?l ll«r£ rtrcising which profession / am now to be inrest- " cd; and that I will icith fidelity and honor, do every thing ' in my power for the bcn< jii »f the sick committed to my '' charge.''1 (.See Art. vii, li\ laws State Med. Sue.) Art. III. In the absence of the president, his duties shall devolve on the vice-president ; and when both are ab- sent, the society shall elect a president pro tempore. Art. IV. It shall be the duty of the secretary to attend all meetings, and enter the proceedings of the society in a book to he provided for the purpose. He shall give timely notice of all regular, and such special meetings of the society as the president shall deem it expedient to call ; and he shall keep an exact record of all candidates admitted to the prac- tice of physic and surgery by this society ; and shall also procure diplomas in conformity to the State Med. Soc. by laws. (See Art. viii, Ky laws "of State Med. Soc.) Art. V. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to take charge of and keep a correct account of all monies belong- ing to the society, with the receipts and expenditures there- of, and to exhibit a statement of the funds once in every year, or as often as shall be required. He shall preserve for the benefit of the society, all donations and other move- able property committed to his charge, and keep an exact register of the same, together with the names of the respec- tive donors. Art. VI. It shall be the duty of the censors to examine all candidates to be admitted to the practice of physic and surgery, on the following branches of medicine, viz. phar- macy, materia-medica, chemistry, anatomy, surgery, phy- siology, theory and practice of physic and midwifery. Not less than three censors shall constitute a board for the e.v animation of candidates; and after this examination, shall report to the president, within forty-eight hours, their opin- ion drawn up in the form of a certificate, and signed bv each of the members present at the examination : and said certificate shall contain the opinion of the censors, that the candidate or candidates have complied with the requisitions of the laws of this state, as to time of study and legal quail fixations And m case of die absence of one or more of the board of censors, the present shall appoint a censor or "Art t0V,TPPViS " thGir Pkce Pr° te"P°re' art. vil. I he seniority of the censors shall be deter- 5 Art. \ III. It shall be the duty *-! m librarian to take charge of all books and pamphlets belonging to this socie- ty, and he shall annually report the stait of the library. SECTION III. Admission of Members. Art. I. Any physician or surgeon having a licence by the laws of this state, to practice his profession, shall on application, at a regular meeting of this society, be admitted a member thereof. Art. II. The president, vice-president and censors shall constitute a cornitia minora to receive all applications for membership during the recess of the society, and they shall report the qualifications of all applicants, with their vouchers to the first meeting of the society thereafter. Art. III. In case any member of this society shall fail to attend the annual meetings of the same, he shall forfeit and pay fifty cents to the treasurer for the use of said society. SECTION IV. Funds of the Socciety. Art. I. All monies collected from members for their an- nual tax, shall go to the funds of the society, and shall be appropriated to the establishment of a medical and philo- sophical library and apparatus. Art. II. The purchasing committee shall have power to draw an order on the treasurer, for monies in his hands, to pay for all books purchased or subscribed for by them for the library of the society. The treasurer shall not pay the monies in his hands belonging to the society for other purposes, except by the special order of the president. SECTION V. Admission of Students to practice. . Art. I. Every candidate receiving a diploma, shall pay a fee to the treasurer of this society for its use, not less than five dollars ; and the sum of four dollars to each of the cen- sors attending the examination. Art. II. Candidates presenting themselves for exami- nation, shall notify their intention to the president; and the censors shall proceed as soon as possible thereafter in their examination ; and it shall be optional with any member of this society to attend such examination. 4» SECTION VI. /vr< rciscs of this Society. Art. I. It shall he the duty of every member to com- municate to the society at its anniversary meetings, a his- tory of important cases which may have occurred in his re- spective circuit of practice during the preceding year. Art. II. Every member when he addresses the chair, shall rise, and shall not be interrupted while speaking, ex- cept he be declared out of order, on appeal made to the president ; or to correct a mistake. The president shall have power to call any member to the chair, and he may take an active part in the debate upon either side of the question. Art. HI. If a member has spoken once in any debate, he shall not speak to the prevention of another who has not >poken and manifests a desire to speak. Art. IV. These by laws shall not be altered or amend- ed, except at an anniversary meetintz. STATE LAW—Title vii, Containing general regulations concerning the Practice of Physic and Surgery in this State. I 2. Presidents of county medical societies to give notice to, and require physicians and surgeons to apply for certificates of admission. 2. If persons notified do not apply, licence to be forfeited. 3. Chars--;; }"»y be preferred to society against members for misconduct, &c 4. If two thirds ol members think charges well founded, president to deliver a copy to district attorney. r 5. District attorney to serve copy on accused, and give notice of hearing b. M< shall conduct prosecution and issue subpoenas for both parties 7. County judges to hear and determine charges; their judgment ,° *9 Qualifications for admission loan examination; term of study. &c 10. c«™cau» of commencing of studies by students to be filed with president of 11. If deduction from term of study be made, order of president specifying nerion to be annexed to certificate ' "'"'oF'"1 12. When regents to grant degrees of doctor of medicine 13. In what counties students to be examined. 14 ^i?5^n ^-^£1? Cen8°rS °f °ne coun*' »*t0 be «- 35. Persons rejected by state censors not to be examined by county censors state0 °Pra'Ce Ph^,c'&c-without "cence, &c. from th?S orsome other '7" Peclerk.COminS fr°m an0theF StatC' &C- t0 fi,e C0Py of diPlo«* with county 18. Diplomas granted out of this state to students in schools in this state not in corporated, not to confer right of practising physic, &c. "nthi. state oj 5rS°nS hCTe«lt0 dep°%il C?W °f "ccnce » county'clerk's office 29. Persons under 21, not entitled to practice. 21. Degrees of doctor of medicine conferred by colleges not to he a I;™,.- i co leges may have a faculty to teach n.edirinf "CW,Ce' ^"^ '.. Penally lor praefwinj *v:r surgeon, duly authorised by law to practise his profession, the term of medical study, prescribed in the following sections of this Title. §9. The regular term of the study of medical science shall he four years, but a deduction from such term, in no case to exceed one year, shall be made in either of the following cases: 1. If the student, after the age of sixteen, shall have pursued any of the studies usual in the colleges of this state, the period, during which he shall have pursued such studies, shall be deduct- ed. 'I. If the student, after the age of sixteen, shall have attended a complete course of all the lectures delivered in an incorporated me- dical college in tiiis state, or elsewhere, one year shall be deduct- ed. § 10. The physician and surgeon with whom a student shall commence his studies, shall file a certificate with the president of the county medical society to which he belongs, certifying that such person has so commenced his studies; and the term of study shall be considered as commencing, from the day on which such certificate is filed. §11. If the term of study shall be intended to be for less than lour years, upon either of the grounds mentioned in the ninth sec- tion of this Title, the president with whom the certificate shall be tiled, upon satisfactory proof that a deduction ought to be allowed, shall annex to such certificate, an order specifying the period, not exceeding one year, which, according to the proof exhibited to him, ought to be deducted from the term of four years, and directing that the term of study of the student shall be for the period that .^hall remain. § 12. No person shall receive from the regents of die universi- ty a diploma, conferring the degree of doctor of medicine, unless he shall have pursued the study of medical science for at least three years, after the age of sixteen, with some physician and surgeon duly authorised, by law, to practice his profession, and shall also' after the same age, have attended two complete courses of all the lectures delivered in an incorporated medical college, and have at- tended the last of such courses, in the college by which he shall be recommended for his degree. § 13. No student shall be admitted to an examination by any county medical society, except of the county in which he shall have pursued his medical studies for four months immediately preceding: his examination ; but if the student, during that period, shall have attended the. lectures m either of the incorporated medical colleges 9 of the state, he may he examined and licensed, either by the medi- cal society of the county in which such college is situated, or by tint of the county, in which he shall have resided, previous to such attendance. § 11. No person, who shall have been examined by the censors of any county medical society, as a candidate for the practice of physic and surgery, or either of them, and shall have been rejected on such examination, shall be admitted to an examination before the censors of any other county medical society ; but such person may appeal, from the decision of the censors by whom he shall have been examined, to the medical society of the state. § 1j. No person, who, either upon an original examination or upon an appeal, shall have been rejected by the censors of the state medical society, shall thereafter be admitted to an examination be- fore the censors of any county medical society. § 16. No person shall practice physic or surgery, unless he shall have received a licence or diploma for that purpose, from one of the incorporated medical societies in this state, or the degree of doc- tor of medicine from the regents of the university ; or shall have been duly authorised to practice by the laws of sonic other state or country, and have a diploma from some incorporated college of me- dicine, or legally incorporated medical society, in such state or country. § 17. No person coming from another state or country, shall practice p..ysic or surgery in this state, until he shall have filed a copy of his diploma, with the clerk of the county where he resides, and until he shall have exhibited to the medical society of that coun- ty, satisfactory evidence that he has regularly studied physic and surgery, according to the requisitions of the ninth section of this Title. § IS. No diploma, granted by any authority out of this state, to an individual who shall have pursued his studies in any medical school within this state, not incorporated and organized under its laws, shall confer on such individual the right of practising physic and surgery within this state. § 19. Every person licensed to practice physic or surgery, or both, shall deposit a copy of such licence with the clerk of the coun- ty where he resides, who shall tile the same in his office; and until such licence is so deposited, such person shall be liable to all the penalties provided by law, in the same manner as if he had no li- cence. § 20. No person under the age of twenty-one years shall be en- titled to practice physic or surgery in this state. § 21. The degree of doctor of medicine conferred by any college in this state, shall not be a licence to practice physic or surgery ; nor shall any college have, or institute, a medical faculty, to teach the science of medicine, in any other place dian where the charter locates the college. § 22. Every person, not authorised by law, who. for any fee or reward, shall practice physic or surgery within this state, shall be 10 2 10 incapable of recovering, hv suit, any debt arising from such j»i'< - tice. and bIk.II he denied guilty of a misdemeanour, punishable- by line or imprisonment, or both", in the disc rction of the court by which he shall be convicted. Passed 'Id Sis^ion, l^'it. CATALOGUE OF SOCKS In the Libre n, of the Albany County Medical Socuty August, I 1, 1828. Bound Books. V'ols American Journal of Med. Science, — American Medical Recorder, (from vol. 1 to 13) — Accum on Culinary Poisons, — — 1 Barton's Cullen, — — '- Buteman's S\no|>sis, — — 1 B a tenia n and Wilkin's Plates of Cutaneous Diseases, 1 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 2 nos. Caldwell's Cullen, — — 2 Dewecs' Essays on Parturition, — — 1 Duncan on Consumption, — — 1 Eclectic Repertory, — — 12 Gallup on Epidemics, — — 1 Hogbcn's Obstetrical Plates, — — 3 Medical Repository, — — 3 New-England Med. Journal, (from vol. 10 to 15) — 6 N-w-Kngland Jounu.l and Review, — 1 New-York Medical and Physical Journal, — 6 Philadelphia Journal of Med. & Physical Sciences, 14 Pemberton's Treatise on Diseases of the abdom. Viscera, 1 Reid on Nervous Diseases, __ __ \ Scudamore on Gout, __ __ j Saunders on the Eye, __ __ i Thompson on Inflammation, — __ i WaUis on Diseases, __ __ j 73 -> ■ I I- die' \k