Ll. S . NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 7th St. & Independence Ave., S. W. Washington 25, D. C. MUSIC THERAPY A selection of references, 1952-1958 Bibliography Bibliography on music therapy compiled by Ray Green, officers and members of the Research Committee; edited by Helen Ann Dinklage. Published by National Association for Music Therapy. Chicago, 1952. 41 p„ In: Music Therapy, 1951. Book of Proceedings of the National Association for Music Therapy, v. I, Chicago, The Association, 1952. Books Podolsky, Edward. Music therapy. N. Y.„ Philosophical Library, [cl954] 335 p. Mainly reprints from various psychiatric periodicals. Pontvik, Aleks. Heilen durch Musik. Zurich, Rascher, [1955] 145 p. Periodical Music Therapy. Book of proceedings of the National Association for Music Therapy, Inc. 1st 1951- Vol. 6, 1957 contains a cumulative index to Music Therapy 1951-1955. Compiled by William W. Sears. Articles Barnard, R. I. The use of music therapy in a psychiatric hospital. J. Am. M. Women Ass., 1953, 8: 266-268. Blair, D. and Brooking, M. Music as a therapeutic agent. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1957, 41: 228-237. ZW/V\ ?U5bBU, 6,1 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDMNI :-^. BETHESDA H, MD. 3. Browne, H. E. The use of music as a therapy. Ment. Hyg., Alb., 1952, 36. 90-103. 4. Friedlander, Max, Some experiences in music therapy. Psycho- analysis, 1954, 2(4): 59-63. Abstracted in: Psychol. Abstr., 1955, 29: 540. 5. Gilliland, E. G. Music therapy in rehabilitation. Hosp. Manage- ment, 1956, 81_(Apr..): 46-48; passim. 6. Guthiel, E0 A. Music as adjunct to psychotherapy. Am. J. Psychother., 1954, 8: 94-109. 7. Haische, E. Musik in der Pathologie und Psychotherapie. Schweiz. Arch. Near. Psychiat., 1954, 74: 198-209. Abstracted in: Excerpta Medica (Sect. 8) Neurol. & Psychiat., 1955, 8: 1028. 8. Jaedicke, H. G. Uber Musikarbeit im psychotherapeutischen Heilplan. [Musicotherapy as a part of psychotherapy. ] Zschr. Psychother., 1954, 4: 93-98. Abstracted in: Excerpta Medica (Sect. 8) Neurol. & Psychiat., 1955, 8: 198. 9. Jaedicke, H. G. Uber Musiktherapie. Hippokrates, Stuttg., 1957, 28: 11-17. 10. Kingsmill, E, Music as therapy. Canad. J, Occup. Thjer., 1955, 22: Ul-115. 11. Morgenstern, G. F. Music in medicine. McGill M. J., 1957, 26: 71-80. 12. Murdock, H. M. and Eaton, M. T., Jr. Music as an adjunct to electroshock therapy. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1952, 116: 336-339. 13. Music as a medical tool. J. Am. M. Ass., 1956, 162: 1619-1621. 14. Podolsky, Ea Music therapy. Jn: Brower, D. and Abt, L. E. Progress in clinical psychology, vol. 2, N. Y., Grune & Stratton, 1956. p. 197-201. 15. Reese, M. Ro Music as occupational therapy for psychiatric patients. Am, J. Occup. Therap., 1952, 6: 14-19, 49. 16. Skelly, C. G. and Haselrud, G. M. Music and the general activity of apathetic schizophrenics. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 1952, 47: 188-192. 17. Teirich, H„ Musik und Literatur im Rahmen der Gruppentherapie. [Music and literature in the frame of group-therapy]. In: Speer, E. Die Vortrage der 4. Lindauer Psychotherapiewoche. 1953, Stuttgart, Georg Thieme, 1954. p. 167-172. Abstracted in: Psychol. Abstr,, 1955, 29: 691. 18. Wenger, P. The value of music in the successful psychotherapy of a schizophrenic patient. Psychiat. Q. Suppl., 1952, 26: 202- 209. — December 1958