I-Hterqatioqal l^xliibitioii of 1876. Medical Department, U. S. Army. PHOTOGRAPHS ILLUSTRATING RARE BOOKS IS THE National Medical Library. Philadelphia, 18^6. t- -r 1012 Gtfdi v.g I57C HM10NNL UBWW OF MEDICINE ^ BETOESDA 14, MO. Volume II. Photographs No. 55 to No. 104 Inclusive. War Dkiwktmknt, Suuokon-General's Office, Washington, I). (.)., May 6, 1*70. General J. K. Barnes, Surgeon-Gen era I United States Army: (tkneral: The photographs herewith submitted are intended to indicate some of the older and rarer books in the National Medical Library, and are to be placed in the International Exhibition of 187G, in connection with the Catalogues of the Library, as the safest and most convenient means of showing what has been accomplished in the attempt made by this Department to form a collection of medical literature which should meet the demands of the physicians of the United States. These photographs have been prepared under the supervision of Assistant-Surgeon J. J. Wood- ward, U. S. A., and are unusually successful. It must be remembered that many of these books are yellow with age, and that all yellow spots or stains appear in the photograph as dark or black spots. These photographs may be considered as being arranged in three series. The first series is taken from early printed books, the so-called "Incunabulse," and from other works, which are rare, at least in this country. The second series relates to Surgery, and especially Military Surgery; and the third series is from rare books and pamphlets connected with American Medical History. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN S. BILLINGS, A xxixtu it t-Surgeon United States Army, In Charge of Library. List of Photographs. Illustrating Books IN THE NATIONAL MEDICAL MUSEUM, Lndki; the Direction of the Surgeon-General U. S. Army, AT WASHINGTON, D. C. No. \/. Title-page of "The noble experyence of the vertuous handy- , No. 711. Title-page of the "Treatise on Gunshot wounds," of Francis- warke of surgeri," being a translation of the "Hantwerek" cus Plazzoni. Venice. 1018. of Jerome of Brunswick. London. l.r>2.r>. [See No. 57.] No. B<(. Title-page of the " Prnc-tica in arte ehirurgica " of John de Vigo. Printed at Lyons. 1521. No.l57. Title-page of the "Hantwerek der Cirurgien," by Jerome of Brunswick. Printed at Utrecht. 1535. [For English translation see No. 55.J No. i,">S. Title-page of the work of Alphonsus Ferrius, ■' De Selopetornm sive archibusoruin vulneribus." Rome. 1552. No. tf.<>. Title-page of the " Feldtbuch der Wundtartzney," by Hans von Gersdorff, called Schylhans. Franckfurt A. M. 1551. No. .00. Title-page of the first edition of the " Dix livres de la chirur- gie" of Ambrose Pare. Paris. 1504. No.n',1. Commencement of the "Historiall Expostulation against the Beastlye abusers, bothe of Chyrurgerie and Physike," by John Halle. Printed with his translation of the " Chirurgia parva Lanfranci, lanfranke of Mylayne, his brief e." Printed at London. l.")li.">. No. 1(12. Title-page of the first edition of the treatise on the pest, small- pox and measles, by Ambrose Pare. Printed at Paris. 1508. No. /«;(. Title-page of the first edition of the '' Deux livres de chirurgie " of Ambrose Pard. Paris. 1573. No./^rfT Page containing a portrait of Ambrose Pare*. Taken from the folio edition of his works in French, published at Paris. 1575. [The first edition.] No. (!>.->. Title-page of the Manual of Surgery of Schylander. Antwerp. 1.-.77. No. Of,. Title-page of the " Officiune et Jardin de Chirurgie Militaire" of Le Lievre. Paris. 1583. No(^t) Page 05 of " Certain works of Chirurgie compiled by Thomas Gale." London. 1580. No.'.lis. Title-page of the English translation of "Areeus." Printed at London. 15,ss. Nu.'J/tf. Title-page of the " Cirugia Universale of Gio. Andrea dalla Croce." Venice. 1005. No. 171. Title-page of the first edition of the "Treatise on the Move- ments of the Heart and circulation of the Blood " by William Harvey. Francfurt. 1028. No. 171'. Title-page of the "Hoplocrisma spongus, or a sponge to wipe away the weapon-salve," by William Foster. London. 1031. No.v?3. Title-page of the "Viaticum" of John Woodall. London. 1039. No.\/4. Last page of the "Iustitucion of Chyrurgerie," by Thomas Gaille. London. 1507. No. fft. Title-page of "La grande chyrurgie" of Guy de Chauliac. Bordeaux. 1072. No. 1^0. Title-page of "Severall Chirurgieall Treatises," by Richard Wiseman. Loudon. 1070. No.: 77. Title-page of the " Treatise on Surgery " of Matthew Godfried Purmann. Franckfurt und Leipzig. 1692. No. 7.8.' Title-page of the Treatise of Purmann, containing fifty cases of gunshot wounds. Franckfurt und Leipzig. 1721. No.^7!!. Title-page of the first edition of the Treatise of Park on Ex- cisions of the Joints. London. 1783. No. Si 1. Title-page of the " Reflexions sur les playes," by C. F. Faudacq. Namur. 1735. No. bZ? Title-page of the "Treatise on Wounds" of J. D. Schlichting. Amsterdam. 1718. No. :82. Title-page of the " Traite drs plaies d' amies a feu," by M. Des- port. Paris. 1741). No, S3.. Title-page of Volume I of the "Collection of observations in the Military Hospitals," by Richard de Hautesierck. Paris. 1700. [This is one of the most valuable works in connection with the history of Mili- tary Siugery in France, and is very rare.] No. 81. Title-page of the '' Joyfull newes Out of the New-found Worlde." being a translation of "Monardus," by John Frampton. London. 15!»0. 8 Thatcher's " Brief rule to guide the Common-People of New- England how to order themselves and theirs in the Small- Pocks, or Meascls." Boston. 1(177. Ircm an autotype reproduction of the original broad-side sheet in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society.] Title-page of the "Principia Medieinn■" of Ossorio. Printed at Mexico in Ills."). Title-page of the Inaugural Thesis of William Bull, of South Carolina, " De colica pictonum.'' Levden. 1731. [Hull was the first American graduate of medicine.] Title-page of the treatise of William Douglass on "The Pract- ical History of a New Epidemical Eruptive Miliary Fever with an Angina Ulcuseulosa Which Prevailed in Boston, New Eugland,vin the years 173.5 and 1730." Boston. 1730. Title-page of the Inaugural Dissertation of John Moultrie, of South Carolina, on the "'Yellow Fever." Edinburgh. 174!). [ Doctor .Moultrie was the first American graduate at Edinburgh. | Title-page of the Essay on Inoculation, by Laughlin Macleane. Philadelphia. 175G. Title-page of the Inaugural Dissertation of John "Morgan, "De puris confectione." Edinburgh. 17(13. Title-page of the Inaugural Discourse on "Medical Schools in America,'' by John Morgan. Philadelphia. 170.5. Title-page of the Inaugural Dissertation of Benjamin Kush, " De coctione ciborum in ventriculo."' Edinburgh. 1708. Title-page of the Inaugural I lissertation of James Tilton. one of the first graduating class at the Medical College of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia. 1771. No. nl. Dedication from the Thesis of Jonathan Potts, one of the first class of graduates of the Medical ('.ollege at Philadelphia. Printed at Philadelphia. 1771. No./!>0. Title-page of the Dissertation of Jonathan Elmer, one of the first class of graduates of the Medical College at Philadel- phia. Philadelphia. 1771. No. \yi. Title-page of the Inaugural Dissertation of Peter de Sales la Terriere, on "Puerperal Fever.'' Boston. 178!). |Being the first printed Medical Dissertation of the University of Cambridge.] No/Us. Title-page of the first number of the Medical Transactions of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston. 1790. No.M). Title-page of a "Journal of the Practice of Medicine," Ac., printed at New York about 17!K) (?) Being a reprint of a portion of the '■ Military Medical Journal " of De Home. No. &<">. Specimen page from a pamphlet of "Certificates of the effi- cacy of Doctor Perkins' patent metallic instruments." Printed at Newburyport 17!>0. No, 101.; Title-page of the Treatise of James Tilton on Military Hos- pitals. Wilmington. 1S13. No. Uvi. Title-page of the first volume of the Ohio Medical Repository. Cincinnati. 1.S27. [A very rare medical journal.] No. 103. Title-page of the "Journal de la Socicte Medicale de la Nou- velle-Orleans." New Orleans. IS.'!!). [The first Medical Periodical published in the South ; very rare.] NcnM) First page of the Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal. Richmond. 1804. [This was the only Medical Journal published in the South at this date.] >»«tab.v A TERNATrONAl EXPOSITI- ■H«J ^ ^.,; ?xl ice vpecytrtct of tfie btrtuottfii ircrtbcromiof^-"1 ' "h* ''' i .^ti x.loiotoctt.aimw.e/)5u.t)icl)C^rt)tt5'?fl:p?o Hct'anttrcu-lvTui.'. !i'£a.. ^n irctcici irngc-C >rcmti;:tcaftect)cljitlj autljoaj icl» a-.HDoiicittotonDcu.nii . :i.:i 'ink*tcn»cf:iucncc3ofti)coiDcDoctotitiSanl»maj-Ucvs tocrp ecucttcmt!Tirn-nc:o!i?uu„: :.3'3alicn«s ipocia;, liuccima oW&O'l>alv abbas/ SSifh-aiicusotiMvlm- wnmrviciis UogctiuS'llbucafis/^lacftinufi'SMinus-ewilljci- nutsttlaliccto ibrmanrotlicimavftctsSDljofrnamcBbctmytcmnltysfamfbofccA ime alio (fall rch't.Dcfoitotutc*H:lc alt u^iuiD:tjtiicb:cs anDotDCTftneUmgcs. t Jtcm pi re rtavnlrbvmcrotvtwM }temi)cfcOiallroufenDcallbtoitomabcalucs^laftcis/ pou> Dcrs cries ai,Dozn*c5to:*oimfcs.l JStHntotofofcfrtcrtjottt).^ II n let linn oltnitFitics wfcttys uolic art) ttjaiilj; fljaU gctttpctirtetonDctftai'.^gc ot tt>e ixikturgcup. <3 ■^ 2 J .*- Jb"^ -r^ WAR n ^ ,Jafy4 Sum $wdMf1'Uef#HAHft'L$tflw$ptl„ Ifctfma parsp&ctf cetncbiriirgte* ^VlNCf NTWS- DE*^ w . ■ Tfcactica in arte cbirurgica copiofa £otmnes none iib:o$lfrafcripto& t^ecundus: rertiust auaitus: Uuintue... 3cptin»w: octaiM9: "onus: ©eanafyomta eDirargo ncceflaria. Beapofteroant>u»epulnertbue inwiftjerftrtfet partiwUru *»"* £jf?.f' ©eplcOTbuoinvnittcrraUetparticulaii WsiAlY, £>e mojbo gallico:et otflocatione uittcturaruifc i, ©efracturaet wfloeationeofilttm. ^^nw. Sf natara fimphaunt et pofle eo:um. „ ^ - Benaturawmporito:um:et;eftaittid()tarittiit. &e quibufdam additiombus totum complentibus. Ctiittgratia et pttfttgto t :4 ;1 .// ^/?. i*Nk».<:* w .,J, '•*&&&■-:-i mmlrtmtauttcotir g*fei '.-* Lt.4j flajftm *. fi tancp oft due* arocw <«. cuewen cntie tr bm&en C ,* icn/^anom/HOcren/OtcDocrtjoimM untrcn. C£wr«cblg*ciooiti>mDco8bntimia.m^^ ftnpen/aittcwnenocbmacn. C KUrUIoeoa;niondm^crjcnwn/«u»cDcraoercnftdpa Mien. C ,*:n^( I^ocmmt>atbloaomccrmralDan^mOte0^rwillm^(tfr/oit0^cna0o : em holuciftodioft met ccnanDcn UotinOnunent /oftDtnchoat nietciifnijotnotijmftceil • ::,i:.i aUcoefclpotenioonombetamerctmmpi^ tjcnefcn/enDcDtcfelfoeinlhiiinen^^ C *'-u D^cl^JonDmbcltlarmmoeocfenDa:mral/Datta;0lJcm^tu^Dea«iDmfcnnotlJtoata!t^),' ..flacn. C «■ *, ,. moitbo^futopoecmnOcnDiemftntmentoiniocnmnifrenDicti' OricnroCTchcnootllihclijclwiijijnfullen. C^ «netoic • rtneemen r^eUctjaeino/cfiwcaUerbt^o ✓/ fj//. ■>M&- -*te ALFONSI F E R R I J ^ NEAPOLIJANI ARTIV'M Et JMcdicuwj- Dofloris . De Sclopctorum ime Archib uforun* vulneribus* EIVSDEM, Dc Caruncula fiue Callo mite Ceruici Vefic,$Aina <£ najcuntur* • gd^s ■v -i Rom* ui Valerium &'AloyfiumT)nD bffd)nrten. SRlm 2(r^tcit/55ar6if- fmi/i)nt,»eMimirrtfMfd68juW9tid)cm8fDraucb/trettjHd>x an ^00 getai/ £>urd> Stt. £ami0©cr|fowfffii/ / owannt @d)t)fljan0/32»tiracr two 5J3«nHt«ri?taa@tra^ 6urg. (Be t>rucf t «u Stan^fw^C am^Jopn / toi«& £» D*? oeceaurjngc f ugltfoes, aim %¥*nc oubcrOjecartel) tnablabec, mabcof tbeberbc;A:ph.>;. f<, ano 2mfc febctogetber, Uibteoettjee (asanonelpe fuffulent remcofefoj all giefes) abmlniarcob.no all bit foliate pattnues,tn Ipue quant tte to all people, neptber re- laropns tpme,flrcngtbe,no; age. 21 tbe tpm; of ber being iberc,(toblcbetoas about, (tt toelus'/UKrcrcfojtcotobcc 3mpanp,blucrs tturfians, ano bacabounoes, bnoer pjc ence of befog DtftafeO/1 fefepng to bee f« rcmecpe:fo tbat flaa.f. b(r WAK /f/ Safy an I Ht SUI!M :)' ;*vtaxcm£'.- ■1 ^S /fz j?a/f/. J, sfy//, V TlON IN EFFIGIEM A. PARAI Qux tikfirfiUesfatis bxcfiflur* doccbit, Doflrinxjaciemfedtuafcrifu jidem. A. G A V D I N I V S. Hurmnam ^MBROsi lW4«biflur* P a R ae I Eftgum^fcdofHS contmet «tV3eyn'4y. IO. H E ROARD VS. Tesyeuxfcpaiftrontbicn(LccT:eur;deceft image, Mais fi ton bon cfpritaquelquearFcdion Dcvoirla Chirurgie en fa perfeftion, LcscfcrirsdePAREmonltrentrartcVrvfage. /- • ' ""/v' • / • , , P. L. s. ■r/ V" -y^^i 64, 'Jyv/y, PRACTICA BREVIS ET FACILIS, JMNIBVS HVIVS ARTIS jdiolisapprimt necelTaria.finguUrcm & fa- cilcm modum extrahendi Oiea ex Flo- ribus.Herbis vulnerariis, Ligno Guaiaco,& Cera continent AuRore Ctrmlio ScbyUndro Alb'tfienfi afui Antuapianot Mtdtco. Apud Antonium Tilenium ad infigne , Struthionis. 1^77. Cum Primligio Regis. /T£. 6/fyi'/f. lift CO-iTEN.U' -'S tsr."iV>IENT: BT • antes tres rkco'.ii.-csa rous ChirugicDS zuic certains cathr. o ucsdes ingrcdiens proprcsi chacun membrc ;ont fimihrcsqu'organiqu* •• X>tiitAhMttypHiffkntfelguurM. FriHfii fiturieCTtutccewChtinil'ttrttnituxordrcii.t- totZfl:? \':»;? Cmrurgittu AL UBSAEY. nvs A PARIS. ChezR ■bcl rue faind lean. -ned'Aldc a. /o//- ,• -cssenc. n»t TIONA An excdieiit; ^Irearife of Wounds mad« with Gunfflol■', intvhich is 'corrfatedhotly the grofe errour oFHierorho Brun<*fcfae,Iol.n Vigo,AU.- - fonce Ferrius,andothen,in thatthejoitiakethewouncT ,', tentmous tohfcfr jHMlttti) t&ongfr wtpmmon ponoer t uXttariD'aH^tKre ia ftt cne*j)§t> feet an» linti methane of curing tfw* HKounDW. #eto.te«mp.to» ano * DObUfljeO b? Thomas Gale, J. *, Maiftw in Ct4fWg«ie. J^T AH V«lcrocoflnos(whotti Man wetafl) 1Vi oftwQ right nfebte partsismad*; Tbe&ifowhQfelifcjiscteiiian, ■* • ki^Q>dic'e¥e:Wch tehee muftVadfc Thislaftpart^httel^flcmOtBie,^ K fotontasitiaWthWarej T Li VntiU^el^^^^^r^ P^T doth prockimc wairc,anadeaUa procure* v .^ ^ Now ficknelTe quite for to'cacpdl». ■ . X Apollo hath the arte out fet: i \J Whatsute;loeMaifta:Galcdothten, # |TK'- whereby fickneffe-ibree we may let,' The Canon (hot (dreadful! and ftfl. like thunder bolts amffoic flame) How to rcrooue tie waie> he tell in this Treatifc of wojebie fame, Hisnameof right,Gak wemay call, foe Gala,Milk« doth fignifie : And asmilke nourifli aboucall, feAtththitGakxi^p«fc6*jr/ * jfjW. Q A moft excellent and *$S-| COMPENDIOVS M'ETHOPg *> oi curing wo'undcs in the head , and in other *VR ; £ prtcscf the body,\vith ether prcceptsof the *^' fame Ai tc,practifed and written by that JV;^ tamousmanFRANCJSCVS 7&$ ARCE V S, Duftor- in Phi- <£?;; fickc dc Chirurgcry: aiul (a,^; trnnfljted into trig' j^VS hlh by Iohn Read, . ; ^ Chirursi'ton. * Iv?; liW . St.* ^•N^tWHEREVNTO IS ADD&D TH-E (•Vj^*! cxaft cure of the Caruncle.neucr before fct •M'Ch'K foorth in the Englilh toung. 7$m 'i With a trcatifeof thcFiflulac in the fundament, and other places of the body,tranflated out of Iohannes Ardcrn. . t; ano alto tbe otfcripf ton of tbe Cmpliu'ffcr wllcb jrr j*?.;r£ Dia Charctteos.with his vfe and vcrtues.With S^^i an apt Tabic for the better finding of the ^v^Sr*" perticular matters.contayncd in y}-" •'"*• this prefent vvorke. ^i.^W3jjjj|J«-j •srrA^ ^ a a /X Jyojf. fi&t £ C I R V G I A VNIVERSALE E PERFETTA Ei tutte le parti pertinent, all ottimo Chirurgo. DI GIO- ANDREA DALLA CROCE MEDICO VENETIANO, Nellaqualo SionticnelaTHEORICA, & PR ATTIC A di cio , cho puo eflere nella C 1 R V G 1 A neceiTario:comepiu ampiamentencl Sommario fidichiara-. A'Girxrori di nvovo m grnsT'r.LTima impxessione, vltrc 1: dtfegti di mtti gl'lflrtmenti Anticbi, (jr Hodeim m tal atrtt necejftrij , letigioedeCAyT ERII, & k NAT0 M 1A, con le duhiAra, timr. del medejm.o Auttore . ._ •fc. \ Con la T.uiola dc'Capitoli di,ciaicun Libro. CON PR1V1LEGIO. *•*. "^-V s; I N VENETIA, Apprcflo Roberto Meghetti. md cv.v.y S/. JV/y tt&ZiHKlr'JE' ,WMfcVA.*M >NAL EXPOS ^ J: 1 v FRANCISCI PLAZZONl PATAVINI. rHILOSOTHIAE AC VTRIVSQVE Medicinae Doftoris. DE VVLNERIBVS SCLOPETORVM TRACTA.TVS IX .&V0 EORVM NATVRA> ET PERFECT A c:irjtio>Cb:rnrgtca metbodo exp//ca»tur,cr Symptom at.t, ej.v.t h. A BOVRDEAVX, J TACq.MoM6lROK.MlLL A N G E S,l rilS Par< Pierre du Coc^, v,S. J Simon Boi', flam* , V. J mcsj APEC ?7{,1VILSGE, Dy'%0T, S$* /^ ,J4/*/ • SEVSRALL CHIRURGICALL TREATISES. By RICHARD WISEMAN, Serjeant-Chirurgeon. LONDON, Printed by E. Flejhermd J. Macoc^ for R. Rcyflon Bookfeller to His Moft Sacred Majefty, and B. Took at the , Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, Anno Dom. 1676. «r ^// I .$ ^1* I // yjrff. uretv 3« $emmeM SQor tacnSddgciungfli/ EBofeafl/ Sfmflam, ©cmmin, ©tettiri, QJreifftoalfo, ©JtablfumV unb ©nncbirmng t>« 3nfui *Xugro gefdjeijeny ,-?£■,-;_. SEBic folcrje nod) 0«i ricf)tigftoi tm& &ff!dn* ctreim roorfcen. SBor fcicfcm Sfono 1*37. nwl>ic#elfftt<*' fdjwbcn, i§o abcr nacjj oidert Sttottjigunjm »olkn&$ baaus g«jcb""W»>ft-' HH£ ...a^ ^ A N ACCOUNT O F A NEW METHOD OF TREATING DISEASES of the JOINTS of the KNEE and ELBOW, BETTER to Ma. PERCIVAL POTT. / By H. PARK, of LrvHRPooLE, ONE OF THE SURGEONS OF THE HOSPITAL. 4^'___— &' <$% L O N P O N « Printed for J. JOHNSON, No. j», St. Paul't Church-yard, MDCCXXXIII. *> /?■ -Uf/7. > NATlO TV POSi REFLEXIONS SUR'LES P L AYES. O V J£t METH Q D E De proce'der a leur curation fuiya^t les principcs nioiibifneir.?. .x "* La Stntclure naturelle du-parties &U*ri moHvcmens Mccha*up*ix$>niez. (ur fctjim perience la pins certaine, avtedu Rcmar'- ques des plus grands Maitres dtL P&rt* & leurs Obfcrvatums les ffbss ^jgieafa** > & Us plus infir*elivcf,t»k des trots. Vtntrts. farC. F.FavuoAc^C^'r^^JewViiVCiwtvr. A NAMUR, Chez ChA*tES^A»AT» Imp. & Marcfaaiid LiVRu* A!s gefnedene, geflookene , gefcheurde, gefchootene, tnz. met derzelver toevallen WEL te KENNEN en te GENEZEN, Zonder dat men prop- flop- en fteek-wieken, of veele zalven* plaajlers, en meer andere kragtloze, zogenaamde bulp. middelen, noodig heeft. Zynde de GENEZrNGSWYZE KORT en ZEKER. Alles bekragtigd met veele obfervatien, genoegzaam oor- deel en ligte handgrepen, en op een demonitrative wyze oneenzydig betoogt. DOOR JOHANNES DANIEL SCHLICI1TING. Medicus Amftehdam. Medic. &f Cbirur. Dottor , Academ. Ctsfar, Leopoldin. N. C. &? 4cadem. Reg. Cbirurg. Paris. Membr. atq. Commerc. litt. Noriberg. Sodal. &?<;. Te AMSTERDAM, iy J A C 0 13 U S v A n II E U N j Boekverkoper op de Lely-graft, tuflchen de Kei- zers- en Prince-graft. 1748. f/ ■/fiojl I tr aite: DES PLAIES D'ARMES A FEU. Tar M. Des port, Maitre en . Chirurgie d Paris, Chirurgien de la Reine, & ancien Chirurgien Major des Camps & Armies dn Roy. DE'DIE' A LA REINE, . fZ. Ja/J. International expositio v ECUEIL D'OBSERVATIONS DE MEDECINE DES HOPITAUX MILITAIRES. r •.•> £r rlrliffc par AI RlCHARD DE H.iUTESlERCK, Eatyev, t : a-ciier tie I'Ordre de Saint-Michel; Premicjr Alcdccin des camps &* "/<■<.v du Roi; hifpecleur general des Hbpitaux militaires de France, & : ..'.r Li correfpondance des mimes Hbpitaux lr des autres du Royaume, i Ion recoit des Soldats maladcs; Mcdccin-conjidtant du Roi, eT ?. -'..ire des graude eT petite Entries; de I'Univcrfite de Medec'me dc '.' J:\lur, fr des Acadimies de Gottingue & de Be/iers. T O M E P RE MI.ER. n/9/ A PAR IS, L'IMPRIMERIE ROYALE. M. DCCLX V I. SJ. JJt/p/. ■m VrrZ^53my.rr^''^ jlSco^vt^r;: ■ '"fx? V" -T-Tv*?'— ~i"'&<>& §£££$ IOY1-ULNEWES k£.£: fc'.Z *vr"s Oui of the New-found &&£; teg w<*.v«. sss (S «j^ *Jj S, Cbirwgery: vthichbtw Weiiapflycd.b'tng 9 '^/y^ilb; /"f ^ frtfiitt remidiefor aII ,-hJeiijts , (is may ^l^>^Sc^ pemr altogether incredible: notvntb- ftandtng by practice found out to be true. ~y£)£r.:G X'"" "."§: therein are declared, the rare and b^V; $t linguler vcrtuesot dmcrs Herbr,Tre«s, ,-, '^s^^Tj y Plantes, 0\xi & Scones, with their ap- $ v£* *-". S'vSi* *£■ plications, .:':*tll totkcifecfPhifirte, nsot IXvViCa^vMl < -£**^S „l.... '..... ., . . .. .J. •,, .J Mit-^^a £»S3 !S LW v^S> Alio the portrarurc of the faid Hearbs, S'& N:_^j'■ ;-^ Englifhed by J'efc»Fr<«wpffl»Mirchant."®»2^3 3 ;o- v> Rl^T^SiX 3*8 ncfit of S&noU). a1^c3 *^W Z.0 7^D02^, Prmtedby E.tA'.ldt .by the afsigneof f R'*£3 rBonbtim'?y>r!on. I5P6". |3 .^.^^^^ogcJQrg^gS.-SS^S-deQQ Stj^V" /^ ,j///j. ilx E' r Til guide ihe^ommonTiople of >y „..- ^4 'V-E$GL and ^- SmallPocks:; pr Meafels. 4i (Aelbfffbatxhi'1 {wall Pox ( whpfc oanirMpd ewerhe Mtafrii the blood, endeeTOunng^i recover a new form |»' Tlu* rururcattempt*—l. By Separation of the purti thrulring a out from the Vent to tht ^ .. thc|maiarjfip.nthcFlcfh.tothe Sun\ irft Separation it donlm the firft four daye» by a Feiverifh boyling . -----the Flclhy parnwhkh kindly cficOcd wo*. Tnffllo^irfahiffii^eiecordinjtociiftome.vetroaJtobcdcfcTidet , from hett and cold«i giceft th* difcafc will he the foonerowr and left croobiclui kbcflikeptin Ded oounrflrth the Fcave:ifc hew and rr^es the Pock.' ***** i^ihcjBlqpd, laying downd ...-Fe^wfifh tumult n calmed. 4. ItelecondSepatiiiott&WtheFlcIhtotheSk.r.. or SmptrfUitsis done through (hi reft o/the nme of (he difcalc* 5 That ajrc leveral Error* in ordering the e fick onenn both thefc Opcratiowof ^•CflJUpich [itove vcr\ cangeroj? *n.! cun> > .nfifdeadly etrt-er by overmuch batten' kg Nanaf* beyond n, own pare, or m h Vciing or it froni ii*owo?igoroM©perJii©n- > « Tie Separation by Ebulloion in the Fcjvenih heat» over hcighincd by Sign ii'tttc Flmt of the Brii ' ret^fheffeuft be Br* a>i* natural agree* w.th the rem- Urine be bl*«t I ~r,ttt* CmdidRcaderv oar to iwfwter £w*niPI.vl7:9fUl nc art mull be uled to allay it ' *,,; mmckmou t**]tt*M*i,r,*■ flr<*>.,i, taken off. Let the ofe ftcjMr,and d)fcniultirude'ofthc Ftv^i.oi ai f< w M. i • A R ; M ' . .Vati ,i . f/3r? HC AR»' Y MF' ATIONAI PR.INCIPIA MEDICIRZE, EPITOME, EtTotius Humani Corporis Fabrica feu ex Microcofmi Armonia Divinum, %* Germcn, %* *A T>. T>. D.DIDACOQSSORIO, ETTET{ALTA,&\Jl, iamChirurgicas & Anathomice CathedreMethodice oc nuncVefpcrtinaeinMexicana Aca- demia Moderatore, S.Inquifitionis Tribunalis a Secretis Regalifq; crgaftatuli fidelifllmo Medico, &huius Novi-Regtn Prothomedico. .;: f CVN LICENTIA. Mexici.apud Heredes Vidiis Bcratrdi CaWerot. <¥o. /f^/?>A DISS'ERTATIO MEDICA INAUGURALIS COLICA D E PICTONUM. £ U A My ANNUENTE DEO TER OPT. MAX. Ex Aubloritatt Magnifici Retloris^ HERMANNI'OOSTERDYK SCHACHT, A. L. M. PHIL. £T MED. DOCTORIS, HUJUSQUE THEOR. ET PRACTICE PROFESSORIS. NEC N O N Ampliflimi Senatus Academici Confenfu^ cjf Nobttfti- mJS E N D I i, F.RUDITORL'M EXAMINI SUBJICIT JOANNES MOULTRIE ex Meridional. Carolinae provincia, A. cr R. AJ diem decimum Martii, hora Ioco-juj fbHtii. Pafl ignem act* -r.-j Jimi Su'.'hn-.im, r'^.iei et ncva febrhm 1-i. Tern, Horit. carra. - ERTl FLAM IN I I. M.D ff. JffSf. JL AN ESSJAY h.MtLi N THE EX PED!EN« Of f (r INOCULATION 7 k Sc-.tfas moll profer for it HUMBLY INSCRIBED * a The Inhabitants of Philadelphia, Br LAUGHLIN MACLEANE, M. D' < /; ;t !7 ,i7?.rlTnuen-#ajh%aiiett$if(iT%ltili: anfldirv x?tntw. HlPPOCRAT. T.a res agitur Paries cum proximui ardef. Ho a a T. PHILADELPHIA, Prmr«, by WILLIAM BRADFORD, at the Corntr- llvn'e of .:.wrii-r-iirld Frent-Hn-.en ij$S at -.. ! ^PHIA, I r* t/<{///: u Srtfe^1: n r o n O I E 2 I 2, S I V E TENTAMEN MEDICUM D E Puris Confectione: Q.U A M A N N HE NTE SU.MMO NUMINE, Ex AaRmtalt Revercndi admoium Viri, M^i^ERTSON, S.S. &' HGENjE PR.EFECTL SENATUS ACADEMICI cenfafi: A C U L T A T I S MEDICE dttrtto ; ADU DOCTORATUS, IN MEDICINE JIONORIBUS ET PRIVI1EGII.1 E ET LEGITIME CON SEO_U E N DIS j ERUDITORUM IXA.MINI SUBJICIT fOHANNES MORGAN, A.M. Pennsylvaniensis. 4-'S cnim has Itges pofuit in creanJo. et obfirmit, quas nosobftr- vando detcgimus. BOCKH. 1NSTIT. Ad diem 18 Julii, hora lococjue Colitis. « EDINBURGI: CVK TVIIS ACADEMIC!'. M.DCC.I.XHI. m* % /'■ t/Jf/. MM a oJ^M$ DISCOURSE Upon the Institution of MEDICAL SCHOOLS In AMERICA; Delivered at a Public Awiversary Commexch- ME\r, held in the Colllce of Philadelphia Aj.j- 30 and 31, i~b$. With a preface Containing, amongft other things, The AUTHOR'S APOLOGY ' For attempting to introduce the regular mode of practiiing PHYSIC in Philadelphia : By JOHN MORGAN mJ>. Fellow of the Royal Society at London ; Corrc- fpondent of the Royal Academy of Surgery af- Paris ; Member of the Arcadian Belles LeUres So- ciety at Rom e ; Licentiate of the Royal Colleges of Phyficians in London and in Edinburgh ; and Proreffor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the College of Philadelphia. DL*)*; *■* P II I L A D E L P /// A : Printed and fold by William Bradford, at t! r Corner of Market and Front-Streets, mdcc.lxv. f* DISSERTATIO FHYSICA INAUGU'RALIS, D E C 0 C T I O N E C I B O R U M IN VENTRICULO: Q_ U A M. ANNUENTE S U MM O N U M I N E, Ex Auftoriuic RevcrcnJi aJmoJu.u Viri, GULiELMI ROBERTSON, S. S. T. P. ACADEMIC EDINBURGENJi PR^BFECTI; NEC N 0 N Ampliffimi SENATUS ACADEMICI confcnfii, Et nobiliffimae FACULTATIS MEDICO decrcto; Pro GRADU DOCTORIS, SUMMISQUE IN MEDICINA HONORIBUS ET PRIVILEGllS RITE ET LEGITIME CONsEQUENDIS; Eruditorum examini fulmcit BENJA MINUS R U S H, A. M. Pensylvaniensis. Prid. Id. Junii, hora locoque folitis. Omr.ir.o, fcientia ex naturae lumine petenda, non ex antiqui- tatis obfcuritate. Nee refert, quid faclum fuerit; illud videndum, quid fieripofijit. Veruhim. Oper. EDINBURGH A pud BALFOUR, A U L D, et SMELLIE, Academiae Typographos. M,DCC,LXYIH f'J, DISSERTATIO MEDICA, INAUGURALIS Q_u A M Sub moderamine Viri admodum reverendi GULIELMI SMITH, S. T. P. Collegii et Academic Philadelphiensis Pralfecti, Ex CuRATORUM AuCTORITATE PERILLUSTRIUM N E C NON \mplissimje Collegm et Academic Facultatis decreto, Deo optimo maximo annuente, PRO GRADU DOCTORIS, Summisque in Medicina Honoribus ET PRIVI- LEGllS RITE ET LEGITIME CONSEQU ENDIS, Eruditorum Examini Subjectam SUSTINUIT JACOBUS TILTON, M. B. Doveriensis apud Delaware, Ad Diem 28 Junii hora locoo^ue solitis. Qux pnfenti opufculo defunt, fupplcit atas. guut. PHILADELPHIA: Typis Gulielmi fc? Thom^. Bradford. m dcclxxi. "'\Fffpi f^r ^/,Uo. ■ssjms. '$ NAT ■s«ft, VIRU I. ;iu DITI S SIMO, P L U R I M U M HONORAND O, JOHANNI MORGAN, M. D. SOCIETATIS REGIME LONDINENSIS, A T O^U E COLLEGII MEDICORUM REGALIS A PUD EDINBURGENSES, SODALI ORNATISSIMO; TI1F.ORI1 ET PRAXEOS MEDICINE iN ALMA ACADEMIA PHI LADE LPHI E NSI TROFESSORI DIGNISSIMO; OB SUMMAM ERGA SE BENEVOLENTIA M. SEMPER COLENDO; IIANC DISSERTATI6NEM, EO QJJO PAR EST OBSEQJJIO, D. D. C. Q^ JONATHAN TOTTS. ■.yTf -•*<»%,v\ ^/./aJ. *4. DIS^ERTATIO MEDICAj I N A U G U R A L I S, t> E SITIS in FEBRIBUS CAUSIS et REMEDIIS. Q^U AM, Sab Moderamine Viri admodum Revereadi GULIELMI SMITH, S. T. P. COLLEGII et ACADEMIAE PHILADELPHIBNSIS PRAEFECTI, Ex periixustrium Curatorum Anftoritate, N E C N O N Ampliffiinae Collegia et Acadetaiae Facultatis decreto, DEO TER OPTIMO MAXIMO ANN0ENTE, Pro GRADU DOCTORATUS, SUMMISQCK IN MIDICINA HONORIBUS BT PRrVILEGIIS BITX AC LEGITIME CONSiqUKNDIS, Eruditorum examini fubje&am fuftinuit JONATHAN ELMER, M. B. NO VO-CARS ARI ENS I S. Ad diem 28 Jnnii, hon locoqoe totohA V ** ' Aggrtdiar, turn tan perfieitikUJpt, quam, tup&indi vobtatatt. ____________________________________C ICE .to. PHIL ADELPHI AE, Apud HENRI CUM MILLER. M DCC I.XXI. / /I ■t/.t. '/;/. I «■ / DI S SERTATI ON on THE P U E R P E R A L .F ETV E R, • delivered • At a Public Examination for the Decree of BACHELOR IN MEDICINE, before the Revbrend •- . ^ Joseph Willard, S.T.D. Prefident, The Medical Professors, AND The Governors Of the UNIVERSITY at CAMBRIDGE, .MERICA. PETE In ,AMER R de SALES 1 la TERRfERE, From Canada. Cor dolet admonitu quotiea reminifcor amai^siquaa mife- randa fubit feminaTspa vices. ------------------------------ '■•■lrx."kl , B o s T O KyS°JrOG>4> Printed by Samuil Hah., at No. jj,,,Comhil!. MDCCLXXXIX. // ,AS/t>/4, jttm MEDICAL PAPERS, COMMUNICATED TO THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. u TO WHICH ARE SUBJOINED, EXTRACTS from various Authors, containing fome of the I M P R O V E M E N T S, which have lately been made in PHYSIC and SUR- GERY. Publifhed by the SOCIETY. NUMBER I. PRINTED at BOSTON, SJSMfacOllfetW, by THOMAS and ANDREWS. At FJ UST's ST A T u e, No. 4S, Niwbwy Street. fx j/j/,j. JOURNAL ■ \ ■ .OF THE PRACTICE O F MEDICINE, S V, R G E R Y, - AND PHARMACY, IN THE MILITARY HOSPITALS OF •FRANCE. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE KINO. Reviewed and digefted by M. De HORNS, under the Infpeftion of the Royal Society. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY JOSEPH BROWN E, »„ VOLUME I. 'i.i At NSW-YORK: PRINTED BY J. M'LEAN, AND CO. ■m //:. /z/fy jr&ums&s •.. ^.asst ■ v •; W^Q^Q^Q&^&QM CERTIFICATES, &c. Gen. TYLER, and Mr. LORD. .1 JOHN TYLER/of Prefton, in the county of New-London and State of Connecticut, hereby certify, that on or about the 17th day of June laft, I was con- fined by a Wound, which 1 had before that time receiv- ed, by cu'ting ■ mv right le~{- tranjverfely, in which I had taken cold ; and at that time the fore was in a high ftate of inflammation, and gave me great pain, to fuch-a de- gree that 1 had been obliged" to keep my leg in a hori- zontal polltion, in a chair, the moft of that day,—when !)<)&. EJiJha Prkius, of Plainneld, called on me, and having operated on me a few minutes with his patent metallic inftruments, the pain in mv leg wholly ccalld, and the rednefs and inliimmation of the wound entirely difhppeared. I was free from pain that night, and indeed the pais and inflammation both ceafed from that opera- tion, and never returned again. And I furthercertify.that my wife at that time was forely. afflicted with rheumatic pains in her hip, which had been upon her a number of years, and had affected her to fuch a degree as to render that fide fhorter than the. other, and to make her unable at that time to raife herlelf from her chair without the greateft difficulty, or to walk acrois the- room without learning on her itaff, and with that fupport, not without the greateft inconvenience ; and DocL Perkins operated upon her a few minutes, when flie declared herlelt free from pain, and immediately rofe from her chair, without any alhftance or apparent difficul- ty, an-.£ talked leveral times acrois the roc-m without hex /00 /SS/^ -' '-CiKMaMRbi -■- , i^JBQk v \m m EXPOSITION M ECONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS «"* Awe MILITARY HOSPITALS; ^^ ^ & *& fa****, t j THE PREVENTION AND CURE Of DISEASES _____\ INCIDENT TO AN ARMY. a^I^L^ *£&£^ XV THREE PARTS ADDRESSED I. TO MINSTERS 01 »TATI AND LEGISLATUXB1V II. TO COMMANDING OJFICEHS, III. TO THE MEDICAL STAFF. At/jo 11 Br JAMES TILTON, M. D. farSlCIAS AND SUSCMON IN fits KErOLV-fioNAM- AMMT op ras UNITED SfAtES* On mules and dog* the infection first began. And last the baneful arrows fixed in man. - , ILIAD, BOOKS. ^ILJUq^'ON, (OIL.) PilVTID 1Y J. WILSOU. /J/ 4/Jt!.j\J. ^•afcBi, I I I ■!■ .vsshhsmk ■■ aTIONAL exposition THE \V v , ^ liUti T F EDEEATE STATES JOURNAL. \ <.i. I. RICHMOND, JANUARY, 18ftt No. I. ORIGINAL rOMMl'NICATIOyS. /'. I — Tftuntatii- Trtoiiu V. s. By Prof. Jos. Jones, Surg [ Tn selecting for publication in this number the following t-— is from a carefully and elaborately prepared paper now ' in the office of llic Surgeon-General of the Confederate ' s concerning the nature, history, pathology and treatment ir.. '.t with'only such portions as we think have a practical Ting on the treatment of this interesting, but usually fatal lllninrg nf the. i Symptom*, &c. federate General Hospital, Augusta, Ga., July, l^ti— i.nMrnp, a Confederate soldier; age 37; dark complexion; '..■•k hair and eyes; weight 145 ponnds; height five feet six < i. nthktic and strong in health; muscles well developed; li:is l*«'i*n in the service of his country six months; previous tu thi* time his occupation was farming. 1 At the battle of SecemooTilk, on JaaW Island, 8. C-, June Kith, 1862, whilst standing ia a small awmyawa' in tho act of taking a eartridgo from tho box, a Muuue ball paaaad through a plank in the side ol the house, throe iaeb.ee it) thickness, and entering the lower part of the anterior ieehy [tortaon of the right fore-arm, passed through the extensor and flexor muscles between the ulna aaj radius, splintering both bones, without, however, fracturing theai acroM. The wound suppurated freely, and appeared to be doing well, until July uth, when tho nppuratioa was sensibly dimin- ished, and the patient complained of spasmodic twitching! and painful sensations in the uuaclcs of the wounded arm und corresponding mJc, and along the spine, especially be- tween the shoulder* and in the region of the cervical and brachial plexus; stiffness and uneasiness about the inuselea of the jaws, and painful sense and tightness about the ensifurm cartilage; torpor of the bowels, and losa of rest at night. The spasmodic contraction* and twitching! of the muscles of the wounded srm were excited and increased by the slightest movements, aod were especially aggravated by coughing, which was sot only attended with great pain, bnt also with spasmodic contractions of the muscle? of the thorax and neck. For several days previous tho bowels have been constipated; and in like manner with this characteristic symptom, the w- w*m* /#4 /, 'J2,sv: ; UT- 1Y1V r^rrz-. .rj.:. .vjr.r. ;*■:.■„"•;. :z.;~:..r„j'.ixi ■.■rx■;:■,. .-.c.^isav ..r ... V, ..-zx.-ixoyjknz •i^L-? jM •■?- ••■-^r'^LS" ^£3S$ rV=5i&—: .-':'..vrtiT-3ft; 9�750328�930