p �999999999999� Ml \'f£? *N NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy Library 191 i*^-^ - n i74ii ^omceo' **: Gift o £ ubrary AMf&JPM FOUNDATION FOR Mn««aror>ATMY HEADACHES AND THEIR ONOOMITAIT SYMPTOMS, WITH A COMPLETE AND CONCISE REPERTORY-ANALYSIS BY JNO. C. KING, M.U SECOND EDITION, CHICAGO W. A. CHATTERTON 1891 LIBRARY AMERICAN FOUNDATION FOR HOMOEOPATHY Copyright, /88g, By W. A. Chatterton. OrST) PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The first edition of this little book has been out of print for half a dozen years. Meanwhile many physicians, in different parts of the country, have urged me to prepare a second. Owing to complete physical prostration, from pulmonary tuberculosis, accompanied by frequent haemorrhages, I have been hitherto unable to comply with these requests. My health, however, having been restored (by the genial climate of Banning), I have again undertaken literary work and present the result in the following pages. In this edition a few of the minor remedies, which appeared in the former, have been stricken out. In place of them a number of drugs appear that were omitted in the first edition. Notably — kali-brom., melilotus, picric- acid., etc. The general plan of the work remains the same, although many of the remedies have been largely rewritten and additions made to nearly all. The concomitant symptoms have been selected with greater care; the intent being to convey to the reader a fair idea of the conditions ordinarily co-existing with the headaches produced by the several drugs. I believe this presentation of symptoms to be re- liable. Much has been written regarding the unreliability of our materia medica; so much, indeed, that many of us have become skeptical concerning the value of symptom-lists. In this collection I have endeavored to eliminate uncertainties; to include only that which has been uproved" or tested clinically. That my effort has been successful I am prone to believe, from the fact that I have received large numbers of letters from those who have found the former edition useful — consequently reliable. I permit myself to hope that my labor PREFACE. 14 may repay, to some slight degree, the debt I own to the profession at large for the use of our common fund of knowledge. John C. King. Banning, Cal., October, 1890. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. This work was originally undertaken by the Allegheny County Materia Medica Club. The club transferred the work to a committee; the committee in turn transferred it to the author, who desires to return sincere thanks for the use of MS. prepared by members of the Club, and for the kind assistance rendered him by Drs. Caruthers and Strong, of Allegheny City, Pa. Headache, of itself, is only a symptom, it is rarely or never idiopathic, yet frequently it is the most prominent symptom- and the one the physician is called upon to relieve. The desirability of collecting our knowledge of this subject into a form available for immediate service is- apparent. The demand for "Bell on Diarrhoea," and other mono- graphs, is evidence that such collections are valuable. An epitome of this kind can be used in an emergency, or to refresh the memory, or as an index to remedies that should be more thoroughly studied for a given case; it can be abused by relying on it while neglecting the materia medica. The plan of this little book has been approved by a number of physicians. The chief aim has been reliability, and in attempting to secure this, no doubt many symptoms have been excluded that ought to have been admitted. It is hoped that any who may use the book will make careful annotations and thus in time render our knowledge perfect. The selection of concomitant symptoms has proved exceedingly difficult. Almost any possible symptom may be an accompaniment of headache, but only those most frequently occurring have been included, PREFACE. 16 and, of these, mental symptoms have been preferred; the choice, hav- ing been in a great measure arbitrary, has necessarily been imperfect. A complete repertory of concomitants would have been endless, an incomplete one worthless, therefore none has been made. The repertory is a full analysis of the location, direction and character of the pains, of their aggravation, amelioration, condition, time of appearance and the peculiar sensation accompanying them ; the causes and patho- logical varieties of headache are enumerated. It is impossible to give credit to each of the many sources from which the contents of this book have been derived. Standard works, text- books and journals have been laid under contribution. Only those who are familiar with work of this kind are aware of the difficulties by which it is surrounded, and the author realizes, only too clearly, his inability to comply with all reasonable requirements; at the same time he ventures to express the belief that the result of his labor will be found useful by those who desire to utilize it. Jno. C. King. Circleville, O., February, 1879. HEADACHES THEIR LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER, AMELIORATION, AGGRAVATION, AND CONCOMITANTS. ACETIC ACID. NOTE. Nervous headaches, caused by abuse of narcotic stimulants; or by chronic gastric irritation ; or accompanying catarrhal conditions of the mucous membranes. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Confused, dull aching over frontal regions (nervous cephalalgia). Dull pains in forehead and vertex. Severe paroxysmal headache. Shooting pains through temples. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Distention of cerebral bloodvessels, with increased heat of head. Giddiness, symptoms of cerebral congestion. Headache from abuse of opium, tobacco, coffee, alcohol. Heaviness of head, with sense of intoxication. AGGRAVATION. From any nervous excitement. CONCOMITANTS. Very dull and low-spirited. Extreme irritability of temper. Con- fusion of ideas. No thirst with fever. Vomiting soon after eat- ing. Emaciation. Haemorrhage from mucous membrane. Pro- fuse hsemorrhoidal bleeding. Flushes of heat, more in outer parts, increasing the sweat. ACONITE. 18 ACONITE. NOTE. Adapted to sanguine, plethoric persons; or to those who lead seden- tary lives. The headache follows exposure to cold, dry currents of air; suppressed perspiration; anger; chagrin; or accom- paines cerebral congestion. It is characterized by congestion of blood to the head, with fever; excessive sensibility; timidity; fearfulness; intolerance of light, noise or touch; violent, unbearable, stupefying pains, chiefly in the forehead and temples; nausea and vomiting. In neuralgic headaches a local application may be profitably made, over the affected nerve. Notwithstanding the prominence that has been given to aconite for years, it is too infrequently used for the relief of head pains. No drug will act more promptly—when indicated. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Burning headache, as if brain were moved by boiling water. Fullness and heaviness in forehead, as from a weight, which, with entire brain, would press through forehead, or through eyes. Head feels as if brain were moved or raised; worse during motion, talking, drinking or in sunlight; violent, stupefying headache, with great fullness and heaviness in forehead. Hemicrania, with violent pain over left eye, attended by nausea and vomiting. Hemicrania, or sun pain, especially from sleeping in rays of sun; commencing in morning, increasing till noon, going off as sun declines. Pains limited to small spot, with redness of lobule of ear. Piercing, throbbing pain in forehead, worse from motion. Piercing and throbbing, or pressure, in forehead, temples and top of head. Stinging pain, or beating and shooting, or numbness and tingling in head. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Congestion to head, with great heat and redness of face. Hair feels as if standing on end ; scalp sensitive to touch. Headaches accompanied by feverish, nervous restlessness; or by coryza, or roaring in the ears, fever, sleeplessness. Headache so violent that she loses consciousness and lies as if in a fainting fit. Headache with increased secretion of urine. Vertigo when stooping, looking up, rising from a seat, with nausea. AGGRAVATION. From motion, light, noise, drinking, talking, or rising from a recum- bent posture. »9 ACT^A RAC. AMELIORATION. Generally better while at rest, or in the open air; relieved by copious urinatioir. CONCOMITANTS. Fear and anxiety of mind, with great nervous excitability. Variable humor, dejection and gaiety alternating. Gets desperate and declares he cannot bear the pains. Earache or acute oph- thalmia are frequently concomitant. Dryness of mouth and tongue; tongue coated white, or yellow white. Burning, un- quenchable thirst. Bitter, bilious, greenish vomiting, with anguish and fear of death. Pulse small, hard, wiry and quick. Suppression of menses—from fright or vexation. Menses too profuse and protracted, especially in young and plethoric women. ACTiEA RACEMOSA. NOTE. Congestive headache. Nervous headache (periodical or remittent). Rheumatic, neuralgic, hysterical and menstrual headaches. Indicated in headaches resulting from loss of sleep; from abuse of alcoholic drinks; from mental strain and worry of mind; from exposure of head to currents of cold, damp air; from re- flex uterine irritation. The pains in the head frequently extend to the eyeballs, and are attended by faintness, and "sinking" at the pit of the stomach. I have found Cimicifuga of value in headaches of pregnancy, when the patient suffered; as well, from " bearing down " pains and from an abiding consciousness of the existence of a stomach, yet without actual retching or vomiting. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Acute pain through head during day. Brain feels too large for cranium ; a pressing from within outward. Constant dull pain in head, particularly in occiput, extending to the vertex, during forenoon and part of afternoon. Dull boring in forehead, over left superciliary ridge, at 10 A. m. Dull frontal headache, relieved by pressure. Dull pain in occipital region, with shooting pains down back of neck. Excruciating pain in forehead, extending to temples on awaking at 2 A.M., with coldness in forehead. Headache, with severe pain in the eyeballs, extending into forehead, and increased by slightest movement of head or eyeballs. Intense throbbing pain, as if a ball were driven from the neck to vertex, with every throb of the heart. ACT^A RAC. 20 Pain over the eyes and in the eyes, extending along base of brain to occiput. Sensation of heat on top of head. Sensation as if temples were compressed. Severe pains over right or left eye, extending to eye or base of brain, with dejection of spirits. Severe pain in forehead, extending to temples and vertex, with full- ness, heat and throbb'ng; when going up stairs, sensation as if top of head would fly off. The pains in the head seemed to extend over and through the whole brain, producing a distinct sense of soreness in the occipital region, which was increased by motion. Vertigo, impaired vision, dizziness, dullness, with fullness and aching in vertex. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Congestion of the eyes during headache. Dullness and heaviness of the head, as if he had been on a " spree." Great pain in head, back and limbs. Head feels as if pounded full of something. Moving head or turning the eyes, caused a sensation as if cranium was opening and shutting. Pain, as if situated between eyeball and orbital plate of frontal bone. Pains in head and face are constant. Pain in head relieved in open air. Rheumatic pains in muscles of head and back—a feeling of stiffness and retraction. Rush of blood to the head; brain feels too large for cranium ; after suppressed uterine discharges or suddenly-ceasing pains. The pains in the eyes are chiefly aching, extending to different portions of the head. Severe, remittent headache of long standing, occurring every day at the same hour. Waving sensation in the brain. AGGRAVATION. From motion; on awaking; during menses. AMELIORATION. In the open air; from pressure; from rest. CONCOMITANTS. Anxious, nervous, irritable condition. Great melancholy, with sleeplessness. Apprehensiveness and sleeplessness in pregnant women. Sensation as if a heavy, black cloud had settled all over her and enveloped her head, so that all was darkness and confusion, while at the same time it weighed like lead upon her heart. Not disposed to fix the attention on any subject. 21 ACT^EA SPICATA. Eructations, with nausea and vomiting, with headache. Faint- ness and emptiness in the epigastrium almost constant. Sensa- tion of weight and bearing down in the uterine region, with a feeling of heaviness and torpor of lower extremities. Menses appear too early. Amenorrhoea, with excessive pain in head, back and limbs; with dark circles around eyelids. Retarded menstruation, with pressive, heavy headache. Increased flow of urine. Neuralgic pains in all the extremities. Excessive muscular soreness. Rheumatism affecting bellies of muscles. ACT^A SPICATA. NOTE. Suitable to headaches of a rheumatic or neuralgic origin, with a tendency to periodicity. Also to headaches arising from impair- ment of hepatic functions. Symptoms more intense at night. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Boring pain in head. Hammering pain in occiput. Pain in the temples. Pain which seems seated in periosteum, or even in bones of head. Pressure in the vertex. Pulling, tearing pain, commencing in carious tooth, extending to zygomatic bone and temples; increased by slightest touch, or any movement of facial muscles. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Eruption of small pimples in hairy scalp. Headache which persists after the fevel. Warm sweat of head. AGGRAVATION. At night; from walking. CONCOMITANTS. Periodicity often marked. Sadness; melancholy; complaining; prosopalgia. Acute or chronic hepatitis. Suspension of alvine discharges. Especially suited to men. Diminished sensibility over whole surface of body. Skin pale, waxen, cold. Rheuma- tism of joints, especially the smaller ones of feet and hands. dESCULUS HIPP. 22 ^SCULUS HIPP. NOTE. Suitable for persons with haemorrhoidal tendencies, and who suffer with gastric, bilious, or catarrhal troubles. Headaches with dull pain and stiches, chiefly in forehead, temples and occiput; accompanied with confusion and vertigo, together with sensa- tion of fullness and pressure, rather than acute pain. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull frontal headache, with constrictive feeling of skin of forehead. Dull frontal headache, and weight. Dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat over occiput, neck and shoulders. Dull pain in right temple and occiput, followed by dull stitches in forehead and left temple. Dull pressure in forehead, with slight nausea, followed immediately by stitches in right hypochondrium. Frequent flying pains through temples. Neuralgia darting from right to left across forehead, followed by pains in epigastrium. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Confused feeling in the head, with giddiness. Feeling as if a board was on the head. AGGRAVATION. Rising from a seat; stooping. CONCOMITANTS. Feeling depressed and low spirited. Extremely irritable. Thick, yellow phlegm in mouth and on tongue. Feeling of dryness and roughness of throat, as from taking cold. Sensation of burning and rawness in throat Constricted sensation with in- clination tc swallow. Stinging and burning in posterior nares and soft palate. Dryness of posterior nares, with sneezing, followed by severe coryza. Violent burning in stomach, bowles and liver, with distress, nausea and violent vomiting. Hard, dry stool, passed with difficulty, with dryness of rectum and heat. Haemorrhoids very painful and burniug, and of a pur- plish color. Dry, uncomfortable feeling in rectum, as if it were filled with small sticks. Constant backache, affecting sacrum and hips; aggravated by walking and stooping. Sen- sation of fullness, as from too much blood in different parts of body. Mucous membrane dry and swollen. Muscles sore in morning on waking and on motion. 23 AGARICUS MUSC. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. NOTE. Headaches occuring in those who are subject to affections of the motar centres, giving rise to tremors, chorea, etc.; or in those who readily become delirious in fever or with pain. Nervous headache. Headache of chronic alcoholism. Headache from frost-bitten nose or ears. Nervous headache from over-work at the desk. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Burning in head. Drawing from both sides of frontal bone as far as root of nose. Dull headache, especially in forehead; he must move head constantly to and fro, and close the eyes. Icy coldness in region of coronal suture after scratching. Pain as from a nail in right side of forehead. Pain as though sharp ice touched head, or cold needles pierced it. Pressing in right side of head, as if a nail were thrnst in; worse when sitting quietly, better when moving about. Semilateral pains. Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though warm to touch. Tearing and pressing in left half of brain. Violent oppressive pains, chiefly in forehead. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Confusion of head, heaviness, as after intoxication. Head constantly falling backward, as if a weight were attached to occiput. Twitching of head and cervical muscles, worse on right side, draw- ing head toward shoulder. Twitching in skin of forehead above right eye. Vertigo; reeling, as from spirituous liquors; when walking in the open air he staggers to and fro. Vertigo, brought on by protracted mental application, or exciting debates. AGGRAVATION. In the morning; in the open air; the heat of the sun; sitting quietly; from mental exertion ; from sexual indulgence. AMELIORATION. Pressure; after copious stool; moving slowly about—the clavus. CONCOMITANTS. Out of humor; self-willed; morose; stubborn. Frequent, slight twitching in eyelids. Twitching of facial muscles. Violent, shooting, burning pains, deep in spine. Painfulness along AGNUS CAST. 24 spinal column when stooping. Spinal column sensitive to touch, worse in morning. Sensation as if ants were creeping along spine. Frequent jumping of muscles in different parts of body ; generaltr embling. In women, awful bearing-down pains, almost intolerable. AGNUS CASTUS. NOTE. It is probably best suited to headaches of persons with derangements of the womb, ovaries, testicles, or sexual organs in general; the headaches of those given to sexual excesses, or subject to seminal emissions; or of those of unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Contractive headache above temples, when reading. Headache in upper part of head, as from staying in a room filled with a thick and smoky atmosphere; looking to one point re- lieves it. It is homoeopathic to tearing pains, especially above right eye and temple, as if one had received a blow upon the eye, attended with soreness to touch, increased by motion, aggravated in evening, and lasting for several days. Tearing and chilliness in scalp, which, however, is warm to touch. Tearing, with pressure in temples and forehead, in brain; more violent during motion. AGGRAVATION. From motion; in evening. AMELIORATION. From looking to one point. CONCOMITANTS. Premature old age, which arises in young persons from abuse of sexual powers, marked by melancholy, apathy, mental dis- traction, self-contempt, general debility, frequent loss of sper- matic fluid. Complete loss of sexual desire, penis is small, flaccid and cold. Melancholy, hypochondriac mood. Extreme ab- sence of mind, unable to recollect anything. Thinks he is certainly going to die, and there is no use doing anything. Chilliness of whole body, without thirst; hands are only part cold to touch. Disagreement of food, with sense of repletion or feeling of nausea in pit of stomach. 25 AILANTHUS-ALLTUM CEPA. AILANTHUS. NOTE. Nervous, sensitive persons. Especially suited to women and children. In low, adynamic forms of disease, characterized by sudden and extreme prostration, torpor, vomiting; pulse small and rapid; purplish appearance of skin. Bilious temperament, stout and robust. Attacks characterized by fullness of head, with heat, burning pains, darting in temples and occiput; vertigo and nausea. I have had two brilliant responses from Ailanthus in headaches occurring in connection with scarlatina. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Darting pain in back of head, with beating in occiput. Darting through the temples and back of head, with confusion of ideas. Dull headache, with burning in eyes and oppression of chest. Dull, frontal headache; disinclined to think or to act. Head burning hot, with piercing pains. Sensation of passage of electric current from head into extremities. Severe headache, with dizziness and red, hot face. Severe headache, with nausea. Severe pain through temples. Thick, heavy feeling in base and right side of head. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when stooping. Vertigo, with nausea and cold sweat. AGGRAVATION. On awaking; general aggravation in morning. AMELIORATION. From pressure (heaviness). CONCOMITANTS. Stupor; mental indifference and weakness; low, muttering delirium. Great anxiety. Wild looking eyes, with intolerance of light. Drowsiness, followed by insensibility. ALLIUM CEPA. NOTE. Headaches accompanying acute coryza. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Confusion in occiput, first on both sides and toward upper part, press- ing down sideway, then behind ears around whole occiput. Headache from both sides of head downward and inward toward middle. ALOES. 26 Headache, first in occiput, then in forehead over right eye. Pains deep in head, over left brow. Pain in forehead, with catarrh. Pain in both temples, most severe in right, aggravated by winking; afterward pain extends over forehead, worse on left side. Pain in temples, worse after motion of eyelids. Severe headache with slight coryza. The head is full and heavy. The whole head becomes hot. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Confusion of head, with coryza. Headache in room, in evening, with coryza; better in open air; ag- gravated on returning to warm room. Headache returns during menses, and ceases when they disappear. Vertigo, etc. (on rising up). AGGRAVATION. On return to warm room; from winking; catarrhal symptoms worse in evening. AMELIORATION. In open air. CONCOMITANTS. Very melancholy, with catarrh. Excessive lachrymation, with coryza. Copious watery discharge from nose and eyes. Violent thirst. A severe cold, frequent sneezing, lachrymation, pain in forehead, acrid discharge from left nostril, hacking cough on in- spiring cola air. Tired feeling in all limbs. Frequent urination with burning in urethra. Urine very red. ALOES. NOTE. Headache from hepatic derangements, with hiemorrhoidal tendency; from constipation. Suited to old people; to phlegmatic, in- dolent persons. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Downward and inward pressing pain in forehead. Dull headache across forehead, with heaviness of eyes, and nausea. Dull, heavy headache, with congestion of liver. Dull, pressing frontal headache, rendering him unfit for all labor, especialy mental. Dull, pressing pain in supraorbital region and sinciput. Headache after griping of bowels and insufficient stool. Murky pain in head and forehead. 27 ALUMINUM. Periodical haemorrhoidal headaches, alternating with pain in back. Sense of weight in vertex, pressing outward toward temples, with periodic heat of face, and flickering before eyes; worse from heat, and better from cold applications. Stitches in temples; aggravated by every footstep. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Congestion to head, compelling one to sit down. Sensitiveness of the scalp in spots. Vertigo, as if everything whirled with her. AGGRAVATION. From heat; from every footstep. AMELIORATION. From cold applications. CONCOMITANTS. Lasssitude, alternating with great mental activity Nausea, with empty feeling in stomach; with pain at umbilicus. Burning, uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension in hepatic region. Sense of insecurity in bowels, as if diarrhoea might occur at any time. Haemorrhoidal congestions; haemorrhoids bleed often and pro- fusely, protrude like grapes. Pressing down in rectum during menses; From mucous membrances secretion of mucus in jelly- like lumps or "cakes." Phlegmatic, indolent persons. Most prominent action is upon rectum. ALUMINUM. Suitable to persons of a scrofulous habit, who suffer from chronic diseases Indicated in chronic catarrhs of head, and for head- aches resulting from or accompanying them. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Burning, pressive pain, with heat in forehead, while standing or HeATh^thTSeSi of countenance and languor; vertex feels Dainful to touch. , . Headache abates when head is rested quietly upon a «shion. Headache attended with nausea, oppression in forehead, and rush of blood to eves and nose, with bleeding from nose Headacne, sometimes on left side, aggravated by walking in open air. ALUMINUM. 28 Lacerating pain in (lead. Pain in head and nape of neck, \t increases on going to bed, and only leaves off in morning, on rising. Pressure in forehead from without inward, or within outward, or over eyes in evening, sometimes with a chill, or following nocturnal heat or sweat; sensation in head as if its contents were in a vice, weight on top. Semilateral affections of head; old rheumatic affections, always ap- pearing on same side. Stitches in brain, sometimes with inclination to vomit. Stupefying tightness in right temple, relieved by pressing upon it. Throbbing frontal pain, worse going up stairs, or stepping. Throbbing in head, sometimes with stitches, pressive or lancinating. Tightness, with drawing and beating in right side of occiput. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Falling off and dryness of the hair. Headache, with constipation. Head always feels giddy as soon as she opens her eyes. Itching scales on hairy scalp. Soreness to touch, creeping and titillation of hairy scalp. Vertigo, everything turns with him in a circle, attended with nausea. AGGRAVATION. From walking in open air, going up stairs, or stepping; on going to bed; worse on alternate days, in a warm room and in the evening — general symptoms. AMELIORATION. From pressure on it; in open air; on rising in morning; when rest- ing head quietly on a cushion. CONCOMITANTS. No desire to do anything, especially anything serious. Anguish, op- pressive and vague fearfulness, or uneasiness, as if he had com- mitted a crime. Inability to recollect things, or follow up a train of thought. Unrefreshing night sleep, a mere slumbering, with sensation in morning as if he had not slept enough. Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy, sore nostrils and discharge of thick, yellow mucus. Constipation from great dryness of the mucous follicles of rectum, with long-lasting pain in rectum. Stools hard, knotty, like sheep dung. She cannot pass her urine without straining at stool. Profuse, acrid leucorrhoea, with great debility, aggravated by walking. Chronic diseases which occur in dry, thin subjects. Has frequent relapses. 2g AMBRA GRISEA—AMMONIACUM. AMBRA GRISEA. NOTE. Headaches of old people and children. Nervous symptoms pre- dominate. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dullness and confusion in occiput. Extremely painful tearing on top of head, and apparently in whole upper half of brain. Heaviness, pressure and fullness of head, with vertigo and headache. Pressive drawing ascending from nape of neck, and extending through head toward forehead; considerable oppression re- maining in lower part of occiput. Pressure in forehead, with fear of becoming crazy. Tearing pain in left temple, up to vertex; in right frontal eminence and behind left ear. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when moving about. Music causes rush of blood to head. AMELIORATION. Generally better in open air. CONCOMITANTS. Memory impaired. Comprehension slow. Thinking difficult. Sleep- lessness from mental worry. Nosebleed. Menses too early, and too profuse. Intermenstrual discharge of blood. Nervous cough. Spasmodic cough, followed by eructation and hoarse- ness. Twitching of muscles. Numbness and tingling of ex- tremities. Great weakness and lassitude. AMMONIACUM. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Aching in forehead, with confusion of who'e head, and such drowsi- ness that any effort or labor was utterly impossible. Aching in forehead. Forehead confused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in loins. Frequently-returning stitches, as from a knite, in middle of hairy scalp. Furry sensation at occiput. Heaviness of head. Pressive pains in whole forehead, and over eyes. Pressive pain in whole head, especially in supraorbital region and occiput. AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. 30 Stitching pains pressing through head. Stitching upon occiput, where hair ceases; under hair pustules were formed. Tearings in left side of head. Transient, stitching pains in left temporal region. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Itching of hairy scalp (more in vertex and below), requiring him to scratch. Where hair ceases, isolated pustules. CONCOMITANTS. Confusion of head and sleepiness, with a sensation as if bruised in limbs, and pains in course of crural nerve. Forehead con- fused, with weakness of sight and heaviness in loins. Aching in upper part of eye. Dimness and obstruction of sight in evening, amounting almost to blindness; stars and fiery points move with eyes. Daylight hurts his eyes. Before eyes a cloud of dust constantly wavered. AMMONIUM BROMIDUM. NOTE. Feeling as if a band was tied around head above ears, pressing hardest just above ears. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Headache from congestion of brain. Pain around both eyes, into head. Pain in side of head, near eye, as if a nail were driven in. Sharp pain in left side of head, near eye. CONCOMITANTS. Right eye full of stringy mucus. In morning, tongue smarts severely, as if just burned. During day, throat filled with white, sticky mucus, streaked with blood. Throat sore, looks mottled, as if diphtheritic deposits were commencing. Irritation of throat, with inclination to cough. Recommended for cure of obesity! 3* AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. AMMONIUM CARBONICUM. NOTE. Especially applicable to fat, stout women, who lead sedentary lives and have headaches and various troubles in consequence; or to weak, nervous persons, scrofulous children and old people. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Boring and lancinating pain in head at night. Chronic headache. Congestive headache, with pulsating, beating and pressing in fore- head and vertex, as if" it would burst at those points; worse after eating; while walking in open air; better from pressure; in warm room. From without toward forehead and vertex. Hard beating in forehead, as if it would burst. Headache with nausea, particularly early in morning in bed, with pain in stomach; ill-humor after dinner, lasting whole day. Heaviness and beating in forehead. In forehead and vertex, sometimes in occiput. Pain in head resembling hammering or hacking with a flat instru- ment. Pulsating, beating and pressive. Sensation of looseness in brain, as if it fell toward side to which he leaned. Sense of oppressive fullness in forehead and vertex, as if head would burst. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Buzzing in ears with dullness of hearing. Congestion of blood to head at night; heat in face. Double vision. On moving head, sensation as if brain moving to and fro toward the side which he stoops. Rush of blood to head; feeling of lightness in head. Scalp, even the hair, sensitive to touch. Sparks before the eyes at night. Vertigo mostly in morning. AGGRAVATION. After eating; during wet weather; in evening; while walking in open air. AMELIORATION. From pressure ; in warm room. AMMONIUM MURIATICL'M. 32 CONCOMITANTS. Anxiety; anguish; ill-humor. Feverish. Very forgetful and absent- minded. Violent starting in sleep. Listlessness. Lethargy. Dejection. Nosebleed. Dry coiyza, especially at night, with- out the slightest air passing through. Great dryness of mouth and throat. Continuous thirst; no appetite, or great hunger satiated by eating but little. Empty eructations very frequent Nausea after eating. Constipation with haemorrhoids. Burn- ing at anus with great tenesmus. Pale urine with sandy sedi- ment; frequent urination. Erections without sexual desire. Menses premature, abundant, blackish, often in clots, preceded by griping and colic, or too late and scanty, often acrid. Scanty menses always accompanied with frontal headache. Fluor albas, burning, acrid and watery. Dry cough at night from tickling in larynx. Dyspnoea, with palpitation of heart. Hoarse- ness and roughness in throat. Cough dry and worse at night, like from feather-down in throat. Sympathetic and parotid glands indurated and swollen. Great palpitation. Great lassitude. Pulse hard, frequent. Great chilliness. Extreme sensitiveness to open air. AMMONIUM MURIATICUM. NOTE. Suitable to fat, bloated and lax individuals, who are indolent and sluggish. Rheumatic, tearing pains in head, temples and occi- put; heaviness and pressure in forehead. Generally affects left side. To be thought of in neuralgic headaches. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Contractive pain in occiput, as though screwed in, extending to sides of head. Fullness of head with giddiness; feels as if it was very heavy. Heaviness of forehead, in morning after rising and during day (with internal sensation of heat and some sweat). Painful tearing in right temple and down into sides of head. Pressure in forehead, toward root of nose, with sensation as if brain was torn; aggravation after rising. Rheumatic pains in head, so severe as to cause nausea; burning of ears and deafness. Stitches in left temple and side of head, and when stooping, in the vertex, with sensation as if head would split. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Sleepless on account of heat in head. Vertigo and fullness of head, as if it were very heavy. 33 AMYL NITRITE. AGGRAVATION. In the morning, after rising; during the day; when stooping. CONCOMITANTS. Irritability and bad humor, espacially in morning, with disinclination to speak. Melancholy and anxious, as if laboring under some grief or sorrow. Coryza, with stoppage, great soreness and tenderness of nose, and loss of smell. Watery, acrid coryza. Severe throbbing in glands of neck and tonsils, accompanied by sensation of want of air. Empty or hungry feeling in stomach. Hiccough, eructations, nausea, waterbrash. Haemorrhoidal trouble, with burning and stinging in rectum. Stool hard, crumbling, scanty. Tearing rheumatic pains in extremities. Chilliness on lying down and on waking. Increased secretions of mucous membranes. AMYL NITRITE. NOTE. Congestive headache, with heat and throbbing in head, accompanied by a feeling of intense fullness. Headache during climacteric, or accompanying cardiac disorders. Although the symptoms of Amyl are readily identified, we frequently find that other remedies — as Belladonna and Glonoine — have been given where Amyl has been indicated. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Beating, throbbing and bursting sensation in head and ears, with constriction of throat and heart. Throbbing in vertex. Dull, heavy aching all through head. Sense of fullness and distention of head, amounting at last to severe pain and accompanied by intense flushing of face, starting perspiration on head, face and neck. Nearly unbearable migraine, especially on left side. Pressure, throbbing and heaviness in forehead, temples and occiput, with nausea and heat of stomach. - No p'ain in head is felt until some time after attack comes on and it is then of a dull, aching character in vertex, accompanied by unusual paleness of face and coldness of feet and hands. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Great confusion in head, with vertigo; visible pulsating and throb- bing in temples, with sense of tension in temples. Sudden beating of carotids, which extends to head and temples, accompanied with intense flushing of face, which precedes debilitating perspiration. ANACARDIUM. 34 ACCRAVATION. Worse from motion; worse from being in a warm room. AMELIORATION. In the open air, and from rest. CONCOMITANTS. Anxiety, as if something might happen; must have fresh air. Mental confusion. Protruding, staring eyes; conjunctiva injected. Throbbing in ears. Flusing of face, followed by turgidity of facial veins. Great precordial anxiety. Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart action. General relaxed, weak feeling over whole body. ANACARDIUM. NOTE. Suitable in headache of a gastric or nervous origin; or to those arising from general nervous prostration. I have found the "entire re- lief after eating" a very reliable symptom. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Constrictive headache in forehead, with very irritable mood; pain increases hourly; momentarily relieved by hard pressure, finally whole head affected; worse during motion. Throbbing headache. Tearing, pressing headache in forehead, temples and occiput, from exertion of mind. Tearing headache during hard labor. Dull pressure, as from a plug, on left side of vertex. Pressive pain on top of head when coughing or taking a deep in- spiration. Pressing pain in temples, as from a nail. Stitches over right eye. Stitches in left side of head, from without inward, and from forehead spreading over whole head. Tearing, throbbing in vertex. Tearing pain in occiput; worse from misstep, a loud noise or strong odors. Constrictive pain in forehead. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when stooping, with sensation of turning around in a circle. Vertigo, as if surroundings or self was tottering. Violent itching of scalp. Many little boils on hairy scalp very sensitive to touch, about the size of flax seed. 35 ANTIMONIUM CRUDE. AMELIORATION. Toward evening, in bed, in every pain in head; momentary relief from hard pressure; during dinner; entire relief from eating. AGGRAVATION. Worse dunng motion and after eating; on washing in morning; bending head backward; breathing deeply aggravated pain in vertex, also coughing; hard labor; from misstep, loud noise, strong odors. CONCOMITANTS. Great weakness of memory. Slight offense causes excessive anger; breaking out in personal violence. Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding to do what the other forbids. Anxiety and feeling of impending misfortune. Hypochondriasis. Dull pressure as of a plug on upper border of right orbit. Halo around light. Humming in ears. Loss of smell. Dry coryza. Paleness of face. Bleeding of gums upon slight rubbing. Tongue is white and rough. Flat, offensive taste in mouth and of food. Con- stant thirst, yet drinking takes breath away, must stop frequently during a draught. Nausea with retching soon after drinking cold water, with vomiting of water accompanied by pain, as if oesophagus were distended by large ball. Symptoms disappear after dinner, appear anew after two ho'urs. Weak digestion, with fullness and distention of abdomen. Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool is expelled with difficulty. Pulse generally ac- celerated. Stiffness of nape of neck. Tired feeling in all the limbs. Restlessness of body, cannot keep still; on this account sleeplessness. Internal chilliness even in warm room. Press- ing or penetrating pain, as from a plug, in different parts. ANTIMONIUM CRUDE. NOTE. Headache in consequence of indigestion; chill; bathing, particu- larly in cold water; repercussion of an eruption; or accom- panying symptoms of depressed vitality of mucous membranes. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Slight, dull headache and vertigo, increased by ascending stairs. Stupefying, dull headache in forehead, so violent that sweat broke out from anxiety, when walking in open air. In left temporal region, pressure inward, drawing; slow pulsation with fine pricking. Violent headache after bathing in river, with weakness of limbs and aversion to food. ANTIMONIUM TART. 35 Splitting pain in forehead, or else aching, boring and spasmodic, or dull and tearing pains, especially in forehead, temples and vertex; aggravation of pains on going up stairs; amelioration in open air; chilly, aching sensation in limbs; nausea, loathing anorexia, risings, and inclination to vomit. Heaviness in forehead, vertigo, nausea, epistaxis. Headache over one eye, in one spot, worse at noon, decreases at night, not relieved by vomiting. AGGRAVATION. On going up stairs; at noon. AMELIORATION. In open air; at night. CONCOMITANTS. Great sadness — does not wish to be spoken to, or touched, or looked at. Redness and inflammation of eyelids, soreness of outer canthi. Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils. Tongue coated thick milky white. Belching, with taste of what has been eaten. Loathing, nausea, desire to vomit. Vomiting of mucus and bile. Stomach weak, easily disturbed digestion. Aching of limbs, with nausea and vomiting. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Headache, as from a band compressing forehead. Pressive pains in forehead, stitching extending downward into left eye. Tensive, stupefying headache, with pressure from without inward, in forehead and over root of nose; particularly proceeding frcm temples, with drawing and digging to root of nose. Stitches in left parietal bone on stooping, extending forward. Throbbing in right side of forehead. Painful drawing in right temple, extends down to zygoma and upper jaw. Tearing pains in head. Scalp very sensitive, with heaviness of head. Dullness and stupefaction of head, with tensive sensation and drowsy and weary feeling. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo: on closing eyes; on walking—with flickering before eyes. Trembling of head, particularly when coughing. Vertigo, with drowsiness. 37 APIS MEL. AMELIORATION. From bathing head. CONCOMITANTS. Confusion of head, with feeling as if he ought to sleep. Mental excitement. Apprehensive and restless. Flickering before eyes. Sneezing, fluent coryza and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell. Burning heat of face. Cold sweat on face. Pale, sunken face. Retching, then vomiting/followed by great pros- tration. Constant nausea. Anxious oppression of chest, and . rising of warmth from heart. Accumulation of mucus in chest, causing much rattling. Tongue covered by thick, white, pasty coat, very red in streaks, dry in the middle. APIS MELLIFICA. NOTE. Nervous headache of bilious or gastric origin. Reflex headache from ovarian irritation. Headache from meningeal irritation. I have found Apis of value in the hydrocephalic headaches of children. Adapted to strumous diathesis, women and children. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Head confused and dizzy, with constant pressive pain around and above eyes, relieved by pressure of hands. Dull pain over whole head, relieved by pressure. Headache with fullness and heaviness in occiput; head feels as if swollen. Violent drawing from back of neck, extending behind left ear. Neuralgic pain, like a beesting, in left temple. Dull, heavy, tensive headache over eyes, with pain through orbits. Burning, throbbing headache, aggravated by motion. Chronic headache, affecting forehead, temples and eyes, with vertigo, nausea and vomiting. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Headache accompanied by vertigo, heaviness and fullness of head. Head feels swollen; integuments feel swollen and stiff. Brain feels tired, and as if gone to sleep; tingling. AGGRAVATION. From motion or stooping; in a warm room ; from rising up. AMELIORATION. Temporarily better by pressing head firmly with hands. ARANEA DIADEMA. 38 CONCOMITANTS. Congestion to head and face ; fullness of head. Head confused and dizzy; impaired memory. Awkwardness, lets things fall; irri- table mood, hard to please. Nervous, restless, dread of death. Conjunctiva injected. Burning, shooting and stinging pains in eyes. Eyelids swollen, red and cedematous. Intense photo- phobia. GLdematous swelling of face. Face waxy and pale, or red, hot and swollen. Tongue, mouth and throat dry, swollen, sore, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles. No thirst. Burning heat in stomach. Diarrhoea of various shades, with sensation of rawness. Enlargement of right ovary. Burning, stinging pains in region of uterus and ovaries, worse during menses. Burning and stinging pains, urticaria and cedematous swellings are very characteristic. ARANEA DIADEMA NOTE. Suitable in hydrogenoid constitutions, when the attack comes at regular hours ; with symptoms of malarial poisoning. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Confusion of head, and pain, especially in right temple and upper part of forehead; relieved by resting head on hand, but reap- pears on removing hand. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Headache and confusion of head, both relieved by smoking (but they return and continue nearly all day). Heat in forehead and eyes; an unpleasant flickering before eyes; aggravated by reading or writing, at same time pain in head worse. Headache continues until evening; becomes milder, however, after a few hours, and ceases entirely in open air. AGGRAVATION. By reading; writing; on removing hand from head. AMELIORATION. Smoking; in open air; resting head on hand. CONCOMITANTS. Sudden, violent pains in all the teeth at night, immediately after lying down. Haemorrhages from uterus and lungs. Fever, with predominant chill, little heat, no sweat, or only chill with- out heat: sweat, with thirst. Glimmering before the eyes; dizziness, must lie down; on rising a feeling as if head and hands were bloated and swollen. Symptoms generally worse in damp, wet places, or in wet weather. 39 ARGENTUM MET. ARGENTUM METALLICUM. NOTE. Nervous, congestive headaches, perhaps in those suffering from abuse of Mercury, or from self-abuse, or from arthritic inflammation of cartilages. Headache and dyspepsia, induced by mental agitation, nursing the sick, etc. Frontal headache and dys- pepsia of business men. Tall, thin people of irritable tempera- ment. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressing pain in forehead, with stupor, and drawing pressure in occiput. Pressing, burning pain in skull, principally in temporal bones, re- newed every day at noon, with soreness of external head, worse from pressure and contact, better in fresh air. Cutting stitches from left ear into brain. Left-sided headache, as if in brain substance, at first only slight drawing, but gradually becoming more violent, at its culmina- tion raging as though a nerve was being torn, ceasing suddenly Tenderness, to touch, on top of head. Headache not severe but dull and constant. Painful sensation of emptiness in head, feeling as if it was hollow, with aching in whole brain. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Feels suddenly giddy, and as if a mist were before eyes. Dizziness: on entering room after a walk; when looking at running water. A crawling and whirling in head, as if drunk. AGGRAVATION. At noon; from pressure and contact. AMELIORATION. In fresh air; ceases suddenly. CONCOMITANTS. Ill-humor, restless, anxious. Epileptic attacks. Moral and nervous disturbances come in quite regular paroxysms. ARGENTUM NIT. 40 ARGENTUM NITRICUM. NOTE. It is best suited to nervous persons and to headaches from moral causes; or to headache accompanying organic disease of the nervous system. I have used it with success in the headache of epileptic patients. Migraine, in consequence of hepatic, gastric or uterine disorders. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Boring in left frontal eminence, worse at night in warm bed. Pressing pains, sometimes in vertex, sometimes left frontal bone. Violent pressure in forehead, commencing over eyes, spreading up- ward to coronal suture in morning. Hemicrania; pressive, screwing, throbbing pain in one frontal pro- tuberance, temple, or into bones of face. Digging, cutting motion through left hemisphere, from occiput to frontal protuberance, recurs frequently, increases and decreases rapidly. Dragging pains in right hemisphere of brain. Painful fullness and heaviness in head, with inability to recollect. Almost constant boring and cutting in bones of forehead, temples, vertex and face. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Congestion of blood to head and face. Head feels heavy, full and stupid. Dullness of head; mental confusion. Dizziness; tendency to fall sideways. Vertigo when walking with eyes closed, which alarms him, staggers when walking in the dark, has to seize hold of things. Pain in head; head seems enlarged. If pain is felt all over head, it seems to him enlarged ; if pain is felt on one sfde of head, eye of that side appears enlarged. In morning, she was attacked with vertigo, as if she was turning in a circle, inducing her to squat down, lest she should fall, ac- companied with headache. Giddiness, as if intoxicated, accompanied with lassitude and de- bility of lower limbs. Generally the headache is accompanied by chilliness, and sometimes by a general increase of temperature of body. Excessive congestion of blood to head, with throbbing of carotid arteries, obliging him to loosen his cravat, accompanied with heaviness, stupefying dullness of head, great melancholy, weak- ness of mind, inability to express himself rightly and coherently. Sensation as if bones of skull separated. Dull, chronic headache of mental workers, relieved by tying some- thing lightly around head. 41 ARNICA MONTANA. Itching, creeping, crawling sensation on scalp. Roots of hair feel as if pulled upward. AGGRAVATION. The headache is worse in open air; in warmth, at night; from light; from mental labor. AMELIORATION. Better from binding something tightly around head. CONCOMITANTS. Mental confusion, dizziness, tendency to fall, great weakness of mind; the headache is usually attended with chilliness and trembling of body, intense nausea and vomiting. Head feels much en- larged, time seems to pass too slowly. Patient is restless and in continual motion, or completely apathetic. Loss of memory; of consciousness. Degenerative conditions of mucous membranes. ARNICA MONTANA. NOTE. Applicable in cases of sanguine, plethoric persons, with lively com- plexions and disposed to cerebral congestions. Congestive head- aches. Headaches from mechanical injuries of all kinds. Arnica has been of service to me in the treatment of " dumb ague." Occasional headaches of a malarial character will yield to its influence. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. 1'iessive headache over eyes, extending toward temples, with sensa- tion as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted. Pressive pain in forehead, as if brain were rolled up in a lump, worse when near warm stove. Pressive headache, as if head were being distended from within outward. Pressive pain in forehead, when walking, ascending stairs, reflecting, or reading. Head feels like a heavy weight; pressing, shooting pains in both temples, from without inward. Sticking pains in temples and forehead. Pains over one eye, with compression in forehead, and greenish vomiting. Pain as if a knife were drawn through head, transversely from left side, followed immediately by internal coldness of head. Headache as if a nail had been thrust into temple, with general sweat about midnight, followed by faintness. ARSENICUM ALBUM. 42 Pains are aching, darting and pressive; mostly in forehead; worse from motion. Confusion of head, with decided pressure in right side of head, especially over right brow. Burning in brain, with natural heat of body night and morning; worse from motion, better at rest. Burning or hot spots on top of head. Feeling of cold at small places on forehead, as if some one touched her with a cold thumb. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Stitches in forehead. Vertigo in forehead, especially when walking; everything turning with her and threatening to fall over with her. Vertigo; when moving head she feels as if everything turned with her. Vertigo from too copious meal; nausea; obscuration of sight. Perfect quiet necessary on account of intense suffering in head. AGGRAVATION. On awaking; in morning; from 3 to 8 P. M.; when walking in open air; from coughing; moving head; rising and sitting up in bed; reading or reflecting; mental emotions. CONCOMITANTS. ' Mentally indifferent to everything. Putrid smell from mouth. Tongue white. Taste bitter, disgusting, putrid, slimy. Eructa- tions bitter and like rotten eggs. Offensive flatus. Bruised pain in muscles. Myalgia from over-exertion. Lassitude, sluggish- ness of whole body; must lie down, yet bed feels too hard. ARSENICUM ALBUM. NOTE. Is adapted to lympathic and nervous temperaments, and to females. It is useful for catarrhal, neuralgic and periodic cephalalgia, and to migraine in persons with deep-seated biliary derange- ments, with vertigo, nausea, retching and vomiting of bile. The pains are beating, pressive, burning, intermittent, throbbing, drawing, dull, and bruised or sore. Headaches from the abuse of Quinine and from miasmatic influences, or from effects of poisoning from decayed or morbid animal matter. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Severe and exhausting cephalalgia over left eye, ameliorated by warm applications or wrapping head up warmly. 43 ARSENICUM ALBUM. Beating or pressive headache, as from a load on brain; rising up in bed and motion aggravates; cold washings relieve temporarily; walking in open air permanently. Periodical, semilateral, beating pains, with nausea, buzzing in ears and vomiting; worse especially after eating, or in morning, or in evening, or at night in bed, with weeping and moaning; pain sometimes becomes maddening. Burning, intermittent pains, having a tendency to periodicity, worse from continuous applications of cold water, with small pulse and cold skin. Pain in head is especially severe on left side; cannot lean or rest on that side. Pain, as if bruised or sore over nose and in forehead, relieved tem- porarily by rubbing. Dull, beating pain in one half of head as far as above eyes Drawing, pressive pain in right side of forehead. Throbbing frontal headache over root of nose. Intense pain in frontal region, with vertigo. Internal headache, increased by light and noise Dull pain in head, as from a cold. Headache in occiput. Tearing in brain, as if being torn to pieces. Great heaviness of head and humming in ears; it goes off in open air but returns again in warm room. Paroxysms of excessively painful hemicrania, with great weakness and icy cold feeling in scalp, followed by itching. When moving head while walking, hrain seems to flap with pressure. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. OZdema of head, face, eyes, neck and chest, having a natural color. Sensation of wabbling or swashing in brain. Stupid and dizzy in head; is unable to think. Heat in head when coughing. Great confusion of head; dizzy, stupefied. Vertigo, with reeling when walking. Vertigo only when walking. Erysipelatous burning and swelling of head, with great weakness and coldness. Sensation during motion as if brain beat against skull. Constant, severe headache, with vomiting when rising up head. Great weight of head, particularly in forehead. Intense headache, increased by light and noise, with vertgio. Falling out of hair. AGGRAVATION. After eating, in morning; in evening; at night in bed; after mid- night; rising up in bed and motion; from the continuous ap- plication of cold water, or cold in general; by light and noise. ASAFCETIDA. 44 AMELIORATION. Cold water relieves temporarily ; walking in open air, permenently, some of the pain ; rubbing relieves tempos arily, others; warmth in general relieves the Arsenic pains; wrapping the head up warmly. CONCOMITANTS. Excessive anxiety. Restlessness. Fearfulness. Dread of death. Screaming with pain. Great sensitiveness of head to open air. Melancholy sadness after dinner, with headache. Face ex- pressive of great mental agony. Dryness of mouth and tongue. Excessive thirst, drinking often and but little at a time. Nausea, retching and vomiting of bile. Vomiting immediately after eating. Burning and swelling of eyes. Lachrymations. Fluent coryza, burning and excoriating. Puffiness of face, especially about eyes. Lips parched and dry. Roaring in ears at every new paroxysm of pain. Sensation as if warn air were stream- ing up spine into head. Restlessness, constantly moving head and limbs. Feels chilly and sits around stove. Wants to be in warm room. Weakness, obliging him to lie down; he feels stronger when doing so; sometimes falls down suddenly, when rising, with vertigo and aggravation of headache. Asthma. Exhaustion of vital power. Great emaciation. Burning pains characteristic. ASAFCETIDA. NOTE. Nervous headaches of hysterical, scrofulous individuals. Mercurial headache. Headache resulting from organic disease of bones of head. Among the common forms of headache, to which Asafoetida is adapted, is an hysterical hemicrania, with flushed face, heat in head, dryness of eyes and gastric derangements, as rancid taste, distention and rumbling of bowels, constipation, diarrhoea. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Intermittent, pulsating pains, from within outward. Pressing pain from within outward. Pain as if a nail or plug was driven into brain. Jerking pain, in outer part particularly. Inner seniilateral headaches; the affection may be on either side, but is generally on the left. Darting pain from within outward. Crampy pain in forehead, above eyebrows. 45 ASARUM. Dull stitching or pressing from within outward, especially in fore- head, in sides of head and temples. Single, deep penetrating stitches in left frontal eminence. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Swashing in head, as of water. Stupefying tension in head. Headache which disappears by contact, or is transformed into some other pain. AGGRAVATION. Pains appear and are worse when sitting or lying; worse towards evening, in the room. AMELIORATION. From walking, in fresh air; from touching affected part; better from scratching, and from being touched. CONCOMITANTS. Hypochondriac and hysteric restlessness and anxiety. Urine smells like ammonia. Hypersensitiveness, particularly in those in •whom the nervous system predominates over the arterial. Very weak and delicate persons who suffer from very great sensitive- ness. Sensation of a ball rising in throat, obliging frequent swallowing of it. Involuntary twitching of single muscles. Abuse of Mercury in syphilis. ASARUM. MOTE. Suitable for nervous temperaments, exciteable or melancholic mood. Occasionally of use in bilious and gastric headaches, and head- aches of drunkards. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Intense, comprehensive headache, more violent when walking or shaking head. Pressure over greater part of brain, from without inward. Sharp aching above root of nose. Achmg in temples, especially left. Violent pressure in forehead, downward upon eyes. Tearing, pulsating pain in forehead, excited by stooping. Throbbing headache in morning, early, when rising. Very sensitive, compressive headache in left temple and behind ears, more violent when walking or shaking head, less when sitting. Early in morning, when rising, dizziness and drowsiness of head, with headache in left side of forehead. ASCELPIAS SYRIACA. 46 Pain, as from contraction in forehead, temples and behind ears, with watering and burning of eyes; worse about 5 P. M. Aching pain in forehead, with muddled state of mind. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Stupid feeling in head; has no desire to do anything. Tension of scalp; hair feels painful. Cold feeling at a small spot on left side of head, a few inches above ears. When walking in open air, headache disappeared, together with hot feeling in cheek, drowsiness, and ill-humor. After vomiting, relief of headache symptoms. AGGRAVATION. From walking; from shaking head. AMELIORATION. When sitting; after vomiting; when walking in open air. CONCOMITANTS. Excessive nervous sensitiveness. Great nervous irritation. Warmth of cheeks. Alternate flushes of burning heat and coldness. General weary feeling. Pulse quick and strong. Vomiting of only small quantity of greenish, somewhat sour fluid, with great straining, and sensation about ears as if head would split. ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA. NOTE. Congestive headache from suppression of sweat or urine; nervous headaches, which are attended by dry skin and scanty urine, cool skin and feeble pulse, and followed by sweating or profuse urination. May prove useful in rheumatic headache. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Headache, with vertigo, dullness and stupidity. When the drug did not cause sweating or profuse urination, it caused violent headache, with vertigo, quick, full pulse. Nervous headache followed by profuse diuresis. Headache from supressed perspiration, or from retention of effete matters in the system. A feeling as if some sharp instrument was thrust through from one temple to the other, with feeble pulse and cool skin. Violent headache between eyes; sense of constriction across fore- head. CONCOMITANTS. Burning and tickling in fauces, with nausea and headache. Exces- sive nausea, with violent headache. 47 ATROPINE. ATROPINE. NOTE. This remedy exerts an influence on the cerebro-spinal centres, in- volving the head, throat and eyes especially, in its action.' It should be thought of in cases where Belladonna has been tried and failed, though seemingly indicated. The attacks of head- ache are accompanied, generally, by flushing of face and head, with rush of blood to head; vessels increased in volume but not in tone. Dizziness and delirium. Valuable in headache occurring in epileptic patients. Nervous, but not hysterical, temperaments. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Feeling as if head was screwed up; aggravated by walking and toward ii a. m., and disappeared toward evening. Periodical headache, coming on suddenly, increasing rapidly, until it is intensely severe, causing blindness and delirium. Fine, drawing, very sensitive stitches across forehead and temples, recurring every few minutes, lasting some seconds. Dull pains in temples, coining on at intervals and lasting some seconds. Very sensitive sticking in left temporal region on waking in morning, extending behind the ear and into left eye; disappearing after moving about in open air. Sticking pains in base of skull, particularly over eyes on every motion, and especially on stepping. Severe headache, beginning in occiput and passing over right side, locating over eyes and in balls, followed by attacks of epilepsy and unconsciousness. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo on rising in morning. Furious delirium, especially at night. AGGRAVATION. From walking; motion; stepping. AMELIORATION. Eleven a. m.; evening; motion in open air. CONCOMITANTS. Sad and morose, preferring solitude and dark room to society of friends (in an epileptic). Rambling speech, spectral illusions, mirthful humor. Sharp, neuralgic pains in and about eyes. Eyelids heavy and difficult to keep open. Dimness of vision, with dilatation of pupils. Mouth and throat dry, dark-red, dusky hue; difficulty of swallowing, on account of excessive dryness. Ovarian neuralgia, with headache and epilepsy. Spasms of muscles in different parts of body. Right side most frequently affected. ARUM MET. 48 AURUM METALLICUM NOTE. Nervous.; congestive; megrim. Headaches of persons with black hair, dark olive-brown complexion, disposed to constipation, sad, gloomy, taciturn; or to sanguine individuals, with black hair and black eyes, a lively, restless, anxious disposition, always disposed to feel anxious for the future. Headache from ozaena; from effects of syphilis or mercurialization. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Bruised headache. Pressive pain in temples. Pressure in left temple, worse on being touched. Fine tearing from side of head, through brain, violent during motion. Pressive pain in left temple externally. Tearing headache in front, in forehead, in vertex deep in brain, abating in open air. Boring in left side of frontal bone. Prickings as from pins in forehead externally. Headache as from incipient cold. Pains in bones of head on lying down, affecting vital energy. Severe and constant heat on top of head. Megrim, returning every three or four days, with stitching, burning and beating in one side of forehead, with qualmishness, nausea, and even bilious vomiting. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Rush of blood to head, with tumult and roaring in head. Bones of skull are painful, especially when lying down. Sensation as if a current of air were rushing through head, if it be not kept warm. Vertigo, as if turning in a circle; when stooping; in open air. Exostoses of the skull. AGGRAVATION. In morning; in cold air; while lying down; from strong smells; from motion; on being touched. AMELIORATION. From motion; while walking; on getting warm; in open air. CONCOMITANTS. Sleeplessne>s, anguish, grief. Desponding melancholy, with suicidal tendency. Boring, tearing and bruised bone pains, especially in extremities. Ozaena. Otorrhoea. Nasal catarrh. 49 BADIAGA—BAPTISIA. BADIAGA. NOTE. Hahnemann classes Badiaga among antipsorics. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Headache from 2. p. m. to 7 a. m., with slight aching pains in pos- terior portion of both eyeballs, and in temples. During afternoon, heat, pain, and congestion in forehead, worse at 7 p. M. In temples and eyeballs, pain to temples from eyeballs. Headache, with inflamed eyes. Pain in left eyeball and temple, quite severe, extending to left side of head and forehead. Very severe headache on top of head; remains the same in all positions; better at nighi after sleeping, and better in morning, ■ returning violently after breakfast, lasting several days. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Dull, dizzy feeling in head. An excess of dandruff, or dry, tetter-like appearance of scalp, with slight itching. AGGRAVATION. At 7 P. M.; after breakfast. AMELIORATION. At night after sleeping and in morning. CONCOMITANTS. In spite of the headache is still in clear in mind and more inclined to mental activity than ever. BAPTISIA. NOTE. Suitable in lymphatic temperaments; in low forms of disease, typhoid fever, or diseases with typhoid tendencies; patient easily pros- trated, with chilliness and hot flashes; pain in head, back and limbs; "tired all over." LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull, heavy, pressive headache. Frontal headache, with pressure at root of nose. Frontal headache, with feeling of fullness and tightness of whole head. Sharp pains by spells in right and left temples. Soreness in brain, worse when stooping. BARYTA CARB. 50 Heavy pain in base of brain, with lameness and drawing in cervical muscles. Headache commencing in occiput and extending to vertex and forehead. OTHER HRAD SYMPTOMS. Head feeL large and heavy, with numb feeling of head and face; stitches or shocks in various parts of head. Vertigo and sensation of weakness in entire system, especially in lower limbs, with weak knees. Tightness of skin of forehead. Soreness, as if in frontal brain; wild feeling. Feeling as if top of head would fly off. CONCOMITANTS. Cannot confine his mind; sort of wild wandering feeling. Indis- posed to think; want of power to think. Mind seems weak and confused Mental restlessness. Delirium; cannot sleep because he must toss about to get pieces of his head together. Restless, uneasy sleep, wild fancies on attempting to go to sleep. Soreness of eyeballs, with lame feeling on moving them. Face hot and flushed. Tongue coated yellowish-brown in center. Edges of tongue red and shining. Ulcers in mouth, with abundant saliva, tasting viscid and flat. Constant severe pain in region of liver, with fullness and distention of abdomen. Dark, soft diarrhoetic stools, without much pain. Urine dark red, with some burning. Dull, aching pain in sacrum and hips. Draw- ing aching in arms and legs. BARYTA CARBONICA. NOTE. Suited to patients who are mentally and physically dwarfish and delicate. Headache of old persons; of those who suffer from swelling and inflammation of glands. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. The pain extends to eyes. Headaches mostly oppressive, close above eyes and root of nose. Pressive pain, as if skull would split. Stitching headache near warm stove. The pain from headache extends to nape of neck. Headache, with tension in occiput, toward nape of neck. Pressive sticking on vertex, which extends through whole head, whenever he stands in sun. Right side of head feels icy cold to hand, but burning to himself. The scalp is very sensitive to touch, especially side on which he lies. 5* BELLADONNA. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Sensation as if brain were loose. Creeping sensation, as if something were alive in brain. Liability of head to take cold. Roaring buzzing in head. Eruptions and dry scales on head. Vertigo, with nausea and headache, when stooping. Buzzing and singing in ears. Stiffness of nape of neck. Headaches generally occur in morning and after meals, or on awaking. Baldness, especially on the crown. AGGRAVATION. External heat (stove); on waking in morning; after meals; stand- ing in sun. AMELIORATION. When walking in open air, CONCOMITANTS. Great irresolution about small things. Great forgetfulness, so that he does not know what he has just spoken. Swollen glands, especially on the neck. Childishness. Premature senitity. BELLADONNA. NOTE. Congestive, nervous, gastric, catarrhal and rheumatic headaches. Headache from abuse of coffee, from over-heating and from cold. Headaches accompanied by vertigo, stupefaction; red, bloated face; red eyes; excessive sensitiveness to noise, light, shock or contact. Ill-humor. Pains come on suddenly, last indefinitely and cease suddenly. Suitable for plethoric individuals, disposed to phlegmonous inflammation; or for lymphatic, scrofulous persons, liable to glandular swellings. Suited to children, females and young people of mild temper, blue eyes, blonde hair, delicate skin and red complexion. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Cold sensation in brain, in middle of forehead. Pressive, frontal headache, so severe in walking that the eyes were drawn shut; better when sitting, ceases when lying down, worse on rising again, or going into the open air. Frequently obliged to stand still when walking, from violence of pain in forehead. At every step it seemed as if brain rose and fell in forehead, relieved by strong pressure on forehead. BELLADONNA. 52 Pain in head and eyeballs, eyes felt as if starting from their sockets. Painful pressure in head, especially in lower part of forehead, directly above nose; intolerable on stepping or treading. Stabbing, as if with a knife, from one temple to other. Headache, as if brain would be pressed out, in forehead, just above orbits, which prevents eyes from being opened and obliges him to lie down. Neuralgia in right side of head and face. Nervous headaches, frequently semilateral, especially right side, from 4 p. M. to 3 A. m., aggravated by heat of bed, and by lying down. Violent throbbing in brain, from behind forward and toward both sides; finally painful shootings, stabbings, as with a knife, from temple to temple. Boring headache in right side of head. Pains, especially above eyes and nose, or semilateral, drawing, tear- ing or shooting pains. Sharp, cutting pain on right side of head, from frontal to occipital region, becoming general, and at last settling in right parietal bone. Severe pain in vertex. Boring, tearing, cutting and shooting pains in various parts of head, and worse on right side and in forehead, less in occiput. Great fullness, and violent pressive and expansive pains, as if head were about to split, or as if contents were being forced through forehead or through head. Wavering, shocks, and fluctuation and undulation, as of water in head, with sensation as if cranium were too small. Occurrence of headache daily from 4 P. M. till the following morn- ing ; aggravated from movement, especially of eyes, on ascend- ing, being touched, by open air or currents of air, by warmth of bed, and recumbent posture. Head, internally, so sensitive that least contact, even pressure of hair, gives pain. Jerking headache, which becomes extremely violent on walking quickly, or on going rapidly up stairs, and when at every step there is a jolt downward, as from weight in occiput. Intense headache, aggravated by light, noise, motion, contact, coughing, or by moving eyes. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. When stooping, or rising from a stooping posture, has vertigo, and flickering before eyes, and tendency to fall backward or to left side. Vertigo, with vanishing of sight, stupefaction and debility. His whole head feels heavy, as from intoxication. 53 BERBERIS VULG. All pains worse when stooping forward, which causes a feeling as if all would pass out of forehead. Hot head, with cold feet. Violent congestion of blood to head, with throbbing in interior of head; loss of consciousness; carotids throb violently, jugulars swollen; face bloated and red; worse from motion or touch; light and noise intolerable. Takes cold from every draught of air, especially when uncovering the head; complaints from cutting hair. AGGRAVATION. From noise, light, shock or contact; on rising, going into open air; from walking, steeping, going upstairs; from heat of bed, lying down; from motion, especially of eyes; from touch; from stooping forward, or coughingj 3 p. M., and after midnight. AMELIORATION. When sitting; lying down; bending backward; from strong pressure on furehead. CONCOMITANTS. The starting point of the affection is in brain. Fretfulness, nothing seemed right to him, was vexed with himself. Anxious and confused, fears she is about to die. All the senses more acute. Great restlessness, with sudden startings. Sleepiness, but can- not sleep, or moaning and tossing during sleep. Eyes red, glistening, sparkling, with unsteady look; photophobia. Neu- ralgia, particularly affecting right eye. Violent thirst, drinks water, wants lemonade. Nausea, vomiting of bile, mucus or food. Menses too early, blood bright red. Pressure, as though all contents of abdomen would issue through genital organs, especially felt in morning. Disposition to perspire. Dryness of mouth, tongue and throat. Sore throat; fauces and pharynx deep red, soft palate and tonsils swollen. Retention of urine, which passed only drop by drop, with strangury. Over- excitability of all the senses.' BERBERIS VULGARIS. NOTE. Headache accompanying hepatic disturbance, arthritic or rheumatic complaints. Especially applicable when renal and vesicle symptoms are prominent. BERBERIS VL'LG. 54 LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Oppressive, dragging, tensive pain in forehead, increased or excited by stooping, relieved in open air. Pressure from within outward, particularly in forehead, but also in temples and occiput. Tearing pain in whole head; now here, now there, in forehead, in temples. More particularly on left side. Violent shooting pains through eyes into brain, or from temples to eyes. The headache is characterised by lacerating pains, or pains of a dart- ing character. Tensive, aching pains. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo and dizziness in head. Early in morning head feels full'and heavy. A puffy sensation in whole head. Increased warmth of head. Heat in head after dinner, and in afternoon. Fullness of head, like from coryza. Sensation as if head were becoming larger. A peculiar cold sensation in right temple. AGGRAVATION. From motion; from stoooping; most violent in afternoon. AMELIORATION. In open air. CONCOMITANTS. Apathy, indifference. Pressure in eyes. Tearing and stitching in cheek and jaw bones. Increased thirst and dryness of mouth. Feeling of coldness in various parts. General languor. Slow, feeble pulse, with increased thirst. Bruised pain, with stiffness and lameness in small of back. Pale expression of face, dirty grayish look, sunken cheeks, deeply-seated eyes, surrounded by bluish or blackish-gray circles; very sickly expression for long time. Eructation without taste or smell. Empty or bilious eructations. Heartburn. Sticking, pressive pain in region of liver, increased by pressure, corresponding to region of gall bladder, in small spot. A sticking-dizzy, or dizzy-tearing pain in one or other kidney regions, as if it were suppurating, ag- gravated by deep pressure. Drawing, sticking pain in one or other sides of bladder, extending down into (female) urethra, often arising in lumbar region and extending along course of ureters. 55 BISMUTH—BROMINE. BISMUTH. NOTE. Is indicated when headache alternates with, or is attended by, gas- tralgia; or when it comes on immediately after eating; or is relieved by vomiting of ingesta. The headache is usually frontal. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull, heavy headache. Dull pressing, with drawing in different parts of head, more violent during motion. Pressure and sensation of weight in forehead, more violent during motion, at times also in occiput. Pressure in forehead above eyes. Dull, cutting pain in brain, from above right orbit to occiput. Pressure and sensation of weight in occiput, more violent during motion. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo; a sensation as if anterior half of brain were turning in circle. Attacks attended frequently with prostration. AGGRAVATION. From motion — all head symptoms. AMELIORATION. From vomiting ingesta. CONCOMITANTS. Solitude is unbearable; desire for company, White-coated tongue in evening, without heat or thirst. Nausea at stomach; es- pecially violent after a meal. Feeling of pressure in stomach after every meal. Nervous gastralgia, with intense pressure, as of a load in stomach after eating. Crampy, spasmodic pains in stomach; burning alternating with pressure; pressure in spine, must bend backward. Desire for cold drinks in evening but no fever. BROMINE. Suitable for fair complexioned, blue-eyed people. Should be closely studied for menstrual headaches. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pains mostly left-sided, in sinciput and in forehead, of a heavy pressing character, made worse by motion and heat of sun. BRYONIA ALBA. 56 Forcing pain in temples and nape of neck. Crawling beneath skin of occiput. Pains in bones of head, fore and back part, toward evening in damp weather. Left sided hemicrania, raging from frontal sinus down to base of brain, with marked increase of pulse in volume and frequency. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Headache brought on by going into sun, disappearing in shade. Headache after drinking milk. Scalp tender, covered with an eruption, dirty-looking, and discharg- ing offensive pus. AGGRAVATION. After drinking milk; by stooping; in the sun. AMELIORATION. By pressing neck; in the shade. BRYONIA ALBA. NOTE. Suited to rheumatic, congestive and gastric headaches. Headache from exposure to heat of fires; or from warm weather setting in after cold days. Bryonia headache is characterized by vertigo, great heaviness and pressure in the head, and rush of blood to the head. The patient is very irritable, vexed and vehement. The pain is either in the occiput, vertex or forehead, and often associated with nausea and vomiting. The pains are chiefly stitching and tearing, and are aggravated by motion. Where- ever there is pain there is usually soreness. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressive pain above left eye, followed by dull, pressive pains in occipital protuberances, thence spreading over whole body; on quick motion and after eating, pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation within the head. Headache, as if" head would burst, with dry, parched lips. Pain begins in occiput, or in forehead going back into occiput, ex- tending to shoulders. Throbbing headache on top of head. Headache, as if everything would pass out through forehead, aggravated by stooping. Burning pains in forehead. Digging pressure in forepart of brain toward the forehead. Sticking, jerking, throbbing from forehead, teeth and malar bones to occiput. 57 CACTUS GRAND. Great weight in the head, and pressure in brain from behind forward. Continued deep stitch in brain, left side, when coughing. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. The scalp is very tender to touch. Headache, as from nightly revelling. Burning heat or cold sweat on head. Rheumatic headache in cold, raw, wet seasons. In morning hair seems greasy, with cool head. Pain begins in morning, on opening eyes. Headache from ironing, or from washing perspiring face in cold water. Rush of blood to head, with heat in head. Vertigo and confusion of head on slightest motion. AGGRAVATION. From stooping; motion; moving eyeballs; coughing; anger; in evening; on awaking in morning. CONCOMITANTS. Loss of memory, inability to collect oneself. Morose; ill-humored; exceedingly irritable. Very sensitive, pressing pain in left eye- ball. Epistaxis. Profuse, fluent coryza. Face hot, red, soft, puffy. Great dryness of mouth, lips and tongue. Sour, bitter eructations after eating. Empty retching. Nausea and vomit- ing. Bitter vomiting of bile and water. Cutting pains in epi- gastrium. Pressure in stomach after eating, as from a stone. Constipation; or offensive, pasty, or bilious, acrid diarrhoea. Affections of serous membranes. Rheumatic affections of joints. Severe pain in region of right ovary. Lochia suppressed, with sensation as if head would burst. CACTUS GRAND. NOTE. Congestive headache. Headache accompanied by, or dependent upon, cardiac disturbance. Possibly of value in malarial headache. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Severe, neuralgic headache from taking cold. Feeling as if head were compressed in a vice, and that it would burst open from severeness of pain. Face bloated and red, with pulsating pain in head. Pulsation in temples, as if skull would burst; intolerable at night. Very severe pain in right side of head, increased by sound of talk- ing, or by a strong light. CALCAREA CARB. 58 Right-sided headaches and neuralgias, which are periodical, pulsating and of extreme type, which is increased by sound of talking and by strong light. Pain commencing in morning and growing worse as day advances. Pressing pain in head, as if great weight lay on vertex ; worse from noise and light; relieved by pressure. Sensation of weight on vertex; with dull pain, increased hy sound » of talking or by any noise. Heavy pain, like a weight, on vertex, which diminishes by pressure. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo from sanguineous congestion to head. Headache from irregular habits or dissipation. Congestion to brain, blood-shot eyes, coma, suffocation, flushes in face; fever, from exposure to sun's rays. AGGRAVATION. At night; from noise; from sound of talking; from strong light; from loud talking or noise; pain grows worse as day advances;. from eating; sudden emotion; deep inspiration. AMELIORATION. From pressure. CONCOMITANTS. Loss of appetite, and loss of taste of food, with nausea. Sensation of constriction in heart, as if an iron band prevented its normal movement. Very acute pain, and such painful stitches in heart as to cause him to cry out londly, with obstruction of respiration. Palpitation of heart, continuous day and night, worse when walking, and at night when lying on left side. Functional disorder of heart from mental emotions, aggravated at menstrnal period. In diseases that call for the use of Cactus, there will always be found more or less derangement of the heart. The patient will be greatly reduced in flesh, with great nervous ex- citability. CALCAREA CARB. NOTE. Especially adapted to leuco-phlegmatic temperaments. The head- ache is usually associated with nausea and vomiting. It js- characterized by anxiety, fearfulness, melancholy, difficulty in thinking, dilated pupils and dimness of sight. The pains are chiefly felt in forehead, »n vertex, or on either side of head. Headache accompanying malnutrition, as manifested by scrofula,. rickets, tuberculosis. Fair, plump child: en and youths. 59 CALCAREA CARB. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Beating, hammering headache in forehead, brains and ears. Stupefying, oppressive headache in forehead. Frequent one-sided headache, always with empty eructations. Stitching headache over left temple. Throbbing headache in middle of brain every morning, lasts all day. Aching in sinciput, coming on in open air. Tearing in right side of forehead. Hemicrania, with eructations and inclination to vomit. Headache beginning in occiput and spreading to sinciput, so severe thinks head will burst. Heaviness in forehead. Icy coldness on head, or burning on top of head. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Chronic headache depending upon brain-fag. Chronic morning headache, worse in open air. Scalp sensitive, hair dry, head feels cold. Vertigo on ascending a height, or on suddenly turning head. Hair of head conies out when combing. Thick scabs with yellow pus, which bleed when picked, itching slightly. Headache from over-lifting. Rush of blood to head, and heat in it, and redness and puffiness of of face. Large head. Open fontenelles. AGGRAVATION. Worse on going up stairs; talking or walking; in hot sun; from taking cold; from mental exertion; in morning, from washing or working in cold water; from stooping. AMELIORATION. From tight bandaging; closing eyes; vomiting; lying down, or from cold applications to head. CONCOMITANTS. Stinging pain in eyes, worse from candle-light. Inflammation and swelling of outer and.inner ear. Great dryness of mouth and tonguef Severe, fluent coryza, with headache. Pressing, pinch- inm stooping low. CONCOMITANTS. Apprehensiveness felt at pit of stomach, as if expecting unpleasant news. Violent pain and pressure in stomach after eating most simple things, like broth, milk, bread. Rheumatic neuralgia, worse at night. Swelling of bones, inflammation of periosteum, with most violent nightly bone-pains. Flying, stitching pains,, Hypochondriacal and despondent. One side of body usually affected. NAJA TRIPUDIANS. NOTE. Suitable for congestive headaches dependent upon organic disease of the heart. Periodic, neuralgic sick-headache. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Waking with dull pain in head, attended by fluttering of heart. Tempero-frontal headache, accompanied with great depression of spirits, and associated with spinal pain and palpitation of heart. NATRUM ARS. •38 Periodic, neuralgic sick-headache, very severe, in left orbital region, extending back into occiput; pain was aching and throbbing about orbit, and drawing in occiput; vomiting occurred after pain had lasted several hours. Heaviness over eyes, with dryness of throat. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Heat and congestion in head. Confusion and dullness in head. CONCOMITANTS. The indications for Naja are the presence of an irritating sympathetic cough, in the acute stage of rheumatic carditis, and afterward, organic changes in the valves, giving rise to tumultuous action of the heart, violent, sudden throbbing, attended with endo- cardial murmur and increased size of organ. Languor, fatigue, torpor; mental and physical depression. Symptoms worse from stimulants; better when walking in open air. Symptoms in- dicating decomposition of blood. NATRUM ARSENICATUM. NOTE. Catarrhal and neuralgic headaches, usually accompanied by con- gestion of conjunctiva and swelling of orbital region. The frontal headache, smarting of the eyes and orbital swelling are worse in morning, wearing lighter as day advances. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Vacant feeling in whole head, cannot concentrate mind on anything. Feeling of heat and fullness in whole head. Dull headache in frontal region on awaking in morning. During day pain in frontal region very severe. Every motion jars brain. Occasional shooting pains above right eye. Severe sharp headache in forehead above eyes; worse above right eye. Boring headache in temples, from without inward; principally on right side and extending to left, with nausea. Head feels hot, but on placing hands on forehead it seems cold. Pain in right temple. Dull pain over orbits, reaching into temporal region. AGGRAVATION. From heat, pressure and tobacco smoke; from stooping. >39 NATRUM CARB. CONCOMITANTS. Dullness and want of power to concentrate mind. Fullness and great swelling of orbital region. Congestion of vessels of con- junctiva, worse in morning. Thickening and cedema of tonsils, uvula and soft palate. Obstruction of nasal cavities. Teasing, dry cough, through the day. Hawking of tough, gelatinous, grayish-yellow mucus from throat and posterior nares. Extreme tenderness in epigastric region. Pain from time to time shifting through bowels; relieved by escape of gas or passage of faeces. NATRUM CARBONICUM. NOTE. Suitable for leuco-phlegmatic constitutions with aversion to open air and dislike of exercise, physical or mental. The attack occurs at certain hours or on alternate days, and is characterized by sensation of bursting fullness in head, stitching, tearing, throb- bing in forehead, temples and vertex, with vertigo, melancholy and great physical prostration. Pains from within outward. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Head feels large and heavy, in night and after dinner. Tension and obstruction in forehead, as if it would burst. Dull, stupefying pressure in forehead, in any position of the body. Stupefying pressing ache in forehead, with nausea, eructations, and dimness of sight. Frontal headache when turning head rapidly. Frontal headache in sun. Pain in left frontal eminence to left lower occiput. Tearing pain in forehead, returning at certain hours of the day. Pulsating headache in vertex every morning and after dinner. Headache in temples from slightest mental exertion. Stitches in head and out of eyes. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Menses preceded by headache. Vertigo from wine and from mental exertion. Inability to think or perform any mental labor; head feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself. Headaches recurring with hot weather, especially in .patients who have had sunstroke; Headache whenever exposed to sun, or from working under gas- lights, with vertigo. NATRUM MUR. 140 AGGRAVATION. In evening; in the sun; in morning; after dinner; from moving about in night; turning head rapidly; mental exertion; from a thunder storm. CONCOMITANTS. Intolerable melancholy and apprehension. Depressed, extremely despondent mood. Avoids people, seeks solitude; full of ap- prehension. Restless, with anxiety; aggravated by a thunder storm or by music. Weight of eyelids, with dimness of vision and floating spots. Profuse coryza and stoppage of nose. Face pale and puffy, or redness and heat of face with swollen cheeks. Constant collection and hawking of thick mucus. Incessant hunger and thirst. Sour eructations. Nausea and retching with pain and soreness in stomach; aggravated by touch, and amelio- rated by eating. Violent, dry cough with stopped coryza; aggravated by coming from cold air into warm room. Pressing in hypogastrium toward genital organs, as if they would be pressed out, or as if menses would appear. NATRUM MURATICUM. NOTE. Is applicable to cac':ietic persons, and to those who have lost animal fluids. It is adapted to chronic and to sick-headaches; to head- aches before, curing and after menses; "to cephalalgia of school girls who apply themselves too closely to their lessons"; to headache commencing in morning after waking, lasting till noon, or going off with the sun; to catarrhal headache and to migraine; headache accompanying chronic malarial poisoning. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Shooting from forehead to occiput, then in a minute the reverse; feels giddy, as if she would fall to the left; room seems to revolve; eyes close with the pain; better in open air. Bursting headache, beating or stitching through to nape of neck or chest; face red, nausea and vomiting. Headache in vertex and occiput like a weight, worse in evening, re lieved by pressure, with heat of face. Right-sided headache, comes on at 10 A. M., with dizziness and dull heavy pains, glimmering before eyes, fainting and sinking at epigastrium, slight fever and thirst; better in open air, and while perspiring; sore nostrils. Pains in aud over right eye, going off with the sun; cannot bear light of any kind. Pressing headache from both sides, as in a vise. I4i NATRUM MUR. Dull, stupefying headache after waking in morning, lasting till toward noon. Throbbing as from little hammers; awakens every morning; worse from reading or talking. Pain like a nail driven into left side of head. Rheumatic tearing from root of nose to forehead; nausea, vomiting; vanishing of sight. Pressing pains, as if head would burst. Pressing throbbing frontal headache all day. Violent throbbing headache, with heat of face and head; nausea and vomiting. Pressive pain in forehead and eyeballs so violent that lids could only be raised with exertion and pain. Stitches as with knives in occiput. Stitches in various parts of head. Heaviness in back part of head; draws eyes together. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Cold sensation on vertex and painful sensitiveness of scalp, with spasms of eyelids. Feeling of heaviness in head, as if it would fall forward, increasing with headache across forehead (as from a blow). Vertigo and great dullness of head, with flickering before eyes. Headache coming on early in morning, or at io A. M., after sup- pressed intermittent. Almost constant dull headache. Headache from sunrise to sunset; worse at midday; right eye con- gested; worse from light. « Scalp feels constricted, worse talking and in open air, better when lying down or sitting. Frequent dullness and dizziness in head during forenoon; in morning ; after reading. Weakness in head, as after much turning in a circle. Headache, wakens at 12 p. M., lasting until 10 a. m. Weariness of head; empty feeling of head. Periodic vertigo with nausea, eructations, headache sometimes as if cold wind were blowing through head. After menses heaviness of head, as if from congestion. Falling out of hair. Sensitiveness of scalp. AGGRAVATION. In moaning on waking; on moving head or eyes; reading or talk- ing ; mental exertion ; warmth; artificial or natural light. AMELIORATION. From sitting still; lying down; while perspiring; in open air; gentle exercise, and compression. NATRUM SULPH. 142 CONCOMITANTS. Sad, weeping; consolation aggravates, with palpitation of heart. Gets angry at trifles; hateful, vindictive, joyless, indifferent, taci- turn. Aversion to bread; craves salt. Nausea immediately after eating, with heaviness of head and bitter eructations. Fainting and sinking at epigastrium. Sweet risings from stomach at menstrual nisus. Nausea; vomiting. Morning cough; cough after going to bed. Palpitation of heart and morning headache. Constipation; dry and crumbling stools During menses sad and gloomy. Scanty and delaying menstruation, they delay and decrease more and more, and every morning awakens with violent headache. Menorrhagia, menses too soon and too pro- fuse. Dysmenorrhcea, blood is dark and thick, lasts too long. Constant heat in afternoon with violent headache and unconscious- ness, gradually relieved by perspiration. Constant chilliness and want of animal heat. Great emaciation. Mental and physical prostration. Tendency to dryness or erosion of mucous mem- branes ; secretions acrid, scanty; smarting, burning at edge of mucous surfaces. NATRUM SULPHURICUM. NOTE. The attacks occur during menses, periodically, every spring, and are frequently suddej? in their onsets. The characteristics are: con- gestion of blood to head, with fullness; heat in vertex; sen- sation of pressure in and through head; mind depressed and melancholy: vertigo and dullness; vomiting; aggravated by motion and reading, ameliorated by quiet. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Heaviness of head, with bleeding of nose, not relieve by the bleed- ing. Brain feels loose when stooping, as if it fell to left side. Pressure in forehead, as if forehead would burst. Pressing in right side of forehead, returning periodically. Pressure and heat in vertex during menses. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Headache aggravated by reading, causing heat and sweat; heat and sweat relieved by motion, but not the pain. Jerks in head throwing subject to right. Headache, with vomiting of bile. Irritation of brain after lesion of head. Sensitiveness of scalp, hair painful on combing it. '43 NITRIC ACID. Vertigo, with heat extending from body to head, relieved on ap- pearance of sweat on forehead, coming on after a meal. Vertigo, with dullness of bead; frequent yawning and vomiting of sour mucus. AGGRAVATION. From reading; thinking; walking; stooping; combing the hair (sensitiveness of scalp) ; in forenoon; during menses. AMELIORATION. When quiet and lying down; at night, in bed. CONCOMITANTS. Sadness, disposed to weep, aggravated by music. Depressed mood. Satiety of life; despondent disgust for life; must use all his self-control to avoid suicide (shooting). Melancholy, with periodical attacks of mania. Eyes sensitive to light, with ag- glutination. Pains piercing in right ear inward, aggravated by passing from cold air into warm room. Fluent coryza and sneezing. Catarrhal discharge, yellowish-green. Blisters and burning on tongue and in mouth. Want of appetite. Nausea, with vomiting, first of sour, then bitter fluid. Urine scanty and burning. Frequent cough and some expectoration; sharp stitch in left side when coughing (on standing). Short breath when walking, gradually relieved by rest. Great sensitiveness in region of liver, very painful to touch; aggravated by stepping, and by making a deep breath, or any sudden jar; pains some- times aching, sometimes piercing. Obliged to lie on back, turning or twisting the body very painful. Menses too late; blood acrid. Scanty menses; knotty stools. NITRIC ACID. NOTE. Arthritic, mercurial or syphilitic headaches. Especially suitable, after alkalies, for lean persons, with dark complexions, black hair and eyes, who take cold readily, and for old persons. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressing from without inward, piercing in temples, stitches in head, better on lying down, or from carriage riding. Throbbing pain in temples. Violent throbbing hammering on left side of head coming on gradually toward morning and going off about breakfast time. Head sensitive to rattling of wagons over paved streets or on stepping hard. Heaviness and dullness of head, with nausea. NUX MOSCHATA. 144 Head very sensitive, even to pressure of hat; worse in morning and on part lain on. Pain in skull, with sensation as if constricted by a tape; worse even- ing and night; better from cold air and while riding in carriage OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Congestion to head, with much heat in it. Vertigo, in morning, must lie down. Hair falls off, with humid eruptions, paining as from splinters or when touched; nervous headaches, debility and emaciation. Inflammatory swellings on scalp, suppurating or becoming carious; worse from external pressure or when lying thereon. AGGRAVATION. At evening and night; from stepping hard; from rattling of wagons; from pressure of the hat. AMELIORATION. On lying down; from carriage riding; from cold air. CONCOMITANTS. Sleeps badly in latter part of night. Much nausea or gastric trouble, relieved by moving about and from riding in carriage. Fat food causes nausea and acidity, urine smelling like horse's. Menses too early and too profuse, urine emiting an intolerably strong smell. Symptoms increase toward evening, especially the drawing pain which is felt here and there. Pains even slight ones, affect him violently. Secondary affections of syphilis, es- pecially in broken or cachectic constitutions, accompanied with emaciation, debility, caries of bones, unhealthy ulcers on surfaces, and great derangement of nervous system. NUX MOSCHATA. NOTE. Adapted to people with dry skin, who do not perspire easily; to neurotic hysterical diseases, when patient always awakens with very dry mouth and tongue; to children, women and the aged. Headaches from over-taxing the mind, gastric ailments, sleepy, hysterical. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Region of temples very sensitive to pressure. Throbbing, pressing pain, confined to small spots, worse in left supraorbital region. Pain, especially in temples; on shaking head there is feeling of looseness, as if brain beat against skull. Severe tearing in occiput, toward nape of neck. MS NUX VOMICA. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, as if drunk, staggering; weak limbs, numb; feels as if floating in the air. Head feels full and as if expanding. While eating,soon satisfied; headache from eating a little too much. Headache after breakfast, with sleepiness. Pulsation of arteries and daily headache. Headache, worse from getting wet, change of weather, riding in carriage,#after eating or wine, from suppressed eruptions, before menses, during pregnancy. Painless pulsating in head, fears to go to sleep. Headache, going from left to right. Head is inclined to drop forward, chin resting on breast, and could only be raised with much effort, after which would again drop forward. AGGRAVATION. From getting wet; change of weather; riding in carriage; after eating or wine;-before menses; during pregnancy; from sup- pressed eruptions. CONCOMITANTS. Sudden change from grave to gay, from lively to serene. Unusually cheerful, or very low-spirited. Weakness of memory. All ailments are accompanied by sleepiness and inclination to faint. Nervous irritation of intestinal tract; stomach and abdomen especially distended, and all symptoms worse after every un- pleasant emotion. Menses too early and too profuse, with dis- charge of thick, black blood. NUX VOMICA. NOTE. Congestive, gastric, neryous headaches, after previous drugging with any so-called "hot medicine." Headache from chagrin or anger; from abuse of coffee or spirits. Thin, irritable persons, with vehement dispositions, or lively, sanguine temperaments. Patients of sedentary or intemperate habits, or those troubled with piles. The pains which come on by keeping one's self confined in a room are relieved by a walk in open air, and vice versa. Headaches from over-eating or high living, stimulating drinks, highly-seasoned food; from mental over-exertion; from loss of sleep. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Tensive headache in forehead. Drawing pain, first in temples. NUX VOMICA. 146 Semilateral headache from excessive use of coffee. Stitches and pressure in one side of head, worse toward morning, driving patient out of his senses. Bruised sensation of brain, generally one sided (right); better when lying on painful side. Pain in one half the head from time to time, as if nail were con- stantly forced deeper and deeper into parietal bone, from above downward. Pressing, as if something heavy were sinking down into head. Intense occipital headache; dizziness; pains in eyes; stomach deranged. Congestive and abdominal headaches, with nausea and vomiting, worse from coughing and stooping. Pain as from nail driven into brain, or stitching pains, with nausea and sour vomiting. Excessive sensitiveness of brain to motion and walking. Heaviness of head, especially when moving eyes or thinking, with sensation as if skull would split. Contusive pain in brain. Headache every morning on waking, after eating, in open air, when stooping, during motion, even when merely moving eyes. Pains come on again after drinking coffee, with aversion to coffee. Heaviness and pressure in head after dinner, especially on moving eyes. Head feels too large. Stupefying headache in morning, aggravated by mental exertion. Pressive, boring pains in head, beginning in morning, less by evening, with dim sight, sour vomiting and palpitation; worse from men- tal exertion, light, noise, coffee, after eating. Periodical headache in forehead, sore, as from ulceration, with constipation. Sick-headache, brought on by wine, coffee, close mental application, sedentary habits; commences in morning, increases through the day, growing milder in evening; with dimness of vision, sour, bitter vomiting, constipation; worse from noise, light, in open air, after eating. Headache in morning, as if had not slept at night. Headache after slightest thought, while lying down, as if brain would be pressed asunder. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Whizzing in head, with vertigo, or with shocks when walking. Vertigo, with loss of consciousness. Vertigo, with pains in forehead, heat and redness of face, con- stipation, with tendency of blood to head. Congestion to head, with burning in it, and with heat and redness of the bloated face. •47 OLEANDER. Scalp sensitive to touch or to wind; better from being warmly covered. Fetid sweat of one-half of the head and face, which is cold, with anxiety and dread of uncovering head; sweat relieves pain. AGGRAVATION. From open air; 3 A. M.; toward morning; from coughing or stoop- ing; from motion or walking; from moving eyes or thinking; from mental exertion; from light, noise, coffee, after eating; from wine. AMELIORATION. From lying on painless side; toward evening; from being warmly covered (scalp); after rising in morning (except sick-headache); in warm room; by lying down, or sitting quietly. CONCOMITANTS. Disposed to quarrel and to feel vexed. Over-sensitiveness to ex- ternal impressions. Hypochondrical mood; anxiety; appre- hends death. No desire to do any kind of work. Noise, talk, strong odors and bright light are intolerable. Cannot sleep after 3 A. M.; ideas crowd upon him so as to keep him awake for hours. Nausea and vomiting every morning, with constipation of large, difficult stools, and great depression of spirits. Dys- pepsia. Great excitement of sexual organs, with sexual dreams at night, and sexual orgasm. Menstruation very irregular. Much pain in lumbar region. Coryza; fluent, in morning and after dinner; with scraping artd crawling in nose and throat; frequent sneezing; headache, heat in face and chilliness. Pressure in stomach after eating. Trembling and jerking throughout body. Paralytic conditions. OLEANDER. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressive pain, from within outward, in forehead. Pain in forehead, as if it would split. Bitting itching on scalp, as from vermin, worse on back part of head and behind ears, better when first scratching it; followed by burning and soreness, which gives place to biting itching, worse in evening when undressing. Sensation of tightness around head, which occasions feeling of stupefaction rather than pain. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when rising from bed, when looking fixedly, or looking down while standing. OPIUM. 14S Heaviness of head, better when lying down. The epidermis of the hairy scalp peels off. Pain in head relieved by looking sideways. Humid, scaly, biting-itching eruption on scalp, especially on back part of head. ACCRAVATION. In evening when undressing. AMELIORATION. When first scratching head; from lying down; looking sideways. CONCOMITANTS. Dullness of mind, unable to think. Restless or voluptuous dreams. Fainting fits, going off after sweating. Cramp-like drawing and weakness in extremities. Itching eruptions on various parts, bleeding, oozing out fluid, forming scabs. OPIUM. NOTE. Congestive, nervous, abdominal headaches. Ailments from ex- cessive joy, fright, anger or shame. Central difficulty is in brain. Patient nervous and irritable, or inclined to stupor. Suited to children, old persons, and to recent cases. Headache from charcoal vapors, from lead in paints, pipes or otherwise. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressing pain in temples. Sensitive pressure above right frontal eminence, with sensation of heat while reading; when this disappeared it gave place to painful pinching sensation in right temple, as if something pressed upon part and then again relaxed. Tendency of blood to head, with constipation; violent tearing pains, or tensive pressure, through whole brain, with beating or great heaviness in head; unsteady look, thirst dry mouth, sour eructations, desire to vomit. Headache worse on moving eyes. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo with dullness of head. Great confusion, dullness and heaviness of head Brain oppressed, extreme drowsiness. Congestion of blood to head, with pulsations in it. Sensation in head like that following sleep after excessive debauch. Throbbing of arteries of head. Cold sweat on head. 149 OXALIC ACID, AGGRAVATION. From moving eyes. CONCOMITANTS. Stupefaction of senses. Fright; the fear of fright still remaining. Fretfulness, irritability, great insensibility to external impressions. Confusion of mind. Dullness of head; has no mental grasp for anything, and cannot comprehend sense of what he is read-' ing. Very sleepy but cannot go to sleep. Soporous, unrefresh- ing sleep. Red, bloated, swollen face; eyes red, glistening and prominent. Constipation; stools composed of round, hard, black balls. Renewal and aggravation of pains when becoming heated. Frequent involuntary deep breating; long sighing respiration Irregular breahting. Violent griping and cutting in abdomen. OXALIC ACID. LOCATION DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull headache of vertex and forehead. Compression in head, sensation as from a screw behind each ear. Pain between vertex and occiput, at a spot pressing inwardly. Headache, worse after wine, lying down, after sleep and on rising; better after stool. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with weakness and thirst, anxiety, headache and sweat. Sensation of emptiness in head, faint feeling, as if all the blood had left brain. ACCRAVATION. After wine; after sleep; on rising; on lying down. AMELIORATION. After stool. CONCOMITANTS. First diminishes then increases power of concentrating ideas. As soon as he thinks about the pains they return. All pains occupy but small spot, an inch or less in circumference. Symptoms sometimes intermit and then return with less severity. PETROLEUM. 150 PETROLEUM. NOTE. Headache from anger, vexation; from eczema capitis; from motion of boat, carria0e, etc. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Headache in forehead, every mental exertion causes him to become quite stupid. Frontal headache, at times quite severe, worse while nausea remained. Throbbing in head. Migraine, retching and vomiting of bile, pain mostly in forehead, pressing beating. Pain begins in occiput, goes to forehead and as it reaches its climax, is not felt in occiput. Pain in occiput over head to forehead and eyes, with transitory blind- ness: gets stiff, loses consciousness. Dull, pulsating pain or pressure, in occiput. Headaches from anger. Heaviness of head in morning. Stitches in head, accompanied with pressure in head and nausea. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Scalp very sore to touch, followed by numbness; worse mornings and on becoming heated. Vertigo when rising from recumbent posture, often with bilious vomiting. Dullness of head, as if enveloped in a fog. Moist eczema, acute and chronic, worse on occiput. Pimples on head and nape of neck. ACCRAVATION. When shaking head; from mental exertion; while nausea remained in morning, and on becoming heated. CONCOMITANTS. Excessive irresoluteness; out of humor and angry. Ailments from vexation, with fright. Thinking power is weakened. Dread of open air. Headaches in subjects with depraved mucous secretions, with tendency to affections of skin. Especially suited to gastric troubles of pregnant women. Rapid appearance and disappearance of symptoms. *5i PHOSPHORUS. PHOSPHORUS. NOTE. Congestive, nervous, hysterical headache. Headache from grief, anger, chagrin or abuse of spirits, or excessive study. Tall, slender people, disposed to stoop, with fair skin, sanguine temper- ament, sensitive disposition, quick, lively perceptions. Young persons who grow too fast. Headache from sexual abuse; from organic affections of the brain. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Weight and throbbing in forehead on waking; better by cold wash- ing; worse stooping. Sick-headache, with pulsation and burning, mostly in forehead; with nausea and vomiting, from morning until noon; worse from music, while masticating, and in warm room. Headache over left eye. Burning headache in forehead. Throbbing pain in temples. Dull pain in whole forehead, extending to root of nose and to upper lids, with some vertigo; aggravated by turning head, or by any violent motion. Dull headache in forehead; better in open air. Hemicrania; forehead or pfciput is swollen; touching swollen part causes most excruciating pain. Chronic congestion of brain; burning, stinging pain and pulsations, commencing in occiput. Pulsating, throbbing headache, worse from music. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Nervous vertigo; or vertigo from abuse of narcotics; coffee; also on rising from bed or a seat, with fainting; worse mornings and after meals. Loss of senses, as if could not grasp any thought, with headache. Unable to collect his senses in morning on rising; head is dizzy, heavy and painful, as if had been lying at night with head too low. Sensation of coldness in cerebellum, with sensation of stiffness in brain. Headache every other day. Softening of brain, with persistent headache; slow answering questions, vertigo, feet drag, formication and numbness of limbs. Impending paralysis of brain and collapse; burning pain in brain. Headache sets in while reflecting. Dull, stupefying headache. Headache, with extreme sensitiveness to odors. Head affected from taking cold; from remaining in hot rooms; after having hair cut. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 152 ., Dandruff copious, falls out in clouds; roots of hair get gray and hair falls out in bunches; scratching makes itching worse; or burn- ing and itching relieved at the time, but worse after scratching. Scaly, bald spot on head. ACCRAVA.TION. From stooping; from music; while masticating; in warm room; turning head; any violent motion; in morning; after meals; from having hair cut; while thinking; general aggravation from lying on left side; before midnight; during a thunder storm. AMELIORATION. From cold washing; from open air. CONCOMITANTS. Hysterical alternation of laughing and weeping. Apathy, indifference, melancholy, dejection. Irritability of mind and body, prostrated from least unpleasant impression. Mental depression and a most uncomfortable fearfulness and timidity, with great sense of fatigue. Very sleepy after meals, especially after dinner. Gastric neuroses, with dry, hard, beaded, or long, narrow stools, every three or four days. Sensation of weakness and emptiness in abdomen, aggravating all other symptoms. Impotence from sexual abuse; irresistible desire for sexual intercourse. Profuse menstruation, with great sexual e*xcitement. Emaciation, weak- ness, prostration, haemorrhages. Congestion of lungs, anxiety, oppression, difficult respiration, tickling rawness in larynx and trachea. Cough, with soreness of chest. Can only lje on right side. PHOSPHORIC ACID. NOTE. Suited to individuals of originally strong constitutions, which have been weakened by loss of animal fluids, by excesses, violent acute diseases, chagrin, or long succession of violent emotions. Hysterical affections of young women. Young people who grow too fast. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Stupefying pain in forehead, with somnolency without snoring, eyes being closed. Violent pressure in forehead in morning on waking, so that was quite stupid and could not open eyes. Headaches usually go from behind forward and are relieved by lying down. 'S3 PHYTOLACCA. Dreadful pain on top of head, as though brain were crushed, after long-continued grief. Occipital headache and pain in nape of neck, from exhaustion of nerve power. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, head sinks forward and backward. Confusion and painful cloudiness of head, especially on awaking Chronic congestions to head, caused by fright or grief. Hair turns gray early, especially after grief or sorrow. School-girls' headache. Headache forces one to lie down and is unsupportable; aggravated from least shaking or noise, especially music. Periosteal pains compel motion. Bones ache, feel as if" scraped; better on motion; when lying, pain shifts to side on which he lies. Cerebral weakness from brain-fag. Dullness of whole head, inability to think. Dullness in head, as after excessive coition. Pressure, as from weight in head, from above downward. ACCRAVATION. From grief; from least shaking or noise, especially music. AMELIORATION. From motion ; from lying down. CONCOMITANTS. Ailments from grief, sorrow, homesickness, or disappointed love; particularly with drowsiness, ni«ht-sweats toward morning, emaciation. Is very weak; indifferent to affairs of life; listless; apathetic. Hypochondria, from self-abuse. Frequent and de- bilitating emissions. Periosteal inflammations of bones. PHYTOLACCA. NOTE. Rheumatic, gastric, syphilitic and neuralgic headaches. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull heavy headache in forehead. Sharp, shooting pains in right temple. Pain extending back from frontal region. Shooting pain from left eye to top of head. Sick-headache, worse in forehead, with backache and bearing down ; comes every week. One-sided headache. PLAT IN A. '54 Dull, pressing pain in forehead, accompanied by slight nausea, with cold perspiration on forehead and feeling of weakness. Sore pain over head; worse on right side, and in damp weather; as if an attack of sick-headache were approaching. Pain in back of neck. Headache of syphilitic patients. Dull, pressive headache, with vertigo and unimpairment of vision. Sensation of soreness deep in brain. Sensation as if brain were bruised, when stepping from a high step to ground. Headache, with sickness at stomach. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with dimness of vision. Tinea capitis. Scaly eruptions on scalp. ACCRAVATION. From damp weather. CONCOMITANTS. Indisposition to mental exertion. Disgust for business of the day on waking early in morning. Irritability, restlessness. Vomit- ing of ingesta, bile and blood, with great accumulation of flatus in stomach and bowels. Menses too often, too profuse; with increase of tears, saliva, bile and urine. Glands and bones in- flamed and swollen. Throat dry, sore, dark red, tonsils swollen. Shooting pains through ears when swallowing. Rheumatism affecting fibrous and muscular tissue. PLATINA. NOTE. Nervous, hysterical headaches. Headaches from anger or chagrin; from uterine disease, with many hysterical symptoms. Suited to females, dark hair, rigid fibre; nervous, spasmodic tempera- ments. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Neuralgic headaches occuring in sensitive, fidgety, hysterical women, with difficult or profuse menstruation; crampy, Dressing pain from without inward, with heat and redness of face, violent pressing in forehead, roaring in head; worse from resting, in room, when stooping; better in fresh air and from motion. Violent crampy pains, especially over root of nose, with heat and redness of face, restlessness, whining mood, roaring in head as of water, with coldness of ears, eyes and one side of face. 155 PHYSOSTIGMA. Cramp-like drawing constriction in head from time to time, especially about forehead; commencing slight, increasing till violent, and ending slight. Tensive, numb sensation in zygomatic and mastoid processes, as if head were screwed together. Sensation of numbness in head, especially in forehead, as if con- stricted. ' OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, especially on sitting down, or going down stairs. Crawling, like formication, on right temple, afterward extending down along lower jaw, with feeling of coldness in it. Numb feeling in brain. Pains gradually increase and gradually decrease. ACCRAVATION. From resting in warm room; from stooping. AMELIORATION. From motion ; in fresh air. CONCOMITANTS. Arrogant, proud, haughty. Mood changeful, cheerful or depressed. Melancholia in females with uterine diseases. Subject to illusions. Painful numbness of various parts. Excessive sexual desire, particularly in virgins. Great bearing down to genitals, with profuse menstruation. Amenorrhoea, with pain- ful pressure, as if menses would appearf with pain in small of back. Many symptoms are worse in evening. Physical symp- toms disappear and mental symptoms appear, and vice versa. PHYSOSTIGMA. NOTE. Adapted to headaches of those who suffer from spinal irritation. Headaches from occular affections. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Intolerable pain over both eyes. Dull, heavy headache. Severe, duil frontal headache, especially in morning. Sensation of rush of blood to frontal and temporal regions. Sharp, shooting pains in temples. Intense, painful pressure in vertex and both temples, the pressure in vertex extending over to occiput; must lie down. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Throbbing of temporal and carotid arteries. Vertigo; with weakness of the muscles. PICRIC ACID? 156 ACCRAVATION. From mental exertion; from exercise. AMELIORATION. From closing eyes; from quiet and rest; from inlaling camphor. CONCOMITANTS. , Uncommon mental activity, but cannot concentrate the mind. Af- fections of the occular muscles. Eyes weak, painful, with lachrymation. Contraction of pupil. No appetite ; disgust for food, stimulants and, especially, cold drinks. Great sense of weakness and fatigue. Prostration of muscular system. Violent trembling all over body. Convulsive twitchings. Organic disease of nervous system. PICRIC ACID. NOTE. Congestive, nervous headaches. Headaches of neurasthenic patients. Headaches from spinal irritation; from brain-fag; from abuse of sexual functions. I have found Picric acid espefially valu- able for the headache and prostration resulting from the latter cause. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Intense, throbbing headache, especially at base of brain. Dull headache, aggravated by mental efforr, perhaps in forehead, perhaps in occiput, and may extend down spine. Severe pain in neck or occiput, extending to supraorbital notch, from thence into eyes. Headaches with dull, throbbing, heavy sharp pains; worse from study or movement of eyes; better from rest, open air, or bind- ing head tightly. Frontal headache, extending gradually toward vertex and involving entire cerebrum; accompanied by constant vertigo; aggravated by motion, by mental exertion and by going up stairs — some- times intense aching and throbbing, at others dull and pressing — always better from keeping quiet. Chronic headache, located in or proceding frotn base of brain. Fullness and heaviness of head, with disinclination to do anything, developing into an intense throbbing pain, chiefly in eyeball and forehead, and extending backward to occipital region; better from quiet; worse from motion, especially going up stairs. Heavy pain in occipital region, extending down neck and spine. 157 PLUMBUM. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Cerebral congestion, with epistaxis. Vertigo; worse when walking, stooping or going up stairs. Headache in morning on awaking, increasing as the day advances; relieved by going to sleep at night Slightest mental effort, or any overwork, produces headache. ACCRAVATION. From mental effort; movement of eyes; motion; going up stairs; walking; stooping; overwork. AMELIORATION. From rest; the open air; binding the head tightly; quiet; going to sleep. CONCOMITANTS. Indifference, lack of will power, perfers to lie down and rest. Weariness and mental inactivity. Brain-fag. Complete ex- haustion. Tired aching in lumbar region after sleeping. Legs heavy, tired, weak. Numbness, crawling, pricking in legs; all the usual symptoms of irritation of spinal cord. Pupils dilated. Congestion of kidneys: urine of high specific gravity, perhaps albuminous or saccharine. Sleep restless — disturbed by erections. Priapism. Frequent emissions. Profound pros- tration of sexual functions. PLUMBUM. NOTE. Chronic cases. Headache from Bright's disease; from organic disease of brain or cord. Neuralgic headache. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Violent pains in integuments of skull, from occiput to forehead. Violent headache in forehead. Heaviness of head, especially in cerebellum. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, especially on stooping, or when looking upward. Congestion of blood to head, with heat and beating in it. Epileptic vertigo. Great dryness of the hair, it falls off, even in the beard. Chronic, dull headache, with depressed spirits and constipation. Headache, as if a ball were rising from throat into brain. Headache, with yomiting and violent pains in umbilical region. PODOPHYLLUM. '58 CONCOMITANTS. Quiet and melancholy mood. Slow perception. Much abdominal derangement; severe colic; constipation. Abdomen retracted. General or partial paralysis, with wasting of tissues. Distinct blue line along margin of gums Extreme emaciation. Urine dark, scanty, albuminous. Severe neuralgic pains in trunk and limbs. PODOPHYLLUM. NOTE. Bilious and rheumatic headaches, based on torpidity of the liver. Bilious temperaments, especially after mercurialization. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Stunning headache through temples, better from pressure. Momentary darts of pain in forehead, obliging to shut eyes. Mist before eyes, then fleeting pains, worse at the occipital pro- tuberances, down neck and shoulders; better from lying down in quiet and dark place and from sleep. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with sensation of fullness over eyes. Vertigo, when standing in open air, with tendency to fall forward. Head hot, rolling head from side to side. Bilious headache, worse in morning. Headache, with disgust for life. Headache alternating with diarrhoea. Morning headache, with flushed face. ACCRAVATION. In morning. AMELIORATION. From pressure; from sleep; from lying down in quiet and dark place. CONCOMITANTS. Depression of spirits, imagines is going to die or be very ill. Bilious- ness, with nausea and giddiness; bitter taste and risings; tendency to bilious vomiting and purging, with dark urine. Ex- cessive hepatic action. Morning diarrhoea, with sour, green, bilious evacuations. Pain under right shoulder blade or between shoulders. '59 PULSATILLA. PULSATILLA. NOTE. Congestive, nervous, gastric, rheumatic headaches. Headaches from excessive study, abuse of coffee or spirits, or rich, fat food; over- eating; from abuse of Quinine, iron, Sulphur, Mercury, chamo- mile tea; from long watching or cold; from suppressed sexual excitement. Bland temper, or else cold and phlegmatic. Females and children, with blue eyes, very affectionate, easily excited to tears, yielding disposition. Women who are inclined to be fleshy, with scanty menstruation. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Acute pains in temples, with giddiness. ' Twitching, tearing pain in temple lain on; goes to other side when turning on to it; worse evenings and on raising eyes upward. Pressive pain in forehead above orbits, involving whole head. Headache extending into eyes, so that they ache in evening. Throbbing, pressing headache, relieved by pressure. Pressive pain in forehead, above orbits, aggravated on raising eyes. Pains are mostly frontal or supraorbital. If rheumatic may go from head into face. Pains may wander from one part of head to another. Violent unilateral pain behind one ear, as if a nail was driven in. Dullness of head and headache, like bruised sensation in forehead. Rheumatic headache, worse on one side, from 5 to 10 P. M.; crazing pains in face and teeth. Semilateral headache, with bad taste in mouth in morning; without thirst, with nightly diarrhoea and scanty urination. Semilateral tearing pains, with shocks, stitches, vertigo, desire to vomit. One-sided headache, as if brain would burst and eyes fall out of head. Tearing pains, worse toward evening. Beating stitches, early, after rising, and in evening after lying down. Sick-headache, from suppression of menses, or from some menstrual or gastric disorder. Stupefying headache, with running chills, with humming in head; worse lying, or sitting quietly, or in the cold. Beating, jerking, lacerating pains, or as if in a vise. Pulsating in evening and from mental exertion; throbbing, with anaemia. Throbbing, pressing headache, relieved by external pressure. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo; especially while sitting, as if caused by intoxication; in morning on rising from bed, on account of which was obliged to lie down again. RANUNCULUS BULB. 16b Giddy, as if drunk, with inclination to vomit. Cannot hold head upright, cannot raise it; it seems too heavy. Disposition to take cold en head, worse when it gets wet. Head sweaty. ACCRAVATION. In evening; from raising eyes upward; from 5 to 10 P. M.; during rest and when sitting; in close warm room; in the cold; from wet; from warmth or from mental exertion. AMELIORATION. In open air; from pressing or bandaging head. CONCOMITANTS. Symptoms changeable, is very well one hour, very miserable next. Timid and fearful, yet extremely mild, gentle and yielding. Sometimes silent and melancholy, with thickly-coated tongue, bad taste in mouth in morning, nothing tastes good. Gastric disturbance from rich, fat food. Palpitation of heart; obscura- tion of sight, photophobia; paleface; whinning mood; loss of appetite; no thirst; chill; anguish; epistaxis. Menses sup- pressed or flow intermittingly, with evening chilliness. Pain in back, bearing down. Catarrhal affections, with thick, bland, yellowish-green discharge. Wandering pains, shifting rapidly. RANUNCULUS BULB. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressing pain in forehead from within outward. Pain in temples, drawing and pressure in evening while walking, with feverish restlessness and difficulty of breathing. Pressing headache in forehead and on vertex, as if pressed asunder, with pressure on eyeballs and sleepiness; worse in evening, or when entering warm room from cold air, or vice versa. Headache, with nausea and sleepiness. Headache is caused or aggravated by change of temperature. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with danger of falling, when going from room into open air. Congestion of blood to head. Sensation of fullness and enlargement of head. ACCRAVATION. In evening; from change of temperature. i6i RHODODENDRON. CONCOMITANTS. Obtuseness of senses. Angry mood, quarrelsome. Pains are excited or aggravated by contact, motion, stretching, changing position .of body. Many pains arise on change of external temperature; from cold to warm, or vice versa; or morning or evening, or after dinner. Intercostal rheumatism. RHODODENDRON. NOTE. Rheumatic headaches resulting from cold, stormy weather. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Aching pain in left half of forehead. Lacerating, boring pain in left temporal region. Pain in forehead and temples when lying in bed in morning; worse when drinking wine, and in wet, cold weather; better after rising and moving about. Violent tearing and drawing in bones, and in periosteum of cranial bones; worse when at rest; in morning; during wet, cold, stormy weather; better from wrapping head up warmly; from dry heat and from exercise. Scalp feels sore, as if bruised. Head feels dull, wild and confused, as after intoxication. Sensation of stupefaction and drowsiness in head on rising in morning. AGGRAVATION. From drinking wine; in wet, cold, stormy weather; when at rest; in morning. AMELIORATION. After rising and moving about; from dry heat; from wrapping head up warmly; from exercise. CONCOMITANTS. Great indiiference, with aversion to all Occupation or labor. Almost all the pains reappear at approach of rough weather. Rheumatic orchitis. RHUS RAD.—RHUS TOX. 162 RHUS RADICANS. NOTE. Nervous, rheumatic headaches. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pain above eyes. Dull and continued pain in forehead. Violent and increasing pain in forehead and across top of head. Semilateral pain in temples. Pain in head and nape of neck. Quotidian periodical headache. Throbbing in head. Headache is worse and pains are sharper when lying down. Occipital pain with stiffness in nape of neck. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, confusion of head. Momentary loss of consciousness. Head feels too full. Heaviness and fullness of head. Heat of head. Itching of scalp. Eruptions on scalp. AGGRAVATION. From lying down. CONCOMITANTS. Mental depression ; great discouragement. Sleep imperfect; sleep- less. Wandering pains, sometimes on one side, sometimes on other. Pains in various and often remote parts, in succession. Pain and soreness is worse in morning when beginning to move. Many pains relieved while walking in open air. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. NOTE. Congestive, nervous, rheumatic headaches. Headaches from bad weather; from chagrin; from getting wet; from suppressed eczema. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Head so heavy that was obliged to hold it upright in order to relieve the weight pressing forward into forehead. Tearing, stitching pains, extending to ears, root of nose, malar bones and jaws, with painfulness of teeth and gums. 163 RHUS TOX Scalp sensitive, worse on side not lain on, from growing warm in bed, from touch, and combing hair back. Headache in occiput that disappears on bending head backward. Aching in occipital protuberances. Rheumatic headaches, or from bathing. Stupefying headache, with buzzing, formication and throbbing; face glistening and red; restless moving about. Headache, must lie down, returns from least chagrin. Burning or beating pains. Headache relieved by motion. Heaviness and dullness of head on turning eyes, even eyeball hurts. On shaking head, sensation as if brain were loose and struck against skull. Head as painful to touch as a boil. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo in the aged; worse from lying down, when rising, from turning or stooping. Dullness of head, as if intoxicated, while sitting; on rising, such dizziness that it seemed as if were going to fall forward or backward. Stupefaction, with tingling in head and pains in limbs; better form motion. Heat in head from drinking beer. Eruption suppurating and moist, forming thick crusts; itching; worse at night; hair is eaten off; extends to shoulders. Sensation as if brain were loose and hit against skull, when stepping or shaking head. AGGRAVATION. From growing warm in bed; from touch; from combing hair back; from chagrin; from lying down, rising, turning or stooping. AMELIORATION. From motion; from bending head backward. CONCOMITANTS. Absence of mind, forgetful, difficult comprehension. Anxiety; timidity; worse at twilight; restless change of place. General unhappiness of temper. Great apprehension at night; cannot remain in bed. Melancholy, sad, depressed, discouraged. Impatient and vexed at every trifle; does not endure* being talked to. Pains are greatly aggravated by rest; worse after midnight and before storms; relieved by motion. Bad effects from getting wet, from strains or lifting. Great restlessness and uneasiness, must constantly change position, especially at night. Rheumatism and rheumatic affections. Erysipelatous, vesicular or pustular eruptions. Bad effects from sprains or strains. ROBINIA—SABADILLA. 164 ROBINA. NOTE. Useful in sick-headaches resulting from gastric diseases. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull, frontal headache, worse from motion, with neuralgic pains in temples. Sick-headache, with acidity of stomach, eructations and vomiting. Headache, with sensation as if head was full of boiling water; when moving head, sensation as if brain struck against skull. AGGRAVATION. From motion. CONCOMITANTS. Low-spirited, with great irritability. Excessive acidity of stomach. Vomiting of intensely-sour fluid, setting teeth on edge. Great distention of stomach and bowels with flatulency; intestines dis- tended almost to point of rupturing, with severe colic. Dys- pepsia, manifesting itself at night and preventing sleep. SABADILLA. NOTE. Suitable to children and old people. Gastric and malarial headaches. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressure in head, worse in forehead and in temples. Stitches in temples. Stupefying, oppressive sensation in forehead. Headache after a walk; on returning to room, a twisting, screwing pain from right side of head to temples; after going to bed, spreading over whole head; returning daily. Painful heaviness, first in fore part of right side of forehead, whence it extends more and more toward left side, finally affects whole head; increases during motion, when it becomes a sort of vertigo. Headache occasioned by fixed attention. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, things turn black before eyes, sensation of fainting. Beclouded, as after intoxication, without vertigo or pains. Mental exertion aggravates headache and produces sleep. Headache from much thinking or too close attention. Burning, crawling itching on hairy scalp, better from scratching. '65 SABINA. AGGRAVATION. From motion; from mental exertion. CONCOMITANTS. Melancholy deep-seated, from abdominal irritation. Anxious rest- lessness. Restless, unrefreshing sleep. Intermittent fever. Vermicular affections. Gastric disturbances. SABINA. NOTE, Headache accompanying congestion of female pelvic organs. LOCATION DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Headache, especially in temporal eminences, suddenly appearing and slowly disappearing. Frontal headache pushing down into eyes, as if they would be pushed out; worse in morning on rising, better in open air. Transitory tensive pain in forehead, as if skin had grown fast, with tension in eyes. Pressure and dullness in head, especially in forehead. Digging, boring headache. Smarting, stabbing pain. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, especially in morning, fears will fall; everything turns black before eyes; suppressed menses. AGGRAVATION. In morning on rising. AMELIORATION. In open air. CONCOMITANTS. Much irritability of temper, hysteria. Hypochondrical mood. Music intolerable to her. Very nervous and hysterical, and if becomes pregnant is almost sure to abort about third month. Chronic ailments of women; arthritic pains, tendency to mis- carriage. Plethoric women whose menses are habitually profuse, with drawing and tearing pains from back through pubes. Pro- tracted uterine haemorrhages, blood dark and clotted. All the symptoms better or ceases in open air. SANGUINARIA. 166 SANGUINARIA. NOTE. Congestive, gastric, nervous, rheumatic, catarrhal headaches. Head- aches at change of life. American sick-headache. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Soreness in spots, especially temporal regions. Headache, as if forehead would split, with chill and burning in stomach. Headache, as if head would burst; better when walking in open air; pain most severe in temples, especially right, in afternoon. Headache begins in occiput, spreads upward and settles over right eye, with nausea and vomiting; has to be in the dark and lie perfectly still. Pain in back part of head, running in rays from neck upward. Pain like flash of lightning on back of head. Violent pain over upper portion of whole left side of head, especially in eye. Migraine, or sick-headache. Attacks occur paroxysmally; one week or longer. Pains begin in morning, increase during day and last till evening. Severe headache, only relieved by pressing back against something hard. Head seems to feel as if it would burst, or as if eyes would be pressed out, or pains are digging, with sudden, piercing, throbbing lancinations through brain, involving forehead and top of head in particular, being most severe in right side, followed by chills, nausea, vomiting of food or bile, forcing patient to lie down and preserve greatest quiet, as every motion aggravates sufferings, which are only relieved by sleep. Head is very painful to touch. Headache, with nausea and chilliness, followed by flushes of heat extending from head to stomach. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with long-continued nausea, debility and headache. Verertigo, with nausea and headache, followed by spasmodic vomit- ing. Determination of blood to "head, with whizzing in ears and transitory feeling of heat, then sensation as if vomiting was about to take place. Congestion to head, with distention of temporal veins. Earache, with headache and singing in ears and vertigo. Headache every seventh day. AGGRAVATION. From noise and light; from motion ; from touch. i67 SECALE—SELENIUM. AMELIORATION. Walking in open atr; from darkness and quiet; pressing against something hard; from sleep. CONCOMITANTS. Angry, irritable, morose. Neuralgia in and over right eye. In- flammation of stomach, with burning, vomiting and headache. Useful in almost every form of indigestion. Bronchitis, asthma. Torpor. General languor. SECALE. NOTE. Suitable to irritable, plethorit subjects; or to feeble, thin, scrawny, cachectic women. Very old decrepit persons. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Hemicrania on left side. Pain and confusion, most in occiput. Pulsations in head with giddiness, so that cannot walk. Heaviness, dullness, stupefaction of head. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. . Feeling of lightness of head, most in occiput. Giddiness, unsteady gait. Heaviness of head, and tingling of legs. Twitching of head to and fro. Hair falls out. CONCOMITANTS. Anxiety, sadness, melancholy, apathy, indifference. Stupid, half- sleepy state. Constant sensation of pressure and bearing down in uterus. Passive haemorrhages in feeble, cachectic people. Supression of menses, with pain; or menses too frequent, too profuse, last too long, with pain. SELENIUM. NOTE. Not much used but the symptoms are peculiar and the drug may be of service to habitual tea drinkers. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Nervous headache, stinging in character, usually over left eye, worse from heat of the sun. SENEGA. 168 Headache, worse after drinking tea, commencing in forehead and gradually extending over whole head; nausea, heavy-coated tongue, bilious vomiting; violent stinging over left eye when walking in sun, or from strong odors, with increased secretion of urine, and melancholy. Pressure in forehead, with vertigo on rising or moving. Headache from lemonade, tea or wine; every afternoon. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo on moving about, with nausea, vomiting and faintness. Vertigo, worse after breakfast and dinner. Hair falls off when combing; also of eyebrows, whiskers and genitals. AGGRAVATION. From tea, lemonade or wine; from heat of sun. CONCOMITANTS. Very forgetful, especially in business; during slumber, however, he remembers all he had forgotten. Difficult comprehension. Great talkativeness when excited. Mental labor fatigues him much. All his pains are worse after sleep. Patient easily de- bilitated by hot weather, seminal emissions, etc. SENEGA. NOTE. Catarrhal headache in fat, sluggish patients, who overcome common colds with difficulty. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Violent, aching, beating pain in forehead. Lacerating and drawing pains in temples, extending down face. Pressure in forehead and in orbits after dinner, especially in left side of head; relieved in open air. Aching, stupefying pain in occiput. Sort of aching pain in head, in sinciput and occiput, not increased by pressure; this headache came on every day and was especially felt when sitting in a warm room; it was accompanied by pressure in eyes which did not bear touch. Violent beating headache, with pressure in eyes, diminished appetite, bruised feeling and general malaise. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with roaring in ears. Reeling sensation in head. Confused feeling in head. Dullness of head, with pressure and weakness of eyes. 169 SEPIA, AGGRAVATION. From sitting in a warm room. AMELIORATION. In open air. CONCOMITANTS. Hypochondriac mood; irritable. Anxiety, with vertigo. Sound, stupefying sleep; restless sleep. General feeling of debility. Great irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes. Much pain in chest. Conjunctivitis. Nasal catarrh. SEPIA. NOTE. Congestive, gastric, hysteric, nervous and rheumatic headaches. Suited to mild and easy dispositions; to dark-haired patients; to women, particularly during pregnancy, in child-bed and while nursing. Headache depending on derangement of sexual or digestive systems. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Tearing in left temple to upper part of left side of head. Viojent, pressive headache, as if head would burst, worse from stooping, motion, coughing or shaking head. Heavy, pressing pain in left orbit and left side of head, with darting pains from left eye over side of head toward occiput, better after meals. Stitching, boring, hammering headaches over right eye or in one temple, of such severity as to make her scream, with nausea and vomiting; better from sleep and darkness. Intense headache, frontal and temporal. Stitching, pressive headache, continuous in lower part of forehead, just over eyes; worse from motion in house; better when walk- ing in open air. Hemicrania; stinging pain from within outward, mostly in left side, with nausea, vomiting, contraction of pupils; worse in-doors and when walking fast; better in open air and when lying on painful side. Hemicrania, from affection of reproductive system, countenance pale, face dirty yellow, especially in young females in whom cerebral nerves have excited the sympathetic, producing a long train of hysterical symptoms; pain is stinging, throbbing, aching, tearing and piercing. Following perspiration, headache in right side of head and face, not severe, but with surging sensation in forehead, like waves of pain welling up and beating against frontal bone. SEPIA. 170* Pulsating headache in cerebellum, beginning in morning and lasting till noon, or sometimes till evening; worse from least motion, even turning eyes, when lying on back; better when closing eyes, at rest and in dark room. Pressive, contractive pain in top of head. Pressure on vertex, after mental labor. Pain comes on in terriffic shocks, as though there was powerful jerk in head. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Momentary attacks of giddiness when walking in open air or while writing. Stupefaction of head; congestion of blood to head. Involuntary jerking of head backward and forward, especially fore- noons when sitting. Sensitiveness of roots of hair, to contact, to cold wind; worse in evening, when lying on painless side; burning after scratching. Eruption on vertex and back of head, dry, offensive, stinging, itch- ing and tingling, with cracks; feeling sore when scratching. Falling off of hair. Headache every morning, with nausea. Headache all day, with great mental depression. Violent headache, as if head would burst. Headache most severe toward evening, particularly when shaking head. Chronic congestive headache, with photophobia and impossibility to open eyes on account of weight of upper lid. Gouty or nervous headaches, from abdominal plethora or menstrual disturbances. Headache with aversion to all food. Headache better after sufficient sleep. AGGRAVATION. From motion in house; in-doors: when walking fast; from least motion, even turning eyes; toward evening; in morning; when lying on painless side; from coughing; from stooping; from shaking head. AMELIORATION. From sleep and darkness; when walking in open air; when lying on painful side; from closing eyes; from rest; in dark room; after meals. CONCOMITANTS. Weak memory; aversion to one's occupation ; great indifference to those one loves best. Easily offended; inclined to be vehement. Dread of being alone. Great excitability in company. Restless, fidgety, nerves very sensitive to least noise. Great sadness and I7i SILICEA. frequent attacks of weeping which can hardly suppress. The female sexual organs are almost always affected when Sepia is indicated; their symptoms should be carefully studied. Affections arise and increase in severity mostly in evening and at night; during and immediately after a meal; disappear during or are alleviated by active exercise, by pressure of pain- ful parts and by application of warmth ; often accompanied by chilliness. Obstructions of portal system. Yellow, earthy, sallow complexion, with puffiness of soft parts, and with mental depression and apathy. SILICEA. NOTE. Congestive, gastric, nervous and rheumatic headaches. Headaches from excessive mental exertion, from over-heating, form nervous exhaustion. Scrofulous diathesis. Scrofulous children; large bellies, weak ankles, much sweat about head. Rachitic, anaemic conditions; caries. Nervous, irritable persons, with dry skin, profuse saliva, diarrhoea, night-sweats. Weakly persons, fine skin, pale face, light complexions, lax muscles. Persons who are over-sensitive, imperfectly nourished, not from want of food but from imperfect assimilation. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Vibratory sensation in head when stepping hard, with tension in forehead and eyes. Pulsating beating, most violent in forehead and vertex, with chilliness. Tearing, frequently one-sided, with stitches through eyes, in cheek bones. Hemicrania, with loud cries, nausea to fainting, subsequent ob- scuration of sight. Severe pressing or shattering headache, the pain is felt in nape of neck, ascends to vertex and then to supraorbital region; also from occiput to eyeball, especially right, sharp, darting pains and steady ache, eyeball being sore and painful when revolving; worse from noise, motion, even jarring of the room by footstep, and from light; relief from heat, but not from pressure. Violent tearing in head, frequently one-sided, starting from occipital protuberances; extending upward and forward. Headache involving nape of neck, occiput, vertex and eyes, when most violent accompanied by nausea and vomiting, passing away during sleep. Violent periodic headache in vertex, occiput or forehead; one-sided, as if beaten; throbbing in forehead ; coming on in night with nausea and vomiting. SILICEA. 172 OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, as if one would fall forward. Vertigo ascending from dorsal region through nape of neck into head ; worse from motion or looking upward ; accompanied by nausea. Congestion to head, cheeks hot, slight burning in soles of feet. Cold feeling from nape of neck to vertex; extreme heavinese of head. Frequent sweat about head; head is wet from profuse sweating at night; lumps rise on head; sensitiveness of scalp, even to hat. Falling of off hair. • Eruption on back of head, moist or dry, offensive, scabby, burning or itching, discharging pus. Periodical headache, every seventh day. Obstinate morning headaches, with chilliness and nausea. Violent headache, with loss of reason. Headache with or followed by severe pain in small of back; heavi- ness and uncomfortable feeling in all the limbs. Headache followed by temporary blindness. ACCRAVATION. From noise; from motion, even jarring of room by footstep; from light; from mental exertion ; from excessive study; from stoop- ing ; from talking; from cold air; from touch. AMELIORATION. From heat; from sleep; in warm room; from lying down in the dark; from wrapping head up warmly; from hot compresses; from copious urination. • CONCOMITANTS. Will-power strong. When crossed, has to restrain himself to keep from doing violence. Confusion of mind; difficulty of fixing attention. Over-anxious about himself; low-spirited, desponding, melancholy, tired of life; indifferent, apathetic. Reading and writing fatigue, cannot bear least thought. Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise. Hungry but cannot get food down. Water tastes badly, vomits after drinking. Weight in stomach after a meal. Constipation, after partial expulsion stool recedes. Great costiveness before and during menses. Lymphatic swellings, with suppuration, inflammation, swelling of bones; caries; sup- purating ulcers in membranous parts; ulcers of all kinds. Susceptible to slight draughts of air. Want of vital warmth, even when taking exercise. Nervous erethism conjoined with exhaustion. Sensitive to cold air, takes cold easily. »73 SPIGELIA. SPIGELIA. NOTE. Congestive, nervous or rheumatic headaches. Headache resulting from or coinincident with affections of eyes or heart, or de- pendent upon facial neuralgia, or upon vermicular affections. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pains darting from behind forward through eyeball, causing violent pulsating pains in left temple and over left eye. Pulsating headache, mostly in right temple ; worse from least motion or noise; better at rest and lying with head high. Periodical boring from within outward in forehead, vertex and cere- bellum. Painfulness of cerebellum with stiff neck. Headache commencing every morning with rising of the sun, gets at its height at noon, when it gradually declines till sun sets, appearing even thus in cloudy weather. Tearing pains in temples and forehead, extending toward eyes, worse from motion and, especially, from making false step. Nervous headache, beginning in cerebellum and spreading over left side of head, perhaps settling over left eye. Ciliary neuralgia. Headache, especially on left side, extending to eyes, zygoma and teeth; great sensitiveness to wind; worse on stooping, from motion, fresh air; better from pressing head with hand, from lying head high, or from washing it, but worse after washing. Any quick movement converts dull aching pains into acute stabbing. Nervous headaches, especially when eyes are involved ; worse from thinking, noise or any jarring; pale face, anxious respiration, palpitation, nausea and vomiting. When moving facial muscles, sensation as if skull would split. Neuralgia, where pain centres on eye, or above or below, from cold, in damp, rainy weather. Headache when stooping, as from band around head. Scalp feels sore to touch Pains boring, pressing; increased by motion, noise, especially by stooping. Hyperesthesia of filaments of fifth pair. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, as if would fall; worse in morning on rising, with headache, depriving him of his senses. Vertigo when looking down or turning eyes, with nausea. Shaking in brain ; worse when moving head or stepping hard. AGGRAVATION. From least motion or noise; from wind; from thinking; from jar- ring; from stooping; in morning; from fresh air. SPONGIA. 174 AMELIORATION. From rest; from lying with head high; in evening; from pressure. CONCOMITANTS. Weak memory; disinclined to mental work. Restless, anxious; solicitude about ruture; gloomy. Easily irritated or offended. Eyes look dim and faint; upper lids hang down, as if paralyzed. Pain in and above eyes, especially during motion. Chronic rheumatic affections of eyes. Unusually strong beating of heart; frequently hears the beating; can be seen externally through clothes. Palpitation of heart and anxions oppression of chest. SPONGIA. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Congestion of blood to head, with throbbing and pressure in fore- head. Stitches in temples, worse in left. While lying, feels strong pulsation ; worse about ear on which she is lying. Dull headache on right side of brain, on coming into warm room from open air. Headache in back part of head. Headache, as if skull would burst, in vertex and forehead. Pressing headache in right frontal eminence from insi.de outward. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo: with danger of falling; at night when awaking; with nausea. Sensation as if hair were standing on end on vertex. Violent itching on scalp; yellow, scabby eruption. ACCRAVATION. On coming into warm room from open air; better horizontally on back. CONCOMITANTS. Mental dullness, difficult comprehension. Obstinacy. Paroxysms of anxiety. Fear of future. Tired of life. Attacks of severe oppression and pain in region of heart. Ail symptoms ag- gravated by lying with head low. Inability to lie down at night. Great dryness of larynx, with hoarse, hollow wheezing cough. •75 STANNU.M—! STAPHYSAGRIA. STANNUM. NOTE. Nervous or catarrhal headaches. Headache from vermicular af- fections. Headaches of neurasthenics. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Throbbing headache in temples. Tain whole day, as if temples would be crushed. Painful jerks through left temple, forehead and cerebellum, leaving dull pressure; worse during rest; better from motion. Stupefying, aching pain in brain. Headache every morning over one or other eye, mostly left, gradu- ally extending over whole forehead, increasing and decreasing gradually; often with vomiting. Neuralgic headache, begins lightly and increases gradually to highest point, then gradually declines. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when reading, with loss of thought. Vertigo worse when walking in open air or raising head. Heaviness of head during rest and motion, evenings. AGGRAVATION. During rest; when walking in open air or raising head. AMELIORATION. From motion. CONCOMITANTS. Forgetful and absentminded. Thinking makes her feel wretched. Restlessness and anxiety. Distress of mind ceases as soon as menses begin to flow. Profound prostration of whole nervous system; patient must drop down but cannot very well get up. Pains commence lightly, increase gradually to great severity, then decrease again as slowly. Dry, concussing cough. Respira- tory symptoms should be closely studied. STAPHYSAGRIA. NOTE. m . r Headache from syphilis; from abuse of Mercury or Thuja; from sexual prostration. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressive, stupefying headache, especially in forehead. Sharp, burning, needle-like stitches in left temple. Patient very sensitive to least impression. Brain feels compressed, with paroxysmal roaring in ears. STILLINGIA. 176 Sensation as of round ball in'forehead, firmly seated, even when shaking head. Brain aches, as if torn to pieces, in morning on rising from bed; worse from motion; better from rest and warmth; passes off with much yawning. Painful drawing in various outer parts of head, worse from touch. Pressing, stinging and tearing pains -in bones and periosteum on cranium; swelling and suppuration of bones (caries), with putrid-smelling sweat, day and night; worse from motion and contact. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Dull feeling in head with inability to perform any mental labor. Feeling in1 occiput, as if hollow, or as if brain was not large enough for space. Hair falls off, mostly from occiput and around ears, with humid, fetid eruption or dandruff, on scalp. Mercurial affections of head. ACCRAVATION. From motion; from touch. AMELIORATION. From rest and warmth. CONCOMITANTS. Ailments from indigestion, with vexation or reserved displeasure. Fretful peevishness, with excessive ill-humor or indifference. Low spirited, hypochondriacal, apathetic, with weak memory; caused by unmerited insults, sexual excesses, or persistently dwelling on sexual subjects. Pain, swelling and suppuration of bones and periosteum. General bruised sensation of muscles; weary pains, as if beaten. Herpes, eczema, polypi, warts. STILLINGIA. NOTE. Mercurial, syphilitic or catarrhal headaches. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Stupid headache through temples, with slight nausea and white- coated tongue. Violent frontal headache, with stinging, darting pains in face. Dull heavy pain in right side of head. Slight but persistent dull headache in vertex. Slight, constant, dull, headache, with depression of spirits and neu- ralgic toothache. «77 STRAMONIUM. Pains in head, with inflamed and watery eyes and general soreness of muscles. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Dizziness, with throbbing in head. Bony swellings on head and forehead. Mercurial periostitis of skull. CONCOMITANTS. Unusually dull and sleepy, with headache. Intellect dull and stupid, depression of spirits. Chronic, scrofulous, skin diseases, es- pecially if complicated with venereal rheumatism. Syphilitic or mercurial periostitis, laryngitis, etc. Gonorrhceal affections. Chronic rheumatism. STRAMONIUM. NOTE. Congestive, nervous, hysterical or rheumatic headaches. Suited to children or young, plethoric persons. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Tearing in neck and over head, shunning light; betterfrom warmth; worse from cold, on getting up in morning. Congestive headache in morning; worse toward noon, gradually decreasing toward evening; pains terrible, fears going mad, would run or press head against wall. Spasmodic drawing, only in head and eyes, with grinding of teeth. Rheumatic headache, with dullness; difficult thinking; worse on vertex or forehead, 10 evening and night. Heat, pulsating about vertex; attacks of fainting, loss of sight and hearing; face bloated, turgid; convulsive motions of head, frequently raising head from pillow, or bending it backward; better lying still. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when walking in dark, day or night; staggers and falls down every time attempts to walk; also when walking in darkened room in day time. Sensation of lightness of head. Tormenting sensation of heat in whole head, mostly vertex, with great dullness; after sunstroke. Convulsive movements of head, mostly to right side. SULPHUR. 178 AGGRAVATION. From cold; on getting up in morning; toward noon; evening and night. AMELIORATION. From warmth; toward evening ; from lying still. CONCOMITANTS. Alternate exaltation and melancholy. Feels stupid, with indifference to everybody and everything. Hallucinations, mania, etc. Desires light and company ; worse in dark or solitude. Swollen face, tinged with blood. Staring glistening eyes, wide open, prominent. Convulsive twitching of the muscles and tendons, trembling of body. Suppression of secretions. SULPHUR. NOTE. Congestive, gouty, rheumatic, gastric, nervous or catarrhal headaches. Headaches from suppressed eruptions; from abuse of spirits or metallic substances. Adapted to lean, stoop-shouldered persons; to scrofulous patients with lymphatic temperaments; venous constitutions; disposition to constipation, piles, or morning diarrhoea. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Tearing or stitches in forehead or temples from within outward; worse from eating or stooping; better when pressing head together and when moving about. Pressure in temples and tight feeling in brain when thinking or doing mental work. Painful tingling in vertex and in temples. Sensitiveness of vertex, pressing pain when touched; worse in evening, from heat of bed, in morning when awaking; smarting and burning after scratching. Burning hot distress on top of head. Throbbing headache at night. Headache from abdominal plethora, from suppressed skin diseases; chronic, gouty and rheumatic headaches; increased by mental exertion, motion, coughing, sneezing. Periodical headaches, every seventh day.. Sick-headache, veryVeakening, once a week or every two weeks; pains generally lacerating, stupefying, benumbing. 179 SULPHUR. Dull headache, commencing in morning, increasing till noon, or a little later, and then gradually decreasing. Headache every day, as though head would burst. Contractive pain, as from a band around cranium, with sensation as if flesh were loose; followed by inflammation, swelling, and caries of bones; worse in wet, cold weather and when at rest; better from motion. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo: while sitting or standing, with nosebleed, in morning; when stooping; when rising from bed; when walking in open air; with nausea; with vanishing of sight; with inclination to fall to left side; worse after meals, particularly dinner. Rush of blood to head, with roaring in ears and heat of face; worse when stooping, talking, in open air; better sitting in warm room. Heat on top of head, flushes in face, feet cold, vertigo when going up stairs. Roots of hair painful, especially to touch. Hair dry, falling off; scalp sore to touch, itching violently in evening, when getting warm in bed. Humid, offensive eruption, with thick pus, yellow crusts, itching, bleeding and burning. AGGRAVATION. From eating or stooping: in evening; from heat of bed ; in morning, when waking; mental exertion; motion; coughing; sneezing; touch; toward noon; from wet, cold weather; from rest; open air. AMELIORATION. When pressing head together and when moving about; sitting in warm room. CONCOMITANTS. Weak memory, especially for names. Hypochondriac mood through day, merry in evening. Peevish, irritable, quick-tempered. Excitable mood, easily irritated but quickly penitent. Melancholy mood; dwelling on religious and philosophical speculations. Early morning diarrhoea, driving patient out of bed. Con- stipation ; hard, dark, dry, difficult stools; itching and burning of anus; piles. Menses too early, too profuse, last too long; blood thick, black and acrid. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes. Itching eruptions on skin, papular, vesicular, pus- tular. Extreme emaciation, with debility. Body offensive, despite washing. Sensitive to open air, inclined to take cold. Inflammation and suppuration of glands. Frequent weak, faint spells through the day. Pains aggravated at night. SULPHURIC ACID—TABACUM. i So SULPHURIC ACID. NOTE. Chronic headaches in leuco-phlegmatic temperaments and relaxed muscles; great debility in women subject to leucorrhcea. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Painful shocks in forehead and temples; worse in forenoon and evening. Headache, as if plug were thrust quickly by increasingly-severe blows in head. Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing headache. Pain of outer parts of head, as if from subcutaneous ulceration; parts are painful to touch. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Rush of blood to head, in headache. Sensation in forehead as if brain were loose and falling from side to side; worse when walking in open air; better when sitting quiet in room. Hair turns gray, falls out; eruption on scalp very sore, worse in open air. AGGRAVATION. In forenoon and evening; in open air. AMELIORATION. When sitting quiet in room. CONCOMITANTS. Disheartened, irritable, restless; mental excitability. Acidity of stomach. Much debility, flashes of heat with sensation of tremor over whole body, without trembling. Useful for old people, particularly women; also during climacteric years. Light-haired persons. TABACUM. NOTE. Nervous or gastric headache. Headache from seasickness. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Sick-headache coming on early in morning, intolerable by noon, deathly nausea, violent vomiting; greatly aggravated by noise and light. Headache better in open air. W OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo; excessive heaviness of head, with qualmishness in stomach; better out-of-doors. i8i TARANTULA—TARAXICUM. AGGRAVATION. Toward noon ; by noise and light. AMELIORATION. In open air. CONCOMITANTS. Diseases originating in cerebral irritation, followed by marked gastric symptoms. Restless, anguish, melancholy, oppression of chest; unable to collect thoughts. Dreadful faint feeling in stomach. TARANTULA. NOTE. Nervous, hysterical patients, subject to coreiform affections. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Sharp, nail-like pains in head. Intense headache, as though thousands of needles were pricking into brain; better from- rubbing head against pillow. Headache, as if large quantity of cold water was poured on head; relieved by pressure. AMELIORATION. From rubbing head against pillow; from pressure; from music. CONCOMITANTS. Excessive hyperesthesia. Least excitement irritates, followed by ennui and sadness. Indescribable distress in cardiac region, at times heart feels as if twisted over. Heat of body. Great weak- ness and lassitude. Hyperesthesia of special senses. Extreme sexual excitement. TARAXACUM. NOTE. Headache of typhus. Gastric, hepatic headache. LOCATION DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Drawing pain in left temple while sitting, ceasing when walking and standing. Needle-like stitches in left temple while sitting, ceasing when standing. Violent tearing in occiput in typhus. Pressure with heaviness in lower part of occiput. Heaviness of head, with redness of face. Oppressive, stupefying pain in forehead, as after intoxication. THERIDION. 182 Aching pain in right temple. Painful pressure in head from within outward. Drawing aching pain in temple. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Head falls now to left, now to right side. Sensation in head as if brain were constricted from all sides by pressure. Nausea with headache; anxiety. AGGRAVATION. While sitting (drawing pain in left temple); while sitting (needle- like stitches in left temple). AMELIORATION. Walking and standing (drawing pain in left temple); when standing (sitches in left temple). CONCOMITANTS. Nausea; anxiety; red face; mapped tongue. THERIDION. NOTE. Neuralgic, hysterical or sick-headache. Headache from seasick- ness ; from sunstroke. Useful at the climacteric period. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Violent frontal headache, with throbbing, extending into occiput. Throbbing over left eye and across forehead; sick stomach; worse on rising, from lying, from persons walking over floor, from least noise. Headache behind eyes. Pains principally in region of eyes, starting in right eye. Headache on beginning to move, cannot bear'least noise. Very severe headache, with nausea and vomiting, like seasickness, and with shaking chills. Heaviness of head, as if had something else upon it. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with nausea, even to vomiting; worse from stooping, from least movement, on closing eyes; with cold sweat. Vertigo, together with blindness, caused by pain in eyes. Head feels thick; thinks it belongs to another; that can lift it off. Itching on scalp. i83 THUJA. AGGRAVATION. On rising; from lying; from persons walking over floor ; from least noise; from stooping. CONCOMITANTS. Talkative, inclined to mental exertion; hilarity. Want of self-con- fidence; hysteria. Aversion to work, especially his usual avocation. Time seems to pass too rapidly. Faint after every exertion. Weak, limbs tremble, sweating. Nausea and faint- ing, after it very pale; sick at stomach as soon as closes eyes, with vanishing of thoughts. Flickering before eyes. THUJA. NOTE. Nervous, sycotic or syphilitic headaches. Headache from vaccina- tion. Lymphatic temperaments, people with dark complexion, black hair, dry fibre, and not very fat. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Tearing in forehead, temples and occiput, worse at night and on lying down. Boring through temples. Headache on left side, as if convex button were pressed on part. Pressing in vertex, as from nail; worse in afternoon from 3 to 4 A. M.; from tea, sexualexcesses and over-eating; better in motion and after sweat. Pain in left frontal eminence, and in right side of head, as if nail were driven in. Scalp sensitive to touch or pressure of pillow; better if rubbed; violent, burning, tearing, stitching pains; worse in warm bed. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo, with eyes shut, ceases on opening them; when rising from sitting; on stooping; looking upward or sideway. White scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out. Wants head and face warmly wrapped. Eruption moist and corroding, on occiput and temples, worse from touch, better from rubbing. AGGRAVATION. At night; in afternoon; from 3 to 4 A. M,; from sexual excesses and over-eating; in warm bed; from touch. AMELIORATION. On motion ; after sweat; from rubbing. USTILAGO—VALERIANA. 184 CONCOMITANTS. Extremely scrupulous about least thing. Dissatisfied, quarrelsome, over-excited, angry at trifles. Cannot think, thinks slowly, as if hunting for words; uses wrong words. The great antidote to disease of sycotic origin, which generally shows itself in shape of warts, condylomata, cauliflower excrescences, on or about the genital organs and hairy parts of the body, especially if they are also syphilitic. USTILAGO. NOTE. Nervous headache from menstrual irregularities, or atonic condition of female pelvic organs. Acts better on tall, slim, fair com- plexioned and what might be called consumptive persons; also acts favorably on very lymphatic women, with clear, white skin. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Feeling of fullness of head, with dull, pressive frontal headache. Violent frontal headache, as if forehead would burst open. Sharp, flying pains in forehead. Pain on top and side of head; climacteric. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Frequent attacks of vertigo; things whirl before eyes, are double, or white specks come into view and blot all else. Eczema capitis. CONCOMITANTS. Great depression of spirits, irritable. Menorrhagia at climacteric period, with much pain on top and side of head; burning dis- tress in right ovary; goneness in epigastrium; flooding lasts for weeks; blood dark colored, with many clots, vertigo, etc VALERIANA. NOTE. Nervous headaches. Irritable, hysterical women. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressing, as from stupefying constriction in forehead drawing into orbits; face pale; worse evening, at rest, in open air; better from movement, in room, when changing position. One sided drawing headache from draught of air. Headache in sunshine. I85 VERATRUM ALB. Headache, aching being especially violent over forehead. Headaches appearing suddenly or in jerks. Pressure over orbits alternates between a pressure and a sticking; the sticking is like a darting tearing, as if it would pierce eyes from within outward. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo when stooping. Feels light, as if flying in the air. AGGRAVATION. In evening; at rest; in open air. AMELIORATION. From movement; in room; when changing position. CONCOMITANTS. Hysteria, over excitable, changeable disposition and ideas. Fear, especially in dark, palpitation, trembling. The intellectual faculties predominate. Nervous affections in which the hys- terical element predominates. VERATRUM ALBUM. NOTE. Lean, choleric or melancholy persons; children. Young people and women of sanguine or nervo-sanguine temperament; also people who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction; gay dispositions; fitful mood. Nervous headache at each mestrual molimen. Headache from bad effects of fright, fear or vexation; from abuse of Cinchona. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Sick-headache, in which diuresis forms a crisis. Neuralgia in head, with indigestion; features sunken. Paroxysms in various parts of brain, partly as if bruised, partly pressure. Headache; nausea, vomiting, pale face, stiff neck, profuse mictu- rition; as if brain was torn to pieces; chronic, coming on in afternoon, lasting through night; drawing in both arms; better toward morning; frequent micturition. Violent pains, drive to despair; great prostration, fainting, with cold sweat and great thirst. Cold sensation on vertex and cold sweat on forehead. Burning in brain. VERATRUM VIR. 186 OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Vertigo; with cold sweat of forehead; with loss of vision, sudden fainting; from abuse of tobacco, alcohol or opium. Heat burning hot, limbs alternately hot and cold. Cold sweat on forehead, with many complaints. Scalp very sensitive, with headache. AGGRAVATION. Toward morning; from pressing vertex with hand. CONCOMITANTS. Cannot bear to be left alone; fearfulness. Anguish, fear of death. Sudden fainting, collapse of pulse, loss of vision, cold sweat on forehead. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, or constipation. Extreme sudden weakness and prostration. VERATRUM VIR. NOTE. Congestive or nervous headaches. Full-blooded, plethoric persons. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Severe frontal headache, with vomiting. Dull frontal headache, with neuralgic pains in right temple close to eye. ' Headache from nape of neck, with vertigo, dim vision, dilated pupils. Intense cerebral congestion, feeling as thoug head would burst open, accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Great pain with fullness of head; face much flushed; burning in head; spots before eyes; delirium or kind of stupefaction; violent, throbbing headache. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Congestion to head from high living, abuse of stimulants. Fullness of head, throbbing arteries; increased sensitiveness to sound; buzzing in ears; double or partial vision; sunstroke. CONCOMITANTS. Mental confusion, loss of memory; vertigo; cerebral hyperemia. Depression [of spirits. Utter prostration of functions of pain, thereby producing intense congestion of its capiliary vessels. Congestion and perversion of function in all organs supplied by pneumo-gastric nerve. i87 VIBURNUM OP. VIBURNUM OPULUS. NOTE. In a series of experiments made some dozen years ago, at the Pitts- burgh Hospital, I noticed that Tincture of Viburnum, in drop doses, frequently produced an intense headache ; in some cases so severe that discontinuance of the remedy was necessary. I have never known the drug to be used for other than pelvic affections, except in a few cases of headache in my own practice. I am convinced, however, that it will relieve many head pains, even when not dependent upon menstrual irregularities. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Dull frontal headache Throbbing pain extending to eyeballs ; worse from mental exertion; better when moving about. Dull, heavy headache, mostly over eyes, worse on left side, at times extending to vertex and occiput, principally when delayed menses should have appeared; worse from sudden jar, bending over, false step or movement. Headache, with nausea and uneasiness. Headache, accompanying cramp-like dysmenorrhcea. ACCRAVATION. From mental exertion; sudden jar; bending over; false step; movement. AMELIORATION. From moving about. CONCOMITANTS. Depressed, irritable, unable to perform mental labor. Nausea; empty, gone feeling in stomach; food lies heavy. Cramping, colicky pains in abdomen, coming suddenly, very severe. Dys- menorrhcea— pains of a crampy character. Severe bearing down. Backache. Sharp ovarian pains. Excruciating, cramp- ing, colicky pains in pelvis, cause great nervous restlessness. The above symptoms usually precede ' and accompany the menstrual period. Pains often come around pelvis into uterus, culminating in cramp, then extending down thighs; with bearing down, nausea and restlessness. ZINCUM. 188 ZINCUM. NOTE. Adapted to anaemic, chlorotic patients; those who suffer from neuras- thenia. Headache from brain-fag; undeveloped eruptions; spinal irritation ; vermicular affections; from wine, etc. LOCATION, DIRECTION, CHARACTER. Pressure on root of nose, as if it would be pressed into head. Sharp pressure on small spot in forehead, evenings. Cramp-like, tearing pain in right and left temple. Internal headaches, mostly semilateral, or in forehead or occiput; worse from drinking even small quantities of wine, in warm room and after eating. Sensation of soreness on vertex, as from ulceration; worse in evening in bed, and after eating; better after scratching. Pressure on top of head and forehead, gradually increasing after dinner. Chronic sick-headache; great weakness of sight; sticking in right eye. Chloratic headaches, especially in patients whose blood has been saturated with iron. OTHER HEAD SYMPTOMS. Dizziness, nausea, with vomiting of bile. Vertigo in occiput, with falling to left when walking; stupefaction and dullness of intellect, especially afternoon and evening. Hair falls out on vertex, causing complete baldness, with sensation of soreness in scalp. AGGRAVATION. From even small quantity of wine; in warm room; after eating; in evening in bed. AMELIORATION. After scratching. CONCOMITANTS. Cerebral exhaustion, with mental and physical depression Brain- fag from anaemia of brain. Desponding, sad, low-spirited; aversion to labor. Amenorrhcea, anorexia, with constipation, hard, small and dry stools. Sufferings always relieved during flow of menses, return afterward. Twitching and jerking in various muscles. REPERTORY-ANALYSIS, TYPE. Compare, Causes and Conditions. ARTHRITIC. Am., am-c, am., ars., bell., bry., caps., caust., cina, coloc, ign., ipec, magn., nitr-ac, nux-v., petr., phos., puis., sabin., sep., spig., verat., zinc. ALCOHOLIC. Acet-ac., actsea, agar., ant-c, ars., bell., bry., calc-c, can-ind., carbo- v., cact., china, coff., cocc, hyos., ign., ipec, kali-bi., led., nitr- ac, nux-v., ox-ac, phos., puis., rhus, selen., sulph., verat., zinc. CATARRHAL. Aeon., actaea, sesc, al-cep., alu., am m., ars., bell., bry., carbo-v., caul., cham., china, cina, dulc, euphr., gels., hepar., hydr., ign., kali- bi., kali-c, kali-iod., lach., lye , mere, mez., natr-ars., natr-m., nux- v., puis., ran-b., samb., sang., still., sulph. CONGESTIVE. Acet-ac, aeon., actaea, agar., ailanth, alu., am-c, am-b., amyl, apis, am., arg-m., asclep ,atrop., aur.,bad., bell., bry., cact., calc-c, camph., can-sat., caps., carbo-an., carbo v., caust., cham., china, chin-ars., cina, cocc, crotal., cupr., dig., dulc, ferr., fluor-ac, gels., glon., ham., hell., heper., hyos., ign., iod., kali-brom, kali-c., kali-iod , lach., lil-tig., lye, mel., mere, merc-c, natr-s., naja, nitr-ac, nux-v., opi., pic-ac, phos., phos-ac, puis., rhus, sang., sep., sil., spig., spong., stram., sulph., therid., verat-v. GASTRIC. Acet-ac., aeon., actaea, sesc, ailanth, alu., am-c, anac, ant-c, apis, am., ars., asar., atrop., bell., berb., bism., bry., calc-c, calc-ph., caps., carb-ac, caust., caul., carbo-v., cham., cina, cocc, coloc, eupat., formica,gamb., gels., glon., hydr., ign., ipec, ind., iris, kali-bi., lach., lept., lye, mel., naja, nux-v., opi., phos., phyt., plat., puis , robin., sang., sep., sil., sulph,, tabac, tarant., verat. TYPE. 190 HYSTERICAL. Actaea, am,, asaf., bell., can-sat., caps., cham., cocc, coff, gels., hell., hepar, hyos., ign., iris, kali-brom., lach., lact., magn-m., nitr-ac, nux-v., phos., phos-ac, plat., rhus., sep., stram., tarant., valer., verat. MALIARIAL. Ant-c, apis, aran., ars., am., cact., calc-c, caps., carbo-v., cedron, china, chin-ars., cina, dig., eupat., ferr., gels., ign., ipec, lach., lye, mere, natr-m., nux-v., puis., rhus-t., sabad., sulph., verat. MENSTRAUAL. Actaea, agnus., apis, ars., bell., berb., borax, brom., bry., cact., calc-c, carb ac, carbo-v., caul., cham., coff., cocc, coloc, croc, gels., ham., hell., hyos., ign., kali-c, lach., lil., lye, natr-m., nux-m., nux-v., plat., podo., puis., sang., sep., sil., stann., sulph., thuja, ustil., verat., viburn., zinc. MERCURIAL. Asaf., aur., arg-n., carbo-v., clem., china, fluor-ac, hepar, iod., kali- iod., led., mez., nitr-ac, podo., puis., staph., still., sulph. NERVOUS. Acet ac, aeon., actaea, agar., agnus, ail., ambra, anac, apis, arg-m., arg-n., am., ars., asaf., asar., asclep., atrop., aur., bell., bry., cact., calc-c, camph., cann., caul., caust., cedron, cham., china, chin-ars., chlo., cic, cina, coca, cocc, coff., coloc, croc, crot., form., gels., glon., graph., hydr., hyos., ign., ipec, iris, kali-brom., lact., melilot., natr-m., nux-v., opi., petr., phos., phos-ac, physos., pic-ac, plat., puis., rhus-t., rhus-rad., sang., sep., sil., spig., stram., sulph., tarant., tereb., therid., thuja, ustil., valer., verat-a., verat-v., zinc. NEURALGIC. Acon.,act-rae, actspie,am-m., apis, am., ars., atrop., baryta, bell., bry., cact., calc-c, calc-ph., caps., caul., caust., cham., china, chin-ars., chlo,, cocc, coff., coni.,gels., hepar, ign., kali-brom., kalm., lach., lye, mere, mez., naja, natr-ars., nux-v., phos., phyt., plat., puis., sang., sil., spig., stann., staph., sulph., thuja, ver-a., ver-v. RHEUMATIC. Aeon., act-rae, act-spic, am-m., asclep., bell., berb., bry., calc-ph.» caul., caust., cham., china, coloc, dulc, ign., kali-bi., kalm., lach.. led., lye, magn-m., mere, nitr-ac, nux., phos., phyt., podo., puis., rhus-rad., rhus-t., sep., sil., spig., stram., sulph. SYPHILITIC. Asaf., aur., fluor-ac. hepar, kali-iod., led., mere, merc-iod., mez., nitr-ac., phyt., staph., stil., thuja. igi CAUSES. CAUSES. Compare Conditions and Aggravations. Abuse of "hot medicines." Nux-v. Air, exposure to cold, dry currents of. Aeon. Air, exposure to cold, damp. Actaea, dulc, bry., rhod., rhus, spig. Air, cold. Carbo-an., ferr., hyos., natr-m., rhod. Air, current of. Aeon., ars., bell., china, coloc, nux-v., valer. Air, exercise in open. Am-c, calc, hepar, petr., sabad. Alcohol, abuse of. Acet-ac, actaea, agar., cann., carbo-v., ign., kali- brom., led., nux-v., phos., puis., sulph., ver-a., ver-v. Altitudes, high. Coca. Animal matter, decayed or morbid. Ars. Anger, contradiction, chagrin, etc. Aeon., anac, cham., coff, coloc, lye, magn-c, mez., natr-m., nux-v., opi., petr., phos., phos-ac, plat., rhus-t., staph. Animal fluids, loss of. China, natr-m., phos-ac. Arsenical vapors. Kali-bi. Bathing. Ant-c, calc-c, canth., puis., rhus. Bathing in cold water. Ant-c. Beer, abuse of. Cocc, rhus-t. Brain-fag. Arg-n., calc-c, calc-ph., cupr., lach., natr-m., nux-v., phos., phos-ac, pic-ac, sil., zinc. Carious teeth. Carb-ac, mere Cardiac diseases. Ars., cact., dig., lil., naja, spig. Carriage, motion of. Cocc, graph., iod., kali-c, nitr-ac, petr. Chamomile tea, abuse of. Puis. Charcoal vapors. Opi. Chill. Aeon., ant-c, bell., bry., calc-c, cham., coff., coloc, dulc, nux-v., puis. Coffee, abuse of. Acet-ac, bell., cann., caust., cham., cocc, hepar, ign., lye, mere, nux-v., puis. Cold. Aeon., ant-c, bell., bry., cham., china, coloc, dulc, nux-v., phos., puis. Cold and dampness. Bry., dulc, rhod., rhus, spig. Cold, taking. Aeon., bell., cact., camph., phos. Cold, sudden change to. Dulc. Cold, stormy weather. Rhod., rhus, spig. Cold drinks. Aeon., ars., bell., puis. Concussion. Am., bell., cic, cocc, hepar, phos. Copper, abuse of. Hepar. Cutting hair. Bell., phos. Dissipation. Acet-ac, actaea, agar., cact., carbo-v., ign., hyos., nux-v., puis., sulph., verat. CAUSES. 192 Drugs, abuse of, in general. Nux-v. Drainage, from bad. Ars., carb-ac Emotional excitement. Coff., gels., hyos., ign., lach., opi., phos-ac, arg-m., arg-n., arn., staph. Fear or fright. Aeon., gels., opi., phos-ac, ver-a. Frost-bitten, nose or ears. Agar. Gaslight, from working under. Glon., Natr-c Grief. Ign., phos., phos-ac, Staph. High living. Nux-v., Puis., ver-v. Hemorrhoids. jEsc, aloe, caps., carbo-v., ham., hydr., ign., lept., nux-v., podo., puis., sulph. Pleat. Aeon., am-c, arn., baryta, bell., bry., caps., carbo-v., ign., iod., ipec, sil., spong. Heat of fires. Bry. Heat, exposure of head to. Bry., glon. Heat of sun. Brom., cact., glon., lach., natr-c, natr-m., nux-v., selen., stram., valer. Helminthiasis. Cina, spig., stann., zinc Injuries, mechanical. Am., cic, mere, natr-s., petr., rhus. Ill-news. Gels. Intellectual labor. Aetata, agar., anac, am., asar., aur., bell., calc, china, cina, coff., colch., coloc, coni., dig., graph., ign., iris, lach., lact., lye, magn-e, natr-c, natr-m., nux-m., nux-v., petr., phos., phos ac, puis., sabad., lept., sil., sulph. Iron, abuse of. Puis., zinc Ironing. Bry. Jealousy. Hyos. Joy. Coff., opi. Lemonade. Selen. Loss of sleep. Cimicif, nux-v. Lead poisoning. Opi. Malarial poisoning. Ant-c, apis, aran., am., ars., cact., calc-c, caps., carbo-v., cedron, china, chin-ars., cina, dig., eupat., ferr., gels., ign., ipec, lach., lye, mere, natr-m., nux-v., puis., rhus-t., sabad., sulph., verat. Mercurv, abuse of. Asaf., aur., arg-n., carbo-v., clem., china, fluor-ac, hepar, iod., kali-iod., led., mez., nitr-ac, podo., puis., staph., still., sulph. Metallic poisoning. Sulph. Music. Phos. Milk, drinking. Brom. *93 CAUSES. Narcotic stimulants, abuse of. Acet-ac, actaea, agar., cact., cann., carbo-v., ign., hyos., led., nux-v., phos., puis., sulph., rhus, verat., selen. Nervous exhaustion. Actaea, agar., am-b., arg-n., calc, carbo-v., hepar, ign., kali-brom., lach., laur., natr-m., nux-v., pic-ac, phos., phos-ac, sil., stann., sulph., zinc, coca. Onanism. Agnus, china, gels., kali-brom., phos-ac, nux-v., staph., sulph. Opium, abuse of. Acet-ac, atrop., bell., ver-a. Over-heating. Bell., bry., carbo-v , natr-e, phos., sil. Organic disease of skull. Asaf., aur., fluor-ac, hepar, mez., nitr-ac, sil., still. Odors, strong. Anac, ign., phos., selen. Potassa-iod., abuse of. Hepar. Quinine, abuse of. Arn., ars., carbo-v., cina, eupat., ferr., gels., ign., ipec, lach., natr-m., nux-v., puis., sulph., ver a. Repercussed eruption. Ant-c, cnpr., cic, dulc, mez., rhus-t., sulph., zinc. Rich, fat food. Puis. Railroad train, motion of. Cocc. Salt, abuse of. Carbo-v. Seasickness. Cocc, petr., tabac, therid. Sedentary habits. Aeon., am c, nux-v. Septic poisoning. Ars., crotal., carb-ae Sexual abuse. Agar., agnus, arg-n., china, coca, gels., kali-brom., nux-v., phos., pic-ac, phos-ac, staph., sulph., thuja. Shame. Opi. Spirituous liquors, abuse of. Acet-ac, actaea, agar., ant-c, ars., bell., bry., calc-c, cann., carbo-v., china, cocc, coff., ign., ipec, led., nux-v., nitr-ac, phos., puis., rhus, sulph., verat. Strain, lifting, etc. Arn., bry., calc-e, natr-c, phos-ac, rhus-t., sil. Sulphur, abuse of. Puis. Suppression of perspiration. Aeon., asclep. Suppression of urine. Asclep. Sunstroke. Aeon., bell., camph., glon., natr-c, therid., vera. Sun, from sleeping in. Aeon. Suppressed sexual excitement. Coni., puis. Syphilis, effects of. Asaf., aur., fluor-ac, hepar, kali-iod., led., mere, merc-iod., mez., nitr-ac, phyt., staph., still., thuja. Tea, abuse of. Selen , thuja. Thuja, abuse of. Staph. Tobacco, abuse of. Acet-ac, aeon., ant-c, cann., cocc, ign., nux-v., vera. TIMES. 194 Warm weather (after cold days). Bry. Washing perspiring face in cold water. Bry. Watching, prolonged. Arg-m., bry., china, calc, cole, cocc, nux-v., puis., sulph. Weather, variable. Ars., bry., carbo-v., nux-v., rhod., rhus. Wet, from becoming. Aeon., led., rhus. Wine, abuse of. Carbo-v., nux-v., ox-ac, selen., zinc. Vaccination. Ars., Thuja. TIMES. Compare Aggravation and Amelioration. Midnight till morning. Hepar. Four A. M. Melilot. Five A. M. Kali-iod. Coming on gradually toward morning, going off about breakfast time. Nitr-ac. Continues until daylight. Lob-sp. In morning during sleep. Led. In morning early. Am-c, asar., berb., chel., graph., hepar., lach., lye, magn-c, natr-m., nux-v., tabac Comes on early in morning, is intolerable by noon. Tabac. Awakes him in morning. Natr-m. On awaking in morning. Chel., cie, coni., croc,form.,graph., hepar., kali-bi., kalm., lith., merciod., natr-ars., natr-m., nux-v., pic-ac, phos-ac, ranunc, calc-ph.*, atrop., baryta. In morning in bed. Agar., am-c, anac, berb., bry., calc, canst., cham., cina, graph., hepar., ign., lach., natr-m., nitr-ac, nux-v., puis., rhod., staph., zinc. In morning on rising. Am-m., crot., kalm., lach., magn-c, magn-m., nux-v., puis., rhod., staph. In morning after rising. Am-m., coca, hepar, lach., magn-m., puis., rhod., staph. After rising, lasting till toward noon, reluming again at 7 P. M. Chel. In morning. Agar., am-c, anac, am., ars., aur., baryta, berb., bry., calc-c, caust., canth., cham., china, carbo-v., cina, coca, colch., coff., coni., croc, graph., hepar, kali-c, kali bi., kalm., led., merc-iod., natr-c, nitr-ac, nux-v., petr., physos, phos., phos-ac, podo., puis., rhod., sep., sil., stann., staph., stram., sulph., thuja, zinc. After breakfast. Bad., lye, nux-m. Every morning when first awaking. Eupat. Morning till noon. Ipec, natr-m., phos., sep. Morning till afternoon. China, sep. «95 TIMES. Every other morning. Eupat., hepar, sep. Begins in morning, increases till noon, then gradually decreases. Sulph. Begins in morning, increases till noon, ceases toward evening. Aeon., kali-bi., natr-m., nux-v., sang., spig., stram., sulph. Begins in morning, increases through day, grows milder toward evening. Nux-v. Begins in morning, grows worse as day advances. Cact., pic-ac. Increases and decreases every day with the sun. Aeon., glon., kali- bi., kalm., natr-m., spig. Nine or 10 A. m. Melilot. Appears at io A. M. Natr-mj Lasts till io A. M. Natr-m. At 10:30 A. M. Hydr. During forenoon. Actaea, gamb., natr-m. Lasts till toward noon. Chel. At noon. Coni., graph. At noon every day. Arg-n. Noon till night. Caul. After dinner. Calad., gins., natr-c, nux-v., sen., kali-bi., lob-sy. Daily from 12 M. to 10 P. M. Form. Gradually increasing after dinner. Zinc. After dinner till daylight next morning. Lob-sy. Leaving after eating, returning in three and a half hours, leaving at sunset. Coca. During the day. Actaea, am-m., aran., hepar, lye, natr-ars. Every day. Ars., bell., calc, coni., lach., melilot., natr-m., nux-m., nux-v., sab., sen., sep., sil., sulph. Every day at same hour. Actaea, ars., cedron, chin-ars., gels. Every day earlier. Form. Lasts all day. Calc-c, cann., chel., chlo., coca, ferr., form., ham., natr-m., sep., stann. Persists uninterruptedly for two or three days. Croc Repeated attacks during the day. Iris. Wears lighter as day advances. Natr-ars. During afternoon. Bad., bell., carbo-v., coloc, ferr., form., gamb., gins., graph., ind., iod., iris, lach., lact., lob-inf., lye, magn-c, sang., selen., sil. Lasts all afternoon. Coloc During part of afternoon. Actaea. Beginning in afternoon and continuing into night. Cupr., Verat. One to 10 p. M. Magn-c Two P. M. till 7 A. M. Bad. Four to 8 P. M. Hell., lye Four P. M. till 3 A. m. Bell. Daily from 4 P. M. till morning. Bell. TIMES. 196 Five to 10 p. M. Puis. Six to 8 P. M. Merc-iod. Returns at 7 P. M. Chel. Returning every evening. Dulc. Evening in the room. Cepa. Evening. Alu., am-c, anac, ars., carbo-v., cham., cocc, croc, crot., euphr., flour-ae, graph., hepar., ind., laur., lach:, lye, puis., ranunc, sep , sulph. Toward evening in damp weather. Brom., dulc. Vanishes with the sun. Coca, kali-bi., kalm., glon., natr-m., spig. Toward evening. Iris. Lasts till evening. Lob-sy. Every evening. Ferr. Evening by candle-light. Croc. Evening while walking. Ranunc. Evening while lying down. Puis. Evening till midnight. Lob-inf. Evening till morning. Colch. Evening in bed. Ars., lye, magn-m., puis., sep., sulph zinc. Toward night. Fluor-ac. Eleven p. M. Merc-iod., kali-brom. At night. Act-spic , am-c, ant t., am., ars., berb., cact., calc, carbo- an., caust., cham., china, coni., hepar, lye, mere, natr-c, nitr- ac, phos., phos-ac, puis., rhus, sil., sulph., zinc. At night in bed. Ars., laur., mere, rhus. At night when warm in bed. Merc. Awakens him at night. Hepar, natr-m. When awaking at night. Chel. Midnight till morning. Hepar. Midnight till 10 A. M. Natr-m. After midnight. Phos-ac. Begins with warm weather. Bry., natr-c. Begins with warm weather and lasts all summer. Glon. Constant. Arg-m., can sat., cupr., dulc, hydr., ind., lob-inf., lept., natr-m., phos., rhus-rad., sep., still. Periodical. Act-rae, act-spig., apis, aran., ars., atrop., bell., carb- ac, cact., calc, cedron., china, chin-ars., cina, cupr., eupat, ferr., gels., ign., iris, kali-bi., laur., lob., melilot, natr-m., natr-s., naja, nux-v., rhus-rad., rhus-t., sang., sil., spig., sulph. Recurring every few minutes. Atrop. At regular hours. Aran. Alternate days. Alu., ars., china, natr-c, phos. Alternate days and certain hours. Natr-c Every other morning when first awaking. Eupat. Every three or four days. Aur., melilot. Every seventh day. Sang., sil., sulph., melilot. 197 CONDITIONS. Every two weeks. Sulph. Every two or three weeks for three or four days. Ferr. During full moon. Natr-c Every spring. Natr-s. With clock-like regularity. Cedron. CONDITIONS. Compare Causes, Aggravation and Amelioration. Air, in open. Bell., calc-c, calc-ph., can-sat., china, cina, coni., ferr., kalm., lach., mez., nux-v., spig., sulph. Air, after exercising in open. Am-c, calc-c, hepar, petr., sabad. Air, during exercise in open. Ant-c, cina, coni., kalm., led., nux-v., puis., rhus, spig., sulph. Asleep, continues till he falls. Form. Awaking at night, when. Chel. Awaking, on. Baryta, calc-ph., ham., kalm., kali-c, naja, phos., phos-ac. Bending body backward, when. Colch. Bed, after going to. Ars., lye, magn-m., mere, puis., sabad., sep., sulph., zinc. Bed, obliges one to leave. Coloc. Blindness before headache. Gels. Blindness with headache. Caust., iris, kali-bi., kalm., natr-m., petr., sil. Blindness followed by violent headache, sight returns with increasing headache. Kali-bi. Blurred vision. Iris, kali-bi., lib, natr m. Climacteric, during. Amyl, carbo-v., croc, lach., sang., therid., ustil. Climacteric, during, when menses used to appear. Croc. Commencing slight, increasing till violent, ending slight. Plat. Coughing, after. Ipec, stram. Coughing, when. Anac, ars., bry., caps., carbo-v., cina, form., ipec, kali-c, kalm., lact., spig., sulph. Covering is intolerable to head. Led. Dark, must lie in, and perfectly still. Sang. Drinking, after eating and. Bell., coloc. Drowsiness, causes. Gels., gins., opi., phos-ac. Dimness of sight. Natr-c, phyt., zinc. Delayed menses should appear (when). Vibrun. CONDITIONS. 198 Epileptic attacks, after. Cina, cupr Epileptic attacks, before. Cina. Epileptic headache. Arg-n., atrop., cic, cina, cupr., ind., kali-brom., plumb. Eating, after. Am m., arn., ars., baryta, bism., bry., coff., colch., crot., calc-c, carbo-an., carbo-v., cham., cina, graph., hyos., kalm., lach., lye, natr-s., nitr-ac, nux-m., nux-v., phos., puis., rhus-t., sep., sulph., zinc. Epistaxis, followed by. Ham. Exertion, during physical. Anac, calc-c, gins., lact., mez. Eyes, on opening. Alum., bry., china. Eyes, obliges him to shut. Cedron, cocc, podo. Eyes, beginning with a blur before. Iris, Eyes, prevents from opening. Bell., gins., sep. Eyes, on moving. Bell., bry., carbo-v., chel., crot., cupr., dig., hepar, nux-v., opi., puis., rhus. Eyes must be kept closed and head constantly in motion. Agar. Eyes were drawn shut by severity of parietal headache. Bell. Eyelids can only be raised with exertion and pain. Natr-m. Frowning, when. Natr-m. Gaslight, when working under. Glon. Going up, on. Calc-c, sulph. Going up stairs, when. Ant-c, arn., bell., lob-inf., phos-ac. Gradually increasing, suddenly ceasing. Arg-m., arg-n., ign., sulph., sulph-ac Gradually increasing, then gradually decreasing. Plat., stann. Grows gradually acute and cutting. Coloc. Haemorrhage, after. China, ham. Hat, sensitive to pressure of. Glon., nitr-ac. Head, when moving. Actaea, caps., carbo-an., cocc, graph., ipec, lach., lact., lob-inf., lob-sy., lye, natr-c, natr-m., phos., podo., puis., rhus, rob., sep., spig. Head, when turning rapidly. Natr-c. Head must be constantly moved to and fro and eyes closed. Agar. Head, when shaking. Ign., sep. Head cannot be held upright or raised, it is too heavy. Chlor., cocc, cupr., puis., nux-m. Head feels weak, can hardly hold it up China. Head involuntarily jerks backward and forward. Sep. Head so heavy, is obliged to hold it upright, in order to relieve weight pressing forward into forehead. Rhus. Head now falls to left, now to right side. Tarax. Head involuntarily nods, when writing, as if some one pressed it down. Caust. 199 CONDITIONS. Head inclined to bend backward. Cham., china, gins., glon., stram. Head, unable to lie on back of. Cocc. Head trembles. Cocc, ign. Hemicrania, sees half light, half dark. Glon. Hot weather, during. Bry., glon., kali-bi., natr-c Inspiration, during. Carbo-v. Inspiration, during deep. Anac, carbo-v. Intermittent. Asaf., ars., caul., cham., china, cina, coloc, croc, plat. Labor, during hard. Anac. Laughing, when. Phos. Lie down, obliges him to. Coni, croc, ferr., mag-ra., phos-ac, rhus. Lie down and be quiet all day, obliges him to. Gels. Lying down, when. Aur., bell., camph., coloc, euphr., eupat., lye, rhus-rad., spong. Lying on affected part. Graph., magn., phos-ac. Lying on back, when. Coloc. Motion, during. Aeon., agar., agnus, atrop., aur., am-m., anac, bell., bry., carbo-v., calc-c, calc-ph., china, cocc, coloc, croc, dulc, iod., kalm , lob-inf., natr-ars., natr-m., nux-v., plat., spig., staph., stann., sulph., therid. Motion, pain compels. Phos-ac. Move, on beginning to. Rhus-t., therid. Odors, extremely sensitive to. Phos. Paroxysms, in. Acet-ac, ant-c, ars., bapt., caul., caust., cupr., dig., ign., ipec, laur., mez., plat., sang., verat. Position, when changing. Calc-ph. Position, patient tries, in vain, to shift pain by changing. Ign. Pregnancy, during. Cocc, nux, puis., sep. Pulse, pain with every. Coni., glon. Pulse, pain synchronous with. Camph., glon. Rising from sitting. Sulph. Rising up, on. Aeon., nux. Reading, when. Arg-m., agnus, am., borax, calc-c, cina, crot., ign., natr-m., natr-s., opi. Rest, during. Agar., am-c, lact., merc-iod., phos., rhus, stann., valer. Room, in warm. Am., lact., puis., sen., spong. Room, on returning to. Sabad. Room, in the. Aur., ars., coff, crot., laur., magn., phos., sen., zinc. Room, coming from open air into. Colch., spong. Rubbing, compels. Croc Sit up, compels him to. Cocc. Sit up with head bent forward, compels him to. Ign. CONDITIONS. 200 Sit down, compels him to. Aloe. Sitting, when. Alu., tarax. Side, cannot lean or rest on left. Ars. Side, when turning to it pain goes to other. Puis. School-girls headache. Calc ph., natr-m., phos-ac. Shifts to side on which he lies (the pain). Phos-ac. Sleep, after. Hepar, lach. Sleep, during. Cham., magn. Sneezing, from. Kali-c, kalm. Stand or walk, obliges him to. China, Standing, when. Alu. Stand still, when walking obliges him to. Bell. Stairs, when going up. Actaea, ant-c, ars., am., bell., ign., lob-inf., phos-ac Start, causing him to. Croc. Stepping, when. Aloe, atrop., bell., chel., china, dig.,dros., led., lye, nitr-ac, nux-v., phyt., phos., rhus, sep., sil., spig., sulph. Step, from a false. Anac, led. Stooping, when. Aeon., am-m., ant-c, asar., baryta, bell., berb., bry., calc-c, calc-ph., camph., cie, coloc, dig., dros., hell., hepar, ign., lach., laur., lye, nux, petr., phyt., plat., puis., rhus, sen., sep., sil., spig., staph., thuja, verat. Stove, when sitting near a warm. Baryta, bry. Sun, when standing in the. Baryta, glon., lach., natr-c, natr m., nux. Sun, when going into heat of. Brom., glon., lach., natr-c, valer. Sun, increases and decreases every day with the. Aeon., glon., gels., kali-bi., kalm., natr-c, natr-m., spig. Suddenly appears. Atrop., bell., gels., ign., natr-s., valer. Suddenly ceases after having gradually increased. Arg-m., ign. Suddenly appears, slowly disappears. Sabin. Suddenly appears, lasts indefinitely, ceases suddenly. Bell. Thunder storm, during. Natr-c, phos. Talking, when Aeon., china, cocc, coff, coni, dulc, ign., iod., mez., sil., spong. Tread lightly, forces to. Chel. Touch, head sensitive to. Arg-n., bell., calc-c, camph., carbo-v., caust., china, cupr., ipec, ferr., hepar, kali-bi., kalm., lact., mere, mez., natr-ars., nitr-ac, petr., phos., rhus, sang., sep., sil., spig., staph., sulph-ac, thuja, ver-a. Urine, passes off with profuse flow of pale, limpid. Aeon., asclep., ign., gels., sil., ver-a. Walking, when. Aloe, am., bell., caps., carbo-an., chel., china, cocc, iod., lept., nux-v., puis., ranunc, sabad., sulph., therid. Writing, when. Borax, calc e, caust., natr-m. 201 PECULIAR SENSATIONS. PECULIAR SENSATIONS. Compare Location, Direction and Character. EYES. Sensation as if eyes were pressed forward. Gym. Sensation as if eyes were constricted. Chlo. Sensation as if eyes would be torn out. Cocc Sensation as if eyes were starting from their sockets. Bell. Sensation as if had recieved blow on eye. Agnus. Sensation as if something lay above eyes and therefore could not look up. Carbo-an. Sensation as of burning ring around each eye. Chlo. Sensation as if something forcibly closed eyes. Cocc. Sensation as if draft of air blew into eye. Cocc. Sensation as of veil before eyes. Cupr. Sensation as if eyes were pressed outward. Puis., sabin., sang. Sensation as if eyes would be drawn back into head. Hepar. Sensation of drawing from eyes to occiput. Lach. FOREHEAD. Sensation of weight pressing through forehead or eyes. Aeon. Sensation of rush of blood to frontal and temporal regions. Pic-ac. Sensation of numbness in forehead. Magn-m., plat. Sensation as of a round ball in forehead, firmly seated, even when shaking head. Staph. Surging in forehead, like waves of pain welling up and beating against frontal bone. Sep. Sensation as if dull point were pressing in left frontal eminence. Croc. Sensation as if something was forced between frontal bone and cere- brum. Caust. Sensation as of an empty space between forehead and brain. Caust. Feeling of cold at small spots on forehead. Arn. Sensation as if pulse was beating in forehead. Kalm., magn-c. Sensation as if everything in forehead would press asunder. Mez. Sensation as if forehead would split. Oleand., sang. Sensation as if forehead would be torn out. Hepar. Sensation as if forehead would burst. Ferr-acet., natr-c, natr-s., ustil. Sensation like bubble bursting in forehead. Form. Sensation as if brain would press through forehead or eyes. Aeon. Sensation as if brain were pressing against head. Dulc. Sensation as if brain would press through forehead. Bell., bry., china, cupr. Sensation as if forehead and vertex would be pressed asunder. Ranunc. PECULIAR SENSATIONS. 202 Sensation as if forehead and vertex would burst. Am-c, spong. Sensation as of band compressing forehead. Ant-t., chel., coca, carb-ac Sensation as if forehead were compressed. Arn., can-sat., coloc, china, lye Constricted feeling of skin of forehead. ^Esc, am., bapt., carbo-an., caul., caust., paris, sabin. Feeling of constriction in forehead. Asclep., anac, valer. Sensation as if hot band was drawn across forehead, from temple to temple, directly above eyes. Chlo. Sensation as if rubber band was stretched over forehead. Lil. Tension of scalp across forehead and temples. Caust. Aching in forehead, as if bruised. Hepar. Aching in forehead like a boil. Hepar. Murky sensation in head and forehead. Aloe. TEMPLES. Sensation as if nail were thrust in temple. Arn. Sensation as if temples would burst. Lach. Sensation as if bolt were passed from temple to temple and tightly screwed. Ham. Sensation as if temples were screwed together. Lye Pain in both temples, like from strong pressuie with thumbs. Cham. Sensation as if temples would be crushed together. Caul. Sensation as if temples were compressed. Act-rae Sensation as if something was gnawing in temples, occiput and ears. Led. Sensation as if sharp instrument were thrust from one temple to other. Asclep. Ticking like a watch in right temple. Chel. Sensation as if right temple would burst when coughing. Cina. Sensation as if right temple were compressed. Cina. Pinching sensation in right temple, as if something pressed on part and then relaxed. Opi. SIDES. Pressing from both sides, as if in a vise. Natr-m. Sensation as from a screw behind each ear. Ox-a'c. Sides feel as if compressed. Magn-m. Brain feels as if pressed together from both sides. Kali-iod. Sensation as if sides of head were screwed in. Kali-iod. Sensation as if brain were loose and falling from side to side, in forehead. Sulph-ac Sensation as if brain were moving to and fro toward side which he stoops. Am-c. Undulation and whizzing, as of boiling water, on side upon which one rests. Magn-m. 203 PECULIAR SENSATIONS. Sensation as if nail were thrust in side. Am-b., coff, hepar, ign., nux-v. Sensation as if nail were thrust in left side. Agar., natr-m. Sensation as if plug were driven into left side. Anac. Sensation on left side as if convex button were being pressed on part. Thuja. Brain feels loose on stooping, as if it fell to left side. Natr-s. VERTEX. Sensation when turning as of something loose in head, diagonally across top of it. Kalm. Pain in vertex, as if skull had been split, or torn asunder. Carbo- an., kali-iod. Sensation as if top of head would fly off. Act-rae, bapt. Sensation as of a ball driven from neck to vertex. Act-rae Sensation in vertex as if it would be dashed to pieces. Kali-iod. Sensation as if a nail were thrust in vertex. Form., thuja. Sensation as of a heavy weight on vertex. Aloe, a.lu., cact., can-sat., cina, ind., laur., natr-m. Sensation of crackling in vertex. Coff. Sensation in vertex as if hair was pulled. Magn-c, magn-m. OCCIPUT. Occiput seems fastened to pillow. Chel. Feeling of a heavy weight on back part of head. Can-sat. Sensation as if weight were attached to occiput. Eupat., can-ind., natr-m. Sensation as if weight were attached to occiput, pulling head back- ward. Agar. •. At every step a jolt downward, as from a weight in occiput. Bell. Sensation as of ice on occiput. Calc-phos. Sensation of crawling beneath skin of occiput. Brom. Sensation as of heavy blow on back of head. Can-ind., hell. Sensation of electric sparks extending to occiput. Cham. Pain, like a flash of lightning, on occiput. Sang. Furry sensation at occiput. Arn. BRAIN. Violent shocks pass through brain. Can-ind., hell., glon. Sensation as if brain was rent asunder. Ferr acet. Sensation as if brain was expanding. Glon. Sensation as if brain were dashed to pieces. Coff. Sensation as if brain were distended at center. Ind. Sensation of large body in right half of brain. Coni. Brain feels too large. Act rac, arg-n., bert>. Sensation as if brain would press through forehead or eyes. Aeon. Sensation as if brain would press through forehead. Bell., bry., china, cupr., melilot. PECULIAR SENSATIONS. 204 Sensation as if brain would press from within outward. Act-rae A misstep causes sensation of concussion in brain. Led. A misstep causes painful shaking in brain. Led. Every motion jars brain. Natr-ars. Sensation as if brain would be pressed asunder. Nux-v. Sensation as if brain were crushed. Phos-ac. Pain in forehead as if brain had not room enough. Psor. Sensation as if bloodvessels of brain would give way and produce a lesion of that organ. Melilot. Sensation as if brain was loose and hit against skull, when walking or shaking head. Rhus-t. Sensation as if brain was compressed in a tight bandage. Carb-ae Sensation as if brain were moved or raised. Aeon. Sensation as if brain were torn to pieces. Staph., verat. Sensation as if brain were constricted from all sides by pressure. Tarax. Sensation as if brain was being torn. Ars., am-m., coff. Sensation as if brain were too full. Caps., coni. Sensation as if brain were pressed downward by weight on vertex. Cina. Sensation as if brain would fall forward. Carbo-an. Sensation as if brain were moving to and fro. China, croc Sensation as if brain beat against skull. Ars., china, nux-v. Sensation as if brain beat against skull in waves. China. Sensation as if, on shaking head, brain were loose and beat against skull. Rhus-t., rob. Shaking in brain, wurse from motion. Spig. Sensation as if brain were loose and falling from side to side, in forehead. Sulph-ac Brain feels, when stooping, as if it fell to left side. Natr-s. Excessive sensitiveness of brain to motion and walking. Nux-v. Sensation, on stooping, as if brain were striking against skull. Laur. Sensation as if brain were vacillating. Lye Sensation as if brain were moved by boiling water. Aeon. Sensation as if brain were loose. Baryta, croc, lach. Sensation as if brain were loose and shaken, on walking. Cie, nux-v. Sensation as if something were alive in brain. Baryta. Sensation at every step, as if brain rose and fell, in forehead. Bell. Brain feels as if tired. Apis. Sensation as if brain would split. Am-m., puis. Sensation as if brain were pressed together from both sides, kali-iod. Sensation as if brain were pressed together from both sides and out at forehead. Chfna. Sensation as if something hard pressed on brain. Ign. Brain feels contracted. Laur. 205 PECULIAR SENSATIONS. Feeling in occiput as if hollow, or as if brain was not large enough for the space. Staph. Sensation as of an empty space between forehead and brain. Caust. Sensation as of a load on brain. Ars. Sensation as if brain were rolled up in a lump. Arn. Sensation as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain. Tarant. Sensation as if a nail were driven into brain. Nux-v. Sensation as of ball rising from throat into brain. Plumb. Waving sensation in brain. Ast-rac, bell., china, hyos., glon., melilot. CEREBELLUM. Sensation as if laced together, in cerebellum. Camph, SKULL. Sensation as if skull would split open. Baryta, bell., caps., carbo-an., mez., nux-v , spig. Sensation as if occiput was broken off from rest of skull. Chelid. Sensation as if skull would burst. China, euphr., hepar, spong. Sensation as if bones of head were being driven asunder. Lye Sensation as if bones of skull separated. Arg-n. Sensation as if calvarium was being lifted. Can-ind. Sensation as if cranium was opening and shutting. Act-rae, can- ind., cocc. Sensation as if skull were cracking. Merc-iod-flav. Cranium swells up in hard lumps. Kali-iod., sil. Sensation as if skull were constricted by a tape. Nitr-ac. Sensation as if cranium were too small. Bell. Contractive pain, as from a band around cranium, with sensation as if flesh were loose. Sulph. Sensation as if skull were bruised, penetrating through all the bones down to root of tongue. Ipec Sensation on stooping as if brain were striking against skull. Laur. Sensation on shaking head as if brain were loose and struck against skull, rhus t. Sensation on moving head as if brain were loose and struck against skull. Rob. Sensation as if brain beat against skull. Ars., china, nux-m. Sensation as if brain beat against skull in waves. China. Sensation as of foreign body under skull, in vertex. Coni. Bones of head feel as if scraped. Phos-ac. SCALP. Scalp sensitive, even to pressure of hat. Sil. Scalp feels constricted. Natr-m., iris. Sensation as if scalp were drawn too tight. Carbo-v. Skin of vertex feels tight. Carbo-an. PECULIAR SENSATIONS. 206 Contractive feeling of skin of forehead. /Esc, am., bapt., carbo-an., caul., caust., sabin. Tension of scalp across forehead and temples. Caust. HAIR. Hair feels as if standing on end. Aeon., lob-inf., spong. Sensation as if hair were grasped roughly by the hand. China. Sensation as if hair were being pulled, on top of head. Magn-c, magn-m. Sensation as if hair were pulled upward. Arg-n., canth. NECK. Sensation as of a heavy blow on back of head and neck. Can-ind. Sensation as if nape were broken. Graph. HEAD (not defined). Sensation as if head would drop to pieces if shaken. Glon. Sensation as if head was torn asunder. Cupr. Sensation as if head would split. Merc. Head feels painfully shattered by a slight cough. Lact. Head feels as if it would burst. Am-c, amyl, bry., cact., calc-c, caps., coni., ham., kali-bi., lach., magn-m., natr-m., sang., sep., sulph., ver v. Head feels as if it could be lifted off. Ther. Swashing in head, as of water. Asaf., bell., hepar, hyos. Vibrating sensation in head when stepping hard. Sil. Sensation as if large quantity of cold water were poured on head. Cupr., tarant. Sensation as if head was filled with boiling water. Rob. Violent pulsations, like waves, head shakes. Hyos. Undulating sensation through whole head. Ind. Throbbing, like little hammers striking. Natr-m., psor. Sensation as if drops of water were falling on head. Can-sat. Distinct pulse in head. Bry., cact., glon. Head feels too large. Gels., nux v. Head feels as if enlarged. Dulc, lith., natr-m., ranunc. Head feels as if enlarged to three times its size. Kali-iod. Head feels as if being distended, within outward. Arn. Head feels full and as if expanding. Nux-m. Head feels as if getting larger. Mere Head feels distended. Amy!, cedron. Head feels immensely large. Glon. Head feels swollen. Apis, bapt., merc-e Head feels as if pounded full of something. Act-rae Head feels thick. Ther. Head feels too small. Coff. Sensation of tightness in head. Stram. Sensation ©f tightness around head. Olean. 207 PECULIAR SENSATIONS. Sensation as of band around head above ears. Gels. Sensation as of a band around head above ears, pressing hardest just above ears. Am-b. Sensation as of bandage around head. Carbo-v., cocc, iris, mere, spig. Sensation as if head was screwed together. Cocc, plat. Sensation as if head was screwed up. Atrop., am-m. Sensation as if head were compressed in a vise. Alu., cact., mere, nitr-ac, puis. Head feels too light. Gels. > Pressure as from a stone in head. Cham. Hat pressed on head like a heavy weight, continued to feel the sen- sation even after taking it off. Carbo-v. Feeling as if a board was on head. Mac. Feeling as if a board pressed against forehead. Dulc. Feeling as of a heavy weight on head. Am., am-b., phos-ac Feeling as if something heavy were sinking down into head. Nux-v. Feeling as if a heavy weight pressed head down on pillow. Merc- iod-flav. Head feels heavy, as if had something upon it. Ther. Sensation as if a plug were thrust quickly, by increasingly-severe blows, into head. Sulph-ae Sensation as if a nail were pressed into head. Asaf. Sensation as if knife were drawn through head. Arn. Sensation as if head was touched by sharp ice. Agar. Sensation as if head was pierced by cold needles. Agar. Sensation as if an abscess were forming in head. Hepar. Sensation as of heat rising into head. Canth., gamb. Sensation as if current of air were rushing through head. Aur. Sensation as if warm air were streaming up spine into head. Ar«. Sensation as if an electric current passed from head to extremities. Ail. Sensation of heat at small spots on head. Arn. Vacant feeling in head. Hyos., natr-ars. Feeling as if head was hollow. Arg-m., cupr. Feeling of emptiness in head. Arg-m., cocc, natr-m., ox-ae Muddled sensation in head. Carbo-v , HI. Murky sensation in head and forehead. Aloe. Dullness of head, as if enveloped in a fog. Petr. Sensation as if heavy, black cloud enveloped head. Act-rae Stupid sensation in head. Asar., asclep. Puffy sensation in head. Berb. Numb sensation in head and face. Bapt., graph. Numb sensation in head and hands. Fluor-ac. Head feel as if gone to sleep. Apis, coni. Sensation of numbness in head. Plat. LOCATION. 208 Sensation in head as from humming of bees. Carbo-v. Sensation of fullness in head, as if blood would burst from nose. Melilot. Sensation as of something loose in head, turning and twisting toward forehead. Kali-c. Sensation as if head were tightly bound up. Nitr-ac. Sensation as if head were constricted. Plat. GENERAL SENSATIONS. Pain comes in terrific shocks. Sep. Sensation as if intoxicated. Acet-ac, arg-n., bell., camph., caust., china, cocc, dulc, gent., gins., kali-e, led., mez., nux-m., puis., rhod., rhus, sabad., tarax. Sensation as if in a thick, smoky atmosphere. Agn. Sensation as if floating in the air. Nux-m., valer. Sensation of pressure in root of tongue. Ham. LOCATION. SUPRAORBITAL. Not defined. Act-rae, am-e, bad., bell., cedron., chlo., coca, colch., croc, crot., dros., gels., lach., lact., lib, magn-m., mere, natr-ars., natr-m., naja, physos., puis., sang,, fpig., stann., ther., viburn. Aching. Laur., naja. Beating. Lach. Boring. Act-rae, colch., laur. Crampy. Colch. Cutting. Hydr. Darting. Valer. Drawing. Can-ind., carbo-an., ign., lach. Dull. Aloe, apis, can-ind., carbo-v., chlo., hydr., kali-bi., lil., rhus-rad. Heavy. Apis, carbo-v., chlo., fluor-ac, hydr., kali-bi., lith., naja. Pressive. Aloe, alu., apis, am., arg-n., aur., baryta, bell., bism., calc-ph., carbo-v., china, lach., puis., sep., valer. Severe. Act-rae, ars., atrop., chlo., natr-ars. Sharp. Hydr., natr-ars. Soreness. Angus. Stinging. Selen. Stitching. Anac, caps., cina, kali-c, lep. Stupefying. Cie Tearing. Agnus, merc-cor. Tensive. Apis, glon. Throbbing. Carbo-v., glon., iris, kali-bi., lye, naja. Violent. Coca, iris. 209 LOCATION. RIGHT. Not defined. Carb-ac, chin-ars., kalm. Aching. Sil. Boring. Sep. Darting. Hammering. Sep. Lancinating. Pressive. Am., ign., sil. Pulsating. Severe. Shooting. Natr-ars. Soreness. Stinging. Stitching. Anac, sep. Tearing. Throbbing. Violent. LEFT. Chlo., ign., phos., melilot. Kali-iod. Ham. Kali-iod. Caul., cupr., nux-m., bry., sep. Spig. Ars., lach. Cedron. Form. Cham., selen. Calc-c Cham. Carbo-v., glon., kali-bi., lye, lach., naja. Aeon., cupr , selen. FOREHEAD. Not defined. Al-cep., ant-c, ant-t., anac, arg-m., apis, bad., bapt., bell., bism.,bry., calc-ph., camph., caps., carbo-an., caust., chel., chin-ars., chlo., clem., colch., croc, cupr., gels., hydr., ign., kali-bi., kalm., lach., lept., HI., magn-m., mez., melilot, natr- ars., natr-c, naja, nux-v., olean., petr., phyt., pic-ac, puis., rhod., sabin., sang., selen., sil., spong., stann., stram., sulph- ac, zinc. Aching. Ant-e, asar., am., can-ind., caps., carb ac, chlo., cocc, euphr., form., hepar, kalm., lach., lact., laur., led., lob-syp., natr-c, sen., valer. Beating. Am-c, aur., calc-c, gamb., kali-iod., petr., sen., sil. Boring. Act-rae, ant-e, arg-n., aur., bell., dros., dulc, hepar, spig. Bruised. Ars., puis., ranunc. Burning. Alu., aur., bry., caust., china, dulc, HI., phos. Burrowing. Hepar. Bursting. Gels. Coldness. Act-rae, am., bell., laur., natr-ars. Confusion. Act-rae, aran., am., cina, coni., croc, gins. Constriction. Hyos., plat., valer. Compression. Am., can-sat., chel., coloc, merc-iod., rub. Crampy. Asaf., plat. Cutting. Arg-n., bell- Darting. ^Esc, chel., coni., podo. Digging. Ant-t., sang. LOCATION. 210 Drawing. Atrop., ant-t., can-ind., carbo-v., cina, gins., ign. Dullness. Acet-ac, act-rae, aesc, agar., ail., aloe, ant-c , can-ind., canth., chlo., coca, cocc, euphr., form., hydr., iris, lept., HI., lob-syp., lye, merc-iod-flav., natr ars., ox ac, physos., pic-ac, phos., phyt., rhus-rad., rob., sabin., ustil., ver v., viburn. Fullness. Aeon., act-rae, am-c, coca, form , ham., laur. Hammering. Calc-c, kali-iod. Heat. Act-rae, alu., aran., bad., carbo-v., form. Heaviness. Aeon., am-c, am-m., amyl, ant-c, brom., calc-c, canth., carbo-an., chlo., cic, gamb., gins., hepar, hydr., iris, phos., phyt., sabad. Jerking. Bry., can-ind., stann. Lacerating. Dros., ipec. Lancinating. Cupr., dros., ferr-acet., sang. Numbness. Fluor-ac, magn-m. Oppressive. Agar., alu., am-c, berb., calc-c, lob-syp., sabad., tarax. Paroxysmal. Ant-c, croc. Piercing. Aeon., sang. Pressing. Aeon., aese, agnus, ambra, asaf., asar., arg-m., arg-n., arn., aloe, alu., am-e, am-m., anac, ant-t., aur., bell., bism., camph., can-sat., carbo-v., cham., chel., china, clem., coca, coloc, dig., dulc, ferr-acet., gins., graph., ham., hyos., ign., lach., lact., mere, natr-e, natr-m., natr-s., olean., petr., phos- ac , phyt., plat., puis., ranunc, rhus-t., sabad., sabin., selen., sen., sep., spong., staph., ustil., zinc. Pricking. Aur., carbo-an. Pulsating. Asar., am-c, canth., carbo-v., form., kalm., magn-c, phos., sil. Severe. Chlo., crot., ferr-acet., glon., hydr., mere, natr-ars., petr., sep., ver-v. Sharp. Asar., natr-ars. Shooting. Acet-ac, bell., iris, kali-bi., natr-m. Soreness. Ars. Splitting. Ant-c Sticking. Am., bry., coloc. Stinging. Lil. Stitching. Asaf., atrop., am., aur., chel., coni., kali-c, lach., merc- c, natr-c, sep., sulph. Stupefying. Aeon., ant-c, ant-t, calc-c, cic, cina, hepar, dulc, hyos , natr-e, phos-ac, staph., tarax., valer.' Tearing. Am-m., angus, anac, ant-c, asar., am., bell., berb., carbo-v., cham., chel., coni., lye, merc-c, natr-c, natr-m., spig., sulph., thuja. Tensive. Ant-t., berb., caust., clem., coca, dros., glon., hepar, laur., natr-c, nux-v., sabin., sil. 211 LOCATION. Throbbing. Aeon., acet-ac, alu., arg-n., ars., amyl, bry., can-ind., cedron, chel., dig., iris, lach., melilot., merc-iod flav., natr-c, natr-m., phos., sang., sil., spong., ther. Violent. Aeon., act-rae, ant-c, ars., asclep., bell., carbo-v., cupr., kali-bi., kali-iod., melilot., merc-c, plat., plumb., rhus-rad., sen., still., ther., ustil., valer. RIGHT. LEFT. Not defined. Iris, melilot. Asar., euphr., form., natr-c, plant. Aching. Rhod. Boring. Arg-n. Compressive. China. Darting. Gins. Drawing. Ars. Dullness. Cham., ign., ranunc. Croc. Penetrating. Asaf. Pressing. Ars., caust., cham., chel., Arg-n., colch., croc, hyos., iod. colch., natr-s., opi. Sharp. Iod. Shooting. Hyos. Stitching. Cham. Asaf., lach. Tearing. Calc-c Throbbing. Ant-t., melilot. Thrusting. Croc. TEMPLES. Not defined. Apis, bad., brom., caps., cham., chel., crot., form., gels., lach., HI., lye, mez., natr-c, naja, nux-m., puis., rhod., rob., sabad., sabin., stann., still., sulph-ae Aching. Asar., bad., can-ind., caps., lye Beating. Lach. Boring. Arg-n., carbo-an., dulc, natr-ars., sep., thuja. Burning. Ail., arg-m. Coldness. Agar. Compressive. Act-rae, asar., fluor-ac Crampy. Zinc. Cutting. Arg-n., hydr. Dating. Ail., can-sat., chel., eupat. Drawing. Agar., atrop., hepar, nux-v., ranunc, sen., tarax. Dull. ^Esc, atrop. Flying. JEsc. Fullness. Aeon., act-rae, lil. Gnawing. Led. Griping. Magn-m. Hammering. Sep. Heat. Act-rae LOCATION. 212 Heavy. Amyl. Jerking. China. Lacerating. Sen. Lancinating. Cupr. Piercing. Aeon., nitr-ac. Pressive. Aeon., arg-m., arg-n., asaf., agnus, amyl, anac, am., aur., berb., can-sat., cham., coloc, dig., flour-ac, gins., glon., hepar, lach., lith., lob-inf., opi., ranunc, sabad., sulph. Pulling. Act-spic. Pulsating. Amyl, cact., chel., gins. Screwing. Sabad. Severe. Ail., caul., lach., sang , sep. Sharp. Bapt., hydr., merc-iod-flav., phys. Shooting. Am., bell., can-ind., chel., form., iris, phys. Soreness. Dros., sang. Stabbing. Bell. Sticking. Arn., cham., kali-c. Stitching. ^Esc, asaf., atrop., aloe, carbo-an., caust., china, crot., cupr., gamb., kali-e, lye, magn-m., merc-iod-flav., natr-c, sabad , sep., spong., sulph. Stunning. Podo. , Stupefying. Ant t. Tearing. Act-spic, agnus, am-m., anac, berb., carbo-an., cham., chel., coni., magn-m., natr-e, puis., spig., sulph., thuja, zinc. Tensive. Amyl, ant-t., caust. Throbbing. Aeon., act rac, arg-n., amyl, caps., cedron, chel., glon., merc-iod-flav., natr-c, nitr-ac, phos., stann. Tingling. Sulph. Twisting. Sabad. Violent. Act-rae, merc-c Wandering. Cham. RIGHT. LEFT. Not defined. Al-cep., carb-ac, Al-cep., bad., apis, lob-inf., chin-ars., chel., crot., kali-bi., lith., natr-ars., lept., plant., sang., ver-v. Aching. Dros., tarax. Boring. Coloc, form., hepar, natr-ars. Al-cep., bad., form., thuja. Rhod. Burning. Coloc, mere , staph Coldness. Berb. Gamb. Confusion. Aran. Crawling. Plat. Darting. Kali-iod. Dullness. Cham. lept. Lil. 213 LOCATION. Drawing. Agar., ant-c, ant-t. Ant-c, tarax. Jerking. Stann. Lacerating. Rhod. Lancinating. Kali-iod. Pressing. Can-ind., cedron,cham., Ant-c, aur., coloc, HI., lith., chel., coca, spong. mez. Pulsation. Spig. Ant-c, spig. Sharp. Coca, phyt. Staph. Shooting. Coca, form., kali-bi., Lil. phyt. Sticking. Atrop., calc-c. Stitching. Can-ind. Am-m., arn., spong., staph., tarax. Stupefying. Alu. Tearing. Am-b., Cham., gamb., sep. Tensive. Cina. Throbbing. Hepar. Coloc. Thrusting. Croc. SIDES (not defined.) Not defined. Kali-c, kali-iod., mez. Beating. Caust. Bruised. China. Compressive. Cie, gamb., kali-iod., magn-m. Cutting. Arn. Drawing. Dig. Dull. Form. Grinding. Colch. Pressive. Agar., asaf., form., china, natr-m. Shooting. Eupat. Stitching. Asaf. Tearing. Coni, colch., cham. Tensive. Plat. SEMILATERAL. Not defined. Aeon., agar., alu., asaf., ars., arn., brom., bell., calc- c, coff., coloc, glon., graph., ign., ipec, kali-bi., kali-c, lach., lith., nnx-v., plat., phos., phyt., puis., rhus-rad. Aching. Caps., kali-bi. Beating. Ars., euphr., sil. Boring. Iris. Bruised. Nux-v. Burning. Canth. Coldness. Coni. Cutting. Cie Darting. Kali-bi. LOCATION. 214 Drawing. Bell., colch., valer. Dull. Iris. Hammering. Iris. Numbness. Coni., plat. Pressive. Caps., cie, colch., hepar, nux-v. Pulsating. Croc Rending. Cie Shooting. Bell., can-ind., iris. Soreness. Canth. Stitches. Am-m., canth., nux-v., puis. Tearing. Aur., bell., coni., mere, puis., sil. Throbbing. Cham., iris. Violent. Puis., sil. RIGHT. Not defined. Al-cep., bell.,carbo- an., cact., cann., chel., gins., lach., melilot, merc-iod-flav., natr-m., sep., thuja. Beating. Lach. Boring. Bell., coloc Bruised. Nux-v. Burning. Coloc. Coldness. Baryta. Confusion. Cutting. Bell. Digging. Sang. Dragging. Arg-n. Drawing. Dull. Cedron, still. Heaviness. Ail., chel., still. Lacerating. Lancinating. Sang. Piercing. Sang. Pressing. Agar., am., kalm. Pulsating. Cact. Screwing. Sabad. Severe. Cact., coloc. Sharp. Magn-m. Shooting. Bell. Soreness. Sticking. Stinging. Stitching. Tearing. Eupat., phyt. Magn-m. Gamb. Bell., lye, magn m. LEFT. Al-cep., alu., am-m., amyl, arg- m., bad., brom., calc-c, cupr., lach., lob-sy.,sang., sec, sep., spig., thuja. Asar., lob-inf. Coloc. Arg-n. Arg-n. Arg-m., caps., coloc, dros. Brom. Colch. Agar., camph., merc-iod-rub., sen., sep. Croc. Ars., arg-m. Am-b. Chel., ferr-acet. Cham., sep. Anac, ant-t. Agar., am., berb., caps., cham., sep. 2'5 LOCATION. Throbbing. Sang. Nitr-ac. Thumping. Eupat. Twisting. Sabad. Violent, merc-iod-flav. Nitr-ac. VERTEX. Not defined. Alu., agnus, am-c, bry., calc-c, calc-ph., carbo-an., caust., coff., coni., eupat., form., kali-bi., kali-iod., lact., HI., lith., magn-m., merc-iod-flav., sil., spong., stram., ustil. Aching. Act-rae, amyl, calc-c, carbo-v., lach., sen., sil. Beating. Am-c, lach., merc-iod rub., sil. Boring. Arg-n., spig. Bruised. Gamb., magn-c. Burning. Am., carb-ac, lach., sulph. Coldness. Kali-iod., laur., natr-m., sil., verat. Compressive. Graph. Contractive. Sep. Crampy. China. Cutting. Arg-n. Darting. Coni., can-sat. Digging. Sang. Drawing. Carbo-v. Dull. Acet-ac, act-rae, aloe, amyl, cact., hydr., lach., ox-ac, still. Fullness. Act-rae, Am-c. Heat. Acet-ac, act-rae, aur., carbo-v., eupat., kali-iod., merc-iod- rub., natr-s., stram. Heavy. Brom., cact., chel., ind., lith. Lancinating. Cupr., dig., sang. Oppressive. Am-c, graph., laur. Piercing. Aeon., sang. Pressive. Acoc, act-spic, aloe, am-c, anac, arg-n., baryta, cact., cedron, cham., cina, croc, carbo-v., euphr., gins., hydr., lye, natr-s., ox-ac, physos., ranunc, sep., sil., sulph., thuja, zinc Pulsating. Am-c, merc-iod-rub., natr-c, sil., stram. Severe. Am., bad., bell., caps., form., mere, phos-ac. Sharp. Merc-iod-flav. Soreness. Zinc. Stitching. Am-m., caps., caust., form., natr-c. Tearing. Ambra, anac, aur , canth., carbo-v., coni., lach., laur., natr-c. Tenderness. Arg-m. Throbbing. Aeon., act-rae, amyl, anac, bry., caust., glon., merc- iod-rub., natr-c, sang., sars. Tingling. Sulph. Violent. Carbo-v., cupr., dig., rhus-rad. Weight. Aloe, cact., lith., natr-m. LOCATION. 216 OCCIPUT. Not defined. Al-cep.,'alu., am-m., ars., baryta, bry., calc-c, chel., china, chin-ars., cocc, colch., eupat., form., fluor-ac, gel-., kali-iod., ipec, lach., merc-iod-rub., naja, petr., phos-ac., rhus- rad., rhus-t., sang., sil., sec, spong., zinc. Aching. Calc-ph., chlo., graph., iod., kali-e, kali-brom., lob-sy., sen., sil. Beating. Ail., alu., eupat., ind. Boring. Bell., mez. Bruised. Hell. Burning. Ail., chin-ars., graph., phos. Coldness. Chel. Compressive. Lach. Constrictive. China, graph. Confusion. Al-cep., ambra. Cutting. Bell. Darting. Ail. Drawing. Arg-m., calc-ph., coloc, ferr-acet., gins., naja. Dull. Act-rae, aese, ambra,bry., carb-ac, carbo-v., chlo., fluor-ac, gels., HI., petr., pic-ac Fleeting. Podo. Fullness. Apis. Grinding. Colch. Gnawing. Led. Hammering. Act-spic, camph. Heat. JEsc. Heaviness. Amyl,apis,canth., can-sat., chel., cie, natr-m., pic-ac, tarax. Lacerating. Lye Lancinating. Dig. Numbness. Kali-brom. Pressive. Ambra, amyl, anac, arg-m., arn., bell., bism., bry., carb-ac, carbo-an., chel., coca, colch., fluor-ac, hepar, kali-c, HI., lob-inf., ox-ac, petr., sil., tarax. Pulsating. Coni., eupat., hepar, petr., phos. Severe. Atrop., cie, glon., kali-brom., mere, nux-m., nux-v., pic-ac. Sharp. Cedron, kali-c. Shooting. Bell., can-ind., kali-c, natr-m. Soreness. Act-rae, eupat., ipec, hell. Stinging. Ind., phos. Stitching. JEsc, canth., carbo-an., chel., hepar, kali-c, natr-m. Stunning. "Can-ind. Stupefying. Cina, cie, coni., dulc, sen. Tearing. Am-m., anac, bell., colch., form., nux-m., sil., tarax., thuja. 217 LOCATION. Tensive. Baryta, chel., ipec. Throbbing. Amyl, camph., carbo-an., china, glon., ign., kali-brom., ther. Violent. Dig., iod., kali-brom. Weight. Colch., eupat., natr-m. BRAIN. Not defined. Act-rae, arg-n., ars., bapt., camph., cocc, dros., iris, merc-iod-flav., opi., phos., spig. Aching. Merc-iod-flav., stann., staph. Beating. Calc-c, glon. Boring. Spig. Bruised. Cupr., gels., phyt., verat. Burning. Am., canth., verat. Coldness. Bell., phos. Compressive. Staph. Contractive. Laur. Contusive. Nux-v. Cutting. Arg-m., bism. Digging. Dulc. Dull. Bism., merc-iod-flav., spong. Hammering. Calc-e, natr-m. Jerking. Stann. Lacerating. Dros. Numbness. Plat. Oppressive. Lob-sy., opi. Pressive. Agar., ars., bry., can-ind., cie, china, clem., gins., ign., opi., varat. Pulsating. Glon., sep. Shocks. Can-ind., glon., hell. Soreness. Bapt., canth., chlo., eupat., gels., phyt. Stitching. Alu., arg-m., bry. Stupefying. Cina, stann. Tensive. Clem., opi. Tearing. Agar., ars., coloc, opi. Throbbing. Bell., calc-e, cham., glon., melilot, pic-ac. Thrusting. Croc Violent. Can-ind. Weight. Chlo., carbo-an., plumb. BONES OF HEAD. Act-spic, arg-m., aur., brom., calc-ph., caps., hepar, ipec, kali-bi., kali-iod., lye, mere, merc-iod-rub., mez., nitr-ac, phos-ac, rhod, sil., staph., still., sulph. PERIOSTEUM. Act-spic, phos-ac, rhod., staph., stil. LOCATION. 218 SCALP. Aching. Hepar, hydr. Biting. Mez., olean. Bruised. Hell., ipec, petr., rhod. Burning. Ars., bry., clem., coloc, crot., cupr., dros., hepar, kali-c, mere, mez., olean., sabad., thuja, sulph. Coldness. Agar., agn., calc-c, chel., laur., sulph., verat. Crawling. Arg-n., am., brom., can-sat., chel., colch., clem., led., rhus, sabad., staph. Drawing. Canth., china, graph., lact., magn-m., nitr-ac, petr., phos-ac, puis., rhod., rhus-t., sep., staph., thuja. Eruption (painful). Arg-m., baryta, clem., graph., hepar, nitr-ac, sulph-ac. Heat. Bell., bry., calc-c, cham., coloc, kali-iod., rhus-rad , verat. Sensitive. Aloe, am-e, arg-m., arg-n., ars., asar., ant-t., baryta, bry., calc-c, caps., carbo-an., carbo-v., china, coloc, graph., gins., hepar, ign., kalm., lach., lact., mere, mez., natr-m., natr- s., nux-v., nitr-ac, petr., rhus-t., sang., spig., spong., sil., sulph- ac, thuja, verat. Soreness. Alu., carbo-v., gels., olean., rhod., zinc. Smarting. Coloc, dros. Stinging. Clem., cie Tearing. Arg-m., bry., carbo-v., graph., lye, natr-s., rhod., rhus-t., sep. Tension. Agn., am., asar., berb., carbo-an., caust., lach., mere, nitr-ac, phos., spig. Ulceration (as from subcutaneous). Ars., petr., phos-ac, nitr-ac, rhus-t., zinc HAIR. Sensitive to touch. Am-e, bell., china, cina, ferr-acet., mez., sep., sulph. Sensitive. Alu., asar., calc-e, caps., china, mez., sulph., thuja, verat. Sensitiveness of roots of hair. China, sep., sulph. Sensitiveness, as if hair was being pulled. Aeon., alu., canth., china, ind., rhus-t., sel. WHOLE HEAD. Not defined. Arg-n., caust., china, coloc, gels., lach., lact., HI., selen. Aching. Amyl, laur. Beating. Ind. Bruised. China. Coldness. Camph. Confusion. Arn. Dull. Apis, amyl, form., phos-ac. 219 DIRECTION. Fullness. Bapt., HI., natr-ars. Heat. Natr-m., stram. Heaviness. Amyl, gamb., sabad. Pressive. Am., colch., croc, dig., puis. Screwing. Sabad. Soreness. Glon. Stitching. Merc. Stupefying. Laur., led. Tearing. Berb. Throbbing. Glon., carbo-v. Twisting. Sabad. DIRECTION. EYES. Into brain. Berb. Into head. Am-b. Through head. Act-rae To occiput. Colch. To forehead. Act-rae To frontal sinuses. Euphr. To temples. Bad. To vertex. Phyt. SUPRAORBITAL. To base of brain. Act-rae Deep into brain. Cina. To crown. Arg-n. To eyes. Act rac, chlo. To whole forehead. Stann. To dorsum of nose. Colch. To temples. Arn. To vertex and occiput. Viburn. RIGHT SUPRAORBITAL. To occiput. Bism. LEFT SUPRAORBITAL. To ear. Form. To whole forehead. Stann. To occiput. Naja. Over sides to occiput. Sep. ROOT OF NOSE. To eye. Kali-bi. To forehead. Mez., natr-m. DIRECTION. 220 FOREHEAD. Backward. Am.,bry., coni., cupr.,eupat., form., kali-bi., HI., phyt., spong., ther. Deep into brain. Croc. To eyes. Asar., phos , spig. To left eye. Ant-t. Darting through forehead, from right to left. JEsc. Through forehead transversely. Gins. To forehead (left). Sabad. To back of head, and downward. Lil. Over whole head. Anac, pic-ac, sabad., selen. To nose. Calc-ph., sep. To root of nose. Cina, phos. To neck. Lye To orbits. Chel. Left. Gins. To occiput. Bry., bell., cham., chlo., natr-c, natr-m., pic-ac, ther. To parietal bone. Bell. To temples, act-rae To vertex, act-rae, pic-ac. TEMPLES. Deep into brain. Croc. To eyes. Berb., spig. To face. sen. To forehead. Al-cep., cedron. To malar bones. Mez. To temple, around forehead, just above eyebrows. Lob-inf. To jaws. Calc-ph. To upper jaw. China. To occiput. Cham., stram. To sides. Am-m. Temple to temple. Bell., chel., china, cblo., puis. Flying pain through temple. Cham., sesc. To vertex. Coca. RIGHT. LEFT. Into head. Form. To behind ear. Atrop. To left temple. Lib, natr-m., To eye. Atrop. ars. To occiput. Form., lil. To zygoma. Ant-t. To side. Bad., Sep. To vertex. Ambra. To orbit. Lith. BOTH SIDES. To middle of brain. Al-cep. To root of nose. Agar. To temples. Can-ind. To vertex. Can ind. 221 DIRECTION. t ONE SIDE. To neck and shoulders. Lach. To teeth and neck. Merc. To jaws. Cham. SIDE TO SIDE. Through temples. Alu., china, phos., sang. SIDES. RIGHT. LEFT. To eye. Magn-m. To eye. Croc. To whole head. Sabad. To eye, zygoma and teeth. Spig. To neck. Lye Forward. Ant-t. To right side of neck. Chel. To neck and arms and across chest. Cupr. To both temples. Sabad. To right side. Am., eupat. To left side. Arn. VERTEX. To back of head. Kali-bi. To occiput. Chel., phys. To forehead. Caps., caust., cham. To temples. Caust., cham. Upward. Glon. OCCIPUT. Down back. Graph., pic-ac. To chest. Graph. To eyes. Atrop., gels., glon., petr., pic-ac, sil. Spreads upward and settles over right eye. Sang. To ears. Chel. To forehead. Arg-n., bapt., caps., chel.,gels., natr-m., petr., pic-ac, plumb. To face. Gels. Over whole head. China. To lower jaw. Cham. To nape. Chin-ars., graph. Down back of neck. Act-rae, hepar, lob-sy., podo., pic-ac To right side. Atrop. To sinciput. Calc-c. To shoulders. Bry., chin-ars., gels., hepar, ipec, podo. Down spine. Act-rae, kali-bi., lil., natr-m., podo., pic-ac. To temples. Glon., coca. Running in rays upward. Sang. Running in rays upward and forward. Sil. To vertex, act-rae, calc-e Whole body. Bry. DIRECTION. 222 NECK (nape of.) To behind left ear. Apis. To eyeballs. Gels. To forehead. Ambra, gels. To forehead through center of head. Fluor-ac Into head. Ferr-acet. Over whole head. Carbo-v., gels. To occiput. Calc-ph., chel., dulc To shoulders. Ipec. To supraorbital region. Carbo-v., pic-ac, sil. To temples. Kalm. Running in rays upward. Sang. Upward and forward. Act-rae, calc-caust., fluor-ac, gels., sil., ver-v. To vertex. Act-rae, kalm., sil. CENERAL. Extends from above downward. Chel., ipec, phos-ac. Back, up sides to temples and vertex. Can-sat. Base of brain to occiput. Act-rae Base of brain upward. Pic-ac. Below upward. Glon. Behind forward in brain. Bell., bry. Behind forward through eyeballs. Spig. Base of cranium upward. Form. Body to head. Form. Brain to occiput. Can-sat. Carious tooth to zygoma. Act-spic. Carious tooth to temples. Act-spic. Cerebellum over left side. Spig. Left ear into brain. Arg-m. Ear to parietal bone. Ign. Ear to occipital protuberance. Ign. Eyeballs backward. Crot., HI., lach., phos. Frontal sinus to base of brain. Brom. Head to tips of fingers. Camph. Head into left eye. Ign. Head into face. Puis. Heart to head. Lithe. Left to right. Nux-m. Behind mastoid process to occipital protuberance. Ign. Nasal bones to forehead. Kali-iod. Right to left, over bridge of nose, left half of face and forehead. Euph. Neck to sides. Canth. Margins of orbits to temples. Can-sat. Orbits to occiput. Cedron. Orbits to temporal bone. Natr-ars. Right to left, completely around head. Lach. 223 DIRECTION. Skull to root of tongue. Ipec Left shoulder to occiput. Eupat. Sinciput to occiput. Merc-iod-rub. Stomach to vertex. Form. Within outward. Aeon., act-rae, alu., am., asaf., natr-c, nitr-ac, spong., tarax. Within outward in forehead. Aeon., alu., bell., berb., bry., chel., coni., dros., olean.