BACH'S NEW ■ F A. M I L Y uuiwi book 0 #itib t0 Ptaltfe, FOB XQSO PUBLISHED BY T. V. R. COVENTRY & CO Depot Badi's American ComjK>un''' this way they are much more durable. Once in about two years seperate all the fine husks, pieces, and dust, and replenish with new husks sufficient. Husks are far preferable for under-bfcds to any thing yet discovered. The United Society have used thein for nearly fifty years. Perfect Cure of Bronchial Affection. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1855. Gents :—I take this method to inform you, and the public through you, that for some time past I have been laboring under Bronchial Affection to such an extent that I was entirely unfit for any kind of business. I ertiployed the most eminent medical aid that I could find, but it failed to restore me to health. My rest was broken nights in consequence of a constant irritation of my throat. I was also troubled with severe night-sweats, and was growing weak all the while, until, happily, I heard of your invaluable medicine, " Bach's American Compound," which I immediately procured. I have used one bottle and part of another, which, I am happy to say, I think have entirely restored my health again ; and I would most cheerfully recommend its use to the public who are afflicted as I was. JOHN STROOP. From N. Osborn, Druggist, Rochester. December 1, 1855. P. Y. R. Coventry & Co. : Gents :—I have sold several dozen bottles of your Bach's American Compound within a few weeks, and it has given the best of satisfaction ; and can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a truly valuable article. Yours, respectfully, N. OSBORN, Corner Main and St. Paul Streets, Rochester, N. Y. ■AL FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK. TO CLEAN' WniTK KID-GLOTES. Stretoh them on a board, and rub the soiled spots with cream of tartar, or magnesia. Let them rest an hour. Take a mixture of alum and fuller's earth, in powder, and rub it all over the gloves, with a clean brush, and let them rest for an hour or two. Then sweep it all off, and go over with a flannel, dipped in a mixture of bran and finely-powdered whiting. Let them rest another hour. Brush off the powder, and you will find them clean. I Cure of Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y., Jan. 16, 185C. Gents :—Prompted by a feeling of duty toward you for being instrumental in relieving me from great suffer- ing, and with the wish that the following may induce confidence, I give you the result of your " Bach's Com- pound " in my case. Dyspepsia and nervous debility have for a long time combined to make me miserable, in spite of doctors and their prescriptions ; but, trusting that I should find something that would relieve me, I tried Dr. Bach's American Compound, which is creating a great excitement in our neighborhood, from the many wonderful cures it is effecting. I shall help to keep up this excitement, by stating that two bottles of this medi- cine have removed that disagreeable condition of my stomach, and restored my nervous system to its wonted quiet MRS. MARY E. JOY Opinions Worth Reading. We, the undersigned, have received the formula for preparing '-Bach's American Compound,'" and, as far as we have tested it, can recommend its general use as a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, to remove vitiated humors of the Blood, and peculiarly adapted to Females 1 suffering from Leucorrhcea (Whites) and to those whose j constitutions are enfeebled from Intermittent Fever. C Joseph M. Morris, M.D. l Lansing u Briggs, M.D. I Auburn, Juno 10, 1S55. A. C. Taber, M.D. FAMILY RECEIPT ROOK. 17 BLACK CAKE TIIAT WILL KEEP A TEAR. Sugar, 1 peund; butter, 1 pound ; flour, 1 pound; 10 eggs; brandj, >4 pint; raisins, 2 pounds ; currants, 2 pounds; mace, nutmeg3, aud cloves, to flavor. Bake it well. TO FEMALES. Bach's American Compound will cure you of much pain and suffering. Are you weak, low-spirited, with constant pain in the small of ijxe back ? Have you no appetite, no muscular energy ? You need suffer no longer! This NEW VEGETABLE REMEDY will remove that pain, restore your appetite, and give you new strength and perfect health. This compound is also a sure and rapid cure for ulceration and cancerous dis- eases of the uterus, and an infallible remedy for Fluor Albus {or Whites). These are not mere assertions to induce you to buy this medicine. We state these things as facts, because we have proofs of many cases in our possession ; delicacy forbids making them public. FEMALE WEAKNESS. Astonishing Effects of "Bach's American Compound," in the case of Mrs. Wm. Cool- idge, of Bouckville, Madison Co., N. Y., who has been very feeble for years. December 11, 1855. Gents :—Your agent was so candid, and appeared so honest, that I was induced to try a bottle of the Com- pound, for my wife, who has been very feeble for SEVE- RAL YEARS. It appeared so beneficial to her that I recommended it to my neighbors, who are trying it; and to-day they told me they were receiving more benefit than from any other medicine they have ever found, and I must keep it on hand. Please consign us another supply im- mediately. WM. COOLIDGE, Firm of Burham & Coolidge. 31* 18 FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK. TO ESCAPE THE EFFECTS Or LIGIITOjrO. 1. Avoid standing under trees to escape from the rain during a thunder-storm, but boldly expose yourself to the wet; it will preserve you from the lightning. 2. Avoid standing close to any metallic bodies, as lead pipes or iron railings, etc. 8. When in-doors during a thunder-storm, sit or stand as near to the middle of the room as convenient; avoid standing at the window, or sitting near the wall. SOFT GIXGERBBEAD, VEBT KICK. Four tea-cups of flour, 2 cups of molasses, }4 a cup of butter, 3 cups of buttermilk, a cup of thick cream, 3 eggs, a table-spoonful of ginger, and the same of saleratus. Mix them ail together, with the exception of the buttermilk, in which the saleratus must be dissolved, and then added to the rest. It must not stand long before being cent to bake. TO CURB HTOBOPHOBIA. Make a strong wash, by dissolving two table-spoonsful of the chlo- ride of lime in half a pint of water, and instantly and repeatedly bathe the part bitten. The poison will in this way be decomposed. It has proved successful when applied within six hours After the ani- mal has been bitten. Female Weakness and Dyspepsia. Newark, X. J., May 3, 1855. Mr. F. Kelley :—I should have written you ere thi3, but we were anxious to see the results of the bottle of '• Prof. Bach's American Compound " you sent for my wife. I am happy to inform you that it has done her a great deal of good. We feel very thankful to you for your kindness in sending it Mrs. Quinn wishes you to send, by express, four bottles more of the Compound. I inoloBO five dollars; if it is any more I will make it right with you. Advise me by what express you send. We firmly believe this medicine will cure her. I remain, yours truly, FRANCIS QUIXX, Corner Crane and High Streets, Newark, N. J. Mrs. Qninn has been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia and Debility, attendant on what is commonly" termed _ -." Female Weakness." FAMILY RECEIPT ROOK. 19 TOMATO CATCHUP. Cut tomatoes in pieces, and between every layer sprinkle a thin layer of salt; let them stand a few hours; then add a little horse- radish, garlic, pepper, and mace. Roil well, and strain ; then bottle, cork, and seal for use. IN A BAGING FIT. Heat onions to a pulp, and apply them, as a poultice, to the back, or to the groin. It gives speedy ease in the most racking pain. Mrs. JANE ANDREWS, Nurse, of Salina, Onondaga Co., N. Y-, cured of Derangement of the Stomach and Pains in her Chest. Her Sister cured of a most obstinate case of RHEUMATISM. Salina, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1855. Gents :—Through the politeness of your agents here, Messrs. Plumb & Gage, I received a bottle of your " Bach's American Compound," which I have used with the happiest results. I have since used it, in several in- stances, with great success. In the case of my sister, who was visiting at my house, who had suffered for years with Rheumatism, to such a degree that, for a consider- able portion of the time, she could not even comb her own hair, or dress herself. After having been pre- vailed upon to take your medicine for a short time, she was so much relieved of her disease that she could dress herself, and do things that she had been unable to do for several years, and spent a week at camp-meeting. J nave been for some time past troubled with pain and an unpleasant feeling about the stomach and chest. I have taken your medicine for this, and am entirely eured. I would most cheerfully recommend its use to those who are likewise afflicted. MRS. JANE ANDREWS. Mrs. Jane Andrews is a woman of integrity, and much respected in our community. PLUMB £>^a£— FAMILY RECEIPT ROOK. 23 TO PRESERVE FRUIT-TREES FROM MICE AND INSECTS. Apply, early in the fall, around the root, a thick layer of lime and ashes. It would be well to sink the earth etround the tree about six or eight inches; throw in a few shovelsful of the lime and ashes, and then cover up with earth, trampling it well down. FLT IN SHEEP. Make a strong decoction from the leaves of tobacco, or from chew- ing-tobacco, and apply with a small squirt, or syringe, repeated sev- eral times during the fall months. PINE BOUGHS FOB SHEEP. Give to your sheep pina boughs once or twice a week. They will create appetite, prevent disease, and increase their health. "V; For Tluor Albus, or Whites. This medicine is recommended by our most prominent physicians, for the perfect cure of this too prevalent complaint. Many cases have been cured by using Pro- fessor Bach's " American Compound," when every thing else has failed. We are not allowed to refer to these cases. A perfect cure is warranted if our directions are strictly followed. Canker in Scarlet Fever. Nine-tenths of the deaths from Scarlet Fever, are owing to the inefficiency of the usual remedies used to allay the irritation of the throat and stomach. " Bach's American Compound " is warranted to cure every such case. The moment the canker appears, gargle the mouth and throat with the Compound. If the patient's tongue is much swollen, use a linen swab; apply this, saturated with the Compound, every twenty minutes, and give a tea-spoonful three or four times per day. There need be no hesitation ; it is your duty to use it. One bottle will cure any case, and sometimes not more than half a bottle is necessary. 24 FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK- TO RENOVATE COATS. Take 1 gallon of a strong decoction of logwood, made by boiling logwood chips in water. Strain this liquid, and when cool, add 2 ounces of gum arabic in powder. Keep it in well-stopped bottles for u«e. After the coat has been cleaned of grease and dirt, go evenly over it with a sponge, wet in the above liquid, diluted to suit the color, and hang it in the shade. TO KEEP INSECTS OFF FRUIT-TREES, ETC. Dip a piece of rag or canvas in coal-tar, and tie it to the tree. 7%ot7s^ ~£v*v; >j. Should be used in every H^ case where the patient V: is recovering from any ;; intermittent fever. This fact is of great import- ance to those living in fery miasmic or fever dis- te?'' tricts. Ordinarily, the ^■■■,. recovery is slow, and >v'f^ tne patient lingers ' 'l? along, looking like a ' consumptive ; in many cases with the constitution impaired by the use of fever remedies. In such cases, this Compound will overcome all bad or lingering effects of mercury (given to you under a hundred disguises), and re- store the blood to its former healthy circulation, give you a strong and wholesome appetite, impart a vigor to your digestive organs, and, in fact, build you up in a few days, where, ordinarily, you would be under a doctor's care for weeks, and, perhaps, months. Drs. Briggs. Morris, & Taber, of Auburn, substan- tiate the above tarts. They have tried it. See their certificate accompanying this pamphlet. >~i,v~jTs*r i5>t-f—-^-^-—------... FAMILY RECEIPT ROOK. GRUBS IK nORSES. Take 1 pint of strong vinegar, 1 ounce of chalk in powder; stir it well, and drench the animal. BACH'S AMERICAN COMPOUND. This medicine has never failed to cure Ulcers of long standing in the throat, after being treated by eminent physicians, and given up as incurable, and that in an incredibly short space of time. Cases of Salt Rheum that have withstood all remedies for years, when treated with this medi- cine have improved from the first day's use, until the humor was entirely destroyed. Its operation is effective in all diseases of the mouth and throat, no matter of how long standing. For Ulcerated Lungs it has proved of more ser- vice than any pectoral ever used. Obstinate cases of Scrofula have been cured by it, and many certificates prove how effectually Piles have been treated by the use of this Com- pound. Thus far this medicine has more friends through gratitude than any other remedy ever offered to the public. That class of diseases for which it has been compounded are increasing by our own weaknesses being transmitted to our children. Why not prevent thisr! The American Compound loill cure you as sure as the trial is made. It has never failed. 2G FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK. CURE FOR BOTS. Give the horse 1 ounce of slacked lime three times a week, mixed with his food, for two or three weeks. Testimonial in Favor of " Bach's American Compound" Curing Bronchitis. Seneca Falls, N. T., Jan. 31, 1856. Gentlemen :—My case has been an affection or disease of the throat, arising from inflammation of the glands, progressing during a period of five or six years. Some months since, I met, by accident, with one of your circulars of '• Bach's American Compound." I was acquainted with some of the names in it, and made up my mind to try a bottle of the medicine. Previous to this I had, by the advice of my physician, used a solution of nitrate of silver (with but little good effect, however). I must confess I tried your medicine, as perhaps many others will, with but little hope ; but I am happy to state, that in less than twenty-four hours it afforded me very great relief. Up to thif writ- ing I have been constantly and surely imprt - T;g. My relief has been very great, and I can safety »ay that nothing in the whole range of my experience has afforded me such immediate and beneficial re- sults. My faith in its efficacy in all such cases is, you may therefore consider, established; and if its publicity will have any tendency to alleviate hu- man suffering, or cheer the despondency of any who are similarly afflicted, you are at liberty to use it. Yours, very truly, A. MUNDY. Mr. Mundy has long been connected with the manufac- turing house of Downs & Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y. FAMILY RECEIPT ROOK. 27 WATERING TRKES. Dig a hole near the tree, so as not to disturb its roots, and pour in a pailful of water. Then draw the loose earth till the hole is filled and covered up completely, so that nothing wet is visible, and no cracks will ever appear. A tree treated in this manner will not need watering again for a week. ANTIDOTE FOR POISON. A writer in the London Literary Gazette recommends, as an avail- able and certain antidote for poison, at all times, a dessert-spoonful of made mustard, mixed in a tumblerful of warm water, and drank immediately. It acts as an instantaneous emetic TO KILL ROACIIES. Wafers made out of red lead and wheat flour. Prom an Eminent Female Physician and Nurse, Mrs. Miriam S. Parish, Who enjoys a wide reputation as Physician and Nurse. She writes : " 1 am using your ' Bach's American Compound' in my practice, for Nervous and Scrofulous Affections, with perfect success. It quiets the patients' nerves, while relieving them of a hacking and wearying cough. It also Purifies the Blood. I believe it a sovereign remedy for all cases of Nursing Sore Mouth and Nipples. I also used it in one case of Erysipelas, and found it the best thing I have ever used. Half a bottle gave full relief for the present. The patient is very anxious to have more. In fact, through the recom- mendations of those who have used it, I have had I numerous calls for it. Please send me a box of your medicine, and I will pay you for the same. " P. S.—You can make what use you please of \ this letter, as I have waited for sure and certain 1 results before writing to you." \ ManNSVILLE, Jefferson Co., AT. Y., May 31, 1855. jj FAMILY RECEIPT ROOK. # BLACK. PALMER WORMS. To destroy thege worm:, throw over them fresh slacked lime. Effects of "Bach's American Compound" on Impure Blood. Oneida, X. Y., January, 185G. I have been troubled for the last six years with Salt Rheum, and have used a great many kinds of medicines, but found no help, until, having been persuaded by G. W. Stoddard, of this place, to use Bach's American Compound, I have used three bottles, and am entirely cured. CHARLES SLEIHT. Salt Eheum is, without doubt, the most stubborn dis- ease in the world to overcome ; but in eight cases out of ten this Compound will cure it entirely. Whitesbobo', N. Y, Feb. 18, 1856. Your "Bach's American Compound" is being used here with the best results. One person, afflicted with Itching Piles, is receiving great benefit; another indi- vidual, who has long suffered from Piles, says the use of your medicine has cured him entirely, and he never was so free from pain. Truly yours, FRANCIS C. KING. Oneida Depot, Feb. 22,1856. Dr. Coventry : Dear Sir :—I have for a number of years been trou- bled with Scrofula and Female Weakness, and also In- flammation of the Kidneys. My husband has laid out a great deal for doctoring, but received but very little benefit therefrom. I was induced to try " Bach's Com- pound," and have taken four bottles, from which I have received great relief, and shall continue taking your medicine till my health is entirely restored. Youre, etc, MRS. B. WEST. FAMILY RECEIPT EoOK. 29 TO REMOTE FLIES FROM ROOMS. Black pepper (powdered), 1 drachm; brown sugar, 1 drachm; milk or cream, 2 drachms. Mix, and placo it on a plate or saucer where the flies are most troublesome. In Buying this Medicine, It was originally the intention of the proprietors to have each bottle signed with pen and ink, Peter V. R. Cov- entry. The rapid rise and sale of this Compound have rendered that task too great for any man living ; con- sequently, each wrapper in future will bear a fac simile of P. V. R. Coventry & Co.'s signature. Buy only of those dealers whose integrity is established beyond a doubt. The Compound can now be obtained of most of the eminent dealers in medicine throughout the country, and all orders addressed to P. V. R. Coventry & Co., sole proprietors, Auburn, N. Y., will be promptly at- tended to. TO INVALIDS. If using this medicine for an internal ulceration of the mouth, throat, stomach, or bowels, you will find the action of this " Compound" will cause a smarting and burning sensation, you may set this down as a sure indi- cation that you will soon be well. P j When there is any derangement of the stomach, weak- ness, piles, relaxation of the bowels, inconstance of the digestive organs to fulfill their duties, you will, from using this medicine, sometimes suffer from headache or nausea. Do not mind these disagreeable feelings ; they are tem- porary, and will be followed by restored health. This is no Secret Preparation, As a formula of ingredients is furnished all respectable physicians. ^^^----------------——"^Ife i 30 I'AinLY RECEIPT HOOK. | i * {. Directions for using Bach's American Com- ( ) pound. ] In all cases of Weak Stomachs, or of persons much debilitated, ! great care should be taken not to take too much at first, as an over- i dose is apt to cause sickness at the stomach. Br diluting it for a day or two with two portions of rain-water, the weakest patient will soon be able to take a table-spoonful at a dose. A litUe honey or loaf- sugar can be added, if desirable. Directions No. 1. For ordinary cases, one tea-spoonful three times per day, taken in- variably one hour before eating ; a fourth tea-spoonful can be taken on goin(j to bed, if the case should require it. The first two day* it \ s'tould alic iy.i be reduced vith two portions of water. The third day it can be taken clear, until the patient can bear a table-spoonfal three times per day. Some persons can commence with a table-spoonful clear; but this must be always regulated by the patient's stomach. Continue tiU a cure is effected. Directions No. 2. For Piles, Ill-Condition Sores, and Eruptions. The Compound must be taken for twelve days, as directed in No. 1; then commence to bathe parts affected eight or ten times per day— bathing sores first with cold water. No cure of Piles guaranteed, unless injection of the Compound (clear) is taken three or four times each day. Directions No. 3. For Diseases of the Month and Throat. Rinse the mouth and gargle the throat, first with cold water, then with the Compound, eight or ten Umes per day, and take internally, as in No. 1. For Mercurial Taints. If in the mouth and throat, follow directions No. 3. If through the system, follow directions No. 1. If it breaks out in sores, follow di- rections No. 2. For Salt Rhemn. Follow directions No. 8, avoiding the bathing with cold water. \ For Fever Sores. I / Follow directions No. 2. / I ! £ For ncerated Lungs. I $ Follow directions No. 1. (- #~~--•-------™* FAMILY RE8EIPT BOOK. 31 For Scrofula. Follow directions No. 2. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite.' Follow directions No. 1. For Dyspepsia. Follow directions No. 1. For Coughs Arising from Irritated Throats. Follow directions No. 2. For Nervous DeMlity. Follow directions No. 1. For Flnor Albns, or Whites. Follow directions No. 1, and use the female syringe—giving first an injection of cold water, then an injection of the Compound, made of one table-spoonful of the Compound and a half table-spoonful of cold water. Use for two days, then leave off the waler. A perfect cure is warranted if this direction is strictly followed. For Calomel, Nursing, and Ulcerated Sore Throats. Follow directions No. 8. For Sore Nipples. Follow directions No. 2. For Piles. Follow directions No. 1. If there is a protrusion, bathe first with cold water, then with the Compound, eight or tea times per day, and take injection of the Compound clear. For Bronchitis. Follow directions No. S. For Dyspepsia. < Follow directions No. 1. ',''"■■, For Nervous Debility. Follow direetions No. 1. For Rheumatism. ^ t' Follow directions No. 1. '+«%[>. \ If this medicine should in any event make you costive, take a bit of Rhubarb, as large as a marrowfat pea, once or twice a day. It is very rare that any patient's bowels are thus affeeted, and it in no way interferes with the cure. 32 FAMILY RECEIPT BOOK. CATJTIO uxr_ See that each bottle has on its outside wrapper a note payable at Auburn, with a fac similie signature of Peter T. R. Coventry & Co. CALENDAB F< )R 1856. CD ■' !-| «o 00 2sj-!*j=££ 2 ;-=^*'- i'f ' .. . ' l •:,' 3 4 Si .J.. . i-« 1 si 6 ' El '■■,:■< 11 i* ■>: el 7 s 9 ,0 r :•: >■ I3i4'i? " 1: :- l»i j 1?. 14 li IS >' 1"HJ < to VI '.-•'- J) -y> M< - *• Jl 1* i--4 15 .6 11'Yt ul .. .. "* •;.>«■-.■". . i ■ '3 4i 51f - 4 i ' " •• 1 • g ,10 1] I'-l-' Ul-ii 0 ;, .1 1. '.- •-■ i.-;*, . S Ini-ii. jo n ***;i ^ 1: IS l»j*u -l :.;«J .'4 •:;;.•(.[.'" 18 49 .. ■< a a uiiii S;.J3o ..! 1 »( »l 4 5, c 1 * «' t\ t « 1.8 i a \ ') ii 11115 IS 14 IS , 1 8 t'l ■' li 13 < 116 i: 1 ,:; i.'O '.'1 8*1 1415 16 11,1* 1'-■.-. 0 <*■ !j3 ■:■! :. :f .'7 is -j.) ; u 81 j'.' S3 J« -5 « Jl posi|..l......; •>■ •■ - M '•' s « * .. .. .. 1*1 s| 4 j j c iU '■ '•"111" 5 6. 1 S| 9 1011 1 5 i.imIisIk it ib i-.i ' f < Jl 'J-;»l* ...... |° li'-3 14 15 16 11 ,k is .j 51 •.-.• -am j:, K:l »il'-'i34> »!,.. , 1 ..-.J..'..' 1*3 .........•■.. 1 4: 6| bl :; s »ln -. 3 4 6 «; 1] 8 >■ u »iis,m!isii 1: 1 ;>: p'lO 11 1* 13 14 1SI IS liilR'lil M S3'.'4 1 0 If.1 1 l«i USO;*l'j*l 25 26■i5l> -M S0J1 fc !3 J4 25 *6'«!*:> '..1 i il 8 4 »[ 6 i •:! s 4! s 6 1' H S5 D « ? ii.i-.ih-i5i4; a 15 If...:,i«ll:i-.j»ll 55 V 8 » 10|11 1511 14 15 IS 17 IS lji'so •!* j::j4|j:, joilJS. C ei .'•< 'X 54:SS 26 V Q O ►3 Kl & Q O ► 0 3 S *- -. , o 0 49 01 For sale by reliable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United States and Canada. This Medicine must be kept in a cool and dry place. \ TO THE FXJDBLIO- —♦ ♦« —— It has been the intention of the proprietors of this medicine, in giving it to the public, to furnish something that has long been wanting in every community; that is, a reliable Family Medicine, and not a "nine days'1 wonder" got up to sell. In the State of New-York, where it is best known, (nearest home,) its reputation and sale is greater than any remedy ever known. It will soon be the same in every country on the globe. Try it for Throat diseases, produced by the imprudent use of Mercury—hacking, nervous coughs, bronchial affections, internal and external inflammations, chronic and inflammatory rheumatism, or in any ease where the blood is diseased. BACH'S AMEEICANi COMPOUND. FOR SALE BT WM. H. SISSON, i^Yorsrs, ixr, DEALER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES, Ac. wholesale Depots, SEK rnOM PAGE