w6 dn CONSTITUTION OF THE American Medical society IN PARIS. INSTITUTED NOVEMB • li 5lh *4 851 PARIS ^, ' PRINTED BY E. BRIERE, 55, RUE SA1NTE-ANNE. 1852. f CONSTITUTION THE AMERICAN MEDICAL SOCIETY IN PARIS. ON v< CONSTITUTION OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL SOCIETY IN PARIS. PREAMBLE. We, American Physicians in Paris, acknowledging with grate- fulness the advantages we here enjoy, and desiring to make them still more available for the cultivation and extension of medical science, do, in order to accomplish this design, hereby form a Society, with the following Constitution and By-Laws for its government. ARTICLE I. OF THE NAME. This Society shall be known and designated as, "The American Medical Society in Paris." ARTICLE II. OF THE OBJECTS. The objects of this Society shall be : 1st. The formation of a library, especially of American medical — 2 — literature, which shall always be freely open to the scientific men from every country. 2nd. The mutual improvement of the members in periodical reunions for the reading of medical papers and the discussion of medical subjects. 3rd. The diffusion of American contributions to medical science. 4th. The furnishing of information to newly arrived medical students from America, relative to the prosecution of their studies in Europe. 5th. The cultivation of a scientific and social acquaintance with the medical men of the Old World, who are hereby welcom- ed to a participation in the benefits of the Society. ARTICLE III. OF THE MEMBERS. Section 1.—The membership of the Socieiy shall be confined to the Graduates and Students of the regular medical profession. All elections of members must be by a majority in ballot. The members shall, according to their professional standing, and the exercise of certain fights in the Sociely, be divided into three classes:—Active, Honorary, and Privileged. Section 2. -The Active class shall consist of the members chosen from the Graduates who are citizens of the United States of America, and resident in Paris. After due notice of their election, they shall each pay an initiation fee of ten francs, sign the Constitution, and conform to the By-Laws of the Society. The Active members shall provide for the general welfare of the Society, and they alone shall have the right of voting, of holding office, and of nominating candidates for membership. Section 3.—The Honorary class shall consist of the medical men whom the Society in electing, may deem worthy of marked — 3 — respect. They may be chosen without regard to their country or residence. The name of every candidate for Honorary membership shall be first submitted to the Society, and if approved, it shall be ascertained whether the candidate is willing to sustain the pro- posed relation. If he is willing, he shall be formally elected. The Honorary members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Society, except those exclusively granted in this article to the Active members. Section k.—The Privileged class shall consist of two orders of members: 1st. Of those who may be elected from among Graduates, not eligible as Active members, but who.may with to avail them- selves of the scientific advantages afforded by the Society; and 2nd. Of those who may be elected from among medical Students in Paris. After having received due notice of their elections, and recorded their names in a book prepared and kept for the pur- pose, the Privileged members shall have the free use of the books and papers of the Society ; they may attend its meetings, and upon invitation by the Presiding officer, may participate in its discussions. Section 5.—No initiation fee, or regular, stated payment, shall be received from Honorary or Privileged members. Section 6.—Unworthy members may be expelled from the Society by the vote of two thirds of the Active members present at any regular meeting. ARTICLE IV. OF THE OFFICERS. Section 1. — The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Pre- sident,—a first Vice-President,—a second Vice-President, —a — 4 — Corresponding Secretary,—a Recording Secretary,—a Treasurer, —and a Librarian ; — also of such subordinate Officers and Stand- ing Committees as the Society may deem fit to appoint. Section 2.—The elections for the Officers whose duties are defined in this article, shall take place at the last regular meetings of the Society in ihe months of February, June and October;—and the newly elected Officers shall enter upon the discharge of their functions at the next regular meetings. The elections of Officers shall be by ballot, and a majority in the ballot shall decide the election. Section 3.—The President shall preside at the meetings of the Society, and call special meetings upon the written request of five Active members. Section Z|.—The first Vice-President shall preside in case of the resignation, absence, or inability of the President; and the second Vice-President shall preside in case of the resignation, absence or inability of both the President and first Vice- President. A President pro tempore may be chosen at each meeting, in case of the resignation, absence, or inability of both the President, and Vice-Presidents. Section 5.—The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, and receive and answer the com- munications made to it. The Society may furnish him with instructions for his guidance, and shall require him to make accurate reports of the communi- cations received or written by him on its behalf. Section 6.—The Recording Secretary shall keep a correct, concise, and legible record of the proceedings of every meeting of the Society. He shall, at every regular meeting, read the minutes of the preceding, in order to afford the members an opportunity for correction or approval. Section 7.—The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Society, and make payments from them by its order. He shall, at Ihe expiration of his office, render an account of all the payments received or made by him for the Society, and shall transfer to the Treasurer who succeeds him, the funds in his hands, belonging to the Society, together with all the papers pertaining to the Office. Section 8.—The Librarian shall receive the Books and Jour- nals of the Society, and superintend the Library and Reading Room. Section 9.—If a vacancy, not otherwise provided for, should occur in any Office, the Presiding Officer shall fill such vacancy, by the appointment of a member who shall continue to discharge the duties of the Office until the next regular election. ARTICLE V. OF THE QUORUM. Five active members, at any meeting, shall constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VI. OF AMENDMENTS. Amendments to this Constitution may be made at any regular meeting of the Society, by two-thirds of the Active members present, the proposed amendments having been submitted in writing to a regular meeting held, at least, two weeks previously. Paris. —Printed by E. Bribre, rue Saintc-Anne. 55. \AMKS OF THE MEMBERS. MARCH 20TH 1852. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Walter F. Atlee of Pennsylvania. Sidney E. Babcock, « South Carolina. Th. Hewson Bache, u Pennsylvania. Wm. H. Berry, ». Dist. of Columbia. Thomas Bevan, » Ohio. Junius A. Briggs, ». Virginia. John G. Brodnax, » » Edmund W. Burton, » Pennsylvania. Samuel Choppin, » Louisiana. Wm. A. Conway, )i » Benj. J. B. Davis, u Pennsylvania. Daniel D. Detwiler, » » Charles A. Downes, » Ohio. John G. Dudley, » South Carolina. Francis C. Ellison, » Georgia. J. F. M. Geddings, » South Carolina. D. R. Hagner, » Dist. of Columbia. Chris. Happoldt, u South Carolina. Wm. C. Horlbeck, M » R. M. Jones, » Kentucky. Robert R. Mc. Ilvaine » Ohio. Wm. H. Mussey, » » John R. Page, u Virginia. N. J. Pittman, » North Carolina. Wm. C. Ravenel. » South Carolina. Edward J. Rembert, » » Romain Schlatre, » Louisiana. J. W. Schley, » Georgia. I. Webb Scott, » Kentucky. Alex. I. Semmes, » Dist. of Columbia. J. T. Updegraff, » Ohio. Gilbert S. Vance. » Louisiana. Benj. Vreeland, » New York. H. Rowland Walton, » Maryland. Philip C. Williams, >j Virginia. Augustus Wilson, » Pennsylvania. E. E. Wilson. » » John F. Wright, )) Ohio. PRIVILEGED MEMBERS. H. Easterling, of South Carolina. 0. Metcalfe, » Mississippi. Ehrick Parmly, » New York. i ! i