REPORT ON THE Clink far ^imm td Cjnlken, HELD IN THE NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE, SESSION 1860-61. WITH ESSAYS ON SOME OF THE MORE IMPORTANT POINTS OF INFANTILE THERAPEUTICS. By A. JACOBI, M.D., PROFESSOR OF INFANTILE PATHOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. NEW YORK: HALL, CLAYTON & CO., PRINTERS, 46 PINE STREET. 1861. [From the American Medical Monthly for June, 1861.] 1. REPORT. When, in the autumn of 1860, the Faculty of the New York Med- ical College was reorganized, it was thought proper to teach several branches of medical science separately. Infantile pathology and ther- apeutics was determined upon to form a distinct part of medical in- struction, and a special chair was established for that purpose. The large number of infantile patients in general practice, the difficulty of diagnosticating their diseases, the importance of physical diagnosis and close observation applied to their ailments, the modification of physiolog- ical, and therefore pathological actions and symptoms, in early life, the care necessary in selecting the remedies and determining their doses in diseases of infancy and childhood, the occurrence of a number of dis- eases exclusively, or almost so, peculiar to early life, appeared to ren- der this course exceedingly proper. As a special study of infantile diseases has been generally acknowledged to be a necessity, the pro- fession, in my opinion, has the right of, as well as interest in, knowing in what manner and to what extent the proposed aim has been reached. The following report will show that the poor of this city and neigh- boring places have not been slow in recognizing the help offered them. A large number of neglected or obstinate cases were brought to the new institution, some from great distances, to be relieved or cured, and a number of others that had been given up as hopeless were presented for the purpose of obtaining a final opinion. Thus the students of the college have had the opportunity of seeing infantile diseases to a con- siderable extent; the more so, as particular care was taken to accus- tom them to diagnosis and selection of remedies. Every single case that was presented in the two clinical hours a week, was given in charge of a member of the advanced class, who had to examine, re- port, and prescribe, before any remarks were made by the teacher. Then, at last, the case was commented upon for its own merits, by comparison with general experience, and with reference to the theoret- 4 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OP CHILDREN. ical lectures; thus affording, if not a universal knowledge of every disease, the meaus of learning and exercising a universal scientific method. I am pleased to say that the attention and regular attend- ance of the class, and their eagerness to visit a number of patients at their homes, have afforded abundant proof of their appreciation of the opportunities offered. I intend in this paper to pass in review the cases presented as brief- ly as possible. Such remarks as had to be made during the course, I expect to condense and treat of separately at the end of this report. I intend by this means to express in separate articles my opinions as given in a number of clinical lectures, particularly on subjects concern- ing therapeutics; selecting, for instance, the use of depletion, mercurials, anti-febriles, narcotics, etc, in diseases of the infantile age. Thus I hope both to serve my pupils and to elicit the always welcome criti- cism of the medical profession. Of the reported cases, all such as either terminated fatally or were not watched to their final recovery, will be mentioned; those in which no report to the contrary is given, got well, or were improved. 1. Solomon M., aet. 2 years. Lobular pneumonia of left upper lobe, after measles. Percussion dull over left upper lobe, anteriorly, mucous rales on the same side; respiration more or less vesicular on right side. The exudation absorbing, and the child being anaemic and with a frequent and small pulse from no local acute disease, the treatment consisted of sulph. cinch., 9j; div. in p. iii., a powder every morning, and nutritious diet. The same treatment was continued for three more days, and followed by syr. iodid. of iron, ten drops three times a day, in a tea-spoonful of ol. morrh. No new exudation took place in the lungs, and the child recovered in about a month. 2. Catharine K., aet. 6 years. Anamia; excoriations at the introi- tus vagina?. Is reported to have, in regular monthly intervals, a copi- ous leucorrhoeal discharge for several days. Ordered to return at the time of the next discharge, and meanwhile to take pulv. ferri., gr. j., three times a day. Was presented after a fortnight, and reported no better. The same sallow, cedematous appearance, the same listlessness; none of her discharges. The same treatment continued, as was the recommendation of nutritious diet, fresh air and cold water, the want of which is deemed the only cause of the patient's anemic condition. She looked decidedly better a fortnight afterwards, was stronger and more lively, and had a good appetite. No discharge. All the out- ward symptoms had disappeared eight weeks after her being present- ed for the first time. CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 5 3. William H. T., aet. 1 year, 4 months. Scrofulous diathesis from birth. Stomatitis, pneumonia left upper and right middle lobes, anterior- ly. Enlargement of liver. Father is believed to have been syphilitic. Both parents dead. Child lives in bad circumstances, and looks emaciated and poor. No muscular power, no fat. Extreme dyspnoea. Respiration hurried; meteorismus; external veins of thorax, abdomen and head very much injected. Dull percussion sound anteriorly over left upper and middle right lobes; mucous rales all over both lungs. •Submaxillary and cervical glands swelled; some suppurating. Pulse, 120; respiration, 60. Treatment: Fresh air, beef and milk. R.—Sulph. cinch., 9j., div. in p. iii. D. S.: A powder every morning. Presented in about the same condition, after a week; part of the remedy not yet taken, as the druggist had told the attendant it was enough to kill two grown men. The same treatment again ordered. After three days the symptoms less severe; hepatization still in left upper lobe. Smaller doses of cinch, given; the child continued to get better until a new fever set in about a week afterwards. No new physical symp- toms found, but as the pulse was again 144, and respiration 44, and a new attack of pneumonia dreaded, R.—Hydrarg. submur., oxysulph. an- timon., aa. gr. vj., div. in p. aeq. xii. D. S.: a powder every two hours. At the same time a daily dose of sulph. cinch., gr. vj.|, and recom- mended to go to the country. Patient presented after four weeks, well, hearty, and stout. No pulmonary or hepatic symptoms; ulcera- tions around the neck closing; appetite good. Nobody able to recog- nize our former patient. 01. morrhuae. 4. Wolf St., aet. 7 months. Ulcerations of the folds of the neck, with much loss of substance, and erythema around anus; resulting from uncleanliness and# the free external use of starch-powder, which is the most frequent cause of simple erythema to be transform- ed into deep offensive ulcerations. Treatment: cold water instead of starch-powder; application to the ulcerations of R.—Sulph. cupri., 9j., aq. §viii. When presented after four days, the erythema round the anus was nearly gone, and the sores granulating and filling up rapid- ly. Perfect recovery after some weeks. 5. Elizabeth L., aet. 14 weeks. Syphilis hereditaria, roseola syphilit- ica, rhagadesani et oris, ecthyma syphiliticum. The mother has been syph- ilitic for four years, and is still under treatment. Roseolous eruption visible for the last fortnight, of pink color, round, irregular, confluent, from the scapulae down to the lower extremities. Five or six ecthy- ma pustules on back and abdomen. Superficial rhagades of both an- gles of the mouth; deep ones round the anus. Treatment: submuriat. 6 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. hydrarg., gr. \, three times a day; no external applications. A week afterwards the eruption commenced getting paler. The same treat- ment was continued for about ten weeks, the child gaining flesh and strength from week to week. About the end of this period the child contracted on three spots of the occiput, tinea favosa, the favus fungi appearing in large number under the microscope, and required some seven or eight cauterizations with either concentrated acetic acid, or nitrate of silver. 6—1. Two sons of the same mother, boru before she was syphilitic, aet. 4 and 15 years. Scrofula. Enlargement of the submaxillary glands, upper lip, nose, belly, etc. 01. morrh., A table-spoonful three times a day. 8. Jane K., aet. 6 weeks. Frenulum oblongalum, to such an extent as to embarrass nursing. Treatment: incision. 9. Harry D., aet. 3 years, 6 months. Bronchitis, general, and with high fever. Oxysulph. antim., gr. ii., pulv. h. digital, gr.j., every two hours; 12 doses. 10. Jane D., aet. 9 months, sister of 9. Bronchitis, with the same symptoms. Oxysulph. antim, pulv. h. digital., aa., gr. ss., every two hours; 12 doses. Both were reported to be better three days after- wards. Then took oxysulph. antim. alone every three hours, and were brought back four days later, recovered. 11. Fred. D, aet. 10 months. Catarrhus intestinalis. Submur. hydrarg., gr vj., pulv. Doveri, gr. iv., cret. praepar., 3ss., div. in p. aeq., No. xii. A powder every two hours. 12. Catharine W., aet. 6 years. Pneumonia, left upper lobe, ante- riorly and posteriorly. Pharyngitis; sloughing of tonsils; foul breath; small glandular swellings around the neck. The girl had measles five months ago, and has been coughing ever since. Respiratory mur- mur tolerably normal over right lung; no dull percussion sound; oc- casionally a mucous rale. Lower lobe of left lung equally normal; over the upper lobe, left lung, dull percussion sound, and mucous rales in the bronchi; little action of the inspiratory muscles. As the hep- atization appeared to be in a process of absorption, it was deemed advisable to leave it to itself and attend to the pharyngeal affection. The deep ulcerations on the tonsils, and the glandular swellings around the neck, small though they are now, arouse the suspicion of a diph- theritic affection having been present. Treatment: chlorat. potass., §ss., aq. §vj., i table-spoonful to be taken every two hours. Patient got better under this treatment; continued for a week, with nutritious diet. Took afterwards, for a week, tinct. muriat. ferri, 12 drops every CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 7 four hours. Was presented again ten days later, three days after stopping taking medicine, with gastro-intestinal catarrh, apparently from indigestion. At this time no symptoms of pneumonia left. 13. Patrick McC, aet. 11 years. Conjunctivitis trachomatosa. Treatment: Solid, sulph. cupri, twice a week. 14. William S., aet. 1 year, 7 months. Catarrhus intestinalis. Mild case. Tinct. opii camphor., gtt. x., every two hours. 15. Henry Y., aet. 11 years, 6 months. Tuberculosis, left upper lobe, anteriorly. Left subclavicular region sunk; dull percussion sound; respiratory murmur diminished; no mucous rales. Respiratory murmur increased on the opposite side. Patient emaciated and pale, thorax narrow. History very defective. No feverish disease known, but is reported to have coughed for the last six weeks only (1) Pa- rents dead; father had consumption. Treatment: 01. morrh. §j. daily. Gymnastic exercise, to enlarge the thorax and extend the lungs. 16. Lena M., aet. 1 year, 3 months. Arterial navus on the fore- head, half a square inch in size. By means of a small brush, the fol- lowing cautery: R.—Hydrarg. bichloride 5j., collodii, §j., was ap- plied on October 2d, 5th, and 12th, with perfect success. 17. John M., aet. 4 years, 6 months. Catarrhus laryngeus et bron- chialis. Croupy cough; mucous rales all over the thorax; moderate dyspnoea; coughing paroxysms iu the night. As an expectorant, the following mixture was given: R.—Muriat. amnion., extr. glycyrrh. aa., 3iij., aq. §vj., M. D. S., \ table-spoonful every two hours. Besides, tinct. opii camph., \ tea-spoonful, was ordered to be taken every night Reported to be well the following week. 18. F. N., aet. 1 year, 6 months. Conjunctivitis scrofulosa, pannus cornece of the left eye. The boy is decidedly scrofulous; has glandular swellings around his neck, and is reported to have suffered from dis- charges from the nostrils and left external ear. 01. morrh. internally acetat, morph. in substance applied to the eye. The same treatment, although sometimes interrupted, was followed for several months, the more so as exudation took place on the right cornea also. Intercur- ring acute swellings of glands in front of the left ear were successfully treated with tinct. iod. externally. Another attack of external otitis, with copious and offensive discharge, was gradually diminished by injections of acid, tannic, 3iss., aq. §vi., and the system generally im- proved by generous diet and the continued use of ol. morrh. §ss. daily, and syr. iodid. ferri, 6-8 drops three times a day. 19. G. A. C, aet. 1 year, 6 months. Eczema diffusum. Eczematous 8 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. eruptions in every state of development on several parts of the body; some being scarcely perceptible; some larger vesicles filled with a clear, transparent liquid; some with thick purulent matter; some dried up, and forming a thick, hard scab. Treatment: Bathing in soap and water twice a day. R.—Pulv. rad. rhei, gr. xviii.; oxysulphuret. antimon., gr. vi. Div. in p. aeq. No. xii. D. S.: Two powders daily. 20. Lewis K., aet. 2 years, 9 months. Imbecillitas. The boy is re- ported to have been well developed up to his eleventh month, when he commenced walking. After this time he suffered from numer- ous attacks of convulsions, 12-20 a day, for a protracted period. What muscular action of the locomotive organs he had before he then lost, until he was nearly two years old. About this time he com- menced again to walk, but is unable to speak. His head is pretty small in circumference, forehead low, eyes small, occiput proportionally large. The cranium feels very hard and solid to the touch, and over the region of the large fontanel no local impression, but a general depression of the surface is perceptible. The mother, who has bred children before this one, states that the pulsations in the fontanel have never been perceptible. The case, then, is considered as one of idiocy, resulting from premature ossification of the sutures and fon- tanels of the cranium, and given up, from a medical point of view, as hopeless, the prognosis being highly unfavorable; for either the child will remain idiotic for life, or will perish from any feverish dis- ease that may occur. The cranial abnormity, in its bearings on the mental condition of the child, looks very much like the case reported by Sehutzenberger, in which the disease lasted about four years, before the continually increasing compression of the hard, compact, and eburneated cranium succeeded in effecting the death of the patient, who had endured all his life frequently repeated faintings, a long series of epileptic and tetanic attacks, abnormal irritability, meutal weakness, and, at last, idiocy. Or like the cases reported by Baillarger, who observed three microcephalic idiots whom their mothers reported to have been born with their skulls perfectly closed and solid. Two other of her chil- dren, who were well developed, both 'physically and mentally, had their large fontanel open for a long while after birth. Similar facts he learned from another woman, who was mother of one microcephalic idiot, and of some other children of normal development. Yrolik knew an idiotic boy of seven years whose cranial sutures had entirely disappeared. Cruveilhier relates the case of an idiotic child of eigh- teen months, without any discernible sutures. Thus the human era- CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 9 nium, without any, or with prematurely closed sutures, is very much like that of animals, of which class a few varieties of apes are the only ones who have for a short while after birth small and rapidly ossifying fontanels. For this very reason Baillarger compares micro- cephalic idiots to animals, both from an anatomical and pathological point of view. Gratiolet does not even stop here, but asserts that there is a direct relation between the earlier or later ossification of the sutures, in the different races and types of mankind, and the height of their intellectual capacities. He states that the cranial sutures close later in Caucasians than in Negroes, and particularly that the coronal suture ossifies early in Negroes, late in Caucasians. Far this raason a proportionally late ossification of the coronal suture seems, cmfis paribus, to be favorable to intellectual development. The high'forehead also of the Caucasian, and the low one of the Ne- gro type, are evidently depending on this physiological fact, although it may be 'stated that the synostosis of the sutures is not the only cause of cranial difference in the races; the various characters of the crania, as they are found in different types, being partially formed before the synostosis of the sutures is complete.* Besides the probability of this boy remaining idiotic for life, there is another possibility. I have found that, although premature ossifi- cation of the fontanel and sutures need not of itself absolutely and al- ways produce congestion of the brain or its membranes, which often is the final cause of death in such cases, every child whose fontanel "and cranial junctures have been prematurely closed, and who falls sick with symptoms of cerebral irritation or depression, is predestined to certain death. Condie, too, states that when the growth of the crani- um ceases, while that of the brain continues, the morbid phenomena resulting from the compression of the brain, which invariably results, jnay certainly be to a certain extent abated, the comfort of the patient increased, and life prolonged by a proper hygienic course of treatment; but all hopes of effecting a cure must be abandoned. And I have fur- ther found, and proved by a number of cases of pneumonia, intermittent fever, etc., that in all cases of children, whose cranial junctures are prematurely ossified, any acute or febrile disease invading the system, Blight though the acute intercurring affection may be, offers a most * On the Etiological and Prognostic Importance of the Premature Closure of the Fontanels and Sutures of the Infantile Cranium, in JVew York Journal of Medicine, January, 1858, and in Noeggerath and Jacobi's Contributions to Mid- wifery and Diseases of Women and Children: New York, 1859. 10 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. unfavorable prognosis. Thus, in our case, we scarcely know what prog- nosis is to be preferred, idiotism for life, or an early death. 21. William T. Ulceration at the point of insertion of the frenulum of the tongue, probably resulting from previous aphthae. Repeated cauterizations with the solid nit. argent, proved satisfactory. 22. Charles S., aet. 1 year. Syphilis hereditaria, roseola syphilitica, rhagades am. The father appears to have been, or is still, syph- ilitic; at least the mother impugns him with being the cause of the child's illness. The boy was under medical treatment a number of months ago, with apparently good result. But he again lost flesh, strength, and appetite, and showed the former symptoms, which the mother reports to have been of the same character as these. The treatment consisted of submur. hydrarg. gr. \ three times a day, for two months; that is, three weeks after all the secondary symptoms had disappeared. For a number of days the child suffered, in the mean time, from bronchial catarrh, independent of his specific disease, and then only the usual formula was changed for: R.— Submuriat. hydrarg., gr. iii.; oxysulph. antimon., gr. xvi.; sacch. alb., 9ij.; div. in p. aeq. No. xvj. D. S.: 3 powders daily. 23. John D., aet. 7 years. Catarrhus Intestinalis. The diarrhoea having lasted for some time already, and the abdomen generally ap- pearing to be a little painful to the touch, we considered the case as one of consecutive irritation, rather than of real anatomical disturb- ance. Two drops of laudanum given every three or four hours, proved sufficient to restore the boy to his general well-feeling, and to remove the serous secretion that still continued. 24. Raphael B., aet. 4 months. Hydrencephaloid. The boy has been suffering from a severe intestinal catarrh for a month, and is perfectly exhausted and emaciated. Extremities cold; head very hot; external veins o/ the cranium congested; large fontanel elevated, ex- tended, and pulsating; scalp wet with perspiration; conjunctivae in- jected; pupils contracted; the child moauing constantly; respiration hurried; pulse 140. Evidently the anaemia of the cerebral substance resulting from the general condition, had given way, ex vacuo, to hy- peraemia, threatening exudation. Treatment: Generous diet; ice to the head; extremities to be kept warm; sulph. cinch., gr. i., acid tan- nic, gr. ss., four times a day. Injections with brandy into the rectum ordered after the temperature of the head had become diminished. The boy was presented several times during the next fortnight; de- cidedly not worse; the temperature of head and extremities more CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 11 equal; excretions more normal, but was finally lost sight of. Deple- tion or any enfeebling remedial agent or method was carefully avoided. 25. Caroline I., aet. 5 months. Catarrhus Bronchialis. Is reported to have suffered from more dyspnoea and fever than when presented. No pulmonary infiltration; mucous rales only. No treatment. Re- ported to be well after seven days. 26. Julius D., aet. 2 years. Pneumonia Bilateralis. Dull percus- sion sound, and bronchial respiration in the subclavicular region, right side; subcrepitant rale over left lung, inferior lobe, posteriorly. Great dyspnoea; pulse 154; temperature of head high; child has vomited twice. Treatment: R.—Tinct. digitalis, 3iii.; Syr. ipecac, 3'j. M. D. S., 20 drops every two hours. Three days afterwards, dull percus- sion sound still over both the affected lobes; mucous rales in the right lung. Syr. ipec. alone. 27. Eliza T., aet. 7 months. Broncho-Pneumonia, upper lobe, left lung. The greater part of the lung hepatized; mucous rales heard on several places; fever pretty high still, therefore it is thought proper to combine an anti-febrile with an expectorant. R.—Pulv. herb, digital., gr. xii.; acid, benzoic, gr. viii.; sacch. alb., 9j. Div. in p. aeq. xvj. A powder every two hours. Was not brought in before three weeks, when there was no fever nor dyspnoea, but dull percussion sound to some extent, and mucous rales. R.—Oxysulph. antimon., gr. viii.; sacch. alb., E)ij. Div. in p. aeq. No. xvi. 28. William M., aet. 6 years. Pleuritic Exudation and Spleniza- Hon of the left lung, upper lobe. Has suffered from measles nine months ago, since then from otorrhcea aud cough. No accurate history. Percussion and auscultation show normal results over the right lung and inferior lobe of the left, with the exception of the respiratory murmur on the right side being unusually puerile. Percussion sound over the diseased part exceedingly flat; respiratory murmur much di- minished. Treatment: Gymnastics and cod-liver oil. Proper diet. 29. Isabella N., aet. 1 year and 6 months. Contusion of Shoulder- Joint. R.—01. Camphor. 30. John H., aet. 1 year and 6 months. Pneumonia Chronica of the right lung, upper lobe, Hypertrophia Hepatis. Has suffered from diarrhoea and cough for five months; is very much emaciated, and un- able to stand ou his feet. Limbs very thin; cheeks sunk; dyspnoea moderate; abdominal; abdomen enlarged; veins on thorax and ab- domen much injected. Dull percussion sound in the subclavicular re- gion, right side, and over the hepatic region up to the fourth rib, over the sternum, up to the heart. Treatment: Generous diet, cool air. 12 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Sulph. cinch., gr. v., every morning; Syrup, iodid. ferri, gtt. viii., three times a day, in a tea-spoonful of cod-liver oil. This treatment was continued for two months, (with the exception of cinch., which was given in but six doses,) until both physical symptoms and external appear- ance proved the boy to be well. 31. Henry H., aet. 9 months. Pneumonia of right lung, upper lobe. Hepatization; constipation. R.—Syr. Scillae compos., 8 drops, every two hours. 32. John V., aet. 6 years. Pneumonia of left lung, upper lobe. Subcrepitant rale; slight dullness; high fever; vomiting; moderate pain over the affected part. R.—Tinct. rad. aconiti, gtt. vj. every two hours. Was not presented before a week; the morbid process not changed as to place, but character; hepatization fully developed. Loss of appetite and strength perfect; pulse 136, small; respiration 36. Treatment: Wine, beef. R.—Sulph. cinch., gr. xv., div. in p. aeq. No. ii. D. S.: A powder every morning. At the same time: R.— Acid, benzoic, 3ss.; Sacch. alb., 3jss. Div. in p. aeq. No. xxiv. D. S.: A powder every two hours. After three days, the general condition improved, absorption commencing in the hepatized tissue. The case then was left alone, with nutritious diet, and did well. 33. Ann B., aet. 8 months. Catarrhus Gastricus, from injurious food. Vomiting, furred tongue, foul breath. Occasionally an acid passage. No particular fever. R.—Bicarbon. sod., 5jss.; Aq. §iii. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful every two hours. 34. Rachel B , aet. 2 years. Diphtherilis vaginalis. Diphtheritic membranes over the whole vaginal surface, ulcerated appearance of the tonsils, as if exudations had been already thrown off. Treatment: Liq. ferr. chloridi, gtt. viii. every 3 hours; local application of a satu- rated solution ofchlorat. potass, in water, (1:16.) 35. James L. R., aet. 1 year and 1 month. (Edema pedum ex anae- mia. The boy looks extremely anaemic, emaciated, and oedematous at the same time. Had scarlatina three months ago. Afterwards suffered for six weeks from an exceedingly severe diarrhoea and vomiting. Diagnosis: Hydrops ex scarlatina. Under this impression, the boy was ordered to take, besides nutritious food, tannic acid, gr. ii. 3 times a day. After three days worse. Meanwhile the urine had been examined, and was found to contain neither albumen, nor blood, nor casts. The diagnosis was then changed as above: R.—Ferri pulv. Bj.; pulv. Doveri, gr. vj.; sacch. alb , 9ij. M.—Div. iu p. aeq. No. xx. D. S.: 3 powders a day. No decided improvement took place before three weeks, the cedematous swelling meanwhile increasing. CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 13 36. R. K., aet. 8 months. Pneumonia of left lung, lower lobe; hepatization; absorption commencing. R.—Oxysulph. antimon., gr. viii.; Sacch. alb., 9'ii., m. f. pulv. Div. in p. aeq., No. xvi. D. S.: A powder every two hours. 37. R. T. H., aet. 11 years. Febris Intermittens Quotidiana. At- tacks daily, although intermittent fever at this age will more frequently show the tertian type of adult age. No enlargement of spleen or liver. General health good. R.—Sulph. cinch., gr. x. two hours before the next attack. Reported well a week afterwards. The same dose ordered once more. 38. Mary K., aet. 5 months. Eczema Capitis et Faciei. Scalp and face* partially covered with thick scabs; purulent matter contained in a number of pustules; a transparent liquid in others just formed. This case shows exceedingly well the absence of any intrinsic differ- ence between eczema and impetigo, the vesicles being evidently, by a gradual change taking place in their contents, transformed into pus- tules. The child has suffered from diarrhoea for two months, and is still pale, and fontanels a little sunk. Therefore, in this case, some care is taken not to suppress the secretion at the scalp suddenly. As a general rule, in very young children, an eruption complicated with a large amount of secretion going on for some length of time, especially on the scalp, must not be suppressed at once, although its cautious re- moval will not bring on the dangers attributed to it by the public prejudice. Treatment: R.—Liq. potass, canst., 3ii.; 01. morrh., §ii. To be applied twice a day over one-half of the diseased surface. The scabs were mostly removed after a week, when application of Goulard's wash was resorted to, and the same proceeding commenced with on the remaining half. Some eruption and secretion took place a number of weeks afterwards, as it will generally do at this age; but it was treated in the same manner, and never reached any considerable ex- tent. 39. James R., aet. 1 year and 5 months. Erythema et ulcera colli. Deep ulcerations in the folds of the neck, the result of carefully ab- staining from Croton water, and adding " powder " and sweet oil to a simple erythema. Treatment: Croton water, and R.—Argent, nitrat., gr. v., adipis suilli, 3j.; M. f. ung., to be applied three times a day. Wounds granulating well after a week. Then local applications of R.—Sulph. cupri., 9j.; aq., gviii. 40. Robert D., aet. 1 year and 11 months. Strabismus convergens, left eye. Operation recommended. 41. Caroline C, aet. 1 year and 6 months. Catarrhus Vagina. 14 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Purulent secretion from the vagina for several weeks, from unknown cause. No dysuria. Erythema on and around the perineum. Aq. plumb, externally. 42. Thomas M., aet. 2 years. Pharyngitis. Adenitis snbmaxillaris. Tonsils swelled, the mucous membrane of the velum palati and the posterior wall of the fauces injected; submaxillary glands tumefied; pulse 110. No membranes found. R.—Chlorat. potass., 3ij; aq., §iv. M. D. S., half a table-spoonful every two hours. 43. John S., aet. 4 years. Ulcera colli. Ulceration of the left side of the neck, of the size of a square inch. Has been observed for five weeks past, and appears, according to the relation of the mother, to be the result of neglected furuncles. Treatment: R.—Sulph. enpri., gr. xv.; aq., §v. D. S., for external use. Granulations exhibited themselves very soon, and the sore was healed up in about a fortnight. 44. M. K., aet. 5 years. Bronchitis. Fever already less, mucous rales commencing to be audible. R.—Oxysulphur. antimon., gr. viij.; sacch. alb., 9ij. M. f. pulv. div. in p. aeq., No. xvj. D. S., a powder every two hours. 45. Jane K., aet. 3 years. Eczema Capitis, Faciei et Colli. Ec- zematous eruption in every possible form on scalp, face, and neck. Isolated pustules have been formed wherever a drop of the secretion has come in contact with the healthy skin. The glands of the neck slight- ly tumefied, general appearance of the child scrofulous. Treatment: 01. morrhuae. The scurf to be removed by means of warm oil and soap, and afterwards, to be applied three times a day: R.—Acid, tannic, 3jss; adip. suilli, §jss. M. f. ung. Presented again eleven days after- wards; getting better. The same treatment continued. 46. Joseph B., aet. 8 years. Vulnus Capitis. Fresh cut wound on forehead. Suture. 47. John P., aet. 1 year and 7 months. Catarrhus Intestinalis. Diarrhoea has continued for a week, of a mucous character. No fever, a little tenesmus, number of passages from five to eight. R.—Opii, gr. ss.; carbon calcar., 3ss. M. f. pulv. div. in p. aeq., No. xii. D. S., a powder every three hours. 48 Johanna L., aet. 11 years. Adenitis Scrofulosa, Eczema Capitis. The girl is reported to have been perfectly well until four years ago, when she suffered from malignant scarlet fever. Her system appears to have been thoroughly affected, and since that time symptoms of scrofula made their first appearance; cheeks bloated, upper lip and nose thick, submaxillary and cervical glands considerably enlarged, eczematous eruption all over the scalp for more than a year. No other members CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 15 of the family scrofulous. As in this patient the cause of the scrofu- lous symptoms is certainly of a general deep-seated nature, having been brought on by the intense general affection produced by scarla- tina, it was resolved upon to resort to a general treatment before ap- plying astringents externally. R.—Syr. ferr. iodid., gtt. xii., in half a table-spoonful of cod-liver oil, three times a day; animal diet, avoid- ing of amylaceous food; and soap and water twice a day, besides gen- eral baths. 49. Thomas B. Eczema Diffusum. A number of eczematous pus- tules dispersed over the surface, particularly of the lower extremities, probably the result of uncleanliness only. Ordered to bathe in soap and water daily. No pustules a fortnight afterwards. 50. Mary S., aet. 3 years and 6 months. Hernia In guinalis Sinistra, Pleuro-Pneumonia Chronica, Pharyngitis Acuta. The hernia in the left inguinal region was first observed when the child was three months old. As no appropriate treatment was resorted to, it will still protrude during an attack of coughing. Truss ordered. Considerable enlarge- ment of tonsils and uvula, and acute swelling of pharynx generally; fever moderate; constant cough, especially when lying down, proba- bly increased by the irritation produced on the posterior wall of the fauces by the enlarged uvula. R.—Chlorat. potass., 3iij.; aq., §vj. M. D. S., half a table-spoonful every two hours; pulv. Doveri, gr. iiss. at bedtime. Acute pharyngitis well after a week, but enlarge- ment of tonsils, and particularly the uvula, still considerable. Cough- ing spells not frequent, but a short annoying cough after lying down. Part of the uvula removed, with good result as to the nightly attacks of coughing, and the old pulmonary complaint attended to. The child had measles several years ago, and has been exposed since to a number of pulmonary complaints of either catarrhal or inflammatory character; has coughed almost constantly, and often suffered from at- tacks of dyspnoea. Respiration somewhat abdominal, circumference of the right half of the thorax less than the left, while the normal con- dition is the reverse. Right subclavicular region a little depressed, and little action of inspiratory muscles visible over it. Dull percus- sion sound over the upper lobe of right lung, both anteriorly and pos- teriorly; respiratory murmur bronchial, audible as it were at a distance. Diagnosis: Pleuritic exudation and (or only) induration of pulmonary tissue, being the result of one or more attacks of pleuro-pneumonia during, or (and) after measles some years ago; as some fever was still perceptible, sulph. cinch, was given for several days, in a daily dose of gr. vj., and a dose of pulv. Dov., gr. iij., was still ordered for 16 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. some more nights; to be discontinued after several days, and replaced by syr. ferri iodid., gtt. x., three times a day, in half table-spoonful of cod-liver oil; gymnastic exercise to dilate the thorax, nutritious diet. The child gained flesh and strength during the following months, al- though the physical symptoms of pulmonary disease were never en- tirely removed. 51. Mary S., aet. 2 years, 6 months. Synoviitis Chronica Genu Bex- tri. Right knee considerably swollen, the circumference being twelve inches; leg inflected; little spontaneous, not much forcible motion; not much pain on pressure, but fluctuation or rather elasticity perceptible, showing a large amount of liquid to be inclosed by the synovial mem- branes. No particular symptoms-of scrofula perceptible; no knowl- edge of a traumatic injury. The assumption of the latter having ta- ken place is more probable than the former, as there are no symptoms of general disease. The child has always been under treatment, tinct. iodine and vesicatories having been applied to some extent. Treat- ment: Compression of the knee by means of a bandage. A week afterwards circumference of the knee ten inches. Prescription wanted for some internal medicine, and refused. Patient not presented again. 52. Robert S., aet. 6 years. Craniosclerosis Rhachilica. Patient ia the son of apparently healthy parents, but his brothers and sisters, of whom there are four, are all more or less rachitic. Devel- oped very slowly while an infant; was late in teething; his limbs somewhat bent in the direction of the flexor muscles, and the epiphyses very much thickened on both radii and tibiae. His intellect is reported to have been bright during the first two years, but then commenced to diminish. His eyes are deep-seated and small; the expression of his face dull; his intellect of a very low character; his locomotion clumsy. He is unable to articulate, and the only intellectual power that is left is evinced by his doing mischief. His forehead is large, root of nose thick, circumference of cranium 22 inches; occiput normal, arid small in proportion to forehead. Cranium feels very hard and solid to the touch, and its anterior portions are evidently thicker and heavier than normal. Defecation and emission of urine not frequent, but will occur without the patient troubling himself about them. All the other vegetative functions in perfect order. The case must be taken as one of a general nature, the result of vicious general development, and its first origin must be traced back to early infancy. In the first years, when general symptoms of rachitis showed themselves, the bones were soft, succulent, and full of blood-vessels, and the cranium and cerebrum like the rest; whether, however, rhachitic softening of the cranial CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 17 bones, craniotabes, has really been present, cannot be determined upon; at all events, the bones of the posterior part of the cranium, in which craniotabes is always seen, appear more normal than the rest. After the period of rhachitic, spongy thickening, and consequent mollification, osteoporosis was followed by the stage of rhachitic eburneation. During this period the peculiar osseous cells became more numerous, the layers of the osseous tissue that separated from each other during mollification filling up with them, and the canaliculi got thinner. In the physiological condition, the inner lamina of the bones is said to stop vegetating after the tenth year; and the dura mater does not form uew layers before the regressive period of cerebral development takes its commencement, in advanced years. After the fiftieth or sixtieth year of life, absorption begins to lose in power, the brain gets smaller, the veins narrower, arteries wider. If this development takes place in early life, the case is, like that before us, without injury to the cerebral functions when the external layer only is affected, but with decided troubles of the cerebral functions, resulting in spasms, neural- gias, paralysis, or idiotism, when the process, takes place on the inner lamina. The case before us is well illustrated by the investigations laid down by Prof. Huschke, of Jena, in his last work on " Craniosclerosis Tota- lis Rhachitica." Undoubtedly this case does not compare in import- ance with that published by Prof. H., but the best-developed cases will always do most in illustrating the whole class. The case of total osteosclerosis described by H. is that of a girl of seveutecn years of age, whose skull (the normal weight being 600 grammes) weighed as much as 4,117 grammes. The microscope showed that the medullary (Havers') canaliculi were large, and very numerous on the surface, narrow and very few in the interior of the sclerotic bones, and that the osseous canaliculi were more spherical and irregular in site aud shape. The chemical composition was also ab- normal, the constituents being phosphate of lime, 65.59; carbonate of lime, 11.12; sulphate of magnesia, 1.14; cartilage, very little fat, etc., 22.15. No Guorate of lime was found. After all, the bones, taken as a whole, proved exceedingly solid, but fragile; when tried in small pieces, very white in their interior, but yellowish on their surface; the latter color being the relic of extravasated blood or other pigmentous matter. Another skull, in the possession of the author, and appa- rently only in the beginning of sclerotic development, weighed, inferior maxilla excluded, 1,075 grammes; and a third, in the museum of the University of Jena, of the same description, is that of a young baboon, 9 18 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OP CHILDREN. in which all the bones covering the hemispheres had undergone the sclerotic anomaly. The superior half of the skeleton, in the physiological state, exceeds the inferior half by a greater amount of calcaria. But this prevalence is not only absolute, but also relative, the single bones containing a larger average proportion of earths in general, and lime in particular. There is also a physiological craniosclerosis in families as well as na- tions; the th.ckest and hardest skulls being found in African negroes, whose crania, although they be not absolutely heavier than Caucasian ones, undoubtedly have a greater weight in relation to the size of the cranial cavity. Further, the crania of the flesh-eating negroes of Guin- ea are much harder and heavier than those of Persians and Hindoos. Moreover, it is altogether noteworthy, that the human organism in Africa is throughout prominent for the exceedingly strong develop- ment of the substances and organs taking the lowest place in human chemistry and physiology, viz., bone, fat, and sexual organs, etc. Of undoubted morbid total craniosclerosis, there are only ten cases: those of Malpighi, 1697; Cuvier, 1822; Ribalt, 1828; G. Fors'er and Bo- janus, 1826; llg, 1822; Kilian, 1822; Otto, 1822; Yrolik, 1848; Albcrs, 1851; Huschke, 1858. The disease does not affect the audi- tory bones, the condyles of maxillary and occipital bones, and the sty- loid process of the temporal bone. There are some symptoms of the disease in the posterior part of the cranium and basis eranii, but most affected are the bones of the face, and the frontal, parietal, and cri- broid bones. Thus the disease takes its origin in the anterior portion of the skull, particularly in the superior maxilla, and proceeds upward and backward, terminating in the basis cranii, in the neighborhood of the infundibulum and appendices. Two observers have been so fortu- nate as to meet with the preceding disease in the living. The average amouut of earthy matter is very considerable in all of them. While the normal proportion of earthy matter to organic substance in cranial bones has been found by Professor Frerichs to be = 2.1 (or 1.5) : 1 —it is in the sclerotic bones from 3.5 to 4.4 : 1. Generally, the car- bonate of lime is reported to have been found increased, which proved to be the like in spongy bones. All the cases were those of juvenile individuals, or at least the disease had commenced in childhood. The conditions necessary to the development of cranio-hyperostosis are, first, abundance of lime; secondly, congestion, and sometimes chsonic inflammation. It is a characteristic fact, that the bones, the development of which is the quickest after birth, show the greatest disposition to hyperostosis, as the maxillary and cranial bones. Abun- CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 19 dance of lime may be produced by such food as meat. One of the patients is reported to have been a very hearty eater. Or, as was the case in Buschke's individual, there is little excretion of lime by the urine. Or there is a metastasis of lime in such a mauner that lime is resorbed in certain other places, and introduced into the substance of the cranium. Frobably a number of cases co-operate for the same effect. But, at all events, it must be borue in mind, that the patho- logical process, great though the anomaly may be, is in a majority of cases to be explained by, and to be considered as, an extravagance of normal physiological development.* As to our case, mild though it be in proportion to those on which Prof. Huschke has written in his excellent monograph, its prognosis is very unfavorable. The pressure on the cerebral substance cannot be relieved by any medicinal treatment. 53. John L., aet. 1 year, 6 months. Ulcera Colli. Half a dozen of sinuous ulcerations, of from two lines to an inch in length, around the neck, reported unchanged for several months. No intelligible account is given of their origin, but probably they are the result of plasters and scabs covering a few eczematous pustules, forcing the secretion into the subcutaneous tissue. In order to remove the loose flaps of skin which could not be expected ever to adhere again, they were repeatedly and deeply cauterized with solid nitrate of silver, and afterwards the whole surface treated twice a week with light and su- perficial cauterizations of the same kind. At last, for some weeks, application three times a day of: R.—Nitrat. argenti., gr. x.; adip. suill., 3ii. M. f. ung. Granulations formed gradually, and the case turned out well, without leaving a cicatrix except on the spot of the largest ulceration. 54. Mary G., aet. 1 year, 1 month. Ulcus Frontis. The child was hurt by a fall four weeks previously. The wound had been maltreat- ed with salves and plasters until a space of a little more than a square inch was in a fair way of ulceration. The surrounding parts, the right side of forehead, was swelled and erythematous, and a little sensitive to the touch. Treatment: Water dressing for three days. After the irritation around the ulceration had subsided, application of: R.— Zinc. oxyd. alb., 3ss.; adip. suill., 3iii.; a small portion to be applied three times a day. • Review of Prof. E. Huschke " On Craniosclerosis Totalis Rhachitica and Thick- ened Skulls in General, with New Observations of that Disease. Jena, 1858, pp. 54," and in Noeggerath and Jacobi's Contributions, etc., p. 406. 20 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 55. Mary F., aet. 1 year. Kophosis Nervosa. Patient is reported to have been a healthy child, with the exception of some eruptive fevers, and a small number of attacks of convulsions in early infancy, up to her sixth year. A year ago she appears to have been severely ill, and to have suffered from tonic convulsions ("lock-jaw") for sev- eral days, with unconsciousness. She is reported to have recovered very slowly, but to have showed no symptoms of disease except abso- lute deafness for the last six months. No contractions, no paralysis; pupils normal and equal. On either side external ear normal; tym- panum plainly visible, and quite normal; eustachian tube easily entered by the sound. Thus the deafness must be explained by the cerebral dis- ease that had taken place a year ago. Beiug unable to distinguish the peculiarities of that affection from the poor report given by the mother, it is probably safe to conclude, from the slow and gradual recovery during the first half year, that the disease was one of inflammatory and exudative character; the exudation, of whatever uature it may have been, undergoing a process of gradual retrograde metamorphosis and absorption. Further, from the deafness being unaffected during the last half year, and all the other functions being perfectly normal, it is just as safe to conclude, that the origin of the auditory nerve is still paralyzed by an unabsorbed part of that exudation. Thus, the prog- nosis is a very unfavorable one, unless absorption may be induced by remedial ageuts, which is improbable. Treatment: Iodid. potassii, gr. x., dissolved in water, daily. Patient not presented again. 56. John E., aet. 2 years. Catarrhus Bronchialis. Expectoration not so free as desirable, as the cough appears to be hard aud a little painful. R.—Muriat. ammon., extr. glycyrrhyz , aa, 3ii.; aq., giv. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful every two hours. 57. Johanna R., aet. 8 years. Adenitis Chronica. A number of submaxillary glands and the surrounding tissue swelled and indurated for four weeks. No scrofula. Appears to have had a glandular inflam- mation of an acute character; no pain; no fever. Treatment: R.— Iodid. potassii, 3ii.; glycerin, §ss., for external use. This formula has always been preferred to the commonly used salve, as its ready ab- sorption is proved by well-conducted experiments, which cannot be said of the old preparation. Further: R.—Iodid. potassii, 3ii.; aq., iivss. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful three times a day. 58. Henry H., aet. 1 year. Scrofula, Conjunctivitis et Keratitis Ex- udativa, Catarrhus Meatus Auditorii Externi. The general symptom3 of scrofula well developed, although the child is but a year old; father said to be consumptive. The inflammation of the cornea has resulted CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 21 in an organized exudation over the right pupil; both of the external ears discharging freely a whitish, purulent matter; no affection of the tympanum. Treatment: Four daily injections into the ears, after they have been cleansed by injecting water, of a solutiou of: R.—Acid. tannic, 3j.; aq , |vj. Application to the eye of acet. morph., gr. i-ii., repeated several times a week. 59. Katharine W., aet. 3 months. Teleangiectasia Femoris Sinislri. A sanguineous tumor of arterial nature, soft and protruding, but not pulsating, two inches long and an inch wide, on the inner side of the left femur, near the groin. In order to show several operative proceedings on this tumor, the lower two-thirds were covered with: R.—Tartar, emetic, E)ij.; emplastr. sapon., §ss. Deep pustules com- menced to be formed iu a few days, and the whole surface was covered with them a week after the first application. They then were allow- ed to heal up, aud cicatrization to commence. The result was satis- factory, no return having taken place for five months. The remain- ing part was not attended to for the four months following the com- mencement of the treatment. After this period, an injection was made into the tumor, of a mixture of six drops of Squibb's liq. persulphat. ferri, and eighteen drops of water. Induration of tumor took place immediately, no inflammatory action being brought on, nor any incon- venience produced, but the proceeding had to be repeated before com- plete obstruction of the blood-vessels took place. (See Appendix.) 60. Frank L., aet. 4 years and 6 months. Stomatitis Ulcerosa. Tongue, cheeks, and soft palate covered with round superficial ulcer- ations; pharynx injected and swollen; foetid exhalation. R.—Chlorat. potass., §ss.; aq., gviij. M. D. S.: half a table-spoonful every two hours. 61. William B., set. 7 years. Abscessvs Capitis. Large abscess on the top of head, soft and fluctuating; incision. Bone not affected. Water dressing. 62. Mary McK., aet. 2 months. Cephalhematoma. Large elastic tu- mor, 1| inches high, 2| inches in diameter, on the right parietal bone, limited by the coronal and lambdoidal sutures. Was observed on the second day after birth; has increased iu size for several days, and then remained stationary. Osseous ring to be felt already; no pain; no discoloration of scalp; child well developed; reported to be treat- ed without success; told that it will get well without treatment. 63. Joseph M., oet. 4 months. Pneumonia Catarrhalis, upper lobe of left lung. Patient commenced coughing and sneezing two months a"-o, aud has coughed more or less ever since. A week ago had fever 22 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. and dyspnoea, which still continues. Pulse 140, respiration 40-48. Mucous rales over the whole left lung; percussion slightly dull over upper lobe. Child emaciated, and not always able to take the breast. Large fontanel a little sunk, and extremities commencing to get cool. Treatment: Half an ounce of pale brandy a day, and R.—Acid. benzoic, gr. viii.; sulphat. cinch., gr. iv.; sacch. alb., 9ii. M. f. pulv. Div. iu p. aeq. No. xvi. D. S.: A powder every two hours. Both general condition and local symptoms improved after three days, and treatment continued, without brandy. 64 Eliza R., aet. 8 years. Coryza Biphtheritica. A year ago suffer- ed from malignant scarlet fever, during and after which time there were large glandular swellings around the neck. At the same time, the nose was obstructed for a long period. Since which, she has had a mucous or viscid discharge from the nostrils, sometimes with an offensive smell. At present no glandular swellings; not even enlarg- ed tonsils, but they look torn and cicatrized. Mucous membrane of the nostrils, as far as they can be examined without instruments, in- jected, livid, velvet-like. Treatment: Injections, four times a day, of R.—Zinci. sulphat., 3ii.; aq., §vj. 65. Francis McC, aet. 5 years. Tuberculosis of the right lung' up- per lobe. Father died of tubercular phthisis; mother is well; patient is but poorly developed, small and emaciated, chest narrow, subclavicu- lar region a little sunk, hepatic region promiuent, and liver enlarged; had measles six mouths ago, and has been coughing and declining ever since. Dull percussion sound in right subclavicular region and fossa supraspinata; respiratory murmur diminished, with slight mucous rales; puerile respiration on the left side. The diagnosis supported principally by the hereditary predisposition. Treatment: Generous diet, gymnastic exercise, cod-liver oil; general condition apparently improved a month afterwards, but physical symptoms the same. 66. Herrraan K., aet. 7 years. Pneumonia, right lung, upper lobe. Hepatization; fever moderate; dyspnoea not exceedingly great. Dull percussion sound; bronchial respiration; no mucous rales. Treatment: R —Oxysulphur. autimon., gr. xii.; sacch. alb., 9ij. M. f. pulv. Div. in p. aeq. No. xvj. D. S.: a powder every two hours. After three days: Dull percussion sound less extended; mucous rales; same treatment. 67. Elizabeth L., aet. 6 months. Tinea favosa, (cf. Case 5.) Re- peated cauterization of the fungous deposits, with solid nitrate of sil- ver; and later, concentrated acetic acid. 68. Eugene S., aet. 2 years. Paralysis Essenlialis. Catarrhus In- CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 23 testinahs. The lower extremities are almost entirely paralyzed, the extensor muscles apparently more so than the flexors. This paralysis was first noticed two months ago, without any premonitory symptoms. The child is reported to have been put to bed in its usual health, and unable to move the following morning. A .number of such Cases are recorded in literature, but a larger number have been report- ed as having been preceded by some feverish attack. Thus antecedent attacks of eclampsia, inflammatory diseases, eruptive or other fevers, have been observed to have been the ultimate causes of infantile paraly- sis. At any rate, we are not justified in assuming that infantile paralysis has a different pathology and etiology from that of cases of paralysis in advanced life. It depends on the impaired action of some part of the nervous system; it is the residue of a disease progressing with ma- terial alterations in either the nervous centres or the nerves, which either suffer from congestion, or inflammation, or extravasation, with their consequences. These may be removed, sooner or later, by nat- ural processes; thus, either the paralysis is also removed, or it con- tinues in such cases where the nerves have already lost their irritabil- ity. As a general rule, such cases of so-called infantile paralysis have a great tendency to improve; for most cases, when they are brought under our observation, have had time to get a little better than they were at the beginning, in consequence of absorption to a certain ex- tent having taken place. In a small number of cases, more limbs are primarily affected than in the present case; as for instance, all the upper and lower, or an upper and the two lower extremities. But after a while, the two lower extremities, or even one of them only, re- mains paralyzed. But here, the spontaneous improvement comes to a stand-still, and even medical service is sometimes unable to render any services iu the recovery of the lost muscular functions. This pa- ralysis, therefore, is a very obstinate disease, and yields no very prom- ising results. But life is seldom threatened by it, all the other func- tions of the patients remainiug perfectly normal; so little, indeed, does it prove fatal, that a French author reports the case of a patient who became paralyzed in early iufancy, and reached the age of 49 years, and that very few authors have been so fortunate as to have the op- portunity of making a post-mortem examination. Rilliet and Barthez made two post-mortem examinations, in which nothing was found that could be taken as the cause of paralysis; and Fliess, in a case of pa- ralysis of the arm, found congestion of the spinal membranes at about the level of the brachial plexus. From the fact that few cerebral •symptoms, or none at all, are observed in cases of infantile paralysis, 24 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. we have a right to conclude that the seat of the affection must be Bonght for, generally, below this centre. Some cases will be produced by influences acting on the peripheric nerves—for instance, rheumatic ones; and. such will be those giving the scantiest results of anatomical examinations—a-fact which is easily explained by both the exceedingly great difficulties of detecting material alterations in the peripheric course of the nerves, and the length of time that elapses between the first paralytic attack and death. Bat the vast majority of cases are of spinal origin. Heine even goes so far as to consider none but spi- nal cases as entitled to be called infantile paralysis, and to describe it by the name of spinal infantile paralysis. In the spine, the same alterations as found in the cerebrum are met with; extrava- sations are not so frequent in the brain; but there are cases on record, and cases of spinal congestion, inflammation, and exudation, will occasionally occur in practice. The majority of cases will be met with at the age of from six months to two years, at a period when the growth of the body is very rapid, and particularly the development of the nervous centres considerable. At the same time, it so happens that the first dentition takes place also; and as generally a number of diseases, almost all the diseases, indeed, of infantile age that do not proffer a very ready explanation or diagnosis, have beeu explained by and attributed to dentition, this paralysis occurring in children has been attributed to dentition, and has ever been called dental paraly- sis, with just as little right as we are justified in speaking of dental meningitis, or pneumonia, or intussusception. In our case, the probability is, that the premonitory symptoms have been overlooked. A mild fever may have been present without hav- ing been noticed; at all events, as there neither are nor have been any cerebral symptoms, we cannot seek for the seat of the disease in the brain; as two extremities are affected, both cotemporaneously and in an equal manner, we certainly have no case of an affection of a peripheric nerve before us. Therefore, we are bound to take it as a case of spinal paralysis. The probability in our case is, that it is the result of congestion, and, as it is of pretty long standing, without any spontaneous improvement taking place, exudation—the former alone being well able to produce paralysis, and the latter being likely to be present unless there is extravasation of blood in cases of longer dura- tion, and exhibiting no change. The question of therapeutics is a very important one, and will be answered according .to the diagnosis of the material lesion and the stage of the disease. In the acute attack, with fever and sensitive' CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 25 ness of the spine, etc., local depletion, mercurials, antifebriles, etc., might be indicated. Certainly not so in an old case. Extravasation will scarcely be the object of remedial treatment. Congestion would require, perhaps, local depletion and derivants; at all events, however, such medicinal agents as are known to have some influence in con- tracting the lumen of the blood-vessels—for instance, quinine or secale cornutum. Exudation would indicate the administration of absorb- ents, such as mercurials, iodine, and more or less powerful derivants, both external and internal. Loss of sensitiveness of the nerves, finally, without any, or proceeding from a past, anatomical lesion, would require the use of such remedies as are known to act as powerful stimulants for the nervous system, such as nux vomica and its prepar- ations; not to speak of gymnastics, active and passive movements, faradization, frictions, etc., for the purpose of re-establishing the func- tions of the muscles. Thus, indeed, local depletion, vesication, moxae, iodine, mercury, and strychnia play the most important part in all the essays on the treatment of infantile paralysis. Congestion, and probably exudation, are likely to have been the anatomical change in or on the spinal column. Treatment : Passive movements ; secal. cornut. recent, pulv., gr. iii., three times a day; increased to gr. iv. after a week, and v. after two weeks; and syr. ferri iodidi, gtt. v., viii., x., three times a day. A decided change for the better already, four weeks afterwards, at which time the patient was presented for an intense pharyngitis; for this he took for four days the following mixture: R.—Chlorat. potass., 3iii.; aq., §vj. M. D. S.: Haifa table-spoonful every two hours. 69. Charles P., aet. 7 years. Anamia, Morbus Coxarius, left hip, first stage. Is reported to have enjoyed good health, with the exception of occasional epistaxis, until three years ago, when he had a haemor- rhage, probably from the stomach. Since that time, he is said to have suf- fered from strabismus, loss of appetite and flesh, aud diminution of men- tal powers. Ten months ago, he had a feverish disease, with unconscious- ness and delirium, for thirteen days. Three months ago, he complain- ed for a week of fever and pain in his left side, but has been well since. Skin and conjunctivae pale, general emaciation, impulse of heart strong, no enlargement of heart, lungs normal. Fell from a chair five weeks ao-o; complains of pain and stiffness after getting up in the momiug, is easily tired, drags his left foot a little, and has pain in left knee aud ankle; some pain on direct pressure on the hip joint, and more by press- im>- the caput femoris against the acetabulum. The gluteal region of the affected side commences to enlarge, and the fossa iutertrochauterica 26 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. to disappear. Thus, the first stage is on the point of being transform- ed into the second. Treatment: Five leeches to the hip-joint, to be repeated after four days; Davis' splint; generous diet; cod-liver oil, and ferr. pulv., gr. iv. daily. 70. Rosa S., aet. 5 years. Microcephalus, Catarrhus Tnlestinalis, Li- enteria. Hasan older brother, and a younger sister, both healthy and well developed, both physically and mentally. Circumference of the head 17| inches; longitudinal diameter being normal; frontal bone low aud narrow; anterior part of the cranium very small in proportion to its posterior; cranium solid and hard; face proportionately large, es- pecially the lower maxilla, strong and prominent; lips full and hanging; tongue prominent and thick; constant salivation; no articulation; rest- less, troublesome, always laughing, breaking anything, passing faeces and urine carelessly; sleep sound, with the exception of sudden interrup- tions; extreme voraciousness; swallows everything, clean or dirty; a large number of ingesta, food and other, will pass the bowels unchang- ed; frame robust and strong; the mother knows that this patient ex- hibited no pulsation over the region of the large fontanel, like her other children. The anatomical cause of this microcephalus and idiot- t ism is evidently a precocious ossification of the cranial sutures, particu- larly the frontal aud coronal. No medical treatment possible. 71. Mary Y., aet. 5 years. Kyphosis of seventh and eighth dorsal vertebrae. 72. Ann M. L, aet. 1 year, 5 months. Kyphosis of the seventh and eighth dorsal vertebrae. 73. Wilhelmiue B, aet. 5 years. Kyphosis of the last dorsal ver- tebrae. 74. John G., set. 2 years. Kyphosis of twelfth dorsal and first and second lnmbar vertebrae. 75. Thomas D., set. 8 years. Kyphosis of lower cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae. 76. John K., aet. 2 years, 8 months. Kyphosis of seventh cervical and first and second dorsal, and of twelfth dorsal and first and second lumbar vertebrae. All these cases of Pott's disease that were presented at the clinic had so many symptoms and peculiarities in common, that they may safely be mentioned together. Scarcely in any one of them was there a scoliotic deformity combined with kyphosis, and there was only one case out of six not decidedly scrofulous. Only one out of the whole number had the same affection in two different parts of the vertebral column, viz., No. 76. He had never been a thoroughly healthy boy; CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 27 the first symptoms of rhachitis still perceptible in the enlargement of his epiphyses and curvatures of his legs; he further had been suffering from pulmonary troubles since he had n easles, when a year old. Mu- cous rales are still heard on both sides; bronchial respiration in the upper lobe of right lung, and decidedly dull sound in right subclavicu- lar region. During the time he was presented, we had frequent occa- sion to prescribe for a new attack of bronchitis. He was extremely emaciated, his submaxillary glands much enlarged, and eyes suffering from chronic conjunctivitis. Three months after he was first present- ed, he all at once, in addition to his former sufferings, showed symp- toms of the second stage of morbus coxarius. About a week after this, he was takeu ill with an acute feverish disease, probably of one of the thoracic organs, the nature of which may, or may not, have been explained by a coroner's inquest, no medical man having been in attendance to make a diagnosis. In almost all the cases, a fall was accused of having been the causa proxima of the affection. Pain over and in the neighborhood of the affected vertebrae; moderate fever; sometimes hyperaemia of theskin; immobility of the vertebral column; disinclination to walk or stand; tendency to support the body by pressing the hands down on the fe- mur; absence of almost any symptoms of spasm, or paralysis, or sup- puration, was found uniformly in all of them. The treatment was somewhat uniform also; at least, as to the care given to the general health. Generous diet, cod-liver oil, aud, in the majority of cases, the internal use of iron or quinine. Quiuine was generally given as a tonic, in more frequent and small doses; in some cases in single daily doses, of from five to eight grains, as an an- tifebrile. The patients were kept in a horizontal position, on their back or side, for a sufficient time to reduce the acute pain, and at the same time, in some cases, leeches were applied repeatedly; in others, tinct. iodin. for some time. Then, at last, an apparatus was advised, and usually made by Messrs. Otto & Reynders, to support the trunk without inconvenience to the inflamed vertebrae, and without the least direct pressure on the curvature. In one of the cases its effects in removing the pain, evidently produced by spasmodic action of the lon- gissimi dorsi, etc., was wonderful; the child had complained of this pain continually, both in the erect and the supine positions, before the use of the apparatus, but was so entirely relieved while it was on, that she refused to sleep without it. 77. Maria B., aet. 9 years. Atrichia Circumscripta. Patient is a healthy-looking child, with well-formed head and soft aud thick hair. 28 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. There are, however, on the lateral, and particularly on the upper and posterior portion of the scalp, some twenty or thirty spots, of the average size of a Lima bean, entirely bald, and of a white appearance; they are not covered with any secretion or scab, but they are elevat- ed, forming small tumors. All those which have recently arisen are somewhat painful on being pressed; those, however, of longer stand- ing are not sensitive. The whole process commenced a year ago; in no instance has hair grown again where it once fell out. Before a microscopical examination was made, and before the idea of a para- sitic origin of the disease was thereby suggested, the following pre- scriptions were given: R.—Liq hydriodat. arsenic, et hydrarg.,(Don- ovan,) §ss. D. S.: 8 drops to be taken twice a day. R.—Bichlorid. hydrarg., 3i., aq. lb. v. M. D. S.: for external use. The micro- scope showed the absence of fungi, and the case was then taken, the symptoms, moreover, perfectly corresponding with this diagnosis, as one of inflammation and induration of the follicles, with lasting pres- sure on, and injury to, the roots of the hair. Treatment: R.—Iodid. potassii, 3ij.; aq., §iv. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful three times a day. R.—Iodid. sulphur., 9j.; adip. suilli, §j. M. f. ungt. D. S.: For exter- nal use, three times a day. When last presented, no new bald places had arisen, and the old oues were less indurated, but no hair had as yet reappeared. 78. Isidor H., aet. 5 months. Hamorrhagice Subculanece et Me- ningum. Mother of patient is a dirty, thin, poorly nourished woman, with flabby breast, with other children who never showed similar symp- toms. Patient is a small child, with thin lower extremities, otherwise apparently well developed, but with sallow skin generally, and enlarged liver. On his cheeks, temporal bone, chest, abdomen, back, in short, over all the surface of his body, the skin is of a dark livid, brownish color, elevated and hardened, to compare with the induration and ele- vation of urticaria. But the circumference of those spots is larger, be- ing from one to six or eight square inches in size. Thus, the color'and nature of the disease being evidently of petechial character, the local affections are enormously larger. Gums not affected. Lower ex- tremities paralyzed for some time; as long, indeed, as the haemorrhages have occurred under and in the external skin. Thus, the assumption of haemorrhage inside the vertebral column having taken place co- temporaneously with the others, is more than probable. Further, the assumption of local affections being the cause of the haemorrhages, almost countless in number, must be given up. The cause must be looked for in either a thorough change in the composition of the blood, CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 29 or a decomposition of the walls of the blood-vessels, or both. For such only are the means of explaining the haemorrhages occurring in all the cases of poisoning and decomposition of the blood, as in pur- pura, scarlatina, typhoid fever, scurvy, and others. Treatment: Reg- ulation of diet, fresh air, beef, etc.; acids, both vegetable and mineral, carefully to be avoided—because, contrary to the belief in the styptic powers of acids, nothing will add more to the decomposition of the blood than a continued administration of acids; and R.—Tinct. fer. muriat., five drops every four hours. This was from time to time changed for syr. ferr. iodat. in similar doses, but the treatment has been continued ever since, for five months. Child meanwhile thrives; haem- orrhages gradually change their color into a greenish-yellow; no new ones make their appearance, and those existing lose considerably in intensity; the motory power of the lower extremities greatly improved. 79. Leonard H., aet. 3 years and 6 months. Phlegmone, Cellulitis, and Periostitis of first toe, right foot, caused by traumatic injury. In- tense pain for some weeks past; toe of a deep-red color, nail thrown off; abscess near matrix. Treatment: Deep incision to the bone of the last phalanx, and cold water to the part; after some days, appli- cation of Goulard's water with tinct. opii. 80. Michael T., aet. 4 months. Eczema Capitis. Apparently mild case, but is likely to prove obstinate, as probably the breast-milk of the mother, now constituting the only food, is insufficient nourishment. Treatment: Soap and water, and frequent application of zinc, sulphat., 3j.; axung. porci., 3vj.; continued for several weeks before the scalp appeared entirely clean. Returns after two months with the same symptoms, the eczematous scabs being even thicker than before. Treatment: Two meals daily, (in addition to breast-milk, which appears very white and heavy,) of beef-tea, well salted; and R.—Liq. potass. caust, 3j.; ol. morrhuae, §j. M. D. S.: To be applied twice a day. 81. Samuel D., aet. 5 years. Terrores Nocturni ex Febri Intermittente. Spasmus Vesica Urinaria. Is well all day, takes his food regularly, his supper at 6 p. m., goes to bed between 8 and 9 p. m., awakes with feverish symptoms and night terrors between 10 and 11 p. m., and can hardly be quieted before midnight. Digestive organs in order; no constipation; no worms; heart normal, both in anatomical condition and function; no cerebral symptoms except those mentioned; this condition of things has come on suddenly, and has continued for more than a week; moreover, he has a constant inclination to pass urine; its emission is scanty and painful; no mucous deposits report- ed to have been observed by the father. Treatment: R.—Sulphat. 30 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. cinch., gr. xv. Div. in p. ii. D. S.: a powder at 7 o'clock, p. m., on two subsequent days; besides, R.—Pulv. rad. belladonn., gr. viii.; sacch. alb., 9ij. M. f. pulv. div. in p. aeq., No. xvj. D. S.: three powders a day. Reported to be well after a week; no more night terrors after the first dose of quinine. 82. Francis 1*., act. 7 years. Benles Incisores Ohliqui. The mid- dle permanent lower incisors have protruded before the temporary had fallen out, aud point inward aud upward. The temporary teeth ex- tracted. 83. Charles B., set. 2 months. Frenulum Lingua Oblongatum. Incision. 84 James A., aet. 9 years. Bilatatio Cordis. Anaemia. Patient is believed to have been well during the greater part of his life, but for two months past he has been exposed to five attacks of a peculiar nature. Shortly after falling asleep, he awoke with twitching of the muscles of the right side of face, which lasted about a minute; after this his limbs got slightly rigid, a rattling noise was heard in his throat, his face grew pale, and his mental faculties seemed somewhat obnubi- lated for a short while; meanwhile his health otherwise, and his appe- tite, are not impaired. A younger sister of patient fell sick half a year ago with attacks of convulsions; she died after four weeks' illness. A brother of twenty-one years of age died after an illness of eighteen days, after having previously repeatedly suffered from palpitations of the heart; they would return in a very troublesome manner whenever he partook of stimulants during his malady. He died suddenly, after half an hour's palpitation of the heart, brought on by taking a small quantity of brandy-punch. This patient is very tall for his age, thin and pale; conjunctivae very anaemic; impulse of heart and pulse very feeble; pulse 116; external veins on thorax and abdomen greatly in- jected; dull sound on sternum and left side of thorax, from third to sixth ribs ; attacks of weakness and syncope from time to time. Treatment: Air, generous diet. R.—Ferr. carbonat., 3j. Div. in p. aeq., No. xxx. D. S.: three powders daily. This treatment was con- tinued for a long time, and patient was, and felt, greatly improved. 85. Maria M., aet. 2 years. Stomatitis. Amygdalitis. Mucous mem- brane of the mouth, tonsils, and pharynx highly injected; tonsils swelled, and to be felt externally; tongue red; papillae clavatse ele- vated; breath not particularly foetid; submaxillary or cervical glands not particularly swollen. Treatment: R.—Chlorat. potass., 3iii.; aq., §vi. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful every hour. 86. George B., aet. 6 years. Rhachitis. Is reported to have been CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 31 affected with scarlatina when eight months old, this being about the only sickness he has ever suffered from. He is not well developed; his frame small; face and general appearance anaemic; intellect good. The upper and lower condyles of tibiae are greatly swollen; so is the lower of the radius; tibiae show curvature inward; sides of the thorax flat, there being nearly a right angle in about the half length of all the ribs; sternum prominent; no scoliosis; impulse of heart very strong; sounds audible at a distance; no disease of the lungs, except general compression. Treatment, besides regulation of ,jiet: R.— Ferri. phosphat., gr. iv., three times a day; cod-liver oil. 87. Thos. J., aet. 4 years. Fraclwra Clavicula, extr. Acromialis. Clavicle was fractured in its outer third, transversely, from a fall on the hand and elbow. Treatment: Mitella, fastened by a few pins. Presented well a fortnight after. 88. James A., aet. 9 years. Herpes Circinnatus, (ringworm,) on four distinct localities on abdomen and right femur, of a quarter of an inch to two inches in diameter. R.—Sulphat. ferri, 5j.; Cerate simplic, 3vj. M. f. ungt. 89. George F., aet. 12 years. Prolapsus Recti. Had dysentery last year, and has suffered from prolapsus of the rectum since. The rectum, with all its membranes, will protrude about an inch aud a half through the anus after each defecation, viz.. twice or three times a day. The mucous membrane will frequently bleed, is livid and swelled. Treatment: R.—Ext. nuc. vom. ale, 9j.; cerat. simplic, 3ij. M. f. ungt. The size of a bean to be introduced three times a day. Reported a week after so much better, that sometimes a defecation will take place without prolapsus, and that the rectum will generally protrude but once a day. Treatment had, however, to be contiuued for six weeks. 90. John O'L., aet. 3 years, 3 months. Prolapsus Membrana Mu- cosa Recti. The mucous membrane will protrude after every defeca- tion, (1 or 2 a day,) for a little more than half an inch. Patient has been sufferin"- from chronic intestinal catarrh for a number of weeks, and has not been well for more than a fortnight. R.—Acid, tannicae, 3iii • aq. lb. iii. M. D. S.: An injection of an ounce to be made three times a day. 91. George C, aet. 2 months. Fungus Umbilicalis. Firm cicatri- zation has never taken place after the falling off of the funis, but a pediculated excrescence has been observed growing from the wound for a number of weeks. Now it has reached the size of a bean. Treatment: Ligature. 32 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 92. Esther B., aet. 4 months. Intertrigo. The folds of the neck, groins, and femur are partly erythematous, partly ulcerated, after hav- ing lost their epidermis. The child is well, fat, and hearty; no diar- rhoea; no morbid predisposition probable. R.—Sulphat. zinci., §ss. D. S.: To be dissolved in a quart of water, and applied externally. 93. N. M., aet. 4 months. Intertrigo. The folds of neck and groins erythematous. No ulcerations. The child, when presented, was wet and dirty. Scrofulous; cleanliness and cold water recommended. Three days after, still erythema. Goulard's wash. 94. Mary L. D., aet. 3 months. Atheroma. A small circumscribed tumor of the size of a small revolver ball, on the outer end of left super- ciliary arch; not painful; believed to have been caused by a fall some weeks ago. Treatment: Subcutaneous discission and pressure. A clear, viscid liquid was squeezed through the external wound. 95. Ann L., aet. 12 years. Chorea Minor. Involuntary move- ments of all the voluntary muscles, particularly of the right side. Dif- ficulty in speaking, swallowing; twitching of the muscles of the face; sometimes, for a short time, strabismus. Has been in about the same state for three months, without any premonitory symptoms, or with- out any preceding disease except a mild intestinal catarrh. Jso pul- monary symptoms; no heart disease. Never had acute rheumatism. Is very tall for her age, and anaemic; impulse of the heart pretty strong; cheeks and conjunctivae pale. No fever. Treatment: Solut. arsenic. Fowler, §ss. D. S.: three drops three times a day; and R.—Syr. ferri iodid. D. S.: twenty drops three times a day. Pre- sented, after three weeks, greatly improved. 96. Charles L., aet. 9 months. Vaccination performed. 97. Peter L., aet. 8 years. Helminthiasis. A number of ascarides have been passed, previous to which, the boy had suffered for months from restlessness and occasional night terrors; from diarrhoea alter- nating with constipation, and loss of appetite, interrupted by vora- ciousness. Cheeks bloated. Pupils enlarged. Treatment: R.—San- tonia., gr. viii.; Submuriat. hydrarg., gr. xv. M. f. pulv. div. in p. aeq. vj. D. S.: Take three powders a day. 98. Edward P., aet. 12 weeks. Eczema Capitis. Conslipatio. A brother of this patient, now three years old, has had an eczematous eruption since his fourth month. Thus, there is probably a morbid condition common to both, or the cause is to be sought for in the breast-milk of the mother. Child is mostly constipated, having a pas- sage once a day, or once in two days. Faeces look white, curdled, are hard, and not of a uniform character. The milk of the mother CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 33 looks also whiter, and is less sweet than normal. Thus, at all events, there is some fault in the nutrition of the patient, being the probable cause of both eczema and constipation, viz., superabundance of caseine in the composition of the milk. By restoring a more normal composi- tion, we shall probably remove one, and greatly relieve the other of the two complaints. Evidently, there is sugar wanting in the moth- er's milk, if nothing more. By restoring the power of producing lac- tic acid, the caseine will be digested and assimilated, and the bowels' will no longer remain constipated. Treatment: Give the child, each time before he is put to the breast, a tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar in a little water. Wash the head with soap and water thor- oughly, three times a day, and afterwards rub it with, R.—Zinc. oxyd. albi, 3j.; adip. suilli, 3ij. M. f. ungt. Child had no constipa- tion when presented a fortnight afterwards; fauces yellowish and uni- form. Eczema doing well. 99. Ellen McK., aet. 4 years. Broncho-Pneumonia, Rhachitis, Ana- mia. The girl is emaciated and anaemic from two causes. She has been rhachitic for years, and suffering from bronchitis and pneumonia for six weeks. Her limbs show the symptoms of rhachitic curvature and intumescence; her ribs are laterally compressed; cheeks and mu- cous membranes very pale. Percussion sound dull over left fossa supra-spinata; mucous rales over left lung, both anteriorly and poste- riorly. No fever, no dyspnoea, both of which are reported to have been very intense some weeks ago. As the pulmonary symptoms are evidently diminishing spontaneously, the greatest care is to be given to the general health; the more so as the appetite is very low, tongue furred, and pulse small and frequent. Treatment: Nitrogeneousfood, fresh air, and R.—Sulph. cinchon., 9j.; subnit. bismuth, 3ss. M. f., pulv. div. in p. aeq. No. xii. D. S.: Three powders a day. This pre- scription is again given after some days, and digestion being in fair order, cod-liver oil recommended. 100. Mary D., set. 1 year, 2 months. Oxyuris Vermicularis. For a number of weeks the child has been observed to scratch his anus and genitals, both of which are hyperaemic. Slight discharge from vagi- na. Tenesmus. A number of oxyurides have been found in the evac- uations. Treatment: Injections once a day, for three days, of a fresh- made decoction of garlic in milk. Cold water externally. 101. James T., aet. 8 months. Eczema Capitis. 102. Edward P., aet. 3 months. Eczema Faciei et Colli. 103. Conrad G., aet. 5 years. Eczema Capitis et Faciei. 104. Eliza C, aet. 3 years. Eczema Capitis. Rhachitis. Catar- 3 u CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. rhus meatus auditorii extend. Of these cases of eczema, 101 and 102 were such as are very common in general practice; cases of eruption attending the normal development of early infancy. The seat of the greatest intensity in this development appears to be in both the solid and soft parts of the head, exhibiting not only in its normal effect the rapid growth of the bones of the cranium and face, the process of dentition, and a high temperature of the cranium, but also, as morbid symptoms, an exceedingly great inclination to convulsive and exuda- tive diseases. Thus it happens that these eruptions are, under differ- ent names, often considered not as co-ordinates of, but as results from, a coincident process, viz., dentition. Now, as they are, in many cases, to be taken as excesses of a normal process, it follows, first, that ec- zematous eruptions, of long duration and great intensity in very young children, must not be suppressed at once, (cf. 38,) and further, that such cases are apt to prove very obstinate; the more so, as in a num- ber of cases some errors of diet, sometimes arising from a defective constitution of the breast-milk, are amongst the causes. 101 and 102 were ordered to have the scabs removed by the frequent use of soap aud water, and three times daily: R.—Zinc. oxyd. alb., 3j.; adip. suilli, 3vj. M. f. ungt.; and in addition, the diet of the first was changed, so as to be more animal. 103 was a very hearty and stout boy, with hard and solid scabs all over his head and face, nose and eyelids scarcely excepted, covering a layer of pus and the sore scalp. The layer of dried-up pus, epithelium and dirt was so thick, (from l2-\ inch,) that the features of the boy could not be recognized. He was reported to have been affected with this eruption for the last four years; that it sometimes had disappeared, but always returned. This case was ordered to be submitted to a universal combing, oiling and soaping, and to be presented three days afterwards. From this time forward he was washed, five or six times a day, with a solution of sulphate of zinc in water, (gr. vj.-xii. to §j.) 104 was a poorly-look- ing girl, with eczematous pustules all over her head, after like pus- tules had disappeared from the whole surface of her body, with symp- toms of generally bad development. Glands were found to be swelled around her neck in a larger number than could be explained by the presence of the eruption; even some of the inguinal being tumefied. Catarrh of the external ears, with muco-purulent discharge, had been observed for several months, without there being an affection of the inner ear or the tympanum, and the large fontanel was still open. As this is closed, not by osseous matter, but a solid fibrous bridge to such an extent as not to allow the pulse to be felt through it, at thir- CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 35 teen or fourteen months of age, in normally developed children, this case exhibits a decided want of development in the osseous system. Moreover, the lower extremities show curvatures, and the radial ex- tremities of both forearms are swelled. The discharge from the ex- ternal ear was submitted to injections of: R.—Sulphat. zinci, 9ij., aq. §vj., three times a day; the eczematous eruption treated with soap and water, and R.—Acid, tannic, 3j; adip. suilli, 3vj. M. f. ungt. D. S.: To be rubbed in three times a day; and the general constitu- tion improved by mostly an animal diet, and the use of three doses daily of half a table-spoonful of cod-liver oil, with ten drops of syr. iodid. ferri. 105. John S., aet. 5 years. Heroes Circinnatus (Ring-Worm) on four different places of left shoulder, neck and face, of a diameter of from half an inch to nearly two inches. R.—Sulphat. zinci, 3j.; adip. suilli, 3vj. M. f. ungt. D. S.: For external use, four times a day; the same dose repeated after a week, when the boy was not yet quite well. 106. Catharine B., aet. 3 years. Atrichia Localis. Erythema et "Eczema. The child had been severely burned over and near her large fontanel when four months old. No hair had grown there since, but the spot had almost always been sore. Usually there would appear small herpetic or eczematous vesicles, that would dry up and fall off after a while, leaving a sore and sensitive surface. The skin had never looked natural. Treatment consisted in the frequent applica- tion of a solution of bichloride of mercury in distilled water, (gr. j. to §j.) The color and consistency of the skin grew more natural from week to week, but the local baldness was not removed. 107. Patrick T., aet. 4 years, 6 months. Catarrhus Lnryngis. 108. Mary R., aet. 5 years. Catarrhus Laryngis et Pharyvgis. Both of these patients have the peculiar croupy cough depending on catarrhal affection of the mucous membrane of the larynx, with. out any affection of the bronchi or lungs, and with very moderate fever. 107 was soon relieved by the use of syr. squill, compos., 15 drops every two hours, and a single dose, at bedtime, of pulv. Dovcri, gv. iij. The other had been affected with measles fifteen months before, and was said to have coughed ever since. Consonant mucous rales occasionally heard over the bronchi, but none that could be attributed to an affection of the bronchial mucous membrane itself; no diminution nor abnormal harshness of respiration; no dull sound on percussion. If, indeed, cough has been present all the time, it cannot be explained by any pulmonary trouble, but, depends on the 36 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. catarrhal affection of the larynx aud pharynx alone. This assump- tion is the more justified, the more it is proved by facts, that there are few more obstinate affections than chronic pharyngeal catarrh. Treatment: Tinct, iodin. externally to the throat, twice a day. Pulv. Doveri, gr. iij., every night. Acid, benzoic, gr. j., every two hours for some days; after which time, as the patient commenced to feel relieved and to cough less, the expectorant was discontinued. The other treatment continued for some time, with good results. 109. Eliza S., aet. 1 year, 8 months. Bronchitis. 110. Jeremiah G., aet. 10 months. Bronchitis. 111. Edward D., aet. 3 years, 9 months. Bronchitis. None of these cases could be called severe. The diagnosis was easily made, by the presence of sibilant and raucous rales; the former predominant in 109 and 111, the latter in 110, (in 111 on the left side only,) and the chest being sonorous on percussion. Fever mod- erate; some dyspnoea in all of them. No crepitating rales nor dull- ness, no paroxysms of cough. In none of them was the disease a secondary affection, and all of them got well in a few days. Internal treatment of 109: R. —Oxysulphuret. antimon., gr. viij.; extr. hyos- cyam., gr. iv.; sacch. alb., 3ss. M. f. pulv. Div. in p. aeq. xvj. D. S : A powder every three hours. 110: R.—Muriat. amnion., extr. glycyrrhyz., aa., 3'j ; aq., §iij. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful every two hours. Ill: R.—Oxysulphur. antimon., gr. xvj.; sacch. alb., 9ij. M. f. pulv., div. in p. aeq. No. xvj. D. S.: A powder every three hours. R.—Pulv. Doveri, gr. iij., every night at bedtime. 112. James J., aet. 7 years. Tuberculosis, left lung, upper lobe. 113. Edward D., aet. 3 years, 7 months. Pneumonia, left lung. 114. James McO, aet. 2 years, 3 months. Bronchitis, right lung Pneumonia, left lung, upper lobe. 115. Joseph F., aet. 14 years. Pneumonia Bilaleralis. 116. Joseph McC, aet. 4 years. Pneumonia, right lung. Rhachitis. Of 112 no exact history could be obtained, except that the pa- tient had been coughing and suffering for a long time. Father said to be affected with some pulmonary trouble. Mucous rales all over the chest, especially in the right subclavicular region; here, also, de- cided dullness on percussion. Dyspnoea moderate. Pulse 124; res- piration 34. Looks anaemic, and is evidently much emaciated. Was taken to be a case of pneumonia, right lung, upper lobe, accompanied by general bronchial catarrh, in its third stage, the hepatized parts being presumed to undergo a process of resolution. No treatment was, there- fore, thought advisable, except R.—Sulphat. quin., 3ss., div. in p. CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 37 aeq. vj. D. S.: A powder every morning. After a week, the patient was again presented. Yery few mucous rales; a few sibilant rales. Dull- ness in right subclavicular region as distinct as before; respiratory mur- mur vesicular, and diminished; respiratory murmur in left subclavicular region, puerile; expiratory murmur prolonged. Nowhere bronchial respiration. Moreover, right subclavicular region sunk, and right thorax of less circumference than left, by half an inch. From this time, the case was considered to be one of tuberculosis, and an appro- priate diet, animal food, fresh air, gymnastic and other exercise, and cod-liver oil, ordered. No. 113 was a very anaemic boy, who had suf- fered from the first attack of scarlatina five weeks before. Thus he had scarcely gone through the whole process. This pneumonia was in the left lung, lower lobe, and probably small lobuli had taken part in the inflammatory process in other places, as there were sibilant and mucous rales spread over the lungs to a large extent. Treatment: Pulv. Dov., gr. ijss., every night; sulphat. quin., gr. vj., every morn- ing. . No. 114 was a very instructive case, inasmuch as it distinctly- showed the relation of bronchitis and pneumonia in the infantile lung. When first seen, the child had bronchitis in the right lung, and a hep- atized upper lobe of the right. Treatment: R. -Sulphat. quin., B'\).; acid, tannic, gr. viij. M. f. pulv. Div. in p. aeq. No. xvj. D S.: Two powders a day; and pulv. Dov., gr. ijss., every night. A week afterwards the hepatization had disappeared, no dullness be- ing perceptible any longer; but where there was bronchitis before, hepatization had now taken place. Under a similar treatment, the boy soon recovered, but some time elapsed before his anaemic and general weakness was overcome. All the time, no sequelae of scarla- tina were observed. Still better than in this case, the relation be- tween bronchitis and pneumonia, and the normal course of this latter disease, was illustrated by No. 115, a boy of fourteen years, in whom the disease had the peculiar lobular character of infantile age. He was presented on April 5th, with pneumonia, (hepatization,) in right lung, upper lobe, anteriorly, aud bronchitis on left side. Treatment: Generous diet, and R.—Sulphat. quin., gr. xij.; ac benzoic, By, gum-arabic, 3ss. M. f. pulv. Div. in p. aeq., No. xvj. D. S.: A powder every two hours. April 9th.—Dullness over right lung, up- per lobe, diminished; some mucous rales. Bronchitis on left side ap- parently in the same condition. Same treatment, with the addition of some daily doses of bismuth, subuitrat., gr. v., as his digestive pow- ers were very low in consequence of an inveterate gastric catarrh. April 12th.__No more dullness on percussion over the right lung; some mucous rales; some also in the lower lobe, right lung, where no 38 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. infiltration had been before discovered. Dullness on percussion over left lung, upper lobe, posteriorly, with bronchial respiration. April 16th.—Yesicular respiration in right lung, and lower lobe left lung. Mucous rales in, and slight dullness on percussion over left lung, up- per lobe. No fever, no dyspnoea, and appetite good. Patient was not presented afterwards. No. 116 was one of the frequent cases of lobular pneumonia in children whose constitution has never been good, and whose lungs are, in connection with the rhachitical misdevelop- nient, very subject to catarrhal affection. Such are the very cases that eminently show the necessity of tonic and restorative diet and treatment during the course of a large number of diseases of infantile age, even such as are often believed, from their inflammatory charac- ter, to require antiphlogistics, derivants, etc. Such are the cases in which quinine in large doses will prove to be the best antiphlogis- tic Treatment: R.—Sulphat. quin., 9j. Div. in p. aeq., iv, D. S.: A powder to be taken every morning and afternoon. Two days afterwards, when the fever was less, and hepatization had fairly commenced: R.—Sulphat. quin., acid, benzoic, aa., Bij. M. f. pulv. Div. in p. aeq., No. xx. D. S.: Give three powders every day. 117. Rudolph M., aet. 1 year, 4 months. Hernia Inguinalis Sinis- tra. Patient has had his inguinal hernia, left side, for a year. Noth- ing as yet has been done for it. Treatment: Truss, to keep back the hernia until the gradual change in the direction of the inguinal canal, taking place in early infancy, will have brought on a radical cure. 118. Benjamin B., aet. 3 years, 9 months. Otitis Interna. Pa- tient had scarlatina a year ago, and hypertrophic tonsils still. Was observed to have a running ear soon after the scarlet fever. Discharge sometimes copious, sometimes little, white, yellowish; in rare instances bloody or serous. Smell sometimes offensive; tympanum perforated and discharge evidently from the internal ear. Hearing on the left ear impaired. The disease is evidently the result of the throat com- plication of scarlatina, transmitted through the Eustachian tube into the internal ear. Prognosis, after the process has lasted so long, un- favorable as to a perfect restoration of hearing on the left ear. Treat- ment: Blister on the mastoid process; utmost cleanliness, and injec- tions of a solution of tannic acid in water, gr. iv. to gj. 119. Catharine T., aet. 11 years. Stomatitis, Pharyngitis. Adeni- tis Submaxillaris. Inflammation of the pharynx and mouth was com- plicated with swelling of the submaxillary glands to such an extent as is usually seen in diphtheritic inflammation only. But no membranes, nor any ulcerations which could have been the seat of previous mem- CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 39 branes, were visible. R.—Chlorat. potass., §ss.; aq., gviij. M. D. S.: Half a table-spoonful every two hours. 120. N. B. McF., aet. 3 years, 3 months. Febris Exanthematica. Pulse 140; respiration 36; face flushed, and head very hot. Gen- eral temperature of all the body high; tongue slightly furred. Mouth hot, and pharynx somewhat injected; tonsils and some lymphatic glands in the neighborhood a little swelled. No cough, no dianhcea. Threw up once. No local disease being found, the case was pronounced to be probably one of exanthematic fever, and a daily dose of sulphat. quin., gr. vj., recommended. Three days afterwards the child was reported to be suffering from scarlatina. 121. Michael C, aet. 4 years. Ascites. Patient had scarlatina ten months ago; two months after this affection the dropsical swelling of the abdomen was noticed. Other accounts are difficult to obtain. No anasarca, no local pain; no local disease except the abdominal effu- sion discovered. The case was therefore, before an examination of the urine could be made, taken as one of hydrops depending on albumi- nuria, and tannic acid, in three daily doses of two grains each, was given for a fortnight. Meanwhile no albumen was found in the urine, nor did the closest examination of every single organ reveal any ana- tomical degeneration that could be considered to be the cause of the disease. The liver alone could not be subjected to a sufficiently rigid examination, from the expansion of the abdominal cavity with liquid. The treatment was therefore merely symptomatical and palliative, with the intention of stimulating the secretions of other organs. R.—Iu- fus. colocynth., (e. gr. xij. parat.,) §iv., liq. ammon. acetat., syr. squill, aa., ij. M. D. S.: Half a table-spoonful four times a day. The dose was gradually increased, until the perscription was this: R.—Infus. col- ocynth., (e. 9ij. parat.,) §iv. ss,, iodid. potassii, 3v., liq., ammon. acetat., syr. squill, aa., |j. M. D. S.: Haifa table-spoonful four times a day. The boy was under our care about seven weeks altogether, and was improved, but not cured. 122. Sarah R., aet. 11 years. Meningitis Spinalis. When patient was first presented, on April 19th, the following history was given: She had measles in January, 1860. Afterwards, she constantly com- plained of pain in her back, which gradually increased until in May, I860, her locomotory power was somewhat affected. She, neverthe- less, walked till August, when she lost all power over her limbs, and when sometimes "the water would stop,'" the catheter had to be used at different times, and excruciating pain was felt all through her body. Two mouths before she was presented, the first convulsions weie no- ticed. She would violently shake upper and lower extremities, and 40 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. would bite; at the same time her eyes would be shut. The color of her face would not be changed much, and patient felt very much exhausted after such an attack. She would know when she was going to be taken with convulsions, which would come as frequently as eight or ten times during a day, and twice or three times during a night; every attack lasting from three to four minutes. All the weeks before she was presented, she had five or six attacks every day; and she was sure never to miss a day without having convulsions. Her mind appears to be intact; her appetite is moderate; thirst increased; pulse averages 118-120; bowels costive; water is passed slowly. Vertebral column is painful, both spontaneously and on pressure. There is no vertebra on which pressure is well borne; but the sixth and seventh cervical, and first, fourth, eighth and twelfth dorsal vertebrae are exceedingly sensitive. Only a limited motion is possible in the upper ex- tremities; the hands are contracted, the flexor muscles overcoming the counteraction of the extensors. The same contraction is noticed in the toes of either foot. Both lower extremities paralyzed. The diagnosis was pronounced to be spinal hyperaemia, and a treatment was commenced according to the principles laid down recently by Brown-Sequard. It has long been supposed or known, that there are remedies that have a direct influence on the size of the blood-vessels; for instance—cin- chona. On several others, Brown-Sequard has made very careful and accurate investigations, viz., on ergot and belladonna. He attributes to ergot the power of contracting the elastic layer of the blood vessels, and vindicates to belladonna a similar action; so much so, that it would prove the exact contrast to opium, which is known to dilate the lumen of blood-vessels. Ergot is declared to be of excellent service in hyperaemic conditions of the spine and consecutive paralysis; where- as, strychnia, which has been the routine remedy in any and all spinal diseases complicated with paralysis, is indicated in such only where there is anaemia. Without, however, going into details here, I wish to add, that in a separate article I hope to expose other experiments and observations on the use and effect of ergot. Our patient was considered to be a fit subject for the administration of ergot, and the following prescription given: R.—Infus. secal. cornut. (e 3jss, cum acid, sulphur, dilut. 9j. parat.) §iv.; sulphat. quin., 5ss. M D. S.: a tea-spoonful every three hours. No local applications; no derivants whatsoever. On April 10th, she had two attacks; on April 11th, a very short one. Not a single attack since. On the 16th, a few drops of laudanum were administered, to check a diarrhoea; on the 30th, the ergot employed for the infusion was increased to 3ijss.; and on the 7th of May, when it was thought proper to give a chalybeate for her CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 41 general auaemia, complicated with epistaxis at the same time, tinct. muriat, ferri, gtt. xij., was ordered to be taken three times a day. About this time she not only had no attacks of convulsions, but re- covered the power of her lower extremities. She was presented to the class on May 24th, when she was able to walk, and the pain in her back was nothing compared with what it had been. After this time, she was taken, from a cause unknown to us, with catarrh of the stom- ach ; so much so, that she commenced vomiting. Subnitrate of bismuth, carbonate of iron and alkalines, appeared not to operate so rapidly as we desired, and the condition of the stomach seemed to counter-indi- cate the use cf the ergot; of Squibb's fluid extract I at that time had no reliable information. After ten days, during which time our patient had not taken ergot, she was again taken with convulsions. It was prescribed again, but according to what has been learned after- wards, it had probably not been taken. I then availed myself of the kindness of the directors of the Jews' Hospital, who permitted the patient to be transferred into one of their wards. There I commenced the administration of ergot again, and with the result that no convul- sions were observed for a day or two. Slight twitchings were observed on the day of her transportation, and she complained much of pain in her back; but she soon felt better. Her stomach was still disordered, and in order to perfectly restore her digestive powers, I omitted ergot for a short time, ordering, however, a daily dose of qui- nine and gr. ss. of extr. belladon., three times a day. She had no convulsions, and recovered her appetite in two days, when she was clandestinely over-fed by her mother on the next visiting day. Again she vomited, throwing up immense quantities of indigestible food, but had no convulsions. Next day, when I went to the hospital with the intention of recommencing another course of ergot, having selected for this purpose Squibb's fluid extract, she was non\ inventa. Her mother had removed her, because " her darling did not get enough to eat, and had no doctor to take care of her;" and a day afterwards, she" had a clever doctor now, at last; and he had told her right off, that her darling could not be saved." 123. William C, aet. 7 months. Rhachitis. Epiphyses of the tibiae, radii, and ulnae, greatly swelled; legs curved outward; costal cartila- ges pointing forward; sternum prominent; ribs angular on both sides of the thorax; liver enlarged. Skin pale, anasartic Child generally badly developed. No teeth; little hair. Occiput nearly bald; not mollified. Treatment: Generous diet. 01. morrhuae. 124. Leonora B., aet. 7 years. Abscessus Auris externa. 42 CLINIC FOR DISEASES OF CHILDREN. 125. Anna B., aet. 5 months. Abscesses Capitis. Eczema Frontis. Over the mastoid process and in the external ear, and just in front of the ear over the temporal artery, right side, there were deep and large abscesses, which had been maltreated with blisters, leeches, and hoc genus omne. Incision and water dressing. The abscess, 125, was on the top of the right parietal bone, near the small fontanel. Incision. The eczematous eruption was treated with a wash of sulphat. zinci, (gr. viij. to aq. §j.) 126. Moses F. B., aet. 8 months. Synovitis. 127. Th. T., aet. 3 years. Synovitis. These two cases were pre- sented on two subsequent days, and a different teatment was resorted to. Both were in the foot-joint. One was treated with tinct. iodin. externally, twice a day, and was not presented long enough to afford a fair opportunity of learning its effects. The other was submitted to compression by means of a bandage, and its size was soon considera- bly reduced, but was also not presented until a complete cure could be accomplished. 128. James G., aet. 2 years, 3 months. Prolapsus Recti. Pertus- sis. Had gastro-intestinal catarrh last summer, and since then after each defecation the thickened mucous membrane and submucous tis- sue of the rectum would protrude from six to nine lines in length. Had, moreover, whooping-cough, which commenced last summer, and continued still but little abated up to March. R.—Extr. nuc. vomic, gr. x.; cerat. simplic, 3ij. M. f. ungt. D. S.: To be applied to the mucous membrane of the rectum three times a day. And: R.—Extr. bellad. alco., gr. viij.; sach. lact., 3j. M. f. pulv., div. in p. aeq. No. xvj. D. S.: Two powders a day. After a week, both the prolapsus and whooping-cough were greatly improved, and the treatment con- tinued. 129. Mary ibility of the nervous system iu infantile age, both central and peripher'c, ia an undoubted fact; we observe a number of nervous symptoms in 72 ESSAYS. which we are unable as yet to discover any anatomical lesion, either their central or peripheric; we know even, that the majority of attacks of convulsions in infantile age are reflected, and we are therefore jus- tified in assuming that a central organ receiving such impressions and irradiating them again to its periphery, must occasionally be in a thor- ough state of irritation, without intense anatomical alteration. In such cases, the diagnostical differences of which are stated by the books, I mostly rely on the use of small doses of sulphate or acetate of morphia, or codeinum. R.—Solut. morph., Magendie, . . gtt. v. Aq........§j- M. D. S.: Three or four times a day, half a tea-spoonful, to a child of half a year, or a year of age; or, R.— j. Aq........SJ/3- M. D. S.: Half a tea-spoonful three or four times, or more. 2. Catarrh of the Stomach and Intestines.—There is, in the catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes generally, and especially in those of the alimentary canal, an element of much trouble and perplexity to the practitioner. I mean the intense irritation existing from the very beginning of the affection. While the majority of such cases are simple catarrh, they cannot run their course without influencing the trophic and sensory nerves, and being influenced by them. Re- flected action will spring up in the muscular layers, and increased peristaltic motion is the next result. In all such cases opiates are decidedly indicated. I scarcely ever treat either an acute or chronic cat'irrh of the intestinal canal without opium, as the occurrence of the affection, without greatly increased motion, is not possible. At the same time, the remedy has a decided influence on the secretion of the follicles of the mucous membranes and glands generally: not directly, it is true, hut by means of the brain and its peripheric nerves. I add it, usually iu the form of Dover's powder, to calomel, (which I use but exceedingly seldom, I may say scarcely ever,) subnitrate of bismuth, tannic acid, and subacetate of lead. I prefer Dover's powder, be- cause the doses of opium must necessarily be small, and the division of the powder of opium would be rather difficult, or sometimes uncer- tain, and because of the, at times, desirable addition of ipecac. R.—Snbmuriat. Hydrargyr., . . gr. iv.-vj. Pulv. Dovei;i, . . . . gr. iij. Crct. praeparat., . . . 3>SS- M. f. pulv., div. iu p. aeq., No. xii. ESSAYS. 73 D. S.: A powder every two hours, for a child from six months to a year. R.—Subnitrat. bismuth., . . . gr. viij.-xij. Pulv. Doveri, ... gr. iij. Cret. praeparat., .... 5ss. M. f. pulv., div. in p. aeq., No. xii. D. S.: As above. As a general rule, I never use tannic acid and subacetate of lead in recent cases of catarrh of the alimentary canal, and have not been in the habit of ever using it in affections of the stomach, (except the latter, in cases of haematemesis.) The cases in which I resort to it are usually those of chronic catarrh of the intestine, (tannic acid prin- cipally in that of the intest. colon,) and mostly in children a little older; in such the dose of the opium has to be increased according to circumstances. R.—Acid, tannic, (Subacet. plumbi,) . gr. viij. Opii, Cret. praeparat., .... Bij- M. f. pulv., div. in p. aeq., No. xvi. D. S.: A powder every three hours, to a child of 3 or 4 years. In fresh cases of gastro-intestinal catarrh, which have got well after a simple treatment of the first-mentioned kind, I almost always follow it up with a simple opiate, in order to counteract the irritation, which by itself is able to again give rise to a copious secretion of the mucous membranes. R.—Laudan. liquid., Sydenham, . . gtt. x. Mucil. g. arabic,.....§ijss. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful every 2-3 hours, to a child of eight months or a year. Whenever there appears to be a necessity to apply opium to the intestinal canal locally, by means of injections, I should urge the ut- most caution, and but small doses. Opium is, like quinia and some other substances, readily absorbed by the rectum, and ought not to be given in any larger daily dose than internally, provided that it is well injected and not soon (jected. DeWees may be practically right in the majority of actual cases, and taking into account the expulsive ten- dencies ot the patient and carelessness of nurses, in recommending the triple or quadruple dose per rectum; and Beck: the double. But I n<>-ain state, and lay stress on it as an indisputable experience, that opium will show its general symptoms by the same, and no larger dose, as in its internal administration; while, for instance, the subcu- 74 ESSAYS. taneous administration of morphia, which, however, I have not re- sorted to iu infantile practice, is more efficient and requires a smaller dose than any other mode of using it. As to opium injections, I pre- fer to repeat them frequently with small doses of laudanum, and to watch the effect, than to give large doses at once, which might prove dangerous or inconvenient; dangerous from its general effect, incon- venient and troublesome from the sudden suppression of local secre- tion. In simple and complicated catarrh of the stomach, the administra- tion of carbonates, or muriatic acid, or bismuth, will usually suffice. But in cases of incessant vomiting, which itself will increase the hyper- aemia, and may even give rise to haemorrhage, sedatives are necessary. Now, morphia, opium, and laudanum will sometimes produce vomit- ing. Extract of opium and tinct. opii camphor, are generally better tolerated, but the taste of the latter is peculiarly disagreeable to some children; besides, there are cases of irritability of the stomach in which absolutely nothing will be kept except the mildest and bland- est remedy possible, besides ice. In such cases, codeiuum or codeia acts admirably in daily doses of from half a grain to a grain, accord- ing to age. 1 remember several cases in which nothing appeared to soothe the irritation of the muscular layer of the stomach but codeia, and some in which I had to continue for some time to give a dose be- fore each meal. 3. Laryngeal Catarrh.—In those cases of catarrhal affection of the larynx called pseudo-croup, or laryngitis spastica, I have always used opium in occasional doses with the best result, aud recommended them accordingly, in a former lecture on the subject. Certainly I should not think of giving it during the attack of dyspnoea befalling chil- dren suddenly during night, and making the frightful impression of pseudo-membranous croup—the first and only thing to be thought of is an emetic, if anything—but the irritation and spasm attending this catarrh is best relieved by a dose of opium, given at bedtime. The spastic affection attending a simple laryngeal catarrh illustrates ex- ceedingly well my remarks on the irritation of the mucous membrane of the intestines. The local affection of the mucous membrane of the larynx is of very little account, and would certainly not give rise to any serious symptoms, but for the narrowness of the organ and the impli- cation of a large number of small muscles. But, as it is, a good dose of opium is required before the time the attacks will generally occur. Dover's powder, to gr. ij ■f/ - » 82 ESSAYS." R.—Tinct. verat. virid., . . . gtt. xx. Extr. hyosc, . . . . gr. vj. AQ-,.....3iij. M. D. S.: Ten drops every two (or three) hours, to children of a year, according to the indications of the tinct. veratri. I add extract of hyoscyamus very >equently to expectorants, the action of which is not interfered witty ile the cough of bronchial affections is greatly relieved; therefore, I ohen combine it with pow- ders, or mixtures containing ipecac, oxysulphur. antimon., squill., liq. ammon. succin., or muriat. ammon. R.—Oxysulphur. antimon., . . gr. xij. Extr. hyoscyam., . . . • gr. vj. Sacch. lact......3ss. M. ft. pulv. Div. in p. aeq., No. xvj. D. S.: A powder every two (or three) hours, in bronchial catarrh, to children of one or two years. R.—Muriat. ammon. pur., Ext. glycyrrh. pur., aa., . . 3ij. Ext. hyoscyam., .... gr. xij. M-, ■ • ' • • • • giij. M. D. S.: A tea-spoonjful every two hours, in bronchial catarrh, to children of two or three years. • R.—Bicarbon. sodae, .... 3ij. Extr. hyoscyam,, . . . . gr. viij. Aq-, •.....gij. Syr. gummos.,.....§j, M. D. S.: A tea-spoonful every two hours, in catarrh of the blad- der, to children of one or two years. It is not necessary, however, to multiply prescriptions, when the indications for both its independent aud additional administration are clearly given. Independent of any addition, I have often ordered it in the irritation and colic following gastrointestinal catarrh, (in similar Cases, therefore, as those requiring the use of codeia,) and in laryn- geal catarrh, in place of opium. While in the former a frequent and small dose will prove sufficient, it is better in the latter to give a larger doee, of a grain, or two or four grains, at once, in the evening. The dose of extract of hyoscyamus, as is stated above, and as re- sults also from the prescriptions given, is not so small as that of other narcotics. Newly-born infants have taken, with good effect from a grain to a grain and a half a day, and children of two or four years tolerate well doses of from two and a half to four or five grains. „ a-«w (M?5