sanitary commission. ... l-j£___ APPEAL OF THE EXECUTIVE FINANCE COMMITTEE IN THE CITY OF NEW YOEK. To our Fellow-C'dlzens : The Committee, addressed in the preceding letter from Dr. Bellows, the President of the Sanitary Commission, earnestly entreat your immediate and hearty co-operation in the noble undertaking it so ably advocates. Never before, in the history of human benevolence, did a gracious Providence vouchsafe an opportunity for doing good on such a scale; to so great a number; in so short a time ; and with comparatively so little money. Of the im- mense array of three hundred thousand men now in arms in our defence,—to be swelled, if necessary, to five hundred thou- sand,—the experienced military and medical members of the Sanitary Commission declare that one-fifth, if not one-fourth, may be saved by proper care, who must otherwise perish. Reducing the results of individual action to a form still more precise, they estimate that every dollar, honestly and judi- ciously expended in sanitary measure, will save at least one soldier's life. Cannot a city like ours, find forty or fifty, or even sixty thousand dollars, to save a like number of the sons, the bro- thers, the friends, the fellow-countrymen now gone to battle for the very purpose of rebuilding its own broken fortunes, of restoring, in fullest measure, its former prosperity ? Fellow-citizens: We cannot afford that any one of our brave defenders shall needlessly perish. All our interests, commer- cial, fiscal, political and moral, are crying aloud for a speedy 2 termination of this great national conflict. In such a struggle, it is madness to waste a single hour, still more a single life. Most of all, should we avoid the ruinous delay of slowly re- placing in the wasted camp, the tens of thousands which our neglect may thoughtlessly leave to die, almost within our sight. Men and women of New York ! We beg you to awake to in- stant action. Death is already in the breeze. Disease, in- sidious and inevitable, is now stealing through the camps, on scorching plain, in midnight damp, menacing our dearest treas- ure—the very flower of the nation's youth. You surely will not permit them thus ingloriously to perish. In the name of humanity and patriotism—in the name alike of justice and manly generosity, bidding us save them who stake their lives in saving us—in the name of the honored ancestors, who fought for the land we live in—in the name of the Blessed Being, the friend on earth of the sick and the suffering:, we now commit this holy cause to your willing hearts, your helping bands ; with our earnest assurance that, whatever you do will be doubly welcome, if done at once. Samuel B. Rugglks, Christopher R. Robert, Robert B. Minturn, George Opdykk, Jonathan Stdrgks, Morris Ketchum, William A. Booth, David Hoadley, J. P. Giraud Foster, Charles E. Strong, Members of the Executive Com- mittee of t'.ie Central Financial Committee U. S. Sanitary As- sociation. New York, July 13,1861. 3 Contributions may be sent to any member of this Committee, at his place of business, or to their Treasurer, George S. Coe, Esq., of the American Exchange Bank, cor. Broadway and Ce