NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Reference Services Division Reference Section SEARCHING THE NEOPLASTIC LITERATURE, A GUHE TO SELECTED FEFERENCE TOOLS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS by Virginia MacDonald Bethesda, Maryland August 1968 ■zaz- Ml 3^ 1.5 PREFACE This work, except for the history section, covers the period 1950-1967, and cites primarily English language reference works and other selected monographs. The National Library of Medicine classification number has been bracketed following the entry for most monographs. CONTENTS Introduction Nomenclature Indexes and Abstracts Periodicals Serials, Reviews Bibliographies Statistics Brochures, Pamphlets, Paperbacks Symposia, International Meetings, Congresses Research in Progress History Selected Monographs Index by Author and Subject Cancer, the term most commonly used for the unrestricted growth of body cells, is a group of many diseases, found in all races of man, in all other animal species, and in all geographic areas. At the present time, at least one hundred different types of cancer have been classified both by their appearance under the microscope and by the site of the body in which they arise. The mass or tumor which results from the growth of these cells compresses, invades, and destroys adjacent normal tissues. Among the many synonyms applied to this mass are "malignant tumor" and "malignant neoplasm". Cancer generally designates only malignant tumors7 although no universally accepted definition of the term has been presented in the standard works on tumor pathology. At the National Library of Medicine, for the purpose of subject categorization, tumorous growths, both benign and malignant, come under the term "neoplasm". In the 1968 MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) approximately 316 subjects are listed in category C 2, "Neoplasms, cysts and polyps". Granulomatous diseases were included in C 2, in the 1967 edition of MeSH, but became a part of a new category in 1968, C 17 "Symptoms and general pathology". - 1 - NOMENCLATURE The nomenclature is varied and without standardization. This rreates quite a problem for the searcher and the indexer. As a solution, the Indexing Section at the National Library of Medicine uses the American Cancer Society»s Manual of Tumor Nomenclature and Coding, 1951, which has been adapted for Index Medicus indexing by underlining subjects selected for use. This list is also used in searching Index Medicus by the Reference Section, to determine not only the subjects used in indexing but to learn under which of these subjects a term not listed in Medical Subject Headings may be indexed. Frequently, the histological name used by the author is not that used by the Manual. Example: uterine fibroma is not indexed under "Fibroma" but under "Leiomyoma". By using the alphabetical index and referring to the classified numbers in the text, one will observe that the Indexing Section has combined under a single most appropriate subject many terms and synonyms for similar malignancies. Neoplasms, in general, are indexed in such a way as to bring out both the site and the histological type. Examples: site, "Cervix Neoplasms"; histology, "Carcinoma, Epidermoid". 1. MEDLARS indexing manual. Bethesda, Md., National Library of Medicine, 1%7. Section 17. Indexing principles for sub- category C 2 (neoplasms, cysts, and granulomatous diseases) A nomenclature manual has been in preparation for some years at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. However, nothing more recent than the 1%1 issue of Preliminary Tumor Nomenclature has been published. The World Health Organization maintains international reference centers - 2 - for the histopathological definition and classification of tumors which enable pathologists to exchange material and diagnosis and to test a proposed classification. Differences in classification arise, however, because of the difficulty in deciding whether a particular growth is malignant or benign and in determining its histological type and its site of origin. Most recently the Inter- national Union Against Cancer published in 1965 its Illustrated Tumor Nomenclature, an atlas with text in English, French, Russian, German, and Spanish. 2. American Cancer Society. Statistics Committee. Manual of tumor nomenclature and coding. Corrected ed. 1951. 119 p. [QZ 15 A512m] [1968 ed. 1L, p.] 3. International Union Against Cancer. Committee on Tumor Nomenclature. Illustrated tumor nomenclature. Berlin, Springer, 1965. 299 p. Title and text in English, French, Russian, German, and Spanish. 273 illustrations of the "most frequent tumors where an agreement between the different language groups is already in existence". [QZ 15 I61i] ly. Preliminary tumor nomenclature. Washington, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1961. 50 p. "Codes contained in this classification are designed to be used in conjunction with the topographic codes contained in the Standard Nomen- clature of Diseases and Operations, American Medical Association". Note: Reissued with date changed to 1966 and name of Director omitted. No other changes were made to 1961 edition. 5. Tdrloni, H. WHO's international reference centres for the histopathological definition and classification of tumours. Methods of Information in Medicine 2: 163-165» 1963. 5 references. INDEXES AND ABSTRACTS Excerpta Medica, Cancer Section, is the only current, specialized index with abstracts of the literature of cancer in English. The - 3 - abstracts complement Index Medicus, particularly those covering the foreign literature. F^cerota Medica's more specific subject headings, frequently based on the terminology used by the author, are most useful in searching for rare cases and in identification of unusual neoplastic conditions. Listed below are titles of indexing and abstracting publica- tions specifically on neoplasms. 6. Cancer, revue bibliographique. v. 11, Jan 1965- . Villejuif, France, Service de documentation scientifique lnstitut Gustave-Roussy. Continues Bibliographie inter- na tionale du cancer. 17,873 citations listed through December 1967; 4 citations to a page, perforated for 3x5 size card file, if desired. Each entry in language of original article. Index. NLM holdings begin with volume eleven. [ZQZ 200 C222] 7. Carcinogenesis abstracts, v. 1, May 1963- . Bethesda, Md., National Cancer Institute. Publication irregular depending upon date of contract renewal. Approximately 2300 abstracts a year. [ZQZ 202 C265] 8. Excerpta Medica, Section 16. Cancer. Amsterdam, v. 1, 1953- . 6,082 abstracts in v. 13, 1965; 6,464 in v. 14, 1966; 7,524 in v. 15, 1967. [ZW 1 E967] 9. Leukemia abstracts, v. 1, Jan. 1953- . Chicago. Prepared by Research Information Service, and Medical Department of the John Crerar Library. Sponsored by the Lenore Schwartz Leukemia Research Foundation. Monthly. About 1300 abstracts a year. Annual author and keyword index. [ZWH 250 L652] In addition, cancer information is indexed by specific subjects in many other reference tools such as Biological Abstracts. Chemical Abstracts, and Nuclear Science Abstracts. Considerable overlapping in the journals indexed and in subjects used occurs in these, as well as in Index Medicus. However, there are several advantages in using them, in addition to Index Medicus. (1) the availability of an abstract; (2) the inclusion of many journals not in Index Medicus; and (3) the emphasis on material from the biological, . - 4 - chemical and nuclear science viewpoints, respectively. For example, Biological Abstracts indexes, as does Index Medicus, such journals as Annals of Internal Medicine, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Cancer, Cancer Research, Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Lancet, Nature, Transplantation, all of which often have articles on neoplasms. A spot check, however, in one issue of Biological Abstracts under the subject "Neoplasms" listed two foreign journals not indexed by Index Medicus: Soobshcheniya Akademii nauk Gruzinskoi SSSR (USSR) and Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde. Experimental animals are listed by name in the subject section of all three indexes: hamsters, dogs, rats, mice, etc. All three use "Neoplasms" as a subject heading. Naturally, Chemical Abstracts has many more entries and more information from the chemical viewpoint, such as formulae and assays, indexed under such subjects as cytochemistry of enzymes, antineoplastic drugs, antigen-antibody reactions, myeloma proteins, effects of chemical agents on tumor nuclei, and more indexing under such specific terms as "Hydroxyethylation", "Complement C'l, C'2, 0*3," "Dimethylnitrosamine", etc. Nuclear Science Abstracts uses such subjects as "Laser Radiation, effects on melanomas", "Radioisotopes", "Radium Isotopes", "Radiotherapy", "Carcinogenesis", and many more applicable to neoplasms. - 5 - PERIODICALS Two subject lists of journals concerned wholly with the neoplastic literature are: JO. Current periodicals in the field of cancer. Bull NY Acad Med 38: 851- 853, 1962. 11. List of journals indexed in Index Medicus. Bethesda, Md., National Library of Medicine, 1968. Subject listing of neoplasms, p. 68-69. World Medical Periodicals also has a subject index to its list of journals. 12. Clegg, H. A. ed. World medical periodicals. New York, World Medical Association, 1961. Cancer, p. 380. Includes geographic arrangement also. ] t must be remembered, however, that any journal covering any aspect of the world medical literature may contain an article in the neoplastic subject field. Reproduced below is the subject list of neoplastic journals indexed in Index Medicus, (1968) NEOPLASMS ACTA 1KERICA RADI0L0GICA-CANCER0L0GIA (Madrid) ACTA 0NC0L0GICA (Madrid) ADVANCES in CANCER RESEARCH (New York) ARCH1V fur GESCHWULSTFORSCHUNG (Dresden) AR0H1VI0 ITALIANO di PATOLOGIA e CLiNICA dei TUMORI (Modena) BEITRAEGE zur KREBSFORSCHUNG (Dresden) BRITISH JOURNAL of CANCER (London) BULIET1N du CANCER (Paris) formerly BULIETIN de 1»ASSOCI- ATION FRANCHISE pour l'ETUEE du CANCER (Paris) CA; CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS (New York) CANADIAN CANCER CONFERENCE CANCER (Philadelphia) CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY REPORTS (Washington) CANCER PROGRESS (London) CANCER RESEARCH (Chicago) CANCER RESEARCH, SUPPLEMENT (Chicago) CANCRO (Torino) EUROPEAN JOURNAL of CANCER (Oxford) GANN; JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH (Tokyo) INDIAN JOURNAL OF CANCER (Bombay) INTERNATIONAL -JOURNAL of CANCER (Kob^ntiavn) formerly ACTA; UNION INTERNATIONALIS contra CANCRUM (Louvain) JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CANCER CLINICS (Tokyo) title in Japanese: GAN no R1NSH0 JOURNAL of the NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (Washington) KREBSARZT (Wien) KREBSFORSCHUNG und KREBSBEKAEMPFUNG; Sonderbaende zur STRAHI£NTHERAPIE (Munchen) NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE MONOGRAPHS (Washington) NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE RESEARCH REPORTS (Washington) NEOPLASMA (Bratislava) N0W0TW0RY (Warszawa) 0NC0L0GIA (Basel) PROCEEDINGS oC the NATIONAL CANCER CON- FERENCE (New York) PROGRESS IN CLINICAL CANCER (New Y0rk) PROGRESS IN EXPERIMENTAL TUMOR RESEARCH (Basel) REVISTA del INSTITUTO NACIONAL de CANCEROLOGIA (Mexico) RIVISTA di ANATOMIA PATOLOGICA e di 0NC0L0GIA (Padova) TUMORI (Milano) VOPROSI KLINIKI i IECHENIIA ZLOKACHESTVENNYKH N0V00BRAZOVANII (Riga) VOPROSY 0NK0L0GII (Leningrad) ZEITSCHRIFT fur KREBSFORSCHUNG (Berlin) - 6 - SERIAL REVIEWS A number of serial publications not specifically grouped with cancer literature are in a large part concerned with neoplastic subjects. Among them are Advances in Chemotherapy, the Clinical Cytology series, Yearbook of Radiology, and various gynecological surveys and yearbooks. Of the serials and reviews devoted exclusively to neoplasms the following are frequently used: 13. Advances in cancer research. New York, Academic Press. v. 1, 1953- . Reviews and bibliographies. [Wl AD512] 14. Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas. 9th, 1964. Recent advances in the diagnosis of cancer; a collection of papers. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1964. 310 p. Conference also listed on p. 14M5 for other years. [W3 AN6255 1964] 15. Cancer Progress. London, I960- . Irregular. Review articles with bibliographies. [Wl CA685] 16. Methods in cancer research. New York, Academic Press. v. 1, 1967- . (4 v. published to date) "Survey of avail- able methods for analysis of various biological, morpho- logical, biochemical, therapeutic and oncogenic phases of cancer research." [QZ 200 B977m] 17. Progress in clinical cancer. New York, Grune and Stratton. v. 1, 1965- . Some of the newer technics established in the clinical management of the patient with cancer. [Wl PR668F] 18. Progress in experimental tumor research. Basel, Karger. v. 1, I960- . Annual reviews with bibliographies. In English, German, or French. [Wl PR668TJ 19. Recent results in cancer research. Berlin, Springer, v. 1, 1965- . v. 1, Die tierische Zelle in Zellkultur; v. 2, Neuroblastomas; v. 3, Occupational cancers of the respiratory system; v. 4, Laser cancer research; v. 5, Thymus; v. 6, Malignant transformation by viruses; v. 7, Multiple primary malignant neoplasms, their incidence and significance; v. 8, New trends in the treatment of cancer; v. 9, Immunological aspects of viral oncolysis; v. 10, Radioactive phosphorus in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal cancer; v. 11, Treatment of skin cancer. [Wl RE 106] - 7 - 20. Yearbook of cancer. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers. v. 1, 1956/57- . (The practical medicine year books) [Wl YE 112] BIBLIOGRAPHIES Listed below are bibliographies in cancer or related fields which are recurring or have been completed as of 1967. Several bibli- ographies in the neoplastic subject field were prepared under contract with the National Cancer Institute, but failure to renew contracts or changes in the companies which were doing the work resulted in delay, discontinuance for long periods, or complete cessation, which makes them of limited value. 21. Bibliography on cancer in Africa. South African Cancer Bull 7: (Suppl) Oct-Dec 1%3. Covers period to end of 1961. 106 p. Kept up-to-date by yearly supplements in above bulletin. [ZQZ 200 N277b] 22. Cancer chemotherapy, a bibliography of agents, 1946-1954. Prepared by the Bibliography Section, Reference Division, Armed Forces Medical Library. Cancer Research 16 (Suppl 4) 1956. Contains 3,704 references. 23. Cancer chemotherapy. Supplement, 1955-1959. Compiled under the direction of Marjory C. Spencer. Cancer Research 25: (Suppl 36) 1965. 4,782 references. 24. Goss, Robert C. Cancer research in plants. New York, Scholar's Library, 1962. 26 p. (SL bibliography series) Plant tumors. [Z 5354.P2 G677c] 25. Koenig, Elizabeth,comp. Cancer and virus, a guide and an- notated bibliography to monographs, reviews, symposia, and survey articles with emphasis on human neoplasm, 1950-63. New York, Rockefeller Institute, Elizabeth Koenig. 94 p. (PHS Pub. No. 1424) 291 numbered references. [ZQZ 200 K78c] 26. M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas. Medical Library. Weekly list of current articles on neoplasms with short annotations. Free on request. Citations are listed within one to two weeks of publication date of journal. [Not cataloged] - 8 - 27. Neubauer, Otto. Bibliography of cancer produced by pure chemical compounds; a survey of the literature up to and including 1947. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1959. 604 p. [ZQZ 202 N477b] 28. Oatfield, H. Literature of the chemical periphery. 1. Cancer. Bull Med Libr Ass 38: 9-22, 1950. Covers abstracts and indexes, periodicals, handbooks, reviews, selected monographs. Although somewhat dated, this is still quite valuable as a survey of the subject. 29. Roberts, D. C. Research using transplanted tumours of labo- ratory animals: a cross referenced bibliography. London, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Registry and Information Service for Experimental Tumours. 1964- . Papers arranged in alphabetical order according to name of senior author and numbered consecutively. Has subject and tumor indexes. [ZQZ 200 R432] 30. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Reference Services Division, Bibliography on smoking and health, 1958-1963. Prepared for the Surgeon General*s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health by Dorothy Bocker. Washington, 1963. 59 p. (Public Health Service. Pub. No. 1124. Bibliography series no. 45) 1066 references, partly annotated, to books and articles. [ZWA 4 U585p no.45] 31. _____. _____. Supplement 1963-1964. Washington, 1965. 29 p. (Public Health Service. Pub. No. 1124. Bibliography series No. 45) 374 additional references. [ZWA4 U585p. no.45 Suppl] Note: Nos. 30 and 31 were combined and republished by the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health, Arlington, Virginia, with the title 1967 Cumulation. Bibliography on Smoking and Health. Washington, 1967. 523 p. (PHS Pub No. 1124) [ZWA 4 U585p No.45] 32. World Health Organization. Bibliography on the epidemiology of cancer, 1946-1960. Geneve, 1963. 168 p. Bilingual English-French edition. [ZQZ 200 W927b] The following are some special bibliographies compiled by the National Institutes of Health Library and the National Library of Medicine. They are free upon request. 33. U.S. National Institutes of Health. Library. Cancer in subhuman primates; compiled by Marjory Luther. Bethesda, Md., 1962. 61 p. Annotated references. - 9 - U.S. National Institutes of Health. Library. Coffee and cancer. 14 references, 1938-1964. Selected by P. E. Pothier. [Bethesda, Md.] 1966. 2 p. _____. Multiple primary neoplasms, a preliminary selection of references by John Coatney. [Bethesda, Md.] 1962. 9 p. 139 references. _____. Psychological etiology of malignancy, references 1950-1959. Selected by Charlotte Kenton. [Bethesda, Md.] I960. 3 p. _____. Tumors in invertebrates. 230 references, 1950- May 1964. Compiled by Charlotte Kenton. [Bethesda, Md.] 1964. 19 p. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Enzymes and human neoplasms. Mid-1963 - August 1%7. 566 citations. Bethesda, Md. [1967] 38 p. (L.S. no. 19-67) _____. Review articles on viral oncogenesis. Mid-1963 - March 1966. 107 citations. Bethesda, Md. [1966] 7 p. (L.S. no. 12-66) ____. Burkitt's lymphoma. Mid-1963-1966. 99 citations. Bethesda, Md. [1966] 7 p.(L.S. no. 5-67) _____. Asparaginase in metabolism, especially antitumor activity. January 1964-August 1967. 19 citations. Bethesda, Md. 2 p. (L.S. no. 16-17) _____. Neoplasm models. Mid-1963-August 1967. 79 citations. Bethesda, Md. 2 p. (L.S. no. 16-67) _____. Tumors of cold-blooded vertebrates. Mid-1963- May 1967. 123 citations. Bethesda, Md. [1967] 8 p. (L.S. no. 3-68) - 10 - STATISTICS Another problem area in searching is that of statistics, which are frequently requested by researchers. Due to the extent of the literature and the nature of this disease, the compilation of comprehensive, valid data about cancer in the human population is a monumental task. There are differences in the ability to recognize and diagnose the disease, differences in medical facilities, etc. The northern European countries have unusually complete statistics necessi- tated by their national health services acts. Cancer has been a notifiable disease in Norway since 1951, there is compulsory reporting in Sweden, and England and Scotland also keep national records. In the United States neoplastic statistics such as incidence and morbidity rates are provided by Central Cancer Registries of the state health departments only in Connecticut, California, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and New York, and by tumor registries supported by the American College of Surgeons in approximately 1000 hospitals throughout the United States. Mortality rates in the United States are provided by the above and by the National Center for Health Statistics in its annual publication Vital Statistics of the United States, volume 2, Mortality (latest 1965). At the present time 16 percent of the deaths in the United States annually are attributed to cancer; only 3.7 percent in 1900. The increase may be due to differences in life expectancy, improved diagnostic efficiency, improved reporting of cancer mortality, and in the actual changes in the frequency of occurrence of certain types of cancer such as lung neoplasms. Dr. Segi and his co-workers of - 11 - Tohoku University, S^ndai, Japan, have compiled statistics on all sites, four volumes to date, which many consider the best available international statistics. However, cancer is a reportable disease in only a few countries and states of the world and there are no international agreements on cancer registries. In the United States, regional and state registries operate independently and in a variety of ways. These and other problems, such as frequent exclusion of age-adjusted rates, use of selected population groups, and the com- paratively small number of patients who become the statistics, make the compiling of information difficult and often misleading. 44. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures. New York, American Cancer Society. Published annually. Available free on request from state divisions of ACS. [Wl CA6 79S] 45. California. Tumor registry. Cancer registration and survival in California. Berkeley, California. Depart- ment of Public Health, 1963. 406 p. Report based on 110,229 cancer cases initially diagnosed during the period 1942- 56. [QZ 200 C155c] 46. Cancer incidence in five continents; a technical report edited by Richard Doll and others. New York, j3erlin, Springer, 1966. 241 p. Classification by site of origin and histological types. Describes and compares registries. [QZ 200 C2152] 47. Cancer incidence in Sweden. 1958- . Stockholm, Swedish Cancer Registry, National Board of Health. [W2 GS8 C2c] 48. Dorn, H. F. and Cutler, S. J. Morbidity from cancer in the United States. Washington, U.S. Public Health Service, 1959. 207 p. (PH Monograph No. 56, PHS Pub. No. 590) [Wl UN 7395 no. 56] - 12 - 49. End results in cancer, report no. 2. Bethesda, Md., National Cancer Institute, 1%4. 122 p. (PHS Pub. No. 1149) Data based on information on patients only through 1959. [Wl EN35L] 50. International Union Against Cancer. Committee on Clinical Stage Classification and Applied Statistics. Clinical stage classification and presentation of results; malignant tumors of the urinary bladder. [Geneva, 1963] 17 p. 51. McKenzie, Alan and others. Cancer statistics for England and Wales, 1901-1955; a summary of data relating to mortality and morbidity. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1957. 99 p. [W2 FAlG3s no. 13] 52. Segi, Mitsuo. Cancer mortality in Japan, 1899-1962. Sendai, Japan, Dept. of Public Health, Tohoku Univ. School of Medicine, 1965. 125 p. [QZ 200 S454c] 53. Segi, M. and others, ed. Cancer mortality for selected sites in 24 countries. Sendai, Japan, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 1960-1966. 4 volumes published to date. [Wl CA611] 54. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Government Operations. Cancer, a worldwide menace; some facts and figures on its occurrence in the United States and abroad. Prepared for the Committee on Government Operations ... and its Subcommittee on Reorganization and International Organizations, pursuant to S. Res 347, 85th Congress, and S. Res 42, 86th Congress. Washington, 1959. 40 p. (86th Cong. 1st sess. Committee print) [QZ 200 U56c] 55. U.S. National Cancer Institute. Cancer rates and risks by John C. Bailar III and others. Bethesda, Md., National Institutes of Health, 1964. 93 p. (PHS Pub. No. 1148) [QZ 200 U58ce] 56. U.S. National Cancer Institute. End results and mortality trends in cancer. Washington, 1961. 350 p. (PHS Monograph No. 6) [Wl UN649 no. 6] 57. Vital statistics of the United States, 1965. Washington, 1967. [National Center for Health Statistics] Vol. 2, Mortality. Part B. Mortality figures for malignant neo- plasms given by state, by type, and by ages. [W2 AN25vi] - 13 - BROCHURES, PAMPHLETS, PAPERBACKS Many brochures, pamphlets, and paperbacks, too numerous to list, are published by the United States Public Health Service, the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society, the World Health Organization, state health agencies, and others. The five listed below are examples of fairly recent ones. 58. Cancer services, facilities, and programs in the United States. Washington, 1%7. 189 p. (PHS Pub. No. 14, rev. 1%5, May 1%7) [QZ 22 AAl N2c] 59. Drugs vs. cancer. National Cancer Institute. Research Report No. 3. Washington, 1%7. 17 p„ (PHS Pub. No. 1652) [Wl UN 6495] 60. National Advisory Cancer Council. Progress against cancer 1967. Washington, 1967. 65 p. (PHS Pub. No. 1720) 61. Reading on cancer, an annotated bibliography. Research Information Branch, National Cancer Institute. Rev. 1964. Washington, 1964. 16 p. (PHS Pub. No. 457. PHS bibli- ography series, no. 14) 84 citations. [ZWA 4 U585p no. 14] 62. Shimkin, Michael B. Science and cancer. Washington, 1964 137 p. (PHS Pub. No. 1162) [QZ 201 S556s] SYMPOSIA, INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS, CONGRESSES Reports of symposia, international meetings, and congresses are valuable for obtaining recent progress data. However, the time lag between the date of the meeting and that of publication may be up to two years. 63. Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas, 5th, I960. Carcinoma of the uterine cervix, endometrium and ovary; a collection of papers. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers. 1962 362 p. [W3 AN6255] ' - 14 - Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas, 8th, 1963. Tumors of bone and soft tissue; a collection of papers. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1965. 448 p. [W3 AN625] 65. Annual Clinical Conference on Cancer, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas, 10th, 1965. Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. Chicago, Yearbook Medical Pub., 1967. 300 p. [W3 AN6255] 66. Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research, M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas, 17th, 1963. Viruses, nucleic acids, and cancer; a collection of papers. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1963. 659 p. [W3 AN79] 67. Appaix, Andr6, ed. Tumors of the thyroid gland: an inter- national colloquium, Marseille, 1964. New York, American Elsevier, 1966. 468 p. [WK 270 I6lt] 68. Boniuk, Milton, ed. Ocular and adnexal tumors: new and con- troversial aspects. Symposium sponsored by Department of Ophthalmology, Baylor University College of Medicine. St. Louis, Mosby, 1964. 511 p. [WW 100 B715o] 69. Brodsky, Isadore, Kahn, S. B. ed. Cancer chemotherapy; basic and clinical applications; the fifteenth Hahnemann symposium. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1967. 348 p. [QZ 267 B866c] 70. Cancer of the nasopharynx. A symposium organized by the International Union Against Cancer. Ed. by C. S. Muir. Flushing, N. Y., Medical Examination Pub. Co., 1967. 259 p. (UICC monograph series, v. 1) Epidemiology, experimental and clinical aspects, pathology sections. Bibliography, p. 247-259. [Wl U412] 71. Defendi, Vittorio, ed. Methodological approaches to the study of leukeraias; a symposium held at the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, April 5 and 6, 1965. Philadelphia, Wistar Institute Press, 1965. 225 p. [Wistar Institute Symposium Monograph, no. 4] [W3 WI63 no. 72. International Cancer Congress, 9th, Tokyo, 1966. Abstracts of papers and proceedings. New York, Springer, 1967. 2 v. [W3 IN125] - 15 - 73. International Symposium on Chemotherapy of Cancer, Lugano, Switzerland, 1%4. Chemotherapy of cancer; proceedings. Organized by the Swiss Acadeny of Medical Sciences and -sponsored by F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., Ltd. Ed. by Placidus A. Plattner. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1964. [QZ 266 l61c] 74. International Symposium on Endogenous Factors influencing Host-Tumor Balance, Univ. of Chicago, 1966. Symposium held Oct. 10-11, 1966. Sponsored by Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, Chicago. [QZ 200 I612e] 75. International Symposium on Renal Neoplasia, Brasilia, 1965. Ed. by J. Stanton King, Jr., with 52 participants. Boston, Little, Brown, 1%7. 688 p. Sponsored by the Committee on Urology of the National Academy of Sciences and the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake Forest University. [WJ 385 I6lr] 76. Ito, Y., ed. First International Symposium on Tumor Viruses, Nagoya, Japan, Oct-Nov 1966. Aichi, Japan, Chikusaku Najaya, 1%7. 441 p. (Aichi Cancer Center) 77. Mihich, Enrico, ed. Immunity, cancer, and chemotherapy. New York, Academic Press, 1967. 390 p. [QZ 200 133] 78. Plastic surgery of head and neck tumours; proceedings first annual meeting, Swiss Society of Plastic and Recon- structive Surgeons, Locarno, April 1%5. Amsterdam, Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1965. 117 p. (Excerpta Medica. International Congress Series, no. 98) [W3 EX89, no. 98] 79. Worrall, P. M. and Espiner, H. J., ed. Symposium on Methotrexate in the Treatment of Cancer, 2d, London, 1964. Bristol, England, Wright, 1966. 117 p. Report of the proceedings of the symposium held at the Royal Society of Medicine on 9 October 1964. [W3 SY5329] - 16 - RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Research in progress in the neoplastic diseases is world- wide. With ever increasing funds and efforts allocated to this research, the programs cover not only clinical research and training in the fields of surgery, medicine, radiation therapy and chemotherapy but additional concentrated subject specializa- tion in the fields of biomathematics, biochemical genetics, cytology, endocrinology, immunology, and virology as related to cancer. Two references are essential in locating centers and individual scientists carrying on the search for the cause and cure of cancer. 80. Research grants index. Bethesda, 1961- . U.S. National Institutes of Health. Division of Research Grants. 2 v. (PHS Pub. No. 925) Annual. v. 1, Index section; v. 2, Grant number list and bibliography, general research areas, alphabetical list of investigators. [W20.5 R429] 81. World Health Organization. Inventory of cancer re- search, as of 31 December 1965. Geneva, 1966. 534 [83] p. Principally a list of institutions under country arrange- ment, giving subject of research and principal investigator, In addition has sections: Alphabetical list of investi- gators, Subject index, Index of institutions by country. Sections referred to as Annexe 1-4. [QZ 22 MW6 W9i] - 17 - HISTORY The only exhaustive history on the subject is the Wolff monograph,number 84 below. This can be supplemented by numbers 82 and 83. In addition, the four series of the Index Catalogue, the Bibliography of the History of Medicine, vol. 1, 1965- , and Current Work in the History of Medicine, vol. 1, 1954- , should be searched under appropriate subject headings. 82. Donner Foundation. Index to the literature of experi- mental cancer research, 1900-1935. Philadelphia, The Foundation, 1948. 1057 p. Author and subject index; index to reviews. [ZQZ 200 D686i] 83. Triolo, Victor A. Nineteenth century foundation of cancer research. 1. Origins of experimental research. 2. Advances in tumor pathology, nomenclature and theories of oncogenesis. Cancer Res 24: 4-27, 1964; 25: 75-106, 1965. Total of 744 end references. 84. Wolff, Jacob. Die Lehre von der Krebskrankheit von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Jena, Fischer, 1907-29. 4 v. Exhaustive, well documented study. Arranged by subject with analyses of contributions. Footnote references. [QZ 11 W855L] - 18 - SELECTED MONOGRAPHS The monographs listed below, in addition to those previously discussed in more detail under the special subject headings, are recommended titles in the English language including translations. 85. Ackerman, Laurin V. and del Regato, J. A. Cancer: diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. 3d ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1962. 12% p. [QZ 200 Al82c] 86. American Cancer Society. A cancer source book for nurses. Rev. ed. New York, 1963. 120 p. [WY 156 A512c] 87. Amromin, George D. Pathology of leukemia. New York, Hoeber, 1968. 448 p. [QZ 350 A527p] 88. Ansfield, Fred J. Chemotherapy of disseminated solid tumors. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1966. 128 p. Historical review. Discussion of drug evaluation, toxicity, and clinical uses. [QZ 267 A767c] 89. Attie, Joseph N. and Khafif, R. A. Melanotic tumors; biology, pathology and clinical features. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1964. 346 p. [QZ 200 A885m] 90. Bacon, Harry E. Cancer of the colon, rectum and anal canal. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1964. 956 p. [Wl 435 Bl28c] 91. Bennington, James L. and Kradjian, R. M. Renal carcinoma. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1967. 263 p. [WJ 358 B472r] 92. Burdette, Walter J. Viruses inducing cancer. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1966. 498 p. [QZ 202 B951v] 93. Busch, Harris. An introduction to the biochemistry of the cancer cell. New York, Academic Press, 1962. 424 p. [QZ 200 B977i] 94. Cancer film guide. Washington, 1963. (PHS Pub. No. 848, rev.) Continuation of "Cancer Motion Picture Guide, 1961". 1963 edition contains about 1200 titles. [QZ 18 C215] 95. Corscaden, James A. Gynecologic cancer. 3d ed. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1962. 574 p. [WP 145 C826g] 96. Cutler, Max. Tumors of the breast, their pathology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1962. 482 p. [WP 870 C989t] - 19 - 97. Dahlin, David C. Bone tumors, ^oneral aspects and data on 3,987 cases. 2d ed. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1967. 285 p. [WE 258 D1313b] 98. Dameshek, William and Gunz, F. Leukemia. 2d ed. rev. enl. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1964. 594 p. [WH 250 D157L] 99. Everson, Tilden C. and Cole, W. H. Spontaneous regression of cancer. A study and abstract of reports in the world medical literature and of personal communications concerning spontaneous regression of malignant disease. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1966. 560 p. [QZ 200 E94s] 100. Graham, William D. • Bone tumors. London, Butterworth, 1966. 139 p. Bibliography, p. 121-130. [WE 258 G742b] 101. Gray, Laman, A., comp. Dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix uteri. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1964. 464 p. [WP 480 G779d] 102. Griffiths, John D. and Salsbury, Allan J. Circulating cancer cells. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1965. 164 p. (American lecture series, no. 608. American lectures in living chemistry) [QZ 200 G854c] 103. Hickey, Robert C. ed. Palliative care of the cancer patient, by 33 authors. Boston, Little, Brown, 1967. 621 p. [QZ 266 H628p] 104. Hueper, Wilhelm C. and Conway, W. D. Chemical carcinogenesis and cancers. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1964. 744 p. (Ameri- can lecture series, no. 585. American lectures in living chemistry) Bibliography, p. 707-722. [QZ 202 H887c] 105. Kernohan, James and Uihlein, A. Sarcomas of the brain. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1962. 192 p. [WL 358 K39s] 106. Knock, Frances E. Anticancer agents. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1967. 272 p. (American lecture series, no. 670. American lectures in living chemistry) [QZ 267 K72a] 107. Lichtenstein, Louis. Bone tumors. 3d ed. St. Louis, Mosby 1965. 411 p. [WE 258 L699b] 108. MacComb, W. S. and Fletcher, G. H. Cancer of the head and neck. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1967. 598 p. [WE M129c] - 20 - 109. M^Gownn, Larry. Cancer in pregnancy. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1967. JV»2 p. (American lecture series no. 682. American lectures in living chemistry) i [QZ 200 M146c] 110. McGuff, Paul E. Surgical applications of laser. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1966. 200 p. Special refer- ence to treatment of malignancy. Laser theory, operation and types of lasers. [QZ 269 M148s] 111. McNeer, Gordon and Pack, George T. Neoplasms of the stomach. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1967. 555 p. [Wl 320 Ml69m] 112. Michael, Paul P. Tumors of infancy and childhood, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1964. 461 p. [QZ 200 M621t] 113. Murphy, Walter T. Radiation therapy. 2d ed. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1%7. 1020 p. [QZ 269 M978r] 114. National Research Council. Committee on Pathology. Atlas of tumor pathology, prepared at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology ... Washington, 1949- . Recently published fascicles. [QZ 200 N279a] 1. Ackerman, L. V., Spjut, H. J. Tumors of bone and cartilage. 1962. 347 p. (Section 2, Fasc. 4) 2. Lund, H. Z., Kraus, J. M. Melanotic tumours of the skin. 1962. 134 p. (Section 1, Fasc. 3) 3. Wood, D. A. Tumors of the intestines. 1967. 261 p. Section 6, Fasc. 22) 115. Nealon, Thomas, F., Jr., ed. Management of the patient with cancer. (Contributions by 71 authorities) Philadelphia, Saunders, 1961. 1,065 p. [QZ 266 N348m] 116. Pack, George T. and Ariel, I. M., eds. Treatment of cancer and allied diseases. 2d ed. New York, HoeLer, 1959-1964. 9 v. [QZ 266 Pll9t] 117. Reese, Algernon B. Tumors of the eye. 2d ed. New York, Hoeber, 1963. 593 p. [WW 100 R329t] 118. Sani, Guelfo and others. Fluorescence microscopy of the cytodiagnosis of cancer. Springfield, 111., Thomas, 1964. 195 p. (Trans, of La microscopia di fluorescenza nella citodiagnosi del cancro) [QZ 241 S227m] - 21 - 119. Schwartz, Emanuel E., ed. Biological basis of radiation therapy. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1966. 6?4 p. [WN 100 S399b] 120. Sherlock, Sheila. Diseases of the liver and biliary system. 3d ed. Philadelphia, Davis [1963] 714 p. [Wl 700 S552d] 121. Spratt, John S. and Donegan, W. L. Cancer of the breast. Philadelphia, Saunders, 1967. 322 p. (Major problems in clinical surgery, v. 5) [Wl MA492R v.5] 122. Willis, R. A. Pathology of tumors. 4th ed. London, Butterworth, 1967. 1,019 p. [QZ 200 W735p] - 22 - AUTHOR INDEX Ackerman, L. V. 85, 114 American Cancer Society 2, 44, 86 Amromin, G. D. 87 Ansfield, F. J. 88 Appaix, Andr6 67 Argonne Cancer Research Hospital 74 Ariel, I. M. 116 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 4, 114 Attie, J. N. 89 Bacon, H. E. 90 Bailar, John C. Ill 55 Bennington, J. L. 91 Bocker, Dorothy 30 Boniuk, Milton 68 Brodsky, Isadore 69 Burdette, W. J. 92 Busch, Harris 93 Clegg, H. A. 12 Coatney, John 35 Cole, W. H. 99 Conway, W. D. 104 Corscaden, J. A. 95 Cutler, Max 96 Cutler, S. J. 48 Dahlin, David C. 97 Dameshek, William 98 Defendi, Vittorio 71 Doll, Richard 46 Donegan, W. L. 121 Donner Foundation 82 Dora, H. F. 48 Espiner, H. J. 79 Everson, Tilden C. 99 Fletcher, G. H. 108 Goss, Robert C. 24 Graham, William D. 100 Gray, Laman A. 101 Griffiths, John D. 102 Gunz, F. 98 Hickey, Robert C. 103 Hueper, Wilhelra C. 104 International Union Against Cancer 3, 50, 70 Ito, Y. 76 Kahn, S. B. 69 Kenton, Charlotte 36, 37 - 23 - Kernohan, James 105 Khafif, R. A. 89 King, J. S. Jr. 75 Knock, Frances E. 106 Koenig, Elizabeth 25 Kraus, J. M. 114 Kradjian, R. M. 91 Lichtenstein, Louis 107 Lund, H. Z. 114 Luther, Marjory 33 M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute 14, 26, 63-66 MacComb, W. S. 108 McGowan, Larry 109 McGuff, Paul E. 110 McKenzie, Alan 51 McNeer, Gordon 111 Michael, Paul P. 112 Mihich, Enrico 77 Muir, C.S. 70 Murphy, Walter T. 113 National Advisory Cancer Council 60 National Cancer Institute 7, 49, 56, 61 National Institutes of Health 33-37, 80 National Library of Medicine 1, 11, 22, 30-31, 38-43 - 24 - National Research Council 114 Nealson, Thomas F. Jr. 115 Neubauer, Otto 27 Oatfield, H. 28 Pack, George T. Ill, 116 Plattner, P. A. 73 Pothier, P. A. 34 Reese, Algernon B. 117 Regato, J. A. del. 85 Roberts, D. C. 29 Salsbury, Alan J. 102 Sani, Guelfo 118 Schwartz, Emanuel E. 119 Segi, Mitsuo 52-53 Sherlock, Sheila 120 Shimkin, Michael B. 62 Spencer, Marjory C. 23 Spjut, H. J. 114 Spratt, John S. 121 Torlon.i, H. 5 Triolo, Victor A. 83 Uihlein, A. 105 Willis, R. A. 122 Wolff, Jacob 84 Wood, David A. 114 World Health Organization 5, 32, 81 Worrall, p. m. 79 SUBJECT INEEX Abstracts 7-9 Africa 21 Antineoplastic agents 106 Anus neoplasms 90 Asparaginase 41 Atlases 114 Bibliographies 6, 21-43, 61 Bone neoplasms 64, 97, 100, 107, 114 Brain neoplasms 108 Breast neoplasms 96, 121 Brochures 58-62 Burkitt's lymphoma 40 California 45 Carcinogenesis, chemical 104 Cervix uteri 63, 101 Chemotherapy, see Drug therapy Child 112 Circulating cancer cells, see Neoplasm circulating cells Coffee 34 Colonic neoplasms 90 Conferences 14* 63-65 Cytodiagnosis 118 Cytology 93 Drug therapy 22-23, 59, 69, 73, 77, 79, S&9 106 - 25 - Endometrium 63 England 51 Enzymes 38 Epidemiology 32 Etiology, psychological 36 Experimental research, see Research Eye, see Ocular neoplasms Facilities 58 Films 94 Fluorescence microscopy, see Microscopy, fluorescence Gastrointestinal neoplasms 65 Grants 80 Gynecologic neoplasms 63, 95, 101, 109 Head neoplasms 108 History 82-84 Immunology 77 Incidence 46-47, 54 Infant 112 Intestinal neoplasms 114 Invertebrates 37 Japan 52-53 Kidney neoplasms 75, 91 Laser 110 Leukemia 71, 87, 98 Liver 120 - 26 - Manuals 2 MEDLARS 1 Melanoma 89, 114 Methotrexate 79 Microscopy, fluorescence 118 Morbidity 48, 51, 55 Mortality 49, 51-57 Nasopharynx 70 Neck neoplasms 78, 108 Neoplasm circulating cells 102 Neoplasm models 42 Neoplasm regression, spontaneous 99 Neoplasm transplantation 29 Nomenclature 2-5 Nucleic acids 66 Nurses 86 Ocular neoplasms 68, 117 Ovarian neoplasms 63 Paperbacks 58-62 Pathology 114, 122 Patients 17, 103, 115 Periodicals 10-12 Plants 24 Plastic surgery 78 - 27 - Pregnancy 109 Primates 33 Radiation, see Therapeutics, radiation Rectal neoplasms 90 Registries 45, 47 Regression, see Neoplasm regression, spontaneous Research 13, 15-16, 18-20, 24, 80-83 Science 62 Skin neoplasms 114 Smoking (Tobacco) 30-31 Spontaneous regression, see Neoplasm regression, spontaneous Statistics 44-57 Stomach neoplasms 111 Sweden 47 Symposia 63-79 Therapeutics 103, 115-116 Therapeutics, radiation 113, 119 Thyroid neoplasms 67 Transplantation, see Neoplasm transplantation Vertebrates, cold-blooded 43 Viruses 25, 39, 66, 76, 92 Wales 51 Yearbooks 20 - 28 -