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The material used has been collected from all reliable sources. After the death of Dr. Constantine Lippe, all the MSS. he had written for the second edition of his repertory was secured, and is included in this work. This repertory might, in fact, be considered as the second edition of Dr. Lippe's book, with such additions and corrections as the present editor has made. The works of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Hering, Lippe, Jahr, Dunham, etc., have been used. Besides these, the editor has had valuable aid from Dr. Edward Rushmore, who has sent him over three hundred pages of notes; also from Dr. S. A. Kimball, who collected many valuable notes from the interleaved repertory of Dr. W. P. Wesselhceft, and carefully revised the chapter on " Desires and Aversions;" from Dr. J. T. Kent's interleaved repertory many very valuable symptoms have been gathered. In the past ten years the editor has received numberless and most valuable hints from the late Dr. Ad. Lippe ; the celebrated repertory of Boenninghausen has been translated especially for this work ; from Dr. E. W. Ber- ridge notes and corrections have been received, and have been of great value. Drs. Walter M. James and George H. Clark will assist the editor in proof-reading, and in other ways lend valued as- sistance. The chapter ou " Mind and Disposition " includes especially the works of Hering and Jahr on this subject. The editor would be very glad to receive notice of all errors de- tected. Edmund J. Lee. Philadelphia, April, 1889. REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Abies-c., Abies Canadensis. Abies-n., Abies nigra. Abrot., Abrotanum. Absin, Absinthium. Acal., Acalypha Indica. Acet-ac, Acetic acid. Aeon., Aconitum napellus. Acon-a., Aconitum anthora. Acon-c, Aconitum cammarum. Acon-f., Aconitum ferox. Acon-1., Aconitum lycoctonum. Acon-s., Aconitum septentrionale. Actaea spicata. See Cimicifuga. jEs-g., jEsculus glabra. jEsc-h., J&culus hippocastanum. .(Eth., JSthusa. Agar-em., Agaricus emeticus. Agar, Agaricus mnscarius. Agar-ph., Agaricus phalloides. Agn., Agnus castus. Ailan., Ailanthus. Alco., Alcohol. Alet., Aletris farinosa. All-c, Allium cepa. All-s., Allium sativum. Aloe, Aloe. Alumn., Alumen. Alum., Alumina. Ambr., Anibra. Ambro., Ambrosia artemisiaefolia. Amine., Ammoniacum. Am-ac, Ammonium aceticum. Am-ben., Ammonium benzoicum. Am-bro., Ammonium bromidum. Am-c, Ammonium carbonicum. Ara-cau., Ammonium causticum. Ara-i., Ammonium iodatum. Am-m., Ammonium muriaticum. Am-n., Ammonium nitricum. Am-p., Ammonium phosphoricum. Amph., Amphisbcena. Amyg., Amygdalae amariie aqua. Aml-n., Amyl nitrite. Aml-ch., Amylamine chlorohydrate. Anac, Anacardium. Anag., Anagallis. Anan., Anantherum. Ang., Angustura. Anil., Anilinum. Anis., Anisnm stellatnm. Anth-n., Anthemis nobilis. Anthr., Anthrakokali. Ant-a., Antimonium arsenitum. Ant-m., Antimonium muriaticum. Ant-cr., Antimonium crudum. Ant-ox., Antimonium oxidum. Ant-s., Antimonium sulf. auratum. Ant-t., Antimon. et potass, tart. Apis, Apis. Ap-g., Apium graveolens. Aph., Aphis chenopodii glauci. Apoc, Apocynum cannabinum. Apom., Apomorphine. Aq-m., Aqua marina. Aq-p., Aqua petra. Aral., Aralia racemosa. Aran., Aranea. Aran-d., Aranea diadema. Aran-s., Aranea sciencia. Argem., Argemone. Arg-c., Argentum cyanidum. Arg., Argentum metallicum. Arg-m., Argentum muriaticum. Arg-n., Argentum nitricum. Arn., Arnica. Ars., Arsenicum album. Ars-h., Arsenicum hydrogenisatum. Ars-i., Arsenicum iodatum. Ars-m., Arsenicum metallicum. Ars-s-f., Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum. Ars-s-r., Arsenicum sulphuratumrnbrum. Artemisia abrotanum. See Abrotanum. Arum-d., Arum dracontium. Arum-i., Arum italicum. Arum-m., Arum maculatum. Arum-t., Arum triphyllum. Arund., Arundo mauritanica. Asaf., Asafoetida. Asar., Asarum. Asc-c, Asclepias cornuti (Syriaca). 5 REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Ase-t., Asclepias tuberosa. Asim., Asimina triloba. Aspar., Asparagus. Aster., Asterias rubens. Astr., Astragalus Menziesii. Ath., Athamanta. Atro., Atropinnm. Aur., Aurum. Aur-ful., Aurum fulminans. Aur-m., An rum muriaticum. Aur-s., Aurum sulphuratum. Bad., Badiaga. Bals., Balsamun Peruvianum. Bapt., Baptisia. Bart., Bartfelder (acid spring). Bar-ac., Baryta acetica. Bar., Baryta carbonica. Bar-m., Baryta muriatica. Bell., Belladonna. Bell-p., Bell is perennis. Benz., Benzinum. Benz-n., Benzinum nitricum. Benz-ac, Benzoic acid. Benzoin, Benzoin. Berbn., Berberinum. Berb., Berberis. Bism., Bismuthum oxidum. Bol., Boletus laricis. Bon., Bondonneau. Borax, Borax. Bor-ac, Boracium acidum. Bot., Bothrops lanceolatus. Bov., Bovista. Brach., Brachyglottis. Brass., Brassica napus. Brom., Bromium. Bruc, Brucea antidysenterica. Brucn., Brucinum. Bry., Bryonia. Bufo, Bufo. Buf-s., Bufo sahytiensi*. Cact., Cactus. Cadm., Cadmium sulphuratum. Cad-br., Cadmium bromatum. Cai., Cainca. Caj., Cajuputum. Calad., Caladium. Calc-ac, Calcarea acetica. Calc-c, Calcarea carbonica. Calc-can., Calcarea caustica. Calc-cl., Calcarea chlorata. Calc-f., Calcarea fluorata. Calc-i., Calcarea iodata. Calc-m., Calcarea muriatica. Calc-p., Calcarea phosphorica. Calc-s., Calcarea sulphurica. Calen., Calendula. Calo., Calotropis. Calth., Caltha. Camph., Camphora. Canc-f., Cancer fluviatilis. Canna, Canna. Cann-i., Cannabis indica. Cann-s., Cannabis sativa, Canth., Cantharis. Caps., Capsicum. Carb-an., Carbo animalis. Carb-v., Carbo vegetabilis. Carb-ac, Carbolic acid. Carbn., Carboneum. Carbn-cl., Carboneum chloratum. Carbn-h., Carboneum hydrogenisatum. Carbn-o., Carboneum oxygenisatum. Carbn-s., Carboneum sulphuratum. Card-b., Carduus benedictus. Card-m., Carduus marianus. Carl., Carlsbad. Case, Cascarilla. Cass., Cassada. Cast-v., Castanea vesca. Cast-eq., Castor equi. Castor., Castoreum. Cata., Catalpa. Caul., Caulophyllum. Caus., Causticnm. Cedr., Cedron. Celt., Celtis. Cent., Centaurea tagana. Ceph., Cephalanthus. Cer-b., Cereus bonplandii. Cer-s., Cereus serpentinus. Cerv., Cervus. Cham., Chamomilla. Chel., Chelidonium majus. Chen-a., Chenopodinm anthelminticum. Chen-v., Chenopodium vulvaria. Chim., Chimaphila. Chin., China. Chin-a., Chininum arsenicosum. Chin-m., Chininum muriaticum. Chin-s., Chininum snlphnricum. Chlol., Chloralnm. Chlf., Chloroformnm. Chlo., Chlorum. Chr-ac, Chromium acidum. Chr-ox., Chromium oxidatum. Cic-m., Cicuta masculata. Cic, Cicuta virosa. Cimx., Cimex. Cimic, Cimicifuga. Cina, Cina. Cinch., Cinchoninum snlphnricum. 6 REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Cinnb., Cinnabaris. Cinnm., Cinnamomum. Cist., Cistus. Cit-ac, Citric acid. Cit-1., Citrus limonum. Cit-v., Citrus vulgaris. Clem., Clematis. Cob., Cobaltum. Coca, Coca. Cocci., Coccionella. Cocc, Cocculus. Cocc-c., Coccus cacti. Coch., Cochlearia. Cod., Codeinum. Coff., Coffea cruda. Coff-t., Coffea tosta. Coffn., Coffeinum. Colch., Colchicum. Coll., Collinsonia. Coloc, Colocynthis. Colocn., Colocynthinum. Colost., Colostrum. Com., Comocladia. Conch., Conchiolinum. Con., Conium. Conin., Coninum. Conv-a., Convolvulus arvensis. Conv-d., Convolvulus duartinu*. Cop., Copaiva. Coral., Corallium rubrum. Cori-m., Coriaria myrtifolia. Cori-r., Coriaria rnscifolia. Corn., Cornus circinata. Corn-f., Cornus florida. Corn-s., Cornus sericea. Cot., Cotyledon. Creos., Creosotum. Croc, Crocus. Crotal., Crotalus horridus. Crot-c., Crotalus cascavella. Croton, Croton tiglium. Cub., Cubeba. Cund., Cundurango. Cupr., Cuprum. Cupr-ac, Cuprum aceticum. Cupr-ar., Cuprum arsenicosum. Cupr-m., Cuprum muriaticum. Cupr-n., Cuprum nitricum. Cupr-s., Cuprum sulphuricnm. Cur., Curare. Cyc., Cyclamen. Daph., Daphne Indica. Delph., Delphinus. Der., Derris pinnata. Dig., Digitalis. Dign., Digitalinum. I Dios., Dioscorea. I Dire, Dirca palustris. [ Dol., Dolichos pruriens. Dor., Doryphora, Dros., Drosera. | Dub., Duboisia. Dulc, Dulcamara. j Elaps, Elaps. Elat., Elateriuiu. Else., Elaeis guineeusis. | Emet., Emetinum. | Equ., Equisetum. j Erec, Erechthites. i Erig., Erigeron. Ery-a., Eryngium aquaticum. Ery-m., Eryngium maritimum. Eryth., Erythrophla?um. Erio., Eriodictyon. Eth., Ether. Eth-n., Ethyl nitrate. Eucal., Eucalyptus. Eugen., Eugenia jambos. Euo., Euonymus Europseus. | Eup-per., Eupatorium perfoliatum. Eup-pur., Eupatorium purpurenni. Euph., Euphorbium. Euphr., Euphrasia. Eupi., Eupion. Fago., Fagopyrum. Fel., Fel tauri. Ferr., Ferrum. Ferr-i., Ferrum iodatum. Ferr-m., Ferrum muriaticum. Ferr-p., Ferrum phosphoricum. Ferr-s., Ferrum sulphuricum. Fil., Filix mas. Fluor-ac, Fluoricum acidum. For., Formica. Frag., Fragaria. Fran., Franzensbad. | Frax., Fraxinus. Gad., Gadus morrhua. Gal-ac, Gallicum acidum. Gamb., Gambogia. Gas., Gastein. Gels., Gelsemium. Gen., Genista. Gent., Gentiana cruciata. Gent-1., Gentiana lutea. Ger., Geranium maculatum. Gett., Gettysburg. Gins., Ginseng. Glon., Glonoin. Gnap., Gnaphalium. 7 REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Goss., Gossypium. Gran., Granatum. Graph., Graphites. Grat., Gratiola. Grin., Grindelia. Guan., Guano. Guara., Guarana. Guare, Guarea. Guai., Guaiacum. Gymn., Gymnocladus. Hsemat., Haeniatoxylon. Hall, Hall. Ham., Hamamelis. Hell., Helleborus niger. Helon., Helonias. Hepar, Hepar sulphuris calcareum. Hipp., Hippomanes. Hura, Hura Brasiliensis. Hydrs., Hydrastis. Hydr-ac, Hydrocyanic acid. Hydrphb., Hydrophobinum. Hyos., Hyoscyamus. Hyosn., Hyoscyaminum. Hyper., Hypericum. Hypo., Hypophyllum. Iber., Iberis. Ign., Ignatia. 111., Illicium. Indm., Indium metallicum. Indg., Indigo. Inu., Inula. Iod., Iodum. Iodof., Iodoformum. Ipec, Ipecacuanha. Ir-fl., Iris florentina. Ir-fce., Iris fcetidissima. Iris, Iris versicolor. Jabor., Jaborandi. Jac, Jacaranda. Jalap., Jalapa. Jatr., Jatropha. Jug-c, Juglans cinerea. Jug-r., Juglans regia. June, Juucus. Juni., Juniperus Virginiana. K-ac, Kali aceticum. K-ar., Kali arsenicosum. K-bi., Kali bichromicum. K-bro., Kali bromatum. K-ca., Kali carbonicum. K-chr., Kali chromicum. K-clc, Kali chloricum. K-cy., Kali cyanatum. K-iod., Kali iodatum. K-ma., Kali hypermanganicum. Kali nitricum. See Nitrum. K-sul., Kali sulphuricum. Kalm., Kalmia. Kiss., Kissingen. Kou., Kousso. Lab., Laburnum. Lac-can., Lac caninum. Lac-dfl., Lac defloratum. Lach., Lachesis. Lachn., Lachnanthes. Lac-ac, Lactic acid. Lact., Lactuca. Lam., Lamium. Laur., Laurocerasus. Led., Ledum. Lepi., Lepidium. Lept., Leptandra. Lil-t., Lilium tigrinum. Linu., Linum. Lip., Lipspringe. Lith., Lithium. Lith-m., Lithium muriaticum. Lob-c, Lobelia cardinalis. Lobel., Lobelia inflata. Lob-s., Lobelia syphilitica. Lon., Lonicera. Lup., Lupulus. Lye, Lycopodium. Lycpr., Lycopersicum. Lycps., Lycopus. Mae, Macrotinum. Mag-e, Magnesia carbonica. Mag-m., Magnesia muriatica. Mag-s., Magnesia sulphurica. Mane, Mancinella. Mand., Mandragora. Mang., Manganum. Mang-m., Manganum muriaticum. Mang-s., Manganum sulphuricum. Marum, Marum verum. Mee, Meconinum. Medor., Medorrhinum. Mela., Melastoma. Meli., Melilotus. Meni., Menispermum. Ment-pi., Mentha piperita. Ment-pu., Mentha pulegium. Meny., Menyanthes. Meph., Mephitis. Mere, Mercurius. Merc-ae, Mercurius aceticus. Merc-br., Mercurius bromatus. Merc-e, Mercurius corrosivus. 8 REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Merc-cy., Mercurius cyanatus. Merc-d., Mercurius dulcis. Merc-i-fl., Mercurius iodatus flavus. Merc-i-r., Mercurius iodatus ruber. Mere-ra., Mercurius methylenus. Merc-n., Mercurius nitrosus. Merc-p-a., Mercurius precipitatus albus. Merc-p-r., Mercurius precipitatus ruber. Merc-s., Mercurius sulphuricus. Merl., Mercurialis. Mezer., Mezereum. Mill., Millefolium. Mit.. Mitchella. Morph.. Morpliinum. Mosch., Moschus. Murx., Murex. Mur-ae. Muriaticum acidum. Myric, Myrica. Myris., Myristica. Nat-ar., Natrum arsenicatum. Nat-br., Natrum broiuatum. Nat-e, Natrum carbonicum. Nat-hy., Natrum hypochlorosum. Nat-m., Natrum muriaticum. Nat-n., Natrum nitricum. Nat-p., Natrum phosphoricum. Nat-s., Natrum sulphuricum. Naja, Naja. Nap., Naphtha. Narcot, Narcotinum. Nice, Niccolum. Nicot., Nicotinum. Nit-d-s., Nitri dulcis spiritus. Nit-ae, Nitricum acidum. Nit-ra ae, Nitro-muriatic acid. Nit-ox . Nitrogenium oxygenatum. Nitr.. Nitrum. Nuph., Nuphar luteum. Nx-m., Nux moscliata. Nx-v., Nux vomica. Nym., Nymphsea odorata. Oci., Oeimum. G^na., CEnanthe. Olnd., Oleander. Ol-an., Oleum animale. Ol-jec, Oleum jecoris aselli. Op., Opium. Opun., Opuntia. Osm., Osmium. Ost.. Ostrva. Oxal-ae, Oxalicum acidum. Ozo., Ozonum. Paaon., Pseonia. Pall., Palladium. Pan., Panacea. Par., Paris quadrifolia. Pau-p., Paullinia pinnata. Pau-s., Paullinia sorbilis. Plb., Plumbum. Ped., Pediculus. Pen., Penthorum. Per., Persica. Peti., Petiveria. Petr., Petroleum. Petros., Petroselinum. Phal., Phallus. Phas., Phaseolus. Phel., Phellandrium. Phos., Phosphorus. Ph-ac. Phosphoricum acidum. Phys., Physostigma. Pliyt.. Phytolacca. Pic ac, Picricum acidum. Pil., Pilocarpinum. Pimp., Pimpinella. Pin-e, Pinus cupressus. Pin-1., Pinus lambertiana. Pin-s., Pinus silvestris. Pip-m., Piper metliysticum. Pip-n., Piper nigrum. Plan., Plantago. | Plat., Platinum. | Plat-m., Platinum muriaticum. | Plect., Plectranthus. Plmbg., Plumbago littoralis. Podo., Podophyllum. | Polyg., Polygonum. Pop., Populus. Poth., Pothos. i Pru-p., Prunus padus. | Prun., Prunus spinosa. i Psor., Psorinum. Ptel. Ptelea trifoliata. Puis., Pulsatilla. Pul-n., Pulsatilla nuttallina. Pyrth., Pyrethram. I Pyrus, Pyrus. Qua., Quassia. Ran-b., Ranunculus bulbosns. Ran-g.. Ranunculus glacialis. Ran-r., Ranunculus repens. Ran-sc. Ranunculus sceleratus. Raph., Raphanus. Ratan., Ratanhia. Rheum, Rheum. i Rhod., Rhododendron. j Rhus, Rhus toxicondendron. ! Rhus-r., Rhus radicans. Rhus-v., Rhus venenata. 2 9 REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Ric, Ricinus. Rob., Robinia. Ros., Rosmarinus. Rumx., Rumex crispus. Ruta, Ruta. Sabad., Sabadilla. Sabin., Sabina. Sac-alb., Saccharum album. Sal-ac, Salicylicum acidum. Sal-n., Salix niger. Sal-p., Salix purpurea. Samb., Sambucus. Sang., Sanguinaria. Sant., Santoninum. Sap., Saponinum. Sarr., Sarracenia. Sars., Sarsaparilla. Scam., Scammonium. Scor., Scorpio. Scut., Scutellaria. Secale, Secale cornutum. Sed., Sedinha. Selen., Selenium. Senee, Senecio. Seneg., Senega. Senn., Senna. Sep., Sepia. Serp.. Serpentaria. Sil., Silicea. Sin-a., Sinapis alba. Sin-n., Sinapis nigra. Solnm., Solaninum. Sol-a., Solanum arrebinta. Sol-m , Solanum mammosum. Sol-n., Solanum nigrum. Sol-o., Solanum oleraceum. Sol-p., Solanum pseudo-capsicum. Sol-t., Solanum tuberosum. Sol-t-ae., Solanum tuberosum aegrotans. Spig., Spigelia. Spig-m., Spigelia marilandica. Spigg., Spiggurus. Spira., Spiranthes. Spire., Spirea ulmaria. Spong., Spongia. Squil., Squilla. Stach., Stachys betonica. Stann., Stannum. Staph., Staphisagria. Stict., Sticta pulmonaria. Still., Stillingia sylvatica. Stram., Stramonium. Stront., Strontium. Stry., Strychninum. Sulph., Sulphur. Sul-i., Sulphur iodatum. Sul-ac, Sulphuricum acidum. Sumb., Surabul. Syph., Syphilinum. Tabae, Tabacum. Tanae, Tanacetum. Tang., Tanghinia. Tann., Tannin. Tarax., Taraxacum. Tarent., Tarentula. Tart-ae. Tartaric acid. Taxus, Taxus baccata. Tell., Tellurium. Tep., Teplitz. Tereb., Terebinthina. Tet., Tetradymite. Thai., Thallium. Thea, Thea. Ther., Theridion. Thu., Thuja. Tilia, Tilia. Ton., Tongo. Trif-p., Trifolium pratense. Trif-r., Trifolium repens. Trill., Trillium cernuum. Trim., Trimethylaminum. Trio., Triosteum. Trom., Trombidium muscae domestical Tus-f., Tussilago fragrans. Tus-p., Tussilago petasites. Upa., Upas. Uran., Uranium nitricum. Urea, Urea. Urt-e, Urtica crenulata. Urt-g., Urtica gigas. Urt-u., Urtica urens. Ustil.. Ustilago. Uva, Uva ursi. Vac, Vaccininum. Valer., Valeriana. Verat., Veratrum album. Verat-v., Veratrum viride. Veratn. Veratrinum. Verb., Verbascum. Vesp., Vespa. Vich., Vichy. Vine, Vinca. Viol-od., Viola odorata. Viol-tr., Viola tricolor. Vip., Vipera. Vip-l-f.. Vipera lachesis fel. Vise, Viscum album. . I Wies., Wiesbaden. 10 REMEDIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS. Wild., Wildbad. Wye., Wyethia. Xanth., Xanthoxylum. Yuc, Yucca. .Zing., Zingiber. Ziz., Zizia. Zne, Zincum. Znc-a., Zincum aceticum. Znc-e, Zincum cyanatum. Znc-f., Zincum ferrocyanatum. Znc-m., Zincum muriaticum. Znc-p., Zincum phosphoratum. Znc-s., Zincum sulphuricum. 11 CHAPTER I. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Abandoned, feels as if: carb-an. eye hura. k-ca. lam. stram. -----she thinks she is left alone in the world, etc: plat. -----See Forsaken. Absent-minded, see Mind, absence of, and compare with Forgetful. Absorbed in self: aloe. caus. chin. cocc. eye ign. murac. nat-c. ol-an. phel. rheum, sars. stann. --------after eating: aloe. -------in morning: nat-c. -------during menses: mur-ae — (buried) in thought: Aeon. am-m. bell. bov. cann-i. canth. cham. chin. cocc. con. eye grat. ham. mere mosch. nit-ac. phel. phos. spig. -------alternating with frivolity : arg-n. -------evening: am-m, --------as to what would become of him: nat-m. — compare with Thoughtful, etc. Abusive : alcoh. am-e anac. bell, borax. caus.coral. dulc gal-ae hydrph. hyos. ipee lye mosch. nit-ac. nx-v. petr. plb. stram. verat. viol-tr. — without being angry : Dulc. — with the pains: coral. — evening: am-m. — inclined to be: atrop. caus. con. else, ran-b. sep. Activity, desires: agar. ars. bar, bry. clem. coca. cocc. hyos. hyper, ign. iris. lach. led. lil-t. mezer. mosch. mur-ae nat-s. op. phos. rhus. sep. stann. verat. — mental and bodily; cannot do things fast enough: aur. — alternating with exhaustion : aloe. — in business: brom. mane — mental: see under Mind. — with physical debility : mosch. Aontness (increased of mind): anac. asaf. aur. coff. lach. op. verat. viol-od. Affectionate [fond, loving dispo- sition] : aeon. anac. borax, carb-an. carb-v. hura. ign. nx-v. ox-ac. par. phos. plat, seneg. — love for every one about him, during and after fainting: hura. Affronts or offenses, ailments from. See name of the special cause. Ambition, loss of: apoc. dios. erig. nat-p. petr. sep. -------in damp, cloudy weather: sang. Amorous: aeon, ant-e bell, calad. calc. cann-s. canth. carb-v. chin. coff. coloe con. croc, graph, hyos. ign. k-ca. lach. lilt, lye men. mere mosch. nat-c. nat m. nx-m. nx-v. op. orig. phos. plat. plb. puis. rhus. ruta. sabin. selen. sep. sil. staph, stram. sulph. thu. verat. verb, zne — fits: aeon, ant-e hyos. op. stram. verat. Amusement, averse to : men. — desire for: lach. Anger (bad temper, irascibility, etc.): aeon. aloe. ambr. am-e anac. ang. apis, arg-n. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bry. bufo. calad. calc. calc-p. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, cimic. cinnb. clem. cocc. coff. coloe con. cop. croc. eye dig. dros. eupion. ferr. fl-ae gran, graph, ham. hell. hyos. hydr. ign. iod. ipee k-ca. lach. led. lye. mag-s. mang. meph. mere merl. mezer. mur-ae nat-c. nat-m. nice nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. op. osm. petr. phos. plat. psor. puis, ran-b. ratan. ruta. sabad. sang, seneg. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ae tarent. thu. trill, verat. zne — See also Ill-humor, Rage, etc. — ailments, from or after anger, vex- ation, etc.: acon. alum, ant-t. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin, cimic. 13 Anger. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Answer. cocc. coff. coloc. croc. cupr. hyos. IGN. ipee lye. mag-e mag-m. mane mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ae plat. puis, ran-b. rhus. samb. secale. seien. sep. sil. stann. staph, stram. sulph. verat. zne anger, with anxiety: acon. alum. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc. cham. cocc. coff. cupr. hyos. ign. lye nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. op. petr. phos. plat. puis. rhus. samb. sep. stann. stram. sulph. verat. anger, with fright: acon. bell. calc. cocc. cupr. ign. nat-c. nx-v. op. petr. phos. plat. puis. samb. sep. sulph. zne anger, with silent grief and sorrow: alum. ars. aur. bell. cocc. coloe. hyos. ign. lye. nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, staph, verat. anger, with indignation: coloc. ipee nx-v. plat, staph. anger, with vehemence, passion: acon. aur. bell. bry. cham. coff. hyos. lye nat-m. nx-v. phos. sep. "sulph. verat. zne alternating with cheerfulness: aur. caps. croc. ign. stram. ----quick repentance: croc, mezer. vinc-m. sulph. causeless: chel. mezer. coition, after: calc consoled, when: nat-m. contradiction, from: aur. bry. ferr. ign. nice. nx-v. op. petr. sil. diarrhoea, with: gnap. drinking coffee or wine, while: chlor. evening, in: am-c. bry. croc, nice op. petr. forgetfulness, during: hydr. fever, during: hipp. folio wed by : headache : mezer. petr. plat. -----red face and chilliness : bry. -----red tip of nose : vinc-m. -----chilliness, heat and vomiting: nx-v. -----rage, violence and heat: cham. -----throwing away things or pushing away table: staph. with indignation: coloc. staph. morning, in : nx-v. petr. sep. sulph. • — on waking: k-ca. news, at unpleasant: calc-p. noise, at: ipee past events, over: sep. reproaches, at: croc. — thinking of absent persons, on: aur. -----of former vexations: calc. -----of what may happen: sol-m. — trifles, at: ars. bell, cann-s. cocc. croc. hell, ipee lye meph. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. seneg. sep. squil. thu. — vehemence, with: acon. ars. aur. bry. cham. grat. ign. lye nx-v. verat. ----------so 'that he could have stabbed any one : chin. -----with suppressed: cham. ign, staph. Anguish (agony): acet-ae acon. aeth. aloe. alum. ambr. ant-t. arn. ARS. aur. bell. bov. calc. cann-i. carb-v. cedr, k-iod murx. sep. tarent. trill, verat. — causing restlessness: ars. — during chill, heat, or sweat: arn. — eating, while: sep. — nausea, with: ailan. ars. — night: ambr. arn. — open air, amel: cann-i. — palpitation, with: ars. — during vomiting: ars. asar. Annoyance, intolerant of any: ferr-p. — see also Vexation. Answer, does not: agar. alum. ambr. am-m. am. atrop. bell. chin, cimic. cocc. coloc. euphr. hyos. mag-m. mane mere mosch. op. ph-ac. secale. stann. sul-ae tabae tarent. verat. -------at other times is loquacious: cimic. -------sings, talks, but will not an- swer questions: agar. — confusedly, as though thinking of something else: mosch. — difficult, is: chlol. phos. verat. — disconnected, is: coff-t. crotal. phos. stram. strych. — hastily : ars. bry. cimic. cocc. hepar. rhus. strych. — incoherently, bell, cann-i. chlol. coff-t. hyos. phos. — incorrectly: bell. hyos. mere ph-ae — irrelevantly: cimic. hyos. nx-m. ph-ac. sul-ae valer. — monosyllabic: ph-ac. -----"no" to all questions: crot-e — repeats the question first: zne — slowly: ars. cup-ae hell. mere. phos. ph-ac. plb. secale. sul-ae sulph. zne — shortly, abruptly, curtly: ars. cie coff. jatr. ph-ac. plb sin-n. stann. — stupor returns quickly after: arn. bapt. hyos. 14 Answer. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Anxiety. — unintelligibly: coff-t. hyos. phos. — violently, as if angry : rhus. — see also under Delirium, Delusions, Silent, Speech, etc. Anthropophobia: acon. aloe. alum. ambr. anac. aur. bar. bell, carb-an. chin, cie con. cupr. hyos. k-bi. led. lye mere nat-c. nat-m. phos. puis. rhus. selen. stann. sulph. Anxiety : abrot. acon. acet-ae ceth. agar. agn. ailan. aloe. alum. ambr. am c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-e ant-t. arg. arg-n. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bar-m. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caps, carb- an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, cie cimic. cina. cocc. coff. coloc. con. croc. crotal. croton. cupr. eye dig. dros. euph. evon. ferr. tt-ac. graph, grat. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. iod. ipee jatr. k-bro. k-ca. lach. lact. lam. laur. lil-t. lye. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. marum. men. mere, mezer. moscfi. mur-ac. nat-c. natm.nice, nitr. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. phel. phos. ph-ae plat.^6.psor.pa/s.ran-b. ran-sc. raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sang. samb. sars. secale. seneg. .s»/>. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. sag-c. nx-v. ' rhus. squil. — abdomen, during pain, in: aeth. ' alum. am-m. ant-t. ots. aur. borax. bov. caps. cham. cupr. graph, k-clc. mezer. sep. sulph. I -----constriction in region of stomach : j guai. -----pressure in stomach : gent-1. | -----pressure at epigastrium : guai. — —swelling of stomach : gins. -----tension in, from: staph. — acids, after : sulph. — air, in open : acon. anac. arg. bell. cina. hepar. ign. lach. plat. —-------relieved : arund. bry. grat. laur. mag-m. rhus. — anger, during: sep. — apparition, from horrible, while awake: zne — approach of others, from: ambr. arn. iod. lye — ascending steps, on: nit-ac. — back, from pain in : June — breathing, deeply, on : acon. spig. -------amel. agar rhus. -----with difficult, dyspnoea, etc.: | acon. ambr. am-e anac. ars. borax. calc. carb-v. cocc. creos. hepar. hydr- ac. iod. lact. lye nit-ac. nx-v plat. rhus. seneg. sil. spig. tabac. verat. — bed, in : cham. mag-c. mag-m. -----see under Morning or Evening. I — beer, after: ferr. — bronchi, from mucus in : arund. — chagrin, after: lye — chest, during congestion of: sep. -----constriction of: gins. -----heat in, rising to mouth : nx-v. -------burning in : gels. -------warm orgasm of: nx-v. -----pain in, with: rhus. -----pressure on : sulph. -----tension of: gins. — children, in: borax, calc. k-ca. -----when lifted from the cradle: calc-p. — chill. See under Fever. — coffee, after: bart. cham. ign. nx-v. — — ameliorates: morph. — coition, after: sep. -----after pollutions: carb-an. petr. — cold drinks, amel.: acon. agar-em. sulph. -----with coldness : cup-ae nit-ac. — company, when in : acon. bell, lye petr. plat. — — when alone: dros. mezer. phos. tabac. zne ----------aggra. alcoh. — cough, with: acon. cina. coff. dros. eup-per. hepar. iod. rhus. samb. spong. stram. -----before attack of whooping-cough : cupr. -----from coughing: merc-c. nit-ac. stram. — dancing, when : borax. — diarrhoea, during: crotal. -----see also under Stool. — digestion, during: ferr. — dinner, during: mag-m. -----after: ambr. canth. gins. hyos. nat-m. phos. sil. verat. -----see also Eating. — dreams, on waking from frightful: ars. chin. -----see also Dreams, Anxious. — eating before: mezer. ran-b. ----when : carb-v. mag-c. mezer. sabad. sep. -----after: ambr. asaf. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin, cocc-e con. ferr-m. hyos. k-ca. lach. mag-m. mere nat-c. nat-m. nit ac. nx-v. phel. phos. ph- ac. sep. sil. thu. verat. viol-tr. -----supper or warm food, when: mag-c, -----ameliorates : aur. mezer. sulph. -------after breakfast: k-ca. Conditions of Anxiety. MIND AND — ears, with noise in: puis. -----with sensitiveness to noise : caps. — eructations, amel.: mag-m. — excitement, from : asaf. — exercise, amel.: tarent. — eyes, from exerting the: sep. -----with obscurations of: arg-n. staph. -----with dilated pupils: nx-v. — face, with hot: acon. arg-n. bell. carb-v. graph, mere -------pale: puis. -------red: acon. sep. — — — sweat on: ars. cie mur-ac. nat-c. — fainting, with : ars. cie ign. mag-m. nit-ac. op. ran-b. — feet, with cold: cupr. graph, sulph. thu. -----after bathing the: nat-c. -----with heaviness of: ign. nit-ac. — fever, during prodrome: ars. chin. -----during chill: acon. arn. ars. camph. caps, carb-v. chin. ign. nat- m. n»v. phos. plat. puis, verat. -----after chill: k-ca. -----during heat or fever: acon. alum. ambr. arn. ars. asaf. bar. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. case cham. chin. coff. crotal. eye dros. ferr. fluor-ac. graph, grat. hepar. hyper, ign. ipee lach. mag-c. mag-m. mere nat-c. nat-m. nice nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plan. plat. plb. puis. rheum, ruta. sep. spong. stann. stram. sulph. verat. -----during perspiration : ambr. am-e ant-cr. arn. ars. bar. bell, benz-ae berb. bry. calc. cann-s. caus. cham. cie cocc. ferr. graph, mag-c. mang. mere, mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. phos. plb. puis. rhus. samb. sep. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. thu. -------sweat amel. anxiety : agar. — —during apyrexia: acon. camph. — fingers, starting in : puis. — fits, with: alum. bell. caus. cupr. cocc. ferr. hyos. ign. — flatus, from: coff. nx-v. -----emission of, amel.: calc-ac. — fright, after: sil. — gastric complaints, with : alum, am- m. ar3. bar-m.cale cupr. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. puis. — hands, cold, with: graph, puis. -----with hot: carb-v. -----with sweat on: cham. mere DISPOSITION. Conditions of Anxiety. -----with trembling of: am-e cie plat. puis. — headache, with: acon. alum. bell. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. graph, laur. mag-c. phos. puis. ruta. sulph. — head, with congestion to: accw.carb- v. laur. mag-c. phos. puis, sulph. ----with dullness of: alum. bov. -----with heat of: carb-v. laur. mag-c. phos. sulph. -----with pressure from forehead to vertex: glon. ----with stupefaction of: alum. bov. caus. sil. -----with sweat on : ars. carb-v. nx-v. phos. sep. — heart, palpitation of, causes : graph. sep. sulph. trill, verat. -----with pain at: bar. carb-v. cham. nit-ac. nx-v. rhus. spong. — — with palpitation of: aeon. alum. am-e ant-t. aspar. ars. aur. borax, calc. cann-s. carb-v. caus. cham. dig. ferr. ign. k-ca. lach. lye mosch. nat-c. nat- m. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. phos.plat. plb. puis. ruta. sars. sep. sil. spig. verat. viol-od. viol-tr. — — with pressure at, tearing at loins and restlessness: rhus. -----during pain at region of: haemat. -----during throbbing in cardiac re- gion : graph.^ — heat. See Fever. — hypochondriacal: am-e arn. ars. asaf. calad. canth. cham. dros. k-cle mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. phos. ph-ac. valer. — hysterical: asaf. con. — house or room, in : aster, bry. chel. k-ca. mag m. rhus. tilia. valer. — — on entering: rhod. — — ameliorated in : ign. — hungry, when : k-ca. — lameness, with : aloe. — legs, with pains in : borax, rhtw. Bars. -----starting in : hepar. — light, in candle: bov. — —ameliorates: nat-m. — limbs, with heaviness in : mag-c. -----with pain in: ars. bell. -----with trembling in : ars. aur. calc. carb-v. cans. cham. coff. croc. cupr. graph, lach. mag-c. mezer. mosch. nat-c. phos. puis. rhus. sars. sep. — loins, from aching in, after supper : nx-v. 18 Conditions of Anxiety. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Conditions of Anxiety. — lying down, when : carb-v. sil. stann. -----has to lie down, with anguish: mezer. phel. -----evening, after: hepar. nx-v. -------See Evening in Bed. -----on side: bar. k-ca. phos. puis. -----on left side: bar. phos. -----on right side: k-ca. — meal. See Eating. — menses, before: acon. am-e carb-v. cocc. con. k-bi. mang. mere nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. stann. sulph. zne -----during : acon. bell. calc. canth. cimic. cina. coff con. ign. k-iod. mere nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. plat. sil. stann. sulph. zne — — amel.: stann. zne -----after : agar. phos. secale. -----which prevents sleep : agar. — mental labor, from : nat-c. plan. — meditation, from: acon. ars. calc. camph. cham. nx-v. puis.rhus.secale. verat. — micturition, during : cham. — moaning, with : acon. alum, aat-t. ars. cham. par. phos. rheum. — motion from: acon. berb. borax. mag-c. nice rheum. -----aggra.: nat-c. -----ameliorates: sil. — nausea, with: alum. am-m. bar-m. calc. graph, nit-ac. nx-v. puis, tabac. — noise, from: agar. aur. caus. chel. si/. — pains, from the: acon. ars. caus. nat e — periodical attacks of: arn. ars. cham. cocc. nat-c. nat-m. phos. plat. sep. spong. sulph. — reading, while: mag-m. — rest, when at: acon. seneg. -----in bed asgr.: alcoh. — retching, with : bar-m. — riding, when: borax, lach. psor. -----down hill : borax. — rising, after : chel. mag-c. -----see also under Morning. -----from a seat, on : verat. ------------amel.: mill. — screaming, with : calc chin-s. cocc. hyos. lye ran-se — sedentary employment, from : ars. graph. — shaving, when : calad. — shuddering, with: bell. calc. carb- v. nat-c. plat. puis, tabac. verat. — sitting, when : caus. graph, nit-ac. phos. tarax. -----aggravates: sil. -----cannot sit on account of anguish : graph, sil. -----when at work, while : graph. -----bent over, anxiety with fear of death: rhus. ----------with pain in rectum, has to walk : calc. -----still, all anxiety disappears : iod. — sleep, before : alum. -----in evening until he goes to sleep : berb. -----on going to : calc. lye puis. -----during: cocc. graph, lye nat-m. nx-v. phos. spong. verat. -----on starting front : clem. -----during partial slumbering in morning : junc. — sleepiness, with : ars. borax, led. nx-v. rhus. — sleeplessness, with: acon. agar. arn. ars. bar. bell. bry. carb-an. carb- v. caus. cham. chin, chin s. cocc. coff. con. cupr. ferr. graph, hepar. hyos. k-ca. laur. mag-c. mere, nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. ran-b. ran-se sabin. sep. sil. sulph. thu. verat. — soup, after: mag-c. ol-an. — speaking, when: alum. ambr. plaL ----- aggravates : nat-c. -----on attemping to talk in company r plat. — speechlessness, with: ign. — standing, when : sil. verat. -----amel., when: calc. phos. tarax. — start, from a: sil. — stool, before: ars. cadm. cham. croton. mere — — during; cham. mere sulph. verat. — — after: acon. caus. carb-v. k-ca.nit- ac. — stooping, when : rheum. -----great anxiety, amel. by stooping: bar-m. — storm, during a : gels, nat-c. nat-m. nit ac. phos. — sudden : cocc. plat. thu. — supper, after: mag e nx-v. — sweat. See under Fever. — taste, with bitter: am m. bell. — thinking about it, excited by: alum. ambr. bry. calc. caus. con. nit- ac. staph, tabac. — thirst, with: cup ac. — throat, with dryness of: rhus. 19 Conditions of Anxiety. MfND AND DISPOSITION. Bed. — tobacco, from smoking: petr. sep. — tremor, with: ant-t. ars. cham. euph. mag-c. plat. puis. sars. — uneasiness and anxiety at night, must uncover: mag-c. — vertigo, with: barm. bell. caps. caus. coff ign. mere nx-m. nx-v. op. rhod. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. verat. -----after: aloe. gamb. — vexation, after: lye sep. verat. — voice, on raising the: cann-s. — vomiting, before: arn. sang. -----ameliorates: hell, tabac. —---during: ars. ars-h. cup-ae gran. nit-ac. seneg. tabac. tong. -----after: k-ca. — waking, on: acon. am-e cact. calc. carb-v. caus. chin con. dros. graph, ign. ipee lye nit-ac. nx-v. phos. plat. puis. rhus. samb. sep. sil. sol-t-ae. sulph. -----from a dream: graph, sil. -----see also under Morning and Night. — walking, on : anac. arg. arg-n. bell. cina. clem, hepar. ign. nx-v. plat. staph, tabac. -----rapidly, when: nit-ac. staph. -----amel., in open air: rhus. -----aggra.: plat. -----in open air: anac. arg-n. bell. cina. hepar. ign. nx-v. plat. -----in cool air: nx m. — warmth, afternoon, during: gamb. — weakness, with: acon. agn. alum. am-e. ang. ars. aur. borax, calc. carb- an. carb-v. caus. cie ign. mag-c. nitr. phos. rhus. si!, verat. — weeping, followed by : acon. am-m. carb-v. -----amel.: dig. graph, tabac. — work, during: anac. graph, iod. -----had to stop, for anxiety: aloe. — yawning, with : plb. Anxiousness. See Anxiety. Apathy. See Indifference. Apprehensions. See Fear, Anxiety, etc. Arrogance : alum. arn. chin, cie cupr. ferr. hyos. ipee lach. lye par. PLAT. stram verat. Asking and then refusing. See Refuses. Asks for nothing: bry. puis, rheum. Attention, active : coff. oxal-ae — difficult to fix (distraction, etc.): acon. aesc-h. agn. ailan. all-e alum am-e anac. ang apis. arn. ars. bar bell. bov. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth carban. caus. cham. chel. clnn-6. cimic. cinnb. cocc. coff. colch. coloe corn. croc, cup-ae elaps. ferr. Huor- ae gels. glon. graph, ham. hell. hura. hydr. hydr-ae hyos. ign. iod. iris. k-bro. k-ca. kalrn. lach. lam. laur. lil-t. mag-c. mang. mere merc-e mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nx-j. nx- m. nx-v. oJnd. ol-an. op. phos. ph-ae phvs. plat. poth. puis, ran-se rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sars. senee sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, stram. sulph. sul ac. tabac. tereb. thu. verb, viol-od. zne — want, of (inattention): alum. am-c. ang. bar. bell. bov. caus. cham. cimic. k-ca. mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. olnd. ph-ae plat. puis. rhod. sep. sulph. thu. tilia. -----when learning, reading, etc.: alum. asar. bar. bell. caus. cham. coff. kca. nat-c. spig. sulph. ----in children: bar. Audacity : op. — compare with Boldness, etc. Avarice (covetousness, etc.): ars. bry. calc. cina. coloc. nat-c. puis, rheum. sep. Aversion, takes involuntary, to certain persons: am-m. — in general. See name of thing dis- liked. Awkward : aeth. agar. ambr. anac. apis. asaf. asar. bov. camph. caps. cocc. ign. ipee lach. nat-c.nat-m. nx-v. plb. puis. sabin. sars. sil. spong. stann. stram. sulph. thu. — afternoon: anac. — evening: agar. — breaks things: apis. — in children during headache: caps. — things fall from one's hand: apis. bov. bry. hell. hyos. nx-v. — in dressing, dresses unbecomingly: hyos. stram. — knocks against things: caps, ipee nat-m. nx v. op. Barking: bell, canth. stram. Bashful (diffident, timid): aloe. aur. bar- ae bell, carb-an. chin. con. coff. ign. j iod. k-bi. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. | stram. sulph. tabac. ' — after a fright: acon. I Bed, aversion to (shuns): cann-s. caus j lye nat-c. -----great dread of going to bed: cann-s. ! — desires to remain in : mere psor. 20 Bed. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Cheerful. — goes from one bed to another, etc.: ars. hyos. — see also under Delirium. Begging, entreating : ars. stram. — in sleep: stann. Bellowing: bell, canth. Bemoaning. See Lamenting. Bewildered: acon. coff. colch. nx-v. puis. stram. valer. verat. — during paroxysms of pain: acon. cham. coff. verat. — loses way in well-known streets: glon. nx-m. petr — on waking does not know where she is : aesc-h. —-----knows no one; is terrified: stram. Biting : bell. bufo. canth. cie croc. cupr. hydrph. hyos. hura. secale. stram. verat. — fingers: arum-t.plb. op. — hands: hura. — pillow: phos. — himself: tarent. — tumbler: ars. — spoons, etc.: bell. Blindness, pretended: verat. Bliss, feeling of: op. — see Happy, etc. Blood,cannot look at, on a knife: alum. Boldness, courage: acon. agar. alum. ant-t. berb. bov. calad. dros. gins. ign. mere mezer. nat-c. op. phos. puis. squil. sulph. tarax. valer. verat. Break, desires to, everything: hura. Brooding mood: alum. arn. aur. canth. caps. caus. chain, eye euphr. hell. ipee mezer. mur-ac. nx-v. olnd. op. sulph. Business, averse to: brom. fluor-ae k-ca. puis. sep. Calmness: op. verat. Calumniate, desire to : ipee Capriciousness : acon. alum, am-e arn. ars. bell bry. calc. caps, carb-an. cham. chin. cina. creos. croc. dig. hepar. ign. k-ca. lye mere nit ac. nx-v. phos- puis, secale. sil. spong. stram. sulph. viol-tr. Carefulness: iod. nx-v. puis. — See also Scrupulous. Carelessness: aur-m. gels. op. verat. Cares, full of: caus. chin. coff. — about domestic affairs: bar. puis. sep. — about trifles : ars. — indifferent to : nit-ac. Carried, desires to be : acon. ant-t. ars. brom. cham. cina. ign. lye k-ca. puis. verat. -------in croup : brom. -------fast: ars. -------slowly: puis. Cautious: graph. Censorious, critical: acon. alum. arn. ars. aur. bell, borax, calc-p. caps. caus. cham. chin, cie gran. guai. hyos. ign. ipee lach. lye mere mezer. mosch. nat-m. nx-v. par. petr. plat. rhus. sep. staph, sulph. tilia. verat. — disposed to fault finding or is silent: verat. Changeable humor. See Humor. — everythingseems changed, after short absence: plat. Chases imaginary objects: stram. Cheerful (gay, happy, jolly, etc.): acon. eesc-h. aeth. agar. anac. ang. apoe arg. ars. asaf. bell, borax, bov. brom. bry. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps, carb- v. caus. chin, cie coca. cocc. coff colch. coloc. croc. cupr. eye dros. eucal. ferr. fluor-ae gamb. gels. hydr. hyos. ign. k-bi. k-bro. lach. laur. lye mane marum. mere nat-m. nat-s. nit ac. ol-an. op. oxal-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. plat. plb. p3or. rhod. ruta. sabad. sars. secale. seneg. sep. spig. spong. squil. stann. stram. tarax. tarent. therid. thu. valer. verat. verb. viol-od. zne zing. — alternating, with aversion to work: spong. -----with ill humor: ant-t. aur. chin. eye lye mere nat-c. nat m. plat. spig. -----with indifference: tarent. -----with mania : bell, cann-s. croc. -----with melancholy: asar. chin. ferr. zne -----with pain : plat. ----with passion, burst of: aur. caps. croc. ign. stram. -----with sadness: acon. asar. canth. carb-an. caus chin. clem. croc. ferr. fluor-ae gels. ign. iod. lyc,nat-c nit- ac. nx m. plat. psor. senee sep. spig. tarent. zne ziz. -----with vexation : ant-t. borax, caus. cocc. croc, spong. zne -----with violence: aur. croc, stram. -----with want of sympathy: mere -----with weeping: acon. arg. bell. borax, cann-s. carb-an. ign. iod. plat. spong. Cheerful. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Conscience. — followed by crossness, etc.: clem. hyos. nat-s. ol an. op. seneg. tarax. -------melancholy : gels, graph, petr. plat. ziz. -------prostration, etc.: clem, spong. -------sleepiness: bell. calc. — conditions of cheerfulness. — morning: borax, caus. fluor-ae hura. lach. nat-s. plat, sulph. -----on waking: aloe. clem. hydr. tarent. — evening: agar. aloe. bell. bism. chin s. cupr. eye ferr. hydrph. lach. marum. mere i-fl. merc-i-r. nx-m. ol- an. valer. viol-tr. zne — night: op. verat. — air, in open: merc-i-fl. tarent. -------walking: alum. ang. cinnb. plb. tarent. — eating: bell. cist. — menses, before: acon. fluor-ae hyos. — — during: fluor-ac. stram. —- room, in the: amel. tarent". — stools, after: borax, nat-s. oxal-ae — supper, after: cist Childish behavior: acon. anac. bar. carb- an. carb-v. cie croc. ign. nx-fn. par. seneg. — see also Foolish. Children, aversion for : raph. — desires to beat: chel. ----to have, to beget: oxal-ae Clairvoyance : acon. calc. cann-i. hyos. phos. sil. stann. Clinging to persons or furniture: coff. — child awakens terrified,knows no one, screams, clings to those near : stram. Clothed improperly: hell. hyos". stram. Cloudiness, confusion. See Stupefac- tion. Coldness, of disposition : plat, sabad. squil. Color, aversion for blue: tarent. Company, averse to (desires solitude) : acon. ambr. alum. anac. ant-t. atrop. aur. bar. bell. bufo. cact, calc. calc-p. camph. cann-i. carb-an. carb-v. chin. cimic, cinnb. cie clem, coloc. con. cupr. eye dig. dios. elaps. eugen. ferr. fluor-ac. gels, graph, grat. hell. hepar. hydr. hyos. ign. k-bi. k-ca. lach. led. lil-t. lye mag-m. mang. men. note, nat-m. nice nx-v. petr. phos. pic-ae plat. puis. rhus. secale. sep. stann. sulph. sul-ae thu. -----amel. when alone: bar. lye plb. sep. -----averse to having any one near: sulph. -------to meeting friends, whom he imagines he has offended : ars. -------to presence of strangers: ambr. bar. lye petr. rep. stram. -----avoids the sight of people : cupr. -----during hot stage of fever: con. hyos. puis. — —during sweat: ars. bell. lach. lye puis. sep. -----during menses: plat. sap. ----------desires to be let alone: cie nx-v. -----when pregnant: lach. — desire for (aversion to solitude): ant-t. ars. bism. bov. calc-p. dros. elaps. hyos. ign. k-ca. lac-can. lil-t. lye mezer. phos. ran-b. sep. stram. strych. verat. verb, zne — — aggr. when alone: brom. elaps. phos. stram. -----of a friend, evening : plb. -----during menses: stram. Complaining: acon. ars. bism. bry. chin. cina. cocc. dig. hell. ign. k-iod. lye nx-v. op. petr. puis, sulph. tarent. — alternating with delirium: bell. — in sleep: bell. ign. — on waking : cina. — of supposed injury: hyos. — of his illness: ph-ac. Comprehension. See Memory. — difficult. See Mind, weakness of, etc. Conceals himself: ars. bell. cupr. hell. puis, stram. Concern, little as to his health : cocc. — see Fear, Anxiety, etc. Condescension: ars. croc. ign. lye mosch. puis. sil. Confidence, want of self: anac. ang. aur. bar. bell, calc cie canth. chlor. dros. hyos. ign. lach. lye mere nat-c. olnd. op puis. rhus. ruta. stram. sul- ae therid. -------and thinks others have none, which makes her unhappy : aur. -------in his own strength: agn. ang. canth. nx-v. olnd. viol-tr. Confounding objects and ideas: calc cann-s. hyos. nx-v. piat. sulph. Confusion. See under Head and com- pare Bewildered, etc. — of ideas. See under Thoughts. Conscience, remorse of: alum, am-e ars. aur. bell, carb-v. caus. cham. cina. cocc. coff. con. cupr. eye. dig. ferr.graph. 22 Conscience. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Death. hyos. ign. lach. mere nat-m. nit-ac. nx v. puis. ruta. sabad. selen. sil. stram. stront, sulph. verat. zne. -----about trifles : sil. — — afternoon: am-e carb-v. ----night: puis. ----waking, on: puis. ----debility, with : am-e ----trembling, with : carb-v. -------; see also under Delusions and Anxiety. Conscientious: ars. cham. eye hyos. ign. iod. lye. nx-v. puis. sil. stram. sulph. thu. verat. Contemptuous humor : alum. ars. chin. cie guai. ign. ipee lach. lye nat-m. nx-r. par. plat. puis, spong. — — worse in open air or when sun shines into room: plat. ----- for everything : chin. cina. ipee -----for self : agn. cop. -----in paroxysms, against her will: plat. Contented: aloe. aur. caps, cie coca. cocc. fluor-ae gins, mag-s. men. mezer. nat-c. op. spig. tarax. zne — see also Cheerful. — after stool: borax. Contradict, disposition to: anac. arn. aur. camph. canth. caus. ferr. grat. hyos. ign. lach. lye mere nat-c. nice nx-v. olnd. poth. ruta. — is intolerant of: am-e aur. cann i. ferr. helon. ign. lye nice nx-v. olnd. -------has to restrain himself to keep from violence: sil. Contrary humor, everything is dis- agreeable: acon. alum. ambr. ant-c. ars. aur. bell. calc. caps. caus. con. croc, hepar. ign. ipee lact. led. mag- c. mag-m. mere, nit ac. nx-v. petr. phos. plb. puis. samb. sars. sil. spong. sulph. trom. — compare Ill-Humor, etc. Conversation. See Talking. Counting, continually: phys. Courage. See Boldness. Covetous. See Avarice. Cowardice : acon. agar. agn. alum, anac ang. aur bar-ac. bell. bry. calc. camph canth. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. coloc con. cupr. dig. dros. graph, ign. iod ipee k-ca. laur. led. lye mere mur ac. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. op. phos. ph ac. p]b. puis, ran-b. ruta. sabin. secale sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sul-ac tabac. thu. verat. verb, viol-tr. Crazy. See Insanity, and under Delu- sions, etc. Criminal, thinks he is a: cob. eye dig. hyos. -----others know it: cob. — see Delusions. Critical mood. See Censorious. Croaking : cina. cupr. cup-ae — in sleep : bell. Cross. Se"e Fretful, Ill-Humor. Cruelty: anac. croc. op. — desires to be cruel: abrot. — compare Unfeeling. Crying out: alum, ant-c. arn. ars. bell. borax, calc. caus. cham. chin. cina. ipee samb. sep. sil. verat. — — during dreams: fluor-ae — — incoherent ■ and rapid exclama- tions : stram. -----suddenly: apis. ars.glon. hell.hyos. lye. rhus. stram. -----feels as though she must scream: anac. calc. elaps. lil-t. nx-v. sep. sil. — compare with Screaming, Weeping. Cursing: anac ars. bell, borax, bov. cann-i. coral, lil-t. lye nit-ac. nx-v. op. plb. puis, verat. — desire to : lil-t. — during convulsions : ars. — irresistible desire to curse and swear: ANAC. — all night and complains of stupid feeling: verat. Cut others, desires to: hydrph. Dancing : acon. agar. apis. bell, cann-i. cie con. croc. grat. hyos. nat-m. ph- ac. plat, stram- tabac. tarent. — alternating with sighing: bell. — desires to: croton. nat-m. — grotesque: cie. — unconscious: ph-ae — wild: tarent. Dark, mentally worse in the : calc. carb- an. caus. plat. rhus. stram. valer. Deafness, pretended : verat. Death, fear of: acon. agn. alum, am-e anac. apis. ars. bar. bell. bry. calc. caps. caus. cocc cupr. dig. graph. hepar, ipee k-ca. lach. lye mosch. nitr. nit ac. nx-v. op. plat. puis. rhus. secale. squil. stram. verat. zne —----during hot stage: calc. cocc. ipee mosch. nit-ac. ruta. -------during sweat: nitr. -------during menses: acon. plat. verat. -------of sudden death : ars. 23 Death. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delirium. — desires : agn. apis. aur. carb-v. chel. clem, creos. der.gad. hura. lil-t. mere. mezer. nat-s. nit-ac. op. phyt. psor. sil. verat-v. vip. ----during convalescence : absin. aur. lac-can. sep. ---— evening: aur. — presentment of: acon. agn. alum. ars. b&pt.bell. calc. canth. cimic cupr. k-ca. lach. lye mere mosch. nat m. nitr. nit-ac. nx v. phos. plat. sep. staph, stram. verat. zne -------predicts the time: acon. -------thinks of death calmly : zne -------believes that she will die soon and that she cannot be helped; agn. — sensation of: aesc h. agn. camph. cann-i. cie graph, k-bi. nitr. nx-v. op, plat. sil. verat. -------during chill: cann-i. ■-------during spasm: nx-v. — thoughts of: agn. stram. verat. Deceitful: coca. dros. Deeds, feels as if could do great: hell. Defiant: acon. anac. arn. canth. caus. guai. lye. nx-v. spong. Dejection. See Sadness. Delirium: absin. acet-ae acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar, alcoh. am-e anac. ante ant-t. arn. ars. aur. bapt. bell. bry. calad. cact. cale camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. cie. cimic. cina. coff. colch. coloe con. crotal. croc, cup-ae. cupr. dig. dulc. ether, glon. hell, hipp hyos. ign. iod. jatr. k bro. k-ca. lach. lachn. lact. lil-t. lye meli. men. mere merc-c. inerl. mezer. mur ac. nitr. nit ac. nx- m. nx-v. op. o • -ac. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. podo. psor. puis, ran-b. ran- se rheum, rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sal ac. samb. secale. stram. sulph. sul- ae tarax. taxus. thea. valer. verat. verat-v. vesp vip. zne — Compare with Speech. — abandons her relatives: secale. — absurd things, does : secale. — alternating with colic: plb. -----with coma, also with somnolency : plb. stram. -----with sopor: acet ac. cocc. plb. vip. -------tetanic convulsions, lies on his back, knees and thighs flexed, hands joined : stram. — antics, plays: lact. 24 — anxious: acon. anac. bell, camph. hepar. hyos. nx-v. op. phos. sil. stram. verat. — apathetic: verat. — arms, throws about: bell. — attacks people with knife: hvo.s. — barking : bell. — bed, attempts to leave. See Escape. — — creeps about in ; stram. — biting: bell. bufo. hyos. hydr-ac. secale. stram. — blames himself for his folly: op. — blessing, asks a: bell. — busy : hell, camph. hyos. stram. — business, talks of: bry. op. — catches at flocks in air: hyos. lye ph-ac. zne -----waves hands in air: op. stram. -----reaches out after objects : psor. sulph. -----plays with hands : hyos. — see also Gestures. — cheerful: acon. bell. cact. con. op. sulph. verat. -----see also Laughing. — confused talking: bell. — constant: bapt. — crying: bell. — disconnected things, says: op. — dogs, talks of: bell. — embraces the stove: hyos. — erotic : cann-i. phos. stram. — escape, attempts to: alcoh. bell. cupr. dig. mere phos. stram. sul-ae verat. -------to leave bed: acon. alcoh. atrop. ars. bell. bry. chin, cie eal-ae hyos. mere merc-c. op. phos. plb. sol-m. stram. sul-ae -------continually leaving and return- ing to bed: bell. -------from her family, children: lye -------to run away: bell. bry. hyos. stram. op. stram. -------to change beds : ars. hyos. -------springs up suddenly from bed : bell. nx-v. -------is restrained with difficulty: zne -------to escape from window : valer. -------wants to visit his daughter: ars. — faces, sees strange faces, on closing eyes: ars. calc. carb-v. chin. samb. — fantastic: bell. cham. graph, hyos. op. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. — feces, swallows his own : verat. Delirium. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delirium. ----licks up cow-dung, mud, saliva: mere — fierce ; agar. bell. — fight, wants to: bell. hyos. -----tries to kill people: secale. stram. — foolish, silly : acon. aeth. bell, mere stram. — foreign countries, talks of: cann-i. -----language, talks in a: stram. — frightful: acon. anac. atrop. bell. calc. colch. coloc. hyos. nx-v. op. phos. puis. sil. stram. verat. zne — fur, wraps up in, during summer: hyos. — gather objects off the wall, tries to: bell. — gay: agar. bell, cann-s. con. hyos. lact. stram. -----alternating, of laughing, singing, whistling, crying, etc.: stram. -------with melancholy: agar. — gestures, making: ars. hyos. mosch. nx-v. puis, stram. — groping as if in the dark: plb. — home, prepares to go; bell. ---— talks of: bell. bry. -----thinks is not at: bry. op. verat. — hysterical, almost: bell. — incoherent: bell. lach. rhus. stram. — intoxicated, as if: carb-an. hyos. vip. — kisses every one : verat. — knocking against walls: apis. con. -----face with fists: bell. — jumping : acon. bell. lact. mere — laughing: acon. bell. lact. op. sep. stram. sulph. thea. verat. — loquacious : agar. bapt. bell. cupr. lach. op. petr. plat. phos. plb. rhus. stram. verat. -----indistinct: apis. hyos. — maniacal: acon. aeth. ailan. ant-cr. ars. bell, camph. cann-i.canth. chin- s. coff. colch. con. crotal. cupr. hell. hyos. indg. led. lobel. lye mere merc- c. nx-m. cena. op. plb. rhod. secale. stram. tarent. tereb. verat. — merry. See Gay. — mouth, moves lips as if talking: bell. -----puts stones in: mere — murmuring: arn. hyos. lye rhus. stram. -----slowly: ph-ac. -----to himself: hyos. tabac. — muttering : ailan. bapt. bell, crotal. hyos. mere nx-v. op. stram. tarax. verat. -----to himself: bell. rhus. -----in sleep : ars. — naked, strips himself: bell. hyo8. phos. — noisy : bell. hyos. stram. — nonsense, with eyes o(.en: hyos. — paroxysmal: bell con. — periodic: samb. — picking at nose or lips, with: arum-t. — pulling at bed-clothes: arn. ars. bell, colch. hyos. lye op. phos. psor. rhus. stram. zne — quiet: cup-ae hyos. phos. plb. se- cale. tabac. — raging, raving: acon. aeth. agar. alcoh. ant-t. arg-n. ars. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann-i. canth. cie chel. chin. cimic. cina. colch. coloc. cupr. dig. dulc. ether, glon. graph, hell. hyos. hyper, jatr. lobel. lye. mere mosch. nx-m. otna. op. par. phos. plb. puis, rheum, secale. sol-n. siram. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tarent. verat. vip. zne -----alternating with consciousness: acon. -----— with religious excitement: agar. -----when aroused: phos. -----in sleep : cup-ae mur-ae -----during convulsions: ars. — rambling: atrop. bell. plb. — recognizes no one: mere stram. -----does not know his friends : bell. hyos. nx-v. op. stram. tabac. verat. — reproachful: lye — religious : alcoh. aur. verat. — restless : acon. atrop. plb. — roaming in fields, thinks is: rhus. — rocking to and fro: bell. hyos. — rolls on floor: op. — romping with children: agar. — running about: bell. con. hell. stram. sulph. verat. -----away: bell. cupr. dig. nx-v. verat. -----about and knocks head against wall: con. — same subject all the time : petr. — scolding: mere stram. — screaming: atrop. bell. — singing: bell, cann-i. cocc. cupr. hyos. lact. stram. verat. -----alternating with laughing, whist- ling, crying, etc.: stram. — silent: agar, secale. 3 25 Delirium. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. — soliloquizes much: rhus. — sorrowful: ac0n. bell. dulc. lye. puis. — spits at those about him: canth. cupr. hyos. -----and licks it up or rubs it over the floor: mere — strikes, attempts to: bell, canth. hyos. lye stram. — sudden : stram. — talking loud: bell. hyos. stram. -----in rhyme: thea. -----to herself: mere -----See Loquacious. — tremens. See Mania-a-potu. — urinate on the floor, tries to: plb. -— visions: bell. berb. bry. carb-v. dulc. hell, hepar. hyos. k-ca. mag-m. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. samb. stram. sulph. -----frightful: bell. bry. op. puis. stram. — violent: atrop. ars. hyos. op. secale. stram. -----displaying great strength : agar. -----is restrained and calmed with great difficulty: zne -----at night: dig. -----compare with Raving, etc. — vivid : bell, stram.. — vociferous: stram. -----see also Loquacious, Noisy. — wandering. See Escape. — water, jumping into: bell, secale. — wedding, prepares for: hyos. — wild: colch. hydr-ae hyos. stram. f"-----at night: gal-ae plb. ■— wrongs, of fancied: hyos. Conditions of delirium. — evening : bell, canth. croc. phos. plb. -----during nap : nx-v. — night: acon. ars. bell. bry. cact. cann- i. canth. codein. colch. crotal. dig. dulc. ether, graph, hepar. jabor. lye mere merc-c. merc-sul. nx-v. op. plb. stram. -----worse at night: ars. plb. — coldness, with: verat. — convulsions,during: ars. crotal. -----after: absin. secale. — drunkards, of. See Mania-a-potu. — eating: amel. bell. — epilepsy,.during: op. -----after: plb. — eyes, on closing: bapt. calc. lach. -----with open: ars. bapt. bell. cham. coff. coloe hyos. op. stram. verat. — fatigue, study, etc., from : lach. — fear of men, with: plat. — feet, with cold: zne — fever, during: aeth. ailan. ars. bufo. chin, morph. sulph. sul-ae -----without fever: samb. — headache, during: acon. agar. ars. glon. mag-c. mosch. secale. tarent. verat. — hemorrhage, etc., after: china. — menses, during: bell. hyos. lye nx- m. stram. verat. — miscarriage, after: ruta. — nausea, with: ant-cr. — pains, with the: dulc. verat. — sleep, during: ars. cact. cina. cup- ae gels, mur-ac. sant. -----amel., after: bell. cact. -----on falling: bell. bry. cact. calc. camph. chin. gels. guai. ign. mere. phos. ph-ac. spong. sulph. -----on awaking: aur. bry. carb-v. colch. dulc. lobel. mere nat-c. par. sep. stram. -----on being aroused : phos. secale. — sleepiness, with: acon. arn. bry. calc-p. coloc. puis. — sleeplessness, with: nx-m. — stupor, with: bapt. lye nx-m. — sweat, amel.: aeth. — trembling, with : valer. Delusions, fancies, hallucinations, illu- sions, etc. (Compare with Delirium.) — abdomen, is fallen in, his stomach devoured, his scrotum swollen: sabad. — absurd, ludicrous: cann-i. -----figures are present: ambr. arg. camph. cann-i. caus. cie op. tarent. — abundance, has an: sulph. — active: hyos. — affection of friends, has lost: aur. hura. — angels, of seeing: ether. — animals, of: absin. aeth. ars. bell. calc. cham. colch. hyos. lac-can. op. puis. sant. stram. sulph. valer. -----abdomen, are in: thu. -----black on walls and furniture, sees: bell. -----bed, on: colch. plb. valer. -------dancing on the: con. -----beetles, worms, etc.: ars. bell. stram. -----creeping of: lac-can. -------in her: stram. -----cup, in a, moving: hyos. -----dark colored: bell. 26 Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. -----dogs, cats, etc.: aeth. stram. -----fire, in the : bell. -----passing before her: thu. -----persons are : hyos. stram. -----jumping at her: mere -----rats, mice,insects,etc.: bell.cimic. stram. -----start out of the ground: stram. -----unclean: bell. -----surrounded by wolves : bell. — annihilation, about to sink into: cann-i. carbn-h. — ants, bed seems full of: plb. — apoplexy, thought he would have: arg. — argument, making an eloquent: cann-i. — arms reach the clouds, when going to sleep: pic-ae — arrested, is about to be : bell, k-bro. plb. — assaulted, is going to be : tarent. — babies, are two in bed : petr. — beautiful: bell, cann-i. coca, sulph. -----landscape: coff. -----all things seem, after micturition: erig. -----even rags seem : sulph. — bed, feels as if not lying on, on waking, 4 a.m.: hyper. -------evening, as if some one would get into and no room in it, or as if some one had sold it: nx-v. -------as if some one was in, with him: anac. apis. bapt. carb-v. nx-v. op. petr. puis. rhus. valer. -----were raised: canth. -----some one over it: calc. ----------under it: am-m. bell. calc. canth. colch. ----------stands at the foot, menac- ing: chloral. ----------naked man is wrapped in the bed-clothes with her: puis. ----------drives him out: rhus. ----------tries to take away the bed- clothes: bell. — bees, sees: puis. — bells, hears ringing of: cann-i. ph- ac. thea. -------numberless sweet toned: cann-i. -------his funeral: ether. — bewitched, thinks he is : cann-i. — birds, sees : bell. — blind, that is: mosch. verat. — blood does not circulate: atrop. sulph. 27 -----rushed through like roar of many waters: cann-i. — body is brittle: thu. -----adherent to woolen sack, night, while half awake: cocc-e -----black, as if it were: sulph. -----covered the whole earth: cann-i. -----delicate: thu. -----greatness of, as to : plat, staph. -----lighter than air: op. -----had come in pieces and could not get the fragments properly adjusted: phos. -----scattered about bed, tossed about to get the pieces: bapt. -----shrunken, like the dead : sabad. -----spotted brown, as if: bell. -----sweets, is made of: mere -----thin, is: thu. -----three-fold, has a: ars. -----will putrefy: bell. — born, feels as if newly': cori-r. — brain, has softening: abrot. arg-n. — brother fell overboard in her sight: k-bro. — building stones, appearance of: thu. — business, fancies is doing: bell. bry. canth. cupr. phos. -----thought they were pursuing or- dinary : bell. — butterflies, of: cann-i. bell. — calls, some one: anac. ant-e cann-i. dros. k-ca. plb. thu. -----for absent persons : hyos. — cancer, has a: verat. — castles and palaces, sees: plb. — cats, sees: absin. arn. daph. hyos. puis, stram. — caught, as if he would be: bell. — chairs, thinks he is repairing old: cup-ae — changing suddenly: cann-i. — child, thinks he is again a: cie -----is with companions of his youth: ether. -----wishes to drive children out of house: fluor-ac. -----has childish fantasies: lye — choir, on hearing music thinks is in a cathedral: cann-i. — choked, thinks he is about to be, night on waking: cann-i. -----by icy cold hands: canth. — Christ, thinks himself to be: cann-i. — churchyard, visits a: anac. arn. bell, stram. Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. — clock, hears strike: ph-ac. — clothes, thinks beautiful: aeth. sulph. -------is clad in rags : cann-i. -------would fly away and become stars, on undressing : cann-i. — clouds, strange, settled upon pa- tients, or danced about the sun: cann-i. -----before the fancy : hepar. mag-m. rhus. -----heavy black enveloped her: cimic. -----clouds and rocks above her: mag- na. — cockroaches, swarmed about room : bell — companions seemed half men, half plants: cann-i. — confusion, imagines others will observe her: calc. — conspiracies against her father, thought the landlord's bills were : k-bro. -----against him, there were: ars. plb. — cowards, thinks persons leaving him to be: cann-i. — crabs, of: hyos. — crazy, about to become and no one will take care of him: lil-t. -----declares she will go : cimic. — creative power, has : cann-i. — criminals, has hallucinations of: alum, am-e ars. bell, carb-v. caus. cina. cocc. coff. dig. ferr. graph, hyos. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. puis. ruta. sil. stront. sulph. verat. -----thinks has committed a crime: mere -----compare Anxiety as if a. — cucumbers, sees on the bed: bell. — cut through, as if he were: stram. — cylinder, seemed to be a: cann-i. — cyphers, sees: ph-ac. sulph. — danger, impression of: fluor-ac. k- bro. stram. valer. -----to his life: plb. -----from his family : k-bro. — dead persons, sees: alum, am-e anac. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. brom. bry. calc. canth. caus. cocc. con. fluor- ac. graph, hepar. hura. iod. k-ca. laur. mag-c. mag-m. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat, ran-se sars. sil. sulph. sul-ae thu. verb. zne 28 -----morning, on waking, frightened by images of: hepar. -----midnight, on waking : cann-i. -----corpse on a bier: cann-i. -------of dead brother and child: con. -------of sister: agar. —------of absent acquaintance on sofa, and has dread: ars. -------of tall, yellow corpse trying to share bed with him and promptly ejected: bell. -----that her child was dead : k-bro. -----that he himself was dead: apis. camph. lach. — debate, of being in: hyos. — delirium tremens, visions as in: bell. — delirious at night, expected to be- come: bry. -----imagines he was delirious: cann-i. — deserted, forsaken, thinks to be: camph. cann-i. carb-an. hydrph. hura. hyos. lil-t. nat-c. plat, stram. — despised, that is: arg-n. lac-can. — devils, sees: ambr. ars. bell, cann-i. cupr. dulc. hyos. k-ca. lach. nat-ca. op. plat. puis, stram. sulph. -----are present: cann-i. op. phos. -----that he is a demon: camph. cann-i. -----that persons are: plat. — devoured, had been, by animals: hyos. — die, thought he was about to: acon, arg-n. cann-i. nit-ac. nx-v. rhus. stram. -----would, and soon be dissected: cann-i. -----while walking, thinks he will have a fit or die, which makes him walk faster: arg-n. — diminished: cann-i. cinnam. grat. lac-can. sabad. sulph. -----everything in room is, while she is tall and elevated: plat. -----left side of body is smaller: cin- nam. -----whole body is: agar. -----abdomen has fallen in: sabad. -----short: lac-can. -----shrunken:sabad. -------fingers and toes are : cann-i. -----small: grat. -----thin, is too: thu. — dirty, that he is : rhus. lac-can. -----eating dirt: verat. — disabled, that she is: cit-v. Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. disgraced, will be: sabin. disease, has incurable: arg-n. cact. plb. — is deaf, dumb, and has cancer: verat. — has an unrecognized disease: raph. divided, into two parts: bapt. cann- i. petr. puis. sil. stram. thu. -------or cut in two : plat. —-------and could not tell of which part he had possession, on waking: thu. divine, thinks is: cann-i. stram. doctors, thought three were com- ing: sep. dogs, sees: arn. bell. calc. lye mere puis. sil. stram. sulph. verat. zne ■ — attack him: stram. — biting his chest: stram. — black: bell. — swarm about «him : bell, stram. dolls, people appeared like: plb. ■ double, of being: anac. bapt. cann- i. glon. lil-t. mosch. petr. stram. —See also Divided. ■ — sensations present themselves in a double form: cann-i. dragged from the lowest abyss of darkness, on waking: thea. ■ dreaming when awake, imagines himself: bell. • drinking: bell. driving sheep: acon. • — peacocks: hyos. dumb, thinks is: verat. eaten, asif would be : stram. elevated, in air : nit-ox. — carried to an elevation : cena. — bed were raised : canth. emaciation : sil. emperor, thought himself an: cann-i. — talked of: carbn-s. enemy, lies in wait: alcoh. — is under the bed : am-m. — every one is, an: mere — pursued by : dros. lach. — surrounded by: anac. carbn-s. engaged in some occupation, is: acon. ars. atrop. bell, cann-i. cupr. cupr-ae ether, hyos. hydrph. plb. rhus. stram. verat. — in ordinary occupation: ars. atrop. bell, ether, plb. stram. enlarged : acon. alum. bell, cann-i. glon. nat-c. nx-v. op. plat, sabad. stram. zne — parts of body: alum. op. — head is: acon. cann-i. zne — eyes are: bell. op. — eye-lashes are: cann-i. — chin is: glon. — scrotum is swollen: sabad. — one leg is longer : cann-i. — is very tall: op. pallad. plat. stram. — persons are: cann-i. caus. — distances are : cann-i. nx-m. — objects are: cann i. entering, fancies some is, night: con. epilepsy, fancies he has: atrop. erroneous: bell, canth. hyos. nx-v. stram. verat. eternity, that he has lived an: ether. — that he was in : cann-i. excited: coff. executioner, visions of an: stram. existence, doubt if anything had: agn. — doubted his own: cann-i. expanding, thought passers-by were: cann-i. — See also Enlarged. experienced before, thought every- thing had been: k-bi. eyes, falling out: crot-e — are larger: op. — lashes are longer: cann-i. faces, sees: ambr. arg-n. calc. cann- i. caus. op. sulph. tarent. — wherever he turns his eyes, or looking out from corners: phos. — diabolical, crowd upon him: ambr. — of distinguished people: cann-i. distorted, day, on lying down: arg-n. — on closing the eyes: ars. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. samb. — ridiculous: cann-i. — ugly faces seem pleasing: cann-i. fail, everything will: arg-n. fall, as if things would: hyos. family, does not belong to her own: plat. fanciful: lach. stram. — in slumber: ant-c. fault-finding : bar-ac. plb. rhus. fight, sees a: op. figures, sees : coce'nx-m. plb. sant. spong. — See Spectres. 29 Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. ----- large black about to spring on him: mosch. -----gigantic: atrop. -----marching in the air, evening, while half asleep : nat-c. -----hurled bottle at: chloral. — fingers cut off: mosch. -----finger-nails seem as large as plates, during drowsiness: cann-i. — fire, visions of: alum. anac. ant-t. ars. bell. calc. calc-p. clem, creos. croc. daph. hepar. laur. mag-m. nat- m. nitr. phos. plat. puis. rhod. rhus. spig. spong. stann. sulph. zne ----distant home on : bell. -----head is surrounded by: am-m. -----house on : bell, hepar. stram. -----neighbor's house on, morning, waking, in a fright: hepar. -----r,oom is on : stram. -----world is on : hepar. — fishes, flies, etc.: bell. — floating in air: cann-i. canth. hura. k-bro. nx-m. -----evening: bell. -----on closing eyes: penth. -----when walking: asar. ----bed is suspended : bell, stram. -----is not resting in bed: sticta. -----leg is floating: sticta. — fluid, ethereal, surrounded by, re- sisting passage: cann-i. — flying, sensation of: asar. camph. cann-i. ether, cena. op. -----from a rock into dark abyss, on going to bed: cann-i. — footsteps, behind him: crot-c. -----in next room: nat-p. — forsaken. See Deserted. — foul, everything appears: curare. — fowls, sees: stram. — friend, thinks she is about to lose a: hura. -----has lost the affection of: aur. -----has offended : ars. — frightful: absin. atrop. bell, camph. coca, nicot. op. rhod. stram. -----evening: calc. -----night: camph. carb-v. nit-ac. phos. tabac. -----on closing eyes: calc. caus. lach. -----on falling asleep: chin. -1----of past events: spong. — furniture, imagines it to be persons, night on waking : nat-p. — gallows, visions of, with fear of: bell. -----geese, threw themselves into water, thinking themselves to be: con. -----sees: hyos. — ghosts. See Spectres. — giants, sees : bell. — giraffe, imagines himself to be a: cann-i. — God, sees: ether. -----is the object of God's vengeance: ether, k-bro. — goitre, imagines he has a: indg. -----has one which he cannot see over when looking down : zne — grandeur, magnificent visions of: carbn-s. coff. — grasp, has fantasies beyond his: viol-od. — great person, is: aeth. bell, cann-i. cupr. hydrph. phos. plat, sulph. verat. — groans, fancies he hears : crotal. -----growling, as of a bear: mag-m. — hall, illusion of a gigantic: cann-i. — hanging, sees persons: ars. -----three feet from the ground, on falling asleep: hura. -----on standing high, seems as if: phos. — hand, midnight visions of some- thing taking her: canth. -----visions of white, outspread, com- ing toward face in the darkness: benzin. — harlequin, as if he were a: hyos. — hat is a pair of trousers, which he tries to put on : stram. — head heavy, his own seemed too: bry. -----large, seems too : acon. -----large heads, make grimaces, even- ■ ing on closing eyes: euphr. -----pendulum, seems an inverted, oscillating: cann-i. -----of deceased acquaintances, with- out bodies, at night: nx-v. -----monstrous, on distant wall of room: cann-i. -----thinks disease will break out of: stram. -----transparent and speckled brown: bell. -----shaking the: bell. cham. — hear, thinks he cannot: mosch. -------he is deaf and dumb : verat. -----a bell: ph-ac. -----footsteps: canth. carb-v. 30 Delusions. MIND AND DK — heat, has a furious, radiating from epigastrium: cann-i. — heaven, is in : cann-i. op. — heavy, is: nat-c. thu. — hell, is in: camph. cann-i. mere -----at gate of, obliged to confess his sins: agar. -----in shadows of, midnight, on wak- ing : cann-i. -----suffers the torments of without being able to explain: mere — help, calling for: plat. — herbs, gathering: bell. cupr. — hide, tries to: bell. puis. — hogs, mistakes men for: hyos. — hole, small, appears like a frightful chasm: agar. — home, thinks is at, when not: cann- i. hyos. -----every thing at, has changed: arg-n. -----thinks is away from : acon. coff. op. valer. verat. — -—wants to go: bell. bry. lach. op. verat. — horses, sees : bell, mag-m. zne -----is on horseback: cann-i. — house is full of people : ars. cann-i. con. lach. lye mere nat-m. nx-v. sil. stram. -----seems movable: cann-i. -----not in right place, while walking, after headache: glon. -----on each side would approach and crush him, with vertigo: arg-n. -----is surrounded: stram. — humility and lowness of others, while he is great: plat, staph. — hunter, thinks is a: cann-i. verat. — identity, doubted his own: phos. plb. — images, phantoms, sees: ambr. arg- n. ars. bell. calc. camph. carb-an. carb- v. caus. cham. cie coca. dros. dulc. hell, hepar. hyos. k-ca. lach. mere nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. verat. -----black: arn. ars. bell. op. plat. puis. -----frightful: ars. bar. bell. calc. carb- v. caus. chin. coca. con. croc, graph. hepar. hyos. k-ca. laur. lye mang. mere mur-ac. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. rhus. sars. sil. spdng. stram. sulph. -----rising out of the earth: stram. -----sees all over: mere sil. ^POSITION. Delusions. -----side, at his : stram. -----ever changing: carbn-ox. -----fantastic, when alone: fluor-ae -----evening: lye -----before going to sleep: carb-an. -----on closing the eyes, in bed : sulph. -----wall, on the : samb. -----— hateful, afternoon, during sleep: lye ----• See Faces, Figures, Men, Spectres, Visions, etc. — immovable, sitting: cham. hyos. puis, stram. — inanimate objects are persons: bell. nat-p. — inferior, on entering house after a walk, people seem mentally and physically: plat. — influence, has a powerful: cer-b. — injury, is about to receive: ars. cann-i. con. lach. lye mere. nx-v. sil. stram. sulph. -----is being injured : bry. cact. canth. elaps. hydrph. k-bro. phos. rhus. stram. sulph. -----his fingers and toes are being cut off: mosch. — inkstand, fancied he saw one on bed: lact. -------he was one: cann-i. — iodine, illusions of fumes of: iod. — insects, sees: ars. bell. phos. puis. stram. -----shining: bell. — insulted, thinks he is: alcoh. bell. k-bro. tarent. — island, is on a distant: phos. — journey, as if on a: bell. brom. cann-i. crotal. hyos. lach. mag-m. nat-c. op. sang. sil. — jumped up on the ground before her, all sorts of things: brom. — knowledge, thought he possessed infinite: cann-i. — labor, pretends to be in, or thinks she has pains: verat. — lady, fancied herself a noble : phos. — large, people seemed too, during vertigo: caus. -----parts of body seem too: alum. op. -----self seemed too : stram. ----------on entering the house: plat. -----See Enlarged. — laughed at,imagines she is: bar-ac. — leg is too long: cann-i. -----is a tin case filled with stair-rods: cann-i. Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. — lies crosswise: stram. — life, symbols of, all past events, re- volve rapidly on wheels: cann-i. -----is threatened: k-bro. — light, on falling asleep thinks there is too much in room: ambr. — limb, one is double: petr. — living under ordinary relations, thinks is not: cie — locomotive, imagines himself to be: cann-i. — longer, things seem: berb. camph. creos. dros. nit-ac. sulph. — lost, fancies herself: aur. hura. -------on waking: aesc-h. — lunatic, as if a : anac. hyos. — lying near him, fancies some one is: petr. -----crosswise : stram. -----See also Bed. — ludicrous: cann-i. — machine, thinks he is a working: plb. — maelstrom, seemed carried down a psychical: cann-i. — man, who hung himself, saw: ars. -----in the room intending to per- forate his throat with a gimlet: mere i-fl. -----muffled, starts from the wall, when walking: cann-i. -----thinks men are on the bed, at night: mere -----naked man in bed: puis. -----old men with long beards and distorted faces, sees: laur. — mandarin, mistook friends for a Chinese: cann-i. — marble statue, felt as if he were: cann i. — marriage, is going to be : hyos. -----must dissolve : fluor-ac. — masks, sees: k-ca. op. — melancholy: alum. -----while half awake, at night: nx-v. -----thoughts of himself or a friend lying on a bier : anac. — melting away, sensation of, worse from change, better in recumbent position: sumb. — mice, sees: bell. calc. colch. mag-s. op. — mind and body separated : anac. — misfortune, inconsolable over fan- cied : verat. — money, as if counting: alum. bell. eye mag-c. zne, 32 -----is sewed up in clothing: k-bro. -----talks of: carbn-s. — monsters, visions of horrible : bell. camph. cann-i. cie lac-can. samb. stram. tarent. -----on falling asleep and on waking: ign. -----See also Spectres. — mountain, thought himself to be on the ridge of a: cann-i. — mouth, fancied living things were creeping in: mere — moving, as if things were: phos. — murdered, sees some one : calc. -----as if he would be: am-m. bell. hyos. ign. k-ca. lact. lye mag-c. mere op. phos, stram. verat. zne -----thinks persons were bribed to murder him: cann-i. -----are conspiring to murder him: plb. -----that he was killed, roasted, and eaten: stram. -----that every one around him is a murderer: plb. -----thought her mother had been: nx-v. — mushroom, fancies he is com- manded to fall on his knees and con- fess his sins and rip up his bowels, by a: agar. — music, fancies he hears: cann-i. croc, stram. thu. — '■—delightful: plb. -----evening, hears the music heard in the day: lye -----sweetest and sublimest melody: cann-i. -----unearthly: ether. — mutilated bodies, sees: ante. arn. con. mag-m. mere nx-v. sep. — mystery, everything around seemed a terrifying: cann-i. -----mystic hallucinations: ether. — naked, thinks is: stram. — narrow everything seems too : plat. — needles, sees : mere sil. — neglected or despised, is: arg-n. — new, everything is: stram. — newspapers, thinks he sees : atrop. — noise, hears : bell. calc. canth. carb- v. cham. colch. con. mag-m. -------clattering about bed : calc. -------of shouts, vehicles : cann-i. -------steps in room.: canth. -------knocking under bed : canth. — nose, has a transparent: bell. Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. -----has some one else's : lac-can. -----takes people by: mere — numeral, appeared nine inches long, night on waking, better on other side: sulph. — nursing her child, imagines she was: atrop. — nuts, as if cracking: hyos. — objects, brilliantly colored: bell. -----crooked: glon. -----appear different: nat-m. -----flight from : stram. -----glittering: bell. -----numerous, too, in room : phys. -----sometimes thick, sometimes thin, on closing eyes: camph. -----tries to seize: ars. atrop. bell. hyos. oena. -----are present: cann-i. -----in open air: atrop. — obscene : stram. — officer, thinks he is an: agar. bell. cann-i. cupr-ae — ox, as if riding on: bell. — paradise, thought he saw: coff. — — is in : cann-i. op. — past, of events, long : atrop. — peacocks, as if chasing: hyos. — people, persons, are looking at him: rhus. -----sees: bell. hyos. op. mag-c. puis. rheum, sep. stram. -----some one is behind him: anac. brom. case crotal. staph. -----is beside him: anac. apis. ars. bell, camph. carb-v. nx-v. petr. valer. ---------------doing as he does: ars. ----See Bed, Room, etc. — persecution, fancies himself to be subjected to: china, hyos. k-bro. stram. — pieces. See under Body, Divided, etc. — places, of being in different: cann- i. lye plb. raph. -----at night on waking thought to find himself in strange and solitary: par. -----in wrong: hyos. — pleasing: atrop. cann-i. op. stram. -----morning, after sleep : bell. — poisoned, thought he had been: hyos. plat-m. -----that he was about to be: plb. rhus. -----medicine being: lach. -----See under Fear of. — policeman come into house, thought he saw: hyos. k-bro. — poor, thinks he is: bell, calc-fl. hepar. nx-v. sep. stram. valer. -----family will starve: ars. — possessed, as if: anac. bell. hyos. — pins, hunts: sil. -----is afraid of: spig. — pregnant, thought herself: ign. verat. — present, some is : hyos. lye thu. -----See People. — prince, is a: verat. — proud : plat, stram. verat. — pulling one's hair: bell. — pursued, thought he was: absin. anac. bell. plb. -----by enemies : absin. lach. -----by .friends: plb. -----by ghosts : lepi. -----by police: alcoh. k-bro. -----by murderers, robbers: alcoh. -----by soldiers: absin. -----See also Persecuted. — rabbits, sees : stram. — railway train, thought he was obliged to go off by: atrop. — rain, from having wet cloth on head, thought he had been out in: atrop. — rats, sees: bell. -----of all colors: absin. -----running across room: aeth. — reading behind him, some is, which makes him read the faster: mag-m. — reason, is losing : acon. calc. cann-i. chel. lam. mere nat-m. tanae -----worse walking in open air: acon. — reproaches, is neglected and de- serves : aur. — repudiated by relatives, thinks is: hura. — rich, felt himself unusually : alcoh. bell, cann-i. sulph. — riding on an ox: bell. -------a horse : cann-i. — roasted, as if would be: stram. — robbing, of: k-bro. — room, is in another : cann-i. -----is a garden: calc. -----sees people in, at bedside : atrop. -------on entering: lye -----is like the foam of a troubled sea: secale. -----walls of, seemed gliding together: cann-i. -------sees horrible things on the walls: bell, cann-i. samb. 33 Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. — saw, thought he was a huge, darting up and down: cann-i. — scorpions, sees: op. — scratching on linen or similar sub- stance, thought some one was: asar. — scrotum, thinks his is swollen: sabad. — seized, as if: canth. — sensations, misrepresents his: bell. — serpent, a crimson, fastening on his neck: bell. — servants, thinks he must get rid of: fluor-ac. — sewing, imagined herself to be: atrop. — ship, thinks they are on board of, in a storm : alcoh. — shoot, tries to, with a cane: mere — shopping, with her sister: atrop. — shouting, fancied himself to be: cann-i. — sick, imagines himself to be: bell. calc. sabad. -----that he was going to be : nat-c. -----that two sick people were in bed, one of whom got well and other did not: secale. — side, imagined himself alive on one side and buried on the other: stram. -----that she did not own her left: sil. — singing, fancied himself to be: cann-i. — skeletons, sees : op. — sleeping, while awake insists that he was : acon. alcoh. — small, things appear: plat, stram. -----sensation of being smaller: acon. tarent. -----See also Diminished. -----things grow smaller: camph. carb-v. nit-ac. — snakes in and around her: lac-can. — soda-water, thinks he is a bottle of: cann-i. — sold, as if would be: hyos. — soldiers, sees: bell. bry. nat-c. op. -----on his bed : lact. -----cutting him down, better on get- ting cool: bry. -----march silently past: cann-i. — soot, showers of fell on him : cann-i. — sorrow, thinks every one he meets has a secret: cann-i. — soul, fancied body was too small for, or that it was separated from: cann-i. — sounds, listens to imaginary: hyos. — space, fancied he was carried into, when lying: coca. -----expansion of: cann-i. — spectres, ghosts, phantoms, etc., sees: alum. ambr. am-e ant-t. ars. atrop. bell. bov. carb-v. cocc. dulc. ign. k-ca. lach. mere nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. op. phys. plat. puis. sars. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. tarent. -----on closing eyes: arg-n. bell. bry. calc. chin. ign. led. nat-m. samb. stram. thu. -----in fire: bell. -----black forms, when dreaming; arn. ars. puis. -----clutches at: hyos. -----of death as a gigantic black skeleton : crot-e -----which continues to enlarge until it disappears, morning on waking: dulc. -----feel as if spectre would appear in evening: brom. -----is pursued by: stram. — speeches, makes: arn. cham. lach. — sphere, thought himself a: cann-i. — spinal column a barometer : cann-i. — spinning, is: hyos. stram. -----dreams he is: sars. — spotted brown, is : bell. — spittle, licking up: mere — square, fancies of a colossal sur- rounded by houses a hundred stories high: cann-i. — stamps with the feet: ant-c. verat. — stars, saw in his plate T cann-i. — starve, family will: ars. -----See also Poor. — stomach, thinks has corrosion of: ign.sabad. — stones, taking into mouth : mere — stove for a tree, mistakes: hyos. — strange, everything is: cie nx-m. plat, staph, stram. -----familiar things seem: atrop. bar-m. bell. calc. cann-i. cie croc. glon. hydrph. hyos. mag-m. mosch. op. plat. rhus. stram. verat. ----------are horrible : plat. ----------are ludicrous: cann-i. hyos. nx-m. -------places seemed: rhus-r. -------------after headache : glon. -----land, as if in a: bry. par. plat. verat. -----strangers seemed to be in the room: tarent. 34 Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Delusions. --------about her while knitting: mag-s. --------looking over shoulder : brom. --------friends appear as : stram. — superhuman, is: cann-i. -----is under control: lach. — surroundings are capacious: ferr. — surrounded by friends, is: bell. cann-i. — swimming, is : cann-i. — swollen, is: cann-i. carb-s. -----See also Enlarged. — sword, hanging over head : am-m. — talking, imagines he hears: elaps. stram. — — fancies herself: raph. -----irrationally: nit-ac. -----loudly and incoherently, to im- aginary persons: bell. -----of persons as though near, about midnight: sep. -----of with dead people : bell, nat-m. stram. -----to inanimate objects : stram. — tall, fancies herself very : stram. -----had grown, while walking: pallad. -----as if he were: stram. -----things grow taller : camph. creos. dros. nit-ac. sulph. — thieves, sees: alum. ars. aur. bell. k-ca. rnag-c. mag-m. mere nat-c. nat- m. petr. phos. sil. verat. zne -----in house : cann-i. mere nat-m. sil. -----after a dream, and will not believe the contrary until search is made : nat-m. -----dreams of robbers, is frightened on awaking, and thinks dream is true: verat. -----that house and space under bed are full of: ars. — thin, is getting: sulph. -----body is: thu. — throat, some one with ice-cold hands took her by the: canth. — time, exaggeration of duration of: cann-i. -----seems earlier: sulph. --------too short: cocc. coca. thea. therid. thu. -------too long: cann-i. nx-m. -----See Ennui and Time. — toes, cut off: mosch. — tongue, seems to reach the clouds, when going to sleep : pic-ae -----pulling out: bell. — tormented, thinks is: chin. — touching everything: bell. — toys, fancied himself playing with : atrop. -----object seemed as attractive as: cie — transferred to another room : coloc. -----to another world : cann-i. — transparent, seemed to be : cann-i. -----head and nose are : bell. — traveling, of: cann-i. -----through worlds: ether. — trees, seem to be people in fantastic costume, afternoon, while riding: bell. — trembling, of everything on him, at night, when only half awake: sulph. — troubles, broods over imaginary: naja. — turtles, sees large, in room: bell. — typhoid fever, thought he would have: naja. — unpleasant: bell. -----distinct from surrounding objects: bell. — unreal, everything seems: cann-i. lil-t. staph. , — unseen, thing: tarent. — vagina, living things creep into, at night: mere — vanish, seems as if everything would: lye — vegetable existence, thinks he is leading a: cann-i. -----thinks he is selling green: cup- ae — vengeance, thinks she is singled out for Divine: k-bro. — vermin, sees crawl about: alum. am-e ars. bov. k-ca. mur-ac. nx-v. phos. ran-se sil. -----his bed is covered with : ars. — vexations and offenses, of: cham. chin. dros. — violence, illusions about: k-bro. — visions: alum. ambr. bell. calc. cham. graph, hyos. lye nat-m. nx-m. op. plat. rhod. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. -----See also under Faces, Images, Spectres, etc. -----imaginary power of: cann-i. -----fantastic: ars. hyos. op. -----beautiful: bell. coca. -----horrible : bell, mere op. stram. — vivid: cham. ether, op. spong. stram. Delusions. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Despondency. — voices, hears: anac. cann-i. cham. lye mane plb. stram. -----confused, worse swallowing or walking in open air : benz-ae -----distant: bell. -----in bed, worse when listening in- tently: abrot. -----are in his abdomen : thu. -----his own sounds strange and seems to reverberate like thunder: cann-i. — walk, fancies he cannot: ign. -------that he walks on his knees: bar. — walls, is surrounded by high: cann-i. — want, fancied that he would come to: calc-f. -----that they had come to : cann-i. -----See Poor. — warts, thinks has: mezer. — washing, of: bell. — water, illusion of blue: cann-i. -----of disasters by: cann-i. -----a spoonful, seems like a lake: agar. -----when drinking thought it deli- cious nectar: cann-i. -----sees flowing: mere — wealth imaginations of: bell, cann-i. k-bro. verat. — weight has no: cann-i. op. — well, thinks he is: cinnb. creos. — where he is, knows not: atrop. bov. mere -----on waking: puis. ----------from a dream: cann-s. — ■wind sighing in chimney sounded like the hum of a vast wheel, and reverberated like a peal of thunder on a grand organ : cann-i. — wires, is caught in: cimic. — wolves, of: bell. — women, fancies his mother's house is invaded by lewd: k-bro. -----are evil and will injure his soul: puis. -----illusions of old and wrinkled: cann-i. — work, is hard at: rhus. -----is hindered at: chin. — worms, imagined vomitus to be a bunch of: cann-i. — wretched, thinks she looks, when looking in a mirror: nat-m. — wrong, fancies he has done: dig. mere -----has suffered : lach. naja. Deserted. See Abandoned, Forsaken, etc. Desires. See the things desired. Despair: aeon. agar. agn. all-e aloe. alum. ambr. am-e ant-t. arn. ARS. aster, aur. bad. bov. brom. bry. calc. cann-i. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cocc. colch. cupr. der. dig. eup-per. gamb. graph, hell. helon. hepar. hura. hydr-ae hyos. ign. iod. k-bi. k-bro. lach. lye mere morph. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nit-ac. nx-v. orig. petr. plb. psor.puis. rhus. secale. sil. stann. stram. sulph. therid. valer. verat. — about others : aur. — of health : calc. staph. -----recovery: acon. ars. bapt. bar. bry. calc. cann-i. cham. creos. hell. hura. ign. k-ca. nat-s. nx-v. sil. therid. -------despairs of recovery during convalescence: psor. — in fever, intermittent, during the chill: acon. ant-t. ARS. aur. bry. calc. cham. cupr. graph, hepar. ign. mere nx-v. rhus. sep. verat. -------during the hot stage: acon. ars. carb-v. cham. con. graph, ign. puis. sep. spong. stann. sulph. verat. -------during the sweat: ars. calc. carb-v. cham. graph, lye sep. stann. verat. — pains, with the: ars. aur. carb-v. cham. colch. lit-t. nx-v. -----from pain in stomach: ant-cr. coff. — religious (of salvation, etc.): ars. aur. calc. lach. lit-t. lye. psor. puis. stram. sulph. verat. — social position, of: verat. — vomiting, when : ars-h. Despises. See Contempt. Despondency, hopelessness, etc.: acon. aesc-h. agn. aloe. ambr. am-m. anac. ant-t. arg-n. arn. ars. aur. bapt. bar. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. dig. erig. gad. gels. graph, ham. hell, hepar. hura. hydr. hyos. ign. iod. k-bi. k-ca. lach. laur. lil-t. lye mag-m. mere mezer. murx. mur-ac. nat-ars. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nice nit-ac. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph- ae pin-s. plan. plb. psor. puis. rhus. rwta.'sabad. secale. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ae sumb. tabac. thu. tilia. verat. verb, xanth. zne 36 Despondency. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Doubtful. — compare with Anxiety, Despair, Sadness, etc. — believes all he undertakes will fail: arg-n. lac-can. — dinner, after: tilia. — domestic affairs, about: viol-tr. — evening: ant-t. senee nat-p. zne — fever, with : eup-per. — nausea, after: tabac. — night, at: plat. rhus. Destructiveness of things: bell. cupr. mere i-ii. — of clothes: sulph. tarent. --------cuts them up : verat. Dictatorial conduct: camph. caus. ferr. lach. lye mere Disagreeable. See Ill-humor. Disconcerted : brom. ign. Disconsolate. See Sad. Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied, etc.: acon. aeth. agn. alum, am-e am- m. ang. arn. ars. aur. bell. bism. bry. calc. calc-p. canth. carb-an. caps. caus. chin, cie cina. cinnb. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. creos. croton. cupr. dulc. ferr. ham. hepar. hipp. ign. indg. k-ca. laur. led. lept. lil-t. lye mag-s. mang. men. mere mur-ac. nat-c. nitac. nitr. ol-an. orig. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. prun. puis, ran-b rhod. rhus. ruta. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph, sulph. tarent. thu. tilia. viol-tr. — with himself: agn. aloe. ars. aur. bell. bry. calc-p. caus. cham. cinnb. cob. cocc. hepar. k-ca. lye mang. men. mere mezer. mur-ac. nit-ac. ph-ac. puis. ruta. sulph. tarent. viol- tr. -----is sorry for himself: agar, nit-ac. — with his surroundings: ang. cham. chel. par. men. mere mezer. plat. — with everything: am-e apis. arn. bism. cann-s. cham. coff. colch. eugen. grat. hepar. hipp. ign. iod. nat-c. puis. samb. sep. spong. sulph. thea. — air, in open: mur-ac. — morning : hipp. plb. puis. -----before stool: borax. — evening: fluor-ac. hipp. ign. ran- b. rhus. — coition, after: calc. — eating, after : fluor-ac. — menses, during: cast, tarent. — pain, during: hepar. — rainy weather, in: aloe. — stool, before: borax. — weeping, amel.: nit-ac. Discouraged: aeon. agar. agn. aloe. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. arg. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. calad. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. conv-d. cupr. dig. dros. gran, graph, hell. hepar. hydr-ae hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-bi. k-ca. lach. laur. lye mere. merc-c. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plb. podo. psor. puis, ran-b. rhus. sabin. secale. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tarent. therid. thu. valer. verat. verb. viol-tr. zne — after coition : sep. — evening: ferr-p. ran-se rhus. -----when eating, amel: tarent. — when walking : am-e ph-ac. Disgust: cimx. puis, sulph. — See also Loathing. Disheartened. See Discouraged. Disobedience : acon. agn. am-c. am-m. arn. canth. caps. caus. chin. dig. guai. lye. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. spig. sulph. viol-tr. Despise, disposition to : ars. ipee Displeased. See Discontented, Vexed, etc. Disputing: caus. ferr. hyos. lach. mere — See also Contradict. Dissatisfied. See Discontent. Dissected, thinks he would be : cann-i. Distance, inaccurate judge of: cann-i, stram. — exaggerated is: cann-i. glon. — compare with Size. Distraction: acon. ars. canth. clem. colch. eye hyos. k-ca. lye. mag-m. mosch. nat-c. nx-m. ol-an. orig. phos. plect. raph. sil. spong. stann. sulph. thu. verat. — compare with Mind, absence of, etc. — during conversation : lye — while reading: lach. -----studying: hell. -----writing: acon. mag-c. Distrustful. See Suspicious. Disturbed, averse to being: bry. gels. Dogs, afraid of: chin, stram. Dogmatic. See Dictatorial. Doleful. See Sad. Domineer, desires to : lye Doubtful: ars. aur. bar. chin, graph. mur-ac. nx-v. sil. thu. 37 Doubtful. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Excitement. — compare with Despair, Fear, Anxiety, etc. — of recovery: acon. agn. bry. calc. ign. k-ca. lach. nx-v. phos. ph-ae psor. puis. sep. sulph. — of soul's welfare: ars. aur. bell. croc. dig. hyos. lach. lil-t. nx-v. puis. selen. stram. verat. Dread. See Fear. Dreaming, while awake (dreamy mood): acon. anac. ang. arn. ars. bell. cham. cupr. hepar. hyos. lach. lil-t. mere nat-m. ol-an. op. phos. ph-ac. phys. sil. stram. thu. ziz. — about the future, poetical: olnd. — compare Fancies. Drinking on the sly: sulph. Drown himself, disposition to: ant-c. bell. hell. hyos. puis. rhus. secale. verat. Drunken, seems as if. See Stupefaction Under Head. Dullness. See under Head. Duty, feels as if had neglected: eye nat-ars. puis. ----------during headache: naja. Earnestness: aeth. am-e am-m. bov. cham. chin. cina. cocc. eye euph. ferr. grat. led. nx-m. plat, ph-ae spig. staph, thu. tilia. — See also Serious. Eccentricity: verat. Ecstacy: acon. agar. agn. ang. ant-c. arn. bell. bry. cann-i. cham. coff lach. olnd. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. valer. — amorous: op. pic-ae -----during sleep: phos. Elated : coca. iod. — alternating with sadness: senee — compare Cheerful, Contented, etc. Elevation, mental: op. — morning, on walking in open air: cinnb. Embarrassed : chin. hyos. sulph. — in company: ambr. carb-v. Embraces companions: agar. — anything, in morning, worse in open air: plat. Emotions, predominated by the intel- lect : valer. viol-od. — easily excited: morph. sumb. Ennui: alum. bar. borax, camph. chin. con. elaps. ferr. hura. hydr. lach. lye mag-m. mane mezer. nat-c. nitr. nx-v. petr. plat. plb. tarent. zne — see Loathing of Life. Envy: ars. bry. calc. lach. lil-t. lye nat- e puis. sep. staph. Escaping, fleeing from house: acon. bell. bry. cocc. coloc. cupr. dig. hyos. lach. mere nx-v. op. puis, stram. verat. — see also under Delirium. Estranged from her family : anac. con. hepar. nat-c. nat-m. phos. plat. sep. — flies from her own children: lye Exaltation of fancy: agar. agn. alum. ambr. am-e anac. ang. ant-e arn. ars. asaf. aur. bell. bry. calc. cann-i. canth. caus. chin. coff. con. croc. dig. graph, hyos. k-ca. lach. lact. lye. meph. mur-ac. nx-v. olnd. op. oxal- ae phos. ph-ac. puis, sabad. sil. stram. sulph. valer. verb, viol-od. — See also Excitement. — in company : pallad. sep. — nervous: bell. coff. nx-v. — then dull: anac. Excitability: acon. arn. asar. carb-v. cham. chin. ign. marum. nit-ac. nx-v, puis, valer. verat. Excitement: abrot. acet-ae acon. agar. agn. alum. ambr. am-e ang. ant-c. ant-t. arn.asq/". aur-m. bell. bry. calad. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cham. chel. chin, cie clem. cob. cocc. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc, crotal. cubeb. cupr. eye dig. elaps. eucal. eup-per. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. gran, graph. hell. hura. hydr-ae hyos. iod. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. lac-can. lach. laur. lachn. lil-t. lye mag-s. marum. meph. mere merc-c. mill, mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. nx-j. nx-v. ol-jee op. oxal-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. plat, plect. psor. raph. rheum, rhus. sabad. sal- ae samb. sang, secale. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tarent. thea. thu. trill, valer. verb. viol-od. vip. zne ziz. — alternating with convulsions: stram. -------delirium: agar. — confusion, as from: nx-m. — convulsive: canth. — emotional: alum, cann-i. phos. — feverish: ant-t. chlor. colch. cubeb. mere merc-c. phos. secale. seneg. sul.-i. -----in evening : merc-c. -----at night: sulph. -----after dinner: sep. -----during menses: rhod. 38 Excitement. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Fear. — nervous: acon. arg-n. cinnb. phos. strye sul-ae tarent. thea. — stomach, with pain in pit of: mill. — tremulous: aur. — vascular: oxal-ae sep. — as from wine : lye mosch. Conditions of excitement. — morning: ars. aeth. chins, cop. lach. lye. mang. nat-m. sep. — afternoon: aloe. ang. cann-i. iod. lye — evening: am-e carb-v. chel. daph. ferr. fluor-ae lye mezer. nx-v. oxal- ae phel. phos. sumb. zne — night: am-e apis. dig. ferr. hura. nit-ac. plect. sep. sulph. thu. -----during sleep : lye ----*- on waking: cocc-e thu. — beer, after: cocc-e — fever, during: sulph. tarent. -----with heat of head: meph. — menses, before: mag-m. -----during: cop. ferr. mag-m. rhod. tarent. -----after: ferr. — micturition, during: aloe. — music, from : sumb. tarent. — sadness, after : spig. — sleep, after: sep. — talking, when: mere — tea, after: sulph. — toothache, after: sep. — walking, after: caus. fl-ae nat-m. Exclamation. See Crying out. Expression. See under Face. Extravagance: am-e bell. caus. chin. croc. iod. petr. phel. ph-ac. plat. stram. verat. Faces, sees: ambr. apis, arg-n. calc. carb-an. caus. op. sulph. — See also Faces, Images, etc., under Delirium and Delusions. Fall, fancies objects around him would: hyos. Fancies: agar. anac. ang. apoe arn. bell, cann-i. chel. coca. coff. conv-d. elaps. hyos. lach. mag-m. meph. mere. op. petr. phos. plan, sabad. sep. sulph. verb, zne ziz. — See also Delusions. — evening: am-e anac. chel. sulph. — night: ars. aur. cham. hipp. hydr. ign. petr. sep. — after going to bed : hell. phos. — on reading: mag-m. — confused: hyos. phos. stram. — frightful: hydr-ae hydr. mere stram. — lascivious: am-e anac. aur. calc. dig. graph, hipp. lye op. thu. verb. — vivid: eye hell. hyos. lach. naja. stram. -----when falling asleep : nat-m. Fatigue, mental: ambr. asar. bar. calc, cham. cie colch. graph, iod. laur. led. lye mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v, petr. phos. pic-ae puis. sars. selen. sep. spig. spong. staph, sulph. sul-ac. valer. — after eating: lach. — mental labor from brief: graph, ph- ac. pic-ae staph. — from reading : sil. -------and writing: cann-s. sil. — from the pain: sars. — after vexation : zne Fault-finding. See Censorious. Fear: acet-ae acon. agn. aloe. alum. am-e anac. ang. ars. asaf. ant-c. aur. bapt. bar. bell, borax, bry. calad. calc. camph. cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, cie cimic. coca. cocc. coff. coloc. con. crotal. cupr. daph. dig. dros. euph. gent. glon. graph. hell, hepar. hyos. hyper, ign. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lach. lobel. lye mag-c. mag-m. mane merc-i-r. mezer. mosch. murx. mur-ac. nat^c. nat-m. nicem'tfr. nit-ac. nx-v. op. petr. phos. plat, psor. puis, ran-b. raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-v. ruta. secale. sep. sil. spig. squil. staph, stram. sulph. sul- ac. tabac. tarent. tilia. valer. zne — compare throughout with Anxiety, and see Frightened. — accidents, of: acon. gins. — animals, of: caus. chin. hyos. stram. — alone, of being: ars. calc. camph. con. dros. elaps. hyos. k-ca. lye ran- b. sep. stram. -----lest he injure himself: ars. — apoplexy, of: arg. fluor-ac. nat-c. phos. -----at night, with feeling as if head would burst: aster-r. — — during stool: verat. -----on waking: glon. — approaching him, of others: anac. arn. con. ign. iod. lye -----in delirium: cupr. -----children cannot bear to have any one come near them: cina. 39 Fear. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Fear. — bad news, of hearing: dros. hydrph. nat-p. — bed, of the: cann-s.canth. lye mere nat-c. -----to go to: acon. — bitten, of being: hyos. — brain, of softening of: abrot. asaf. — brilliant objects, looking-glass, etc., fear of, or cannot endure: stram. — burden, of becoming a: raph. — cholera, of the: lach. nit-ac. — coal-scuttle of, the: cann-i. — cold, of taking: nat-c. sulph. -----during the chill fears the heat; during heat fears the chill: sulph. — confusion, that people would ob- serve her: calc. — consumption, of: calc. lac-can. paul-p. sep. tarent. -----of lung being diseased : aral. — contagion of: bov. calc. — corners, to walk past pointed: arg-n. — crime, as if he had committed a: nx-v. — crowd, of going into a : acon. aloe. am-m. ars. aur. bar. bufo. calc. cie con. dios. ferr. graph, hepar. hydr- ae k-bi. k-ca. led. lye nat-c. nat-m. phos. puis. rhus. selen. stann. tabac. tilia. -----of public places : arn. — cutting himself when shaving: calad. — danger, of impending: ether, mac. •----on going to sleep: coff. -----See also Misfortune. — dark, of the: acon. bapt. calc. lye puis, stram. valer. — dawn, of the return of: k-iod. — death, of: acon. agn. aloe. alum. am-e anac. apis, ant-cr. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bapt. bar. bell. bry. cact. calc. cann-i. canth. caps. caus. cimic. cocc. coff. cop. cupr. dig. gels. glon. graph, hell, hepar. hyos. ign. ipee iris. k-ca. lach. led. lobel. lye mag-s. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. op. oxal-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. phyt. plat. podo. psor. puis. raph. rheum. rhus. secale. sep. stram. squil. tabac. tarent. tril. verat. verat-v. vine zne -----alone, when : arg-n. ars. ----------on going to bed: ars. -----heart symptoms, during: asaf. -----predicts the time: acon. -----soon, after awhile: agn. -----sudden, of: ars. -----hot stage during : calc. cocc. ipee mosch. nit-ac. ruta. -------sweat: nitr. -------menses : acon. plat, verat. -------vomiting: ars. — destination, of being unable to reach his: lye — disaster, of: elaps. lil-t. tabac. — disease, of impending: ars. borax. calc. carb-an. cie ether, hepar. hydr. iris. k-ca. lach. lil-t. nat-m. phos. thu. tril. -----worse walking in open air : hepar. — dogs, of: chin, stram. — downward motion, dread of: borax. — drawn upward, of being: camph. — drink, of: plb. -----during nausea: jatr. -----during thirst: tarent. — driving him from place to place: men. — drowned, of being: cann-i. — eating, of: caus. puis, tarent. -----when hungry: grat. — everything around, of: acet-ac. bell. — exertion, of: calad. guai. mezer. phos. ph-ac. phyt. sul-iod. tabac. thea,. — exposure, night in bed, of: mag-c. — extravagance, of: op. — eyes, of closing, lest he might never awake: aeth. — failure, of: psor. — falling, of: acon. alum, lac-can. lil-t. nx-v. stram. -----evening: hydrph. -----on turning head: derris. \ -----when going to sleep: coff. -----of letting things fall: coca. — fast, dares not: creos. — fever, while chilly: sulph. -----while chilly on going to bed hura. -----of typhus: tarent. — fit, of having a: agar. arg. cann-i. nx-m. — fluids, of: gels. hyos. nx-v. — food, of: grat. op. — friends, of: cedr. — future, of the (about the): anac. ant-t. arn. bar. bry. calc. caus. chel. con. dig. dros. dulc. graph, k-ca. mang. nat-c. nat-m. puis, rhus-r. spig. spong. staph, stram. sulph. 40 MIND AND DISPOSITION. Fear. -----weeping, amel.: dig. — gallows, of the : bell. — ghosts, of: acon. ars. bell. brom. cann-i. carb-v. cocc. dros. lye phos. puis, stram. sulph. zne -----at night: ars. carb-v. chin. puis. ran-b. sulph. — grieving, as if: phos. — happen, as if something would: cact. elaps. hydrph. nat-ars. phos. pyrus. -----when alone, relieved by conver- sation : ratan. — heart disease, of: lac-can. lach. -----fears heart will cease to beat un- less constantly on the move : gels. — health, that she has ruined : chel. — hurt, of being: calad. cann-i. stram. — imaginary things : bell. laur. mere — imbecile : stram. — insanity, of: acon. alum. ambr. arg- n. calc. cann-i. carb-an. chel. chlor. cimic. cupr. graph, iod. k-bi. lac-can. lil-t. mere nat-m. nx-v. phos. phys. plat, stram. tarent. thu. -----at night: phys. — jealousy and tearfulness with fear of death: apis. — joints are weak, that: sep. — jumps out of bed from fear: ars. — — on touch : bell. — killing, of: absin. rhus. — — with a knife: ars. derris. — lung is diseased, that: aral. — medicine, of taking too much: all- s. iber. — men, of: bar-ae puis. -----See also Persons. — mirrors in room, of: camph. stram. — mischief, he might do, night on waking: phys. — misfortune, of: acon. agar, alcoh. alum. anac. ante. arn. ast. atrop. calad. cact. calc. chin-s. cie clem. colch. eye dig. dros. ferr. fluor-ac. gins. glon. graph, hydr-ae hydrph. iod. k-iod. lach. lil-t. mag-c. mag-s. men. merc-c. mezer. nat-p. nat-s. nice nx-v. psor. rhus. rumx. stram. sulph. tabac. valer. vine -----morning: am-e mag-s. -----afternoon : cast. hura. -----evening : ferr. nat-m. -----evening in bed, better: mag-c. -----during chilliness: eye -------fever: atrop. . 4 — murdered of being: op. phos. stram. -----of committing murder: ars. sulph. — noise, of sudden : cocc. — objects, of bright: cann-i. — observed, her condition, of being: calc. — occupation, of: selen: — others, for: sulph. — pain, of: cori-r. derris. pip-m. -----See Suffering, Fear of. — paralysis, of: asaf. — persons, of: acon. aloe. am-m. ars. aur. bar. bar-ae calc. cie con. croton. cupr. dios. ferr. graph, hepar. k-bi. k-ca. led. lye nat-c. nat-m. phos. puis. selen. sep. stann. tabac. tilia. •8%4s"# — physician, will not see her, he seems to terrify her: iod. verat-v., — pneumonia, of: chel. — pointed things, of: spig. — — — in dreams : mere -------in delirium : sil. — poisoned, of being: all-s. bell, bry, glon. hyos. lach. rhus. verat-v. -----has been poisoned : glon. — public places, of: am. -----See also Crowd, fear of, etc. — putrify, body will: bell. — rain, of: elaps. — reason, of losing. See Insanity, Fear of. — recover, will not: all-s. ant-t. calc. glon. k-ca. tarax. — respiration: osm. — rise, fears to, as if exhausted after a long walk, better after rising: nx-v. — robbers, of: alum. ars. aur. bell. con. elaps. ign. lach. mag-c. mere nat-c. nat-m. phos. sil. sulph. verat. zne -----midnight on waking: ign. sulph. -----Compare with Thieves under De- lusions. — ruin, of financial: ambr. calc-fl. sep. — run over on going out: anthr. phos. — sad : dig. nat-m. -----worse from music : dig. — salvation, of his: cann-i. verat. -----See also under Despair, Anxiety, etc. — say something wrong, fear lest he should: lil-t. — sleep, to go to : led. mere nx-m. -----fears to close the eyes lest he never wake: aeth. — — he will never sleep again: ign. Fear. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Fire. — sobbing during sleep: ipee — society, of: hell, tilia. -----of his position in: verat. — sold, of being: hyos. — solitude, of: ars. asaf. bell. bism. cadm. camph. clem. con. dros. elaps. gal-ae hyos. k-ca. lye. plb. sep. stram, tabac. verat. -----evening: ran-b. tabac. — spectres, of. See Ghosts. — stomach, of ulcer in: ign. — strangers, of: ambr. bar-ae caus. — suffering, of: bry. calc. eup-per. lil-t. — suffocation, of: acon. carb-an. ether, mere stram. -----night: agar. -----fears to go to sleep for fear of: bapt. — superstitious : rhus. — thunder, of: nat-m. — touch, of: arn. coff. -----See Touch in general. — tread lightly, must, or will injure himself: cupr. — tremulous: aur. ratan. — trifles, of: ign. — troubles, of imaginary: hydr-ae — unaccountable : alcoh. — vertigo, of: sumb. — voice, of using: cann-i. — walking, of: nat-m. -----across busy streets: acon. — water, of: cann-i. hyos. phel. stram. — wet his bed, fears he will: alum. — wind, of: cham. — women, of: raph. — work, of: arg-n. calc. cham. hyos. petr. puis, ran-b. sil. sulph. tabac. tarax. tong. -----during headache : gran. -----of literary : nx-v. sil. sulph. Conditions of Fear. — morning: arg-n. caus. graph, mag-s. nice sul-ac. — afternoon: aeth. berb. carb-an. cast. nice stront. tabac. — evening: alum. bar. brom. calad. calc. carb-an. caus. cocc-e dros. form. hipp. k-ca. lach. lye mag-m. mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. phos. puis, ran-b. rhus. stront. tabac. valer. verat. — at night: am-e ars. bell, carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. con. dros. graph, hepar. ipee lach. lye mere nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. phos. puis. rhus. eil. stram. sulph. zne -----amel. in bed, at: mag-c. -----after waking: con. — air, in open, amel.: plat. — alone, when: ars. brom. con. dros. k-ca. lye ran-b. — approach, at the, of others: acet- ae arn. cadm-s. cann-i. cupr. iod. op. -------lest he be touched : arn. — crowd. See Crowd, fear of going into a. — dark, in the : lye stram. valer. — dinner, after: mag-m. phel. — emission, after an: aloe, carb-an. — food, after: canth. caus. mag-m. phel. tabac. — headache, during : glon. — heart,, from pain at: daph. — house, on entering: plat, tilia. — labor, after: iod. — looking, before her, when : sulph. — menses, before: acon. calc. k-bi. plat, secale. sulph. xanth. -----during : acon. mag-c. phos. plat. secale. -----during menstrual colic: ant-t. — music, from : dig. — nausea, after: tabac. — near, of those standing: bell. — noise, from: aloe. alum, cann-s. caus. chel. cocc. hipp. hura. mosch. nat-c. sabad. tabac. — pregnancy, during: hydrph. — respiration, during painful: viol- od. — riding, when : lach. sep. — room, in: alum. — sitting, when amel.; iod. — sleep, before going to: calad. rhus. -----during: merc-i-r. — supper, after: caus. — thinking of disagreeable thingg, when: phos. -------of sad things: rhus. — throat, from sensation of swelling of: glon. — waking, on: bell, carb-an. lept. nat-p. nx-v. puis, tereb. -----from a dream : bov. ph-ac. sil. — walking, while: alum, bar-ae cina. lye. — weeping amel.: dig. graph, tabac. Fearfulness. See Anxiety, Fear, etc. Fickle. See Inconstant, Irresolute, etc. Fidgety. See Restlessness. Fire, wants to set things on: hepar. — a flame of, seemed passing through him: phos. Fixed. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Fretfulness. Fixed notions. See Delusions. Fond. See Affectionate. Foolish behavior: acon. all-e anac. arg- n. bell, cann-i. carb-an. carb-v. cie con. croc. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. mere nx-m. nx-v. op. par. phys. secale. seneg. stram. tanac. verat. -----See also Childish. -----morning, on waking: aur. -----night: cie -----during spasms : secale. Forgetful: acon. agar. agn. alum. am-c. anac. arg. am. ars. arum-t. aur. bar. bell. bov. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc- p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chel. chin, cie cinnb. cocc. colch. con. creos. croc. cupr. eye dig. fluor-ac. graph, guai. gymn. ham. hell, hepar. hipp. hydr. hyos. ign. k-ca. lac-can. lach. laur. lye mag-c. mere mezer. mosch. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx- v. olnd. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. secale. selen. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. tabac. tarax. thu. verat. verb, viol-od. zne. zing. — See Mind, absence of; Memory, lost; Confused, Mistakes, etc. — of past actions: calc-p. camph. chel. fluor-ac. lach. -----business: chel. selen. tellur. -----going to do, of what he was: bell, calc-p. chel. creos. hydr. -----dates, of: acon. fluor-ac. -----names : anac. chin-s. chlor. guai. lach. lith. lye mere olnd. rhus. sulph. -------of his own : k-bro. sulph. -----— his personal identity is con- fused : alum, valer. -----purchases, goes off and leaves them: agn. lac-can. -----reading: lye -----said, of what he has: cann-i. mur- ac. nitr. stram. -----shaving or dressing: chel. -----streets, of well-known: glon. petr. nx-m. -----time and place: mere -----wind, watch, to: fluor-ac. -----words : arn. bar. benz-ae cann-i. carb-v. ham. hydr. k-bro. lach. lye nx-v. podo. rhod. -------when speaking: arn. bar-ac. -----write, of what he is about to: croc. — in morning: phos. — on waking: stann. -----when he is half awake, yet has distinct recollection when half asleep: selen. Forgotten something, feels constantly as if he had: iod. Forsaken feeling: bar. camph. carb-an. hura. lam. mag-m. nat-c. plat. psor. puis. rhus. -----on waking: lach. — sensation of isolation: anac. cann-i. coca. Frantic, frenzy. See Rage. Fretfulness, irritability, peevishness: abrot. acet-ae acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar. agn. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell, benz-ae berb. bism. borax, bov. bry. calc. calc-p. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cimic. cina. cinnb. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. coral, creos. croc. cupr. eye dros. eugen. evon. ferr. gamb. gels. graph, grat. ham. hell, hydr-ae ign. indg. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lac-can. lach. lact. led. lil-t. lyemag-e mag-m. mang. marum. mere mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. olnd. op. par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. ran-b. rheum, rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul- ac. thea. tong. ustil. verat. verb. zne. zing. — Compare with Ill-humor. — alternating with cheerfulness: aur. -----with indifference: sep. — about trifles: meph. nat-m. nit-ac. squil. -----himself: bell. — afternoon: aeth. — evening: mag-c. puis. zne. — morning: am-c. am-m. nat-s. nx-v. — open air, in: aeth. sabin. — bad effects from : cist. — consolation, aggr.: hell. — from music: caus. — nervous: chin. — pains, during the: chin. coff. nx-v. phos. — during hot stage of fever : acon. anac. ars. carb-v. bry. cham. lach. phos. ph-ac. plan. — during chilly stage: ars. bell, borax. caus. mezer. phos. puis. — after seminal emissions : selen. 43 Fretfulness. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Greediness. — during sweat: mag-c. — on waking, children : lye — stool, before: borax. Frightened easily: acon. alum. ang. ant-e ant-t. arg-n. am. ars. bar. bell. berb. borax, bry. calc. cann-i. caps. carb-an. caus. cham. cie clem. cocc. con. cupr. dig. graph, hyos. ign. k-ca. k-iod. lach. led. lye mere nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. sul-ac. therid. verat. — complaints from fright: acon. arn. bell. bry. caus. cham. coff. cupr. gels. hyos. ign. lach. lye nat-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. puis. samb. secale. stram. verat. zne — in dark : carb-an. — at a noise: borax, cann-s.chel. hipp. -----least noise: nx-v. -----every sound : calc. — nocturnal emission, after: aloe. — in sleep: hepar. ign. mere puis. rheum, stann. tabac. -----starting from sleep in a fright: nx-v. tarent. — at trifles : am-c. am-m. ang. ant-t. arn. calend. hyper, k-ca. k-iod. lach. mere mezer. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. rhus. sep. sumb. -------day before menses: calc. — on waking: eupion. lach. led. lye nit-ac. nx-v. sul-iod. verat. zne — awakens terrified, knows no one, screams, clings to those near: stram. — awakens in a fright from least noise: nx-v. — wakening one from sleep: euphr. sep. -------from a dream: abrot. chin. graph, mag-m. tarent. — weeping, amel.: phos. Frivolous : am. bar. mere par. spong. Frown, disposed to: hell, lye stram. Fun, full of: cann-i. nx-m. tarent. — See also Mirth, etc. Fury. See Rage. [etc. Gayety. See Cheerfulness, Vivacity, Gentleness : eye iod. nx-v. Gestures, of usual avocations: stram. — convulsive : alcoh. apis. bell, cann- s. plb. -----at night, of drinking : bell. — furious : cann-i. sep. — hands, of the, as if brushing the face or as if brushing something away: hyos. -----clapping of the : bell, cie verat. -----grasping or reaching at some- thing : calc-p. cham. cina. hyos. lye. mosch. ph-ac. stram. sulph. zne. -------at sides of the bed: nx-v. —----at bystanders: phos. -------at mother: borax. -------at genitals, during spasms: stram. -------quickly: stram. -----motions, involuntary, of hands: ars. bell, cann-i. cie coca. hyos. mere mosch. nat-m. puis. sil. stram. sulph. verat. -------to the face: strych. -------folding hands: puis. —----to the head : plb. stram. verat. -------as if knitting: tarent. -------lifting up of hands: ars. -------rubbing together: cann-i. -------throwing about: atrop. bry. carb-an. mosch. nat-c. phos. sil. stram. ----------over head : hydr-ac. stram. -------waving in the air: stram. -------wild: acon. -------winding a ball, as if: agar. stram. — intoxicated, gestures as if: hyos. — picks at bed-clothes: arn. ars. atrop. bell. cham. chin. cocc. colch. con. dulc. hell, hepar. hyos. iod. lye. mur-ac. op. phos. ph-ae psor. rhus. sol-n. stram. sulph. zne. znc-m. -------at nose or lips: arum-t. con. hell. — plays with his fingers: hyos. — pouring from hand to hand, as if: bell. — pulls hair of bystanders: bell. — ridiculous or foolish : bell, cie croc. cupr. hyos. ign. lach. mere mosch. nx- m. op. sep. stram. verat. — violent: agar. bell, camph. hyos. — wringing of hands: phos. puis. sulph. Giggling : cann-i. — See also Laughing. Gloomy. See Melancholy, Sad, etc. Godless, want of religious feeling: anac. coloc. Good-humor. See Cheerful. Gossiping: hyos. stram. verat. Gravity : cann-s. euph. grat. led. nx-m. sul-ac. — at the ludicrous: anac. Greediness: secale. sep. zne 44 Greediness. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Humor. — acids, for: secale. — constant: mere — in eating: agar. — of mind : puis. Grief: acet-ae acon. agar. alum. am-c. am-m. ars. aur. bar. calc. carb-an. caus. coloc. eye graph, hyos. ign. lach. lact. lye. nat-m. nx-v. op. ph-ac. puis. sep. staph, sul-ac. verat. — Compare with Anxiety, Weeping, etc. — about his condition : staph. — for the future : nat-c. nat-m. — undemonstrative: eye ign. — and sorrow, bad effects from: ars. cocc. coloc. eye graph, hyos. ign. lye nx-v. ph-ac. puis, staph, verat. Groaning : acon. alum. am-c. ang. ant-t. ars. bar. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. cham. chin. cina. cocc. colch. coff. cupr. dig. gran, graph, hell. ign. ipee k-ca. lach. mag-c. mere mur-ac. naja. nat- e nit-ac. nx-v. phos. plb. puis. rnus. sars. squil. stram. verat. — See also Moaning. — alternating with laughter, song: bell. stram. — during sleep : alum. bry. calad. cham. clem, cocc-e graph, ign. lach. mur- ac. plect. sep. sulph. — when waking: cina. Growling like a dog: alum. bell. hell.lye -----See Howling. Grumbling: alum. arn. bism. bry. calend. canth. cham. chin. phos. Grunting : bell. hell. ign. puis. — during sleep: ign. Hallucinations. See Delusions. Hanging, sees persons: ars. Happy. See Cheerful. Hard-hearted : anac. croc. Hastiness : ambr. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. cact. calc. cann-s. carb-an. con. dig. dulc. grat. hepar. k-ca. lach. laur. men. mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. ox- ae puis. sep. stram. sulph. sul-ac. viol-tr. — Compare with Hurry. — involuntary when taking anything: sulph. — in mental work : ambr. — with chill: cann-s. — in talking: bell, hepar. ph-ac. — in temper: naja. plb. sul-ac. Hatred: agar. aloe. am-c. anac. aur. calc. cie lach. led. mang. nat-m. nit- ac. phos. stann. sulph. — of absent persons, better on seeing them: fluor-ac. — of persons who have offended: aur, mang. nat-m. nit-ac. sulph. — has bitter feelings for slight offenses: ang. Haughty: alum. anac. arn. aur. cann-i. caus. chin, cie cupr. dulc. ferr. guai. hyos. ign. ipee lach. lye. mere nx-v. par. phos. plat, stram. stront. verat. Headstrong. See Obstinate. Heedlessness. See Carelessness. Helplessness, feeling of: hell, k-bro. phos. taxus. stram. — after vomiting: hell. Hesitation : aur. bar. chin, graph, hyos. mezer. mur-ac. nx-v. puis, seneg. sil. sulph. thu. — Compare Irresolute. — in action and ideas: tarent. — evening, on account of obstacles: ferr-p. Hide, desire to: bell. lach. stram. tarent. -----on account of fear: ars. High-spirited: hydr. hyos. op. spig. spong. verat. verb. Hilarity. See Mirth. Home, desires to go: bell. bry. calc-p. lach. verat. — See under Delirium. Home-sickness : aur. bell, calc-p. caps. carb-an. caus. clem, eup-pur. hell. ign. mag-c. mag-m. mere nit-ac. petr. ph- ac. plan. puis, senee staph, verat. — with red cheeks: caps. Hopeful: acon. ferr-m. hydr. — alternating with sadness: raph. Hopeless. See Despondent. Horror, evening: calc. carb-an. nat-m. phos. plat. — worse in dark : cann-i. — Compare with Anxiety, Fear, etc. Howling: acet-ac. acon. alum. arn. ars. aur. bell. brom. calad. camph. caps. cham. cie coff". cup-ae ign. ipee lye nx-v. op. stann. stram. tarent. verat. viol-tr. — about future troubles: lye — evening, worse in: verat. — night, at: stram. verat. —■ during heat: tilia. Humor, agreeable: abrot. ant-t. croc. ign. lach. men. plat, sul-ac. — changeable, variable, etc.: acon. agn. aloe. alum. ambr. anac. ant-t. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bell. bism. bov. borax, bry. cann-s. caps. * Humor. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Ill-humor. carb-an. caus. chin. cocc. con. croc. cupr. eye dig. dros. ferr. gels, graph. hyos. ign. iod. k-ca. lach. lachn. lye men. mere mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nit- ac. nx-m. op. petr. phel. phos. plat. puis, ran-b. sabad. sars. seneg. sep. spig. spong. staph, stram. sulph. sul- ac. valer. verat. verb. zne. -----for the various alternations of Humor see special names, as Anger, Laughter, etc. -----in the evening: aur. croc. -----after dinner : aloe. Humorous. See Jokes. Hurry : acon. ambr. ars. aur. benz-ae calc. camp, cann-i. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cocc. con. graph, hyos. ign. k-ca. lach. laur. lil-t. mere nat-c. nat-m. op. phos. ph-ac. puis. sep. stram. sulph. sul-ac. thu. viol-tr. — Compare with Hastiness. — as if by duties : lil-t. — in eating: lach. pip-m. — in mental work: ambr. aur. ign. k-ca. op. — in movements: acon. bell, camph. cann-i. coca. coff. con. gins. hyos. men. mere merl. stram. sulph. viol- tr. -----cannot do things fast enough: aur. — in occupation: acon. aur. camph. k- ca. op. puis. sep. sul-ac. viol-tr. -----desires to do several things at once: plan. — in pace: stram. sulph. — in speech: acon. ign. mere ph-ac. — in writing: ptelea. Hydrophobia : acet-ae arg-n. bell, canth. hydrph. hyos. lach. ran-se stram. verat. Hypochondriacal humor. See Melan- choly, Sad, etc. Hypocrisy: phos. Hysterical: acon. anac. asaf. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. caul. caus. cham. chin-s. cie cocc. con. croc. elaps. ferr. grat. hyos. ign. ipee k-ca. lact. lil-t. mag-c. mag-m. mere mill. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. plb. puis. raph. sep. sil. stann. staph, stram. sulph. tarent. therid. valer. viol-od. — lascivious: tarent. — first day of menses: raph. — moaning aggr., sighing amel.: tarent. Ideas. See Thoughts. 46 Idiocy : absin. aeth. agar, ant-c. bar-m. hyos. mere nx-m. plb. tabac. — idiotic actions: ant-c. Idleness. See Indolence. Ill-humor (crossness, irritability, etc.): abrot. acet-ae acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arn. ars. arum- t. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. berb. bism. borax, bov. brom. bry. bufo. cact. cadm. calc. calc-p. calend. camph. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cie cina. cinnb. clem. cocc. cocc-e colch. coloc. con. cop. coral, corn, creos. croc. croton. cupr. eye. daph. dig. dios. dros. dulc. elaps. euphr. eupion. evon. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. gran, graph, grat. guai. ham. hell, helon. hepar. hipp. hydr. hydr-ae hydrph. ign. indg. iod. ipee iris. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lach. lachn. lact. laur. led. lil-t. lye. mag-c. mag-m. mane mang. marum. men. meph. mere merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. olnd. op. osm. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. pic-ae plan. plat, plect. prun. psor. puls. ran-b. ran-se ratan. rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-v. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sang. sars. selen. SEP. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarent. thea. tilia. thu. tong. tril. valer. verat. verb, viol-tr. vine zne — Compare with Fretful. — alternating with cheerfulness : ant- t. aur. chin, eye lye mere nat-c. nat- m. plat. spig. -------hypochondriacal mood during day, merry in evening: sulph. viol- tr. -------indifference: bell, carb-an. —----melancholy : zne -------tenderness: plat. -------weeping: bell. — toward children: k-iod. — nervous irritability: ars-iod. asar. carb-an. caus. lach. lye plb. Conditions of ill-humor. — morning: am-e am-m. ant-t. bov. calad. calc. cast. cham. chin. cocc. con. creos. graph, grat. hipp. mag-c. mang. merc-i-r. nat-m. nat-p. nice phos. plat. sars. seneg. sep. sil. staph. tarax. verat. Conditions of ill-humor. MIND AND -----on waking: agar, arg-n. ars. bell. bov. bry. carb-an. coca. gamb. iris. k-ca. lilt, lye mag-m. merc-iod. mezer. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nx-v. petr. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis. rhus. sulph. sul-ac. thu. -----after rising: calc. canth. coff. hepar. mag-m. nat-s. sulph. — afternoon : aeth. alum, ant-t. borax. bov. cast. chel. con. eye elaps. hydr- ae mang. merc-c. nat-m. op. ox-ae ruta. sang. sars. zne — evening: aeac-h. aloe. am-c. am-m. ant-c. ant-t.bar. bov. calc. canth. cast. eye dios. hydrph. ign. indg. k-ca. kalm. lye lil-t. lye mag-c. mag-m. mur-ac. nice nx-j. ox-ae pallad. phos. puis, ran-b. sil. spig. sulph. zne -----amel. in: aloe. am-c. bism. mag-c. nat-m. nice verb, zne — night: camph. phos. rhus. -----on waking: lye — air, in open : aeth. plat. rhus. -----amel.: coff. mag-c. rhus. stann. — aroused, when: op. rix-m. — causeless: aloe. chel. eye merc-i-r. nat-m. — children, in: ant-e ant-t. ars. borax, graph, lye puis. sep. zne — chill, during: calend. nat-m. -----See also under Fever. — coffee, after: calc-p. — coition, after : nat-m. selen. -----during an emission : clem. — contradiction, from: grat. ign. sil. tarent. — cough, before: asaf. bell. — diarrhoea, after: guai. — digestion, during: iod. — dinner, before : phos. -----during: marum. -----after: cocc-e mill, marum. nat-e tilia. [op. — disturbance, cause by any: graph. — dreams, from : op. — eating, after: am-c. ars. bov. bry. carb-v. cham. con. graph, iod. k-ca. k-iod. marum. mere merc-sul. nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. puis. -----amel.: am-c. nat-s. — excited, when : chin. — fever, after: am-c. hipp. -----during the hot stage (of inter- mittent) : acon. ars. cham.lach. mosch. nat-c. psor. rheum, staph. -----during the chill: arn. ars. calc. DISPOSITION. Conditions of ill-humor. calen. CAPS. caus. cham. con. creos. hepar. ign. lyc. mezer. nat-m. nit-ac. petr. phos. plat. puis, rheum, rhus. sil. spig. sulph. -----during the sweat: ang. bry. calc. calc-p. cham. clem, hepar. mag-c. mere rheum, sep. sulph. — fly on the wall, by : sars. — gastric troubles, with: zne — headache, during: acon. aeth. am-c. am-m. anac. bell. bov. bry. calc-p. chin-s. coca. con. creos. eye dulc. graph, helon. hipp. iod. k-ca. lach. lachn. laur. mag-m. mang. mere nat-m. nice. op. pallad. plat. phos. sil. spong. stann. thu. vip. zne — menses, before: cham. creos. lyc. mag-m. nat-m. nx-v. zne -----during: berb. bry. cast. caus. cham. cimic. cina. creos. eupion. ferr. k-ca. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. nat- m. nx-v. plat. sep. sulph. tarent. zne -----after : berb. bufo. ferr. nat-m. -----duringan intermission of: eupion. — music, during: caus. mang. — nausea, during: phos. — noise, from: pip-m. plect. — pain, after: cham. croton hepar. -----in abdomen: aloe. am-c. berb. phos. tarent. — perspiration, during: ang. calc-p. clem, mag-c. sep. -----See also under Fever. — provoked, when: verat. — questioned, when : nat-m. ph-ac. I — reading, when : nat-c. — room, house, in: ign. rhus. -----amel.: aeth. — sitting, when: mang. nat-m. — sleep, after: anac. bell. bry. caus. cham. clem. jatr. mezer. -----See also Morning, on waking. — sleepiness, during: calc. calend. canth. lachn. rhus-r. spong. — words, soothing or friendly per- suasion, worse from: bell. calc. calc-p. chin. ign. k-ca. mere nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. plat. sep. sil. — spoken to, when: ars. cham. gels. nat-m. nat-s. nx-v. rhus. — stool, before : aloe, borax, calc. -----after: nat-c. nit-ac. — talking, when : ambr. cham. mang. marum. nice staph, sul-ac. zne — toothache, during: merc-i-r. — trembling, with : ambr. arg-n. aur. chel. cop. daph. nit-ac. phos. sep. 47 Conditions of ill-humor. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Indifference. — trifles, about: ang. bell, carb-v. caus. cham. chel. con. eye. hepar. lyc. meph. -----See also Causeless. — waking, on: ant-t. bell. cham. chel. clem. eye. iris, nat-m. tarent. -----See also under Morning. — walking in open air, amel.: mag-c. rhus. — weakness, with : apis, arg-n. calc. caus. crotal. grat. hipp. merl. phos. ph-ac. spong. — weather, in rainy or cloudy : aloe. am-c. Illness, apprehension of: acon. alum. am-e ars. borax, bry. calad. calc. creos. ign. k-ca. lach. mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. phos. ph-ae puis. sep. sulph. — sense of, in mind and body : mere Illusion of fancy: acon. aeth. agar. ambr. anac. ang. ant-c. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. berb. bism. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cie cina. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. euphr. graph, hell, hepar. hyos. ign. indg. iod. k-ca. lach. led. lye mag-m. mag-s. mere nat-c. nit- ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. par. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis, rheum, rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. secale. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. thu. valer. verat. verb, viol-od. — in discerning objects: calc. cann-s. hyos. nx-v. plat, sulph. — of feeling : anac. ant-t. bell, canth. ign. iod. mag-m. nx-v. op. petr. phos. plat. rhus. sabad. stram. sulph. valer. Illusions. See Delusions. Imaginations. See Delusions. Imbecility: acon. agar. alum. anac. ant-c. arg-n. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. calc. cann-s. caps. cham. cocc. con. croc. cupr. eye dulc. hell. hyos. ign. k-bi. lach. laur. lyc. mere mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c nat-m. nx-m, nx-v. olnd. op. par. petr. ph-ac. plb. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhus. ruta. sabad. secale. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph, stram. sul-ac. verat. Impatience : acon. ambr. ars. aur. bar. bufo. calc. carb-v. cham. chin, coloc. dros. dulc. gels. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. ipee k-bi. lach. lil-t. lyc. mere nat-c. nat-m. nice nit-ac. nx-v. op. pallad. ph-ac. plan. plat. psor. puis. rheum, rhus. sars. sep. sil. spong. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. taxus. zne — during dinner: sulph. — during headache: pallad. — from itching: osm. -----pain: hura. -----playing of children : anac. — while reading: nat-c. — when sitting: sep. — after supper: nit-ac. — about trifles: mere sul-ac. — before urinating: sulph. — when walking: lyc. Imperious. See Haughty. Impertinence: graph. Impetuous: acon. anac. bry. carb-v. cham. croc, ferr-p. hepar. k-iod. laur. led. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. phos. rheum, sep. stront. sulph. zne. — Compare with Hastiness, Hurry, Im- patience, etc. Importance, assumption of: cupr. ferr. hyos. lyc. stram. verat. Impudence: graph, phos. — See Shameless. Impulsive: arg-n. ars. cie. gins, mere Inattention. See under Attention, Memory, etc. Inciting others: hyos. Inconsolable: acon. ambr. ars. cham. chin. coff. nat-c. nx-v. spong. stram. sulph. verat. — over fancied misfortune : verat. Inconstancy: asaf. bism. canth. coff. dros. ign. led. op. sil. spig. thu. zne — Compare with Irresolute. Indifference, apathy, etc.: agar. agn. alum. ambr. am-m. anac. apis, arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bell. berb. bism. bov. brom. calc. calc-p. camph. cann- i. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, cie cimic. cina. clem. cocc. con. croc, crotal. cupr. eye dig. elaps. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. graph. gymn. hell. hyos. ign. iod. ipee jatr. k-bi. k-ca. lac-can. lach. laur. lyc. mane men. mere mezer. mur-ac. naja. nat-c. nat-m.. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. phos. ph-ac. phyt. pic-ae plat. prun. puis. raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. secale. selen. seneg. sep. sil. squil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. tarent. thu. verat. verb. viol-tr. zne ziz. — alternating with anxiety and rest- lessness : nat-m. -------cheerfulness: tarent. -------ill-humor : asaf. bell, carb-an. -------vexation: cham. .1 t .'I Indifference. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Insanity. -------weeping: phos. — does not complain: hyos. op. ----------unless questioned, then says nothing of his condition : colch. — has no desire, no action of the will: hell. — with insensibility, with pale face: chin. -------rubs forehead : verat. — to agreeable things: ambr. anac. cina. corn. op. rhod. staph, stram. — business affairs: arg-n. arn.fluor-ac. sep. stram. — to everything : acet-ae agar, ailan. anac. arn. bell. bov. canth. caps, carb- v. croc. dig. hydr. ign. lept. merl. mezer. nx-m. phos. secale. staph. sulph. ziz. — to external things: agn. cann-i. cham. cie lyc. merl. op. rumx. stann. staph, tarent. verat. — to important things: fluor-ac. — to irritating, disagreeable things: ambr. anac. borax, cina. coff. op. rhod. — to loved ones: mere sep. — to relations: fluor-ac. hell, hepar. phos. plat. sep. -------her children: phos. sep. — toward others: sulph. — well, says he is : arn. ars. — morning on waking: phyt. — afternoon: con. — evening : dig. k-cle — air, in open : con. plat. — onanism, after : staph. — solitude, by: bov. — society, when in: plat. -----amel.: bov. — walking, when : con. Indignation: ambr. ars. calc-p. chin. coloc. nat-c. staph. — bad effects following: coloc. ipee nx-v. plat, staph. — discomfort from general: op. — dreams, at unpleasant: calc-p. Indiscretion: acon. bry. calad. camph. caps. hyos. ign. laur. men.rcx-r. puis. stram. Indolence : abrot. acon. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-c ant-t. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell, borax, bry. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caps. caus. chel. chin, chin-s. cinnb. cocc. con. croc, crotal. dig. euphr. graph, guai. hell. hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-ca. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. 49 mag-m. marum. meph. mezer. mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-j. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis, ran-se rheum, ruta. sabin. secale. sep. spig. spong. squil. stront. sulph. verb, zne Conditions of indolence. — morning: all-c. aloe. alum. anac. ant-t. carb-an. chel. clem, hepar. hipp. indg. mag-c. nat-c. nat-m. nat- s. nitr. nx-v. ox-ae pallad. phyt. plat. ran-se rhus. rumx. sabin. squil. sulph. tarax. verb. -----on rising: dig. nat-c. op. verb. -----on waking: chin-s. — afternoon : aloe, borax, bufo. chel. hyos. lyc. mag-s. nat-m. petr. sep. sil. viol-tr. — evening : agar, calc-p. cann-s. carb- v. coca. dios. ferr-iod. mag-c. pallad. plb. ran-se spig. sulph. viol-tr. ----amel. in: aloe.bism.clem. — air, in open : arn. -----amel.: calc. — breakfast, after: nat-s. — business, when doing : nx-v. — chill, during: camph. — emission, after an : sep. — headache, during: dulc. — meals, after: agar. asar. ant-c. bar. bov. cann-i. chin. lach. mag-c. nx-v. phos. plb. thu. tong. zne — sitting, while: nat-c. nit-ac. ruta. — sleep, after: mezer. — stool, after: colch. — walking, when : arn. chin-s. nit-ac. sabin. Industrious: arn. aur. bell. bry. calc. caps. dig. hyos.ign. ipee lach. mag-c. mosch. nat-c. plb. stann. sul-ac. verat. Inhumanity: anac. op. Injure, fears to be left alone lest he should do himself bodily harm : ars. — feels as if she could easily injure herself: sep.. — satiety; must use self-control to prevent shooting himself: nat-s. — See also under Suicide. Insanity, madness: acon. aeth. agar. all-c. am-c. anac. ant-c. ant-t. arg-n. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. caus. chin-s. cie cocc. coloc. con. croc, crotal. cupr. dig. dulc. hyos. ign. k-ca. k-bi. k-ox. lach. led. lyc. mere mezer. naja. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. oxal-ae par. phos. ph-ac. phys. plat. plb. Insanity. MIND AND puis. rhod. rhus. sabad. secale. seneg. sep. sil. squil. stram. sulph. tarent. verat. verat-v. zne — Compare with Delirium, Mania, etc. — alternating with stupor : op. -------mental symptoms: sabad. — disputing: camph. — destructive: verat. — funny : croc, stram. — loquacious: agar. lach. par. stram. — mild: croc, verat. — proud: hyos. stram. verat. — raving: hyos. stram. — religious: verat. — timorous : bell. Conditions of insanity. — abdomen, with pain in: canth. cupr. — appetite, with loss of: verat. — blood, with discharge of: mere — breathing, with oppression of: mere — chilliness, with: calc. -----coldness of skin : crotal. — cough, with: bell.verat. — drunkards, in: ars. bell. calc. carb- v. chin. coff. dig. hell, hepar. hyos. lach. mere nat-c. nx-v. op. puis, stram. sulph. — emaciation, with : sulph. — eruptions suppressed, after: bell. stram. sulph. — face, with heat of: verat. -----with redness of: calc. op. -----with paleness of: croc, mere verat. -----wild look: cupr. — feet, with stamping of: verat. — fright or anger, caused by : plat. — gesticulations, with : bell. — hair, pulls the: tarent. — headache, with: croc, verat. — heat, with : bell, verat. — larynx, with pains in : canth. — legs, with restless: tarent. — menses, with profuse: sep. -----with suppressed : puis. • -----during climacteric period: aster. lach. puis. sep. therid. — mouth, with distortion of: ph-ae — neuralgia, with disappearance of: cimic. — ophthalmia, with : croc. op. — parturient, in the : bell. — perspiration, with, following: cupr. — ptyalism, with : verat. SPOSITION. Irresolute. — pulse, with quick: ars. crotal. cupr. — sight, with obscuration of: croc. — sleep, with: ph-ae — trembling, with: ars. — vomiting, with : cup-ae — wantonness, with: hyos. stram. verat. Insensibility, mental: eye hell. hyos. laur. op. phos. ph-ac. sabad. secale. stram. — See also Unconsciousness. Insipid behavior (dull, spiritless): acon. anac. carb-an. carb-v. nx-v. par. seneg. Intellect predominates over feeling: viol-od. — See also Mind, Thought, etc. Intolerance of, open air : cocc. op. — Compare with Loathing, Sensitive- ness, etc. -----ailment, of any : nx-v. -----annoyance: ferr-p. -----bath, of usual: clem, sulph. -----bed-covers: led. -----contradiction : aur. nx-v. -----drink and food : ant-t. ----- interruption : cham. cocc. -----jar, of the least: bell. — — looked at, of being: ant-cr. ant-t. ars. cham. cina. -----music : ambr. cham. sabad. -----— instrumental: nat-c. nx-v. phos. sep. ------- vocal: nx-v. -----noise: acon. ambr. am-c. ars. bell. calc. chin. cocc. con. ign. iod. ipee mane nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. ptel. sep. sil. tanae therid. -------of the slightest: acon. cinnb. -------of a hammer : mane -------of sawing wood: mane -------of steps: nit-ac. nx-v. sang. -------of water splashing: nit-ac. -------of the voice: nx-v. sil. zne -----spoken to, of being: ars. cham. gels, nat-m. nat-s. nx-v. rhus. -----uncovered, of being: acon. aeth. -----wind, of: caus. cham. lach. Irascibility. See Anger. Irresolute : alum. ang. ars. asaf. bar. bism. bry. calc. cann-i. canth. cham. chin. coca. cocc. cupr. daph. ferr. graph, grat. hell. hyos. ign. iod. k-ca. lach. led. lyc. mag-m. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. op. pallad. petr. phos. plat. plb. puis, rhus-r. ruta. sil. spig. sulph. tarax. tarent. thu. zne Irresolute. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Laughing. — about trifles: bar. — in acts: lyc. nat-c. nx-m. — in ideas: nat-m. sulph. — in projects: bar-ae rhus-r. — in making up his mind: bar-ae graph, nat-m. Irksome, everything is : ign. laur. lyc. Irrational: bell. op. plb. Irritability. See Fretful, Ill-humor, etc. Irritated easily, is : anac. bar. bell. bry. croc, hepar. ign. ipee nat m. nx-v. olnd. petr. ph-ac. sabad. squil. stram. tarax. verat. — See also Fretful. Isolation, feeling of. See Abandoned; Forsaken. Jealousy: apis, camph. gal-ae hyos. ign. lach. nx-v. op. ph-ac. puis. raph. — as foolish as it is irresistible: lach. Jokes, jesting, etc.: aloe. bell. bry. cann- i. caps. cie. cocc. glon. hyos. ign. ipee k-iod. lach. lyc. mere merl. nat-m. nx-v. plat, rhus-r. sars. secale. stram. sul-ac. tabac. tarent — after indifference : men. — — gravity : plat. — averse to: acon. am-c. ang. apis. ars. borax, bov. carb-an. cocc. eye mere nat-m. nx-v. puis, sabin. sil. spig. sulph.thu. — ridiculous or foolish: bell. cie. hyos. stram. tanee verat. Joy, ailments from excessive: acon. caus. coff. croc. op. puis. Joyous. See Cheerfulness. Kicks: bell, stram. strych. tarent. verat- v. — when carried : cham. — in sleep : bell. cina. — child is cross, kicks and scolds on waking: lyc. Killed, desires to be: ars. bell. — sudden impulse to kill for a slight offense: hepar. nx-v. — See also Murder. Kind words, friendly persuasion, etc., cause aggr.: bell. cact. calc. calc-p. chin. hell. ign. k-ca. lyc. nat-m. nit- ac. nx-v. plat. SEP. sil. staph. Kisses every one: croc, verat. — his companion's hands : agar. — before menses: verat. Kleptomania: absin. ars. bry. k-ca. lyc. nx-v. puis. sep. sulph. Kneeling and praying, etc.: stram. — unable to kneel down : tarent. Lamenting, bemoaning, wailing, etc.: acon. alum. am-c. arn. ars. asaf. bell. bism. brom. bry. calc. camph. canth. cham. chin, cie cina. cocc. coff. cupr. hell. hyos. ign. ipee lach. lyc. mere mosch. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plb. puis, ran-b. rheum. rhus. secale. sil. sulph. tarent. verat. — Compare with AVeeping. — during convulsions: ars. — while asleep: arn. cham. cin. phos. sulph. — over trifles : coff. Lasciviousness. See Lewdness. Laughing: acon. agar. aloe. alum, am-e anac. apis. arn. asaf. aur. bell. calc. cann-i. cann-s. carb-v. cie coff. con. coral, creos. croc. cupr. ferr. graph. hell. hyos. ign. k-bi. lach. lyc. merl. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. plb. puis, ran-se sabad. sep. stram. sulph. tabac. tarax. tarent. verat. verb, zne znc-s. — alternating with frenzy: stram. -------groaning : bell, stram. — — — sadness: canth. caus. nat-c. stram. zne. -------seriousness : nx-m. plat. -----— vexation, ill-humor: croc. stram. -------violence: croc, stram. -------weeping: acon. alum. aur. borax, cann-s. caps. coff. graph, lyc. phos. puis. sep. stram. sulph. verat. -------child cries and laughs easily ; while crying, it suddenly laughs heartily, and finally cries again: coff. —----whining, moaning : verat. — annoying: bell. — aversion to: ambr. — constant: cann-i. verat. — convulsive : bell. calc. cupr. ether. — delirious: stram. — easily: ars. coff. — feats, at his own : iris, stram. — forced: hyos. — immoderately : cann-i. ferr. — involuntarily: agar. bell, cann-i. phos. -----after eating : puis. — loudly : bell, cann-s. croc. hyos. op. — misfortune, at: apis. — mocking : tarent. — nervous: hura. — paroxysmal: stram. — at reprimands, etc.: graph. — silly : bell, crot-e ether, hyos. stram. 51 Laughing. MIND AND — spasmodic: acon. alum. am-c. anac. asaf. aur. bell. calc. cie con. croc. cupr. ether, ign. lyc. nat-m. nx-m. phos. plat, secale. sil. stram. valer. verat. zne Conditions of laughing. — air, in open: nx-m. — morning : graph, hura. plat. — night: cie creos. sil. — anxiety, during: lyc. — sad, when: phos. — followed by sadness: plat. — serious thoughts, when occupied by: anac. lye nat-m. sulph. — sleep, during: alum. caus. hyos. lyc. ph-ae — speaking, when : bell. Lewdness, lasciviousness, lustful, etc.: bov. calc. coc-e fl-ae graph, hyos. ign. lach. lye nat-m. op. sil. stram. tarent. — See also Shameless and under Mania, Sexual, etc. — lewd talk: plat. -----fancies: dig sang. Listless. See Apathy. Lively. See Merry. Loathing, general: acon. ang. ant-t. arg-n. arn. asar. bell, benz-ae bufo. calc. canth. cham. chel. hyos. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. mere phel. plat. puis. ratan. secale. seneg. stram. sumb. tarent. thea. -----Compare with Intolerance. -----morning on waking: phyt. -----evening: alum, hepar. raph. -----eruption, before : cop. -----pain during: aloe. -----smoking, when: sep. — against bananas: elaps. -----bread: elaps. tarent. -.----butter: chin. -----chocolate : tarent. -----coffee: phys. -----drinks: phys. secale. -----everything : nx-v. therid. thu. -----food: all-c. anac. cham. corn. dios. eujj-per. hell. k-ca. mag-c. merc- iod. nx-v. -----life: agn. alum. ambr. am- c. ant-cr. ant-t. ars. aur. aur-m. bell. bov. carb-an. caus. chin, creos. dros. hepar. hyos. k-bi. lach. led. lyc. mere mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit- ac. nx-v. op. phos. plat. plb. puis. rhus. ruta. secale. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. thu. DISPOSITION. Love. -------must restrain herself to pre- vent doing herself injury: nat-s. -------evening: aur. -----liquors: ang. -----meats: agar, crot-e elaps. tarent. -----speaking: anac. dios. —- — tea: thea. -----veal: phel. -----work : arn. Locality, errors of: bry. glon. hura. lach. nx-m. par. petr. sulph. valer. verat. -----loses way in well-known places: glon. nx-m. petr. Looked at, children cannot bear to be: ant-cr. ant-t. ars. cham. cina. Loneliness, a feeling of: calc. cann-i. k-ca. mag-m. nat-c. — See also Forsaken. Longing for things which are rejected when offered: ars. bell. bry. cham. cina. dulc. hepar. puis, rheum, staph. -----— but does not know what: china. — for good opinion of others: pallad. — for repose, tranquillity: nx-v. — for sunshine, light, and society: stram. — See also name of thing desired. Lie, never speaks the truth; does not know what she is saying: verat. — believes all she says is a: lac-can. Loquacity : abrot. acon. aeth. agar. agn. aloe. ambr. arg. ars. aur. bapt. bell. borax, bov. calc. cann-i. canth. caus. cimic. cocc. coc-e coff. croc. cupr. dulc. ether, eugen. gamb. gels. glon. grat. hyos. iod. k-iod. lach. lachn. lil- t. mag-c. marum. meph. nat-c. nat-m. nice nx-m. op. par. psor. rhus. selen. stann. staph, stram. tabac. tarax. tarent. thea. therid. thu. verat. viol- od. zne — alternating with laughing: bell. — changing quickly from one subject to another : agar, cimic. lach.. — evening: lach. viol-tr. — excited, when : selen. — measles, with : viol-od. — menses, during: stram. — sleep, during: ambr. ign. op. — See also Speech. Love, ailments from disappointed: calc- p. cimic. coff. hyos. ign. lach. ph-ae staph. — love-sick : ant-cr. tilia. — with jealousy, anger, and incoherent talk: hyos. Love. MIND AND : — with silent grief: ign. Low-spirits. See Sadness. Ludicrous, things seem : cann-s. nat-m. nx-m. stram. Magnetized, desires to be : calc. phos. Malice : aeon. agar. am-c. am-m. anac. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell, borax, cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. caus. chin, cie cocc. coloe con. croc. cupr. guai. hepar. hyos. ign. lach. led. lyc. mang. mere mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx- v. op. par. petr. phos. plat, secale. squil. stram. stront. verat. zne Mania, madness: acon.aeth.ailan. alcoh. ant-cr. ars. bell. cact. camph. cann-i. canth. chin-s. coca, coff colch. con. crotal. cupr. hell. hyos. indg. k-iod. led. lyc. mere merc-c. nx-m. cena. op. phos. plb. raph. rhod. sabad. secale. stram. tarent. tereb. verat. — Compare with Delirium, Insanity, etc. — amel. by washing head in cold water: sabad. — anxiousness, with: bell. — bites : bell. bufo. hyos. secale. stram. — disgust of life, with: bell. — capricious: raph. — crawls on floor, spits often, hides, laughs, or is angry, with spasms: lach. — declares she will go crazy : cimic. — furious: canth. hyos. op. stram. — gesticulates: hyos. nx-m. stram. — laughing and gayety, with : acon. bell. caus. croc. -----with groaning and laughing : stram. -----metrorrhagia, alternating with: crot-e — neuralgia, after sudden disappear- ance of: cimic. — prays: stram. verat. — quarrelsome : cupr. hyos. lyc. — runs away: bell. cupr. dig. nx-v. verat. -----about: bell. con. hell, stram. sulph. verat. --------naked: bell. hyos. — sexual: apis. — sings: bell, cann-i. cocc. cupr. hyos. stram. verat. — study, from over: lach. — talkative: agar. lach. par. stram. — tearful: acon. cann-s. Mania-a-potu: acon. agar, ant-cr. arn. ars. bell. cola, cann-i. carb-v. chin. cimic. coff. dig. hell. hyos. ign. lach. ^POSITION. Conditions of Melancholy. led. lyc. mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. op. puis, ran-b. rhod. rhus. ruta. selen. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. sul-ac. verat. zne Marriage, the idea of, seemed unen- durable: pic-ae Meditation : am-c. cann-s. canth. chin. cie clem. cocc. eye hell. hyos. ign. lach. mezer. nat-c. phel. phos. plb. ran-b. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. staph. sulph. thu. Melancholy, Gloomy, etc.: abrot. acon. aesc-h. all-c. alum. ambr. am-e am-m. anac. ant-cr. arg-n. ars. asar. aur. bell. berb. bolet. bov. cact. calc. calc-p. canth. caps, carb-an. caus. chel. chin, chin-s. clem. cocc. con. creos. croc, crotal. cupr. eye dig. dros. euph. euphr. ferr. gamb. graph. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. indg. iod. iris. k-bi. k-ca. lac-can. lach. lact. laur. lil-t. lyc. mere nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph- ac. plan. plat. plb. puis, ran-se rhus. ruta. sabad. sars. secale. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tilia. verat. viol- od. zne zing. — Compare with Despair, Despond- ency, Grief, Sadness, etc. — alternating with cheerfulness: asar. chin. ferr. zne -------ill-humor : zne — religious: graph, psor. sulph. -----See Fear of salvation, Religious, etc. Conditions of Melancholy. — morning: agar. aloe. am-c. anac. ant-cr. apis, arg-n, cann-i. lach. mag- na, mag-s. petr. phos. sars. sep. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. tarax. -----amel. in : carb-an. -----on rising: hepar. -----on waking: carb-an. cop. k-ca. nit- ac. petr. phos. — afternoon : alum, calc-s. cast. cocc. con. cop. ign. mang. mur-ac. plat. ruta. sulph. zne -----amel.: agar. — evening: agar. am-c. ant-cr. ant-t. bar. bov. calc-s. carb-an. creos. eye dig. graph, hipp. ign. k-ca. k-cle lyc. mag-c. murx. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. phos. plat, ran-se ruta. senee sep. stram. sulph. therid. -----amel. : aloe, cann-s. carb-v. coca. zne Conditions of Melancholy. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Mind. — night: lil-t. tarent. — air, in open : k-ca. mur-ac. sulph. -------amel.: plat. rhus. tarent. — annoyance, from least: k-bi. — coldness, with: am-c. — eating, after: anac. ars. chin, nat-c. nx-v. ol-an. puis, zne -----amel.: clem, tarent. — fever (intermittent) during the chill: ars. calc. con. hell. ign. lyc. nat- m. phos. plat, selen. sep. -----during the heat: ars. graph, lyc. nx-m. ph-ac. sep. -----during the sweat: ars. aur. calc. con. ign. lyc. nat-m. selen. — menses, before: am-c. calc. caus. con. eye ferr. lyc. nat-m. nit-ac. puis. stann. xanth. -----during: am-c. aur. berb. brom. cact. calc. cimic. cop. ferr. ign. mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. plat. plb. puis, senee sep. sil. thu. zne -------amel.: stann. -----after : alum. ferr. ustil. — music, from: acon. dig. lyc. nat-s. — noise, from : ant-cr. phos. — pains, from the: sars. — pollutions, from : calad. con. ham. nat-m. nat-p. ph-ac. sil. sulph. — room, in: plat. rhus. tarent. -----indoors, becomes lively: ph-ac. — society, in: agar. euph. -----amel.: bov. — solitude, in : ars. bov. stram. — twilight, in: phos. — walking, when: acon. therid. thu. -----in open air: con. ph-ac. sep. sulph. Memory, compare Thoughts and Mind. — active (i. e., increased capacity. etc.): acon. agar. alum. anac. ang. arn. ars. aur. bad. bell. bov. brom. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. caps. carb-v. chin, cimic. cob. coca, cocc-e cocc. coff. croc. cub. cupr. eye dig. ether, fluor-ac. glon. grat. hipp. hydr- ae hyos. lach. lac-ae laur. lyc. mane meph. nat-p. nx-m. nx-v. op. oxal- ae phos. phys. pip-m. plat. plb. puis. raph. rhus. seneg. sil. spig. sulph. tereb. thu. valer. verat. verb, viol- od. zne ziz. -----changing from keenness to dull- ness : rhus. -----until midnight: coff. -----with lassitude: aloe. -----preventing sleep. See under Sleep. 54 — increased memory: acon. anac. ang. ars. aur. bell. coff. croc, eye fluor- ac. hyos. lach. lac-ae op. phos. seneg. spig. valer. viol-od. -----for things done: cann-i. elaeis. sol-t-ae. -----for things experienced : fluor-ac. -----for music heard : lyc. -----for persons: hyos. -----for things read: bapt. cann-i. -----for what he does not care to re- member: hyos. -----for things seen : cann-i. seneg. — increased imagination, lively fancy, etc.: acon. agar. anac. bell, cann-i. chin. coca. coff. colch. eye dig. glon. lach. meph. op. phos. zne — increased inventive faculty, schem- ing tendency: ang. chin. coff. kach. Men, dread of: aur. bar. plat. puis. sulph. — See Company. Mesmerized, desires to be: calc. phos. — seemed as if: cena. Mildness : ambr. anac. ars. asar. aur. bell. bov. caps, carb-an. caus. cie clem. cocc. croc. cupr. euph. euphr. hell. ign. iod. k-ca. lyc. mang. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. op. ph-ac. plb. puis. rhus. sil. stann. stram. sulph. verat. viol-od. zne Mind, absence of: acon. aesc-h. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. apis. arg. arn. arum-t. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. calad. calc. cann-s. caps. caus. cham. chel. chin, cie cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. croc, crotal. eye dulc. elaps. graph. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. k-bi. k-ca. lac-can. lach. led. lyc. mag-c. mang. , mere mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sars. sep. sil. spong. stann. sulph. sul-ac. thu. verat. verb, viol- od. viol-tr. zne — Compare with Forgetful, Mistakes, etc. — periodical attacks of, short last- ing: fluor-ae — diminished power of, over body: gels. hell. -----Compare with Awkward. — dullness, of: agn. alum. am-c. anac. ant-e arg-n. asar. ars. bell. calc. cham. chin. con. eye graph, hell. hyos. lach. laur. lyc. mezer. nat-c. nat- m. nice nx-v. olnd. op. ph-ac. plb. puis. lind. MIND AND DI ran-J). rheum, rhus. sil. spong. staph. stram. sulph. thu. -----See also Weakness. — oppression of: evon. graph, iod. ran-b. — weakness of memory, etc.: acon. agn. ailan. alum. ambr. am-e am-m. anac. apis, arg-n. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell, borax, bov. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. clem. cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cupr. eye dig. euphr. graph, guai. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. ipee k-ca. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. mang. mere, merc-c. mezer. mosch. murx. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. pic-ae plat. plb. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul- ac. thu. valer. verat. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. zne. -----See also Mistakes. -----for business: agn. creos. fluor-ac. hyos. k-ca. phos. sabin. selen. sulph. tellur. -----for dates : acon. con. k-bro. -----done, for what has just: acon. agar, aster, absinth, bar. borax, bufo. calad. calc-p. chel. hyos. lac-can. lye -----for what was about to do : agn. bar. bell, calc-p. calc-s. chel. creos. cinnb. fluor-ac. gran, jug-e sulph. -----expressing one's self, for: bell. cann-B. lac-can. lach. lyc. nx-v. puis. thu. -----happened, for what has : graph. nat-m. rhus. sulph. -----heard, for what has: agar. calc. cann-i. carb-v. hell. hyos. lach. mezer. psor. sulph. -----labor, for mental: acon. aloe. asar. gels. laur. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. ph- ac. pic-ae selen. sep. sil. sol-m. spig. spong. staph, therid. thu. ----------from stupefaction in head: acon. aeth. asar. calc. chin, nat-c. nx- m. nx-v. op. plat. rhod. rhus. sep. ----------from fatigue: calc. colch. nat-c. nx-v. plat. puis. sep. sil. -----letters, for the names of the: lyc. -----names, for proper: anac. croc. fluor-ae glon. guai. k-bro. lith. lyc. mere olnd. puis. rhus. stram. sulph. -----persons, for: acet-ae agar. SPOSITION. Mirth. ailanth. alcoh. anac. bell. cedr.cham. chlor. croc. hyos. mere nx-v. op. stram. thu. verat. -----read, for what has: ambr. anac. arn. bell, can-i. coff. colch. chlor. guai. ham. hell. hipp. hyos. lac-can. lach. nat-m. olnd. phos. ph-ac. staph. viol-od. -----said, for what has: arn. bar. cann-i. carb-an. carb-v. colch. croc. hell, hepar. mere mezer. nx-m. rhod. stram. sulph. verat. -----for what is about to say : arg-n. arn. atrop. bar. cann-i. carb-an. colch. hell. hydr. lil-t. mere nx-m. podo. rhod. sulph. verat. -----sudden and periodical: carb-v. -----things, names of, for: lyc. rhus. -----thought, for what has just: acon. agar. alum. anac. bell, cann-i. cocc. colch. fluor-ac. hyos. nat-m. ran-se stram. verb. — — ■words, for: agar, arg-n. bar. ham. hydrph. k-bro. lyc. -----■write, for what is about to: cann-i. croc, dire nat-m. nx-m. rhus. — Conditions of Weakness of Mind. -----morning: anac. -----blood, from rush of: chin, mere rhus. sulph. -----d?mp air or dwelling: calc. carb- puis. rhus. sil. verat. -----chill, in a: bar. -----emotions, from: acon. op. ph- ac. staph. -----head, with stinging in : zne -----after injuring head: arn. cie hyper, mere rhus. -----loss of fluids, from: chin. nx-v. sulph. -----mental exertion, from: aur. calc. lach. nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. ph-ac. pic- ae puis. sil. sulph. Mirth, Hilarity, Liveliness, etc.: acon. aeth. alum. am-c. anac. ang. ant-t. arg. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. cann-s. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. chin, chin-s. cie cocc. coff. con. creos. croc. cupr. eye ferr. fluor-ac. gamb. graph, hyos. ign. iod. lach. lachn. laur. lyc. mag-c. marum. men. mere merc-c. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. op. oxal-ae par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plb. puis, sabad. sars. seneg. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. therid. thu. valer. verb, zne Mirth. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Murder. — Compare with Cheerful, Laughing, etc. — alternating with Ill-humor. See under Ill-humor. -----with lachrymose mood: plb. psor. spong. sep. -------palpitation: spig. — foolish: acon. bell. calc. carb-v. mere seneg. — Conditions of Mirth. — morning: con. graph, mag-m. sulph. -----on waking : chin. — afternoon : ang. cann-s. lye merc- i-fl. phos. — evening: am-c. chin, coc-e ferr. lach. pip-m. sulph. viol-tr. -----ill-humor during the day, merry in the evening: sulph. viol-tr. -----noon, low-spirited at, lively in evening or vice versa: zne — night: chin. naja. — emission, after an : pip-m. — weeping, after: plat. Misanthropy: am-m. anac. aur. bar. calc. cie hyos. led. lyc. nat-c. phos. plat. puis, stann. Mischievous: aloe. bar. cupr. lach. nx-v. Miserly: ars. bry. calc. cina. coloc. lyc. nat-c. puis, rheum, sep. Mistakes, makes in calculating: ailan. am-c. mere nx-v. sumb. — localities, in: bry. glon. hura. lach. nx-m. par. petr. sulph. valer. verat. — measure and weight and gives wrong answers: nx-v. — names: dios. stram. — reading: cham. hyos. lyc. mere sil. stann. — speaking: acet-ae agar. alum, am- e arg-n. bov. calc. cann-s. canth. caus. chin, chin-s. coca. con. crotal. cupr. eye dios. graph, haemat. ham. hepar. hyos. ign. k-bro. k-ca. lac-can. lach. lil-t. lyc. mang. mere murx. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. osm. ph-ac. rhus- r. secale. selen. sep. sil. stram. sulph. sul-ac. thu. -----worse after exertion : agar. -----utters wrong syllables: lyc. selen. -----gives wrong answers: phos. — spelling, in: fluor-ac. lach. lac-ae lac-can. lyc. nx-m. nx-v. stram. sulph. — time, in : anac. cie cocc. croc, fluor- ac. hura. lach. nx-v. petr. therid. -----See also Time. — words, misplacing: alum. am-c. arn. bov. calc. cann-s. caus. cham. chin. cocc. con. crotal. eye graph. hepar. hyos. k-ca. lac-can. lach. lye mere nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. osm. puis. rhod. sep. sil. stram. sulph. thu. -----omits: benz-ae cham. nx-v. rhod. -----reverses : chin. — in work : acet-ae bell, chin-s. nat-e nx-v. ruta. selen. — in writing : am-c. benz-ae bov. calc-p. cann-i. cann-s. carb-an. cham. chin, chin-s. chro-ae croc, crotal. dios. fluor-ac. graph, hepar. hydr. ign. k-bro. lac-can. lach. lac-ae lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. ptel. puis. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. thu. Moaning: acon. apis. ars. bell, cann-i. canth. caus. cham. cie. cina. cocc. coff. colch. creos. eup-per. gels, graph. hell. hyos. ign. ipee lach. mere mur-ac. naja. nx-v. op. oxal-ae phos. phyt. rheum, sars. squil. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tanae tarent. verat. zne — Compare with Groaning. — at night: ars. cupr. hepar. tarent. — sleep, during: aloe. ars. bry. calad. cham. lach. mur-ac. nx-v. op. podo. stann. sulph. — chill, during: eup-per. — constant moaning and gasping for air: phyt. — fever, during: acon. cham. eup-per. lach. puis. — hemicrania, with : cop. — ill-humor, with: cham. — pain, during: bad. eup-per. hura. Mocking: ars. chin, ipee lach. plat. par. — his relations : secale. Monomania: acon. carb-v. ign. nx-m. puis. sil. stram. thu. Moping. See Sadness. Moral feeling, want of: anac. bism. con. hyos. laur. op. sabad. Morose. See Melancholy, Sadness, etc. Murder, desire to: ars. camph. chin. hepar. hyos. lach. plat, stram. thea. -------her husband, when alone with. him: nx-v. — dread of being murdered : op. phos. stram. -------------when dreaming: am-m. guai. ign. k-iod. lact. lyc. mere zne — and homicide, continually before the mind: calc. op. phos. stram. 56 Murder. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Quarrelsome. — continual thoughts of, when dream- ing : am-m. calc. carb-an. guai. ign. k-iod. lact. led. lyc. mere nat-c. nat-m. ol-an. petr. rhus. sil. spong. staph, zne —- See also Killed. Music, averse to: sabin. ' ~^ — See also under Sensitiveness. Muttering: apis. arn. bell, calad. colch. dulc. ether, hyos. lach. lyc. nx-v. ph- ac. plb. sil. stram. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. vip. — See under Delirium. — to himself: hyos. tabac. — in sleep: ars. camph. indg. mere — unintelligible: ars. cann-s. hyos. stram. Naked, wants to be: bell. hyos. phos. phyt. --------in delirium : mere --------Compare Covering. Nervous. See Anxiety, Fretful, Rest- lessness, etc. Nobody, feels as if he were: ang. Noise, averse to. See under Sensitive. Obscene, in speech : lil-t. — See Lewdness. Obstacles, wants them to be removed, in sleep: cham. Obstinate: acon. alum. am-c. anac. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. canth. caps, carb- an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. creos. dig. dros. ferr. guai. hepar. ign. k-ca. k-iod. lach. lyc. mere nit- ac. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. secale. sil. spong. stram. sulph. thu. viol-od. zne — children, yet cry when kindly spoken to: sil. — on appearance of menses: cham. Occupied, or busy, general ameliora- tion when: agar. bar. chin. croc. ferr. helon. NAT-C. pip-m. SEP. stram. thu. Offended, easily: acon. alum. ars. aur. bov. calc. camph. cann-s. caps, carb- v. caus. cham. chin. cina. cinnb. cocc. eye dros. lyc. nx-v. phos. plat. puis. ran-b. sars. sep. spig. sulph. verat. — Compare with Sensitive. Oppression, mental: cann-i. psor. ran- b. ran-se tilia. — Compare with Melancholy, etc. Over-sensitive. See Sensitive and compare with Intolerance. Passionate: ars. aur. cann-i. canth. coff. hyos. k-iod. laur. lyc. olnd. petr. phos. nat-m. nat-s. nx-v. sep. stram. sulph. tarent. 5 i — at every trifle: nat-m. nat-s. phos. ph-ac. sumb. Patient: mag-m. phos. Peevish. See Fretful, Ill-humor, etc. Pertinacity : caps. dros. stram. Perverse: aur. cham. croc. hura. k-ca. nitr. thu. — See also Obstinate. Petulant. See Fretful. Phlegmatic. See Indifference. Picking. See under Gestures. Pities herself: agar. Plans, making many: anac. ang. chin. coff. olnd. — gigantic: op. — revengeful: agar. Playful: aloe, cimic. cocc. elaps. lach. men. naja. oxal-ae seneg. tarent. — alternating with melancholy : psor. — plays with the buttons of his clothes: mosch. — indisposition to play, in children bar. — desires to play in the grass : elaps. Pleasure: ang. cann-i. tilia. — during wakefulness: secale. — on waking from a dream of murder : thea. — in voluptuous ideas only : bell. — in nothing: hura. ipee mezer. staph. sulph. therid. -------See Discontented. — in his own talking: par. stram. Poor, thinks is: bell, hepar. nx-v. sep. valer. Positiveness : camph. caus. ferr. lach. mere — Compare with Obstinate. Possessed, a condition as if: anac. hyos. — Compare with Delusions. Praying: awr. bell. op. puis, stram. verat. Precision of mind increased : ferr-p. Precocity: mere Pre-occupied. See Mind, absence of. Pride : alum. arn. chin, cie cupr. ferr. hyos. ipee lach. lyc. par. plat, stram. sulph. verat. Prophesying: acon. agar. — predicts the time of death: acon. Prostration. See Weakness. Pulls, desires to pull one's hair: bell. tarent. — one's nose in the street: mere. — one's teeth: bell. Puns, disposed to make : cann-i. Quarrelsome : acon. agar. alum. ambr. Quarrelsome. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Resistance. am-c. anac. ant-t. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. brom. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. caus. cham. chin. croc. crotal. dig. dulc. elaps. ferr. hyos. ign. k-iod. lach. lyc. mere merl. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. petr. plat. psor. ran-b. ratan. ruta. seneg. sep. spong. staph, stram. stront. sulph. thea. thu. tilia. verat. verat-v. viol-tr. zne — alternating with gayety and laugh- ter : croc, spong. -------care and discontent: ran-b. -------singing: croc. [ac. — desires to quarrel: atrop. hyos. sul- — morning : petr. psor. ran-b. — afternoon: dulc. — evening: am-c. nat-m. nice psor. sil. — in sleep: ars. rheum. Quiet disposition: asar. caps. cic. clem. cocc. euph. lyc. mang. mur-ac. nx-v. plat. puis. sars. sil. stann. viol-tr. zne — cannot be quieted : cina. — only by being carried: cham. — wants to be : bry. cann-i. coca, cupr- s. dios. euph. gels. -------during chill: ars. -------desires repose and tranquillity : nx-v. Quick to act: coff. Rage, fury: acon. aeth. agar, ant-t. arg- n. ars. bar. bell, camph. cann-i. cann- s. canth. cham. cocc. colch. croc. cupr. dros. hyos. k-ca. lach. lye mere nat- m. nit-ac. op. phos. plb. puis. ruta. sabad. secale. seneg. stram. verat. — See Anger, etc. — alternating with convulsions: stram. — convulsive : bell, stram. — after insults: sang, stram. — bright objects aggr.: canth. — during menses: acon. — when trying to drink, or from touch- ing larynx: canth. — with staring looks : bell. — cold application to head amel.: sabad. — epilepsy, after: arg. __ pulls hair of bystanders : bell. __ does not know his relations : bell. — about trifles: cann-s. — violent: bell. hyos. Rashness : caps. men. puis. Reading, averse to : acon. brom. clem. coca. corn, eye hydr. k-bi. lil-t. phys. — desires to be read to: chin. clem. — makes mistakes in: cham. hyos. lyc. mere sil. stann. — aversion to, amel. in open air: oxal- ae Reason. See Mind, Thought, etc. — loss of, and see Insanity, Mania, etc. Recognize, does not, his relations: bell. hyos. mere verat. Recollect. See Mind, Memory, etc. Reflection. See Thoughts. Refuses or rejects things which were desired: ars. bell. bry. cham. chin. cina. dulc. hepar. puis, rheum, staph. Religious afflictions: alum, am-e ars. aur. bell, carb-v. caus. cham. cina. coff. con. croc, eye dig. ferr. graph. hyos. ign. lach. lil-t. lyc. mere nx- v. plat. puis. ruta. sabad. selen. sil. stram. sulph. verat. zne — feeling, want of: anac. coloc. — See also under Anxiety, Despair, Doubtful, etc. Remorse: alum. am-c. ars. aur. bell. carb-v. caus. cham. cina. cocc. coff. con. cupr. eye dig. ferr. graph, hyos. ign. lach. mere nx-v. puis. ruta. sabad. selen. sil. stram. sulph. verat. zne. — repents quickly : croc. olnd. Reproaches : acon. ars. caps. chin. cic. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. mezer. nat-m. nx-v. par. ph-ac. sep. verat. — himself: calc-p. hura. hyos. Repulsive mood: acon. alum. ambr. ant-cr. arn. ars. aur. bell, camph. caps. caus. con. croc, hepar. ign. ipee k-ca. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mag- na, mere, nit-ac. nx-v. petr. phos. plb. puis. samb. sars. sil. spong. sulph. thu. Resentment: berb. mang. nit-ac. Reserved: alum, arg-n. ars. aur. bell. bism. calc. caps, carb-an. caus. cham. chin. clem, coloc. eye dros. euph. euphr. grat. hell. hyos. ign. ipee lach. lyc. mag-c. mang. mur-ac. nat-m. nit- ac. nx-v. ol-an. op. petr. phos. plat. plb. puis, rheum, sabad. sabin. spong. stann. verat. Resistance : caps. nx-v. — to everything done for him : bell. — a feeling of to be overcome on mov- ing : secale. Resistance. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Conditions of Restlessness. — See Obstinate, etc. Resolve, difficult to : mezer. — impossible: k-bro. tabac. — slow of: graph. Resolute. See Boldness. Rest, cannot when things are not in proper place : anac. ars. Restlessness, restless, etc.: abies-e abies-n. abrot. acon, acon-e aeth. agar. agar-ph. ailan. alco. all-c. aloe. alum. almn. ambr. am-c. amme aml-n. anac. anthr. ant-cr. ant-s. ant-t. apis. apoe apom. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. ars- i. ars-h. asaf. asar. asc-t. aster, atro. aur. bad. bapt. bar. bell. bism. borax, bov. bry. cadm. cai. calad. calc. calc-p. calc-s. calen. calo. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. carb- an. carb-v. carbn-o. carbn-s. case castor, caul. caus. cedr. ceph. cer-b. cerv. cham. chel. chim. chin, chin-s. chlf. chlo. chr-ae cimic. cina. cinnb. cist, cit-v. clem. cob. coca. cocc. cocc- c. cod. coff. coff-t. coffn. colch. coloc. coll. com. con. cop. coral, corn, creos. croc, crot-e crotal. croton. cub. cupr. cupr-ae cupr-ar. cupr-s. cur. eye daph. dig. dios. dire dor. dros. dub. dulc. elaps. erig. eugen. euphr. eupi. ery-a. eth. ferr. ferr-i. ferr-m. fluor- ac. gal-ae gels. gent. gins, graph. guai. guara. haemat. ham. hell, helon. hipp. hydr-ae hydrph. hyo*. hyper. ign. indg. iod. ipee iris, jabor. jatr. k-bi. k-bro. k-ca. k-cle k-cy. k-iod. k-sul. kalm. lab. lac-can. lach. lachn. lac-ae lact. lam. laur. led. lepi. lil-t. lobel. lyc. mac. mag-c. mag-m. mag- s. mane mand. mang. meph. merc. merc-c. merc-d. merc-i-r. inerc-m.merc- s. merl. mezer. mill, morph. mosch. mur-ac. myrie naja. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nicot. nit-ac. nitr. nit-m-ae nit-ox. nuph. nx-m. nx-v. cena. olnd. op. osm. oxal-ae petr. phos. ph-ae phys. phyt. plan. plat. plb. prun. psor. ptel. puls. puls-n. ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-v. rumx. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sant. sarr. scor. scut, secale. sep. sil. sol-m. sol-n. sol-t. spig. stann. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ae sumb. tabac. tarax. tarent. tax. tell. thu. ton. trom. upa. vac. valer. verat. vine viol od. vip. wies. yue zing, znc-a. znc-m. znc-s. — alternating with sleepiness and stupor, during fever: ars. — anxious; with anxiety, etc.: acon. alum. ambr. anac. arg. ars. asaf. aspar. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. calc- p. camph. canth. caps, carb-an. carb- v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cimic. clem. coff. croc, crotal. dros. graph. hell, hepar. lact. lam. men. merc. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, tabac. valer. verat. wies. zne — — compelling rapid walking: arg-n. ars. lil-t. sul-ac. — fatigue, with : ars. — hysterical: asaf. aur. — internal: acon. agar. atro. ars. carb-an. carl. chel. eupi. gins, lobel, lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. meph. nat-m. op. par. plb. phos. ph-ac. ran- b. rheum, rhus. sep. sil. -----as if would beat about herself with hands and feet: lyc. -----morning when waking : sep. -----evening in bed: eupi. -----night on waking, with headache: par. [ars. -----head, with stupefied feeling in: -----toothache, with : mang. — mental (so stated): acon. agar. ang. ant-t. apis. arn. arum-i. calc. caps. cham. chel. dulc. hydrph. iod. k-ca. merc. plan. plat. ptel. puis, ratan. rhus. thu. verat. vip. zne -----Compare with Anxiety. ----- during uterine hemorrhage. — nervous: aeon. apis, cimic. cupr. nat-ar. phyt. plb. sep. sulph. tabac. -----during chill: acon. -— pacing back and forwards : plan. — periodical: ars. -----every third day: anac. — rage, ending in a : canth. — tremulous: arn.plat. — wandering, night, from pain : ferr. — -whining: cham. Conditions of Restlessness. — day, during: ambr. nat-c. nat-m. pip-m. plan. rhus. staph. — morning : ailan. fago. gamb. ir-fce. k-bro. lyc. nat-m. myrie phys. sulph. thu. upa. -----aggr. in : gels. iod. -----in bed: ph-ae -----on waking: dulc. hyper. — forenoon: calad. cimic. fago. hydrph. thu. — noon : bell, hydrph. 59 Conditions of Restlessness. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Conditions of Restlessness. — afternoon : anac. apis. aur. calc-s. carb-v. caul, cimic. coloc. dios. fago. jug-e merc-s. naja. nice staph, tabac. thu. upa. — evening: acon. agar. alum. am-c. ars. bov. calc. calc-s. carb-v. caul. caus. chin-s. clem. dios. equ. eth. fago. guare. hepar.' jabor. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. meph. merc. mur-ac. nat-c. nice nx-v. phos. ph-ac. phys. rumx. ruta. scut, sulph. thu. zing. -----aggr. in : carb-v. laur. merc. nx- v. phos. -----in bed: lyc. mag-m. nx-v. phos. sabin. sep. thu. -----at 8 p. M.: merc. -----4 to 6 p. m. : carb-v. — midnight.at: nat-m. -----on waking: plat. -----before: alum. cot. sars. senec. -----after: dios. lyc. merc-i-r. rhus-v. sil. sulph. zne — night: abies-e abies-n. abrot. acon. acon-e am-cau. am-m. anac. ang. anil, ant-n. anthr. ant-ox. ant-t. apis. apoe arg. arg-n. ars. ars-i. asaf. asc-t. aster, atro. aur. aur-s. bad. bapt. bell. bism. bov. bry. cact. cai. calc. calc- cau. calen. calo. camp, canth. carb- ae carb-an. carb-e carbn. carbn-s. carb-v. card-m. cast-v. castor, caul. caus. cedr. cham. chr-ae cimic. cina. cinnb. cist, cit-v. clem. coca, cocc-e coloc. com. coral, corn, creos. croton. cupr-s. eye. dig. dios. dire equ. erig. eupi. euphr. fago. ferr-i. fluor-ac. form. fran. gal-ae gels. gett. glon. gnap. graph, hall. hura. hydrs. hydrph. hyper, iber. ign. indg. indm. iris, jae jatr. jug-c. k-ar. k-bi. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. marum. meni. ment-pu. merc. merc-c. merc-cy. merc-m. merc-s. morph. mosch. mur- ae myrie nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nicot. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. nym. op. osm. ost. oxal-ae ped. petr. phos. ph- ae phys. phyt. pip-m. plan. podo. ptel. puls-n. ran-b. rhus. rhus-v. rumx. ruta. sang. sap. senec. sep. sil. sol-t-ae. spong. spira. stram. stry. sulph. sul-i. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. thea. thu. ustil. valer. verat. verat-v. verb. vesp. vip. yue zne -----Compare with Sleep, restless. -----1 A. M.: gett. nat-ar. phos. -----2 A. M.: ambr. com. ferr. graph. mag-m. myrie zing. _____3 A. m. : agar, cimic. cocc-e creos. nat-ar. nat-m. -------at 3 A. m., everything feels sore, must move about: nice -----4 A. M.: clem, creos. nit-ac. trom. wild. -----5 A. M.: tarent. -----aggr. at: ars. plb. rhus. — abdomen, from constriction in: mosch. -----distention in, at night: calc-s. caus. chel. lyc. mag-c. valer. -----gastralgia, at night: tarent. -----hypochondrium, from pain in: calc-fl. -----from pain in: cob. -----stomach, from pain in: canth. cob. — air, in open, amel.: laur. lyc. -----after walking in, amel.: graph. — alone, when: all-s. mezer. phos. — anxiety, from. See Anxious Rest- lessness. — back, during tired aching in: calc- fl. — bed, driving out of: ars. bry. carb- v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. con. graph. hepar. hyos. lyc. mag-c. nat-m. nx-v. puis. rhus. sep. sil. therid. -----heat of, from: op. -----wants to go from one bed to another: ars. bell. calc. cham. cina. hyos. mezer. rhus. sep. verat. -----tossing about in : acon. alum. apis. ars. asaf. bapt. bell. bry. calc. castor. cham. cic. cina. cist. clem. cocc. coral. creos. croton. ferr. ferr-m. guai. hell. ign. lach. led. lyc. merc. mur-ac. nat- e nat-m. op. par. phos. puis, ran-sc. rheum, rhus. senn. sep. squil. staph. sulph. valer. verat. — chest, from congestion in : sep. -----from heat rising up into mouth from chest: nx-v. — children, in: ant-t. borax, cham. jalap, rheum. -----relieved by being carried about: ant-t. ars. cham. cina. k-ca. — coffee, after: bart. — coition, after, at night: cop. — delirium, during: ars. — dinner, after: am-m. nat-c. ruta. thu. -----amel. after: thu. — dreams, from: ph-ae — drink, at the sight of: bell. — diarrhoea, during: hydrs. 60 Conditions of Restlessness. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Revengeful. — eating, when: borax, petr. -----after: am-m. bar. chin, cinnb. lach. nx-m. nx-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. rhod. sulph. — eye, on closing at night aggr.: sep. — fainting, followed by: calc. — fever, during the heat: acon. am-c. ant-t. arn. ars. atro. bapt. 6ar. bell. caps. cham. china, cina. con. cub. gels. hyper, ipee lachn. mag-c. mag-m. mosch. mur-ac. op. plant, puls. rheum, rhus. sabin. secale. spong. staph, sulph. thu. valer. -----after heat at night: ph-ac. puis. sep. -----chill, during the: anac. ARS. asaf. bell, borax, cann-s. caps, carb-v. creos. eup-pur. mezer. plant, plat. rhus. spig. --------at beginning of chill: lach. phos. ----sweat, during: bry. graph, lachn. samb. — fit, after a : cena. — headache, during: anac. arg-n. ars. bry. cadm. calad. canth. cham. chin. daph. gent. ign. k-iod. lach lyc. morp. naja. nx-m. ran-b. ruta. sil. vip-t. -----from pain in forehead, at night: eye — heart, during palpitation: aeth. aspar. — hips, from bruised pain in, at night: form. — knee, from digging in : spig. -----from itching in: mang. — lochia, with: coloc. rhus. — lying down, when : aur. cit-v. mag- na, nx-v. -----on back, aggr.; on side amel.: calc-p. — menses, before: acon. con. creos. k-ca. lyc. mang. nx-^v. sulph. -----during: acon. am-e ant-t. apis. ars. bell, borax, calc. cAam.-cocc. coff. croc. gels. hyos. ign. ipee k-ca. mag- na merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. plat. puis. rhus. secale. sep. sulph. thu. -----during suppressed menses: ars. cimic k-ca. nice nx-v. rhus. sep. zne -----during metrorrhagia: acon. apis. cham. hyos. stram. -----after: mag-c. — mental labor, during: borax, nat-c. — music, from : tarent. [cai. — micturition, during desire for: — nausea, during: borax, cina. phos. — pain, from : ars. cham. coff. coloc. dios. ferr. lyc. mag-c. mang. plb. puis. rhus. tabac. — paroxysms, during: plb. — parts affected, in : arn. chin. ferr. — pregnancy, during: acon. verat. — position, constantly changing: ars. bell, canth. cham. cupr. iod. puis. rhus. ----every position becomes annoying: bism. -----lying long in one position, aggr.: nat-s. puis. — reading, while : sumb. — respiration, with difficult: prun. — rest, when at: creos. plat. rhus. puis. — rising, on : atro. fago. ptel. -----from a seat: caus. — room, in: lyc. — sleep, before : thu. -----during. See under Sleep, rest- less. — sleeplessness, with : puis. -----See also under Sleep, prevented by restlessness. — sitting, while: alum. cact. caus. lyc. mag-c. nat-m. plan. sil. sulph. — smoking, when : calad. — stool, during: bell. — storm, during a: gels, nat-c. nat-m. phos. psor. — stretching backward, amel.: borax. — sweat, amel.: sulph. — talking, after : ambr. borax. — thoughts, from lascivious: graph. — touch, on : cena. — toothache, during: sep. -----from boring, tearing in: sulph. — tosses about greatly, raises up in delirium : cham. cina. hell, stram. — vomiting, colic and suppressed menses, with: nice — waking, on: chin. cina. dulc. hyper, sep. sil. stann. — walking, when: ambr. caus. paeon. ran-b. thu. -----amel.: dios. nat-m. nice -----in open air amel.: graph. — working, when : cit-v. graph, vos. Retiring disposition: aeth. indg. ipee olnd. — Compare Reserved. Revengeful: agar. am-c. calc. hydr. lach. mang. nat-m. nit-ac. op. — Compare with Resentment. 61 Reverence. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Conditions of Sadness. Reverence for those around: ham. Ridicule, mania to: acon. hyos. lach. nx-v. verat. Riding in carriage, averse to : psor. Risus sardonicus. See under Laughter. Rouses, with difficulty: bell. lyc. op. selen. sul-ac. Roving about naked: hyos. -----wrapped in fur, in summer: hyos. -----senseless, insane: bell, canth. coff. hyos. nx-v. sabad. stram. verat. Rudeness: ambr. eugen. hell. hyos. lyc. nx-m. nx-v. op. par. phos. stram. verat. Sadness, dejection, etc. : abrot. acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. agar. agn. ailan. ambr. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. apis, apoe arg-n. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. aur. aur-ra. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bov. brom. bry. cact. calc. calc- p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. CARB-AN. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cimic. cina. cinnb. clem. coca. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc, crotal. croton. cupr. eye. dig. dros. dulc. eugen. eup-pur. euph. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. gels, graph, grat. guai. haemat. ham. hell.helon. hepar. hura. hydr. hyos. hyper, ign. indg. iod. ipee k-bi. k-bro. k-ca. k-clc. k-iod. lac-can. lach. lachn. lact. lam. laur. lept. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. men. merc. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mosch. murx. mur-ac. naja. nat-c nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. phyt. pic-ae plat. plb. prun. psor. ptel. puls. ran-se raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-v. ruta. sabin. sars. secale. senec. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. thea. thu. tilia. tong. tril. ustil. valer. verat. viol-tr. zne ziz. — Compare with Anxiety, Melancholy, etc. — alternating with cheerfulness: acon. agar. asar. canth. carb-an. chin. clem. croc. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. hell. ign. iod. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-m. plat. psor. senec. sep. spig. tarent. zne ziz. — anxious: cop. — causeless : phos. tarent. — criminal, as if he were: eye sabad. __"future, about the: anac. arn. bar. * caus. chel. cic. con. dig. dros. dulc. k-ca. lach. mang. nat-c. nat-m. phos. ph-ac. rhus. spig. stann. sulph. thu. -----See also under Anxiety. — health, about: sep. -----great tiredness and laziness, with a feeling of deep-seated inward trouble, which makes him sad: sabin. — insult, as if from : cocc. — misfortune, as if from: chin-s. phel. phos. — periodical: aur. cop. — quiet: ign. nx-v. — suicidal: op. psor. Conditions of Sadness. — morning : alum. am-c. cann-i. carb- an. caus. dulc. graph, hyper, lach. nit-ac. ol-an. petr. phel. phos. plat. puis. rhus. sul-ac. zne -----on waking: ars. carb-an. ign. lach. phos. ph-ac. tarent. ----after waking: anac. ant-cr. cop. hipp. nx-m. phel. ptel. thu. — noon, at, lively; in evening sad, or vice versa : zne. — afternoon : aeth. ant-t. calc-s. carb- an. cast, graph, grat. hydr-ae mang. myrie phos. thu. — evening: am-c. ant-cr. ars. bar. bov. calc. carb-an. cast, creos. dig. ferr. graph, hepar. ign. k-bi. k-ca. lact. lyc. mag-c. murx. naja. nat-p. nit-ac. phos. plat. puis, ran-se ruta. senec. seneg. sep. stram. sulph. verat. zne — night: dulc. -----and day : caus. -----in bed: ars. graph, stram. sulph. -----in twilight: phos. — — amel. at: am-e tarent. — air, in open: aeth. k-ca. sabin. — alone, when : aeth. aur. bov. — anger, after: plat. — annoyance, after: k-bi. — business, when thinking of, morn- ing: puis. — chill, during. See Fever, chilly stage of. — colic, with : plb. — complaining, amel.: tabac. — consolation aggr.: nat-m. — diarrhoea, during: merc. — disappiontment, after: dig. — domestic affairs, after: viol-tr. — eating, after : anac. ars. asaf. canth. hyos. nx-v. puis, zne -----amel. evening: tarent. — emissions, from: ham. nat-p. Conditions of Sadness. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Sensitive. — exertion, amel.: ferr. — fever, from: hipp. tarent. -----(intermittent) during the chill: ACON. apis. calc. cann-s. cham. chin. cocc. con. eye. graph, ign. lach. lyc. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. plat. puis. rhus. sep. spig. staph. -----during the heat: acon. apis. ars. bell. bry. chin. cocc. con. dig. graph. ign. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. -----during the sweat: acon. apis. bell. bry. calc. chin. con. graph. ign. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. — headache, during: crotal. naja. — house, in : plat. rhus. tarent. — menses, before: caus. lyc. mane nat-m. stann. -----during: am-e cop. ferr. mag-m. mur-ac. nat-m. nit-ac. sep. --------first menses: hell. -----after: ferr. -----amel: eye. mac. — music, from: acon. dig. lyc. nat-s. tarent. — nausea, with : sang. — pain, from: sars. — palpitation, with : nat-m. nx-m. — pregnancy, in: lach. — pressure about chest, from: graph. — respiration, with impeded: ant-cr. lach. laur. sep. tabac. — sexual excitement, after : tarent. — stories, from sad: cic. — sunshine, in : stram. -----amel.: plat. — supper, after, aggr.: nx-v. -----amel.: am-c. — trifles, about: agar, bar-ae graph. — vertigo, during: hydr. phos. — waking, on: lach. plat. raph. tarent. -----See also under Morning. — walking, when: con. tabac. -----amel.: cop. -----in open air: ant-cr. coff. con. ph- ac. sep. sulph. tabac. -----------only when, the longer he walks the worse he gets : ph-ac. ----------aggr.: sep. -----------amel.: rhus. — weather, in cloudy : am-e — •weeping, amel.: dig. phos. Scolding. See Abusive. Scorn. See Contempt. Scratches with hands: stram. Scream. See Crying out, Shrieking, also Weeping. Scrupulous: ang. apis. aur. bar. bry. cham. chin, eye hyos. ign. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nx-v. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. thu. verat. Searching on floor: plb. — at night, for thieves : ars. -------------after having dreamt of them: nat-m. Secrets, divulges: agar, alcoh. Self-confidence, want of: anac. ang. aur. 6ar. bry. canth. chin. ign. iod. k-ca. lyc. mur-ac. olnd. puis. rhus. sil. stram. tabac. therid. — self-accusation : eye — self-contradiction: anac. — self-control, want of: lach. -----possession : mosch. nat-c. -----willed. See Obstinate. Senses, acute : ars. bar. bell, cann-i. caps. clem. coff. hydr-ae nx-v. op. thea. — confused: arg-n. bell, lil-t. mang. — dullness, of: acon. agar. agn. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-t. arn. ars. asar. aur. bell. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps. caus. chel. cic. con. eye dig. dulc. hell. hyos. k-ca. ign. iod. lach. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. men. merc. mezer. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plb. ran-se rhod. rhus. sabad. secale. selen. sil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. tabac. therid. verat. zne — vanishing of: anac. ant-t. asar. ars. bell, borax, bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. cham. chel. cic. coff. creos. cupr. glon. graph, hepar. hyos. k-ca. lach. laur. merc. mezer. mosch. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. puis, ran-b. rhod. stann. staph, stram. -----Compare with Vertigo. Sensitive, over-sensitive, etc.: acon. alum. am-c. anac. ang. ant-cr. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. crotal. cu pr. daph .d ig. dros. ferr. gels, hepar. hyos. ign. iod. k-ca. lach. laur. lyc. mag-m. marum. meph. merc. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. psor. puis, ran-b. sabad. samb. sars. seneg. sep. spig. stann. staph, sulph. tabac. valer. verat. viol-od. zne 63 Sensitive. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Silent. — Compare with Intolerance, etc. — to agreeable impressions: arn. -----ailments, the most trifling: nx-v. -----anxious: ars. -----bright light: acon. ars. colch. nx-v. -----conversation: ars. aur. con. nx-v. zne -----crying of children: phos. -----disagreeable : arn. sulph. -----external impressions, to all: arn. clem. cocc. iod. nx-v. -----jests: ang. spig. viol-tr. -----light: nx-v. -----looked at or touched: ant-cr. ant-t. ars. cham. cina. -----mental impressions: phos. zne -----moral impressions. all-s. dig. ign. psor. -----music : acon. caus. cham. merc. nat-s. nx-v. sabin. viol-od. -----noise : alum. aur. bar. calc. caus. k-ca. mang. nx-v. sep. sil. zne -----odors: colch. nx-v. phos. sulph. — — pain: acon. agar. arn. ars. aur. bar. bell, canth. cAam. chin.cina.cocc. coff. colch. con. cupr. lyc. mag-c. nat- e nx-v. petr. phos. sep. spig. -----reading : crotal. lach. merc. -----rudeness : colch. -----scratching on linen: asar. -----sensual impressions : am-c. ars. aur. bar. calc. chin. dig. graph, hepar. iod. lyc. mag-c. nat-c. nit-ac. phos. sep. sil. zne -----steel points directed toward her: apis. -----step and jar on floor, to every : bell, nit-ac. nx-v. -----talk to. See Talk. -----touch: acon. agar, ant-cr. ant-t. bell. bry. camph. cina. cocc. colch. mezer. nx-v. -----want of sensitiveness: bell. chin. con. cupr. eye daph. euphr. phos. ph-ac. ran-b. rheum, rhod. sabad. sabin. staph, stram. -----■wind, to the: cham. sulph. Sentimental: acon. ant-cr. calc. cast. coff. ign. lach. psor. Serene. See Tranquillity. Serious: alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-cr. arg. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. calc. cann-s. caus. cham. chin. cina. cocc. coff. con. eye euph. grat. ign. iod. led. lyc. merc. naja. nat-c. nx-m. olnd. op. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis. rhus. seneg. spig. staph, sulph. sul- ac. thu. verat. — See also Earnestness, Sad, etc. — evening: senec. — when seeing ludicrous things : anac. Sexual, aversion to coition: agn.graph. k-ca. phos. ----------after menses: berb. caus. k-ca. nat-m. phos. sep. sul-ac. -----to men : dios. nat-c. nat-m. puis. raph. stann. sulph. -----to women : am-c. bapt. dios. nat- m. puis. raph. -----religious dread of the opposite sex: lyc. puis, sulph. Shame, after an emission: pip-m. staph. — want of (shameless): hell. hyos. mosch. nx-v. op. phos. phyt. stram. verat. -------during lying-in: verat. -------exposes the person: hyos. phos. phyt. Shrieking (crying out, etc.): acon. apis. arn. ars. arum-t. aur. bell, borax, bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cic. cina. cocc. coff. croc. cupr. hyos. ign. ipee k-bi. k-ca. laur. lyc. mag-c. merc. nit-ac. nx-v. plat. puis, ran-sc. rheum, seneg. sep. sil. stram. sulph. tanae verat. — Compare with Crying, AVeeping, etc. — for aid: plat. — on going into spasms: verat-v. — during sleep: cina. ign. — during cramps in abdomen: cupr. — in children: apis. bell, borax, cham. cina. coff. hell, ipee jalap, rheum. senn. stram. Shy. See Bashful. Sick, desires to show that he is: tarent. — See under Anxiety ; also Sick, Well, etc., under Delusions. Sighing: ailan. alum. am-c. arg-n. bry. cham. cimic. colch. dig. hell. hura. ign. lach. nat-c. op. plb. puis. rhus. sulph. tabac. — See also under Respiration. — during fever: ign. puis. — involuntary: calc-p. — menses, before: ign. lyc. -----during: ars. cimic. cocc. graph. ign. plat. -----after: stram. Silent: acon. agar. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-cr. arg. arn. ars. bar. bell. berb. bism. borax, bov. brom. bry. cact. calc. calc-p. cann-i. canth. Silent. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Speech. caps, carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. cupr. eye dig. euph. euphr. graph, grat. guai. hell, hepar. hipp. hydr. hyos. ign. ipee k-bi. k-ca. lach. led. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane mang. men. merc. mezer. murx. mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. ox-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis, rheum. sabad. sabin. sars. sep. sil. spong. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul- ac. tabac. tarax. tarent. thea. thu. tong. verat. viol-od. viol- tr. zne. — Compare with Answer, does not. — in open air: plat. — afternoon: hell. — after depression: ziz. — after eating: arg-n. ferr-mag. — during headache: con. — during menses: cast, mur-ac. — except in delirium or to find fault: verat. Silly. See Foolish. Singing : bell, cann-i. cann-s. caps. cic. cocc. croc. cupr. hipp. hydr. hyos. lye mag-c. mane marum. merl. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. op. phos. plat. sep. spong. stram. tabac. tarent. therid. verat. — alternating with anger: croc. --------distraction : spong. --------groaning: bell. --------hatred of work: spong. --------vexation: agar. croc. --------weeping: acon. bell, stram. — amorous songs: hyos. — involuntarily : croc. hydrph. marum. — joyously, at night: verat. — obscene songs: alco. hyos. stram. — in sleep : bell. croc, ph-ac. Sits quite stiff: cham. hyos. puis. sep. stram. — still : cham. puis. — as if wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, and notices nothing: cocc. — in one place for three or four days, during headache: con. — with head on hands and elbows on knees: glon. Size, incorrect judge of: stram. — of frame seems lessened: phys. — See under Delusions, Distance, etc. Slander, disposition to: am-e anac. ars. bell, borax, hyos. ipee lyc. nit- ac. nx-v. petr. sep. stram. verat. Slowness: asar.puis. — of purpose: graph. Sluggishness. See under Mind and Thoughts. Smaller, things appear: plat, stram. — Compare Distance, Size, etc., and see under Delusions. — seems to be getting: calc. Smiling, foolish : bell. merc. — involuntarily : aur. bell, lye ----- when speaking: aur. — never: alum. — sardonic: bell. — in sleep: cadm. Sneers at every one : alum. Sobbing: alcoh. ars. caus. cocc. hell. led. lobel. lyc. nx-v. phos. sep. stram. tarent. — Compare Sighing and Weeping. — convulsive: strych. — horizontal position, on assuming: euphr. — lonesome condition, over his: lith. — menses, after: stram. — paroxysmal: phos. — in sleep : alum, ipee nat-m. op. — after vexation : zne. — violent: hydr-ae — on waking: carb-an. cina. — from worry: lye Solemn. See Serious. Solicitude. See Anxiety. Solitude, See Company, averse to. Somnambulism: acon. agar. alum. bry. cic. hyos. kalm. mosch. nat-m. op. petr. phos. rheum, rumx. sil. stann. sulph. verat. zne Sorrowful. See Sadness. Speech, abusive: bell, stram. — anxious, in sleep: alum, graph. nx-v. sulph. — babbling: plb. — business, of: bry. hyos. sulph. -----in sleep: com. rhus. sulph. — calculations, makes aloud in dreams: selen. — changeable from one subject to another, quickly: agar, cimic. ether. lach. par. — childish: acon. arg-n. — confused; alcoh. bell. calc. caus. crotal. hyos. lyc. mosch. stram. -----in sleep ; cole. — delirious: bell. bry. camph. canth. coff. cup-ae dig. hyos. lyc. op. phos. plb. rheum, sil. sulph. tabac. tilia. vip. 65 Speech. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Starting. — Compare with Delirium. — at night: cact. dig. rheum, sil. — during chill: cham. -------on being aroused ; hepar. — during heat: coff. tilia. — menses, before : lyc. — in sleep : bell, rheum. ----on falling asleep : cact. phos. — on waking: bry. disconnected: bell. coca. cupr. hydr-ae hyos. merc. phos. plb. sal- ae stram. — on waking: cact. ign. op. dreams, about: zne drunken, as if: hyos. lyc. meph. embarrassed : atrop. merc. pallad. everything, about: hyos. op. excited : morph. nat-c. extravagant: ether, plb. stram. faults of others: ars. verat. fine : hyos. foolish: bell. phos. par. stram. tabac. foreign tongue, in a : stram. future, about: hyos. hasty: acon. alcoh. ambr. ars. bell. bry. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cimic. cina. cocc. hepar. hyos. lach. merc. mosch. nx-v. ph-ac. plb. stram. thu. verat. health, about his: nx-v. hesitating: absin. k-bro. merc. morph. vip. himself, to : ant-t. hyos. k-bi. mosch. nx-m. plb. rhus. vip. incoherent: absin agar, alcoh. arg- n. ars. bell, calad. camph. cann-i. cub. cupr. dulc. ether, hepar. hyos. k-bro. lach. morph. op. plb. rhus. stram. tanae vip. — night: plb. — during sleep: k-bi. phos. — after dozing: op. intend, says what she does not: nat-m. interchanges words: am-cau. k- bro. little: agar. ars. mang. nat-s. ph-ac. staph. — Compare Silent. loud: nx-m. merry: agar, ether. — in sleep : mur-ac. mistakes, makes. See Mistakes, makes. monosyllabic: ars. merc. nx-v. ph-ac. sul-ac. thu. — nonsense: acon. aur. bell, cann-i. canth. chlorof. ether, hyos. k-bi. merc. stram. sulph. -----night, in sleep : cact. _ —0n springing up while asleep: k-ca. — — in reverie : aur. — obscene : aur. bell, stram. — prattling: aloe. bry. calad. hyos. nx-v. stram. tarax. -----in sleep : nx-v. — random, at: at night: plb. — rapid. See Hasty. — religious: stram. verat. — science, of: cann-i. — strange : cham. ether, gall-ae — subject, cannot free himself from the one: petr. — thought, expresses in sleep what she thought when awake: am-c. — threatening : tarent. — truth, never tells the: verat. — unintelligible: acon. ars. bell. calen. euph. hyos. lyc. merc. naja. nx- v. secale. sil. stram. tabac. -----in sleep: arn. atrop. cast. cham. mur-ac. — vexations, about old: cham. — vivacious, animated : cann-i. hyos. — violent: bell. — wandering: acon.aeth.arn. ars.aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. canth. cham. chin. cic. cina. coloc. cupr. dulc. hyos. ign. k-ca. lach. lyc. merc. nx-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. plb. puis, rheum, rhus. sabin. secale. spong. stram. sulph. verat. -----at night: aur. bell. bry. coloc. dig. op. rheum, sep. sulph. — ■war, of: bell. hyos. — wild : atrop. camph. hyper, lyc. plb. — witty : caps. thea. Spelling, difficult: lach. — mistakes in. See Mistakes. Spinning, imitates: hyos. — around on one foot: cann-s. Spoken to, averse to being: ars. cham. gels, nat-m. nat-s. nx-v. rhus. staph. -----cannot bear the talk of others: agar. am-c. ars. con. mag-m. marum. zne. -----wants to be let alone : hell, helon. -----See also Talk. Starting: acon. alum. ang. ant-cr. arn. ars. bell, borax, calc. cann-s. carb-an. caus. cham. cic. cocc. con. graph. hyos. ign. k-ca. lac-can. lach. led. lil-t. lyc. merc. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. 66 Starting. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Striking. nx-v. op. petr. phos. plat. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sil. spong. stram. sulph. sul-ac. therid. verat. — Compare with Limbs, Muscles, etc., under Extremities. — anxious: aloe. apis. lyc. sulph. -----from downward motion : borax. — convulsive: ars. calc-p. hyos. strych. — easily: ant-t. borax, calc. camph. k- ca. merc. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-y. op. phos. phys. sep. sil. tabac. therid. verat. zne — electric, as if: cann-s. euph. -----wakening her: arg. — falling, as if: bell. bism. mezer. — feet, as if coming from the: lyc. — fright, from : acon. am-c. anac. apis. arn. bell. bry. calc-p. carb-v. caus. coff. creos. dig. hyos. hyper, lyc. mag-s. merc. merc-c. mosch. nat-ars. nat-c. op. plb. sabad. sars. sil. staph. stram. stront. sulph. verat. — paroxysmal: ars. rhus. — suffocated, as if: aur-m. — tremulous : cham. — twitching : con. — unconscious, in sleep: zne Conditions of Starting. — morning, from sleep : chin-s. clem. sabad.spong. — evening, during heat: puis. -----on falling asleep : ambr. am-m. arn. ars. bar. bell. dulc. k-bi. merc-c. nat-c. sars. stront. sulph. -----jerking or twitching, ceasing on falling asleep : agar. hell. -----in sleep, a: calc. k-iod. — night: carb-v. euph. indg. lyc. mag- e merc-c. morph. sil. staph, stram. sulph. — awake, while lying: anac. bry. euph. -----awakening, see under Sleep. — bed, in: cic. hura. tabac. — dreams in or during: ant-cr. petr. puis, sulph. -----from : coral, nat-c. — lying, when: lye -----on back : calc-p. mag-c. — menses, during: zne — noise, at any: ant-cr. apis, bar-ae carb-v. k-iod. nat-c. nat-p. op. rhus. sabad. sil. -----when a door is opened: hura. merc. mosch. phos. -------------slams: oxal-ae -----fall, on hearing anything: alum. — pain, during : sumb. -----in stomach : nice -----a tearing in the wrist: merl. — palpitation, from: dig. — prick, of a needle, at the: calc. — sleep, before : alum. -----on falling: ambr. am-m. arn. ars. bar. bell, carb-an. carb-v. chin. coff. dulc. k-bi. lyc. mag-c. merc. merc-c. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. op. paeon, phos. plb. sars. sep. stront. strych. sulph. tabac. -----during sleep: agn. alum. apis. arn. ars. atrop. bell. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-p. camph. canth. cast. caus. cham. creos. eye iod. ipee. iris, graph, hura. hyos. hyper, k-ca. k-iod. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc. merc-c. mezer. morph. nat-m. nx-v. op. oxal-ae petr. phos. puis. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. sulph. thu. -----from sleep, awakening: acon. alcoh. ant-t. apis. ars. aur m. bell. benz-ae caps. chel. chin, chin-s. cinnb. clem. cocc. coff. conv-d. eye dig. dros. ferr-iod. gins, k-iod. led. lup. lyc. mag-c. merc-c. murx. mur-ac. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. plb. ruta. sabad. samb. sil. spong. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. thea. zne --------as if suffocated : samb. — tossing of arms, from: merc. — touched, when : k-ca. — trifles, at: arn. calc. cham. cocc. hura, nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. sabad. sil. spong. sul -ac. znc-m. — uneasiness, from: mur-ac. — on waking: pallad. Stories, exciting, aggr.: calc. marum. Stranger, sensation as if one were a: valer. — presence of, aggr.: ambr. bar. lyc. petr. sep. stram. — See also under Delusions. Striking: bell, canth. elaps. hydr. hyos. lil-t. lyc. mosch. nat-c. phos. stram. stront. verat. — in children : cina. — about him : bell. hyos. lye phos. stram. — desires to strike: bell, elaps. hydr. lil-t. nat-c. — his face : bell. — his head : ars. tarent. — himself: tarent. 67 Stubborn. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Talk. Stubborn. See Obstinate. Study, aversion to: aesc-h. carb-an. coca, coloe gels. ham. hipp. hydr. kalm. k-bi. phos. pic-ae plan, sol-n. — desire to: cob. gels, nat-p. — is difficult: nat-p. sep. — impossible: cop. dig. ferr. glon. gymn. hyos. ham. kalm. lyc. morph. nx-v. pic-ae ptel. sumb. Stupefaction, See under Head. — also compare Stupidity. Stupidity, dull, sluggish mind, etc.: acon. aesc-h. alum. ambr. anac. apis. arg. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. bufo. calc. calc-p. cann-i. canth. caps. carb-an. caus. chel. chin, chro-ae cic. cocc. coc-e corn, creos. croc, crotal. cupr. dig. dios. dros. dulc. ether. gels. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. indg. k- ca. k-sul. lach. laur. led. lil-t. mag-m. marum. mere mezer. mosch. mur-ac. naja. nat-ars. nat-c. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. par. phos. ph-ac. phys. pip-m. puis, rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-v. ruta. sal-ae sang. sars. secale. sil. spong. still, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tarax. tarent. tilia. valer. verb, zne — Compare with Confusion, Thoughts, etc.; also with Stupefaction, etc., under Head. . Conditions of Stupidity. — morning: agar. bar. carb-an. k-ca. nat-ars. ph-ac. phys. — afternoon : atrop. dios. ham. pip- m. plan. — evening : lyc. pip-m. sep. — night, on waking: phos. plat, verat. — beer, after: coloc. — dinner, aggr. after: carb-an. — fever, after: sep. — headache, from: dios. dulc. glon. plat. — menses, during: lyc. — rising from bed, on : oxal-ae — sleep, after sound: mezer. — smoking, from: acon. — vertigo during: hell. — waking, on: anac. bar. clem. op. phos. plat, verat. — walking, on: phys. -----from pressure in forehead: ph-ac. -----in open air, amel.: plan. — warm room, on entering : acon. — ■wine, from: acon. Stupor. See Unconsciousness. Stuttering. See under Speech. Succeeds, never : am-c. nat-s. — believes everything will fail: arg-n. Suggestions, will not receive: helon. Suicide, disposition to commit: alum. ambr. am-c. ant-cr. ant-t. arg-n. ars. aur. aur-m. bell. caps, carb-v. caus. chin, cimic. clem, creos. crotal. dros. grat. hepar. hipp. hyos. lach. merc. mezer. nat-s. nit-ac. nx-v. plb. puis. rhus. secale. sep. sil. spig. stram. -----with dread of an open window or a knife: chin. -----seeing blood on a knife, she has horrid thoughts of killing her- self, though she abhors the idea: alum. -----by drowning: ant-cr. bell. dros. hell. hyos. puis. rhus. secale. sil. verat. -----by hanging : ars. bell. -----by poison : lil-t. -----by shooting: ant-cr. aur. carb- v. hepar. nat-s. nx-v. puis. -----by throwing himself from a height: aur. bell, crotal. nx-v. stram. — conditions of Suicide. — at night: ant-cr. chin, nx-v, -----in twilight: rhus. — evening: chin. dros. -----during sadness : hepar. — fear of death, during: tabac. — fever, intermittent, during: ars. bell. chin. lach. spong. stram. valer. -----during the sweat: alum. ars. aur. CALC. hepar. merc. sil. spong. — menses, during: sil. — palpitation, during: aur. nx-v. — walking in open air, when : bell. Superstitious ideas: con. Suspicious: acon. ambr. anac. ant-cr. aur. 6ar. bell. calc. cann-i. canth. caus. cham. cic. cimic. con. crotal. cupr. dig. dros. hell. hyos. k-bi. lach. lyc. merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. plb. puis. rhus. ruta. selen. stann. staph, sul-ac. verat-v. viol-tr. — of the future: anac. caus. Swearing. See Cursing. Sympathy, excessive: caus. iod. lye nat-c. nat-m. Taciturn. See Silent. Talk to some one, desires to: lil-t. — is slow to learn to: nat-m. nx-m. — of others aggr.: am-c. ars. chin. colch. con. mag-m. mang. nat-c. nx-v. rhus. sep. sil. verat. zne. — of unpleasant things aggr.: calc. cic. ign. marum. 68 Talkative. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Thoughts. Talkative. See Loquacious. Talking. See Speech. — averse to. See Silent. — Compare with Speaking. Tears things: bell, camph. hyos. op. stram. sulph. verat. — pillow with teeth : phos. — his own person : ars. Tender mood: croc. ign. mane nx-v. phos. Thinking of complaints, aggr.: alum. bar. calc. dros. hell, helon. lach. nit-ac. olnd. oxal-ae. plb. ran-b. sabad. spig. spong. staph. -------ameliorates: camph. cic. hell. mag-c. prun. Thoughts, alienation of. See Insanity. — clearness of; ability to think, etc.: acon. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ars. asar. aur. bell. bov. calc-p. cann-s. carb-v. cham. chin-s. cimic. coca. coc-e coff. creos. ether, ham. hell. ign. k-bro. k-ca. lach. lact-ae laur. merc. mezer. nat-m. nit-ac. olnd. op. phos. pip-m. rhus. sep. spig. spong. thea. thu. verat. viol-od. — concentration of, difficult: brom. ham. hell, lil-t. lyc. merl. ox-ae phys. sars. tabac. --------impossible : acon. ailan. alum. apis. bapt. cact. cinnb. corn. croc. dros. gels. hell, hydr-ae iris. laur. lil-t. lyc. merc. nat-c. nat-m. ox-ae ph-ac. phys. ran-se sang, selen. senec. sep. sil. spig. thu. — confusion of: absin. acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar, ailan. alcoh. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. apis, apoe arg- n. arn. ars. asaf. atrop. aur. bapt. bell. benz-ae berb. bism. borax, bov. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. carb-an. caus. canth. carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. chro-ae cic. cina. cinnb. clem. coff. coloc. con. cop. corn, creos. croc. cupr. cup-ars. eye dig. dulc. ethn. fluor-ae gels. gins. glon. gran. grat. hyos. hydr-ae hyper, ign. iod. jabor. k-bro. k-ca. lach. lact-ae lact. laur. lil-t. led. lyc. merc. mezer. morph. mosch. murx. naja. nat-ars. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. phos. ph-ac. plan. plb. ptel. puis, ran-b. raph. rhus. ruta. sabin. sal-ae samb. sang, secale. seneg. sil. spig. stann. staph, stram. strych. sulph. syphil. tabac. tanae trom. valer verat verb. viol-od. vip. zne -----Compare with Mistakes; also with Confusion under Head. -----of present with past: cic. -----of present with future: anac. — Conditions of Confusion of Thoughts. -----morning: agar. chel. mag-s. phys. sep. strych. sulph. sumb. -------on rising, amel.: mag-s. -------on waking: agar, mag-s. -----afternoon : cann-s. -----evening : calc-s. cann-s. coloc. dios. nat-c. -----night: cedr. corn, mur-ac. secale. -------on waking: chel. mezer. plat. -----beer, from: coloc. -----conversation of others, from: calc. nat-m. -----coffee or wine, from : all-c. -----eating, after: sil. tabac. -----excitement, amel.: chin, eye ----eyes, on closing: atrop. -----mental labor, from: mag-c. sulph. -----pain in vertex, with: glon. -----reading, when: apis. lyc. -----remarks of others, from : mezer. -----rising from couch, on : bell. ----smoking, on : petr. -----standing still, amel.: iris-f. -----vertigo, during: ars. sulph. -----vomiting, amel.: tabac. -----■waking, on: agar. grat. mag-s. staph, sulph. -----will, strong effort of, amel.: glon. — connection of, difficult: am-c. asaf. borax, caps. chin. lact. nat-c. nx-v. ph-ac. sulph. verat. zne -----lost: alum, arg-n. lyc. nx-v. sulph. -----can't read or calculate: nx-v. — of death: am-c. carb-an. caus. clem. con. crot-e hura. tarent. zne -----would die: acon. agn. apis. cimic. creos. dig. hell, hepar. merc. rhus. sul-ac. tabac. -------Compare with Anxiety, Fear, etc. — deep: bell, mur-ac. grat. -----about his future: spig. — deficiency of: acet-ac. acon. agn. alum. am-c. anac. arg-n. asaf. asar. atro. aur. bell. bov. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. caus. cham. chin. cic. clem. cocc. coff. corn, creos. Thoughts. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Thoughts. croc. cupr. eye dig. glon. guai. hell. hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-bro. lach. lil-t. lyc. men. merc. raerc-e mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. olnd. op. petr. ph-ac. plb. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tarent. thu. valer. verat. zne. -----on extra exertion : olnd. -----from any interruption: colch. -----vomiting, amel.: asar. — difficulty of thinking or compre- hending, etc.: alum. ambr. am-c. arg- n. aur. bell. berb. bry. calc. calc-p. camph. carb-v. cham. chel. con. creos. croton. dig. gins. hell, hydr-ae hyos. ign. iod. lach. lact. lyc. men. merl. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx- m. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. ph-ac. phys. plan. plb. rhus. sabad. secale. sep. sil. I spig. staph, stram. sulph. therid. thu. viol-od. zne. -----Compare with Concentration. -----with chronic dullness of mind, and with sensation as if a board were pressing against the head: sulph. -----unable to think long or much: cham. cinnb. ph-ac. pic-ae stram. -----could not think of her condition : chel. — Conditions of Difficulty of Think- ing. -----morning : anac. borax, canth. guai. nat-c. ox-ae phos. ph-ac. sil. sulph. -------on waking : anac. stann. —-----on rising : stram. ----afternoon: all-e anac. ang. cann- s. hyos. laur. lil-t. hat-m. rhus-r. sep. sil. -----evening: anac. cann-s. dig. hipp. ign. lach. lyc. mill, nat-m. rhus. -----air, in open : plat. -------amel.: cinnb. men. -----alone, when : ph-ac. -----company, in: plat. -----eyes, on shutting the : zne. ---------amel. on: k-ca. -----food, after : calc-s. graph, rhus. tabac. -------amel.: sil. _____headache, with: am-c. apis. ars. bell, cann-i. cann-s. carb-v. cupr. lept. lyc. mezer. mosch. phos. ptel. rhus. stram. viol-od. _______confusion of head, with : anac. . arg-n. bov. calc. con. cop. dig. ferr. haemat. iod. lach. lyc. men. merc. nit-ac. nitr. op. phos. sulph. tabac. thu. -------fullness of head, with : arg-n. borax. -------heat of head, with : agar, arg- n. dig. -------heaviness of head, with : arg- n. calc. gels, haemat. hell, tabac. -----lying, when : bry. — — -— amel.: zne -----moving, from : rhus. -----menses, during : calc. -----mental exertion, from : hepar. hura. ign. lyc. nx-v. ran-b. sulph. -----news, from disagreeable: calc-p. -----reading, on: acon. agn. alum. ang. coff. con. glon. hipp. lach. mezer. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ph-ae -----room, in a : men. -----speaking, on : am-e k-ca. mezer. -----vertigo, with : ambr. arg. ars. borax, bry. calc. camph. canth. dig. gels, haemat. merc. nat-c. phos. ph- ac. rhus. sil. stann. stram. sulph. ----vomiting, amel.: asar. tabac. -----waking, on : anac. con. stann. -----wine, after: all-c. mill. -----writing, when: acon. cann-s. chin-s. glon. mag e nx-m. rhus. — disconnected: cann-i. cupr-ac. dig. gels. nx-v. rhus-v. viol-od. zne -----on attempting to fix them has a vacant feeling: gels. -----only in fragments, in following an idea: nat-m. -----when calculating or reading: nx-v. -----when talking: merc-c. — evil: lach. — expression of is difficult. See under Speech. — facetious: nx-m. — fixed. See Persistent and compare with Delusions. — flow of; ideas are abundant, etc.: agar, alcoh. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ang. ai-s. aur. bell, borax, bry. calc. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caus. chin. cob. coca. cocc. coff. coloc. eupion. glon. graph, hepar. hyos. k-ca. lach. lyc. merc. morph. mur-ac. nit-ac.nitr. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spong. staph, stram. sulph. tabac. tereb. thea. valer. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. zne -----evening, before going to sleep : Thoughts. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Thoughts. chin. lyc. nx-v. puis, sabad. sil. staph. viol-tr. -----night, at: aloe, borax, calc. chin. coca. coff. colch. graph, hepar. k-ca. lyc. nx-v. pic-ae puis, sabad. sep. sil. staph, sulph. tabac. viol-tr. -----in partial sleep : hyos. — frightful: phos. phys. -----on seeing blood on knives: alum. — future, of the: eye senec. sep. — impaired. See Deficient, Loss of: etc. — inability to think. See Difficulty, under Thoughts. — loss of, ideas, etc.: abrot. acon. aeth. agar. ambr. anac. apis. ars. bell. brom. calc. calc-p. cann-s. canth. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cinnb. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. corn, creos. croc. cupr. eye dig. elaps. ether, ferr. gels. glon. graph, guai. gymn. hell, hepar. hipp. hydrph. hydr ac. hyos. ign. ipee k-bi. k-bro. k-iod. kalm. lach. laur. led. lil-t. lye mag-c. mane merc. mezer. morph. mosch. nat-ars. nat-m. nit-ac. ol-an. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. pic- ae plan. plb. ptel. ran-b. raph. rhod. | rhus. ruta. secale. selen. sep. sil. stann. stram. tabac. thu. trom. verat- | v. viol-od. zne -----as if in a dream: bell. cham. ol- an. squill, zne -----as in a reverie: arn. chin. grat. guai. ign. mezer. ol-an. rhus. spig. sulph. — Conditions of Loss of Thoughts. -----morning: anac. phos. ph-ac. stram. thu. -----afternoon : graph, sep. -----evening : laur. lyc. naja. nat-m. rhus. sep. -----night: chin. sil. sulph. -----exertion, from : nat-m. -----fever, during : sep. -----food, after: ferr. mag-c. nat-m. rhus. --------amel., evening: sil. -----headache, during: apis. calc. glon. — — menses, during: raph. -----motion, on : laur. -----reading, when: corn. hyos. lyc. merc. op. -----standing, when, at breakfast time: guai. -----vertigo, from : ran-b. -----waking, on : chin, k-bro. k-ca. ptel. sil. thu. 71 -------amel., when spoken to: ol-an. -----walking, when, after eating: rhus. — past, of the: cann-i. men. nat-m. senec. — persistent: aeth. cann-i. carb-v. cham. graph, ign. iod. nx-m. petr. ph-ac. phys. plat. puis, sulph. tarent. thea. thu. -----See also under Delusions. —' — of ideas which first appeared in his dreams: psor. -----about a garment made the pre- vious day: aeth. -----about music: ign. -----thinks mind and body are sepa- rated : anac. thu. — rapid, quick, etc.: acon. aesc-h. alcoh. ang. cann-i. caus. cob. coff. hyos. kalm. lach. op. ox-ae sabad. valer. verat. viol-od. — reflect, or think, desires to: aur. chin, eugen. ham. — repetition of: stram. -------words and sentences: sulph. — slowness of, sluggishness of, etc.: acon. aeth. alum. ambr. am-c. arg-n. aur. bell. calc. carb-v. caus. chin. con. eye dig. graph, hell. hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-bro. lach. lyc. men. merc. nat- e nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. ox-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. plb. rhus. ruta. sabad. sars. sep. sil. staph, stram. sulph. thu. verat. — thoughtful: acon. am-m. arn. bar. bell. brom. calc. cann-s. canth. carb- an. cham. chin. cic. clem. cocc. eye. euph. euphr. grat. hyos. ign. ipee lach. lyc. mag-m. mane mang. mezer. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. plb. ran-b. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. staph, stront. sulph. thea. thu. tilia. viol-od. — thoughtless : agn. alum. ambr. am- e am-m. anac. asaf. bell. bov. cann-s. canth. caus. cham. cic. clem. coff. creos. croc. cupr. daph. evon. guai. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. k-ca. lach. lyc. merc. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx- m. olnd. phos. ph-ac. rhod. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. valer. verat. zne -----from the least thing which affects her: croc. — unpleasant subjects, of: benz-ac. cocc. chin. men. mezer. nat-m. rhus. sep. -------at night: chin. rhus. — vanishing of: anac. apis. asar. Thoughts. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Unconsciousness. borax, bry. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. cham. coff. creos. cupr. evon. gels. guai. hell, hepar. iod. k-ca. lach. merc. mezer. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. ol- an. op. plant, puis, ran-b. ran-se rhod. rhus. staph, viol-od. -------mental exertion, after: asar. mezer. staph. -------headache, during: bell. -------reading, on: bry. -------speaking, when: mezer. staph. ----------when spoken to : sep. -------vertigo, during: ipee op. -------writing, when: rhus. — wandering: acon. all-s. alcoh. aloe. am-c. ang. apoe arn. atrop. bapt. bell. cann-i. cann-s. caus. cic. colch. coloc. corn, crotal. cupr-ae dig. ferr. glon. graph, ign. iod. k-bro. lach. lyc. mane mere naja. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. olnd. op. ph-ac. phys. pic-ae plect. plb. puis, staph, tabac. valer. viol-od. zne. -----during menses: calc. -----when studying: ham. phys. -----when writing: iris. nx-m. -----when talking: merc-c. Throws things away: dulc. staph. tarent. -----at persons: bell. [etc. -----Compare with Tossing, Refuses, Time, fritters away his: cocc. nx-v. — passes too slowly: alum, arg-n. bar. con. lyc. mag-m. nat-c. nx-v. pallad. petr. plb. -----a few seconds seem ages: cann-i. -----See also Ennui. — passes too quickly: coca. cocc. thea. therid. Timidity : acon. aloe. alum. anac. ang. ars. aur. bar. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. caus. chin. cocc. coff. con. cupr. daph. graph, hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-ca. laur. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. op. phos. plat. puis, ran-b. rhus. secale. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. verat. zne — about going to bed: caus. — alternating with assurance : alum. Touched, aversion to being: ant-cr. ars. ant-t. cham. cina. thu. Tranquillity : aesc-h. aloe. ars. bell. caus. chin-s. clem. coca. coff. croc. dros. ether, eucal. euph. gins. gran, hydr- ae hyos. ipee k-bro. lach. laur. led. lil-t. lyc. men. merl. mosch. mur-ac. naja. nat-m. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. seneg. sil. spig. stann. staph. verat. viol-tr. zne — incomprehensible: morph. — mental: arn. cham. chel. chin. cic. eye ether, ferr. gins. hyos. ign. k-bro. lach. mane men. mezer. op. plat. spig. tellur. -----after anger: ipee -----morning on waking: chel. -----except while chest symptoms lasted: chel. Travel, desires to: merc. Trifles, seem important: ferr. ipee — with everything : agar. Trustful: hydroc. spig. Truth, never speaks the; does not know herself what she is saying: verat. — believes all she says is a lie: lac- can. Unattractive, things seem: chin. Unconsciousness: absin. acet-ac.acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar, ailan. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-cr. ant-t. apis. arg-n. arn. ars. asar. bapt. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. calad. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-v. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cimic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. cupr. cupr-ae eye. dig. dulc. elaps. ether. euph. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. graph. guai. hell, hepar. hydr-ac. hyos. ipee k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. lach. laur. lact. led. lyc. mag-m. mane merc. merc-c. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m.. nx-v. ol-an. olnd. op. ox-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. secale. selen. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tanae tarax. taxus. tereb. valer. verb, verat. verat-v. vesp. viol-od. vip. zne. — alternating with convulsions: agar. -------dangerous violence: absinth. -------restlessness during fever : ars. — answers correctly when spoken to, but delirium and unconsciousness return at once : arn. bapt. hyos. — interrupted by screaming: bell. — dream, as in a: ambr. carb-an. con. rheum, stram. valer. verat. — does not know where he is: merc. nx-m. ran-b. -----------------on waking: aesc-h. 72 Unconsciousness. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Vexed. — remains fixed in one spot: nx-m. -----motionless like a statue: hyos. stram. — sudden : k-ca. plb. — transient: bov. bufo. cann-i. canth. chel. hepar. nat-m. ol-an. rhus-r. sil. — with tingling in head and limbs, better from motion: rhus. -----tingling in head and limbs, worse from motion: secale. ----single jerks : calad. -----motion of feet: zne -----drowsiness in head, on rising in morning: rhod. --------afternoon in warm room: puis. Conditions of Unconsciousness. — morning: bov. carb-an. glon. lyc. nat-m. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. strych. sulph. -----on waking: chel. nat-c. — evening : acon. calc. caus. coloc. lyc. merl. nx-m. ol-an. strych. zne -----when lying down: mag-c. mag- na. — night: arg-n. bell, cann-i. chel. nat-m. -----on waking: con. mag-c. phos. — air, in open : nx-v. --------amel.: tarax. — alone, when : ph-ac. — candle light, from : cann-i. — chill, during: bell, camph. hepar. nat-m. nx-v. op. puis. — cold water poured over head, amel.: tabac. — convulsions, with: absin. acon. ars. bell. cupr. glon. hydr-ae stram. tanae -----after: carb-ae secale. — delirium, after : atrop. — diarrhoea, after: ars. — dinner, after: cast, tilia. — erect, if he remained: chin. — excitement, after: nx-m. — eyes, with fixed : aeth. ars. camph. -----cannot open : gels. -----with pressure in and obscuration of sight: seneg. — headache, during : aeth. agar. arn. bov. cann-i. cast. ferr. hepar. iod. phos. sil. stann. tarax. -----and after: bov. -----congestion to head, from : bell. hyos. -----on moving: calc. carb-an. rhus. 6 73 — heat, with : aeth. bell. laur. nat-m. sol-n. — lying down, when: colch. mag-c. mag-m. — menses, before: nx-m. — music, from : cann-i. — pain, after: phyt. — reading, from: asaf. — riding, when : grat. sil. — rubbing soles of feet, amel.: chel. — sitting, when : asaf. carb-an. mosch. tarax. — somnolency, with, without snoring, eyes being closed: ph-ac. — standing, when : bov. lyc. rhus-r. — stooping, when: calc. — suppression of eruptions, after: zne — talking, when: lyc. — vertigo, during: aeth. agar, arg-n. arn. ars. bov. canth. carb-an. chel. chin-s. creos. ferr. grat. jatr. laur. lyc. mezer. mill, mosch. nat-m. nx-m. op. secale. sil. stram. tabac. zne — vomiting, amel.: acon. tabac. tanae — waking, on: aesc-h. chel. chin. mag-c. mezer. nat-c. phos. -----after: con. k-bro. selen. stram. — walking, when : calc. carb-an. -----in open air: canth. caus. hepar. sulph. — yawning and nausea, with : jatr. Undertakes nothing, lest he fail: arg-n. — things opposed to his intentions: sep. — lacks will power to undertake any- thing : pic-ae Unfeeling: anac. Unfortunate, feels: sep. Unfriendly humor: am-e mag-m. plat. Unpleasant occurrences, likes to dwell on past: nat-m. Unworthy, objects seem : chin. Verses, makes: agar, ant-cr. cann-i. stram. — after falling asleep: nat-m. Vexed: acon. aeth. agn. alum. ambr. am- e am-m. anac. ang. ant-cr. ant-t. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. calc. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cocc. coff. coloc. con. cop. croc, fluor-ac. gamb. graph, hepar. ign. iod. ipee iris. k-ca. lach. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mang. marum. merc. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nitr. nit-ac. nx-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plan. plat. ran-b. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. DISPOSITION. Weeping. Vexed. MIND AND sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ac. verat. verb, zne — Compare with Ill-humor, Fretful, etc. — alternating with cheerfulness: ant-t. borax, caus. cocc. croc, nat-m. spong. — about business : ipee — contradiction, from: calc-p. — conversation, from : puis, tarent. — pain, at: op. — in sleep by noise: calend. — trifles, at: creos. nat-c. nat-p. sabad. — work, about: nat-m. Violent, vehement, etc.: abrot. acon. ambr. am-c. anac. ang. apis. arn. aur. bar. bell, borax, bry. calc. calc-p. camph. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. coloc. corn. croc. cupr. dros. dulc. ferr. graph, hepar. hyos. k-ca. lach. led. lyc. mang. merc. merl. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. petr. phos. plat, ran-b. sabad. seneg. sep. stann. stram. stront. sulph. verat. — Compare with Anger, Rage, Wild- ness, etc. — deeds, rage leading to: anac. bar. bell. chin. cocc. con. hepar. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. mosch. nat-c. nx-v. plat. stram. stront. zne — in morning: carb-v. gamb. graph. — evening.- mill. — after dinner : mill. — after siesta: caus. — at trifles : hepar. nat-m. Visions. See Delirium, Delusions, etc. Vivacious: alum. ang. cann-s. chin. coff. crotal. cupr. eye gels. glon. hipp. hyos. lach. nat-c. nx-v. par. petr. ph- ae sabad. sul-ac. valer. verat. — alternating with sorrow : tarent. Walking rapidly from anxiety: arg-n. Wander, desires to; calc-p. cimic. merc. — See also Restlessness. Washing, bathing, averse to: phys. — desire for : tarent. -------in cold water: meph. phyt. Weariness of life: agn. ambr. am-c. ant- cr. ars. aur. bell. berb. bov. calc. carb-v. caus. chin, creos. grat. hepar. hyos. lach. led. lyc. merc. mezer. nat- e nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. plb. puis. rhus. ruta. sep. spong. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. thu. valer. verat. — in bed, morning: lyc. — See Ennui, Loathing, etc. Weeping, tearful mood, etc.: acon. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. ang. ant-cr. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. asar. aur. aur-m. bar.bell. borax, bry. calc. camph. cann-i. cann- s. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s.cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloe con. creos. cupr. cupr-ae eye dig. dros. dulc. eup-per. eup-pur. graph, hepar. hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-bro. k-ca. k-iod. lac-can. lach. lact. laur. led. lil-t. lyc. mag-m. mag-s. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. psor. puls. ran-b. rheum, rhus. ruta. sabin. sars. secale. sep.sil. sol-n. spig. spong. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarent. thu. tilia. verat. viol-od. viol-tr. zne ziz. — Compare with Moaning, Crying out, etc. — aloud : coff. hyos. nx-v. phos. plat. plect. sabin. staph, sulph. — alternating with cheerfulness : acon. arg. bell, borax, cann-s. carb- an. ign. iod. plat, spong. -------laughter: acon. alum. aur. bell. caps. lyc. nx-v. plat. sep. stram. sulph. ziz. -------queer antics : cupr. -------irritability and laughter at trifles: graph. -------ill-humor: bell. — ameliorates symptoms: anac. dig. graph, ign. lyc. merc. phos. plat. tabac. — inclination to: acon. aeth. alum. arg-n. ars. aur. bell. bry. cact. camph. canth. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chel. cic. cimic. cina. cocc. coff. colch. croc. cupr. eye ferr. gins, graph. haemat. hell. hura. hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-ca. lact. laur. lil-t. merc. merl. merc-i-r. mezer. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. op. phos. plat. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhus. ruta. sabin. samb. sep. sil. spong. squil. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. thea thu. verat. zne — involuntarily: alum. aur. bell. cann-i. caus. cina. cupr. ign. lach. merc. mosch. nat-m. plat. plb. rhus. stram. verat. viol-od. -----amel. by vinegar : stram. — nervous, feels so, she would scream. unless she held on to something : sep. < Conditions of Weeping. MIND AND DISPOSITION. Conditions of Weeping. Conditions of Weeping. — all day: bry. caus. lac-can. lyc. -----feels like crying all the time, but it makes her worse : stann. — morning : am-c. bell, borax.carb-an. creos. dulc. phos. plat. prun._puls. rhus. sars. sil. spong. sulph. tarent. -----inclined to, at 11 A. m. : sulph. -----after waking : phos. pus. puis. — afternoon: carb-v. cast. cop. dig. phos. tarent. — evening : acon. calc. carb-an. clem. coca, graph, hyper, plat. rhus. sil. stram. -----amel. in.: am-c. caus. -----morning, and: sulph. — night: alum. am-c. anac. arn. ars. bar. borax, bry. calc. carb-an. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cina. con. hipp. hyos. ign. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lac-can. lach. lyc. mag-c. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. puis. rheum, sil. spong. stann. sulph. tabac. tarent. thu. verat. -----in sleep: alum, carb-an. caus. cham. chin. con. ign. lach. lyc. nit- ac. nx-v. thu. -----on waking: chin-s. sil. — admonitions, cause: bell. calc. chin. ign. k-ca. lyc. nat-m. nit-ac. plat, staph. — air, in open: carb-v. hura. --------amel. in : coff. plat. — alone, when: con. nat-m. — anger, after : arn. nx-v. -----from : bell. — breathing, from : bell. — carried, when : chel. -----child cries piteously if taken hold of or carried : cina. -----is quiet only when carried: CHAM. — causeless: apis. ars. bell, camph. cina. creos. graph, hura. lyc. nat^m. nit-ac. staph, sulph. tarent. viol-od. zne -----without knowing why: k-ca. rhus. sep. — contradiction, from : tarent. — convulsions,during: absin. cham. plb. — coughing, before : arn. bell. -----during: ant-t. arn. ars. bell. cham. chin. cina. hepar. ipee lyc. osm. samb. sep. sil. spong. sulph. verat. -----after: arn. bell. caps.cina. hepar. op. delirium, after: nat-s. disturbed at work, when : puis. dreaming, when: phos. emission, after an : hipp. emotion, after slight: creos. naja. fever, intermittent, during the chill: acon. ars. aur. bell. calc. cann-s. carb-b. cham. con. hepar. k-ca. lyc. merc. nat-m. petr. plat. puls. selen. sil. sulph. viol-od. — heat, during the: acon. bell. calc. caps. cham. coff. cupr. graph. ign. lyc. petr. plat. puls. spig. spong. stram. sulph. tilia. — sweat, during the: acon. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. cham. chin. cupr. graph, lyc. nx-v. op. petr. puis. rheum, rhus. sep. spong. stram. sulph. verat. food, after: arg-n. arn. puis. future, about the: lyc. hallucinations, after: dulc. headache, with: coloc. creos. phos. plat, ran-b. sep. illness, during: calad. joy, from: lach. laughter, after: cann-s. ■ — See Alternating with. ■ — at amusing things: plat. looked at, when : nat-m. mania, during: ars. • menses, before: cact. con. lyc. phos. puis. sep. zne. ■ — during: ars. cact. calc. caus. con. eye hyos. ign. lach. lyc. phos. plat. puis, secale. sep. thu. verat. zne ■----which does her good : eye ■ — after; alum. con. lyc. phos. stram. • micturition, before: borax, lyc.sars. ■ — during: erig. sars. • music, from: creos. graph, nat-s. nitr. nx-v. thu. - — of piano : cop. - — of bells: ant-cr. - need, about a fancied: chin. - — about a past: nat-m. - nightmare, after : guai. - noise, at: aeth. creos. ign. lach. - opposition, at least: nx-v. - palpitation, during: phos. - past events: nat-m. - pains, with the: glon. plat. puis. - pitied, if believes he is: nat-m. - poetry, at soothing: lach. - refused anything, when: bell. cham. ign. 75 DISPOSITION. Wrong. Conditions of Weeping. MIND AND — remonstrated with, when: bell. calc. ign. k-ca. nit-ac. plat. — respiration, with difficult: ant-cr. coca. thu. — rising, after: am-c. — sad thoughts at: alum, carb-v. cina. k-ca. phel. plat, stram. -----— though sad, is impossible to weep: nx-v. — singing, when: hura. — sleep, in: all-s. alum. ars. bell. calc. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. con. creos. fluor-ac. glon. graph, hyos. k-ca. k-iod. lach. lyc. mag-m. nat-m. nice nx-v. phos. puis. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. tabac. tarent. thu. -----good during the day, screaming and restless all night -.jalap. — spoken to, when: nat-m. plat. sil. staph. -----kindly, soothing words, etc.: bell. calc. chin. ign. k-ca. nat-m. nit-ac. plat, staph. — stool, before : phos. puis. rhus. -----during: bell, borax, cham. cina. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. — taken up, child, when: chel. — telling of her sickness, when : puls. — thanked, when: lyc. — touched, when: ant-cr. ant-t. cina. — trifles, at: ant-cr. calc. caus. cina. cocc. petr. stram. -----at the least worry, children : lye nit-ac. — vertigo, with: phos. — vexation, from: calad. cham. ign. nx-v. tarent. — wakens, arouses from sleep : alum. cina. k-iod. — waking, on: bell, chin-s. cina. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. merc. nice nx-v. op. phos. plan. puis. raph. sil. — -walking in open air, when: calc. coff. — writing, when: coca. — weeks, for: alum, mezer. Whistling, inclination to : bell, cann-i. cann-s. carb-an. lyc. merc-i-fl. plat. stram. — involuntarily: carb-an. lyc. Wildness: acon. ant-t. bapt. calc-p. croc, mosch. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. stram. verat. — See also Anger, Rage, Violent, etc. — during headache : bapt. — bright light, odors, etc.: colch. — at trifles: ign. — unpleasant news : calc-p. — from vexation: ph-ac. Will, contradiction of: acon. anac. caps. sep. — want of control of: apis. lach. nat-m. — deficient: anac. alum. ars. asaf. bar. bry. calc. camph. chin-s, cina. clem. coff. coloc. croc. dulc. ign. ipee k-ca. lach.merc. nat-c. nat-m. op. petr. puis. rheum. — strong: aloe. calc. camph. chin-s. plb. — two, feels as if he had two wills: anac. Witty: alcoh. caps. cocc. croc. lach. spong. Women, aversion to : am-c. bapt. dios. nat-m. puis. raph. Work, aversion for mental: acet-ac. acon. agar. aloe. anac. aur. bell. brom. chin, cinnb. clem, colch. ferr. grat. ham. hydr. hyper, iod. k-bi. lyc. mag-m. marum. meph. nit-ac. nitr. op. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. ran se rhus. rumx. sil. spig. squil. staph, sulph. thea. viol-tr. — desire for mental: brom. clem. cob. coca. naja. rhus. therid. — complaints from: lyc. nat-m. — compare Work in general. Writing, aversion to: hydr. squil. thea. — desire for: chin. spig. — difficulty in expressing ideas, when: carb-an. — inability for: ign. lyc. -------writing connectedly : colch. — mistakes, makes, in: am-e benz-ae bov. calc-p. cann-i. cann-s. carb-an. cham. chin, chin-s. chrom-ae croc. crotal. dios. fl-ae graph, hepar. hydr. ign. k-bro. lac-can. lach. lac-ae lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. ptel. puis. rhod. rhus. sep. sil. thu. -----adding, in : lyc. -----omitting letters, by : hyper, k- bro. lac-can. lyc. nx-v. puis, stram. -----omitting words, by : cham. k-bro. lyc. nx-v. thu. -----repeating words, by : calc-p. k- bro. lac-can. -----transposing letters : stram. -----wrong words, by using: am-c. calc-p. cann-i. lyc. sep. -----by putting "right" for "left," or vice versa: chin-s. fluor-ac. Wrong, everything seems: coloc. eugen. hepar. 76 CHAPTER II. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Aching, undefined pain: abrot. absin. acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar, ailan. all-c. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis, apoe arg. arg-n. arn. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. aur. bad. bapt. bar. bell, benz-ae berb. bism. bov. brom. bry. bufo. cact. calad. calc. calc-p. camph. cann i. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caul. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cimic. cina. cinnb. clem. cob. coca. cocc. cocc-e coff. colch. coloc. com. con. conv. corn. creos. croc, crotal. croton.cund.cupr. cupr-ae eye daph. dig. dios. dros. dulc. elaps. elat. eugen. eup-per. euph. euphr. eupi. ferr. ferr-iod. fluor-ae gamb. gels. gent. gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. guai. gymn. ham. hell, hepar. hipp. hura. hydr. hydr- ae hydrphb. hyos. hyper, ign. indg. indm. iod. ipee iris, jalap, jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k-cle k-iod. kalm. lach. lachn. lac-ae lact. laur. led. lil-t. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane mang. meli. ment-pi. meph. merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mill. morph. mosch. murx. mur-ae naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. oena. osm. oxal-ae pallad. par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. plat. plb. podo. poth. prun. psor. ptel. puis. ran-b. ran-se raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. rhus-v. rumx. sabad. sang. secale. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. strych. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tanae tarax. tarent. taxus. tellur. thea. thu. tilia. tril. trom. urt-ur. ustil. valer. verat. viol-od. viol-tr. vip. xanth. zne. znc- s. zing. ziz. etc- -----alternating with pain in abdo- men : aesc-h. cina. gels. plb. rhus-r. --------with stitches in hypochon- drium : ozsc-h. — alternating with cough : lach. -----■ with diarrhoea : podo. ----- with frightful dreams : chin. -----with haemorrhoids: abrot. aloe. -----with lumbago: aloe. -----with pains in joints : sulph. ------with pain in loins: aloe, lycps. -----with pain in neck : hyos. -----with pain in teeth: lycps. ---extending to chest: con. nat-m. ■-----to ears : lach. merc. puis. rhus. ------to eyes: asaf. brom. caus. croc. mag-m. nat-m. spig. ---— to face: am-m. anac. arg-n. graph, guai. lyc nat-m. phos. puis. rhus. sars. spig. tarent. thu. ------to finger tips, with trembling and uneasiness: camph. ------to jaws: bell, calc-p. k-cle spig. ------through limbs: acet-ac. ------to neck : bar. berb. bry. chel. guai. jae lach. lyc. merc. mosch. nitr. nx-m sabin. -------to shoulders: glon. graph. ------down spine: cocc. ------into teeth : creos. crotal. graph. hydrph. lyc. lycps. merc. mezer. puis. sil. -------to throat: tarent. ----— to tongue: ipee - brain, aching deep in: acon. aloe. alum, am-e anac. arg. arg-n. asaf. asar. bar. bell. bov. calc. campli. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. chin. cina. coloc. cocc-e con. corn. croc. daph. dros. dulc. glon. graph, hyos. ign. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. mang. merc. mosch. mur-ac. nat-m. nitr. nx-v. olnd. petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. prun. ran-b. rhod. ruta. sabad. sars. sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ae therid. thu. zne ----with expression of anguish or deep scowl, eyes closed: canth. 77 Aching. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Aching. — forehead, aching in: acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. agar, ailan. all-c. aloe. alum. am-c. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. bapt. bar. bar-ae bell. berb. bism. borax, bov. brom. bry. bufo. cact. caj. calc. calc-ac. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caul. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cimic. cina. cinnb. cist. clem. cob. coca. cocc. cocc-e coloc. con. corn, creos. croc, crotal. croton. eye. diad. dig. dios. dios. dulc. elaps. elat. euph. euphr. ferr. fluor-ae gels. gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. gymn. guai. ham. hell, helon. hepar. hipp. hura. hydr- ae hydr. hydrph. hyos. ign. iod. indg. iris. k-bi. k-ca. k-clc. kalm. lac- «an. lach. lachn. lac-ae lact. laur. led. lil-t. lith. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane. mang. merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mosch. mur-ae naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. olnd. ol-jee op. osm. oxal-ae par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. plect. plb. podo. psor. ptel. puis, ran- b. raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. rumx. samb. sang, seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul- ae tabac. tarax. tarent. tellur. thea. therid. thu. tilia. tril. trom. ustil. valer. verat. verat-v. verb, viol-tr. xanth. zne zing. etc. -----alternating with pain in back: brom. --------with crampy pain in chest; at last tearing in nose and shoulders: lachn. -----extending backwards : arn. bry. cupr. eup-per. k-bi. lil-t. phyt. prun. spong. therid. -------over whole head: anac. selen. valer. -------to cheeks: brom. lachn. mosch. sang. -------to eyes: ant-t. apis.asar. calc-p. cham. grat. ign. k-ca. lac-can. lac ac. lach. mur-ac. nit-ac. nx-m. phos. puis. sabin. seneg. spig. -------to neck : kalm. lye -------to nose: calc. dios. mosch. phos. sep. -------to shoulder: kalm. — — — to occiput: bell. bry. calc. chara. colch. dios. nat-c. nat-m. therid. 78 -------to orbits: chel. gins. (r). -------to vertex: cimic. hell, ipee ruta. valer. -----eyes, aching above: acon. aeth. agar, ailan. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. ang. ant-c. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. aspar. aur-m. bapt. bar-ae bell. berb. borax, bov. brom. bry. cadm. calc. cann-i. canth. caps, carb-an. carb v. caus. cedr. chel. chin, chin-s. cimic. cina. cinnb. cist. coca, colch. con. croc, crotal. croton. cund. dig. dios. dros. ferr. ferr-i. fluor-ac. gels. glon. gymn. ham. hell, hepar. hipp. hura. hydr. hydrph. hyos. hyper. ign. indm. iod. ipee k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lach. lac-ae lact. laur. lil-t. lith. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mang. marum. meph. merc. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mosch. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nit- ac. nitr. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. op. osm. oxal-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. plat. plb. ptel. puis, ran-b. raph. rheum, rhus. rhus- •r. sabad. sang, selen. seneg. sep. sil. sol-n. spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. sul-i. tabac. taxus. tellur. tereb. therid. thu. urt-ur. valer. verat. viol- tr. zing. -------in a narrow line : bry.. -------to occiput: bism. naja. -------to vertex: arg-n. gymn. -----right eye, aching above : acon. aesc-h. agar, all-c. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-e arg-n. ars. aur-m. bapt. bar-ae bell. bism. bov. bry. carb-an. caus. chel. chin, chro-ae cimic. cinnb. cist. coca. cocc. colch. com. croton. eye daph. dig. dios. dros. dulc. evon. ferr. fluor-ae gins. glon. ham. hyos. ign. indm. iris, lac-can. lach. lye mang. merc-i-fl. mezer. mur-ac. nat-m. nitr. nx-v. op. phos. phys. phyt. plat, ran- b. rhus. rumx. sang. spig. staph. stront. sulph. tabac. tarent. tong. viol-tr. xanth. zne zing. ziz. -------first right then left: calc. lac- can, ptel. sep. sin-n. ----left eye, aching above: acon. aesc-h. aeth. all-c. ambr. am-c. ant-c. ant-t. arn. ars. arum-t. asaf. bar. berb. bov. brom. bry. caj. calc-p. camph. cann-i. caus. cedr. chel. cimic. colch. dios. euph. ferr. glon. ham. hell. hydr. hydrph. ign. indm. k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lac-can. lach. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mag-s. men. merc-c. merc-i-r. mosch. Aching. SYMPTOMS OF mur-ac. naja. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. oxal-ae phos. ph- ac. plat. puis. ptel. rhus-r. sep. sol-n. spig. stann. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tellur. tereb. verat. verat-v. verb. zne zing. --------first left then right: lach. zing. -------thence to occiput and finally over whole body : bry. -------then over whole forehead, in- creasing and decreasing gradually: s'ann. — — behind orbits, aching: acon. bad. berb. bism. cann-i. chel. cimic. daph. dig. gels. lach. nitr. poth. rhus. seneg. therid. ziz. — —between eyes, aching: cupr. lach. poth. ----nose, aching above root of: acon. agar. am-c. ant-t. ars. bar. bism. borax, calc-p. camph. coloc. dig. guai. hepar. ign. k-bi. mosch. nx-v. plat. puis. raph. staph, stict. viol-tr. -------left half: mur-ac. -----both sides of forehead: carb-v. glon. jatr. k-bi. lac-ac. ruta. sul-ac. valer. verb. ----right side of forehead : acet-ae acon. agar. aloe. anac. ant-t. apis, arg- n. arn. ars. arum-t. asaf. bar. bell. berb. bov. brom. bufo. canth. cast. chel. chin. cimx. cinnb. cocc. cocc-e colch. creos. crotal. eye dig. dios. dros. euph. ferr. ferr-i. fluor-ae glon. grat. hell, hepar. hydrph. ign. indg. iod. k-bi. kalm. lach. laur. marum. men. merc. merc-i-fl. mezer. mosch. nat m. nat s. nice ol-an. op. osm. phel. phos. pic-ae prun. psor. ran-b. ratan. rhod. rhus-r. rumx. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sars. seneg. sep. sil*. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. thu. urt- ur. valer. verb, zne -------extending to left side: acet- ac. aeth. eye ign. iris, sabad. -------to cheek: lachn. -------to occiput, through head: prun. ----left side of forehead : acet-ac. acon. aeth. agar, ant-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. asaf. asar. aur. aur- m. bell. bov. bry. cact. camph. carb- an. caus. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cina. clem. coca. cocc. colch. coloc. creos. cund. cupr. dulc. euph. evon. fluor- ac. glon. gran. grat. haemat. ham. THE HEAD. Aching. hipp. hydrph. hyos. iod. ipee k-bi; kalm. lac-ac. laur. lil-t. lith. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nitr. ol- an. op. par. phel. ph-ac. phys. plan. plat. prun. psor. ptel. rhod. rhus. • sabin. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ac tabac. tarax. thu. tong. valer. verb, zne -------extending to right side: agar. haemat. rhus-r. squil. ---------to occiput: nat-c. ----occiput, pain in forehead and : aeth. agar. alum. ambr. anac. aphis. arn. asaf. aur. bell. bry. calc. camph. cann-i. canth. caps, carb-v, chel. chin, chin-s. cimic. cina. clem, colch. con. corn. dig. dios. eup-per. ferr. gels. glon. graph, grat. guai hydr- ae hyos. ign. iod. iris. k-bi. k-ca. lachn. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. mere mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-m. nitr. ol-jee op. petr. ph-ac. prun. ptel. raph. rhus. sabad. sabin. sars. seneg. sep. serp. spig spong. squil. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. thu. -----in morning on waking pain in forehead and occiput: k-bi. lach. ----temples, pain in forehead and: agar. agn. ant-c. ant-t. arn. ars. arum-t. atro. aur. bar-ae bell. berb. bov. bry. camph. canth. cedr. chel. chin, chin-s. clem, coloc. coral. croton. eye diad. dig. dios. dulc. eat. ferr. fluor-ae gels. glon. gran. hell. hipp. hura. hydr-ae indm. iris. k-bi. kalm. lachn. lil-t. lyc. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc-i-fl. merl. mezer. mur- ac. myrie naja. nat-m. op. phos. ph- ac. phys. phyt. pip-m. psor. rhod. sabad. sabin. selen. seneg. spig. stann. sulph. tabac. tanae verat. zne -----temples and occiput, pain in forehead: acon. aesc-h. bov. cann-s. nx-v. rhus-r. spig. -----vertex, pain in forehead and : acet-ac. acon. all-c. aloe. ambr. anac. ant-c. ant-t. arg-n. bar-ae bell. berb. borax, bry. bufo. calc. cann-i. carb- an. cast. caus. cinnb. corn, croton. dig. dios. glon. graph, grat. helon. hura. hydr-ae hydrph. ign. indg. k-bi. laur. mag-c. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. myrie naja. nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. ol-an. ol-jee oxal- ae phel. puis, rhus-r. sep. sil. sol-n. stann. valer. zne Aching. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Aching. — neck, pain spreading from: bell. berb. carb-v. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. lac-can. puis. sang. sil. verat-v. -----pain coming up through base of brain : gels. kalm. sang. sil. — occiput, aching pain in : acon. azth. ailan. agar, all-s. alum. ambr. ai*ae apis. ars. asar. bapt. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. cact. calc. calen. camph. cann-i. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cedr. cham. chel. chin. chin-s. cimic. cinnb. clem. cob. coca, cocc-e colch. coloc. con. conv. cop. corn, crotal. croton. eye daph. dig. dios. dulc. elaps. euph. ferr. ferr-p. fluor-ae gels. glon. gnap. graph, grat. ham. hydr-ae hell, hydrph. hyos. hyper, hura. ign. indg. indm. iod. ipee k-bi. k-bro. k- ca. k-cle lac-can. lach. lachn. lac-ac. lact. laur. lil-t. lith. lobel. lyc. mag- c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc. merc- i-fl. mezer. mill, mosch. murx. mur- ac. myrie nat-c. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. op. osm. paeon, petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae pip- m. plan. plat, plect. plb. prun. ptel. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. raph. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. rumx. sabad. sabin. sang. secale. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stram. stront. stry. sulph. tabac. tarent. thu. tilia. trom. urt-ur. verat. verat-v. verb. xanth. zinc, znc-m. -----alternating with pain in fore- head : mosch. -------with pain in joints: sulph. -----extending down back: aeth. cimic. graph, lil-t. nat-m. pic-ae podo. strych. -------to chest: graph. -------to ears: chel. aesc-h. plb. -------to eyes: atro. gels. glon. petr. sang, (r), sars. sil. (r), spig. (1). -------to forehead: arg-n. aur. bell. bov. brom. chel. clem. dios. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. k-bi. nat-m. op. petr. ph-ac. plb. ptel. seneg. -------over whole head, from morn- ing till afternoon: chin. -------to lower jaw: cham. -------from right to left: dig. staph. -------from left to right: squil. --------to neck: bry. glon. hell. k-ca. lil-t. phyt. sulph. ziz. -------down back of neck: cimic. lobel. podo. --------to shoulders: bry. gels, ipee podo. _____________while lying on back in bed, after waking: bry. -------to temples: glon. coca. plb. seneg. spig. (1). -------upward : glon. ph-ac. sang. sep. -------to vertex : calc. cimic. glon. hura. lac-ac. nat-c. — semi-lateral pains in head : acon. agar. agn. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. borax. bov. bry. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. clem. cocc. coff colch. coloc. con. cop. creos. croc. cupr. eye dig. dios. dros. dulc. eugen. euph. euphr. ferr. glon. graph, guai. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. iod. ipee k-bi. k-ca. lach. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-e mag-m. mang. marum. men. merc. mezer. mosch. murx. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nice nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. phyt. plat. plb. psor. puis, ran-b. ran-se rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sang. sars. selen. seneg. sep. serp. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tarax. tarent. thu. ustil. valer. verat. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. zne -----alternating with pain in left arm: ptel. -----coffee, from excessive use of: nx-v. -----ears, behind the, pain: asar. calc- p. chel. sang. -----— behind the left ear: ambr. sang. -----extending to eye: asaf. brom. caus. croc, mag-m. nat-m. --------to neck : guai. lach. lyc. mere ------— to neck and shoulders, neck stiff: lach. --------from side to side through temples: alum. chin. phos. plant. sang. --------to waist: hydrph. -----spots, pain in : k-bi. kalm. - — both sides of head, simultaneously, pain in : all-c. asar. bov. calc-p. carb- an. chin. cupr. eye dig. dios. euphr. glon. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc-c. merc-i-fl. mezer. ol-an. phos. plat. squil. tilia. tong. -----alternating from one to the Aching. SYMPTOMS OF other: agar. bell, colch. cupr. evon. hell. hydr. lac-can. lil-t. plan. valer. — — on side on which one lies : calad. graph, mag-c. ph-ac. ----ceases on one side, becomes more violent on other: lac-can. nat-m. — right side of head, pains in: acon. agar. agn. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bar. bell. bism. borax, bov. bry. bufo. cact. calc. camph. cann-i. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cimic. cina. cinnb. cist. clem. coca. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. creos. croc, crotal. eye dig. dros. dulc. elaps. euph. euphr. gels. gins. gran, graph, grat. guai. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. indm. iod. jae k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lach. laur. led. lye mag-c. mag-m. mane mang. marum. men. mere merc-i-r. mezer. mill. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. puis, ran-b. rheum. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sais. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul- ag. tarax. tarent. thu. valer. verat. verb. zne. -----right then left side: arn. bry. colch. cupr. dig. merc-i-r. staph, taxus. ----right side, morning; left side, evening: bov. — left side of head, pain in: acon. agar. agn. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. borax, bov. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-p. camph. cann- i. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham.chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cimic. cina. cinnb. clem. cocc. colch. coloc. con. conv. creos. croc, crotal. cupr. eye dig. dios. dros. dulc. elaps. eup- pur. euph. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. gent. graph, guai. gymn. ham. hell. hydr. hyos. ign. indm. iod. k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lac-can. lach. lac-ac. laur. led. lil-t. lith. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mane mang. marum. merc. merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. mezer. mur-ac. murx. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. pallad. par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plan. plat. plb. ptel. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sang. sars. secale. selen. seneg. sep. spig. THE HEAD. Aching. spong. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tarax. thu. trom. valer. verat-v. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. xanth. zne zing. ziz. -----left then right side: arn. eup-per. glon. nx-m. squil. ---of head and face extending to neck: guai. temples, aching in: acon. all-e ambr. apis, apoe arg. arn. ars. arura- t. aspar. atro. aur. bad. bapt. benz-ae berb. brom. bry. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. caps, carb-an. caus. cedr. cham. chin, chin-s. cic. cina. cinnb. clem. cob. cocc-e coloc. con. conv. coral, creos. crotal. croton. cup-ars. eye daph. dios. dros. elaps. elat. euphr. eupi. fluor-ac. gels. gins. glon. graph, ham. hell. hipp. hura. hydrph. hydr. hyos. hyper, ign. iod. iris. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k-cle kalm. lach. lachn. laur. led. lith. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mane merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. merl. mezer. naja. nat-c. nat-m. ol- jee op. osm. phos. ph-ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. plb. podo. psor. ptel. raph. rheum, rumx. sabad. sang. sep. stram. tabac. tarent. thea. xanth. zne zing. — alternating with heat of face: cocc-e (1). — blood-vessel, as if a, had been torn out: aeth. — deep-seated: eup-per. hydr-ae naja. peti. — extending backward over ears: cedr. gymn. nat-p. ----to eye : asim. berb. cedr. cocc- c. nat p. pip-m. —----to eyebrows: pic-ae ----over forehead: all-c. ferr. glon. hepar. lil-t. ----to centre of head : dire ----to jaw, aggr. by change of weather: calc-p. ----to neck: pic-ae ----to nose : glon. ----to occupit: cund. lil-t. meni. -----to shoulder, face distorted: graph. (1). ----to teeth, last molar: hydr. (r). ----from right temple to left: glon. lil-t. plat. ptel. ----from left temple to right: aur- al, calc. hipp. merc-i-fl. ol-jee ptel. — from temple to temple: alumn. Aching. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Biting. con. glon. ham. hydrph. lac-can. lil- t. lobel. mezer. naja. -------------------and back again : hydr. lac-can. lil-t. — :----toward vertex, amel. after cold washing: cocc-e — vertex, aching in: acet-ae acon. aeth. agar. agn. ambr. am-c. anac. ant- c. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. arum-t. bad. bell, borax, bry. bufo. cact. calc. calc- p. cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cedr. cham. chel. chin, cimic. cinnb. cob. coca. cocc. cocc-e coff. colch. con. conv. corn, creos. crotal. cupr. daph. dig. dios. dros. dulc. elaps. euph. eup-per. ferr. gels. glon. gran. graph, hell, hepar. hura. hydr. hydrph. hyper, iod. iris. k-bi. kalm. lac-can. lach. lac-ac. lact. laur. lith. lyc. men. merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. mezer. mosch. mur-ae naja. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v, ol-jee oxal-ae pallad. par. phos. phys. phyt. pic-ae podo. ptel. puis, ran-sc. rheum, rhod. rumx. sabad. sang. sep. sil. sol-n. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. stram. sulph. sul-i. tabac. tellur. thu. ustil. valer. verat. verb, xanth. zne -----extending backward : chel. k- bi. nitr. --------ear, from one to other: pallad. --------to eyes: ign. --------to forehead : caps. caus. cham. nx-m. —-----to malar bones : tarent. -------to neck: calc-p. chel. glon. kalm. -------to occiput: calc-p. chel. gels. ------—to temples : caus. cham. hipp. Agitation. See Undulation, Vibration, etc. Air, or wind passing through head, sen- sation as of: aur. colch. coral, mill. nat-m. petr. puis. — extending to abdomen: aloe. — on rocking: coral. Alive, sensation as if something were,- in head: ant-t. asar. croc, crotal. hyper, petr. sil. sulph. — as if brain were an ant-hill: agar. — as if everything in head were: petr. — crawling, in forehead, as of a worm : alum. — pressing, crawling pain, spreading out from centre, as of something alive: tarax. — night: hyper. — on walking: sil. Anxiety in head: ant-c. apis, cie laur. nat-m. Arthritic: acon. arn. ars. asar. aur. bell. benz-ae bry. camph. caps. caus. cham. chin. cic. coloc. con. eugen. graph, guai. hyos. ign. ipee mang. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. petr. phos. plat. puis. rhus. sabin. sep. verat. zne — periodical: bell. — afternoon : aur. coloc. — evening: eugen. Ascending pains : meph : ph-ac. rhus. sang. sep. sil. staph. -----See also special pains and parts from which pain extends. Asleep, sensation in, as if: apis. carb. an. con. cupr. merc. mur-ac. nit-ac- op. sep. -----after a debauch: op. -----after eating: con. -----when lying down : merc. Back, pains extending as far as the: anac. bell. bry. calc. caus. dig. lyc. mag-c. nat-m. nit-ac. petr. phos. prun. puis. rhod. rhus. samb. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stront. sul-ae thu. — pains proceeding from the: calc hell. sep. sil. Balancing sensation in: aesc-h. bell. glon. lye — difficult to keep the head erect: glon. — pendulum-like: cann-i. — on motion: crotal. fluor-ac. lye rhus. Ball, sensation as of a, rising up: acon. plat. plb. -----------fast in brain : staph. —--------rolling in brain: hura. hydrph. Band. See under Compressive. Beats against bed: hyos. mill. — against wall, in sleep : mag-c. — feels as if he could beat head to pieces: nit-ac. — Compare also with Pulsation, Strik- ing, Throwing, etc. Beaten sensat'on. See under Bruised. Bend head backward, must: nitr. — See under Conditions and compare with Falling, Throwing about, etc. Biting sensation: arg. bar. carb-v. cham. grat. k-bi. k-iod. lyc. mezer. phel. ran-sc. rhod. secale. 82 Biting. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Boring. — See also section upon External Head. — rubbing aggr.: staph. — scratching amel.: grat. Blindness, followed by violent head- ache ; sight returns as headache be- comes worse: k-bi. — followed by violent headache: gels. — pain begins with blurred vision: iris. — See also Eyes, under Concomitants. Blows, pain as from: aeth. alum, ant-t. arn. bov. caus. hell. indg. led. mang. nat-m. nx-v. olnd. ph-ac. plat, ran-b. ruta. sabad. spig. sul-ac. valer. zne — on back of head and neck: cann-i. — on forehead, awakens at 1 A. m. : psor. — on occiput: hell. — vertex, stupefying pain as from a blow on : valer. Board or bar before, sensation as of: acon. aesc-h. calc. carb-an. cocc. dulc. eugen. helon. lye olnd. op. plb. rhus. sulph. zne — before forehead : carb-an. cocc. helon. lyc. op. rhus. sulph. Boil, pain as from a, forehead : hepar. Boiling sensation: acon. alum. caus. chin. coff. dig. graph, grat. k-ca. laur. mag-m. mang. merc. sars. sil. sulph. — as of boiling water: acon. indg. — seething sensation in left side of vertex: lach. Bolt, pains as from. See Nail, Plug, and compare with Pulsation, Shocks, etc. Bones, pain in. See under section for External Head. Bores head into pillows: apis. bell. camph. dig. hyper, stram. Boring, digging, screwing pains: agar. am-c. am-m anac. ang. arg-n. ant-c. ant-t. aur. bar. bell.bism. borax, bov. bry. cadm. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. clem. cocc. coloc. dros. dulc. graph. hell, hepar. hipp. hyper, ign. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lach. laur. led. lyc. mag- e mag-m. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. paeon, petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, ran-se rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. seneg. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. staph, stram. sulph. thu. valer. zne -----extending to nose : phos. -------from within out: dulc. puis. sep. zne 83 -----twisting, screwing pain from right side of head to both temples; after going to bed, spreading over whole head; returns daily; after a walk, on entering room : sabad. — forehead: agar. am-m. anac. ant-c. arg. arg-n. bar. bell. bism. bry. calad. calc. carb-v. chel. chin, chin-s. colch. coloc. dios. dros. dulc. hell, hepar. hydr-ae ign. ipee k-ca. laur. led. mag-m. mang. merc. mezer. mosch. nat-s. nice ol-an. phel. plat. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sep. sil. spig. squil. zne -----deep : dulc. nat-m. -----eyes, over : arg-n. (1), asaf. cimic. (1), colch. (r), cup-ar. (1), dulc. ipee laur. led. lyc. (1), mag-s. (1), ol-an. -----inwards : bell. calc. cocc. k-ca. -----intermittent: arg. -----nose, above: bism. coloc. hepar. nat-m. sulph. -----outwards : ant-c.bell. bism. bov. dros. dulc. ipee sep. spig. spong. staph. — occiput: agar. gels. hell, mere mosch. nat-in. nat-s. nice ol-an. ph- ac. plan, ran-sc. sabin. spig. stann. stront. zne — — intense pain as if a bolt had been driven from neck to vertex, worse at each throb of heart: cimic. — side of: ang. aur. arg-n. (r), arum-t. (r), bov. (r), bry. (r), chin (1), coloc. (r), cop. (1), eup-pur. hepar. k-iod. laur. mage, mag-m. mag-s. (1), nat-m. nat-s. (1), puis, stann. (r), zne ■—■ — changing to stitches in evening : bell. (r). -----in spot: hepar. -----outwards: bell. — temple, in : acon. aloe. (1), alum. (1), ang. ant-e apis, arg-n. bar. bell, (r), bov. bufo. calc. (1). camph. carb-an. carb-v. (1), cham. clem, coloc. (r), eye (r), dios. (1), dulc. grat. hepar. ipee led. (1), mag-m. mang. mezer. mur-ac. nat-s. (1). ol-an. paeon, ph-ac. (1), psor. ptel. (r), rhod. (1), stann. stram. sulph. thu. — vertex : agar. ang. bar. bell. chel. chin, colch. lach. mag-s.mosch. mur- ac. nit-ac. olnd. phos. ph-ac. puis. samb. spig. sulph. -----in spots : borax, colch. -----outward: staph. 3F THE HEAD. Bruised. Boring. SYMPTOMS ( Conditions of Boring pain. — morning : arg-n. cam ph. cham. dios. hepar. hydrph. hyper, nice nx-v. -----after awaking: apis. arg. arum-t. aur. mezer. — afternoon : aloe, mag-s. nice sang. sep. — evening: aloe, arg-n. coloc. hipp. mag-c. mag-m. nat-s. plan. sep. zne -----amel. in : nx-v. -----in bed : mag-s. — night, at: am-c. carb-v. clem. dulc. sulph. — air, cold, amel.: phos. thu. — bed, aggr. in warm, at night: arg-n. — bending back, aggr: aur. mang. — chilliness, during: sang. •— coffee, after: nx-v. — cooling of head aggr.: carb-an. — coughing aggr.: aur. — dinner, after: zne — — during : am-c. — eating, after: nx-v. — eyes, cl«sins: the amel.: sep. — heat and cold aggr.: grat. — —-of the face, with : puis. — laying forehead on table amel.: ang. •— light aggr.: nx-v. — menses, during: calc. mag-c. sep. — mental exertion, from : nx-v. — motion aggr.: hepar. sep. ----even of talking: dulc. — noise aggr.: nx-v. — pressure aggr.: bell. -----amel.: hell, ipee sep. — rest amel.: sep. — rubbing, on : ol-an. — sitting, when : agar. — stooping, on: hepar. merc. sep. — -—■ stooping amel.: rising up or bend- ing backwards aggr.: mang. — waking, on: cham. — — amel. by sleep when sufficient: sep. — walking, when : bufo. coloc. — writing, when : dros. Brain, pain deep in. See under Aching, and also under special pains. Bruised, beaten sensation: acon. agar. alum. am-m. anac. ang. arg. ars. aur. bell. bov. camph. canth. caps. caus. cham. chin. cob. coff. con. cupr. euph. euphr. gels. glon. graph, gymn. hell. hipp. ign. indm. iod. ipee lach. led. mane merc. mur-ac. nat-c.nice nitr. nx-v. op. phos. p\an.plat. puis, ratan. staph, sulph. sul-ac. tarent. verat. zne — extending to root of tongue; nausea, worse out doors: ipee — as if crushed, shattered, beaten to pieces: acon. aeth. ars. aur. bov. camph. cham. chin. coff. euphr. graph, hell. ign. ipee merc. mur-ae nx-v. phos. puis. rhus. sep. stront. sul-ac. verat. —---pain as if brain would be dashed to pieces, morning on awaking, on rising pain goes off and is converted into toothache, afterward passes into small of back : ign. — — in spots: ratan. — brain, in : anac. aur. chin. coff. cupr. gels glon. hell. ign. indm. iod. ipee merc. mur-ac. nat-m. nx-v. phos. phys. phyt. plan. rumx. stann. tellur. -----paroxysmal: verat. — forehead: ang. ant-t. ars. bapt. carb-an. cob. coff. gels. glon. hepar. hipp. indg. iod. lil-t. mag-s. merc-i- fl. nat-m. plan. plat. puis, ran-b. rumx. sol-n. stann. sul-ac. thu. — — breaking sensation, after dinner : nat-s. ----as if on surface of brain : ph-ac. -----as after violent blow : arn. chel. sol-n. sul-ae -----above eyes . cann-i. gels. plan. — —above nose: carb-an. — occiput: aesc-h. agar. alum, cann-i. chel. cic. coff. crotal. euph. gins. grat. hell. indg. merc-i-fl. mezer. nice nit- ac. nx-v. phyt. plan. sep. spig. tarent. zne -------as if crushed: graph. -------extending to temples : tarent. — side of: ars. benz-ae bov. chin. con. crotal. grat. k-iod. laur. (1), mang-e merc-i-fl. (r), nit-ac. (r), nx-v. plan. plat, (r), sil. sulph. (1). -------extending to orbit and teeth : crotal. (1). — temple : atrop. cob. cop. fr), ha?mat. nice (r), ph-ae phys. plan. rhus. tarent. — vertex : bov. chel. gamb. glon. hell. hyper, indm. iod. lach. mag-c. nice olnd. petr. ph-ac. phyt. sep. sil. thu. — — in spot-: caus. vine Conditions, of Bruised pain. — morning: aur. cob. gymn. hyper. nice nx-v. plan. -----on waking: ign. plan, tarent. Bruised. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Burning. — — on rising : ars. — afternoon: nice — evening: bov. euphr. graph, mag- e — night.: cob. — air, cold, aggr.: thu. — — open amel.: ang. ipee — bed, ongoing to: plan. — — in : aur. — coughing, when: sulph. tarent. — dinner, amel. after: rumx. — eyes, on moving to affected side: con. — —----or opening: chin. — — shutting amel.: plan. — — on turning : cupr. mur-ac. — heat in head, with: hell. — lying down aggr.: aur. crotal. — — amel.: alum. — — on painless side amel.: nx-v. plan. — menses, during: gels, mag-c. — mental effort, from: anac. aur. chin. — -— reading, etc., aggr.: aur. — motion aggr.: caps. chin. rumx. tellur. -----moderate exercise amel.: mur-ac. — pressure aggr.: cop. hell. — rest aggr.: aur. — rising, amel. after: nx-v. — rubbing amel. temporarily . ars. — sitting up in bed aggr.: mur-ac. — stepping or jarring, from : phyt. — stooping, when: ang. hell, nice rumx. — sun. from exposure to: mane — talking, when : aur. — touch, on : caus. — waking, when: indm. plan, tarent. — walking, when: caps. Bubbling sensation in : asaf. bell. berb. bry. creos. indg.k-ca. nx-v. par. puis. spig. sulph. — at night: par. puis. — when walking: nx-v. spig. — most relievid when leaning back when sitting: spig. — in occiput: indg. Burning : acon. ailan. am-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arn. art. arum-t. aur. aur-s. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb- an. carb-v. caus. chin. cocc. coloc. j croton. cupr. dig. dulc. eugen. graph. hell, helon. ipee k-bi. k-ca. lachn. lact. lil-t. lith. mane mang. merc. mur-ac. nat-s. nit-ac. nx-j. nx-v. par. phel. phos. ph-ac. phys. plat. plb. 85 psor. rhod. rhus. sabad. sang, secale. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, stront. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. tarent. taxus. verat. znc-s. -----compare with Heat in Head. -----alternating with pain : brom. -----as if brain were on fire: hydr-ae — —contracting: bism. — — as from hot iron around head ; or, hot water in : acon. — -— pressing : mang. ----- rest of body cool: arn. — — in spots: ars. glon. graph, nit-ac. raph. — — tearing: merc. — brain, in : acon. arn. bell. — — burning pain in and : phos. — forehead, in: acon. alum. am-c. ars. aur. bism. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, coloc. conv. croton. cupr. dulc. eup-per. glon. hydrph. hyos. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lil-t. lyc. mag- na, mang. marum. men. merc. merc- i-r. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nx- v. phos. phys. psor. rhus. rhus-v. sabad. secale. spig. stann. staph. stront. sul-ac. tarent. therid. — — eyes, over: nx-m. — — externally : grat. marum. -----like fire : stann. -----as if a hot iron were passed over it: grat. — occiput: agar. apis. aur. aur-m. cupr. k-ca. indg. lye mag-m. nat-c. (r). pier ac. rhus. sep. staph, sulph. -----burning, stinging, beginning in : phos. — side of: bapt. (l),bell. (r), calc. canth. mang. phos. -----— ascending from neck, with soreness and giddiness: canth. — temples: alum, (r), am-m. (l),apis. aur. (r), bar (r), cann-i. carb-an. (r), caus. (r),chel. (1), cimic. (r), cinnb. coloc. con. (r), croton. cupr. (l),mere (1), nit-ac. (1), phel. phyt. plat. (1), rhus. (r), sabad. (l),sars (1), spig. (1), staph. (1), verb. (1), viol-tr. (r). -----extending to cheek : mezer. (r). — vertex : agar. arn. ars. bry. carb-v. caus. chin-s. coc-e cupr. dulc glon. graph, helon. hyper, lach. merl. nat- m. phos. ph-ae ran-se raph. sabad. sep. stann. sulph. viol-tr. zne -----chilly: caus. -----extending into temples, amel. by rubbing: phos. Burning. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Bursting. -----in spots: arn. graph. \ -----transient: nat-c. Conditions of Burning. — morning: arn. canth. nx-v. phos. phys. -----on waking : cocc-e — noon: sulph. — afternoon: canth. — evening: am-c. merc-i-r. phys. ----in bed: carb-v. merc. nat-c. — night: arn. lyc. merc. sil. — air, amel. in open: mang. myrie — chilliness, with : ant-t. k-ca. sil. — climacteric, during the: lach. — dinner, after : alum. grat. — headache, with : sang. — lying on back, when: agar. ----in bed aggr.: merc. ----amel.: canth. — mental efforts, from : sil. ----employment amel.: helon. — motion aggr.: apis. arn. — -— amel.: helon. — pressure of hand amel.: apis. — rest amel.: arn. — room, on entering from air: caus. — rubbing amel.: phos. — scratching, after: ol-an. par. — sitting, when : canth. phos. -----upright amel.: mere — sneezing amel.: lil-t. — standing, while : canth. — stooping aggr.: apis. — touched, when : ipee nat-m. — vomiting, after: nat-s. -----amel.: eugen. — walking, when : rhus. ----- amel.: canth. — wrapping head up warmly amel.: sil. Burrowing sensation : agar, ant-t. bar- ae cham. clem, cocc-e colch. eupi. hepar. mag-m. phos. ratan. (r), samb. spig. squil. tilia. — extending from forehead to mouth : eupi. -----to nose: phos. — over eye, while walking : plat. — in spots : inu. Conditions of Burrowing. — morning: agar, hepar. -----after rising: bar-ae June squil. — afternoon : ant-t. — night: agar. — air, in open : agar, ratan. — bending head, amel.: hepar. — dinner, after: agar. — lying amel.: June spig. — motion and noise aggr.: spig. — walking in open air : agar. Bursting,splitting,etc.: aesc-h.am-c.am- m. ant-c. apis, arg-n. asaf. asar. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bov. brom. bry. calad. calc. cann-=>. caps, carb-an. cast. caus. cham. chel. chin, cimic. clem. cob. coff. con. creos. dig. dios. dolich. euph. ferr. gent. 9/071. graph, gymn. ham. hepar. hydr. hydroph. ign. k- ca. kalm. lach. lachn. lac-ae lyc. mag-m. mere, mezer. mill. naja. nat-e nat-m. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. pic-ae prun. psor. ptel. puis, ratan. rhus. sabad. sang. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stront. sulph. sul-ac. thu. -----compare with Enlarged, Fullness, Pressure, Pulsation, etc. -----as if would fly to pieces : arg-n. asaf. bar. carb-an. caus. graph, hepar. — — as if split open with a wedge: lachn. — brain, would burst out: alum. con. glon. sol-n. verat. — forehead : aeth. am-c. ant-c. bar. bell. calad. calc. caps, chin-s. dulc. ferr-. gels, graph, hell. hydr. indg. k-ca. lac-can. merc. nat-c. nat-s. nitr. nx-v. olnd. ratan. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, ustil. zne —• — eyes, over: k-bi. — occiput: aloe. calc. spig. spong. staph, zne -----extending to top of head, is so severe she thinks head will burst and that she will go crazy: calc. -----neuralgic, beginning in upper cervical region, extanding over head, causing bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs ; worse at 10 A. m., when lying; nausea, cold sweat and cold feet: gels. — side of: asar. brom. nice puis, zne (r). — temples: apis. bell, (ij), cact. chin-s. cimic. glon. hell. ign. indm. ipee kalm. lil-t. sang, sol-n. staph. — vertex : am-m. bapt. calc. carb-an. cimic. graph, lac-ac. nat-s. nit-ac. sil. spig. spong. stront. xanth. —■ — as if blown off: cham. Conditions of Bursting. — morning: am-m. dios. ham. lac-ae phos. -----on awaking: con. hydr. nx-v. Bursting. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Coldness. -----on first opening the eyes: bry. -----beginning in and gradually increasing till evening: bry. sang. sep. — night, worse at: cact. carb-an. — evening : clem. ham. ratan. — day, every: sulph. — air, in open : bell, mag-c. — coughing, when: dios. merc. nat- ra. phos. ph-ac. sep. -----aggr.: bell. hydr. — eating, after: graph, nat-s. nx-v. — — dinner, after : k-bi. — eyes, aggr. on moving: chin. ptel. puis. -----amel. on opening: chin. — fever, with: aesc-h. bell. — influenza, during: naja. — jar, from any : bell. chin. sil. — lying down amel.: lach. mag-m. sang. -----or resting head amel.: k-bi. — menses, during: I erb. bry. calc. glon. lyc. nat-m. sang. sep. — mental labor, from : arg-n. ptel. — — reading or writing amel.: ign. — motion, from: caps. chin, hydrph. k-bi. mag-m. rhus. sep. sol-n. -----continued hard motion amel.: sep. — press with hands, must: carb-an. glon. mag-m. — resting head amel.: k-bi. — rubbing amel.: phos. — sitting, when : phos. -----bent over, when : ratan. — sleep amel.: sang. — stool, after : ratan. — stooping, when: ham. hepar. hydr. hydrph. k-bi. nat-m. ptel. sep. stry. — talking aloud, when : ign. — turning, after: hydrph. — waking, on : cham. ham. hydr. — walking, when: caps. k-bi. stront. < -----in open air amel.: sang. — •weather, worse in wet: carb-an. — weeks, every six: mag-m. Buzzing, humming in: acon. bar. calc. caus. cocc. coff. ferr. graph, hyper, k- ca. k-iod. lact. lyc. nat-s. nit-ac. nx- v. phos. ph-ae plat. puis. rhus. sars. spong. squil. stann. staph.sulph. sul- ac. thu. verat. viol-tr. — as of bees: carb-v. op. — chirping as of locusts: bry. — evening, as after a debauch: cocc. | -----in warm room : ph-ae I — menses, during: brom. creos. — water, as of boiling: bar. — vertigo, during: nat-s. — vertex, in at night: hyper. Cleaving pain. See Cutting, Darling. Cloudiness. See Confusion. Coldness, chilliness, etc., of: acon. agar. almn. ambr. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. ars- iod. asaf. asar. bar. bell, benz-ae calc. calc-p. chel. cimic. cist. coca. cocc. con. creos. dios. dulc. eup- per. gins. glon. graph, grat. ham. hura. indm. iod. k-ca. lact. laur. lye mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc. merc-c. merc-i-r. morph. mosch. naja. nat-m. nit-ac. olnd. phel. phos. phyt. raph. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. stann. staph. stront. strych. sulph. sum. tarent. thea. tilia. valer. verat. verb. vip. zing. -----air, as from cold: acon. arg-n. laur. nat-m. petr. -----alternating with heat: bell. calc. mere verat. — — begins in head: bar. nat-m. stann. -------spreads from the: mosch. valer. -----icy coldness: agar. bar. calc. laur. valer. -----internally: arn. bell. calc. -----spot, as of a cold: sulph. — — water, as from cold: cann-s. croc. glon. sabad. tarent. — brain, as from a cloth spread over: glon. -----a cold, creeping along convolu- tions : abrot. — forehead : acon. agar. arn. ars. bell. camph. cedr. chin, cimic. cinnb. cist. coff. colch. gels. glon. hydr-ae hyper. laur. lye mag-m. merc. mezer. mosch. oena. phel. ph-ac. plect. puis, staph. sul-ac. verat. zne -----air, cold, penetrated painfully: zne -----externally : cist. gels. -----hand, as if cold, touched : hyper. -----metal, cold, as from : cinnb. — — middle of, in brain : bell. -----spot, in small, as if by a cold finger:arn. ------water, as from cold : tarent. — side of: asar.bar. (r),calc. (r),cann- s. con. croc. k-bi. lach. lobel. phos. (1), tarent, verat. (r). ----- one sided lach. Coldness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Compressive. -----in small spot as a drop of water: croc. (1). ------------ above ear : asar. (1). - occiput: acon. agar. aloe. alum. berb. calc-p. cann-i. chel. chin-s. cocc-e dulc. gins. nitr. nx-m. plat. phos. sil. thea. verat. -----and over back, every evening: dulc. — — as if frozen: nx-v. -----like cool air, rising from navel: acon. -----rising from neck: chel. sep. — temples: berb. (r), gamb. merc-c. ol-an. ph-ac. plat. rhod. tarent. (r). — vertex : agar. am-c. am. arum-t. aur- al, k-ca. k-iod. laur. mang. myrie nat-m. plat. sep. sil. sulph. tarent. valer. verat. -----extending to sacrum : acon. -----icy coldness: agar. arn. laur. valer. -----in spot-i: mang. sulph. ----- upper part feels cold and as if without covering: arum-t. -----water, as from cold; aching in head: tarent. Conditions of Coldness. — morning: cedr. dios. lact. plect. tarent. — afternoon: arum-t. gamb, gels, ol- an. valer. — evening : alum, ars-i. creos. dulc. hyper, merc-c. stry. sulph. zne — night: cimic. lyc. mang. sep. — air, in open : phos. -----amel. in : Sep. — arteries, with throbbing of: aloe. — breakfast, after : arn. — burning, after: sulph. — congestion of, with: glon. — covered, when: mang. —----amel.: grat. — earache, with : sep. — heat, with : chin. puis. — menses, during: ant-t. calc. mag-s. sep. sulph. verat. — motion, on: almn. chel. sep. — pressure of hat, from ; valer. — rest, amel.: chel. sep. — riding, after: lye — room, in warm : merc-i-r. tarent. — sitting, when: mezer. — stooping aggr.: alum. sep. — sweat, with : merc-c. — vertigo, with: lact. verat. — walking, amel.: gins. Come off, sensation as if top of head would: bapt. cham. cob. cupr-s. sang. -----Compare with Bursting, Pressure, etc. — — at every jar: cob. Commotion, painless, in: caus. — See Motion, Undulation, etc. Compressive, Constrictive, Contract- ing sensation: acon. ceth. agn. alum. ambr. anac. ang. ant-t. apis, arg-n. arn. asaf. asar. bell. bov. bry. bufo. cadm. calc. camph. cann-i. cann-s. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, cimic. cic. cina. cocc. coloc. con. creos. croc. daph. dios. dulc. eugen. fluor-ae gamb. gent, graph, grat. guare. hell. hipp. hyos. hyper, ign. indg. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lact. lam. laur. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. men. merc. merc-i-fl. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. olnd. par. petr. phel. ph-ac. phys. pip-m. plat. plb. prun. psor. puis, ran-b. rhus. sabad. sabin. selen. sep. sil. spig. spong., stann. staph, stront. sul- ac. tabac. tarax. tarent. therid. thu. valer. verat. vip. zne — — Compare also with Cramping, Heaviness, Pressure, etc. — — alternately with relaxation : calc. bic-can. — armor, as if in: cann-i. clem. croton. — — band or hoop, as if in : acon. aeth. ant-t. brom. camph. clem. cocc. eye gels. glon. guai. iod. ipee lam. laur. marum. merc. nit-ac. op. osm. petr. phys. plat, sabin. sars. spig. stann. sulph. therid. ziz. — boards, as if compressed by two : ipee — — hat, as if in a tight: phys. — — net, as if in a: nat-m. -----periodic: phos. — —screwed, as if. See Vise, below. sides, from both : acon. arg. bell. bov. bry. camph. chin. cic. com. gamb. hell. lam. mag-m. mag-s. men. nat-m. prun. sabad. tarax. ~----as from a screw behind each ear: oxal-ae from behind and before m. spong. from all sides: acon. tarax. -----skull feels smaller : grat. string or cord, as if bound by • nx- Compressive. SYMPTOMS OF asaf. eye graph, hell. iod. merc. mosch. nat-m. psor. sulph. -------like a ligature, from nape to ears: anac. -----vise, as if in a : aeth. agar. alum. am-m. ant-t. arg-n. atro. bar. bry. cadm. carb-v. caus. chel. cina. clem. cocc. euph. glon. graph, grat. mag-c. mag-s. mere nat-m. nice nit-ac. olnd. op. petr. plat. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. ratan. rhus. sabad. sars. spig. stann. sulph. sul-ac. — brain, as if bound up : aeth. am-bro. ant-t. arg. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. cocc. colch. eye hyper, laur. mag-s. merc. nat-m. olnd. op. ph-ac. plat. prun. puis. rhus. sars. sil. spig. — — as if membranes of, were too tight: op. -----as by an iron helmet: crot-e -----as by a cloth : eye — forehead: acon. aeth. ailan. alum. ambr. anac. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bell. bism. bry. camph. cann-s. carb-an. caus. cham. coff. colch. dig. dulc. elat. fluor ac. gels, graph. haemat. ham. ign. ipee iris, lac-can. lept. mane mang. merc. mosch. naja. nat-m. nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. olnd. osm. par. phys. phyt. plat. plb. psor. puis. sabad. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ac. tarax. therid. valer. verat. verb. -----across: arn. ham. lept. naja. phys. -----alternating with expansion: tarax. -----band, as from : aeth. ant-t. carb- ac. cedr. chel. coca, helon. indg. iod. iris, lil-t. merc. mill, tarent. -----eyes, over: aeth. ars. asaf. bell. bry. borax. (1), colch. nx-m. puis. sang. -------from margins of orbits to tem- ples : cann-s. -----intermittent: arn. hyos. plat. -----narrow, as if too : gels. -----nose, over, root of: acon. bov. camph. mosch. nitr. spong. tarax. -----sides, from both : agar. alum. chin. cina. lye spig. -------from front to back : spong. -------from behind and above: aeth. — occiput: all-c. ambr. am-m. anac. asar. camph. chin, colch. fluor-ae graph, guare. hura. ign. lact. mane mang. mere nat-m. nitr. phel. pip- THE HEAD. Compressive. m. rhus. stann. staph, stront. sul-ae tabac. tarent. tong. -----as from band : psor. -----from front to back : pip-m. -----constrictive pain, part feels stiff, forcing to bend head back, amel. tying hair up : nitr. -----extending into back and chest, noon: graph. -----upwards : all-c. puis. — side of: acon. (1), aeth. am-m. arg-n. asar. bov. bry. calc. caus. coloe com. dios. hura. mag-m. mag-s. pallad. phel. phos. rhus. sars. squil. sul-iod. -----like a band tied around: dios. -----as from a screw behind ears: oxal-ae -----screwed in, as if, better in open air: k-iod. — temple: absin. acon. agn. ambr. anac. ant-t. arn. ars. asar. (1), bel'. bov. cann-s. canth. carb-an. caul. cedr. cAam. chel. chin, cimic. coloc. con. eye dig. elaps. elat. fluor-ac. glon. hell. hipp. k-bi. lach. lept. men. mezer. naja. osm. par. petr. ph-ac. phys. plat. plb. puis. sars. squil. stann. sulph. tabac. therid. thu. verb. — — crushed, as if: caul. ----both sides, from: ant-t. lye men. mezer. nat-m. ran-sc. rhus. sars. sum. tabac. -----screws, as with : acon. arg-n. lyc. sabad. — vertex: acon. anac. benz-ae chin. colch. con. crotal. fluor-ac. graph, ign. ipee k-bi. kalm. laur. mang. men. nitr. nx-m. phel. phos. phys. sep. spig. stann. staph, valer. -----above downwards, and from both sides: nx-m. -----extending to forehead : ign. — — both sides, from: men. -----as by an elastic body: benz-ae -----as if bound: eye kalm. -----like a band drawn tightly over, from ear to ear : ipee Conditions of Compressive. — morning: bry. cham. gamb. graph. k-bi. sulph. -----after rising : lyc. tong. — afternoon : graph, mag-c. naja. nit- ac. phos. — evening: anac. hyper, k-bi. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. tabac. tarent. valer. — air, in open, aggr.: merc. valer. -------amel.: coloc. lyc. Compressive. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Ccn fusion. — breakfast, amel. after: bov. — chill, during : tarent. -----with coldness all over : camph. stann. — coughing, on: petr. — drinking, aggr.: merc. — eating, after: con. k-ca. nat-m. sep. — eyes, amel. on closing: chel. — light, from candle: cann-i. — looking intently aggr.: puis. — menses, during: gels, helon. iod. lyc. merc. plat, sulph. — —before: hepar. — motion, from : asar. carb-v. mezer. —- — amel.: op. sulph. valer. ----in open air, amel.: acon. -----changing position amel.: valer. — pressure amel.: aeth. men. thu. —----temporarily: anac. — reading, when: agn. — rest, when at, aggr.: sulph. valer. -----amel. when at: hipp. — rising, amel.: laur. — room, on entering : bov. -----warm room: acon. cann-i. -----amel. in a: hepar. merc. valer. — running, amel.: hipp. — sitting, amel.: asar. hipp. ----- when aggr.: fluor-ac. — sleeping on affected side, when: caus. (1) -----aggr.: merc. — stooping, aggr.: coloc. thu. -----bending backwards, amel.: thu. — vomiting, when: asar. -----amel.: stann. — waking, on: tarent. — — from a nap: bry. nx-v. — walking, when: ang. asar. chin. hipp. thea. — — in open air. — wet weather aggr.: sulph. Concussion of brain: am. bell. cic. hepar. hyper, led. merc. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sul-ac. — in head. See Shock. Confusion, cloudiness, muddled, stupid feeling, etc., in head: acet-ac. acon. rescli-h. ceth. agar. agn. alcoh. all-c. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. anl-t. apis, apoe arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aspar. atrop. aur. aur- m. bapt. bar. bell, benz-ae bism. borax, bov. brom. BRY. calad. calc. cal,c-p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cast caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cina. clem. coca. cocc. cocc-e coff. colch. coloc. com. con. corn, creos. croc. croton. cup-ae eye diad. dig. dios. dros. dulc. elat. ether, eugen. eup- per. euphr. eupi. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. gent. gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. haemat. hell, hepar. hipp. hydr. hydr-ae hyos. hyper, hura. ign. indg. iod. ipee jatr. k-bi. k-bro. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lach. lact. laur. led. lil-t. lith. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag- s. mang. marum. men-pi. men. meph. merc. merc-c. merc-s. merl. mezer. mill, mosch. murx. mur-ac. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nitr. nit-ac. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. osm. par. petr. phel. phos. pA-ac. phys. plat. plb. plect. prun. psor. ptel. puis. raph. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sang. sars. secale. seneg. sep. serp. sil.spig. spong.squil. stann. staph, stram. strye sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. tereb. therid. thu. tilia. tong. tril. valer. verat. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. vip. xanth. zne zing. — compare with Dullness, Stupe- faction of head, etc. — alternating with nausea : secale. ----with pain in kidneys : alum. — as if memory failed: cham. mezer. puis. forehead: acon. agar, all-c. alum. am-m. anac. apis, arg-n. asaf. bar-ae bell. brom. bry. calc. cann i. cann-s. chel. chin. clem, cocc-e coff. colch. coloc. croc, croton. eye ferr-i. gins. gran, graph, haemat. hell. hipp. hura. hydr-ae hyos. k-bi. lact. laur. led. lobel. lyc. mane merc. mezer. nitr. nx-m. op. ph-ac. plat. raph. ratan. rheum, rhod. ruta. sabin. sep. staph, sulph. thu. tilia. valer. vine — alternately in either frontal protuberance: lact. occiput: all-c. ambr. arg-n. asar. bov. cann-s. carb-v. cham. colch. con. rroe croton. fluor-ae k-cle lobel. mill, nat-c op. phel. sep. spig. tong. zne — extending over head : gels. — and forehead: mang. mezer. squil. sumb. side of: anac. arn. asar. coloc. con. (1),creos. croton. eye (r), fluor-ac. (r), hell. (1), hydr-ae laur. op. rhus-r. spig. sulph. (1). — sudden, as from smoke: sul-ae (r). 90 Confusion. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Confusion. — temples: asar. (1), croton. eye k-bi. lith. nx-m. plan. spig. thu. — vertex: all-e chel. cocc-e corn. euphr. eup-per. k-bi. lobel. mere raph. sulph. Conditions of Confusion. — morning: acon. agar. aloe. alum. ambr. am-m. anac. ant-t. arg. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bism. bov. bry. bufo. calc. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cic. clem. cocc. colch. con. euphr. graph, hyos. ign. iod. k-ca. lach. lact. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc. mill, mosch. murx. nat-c. nice nitr. nx-j. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. ran-b. ran-sc.rAoo". rhus. ruta. samb. sars. seneg. sep. sil. squil. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ae thu. tilia. verat. zne -----on waking: acon. anac. ant-t. arg- n. ars. bar. bry. calc. calc-p. carb-v. clem, cocc-e euphr. hyper, ign. lyc. mag-s. merc. phos. rhod. ruta. sulph. tilia. -----when rising: anac. arg-n. asar. aur. bell. bry. carb-v. cham. cic. cina. clem, cocc-e corn, graph, ign. k-ca. lact. mag-c. mag-m. merc. merl. phos. ph-ac. raph. rhod. rhus. sabad. samb. sep. sil. sulph. -----after rising, amel.: ant-t. mag-s. phos. rhus. — afternoon: asaf. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chel. chin, clem,, coloc. croton. ferr. graph, hell. hyos. k-bi. k-ca. laur. nx-v. op. petr. phel. sabin. sep. snrph. zne — evening: aloe. am-c. ars. bar. bell. borax, bov. calc. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin-s. cocc-e eye diad. dig. dulc. euphr. ferr. graph, iod. ipee k- ca. kalm. lyc. mezer. mill. nitr. nx- v. phos. ph-ac. ptel. puis. rhus. ruta. sars. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sul-ac. thu. valer. zne — night: anac. arg-n. calc.croton. lye phos. psor. ptel. raph. ruta. sep. sulph. tilia. -----on lying down: brom. lil-t. rhus-r. -----on waking: glon. merc-i-fl. phos. psor. — air. in open: agar, colch. con. croton. hyos. nit-ac. nx-v. rhod. sulph. -------amel.: am-m. ant-t. bar. bell. bry. clem, cocc-e croc. dulc. glon. hydr-ae mag-m. mag-s. mang. men. merc. nat-c. par. phos. ratan. sulph. — bed, when in: ambr. calc. phos. rhod. — beer, from: bell. calc. chin, coloc. con. coral, croton. ign. — breakfast, after: cocc-e -----before: calc. — bread, aggr.: croton. — carousal, after a: gran. nx-v. -----See Intoxicated, as from, — catarrh, during: graph. — — as during: berb. chin. —■ — from suppressed : lyc. — chill, during cold stage : caps, cie dros. hell. k-ca. nat-c. nx-m. plb. rhus. ruta. stram. viol-tr. — coffee, after: arg-n. calc-p. mill. ----amel.: coca. hipp. — coition, after: bov. — cold bath, amel.: calc-p. euphr. — colic, during : coloc. — compression, amel.: eupi. — coryza, during: aeth. cocc-e hepar. -----as if from: berb. chin, coloc. con. ol-an. sep. staph. — cough, before paroxysm of: cina. — dinner, after: arg-n. carb-v. euphr. nx-v. phos. — drinking, after: bell. cocc. con. croc. — eating, from: mag-m. olnd. ph-ae -----after; ambr. arg-n. bell. bufo. carb-v. caus. cocc. cocc-e coloc. croc. eye euphr. ferr. grat. hyos. led. lobel. lyc. men. merc. mill, nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ae puis, sabin. sep. sil. sulph. zne -----amel.: agar. apis. caus. lach. mezer. nx-j. phos. — eructations, from : all-c. gent. — — amel.: bry. sang. — exertion, on: calc-p. nat c. phos. — fever, during the: arg. bry. camph. cham. cocc-e dros. hyos. ign. ipee laur. op. phos. puis. sep. valer. verat. — hat, putting on, aggr.: ferr-i. — head, with congestion of: acon. arg-n. bry. carb-an. carb-v. glon. hyos. lach. nat-m. -----drawing in temple, from: stann. -----with fullness of: acon. agar. calc. corn, croton. eye gymn. hyos. mag-m. merl. phos. sulph. sul-ae therid. -----with heat of: arg-n. bism. caus. clem. corn, eye hipp. hyos. jatr. k- bi. k-bro. lach. lact. laur. mang. Confusion. SYMPTOMS O merc-c. op. osm. paeon, petr. phel. sulph. therid. -----with heaviness of: acon. agar. alum. anac. arg-n. asaf. asar. atro. bar. berb. bov. bry. calc-p. cann-s. canth. cic. cimic. clem. cocc. coloe con. corn, croton. dros. euphr. ferr. gins. glon. haemat. hell, hepar. hura. hyos. ign. indg. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k- iod. lach. lac-ac. lact. laur. lyc. mag- c. mag-m. mang. merc. merc-c. mosch. mur-ac. murx. naja. nat-c. nitr. nx-j. nx-m. paeon, petr. phos. phyt plb. puis. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sars. stann. staph, sulph. sul- ac. tabac. thea. therid. tilia. zne — — with humming in: ph-ae -----moving the, on: mag-m. -----on raising the : clem. nx-v. -----resting the, on table, amel.: rhod. — — on turning the : clem. ----trembling sensation in, with: calc. -----wagging of, with : sep. — heat of body, during: cocc-e colch. -----see Fever, above. — intoxicated, as if: acon. asar. bell. dig. grat. ign. laur. lyc. nitr. nx-v. phel. rhus. sabad. spong. tong. -----as after being: acon. agar. am-m. ang. arg. bell. bry. camph. carb-v. chin. clem. cocc. coloc. coral, croc, k- ca. lam. laur. mosch. nat-m. nx-v. op. ph-ac. psor. puis, rheum, sabin. squil. valer. — lie down, must: marum. nit-ac phos. — lying down, when: brom. cham. lil- t. mag-m. merc. rhus-r. — menses, during: am-c. cocc. lyc. phos. -----after: nat-m. — mental exertion, from: ang. aur. calc-p. canth. carb-v. caus. cham. cocc. diad. evon. gels, hepar. iod. laur. mag-c. mag-m. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. petr. ph-ac. pic-ae puis, ran-b. sep. sil. staph. -----activity, with: dig. __ motion, from: acon. ambr. bell. brv. cob. ign. indg. lobel. mosch. nx-v. puis. -----amel.: ferr._ — nose, on blowing: euphr. -----bleeding of, amel.: cham. __ palpitation, during: glon. F THE HEAD. Confusion. — pressure in temples, during: ant-t. gran. -----of hands, amel.: hydr. — reading, when: ang. calc. cocc. ferr-i. — rest, when at: arg. nat-c. — riding, when : bry. sil. — rising, when: aur. bov. bry. k-ca. laur. merc. nat-m. nat-s. — room, in a: acon. am-m. ars. aur-m. bry. croc, mag-m. men. merc. nat-c. phos. -----amel. in: caus. colch. -----warm : acon. ph-ae — sitting, when: am-c. asaf. asar. bar. bell. calc. carb-an. caus. cic. colch. k-ca. mang. mere nat-c. nit-ac. puis. rhus. sabad. sars. sep. sil. spig. sul- ac. thu. valer. verat. — sleeping, after: ambr. anac. ars. bry. calc. carb-v. con. graph, hepar. op. squil. -----after a siesta : calc. carb-v. phos. — sleepiness, with : cham. — smoking, after: alum. bell, ferr-i. gels. petr. — speaking, when : staph. — spirituous liquor, from: alum. bell. bov. con. coral, petr. stront. — standing, when : bov. bry. cic. grat. lith. plb. staph, thu. valer. verat. — stooping, when: bov. calc. caus. coloc. corn. hell, nat-m. nit-ac. phos. spig. valer. vine -----amel.: verat. — sun, in the : nat-c. nx-v. — sweat, during: chin. samb. — turning, on: am-c. — vertigo, during: acon. aeth. agar. arg-n. bar. bov. calc. calc-p. carb-an. caus. cham. clem, creos. dig. ferr. gels. glon. graph, hell. hydr. hydr- ae ipee laur. lyc. mill, mosch. mur- ac. nx-m. op. phos. ph-ac. phyt. ran- sc. sabin. secale. seneg.- sil. stann. staph, stram. sulph. zne — vexation, after : nx-v. — vomiting, during: arn. croton. graph. — waking, on: acon. anac. ant-t. arg- n. ars. bar. berb. bry. calc. calc-p. caps, carb-v. cham. chin. clem, cocc- c. con. euphr. glon. hyper, ign. lyc. mag-s. merc. merc-i-fl. phos. pA-ac. psor. rhod. rhus. ruta. stann. sulph. tilia. walking, when: agar. ang. asar. 2 Confusion. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Congestion. bell, borax, bry. calc. camph. carb- an. carb-v. cic. cocc-e coff. con. dros. ferr. k-ca. nat-m. nit-ac. rhus. sep. spong. tarax. thea. thu. viol-tr. -----in open air: acon. agar, carb-v. caus. coff. k-cle lyc. nat-m. sep. spig. sulph. tarax. ------------amel.: bry. merc-i-fl. nat- e par. rhod. sulph. — washing amel.: calc-p. coca, eye euphr. phos. — wine, after: alum. bov. con. — wrapping up head, amel.: mag-m. -----uncovering head, amel.: phos. — writing, when: arg-n. croc, ferr- iod. laur. nat-c. — yawning, amel. when : bry. Congestion, rush of blood, etc.: acet- ac. acon. aloe. alum. am6r. am-e am- m. anac. ant-c. apis, arg-n. arn. asaf. aur. bar. bell, borax, bov. brom. bry. cact. calc. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cAam. chin. cic. cimic. cinnb. clem, cocc-e coff. colch. coloc. con. cop. coral. corn, creos. croc, crotal. croton. cupr. eye dig. dulc. elaps. eucal. eugen. eup-per. ferr. fluor-ac. gamb. gels. glon. gran, graph, grat. hell. hura. hydr. hydr-ae hyos. ign. indg. iod. jatr. k-bi. k-bro. k-ca. k-cle k-iod. kalm. lach. lac-ac. lact. laur. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. mill, mosch. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. op. paeon, petr. phel.pAos. ph-ac. pic-ae plb. psor. puis, ran-b. rhus. sabin. sang, secale. seneg. sep. sil. spong. staph, stram. strych. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. tarent. tellur. thea. thu. urt-ur. valer. verat. verat- v. viol-od. zne zing. ziz. -----compare with Fullness, Pulsa- tion, etc. -----alternating with congestion to heart: glon. --------with icy cold sensation : calc. -----chronic, caused by fright or grief: ph-ac. -----extending to, from abdomen: croton. --------from chest: glon. mill, sulph. -----as if blood rushed from heart to head: nx-m. -----at night, a stream from chest to head like a gust of wind, with epis- taxis: mill. -----as if blood streamed from below upwards or from within outwards: oxal-ae — forehead, in: aloe. bad. bell, cimic. cinnb. fluor-ac. glon. lac-ac. mag-s. nat-c. ran-b. spong. stann. viol-od. — occiput: aloe, borax, chel. glon. ol-an. pip-m. staph, thu. — temple: chel. glon. sil. zing. — vertex: absin. cann-i. cinnb. phos. ran-b. sil. Conditions of Congestion. — morning: calc. cham. chin-s. glon. lach. lac-ae lyc. mag-c. mag-s. naja. raph. tellur. — —on waking: calc. lyc. -----on rising : eugen. -----worse toward noon, gradually ceasing toward evening, with terri- ble pain, would press head against wall; fears going mad : stram. — afternoon: am-c. cham. chin-s. lach. nat-m. paeon, ran-b. sil. — evening: calc. caus. chin-s. fluor- ac. indg. mag-m. mill, nat-c. nx-v. phos. puis. rhus. trom. — night: am-c. anac. carb-v. eye mill. psor. puis. sil. sulph. — abdomen, during pain in: coloc. sang. — alcoholic liquors aggr.: calc. glon. lach. — anxiety, with : acon. eye — air, in open: lil-t. nat-c. ran-b. sulph. --------amel.: camph. caus. hell, mag- na, mosch. — bandage, amel. by a tight: arg-n. — bed, when in: anac. lye mill. sulph. — chest, during shocks in: tabac. — coffee, from : am-c. mill. rumx. — constipation, during: aster, crotal. nx-v. — convulsions, before: glon. -----during: canth. crotal. — coryza, with sensation as of: carb-v. — dentition, during: verat-v. — diarrhoea, during: rhus. — dinner, after : eye nx-m. — eating, before: uran-nit. -----after: cinnb. cop. eye glon. nx- m. petr. -----high living, from: verat-v. — epistaxis, with: bell, carb-vh. lac. lil-t. 8 93 Congestion. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Cracking. -----feels as if were coming on : ign. lac-ac. — excitement, during: asaf. -----after a pleasant surprise: coff — exercise, on taking: sulph. — eyes, with congestion of: canth. lac-ac. nit-ac. seneg. -------dim vision: alum, eye grat. hydr-ae lac-ac. nit-ac. — face, with congestion of: cop. coral. corn, merc-c. mill. ziz. -----heat of with: acon. asaf. canth. chin-s. coff. cop. ferr. hell. kalm. mang. phos. rhus. sil. sulph. valer. -----redness of with: acon. bell. canth. coff. glon. phos. sil. sol-n. — fright or grief, from : ph-ac. — haemorrhoids, with: lach. — head, on raising: lyc. -----on bending back : bell. -----on shaking: nit-ac. nx-v. — heart, at every throb of: cimic. glon. — lifting, after : nat-c. — lochia, from suppressed: acon. bell. bry. cimic. — lying, when: eye hydrph. mang. naja. -----on temple: mur-ac. (r). ----amel.: nat-c. — menses, before: acon. apis. bell. bry. cupr. gels. glon. hepar. hipp. hyper. iod. lyc. merc. trill. -----during: acon. apis. bell. bry. cact. calc. caus. cham. chin, cinnb. con. elaps. gels. glon. iod. mag-c. mag-m. mane merc. mosch. nat-m. nx-v. phos. sang, sulph. verat. verat-v. -----after: chin, nat-m. sulph. thu. -----suppressed, from: acon. apis. arn. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin, cimic. ferr. gels, graph, lach. merc. op. stram. sulph. — mental exertion, from: agar. aur. calc. cham. psor. — motion, from: glon. grat. k-cle mang. nx-v. petr. sulph. — nausea, with: glon. paeon. — nose, on blowing: nit-ac. -----see, also, Epistaxis. — pains, when, suddenly cease : cimic. — parturition, in : aur. — pressure, amel.: camph. glon. — respiration, with difficult: acon. cena. — riding, from : grat. sulph. — rising, on: eugen. mag-s. nat-c. sil. sulph. 94 -----amel.: aur» mill. — room, on entering: ol-an. -----in a hot: carb-v. cocc-e sulph. -----sitting in amel.: sulph. — sitting, when : lac-ae mag-c. mang. nat-c. phos. thu. -----must sit up: aloe. — sleep, during: glon. sil. — — after amel.: grat. — smoking, from : mag-c. — speaking, when: coff. sulph. ----when spoken to: ign. — standing, from: k-ca. mang. — stepping heavily, from : bar. — stool, during: bry. sulph. -----after: lach. — stooping, when: acon. aur. bell. calc-p. canth. coral, elaps. lach. lye mill, myrie nat-c. nit-ac. rhus. seneg. sep. sulph. tellur. verat. — sun, from exposure to: acon. cact. glon. — suppressed discharges or suddenly ceasing pains: cimic. — sweat, during the: thu. — vertigo, with: acon. alum. arn. bell. bry. cact. calc-p. chin. con. eugen. glon. grat. k-cle lach. merc. mosch. myrie nx-v. op. rhus. sabad. sil. sulph. urt-ur. — waking, on: am-c. bell, carb-v. — walking, when: caus. lach. mang. ran-b. -----in open air: caus. ran-b. ----------amel.: cham. — wet, from getting the feet: dulc. — wine, after: sil. — working, when: tellur. — writing, when: cann-s. Constrictive. See Compressive. Continuous pain, increases periodi- cally : cupr. Contusive. See Bruised. Cord, sensation as of a, across forehead : merc-i-r. nat-c. — see also under Compressive. Cracking, crackling sensation in: acon. ars. calc. carb-v. cham. con. dig. kalm. puis. sep. spig. * —. — as if something broke: sep. — forehead, in : acon. spig. — side of: acon. arn. calc. cham. coff. hepar. — occiput, in : calc. carb-v. — vertex, in: coff. con. — evening, aggr. in: acon. — motion, aggr.: acon. Cracking. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Cutting. — nose, after blowing : hepar. — shivering, with : kalm. — siesta, during : dig. — sitting, when : carb-v. coff. -----amel. when : acon. — turning the head, when: sep. Cramping pain: acon. ambr. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. ars. asaf. calc. carb- v. cina. colch. coloc. croc, eugen. gels. ign. k-ca. mag-m. marum. mezer. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. petr.pA-ac. plat. psor. ran-sc. rheum, sep. squil. stann. thu. verb, zne -----compare with Compressive. -----extending to malar bone: bell. — forehead: aeth. bell. croc. ign. plat. -----above root of nose : arn. bell. ----------as if would lose senses: acon. ign. — occiput: am-m. dios. — — in small spot: am-m. — side of: bell, (r), phos. sars. thu. (1). -----cold, crampy, left: phos. — temple: agar. (1), calc. (1), cina. indg. (1), k-ca. (1), petr. plat. sil. (1), verb, zne -----extending into teeth,: nat-m. (r). — — with tickling : cann-s. — early morning, after rising : mag-c. — from rubbing forehead, amel. : thu. — from suppressed catarrh : acon. — study and, exertion from, after ague: gels. — vexation, after: mag-c. Crazed sensation, in : carb-v. lil-t. —- with pain in right iliac region: lil-t. — pain so severe believes will go crazy or lose senses: acon. ambr. calc. ign. -----feels crazed with headache, when studying: indm. — Compare with Wild. Crawling, creeping sensation : arg. arn. calc-p. colch. cupr. hyos. plat. puis. rAws. sulph. — in brain : alum. apis. laur. puis. — forehead: colch. Cry out, pains compel one to: anac. bov. coloc. cupr. mag-m. sep. sil. stann. stram. Cutting, darting, stabbing, etc.: agar. alum. ambr. arg. arn. aur. bell. bism. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. chin. cina. con. dros. ferr. hepar. k-bi. k-cle lach. lyc. mag-c. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. puis, staph, tilia. verat. -----compare with Lancinating, Shoot- ing, etc. -----as if brain were cut to pieces, on stooping: nice -----as if split by a wedge, body icy cold, thirst: lachn. -----as with a knife : alum. arn. bell. k-bi. lach. mag-c. mag-s. nat-m. -------followed by sensation of cold- ness : arn. — forehead, in : agar. bell. bism. calc. camph. cocc-e dios. dros. nat-m. seneg. sep. ziz. -----as with a knife: mang. nat-m. sabin. tereb. -----extending to occiput, where- upon all previous pain suddenly ceases: bell. -----across forehead, followed by stitches in epigastrium: aesc-h. — — above right orbit, extending to occiput: bism. — — momentary darts causing one to close eyes: podo. — occiput: bell. calc. caps. chin. tong. -----extending to orbits, aggr. by motion and stooping : chin. -----as with a knife: con. nat-m. — side of: arg-n. aur. bell, (r), cie k-bi. nat m. nat-p. rumx. (1). -----as of a knife drawn transversely through: arn. — temple, in: alum, apoe (r), arg-n. bell, canth. chin, cimic. cocc-e coloc. (1J, croc, eye dios. (1), glon. graph. hydr. iris, lac-can. lach. mag-c. nat- p. phos. ph-ae ptel. (r), rhus. stram. (r), stront. verb. -----extending to jaw: glon. % -------to eyes: berb. -----as with a knife: eye ferr. lach. stram. -------— from temple to temple: bell. — — sharp pains by spells in both temples: bapt. — vertex: bell. con. lach. senec. verat. Conditions of Cutting. — afternoon : nat-p. ptel. — evening: bell. — air, open aggr.: nat-m. — cold applications, amel.: tilia. — coughing, when: ziz. — exertion, on : ambr. tilia. — eyes, closing amel.: tilia. -----moving aggr.: dros. — motion, aggr.: chin, tilia. 95 Cutting. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Drawing. —• nose, after blowing: sep. — rest, aggr.: capr. -----amel.: tilia. — sleeping, amel.: stram. — standing, when : agar. — stooping, on : chin. dros. nice — supporting head on hands, amel.: dros. hydr. — thinking of it, amel.: cic. — walking, aggr.: calc. -----amel.: caps, hepar. Darting. See Cutting, and compare with Lancinating, Shooting, etc. Digging. See Boring. Dilate, expand, etc., seems to: bell. cann-i. carb-ae dulc. euph. sol-n. stront. — on shaking head, aggr.: carbol-ae — Compare Swollen. Distention. See Swollen, and Com- pare Fullness, Pressure, etc. Distorted, feels as if: nat-m. Dragging sensation in : ant-t. calc. canth. crotal. gels. laur. merl. nat-m. rhus. — extending to shoulders: gels. — sitting and leaning against high pillow amel.: gels. Drawing: acon. aeth. agar, ailan. ang. alum. ambr. am-c. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell. berb. bism. borax, bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. cimx. cimic. cina. coff. coloe con. creos. croc. cupr. eye. diad. dulc. eugen. eupi. ferr. glon. gran, graph. guai. hell. hipp. hydr. ipee k-ca. k- iod. lach. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mang. men. merc. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat- „ m. nit-ac. nx-v. ol-an. petr. plat. puis, ran-sc. rheum. rAod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. seneg. sep. sil. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ae thu. tilia. tong. valer. verat. zne. zing. -----behind forward, from: carb-v. -----extending to face ; ant-t. diad. graph, seneg. -------to nose : ant-t. -------to occiput: glon. -------to spine : mosch. nitr. thu. -------to temples: asar. -----here and there : ambr. ipee mosch. nx-v. tong. -----drawing hot pain, head and eyes, sneezing relieves: lil-t. -----periosteum, as if in: merc-c. -----preceded by drawing in armpit: petr. _____round the head : bov. carb-v. -----in stripes,'as if in : arg-n. — forehead: acon. agar, all-c. am-c. anac. ang. ant-cr. ant-t. arg-n. ars. asaf. (1), asar. aur-m. bad. bar. (1), bell, borax, bry. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps, (r), carb-v. cast. caus. chel. chin. cic. cina. (1), clem. (1), colch. (1), coloc. (1), con. croc, eye (1), dulc. (1), eupi. ferr. gins, graph. guai. hell. hipp. k-ca. lact. laur. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mang. men. (r), mere mezer. mosch. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. (r), nitr. nx-v. petr. phos. puis, ran- b. rheum, rhod. (1), ruta. (r), sabad. sabin. (r), selen. seneg. sep. sil. squil. stann. (r), staph, stront. sulph. tarax. valer. verb. (1), viol-od. (1), zne. zing. -----alternating with pain in wrist: sulph. -----extending to eyes : agar, cann- i. lil-t. -------to lower jaw : nat-m. -------to neck: mosch. nitr. viol-tr. -------to nose: glon. nx-v. -------to occiput: sep. -----flying: chel. -----eyes, above: agar. asaf. bry. calc- ae cann-i. carb-an. colch. con. ign. (r), nat-m. (1), nit-ac. seneg. sulph. thu. (1), zne -------eyes feel as if projecting, with sensation as if a thread were tightly drawn through eyeball and backward into middle of brain, sight weak: par. -----nose, above root of: acon. agar. asar. carb-v. k-cle nat-m. rheum. -----worm, as if a crept through : sulph. — occiput: agar. ambr. anac. ant-t. arg. arg-n. arn. asaf. bell. bry. cact. calad. calc. calc-ae calc-p. cann-s. carb-v. caus. chel. cocc. cocc-e coloc. corn, eye dros. gels. gins. glon. graph, guai. k-bi. laur. mag-c. mang. men. merc. mill, mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-s. nitr. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. plat, plect. puis, ran-b. raph. rhod. rhus. sabin. selen. sep. spig. squil. staph, sulph. valer. zne. -----extending to ears: bar. (r), cann-s. -------to forehead, amel. by pressure and walking: chin. -------to neck, before going to sleep: bry. Drawing. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Drawing. --------to nape of: merc. nat-c. plect. sulph. --------to nose: corn. --------to upper cervical region and shoulders, better resting head high on pillow, with eyes half closed; sleepy : gels. -----wandering: mezer. -----upward from nape: ambr. carb- v. ferr. — side of: acon. alum, (r), anac. (1), ang. (r), ant-t. (1), apis. (1), arg. (1), arg-n. (r), arn. (1), asaf. (r), bar. (1), bar-ae bell, (r), brom. (1), calc. (r), camph. (r), canth. (1), caps, carb-v. cAam. chin. cimx. cina. clem. cocc. (r), colch. (1), coloc. dig. dros. fluor-ac. (r), gran. hell. indg. iod. (1), k-ca. (1). lach. (r), lyc. (r), men. nat-s. nit-ac. (1), nx-v. phos. (r), ph-ac. (r), plat. rhus. (l),sars. (l),sep. (1), spong. (r), sul-ac. (r), thu. (r), valer. (r). -----extending to clavicle: indm. --------to face: cup-ac. --------to neck : chel. (r), cupr-ae lyc. --------to orbits: crotal. (1). --------to teeth: crotal. iod. -----in spot: phos. -----increases gradually and ceases suddenly, feeling as if a nerve had been torn : arg. (1). — temple: acon. agar. ang. ant-c. (1), ant-t. arg. asar. bell, (r), bry.. calc. cann-i. case (r), caus. (r), chel. chin- s. cina. coff. (r), colch. (1), coloc. (r), con. croc, (r), cupr. (11, eye (1), dulc. (1), eupi. guai. hepar. hipp. indg. (1), k-bi. laur. lye mang. merc. (r), mosch. nit-ac. nx-v. ol-an. olnd. petr. phos. ph-ac. phyt. plat. (1), ran-b. raph. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. (r), sabin. sars. (r), seneg. spig. (1), squil. (r), stann stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. (1), thu. (1), tilia. (1), zne (1), zing. (r). -----extending to eye: aloe. (1). --------to face: ant-t. (r), arg. bry. seneg. --------across forehead : chin-s. lach. lact. lyc. sabin. --------to vertex : aur-m. eye (1). -----spots, in: sul-ac. (1). — vertex : anac. ant-t. arg. ars. bov. calc. caus. chel. cinnb. crotal. dulc. grat. hell. indg. iod. k-ca. led. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. ran-b. ran-se ruta. sars. spig. spong. stann. tilia. zne | -----extending to eyes: nx-m. --------to forehead: led. --------to nose, while eating: dulc. --------to neck, aggr. by walking: chel. --------to temple: chel. Conditions of Drawing. — morning: ang. dros. hell. k-bi. mag-c. mezer. petr. sulph. zne -----on rising: nat-m. -----wakens, passes off on rising: am- e — noon, amel. of: bry. — afternoon: agar, ant-t. dulc. gins. verat-v. zing. — evening: all-c. aloe. ang. bov. cast. - crotal. graph, hipp. nitr. ol-an. phos. ran-b. stront. valer. zne -----amel. in : coloc. — night: k-ca. nat-m. phos. rhus. — air, in open : con. grat. mang. plect. -------amel.: asar. hell. olnd. — bed, in: agar. hell. hipp. — breath, aggr. when holding: agar. — chewing, when : sulph. -----hence amel. after eating : sulph. — chilliness, during: eupi. — church, when in: zne — cold applications, amel.: tilia. — dinner, after: bell, nat-c. phos. — draught of air, from: tilia. valer. — eating, during: du'e -----after: ant-t. bell. cina. mill, nat- e phos. -------amel.: con. sulph. — eyes, on closing: sabad. -----amel.: tilia. — head, on moving: cact. staph. -----resting high on pillows, amel.: gels. — house, on entering, amel.: mang. plect. — lying down, amel.: asar. — menses, during: berb. mag-c. sang. — mental exertion, from: calc-ae cina. coff. gins. — motion aggr.: arg-n. bism. tabac. tilia. — nausea, during : croc. — pressure aggr.: cina. -----amel.: chin. — rest, when at: arg. bell. eupi. -----amel.: arg-n. tilia. — rising, when : bry. coloc. nat-m. — sitting, when: arg. chin. men. squil. — sneezing, frequent amel.: lil-t. Drawing. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Dullness. — standing, while : agar, mag-c. — — amel.: tarax. — stooping low, on: ign. — stretching, aggr. by: agar. — swallowing, on : mag-c. — touch, on : con. — waking, when: agar. — walking, when : chel. coloc. -------amel.: chin. Drawn, backward, the head : acon. acet- ae bell, camph. cann-i. cedr. cham. chin. cic. cina. creos. cup-ae eup- per. ipee mag-c. mur-ac. nat-c. nit- ' ac. nx-v. op. phel. stram. tong. viol- tr. -----compare with Falling. -----in convulsions : tabac. — — during menses : zne — forwards: hydr-ae mere par. plb. sang. — sideways : bar. bell. (1), camph. (1), caul. (1), cup-ae lach. (1), merc. (1), plb. (1), puis, sabad. (r), sil. taxus. (1). -----first right then left: ang. -----first left then right: stram. — —upon shoulders : hydr-ae Dropsy of brain : acon. am-c. apis, apoe aur. bell, calc-p. hell. indg. lach. mag-m. ph-ae plat. samb. stram. -----with sweat: merc. Dull pain : agar, ailan. all-e alum. anac. ant-c. arg. arum-t. bapt. bar. bism. bov. calc. camph. cann-i. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cina. con. croc, crotal. cupr. eup-pur. ferr. glon. graph, ham. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. lach. lachn. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-m. mang. marum. men. meph. merc. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. petr. ph-ac. plat. puis, ran-se rheum, rhod. sabad. sars. secale. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. sulph. sul-ae tereb. thu. verat. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. -----compare Aching. —- forehead: agar, ant-e ant-t. asar. bapt. calc. camph. cann-i. cocc. coff. coloc. dulc. (1), euph. hell, ign.'laur. lept. nat-m. ph-ae plat. plb. puis. rheum, sabad. sars. verat. zne -----eye, over: apis, cann-i. zne -----in right frontal protuberance, then in left: acet-ac. — occiput: aesc-h. alum. ambr. asar. bry. calc. chin. cic. eye fluor-ac. gels. nat-c. ran-sc. rhod. samb. secale. stront. thu. — side of: canth. croc. dros. laur. spong. zne — temple: agar. chin. laur. ph-ac. stront. verat. -----from temple to temple: lobel. — vertex: agn. ant-e cimic. gels. mezer. — morning: agar. — afternoon : bapt. — move head, must and close eyes: agar. — pressure, amel.: cimic. Dullness, cloudiness, stupid feeling, etc.: abrot. acet-ac. aesc-h. aeth. agar. agn. ailan. alco. all-c. alum. am-c. ant-t. apis, apoe arg. arg-n. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. bad. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. calc. calc-p. cann-i. cann-s. caps, carb-v. cast. caul. caus. cedr. cham. chel. chin-s. cic. cimx. cimic. cinnb. clem. cob. coca. cocc. cocc-e colch. con. creos. croc, crotal. croton. cub. cup-ae dig. dios. dros. dulc. elat. eucal. ferr. ferr-p. fluor-ae gamb. gels. glon. graph, grat. guai. haemat. hell. hura. hydr. hyper, iris. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k- iod. kalm. lach. lachn. lac-ac. lact. laur. led. lil-t. lye mag-m. mag-s. mang. marum. men. merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. mezer. mill. mosch. myrie naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat- p. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx- v. olnd. ol-an. op. osm. oxal-ae paeon, pallad. par. phe]. phos. ph- ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. plat. plect. plb. podo. prun. psor. ptel. puis, ran-sc. ratan. rhod. rhus. rhus- v. ruta. sabad. sang. sars. secale. selen. seneg. sep. serp. sil. sol-n. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. 4tarax. tellur. tereb. thu. tilia. urt-ur. ustil. valer. verat. verat-v. verb, viol-tr. vip. xanth. zne -----Compare with Confusion, Stupe- faction, etc. -----blood, as from too much: calc. glon. phos. sil. sulph. -----chronic : calc. -----coryza, as from: ars. berb. k-ca. lye merc-i-r. nice op. phos. sep. -----dizzy, dullness: agar. iris, mosch. par. sabad. tilia. ----7 drinkin§. as after : ang. bry. cimic. cocc. creos. dulc. glon. mag- na, mezer. nice nitr. op. ph-ac. rheum. rhod. rhus. sabad. 98 Dullness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Dullness. -----gloomy: ang. arg. calad. clem. dig. men. merc. mezer. nat-m. nitr. nx-v. op. ph-ae puis, rheum, samb. thu. valer. -----fatigue, as from : nat-m. -----intoxicated, as if: aeth. caus. mezer. ratan. rhus. samb. thu. -----muddled, as if: agar. anac. ant- c. ars. asaf. bry. coral, euphr. ferr. men. nx-v. puis. rhus. secale. seneg. staph, tabac. thu. verb, viol-od. viol- tr. -----nailed up, as if: acon. ceth. mag- s. plat. -----opium, as from : cann-i. -----painful: ang. arn. asaf. calc. caus. diad. dros. glon. grat. hell. merc. nat-c. nat-m. nx-m. plat, secale. spig. tilia. viol-od. -----sleep, as from too much: nat-c, -------as from loss of: ambr. ars. bry. chin, colch. ferr. k ca. mezer. nice nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. rhod. ruta. sulph. zne -----stunning : ang. ant-t. arg. asar. aur. cocc. croc. dulc. k-ca. mag-m. mag-s. mezer. par. rheum, sul-ae verb. -----sudden : bry. sul-ac. — forehead, in: aesc-h. agar, ailan. ant-c. arg-n. arum-t. bell. calc. cann- i. canth. carb-an, cham. cimiecinnb. cocc coloc. croc. cund. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. gymn. ham. hell. hepar. hipp. hydr-ae ign. jae lac- can, lachn. mang. merc-c. mur-ac. naja. nat-m. nx-m. op. oxal-ae pallad. par. phos. phyt. pip-m. psor. (1), ratan. rhod. rumx. sabin. serp. sil.' sol-n. squil. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tilia. ustil. vine zne. -----board, before, like a : acon. calc. cocc. dulc. olnd. op. plat. plb. -----as if something worked around in: merc. -----mounting like a vapor from occi- put : aeth. Conditions of Dullness. — morning: agar. alum. ars. arum-t. calc. carb-an. cob. coloc. hyper, ign. indg. mag-m. mag-s. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nice nx-v. ol-an. oxal-ae petr. podo. rhus. sulph. sul-ac. thu. tilia. ustil. -----on waking: arg-n. chin, croton. ferr. myrie nat-m. plect. rhod. zne -----on rising: anac. calc. cocc-e hura. mag-m. plb. — afternoon: agar. almn. chel. lac- ac. laur. mag-s. merc-i-r. nat-m. sol-n. verat-v. — evening: ars. cedr. croc. dulc. elat. grat. k-ca. mag-s. mezer. mill, nat- m. oxal-ae pallad. nx-m. phos. phys. selen. sep. spig. stann. sulph. thu. zne — night: arg-n. fluor-ac. pic-ae sulph. tilia. — abdomen, during colic at night: sulph. -----during pressure in: graph, sep. — air, in open: rhod. spig. -------amel. in: dulc. phos. phyt. ratan. -------exercise in, amel.: rhod. — ascending, on: sw/pA. — breakfast, before : fluor-ac. -----amel. after: bov. — catarrh, during : graph. — chilliness, with : aloe. hell. — coffee, after: arg-n. mill. — coition (or emissions), after exces- sive: caus. mezer. ph-ac. — cold, after: olnd. -----washing amel.: phos. — conversation, from : sil. — coryza, during: nat-m. — covered, in bed: amel.: nat-c. — diarrhoea, after: nx-v. — dinner, after: arg-n. mag-m. plan. sabad. thu. tilia. — draught of air, from : calc-p. — drinking, after: con. — eating, after: arg-n. calc. cocc. lyc. mag-m. men. mill, nat-m. phos. plan, sabad. thu. tilia. zne -----amel.: bov. mezer. — eructations, amel.: sang. — exertion, in open air, amel.: rhod. — eyes, on turning: rhus. — fever, during: thu. — hat, worse from pressure of: calc-p. — head, covering the, on: stront. -----resting on table, amel.: rhod. -----shaking, aggr.: glon. — house, aggr. in: phos. — menses, after: graph, nat^m. — mental exertion, from: cocc. mag^ e nat-m. oxal-ae phos. thu. — micturition, free, amel.: tereb. — motion, from: nx-v. ol-an. tabac. -----amel.: ferr-p. — nausea, during: fluor-ac. Dullness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Falling. — periodic: staph. — rising, after: laur. nat-s. olnd. rhod. — room, in warm: bell. croc, merc-i- fl. phos. — siesta, after: calc. — sitting, when: phos. phyt. puis. rhus. sars. verat. — sleep, after loss of: ph-ae — smoking, from : gels. thu. — sneezing amel.: lyc. — standing, while: staph. — stool, during: dios. oxal-ae phos. -----amel. after : mag-s. — stooping, on : nat-m. — vertigo, during: acon. aeth. am-c. ars. borax, bov. camph. canth. carb- an. caus. cham. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. croc. lach. laur. mag-c. mag-m. nitr. nx-v. op. phos. secale. sep. sulph. — vomiting, amel.: tabac. — waking, on : acon. ars. caps. cham. con. sep. sulph. zne — walking, from: coloc. grat. nat-c. nat-m. sep. -----amel.: agar, ferr-p. sulph. — — in open air amel.: merc-i-r. rhod. — wine, from least: alum, coloc. con. k-cle mill, oxal-ae zne. Empty, hollow sensation : am-c. anac. ant-c. arg. arn. ars. asaf. bell. berb. bov. cact. calc. camph. caps, carb-v. caus. chin-s. cina. clem. cocc. coral. cupr. eye dulc. euphr. ferr. glon. gran, graph, hipp. hyos. ign. jabor. mane mang. myrie naja. nat-c. nat- m. nat-p. nx-v. oxal-ae phos. pic-ae puis, secale. seneg. sep. stram. sulph. zing. -----aching of brain, with: arg. -----as from catarrh: ars. -----as after intoxication: acon. agar. ambr. spig. -----head feels like a lantern: ars. puis. — forehead, in: alum. caus. spig. sulph. sul-ac. -----as if between forehead and brain : caus. — occiput: mang. nat-c. sep. staph. sulph. -----while brain in front seems too large: hell. — temples: eye Conditions of Empty sensation. — morning: anac. bov. chin-s. euphr. sulph. verat. — afternoon: nx-m. — night, aggr. lying on occiput; amel. by pressure of hand: sep. — air in open, aggr.: cocc. sulph. — bed, amel. on getting warm in: cocc. — coryza, during: hell. — eating, after: cocc. graph, men. — house, amel. in: sulph. — pressure of hand, amel.: mang. sep. — riding, amel.: euphr. — sitting, when : spig. — sleep, after restless : hipp. — talking, when : spig. sulph. — vertigo, during: phos. Enlarged, seems: agar, ant-c. ant-t. apis. arg-n. ars-i. bapt. bell. berb. bov. caj. caps, cimic. cob. coll. com. daph. duh?. gels. gins. glon. hyper, indg. k- iod. lach. lachn. lact. laur. lith. mang. meph. merc. nat-c. nx-m. phel. ran-b. ran-sc. rhus. sil. spig. tarax. therid. tilia. tong. zing. -----compare with Swollen. — elongated, feels: hyper. — extended upward, the vertex seems: lachn. — sensation as if widened : aloe. — and as if split open by a wedge from the outside; body icy cold, skin moist and sticky ; cannot get warm even under a feather bed, face yellow; whines with the pain; head burns like fire, with thirst: lachn. — bandaging, amel.: arg-n. — fever, with intermittent: cimic. — headache, with: gels. •— lying, when ; rising aggr.: rhus- r. -----amel.: dulc. — menses, during : arg-n. glon. — pregnancy, during: arg-n. — pulling on boots, nggr.: coll. — stool, during : cob. — walking in open air, after: ant-t. — weather, aggr. in cold, damp: dulc. Expanded. See Enlarged, Swollen, etc. Falling backward of head : seth. agar. camph. chin, colch. dios. glon. k-ca. led. cena. op. phel. samb. spig. tarent. -----see also under Heaviness. -----when sitting: chin. cena. op. -----during vertigo: spig. -----when walking : chin. phel. Falling. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Fullness. — forward, feels as if head would: agn. calc. clem. cupr. elaps. gels. glon. hipp. hydr-ae hyos. ign. k-ca. laur. lyc. op. par. phos. phys. pic-ae plb. puis, ran-b. sars. sulph. -----on rising : hipp. -----when looking at anything, sink- ing of head forward : cic. -----sitting, when: nx-m. cena. staph. -----stooping, when : puis. -----walking, when : hipp. -----wrinkling of forehead and open air, amel.: phos. — forward, sensation of, in brain: alum. am-c. bar. beib. bry. carb-an. cham. coff. creos. dig. grat. hipp. k- ca. laur. mag-s. nx-v. rAws. sabad. sul- ac. .------------pain, as if fell forward and came up again: sul-ac. -------------on stooping: carb-an. coff. laur. mag-s. nat-m. nat-s. rhus. -------------raising head, amel.: alum. — hither and thither: bell. phel. — out, sensation as if everything would, at forehead : acon. all-c. bar. bell. brom. bry. canth. carb-an. caus. chel. colch. coloc. creos. hell, hepar. k-ca. mag-m. mag-s. mezer. nx-v. phos. plat. puis, ratan. rhod. sabad. sep. spig. spong. stann..staph, stront. tabac. thu. verb. — — see also under Pressure. -— — coughing, when : hepar. — — stool, when at: ratan. — —stooping, on : hell, mag-s. — to pieces, sensation as if head would fall, when stooping: glon. — sideways of head: ang. arn. ars. cann-s. cina. dios. eup-per. ferr. fluor- ac. hyos. k-iod. nx-m. op. prun. stram. sulph.tarax. -----child leans head* all time : cina. -----to right side : ferr. -----to left side: nx-m. -----on waking: sulph. — — when walking: dios. ferr. — side to side, in brain : nice sul-ac. -----to side, which stoops: am-c. ---— to left temple, on stooping: nat-s. Flapping sensation in brain : ars. rhus. Flattened, sensation in forehead : coral. — as if pressed flat: verat. Fluctuating in : aphis, bell, cimic. coff. glon. hepar. hyos. mag-m. par. — compare Undulating. Fly off. See under Bursting, Come off, etc. Flying, fleeting pains. See Stitches, Wandering, etc. Foreign body in, pain as from a: fluor- | ac. rhod. -----in right half of brain: con. | Fullness: abrot. acon. aesc-h. agar. ailan. a'l-c. am-c. am-m. ang. apis. apoe arg-n. arn. arum-t. asaf. bapt. bell. berb. borax, bov. bry. calc. calc- p. cann-i. caps, carb an. carb-v. I carlsbad. ca6t. cham. chin, chin-s. chr-ae cimic. cinnb. clem. cob. cocc- e coff. con. corn, creos. crotal. croton. cupr. eye daph. dig. dios. elaps. eucal. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. gent. gins. glon. graph, grat. guai. gymn. ham. hell. hydr. hyos. hyper, ign. iris. jae k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lach. lac- ac. lact. laur. lil-t. lyc. melilo. meph. j merc. merc-i-r. merc-s. mill, nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nice, nit-ac. nx-m. nx- v. op. osm. paeon, petr. phel. phos. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. psor. ran-b. ran-sc. raph. rhus. rumx. samb. sang. senec. sep. sil. sol-n. spong. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tanae tellur. tereb. thu. tilia. urt-ur. valer. verat-v. xanth. ziz. -----compare with Congestion, Heat, Heaviness, Pressure, etc. -----as if would burst: am-c. cann-i. daph. ipee lil-t. merc. nit-ac. -----as if too full of blood: lac-ac. sulph. -----causing head to hang down : clem. phel. -----as if stuffed full: glon. indm. -----chilliness, thick speech, double vision, with : gels. — forehead: acon. agar. am-m. ang. apoe arg-n. bapt. bell. berb. borax. bry. calc. cann-i. carb-an. chr-ae cinnb. clem. coca. euph. eupi. gels. glon. gymn. ham. hell, helon. hydr. hyos. indg. indm. laur. lil-t. mag-s. naja. nnt-p. nice oxal-ae pallad. phys. phyt. podo. ran-sc. rhus. rumx. sang, sep sulph. sul-ac. thea. tilia. -----as if there was not room enough, a forcing out, amel. washing and eating: psor. ----eyes, over: hydr. lil-t.nat-p.oxal- ae -------with vertigo: podo. Fullness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Grasping. -----nose, over, evening: naja. — occiput: agar. apis. bapt. caj. cann- i. cinnb. cpn. creos. glon. helon. osm. sulph. therid. — temple : alco. apis. bell. cic. cinnb. cob. glon. gnap. guare. jae lil-t. lith. plan. rumx. sep. -----first right, then left, then to nape where it disappears: jae — side of: arg-n. (r), asaf. (1), cimic. (1), eye (r), fluor-ae (1). glon. — vertex : aesc-h. alcoh. am-c. apis. calc-p. chin-s. chro-ae cimic. eup- per. glon. gymn. ham. helon. hyper. k-bi. lac-ac. meph. osm. pic-ae psor. — — as if something were pumped in : glon. Conditions of Fullness. — morning : am-m. arg-n. borax, carl. cann-i. chin-s. chr-ae cinnb. cob. con. hydr. indg. mag-m. nat-p. nice petr. pic-ae rhus. sul-ac. — — 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. : lac-ac. -----on waking: con. glon. kalm. lil-t. tilia. — noon to 2 p. m. : pic-ae — afternoon: arg-n. coca. ferr. gels. guare. lac-ac. lact. lith. mill, nat-p. osm. phys. sang, sulph. -----to night: sil. — evening: arg-n. cimic. ferr. guare. ham. naja. nat-m nat-p. thu. — night: arg-n. chr-ae — air, in open : grat.. -------amel.: cinnb. carl, jae -------walking in, amel.: borax. hydr. — ascending, on: borax. — breakfast, after: con. hydr. — chilliness, during: eupi. — dinner, after : gins. — eating, while: con. — — after : con. gins. hydr. -----before: uran-nit. — hat, worse from pressure of: calc-p. — head, aching, during: calc-p. — —on bending back, aggr.: osm. -----leaning to left: chin-s. — — on raising, aggr.: sulph. ----shaking aggr.: carb. glon. — heat, during: glon. lach. — lying, when: naja. — menses, on appearance of: gent. glon. -----during: arg-n. bell. calc. eupi. glon. — mental exertion, from: helon. indg. nat-p. psor. -----better when mind is employed: helon. — micturition, copious, amel.: gels. —- motion aggr. from : calc-p. — pressure of hat aggr.: calc-p. -----amel.: agar, arg-n. hydr. — reading, when : helon. indg. — rising, on: am-m. cinnb. glon. sil. — sewing aggr.: petr. — siesta, after : mill. — sitting, when : borax, glon. -----up, aggr.: calc-p. — sleep, aggr. after: sulph. — sneezing, on : hydr. — stool, when straining at: ham. — — amel. after : corn. — stooping, when : acon. lac-ac. merl. nice petr. pic-ae rhus. spong. — talking, after, aggr.: sulph. — vertigo, during: am-m. borax, bry. chr-ae con. croton. eye gymn. helon. lac-ac. lact. merc. nat-m. nat-p. podo. sol-n. tilia. urt-ur. — waking, on : agar. asaf. guare. — — before: hyper. — walking in open air: thu. -— wine, after: ailan. — writing, while: chin-s. Gloominess. See Confusion, Dullness, etc. Gna-wing : calc. canth. led. lyc. nat-m. paeon, par. phos. ran-sc. zne — forehead: con. merc-i-r. nat-s. sulph. zne -----above right eye, morning: dros. -----above nose: calc-ae merc. phos. raph. — occiput: calc. dros. glon. nice ol- an. raph. — temple : ran-sc. sol-n. (r). ----temples, occiput and ears: led. — vertex : men. ran-sc. — with otalgia j ran-sc. — at night: merc-i-r. -----when stepping heavily: lyc. • Gradually disappearing pain : op. plat. sabin. — increasing and suddenly ceasing: sul- ac. — see also under Increasing. Grasping : ars. con. mag-m. nat-s. — forehead, amel. by cold foot-bath: nat-s. — grabbing sensation, during confusion of head: hell. — grasped forehead and cried my head, 102 Grasping. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Heat. my head! I am crazy; amel. walk- ing about:sulph. — momentary blindness; grasps head, it feels so strangely: nx-m. — apoplexy, grasps head; mouth drawn to left: phos. Grinding: agar. anac. myrie — amel. by pressure: anac. Griping : cOn. mag-s. sep. Grumbling : hepar. indg. sul-ac. Gurgling : asaf. bry. sep. — see Bubbling. Hacking : am-c. ars. aur. lyc. nitr. ph- ac. — see Cutting. Hair. See under Scalp. Hammering: am-c. ars. aur. calc. chin- s. cic. clem. coff. dros. ferr. hepar. indg. lach. mane mezer. nat-m. nice nit-ac. ph-ac. psor. rhus. rheum, sil. sulph. tarent. -----see Pulsation, Shocks, etc. -----like a clock: mag-s. — — like a hammer : ars. — forehead: am-m. cic. creos. olnd. verb. ----as with small, sharp hammer: nice — temple : ars. benz-ae chin. psor. — vertex : hyper, phos. Hands, holds head with: glon. hyos. ----------on coughing : nice nx-v. sulph. — leans on: iod. — puts to: camph. verat. — rubs with : verat. — see also under Grasping. Heat: acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar. all-c. aloe. alum. ambr. am-e am-m. anac. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apis, arg-n. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bad. bapt. bar. bell, benz-ae berb. bism. borax. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb- v. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cimic. cinnb. clem. coff. colch. coloc. con. corn. croc, cupr-ae eye daph, dig. dios. dros. dulc. euph. euphr. eupi. fluor-ac. gamb. gels. gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. gymn. haemat. hell. hura. hydr. hydr-ae hyos. hyper, ign. indg. indm. iod. ipee iris. jatr. k-bi. k-bro. k-ca. k-cle k- iod. kalm. lach. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane mang. men. merc. merc-c. merl. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nice nitr. nit- ac. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. op. paeon. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. phys. pic-ae plat. plb. podo. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. ratan. rheum, rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. secale. senec. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. strain, stront. sulph. tabac. tarent. taxus. therid. tellur. thu. tilia. tong. valer. verat. vine viol-od. xanth. zne -----agreeable : camph. cann-s. nice thu. -----air, asifsurroundedbyhot: aster. -----alternating, with chilliness: asaf. sep. -------with diarrhoea: bell. -------with rigor in back : spong. — — anxious: canth. coff. -----coryza, as from: berb. nx-v. -----breath, like a warm : fluor-ac. -----flashes of: aesc-h. aeth. am-m. ant-t. arn. ars. aur. calc-p. cic. cocc. colch. corn. dig. glon. hell. hepar. lact. laur. led. mag-c. mag-s. nat-m. cena. ptel. sep. sulph. tabac. xanth. ziz. -------after chilliness: sang. sil. -----hot body, as if, fell forwards : k- ca. -------iron around, as if from a: acon. -------water: all-e indg. -------■ water thrown on scalp and penetrating to brain, as from : petiv. -----periodical: calad. -----rising up : aeth. calad. canth. eye gamb. nat-s. plb. rheum, rhus. -------from abdomen: alum. indg. mag-m. plb. -------from back : phos. —----from chest: acon. glon. phos. sulph. — — spot, in small: carb-v. mezer. -----sweat, as if, would break out: caus. phos. plat, ran-b. -----tormenting sensation of heat, with dullness: strain. -----transient: agar. arn. cann-i. mag-m. sulph. tabac. valer. -----vapor, as from warm : ol-an. -----wine, as from : rhus-r. sabad. — forehead: acon. aeth. alum. am-m. ang. ant-t. ars. asaf. asar. bad. bapt. bell. brom. calc. camph. canth. carb- an. carb-v. caus. chel. chin, cimic. cinnb. clem. cocc. co'oe creos. cup- ae eye euph. euphr. eupi. fluor-ae gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. gymn. 103 Heat. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Heat. hell, hepar. hydr. hyos. indg. indm. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. lact. laur. led. lye mag-m. mag-s. mane mere merc-c. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nice nitr. ol-an. op. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. phys. pic-ae puis, ran-b. ratan. rhus-r. sabad. senec. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. tarax. tarent. taxus. tellur. thu. tilia. verat. viol- od. zne _____alternately in either protuber- ance : lact. _____as if warm water trickled down inside: glon. _____feeling of warmth in middle ot forehead, then coolness as from draught of air: laur. — occiput: aesc-h. bell. brom. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cie cinnb. cocc-e con. dig. fluor-ac. glon. indg. jatr. kalm. lobel. mane merc-i-fl. nat-s. puis, rhus-r. sulph. tarent. thu. verat- v. zne -----flashes of: aesc-h. lach. — side: am-m. (r), calc. (1), caus. (r), cinnb. eye (r.), k-bi. (l),petr. (1), phel. (1), pic-ae tarent. tilia. -----in flashes: k-bi. — temple : berb. euph. glon. hura. ign. lyc. merl. ol-an. phel. podo. -----with cold cheeks: berb. __ vertex : acon. calc. camph. carb-an. chel. cocc-e corn. daph. eup-per. grat. hepar. hvper. lach. laur. lept. mag-s. merc-i-r. "mezer. nat-s. nx-m. phos. podo. rhus-r. sulph. tarent. thea. -----in small spots: mezer. Conditions of Heat. __ morning : alum. am-m. ant-c. ant-t. bry. calc. carb-an. chin. clem, eye dios. euphr. hipp. hyper, indg. kalm. lyc. merc-i-r. mezer. nat-c. nitr. nx-v. petr. phos. podo. sep. sulph. tilia. tong. zing, zne _____on waking: berb.calc. lyc. nat-m. sil. stann.sulph. _____on rising: agar. am-m. bar. calc. corn, eye dulc. _________amel.: sulph. — noon: ant-c.bell. jatr. — afternoon : ant-t. arg-n. bad. berb. bry. cann-s. carb-an. chin-s. dios. graph, hyper, ipee lyc. mag-c. mag- m mag-s. mang. nat-m. nice ol-an. phos. phys. puis. sep. spong. stront. sulph. , __ evening : acon. alum. am-m. borax calc. canth. chel. cocc-e eye grat. indg k-ca. laur. lil-t. lobel. lyc. mag- c mag-m. merc-i-r. nat-c. nx-j. nx-v. ol-an ph-ae phys. puis, ran-b. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. thu. zne night: am-m. ang. arg-n. camph. cann-s. lye meph. nat-c. rhus-r. ruta. sil. staph, tilia. _ in bed : carb-an. lyc. nat-m. sulph. — on waking: tilia. air, in open aggr.: verat. _________amel.: clem. grat. laur. mag-m. mang. nat-c. phel. phos. abdomen, from pain in : grat. anus, from pain at: oxal-ae anxiety, with: stront. ■ back, with coldness of: thu. . bed, when in : ang. arg-n. carb-an. eye lyc. nat-c. nx-v. staph. .----amel. in: k-ca. - beer, after: chel. sulph. - bone, with pains in: merc-c. - catarrh, during: graph. - chest, after heat in : grat. - chilliness, during: ant-c. asaf. colch. hell, mag-m. - cold bath, amel.: euphr. indm. mezer. nat-m. sep. - coldness of body, with : acon. ARN. asaf. bufo. calc. chin, chin-s. clem. gels. hipp. hyos. lachn. mag-s. nx-v. plb. stram. verat. ---extremities, with : bell, camph. cann-i. cann-s. chel. com. nx-j. ---fingers, with : hell. - constipation, during: chin. - contradiction, from : cop. - coryza, during: arum-t. calc. jatr. lach. mag-m. - cough, during: am-m. ant-t. ars. carb-v. ipee sulph. - diarrhoea, during: oxal-ae rhus. - dinner, after : alum. berb. caus. eye graph, mag-m. phel. ----during : grat. nat-c. nx-v. - eating, after: alum. bell. berb. canth. carb-v. caus. clem, eye graph. hyos. laur. lyc. mag-m. petr. phel. phos. ----hot food : mag-c. — exertion, from: berb. — eyes, on moving: chin. — face, with coldness of: thu. ----with heat of: aeth. arg-n. berb. bry. calc-p. cann-s. canth. clem. corn. glon. hura. jatr. iris. k-ca. k-iod. nat- m. nitr. op. phos. sabad. stront. sulph. 104 Heat SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Heaviness. — with pale: ambr. puis. — during redness of: aeth. bry. cact. cann-s. k-iod. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. merl. nat-c. phel. plb. stront. sulph. tarent. zne feet, with cold: alum. am-c. bar. bell. eon. ferr. gels. laur. nat-c. squil. sulph. grief, after: phos. hands, with coldness of: asaf. asar. bar. bell. hell. iod. lact. lyc. nat-c. sumb. — with heat of: canth. lach. laur. mag-c. ol-an. phel. phos. ---------palms: borax, tarent. headache, with: apis. hydr. — on moving head : calc. — on raising head : grat. heart, during oppression of: glon. — with palpitation of: coloc. iod. lying down, when : arn. ars. nx-j. ----amel. when: k-ca. nat-c. rhus. menses, before : apis. bell. calc. con. ign. iod. ipee lyc. petr. thu. ■ — during: apis. am. bell. calc. carb- an. caus. cham. ign. ipee k-iod. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mental exertion, from: anac. aur. • motion, on: ant-t. spong. • — amel.: phos. ■ nausea, with: cann-s. dig. gran. jatr. nat-m. phyt. stann. ■ pressure, amel.: arg-n. hydr. nx- v. - — when touched : berb. - reading, when: nat-s. - riding, when: lyc. • rising, on: bar. calc. mag-s. - — from stooping : grat. nat-c. - — amel. on : carb-an. k-ca. sulph. - room, when in : caus. clem, cocc-e indg. mag-m. nat-c. nice ran-sc. sulph. ■ — in hot: cocc-e sulph. - sewing, when : petr. - shivering, with: arn. ars. ran-b. ■ siesta, after: clem, eye rhus. - sitting, when: canth. merc. nat-c. ph-ac. spong. • sleep, before going to: almn. cocc- c. • — amel.: laur. . — with sleepiness: creos. stann. stront. ■ sneezing, from, amel.: lil-t. - soup, on taking: phos. - speaking, by: phos. ph-ac. — standing, amel. when: phos. — stool, during urging to : clem, mag- na. -----after: lyc. — stooping, when: k-ca. petr. valer. — storm, on approach of: nat-c. — throbbing, with: glon. spong. — vertigo, with: clem. dios. hydr-ae lact. merl. nit-ac. op. ph-ac. puis. spong. sabin. — waking, on : calc. chel. lyc. nat-m. phos. sil. stann. sulph. tarent. tilia. •----before: hyper. — walking, when : borax, glon. indg. mezer. nit-ac. sep. stront. -----in open air, amel.: sulph. — wine, after: lyc. nx-v. petr. — writing, on: k-ca. ran-b. Heaviness: acet-ac. acon. sesc-h. aeth. agar. agn. ailan. all-c. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang* ant-t. apis, apoe arg-n. am. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. aur. bapt. bar. bar-ae bar- m. bell. berb. bism. borax, bov. brom. bry. bufo. cact. calc. camph. cann-i. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cedr. cAam. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cimic. cinnb. clem. coca. cocc. cocc-e coff. coloc. con. corn. cop. creos. croc, crotal. croton. cupr-ae. eye dig. dios. dros. dulc. euphr. eupi. ferr. ferr-i. fluor-ac. gamb. oefe.gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. guare. gymn. haemat. hell, hepar. hipp. hura. hydr. hydr-ae hyos. hyper, ign. indg. iod. ipee. iris. jatr. k-M. k-ca. k-iod. lac- can, lach. lachn. lac-ac. laur. led. lil- t. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag^m. mag-s. mane mang. men. meph. merc. merc- e merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. morph. mosch. murx. mur-ac. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nice, nit- ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. op- osm. paeon, par. petr. phel. phos. ph ac. phys. phyt. pic-ae plan. plat. plb. prun. ptel. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. ratan. rheum, rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sars. secale. seneg. sep. sil. sol-n. spig. spong. squil. stann. stram. stront. staph, sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. tarent. ttllur. tereb. thea. therid. thu. tilia. tong. ustil. valer. verat. verat-v. verb, viol-od. viol-tr. vip. zne zing. -----compare with Pressure. -----alternating with clearness of mind: murx. 105 Heaviness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Heaviness. — blood, as if too full of: glon. ign. lil-t. ♦ , , . — coryza, as if from: berb. laur. __dizzy : camph. bry. nat-m. nx-v. — drawn, backward, as if: phel. zne ----forward, as if: olnd. viol-tr. ----to one side, as if: sil. __drinking, as if had been : acon. agar. cocc. dulc. ferr. lach. laur. nitr. sabin. — dull: apoe caj. calc. fluor-ac. glon. nat-s. phys. rumx. verb. — fall, backward, head: camph. chin. k-ca. phel. .____forward, as if brain would: carb-an. laur. rhus. sul-ac. .----forward, as if head would : agn. alum. bar. berb. hipp. nat-m. op. par. phos. plb. rhus. sulph. sul- ac. tabac. viol-tr. zne .____down, as if brain would: alum. bell. berb. hipp. _____side, to one, as if head would : bry. fluor-ac. phel. ---"lying with head too low, as if had been: pAos. ---oppressive: ars. ipee sabin. therid. ---painful: gran. hell, nice olnd. sabad. verb. ---pressed forward, as if brain were : bry. canth. laur. thu. ---brain feels compressed: hyper. ---like a weight on brain: chel. nx- v. sil. -----------on head : cocc. phel. ---raise from pillow, as if he could not: iod. ph-ac. puis, sabad. ---sleep, as if had not had enough : mag-c. zne - forehead: acon. aeth. agar, ailan. all-e am-c. am-m. ang. ant-c. ant-t. apoe arg. arn. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. aspar. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bism. bov. brom. bry. bufo. calc. camph. cann-i. canth. carb an. carb-v. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. clem, coloc. con. conv. creos. crotal. croton. dulc. elaps. ferr. ferr-i. gamb. gels. gins. glon. gran. grat. haemat. ham. hell. hepar. hipp. hura. hydr. hyos. indg. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. lac-can. lach. laur. led. lil-t. lith. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc. merc-i-r. mur-ac. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nice nitr. nx-v. olnd. op. oxal-ae pallad. phos. phyt. plb. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. sars. sep. sil. sol-n. stann. staph, stront. sulph. tarent. taxus. tellur. thea. tong. verat. zne — as if full of lead : clem. lyc. -------stone lay there : ruta. -------all would come out: acon. creos. mag-s. --------a weight pressed forward in; must hold head upright: rhus. ------------sank down in it: nx- occiput: aesc-h. aeth. agar, ant-t. apis. aur. bell. bism. bov. bry. cact. calc. caj. cann-s. canth. carb-an. cham. chel. chin. cic. clem, colch. con. cop. creos. dulc. eup-per. ferr. gins. hell. indg. k-ca. k-iod. lach. lac- ac. lact. laur. lyc. mag-m. mang. mepA. mezer. mur-ac. myrie nat-m. nat-s. nice nitr. op. paeon, petr. phos. ph-ac. plb. prun. ptel. ruta. sabin. secale. selen. sep. spig. spong. stann. sulph. tarax. thu. tilia. trill. — eyes, seems to draw together: nat- m. — extending downward: sep. sulph. ----from ear to ear : ferr. ----to shoulders, after waking, while lying on back: bry. — lead, as if full of: k-ca. lach. mur-ac. op. petr. spong. — raise, difficult to: chel. ----pain in occiput like a weight, must raise head with hands: eup- per. - — sink, as if head would, back- ward : ign. k-ca. mur-ac. op. - — step, at every, a jolt as if a weight were on occiput: bell. - side of: aeth. (r), am-c. (1), arg-n. (r), bov. (r), cact. (r), cedr. elaps. (r), eugen. (r), grat. (1), hydr. kalm. (r), k-ca. (1), k-iod. lyc. (1), mag-m. (1), sabad. (r), sabin. (1), stann. (1), sul-ac. (1), tarent. (1). - temple : agar', bell. bism. bov. cact. carb-an. cimie cinnb. clem. ferr. glon. k-iod. led. nit-ac. phyt. rhus. sabad. sars. sep. stann. tellur. ---as if a weight hung at both sides : agar. rhus. - vertex: acon. all-c. aloe. alum. apis. bry. cact. camph. cann-s. canth. cast. chel. chin-s. con. dig. eup-per. hell. hipp. hydr. indg. k-bi. k-iod. laur. 106 Heaviness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Heaviness. mag-c. merc-i-r. mosch. oxal-ae phel. phys. phyt. pic-ae rhus. squil. stann. sulph. xanth. -----as from a stone or weight: cann- s. indg. mosch. phel. Conditions of Heaviness. — morning: acon. agar. alum. am-m. ars. arum-t. berb. bov. bry. calc. carb- an. cast. chel. chin, cimic. clem. coca. com. con. croc. eupi. gamb. hell. hydr. hyper, indg. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lach. lyc. mag-m. mang. mezer. nat- m. nice nitr. nx-v. op. oxal-ae paeon. pallad. petr. phos. phys. phyt. pic- ae plb. ruta. sabin. sars. sep. sil. spig. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. verat. zne — — on waking: bar. bell. bry. calc. calc-p. cann-i. cham. chin. croc. croton. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. lach. lil-t. lye mag-s. nat-m. nice nit-ac. phos. rhus. sol-n. squil. tarent. tong. verat. -----on rising: am-m. anac. ang. ars. aur. bell. clem, cocc-e coff hell. hipp. hura. k-bi. k-iod. mag-c. mag- m. nat-m. nice phos. rhod. sep. stront. sulph. tong. •------- amel. after: k-iod. mag-s. nice — afternoon : all-e alum. am-c. arg- n. bry. bufo. cham. chel. chin-s. ferr. gamb. gels, hyper, indg. k-iod. lact. mag-c. mag-m. mang. murx. nice nx-j. pallad. puis. sil. — evening: ambr. apoe arg n. ars. bar. bov. bufo. cedr. chin-s. coloc. ferr. fluor-ae hydr-ae k-iod. kalm. laur. lith. lyc. phos. plan. rumx. sep. stann. sulph. zne — night: arg-n. carb-an. k-iod. lil-t. mezer. nit-ac. sil. tarent. tilia. -----on waking: chel. cic. nat-c. tilia. — abdomen, with distention of: graph. — air, in cold : carb-an. -----in open : laur. lil-t. -------amel. in : ant-t. ars. caus. clem. ferr-i. gamb. hell. hydr. mang. mosch. nice phos. — ascending, on: men. rhus-v. — back and limbs, with pain in: apoe -----with drowsiness and pain in: gamb. — bed, when lying in: am-c. — beer, after ; chel. — breakfast, amel. before: nat-m. — candle-light, from: bbv. — chill, during: sulph. -----after: dros. — coffee, strong, amel.: corn. — cold, after taking: dulc. -----amel.: chin-s. — coughing, on: euphr. taxus. — daily: nat-m. sil. — darkness, amel.: brom. — descending, on : men. — diarrhoea, with morning: lil-t. — dinner, amel. after: carb-an. — eating,while: aeth. -----after: am-c. bry.cast. cedr.euphr. gins, graph, grat. k-iod. mag-c. mag- s. nat-c. nat-m. nx-j. nx-v. op. tabac. — epistaxis, amel.: dig. -----accompanied by : nat-s. — erect, on becoming, aggr.: con. — exercise, aggr.: calc. — eyes, on moving:chin. nx-v. rAus. -----exertion of, aggr: mur-ac. -----with burning, after dinner: nat- e — fever, during the: sep. thu. -----after the: tarent. — forehead, wrinkling of, amel.: phos. — head, bending back. amel.: cocc. ph-ac. -------forward, on : nat-m. ph-ae ■----holding erect, on: dros. tarax. —■ — lying with, head high, amel.: sulph. ----moving, on: asar. calc. indg. sars. spig. -----raising, on: dros. ign. op. spong. sulph. —----amel.: bry. -----shaking the, partially amel.: gels. -----supporting, amel.: staph. -----stupid feeling in, with: canth. cic. coloe crotal. ferr. hell, hepar. indg. k-iod. laur. mag-m. mezer. nice nitr. nx-v. op. plb. puis. sars. sol-n. sulph. tabac. — heat, from : com. hell. -----of sun: brom. nat-c. — legs, with tingling in: secale. — light, worse from strong: cact. — looking steadily, amel.: sabad. -----sideways, when : agn. — lying down, when: am-c. bov. glon. mag-c. merc. nice nx-m. puis. sep. sulph. tarax. -----— amel.: nat-m. olnd. rhus. tellur. 107 Heaviness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Increasing. -----on back: cact. mezer. -----on side, when: men. ---------amel.: cact. -----with head high, amel.: sulph. — menses, before: cimic. crotal. ign. -----during: calc. carb-an. ign. k-ca. mag-c. mag-s. nx-v. zne -----after: all-s. nat-m. -------menstrual colic: ant-t. — mental exertion, from: calc. crotal. ferr-iod. lyc. nat-m. phos. — motion, from: acon. arg-n. bism. bov. calc. canth. colch. fluor-ac. lyc. phys. plat. sars. stann. sulph. thu. -----amel.: mag-c. mosih. — pressure, amel.: ailan. cact. camph. cop. mur-ac. nat-m. sabin. — reading, when: bry. calc. croton. — rest, during: stann. -----amel.: arg-n. — riding, when: phyt. — rising, on: am-m. ang. aur. bapt. calc. hura. iod. olnd. sulph. tarax. viol-tr. — — amel. on : calc. con. laur. nice -----from stooping, on: grat. mag-s. sulph. tong. viol-tr. — room, when in: ars. laur. merc. phos. rhus. ----warm, room : chin-s. hydr. paeon. — salivation, with: fluor-ac. phos. — sewing, when: petr. — siesta, after a: bov. bry. mag-c. rhus. — sleepiness, with : canth. gamb. — sitting, when: aeth. alum. ang. ars. caus. chin. cic. merc. olnd. squil. sulph. — — bent over, when: con. — — amel.: suiph. — sleep, amel.: laur. — sleepiness, with: apoe asaf. bar. bell. coca. corn. gamb. grat. hydr. ipee laur. nit-ac. op. rhus-r. — smoking, aggr.: ferr-i. gels. — soup, after taking: phos. — sneezing, on: seneg. — standing, on: alum. ars. bov. caus. k-ca. mag-c. nice plb. — stool, after : apoe — stooping, on: acon. alum. berb. bov. bry. camph. carb-an. colch. con. fluor-ac. grat. hell. hyos. indg. k-bi. k-iod. laur. nat-m. nice nit-ac. nx-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. senna, spong. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. -----amel.: dros. ign. tarax. viol-tr. -----after: tong. viol-tr. — sun, heat of, in : brom. nat-c. — swallowing, aggr.: k-ca. — sweat, during: ars. caus. — talking, from: cact. nat-m. sulph. — touch, on : agar. — urine, profuse discharge, amel.: gels, fluor-ac. — vertigo, during: acon. am-m. bov. bry. carb-an. caus. clem. coff. gels. hepar. hydr-ae k-bi. lact. laur. niag- e mag-m. mag-s. naja. nat-c. nice nx-m. paeon, phos. prun. puis, secale. thu. tilia. — vexation, after: mag-c. — vomiting, after: sulph. -----amel.: tabac. — waking, on: bar. bell. bry. calc. calc-p. cann-i. cham. chel. chin. cic. con. croton. euphr. ferr. fluor-ac. ign. lach. lil-t. mag-s. nat-c. nat-m. nice nit-ac. rhus. sep. sol-n. squil. sulph. tarent. tilia. tong. verat. — walking, when: hell. hipp. k-bi. laur. puis.rheum, rhus. spong. sulph. thea. -----amel.: k-bi. mag-c. -----after in open air: bov. -----in open air, amel.: hydr. — washing, amel.: mag-c. phos. — work, from fatiguing: nat-c. — writing, when: calc. gent-1. lyc. — yawning, with: mag-c. Heaving up and down sensation in: bell. con. lyc. Hold up head, unable to: ant-t. atro. bapt. cham. con. croc, cupr-s. gels. glon. hipp. lil-t. lyc. mang. mezer. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. phel. puis. rhus. sabad. sil. tabac. zne — steady, unable to: squil. Hollow. See Empty. Humming. See Buzzing. Hysterical headache: aur. bell. bry. caps. cham. cocc. hepar. ign. k-bi. lach. mag-c. mag-m. mosch. nit-ac. phos. plat. rhus. ruta. sep. valer. verat. — ill-humor, with: bov. creos. k-ca. plat. sil. — impatience, with:plat. — inability to collect one's self, with : carb-v. chin, creos. crotal. eye mang. mezer. nit-ac. rhus. sars. sil. stann. sulph. Increasing gradually, pain: acon. bry. lact. lobel. sars. 108 Increasing. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Lancinating. — and decreasing, gradually: arn. bar. crotal. jab. k-bi. op. plat, sabin. sars. stann. stront. verb. — and decreasing, rapidly: arg-n. bell. coca, merc-c. sul-ae — gradually, but suddenly going off: arg. caus. sul-ac. Inflammation of brain: acon. apis. bell. bry. cadm. camph. canth. cham. cina. crotal. cupr. glon. hell. hyos. lach. merc. nx-v. phos. plb. puis. rhus. stram. sulph. verat-v. — — with sopor : borax. Intermittent pains: agar. anac. arg. cann-i. caul. cina. cupr-ae ign. iod. iris. kalm. mill, nit-ac. plan. plat. psor. sang. sep. stann. tereb. valer. verat. Intoxication, as from: aesc-h. agar. am-c. ars. berb. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. creos. croc, croton. eye euphr. eupi. glon. graph, hydr-ae iod. laur. mag-m. mezer. nat-m. nit- ac. nitr. nx-v. par. ph-ac. ptel. puis. rhod. rhus. samb. spig. tarax. sul-ac. valer. -----compare with Confusion. Itching : dig. sabad. tarax. — see under Scalp. — sides and inside : dig. — forehead: agar. am-m. anac. ars. bell. berb. bov. canth. caps. caus. cham. clem. con. fluor-ac. gamb. gran. hura. hyper, k-bi. lach. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. merc. nat-m. olnd. ol-an. petr. rhus. samb. sars. spig. squil. sulph. tabac. verat. -----evening: sulph. -----air, amel. in open: gamb. -----dinner, during: hepar. mag-c. sulph. -----menses, before, itching eruption on : sars. -----rubbing, amel.: ol-an. samb. tabac. -----scratching, amel.: bov. mag-c. squil. Jerking pain: acon. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-t. arn. asaf. bar. bell. bism. borax. bry. calc. cann-i. canth. carb-an. carb- v. caus. chin, creos. croton. eye dulc. glon. graph, ign. k-ca. lach. lyc. mag- e mag-m. marum. men. merc. mill. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. paeon, petr. phos. ph-ac. plb. prun. puis, ratan. sabad. sep. sil. spong. squil. stann. sulph. thu. 9 109 -----compare with Shocks. -----here and there: chel. stront. -----involuntary jerking of head back and forward, when sitting: sep. -----from one side to another: samb. -----from behind forward: k-ca. ph- ac. -----on walking quickly or ascending stairs: bell. -----throwing head toward the right: nat-s. — forehead, in: arn. borax, cann-i. caus. cham. chin. op. sep. sil. stann. sulph. sul-ac. thu. ----- across:sabad. -----alternating with dull aching: stann. -----backward: prun. — occiput, in: acon. bell. cedr. fluor- ac. glon. k-ca. prun. rhus. spig. stann. thu. -----forward: arg-n. -----intermitting: canth. — sides of: aeth. (1), alum. caus. chin. nat-m. nice nit-ac. sabin. (r). — temples, in: arn. cast. chin. glon. k-ca. lact. lil-t. oxal-ae plb. stann.. (1), sulph. valer. -----downward: anac. — — upward: am-m. spong. — vertex, in : anac. k-iod. men. mur- ac. ran-sc. spong. -----here and there: k-iod. — drinking cold water amel.: k-ca. — worse during rest, better from motion: stann. Knocks head against things: ars. bell. — pain as if knocked in the head: mosch. -----see under Bruised. Knocking in : am-c. ang. -----like a ball striking skull: plat. -----as of brain against skull: ars. chin. daph. glon. hydr-ae laur. mezer. nat-m. nx-m. rheum, stann. sulph. sul-ac. ---------on motion: nx-m. rhus. ---------see also under Pulsation, and compare with Motion, etc. Lacerating. See Tearing. Laming pain: cina. Lancinating pain : acon. aesc-h. ambr. am-c. arn. bell. cadm. cup-ae dros. gins, graph, hepar. hura. ipee k-iod. mane sang, squil. tarent. — see also Cutting. — motion, amel.: k-iod. Lancinating. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Motions. — stooping, on: arn. — vertigo, with: nat-m. — walking in open air, amel.: hepar. Large. See Enlarged, and compare with Swelling, etc. Lean on to something, desires to: bell. gymn. -----see also Falling; compare with Heaviness. Lightness in, a sense of: acet-ac. am-c. arum-t. bar. bry. camph. cann-i. chin-s. chr-ae cinnb. coff. con. corn. crotal. eup-pur. gels. grat. hipp. hydrph. iris. k-bi. k-ca. lach. lac-ac. naja. op. oxal-ae phos. sars. secale. sol-n. stram. trom. ziz. -----compare with Empty. -----as if air were in head: benz-ae -----as if borne by air: op. — occiput, in: secale. — giddiness, after: iris. — motion, aggr.: gels. — nausea, after: hydrph. — sitting, when: carb-an. — sneezing, when: benz-ae — walking, when: oxal-ae Load, pain as from a: bell. led. men. mosch. ph-ac. plat. rhus. sars. sil. spig. squil. sulph. thu. — compare Heaviness, Pressure, etc. Looseness of brain, sensation of: acon. am-c. bar. carb-an. caus. chin. cic. con. cocc. croc, elaps. glon. graph. guai. hyos. k-ca. kalm. lach. lact. laur. mag-s. mur-ac. nat-m. nat-s. nice nitr. nx-m. phys. rAws. sep. staph, sul- ac. verat. xanth. -----compare with Motion, Shaking, Vibration, etc. -----diagonally across top, when turn- ing: kalm. -----feels as if brain fell to side on which leans: am-c. — forehead, in: chel. con. laur. sul- ac. — temple : sul-ac. -----when stooping feels as if brain fell toward left: nat-s. — occiput: staph. — carrying a weight, when: mur-ae — head, on shaking: bar. con. glon. nat-m. nx-m. rhus. xanth. -----on moving the: mag-s. -----on turning the: k-ca. kalm. — step, at every : guai. rhus. — stooping, when: laur. -----and rising: phos. 110 — -waking in morning, on: cic. — walking, when: acon. carb-an. cob. croc, mag-s. nx-m. nx-v. rhus. staph. verat. -----in open air, when: caus. sul-ac. Lump, sensation as of, in: ant-t. arn. cham. chel. staph. — in forehead: cham. pip-m.staph. Lying on something hard, as if: ph-ac. — too low, as if from : phos. — in an uncomfortable position, as if: cimx. clem. lyc. — must lie: k-bi. rhus. — wants to lie low : absin. mosch. Maddening pains: acon. chin. ign. indg. nat-m. puis. — feeling in brain : plan. — pain, extending into teeth and face: puis. — sensation, as of madness : bell. Marble, brain seems as if changed to: cann-i. Motions, movement in: aeon. aloe. alum. am-c. ang. ant-t. ars. 6ar. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. caus. chin. cic. cob. croc, crotal. eye dig. eugen. glon. graph, guai. hyos. indg. k-ca. lach. lact. laur. mag-s. mezer. mosch. nat- m. nx-m. nx-v. phel. phos. plat. rheum, rhus. sep. sol-n. spig. staph. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. verat. — compare with Knocking, Looseness, Boiling, Shaking, Undulation, etc. — alive, as if something: crotal. hyper. petr. sil. — moved, as if something, from back of neck up to head: glon. — worm, as of a : alum. Conditions of Motions. morning: grat. guai. indg. lact. nat-s. spig. tabac. — on awaking : cic. — on rising: bar. afternoon: graph, mag-m. mezer. nat-m. sulph. — amel. in : bar. evening: eugen. mag-m. nat-m. plat, stront. sulph. night: hyper, puis. — on awaking : par. air, in open : laur. — amel. in: indg. mag-m. — walking in, when: aloe. caus. plat. rhus. ascending stairs, when : bell, crotal. lyc. nat-m. par. coughing, when : bry. lact. mag-s. Motions. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Noise. — drawing load, when : mur-ac. — drinking, when : acon. bry. — eating, after: alum, mag-s. -----amel. after: aloe. — head, by bending the : asar. dig. -------amel.: spig. -----moving, by: am-c. ars. bar. calc. cocc. con. croc. glon. k-ca. lach. lact. mang. mezer. nat-m. nx-m. rhus. sep. sol-n. spig. squil. stann. sulph. sul- ac. thu. j, -----turning the, quickly, when: nat- ars. — leaning, when: eye — menses, during : mag-m. — motion, from: acon. ars. bry. calc. carb-an. cic. cob. croc. led. mag-c. mag-s. mang. nat-m. nx-m. nx-v. spig. staph, sulph. tabac. -----amel.: petr. — pressure, amel.: bell. — rest, from : lach. staph. — rising up, when : cham. indg. lyc. phos. -----amel.: alum. laur. mill. — room, when in : indg. mag-m. -----in warm : lact. — sitting, when: grat. sil. -----amel.: spig. — speaking, when: acon. cocc. zne — standing, when : mang. — step, making a false: led. thu. — stool, when at: spig. — stooping, on: ant-t. alum. berb. bry. carb-an. coff. dig. hydr-ae k-ca. laur. mag-s. mill, nat-s. nx-v. rheum. rhus. — stumbling, from: bar. led. sep. sil. — thinking about it, amel.: cic. — turning, when: cham. glon. kalm. spig. — vomiting, from : eugen. — waking, on : phos. — walking when: bell, carb-an. cic. cob. cocc. crotal. guai. hyos. indg. lyc. mag-c. mag-s. nuph. nx-v. rhod. rhus. spig. sulph. verb, viol-tr. Motions of head (shaking, nodding, waving, etc.): aloe. ars. aur-m. bell. benz-ae bry. bufo. cann-i. caus. cic. crotal. mezer. nx-m. secale. sep. stram. tarent. -------see also Drawn, Falling, Trem- bling, etc. -----backward and forward: aur. cham. lam. lye ph-ac. 1 -----constant: ars. cocc. -----convulsive: camph. cocc. nx- m. stram. tarent. -------convulsively, so that talking and swallowing are impossible: nx- m. -----difficult: hipp. k-iod. stann. -----forward: nat-m. -----hither and thither: ars. op. stram. -----impossible : spig. tarent. zne -----involuntary : mere nat-m. -----pains, moves head to relieve: chin, k-iod. secale. -----pendulum-like: cann-i. secale. -----raising from the pillow : stram. -------and sinking alternately: bell. -----rolls head: hyos. -------day and night, with moaning: hell. -----rubs against something: tarent. -----sideways: aur. bell. clem. hell. lye -------rocks head from side to side to relieve pain: k-iod. Nail, pain as from a: agar. arn. carb-v. coff. evon. hell, hepar. ign. lach; nat- m. nx-v. ptel. puis. ruta. staph, thea. -----compare with Plug, and see under Pressure. — forehead: hell, sabin. thu. (1). -----were driven from occiput to fore- head : mosch. -----side of: acon. agar. chel. coff. hepar. (r), ign. nat-m. (1), nx-v. ruta. staph, thu. (r). -----were driven outward, better lying on part: ign. — temple : arn. cocc. ign. k-iod. sang. -----from temple to temple : ham. — vertex: evon. hell. hura. mane nice nx-v. staph, thu. -----pain as if a bolt were driven from neck to vertex, worse at each throb of heart: cimic — air, aggr. in open: coff. — morning, on rising, worse : ptel. — liquor, after excess of: ruta. — menses, during: arn. ign. nx-v. — walking in open air: thu. Noise in: ars. bar. calc. caus. chin-s. con. dig. graph, k-ca. lye mur-ac. nit-ac. phos. ph-ac. sep. stann. sulph. tarent. — See also under Ears. — Compare Boiling, Bubbling, Buz- Noise. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pinching. zing, Cracking, Gurgling, Koaring, etc. — barrel, tones like an empty : pimp. — chirping in, like a: agar. ang. bry. — crepitation: acon. calc. cann-i. puis. -----synchronous with pulse: coff. puis. — explosion, like an: cann-i. dig. — gong, like a, when lying: sars. — simmering, like boiling water: bar. — sudden crashing noise in head, on falling asleep, awakes with a start: dig. — ticking, like a watch or clock: graph, mag-s. — twang, as upon a harp string: lyc. ----------upon a loose wire : phel. — whirlwind, like a: croc. — whirring in: k-ca. lact. puis. — whizzing in: k-ca. pimp. lyc. Nodding of: alco. aur-m. calc. caus. k- bi. lyc nat-m. ph-ac. -----while writing: caus. ph-ac. None, sensation as if had: asar. calc-iod. nit-ac Numbness, sensation of: acon. ant-t. apis bapt". bell. bry. calc. carb-an. coff. colch. con. dig. dios. fluor-ac. graph, ham. hura. jatr. lach. lil-t. mag-m. meph. merc. merc-i-fl. merl. mezer. mur-ac. nit-ac. olnd. ol-an. petr. phos. phys. plat. sil. stram. thu. -----compare Asleep, as if. -----as if tied up in a hot cloth: petiv. -----as after electric shocks: fluor-ac. -----during menses : plat. -----as if of wood: petr. — brain, as if in : mag-c. plat. — forehead: bapt. brom. coll. dig. fluor-ac. ham. mag-m. merc. mur-ac. plat. sil. valer. -----extending to nasal bone: plat. -----as if a board lay there: acon. -----as if from a blow : plat. -----morning on awaking and when lying; better from exercise and wrapping head warmly: mag-m. — occiput: bry. gels, merc-i-fl. merl. plat. raph. tellur. -----as if too tightly bound: plat. -----side of: calc. (r), chel. (r), cina. (r), con. hura. (1), hydrph. (1), lach. (1), ol-an. (1), tarax. thu. (1). 1 — temple : myrie (r), phys. plat. zing. — vertex: pallad. plat. -----preceded by'a feeling as if scalp and brain were contracted; better from motion and in open air: plat. Open, pain as if: guare. sil. — opening and shutting, pain as if: cann-i. cimic. cocc. Oppression, See Heaviness, Pressure, etc. Pain. See Acting. Paralysis of brain, incipient: am-c. ars. carb-v. hyos. lyc. op. phos. plb. zne Paroxysmal pains: acon. agar. arn. dig. lyc. mur-ac. plat. sil. spig. spong. stann. stront. thu. valer. verat. Pecking: carb-an. mosch. nx-v. rhus. ruta. — forehead : carb-an. Piercing: apis. calc. cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. creos. croc. glon. hell. merc. par. petr. phos. sep. sil. staph. — temple: apoe (r), caj. (r), calc-i. (r), euphr. (r), guai. (1). -----pressure aggr.: verb. (r). -----compare Cutting, Shooting, etc. Pimples on head. See Scalp. — on forehead: agar. alum. ambr. ars. bell. bov. bry. calc. calc-p. canth. carb-v. clem. con. creos. eye gran. hura. indm. k-bi. k-bro. lach. led. meph. mezer. mur-ae nat-c. nit-ac. olnd. par. phos. puis, rhus-v. sep. sol- n. sulph. tabac. tarent. zne ziz. -----burning : bell, canth. -----itching: alum. calc. sulph. ziz. -----painful: indm. staph. -----red: bell, carb-v. nat-m. sol-n. -----sore to touch : ph-ac. -----smarting, when washed: nx-v. -----white : carb-v. k-bro. sulph. zne -----after drinking wine: zne Pinching: bar. caus. colch. lye marum. mezer. nx-v. petr. phos. sil. verb. — forehead : acon. anac. calc. eugen. mezer. nit-ac. nx-m. psor. rheum. staph, verat. -----extending to root of nose : op. — occiput: am-m. carb-v. chel. hipp. petr. — side of: calc. (1), crotal (Ij, sep. squil. — temple: crotal. (r), k-ca. (1), merc. (r), mezer. olnd. (r), sulph. verb. -----as with forceps: ph-ac. verb. 2 Pinching. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pressure. -----extending to ear: nat-p. (1), — after sleeping: rheum. — on walking : sil. Pithy, sensation as if upper part of head were: mezer. Plug, peg, or wedge, pain as from a: anac. arg. asaf. bov. cocc. con. creos. dulc. hepar. jae olnd. plat. prun. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. ruta. sul-ac. -----Compare with Nail. -----as if split wide open by a wedge, body cold, head burns, cannot get warm; whines: lachn. -----a plug were thrust suddenly in by increasingly severe blows : sul-ae — forehead : anac. (r), asaf. jae sul-ac. (!)• . — occiput: arg. rhod. — side of: asaf. hepar. (r), plat. — temple: anac. asaf. sul-ac. — vertex : intense pain as if a bolt were driven from neck to vertex, worse at each throb of heart: cimic. Pressive pain. See Boring and under Pressure. Pressure, pressing, etc.: acon. agar. agn. all-c. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. arum-t. asaf. asar. aur. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. calad. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cina. cinnb. clem. cocc. coloc. con. coral, creos. crotal. cupr. daph. diad. dig. dros. dulc. eugen. ewpA. euphr. eupi. evon. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. graph, guai. hell. helon. hepar. hydr-ae hyos. hyper. ign. indg. iod. ipee k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lac-can. lach. lam. lact. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. men, merc. merc-c. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. myrie nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. op. osm. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. pip-m. plat. plb. prun. psor. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. rheum. rAorf. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sars. seneg. sep. serp. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tanae tarax. tarent. tereb. thu. tong. valer. verat. verb, viol-tr. xanth. zne zing. ----compare with Bursting, Compres- sive, Drawing, Heaviness, etc. ----asunder: acon. aloe, ant-c. arn. bar. bell. bov. bry. caps. chel. chin. cocc. euph. hell. ign. k-iod. lach. lil- t. lyc. merc. mezer. nat-m. nitr. nx- m. nx-v. par. prun. puis, ran-b. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sep. spig. stann. staph, stront. tarax. zne ----band, as if by a: clem. glon. ----burning : aloe. alum. lact. mang. sep. sul-ac. tarax. -------from within out: nx-m. ----changeable : gins. ign. -------from place to. place: bell. ----congestion as from : apis. chin. merl. nx-m. rhus-v. ----constricting: graph. ----cramp-like : ars. colch. ph-ac. plat, ran-sc. zne ----deepseated : agar, arg-n. bell. caus. cic. con. gins. indg. lach. nat-m. nat-s. ----desire for pressure: chin. -------against wall: rham-e -------upon floor: sang. ----digging: bry. clem. • ----down-ward : ambr. ant-t. asar. cie cina. con. cupr. hura. laur. mang. men. merc. merc-i-fl. mur ac. nit-ac. nx-v. pAos. ph-ac. plat. rhus. senna. spig. spong. sulph. verat. ----drawing : agar. ang. ant-c. ant-t. arg. ars. asaf. aur. carb-v. caus. coff. hell, hepar. ign. iod. k-ca. mosch. nat-c. nit-ac. olnd. ran-b. ran-sc. rhod. rhus. sabad. sars. spig. stann. staph. tarax. thu. ----dull: aloe. apis, canth. cimic. con. ferr. hydr-ae lith. op. phys. ----extending to nape: sabin. ----forward : bry. nit-ac. sil. sulph. ----gnawing : ran-sc. ----hat, as from tight: sulph. ----heavy, see Weight. ----inward: anac. asar. cham. cocc. coff. dulc. hell. ign. nit-ac. olnd. plat. ran-sc. sabad. spig. staph, zing. ------as if by sharp corners: cham. ----moving to and fro : bell. phos. ----outward: acon. anac. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bell. berb. bry. camph. chel. cob. con. coral, creos. dros. dulc. euph. ferr. fluor-ac. hell, hepar. hyper, ign. laur. lil-t. lyc. men. merc. nx-m. olnd. par. ph-ac. phyt. pic-ae prun. psor. ptel. ran-sc. rhod. sabad.' sabin. samb. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph. tarax. zne ------as if by a sharp instrument: prun. 113 Pressure. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pressure. -------as if contents would be forced out: lil-t. ----painful: creos. lyc. ol-an. _---paroxysmal: carb-v. cham. ----right to left, from : eup-pur. ----spots, in: bell. cic. dig. dulc. glon. meph. nx-v. psor. thu. zne ----stoop, must: cann-i. ----throbbing: bry. ----upward: fluor-ac. guai. meph. ph-ac. spig. -----wedge-like, body icy cold: lachn. -------see also under Nail, Plug, etc. -------like fingers pressed in: meph. -------like a button : thu. -------peg on small spots: dulc. -------thumb: acon. nit-ac. ----weight or stone, like: ars. 6tsm. cann-s. carb-v. cina. laur. led. men. merc-i-r. nit-ac. nx-v. plat. rhus. sars. sulph. thu. — brain, pressure forward of the: asar. bell. bry. ipee k-ca. ----against skull: mezer. rhod. rhus-v. -------sharp corners: sabad. ----inward: asar. glon. ----on the : ars. cann-i. glon. ign. mane men. ruta. sep. ----outward of the : agar. bell. bry. glon. hepar. hydr. indg. laur. lil-t. nat-m. phys. stann. — forehead : acon. aesc h. aeth. agar. a'gn. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. apis, arg-n. am. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bism. borax, bov. brom. bry. calad. calc. calc-ae camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps, carb-an. cast. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cimic. cina. clem. cocc. coff. coloc. con. cop. coral, croc. cupr. eye dig. dros. dulc. elaps. euph. euphr. eupi. ferr. gels, gent-1. gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. guai. hell. hydr-ae hyos. hura. ign. indg. iod. ipee jatr. k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lach. lachn. lact. laur. led. lil-t. lye mag- e mag-m. mane mang. marum. men. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx^v. ol-an. olnd. op. oxal-ae par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. plect. prun. psor. puis, ran-b. raph. rheum. rAod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stram. sti ont. sulph. sul- ac. tarax. tarent. thea. thu. tilia. tong. ustil. valer. verat. verb, vine viol-tr. zne. ----eyes, over: acon. agar. aloe. am-c. ang. apis, arg-n. arn. asaf. bar. borax. bov. brom. bry. cann-i. carb-v. chel. chin. cist. con. creos. euph. eupi. evon. fluor-ac. glon. grat. gymn. haemat. ign. indg. iod. k-ca. kalm. lach. lil-t. lith. mag-c. merc. merc-c. merc-i-r. merl. morph. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nitr. nx-m. op. paeon, petr. phyt. pic- ae plan, plect. puis. rhus. ruta. sabad. sant. seneg. sep. sil. sol-t-ae. staph. stront. tabac. thu. zne zing. -------as if eyes would be forced out: cocc. gymn. ign. lachn. nat-m. phos. sabin. seneg. sep. tarent. -------right eye, upward and in- ward : bism. -------pressive pain above left eye, followed by a dull, pressive pain in occipital protuberances, thence spreading over whole body; on quick motion and after eating pain so severe that it seemed a distinct pulsation in head : bry. -------pressure so severe, when rising, could only half open eyes, could not look up : stram. ----nose, above: cesc-h. ambr. am-m. ant-t. asar. bapt. bar. bism. cann-s. carb-v. chin, coloc. euphr. glon. helon. hydr. ign. iod. mane mezer. nitr. ph-ae raph. sil. stict. tilia. viol- tr. zne. zing. ----right side of forehead: anac. arn. asaf. bell. caus. chel. chin. guai. hell. ign. k-ca. marum. men. merc. mezer. mosch. nitr. nx-v. par. phos. plat rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. spong. staph, stront. sul-ac. thu. valer. verb, viol-tr. zne ---------then in left: colch. ----left side of forehead: agn. ambr. ant-t. arg. asaf. aur. camph. cann-s. caus. chel. cic. cina. coloe euph. ign. iod. mag-c. marum. merc. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. ph-ac. plat, ran-b. rhod. sabad. sabin. sars. seneg. spong. squil. stront. sul-ac. thu. zne -----asunder. See Outward. -----backward: dios. spong. tabac. -----ball, as from a: bell. con. mag-s. -----bet-ween forehead and brain, sensation as if something pushed in : caus. 114 Pressure. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pressure. — crazy, with fear of becoming: ambr. — downward: ambr. ant-t. asar. bell. bry. cina. cocc. glon. mur-ac. rhus. — extending downward: bry. chin-s. merc. ----to eyes: asaf. bell. laur. nitr, nx-m. op. ----inward : agar. laur. ----to nose: agar. aloe. am-m. calc. ph-ac. ----to occiput: bry. cann-s. chel. ----outward: aloe, bar-ae lact. prun. psor. stann. staph. ----to vertex: creos. glon. puis. — finger, as from a: ol-an. stront. — hat, as from a tight: almn. — forward: hydr. laur. mag-s. nx- m. rhus. — inward: agar. alum, ant-c.bapt. bell. brom. calc. cocc. croc. ferr. hell. k-ca. laur. mosch. nx-v. olnd. plat. ran-se rhod. rhus. spig. stann. staph. sulph. verb, zne ----as though eyes would be drawn into head: hepar. — outward: acon. aloe. alum, am- c. anac. ang. arg-n. asaf. bar. bell. berb. brom. bry. calc. camph. cann-i. cann- s. canth. caps. cast. chel. chin, cie cina. coloc. con. coral, creos. cupr. dros. dulc. graph, hell, hepar. hydroph. ipee k-ca. lil-t. mag-m. mag-s. mang. marum. men. merc. mezer. mur-ae nat-m. nx-m. olnd. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. prun. psor. puis. ran-b. rhod. rhus. sabad. senec. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stront. sulph. tarax. thea. thu. verb, viol- tr. ----as though brain would come out: acon. all-c. am-c. ang. arn. bell. brom. bry. canth. carb-v. caus. chel. colch. coloc. creos. k-ca. mag-m. mag-s. mang. mezer. nat-c. nx-v. phos. plat. puis, ratan. rhod. sabad. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph. stront. sul-ac. thu. verb. — upward: glon. valer. — weight, or stone, like: acon. am- m. ant-t. asar. bell. cham. dig. rhus. sep. spig. tarax. occiput: acon. agar. aloe. alum. ambr. anac. ant-t. apis. arg. asaf. asar. aur. bapt. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. cact. calc. calc-ph. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cedr. chel. chin. cic. cinnb. cocc. colch. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. euph. fluor-ac. gent-1. gins. glon. gran, graph, grat. guai. hell. hydr-ae ign. iod. ipee jatr. k-bi. k- ca. lach. lact. laur. lobel. lyc. mag- na, mang. marum. men. meph. merc. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nit- ac. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. pip-m. plb. puis, ran-b. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tarax. thu. tilia. valer. verb. zne zing. — asunder: aloe, st — deep-seated: cast. — downward: card-b. hydr-ae merl. — extending forward: ant-t. hydr- ae mang. ol-an. ph-ac. sabad. — forward: chel. mang. nx-v. ol- an. ph-ac. plb. sabad. — intermittent: phel. — inward: bar. calc. ign. meph. olnd. oxal-ae ph-ac. sep. spig. ----between vertex and occiput: oxal-ac. — outward : berb. bry. carb-v. chin. gels, mezer. ph-ac. prun. stann. staph. stront. tilia. — plug, nail, etc., as from: bov. canth. con. rhod. tarent. — in spots: glon. olnd. ol-an. — as with thumb : acon. — weight or stone: anac. asar. cann-s. carb-v. caus. cina. cocc. cupr. graph, hell. laur. led. men. nitr. nx- v. ph-ac. plat, sulph. side of: acon. agar, (r), agn. (r), alum. am-m. anac. ang. arg-n. (r), arn. arum-t. asaf. asar. (r), bar. (r), bell. bov. (1), bry. (r), cact. (r), calc. cann-s. caps. cedr. chel. chin. clem. coca, coloc. con. creos. crotal. (l),dig. dros. (r), euph. glon. grat. (r), hydr- ae hell. (1), hepar. (r), ign. (r), iod. (1), k-bi. kalm. (r), laur. lil-t. (r), mang. men. mezer. (r), mur-ac. (1), nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nx-m. olnd. (r), paeon, phos. ph-ac. (1), pip-m. rheum. (r), rhus. (1), sabad. (r), sabin. samb. sars. (1), sep. spig. (1), spong. (r), stann. staph, stront. (1), sulph. (1) tabac. (r), thu. verat. verb, viol-tr. zne (r). 115 Pressure. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pressure. -----asunder : spig. (r). -----brain, as if, against the bone: mezer. (r). -------as if something were lying on the: grat. (r). -----board, like a heavy: eugen. -----downward : calc. con. -----extending to eyes : hydrph. -------to forehead: hydr-ae -------toward temple : nitr. -----hoop, like a: therid. -----internal, when leaning head against wall: cann-s. -----inward: asaf. calc. croc. dulc. k- ca. hydroph. nat-s. olnd. plat. -----outward: asaf. (1), asar. bell. (1), cina. (r), creos. dros. (r), merc. ph- ac. (r), spig. (r), spong. (r), stann. (r), verb, (r), viol-tr. (r). -----stupefying, as with blunt in- strument : olnd. ruta. -----sudden, as from blunt tool, pressed in : asaf. -----tool, as from a blunt: asaf. dulc. hepar. olnd. ruta. — temple: acon. agar. agn. (r), aloe. alum. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bell. berb. bism. bov. brom. (1), bry. calad. (r), calc. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cedr. (r), cham. chel. chin. cina. cinnb. coca. (1), clem. coff. colch. (r), coloc. con. cupr. eye. dig. dios. dros. dulc. euph. ferr. fluor-ac. (1), gent. gins. glon. gran. (1), graph. (1), guai. hell. hepar. hipp. hura. (I), hydr-ae hyos. hyper, ign. indm. (r), iod. ipee jatr. k-ca. kalm. lach. lachn. lac-can. laur. led. lith. lobel. lyc. mang. marum. men. merc. merl. mezer. mosch. (r), nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nitr. (r), nx-m. olnd. ol-an. op. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. prun. psor. ran-b. ran-sc. rheum, (r), rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stront. sulph. sul-ae tabac. tarax. taxus. (1), thu. verat. verb, viol-tr. zne -----eyes, drawing in eyes as if stra- bismus would follow, pressing in temples with: podo. ----extending across forehead : bry. seneg. sol-n. ----■ — to neck: chel. -------to occiput: lil-t. (1), sabad. -------to vertex : chel. ----forward: verb. ----inward : acon. alum. anac. ant-c. ant-t. asaf. asar. bell. calc. cocc. dulc. fluor-ac. hell. jatr. k-ca. lith. mezer. nat-c. nit-ac. ol-an. ph-ac. plat, ran-sc. rhod. sabad. sabin. seneg. sol-n. spig. stann. staph, sul-ac. thu. valer. zne -----outward: acon. aloe. anac. asaf. (1), berb. bism. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. (1), cast. caus. chin, creos. dros. (r), fluor-ae glon. ign. indg. ipee k-ca. (r), lach. lact. lil-t. lobel. marum. mezer. (1), mur-ac. (r), nat-c. (r), nat-m. nx-m. (r), op. par. ph-ac. phys. phyt. prun. ran-sc. rhod. sa- bad. (r), sabin. (1), samb. senec. spig. . spong. (r), stann. stront. sulph. valer. verb. (1), viol-tr. -------with heat of face and flicker- ing before eyes: aloe. ----paroxysmal: ptel. ----spots, in: helon. oxal-ae ----upward: rhus. ----weight, plug, or stone, like : am- bro; ant-t. arn. asaf. cocc. dulc. hell. rhus. sep. -------as from strong pressure with thumb : cham. — vertex : acon. aesc-h. agar. agn. aloe. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ang. ant-t. apis, arg-n. arn. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell, benz-ae bov. cact. calc. cann-s. carb-v. cast. caus. cedr. cham. chel. chin. cina. clem. cocc. cocc-e colch. coloc. con. creos. croc. cupr. eye dig. dulc. eup-per. ferr. ferr-p. gels. glon. graph, hell, helon. hepar. hipp. hydr-ae hydroph. hyos. hyper, ign. iod. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. lach. lac-can. laur. led. lil-t. lith. lyc. mag-m. mane men. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat- m. nice nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ol- an. op. pallad. petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. phyt. plat, ran-b. ran-sc. rheum. rhod. rumx. sabad. sabin. sars. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. thu. tong. valer. verat. verb, viol-tr. zne ----asunder: carb-an. nx-v. ran-b. ----cloth, as if brain were enveloped in a, which would deprive of senses: eye ----downward : ambr. cina. croton. cupr. hydr. nx-m. ----extending to eye: calc. 116 Pressure. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pressure. -------to forehead: cham. hydr-ae nat-m. -------to shoulders: gels. -------to spine, no pain : benz-ae ----finger, as from : nit-ac. ----hard body, as from: ign. nx-v. thu. ----inward: anac. asar. caus. dulc. ferr. glon. hell, nit-ac. nx-m. oxal- ae ph-ac. plat, ran-sc. sil. staph. sulph. ----small spot: spig. ----on verte. : acon. alum. anac. ant- t. bov. brom. canth. carb-v. cham. chel. chin-s. croc. dros. euphr. ferr. hell, hydroph. k-bi. mosch. myrie nat-c. nat-m. nice nit-ac. ol-an. phel. sars. sep. stann. staph, sol-n. sulph. tabac. thu. verat. ----outward: calc-p. cham. op. ph- ac. phys. spig. ----slowly increasing and decreas- ing: sars. ----upward: helon. ferr. -------and outward, as if there were no room for brain : cimic. glon. Conditions of Pressure. — morning : acon. alum. ambr. arg-n. asaf. benz-ae bov. cann-s. caus. cedr. cAam. chin, cimic. croc. eye. glon. k-bi. lach. lyc. mezer. myrie nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nitr. nx-v. paeon. petr. phos. ph-ac. pip-m. puis. rhus. sil. sulph. tong. thu. ----3 to 4 A. m. : thu. ----on waking: agar. anac. arg-n. cocc- e ferr. gels, hepar. mezer. ol-an. ph- ac. zne ----on rising: cinnb. graph, oxal-ae psor. sabin. squil. su?pA. — noon : agar, mane sil. sulph. zne ----relieved toward : bry. — afternoon : alum. ang. cann-i. carb- v. cham. coloc. hell, nat-c. op. ph-ac. senec. sep. stram. — evening: acon. alum. ambr. anac. arg-n. ars. cast. cham. chel. colch. coloc. dig. dios. ferr. fluor-ac. hell. hydr-ae hydroph. hyper, kalm. mag- na, mag-s. nat-m. nat-s. ol-an. rhod. rhus. staph, sulph. thu. zne. ----after sunset: nat-s. — night: hepar. lyc. nx-v. sulph. ----on awaking : canth. — air, in open: agar. caus. ferr. glon. hepar. laur. nx-v. rhus. ----amel in open: alum, cinnb. hell. hydr-ae mag-m. phos. sabin. seneg. 1 — arms, on moving: rhus. — ascending, on: arn. men. ph-ac. — bed, when in: kalm. nat-s. ol-an, pip-m. ran-b. rhus. sulph. — bending backward, amel.: bell, ph- ac. -------aggr.: mang. — breakfast, after: chel. hydr. -------amel.: psor. — boots, when drawing on the : apis. — chill, during: sep. — coffee, after strong: arum-t. nat-s. — company, when in : mag-c. — constipation, during : jatr. — coughing, when: acon. alum. bry. chel. con, creos. hepar. nit-ac. phos. ruta. sars. sep. spig. — covered, pressing with distress, when: led. — darkness, in : sil. — descending, on: men. — diarrhoea, during: rhus. ----pressing pain in forehead, at its height vomiting and diarrhoea : aeth. — dinner, during: pallad. ----after: alum. calc. carb-an. ol-an. ruta. seneg. tabac. thu. zne. — drinking aggr.: cocc. — eating, after: alum. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chel. clem. cocc. con. graph. hydr. hyos. lyc. nat-s. ol-an. pip-m. ran-b. ruta. tabac. thu. zne. ----amel. : psor. — excitement, after: chin-s. — exertion, aggr.: bell. — eyes, on moving: bell. chel. hepar. -----turning toward affected side, aggr.: con. -----opening, after sleep: rhus. -----using: gent. hell. — fever, during: sep. -----with hay-fever : sabad. — hat, worse from pressure of: calc- P- — head, on bending forward: bell. ferr-p. nat-m. ph-ac. -----lying with head high, amel.: spig. -----moving, when walking: ars. -----resting against wall (internal pressure), when: cann-s. -----shaking, on: chin. glon. — heated, when: am-c. — hiccough, during: bry. — house, amel.in: cocc. — looking, steadily, aggr. when; hell. L7 Pressure. SYMPTOMS ( — lying down: glon. pip-m. nat-s. TARAX. -----on side, when : bar. -----amel.: bell, nit-ac. -----see also Bed. — menses, before: petr. sep. -----during: acon. bell. bry. cast, cimic. creos. eye eupi. nat-m. nx-v. sep. stann. sulph. -------on vertex: calc. cast. nx-v. -----after: ustil. — mental exertion from : arg-n. arn. asar. cact. carb-an. cham. cocc. colch. dig. helon. lyc. mag-c. nat-s. ph-ac. pic-ae sep. sulph. ----reading, while: bell. cocc. helon. lyc. -----when attention is concentrated: helon. — motion, aggr.: agn. arg-n. bism. calc. cupr. dulc. glon. hell. phos. ph- ac. pic-ae spig. thu. -----to one side, on: thu. -----amel.: agar. ferr. pip-m. — nausea, during: asar. — neck, on moving the: glon. nat-s. — noise, aggr.: nit-ac. ph-ae spig. — nose-bleed, before: carb-an. — pressure of hat aggr.: calc-p. -----amel.: arg-n. asaf. chin. dios. men. nat-s. op. stann. — rest, amel.: arg-n. cocc. nat-s. pic- ae rhod. spig. -----in one position, aggr.: pip-m. —• riding in wagon aggr.: cocc. -----amel.: nit-ac. — rising, on: asaf. bell, cinnb. glon. mag-s. nit-ac. spig. -----after amel.: ran-b. stann. — room (house), in : laur. mag-c. nat- m. nat-s. phos. -----hot, in : cocc-e -----amel. in: hepar. — rubbing, amel.: op. ph-ac. — sitting, when: agar. alum. bry. benz- ae fluor-ac. -----up in bed, amel.: canth. -----amel.: bell, pic-ae -----erect, when : mang. — sleep, after, amel.: thu. -----aggr.: cocc. -----after a siesta: calad. — smoking, when : calad. — sneezing, after: apis. cina. — standing, on: alum, selen. -----up, amel. on.: plb. — step, every, in open air, at: glon. THE HEAD. Pulling. — stool, before: merc. -----during : coloc. gran. merc. -----after : lyc. sil. spig. — stooping, on : bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. cham. hepar. fluor-ac. lyc. mag-m. marum. merc. merc-c. par. petr. phos. spig. stann. zing. -----must bend forward : cann-i. ign. -----amel.: caus. mang. — sun, when in ; passes off in shade: brom. — supper, after: carb-v. ran-b. — sweat, amel.: thu. — talking loudly, when : spig. — tea, after warm, amel.: glon. — thinking of it, aggr.: cham. coce dig. helon. — thirst, with : iod. — vomiting and diarrhoea, with r aeth. — waking, on : arg-n. bry. calad. nat- m. rhus. thu. verat. — walking, when : arn. bell. bry. calc. caus. clem. cocc. nat-m. -----in open air: agar. bell. glon. ferr. staph, thu. ----r-------after: bell, zne — washing, after, amel.: ferr. psor. -----cold bath, amel.: euphr. — writing, when : k-ca. nat-c. Pricking, prickling: am-m. apis, arg-n. aur. cham. chin-s. hydr-ae lachn. ph-ac. sabad. thu. verb, viol-od. -----as from needles : con. eugen. rhus thu. & — forehead: apis. aur. chin-s. ferr. lil-t. sabad. sep. thu. verat. viol-od. -----intermittent: verb. -----in spots : apis. -----like needles: agar, all-c. am-e asaf. caul, hepar. k-ca. mang. nat-m. sep. -----pricking, stinging above root of nose: k-bi. — temple : ailan. (1), ant-e apis. cupr. cocc. euphr. rhus-r. tarent. tarax. thu. verb. -----as with needles: nice zne — evening: lachn. Pulled, sensation as if hair were : ceth. alum, arg-n. arn. canth. carb-an. chin! laur. mag-c. mag-m. mur-ac. nitr! phos. psor. rhus. stann. — out: ars. bell. — vertex, from the: acon. ferr. inde mag-m. nitr. 6' Pulling like, pain: canth. lach. petr. 118 Pulling. SYMPTOMS OF -----extending into teeth : staph. Pulsation, beating, throbbing, etc.: acon. aeth. ailan. aloe. alum. anac. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bell, borax, bov. bry. cact. cadm. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cann-s. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cedr. cAam. chel. chin, chin-s. cimic. cinnb. clem. cob. cocc. coff. colch. creos. croc, crotal. croton. cupr. eye daph. dig. dros. eugen. eup-per. euphr. eupi. ferr. gels. glon. graph, grat. guai. hell, hepar. hipp. hyos. ign. indg. indm. iod. ipee k-bi. k-ca. k- iod. lach. lact. lam. laur. led. lith. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane mang. merc. mezer. mill, mur-ac. myrie nat-c. nat-m. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. op. par. petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plb. psor. puis, rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sars. secale. seneg. sep. sil. sol-n. spong. squil. stann. stram. sulph. tabac. therid. thu. tilia. long. yerat. verat-v. zne -----compare with Bursting, Conges- tion, Hammering, etc. -----abdomen, rising from: rheum. — — aching: acon. aeth. ang. ars. aur- m. bell. bry. calc. calc-p. calc-s. camph. canth. caps. caus. cham. chel. clem. coll. cupr. cupr-s. eugen. ferr. ferr-m. glon. ham. hepar. hydrs. [' hyper, ign. indg. k-bi. mane meli. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nx- m. petr. ph-ac. psor. ptel. rheum. rhod. rhus-r. sang. sep. sil. sulph. tarent. upa. verat. xanth. -----alternating between head and chest: bell. -----burning, throbbing: apis, coff rhus. ----drawing: ars. -----extends to neck or chest: nat- m. -----gnawing: par. -----hammers, as if from little, awakens every morning : nat-m. ----here and there : acon. aeth. indg. -----intermittent: ferr-m. verat. -----jerking : bry. ign. phos. -----painless, with fear of going to Bleep: nx-m. -----paroxysmal: caus. glon. -----pressing, throbbing, in spots, worse in left supraorbital ridge : nx- m. 11! THE HEAD. Pulsation. -----shooting: aeth. bell. ferr. lam. nx-v. -------as from an internal abscess: acon. -----stinging: puis. -----tearing : carb-an. mag-m. nat-c. sil. spong. zne -----teeth, extending to: mezer. -----transient, in one half of brain: cham. -----ulcerative : bov. cast. mang. — brain, seems to be in: bell, eye dig. glon. hyos. op. lyc. rhus. -----deep-seated: cic. -----beating of, against skull: ars. bell. daph. hydr-ae psor. sulph. -------as of waves : eAin. dig. -------hammers, like little: nat-m. psor. -------throbbing pain in middle of brain, every morning, lasts all day : calc. -----shooting, ending in: bell. -----transient, in one half of: cham. — forehead: acon. aeth. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. ang. ant-t. apoe arg. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell, borax. bry. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-i. cann- s. canth. caps, carb v. cast. caus. cic. cinnb. clem. cocc. corn, creos. croc. dig. dulc. euph. eupi. gamb. glon. graph, grat. hell. ign. iod. iris. k-ca. kalm. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. merc. merc-i-fl. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. nat p. nit-ac. nx-m. olnd. op. oxal-ae par. petr. phos. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stram. therid. thu. verb, vibur. zne -----aching: bell. -------in spots: nx-m. ------pulsating in forehead, with ach- ing in occiput: carb-v. -----blows in, pulsation as from strong: acon. -----extending to occiput: bry. -----eyes, over : gymn. k-bi. lac-can. lach. nx-m. spig. therid. vibur. -----nose, above: ars. mezer. -----side, left of forehead: acon. cimic. cocc. k-ca. nx-m. par. spig. verat. -------one sided : aur. -------on frontal protuberance: arg- n. — occiput: aeth. agar, ailan. aloe. alum. am-c. asar. bar. bell. berb. Pulsation. SYMPTOMS < borax, bry. calc. camph. cann-s. carb- an. carb-v. caus. con. dros. eup-per. ferr. gels. glon. hepar. hura. ign. indg. k-ca. lac-can. laur. lyc. mag-m. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. petr. phos. phys. psor. puis, ran-b. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. -----from occiput to forehead : carb-v. sil. spig. (1). -----gradually extending to sides and forehead, worse on stooping or mov- ing: ferr. -----hammer, like beats of, in cerebel- lum : camph. — side of: aeth. (r), agar, (r), alum, (r), am-c. (1), ant-t. arg-n. ars. aur. (r), bar. bell. bov. (r), bry. calc. (1), canth. (r), cham. coca, (r), con. (r), croc. (1), dire (1), eup-per. glon. graph, (r), hura. (1), k-ca. (r), k-iod. kalm. (1), laur. mag-c. (r), mag-m. (1), mag-s. (r), nat-c. (1), nit-ac. (1), ol-an. petr. phos. (1), rhod. (r), rhus. (r), sep. spong. sul-ae (r), tong. verat. zne -----deep-seated: sars. (r). -----from left to right: nx-m. -----from right to left: bov. — temples: aeth. (1), all-s. alum, (r), am-m. (r), ant-c. (1), ars. asaf. (l), bell, borax, bry. cact. cadm. calc. camph. caps, carb-v. cast, (r), cedr. chel. chin. cocc. coloc. daph. ferr. fluor-ac. (r), gins. glon. hell. (1), hepar. hyper, (r), hura. (1), k-ca. k- iod. lac-can. lach. lac-ac. laur. (r), nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. phos. phys. plb. rhus. (1), sabad. sars. (r), spig. spong. (1), stann. stram. sulph. sul-i. tabac. thea. thu. verat. verat-v. -----aching: alum. arn. bov. camph. cocc-e coloc. glon. -----burning: cinnb. -----pressive, screwing, throbbing pain in one frontal protuberance, temple or into bones of face; at its height trembling of body; nausea, bilious vomit; lies senseless, eyes closed,shuns light and conversation: arg-n. — vertex: aeth. agar. alum. ars. bry. calc. cann-i. caus. chel. cinnb. cocc. creos. corn. ferr. glon. grat. ham. hyper, hydrph. k-ca. lach. lyc. mane merc-i-r. nat-c. nx-v. phel. phos. sars. sep. sil. stram. sulph. thea. tong. 120 ' THE HEAD. Pulsation. -----aching: bell, canth. glon. sulph. tong. verat. -----ascending from base of skull: glon. -----bruised: caus. -----like beating of waves : zne -----as if all would come out there : caus. -----pressing :grat. nx-v. Conditions of Pulsation. morning: aur. bov. canth. cedr. cob. gamb. glon. graph, grat. indg. lact. lyc. nat-c. nice plb. sars. sep. sil. spig. sulph. — every, lasts all day: calc. — increases till evening: eup-pur. sang. sep. — on awaking: bry. lach. nat-m. phos. ruta. — on rising : asar. caus. nat-m. — comes on gradually and goes off about breakfast: nit-ac. (1). afternoon: aeth. alum. cast. caus. coca. glon. graph, grat. hura. indm. lyc. mag-s. merc-i-r. nat-m. phel. phys. sil. evening: acon. am-m. bov. calc. canth. carb-v. cic. clem. cocc. con. eye fluor-ac. glon. indg. iris, k-iod. lac-ac. mag-s. nit-ac. oxal-ae puis. ruta. stram. — on lying : carb-v. lyc. — worse in, until gets to sleep: cast. night: aloe. ars. cact. chel. glon. hura. lyc. sars. sil. sulph. — in bed before sleep : chel. — on waking : carb-v. sulph. — worse after 12 p. m. : ferr. — comes on during the, with nausea and vomiting: sil. air, worse in open : carb-an. cocc. eup-pur. iris. — better in: ant-t. k-bi. mang. phos. ascending, aggr. on : alum. glon. nat-p. — fast: glon. bathing, after: cast. — cold partially amel.: ars. bed, when in : chel. con. eye graph. sep. bending backward, aggr. when: aur. lyc. -----amel.: bell, nat-m. sil. — forward. See Stooping. blood, after loss of: chin. breakfast, amel.after: nat-m.nit-ac. Pulsation. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Pushed. chewing, when : phos. chill, during: cann-i. eup-per. — with chilliness : sil. cold, preceding a : lach. debauch, after a: carb-v. coughing, when : aur. dire ferr. hepar. hipp. ipee iris. k-ca. led. lyc. nat-m. nit-ac. phos. ph-ae seneg. sep. sil. spong. sulph. dinner, after: am-c. carb-an. k-bi. mag-c. nat-c. ol-an. plb. zne eating, after: am-c. carb-v. clem. Kelen. — before and after : cocc. drinking, worse when : acon. epistaxis, after: borax. exertion, from: gins. glon. eyes, close involuntarily from sheer prostration: chin-s. — lies senseless, eyes closed: arg-n. — turning or closing, aggr.: sep. fever, during the : eup-per. head, on moving: sulph. — high, lying with, amel.: nat-m. — resting, amel.: k-bi. — raising it suddenly, aggr.: nat-p. squil. — shaking, aggr.: glon. heat, during : eup-per. glon. rhus. house, amel. in: cocc. jar, from any : bell. glon. therid. laughing, from : phos. lying, when: aloe. glon. naja. phos. — on back: sep. — on the part: petr. — on side, amel.: nat-m. sep. — must lie down: bell. sang. menses, before: bell, borax, crotal. gels. glon. lach. petr. sulph. — during: acon. bell, borax, bry. cact. calc. calc-p. chin. glon. ign. lach. mag-c. nat-c. puis. sang. -----painless throbbing: eupi. — after: ealc-p. carb-an. ferr. glon. — suppressed, when : puis. — compare with Congestion. mental exertion, from: nat-m. psor. puis. rapA. sil. vibur. motion, aggr.: acon. apis. ars. bell. calc-p. cimic. colch. dire ferr. glon. grat. iod. lach. nat-m. sep. sulph. — moderate, amel.: iris, vibur. — sudden, from : ferr. periodic: ferr. perspiration, amel.: nat-m. pressure, amel.: aeth. am-e bell. ferr. glon. nat-m. nitr. -----with hands amel. temporarily : apis. guai. -----upon forehead causes beating: mag-m. — pulse, at each beat of: camph. cimic. glon. — reading, when sitting : lyc. — respiration, during difficult: carb-v. glon. — rest, when at: aloe. lact. -----amel.: eupi. sep. stram. — riding, when, aggr.: cocc. glon. grat. — rising, aggr. on : chin-s. dire glon. phos. -----amel.: nat-c. -----from stooping, on : mag-m. -----up in bed, when: ars. — room, on entering: aeth. mag-m. mang. tong. -----in dark, amel.: sep. -----in warm : am-c. — rubbing, amel.: aeth. — sitting, when: am-m. cast. indg. lyc. mag-m. ol-an. — sleep, amel.: sang. — standing, when : cast. plb. -----amel.: camph. — stool, when straining at: ign. — stooping, by: apis. asar. colch. ferr. glon. hydr-ae k-bi. lach. laur. nat-c. nat-m. phos. puis, sul-i. — stretching limbs out, on: phos. — sunlight, aggr. in: acon. — talking, aggr.: acon. sil. — tea, warm, amel.: glon. — thinking of it, aggr. when not: ant-c. — turning around, aggr.: glon. — vertigo, during: glon. secale. — waking, on: carb-v. cinnb. lach. nat-m. phos. ruta. sulph. — walking, when: bell. calc. glon. k- bi. nat-s. nx-v. plb. sars. sil. sulph. -----in open air : am-c. mag-s. ---------amel.: ars. eup-pur. guai. -----quickly, when : ferr. nx-v. -----stepping heavily, when : alum. phos. — washing, cold, amel.: phos. -------amel. partially : ars. — wine, after : oxal-ae [sil. — wrapping head up warmly amel.: — writing, when: k-ca. — yawning, after: calc. Pushed forward, sensation as if: canth. grat. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. rhus. 121 Pushed. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Scraped. — to forehead from occiput, sensation as if a load were : pallad. Pushing sensation: croc, nat-m. phos. ph-ac. -----amel. by pressure: arg-n. -----compare with Pressure. Pustules on forehead : anac. ars. carb- an. chel. eup-per. k-bro. mur-ae rhod. sars. Quivering sensation in: cann-s. lact. -----on shaking head: xanth. -----when running and walking: nx- v. -----sensation as if brain were shaking when walking: rhodo. Raging: aeth. ant-t. aur. bov. caus. cinnb. clem. indg. led. mag-m. merc. mill. sabad. — amel. in open air : ant-t. — reading aggr.: clem. Raise, difficult to, night: chel. — frequently from pillow: stram. — unable to : bell. chel. puis. nx-v. -------when lying on back : nx-v. -------after stooping: bell. rhus. Rash on forehead: ailan. arn. indg. lil-t. rheum, marum. — sticking, when cold: marum. — see Pimples, etc. Redness of forehead : calc. hura. laur. lil-t. merc-i-r. mezer. rhus-v. stram. vaccin. verat. -------spots: aesc-h. berb. caps, eye mosch. sulph. tellur. Reeling: acon. bell. rhus. — see Vertigo. Rending, See Tearing. Restlessness: ambr. bell. caus. ether. jabor. merc. merc-p. phos. pip-m. ruta. secale. sil. — when too weak to move body, will roll head from side to side: ars. Rigid feeling in: caws. phos. rheum. Ringing in forehead : ailan. ^_— in head. See under Ears and Hear- ing. Rising sensation in : glon. nat-»e nx-v. rhus. — and sinking: bell. cob. — when drinking beer: rhus. — when walking rapidly: nx-v. — from vertex to forehead, sensation of something: glon. — sensation as if brain raised several times in succession: thu. Roaring, rushing, in: acon. am-c. ars. aur. bar. calc. cann-i. cann-s. carb-v. 12 caus. chin-s. cimic. cinnb. coff. creos. croc. ferr. graph, hepar. hura. hydr. hyper, k-bi. k-ca. lach. lact. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ae plat. puis. rhus. sars. sep. sil, staph, sulph. tabac, thu. verat. verb, zne — compare under Ears. — forehead: verat. — temple: ang. k-ca. stront. — vertex : hyper, nat-m. — like wind among trees: rhus-r. Conditions of Soaring. — evening : cinnb. hyper. -----in bed : nat-m. — coition, after: carb-v. — coryza, during : sep — cough, during: caus. hepar. mag- na. — eating, after : cinnb. — hysterical persons, in: aur. — menses, during: brom. creos. — sitting, while: phos. — stepping heavily, when: sil. — stool, after: zne — sweat, during: caus. — walking, when : ferr. Rocking of brain to and fro: acon. chin. rhus. — see also Quivering, Waving, etc. — rocks head from side to side to re- lieve the pain: k-iod. Rolling in head: cup-ars. eugen. graph. hura. phys. sep. — — sensation as if brain were rolled into small bulk: cocc-c. -----sensation as if a lead ball rolled about in: hydrph. -------after study: cup-ars. -------during vertigo: sep. -------vomiting aggr.: eugen. — of the head: merc. morph. nx-m. phos. stram. -------in paroxysms : merc. -------from side to side: hell. podo. when too weak to move the body: ars. when lying on pillow: merc. —----when silting: nx-m. Rubbing: camph. con. hyos. tarent. — against something: tarent. — inclination to rub forehead : glon. — with the hand: verat. Semilateral pains. See under Aching and special pains. Screwed in. See under Compressive. Scraped feeling, motion amel.; when Scraped. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Shocks. lying the pain shifts to side laid on : ph-ac. Sensitiveness of brain : bell. brom. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. con. croton. dro's. gels. gent. hyos. iod. k-ca. lach. lact. led. lyc. mag-m. mezer. nit-ac. phos. raph. sil. spig. zne — to special causes, compare aggrava- tions under General Conditions. — air, to cold : brom. mezer. -----to draught of: naja. tilia. — candle-light: calc. — cold, to: grat. — dinner, after : gent. — hat, to pressure of: croton. glon. sulph. — jar, to the least: bell. glon. hepar. mang. nat-ars. nit-ac. ph-ac. sil. spig. sulph. therid. vibur. — motion of head, to : gent. mang. — noise, to: bar. calc. con. ph-ac. stram. therid. -----shrill sounds: calc. -----of wagons on street: nit-ac. -----of reading: mag-m. -----of speaking : con. — — especially of male voices: bar. — stepping, to: bell, calc-p. dros. gels. lyc. nat-m. nit-ac. raph. rhus. spig. stann. sulph. -----when ascending: rhus. — touch, to gentlest, after anger: mezer. Separated, from body, were, night: daph. — brain from skull, were: staph. Shaking sensation in: acon. aloe. anac. ars. asar. aur. bar. bell, benz-ae bufo. calc. cann-i. carb-v. caus. cic. cocc. crotal. elaps. eupi. fluor-ac. glon. hyos. k-ca. lact. led. lyc. mag-s. mezer. nx-m. nx-v. pallad. phos. ph-ac. plat. rhod. sep. sil. sol-n. spig. verat. viol-tr. — compare with Looseness, Motion, Undulation, etc. — of head, cannot bear: glon. — by paroxysms : carb-v. — against frontal bone : aur. — air, aggr. in: aloe. — chills, during: ars. — cold, aggr.: nx-m. — cough, during: chin. lact. mag-s. — eating, worse after: nx-m. — heat, except that of bed, amel.: nx- m. — motion of head, on : cocc. lact. spig. 1 -----laying head down, on : aloe. — rest, amel. at: nx-v. — room, amel. in warm: nx-v. — speaking, on : cocc. — stamping, on : bar. — stepping heavily, when: led. lyc. sil. -------striking foot against any- thing : sep. — stooping, on: berb. — walking, when: cic. cocc. led. lye mang. nx-v. sep. sil. spig. viol-tr. -----in open air: caus. nx-v. — wrapping up warmly, amel.: nx-v. Shattered feeling in: aeth. calc. hyos. k-ca. mang. nx-v. sil. stront. sul-ac. verat. -----compare with Bruised. -----on coughing: calc. lact. rhus. -----on motion : mang. nx-v. -----on stepping heavily: sil. -----on waking in morning: sul-ac. -----walking, when : nx-v. -------as if a ball were beating against the skull, on beginning to walk: plat. -----with toothache: euph. Shocks, blows, etc., in : acon. aeth. all-c. alum. ars. asaf. bapt. bar. bell, benz- ae bov. calc. camph. cann-i. carb-v. caus. clem. croc, crotal. ferr. glon. graph, hell, hydr-ae hydrph. indg. ipee k-ca. lach. laur. led. lobel. lyc. mag-s. mang. merc. mill, mur-ac. nat- e nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. phos. ph-ac. plb. psor. puis, ran-b. raph. rhus. sabad. samb. sang, seneg. sep. spig. stann, sulph. sul-ac tarent. thea. thu. valer. verat-v. zne -----compare with Jerks, Pulsation ; see under Plug, Nail, etc. -----electric, like: arn. lobel. nat-s. -----here and there : zne -----from elbow to head: agar. -----to cheek: puis. — forehead : acon. am-c. ang. camph. caus. croc. hipp. glon. k-ca. laur. mag-s. nat-m. olnd. plat. rhus. sang. seneg. spig. stann. sul-ac. thu. zne -----as with an axe: nx-v. ----------a finger: nat-m. — occiput: arn. cann-i. hell. lyc. mang. plb. ran-b. sabad. -----from occiput to forehead : sabad. -----dull, heavy, throbbing pain through head, with sensation like a heavy blow on back of head a.nd neck : cann-i. Shocks. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Shooting. — side of: alum, (r), am-c. (l),bov. (r), chel. graph, (r), k-ca. (r), laur. (1), plat, mag-m. (1), nat-s. (1), phos. (r), plb. (r), puis, (r), sars. (r), spig. (1), sulph. — temples: agn. am-c. (r), bar. (1), camph. croc. lach. lyc. olnd. (1), ph- ac. plat. spig. (r), sul-ac. thu. -----as if a peg were struck in deep : sul-ac. -----sudden, deep in, causes starting: croc. (r). — vertex: calc. lyc. mang. nat-c. phos. tong. -----as from a bolt, from neck to vertex, worse at each throb of heart: cimic. -----electric like : nat-s. Conditions of Shocks. — morning in bed: nx-v. sul-ac. -----on rising : tarent. ---------amel.: nx-v. -----every: sul-ac. — ascending, on: ant-c. arn. bell. men. par. ph-ac. — consciousness, on regaining: cann-i. — coughing, when: ars. calc. ipee lach. lyc. mag-s. mang. nat-m. rhus. seneg. spig. sul-ac. — drinking cold water, on: thea. — eating, after: lyc. — hawking, on: raph. — lying, when: nit-ac. — menses, during: borax. — motion, from: am-c. lyc. merc. prun. — pressure, amel.: bell. thu. — pulse, at each beat of: cimic. glon. — reading, from: carb-v. — shaking head, when : mang. — siesta, after a: sep. — sitting, after a full meal, when: lyc. — sleep, on going to : nat-c. — sneezing, when: bar. — stool, during: phos. — stooping, on: mere nit-ac. thu. — talking, when: nat-m. — walking, when : bell. mang. -----rapidly: ant-e arn. bell. par. ph- ac. -----in open air: spig. — writing, when: raph. Shooting in : acet-ac. agar. alum. ambr. am-c. ant-t. arg. bar. bell. bry. calc. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. cimic. colch. con. corn. ferr. gran. hell, hepar. hura. hyos. ign. indg. iod. ipee k- ca. lach. lact. laur. mag-c. mane marum. mere mur-ac. naja. nat- hyp. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. petr. plan. ptel. puis, rhus-r. sep. sil. staph, sulph. thu. tong. valer. — compare Cutting, Lancinating, Shocks, Stitches, etc. — declining and increasing : bar. — here and there: am-c. bapt. calc. hydr-ae mag-c. mag-s. nice plb. ratan. sul-ac. ----flying: asar. calc. stront. — from behind forward : nat-m. ----within outward: alum, cinnb. nat-c. rhus. sulph. — upward : guai. sil. forehead: acon. agar, ant-t. arn. bell. chin, cinnb. con. creos. eye dig. euph. ferr. k-bi. k-ca. merc. merc-i- fl. mosch. naja. plb. rhod. rhus. rumx. sabad. senec. sil. stram. sulph. tilia. tarent. — diagonally : chel. — flying : asar. jatr. sep. — inward : canth. gel6. — eyes, over: am-c. ant-cr. berb. bov. bry. (1), caus. k-bi. nat-m. nit- ac. ph-ac. sep. zne -----violent shooting pains from root of nose along left orbital arch to external angle of eye, with dim sight; begins in morning, increases till noon, and ceases toward evening: k-bi. ----from left eye to vertex : phyt. — outward : bar-ae bell. con. ferr. glon. gran. lyc. ph-ac. puis, senec. sep. sulph. verb. — upward : ph-ae scutel. occiput: acon. aeth. agar, ailan. alum. anac. arum-t. asaf. bell. bov. caps, cimic. cedr. glon. grat. hepar. indg.iod.k-ca.laur. lyernag-emarum. men. mur-ac. naja. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. ol-an. phos. sil. zne — diagonally across: agar. — forward: chel. — upward: ambr. sep. sil. — intense pain as if a bolt had been driven from neck to vertex, worse at every throb of heart: cimic. side of: acon. aeth. agar. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. arg-n. bar. calc. camph. caus. cham. ferr. (1), fluor- ac. k-ca. lach. mang. men. nat-m. 124 Shooting. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Soreness. phos. phys. plan. rumx. sabin. sars. stann. — temple : acet-ac. acon. aeth. (1), agar. (r), anac. (1), arum-t. bapt. hell. (1), calc-p. (r), cimic. (l),coca. (r), com. (1), cup-s. glon. iris. k-bi. kalm. lil-t. (r to 1), merc-i-fl. naja. phos. phys. phyt. pic-ae pip-m. rhus. (1), sep. (1), sulph (r), sul-i. tarent. (r), thea. -----spreading out in a circle: caus. -----transient: iris, tarent. -----from one temple to another: bell. — — inward: arn. berb. canth. dirca. rhus. -----outward: bell. dulc. rhus. -------out and in: staph. -----upward: chin-s. -----— up and down: ang. — vertex : acon. aeth. agar. alum, am- m. bar. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. cimic. cupr. dig. hura. iod. ipee k- bi. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. mezer. mill. nat-m. nit-ac. phel. phos. ph-ac. phyt. spig. stram. sulph. tabac. valer. -----across: lac-ac. [zne -----boring through : sil. -----deep: caps. indg. lyc. ratan. staph, tabac. tong. -----drawing head backward: phel. -----extending to forehead: nice -----inward : aloe. lyc. -----transient: indg. mill. Conditions of Shooting. — morning: arum-t. ptel. -----before rising, aggr.: nat-hyp. -----begins in, increases till noon and ceases toward evening: k-bi. — noon, at: calc-p. sep. — afternoon -.ferr. plan, sulph. tarent. — evening : bell, tarent. -----amel. toward: k-bi. — night: tarent. — air, amel. in open : naja. — coughing, on: arn. bry. calc. carb- v. con. mang. — cramps, during: hell. — cries, extorting: sep. — eating, aggr.: sulph. — eyes, on turning up. arum-t. — head, bending back, aggr.: anac. -----moving, amel.: sulph. — lying down, aggr.: cimic. k-bi. — menses, before: ferr. -----during: apis. — pressure, amel.: bell, cupr-s. — rising and walking, aggr.: phys. 10 1 — singing, when: ptel. — sitting, amel.: acon. — stooping, on: bell, creos. nit-ac. sulph. sul-i. — teeth, clenching, amel.: sulph. — vexation, after : mag-c. — walking, when : bell. phys. Sinking feeling: glon. — — as if something were sinking from occiput, on stooping : k-ca. Sleep, sensation, as if brain were asleep: con. cupr. nat-m. -----as from want of, see under Con- fusion, Dullness. Smaller, feels: acon coff. grat. pic-ae — brain feels smaller than skull: glon. -------too far from skull: staph. Smarting: bapt. camph. canth. chin. euphr. glon. ham. rhus. sabin. — compare Soreness, and also see under Scalp. — forehead: bapt. canth. carb-an. gels. graph, hydr. lach. — — on touch: graph. Smoke, sensation as of, in : ang. sul-ac. Softening of brain: ambr. lach. nx-m. phos. Soreness, feeling of: agar. aloe. apis. ars. bapt. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-v. chin, cinnb. coca, cupr-ars. daph. eup-per. euphr. ferr. glon. graph, ham. hydrph. ign. k-bi. lac- ac. lach. lye mag-c. merc. mezer. mosch. nat-m. nat-p. nit ac. olnd. phos. phyt. prun. raph. rhod. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. stram. sulph. thea. zne. zing. -----compare with Sensitiveness, and see also under Scalp. -----deep-seated: mosch. plat. -----feels as if head would fall to pieces, is afraid to shake it: glon. -----in spots : oxal-ae sang. — forehead: acon. apis. ars. bapt. bufo. canth. carb-an. coloc. gels. glon. hydrs. lach. lil-t. lyc. merc. mur-ac. nat-c. plan. podo. prun. sang. spig. spong. sulph. tellur. zne ziz. -----in spots : par. -----to touch : hepar. ----every morning from 9 to 1; begins over left eye, then over nose, temple to back of head: mur-ae — occiput: bry. chel cimic. dire eup- per. euph. ferr. glon. hyos. mezer. nice nx-v. pip-m. sabad. spig. Soreness. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Stitches. _____as if broken loose from rest of skull: chel. _____as if a wound were pressed : sabad. — side of: ambr. (r), eup-per. lil-t. (1), mezer. (r), phyt. sulph. -----as if suppurating: petr. -----in spots: sulph. — temples: aesc-h. calc-p. (r), cast. cham. (1), coca, cupr-ars. daph. dire glon. gymn. (1), merl. nx-m. plan. plb. puis. sang. -----to touch and from lying on them; warmth amel.: nx-m. — vertex: apis. bov. bry. bufo. cast. chel. cimic. cinnb. ferr. k-bi. k-ca. lac-ae mag-c. mag-m. olnd. phos. rhod. rhus. sabin. sep. spig. sulph. sul-i. zne. -----as if bruised: glon. Conditions of Soreness. — morning : bov. hepar. mezer. ----on waking: cupr-ars. — afternoon : bufo. sang. — evening : acon. cast. chel. mag-c. puis. zne. ----in bed: plan. — night: coca. — breakfast, after: merc. — coughing, when : coca. spig. zne — head, on shaking: glon. — lying, on part, aggr.: nx-m. spig. — mental labor, after: daph. prun. — motion, on : cimic. glon. merc. nat- — pressure, from : pip-m. [ars. ----of hat: carb-v. ----on pillow: cupr-ars. — rest, aggr.: puis. — riding on cars, aggr.: glon. — room, worse in warm: puis. — speaking, when: spig. — stooping, on : bapt. coloc. lyc. nice — touch, when: dire hepar. merc. mezer. mosch. nat-m. phos. — vexation, after : mezer. — walking, when : raph. -----in open air, amel.: puis. Sound. See Noise. Spasmodic pain: acon. ambr. ang. am. ars. calc carb-v. chin, colch. coloc. croton. ign. mosch. murx. nat-c. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. petr. ph-ac. plat. ran-b. rheum, sars. squil. stann. stram. stront. Splashing in : asaf. bell, carb-an. hepar. hyos. nx-v. rhus. spig. squil. — compare with Undulation, etc. Splitting. See Bursting. Spot, pain in small: borax, carb-v. caus. colch. eupi. ferr-m. graph, helon. hepar. hydr-ae k-bi. kalm. lach. lact. lith. nx-m. oxal-ae phos. p'an. psor. ran-sc. ratan. sang, sol-n. spig. sulph. sul-ac. tellur. thu. vine zne Sprained sensation in back of head : psor. Squeezing. See Compressive. Stabbing. See Cutting, Shooting, etc. Stepping. See Sensitiveness, and com- pare general conditions of head. Stiffness, sensation of: canth. ferr. glon. nat-m. nat-s. -----extending to nose : lachn. — in brain, in open air : phos. — in occiput: anac. calc. ferr. gins. nitr. phos. sil. — evening in bed : sil. — must bend head back : nitr. — motion, on : nat-s. -----of head, aggr.: colch. — on waking : anac. Stitches, stinging, etc. : acon. aeth. agn. aloe. alum. ambr. am-e am-m. anac. ant-t. arg. arn. ars. asaf. aur. bapt. bar. bell. berb. borax, bov. bry. calc. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. castor, caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. con. croc. croton. cupr. eye daph. dig. dire dulc. elaps. eugen. euphr. eupi. euon. ferr. gels. glon. grat. guai. hell. hepar. hipp. hydr-ae hyos. ign. indg. iod. ipee. k-bi. k-ca. lach. lachn. lact. lam. laur. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane mang. marum. merc. merc-c. merc-i-fl. merl. mill, mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. op. par. petr. phos. ph-ae plb. plat. puis. raph. ratan. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. sars. selen. seneg. sep. serp. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarax. tarent, thu. tilia. tong. valer. verat. verb. viol-tr zne -----boring stitching, at night: am-c. -----burning: ph-ac. rhod. -----with coldness and trembling, every day at 4 P. M., unbearable stitches: asaf. -----deep-seated : all-c. lach. tabac. -----drawing: creos. mang. sil. -----dull: mag-m. sep. sil. -----extending to chest or neck : nat-m. 126: Stitches. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Stitches. --------to face: rhus. sars. -------to malar bone: indig. rhus. -----jerking: nat-m. nx-v. puis. -----periodic : calc. -----• tearing: berb. coloc. k-bi. merc. phos. — brain, in: agn. alum, am-e bar. bell. bry. calc. cham. cina. colch. eye dulc. euphr. gran. guai. k-ca. laur. lyc. mill, nat-m. petr. plb. puis. sabin. sil. thu. — forehead : acon. aesc-h. alum. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-t. arg-n. arn. asaf. aur. bar. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cina. cocc. cocc-e coloc. con. cupr. eye dig. dros. dulc. euph. euphr. ferr. gels. gins. gran. grat. guai. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. ipee k-ca. lact. laur. led. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. men. merc. merc-c. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plan. plat. plb. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sars. selen. sep. sil. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tarax. tilia. valer. verat. verb. viol-tr. zne -----left frontal eminence: arg-n. mang. nat-c. sars. -----right frontal eminence: bell. squil. -----burning : thu. -----extending into ear: rhus. squil. --------to lower jaw : brom. -------to nose: psor. -------to occiput: cAam. phos. -----externally: ang. dig. hell. hepar. tarax. -----eyes, over: anac. arum-t. (1), bov. k-iod. mane nat-m. ol-an. phos. ph-ac. rhus. selen. (1), spig. (1). -----nose, over: agar. berb. camph. chin. k-bi. k-ca. nat-m. nit-ac. psor. ran-b. rhus. sars. sep. sil. -----within, from : colch. sep. sulph. — occiput: acon. aeth. aloe. ambr. ant-t. bell. bov. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. cimic. dig. dulc. euphr. glon. grat. hell. ign. indg. iod. iris. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. lac-can. laur. mag-c. mag-m. mang. marum. mur-ae nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. petr. phos. puis, ran-b. rhus. samb. sars. sep. spig. spong. squil. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ae tarax. thu. verat. viol-tr. zne -----burning: carb-v.staph. -----deep-seated : canth. cop. -----extending across: agar. -------to frontal eminence: bar. -------to back of chest: eupi. -------through ears : puis. -------to upper jaw, leftside: cham. -----pulsating : cop. hepar. -----tearing: aeth. — side of: aeth. (1), alum, (r), am-c. (r), am-m. (1), anac. (1), ant-t. asaf. aur. bar. bell, (r), berb. borax, (r), bov. brom. (r), bry. calc. calc-p. (1), camph. (r), cann-s. (1), canth. (rj, caps. cast. caus. (r), cham. (r), chel. (1), cic. cinnb. cocc. cocc-e con. crotal. (1), cupr. (r), eye (1), dig, eup-pur. euph. (r), euphr. eupi. (1), ferr. (1), gamb. graph, grat. (r), guai. hyos. hyper, (r), indg. (1), iod. (r), k-bi. (r), k-ca. (r), lach. laur. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. (r), mang. (1), men. (1), mezer. (1), mill, (r), mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. (1), nice nit- ac. (r), nx-v. ol-an. (r),par. (r), petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. (1), plb. (r), puis. ratan. (1), rhod. (r), sars. sep. sil. spig. (1), staph. (1), sulph. tarax. (1), thu. (r), tong. verb, zne (r). -----extending deep into brain: anac. indg. -------to eye : calc. (r). —----to face : k-bi. (r). -------to forehead : sil. (1). -----tearing : sars. spig. -------extending from side to side: carb-v. — temples: acon. aesc-h. aeth. agar, (r), aloe. ambr. (1), am-c. (1), am-m. (1). anac.(l), ang. ant-t. apis. apoc.(r),arn. arum-t. a-af. (1), ars. (]), bar. (r), bell. berb. (r), borax, (r), bov. bry. cadm. calad. (r), calc. (1), camph. cann-i. (r), canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. (1), chin, cimic. cina. cocc. (1), cocc-e coff. (r), coloc. cop. crotal. (1), cupr. (1), eye (1), daph. dig. dulc. euphr. eupi. (1), ferr. gamb. gran, graph. (1), grat. (r), guai. hell. (1), hepar. (1), hydr. ign. iod. iris. k-bi. (r), k-ca. k-iod. (I), lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. men. (1), merc-i-fl. merl. mezer. mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. par. phos. ph-ac. plat. (1), 127 Stitches. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Stitches. plb. (1), squil. (r), psor. puis, ran-b. (1), ran-sc. (1), rheum, rhod. (1), rhus. ruta. sabad. (r), sang. sars. (r), selen. sep. sil. sol-n. spong. stann. staph. (1), stront. sulph. tabac. tarax. (1), tarent. therid. thu. (r), verb. viol-tr. zne -----awakening at 3 A. m. ; spreading gradually over head; chilly: ferr. -----alternating with heat and cold- ness : borax. -------with pressure: tabac. -----boring, amel. on touch: coloc. -----extending to eyes: ant-c. (1), berb. (r). -------across forehead : anac. berb, borax, ferr. sil. squil. tabac. -------inward : acon. arg. arn. lach. rhus. tilia. -------outward: berb. calc. nx-m. rhus. sulph. -----needle like, burning stitches: staph. — vertex: acon. aeth. alum. am-m. anac. bar. bell, borax, bov. bry. calc. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. chin, cimic. con. cop. cupr. dig. ferr. hell, hyper, guai- indg. iod. ipee k-iod. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. men. mezer. mill, nat-c. nat-m. nice nit- ac. nitr. olnd. ol-an. petr. phel. phos. pimp, ph-ac. raph. ratan. ruta. sabad. sars. sep. spig. stann. staph, stront. sulph. tabac. thu. tong. valer. verb. zne -----extending to forehead: caps. mezer. nice -------through whole head, from ex- posure to sun: bar. -------into palate: nat-m. -------to pharynx: cham. -------to temples: carb-v. phos. -----paroxysmal: caus. chel. ----in spots: chel. k-bi. -----within, outward ; better when washing, but worse after : spig. Conditions of Stitches. — morning : agar. alum. am-m. arg-n. bry. canth. cham. con. glon. grat. hepar. indg. lyc. mag-c. mag-s. mang. nice petr. plb. sars. sil. stront. thu. tilia. tong. verat. -----at 3 A. M.: ferr. -----on waking: petr. -----after rising: bar. mag-c. plb. stront. — noon : con. elaps. — till goes to sleep: mur-ac. afternoon : aeth. alum. bov. canth. cham. grat. indg. mag-c. nat-c. nice ol-an. phel. sars. sep. stront. — every day at 4 P. M., with cold- ness and trembling: asaf. evening: ambr. bar. bov. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. dig. graph, hyper, indg. k-iod. mag- e mang mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. petr. phos. plat. sep. sil. stram. stront. sulph. valer. thu. night: am-c. arum-t. dig. lyc. nat- m. sep. spig. — on waking : hepar. air, in open : mang. sil. -------amel.: am-c. sars. sep. tabac. arms, on moving: nat-s. bed, when in : nat-c. plat. breakfast, after: bry. chilliness, during: eupi. cold hand, touch of, amel.: euphr. coryza, during: cocc-e k-ca. — during stopped : croc. coughing when : alum. anac. ant-t. arn. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. chel. cina. con. hyos. k-ca. mezer. nit-ac. phos. ph-ac. ruta. sabad. sulph. sul-ac. verb, zne descending, on: merc-i-fl. dinner, during: zne — after: ant-t. bar. mag-c. phos. puis. eating, after : alum, ant-t. bar. lyc. mag-c. phel. phos. sep sulph. eyes, on moving: caps, hyper, k- ca. fright, from least: cic. head, on moving: caps, hyper, k- ca. nat-m. — raising, amel.: k-ca. heat, after in face: puis. — amel.: k-ca. — of stove, from : bar. — during the fever (stage): asaf. nx-v puis. house, when in: nat-m. sep. jaw, moving aggr.: k-ca. laughing, when: tong. lying down, when: canth. nat-c. puis. sep. • — amel.: calc. nit-ac. — on affected side amel.: chel. sep. ■ — on well side amel.: mag-c. ■ menses, before : calc-p. ferr. ■ —appearance of, am*.!.: eye 128 Stitches. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Stunning. -----during: acon. berb. calc. lyc. mang. ratan. -----after: berb. lyc. nat-m. ol-an. plat. — mental exertion, after: lyc. pimp. — motion, aggr.: agn. ant-t. caps. cham. nitr. ratan. sil. spong. -----amel.: sulph. — nose, on blowing: mur-ac. — odors, from strong: selen. (1). — pressure, amel.: aeth. calad. guai. mur-ac. sil. sulph. — reading, when: carb-v. caus. lyc. — respiration, on deep: ratan. — rest, amel.: calc. — rising, on : agar. calc. (mur-ac. from seat). -----amel.: ol-an. puis. -----from stooping, on : hepar. — room, in: am-m. bov. con. selen. -----amel. in : mang. — rubbing, amel.: canth. phos. — scratching, amel. :. plat. — sitting, when: caus. chin. indg. mag-c. phos. ratan. squil. tarax. — standing, when : mag-c. plb. -----still, amel. when: mang. —■ stepping heavily, when : aloe. bry. — stooping, when : am-m. berb. bry, calc. caps, eye glon. hepar. mag-m. mur-ac. nice puis, staph, sulph. thu. -----after : aloe. rhus. — sun, from exposure to: bar. selen. (1). — talking, after: agar, nat-m. -----loudly: sulph. — touch, from: hepar. ipee spig. staph. — — amel.: ars. coloc. — waking, on: canth. hepar. petr. thu. — walking, when: bry. carb-an. croton. merc. plb. sep. sulph. thu. -----after: bry. tarax. tellur. -----about amel.: staph. — washing face, on : cop. -----better while but worse after wash- ing: spig. — weather, on change of: vip. Stomach, as if rising from: alum. carb-v. con. mag-m. Stone, as if from a: bell, cann-s. con. dig. nitr. — around eyes, like: nitr. — see also under Heaviness, Pressure, etc. Stopped-up, stuffed sensation: acon. glon. graph, ham. nat-c. sep. sulph. ustil. Strange feeling in : phys. thea. — compare Confused. Strain, as from a: ph-ac. phys. — sensation as of a, in forehead: hyper. op. Striking, sensation as though brain were, against skull, on motion: ars. laur. nx-m. plat. rhus. stann. sulph. sul-ac. — compare with Knocks, Looseness, etc. — strikes head against wall or bed; twitching of eyelids and frontal muscles: mill. Stunning, stupefying pain: acon. aeth. agar. am-c. anac. ant-c. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. calc. chin. cic. cina. cinnb. con. croton. cupr. eye dros. dulc. gran. hell. hyos. iod. iris. k-ca. lac-can. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. men. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. op. phos. ph-ac. puis, rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. samb. sep. sil. stann. staph, sulph. tarax. thu. valer. verb. zne -----compressing: mosch. -----drawing: asar. -----pressing : ant-t. arg. arn. ars. asar. calc. cic. cina. croton. cupr. dros. dulc. evon. hell, hyos. rneztr. ruta. sabad. stann. sulph. verb. -----stinging; verb. -----throbbing: sabin. ----- tightening: asaf. olnd. -----with coryza, 4 to 8 p. m., worse on stooping; better at rest and in open air: hell. -----with heat in temples and ears ; mouth and lips dry; worse 4 to 8 p. m., rising up or lying down : lyc. — forehead: agar. anac. ant-c. arg. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bell. calc. cann-s. carb-an. cic. cina. eye dros. euph.. fluor-ac. gran. hyos. laur. led. mag-c. t mang. men. mur-ac. nat-c. nitr. olnd. par. phos. ph-ac. plat. ruta. sabad. sep. stann. staph, tarax. thu. valer. verb. -----over eyes: evon. -----above nose: acon. ant-t. asar. mosch. -----so violent sweats from anxiety; when walking in open air: ant-e. — occiput: cann-i. cina. seneg. sulph. Stunning. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Swollen. — side of: asaf. (1), daph. (r), dulc. (1), euph. (r), mezer). (1), olnd. (r), sul-ae (r), verb. — temple: acon. ars. asar. cina. iod. podo. rheum, sabad. verb. — vertex: bov. dulc. phos. rheum. valer. Conditions of Stunning pain. — morning : nx-v. rhus. -----on waking, as from liquor: nitr. — evening: puis. — cold, amel.: puis. -----aggr.: rhus. -----with chilliness : puis. — coughing, on : aeth. nitr. — eating, after: nx-v. — motion, amel.: puis. rhus. — pressure, amel.: iod. podo. — rest, aggr. when at: puis. rhus. -----and motion, during: calc. — room, worse in: nat-c. puis. — sunshine, from : nx-v. Stupefaction, sensation of: acet-ac. a?sc-h. agar, ant-t. arg-n. apis. ars. asaf. ars. bapt. bov. bry. calc. camph. caus. cham. chin. cina. clem. cob. cocc. cocc-c. coloc. con. croc. dulc. ferr. graph, hell, helon. hyos. jatr. ipee laur. lyc. mag-m. nat-m. nat-s. nice nx-v. op. petr. phos. phys. plan. psor. raph. rhus-v. sars. secale. selen. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. staph, thu. tong. valer. vip. — compare Confusion, Dullness, etc. — forehead : ars. berb. cina. coloc. con. gels. hell, hepar. mosch. staph. — temple : ant-t. plan. — occiput: agar, cupr-s. Conditions of Stupefaction. — morning: acet-ac. agar. chin. cob. graph, sars. squil. thu. -----on waking: cham. phos. -----after rising : rhod. sabad. — afternoon : calc. phys. lyc. -----11 a. m. to 6 p. m. : ars. — evening: bov. — night: calc. ---7 on waking, must rise : psor. — air, in open : cina. nx-v. — coryza, during : hell. — dinner, after: coloc. nat-m. nx-v. plan. — eating, aggr. after : cocc. morph. — mental exertion, aggr.: petr. — motion, from : stopA. thu. — retching, amel.: asar. — rising, on : sil. 130 -----amel. after: phos. — somnolency, with : ph-ac. — stool, during: tong. — stooping, on: nice valer. — sun, aggr. in: nx-v. — vertigo, during: acon. aeth. agar. arn. bar. bell. bov. calc. clem, creos. gels, graph, hell, hydrs. hydr-ae laur. mill, mosch. mur-ac. op. phos. phyt. psor. sabin. secale. stann. staph, sulph. zne — walking, when: ipee ---— open air: ars. cina. — warm room, in : phos. — walking much, when : alumn. ars. — writing, when: arg-n. Sudden pains: agar. bell, camph. croc. ferr. mezer. morph. phys. sabin. tabac. valer. -----and go, suddenly: bell. -----which decrease gradually: asaf. calc-ae fluor-ac. puis, ran-sc. sabin. -------compare Increasing. -----during micturition: tabac. Sunstroke: camph. glon. stram. therid. verat-v. — from having slept in sun : acon. bell. Suppuration, pain as if from: bov. carb-v. nx-v. petr. rhod. stann. Surging sensation, while lying: oxal-ae -----amel. on becoming erect: alum. -----in forehead, like waves rolling up and down : sep. -----from occiput to forehead : cann-i. Swashing sensation in : asaf. bell, carb- an. dig. hepar. hyos. nx-v. plect. rhus. samb. spig. squil. viol-tr. — — see also Undulation. — ice, amel.: plect. ' — motion, from: plect. — shaking head, on : spig. squil. Sweat. See under External Head. Swollen, distended feeling: aeth. agar. am-e anac. ant-t. apis, arg-n. arn. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bism. bov. cann- i. caps. cedr. chin-s. cimic. cina. cob. cocc-e collin. coral, cupr-ae daph. dig. dulc. gels. gins. glon. indg. k- lod. lach. lachn. lact. laur. lil-t. lith. mang. meph. mere merl. nat-m. nx-m! nx-v. op. par. plan, ran-b. ran-sc. rhus' samb. sep. spig. stront. sulph. tarax! therid. — feels elongated : hyper. — inflated, feels: k-iod. — compare En'arged. forehead : acon. agar. ars. cic. dulc. Swollen. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Tearing. hepar. indg. lyc. merc. mezer. nx-v. phos. pip-m. rhus-v. ruta. sep. -----expanding alternating with con- tracting: tarax. -----feels broad and high : cund. — occiput: bry. dulc. pip-m. puis. — side : caus. nx-m. par. — temple : bufo. (r), calc. (r), cham. (1), euph. (1), par. (r). — vertex: all-c. — on waking : ars. samb. — walking in open air: aeth. mang. — washing, sensations as if head, face, and hands were swollen; worse after washing; better going into room : aeth. Tearing, rending pain: aeth. agar, ailan. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-cr. arg. arn. ars. asar. aur. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus.cAam. chel. chin. cina. cinnb. cocc. coff. colch. coloe con. creos. croc, croton. cupr. dig. dros. eupi. ferr. graph, guai. hell. hyos. ign. indg. iod. ipee k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lach. lam. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mane marum. mere, mezer. mill, mur-ac. nat-c. nat- m. nat-s. nice nitr. nx-v. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. plb. psor. puis. ran-b. ratan. rheum, rhus. ruta. samb. sars. selen. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tarax. tereb. thu. tilia. tong. viol-tr. vip. zne -----aching, tearing, jerking : phos. -----—shooting, tearing: tong. -----asunder: agar. am-m. coff. mur- ac. nat-s. op. puis, staph, sul-ac. verat. -------compare with Bursting. -----bruised tearing: bov. merc. -----crazy feeling runs up back: lil-t. -----cutting: bell. -----digging : coloe spig. -----drawing: am-c. calad. canth. caps. cina. guai. lach. nx-v. ol-an. rhus. sil. --------boring, drawing, tearing: carb- an. -----extending to ear : nx-v. -------to face : am-m. anac. bry. guai. lyc. sil. squil. thu. --------to left eye in paroxysms : nice --------to nose: lyc. nat-c. nx-v. -------to teeth : lye merc. staph. -------to throat: anac. merc. -----flying : ambr. con. nat-s. selen. -----intermittent: nice rheum. -----jerking: agar. anac. cAm. k-ca. mag-c. marum. mur-ac. paeon, puis. ratan. thu. -----lacerated, as if. See Torn. -------morning on rising, rest and warmth amel.; passes off with much yawning : staph. -------pain as if brain were clasped by a hand and being torn and twisted: mur-ac. -----periodic: anac. -----pressive: camph. chel. squil. -----pulsating ; ars. rhus. -----saw, as if with a: sulph. -----shooting : arg. berb. caus. chel. chin. cic. hyos. hyper, phos. sil. sulph. vip. zne -----spots, in : aloe. lyc. -----stinging: caps. cocc. ign. mag- m. nat-m. nice puis. -----twitching: chin. k-ca. sil. — forehead: agar. agn. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. arg. arg-n. arum-t. asaf. asar. aur. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. cact. calc. camph. canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chel. chin. cina. cocc. cocc-e coloc. con. cupr. dros. euphr. gran, graph. grat. guai. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. indg. ipee k-bi. k-ca. kalm. lachn. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc. merc-i-r. merl. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx- v. op. phel. phos. plb. puis, ratan. rhod. sabad. samb. sars. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, stront. sulph. sul-ac. thu. tilia. zne -----across : bry. kalm. lachn. (1 to r). -----alternating with pain in arms: sil. -----extending to chest: cham. -------to cervical muscles, then to right arm: bry. -------down neck, into face and teeth; worse rising, better lying: lyc. -------to eyes : mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. spig. -------to nape : berb. -------to occiput: bov. -------to temple: caus. gran. -------to vertex : merc. sil. -----eyes, over : agn. aur. calc. chel. ferr-i. iod. k-ca. k-iod. lach. lyc. mang. (r). merc. (1), mezer. phos! sang. sil. tong. Tearing. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Tearing. - — flying : ratan. seneg. - — nose, above: agar. ambr. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. tong. . — periodic : cham. plb. • — radiating: lyc. ■ occiput: acon. aeth. agar, ailan. ambr. am-m. anac. arg. ars. aur. bar. bell. berb. bism. bov. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. chel. colch. con. cupr. grat. guai. hyos. hyper. ign. indg. k-bi. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. merc. merc-c. merl. mur-ac. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. phel. ph-ac. puis, ran-b. sabad. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. stront. sulph. tarax. thu. verat. zne ■ — burning : cupr. — extending to forehead: ambr. aur. carb-v. chin, mere ■-----to nape of neck: berb. nx-m. ran-b. •-----to temple: anac. arn. ■-----to throat, amel. on rubbing : laur. -----to vertex: mag-m. ratan. -----forward: anac. aur. chin. merc. •-----upward: berb. ol-an. sars. -------and forward : ambr. mag- na, ratan. side of: aeth. agar. alum, (r), ambr. am-c. am-m. (r), anac (r), ant-t. (1), arg. (1), arg-n. ars. (1), aur. (1), bar. bov. (r), bry. canth. caps, carb-an. (r), carb-v. cast, (r), caus.cActm. chin. (r), cic. (r), cina. (1), cocc-e colch. (1), coloc. (1), croc. (1), dig. (1), gran. (r) graph. (1), grat. (r), guai. (1), hell. ign. (r), indg. (r), k-ca. (l), laur. (1), led. (1), lyc. mag-c. (r), mag-m. mang. marum. merc. (l), merl. (1), mill, (r), mur-ac. nat-c. (1), nat-s. nice nx-v. (r), ol-an. phel. (1), phos. (r), plb. (r), puis, (r), ratan. (1), rhod. (r), sars. selen. (l), sep. (1), sil. spig. (1), stann. (r), stront. (r), sulph. sul-ac. (r), thu. (1), tilia. (1), tong. verb, (r), zne. — drawing : bov. caps, zne — extending to eye : mag-m. (r). -----from side to side : clem. rhus. -----to teeth and glands of throat: graph. -----down .neck, into face and teeth ; worse rising,betterlying: lye temple : acon. (1), aeth. (r), agar. (r), agn. ailan. alum. ambr. (1), am-c. am-m. (1), anac. (1), ant-t. (1), arg. arg-n. arn. (1), arum-t. (r), asaf. (r), asar. (1), aur. (1), bell. herb. bism. (r), bov. bry. (r), calc. calc-ae camph. (r), canth. (r), carb-v. cast. caus. (r), cham. chel. (r), chin. (1), chin-s. cic. (1), cina. (1), cocc. colch. (r), coloc. (r), con. cop. creos. eye dig. (r), dulc. (1), gran, (r), grat. (1), guai. (1), ham. hell, hyper, (r). indg. (r), iod. k-bi. (1), k-ca. (1), k-iod. lach. lachn. (1), lact. (r), laur. (r), led. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. (1), mag-s. (1), mang. merc. merl. mezer. mur-ac. (r), nat-c. (r), nat-m. nat-s. (r), nice (r), nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. ol-an. (1), par. petr. phos. ph-ae (1), plb. plect. puis, ran-b. (r), ratan. (1), rhod. (1), rhus. (r), sabad. sabin. samb. (1) seneg. (r), sep. (1), sil. (r), spig. (1), spong. stann. sulph. (1), sul-ac. thu. tilia. (1), verb, viol-tr. (1), zne -----extending into brain : anac. -------to face: am-m. arg-n. bry. k- ca. lachn. seneg. -------across forehead: cast. lyc. mezer. ph-ac. -------to neck : bry. -------to occiput: rhus-v. -------to teeth : bry. carb-v. lachn. verb. -------upward: am-m. laur. rhus-v. -----in spot: carb-v. ratan. -----twitching-tearing in temple lain on; moves to other side on turning; worse evenings and raising eyes: puis. — vertex: agar. agn. ambr. am-c. arg. aur. bar. bell, benz-ae borax, bov. canth. cast. chel. colch. creos. dulc. hyper, indg. iod. k-ca. kalm. lach. lachn. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-s. mang. merc. mezer. mur-ae naja. nit-ae nx-v. phel. phos. ph-ae ran-b. ran-sc. ratan. rhus. ruta, sars. sil. spig. stann. thu. vine zne -----extending to ear: agar. phos. -------to ocriput: indg. -------to shoulder: lyc. -------over temples: ang. -------to zygoma, while sitting : phos. -----hair were pulled, as if: canth. Conditions of Tearing. — morning: alum, arg-n. borax, bov. coloc. con. indg. mezer. nice ran-sc. rhod. sars. sil. tong. verat. -----on waking: graph, phos. puis. verat. 132 Tearing. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Tension. — morning, in bed: arg-n. -----on rising: ipee staph, stront. stram. — noon : graph, zne ----- every day at; pressure aggr., open air amel.: arg. — afternoon : aeth. calc. cast. caus. chel. creos. graph, grat. guai. k-iod. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-s. nat-c. nice ol-an. sil. sulph. zne — — till evening : lyc. — evening : ailan. almn. ambr. am-c. coloc. grat. hyper, lachn. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc. nice nitr. olnd. petr. puis. sars. sil. staph, sulph. sul-ac. -----in bed : laur. sil. thu. -----till midnight: laur. — night.- cham. hepar. laur. lyc. mag- e merc. ----on waking: arg-n. — air, from cold: ign. ----■■ in open : alum, ant-t. mag-s. mang. ol-an. ---------amel.: aur. sulph. — bed, amel. in : aur. ----warmth of, aggr. : merc. — breakfast, during : sul-ac. — chill, during: eupi. hyper. — cold, aggr.: bov. grat. stram. — cough, during: alum. arn. calc. cupr-ae puis. sep. — dinner, during: zne -----after: carb-an. mag-c. ol-an. zne — eating, while: con. sul-ac. zne -----after: carb-an. mag-c. ol-an. phel. sep. zne — eyes, on moving, aggr.: dros. mur- ac. — head, bending back aggr.: anac. -------forward, amel.: ign. ----------burning tearing in, on: cupr. ----moving, aggr.: coloc. ----resting on hands, amel.: dros. -------on table, amel.: sulph. — heat, during the : puis. ----amel.: staph, stram. — knitting, when: mag-s. — labor, from hard : anac. — lying down, when: mag-c. ----on back, amel.: ign. ----must lie down: colch. ----lying quietly, towards morning, amel.: merc. — menses, during: calc. cast, mag-c. nat-c. ratan. -----before: ars. cinnb. — mental exertion, from: anac. -------amel.: calc-ae — motion aggr.: agn. aur. calc. canth. chin. phos. ratan. sil. spig. verat. -----amel.: mur-ae sulph. — noise, aggr.: spig. — pressure aggr.: arg. bism. -----amel.: calc-ae carb-an. mag-c. nat-c. sulph. — respiration, on deep: ratan. — rest, amel.: staph. — rising, on : am-m. kalm. — — from stooping : ant-t. mang. -----up in bed, aggr.: mur-ac. ---------amel. on: tong. — room, en entering: mag-m. -----amel. in: ol-an. — rubbing amel.: laur. — sitting, while: indg. mag-c. mezer. nice phos. spig. -----amel.: mag-m. -----upright, aggr.: ign. — standing, while: ran-b. spig. -----still, amel.: tarax. — step, a false, aggr.: spig. — stooping, on: asar. bov. carb-an. rhus. sil. tong. — talking, on: sars. — touch, aggr.: arg. chel. ipee -----amel.: mur-ac. — vomiting, after: thu. — waking, on: arg-n. graph, phos. thu. verat. — walking, when: cast. chin. con. sars. spig. tarax. -----in air, amel.: ant-c. — water, cold aggr.: sulph. — writing, when : ran-b. — yawning, passes off with much: mur-ac. Tender. See Sensitiveness, Soreness, etc. Tension: aeth. aloe. alum. ambr. ang. ant-t. arn. ars. asaf. asar. bapt. bar. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. clem. coff. colch. con. corn, creos. crotal. dig. dios. glon. graph, gymn. hell. hepar. ipee lach. lact. laur. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. men. merc. merl. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. olnd. op. oxal-ae par. petr. plat. puis, rheum, rhod. sabad. samb. sil. spig. stann. stront. sulph. sul-ae therid. valer. verat. verb, viol-od. xanth. zne ziz. -----compare Compressive, Pressure. Tension. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Throwing. -----bandage, as from a: chel. gymn. --------ligature around, as from : bell. -----choking sensation, followed by a: glon. -----skull were too small, as if: glon. morph. scut. -----thread were stretched from nape to eyes: lach. --------were stretched through eye- ball back into middle of brain: par. -----water were in, as if: samb. — forehead : acon. aeth. agn. aloe, ant- t. asaf. bapt. bar. bell. berb. calc. cann-s. carb-an. caus. chel. chin. clem, colch. coloc. croc, crotal. croton. dig. dros. dulc. euph. gent-1. glon. grat. hell, hepar. hyper, laur. mag- na, marum. men. merc. mosch. naja. nat-c. nitr. nx-v. par. plat. puis. rheum, rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. sulph. valer. verb, verat. viol-od. zne ziz. -----across: iris. naja. -----skin of: bar. cann-i. op. par. phys. sabin. sep. verat. -:----skull were too tight, as if: naja. ----— string or band, across, as from: chel. coca, mane merc. -----over eyes: apis. chel. dulc. euphr. glon. (r), iod. merl. sil. sul-i. -----over nose: aeth. — occiput: agar. alum. anac. bar. berb. cann-s. chel. coloc. dulc. euph. glon. graph, hyos. ipee k-iod. lact. lobel. lye mag-c. mezer. mosch. mur- ac. murx. nat-c. par. ruta. thu. viol- od. verat. ziz. -----alternating with tension in face: viol-od. -----extending to finger joints: plect. --------into nape of neck : pimp. --------up ward, downward, and toward ears: glon. — side of: ant-t. (1), apis. (1), asaf. (1), bar. (r), calc. (r), caus. (1), chin-s. clem, (r), coloc. (1), dig. (r), fluor-ac. -----extending into orbits and teeth : crotal. --------to left upper teeth, stitch-like in spots, on stooping; amel. on rising: dig. — temple : ailan. alum, (r), am-bro. ant-t. bar. berb. (1), bov. calc. cann-s. caus. (r), carb-an. cinnb. clem, coloe (r), glon. hell, hyper, lith. lyc. mag- m. merl. mur-ac. (r), nat-m." (r), ol- an. pallad. plat, rheum, verat. verb. zne -----like a band from temple to temple: carb-ae — vertex : ant-t. apis. cact. calc. chel. gent.k-iod. men. mosch. naja. rheum. stront. tong. verat. verb. -----extending to jaw : stront. Conditions of Tension. — morning : agar. -----amel. in: glon. — evening: asaf. lobel. murx. mur- ae ol-an. stront. — night: mezer. nx-v. — air, open, amel.: berb. lach. -----walking in, amel.: oxal-ae — bed, evening in: asaf. merc. ol-an. — eating, after: con. dios. lyc. — eyes, on turning to side: dig. -----using the, aggr.: par. — laying forehead on table, when: ang. — lying on back, when : mezer. — menses, before : sil. — mental exertion, from: par. sulph. — motion, aggr.: par. — pain in occiput, with : graph. — pressure, amel.: lach. — throat, after tightness about the: glon. — rising from stooping, amel.: dig. -----from bed and laying hand on forehead amel.: mere — sitting bent forward aggr.; sitting erect amel.: asaf. — sleep, aggr. on going to: graph. — standing, aggr.: mag-c. — stool, during: coloc. — stooping, on: berb. dig. — swallowing, on: mag-c. — waking, on : anac. ant-t. graph. — writing, when: lyc. Thick, feels: ailan. clem, colch. nat-m. nice petr. ran-sc. thea. therid. — compare with Swollen. — forehead: mag-s. ruta. spong. — temple : gins. (1). Thin, cranium feels as if: bell. puis. Thread-like pain over eyes: all-c. — tension as from a thread through eyes: lach. par. Throbbing. See Pulsation. Throwing head about: merc. phos. tarent. -----backward : acet-ae camph. cina. ether, glon. he.ll. lobel. merc. nitr. phyt. stram. tabac. tanae 134 Throwing. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Twitching. -------boring into pillow : bell, camph. dig. hell, hyper, stram. -------during sleep: hyper. -----from side to side : ars. bell. hell. merc. naja. —-------while lying: cena. -----compare Motions of, Boiling, etc. Thrusts. See Jerks, Shocks, etc. Ticking in. See under Noise. Tickling in: ferr. phos. -----brain: laur. phos. -------night: hyper. -----forehead : brom. ferr. Tied, feels as though: colch. pimp. — see Compressive, Tension, etc. Tightness in head: caus. rheum. — tightening pain : berb. — see Tension. Tingling: acet-ac. acon. am-c. apis. arg. arn. bar. cadm. caus. chel. cic. cocc. colch. cupr. hyos. laur. nx-m. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, rheum. rAns. secale. sulph. tarax. thu. verb. -----as though a large bell were struck : sars. -----compare Crawling. — forehead: arn. aur. chel. cic. coZcA. indg. ph-ac. puis, sabad. stram. tarax. verat. viol-od. viol-tr. zne — occiput: rhus. -----stupefying, on stepping: sulph. — temple: borax.plat, rheum, stront. sulph. -----with coldness of spot: plat. — vertex: calc. colch. cupr. hyos. lac- can, sulph. -----strange tingling pain in; menses omitting: cupr. — on speaking aloud: zne — while walking: verb. Tired feeling in brain : apis. con. — pain, after mental exertion : iris. Torn, pain as if: agar. alum. am-m. ang. ars. aur. bell. bov. camph. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. coff. con. euphr. ferr. graph, hell, hepar. ign. ipee iod. lach. mag-c. merc. mosch. mur- ac. nice nitr. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sep. stann. staph, stront. sulph. thu. verat. zne -----compare with Bruised, Tearing, etc. — brain aches as if torn to pieces, morning on rising, worse from motion, better from rest and warmth ; pas-es off with much yawning: staph. -----pain as if brain were torn or beaten to pieces: worse moving eyes or sitting up in bed; better from moderate exercise: mur-ac. -----pain as if brain were clasped by a hand and were being torn and twisted: mur-ac. — forehead : am-m. asar. coff. graph. mezer. nx-v. — occiput: con. — side : nx-v. sulph. — temple: mur-ac. — vertex : carb-an. caus. mur-ac. thu. zne Torpid feeling: hura. — see Numbness, etc. Trembling sensation : alcoh. ant-t. bell. bufo. calc. carb-v. chel. cic. cocc. graph, merc. plb. sulph. tabac. — extending to pit of stomach: phys. — in head : indg. petr. plat. — on coughing: ant-t. — moving aggr.: cic. Turning, twisting in head (sensation of): bell. bry. calc. indg. iris. k-ca. petr. rhus. sabad. sil. — back-ward of: laur. — to side : op. -----side to side; colch. hyos. phos phys. secale. tarent. -------see Boiling. -----to left side : lyc. tarent. ----to right side : plb. -----to wrong side, when spoken to: atrop. — to and fro: agar. Twitching in: ambr. apis. arn. bell. bry. calc. cann-s. carb-v. caus. chel. chin, croton. eye eupi. glon. graph. ign. k-ca. laur. lyc mag-c. mere nat- e nit-ac. nx-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. stann. staph. stram. — in brain : bar. bov. bry. calc. cann- s. ratan. — forehead: acon. agar, ant-t. arn. berb. borax, bry. caus. cham. chin. lach. mag-m. mezer. phos. prun. sabad. sep. sil. spong. stann. sulph. thu. -----extending into brain : camph. — occiput: acon. bism. canth. mag-c. mag-m. merc. ph-ac. rhus. sars. spig, thu. -----extending to forehead : anac. — side of: aeth. (r), agar. (r),anae (1), ang. (r), bar. (r), calc. (l), cann-i. (1), Twitching. SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Wagging. caus. (r), cupr. (1), glon. graph, nit- ac. (1), oxal-ae (r), plb. (r), valer. (r), verb. (1). -----extending from side to side: merc. -------to throat: chin. -------to vertex, when jerking arms and on stepping: spong. — temple: agar. am-c. am-m. (1), anac. (1), arg. bar. (1), bov. (1), bry. carb-an. chel. (1), chin, crotal. eye k-ca. (I)> lil-t. mere (r), oxal-ae phos. (1), plb. spig. squil. (r), stann. (1), sul-ae (r), valer. (r). -----extending into brain: camph. -------to jaws or teeth: rhus. -------to vertex : eye -----in spots : ratan. (r). -----twitching-tearing in temple lain on; moves to other side on turning; worse on raising eyes : puis. — vertex: chel. gent, mag-c. men. mur-ac. petr. ran-sc. sil. Conditions of Twitching. — morning: glon. nx-v. phos. sep. — noon: glon. — afternoon : aeth. borax, rhus. — evening: fluor-ac. mur-ac. nit-ac. rhus. sil. — night: chel. rhus. sil. — arms, when jerking the: spong. — — on moving: chel. — ascending steps, on : glon. — cough, during: lyc puis. — eating, after: cham. — lying down, when : nit-ac. — motion, aggr.: phos. — rest, amel.: eupi. — standing, evening, after: fluor-ac. — stepping, when : spong. — stool, aggr. during: phos. — stooping, on: berb. nit-ac. petr. — touch, aggr: chel. — walking, while: spig. Twitching of head: aloe. arn. cham. cic. merc. nat-s. petr. ph-ac. -----Compare with Boiling, etc. -----during sleep: arn. merc. -----on walking: petr. — backward, of: alumn. atro. bov. cic. cina. merc. sep. strych. -----during sleep : hyper. — forward: merc. sep. strych. — side to side: k-ca. plb. Ulcerous pain: acon. am-c. borax, bov. carb-v. cast. caus. creos. hepar. k-ca. mag-c. mang. merc. nx-v. puis. sep. stront. sulph. forehead : hep ar. mur-ac. nx-v. — — periodical, with constipation: nx-v. — occiput am-c mang. nx-v. sep. — temple: mur-ac. puis. — vertex: cast, zne Un dulating pain : ant-t. asaf. chin. cocc. ferr. plat. spig. sep. spig. viol- tr. zne Undulation, waving sensation: acon. alum. caus. chin, cimic. cina. cupr-s. dig. dulc. ferr. glon. graph, hepar. hyos. indg. ZacA. laur. lyc. mag-m. mang. merc. mill. par. petr. sars. selen. sulph. -----as from water in: asaf. bell. cina. dig. ferr. mag-m. -----wave-like motion upward: glon. — forehead: asaf. bell. merc. petr. -----from right to left: glon. -----like a heavy body swaying back and forth: op. — motion amel.: petr. — standing aggr.: dig. — turning head, aggr.: glon. Unsteady, feels: bell. clem. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. -----aggr. after study: cupr-ars. Vacant feeling: secale. — forehead, morning after waking: sulph. Vapor in: nx-m. — of coal, as from : am-m. nit-ac. zne Vertigo. See Vertigo in general. Vibration: arn. am-c calc. grat. indg. k-ca. lyc. mag-c. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. sars. sil. stann. stront. sulph. verb. zne -----see also Motion, Undulation. -----as of a steel spring: grat. — forehead: merc. — temple : k-ca. stront. — occiput: sulph. — coughing, on: hepar. — motion, from slight: arn. mag-c. — stepping, when : lyc. nx-v. sil. — talking, when : phos. verat. — walking, when: verb. Violent pains: aeth. apis. ars. bell, cann- s. canth. cimx. cina. cinnb. coloc. croc, crotal. cupr. euphr. grat. hell. hyos. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. merc. mosch. nat-m. op. plb. sil. stram. tarax. therid. -----during the climacteric: therid. Vise. See under Compressive. Wagging: bell, cham. 136 Wagging. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Wild. — see also Shaking. Wandering pains: am-c. chin. k-bi. led. lyc. nat-s. podo. puis. — mist before eyes; then fleeting pains, worse at occipital protuberance, down neck and shoulders, better lying in a dark, quiet place, and from sleep: podo. Water, sensation as of, dripping on head: cann-s. -----brain, on: acon. am-c. apis, apoe aur. bell, calc-p. dig. hell. indg. lach. mag-m. ph-ac. plat. samb. stram. -----of boiling water in: acon. indg. -----of warm, in: am-c. petiv. sant. -----wrapped up in as if: all-e. Waves waving. See Undulation. Weakness : alum. ambr. ant-t. asaf. aur. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. cans. cham. chin, cinnb. creos. hepar. hyper, k- ca. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. op. phos. ph-ac. plan. psor. ran-b. raph. rhus. sep. spong. squil. stann. stram. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tanae tarent. thu. zne — compare Dullness, etc. — disabling: iod. — on side on which lies: mag-m. — as from working in hot room: glon. — as though headache were coming on : ambr. iod. lac-can. phos. stram. thu. — extending to lower extremities, as though paralyzed: phys. -----to throat: graph. Conditions of Weakness. — morning : cham. phos. ran-b. -----after rising: ph-ac. — noon: ars. — evening : plan. raph. — coffee, after: cham. — cough, after: hepar. — dinner, during: sulph. — exertion, after : hydr-ae — heat, after: sep. — lying on back, when : puis. — mental exertion, after: cinnb. -----causes mental weakness: spong. — pain, after: thea. — respiration, on deep : carb-v. — standing, while: rhus. — stomach, during weakness in: ars. — walking, when: sulph. Weariness: lach. nat-m. nx-m. psor. — see also Tired. Wedge. See Plug, Nail, and under Pressure. Weight. See Heaviness, Pressure, etc. Whirling in : arg. ars. eup-per. fluor-ae glon. lach. nx-v. petr. sabad. sep. sil. sulph. tarax. -----early morning: eup-per. -----like a mill wheel: chin-s. Whizzing: k-ca. lact. — as of boiling water, in side lain on : mag-m. Wild feeling: acon. agar. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-c. ars. asaf. asar. bell. bov. bry. carb-v. chin, chin-s. coloc. croc. euphr. ferr. gels, graph, grat. hell. ign. lact. led. lil-t. lyc. merc. mezer. nat-c. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. sabad. secale. seneg. spig. squil. staph. thu. -----alternating with uterine pains: gels. -----crazy feeling on top of head ; wild feeling in head, with confusion of ideas: lil-t. GENERAL COXDITIONS OF SYMPTOMS OF THE HEAD. Day, all: agar. am-c. bry. calc. cann-s. caus. chel. chin-s. cina. cist. cob. coca- eup-per. ferr. fluor-ac. ham. jae k-ca. lye merc-i-r. nat-m. nice pau-p. phos. rumx. sep. stann. staph. -----but is worse at mid-day: nat-m. -----forehead: caus. chel. con. cund. k-ca. lach. lil-t. lye mag-c. nat-m. nuph. petr. phos. ptel. ran-b. sep. sil. sol-t-ae. tarent. zne ----- occiput: carb-v. ign. mag-c. petr. ph-ac. — sides: cact. ferr. hydr. mag-m. r— temple: ars. calc. lull, hepar. hydr. hydrph.jatr. mezer. nitr. stann. — vertex : sep. sulph. tabac. alternate days: alum. ambr. chin. cimic. nat-m. nx-v. phos. — see also under Periodical. — at certain hours : nat-c. — on first waking : eup-per. — every three or four days: aur. — every seven days: nx-m. phyt. sang. sil. sulph. 137 Day. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Morning on waking. -----every fourteen days : nice phyt. sulph. ------------lasting two or three days: ferr-acet. — and night: borax, caus. creos. led. rhus. sul-ac. viol-tr. — every day, daily: ars. bell. calc. coloc. con. eup-per. hepar. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. mur-ac. nat-m. nx-v. petr. phos. sabad. seneg. sep. sil. stann. sulph. zne -------at same hour: ars. cimic. gels. k-bi. -----from 9 to 1 p. M.: mur-ac. -----from noon to 10 p. M.: form. -----earlier each day: form. -----continues two or three days : croc. Morning : acon. agar, all-s. alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. asar. aur. bar. bell, benz-ae berb. borax, bov. bry. cadm. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chin, chin-s. cic. cina. clem. cob. coca. coff. coloc. con. creos. croc. croton. cund. cupr. eye dios. dulc. eup-pur. euphr. ferr. glon. graph. grat. guai. hell, hepar. hipp. ign. indm. iod. ipee iris. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lac-can. lach. lachn. lact. led. lil-t. lith. mag-c. mag-m. mane mang. merc. merc-i-fl. merc- s. mezer. murx. mur-ac. nat-c. nat- m. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-j. nx-m. nx- v. ol-an. paeon, pallad. pau-p. petr. pAos. pA-ac. phyt. podo. psor. puis. ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. rumx. ruta._ samb. sang. sars. scut, seneg. sep. sil. spig. squil. stann. stapA. stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. thu. verat. zne -----better in: bov. caus. creos. nat-m. verat. -----at 3 A. M.: bov. nat-m. thu. -----4 a. m. : chel. raph. stram. -----5 a.m.: dios. k-iod. -----10 A. m. : nat-m. -----until 10 A. m. : lachn. -----10 A. m. to 6 p. m. : apis. -----at same hour: k-bi. -----begins in morning, increases till noon, or a little later, then gradually decreases: sul ph. and ceases to- ward evening: bry. k-bi. nat-m. sang. spig. 138 — increases and decreases with the sun: glon. kalm. nat-m. spig. -----comes and goes With the sun: k- bi. nat-m. — forehead: agar, a'umn. am-m. aster, bell, borax, bov. brom. bry. calc-s. canth. chel. chin-s. cimic. coca, creos. croton. eye dios. equ. euphr. ferr. form. hydr. hydrph. June k-bi. k-ca. lach. lact. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. mag-s. merl. mezer. murx. naja. nat-c. nice nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. oxal-ae paeon, phos. psor. raph. rhus-r. scut, seneg. sep. sil. stram. sulph. tarent. thu. ustil. zne -----better in: mag-s. oxal-ae petr. — brain: k-bi. lach. spig. — occiput: agar, all-y. arum-t. bov. cedr. chin-s. cob. colch. cop. dios. gels, june lobel. lyc. mac. mag-c. mag-s. nit-ac. petr. puis. raph. rhod. rhus. rhus-r. sabin. sil. spig. sulph. -----in room, amel.: bov. — sides : aloe. alum. bell. bov. chin-s. chr-ae dios. euphr. fluor-ac. gels. graph, ham. hipp. hydr. jug-e mag- e mang. sars. spig. tabac. — temple: all-c. am-c. apis. bar. camph. clem. cob. coloc. cop. cund. dios. dire equ. graph, ham. hydrph. ign. jae lith. lil-t. nat-ar. nat-p. nitr. phos. rhus. rhus-r. rumx. sang, sulph. tarent. thu. -----amel. in : mag-s. — vertex: agar. ambr. aster, bov. conv-d. graph, hydr. hyper, iris, lac- ac. merc-s. nat-c. ran-b. staph, sulph. thu. -----amel. in : laur. Morning on waking: agar, ailan. arg- il, ars. benz-ae bov. bufo. calc. Canu- te carb-an. caus. cham. chel. chin. cic. cob. coff. colch. con. creos. croc. crotal. croton. cupr-ars. dig. elaps. equ. erig. eup-per. fago. form, graph. hell, hepar. hipp. ign. indm. jug-e k-ca. k-bi. kalm. lam. lil-t. lobel. lyc. murx. mur-ac. merc-i-fl. myrie nat- m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. ol-an. op. petiv. phos. ph-ac. phys. pip-m. plan, plect. puis, rhus-r. rumx. sep. squil. stann. staph, sul-ac. tarent. -------aggravated: benz-ae crotal. eup-per. thu. --------preceded by disagreeable dreams: murx. -------on first opening the eyes : bry. Morning on waking. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Noon. -----forehead: acon. alumn. alum. anac. ant-t. arg. arg-m. arg-n. arn. bell. berb. bry. calc. carb-an. chin-s. cina. cinnb. coff. colch. coloc. creos. dig. erig. euphr. fago. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. graph, hepar. hydr. ign. indm. k-bi. kalm. lac-ac. lact. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. myrie naja. nat-ars. ol-an. oxal-ae petr. phos. ph-ac. plect. raph. rhus. rumx. ruta. sang. sol-n. staph, sulph. tellur. therid. thu. -----occiput: arn. bry. con. fluor-ac. grat. k-bi. mill, oxal-ae petr. rhus. sulph. uran. -----side : arum-t. aur. cina. merc-i-r. mur-ac. phos. puis, tabac. -----temple : ailan. asim. atro. calad. calc. camph. cast-eq. coff. indm. lach. lith. naja. nat-ars. nit-ac. tabac. zne -----vertex: alum. bar. bry. bufo. calc. carb-an. caus. cedr. croc, hyper. k-bi. puis, sulph. tabac. verat. Morning in bed: agar. alum. am-c. anac. ant-t. aur. bar. bell. berb. bov. bry. calc. calc-p. carb-an. cham. chin. chin-s. cic. coff con. creos. dig. dulc. ferr. graph, hell, hepar. ign. ipee k-ca. k-iod. lach. lact. lam. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc. mezer. murx. nat-m. nit-ac. nx v. petr. phos. ptel. ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. ruta. squil. staph, sulph. sul-ac. thu. verat. zne -------with nausea: calc. cob. graph. nat-m. nx-v. sep. sil. sulph. -----forehead: anac. dulc. graph. inu. mezer. nx-v. ran-b. -----occiput: agar. eupi. jug-e -----temple: anac. .-----side: graph, nice nx-v. scut. spig. -----vertex : carb-v. hell. Morning on rising: am-c. am-m. apis. arg-n. aur-m. bar. bry. camph. chin- s. cob. colch. croton. eye dig. dulc. fago. glon. ham. hepar. hydr. indm. ipee jug-e kalm. lach. lye mag-c. mag-m. merc. mur-ac. nice nx-v. petr. phos. psor. ptel. puis. rhus. rumx. sep. squil. staph, stront.sulph. tarent. tong. -------amel.: alum. cham. ign. k-iod. merc-i-r. murx. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. ph-ae rhod. -----brain: indg. ped. ruta. —---forehead : am-m. asar. bar-ae bry. carb-an. cob. con. dulc. ferr. graph, ham. iber. k-bi. kalm. lil-t. lyc. mag-c. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. psor. raph. sep. sil. -------amel.: nx-v. phos. ran-b. -----occiput: cimic. cinnb. gels, k- bi. mag-m. merc-i-fl. nx-v. ped. tong. -------amel.: spig. -----side : ars. cact. calc. gels, mag-s. puis. spig. -------amel.: merc-i-r. -----temple : aur-m.coca.lil-t.nat-ar. nit-ac. ped. sulph. -----vertex: bar-ae caus. cimic. nice nitr. podo. sep. sulph. -------amel.: ol-an. Morning to noon : conv-d. ipee nat-m. phos. sep. — from 9 to 9 P. M.: mur-ac. — to 5 p. M.: mang. — to 10 P. M.: phys. Forenoon : eeth. alum, ant-c. bry. calc. canth. carbn-s. chin-s. cimic. cinnb. clem. cob. cocc. cocc-e cop. cupr-ar. gamb. gen. ham. hydrs. indg. jae jabor. k-ca. kalm. lach. lachn. lact. merc-i-fl. nat-m. nice phel. phyt. polyg. ptel. rhod. rhus. rumx. sep. sulph. tong. trom. — brain : fluor-ac. indg. ran-b. — forehead: ars-i. brom. bry. calc-s. chin. clem. cocc. coloc. con. dig. euphr. fluor-ac. gamb. gels. ign. k- ca. lach. lye mag-s. merc-i r. myrie nat-ars. peti. plect. rhus. sars. selen. seneg. sep. sulph. ustil. zne -----amel. in: indm. lact. — occiput: agar, all-c. alum. cob. dios. gels. lact. lyc. nat-c. phys. phyt. psor. spong. sulph. — side: alum. cact. carb-an. castor. euphr. fluor-ac. hydrs. indg. jug-e kalm. lach. nat-m. nx-j. peti. plb. sars. stront. verat. — temple : alum. ars. asar. cAam. clem. cob. dios. fago. gen. hipp. hydr. indg. jug-c. k-ca. lach. lil-t. lycps. mag-s. nat-ars. peti. phyt. podo. rhus. seneg. sulph. — vertex: alum, bar-ae bov. bry. calc. fluor-ac. gamb. glon. k-cy. mag- s. nat-ars. nice ux-m. pic-ae rhus. sulph. Noon: arg. ars. bov. calc-p. carb-v. cham. chel. cic. cob. con. graph. gymn. hydrph. ign. indg. jabor. k-bi. Noon. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Evening. kalm. lyc. lycps. mag-c. mang. merc. mur-ac. nat-c. nitr. phos. puis. rhus. spong. sulph. zne zing. -----to evening: sil. — forehead: chel. dire fago. ign. puls-n. spire, sulph. verat. zne — side: calc-p. — temple: dios. fago. pallad. ptel. sulph. — vertex: puls-n. sulph. thu. Afternoon: acon. aeth. agar.alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-t. arn. ars. asar. aur. bad. bar. bell. berb. bov. bry. bufo. calad. calc. calc-p. canth. carb an. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. chin-s. cic. cimic. cob. coca. cocc. colch. coloc. con. conv-d. creos. cund. eye dig. dios. dros. equ. euphr. fago. ferr. form. gamb. gels. gen. glon. graph, grat. ham. hell, hydrph. iber. ign. indg. indm. iod. k-ca. kalm. lac- can, lach. lact. laur. lepi. linu. lyc. lycps. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. merc-i-r. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat- m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. op. pallad. ped. petr. phos. ph-ac. phyt. pic-ae plat. plb. polyg. ptel. puis. ran-b. rhus-r. ruta. sabin. sars. secale. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spong. stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tellur. valer. zne -----see also under Evening. ----amel. in: ipee ol-an. — brain : bar-ae hell. iris. lact. mag-s. merc-i-fl. uran-n. — forehead: ailan. aloe. alum. ambr. anac. arg-n. bad. borax, bov. bry. bufo. calc-s. cann-i. castor, caus. chin. chin-s. cic. cimic. coca, colch. con. creos. eye dios. dire fago. form. gels. glon. graph, hipp. hydrph. ign. indm. ir-fce. jabor. k-ca. k-cy. lact. laur. lil-t. lyc. mag-s. mang. merc-i-r. mur-ae myrie naja. nat-ar. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr op. ped. peti. phos. ph- ac. pip-m. plect. puis, ran-b. rhus-r. sang, senec. serp. sil. sol-t-ae. stront. sulph. tabac. tarent. valer. ----amel. in: bar-ae ferr. — occiput: aeth. agar. ang. bov.canth. castor, chel. chin-s. cimic. clem. coca. dios. dire fago. hydrs. indm. iod. iris. mang. nitr. ol-an. osm. ph-ac rhus. rhus-r. rumx. sars. sep. sulph. — side : aeth. alum. bry. canth. castor. chin-s. coca, colch. ferr, graph, indg. lach. laur. mag-s. merc-i-r. nat-m. nice nit-ac. nx-m. ol-an. sep. valer. zne — temple : aloe. alum. bell. bov. bry. canth. caus. chin-s. coca. cod. coloc. corn. dios. dire dulc. equ. fago. gamb. • grat. guai. hipp. iber. iod. k-bi. laur. lyc. mag-s. myrie nat-ar. nit-ac. ol- an. peti. plat. ptel. rumx. sang. sil. stront. sulph. zing. — vertex: alumn. alum. ambr. ars. bufo. calc-s. carb-v. cimic. crotal. graph, helon. hura. hydrph. hyper. indm. ir-foe. lac-ac. lyc. mang. merc- i-r. mur-ac. nat-ar. nit-ac. nitr. osm. phel. phos. phys. sulph. Evening: acon. agar, all-e alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. ars. aur. bad. bar. bell, borax, bov. brom. bry. calc. camph. canth. caps, carb- an. carb-v. caus. cedr. cham. chel. chin. cic. cimic. cina. clem. cob. cocc. cocc-e colch. coloc. croc, croton. eye cupr. cupr-ar. dig. dios. dulc. elat. eugen. euphr. ferr. form. glon. graph. hell, hepar. hipp. hydrs. hydrph. hyper, indg. indm. iris, jug-e k-bi. k-ca. k-cle kalm. lach. lachn. lac-ac. laur. led. lept. lil-t. lobel. lyc. lycps. mac. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mang. marum. men. meph. merc. merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. mezer. mosch. murx. mur- ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-j. nx- v. par. pau-p. petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. plan. plat, plect. plb. psor. puis, ran- b. ratan. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. sang. sars. selen. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spira. stann. staph, stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tellur. tereb. therid. thu. trif-p. valer. wies. zne -----aggravated: all-c. asaf. bell. cham. chin-s. cist, eye elaps. ferr, hipp. k-iod. kalm. mag-c. mezer. nat- m. par. puis. sep. tilia. -----better in: bry. ham. k-bi. lach. mang. nat-ar. nat-m. phys. pic-ae sang. spig. tereb. -------see also under Morning. ----- 1 P. M.: ailan. coca. lyc. phys. pic-ae ptel. -----1 to 3 p. M.: chin-s. plan. -----1 to 5 p. m. : lac-ac. mag-c. -----1 to 10 p. m. : mag-c. plat. spig. -----2 p. m. : grat. hydrph. laur. phys. ptel. -----2 p. m. to 7 A. m. : bad. -----2 p.m. till Lite in the evening: bad. Evening. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Night. ----3 p. M.: fago. guai. hura. hydrph. iber. lycps. nat-ar. sep. sil. thu. verat- v. -----3 to 4 p. m. : brom. clem. -----3 to 9 P. M.: arn. hydrph. nat-ar. tarent. -----4 P. M.: arg-n. chin-s. dios. helon. meni. nat-m. phys. pic-ae strye sulph. verat-v. -----4 to 8 p. m. : hell. lyc. -----4 P. m. to 3 a. m. : bell. -----5 p. m. : bufo. equ. helon. nat-m. paeon, pic-ae ptel. sulph. -----5 to 6 p. M.: chin-s. lil-t. -----5 to 9 P. M.: plat. — — 6 p. M.: cob. gels, nat-s. paeon. ptel. -----7 P. M.: chin-s. cocc. elaps. lyc. mag-c. nat-m. rhod. sep. sulph. verat- v. -----8 p. m. gymn. lac-ac. merc-i-r. phys. sol-n. strye sulph. -----8 to 9 p. M.: helon. indg. -----9 P. m. : coca. dios. eupi. gels. hydrph. osm. pic-ae ptel. -----10 P. M.: dios. ham. laur. myrie phys. -----11 p. m. : dios. indg. merc-i-r. pip-m. stram. valer. -----twilight, at: ang. puis. — brain : agn. all-c. nat-m. par. phos. ran-b. zne — forehead: acon. agar, alumn. alum. anac. ang. ant-t. aran. arg. arg-n. ars. arum-t. bad. bapt. bar. bism. borax, bov. bry. cact. calc-s. camph. castor, caus. chel. chin, chin-s. cimic. cina. cinnb. cocc. crotal. eye. dig. dios. dulc. eree erig. ery-m. fago. ferr. fluor-ac. graph, ham. hell. hipp. hura. hydrph. iber. indg. indm. iod. iris, ir-fce. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lach. lac-ae lepi. lil-t. lyc. lycper. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. merc. merc-i-fl. merc- i-r. myrie nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nuph. nx-j. ol-an. osm. paeon, ped. peti. phos. ph-ac. phys. pic-ae plat, plect. plb. podo. psor. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. ratan. rhus-r. rumx. sars. selen, seneg. serp. sil. sin-n. staph, sulph. sul-ac. thu. uran. ustil. valer. zne -----better in : chin. clem. coca. k-bi. naja. op. — occiput: alum.ambr. bar.bell. bov. canth. carb-an. chin-s. colch. dios. form. gels, graph, hyper, indg. jabor. j k-bro. k-cle lobel. lyc. mag-c. mezer. 11 141 mur-ac. nit-ac. nitr. ol-an. op. ptel. ran-b. ran-s. rhus-r. seneg. sep. stann. staph, stront. sulph. thu. uran. zne -----better in : coca. serp. — side : aloe. arg. bar. calc-s. canth. caus. chin. dios. elaps. fluor-ac. graph. ham. hydrph. indg. indm. k-ca. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. merc-i-r. mezer. nice nitr. nx-v. pallad. phos. puis. sep. sil. spig. sulph. tabac. tong. zne zing. — temple: acon. aloe. alum, am-e ang. apis. aran. calc-s. camph. castor. caus. chin, cinnb. colch. cop. creos. crotal. dig. dios. equ. fluor-ac. hydrs. hyper, inu. jae k-ca. k-iod. lach. lac- ac. lepi. lith. mag-m. mezer. nat-m. nit-ac. niir. nx-m. nx-v. ph-ac. psor. ran-b. rhus-r. sep. stram. stront. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarent. thu. zing. — vertex: acon. ambr. apis, borax. canth. carb-an. cimic. conv-d. crotal. eye dulc. fago. form. gent. glon. hepar. hyper, k-ca. k-iod. lach. lith. lyc. merc. mur-ae nit-ac. ol-an. petr. ran- b. rhus. sep. sil. stront. sulph. thu. zne Evening in bed : ars. carb-v. eye hipp. laur. lyc. mag-c. phos.puis. sep. sulph. zne -------better: mag-c. sulph. — forehead : fluor-ac. mag-s. sep. — occiput: dulc. nitr. sarr. — side : arg. con. plat. — temple : chel. glon. ol-an. ph-ac. rhus. — vertex: carb-v. stann. Night: alum. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ang. ant-t. arn. ars. arum-t. aster. bell. berb. borax, bov. bufo. cact. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cedr. cham. cAtn. chin-s. cic. cist. con. colch. creos. cupr-ar. eye dig. dulc. elaps. eugen. glon. graph. grat. guai. ham. hepar. hydr-ae hyos. ign. indm. k-ca. lach. lact. lam. laur. led. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. meni. merc. mezer. mill, nat-c. nat-m. nit- ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. op. par. pau-p. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis. raph. rhus. rhus-r. sars. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulph. tarent. thu. verat. zne — compare with Evening. — aggravated at: ars. bov. calc. clem. puis. sil. tarent. thu. — better at: bufo. ham. sol-t-ae. spire. forehead : anac. arg-n. ars. camph. Night. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Air. caus. chin-s. cinnb. croc, crotal. eye fago. ham. hepar. hura. k-ca. lachn. lac-ae lyc. mag-s. merc-i-r. naja. pip-m. ptel. puls-n. raph. sang. sil. sin-n. spig. tarent. tilia. — — better : clem. phys. — occiput: borax, carb-v. clem. hipp. lyc. nitr. sep. stront. sulph. -----better at: bov. glon. graph. — side: cact. graph, mag-c. nat-m. nice nitr. ol-an. tarent. -----better : mag-c. — temple : arn. ars. arum-t. bry. cact. cop. dig. ferr. grat. k-ca. lyc. mag-s. rhus-r. sang, tarent. — vertex : acon. agar, aster, carb-an. ferr. glon. hipp. ir-foe. laur. lye nitr. ol-an. ratan. sulph. ----better: mag-c. -------on going to sleep : phyt. Night in bed : aloe, alumn. fago. hipp. hyper, merc-i-fl. sulph. -------see Bed, and compare Evening in bed. Night on -waking : alumn. ambr. ant- t. aster, bufo. canth. cinnb. coloc. ferr. gels. gins. glon. hyper, lac-ac. mang. merc-i-fl. ment-pi. mezer. ph- ac. plect. rumx. -------see also Waking. Midnight, before: am-m. anac. caus. chin. dulc. lach. puis. rhus. sep. -----see hours given under Evening. — about: all-s. arn. ars. elaps. hepar. k-ca. mag-s. myrie plat. puis. sep. — after: ars. carb-an. cham. ferr. hepar. ign. k-ca. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. spig. -----1 A. M.: pallad. -----3 A. M.: thu. — from, till noon : hepar. Air, open : alum. ang. arg-n. bell. bov. bry. cadm. calc. calc-p. caus. cedr. chel. chin. cina. cocc. coff. con. eup- per. euphr. ferr. glon. grat. hepar. hipp. ign. iod. ipee k-ca. kalm. lach. laur. lyc. mang. men. mezer. mur-ac. nat-m. nx-v. petr. phos. ran-b. rhus. spig. staph, sulph. valer. zne -------see also under Walking in open air, and compare with Weather. —-----aggravated: arg-n. bell. calc-p. eup-per. grat. kalm. lil-t. men. mezer. spig. sulph. -------better: acon. all-c. alum. am-c. ang. ante, ant-t. aran. ars. asar. aur. bell. berb. bov. calc. camph. cann-s. caus. cimic. clem. cob. coff. coloc. croc. diad. dulc. fago. ferr. ferr-i. glon. grat. ham. hell, hydr-ae hydrph. hyos. iod. jatr. k-ca. k-iod. lach. laur. lyc. mag-m. mag-s. mang. men. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nice nitr. olnd. op. petr. phel. phos. plat. puis, ran-b. rhod. sars. seneg. sep. stann. sulph. sul-ac. tabac. tarent. thu. viol-tr. zne -------headaches that come on in- doors are better out-doors and vice versa; mang. ran-b. -----forehead : bell. calc. chel. euphr. k-bi. lachn. mang. nx-v. plect. rumx. staph. -------aggravated: agar. chel. sil. -------better: acon. alum. ang. arg- m. aur. aur-m. berb. calc. camph. carb-an. castor, cimic. colch. coloc. coral, croton. euphr. ferr. ferr-i. ham. hell, hydr-ae jae k-bi. lach. mag-s. nuph. nx-j. sars. sep. sulph. tabac. tarax. viol-tr. -----occiput: cob. hydr-ae iod. lobel. !-------better: carb-an. glon. hydrs, k-ca. mag-m. mag-s. -----side : fluor-ac. -------better: am-c. carb-an. fago. grat. mang. phos. ratan. sep. sulph. -----temple: aur. coloc. equ. hyos. jae k-bi. mang. naja. ol-an. -------better: asar. atro. camph. castor, coloc. com. croton. glon. hell. hydrs. hyos. jatr. lith. nuph. olnd. phos. -----vertex: ferr. iris, sulph. -------better: carb-an. ferr. gamb. glon. indm. nitr. ratan. Air, cold, from: aur. bov. calc. camph. carb-an. cans. cocc. coff. ferr. grat. ign. k-bi. nat-m. nx-v. plat. rhod. , rhus. ruta. sil. -----ameliorates: aloe, hydrph. sin- n. — draught of, from: acon. ars. bell. benz-ae cadm. calc. caps. chin, coloc. hepar. k-ca. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. phos. selen. sil. sulph. valer. verb. -----of cold, damp: cimic. dulc. mosch. -----of cold, dry : acon. — vaults, cellars, churches, etc.: ars. bry. carb-an. puis. sep. stram. — warm, from: acon. am-c. arn. bar. bell. bry. carb-y. caps. euph. ign. iod. ipee laur. led. mosch. puis, seneg. I sep. spong. 142 Acids. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Chill. Acids, from: bell.morph-acet. selen, — ameliorate: tong. Alcohol, from abuse of: acet-ac. ant-c. — smell of: sol-t-ae. — see also Beer, Spirituous liquors, Wine, etc. Angry, when getting : dulc. — after being: bry. cham. coloc. ign. lyc. mag-c. mezer. nat-m. nx-v. petr. phos. plat, ran-b. rhus. staph. Animal fluids, from loss of: ars. calc. carb-v. chin. cina. cocc. con. k-ca. lach. merc. nat-m. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. puis. sep. sil. staph, sulph. verat. -----after profuse uterine hemor- rhages : glon. -----see also Sexual excess. Arms, from moving: caus. nat-s. ptel. rhus. spong. Arthritic: acon. am-c. arn. ars. asar. aur. bell, benz-ae bry. camph. caps. caus. cham. chin. cic. cina. coloc. con. eugen. graph, guai. hyos. ign. ipee mag-c. mang. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. petr. phos. plat. puis. rhus. sabin. sep. spig. verat. zne Ascending steps, etc.: alum, ant-c. arn. aster, bell. cadm. calc. cimic. crotal. cupr. ferr. gels. glon. hydrs. ign. kalm. lach. lobel. lyc. men. mosch. nat-ar. nx-v. par. ph-ac. ptel. rhus. sil. spong. staph, sulph. — forehead: ant-c. arn. cimic. ign. men. sulph. — occiput: bell, carls, pic-ae — side : hydrs. — temple : glon. kalm. sulph. — vertex: ant-c. cimic. ferr. lobel. men. Attention, from too eager: anac. nx-v. sabad. -----see also Mental exertion. — being called to pain, aggr.: cham. chin, ferr-p. helon. ign. -----see also Thinking of. Awake, when trying to keep : phys. Back, better from pressing up against something hard: sang. Bandaging. See Binding. Bathing, after: ant-c. bell. calc. canth. caus. creos. nit-ac. rhus. puis. sep. — see also Washing, Water, etc. — ameliorates: lac-ac. — cold : bell, nit-ac. phos. rhus. sep. — sea: ars. rAws. sep. Bed, on going to: alum. ars. lyc. mag-m. puis, sabad. sep. sulph. zne — heat of, aggr.: lyc. — must leave the : coloc. — better in: colch. rhus. sep. — see also under Morning, Evening and Night. Beer, from drinking: all-c. bell, calc- cau. cocc. coloc. ferr. merc. rhus. verat. — and bread, aggr. from : croton. Bending. See Head, bending, and under Stooping. Binding or bandaging head, from: calc. cham. lach. rhus. thu. — see Pressure, etc. — ameliorates: arg-n. bell. bry. calc. hepar. mag-m. nx-v. psor. puis. rhod. sil, -----up hair, amel.: nitr. Blows, from: arn. hyper, nat-s. See Injuries. Boat, from riding in a: cocc. colch. ferr. Brain fag, from chronic: calc. — see also Mental exertion. Bread, from eating: mane zing. — and beer, aggr.: croton. Breakfast, before: cimic. indg. rumx. — after: bufo. cham. hydrs. indg. lyc. naja. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. par. petr. phos. ph-ae plb. sul-ac. -----better: am-m. arum-t. bov. canth. carb-ae con. croc, eup-per. nat-p. Breathing, deeply, on : anac. ratan. — when holding the breath : agar. Carriage. See Driving. Catarrhal: acon. aesc-h. all-c. alum. ambr. am-m. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. caul. cham. chin. cic. cimic. cina. dulc. euphr. gels. gymn. hell, hepar. hydrs. ign. k-bi. k-ca. k-iod. lach. laur. lyc. merc. mezer. nat-ar. nat-m. nx-v. puis. ran-b. sabad. samb. sang, staph, stict. still, sulph. Chagrin. See Anger. Chewing, when: k-ca. olnd. phos. sulph. -----temples : am-e am-m. k-ca. Chill, before the: aesc-h. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cedr. chin, corn-f. elat. ipee lach. nat-c. not-m. nitr. plant. puis. rhus. spong. thu. — during the: acon. am-c. anac. ang. ant-t. aran. arg-n. arn. ars. bapt. bell. berb. borax, bov. bry. cact. calc. camph. caps, carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin, chin-s. cimic. cina. coca, coloc. coral, creos. crotal. daph. dros. dulc. elat. eup-per. eup-pur. eupi. ferr. gels. graph, hell, hepar. hipp. ign. ipee k-ca. lach. lact. led. mag-c. mang. Chill. CONDITIONS O mezer. nat-m. nx-v. petr. phos. podo. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. sang, seneg. I sep. spig. spong. stram. sulph. tarax. thu. verat. — after the: ant-t. cedr. dros. nat-m. Choraic persons, in : agar. Chronic : am-c. con. sulph. — of old people: iod. — see also Constant. Climaxis, during the: carb-v. croc. glon. lach. sang, therid. ustil. Coffee, from abuse of: acet-ac. arg-n. arn. arum-t. bell, calc-p. caus. cAam. cocc. form. glon. hepar. ign. lach. lyc. merc. mill. nitr. nx-v. puis. — relieves: cann-i. chin, coloc. glon. hyos. tilia. — from smell of: lach. Coition. See under Sexual. Cold applications relieve: acon. aloe. ant-t. ars. asar. aur-m. bell. bry. calc- p. cham. chin-s. cinnb. eye euph. euphr. ferr. glon. indm. lac-can. merc-c. myrie phos. plant, seneg. spig. zne — becoming, from: acon. agar, ant-e ars. bry. cadm. carb-an. carb-v. clem. colch. grat. lach. mosch. nit-ac. petr. phos. puis, stram. stront. sul-ac. verb. -----on head getting cold: aur. bell. hepar. hyos. k-ca. nx-v. puis. sep. sil. -----on sudden change to cold; carb-v. dulc. — getting a cold, from: acon. ant-c. arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cAam. chin. coff. coloc. con. dulc. graph. hepar. hyos. k-ca. lach. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. petr. pAos. puis. rhus. samb. sep. sil. sulph. verat. — suppressed cold, from having a: acon. am-c. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. chin. cina. lach. lyc. nx-v. puis. sil. sep. Company or crowd, when in: mag-c. plat. Compress. See under Pressure. Concussion, from: arn. bell. cocc. ferr-p. hepar. phos. — Compare with Jar, etc. Constant, continued : arg. cann-s. cupr. dulc. hydrs. indg. lobel. lept. nat-m. phos. rhus-r. sep. still, tereb. — fixed, lasts for weeks, months, even years, with rare intermissions: (fereb. — for two or three days: croc. F THE HEAD. Dentition. Constipated, when: aloe. alum, crotal. lach. nat-m. nx-v. petr. — compare with Stool. Contradiction, after : lyc. mag-c. nat- m. petr. phos. rhus. Copper, abuse of: hepar. Coryza, from suppressed: chin. k-bi. k- ca. — see also Cold, suppressed. — during. See under Concomitants. Coughing, on: acon. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arn. ars. aur. bad. bell. bry. cact. calc. caps, carb- v. caus. chel. chin. con. ferr. hepar. hydrs. hyos. ign. ipee iris. k-bi. k-ca. lach. led. lyc. mag-s. mang. merc mezer. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. cena. ol-an. petr. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhus. rumx. ruta. sabad. sang. sars. sep. spig. squil. stann. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. tril. ziz. -----cough, alternating with head- ache : lach. — forehead: acon. ant-t. arn. asc-t. brom. chel. coca, creos. ferr. hepar. hyos. k-bi. mosch. nat-m. phos. ruta. seneg. spong. staph, sulph. verb. -----pain in, relieved by coughing: arg. — occiput: alum. anac. carb-an. ferr. mag-c. merc. mosch. sep. sulph. — side: apis. aur. cimic. dire mang. vibur. — temple: alum. ambr. ant-t. caus. cina. coca, creos. k-ca. lyc. puis. rhus. tarent. taxus. verb. — vertex: alum. anac. con. cupr. sabad. squil. sulph. Covering head, from: calc. carb-v. chin. glon. laur. led. sulph. valer. -----relieves: aur. hepar. mag-m. mur-ac. nx-v. psor. sil. -----wears a fur cap even in hot weather: psor. -----see also under Heat, Hat, etc. — uncovering relieves: croton. glon. lobel. lyc. nitr. sulph. zing. Damp. See under Air, Weather, etc. — houses, living in, from: ars. calc carb-v. phys. puis. rhod. rhus. sil. verat. Darkness, relieves: acon. brom. hipp. sang. sep. sil. — compare with Light, aggravates. Debauch, after a: bry. carb-v. chin. cocc. creos. ipee laur. led. nx-v. puis. sabin. stram. Dentition, during: acon. bell. calc. cham. 144 Dentition. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Eyes. hepar. hvos. ign. merc. nit-ac. rhus. sil. Descending, on: ferr. men. merc-i-fl. Diarrhoea. See under Stool. — compare with same under Concomi- tants. Dinner, before: indg. nx-v. — from delayed: cact. cist. — after: am-c. aran-s. bell, calc-p. castor, chin-s. cimic. con. dios. gins. gen. glon. hyper, jug-r. k-bi. lob-s. mag-m. merc-i-fl. nat-m. nat-p. nitr. nx-v. phel. phos. phyt. raph. sulph. thu. valer. zne — relieved after: arg-n. arum-t. phos. ptel. Dreams, after unpleasant: cob. Drinking, from: acon. cimx. cocc. merc. — cold drinks, from : con. -------relieve: alum. k-ca. — milk, from : brom. phy6. — quickly, after: nat-m. — tea, from abuse of: carb-ae selen. thu. Driving, or motion of carriage, from: ars- cocc. colch. ferr. graph, hepar. ign. iod. k-ca. lach. meph. naja. nit- ac. nx-m. sep. sil. sulph. -----too long : iod. -----relieves: brom. merc. nitr. — forehead : acon. glon. lyc. nx-m. — temple: lith. lyc. — vertex: lye Drugs, after abuse of: nx-v. Eating, before: cann-s. carb-an. nx-v. ran-b. sabad. sil. — when eating: am-c. chel. cocc. con. dulc. gels, graph, mag-m. mane nat- m. nit-ac. nx-v. puis, ran-b. rhus. sabin. secale. sul-ac. tabac. verb, zne -----relieved: chel. phel.sin-n. sulph. zne -----better while eating, but worse after: anac. lith. Eating, after; after meals, etc.: agar. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ant-e arn. ars. bar. bell.bov. bry. bufo. calc. calc- p. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. castor. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cina. cinnb. cocc. coff. croton. dios. evon. ferr. gels. gen. glon. graph, grat. hyos. ign. indm. k-ca. lach. laur. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. men. merc. merc-i-fl. merc-s. mur-ac. nat-c. nat- m. nat-s. nit-ac. nitr. nx-j. nx-m. nx- v. paeon, petr. phel. phos. ph-ac. plat. prun. puis, ran-b. rhus. ruta. sars. seneg. sep. sil. staph, sulph. valer, verat. zne -----relieved, after: arg-n. arum-t. carb-ae caus. cist. coca. con. gels. gen. indm. lachn. lyc. petr. phos. phyt. scut. sep. tellur. tong. — brain: canth. indg. ran-b. — forehead: alum. am-c. aran. bov. brom. bry. calc-s. calen. carb-v. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. clem, colch. con. graph, hydrs. inu. k-bi. k-bro. k-ca, lyc. mag-c. nat-s. nitr. op. phos. phyt. plat. sars. sulph. tabac. valer. zne ----relieved: carb-an. chel. cist. gen. phyt. psor. — occiput: agar. alum, canth. carb-v. dios. gels. mill, nat-m. ol-an. pip-m. — sides: bar. bell, calc-s. cocc-e form. ham. k-ca. lach. mag-c. nx-v. paeon. phos. zne -----relieved: calc-p. colch. form, nat- m. tong. — temple: alum. aran. canth. castor. clem. con. dios. hydrs. indg. k-bi. mag-c. nitr. ol-an. phos. zne — vertex: bad. calc-s. castor, dire inu. k-bi. lyc. mag-c. nat-c. phel. rhus. sulph. tabac. Effort. See Exertion. Emotions. See Excitement. Epileptic attacks, after : cina. cupr. Eructations relieve: gent-c. lach. mac. Eruption, suppressed, after: ani-c. bry. lyc. nx-m. sulph. Excitement, after: acon. arg. bry. cact. cham. chin, chin-s. cocc. coff con. creos. eye gels. ign. nat-m. nx-v. op, par. ph-ae rhus. scut, staph, tanae — depressing or sad, after: cocc. ign. nx-v. op. staph. Exertion, of body, etc.: acet-ac. anac. berb. cact. calc. calc-p. gins. glon. lact. mezer. nat-c. nat-m. rhus-r. spong. zing. — relieves: agar, mag-m. merc-i-fl. rhus-g. — compare with Motion. Eyes, on moving the: acon. agn. am- e arn. bar. bell. bry. caps. chel. chin. chin-s. coloc. con. croton. cupr. dig. dros. hepar. ign. indm. mag-s. mur- ac. nat-m. nx-v. op. puis. rhus. sep« spig. sulph. valer. -----forehead: bad. chel. chin-s.dros. gels, hepar. ign. mur-ac. nx-j. puis. rhus. spig. valer. Eyes. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Head. -------moving the eyelids: bry. coloc. -----temple : bad. chin, sulph. -----vertex: sep. — opening, on: bry. chin. coff. con. gent. ign. mag-c. nx-v. rhus. spig. sulph. -----relieves: chin. -----morning, on first: bry. — closing the, on : all-c. bry. nx-v. sabin. -----relieves: acon. calc. con. hell. ipee iod. ipee spig. sulph. — turning the, on: dig. rhus. sep. -----up the, on: bell. caps. — see also under Looking. Face, on moving the: apis. Fainting, after: mosch. Fall, after a : arn. hyper, rhus. Fasting, when: cist, elaps. indm. iod. nx-v. ptel. ran-b. sil. sulph. uran-n. — compare with Believed after eating. Fat food, from: carb-v. colch. eye ign. nat-c. nat-m. puis. sep. thu. Fatigue, from: calc. sil. Feet, cold, from getting: cham. k-ca. phos. puis. sil. — wet, from getting: gels. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sil. Fever, before the: bry. chin. puis. rhus. spong. — during the : acon. aesc-h. agar. am-c. ang. ant-t. arn. ars. asaf. bell. berb. borax, bry. cact. calc. camph. caps, carb-v. chin, chin-s. cina. coloe corn-f. croton. cupr. dros. dulc. elat. eup-per. graph. Aepar. hipp. hyos. ign. k-bi. k-ca. lach. lobel. lyc. nat-m. nx-v. op. plant, podo. puis. rhus. ruta. sabad. sep. sil. spig. sulph. thu. valer. verat. — after the: ars. calc. carb-v. eup-per. NAT-M. Flatulency, as if from: carb-v. chin-s. mag-c. nit-ac. sulph. Flatus, emission of, relieves: aeth. cic. Food. See Eating, or Special kind. Fire. See Heat. Fright, after: acon. calc. cupr. hipp. hyos. op. ph-ae plat. puis. samb. Frowning, from : ars. mang. nat-m. — relieves: calc-cau. Gaslight, from working under: glon. Gastric: acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. ailan. alum. am-c. anac. an<-c. apis. arn. ars. asar. atro. bell. berb. bism. bry. calc. calc-p. caps. caul. caus. carb-v. cham. cie cina. cocc. coff. eup-per. form. gamb. gels. glon. hydrs. ign. indg. iris. k-bi. k-ca. lach. lept. lyc. naja. nx-v. op. par. phos. phyt. plat. puis, rubin. sang. sep. sil. stict. sulph. tabac. tarent. verat. — compare with Concomitants. Girls, in young: acon. bell, calc-p. nat- m. ph-ac. puis. Grief, from : ign. ph-ac. staph. Hair, after cutting: bell. glon. — from combing : glon. merc-i-fl. -------amel.: form. — from touching the: agar. — tying up, relieves: nitr. Hand, from pressure of: marum. — cold, relieves: calc. — pressure of, relieves: aran-d. cinnb. con. dros. glon. men. merc. olnd. par. rhus. sabad. spig. -----see also under Pressure. Hat, from pressure of: calc-p. carb-an. carb-v. croton. glon. hepar. laur. merc. sulph. valer. Head, bending backward, when: anac. aur. bell. clem. cupr. dig. elaps. glon. lyc. mang. osm. spig. stann. valer. ----------relieves: apis. glon. ph-ac. thu. -------forehead : chin, stann. ---------relieves: bell. thu. verat. -------occiput: anac. colch. osm. ----------relieves: aeth. bar-ae chin. murx. ph-ac. raph. rhus. spig. -------temple: anac. thu. — ;— forward. See Stooping. — holding erect, when: bar. -----must hold head and eyes down : apis. — leaning against something, when: ang. bell, eye nat-m. -------relieves: anac. aral. arn. bell. brom. cann-s. con. diad. dros. gels. gymn. k-bi. men. merc. nx-v. rhod. sabad. sabin. sang, seneg. spig. sulph. — lies with head low: absin. arn. cadm. nx-v. phys. spong. ----------high: .caps. gels, nat-m. puis. spig. spong. stront. — moving head, when: acon. am-c. arn. ars. bar. bell. berb. bry. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caps. caus. chin, chin-s. cimic. cic. clem. cocc. cocc-e colch. con. coral, corn. cupr. dros. euph. ferr-i. fluor-ac. gels. gen. gent. glon. graph, hell, hepar. ipee k-ca. lach. lact. lyc. mag-c. mang. 146 Head.' CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Lying. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nat-m. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhod. samb. sang. sars. secale. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, sulph. therid. verat. vibur. viol-od. -----see also Shaking. -----relieves : cina. plan. — raising head, when: ang. bar-ae bov. cact. calc. caps, chin-s. coca. dros. ign. lach. seneg. spong. squil. sulph. tarax. verat. viol-tr. -----relieves: ang. carb-v. ign. k-ca. mag-c. — resting on arm, when: nat-m. —----relieves: dros. seneg. staph. -----on hand, when: bell. chin. — shaking head, when: acon. arn. ars. bar. bell. bry. caus. chin, coloc. con. glon. hepar. lact. lyc. mang. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. ph-ac. rhus. ruta. sep. spig. squil. stann. staph, sul-ac. -----partially relieves: gels. — side, bending head, to painful, when : mezer. tabac. -----to one: chin. men. ----------relieves : men. puis. — turning head, on: canth. clem. coloc. gen. glon. graph, hyos. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. phos. ph-ac. phys. pic-ae spong. -----forehead : canth. chin s. cocc-e gels. glon. nat-c. ph-ac. rhod. -------quickly: nat-c. -------to right: aeth. — wrapping up. See Covering. Heat. See Fever. — relieves: aur. bell.caps. caus. cinnb. cocc. colch. k-ca. k-iod. lach. mag-m. nx-m. nx-v. rhod. rhus. sil. staph. stront. sulph. sumb. -----heat of hand : cinnb. iris. -----hot applications: cinnb. colch. iris, k-iod. mag-m. sil. Heated, from becoming: acon. aloe, am- c. ant-c. arg-n. arn. bar. bell. bry. calc. camph. caps, carb-v. con. dig. glon. grat. ign. ipee lyc. nat-m. nx- m. op. ptel. sep. sil. staph, thu. zne -------by a fire: ant-c. bar. bry. euph. merc. puis, zne -------of bed : nx-m. House. See Boom, and under Damp. Hunger, from. See Eating, Fasting, etc. Hypochondriacs, in:'nx-v. staph. Hysterical: arn. asaf. bell, cann-s. caps. cham. cimic. cocc. coff. gels. hell. hepar. hyos. ign. iris. lach. lact. mag-c. mag-m. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. plat. rhus. ruta. scut. sep. stict. stram. tarent. valer. verat. Indoors. See Boom. Injuries, mechanical, after: arn. calc. cic. con. dulc. hepar. hyper, lach. merc. nat-s. nit-ac. petr. phos. puis. rhus. staph, sulph. sul-ac. Inspiration, during an: anac. carb-v. Intoxication, after: ant-c. bell. bry. carb-v. cocc. coff. glon. laur. nx-v. puis. spong stram. sulph. tarax. — see also under Spirituous Liquors. Iron, from abuse of: puis, zne Jar, from any: bell. chin, ferr-p. glon. hepar. ph-ac. sang. sil. spig. sulph. therid. vibur. — see also Concussion. Jaw, moving. See Chewing. Joy, from excessive: coff. eye op. puis. scut. Labor. See Exertion; also under Mental. Laughing, from : iris. mang. phos. tong. zne zing. Lemonade, from: selen. Lie down, must: con. croc, ferr-ae gels. mag-m. ph-ac. rhus. stict. -----see Lying relieves. Lifting, from: ambr. arn. bar. bry. calc. cocc. graph, lyc. nat-c. nx-v. ph-ac. rAns. sil. sulph. Light, in general, from : acon. agar. ars. bufo. cact. cocc. euphr. sep. sil. tabac. ziz. — from artificial: bufo. croc. glon. mang. sang. — from daylight: nat-m. sil. — from working under gas : glon. nat-s. Looking fixedly at anything, from: cadm. cina. gent. glon. helon. lith. mur-ac. par. puis, spong. sulph. tarent. -----relieves: agn. sabad. — downward, from: nat-m. phyt. -----out of window causes vertigo, anxiety, headache, and sweat: oxal- ae — upward, from : acon. aeth. arn. arum- t. caps. coca, colch. glon. gran. puis. stram. sulph. thu. — sideways, from: acon. -----relieves: olnd. Lying, when: agar. alum. ambr. am-c. anac. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. cadm. calc. camph.carb-v. cham. cimic. clem. coloc. cupr. dios. dulc. euph. euphr. Lying. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Mental Labor. eupi. gels. glon. hepar. ign. k-ca. lac- can, led. lith. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. men. merc. mezer. mur-ac. nit- ac. nx-v. petr. ph-ac. phys. plat. puis. ran-b. rhod. rhus. sang. sep. spig. spong. stann. staph, stront. sulph. therid. zne -----must stand or walk: chin. — relieves: alum. ambr. am-m. anac. arn. asar. bell, benz-ae bry. bufo. calc. calc-p. camph. canth. chel. chin. chin-s. cocc-c. colch. con. dig. dulc. ferr-i. fluor-ac. ham. hell. hipp. ign. k-bi. k-ca. lach. lyc. mag-c. merc. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. petr. phos. ph-ac. sabad. spig. sulph. tabac. zne ziz. — forehead: alum. arg. bov. bry. calc. camph. cinnb. fluor-ac. lachn. mag-s. merc. ran-b. tong. — — relieves: anac. bell. calc. con. glon. ham. k-bi. meli. pip-m. rhus. sep. spig. tabac. — occiput: camph. canth. chel. euph. lachn. mag-s. nx-v. pip-m. puis. spig. staph. -----relieved: alum, graph, iod. nit- ac. spig. tabac. —----on the part: ph-ac. sep. — side: carb-v. petr. rhod. sep. spong. -----relieves: dig. ment-pi. — temple : camph. calen. clem, graph. lith. mag-m. -----relieves: asar. benz-ae chel. chin- s. colch. ferr. mag-c. nx-v. — vertex : chel. hipp. -----relieves: calc-p. spig. Lying on abdomen, amel. occipital pain : grat. —- on back, when: ailan. bry. cact. cinnb. coloc. ign. nx-v. petr. plect. sep. spig. -------of head, aggr.: cact. -------relieves: bry. Ign. nx-v. par. petr. puis, verat. — on side, when: cact. calad. cocc. ign. graph, ign. nx-v. -------relieves : ign. men. sep. — on right side, when: brom. staph. ---------relieves: brom. cinnb. nx- v. — on left side, when: cinnb. nx-v. — on painful side, when : ars. calad. calc. carb-v. graph, mag-c. mag-m. nx-v. ph-ac. puis, spong. stann. staph. -------— relieves: arn. hipp. ign. nx-v. puis. sep. -----side pains on which one lies: calad. graph, mag-c. ph-ac. Masticating. See Chewing. Meals. See Eating, Breakfast, etc. Measles, after: bell. dulc. hell. hyos. puis. rhus. sulph. Menses, before: acon. alum. asar. bell. borax, bov. brom. bry. calc. calc-p. carb-an. carb-v. cimic. cinnb. creos. cupr. ferr. gels. glon. hepar. hyper. iod. lach. merc. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. petr. plat. puis. sil. sulph. verat. vibur. xanth. zne j-----at commencement of: hyos. -----relieved, when the flow begins: all-s. alum. lach. verat. Menses, during: acon. agar. aloe. alum. am-c. am-m. ant-c. apis, arg-n. ars. asar. bell. berb. borax, bov. brom. bry. bufo. calc. canth. carb-an. carb-v. cast. caus. cham. chin. cic. cocc. con. creos. cub. cupr. cur. eye eupi. ferr. gels. gent. glon. graph, hyos. hyper, ign. k-bi. k-ca. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. mag- na, mag-s. nat'C nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. phos. plat. puis. rhod. sang. sep. sil. stann. sulph. verat. xanth. zne -----relieved : bell, verat. -----forehead: aesc-h. am-c. apis. bell. brom. bry. cast. gels, helon. iod. k-bi. lyc. mag-c. merc. nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. phos. plat, ratan. sang. sep. sulph. -----occiput: carb-an. mag-c. mag-m. nitr. nx-v. -----side : am-m. berb. mag-c. mag-m. nat-c. sang. -----temple : am-m. cast. lyc. nat-c. -----vertex : calc. carb-an. cast. lach. laur. lyc. mag-c. nx-v. ol-an. phos. ratan. sulph. Menses, after: agar, calc-p. carb-ac. carb-an. ferr. glon. k-bi. lach. lyc. nat-m. ol-an. plat. puis. -----as if top would fly off: ustil. ----morning, on awaking,after sudden cessation of: lith. Mental emotion, after. See Excite- ment. — labor, from : acon. agn. ambr. am-c. anac. aran-d. arg-n. arn. asar. aur. bell. cadm. calc. cham. chin, cimic. cina. cinnb. cocc. coff. colch. con. daph. dig. fago. graph, hell. hipp. ign. lach. lact. lyc. mag-c. nat-c. nat- I m. nat-s. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. 148 Mental Labor. CONDITIONS 01 op. oxal-ae par. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. psor. ptel. puis, sabad. selen. sep. sil. staph, stram. sulph. zne -----see also under Reading, etc. -----relieves : ham. helon. phys. pip- m. -----forehead : arn. asar. calc-ae coff. cop. dig. fago. hydrs. hydrph. kalm. lact. mane meli. mezer. nat-m. ol- an. ph-ac. pip-m. psor. puis, rhus-r. sil. tereb. — — occiput: anac. aster, colch. ign. lobel. nit-ac. rhus-r. -------relieves: cact. calc-ae -----sides : hyper, ign. -----temples: dig. gent. hell, nat-c. nx-v. ph-ac. pip-m. psor. sulph. -------amel.: calc-ae -----vertex : aster, gent, pic-ac. nx-v. sep. Mercury, after abuse of: asaf. aur. carb- v. chin, fluor-ac. hepar. iod. k-iod. mezer. nit-ac. podo. puis. sars. staph. still, sulph. Metallic substances, from abuse of: sulph. Milk, after drinking: brom. phys. Motion, from: acon. agn. aloe. ambr. am-c. am-m. anac. ant-t. apis, arg-n. arn. ars-i. aur. bapt. bell. berb. bism. bov. bry. bufo. calc. calc-p. camph. cann-s. canth. carb-v. caus. chin. chin-s. cimic. cob. cocc. colch. coloc. croc. cupr. dulc. fago. fluor-ac. gels. gent. glon. graph, grat. hepar. hydrph. ign. indm. iod. k-ca. kalm. lach. laur. led. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mang. merc. merc-s. mezer. mosch. naja. nat-c. nat-m. nice nitr. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. petr. phos. ph-ac. phys. pic-ac. plat, ratan. rheum. rumx. sabad. samb. sang. sars. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. thea. therid. thu. verat. zing. — see also Motion of Arms, Eyes, Head, Exertion, Walking, etc. — relieves: alum. am-m. ant-t. calc. caps. cham. cina. coloc. dros. euph. guai. hipp. hyos. k-iod. mag-c. mag- na, men. mosch. mur-ac. op. petr. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. seneg. sulph. tarax. valer. verb. — forehead: acon. agn. ang. ant-t. ars. atro. aur. aur-m. bell. bism. bov. bry. calc. calc-ae canth. cinnb. cupr. eye dig. dulc. fago. glon. graph, ign. iod. k-bi. lyc. mag-c. meli. men. THE HEAD. Noise. mosch. nat-c. nx-j. ph-ac. phys. rhod. rumx. sabad. sep. sil. sol-n. spig. staph, sulph. tabac. -----rapid : dros. nat-m. -----relieves : hydr. lach. pip-m. — occiput: aur.bism. bry. chin,colch. cupr. gels, hyper, iod. lac-ac. man. mezer. ph-ae spig. spong. -----relieves : carl, pip-m. — sides : agn. arg-n. bell, calc-p. chin. dire glon. hipp. iris. phos. ph-ac. prun. sabad. sil. spig. — temple : agn. caus. chin, cinnb. cob. cupr. dire glon hipp. hydrs. k-bi. mezer. phos. ph-ac. phys. rhod. thu. zne -----relieves: carl. com. lil-t. mezer. — vertex: aur. bell, calc-p. canth. chin. ferr. glon. hydrph. ipee iris, lobel. mezer. ph-ac. phyt. sep. spig. thu. verat. Mouth, by opening, aggr.: fago. spig. Move, on beginning to : iris, therid. -------relieves: valer. — from violent: calc dros. mezer. -------relieved: sep. — from quick : coral, nat-c. petr. — on moving in bed: colch. — pains compel one to: chin, ph-ae Music, from: acon. ambr. nx-v. phos. pA-oc. viol-od. Narcotics, after abuse of: bell. cham. coff. dig. graph, hyos. lach. lyc. nx- v. op. puis. sep. valer. Nervous : acet-ac. acon. agar. agn. ailan. anac. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asaf. asar. asc-t. atro. aur. bell. bry. cact. calad. calc. camph. cann-s. caul. caus. cedr. cham. chin, chlor. cic. cimic. cina. coca. cocc. coff. coloc. croc. croton. form. gels. glon. graph. hydrs. hyos. ign. ipee iris. lact. nat- m. nx-v. op. petr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, rhus-r. rhus. sang. scut. sep. sil. spig. stict.stram.sulph. tarent. tereb. therid. thu. ustil. valer. verat. verat- v. zne Noise, from: acon. anac. ang. arn. ars. bapt. bar. bell. bufo. cact. calad. calc. cann-s. colch. con. hell. hyos. ign. iod. lac-can. merc. nat-c. nit-ac. nx- v. ph-ac. sil. spig. stann. tabac. therid. yue zne -----of distant talking: mur-ac. -----of hammer on anvil: mane -----of falling water : nit-ac. -----of rattling of vehicles: nit-ac. therid. 149 Noise. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Reading* — forehead: acon. agar. cact. cit-v. colch. con. iod. plect. spig. — occiput: ph-ac. spig. — side : cact. ziz. — vertex: cact. iod. spig. Nose, bleeding of, relieves: ant-c. bufo. dig. ferr-p. hyos. k-bi. meli. mill. tabac. — blowing, when : ambr. aster, chel. ferr. mur-ac. nit-ac. sulph. — odors, from strong: acon anac. aur. bell. cham. chin. coff. colch. graph, ign. lyc. nx-v. pAos. selen. sulph. -----of alcohol: sol-t-ae. -----of coffee: lach. -----of dirty clothes: carb-an. -----strong and agreeable: arg-n. Nursing infants, after: bell. bry. calc. chain, chin. dulc. phos. puis. sep. sil. staph. Opium, from abuse of: acet-ac. Overheating. See Heated. Parturition, during, lying-in, etc.: arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. cAam. coff. ferr. hyos. k-ca. nx-v. plat. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. — pregnancy, during: bell. bry. calc. caps. caus. cham. cocc. hyos. nx-m. plat. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. Periodical headache: aeth. aloe. ambr. anac. arn. ars. asaf. bell, benz-ae calc. cedr. cham. chin, chin-s. creos. cupr. ferr. k-bi. laur. lobel. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-s. nice nx-v. phos. plat puis. rhus. sang, selen. sep. sil. spig. sulph. — aggr. periodically: cupr. — every day: nx-m. sabad. sulph. -------from 9 to 1: mur-ae -----morning: hepar. -----from 4 p. M. to 3 a.m.: bell. -----other day: ambr. cimic. merc-c. phos. psor. -----— morning on awaking: eup- per. -----fortnight: nice sulph. -----six weeks: mag-m. -----seven days: phyt. sang. sil. sulph. -----eight days: iris. — periodic headache with vertigo and nausea, morning on awaking, also in evening: often relieved by pressure, in open air or by eating : k-bi. -----in afternoon, increasing until mid- night ; every third attack alternately more or less violent: lobel. Perspiration. See Sweat. ressure, external, aggr.: agar. am-c. ant-c. arg. bell. bism. bry. calc. camph. castor, chin. cina. cinnb. cupr. glon. k-ca. lach. lact. lyc. mag- e mag-m. marum. merc-i-fl. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. ph-ac. prun. sabin. sars. sulph. valer. verb. — cannot bear pressure though it does not aggravate: seneg. — relieves : alum. am-c. anac. ant-c. apis, arg-n. bell. bry. calc. camph. carb-an. chel. cAin. cimic. cinnb. con. glon. guai. hepar. indm. ipee k-bi. lach. laur. mag-c. mag-m. men. merc. merc-i-fl. mezer. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nice nitr. nx-v. olnd. par. phos. puis, ran-sc. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. spig. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ac. tarent. thu. verat. — of a cold hand, relieves: calc. — hard, relieves: anac. bell, carb-an. chin, mag-m. men. nx-m. — forehead : calc. camph. dios. mag- na, marum. mur-ac. ph-ac. -----relieves: ailan. am-m. anac. aral. bell, calc-ae carb-ac. castor, chel. chin, cimic. clem, colch. croc. ferr. gels. glon. ham. hell, hydrs. ipee k- iod. lil-t. mang. men. mere mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. olnd. op. phys. sabad. spig. stann. sulph. sul-ae — occiput: calc. camph. dios. ph-ac. sulph. -----relieves: calc-ae colch. grat. hydrs. hyos. mag-c. mang. man. nx- v. sabin. sep. spig. tarent. — side : agar. -----relieves: mezer. sulph. — temple: aspar. Bism. castor, cina. cop. daph. lil-t. mur-ac. nat-ars. nat- m. nitr. prun. verb. -----relieves : aeth. alum, ant-c. aral. cact. calad. calc-ae chin, cocc-e cop. dios. dire glon. guai. hydrs. iod. k- iod. lil-t. mag-c. mag-m. men. nat-c. par. phos. plan. podo. stann. thu. verat. -------by pressure on opposite side : jae — vertex : bell, castor, cina. k-ca. lach. nat-c. nitr. -----relieves: cact. dire eup-per. ferr. ph-ac. phys. stann. Quiet. See Rest. Reading, aggr. from: agn. apis. arg. arn. aur. borax, bov. bry. calc. calc- ae carb-v. caus. chin-s. cina. cinnb. 150 Reading. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Room. clem. coca. cocc. coff. croton. ferr-i. I glon. helon. hydrph. ign. lach. lyc. | merc. mezer. nat-m. nat-s. nx-v. olnd. op. par. ruta. sabad. sil. sulph. — see also under Mental labor, Writing, etc. — relieves: ham. ign. — forehead: arn. borax, bry. calc-ac caus. chin-s. cocc. coff. ferr-i. hydrph. lob-s. op. phys. pip-m. tarax. — temple : calc-ac. clem. coca, mezer. nat-m. phys. pip-m. sulph. — vertex : carb-v. helon. lyc. nat-m. Rain, amel.: cham. Rest, aggravates: arg. asar. benz-ac. caps. cham. cic. coff euph. ferr.lach. lyc. mang. men. nat-c. nitr. puis. rhod. rhus. ruta. samB. stann. staph, valer. — relieves: ant-c. arg. arg-n. arn. bry. chel. cic. cocc. colch. croton. cupr. eupi. gent. glon. hell, hepar. hipp. iod. k-bi. k-ca. lac-can. laur. lyc. nat- m. nitr. nx-v. olnd. phos. rhod. sang. sars. sep, spig. squil. staph. — com pare with Lying, Sitting, etc. Retching. See Eructation. Rheumatic: acon. am-m. asc-t. bell. berb. bry. calc-p. caul. caus. cham. chin, cimic. coloc. dulc. guai. ign. k- bi. kalm. lach. led. lyc. mag-m. merc. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. phyt. podo. puis. rhus-r. rhus. sep. spig. stict. stram. sulph. Riding. See Driving. — in cars, aggr.: coloc. k-ca. Rising. See under Morning, Noon, Night, etc., on Rising; also under Head, raising. Rising, after: arn. glon. laur. nat-m. oxal-ae phos. stram. tarent. — relieves: asaf. hepar. ign. k-iod. merc. nat-c. nat-s. nit-ac. rhus-r. — forehead: cob. dulc. glon. iber. kalm. mur-ac. phys. sang, verat. -----relieves: chin-s. cinnb. spong. — occiput: gels. -----relieves: chin-s. eup-per. grat. jug- e puis. — temple : fago. lycps. verat. -----relieves: calc-ac. rhus. stann. — side : chin-s. graph. -----relieves: carb-v. dig. indg. ol-an. rhod. tabac. tong. Rising from lying, aggr.: aesc-h. am- m. anac. ang. apis. ars. asar. bapt. bell. bov. bry. calc. camph. caps. U carb-an. cham. chel. cinnb. clem. coca, coloc. con. coral, dulc. glon. hepar. ipee mur-ac. nat-c. nitr. nx- v. olnd. phos. ph-ac. puis. rhod. ruta. sep. sil. squil. sulph. staph, ustil. -------relieves: aloe. ambr. am-c. ars. aur. bell, calad. carb-an. carb-v. cham. chin. cic. cup-ae ferr. gels. hepar. ign. k-ca. laur. lith. mag-e nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. phos. ph- ac. phys. plb. puis, ran-b. rhod. rhus. sabin. spig. verat. — from sitting, aggr.: apis. bell. chin. cob. ferr. grat. lam. laur. lyc. mang. mur-ac. oxal-ae puis. sil. spong. trio, verat. -----— relieves: arg. phys. spig. spong. — from stooping, aggr.: acon. asar. coral, daph. hepar. k-ca. lam. lyc. mag-m. mag-s. mang. mur-ac. nx-v. sul-ac. tong. viol-tr. — — — relieves: calc-ac. coti. ign. indg. -------forehead: asar. mag-s. -------side: k-ca. mang. sul-ac. — upright, erect, aggr.: acon. ang. arn. ars. asar. bell. bov. bry. caps. caus. cham. cic. dros. hell, hepar. ign. k-ca. laur. lyc. mag-m. mang. mur-ac. spong. sul-ac. tarax. verat. viol-tr. -----relieves: ant-t. cic. mag-c. rhus. sabin. — standing position, rising to, re- lieves: alum. ang. aur. bar. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. chin. con. dig. k-ca. laur. mag-c. marum. nat-c. olnd. puis. rhus. spig. stann. Rocks head from side to side to relieve pain: k-iod. Room, aggr.: aeth. all-c. am-m. arn. ars. asaf. bov. bry. calc-ac. caus. cham. chel. cimic. cob. coca, colch. croc. euphr. ham. hepar. hipp. hyos. iod. jatr. laur. mag-c. mag-m. mang. men. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nice nx-v. phos. ph-ac. phys. plat. puis, ran-sc. rhod. sabad. seneg. sep. sulph. tilia. ton. verat. verb, zne — pains coming on in room are re- lieved out-doors, and vice versa: mang. ran-b. — relieved in: bell. bry. bov. cham. chel. chin. cocc. coff. eup-per. ferr. hepar. mag-c. mang. mere nx-m. nx-v. rhus. spig. staph, sulph.sul-ac. valer. » Room. CONDITIONS — forehead. acon. bry. cact. caus. coca, colch. con. lach. nx-j. plat, ran- b. rhod. rhus. sep. -----relieved in : bell. mang. — occiput: bry. cimic. mag-m. mezer. -----relieved: bov. — temple: jatr. laur. phos. ran-b. rhod.sabad. -----relieved: coff. hyos. ol-an. zing. — side: am-m. bov. euphr. fluor-ac. phos. sabad. ton. -----relieved: mag-s. — on entering a, aggr.: mezer. nat-m. ran-b. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. spong. -------from cold : colch. con. puis. — warm room, aggr.: all-c. aloe. apis. am. bar. bov. cann-i. caus. cocc-e croc, ferr-i. hydrs. lact. laur. lil-t. mezer. merc-i-fl. nat-c. nitr. phos. ph-ac. plat. puis, selen. seneg. sin-n. sol-n. spong. sulph. tanae zne -----compare with Air, warm. -----relieves: am-c. lac-can. nx-v. sil. -----forehead : acon. bov. carb-an. caus. lac-ac. lil-t. mezer. plat, selen. seneg. sin-n. verb. -------relieved : lac-can. sil. -----occiput: bov. seneg. Rubbing, aggr.: alum, calc-p. caus. dios. — forehead, relieves: ars. ham. ol-an. op. phos. phys. — occiput, relieves: canth. laur. ol- an. — temple, relieves : canth. ol-an. phos. plat. — vertex, relieves : carb-ac. Running, from: bry. nat-m. nx-v. tarent. Scarlatina, after : am-c. bell. bry. cham. dulc. hell, hepar. lach. merc. rhus. Scratching, amel.: mang. Sexual excesses, after : agar. arn. calc. carb-v. chin. con. k-ca. lach. merc. nat-c. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. pip-m. puis. sep. sil. spig. staph, sulph. thu. -----after onanism: calc carb-v. cAin. con. lyc. merc. nat-m. nx-v. phos. puis. sep. spig. staph, sulph. -----after excessive pollutions: alum. calc. con. ham. k-ca. lyc. nx-v. sep. staph, viol-od. -----occipital pain : cAtn. Sewing: lac-can. Shade, compare Darkness and Sun, aggr. in. 152 r THE HEAD. Sleep. Shame, from: op. Siesta. See under Sleep. Singing, from : alum. Sitting, aggr. when: agar. alum. am-m. ang. aral. arn. ars asaf. asar. bism. borax, bry. bufo. calc. canth. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. cic. coff. con. eye dros. euph. gent. grat. guai. indg. ferr. lach. led. lyc. mag-c. men. merc. merc-i-r. mezer. mosch. mur-ac.. nat- c. pAos. plat. puis, ran-b. ratan. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. seneg. sil. spong. squil. stapA. sulph. sul-ac. tarax. verat. zing. —---up or erect. See under Rising. — relieves: ars. asar. calc. calad. coff. con. gels. glon. hipp. ign. k-ca. lam. mag-m. merc. nx-v. sulph. verat. — forehead: aeth. agar. alum. am-m. bism. calc-ac. castor, caus. chin. con. glon. ham. lach. merc. mezer. phos. ruta. seneg. spig. spong. staph, tarax. tereb. verat. — — relieves: acon. ars. bell. — occiput: agar, castor, chin. indg. men. ran-b. spig. squil. zne — — relieves : asar. ign. mag-c. mag-m. — side: am-m. canth. chin-s. fago. indg. mag-c. nice phos. ratan. rhod. sulph. -----relieves : ars. calad. con. — temple: am-m. arg. chin, lil-t. mang. mezer. nice phos. staph, sul- ac. tarax. verat. -----relieves: ars. asar. calc-ac. coff. coloc. lith. mang. — vertex: castor, lyc. peti. phos. verat. viol-tr. :----relieves: con. gels. Sleep, before going to : agar. nx-m. — during: agn. ars. camph. cham. colch. dig. ferr. graph, led. mag-c. petr. -----second sleep, morning, aggr.: ham. -----on falling asleep, amel.: anac. ang. nit-ac. -----relieved during : acon. bad. glon. hell. hyos. ign. pallad. sep. sil. thu. — on awaking, aggr.: agar, ailan. alum. ambr. anac. ant-t. arg-n. ars. aur. bar. bell. bov. bry. cadm. calad. calc. carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cimic. cina. cinnb. clem. cocc. coff. con. croc. dig. dros. erig. euphr. gels, graph, ham. hell, hepar. ign. ipee k-bi. k-ca. lach. Sleep. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Stooping. lact. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mill, morph. nat-c. nat m. nat-s. nitr. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. oxal-ae par. petr. peti. ptel. phos. ph-ac. plect. plb. psor. puis. raph. rheum, rhus. rhus-r. rumx. ruta. sabad. selen. sep. sil. squil. staph, stram. sulph. sul-ac. tarent. thu. -----after restless sleep : crot-e stram. -----see also Morning, Night, on waking. -----amel. on awaking: bell, camph. chel. glon. graph, ham. laur. phos. sang. thu. -------by a good sleep : sep. — siesta, after a: bov. calad. calc-s. carb-v. coff. ign. merc-i-r. nx-m. rhus. sep. sulph. -----relieved : nitr. — loss of, from late hours, aggr.: ant- e carb-v. coff. colch. laur. nx-v. rhus. sulph. -----from night watching: ambr. bry. carb-v. cocc. colch. nx-v. puis. Smell. See Odors under Nose. Smoking. See under Tobacco. Sneezing, when: am-m. arn. bar. bry. cina. grat. k-ca. nat-m. sabad. sulph. -----relieves: calc. lil-t. mur-ac. Soup, from warm : k-bi. Speaking. See Talking. Spinning, from: carb-an. Spirituous liquors, from abuse of: acet-ac. agar, ant-c. ars. asaf. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chel. chin, cimic. coff. hell. hydr. ign. ipee lach. lyc. merc. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. phos. pul's. ran-b. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabad. selen. sil. spig. stann. sulph. verat. -----see also Alcohol, Beer, Wine, etc. -----relieve : arg-n. bufo. castor, hell. naja. phos. sep. Standing, aggr. when : agar. alum. arg. arn. ars. calc-ac. canth. chin. dig. guai. mag-c. mang. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhus. staph, sulph. tarax. verat. zne — relieves: calc. camph. ran-b. — forehead : agar. alum. ars. calc-ac. canth. chin. ham. k-ca. merc. phel. ran-b. rheum, sang. spig. staph. tabac. tarax. -----relieves: calc-ac. marum. — occiput: castor, k-ca. mag-c. tabac. -----in one position, when: cham. 153 -----relieves : nx-v. plb. -------when standing still: tarax. — side: calc. canth. dig. k-ca. mag-c. mang. plb. zne — temple: ars. castor, chin, coloe glon. guai. staph, verat. -----relieves: tarax. zing. — vertex : ran-b. sul-ac. verat. Stepping. See Walking. — heavily, aggr.: alum. ambr. bell. bry. calc. calc-p. chin. cocc. dros. hell. k-ca. lach. led. lyc. men. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. phos. ph-ac. rhus. sep. sil. spig. — false, from a: anac. bry. cob. hepar. led. puis, sol-n. spig. thu. vibur. — at each step : alum. ambr. bell. bry. calc-p. cocc-e coloc. con. dros. glon. hydrs. lach. lyc. mezer. nat-m. nit- ac. nuph. ph-ac. sep. spig. spong. sulph. — compare with Jar, etc. Stomach disordered. See Gastric. Stool, from urging at: bell, calc-p. coloc. con. glon. ham. hell. indm. ign. iod. lyc. phos. ratan. spig. sulph. thu. vibur. — from insufficient: aloe. con. — after: aloe. ambr. apoe bufo. chel. podo. sabad. sep. spig. -----relieved: aeth. agar. aloe. apis. corn, lachn. ptel. oxal-ae verat-v. Stooping, from : acet-ac. acon. aesc-h. aloe. alum. am-m. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. arn. asar. bapt. bar. bell. berb. borax, bov. bry. calc. calc-caus. calc-p. camph. canth. caps, carb-an. carb-v. caus. cham. chel. chin, chin-s. cic. cob. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. com. corn, creos. cupr. eye dig. dros. dulc. ferr. ferr-i. form. gels. glon. ham. hell, helon. hepar. hydrs. hydr-ae hydrph. hyos. ign. k-bi. k-ca. lach. laur. lyc. mag-m. mane mang. marum. men. merc. merc-i-r. mill. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nice nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. par. petr. phos. phys. phyt. pic-ac. plat, plect. puis. rheum. rAns. rhus-r. samb. sang. seneg. senn. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. staph, sulph. sul-ac. thu. valer. verat. vibur. zing. — after. See Bising from. — heavy pressure on brain forcing to stoop: cann-i. — relieves : ang. caus. cina. con. dig. elaps. fago. hyos. ign. indg. laur. Stooping. COXDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Touch. mang. mezer. nx-v. phos. tarax. verat. verb, viol-tr. — forehead : acon. am-c. am-m. ang. arg-n. arn. asar. atrop. aur-m. bar. bell. berb. borax, bov. brom. bry. calc- ac. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-v. card-b. caus. chel. cob. coff. coloc. creos. cupr. eye dros. dulc. fago. fluor- ac. gels. gran. guai. haemat. hepar. hyos. hydrph. ign. indm. ipee June k- bi. k-iod. lact. laur. lyc. mag-m. mane mang. marum. merc. merc-c. murx. mur-ac. myrie nitr. nx-v. ped. pic- ac. plat. ptel. puis, ratan. rhus-v. sil. sol-n. spig.stann. staph, sulph. tarent. valer. verat. -----relieves: bar-ae bell. caus. verb. — occiput: acon. aloe, camph. carb- v. chin, colch. gels. hell, helon. k-ca. mang. ph-ac. prun. rhus-r. spig. sulph. -----relieves: ign. ol-an. verat. — side : alum. ang. calc-ac. caps, chin- s. coral, dig. euphr. glon. hipp. indg. laur. ment-pi. phos. ton. -----relieves : dig. iris. — temple: am-m. bov. brom. calc-ac. chin. coff. coloc. dios. fago. fluor-ac. glon. guai. mur-ac. nat-ars. phos. sol-n. thu. verat. -----relieves: ang. mang. verat. — vertex: acon. almn. am-m. berb. calc. calc-p. coloc. glon. helon. men. nx-m. -----relieves: laur verat. Stove, from heat of: arn, bar. cimic. puis. Studying. See Mental labor. Sun, from exposure to: acon. aloe, ant-c. bar. bell. brom. brue cadm. calc. camph. cann-i. castor, chin-s. euphr. gen. glon. hipp. hyos. ign. lach. mane nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. selen. therid. valer. — relieved in: graph, stram. stront. -----in shade: brom. Supper, amel. after: am-c. lachn. — see Eating. Swallowing, when: mag-e — see also Chewing. Sweat preceded by headache: ferr. — suppressed, from having: ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. chin. lyc. merc. nx-r. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sulph. — relieves: bov. clem, graph, mag-m. nat-m. psor. sulph. tarent. thu. — during headache: arn. ars. eup-per. nat-m. rhus. thu. — after: calc. cAtn. merc. puis. sep. staph, sulph. Talking, when, aggr.: acon. agar. aran-d. aur. bry. cact. calc. canth. chin. cic. cocc. coff. con. dros. dulc. euphr. fluor-ac. glon. hyos. ign. iod. lac-can. led. mag-m. man. merc. mezer. nat-m. nx-j. nx-v. par. ph-ae puis. rhus. sang. sars. sil. spig. spong. sulph. zne — relieves: eup-per. ham — distant: mur-ac. — of others: aran-d. bar. ign. merc. Tea, from abuse of: chin. lach. selen. thu. verat. -----relieves: ferr-p. -------by strong : carb-ac. glon. Teeth, on compressing the : indm. -----see also Chewing. Temperature, from a change of: carb- v. ran-b. verb. — see also under Weather. Thinking of pain, aggr.: cham. chin. ferr-p. hell, helon. ign. pip-m. sabad. sin-n. staph. -------relieves: agar, camph. cic. prun. — see also Mental labor. Thunder-storms, air just before, aggr. from : bry. lach. nat-c. phos. rAoa". sep. sil. -----during, aggr.: nat-p. Tobacco, smoking, from: acet-ac. acon. ant-c. calc. caus. clem. cocc. cocc-e ferr. gels. glon. ign. mag-c. nat-ars. nat-m. nx-v. op. par. puis. spig. thu. -----relieves: am-e aran-d. calc-p. carb-ac. naja. -----forehead: calad. caus. ferr-i. Touch, aggr. by: acon. agar. agn. all- e alum. arg. bar. bell, borax, bov. bry. calc. camph. case cast, carb- an. chel. cAzn. cinnb. con. cupr. daph. grat. hydrph. ipee k-bi. k-ca. lact. laur. led. lye mag-s. merc. mur-ac. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. par. phos. ph-ac. rhod. sars. sep. spig. sabin. staph, tarent. -----on vertex, from: sabin. — relieves: ars. asaf. bell. bry. calc. coloc. con. eye mang. men. mur-ac. nitr. phos. sars. thu. viol-tr. — compare with Pressure. — brain: all-e arg. bry. chin, cinnb. grat. k-bi. lact. laur. mag-s. merc. merc-i-fl. mezer. mur-ac. nat-m. par. sabin. sars. staph, sulph. viol-tr. Touch. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Walking. -----relieves: sars. — forehead: chin. cupr. ipee lepi. lyc. mur-ac. nat-m. -----relieves : bell, calc-ac. chin, eye mur-ac. viol-tr. — occiput: bar. cupr.nit-ac. nitr. -----relieves: mang. — side: agar. agn. borax, cupr. dire laur. nit-ac. -----relieves: bry. thu. — temple : aur. berb. castor, chel. con. cupr. daph. led. lepi. nx-m. peti. staph. -----relieves: ars. calc-ac. chin, eye — vertex: bov. chel. cinnb. k-bi. peti. phos. -----by laying hand on it, amel.: nitr*. Treading. See Stepping. Turning body, when: cham. glon.graph. lyc. merc-i-fl. nat-m. plan. sil. -----in bed, when: meph. -----see also Head, turning. Twilight, aggr. in the: ang. caj. puis. — amel. in : coca. ' . Uncovering body, from: benz-ac. -----relieves: coral. — see also under Covering. Urination, during: coloc. — profuse relieves: gels. sil. Veal, from eating: nitr. Vertigo, after: calc. — See Concomitants. Vexation, after: acon. bry. castor. cAam. cocc. ign. lyc. mag-c. mezer. nat-m. nx-v. petr. phos. ran-b. rhus. staph. verat. — compare with Angry. Vinegar, aggr. by swallowTof: marum. ^ — applying, amel.: meli. op. Voice, male, affect brain : bar. Vomiting, aggr. when : ars. asar. bar-m. con. eugen. glon. k-bi. lach. lyc. mezer. nx-v. phyt. secale. sep. verat. -----after: cham. cocc. ferr. nat-c. nx- v. — relieves: asar. calc. glon. hipp. mane op. sang. raph. stann. sul-ac. Waking, on. See under Sleep and compare Waking under Morning, Night, etc. Walking, when : acon. aloe. alum. anac. ang. ant-t. arn. ars. asar. aster, bar. bell. bry. cadm. calc. caps, carb-an. caus. chin. cic. clem. cob. cocc. coloe con. corn. dig. dros. ferr. glon. gran. guai. hell. hipp. hyos. hura. ign. iod. 155 k-ca. lach. laur. led. lyc. mag-c. mang. men. merc. merc-i-fl. mur-ac. nat-c. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. olnd. ost. par. petr. phos. ph-ac. phyt. plat. ptel. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhod. rhus. sabad. sars. sep. sil. spig. spong. staph, stront. sulph. tabac. tarax. tarent. thea. therid. ustil. verat. verb. viol-tr. zne — compare with Motion, Stepping, etc. — relieves: am-c. ant-c. aran-d. asar. borax, calc. canth. caps. cham. chin. coca, coloc. dros. fago. glon. ham. hyos. lyc. mag-c. mang. mur-ac. nat- e nat-m. phos. puis, ran-b. rhus. seneg. sep. sin-n. spig. staph, sulph. tarax. thu. — forehead : acon. anac. arn. ars. bry. calc. calc-ac. chin. ciem. coca. cocc. coloc. euphr. gran. indm. k-bi. lept. mag-c. naja. nitr. ped. peti. phys. puis, ratan. rhus-v. sars. spong. sulph. ustil. viol-tr. -----relieves: calc-ac. chin. coca. dros. puis, ran-b. rhod. sang, staph. — occiput: asar. bell. bry. calc. chin. coca. con. graph, k-ca. mur-ac. ped. phys. spig. sulph. tarax. — side : arg. arg-n. ars. bell. calc. clem. con. k-ca. nat-m. plb. spig. — temple: ars. asar. bufo. castor, chin. coloc. con. dies. gen. glon. hell. k-bi. lil-t. mang. phos. ran-b. sulph, -----relieves: chin. guai. staph, tarax. — vertex: carb-an. calc. cedr. con. glon. hura. peti. phyt. spong. sulph. -----relieves: peti. sang. Walking in open air, when: acon. alum. am-c. ant-c. arn. atrop. bell. borax, bov. bry. calc. caus. chin. chin-s. cina. coff. con. dulc. euphr. ferr. grat. hell, hepar. ign. k-ca. lam. laur. lyc. mang. merc. mur-ac. nat- m. nice nx-m. nx-v. par. petr. plat. puis, ran-b. rhus. sabad. sars. selen. spig. spong. staph, stront. sulph. sul- ac. tarax. zne -------after: am-c. bell. bov. calc. caus. chel. chin.coca. coff.ferr. hepar. k-bi. mezer. mur-ac. nice nx-v. pallad. petr. puis, ran-b. ran-sc. rhus. sabad. spig. spong. zne -------relieves : aeth. ambr. am-c. ang. ant-c. aral. ars. asar. bov. canth. carb-an. caus. chin-s. cina. coff. coloc. coral, croc. diad. eup-pur. fago. gen. Walking. CONDITIONS OF THE HEAD. Yawning. glon. hepar. hyos. lach. laur. lith. lyc. mag-c. mang. mosch. nat-m. olnd. phel. phos. puis, ran-b. rhus. sars. seneg. sep. sulph. thu. viol-tr. | -------forehead: acon. ant-c. asim. calc-ac. caus. chin. cina. coca. hell. hydrph. k-cy. merc. nat-m. plat. sars. spong. tarax. ----------relieves: borax, camph. coral, crotal. ham. hydrs. hyos. lyc. phys. scut. sep. thu. -----— occiput: bov. caus. cina. ferr-p. mang. spig. staph, zne ---------relieves: cimic. mang. seneg. sulph. tabac. -------side : chin-s. grat. ign. mag- s. ---------relieves: mang. merc-i-r. -------temple: arn. bry. coff. hyos. mang. nat-m. spig. tarax. zing. ---------relieves: psor. rhod. -------vertex, relieves: acon. aster. thu. Walking rapidly, when : bell. bry. calc. chel. ferr-i. mang. tabac. -----in the wind, from : chin, mur-ac. nx-v. — slowly, when: hipp. -----relieves: eup-pur. puis. Warm. See Air, Room, etc. Warmth. See Heat, Fever, etc. Washing, from: am-c. ant-c. bell. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. cham. glon. lyc. merc. nit-ac. nx-m. phos. puis. rhus. sep. spig. stront. sulph. — cold water, amel.: acon. aloe. ant-t. ars. asar. aur-m. bry. cham. cinnb. eye euph. indm. kalm. lac-ac. myrie nat-s. plan. psor. zne — of feet, relieves: nat-s. — from washing hands: rhus-r. Weather, from changes of: bry. calc-p. lach. nx-m. phos. psor. ran-b. rhod. rhus. sil. verb, vip-t. — cold: acon. agar.am-c.ars. aur.bell. bry. calc. camph. caps, carb-v. caus. cocc. colch. con. dulc. hell, hepar. hyos. ign. k-ca. lyc. merc. mosch. nat- m. nx-m. nx-v. phos. rhod. rAus. sabad. sep. stront verat. — damp cold: am-c. ars. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. colch. dulc. glon. lach. lyc. merc. mosch. nx-m. nx-v. rhod. rhus. sil. stront. sulph. verat. zing. — dry cold: acon. asar. bry. caus. hepar. nx-v. sabad. spong. — warm, begins with the : glon. nat- s. — windy, stormy, from : asar. awr. bry. cham. chin. lach. mur-ac. nx-m. nx- v. phos. puis. rhod. rhus. Wet, from getting: ars. bell. bry. calc. colch. dulc. hepar. k-ca. led. lyc. nat-m. nx-m. puis. rhus. sep. -----— when sweating: acon. calc. colch. dulc. rhus. sep. — head, from wetting: bar. bell. led. phos. puis. — feet, from wetting: gels. phos. puis. rhus. sep. sil. Wind, from exposure to: acon. cham. chin. ham. mur-ac. nx-v. -----cold : aur. lac-can. mur-ac. nx-v. rhus. -------riding in: ars-i. calc-i. glon. lyc. -----east: psor. -----rough : aur. mur-ac. Wine, from abuse of: ant-c. arn. ars. cact. calc. carb-an. carb-v. coff gels. glon. ign. lach. lyc. nat-c. nat-m. nx- m. nx-v. oxal-ae ran-b. rhod. rhus. sabad. selen. sil. verat. zne. — relieves: arg-n. — lead, containing: bell. nx-v. plat. sulph. — sulphurous: ars. merc. puis. sep. — sour: ant-c. ars. ferr. sulph. — see also under Alcohol, Beer, Spirit- uous, etc. Winking, aggr.: all-c. Work, from : anac. bufo. — carrying a weight on shoulders: mag- s. — relieves: merc-i-fl. — when doing some disagreeable: chin. Worm complaints, from: calc.chin.cina. graph, nx-v. plat, sabad, sil. spig. sulph. Wrapping up. See Covering. Wrinkling forehead, aggr.: nat-m. Writing, from: aur. borax, calc. clem. dros. ferr. ferr-i. gent. glon. ign. k-ca. lyc. mane nat-m. phos. ran-b. rhus. rhus-r. sil. — forehead: borax, dros. ferr-i. k-ca. lyc. op. — occiput: carb-an. cocc. gels. — vertex: gels, nat-m. ran-b. Yawning, when: agar. bar. chin, eye mag-c. mur-ac. nx-v. phyt. — relieved after : nat-m. staph. GENERAL CONCOMITANTS OF HEAD SYMPTOMS. Abdomen, with bearing down in: phyt. — heat of: tarent. — pain in : acon. aeth. ailan. aloe. bism. cedr. cina. cocc. colch. coloc. con. cupr. dig. dios. euphr. gymn. hepar. hydrs. hyos. indg. iris. lach. led. lye merc. naja. nit-ac. nitr. ol-an. phos. ptel. rhus-r. stram. tarent. tereb. verat. verat-v. zne — — alternating with : cina. -----in right iliac region: lil-t. -----in liver: indm. tarent. — — in pelvis: stram. -----in spleen : borax, cinnb. urt-ur. -----in umbilicus: lil-t. — stitches in hypochondria: aesc-h. — swelling of: nitr. phos. stram. Anguish, with : ailan. anac. ant-c. lach. nat-m. selen. seneg. stann. stram. Anxiety, with: ant-t. benz-ac. cact. cadm. carb-an. chel. chin-s. glon. jabor. nat-c. nitr. phos. plat, ran-b. rheum, ruta. sep. stront. tarent. Apathy, with : bell. — aversion for motion: ph-ac. -----for speaking : ant-c. rhus-r. — —for thinking: ailan. equ. phyt. rhus-r. tep. -----for work: calc-p. camph. coff. coloc. dig. dulc. lact. op. phos. sep. — disgust of life : podo. Appetite, with increase of: chin-s. elaps. iod. lyc. psor. sil. — with loss of: ailan. anac. benz-ac. calc-p. con. euphr. ferr. gymn. hipp. iber. lach. nat-m. petr. phos. selen. sep. stann. stram. tabac. Arms, jerking: verat. — see also Hands. — pain in: arg-n. bell. bry. calc-p. carb-v. cimic. dios. dire euphr. gymn. indg. lach. mag-c. phos. tilia. verat. -----arms and hands, pain in : calc-p. -----in elbows : indg. lobel. — numbness in: all-e phys. — tingling in : ailan. — weakness : glon. iod. Asthma, with: coloc. Awkwardness, with: caps. Back, chilliness of, with : sil. — numbness, in a band, from left scapula to hip : ailan. — pain, with: ailan. benz-ae cina. cob. daph. fluor-ac. graph, hydrs. meni. merc. myrie ol-an. op. sabad. sabin. sil. verat. trios, ziz. ■— — in small of: apoe cob. lac-can. sil. ----------alternating with : brom. — sweat, cold, on : acon. morph-ac. — weakness ef, with: coloc. fago. lobel. nym. Blood, feels as if arrested : bar. sulph. — congestion of, with. See under Congestion, page 93. Breath, fetid, with : apis. — cool, sense of, with : arg-n. Cheeks, hot, with: calc. cann-s. merc. — red, with: alum. bov. cann-s. ign. zne — swelling of, with: calc. carb-v. lye — see also under Face. Cheerfulness, with: coca. lyc. phos. ph-ac. Chest, constriction of, with : sep. — oppression of, with: ailan. carb- ac. crotal. meli. tarent. —----alternating with : glon. -------compare with Respiration. — pain in, with: aeth. almn. cham, chro-ae cina. con. dulc. eupi. fago. graph, gymn. hydrs. hydrph. indg. jabor. k-ca. lach. lith. merc-i-r. nat- m. op. ran-b. stront. tarent. tep. -----alternating with: iod. — sinking sensation in, with: nx-v. — see also under Respiration. Chilliness, with: aloe. anac. arg. arg-n. arn. calc. cadm. camph. carb-v. chin. con. dios. dulc. eup-per. euphr. evon. ferr. hell, hyper, indg. indm. jatr. k-iod. lach. lam. mag-s. mang. meni. mezer. nitr. nit-ac. puis. rhus. sang. sep. sil. stann. sulph. tarent. thu. — after headache : sang. Coition, desire for: sep. Coma, with: chin-s. Confusion, mental, with: aur. glon. nat- ars. petr. stram. -----as if would lose senses or go mad : acon. agar. chin, stram. tarent. verat. — unable to collect one's senses: carb-v. chin, creos. crotal. eye mang. mezer. nit-ac. rhus. sars stann. sulph. — see also Confusion, Stupefaction under Mind, Head. 12 157 Constipation. CONCOMITANTS OF HEAD SYMPTOMS. Eyes. Constipation, with: aloe. alum. bry. coff. con. crotal. ign. lach. mag-c. merc. nx-v. op. petr. puis, verat. zne Coryza, with : acon. aesc-h. all-c. arg-n. ars. bad. bell. bov. bry. calc. carb-v. caus. cham. cAin. cina. cic. coral. croc. dios. euphr. ferr. hell, hepar. ign. jae k-ca. k-iod. lach. lyc. mag- m. mere nit-ac. nx-v. phos. phyt. psor. puis. rhod. sabad. sep. spig. thu. — with dry : croc. Cries, extorting: cact. cimic. coloc. cupr. hydrph. k-ca. mag-m. petr. sep. sil. stann. tarent. tong. Delirium, with : chins, sil. stram. Delusions, with: chin. Depression, dejection, with : agar. anac. aur. berb. cact. con. creos. crotal. dulc. iris, lac-can. lact. mag-c. naja. ran-b. rhus-r. selen. sep. sil. tanae tarent. therid. Despair, with: agar, tarent. vip-red. Diarrhoea, with: aeth. agar. aloe. ambr. apis. con. glon. graph, indm. jatr. nitr. stram. verat. — alternating with : podo. Dizziness. See Giddiness. Dreams, with: alum, aur-m. borax, chin- s. puis. Ears, discharge, from, with: borax. psor. — hearing, hardness of, with: arn. dulc. grat. ign. lye stram. -----improved: phyt. — heat of, with : calc. gran. lyc. mur- ac. ----right hot, left cold : tereb. — noises in, with: acon. anac. ars. borax, bry. chel. chin, chin-s. clem. coca. cocc. creos. dulc. euphr. ferr. gels, hyper, lach. lyc. murx. myrie nice op. petr. ph-ac. plat. puis. rhus. sang, selen. squil. staph, sulph. tarent. thu. verat. -----gurgling in : plat. -----hammering in : spig. — pain in, with: agar, all-c. alum. anac. arn. arum-t. asar. bar. bell. borax, bov. brom. cact. calc. canth. caps, carb-an. caus. chel. cimic. colch. con. glon. gymn. ham. hura. ign. indg. k-bi. kalm. lach. lepi. lil-t. lith. lyc. mang. merc. merc-i-r. mosch. nat-m. nitr. ol-an. plb. prun. puis, ran-sc. rhus. sang. sars. sep. sol-n. sulph. tabac. tarent. tilia. tong. viol-od. zne — stitches in, with : borax, croton. merc. rhus. — stoppage of, with: merc-i-fl. selen. — tickling in, with : borax, mur-ac. Epileptic attack, after an: cina. cupr. Epistaxis, with: agar. alum, ant-c. berb. bry. cadm. carb-an. coff. crotal. dulc. ferr. ham. lach. sep. tep. Eructations, with: arg-n. bism. calc. carb-v. chin-s. eye graph, iod. lach. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac. nx-v. op. phos. phys. psor. sil. sulph. uran. Excitement, with: bapt. chin. phos. ruta. Eyes, bloatedness of, with : lach. rheum. — blindness, with: ether, grat. iris. k-bi. petr. zne -----followed by headache, sight re- turns with increasing headache: k- bi. — closing of lids, with: agar. aloe. am-c. ant-t. arg-n. bell. calc. carb an. carb-v. cedr. cocc. creos. lith. mag- e mezer. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. olnd. petr. ph-ac. plat. plb. sep. sulph. -----with pain in forehead: agar, ara- e ant-t. bell, cann-s. carb-v. cedr. chel. coff. coral, eupi. gels. glon. lact-ae nat-s. nit-ac. nx-m. op. phos. plat. podo. sep. -----must close: canth. coral, stram. — congestion, with: alum. bell. myrie nat-m. stram. — diplopia : con. kiss. — downward pressure, with: carb- an. — drawing in lids, with: acon. bell. creos. — fall out, sensation as if would : brom. glon. nitr. phos. rhus. sang. sep. valer. — flashes before: chin-s. coca, viol- od. — flickering before: chin-s. con. eye lach. phos. sars. — heat in, with: ailan. ambr. bov. eugen. eupi. gymn. lyc. tarent. — heaviness in, with: aloe, arum-t. coca. ham. peti. — inflamed, with : bad. calc-s. led. merc-i-r. — dim vision, with: am-c. arg. aster. bov. bry. carb-an. croc, eye ferr. gels. glon. grat. helon. hydrs. hyos. ign. indg. jug-e k-bi. k-ca. lil-t. mag-m. meph. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nit-ac. 158 Eyes. CONCOMITANTS OF nx-v. petr. phos. puis. raph. sars. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. thu. tilia. zne -----sees half light, half dark: glon. — lachrymation, with: agar, arg-n. asar. bell. bov. carb-an. carb-v. chel. comoc. con. eugen. ign. indm. k-iod. lac-can. lil-t. merc. osm. plat. puis. rhus-r. spong. stram. tax. — motion to side, difficult: mag-s. — open, difficult to: nat-m. op. peti. ph-ac. plect. stram. — pain in, with: acon. ambr. anac. ant-t. arg-n. ars. bar. bell. bism. bry. calc. calc-p. carb-v. caus. chin-s. cic. cimic. cina. cocc. con. creos. croc. croton. eugen. hipp. ign. k-ca. lach. led. lye mag-c. mag-m. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nice nit-ac. nx-v. op. par. petr. phos. psor. puis. ran-b. rhod. rhus. sabad. sabin. samb. seneg. sep. sil. spig. spong. stann. stram. stront. sulph. valer. zne -----with the pain the eyes become smaller: aloe. -----in orbits: acon. aloe. bad. bar-ae bell. calc. camph. carb-an. chin. clem. con. crotal. hydr-ae ign. lach. lil-t. lith. mang. merc-i-fl. nat- ars. nuph. op. paeon, seneg. stront. sulph. tabac. zne ----see also Aching, Forehead, page 78. — photophobia, with: arg-n. glon. ign. k-bi. k-ca. nat-s. stram. sulph. tarent. -----compare with Closing of Eyes. — pupils, dilated, with: acon. bell. laur. morp-ae rheum, verat-v. -----contracted with : bell. laur. sep. sol-n. verat. — redness of, with: arg. arg-n. bell. cinnb. cupr. — sparks before, with : chin-s. coca. eye eugen. lach. phos. psor. sars. spong. viol-od. — spasm of, with : viol-od. — stiff sensation in, with: mag-s. nit- ac. — stinging in, with : puis. — swelling of, with: hyos. lach. rheum. -----sensation as of: meni. _ — twitching of lids, with: coloc. creos. mill, mur-ac. — yellowness of: myrie -----objects appear in a yellow veil: k-bi. HEAD SYMPTOMS. Fever. Face, coldness of, with : rhod. — distorted, with : graph. — erysipelas of, with hammering headache:lach. — heat of, with: acon. agar. aloe. ang. aran-d. arn. asaf. bry. calc. calc-p. cann-s. canth. chin-s. coff. creos. ferr. gels. glon. grat. k-ca. laur. lobel. mag-c. men. nat-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. psor. ran-b. rhus. sabad. sil. stront. sulph. tarax. — numbness of, with : bapt. — pain in, with: acon. agar. ambr. am-m. arg-n. berb. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chel. cina. clem, colch. creos. crotal. dros. euph. evon. graph. hepar. lach. laur. lil-t. lyc. mosch. nat-m. nitr. nx-m. nx-v. osm. petr. phos. puis. rhus. seneg. sil. spig. spong. stront. sulph. tarax. thu. tong. urt-ur. viol-od. — paleness of, with: acon. alum. ambr. canth. chin-s. hell, hydrs. lach. mag-c. phos. spig. valer. verat. zne — redness of, with: acon. ailan. bell. bov. bry. cact. calc. camph. cann-s. canth. coff. creos. ferr. glon. hydrph. ign. indg. indm. ipee k-iod. kalm. lach. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. morp-ae nat-c. nat-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. plb. rhus. sil. spong. stront. sulph. tarax. thu. zne — sweat on, with : glon. mag-c. morp- ae plat. thu. — swelling of, with: acon. ailan. calc. k-bi. lach. — yellowness of, with: lachn. vip- red. Faintness, with: berb. calc. graph. lach. lyc. merc-i-fl. nat-m. nx-v. petr. puis. sil. stram. vip-red. Fear, with: acon. ambr. fluor-ac. glon. stront. tereb. Feet, cold, with: bufo. camph. chro-ae coca. ferr. men. naja. stram. sulph. trios. — heaviness of, with : clem. — pain in, with: sang, stront. -----in toes : fluor-ac. op. — stiffness of, with : trios. — weariness of, with : carb-an. — see also under Limbs. Fever, with: ars. chin-s. ferr. hell. helon. hydrph. indm. lach. phos. rhod. — with evening: led. lobel. — see also Heat. 159 Fingers. CONCOMITANTS OF HEAD SYMPTOMS. Lie Down. Fingers, coldness of, with : hell. — paleness of, with : verat. — pains in, with: calc-p. eye nitr. — — in thumb: indg. — see also under Hand. Flatulency, with : calc-p. carb-v. chin- s. ferr. glon. led. naja. rumx. Forgetfulness, with: calc-ac. caps. chin-s. mezer. sars. Fretfulness, with: k-ca. k-iod. sil. stann. thu. tong. Giddiness, vertigo, etc., with: acon. (cth. agar, ailan. alum. anac. ang. ant-t. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. asar. aur. bar. bell. berb. bism. brom. bry. calc. canth. carb-an. caus. cham. chin. chins, clem. coca. cocc. con. creos. crotal. cupr. eye dig. dios. dulc. euph. ferr. fluor-ac. gels. glon. graph. grat. ham. hell, helon. hepar. hipp. hydr-ae hyos. ign. iris. k-bi. k-cle kalm. lach. lam. laur. lil-t. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. meph. merc. mezer. mur-ae nat-c. nat-m. nice. nitr. nit-ac. nx-j. nx-m. nx-v. ol-an. op. petr. pAos. phyt. podo. prun. psor. puis, ran-b. rheum, rhus. sabad. samb. sang, secale. sep. spig. stann. stram. stront. sulph. tabac. tarax. verat. verb, zne — after headache : merc-s. Glands, pain in cervical, with: am-c. borax, bry. -----parotid : bry. k-bi. sabad. — swelling of cervical: bar. mur-ac. Grimaces, makes: agar. Groaning, moaning, with: ars. bell. sil. Hair, falling out, after repeated attacks of headache: hepar. Hands, with cold : ambr. benz-ac. borax. camph. indm. lact. men, merc. ran-b. stram. — heat of, with : ign. lact. phel. ---- alternately hot and cold: borax. — numbness of, with: hydrph. — pain in, with: calc-p. phos. tarent. — paralyzed feeling in, with : lobel. —- see also under Fingers, Limbs, etc. Heart, anxiety at: plat. — fluttering sensation : form. — pains at: hydrph. jab. lycps. merc- i-r. seneg. sulph. tarent. — palpitation of: acon. alum, ant-t. bufo. clem, hepar. elect, jab. lach. nx-v. spig. -----with each throb of: bufo. cimic glon. ign. 1 — sinking at: arn. — uneasiness at: dig. — violent action of: glon. lycps. Heat, with ; aeth. agar, ailan. alum. ang. arg. arg-n. bism. bov. calc. camph. chin, coral, creos. eye dig. gamb. glon. hepar. hyos. indm. lach. lyc. mag-s. merc. morp-ae nat-m. nat-s. nitr. nx-v. oxal-ae plat. puis. rhus. sang, sulph. tarent. tilia. vip-red. — alternately hot and cold: borax. carb-v. -----of rigor and heat: berb. Humming in head, with : puis. rhus. Hurry. See Impatience. Ill-humor, with : am-c. am-m. anac. bell. bov. calc-p. chin-s. coloc. con. creos. dulc. indm. k-ca. mag-m. merc. nat-m. nice op. paeon, phos. plat. sil. stann. stram. Impatience, with: plat. ptel. rhus-r. zne Indifference, with: nat-ars. op. pulsi tarent. Indolence, with: calc-p. dulc. lact. laur. ph-ac. — see also Apathy. Irritability, with: am-c. am-m. anac. bell. berb. bov. calc-p. chin, coloc. con. creos. dulc. k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lac-can. laur. mag-m. meph. merc. nat-m. nice nx-v. op. phos. plat. sil. stann. thu. tong. Jaws, pain in, with: ang. aral. brom. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. cimic. con. gels. hura. hydrph. k-cle lach. merc- i-fl. mezer. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-v. par. plat, ran-b. stict. sulph. valer. vip. -----in upper : acon. ant-t. chin, creos. k-bi. stront. sulph. thu. -----in lower: ang. arum-t. bar-ae brom. canth. carb-v. dios. hura. indg. lach. mang. nit-ac. oxal-ae par. plat. ran-b. stict. sulph. tarax. — numbness of: hura. — swelling of lower: acon. — tremor of: carb-v. Lay the head on something, must: con. Laughter, inclination to, with : sabad. Lie down, must: alum. am-c. anac. bell. bry. calc. calc-p, chin. con. crotal. euphr. ferr. graph, iod. k-bi. k-ca. lach. lye mag-m. mosch. nat-c. nat- m. nit-ac. nx-v. olnd. op. petr. ph-ac. puis. rhus. sang, sars. selen. sep. sil. stann. sulph. zne. Lie Down. CONCOMITANTS OF HEAD SYMPTOMS. Neck. ----unable to: coloc. ---- compare with Lying, relieves. Limbs, aching in joints, with : erig. — coldness of, with: camph. k-ca. sulph. — cramp in calves : cann-i. — heaviness of, with: carb-v. nit-ac. sabad. sil. — pain in, with: acon. ailan. apoe cact. carb-v. coll. erig. gels. lach. mag-c. sang, sulph. -----in legs: agar. calc. calc-p. cedr. crotal. gymn. k-ca. kalm. mag-c. morp-ae osm. -----in hip-joint: nitr. -----in knee : oxac-ae — trembling of, with: lyc. sulph. — -weakness of, with : ant-c. glon. k- bi. -----of legs: castor, nx-v. — compare Arms, Hands, Feet, etc. Mania, with: cocc. iod. — with fear of: ambr. Memory, lost, with: con. — see Confusion, etc. Mental powers, diminished, with: ailan. aster, aur. bov. cann-i. cann-s. chel. creos. eye glon. hell. hyos. ign. kalm. laur. nx-m. op. prun. rhus. zne -----— loss of thoughts: asar. cocc. creos. Mind, loss of, with: acon. ambr. cocc. mag-c. Menses, too soon, with : carb-v. gent. ol-an. -------and too scanty : alum, nat-m. -------and too profuse : laur. — profuse, with: mag-c. sang. -----and too late: nit-ac. — irregular and watery, with : berb. — see also on page 148. Moaning. See Groaning. Motion, averse to: ph-ac. Mouth, burning of, with: k-iod. — dryness of, with: dios. lyc. naja. puis. -----of lips: cod. indm. nx-v. rhus. ziz. — heat of, with : carb-v. — pain in palate, with : merc. nat-m. -----in gums : daph. — slimy: bell. — swelling of gums, with: hura. — see also Jaws, Teeth, Tongue, etc. Nausea, with: acon. aesc-h. ailan. alum. am-c. ant-c. apis. arg. arg-n. arn. ars. asar. aur. benz-ac. borax, bry. calad. calc. camph. cann-s. caps, carb-v. caus. chin, chin-s. cic. cocc. coloc. con. coral, croc, crotal. dros. dulc. eugen. eup-per. eup-pur. fluor-ac. glon. graph, grat. hepar. ign. ipee. iris. k-bi. k-ca. lac-can. lach. lye mag-c. meph. merc. mosch. nat-c. nat- m. nit-ac. nx-v. petr. phos. phyt. plat. puis, ran-b. rhus. ruta. sang. sars. seneg. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. stront. sulph. tabac. tarax. therid. verat. zne etc. -----headache aggr. while nausea lasted: petr. — with inclination to vomit: alum. arg. ars. benz-ac. calc. camph. cocc. con. grat. ign. indg. sep. tabac, etc. -----see also Eructation. — with vomiting: aeth. agn. apis. arg-n. arn. bar-m. bry. cadm. caps. caus. chin. cimx. cocc. coloc. con. creos. croton. dulc. eugen. ferr. glon. graph, ipee iris. jatr. k-bi. k-ca. lach. mezer. mosch. nat-m. nit-ac. nx-m. nx-v. op. phos. plat. puis, rhus- r. sang. sars. sep. sil. spig. stann. stram. tabac. verat. verat-v. vip. zne -------of bile: arg-n. aur. croton. iris. sang, zne ziz. -------sour : apis. nx-v. op. sars. -------yellow-green mucus : verat. -------yellow bitter mucus: form. glon. Neck, numbness of: spig. — pain in, with: acon. ailan. alum. anac. arg-n. arn. asar. bar. bell. borax, bry. bufo. calc-p. cann-i. cann- s. canth. carb-v. caus. chel. chin. clem. con. elaps. euph. fago. gal-ae gels. glon. graph, hura. hydr-ae hydrph. hyos. jae k-ca. k-iod. kalm. lach. laur. lepi. lil-t. lyc. mane mag- e mag-s. merc. merc-i-fl. mosch. myrie peti. plb. ptel. nat-m. ran-b. rhus-r. sars. serp. sulph. spong. tep. ziz. — — in nape of, with : aeth. alum. ambr. am-e anac. asar. bar. bell. berb. borax, bry. cann-s. carb-an. carb-v. caus. chel. cinnb. clem. cocc. con. corn, croton. glon. graph, hell. •hyos. hydr-ae iod. ipee k-ca. kalm. lil-t. lye mag-c. merc. mezer. mosch. mur-ac. nat-c. nat-m. nitr. op. pa-on. plect. plb. puis, ran-b. rhus-r. sabin. sars. sil. spong. sulph. tarax. tarent. trios, verat. 161 Neck. CONCOMITANTS OF HEAD SYMPTOMS. Spleen. ------when raising the head: senna. — stiffness of, with : am-c. ant-c. arg. bar. calc. caus. crotal. eye glon. graph, k-ca. lach. mag-c. merc-i-fl. mur-ac. nat-c. nitr. ph-ac. sang. sep. spig. tarent. verat. — strangulation, feeling o£: glon. — weariness of, with feeling of: fago. Noise, sensitive to : calc. k-bi. — see also page 149. Nose, heat of, with: conv. — itching in, with: ferr. — pain in, with: acon. agar, ant-t. bism. calc. camph. cic. colch. corn. croc. glon. guiae hell. ign. lach. lyc. merc. merc-i-fl. merc-i-r. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nit-ac. nitr. nx-v. op. phos. ph-ac. plat, ran-b. squil. stann. viol-od. -------as if it would bleed: tarent. -----forehead and nose: agar. bism. brom. croc, colch. dulc. ferr. glon. hipp. ign. k-iod. kiss. lach. lachn. lyc. merc-i-fl. mezer. mosch. nat-c. nitr. nx-j. op. phos. ph-ac. pip-m. plat, ran-b. squil. sulph. tarent. thu. -------compare root of nose, under Forehead, page 79. — stopped, with: acon. bov. chel. chin. grat. indm. k-bi. k-ca. nitr. sulph. ----see also Coryza, Catarrhal, etc. Numbness of head and face: bapt. Olfactory nerves,with sensitiveness of: phos. Pains all over body, with : op. — in other parts : lyc. — in bones: lac-ac. — gouty pains: sulph. — rheumatic and stiffness: sang. — soreness of body : bad. — see also Arms, Hands, Limbs, etc. Perspiration, with: ant-e apis. arg. arn. ars. canth. caus. chin-s. glon. hyos. lachn. lyc. mag-s. nat-s. nitr. op. oxal-ae plat. puis, tarent. — cold: graph. — on face : mag-c. plat. thu. — on head : acon. — on forehead, warm: glon. -------cold: verat. — precedes the headache: ferr. — see also Sweat, page 154. Pulse, contracted, with : bism. — hard, with: aster, lach. — quick: asar. chin-s. glon. laur. phos. — slow: canth. chin-s. laur. lyc. phys. sol-n. — weak : ars. peti. vip-red. Pyrosis, with: am-c. lach. op. Respiration, difficult, with : ailan. ars. cact. carb-ac. carb-v. con. crotal. dulc. jab. lact. nit-ac. nitr. sep. — with disease of respiratory organs: lact. — see also under Chest, Heart, etc. Restlessness, with: anac. arg-n. ars. bell. bry. cadm. calad. camph. cham. chin, coral, eye daph. dulc. gent. hydrph. ign. indm. k-iod. lach. lyc. meni. morp-ae naja. nitr. nx-m. par. prun. ran-b. ruta. sil. tarent. vip-red. — with impulse to run hither and thither: ars. coloc. Retching. See Eructation, Nausea, etc. Sadness. See Depression. Saliva, increased, with : ant-c. cinnb. hipp. indm. k-bi. op. phos. sep. verat. — bloody, with: mag-c. Shoulders, pain in, with: bry. chin. cupr. fluor-ac. gels, ipee kalm. lach. lac-can. nitr. -----joint, right side: lach. -----extends to : bry. gels. glon. graph. ipee kalm. podo. Shuddering, with: berb. evon. hell. lach. mag-s. mezer. nx-v. puis. sil. thu. Sing, inclined to : nat-m. Sleepiness, with: acon. aesc-h. agar. ailan. ars. asar. brue camph. cham. chin-s. con. corn, creos. equ. gels. gins. grat. hipp. hydrs. ign. indg. indm. ipee lach. laur. lobel. merc-i-r. mur-ac. myrie nat-s. nitr. nx-j. nx-m. op. phos. puis, ran-b. stann. stront. sul-ac. tanae vip-red. zne Sleeplessness, with : acon. am-c. bufo. caus. chin. coca. corn, creos. elaps. gent. lyc. merc-i-r. naja. nit-ac. ol- an. par. rhus-r. verat. Sneezing, with: arg-n. arn. gels, k-iod. lach. sulph. — ineffectual attempts: zne Solitude, with desire for: ant-c. Spasms, with : petr. stram. verat. vip. Speech, hurried, with : lach. Spleen, pain in, with : borax. Staring. CONCOMITANTS OF HEAD SYMPTOMS. Yawning. Staring, with: spig. Stomach, burning in : jatr. sang. — pain in: aesc-h. am-c. apis. arg. ars. benz-ac. case clem. cob. dulc. ferr. glon.. ham. lith. lyc. mang. naja. phyt. rhus-r. sang, sulph. verat. -----at pit of: arg. — see also under Abdomen. — empty sensation in: ham. sang. tax. — deranged. See Nausea. Stool, with urging to : cob. coca, coloc. con. — see also Diarrhoea. Stupefaction, with: aeth. agar, ant-t. arn. carb-v. chin-s. cina. con. eye glon. hydrs. k-bi. lyc. mag-c. morp- ae mosch. nat-m. nx-m. op. phos. ph-ac. sabin. sil. tarax. Sweat. See Perspiration. Taciturnity, with: ant-c. arg-n. con. rhus-r. thu. Taenia: sabad. Taste, altered, with: ailan. calc-p. eye lach. morp-ae op. tarent. — bitter : creos. morp-ae tarent. Teeth, chattering of, with: cadm. carb-v. — clinching of: arg-n. crotal. — grating of: stram. — pain in, with: arg-n. bell, borax. brom. bry. calc. canth. carb-v. castor. caus. coloc. con. creos. croc, crotal. eye dig. euphr. fluor-ac. glon. graph, hura. ign. indm. iod. k-bi. kalm. lach. lachn. laur. lil-t. lobel. lyc. mag-c. mere mezer. mosch. nat- e nat-m. nit-ac. petr. prun. psor. puis. rhus. sabad. sang. sars. sep. stram. sulph. tong. verb, zne Thinking, averse to: ailan. equ. phyt. rhus-r. tep. — is difficult: men. Thirst, with: agar. arn. cadm. cham. chin, chin-s. cupr. eye eugen. hipp. indm. lach. led. lyc. mang. nat-c. nice plat, ran-sc. rhus. stram. tarent. thu. viol-t. vip-red. Throat, burning in, with: carb-ae k- iod.lye -----in oesophagus: der. — choking sensation : ferr. — constriction : cadm. lac-ac. uran. — dysphagia: nitr. — dryness : agar, cimic. coca. naja. plat, stram. — pain in, with: calc-p. croc. jab. lac- ac. merc-i-r. nitr. osm. plat, tarent. verat. — soreness in: agar. podo. stram. tarent. — tearing in : graph. — tickling in: sang. Tobacco, with aversion to : op. Tongue, biting the: agar. — dryness of: nat-m. tarent. -----and slimy: calc. — pain in : ipee — paralyzed: lach. Tremor, trembling: acon. agn. arg-n. borax, calc. camph. carb-v. chin-s. lact. lyc. op. petr. sars. sep. sulph. tarent. Unconsciousness, with: acon. ambr. arg-n. arn. aur. bell, carb-v. cocc. eye glon. k-ca. laur. mag-c. mang. mosch. nat-m. nx-v. petr. prun. puis. rhus. sabin. sil. stram. tarax. Urine, with increased discharge of: acon. canth. cinnb. eugen. gels. glon. iris, ol-an. selen. uran. verat. vip-red. -----passes off with profuse discharge of pale urine: gels. ign. Vertigo. See Giddiness. Voice, feeble : nat-c. nx-v. — difficulty in speaking, with: acon. ph-ac. plat. — hoarse: osm. — low voice : bell. — slow speech: cann-i. Vomiting. See under Nausea. Weakness, with: agar. alum, ant-c. arn. ars. bov. chin, chin-s. creos. cupr-ae eye glon. grat. hydrs. hydr- ae hyos. iod. iris, lil-t. lobel. mag- na, nat-m. nitr. nx-v. ol-an. phos. psor. ran-b. rhus-r. sil. sulph. tarent. — followed by : lyc. Weariness, with: agar. arn. bell. berb. chin-s. coca, creos. glon. indg. indm. k-ca. lil-t. naja. nat-m. phos. Weep, disposition to, with : ars. carb-v. coloc. cop. creos. ferr. phos. plat. puis. ran-b. sep. — see also Cries, Groaning. Work, with aversion to: camph. coff. coloc. dig. phos. sep. — with inclination for: aloe. Wrinkling of forehead, with: grat. sulph. viol-od. Y"awning, with: am-c. chin-s. eye ol- an. staph, sulph. zne 163 --% mm YmkSp