganese in water. Caustic barytes precipitates tho manganese, and forms with tbe new acid a very soluble salt, which, freed from excess of barytes by a current of carbonic acid, crystallizes regularly, like the nitrate or muriate of barytes. Hyposulphate of barytes being thus obtained, sulphuric acid is cau- tiously added to the solution, which throws down the barytes, and leaves the hyposulphuric acid in the wa- ter. This acid bears considerable concentration under the receiver of the air-pump. It consists of five parts of oxygen to four of sulphur. The greater number of the hyposulphites, both earthy and metallic, are solu- ble, and crystallize; those of barytes and lime are un- alterable in the air. Hyposulphuric acid is distinguished by the following properties:— 1st, It is decomposed by beat into sulphurous and sulphuric acids. 2d, It forms soluble salts with barytes, strontites, lime, lead, and silver. 3d, The hyposulphatcs are ell soluble. 4th, They yield sulphurous acid whsnlheirsoiutiotu are mixed wilh acids, only if the mixture becewesiiot of itself, or be artificially bested. 5th, They disengage a great deal of enlpfcmttus BflM at a high temperature, and are converted into neutral sulphates." HYPO'THENAR. (From viro, under, and tevap, the palm of the hand.) 1. A muscle which runs on tbe inside of the hand. 2. That part of tbe hand which is opposite to the palm. HYPOTHESIS. An opinion, or a system of gene- ral rules, founded partly on fact but principally on conjecture. A theory explains every fact, and every circumstance connected with it; an hypothesis exr plains only a certain number, feaving some luaer connted for, and others in opposition to it HYPO'THETON. (From viro, under, and Tsflmw, to put.) A suppository, or medicine introduced Wile the rectum, to procure stools. Hypo'xylon. (From viro, and IvXov, wood. A spe- cies of davaria, which grows under old wood. Hypozo'ma. (From viro and \iawviu, to bind round.) The diaphragm. Hypsiqlo'ssus. (From vxptXottSts, the hyoid bone, and yXiaaaa, the tongue.) A muscle named from its origin in the os hyoides, and its insertion in the tongue. HYPSILOI'DES. 1. The Os kyoides. 2. The hyoglossus muscle. Hyptia'smos. (From vir7ia{«*, to tie with the face upwards.) A supine decublture, or a nausea, with in clination to vomit Htpu'lus. (From viro, under, and ovXij, a cicatrix.) An ulcer under a cicatrix. HYSSOP. See Hyesopue. Hyssop hedge. See Gratiola. Hyssofttes. (From v«w*oc, hyssop.) Wine im- pregnated with hyssop. HYS HYS HYSSO'PUS. ('Yo-doiroc; from Atob, Hebrew.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean sys- tem. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnospermia. Hyssop. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the common hys- sop. See Hyssopus rff.cinalis. HYssorus capitata. Wild thyme. Hyssopus officinalis. The systematic name of the common hyssop. Hyssopus—spicis secwhdis, fo- Hie lanceolatis of Linnajus. This ei-otic plant is es- teemed as an aromatic and stimulant, but is chiefly employed as a pectoral, and has long been thought use- ful in humoral asthmas, coughs, and catarrhal affec- tions,; for this purpose, an infusion of the leaves, sweetened with honey, or sugar, is recommended to be drank as t.a. HY'STERA. (From ve-tpoc, behind: so called be- cause it is placed behind the other parts.) The womb. See Uterus. HYSTERA'LGIA. (From vrtpa, the womb, and aXyoc, pain.) A pain in the womb. HYSTE'RIA. (From vc-rpa, the womb, from which the disease was supposed to arise.) Passio hysterica. Hysterics. Dr. Cullen places this disease in the class Neuroses, and order Spasmi. There are four species: 1. Hysteria chlorotica, from a retention of the menses. 2. Hysteria A leueorrhaa, from a fluor albus. 3. Hysteria a menorrhagia, from an immoderate flow of the menses. 4. Hysteria libidinosa, from sensual desires. The complaint appears under such various shapes, imitates so many other diseases, and is attended with such a variety of symptoms, which denote the animal and vital functions to be considerably disordered, that it is difficult to give a just character or definition of it; and it is only by taking an assemblage of all its appear- ances, that we can convey a proper idea of it to others. The disease attacks in paroxysms, or fits. These are sometimes preceded by dejection of spirits, anxiety of mind, effusion of tears, difficulty of breathing, sickness at the stomach, and palpitations at the heart; but it more usually happens, that a pain is felt on the left Bide, about the flexure of the colon, with a sense of distention advancing upwards, till it gets into the sto- mach, and removing from thence Into the throat, it oc- casions, by its pressure, a sensation as if a ball was lodged there, which by authors has been called globus hystericus. The disease having arrived at this height, the patient appears to be threatened with suffocation, becomes taint, and is affected with stupor and insen- sibility; while, at the same time, the trunk ofthe body is turned to and fro, the limbs are variously agitated; wild and irregular actions take place in alternate fits of laughter, crying, and screaming: incoherent ex- pressions are uttered, a temporary delirium prevails, and a frothy saliva is discharged from the mouth. The spasms at length abating, a quantity of wind is evacu- ated upwards, with frequent sighing and sobbing, and the woman recovers the exercise of sense and motion without any recollection of what has taken place dur- ing the fit; feeling, however, a severe pain in her head, and a soreness over her whole body. In some cases, there -is little or no convulsive motion, and the person lies seemingly in a state of profound sleep, with- out eithersenseor motion. Hiccup is a symptom which likewise attends, in some instances, on hysteria; and now and then it happens, that a fit of hysteria consists of this alone. In some cases, of this nature, it has been known to continue for two or three days, during which it frequently seems as if It would suffocate the patient, and proceeds, gradually weakening her, till it either goes off or else occasions death by suffocation: but this last is extremely rare. Besides hiccup, other Blight spasmodic affections sometimes wholly form a lit of hysteria, which perhaps continue for a day or two, and then either go off of themselves, or are re- moved by the aid of medicine. In some cases the pa- tient is attacked with violent pain in the back, which extend from the spine to the sternum, and at length become fixed upon the region of the stomach, being evidently of a spasmodic nature, and often prevailing in so high a degree as to cause clammy sweats, a pale cadaverous look, coldness of the extremities, and a pulse hardly perceptible. Hysteric affections occur more frequently in a single state of life than in tiie married ; and usually between the age of puberty and that of thirty-five years; ani they make their attack oftener about the period of menstruation than at any other. They are readily excited in those who are subject to them, by passions ofthe mind, and by every consider- able emot ion, especially when brought on by surprise; hence, sudden joy, grief, fear, Sec. are very apt to occa- sion them. They have also been known to arise from imitation and sympathy. Women of a delicate habit, and whose nervous sys- tem is extremely sensible, are those who are most sub- ject to hysteric affections; and the habit which predis- poses to their attacks, is acquired by inactivity and a sedentary life, grief, anxiety of mind, a suppression ot obstruction of the menstrual flux, excessive evacua- tions, and a constant use of a low diet, or Of crude un- wholesome food. Hysteria differs from hypochondriasis in the follow- ing particulars, and, by paying attention to them, may always readily be distinguished from it:—Hysteria at- tacks the sanguine and plethoric; comes on Boon after the age of puberty; makes its onset suddenly and vi- olently, so as to deprive the patient of all sense and voluntary motion: is accompanied with the sensation of a ball rising upwards in the throat, so as to threaten suffocation; is attended usually with much spasmodic affection; is more apt to terminate in epilepsy than in any other disease; and, on dissection, its morbid ap- pearances are confined principally to the uterus and ovaria. The reverse happens in hypochondriasis. It attacks the melancholic; seldom occurs till after the age of thirty-five; comes on gradually; is a tedious disease, and difficult to cure ; exerts its pernicious effects on the membraneous canal ofthe intestines, as well by spasms as wind; is more apt to terminate in melancholy, or a low fever, than in any other disease; and, on dissec- tion, exhibits its morbid effects principally on the liver, spleen, and pancreas, which are often found in a dis- eased state. Another very materia) difference might be pointed out between these two diseases, which is, that hysteria is much relieved by advancing in age, whereas hypo- chondriasis usually becomes aggravated. The two diseases have often been confounded to- gether; bul, from considering the foregoing circum- stances, it appears that a proper line of distinction should be drawn between them. The hysteric passion likewise differs from a syncope, as in this there is an entire Cessation ofthe pulse, a con tracted face, and a ghastly countenance; whereas, in the uterine disorder, there is Often something of a co- lour, and the face is more expanded; there is likewise a pulse, though languid; and this state may continue some days, which never happens in a syncope. It also differs from apoplexy, in which the abolition of sense and voluntary motion is attended witb a sort of snoring, great difficulty of breathing, and a quick pulse; which do not take place in hysteria. It differs from epilepsy, in that this is supposed to arise in consequence of a distention of the vessels of the brain: whereas, in hysteria, the spasmodic and convulsive motions arise from a turgescence of blood in the uterus, or in other parts ofthe genital system. However dreadful and alarming any hysteric fit may appear, still it is seldom accompanied with danger, and the disease never terminates fatally, unless it changes into epilepsy, or that the patient is in a very weak re- duced state. The indications in this disease are, 1. To lessen the violence of tiie fits. 2. To prevent their return by ob- viating the several causes. Where the attack is slight, it may be as well to leave it in a great measure to have its course. But where the paroxysm is severe, and the disease of no long standing, occurring in a young plethoric female, as is most frequent, and espe- cially from suppression of the menses, a liberal ab- straction of blood should be made, and will often afford speedy relief. If this step do not appear advisable, and the disorder be rather connected with the state of the primes via;, an emetic may check its progress, if the patient can be got to swallow during a remission of the convulsions. At other times the application of cold water to tlie skin more or less extensively; strong and disagreeable odours, as hartshorn, burnt feathers, ice. j rubbing the temples with tether; antispasmodics, par- ticularly opiumi by tlie mouth or in glyster: the pedi- HYS HYS hivium, sec. may be resorted to according to the state of the patient During the intervals, we must endea- vour to remove any observable predisposition; in the plethoric, by a spare diet, exercise, and occasional pur- gatives ; in those who are weakly, and rather deficient in blood, by proper nourishment, with chalybeates, or other tonic medicines. The state of the uterine func- tion must be particularly attended to, as well as that of the primte vie; those cathartics are to be preferred which are not apt to occasion flatulence, nor particu- larly irritate the rectum, unless where the menses are interrupted, when the aloelic preparations may claim a preference; and the perspiration should be main- tained by warm clothing, particularly to the feet, with the prudent use of the cold bath. The mind ought also to be occupied by agreeable and useful pursuits, and regular hours will tend materially to the restoration of the general health. Hysteria'lges. (From vc-tpa, the womb, and dX- yos, pain.) 1. An epithet for any thing that excites pain in the uterus. 2. Hippocrates applies this word to vinegar. 3. The pains which resemble labour-;pains, generally called false pains. HYSTERl'TIS. (From vc-rpa, the womb.) Me- tritis. Inflammation of the womb. A genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia, of Cullen; characterized by fever, heat, tension, tumour, and pain in the region of the womb; pain in the os uteri, when touched, and vomiting. In natural labours, as well as those of a laborious sort, manv causes of injury to the uterus, and the peri- tona-um which covers it, will be applied. The long continued action of the uterus on tiie body of the child, and the great pressure made by its head on the soft parts, will further add to the chance of injury. Besides these, an improper application of instruments, or an officiousness of the midwife in hurrying the labour, may have contributed to the violence. To these causes may be added exposure to cold, by taking the woman too early out of bed alter delivery, and thereby throwing the circulating fluids upon the inter- nal parts, putting a stop to the secretion of milk, or occasioning a suppression of the lochia. As inflammation of the womb is sometimes per- fectly distinct, but is more frequently communicated to the peritonaeum, Fallopian tubes, and ovaria; and bavin; once begun, the natural functions of the organ become much disturbed, which greatly adds lo the disease. It is oftener met with in women of a robust and plethoric habit than in those of lax fibres and a de- licate constitution, particularly where they have in- dulged freely in food of a heating nature, and in the use of spirituous liquors. It never prevails as an epi- demic, like puerperal fever, for which it has probably often been mistaken; and to this we may, with e ime reason, ascribe the difference in the mode of treatment which has taken place among physicians. An inflammation of the uterus shows itself usually about the second or third day after delivery, with a painful sensation at the bottom of the belly, which gradually increases in violence, wilhout any kind of intermission. On examining externally, the uterus appears much increased in size, is hard to the feel, and on making a pressure upon it, the patient experiences great soreness and pain. Soon afterward there ensues an increase in heat over the whole of the body, with pains in the head and back, extending into the groins, rigors, considerable thirst, nausea, and vomiting. The tongue is white and dry, the secretion of milk is usually much interrupted, the lochia are greatly diminished, the urine is high-coloured and scanty; the body is cos- tive snd the pulse bard, full, and frequent These are the symptoms which usually present them- selves when the inflammation does not run very high, and is perfectly distinct; but when It Is so extensive as to affect the peritoneum, those of irritation succeed, and soon destroy the patient. Uterine inflammation is always attended with much danger, particularly where-the symptoms run high, and the proper means for removing them have not been timely adopted. In such cases, it may terminate in suppuration, scirrhus, or gangrene. Frequent rigors, succeeded by flushings of the face, quickness and weakness of the pulse, great depression of strength, delirium, and tiie sudden cessation of pain and soreness in tiie region of the abdomen, denote a fatal termination. On the contrary, the ensuing of a gentle diarrhoea, the lochial discharge returning in due quantity and quality, the secretion of milk recons- mencing, and the uterus becoming gradually softer and less tender to the touch, with an abatement ot heat and thirst, prognosticate a favourable issue. When shivermgs attack the patient, after several days' continuance of the symptoms, but little relief can be afforded by medicine, the event being generally fatal. In this case, the woman emaciates and loses her strength, becomes hectic, and sinks under colliquative sweating, or purging. Upon opening the bodies of women who have died of this disease, and where it existed in a simple state, little or no extravasated fluid is usually to be met with in the cavity of the abdomen. In some instances, the peritoneal surfaces have been discovered free from the disease; while in others, that portion which covers the uterus and posterior part of the bladder, bas been found partially inflamed. The inflammation has been observed, in some cases, to extend to tbe ovaria and Fallopian tubes, which, when cut open, are often loaded with blood. The uterun Itself usually ap- pears of a firm substance, but is larger than in its natural slate, and, when cut into, a quantity of pus is often found. Gangrene is seldom, if ever, to be met with. HYSTEROCE'LE. (From vs-tpa, the womb, and KijXn, a tumour.) A hernia of the womb. This is occasioned by violent muscular efforts, by ulows on the abdomen at the time of gestation, and also i>y wounds and abscesses of the abdomen which permit the uterus to dilate the part. Ruysch relates the case of a woman, who, becoming pregnant after an ulcer had been healed in the lower part of the abdomen, the tumid uterus descended into a dilated sac of the peritoneum in that weakened part, till it hung, with the included fcetus, at her knees. Yet when her full time was come, the midwife reduced this wonderful hernia, and, In a natu- ral way, she was safely delivered of a son. Hy'steron. (From vs-tpoc, afterward; so named because it comes immediately after the fcetus.) Tho placenta. HYSTEROPHY'SA. (From vj-tpa, the womb, and tbvoa, flatus.) A swelling, or distention of the womb, from a collection of air in its cavity. HYSTEBO'TOMY. (Hysterotomia; from vc-rpa, the womb, and repvia, to cut.) Sec Casarian ope- ration. Hysterotomatocia. See Casarian operation. H YSTEROPTO'SIS. (From vg-tpa, the womb, and mirria, to fall.) A bearing down of the womb. HYSTRICI'ASIS. (From ve-pill. a hedge-hog, or porcupine.) A disease of the hairs, in which they stand erect, like porcupine quills. An account of this rare disease is to be seen in the Philosophical Trans- actions, No. 424. Hy'stricis lapis. See Bezoar hystricis. HYSTRl'TIS See Hystcritis. I rcH ICH "JATRALEIPTES. (From (arpoc, a physician, and * aXtidtto, lo anoint.) One who undertakes to cure distempers by external unction and friction: Galen makes mention of such iu his time, particularly one Diotas; and Pliny informs us, that this practice was first introduced by Prodicus of Sclymbria, who was a disciple of Aesculapius. IATROCHY MIClfS. (From jarpoj, a physician, and xvuin, chemistry.) Chymiater. A chemical phy- sician, who cures by means of chemical medicines. IATROLI'PTICE. (.From mrpoc, a physician, and aXctibia, to auoint.) The method of curing diseases by unction and friction. IATROPH YSICUS. (From mrpoc, physician, and ibvcts, nature.) An epithet bestowed on some writ- ings which treat of physical subjects with relation to medicine. IBE'RIS. (So named from Iberia, the place of its natural growth.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliculosa. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the Sciatica cresses. See Lepidium iberis. Ibira'ce. See Guaiacum. I'BIS. I/?if. A bird much like our kingfisher, taken notice of by the Egyptians, because, when it was sick, it used to inject with its long bill the water of the Nile into its fundament, whence Langius, lib. ii. ep. ii. says they learned the use of clysters. IBI'SCUS. (From i/Jic, the stork, who was said to chew it and inject it as a clyster.) Marshmallow. Ibi'xuma. (From iSiokos, the mallow, and ilos, glue: so named from its having a glutinous leaf, like the mallow.) Saponaria arbor. The soap tree, pro- bably the Sapindus saponaria of Linneus. ICE. Glades. Water made solid by the applica- tion of cold. It is frequently applied by surgeons to resolve external inflammatory diseases, to stop hemor- rhages, and constringe relaxed parts. Iceland spar. A calcareous spar. I'CHOR. (Ixup.) A thin, aqueous, and acrid dis- charge. I'CTH YA. OxBva, a fish-hook; from ixBvs, a fish.) I. The skin of the Squatina, or monkfish. 2. The name of an instrument like a fish-hook, for extracting the fcetus. ICHTHYASIS. See Ichthyosis. ICHTHYOCO'LLA. (From iXBvs, a fish, and xoXXa, glue.) Colla piscium. Isinglass. Fish-glue. This substance is almost wholly gelatin; 100 grains of good dry isinglass containing rather more than 98 of matter soluble in water. isinglass is made from certain fish found in the Danube, and the rivers of Muscovy Willoughby and others inform us, that it is made of the sound of the Beluga; and Neumann, that it is made of the Huso Gertnanorum, and other fish, which he has frequently seen sold in the public markets of Vienna. Jackson remarks, tbat the sounds of cod, properly prepared, afford this substance; and that the lakes of America abound with fish from which the very finest sort may be obtained. Isinglass receives its different shapes in the follow- ing manner: the parts of which it is composed, parti- cularly the sounds, are taken from the fish while sweet and fresh, slit open, washed from their slimy sordes, divested of a very thin membrane which envelopes the sound, and then exposed to stiffen a little in the air. In this state, they are formed into rolls about the thickness of a finger, and in length according to the intended size of tiie staple: a thin membrane is gene- rally selected for the centre of the roll, round which the rest are folded alternately, and about half an inch uf each extremity of the roll is turned inwards. Isinglass is best made in the summer, as frost gives it a disagreeable colour, deprives it of weight, and im- pal-s its gelatinous principles. Isinglass boiled in milk forms a mild nutritious telly, and Is thus sometimes employed medicinally. This, when flavoured by the art of the cook, is the blanc- manger of our tables A solution of isinglass in water, with a very small proportion of some balsam, spread' on black silk, is the court-plaster of the shops. [That variety of the codfish called tlie Hake, and known to naturalists as the Gadus Merluccius, has a very large sound or swimming bladder, which affords ichthyocolla in abundance. In 1824, a quantity was presented to the New-York Lyceum of Natural His- tory for their inspection, and a committee of that learned body made the following report on the sub- ject: " The Isinglass, or Ichthyocolla, made by Mr. Wil liam Hall, at the Isle of Shoals, which was presented by him, for examination, at the last sitting of the Ly ceum, has been submitted to several experiments by the committee. It proved more pure than the Russian isinglass, with which it was compared, possesses greater solubility, and exhibits more tenacity; and its solution resists longer the process of putrefaction; but it retains to a peculiar degree the unpleasant flavour peculiar to fish. The result of the experiment induces the committee to recommend the article as a valuable acquisition to our domestic manufactures. It is found excellent in clarifying liquors, and merits the particular attention of brewers; it is valuable in preparing leather, render- ing it soft and pliable, and deserves to be employed in cotton manufactories for glazing, and starching gene- rally. Iu its present state, however, it would not be agreeable as an article in the preparation of food; it might be, if deprived of the fishy smell. The form of the ichthyocolla from the Isle of Shoals, is far preferable to that of foreign manufac- ture. The peculiar shape of the isinglass from the Muscovy rivers was probably adopted to conceal and disguise the real substance, and to preserve the mono- poly ; but now, as the subterfuge is no longer neces- sary, it is acknowledged to answer every purpose more effectually in its native state. In the rolled, or curled form, it Is more apt to retain oily particles and exuvia of insects between the membranes, that frequently con- taminate the liquor for whose clarification it is em- ployed. The sounds of the Cod (gadus morhua) and Ling (gadus molva) have long been used by Newfound- land and Iceland fishermen, and bear a strong re- semblance to those of the genus Accipenser; the Huso (or Beluga) which family has always supplied Muscovy (to which country we are originally indebted for it) with this article of commerce. Mr. Hall, alone, as far as we know, employs the Hake (gadus merluccius) and he offers his isinglass at $4,000 a ton, nearly one quarter less than we pay for the foreign, of which 100 tons are every year imported. If the manufacture succeeds, of which (with capital and zeal) we little doubt, it will save yearly from 80 to $100,000 to our citizens; at the same time it opens to them afield of en- terprise which will yield annually from 4to $5,000, and which must increase wilh the growth of our country. In concluding, we may remark, that Mr. Hall em- ploys the mode described iu the 63d volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, but without previously salting the sounds. J. VAN RENSSELAER. J. E. DE KAY. SAMUEL AKERLY. ftCT Mr. Hall observes that the unpleasant smell of the isinglass can be entirely extracted by three weeks' exposure to the night-air, after finished."—From the Statesman, Jan. 9th, 1824.1 ICHTHYOPHTHAL'MITE. Fish eyestone. See Apophyllite. ICHTHYOSIS. (From txBva, the scale of a fish; from the resemblance of the scales to those of a fish.) Ichthyosis. A genus of diseases of the second order of Dr. Willan's disease of the skin. The character- istic of ichthyosis is a permanently harsh, dry, scaly, and In some cases, almost horny texture of the integu- ments of the body, unconnected with internal disorder. Psoriasis and Lepra differ from this affection, in being but partially diffused, and in having deciduous scales. CT ICT The arrangement and distribution of the Kales in ich- thyosis are peculiar. Above and below the olecranon sn the arm, says Dr. Willan, and in a similar situation with respect to the patella on the thi^h and leg, they are small, rounded, prominent, or papillary, and of a black colour; some of the scaly papillae have a short, narrow neck, and broad irregular tops. On some part of the extremities, and on tbe trunk of tbe body, the scales are flat and large, often placed like tiling, or in the same order as scales on the back of a fish; but, in a few cases, they have appeared separate, being inter- sected by whitish furrows. There is usually in this complaint a dryness and roughness of the soles of tbe feet; sometimes a thickened and brittle state ofthe skin in the palms of the hands, with large painful fissures, and on the face an appearance of the scurf rather than of scales. The inner part of the wrist, the hams, the inside of the elbow, the furrow along the spine, the inner and upper part of the titigh, are perhaps the only portions of the skin always exempt from the scaliness. Patients affected with ichthyosis are occasionally much harassed with inflamed pus- tules, or with large painful biles on different parts of the body; it is also remarkable, that they never seem to have the least perspiration or moisture ofthe skin. This disease did not, in any case, appear to Dr.,Willan to have been transmitted hereditarily; nor was more than one child from the same parents affected with it. Dr. Willan never met with an instance of the horny rigidity of the integuments, Ichthyosis cornea, im- peding (Tie motion of the muscles or joints. It is, how- everj mentioned by authors as affecting the lips, pre- pabeyioes. Angers, esc. and sometimes as extending over nearly the whole body. ICOBA'^DRIA. (From exact, twenty, and avnp, a*man, or Husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linneus, consisting of those which have hermaphrodite flowers furnished with tWeriiy or more stamhia that are inserted into the inner side or the calyx, or petals, or both. By this last cir- CltttstEttte is this class distinguished from Polyandria. stTtlEBI'TIA. (From icterus, tbe jaundice.) 1. An eruption of yellowish spots. 2. A yellow discoloration ofthe Skin. ICTERUS. (Named from its likeness to the plu- mage ofthe golden thrush, of which Pliny relates, that if a jaundiced person looks on one, the bird dies, and the patient recovers.) Morbus arcuatus, or arquatus ; Auriga; Morbus regius; Morbus leseoli. The jaun- dice. A genus of disease in the class Cachexia, and order Impeligines, of Cullen; characterized by yel- lowness of the skin and eyes; feces white, and urine of a high colour. There are six species:— 1. Icterus calculosus, acute pain in the epigastric region, increasing after eating: gall-stones pass by stool. ) 2. Icterus spasmodicus, without pain, after spasmo- dic diseases and passions of the mind. 3. Icterus mucosus, without either pain, gall-stones, or spasm, and relieved by the discharge of tough phlegm by stool. 4. Icterus hepaticus, from an induration in the liver. 5. Icterus gravidarum, from pregnancy, and disap rearing after delivery. 6. Icterus infantum, of infants. It takes place meet usually in consequence of an in- terrupted'excretion of bile, from an obstruction in the ductus communis choledochus, which occasions its ab- sorption into Ibe blood-vessels. In some cases it may, however, be owing to a redundant secretion of the bile. Tlie causes producing the first species are, the presence of biliary calculi in the gall-bladder and its ducts; spasmodic constriction of tbe ducts themselves; arid, rasuy, the pressure made by tumours in adjacent parts; hence jaundice is often an attendant symptom on a scirrhosity of the liver, pancreas, &c, and on pregnancy. Chronic bilious affections are frequently brought on by drinking freely, but more particularly by spirituous liquors: hence they are often to be observed in the debauchee and the drinker of drams. They are like- wise frequently met with in those who lead a seden- tary life; and Who indulge much in anxious thoughts. A slight degree of jaundice often proceeds from the redundant eeoretion of bile; and a bilious habit is therefore constitutional to some people, particularly to those who reside long in a warm climate. 448 By attending to the various circumstances and symp- toms which present themselves, we shall in general be able to ascertain, with much certainty, the real nature ofthe cause which has given rise to the disease. We may he assured by the long continuance of the complaint, and by feeling the liver and other parts ex- ternally, whether or not it arises from disease of the liver, pancreas, or adjacent parts. Where passions cf the mind induce the disease, without any hardness or enlargement of the liver, or adjacent parts, and without any appearance of calculi in the feces, or on dissection after death, we are na- turally induced to conclude that tlie disorder was owing to a spasmodic affection of the biliary ducts. Where gall-stones are lodged in the ducts, acute lancinating pains will be felt in the region of the parts, which will cease for a lime, and then return again; great irritation at tho stomach and frequent vomiting will attend, and the patient will experience an aggra- vation of the pain after eating. Such calculi are of various sizes, from a pea to that of a walnut; and, in some cases, are voided in a considerable number, being, like tiie gaH, of a yellowish, brownish, or green colour. The jaundice comes on with languor, inactivity, loathing of food, flatulence, acidities in the stomach and bowels, and costiveness. As it advances in its progress, the skin and eyes become tinged of a deep yellow; there is a bitter taste in the mouth, with fre- quent nausea and vomiting; the urine is very high coloured; the stools are of a gray cwdayov appearance, and a dull obtuse pain is tut in the right hypochon- drium, which is much increased by pressure. Where the pain is very acute, the pulse is apt to become hard and full, and other febrile symptomstoattend. The disease, when of long continuance, and pro- ceeding from a chronic affection of the liver, or other neighbouring viscera, is often attended with anasar- cous swellings, and sometimes with ascites: also scar bulic symptoms frequently supervene. Where jaundice is recent, and is occasioned by con- cretions obstructing the biliary ducts, it is probable that, by using proper means, we may be able to effect a cure; but where it is brought on by tumours .of the neighbouring parts, or bas arisen in consequence of other diseases attended with symptoms of obstructed viscera, our endeavours will most likely not be crowned with success. Arising during a state of preg- nancy, it is of little consequence, as It will cease on parturition. On opening the bodies of those wbo die of jaundice, the yellow tinge appears to pervade even the most in- terior part of the body; it is diffused throughout the whole of the cellular membrane, in the cartilages and bones, and even the substance of tbe brain is coloured with it. A diseased state of the liver, gall-bladder, or adjacent viscera, is usually to be met wilh. The Icterus infantum, or yellow gum, is a species of jaundice which affects children, at or soon after their birth, and which usually continues for some days. It has generally been supposed to arise from the meconium, impacted in the intestines, preventing the flow of bile into them. The effects produced by it art languor, indolence, a yellow tinge of the skin, and a tendency to Sleep, which is sometimes fatal, where tb. child is prevented from sucking. The indications in this disease are, 1. To palliate urgent symptoms. 2. To remove the cause of obstruc- tion to the passage ofthe bile into the duodenum: this is the essential part of the treatment; but the means will vary according to circumstances. When there are appearances of inflammation, of which perhaps the jaundice is symptomatic, or both produced by a gall-stone, the means explained under the bead of he- patitis will be proper. If there be severe spasmodic pain, as is usual when a gall-stone is passing, the libe- ral use of opium and the warm bath will probably re- lieve it After which, in all instances, where there is reason for supposing an obstructing cause within the duct, a nauseating emetic, or brisk cathartic, would be the most likely to force it onward: emetics, however, are hardly advisable, except in recent cases without inflammation; and calomel, seeming to promote the discharge of bile more than other cathartics, may be given in a large dose with or after tlie opium. Several remedies have been recommended, on the idea that they may dissolve gall-stones; wbich, however. Is hardly probable, unless they should have advanced to IDE IGA Ike end of the common duct: the fixed alkalies, ether with oil of turpentine, raw eggs, Sec. come under this head; though the alkalies may be certainly beneficial by correcting acidity, which usually results from a de- ficient supply of bile to the intestines; and possibly alter the secretion of the liver so much as to prevent the formation of more concretions. When the com- plaint arises from scirrhous tumours, mercury is the remedy most likely to afford relief, particularly should the river itself be diseased: but it must be used with proper caution, and hemlock, or other narcotic, may sometimes enable the system to bear it better. Where this remedy is precluded, nitric acid promises to be the best substitute, the taraxacum appears by no means so much to be depended upon. In all tedious cases the strength must be supported by the vegetable bitters, or other tonics, and a nutritious diet, easy of digestion: there is often a dislike of animal food; and a craving for acids, which mostly may be indulged; indeed, when scorbutic symptoms attended, the native vegeta- ble acids have been sometimes very serviceable. The bowels must be kept regular, and the other secretions promoted, to get rid ofthe bile diffused in the system; as well as to obviate febrile or inflammatory action. When accumulations of hardened feces induce the complaint, or in the icterus infantum, cathartics may be alone sufficient to afford relief: and, in that of preg- nant females, we must chiefly look to the period of delivery. Ictercs albus. The white jaundice. Chlorosis is sometimes so called. I'CTUS. 1. A stroke or blow. 2. The pulsation of an artery. 3. The sting of a bee, or other insect. IDAS'US. (From iSn, a mountain in Phrygia, their native place.) A name of the peony and blackberry. IDE. This terminal is affixed to oxygen, chlorine, and iodine, when they enter into combination with each other, or with simple combustibles or metals in proportions not forming an acid, thus ox-ide of chlo- rine, ox-ide of nitrogen, chlor-ide of sulphur, iod-ide of iron. IDE'OLOGY. (Ideologia; from «&a, a thought, and Xoy»s, a discourse.) The doctrine or study of the understanding. " Whatever be the number and the diversity of the phenomena which belong to human intelligence, however different they appear from the other phenomena of life, though they evidently depend on the soul, it is absolutely necessary to consider them as the result of the action of the brain, and to make no distinction between them and tbe other phenomena that depend on the actions of that organ. The func- tions of tbe brain are absolutely subject to tbe same laws as the other functions; they develope and goto decay in the progress of age; they are modified by ha- bit, sex, temperament, and individual disposition; they become confused, weakened, or elevated in diseases; the physical injuries of the brain weaken or destroy them; in a word, they are not susceptible of any ex- planation more than tbe other actions of tbe organ; and setting aside all hypothetical ideas, they are capa- ble of being studied oidy by observation and ex- perience. We must also be cautious in imagining that tiie study of the functions of the brain is more difficult than that ofthe other organs, and that it appertains pecu- liarly to metaphysics. By keeping close to observa- tion, and avoiding carefully any theory, or conjecture, this study becomes purely physiological, and perhaps it is easier than the most part of the other functions, on account of the facility with which the phenomena can be produced and observed. The innumerable phenomena which form the intellect of man, are only mod ifications of the faculty of perception. If they are examined attentively, this truth, which is well illus- trated by modern metaphysicians, will be found very clear. There are four principal modifications ofthe faculty ofperception. 1st. Sensibility, or the action of the brain, by which we receive impressions, either from within or from without 2d. The Memory, or the faculty of reproducing im- pressions, or sensations formerly received. 3d. The faculty of perceiving the relations which sensations have to each other, or the Judgment. 4th. The Desires, ot the Will. The study of the understanding, from whatever cause, is not at present an essential part of physiology; the science which treats particularly of it is Ideology. Whoever may wish to acquire an extensive knowledge on this interesting subject, should consult the works of Bacon, Locke, Condillac, Cabanis, and especially the excellent book of Destutt Tracy, entitled " Elements of Ideology." IDIOCRA'SIA. See Idiosyncrasy. IDIOPATHIC. (Idiopathicus; from iSios, peculiar, and iraBos, an affection.) A disease which does not depend on any other disease, in which respect it is opposed to a systematic disease, which is dependen on another. IDIOSY'NCRASY. (Idiosyncrasia; from iSios, peculiar, crvv, with, and xpaois, a temperament.) A peculiarity of constitution, in which a person is affected by certain agents, which, if applied to a hundred other persons, would produce no effect: thus some people cannot see a finger bleed without fainting; and thus violent inflammation is induced on the skin of some persons, by substances that are perfectly innocent to others. , Idiot'ropia. (From tStos, peculiar, and rptrru, to turn.) The same as Idiosyncrasia. IDOCRASE. See Vesuvian. IGASURIC ACID. Acidum Igusaricum. Pelletier and Caventou, in their elegant researches in the faba Sancti Ignatii, et mux vomica, having observed that these substances contained anew vegetable base (strych nine) in combination with an acid, sought to sepa rate the latter, in order to determine its nature. It appeared to them to be new, and they called it igasuric acid, from the Malay name by which tbe natives desig nate in the Indies the faba Sancti Ignatii. This bean, according to these chemists, is composed of igasurate of strychnine, a little wax, a concrete oil, a yellow colouring matter, gum, starch, bassorine, and vege- table fibre. To extract the acid, the rasped bean must be heated in ether, in a digester, with a valve of safety. Thus the concrete oil, and a little igasurate of strychnine, are dissolved out When the powder is no longer acted on by the ether, they subject it, at several times, to the action of boiling alkohol, which carries off the oil which had escaped the ether, as also wax, which is deposited on cooling, some igasurate of strychnine, and colouring matter. All the alkohoiic decoctions are united, filtered, and evaporated. The brownish-yellow residuum is diffused in water; magnesia is now added, and the whole is boiled together for some minutes. By this means, the igasurate is decomposed, and from this decomposition there results free strychnine, and a sub-igasurate of magnesia, very little soluble in water. Washing with cold water removes almost completely the colouring matter, and boiling alkohol then separates the strychnine, which falls down as the liquid cools. Finally, to procure igasuric acid from the sub-igasurate of magnesia, which remains united to a small quantity of colouring matter, we must dissolve the magnesian salt in a great body of boiling distilled water; concen- trate the liquor, and add to it acetate of lead, which immediately throws down tbe acid in the state of an igasurate of lead. This compound is then decomposed, by transmitting a current of sulphuretted hydrogen through it, diffused in 8 or 10 times its weight of boiling water. This acid, evaporated to the consistence of syrup, and left to itself, concretes in hard and granular crys- tals. It is very soluble in water, and in alkohol. In taste is acid and very styptic. It combines with the alkaline and earthy bases, forming salts soluble in water and alkohol. Its combination with barytes is very soluble, and crystallizes with difficulty, and mush- room-like. Its combination with ammonia, when per- fectly neutral, does not form a precipitate with the salts of silver, mercury, and iron; but it comports itself with the salts of copper in a peculiar manner, and which seems to characterize the acid of strychnos (fur the same acid is found in nux vomica, and in snake- wood, bois de couleuvre): this effect consists in tho decomposition of the salts of copper, by its ammoniacal compound. These salts pass immediately to a green colour, and gradually deposite a greenish-white salt, of very sparing solubility in water. The acid of strychnos seems thus to resemble meconic acid; but it differs essentially from it, by its action with salts of iron, ILE ILL which immediately assume a very deep red colour with the meconic acid; an effect not produced by the acid of strychnos. The authors, after all, do not positively affirm this acid to be new and peculiar. IGNA'TIA. (So named by Linneus, because the seeds are known in the materia medica by the name of Saint Ignatius's beans.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Ignatia amara. The systematic name ofthe plant which affords St. Ignatius's bean; Faba indica; Faba Sancti Ignatii; Faba febrifuga. These beans are of a roundish figure, very irregular and uneven, about the size of a middling nutmeg, semi-transparent, and of a hard, homy texture. They have a very bitter taste, and no considerable smell. They are said to be used in the Philippine islands in all diseases, acting as a vomit and purgative. Infusions are given in the cure of intermittents, &c. Ignatii faba. See Ignatia amara. IGNATIUS'S BEAN. See Ignatia amara. I'GNIS. Fire. 1. Van Helmont, Paracelsus, and other alchemists, applied this term to what they con- sidered as universal solvents. 2. In medicine, the older writers used it to express several diseases characterized by external redness and heat. Ignis cahdus. A hot fire: a gangrene: also a violent inflammation, just about to degenerate into a gangrene, were formerly so called by some. Ignis fatuus. A luminous appearance or flame, frequently seen in the night in different country places, and called in England Jackwith a lantern,or Will with the wisp. It seems to be mostly occasioned by the extrication of phosphorus from rouing leaves and other vegetable matters. It is probable, that the motion- less ignes fatui of Italy, which are Been nightly on the Bame spot, are produced by the slow combustion of sulphur, emitted through clefts and apertures in tiie soil of tnat volcanic country. Ignis frigidus. A cold fire. A sphacelus was so called, because the parts that are so affected become as cold as the surrounding air. Ignis persicus. A name ofthe erysipelas, also of the carbuncle. See Anthrax. Ignis rot.e. Fire for fusion. It is when a vessel, which contains some matter for fusion, is surrounded with live, i. e. red-hot, coals. Ignis sacer. A name of erysipelas, and of a species of herpes. Ignis sapientium. Heat of horse-dung. Ignis sancti antonii. See Erysipelas. Ionis sylvaticus. See Impetigo. Ignis volagrius. See Impetigo. Ignis volaticus. See Erysipelas. I'kan radix. A somewhat oval, oblong, compressed root, brought from China. It is extremely rare, and would appear to be the root of some of the orchis tribe. I'laphis. A name in Myrepsus for the burdoch. See Arctium lappa. I'lbcb. By this word, Paracelsus seems to mean a first principle. I'leon crdentum. Hippocrates describes it in lib. De Intern. Affect. In this disease, as well as in the scurvy, the breath is fcetid, the gums recede from the teeth, hemorrhages of the nose happen, and sometimes there are ulcers in the legs, but the patient can move about I'LEUM. (From tiAtoi, to turn about; from its convolutions.) Ileum intestinum. The last portion ofthe small intestines, about nfteen hands' breadth in length, which terminates at the valve of the cecum. See Intestine. ILEUS. See Iliac passion. ILEX. (The name of a genus of plants In the Linnean system. Class, Telrandria; Order, Tetra- gynia.) The holly. Ilex ao,uifolicm. The systematic name of the common holly. Aquifolium. Theleavesof this plant, Ilex—foliis ovatis acutis spinosis, of Linneus, have been known to cure intermittent fevers; and an in- fusion of tbe leaves, drank as tea, is said to be a pre- ventive against the gout Ilex cassine. Cassina; Apalachine gallis. Thl9 tree grows in Carolina; the leaves resemble those of senna, blackish when dried, with a bitter taste, and aromatic smell. Tliey are considered as stomachic 450 and stimulant. They are sometimes used as expec- torants ; and when fresh are emetic. ILIA. (The plural of lie, tiXn) 1. The flanks, or that part in which are enclosed ibe small intestines. 2. The Binall Intestines. I'LIAC. (Iliacns; from ileum intestinum.) Be- longing to the ilium ; an intestine so called. Iliac arteriks. Arteria iliaca. The arteries so called are formed by the bifurcation of the aorta, near the last lumbar vertebra. They are divided into inter- nal and external. The internal iliac, al»o called the hypograstic artery, is distributed in the fcetus into six and in the adult into five branches, which are divided about the pelvis, viz. the little Iliac, the gluteal, tho ischiatic, tiie pudical, and the obturatory; and in the fcetus, the umbilical. The external iliac proceeds out of the pelvis through Poupart's ligament, to form the femoral artery Iliac passion. (EiXtoc, iXtoc, tiXtioc,isdescribed as a kind of nervous colic, the seat of which is the ilium.) Passio iliaca; Volvulus; Miserere mei; Convolvulus; Chordapsus; Tormentum. A violent vomiting, in which the fecal portion of the food is voided by the mouth. It is produced by many morbid conditions of the bowels, by inflammatory affections of the abdomi- nal viscera, and by hernie. Iliac region. The side of the abdomen, between the ribs and the hips. ILI'ACUS. The name of muscles, regions, or dis- eases, situated near to, or connected with, parts about the ilia or flanks. Iliacus internus. Iliacus of Winslow. Iliaco trachanten of Dumas. A thick, broad, aud radiated muscle, which is situated in the pelviB, upon the inner surface of the ilium. It arises fleshy from the inner lip ofthe ilium, from most of the hollow part, and like- wise from the edge of that bone, between its anterior superior spinous process and the acetabulum. It joins with the psoas magnus, where it begins to become ten- dinous, a^d passing under the ligamenlum Fallopii, is inserted in common with that muscle. 1'he tendon of this muscle has been seen distinct from that of the psoas, and, in some subjects, it has been found divided into two portions. The iliacus internus serves to assist the psoas magnus in bending the thigh, and in bringing it directly forwards. ILI'ADUM. Iliadus. The first matter of all things, consisting of mercury, salt, and sulphur. These are Paracelsus's three principles. His iliadus is also a mineral spirit, which is contained in every element, and Is the supposed cause of diseases. Ilia'ster. Paracelsus gives this name to tbe occult virtue of nature, whence all things have their increase. ILI'NGOS. (From iXty\, a vortex.) A giddiness, in which all things appear to turn round, and the eyes grow dim. Ili'scus. Avicenna says, it is madness caused by love. I'LIUM OS. (From ilia, the small intestines; so named because it supports the ilia.) The haunch-bone. The superior portion ofthe os innorninatum, which, in the foetus, is a distinct bone. See Innorninatum os. ILLA. See Via. ILLE'CEBRA. (From ttXtia, to turn; because its leaves resemble worms.) See Sedum acre. ILLI'CIUM. (Illicium, ab illiciendo; denoting an enticing plant, from its being very fragrant and aro- matic.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nean system. Class, Polyandria: Order, Polygynia. Illicium anisatum. The systematic name of the yellow-flowered aniseed-tree: the seeds of which are called the star aniseed. Anisum stellatum; Anisum stinense; Semen badian. They are used witb the same views as those of the Pimpinella anisum. The same tree is supposed to furnish the aromatic bark, called cortex anisi stellati, or cortex lavola. ILLO'SIS. (From «XAoc, the eye.) A distortion of the eyes. Illotame'ntom. An ancient form of an external medicine, like tbe Ceroma, with which the limbs of wrestlers, and others delighting in like exercises, were rubbed, especially after bathing ; nn account of which may be met witb in Bactius De Thermls. Illtjta'tio. (From in. and lutum, mud.) Illutation. A besmearing any part or the body with mud, and re- newing it as it grows dry, with a view of heating, dry- IMP IND big, and discussing. It was cMcfly done with the mud found at tbe bottom of mineral springs. I'lly8. (From iXXos, 'he eye.) A person who squints, or with distorted eyes. I'lys. (From iXvs, mud.) 1. The feces of wine. An obsolete term. 2. The sediment in stools which resemble feces of wine. 3. The sediments in urine, when it resembles the same. Imbeci'llitas oculorum. Celsus speaks of the Nyctalopia by this name. Imbibi'tio. (From imbibo, to receive into.) An ob- solete term. In chemistry for a kind of cohobation, when the liquor ascends and descends upon a solid sub- stance, till it is fixed therewith. IMBRICATUS. Imbricated: like tiles upon a house. A term applied to leaves as those of the Euphorbia paralia. IMMERSUS. Immersed: plunged under water— folia immersa: leaves which are naturally under the water, and are different from those which naturally float. See Leaf. It is remarked by Linneus, that aquatic plants have their lower, and mountainous ones their upper, leaves most divided, by which they better resist the action of the stream in one case, and of the wind in the other. Imme'rsus. A term given by Bartholine, and some other anatomists to the Subscapularis muscle, because it was hidden, or, as it were, sunk. IMPA'TIENS. (From in, not, and potior, to suffer; because its leaves recede from the hand with a crack- ling noise, as impatient of the touch, or from the great elasticity of the sutures of its seed vessel which is com- pletely impatient of the touch, curling up with the greatest velocity, and scattering round the seeds, the instant any extraneous body comes in contact with it.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. IMPERATO'RIA. (From impero, to overcome: so named because its leaves extend and overwhelm the lessherbswhichgrownearit) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopceial name of the master-wort. See Imperatoria ostruthium, Imferatoria ostruthium. The systematic name of the master-wort Imperatoria; Magistrantia. The roots of this plant are imported from the Alps and Pyrenees, notwithstanding it is indigenous to this island: tbey have a fragrant smell, and a bitterish pun- gent taste. The plant, as its name imports, was for- merly thought to be of singular efficacy; and its great success, it is said, caused it to be distinguished by the name of divinium remedium. At present, it is consi- dered merely as an aromatic, and consequently is super- seded by many of tbat class which possess superior qualities. IMPETI'GINES. (The plural of impetigo; from impeto, to infest.) An order in the class Cachexia ot Cullen, the genera of which are characterized by cachexia deforming the external parts of the body with tumours, eruptions, Sec. IMPETI'GO. Ignis sylvaticus; Ignis volagrius. A disease of the skin, variously described by authors, but mostly as one in which several red, hard, dry, pru- rient spots arise in the face and neck, and sometimes all over the body, and disappear by furfuraceous or tender scales. Impetum faciens. See Vis vita. IMPETUSA. Force or motion. I'mpia herba. (From in, not, and pius, good; because it grows only on barren ground.) A name given to cudweed. See Gnaphalium. IMPLICATED. Celsus, Scribonius,and some others, call those parts of physic so, which have a necessary dependence on one another; but the term has been more significantly applied, by Bellini, to fevers, where two at a time afflict a person, either of the same kind, as a double tertian ; or, of different kinds, as an inter- mittent tertian, and a quotidian, called a Semi- tertian. Implu'vium. (From impluo, to shower upon.) 1. The shower-bath. 2. An embrocation. IMPOSTHU MA. A term corrupted from impostem aud apostcm. An abscess. IMPREGNATION. Impregnalw SeeConecptien and Generation. IN AN I'TIO. (From inanio, to empty.) Inanition Applied to the body or vessels, it means emptiness J applied to tbe mind, it means a defect of its powers. INCANTA'TION. Incantatio; Ineantamentum. A way of curing diseases by charms, defended by Para- celsus, Helmont, and some other chemical enthusiasts. INCANUS. Hoary. Applied to-stems which are covered with a kind of scaly mealiness, aa tbat of the A'temisia absinthium, and Atriplex portulacoides. Ince'ndium. (From incendo, to burn.) A burning fever, or heat. Ince'nsio. 1. A burning fever. 2. A hot inflammatory tumour. Incerni'culum. (From incerno, to sift.) 1. A strainer, or sieve. 2. A name for the pelvis of the kidney, from its office as a strainer. Incide'ntia. (From incido, to cut.) Medicines wbich consist of pointed and sharp particles, as acids, and most salts, which are said to incide or cut the phlegm, when they break it, so as to occasion its dis- charge. INCINERA'TION. (From mcinero, to reduce to ashes.) Incineratio. The combustion of vegetable and animal substances, for the purpose of obtaining their ashes or fixed residue. INCISI'VUS. (From incido, to cut.) A name given to some muscles, &c. Incisivus inferior. See Levator labii inferioris. Incisivus lateralis. See Levator labii superioris alaque nasi. Incisivus medius. See Depressor labii superioris alaque nasi. INCI'SOR. (Dentes indsores ; from incido, to cut, from their use in cutting the food.) The four front teeth of both jaws are called incisors, because they cut the food. See Teeth. INCISO'RIUM. (From incido, to cut) A table whereon a patient is laid for an operation. Incisorivm foramen. A name of the foramen, wbich lies behind the dentes incisores of the upper jaw. INCISUS. (From incido, to cut.) Cut. A term applied in botany, synonymously with dissectus, to leaves; as those ofthe Geranium dissectum. INCONTINENTIA. (From in, and contineo, to contain.) Inability to retain the natural evacuations. Hence we say, incontinence of urine, &.C. _ Incrassa'ntia. (Incrassans; from incrasso, to make thick.) Medicines which thicken the fluids. I'NCUBUS. (From incubo, to lie upon; because the patient fancies that something lies upon bis chest.) See Ondrodynia. INCURVUS. Curved inwards: applied to leaves; as in Erica empetrifolia. INCUS. (A smith's anvil: from incudo, to smite upon: so named from its likeness in shape to an anvil) The largest and strongest of the bones of the ear in the tympanum. It is divided into a body and two crura. Its body is situated anteriorly, is rather broad and thick, and has two eminences and two depressions, both covered with cartilage, and intended for the re- ception of the head of the malleus. Its shorter crus extends no farther than the cells of the mastoid apophy- sis. Its longer crus, together with the manubrium of the malleus, to which it is connected by a ligament, is of the same extent as the shorter; but its extremity is curved inwards, to receive the os orbiculare, by the in- tervention of which it is united with the stapes. I'NDEX. (From indico, to point out; because it is generally used for such purposes.) The forefinger Indian arrow-root. See Maranta. Indian cress. See Tropaolum majus. Indian date-plum. See Diospyros lotus Indian leaf. See Laurus cassia- Indian-pink. See Spigelia. Indian-rubber. See Caoutchouc. Indian wheat. See Zea mays. " Indian tobacco. Lobelia. The Lobdia inflata is an annual American plant, found in a great variety of soils throughout the United States. It is lactescent, like many others of its genus. When chewed it communicates to the mouth a burning, pun- gent sensation, which remains long in the fauces, re- Bcmblin the effect of green tobacco. The plant cow JCI IND INF lalns caoutchouc, extractive, and an acrid principle, which is present in the tincture, decoction, and dis- tilled water. The lobelia is a prompt emetic, attended with nar- cotic effects during its operation. If a leaf or capsule be held in the mouth for a short time, It brings on gid- diness, headache, a trembling agitation of toe whole body, sickness, and finally vomiting. These effects are analogous to tbjpe which tobacco produces in the un- accustomed. If swallowed in substance, it excites speedy vomiting, accompanied with distressing and long-continued sickness, and even with dangerous symptoms, if the dose be large. On account of tbe violence of its operation, it is probable that this plant will never come in use for the common purpose of an emetic. It is, however, entitled to notice as a remedy in asthma and some other pulmonary affections. It produces relief in asthmatic cases, sometimes with- out vomiting, but more frequently after discharging the contents of the stomach. On account of the harshness of its operation, it is reluctantly resorted to by patients, who expect relief from any milder means. It, however, certainly relieves some cases, in which other emetic substances fail. In small doses the lobe- lia is found a good expectorant for pneumonia, in its advanced stages, and for catarrh. In rheumatism it has also been found of service. The strength of the lobelia varies with its age, and other circumstances. In some instances, a grain will produce vomiting. The tincture is most frequently given in asthma, in doses of about a fluid drachm."— Big. Mat. Med. A.] [Indian turnip. Dragon root. Arum. " The Arum triphyllum is an American plant, growing in damp, shady situations, and sometimes called Indian Turnip, and Wake robin. The root is large andfleshy, consisting chiefly of fcecula, which it affords, without taste or smell, in the form of a white delicate powder. In its recent state, this root, and in fact every part of the plant, is violently acrid, and almost caustic. Ap- plied to the tongue, or to any secreting surface, it pro- duces an effect like that of Cayenne pepper, but far more powerful, so as to leave a permanent soreness for many hours. Its action does not readily extend through the cuticle, since the bruised root may be worn upon the skin till it becomes dry, without occasioning pain or rubefaction. The acrimony of this plain re- sides in a highly volatile principle, which is driven off by heat, and gradually disappears in drying. It is not communicated to water, alkohol, nor oil, but may be obtained in the form of an inflammable gas or vapour, by boiling the plant under an Inverted receiver, filled with water. Arum is too violently acrid to be a Bafe medicine in its recent state, though It has sometimes been given with impunity. The dried root, while it retains a slight portion of acrimony, is sometimes grated in milk, and given as a carminative and dia- phoretic."—Big. Mat. Med. A.] India'na radix. Ipecacuanha. I'ndica camote8. Potatoes. INDICANT. (Indicans; from indico, to show.) That from which the indication is drawn, which is in reality the proximate cause of a disease. Indicating days Critical days. INDICATION. (Indicatio; from indico, to show.) An indication is that which demonstrates in a disease what ought to be done. It is three-fold: preservative, which preserves health; curative, which expels a present disease; and vital, which respects the powers and reasons of diet. The scope from which indications arc taken, or determined, is comprehended in this dis- tich : ------Ars, atas, regie, complexio, virtus, Mos et symptoma, repletio, tempus, et usus. INDICATOR. (From indico, to point: so named from its office of extending the index, or forefinger) An extensor muscle of the forefinger, situated chiefly on the lower and posterior part of the forearm. Ex- tensor indicis of Cowper. Extensor secundii inter- nodii indids proprius, vulgo indicator of Douglas; and Cuoi'tosus phalangdlien de Vindix of Dumas. It arises, by an acute fleshy beginning, from the middle of the posterior part of the ulna; ils tendon passes under the same ligament with the extensor digitorum commu- nis, with part of which it is inserted into the posterior part of the forefinger. Indicum lignum. Logwood 452 Indicts Monnrs. The venereal disease. INDIGENOUS. (Indigcnus; indigena ab indu, i. e. in et geno, i. e. gigno, lo beget.) Applied to dis- eases, plants, and other objects which are peculiar to any country. INDIGO. A blue colouring matter extracted from the Indigofera tindoria. Anil, or the indigo plant. INDIGOFERA. (From indigo, and fere, to bcar.1 The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diaddphia; Order, Decandria. Indigofera tinctoria. The systematic name of tbe plant which affords indico. LNDUCIUM. (From induco, to cover ordrawover.) A covering. 1. A shirt 2. The name of tlie amnios from its covering the fcetus like a shirt. 3. Wildenow and Swarf's name for the Involucrum, or thin membraneous covering of the fructification of ferns. Its varieties are, 1. Inducium planum, flat; as in the genus Poly- podium. 2. I.peltatum, connected with the seed by a fila- ment or stalk; as in Aspidium filixmas. 3. V. corniculalum, round and hollow; as hi Equi- setnm. Indura'ntia. (From induro, to harden.) Medl cines which harden. INEQUALIS. Unequal. Applied to a leaf when the two halves are unequal in dimensions and tlie base end parallel; as in F.ucalyptus resinifera. INERMIS. (From in, priv. and arma.) Unarmed- opposed, in designating leaves, to such as are spinous. Ine'sis. (From ivaia, to evacuate) Inethus. An evacuation ofthe humours. INFECTION. See Contagion. INFERNAL. A name given to a caustic, lapis in- fernalis, from its strong burning property. See Argenti nitras. Infibula'tio. (From infibulo, to button together.) An impediment to the retraction of the prepuce. INFLAMMABLE. Chemists distinguish by this term such bodies as burn with facility, and flame in an increased temperature. Inflammable air. See Hydrogen gas. Inflammable air, heavy. See Carburetted hydrogen gas. INFLAMMATION. (Inflamtnatio, onis. f.\ from in- flammo, to burn.) PUogosis; Phlegmasia. A dis- ease characterized by heat, pain, redness, attended with more or less of tumefaction and fever. Inflam- mation is divided into two species, viz. phlegmonous and erysipelatous. Besides this division, Inflammation Is either acute or chronic, local or general, simple or complicated with other diseases. 1. Phlegmonous inflammation is known by its bright red colour, tension, heat, and a circumscribed, throb- bing, painful tumefaction of tbe part; lending to sup- puration. Phlegmon is generally used to denote an inflammatory tumour, situated in tbe skin or cellular membrane. When the same disease affects the vis- cera, it is usually called phlegmonous inflammation. 2. Erysipelatous inflammation is considered as an inflammation of a dull red colour, vanishing upon pressure, spreading unequally, with a burning pain, the tumour scarcely perceptible, ending in vesicles, or des- quamation. This species of inflammation admits of a division into erythema, when there is merely an affec- tion of the skin, with very little of the whole system; and erysipelas, when there is general affection of the system. Tbe fever attending erysipelatous inflammation is generally synochus or typhus, excepting when it affects very vigorous habits, and then it may be synocha. The fever attending phlegmonous inflammation is almost always synocha. Personsinthe prime of life, and in full vigour with a plethoric habit of body, are most liable to tbe attacks of a phlegmonous inflammation ; whereas those advanced in years, and those of a weak habit oi body, Irritable, and lean, are most apt to be attacked with erysipelatous inflammation. Phlegmonous inflammation terminates in resolution, suppuration, gangrene, and scirrhus, or induration. Resolution is known to be about to take place when the symptoms gradually abate; suppuration, when the inflammation does not readily yield to proper remedies, INN the throbbing increases, the tumour points externally, and rigors come on. Gangrene is about to take place, when the pain abates, tlie pulse sinks, and cold per- spirations come on. Schirrhus, or induration, is known by the inflammation continuing a longer time than usual; the tumefaction continues, and a considerable hardness remains. This kind of tumour gives little or no pain, and, when it takes place, it is usually the se- quel ot inflammation affecting glandular parts. It sometimes, however, is accompanied with lancinating pains, ulcerates, and becomes cancerous. Erythematous inflammation terminates in resolu- tion, suppuration, or gangrene. Tbe symptoms of in- flammation are accounted for in the following way:— The redness arises from the dilatation of the smal) vessels, wbich become sufficiently large to admit the red particles in large quantities; it appears also to occur, in some cases, from the generation of new ves- sels. Tbe swelling is caused by the dilatation of the vessels, the plethoric state of the arteries and veins, the exudation of coagulable lymph into the cellular mem- brane, aud tbe interruption of absorption. In regard to the augmentation of heat, as the ther- mometer denotes very little increase of temperature, it appears to be accounted for from the increased sensi- bility of the nerves, which convey false impressions to the sensorium. The pain is occasioned by a de- viation from the natural state of the parts, and the unusual condition into which the nerves are thrown. The throbbing depends on the action of the arteries. Blood taken from a person labouring under active inflammation, exhibits a yellowish white crust on the surface ; this is denominated the buffy coriaceous, or inflammatory coat. This consists of a layer of coagu- lable lymph, almost destitute of red particles. Blood, in this state, is often termed sizy. The colouring part of the blood is its heaviest constituent; and, as the blood of a person labouring under inflammation is longer coagulating than healthy blood, it is supposed that the red particles have an opportunity to descend to a considerable depth from the surface before they become entangled. The buffy coat of blood is gene- rally the best criterion of inflammation; there are a few anomalous constitutions in which this state of blood is always found; but these are rare. The occasional and exciting causes of inflammation are very numerous: they, however, may generally be classed under external violence, produced either by mechanical or chemical irritation, changes of tempera- ture, and stimulating foods. Fever often seems to be a remote cause; the inflammation thus produced is generally considered as critical. Spontaneous inflam- mation sometimes occurs when no perceptible cause can be assigned for its production. Scrofula and syphilis may be considered as exciting causes of in- flammation. - With regard to the proximate cause, it has been the subject of much dispute. Galen considered phlegmon to be produced by a superabundance of the humor sanguineus. Boerhaave referred the proximate cause to an obstruction in the small vessels, occasioned by a Icntor' of the blood. Cullen and others attributed it rather to an affection of the vessels than a change of the fluids. The proximate cause, at the present period, is gene- rally considered to be a morbid dilatation, and increased action of such arteries as lead and are distributed to the inflamed part. Inflammation of the bladder. See Cystitis. Inflammation of the brain. See Phrenitis. Inflammation of the eyes. See Ophthalmia. Inflammation of the intestines. See Enteritis. Inflammation of the kidneys. See Nephritis. Inflammation of the liver. See Hepatitis. Inflammation of the lungs. See Pneumonia. Inflammation of the peritonaum. See Peritonitis. Inflammation of the pleura. See Pleuritis. Inflammation of the stomach. See Gastritis. Inflammation of the testicle. See Orchitis. Inflammation of the uterus. See Hysteritis. INFLA'TIO. (From inflo, to puffup.) A windy swelling. See Pneumatosis. Infla'tiva. (Inflativus; from inflo, to puff up with wind.) Medicines or food which cause flatulence. 1NFLATUS. Inflated. In botany applied to vesi- culaled parts, which naturally contain only air; as legumen inflatum, seen in Astragalus vcsica»-iusM and INN tho distended and hollow perianths of the Cucuoojitf 6eheii, and Physalis alkekengi in fruit. INFLEXUS. Curved inwards; synonymous to in- curvus, as applied to leaves, petals, Sec See Incurvns: The petals Of the Pimpinella, and Charophyllum, are described as inflexa. INFLORESCENCE. (Inflorescentia; from inflo- resco, to flower or blossom.) A term used by Lin- neus to express the particular manner in which flowers are situated upon a plant, denominated by preceding writers, modus florendi, or manner of flowering. It is divided into simple, when solitary, and com- pound, when many flowers are placed together in one place. The first affords the following distinctions. 1. Flospedunculatus, furnished with a stalk; as in Gratiolus and Vinca. 2. F. sessilis, adhering to the plant without a flower stalk; as in Daphne mezerium, and Zinia pauciflora. 3. F. cauiinus, when on the stem. 4. F. rameus, when on the branch. 5. F. terminalis, when on the apex of the stem, or branch; as Paris quadrifolia, and Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. 6. F. axillaris, in the axilla; as in Convallaria mul- tiflora. 7. F. foliaris, on the surface of the leaf; as in Phyl- lanthus. 8. F. radicalis, on the root; as Carlina acaulis, Crocus, and Colchicum. 9. F. latitans, concealed in a fleshy receptacle; as in Ficus carica. Again, it is said to be, 1. Alternate; as in Polyanthes tuberosa. 2. Opposite; as in Passiflora hirsuta. 3. Unilateral, hanging all to one side; as Erica her- bacea, and Silene amana. 4. Solitary; as in Campanula speculum, and Car- duus tuberosus. The second, or compound inflorescence, has the fol- lowing kinds: 1. Tbe verticillus, or whirl. 2. The capitulum, or tuft 3. The spica, or spike. 4. The racemus, or cluster. 5. The corymbos, or corymb. 6. The umbdla, or umbel. 7. The cyma, or cyme. 8. The fasdculus, or fascicle. 9. The panicula, or panicle. 10. The thyrsus, or bunch. 11. The spadix, or sheath. 12. The amentum, or catkin. INFLUE'NZA. (The Italian word for influence.) The disease is so named because it was supposed to be produced by a peculiar influence of the stars. See Catarrhus a contagione. INFRASCAPULA'RIS (From infra, beneath, and scapula, the shoulder-blade.) A muscle named from its position beneath the scapula. See Subscapularis. INFRASPINATUS. (From infra, beneath, and spina, the spine.) A muscle of the humerus, situated on the scapula. It arises fleshy, from all that part of the dorsum scapule which is below its spine; and from the spine itself, as far as the cervix scapule. The fibres run obliquely towards a tendon in the middle of a muscle, which runs forwards, and adheres to the capsular ligament. It is inserted by a flat, thick tendon', into the upper and outer part ofthe large protuberance on the head of the os humeri. Its use is to roll the oa humeri outwards, to assist in raising and supporting it when iaised, and to pull the ligament from between the bones. This muscle and the supra spinatus are covered by an aponeurosis, which extends between the coste, and edges of the spine of the scapula, and gives rise to many of the muscular fibres. INFUNDIBULIFORMIS. Funnel-shaped. Ap- plied to the corolla of plants; as in Pulmonaria. INFUNDIBULUM. (From infundo, to pour in.) 1. A canal that proceeds from the vulva of the brain to the pituitary gland in the sella turcica. 2. The beginnings of the excretory duct of the kid- ney, or cavities into which the urine is first received, from the secretory crypte, are called infundibula. INFUSION. (Infusum; from infundo, to pour in.) Infusio. A process that consists in ponnng water of any required degree of temperature on such substances INF INN as have a loose texture, as thin bark, wood in shavings, or small pieces, leaves, flowers, Sec. and suffering it to stand a certain time. The liquor obtained by the above process is called an infusion. The following are among the most approved infusions. INFU'SUM. See Infusion. Infusum anthemidis. Infusion of chamomile. Take of chamomile-flowers, two drachms; boiling-water, half a pint Macerate for ten minutes in a Covered vessel, and strain. For its virtues, see Anthemis nobilis. Infusum armoracia compositum. Compound in- fusion of horse-radish. Take of fresh horse-radish root, sliced, mustard-seeds, bruised, of each one ounce; boiling water, a pint Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain; then add compound spirit of horse-radish, a fluid ounce. See Cochlearia armo- racia. Infusum aurantii compositum. Compound in- fusion of orange-peel. Take of orange-peel, dried, two drachms; lemon-peel, fiesh, a drachm; cloves, bruised, half a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for a quarter of an hour, in a covered ves- sel, and strain. See Citrus aurantium. Infusum calumba. Infusion of calumba. Take of calumba-root, sliced, a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Calumba. Infusum caryophyllorum. Infusion of cloves. Take of cloves, bruised, a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Eugenia caryophyllata. Infusum cascarilla. Infusion of cascarilla. Take of cascarilla bark, bruised, half an ounce; boiling water, balf a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a co- vered vessel, and strain. See Croton cascarilla. Infusum catechu compositum. Compound in- fusion of catechu. Take of extract of catechu, two drachms and a half; cinnamon bark, bruised, half a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Acacia catechu. Infusum cinchona. Infusion of cinchona. Take of lance-leaved cinchona bark, bruised, half an ounce; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Cinchona, Infusum cusparia. Infusion of cusparia. Take of cusparia bark, bruised, two drachms; boiling water, half a pint Macerate for two hours, in a covered ves- sel, and strain. See Cusparia febrifuga. Infusum digitalis. Infusion of fox-glove. Take of purple fox-glove leaves, dried, a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for four hours, in a co- vered vessel, and strain; then add spirit of cinnamon, half a fluid ounce. See Digitalis purpurea. Infusum gentian* compositum. Compound in- fusion of gentian. Take of gentian-root, sliced, orange- peel, dried, of each a drachm; lemon-peel, fresh, two drachms; boiling water, twelve fluid ounces. Mace- rate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Gentiana lutea. Infusum lini. Infusion of linseed. Take of lin- seed, bruised, an ounce; liquorice-root, sliced, half an ounce; boiling water, two pints. Macerate for two hours, near the fire, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Linum uritatissimum. Infusum quassia. Infusion of quassia. Take of quassia wood, a scruple; boiling water, half a pint Macerate for two hours and strain. See Quassia amara. ' Infusum rhki. Infusion of rhubarb. Take of rhubarb-root, sliced, a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, and strain. See Rheum. Infusum rosa. Take of the petals of red rose, dried, half an ounce; boiling water, two pints and a half; dilute sulphuric acid, three fluid drachms; double- refined sugar, an ounce and a half. Pour the water upon the petals of the rose in a glass vessel; then add the acid, and macerate for half an hour. Lastly, strain the infusion, and add the sugar to it See Rosa Gallica. Infusum senna. Infusion of senna. Take of senna-leaves, an ounce and a half; ginger-root, sliced, a drachm; boiling water, a pint. Macerate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain the liquor. ,vee Cassia senna. Infusum simarocba. Infusion of simarouba. Take of simarouba bark bruised, half a arachm; boiling 454 water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, In a co- vered vessel, and strain. See Quassia simarouba. Infusum tabaci. Infusion of tobacco. Take of tobacco-leaves, a drachm; boing water, a pint. Mace rate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain, s. c Nicotiana. INGENHOUZ, John, was born at Kreda, in 1730 Little is known of his early life ; but In J7fcV7, be cam* to England to learn the Suttonian method of inocula- tion. In the following year he went to Vienna, in inoculate some of the imperial family, for which ser- vice he received ample honours; and shortly allci performed the same operation on the Grand Duke of Tuscany, when he returned to this country, and spent the remainder of his life in scientific pursuits. In 1779, he published "Experiments on Vegetables," disco- vering their great power of purifying the uir in sun- shine, but injuring it in the shade and night. He war also author of several papers In tho Philosophical Transactions, being an active member of the Royal Society. He died in 1799. INGLUVIES. 1. Gluttony. 2. The claw, crop, or gorge of a bird. INGRASSIAS, John Philip, was born in Sicily, and graduated at Padua in 1537 with singular reputa- tion; whence he was invited to a professorship In several of the Italian schools; bnt he gave the prefer- ence to Naples, where he distinguished himself greatly by his learning and judgment. At length he returned lo his native island, and settled in Palermo, where ha was also highly esteemed; and in 1563 made first physi- cian to that country by Philip II. of Spain, to whom it then belonged. This office enabled him to introduce excellent regulations into the medical practice of tha island, and when the plague raged there in 1575, tht judicious measures adopted by him arrested ils pro- gress; whence the magistrates decreed him a larg« reward, of which, however, he only accepted a part, and applied that to religious uses. He died in 1580, al the age of 70. He cultivated anatomy with great assiduity, and is reckoned one ofthe improvers of that art. especially in regard to the structure of the cranium, and the organ of hearing. He is said also to have dis covered the seminal vesicles. He published several works, particularly an account of the plague, and a treatise, "DeTumoribus prater Naturam," which is chiefly a commentary on Avicenna, but is deserving of notice, as containing the first modern description of Scarlatina, under the name of Rossalia; and perhaps Ihe first account of varicella, which he called crystalli. But his principal work was published by his nephew, in 1603, entitled, "Commentaries on Galen's Book concerning the Bones." Inoravidation. (From ingravidor, to be great with child.) The same as impregnation, or going with child. I'NGUEN. (Inguen, mi's, n.) The groin. The lower and lateral part ofthe abdomen, above the thigh. INGUINAL. Inguinalis. Appertaining to the groin. Inguinal hernia. See Hernia. Inguinal ligament. See Poupart's ligament. INHUMATION. (From inhumo, to put into the ground.) The burying a patient in warm or medicated earth. Some chemists have fancied thus to call that kind of digestion which is performed by buryiug the materials in dung, or in the earth. I'nion. (From if, a nerve; as being the place where nerves originate.) The occiput. Blancard says it is the beginning ofthe spinal marrow; others say it is the back part of the neck. Injacula'tto. (From injaculor, to shoot into.) So Helmont calls a disorder which consists of a violent spasmodic pain in the stomach, and an immobility of the body. INJECTION. (Injedio ; from injicio, to cast into.) A medicated liquor to throw into a natural or preter natural cavity ofthe body by means of a syringe. INNOMINA'TUS. (From in, priv., and nomen, a name.) Some parts of the body are so named: thus, tiie pelvic bones, which in the young subject ore three in number, to which names were given, become one in the adult, which was without a name; an artery from the arch of the aorta, and the fifth pair of nerves, because they appeared to have been forgotten by the older anatomists. Innominata arteria. The first branch given off by the arch of the aorta. It soon divides into the right carotid and right subcla - n arteries. INN INN Ihkominati kirvi. The fifth pair of nerves. See Trigemini. Innominatum os. (So called because the throe bones of which it originally was formed grew together, and formed one complete bone, which was then left name- less.^ A large irregular bone, situated at the side of the pelvis. It is divided into three portions, viz. the iliac, ischiatic, and pubic, which are usually described as three distinct bones. The os ilium, or haunch-bone, is of a very irregular shape. The low er part of it is thick and narrow; its superior portion is broad and thin, terminating in a ridge, called the spine ofthe ilium, and more commonly known by the name of the haunch. The spine rises up like an arch, being turned somewhat outward, and from this appearance, the upper part of the pelvis, when viewed together, has not been improperly com- pared to the wings of a pheton. This spine, in tbe recent subject, appears as if tipped with cartilage; but this appearance is nothing more than the tendinous fibres of the muscles that are inserted into it. Exter- nally, this bone is unequally prominent, and hollowed for the attachment of muscles; and internally, at its broadest forepart, it is smooth and concave. At its lower part, there is a considerable ridge on its inner surface. This ridge, which extends from the os sacrum, and corresponds with a similar prominence, both on that bone and the ischium, forms, with the inner part of the ossa pubis, what is called the brim ofthe pelvis. The whole of the internal surface, behind this ridge, is very unequal. The os ilium has likewise a smaller Burface posteriorly, by which it is articulated to the sides of the os sacrum. This surface has, by some, been compared to the human ear, and, by others, to the head of a bird : but neither of these comparisons seem to convey any just idea of its form or appearance. Its upper part is rough and porous; lower down it is more solid. It is firmly united to the os sacrum by a cartilaginous substance, and likewise by very strong ligamentous fibres, which are extended to that bone from the whole circumference of this irregular surface. Thespine of this bone, which is originally an epiphysis, has two considerable tuberosities, one anteriorly, and the other posteriorly, which is the largest of the two. The ends of this spine too, from their projecting more than tbe parts of the bone below them, arc called spinal processes. Before the anterior spinal process, the spine is hollowed, where part of the Sartorius ._ muscle is placed; and below the posterior spinal pro- cess, there is a very large niche in the bone, which, in the recent subject, has a strong ligament stretched over its lower part, from the os sacrum to the sharp-pointed process of tiie ischium; so that a great hole is formed, through which pass the great sciatic nerve and the posterior crural vessels under the pyriform muscle, part of which is likewise lodged in this hole. The lowest, thickest, and narrowest part ofthe ilium, in con- junction with the other two portions of each os innomi- natum, helps to form the acetabulum for the os femoris. The os ischium, or hip-bone, which is the lowest of the three portions of each os imiomiuatum, is of a very irregular figure, and usually divided into its body, tu- berosity, and ramus. The body externally forms the inferior portion of the acetabulum, and sends a sharp- pointed process backward, called the spine of the ischium. This is the process to which the ligament is attached, which was just now described as forming a great foramen for the passage of the sciatic nerve. The tuberosity is large and irregular, and is placed at the inferior part of the bone, giving origin to several muscles. In the recent subject, it seems covered wilh a cartilaginous crust; but this appearance, as in the spine of the ilium, is nothing more than the tendinous fibres of the muscles that are inserted into it This tuberosity, which is the lowest portion of the trunk, supports us when we sit. Between the spine and the tuberosity is observed a sinuosity, covered with a car- tilaginous crust, which serves as a pulley, on which tiie obturator muscle plays. From the tuberosity, the bone, becoming narrower and thinner, forms the ramus, or branch, which, passing forwards and upwards, rakes, with the ramus of the os pubis, a large hole, >f an oval shape, the foramen magnum ischu, which affords, through its whole circumlerence, attachment »o muscles. This foramen is more particularly noticed ►n describing the os pubis. The os pubis or share-bone, wbich is the smallest I ofthe three portions of the os innominatum, is placed at the upper and forepart ofthe pelvis, where the two ossa pubis meet, and are united to each other by means of a very strong cartilage, which constitutes what is called the symphysis pubis. Each os pubis may be divided into its body, angle, and ramus. The body, which is the outer part, is joined to the os ilium. The angle comes forward to form the symphisis, and tho ramus is a thin apophysis, which, uniting with the ramus of the ischium, forms the foramen magnum ischii, or thyroideum, as it has been sometimes called, from its resemblance to a door or shield. This foramen is somewhat wider above than below, and its greatest diameter is, from above downwards, and obliquely from within outwards. In the recent subject, it is almost completely closed by a strong fibrous membrane, called the obturator ligament. Upwards and outwards. where we observe a niche in the bone, tiie fibres of this ligament are separated, to allow a passage to the posterior crural nerve, an artery and vein. The great uses of this foramen seem to bo to lighten the bones of the pelvis, and to afford a convenient lodgment to the obturator muscles. The three bones now described as constituting the os innominatum on each side, all concur to form the great acetabulum, or cotyloid cavity, which receives the head of the thigh-bone; the os ilium and os ischium making each about two-fifths, and the os pubis one-fifth, of the cavity. This acetabulum, which is of considerable depth, is of a spherical shape. Its brims are high, and, in the recent subject, it is tipped with cartilage. These brims, however, are higher above and externally, than they are internally and below, where we observe a niche in the bone (namely, the ischium), across which is stretched a ligament, forming a hole for the transmission of blood-vessels and nerves to the cavity of the joint. The cartilage which lines the acetabulum, is thickest at its circum- ference, and thinner within, where a little hole is to be observed, in which is placed the apparatus that serves to lubricate the joint, and facilitate its motions. We are likewise able to discover the impression made by the internal ligament of the os femoris, which, by being attached both lo this cavity and to the head of the os femoris, helps to secure the latter in the aceta- bulum. The bones of the pelvis serve to support the spine and upper parts of the body, to lodge the intes- tines, urinary bladder, and other viscera; and likewise to unite the trunk to the lower extremities. But, besides these uses, they are destined, in the female subject, for other important purposes; and the ac- coucheur finds, in the study of these bones, the founda- tion of all midwifery knowledge. Several eminent writers are of opinion, that in difficult parturition, all the bones of the pelvis undergo a certain degree of separation. It has been observed, likewise, that the cartilage uniting tlie ossa pubis is thicker, and of a more spongy texture, in women than iu men; and therefore more likely to swell and enlarge during preg nancy. That many instances of a partial separation of these bones, during labour, have happened, there can be no doubt; such a separation, however, ought by no means to be considered as a uniform and salutary work of nature, as some writers seem to think, but as the effect of disease. But there is another circumstance in regard to this part of osteology, which is well worthy of attention; and this is, the different capacities of tbe pelvis in the male and female subject. It bas been observed that the os sacrum is shorter and broader in women than in men; the ossa ilia are also found more expanded; whence it happens, that in women the cen- tre of gravity does not fall so directly on the upper part of the thigh as in men, and this seems to be the reason why, in general, they step with less firmness, and move their hips forward in walking. From these circum- stances, also, the brim of the female pelvis is nearly of an oval shape, being considerably wider from side to side, than from the symphysis pubis to the os sacrum; whereas, in men, it is rounder, and everywhere of less diameter. The inferior opening of the pelvis is like- wise proportionably larger In the female subject, the ossa ischia being more separated from each other, and the foramen ischii larger, so that, where the os ischium and os pubis are united together, tbey form a greate' circle; the os sacrum is also more hollowed, though shorter, and the os coccygis more loosely connected,and, therefore, capable of a greater degree of motion than I in men. 455 INO INS INOCULATION. Inoculatio. The Insertion of a poison into any part of the body. It was mostly prac- tised with that ofthe small-pox, because we had learned, from experience, that by so doing, we generally pro- cured fewer pustules, and a much milder disease, than when the small-pox was taken in a natural way. Al- though the advantages were evident, yet objections were raised against inoculation, on the notion tbat it exposed the person to some risk, when he might have passed through life, without ever taking the disease naturally; but it is obvious thai he was exposed to much greater danger, from tiie intercourse which he must have with his fellow-creatures, by taking the dis- order in a natural way. It has also been adduced, that a person is liable to take the small-pox a second time, when produced at first by artificial means ; but such instances are very rare, bcsides.not being sufficiently authentic. We may conjecture that, in most of those cases, the matter used was not variolous, but that of some other eruptive disorder, such as the chicken-pox, wbich has often been mistaken for the smafepox. However, since the discovery of the preventive power of the cow-pox, small-pox inoculation has been ra- pidly falling into disuse. See Variola vaccina. To illustrate the benefits arising from inoculation, it has been calculated that a third of the adults die who take the disease in a natural way, and about one- seventh of tiie children; whereas of those who are inoculated, and are properly treated afterward, the proportion is probably not greater than one in five or six hundred. Inoculation is generally thought to have been intro- duced into Britain from Turkey, by Lady Mary Wort- ley Montague, about the year 1721, whose son had been inoculated at Constantinople, during her resi- dence there, and whose infant daughter was the first that underwent the operation in this country. It ap- pears, however, to have been well known before this period, both in the south of Wales and Highlands of Scotland. Mungo Park, in his travels into the interior of Africa, found tbat inoculation had been long prac- tised by tlie Negroes on the Guinea coast; and nearly in the same manner, and at the same time of life, as In Europe. It is not clearly ascertained where inocu- lation really originated. It bas been ascribed to the Circassians, who employed it as the means of preserv- ing tiie beauty of their women. It appears more pro- bable that accident first suggested the expedient among different nations, to whom the small-pox had long been known, Independently of any intercourse with each other ; and what adds to the probability of this con- jecture is, that in most places where inoculation can be traced back, for a considerable length of time, it seems to have been practised chiefly by old women, before it was adopted by regular practitioners. Many physicians held inoculation in the greatest contempt at first from ils supposed origin; others again discredited the fact of its utility ; while others, on the testimony of the success in distant countries, believed in the advantages it afforded, but still did not think themselves warranted to recommend it to the families they attended; and it was not until the experiment of it had been made on six criminals (all of whom reco- vered from the disease and regained their liberty), that it was practised, in the year 1726, on the royal ramily, and afterward adopted as a general thing. To ensure success from inoculation, the following precautions should strictly be attended to. 1. That the person should be of a good habit of body, and free from any disease, apparent or latent, in order that he may not have tbe disease and a bad con- stitution, or perhaps another disorder, to struggle with at the same time. 2. To enjoin a temperate diet and proper regimen ; and, where the body is plethoric, or gross, to make use of gentle purges, together with mercurial and antimo- nial medicines. 3. That the age of the person be as little advanced as possible, but not younger if it can be avoided, than four months. 4. To choose a cool season ofthe year, and to avoid external beat, either by exposure to the sun, sitting by fires, or in warm chambers, or by going too warmly clothed, or befog too much in bed. 5. To take the matter from a young subject, who has the small-pox in a favourable way, and who is other- wUe healthy, uud free from disease; and, when 4oU fresh matter can be procured, to give It the prefer ence. Where matter of a benign kind cannot be procured, and the patient is evideutly in danger of Uie casual small-pox, we should not, however, hesitate a moment to inoculate from any kind of matter that ran be pro- cured ; as what has been taken In malignant kinds of small-pox has been found to produce a very mild dis- ease. The mildness or malignity of the disease ap peari, therefore, to depend little or not at all on the inoculating matter. Variolous matter, as well as the vaccine, by being kept for a length of time, particularly in a warm place, is apt, however, to undergo decompo- sition, by putrefaction; and then another kind of con tagious material has been produced. In inoculating, tiie operator is to make the slightest puncture or scratch imaginable in the arm of the per son, rubbing that part of the lancet which is besmeared With matter repeatedly over it, by wny of ensuring the absorption; and in order to prevent its being wiped off, tiie shirt sloeve ought not lo be pulled down until the part is dry. A singular circumstance attending inoculation Is, that when this fails in producing the disease, the in- oculated part nevertheless sometimes Inflames and suppurates, as in cases where the complaint is about to follow; and the matter produced in those cases, is as fit for inoculation as that taken from a person actually labouring under tiie disease. The same hap- pens very frequently in inoculation -for the cow pox. If, on the fourth or fifth day after the operation, no redness or inflammation is apparent on the edge ofthe wound, we ought then to inoculate in the other arm, in the same manner as before; or, for greater certain- ty, we may do it in both. Some constitutions are incapable of having tbe dis- ease in any form. Others do not receive the disease at one time, however freely exposed to its contagion, even though repeatedly inoculated, and yet receive it afterward by merely approaching those labouring under it. On the coming on of the febrile symptoms, wbich ia generally on the seventh day in the inoculated small- pox, the patient is not to be suffered to lie abed, but should be kept cool, and partake freely of antiseptic cooling drinks. See Variola. INOSCULA'TION. (Inosculatio; from in, and oseulum, a little mouth.) The running of the veins and arteries into one another, or the interunion of tile extremities of the arteries and veins. INSA'NIA. (From in, not, and sanus, sound.) Insanity, or deranged intellect. A genus of disease in the class Neuroses, and order Vesania, characterized by erroneous judgment, from imaginary perceptions or recollections, attended with agreeable emotions in per- sons of a sanguine temperament. See Mania. Inse'ssus. (From insideo, to sit upon.) A hot- bath, simple or medicated, over which the patient sits. Insipie'ntia. (From in, and sapienlia, wisdom.) A delirium wilhout fever. Insola'tio. (From in, upon, and sol, the. sun.) A disease which arises from a too great influence of* the sun's heat upon the head, a coup de soleil. INSPIRATION. (Inspiratio ; from in, and spiro, to breathe.) The act of drawing the air into the lungs. See Respiration. INSTINCT. (Instinctus, us. m ) Animals are not abandoned by nature to themselves: they are all employed in a series of actions ; whence results that marvellous whole that is seen among organized beings. To incline animals to the punctual execution of those actions which are necessary for them, nature has pro- vided them with instinct; that is, propensities, incli- nations, wants, by which they are constantly excited, and forced to fulfil the Intentions of nature. Instinct may excite in two different modes, with or without knowledge of the end. The first is enlight ened instinct, the second is blind Instinct; the one is particularly ihe gift of man, the otber belongs to animals. In examining carefully the numerous phenomena which depend on instinct, we see that there is a double design In every animal:—1. The preservation of the individual. 2. The preservation of the species. Every animal fulfils this end in its own way, and according to INT INT hs organization; there are therefore as many dif- ferent instincts as there are different species; and as the organization varies in individuals, instinct pre- sents individual differences sometimes strongly marked. We recognise two sorts of instinct in man: the one depends more evidently on his organization, on bis animal state; he presents it in whatever state he is found. This sort of instinct is nearly the same as that of animals. The other kind of instinct springs from the social state ; and, without doubt, depends on orga- nization : what vital phenomenon does not depend on it ? But it does not display itself except when man lives in civilized society, and when he enjoys all the advantages of that state. To the first, that may be called animal instinct, be- long hunger, thirst, the necessity of clothing, of a covering from the weather; the desire of agreeable sensations; the fear of pain and of death; the desire to injure others, if there is any danger to be feared from thotn, or any advantage to arise from hurting them ; the venereal inclinations; the interest inspired by children ; inclination to imitation; to live in society, which leads man to pass through the different degrees of civilization, Sec. These different instinctive feel- ings incline him to concur in the established order of organized beings. Man is, of all the animals, the one whose natural wants are most numerous, and of the greatest variety; which is in proportion to the extent of his intelligence: if he had only these wants, he would have always a marked superiority over the animals. When man, living in society, can easily provide for all tlie wants which we have mentioned, he has then time and powers of action more than his original wants require: then new wants urise, that may be called social wants: such is that of a lively perception of existence ; a want which, the more it is satisfied, the more difficult it becomes, because the sensations become blunted by habit. This want of a vivid existence, added to the conti- nually increasing feebleness ofthe sensations, causes a mechanical restlessness, vague desires, excited by the remembrance of vivid sensations formerly felt: in order to escape from this state, man is continually forced to change his object, or to overstrain sensations of the same kind. Thence arises an inconstancy which never permits our desires to rest, and a progres- sion of desires, which, always annihilated by enjoy- ment, and irritated by remembrance, proceed forward without end; thence arises ennui, by which the civil- ized idler is incessantly tormented. The want of vivid sensations is balanced by the love of repose and idleness in the opulent classes of society. These contradictory feelings modify each other, and from their reciprocal reaction results the love of power, of consideration, of fortune, &c. which gives us the means of satisfying both. These two instinctive sensations are not the only ones which spring from the social state; a crowd of others arise from it, equally real, though less important; besides, the natural wants become so changed as no longer to be known; hunger is often replaced by a capricious taste; the venereal desires by a feeling of quite another nature, &c. The natural wants have a considerable influence upon those which arise from society; these, in their turn, modify the former; and if we add age, tempera- ment, sex, &c. which tend to change every sort of want, we will have an idea of the difficulty which the study of tiie instinct of man presents. This part of physi- ology is also scarcely begun. We remark, however, that the social wants necessarily carry along with them the enlargement of the understanding; there is no comparison in regard to the capacity of the mind, be- tween a man in the higher class of society, and a man whose physical powers are scarcely sufficient to pro- vide for his natural wants. INTEGER. When applied to leaves, perianths, petals, Sec. folia integra, means undivided; and is said of the simple leaves, as those of the orchises and grasses. The female flower of the oak affords an ex- ample of the perianthium integrum, and the petals of the Nigella arvensis and Silene quinquevulnera are described as petala integra. INTEGERRIMUS. Most perfect or entire. Ap- plied to leaves, the margin of which has no teeth, notches, or incisions. It regards solely the margin- whereas the folium integrum respects the whole shape, and has nothing to do with the margin. INTERCOSTAL. (Intercostalis; from inter, be- tween, and casta, a rib.) A name given to muscles, vessels, &c. which are between the ribs. Intercostal arteries. Arteria intercostales. The arteries which run between the ribs. The superior intercostal artery is a branch of the subclavian. The other intercostal arteries are given off from the aorta. Intercostal muscles. Intercostales extemi et interni. Between the ribs on each side are eleven double rows of muscles. These are the intercostales extemi, and interni. Galen has very properly obsei ved, that they decussate each other like the strokes of the letter X. The intercostales extemi arise from the lower edge of each superior rib, and, running obliquely downwards and forwards, are inserted into the upper edge of each inferior rib, so as to occupy the intervals of the ribs, from as far back as the spine to their car- tilages ; but from their cartilages to the sternum, there is only a thin aponeurosis covering the internal inter- costales. The intercostales interni arise and are in- serted in the same manner as the external. They begin at the sternum, and extend as far as the angles of the ribs, their fibres running obliquely backwards. These fibres are spread over a considerable part of the inner surface of the ribs, so as to be longer than those ofthe external intercostals. Some of the posterior portions of the internal intercostals pass over one rib, and are inserted into the rib below. Verheyen first described these portions as separate muscles, under the name of infra costales. Winslow has adopted the same name. Cowper, and after him Douglas, call them costarum depressores proprii. These distinctions, however, are altogether superfluous, as they are evidently nothing more than appendages of the intercostals. The num- ber of these portions varies in different subjects. Most commonly there are only four, the first of which runs from the second rib to the fourth, the second from the third rib to the fifth, the third from the fourth rib to the sixth, and the fourth from the fifth rib to the seventh. The internal intercostals of the two inferior false ribs are frequently so thin, as to be with difficulty separated from the external; and, in some subjects, one or both of them seem to be altogether wanting. It was the opinion of the ancients, that the external intercostals serve to elevate, and the internal to depress the ribs. They were probably led to this opinion, by observing the different direction of their fibres; but it is now well known, that both have the same use, which is that of raising the ribs equally during inspiration. Fallo- pius was one of tlie first who ventured to call in ques- tion the opinion of Galen on this subject, by contend- ing that both layers of the intercostals serve to elevate the ribs. In this opinion he was followed by Hierony- mus Fabricius, our countryman Mayow, and Borelli. But, towards the close of the last century, Bayle, a writer of some eminence, and professor at Toulouse, revived the opinion of the ancients by the following arguments:—He observed,that the oblique direction of the fibres of the internal intercostals is such, that in each inferior rib, these fibres are nearer to the verte- bra than they are at their superior extremities, or in the rib immediately above; and that, of course, they must serve to draw the rib downwards, as towards the most fixed point. This plausible doctrine was adopted byseveral eminent writers, and among others, by Nicholls, Hoadley, and Schreiber; but above all, by Hamberger, who went so far as to assert, that not only the ribs, but even the sternum, are pulled down wards by these muscles, and constructed a particular instrument to illustrate this doctrine. He pretended likewise that the intervals of the ribs are increased by their elevation, and diminished by their depression; but he allowed that, while those parts of the internal intercostals that are placed between the bony part of the ribs pull them downwards, the anterior portions of the muscle, which are situated between the cartilages, concur with the external intercostals in raising them upwards. These opinions gave rise to a warm and interesting controversy, in wbich Hamberger and Hal- ler were the principal disputants. The former argued chiefly from theory, and the latter from experiments on living animals, which demonstrate the fallacy of Bamberger's arguments, and prove, beyond a doubt, that the internal intercostals perform the same func- tions as the external. INT INT Intercostal nerve. Nervus intercostalis. Great Intercostal nerve. Sympathetic nerve. The great in- tercostal nerve arises in the cavity of the cranium, from a branch of the sixth and one of the fifth pair, uniting into one trunk, which passes out of tlie cranium through the carotid canal, and descends by the sides of the bodies of the vertebre of the neck, thorax, loins, and os sacrum: in its course, il receives the small ac- cessory branches from all the thirty pair of spinal nerves. In the neck, it gives off three cervical gan- glions, the upper, middle, and lower; from which the cardiac and pulmonary nerves arise. In the thorax, it gives off the splanchnic or anterior intercostal, which perforates the diaphragm, and forms the semilunar ganglions, from which nerves pass to all the abdominal viscera. They also form in the abdomen ten peculiar plexuses, distinguished by the name of the viscus, to which they belong, as the cceliac, splenic, hepatic, superior, middle, and lower mesenteric, two renal, and two spermatic plexuses. The posterior intercostal nerve gives accessory branches about the pelvis and ischiatic nerve, and at length terminates. Intercostal veins. The intercostal veins empty their blood into the vena azygos. INTERCURRENT. Those fevers which happen in certain seasons only, are called stationary: others are called, by Sydenham, intercurrents. Inte'rcus. (From inter, between, and cutis, the skin.) A dropsy between the skin aud the flesh. See Anasarca. INTERDE'NTIUM. (From inter, between, and dens, a tooth.) The intervals between teeth of the same order. INTERDI'GITUM. (From inter, between, and digitus, a toe, or finger.) A corn between the toes, or wart between the fingers. INTERFiEMI'NEUM. (From inter, between, and famen, the thigh.) The perineum, or space between the anus and pudendum. Interlu'nius. (From inter, between, and luna, the moon; because it was supposed to affect those who were born in the wane of the moon.) The epi- lepsy. Intermediate affinity. See Affinity intermediate. INTERMITTENT. (Intermittens; from inter, between, and mitto, to send away.) A disease is so called which does not continue until it finishes one way or the other, as most diseases do, but ceases and re- turns again at regular or uncertain periods; as agues, Sec. Intermittent fever. See Febris intermittens. INTERNODIS. Applied to a flowerstalk or pedun- culus, when it proceeds from the intermediate part of a branch between two leaves; as in Ehretia inter- nodis. Internu'ntii dies. (From internuncio, to go be- tween.) Applied to critical days, or such as stand between the increase of a disorder and its decrease. Intero'ssei manus. (Interosseus; from inter, be- tween, and os, the bone.) These are small muscles situated between the metacarpal bones, and extending from the bones of the carpus to the fingers. They are divided into internal and external; the former are to be seen only on tbe palm of the hand, but tbe latter are conspicuous both on the palm and back of the hand. The interossei interni are three in number. The first, which Albinus names posterior indicis, arises tendinous and fleshy from the basis and inner part of the metacarpal bone of the forefinger, and likewise from the upper part of that which supports the middle finger. Its tendon passes over the articula- tion of this part of these bones with the forefinger, and, uniting with the tendinous expansion that is sent off from the extensor digitorum communis, is inserted into the posterior convex surface of the first phalanx of that finger. The second and third, to which Albinus gives the names of prior annularis, and interrosseus auricularis, arise, in the same manner, from the basis of the outsides of tbe metacarpal bones that sustain the ring-finger and the little finger, and are Inserted into tbe outside of the tendinous expansion of the ex- tensor digitorum communis that covers each of those fingers. These three muscles draw the fingers into which they are inserted, towards the thumb. The tnttrossd externi are four in number; for among these is included the small muscle that is situated on tbe outside of the metacarpal bone that supports the fore- finger. Douglas calls it extensor tertii internodii in- 458 dtcis, and Winslow trmi-interosstus indicis. Albimu, who describes it among the interrossei, gives It the name of prior indicia. This firrt interosseus externus arises by two tendinous and fleshy portions. One of these springs from the upper half of the inner side of the first bone of the thumb, and the other from the ligaments tbat unite the os trapezoides to the metacar- pal bone of the forefinger, and likewise from all the outside of this latter bone. These two portions unite as they descend, and terminate in a tendon, which la- inserted into the outside of that part of tiie tendinous expansion from tlie extensor digitorum communis that ia spread over the posterior convex surface of tiie fore- finger. The second, to which Albinus gives the name of prior medii, is not quite so thick as the last described muscle. It arises by two heads, one of which springs from the inner side of the metacarpal bone ofthe fore- finger, chiefly towards its convex surface, and the other arises from the adjacent ligaments, and from the whole outer side of the metacarpal bone that sustains the middle finger. These two portions unite as they de- scend, and terminate in a tendon, which is Inserted, in the same manner, as the preceding muscle, into the outside ofthe tendinous expansion that covers the pos- terior part of the middle finger. The third belongs likewise to the middle finger, and is therefore named posterior medii by Albinus. It arises, like tiie last de- scribed muscle, by two origins, which spring from the roots of the metacarpal bones of tbe ring and middle fingers, and from the adjacent ligaments, and is in- serted into the inside of the same tendinous expansion as the preceding muscle. The fourth, to which Albi- nus gives the name of posterior annularis, differs from the last two only in its situation, which is between the metacarpal bones of the ring and little fingers. It is inserted into the inside of the tendinous expansion of the extensor digitorum communis, that covers the pos- terior part of the ring-finger. All these four muscles serve to extend the fingers into which they are inserted, and likewise to draw them inwards, towards the thumb, except the third, or posterii medii, which, from its situation and insertion, is calculated to pull the middle finger outwards. Interossei pedis. These small muscles, in their situation between the metatarsal bones, resemble the interossei of the hand, and, like them, are divided into internal and external. The interossei pedis interni are three in number. They arise tendinous and fleshy, from the basis and Inside of the metatarsal bones of the middle, the third, and little toes, in the same manner as those of the hand, and they each terminate in a tendon that runs to the inside of the first joint of these toes, and from thence to their upper surface, where it loses itself in the tendinous expansion that is sent off from the extensors. Each of these three muscles serves to draw the toe into which it is inserted towards the great toe. The interossri externi are four in num- ber. The first arises tendinous and fleshy from the outside ofthe root of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, from the os cuneiforme internum, and from the root ofthe inside of the metatarsal bone of the foretoe Its tendon is inserted into the inside of the tendinous expansion that covers the back part of the toes. The second is placed in a similar manner between the metatarsal bones of the fore and middle toes, and is inserted into the outside of the tendinous expansion on the back part of the foretoe. The third and fourth are placed between the two next metatarsal bones, and are inserted into the outside of the middle and third toes. The first of these muscles draws the foretoe inwards towards the great toe. The three others pull the toes, into which they are inserted, outwards. They all assist in extending the toes. INTEROSSEOUS. (Interosseus; from inter, be- tween, and os, a bone.) A name given to muscles ligaments, Sec. which are between bones. Interpella'tus. (From interpella, to interrupt.) A name given by Paracelsus to a disease attended with irregular or uncertain paroxysms. Interpola'tus dies. (From interpolo, to renew.) In Paracelsus, these are the days interpolated between two paroxysms. INTERSCAPU'LIUM. (From inter, between, and scapula, the shoulder-blade.) That part of the spine which lies between the Bhoulders. INTERSE'PTUM. (From inter, between, and sep- tum.an enclosure 1 Tbe uvula and the seLtuiu nariuui. INT 1NV INTERSPINALS. (From inter, between, and apina, the spine.) Muscles, nerves, Sec are so named which are between the processes ofthe spine. Interspinales. The fleshy portions between the spinous processes of the neck, back, and loins, distin- guished by the names of interspinales colli, dorsi et lumborum. Those which connect processes of the back and loins, are rather small tendons than muscles: they draw these processes nearer to each other. INTERTRANSVERSA'LES. Four distinct small bundles of flesh, which fill up the spaces between the transverse processes of the vertebra of the loins, and serve to draw them towards each other INTERTRI'GO. (From inter, between, and tero, to rub.) An excoriation about the anus, groins, axilla, or other parts of the body, attended with inflammation and moisture. It is most commonly produced by the irritation of the urine, from riding, or some acrimony in children. INTE'STINE. (Intestinum; from intus, within.) The convoluted membraneous tube that extends from the stomach to the anus, receives the ingested food, re- ains it a certain time, mixes with it the bile and pan- -eatic juice, propels the chyle into the lacteals, and covers the feces with mucus, is so called. The intes- tines are situated in the cavity of the abdomen, and are divided into the small and large, which have, be- sides their sice, other circumstances of distinction. The small intestines are supplied internally with folds, called valvula conniventes, and have no bands on their external surface. The large intestines have no folds internally; are supplied externally with three strong muscular bands, which run parallel upon the surface, and give the intestines a saccated appearance; they have also small fatty appendages, called appendi- cula epiploica. The first portion of the intestinal tube, for about the extent of twelve fingers' breadth, is called the duode- num; it lies in the epigastric region; makes three turnings, and between the first and second flexure re- ceives by a common opening, the pancreatic duct, and the ductus communis choledochus. It is in this por- tion of the intestines that chylification is chiefly per- formed. The remaining portion ofthe small intestines is distinguished by an imaginary division into the jeju- num and ileum. The jejunum, which commences where the duode- num ends, is situated in the umbilical region, and is mostly found empty; hence its name: it is everywhere covered wilh red vessels, and, about an hour and a half after a meal, with destended lacteals. The ileum occupies the hypogastric region and the pelvis, is of a more pallid colour than the former, and terminates by a transverse opening into the large intes- tines, which is called the valve of the ileum, valve of the cacum, or the valve of Tulpius. The beginning of the large intestines is firmly tied down in the right iliac region, and for the extent of about four fingers' breadth is called the cacum, having adhering to it a worm-like process, called the processus cad vermiformis, or appendicula caci vermiformis. The great intestine then commences colon, ascends to- wards the liver, passes across the abdomen, under the stomach, to the left side, where it is contorted like the letter S, and descends to the pelvis: hence it is divided in this course into the ascending portion, the transverse arch, and the sigmoid flexure. When it has reached the pelvis, it is called the redum, from whence it pro- ceeds in a straight line to the amis. The intestinal canal is composed of three mem- branes, or coats; a common one from the peritoneum, a muscular coat, and a villous coat, the villi being formed ofthe fine terminations of arteries.and fltewtes, and the origins of lacteals and lymphatics. The intestines are connected to the body by the mesentery; the duodenum has also a peculiar collecting cellular substance, as have likewise the colon and rectum, by whose means the former is firmly accreted to the back, the colon to the kidneys, and the latter to the os coccygis, and, in women, to the vagina. The remaining portion of the tube Is loose in the cavity of the abdomen. The arte- ries of this canal are branches of the superior and infe- rior mesenteric, and the duodenal. The veins evacu- ate their blood into the vena porte. The nerves are branches of the eight pair and intercostals. The lacteal vessels, which originate principally from the jejunum, proceed to the glands in the mesentery. INTRAFOLIACEUS. Applied to stipule, which are above the footstalk, and internal with respect to the leaf; as in Ficus carica and Morus nigra. Intrica'tus. (From intrico, to entangle; so called from its intricate folds.) A muscle ofthe ear. Intri'nseci's. (From intra, within, and secus, to- wards.) A painful disorder of an internal part Introce'ssio. (From introcedo, to go in.) Depres sio. A depression or sinking of any part inwards. INTUSSUSCEPTION. (Intus-susceptio, and a'n- tro-susceptio; from intus, within, and suscipio, to re ceive.) A disease of the intestinal tube, and most fre quently of ihe small intestines; it consists in a portion of gut passing for some length within another portion. I'NTYBUS. (From in, and tuSa, a hollow instru- ment: so named from the hollowness of its stalk.) See Cichorium endivia. INULA. (Contracted or corrupted from helenium, rjXtviov, fabled to have sprung from the tears of Helen.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in tbe Linnean sys- tem. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia superflua. 2. The herb inula, or elecampane. See Inula hele- nium. Inula, common. See Inula helenium. Inula crithmoides. Caaponga of the Brazilians. Trifolia spica; Crithmum marinum non spinosum. The leaves and young stalks of this plant are pickled for the use of the table; they are gently diuretic. Inula dysenterica. The systematic name of the smaller inula, Conyza media. Arnica Suedensis, Arnica spurio, Conyza: Inula—amplexicaulibus, cordato ob- longis ; caule villoso, paniculato; squamis ealycinis, setaceis, of Linneus. This indigenous plant was once considered as possessing great antidysenteric vir- tues. The whole herb is to the taste acrid, and at the same time rather aromatic. It is now fallen into dis- use. Inula helenium. The systematic name of the common inula or elecampane. Enula campana: He- lenium. Inula—foliis amplexicaulibus ovatis rugosis subtus tomentosis, calycum squamis ovatis, of Lin- neus. This plant, though a native of Britain, is sel- dom met with in its wild state, but mostly cultivated. The root, which is the part employed medicinally, in its recent state, has a weaker and less grateful smell than when thoroughly dried, and kept for a length of time, by which it is greatly improved; its odour then ap- proaching to that of Florentine orris-root. Itwasformer- ly in high estimation in dyspepsia, pulmonary affections, and uterine obstructions, but is now fallen into disuse. From the root of this plant, Rose first extracted the peculiar vegetable principle called inulin- Funke has since given the following as the analysis of elecampane root:—A crystallizable volatile oil; inulin; extractive; acetic acid; a crystallizable resin: gluten: a fibrous matter. See Inulin. INULIN In examining the Inula helenium, or Elecampane, Rose imagined he discovered a new vege- table product, to which the name of Inulin has been given. It is white and pulverulent, like starch. When thrown on red-hot coals, it melts, diffusing a white smoke, with the smell of burning sugar. It yields, on distillation in a retort, all the products furnished by gum. It dissolves readily in hot water; and precipi- tates almost entirely on cooling, in the form of a white powder; but before falling down, it gives the liquid a mucilaginous consistence. It precipitates quickly on the addition of alkohol. The above substance is obtained Dy boiling the root of this plant iu four times its weight of water, and leaving the liquid in repose. Pelletier and Caventou have found the same starch-like matter in abundance in the root of colchicum: and Gautier in the root of pellitory. Inustion. (From in, and uro, to burn.) It is some times used for hot and dry seasons; and formerly by surgeons for the operation of the cautery. Inverkcu'ndum os. (From in, not, and verecundus modest.) An obsolete name of the frontal bones from its being regarded as the seat of impudence. INVERSION. Inversio. Turned inside outward INVOLUCELLUM. A partial involucrum. See Involucrum. INVOLU'CRUM. (From in, and volvo, to wrap up; because parts are enclosed by it.) In anatomy 1. A name of the pericardium. 2. A membrane which covers any part IOD IOD ' n botany. A leafy calyx, remote from the flower, applied particularly to umbelliferous plants. From the part of the umbel in which it is placed, it Is called, 1. Involucrum universale, being at the base of tiie whole umbel; as in Coriandrum sativum, Scandix cerefolium, and Corns* musculo, 2. I. partiale, called involucellum; at the bottom of each umbellula, or partial stalk of the umbel; as in Daucus carota. 3. I. dimidiatum, surrounding the middle of the stalk at the base of the umbel; as in JEthusa cy- ■ napium. From the number of the involucre leaves, 4. MonophyUous; as in Coriander and Hermas. 5. Tryphillous ; as in Bupleurum junceum. 6. Polyphillous; as in Bunium bulbocastanum, and Sium. 7. Pinnatifid; as in Daucus carota, and Sium an- gustifolium. 8. Reflex, turned back; as in SeUnum mowsieri. Solitary flowers rarely have an involucrum; yet it is found in the anemones. INVOLUTUS. Involute. Rolled inwards. Ap- plied to leaves, petals, sec. when their margins are turned inward; as in the leaves of Pimguicula, and petals of Anethum, Pastinaca, and Bupleurum. IODATE. A compound of iodine with oxygen, and a metallic basis. The oxiodes of Davy. Iodes. (Fronwoc, verdigris.) Green matter thrown off by vomiting. IODIC ACID. Acidum iodieum. Oxiodic acid. " When barytes water is made to act on iodine, a so- luble hydriodate, and an insoluble iodate of barytes, are formed. On the latter, well washed, pour sulphu- ric acid, equivalent to the barytes present, diluted with twice its weight of water, and heat the mixture. The iodic acid quickly abandons a portion of its base, and combines with the water; but though even less than the equivalent proportion of sulphuric acid has been used, a little of it will be found mixed with the liquid acid. If we endeavour to separate this portion, by adding barytes water, the two acids precipitate to- gether. The above economical process is that of Gay Lus- sac; but Sir H. Davy, who is the first discoverer of this acid, invented one more elegant, and which yields a purer acid. Into a long glass tube, bent like the letter L inverted, (i) shut at one end, put 100 grains of chlorate of potassa, and pour over it 400 grains of muriatic acid, specific gravity 1.105. Put 40 grams of iddine into a thin long- necked receiver. Into the open end of the bent tube put some muriate of lime, and then connect It with the receiver. Apply a gentle heat to the sealed end of the former. Protoxide of chlorine is evolved, which, as it comes in contact with the iodine, produces combustion, and two new compounds, a compound of iodine and oxygen, and one of iodine and chlorine. The latter is easily separated by heat, while the former remains in a state of purity. The iodic acid of Sir H. Davy is a white semitrans- parent solid. It has a strong acido-astringent taste, liut no smell. Its density is considerably greater than that of sulphuric acid, in which it rapidly sinks. It melts, and i3 decomposed into iodine and oxygen, at a temperature of aboul 620°. A grain of iodic acid gives out 176.1, grain measure, of oxygen gas. It would ap- pear from this, that iodic acid consists of 15.5 iodine, to 5 oxygen. . Iodic acid deliquesces in the air, and is, ot course, very soluble in water. It first reddens and then de- stroys the blues of vegetable infusions. It blanches other vegetable colours. Between the acid prepared by Gay Lussac, and that of Sir H. Davy, there is one important difference. The latter, being dissolved, may, by evaporation of the water, pass not only to the inspissated syrup state, but can be made to assume a pasty consistence; and, finally, by a stronger heat, yields the solid substance unaltered. When a mixture of it with charcoal, sulphur, resin, sugar, or the com- bustible metals, in a finely divided state, is heated, de- tonations are produced; and its solution rapidly cor- rodes all the metals to which Sir H. Davy exposed it, both gold and platinum, but much more intensely the first of these metals. It appears to form combinations with all the fluid or solid acids which it does not decompose. When sul- 460 phuric acid is dropped into a concentrated solution of it in hot water, a solid substance is precipitated, wbich consists of the acid and the compound; for, ou evapo- rating the solution by a gentle heat, nothing rises but water. On increasing the heat in an experiment of this kind, Ihe solid substance formed fused; mid ou cooling tiie mixture, rhomboidal crystals formed of a pale yellow colour, which were very fusible, and which did not change nt the heal at which the coni_ pound of osvgen aud iodine decomposes, but sublimed unaltered. When urged by a much stronger heat, it Sartially sublimed, and partially decomposed, alfo-rd- ig oxygen, iodine, and sulphuric acid. With hydro-phosphoric, the compound presents phe- nomena precisely similar, and they form together a solid, yellow, crystalline combination. With hydro-nitric acid, it yields white crystals in rhomboidal plates, which, at a lower heat than the preceding acid compounds, are resolved into hydro- nitric acid, oxygen, and iodine. By liquid muriatic acid, the Bubstance is Immediately decomposed, arid the compound of cldorine and iodine is formed. All these acid compounds redden vegetable blues, taste sour, and dissolve gold and platinum. From these curious researches Sir H. Davy infers, that Gay Lus- sac's iodic acid is a sulpho-iodic acid, and probably a definite compound. However minute the quantity of sulphuric acid made to act on the iodide of ba- rium may be, a part of it is always employed to form the compound acid; and the residual fluid con- tains both the compound acid and a certain quantity of the original salt."— Ure. . IODIDE. lode; lodure. A compound of iodine with a metal; as Iodide of potassium. IODINE. (Iodina; from iiaSns, a violet colour, so termed from its beautiful colour.) A peculiar or un decompounded principle. " Iodine was accidentally discovered, In 1812, by De Courtois, a manufacturer of saltpetre at Paris. In his processes for procuring soda from the ashes of sea- weeds, he found the metallic vessels much corroded; and, in searching for the cause of the corrosion, he made this important discovery. But for this circum- stance, nearly accidental, one of the most curious of substances might have remained for ages unknown, since nature has not distributed it, in either a simple or compound state, through her different kingdoms, but has confined it to what the Roman satirist considers aa the most worthless of things, the vile seaweed. Iodine derived its first illustration from Clement and Desormes. In their memoir, read at a meeting of the Institute, these able chemists described its principal properties. They stated its sp. gr. to be about 4; that Ft becomes a violet-coloured gas at a temperature be- low that of boiling water,—whence its name; that it combines with the metals, and with phosphorus and BUlphur, and likewise with the alkalies and metallic oxides; that it forms a detonating compound with am- monia- that it is soluble in alkohol, and still more soluble' in ether; and that, by its action upon phospho- rus and upon hydrogen, a substance having the cha- racters of muriatic acid is formed. In this communi- cation they offered no decided opinion respecting its nature. , . , „ In 1813, Sir H. Davy happened to be on a visit to Paris, receiving, amid the political convulsions of France, the tranquil homage due to his genius. ' When Clement showed iodine lo me,' says Sir H. Davy, 'he believed that the hydriodic acid was muriatic acid ; and Gay Lussac, after his early experiments, made originally with Clement, formed the same opinion, and maintained it, when I first stated to him my belief, that it was a new and peculiar acid, and that iodine was a substance analogous in its chemical relations to chlorine.' Iodine has been found in the following seaweeds, the Alga aquatica of Linneus:— Fucus cartilagineus, Fucus palmatus, membranaccus, filum, filamentosus, digitntus, rubens saccharinus, nodoBus, Ulva umbilicalis, serratus, pavoma, siliquosus, I"™. «">d in sponge. It is from the incinerated seaweed, or kelp, tha iodine in quantities is to be obtained. Dr. Wollastos first communicated a precise formula for extracting it lOD IOD Dissolve the soluble part of kelp in water. Concen- trate the liquid by evaporation, and separate all the crystals that can be obtained. Pour the remaining liquid into a clean vessel, and mix with it an excess of sulphuric acid. Boil this liquid for some time. Sul- Bhur is precipitated, and muriatic acid driven off. 'ecant off the clear liquid, and strain it through wool. Put it into a small flask, and mix it with as much black oxide of manganese as we used before of sulphu- ric acid. Apply to the top of the flask a glass tube, shut at one end. Then heat the mixture in the flask. The iodine sublimes into the glass tube. None can be obtained from sea-water. Iodine is a solid, of a grayish-black colour and me- tallic lustre. It is often in scales similar to those of micaceous iron ore, sometimes in rhomboidal plates, very large and very brilliant. It has been obtained in elongated octohedrons, nearly half an inch in length; the axes of which were shown by Dr. Wollaston to be to each other, as the numbers 2, 3, and 4, at least so nearly, that in a body so volatile, it is scarcely possible to detect an error in this estimate, by the reflective goniometer. Its fracture is lamellated, and it is soft and friable to the touch. Its taste is very acrid, though il be very sparingly soluble in water. It is a deadly poison. It gives a deep brown stain to the skin, which soon vanishes by evaporation. In odour, and power of destroying vegetable colours, it resembles very dilute aqueous chlorine. The sp. gr. of iodine at 62£° is 4.948. It dissolves in 7000 parts of water. The solution is of an orange-yellow colour, and in small quantity tinges raw starch of a purplehue. It melts, according to Gay Lussac, at 227° F., and is volatilized under the common pressure of the atmos- phere, at the temperature of 350°. It evaporates pretty quickly at ordinary temperatures. Boiling water aids its sublimation, as is shown in the above process of ex- trac tion. The sp. gr. of its violet vapour is 8.678. It is a non-conductor of electricity. When the voltaic chain is interrupted by a small fragment of it, the de- composition of water instantly ceases. Iodine is incombustible, but with azote it forms a curious detonating compound; and in combining with several bodies, the intensity of mutual action is such as to produce the phenomena of combustion. Its combi- nations with oxygen and chlorine are described, under iodic and chloriodic acids. With a view of determining whether it was a simple or compound form of matter, Sir H. Davy exposed it to the action of the highly inflammable metals. When its vapour is passed over potassium heated in a glass tube, inflammation takes place, and the potassium bums slowly with a pale blue light. There was no gas disengaged when the experiment was repeated in a mercurial apparatus. The iodideof potassium is white, fusible at a red heat, and soluble in water. It has a peculiar acrid taste. When acted on by sulphuric acid, it effervesces, and iodine appears. It is evident that in this experiment there had been no decomposi- tion ; the result depending merely on the combination of iodine with potassium. By passing the vapour of iodide over dry red-hot potassa, formed from potassium, oxygen is expelled, and the above iodine results. Hence, we see, that at the temperature of ignition, the affinity between iodine and potassium is superior to that of the latter for oxygen. But iodine in its turn is displaced by chlorine, at a moderate heat, and if the latter be in ex- cess, chloriodic acid is formed. Gay Lussac passed vapour of iodine in a red heat over melted subcar- bonate of potassa; and he obtained carbonic acid and oxygen gases, in the proportions of two in volume of the first, and one of tiie second, precisely those which exist in the salt. The oxide of sodium, and the suDcarbonate of soda, are also completely decomposed by iodine. From these experiments it would seem, that this substance ough' to disengage oxygen from most ofthe oxides; but tliis happens only In a small number of cases. The protoxides of lead and bismuth are the only oxides not reducible by mere heat, with which it exhibited that power. Barytes, strontian, and lime combine with Iodine, without giving out oxygen gas, and the oxides of zinc and iron undergo no alteration in this respect. From these facts we must conclude, that the decompo- sition of the oxides by iodine depends less on the con- densed state of the oxygen, than upon the affinity of the metal for Iodine. Except barytes, strontian, and lime, no oxide can remain in combination with iodine at a red heat. For a more particular account of some iodides, see Hydriodic acid ; the compounds of which, in the liquid or moist state, are hydriodates, but change, on drying, into iodides, in the same way as the muri- ates become chlorides. From the proportion of the constituents in hydriodic acid, 15.5 has been deduced as the prime equivalent of iodine. Iodine forms with sulphur a feeble compound, of a grayish-black colour, radiated like sulphuret of antimo- ny. When it is distilled with water, iodine separates. Iodine and phosphorus combine with great rapidity at common temperatures, producing heat wilhout light. From the presence of a little moisture, small quantities of hydriodic acid gas are exhaled. Oxygen expels iodine from both sulphur and phos- phorus. Hydrogen, whether dry or moist, did not seem to have any action on iodine at the ordinary tempera- ture; but if we expose a mixture of hydrogen and iodine to a red heat in a tube, they unite together, and hydriodic acid is produced, which gives a reddish brown colour to water. Sir H. Davy threw the violet- coloured gas upon the flame of hydrogen, when it seemed to support its combustion. He also formed a compound of iodine with hydrogen, by heating to red- ness the two bodies in a glass tube. Charcoal has no action upon iodine, either at a high or low temperature. Several of the common, metals, on the contrary, as zinc, iron, tin, mercury, attack it readily, even at a low temperature, provided they be in a divided state. Though these combinations take place rapidly, they produce but little heat, and but rarely any light. The compound of iodine and zinc, or iodide of zinc, is white. It melts readily, and is sublimed in the state of fine, acicular, four-sided prisms. It is very soluble in water, and rapidly deliquesces in the air. It dissolves in water without the evolution of any gas. The solution is slightly acid, and does not crystallize. The alkaUes precipitate from it white oxide of zinc; while concen- trated sulphuric acid disengages hydriodic acid and iodine, because sulphurous acid is produced. The so- lution is a hydriodate of oxide of zinc. When iodine and zinc are made to act on each other under water in vessels hermetically sealed, on the application of a slight heat, the water assumes a deep reddish-brown colour, because, as soon as hydriodic acid is produced, it dissolves iodine in abundance. But by degrees the zinc, supposed to be in excess, combines with tbe whole iodine, and the solution becomes colourless like water. Iron is acted on by iodine in the same way as zinc! and a brown iodide results, which is fusible at a red heat. It dissolves in water, forming a light green so- lution, like that of muriate of iron. When the dry iodide was heated, by Sir II. Davy, in a small retort containing pure ammoniacal gas, it combined with the ammonia and formed a compound which volatilized without leaving any oxide. The iodide of tin is very fusible. When in powder, its colour is a dirty orange-yellow, not unlike that of glass of antimony. When put into a considerable quantity of water, it is completely decomposed. Hy- driodic acid is formed, which remains in solution in the water, and the oxide of tin precipitates in white floc- culi. If tbe quantity of water be small, the acid, being more concentrated, retains a portion of oxide of tin and forms a silky orange-coloured salt, which may be almost entirely decomposed by water. Iodine and tin act very well on ench other, in water of tiie tempe- rature of 212°. By employing an excess of tin, we may obtain pure hydriodic acid, or at least an acid containing only traces of the metal. The tin must be in considerable quantity, because the oxide which pre- cipitates on its surface, diminishes very much its action on iodine. Antimony presents with iodine the same phenomena as tin; so that we might employ either for the prepara- tion of hydriodic acid, if we were not acquainted with preferable methods. The iodides of lead, copper, bismuth, silver, and mer- cury, are insoluble in water, while tiie iodides of the very oxidizable metals are soluble in that liquid. Il we mix a hydriodate with the metallic solutions, all the metals which do not decompose water will give 461 IOD IOD preclpitatps, while those which decompose that liquid will give rwiie. This is at least the case with tiie above-mentioned metals There are two iodides of mercury; the one yellow, the other red; both are fusible and volatile. The yel- low or prot-iodide, contains one half less iodine than the dcut-iodide. The latter when crystallized is a bright crimson. In general, there ought to be for each metal as many iodides as there are oxides and chlorides. All the iodides are decomposed by concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. The metal isconverted into an oxide, and iodine is disengaged. They are likewise decom- posed by oxygen at a red heat, if we except the iodides of potassium, sodiun* lead, and bismuth. Chlorine likewise separates iodine from all the iodides; but iodine, on tlie other hand, decomposes most of the sul- phurets and phosphurets. When iodine and oxides act upon each other in con- tact with water, very different results take place from those above described. The water is decomposed; its hydrogen unites with iodine, to form hydriodic acid; while its oxygen, on the other hand, produces with iodine, iodic acid. All the oxides, however, do not give the same results. We obtain them only with potassa, soda, barytes, strontian, lime, and magnesia. The oxide of zinc, precipitated by ammonia from its solution in sulphuric acid, and well washed, gives no trace of iodate and hydriodate. From all the above-recited facts, we are warranted in concluding iodine to be an undecompounded body. In its specific gravity, lustre, and magnitude of its prime equivalent, it resembles the metals; but in all its chemical agencies, it is analagous to oxygen and chlorine. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and pos- sesses, like these two bodies, the negative electrical energy with regard to metals, inflammable and alkaline substances; and hence, when combined with these sub- stances in aqueous solution, and electrised in the voltaic circuit, ir separates at the positive surface. But it has a positive energy with respect to chlorine: for when united to chlorine, in ihe chloriodic acid, it separates at the negative surface. This likewise corresponds with their relative attractive energy, since chlorine expels iodine from all ite combinations. Iodine dissolves in carburet of sulphur, giving, in very minute quantities, a fine amethystine tint to the liquid. Iodide of mercury has been proposed for a pigment. Orfila swallowed 6 grains of iodine; and was imme- diately affected with heat, constriction of the throat, nausea, eructation, salivation, and cardialgia. In ten minutes he had copious bilious vomitings, and slight colic pains. His pulse rose from 70 to about 90 beats in a minute. By swallowing large quantities of muci- lage, and emollient clysters, he recovered, and felt nothing next day but slight fatigue. About 70 or 80 grains proved a fatal dose to dogs. They usually died on the fourth or fifth day. Dr. Coindet of Geneva has recommended the use of iodine in the form of tincture, and also hydriodate of potassa or soda, as an efficacious remedy for the cure of glandular swellings, of the goitrous and scrofulous kind. I have found an ointment composed of 1 oz. hog's lard, and 1 drachm of iodide of zinc, a powerful external application in such cases. About a drachm of this ointment should be used in friction on the swell- ing once or twice a-day."— Ure's Chem. Did. [This powerful remedy, which has recently been introduced into practice, is obtained from the plants affording soda, or the vegetables called " Varecks," by the French, or from other species of the alge or seaweeds. A species furnishing a more considerable portion of iodine than its congeners is the Fucus sac- charinus, or Sugar-seaweed, belonging to the class Cryptogamia, order Alga. In the year 1815, Dr. MitchiU received from Mr. G. De Claubry, of Paris, his researches upon this subject. His particular objects were to find whether iodine ex- isted in ocean-water, and the condition and manner of ite evolution from the vegetables that furnished the soda or salt of Varecks. He ascribes the discovery of this substance to Messrs. Macquer and De La Salle, who, in their experiments upon the Varecks or sea- weeds, discovered iodine in the mother-water of ihe soda they afforded. This fact he deemed sufficiently important to encourage chemists to look for it in the vegetables themselves, from which that kind of soda w as obtained He m ade a journey to the west of Nor 102 mandy un Franre) for the express purpose of examin- ing upon the spot tiie different species of Fucus; and he obtained from the able botanist of Caen, various kinds of these marine plants, which he submitted to experiment. His analyses were chiefly made upon the following sorts, viz. I. Of the Family of the Ulvte. 1. The Ulva saccharina. 2. .. digitata. 3. The Fucus saccharinus, J of Llnn|Eua II. Of the Family of the Varecks. 1. The Fucus vesiculosus. 2. .. serratus. 3. .. siliquosus. IH. Of the Family of the Ceramium. 1. The Ceramium filum, or the Fucus filum, of Linneus. Such and other seaweeds are gathered on the shores of the ocean, among other purposes, for that of being burned to ashes, for the preparation of the fixed alkali, called the soda or salt of Varecks by the French and Dutch, as distinguished from the soda or barilla, made by burning the maritime plant called salsola. The product of the above-mentioned seaweeds is a compli- cated mixture of things, such as, 1. A small quantity of the subcarbonate of soda. 2. A good deal of the hydro-chlorate of soda. 3. .. sulphate of soda. 4. Sulphate of magnesia. 5. Hydro-chlorate of potash and magnesia. 6. Subcarbonate of potash. 7. A little sulphuretted sulphate of soda, and 8. A minute portion of the hydro-iodate of potash. The poverty of this sort of soda gives it but little value in commerce, its chief consumption being in the glass manufactures. It is called kelp, and contains much less soda than barilla. It was In the mother waters of the leys or lixiviums of kelp that iodine was first discovered, as is said by Mr. Courtois. All the foregoing products were conse- quent upon the preceding incineration of the fuci. As a number of these fuci are employed in their recent state as human food, (as is the fucus edulis) the several sorts acquired an interest corresponding to their use- fulness, as applicable for manure, for making kelp or iodine, or for food. On burning the fucus saccharinus, one of the results of a most elaborate and complicated analysis of tbe residue, was that potash was associated with iodine in the form of a hydro-iodate, the hydro-iodate of potash. As a general remark, he says, that the species of fuci which contain the most mucilage, contain more iodine than the others, by a large difference. This analysis of ocean or sea-water, proved that it contained no iodine ; therefore it may be fairly con- cluded, that the peculiar article under consideration, is prepared, or elaborated, by the living economy of these marine vegetables. Of the fuci he analyzed, the fucus saccharinus which contained more of it than the other species. This species, treated wilh sulphuric acid, yielded immediately the iodine it contained, wilhout the process of burning to ashes. This saves the trou- ble of resorting to the eau mere, or mother water,, to ob- tain it. The iodine has an affinity to oxygen, and under convenient circumstances, forms the hydro-iodtt acid. Iodine is particularly acted upon by starch, and other vegetable fecule, whereby it acquires, m the cool and dry way by trituration, a violet colour, passing into blue and black, according to the relative proportions of the iodine and starch employed. The hue is red- dish if the starch predominates; a superb blue, if the ingredients are duly apportioned; and black, if the iodine is iu excess; as also violets of different shades, between the reds and blues. By a particular process, iodine may be obtained white. This is shown in the memoir of Messrs. Colin and Claubry, on tbe combi- nation of iodine with vegetable and animal Bub- stances, as contained in the Annals of Chemistry for 1814. It has lately been discovered, that iodine existed in small quantity, with a portion of carbon, arid of the other muriate and carbonate of soda, in the officinal preparation called iurnt sponge, or pulvis spongia usta. Tbe sponges art in modem zoology, classed among IOD 1RI the zoophytes. They are marine productions, of a fibrous and tough constitution, covered with a slimy matter, in which it has not yet been possible to disco- ver either polypes, or other moveable parts, nor any decided proofs of animality. It seems, nevertheless, that living sponges evince a kind of shrinking, or con- traction, on being touched, and that there is a sort of palpitation in the pores with which the body of the sponge is pierced. From such feeble evidence of the animal nature of the sponge, it has been doubted by some naturalists, whether they ought to be referred to the animal king- dom. By others they have been roundly pronounced to be vegetables. Dr. Mitchill's opinion is, that from the analysis of sponge, the proximity of the results to those of varecks and other seaweeds, and more espe- cially the detection and presence of iodine, is in favour of the vegetable character of sponge. Burnt sponge was admitted into the Edinburgh New Dispensatory, for the first time, in 1786, by reason of the reputation it had acquired as a remedy for scro- fulous and cutaneous diseases, for removing obstruc- tions in the glands, and among others, for lessening and removing the bronchocele. There the process for re- ducing it to ashes is detailed. The dose is a scruple several times a-day. Now, since the discovery of iodine in the ashes of sponge, modern physicians have ascribed the chief vir- tue, against the aforesaid disorders, to this ingredient. The conjecture is a rational one; for it is more probable ils efficacy proceeds from the iodine than from the charcoal and neutral salts. Upon the faith of this interpretation, it was con- ceived belter to prescribe the iodine by itself, or in known and exact combination, than in form of burnt sponge, and as sponge contained this active principle, il was naturally concluded, that the iodine would be iu all respects as good when prepared from the sea- wrecks as from sponges. In that ugly and obstinate disorder, the goitre, Dr. Coindet, of Geneva, (in Switzerland,) has prescribed iodine with remarkable success. The preparation he employs requires explanation, by reason of its chemi- cal intricacy. To understand the receipt we must recapitulate. Tho forms of iodine are, 1. Simple iodine. 2. Oxide of iodine, by starch or other fecula. 3. Iodic-acid. 4. Hydro-iodic acid. 5. Hydro-iodate of potash, by burning, &c. Dr. Coindet prescribes what is termed " Ioduretted hydro-iodate of potash." To prepare this the hydro- iodic acid must first be procured, which is done thus : Take of alkohoiic spirit, pure iodine, any quantities. Then pass sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution. This forms the hydro-iodic acid. The next process is, to take potash and hydro-iodic acid, and combine them to saturation. This forms Dr. Coindet's medicine. The hydro-iodate of potash.—To reduce this into a form for medicinal prescription, he proceeds as follows: Take of the hydro-iodate of potash, grs. 36. Pure iodine, grs. 10. Distilled water, 5 j. m. This is the ioduretted hydro-iodate of potash. It is so active a preparation, that a full dose is from 5 to 10 drops three limes a-day in syrup. The dose maybe gradually increased, according to circumstances, but with great caution, to the extent of 20 drops. It must be remembered, whenever it is administered, an over- dose must be avoided, as it acts with an extreme and dangerous effect upon the constitution. They say, that after a few weeks' skilful administra- tion, the external swelling will gradually disappear. Should the patient, while under a course of it, experi- ence any considerable quickening of the pulse, a rapid loss of flesh, palpitation of the heart, a dry cough, restlessness, and want of sleep, and in certain cases with an increase of appetite for food, though the swell- ing shall undergo diminution, it will be necessary to intermit the medicine for some days; and afterward resume the use of it when the health and safety of the patient will permit —Notes from Mitchill's Leds. on Mat. Med. A.] IODOSULPHURIC ACID. " When sulphuric acid is poured, drop by drop, into a concentrated and hot aqueous solution of iodic acid, there immediately re- sults a precipitate of iodo-sulphuric acid, possessed of peculiar properties. Exposed gradually to the action of a gentle heat, the iodo-sulphuric acid melts, and crys- tallizes on cooling into rhomboids of a pale yellow colour. When strongly heated, it sublimes, and is partially decomposed; the latter portion being converted into oxygen, iodine, and sulphuric acid. Phosphoric and nitric acids exhibit similar pheno- mena. These compound acids act with great energy on the metals. They dissolve gold and platinum." IOLITE. Dichroite. Prismato-rhomboidal quartz of Mohs. This is of a colour Intermediate between black, blue, and violet-blue. When viewed in the direction of the axis of the crystals, the colour is dark indigo-blue; but perpendicular to the axis of the crys- tals, pale brownish-yellow. It comes from Finland. I'onis. (From wv a violet.) A carbuncle of a violet colour. IO'NTHUS. (From tov, a violet, and avBos, a flower.) A pimple in the face, of a violet colour. IOTAC1TSMUS. (From iiara, the Greek letter i.) A defect in the tongue or organs of speech, which ren- ders a person incapable of pronouncing his letters. IPECACUANHA. (An Indian word.) See Colli cocca ipecacuanha. [Ipecacuanha spurge. See Euphorbia ipecacu- anha. AJ IPOMGSA. (So called by Linneus from |U/, wbich he unaccountably mistakes for the convolvulus plant, whereas it means a creeping sort of worm that infests and corrodes vines, and ouotos, like. By this appella- tion he evidently intended to express the close resem- blance of Ipomaa to the genus Convolvulus, with which it agrees in habit altogether.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Pen- tandria; Order, Monogynia. Ipomcea quamoclit. Batata peregrina. The ca- thartio potato. If about two ounces are eaten at bed- time, they gently open the bowels by morning. Icjueta'ia. The inhabitants of the Brazils give this name to the Scrophularia aquatica, which is there celebrated as a corrector of the ill flavour of senna. IRACU'NDUS. (.From ira, anger: so called because it forms the angry look.) A muscle of the eye. IRIDIUM. A metal found with another, called os- mium, in the black powder left after dissolving plati num. See Platinum. I'RIS. (A rainbow: so called because of the variety of its colours.) 1. The anterior portion of tilt continu- ation of the choroid membrane of the eye, which is perforated in the middle by the pupil. It is of various colours. The posterior surface of the iris is termed the uvea. See Choroid membrane. 2. The flower-de-luce, from the resemblance of its flowers to the rainbow. 3. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnean system. Class, Triandria; Order, Monogynia. Iris florentina. Florentine orris, or iris. The root of this plant, Iris—corollis barbatis, caule foliis altiore subbifloro, floribus sessilibus, of Linneus, which is indigenous to Italy, In its recent state is ex- tremely acrid, and, when chewed, excites a pungent heat in the mouth, that continues several hours: on being dried, this acrimony is almost wholly dissipated ; the taste is slightly bitter, and the smell agreeable, and approaching to that of violets. The fresh root is ca- thartic, and for this purpose has been employed in dropsies. It is now chiefly used in its dried state, and ranked as a pectoral and expectorant; and hencn has a place in the trochisci amyli of the pharmacopoeias. Iris, florentine. See Iris florentina. Iris germanica. The systematic name of the com- mon iris, or orris, or flower-de-luce. Iris nostra. The fresh roots of this plant, Iris—corollis barbatis, caule foliis altiori multifloro, floribus inferioribus peduncu- latis, of Linneus, have a strong, disagreeable smell, and an acrid, nauseous taste. They are powerfully cathartic, and are given in dropsical diseases, whera such remedies are indicated. Iris nostras. See Iris germanica. Iris palustris. See Iris pseudacorus. Iris pseudacorus. The systematic name of tho yellow water-flag. Iris palustris; Gladiolus luteus ; Acorus vulgaris. This indigenous plant, Iris—im- berbis, foliis ensiformibus, petalis alternis, stigmati- bus minoribus, is common in marshes, and on the banks of rivers. It formerly had a place in the London Pharmacopoeia, under the name of Gladiolus luteus. The root is without smell, but has an acrid styptic taste, and its juice, on being snuffed up the nostrils, produces I a burning heat in the nose and mouth, accompanied by [RO mo copious discbarge from these organs: hence it Is recommendedboihasanerrhineandsialagogue. Given internally, when perfectly dry, iu adstringent qualities are such as to cure diarrhoeas. The expressed juice is likewise said to be a useful application to serpiginous eruptions and scrofulous tumours. Irish Slate. See Lapis Hybernicus. IRPTIS. (Iritis, iiis. f.; from tris, the name of the membrane.) Inflammation of the iris: it produces the Bymptoms of deep-seated or internal inflammation of the eye. See Ophthalmia. IRON. Ferrum. Of all the metals, there is none which is so copiously and so variously dispersed through nature as iron. In animals, in vegetables, and in all parts of the mineral kingdom, we detect its presence. Mineralogists are not agreed with respect to the exist- ence of native iron, though immense masses of it nave been discovered, which could not have been the products of art; but there is much in favour of the notion that these specimens have been extracted by subterraneous fire. A massof native iron, of 1 GOO pounds weight, was found by Pallas, on the river Denisei, in Siberia; and another mass of 300 pounds was found in Paraguay, of which specimens have been distributed everywhere. A piece of native iron, of two pounds weight, has been also met with at Kamsdorf, in the territories of Neu- stadt, which is still preserved there. These masses evidently did not originate in the places where they were found. [Specimens of native iron have been found in several places in America, in situations which give rise to the conjecture, that they were of meteoric origin. One of the largest of these has been deposited by its owner, Colonel Gibs, in the Cabinet ofthe New-York Lyceum of Natural History. It is an irregular mass, weighing upwards of 3000 lbs. " Its surface, which is covered by a blackish crust, is greatly indented, from which it would appear that this mass had been in a soft state. On removing the crust, the iron, on exposure to moisture, soon becomes oxidated. Sp.gr. 7.400. " It appears to consist entirely of iron, which possesses a high degree of malleability; experiments have been made without detecting nickel or any other metal. This enormous mass of iron is said to have been found near the Red river, in Louisiana."—Bruce's Min. Journal. A.] There are a vast variety of iron ores: they may, however, be all arranged under the following genera; namely, sulphurets, carburets, oxides, and salts of iron. The sulphurets of iron form the ores called Pyrites, of which there are many varieties. Their colour is, in general, a straw-yellow, with a metallic lustre; some- times brownish, which sort is attracted by the magnet. They are often amorphous, and often also crystallized. iron, in the state of a carburet, forms the graphite of Werner {plumbago). This mineral occurs in kidney- form lumps of various sizes. Its colour is a dark iron- gray, or brownish-black; when cut, bluish-gray. It has a metallic lustre. Its texture is fine-grained. It is very brittle. The combination of iron with oxy- gen is very abundant. The common magnetic iron- stone, or load-stone, belongs to this class; as does specular iron ore, and all the different ores called hama- tites, or blood-stone. Iron, united to carbonic acid, exists in the sparry iron ore. Joined to arsenic acid, it exists in the ores called arseniate of iron, and arse- niate of iron and copper. [The different varieties of the ores of iron are ar- ranged as follows in Cleaveland's Mineralogy, which is a standard work on the subject in the United States:— Sjiecies 1. Native iron. 2. Arsenical iron. a. Argentiferous arsenical iron. 3. Sulphuret of iron. Iron Syrites. a. Common sulphuret of iron. b. Radiated c. Hepatic Sub-species 1. Magnetic sulphuret of iron. 2. Arsenical .. 4. Magnetic oxide of iron a. Native magnet. b. Iron sand. 5. Specular oxide of iron. Sub-species 1. Micaceous oxide of iron. •. 6. Red oxide of iro.i. a. Scaly red oxide of iron. b. Red hematite. 464 c. Conqiaet red oxide of iron. d. Ochrey red oxide. Species 7. Brown oxide of iron. a. Scaly red oxide of iron b. Hematltic .. c Compact d. Ochrey 6. Argillaceous oxide of iron. a. Columnar argillaceous oxide of iron b. Granular c Lenticular d. Nodular e. Common •• f. Bog ore. .. 9. Carbonate of iron. ■. 10.' Sulphate of iron. ■ • 11. Phosphate of iron. a. Foliated phosphate of iron. b. Earthy c. Green iron earth. .. 12. Arseniate of iron. .. 13. Chromate of iron. a. Crystallized chromate of iron. b. Granular c. Amorphous .. A.] Properties of iron.—Iron is distinguished from every other metal by its magnetical properties. It is attracted by tiie magnet, and acquires, under various conditions, the property of attracting other iron. Pure iron is of a whitish gray, or rather bluish colour, very slightly livid; but when polished, it has a great deal of bril- liancy. Its texture is either fibrous, fine-grained, or in dense plates. Its specific gravity varies from 7.6 to 7.8. It is the hardest and most elastic of all the metals. It is extremely ductile, and may therefore be drawn into wire as fine as a human hair; it is also more tena- cious than any other metal, and yields with facility to pressure. It is extremely infusible, and when not In contact with the fuel, it cannot be melted by the heat which any furnace can excite; It is, however, softened by heat, still preserving Its ductility; and when thus softened, different pieces may be united; this consti- tutes the valuable property of welding. It is very dilatable by heat. It is the only metal which takes fire by the collision of flint. Heated In contain'with air it becomes oxidized. If intensely and briskly heated, it takes fire wilh scintillation, and becomes a black oxide. It combines with carbon, and forms what is called steel. It combines with phosphorus in a direct and an indirect manner, and unites with sulphur readily by fusion. It decomposes water in the cold slowly, but rapidly when ignited. Il decomposes most of the me- tallic oxides. All acids act upon iron. Very concen- trated sulphuric acid has little or no effect upon it, but when diluted it oxidizes it rapidly. The nitric acid oxidizes it with great vehemence. Muriate of ammonia is decomposed by it. Nitrate of potassa detonates very vigorously with it. Iron is likewise dissolved by alka- line sulphurets. It is capable of combining with a number of metals. It does not uattc with lead or bis- muth, and very feebly with mercury. It detonates by percussion with the oxygenated muriates. Method of obtaining iron.—The general process by which iron is extracted from its ores, is first to roast them by a strong heat, to expel the sulphur, carbonic acid, and other mineralizers which can be separated by heat. The remaining ore, being reduced to small pieces, is mixed with charcoal, or coke; and is then exposed to an intense heat, in a close furnace, excited by bellows; the oxygen then combines with the carbon, forming carbonic acid gas during the process, and the oxide is reduced to its metallic state. There are like- wise some fluxes necessary in order to facilitate the separation of the melted metal. The matrix of tlie iron ore is generally either argillaceous or calcareous, or sometimes a portion of siliceous earth; but which- ever of these earths is present, the addition of one or both of the others makes a proper flux. These are therefore added in due proportion, according to the nature of tbe ores; and this mixture, in contact with the fuel, is exposed to a heat sufficient to reduce the oxide to its metallic state. The metal thus obtained, and called smelted, pig, or cast iron, is far from being pure, always retaining a considerable quantity of carbon and oxygen, as well as several heterogeneous ingredients. According as one or other of these predominates, the property of mo the metal differs. Where the oxygen is present in a large proportion, the colour of the iron is whitish gray; it is extremely brittle, and its fracture exhibits an ap- pearance of crystallization: where the carbon exceeds, it is of a dark gray, inclining to blue, or black, and is less brittle. The former is the while, the latter the black crude iron of commerce. The gray is interme- diate to both. In many of these states, the iron is much more fusible than when pure; hence it can be fused and cast into any form; and when suffered to cool slowly, it crystallizes in octahedra: it is also much more brittle, and cannot therefore be either flattened under the hammer, or by the laminating rollers. To obtain the iron more pure, or to free It from the carbon with which it is combined in this state, it must be refined by subjecting it to tbe operations of melting and forging. By the former, in which the metal is kept in fusion for some time, and constantly kneaded and stirred, the carbon and oxygen it contains are partly combined, and the produced carbonic acid gas is expelled: the metal at length becomes viscid and stiff; it is then subjected to the action of a very large hammer, or to the more equal, but less forcible pres- sure of large rollers, by which the remaining oxide of iron, and other impurities, not consumed by the fusion, are pressed out. The iron is now no longer granular nor crystallized in its texture; it is fibrous, soft, duc- tile, malleable, and totally infusible. It is termed forged, wrought, or bar iron, and is the metal in a purer state, though far from being absolutely pure. The compounds of iron are the following: 1. Oxides; of which there are two, or perhaps three. 1st, The oxide, obtained either by digesting an ex- cess of iron filings in water, by the combustion of iron wire in oxygen, or by adding pure ammonia to solution of green copperas, and drying the precipitate out of contact of air, is of a black colour, becoming white by its union with water, in the hydrate, attractible by the magnet, but more feebly than iron. By a mean ofthe experiments of several chemists, its composition seems to be, Iron, 100 77.82 3.5 Oxygen, 28.5 22.18 1.0 2d, Deutoxide of Gay Lussac. He forms it by ex- posing a coil of fine iron wire, placed in an ignited porcelain tube, to a current of steam, as long as any hydrogen comes over. There is no danger, he says, of generating peroxide in this experiment, because iron, once in the state of deutoxide, has no such affinity for oxygen as to enable it to decompose water. It may also, he states, be procured by calcining strongly a mixture of 1 part of iron and 3 parts of the red oxide in a stoneware crucible, to the neck of which a tube is adapted to cut off the contact of air. But this pro- cess is less certain than the first, because a portion of peroxide may escape tbe reaction of the iron. But we may dispense with the trouble of making it, adds Thenard, because it is found abundantly in nature. He refers to this oxide, the crystallized specular iron ore of Elba, Corsica, Dalecarlia, and Sweden. He also classes under this oxide all the magnetic iron ores; and says, that the above-described protoxide does not exist in nature. From the synthesis of this oxide by steam, Gay Lussac bas determined its composition to be, Iron, 100 72.72 Oxygen, 37.5 27.28 3d, The red oxide. It may be obtained by igniting tbe nitrate, or carbonate; by calcining iron in open vessels; or simply by treating the metal with strong nitric acid, then washing and drying the residuum. Colcothar of vitriol, or thorough calcined copperas, ■nay be considered as peroxide of iron. It exists abundantly native in the red iron ores. It seems to be a compound of, Iron, 100 70 = 4 primes. Oxygen, 43 30 = 3 primes. 2. Chlorides of iron; of which there are two, first examined in detail by Dr. John Davy. The protochloride may be procured by heating to redness, in a glass tube with a very small orifice, the residue which is obtained by evaporating to dryness the green muriate of iron. It is a fixed substance, re- quiring a red beat for its fusion. It has a grayish, varie- gated colour, a metallic splendour, and a lamellar tex- ture. G8 LTIO The deutochloride maybe formed by the combustion of iron wire in chlorine gas, or by gently heating the green muriate in a glass tube. It is the volatile com- pound described by Sir H. Davy in his celebrated Bakerian lecture on oxymuriatic acid. It condenses after sublimation, in the form of small brilliant iri- descent plates. 3. For the iodide of iron, see Iodine. 4. Sulphurets of iron; of which, according to For rett, there are four, though only two are usually de- scribed, his protosulphuret and persulphuret 5. Carburets of iron. These compounds form steel, and probably cast-iron; though the latter contains also some other ingredients. The latest practical researches on the constitution of these carburets, are those of Daniel. 6. Salts of iron. 1. Protacetate of iron forms small prismatic crys- tals, of a green colour, a sweetish styptic taste. 2. Peracetate of iron forms a reddish-brown, un- crystallizable solution, much used by the calico-print - ers, and prepared by keeping iron turnings, or pieces of old iron, for six months immersed in redistilled pyrolignous acid. 3. Protarseniate of iron exists native in crystals, and may be formed in a pulverulent state, by pouring arseniate of ammonia into sulphate of iron. 4. Perarseniate of iron may be formed by pouring arseniate of ammonia into peracetate of iron; or by boiling nitric acid on the protarseniate. It is inso- luble. 5. Antimoniate of iron is white, becoming yellow insoluble. 6. Borate, pale yellow, insoluble. 7. Benzoate, yellow, do. 8. Protocarbonale, greenish, soluble 9. Percarbonate, brown, insoluble. 10. Chromate, blackish, do. 11. Protocitrate, brown crystals, soluble. 12. Protoferroprus3iate, white, insoluble 13. Perferroprussiate, white, do. This constitutes the beautiful pigment called Prus- sian blue. 14. Protogallate, colourless, soluble. 15. Pcrgallate, purple, insoluble. 16. Protomuriate, green crystals, very soluble. 17. Pirmuriate, brown, uncrystallizable, very so- luble. 18. Protonitrate, pale green, soluble. 19. Pernitrate, brown, do. 20. Protoxalate, green prisms, do. 21. Peroxalate, yellow, scarcely soluble. 22. Protophosphate, blue, insoluble. 23. Perphosphate, white, do. 24. Protosuccinate, brown crystals, soluble. 25. Persuccinate, brownish-red, insoluble. 26. Protosulphate, green vitriol, or copperas. It is generally formed by exposing native pyrites to air and moisture, when the sulphur and iron both absorb oxygen, and form the salt. 27. Persulphate. Of this salt there seems to be four or more varieties, having a ferreous base, wbich con- sists, by Porrett, of 4 primes iron ■+• 3 oxygen = 10 in weight, from which their constitution may be learned. Tbe tartrate and pertartrate of iron may also be formed; or by digesting cream of tartar with water or iron filings, a triple salt may be obtained, formerly called tartarized tincture of Mars. These salts have the following general characters:— 1. Most of them are soluble in water; those with the protoxide for a base are generally crystallizable; those with the peroxide are generally not; the former are insoluble, the latter soluble in alkohol. 2. Ferroprussiate of potassa throws down a blue precipitate, or one becoming blue in the air. 3. infusion of galls gives a dark purple precipitate, or one becoming so in the air. 4. Hydrosulphuret of potassa or ammonia gives a black precipitate; but sulphuretted hydrogen merely deprives the solutions of iron of their yellow-brown colour. 5. Phosphate of soda gives a whitish precipitate. ' 6. Benzoate of ammonia, yellow. * 7. Succinate of ammonia, flesh-coloured with the peroxide. The general medicinal virtues of iron, and the 1RR IRR several preparations of it, are to constringe the fibres, to quicken tbe circulation, to promote the different secretions in the remoter parts, and at the same time to repress inordinate discharges into the intestinal tube. By tbe use of chalybeates, the pulse is very sen- sibly raised, the colour of the face, though before pale, changes to a florid red; the alvine, urinary, and cuti- cular excretions, are increased. When given improperly, or to excess, iron produces headache, anxiety, heats the body, and often causes hemorrhages, or even vomiting, pains in the stomach, spasms, and pains of the bowels. Iron is given in most cases of debility and relax- ation; in passive hemorrhages; in dyspepsia, hysteria, and chlorosis; in most of the cachexie; and it has lately been recommended as a specific in cancer. Where cither a preternatural discharge, or suppression of natural secretions, proceeds from a languor, or sluggishness of the fluids, and weakness of the solids, this metal, by increasing the motion of ihe former and the strength of the latter, will suppress the flux, or re- move the suppression; but where the circulation is already too quick, the solids too tense and rigid, where there is any stricture, or spasmodic contraction of the vessels, iron, and all the preparations of it, will aggra- vate both diseases. Iron probably has no action on the body when taken into the stomach, unless it be oxidized. But during its oxidizement, hydrogen gas is evolved, and accordingly wc find that fcetid eructa- tions and black feces are considered as proofs of the medicine having taken effect. It can only be exhibited internally in the state of filings, which may be given in doses from five to twenty grains. Iron wire is to be preferred for pharmaceutical preparations, both because it is tiie most convenient form, and because it is the purest iron. The medicinal preparations of iron now in use are:— 1. Subcarbonas ferri. See Ferri subcarbonas. 2. Sulphas ferri. See Ferri sulphas. 3. Fei-rum tartarizatum. See Ferrum tartarizatum. 4. Liquor ferri alkalini. See ferri alkalini liquor. 5. Tinctura acetatis ferri. See Tinctura ferri acetatis. 6. Tinctura muriatis ferri. See Tinctura ferri mu- riatis. 7. Tinctura ferri ammoniati. See Tinctura ferri ammoniati. 8. Vinum ferri. See Vinum ferri. 9. Ferrum anunoniatum. See Ferrum ammonia- turn. 10. Oxidtlm ferri rubrum. See Oxidum ferri ru- brum. 11. Oxidum ferri nigrum. See Oxidum ferri ni- grum. IRON-FLINT. This occurs in veins of Ironstone, and in trap-rocks, near Bristol, and in many parts of Germany. IRRITABILITY. (Irritabilitas; from irrito, to provoke.) Vis insita of Haller. Vis vitalis of Goer- ter. Oscillation of Boerhaave. Tonic power of Stahl. Muscular power of Bell. Inherent power of Cullen. The contractility of muscular fibres, or a property pe- culiar to muscles, by which they contract upon the application of certain stimuli, without a consciousness of action. This power may be seen in the tremulous contraction of muscles when lacerated, or when en- tirely separated from the body in operations. Even when the body is dead to all appearance, and the nervous power is gone, this contractile power remains till the organization yields, and begins to be dissolved. It is by this inherent power that a cut muscle con- tracts, and leaves a gap; that a cut artery shrinks and grows stiff after death. This irritability of muscles is so far independent of nerves, and so little connected with feeling, which is the province of the nerves, that, upon stimulating any muscle by touching it with caus- tic, or irritating it with a sharp point, or driving the electric spark through it, or exciting with the metallic conductors, as those of silver, or zinc, the muscle in- rt::ntly contracts, although the nerve of that muscle be tied; although the nerve be cut so as to separate the muscle entirely from all connexion with the system; although the muscle be separated from tiie body; al- though the creature upon which the experiment is per- formed may have lost all sense of feeling, and have been long apparently dead. Thus a muscle, cut from ] 466 the limb, trembles and palpitates a longtime after; the heart, separated from the body, contracu when Irri- tated ; the bowels, when torn from the body, continue their peristaltic motion, so as to roll upon the table, ceasing to answer to stimuli only when they become stiff and cold; and too often, in the human body, the vis insita loses the exciting power of the nerves, and then palsy ensues; or, losing all governance of the nerves, the vis insita, acting without the regulating power, falls into partial or general convulsions. Even in vegetables, as in the sensitive plant, this contractile power lives. Thence comes the distinction between the irritability of muscles and tbe sensibility of nerves: for the irritability of muscles survives the animals, as when it is active after death; survives the life of the part, or the feelings of the whole system, as in uni- versal palsy, where the vital motions continue entire and perfect, and where the muscles, though not obe- dient to the will, are subject to irregular and violent actions ; and it survives the connexion with the rest ofthe system, as when animals, very tenacious of life, are cut into parts: but sensibility, the property of the nerves, gives the various modifications of sense, as vi- sion, hearing, and the rest; gives also the general sense of pleasure or pain, and makes the system, ac- cording to its various conditions, feel vigorous and healthy, or weary and low. And thus the eye feels, and the skin feels: but their appointed stimuli produce no emotions in these parts; they are sensible, but not irritable. The heart, the intestines, the urinary blad- der, and all the muscles of voluntary motion, answer to stimuli with a quick and forcible contraction; and yet they hardly feel the stimuli by which these con- tractions are produced, or, at least, they do not convey that feeling to the brain. There is no consciousness of present stimulus in those parts which are called into action by the impulse of the nerves, and at the com- mand of the will: so that muscular parts have all the irritability of tbe system, with but little feeling, and that little owing to the nerves which enter into their substance; while nerves have all the sensibility of the system, but no motion. The discovery of this singular property belongs to our countryman Glisson; but Baron Haller must be con- sidered as the first wlio clearly pointed out its existence, and proved it to be the cause of muscular motion. The laws of irritability, according to Dr. Crichton, are, 1. After every action in an irritable part, a state of rest, or cessation from motion, must take place be- fore the irritable part can be again incited to action. If, by an act of volition, we throw any of our muscles into action, that action can only be continued for a certain space of time; the muscle becomes relaxed, notwithstanding all our endeavours to the contrary, and remains a certain time in that relaxed state, before it can be again thrown into action. 2. Each irritable part has a certain portion or quantity of the principle of irritability which is natural to it, part of which it loses during action, or from the application of stimuli. 3. By a process wholly unknown to us, it regains this lost quantity, during its repose, or state of rest. In order to express the different quantities of irritability in any part, we say that it is either more or less re- dundant, or more or less defective. It becomes re- dundant in a part when the stimuli which are calcu- lated to act on that part are withdrawn, or withheld for a certain length of time, because then no action can take place: while, on the other hand, the application of stimuli causes it to be exhausted, or to be deficient, not only by exciting action, hut by some secret influ- ence, the nature of which has not yet been detected; for it is a circumstance extremely deserving of atten- tion, that an irritable part, or body, may be suddenly deprived of its irritability by powerful stimuli, and yet no apparent muscular or vascular action takes place at the time. A certain quantity of spirits, taken at once into the stomach, kills almost as instantaneously as lightning does: the same thing may be observed of some poisons, as opium, distilled laurel-water, the juice of the cerbera abovai, Sec. 4. Each irritable part has stimuli which are peculiar to It, and which are intended to support its natural action: thus, blood, which is the stimulus proper to the heart, and arteries, if, by any accident, it gets into the stomach, produces sickness, or vomiting. If the gall, which is the natural stimulus to the ducts of the liver, the gall-bladder, and I the intestines, is by any accident effused into the ca- ISA ISC *ity of the peritoneum, it excites too groat action of the vessels of that part, and induces inflammation. The urine does not irritate the tender fabric of the kid- neys, ureters, or bladder, except in such a degree as to preserve their healthy action; but if it be effused into the cellular membrane, it brings on such a violent ac- tion of the vessels of these parts, as to produce gan- grene. Such stimuli are called habitual stimuli of parts 5. Each irritable part differs from the rest in regard to the quantity of irritability which it possesses. This law explains to us the reason of the great di- versity which we observe in the action of various irri- table parts; thus, the muscles of voluntary motion can remain a long time in a slate of action, and if it be continued as long as possible, another considerable portion of time is required before they regain the irri- tability they lost; but the heart and arteries have a more short and sudden action, and their state of rest is equally bo. The circular muscles of the intestines have also a quick action and short rest. The urinary bladder does not fully regain the irritability it loses during its contraction for a considerable space of time; the vessels which separate and throw out the men- strual discharge, act, in general, for three or four days, and do not regain the irritability they lose for a lunar month. 6. All stimuli produce action in proportion to their irritating powers. As a person approaches his hand to the fire, tiie action of-all the vessels in the skin is increased, aud it glows with heat; if the hand be approached still nearer, the action is increased to such an unusual degree as to occasion redness and pain; and if it be continued too long, real inflamma- tion takes place; but if this heat be continued, the part at last loses its irritability, and a sphacelus or gan- grene ensues. 7. The action of every stimulus is in an inverse ratio to the frequency of its application. A small quantity of spirits taken into the stomach, in- creases the action of its muscular coat, and also of its various vessels, so that digestion is thereby facilitated. If the same quantity, however, be token frequently, it loses its effect. In order to produce the same effect as at first, a larger quantity is necessary; and hence the origin of dram-drinking. 8. The more the irritability of a part is accumulated, the more that part is disposed to be acted upon. It is on this account that the ac- tivity of all animals, while in perfect health, is much livelier in the morning than at any other part of the day; for, during the night, the irritability of the whole frame, and especially tbat of the muscles destined for labour, viz. the muscles for voluntary action, is reac- cumulated. The same law explains why digestion goes on more rapidly the first hour after food is swal- lowed than at any other time; and it also .accounts for the great danger that accrues to a famished person upon first taking in food. 9. If the stimuli which keep up the action of any irritable body be withdrawn for too great a length of time, that process on which the formation of tlie principle depends is gradually dimi- nished, and at last entirely destroyed. When the irri- tability of the system is too quickly exhausted by heat, as is the case in certain warm climates, the application of cold invigorates the frame, because cold is a mere diminution ofthe overplus of that stimulus which was causing the rapid consumption ofthe principle. Under such or similar circumstances, therefore, cold is a tome remedy; but if, in a climate naturally cold, a person were to go into a cold bath, and not soon return into a warmer atmospbere, it would destroy life just in the same manner as many poor people who have no com- fortable dwellings are often destroyed, from being too long exposed to the cold in winter. Upon the first ap- plication of cold the irritability is accumulated, and the vascular system therefore is exposed to great action; but, after a certain time, all action is so much diminished, that the process, whatever it be, on which the formation of the irritable principle depends, is en- tirely lost. For further information on this interesting subject, see Dr. Crichton on Mental Derangement. IRRITATION. Irritatio. The action produced by any stimulus. ISATIS. (Is-arts of Dioscorides, and Isatis of Pliny, the derivation of which is unknown.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliquosa. Isatis tinctoria. Glastum. The systematic name of the plant used for dying called woad. It is said to be adstringent. J I'sca. A sort of fungous excrescence of the oak,' or of the hazel, &c. The ancients used it as the moderns used moxa. ISCH^E'MON. (From tcrx